Covid Vaccine Nonsense
US-based human rights lawyer breaks down the contradictory claims of “effectiveness”, the incomplete studies and legal minefield of forced use of experimental vaccines
P Jerome

The efforts to require every American to be injected with an experimental vaccine for Covid-19 are based on the false notion that vaccination will protect recipients from becoming infected with SARS-Cov-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, or protect them from passing along the infection to other people.
The FDA, the CDC, the NIH and the pharmaceutical companies involved have all stated very clearly that there is no evidence to support this idea.
None of the three experimental Covid-19 vaccines now being distributed in the United States have been demonstrated to protect against infection with or transmission of the virus believed to cause Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), or even prevent symptoms of Covid-19 disease from developing.
This fact is indisputable, yet media, medical providers, and politicians continue to repeat the lie that vaccination provides “immunity to Covid” and even sources like the Mayo Clinic make irresponsible and unsubstantiated claims that vaccination “might prevent you from getting” or “spreading” Covid-19. The same lies are the basis for President Biden’s hard press for mass vaccination to “make this Independence Day truly special.”
On February 27, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it had “issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the third vaccine for the prevention of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),” the Janssen (Johnson&Johnson) Covid-19 vaccine.
This announcement is virtually identical to the EUAs previously issued for Covid-19 vaccines produced by Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna.
In each of the EUAs, the FDA has been careful to avoid any claim that the vaccines provide protection against infection or transmission of the virus. Similarly, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have each publicly stated that the vaccines have NOT been shown to prevent infection or transmission.
All of their regulatory documents and commentary addressing the issue state clearly that there is no evidence that the vaccines affect either infection with or transmission of the virus, nor do they prevent symptoms of Covid-19 from appearing.
The US Government Position
The FDA’s Briefing Document analyzing clinical trial data for the Pfizer vaccine, released the day before the FDA’s issuance of an EUA for that vaccine, noted (on page 47):
Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against asymptomatic infection
Data are limited to assess the effect of the vaccine against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 [virus] from individuals who are infected despite vaccination.”
The FDA Briefing Document on the Moderna vaccine stated the same fact, while also describing plans for a future clinical trial to measure infection prevention, but that will not be completed until December 31, 2023 (p.47). The FDA’s review of the Janssen vaccine noted the same “limited” data…
to assess the effect of the vaccine in preventing asymptomatic infection… and definitive conclusions cannot be drawn at this time.”
“Limited data” means there is in fact no evidence to support those conclusions.
The CDC Advisory Committee that recommended emergency use of the Moderna vaccine noted:
“the level of certainty for the benefits of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine was… type 4 (very low certainty) for the estimates of prevention of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection and all-cause death.”
The CDC guidance to Covid vaccine administrators (January 2, 2021) asks:
Can a person who has received a Covid-19 vaccine still spread COVID-19? At this time, we do not know if COVID-19 vaccination will have any effect on preventing transmission.”
The World Health Organization (WHO) on January 26, 2021 similarly admitted:
We do not know whether the vaccines will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission.”
This is all very confusing due to the language the FDA, NIH and other agencies use to describe the potential effectiveness of the vaccines. For example, in the NIH analysis of the Janssen vaccine data, the authors note the vaccine’s reported effectiveness in “preventing moderate and severe COVID-19 in adults.”
This deliberately blurs the distinction between infection with a virus (SARS-Cov-2) and the illness called Covid-19.
The NIH claims the Janssen vaccine prevents or lessens symptoms of the illness Covid-19, but is silent on whether the vaccine prevents infection or transmission of the virus said to cause Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). The similar analysis for the Moderna vaccine notes, however:
“[T]here is not yet enough available data to draw conclusions as to whether the [Moderna] vaccine can impact SARS-CoV-2 transmission.”
Unfortunately, we have seen many reports over the last few months of deaths attributed to Covid-19 days and weeks after vaccination (see here and here (video)), confirming that vaccinated people can and do become infected with the virus.
Health officials have avoided blaming these deaths on side effects from the vaccines themselves. Instead, they say these deaths are the result of infections with the virus (SARS-Cov-2) acquired after receiving the vaccines.
Particularly devastating reports from an isolated Kentucky monastery describe how two nuns died of Covid-19 after receiving Covid-19 vaccines, despite the complete absence of any cases of infection in the monastery during the ten months prior to vaccination.
Moderna’s chief science officer was quoted in the British Medical Journal about the clinical trials in 2020 that resulted in the FDA’s decision to grant a EUA to the Moderna shot:
Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission,” Zaks said, “because in order to do that you have to swab people twice a week for very long periods, and that becomes operationally untenable.”
The most important questions about the experimental Covid-19 vaccines were not even asked during the clinical trials: Do these experimental vaccines prevent infection with the virus and do they prevent transmission of that virus? The short answer is No.
The FDA has stated clearly in each of the Covid vaccine Briefing Documents (see Moderna document here, Pfizer here, Janssen here) that the trials were not even designed prove or disprove a hypothesis that the vaccines prevent infection or transmission of the virus, or even prevent symptoms of Covid-19 from developing.
The FDA issued Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs) for the Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen vaccines on December 11 and December 18, 2020, and on February 27, 2021, respectively.
The EUAs indicate that the vaccines “prevent severe Covid-19,” that is, they don’t prevent infection or development of symptoms after infection, but they may make the illness less severe.
The EUAs explicitly deny any evidence that the Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen vaccines prevent infection, or prevent hospitalization or even death from Covid-19 after vaccination. The highly publicized “success rates” of the vaccines refer only their potential ability to lessen the severity of those symptoms, but there is “no data” that they prevent the infection that could cause those symptoms.
Mandating Vaccination Under Emergency Use Authorization is Impermissible
An EUA is not “FDA Approval.”
An EUA indicates that a product has not been fully tested but, despite the obvious risks, distribution is permitted because the government declared a “public health emergency” in January 2020.
As the FDA notes in its Information Sheet for the Moderna shot:
The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA- approved or cleared product.”
The FDA granted EUAs for all three experimental vaccines after less than five months of clinical trials, with most of trial data still to be collected. All three vaccines will be in clinical trial status through January 31, 2023.
According to comments from vaccine scientists in September 2020 (prior to the Covid-19 EUA issuances), no vaccine had ever before been distributed on an EUA basis.
“We don’t do EUAs for vaccines,” [Dr. Peter] Hotez said, “It’s a lesser review, it’s a lower-quality review, and when you’re talking about vaccinating a large chunk of the American population, that’s not acceptable.”
Three months later, the FDA issued EUAs for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, but with explicit guidance that the vaccine “has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA- approved or cleared product.”
Indeed, the highly experimental nature of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine, in particular, is extraordinary as that vaccine is the first and only product the company has ever been allowed to distribute, and it was allegedly developed in only two days.
Any use of an experimental vaccine under an EUA must be voluntary and recipients must be informed “of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product that are available and of their benefits and risks.
This information is repeated in small print on each of the FDA Covid-19 vaccine Fact Sheets, but it is largely ignored.
Dr Amanda Cohn, the executive secretary of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, was asked in October 22, 2020, if the new Covid-19 vaccines could be legally required. She responded that, under a EUA:
Vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory. So, early in this vaccination phase, individuals will have to be consented and they won’t be able to be mandatory.”
Under EUA status, the government is not permitted to require Covid-19 vaccinations because the vaccines are not FDA-approved and recipients are clinical trial participants. This is why states cannot legally require vaccination, despite suggestions by some legislators to do just that.
Indeed, the US military is barred from mandating the vaccines. This ban on government vaccine mandates explains why some private companies are trying to require vaccination of employees, which makes the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance on this issue potentially relevant.
The EEOC Guidance on Covid-19 Vaccination Does Not Authorize Vaccine Mandates
The EEOC updated its guidance on the issue of Covid-19 vaccination on December 16, 2020.
This update appeared five days after the FDA issued an EUA for the Pfizer vaccine and two days prior to issuing the Moderna EUA. Based on this timing, we can safely assume that the EEOC was well-aware of the contents of the FDA briefing documents and Fact Sheets, specifically the FDA statements about the lack of proof that the vaccines prevent infection with or transmission of the virus (SARS-CoV-2).
The EEOC guidance evaluates the idea of employer Covid-19 vaccine mandates under the Americans with Disabilities Act’s (ADA) “direct threat” analysis:
The ADA allows an employer to have a qualification standard that includes ‘a requirement that an individual shall not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of individuals in the workplace.’“
But the EEOC’s analysis presupposes that vaccines protect against infection, which is false.
The “direct threat” doctrine is an employer’s potential defense to a claim of disability discrimination under the ADA. According to the EEOC, “A conclusion that there is a direct threat would include a determination that an unvaccinated individual will expose others to the virus at the worksite.”
The specific but theoretical “direct threat” described here is one allegedly posed by an unvaccinated person who might become infected with the virus (SARS-CoV-2) and then spread infection to the workplace.
But no “determination” of such a threat is possible. The EEOC was careful to state only that a direct threat defense “would include” such a “determination.” The EEOC took no position on this issue because officials there were likely aware there has been no determination that vaccination prevents infection or transmission, and none is possible with current data.
Aspirational claims that vaccination “might” [be eventually be shown to] prevent infection or that “some data tends to show” such an effect are insufficient bases for a direct threat defense.
The US Supreme Court ruled in Bragdon v Abbott (1988) that the assertion of a direct threat defense must be evaluated “in light of the available medical evidence,” noting that “the views of public health authorities, such as the U.S. Public Health Service, CDC, and the National Institutes of Health, are of special weight and authority.”
Overcoming the long-standing protections of the right to bodily integrity and informed, voluntary consent to medical treatment requires articulation of an actual and imminent, not theoretical, threat presented by an unvaccinated person in the workplace.
The CDC, the National Institutes of Health and numerous other “public health authorities” have all stated that there is no evidence to show that vaccination prevents viral infection or transmission, a fact the EEOC should have presented but did not.
The EEOC guidance does not provide any legal cover for employers to require vaccination. The guidance proposes that employers might be successful in proving a direct threat if they were able to prove facts which, it turns out, cannot be proven.
Even more importantly, according to the CDC, more than 29 million Americans (and likely many, many more) have already contracted the virus (SARS-CoV-2) and recovered from it.
A recent NIH study demonstrates that these millions of “recovered” people have long-lasting, and likely permanent protection from re-infection. They present no threat of infection or transmission of the virus. However, under a blanket employer vaccine requirement, these people who are already immune would still be required to get vaccinated. It makes no sense logically or legally to require the vaccination of people who already have more protection from the virus than people who get vaccinated.
