Gates Unhinged: Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food
Colin Todhunter
We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agrifood chain. The high-tech/data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose a certain type of agriculture and food production on the world.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is also involved (documented in the recent report ‘Gates to a Global Empire‘ by Navdanya International), whether through buying up huge tracts of farmland, promoting a much-heralded (but failed) ‘green revolution’ for Africa, pushing biosynthetic food and new genetic engineering technologies or more generally facilitating the aims of the mega agrifood corporations.
Of course, those involved in this portray what they are doing as some kind of humanitarian endeavour – saving the planet with ‘climate-friendly solutions’, helping farmers or feeding the world. This is how many of them probably do genuinely regard their role inside their corporate echo chamber. But what they are really doing is repackaging the dispossessive strategies of imperialism as ‘feeding the world’.
Failed Green Revolution
Since the Green Revolution, US agribusiness and financial institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have sought to hook farmers and nation states on corporate seeds and proprietary inputs as well as loans to construct the type of agri infrastructure that chemical-intensive farming requires.
Monsanto-Bayer and other agribusiness concerns have since the 1990s been attempting to further consolidate their grip on global agriculture and farmers’ corporate dependency with the rollout of genetically engineered seeds, commonly known as GMOs (genetically modified organisms).
In her latest report, ‘Reclaim the Seed’, Vandana Shiva says:
In the 1980s, the chemical corporations started to look at genetic engineering and patenting of seed as new sources of super profits. They took farmers varieties from the public gene banks, tinkered with the seed through conventional breeding or genetic engineering, and took patents.”
Shiva talks about the Green Revolution and seed colonialism and the pirating of farmers seeds and knowledge. She says that 768,576 accessions of seeds were taken from farmers in Mexico alone:
…taking the farmers seeds that embodies their creativity and knowledge of breeding. The ‘civilising mission’ of Seed Colonisation is the declaration that farmers are ‘primitive’ and the varieties they have bred are ‘primitive’, ‘inferior’, ‘low yielding’ and have to be ‘substituted’ and ‘replaced’ with superior seeds from a superior race of breeders, so called ‘modern varieties’ and ‘improved varieties’ bred for chemicals.”
It is now clear that the Green Revolution has been a failure in terms of its devastating environmental impacts, the undermining of highly productive traditional low-input agriculture and its sound ecological footing, the displacement of rural populations and the adverse impacts on village communities, nutrition, health and regional food security.
Aside from various studies that have reported on the health impacts of chemical-dependent crops (Dr Rosemary Mason’s many reports on this can be accessed on the website), ‘New Histories of the Green Revolution’ (2019) debunks the claim that the Green Revolution boosted productivity; ‘The Violence of the Green Revolution’ (1991) details (among other things) the impact on rural communities; Bhaskar Save’s open letter to Indian officials in 2006 discusses the ecological devastation of the Green Revolution and in a 2019 paper in the Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, Parvez et al note that native wheat varieties in India have higher nutrition content than the Green Revolution varieties (many such crop varieties were side-lined in favour of corporate seeds that were of lower nutritional value).
These are just a brief selection of peer-reviewed and ‘grey’ literature which detail the adverse impacts of the Green Revolution.
GMO value capture
As for GM crops, often described as Green Revolution 2.0, these too have failed to deliver on the promises made and, like the 1.0 version, have often had devastating consequences.
The arguments for and against GMOs are well documented, but one paper worth noting appeared in the journal Current Science in 2018. Along with PC Kesavan, MS Swaminathan – regarded as the father of the Green Revolution in India – argued against introducing GM crops to India and cited various studies about the failings of the GMO project.
Regardless, the industry and its well-funded lobbyists and bought career scientists continue to spin the line that GM crops are a marvellous success and that the world needs even more of them to avoid a global food shortage. GM crops are required to feed the world is a well-worn industry slogan trotted out at every available opportunity. Just like the claim of GM crops being a tremendous success, this too is based on a myth.
There is no global shortage of food. Even under any plausible future population scenario, there will be no shortage as evidenced by scientist Dr Jonathan Latham in his recent paper ‘The Myth of a Food Crisis’.
However, new gene drive and gene editing techniques have now been developed and the industry is seeking the unregulated commercial release of products that are based on these methods.
It does not want plants, animals and micro-organisms created with gene-editing to be subject to safety checks, monitoring or consumer labelling. This is concerning given the real dangers that these techniques pose.
Many peer-reviewed research papers now call into question industry claims about the ‘precision’, safety and benefits of gene-edited organisms and can be accessed on the website.
It really is a case of old wine in new bottles.
And this is not lost on a coalition of 162 civil society, farmers and business organisations which has called on Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans to ensure that new genetic engineering techniques continue to be regulated in accordance with existing EU GMO standards.
The coalition argues that these new techniques can cause a range of unwanted genetic modifications that can result in the production of novel toxins or allergens or in the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes. The open letter adds that even intended modifications can result in traits which could raise food safety, environmental or animal welfare concerns.
The European Court of Justice ruled in 2018 that organisms obtained with new genetic modification techniques must be regulated under the EU’s existing GMO laws. However, there has been intense lobbying from the agriculture biotech industry to weaken the legislation, aided by the Gates Foundation.
The coalition states that various scientific publications show that new techniques of genetic modification allow developers to make significant genetic changes, which can be very different from those that happen in nature.
In addition to these concerns, a new paper from Chinese scientists, ‘Herbicide Resistance: Another Hot Agronomic Trait for Plant Genome Editing’, says that, in spite of claims from GMO promoters that gene editing will be climate-friendly and reduce pesticide use, what we can expect is just more of the same – GM herbicide-tolerant crops and increased herbicide use.
The industry wants its new techniques to be unregulated, thereby making gene-edited GMOs faster to develop, more profitable and hidden from consumers when purchasing items in stores. At the same time, the costly herbicide treadmill will be reinforced for farmers.
None of this is meant to imply that new technology is bad in itself. The issue is who owns and controls the technology and what are the underlying intentions. By dodging regulation as well as avoiding economic, social, environmental and health impact assessments, it is clear that the industry is first and foremost motivated by value capture and profit and contempt for democratic accountability.
This is patently clear if we look at the rollout of Bt cotton in India which served the bottom line of Monsanto but brought dependency, distress and no durable agronomic benefits for many of India’s small and marginal farmers. Prof A P Gutierrez argues that Bt cotton has effectively placed these farmers in a corporate noose.
Monsanto sucked hundreds of millions of dollars in profit from these cotton farmers, while industry-funded scientists are always keen to push the mantra that rolling out Bt cotton in India uplifted their conditions.
