Addicted to Hope: The Qult of Qanon

Ryan Matters

Here’s a scenario.

You’re part of an organization that wants to steer the world towards an Orwellian type society where you control every aspect of human life. But there’s one problem. A growing number of people are awakening to the reality of how the world is run and they don’t like it. These people are intelligent, have the ability to think critically and are a threat to your operation.

What do you do?

Here’s one solution. You use your knowledge of predictive programming and psychological manipulation to craft an intelligence operation designed to distract and misdirect. These people are smart. More mainstream media propaganda and censorship is only going to fuel their suspicions.

You assume the identity of the “good guys” and feed people just enough truth to keep them hooked. You ease people’s anxieties by providing them with the hope they so desperately want, and you make their lives easier by offering to do all the critical thinking for them.

After a while, your reach grows, and more and more people begin following your intel until eventually, the operation gains its own momentum. Now your job becomes easier because instead of working to convince people you’re legit, others do it for you.

This is not an article I ever thought I would write. It’s not even an article I particularly want to write. In fact, I’d never heard of Q up until a few months ago. So why am I writing about it?

At the end of last year, I spent a few months tentatively following the Q movement. And during that time, I was quite disturbed by what I saw.

Don’t get me wrong, the Q movement isn’t filled with nutcases. Quite the contrary. There are some very smart and very illustrious people who are completely and totally wrapped up in the Q narrative.

What disturbed me is the faith and conviction that so many people have towards Q, despite the lack of convincing evidence. What else has disturbed me? The hypocrisy.

Many Q followers constantly lambaste people for not thinking critically but then fail to realise that, by blindly following Q, they are no better than those that they condemn.


Qanon is a movement that began in 2017 when anonymous posts began appearing on the 4Chan message board. The posts then moved to 8Chan and now they appear on 8Kun. The poster signs itself as ‘Q’ and alludes to being a high-level military insider with direct connections to President Trump.

The main theme of the Q movement is this. There is a secret, silent war being waged between the ‘alliance’ (Q, good guys) and the deep state (a global cabal that controls banking and world governments through the use of blackmail and satanic rituals) with President Trump leading the charge.

Q’s posts (also called ‘drops’) are vague and often need to be ‘decoded’ by those who have learned to understand the language of Q. Since 2017, when the Q drops began, there have been thousands of posts. And during this time Q has grown into a global movement, garnering the interest and support of many thousands of individuals.


At its core, Qanon is based on faith. It’s a belief system.

“Trust the plan.”

That is Q’s motto.

There are clear parallels between Qanon and organised religion. Q is like God, President Trump is the Messiah (think Jesus, Mohammed, etc), and the people that ‘decode’ and relay Q’s messages are the priests.

There is no evidence to suggest that Q represents a group of ‘white hats’ inside the military-political complex who are working to overthrow the cabal. In fact, besides the encoded posts that appear on 8Kun, there is no evidence to suggest that Q even exists as a real entity.

Many people claim that Q is a group of people, all of which work closely with President Trump. Yet this is also a theory, a belief.

There are well-known people who have built up huge followings just by preaching about and interpreting Q’s drops.

Many of these people claim to have ‘insider information’ about Q and access to various ‘secret sources’ who feed them information from the top. These sources are never revealed of course, and you are simply expected to believe it’s all true. There’s that word again. Belief.

But even if such sources were real, who’s to say they aren’t purposefully feeding them misinformation?

Just as many Christians believe the word of God, no matter how insane it seems, so do Qanon followers believe the words of Q and its apostles.

As I stated before, last year I spent a few months following the Qanon movement from afar. During that time, I heard many outlandish claims, none of which have come true.

Some of these include mass arrests of influential figures, the institution of a gold-backed financial system, the declassification of intelligence reports, and the release of extra-terrestrial technologies. I have heard all of this. In fact, many of these predictions have been floating around for years now.

Yet here we are well into 2021 and President Trump has left office, none of Qs predictions have come true and there hasn’t been a new Q drop since the 9th of December.

While many anons are distraught and disillusioned (this is not how things were supposed to go!), devout Qanon followers are still reassuring people that the arrests are coming and that the plan is about to come to fruition. Yet, it never does. The deadline is constantly pushed back. “Next month it’s coming”. “okay, next week it’s finally going to happen!” “Definitely sometime before the end of the year.”

False promises, catchy ‘party lines’ and the allure of special insider knowledge are classic cult tactics that Q uses to ensnare the unwary.


Catherine Austin Fitts from the Solari Report summed up Qanon is two words.

“Hope porn.”

The whole purpose of the Q movement is to convince people that, no matter what happens, they should “trust the plan” because everything is going to work out.

In a world that is full of darkness, a little bit of hope goes a long way.

In fact, I would argue that the reason people follow Q with such resolve is because they have become addicted to the hope and positivity of Q’s message.

There’s nothing wrong with hope or positivity when it’s based on fact. But when it comes to “the plan”, not even the most devoted Qanon disciple could tell you exactly what that is.

I wouldn’t hesitate to call Qanon a marketing ploy.

The pseudo-military coding used in the drops, the use of known marketing tactics and proven copywriting formulas to grab people’s attention. Whoever, or whatever is behind Q, is clever. Very clever.

Here’s a recent Q drop. There are a few things to note here about how Q writes.

First off, note how Q constantly asks questions but never answers them. This is a classic copywriting trick. Questions are a proven way to engage and involve your readers. The use of questions in written works is a method of creating a rapport with the reader – getting the reader to like you.

In fact, psychology has shown that people like people who ask questions and this also translates into writing. Q’s use of open-ended questions is a method of keeping people involved and directing attention.

In other words, Q uses questions to direct (and therefore misdirect) people’s focus. And why would you want to keep people focused on something specific? To distract them from what’s really going on.

Q also uses a lot of imperatives. In other words, Q gives commands. Again, this is a classic marketing trick. You may recognise some of the following imperative slogans used in advertising:

“Just do it.”

“Think different.”

“Taste the rainbow.”

“Build back better.”

And of course, Q’s “trust the plan.”

Q also uses statements that are aimed at reassuring people. How do you keep people calm during such a difficult time? How do you keep people’s focus and attention on you instead of the Orwellian plan that’s unfolding around them?

You reassure them with catchy phrases like “Nothing can stop what is coming.”

But has anyone ever asked the question: “What IS coming?” or “What IS the plan?”


It seems likely that the real purpose of Q is to stifle critical thinking and make people passive.

By feeding people just enough truth to keep them satisfied, they are less likely to spend time researching things themselves.

There is little need to do your own research or employ your critical thinking faculties when you know there is an elite group of insiders doing that for you.

What happens when you believe there’s a gang of good guys who have a rock-solid plan to defeat the deep state and bring harmony and peace to the world?

You stop rebelling, you stop fighting. You become passive.

This is a classic military tactic. In fact, Sun Tzu says in the Art of War that “the supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

That is the goal of Q – to subdue people with hope. This way they won’t react to the atrocities around them. They won’t fight back against the agenda. And by the time they realise what has happened, it will be too late.

Q often makes mistakes and incorrect predictions. Yet, instead of questioning this, Qanon followers claim that this is done on purpose to ‘misdirect’ the enemy.

It’s a fair argument, I won’t lie. But it also creates a problem. It means that Q always has an out. Q can never be held accountable for being wrong or misleading people. How convenient.

Qanon followers are constantly finding patterns where non exist. In fact, we all do this to some extent. It’s called ‘apophenia’. Q relies on this to keep the illusion going.

I have witnessed many Qanon followers on YouTube analysing President Trump’s tweets for ‘coded messages’ that relate to Q. They then come up with elaborate and far-fetched explanations for what these might mean.

The Q phenomena has a secondary objective – to conceal serious and real issues. For example, child trafficking and ritual abuse have now been stuffed into the Q envelope and filed under “discredited conspiracy theories”.

“Anti-vaxxers” and “COVID deniers” are also lumped with the QAnon crowd in an attempt to draw attention away from common sense and create an increasingly divided population.


Qanon followers are enamored by what Q says, but very rarely do they consider what Q doesn’t say.

For example, if Q really were part of a high-level inside group, why wouldn’t they have said something about an upcoming fake pandemic?

It’s very clear that, contrary to what many Qanon supporters claim, the banks are gaining more and more power. The COVID scamdemic has destroyed small businesses and forced the population into a massive debt trap, the likes of which have never been seen before.

But Q is silent.

What about when care homes were locked down and the elderly were being culled? Was that part of the plan?

What about the use of high-dose HQC, toxic antiviral drugs and ventilators that resulted in thousands of excess deaths in the US and Europe?

Again, Q was silent.

What about the current rollout of dangerous vaccines, COVID ‘passports’, 5G, and Bill Gates’ patents for a body-activated cryptocurrency system?


We’re watching lockdown-induced genocide along with the steady deterioration of human rights, freedoms, and finances. But Qanon followers continue to believe that it’s “all part of the plan.”

When will the lightbulb turn on? Will it?


The truth is that nobody knows.

Bernard Grover makes a convincing case that Q is a military intelligence PsyOp that’s being run by the GEC (Global Engagement Center) which was established by the Defense Authorization Act of 2017, shortly before Q began posting.

More recently, people have begun linking QAnon to “Operation Trust” – a 1920s Bolshevik counterintelligence operation aimed at neutralizing communist opposition.

Of course, it’s impossible to verify these theories, but we can apply the principle of Occam’s Razor to get a clearer idea. Occam’s razor is a problem-solving aid that states that the simplest explanation is probably the right one.

So, which is simpler, a or b?

  • A. Q represents a high-level group at the top of the military and political complex. They have a direct link to President Trump and have chosen him to spearhead the charge against the deep state. This group of ‘white hats’ has been waging a secret, silent war against the cabal. They have chosen to reveal details about this war to the public via an online message board, frequented by delinquents and trolls. Despite the continued march toward an Orwellian, globalist society and recently perpetrated mass genocide, it’s actually all part of a secret plan to usher in a new age of harmony and peace.
  • B. Q is an intelligence operation being run with advanced computer algorithms. Its purpose is to manipulate people’s perceptions, create passivity, and distract people from the truth.

It seems quite clear that the second explanation is much simpler than the first.


Simply put, Qanon appeals to the ego. The ego is an evolutionary construct formed out of the need to survive. The ego is our sense of “I”.

The ego/mind is composed of an endless stream of opinions, assumptions, attitudes, viewpoints and prevailing social personalities.

Qanon makes people feel as if they have secret knowledge that others don’t and are, therefore ‘special’. This appeals to the narcissistic core of the ego that always wants to be ‘better’ than other people or feel unique in some way.

The ego is attracted by conundrums that have little value. Qanon feeds the ego’s appetite for wonder and intrigue. Qanon followers are welcomed into an “inner circle” where they feel as if they are part of a grand plan and this feeds the ego’s sense of pride.

The ego struggles to see the forest from the trees and instead gets stuck contemplating problems, irrelevancies, and diversions, all of which Q provides.

The ego enjoys labels. It stubbornly takes stances such as ‘this is bad and this is good’. It is always asking questions and seeking answers. The ego is constantly embroiled in drama, which it loves.

Q supplies the ego with the excitement, drama and sense of safety that it so desires.