What is the Threat Prevented by Mandatory Vaccination?
Outside the employment context, companies are demanding proof of vaccination from travelers and even movie- and concert-goers, based on the same debunked idea that vaccination with one of the Covid-19 vaccines will prevent the theoretical spread of the virus in trains, planes, movie theaters and concert halls among low-risk populations. But the relevant government agencies have all stated clearly that that the vaccines do not prevent infection or the spread of infection.
The benefit from any vaccination lies with the recipient of the vaccine. In the case of Covid-19 vaccines, vaccinated people may have fewer symptoms after becoming infected. While this is an important consideration for many people, this benefit has nothing to do with preventing the spread of the virus SARS-Cov-2.
A vaccinated person presents at least the same “risk” of infection and transmission of the virus (if not more risk) as a person who is not vaccinated. At best, vaccination might prevent a more serious case of Covid-19 illness from developing. The vaccines do not prevent infection or the spread of the virus that causes Covid-19. They can have little or no impact on stopping transmission.
Because no one has shown that vaccination prevents infection or transmission of the virus SARS-CoV-2, a fact undisputed by all official sources, this also means that vaccination cannot help to achieve the goal of herd immunity.
“Herd immunity” means that a population can be protected from a virus after enough of the population has become immune to infection, either through exposure to the virus and later recovery, or through vaccination.
But with Covid-19, there is no proof that vaccination makes anyone immune to the virus SARS-CoV-2. Covid-19 vaccination cannot play any meaningful role in the pursuit of herd immunity because the Covid-19 vaccines do not provide immunity from infection.
Oddly, the WHO contradicts itself in arguing that Covid-19 vaccination promotes herd immunity to the virus that causes Covid-19, claiming:
To safely achieve herd immunity against COVID-19, a substantial proportion of a population would need to be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population.”
This statement is simply false. It also contradicts the WHO’s prior admission that “We do not know whether the vaccines will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission.”
If the WHO has already acknowledged that it “does not know if” the Covid-19 vaccines protect people from becoming infected or transmitting the virus, it is a deliberate lie to claim that somehow these vaccines can lead to herd immunity.
A far more useful strategy than forcing people to accept an experimental vaccine that does not even protect them from infection would be to instead protect those most vulnerable to serious illness or death as a result of infection. Tens of thousands of renowned doctors and scientists in the U.S. and around the world proposed such a strategy in October 2020.
Unfortunately, the media and Silicon Valley tech monopolies attacked and effectively censored discussion of this common sense approach as “anti-science” and “right wing” by removing discussion of the proposal from nearly all media platforms.
Yet the fake “scientific” approach to herd immunity touted by the WHO, US government agencies and politicians, and media monopolists is blatantly dishonest, and has nothing to do with “science.” The push by private companies to require vaccination and “immunity passports” is similarly based on private financial interests, not scientific research.
Government scientists admit that the Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus they say causes Covid-19, but many of these same scientists also dishonestly claim the vaccines will somehow prevent the spread of the virus, leading to herd immunity.
Such an approach is not only unscientific and dishonest. It’s nonsense.
P Jerome is civil rights attorney based in Washington, D.C. He can be reached at [email protected]
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BREAKING – COVID -19 Vaccination is not recommended during pregnancy yet 59 Women have now reported losing their baby due to it…
The author is cherry picking quotes eg reference to asymptomatic etc, this and other types of infection the author refers to are types of infection that are anormal and therefore could not be subject to wide sampling. The evidence does say prevent infection for atleast 7 days which is not evidence of effectiveness. Other evidence cited is contradictory for it says that vacs is 98 percent effective then shortly thereafter says there is insufficient evidence to say that the vacs would prevent infection. The author should analyse one report rather than selectively quoting from multiple reports to suit the argument.
Remember Folks, a one in a million chance of fatal blood clot by vaccine is a small price to pay:
Perfectly reasonable odds, more chance of dying in a fatal car crash than taking an experimental (not a) vaccine, for a seasonal virus (out of season), when you have literally zero chance of contracting said virus, let alone dying from it.
Suggest the sheep buy a lottery ticket and a couple of scratch cards to keep themselves amused while they queue for this miracle jab.
.and stay away from cars folks, and lightning, and other deadly stuff..
Meanwhile… in the Deep Dark Wild West of Wales.. this is what a pandemic looks like:
This fine article implies that companies/governments can’t force vaccines on people that haven’t FDA approval. Does that mean that when the FDA does its deep state duty and authorizes them, they CAN force them on us? How does that fit in with the Nuremberg Code of 1948? This is concerning.
“The guidance proposes that employers might be successful in proving a direct threat if they were able to prove facts which, it turns out, cannot be proven.” That’s the loophole the Woke fascists need. This article is great but it rests upon a central belief that these people give a toss about legality. They will push and push until everyone lines up for the jab, and destroy anyone who doesn’t.
Speaking of law, I wonder what stance insurance companies are going to take regarding employer liability insurance for companies that take a no jab no job stance? I hear BUPA will not cover people for treatment regarding vaccine side-effects and damage. A death or severe reaction in any of a company’s work force could lead to millions in damages they will likely have to pay themselves.
The survival of this experimental injection is projected to be less than 1% over a 5 year period. This is researched by Dr. Aryiana Love, from Finland, journalist and holistic practitioner. The clock will run out for those who will inevitably be fatally injured since this is not a survivable condition to recover, once injected. So, while waiting for judgement, as your health dwindles away and the paperwork stacks up, by the time you realize you have been used for a lab rat, bagged and tagged, it will be a moot point and an fools errand.
P.Jerome: Thank you. Well-done. Exemplary.
And still no Emergency Use Authorisation for Ivermectin? 14 RCT’s, 3 dozen intervention studies and the population study of Uttar Pradesh all with spectacular results. Go to for a look.
If they had implemented this in August 2020 we’d have been done by the end of September. If they had done this in December after the senate testimony by Dr Kory it would be OVER BY NOW.
Professor Thomas Borody in August 2020 said:
“It’s easier than treating the flu now”. “You can actually eradicate it”. “We know it’s curable”
and the senate testimony by Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC Alliance, ) in early December.
Avm speaks about the advantages of not being licensed, the major differences between naturopathic and allopathic medicine, meridians, germ theory vs. terrain theory, Great Reset as great awakening, engineered duality, the inevitable failure of suppression, the one world agenda, becoming landed, the hundredth monkey, pharmaceutical detox, medical kidnapping, the madness of crowds, cult think, Trump’s function, and energetic hygiene.
If vaccines do not work, how do you explain Israels dramatic drop in both new cases and deaths, following near complete vaccination of the population? And how would You explain a similar developement in the UK as the vaccines are rolled out? Coinsidence?
Less tests being performed, or probably being done at the correct cycle rate, explains the drop in cases.
Less deaths being labelled as covid, or probably the end of flu season, explains the drop in deaths.
Drop by the manufacturers websites of these jabs, it clearly states, does not stop transmission only lowers the symptoms.
By the way “vaccine” isn’t the correct term for these jabs, look up the term in the dictionary.
Almost forgot, if you Google covid stats, you can check for yourself. Most countries in the northern hemisphere are showing a decline in cases and deaths, whether they have a strong “vaccine” program or not.
Case in point, the states of Texas, Florida and Louisiana, have lifted all covid restrictions but their cases/deaths are still falling with or without “vaccines”. California which is still in full lockdown aren’t doing as well.
They did the same with Polio (i.e. paralysis). Dr. Bernard G. Greenberg ” testified before Congress that statistics had been used inappropriately to determine the effectiveness of the polio vaccine — and that the vaccine actually increased the incidence of polio (1962).”
“Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was do-ing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospi-talization… two examinations at least 24 hours apart was all that was required… In 1955 the criteria were changed… residual pa-ralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset… This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease… Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis… Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic crite-ria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease…
Hearings Before the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce,House of Representatives, 87th Congress, 2nd Session on HR 10541. May1962:94–112
Falsification of data as has been the case from day one.
Yep. And the key to the whole hysteria is using a dodge PCR test set-up that was fixed at 40 cycles instead of 30 or even lower. That created the vast numbers of false positive and asymptomatic cases that fuelled the hysteria.
Good grief. Viruses have a trajectory. Cases go up, peak, and then they go down — 5-8 weeks for a cycle. I would explain the disappearance of cases and deaths by suggesting they were on the downward trajectory when the vaccines were introduced,
How do you explain that countries and states that never followed the mask/vaccine/hide in the basement hysteria have seen THEIR cases and deaths drop dramatically?
You have to bear in mind that the case count (we need not trouble with the death count since that depends on the case count) is a product of those severly dubious PCR tests. But even if the tests were 100% accurate, these cases are asymptomatic i.e. the carriers show no symptoms and feel well i.e. they have achieved immunity anyway. As for the ones who die within 28 days of a positive test, they automatically count as covid deaths no matter what killed them. (If they were asymptomatic cases, the chances are virtually nil that covid killed them.)
WHO says “The Moderna vaccine has been shown to have an efficacy of approximately 92 per cent in protecting against COVID-19, starting 14 days after the first dose.”
You say “None of the three experimental Covid-19 vaccines now being distributed in the United States have been demonstrated to protect against infection “. I’m confused. Do you have scientific studies to back your claim? Do the vaccine drug trials prove the vaccine is essentially worthless?
You must remember there is a distinction being made, that of infection and disease. Someone is said to be infected if the virus is present. That does not necessarily mean one has the disease. The disease is a bundle of symptoms. Infection is the presence of the virus.
“efficacy” at what? Lessening symptoms! Definitions that have changed:
1) “pandemic” (used to have a requirement for 1.0 IFR)
2) “infectious disease death” 2003-2020 same one but then changed
3) “herd immunity” is no longer naturally acquired but exclusively from vaccine
4) “efficacy” no longer means effective at preventing you from getting it
It would appear that they are trying to claim the benefits of taking a vaccine that might kill me outweigh the risks.
Well, if I don’t get infected with the virus, it can’t kill me. 0% chance of killing me.
However, the vaccine seems to be showing a more than zero chance of killing me.
So logically, its safer not to catch the virus than to take the vaccine, and medical officials are suggesting I take a medicine that might kill me, for something I might never catch.
Exactly. Well said. Thanks for an iron-clad “anatomy” of an absolute argument to not be vaccinated, besides also the 99.6% infected who don’t have any real trouble even if they do catch the Magic Virus.
The “no nocere” aspect puts all these “medical officials” on very shaky ground, when not getting the needle is much much less likely to hurt us than getting it? Certainly a logical “mandate” for making the vax optional, at the very least.
