“You are Damaged and Only We Can Repair You”

Thomas Harrington

They are the stewards
Of the whole universe
Masters by force
Commanders without laws.
They eat everything
They eat everything
They eat everything
And leave nothing.

José “Zeca” Afonso, “Os Vampiros” (1963)

Fifteen years ago, a good Uruguayan friend said to me, “Tom, we are at the end of an era, not just any historical period, but an era. I don’t know what will come next, but I’m sure that almost all the structures that regulate our world today are no longer valid. “

Although I was well into the process of radically questioning the fantasies pumped out daily in my country about the culminating timelessness of the “liberal” order erected by the United States at the end of World War II, the flat, confident tone of my friend from down under still managed to disturb me.

And it set in motion a very long series of reflections about the enormous blindness that people, even so-called “thinking” people, who live and work at the heart of the world system of economic power and cultural production, often suffer.

It has been stated on more than one occasion that the modern novel, defined among other things by its extraordinary diversity of voices, and the constant dialogue between them, was born with the publication of Cervantes’ Don Quixote.

And within this same critical framework, many have seen its protagonist’s famous shout of “I know who I am” as a statement of principles for the emergence of modern man, a being who, in contrast to his medieval predecessor, placed much greater value on his own perceptions of reality and demonstrated an increased confidence in his own ability to successfully navigate the multiple contingencies of life.

It was not so much that the role played by God in the previous age was excluded from the mental framework of man. It was rather that man appropriated a much larger parcel of the responsibilities and privileges that social pedagogies had said belonged exclusively to God or his “chosen” representatives on earth.

We can say that, in a sense, the modern man or, rather, the small educated class that adhered to the new principles of modernity, began the process that continues to this day of progressively deifying themselves while systematically ignoring and denigrating the accumulated “natural” wisdom of those who could not, or did not want to share the new vision of reality.

The first sustained dissent against this radical change of criteria from within the bourgeois class came from the romantics of central Europe, followed by thinkers such as Nietzsche, Bergson and Ortega who warned, each in his own way, about the very harmful secondary effects of the process, at first sight so laudable, of separating man from his most primary instincts and customs.

But, surprisingly for many, the vigorous resurrection of Western culture (1945-1975) after its two clear attempts at self-immolation (1914-1918 and 1939-1945) invalidated the pessimistic views of these thinkers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Or perhaps not.

As Pasolini tried to convince us in the 1960s, and even more fervently in the early 1970s before his death, in all likelihood, at the hands of the Italian deep state, we should not and cannot place our faith in cultural recovery based on the propagation of consumerism.

This, for a very simple reason: consumerism, with its absolute contempt for the past, is nothing more and nothing less than anti-culture, a force, as noted by his contemporary Debord, that devours everything, including the idea, so essential for the growth and maintenance of modernity, of the willful person disposed to challenge the orthodoxies propagated by the great centers of political and social power.

If there is a master trope in the discourse of consumerism, it is this: “You are defective and we, only we, can repair you.” Listening to this repeatedly in advertising on a day-to-day basis, works, in time, and in the effective absence of any other attractive model of the good life, like the waves that wear down the sharp edges the stones located near the tide line at the beach.

Looking at our covidophobic, or perhaps more accurately, covidophilic world of 2021, it seems clearer and clearer that the long agony of modernity is finally over. Westerners are very tired, so tired that they are not even interested in minimally investigating the very questionable logics and findings of the oracles of the new church of biosafety.

The signs of what Unamuno called “the reason of unreason” are everywhere.

Like the peasants of yesteryear with their garlic necklaces, people now devotedly wear masks that, no matter what the public health authorities and their media lackeys say and repeat, have no clear cut, scientifically proven efficacy against the transmission of the virus.

And they cannot wait to take an experimental and non-fully licensed vaccine for a disease that has a survival rate of more than 99.5%.

And they accept as unquestionably legitimate methods for the containment of the virus freedom-robbing lockdowns that, when studied rigorously in comparative framework, show no clear sign of having positively affected infection curves or death rates in the places where they have been employed

In effect, consumerism has done what none of the reactionary movements of the past or the many self-inflicted wounds of the Enlightenment were able to do: empty the modern being of his desire to manage life along rational lines and in the expectation of ever greater freedoms. After sixty years of being bombarded by images designed to make us constantly doubt the often miraculous self-sufficiency of our bodies and our individual powers of discernment, we have surrendered to the law of “experts” paid by, and loyal to, big business.

Returning to Cervantes, it could be said that we no longer “know who we are” and it seems that, for most people, this loss of will and prerogative is not the slight bit problematic.

Why worry? Why look at the previously essential question of how to manage both risk and our own libidinal forces, they say, when we have well-credentialed sages, working hand-in-glove with power who, like the princes of the church in days past, clearly know how so much more about our defective lives than do we ourselves.

Thomas S. Harrington is an essayist, photographer and Professor of Hispanic Studies at Trinity College in Hartford (USA). In addition to his academic work, he is a frequent commentator on politics and culture in the US press and a number of international media outlets, especially the Catalan-language press. You can find much of his public writing, photography and press interviews on his website. A selection of his academic writings can be found at Academia.edu


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Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 21, 2021 11:52 PM

Gorgeous essay.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 14, 2021 8:04 PM

Four Corners (abc.net.au) So the ABC are still peddling the China hid the virus crap. FFS are they insane

Apr 14, 2021 9:15 PM

ABC has become Australia’s top propaganda channel, just like the BBC in the UK. All our other TV channels are almost as bad, along with all our mainstream newspapers. They are like trained, tame parrots and so are the people who believe and do not even think to question them.

Apr 15, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  Kika

Exactly. Same with the CBC in Canada. It’s all propaganda, all the time. Disturbing to realize how massively controlled the media is, all over the Western “democratic” world.

Apr 15, 2021 12:50 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

The CBC is insane -it’s morphed into the Covid Broadcasting Corp.
My partner has been banned 5 times for posting factual, scientific evidence.

Apr 15, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  MaryLS

I’m in Canada and never listen to the CBC radio, was disturbed to learn how many old hippies are having the jab as that’s all they listen to. They are not computer savvy or hooked up like I am, so frickin sad, heartbreaking 💔

Apr 15, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Kika

That is what happens when Conservative Govt’s are in bed with the ruling elites … The Libtards, for their 30 pieces of silver, and the proverbial ‘Swiss Bank accounts’ quite deliberately enabled their mates in the corporate world to attain full monopolistic control of all media organs, the better to control our minds. Now, it is quite evident within all levels of government, that the head of News Corp, is the most powerful person in politics, despite NOT being a politician at all. Therefore, at this stage, there appears to be very little point in squandering millions-upon-millions on elections with foregone conclusions, particularly now that it is evident that the country is actually run like a business corporation, by corporations, for corporations.
Poor fellow my country …

Apr 16, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

.gov people are simply employees of the billionaires

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 14, 2021 9:57 PM

There’s some good fertilizer in that manure. China is hiding elements of their pandemic, and abetting the lockdown and vax passport narrative by example. Yet all properly investigated trails would lead back to Western globalist agencies, so the Chinese coverup benefits the globalist Deep State.

France helped China set up their BSL-4 lab. France, Australia, and the U.S. helped train the Chinese scientists. American globalists institutions funded gain-of-function virus research. They made high-level Chinese virus research possible where before there was little motivation or ability.

Many Chinese bureaucrats may find big face in being part of Globalism, not realizing Globalization means Western European imperialism. The face thing is a very reliable Chinese exploit.

The one child per family policy was a Western idea sold to China to save the world from overpopulation. The Chinese never thought to do the math; their aging/depopulation bomb will be steeper than anywhere else in the world, abetted by a known cultural preference for male babies, and will exacerbate internal tensions as Han majority power declines; population controls were not applied to minorities such as the Uighurs until recently.

So, whatever the Chinese are covering up, aids the West more than China. A few Chinese bureaucrats hide their ties to Western agents and the embarrassment of being played the patsy. Xi is politically compelled to follow the Western narrative and be the exemplar and poser child for lockdowns and vax passports and the whole COVID-1984 narrative.

The apparent evidence suggests, the Western globalists outsourced biowarfare research to China, using Chinese bat viruses, under the pretext of preventative research. They then took those findings and sent them back into China, the likely vector being U.S./NATO participants in the Wuhan Military World Games.

In a sense, the Globalists kung-fu’d the Chiese geopolitically, using Chinese strengths of centralization, high population, and cultural worship of big face (with the ruliing elite twist of having no sense of good face) against them.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 14, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

China never, ever said there was a new coronavirus, studies have shown they took two samples from two people who lived together and one doctor thought it was strange that two people in the same house had the same pneumonia. It was Drosten and WHO aided by morons in Australia who decided the theoretic partial genome was a new corona virus. A Pandemic? What Pandemic? | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia-scientific.com) This doctor has never been contradicted by anyone in the world and Drosten admitted they had no virus. In Australia now an old lady died from having the jab but suddenly there were underlying health issues, unlike the 693 people over 85 with things like cancer, end stage alzheimers, COPD and congestive heart failure and the over 100’s who died of old age. They are such snivelling hypocrites.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 15, 2021 12:50 AM

China has never contradicted Professor Zhang Yongzhen being the first to sequence Sars COV-2 either.


There’s no doubt about numbers inflation and gross exaggeration over the seriousness of COVID-19 in order to justify COVID-1984.

At this point the Globalst Deep State is trying to save the crumbling pandemic narrative, and failing that, ensure populist blame rests with China and never tracked back to themselves.

Denying there was ever a new virus, deflects scrutiny of Globalist-sponsored gain-of-function research using China, while blaming China compels the Chinese to cover up after them.

There’s no psychological weapon too toxic for some factions of the Globalist Deep State to discourage or punish constructive free thought.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 15, 2021 7:04 AM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

Actually they never isolated any new virus, that was declared by Drosten.

Apr 14, 2021 11:57 PM

Perhaps you have noticed that YOUR ABC is now fully under the control of the Tories very much as the BBC is in the UK. think of it as [pre] privitisation. That has always been a Liberal (or more correctly, Corporate) agenda. There is no more meaningful political accountability in Australia, and as if to rub one’s nose in it, the point was driven home by the very public sacking of Christine Holgate, by the PM, as a precursor to privitisation of a public entity, Aust Post. This is what conservative governments do … they Privitise all profitable public assets. QANTAS, Telstra, Electricity, Water, Arterial roads, etc. etc.

