The Great Unvaxxed

TE Creus

The vaccine was a resounding success. Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among the vaccinated, but this was mostly among the elderly or the already ill, so it was probably not the vaccine’s fault, and if it was, no one could prove it one way or another, and even if they could, well, the vaccine manufacturers were not liable to lawsuits due to the agreements they had made with the various governments.

In any case, the pandemic had ended, that was for sure.

Of course the masks and the lockdown mandates continued to be enforced; the reason was that while the pandemic had most certainly been defeated, the virus still existed in its natural form somewhere out there, and so it was vital to continue with the safety procedures to avoid any possible resurgence of the disease. 

So what? People got used to it, as they had gotten used to so many other things before that. And was wearing a mask in the end much worse than wearing a helmet or a safety belt? Was being forced to stay at home for a few months every year much different than being forced to be at the office working for five days out of the seven in the week? Rules are rules, and those were not as bad as others that had been instituted in the past. 

But there was something that worried the authorities. While most people had predictably complied with the mandatory vaccination campaign, there were a few groups that had refused them, alleging religious or health reasons, and found refuge in rural communities living off the grid. They had abandoned the use of mobile and network technology and so could not be traced so easily, and, since non-digital cash had been abolished, they appeared to have returned to a form of commerce based in the exchange of physical goods.

At first, the authorities ignored them; most people saw them as a minority of loser hicks, “anti-vaxxers” as they had been called in earlier pre-scientific times, and since it was unlikely that too many among the masses would opt for such a harsh lifestyle away from the comforts of modern urban life, they were not seen as a menace. 

But what happened, in the end, was that rumours started to appear, even in the cities, about small communities where no one needed to wear masks, and people were dancing and smiling, and food was delicious and natural and people were even – gasp! – falling in love and procreating in natural ways. 

Of course this was an obvious and mendacious falsity, but the authorities could not permit such fairy tales to gain acceptance among the people at large. So they started to persecute “the great unvaxxed”, as they called them, or the “free renegades” as they preferred to call themselves.
Their communities were dispersed. Their leaders were arrested. Planting organic, unmodified seeds became illegal.

It was dangerous, the authorities alleged. Non-genetically modified crops were unsafe and could lead to sickness or birth defects. Many of the people who lived in the previously free rural communities were arrested and forcibly vaccinated, or were killed in shootings with the police. 

But in the end it was not possible to arrest or forcibly vaccinate them all. Now, hidden among the normal population, using fake certificates, there lived an undisclosed number of unvaccinated people, whom the authorities had been unable to locate or identify. 

A young woman named Miranda, who was born in a barn in the literal sense, and never vaccinated, was one of them. When organic farming was prohibited and most of the land was taken over by large companies using mechanized agriculture, she was forced to move to a small village where she subsisted doing odd jobs and occasionally teaching art classes. She had learned drawing and painting sill as a child, and was quite talented; she could sing very well too.
She had a fake vaccine certificate that looked for all purposes almost identical to the real ones, and while a bio-test could determine that she had not really taken the shot, or the “jab” as it was popularly called, she was careful never to be in any position that could require any kind of test. 

For a few years she and hundreds of others like her had subsisted in this manner, but it was not ideal and never easy. Because before at least the renegades could live freely in their own communities, under their own rules, but now they had to hide and wear masks and follow dictates like everyone else, so what was the point? If they could not be free in any case, why not do like all the others and just take the jab and be done with it? 

Miranda thought about it sometimes. But she had promised her parents – who had died in a shootout with the police – that she would always remain faithful to their ideals. And so she refused to compromise. She knew, or hoped, that the current tyranny could not be maintained forever. She wanted to believe that it would be possible, one day, to be free again. 

Finally, they got her. It was her own stupid mistake; she was outside, a routine patrol was approaching and she had left her fake certificate at home. This would not normally happen, but she had recently bought a new jacket and had forgotten the certificate in the pocket of the old one.

Walking around without a certificate was illegal, so they had to scan her arm, finding no signs of vaccination, and later a second test found no trace of antibodies in her system. Unable to explain the reason, or to produce a valid vaccine certificate – she knew now that the fake one she had at home would now be microscopically analyzed and would not be useful any longer – she was taken to the local jail, and later to a federal prison. 

“There is an easy way out of this”, said Captain Antoine Huxley-Ehrlich, chief of the Vaccine Resistance Unit. “Just take the jab, and you’ll be free.”
“Never”, replied Miranda. “You’ll have to do it by force.”

That was an option, of course, and legally possible with the recent change in the constitution. But it was not what Antoine wanted. No, she had to freely choose the vaccine. Not only because otherwise she could have become a martyr and inspire other rebels, or because people could start to think that there really was something bad or sinister about the vaccine; but because he firmly believed that winning by persuasion was better than winning by force, and he was convinced of his own righteousness.

He could not understand her stubborn refusal – hadn’t he, like all others, voluntarily taken the vaccine? As a member of the upper classes, he reminded her, he was not required to do it at the time; and yet he had volunteered. Why? Because he believed in law and order, but, most of all, because he believed in the vaccine. 

He was sure that sooner or later he would be able to convince her that her uneasiness with the medication had only been caused by the trauma of her childhood experiences, living in a harsh rural area and watching her parents die as criminals fighting the law.  

But Miranda was indeed very stubborn. She refused all the options she was given. She preferred jail to vaccination and denial to compromise. She even refused to see a psychiatrist. So she lingered in prison for months and months.  

One day, the warden brought to her cell a new book that she had requested from the prison library – Civil Disobedience, by Thoreau. As she began to read, she found a handwritten note stuck between the first pages. “When you get your dinner tonight, ask for salt”, it said. “A friend”, it was signed. 

Who could that be? She was puzzled, as it was years since she last had any contact with anyone else from her former community. But later that evening, as the warden brought her dinner, she meekly asked if she could have an extra amount of salt. The warden didn’t betray any sign of recognition or suspicion; she just brought her a small white salt-shaker. There was nothing unusual about it, but when Miranda opened it, from the bottom, she found a small magnetic key and another note inside.

The note explained that the key would open her cell door, and that all the security guards had either been bribed or put out to sleep. She could safely escape. Further instructions indicated how to reach a cabin in the woods nearby where she would be able to join her colleagues from the resistance movement.  

She waited until midnight; when all was silent, she tried the key. It worked. She slowly walked out of her cell, then out of the prison, undisturbed. 

She followed the instructions to cover her face with a mask and her hair with a veil to avoid recognition. She was afraid a patrol would stop her as she left the city, as police presence was constant and sometimes there were curfews, but all the time she saw only a small group of policemen that she had no trouble evading.

She walked for several hours; the note had been clear that she should avoid any form of public transportation. It was already morning when she reached the destination informed, a few miles outside town. 

She knocked. No one answered. But she turned the handle and realized that the door was unlocked. She entered, very quietly, as if afraid to disturb the eerie silence. Finally, she saw a man sitting in an armchair, his back turned to her. He was wearing a dark jacket and a black fedora hat. 

“So you’re finally here”, he said. She seemed to recognize the voice, although she couldn’t quite locate it. Was it perhaps someone from her old community?
Then he turned towards her. It was Antoine Huxley-Ehrlich. 

It had been a trap, of course. The idea was to raise her hopes only to crush them, as an additional form of torture, an elaborate cat-and-mouse game. Also, now that she had tried to escape and join a rebel movement, she could be accused of sedition and other charges. She could easily be tried by a military court and condemned to death.

And that was exactly what happened.

She was offered a full pardon in exchange for vaccination, but still she refused. If she had to die, then she might as well die on her own terms. Like Saint Joan or the early Christian martyrs, she’d rather burn at the stake or be thrown to the lions than renege.
They could not convince her to get the “jab”, but they also did not want to turn her into some sort of hero for a cause, even if a crazy and hopeless one. So they decided that the execution would be done in secret, and the official story would be that, since she had refused several times the vaccination, she was never immune to the virus and had finally contracted the disease. 

Today Miranda will be shot. She refused all offers for public announcements of regret and even a last meal. She also refused the blindfold; she did not want anything to cover a single part of her face.
As the executioners raise their rifles, Miranda is not afraid. Her golden hair flutters in the wind, and she looks up at the soldiers with a confident smile. She knows that they can kill her body, but they cannot touch her soul. 

And as she waits for the bullets to slowly arrive, Miranda sings a song that she remembers from her childhood, a song that her mother taught her and perhaps she also sang before she died: 

And when you come and all the flowers are dying
If I am dead, as dead I well may be
You’ll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an Ave there for me.

TE Creus is a writer, translator and filmmaker. He is the author of “Our Pets and Us: The Evolution of a Relationship” and the collection of short stories “The Sphere”. He’s the editor of Contrarium.


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Miranda Kibler
Miranda Kibler
Apr 1, 2021 2:45 PM

My name is Miranda. I’m a musician, and I sing and play Danny Boy on the piano almost every time I practice. This is my plan… HOW. Just, how. I’d love to connect with you and learn more.

Apr 1, 2021 12:12 PM

Highly plausible. With one comment : they wont waste bullets on us. Healthy organs will sell even better in the dystopian world we will live in. If we don’t wake the F*** UP, of course.