And especially if you look at real stats (not USAmerican, that is).
What is UP with all
Or just identify as a feminist and tell them, “My body, my choice!”
If you think happy thoughts you’ll never catch a virus. Everybody knows that.
it’s not a pros and cons equation or risk benefit conundrum. the injection will definitely poison you and has no possible benefit just like the lockdown will definitely cause harm and not help anyone in the slightest other than the criminals behind it. it is coralling with a perceived threat used to justify a real harm and no other options (such as real healthy living) given. it is like vote republican because otherwise the democrats will win with any other options of who to vote for or what to do denied.
The New Global Health Order
In the wake of the overreach by governments, government leaders have made it quite apparent that they want to go even further in the future as part of a global response to a pandemic.
A letter signed by 24 world leaders from Europe, Africa and Asia as well as the World Health Organization appeared in newspapers around the world on March 30, 2021…
I agree with the general thrust of the arguments in the article but have point out the dubious rhetorical logic.
The CDC, WHO and the manufacturers are deliberately stating there is no evidence that the vaccines prevent transmission because a specific test for that hasn’t been carried out. That doesn’t mean it offers no protection. Just that it’s not clear how much, if any.
To assert from the statements to date that it offers no protection is no more founded in fact than the ‘aspirational statement’ that it might offer protection.
Time will tell.
I’m still not going to put any of them in my arm though, vaccine passport or not
And yet we have studies making clear claims about infection and transmission.
Does the study have a name? Where is it published? Who is the author? In anycase getting negative pcr results might not be a positive sign if it means the person is not detoxing. They could get an accumulation and end up with cancer or something.
Are you asking me how to read the provided link? Seriously?
Flawed claims. It suggests that it prevents infection by x%
Did they actually try to infect the participants to measure the rate of infection?
I suspect they didn’t.
To suggest that the ‘vaccine’ prevents infection can only be if they attempted to infect and failed. Who is to say these people would have been infected even if they had not received medication.
It’s a ridiculous claim.
Fair comment but why risk taking an experimental genetic therapy if “there is no evidence that the vaccines prevent transition”? And for a flu virus that nearly everyone will survive? And you are right to refuse the jab.
Hello Friends,
This weeks video exposes the monetary alliance between the NIH, World Bank, Wuhan Institute of Virology, the WHO, Gavi, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
You need to sign in to You Tube to see this.
What does it say ?
The advisory “might prevent you from getting” or “spreading” Covid-19, is rather like the claim ‘May Prove Useful’ that sketchy companies selling useless products put in their advertisements.
Anyway, on another note, has anyone seen ‘Utopia’, a somewhat obscure (for me anyway) strange TV series from some years ago, involving a ‘Russian’ flu outbreak in the Northern UK involving just a few people as the rationale for mass vaccination beginning with the whole UK population, and with the vaccination as the catalyst providing wholesale sterilisation of the world’s populations after a generation of GMO food consumption as the precursor. Silly conspiracy theory stuff based on a hypothetical graphic novel, lots of violence, and even humour, for those who like that sort of thing.
Series One is the fun stuff, Two is the prequel but not necessary.
Great show, way better than the American amazon remake.
I have a question.
Forgive me if it’s already been covered – if so, I missed it.
We hear that everybody who has anything to do with producing or providing these ‘vaccines’ has legal immunity (pharma, doctors et al).
My question is this: Is it within the purview of government to offer this immunity to said parties? Perhaps in Europe and other places operating under Napoleonic Law, but surely not where Common Law is supposed to hold sway – I’m thinking primarily of the UK, US, Aus, Canada, NZ and a few others.
I’m (clearly) not a lawyer, but shouldn’t it be possible to go after said parties in the courts if they cause harm to you, irrespective of what we have been told regarding immunity from prosecution?
Good question
The immunity simply means (as I understand it, a non-practising barrister) that the government will indemnify the parties if they are sued. So you can still sue them, it’s just that the government has to pay, not the party.
Thanks for that.
So we would effectively be suing the taxpayer (in terms of damages at least).
However, the bad publicity would not do them any favours – always assuming any media outlet would publicise it, of course.
But wouldn’t the government claim sovereign immunity?
Yes, but that argument is a lot like Nixon claiming that whatever the President does is legal.
As I recall, he was forced out of the White House, resigning during that gambit.
(20 years or so before that he had been humiliated on national TV when grilling Alger Hiss during the McCarthy HUAC hearings as the subject of credentials arose, and Hiss offered his Harvard Law School JD, televisibly a contrast with Tricky Dick’s from Whittier College… I lived some while next door to the college, at the Bright Hotel, and can say that the school is not top tier, or even second tier: Nixon had played violin when he had gone to Whittier High School shortly before that, two blocks down the hill. I’m not making this up.)
This whole fiasco is as bigly global as its legal foundation is shaky. You have to hope that such a juggernaut of cards will collapse.
Hopefully on THEM, these supervillains.
We had a catchy slogan on the McGovern campaign, when he ran against Nixon 50 years ago:
“Re-Elect Nixon in ’72, why change Dicks in the middle of a screw?”
Same kind of feeling, at the height of the VN draft, as some of us are getting here and now.
You look at the way such mockeries as the 9/11 Commission or the Warren Commission played out, and the CIA has a lot of ways to cover their bets, when their ops are so vast and the consequences so far-reaching.
There is always the hubris of overreach, though, that may come to the rescue.
Most every such decision is subject to judicial review by courts. You look at the horrendous Dred Scott decision by SCOTUS and there are ways to correct them. When things are done at the highest level, sometimes it’s not so easy, especially when they are backed up by central banksters, or Larry Fink LOL.
I had a ridiculous action taken by a judge against me 45 years ago, a US Marine Colonel from nearby El Toro USMC base (where a young Lee Harvey Oswald had once been stationed, while learning Russian… ) a career officer who was moonlighting as a mere traffic court judge. He was dismissed from the bench, apparently, soon after his superior judges reviewed some of his shennanigans. I don’t know the details, but the next judge I faced gave me an informal apology from the bench. And the jarhead judge was gone for good.
Let’s hope there are some such cooler heads, in the process, that actually know and apply the laws, and that can prevail over these weirdos.
Glad it turned out ok for you in the end.
As for cooler heads, at this point in time it seems they’re all on our side of the proverbial fence.
Besides, ‘justice’ is expensive nowadays.
it is evidence of premeditation and conspiracy to facilitate mass murder and abuse. such immunity claims are invalid and are evidence of guilt.
I agree with everything you just wrote, except for the ‘invalid’ part.
That’s the rub. I don’t know how ‘invalid’ they are, in terms of strict legal (note – their legal) processes. One may subscribe to the concept that the judiciary are beyond the reach of government and apply the law equally and without favour in all cases. Good luck to anybody who holds that view.
It seems to me that immunity and indemnity are two different legal concepts. Assuming Paul Caira’s response is correct (which I do), the government has simply inserted itself between the consumer (us) and the producer (pharma), rather than exposing the producer to the consequences of its actions.
If we can still sue (assuming anybody will be able to afford it after they’ve stolen everything from us – justice is expensive) then we are effectively suing ourselves because we will be the ones who, via unlawful taxation, will pick up the bill. I suppose if you are the one suing and winning, any awarded damages could be classed as a tax rebate of sorts, but that won'[t help anybody else.
The other point to consider is that this could be an entirely pointless discussion, because once ‘vaccine passports’ have been mandated, nobody is going to be suing the government or pharma or anybody. At least, not if they want to maintain their social credit score in order to eat etc.
It’s called the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. A taxpayer-funded pot of money Uncle Sugar uses to settle vaccine injury claims. So the vaccine makers are, for all intents and purposes, shielded from the consequences of any harm their products cause. This alone should be a MAJOR red flag when it comes to substances injected into your body. Yet….here we are.
Absolutely. A major red flag.
To add another question: if your employer says you have to have a jab (illegal, of course), can you ask him to sign a witnessed paper saying he will take responsibility for any side effects, and would this paper be legally valid? It’s important that these creeps aren’t allowed to hide behind the “just following orders” meme and faced with direct responsibility for their decisions.
I have a feeling you could do that.
Employers won’t have any form of immunity or indemnity – they aren’t medical ‘professionals’ (for whatever that’s worth these days).
Hopefully somebody better qualified than I will be able to clarify.
To the author, P Jerome:
Thank you so much for contributing such a well-written article to OffGuardian. We need more people like you!
After the CDC released “Interim Estimates of Vaccine Effectiveness…” on March 29, I spent hours on this myself. There are two different CDC reports being circulated. One is the actual study and one is a CDC media release . The media release contains all kinds of claims that are not supported by the actual study. For example:
“One of this study’s strengths is its design: participants self-collected nasal swabs each week for RT-PCR laboratory testing, regardless of whether they had developed symptoms of illness. Researchers were able to look for evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection irrespective of symptoms. A small number (10.7 percent) of infections in this study were asymptomatic (i.e., did not result in symptoms). However, the majority of infections (58 percent) occurred among people whose infections were identified by testing before they developed symptoms or knew they were infected. The study demonstrates that these two mRNA vaccines can reduce the risk of all SARS-CoV-2 infections, not just symptomatic infections.”
“This is important because preventing both asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic infections among health care workers and other essential workers through vaccination can help prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 to those they care for or serve. Findings from this study complement earlier reports that these two mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can reduce both asymptomatic and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections.”
–Those two paragraphs contain little more than word salad, confounding testing with the vaccine efficacy, i.e., supposedly because in the study PCR testing detected even asymptomatic infection, the vaccine will prevent all infection, not just symptomatic. However, PCR tests have always been able to find asymptomatic infections. If you read the study you’ll see even people vaccinated tested positive. Can they still spread the illness? This study was not designed to answer that specific question.
Yet, you see the CDC Director Walensky herself basically lie on the Rachel Maddow show saying, “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick,” (NY Times: ) and that’s basically a lie at this point.
It’s becoming more and more frightening to see politicians and government agencies so easily distorting the truth in an effort to persuade more people to submit to an experimental gene therapy. I’m just glad people like you are working to help the public understand this and educate themselves.
“It’s becoming more and more frightening to see politicians and government agencies so easily distorting the truth . . . “
These government regulatory agencies (e.g. CDC etc.) have been “captured” by private financial interests, such as the Gates Foundation. Now, under neoliberalism, the agencies help private interests exploit the public. Originally, the agencies were established to serve the greater good by protecting the public from exploitation.
And to see millions of doctors who know the truth, keeping quiet about it all. My respect for the medical profession, never sky high, is now in the basement.