Dr. David Hawkins was a renowned spiritual teacher and psychiatrist. He said of the ego:

To the prideful, narcissistic (‘sensitive’) ego, responsibility is ‘uncomfortable’, as are certain facts of reality that impinge on social image. Thus, to protect itself, the ego welcomes the concept of “labelling” to dispense with unwanted realities. The illusion is that by declaring a reality to be a ‘myth’ and just a ‘label’, it will disappear.”

Hawkins’ brilliant analysis of the ego provides us with a framework to understand the disturbing popularity of the Q movement.

As things in the world heat up and our situation becomes more and more uncomfortable, the ego seeks to deny reality by labelling it as myth (hence, “trust the plan”).

Many Qanon followers have also labeled the scamdemic as merely a “distraction”, saying that the “plan” is on the verge of coming to fruition. Other “distractions” include the roll-out of 5G, COVID passports and mandatory vaccines.

Lockdowns are yet another “distraction”. Despite zero evidence for this claim, Qanon followers will tell you lockdowns are necessary so that mass arrests can be made, and victims of abuse can be rescued.

Denial of unwanted realities is a characteristic of the ego that’s being exploited by the controlling force behind Q.

Instead of fighting against this global takeover and destruction of freedom, many Qanon followers are sitting back with their feet up and “trusting the plan”.


Much of what we do in life is an attempt to ease our suffering.

Whether it’s an alcohol addiction, playing video games or obsessively following Qanon. We do it because it makes us feel better.

There’s something deep inside us that is crying out in fear and we try to stifle it by engaging in all kinds of activities that bring only temporary relief. Spiritual teaching is typically revolved around undoing fear and ending suffering.

The great spiritual traditions teach us that suffering is caused by desire and attachment. Osho, the late Indian mystic, summed it up perfectly when he said:

“We continuously cling to that which we have, and we continuously desire that which we don’t have, and between these two we are crushed!”

The way out of suffering begins with undoing the ego. And an important step towards undoing the ego is practicing non-attachment.

Non-attachment is the practice of separating yourself from the worldly illusion and aligning yourself with the true nature of reality, with Divinity.

As Dr Hawkins said:

The passion for divinity results in a de-energizing interest in worldliness since the Self has no needs, wants or desires, even for the body itself.”

Separation from worldly affairs doesn’t mean you stop participating in the world nor does it mean you can’t enjoy the world – it simply means that you have learned to not let your happiness be dictated by external events.

Happiness, love, joy, fulfillment – it all comes from within. The minute you allow your circumstances to dictate your feelings, you have given in to the illusion and lost sight of the true reality, which is the Self, the soul, the atman. In Vedanta, they define this reality as ‘Satchidananda’, which means ‘existence–consciousness–bliss’.

Swami Sarvapriyananda sums up the essence of non-attachment:

“You can say, I am open to it all. Everything will come, I’ll resist nothing. Nor do I stick to anything. Nor do I pursue anything. I enjoy it all as it comes and goes.”

Yes, we’re going through a scary time. For those of us who are awake to the deception, it can feel like a nightmare. But giving in to fear is not the answer, nor is looking to Q to solve all your problems.

Instead, let us strive to practice non-attachment. Let us remember our true nature as pure consciousness. Let us be aware that happiness comes from within and is available to us at any time.

Let us open our hearts and resist nothing. Let us enjoy everything as it comes and goes.

This is how we take back our power from those who seek to keep us in fear. Let us be willing to say “no”.

Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at newbraveworld.org, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


  1. Life on the far Side. Who is Q?
  3. Life On the far Side. Q the Revolution. https://augenguy.blogspot.com/2020/06/q-revolution.html.
  4. The Freedom Articles. How You Can Be 100% Certain That Qanon Is Bullshit.
  5. FormationMeida. Language in Advertising: Understanding its use.
  6. Hawkins, D. Truth vs Falsehood: How to Tell the Difference [Book].
  7. Hawkins, D. Discovery of the Presence of God [Book].
  8. Osho. The Buddha Said [Book].


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Apr 10, 2021 4:41 PM

Q is Gnosticism. We live in a gnostic age thanks to experts interpreting for us “the science”.
Old style religious believers know the tricks and are considerably less credulous.
Faith balanced by reason, reason balanced by faith. No secret knowledge required.
Happiness? it’s all in the mind but it also pays to pick your friends with some discernment.

Mar 31, 2021 12:09 PM

While I appreciate this article, I don’t care for the author’s attempt to calm those crest fallen by his debunking Q by offering them eastern mysticism, I don’t quite get how eastern mysticism and it’s passive observer-like stance is the correct response to tyranny. Yikes! Be calm but be active! Why shouldn’t I resist what’s inhumane? We all should.
I suggest that action on our part is long overdue.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 31, 2021 12:51 PM
Reply to  Cat

As I said earlier, the author knows nothing about Q.

William Alec Taylor
William Alec Taylor
Apr 5, 2021 5:44 AM
Reply to  Cat

The article was great until its end, where it entirely self-destructed.

Ryan Matters
Ryan Matters
Apr 7, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Cat

There is a difference between non-attachment and passivity. Non-attachment is a state in which you can act, but your internal environment is not affected by what goes on around you. We cannot control what happens to us, but we can control our reaction to it. Non-attachment says “I will resist nothing”. The resistance is the suffering, it strengthens the ego. It creates fear, anger, hatred, violence all of these things. And this is what we are trying to rid ourselves of. That doesn’t mean we accept tyranny, but it means that we refuse to let it dictate our mental, emotional and spiritual state. We still do what’s right, we still push back but we do so in such a way that we don’t embroil ourselves in the pantomime.

Social Credit Dispensary
Social Credit Dispensary
Mar 29, 2021 12:52 AM

People rejected one dogma, to simply swallow another.

Mar 28, 2021 12:14 PM


The truth is that nobody knows.

Bernard Grover makes a convincing case that Q is a military intelligence PsyOp that’s being run by the GEC (Global Engagement Center) which was established by the Defense Authorization Act of 2017, shortly before Q began posting.

More recently, people have begun linking QAnon to “Operation Trust” – a 1920s Bolshevik counterintelligence operation aimed at neutralizing communist opposition.

Of course, it’s impossible to verify these theories, but we can apply the principle of Occam’s Razor to get a clearer idea. Occam’s razor is a problem-solving aid that states that the simplest explanation is probably the right one.

So, which is simpler, a or b?

(c) Mr Matters is Yet Another Dork running on Intellect Lite who doesn’t have a fucking clue what Occams Razor is.

Mar 28, 2021 12:06 PM

Qanon was and always has been a psyop! It has spent its entire existence in a perpetual “anyway now our lord and saviour and – blood relation of Hillary Clinton – Donald trump will drain the swamp” cycle! Fuck em

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 28, 2021 11:57 AM

It’s that letter again!

Update (1653ET): Egypt Today Magazine reports Ever Given has moved “17 meters towards the north, and there are positive indications that the ship would be refloated soon because of the high tide today.”


Q is not Q
Q is not Q
Mar 28, 2021 12:08 AM

I think you are giving a truly insignificant trend way too much credit and in doing so discrediting yourself. Do yourself a favor and dedicate your research to important topics that the world really needs to hear about.

Mar 26, 2021 11:39 PM

Beware false prophets!

I always thought Q was a bunch of people making excuses for President Trump doing nothing, most of the time. The Q followers would nod and say “Ahh but it is all part of a bigger plan”, the idea that Trump was somehow playing 3D chess.

I was astonished to find that a senior developer in our company, a very intelligent person, was an avid Q follower/believer. In talking to him I could see that part of the attraction to him of Q was like the attraction of a puzzle to a puzzle maniac: solving the puzzle is fun and they want to be the first to do it. Q was a challenge to their brain. Of course, nobody else cares one hoot about the puzzle.

Lots of people follow false prophets: the BBC is Q to most of the British. It still amazes me how people will quote the BBC as if it is some sort of authority on truth. There is no real difference between believing the BBC and Q, except that the BBC crowd has a lower IQ.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 27, 2021 12:50 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Always amazes when the idea of think for yourself causes such a furore .

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Mar 26, 2021 11:05 PM

Interesting, is this the first Q article here ? If so, taken a while…

Lost in a dark wood, rules on this topic/thread. Scroll down to the first comment, for the answer…

Jeff Johns
Jeff Johns
Mar 26, 2021 6:50 PM

I fell into the trap for awhile, but eventually came to my senses. One evening I watched one Q evangelist claim “67% of congress has been arrested” while I concurrently watched a live C-SPAN stream of congress—all of them—voting on an appropriations bill. The bubble popped, and it has stayed popped. It takes a lot of skill and will these days to not be deceived. It’s exhausting, and maybe that’s the goal of those who keep us constantly off balance.

Mar 27, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  Jeff Johns

the lockdown happened so they could arrest the elites

Mar 31, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  Jeff Johns

It was about selling hope to pacify the masses so people remain inactive. “White hats” are coming to rescue us” is the recurring theme of all such conspiracies I’ve read/watched. Not just Q. It has worked well. Along with our sensible caution, realistic fears and “normalcy bias” and habit of obeying laws & authorities, we never fought back. “They” added a pandemic, lockdowns, vote fraud and now accusations that regular Americans are terrorists and viola! – we are still sitting on our hands.

There never was “a plan” to trust. How silly! I personally don’t have an alternate plan to offer. But unless we want a Nazi like eugenics society filled with lies and oppression, we may need to develop a real plan.
I suggest targeting the propaganda first. Both the mainstream media and the hope porn. No one is coming. Not the military.Not white hats. Not outer space aliens. We are the only hope, if we organize and act.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 26, 2021 4:41 PM

Q: It’s going to be Biblical

4550 – Jun 30, 2020 2:00:14 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 978464 No. 9801436
>>9801324 (lb)
I See whats happening, but I would like to see you guys doing something about it already.
So the real question Q is, Do YOU see what is happening??

Fear not.
You [we] are not helpless.
Enough must see.
It is the only way.
You are being presented with the gift of vision.
Ability to see [clearly] what they’ve hid from you for so long [illumination].
Their deception [dark actions] on full display.
People are waking up in mass.
People are no longer blind.
Do you think it’s a coincidence they banned and prevent you attending Church _house of worship?
One must only look to see.
Have faith in Humanity.
Have faith in yourself.
Let light guide you.
Find peace through prayer.

Interesting times!

Mar 27, 2021 1:17 AM

Interesting times? What is interesting about war and mass slaughter? Your a fucking idiot.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 27, 2021 8:10 AM
Reply to  vespasian

May You Live In Interesting Times

David G. Horsman
David G. Horsman
Mar 27, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  vespasian

It is idiom. A saying. Interesting times are invariably the worst of times. So your comment is quite ironic.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 27, 2021 6:41 AM

I give you the end of a golden string;
Only wind it into a ball,
It will lead you in at Heaven’s gate,
Built in Jerusalem’s wall.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.

You believe in redemption, don’t you?

And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Only child know . . .

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Mar 26, 2021 5:55 AM

Q – replay of Bolshevik “trust the plan” psy-op

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Mar 26, 2021 5:56 AM

It’s linked wrong video here

Mar 28, 2021 12:08 PM

Begone with your “Bolshevik” nonsense!

