You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!
James Corbett
Imagine you find a prisoner in an unlocked jail cell. Confused, you ask him why he’s sitting there when the door to his cell isn’t even locked.
“Oh, it’s unlocked? I didn’t check.”
You assure him it’s unlocked and ask again why he doesn’t leave.
“Why bother? They’ll probably catch me before I get out.”
You look around in confusion. You explain to him that this isn’t even a prison. That he’s simply been told to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay in an unlocked room, but he doesn’t have to comply. All he has to do is leave.
“Even if I get away, they’ll just find me and bring me back here. Might as well just stay put.”
Do you think this story is ridiculous? Of course it is. But the situation it details is all too true. In fact, researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be made to effectively lock themselves up inside their own mental prison…and it didn’t take long for the intelligence agencies to put that research to use.
Today, let’s explore the startling true story of how and how the public has been conditioned into a (false) sense of helplessness, and — more important by far — what you can do to break that conditioning.
If the story of the prisoner who won’t escape his unlocked jail cell sounds outlandish, consider the story of The Elephant and the Rope. Short story even shorter:
In India, elephant handlers often train baby elephants to be submissive by chaining them to a post. They’ll fight with all their will to break free. Day in and day out they’ll try, but eventually they just give up. When the baby elephants become adults they no longer need chains to be tied in place; just a thin rope will do.
Now, if that sounds like a cruel thing to do to an elephant, you’re right. But it’s also effective. Massive, powerful adult elephants can be kept in place with a flimsy rope simply because they have been conditioned since birth to believe that they can’t break free of their tether.
But like many things that are obvious to those who work with the natural world, this insight had to be “rediscovered” in the lab by some graduate students in psychology. In this case, Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a series of experiments in the late 1960s that essentially replicated this elephant and the rope phenomenon.
Entitled “Learned Helplessness,” his 1972 paper outlining this research showed how Seligman and his team had subjected two sets of dogs to painful electric shocks.
The first group of dogs were placed in a “shuttle box” where they could escape the electric shocks by jumping over a small barrier. These dogs soon learned that crossing the barrier protected them from the shocks and (as you would expect) crossed the barrier more and more quickly each time the experiment was performed until they could escape the shocks altogether.
The second group of dogs were placed in what Seligman described as a “Pavlovian hammock” from which they could not escape the shocks however much they struggled. This set of dogs reacted completely differently from the control group when placed in the shuttle box. Fully two-thirds of this group did not even try to escape the shocks and thus never discovered that they could avoid them altogether by crossing the barrier. They simply lay down, whining, until the shocks ceased.
The lesson of this experiment is seemingly straightforward: “By our hypothesis, the dog does not try to escape because he expects that no instrumental response will produce shock termination.” In other words, if you want to induce complete helplessness in a dog, condition them to believe that nothing they do will make any difference.
But, as I noted in my video on Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill, animal experiments are never really about animals. They’re about humans. In this case, too, the point was not to learn how to induce helplessness in dogs, but to learn how that state of helplessness (aka depression) is induced in humans.
So how long do you think it took for the CIA to start weaponizing Seligman’s research for use against its enemies? If your answer was “three decades,” then you win a prize!
Yes, by the time the war (of) terror came along, the Criminals In Action were using Seligman’s experiments as a how-to guide in their illegal torture program.
An old folk tale holds that you can conjure the apparition of Mary Bloodsworth (aka “Bloody Mary”) by chanting her name in front of a mirror in a candle-lit room. But if you want to summon a real demon, it’s much more straightforward than that. All you have to do is document a psychological phenomenon that can be weaponized against the population and before you know it you’ll have the CIA at your doorstep, notepad in hand. Just ask Martin Seligman.
Having long since shifted his focus from torturing animals in the name of understanding human depression, by 2001 Seligman had pioneered a new branch of cognitive psychology called positive psychology seeking to help people overcome their learned helplessness (more on which later). As part of that work, Seligman delivered a lecture on at the San Diego Naval Base in May, 2002 on how his research could help American personnel—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.”
Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Seligman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program.
Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As the New York Times described in a report on the subject in 2009:
Dr. Mitchell, colleagues said, believed that producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands. Many experienced interrogators disagreed, asserting that a prisoner so demoralized would say whatever he thought the interrogator expected.
Unsurprisingly, Mitchell got his way and, equally unsurprisingly, those submitted to these techniques began to say whatever their interrogators expected, exactly as predicted. Mitchell and his colleague, Dr. Bruce Jessen, helped direct the 2002 “interrogation” of Abu Zubaydah—who was waterboarded 83 times in a single month—and the supposed 9/11 “mastermind,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who “confessed” to the 9/11 plot after being waterboarded 183 times and sleep deprived for over six days. Mitchell himself even personally threatened to cut the throat of KSM’s son during one interrogation.
These techniques were so effective that, not only did they produce the testimony that formed the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report (and thus, to this day form the backbone of the official 9/11 story), they also caused KSM to confess to targeting a bank that wasn’t even founded until after his arrest! Talk about results!
In a sick way, the CIA’s experiments in inducing learned helplessness proved that Seligman had discovered valid insights into a real psychological phenomenon. It certainly is possible to create the conditions to break someone’s will and cause them to confess to whatever their torturers want. But this is emphatically not the point of the learned helplessness research and it is important to note that Seligman, for his part, was never aware that his research was being used by the CIA until after the the Senate’s report on the torture program was released to the public and that he completely denounced the perversion of his research when it was exposed.
From some lab experiments in the 1960s to an illegal CIA torture program four decades later, the story of the research into learned helplessness is incredible enough. But (thankfully for us) the story doesn’t end there.
In one version of Seligman’s experiment, one group of dogs were given levers to push that could stop the shocks from happening while another group were given levers to push that did nothing at all. Unsurprisingly, when the levers were taken away, the dogs whose levers had worked in the first round of the experiment attempted to escape the shocks and eventually discovered that they could jump over the barrier to be free of them; the dogs whose levers had not worked almost uniformly curled up and accepted the shocks without even attempting to escape.
The would-be social engineers know this already. This is precisely why we are asked to fixate on the never-ending (s)election sideshow circus. As I have pointed out time and time again, not only is the entire concept of “electing” “representatives” to impose their will on the entire population of an arbitrary geographical location fundamentally immoral, it is also a sure way to induce learned helplessness in the population.
As you know by now, the 2D political chess game that is used to distract the public does absolutely nothing to change the real political agenda that is set by the 3D chess masters. And just as every child eventually discovers that their toy driving wheel doesn’t actually control the car, so, too, do even the most devoted statists eventually begin to realize that their ballot in the voting box every four years does nothing to prevent the globalist agenda from playing out like an unstoppable nightmare.
This realization is demoralizing. That is the entire point. The message of the political system that we have grown up with our whole lives is: “Throw the bums out every four years if you like. It doesn’t matter! It changes nothing! You have no effect on the system.”
Unfortunately, all too often the victims of this conditioning merely internalize this message and stop there. These are the people who spend their time in online fora and comment sections preaching that nothing will ever change, shooting down every idea or alternative that is ever proposed. Although critical examination of ideas is always important, the victims of learned helplessness fail to realize that they have been locked inside a mental prison by their erstwhile masters. Like the prisoner in our hypothetical unlocked jail cell, they have not only given up hope of escaping, they have even given up trying to look for an escape route.
But what if we were to examine the results of this experiment from the other side? What if, instead of the would-be controllers of humanity, we examine these findings for what they can tell us about how to empower the public and dispel the learned helplessness that keeps them from looking for real solutions?
This is the question that Seligman turned to after the publication of his experimental findings. You see, he was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist. Nor was he simply interested in studying learned helplessness, either in dogs or humans.
After documenting the phenomenon, his focus quickly shifted to what could be done with this knowledge. As Maria Konnikova documents in her 2015 New Yorker article on the research:
But Seligman didn’t stop his research there. He had told his supervisor that he didn’t believe in causing suffering unless it had some inherent value that would lead to bettering lives, both canine and human. So he and Maier [his colleague in the original experiments] set out to figure out a way to reverse the effect of learned helplessness in the dogs. What they found was that one simple tweak could stop the passivity from developing.
When the researchers first put all the dogs in the shuttle box, where the shock was controllable by a jump, and, only then, into the inescapable harness, the effect of the harness was broken: now, even though the dogs were being bombarded by shocks, they didn’t give up. They kept trying to control the situation, pressing the panels despite the lack of feedback. And when they were again put into the box, they didn’t cower. Instead, they immediately reclaimed their ability to avoid shocks.
One key insight that can be garnered from this research is that, just as people can be conditioned into a state of helplessness by being subjected to uncontrollable shocks, they can be “innoculated” (to use a phrase) against that feeling of helplessness by first being exposed to a situation where they do have control.
This is part of the core ethos of my #SolutionsWatch series. There are, certainly, those things that are completely beyond our control. But, because they are beyond control, there is absolutely no point in focusing on them.
Our priority has to be those things that are within our control. Where and how we live; what we spend our time, money and energy doing; who we spend our time with; how we provide the necessities for our family; the type of community that we live in: all of these things are, to some extent, things that we can have a direct influence on, and by exerting that influence (however slight), we train ourselves that our situation is not hopeless.