Mar 31, 2021 9:42 PM

its great

Tom M
Tom M
Mar 31, 2021 7:08 PM

The problem with this nonsensical story is that we have no idea how many have been or will be killed by any virus. That number is guesswork or created out of thin air for the express purpose of terrorizing people using fear as the means to get them to commit suicide…which is what giving in to the arrogant idiot authorities and their senseless dictates really is.

There is no way to know how many will be murdered by the fake vaccines either. 10% could really be 50% or 5%. The fake vaccines may be like time bombs in that they wreck your immune system (alter your RNA/DNA) and then years down the road some disease comes calling and you no longer have much of an immune system to fight it off with.

This is how people really die in many cases even before the fake pandemic. Cancer evolves as your immune system is overrun over time. The same with many other diseases. The vaccines will probably work the same way and millions could die in the coming years and none of it traceable to the fake vaccines. Just as you usually never know how a disease starts to form in your body.

In the end, everyone dies…even the monsters who thought they could escape death. The same monsters who think they can rule the world…they all die. But there is always the probability of unintended reactions that so many times will come from out of nowhere to wreck the plans of the intellectuals who are so retarded as to not see the smallest wrench go clanking into the gears of their previously immune to disaster machines.

The movie “War of The Worlds” is a great example.

Apr 1, 2021 1:52 AM
Reply to  Tom M

No one ever was killed by any virus. People die from heart attacks, sepsis, pneumonia, and the “treatment”; intubation combined with opioids. No one has isolated SARS CoV-2 to fulfill Koch’s postulates. We do know that our government employees are liars, thieves, and murderers. The point of the story is that our children will suffer from these evil villains. These Gates, and banksters… and Israel… among others.

This story tells of a dystopian society that is happening right now. Obviously its fiction, and not unlike Orwell’s 1984.

Apr 5, 2021 1:45 AM
Reply to  Lochlin

Reminded me strongly or Orwell’s Winston Smith. They always want you to destroy yourself so that they own you.

Patrick Jordan
Patrick Jordan
Mar 31, 2021 4:58 PM
Mar 31, 2021 4:11 PM

Well, I can tell you what people should derive from this piece of fiction, ” what did the supposable 75-125 million patriots actually do in the year 2021? I mean you heard they’re boasting online ALL THE TIME, to each other, but I guess in the end they all were too pussified and like those before them kicked the can down the road. They were scared, of a few thousand in D.C.”

Fred Horn
Fred Horn
Mar 31, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  CPB

So. What are YOU doing?

Mar 31, 2021 3:15 PM

A sad story. We are not, however, obligated to be martyrs. We are Free Men and armed. We may determine our own destiny.

Mark Matis
Mark Matis
Mar 31, 2021 1:04 PM

Why let them shoot YOU without you shooting THEM first???

Your Great Friend Billy
Your Great Friend Billy
Mar 31, 2021 12:52 PM

Welcome to the era of digital slavery, junk science, and storytelling!
For best (and prompt) results get the jab!
Stay vaXXXed (idiots)!

Mar 31, 2021 4:11 AM

Blah……….Actually fighting accomplishes more.

Mar 31, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  llickspittle

Absolutely but COWARDS JUSTIFY a Peaceful approach.There would never have been a REPUBLIC in America if you all thought TALK will convince Psychopathic TYRANTS, as was “KING” George the 3RD.

I would rather DIE, on my FEET FIGHTING the BASTARDS,If I only take out one of them, rather than DIE BEGGING for their Mercy. I will never live under slavery.

I have one advantage, being from an IRISH REBEL FAMILY. 5 MILLION of us died fighting the British, but in the end we WON for OUR REPUBLIC.

I am now 81 years young and still willing to and CAPABLE of, a fight.

Asheber Bekele
Asheber Bekele
Mar 31, 2021 4:19 PM

Bravo. Death is nothing for REAL Christians

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 6:57 PM

As a matter of historical truth, the War of American Independence was merely a tax revolt, with wordsmiths like Jefferson and Franklin, its primary goal to preserve slavery, which was set in motion to end by Lord Mansfield’s 1772 ruling in Somerset v. Stewart to abolish slavery, in GB and the colonies.

Canada didn’t have any slaves to speak of since about 1790, but farther south in the US of A, cotton and tobacco were kings, staples of the fledgling economy, and the wealthy. white. male landowners (them again!) were not about to pay the “tax” of actually offering their slaves any literal free money (here in America, money is about the only thing, now, that is still “free” – if you know how to steal it in enough quantities to escape slavery of one kind or sundry other).

Gerald Horne exposes the historical vines and plotlines in recent scholarship:

“Race to Revolution”

“The Counter-Revolution of 1776″

and intriguingly,

Negro Comrades of the Crown”

…where he documents that most freed blacks fought on the British side.

Seems like they got the word from London.

George III — I blush to say, was only the Colonist’s royal strawman and convenient despot du jour.

As embedded in what MLK called our “Slave Economy” as all these transgenerational injustices have become, it’s no wonder these cultural culprits have been trying to spread their virus everywhere on earth.

Hence a Magic Virus and plandemic.

THEY ….are the deadly virus.

Who else?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 7:28 PM

EDITED AND INTENSIFIED “2ND EDITION of my other (timed out):

As a matter of historical truth, the War of American Independence was merely a tax revolt, with wordsmiths like Jefferson and Franklin adding pretty posies of sophistries, its primary goal to preserve slavery, which was set in motion to end by Lord Mansfield’s 1772 ruling in Somerset v. Stewart to abolish slavery, in GB and the colonies. Almost all of the signers of the Constitution were slave-master plantation owners, hence all its high-sounding subterfuges. That rather proved the premise, of a very right-wing, conservative counter-revolution.

Canada didn’t have any slaves to speak of since about 1790, but farther south in the US of A, cotton and tobacco were kings, staples of the fledgling economy, and the wealthy. white. male. landowners. (them again!) were not about to pay the “tax” of actually offering their slaves any literal free money in the form of –gasp– wages!
(here in America, money is about the only thing, now, that is still “free” – if you know how to steal it in enough quantities to escape a slavery of one kind or sundry other).

Gerald Horne exposes the big lie and all its endless PR canards, of historical vines and plotlines, in recent scholarship:

“Race to Revolution”

“The Counter-Revolution of 1776”

and intriguingly,

“Negro Comrades of the Crown”

…where he documents that most all freed blacks fought on the British side. Lots of Native Americans too!

Seems like they “got the word” from London 1772.

George III — I blush to say, was only the Colonist’s royal strawman and convenient despot du jour.

As embedded in what MLK called our “Slave Economy” as all these transgenerational injustices have become, it’s no wonder these cultural culprits have been trying to spread their viruses everywhere on earth.

Hence now a Magic Virus and plandemic. Just one more vehicle of weaponized oppression.

EXHIBIT A: Half a million USA corona graves, compared to Japan’s 9,000 and Venezuelan 1555. Among near endless others?
(What, the virus kills selectively? Mutants and variants with a strictly anti-American vengeance?)

EXHIBIT B: USA, while only 4+% of the global population, has managed to jail its 20% of the world’s prisoners, and bury its 20+% of world corona1984 “deaths”.

EXHIBIT C: Untested vaccines by chronic perps and known felons Pfizer ($2.9 BILLION damages 2009) and Johnson & Johnson ($29 billion –no decimal points– in 2020) and your usual suspect gangs of FDA scofflaws, world-class tax dodgers, and other serial snake oil salesmen cum masked bandits of the Wild West.

THEY ….are the deadly virus. You can’t ask for a worse combination.

Who else? Benedict Arnold?! LOLx2021.

Apr 4, 2021 12:53 AM

Good man, when these parasites kick down my door I will hopefully take one of the uninvited & unwelcome vermin with me too. If everyone of a like mind did this then very soon the job of low IQ government thug would become very unappealing whatever extorted wage they were offering them.

Mar 31, 2021 2:14 AM

Herd Immunity

comment image

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Mar 31, 2021 12:37 PM
Reply to  LeaveMeAlone

I go for untermensch myself. No herd for me. Unteralles für immer.

Mar 31, 2021 1:06 AM

This is going to be a reality
This is no joke but becoming a reality
Punto Uno: Vaccine passports
PUNTO DUe. No vax no job no registration no existence no bank account no life.
Bracket creep mandates . Its only been 12 months initially the narrative was the R number reduction reducing the possible deaths. Then it was all about the cases of Corona Beer reducing the number of cases( All based on 35 cycle spin o rt PCR tests).
THen once everybody gets the vax and changing and deceptively using terms like herd immunity from vaccination.
Then they said no we will not issue any type of passports or it will all be voluntary if one gets vaccinated or not.
Hence bracket creep totalitarianism.
POST SCRIPTUM:Never before in history in western society we have more so called educated people and all of them are being herded like lambs to the slaughter with there g-strings on their faces and their vaccine certificates.

Andy Rooney
Andy Rooney
Mar 31, 2021 12:55 AM

Absolutely brilliant and likely prophetic article. Well done.

Mar 31, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Andy Rooney

I feel the same way. However, there is a possibility that Miranda will survive, prosper and have a big beautiful family, while her tormenters will be dying slowly from bloody diarrhea.