Those who promote this narrative remain wilfully ignorant of the challenges (documented in the 2019 book by Andrew Flachs – ‘Cultivating Knowledge: Biotechnology, Sustainability and the Human Cost of Cotton Capitalism in India‘) these farmers face in terms of financial distress, increasing pest resistance, dependency on unregulated seed markets, the eradication of environmental learning, the loss of control over their productive means and the biotech-chemical treadmill they are trapped on (this last point is precisely what the industry intended).
When assessing the possible impacts of GMO agriculture, it was with good reason that, in their 2018 paper, Swaminathan and Kesavan called for:
able economists who are familiar with and will prioritise rural livelihoods and the interests of resource-poor small and marginal farmers rather than serve corporate interests and their profits”.
What can be done?
Whether through all aspects of data control (soil quality, consumer preferences, weather, etc), e-commerce monopolies, corporate land ownership, seed biopiracy and patenting, synthetic food or the eradication of the public sector’s role in ensuring food security and national food sovereignty (as we could see in India with new farm legislation), Bill Gates and his corporate cronies seek to gain full control over the global food system.
Smallholder peasant farming is to be eradicated as the big-tech giants and agribusiness impose lab-grown food, GM seeds, genetically engineered soil microbes, data harvesting tools and drones and other ‘disruptive’ technologies.
We could see farmerless industrial-scale farms being manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce commodity crops from patented GM seeds for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be processed and constituted into something resembling food.
The displacement of a food-producing peasantry (and the subsequent destruction of rural communities and local food security) was something the Gates Foundation once called for and cynically termed “land mobility”.
Technocratic meddling has already destroyed or undermined agrarian ecosystems that draw on centuries of traditional knowledge and are increasingly recognised as valid approaches to secure food security, as outlined in Food Security and Traditional Knowledge in India in the Journal of South Asian Studies, for instance.
But is all of this inevitable?
Not according to the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, which has just released a report in collaboration with the ETC Group: ‘A Long Food Movement: Transforming Food Systems by 2045‘.
The report outlines two different futures. If Gates and the global mega-corporations have their way, we will see the entire food system being controlled by data platforms, private equity firms and e-commerce giants, putting the food security (and livelihoods) of billions at the mercy of AI-controlled farming systems.
The other scenario involves civil society and social movements – grassroots organisations, international NGOs, farmers’ and fishers’ groups, cooperatives and unions – collaborating more closely to transform financial flows, governance structures and food systems from the ground up.
The report’s lead author, Pat Mooney, says that agribusiness has a very simple message: the cascading environmental crisis can be resolved by powerful new genomic and information technologies that can only be developed if governments unleash the entrepreneurial genius, deep pockets and risk-taking spirit of the most powerful corporations.
Mooney notes that we have had similar messages based on emerging technology for decades but the technologies either did not show up or fell flat and the only thing that grew were the corporations.
He says:
In return for trillions of dollars in direct and indirect subsidies, the agribusiness model would centralise food production around a handful of untested technologies that would lead to the forced exodus of at least a billion people from hundreds of millions of farms. Agribusiness is gambling on other people’s food security.”
Although Mooney argues that new genuinely successful alternatives like agroecology are frequently suppressed by the industries they imperil, he states that civil society has a remarkable track record in fighting back, not least in developing healthy and equitable agroecological production systems, building short (community-based) supply chains and restructuring and democratising governance systems.
As stated in the report, the thrust of any ’Long Food Movement’ strategy is that short-termism is not an option: civil society groups need to place multiple objectives and actions on a 25-year roadmap and not make trade-offs along the way – especially when faced with the neoliberal-totalitarianism of Gates et al who will seek to derail anything or anyone regarded as a threat to their aims.
The report ‘A Long Food Movement: Transforming Food Systems by 2045’ can be accessed at here.
Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism.
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Even Gates can’t keep the morale up any more. He can’t hide the hoplessness of the situation behind his cheesy grin. The inner core is disillusioned and the ranks of covidians are beginning to cotton on.
The real danger here is speeding towards a hard stop. GMo is a dead man walking. In the 30 years (or 1 human generation) they’ve been developing RoundUp ready GMOs, 30 generations of weeds have been getting RoundUp ready too. Have you not noticed the diminishing results of RoundUp over the years? It’s efficacy against even the most common species of weeds has diminished sharply. Many of the weed killing products at your local hardware store have started moving away from glyphosate. So even if Monsantos wet dream comes true and every crop in the world is GMo, sometime very soon their genetic modifications will become useless and all well be left with are frankencrops that are substandard yet highly invasive. So what you’re seeing is not a ‘power grab’ as a rush to be the one to steer the next phase. And a play to squeeze the last profits out of a dying technology. But they’re bluffing about having some superior product or plan. What they have is obsolete, and as is so often the case, rather than yield their Monopoly, they’ll move goalposts or wreck the playing field before letting someone else bring forth a better plan. WTF does Bill gates know about farming. He just wants to be the boss of everything. No matter the cost to the rest of us. Agriculture on this planet currently produces enough yield to supply 1500 calories a day to 11 billion people. Before you even count meat, fish or nuts. There is no food shortage coming. Just the obso!essence of franken food and it’s profits. Thats the thing they’re actually crying about. That can’t come soon enough. But we can’t let it be replaced by something worse just so Bill gates and Monsanto can get richer.
More top down pushing by some rich “gurus”: COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse.
Disclaimer build in: “could”. Anyway they will try to make it as bad as they can; see the present lockdown – mass vaccination during pandemic meme.
Nature = diversity through creativity: Mind = mono notion.
Fucking scary. As usual.
Bought a car the other day. Major delays in delivery. Needless to say the general sales manager/I am the boss of everything, sat with me to settle me. I was buying a car two tiers above my usual level. What the fuck. I am going to be dead soon.
So he sat with me and boy did he get an earful. And he thanked me. He had never understood my perspective. He asked questions and wanted to follow up to verify. I worked him as best as I could.
A success in my mind. I warned him. Google is bad. MSM is bad. Follow the links in the sources I provide. He said he would.
There you go.
People are reaching. People are upset. They are looking for leadership.
It is a simple formula.
People in know need to stick their necks out and lead.
It is all about country.
Our founding fathers asses were hanging in the wind but they survived.
We need people willing to put their asses on the line to fight this insanity that has overcome our country.
Not rocket science.
I have an idea, raid Gates farms haha
I’ve been looking for someplace to put this particular comment – which, I confess, is apropos of almost nothing posted in any recent article. But here goes.
I’m currently watching a long interview of James Corbett by a Thaddeus Russel of The Unregistered Podcast (it’s posted on Corbett’s website). I’m halfway through and plan to finish watching. But something was said which sent my “WTF Did You Just Say?” beeper howling.