The field of positive psychology is well worth exploring. In doing so, we can gain important insights into our own cognitive processes and become more conscious of the explanatory styles that we use to make sense of the world. In so doing, we can also gain more control over those processes and un-learn a lifetime of learned helplessness that has caused many to abandon all hope.
At the very least, it can help us to realize that the door to our mental jail cell is unlocked. All we have to do is walk out the door.
Originally published as part of the Corbett Report Newsletter.
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Abuse of power as I experienced from the German Kohl Regime always wins. Don’t think you can get ahead in life. They tell you ….. and you won’t even know you are brainwashed until years later.
Martin Seligman ( ):
“Most importantly, I never did and never would provide any assistance in torture. I strongly disapprove of it.”
Says the guy that gave dogs painful electric shocks in his experiments …
When David Frost asked Richard Nixon, more or less, if a president may decide to perform or condone illegal acts if they’re deemed to be in the best interests of the nation, Nixon infamously replied, “Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”
Obviously Seligman, a kindred spirit, would assert that if he causes suffering and harm to experimental animals in the course of his (altruistic) research, that means it is not torture.
I hope this clears it up for you. 😉
Absolute Slavery: Zero Carbon Agenda [21] Deconstructed — Ice Age Farmer
Also: farmers protest against laws banning them from keeping seeds.
Off-topic, but any explanation for this strange phenomenon, please?
Out walking locally, a green part of urban South London, around 9am today. A bright chilly day, just above zero. I momentarily walked into what appeared to be a light shower — ultra-fine particles rather than droplets, falling like rain from the sky, visible only when illuminated by the sun’s rays, not in the shade. No sign of wetness or dry dust felt or visible on skin, dark clothing or paved ground. I have never experienced such a form of precipitation, if that’s what it was, that left no immediate trace. A few paces on, it became completely clear again — nothing at all visible in sunlight. Looking up, the sky was cloudless and blue all around, just one long white streak to be seen above. Could this have been a chem-trail; and what, I wonder, might be the undetectable deposit and its purpose?
Hello Molybdenum: The white streaks are indeed patented geoengineering processes, and are not events caused by air traffic “contrails”. These precipitation (operational cloud seeding) events are occurring all over the planet. Geoengineering has been widely discussed in government circles for over 70 years… Here’s one of several hundred articles I’ve read on the subject: >
Microphysical Eects of Cloud Seeding in Supercooled Stratiform Clouds Observed from NOAA Satellite
Article (PDF Available) in Journal of Meteorological Research 21(2) · January 2007
Complete text:
What goes up, must come down. The planet (every living creature) is being poisoned with these chemical cocktails. People remain entertained, preoccupied, and stupid.
Thanks Paul. This was from a completely cloudless blue sky, however, so not sure it was cloud-seeding in this case.
Hello Molybdenum: Yes. There are numerous types of weather engineering. It is no longer unusual to witness the phenomena you’ve reported. This may have been a controlled ice nucleation event.
You will find quite a list of geoengineering Patents under the Patents tab located on the web site. It’s quite the eye opener.
Thank you for posting.
Thanks Paul, that’s an excellent site.
And I thought that the snow that we had (in East Anglia at the time) in early February had a strange consistency, formation and melting pattern too, and wouldn’t be surprised if that was geoengineered to an extent — it looked and felt synthetic. I know there are lots of types of natural snow and have experienced much in my lifetime, especially in my younger days when long snowy winters were the norm where I grew up. Will research more.
someone from the more northern climate would know, the people there had eighty or so different names for types of snow
I have just read the link in the text to the original paper by Seligman and it does not make for comfortable reading. Not only is Seligman a ghastly evil monster, he is profoundly stupid. Not content with giving helpless dogs powerful pulsating shocks which last 50 seconds (van you imagine it?). He also bizarrely squeezes wild rats before watching them drown in a tank by diving down to the bottom. Unsqueezed wild rats swim around for 60 hours apparently before they die from exhaustion presumably. Is there no end to this lunatic’s tricks? What is the fucking point? Surely, a moment’s sober reflection could predict the results without actually carrying out his perverted fantasies – all in the name of ‘science’. How can one living being inflict such suffering on another sentient being? One wonders what kind of childhood he had…
I have not got around yet to reading the other links, but I suspect that common sense suggests that we gain so much more simply by being kind. Treat others as you wish to be treated. It doesn’t need some logon in a white coat to figure that one out.
Another one.
something can disconnect the empathy and compassion in a ‘white’ man’s head. Millions upon Millions of victims to prove this.
Jeezis Effing Key-Rist, I just read a thread hereabouts in which someone was vociferously defending Madame Fucking Blavatsky. If you believe in Madame Fucking Blavatsky, you might as well go right ahead and believe that Covid “defeated” the Flu, or that Bill Gates wants to “save” you, because your ability to use Reality as a reference point by which to judge the plausibility of a Belief or Theory is nil. People being hardwired DUPES is the Primal Dilemma. Whether you fall for the utterly preposterous bullshit of Bill Gates, Uri Geller, Klaus Schwab, Helen Blavatsky, David Icke, Billy Graham, Bob Lazar, Catherine Austin Fitts, Donnie Trump, Supershill Obama, Bill “Pelvic Pinocchio” Clinton, Judy “Fails at High School Physics” Wood, Alex “They Killed Bill Cooper and Gave Me His Job” Jones, L. Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith or any other world class liar who had a huge following and a proportionally hefty bank account: you are a major part of the problem. We should be gathered here to defy BULLSHIT IN ITS TOTALITY… not just particular brands of it. Can’t do that if the rational part of your mind is the size, strength and durability of a goddamned ant fart.
Rant Over/ Exasperation Eternal
I feel somewhat more intelligent just from having read this. Your herculean purchase on reality leaves me gasping for air, to say nothing of your laser-like precision with words. A few more rants like this, and I daresay our problems will be over! People say screaming into an echo chamber to a chorus of cranks accomplishes nothing. But that´s just their learned helplessness talking.
Your feelings obviously can’t be trusted.
🙂 even if you show them …they will never see
exactly why its ALL out in the open
There is no attempt to hide any actions anymore because there is no need …
The mental prison is complete
prepare people .
Stay strong and prepare
What if I pretended?
That means I’m okay with quitting.
I can’t tell people where to find the truth. Pointless as it will be gone within minutes. So I’ll tell you where to find one of the master keys. “ISIS Unveiled” – HP Blavatsky 2 volumes. If reading these volumes doesn’t change your whole world (for the better) then nothing will.
Blavatsky used 1st generation loudpeakers hidden in the curtains of her seances for “added” authenticity of the “things that go bump in the night” and other audio-visual support. She was interesting enough that even MK Gandhi visited her, in their London days.
If you want to learn about spiritual fraudulence, yes, you might do well to study the greatest frauds.
(WWW = 333. Tell a non-masonic friend.)
Believe what you want. I’ve seen the proof and the truth and it’s nothing to do with seances. Ha ha good one. And it’s not about Blavatsky at all, not that there is any truth in your comment. It’s about the book. LOL away. People like you are why the truth is never discovered. Smearing and sneering at everything and granted it is very easy to do. Don’t pat yourself on the back for something anyone could do. Lots of fraud going on, but amongst those there was a lot of truth too. So you discount everything because of some instances of fraud. Taking that approach you wouldn’t have anything to believe in. But that is the materialists approach and unfortunately it works. Well done. Didn’t take long for you to appear.
Think what you like, it was just a simple heads up to some. Making strawmen out of me then adhomming them does nothing.
If you want light, go to the Source, not any reflections.
Given that she died in 1891 I would love to have seen all this audio visual equipment and the loudspeakers. I believe invented in 1924. Furthermore she was not a spiritualist in the wikipedia sense of the word (i.e. designed to make you sound like an idiot) She hated seances and spirit rappings. She used the word spiritualism to mean man’s infinite divine spirit. You also have one. You just haven’t figured it out yet. If you have read any 19th Century books you will quickly realise that people were not stupid because they didn’t have electricity and iphones. In fact very far from it.
Please! Unkle!
done fighting with the admin to inject some materialist heteordoxy into this looney bin of reactionaries, alien enthusiasts, and senile Tories.
Bye booj, hypocritical cunts, especially you Kit, you effete, entitled useless little twat.
I always think it’s ironic when people use ‘effete’ as a put down. How many mics you got? Are you planning on dropping them all soon? But seriously, please do not insult the admin. Also don’t hero-worship Bill Gates, try one of the others. He’s just not a good look on anyone. A2
what the hell is wrong with the admins today?
who’s hero-worshiping bill gates. when I said he moves mountains by writing a check, it should have been obvious I didn’t mean it in a good way. Autistic much?
and what’s up with your predecessor in trollish administration, Sophie, insulting me out of the blue for my language use? What kind of admin just randomly insults people?
And why are the chronics here given a license to insult people, but if an non-chronic slaps back he gets a third of his comments deleted and put in the moderation queue?
Given how much shit I was getting for posting, it never occurred to me that the intemperate comment above would have gotten published. That was for Sophie, and to Kit for turning his site over to right wing cranks and demented tories and letting a snide, comment-deleting little asshole do the moderating.
Effete is just this American’s imprecise way of describing the collection of qualities that make upper middle class Brits so very repulsive. But my real problem with Kit is that he’s let this site go completely to hell, presumably because of his own reactionary leanings.