Mar 31, 2021 12:14 AM

Sadly i honestly believe this is “our” future here in the natoland(s).

Mar 30, 2021 6:57 PM

“Yes, there had been a final death rate of 10% among the vaccinated, but this was mostly among the elderly or the already ill, so it was probably not the vaccine’s fault”

So in this fictional universe, a vaccine was made that was somehow 10 times more dangerous than the virus itself, in spite of containing nothing in it that wasn’t present in the virus itself, and besides it got approved worldwide.

Whoever made the vaccine in this fictional universe has a talent for promoting evil comparable only to the writer of this fiction.

Auntie Vyris
Auntie Vyris
Mar 30, 2021 8:00 PM
Reply to  Doly

Creating and promoting evil, yes. And I would be surprised if ends up only being 10%.

Mar 31, 2021 4:36 AM
Reply to  Doly

I mean, it’s an mRNA “vaccine” that hasn’t been fully tested on humans and you’re insinuating the writer is evil? Ok.

Mar 31, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  Doly

^ sheep

Mar 31, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  Doly

Wasn’t Dolly the name of that cloned sheep a while back? Coincidence? I think not;)

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Doly

Nodding off during the past year’s narrative, were we?

Mar 30, 2021 5:18 PM

GERMAPHOBIA=New World Religion
Black magic= the “science” of deception.
“The Matrix is a system”; a system of belief.
“Artificial intelligence” is an oxymoron.

Mar 30, 2021 5:09 PM


Mar 30, 2021 4:15 PM

A good story but a tear jerker .I sometimes think that this could be where we are all heading headlong into dystopia .

Mar 30, 2021 3:30 PM

Wow…that was depressing! ….. I was just now writing a letter to the big politicians here about their covid vaxx coercions to convince them otherwise. And I thought that I’ll wait till tomorrow and read it back again one more time before I send it. Then stumbled across this story. Now I’m thinking maybe I better retract my name from it first and send it anonymously. Maybe I don’t want them taking an “interest” in me. Is it too late for open debate already?

Mar 30, 2021 5:56 PM
Reply to  DDT

It is almost too late.

Mar 31, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  DDT

It is why I use a PSEUDONYM. 2 of my “associates” died strange deaths back in teh 80’s

Apr 3, 2021 12:56 AM
Reply to  DDT

They will have your fingerprints.

Mar 30, 2021 3:26 PM

So the vaccine killed a lot more than the virus.

Mar 30, 2021 2:28 PM

Great work. V for vendetta + 1984 + Koinonia farm. The next installment should flesh the story out with more on the history of the disease, the propaganda, the farm, the value structure of the non-vaxers, the fake vaccine passport underground workshops, etc.

Semper Fi
Semper Fi
Mar 30, 2021 2:28 PM

It a good story, however- Revelation 13:16-18 would be more accurate.

BTW – Bill Gates III = 666 in ASCII

Mar 30, 2021 12:46 PM

Excellent! soon or later we gonna be part of this role. They can kill the messenger but not the message….

Mar 30, 2021 12:35 PM

The article is a 1984 sketch. Orwell painted the Crucifixion of life’s degradation and denial under the stamp of fear given power, as a past made to substitute for presence. But looking at the problem without truly addressing it, is to push it outside under abnegation of responsibility to mindless systemic protection rackets, which then ‘invade or violate’ a caged mind as filthy and starving rats coming home to roost!

Orwell could set room 101 as the particular terror symbols to the personal profile of the mind that thought to step outside of fear’s dictate.

The living symbol of Jesus holds the awareness of the release of the body as a limit or distance, to the Field of which life truly is. That this realigns, reintegrates and heals, is also the release of the idea of death, to the recognition as the Field that can only be known by yielding to an expansive embrace that of itself extends or communicates. If we do not practice in the ‘evils’ or irritations and challenges of the day thereof, will be have a pathway of heart response through which to abide and align in living expressions of resolving conflict so as to free creative endeavour – which is never more or less then being truly moved, each in our individual and common inspirations and themes of unfolding interest.

I don’t invoke Jesus as an external authority, but as an example. Fear makes ‘special’ to distance and mask in narrative dictate, and so will always interpret its own self-reinforcement by masking in the virtues as a means to persist the sacrifice of love to the protection of fear-in-hiding.

This post continued from the flow of another below or at:

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
Apr 3, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  Binra

I’d like to curb stomp your dot head pie hole. Pray to whatever demon you worship that you never meet me.

Apr 3, 2021 12:47 PM
Reply to  Ohio Guy

Demonic possession robs all sense of worth to set the mind as insatiable hatred.
True desire IS prayer – why ask for what is hateful as if to prove love dead?

Mar 30, 2021 12:21 PM

Pfizer macht frei.

Onward ever faster to Ouchwitz, mein schnucki$.

Same as it ever waZ.

Love and peace to all good souls and free thinkers.
Over my dead body will the transmutant retards get their filthy poison to contaminate my “precious bodily fluids”.

The farce has become “reality” for the living dead around us.

Triple I
Triple I
Mar 30, 2021 11:44 AM

Good short read, probably prophetic. In the last year I can’t believe how open and in your face the propaganda media is, and how readily people want to believe everything they say. They won’t even allow questions or discussion and they’ll fight to defend what they believe to be the gospel truth from the media. It’s accelerating so fast I won’t be surprised if the world has many similarities to this story by 2030.

T Creus
T Creus
Mar 30, 2021 8:44 AM

Hello, thanks to all the readers for all the nice comments, I am glad that (most) people enjoyed the story. This is just a cautionary tale which, I hope, will not really happen… 😀 For those interested in more, you can check the book with other short stories and our literary magazine at our site. Happy Easter to all!!!

Mar 30, 2021 1:20 PM
Reply to  T Creus

Go on, write an ‘Easter version’ of your nightmare scenario! 😉
What might that be and can it even be set in the archetypal conflicts of a narrative structure?
I ask because there is a sense in which the mind set in narrative definitions is ‘entranced’ or spellbound to its own telling.

I read that the original term ‘nice’ was an engineering term for a perfect fit. (?) But in current use often means niceties of social masking.

Nice stories can be anodyne or lacking depth, but the darkness or threat element serves not to make it ‘real’ but as the adversary or adversity by which a greater reality is touched – even if the protagonist dies or the ’cause is lost’ – because its inspiration is in the human Spirit – of which one creative potential is our developing and unfolding of themes and stories.

A teacher once told me it is better to simply say ‘simply do this’ to one who is learning of life, than to expound on what must not be done or else – such as to weight the life-aligning in a context of negative conditioning.

Aligning in love of life is withdrawing energy and attention from fear and control.

I read of a sect in Asia (India?) who held vaccination to be against their religion or shared way of being. The state set mandatory vax and raided the community of ‘refusal to comply’ in the middle of the night using armed force. The people resisted but were overwhelmed and forcibly injected. The elders of the community immediately called for tea to be made for the ‘guests’. On being questioned (by one of the enforcers) the elder replied, “just because we were unable to fulfil our religion in one regard does not mean we shall throw our traditions away! And our traditions call us to honour our guest!”.

To live our No! in spirit, to the false usurping of authority, and hold our decision, is not about what the apparent form of outcome, but a true gift to ourselves. In this gift shared, is the freedom from shame and guilt, hate and grievance, that plays a significant role in all manner of ‘disease’ conditions.

Another way of seeing this is that we have to live with the consequences of our decisions, and the temptation to blame others for our choices, or hide our choices as ‘they made me do it!’ is not a freedom from consequences, but a lockdown into a narrative dictate enforced by shame, inadequacy or rejection, abandonment, denial and betrayal.
All the consequences are then played out in the narrative displacement that scapegoats or attacks it own projections as if whack a mole is the purpose or meaning of of living.

What can such a mind expect but to be whacked back? Life cant get a word in.
A story can unfold the conditions for the reflection and recognition of the Spirit.
Or it can use the wish and the hope of symbolic substitutions as a foil for the triumph of evil as the true power over what then must be an evil and insane delusion of a life set in cynicism as if to align existentially with destruction as the means and nature of existence. Or ‘death cult’.

Mar 31, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Binra

Are you simply INTELLECTUALIZING your FEAR, with the hope of FALSELY convincing yourself and others that you are Heroic???

Apr 1, 2021 2:50 PM

No. That would be a narrative dissociation within fear.
Which is the nature of the displaced and masked fear cast out as props and personae.
Watch your thought and emotional results, rather than letting them run unseen.
How would a false conviction deliver from fear?
It cannot, but can blind you in the conviction your are right – but always set against wrong in another, who becomes the symbol of your fear, hate or denial. For sure the ego is the capacity to phish a false identity but this cannot be and share love. Perhaps you set fear as the truth and power to ‘overcome’. I choose love as the truth and power that reveals itself to the willingness to be with.

Aligning in the heart is a love of truth, not a heroic narrative.
I write from observation of thought to a similar recognition.

I do not engage in processes of intellectual analysis.
But look at what runs beneath.
Imaged idol and symbol runs a mind lost to its own projected reflection.
But we call that ‘my life’.