Mar 26, 2021 5:24 AM

The reason many people discount so-called conspiracy theories is that we are usually surrounded by decent and largely honest folks in our daily lives. My cousin, my neighbors, the staff from the corner shop, etc. None of these individuals represent anything close to evil.
However, amongst those in positions of power, in government or industry for example, the uncorrupted are as rare as hens teeth.
Apparently the Q group had estimated that over 70% of officials were bought and paid for by malicious actors.
If you drain the swamp then there’s hardly anyone left.

Mar 26, 2021 5:27 AM
Reply to  Chris

Think of celebrities or other figures who you may have considered to be decent human beings before the Covid scam and how quickly they got onboard the official narrative.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 26, 2021 8:24 AM
Reply to  Chris

I would say they are still decent human beings but have went along with the COVID script because they think it’s a genuine viral threat which people have to be encouraged to respond to in the “responsible” way. Indeed perhaps the most vile thing about this whole scam is the way the scammers have exploited the most humane impulses for the most inhumane ends.

Mar 26, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Chris

Was it in Godfather 3 where Don Corleone say something to the effect “I have always been a social climber, wanting to rise above the common criminals of the street, but what I find is that the higher I go the more criminal it gets”. It was something like that.

Mar 25, 2021 11:16 PM

There’s one major angle missing from this article: Jesus Christ. What God considers precious, we too must consider precious – and protect. What Q has done is open eyes and bring awareness to the horrific plague of human trafficking happening on a scale that makes it the most second lucrative business in the world. It has sprung many people into action to help stop this disgusting, inhumane practice. One of the very first pledges Donald J. Trump did was to eradicate human trafficking. But the MSM didn’t cover that.

Q followers do not believe the MSM lies and propaganda – instead, we seek the truth, and the truth is ugly. Many things have happened according to Q posts: arrests of MANY pedophiles in the USA and globally; governments have had major shifts; global leaders reject Biden (leaders aligned with Trump in 2017 – you must do some research and understand cultural practices to discern). The world knows the election was stolen. The truth WILL come out. But it is NOT Q or Donald J. Trump who will reveal it – it will be Jesus Christ. HE has revealed HIS plans through the words of HIS prophets, and HIS plans include Donald J. Trump serving a second term as President of the USA; evil being exposed and stopped on a global basis; and restoration of health and wealth for HIS people.

In any movement or group that follows ANYTHING, there are different interpretations, different hopes, different people! Q is no different. I am NOT comparing Q to God, but have you ever read the Holy Bible? It is extremely puzzling – you must discern, study, cross-reference, and research to understand. God wants us to learn for ourselves, and share our understanding with others. We’re not all leaders, we’re not all teachers, we’re not all researchers, we’re not all open minded either.

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion about Q, but you are wrong. You’ll see!

God Bless,


Tom Tanner
Tom Tanner
Mar 26, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  Karen

they also ignore the 70th week of Daniel yet future, which likely will begin as early as the Fall of 2022

Tom Tanner
Tom Tanner
Mar 26, 2021 10:42 PM
Reply to  Tom Tanner

God bless your comments; Love that

Mar 26, 2021 11:49 PM
Reply to  Karen

You’re certainly entitled to your opinion about Q, but you are wrong. You’ll see!

People love to fall for the “jam tomorrow” trick, it happens everywhere. A friend of mine got “the jab” and justified it on the basis that he will “soon” have better travel rights than the rest of us …. “You’ll see!” . Remember asking your boss for a raise and he says he will give you a pay rise if you do very well on your current assignment … but the pay rise never comes. Jam tomorrow, the oldest trick in the book because it works.

Mar 27, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  Karen

pffffff. someone escaped the monkey cage…

Mar 25, 2021 6:56 PM

Q offered proofs, but you chose not to address them. This video explains the history of Q: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kNS1mw1jmjpt/

Mar 27, 2021 3:54 PM

always a video never books that can be cit’d

Mar 25, 2021 6:44 PM

Interesting article. I don’t see much difference between QAnon and the so-called political Left. Both have abandoned critical thinking and have adopted their own version of reality. Either way, it all plays into the hands of the plutocracy.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 25, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

“Things are often times not what they appear to be when they are Langley-Land disinformation/misinformation operations. That is their purpose.”


Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Mar 25, 2021 11:18 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

We live in a time of cults. The woke cult terrifying. Zero Covid is a cult plain and simple.
Cults have gone mainstream, partly because they are engineered tools wielded by secret groups who have been studying group psychology intensively for the past century, and partly because Western society is collapsing/ being collapsed and this will send most people stark raving mad.
This is a decent article from this week, trying to address Leftwing cognitive dissonance over the past year:

Mar 26, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  Hsuan

Even the bible warns of false prophets:

Matthew 7:15 (King James Version): “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”
People are so vulnerable to being persuaded into not thinking.

Mar 25, 2021 6:25 PM

Some beautiful teachings in the final paragraphs .

So then it comes to question, if used in a good way, adversity can be used as a vehicle to deepen and embody these deep and profound attitudes.
We have this wealth coming to us because these people ( our ancestors) endured many hardships and periods of intense suffering to bring this distilled wisdom.

So on the one hand, its a nightmare , on the other its a rare opportunity to develop deeper roots , deeper drop into the well to get to that pure clean clear water of inner peace.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Mar 25, 2021 5:34 PM

Gnosticism 101

Mar 25, 2021 2:59 PM

Really wonderful piece. Thank you for writing this.

Mar 25, 2021 2:51 PM

Somewhat off topic but thought I would share.
Just got back from town where I sold a gold ring left to me by my grandma.
The lady who served me ( behind a screen) had a lovely smile and seemed to be in good spirits. I commented how nice it was to see a happy face.
“Yes, because I’m off to get my jab now!” She joyfully explained.

I’ve never experienced such a profound disconnect in my whole life.
The mind boggles.

Mar 25, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Chris

Hi Chris, this situation reminds me of the film called “Virtual Nightmare” about a future where the world had seemingly reached perfection and everyone was happily and joyfully going about their daily business (debt free and prpertyless after the Great Reset?) as normal -just like the woman who was joyful about getting her jab (despite the potential risks and a bogus ‘virus’ scamdemic !).

However, as it turned out, everything was far from ‘normal’ A faceless corporation called ARORA had papered-over the real world with pacifying signals to the brain from a computer that made the local population docile, ignorant and happy. That is, until glitches started to appear in the vision of one of the town’s inhabitants called Dale who eventually discovered what was really going on and destroyed the ARORA computer.

The strange thing was, despite the fact that ARORA had been destroyed and could no longer transmit the mind controlling signal -the behaviour of the townsfolk remained the same as it was before with the exception of the guy and his girlfriend who destroyed ARORA!

Mar 25, 2021 4:38 PM
Reply to  -CO

All comments welcome good, bad or indifferent!

Mar 25, 2021 6:30 PM
Reply to  -CO

I appreciated the film. It uses a ‘hypnotic signal’ as the symbol for mind control – that has more than one level of operation.
The breakdown of the masking signal is the ‘crack’ where the light gets in – to quote a Leonard Cohen song, and the willingness to follow the trail – and break the bounds of societal normals – leads to an awakening and yes even when the problem is answered, the capacity to accept the answer remains in the readiness and freedom of each.

I find A Course in Miracles to offer a revealing of the masking distortion it calls the ego, as ‘already’ answered, or indeed undone. But it is not written to be understandable or useful inside the ego frame of reference and so is a shift of perception and perspective – that is the undoing of a psyop or deceit by which to seem to exchange Reality for a virtual nightmare – made ‘real’ or given all the reality it has by reaction and belief that splits or dissociates the mind to a defence of fear and control that masks as love – but actually hates and fears such an exposure.

In A Course in Miracles sickness is a defence against the truth. However, as the mind of the ego is also seen as just this, sickness is one of its most compelling witnesses. I recall reading Thomas Szasz who gave a significant weight to what he called ‘malingering’ but what actually meant an escape of evasion of an intolerable situation – and not just avoiding work. This operates at a level beneath what we call conscious awareness. In this context madness can be a strategy of psychic escape – and comping back to A Course in Miracles, it posits death as the final reward or escape of the ego from exposure to total humiliation or loss of self. Death is dissociation as denial, and is in this sense the wages of sin – rather than the release of the forms of joy of recognition to the Always new. Invested and defended self-illusion is then a virtual ‘reality adjustment layer’ by which to bias or augment our personal sense of experience, but if we become addicted to a bit on the side to the loss of a true appreciation, we become entranced by our own reflection, to in a sense be-live the mask of judgements that blind us to relational awareness. That the underlying conflicts can be temporarily hid or lidded over and ruled out of a surface awareness can be a dream come true – excepting it never can or does be more than a dream of a life, and this becomes apparent when the ‘dream turns to nightmare’ as a mask that not only wont come off – but seeks your destruction.

There are many other ways of presenting the sketch of an inversion or reversal of consciousness that operates or runs as – and in place of – Reality.

That which truly moves us is always already here – but not here in terms of our mental modelling and representation that we made from acquired and inherited conditioning experience which is both a definition of reality and a locking in of meanings by association.

I just rambled here in an informal way as a perspective in which all that we think we know can be revisited in a new light of a relational willingness – rather than a self-differentiating sense of segregative struggle of survival under thereat.

Mar 25, 2021 6:57 PM
Reply to  Binra

I need some high quality weed to even be able to comprehend that.
Thanks anyway.

Mar 25, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  Chris

Could you perhaps send me some of your stash binra?

Mar 25, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  Chris

When you can bear to be sober, you can meet me half way.
Because the ‘normal’ is so dysfunctional, the natural can induce psychosis to the sense of mind in lockdown under masking control.

You live as if you are deprived, denied or lacking connection to Infinity. How did you manage that?
Ah! You’ve been thinking again haven’t you!
Why would you make a stash when everything is here for you already?

The supply for you is ‘hidden’ in not indulging what you take as your thinking. Let the mind rest. Your true thought connects you with everything alive. Live your own Q, and listen for your own A.
No point in trying to comprehend answers to a question you have not asked. No experiences are going to give you anything more than the receptive you open to receive them.

Mar 27, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  Binra

Because the ‘normal’ is so dysfunctional

Blatantly dischordant statements like this make your posts very hard to decipher. The definition of dysfunctional is that it is not the normal, so what should I be thinking as your reader?

Mar 27, 2021 1:23 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

The ‘normal’ is being memed as if natural – I use it to mean conditioned ‘reality’.
In a world where :

“Everything is BACKWARDS; everything is upside down! Doctors destroy health, Lawyers destroy justice, Universities destroy knowledge, Governments destroy freedom, Major media destroys information, And religions destroy spirituality”.(Michael Ellner).

I restate that because this is accepted normal does not mean it is not dysfunctional. the quote is back from the AIDS reset to a failing virology platform.

The dysfunctional human world is largely invisible, internalised and normal. Its structure is reflected in our technologism ( I could have called it culture, but its destructive to any real culturally shared appreciation of worth).

In the context above the presumed norm offered was that a distorted or drug altered conscious is necessary or appropriate for understanding. I invite you to consider that what is considered normal is already a dissociated and fragmented evasion of reality seeking to escape itself.

Associating another;s writing with mock humour and drug use can also be a subtle means of invalidating and distancing without actually engaging at all.