Can anyone then sue the WHO for misinformation? If so, I believe a trail could lead on from there and the house of cards would come down soon.
WHO can sue the WHO? (Sounds like the title of a Dr. Seuss book.)
It is becoming clear that some of these transnational institutions are too big for any one public to contest.
I can imagine Roger Daltry belting out that line an Isle of Wight rock festival.
“Whoooooo can sue
the WHO ?
the WHO ?”
Catchy !!
Maybe I missed it but are we not all ignoring an obvious question.
I think we have proved by now that it’s all a crock but what is the point? That is what concerns me.
Rhetoric never constitutes proof. Not a thing has been ‘proven’ by just denying what the majority of scientists and what actual experience shows.
We have been heading towards the biggest economic crash of all time. I have been hearing about this for decades. The 2008 banking collapse was a precursor. All those vast sums shifted over to the private sector to understandable seething outrage.
But the same thing was going to happen again and again. Only next time you couldn’t just rob the public purse. Therefore …. Pandemic time! A few months back an article on the WEF admitted that, even then, four times as much money had been spent on this covid crap than was paid off to the banks in 2008. Hey – but guess what? No outrage at all this time! Well there’s a plague on, you see!
And so, this virus crap serves as cover for the crash and as justification for a police state which the public will not merely go along with but even demand!
And that’s not taking in all the other excellent benefits to our leaders e.g. divide-and-rule taken to a devastating extreme, excuse to close down any channel disagreeing with the govt (because it’s a matter of life-and-death you see! “Misinfo kills!”), closing down of all public services (“We must make previously unthinkable sacrifices!”) etc.
The plot is even more brilliant than George Mc realises above. The plan is not to bring about an economic collapse and a police state but to instill in the population the PERCEPTION that the plan is to bring about an economic collapse and a police state.
By doing this, the enemy can realise his ultimate goal, which is to cause a massive rebellion of Light vs Dark and bring forth his “hero” to save the masses from the dark side. A hero the world will love….and worship.
Good luck with that.
A year ago, I would have laughed at you. Not today. It’s about the usual suspects: money, and above all, power.
There is no mystery here really. The vaccines and drugs in general have a declared end point prior to start of trial and the important primary end point of all the SARS cov2 vaccines in use has been reduction of clinically serious disease, hospitalisation and death, and all showed this in thier trial. As noted by the writer of this essay, to show reduction in transmissibility and of asymptomatic infections is not going to be easy to prove and will take longer. I am sure the author would agree that reducing hospitalisation and deaths is a very valuable effect of the vaccines.
What clinically serious disease? Corona is a known fast mutator so what is the point of a vaccine? This isn’t a Polio vaccine. It’s a genetically modified virus you injecting into your body because you might have a 0.01% chance of catching a cold and dying. Given that almost all stats are BS how do you know the vaccine is not increasing hospitalisation and death? In a world of 7 Billion people Governments seems strangely obsessed with keeping people alive. Somehow I really doubt that.
You obviously do not know anybody who died of COVID-19 or has been very ill with it. You may consider yourself lucky but this is not a universal experience. Making statements like yours does not sadly make it go away.
Any even partial preponderance of evidence shows that there is zero proof that the virus exists, not to mention almost no evidence that it is anything more than a scam to sell a form of “snake oil” for trillions of free money from taxpayers, an ‘oil’ that is about as beneficial as historical snake oil.
For you merely to resort to a flimsy form of shaming, is also not much proof that you exist any more than it does.
“Making statements like yours does not sadly make it (you) go away.”
Zero evidence because you say so? Why is a statement by an anonymous blogger has any credibility against the mass of peer reviewed published evidence that is out there and against the very real experiences of many real people?
That’s great news – there’s a mass of peer-reviewed published evidence out there.
To my mind, the lack of any such evidence has always been the weak point in their argument. I’m pleased to hear that it now exists.
If it’s not too much trouble, please could you post a couple of links to this evidence so we can all relax, put on a mask and wait for our vaccine, safe in the knowledge that we’ve all been barking up the wrong tree for a year.
Many thanks in anticipation.
Good article.
Still waiting for Orage to provide credible links to “a mass of peer-reviewed published evidence” which demonstrates that all this nonsense is real.
Nothing so far.
I hope he (?) hurries up, because I’ve been holding my breath ever since I put the question to him. Getting a bit dizzy now.
Great where can we find this please ? Information is all we ask then we can decide for or against . Please provide links ?
Would that by any chance be the very same ‘mass of peer reviewed published evidence’ you’ve been claiming exists, without producing any evidence of, for the past year?
Yep, thought so. Yet more of your opinionated and evidence-free bullshit with nothing whatsoever to back it up.
Where’s your evidence it ‘does’ exist.
So, being called Orage makes you believable than someone called Anonymous? You may need to stop watching so much TV.
We do actually know who died of it: 0.2% of those who got it. The other 98% didn’t. And we also know how they’ve been counting the deaths, with many “died withs” instead of died directly “ofs”. Every death is a tragedy but that cannot be used to destroy millions of livelihood and turn us into a semi-dystopian society. I have very fragile lungs and got covid. I was far less ill than when I had normal flu a few years ago, which lead to pneumonia. China flu may never go away, so maybe it’s time to man up and get used to.
If all stats are BS, you can believe anything you want and disbelieve anything you don’t want. You have to find some stats you do trust. That way madness lies.
Well sure Orage. I would welcome any step towards diminishing the number of corpses falling on my roof every day!
Going to need those peer reviewed studies im afraid or does 77th not have clearance ?
Please look up vaccine in the dictionary while you are at it, the shite they are pushing is not. Idiots like you are killing people, by your ignorance and blind obedience to a state that doesn’t give a fuck about you or anyone you know. I strongly suggest that you pull your head out of your ass, do some real research or prove us wrong.
The website, with comments like yours has reached rock bottom, like the sewers.
Why not head on back to whichever main stream source you came from then? WHY ARE YOU HERE if this site is so horrible? Why are you wasting your time in this sewer when you can surely find one more to your liking?
Did you bother to look up vaccine in the dictionary? We are still waiting for your evidence to prove us all wrong by the way….
Amazing how the Amish – you know, the religious nutters we all laugh at -managed to defeat China flu by totally ignoring all the mask and vaccine crap. They have what we should have had 12 months ago: herd immunity. Enjoy your jab!
After Burundi, after Tanzania, now its the Madagascar president they’re after. Trying to force him to get everyone vaccinated.
One would have to wonder why anyone would care about what they doing in Madagascar.
Depopulating Africa is one of the main objectives of this psyop. This goes back to the pronouncements of Cecil Rhodes (a R0thschild operative) and to Maimonides.
Occam’s Razor > Follow the money. Even the “lame-stream” Media has published articles admitting that this and other flu vaccines, in general, have never served as preventatives of contraction or contagion. This misunderstanding is being downplayed, if not suppressed, by the industry profiting from this sudden windfall demand in collusion with our supposed “democratic” representatives. In a best-case (bad) scenario, this rush to vaccinate the world is fueled by Big Pharma financial opportunism. In a worst-case scenario, some nefarious shadowy entities have conspired to engineer this pandemic as another “experiment” on how easy it actually is to manipulate and control the prols. My guess is that some of our supposed governmental representatives are colluding to push for this because of partisan, herd politics, some actually believe the vaccination will help “normalize” the world population again, and some may be experiencing lobbyist kickbacks. They certainly do not care if the injections themselves pose any potential health risks, but this is nothing new. I got the vaccination and have been getting flu vaccinations for the past 45 years. So far, no physical reaction whatsoever. I’ll keep you all apprised…
Word of advice – get your Will finalized, tombstone picked out, and cemetery plot purchased early.
Most distasteful of all in what Pedro writes has nothing to do with whether he survives it or not, but that all these pros and cons about our dear Magic Virus have something, anything, to do with “protecting health” — when it stares you in the mug that 99.9 % of people who (supposedly) catch 2019’s Bogeyman Bug (now nearing status in the “living room” of our Global Village as the “ultimate” enfant terrible in its Terrible Two’s) and are less than retirement age, effortlessly ‘survive’ and in overwhelming ubiquitous numbers. That’s presuming they ever really caught the phantom virus.
It makes a mockery of their whole “Final Solution” monster Ponzi Scheme.
But it is an interesting odyssey, coming to any solid wisdom about just what to do about it, if anything.
Resistance can take place only in a spiritual realm.
Cool. What else?
I was pointing out the level of censorship at The Guardian earlier. I tested it again today, in view of Johnson’s pronouncements on the incoming vaccine passports.
Here’s what I posted;
“The WHO reports that there are, on average, 1 billion cases of flu each year, resulting in around 650,000 deaths each year. You do the maths over 5 or 10 years. Yet no vaccination certificate/passport is required and no one is coerced into having the flu jab. Why not? When are people going to wake up to this – a virus (covid-19) that has little effect on 99.8% of the population and everyone appears to be only mildly affronted by the prospect of vaccine passports instigated by a government that is running the country by decree? What will happen next – use your imagination. It’s not difficult to see”.
It hasn’t appeared. I’m being ‘re-moderated’ now. I posted the same post on The Times forum and it is still there after half an hour. Here’s the article in The Times, which as I said earlier, does not appear to censor anything unless you try to use a link to another site.
I suppose the point that should be made is this – how many people are posting here, anonymously, when you should be shouting from the rooftops on The Times pages and the rest of social media – it’s all kicking off on there, with a lot of posters on ‘our side’. Not much point in trying to say it’s the fault of ‘controlled opposition’ when you meekly become part of the controlled opposition by hiding away in here, where you’re pretty much speaking to the converted. I haven’t dared air my views on Facebook – anyone that does that is set upon immediately. Funny that a lot of my ‘friends’ complain about the totalitarianism of the government but are unable to link it to the ‘virus’ and the vaccine passports etc when it is so obvious.
Time to go on Facebook and let them all know they’re gullible fools, I guess. On the other hand, I might find out that many of them share my views and are too afraid to speak out.
Good luck on FB you will probably get a ban .
The short answer is we dont know. If the question wasn’t asked you can’t say yes OR no,
Great piece of informative truths. Spread the word.
This is useful information. Which would be broadcast far and wide in a sane society.
Sorrowfully we find ourselves amidst a global psychopathic psy-op.
My Friend Replied. She is fine.
Now text your friend.
That really cheered me up, that she finally replied.
Cheered her up too..She says I’m looking fine.
Just a few words make all the difference
Everyone is suffering and alone now.
But we can change that.
It’s Spring.