Apr 15, 2021 12:13 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

In Canada, the media is controlled by the left-leaning Liberals, but the content and perspective is exactly the same as for BBC, ABC. I do not believe there are distinct parties on the left and right these days. If they are in power, they are conttolled by the globalists.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 15, 2021 7:06 AM
Reply to  hotrod31

Norman Swan is the smirking, preening arrogant twat who declared a pandemic in March last year when nothing had happened, demanded the borders be closed, people sacked, people stay home and the usless media and pollies and all the science community followed like brainless sheep with former diplomat Bill Bowtell, that god awful WHO woman Mary McClaws, Raina Macintyre all from Gates funded institutes.

Apr 14, 2021 3:37 PM

[…consumerism, with its absolute contempt for the past…]

The reified concept, consumerism, is not a live entity that can experience “contempt for the past.”

Stopped reading this “stream of consciousness” meandering about there…

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 14, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  suddyan

Consumerism is a real thing; part of living culture. Our lives are spent producing consumer products for others as well as buying stuff made by others.

Healthy prosocial capital use for consumer use is how we look after one another, governed by the free market. Capitalism is the exception that proves the rule on the darkness of ‘ism movements.

Consumerism can even homage the past. The nostalgia and retro markets have been driving consumer forces. It can be tacky, but also creative; the market decides who wins long-term, when allowed to.

Blind hatred of capital[ism] and consumer[ism] is a problem with progressives, though some are waking up to the bigger problem that the elitist solution – leftism – is pure anti-humanitarian cronyist totalitarianism.



Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 14, 2021 1:17 PM

Tod all the Graun’s vax-maniacs, poor deluded souls

Better get used to permanent lockdown pall. This is the new dispensation (or reset), ushered in by George Soros and Klaus Schwab who of course have our best interests at heart. No more spontaneity, just a suffocating orthodoxy where are watched, investigated, and controlled by our ‘betters’. Reminds me of the time when we saw Patrick McGoohan in the TV series – ‘The Prisoner’ – who had been arrested and detained by the powers that be and deported to a colony of political lepers, who always intoned: ‘I am not a number, I am a free man’. The covid scam has been a policy – whether thought out or just occurred – to control our behaviour. And boy does it work. But its claims are nothing short of breath-taking. Consider
Does Not – provide immunity.
Does Not – eliminate the ‘virus’
Does Not – prevent death
Does Not – guarantee you won’t get it
Does Not – prevent passing it on to others
Does Not – eliminate mask wearing
Does Not – eliminate social distancing
Does Not – eliminate travel bans
Does Not – eliminate the need for business closures
Does Not – lockdowns.
And that’s just for starters.
No doubt there will be new variants and new vaccines to be marketed, new lockdowns, new controls, more monitoring of behaviour … and so it goes one. Happy Days ya morons.

Apr 14, 2021 10:57 AM

more good news on the legal front:

“New Kentucky Law Preserves Vaccine Exemptions Even During Pandemic

Legislation passed with bipartisan support preserves certain vaccine exemptions, including religious and medical, even if the state mandates vaccines during a pandemic.”


Apr 14, 2021 3:06 PM
Reply to  simon

There should be no such concept as “exemption” from some corporation injecting you with unknown potion. I know that it exists inside a big fat fiction anyway, but, you know….

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 14, 2021 10:35 AM

This girl with 409K followers on Instagram says she was contacted by vaccine pushers trying to get her to promote the vaccine to her audience. She says she was contacted twice and offered thousands of $ to share selfies of her being injected. These are the same cowboys that comission pseudoscientific studies and ‘educate’ medical doctors in volume sales.


Apr 14, 2021 10:18 AM

A song for our times..
I curse myself every time I play this vid when I think it’s been out fifty years and I’ve only just come across it…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 14, 2021 8:10 AM

Maybe I’m prone to being a bit negative in my assessment of the World, especially with the evolution of the scamdemic and where its ultimately heading, however am on the train home now and I’m smiling!
This is my positive tale for the day:
About 12 people in my carriage alone not wearing facemasks! And when I got on at the station noticed people further down the platform getting on without masks on as well. That’s something I’ve noticed in the last week… small, but increasing numbers defying the mandatory facemasks on public transport.
Even a few Hipsters!!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 14, 2021 8:17 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah but stupid old Sophie Scott at the ABC is peddling the Sutton and co. bullshit that masks saved thousands of lives in Victoria.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 14, 2021 8:54 AM

I know… I saw that in my Facebook newsfeed earlier. A local MP who twice voted against the state of emergency extensions here in Victoria posted it.
I will pay respect to my brain cells and Not read it, but did see the heading and part of the first paragraph and then I checked the first few comments.
They were completely derisory of the story and slammed the claim that facemasks saved “thousands of lives”.
Creatures like Sophie Sutton and Michael Rowland and Virginia Trioli and Philip Adams and all the rest at ABC, SBS, Channel 10, Channel 7, whatever, have all sold their ethics and integrity and morals down the river to become paid for pets of the Establishment.
I would rather read Dr Seuss than listen to these cretins. Oh, wait, they banned Dr Seuss as well… Sigh.

King of the heathens
King of the heathens
Apr 14, 2021 10:36 AM

Isn’t that interesting at the exact same period in the U.K when stage 1 of the opening up started they said ‘lockdowns saved lifes’ not the vaccine.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 14, 2021 11:22 AM

A mere 4 people under 50 died last April in all of Australia from this so called virus, the major number was 693 old sick dying people over 85 out of the 141,000 deaths. Cancers had a big increase, road deaths, suicides but hey we have to pretend that the Ferguson model the fools believed was and is true.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 15, 2021 12:54 AM

Nonsensical masking probably sickened or killed thousands of people, just in the short term.

Apr 15, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Brockland A.T.

I was horrified to see pictures of people who got staph infections from wearing masks

Apr 14, 2021 3:07 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Are masks optional there at the moment?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 14, 2021 10:05 PM
Reply to  Ooink

Facemasks are mandatory on public transport, in aged care facilities and hospitals, but everywhere else, no, there’s no requirement to wear one.
So in supermarkets and shopping centres, almost everyone is maskless now (except for a few hipsters).
However when they next announce new “cases” that will change drastically.

Apr 14, 2021 4:19 AM

Just read in the german newspaper “Frankfurter Rundschau”:

STUDIE – Corona-Forschung: Südafrikanische Variante B.1.351 für Geimpfte gefährlicher als für Ungeimpfte

STUDY – Corona research: South African variant B.1.351 more dangerous for vaccinated than for unvaccinated

Isn’t that interesting…?

Link: https://www.fr.de/wissen/coronavirus-geimpfte-impfung-infizieren-astrazeneca-suedafrikanisch-variante-israel-90451034.html

Apr 14, 2021 8:13 AM
Reply to  Fanto

Now that is a problem. The fact that they are admitting it is so openly is also something.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 15, 2021 1:03 AM
Reply to  October

Yeah; probably means that the vaccines are maybe unexpectedly effective at stopping illness than causing illness.

Either way its moving the goalposts so that people don’t expect life to get back to normal even after conceding to beng vaxxed.

Spring is in the air; this ‘third wave’ is just the spring bump like happened just before the first wave more or less ended.

Apr 14, 2021 8:18 AM
Reply to  Fanto

This is the case I believe: the variants exists as little as the “original” virus do. All “ADE:s”, “severe disease” and deaths “from/with a new variant” of the virus are caused by the vaccines, tests and PPE:s.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 15, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  Jesper

Look up Xofluza, the Japanese one-day miracle flu vaccine that could cause the flu to mutate.

The variants are real, as is SARS CoV-2. Between flattening the curve, prolonging the virus, and vaccine-induced survival pressure, SARS CoV-2 was always going to mutate into variants not much worse than the original.

The original flu did the same thing; the entire COVID-1984 response seems designed to give SARS CoV-2 every chance of survival. Breaking up herd immunity, drawing out the epidemic, discouraging effective treatment, etc..

Apr 14, 2021 8:56 AM
Reply to  Fanto

I think they don’t know how to proceed on “variants”. Potential probelms:
:- may invalidate the vaccines already bought – not a major problem as they can give more public money to their crony manufacturers
:- some scientists say variants are to be expected, will be less dangerous and will improve herd immunity; one study (as per a link at off-G yesterday) confirmed they are indeed less dangerous
:- how will variants mess up the precious vaccine passports?

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 14, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  mgeo

People can get food poisoning coz they all ate the same meal or they can be exposed to the same terror campaign in the media. They can be given a meaningless pcr test and then poisoned with the same drugs. All sorts of things can be misinterpretaded as contagion when there is none. “herd immunity” is simply a vaccine pushing ploy and does not exist.

Apr 14, 2021 9:00 AM
Reply to  Fanto

As with all big pharma medicine, you will need to take additional medicine, in this case another franken shot, in order to combat the effects of the original medicine, the first franken shots. And the media will report spin a lie about it as they have done with other “vaccines” such as measles: “the problem is the unvaccinated are spreading the disease to the vaccinated.

Because of personal experience, people are waking up to the unfolding disaster, their friends, acquaintances, and families are dying after the franken shots. How long before someone famous died after a positive covid test? Several months. How long before someone famous died after getting the franken shot? A couple of days. They can’t hide all the deaths after “vaccination”.

Apr 14, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Fanto

The assumption: If the immune system has already been infected with a virus and is then confronted with a new variant, it may tend to form antibodies only against such structures as it knows from the original pathogen. According to this theory, the immune system would always form antibody versions against this antigen that it had become familiar with on first contact and would no longer be able to change properly. The principle could also be transferred to a vaccination. In the worst case, this could have a negative effect if one is exposed to a new variant of a virus because the immune system is fixed on an old version of the antigen. In the case of Sars-CoV-2, this target structure is the spike protein, and all approved vaccines are based on the original version of this protein.

Now, however, the mutations of the new virus variants occur precisely at this spike protein, in the South African variant to an even greater extent than in the British variant. In the British science magazine “The Conversation”, the US immunologist Matthew Woodruff from Emory University in Atlanta writes about this problem. He is concerned, he says, that vaccine updates adapted to the new virus strains may be less effective in people who have already received a vaccination with the first vaccines. In this case, immune memory could interfere with the emergence of a good immune response to the adapted vaccines. The scientific world would have to deal with this emerging problem and work on “complex” vaccines that are effective against many virus strains. Such vaccines are already being researched in the case of influenza. The knowledge gained from this, says the US immunologist, must be transferred immediately to Sars-CoV-2. 

Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Reading the end, it looks like they’re tripping over their own mumbo jumbo.

Funny also how everything revolves around the famous spike protein. Is it because they have failed to ‘isolate’ anything else?