Mr Russel said – and Mr Corbett seemed to agree – that the notion of “finite resources” here on earth was a huge hoax. Really? Our resources are not “finite?” They are therefore infinite? Dudes: all the resources in the entire freaking universe are FINITE!!!!! There’s a hell of a lot of them; but they are not infinite.
Even considering that resources are continually being produced – as, e.g., by volcanic eruptions on earth and by fusion, fission and what not within galaxies – the raw material will run out eventually.
“Finite” means just that. “Infinite” means just that. I don’t give a shit what your ideology is, you can’t change reality to fit it.
“Bill Gates Is Thinking About Dimming the Sun” :
Reminds me of Mickey Mouse in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice“: what could possibly go wrong doing your first experiment on global scale?
US Military to little Billy Gates III regarding dimming the sun: Been there done it. For like 75 years the military has been filling the atmosphere with heavy metals and polymers. Some stay up there, some filter down to our lungs, to the soil, to the water.
What I wonder: if the spraying ionizes the atmosphere, as has been proposed, does it also ionize us once it gets inside? If so, the maniacs who (think they) run the world won’t need micro-chips to put the fear of the rich and powerful in people. They just emf us till we cry “Uncle Billy!”
The idiotic repetition of propaganda aims to redirect human activity in a purely mechanical way. It bypasses your conscious mind and sinks in to your instincts and impulses. That is why the covid crud has been like a one note symphony eternally repeated for the last year. Another repetition is highlighted by a George Galloway tweet (which interestingly seems to be from a year ago. How eerily prescient it is!)
The equation of covid sceptics and anti-vaxxers with “flat earthers” is one of those strategies that is so moronic it shouldn’t be taking up any of your time at all. And yet this utter non-sequitur logic comes in the night and repeats and repeats in your ear, “Don’t you know you fool you never can win!”
And it joins such other repetitious fallacies as “covid as end of capitalism” and “covid sceptics as Right Wing” etc.
Repeat and don’t fade …unfortunately.
Did Galloway say that? Dear me, he must be feeling very silly right now. No wonder the leftists don’t even mention Covid-19 now.
What a disservice they have done to humanity. They have made the job of others more difficult – Let’s hope they don’t live to regret their cowardly political grandstanding.
Good ol’ George gave the game away when he spoke about his reaction to 9/11: “Right away I knew it was that bastard Bin Laden!” Oh yes – this guy knows exactly how to please his owners!
With the possible exception of Greg Palast, I don’t trust anyone who wears a hat all the time.
The ham fisted placing of anyone asking questions about covi covi in with a) Trump b) Qanon c) White supremacists was ham fisted indeed. When you even have half an inkling about how things run here on good old planet Earth, everything starts looking very ham fisted though.
I find the term covid sceptic almost as jarring. Its a bit like the WHO term vaccine hesitancy. Probably a term concocted by the same covidian cult. I am pro health. the covidians are the health sceptics. scepticism is the religion of the covid cult as Gary null explains in the second half of this video..
Yeah, adding onto this I’m noticing (and getting sickened) people denying/defending the authoritarianism in social medias.
That’s ridiculous they mock people claiming that we are like in 1984 etc
A spring cleaning is underway. The clip shows a man stripping away all the covid signs and binning them. The last remnants of the Covidians propaganda are vanishing from the living environment.
(Disclaimer: I know that Wikipedia is mostly a heap of psy-op shite. But I am using them to make a point.)
I have developed such a mistrust of mainstream sources that I automatically skip over any reference they make to the expression “conspiracy theory”. Another expression to look out for is “debunked”. The moment they say something has been debunked you can assume it hasn’t been. And, considering the tenacity of the Guy Fawkes myth, the passage of decades and even centuries makes no difference to my scepticism.
Philip Roddis voiced his hostility to the expression “litmus test” as a draconian dismissal of certain thinkers. But I think it is valid to talk about such tests. And, pre-covid, the biggest litmus test was 9/11. Consider the ex-cathedra statement from Wiki:
“9/11 conspiracy theories have become social phenomena, despite lack of support from expert scientists, engineers, and historians.”
Along with this reversal of the burden of proof:
“Dr Michael Wood and Dr Karen Douglas University of Kent psychologists who specialize in conspiracy theories examined the comments sections of over 2000 news articles relating to the collapse of World Trade Center 7. They found that proponents of 9/11 conspiracy theories were more likely to try and debunk the mainstream account than promote their own theories and also were more likely to believe in other conspiracy theories.”
As if it was incumbent for these 9/11 sceptics to come up with their own theory before being permitted to examine the official account!
I recently became interested in the Merovingian dynasty and the matter of the Priory of Sion. I haven’t looked into it that far yet, but I already hear the alarm bells when I read this from Wiki:
“… the mythical history of the Priory of Sion was exposed as a ludibrium — an elaborate hoax in the form of an esoteric puzzle …Pieces of evidence presented in support of the historical existence and activities of the Priory of Sion… were discovered to have been forged and then planted….”
And there are louder bells when I read this:
“Despite the “Priory of Sion mysteries” having been exhaustively debunked … many conspiracy theorists still persist in believing that the Priory of Sion was a millennium-old cabal concealing a religiously subversive secret.”
And here is the loudest bell:
“Some skeptics express concern that the proliferation and popularity of pseudohistorical books, websites and films inspired by the Priory of Sion hoax contribute to the problem of unfounded conspiracy theories becoming mainstream; while others are troubled by how these works romanticize the reactionary ideologies of the far right.”
Ah how familiar does that sound?
None of this means that the Sion thing is not a hoax. But I no longer blandly take it for granted that it is.
Tinnitus caused by vaccines…scroll through the comments, they’re more telling than the article itself.
In the UK, 1,250 reports of tinnitus associated with the AZ vaccine and 392 associated with the Pfizer vaccine according to the latest ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions report’. Remember that only a small percentage of people report adverse reactions via the Yellow Card system, so the figures are probably a lot higher.
All I see in the comments are stone cold fruit loops
I’m really looking forward to the mass deaths in October from the MSM herd. Who cares? It is literally the sheep
UK Labour leader ordered out of a pub…Australian PM booed by THOUSANDS at a footy match in Perth, West Aus… Omens ? … But of what ?
Maybe the tide is finally starting to turn. The facts and figures never stacked up. Obvious to all but the clueless with 15 minutes and a calculator and attention span. Perhaps the phrase ‘ get out of my pub’ will be the inspiration to remove the criminals from power. Though I think Barbara Windsor’s version was better. History shows it takes just one spark. Perhaps that was Starmer’s President Caucescu type of moment.