I didn’t think it would take long….for better or worse….zerohedge running a story today…health workers have a side line…making false vax certificates…
now does this knead to dreaded tattoos or what…
COVID-19 Provisional Counts – Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics ( And look, even with their lies the CDC is forced to admit that the comorbidities of deaths under the flu, pneumonia and ”covid” code is an average of 4, it’s risen from 2.6 since last August, and the people are getting older and older.
In the UK trying to find any viable data on Pfizer & Astra Vaxx severe side-affects is made deliberately difficult
So if you get bullied into a medics surgery during the next month or three, for an against your will vaxx jab demand – print out these useful PDF sheets and go through the thousands of victims damaged to date.
And while we’re at, let’s have a quick reminder of what the Hippocratic Oath states; Primum non nocere = First do no harm.
Jesus! Blindness, heart attacks, etc. And they give it to old people!!
What kind of a freak show are we running here on planet earth.
Thanks good info.
Doctors who lost money when people were terrorised into dying at home and not seeing them are now making millions from this poison. Here in Australia where literally nothing happened at all the destruction and poison peddling has reached peak stupid.
Yes, they are getting £30 per shot. I’ve heard that here in Birmingham UK the Islamic community are vax hesitant and some of the GP’s will take £60, fill in the paperwork and dash the shots in the bin.
Let’s get a grip. The poison is equally bad – or worse by many accounts – in younger fit people, especially after the 2nd. jab.
Medicine is no longer about curing people. It’s about money. Doctors no longer have any independent thought. As if science has thought of everything What a joke. Science is built on a foundation of quicksand. Other than surgeons Doctors are nothing more than glorified pill dispensing machines. If they don’t have a pill for it, oh sorry, there is nothing we can do. I discovered there is plenty you can do and none of it involves synthetic drugs.
The surgeons are eager to remove body parts for flimsy reason – even essential ones. A high proportion of surgeons are psychopaths, says Kevin Dutton 2015.
Are doctors healers or dealers ?….i do wish they would collectively make up their minds
It is no different in other countries incl. US VAERS. The categories overlap. Each symptom or injury ranges from a passing inconvenience to visit to clinic to hospitalisation, major damage or death. The aim is to muddy the waters.
Here’s a thing. Just imagine it’s a double bluff. We know that governments and scientists have been trying to create the ultimate ‘killer virus’ for years. The idea was to create it then come up with a vaccine that would provide immunity to this deadly virus. A far weaker virus was released in 2019, known as covid-19, which enabled the governments to offer vaccines against what was thought was the weak virus but is in fact to provide immunity against the super deadly virus to be released in 2022. Hasn’t Gates said that there is worse to come? They calculated that at least 10% of us won’t take this vaccine…..job done. Target achieved.
This super deadly virus was designed as far back as 2011…I’m becoming paranoid.
There is no super deadly virus now, there is no new virus at all.
Which is exactly the point I’m trying to make. But next year, there could be – and those who haven’t had this vaccine could be toast. It could be what they want?
But what good would this year’s vaccine be against next year’s virus. Why do you think they try to sell us a new ‘flu vaccine every year.
Me? I’ve never had a ‘flu vaccine, I’ve never had ‘flu. This may be pure coincidence but I’ll continue to trust my immune system.
You didn’t read the article I linked to the Daily <ail, which refers to a super bad ‘Armageddon’ virus. The creators of said virus claimed that we need to create such viruses in order to design vaccines to protect us in the future. So, vaccinate everyone now with the newly designed vaccine, release the ‘beast’ next year and it will kill everyone who hasn’t had the vaccine this year. Simple. Everyone who refused to take the vaccine this year will be wiped out. Far-fetched? Really? have you read some of the posts on here?
I believe you have it back to front.
‘They’ have spent a lot of time, money and effort in terrifying as many people as possible in order to force them to want to take the vaccine.
Are you saying that they went to all that effort only to save those people and mop up the relatively tiny number of us who won’t take the vaccine?
Your position utterly fails the proportionality test. You don’t spend £1m to solve a £10 problem. The converse is also true.
They have invested all that time money and effort into achieving the greatest possible ROI – it’s what they always do because that’s the system they designed and now operate. All that time, money and effort to kill off a tiny fraction of people would be counter to every capitalist principle in existence.
That’s assuming the vaccine doesn’t kill all the people they are attempting to protect in your scenario. If that’s the eventual end game, we’re all fucked, including the evil-doers.
The problem with a super killer virus is it might kill the people who release it. Barring the ones who simply want to see the world burn a la Joker style, they mostly don’t have a death wish.
I really do think their end game is the genetic modification CRISPR ‘vaccine.’
Put it this way, as long as you don’t take the jab, you will keep on keeping on like nothing is happening (health-wise, though the world will be falling all around you). There will be a portion of the Jabees that do not die, but then they’ll likely re-up in the Fall, doubling down on the chances of fucking up their DNA so much that a light breeze will kill them. Depending on how many are left after that, they may also require additional re-ups until the chance of survival is so slim that you’d have better odds playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the cylinder.
Once the world population is in line with their ‘vision’ they may relent, but perhaps not. Like all serial killers, they may become addicted, if they aren’t already.
Virus do not exist so don’t worry mate you will be okay…it is whatever is in that needle that will get you if anything does.
No you not paranoid. I’ve studied the problem of human pop and finite reosurces for about 10 years now and I kept coming to one point. The only solution is rapid depopulation and the only way to do this is a virus. This was long before Corona. Phase 1. Corona. Vaccinate the right people with the right vaccine. Phase 2 – release the real virus. That’s what I believe is happening. I don’t hope I’m wrong or right simply because there is no solution with current world pop. The alternative, do nothing, will result in far more deaths and probably extinction. They need to lose about 85% of the population. i.e. 15% survive. So is the vaccine going to kill you or save you? That is the question.
Unfortunately, you may have been studying only capitalist propaganda. Fertility goes up when the future is uncertain and expoitative, and vice versa. Just by reducing consumption and pollution to the average European level, the most lavish 10% of people could reduce the global crisis by 1/3. -Lucas Chancel & Thomas Piketty, c. 2018. Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not his greed. -Mohandas Gandhi
When Gandhi wrote that there were around 1Billion people on the planet. And he was talking in a current time context. Wonder what he would say now? You living in a fantasy world.The upvotes suggest to me you not alone. Popularity doesn’t mean you right. It’s very simply. All our essential resources are finite. That means if you keep using them eventually you run out. In the case of oil and phosphates that means mass die off. Billions.
Erm the numbers are twisted, you need to drop the population by 85% whih is where vaccination will end up. Also in your scenario the highly vaccinated group are the elderly. The unvaccinated are the young. This will result in the working population declining massively leaving even fewer to support an aging population who don’t die of normal seasonal respiratory disease!
The opposite is far more likely. Inject people with an mRNA vaccine that keeps the body’s B cells permanently “on” sending signals to keep producing antibodies. This suppresses the innate immune system which is what keeps young people disease free and is the MAIN immunity since it is non specific and can fight anything.
End result : the vaccinated will be susceptible to absolutely every disease going, including the normally benign ones. The unvaccinated will be the ones with the strongest immune systems and be able to survive without big pharma. This secrect about the immune system will come out and the vaccine industry will die, except for one last twist. Big pharma will suck every last penny out of all ecnomies as it is needed to keep providing several vaccines a year every year to every vaccinated person until they are all dead. Big pharma knows this and will switch to other means of making money….land!….food!….energy whilst milking to death the previous cash cow. NB “food”, processed food, for the vaccinated sicklies all at home on universal income watching Netflix 24hrs a day 7 days a week.
The problem is that all of your research, all the discussions around resources and population are based on an assumption. That assumption is the current world population.
You don’t know what the world population is. Neither do I. We know what are told it is, but we have no way of verifying it.
I do note though that the people who ‘collate the statistics’ in respect of world population are the same people perpetrating this nonsense on us all now.
Leaving aside ideology, belief, faith in authority etc etc for a moment, ask yourself if could be even remotely possible that the world population figures could be exaggerated in order to install a solution, when the people exaggerating the figures are the ones who stand to gain the most from that solution.
Just a thought.
Yes I have been thinking the same thing as regards to world population figures . In Western Europe and North America because of birth control and abortions mainly the population is not even renewing itself . How would you count the population of Africa , India , China etc . ? I think they just estimate upwards and then convince us that we are too many to survive There was an upsurge in the European population in the Victorian era due to better sanitation and clean water and apparently times were booming and growing economically etc. What happened ? World War 1 when millions of you men ( vital for reproduction of course ) were killed along with many civillians . This was followed by the Spanish flu .It has happened before is what I am saying .
I recently saw a comment (don’t have the link but it was referred on this website) which showed that in all but a small handful of countries, the birth rates have fallen below that which is required to maintain current population levels, never mind increase them.
If that comment and the statistics upon which it was based were correct, then we face a de-population crisis rather than an over-population crisis.
Given that de-population is what Gates et al (and those who control them) seem to want, it seems to me to be a case of the population not falling fast enough for their liking, rather than simply not falling.
You’re right, the real population is likely a lot smaller than the official figures suggest. The birth rate has been falling across the board and countries like Nigeria that were accused of inflating their population stats to get aide. A century ago, most people lived in rural area and had more than three kids, nowadays they live in metropolitan areas with 1-2 children. In big countries like USA, Canada, Russia you can travel through vast areas and rarely meet another soul. Cities are deliberately overpopulated so it’s easy to create an illusion of big crowds (at leas, in pre-Covid it was).
Georgia Guidestones talk about “maintaining” population at 500 mil so that’s probably where we are right now (or less, scary as that may sound).
No, the solution is not fewer people. It is more individual freedom, including more respect for legitimate individual rights, including self-ownership, personal liberty, and private property rights.
Metaphysically speaking, yes, resources are finite. But the earth contains an enormous quantity of resources, all the way to the core, and we have barely scratched its surface.
Human ingenuity combined with freedom of inquiry and private ownership of resources enable the most usefulness to be extracted from even a small quantity of any given resource. This makes resources contextually infinite. It makes possible an increase in the production of goods and services that people desire, a decrease in poverty, and an increase in general and individual standards of living.
The earth is far from overpopulated. To put this reality in perspective, the entire human population, currently 7.8billion, could fit comfortably in the state of Texas, providing each person with 936sqft of living space. A family of 5 would have 4680sqft of living space, pretty large even by Texas’s standards.
I have found during my conversations with proponents of Malthus’s predictions over a span of 50 years that the majority of them are misanthropes, a mindset fundamentally arising from self-hatred, which they project onto others. The rest are well-meaning but grossly misguided due to a lack of a sound education. The former are redeemable if they are willing to critically examine their premises; the latter probably not so much.