I actually don’t know why your comments would come into spam more than any others. You’re not on premod. And what if I was autistic? How old are you? Was that remark intended in a non-right wing sort of way? You’re coming across as proper gammon to me XD That’s an English expression, but I think it crosses the Atlantic just fine in your case. In any case, stop needlessly insulting admin. I will be removing further posts like this. If you persist I’ll take further action to limit your posts. Thanks for your feedback. A2
just for the record, this entire conflict started when your colleague Sophie insulted me out of the blue. if the admins don’t want to be insulted, maybe don’t randomly insult the commenters.
sophie has a problem with my adverbs and adjectives apparently. you have a problem with ‘effete’because har har only effete people use effete!!!
own me again by telling me I swallowed a thesaurus you lowbrow twat.
Just don’t dish it if you can’t take it. Your whining double standards and hopeless consumer entitlement kinda makes my skin crawl. A2
And I’m starting to mistrust the word “materialist”. It basically means, “Ooh my theory is bigger than yours!”
Like accusations of being “sesquipedalian”…
It’s only ironic or like the use of sesquipedalian if ‘effete’ means ‘user of girly words like effete” That’s not at all close to what it means. Maybe you should look it up.
In both cases we see the use of a pejorative adjective that embodies the same “sin”, in essence, that the adjective is used to disparage. But I’m sure you understood that from the beginning and are merely playing the part of Thicko the Semi-literate for effect. You’ve been remarkably consistent in that, hereabouts, haven’t you? It never gets old, Trev.
In Chile, a person can leave there house twice a week for two hours at a time. In order to leave you have to have permission or passport in the form of a QR code, not a vaccine passport. One can only purchase items deemed necessary. No government assistance or handouts are given. In an interview with Ryan on The Last American Vagabond, Whitney Webb says that the totalitarian measures happening now in Chile are coming to the UK. In the informative, perked up interview (wow, can she talk!), Whitney also touches on the subjects of Tanzania and the fourth industrial revolution.
Can she talk alright, with that female Gates like whine and screech. I find her utterly repellent. She is also an massive plagiarist.
This section of comments is outstanding , thank-you everyone for writing such informative and important words
We left the EU when every means possible was tried to stop it. Voting works.
No you left the EU because someone decided you would leave the EU. Do you really think your vote matters. Ha ha ha Have you noticed that in the UK, The US and Australia there are essentially 2 political parties. And then the tag team show starts and they alternate taking control. Weirdly though although they scream and shout the 2 parties have at their core precisely the same agendas. It’s a pantomime show. It’s the delusion of democracy to keep the sheeple happy.
Indeed. Illusions die hard… especially when they’re armed to the teeth.
amen, sir! my deepest wish right now is to confront reality with the same clear-eyed courage as you.
Your “trolling” is the dullest I’ve seen, Sir. I suggest you try another method for dulling the pain of your uselessness. Yoga, perhaps? There’s room enough for that, wherever you are, isn’t there…?
great job, James 🙂
You mean he gets paid a lot to peddle bullshit as his job?
Promise, I haven’t read the article, btw. I don’t read his articles.
Sometimes I say things even if they’re true, simply to gauge other truth.
even a broken clock is correct, twice a day.
occasionally, a disinfo operative will say something that isn’t a deliberate lie.
that doesn’t mean you should pay any attention to it.
I’ve often wondered how Corbett supports himself. He’s very cavalier about losing his youtube channel so it can’t be that, and he’s also not constantly shaking the can for donations like a lot of other independent journalists.
Yes. Ryan Dawson also lives in Japan and is quite the opposite in that regard. He’s not overly enthused with Corbett but I forget why.
Very interesting work, thanks. One question: you say that the people suffering learned helplessness may also “spend their time in online fora and comment sections preaching that nothing will ever change, shooting down every idea or alternative that is ever proposed.” In my opinion, that activity suggests active purpose much more than passive helplessness. And in my experience, such posters are either cynical, paid trolls serving power, or bigoted fanatics serving their precious dogmas, which must be protected from threatening truths.
There are also always people who love to stir the pot, and as far as I can see, they do it for the attention and enjoy the chaos they cause between people or groups. It gives their small minds the sense of power they lack in their lives, so they have to ruin everyone else’s.
some of the people who love to stir the pot, love it mainly because they are paid for it.
a paradigmatic example may easily be found, in this very comment thread.
I recently watched an Extinction Rebellion chat thingy post event to see what these people are like when at home and had to endure the obvious hero of their stream; a nasty, humourless, hypocritical little bastard called Mayer Hillman. One can only assume he fits your penultimate type. His total, unwavering, irrepressible nihilism combined with a pretence to kindness and a complete and utter lack of SOH was chilling, no exaggeration. If he is not an operative then he is a black hole of frustration of academic and or professional endeavour.
Excellent article. Thanks for the repost.
Oh right, this is very rarely mentioned relating to health (particularly “covid” and EM related shit, but general systemic function).
I’ve seen it maybe mentioned 2 or 3 times in about 4 months.
Nitric Oxide function.
L-arginine is very helpful for that. Promising studies using it for preeclampsia prevention too. Haven’t read anything about it for EM/Covid stuff though 🤔
Well, it relates to things like mitochondrial function, cellular oxidation, blood clotting and such.
3g or 5g for instance, can cause both oxidative and nitrosative stress. Gee, what’s nitric oxide?
At least, I say that from random speculation.
random speculation leads me to the conclusion that you’re a government disinfo troll.
I was allowed to post comments in the guardian for 5 mins today before my account was shut down: I am a banned person it seems, for stating a few basic truths, not radical, just simple common sense statements of the bleeding obvious.
I will just say to the NSA who run the guardian and probably this site, what do you think yur future is going to be like if you continue supporting this. You need to think very hard about where this is going. I know you read these comments… need to wake up.
The founders of the Guardian would roll in their graves. That’s the problem with Trusts. They based on trust and honesty. Good luck finding that these days. I know Alfred Nobel has done a few somersaults already.
You are giving them all too much credit, methinks. As they cry in the gutter to keep them afloat: “for the price of a cup of coffee” simpering “we have one small favour to ask you” they prove themselves beyond hope for while they beg like the cinematic New York bum they have the sheer fucking audacity to claim what they do is independent, intelligent and somehow courageous. It’s hopeless, Frendo.
Times of crisis, constructed from top down fascism directing permanent bio-terror pandemics, are both incredibly dangerous and immensely important. Dangerous for the unconscious slaves who have no courage to take a stand and rebel against the criminal politician’s bogus propaganda and lies. Unable to explore new intelligent dimensions of freedom and truth, they are bound to fully disintegrate into different kinds of madness, because their obedient collective mind was made by this society. Now the fabric of society is disintegrating fast, their subservient mind cannot remain, its roots are in the society. It is constantly nourished by the society, now that nourishment is disappearing. Because the society is disintegrating, a great suspicion, a doubt that was never there before, is bound to arise in the masses. And if they were just compliant people who have never gone beyond any limit that the politician’s have decided, who have always been respected, honorable citizens, in other words, just mediocre automatons, they will immediately go mad. But times of crisis are of tremendous significance for those daring and rebellious souls who have never bothered about society’s respectability, its honors. Who have never bothered about what others think about them, but have done only that which they felt right to do. Who have in a certain way been always rebellious, individualistic. For these people the times of crisis and rebel culture are just golden, because society is rapidly disintegrating. These daring individuals can use this opportunity to go beyond the old mind, because now the society cannot prevent them, cannot hinder them. Now they are free. There has never been so intense a search for spiritual growth, for freedom, for meditation. But there has also never been so much madness either. Both are happening because the status quo is no longer powerful, it has lost control.… Read more »
Beautifully put. I’ll screancap this and read it when I’m being attacked by work colleagues, to cheer me up.
Well, this certainly explains the underlying theme of many hand-wringing articles I’ve read about mask mandates, social distancing, lockdowns, etc. They are totally defeatist, asking the reader to accept those situations as the “new normal” and don’t dare buck the trend, or else. No solutions, no countermeasures. I, for one, am getting totally sick of it. Rolling over and dying (figuratively speaking) never used to be a part of the American character.
Don’t rebellious lockdown-free states preserve the American character? A governor like Ron de Santis, who refuses to let Florida roll over and die, has done so by showing the world that beating pandemic didn’t require masks, lockdowns and dodgy vaccines (he has also just banned vaccine passports). But then so have huge nations like India, where the wide use of HCQ and IVM have saved millions and produced a case-mortality rate with no curves on the graph.
Yes, they do, and we need all the rest of the states to join in and do the same. I happen to live in a state where my governor’s continued power trips are quite the opposite of Ron Desantis’ leadership in Florida, so we have to employ other methods without a leader to counter the constant fearmongering. And yes, HCQ and IVM need to be made available everywhere in the U.S. as proven treatments for COVID. Those medicines should never have been withheld, or impugned, or marginalized. Of course, we all know why they were – no money to be made from them.
clinical name; learned helplessness
It’s Official. Your Mask Can Harm You:
“The Canadian government is now reporting that some masks distributed to day care facilities have been found to be laced with graphene and are being pulled out of circulation, due to concerns about the potential toxicity of graphene. Graphene is a product of nano-tech and is a form of carbon that consists of nanoscopically thin flakes of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms.“
These are possibly the black fibers or nanotubes that people have been finding in their masks and uploading to videos, like this.
