The Kill the Bill Achilles’ Heel
Rachel Allen
The Kill the Bill movement has recently emerged in the UK in response to a proposed piece of legislation called the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. The bill seeks to amend aspects of the Public Order Act 1986 relating to protest, adding more powers to that Act for the police to impose restrictions on protests for noise reasons, for example. In response, protests have taken place at the end of March and the beginning of April against this bill.
In itself, opposition to this bill is a positive thing, as it does seek to reduce democratic rights. However, there is a contradiction at the heart of the Kill the Bill movement: opposition to this draconian police state bill alongside support for the Official Covid Narrative, lockdowns, and other biosecurity state policies that stem from belief in this narrative.
Footage and Speeches
In order to analyse this issue, I have examined footage taken during the protests and the points raised by the speakers. It is clear from this evidence that the Kill the Bill protests – as a whole – endorse the Official Covid Narrative. This narrative can be defined as the belief that Sars-Cov-2 is uniquely dangerous to human life and that extreme responses such as lockdowns and mandatory masks are necessary to avoid mass death.
The first indication of this is the high level of compliance with mask-wearing, which can be seen in images of these protests. The organisers of Kill the Bill events in Cornwall explicitly advised attendees to wear masks, telling the Canary:
Wear masks, bring hand sanitiser, remember social distancing and let’s send a clear message that Cornwall is not going to stop taking to the streets until this bill is defeated.
An examination of the speeches made at the large London event on the 3rd April provides further evidence of strong narrative compliance.
Before the march takes place, the host of the event is keen to stress the importance of social distancing, even leading a chant about it: “When I say Social Distance, you say Social Distance.”
After the march, there are more speeches. Peter Tatchell, a gay rights activist who has repeatedly been criticised for his statements relating to pedophilia, states that “[This bill] is the most draconian threat to civil liberties in a generation.”
This statement effectively erases from existence the already passed Coronavirus Act 2020, an act which gives the government power to postpone elections, forcibly remove ‘potentially infectious persons’ for screening, prohibit ‘gatherings’ and close premises, and an increase in state sectioning powers.
After Tatchell has finished speaking, the crowd is asked whether they love the NHS, and whether they believe that nurses and doctors should have had a higher pay rise than they were given. A few minutes later, after another speaker, a nurse is then invited onto the stage – the crowd is invited to show their appreciation for this individual – and she proceeds to talk about a lack of support from the Tory government during the alleged pandemic.
The ‘hero doctors and nurses’ is a key plank of the ‘pandemic’ narrative that is clearly being used by the organisers of these protests – in the same way it was used by the government with their ‘Clap for the NHS’ propaganda initiative.
Another speech from a trade union activist does refer to possible prosecutions under the Coronavirus Act, and even implies some of these may be unfair. However, his main purpose in introducing the Coronavirus Act here is to introduce the idea of hypocrisy on the part of the government, in particular, that they fail to address the issue of ‘unsafe workplaces’. He then goes on to affirm the government’s Covid statistics (despite the significant problems with the definition of a ‘Covid death’) and advocating lockdowns (complaining about people being “forced into work”).
A Tale of Two Corbyns
We can further examine this issue by looking at the most high-profile speaker at the London event, former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
During his speech, Corbyn draws attention to the Tory government’s authoritarianism by invoking the different bills they are trying to pass, such as the Spy Cops bill and the Overseas Operations Bill.
He does not mention here the most draconian Tory move, the passing of the Coronavirus Act 2020, which Corbyn enabled as Labour leader (the bill originally passed without a vote). He only mentions this after about ten minutes of talking, stating that he voted against the March 2021 renewal of powers contained in this Act.
However, he is sure to affirm the Official Covid Narrative, making sure to stress that “[Covid-19 is] serious, it’s real and it’s dangerous,” but follows by saying “but you don’t have to empower the police on the back of that legislation.”
Of course, Corbyn is maintaining a completely contradictory position. He supports lockdown policies, and the only way of actually enforcing such policies are through ‘empowering the police’. Corbyn openly stated on the 24th March 2020, that:
This [lockdown] is the right response to the coronavirus pandemic, and one we have been calling for.”
His criticisms of Tory policy when to comes to the alleged pandemic amount to objections such as claiming that the Tory government did not lock down early enough, in other words calling for increased authoritarianism.
Rather than criticising the horrific impact of lockdowns on the working class, such as job and income losses and impacts on mental wellbeing, he simply argued for more handouts from the government. He has also offered zero criticism of the official narrative, despite the myriad holes and contradictions that have been demonstrated to exist by independent journalists.
We can compare this to his brother, Piers Corbyn, who has been a strong voice criticising government propaganda and protesting government tyranny. He has spoken at several events across the UK, including the large anti-lockdown protests in London as well as events in Birmingham and Bristol. He has been arrested multiple times, for example, for attending an event at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park.
Incidentally, Jeremy Corbyn has not spoken out about his brother’s multiple arrests. Searching his Twitter account for ‘piers’ he has not mentioned his brother’s name since 2012. Searching for the word ‘brother’ does not bring up any more recent results.
By opposing the Official Covid Narrative, Piers Corbyn has put his opposition to excessive police powers and government authoritarianism on a strong and consistent foundation. Jeremy Corbyn, on the other hand, wants to have his cake and eat it – to project the image of opposing tyranny while enabling it.
There is a contradiction at the heart of the ‘Kill the Bill’ movement. Their alleged raison d’etre is to oppose excessive police powers, but the organisers and speakers show little to no awareness of the biosecurity state tyranny being introduced under the guise of ‘fighting Covid’.
In fact, the evidence shows that they support the official narrative and the policy consequences such as lockdowns, even though these measures enable and require excessive police powers.
Focusing entirely on this one bill is a distraction that precludes a true recognition of the biosecurity state being foisted on us through lockdowns, mandatory masks, social distancing and vaccine passports.
Rachel Allen is an independent writer and activist living in the UK. Her work can be found at her website Cassandra’s Box, she also tweets @cassandrasbox.
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Your ending words are also contradictory. ‘lockdowns [..] require excessive police powers.’
You can ask the public to follow rules about health and saftey without using force. Same with vaccines. So do you agree with the neoliberal capitalists that rules require police violence to be enforced? Do you want police to exist or not? Police always use force against people who disagree with the law. Is corbyn allowed to agree with some violence and not others or should he oppose all police enforcment of all laws. Perhaps you should make your own position clear first on what police can or cannot use violence for. Should we have police or not? Structural violence is the very basis of Govnt. Police exist to enforce violence. Picking on one aspect of their brutality to oppose makses as much sense as supporting one aspect of it. They are both contradictory. Unless you oppose all police, contradictions are inherent whether you support or oppose Corbyns position.
The same with open Democracy website stance towards the virus. Ruining years of good work and the occassional article still but overall are outraged that not enough is being done to protect the underpaid in making them got work without masks and that the lockdown is never really mentioned together with the lack of numbers to proove the measures are related to the cause. So a few weeks back they got stuck into the Querdenkers in Berlin as a threat to democracy and a front for the for ever Nazis who seem to now have turned into AfD, the only party standing for the freedom the regime is intent on negating by withdrawning the fundamental right to be left alone at home not from Brown Shirts but enforces with syringes. Or without the correct designation, being vaxxed be denied all citizens rights. Not a digital byte from oD. Too busy getting worked up with the gig economy not paying enough.