Apr 15, 2021 7:27 AM
Reply to  October

One expert early on strongly advised against vaccination during a pandemic,

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 14, 2021 12:36 AM

Essassani Knowledge – Elan, Orin, & Bashar

7 Core Concepts

and I choose to express myself in time and space as an individual. I am the oceans, I am the jungles, I am the deserts, I am the mountains, I am the sky, I am the earth, I am the solar system, I am the galaxy, I am the Universe, I am the multiverse. I am all the is. All knowledge is within me, all power is within me: I am all Love. I contain it all. I am all that is: my physical body and my reality are within me.

the essence of all objects are real, but the perception that they are seperate is not. All are parts of the whole: all are parts of All That Is. Everything is connected. Everything is synchronicity: All one thing.

My reality is in truth only a dream I am having and I can dream it any way I choose to. I focus on the reality that I prefer, act in alignment with it, and then trust, relax, and allow the Universe to manifest it in perfect timing. It is that simple.

and make the new belief take hold. There is no reality except that there is no reality. That there is no reality is the “real” reality. All beliefs have equal weight. I get to choose and what I focus on I experience.

I could ever experience. I am holographic in nature and structure. I contain it all. My vibration(frequency) determines which aspect of All That Is that I experience to be my physical reality.

I create time to exist. Experientially, the only time that actually exists is “now”. Absolute continuity of time is an illusion. It is one choice. In each moment I literally recreate my own reality in its’ entirity, 100%. The present is a result of the present.

I realize that everything in physical reality is a symbol. No matter what the outer reality may appear to be, I maintain full awareness of my intention, trust it, and act in alignment with it. When I shift my point of view and my approach, my reality instantly transforms completely across the board. The evidence to support the fact that the reality has changed will be obvious.

Apr 14, 2021 10:02 PM

Thank you Captain. Wise words.

Apr 14, 2021 12:11 AM

Things have changed so much even during my lifetime. I have decided that, here in England (the UK Government likes to pretend devolution hasn’t happened when it suits), that every MP who doesn’t speak out is guilty. And Boris is now opening the way for Lockdown 4 – when even the WHO has been forced to cast doubts on the PCR test and lockdowns. I’m very much afraid – and angry: https://covidtruefacts.blogspot.com/2021/04/boris-johnson-homicidal-maniac.html

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 14, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  Bretty

When you tell a huge lie that the only way to stop a ”virus” is to destroy the nation and lock up all the people then fuck all happens you need to keep doing it or the peasants know you lied. I noticed on this weeks flu and covid report they admit they are not testing anyone for flu.

Apr 13, 2021 11:21 PM

An interesting perspective. Living in an electronic rather than real world must also play a role. Everything is online, so remind me again why do we need the real world?

I am an outdoors person, so this is anathama to me, why would you stay indoors when you could be outside in the elements, but the decline in outdoor activities such as skiing and watersports has been in ongoing for years, briefly reversed by a new wave of Chinese tourists, but still basically in decline.

It has always been my belief that millions of years of evolution makes us best suited to a different environment than that we currently occupy. It will take millions more years for us to be well suited to apartment living in bee hives as promoted by WEF. We cannot be happy if we are living in an environment we are not well suited to, but we are very adaptable, so we will survive, but not be happy and fulfilled.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 13, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Interesting, sure.

Various assumptions there, intended ?

For a start, nobody knows what we are, everything is conjecture.

Spirit is the only thing that is real imo, those beings without it, well, I can’t say..

Apr 14, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

@Aspnaz: “It will take millions more years for us to be well suited to apartment living in bee hives”

Bees, those proverbially social creatures, may well have taken up apartment living ages ago, nevertheless they remain quintessentially outdoor types like yourself, forever buzzing around the flowers in sunshine and fresh air. This combo might well help bees not only survive but “be happy and fulfilled”.

Apr 14, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  NickM

Seen the amount of advertisments on UK tv for that god awful Peloton exercise dood dah ?
This is the pre emptive advertising campaign for a future ban on outdoor exercise and socialising

And people are expected to pay for their own enslavement….hamsters and wheels is forefront in my mind as i type this

Apr 13, 2021 11:12 PM

“Returning to Cervantes, it could be said that we no longer “know who we are” What a stupid statement to make. PAY ATTENTION!
The formation of the US, (as with all nations depending how far back in time you go), has been a chaotic evolution of migrant peoples from all over the globe, and never had a central ideology shared by the population. Using the word “we” when describing the US is a very serious mistake, as the US is comprised of atomized individuals that compete with all the other atomized individuals for sustenance. In essence, the people of this country never knew who they were because there’s never been a homogenized identity. Now, the jews on the other hand do have such a shared worldview, goals and identity, which explains how they’ve been able to work together as a collective and take over our infrastructure, exploiting the scattered, loose, atomized people and resources to their own benefit, while leaving the rest of the isolated individuals in perpetual war and endless debt. neat trick huh?

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 13, 2021 10:41 PM

Who are the elites ? Probably not someone you have heard of.

Apr 13, 2021 11:07 PM

Who are the elites? It’s really not that hard to figure out. They are the ones behind the 911 false flag attack. When they did 911 they showed their hand. Even a cursory investigation with the powers of subpoena would expose the “elite” who pull the strings.

Apr 13, 2021 11:23 PM

The people who bribed/threatened the politicians into all responding to Covid in the same way, the ones who are now all introducing vaccine passports under similar orders.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 13, 2021 11:41 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Yes, ‘the people’,…. might be an idea to get their names (and addresses !) more widely known.

Apr 14, 2021 10:05 PM

We are the ‘elites’.

Apr 13, 2021 10:32 PM

Just wrote this to The Lancet. Hope I get a reply.
Dear Dr Horton

I would like to draw your attention to a potentially serious issue. I am a teacher and a mother, and therefore the safety of wearing face masks has been at the forefront of my concerns recently – as a new en-masse medical intervention.

As I dried my dishes with my cotton tea towel earlier, I noticed fibres were left on the dishes. That of course happens when the dishes are damp – such as would be the case inside a fabric face mask.

I then researched illness in the textile industry, and discovered a lung disease associated with workers breathing in fabric particles.


I would therefore like you to investigate the possibility of face mask use causing byssinosis, as this could currently be a massive risk to my children – and every other child in school in the UK. 

Incidentally – byssinosis has almost identical symptoms to Covid-19.

Yours very sincerely

Apr 14, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  Ravensara

People in textile/garment manufacture/sale are also at risk – from the same stuff used on the masks: ethylene dioxide. This is the smell you get when opening a packed new garment, a new car, etc.

Schmitz Katze
Schmitz Katze
Apr 13, 2021 10:03 PM

Pathetic trollfest going on here.
No sympathy for the devil as far as i´m concerned.
Dear offguardianistas, share this info as much as possible:

by lapressedupeuple| Apr 9, 2021 (translation into English)
Jacques Attali: prophet or conspirator?“The selection of idiots will thus be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” “
What we have been going through for 1 year is a crime against humanity, that no one doubts it. This operation has been planned by the “elites” for years. And if despite all the evidence that we independent journalists and whistleblowers bring every day, there is still a doubt in the minds of some, I want to provide you with another indisputable one since it is spelled out in a book by Michel Salomon published in 1981 .
Judge for yourselves …
Jacques Attali, 1981, then adviser to François Mitterrand, in a book of interviews with Michel Salomon, declared this:
In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years, man lives longer than he produces and it costs society dearly.
Then the weak and then the useless ones who bring nothing to society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases.
We will of course not be able to execute people or organize camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe that it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating.
We won’t be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done by itself: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

(Extract from The Future of Life, Jacques Attali, 1981 Interviews with Michel Salomon, collection The Faces of the Future, Seghers editions.)

L’avenir de la vie – Jacques Attali, 1981 ]
Entretiens avec Michel Salomon, collection Les Visages de l’avenir, éditions Seghers.


Apr 13, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Hey, all OffG did what it did, and I used to be nicer.

IA cationary tail.

I honestly could never consider anything here legitimate, so what am I supposed to do other than point out how fraudulent it is?

Apr 13, 2021 10:46 PM

You could go away somewhere else and not come back. That’s what you could do.

Apr 13, 2021 11:49 PM

You’re a piece of shit!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 14, 2021 1:57 AM

You could leave us the hell alone… like you already said you would. Go and pester some other blog Frank.

Apr 14, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  Schmitz Katze

Careful with that quote, it might be a fake. I have not seen the book, which is no longer available, but the official fact checkers claim to have seen it and not found the passage above, other than the idea that after 60/65, people become a burden on others (even that is bit embarrassing, since the man is now well past his disposal date, LOL).

Circle Jerk
Circle Jerk
Apr 22, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  October

Here’s a review of the book on Amazon– “I acquired this book for the interview with Attali, of several pages, in which this great economist and former adviser to President François Mitterrand, recommends, as a socialist (I quote), that retirees be euthanized before they do not constitute too heavy a burden for the industrial society in which we live. Very rewarding …

Apr 13, 2021 10:01 PM

Honestly, I can’t aim for shit, and if you get damaged, hey, sorry, I shoot shit in every direction just to see how it ricochets.

IOW, we’ll never need to associate, ever again.

Apr 13, 2021 10:04 PM

a sickness of the heart ravages the land kissed by the curse selfless, helpless calling men to war eros at arms a rose for the sword to bleed is to love heed the archer the thorax usurper minds flee the cage as she takes the stage the rapture her quiver brings the furious rape of my heartstrings night tides of jejunity grappling at shores of fidelity the brazen sun of humility blinds us, guides us the cosmic pulse doth race as fools keepeth the pace and every fear will burn upon the pyre of fates learned lovers in sweet tyranny endureth their torments willingly blooms in a desert the victims of chance mirage voyeurs trapped in an hourglass smite me down keen archer for the end i have wed lay me aside the brave reckless, envious dead

Apr 13, 2021 9:40 PM

Mick Jagger comes out as anti-lockdown (and it’s actually a bloody good toon as well):


Apr 13, 2021 10:43 PM
Reply to  Tony

Brilliant song, thanks for that.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 14, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  Tony

Aussies musos have brought into the whole lock down with fervour.

Apr 14, 2021 8:55 AM
Reply to  Tony
John Crowther
John Crowther
Apr 16, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Tony

Yes the line he has bill Gates in his bloodstream was a bit of a giveaway in more ways than one I never really liked the preening prat

Apr 14, 2021 10:19 AM
Reply to  Tony

Er, ‘Sir’ Mick is having a go at ‘Antivaxxers’ who he compares to those who believe in flat earth, and aliens in the deep state…the MSM are reporting it that way, or in other words, the reason he is cleaning the sink and bored is entirely the fault of those who won’t get vaxxed, who are slowing down the easing of restrictions. When did Jagger, the fucking Stones, or the useless Foo Fighters, ever say anything remotely radical.

Only Clapton and Van have the balls to say what they really think.