Heroic was originally associated with prodigious deeds gaining fame, glory and power. I resonate with Jesus, in the release of self-seeking power to bolster a lack of immunity against fear, to a truly Free Spirit. And no less to that same quality in everyone, in any moment. But insofar as the personality level is experience in its own terms, we all seek and find the courage and the willingness to abide in the heart regardless temptations or habits of the attempt to hide, mask, distance, lockdown, and protect the mask from exposure (as a falsely derived authority or identity) by mutually reinforcing attack of a willingness to join in hate as ‘social justice warriors’.

If you have more than a personal provocation, show your substance.
I am open and willing to discuss ‘intellectual or rational evasion of fear, hope set in false conviction of self and others, that runs archetypal patterns of a broken world seeking heroic victory over hated and denial set in defeat’.

But this observable pattern is a self reinforcing recycle of lack and fear in pain of loss. Forever chasing the carrot and running or hiding from the stick.
Can you shift from a merely personal reaction to a willingness to grow and learn of life anew? Or rather, will you?

To see the pattern is not to get a better handle on life within an old habit of thought and reaction, but to live from a new appreciation. Our thought system serves our own unfolding experience of life. But nearly all of that is hidden by a tiny fragment set in masking persona.

Fantasies of vengeance set by a past made in anger, runs as a re-versioning of ‘adjusted reality’ in the human imagination derived from judgement. I used the term dissociation. Beneath the rationalising layer of masking defence is the identity in image, symbol and concept, that covers, carpets and blinds direct awareness and lived appreciation of the free spirit within, that cannot really be lost, so much as lost sight of under false self conviction running as an armoured usurping Self attack. You do not create your aware existence. So everything you have made from such a mind is unreal, or rather, has only the reality you give it now, but never less that that. Therefore watch your thought and emotional result so as to know your purpose. If you desire to know freedom to be all that you are.

Fear is not what we mask it to be.

Mar 30, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  T Creus

While your style is good, the story is unrealistically romantic in that is offers nothing useful to the reader respective to our present predicterment.

You do realize that after a year that began with a 15 day pause, vaccine passports are being normalized in order to participate in the new normal society.

Ntl, I do respect your coming out to say hello!

Mar 31, 2021 12:16 AM
Reply to  T Creus

you made my day a little better.

Mar 30, 2021 4:06 AM

Amish. No vaccines, no diseases. No modern methods of agriculture.

Mar 30, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Glenda

IIRC they’ve had governmenr planners and big agri corps reach out to them for consulting, trying to figure iut how they manage to be so productive and efficient.

I think a huge huge part really is just the fact that kids and young people in Amish communities end up being mentored by the adults around them in many different ways, they don’t waste over a decade of their formative years being indoctrinated on how to be unimaginative, compliant, quiet, obedient… They learn skills and concepts in the context of the real world, from adults and older kids that care about them – not out of context on a blackboard to be recited back to an authority figure who’s primary mandate is to keep the kids stuck in their seats and quiet.

I’ve been reading John Taylor Gotto and it’s been eye-opening; if we have to wonder why the population has been so easily manipulated by sociopaths, a huge chunk of the blame should be placed on compulsory government schooling. It’s designed to produce helpless gullible fools with an unshakable admiration for authority.

Mar 31, 2021 12:05 PM
Reply to  AJ_Nock

The Amish know the “government planners and big agri corps” are not there to help them.

Pam Guy
Pam Guy
Mar 31, 2021 6:59 PM
Reply to  AJ_Nock

That’s why I tell my grandkids to not believe everything they are told by their teachers and to question everything! In the last 20+ years there has been a lot of brainwashing going on snd teachers taking the place of parents! With both parents working they’ve been happy to let go if their responsibilities because they are too exhausted to be bothered. Add to that the push by marketers and the media to have the big house the fancy car overseas holidays all in the never never and you have a recipe for disaster. Let’s wait to see what happens when interest rates start to creep up and hear them all bleating because they’ve over stretched themselves! It’s coming 100 miles an hour!

Mar 30, 2021 12:23 PM
Reply to  Glenda

No Teeeeeee Veeeeeeeee and no guberment mind kontrol skool$.
No wonder

Mar 31, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  Malatok

“GOVERNMENT”, a word derived from Latin meaning “MIND CONTROL”

Mar 31, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  Glenda

They do have diseases.
They also are not entirely self reliant

Mar 31, 2021 1:18 PM
Reply to  Raven

Evidence please

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 30, 2021 2:07 AM

“And I shall hear
Though soft you tread above me…
And all my grave will warmer, sweeter be,
For you will bend
And tell me that you love me,
And I will sleep in peace until you come to me.”

HA! I busked that song at the Newport Beach Pier, a thousand times over a 5 year span span if I sang it once, from 2015…

UNTIL the Magic Virus came.

Now I think I shall croon it, soon.


Meanwhile, Michael Chossudovsky reports at globalresearch.ca that Johnson & Johnson, this barely mentioned in recent news, is going to pay out $29 BILLION in settlements, largest court judgement in history.

And then there’s Pfizer, convicted in 2009 on criminal charges, costing them almost $3 billion.

Pillars of probity, for world vaxxes!?

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 30, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

We went through battles for years at the creek that runs through our community at Laguna Woods, protesting their property managers’ use of ‘Roundup”. Hellacious poison, you can smell it after grass mowing, just dreadful.

Almost nobody believed us then either, how sickening that stuff is.

That campaign started 20 years ago.

Now the truth about it is finally out.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 30, 2021 3:25 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Excerpt from Wikipedia entry on “Roundup” buried at the bottom under header “Legal” (?):

As of October 30, 2019, there were over 42,000 plaintiffs who said that glyphosate herbicides caused their cancer.[33] After the IARC classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans”[21] in 2015, many state and federal lawsuits were filed in the United States. Early on, over 300 of them were consolidated into a multidistrict litigation called In re: RoundUp Products Liability.[34]

On 10 August 2018, Dewayne Johnson, who has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, was awarded $289 million in damages (later cut to $78 million on appeal[35] then reduced to $21 million after another appeal[36]) after a jury in San Francisco found that Monsanto had failed to adequately warn consumers of cancer risks posed by the herbicide.[37][38] Johnson had routinely used two different glyphosate formulations in his work as a groundskeeper, RoundUp and another Monsanto product called Ranger Pro.[39][40][full citation needed] The jury’s verdict addressed the question of whether Monsanto knowingly failed to warn consumers that RoundUp could be harmful, but not whether RoundUp causes cancer.[41] Court documents from the case show the company’s efforts to influence scientific research via ghostwriting.[42]

In January 2019, Costco decided to stop carrying Roundup or other glyphosate-based herbicides. The decision was reportedly influenced in part by the public court cases.[43]

In March 2019, a man was awarded $80 million (later cut to $26 million on appeal[44]) in a lawsuit claiming Roundup was a substantial factor in his cancer.[45][46] U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria stated that a punitive award was appropriate because the evidence “easily supported a conclusion that Monsanto was more concerned with tamping down safety inquiries and manipulating public opinion than it was with ensuring its product is safe.” Chhabria stated that there was evidence on both sides as to whether glyphosate causes cancer, and that the behavior of Monsanto showed “a lack of concern about the risk that its product might be carcinogenic.”[44]

On 13 May 2019 a jury in California ordered Bayer to pay a couple $2 billion in damages (later cut to $87 million on appeal[47]) after finding that the company had failed to adequately inform consumers of the possible carcinogenicity of Roundup.[48] On 19 December 2019, it was announced that Timothy Litzenburg, the lawyer for the RoundUp Virginia plaintiffs had been charged with extortion after offering to stop searching for more plaintiffs if he was paid a $200 million consulting fee by Bayer and Monsanto.[49][50][51]

In June 2020, Bayer agreed to settle over a hundred thousand Roundup lawsuits, agreeing to pay $8.8 to $9.6 billion to settle those claims, and $1.5 billion for any future claims. The settlement does not include three cases that have already gone to jury trials and are being appealed.

Mar 30, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

The concoctions are called FCG: formulations containing plyphosate. In a parallel to the case of vaccines, some of the “adjuvants” in it may be worse than glyphosate itself.

Mar 30, 2021 12:29 AM

Just watched this inspiring and hopeful video for the darkness that surrounds us today


Mar 29, 2021 11:43 PM

This idea that you have to be willing to take the jab is interesting because it is enshrined in the UK law that rolling up your sleeve willingly to get a jab constitutes consent. It’s also a satanic precept, I believe, that coercing someone to take of their own free will, for example, a substance containing cells from an aborted foetus means that they have unwittingly taken a step towards becoming a satanist. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

East European Alien
East European Alien
Apr 1, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  Jos

Jos, not only aborted foetus, but tortured at the same time. There are evidences that to be able to grow any viruses on those type of cells, they need to be harvested while “the patient” is still alive.

To call them “beasts” is not describing enough what these people are.

Mar 29, 2021 10:59 PM

I would be Miranda.

my parents said know
my parents said know
Mar 30, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  Martha

If I were to have been Miranda, I would not have gone to the pre-destination. I knew Antoine was going to be there.