Breathe deep. In another few years, they’ll be you. We’re just a universe of creatures.
In recent years the power of observation has expanded exponentially, creating more reasons to fear everything. It was better not to know.
“In recent years the power of observation has expanded exponentially”
Eh…uhm…but…people believe in “viruses”, that medical establishment, etc?
Perhaps people are starting to wake up to the ways in which governments and industry (with the backing of the eugenicist cryptocracy) have been deliberately poisoning and harming people. It’s always better to know the truth because the truth requires no fear and the fear is generated through the unknown. Which is why the invisible entity of the fictional viral particle was used as a tool by Rockefeller medicine and the military.
This is where that observation I made regarding Donald Rumsfeld’s “phrasing” is apt.
Paraphrasing…”Known known, known unknown, unknown unknown”.
Those are 2 aspects, which means 4 possibilities of phrasing. 1 of those possibilities were omitted (the most common form of lying, deception). The suppressed truth, or the thing that you refuse to believe. That thing you know to be true, but choose to not acknowledge, denial.
The unknown known.
Right. Hidden knowledge. Especially ancient knowledge and Syncretism. It’s a cryptocracy theme. Klaus’ real daddy, Martin Bodmer had a collection full of first editions, very rare books and manuscripts.
If you need to read books because you don’t have intuition or experience, you’re kinda noob. And, what’s worse, you’re secretive about it…that’s kinda sad.
Admittedly, I’m a noob about many things.
“The peninsula has been in the hands of the same family for over 400 years”
Bertolt Brecht:
Bertolt Brecht, Leben des Galilei
He, who does not know the truth, is just a fool. He, who does know the truth and calls it a lie, is a criminal.
Bertolt Brecht, The Life of Galilei
Well, then I guess, truth is…most “humans” are kinda indicted.
There is absolutely no way I’m gonna try and say I was always honest.
In fact, one of the more important things I told people, very sincerely, was “Never trust me”. Probably a shitty idea, in retrospect…
The deeper sitting issue here is the utter criminality of what goes as ‘politician’, or ‘leader’ in government positions. These people are criminals in the eyes of Brecht – and absolutely in my eyes, too. Today’s news has the disgusting truth about this. And yes, it all goes together obviously serving the depopulation agenda.
great link
fair warning
I liked ‘eugenicist cryptocracy’. I guess these eugenicists aren’t those mysterious right-wing supremacists we have been told are the real threat to modern life, especially because their virus seems ineffective against the non-white, developing world where population growth is so massive. I guess banning HCQ from the tropical regions where it is so routinely used, and where big pharma hasn’t invested in controlling politicians and their advisors, was not feasible,
You know, in the tropical regions where toxic industrial garbage like HCQ is used (Projected by who, btw? Probably not big pharma, synthetic industrialist morons, right?) there are OTHER, better, essential, natural options (which HCQ is derived from).
And ironically, that supposed “need” for HCQ is from the very same sort of industrial ignorance regarding environmental toxicity to cause more problems by peddling synthetic toxic whores’ shit.
If you peddle HCQ, you’re a piece of shit. Seriously.
You might want to research Vitamin D and PQQ, natural quinones and quinines. As HCQ is a bleak alternative to that, guaranteed to cause you more problems. As I mentioned before, it worsens an already very common and severe electrical imbalance problem other than its inherent toxicity.
Go look at what HCQ is derived from, and who peddled it. Go look at what HCQ is derived from, and who peddled it. Go look at artemisia.
You know chlorine is super excessive in society, right? Big toxic factor, mostly unnecessary, right? You know it interferes with iodine, right? You know HCQ and chloroquine unnecessarily includes that, right? Just like much of industrial “medication”, which HEAVILY features unnecessary, already massively excessive very toxic chlorine and fluorine.
Or maybe you didn’t.
Chlorine excess, btw, is a major causative factor in what’s known as “Ebola”.
In south east asia, it’s also a big factor relating to bird flu.
In any place you can think of, actually, that excess contributes to enormous amounts of problems. Not only contributes, is causative.
Like when you swim in a pool with a bit too much chlorine, right? Or you drink some bleach. Good idea. I bet you don’t even notice.
And when you shower, and have that nice chloroform relaxation effect, don’t worry, that’s just me putting a mask on you.
Shit I guess you also knew that big pharma has subsidiaries, and that say, what they call generics, produced by those subsidiaries are subsidized, and funded by your tax money? As well as you having to pay extra for it, twice. Aside from that.
The only solution is to destroy it all. The capitalist machine has no off switch. Once it starts it’s a giant steak roller and it won’t stop until everything is flattened.
“capitalist” isn’t the problem
Excess industrialism, degenerate exploitation of earth is. Demonization of nature, trying to block the sun.
You have to got be the most insecure garbage in the world to try that sort of shit.
“Ahm a retahd, mah nahm is teh wold, im its deliveralitive oof erf. im make erf ahm bitch”.
Those are symptoms of the disease of unregulated, lawless crony capitalism.
Could you please go away? Thanks!
GKC puts the problem of the process in a nutshell:
“The practical tendency of all trade and commerce today is to form big combinations, which are often more impersonal, more imperial, and more international, than many a communist commonwealth.”
About 100 years ago he wrote that, and now we see the terminal cancer of “really-existing capitalism”.
The fell Politburo of transnational mega-corporate MONOPOLISM.
Unsustainable tho globally amok.
It exactly mimics deadly cancers.
“The practical tendency of all trade and commerce today is to form big combinations,…”
then add .gov corruption and stir.
whitey supremacists killing more brown ppl
long time no change
‘Ignorance is bliss’ certainly describes our condition before climate crisis scaremongers appeared. As top climate scientist Lennart Bengtsson memorably noted: “The warming we have had the last 100 years is so small that if we didn’t have meteorologists and climatologists to measure it, we wouldn’t have noticed at all.”
Yes and they do seem to forget that the polar ice caps have completely melted MANY times before even during human history. It’s their way of saying we running out of oil. Oops better have a cover story
I’ve been thinking about the one you linked to earlier all day, and redoubling my efforts to warn everybody. A local who runs a shop, listened to me, for a couple of minutes, then had that look came over his face, ( even my other half gives me that look although so far I have managed to dissuade her from the dreaded jab) backed away from me and more or less shut the door in my face.
You could print out some of the links a dozen times or so on a piece of paper. Cut strips and just hand them to people. Tell them to watch Dr. Cowan and then read his book and keep an open mind.
That’s really all you can do. People need to come to these decisions and awakenings on their own.
Your partner is a different story. I would pull out all the stops. It’s a life and death decision, whereas there is zero danger from a non isolated fictional virus. Possible death and a permanent injury or disability from a legally indemnified experimental Gene Therapy that has not been approved by the FDA vs no harm whatsoever. It’s a no-brainer.
Here’s something you could suggest they watch with regard to vaccines. This was from a talk given in 2019. Before Coronavirus.
There are no safe vaccines. None. They all damage innate immunity. Cell mediated immunity.
Here’s a link to Dr. Cowan talking about the Contagion Myth on YouTube with 350,000+ views.
There are a number of comments in the comments section referring to implementation of 5G technology. Whilst it’s true that 5G causes auto-immune suppression, the bombardment of radio broadcast in lower frequency bandwidths deserves due mention…
Evidence for Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves
Submitted by Beverly Rubik
And Robert R. Brown
Rubik-Brown-COVID-19-and-RFR-SUBMITTED-1.pdf (
Notice (and perhaps) research the list of references within the closing page.
Well, I specifically mentioned that it’s not only 5g, and how say, 3g, is currently a bigger existing concern along with some related factors. I’ve mentioned that shit a few times in other articles too.
Here’s a sort of overview:
And a good general resource, including a compiled pdf of something like 2300 NAVY studies.
Yes. Excellent resource material. Thanks. Here’s another one to add to your collection. >
March 1976
“Combinations of frequencies and other signal characteristic to produce other neurological effects may be feasible in several years. The possibility of inducing metabolic diseases is also suggested. Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier.“
Complete text:
It has hardly been rolled out in most places……………how can there be any fucking link!
There is probably SOME link…but not in the areas where it’s not “functional”. Or perhaps exactly in those areas where people are not “functional”, regarding “covid” and 5g was imposed.
where you living sailor ?
donte take it personal like
like you got skin in the game or sum such
take a chill pill pal
why not microwave a pot noodle give yer gonads an extra dose
Not even in Wuhan? Remember Wuhan?
Or italy? Or cruise ships? Or iran? Or some areas in america? How about in the uk? Shit, now that I think about it, there are even more areas where 5g is used.
Hello Mansion SQ: Erm… Already deployed in “selected” cities all over the planet.
That’s why I suggested readers peruse the reference articles at the close of the article. 5G broadcast is just another spectrum of frequencies added to existing broadcast infrastructure. Virtually all modern communications utilize multiple pulse-width modulated frequencies. The square wave rise times involved, cause serious functional damage to biological organisms.
There are now over 10,000 peer reviewed studies pointing out the mechanisms of action. Electromagnetic broadcast negatively affects biological systems, period. Do your research.
no no no
thats a no no
and no
not here
most sites do not want to touch it no no sir
my belief is vax is the track
5g the real programming juice
3g/wifi is worse, at the moment, in most areas.