Apr 14, 2021 11:31 AM
Reply to  Corarden

Ian Brown’s gone right out on a limb. You should see the abuse he gets on twitter.

Apr 14, 2021 12:51 PM
Reply to  Tony

Good to know, thanks for the heads up ( smiley)

Apr 14, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  Tony

Plus, like you I fell for it on first watch, until I saw The Independent’s piece saying how great ‘Sir’ Mick Fuckwit.

Apr 13, 2021 9:01 PM

This is funny shit.

Apr 13, 2021 9:24 PM

What’s she saying here? I’m not french, and I’m pretty sure she isn’t, either.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 13, 2021 9:59 PM

Looks like we are witnessing mental collapse here.

OffG, are you going to promote this ? I hate censorship but…

Apr 14, 2021 2:16 PM

I already pointed out ot OffG admin that a paid (by taxpayers money) troll under the name of SocioPsychopatriotism was seriosly disrupting the comments section. That was about a month ago. Nothing seems to have been done about it. If this continues, comments section will be pointless so it might as well be scraped.

Apr 15, 2021 9:28 PM

I COMPLETELY AGREE !!! I rely on this site and comments for my sanity and those posts are beyond frustrating

Apr 13, 2021 8:13 PM

I played this stuff for a moldovan girl at that mental ward.

She called herself Maya, btw. She basically instantly cried, so I dunno it probably triggered some bad memories. She was moldovan, and in south africa…I can kinda do the math…


And here…

You get it?

Apr 13, 2021 7:39 PM

A depiction of the lamb, the lion, deplorably portrayed
The beast, the dragon, as in shadowy imagery
Have the power to take away peace on earth
The threshold’s here as the sun turns black
The moon red like blood and stars falling down
Babylon falling, the last of the antagonistic battles
The madman chained for a thousand of years
Use your eyes and you will see it, bright and shining
A moment of your time, a glimpse of your (brave) new world

Your revelation, in apocalyptic terms
The hammer, separating fiction from reality
Embrace the notion, embrace the moment
Who are the ones to tell the truth
Who are the ones to tell what to believe?
The depiction is therefore all you’ve got

The hammer is mine, the revelation is yours
Am I God or am I the Devil?
It’s a comprehensible, yet complex, reality
Because it means that when the past has caught up with the present
We have no future

Apr 13, 2021 7:54 PM

So I named some of my strains GI (green indica, super imaginative). And around the corner here, there’s Draco graffiti earlier in 2019…just so you know. Well, actually, I didn’t name it GI. Someone else did, I was busy cooking for hobos. And there’s even an ATP reference.

Apr 13, 2021 7:28 PM

Basic question.

Someone tries to inject your children with degenerating, toxic shit that has no potential benefit whatsoever, based on lies, to sell more toxic shit. What do you do?

Coz…I’m I dunno…not your friend.

I was also watching the RACIAL propaganda on the TV, projected as “wise”, a movie with Rachel Weissz (or however you spell germanic jew crossbreed impostor). It’s a movie about projecting superiority from false premises. And I was thinking. Raze, why shill?

Very strangely, I can’t find the picture where he’s like pointing a gun and saying “No”.


Oh, here it is. I’m super awesome at judgmentalism.

Excuse my typing, my motivation and uh, dedication is rapidly diminishing. It’s like notepad but almost interactive. More glamourous.

Apr 13, 2021 6:46 PM

I was at this mental ward, right, court-ordered, that sort of shit.

Anyway, I was just walking past the TV and there was some artificial attempt at projecting “talent” which was heavily edited, formulaic, that sort of shit. And it still sounded really average. Nearly immediately, it also had a sort of porn projection associated with it. Like the show said “Oh you sound so sexy…”. Well, I didn’t quite share that sentiment, but I understand marketing and racist propaganda. I mean, OTHER than prostitutes trying to appeal.

So I was reminded of two of the girls there at the mental ward, both african girls, one was a nurse, the other a patient, but they had exceptional vocals, they really loved singing so I had the pleasure of hearing them singing…and I’m thinking people are basically retarded because they worship mammon.

The show’s been over for quite some time, coz both those fat ladies sang. You just haven’t been listening.

That’s how shit is, I can’t actually recognize you if not for insults.

Apr 13, 2021 7:11 PM

Here are some africans impersonating americans.

Apr 13, 2021 5:58 PM

The AZ clotting saga has had one good effect: Pfizer are now planning to hike their EU price from €12 to €20. They should share some of those gains with AZ, it would only be fair 🙂

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 14, 2021 10:13 PM
Reply to  October

Am wondering if the big pharma firms are fighting and competing among themselves as to who gets the bigger share of this lucrative, expanding injection market.

Or are they all in it together?

Apr 15, 2021 6:49 AM
Reply to  May Hem

I find this focus on AZ and J&J very suspicious. The VAERS data show that Pfizer is at least as dodgy. But now they have got everybody begging for it.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Apr 13, 2021 5:36 PM

I think all lockdown sceptics must cast aside their differences and fight this bollocks as one.

I personally don’t go along with the WEF theory that is popular amongst many here. To those who do I have this to say: I know. I get it. I just don’t agree with you that it is all planned. Sorry!

And if you can’t convince me then you’ll never convince the average British ovis out there who is happily complying with it all. Please drop it. Everyone has heard it all before.


I hate this government, their lies, their bullshit, their fearmongering propaganda. I detest everything about the lockdown bollocks.

We have that much in common surely?!

Can we not just fight these bastards, irrespective of what their names are or who they work for? I don’t like Gates or Schwab any more than you do. I just don’t think they planned it all!

Don’t try and convince me. It won’t work. I heard it all before!

I won’t take a vaccine. I don’t care if it’s safe or not. I just don’t want it. Again, I have that much in common with those who think it is harmful. I’m on the fence about that, but I will still not take it.

Timothy Drayton
Timothy Drayton
Apr 13, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Agreed. We need opposition on a broad front. On the other hand, there is nothing to stop us debating what the agenda behind it all is, if there is one.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 13, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

I’m not a “lockdown sceptic”; same as I’m not a child-abuse sceptic; or a granny-killing sceptic; or a totalitarian-enslavement-of-humanity sceptic. Rather, I KNOW what I stand against!

Apr 13, 2021 11:05 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

So you like the pot luck, shot in the dark approach? Thanks but no thanks. If I’m fighting for something, I’d like of like to know what I’m fighting against.

If there was no planning, then we’re looking at the most incredible, stupendous string of coincidences since the Big Bang.

Overall, coincidence should garner 50/50 odds – like tossing a coin. Tossed to infinity, neither heads nor tails should come up more than half the time.

Granted one year is not infinity; but so far the “bad guys” are batting a thousand. They’ve correctly called the coin each and every time. Jimmy the Greek, step aside!

Apr 13, 2021 11:36 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Stop judging other people: unity will never happen if you keep demanding that others do what you want them to do. Unity is finding a common cause, welcoming all believers in that common cause, and ignoring whether you like those people or agree with their other irrelevant beliefs.

What gives you the right to demand anything of anybody. If you don’t like what people believe then either ignore it or piss off. Don’t insist that people “change” for you. Yes, you are going to have to compromise for unity or throw your toys out the pram and be a lone voice.

David Robinson
David Robinson
Apr 14, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

I was initially (12 months ago) sceptical about the ‘planned’ nature of all of this. I wanted to believe that it was all down to Ferguson’s broken abacus (again) and Johnson’s incompetence, coupled with a lot of speculators, such as Big Pharma companies that stand to make a huge fortune from ramping up the hysteria. But…nah. Too many fingers in the pie globally now, for it to be unplanned. The WEF makes the most sense – planned carbon reduction, climate change, I can’t see any other reason. The figures are unravelling now, with news today that the ‘deaths’ are far lower than originally reported (as if we didn’t know that already).

It couldn’t have happened without social media, as that is where we all live now. What many people perceive to be a tool of convenience and personal empowerment is, in fact, a fantastic tool of control for governments and companies. People have been scared, even made to fear their own families. Vaccines passports – why? If the vaccines work, we don’t need them, if they do work, we don’t need them. So, basically, it’s another method of divide and rule, prevent people from travelling, creating an underclass….for a so called ‘virus’ that has, it is alleged, killed 3 million people globally out of a population of 8 billion.

It doesn’t make sense until you make it make sense.

Apr 13, 2021 5:02 PM

Since most of you live in the UK, you probably already know this latest wrinkle in the COVID scam. For those, like me, who live elsewhere, this link provides an incredibly transparent look at the malevolent minds behind the entire thing.


Apr 13, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Howard

Personally, I think that the nest of all evil is in the City of London. It used to be called the, ‘East India Company’. They never did let America go…rather, they allowed it to evolve.

And when those young royals refer to, ‘The Firm’, it’s not the family they’re talking about – it’s, ‘The City of London’, the first corporation…that we know of.

Apr 13, 2021 11:26 PM
Reply to  Karry

Oh sure. If you were a detective that’s one of the first places you’d take your notebook to ask a few routine questions. These gutless cowards have been around in one guise or location or another for thousands of years though.

King of the heathens
King of the heathens
Apr 13, 2021 4:51 PM

four stage of opening up was done in a slick way to get the voter to still participate in the 5/6 ritual and the Tories will still get the main vote as you no their ‘now opening up’ and all is forgotten !!!
Come May 17th after the s-election around the Lunar eclipse on the 26th.

We could see a 2 week or quick lockdown due to surges of cases and it will be blamed on bame or you the heathen unvaccinated .or going to the beach.
Then the next stage will begin.

The real covid waves:

  • 1st wave: kill by fear & ventilation
  • 2nd wave: kill by economic despair
  • 3rd wave: kill by vaccination
Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Apr 13, 2021 4:10 PM

CDC has suspended use of J&J vaccine due to adverse reactions…….. Live on TV about 20 minutes ago. J&J is defending and saying the reactions are rare.


Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Apr 13, 2021 4:11 PM


Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 13, 2021 10:01 PM

Is that as rare as damages from mesh, and asbestos cancers from baby powder

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 13, 2021 3:12 PM

The great boycott is underway. No mask, no shirt, no shoes.

Apr 13, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Looks like not much of a skirt either, and and can’t verify underwear. She does seem to be rather minimalist in her choice of clothes.

Incidentally, to address a comment below on the moon landings I saw a clip (Captain Gene??) The fellow celebs were all gushing in praise but he looked very shifty imo.

Apr 13, 2021 4:36 PM
Reply to  Loverat

Plus the fact that Ms.Grande must have known that the Manchester bomb attack was faked.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 13, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  Claret

I don’t know what you base your “facts” on.