The LATTER are redeemable if they are willing to critically examine their premises; the FORMER probably not so much.
SARS Corona came out of nowhere in China in 2002. First test run?
It benefitted them in being prepared. The masses were mentally prepared. It even changed some of their ancient dining habits.
On the other hand, I suppose it would be easier to poison the water supply to a few major cities and blame it on terrorism. But I suppose that way big pharma doesn’t make any money.
There are alternative theories that the genetic modification dubbed a vaccine will make those who have had it more vulnerable to future waves.
I have been thinking this is a possibility for months. It does not make sense to me that they would want to get rid of the vaccinated (the ‘good citizens’). If there is going to be any depopulation it should target the unvaccinated.
So, there is this great shortage of injectables, and countries across Europe are fighting over the precious vials.
But somehow, in Paris, they’re soliciting random passers-by (in areas with social housing, it just so happens) and giving them a golden opportunity to jump the queue!
Paywall after a few paragraphs:
Off topic but….Number of Pregnant Women suffering Miscarriage after having Covid Vaccine increases by 483% in just 7 weeks
Very much ON topic I would say. Population control.
Shouldn’t the people injecting these women be treated like criminals?
Damn right they should be.
I didn’t actually know this but strongly suspected it.
“Why are 40% of all UK Covid cases a direct result of being admitted to hospital for something else?”
Which is why I was completely terrified at the prospect of going to hospital, and put it off for as long as I could. To be fair I thought the Nurses and Doctors, were absolutely Brilliant. I was in such a bad way, I brought my tooth brush, and a few other essentials. I was so relieved, once they had pumped me through with antibiotics, that they told me to go home with my wife. I still haven’t been admitted to hospital for 59 years – not even the nuthouse.
I am still not convinced that Covid, Coronavirus, is any different from a natural Coronavirus / Bad Cold / Flu. What it primarily is, is a Massive Propaganda / Psychological event, which in itself can and quite obviously has had devastating consequences on human health.
The idea that in came from a Chinese Wet Market, right across the road from Wuhan’s Biological Warfare Facility funded mainly by The Americans who practiced at Fort Detrick, and shut it down, cos it scared the sh1t out of them, is a bit far fetched.
So far as I am aware, The Chinese don’t eat bats, and the Definition of a wet market is
“A wet market is a market that sells perishable foods such as meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables.”
They are on almost every street in China. They like to buy their food Fresh, not from a Supermarket.
Anyone who has a Vaccination, using an experimental vaccine, has been completely brainwashed. This however is not unusual. You know the power of advertising.
I reckon the reason why, people who work in Doctors General Practice Surgeries, and Chemists, and Hospitals, rarely get ill, is because they see ill people every day , who have got all the diseases under the sun.
They gradually build up their natural immunity, cos they have regular exposure every day, and they are pretty much immune.
It naturally builds up their own immune systems.
I also know, that they know that the flu vaccines don’t work. Never has, and they don’t have them, unless brainwashed to, and even then she admitted it. I hope she is OK. She no longer replies to my text messages…and she is a very good friend.
Some injections work really well. If you get bitten by a rabid dog, or even a snake, I strongly suggest that you get to hospital as soon as you can.
I have my utmost respect for people who save lives, which usually the nurses.
“Why are 40% of all UK Covid cases a direct result of being admitted to hospital for something else?”
Can you link the data you provided -so I can use it like a cudgel.
My latest video reveals untold information (backed up by facts) of how COVID-19 managed to spread throughout the entire world, WITHOUT spreading through China… (not what you’ve been told)
In sum, just a rather tame and mediocre virus, after all, but weaponized beyond its weight to be carried everywhere that hype can reach, borne aloft on the winds of propaganda.
Someone posted link to VAERS in one of the previous Off Guardian articles and I have found it useful to identify raw data associated with serious complications, side effects and deaths from vaccines.
So,I will pass it along. The VAERS( CDC) Wonder-shows detailed cases, numbers of deaths, cardiac arrests and covid infections and many, many more complications after receiving vaccine.One can input and isolate whether recipients have had one or two shots, which brand of vaccine or all-as a whole.
In Germany, they seem to have found ‘immunised’ asymptomatic people showing an “extremely high viral load” with the PCR test, who are now being described as ‘super spreaders’.
This ought to destroy the argument in favour of injections ‘to protect others’. But it won’t, since logic is now a thing of the past.
Yes, the age of enlightenment is over.
In the West there was a brief period of enlightenment in the 19th Century. Post Catholicism and pre the New Popes of Science and materialism. A small window but lots of good books written if you know where to look. Other than that there never was enlightenment in the West.
What’s happening now is not “science” or materialism, it is politics.
Science would be the use of Quality-Adjusted Life-Years to measure the impact. This can be used to measure all the impact not just that due to death. The destruction of the economy is going to result in hundreds of millions of QALYs lost in the next few years.
The ol’ ebb and flow: exiting the enlightenment, entering the endarkenment.
For all individuals, time to shine.
“Extremely high load of human genome” it should read instead.
That will slow down the enthusiasm for testing and the PCR!
I see, if the vaccine is useless you must be a super spreader. I would like to super spread something on them.
“Vaccination is the medical sacrament corresponding to baptism. Whether it is or is not more efficacious I do not know.”
— Samuel Butler (1835-1902)
Butler’s wise observation is quite correct, but as with all religions the liturgy changes over time.
In the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic, I’d say that the masks have acquired the “baptism” function: a sacramental/fetish initiation.
Vaccination is now more like the Eucharist– a miraculous substance that believers ingest in the belief that it is a necessary and salutary path to salvation.
That would be so funny if it weren’t tragic.
Yes we got rid of the Popes of Catholicism and replaced them with the Popes of Science. Not sure which is worse. I think the latter.
We have gone from the refutation of the claim of the Divine Right of Kings to being commanded to believe in and submit to the equally false Divine Right of Government Operators and Government Technocrats.
Remember when AstraZ said no proof their vaccine caused clots and death? Well now 9 out of 30 people who suffered clots dead.
Dr J Whelan warned FDA in December the mRNA type vaxes cause microthrombi. He was ignored.
Been reading up on Stefan Lanka lately. Highly recommended!
Dismantling-the-Virus-Theory.pdf (
Maybe that’s too many URL’s. Hope not.
So what causes infections in British Hospitals, in many cases, less than 48 hours after admission? I know this is true. So what is it, if not any of many viruses? British Hospitals give the distinct impression of being very clean. It can’t be the food.
Don’t know. The atmosphere? The medications? Traces of toxins? Definitely the food. The health care system need customers.
What is going on here? This was about a week ago and no other media seems to have reported it:
The link to CJD would be through prion proteins. If it’s “fake news” then the linked artcle alone from the NYT about his undisclosed financial links is worth the trouble.
It is very curious but Astrazeneca has not reported if Baselga was vaccinated.
Richard Grenell: “Do we get the mark on our foreheads or hands?!”
Mar 28, 2021
Quote: @disclosetv
Mar 28
NEW – Biden admin is set to launch a #COVID19 passport that Americans must have to engage in commerce and would track Americans that took the vaccine (WaPo)
Richard Allen Grenell (born September 18, 1966) is an American diplomat, political advisor, and media consultant who served as Acting Director of National Intelligence in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet in 2020. A member of the Republican Party, Grenell served as the United States Ambassador to Germany from 2018 to 2020 and as the Special Presidential Envoy for Serbia and Kosovo Peace Negotiations from 2019 to 2021.
Vaccine Passports Are Being Compared to Yellow Stars of David From the Holocaust
U.S. opponents of vaccine passports have implied that the policy is similar to the Nazis persecution Europes Jews, which culminated in genocide
Mar 31, 2021
Political activists, including Rep. Madison Cawthorn and a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, are comparing the idea of “vaccine passports” to Nazi Germany, with many invoking the yellow Stars of David that Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust. . .
Israel, which has inoculated the majority of its population of 9 million, has been implementing a vaccine passport system for about a month. Supporters of the idea say it will allow vaccinated people to enjoy a relative return to normalcy while encouraging others to get the vaccine. But some opponents have implied that the idea of opening recreational spaces to those who aren’t at risk of COVID is similar to the Nazis’ persecution Europe’s Jews, which culminated in genocide.
“Proposals like these smack of 1940s Nazi Germany. We must make every effort to keep America from becoming a ‘show your papers society,’” said Cawthorn, a freshman Republican congressman from North Carolina, according to Fox News. “The Constitution and our founding principles decry this type of totalitarianism.”
Richard Grenell, former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to Germany and a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, tweeted a meme showing a Nazi Gestapo officer in the Quentin Tarantino film “Inglorious Basterds” saying, “You’re hiding unvaccinated people under your floorboards, aren’t you?” The original line from the movie uses similar wording in referring to Jews. “Speak up now. #slipperyslope,” Grenell wrote.
In Britain, conservative pundit James Delingpole tweeted, “Wouldn’t it be better just to cut to the chase and give unvaccinated people yellow stars to sew prominently onto their clothes?”
Yep we are insisting on doing parallels to last time Uranus was in Taurus….so about 2 years to the big death numbers….so place your bets to how the universe manages that and your own chances of avoidance.. personally I am placing my bet on the untaxed surviving. And
Haaretz should talk to people in Israel who are making the same comparisons with the introduction of the country’s Green Pass.
It seems that MAGA has lined up against vaccine passports.
FL Gov. DeSantis Says He’ll be Taking Executive Action Against Vaccine Passports
Mar 29, 2021
The Biden Administration is now working to launch “vaccine passports” so Americans can prove they’ve been inoculated. The vaccine passports will be the key to returning to normalcy and may actually control who is allowed to participate in the workforce. The Washington Post first reported on Sunday that the Biden Administration is coordinating with multiple government agencies in developing a system that would impact many aspects of life.
DeSantis pushed back and said he will fight the vaccine passports.
“You want the fox to guard the hen house? I mean, give me a break… We are not going to have you provide proof of this just to be able to live your life,” DeSantis said.
I hope and pray Gov. DeSantis has genuine friends around him, and stays very mindful of his surroundings.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Executive Order Prohibiting Use of Covid-19 Vaccine Passports
April 2, 2021
Today I issued an executive order prohibiting the use of so-called COVID-19 vaccine passports. The Legislature is working on making permanent these protections for Floridians and I look forward to signing them into law soon. Read my EO here –
— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) April 2, 2021
A court in Brussels has ruled that all measures in Belgium be lifted within 30 days.
We should perhaps expect an appeal in record-breaking time once again.
In English:
Excellent news, Portugal, Belgium and the Czech Republic are all challenging their tyrant governments. Their house of cards is starting to fall.