Narrative blah blah narrative yadda yadda narrative narrative narrative. It’s almost worse to be sceptical about a world full of competing narratives, perceiving them everywhere without trying to cut through any of them, than taking everything the media says at face value. Unless you get to the point of a real, original perspective, you’re simply swapping one narrative for another.
I see the same attitude in many instances where groups of people declare their opposition to ‘lockdown’, yet they invariably do not forget to solemnly add their full respect for all [absurd] assorted ‘measures’ of distancing, masks, ‘tests’, gloves, even…vaccines!
Well my family got skeptical about all this COVID malarkey.
Still wore masks
Still social distance
Still under voluntary house arrest
And now all vaccinated!
It’s pointless helping the herd even herded sheep you love
They make it too obvious when they all go to these protests wearing their face nappies, supporting the MSM & government propaganda.
There are still some heores in Greece…
At after the 2 minute mark the real action begins. This HERO charges at the cops from behind, knocks one off his bike after stunning him with an elbow to the back of the neck, and proceeds to kick the shit out of him along with a crowd fully prepared for a fight. (helmets and sticks). Of course the coppers being the cowards that thay are left their colleague behind as they fled.
Some may find this uncalled for but the background is:
This riot is in response to an incident a few days ago involving the same police team (the hated Dias team that the right wing government hastily assembled using untrained thugs to enforce the police state in Athens). A bunch of people were quietly sitting in a park (including women with kids) when some of these cops showed up and ordered them to leave. A young guy questioned them and they pulled out their truncheons and beat the crap out of him…he was hospitalised with serious injuries, while the cop in the above incident was actually spared from permanent damage (the rioters themselves saw that he was not stomped to death). These violent coppers have been cruising around Athens harassing and assaulting people well before the lockdown.
Protesters who were actually up for revolt used to wear masks so that they cannot be tracked by police…. now they wear them because they are just more brainswashed victims who think they have “rights”, in a Machiavellian mockery of democracy.
The elites would be laughing themselves to death if they had the ability to feel any actual joy- they are probably MORE scared- and so they should be… these are their final desperate attempts to lie and steal.
The only movement I’m interested in is The try politicians, media moguls, PR agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and bankers for Clear and obvious crimes against humanity movement ! Anyone not pushing for this is controlled opposition as far as I’m concerned. Kill the bill is BLM for covid and amounts to nothing more than begging the powers that shouldn’t be for something they already have innately ! perhaps once we trace the money we can prosecute the “organisers” for aiding and abetting in crimes against humanity also
we learn from the local press that New South Wales health minister and other senior ministers were shown, march last year, modelling that predicted as a ‘worst-case scenario’ 24,768 people could die from the virus in NSW in 12 months….
, ‘modellings’ are weaponised, used to scare the masses, and politicians…
Oh yes, thank you for remembering that one. He actually believed the numbers without doing due diligence and verifying them, or from one of the three countries the data was from. Or how it was collated. Then for that emo effect pollies are good at said or got quoted how a cold shiver of fear went down his back when he realised how deadly the virus was. Strewth. He’s a fear monger. Or if honest [!] should not be making any decisions for us.
Allegations of Truth
I live in a very sophisticated time
And in a very sophisticated culture
That chooses to forget the dim origins of the species
The crude grunts and arm waving’s of the primal bully
We build bombs, and shelters from bombs
The bully waves his flag, and truth cowers
We hope to maintain our positions
And embrace the vacuous following
The mob honors the ritual of the mob
And the tribe honors the empty tradition
It is a very sophisticated time
There is no recognition of imminent truth
Truths live and die below the belt
Life, in the confines of a wallet
Our more eloquent truths are borrowed by the poor
And our deeper truths are financed by the dead
I bid them Peace
2/13/2003 PV
Although somewhat relieved that my own misgivings and total despair I felt during the Kill the Bill protest have been vindicated by this article, (I thought it was only me that felt disturbed by how the demo was proceeding) it does not lessen the gloom and rising panic in me that people just do not get it! I had to quit the march, being surrounded by masked idiots and despite the (I thought) good vibes at seeing so many young people participating it was clear that they were totally unsure of what they were protesting about. And when a lusty rendering of ‘Solidarity Forever’ hit the air, I ran.
But what to do? The propaganda, the poison media has bitten deeply into basically good souls who know something is deeply wrong. But they are unsure at what it actually is. How on earth to counteract all this evil spreading without alienating the youth who are our future, without patronizing and alienating them?
You must laugh at them, openly. Some of them will get it.
I can’t be as generous as you towards these protestors (“basically good souls”). There is no excuse for their remaining so wilfully ignorant, and for acceptance of directives that are ludicrous, and not being able to discern how psychologically sadistic the muzzle-wearing symbolism (that was clearly deliberately chosen) is that they’re all partaking in.
Kill the bill is a shocking term that will be infiltrated and turned against.Why not Kill the Old Bill.paz
you will find that all these protests are being steered by state agents, ‘alphabet mendicants’ who will be carefully compartmentalizing the various factions for later deployments, psy-ops and media manipulations…..
useless angry activists (many of whom will mean ‘well’) will be primed, steered and utilized for state/corporate aims and of course many will be ‘feds’.
for example: numerous protesters may in fact be aware of the fake pandemic..
but blissfully unaware of the manufactured pro vax ‘image’ being attributed to the protests..
this way the state can offer ”safety valves” but keep the herd generally on message.
the ‘kill bill’ (highly ambiguous) signs and other such window dressings are quite deliberate psychological priming.. ready for idiot box imbeciles.. as usual context is absent ready for the propagandists to fill in the blanks.
throw in state agent steptoe and it may as well be a BBC production..
The false opposition provided by the “left” in both the UK and the US has been perhaps the biggest enabler of the repressive lockdown, greatly reinforcing the false consciousness people have about what’s going on. Today, i saw this poster on a lamppost outside Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr Civic Center Park, near the city’s high school, about destroying COVID-19 by opposing the re-opening of schools, ensuing all students are vaccinated and regularly tested,…. and putting this forth as part of the battle for… “justice.”
of course, if you believe the masses wont revolt until they’re greatly immiseration / impoverishment, then it follows that you’ll support any state measures that increases mass misery… as shown by Germany in the 1930s, as conditions worsened and insecurity deepened, the masses turned to a ‘Strongman’ dictator to restore their security… a similar phenomena unfolding today…
correction… immiserated / impoverished
It’s kind of the reverse of Trump supporters (not all) who are skeptical and/or non-believers in the scamdemic but now are so pro-police state they want a tank on every fricking corner to keep their scared asses safe from black and brown people. (Some liberals claimed they wanted to defund the police, so the right now wants more than ever!) It’s similar to the right’s response to 9/11 and the War OF Terror, in that the right pretends it’s all about liberty, freedom and the Constitution (speaking US only of course), but then turned around to completely buy the premise that the big, bad Muslims were coming to get them, thereby supporting the police/military state and global imperialism onslaught that ensued. .
It’s so easy to manipulate humans, sometimes I wish I wasn’t one. But then again, I wouldn’t want to be a giraffe.