I don’t see any examples of the tide turning. I was listening to the Richie Allen show yesterday and he had been on holiday last week in the Lake District, and he was complaining about the fact that everyone was wearing masks outside.
I think ‘they’ve’ won. I must admit, I have never understood why Dr Vernon Coleman ends his videos with the advice to ignore MSM. If you ignore MSM and ‘just vent your spleen’ in here and similar places, you’re just preaching to the converted in an echo chamber. It’s pointless. That’s why ‘they’ve’ won.
I just hope that the aim to vaccinate the ‘under 40s’ falls flat on its face.
Just venting your spleen on these marginalised channels is the only place where you can vent your spleen. You will certainly never get access to the MSM. So the best you can do is to vent where you can and hope it eventually circulates with other venting until it has an effect – whether the MSM report that effect or not. (They probably won’t.)
Incorrect, George. The Daily Mail’s online covid-19 threads are not moderated (The Mail online has millions of readers). I post there frequently and you would be surprised at how many people are like-minded and can see through the scam. Posting here is pointless. I mainly visit Off-Guardian for the opinions and links that I otherwise wouldn’t be aware of.
Your posts can be reported on the Mail forums by other posters and then deleted but that has happened to me once – when I repeated the news from UK Column that a child of 2 had died from a Moderna vaccine in the USA – I’m assuming that it was deleted as the story is not yet confirmed. I’ve posted hundreds of times now. Only one deleted post.
I am displaying my old prejudices here but I tend to balk at posting on the Daily Mail – seeing it as a Right Wing paper. But as I have noted so often, covid scepticism seems to be permitted on the Right because it has long since been a tool of division to sever “conspiracy theory” from the Left. Such severance is an old story but COVID has brought the conspiracy phobia of the Left out in a decisive way.
Again as I have often said, the COVID move has been packaged as a “Left” matter through the alleged damage the virus has done to capitalism. Thus all the ones I would have previously associated with have surrendered to the church of COVID.
So here I am homeless on OffG. And yes you are right that you will find the Biblical, New Age, UFO, and often genuinely anti-Semitic stuff here. And perhaps that does indeed mean that OG has become a marginalised site. But, as a “Left” site it is worth more than a million WSWSs, Skwawkboxes and Canaries put together.
I have previously frequented Toby Young’s Lockdown Skeptics which tends to attract commenters from across the political spectrum – but it is seen as a “Tory” site and easily dismissed by the likes of Nafeez Ahmed who is pushing the “vaccine as socialist revolution” shit.
So frankly I don’t know what to do. If there is a build up of COVID scepticism then ultimately it won’t matter where it comes from. I reckon the vast majority of the public no longer care about the Left/ Right divide especially when it is precisely that divide that is being used to push the COVID pish.
I am very much on the left but the Mail offers the opportunity to post on unmoderated forums regarding covid. This is extremely rare these days. I’m there to back up the like-minded. That’s all. You wrote ‘You will certainly never get access to the MSM’, and I’m just pointing out that you can.
They are not ‘unmoderated’ see above
I live in the U.S. my wife and I read the Mail online in the morning. It is pure comedy gold. We were under the impression it was a ” rag “. Sort of like fox news. Surely no one takes the Mail seriously ?
Go to the covid-19 forums and post/read comments. It can be illuminating and you realise that there are many posters who can see through this scam. Forget the actual articles/headlines.
BTW, talking about comedy gold, have you read some of the posts here, on Off Guardian. Sometimes I despair, as I’m told that covid is due to some biblical forecast or because Jupiter is aligned with Mars.
Once upon a time it was considered a half decent newspaper until Diana Princess of Wales became their focus and ever since then it’s been a joke! Investigative journalism is dead in the UK.
Beware the daily mail comments section…it may SAY ‘these comments have not been moderated’ but its a blatant lie….they operate a form of shadow moderation….and its saturated with 77 brigade/13 signals comments….watch how they quell dissenting voices against the official bullcarp….same modus operandi every time…1 will comment then no2 will back that comment up 1 will comment no2 will back it up rinse repeat ad nauseum thus drowning out the original commentator…once you spot it you cant ‘unsee’ it….if you ask them outright or abuse them outright (i always preferred the latter) they slink off to another story…hit n run merchants….look for it next time you are there
Try this one…
Lots of so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ posting on there. They need to be backed up.
Thats quite odd that…the british government took a scan of my irises at Birmingham airport about 5 years ago ,it was an inducement to bypass the lengthy immigration queues…weighing up the pro’s and cons and knowing that UK gov already had my fingerprints,DNA,blood type,shoe size blah blah blah i went for it…be interesting to see what they eventually do with my iris scans
love to know the downvoters justification for the downtick…just how did you square that circle in your mind ?
It really beggars belief sometimes
Forgot to say – on the Mail forums you can’t post links to sites – you have to instruct people to ‘google’ such and such and write down the title of the site…
I have stopped using the term ‘G00gle’. I use ‘web search’ or I point people to my current favorite: Qwant. For hobby sites and questions Qwant does not return the most relevant results, which is when I turn to DuckDuckGo since it uses the G00gle web crawler. But for any politically charged content, Qwant is much less MSM driven in the results.
I’ve been trying to de-G00gle for a couple years now, and except for a few instances I can avoid using them in my everyday life. The hardest is the Android phone, but I have blocked access to everything unless I explicitly allow it on a case by case basis. That is the best I can do without rooting and attempting to install a non-G00gle APK. There are workarounds for app installs without resorting to the Play store, and if that is the only option, there are apps that will access the play store without having to log into a G account. I honestly don’t use very many apps so the workarounds and such are not a huge hardship.
The next step is to root the phone and install a Linux OS. I have been researching PureOS quite a bit and may move that direction soon. I wish their (Purism) Made in the USA Librem5 phone wasn’t $2k. That’s just a little too much to justify at this point in my life.
Would you be a fan of Mr Braxman ?
Well, I have thought the same. I know we cant see it right now but history has proven things can change in a flash. It also depends on what exactly is behind all this. I’m not talking the main motives and agendas, but rather if Melinda Gates wearing an upside down cross is significant , Pizzagate, freemasons and so on.
I also say if evil exists, there is a counter force. We may be entering a dark age but on the other hand this may actually be an opportunity where humanity takes down evil. We’ll see.
Indeed. The problem I have with places like Off-Guardian – and I don’t encounter it much on say the Daily Mail’s unmoderated forums on Covid-19, is the talk of 5g, nanobots, The Bible (Revelations), aliens etc. I would never link anyone I know to this site because of the more ‘eccentric’ posters. Yes, I know, they have as much right to make claims as I do – we all agree that there is a conspiracy, we just don’t agree on what it is!