Mar 29, 2021 10:18 PM

If “rural communities living off the grid” pose enough threat of a good example in the dystopian future imagined here, they will prove even less difficult to trace and track down than at present with the expansion of the surveillance state via means like drone and satellite networks (thanks, Elon, for helping make the world more ‘secure’). And there won’t be any need to arrest any recalcitrants let alone their leaders thanks to ‘vaccine’ (aka bioweapon) delivery methods from aerosols to insects. Just let out a swarm of nanoengineered mosquitoes, compliments of Bill and Melinda’s humanitarianism, and problem solved. As for their organic refuges, by that time delivery of terminator seeds among the chem trails for geoengineering may be just the ticket. Medical apartheid of the vaxxed and unvaxxed is a way station toward the “final solution” (Doktor Bill).

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Mar 30, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  niko

Quite. Or perhaps spray their crops with something that will kill them.

Warren V. DeCee
Warren V. DeCee
Mar 31, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  niko

GMO pollen, spread by the wind, is already a problem for growers of organic crops. So far, I am not aware of any organic farmers having been sued for being illegally in possession of proprietary GMO crops, their organic crops having been pollinated by GMO pollen spread by the wind.

Mar 29, 2021 10:13 PM

Covid 1984 a little bit further into the future. I hope it will not come to this, but I agree, they can take your body, but they cannot take your soul.

Mar 29, 2021 10:52 PM
Reply to  Cloudster

“I hope it will not come to this, but I agree, they can take your body, but they cannot take your soul.”

No, they can’t have your body either. You should kinda uhm, think about what you’re saying there. It’s not a good projection.

Mar 29, 2021 10:11 PM

It’s a shame she hadn’t read about Charles 1. I have and my ending takes a different path, miles from that door.

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 29, 2021 9:52 PM

Good article. RIP brave Miranda.

lynette cracknell chaplin
lynette cracknell chaplin
Mar 29, 2021 9:52 PM

the swab kits are sterilised with ethylene oxide which is carcinogenic..

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 29, 2021 9:26 PM

Watch out – those germs are everywhere!

“Research has shown even after flushing many times, a toilet can continue to emit contaminants into the air. In other words, a person infected with a virus could be spreading these germs for several hours after visiting the bathroom.


Mar 30, 2021 4:26 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Hope this was sarcasm. because if anyone believes this they are truly walking dead,,, there has been germs in toilets since they were invented, no one got sick.
Human, animals, vegitation are all made up of many things including virus/s,,, if Virus were ever contagious, the humans, animals, and vegetation would have been destroyed on day one of year dot…
ALSO ABC is not a font of facts or accuracey

ALSO if the “VIRUS’ was so contagious, were are the biohazard bins for the masks, gloves etc and why are they all going into land fill>

Mar 30, 2021 6:02 AM
Reply to  janina

Thank you Janina. More proof their is no pandemic.

Like all cause mortality being the same in Canada for the last 5 years…

And if there is a deadly pandemic why did Canada admit 184,000 non-Canadians in 2020?
That’s not a closed border. That’s a wide. open. border.


Mar 30, 2021 12:26 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Oh dear a covaids cult mutant. They’re here tooooooooooooooo!

Mar 31, 2021 12:22 AM
Reply to  May Hem

use ur brain just for a few seconds, or just carry on living life as a zombie🤷‍♂️
but that you believed that ur link meant something speaks volumes about youas a human, if you dont believe it but still posted it, it says even more about you…

May Hem
May Hem
Mar 31, 2021 11:38 AM
Reply to  Per/Norway

It was meant as a humorous, sarcastic remark, showing how ridiculous our mainstream media is here in Australia.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 5:44 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Maybe we should tent all public places, worldwide, as you do for termites. We can’t be too careful, we might contaminate the galaxy, or at least a light-month, in every direction.

You never know, given their covidRules “logic” and closures lo these past 13 months, that may be in the Covid 3 month forecast for the next waves of lockdowns.

And They said Howard Hughes was OCD!

Mar 29, 2021 9:24 PM

Guess the number of countries that the Republic of Ireland has on its list where quarantine is required? Clue: it’s not 32 nor 34.


Mar 29, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Is it 47?

Mar 29, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige


kabala cabal whatever way you spell babylon

Mar 29, 2021 8:55 PM

The latest report from Rense.com is that there is “absolute proof that Covid” Test” Kit nasal swabs are loaded with NANOFIBRES that will go into the brain and body. The test kit is called Covid-19 Antigen Test Cassette with GICA and TESTSEALABS on the test kit package. The fibres called “worms” were identified by light Microscopy.

Mar 29, 2021 8:59 PM
Reply to  -CO

Can anyone else corroborate this??

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  -CO

Nanofibres are also in the masks people are wearing, with results potentially similar to exposure to asbestos!


Inhaling tiny fibres made by the nanotechnology industry could cause similar health problems to asbestos, say researchers.
Some are similar in shape to asbestos fibres, which have caused lung cancers such as mesothelioma.
Research on mice, published in Toxicology Sciences, suggests the longer nanofibres are more dangerous.
Human and mouse lungs are different, but the researchers hope the study will help to design safer nanofibres.
Nanofibres are in a range of goods, from aeroplane wings to tennis rackets.
Ken Donaldson, professor of respiratory toxicology at the University of Edinburgh, said: “Concern has been expressed that new kinds of nanofibres being made by nanotechnology industries might pose a risk because they have a similar shape to asbestos.”
Silver nanofibres of varying lengths were injected into the lungs of mice.
Those larger than five micrometres, or five-thousandths of a millimetre, tended to become lodged in the lungs and cause inflammation. The smaller ones were cleared from the lungs.
SafetyProf Donaldson said: “We knew that long fibres, compared with shorter fibres, could cause tumours, but until now we did not know the cut-off length at which this happened.
“Knowing the length beyond which the tiny fibres can cause disease is important in ensuring that safe fibres are made in the future as well as helping to understand the current risk from asbestos and other fibres.”
Prof Stephen Spiro, from the British Lung Foundation, said cases of mesothelioma had almost quadrupled in the past 30 years because of asbestos.
He added: “This research is particularly interesting as it gives us an indication of the size of fibre that might lead to mesothelioma if inhaled.
“If confirmed by subsequent studies, this minimum fibre length can be cited in industry guidelines to help ensure people are not exposed to the sorts of fibres that may lead to such deadly diseases.”

Mar 29, 2021 10:05 PM

Reset the Diaboligarchy,

I would suggest a Straight Jacket and a Padded cell for you. You might get over it. Electro Convulsive Thererapy might work for you too.

Or just stop smoking and taking the pills.

You should get better – but that is up to you.

Have you got a friend?


John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Look who’s talkin

Mar 29, 2021 10:41 PM

Thanks Reset. We seem to have opened up another can of worms in this Covid fiasco. The fibres observed in the Video on the Rense site appeared to be the long nanofibres -the dangerous type that can potentially cause problems as you state.
The question is are they biodegradable in the body? If not, they can, if nothing else, act as toxic foci by creating disturbance fields which can have deleterious pathophysiological effects in the body.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 9:18 PM
Reply to  -CO


Following the COVID-19 outbreak, swabs for biological specimen collection were thrust to the forefront of healthcare materials. Swab sample collection and recovery are vital for reducing false negative diagnostic tests, early detection of pathogens, and harvesting DNA from limited biological samples. In this study, we report a new class of nanofiber swabs tipped with hierarchical 3D nanofiber objects produced by expanding electrospun membranes with a solids-of-revolution-inspired gas foaming technique. Nanofiber swabs significantly improve absorption and release of proteins, cells, bacteria, DNA, and viruses from solutions and surfaces. Implementation of nanofiber swabs in SARS-CoV-2 detection reduces the false negative rates at two viral concentrations and identifies SARS-CoV-2 at a 10× lower viral concentration compared to flocked and cotton swabs. The nanofiber swabs show great promise in improving test sensitivity, potentially leading to timely and accurate diagnosis of many diseases.

les online
les online
Mar 29, 2021 9:47 PM

I read that the microplastics used in those facemasks can break off and become lodged in the lungs…It’s easy to guess such could result in lung
diseas like asbestosis…
I also read “microplastics used in the manufacturing of Covid face masks contain a number of chemicals, including the penis-shrinking phthlates…But
it was reading about the chemicals used to sanitise the masks that stopped me from wearing one…

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  les online

I also read “microplastics used in the manufacturing of Covid face masks contain a number of chemicals, including the penis-shrinking phthlates

Hey, broadcasting that fact might be one way to get guys, at least, to stop wearing those idiotic compliance-symbols.

comment image

Mar 29, 2021 11:07 PM

Alas, if they’re wearing one of those, there may not be any genitalia to begin with..

Mar 30, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Shrunk Penis Covidians – has a certain ring to it

Mar 30, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  Corarden

We can call them SPCs for short, as our own OG generated acronym

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Corarden

It’s the New Boy Band handle

Mar 29, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  les online

Hi Les, in my reply to Reset, I mentioned toxic foci. A focus is defined as insoluble material in the matrix (ECM) that is not biodegradable which can cause a disturbance in the body’s energy field either locally or remotely. In other words it can produce toxic effects in the body and interfere with organ and tissue functions. Phthalates are biodegradable but toxic as you state but unfortunately some plastic particles are not and can cause disturbance if they cannot be detoxified and eliminated from the body.

Mar 29, 2021 10:24 PM

Follow the science. I just hope the Vivisectors Ball isn’t cancelled again this year.