That’s just a ridiculous portrayal of Trump supporters and the political right. Personally, I don’t think our traditional understanding of left/right politics is meaningful in a context where globalist totalitarianism is an increasing threat. Most people value the same things — freedom, social order, good governance and well being. Demonizing traditional conservatives is unhelpful. We are facing a bigger challenge.
Not at all. I’ve spent the last month researching comments on right wing and left wing sites in the US (I’m neither). And I clearly said “not all” Trump supporters. Try looking at the comments at Gateway Pundit and Infowars. During the first years of the war OF terror, the republicans, behind Bush and his supporters were the biggest supporters of all the neocon actions, like the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the war in Iraq, and of course the War OF Terror, etc. I used to sarcastically ride them for it by telling them they could come out from under their beds, the big bad Muslims weren’t going to get them. Now they’re openly advocating for more cops, more police state to counter the “defund the police” of their hated enemy on the left (which is also ridiculous)). Here you go, read some of these comments, and the other Trump supporters which childishly gave me a downrate, they should read them too. Or, maybe they’re among these absolute racists. Here’s a good example right here.
WATCH: Rep. Maxine Waters Protests Past Curfew in Brooklyn Center, Calls for BLM to Get ‘More Confrontational’ if Chauvin is Acquitted (
Sara Cunial, a member of Italy’s Parliament, is accusing Microsoft founder Gates of “working on depopulation and dictatorial control plans” around the world. She calls on the president to forward any communications from him to the international criminal court for crimes against humanity. She really shows up the cowardice of the British Mps, not least the right honourable Corbyn and his brown nosed constituency.
The problem is that she made these accusations last year (the video has been uploaded today in this channel but it’s from May 2020) and nothing has changed in Italy or somewhere else. Personally this video helped me to wake up my family.
Talking about Italy, this video touched me, but I can’t find it with English subs. I hope there are automatic subtitles because it’s a great video:
Just one quote from the video I linked:
“Freedom does not have a price. Better to live one day as a lion than a hundred as a sheep”
“Florida ‘Anti-Riot’ Bill Heads to Governor’s Desk”
“DeSantis said he looked forward to signingthe measure into law”
Great on removal of covid measures but terrible on civil rights.
Note that Philip Zelikow is heading up the Covid Commission Planning Group.
I am sure he will get to the bottom of it for all of us.
So , in the end , Bin Laden is going to be blamed for the virus-outbreak as well ?!
And the whole thing will be remembered as the ” Plane-demic” , right ?
These people are so smart , after all.
Ha ha, yes. They are chosen for their smarts, it is said.
“This is a devastating blow to the J&J vaccine effort in the United States.”
-Dr. Kavita Patel
I love how the whole J&J “pause” is framed as devastating to the overall rollout of vaccines only, the underlying implication being that vaccination of the whole population is a foregone conclusion, this just a blip on the road to full compliance…. Sneaky sneaky snakes.
Now I REALLY can’t wait for the Vaccination Academy Awards
Tomorrow night NBC 6pm
It’s called “Roll Up Your Sleeves” (why, are we getting one in each arm?)
The best of the best from the brothels of Hollywood and DC will be de-wormed, showered, sheep dipped and trotted out for your health trauma pleasure in an all out desperate attempt to dazzle you into giving up your fundamental freedom as a sovereign human being and the freedoms and health of your children and loved ones!
I predict Biden will be caught stealing batteries.
The incidence of clots with J&J is very low (6 cases in women ages 18 to 48 out of 7 million does administered in the US, none in CA) but we can afford to be cautious because we’ve got two other vaccines that haven’t shown any side effects. Its not anticipated to have any effect on the overall vaccination schedule in California.
Vaccine take up, like precautions, has been politicized so when we talk about ‘just over 40% of Californians being vaccinated” the rate’s a lot higher in urban and surburan areas and lower in ‘red’ areas — rural (which is, geographically, most of Californa), the Kern county oil patch and so on. As cases drop the state’s opening more and more – everyone’s still a bit cautious, though — but superficially at the moment its starting to look like the old, pre-Covid, days.
The question people in the UK should be asking is “Why is the governemnt wasting time and effort on even more draconian lockdown policing?”. If we’re gradually leaving this behind then they should be as well )except I see dumb things like mobbing shopping malls — crowding, that’s exactly the wrong thing to do ay the moment, especially indoors).
VAERS reports certainly do not indicate that the other vaccines have not shown any side effects.
I concur.
It’s unfortunate that so many can’t see this. This is where critical thinking comes in. And therefore we’re screwed.
Anyone who attends the various alphabet protests (KTB, XR, RTS, BLM etc) but doesn’t lift a finger to support, or derides and decries, the anti-lockdown movement, the one true mass insurgency of our time, is a stinking, opportunist class traitor.
I think the wording on their banners needs to be shortened. “Kill Bill” would be more appropriate…
Agreed, but most can see the duel semantic. I still think he needs a jab or ten of MDMA😃
Hey Dr. Sok: I did MDMA a couple times back in 1970. Wonderful stuff! It would be shame to waste it on Mr. Bill.
A combination of Quaaludes and amyl nitrate for a couple months would mellow out those nervous ticks…
MDMA was not around in1970. That would have been MDA. I think MDMA is even more euphoric / empathogenic.
Whenever I get exposed to the media I wish for Quaaludes!
For Bill and friends I would prescribe a good amount of scopolamine for a guaranteed one-way ticket.
Kill the Bill before they Kill You!
Wait do you hear that sucking sound. Yes it’s the sound of what is left of our democratic freedoms being sucked down the Satanic toilet. Careful not to stand to close to the rim you might wind up getting some on you or worse…
Yep, it’s the same invented distraction as the BLM crowd. Anything but confront this vile, medical fraud attempt to remove all vestiges of a democratic society.
antoninus what do they say of this man spartacus
they say he is a leader of men
yes master
do these men these people fear rome
no master
they must the citizens must
they deny citizen ship
deny the laws of the holy see
do you deny me
no master
good for rome must be feared slavery consented to bonded contracted
never denied
these medicated masked muppets in the plato cave image above
are bad acts actors or modern day patty hearse
stockholmed sin drones
they are not spartacus
they are rome
Good one, Gordon. I enjoy your plays on words. ‘stockholmed sin drones’ Excellent!
Has anyone seen the Reiner Fuellmich interview on Jerm warfare? It’s really good and I know we can’t just rely on legal challenge but it’s good to fight on all fronts and he does seem like one of the good guys.
I particularly liked the way he said how during the process of the investigation for the tort case he has become convinced that what has happened has been intentionally orchestrated by a group of very powerful individuals whereas if someone had said that to him in the beginning he would have suggested they see a doctor. Also his comments at the end about this in many ways being a spiritual fight and that we must win because humanity depends on that. I think many people are waking up across the board.
He also did a great interview with a Holocaust survivor who said this is worse.
The Vera Sharav interview is at this link. The covidians are holocaust deniers.
That’s the one thanks. As she said some people are more sensitised to picking up the signs of fascism. Whenever I highlight that what we are experiencing now is the very definition of fascism my friends accuse me of hyperbole. I’m going to post this and see what they say.
Not sure if it’s the same interview but there is a transcript of Sharav on
It’s a different interview I haven’t seen this one thanks for posting.
Is that the 5 million or the 6 million version of the holo?