Think about it, the frequency for interfering with hydrogen and hydrides, at a quintillion times more than natural. Literally the same frequency as in a cooking microwave…
And people bitch about “global warming”?
Nah, you dumb fucks, you’re getting cooked. And it’s not like hydrogen is a feature in the atmosphere, right?
Stai caccando il cazzò …
The media only makes sense if you realise that it conforms to the “silent weapons for quiet wars” scenario. It isn’t about information. It’s about inducing a mental state conducive to the requirements of the next stage of the ruling class plan. And yes- no-one should feel any embarrassment about using this “tin foil conspiracy” lingo. The sense of awkwardness about using this terminology is the result of another long incubated plan – in this case to mask the manoeuvres of the elite and even to banish all awareness of such manoeuvres.
So the media broadcasting may indeed be legitimately likened to a vibrational mind altering programme to induce a pathetic stupor that causes mass political and social impotence.
This explains why the content of these transmissions is of such a moronic vacuity. The obviousness of this is such that a fortifying movement has to come from the designated Left who provide a rebellious frisson which, though pretending to be at odds with the media, only magnifies the most pernicious effects. The vibrational mind altering programme thereby becomes more effective.
It is necessary to acknowledge all this simply for the sake of keeping sane. Now you know that when you turn on your TV tomorrow, the day after, the month after etc you will continue to see the immovable face of Whitty or whatever anonymous substitute is inserted from the hack bank and that this face will continue to drone on interminably about the most shamefully obvious falsehoods.
Alex Jones and David Icke were famously smeared as eminent wearers of tin-foil hats. But few can say ‘I told you so’ with more justification than they can today.
alex the tangy tangerine time warner actor
all fishers of men need worm for hookings of the goyim
my life already
Well, I suppose. But both did so much of an unreliable nature, it undercuts their credibility, they could have been groomed for their schtick long ago. A lot are.
I will say that Palast, on the left, has been on the AJ Show, and they get along. That speaks.
They’re both sellouts. Both incorrect.
I have far more justification, which happens to be true.
“This bridge you have burnt”.
David Icke can alex jones cant
Nope, Icke is also wrong. Sorry. He tries to demonize Saturn, are you kidding me? And he’s even more unjustifiably egotistical than I am.
I’ve not watched much of Bill Hicks after he souled out, honestly can’t remember anything other than him being angry. So I can’t say too much about the shit he’s peddled and the related problems he’s had since.
Is that why you don’t reply to me, Magie? Coz I’m that Saturn guy?
Jon Rappoport is pretty good, I won’t lie. But the thing is…I was also there when he was like “Imma shake hands with the devil…”
He actually reminds me a bit of Rudolf Steiner.
Icke is a “guilty pleasure” of mine. I don’t swallow the “reptiles from Saturn” stuff (and Dave McGowan reckoned Icke was an intelligence asset who tainted good stuff with wackjob stuff) but there’s a lot of things he has going for him.
First, he gets a lot of things right (cf. his explication of how the covid con was introduced to the West via The Italian Job).
Second, he has considerable communication skills and effective ways of putting his point across.
Third, I actually envy him for not giving a shit what others think of him, (He said the Wogan fiasco was the most liberating experience for him).
I reckon you could even see him as a Samizdat writer i.e. one who can tell you the truth openly because he operates under cover of appearing as a nut. Of course you have to sort out the good from the bad.
yes, if you put aside the reptiles from outer space — a trivial matter really — there is no finer commentator on our current situation.
And really, none of us can say for sure that Tony Blair, George Soros and the like aren’t extraterrestrial reptiles. If you haven’t seen them naked, at home, doing the space reptile equivalent of letting their hair down, how can you possibly know?
Between Jones and Icke, I am at pains to decide which is the greatest thinker of our age.
Jones and Icke are the Marx and Engels of our age. (Kidding!)
In other words, the ruling class controlled media uses propaganda for ruling class ends. But your comment shows how it’s useful sometimes to elucidate simple, well-known concepts with a lot of words and mystifying language, so that people realize just how important these things are.
Well thanks Trevor. Comments like yours give me the strength to carry on!
Excerpted from: Johnson & Johnson Put Active Ingredient of AstraZeneca vaccine in 15 Million of Its Covid-19 Vaccine
April 2, 2021
On April 23, 2020, a Emergent press release touted the partnership with Johnson & Johnson;
‘Under the agreement, valued at approximately $135 million, Emergent will provide drug substance manufacturing services with its molecule-to-market CDMO offering, supported by investments from Johnson & Johnson beginning in 2020, and will reserve certain large-scale manufacturing capacity to pave the way for commercial manufacturing of Janssen’s adenovirus-based COVID-19 vaccine beginning in 2021.
To support Johnson & Johnson’s goal of supplying one billion doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, a long-term commercial manufacturing agreement is under negotiation for large-scale drug substance manufacturing anticipated to begin in 2021.
Erm… ‘one billion doses’??? No one bothers to notice the number…
Complete page: Johnson & Johnson Put Active Ingredient of AstraZeneca vaccine in 15 Million of Its Covid-19 Vaccine (
Whitty: “What we DO know is that there WILL be further deaths. So nobody should be so deluded as to think we will be going back to anything even remotely reasonable or livable. It is simply unfeasible that anyone will ever be able to have a social life ever again!”
Left response: “It is absolutely disgusting that Whitty raises hopes this way!”
I was flitting through the channels and the above is a riff (admittedly exaggerated but not by much) on what he said . The breathtaking assurance with which he announced that there WILL be more COVID deaths is true. But considering how enormously wide that definitional net is, he can afford to be smug.
The Left response is just my variation on their usual outflanking on the fear mongering side.
Who the fuck is the phantom single downvoter? There’s even single downvotes on one line comments about the spam filter. So either this is some kind of software sabotager or there really is some sad git who’s got nothing better to do than this petty raspberry blowing.
Hello George Mc: Ya, I’ve noticed the same phenomenon. I think its a troller – or a number of such fools. Sad indeed…
Some mask wearing conspiracy looney is obviously upset that we don’t want to join their cult.
We had a rash of these last spring, some introvert chronicly pouting. Like bad weather, it comes and goes. The “Disqus” format is cool, for many reasons. They organize in archives too, very study-friendly.
Disqus is utter garbage.
I find that the downvotes have a very sneaky power to make me read the comment with a cynical eye. I think there’s a lot of power to the little red downvote, even if it’s just one downvote. It’s fashionable nowadays to dismiss internet points as trivial (Ie: they’re paid trolls! Ignore) but I think it’s a serious problem and probably subtly effects many people. Most of them too out of touch with their own selves to even know it.
I prefer the system on reddit, where you can downvote and you get one cumulative vote. It is better at providing balance and doesn’t give bullies the power to make such a visible difference. This downvote system is very distracting.
I don’t generally pay any attention to the votes, but I agree if it has one down vote it sticks out.
I noticed before on one of the other articles and called it out. But as far as I’m concerned, if the troll can only down vote then they are too cowardly to engage in the topic. No big loss
It’s like a heckler. Yes, hecklers don’t say anything of value but they sure do throw a damper on affairs. We might tell ourselves that we don’t pay them heed but in the end, we are effected by it.
Actually, a massive tally of exclusive downvotes is what first drew me to read Petra Liverani, the artist formerly known as Flaxgirl, at the start of all this last March. She had like 20+ downvotes frequently, often only, though many of her comments seemed reasonable and well-reasoned. Actually, most. Some other commenters told me she was so out there that it was a drag on the thread and destroyed all the others’ credibility.
That is when I got interested, as it was clear she was being votes-bullied en masse by paid trolls.
Interesting too that it finally disappeared in her case. She may have ruffled some psyop feathers, my guess.
What better recommendation!
I’ve learned quite a lot since then.
Sometimes though it only comes as a nuisance, but I don’t think
any votes should be taken very seriously, like all voting. It is all “”. If it meant anything we wouldn’t be here.
Plus she taught us all about Occam’s Razor … and the Great 911 hoax (not one death!)
Why worry about downvoters? I think truth-seeking must always challenge consensus of opinion; if it does not or can not, then tyranny grows. That all Nazis believed Jews were inferior humans who threatened them didn’t mean they had discovered truth, only that Nazis refused to question racist dogmas. Progress in science AKA better truth requires overturning the old consensus or refuting established opinion – see Einstein. One heretic can revolutionise truth in science, even if all scientists downvote the heretic.
I think about a 77th cunt….maybe.