Perry Mason
Perry Mason
Mar 31, 2021 12:52 PM

This, of course, is in the face of the settled science that PCR tests at high cycle thresholds (or any standard threshold) are filled with false POSITIVES, not negatives, if the disease is not widespread.

It never was widespread. They assumed a fact not in evidence in order to goose the case numbers and collect more samples. If the virus travels by spit, they should be able to find it easily in spit of the infected. Of course they cannot.

Mar 29, 2021 10:18 PM
Reply to  -CO

Yesterday was a “worm” moon, according to some girls.

I noticed a lot of bullshit back then.

Mar 29, 2021 11:04 PM

Yes, that too. Bullshit baffles brains! But what’s your take on the “worms” metaphorically speaking of course!

Mar 30, 2021 7:02 AM
Reply to  -CO

Well, I guess, hiveminded infection, as well as taunting anyone with an actual penis?

Mar 30, 2021 5:44 AM
Reply to  -CO

The term nano for a fiber or particle refer to sizes that would not be visible, they are too small, under light microscopy. Typically electron microscopes, SEM and TEM , are used for viewing nano particles.

Nano technology is currently used and pervasive in all kinds of products and industries. It is very likely incorporated into masks, swabs and such. And certainly larger carcinogenic fibers would be viewable under an optical, or light microscope.

Mar 30, 2021 10:37 AM
Reply to  fame

Yes I agree. However, I think what was meant was that the long fibres seen under light Microscopy were woven out of a sufficient number of smaller nanofibres to get the thickness and length to make their observation possible. I could be wrong, but it doesn’t alter the fact that weird fibres were observed in the nasal swabs that should NOT have been in them.

Mar 30, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  fame

They could also be Morgellons fibres which are observable and look very much like them if you compare them with photographs – but I am only speculating here.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Mar 29, 2021 8:51 PM

Good story, I’d prefer a happier ending but that may not be realistic under the circumstances.

Mar 29, 2021 9:54 PM

I don’t think the story is over

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 31, 2021 5:49 PM
Reply to  Magnus

Barely begun…

Mar 29, 2021 8:39 PM

some of Big Pharma.Lawsuit/Settlements

  • GlaxoSmithKline, $3 billion. Drugs: Paxil, Wellbutrin, Avandia. …
  • Pfizer, $2.3 billion. Drugs: Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, Lyrica. …
  • Johnson & Johnson, $2.2 billion. Drugs: Risperdal, Invega, Natrecor. …
  • Abbott, $1.5 billion. Drug: Depakote. …
  • Eli Lilly, $1.42 billion. …
  • Merck, $950 million. …
  • Amgen, $762 million. …
  • AstraZeneca, $520 million.

and today French Pharma giant – Servier
Found Guilty of Manslaughter and Deception over Deadly Drug


and as of these Convid “vaccines” – on the simplest, most obvious of levels – they, are experimental and unlicensed, the kind of which has never before been approved, and as the Pharma companies admit, are still under Trial.
So,with that, Pharma history, and the history of the Governments promoting them , I don’t see how anyone of right mind would willingly accept the risk…and that so many have and are, is of the gravest concern.

Mar 29, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Here’s a clue or two for you.


99% paper. Their “value” from derivatives, leveraging, tax, levy and your birth certificates/bonds, enabled by fraudulent governance and your belief, support, delegation, voting and such.

Mar 29, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

That’s why the lockdowns won’t stop. They can only continue jabbing while the state of emergency goes on.

Mar 29, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Emergency Authorisation ends with the end of the State of Emergency.

Only millions of brain dead idiots would continue to submit to a state of emergency going on over a year…

Mar 29, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Well that’s it…….they haven’t been TOLD. I don’t think the brains are dead, just somehow short circuited. I know mine’s fogged a lot of the time.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Mar 30, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  Doctortrinate

Chossudovsky reports a recent $29 billion award against Johnson & Johnson, largest in history.

Mar 29, 2021 8:34 PM
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 8:25 PM

From another piece by Craig Holdrege:

(Full article here: https://www.natureinstitute.org/article/craig-holdrege/viruses-in-the-dynamics-of-life)

An important first step for adequate understanding is to distinguish between the virus as an organized body—the virion—and the life cycle or doings of the virus within the host organism— the virus as process.12 Imaging techniques today lead us to picture viruses, and substances such as proteins or DNA, as solid, clearly bounded entities. The virion we picture is a static, solid entity devoid of all fluidity. As far as we know, virions are spread passively—via fluids, the air, or direct contact—from one organism to another. But as soon as the infection process begins, the presence of the virus in the organism comes to expression as activity; entering the host cell and replicating involve the virus as a doing. In its doings the virus is an ongoing process in which organized material states are being created and transformed.
The response of an organism to these doings brings about what we call the infectious disease. Infection is not a one-way street. It is an interaction between viral process and processes integral to the organism. For example, if a virus is to enter a cell, it needs to bind to a host organism receptor on the cell’s surface. In the case of coronaviruses—as far as is understood today—the virus’s spike protein binds the virus to a specific type of host cell receptor (ACE2). Then the spike protein is transformed by host enzymes so that the viral envelope and the cell’s membrane can fuse, allowing the virion to release its RNA into the cell. Which cells are infected is specific to both the virus and the host organism.
The replication of a virus in cells calls forth immune responses from the host organism. Symptoms of an infectious disease such as fever and inflammation are the body’s whole organism response to the virus and not the independent doings of the virus. A person’s body can “over-respond” to the infection and thereby stimulate the inflammatory process that destroys its own tissues, which in the case of COVID-19 can happen with the respiratory tissues of those individuals who become critically ill.
However, even the proliferation of virions within a person does not mean the person will become ill. With COVID-19, many people harbor reproducing viruses, but show no symptoms.13 The broad spectrum between no symptoms and extreme responses that can lead to death, shows how dependent the effects of infection are on the host environment. These great differences in the way people respond and interact with the virus present a great riddle.
It is surprising for most of us to learn that viruses are also inhabitants of our organisms throughout life—and not only when we have a viral illness. Today there are at least ten types of viruses that are continually present in cells of most people on earth and many more types that fewer people carry.14 In some instances, such as chicken pox, the virus is initially connected with the outbreak of an infectious disease and then resides in certain types of cells for the rest of life. With other types of viruses there are no symptoms at all (e.g. adeno-associated virus, anellovirus) or only occasionally in immunocompromised individuals (e.g. polyomaviruses). In the case of the asymptomatic annellovirus, it has been estimated that a billion virions are replaced daily. Human feces contain up to a billion virions of different types per gram.15
In a review of virus-host interactions, microbiologist Ken Cadwell concludes that the adverse or beneficial effects of viruses “are dependent on the anatomical location, host genotype, and the presence of other infectious agents and commensal microbes. It is often the context that determines whether a virus is deleterious, neutral or beneficial to the host.”16
To consider viruses as the causes of diseases is an oversimplification. As immunologist Herbert Virgin and colleagues point out, there is always a reciprocal relation between virus and host. For example, when people have genetic variations or mutations that predispose them to reacting to viruses that otherwise are rarely implicated in a disease, “in a real sense, the genes in the host “cause” the disease, as the viruses can infect many but cause disease in only a few.”17
Viral disease is a mutual interaction between the host organism and the virus. It would be much more fruitful to speak of the virus as a necessary condition for certain diseases, just as a predisposition in the host organism is a necessary condition. The use of the term “cause” in medicine, and in biology more generally, is misleading and would be best to avoid altogether. It suggests that the one specific entity is making something happen—“this causes that.” But in life, what people call the cause is always embedded in a context, and in interplay with this context the effect arises. In life there are only reciprocal relations.
Increasingly scientists have been discovering in bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, and humans viruses that are helpful rather than harmful.18 For example, among the viruses that infect bacteria, called bacteriophages, there are some that adhere to the mucus layer in the gut and then infect and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Bacteriophages in our gut form the bulk of viruses that humans harbor, and they differ from individual to individual.

Mar 30, 2021 11:24 AM

Hi Reset, there is no evidence that alleged VIRUSES per se infect bacteria. Why? Because virologists modelled the concept of ALLEGED viruses on organisms called ‘phages’ which appeared to be bacterial parasites. But, viruses are NOT phages or bacteriophages.