I enjoyed the interview as well. It gave me a bit of hope that there will one day be a modicum of justice meted out to those in need of it. But there in lies my hesitation to trust Fuellmich at face value. There are active sheepdogs keeping the masses high on hopium, leading them down dead-end alleys to inevitable disappointment. Is he one of them? I sincerely hope not. But I’m keeping my skepticism engaged.
I know what you mean but I got a really good feeling from this guy how he comes across humble. I guess you never know though but regardless we all know this is primarily a political fight and it’s up to all of us. The people we are fighting are probably too powerful to be defeated in the courts although they may offer up some sacrificial lambs.
Yes, really positive. Makes you feel proud.
It does 😀
Reiner Fuellmich comments summarized, if you’d like them in a form that can be emailed.
Thanks that’s really useful!
That’s what I think. The problem is a spiritual one that cannot be addressed until people wake up to the reality of the spiritual world. This is hard because we have spent centuries trying to convince ourselves that the spiritual realm does not exist.
RE: the targeting of AZ vs Pfizer/Moderna
Oxford University had some interesting info on their site..
Blood Clots as Prevalent with Pfizer & Moderna as with AstraZeneca: Blood Clots and Covid link? Questionable.
These numbers are substantially higher then the always misleading media is claiming
Then the claim of clots from the virus itself are questionable as well (this is a sales tactic for the vaccines) Clots from those with the virus are not from the virus they are caused by lengthy hospital stays and immobility- which happens in many cases of extended hospitalization. I’ve gathered information from the thrombosis canada group in this regard. As usual we’ve been and are still being lied to
I wonder what the source of your information about blood clots in Covid-19 comes from. It was a very early clinical finding and the use of heparin in the management of these patients is very important. It is related to the cytokine storm that occurs in those who get serious disease and is not due to prolonged hospitalization. Here is a very good review about this complex situation
COVID-19-associated coagulopathy and disseminated intravascular coagulation (
I used the Canadian thrombosis society for information as well as another source, both are linked in the report-
Orage: I’m reading the linked paper and am unsure of the connections you seem to be inferring?
* “The most frequently reported coagulation/fibrinolytic abnormality in COVID-19 is the increase in d-dimer, and its relationship with prognosis has been discussed. However, limits exist to the utility of evaluation by d-dimer alone. ”
The cytokine storm:
*”Treatment of COVID-19 is classified into antiviral treatment, cytokine storm treatment, and thrombosis treatment.”
Cytokine storm treatment and thrombosis treatments (blood clots) are designated as separate issue. Requiring condition specific treatments.
For example they are suggesting the use of heparin. Which is no good in the case of CVST’s caused by the vaccine. And in fact worsens the problem.
“Blood clots are typically treated with the widely used blood thinner heparin. But that drug can make these vaccine-related clots worse with this syndrome, because the body reacts to heparin in a way that prompts it to make more clots instead of reducing them.”
Not saying it isn’t possible that clots are formed with exposure to wild virus, that’s not what Thrombosis Canada is saying either- they are saying they are rare. And there are many factors.
In the case of the vaccine induced brain clots- it’s rare too- but there is no questioning the source of the problem. Also, keep in mind vaccines are by and large given to healthy people. And the brain blood clots certainly represent an unnecessary risk to these healthy people.
Could you expand on your point a bit more so it could be better understood?
Thanks for your answer. I was just referring to the common finding of coagulopathy in patients with Covid-19. I agree with you that at present there is a suspicion but no proof that heparin may make the condition worse in the vaccine related thrombosis and thrombocytopenia and is best avoided. And yes it seems that this type of thrombosis is different from that associated with the cytokine storm and may have an immune basis. Here are two interesting documents.
coronavirus_vipitguidance.pdf (
guidance-version-13-on-mngmt-of-thrombosis-with-thrombocytopenia-occurring-after-c-19-vaccine_20210407.pdf (
“I agree with you that at present there is a suspicion but no proof that heparin may make the condition worse in the vaccine related thrombosis and thrombocytopenia and is best avoided.”
I didn’t say there was a suspicion, it in fact, looks to be the case that heparin makes the vaccine induced blood clots much worse. From all my reading this form of treatment is absolutely not being used for the vaccine induced blood clots. The herparin in this instance causes the body to create still more clots. The death rate is high with the vaccine induced clots and the rate of disability for those that survive is extremely high.
Again, vaccines are given to healthy people and this is an unacceptable risk.
I shall look at your links in short order- thanks for leaving them
Orage; I went to the link provided by yourself
In response to your statement- and you contradicted yourself within that sentence!
“there is a suspicion but no proof that heparin may make the condition worse in the vaccine related thrombosis and thrombocytopenia”
Clearly it is known that heparin is of no benefit- hence the admonishment to avoid all forms of it- however it is spun afterwards is irrelevant to the main directions
and then again in point 11
Clearly there is a problem with heparin in this situation, it’s in fact mentioned in 3 points in the document you, yourself, have provided.
As I’d read previously when heparin was given to these vaccine harmed individuals it made their situation worse- hence these specific recommendations.
3. AVOID all forms of heparin including heparin-based flushes. (It is unknown whether heparin exacerbates the condition but until further data is clear, this is best avoided)
Surely it is important to realise that the bill is a much larger infringement on our freedoms and the rule of law, including international law, than the temporary emergency powers related to a really dangerous virus.
Once the State has given itself the right to take away freedom and to upend the rule of law – as it has with its many COVID related actions – everything which follows is simply icing on the cake.
Accordingly, all subsequent bills are merely the State repositioning itself vis-a-vis various phases, portions and dynamics of society – which it has already unilaterally given itself the authority to do.
temporary emergency powers?
At what point does a state of emergency become a state?
For SURE after a year, a few months at most.
I see no tanks in the streets. I see no rigorous implementation of lockdown. In fact some say that the lockdown has been too lax and sloppy with no policing, mainly based on goodwill and guidelines. The arbitrary power given to the government by themselves has mainly been used to enrich their cronies not to control the population.
The population has been not only well and truly controlled but effectively negated, the entire social psyche remolded within the space of a few months. I have seen signs everywhere forbidding entry unless you wear a mask – but I’m sure the forbidding is a sign of goodwill!
As for some complaining about laxness – well that would be our Leftist rottweilers ensuring everything is as far to the – ahem! – “goodwill” side as possible!
Who needs tanks?
No need for tanks in the streets but you can be sure we would have them if people were not so hypnotized.
Try a less “developed” country if you want to see how lockdown and the rest is enforced in most of the planet. Police psychopaths are having the time of their lives.
Really dangerous virus?
Get back to your TV watching addiction.
How do you know about it, It has been such a well hidden secret so far.
Stands out a mile in your facile comments.
As opposed to your highly penetrating and profound remarks. It is amazing how grown up people behave in such a juvenile manner when given a keyboard and access to the internet. Congratulations.
“Temporary emergency powers”. Temporary?? Are you really that naive and gullible? Oh, wait, what am I thinking?
Have you actually heard of The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
No doubt you would have been at these protests wearing your facemask, gloves, a bottle of hand sanitiser strung round your neck, with all the rest of the Fake Left, yet you ALL ignore the Orwellian authoritarianism and shocking police brutality happening right in front of you.