I appreciate your question. I hope that you now see it was discordant to your current expectation of meaning and usage for ‘normal’ – which can mean anything – for anything can become ‘normal’ is persisted in or under. So in the terms of the narrative setters it means ‘conditioned’ pattern of behavioural adaptation and response’. But to those being played it is being taken as reality, or natural.

The dissociation of words from the territory of what they signify is a result of using them as weapons of deceit and leverage on our self and others. Dysfunction as normal is self-evident. Not least as a result of imposing functions to life that kill it, or sacrificing life to false profits, false narratives and life denying systems of control under fear and guilting.

Mar 25, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  Binra

To respond to all the issues raised in and by your comment would go way beyond the scope of this thread. However, reading between the lines, some of it goes at least part way in explaining why some people follow Q (and also why others don’t).
Sat Chit Ananda!

Mar 25, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  -CO

The alloy of love and fear is not a true mix and so there are tares in the wheat as well as a baby in the bathwater.

The ego in the sense I use it here – masks in virtue and so will seek to use virtue as a cover by which to prevail against the threat it perceives in truth, as so will also mask in association with truths so as to devalue and discredit or undermine them.

So aphorisms that are not untrue that could be a call to the heart are used as a front for a masked or hidden agenda. We are all in this together” – but what ‘it’? and to who does ‘we’ signify? Context is everything.

Deceits that target us must be turned to an education that serves our capacity to discern them before taking the bait, as a deepening awareness and responsibility for the as yet ‘open back doors’ through which we are still invested in some measure of correspondence or ‘sympathetic’ vibrations.

Emotional reaction to a provocation can release or purse strings or our bow strings – as an invested identity taken from the bait.
In the terms of the article – it feeds our ego, and we run with it as a sense of self vindication, instead of bringing it to a direct awareness or centred presence – that rises as the natural awareness to the release of egoic self reference (our own thinking). The gift of a discernment is a practical intuitive and integrative moment of perspective from which we live this situation. It is not a setting of judgements by which to set a right over a wrong – excepting as we freely release in ourselves whatever is recognised as not serving us, and align in recognition of what does. If we are apparently not intuitive this will operate as reasoned recognitions that clarify thought and action, but the actual shift from mind to a unified expression of heart and mind is recognisably an inspiration, encouragement, reconnection to joy, that shines or shares by nature, and presence of a peace beneath appearances that – like symptoms, may persist, but no longer besiege a sense of struggle.

This may be forgotten to habits of thought and reaction in an instant, because such habit runs without conscious oversight or evaluation, as a ‘normal’.

Words can always be taken out of context in a world that is taken out of Living Context, but the search for love or fulfilment or answer as an external condition or set of conditions is a sign of a hate within, from which the mind is set to look away, so as to ‘make you safe’ by focussing in substitutions for Who you truly are, that set in image and form as if to regain or protect against further pain of loss.

But the Spirit of a truth that has never left its Source and Nature works with our mind, and our world to release an identity in lack and grievance set to vengeance, and free-willingly align in who and what we are revealed to be the unfolding of. This is always a relational whole – that the situation will then serve, and yet we can only talk of self as a mind and body rather than integral to the Terrain which is neither inner nor outer, for such divisions are mapping out of what cannot be in truth, separated from. Only in concept.

I know a shop called “Concept curtains, carpets and blinds”. It gives me a smile to recall it.

I cannot say what is or is not a stepping stone for another and what is a diversion to nowhere set in futility. I cannot rescue anyone from their own decision, but I can join with and reflect that they are beings of choice and are actively deciding and so are free to evaluate their choices and make better choices in terms of aligning with who they recognise to be.

False hopes still hold the idea of positive change, but are founded on premises that keep the mind safe from any real transformation. Perhaps also because a false understanding of any problem sets its answer in the realm of a false directive – which can of course be manipulated so as to seem to work, for a short time.

Hope springs eternal, but is more of an intuition of eternal life, than a basis for predicting and controlling outcomes. Addicted to (the conditions associated with possession and) control – is a sense of driven lack, that finds a world, to know not what it is or does!

The ego, runs off with a virtual copy.
I have faith in truth alive to undo addictive results of a mistaken identity, but unless I live such a willingness as my life, I have hopeful wishes that become a cover story for a persistent unwillingness to align thought word and deed. These are very open to being targeted by a manipulative intent.

Release and be released, or judge and be judged!
Each of these has a very definite fruit or result, and one is joy, the other counterfeit.

Mar 25, 2021 6:58 PM
Reply to  -CO

Will check out that film.
Thank you.

Mar 25, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  Chris

The dilemma is that I love my fellow humans. I’d do anything to help them but I’m afraid it’s just too late.
Any attempt on my part will inevitably lead to conflict and discord.
It seems to me that the Law of Confusion is being invoked.

As sad as it may be, and as much as we may try, it’s probably futile to attempt to reason those individuals out of a dilemma that was caused by trauma.

Mar 26, 2021 4:22 PM
Reply to  Chris

Everything is about where you are coming from. If you come from love of your fellow beings – truly – and not as a wishful mask of virtue over a sense of self lack or conflict, then you are never to late!

Perhaps instead of ‘helping’ in your terms, you might love them for being, and allow what is helpful to make itself known within a real relationship.

The law of confusion is a subset of the law of giving and receiving. In modern terms; Garbage in; garbage out.

Doublethink is a development of the ego masking over internal contradictions. If we come from a conflicted place, we invoke a conflicted result.

If others are choosing what is currently their sense of a lesser evil, you will not reason them out of it. But if they are making choices that do not serve them, you may be able to reflect the current result in terms of choices they were not aware of making, or made from a poor or faulty set of information.

You love, you are afraid, you doubt and are sad, and think in circles. This is not unusual but represents a range of choices pulling in divergent direction.

While trauma underlies our defences – which are often more dangerous than the conditions that invoke them, it is fear of trauma that operates the conditioned and trained compliance. Love casts out fear. But fear seeks a special love – that demands terms and condition for freedom, communication and life to be permitted to move.

Mar 25, 2021 7:19 PM
Reply to  Chris

It’s an interesting film Chris, and if you have a good imagination you can read into it much of what relates to the situation we now find ourselves in and what may happen socially, politically ,economically and technologically as time goes on if this quiet that is not brought to a quiet end.

Mar 25, 2021 7:24 PM
Reply to  -CO

Apologies end of the last sentence should read “if this quiet war is not brought to a quiet end”.

Poohbah of Doodah
Poohbah of Doodah
Mar 26, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  -CO

Take your fucking love talk offline onto email. Don’t pollute the forum with your two[s gibberish

Mar 26, 2021 11:10 PM

What’s up Poo have you had a bad day at the office? You can tell me how the word love seems to offend you and while you are at it please give us your meaningful contribution to this forum without using profanities.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 25, 2021 2:23 PM

Qanon is children’s bullshit and most likely another George Soros funded psyop.
Perhaps followers would benefit from studying how economics are controlled, rather than stomping their feet and marching around with lame placards. >

97% owned
May 1, 2012

Mar 25, 2021 8:01 PM

I agree to a certain extent Paul, but studying economics alone will not get us out of this nightmare without a strategic course of action, effective organization and social solidarity. That has not yet appeared on the scene although there have been some rumblings going on around the globe. What say you?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 25, 2021 11:53 PM
Reply to  -CO

Hello -CO: Well… I could say a lot… There are already too many talking heads, and few are talking about taking serious action.
I guess I shouldn’t say no one, as there are various legal actions taking place around the globe. I applaud these efforts, but most courts jurisdictions are being bought off. I think you know this well.

Rumblings should be focused on Constitutional changes such as converting fake democracies into Direct Democracies > The Swiss Confederation is a semi-direct democracy (representative democracy with strong instruments of direct democracy). The nature of direct democracy in Switzerland is fundamentally complemented by its federal governmental structures (in German also called the Subsidiaritätsprinzip.

In Direct Democracies citizens have more power than in a representative democracy. On any political level citizens can propose changes to the constitution (popular initiative), or ask for an optional referendum to be held on any law voted by the federal, cantonal parliament and/or municipal legislative body.

Also: Rumblings should include serious discussions related to Sortition (also known as selection by lot, allotment, or demarchy. Sortitian is the selection of political officials as a random sample from a larger pool of candidates. It is a system intended to ensure that all competent and interested parties have an equal chance of holding public office. It also minimizes factionalism, since there would be no point making promises to win over key constituencies if one was to be chosen by lot, while elections, by contrast, foster it.

I could go on, but…

Mar 26, 2021 2:45 PM

Interesting post Paul. I think one of the main issues at the moment is lack of effective Organisation on the part of the majority of people who are still bewildered as to what is really going on. They really hope that things will blow over and all will be well soon.

But, most of us here know that this is never going to happen unless people do something collectively in a bid to secure a different outcome than the dark forces have in mind aka the “Great Reset” which has nothing “Great” about it.
Direct Democracy sounds OK together with sortition so long as statute law is not allowed to take precedence over common law and also the inalienable rights of the people.

Right now, our inalienable rights have been snatched away by government ‘laws’ as you are well aware and we have no right of self- defence against the fraudsters and criminals of this scamdemic at this present juncture.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 27, 2021 3:44 PM
Reply to  -CO

Hello -CO: I submit that “statute” laws (small titles) have been systematically implemented to override Constitutional protections and most recognizable forms of Common Law. This is no accident…

BAR association members have devised van loads of statute codes in order to pad their own pockets and prevent dust and cobwebs from accumulating in their offices…

Most statute codes adhere to “Laws” of the Sea (Admiralty Law) which is plainly salvage law. These statutes are designed for Tort jurisdictions and cash settlements… How many civilians could afford to win a Tort case against Mark Zuckerberg???

Statute laws are often Unconstitutional, and should never be allowed to become anything more than a local ordinance… Federal or State Law should only include Constitutional protections. Civilians have allowed themselves to become slaves cowering at the open sea…

Mar 25, 2021 1:51 PM

Good one.

Well, I my self have never bothered to read about nor anything from this Qanon movement, not because I loath nor suck into it, but simply because I distrust uh….. movements/cults by large.
I have then made my stand crystal clear, there isnt any middle way, nor any way of passivity imposed as what I confine Qs to be about, trust the plan is like sitting and awating an new saviour, like the Imam Mahdi to Jesus resurection, or Quetzalcoutls return, this, like the Q is, by large faiths, made to passify people into by creating “hope”, not that I abandone hope, but mine is an tiny but more realistic, maybe brutaly realistic, but truth hurts, and to me, since I am an humanist, I tried to tell people this time, we have to take an stand, us or them, thats where we are right now, the truth is, it all rests on our own shoulders, nobody elses, I dont blame the young ones, they are an result of our own passivity, or neglect, denied wisdom, and faked history, and they end up with nothing substancial, that gapp is what the Bolsheviks bitches in cults like BLM to AntiFags use, the equally fake progresive and even more fake left/right, and so on, like the fact that freedom is never, ever, just given, it have always thru human history since time immemorial been taken, with force if necessary, there simply isnt any other way.