Virologists define viruses as “obligate intracellular parasites” but only living organisms can be parasites in the strict biological sense of the term and NOT alleged assemblies of metastable chemical particles that cells are somehow constrained to replicate without any interference from all other potential extraneous factors, effects and different defences. That is, from other than the so-called ‘immune system ‘ !! In other words we don’t even get half 🌓 of the story.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 8:16 PM


But for Cowan and Fallon Morell, Rivers’ postulates are the criteria to assess causation related to viruses. They refer to a number of studies related to SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19, and claim that none of them have fulfilled the postulates (pp. 50 ff.). This is for them proof that viruses don’t cause disease:
Again, this book’s central claim is that no disease attributed to bacteria or viruses has met all of Koch’s postulates or all of Rivers’ criteria. This is not because the postulates are incorrect or obsolete (in fact, they are entirely logical) but rather because bacteria and viruses don’t cause disease, at least not in any way that we currently understand. (p. 4)
Cowan and Fallon Morell continue in a similar vein when it comes to the question of the isolation of viruses. They present one “gold standard” technique from a thesis of a German virologist, Stefan Lanka (1989). The hundreds or probably thousands of virologists who claim to have isolated viruses are all wrong, according to Cowan and Fallon Morell, because they use other methods to isolate viruses than the one Lanka developed. Lanka’s technique is impressive, but it is not the only one. If you look in the literature, you find that there is no one “gold standard” for viral isolation (see, for example, Eisfeld et al. 2014; Hematian et al. 2016; Hsiung 1984; Leland & Ginnochio 2007). We are not virologists and cannot assess their respective strengths and weaknesses. But we see no reason to think that all these scientists are deluded or making fraudulent claims, which is what Cowan and Fallon Morell believe they have shown.
Cowan and Fallon Morell write that “the entire world of medicine, virology, and immunology” is mistaken in believing that “many of our common diseases are viral in origin” (p. 67). Is there reason to believe that people who say “a disease is caused by infectious agents” are oversimplifying a highly complex relationship between a virus, its host organism, and the environment? Absolutely. Is it justified to dismiss 150 years of research that focuses on one aspect of that relationship? We don’t think so.
We do not agree with the widespread, all-too uncritical use of the terms “cause” and “causation” that one finds in the scientific literature, or with the one-sided focus on infectious agents that often ignores the larger questions of health, resiliency, and dispositions for becoming ill. The problem is even worse in mainstream media and politics, where viruses become “the enemy.” We have presented a broader, ecological view of viruses elsewhere (Holdrege 2020). We are open to considering perspectives that challenge the monolithic mainstream narrative. But when this is done by grossly distorting scientific findings of others and crafting an argument that only appears to work, then more harm than good is done in the search for a balanced and nuanced understanding of infectious disease and the current pandemic.

Mar 29, 2021 8:22 PM

If I isolate you, and throw acid in your face, it’s still isolation.

But because you didn’t want to shut up, I”m gonna remove your tongue and shoot you in the face. You’ll be isolated.

That’s how I isolate things, before I drop them down into a pit of muck, and swampy despair, with a nice covering of first, quicksand and then lots of magnesium and what’s that other shit? Aluminosilicates or what?

Your isolated specimen will be preserved very nicely that way. And then we can study it.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 8:30 PM


Reply to Sam – Admin2
I will be removing such posts, we’re not punching bags.
It would be a kind – and much appreciated! – gesture if you would also remove the posts where these Information Operatives direct their “tactical hostility” towards us (mere) commenters, as well.
Thanks in advance

Mar 29, 2021 8:54 PM

It’s an analogy.

All you have to do is alter your perspective to be that of the supposed specimen and try and relate the various impositional influences, manipulations, suggestions, processes and such to be applicable to your scale.

I told you about a method of isolation.

Can you tell me about the physical damage electron microscopy does? Perhaps ultrasound? X-Rays? PET scans?

Coz I kinda need to cut you open before I can get a good look at some part of you that I need to isolate. On my desk…in a glass jar.

And that’s nowhere NEAR as convoluted. Simple, direct, clean processes.

Mar 29, 2021 8:37 PM

The thing about virology is, that it relies on chemistry, biology, physics, geometry.

And most virologists don’t know shit about any of that. They’re furthest from the truth. So they must be isolated and burnt before they can be considered legitimate or verified.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 29, 2021 10:49 PM

By age 40 my life-long lung condition was worsening (The #1 lung specialist at the city hospital told me the scientific cause, “a blockage”…I’d resisted all chemical ‘medications’ ’til then, ut as an asthma puffer gave me relief one became a life-long companion…Not long after i turned 40 my ability to spell, one of my few gifts, began to fail me…I’m sure a medical expert will tell me “correlation is not proof of causation”, that i’ve probably got the onset of Oldtimers disease…I know Fauci Frankenstein would dismiss the idea as
“anecdotal”…Anyway, i subsequently came across an article that included memory impairment as a ‘side-effect’ of some puffers

Mar 29, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  karen elliot


That shit? Coz I had asthma since infancy and that shit is toxic garbage. I stopped using that like almost 30 years ago, much better lung function.

Also, marijuana smokers have significantly better lung function than baseline. Go figure. Well, depending, I guess. But from those I know, like even fitness freaks/athletes.

Some conflicting info here, but hey “anecdotally”, I’ve mentioned my experience.


“Table 1 of the paper of Tanet al. [9] suggests no adverse effect of marijuana-only smoking on lung function or symptoms compared with non-smokers of either substance, with slightly higher FEV1 and FVC values, and a virtually identical FEV1/FVC ratio to non-smokers. Table 2, reporting on subjects in the longitudinal study, similarly shows no effect in marijuana-only smokers but the expected lung function impairments in tobacco smokers. Figures 2a and 2b showing the dose responses to smoking of marijuana and tobacco are of particular interest; while there is a clear dose–response reduction in lung function with tobacco smoking, this is not evident for marijuana where light smoking (<5 joint-years) apparently was associated with a modest decline in FEV1, moderate use (5–20 joint years) appears to be beneficial with an FEV1 trajectory equal or better than in non-smokers, whereas heavy marijuana smoking (over 20 joint-years) was deleterious.”

Mar 29, 2021 11:16 PM

When I was an infant, we lived right by a corn field, pestiicide/herbicide poisoning fucked me up. Pretty soon after I was in an oxygen chamber in hospital for like a month, had continuous allergic reactions and such (histamine mostly I guess) for many years. Was given salbutamol and that other shit, the powdery crap. I fucking hated that shit.

When I was around 9/10 I had 30% lung capacity, I was constantly busy with like athletics/sport shit though, so that probably helped, at some point I just stopped using that shit, smoked cigarettes and marijuana. Idgaf.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 29, 2021 11:18 PM

Ah ! But…the medical experts’ scientific opinion was that i “didnt have asthma, i didnt have emphysema, i had a blockage.”…I was offered a course of immune suppressant drugs, but opted to use a puffer…
A decade late the condition was subsumed under the umbrella C.A.L (chronic airways limitation), and years later the condition was roped in under the umbrella term C.O.P.D…i await the next all-encompassing scientific term

Mar 29, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

Well, break it down.

You had wheezing, difficulty breathing when exerted, related anxiety, flareups from allergies and those “asthma medications” temporarily relieved that?

Beta-blockers and salbutamol limited emotional memory disturbance and damage induced by orchiectomy in the rat hippocampus

And it messes with ATP/cAMP, electrical function.

Mar 29, 2021 11:44 PM

So I reckon the possible benefits it has, are kinda related to underlying imbalances (for whatever reason).

Like they suggest it’s good for memory, alzheimers…but from what perspective, what underlying statuses?

My body simply told me that shit’s toxic, even if, when I was younger, I used it A LOT…but that was probably from other toxic shit that gradually got filtered out, repaired or imbalances kinda improved, that sort of thing.

“Salbutamol acts selectively on the β2-adrenoceptors in airways, activating adenylyl cyclase and increasing cAMP.”

Uh, that’s usually not a good thing. It’s the same sort of reaction you get with fluoride and aluminum. That’s probably why it causes shit like tremors.

Mar 30, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

Karen, look into biophoton light therapy. Also infra red light. Western medicine has NO cure for asthma!!!!!!! Good luck lil’ gal.

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 31, 2021 12:32 AM
Reply to  MOOSE

Moose, if you’re still on line…i’m familiar, very familiar with dr alexanders’ Bioenergetics, so know the root cause of “the Blockage” in my upper chest (though the medical specialist was right, that my problem is “not asthma, not emphysema, but a blockage”, he could only offer chemical drugs)…my problem was there were no bioenergetic therapists anywhere around where i live,,,
i’m familiar with the biophoton lamps….i have one of those biobelts – far-infrared devices

Mar 29, 2021 10:10 PM

Thx RtD ( smiley)

Mar 30, 2021 5:39 AM

Thank you. Excellent explanation. “Health, resiliency, and dispositions for becoming ill.” I have a book “Curing the Incurable” by Thomas E. Levy. I think maybe a part of the puzzle is a problem of imbalance in the organism. And after reading that there are only 3 mammalian species which cannot produce extremely large amounts of Vitamin C when under attack of an infectious disease – humans, chimps, and guinea pigs – and noting the amazing results Dr Levy achieved treating so many diseases, such as polio, with a 100% success rate, using high dose Vitamin C, this makes so much more sense. Linus Pauling was derided and castigated for his beliefs in Vitamin C, in spite of his status as a Nobel Laureate.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 8:13 PM

Full article here:


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we regularly receive emails from people forwarding links to videos and articles that question the mainstream narrative about the pandemic. It would be a full-time job for more than one person to take in, analyze, and contextualize the great variety of perspectives. We have not made this our full-time job. But we have concerned ourselves with some of the alternative narratives, and continue to concern ourselves with the mainstream narrative. We have no problem admitting that, overall, much remains opaque. More than anything else, there are countless riddles and questions. It is very hard, within the thicket of opinions, to gain a sense that there is a common ground of phenomena that people can agree upon. This is especially true with research on viruses, which is extremely technical, highly mediated by sophisticated technology (electron microscopes, sequencing machines, PCR tests, etc.), and embedded within many assumptions, for example, about causality. You can hardly avoid relying on authorities, but which authorities? How is it possible to discern the truthfulness of what the different authorities are saying?