In here, it’s as though everyone thinks they can only post in here, MI5 is watching the other sites – guys, they’re watching this one, too, if they can be bothered! The authorities probably completely ignore sites like this as they have no overall impact because nobody reads them.
As I said above, try the Daily Mail forums for Covid-19 posts and get posting, too. They’re not moderated at all. Lots of people posting about meeting up for the march in London on Saturday, and many, many like-minded people posting amongst the sheep.
Fair comment. Off G as far as I know haven’t endorsed any of those theories. I’m difficult to convince. But tell me, out of interest, specifically how the bible and alien theories are a problem. Your answer might speak volumes for people simply not entertaining the seemingly outlandish until it actually confronts them.
Interesting you would include 5G in with “nanobots, The Bible (Revelations), aliens, etc.” Perhaps you’re unaware that 5G is 100% real and is being swiftly brought to a position of worldwide installment as the latest phase in the ongoing electromagnetic frequency paradigm (6G is already on the drawing board).
Countless studies have been done pointing out the dangers of increasing the level of emf smog surrounding the planet. Some commenters may have jumped the gun suggesting a deliberate connection between 5G and COVID-19; but that hardly renders untenable the perceived danger of exponentially increasing the level of emf exposure – or consigning 5G to a common bin with UFOs and demons.
The Fat earthers (fat isn’t a typo btw…i assume most flat earthers dont get out much) and alien agendists are just background noise…however as to the DM forums being unmoderated i’ll just make this one statement….Assume nothing…question everything
Forgot to say – on the Mail forums you can’t post links to sites – you have to instruct people to ‘google’ such and such and write down the title of the site…posts with links to sites don’t get through.
I have to say that there is now emerging a massive, bottom-up return to healthy organic growing practices at complete odds with the Gates dystopia. It puts humans at the heart of growing healthy food, provides endless opportunities for humans to feel peace and serenity being close to nature, rather than made unemployed by robots and slaves of heartless billionaires.
It may not be as much reported in the media, on the internet, etc, but its pace is gathering and its acceptance by much of the mainstream is increasing exponentially.
Great if you have land or an allotment…not much use to someone who lives on the 43rd floor of a council block where the lift stinks of piss and doesnt work and the stairwells are just as bad,perhaps they can survive on mustard and cress seeds germinated on damp toilet paper that they have hoarded ?
These posters are popping up all over the place.

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These posters are a good idea. I need to find thses soer of Franch as that is where I live
Hello James. Here’s a radical idea: print something yourself and put them wherever you can 😉
I like it
What I can agree with: monopolies are to be avoided in any field as they are the perfect opportunity for power games by Homo Sapiens primal tendencies.
Creating new varieties carefully through GMOs can be an enrichment: forcing them on a market is not.
Wait until you read about epicyte (use the search engine of choice to find out about it) sterilisation for the masses via corn and corn products…and with the possibility of the jabberwocky enabling passage through the blood barrier of items that perhaps shouldn’t, if you haven’t got children i suggest you knock a few out sharpish….you may not have chance in your not too distnt future
From RT:
WHO: COVID vaccines INEFFECTIVE, do not prevent infection spread and hence no COVID passports as they are meaningless to prevent pandemics.
it us exactly position WHO has for decades regarding seasonal flu epidemics.
🤣🤣🤣 I love it. Tony Bliar must be grinding his gums.
On Saturday, Sicily President Nello Musumeci announced that the majority of people on the island would refuse to be vaccinated with the controversial AstraZeneca vaccine. The supposedly “very rare” thromboses after vaccination have already been attributed directly to the vaccine by both German and Norwegian researchers.
Official efforts are being made to downplay the risks of AstraZeneca / Vaxzevria. However, the French are unimpressed and boycott the vaccine. A YouGov poll at the end of March had already shown that 61% of the French questioned rate the vaccine as unsafe.
“600 doctors and practice staff should be vaccinated in Hanover. However, only 200 people who wanted to be vaccinated showed up at the appointment. According to “ Norddeutschem Rundfunk ”, the others simply letthe appointment pass – despite a written agreement.”
Because it’s only an emergency authorization military can’t be compelled. Even with the withdrawal of some privileges for the unvaxed, 40% are hanging tough. –CNN
The mRNA vaccines will give you Mad Cow Disease.
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease (
The US Military went through a similar issue with Anthrax, that hadn’t actually been approved for us.
In Canada, a court martial was halted because a service member refused to be giving the anthrax vaccine. I believe the military ceased the court martial, because they did not want to loose the case.
It’s a simple remedy. I call it the Patriots Act.
People who support the Military and Politicians who would send them to war should have the vaccines that they are injected with. After all the vaccines used on service personal are safe.
Pah..anthrax…we (the UK) managed to contaminate a whole island with it…it wasn’t certified clean until some enterprising locals dropped off some uninvited soil samples in London …check out Gruinard island…..wonder if it would work today ?
Off topic…I was working in Sicily and my colleague thought it a good idea to start fllirting outrageously with the hotel receptionist…the Italian representative of the company i worked for took him to one side and tod him in no uncerteain terms…people still carry guns here…be very very careful who you upset……if only we had some of that southern Italian charm here
The BBC claims 95% of over-50s in Scotland and England have had at least one Gene Jab… and 60% of over-18s.
Seriously…? That doesn’t fit with what even the State Corporatist Media says about refusals or ‘hesitancy’ as they call it.
Over 60s, maybe, but certainly not over 18s.
Vaccine Circus Part II:
The main event and purpose of the Hollywood pure propaganda event “Roll Up Your Sleeves,” was most certainly the folksy three-way bro-zoom-ance of Barack Obama, Shaquille O’Neal and Charles Barkley targeting the African American community who apparently is just not lining up for covid vaccines like they were expected to.
Enter, a president & two retired basketball stars all courtesy of one of the producers of the show, the digital media company ATTN:
“ATTN focuses primarily on subjects like social justice, the environment, politics, health, criminal justice reform, immigration, and drug policy.” (Talk about a panopticon of services)
“ATTN consists of an editorial team of writers and journalists that contribute articles and opinion to the website as well as an in house production and animation studio that produces original video content primarily for social distribution.” (I think those are called copywriters, not journalists)
First this stark message:
“Black Americans are infected with Covid 19 at nearly 3x the rate of white Americans”
So they better damn well do something…. and quick.
At the start of the three way zoom call we get a surprise pop-in from Shaquille O’Neal’s mom, Lucille, who’s very impressed they are getting to chat with the former president. As they chuckle about their good fortune, Charles Barkley embeds the message:
“When a president asks you to do something, you have to do it no matter what it is.”