My problem with the Qs, is that they are by large American, and it shows, and to our fight, the main problem isnt propaganda, facts, history or convictions, its about cowardness, lack of disiplin, lack of self disiplin, lack of respect, and maybe even worse, self respect and if you dont respect your self, then I know you dont respect others, and we need to awake to that fact, the only solution is fighting for freedom for us all, regardeless, we need to take an stand and stay putt, we ow that to our children, since they dont know, we do and yet nothing happens.

So, to round it up, we need to rise up from our knees, this war isnt about race, color nor creed, its about freedom, from the shakles of the banking ind. to wars imposed, poverty isnt natural is an effect of an cause, polution comes from corruption, and ignorance comes from distactions, what we need is to awake the fire within, there, is not in any way or form another path forward for humanity other than to remove the problem, them or us, time to fight has come, its true, if you are not with us, you are against us, this time we are the ones telling the scums in charge that.

Kai Murros, Hate, couldnt said it in any way better.

Get up.
Be the light.
Burn it all down.
Then we negotiate.
Not an second before.


Mar 25, 2021 1:24 PM

my personal suspicion from the get-go has been that Q is some form of military psyops. however, whatever Q is or isnt, there are two interesting takeaways:

1) regarding Q, president trump more than once clearly signalled that he was "in the loop".

2) Q left no doubt whatsoever that president trump would be overwhelmingly reelected in november 2020. he wasnt. whether this was caused by a fraudulent election is irrelevant, as Q`s predictions were clearly, without a doubt, wrong.

at this point at the very latest, anybody with half a brain would have had to jump off the Q bandwagon and realise: “END OF STORY”.

Joe Stokes
Joe Stokes
Mar 25, 2021 9:22 PM
Reply to  donkey_shot

Trump got the votes. He Won. The election was stolen.

Mar 25, 2021 12:45 PM

I met a guy in 2018 who told me about Q. I said, “You mean the guy from Star Trek?” He looked at me with disdain as though I were making fun of him. I went home and looked up Q and right away I saw it was a scam. You have to look at what is in front of you and contrast it with reality. Trump the savior? Fat chance–look at who he had working for him. There was absolutely no one important in Trump’s administration that gave any indication of hope. Pence? Part of the problem. Tillerson? Part of the problem. Mattis? Part of the problem. And so on with Pompeo, Haspel, etc ad nauseam. There is no cause for hope, “The man’s too big. The man’s too strong.”

By the way, that quote is nonsense.

Thus, to protect itself, the ego welcomes the concept of “labelling” to dispense with unwanted realities.”

People label and use generalities for organization, to simplify things, and for physical protection–nothing to do with the ego. It only becomes a problem when you either cannot or will not look beyond the label or category when the need arises.

Mar 25, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  QuickDraw

Human beings are self aware but animals have no conception of the “I” or ego. Humans therefore have an ego and are thus conscious of self as well as others and of other things mediated by language.

If that’s true then everything that people do, say or “label” involves their ego in one way or another. Otherwise they would not be able to label or use any generalities at all as you appear to suggest.

Mar 26, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  -CO

Pretty arrogant statement. How do you know what animals think? My dog seems to have an ego. Besides ego is a Freudian construct of limited value, not an actual provable fact.

Mar 26, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  QuickDraw

I’ve just explained that to you there’s nothing arrogant about it. Animals do not think in the same way as human beings because they have no human ego and no access to the Symbolic order of language like humans do. Do the research you don’t have to believe me. The ego is not simply the Freudian conept of 1894 it goes way back before Freud was born it’s just another name for the self from the Latin.
In 1707 it referred to “the self; that which feels, acts, or thinks”. So it could be argued that your dog has an ‘ego ‘in that loose sense using associated images as a means of ‘thought’ in the situation that the dog finds itself in, but not in the human sense as explained.

Mar 26, 2021 5:05 PM
Reply to  -CO

Some attempts at communication occur as a mutual relationship, or field of resonance, and others are like meeting conditioned reactions or programmed responses. The ‘ego’ is in my sense of it anything but self-aware, but is maximally alert to threat to what it is predicated upon as ‘self’ in image and thought.
Self-aware in a true sense is self-less or transparent in the usual sense of self as separate or private authoritative mind in a body or a world of bodies (object transience).

That you are is edgeless, immeasurable and always, but what you are is your self-defining acceptance that extends as relational expression. So if you accept ideas as true of you, these operate as your self-imaged or ego.

The human consciousness is currently locked down, distanced and masked as a normal – and any attempt to talk to normals results in communication failure.
The true Nature is never really a normal, because normal is a conditioned mind while naturally felt quality is wholly present.
The inhibition of the ego is the capacity to block our own channel of expression. To get in our own way and interpret the results in terms of separation trauma.

I think the term mask works for much of what ‘ego’ represents.
The capacity to mask from ourselves as the hiding and denial of feelings believed threatening, is also the presentation of a masking identity – which is in a sense a psychic territory – ostensibly set in or with the body and its possessions and relationships. but principally set in the sense of private thinking. Masking thinking.

To identify the mask as power of protection is to accept it as self, and in general people become masked over from their inner being or childlike wonder and curiosity. Only in special conditions might the underlying innocence of being shine unselfconscious as joy in being.

The mask operates to ‘make us safe’ from a point of self-conflict that we are at that time unwilling or unready to face, to own and to reconcile or resolve. And so it is encapsulated and covered over in ways that limit awareness of conflict by both a denial or dissociation and a casting out to others and world, where it can hide in ‘solutions’ that do not address the conflict but provide a cover story or masking narrative in seeming to seek answers by means that persist and protect the problem.

So what I mean by ego is not a Freudian slip so much as a mis-taken identity running in the name of power and protection relative to truth feared – or intimacy of being as threat to the capacity to maintain the mask of limitation and control.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 25, 2021 2:32 PM
Reply to  QuickDraw

Hello Quick Draw: Your statement: “It only becomes a problem when you either cannot or will not look beyond the label or category when the need arises.”

My take: “A situation is only a situation till you make a problem out of it.”

Unwanted realities are not problems – until they’re loaded with weapons and ammunition…

Mar 26, 2021 10:55 PM

Unwanted realities are experienced as rejection, denial, deprivation, abandonment, treachery and betrayal as pain of loss.
We do not know we had terms, conditions or demands on Life until they are crushed and broken by withdrawal of support or open denial.

However, we can and do set ourselves up to fall.

Maybe QD meant that accepting narratives without questioning them is letting them trigger and frame our own mind unknowing.

Unwanted inner conflicts are problems we refuse or are unwilling and unable to face and address where they are and so we seek ‘solutions’ outside by which to cast them out from us. When the ‘solution’ fails it not only leaves the underlying problem unaddressed but mutates as seemingly new problems that are intimately linked to our inner conflict but outwardly unconnected – because the external solution was a wishful cover story of self-evasion given all the force of the emotional charge of the underlying inner conflict.

Until we own what truly belongs to us, we will attack and deny others and our world for what our mind perceives as hateful intention and motivations that have roots in our own conflicts. If we were at all aware of this the world as we know it would not find support. For the world as we know it has operated this entanglement of shadows, false hopes and hidden denials, until its conflicts rise up to reveal their true address – or in common terms, all of what is ours comes home to roost.

To invested identity in masking self-illusion this is like a world of toxic debts that the ego must desperately externalise to an ever more hollow and false sense of prevailing by masking deceit.
But to the desire to heal, it opens the Way Home, as we release what does NOT belong to us that we had mistakenly taken on. There is a peace in being who you are that no illusion can give, no matter the presentations and postures of self-assertion.

When we took a problem as our self we tried to use the world as an answer for it. We have set the whole world in the frame of our problem, excepting we release it of our demands, terms and conditions and bring awareness present to learn anew of what we have learned NOT to see as anything but threat, weapons, ammunition, allies, armour, hiding place, diversionary false flag.

So yes, we are a ‘built in problem’ looking everywhere ELSE for solutions.
I see the psyoperative deceits as a means of revealing us to ourselves. But hooked to the bait is the experience of being played and reeled in as the belief one is freely acting. But as I said we can and do set ourselves up.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 27, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  Binra

Hello Binra: I’ve read many such posts from others who’ve been caught up in the psycho-babble of the new age.
Life within existence is actually quite simple. That is: Pay attention to your neurological system. The bodies sensory system is extremely well designed, and nearly always the best guide to one’s physical realty. The rest is mental masturbation, conforming to someone else’s unreality, and/or harboring intellectual false flags…

Mar 27, 2021 3:00 PM

Pay attention – drop the rest of it.
Existence is. I Am That.
But the limit, measure of definition gives a selection – such as “I am thinking, or I am a man, I am not you, I am a result of a past” The mind can shift and weave definitions to weave a complex of identified association that can represent ‘My thinking’ or me’ – as imaged concept.

All the physically flagged meanings are ALSO accepted in and experienced in awareness.
There IS an implicit value in ‘shared reality’ (anything else is a private domain of protected circles).
It does not mean that an objective world exists independent of its Creator – but it does mean that what is truly given waits on recognition and acceptance – which is the resonance of sharing it.

The idea of someone/something else can operate as an alien oppositional loveless will, or as your Brother recognised as Self.

Mind control is an inside job. Its design is such as to flag out the ‘others’ and ‘world’ and set all endeavour on a cover story – unless we re-cognise and release it.

That you have a working practice fro trusting integrity is worthy of appreciation. How we choose or not to describe our self and life to our world (in its terms) is not always as clear to those we share with as we presume. But the capacity to read past initial reactions is a willingness for relationship rather than a contest of narratives.

Mar 27, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  QuickDraw

Q is a fictional character in the James Bond films and film novelisations. Q (standing for Quartermaster), like M, is a job title rather than a name. He is the head of Q Branch (or later Q Division), the fictional research and development division of the British Secret Service.

Mar 25, 2021 11:17 AM

Applying the principle of Occam’s Razor in this case will NOT necessarily “enable us to get a clearer idea” since whaterver “idea” we do get would be entirely speculative anyway.

Look where Occam’s Razor got us when dealing with viruses. The simplest explanation is that SARS-CoV-2 is THE CAUSE of Covid 19 – simple isn’t it?

NO its NOT! All the arguments and evidence presented on other threads are sufficient to prove that the alleged SARS-CoV -2 virus has never been effectively isolated and proven to physically exist together with it’s alleged Covid effect.

The conditions of existence pertaining to the Covid effect can’t be dermined using Occam’s Razor either because they are not as ‘simple ‘as many would have us believe as there is no ‘simple’ explanation. William of Occam or Ockham was a philosopher and theologian NOT a scientist.!

Mar 25, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  -CO

Apologies for typo ‘dermined ‘ should read determined!

Ryan Matters
Ryan Matters
Mar 26, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  -CO

Thanks. However, I would argue against your statement that the simplest explanation for COVID-19 is Sars-Cov-2. In fact, this is far from simple. If this statement were true it would rely on complex explanations and proofs for how ‘viruses’ arise, mutate, enter a cell, move around the body, cause-specific disease symptoms and fly through the air jumping from one host to another. None of these processes, which are assumed to occur, can be explained by mainstream science and therefore the viral theory is a very complicated and esoteric explanation for illness.

Mar 26, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Ryan Matters

SARS-Cov-2 is not MY simplest explanatory statement it’s that of the fraudsters and germ theorists. Let’s be clear about that.