Cowan and Fallon Morell are centrally interested in convincing their readers that bacteria and viruses do not cause disease; hence the title: The Contagion Myth.
Before they deal with Koch’s research on tuberculosis, they refer to the famous “Koch’s postulates.” These are drawn from Koch’s research and have historically provided a conceptual framework for assessing whether a specific bacterial species can be considered the cause of the disease. Koch’s postulates have been expressed in a variety of ways. Koch himself did not speak of postulates and presented his views on criteria for evidence of causation differently in different publications and at different times in his career (Carter 1985; Evans 1976 and 1993; Gillies 2016; Gradmann 2014). Cowan and Fallon Morell, however, choose to present one particular formulation:
Koch’s postulates are as follows:
   1.   The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease but not found in healthy organisms.
   2.   The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in a pure culture.
   3.   The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
   4.   The microorganisms must be re-isolated from the now diseased experimental host which received the inoculation of the microorganisms and identified as identical to the original specific causative agent.
If all four conditions are met, you have proven the infectious cause for a specific set of symptoms. This is the only way to prove causation. (p. 3)
For their overall argument, it is important for Cowan and Fallon Morell to categorically state that the fulfillment of these four postulates is the only way to prove causation. Holding on to this claim as if it were a self-evident truth, they can go on to “show” that Koch and others have never proved that a disease is caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. This can be for a number of reasons, but especially postulate #1, in the way they formulate it, is rarely (or ever?) fulfilled. This is because bacteria that are implicated in a given disease can be found in some or even many healthy individuals. This was known to Koch, and it has been widely known since his time. We all harbor bacteria that, in other people, or at a different time or in different circumstances in us, can be implicated in a disease. One example is Helicobacter pylori, which can persist in the stomach of a person who is healthy, but can also be connected with gastric ulcers (for a number of examples, see: Monack et al. 2004; Fisher et al. 2017).
So Cowan and Fallon Morell have a neat solution to a complex issue: Because Koch’s postulates are never completely fulfilled, scientists have not proven that bacteria cause disease. The problem with this neat solution is that they set a fixed standard against which everything, for all times, needs to be assessed. They rail against scientists who state that Koch’s postulates are outdated (pp. 73ff.). As I said above, Koch himself never spoke of postulates and “his” postulates have been formulated in a variety of ways by different scientists. As Cowan and Fallon Morell themselves point out (p. 3), Koch knew that the criteria for causation he had articulated in his tuberculosis experiments could not all be fulfilled, for example, in cholera; experimental animals did not become ill when injected with cholera bacteria that had been cultured from ill humans. Nonetheless, Koch gave a variety of reasons why he thought bacteria are causal agents in cholera.
Cowan and Fallon Morell pick out one formulation of Koch’s postulates as their universal measuring stick. They even compare the postulates to Newton’s laws of gravity (p. 75). They don’t allow for an evolution of scientific thought in relation to the variety of phenomena scientists encounter. This is a convenient and pretty iron-clad way to make sure that no one can claim to have proven causation for a purported bacteria-related disease. Unfortunately, it also means not dealing with the complexities of biological realities, research, and the nature of understanding.
When Cowan and Fallon Morell address diseases that are purported to be related to viruses, they implement the same strategy. Koch’s postulates have to be modified for viruses because viruses only reproduce within living cells of another organism. They cannot be grown on nutrient media, but need to be grown in cell cultures. They then have to be separated from tissues (which is an involved process) before scientists speak of “viral isolates” that can then be used in inoculation experiments.
As they did with Koch’s postulates, Cowan and Fallon Morell take one set of criteria against which they judge all experiments relating to viral causation of disease. They enumerate “River’s postulates,” which are based on a 1937 article by bacteriologist and virologist Thomas Rivers (Rivers 1937). They present one formulation of Rivers’ postulates:
   1.   The virus can be isolated from diseased hosts.
   2.   The virus can be cultivated in host cells.
   3.   Proof of filterability — the virus can be filtered from a medium that also contains bacteria.
   4.   The filtered virus will produce a comparable disease when the cultivated virus is used to infect experimental animals.
   5.   The virus can be re-isolated from the infected experimental animal.
   6.   A specific immune response to the virus can be detected. (p. 4)
This list doesn’t come directly from Rivers, whose discussion of the task of establishing causality is remarkably nuanced. Writing about the necessity of moving beyond Koch’s postulates, both for some bacterial diseases and for viral diseases, Rivers remarks that “progress having left behind old rules requires new ones which some day without doubt will also be declared obsolete” (p. 4). He knew that his new criteria for establishing viruses as agents in infectious diseases were tentative and that changes “will in the future undoubtedly occur in the methods of establishing the specific relation of viruses to disease” (p. 11). A variety of methods have been developed and other criteria formulated in the 83 years since Rivers’ article (for example: Byrd and Segre 2016; Carter 1985; Evans 1976 and 1993; Fredericks & Relman 1996; Gillies 2016; Gradmann 2014). Science hasn’t stopped.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Mar 29, 2021 9:27 PM

I find it disturbing that Cowan and Fallon Morell (authors of The Contagion Myth) have not replied to this piece by Craig Holdrege (who has known Tom Cowan for twenty or more years). Or do they, like dear Greta and other self-styled researchers, consider “The Science settled” (now and FOREVER!), and no further discussion is either necessary or potentially fruitful in any way?

Mar 30, 2021 4:47 AM

WHY, do you reply to everyone who comments or disagrees with you, we ae not children, have our own opinions… MINE BEING virus/s if they were ever contagious, we would not be here to discuss. the virus would have eradicated all life on day one of year dot.
funny how this virus became infectious in 2020 but they never supplied one piece of evidence OR bio hazard bins. for said contagious rubbish, it is all going into land fill….

ALSO reading up on TRANSPLANTS proved this rubbish virus is a lie, to control

Mar 30, 2021 6:05 AM

Just read the article, when was it originally written, was the review 2021 or was that the posting of a previous review??? BTW Cowan at least has amended some of the information…. Science is always evolving and just because it is in print doesnt make it set in stone. ENJOY BLESSINGS

Mar 30, 2021 10:17 AM

Are you sowing your disturbance into anything that doesn’t support your protected circle?
I have no sense from the authors of a polarised reaction but of an open challenge.
On the basis of fallacies revealed – along with a lot of corporate and institutional corruptions, they have a firm basis for throwing out the heavily invested belief that virus causes disease as the FREEDOM to research, uncover and truly address what does.
Because true cause is hidden or repackaged in solutions (sic) that operate as cover stories, the true address is much closer to home than our modelling will allow.
So you are practicing an inversion of casting your own (circle’s) sins onto those who would open to a wholeness rather than lockdown in a clique of elitist exceptionalism and self-specialness.

The freedom to hold a belief is evident for you can elect to not accept anything that does not belong to self and world as your currently choose to see it. But that is also the freedom to question it, and to leave those who would impose their own to their chosen consequences. Empiric experience and relational honesty is a Given, awaiting acceptance, but self-imposed beliefs operate a ruled and filtered circle of control that implicitly attract death and taxes.

Come out with some fruitful discussion so that you are seen not to merely mask in the signals of virtue so as to seem to exercise moral right to deny others worthy and their questions valid.

Mar 31, 2021 3:30 PM

How can an inanimate, non living object reproduce?

terry alderman
terry alderman
Mar 29, 2021 7:51 PM

soon to be a true story ? ,,, names changed of course

Mar 29, 2021 7:34 PM

To anyone within the EU: vaccine passports are due for 15 June.

Mar 29, 2021 9:10 PM
Reply to  Annette

Word on the street is that some heavy duty stuff is going to happen in June and July (with regard to the ‘great reset’). My own opinion is that people won’t go along with this shite for much longer, but I suppose we’ll have to see what happens.

Mar 30, 2021 1:34 AM
Reply to  RobG

No,we do not wait and see…. you must fucking do something…all of us
No one will come on the white horse to save us!

karen elliot
karen elliot
Mar 29, 2021 7:27 PM

The lull before the storm is over…For weeks the corporate fear media had toned down it’s hysterical reporting, giving only daily updates of the ‘vaccine’ role-out…But that’s now in place so it’s time to ramp up the scares to hurry the herd to the vax centres…Right on time, there’s an “outbreak” in Queensland…

went shopping yesterday arvio…The busdriver was unmasked, so too the three passengers – taking their que from the driver…By my stop were seven on the bus, all unmasked…Such Bravery ! …But just when freedom seemed to be breaking out, there was an “Outbreak” in Queensland…….

crushing hope…….

Mar 29, 2021 8:09 PM
Reply to  karen elliot

In France they’re forcing tests on school children to ramp up +ves and then they can also say it affects everyone, even children have to be vaccinated. A stricter lockdown could be announced on Wedn.

Mr. Todd
Mr. Todd
Mar 30, 2021 2:18 AM
Reply to  Annette

The Europeans banned children from being part of any drug trials. And now they are advocating giving them experimental vaccinations. Huge hypocrites.