Yup, JC, you are right, its an world gone insane. To ilustrate the problem, I just heard from Doc. whom works in the health care uh…. industy, about violent reactions to the AZ vaccine, going sick for days, really sick, but even when they, can realte that to the vaccine, they as we have one problem, the main issue in more or less everything we encounter when we walk out the door, the people whom is calling the shoots, the politicians, the administation, the leaders in various orgs. down the local level, where they are telling us what we should think and do, based upon what they have gotten from people even higher up in the scam chain, think GAVI to WEF, and forces us, thru their tools of opression like the Police, etc to the MSM to do as we are told to do. Dont even think the MSM will be honest, and dont think they will be on our side, and like the Docs. whom them selfs have felt the adverse reaction to the vaccine, they cant do anything about it, because they are not in any way in charge, its the adminisration that have the saying and the Docs have to obey, or hit the road, and what do you think most of them do, they sucumb, in an way I dont blame them, more like pity, they, should be now know what I mean with been an sheep walking straight into the slaughter house, groomed thru their life to belive their gardians and cant for their lifes belive that they will walk them into their demise, or doom, thats where we are right now, and the general heep of people are just like sheeps, its just sad, and like sheeps, they to, belives. I usually dont… Read more »
The administrators probably haven’t injected anyone so the problem is actually the doctors not the administrators since they are the ones doing the act. The administrators wouldn’t be able to inject hardly anyone on their own. It is these doctors who are the problem. They are responsible and should serve longer prison sentence than the administrators.
“They are responsible and should serve longer prison sentence than the administrators.”
Nah, I can’t quite agree with that. But also in a way, if you “administer” vaccines, you are kinda an “administrator”, so they are mostly quite guilty.
If vaccines aren’t manufactured, promoted, pushed, with the associated brainwashing etc, there would be no vaccine problem. So…
Mark Passio has stated many such obvious realizations, and he’s often correct. The leader/follower dichotomy is a clever construct. It protects the innocent from recognizing their own guilt…
Surely puppeteers are more responsible than their puppets.
There’s a lot of manipulation of the puppets before they’re puppets. (Clearly, also after, though by then with strings attached.) There is an ornate process here in USA INC., by which now everyone is incrementally squeezed into some kind of puppethood starting long before they might recognize it.
By the time they can, they probably won’t.
They say J. D. Salinger was CIA, but I bet he got had just like that.
All of USA culture is designed around that principle, long before IBM, a hyper-methodical tabulation of the whole population, all accounted.
This here Matrix must be Masonic. It came here on the Mayflower.
General Smedley Butler called it out as a “Racket”.
Didn’t he die in his ’50s?
Would you blame the staff paid to run concentration camps more than the political elites who decided the camps are needed?
Two pretty important videos imo, worth a watch/listen if you have time and are so inclined.
The Last American Vagabond takes a look at those weird threads being detected on masks and swabs.
Iceage Farmer digs into the plans for a zero-carbon future and breaks down the UK gov sponsored Absolute Zero plan.
I’m getting tired of all the religious-like Marxist projection bullshit.
“A true Marxist wouldn’t…”
Just like “A true Christian wouldn’t…”
or “A true Patriot wouldn’t…”
Fundamentally, you’ve identified as some pawn, cog, propagator and zealot in a projected “preferred” social construct. It’s artificial. It’s still institutional, it’s belief. It’s (bullshit) inherited legacy. Hegelian dialectic.
Can’t you just be an egalitarian human being?
Again, just saying, I identify as an agnostic Azathothian pagan lunatic and, by definition, tentacle beast. That’s my gender.
80% of my uni-educated pseudo-Lefty friends Believe in Che/ Fidel/ Karl and The Trots even more than they believe in Zizek, “Julian,” and William S. Burroughs.
And why don’t more people call out Justine Castro?
Time to invest in Tulips?
He looks like his father. Pierre. A dead ringer. The guy who sold out Canada and privatized the national bank here. That was his reward, having Justin become heir. He looks nothing like Castro.
That’s some heavy sarcasm…
I always assumed Fidel was, erm… non-Het. Otherwise, why was the CIA so invested in building up that (macho het) Latin Lover image around him? Watch him in the scripted “interview” with his handler, “journalist” Lisa Howard (with whom Fidel supposedly had a torrid affair)…
But NOTHING is funnier than THIS (love the “revolutionary youngsters” in the background)
Is this the one where he wants to shag a tulip?
I can’t answer that.
I think it’s the one where he says that it’s disgusting that anyone lets children near tulips and I thought, “I sure as hell wouldn’t let children near you!”
I bet none of them would ever dream of wearing a Trump hat. They know better than that. I wonder if they will ever accept accusations that Michel Foucault used to pay to abuse young Algerian boys in cemeteries.
Foucault being accused of that wouldn’t shock me one bit. I’d suggest digging up the gardens of wherever Robbe-Grillet had ever lived, as well. Not sure what “Trump hats” have to do with anything.
Trouble is, the humans promoting egalitarianism are so often frauds. Is there a greater inequality than that existing between rulers and ruled in a Marxist/communist tyranny? Moreover, other preachers of egalitarianism seem free of such contradiction and thus preferable. The Christian ‘command’ to love your neighbour as yourself only requires voluntarism, not the legal or violent coercion and control of socialism.
“Trouble is, the humans promoting egalitarianism are so often frauds.”
I don’t disagree.
“The Christian ‘command’ to love your neighbour as yourself only requires voluntarism, not the legal or violent coercion and control of socialism.”
Look, imma quickly deconstruct that. There are good “aspects” of particular suggestions, especially in scriptural or literary terms. But then, the bible is also subversive and undermining. Much of it based on character, ethnic politics, sort of elaborate dramatization. Ironically, “leveraged” by fraudulent institutions, or people who write bibles (or perhaps try to suggest what’s socially, “politically correct”, often through imposition).
I’ve noticed, it’s peculiarly common, where an elaborate narrative is written, lots of convoluted whores’ shit, but the very first lines often betray the sentiments. Like that 90% truth but with the 10% of undermining/subversion/contradication shit invalidating their sentiments.
Like when I said I won’t post here anymore. I stopped posting. But I lied.
Anyway, what I quoted, that’s a command, firstly. So, you be a robot. Goodbye, you have no free will.
I don’t particularly love myself, btw.
Go listen to the Emerald Tablets.
A true egalitarian human being wouldn’t accept your argument.
On perusing various sites across the “political spectrum” it seems to me that both the mainstream view and the “Left” view are hopelessly stuck in the past.
The mainstream live in 1945. They continually refer to WW2 when we fought the “good war” and banished the Nazi bastards.
The “Left” live in 1917 – indeed in the Russia of1917. The Bolsheviks ascend the world stage.
Meanwhile the world we are living in no longer bears any resemblance to those quaint old pictures. Different world, different technologies, different demographics, different everything. Sure there’s a historical “residue”. But it doesn’t work the way the above punters think it does i.e. what they are trumpeting no longer exists!
It is noticeable how the MSM, Hollywood and the State Broadcaster omit certain key points about prior to WW2, during WW2 and after WW2. For example, without the assistance of US corporations such as Standard Oil they wouldn’t have been able to wage war since they supplied them with the technology to make synthetic oil from coal and also tetraethyl to run their high performance aircraft. Not forgetting of course, Ford, GM, ATT supplied and built up the industrial capacity of the Nazis as they did with the Bolsheviks. Moreover, Wall Street gave the Nazis large loans as they did the Bolsheviks and the Rockefeller’s had a branch of one of their banks in Paris right up to August 1944. Plus of course the Bank of England gave the Nazis £4,000,000 in Czech gold, left by the Czechoslovakian government prior to the occupation of the country. In addition, Prescott Bush along with others were prosecuted under trading with the US trading with the Enemy Act in 1942 and had their wrists slapped. Yet, I have to date never seen a single documentary or film from any of the MSM outlets investigating why the believers in free enterprise would aid and abet their sworn enemies.
Were non-believers in free enterprise any better? With the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact, the Soviet communists did a very dirty deal with their sworn Nazi enemies to destroy and divide Poland between them, with the whole of Eastern Europe targeted next. My 18-year old father narrowly escaped the Soviet death squads who massacred up to 30,000 Polish patriots at Katyn. I’d say invading and subjugating entire nations for many decades is a crime which easily trumps the financial corruption rife among most politicians.
Oh dear, I can see you have read neither Professors Sutton, Quigley or Preparata’s books.
The common theme amongst them is getting the state to do the work for you whether its state nationalized monopolies or privately owned state subsidized monopolies.
Moreover, the point of the books was to draw attention to the Hegelan dialect antithesis +thesis = synthesis which is exactly what happened by supporting and financing two ends of the same stick!!!
You ducked the question, or perhaps didn’t get it, as the irrelevant academic referencing suggests. Try again: Are the non-believers in free enterprise (communists etc) who aid and abet their sworn enemies any better than believers who do much the same? If US capitalists helped finance both Nazis and Bolsheviks, how is that worse than Nazi and Bolshevik anti-capitalists working together to destroy entire nations? That’s an ethical question. I’d say financing supremacist regimes is a lesser crime than supremacist regimes invading nations and actually killing thousands. Would you agree?
I think you ought to be minister of Ethics, worldwide … oh what a wonderful, fair world you’d provide us, or at least those of us who deserve your mercy. Carry on …
True. But the history they choose to trumpet never existed in the first place. “Winners” rewrite histories to retrofit the current agenda into vanilla hokum. The populace eats it like cotton candy.
One big difference is that Nazism was defeated, while the even more deadly communism was not. Another is that almost no-one today would ever dare wear the swastika in public, while the hammer and sickle remains massively popular among younger generations. Such irrationality screams mass brainwashing…
I can see you know nothing about operation paperclip!!
Or about anything else!
Apologies if someone has already linked to this:×900
A couple of tweets from Phil Greaves:
Then this:
To praise fascism as ‘the road to socialism with national characteristics’?
National Socialism?