I’ve explained the complexity issue several times on previous threads and need not repeat it again here. Apart from that I do agree with what you say in a nutshell, namely that nothing assumed to be pertaining to viruses can be proved by mainstream science. This however, also refers to virus theory which is incoherent and doesn’t work in practice – one reason why they’ve never isolated SARS-CoV-2.

Mar 27, 2021 4:45 PM
Reply to  -CO

Operating from the presumption of covid-19 as a disease condition – tagged to a claimed novel (?) virus is already baited and hooked.

Defining a ‘disease condition’ in terms of its postulated or presumed ‘causative agent’ as a contagious infection is a fait accompli. It’s all backwards. As if reality follows the modelling.
For a verifiable clinical condition seek any causes such as to then seek to disprove them o r show them as yet unproven.

To my current knowledge, contagion is unproven. Causation by pathogen is unproven and the existence of the specific pathogen as such agents are unproven.
However they are invested with belief and as a result, leverage the redistribution of wealth and narrative control to corporately embedded experts who can focus all their research in what the corporately funded interests dictate as the politically correct narrative, or mainstreamed diversion.

So the simplest explanation for disease is that it is a functional adaptive response to an imbalance associating with toxicity or deficiency – or psychic shock reiterating such responses to a terrain that embraces psychic and physical patterns. One of which is the social inclusion of taking on and mimicking the behaviours and gestures of communication of others. In the face of a terror, playing dead or affecting wounded or limited capacity operate a survival strategy, as does self-harm as a limited mitigation of a deeper fear of malevolence.

To the fear of pathogens, the underlying issue is of a malevolence Out There seeking to get you (or yours) or of a divine vengeance seeking out the sins or guilt kept hidden but still calling down penalty.

That mind or thoughts and emotional response is contagious is so obvious as to be called communication. But the Field of Communication extends far beyond or beneath the codified symbols and concepts of our representational models for a Life we cannot actually stand apart from and objectify – except in concept or modelling of chosen parameters of patterns or relationships by which to anticipate or predict without having to actually Listen In and Feel.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 25, 2021 10:08 AM

Brilliant article! Just one minor cavil: Ockham’s Razor was originally intended (by William of Ockham, that is) only for the study of natural–not social–phenomena. The reason, of course, is because nature can (presumably) never consciously seek to deceive you, whereas human beings can and sometimes do. But other than that, totally on point!

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Mar 25, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

Who were the utter idiots who downvoted this self evidently true comment, duh?

Mar 28, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Mark Millward

Workability is nature’s economy and so the simplest account or model that is supported by empirical data, gathered from the willingness to disprove it, is the most workable alignment with truth.
The ego is not characterised by a willing desire to disprove itself, and so social reinforcement for ego-supporting narratives, operates an externalised model or worldview that distorts and hides truth under masking narratives that may seem simple, as the cover story for complex self-evasions given support at cost of relational and workable awareness. IE: Self destructive illusions given power.

Why the concern with votes?
That also is a private mythic expression of frustration.
I see that where the physical operates on polarised charge separation and patterns of rebalancing, the psychic has its own entanglement of spin!
Assigning pos or neg charged value, generates patterns of reaction.

Mar 28, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  Seamus Padraig

There are many deceits in nature – whether conscious or not 😉
But we are talking of a mind that hides from itself!
Indeed a mind that can model its reality as an augmented mental overlay of represented symbols and concepts.
A mind that can dissociate from reality of a present awareness for compartmentalised or fragmented narrative conflicts that are centred on a ‘self-usurpation’ of self-awareness.

Self-awareness in truth is the ‘awareness of ‘death’ or non being to all (self) illusion.
In full presence accepted is recognition of transience and timelessness. The freedom to focus within self-illusion, is the capacity to perceive within appearances given limited and limiting meanings rather than know being by extension. We have learned to experience through a matrix of rules and filters that give us the world we think to experience outside us.

The whole post addresses many themes running in the thread of article and comments at:


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 9:47 AM

The Existential War: Patriots vs Globalists

As I’ve said repeatedly over the last 10 months, rather than “trusting the plan”, the most important requirement is to have some understanding of what it is!

The Plan to Save the World (Remastered)
by Joe M
Length: 13:14

Covid911 – Insurgency
Joe M (Storm Is Upon Us)
June 28th, 2020
Length: 9:34

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 11:49 AM

The Declaration of War

Trump: “Our campaign represents a true existential threat.”

Oct 13, 2016
Fox News
Republican presidential nominee campaigns in West Palm Beach, Florida
Clip (1:41)

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 11:56 AM

Full Speech (46:30)

FNN: Donald Trump Delivers “Major Speech” – DENIES Groping Allegations – in West Palm Beach
Oct 13, 2016
NewsNOW from FOX
Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump holds a rally at the South Florida Fair Expo Center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 5:14 PM

The Invisible Enemy

On 18 March the US military were given “Continuity of Government” standby orders (see earlier post). A few days later Trump stated:

I’m glad that this team and me are here for this horrible thing. . . A number of people have said it; and I feel it, actually. I’m a war-time President. This is a war. A different kind of a war than we’ve ever had . . . This is a challenging time for all Americans. We’re enduring a great national trial, and we will prove that we can meet the moment. I want to assure the American people that we’re doing everything we can each day to confront and ultimately defeat this horrible, invisible enemy. We’re at war. In a true sense, we’re at war and we’re fighting an invisible enemy. Think of that. . . .

I think it’s going to be a tremendous day when we win this war. And we will win the war . . . For those worried and afraid, please know that as long as I am your President you can feel confident that you have a leader who will always fight for you, and I will not stop until we win. This will be a great victory . . . and will happen much sooner than originally expected. . . The enemy is now attacking 144 countries . . . That’s unthinkable. There’s never been anything like this. And it’s vicious.

President Trump says he is a “wartime president” battling an “invisible enemy” . . .
Mar 23, 2020
The Telegraph

Mar 25, 2021 10:03 PM

He was most likely speaking of the virus as the “war of 144 countries” – but must not know about the science of the virus, as he told Americans to take it.

Q was fun and didn’t supplant any activities that I would have engaged in. It was the NSA identifying conservatives. Remember Nancy and the entire Left clown show threatening to come get us?

Q led me on even more research – and the research results were so damaging to the Left and the Right both – that it is difficult to believe that the Left was behind Q.

No doubt the NSA is desperately trying to find all those who were involved in running the Q operation. If military, they will face court martial and potential charges of sedition.

The rest of us have been identified.

Want to kill me because of my thoughts and beliefs? Go ahead, because without the ability to engage and to be who I am – isn’t a world worth living in.

But I plan to take an entire group with me.

Bring on the 72 virgins.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 26, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  Sharin

Trump uses codes language and actions all the time; and especially when addressing the fake-news media. The “invisible enemy” label has also been used by Archbishop Viganò in a 7 June letter to Trump. The “invisible enemy” is the same as what Blake was referring to with the “dark Satanic mills”.

Believe Christ & his Apostles that there is a Class of Men whose whole delight is in Destroying.
 – William Blake.

[4541 & 4542]

June 7, 2020
Holy Trinity Sunday
Mr. President,

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. . . .

Although it may seem disconcerting, the opposing alignments I have described are also found in religious circles. There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere. It is a spiritual battle, which I spoke about in my recent Appeal which was published on May 8. In society, Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans. They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions. The investigations already under way will reveal the true responsibility of those who managed the COVID emergency not only in the area of health care but also in politics, the economy, and the media. We will probably find that in this colossal operation of social engineering there are people who have decided the fate of humanity, arrogating to themselves the right to act against the will of citizens and their representatives in the governments of nations.
. . .
Mr. President, my prayer is constantly turned to the beloved American nation, where I had the privilege and honor of being sent by Pope Benedict XVI as Apostolic Nuncio. In this dramatic and decisive hour for all of humanity, I am praying for you and also for all those who are at your side in the government of the United States. I trust that the American people are united with me and you in prayer to Almighty God.

United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.

Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

Mar 25, 2021 10:49 PM

comment image

Mar 28, 2021 8:23 AM

@Lost in a dark wood
Ryan Matters’ article and your comments were food for thought. The article mentions the ego and this made me realise that for some OffG readers (obviously, considering the comments) it might be somewhat irritating (hurting their ego), and therefore difficult to accept, that those who came up with decisive action against the Deep State were in the military and that they picked up a conservative businessman to take power and act as their political counterpart.
If you have a leftist intellectual background, the Q operation goes against both your romantic idea that one day people will get together and rise and take power (“le Grand Soir”) AND your socio-cultural assumption that the way people were to be awaken would be through long well-structured pieces of writing displayed in an elegant typeface (the OffG style). Having this type of background myself, I had to get over that frustration to appreciate the Q operation.
A lot of us were educated to think that the world of the military is intrinsically bad and that we just do not want to have anything to do with it. But this means we don’t understand what warfare (and even more so 4th generation warfare) is. The author dismisses the Q operation as “childish”, ignoring the fact that “the Art of War” has a lot to do with strategy and game. Q is brilliant for many reasons, one of them being that it found a way to reach, engage and inform (recruit?) young clever minds attuned to the digital world (and sorry, folks, most of these don’t read long well-structured pieces of writing displayed in an elegant typeface).
Another point is that for decades now we have seen the Deep State tightening its grip on society and we have somehow got accustomed to losing and feeling defeated. That is what they want. They want you to think there is no way out. And again, the Q operation goes against this pessimistic bias that nothing good can ever happen and that basically we are doomed.
So yes, for some people at least, appreciating the Q operation requires a change of perspective and shaking off some preconceptions, however painful that might be for the ego…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 28, 2021 10:42 AM
Reply to  Lise

Re: “for some OffG readers”

I think it’s important to place the emphasis on the “some”. There is such a diversity that any archetypal profile is only ever going to apply to a minority. In addition to “ego” (generally equivalent to pride in this context), there are attachments around identity, intellectualism, and the “passion vs reason” debate which has been bubbling away since Plato. With regard to intellectualism, there’ll be a subset of people who simply can’t connect with the non-discursive forms of knowledge and enquiry.

MAGA and Q is also part of a “culture war” which has been described by people like E. Michael Jones; who I think played a significant role in the Vigano appeal of May 2020.

It also needs to be remembered that the anti-MAGA movement is state-sponsored (CIA, MI6, etc) and extremely well-funded. In addition to Fake-News Media (including Murdoch) and the Faux-Left funded by Soros & associates, there’s also Koch and groups like the Lincoln Project. The enormity of this assembly makes them feel invincible, but it’s also their greatest weakness.

E Michael Jones on the Pocho Hour!
OG del Rancho
Mar 25, 2021
Dr. E. Michael Jones joins me today to talk about Logos as the first root of Hispanidad, Hispano parallels to the Goths at the end of the Roman Empire, the hollowness of White identity, how Sexual Liberation is the main weapon used to undo our ethnic identity, and more!

Mar 28, 2021 1:11 PM

Very interesting, thank you!

Mar 25, 2021 6:13 AM

128 million in the US and 30 million in the UK have just taken what they think is a vaccine. If that turns out to be a genocidal weapon that destroys the human immune system in a few months then what does that make Trump & his much-touted “project warp speed”? One of the greatest genocidal villains of all time?

If Q was anything at all wouldn’t the “vaccine”, and the threat it represents to humanity, be front and centre stage of the Q posts?