Your rank hypocrisy revolts me. Because at the end of the day you and your kind shill for fascism.
Your venomous post belies lack of emotional maturity. Actually if you look at what the great reset was supposed to do it was to reduce inequality.
Riiiight. Uh huh. Reduce inequality with lockdowns? Reduce inequality with equal access to constant “vaccination” so one can participate in society? Perhaps we need a better definition of just what reducing inequality really means? As IF the Davos crowd has any intention of reducing inequality and not ramping it up until we all will own nothing and be happy. Who do we think will own it all then? Us? Please….
Well I must say, Agent Orage, I fill with tears thinking about how those neoliberal cheerleaders up there have had this edifying change of heart and are now concerned to “reduce inequality”!
Agent Orage 🙂
Orage and orange may sound similar but are completely different words. Just in case some people find it difficult to interpret words.
On-rage you are an unconscious confused comatose gimp(probably, unless you are just another ai troll)……….
It is hard to fathom why you would bother posting this drivel here… are you people that desperate?
Most readers here do not buy the “really dangerous virus” story and many do not believe that “viruses” cause diseases at all so you can toddle on back to your social media gangbang…
If you wish to believe that something does not exist despite evidence it does, then the problem is yours. I am sorry to disturb your echo chamber of people with similar faulty ideas but it may just introduce to you and to them some doubts as to why these beliefs, not based on facts, maybe wrong. After all you and those others are not in favour of clamping down on free speech even that expressed in the most bizarre way, are you?
Recent MSM headline:
”Police visit the home of podcaster after he criticized AOC on Twitter”
This shows how arms of the deep state, the police, can be used to create the illusion that the ‘woke left’ or even the fake left are tyrants. NO…. the police visited the journalist not AOC. The police are telling us the ‘left’ are tyrants…..but they would wouldn’t they?
I am always weary when arms of the US deep state tell me who my heroes are, or tells me who the tyrants are.
A good piece . Speaks of this movement being a controlled opposition group, taking the wind out of the anti lockdown protests, right?
I’d say so because many who oppose the lockdowns would support this ‘kill the bill’ movement and their energies would be diverted towards it thinking the ends would be the same- but they are not.
Re Jeremy Corbyn: When I look back at the overwhelming vitriolic demonisation of Jeremy Corbyn prior to the last election, I thought at the time that ‘they’ didn’t want him in power because he would challenge them.
Now we see that wouldn’t have been the case, I have to wonder whether the media wanted him to lose so they wouldn’t eventually have been placed in the uncomfortable position of having to praise him for imposing strict (perhaps even stricter) ‘covid response measures’.
I supported Corbyn because I thought he was honest. I still think he’s honest, which is why I’m so disappointed in what he has turned out to be.
Certain aspects of Corbyn’s leadership that one is encouraged to dismiss as tactical error or incompetence make a heck of a lot more sense viewed as a strategy to discredit anything to the left of Blairism for several generations.
Corbyn constructed a “broad church” shadow cabinet despite the scarcely disguised contempt and treachery of the Labour Right. It’s not something they’ve reciprocated as soon as they got power. Corbyn failed abysmally to challenge the Skripal narrative. He just rolled over and accepted that the party had some massive “anti-semitism crisis”. After doing well in the 2017 with a leftist manifesto and respecting Brexit he allowed the latter to be dumped in 2019 with predictably disastrous results. Genuine leftism was increasingly sidelined for “woke” nonsense and a prioritising of “green” issues, all of which is entirely down with the NWO and utimately destructive of the traditional working class.
Was Corbyn honest – or did he know what he was doing? I don’t care nor especially care because the results were the same.
At a quick glance at some of the comments on this thread I rightly or wrongly get the impression that politics is all down to ‘persons’ and their actions.
Sure enough ‘persons’ are corporations along with MPs, political parties, Government, Civil Service, Courts, Police and other agencies and even States etc.
However, states and other corporate bodies can enter into political and economic relationships that neither ‘persons’ or flesh and blood human beings cannot enter into and contracts can be made between them.
Is it not a mistake to reduce things to what this or that ‘person’ or even the flesh and blood human being did or did not do? Nobody in politics works in isolation and they all have to tow the line and follow orders from their masters if they wish to have a career.
In the case of Corbyn he is not the problem the whole UK political system is the problem – always has been and always will be unless drastic changes are made.
Not all are actively lying- the reason why this scam has worked is because they have already established the reality of dangerous and infectious viruses that invade the human body from outside , multiply in the “host”, etc… People think this is established science and so does J Corbyn most likely.
He is however a complete muppet – like all politicians. If he had any brains he would have never fallen in the “anti-semitism” trap. That should be Politics 101.
“Kill the Bill “or they’ll kill the population? Here’s something I wrote in 2017 for you to ponder on in the light of current events:-
The object of the dark corporations and those who control them, along with their entourage of ‘scientists ‘ is to sever for good all connection between what we refer to as the human spirit/soul and the human physical body. And, eventually, in the not too far distant future, to brand anybody who believes that they have such a ‘spirit’ or ‘soul’ as being ‘not right in the head’.
This can only be done through DNA/Genetic manipulation aka genetic engineering, by breeding out soul connection. With genetic engineering just think how easy it would be for the gene engineers to also wipe out massive numbers of people. Not only is this possible but is taking place under our noses – ‘PATHOGENIC VIRUSES ‘ are one of the ‘SCAPEGOATS’ AND ARE USED TO CLEVERLY CONCEAL THE EVIDENCE OF GENETIC TINKERING – ONE OF THE REAL CAUSES OF DISEASE.
Although I wrote that in 2017, is it not what is now being attempted by means of these Covid vaccines ? You decide.
Rudolf Steiner beat you to it by about a century. 😉
Steiner has been coming up in my on line world quite a lot lately?
And here, again. Hmmm..
I’m going to have to pay more attention to his work- that’s definitely the message I’m receiving.
Hi Penny, if you are interested in the work of Rudolph Steiner there’s plenty of material regarding his books 📚 and lectures on Rudolph Steiner Archive.
Thanks -CO
I’m going to book mark that and start reading etc.,
Also Wilhelm Reich- The Mass Psychology of Fascism , Listen Little Man, and more…
Yes he did Seamus. I have used a similar Steiner quote on vaccines on other threads. Obviously he didn’t mention genetic engineering or anything to do with alleged ‘pathogenic viruses’ at that time.
What they are trying to do is impossible and they will be destroyed- but beware collateral damage!
The AstraZ and J&J pull back functions as a play to bolster Pfizer status.
This activity makes it appear as though there is substantial safety oversight when what is actually happening is strategy to get more people to submit.
Hey Jeff; good thinking because yes, it seems this is the idea behind the targeting of AZ and J&J. Yes, they are terrible vaccines, but, the Pfizer and Moderna are the experimental ones and the ones the Powers that shouldn’t be want to use for their live human experimentation project.
The experiment is in short supply so better get yours now if you can!
Then boosters every six months or annually!
Starbucks Starvax coming soon!
Get it together with your computer anti-virus subscription for a special price!
*Paired with the scarcity ploy
Thanks for your thought provoking article. At the moment, I seem to be having a “debate” with myself and with others, in my personal life, with whom to organize and associate with and whom to keep a far distance from. I linked to your website and was pleased to discover your other recent articles. I think I checked out the website from a link a few months ago. Your website and writings seem to be coming along well. I will pass along the link to your articles to others.