Got that subconscious? Good.
After the hellos and jokes about golf, retirement, endorsements, gambling in Vegas, and pretending to be bashful about the president learning how much you gamble in Vegas we get down to business:
Barack Obama: …part of our goal here is to make sure those who’s been going through so much in covid understand the need and the urgency of our communities getting vaccinated……Now that the vaccine becomes more available I want to make sure that our communities particularly African American and Latino as well as young people understand that this will save lives and allow people to get their lives back to normal and the sooner we get more people vaccinated the better off we’re going to be.
Charles Barkley: Mr. President, I get my second vaccine shot tomorrow. I cannot wait. I think it’s important for us to keep talking about the vaccine so I’m telling all my friends hey forget what happened back in the day (Wait, what happened back in the day???)… every black person please go out and get vaccinated (regardless of what happened back in the day??)
Shaquille O’Neal: I am vaccinated. Um… my family has underlying conditions – they are also vaccinated (even though they have underlying conditions??). I’m not worried about me and my family, I’m worried about the average mom and dad…(sure Shaq, just like I’m worried about the health & well being of that colony of ants in the corner of my garden)
B. Obama: First of all a lot of the underlying conditions. Things like diabetes, you know folks who got preexisting conditions – there is more of that in communities of color which means we’re more vulnerable. A lot of young people think well you know, even if I get covid it’s going to be like a bad cold, but part of what we’re seeing now is a different strain of the virus has come over (from where, your mother’s house?), that’s now the dominant variant and it actually is hitting young people harder than the original version (just the one variant then, not 300, or 5000?) We don’t know the kinds of long term effects that we’re having. There’s some folks who get it and six months later they’re still not feeling quite right.
Part of the reason to get vaccinated is because it makes everybody safer and it’s the same reason why by the way, you know, we don’t have things like polio anymore. Measles used to kill people all the time (ALL the time???? no wonder we needed a vaccine). The reason we don’t see that is because kids get a vaccine before they even go to school.
And the last point I’ll make is Chuck, you mentioned history about things like Tuskegee (he didn’t mention Tuskegee) The irony is when you know about the Tuskegee experiment what was going on there was, the government withheld treatment that was available for black men for syphilis. It wasn’t that they made them sick by giving them medicine, it’s that they (simply) didn’t give them medicine they needed. And so here’s a situation where if the medicine’s available we need to take it (a vaccine is medicine now?).
And oh look, if the wealthy and the powerful in our society are all lining up to get shots that means everybody should know it’s a good thing to get (who doesn’t worship rich people?)
So there you have it. Tuskegee was simply the government WITHHOLDING medicine – it’s not like they poisoned anybody for gods sake – and now that they’re no longer withholding what at that time was desperately needed medicine by African Americans, you, my African American brothers and sisters are free and welcome to come and get this medicine that you desperately need….. for FREE!
Wow. I can’t even begin to unravel the psychological intricacies of this scripted little exercise in thought manipulation.
Brilliant analysis, thank you 👏👏
you are too kind and so very welcome!
Aussies who travel could be made to wear ANKLE BRACELETS ( Well try this lunacy on for size.
They simply didn’t give them the medicine they needed??????
My first thought as I was reading your reportage of this interview was “God, love you, sir, for watching because I’d have thrown up”
Then we get to Tuskegee.
Honestly, does anyone else feel that they are living on another planet right here on earth?
You just can’t make this stuff up.
How on earth does Barak Obama justify saying that?
You know what’s really frightening – what on earth do they have on people to make them say the things they do.
Obama is nothing but a poor actor. He will read the script and collect the fee, every time. Notice the language where he infers that he is black and one with all black african people in the usa. Nothing could be further from the truth!
I wonder how much of the 1Billion allocated for vaccine “confidence,” went into the smooth operator’s pocket for this performance.
The satanists are making themselves known with every word they utter.
It’s not that I did not believe Toyaussie, but I thought that before I repeated that story (Obama) to anyone, I should make sure I’ve got it straight – so I forced myself to actually watch that little pharma commercial.
Well, folks, it’s true. Saw it with my own eyes, heard it with my own ears.
How in God’s name could Obama actually allow those words to come out of his mouth.
And the thing about the rich and famous. Mother of God.
Thanks for posting that Toyaussie. It is just more proof of how insane and insipid this whole eventcovid is.
You’re very welcome and I appreciate your followup.
This is about as racist as one can get.
Could you imagine Trump or Bush saying these words. Talk about condescending belittlement. I too was wanting to go and watch the video to verify but I won’t now. No need.
That’s the south side of Chicago for you. You can take a man out of the South Side but you can’t take the South Side out of man.
It is a word for word transcript. I knew the whole show was going to be blatant in-your-face-propaganda but I wasn’t prepared for an absolute insane drive of psychopathy – on Sunday night prime time no less.
If that total moron Matthew Mcconnehey (I can’t spell the nitwit’s name) says the injection is good, then you know it’s all on the level. Don’t pause for a second to question the record time the unknown potion was concocted in to inject into a “vulnerable” population that 99.8% shake off like a mild cold and that corporations are fully indemnified against any and all ill effects of. Nothing suspicious there!! Right Matthew?
he’s such an ass wipe
Alright Alright Alright. More like dazed and confused.
“When a president asks you to do something, you have to do it no matter what it is.”
Sadly, Barkley isn’t the first celebrity with a trademark “free spirit”, Wild ‘n Crazy Guy personality who harbors an unreconstructed authoritarian-submissive deference to the powerful.
This quote eerily resonates with, or complements, the attitude and rationale infamously uttered by Richard M. Nixon in 1977, when he responded to interviewer David Frost’s question about whether the POTUS has authority to commit illegal acts if deemed necessary for the greater good, “If the president does it, that means it’s not illegal.”
Too bad they couldn’t summon the ghost of MLB superstar Hank Aaron, who “coincidentally” died shortly after very publicly getting his COVID vaccine in his capacity of Role Model tasked to lead black people– sorry, Black people– out of the fog and darkness of self-destructive Vaccine Hesitancy.
Obama’s pretzel-logic attempt to use the Tuskegee atrocity as a lesson in responsibly Taking One’s Medicine is vile and reprehensible. Besides, isn’t Obama the one who sternly touts the principle that it’s generally best to “look forwards, not backwards”?
Great comment. Thx.
I wonder if Barkley got a “gentle reminder” of his new world responsibilities after he came out 2 weeks ago calling out elite interests and their divide and conquer tactics on a sports show i think it was. Seemed like a rogue maneuver but could also be a stunt – as You Tube has allowed it to go viral. Fast forward to last Sunday where he was the presidents #1 man on vaccination..