It’s the classic good-cop, bad-cop. The good guy appears to offer relief from the bad guy but just dupes the victim into signing their own death warrant.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 7:06 AM
Reply to  SimonB

If it weren’t for Operation Warp Speed, the idiots who believe in vaccination would take a Gates version. What OWS accomplished was to take away the excuse for extending the lockdown even further. Also, if it weren’t for Trump, most people wouldn’t know about treatments such as HCQ.

BTW: as I’ve posted previously over the past couple of weeks, I think most people are getting a flu-shot placebo.

What’s Up With President Trump and Vaccines?
One of the most frequent questions I get in my email inbox is “why is President Trump pushing the vaccine?
It’s a great question, especially given President Trump’s longstanding history of being very critical and cautious about vaccines, even debating Dr. Ben Carson about it during the 2016 campaign if you remember that moment.
I admit, I am perplexed a bit myself.
So when I saw this video from my friend Daniel, I had to pass it on to you.
I think Daniel outlines several things about this issue that make a lot of sense and help put you “in the mind” of what President Trump must be thinking.
To say he’s playing 4D chess all the time is an understatement.
He’s constantly trying to balance so many things, and I think his approach to the vaccine really shows that more than anything else.
Kudos to Daniel on this video, and I think you will really enjoy it.

President Trump & Vaccines
Mar 21, 2021


St Germain
St Germain
Mar 25, 2021 5:12 PM

Thanks a lot. Very interesting.

Mar 26, 2021 12:53 AM
Reply to  SimonB

I don’t trust these figures on vaccine uptake.

If they were true and the ‘polls’ are right then they would not be resorting to coercion and blackmail to increase uptake.

It’s a psychological game.

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Mar 25, 2021 5:27 AM

What you don’t talk about is the function of blackmail in society.

Mar 25, 2021 4:42 AM

The court jester:always the smartest one in the room:and the most fearful for their life.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 25, 2021 3:57 AM

Someyears ago i may have been affected by APOPHENIA; i thought i may have discovered a possible cause of autism…At the time i was working in a large supermarket in a shopping complex and spent my lunch hour in the food hall instead of the staff room…
What drew my attention was young mothers with younguns in strollers… The strollers were canopied – not like in the Old Days- and covered with storage compartments…
What was constant was that the mums attention was transfixed on all the goodies on display, or she was busy talking to the little box she held to her ear…The kids had a look of anxiety / frozen terror on their faces…Always they’d be twisting about trying to see mum…they needed reassuring…We all know how essential eye-to-eye contact between
mother and infant is to the infants psych-social development, especially what’s now called
‘social skills’…
I figured this unresponsiveness by the parent would cause the emotional withdrawal /communication aversion that were the symptoms of classical autism, before Big Pharm
et al’s put out the DSM (diagnostic manual) that turned autism and ‘related’ conditions into a Syndrome (as in AID Syndrome), with standardised drug treatments…But, then again…..
Bruno Bettleheim, a psychoanalyst had some success with autistic kids…Bu he, like mr Wakefield, were both “discredited”, for being non-believers, one way or another…

But then, maybe it wasnt apothemia…….

Eric McCoo
Eric McCoo
Mar 25, 2021 3:05 AM

Q is very similar to a 20 year old operation called ‘NESARA’. part of which became a massive insurance scam. Based on a real idea that was never put before Congress



Mar 25, 2021 7:03 AM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

Looks like the Goodwin cult was tasked with discrediting NESARA.

The looting of the U.S., documented by Mark Skidmore and Catherine Fitts, and the Federal Reserve scam were and are imminent threats to the USA… and NESARA was an attempt to reverse that.

Going Direct and TGR follow directly from the above mentioned looting and Fed scam. There was every reason for powerful interests to discredit NESARA, which the Goodwin cult did.

The cult uses familiar techniques, claiming “the money” and the computers were destroyed on 9/11. There was no pot of money, assigned in advance, and a legislative proposal does not reside solely on a computer. However, many important financial record and investigations were destroyed on 9/11 and the gold vaults of WTC6 appear to have been emptied.

Red flags pop up all around the Goodwin cult: their narrative provides cover for no end of heists that are well documented, involving pension funds, Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency, the wiping out of Cantor Fitzgerald and much more. Then there is the Bush family and the off-the-books funds the originate from Nazi Germany and the looting of many countries since.

All neatly swept up and discredited by the kookery of the Goodwin cult.

A small point but the disinformation artists will take your language and flip it against you. Harvey Bernard published his proposal in book form in 1996, calling it: Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.

Rather than waste time discussing Q, why not follow Skidmore and Fitts, and read up on what Going Direct and TGR is going to do to you?


No more articles on Q please. Que sera, sera.

Mar 25, 2021 10:52 PM
Reply to  Eric McCoo

comment image

Dr MBender
Dr MBender
Mar 25, 2021 2:14 AM

It’s not hope porn, it’s intelligence community propaganda. “Leaks” from people presented as insiders and authorities. All to discredit and muddy the waters. It’s the oldest trick in the book.

fighting gnome
fighting gnome
Mar 25, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Dr MBender

I think it is Hope Porn but agree that it is basically leading the hopeful up a Blind Alley, Deffo Intelligence propaganda as you rightly point out – A type of Hope that some saviour would appear – meanwhile all the Gun Cabinets of the Patriots stay safely closed whilst everyone gets duped by this Machiavellian Narrative.

captain spam
captain spam
Mar 25, 2021 1:56 AM

The United Snakes and its various satrapies will soon collapse under their own weight through the tidal wave of rapefugee and gimmegrant invaders, child trannies, non stop gay anal sex and non stop abortions, the coronavirus hoax, rigid censorship and anti white race hatred.

Ernie Bodansky
Ernie Bodansky
Mar 25, 2021 1:45 AM

This is a fine example of what passes for Journalism these days. Not included in the source references are any of the actual “Q” sources. So no actual research was actually done into the actually subject matter?? Quoting what all of the establishment Talking Heads say in agreement with your postulated Narrative Construct is what I call Community Self Pleasuring. But it does keep the whole Digital Information Interchange alive and able to cash in on the Shared Advertising Revenue.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 25, 2021 1:36 AM

Excellent article Ryan… particularly the last section on non attachment and the ego; and regards the scamdemic, I refuse to live in fear. Simple as that.
I only discovered Q after I opened a Facebook account last May, and straight away, my gut feeling told me it was a pysops. It just seemed too good to be true. I also, in a fairly short period of time got quite feed up with hearing the repeated incantation: Trust the plan… Trust the plan. And I also noted the religious like unquestioning faith people put into this supposedly real organisation.
Appreciate the link to the Dr Joseph Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts video clip. Will watch shortly.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 7:39 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah’s Razor:

When faced with a highly complex situation involving multiple, covert, deep-state actors, it’s best to trust your immediate gut reaction to some random facebook crap.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 25, 2021 7:55 AM

There’s actually some very useful things I find on Facebook, Lost.
There’s also a lot of absolute garbage that is downright cringeworthy. I already explained why I opened an account (during lockdown here last year, and wanting to reach out to other covid sceptics). I trust my Own instinct mate, Not “stuff” I see on FB.
Have a lovely day😁

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Mar 25, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

As I state in other comments, instinct, in the form of intuition or imagination, is a necessary component. But to obtain an informed view of a highly-complex situation, instinct is not by itself sufficient. Forming such a view also involves an observational and rational enquiry process.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 25, 2021 8:24 AM

Okay… understood.

Mar 25, 2021 12:15 PM

which you dont use as your still following known shills

les online
les online
Mar 25, 2021 1:01 AM

“Subdue people with hope” as in “Yes !We Can”…Or how ’bout encouraging the hope that a ‘vaccine’ will end the fear campaign ?

Mar 25, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  les online

Or perhaps: Make America Great Again.

Master Brain
Master Brain
Mar 25, 2021 12:51 AM

40 years ago they wrote similar articles about people who believed in UFO’s and Conspiracies. Turns out UFO’s are real and people do conspire to traffic children. Looks like you’re the real source of disinformation!

Mar 25, 2021 9:23 AM
Reply to  Master Brain

UFO’s are BS.

Yet another distraction, planned well in advance. Those deep state guys must be laughing their arses off. People are so gullible.

UFO’s are real? Aside from the fact that statement means nothing, i presume you mean Aliens exist? Because the Pentagon and CNN say so?


Mar 25, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Hyllian

I suggest you read up on the proven history of the US governments direct involvement with "UFOs" beginning with "project blue book" and continuing to this very day. historian dr. richard dolans books on this not-so-secret program are an eye-opener: if theres no fire, then wheres all the smoke coming from?

Mar 25, 2021 4:04 PM
Reply to  donkey_shot

The fact that its the US who’s balls deep in the UFO craze from the beginning is all the warning you should need!

Add that to the fact these so called ‘craft’ seem to break the laws of physics means chances are that they are more likely to be some sort of holographic/light phenomena.

Project blue book was totally secret, until they released details to the media. There is zero proof of aliens. Shaky evidence at best and that all points to man made craft and when they are bending the laws of physics its a light phenomena.

That is the simplest explanation and the people at the US departments have previous form, motive and the means.

Ilya G Poimandres
Ilya G Poimandres
Mar 25, 2021 12:36 AM

Q exists because the notion of consistent incompetency implies conspiracy. You can’t easily score 0 on a multiple choice test unless you know where all the right answers lie.

The modern political class of the west ‘fails’ so consistently, only conspiracy is left.

And of course, hopium is the strongest of elements when every other one seems impotent!

Mar 25, 2021 12:25 AM

Qanon = “Oh look! There’s a squirrel !!”

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 25, 2021 12:01 AM

Nails it! I don’t often agree with Catherine Austin Fitts, but she nails Q: “Hope porn.” And the Q people i know keep moving the goal posts. Generally they’re not dumb, but just resistant to blatant data.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 24, 2021 11:51 PM

Klaus Schwab was able to keep L Ron Hubbard alive through consciousness transference (or whatever Schwab calls it). This is the New Scientology. Dianetics on steroids.

Mar 25, 2021 10:10 PM

I gotta see this. Where does Hubbard live? In Schwab’s mind?

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Mar 24, 2021 11:43 PM


So, in the hierarchy of mattering, what matters more?

a. Black Lives


b. Ryan

Upvote for Black Lives; downvote for Ryan.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 24, 2021 10:57 PM

“Let’s say “No””…good advice…Dr Alexander Lowen explained in one of his books that by
not respecting the childs right to say “No !’ it’s spirit is broken…….

Paul Scally
Paul Scally
Mar 24, 2021 10:49 PM

The Q movement looks like The World Economic Forum borrowed the script from Benjamin Fulford in an effort to pacify the masses as part of a plan to bring about The Great Reset. They are crashing the financial system and introducing a digital currency all under the guise of protecting global health. The world is heading towards Totalitarianism. People better wake up fast and stop waiting for a leader to save them, the only way out of this is from the ground up together.

Mar 24, 2021 10:42 PM

If there was no naturally occurring Qanon type movement within the people, then one would be created for us.It’s purpose is much like that of a vampire. Hope is from the dark side. A tool to keep us docile.