A similar thing has happened here, where protests are co-opted by any and all of the political parties. I think Jacques, below, brings up a good point about the futility of these minor protests below. So a good question to ask, and something I have recently been discussing with my friends, is how to construct action and a future systems so that they can not be coopted. The idea is to have many small independent systems each running on their own morals and ethics and flexible goals and desired outcomes. And for these goals and desired outcomes to be assessed by the other small independent systems, not so much in a judgmental way but in away that is constructive, builds bonds, increases collaboration, and furthers understanding individually and between the independent systems.
Have you heard about freedom cells set up on similar lines you mention above
Yes, I have heard about them and was not interested into looking into them. The idea of a label “freedom cell” is antithetical to our approach; the idea, label or name can be easily be coopted. We do not organize on the internet. We organize only in local community, in person, and in the communities nearby that are easily travelled to. Although we are interested in what is happening elsewhere, we recognize that our ideas, approaches, creations, and ways of doing things are specific to the place we live and those ideas, approaches, creations and ways of doing things would necessarily be, at least, somewhat different if we lived elsewhere, even in the nearby communities. We, in a sense, have nothing to teach or share with others outside our periphery, it is important for us to focus our sharing of the approaches, ideas, creations and way of doing things within and between our communities. How to get along with the neighbors and even organize with them is important. How not to be coopted is an essential focus.
Absolutely great observation/comment, fame. Goes back to the “Small is good” ethos of years ago. On a larger scale, I find nothing wrong with countries having their own ways of doing things, respecting their borders and demanding others to do the same. At the same time, I recognise that being insular (or independent) does have its problems if they aren’t based on cooperation or some kind of consensus. It’s a delicate question, one full of nuance, good humor, a shared meal, and open-minded people. I grew up in a small agricultural community in the US and, while admittedly, we were unknowingly part of a system that was much more encompassing than we realised, the localness of things suited me just fine.
This just pisses me right off. If ever more proof was needed that the “woke” Fake Left luvvies are just moronic useful idiots for the agenda of the 0.01% this is it.
The fact that these cretins are fully on board with the scamdemic narrative, and actually support the fascism of the covid measures YET at the same time oppose this Bill that would grant more powers to the police in restricting protests is not only a case of breathtaking hypocrisy but is literally doublespeak.
I note also the worldwide coverage these protests have received – even in the New York Times, and I note the UK covid cheer squad, namely Socialist Worker is urging all its readers to attend these protests.
I wonder how many of these people attended any anti lockdown protests? Or did they just sneer at those who did, and demonise them as ‘far right wingnuts’ or ‘conspiracy nuts’ or ‘trumptards’.
I also couldn’t help but think of Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter as I read this. Why would that be?
They did sneer at lockdown protesters – Owen Jones did a really disgusting hit piece on his YouTube channel really low even for him. Now the movement is growing and with a far greater cross section of society it will make these people so irrelevant and show them up for the apologists they are.
I know they did… All these pseudo frauds – yet they turn a blind eye to the police brutality unleashed on anti lockdown protesters all round the World. Maybe because many of these protesters are ordinary working class people. You know, that the “Left” is meant to defend. Apparently.
And even a pregnant mother arrested in her own home near Melbourne was referred to as a “rightist wingnut” by such “socialists” as Caitlin Johnstone, while one of Johnstone’s followers sneered that “she’s a Trump supporter” like she deserved it then.
They are collaborators with fascism. The lot of them.
Yes they are – Owen Jones was taking the piss out of working class characters he came across on the March ironic given he wrote chavs berating his middle class dinner party set for doing the same. These people have no self awareness. In recent times it started with Brexit when the wc stuck two fingers up to the establishment and covid has just accelerated their disgust for the wc. They make me sick.
The media has acted like a unified ziggurat for a year now. Previously it appeared to have some diversity and even room for argument between those two familiar wings of Left and Right fighting it out under the usual conceptions. Everyone knew the terms of the various arguments e.g. “privatisation”, “nanny state”, “free competition”, “safety net”, “level playing field”, “class division” etc. You would hear heated exchanges over these issues. But now the wings have been exchanged for the terraces of this immense monolithic structure with the only disputes permitted assigned to subjects like “criminal incompetence”, “failure to deliver the much needed vaccine”, “how much freedom of speech can be allowed with this undoubtedly deadly virus hanging over everyone” etc.
The media is effectively a single entity – as it pretty much was previously but more obviously now. And one bitter form of release is to note the dark irony of an establishment that appears as its own opposition where central pillars of the media order are calling on the public to protest. Meanwhile the seemingly endless supply of the gullible on the pseudo-Left never cotton on to these contradictions staring them in the face every second of the day.
Oh, yes, George. Nail, hammer, head. I did a quick search of Kill The Bill protests before, and straight away the first thing that struck me was the Amount of coverage they were getting – especially in rags like The Guardian.
Big red flag for me right there. Oh, er, that wasn’t a pun by the way.
Compare this amount and type of coverage (favorable) with the type of “coverage” of the anti lockdown protests, including the deliberately cropped photos to make it appear there were only a few hundred at these protests – and that’s when they actually mentioned them!
The pseudo left couldn’t be more moronic and lobotomised if they tried. George Carlin would have had a field day with them.
The media is now showing a non-stop movie, a viral apocalypse with exciting face offs between the unprepared “denialists” and the groovy Leftie revolutionaries. Both sides have been securely scripted. The masterstroke is that even the public reaction has been scripted in too.
My guess is that the real baddies, the anti-vaxxers, will shortly make an appearance like the Cenobites out of Hellraiser. Their leader will be an orange haired, Hitler moustached, psychotic Luddite screaming “I don’t believe it!” before an array of COVID infected with their heads twisting round exorcist style.
Then little Greta will come charging over the horizon on a white horse to scream, “You sceptics shall not pass!”
And the vast majority won’t believe it but the media will act as if everyone believes it.
movements all
are set up
if not so
then infiltrated
the chipped the the tracked the toy town revolutionaries
masked up in tribute to molech
kingsmen and queens men
acting free
for demon ocracy
if you do not understand contract law
you will always stand under
each one person human masked up
ship sol
all owned
children you are all lost at sea
your estate treasures plundered
trust me
it piracy on the high holy see
dead men tell no tales
martin guerre
eye must admit i
never saw queer geres
sum fictions are real
I sense Mr. Angry tone which has caused the author to get several things very wrong, here’s a blinder, quote :
“He does not mention here the most draconian Tory move, the passing of the Coronavirus Act 2020, which Corbyn enabled as Labour leader (the bill originally passed without a vote)”
I think you might find that the leader of the Labour party is Keir Starmer! Even if the name was correct how do you “enable” an act if you can’t vote on it?
Can we have an accurate informed opinion piece about the Kill the Bill movement, thanks.
When the Coronavirus Act was passed (March 2020), Jeremy Corbyn was Labour leader.