It’s not yet about the merits of the measures though. Just their legality in Belgium. Still, it could be a sign.
Queensland records three cases of COVID-19
ABC News (Australia)
Streamed live 12 hours ago
Queensland has recorded two new community cases of COVID-19, both linked to an existing cluster. The third case was in hotel quarantine. Health authorities said that it is an encouraging sign that lockdown could be lifted tomorrow if the situation doesn’t worsen.
I’m having difficulty believing anything about this.
Well I am living through it,,,,all a political game….partly as there was to be a big musical festival over the border which meant people might enjoy themselves for a couple of days….and NSW look happy…but all sorts of weird agendas going on…bugger all to do with covid..job keeper basically ended the same day…
and 1000 miles away we are supposed to be wearing masks etc etc to avoid the spread, etc etc…just more of the delusional, destructive nonsense when the medical and political mob combine and set out to destroy the economy..
the woman in that video has thyroid issues, hypo or hyper, see her swollen neck…thats a symptom.
Pfizer claims its so-called vaccine is 100% effective in 12-15 year olds.
Just a coincidence that they’re having particular difficult selling this to the young of course.
PFIZER, some may recall, and I have posted elsewhere, was convicted on criminal charges, and found liable to the tune of $2.9 BILLION, in 2009. A record.
It is alarming to see that they feel they can pull off this scam somehow with impunity, when the entire program of forced vaccinations that have not been tested is “a legal minefield” as the article puts it.
Let alone the most shocking crime of corporate and governmental collusion in human history.
But it seems that there are many de facto flaws in such a “strategy”.
Let’s hope the equally criminal collusion of the now monolithic major (wealthy) media will be unable to “mask” this ongoing and unfolding sneak attack on humanity in all its cowardice and implicit ineptitude.
Here is a specimen of media criminal collusion in just latest of daily doses to my email inbox from NYT (it leads off with a barrage of virus + vaxx “news” which is copied herein, in its entire summary):
View in browser|
March 31, 2021
By the staff of The Morning
Good morning. Cases are rising again in the U.S., even as the vaccine campaign accelerates. We explain why.
An 83-year-old woman received a vaccine at home in Yonkers, N.Y., this week.Stephanie Keith/Reuters
Caution vs. optimism
The news about the state of the pandemic in the U.S. has been largely positive in the past few months. The vaccines are highly effective, and millions of people are receiving doses each day. Cases, hospitalizations and deaths have fallen sharply from their January peaks.
But infections are rising again. The U.S. has averaged 65,000 new cases a day over the past week — a 19 percent increase from two weeks ago. That puts the country close to last summer’s peak, though still far below January levels.
By The New York Times | Sources: State and local health agencies
As those numbers make clear, the pandemic isn’t over yet. And it may get worse in the next few weeks. But there are still strong reasons to be optimistic about Covid’s trajectory in the U.S.
What’s driving cases up?
Several factors are fueling the upturn, Apoorva Mandavilli, a Times science reporter, told us. A more contagious variant (the one first identified in Britain, called B.1.1.7) is spreading. Some mayors and governors have continued to lift restrictions and mask rules. Many Americans are behaving less cautiously. And vaccinations have not gotten the country near herd immunity.
Many experts aren’t surprised. “For literally a month and a half, we’ve all been predicting that the second half of March is when B.1.1.7 would become the dominant variant in the United States,” says Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown School of Public Health. “And sure enough, here we are.”
The increase is not distributed equally. “New York and New Jersey have been bad and are not getting better, and Michigan’s cases are rising at an explosive rate,” Mitch Smith, a Times reporter covering the pandemic, said.
Hospitalizations are also rising rapidly in Michigan, with Jackson, Detroit and Flint among the metro areas experiencing the highest rates of new cases in the country.
The outlook is more encouraging in much of the West and South, though cases have started to tick up in Florida, where officials in Miami Beach instituted a curfew this month to prevent crowds of spring breakers from gathering.
Still, Mitch noted, “compare the country to where we were in January, it’s hands-down way better.”
Short-term worry, longer-term optimism
What happens next? Cases could continue to rise in the coming weeks, Apoorva says. Between vaccinations and prior infections, half the country may have some form of immunity to the virus, according to Jha: “That still leaves a lot of vulnerable people who can get infected.”
But the success of the country’s ongoing vaccination drive should keep deaths and hospitalizations well below their January peaks. Many of the people at the greatest risk of severe illness have already been inoculated, which means new cases are likely to be concentrated among younger and healthier people.
And there are many reasons to expect the state of the pandemic to improve as summer approaches. More and more Americans will get vaccinated. The arrival of warmer weather will let more people spend time outside, where the virus spreads less easily. And cities and states could blunt some new cases by keeping indoor mask mandates.
Caution in the immediate term and hope in the longer term can make for difficult public health messaging. President Biden walked that line this week, celebrating expanded vaccine access while warning that “reckless behavior” could lead to more infections.
The solution, Jha believes, is honesty. “There’s been this debate throughout the whole pandemic: Should we be more optimistic or should we be more pessimistic? My personal strategy has been to just be honest with people,” he says. “Be honest with people and give it to them straight. I think most people can handle it.”
In other virus news:
Researchers in Britain are exploring the possible benefits of pairing doses from different Covid vaccines.
An elite New York City hospital repeatedly billed patients more than $3,000 for a Covid test.
Apologies for the text being copied without links, but it can all be found at NYT site.
What many who have been gulled by this “journalism” have trouble grasping is that news outlets around the world are quite capable of lying in the same ways, same fake stats, same liars quoting each other’s whoppers, etc. Most of the public still has trouble wrapping its head around the reality that such now ubiquitous lying is not quite the same thing as “consensus”, especially when the stories start to show more and more signs of not matching.
No matter how many errata the moguls later publish, to force them to match.
One thinks of the ancient Story of Susana and the Elders, as they are called out by Daniel in the 13th Chapter of his book.
The corrupt judges’ stories didn’t match there, and they don’t match here. But it took a lone voice to convince the crowd that they’d been duped.
Hypnotized, in essence, by the judges’ “authority”.
There is no “legal minefield” for the criminal manufacturers. They are both criminally and civilly immune to any consequences. Employers and others on the other hand might be, but even the clowns on Fox News, who should be standing up for freedom and liberty, are taking the side of businesses and mandates and “passports” if it gets the economy going again and shields them from any liability. There is NOBODY standing up for freedom anymore in the mainstream media (if there has ever been).
FOX NEWS: Any Port in a Storm (of truth).
I’m not sure any legislative instrument can cancel or overide the international treatise such as The Nuremberg Code
FOX Newz and Trump have been very similar in approach, their slips always eventually showing, beneath all the dress. They are now and always have been, “all blow and no go”.
They will often play at being some form or fashion of civil libertarians, then the moment push comes to shove with their REAL interests, their Smaug-ian piles of GOLD, or their sponsors’ and owners’, they go full frontal nudely corporate.
Same as that revolting little weasel Tucker Carlson, who defended the Bush side on air, against Bill Press, during the disgusting charade of the 2000 Bush/Gore “Recount”. And he pimped for every single shred of that 9th month abortion/infanticide of Justice. The Bush lawyer in the Florida phase said that the Scalia-led SCOTUS halt to the Recount was the worst decision in its history (which includes the ancient Dred Scott atrocity).
That was the lead lawyer for the BUSH side, mind you. Barry (last name slips my mind, but a search will dig it).
But that didn’t phase that perfect presstitute Tucker Carlson, at pains to re-invent a “kinder, gentler” version of himself these past 20 years, since then.
Yeah right?
He is emblematic of all the FOX fake folks shilling their Scheisse.
Brit playwright Dennis Potter (‘The Singing Detective’) dubbed his fatal tumour “Rupert”.
FOX StierScheisse. Bat Guano Puro.
Therein lies one of the twin horns of this bull: media.
Pfizer is also the company behind lyrica. ‘fibromyalgia’, ‘autoimmune’, everybodys been bitten by a tick kind of crap.
“Pregabalin, a drug prescribed to treat anxiety, epilepsy and nerve pain has seen huge increases in prescription in Belfast, alongside the illegal trade of the drug on the streets. Director Adam Patterson follows the lives of some young people in Northern Ireland who are using and at times ”
it is
why would you doubt it
why would they lie?
yes yes you may scoff
but they are telling the truth here.
it is effective in it’s real intended
remote control inflammation triggered from 5g radiation
Also, as a stat, I read a review of “The Quiet American” (Philip Noyce 2002 film version) in 2004, and since then elsewhere, how the USA-backed puppet despots in ’60s “South” Vietnam (the natives on both sides didn’t recognize the halving, an USAmerican euphemism) regularly won re-elections with 86+% of the vote. ‘Automatic’ results.
When puppets do the counting, either of votes or vaccines or viruses and variants, in “explosive” if raging viral ubiquity, you always get puppet theatre simplifications.
Or, for just about everything “official” this past year, merest Sock Puppet Theatre.
Minimalist cartoons of already over-simplifications. Like most USA newz. And not just the ‘fast foods’ genres.
Is anyone else flabbergasted by the chutzpah of advertising a 100% effective rate in an age group that does not get ill with the supposed malady?
Is anyone disgusted by the idea of injecting children with an experimental drug for which they will have no need?
Have we touched bottom yet?
It’s paradoxical, I know, but I’m pretty sure we’ve touched bottomless.
The abysmal depths
And Corona (if it even exists) has absolutely no effect on young people. So what are you vaccinating for especially as coronviruses are known fast mutators. Faster than flu. So like duh WTF! We must all look very f&%$Cking thick
I am not ever getting one of these vaccines but here a good rule: Never buy the first generation of a new technology.
Yep I wait for at least 4 generations of technologies when they are quarter the price
Two things stiks out, one is the total absense of Liability, the second is the fact this uh…. virus have an letality rate in the range of 99.8%, then we have an range of utter bullshit inbetween.
How to hide the fact this vaccines dont even work, is to drown the issue with semantical parallell barr exsercises where the same fact, 99.8% is what sets the premisses but is ignored in an hail storm of drivel about asymptomatic uh…. infectional spreading witch is again just an prof, not an exseption of the fact this virus isnt dangerous at all, expect from an smal group of humans usualy compromised from before, and nobody else.
They simply cant prove anything, the vaccine makers cant prove it protects, of course when the problem isnt existing, and thats where we stand, in an hail storm of bullshit, and the corruption of our lifes and health care is what we are facing, nothing else.