Seamus Padraig
Seamus Padraig
Mar 25, 2021 10:27 AM
Reply to  axisofoil


Mar 24, 2021 10:24 PM

Nothing much has changed…we just got older

“Mott The Hoople All The Young Dudes Live Video 1973”

It’s The Grandkids turn now.

Say No To The NEEDLE


Light Green Leaf
Light Green Leaf
Mar 24, 2021 10:03 PM

As someone who followed Q from the beginning, although always staying open to other viewpoints, I see both positive and negative points from the operation.


I tend to delve into subjects a lot more, check facts and research for myself since Q and I think many others do too.

Would the alternative media see this much traffic now? Even people who were only following Q influencers have now moved onto other alternative sources.

When the ‘pandemic’ came around, a lot of the Q community were calling it out from the beginning and continue to do so now.

The MSM has lost credibility with a large portion of the public. Would this be the case if not for Q?

Generally people are seeing through many lies and are calling out the globalists, which is great.

A lot of good credible information came out of the Q op, although pretty much all of it was already out there, Q made it well known and popularised further researching.


Many of Trumps questionable activities were dismissed, for example his ties to Jeffrey Epstein (even when Maria Farmer spoke of him in her testimony), the fact there were more drone strikes under Trump than Obama, his connection to Kabbalah and continuous use of kabbalah hand signs, pushing the MRNA jab and bringing his supporters along for an obvious planned set up at the capitol.

Anons attacking celebrities on twitter because they wrote something about pizza. It’s one thing to suspect someone of wrong-doing based on a vague indication, it’s another thing to accuse and verbally attack them.

Many influencers spread disinformation and never correct themselves or admit fault. Charlie Ward is a prime example of this, go and fact-check everything he says and you will see.

The obsession with being correct on their viewpoint is borderline sociopathic. If you suggest that Q is a psyop and Trump was never on their side, they get triggered worse than ‘the left’ and you are automatically a “shill” or “sheep” or some other ad hominem because you can’t see it like they can. This is not the case for all but many seem to be led by the emotional attachment to Q rather than logic and open mindedness, like they are under a spell.

False idol worship and statism.
Follow the word of God and Jesus, not Trump and Q. Never rely on the government to make things better when historically, everything they touch turns to shit.

I’m suspicious of a lot of the “moving to 5d” talk. I don’t know where it came from and I think it’s dangerous to attach a new-age belief to searching for truth.
We know that a one world religion is in the making and I think it’s wise to be wary of ‘new-age’ religious practices and if they are trying to make you think a certain way.
By all means have your beliefs but don’t let them cloud your judgement of what’s true.

What do you all think?

Mar 25, 2021 2:48 AM

In a nutshell–also followed Q from beginning. I think Q instigated THE process of lifting the veil, that had been very difficult for the masses to detect. Q drops provided a map of questions, some direction in a complex web of deceit. Anons & other seekers of truth started researching beyond wha5 mainstream constantly feeding us. Understanding was gained of how the underbelly of the dark world works. Peopke started sharing info. As its a huge task!! Tajes great dedication & time. Cognitive dissonance is part of it as begin to see the depths if corruption; attacks against humanity, very difficult much of it–am it is crazy & evil when see how criminals in key positions operate. Politics to Hollywood to Banks. The “3” sovereign locations within countries. Ask yourself, why are they set up that way?
Q process firmly counters the extreme propoganda/deceptions we have been fed daily for decades. I believe & thank ourcCreator that Q has resulted in catastrophic damage to the enemy– an evil elite with dark agendas including controlling /destroying sovereign nations thus the free will, health & liberty of all the people, worldwide. As the veiled is pulled back, people can begin to operate out of wisdom instead of the succumbing to a deluge of fears, divisions, that have been designed/constructed by the psychopathetic manipulators. As a Q follower never saw it as salvation. It is brilliant & allows the common person to see their exists a “narrative”. So now ask yourself why?? Why now so much censorship??

Mar 28, 2021 10:04 AM
Reply to  LovingGoodness

Why did we have a kill anything that moves policy in Vietnam? Why did we accept “it was worth the price” to kill 600,000 children? Why do we believe that it is irrelevant that the CDC and the WHO were caught red handed in 2009 with 72 kilos of a lethal vaccine which anyone with common sense would know could have been for no other purpose than killing lots of us?….A couple billion maybe. More? What’s up with Dr Seuss? So many questions. So little time. We are so occupied with thinking about it all that we don’t notice anymore that everyone is wearing a mask.

Mar 25, 2021 2:53 AM

Opportunists like Charlie Ward and Simon Parkes have done more damage to the reputation of Q and those who follow it than the mainstream media could have. I agree that some followers are too reliant on Q for their worldview, and do see Trump in some sort of idol worship. But every group has this cringe aspect to it. Never have I seen the cringe aspect of a group being amplified and made to represent the entire group than with Q. I wonder why?

Mar 27, 2021 12:43 AM

The MSM has lost credibility with a large portion of the public. Would this be the case if not for Q?

I can see that for you Q supporters the Q is the messiah. I investigated Q at the beginning and concluded it was bullshit and my mind has not changed. As for the MSM, Q didn’t even dent it, it has been in need of life support from the rich for decades. Your post reminds me of Chritians who claim that their prayers change what happens in the world: I suspect their votes and their money make a difference, not their prayers.

Mar 28, 2021 9:43 AM

We are all being manipulated. Need I elaborate?

Bored now
Bored now
Mar 24, 2021 9:57 PM

Reading through the comments here, I’m truly shocked by how many offguardian readers appear to be ‘anons’. They ask questions such as “if it’s all a conspiracy then answer me this….” or “but you must know this so how do you explain….?”
This need to have definitive simple answers to complex questions goes to the very root of all ‘hope porn’. Like all religions Q offers simple narratives and alludes to simple answers to the complex questions of society. But as Karl Popper said “a theory that explains everything, explains nothing”. I would advise all you anons to stop looking to Q for your salvation. Instead look to yourself, read books, learn history, be the change you want to see and stop outsourcing your thinking.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 24, 2021 10:07 PM
Reply to  Bored now

I’ve been coming to Offguardian over 2.5 years now. In the last year since the scamdemic began, especially the last 6 months, I’ve noticed quite a drastic change in the demographics of the commenters here. Not all for the better either, and also the very tiresome presence of the 77th Brigade and other trolls. Just my observation B…

Bored now
Bored now
Mar 24, 2021 10:20 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah, I’ve noticed that change too. These days people seem far more confrontational and less willing to engage in discussion or listen to other people’s ideas. I don’t remember everyone being so polarised and angry here before. It’s a shame because I love the articles and I respect that the comments section is open and allows people to express their views openly. I guess that’s why this comments section in particular has attracted the attention of the thought police of the ministry of truth.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 24, 2021 10:26 PM
Reply to  Bored now

And because Offguardian has taken such a principled and conscientious stand on the scamdemic. All sorts of tactics to try and undermine the comments thread. I try not to engage with the more obvious trolls, tho sometimes my temper gets the better of me…

Jan J
Jan J
Mar 25, 2021 6:22 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I concur. There used to be the odd disinfo-troll here and there but the comments are now flooded with garbage, and I think this is a concentrated effort by “somebody” to undermine the site’s credibility. Often times you can see posters trying to establish an “alt right” link, which is totally absurd, but part of a plan to discredit.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 25, 2021 6:49 AM
Reply to  Jan J

Remember how it was here before the scamdemic? It was almost tranquil, apart from visits from commenters like William H Bonney… Remember him? Frank Shepherd, Crispy, Veroutschka and one or two other ‘colourful’ characters like Comite Espartaco (whose just recently returned btw)
Sorry, just getting a bit nostalgic Jan.
Whoever is in charge of the 77th Brigade is probably a good place to start as to who is behind the mass influx of trolls here. Or MI5.
Some are blatantly obvious and have been repeatedly called out, others change their names every few days it seems, or post lots of music videos, and still others post mind numbing bollocks to deliberately derail the conversation.
And then there seems to be an influx from Breitbart and Fox News for gods sakes… Okay, just had to get that off my chest! Have a good day👍

Mar 25, 2021 8:43 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I sometimes think that they use OffG coments as a training ground for their human trolls. AI obviously doesn’t cut it and there aren’t that many dissenting websites left.I find it quite amusing how the trolls are being called out here pretty quickly. Apparently there is an unmistakable quality to the train of thoughts of a real person trying to express themselves (many aren’t English native speakers, like myself). That doesn’t mean the content always makes sense. It might even go directly against my way of thinking. But still one can pretty soon tell real people from those typing on orders. Have a good time, too, Gezzah, down there on the other side of the world.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 25, 2021 9:27 AM
Reply to  rechenmacher

You too R, enjoy your day👍

Mar 28, 2021 10:22 AM
Reply to  rechenmacher

AI is still a large part of the equation. Nick Bostrom wrote a very interesting book in 2014 about super intelligence and AI. One of the scenarios he contemplated, describing how AI might covertly attempt to control us, is coincidentally occurring right now.

Mark Millward
Mark Millward
Mar 25, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Pretty clear that it was because OffG acquired a large US following. And deservedly so!

Mar 28, 2021 10:24 AM
Reply to  Mark Millward

We are not all brain dead over here yet. It’s not looking great, but there are pockets of resistance.

Mar 28, 2021 10:10 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If I was out to steer the masses toward docile acceptance of a great reset, I would come to this site to hinder any awakening.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Mar 28, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  axisofoil

Okay… I’ve had a brilliant day, so I’ll be nice. Haven’t seen you here in a while Axis… hope you are well.
What would you like this site to do? Organise regular protests in the main cities in Europe, North America and Australasia?
Go out there and stage hypnosis shows and hypnotise large numbers of people who believe this scamdemic bullshit? What do you suggest?
Isn’t the primary reason for Offguardian is to act as a conduit of information that you Don’t see in the MSM?
I saw your reply to Mark Millward… Have you heard of a site called Wrench In The Gears blog? The lady running it details where this is heading viz the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution and AI. Also, Truthstream Media have several excellent videos on these topics as well.
As for myself, I’m very awake to what’s coming and, no, I don’t want to be hooked up to the Internet of Things or have biometric id embedded in me or have no cash or be barred from a host of places because I’d been marked down on my social credit scores…
Have a good week✌️

Mar 25, 2021 2:49 AM
Reply to  Bored now

More lazy false dichotomies, more ego projection yawn. You can follow Q and not view it as a saviour. You can follow Q and still do the hard work in real life to fight back against the psychopathic agenda. You can follow Q and read books, derp. Do you get your views on Q from the mainstream media as well?

Mar 25, 2021 12:56 PM
Reply to  Isaac

comment image

Mar 25, 2021 7:28 PM
Reply to  Magie

it also relates to Q

Mar 28, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  Magie

Thank you for that.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Mar 26, 2021 6:43 PM
Reply to  Magie

Jamie Harris
Jamie Harris
Mar 25, 2021 4:37 AM
Reply to  Bored now

I look to Jesus.

Mar 25, 2021 10:21 PM
Reply to  Jamie Harris

Did Jesus wink at you?


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 24, 2021 9:55 PM

“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.

It is just a very large version of Disneyland. You can have the Pirate Ride or the Lincoln Simulacrum or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride – you can have all of them, but none is true.”

– Philip K. Dick –
(December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)