I know a couple handfuls of people, close friends and family who have gotten the franken shots. One “vaxxed” friend a young single mother of a five year old dropped by the other day, she looked pale and unhealthy as if the life had been already taken out of her. Maybe I was projecting. But it did seem strange when she said she was looking into getting acupuncture because she was not feeling well. In the past, she always seemed and looked to be in good health? How many silent others are there like her, when after the franken shot, they just don’t feel right, but don’t want to come out and directly say it, maybe hoping that it just changes, goes away like a cold, or can be cured by something exotic. I have a few friends whose elders have died after being literally jabbed, disturbingly, they were all forcibly given the franken shots. How long before friends and family who have mistakenly taken the franken shots begin to drop dead suddenly like this man?
“Details are scant from that point.”
What exactly can be learnt from this report? Nothing whatsoever. If a 27 year old dies suddenly there must be doctors and possibly a coroner involved. The cause of death has not been stated and could be to natural or other causes.
plato cave image
brick wall
who the dock who the patient
whats the point
a natural picture looks so real
whats the meme
united colours of benetton
barbera lerner spectored
or docs that birth ships are human victim sars covid 2
balls eye say
Is that you!
In order to achieve your goal you must make it FAR LESS OBVIOUS! Stupid c….
Does Rachel Allen embrace the lie that there’s a Sars CoV 2 virus, I wonder?
I am sure she does, like most sane informed people who have not been living a reclusive diet and who keep themselves widely informed.
“a reclusive diet” How pithy. Not.
Being “widely informed” should include views contrary to the official narrative as well – especially when such views bear the imprimatur of genuine “experts” in the fields of virology, immunology and statistics..
These contrary views can then be compared to the endless half formed sound bites heard every hour of the day on TV.
If, indeed, the Sars CoV 2 virus has yet to be successfully purified and isolated (as so many have insisted and as the lack of evidence to the contrary suggests), then it might be a matter of faith rather than science to believe in it.
You can draw the same conclusion by looking in the guardian. They support ‘kill the bill’ so it’s obviously not an anti-covid protest.
The problem for the soft left – not only in the UK but across Europe – has always been in accommodating the actually existing political and economic structures. It is this craving for moderation and respectability that puts it into an impossible position as the article states.
There was the famous response to the rise of fascism in Italy during the 1920s coming from the Italian social democrat Fillippo Turati arguing that the PSI (Italian Socialist Party) should stay aloof from street battles with Mussolini’s blackshirts who were on a roll. Turati then unleased what Trotsky termed a ‘dazzling response’ Turati opined ”We must have the courage to be cowards.” This pretty much sums up social democracy, then and now. This is not going to change, and all in all social-democracy is pretty much a spent force in Europe. Look at the Labour party for example, particularly the pro-zionist PLP. Starmer onsiders himself to be an unrepentant supporter of the Zionist state of Israel as do those ‘Labour Friends of Israel’.
One sure tell of leftist ‘controlled opposition’ is that their solutions always boil down to greater dependency on the state. Dependency can then be made conditional, people who lack their own resources have a “comply or die” choice and TPTB agenda advances. There are no limits as to how far they exploit this – currently people on St Vincent have to get jabbed to be evacuated from an errupting volcano. There’s also nothing new about it – relief after the 1871 Chicago fire was conditional on taking the smallpox vaccine. Fake protest movements need some sort of marker to tell the authorities ‘this is one of our ops’. Here they’ve used a Tarantino film. Normies will think this is just being hip and edgy. Here’s one clue what Tarantino is: Is there anything suspicious about ‘Kill Bill’ specifically? Well, the film is replete with one-eye imagery. It poses as feminist but in reality contains sadistic violence against women. The film was made for Miramax, Harvey Weinstein’s company. It’s a “tribute” to Hong Kong films made by the Shaw Brothers. Their films are full of secret society imagery and Sir Run Run Shaw (notice the knighthood!) produced ‘Blade Runner’ which pushed transhumanism and other elite agendas. That film’s first shot is of a close-up of an eye. Who did Tarantino happen to pick as his lead actors? Uma Thurman just happens to be the god-child of the CIA’s very own Timothy Leary (as is Winona Ryder). David Carradine’s father just happened to be an avowed Satanist and member of the OTO. Carradine wound up dead in extremely bizarre circumstances that reek of ritual sacrifice (like Robin Williams and Michael Hutchence. I also wouldn’t rule out that these deaths are faked). Tarantino’s foundation narrative (movie geek working in a video shop… Read more »
Sorry but you are clueless and seem to lack the ability to see past appearances. Bladerunner does very much NOT push transhumanism but the opposite…. go read Philip K Dick….this guy saw all of this coming before the internet was invented and his entire life was consumed by what he saw, and he wrote it all down in his books..
Caradine was into erotic self-asphyxiation and just another Hollywood burnout on sex & drugs. You’re looking at the darkness of western (American) culture and seeing patterns that aren’t really there.
A similar accusation could be thrown at the Libertarian right or Alt right, who whilst attacking the lockdowns, and advocating freedom of speech, they do not push for restrictions to corporate power, always trying to reduce the power of government to restrain corporate abuse. The ridiculous policies of god, guns and small government are the policies helping the corporate-fascist deep state.
“Protesting about”
By protesting, protesters implicitly acknowledge that the government has authority over people.
The governments are unchained, have now crossed the Rubicon and are openly plotting against people. Considering that they’ve disregarded any and all data, studies, opinions, whatever that clearly show that, as a minimum, this “pandemic” is non-existent, they can’t even be given the benefit of the doubt as to any of what they’re doing.
The First World regime, whatever one wants to call it, i.e. democracy, capitalism, has lost its legitimacy.
Fuck protesting. That’s like supplicating that the government don’t fuck us over that bad. Time to promote our own vision of life and pursue it.
There actually is no government – not if by government is meant “to govern.” Governments have forsaken governing to become conduits for the policies of the ruling elites. Attacking the government is a little like attacking Punch and Judy. It’s those pulling the strings who should be attacked.
This is very good. The point I take from this is that the British Labour Party are complete sellouts, utterly worthless whores and all attempts to change things for the better via electoral politics will have failed before they even begin. The only real changes will be achieved by people working at the local grassroots level and completely ignoring the nauseating pantomime of national politics.
Those of us paying attention knew about all of that well before covid. But we are few. Electoral politics is sort of democracy theatre, where the whole thing is meant to enforce the illusion that people have democracy, the same way that masks, social distancing and crazily excessive handwashing with chemicals is biosecurity theatre, meant to convince people that there’s a super dangerous virus.
It would not surprise me one bit if the books of e.g. David Icke were now selling at two or three times the rate they usually did. Surely more and more people are waking up to the fact that the media is now spouting pathetically nonsensical nursery rhymes ceaselessly bellowed as “Science” and, with the frightening realisation that the entire realm of “official knowledge” has revealed itself as a cravenly venal charade, they are looking for some kind of alternative which at least reflects their actual experience.
That’s why they have to lock us up at two or three times the intensity. They can’t let up now. They know that there are those (believers and unbelievers) who aren’t content and would like to do something to push back. They have achieved their goals and they just can’t live with the idea that, so close to enslaving us, we might push back hard enough that we set them back. In that way, the hoaxsters too want this thing to be done with. My terrorist premier here in Ontario just keeps ramping up the lockdowns, the way a monster has his victim on the ground, broken and bloody, but still twitching, which elicits from him the statement: “Die already!,” as he delivers what he believes will be the final blow. Monsters need freedom too.