Apr 15, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

The Manchester bombing was another fake terror attack. That this dancing,singing disney puppet/spook gets ‘depressed and anxious’ should not be all that surprising. I don’t trust people like this for one moment.

Apr 13, 2021 2:42 PM

Yet another German court rules against the requirement for masks &c in schools.


Hope this morphs into something bigger.

Apr 13, 2021 4:31 PM
Reply to  October

unpaywalled: https://archive.is/NARkV

translation by deepl.com:

Weilheim District Court concluded after hearing from experts that there is no evidence that face masks can reduce the risk of infection – and lifted the mask requirement for the person in the case. Read the full decision, exclusively available to TE, here.
The district court of Weilheim issued a temporary injunction in favor of the person concerned in a case about the obligation to wear a mouth-nose covering at a secondary school: “The school management of the secondary school in S., consisting of the principal and the deputy principal, is instructed to refrain from ordering the person concerned to wear a mouth-nose covering on the school grounds.” reads the TE exclusive decision, which you can read here.

The court sought extensive expert testimony on the decision. Based on an expert opinion by psychology professor Christof Kuhbandner, it concluded “that face masks for children may pose a significant risk to their mental and physical well-being.” Kuhbandner stated, among other things, that 68 percent of children complain of impairment from wearing masks. In addition, a “mask mouth” can develop, which is associated with diseases such as tooth decay, bad breath and gingivitis. In addition, there are consequences for the development of children due to the disruption of non-verbal communication.
In addition, the medical specialist Prof. Dr. med. Ines Kappstein is called in as an expert on the question of the effectiveness of face masks. According to the court, there would be no evidence that face masks of various types can reduce the risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2 at all or even significantly.

The court concludes, “The order requiring masks in schools pursuant to Section 18 (2) of the Bavarian Infection Protection Ordinance is therefore unconstitutional and therefore void.” This paragraph regulates that masks are mandatory on school grounds.

The temporary injunction applies immediately, even without waiting for the main proceedings, from which a similar result is expected. 

Although initially only for those affected and not as a whole, the court nevertheless states: “However, it must be clear to all who are familiar with the decision and in particular with the statements of the expert Kuhbandner that anyone who forces a child to wear a mask against his will over a longer period of time causes a risk to his well-being and thus interferes with his rights without justifiable cause. […] A principal or teacher who nevertheless does so in the knowledge of the dangers involved will not be able to plead that he was unaware of the danger or was compelled to do so by any infection protection ordinance or hygiene concept in the event that the endangerment results in actual harm to the child concerned.” 

After the ruling in Weimar a few days ago, this is a new blow against the rampant corona restrictions of politics. It shows once again how far German politics has moved into a legal gray area and how unthinkingly fundamental basic rights are restricted.

Apr 13, 2021 4:49 PM
Reply to  simon

The greater risk to young children (and the elderly) is insufficient air (in non-medical terms). The other dangers of the mask apply to everyone.

Apr 13, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  October

and the translated comments:

Winston S.
16 minutes ago
“A principal or teacher who does so nonetheless, knowing the dangers involved, will not be able to plead that he or she was unaware of the danger or compelled to do so by any infection control regulation or sanitation policy in the event that the danger results in actual harm to the child involved.”
This is, so to speak, the legal “desk jockey waddle”!
George J
18 minutes ago
Now we know why Merkel wants to change the Infection Protection Act so quickly. There are thousands of such lawsuits in the local courts and administrative courts.
Just as Merkel made many pending proceedings ineffective in November with §28a, she now wants to “leverage” the lower courts again and transfer the proceedings exclusively to the Constitutional Court. And since this is politically occupied and makes, which it wants, thus each legal way for the citizens is closed real. Profoundly undemocratic.
Last edited 16 minutes ago by Georg J
19 minutes ago
Great that the judge ruled that way?
But what use is it if the government now passes the tightened version of the “Infektionsschutzgesetz” (-> Enabling Act)?
Then we have no more possibilities to complain against these nonsensical measures, except before the Federal Constitutional Court. And by the time a ruling has been issued, the children currently affected will be of retirement age.
Poor Germany. Merkel will get us – until the very end.
Corrado Cattani
21 minutes ago
It’s probably too late – unless the people rise up. However, when I witness in private how people think, I am extremely skeptical. Freedom, basic rights, human dignity, … are not tangible for most people – or only behind bars. But if “someone” promises to pass laws that nobody dies anymore (from Corona or any other vieen), then these fellow men are immediately convinced. It’s obvious – in a country where people believe in a stable energy supply based on wind turbines and solar panels, they will also believe in the immortality promised by law. And it will be so… More
Bernhard J.
25 minutes ago
Doesn’t just the Enabling Act passed by the government serve to make such judgments by local courts impossible in the future.
Here one should ask urgently times a connoisseur in the constitutional law on the part of TE.
Lars Baecker
26 minutes ago
It is already characteristic for the condition of a state, if reason and law-based court decisions must be called “spectacular”.
Last edited 24 minutes ago by Lars Baecker
Judith Panther
27 minutes ago
Germans have always had a reputation for being hostile to children. But who would have thought that they hate their offspring so much that they now torture them psychologically and physically?
Protest voter
31 minutes ago
The district court Weilheim?? In Upper Bavaria?
That is just around the corner from me, so far they were actually known for their obedience to authority. I am totally amazed and can hardly believe it.
Fact, Weilheim i.OB
“The Realschule S”… “S” surely stands for Schongau.
In BaWü. is on the packaging insert of FFP2 masks even explicitly the note on it, does not protect against Covid infections, and still the garbage must be worn.
Last edited 19 minutes ago by Protestwaehler
Anja W.
35 minutes ago
All good and correct. But is the new Infection Protection Act next week in force, a court can no longer be called if the federal government orders the mask obligation in schools. It can probably also “immediately reverse” existing orders. How long will this new “Infection Protection Act” be in effect? It probably has no expiration date and will subject us to many more things. I look forward to the coming new era with great concern.
Rosa Kafko
41 minutes ago
The verdict will be ignored by the politicians of SED 2.0!

Apr 13, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  simon

Very interesting, thanks.

Apr 13, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  October

There are thousands of such lawsuits in the local courts and administrative courts”, seems that Fuellmich is right. this is all geting a “fuckin’ a!” from me.

Apr 13, 2021 6:20 PM
Reply to  simon

Yup. Might explain the power grab Mrs M is attempting. Fingers crossed.

Apr 13, 2021 11:32 PM
Reply to  October

Interestingly, I heard that while Texas and Florida for example have, via their governors, freed the state of creepy mask mandates…many of the corporate fixtures such as supermarkets, shops and business have made masks mandatory via that inhuman term “policy”. So the governor frees you of creepy masks but Walmart (or some such other) says you can’t buy a pencil without your creepy gimp mask on. Sorry sir it’s ppppppppolicccyyyyyyyyy.

Apr 13, 2021 2:33 PM

The Janssen jab is on hold in the U.S. — Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine to be paused in US over blood clots. Funny how these companies don’t want their name associated with their jab.

What shall we call it? Astra-Zzzz… Zeuwallywoooo… er… um… Vaxzevria.

I see that “Victorian officials will resume AstraZeneca inoculations for those aged under 50 when the Commonwealth distributes information and consent forms in languages other then English.”

So it’s not about ensuring safety. It’s about legal compliance. Clearly Big Pharma is not confident that it’s covered its Big Phat ass.

Apr 13, 2021 2:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Don’t tell Bob, they don’t cause blood clots and are 100% safe 😅

Apr 13, 2021 2:40 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

“But the consent form was in Swahili.”

“You got the consent form. Everything was explained. If you had trouble reading you should have said something at the time.”

Apr 13, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It will be approved “within days” in the UK and is being rolled out in France.

Honestly, how the Bobs of this world can still have faith in all this is beyond me.

Safron Hemp
Safron Hemp
Apr 13, 2021 2:07 PM

I know how we can start to pull this whole shit show down. A large number of retired, non-blackmail able, rocket and material scientists, need to form a group to prove publicly that the US never went to the moon in 1969. It should take about a week in a few days they can provide nasa with irrefutable proof, via a few vital questions, that they never went to the moon.
We need to start destroying the early Psyops, the vulnerable sysops to get the population to understand that Covid and Global warming are fuelled by the same malign forces.

I don’t know why the Chinese haven’t done it already, except they think they will benefit by pulling off the same stunts themselves.


Apr 13, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  Safron Hemp

I like what Steve Augustine suggested: Building a knowledge base. To show that there are outright lies propagated by the media in collusion with governments and industry to manipulate people into having false beliefs that further enhance their control over and exploitation of the population.

What were all the purposes of the moon landing hoax? A Cold War with Russia. False and unnecessary expenditures. Black budgets. Arms sales. Spying and spycraft. The expansion of the security state. Supporting the war machine. Creating faux global tensions. Creating a geopolitical psy-op enabling more wars. Creating fear in the populace and compliance. Creating awe and unquestioning belief in the supremacy of government technology and power. Moving money towards the creation of space weaponry and satellites that can be used against citizens in the objectives laid out in Project Blue Beam?

I’m sure there’s points I left out if anyone wants to add.

Felder Dixie
Felder Dixie
Apr 13, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Could it also be that they discovered we can’t ever leave the planet, because space is just too hostile, just too much radiation, too many micro meteors, to make it possible.
Where would that realisation leave mankind? No hope…no justification for growth, no future, a civilisation trapped. That might be a message so depressing, few would want to share it with their population.

Apr 13, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  Felder Dixie

I think it works the opposite way. The whole into space and beyond because we are wrecking the planet is a psy-op.

The message should be earth is amazing and fantastic and “we the people” who love nature and humanity should stop government and industry waste and pollution.

The way to do that, to protect ourselves and all living things is to take back control from the psychopaths who are currently ruining the show through the fake and wasteful monetary and economic system.

Example: Organic farming and small producers are actually more productive and less polluting that big agriculture. That means healthier, safer produce with a higher polyphenol content with less healthcare costs from the harmful effects of GMOs, glyphosates etc and the fraudulent Rockefeller medical cartel which also needs to go. It’s incredibly harmful and costly. It’s lead to this entire debacle.

I was listening to Catherine Austin Fitz and Reiner Fullmich yesterday and she had some good points: One of them, that the current system run by a few thousand oligarchs (with the help of a couple of hundred thousand Freemason and Masonic scum – my own addition) is incredibly wasteful, fraudulent, criminal and completely unnecessary.

Felder Dixie
Felder Dixie
Apr 13, 2021 5:04 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Our civilisation is not built on settling for organic bread and being at peace with the planet. It has different ideas.

Apr 13, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  Felder Dixie

a message so depressing”

Are you out of your fucking mind? What’s depressing about not being able to leave the planet? You were planning to go someplace else?