In Norway they have gone total retard, and wants everybody to be vaccinated, and the propaganda witch is pimped by an corrupt to the bone MSM is infact so riddicilous one have to ask what on earth is it that makes the people actually dumb enough to belive, and the statistics isnt even close to the truth, just over 600 deaths, what they dont say is that this number is accumulated thru the entire last year and plussed with an continuing numbers related to this last 3 months, but if you take the last 3 months and separate the numbers to be anualy, its infact lesser than whats been the norm for decades back in time, and so on, its an unpressedented level of utter bullshit, there is so much nonsense that its baffling, like the hype about respiratores, why, we are not told, to witch extent, nothing is said, what conditions is required even less is revealed, we are not told anything, just an freak show of howling about infected, of course since more are tested the numbers are sky rocketing but the dangers havent changed by the numbers, its stil not even close to what I expected to be if it was an genuine epidemic, like people dying all over in what some whom and reinvented the M. Mans infamous hockey stick, and somehow this scums are stil regarded as “profs” of something and they wounder why some of us finds science to be an dying quasi-religious cult, because thats what its become, dead.
Its like everything is getting worse, the lies, the faking of reasons, the faking of reseach to come up with even faker conclusions, backed with uttely faked statistics about an issue witch is by large not even dangerous for most of us, its getting simply bizarre.
To be honest, the MSM is gone total bonkers, not only in this issue aka the scamdemic, but in every way, from the hate propaganda against Russians and Chines to the mocumentarys echoed in the MSM about wars like Yemen, its jaw dropping and it only escalates.
I stugle to figure out why, whats really going on, it was bad before, but everything is gotten so much worse lately.
The push by private companies to require vaccination and “immunity passports”….
This is the killer move, it’s genius. Of course our governments won’t make vaccination mandatory, but they will be de facto mandatory if you want to do anything like travel, attend concerts/theatres/cinemas, go to restaurants, go shopping – the list may well become endless.
But they are not “immunity” passports because it’s well known that neither the “vaccines” nor having antibodies confers immunity or stops one from receiving or transmitting.
So, for a private company to expect immunity should be vigorously challenged.
It’s different if they ask someone to be vaccinated as that can be refused – vaccines ARE NOT MANDATORY (in the UK)
Private companies, such as,say, Easyjet or Ryanair, can ask for a ‘Vaccination Certificate’, though? Otherwise they could leave themselves wide open to being sued for not protecting passengers. As Nosebag wrote above, it’s genius. Well, perhaps not genius, but you can imagine ‘Big Pharma’ is salivating at the prospect.
Next = some businesses won’t accept AZ because Pfizer offers a higher level of ‘protection’. So off you trot for a £100 booster from Pfizer. Kerching.
What concerns me as well is the link to the cashless society. Leaving the house without your ‘Vaccination Passport’ could eventually lead to a fine. Refusal to pay the fine could be followed by a direct deduction from your bank account by government. If you don’t think that’s possible, think again. Initially it might only be for unpaid tax, but, tyrants have a way……we are, after all, being governed by decree.
Hi David R
It might start as a bank deduction but, if one persists in being a bit naughty, they’ll just turn off account access.
And if you’re thinking of more than one account, then at least one of the others should be inaccessible to the State – crypto for example.
All by coercion, if we don’t rise up pretty bloody soon
Well, I agree with what you say, but my fear is that ‘they’ already have complete control and and the outcome is rather inevitable. There is no effective opposition whatsoever, as far as I can see. We only have ourselves to blame, to a large extent, as we all bought in to the digital world, social media, online banking, downloading apps without reading a single word of the T&Cs (most of us do that, I haven’t met anyone who reads the Apple or Windows updates on their computers/phones. Including me. I’ve absolutely no idea what I’m agreeing to when I tick the accept box). We’re sleepwalking into a dystopian new world. Most of us can’t spare the time to look up from watching the bloody Masked Singer and other assorted crap to bother researching anything of importance. Very, very depressing. My wife has had the vaccine (AZ, a month ago). The reaction has put her off the second dose. I only have to look at an aspirin tablet and I have an anaphylactic shock, I suffer from psoriasis, so I really don’t want to take any of that crap (I wouldn’t anyway, regardless, as I simply don’t trust ‘them’).
I agree re Ts & Cs yet ironically, I run a reasonable sized construction company and go through any project Contracts with a tooth comb !!
My wife just had her 2nd Pfizer jab this morning and, like the first, is feeling very tired right now. Compared to others she’s very lucky !
The household “tested positive for Covid” on January 3rd and we quarantined for a couple of weeks. Reading about the Covid passports, I thought I’d get an antibody test as this will make me compliant as I will not have an mRNA jab.
I was tested on Monday and yesterday came the confirmation that I am positive for antibodies ! But of course, they can’t/won’t tell you how long such protection lasts and warns that you may still get & transmit SARS-CoV-2. So, no different to a “vaccine” then !
The con is amazing, there is no new bloody virus. It’s a cold, we are all immune
Yes, it’s shocking, I haven’t had a vaccine or any stuff like that in 50 years, as the junk they gave me as a child I suspect is at the bottom of many of my allergic reactions. So, that might earn me a pass on this stuff. No? Gee whiz.
Who knows, but they harbor way too many convicted criminals to inspire any trust at all, especially with ANY of THIS.
¿Pretty sick industry anyway, even on a good day?
“Well, I agree with what you say, but my fear is that ‘they’ already have complete control and and the outcome is rather inevitable.”
Yes, the controls are already in place.
In the USA, the IRS and state departments of revenue (DOR) can levy (rob) any and all amounts in all of your bank accounts at any time, for any reason.
Your state DOR will notify you by mail after that legalized act of theft (but theft nonetheless) has taken place, not before.
Every airline ticket is a contract that a customer enters into upon purchasing a ticket. The terms are printed on the ticket.
Airlines and other businesses will have to update their terms by including a “release from all liability” clause concerning any claim from anyone that the claimant contracted COVID from someone while claimant was on business property and/or interacting with one or more of the business’s employees.
This release clause would prevent liability both for a business owner who requires employees and customers to be “vaccinated”, and for one who imposes no such requirement.
Logging onto the Internet, owning a computer and printer, biting a newspaper …
Geez, I think I’ve already seen this film!
The simple fact that everyone is overlooking is that there is NO rule, code or mandate written down by a service corporation, even if they are acting as a de facto government, that is actually a law. All of it is unlawful, service corporations do not write laws and there is no legislation that applies to men and woman. This world of fiction is only applicable to ficticious entities like persons. There is no state agent or politician that would ever step forward in a court of law when asked the question: Who is the author of this act and do they consider this man to be their property? Government actors avoid personal liability at all times and would not risk facing allegations of administrating property without right, or slavery!
The forced vaccination programme was tested in Samoa in December 2019. All the people involved should face charges for crimes against humanity.
The measles epidemic shutting down the tiny island of Samoa
The Telegraph
Dec 5, 2019
Two hundred thousand South Pacific islanders face an unprecedented two day national quarantine as the government of Samoa struggles to arrest a catastrophic measles epidemic which has claimed at least 60 lives.
Dec 4, 2019
From 6am today, all public and private services, offices, and businesses, will be closed during two twelve-hour, daytime curfews, while road travel will be prohibited to all except emergency, medical-related, or essential utility traffic. . . . Figures reported from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal that in the last five years, levels of vaccination against measles, mumps and rubella have collapsed in Somoa, from 90 to just 31 per cent of eligible infants.
Crisis In Samoa – Interview with an Aussie Activist
c/o Sherri Tenpenny’s site; Vaxxter.
Dec 15, 2019
By Heather Simpson, Vaxxter Contributor
Michael Simms is the Aussie activist who started the GoFundMe Campaign to free Edwin Tamasese, the hero healer of Samoa. Edwin saved many lives during the measles outbreak by giving the people high doses of vitamins A and C. He was arrested because of a comment against the government vaccination policy on social media. I interviewed Michael Simms via e-mail to find out more from someone who is actually in Samoa, watching first hand what is happening. Here is what he had to say.
Q – How many children do you estimate Edwin has helped to recover?
A – At this point, the number is well over 100.
Q – Is there anyone taking over Edwin’s job of helping the children with the vitamins? Are there still packs of vitamins arriving in Samoa?
A – I can not comment on the future. Yes, the packs of vitamins are still arriving in Samoa.
Q- Before the vaccination campaign, how did the people of Samoa treat the measles when it occurred? Were fatalities common?
A-Mortality rate from measles was never this high in the past. Anecdotally old folks remember measles being generally a mild disease. The CEO of the Ministry of Health stated on national news that they don’t recall any deaths from the 1985 outbreak of over 1000 cases. The present outbreak has, so far, about 14 deaths per 1000 cases.
LIADW: i.e. via the blocking of appropriate treatment, the authorities are killing children in order to force through the vaccination programme.
Q- How is the vaccination campaign going? I read some families are refusing the vaccine. Can you estimate how much of the population is refusing the vaccine?
A- The Government aims at having 100% vaccinated with 93% injected so far. That means vaccinating everyone no matter age or if they have had measles before. Yes, some families are refusing the vaccine. Some hid out during the shutdown. There have also been reports of children running from the police when they arrived with vaccines. I would estimate that the remaining 7% are the ones refusing the vaccine, as they haven’t been vaccinated yet. The Prime Minister just stated that he looks forward to catching everyone who isn’t vaccinated yet. Next week he is passing a law to make it compulsory to be vaccinated to attend school for all school-aged children.
Q- Do you anticipate harsher measures taken by the Government to force families who are refusing vaccination into compliance and quenching dissent?
A- The government has now put in further restrictions on the people of Samoa. The government will be requesting the people to submit to physical examinations. If you refuse it, you can be fined $200, or be jailed and forced into compliance. This is a way to prevent people from seeing healers. No longer are they able to seek their own alternatives; they are making it illegal to do so. Anyone visiting someone like Edwin will be fined $200 a day until caught. They will be charged and forced to stay in a hospital until deemed fit to leave. If they leave hospital prior to discharge, they will be fined $200 per day until they are caught. At present there doesn’t seem to be any restrictions on who they can do this to. If they request a medical examination from you , then you must show up. We also don’t know at this point if that means they can forcibly vaccinate you while you are there.
Maybe this is why the UN focused on the Pacific islanders in their April 2020 virtual concert. It was the degenerates’ way of kicking off the cull.
The concert closed with a moving performance of a song, “We Will Rise”, written about the pandemic in the Pacific and performed by Pasifika Voices and the International School Suva. Sung primarily by children and youth, the heart-warming lyrics concluded on a note of hope.
“Around the world we’re closing borders, COVID-19 on the rise
A new world order behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again”