Arby they have already enslaved us the whole point now is to become liberated from the bondage created by the registration of our birth. This gave ownership to the state, which means the state owns the title to your legal fiction or ‘person’ which you have been conned into accepting and is also a corporation without which you cannot trade ‘legally’ in their system.
I can say I woke up during this thing. I was never quite a sheep, but tried to stay within respectable criticism. All I say now is: feh to that.
What do you make of people turning to David Icke? I suppose reactionaries will be flying high, reigning in the people. Many people seem to prefer the simplicity of reactionaries to the fragmented bits of known and unknown that is the truth.
I think that a lot of the people who scoffed and called people tin foil hatters when they were shown videos of David Icke talking about vaccine passports early last year might be feeling vaguely uncomfortable right now, maybe some doubt is creeping in as more and more “conspiracy theories” are manifesting themselves in front of their eyes.
About the man himself I’m not so sure, people instantly associate him as the guy who believes the queen is a lizard person so it makes it so easy to discredit anything he’s involved in. My theory on David Icke is that he works for the intelligence agencies, whether he *knows* that or not is the real million pound question for me.
People who keep mocking Icke about “lizard people” are sleepwalkers and muppets regurgitating propaganda and who have not read a word of what Icke has written.
Lizard People: cold blooded, like to bask in the sun, quick to bite or flee.
I know a lot of the people on the David Icke forums are a bit “out there” and have some pretty strange theories that verge into silly but god damm at least they are awake to the fact that all of this is bullshit. I started my path to “awakening” through the David Icke forum. They had a thread on MK Ultra and I was reading in disbelief like “ha, these people are crazy”. Then I looked into it myself, found out it was all true and it just completely shattered my view on the world. It was like a fucking DMT trip. It changed my life. I’m suspicious of the man himself now for various reasons but also kind of grateful for him and the people on that forum for waking me up too.
I still think of J. Corbyn as a naive fool rather than a knave. He always thought the MSM could ultimately be reasoned with. The collection of well worn MI5 fronts that man this psy-op will mostly be made up of similar people. Its amazing that however many times the security service tell us that they engage in psy-op activity, many people still work on the assumption that everything around them is what it claims to be.
Quite right. For those with too much time on their hands, “John Overkill” on YT painstakingly examines footage from multiple protest gatherings revealing unlikely personalities that PC is seen to associate with. I dare say he
s on the same payroll as his brother. A gig
s a gig after all.Jeremy Corbyn is a traitor.
At the risk of “rose tinting” the past (for the 70s was hardly a fun ride!) I agree that JC was more of a dupe than a bastard. He seemed to me to be a quaint relic from that 70s time when you could at least expect some kind of to-and-fro between workers and management. He was a huge anachronism and went like a smiling waver of the truce flag into a den of serpents who would stop at nothing to shear his balls off – which they unhesitatingly did. Not that I’ve been listening but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if his voice was an octave higher than it used to be!
Why don’t these characters ever have epiphanies? It is as if these figures who stand against the tide pick a position and they are then unable to change it. Even as their assumptions are proven wrong again and again. I also once believed that the media et al could be reasoned with. But they’ve clearly proven that they cannot. And they should be seen as hopeless and dangerous. But people like Corbin, or I’m thinking of Chomsky, somehow seem unable to figure out the new enemies of the day. Why do you think that is? Too much success on the line?
Well they have their livelihoods to think on – which is understandable but those Ickean reptiles (metaphor …..maybe?) know how to squeeze on the balls of those in elevated positions.
Political is from the greek word polis as in metropolis. It is the city like where Corbyn thinks is good to live. Each house on his street has dozens of mashed animals sitting in sausages in the fridge. The whole place is exuding dark energy and most of those people you will never meet and provide no value as a community. It is not politics that is needed but planting gardens. Creating new communities where you can grow food and avoid paying Corbyns salary and for the weapons of mass destruction taxation is squandered on. Just think how much more productive it will be for young people to be safe planting food gardens away from thug polis. How they can create homes and a bright future for pennies on the pound. It is time to turn our backs on this whole rotten city and have arts and music in natural healthy environments.
The “Industrial Revolution” was about taking people’s land off them and creating generations of landless peasants- economic slaves stuck in city slums with no land to grow food on. In many places if you are on a low income (i.e. born into poverrty) you literally are not allowed to live off the land anymore – all you have is meaningless mind numbing “jobs”.
There is of course an element of addiction here in that most people would not leave the city even if they could. They have been domesticated to “need” things like toilet paper, TV, internet, air conditioning, the 24/7 noise that stops them from relaxing, etc…
The contradiction exists, undoubtedly, but demonstrating against this bill is positive and don’t forget that the orchestrators of the Covid scam want to prevent people from assembling in all ways, so I am happy to see people doing the opposite of what they want. I think we should welcome these protests and let the participants deal with their contradictions.
As to mask wearing on demos, this is a tricky issue. I took part in an anti-Covid measures demo here in Limassol/Cyprus a few weeks ago, and the organizers told us to be masked otherwise this could provoke a police crackdown.
Protesting about COVID measures while wearing a mask doesn’t make any sense. I wouldn’t turn up unless it was a prerequisite we don’t wear masks. Let them throw us all in jail for not wearing a mask. Let them deal with that.
I wouldn’t participate in a protest where I had to wear a mask.
Easy thing for a keyboard warrior to say. I think we achieved a lot that day by marching both in Limassol and Nicosia one week after a similar march in Nicosia had been violently broken up by the police with a number of serious injuries. Tactics sometimes dictate that you have take a different path from the one you would prefer, and you must realize that just now the law in Cyprus is that you must be muzzled at all times outdoors or face a €300 euro fine, a ban that I personally flout whenever I am outdoors.
It may be too strong to declare that “masked protestors” is an oxymoron, but although I realize it’s a tough dilemma it seems undeniable that masked protestors send an implicit, but clear, message: “We’re upset about X, but ultimately we’re submissive and deferential, so we’re not actually a threat to power.”
It reminds me of an interview I watched several years ago with a group of Israeli peace/Palestinian rights activists. I can’t remember the circumstances of the interview, which I watched on TV (i.e., not a video), but I recall that the interviewer brought up the recurring circumstance of their protests being postponed or canceled when the Israeli government declared a “terrorist-related” emergency.
So, for instance, a protest was scheduled that was predicted to be “massive”. Then a rocket from Gaza would explode in Israel, the government declared an “emergency”, and the protest would accordingly be “postponed indefinitely”– effectively canceled.
I felt sorry for the activists, but of course they readily explained that they had no alternative but to shut down the planned protest(s) for purely pragmatic reasons. Even if the government permitted the protest to proceed, the activists explained, holding a protest when the population was officially under threat would backfire badly– the vast majority of Israelis would be outraged and horrified by what they would deem a treacherous, seditious disregard for national security.
They responded to the argument that this policy guaranteed that their movement would always remain stunted, frustrated, and impotent by expressing the usual optimistic faith that if they persisted despite this obstacle, eventually they would win over the public. I wish them luck, but they don’t seem to have made a dent in the genocidal status quo.
Slavery is the coward’s lot.
I, as a slimly built 64-year-old, am a coward for turning up to demonstrate one week after the police violently broke up a similar demonstration? I think it was a victory that far more people turned out the second time, and in two cities.