Whatever the fuck is wrong with the Earth? Apart from people, of course, … ha ha … but it would be the same people if they moved to some other planet. That wouldn’t prevent them from fucking things up?

Can people for once seek answers within as opposed to looking for yet another external solution … ?

Apr 13, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  Jacques

Felder Dixie = Germourt.

Felder Dixie
Felder Dixie
Apr 13, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

But who is Germourt?

Apr 13, 2021 11:47 PM
Reply to  Felder Dixie

You have so many identities you can’t keep track of them.

Felder Dixie
Felder Dixie
Apr 13, 2021 5:02 PM
Reply to  Jacques

You might not understand but our whole culture is based on growth, I took that as a given. No growth is no hope.

Apr 13, 2021 9:49 PM
Reply to  Felder Dixie

Depends of the type of growth.

Apr 13, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Felder Dixie

Or they just don’t have the technology to leave the planet anyway.

Apr 13, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  Felder Dixie

If ET created the radiation trap to keep us in, that is a good thing.

Apr 13, 2021 4:57 PM
Reply to  Safron Hemp

I don’t know why the Chinese haven’t done it already..
No one except USA has claimed to have sent people past LEO through the radiation belts. But I too don’t know why the Russia did not expose the scam, even at the height of the Cold War.

Apr 13, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  mgeo

‘Cause Russia, America, China and Iran all work together. It’s a scam. Just one of the many scams on the global population. They manufacture wars to kill people and seize property. So they create civil or international conflicts.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 13, 2021 9:42 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Hey Researcher,

Didn’t know you had ‘come out’ as a space skeptic ! (I’m a big fan of your posts btw, ! )

‘just one of the many scams on the global population’.

Pretty much the main one, I would say.

I would guess the clock is ticking down for….something, since these lies cannot stand for much longer.

Apr 13, 2021 11:00 PM

Thanks CB. I was clueless but someone here put me on to it. They posted a video and a link to high resolution photo. So obviously fake. Mind blowing.

Apr 14, 2021 11:49 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Great vid! I love the matter-of-fact, bemused narration style too.

Apr 13, 2021 11:49 PM
Reply to  mgeo

The USSR and it’s successors were/are controlled by the same forces that rule the West.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 13, 2021 1:35 PM

It seems that the covidorama experience has redefined the very concept of illness. From the wonderfully informative BBC:

“Covid: Return to normality won’t be a light switch moment, says Fauci

Dr Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden, has said that herd immunity is an “elusive concept” and there is no definitive percentage of the population that needs to be vaccinated to achieve it.”

Remember when we had at least some kind of definition and general conception of viruses? Well now it’s become so incredibly difficult to be sure of anything. That’s because the new viral market opportunity is in an exciting state of flux and the big players haven’t yet figured out the most lucrative way to swing it.

Apr 13, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Also from the BBC….Vaccines alone will not stop Covid spreading – here’s why….The Swiss cheese model….

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 13, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Claret

Well that link is certainly a jaw dropper. Let’s see:

“…even the highest-grade masks still let some virus through. Masks also need to be worn correctly and used by enough people to make a difference.

Keeping 2m (6ft) away from someone reduces the chance of the virus passing on. But we can still catch it even from further away.

Fresh air cuts the risk of infection and the ultraviolet radiation from sunlight can destroy virus left on surfaces. But the risk outside is not reduced to zero.”

Etc etc etc

This is clear hypochondria mongering of the most ferocious order and is utterly disgusting.

This was all planned from the beginning. The strategy has been constant and brutal. And the result is the most draconian implementation of fascist social restructuring imaginable –

Don’t go near anyone!

Keep your mask on – and watch out for those who don’t!

Even in fresh air, you’re not safe!

And none of this would have had a hope in hell of passing without the bogus pandemic cover.

And the “Left” who would never have allowed such vicious curtailment are the ones most enthusiastically backing it!

Apr 13, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thanks George for breaking it down better than I could. Just a thought: We keep hearing the numbers about ‘people who have been offered the vaccine’, but there is no mention of how many people are refusing or simply not accepting the ‘offer’. From people I speak with, in general, I get the idea that there are more ‘vax refuseniks’ than they(the powers that should not be) would like to have us believe. Maybe all the ‘vax-stats’ are as misleading as all the rest of the effin mind-boggling stats,numbers,percentages we’ve all been bombarded with over the last year or so. Fiddling the figures is nothing new of course.

Apr 13, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Claret

I’m pretty sure they have a government department specialising in fiddling figures.
I used to do it for a well known company ten years ago, I had to do data analysis and then fudge the figures into something “acceptable” (they would get upset by the real data, poor lambs)
Because I knew it was bollocks and so did they, I would occasionally sneak in pointless graphs, such as the twenty biggest fish or all time top goal scorers of the NHL.
Nobody noticed.

Apr 13, 2021 5:40 PM
Reply to  Wraith

4 phone calls now …always an 0300 number …..no i do not want your poison thang you berry mudge goodbye

I do actually feel sorry for the poor sods who are reading from a script and who probably took the job on out of desperation….it doesn’t last long though…collusion is collusion end of story

Apr 13, 2021 7:17 PM
Reply to  magumba

I know a young bloke who works in such a shady organisation…via a job agency. He says they don’t have very much to do.And I know for sure that he has been very sceptical about the whole shitshow from the beginning and still is.Its interesting to get an inside firsthand view of what actually goes on in such places.

Apr 13, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  Wraith

Thanks. And would you say that the figures,stats,graphs,percentages presented by the msm are deliberately confusing? Or is that just me? I can still do simple arithmetic without the aid of a calculator.

Apr 14, 2021 9:38 PM
Reply to  Claret

Yes, they are bias towards the fear factor. Absolutely no balance in the grand scheme of things, the fact nobody has done historical research and discovered these “waves” happen every year is a good example.

Apr 13, 2021 9:52 PM
Reply to  Wraith

I worked for a state unemployment compensation agency. When I was promoted to the Regional Office, the local Bureau of Labor Statistics analysts were right down the hall.

They were pleasant, decent fellows to chat with. They candidly affirmed, at least to fellow state workers, that their numbers were dodgy to begin with, and routinely fudged to please administrators, politicians, and business leaders.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 13, 2021 7:34 PM
Reply to  Claret

What the media have been keeping out of the public eye must amount to a good 90% of what’s there. They have always lied but never to this extent before. And – this is the reall bottom line for me – the lockstep ruthlessness whereby every channel sticks to one story and won’t let anything else through shows the true power of the ruling class over the media.

Apr 13, 2021 8:55 PM
Reply to  Claret

Claret, I work in an English hospital. Late last year there was an even bigger than usual push for the annual staff flu shot (despite the fact that flu had dIsappeared!). Weekly percentage tables of staff vaccinated (eventually 90%) a detailed spreadsheet showing percentages by subsections of departments, even a competition to identify the most enthusiastic peer vaccinator.

Then the corona vaccination. At the start we were told only a very small number of staff were expected to decline it. Later the local newspaper (and the staff) were told “the vast majority” of frontline staff had received their first vaccination: but no numbers. Later still, once the offer had been rolled out to all staff “frontline” or not, concern was expressed that “many” staff had not “stepped forward”. Women and those from ethnic minorities received special mention.

In my workplace, for the corona jab, there is not a single absolute number or percentage (and definitely not a spreadsheet!) to be found anywhere that I can see. Even though right from the start we have been regaled on a weekly basis with numbers of our inpatient covid “cases” (and occasionally deaths). You can sometimes learn more from what is not said than what is said.

I think I can say that the uptake amongst staff in my hospital is probably fairly low. I just wish I knew how low, and also who my fellow dissidents are.

Apr 14, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  Peytoia

I have family members who work for the NHS, they told me pretty much the same as you. None of them have taken the “offer” of the “vaccine”.

Apr 15, 2021 4:58 AM
Reply to  Wraith

That’s interesting Wraith. I have been wondering what is happening in other hospitals and just how coordinated it all is.

Something that is particularly obvious at the moment (at least to me) is that just as the weather is getting better most of the outdoor space for eating lunch (especially picnic tables) has been either removed or made temporarily unavailable or made just not very inviting. The only indoor place to meet other people without masks is the canteen, where you have to sit two to a table so a quiet conversation is pretty much impossible.

I have been asked directly three times by managers if I would like to have the jab (“no, thank you”). Each time in front of other people.

On the anniversary of the first lock down there was a pretty much enforced minute’s silence at 11am.

It is all completely bonkers.

Apr 15, 2021 5:01 AM
Reply to  Peytoia

Sorry, meant to say “… two to a table *placed lengthways* …”

Apr 15, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  Peytoia

‘You can sometimes learn more from what is not said than what is said.’

You’re absolutely right– what we don’t get told is often way more interesting.

Thanks Peytoia.
Here in the Netherlands they are still pushing the idea that ‘intensive care units are at breaking point/ we must reduce pressure on the hospitals’ and then occasionally publish dramatic, emotive fotos to ram it in our faces. The fotos of course could be of any ICU situation. A lot of lying by omission going on here too.

Apr 13, 2021 8:25 PM
Reply to  George Mc

dollar vigilante had an excellent opening piece either last vid or before, Doc Fauci on form. worth a gander for a hoot.

East Europen Allien
East Europen Allien
Apr 14, 2021 3:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Of course now nothing can make us “safe enough” when the latest miraculous (aand ultimate) solution needs to be marketed… https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pentagon-scientists-invent-microchip-which-senses-covid-19-in-the-body/ar-BB1fy3y7

Apr 13, 2021 5:07 PM
Reply to  George Mc

As per the trend seen in Sweden in 2020 – before the country got some “persuasion” – the herd immunity occurs at less than 20%, maybe as low as 15. That made the vaccine sellers and their backers unhappy.

Apr 13, 2021 1:01 PM

I am reading one of John Waters’ Substack posts, in which he remarks:

I didn’t post anything for months afterwards but Twitter still appears to have banned me for life in abstentia, because that’s what they do. I’m very happy about this, by the way: I have a theory that, in half a century or so, if the world is still in a fit state to examine anything, a team of anthropologists, archaeologists and such may be charged with finding the cause of the collapse of Western civilisation in the opening years of the third millennium and, after poking around in the residual entrails of said civilisation, will emerge holding up a piece of dog-eared papyrus, bearing a single word of explanation: ‘Twitter’.

Funny, because I only have a Twitter account for those times Twitter requires me to log in to read certain Tweets, and so I can use it with TweetDeck. Yet this morning I had a warning of “unusual activity associated with my account.” Strange, I thought. I Tweeted once, about 10 years ago, to see how it worked, so there is no activity whatsoever on my account.