In Europe ‘Libertarian’ is historically a left-wing ideology. In US it is a right-wing ideology but freedom everywhere means the same thing. It means freedom from the state. It’s time to stop using 19th century political labels. We’re in the 21st century and the labels have been so corrupted and misused that they have no meaning anymore. I live by George Carlin’s words of wisdom he spoke in the movie ‘Bill & Ted’s excellent adventure’. In the movie his character ‘Rufus’ said “Be excellent to one another.” Amen
Libertarianism is an extreme free market ideology it does not exist in the UK.
Wow! I can’t believe you just said that. There was a world before America you know. A world with ideas, religions, politics and everything!
Can we blame corrupted labels?
There was also a world before “freemasonry”.
Or rather, an earth, what used to be known as eden, I guess. That’s entirely lost though. Welcome to hell.
Erm, yes, indeed, but haven’t we fallen into the subliminal trap of believing that any of this was about “Ebil Muzzy Turriss,” or that anyone higher up in the chain of command even wanted or needed the “intelligence” they were torturing people to extract, supposedly? TFIC knew that THEY had created “Ground Zero” and that the goal of the invasion (blitzkrieg) was not to “stop turrism” but inflict it and to use “turrism” as an excuse to occupy/ control/ exploit the invaded territories FOREVER. The torture-centers were merely part of the KAYFABE supporting the spectacle. Think how sinisterly brilliant it was to generate a pseudo-controversy over the effectiveness of torture as an intelligence-gathering tool when TFIC never gave a shit about that “intelligence” in the first place?
I think we have to be vigilant about maintaining clarity and cutting through the Meta-Fog. It’s like arguing about whether masks can keep out an Imaginary Virus; by asserting “No, these masks can’t keep out particles smaller than 5 microns!” we actually fall into a TFIC trap.
Tricky and confusing shit, I know.
I believe the whole idea of the torture was to gauge the American people’s acceptance of it. And once the monsters got the appropriate and expected go-ahead from the public, they set it aside, knowing they could haul it out and use it anytime they chose.
People who will accept torture under any circumstance will accept anything. Most people can justify the most abominable treatment of others if they suspect they’ll get something out of it.
That’s why they “leaked” the “news” about the torture, sure. Same thing with the “Collateral Murder” Wikileaks “leak”: the “news” was put out there to normalize the place where the Overton Window was just then sliding.
Use of the phrase, ‘Overton Window’, always tells me I am in the presence of an original and complex mind.
Please help me with the nuances, though. In a conversation about Brexit you’ve suggested that the PTB don’t care what average people think. So why do they go to such elaborate lengths to “normalize” atrocities and tinker with the Overton Window?
I’m quite sure it’s my own limitations that make much of what you say seem both cliche-riddled and incoherent. Help me out, good sir!
“good sir”? How dare you!
I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but, as you go to the trouble of following me around the page, could you please at least try to do a better job of it?
I’ve done no such thing, Little Trev. Your astounding reading skills have produced a bad paraphrase you’d like to feel superior to.
Well, in any case, keep trolling. Or don’t. Whatever gets you through it.
By what mechanism did ‘the American public’ show their collective approval of torture by monsters? Would it be the same mechanism by which Chinese people approve the CCP’s concentration camps and slow genocide against Muslims and Tibetans?
the only thing required to get widespread consent to crimes against humanity, is to put the target outside the circle of moral concern. Anyone who’s ever experienced ostracism knows how quickly typically nice people become evil if given an excuse.
“Tricky and confusing shit, I know.” Some figured out a while ago, amongst those of us hangin’ in the great unwashed and/or unvaxxed, that whole dog and pony show about waterboarding has little or nothing at all (perhaps less than 5 microns, which is not much) to do with torture, and all to do with Manchurian Mind Control. I know, I know, what doesn’t Well, I don’t THINK (.) my 4 years young ZTE smartphone, $30+ from Target (owned by a “life-long Democrat”), just got me to type that, I doubt if it’s still that competent, with its liberally cracked screen, but all bets are off. Then again, I noticed is it’s had a lot of recent “updates” shipped luminiferously from the far “reaches” of cyberspace, so maybe AI is up to the chore. Now. When Fred Burks of the über-informative was on Coast2Coast AM Radio with George Noury, with its nightly Nielsen audience of 15 million, or whatever its unwashed throngs were then, that specific broadcast about half as old as my senile smartphone, informing us one and all that Mengele was training CIA agents-in-the-field at Langley back in the ’50s (something I had suspected ever since I was apprised in my searches that that shill-for-the-ages Gerald “Case Closed” Posner was his son’s attorney, Oy Vey!) I figured it was time to upgrade my watch. You know, get a hold of one that was much more sensitive to limited hangout, and all the 31 brands of chicken feed. Oh, and the even more liberal Gehlen 4th gen StierScheisse. Which is also a lot. What are all the stock and standard polymaths to do? Get a brain upgrade? Everybody knows that torture doesn’t get people to divulge anything of value, the stats have shown that superabundantly for decades, on… Read more »
To augment that steady stream of fresh amoral High-IQ meat from M.I.T,, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Oxford, Cambridge…
Apparently, there’s also an enormous amount of laundering and fraud related to those institutions and fraternities.
You know, if you go look at their “charity”, tax exemption and such. Kinda like some other religious institutions.
Here on Mafia* Planet, all the major institutions are so corrupt that it’s nearly absurd to point out individual instances. What isn’t crooked/ corrupt/ unethical/ unjust and evil…?
*I mean “mafia” conceptually, of course; I’m not claiming that Sicilians run the world…
Yep, that’s the cream A-list. I grew bigger thinking my daddy was all good, a knight, with his SJD from Harvard Law.
Stop me if you heard this one.
He got out here from Cambridge (Mass.) in ’47, dawn of the 4th Reich at Langley and birth of the first 16 on our ever-burgeoning menu of agencies. 31 flavors of spookery, with new franchises springing up everywhere you look.
By the time I arrived on the scene 5 years later, this vale of tears and virus variants, he had just founded the 1st corporate law firm in BH 90210, and magically already had at least 3 of his 33rd degree Freemasons on his client list. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, and how low you “go”!
I was too young to protest.
Awe, heck: i’ve dropped enough hints over the last few years, starting with great review by Ed Curtin of “The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton” and my old man’s (most) probable connection to Project (aka Operation) Monarch and its programmed assassins of the 1960s, as the attorney and VP of Philosophical Research Society, I looked up his CV at, so here are some relevant factoids, note the part about the Dean of Harvard Law School, later also SG under LBJ and Nixon, and reading what the Old Man wrote about tax codes on the floor of Congress. Hmmm. I only found outvabout this recently, but it illuminates a lot about his many connections to the Masonic power networks. Also, like his client Norman Cousins earlier, he was awarded the U.N. Peace Medal, 1978, another sign of membership in the global Mafia (JWE, that is, I have nothing but good to say about Cousins, so far!). He was shot in the head, body left in his locked car, only 4 years later, April 16, 1982, a clear contract kill, staged as a suicide (still a “Cold Case” at LAPD). Sic transit gloria mundi. He was about to release two films on nuclear disarmament for the U.N., which remain in the can. His director asked me at the “wake” buffet tables why I thought he would kill himself, since he was so excited about the films? Well, I played possum. And I was long absent. No clues. Then. But here it is the thumbnail bio, anonymous apologies for the incredibly corny and pretentious prose, I was too old to protest. (It was deleted from about 2003 until recently.) just what is there sheds light, on such darkness: At as link “Our History, Our Vision”: “Ervin Cohen & Jessup is the oldest… Read more »
Have I already asked if Sam Ervin was a relative…?
hi steve – whats “tfic” mean?
The Fuckers In Charge!
Terminally fraudulent impostor cretins.
“Thumb Firmly in Cheek”
“The F I Care”
The one thing I learned and now ever recognize, as I rather quickly learned at a “think tank” about voting machines 15 years ago, is that you will soon find your hen house is guarded by more foxes than there are hens to guard. And it became apparent as things heat up in any measurable way, that the numbers of foxes increases while the numbers of hens diminishes. Seems similar here. Slower trolls replaced by swifter ones. I could be wrong about this, disclaimingly.
The East Berlin syndrome
Yep, it’s a syndrome all right. It must be the nature of the Intel Beast, probably everywhere.
But my take is that nothing is as bad as CIA and allies. It seems to be the only one that started out with its complete deception that it had some moral compass, but had none at all. Even CIA counterintel founder James Angleton said so, on his deathbed!
In all sincerity, that is what I see, and a lot of students/scholars of it concur, such as Tim Weiner with his bestseller history “A Legacy of Ashes” and my cadet/schoolmate of over 50 years ago, David Talbot, and his recent history “The Devil’s Chessboard”. (The Epilogue gives that Angleton confession.)
Just as yours truly, they are militant in calling for its abolition, but probably China alone might at some point possibly have some power to do that.
That would sure leave millions of Nazi and Mafia mavens and other multiple Mafiosi, minor and major, in the lurch!
I’m not clear that the Chinese would do anywhere near the job supplanting our culture as these bad guys already have. That’s not clear at all.
The Cubano capos in Miami say Fidel destroyed my RC Church in Cuba, but the nuns there just giggle when they hear that.
Though I would like to see the West get its act together, there is just such a huge failure of vision, if you can call it that.