UK Column News – 19th April 2021
Applied psychology used to distract people from the truth. log date April 5
Pfizer figures – Total reactions 132,528 of which 314 listed as deaths
AZ reactions 492,105 of which deaths 521
In 2018 MHRA said reporting of adverse reactions was falling. Only 10% of serious reactions are reported. Currently nurses tell UKC that management are discouraging them from reporting adverse reactions.
U.S. VAERS says fewer than 1% of serious vaccine adverse events are reported to the FDA.
The Guardian mocked people for going to hospital over headaches.
“The clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines have shown them to be effective and acceptably safe.”
No hint that trials are still ongoing and the public are guinea pigs.
You cannot quote UK Gov figures on Twitter.
Vaccine Impact: 847 Deaths 626,087 Injuries Recorded in the UK During 4 Months of Experimental COVID “Vaccines”
No Smoke Without Fire Part 4
Screenshot shows:
17:11 46,118 views
17:12 46,108 views
David Scott: the truth has become threatening, censored and unsayable. The government is soon going to tell us we can’t handle the truth.
If the 1/10 figure is correct we are looking at 4,000-5,000 deaths from Covid vaccines so far.
Protect yourself and others by NOT sharing misinformation.
World Health Organization partners with UK Gov to create seamless propaganda in multiple countries.
FT: ‘Slow’ UK response to AstraZeneca side-effects alarms experts
Mike Robinson: I wonder if relatives are really urging everyone to take the vaccine after their relatives have died — or is the press making up quotes.
MHRA awarded over £980,000 for collaboration with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation
Euronews: UK detects 77 cases of coronavirus variant first detected in India
UK, Brazil and South Africa variants may be linked to AZ trials in those countries.
India variant interesting because AZ has large manufacturing plant there.
David Scott: variants do seem to follow the vaccine.
Lockdown Sceptics: U.S. States Running Out of People Willing to Take a Covid Vaccine
Daily Mail: America hits the vaccine wall
For example, “nearly half of Pennsylvania’s nursing home workers have declined the vaccine.”
What Is Mask Mouth?
Caused by: Disrupted breathing patterns; Dehydration; Recycling air.
UKC: Nurses report rashes, fainting, panicking with extended wear of full face masks.
Brian Gerrish: One woman has taken the NHS to a tribunal because she was hounded out of her job for reporting problems related to mask wearing. The NHS and UK Gov have not carried out any risk assessment related to mask wearing.
David Scott: if there is no risk assessment the entire policy is reckless; or there is an assessment and people need to read it.
Leeds Live: No dentists accepting new NHS patients as dental crisis escalates
The Star: Patients ‘struggling to see dentist in Sheffield’
Oldham Times: Man removed tooth with pliers after dentist struggle
Daily Star: Hundreds of NHS staff form anti-vax group and label new Covid jabs ‘poison’
The Times: Coronavirus: NHS staff join anti‑vax group
– Times fails to investigate their complaints. Smear job.
Matt Hancock says he wants users to have “greater access to reliable and scientifically accurate information on vaccines from trusted sources like the NHS.”
Hancock is lying as it is verified that:
Brian Gerrish: is this man just a bit thick or does he knowingly lie to Parliament? It is his government that is preventing people from having full information.
David Scott: for him to say this he must be unaware of the facts. There is no informed consent. How does Matt Hancock not know that?
Green Party’s Caroline Lucas says BoJo misrepresent facts, diminishes Parliament
– Parliment barely meets. What planet are the Greens on?
– MPs accuse Boris of lying but they don’t question the Covid, Testing, Track & Trace narrative.
– Green Party only worried about “the right kind of lies”.
The Guardian: Parties call for inquiry into Boris Johnson’s ‘failure to be honest’
In Australia they are totally ignoring all side effects.
Main publicity in MSM here in australia is about the delays and stuff-ups in ‘rolling out the vaccine’. Nothing at all which criticizes what is in the jab or the ill effects on many people.
The press coverage (NSW) of The Roll-Out has been running, like a daily TV soap opera, for months – since Our Leader did his Churchillian boast about having every adult Australian vaxxed by October..
That there’s been so many hiccups to the Roll-Out suggests much incompetence…On the other hand it suggests much hesitancy…
Our Leader is kept informed, daily, of the injuries & deaths piling up overseas (If not – he should sack his ‘medical advisor’)…The delays etc give him wriggle room must the numerous Jab cancellations due to the local blood-clotting deaths have increased peoples’ ‘hesitancy’…
He’s known to buckle in the face of crises…Unfortunately many suffer when attention-seeking politicians are in charge…
They all jumped on the Ferguson model and would rather destroy the place than admit it was wrong.
Hope you’re right Karen. Perhaps we ‘hesitants’ will increase in number. Thank goodness for the internet – our only source of valid (and invalid) info.
Australia is a very creepy place.
Who the fuck downvoted this comment? Or is it some sort of algorithm/google trick? That’s excellent information thank you.
UK Column News – 19th April 2021
New 95% mortgage scheme launches with loans up to £600,000
It’s the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression and the government is concerned to keep the bubble going.
David Scott: with the economy in collapse, the last thing we need is more expensive homes.
Ambitious plans to boost UK fintech and financial services set out by Chancellor
COP26 provides key moment for transformational diplomacy
David Scott: This is a grab for more political power but the BBC won’t allow any voices that question the Climate narrative.
The Sun: RING OF STEEL Prince Philip funeral security sees armed police patrol Windsor, search drains and comb river as public told stay away
– police photographing public
– black clothed police toting machine guns
Brian Gerrish: this is a full blown dictatorship being put into place while we’re distracted with the green agenda.
David Scott: astonishing images. Mourners were told to stay away because of Covid yet Windsor was flooded with armed police.
The Times: British warships head for Black Sea as Russian troops mass on Ukrainian border
European politicians excited at a diversion from Covid.
BBC Fact Check Fail: Russia Ukraine conflict: Fact-checking Russian TV’s Ukraine claims – instead of addressing U.S. mobilization BBC obsesses about Russian TV using old file footage.
Mike Robinson: The BBC has been caught out so many times misrepresenting images, time and time again. It is in no position to criticise Russian media.
Israeli psychologist Professor Sam Vaknin in video, Silence When We Are All Gone:
This analysis is explored in John Waters’ article: No Future For You . . . th?
“The young have left psychology for dead. They do not read, do not think, do not feel. They act, mimic, pretend. They neither mate not desire to. Is this down to them, or those who came before?”