Still, Twitter tried to get my phone number in order to regain access. I reset the password and that sufficed. I suspect it was a phishing expedition by Twitter or one of their 77th Brigade staffers was updating the records.

Apr 13, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Think it was one of those games for today…had the same thing…plus a notice that my email account was suspended. When of course it wasn’t…I am sure it too would have required info if I had touched it…fishing expeditions …

they pop up from time to time..various bank notices too…best ignored……

these days I am almost happy to see them…imagine what fun they will have in vaccine passport files, digital crypto money files etc…starting to form joy for seeing hacker activity,,,,now that is how bad it is…

Apr 13, 2021 5:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I have to ask this: is John Waters THE John Waters – the avant garde filmmaker from Baltimore?

Apr 13, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

Ireland’s own John Waters. No less a philosopher but different.

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Apr 13, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  Howard

No – John Waters, right wing Roman Catholic who would like to drag Ireland back to the 1950s. Also one time fling of Sinead O’Connor who he had a child with.

Apr 13, 2021 12:31 PM

Off topic –

Our favourite comedian Bob has a new stand up act.


Just in case you fancy a laugh.

Apr 13, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Wraith

Bob says….”Studies done on the vaccines demonstrate high efficacy at reducing hospitalisation from COVID-19.”

Boris disagrees….

Apr 13, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  ICthrough

I think Bob may be more righter than Boris. All the Pharmas have ever claimed was that it made the symptoms a little less bad, fewer sneezes. It’s all that was mentioned on the emergency use authorisations – but who would have had a jab just to use fewer tissues?

Apr 13, 2021 4:33 PM
Reply to  ICthrough

i though the vaccine was the Cavalry! the Cavalry is on it way it will help us out of the lockdown!
and now for the summer lockdown to be normalized and sold to the mass’s
May 26 possible lockdown

Apr 13, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  REvail

No, it’s more like the Calvary: the hill upon which the public is crucified; primary and booster vax syringes are the nails fastening the public’s collective limbs to the Big Public Health/Big Pharma cross.

Apr 14, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Wraith

He has recruited a couple of stooges to enhance the experience, it’s not going well…

End Rockefeller Medicine
End Rockefeller Medicine
Apr 13, 2021 12:26 PM

“The Trilateralist Commission is international…(and)…is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power – political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.”~ Barry Goldwater 
(1909-1998) US Senator (R-Arizona)
in his book “With No Apologies”

The push to consume was when the private bankers seized control of government finance, shut off normal government investment (fiscal policy for public purpose) and instead forced the nation to rely on credit cards and loans to make ends meet. Prices for basic services skyrocketed (and quality deteriorated) as the public sector became privatized. This has caused peak private debt today, (which is NEVER discussed) meaning the debt will never be paid off. Banks love that, it rakes in billions in interest, penalties and fees.

In the financial industry, they call you a “deadbeat” if you pay off all your debt because you aren’t generating any money for them! It’s gotten pretty sick, letting the private banks govern.


The right says that the left wants “more” government. No, we just want A government again. The economy should be balanced between fiscal and monetary policy, not just all private bank monetary policy.

And we want A public sector again. 40 years of privatization (which is the first step towards fascism) will be hard to roll back, especially when they are trying so hard to privatize the rest of the world’s healthcare systems. But we need to demand an end to for-profit medicine and education. Neoliberalism is economic eugenics.

Let’s not lose focus on why things have been SO chaotic and dysfunctional these past 40 years – the radical libertarian right’s agenda to transform our nation to favor the Big Property Owners. Their war on the public good, on wages, unions, education and everything else that makes society function well is funded by the donor network set up by the Kochs. They want free reign capitalism, beyond the reach of voters and government.

End Rockefeller Medicine
End Rockefeller Medicine
Apr 13, 2021 1:10 PM

CRISPR tech claims to want to create the perfect embryo – then they hit their creation with over 70 vaccines, often causing harm.

We shouldn’t give the green light to gene therapy until they clean up their mess. The century of Rockefeller for-profit medicine has been a disaster. CRISPR is certainly following along the patent profits line. Treatment can be in the millions.

The medical industry has not proven that it’s worthy of Managing Nature since they deliberately hold back proven treatments like ozone therapy and ignore the real medicinal value of proper nutrition. No, they are too untrustworthy for me.

If they really want to prove that they “care”, end the economic eugenics first.

Apr 13, 2021 12:15 PM

What’s this from Johnson?

“The reduction in hospitalisations, deaths and infections has not been achieved by the vaccination programme.

“It’s the lockdown that has been overwhelmingly important in delivering this improvement in the pandemic”

This is confusing. He seems to be telling people not to get too used to their new freedoms, but why play down vaccination?

Apr 13, 2021 12:21 PM
Reply to  October

Because just like the lockdowns, they don’t work I should think.

Victor Neilsen
Victor Neilsen
Apr 13, 2021 12:27 PM
Reply to  October

well, if global vaccination works, then theres no need to worry.
And thats the last thing they want, people not worrying.

Victor Neilsen
Victor Neilsen
Apr 13, 2021 12:29 PM
Reply to  Victor Neilsen

essentially they are trying to convince the masses that lockdown > vaccine.
however, the carrot of travel precludes lockdown, so they kinda stuck……
they don’t want a riot, after all….

Apr 13, 2021 5:43 PM
Reply to  Victor Neilsen

They are getting one whether they like it or not…..a white riot …a riot of my own

Apr 13, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  October

Because, the virus has been the vector for the complete reshaping of societies in the once believed ‘free’ west.

It’s never been about franken-flu cases, deaths, or for that matter about testing.
It has always been about destroying the lives of the 99% that were clinging onto lifestyles ‘old normal’… heavily carbon credit dependent.

The reset required a ‘Shock Doctrine’

 So that you would rethink bad behaviours such as hopping onto a jet plane to Benidorm for two weeks, and get very used to confined living and experiencing…

Less = less rather than more.

Are we all up to speed now?

Apr 13, 2021 3:23 PM
Reply to  kalamazoo9

Impoverishing people makes them dependent on the central bank digital UBI slave system where they can kill you by remote control when you are no longer performing to their liking. Depopulation is the major agenda in eugenics. Always has been, always will be. In Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars they are not shy about the agenda for democide in order to “collect“.

Apr 13, 2021 4:50 PM
Reply to  kalamazoo9

it was never free
until you under stand 1666 uk acts
and 1933 usa
until you under you are not a person
as a person is a slave
until you have standing
you are a child needing guardian

you are slave
slave is performance
your energy is the currency
sovereign king or queen

or consenting slave
you have already chosen
stand under
do not understand

Apr 13, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  gorden

Almost right, Gorden…but, in 1666 there was no uk, yet, so it didn’t apply to Scotland. They incorporated the people of Scotland about fifty years later. Same conclusion though.

Apr 13, 2021 4:18 PM
Reply to  October

Perhaps the level of vaccination in the UK is advanced enough now that they can start downplaying the idea that mass vaccination will end the lockdowns and other measures, which they have no intention of ending.

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 13, 2021 12:13 PM

I tuned in to the MSM covid service, I.e. the regular news, and it all seems incredibly tired and yet they are flogging it even more relentlessly.

OK I’m trying to get inside the mind of the fabled “news gapers” I.e. the ones soaking up all this crap. Surely by this point, even they must be thinking, “Where? Where are those corpse filled wards? What do those CASE figures really mean? Why is this media BORING ME TO FUCK WITH THIS CLEARLY FRAUDULENT SHIT?”

Mr Y
Mr Y
Apr 13, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Maybe most people aren’t thinking, just absorbing?

Apr 13, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The cure for ‘covid’ is turn off your tv.

Apr 13, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  Paul

Then what are you going to do about the rest of the state and private ideological apparatuses including the MSM etc that will ‘reinfect’ you with their poison? One expression used in MK ULTRA mind control is “There’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from the eye in the sky.”

Apr 13, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The banality of evil

Apr 13, 2021 11:44 AM

Pass the sick bag…

NHS website crashes as over-45s rush to book jab – The Fraudian
It’s ‘like VE Day’: drinkers enjoying a freedom pint – The Telebarf
Visiting a store with a person outside your bubble risks £200 fine – Mirror

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 13, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

It’s enough to make you feel satire is dead. If I was on the Fraudian, I would love to write “Over 45s are stampeding over each other, genitalia moist and eagerly lubricating their shitters to get buggered by that mighty vax cock!”

But that would only be taken with utter seriousness by the media and the public!

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Apr 13, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

But, but the vaccine is safe and 95% effective claim those who are making $billions of profit while conveniently ignoring their own “contraindications”

Why people still running after that poison is simply because they have been bludgeoned into a stupor by those who would control, and ultimately destroy them.

Apr 13, 2021 8:30 PM

So what remedial strategy do you propose in order to solve the problem??

Apr 13, 2021 1:56 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

There were a bunch of grown men, some masked, drunkenly pressing buzzers of various people’s doors between their pub crawl, as the cackled, I ran into them as I returned from recycling, these guys were in their 30’s and maybe 40’s, it was too pathetic to behold, no wonder it is so easy to pull the wool over the eyes of such fucking morons.

Apr 13, 2021 11:06 AM

“continuation of the illusion is reaching its end”

The longer they try to float the C-1984 crap, the more people who might have lent them a receptive ear will realize that it’s a stinking crock of shit. It is hard to predict, however, whether they’ll do something about it.

The possible scenarios are several.

They can keep pushing new variants, ramp up the threat, keep going pretty much as they have been. It might develop into a state where everybody knows that it’s all bullshit, the governments and people, but everybody plays the game as if it were real. That was basically how communism worked in the Second World (nobody believed in the ideological slogans). I’m thinking that to quite an extent, we’re there already.

They can create another fake catastrophe, like a global blackout, extraterrestrial invasion, or anything totally crazy – if people swallowed C-1984, they swallow Martians too.

They can start a war, the buildup in Ukraine doesn’t look too pretty.

They can crash the financial system and create total havoc all over the place.

They can pull any other shit, anything goes these days; your guess is as good as mine.

I guess the only favorable scenario I can think of is that they’ll keep choking everybody for some time still, and then they’ll open up, hoping for a widespread recovery that would give the old normal a new lease on life.

Victor Neilsen
Victor Neilsen
Apr 13, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  Jacques

this time, the stanglehold won’t be released

Apr 13, 2021 12:26 PM
Reply to  Victor Neilsen

Bernician getting a date in court for his PCP might shake things up a bit – if Fuellmich doesnt get in first

Apr 13, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  Victor Neilsen

Agree. This time we won’t see our freedoms back until active and passive collaborators don’t wake up from their fear induced trance and realise that the “Final Solution” population culling exercise by our overlords is FINAL and this time they’ll only retreat if we rise up in a critical mass and change the whole fu**ing system.