Garrison Keillor (Lake Wobegon) did say that USA Inc has provided us with a Theatre State product “…that is slicker than cat shit in the moonlight”.
So, there’s that.
And then this global Virus gambit.
And Chinese cuisine.
Who have gone from being the Private Army of Bankers to being partners in running the show… at the very least. There’s always a point in the arc of any Camelot when you have to wonder if Merlin is really the one in charge.
This is so lovely, I love it! Thanks for sharing. I’m so tired of reading about the lockdown from a “I just want my freedom, fuck you” angle. I find it so demoralizing. This is what we need to do, organize into a brutally big fish. Ah, wouldn’t that be nice.
I have a net, right. I catch fish. I also hook with a 47/74 angle. Doesn’t really matter.
Listen, that’s homogenization, it’s turning into what they want you to be, a worse image of them. The mob ego and ego mob duality. Don’t be retarded.
So I’m not saying “fuck you”, I’m saying “fuckoff” to whoever and whatever tries to tell me about what I “need”. And, I’m not joining your stupid hivemind garbage, either.
Learn to be an egalitarian individual, not a bigger fish. Until then, I’ll probably be eating seafood.
Mentioned in passing by a doctor and relayed by Talkradio today:
”All vaccines arrive (at his office) with a list of people who are to receive them”
This will become a kill list.
Google-CIA have control of the British parliament and the British elections. And in reward Johnson will now give the CIA all the British peoples medical history, which will help when they come to privatise the NHS.
Alphabet (Google’s parent company) already have all UK medical records. They were uploaded into ‘Deep Mind’ years ago. Keep up! 😂
Then they are out of date then…..keep up.
I don’t know the skinny on all that, by a long shot, but plotting the curve, all things being equal, and knowing par for the course, I feel you: Fletcher Prouty, the key insider of the CIA as “technical adviser” for Stone’s “JFK” film, wrote a book all of 20+ years before that film with the “suggestive” subtitle: “THE SECRET TEAM: The CIA in Control of the United States and the World”. Like a blind man, I could hear it, smell it, feel it, 6th sense it, all without seeing it at the time Prouty was writing it, as when I was a teen cadet at an elite military prep with the evocative name of “Harvard School” in North Hollywood. The psyop there was 24/7 and incessant. I didn’t really understand the game then: all psywar, all the time. I was too “blind” to see the whole “topographic” schemata of how they were grooming us for every single possible shape and size of Intel, but it gave me a perforated ulcer at 16, a problem that vanished after ICU, the moment I left the place, and the old man’s manse, that same year. I got the picture, though at 16 it was not so big, but just the cameo was enough to persuade me I didn’t want any part of it. Not much I can do about the can tied to my tail, but they already had a Lojac of surveillance on me from the cradle that was so much part of the very fabric I didn’t even see it til I had evidence, from the ’80s on. They have it on the whole world now, everybody, but at least I still can learn more, and also how to cooperate less. We are all now hostages, clearly. My PSA to… Read more »
The above was spam-checked for some reason, who can say, but it took away my chance to edit above, so I suppose it could be worse, yet here is the final edit which preserved some relevant (to the pervasive psyop) clarifications: April 6, 2021 5:19 PM Awaiting spam check Reply to Branding perhaps I don’t know the skinny on all that, by a long shot, but plotting the curve, all things being equal, and knowing par for the course, I feel you: Fletcher Prouty, the key insider of the CIA as “technical adviser” for Stone’s “JFK” film, wrote a book all of 20+ years before that film with the “suggestive” subtitle: “THE SECRET TEAM: The CIA in Control of the United States and the World”. Like a blind man, I could hear it, smell it, feel it, 6th sense it, all without seeing it at the time Prouty was writing it, as when I was a teen cadet at an elite military prep with the evocative name of “Harvard School” in North Hollywood. The psyop there was 24/7 and incessant. I didn’t really understand the game then: all psywar, all the time. I was too “blind” to see the whole “topographic” schemata of how they were grooming us for every single possible shape and size of Intel, but it gave me a perforated ulcer at 16, a problem that vanished after ICU, the moment I left the place, and the old man’s manse, that same year. I got the picture, though at 16 it was not so big, but just the cameo was enough to persuade me I didn’t want any part of it. Not much I can do about the can tied to my tail, but they already had a Lojac of surveillance on me from the cradle that… Read more »
Furtwangler was an absolute genius. It’s a pity so many of his performances were not recorded or the recordings were lost. He apparently conducted Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. The mind boggles!
I can’t believe the CIA run the Davos globalists, the WHO, most big tech billionaires (Zuck is rumoured to be their creation), big pharma and their miracle vaccines, Bill Gates and foundation, his ally Xi Jinping, the WEF and the great reset, or the various western puppet governments these entities corrupt and control. But neither would I trust the CIA to ever protect our democracy, security, rights and freedom.
….. Less than a handful of corporations control our lives today …. A random person like me with no experience in video editing using an old laptop can objectively portray that only two companies have a total monopoly over all industries in the world. So my question is, why don’t you hear about this in the media? ……
The double mutant variant!
This one is going to take six weeks to flatten the curve! Social distance by twelve feet! Wear two masks – or if you’re an area where you already had to, wear four!
O c’mon, 3 are certain to pass muster, for now, anyway.
A new way to cull.
The Gates’ favorite sonnet to the New Portuguese,
“How do we cull thee?
Let me count the ways”
Oops, just jivin’
one more alarming trend. Usually a vaccine after just a handful of deaths becomes immediately suspect. Most people are living in a reality based on lies upon lies.
Well, I’d also suggest there was more ignorance about vaccine deaths, previously.
As in, the 36 “vaccine deaths” last year was a bit misrepresentative. And it’s quite likely, the 2021 numbers are still kinda deflated.
We are outnumbered and name called for using facts. We are screwed
But are we A) really outnumbered or B) outnumbered as profoundly as They would like us to believe? Whenever the WHO or CDC drops a Disinfo Bomblet in Facebook and I check the comments, the negative remarks FAR exceed the positive (I typically scroll through about 200 comments) in tone and number. At this point I suspect they’re FAKING the apparent compliance.
Agree. What’s more, if people actually had easy access to information on adverse events they may well change their minds. Nothing like seeing a picture of the effects of an mRNA injectable pathogen.
would you happen to know what type of lipid they use to wrap the MRNA/spike protein? Not sure if I’m wording that correctly, but I did read that’s how it’s delivered, using a lipid, but no where does it say what type. A simple example would be liposomal vit C, which may use sunflower oil. It has to be a fat, just curious as to exactly which one. If it’s retinol based, that may explain the photo above. Retinol is also used in certain types of chemotherapy.
Wasn’t it PEG?
Though I’m not quite sure.
Just from the look of that image, and my experience with SERIOUS edema from toxicity (like, my feet were swollen far beyond that, arterial ruptures, nervous system fuckouts, lots of discoloration I’d say it has quite a bit to do with oxygen transfer.. Which I have permanent chronic pain/nervous system damage from, btw…
Otoh, that image there, also looks kinda like other sort of burns (I happen to have some fairly bad sunburn damage, too, but only on small areas above my ankles)..
Quite difficult to say.
I would TENTATIVELY, look at oxygen therapy for repairing some of that damage.
In the mRNA injectables it’s a synthetic cationic lipid based on polyethylene glycol – PEG. This one.
And in the cDNA injectable by Johnson and Johnson, they use Polysorbate 80 and 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HBCD) as their excipients.
thanks! the abstract states the LNP’s were developed for ‘non-viral RNA delivery’ yet they are using it for a supposed ‘virus’? Sounds more like a cancer drug, which I believe is what Moderna initially created it for.
Made to cause cancer, protein misfolding, transcription errors, that sort of thing, yeah…
A cancer drug.
Between you and me there isn’t a virus and they know it. That’s the cold hard truth Denny.
I agree.Illness/disease is toxic overload; GMO’s, chemtrails, pesticides, hormones, chemicals, vaccines, Pharma drugs, chem water, the list is endless, an infinite loop, guaranteeing a sick population.
Related but somewhat off topic, I came across a random theory regarding the toxicity/validity of Vitamin A. I highly recommend reading his free e-books as I’ve followed his advice and the physical improvements are remarkable after only a short period of time.
Hey. Didn’t you post this a while back. Maybe a few months ago? Vitamin A causes breast cancer. There is some evidence that retinoic acid plays a part according to one published paper I read. I might look into this more when I get a chance. Thanks.
I’d speculate it’d need some sort of adjunct with it, a kind of a “hijacking” method to cause it to be damaging…
That “vitamin A” would most definitely be synthesized, too, so those synthesized things are often not all that true.
I’d be VERY careful about trying to demonize vitamin A, as such.
I am not the one claiming that. The writer on the link he left is claiming that. That it’s not really a vitamin and that it causes breast cancer.
my understanding is that the high levels of vit A become toxic when the retinol binding proteins are over burdened/non existant and the liver is no longer able to process it w/out the RBP’s. High dose vit A does cause liver damage, and if a body is in any way compromised, it makes it even more difficult to remove the retinoid acid. In some ways, vit A is a double edge sword, If you read his work, you can see that the deficiency/toxicity symptoms are quite similar. And as I noted above, retinol/retinoic acid is used in some types of chemo.