Those who allowed themselves to be injected with gene therapies should also realise that their next holiday could be the last one they’ll experience in this lifetime..And not because of movement restrictions. Although one could argue being 6ft under does restrict your movements a great deal.
https://brandnewtube.com/v/j17PcB (Proff. Cahil on Cytokine Storm)
https://brandnewtube.com/v/tZ5Cbn (Dr Colleman latest)

Apr 13, 2021 4:38 PM
Reply to  Jacques

comment image

Apr 13, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  Jacques

I think on the 24th they are in for a suprise….just going from what i have observed on faceache there is far more organistion for this one than there has been for any others

José F.
José F.
Apr 13, 2021 11:02 AM

I am a Portuguese reader of OffGuardian, and I would like to thank you for making reference to José Afonso

Apr 13, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  José F.

I had a closer look at the song. Thanks, to you.
(Translated into English)

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 13, 2021 10:19 AM

All the talk of opening up here in Scotland seems suspicious. A little bit of sadistic mind fuckery before the next lockdown? A bit of good cop false cheer before the resumed onslaught of the bad cop?

Well if so, I foresee major eruptions. Possibly. The public have shown themselves to be remarkably quiescent so far. Unless that’s an illusion generated by the media whose power to “create reality” has never seemed so depressingly omniscient.

But a resumption of lockdown would surely create major protests. Would that be the point? Is this a test of power? To see how far the masses can be pushed? And should there be disruptions then we could at long last have the major psy- assault on sceptics, which may now be deemed necessary since IN REALITY, I.e. outside that suffocating all pervasive media construct, there is indeed widespread dissent.

Apr 13, 2021 10:29 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think the continuation of the illusion is reaching its end (but admittedly, I have thought that before, and was wrong). Anyway they cannot infinitely continue the illusion. For that reason I think it is more likely that ‘they’ are trying to shift the blame on a scape goat, instead of going for the ‘whack a mole’ all dissenters. The former is easier than the latter, as the number of scapegoats is finite, while the number of dissenters is (in principle) endless.

But all of this is mere conjecture…

Victor Neilsen
Victor Neilsen
Apr 13, 2021 12:05 PM
Reply to  Willem

I guess it depends on the amount of time before people who have had “vaccines” start to die – 6 months, a year, 5 years?

Apr 13, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  Willem

I was intrigued by the admission that lots of people have reacted negatively to the wall-to-wall coverage in the media of one 99-year-old dying. I think this partly reflected annoyance with endless lockdowns.

77 Brigade - Retired
77 Brigade - Retired
Apr 13, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I hope you are right … unfortunately the brains of the majority of people have been fried by relentless propaganda and are now emotional wrecks afraid of their own shadow as they sit on their sofas stuffing takeaway pizzas into their ever expanding corpse …

Apr 13, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Expect widespread dissent on the 24th

Apr 13, 2021 9:57 AM

The companies that profit on NATO’s coat tails (coalesced around the Atlantic Council), also fund fake news… like Bellingcat.

The prostitutes of State Corporatist Media then work on behalf of those companies, that include Biden-employer Burisma of Ukraine, and present Bellingcat as grassroots… and its talking points as organic or authentic… when of course it is a front.

Mint Press has more: How Bellingcat Launders National Security State Talking Points into the Press — For a self-proclaimed citizen journalism outfit, an alarming number of Bellingcat’s staff and contributors come from highly suspect backgrounds, including high-level positions in military and intelligence agencies.

Investigative site Bellingcat is the toast of the popular press. In the past month alone, it has been described as “an intelligence agency for the people” (ABC Australia), a “transparent” and “innovative” (New Yorker) “independent news collective,” “transforming investigative journalism” (Big Think), and an unequivocal “force for good” (South China Morning Post). Indeed, outside of a few alternative news sites, it is very hard to hear a negative word against Bellingcat, such is the gushing praise for the outlet founded in 2014.

Apr 13, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The only thing to be said in favour of UK journalists is that when the Foreign Office/ Mi6 set up Bellingcat, they couldn’t persuade a journalist to front it.

So they hired an underwear salesman (strictly, a bookkeeper for a lingerie business), one Eliot Higgins.

It’s always disappointing to be reminded of Eliot “underpants” Higgins because his very existence recalls Henry Higgins in Pygmalion/ My Fair Lady, who makes a bet that he can teach Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle to “talk proper.”

Our h’Eliot also presumes to represent things as other than they are.

Like Eliza, they soon buffed up our H’eliot, making him “a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council”, “a visiting research associate at the Centre for Science and Security Studies at the Department of War Studies, King’s College, London” , “a visiting research fellow at UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center”…

in contrast to the Astroturf (fake grassroots) front men, there are genuine “digital Sherlocks” like David J. Blake, for example, who exposed the “Russian hacking” psyop, as described in his new book “Loaded for Guccifer 2.0”.


Apr 13, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

In fairness there is one problem with Alan Macleod‘s report for Mint Press.

Imagine, for one second, the opposite scenario: an “independent” Russian investigative website staffed partially with ex-KGB officials, funded by the Kremlin, with most of their research focused on the nefarious deeds of the U.S., U.K. and NATO. Would anyone take it seriously? And yet Bellingcat is consistently presented in corporate media as a liberatory organization; the Information Age’s gift to the people.

That is Russia Today. However, its is a news organisation whose funding and staffing are public knowledge and it does not present itself as a grassroots, amateur-turned-pro, magick-forensick ouija board outfit like Bellingcat.

Moreover, the bigger issue is that the Atlantic Council/National Endowment for Democracy’s front organizations are increasingly being used to train reporters for jobs in the State Corporatist Media.

Increasingly, it seems, Bellingcat is serving as a training ground for those looking for a job in the West’s most prestigious media outlets. For instance, former Bellingcat contributor Brenna Smith — who was recently the subject of a media storm after she successfully pressured a number of online payment companies to stop allowing the crowdfunding of the Capitol Building insurrectionists — announced last month she would be leaving USA Today and joining The New York Times. There she will meet up with former Bellingcat senior investigator Christiaan Triebert, who joined the Times’ visual investigations team in 2019.

Apr 13, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

We can all moan and say what is wrong till the cows come home…..Enough negative shit….who are you trolling for ? so we can see what solutions YOU have got to offer.

I suspect your solution involves marching bands and one charesmatic leader, doesn’t it?

Apr 13, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I quit following Mint Press News when it became clear to me that they are ready, willing and able to do covid propaganda. (And I stopped reading this article when the author endorsed the lie that there’s a Sars CoV 2 virus.) I noticed that Whitney Webb did not leave MPN on bad terms. I recently (a week ago maybe) tried to contact her (via unlimited hangout’s contact form; I hate those!). I asked her some simple questions about covid. Either she didn’t get the message, or else she got it an ignored it. I don’t care for Alan Mcleod or his boss, Mnar. I found Alan to be off before they embraced covid propaganda. Macleod also writes (or did) for fakey FAIR.

Apr 13, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Arby

There is undoubtedly a backstory. Brendan O’Connell has a harsh take on Whitney (yes, I give a chance to anyone who challenges the mainstream, however “off the wall.” I decide what to make of their claims). I would say, from personal experience, that most of us work for “one of the sides” if we are salaried (which I am not) — as much in the office world as in journalism.

I would like to think Mint Press is fully independent but what is independent? If Mnar cooperates with Press TV, for example, does she forfeit respect? Chris Hedges says he does interview with RT because that’s one of the few outlets that will have him. Seymour Hersch has to get published by the London Review of Books. Greg Palast outputs his work in Europe.

Does Mint Press have a backer, did it receive a bursary — that’s another question. It’s easy to get a grant if you go with the flow. Much harder if you are the slightest thorn in the side.

Having said that, part of what we call the alt news is clearly an offshoot of one or other arms of the establishment. The CIA has funded the alternative/independent/cultural press for half a century. See, Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers, by Joel Whitney, or ‘Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’ by Frances Stonor Saunders.

So take each story on its merits. That’s the only option.

I am talking of the would-be independents. I have no respect for State Corporatist Media which includes all the established news outlets and any brand considered respectable by the so-called fact checkers.

They are easy to identify. They quote Bellingcat.

Apr 13, 2021 3:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Acknowledged. it would be nice to get a response from Whitney. If I don’t, readers of my blog (who are so few in number it isn’t funny) will know because I write about such things.

Victor Neilsen
Victor Neilsen
Apr 13, 2021 12:07 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I used to taunt bellingcat/higgins on twitter. Happy days. A one dimensional dweeb, just a perfect puppet

Apr 13, 2021 9:42 AM

This comment might appear to be going a bit “Tony”, but there is a point.

Any UK reader who has traversed the M62 will be aware that right at the top of the Pennines, the motorway has to split, passing either side of a farm which sits between the two carriageways.

I used to think, “What an idiot. Imagine wanting to stay there and have motorway either side of your house.”

Now I have a different view.

I’ve never met the owner of that farm, but I can now imagine his feelings as he refused to sell his home to make way for the new road, whatever the subsequent downside would be for him and his family (and, let’s face it – having the M62 running less than 50m past both sides of your house would be classed as a downside by most).

Does he regret that decision? I have no idea. That’s not the point. The point is that he refused to back down, whatever the consequences.

I now see this unknown farmer as a symbol of what we will all have to do. He did it on his own. If many more of us follow his example, perhaps we can get the current ‘road’ diverted or abandoned altogether.

It seems to me that what is happening right now is the ‘them’ putting all their cards on the table, so to speak. They’ve done their planning and scheming and now they are executing those plans and schemes. That doesn’t necessarily make it a one-shot deal, but disruption now might de-rail the process irrevocably (sorry about the mixed transport metaphors) sufficiently to give us time to re-group and counter.

Their agenda depends on an unbroken progression of steadily mounting fear and control. Any breaks in that progression risk de-stabilising it. They have the tiger by the tail, so to speak – not always the most comfortable situation to be in. They project this image of being all-powerful and all-knowing. They aren’t. They must be very nervous pretty much all of the time. The sooner we accept this, the better.

If one man can get an entire motorway diverted, there is still hope for the rest of us.

Chimes of Freedom
Chimes of Freedom
Apr 13, 2021 11:52 AM
Reply to  Philippe

The M62 wasn’t diverted due to a farmer’s refusal to move.
A geological fault under the farm meant that it was more practical and cost effective to build around it.
That notwithstanding we as individuals have a collective responsibility to expose and exploit the geological fault in the Covid narrative to not merely deviate its course but to turn it into a cul-de-sac.

Apr 13, 2021 12:04 PM