UK Column News – 19th April 2021
(Currently suspended from YouTube)
“Welcome to the SCAMDEMIC Zone. Where CORPORATE FASCISM and insanity reign supreme“

“Untermenschen Useless Eater Labrats/Labsheeple, have you gotten your Farmer Billy Eugenics Cull Juice Jab yet?”
Meanwhile in Berlin, the Bundespolizei go full on NAZI Stormtrooper mode by picking
on a disabled man for the crime of not ‘social distancing
“The CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC ‘Big Lie’ (which is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY) has not nothing to do with health issues. It has to do with corporate oligarch mobster psychopath grand theft, robbery and enslavement. They are going full Third Reich NAZI now.”

Anyone here have information, with citations, on Fauci having direct connections to personal financial gain on C19 vaccines- patents e.g.?
Has to be a direct connection with source.
Fauci holds a patent on HIV GP120
And we know SARS Cov” causes neural damage….
Banks said the S1 protein in SARS-CoV2 and the gp 120 protein in HIV-1 function similarly. They are glycoproteins—proteins that have a lot of sugars on them, hallmarks of proteins that bind to other receptors. Both these proteins function as the arms and hand for their viruses by grabbing onto other receptors. Both cross the blood-brain barrier and S1, like gp120, is likely toxic to brain tissues.
And guess who pushed the funds through to ECOHealth Alliance… and what they then funded in Wuhan, China?
I can’t link it but David Martin has all that info on the patent situation with NIH and Fauci.
He talks about it at length in both “Plandemic 2 – Indoctorination” and in a very good, factual interview on Planet Lockdown. I think you can find the Planet Lockdown interview on bitchute, and you should be able to find the Plandemic movies at various sites.
I think David Martin has done the most digging and revealing on Fauci.
David Martin | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown
Such a show-off.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
— Henry Kissinger
“If only they would make a large enough hypodermic needle so they could impale and spin him on it.”
I suspect that we’ll be hearing more of this kind of thing:
“US neo-Nazi group should be banned in UK, home secretary says
An American neo-Nazi group linked to five murders in the US should be banned in the UK as a terrorist organisation, the government has said. Home Secretary Priti Patel will ask for permission from MPs to outlaw the group called Atomwaffen Division (AWD).”
This part seems particularly interesting:
“AWD’s racist ideology encourages the destabilisation and destruction of society through acts of violence by lone actors or small cells. Adherents believe such activity will accelerate a predicted collapse of civilization and that white ethno-states can be formed in the aftermath.”
A collapse of civilization can take place in various ways. For example, through a plague. I’ll bet you can see where I’m going with this!
So here’s how I reckon it will play out: There will be accelerating reportage of rising fascist and neo-Nazi groups. There will be increasing emphasis on the desire of these groups to collapse civilisation. And then the connection with COVID will be made explicit I.e. we will be told that these groups have hit on the idea of using the virus to cause the collapse. This can easily feed in to the notion that the “lesser” races can be culled through the virus.
And so these groups will be portrayed as cheerleading anti-lockdown protests.
The meme of “murderous herd immunity” comes in handy as it can easily be tweaked into Nazi ideology. In fact the entire notion of getting back to natural immunity (a very sensible matter) can be remoulded as “fascist regression”.
You heard it here first!
“Satan” a la Edward Curtin, plays 6-dimensional chess!
And if lockdown protest can be associated with fascism then the vaccine rollout becomes the “progressive” option. And that initial talk of the “most vulnerable” members of the community, the ones most in need of vaccination, is now projected onto the entire population who no longer have access to natural immunity which is now demonized as “murderous herd immunity” and further demonized by being linked to a fascistic survival of the fittest.
Thus the entire human race is recast as permanent invalids constantly requiring the “progressive” programme of eternal vaccination.
Anyone objecting to this will be portrayed as an uncouth “social Darwinist”, an advocate for a brutally elitist order.
And the common Right Wing sentiment that the Left are whiny supporters of a nanny state will become actual reality. And of course if you point this out, you will sound like one of those Rightists.
But THIS particular nanny state has nothing to do with protecting people who genuinely need help. No, THIS nanny stare will be an utterly artificially created confidence trick through which perfectly healthy people will be subjected to chemical rape facilitating an endless gravy train for the super rich.
I prefer the term ‘Big Mother’….
in a 2016 book by Shon Meckfessel the author details how Black Lives Matter came into being, and who founded initial BLM organisations…
it does not mention “trained marxist” Patrisse Cullors, whom many US sites claim created the BLM organisation (she’s the one who’s bought three very expensive houses in white neighbourhoods)…
Antifa is another group that seems to have grown massively in recent years – if you go by the destruction allegedly caused by it… .(“with friends like these”)… why do they remind one of the role the Italian Red Brigade played in the 1970s ?
The matter of planted “Marxists” is a fascinating one. Possibly the most overtly Left-Wing artist of all was Phil Ochs who used to put Maoist quotes on his albums. Dave McGowan has an interesting take on this:
“Phil Ochs, folk singer/songwriter and political activist, was found hanged in his sister’s home in Far Rockaway, New York on April 9, 1976. Throughout his life,Ochs was one of the most overtly political of the 1960s rock and folk music stars. A regular attendee at anti-war, civil rights, and labor rallies, Ochs appeared to be, at all times, an unwavering political leftist (he named his first band The Singing Socialists). That all changed, however, and rather dramatically, in the months before his death….
In early summer of 1975, Phil Ochs’ public persona abruptly changed. Using the name John Butler Train, Ochs proclaimed himself to be a CIA operative and presented himself as a belligerent, right-wing thug.
Many years before Ochs’ metamorphosis, in an interesting bit of foreshadowing, psychological warfare operative George Estabrooks explained how US intelligence agencies could create the perfect spy: “We start with an excellent subject … we need a man or woman who is highly intelligent and physically tough. Then we start to develop a case of multiple personality through hypnotism. In his normal waking state, which we will call Personality A, or PA, this individual will become a rabid communist. He will join the party, follow the party line and make himself as objectionable as possible to the authorities. Note that he will be acting in good faith. He is a communist, or rather his PA is a communist and will behave as such. Then we develop Personality B (PB), the secondary personality, the unconscious personality, if you wish, although this is somewhat of a contradiction in terms. This personality is rabidly American and anti-communist. It has all the information possessed by PA, the normal personality, whereas PA does not have this advantage … My super spy plays his role as a communist in his waking state, aggressively, consistently, fearlessly. But his PB is a loyal American, and PB has all the memories of PA. As a loyal American, he will not hesitate to divulge those memories.” Estabrooks never explained what would happen if the programming were to go haywire and Personality B were to become the conscious personality, but my guess is that such a person would be considered a severe liability and would be treated accordingly. They might even be find themselves swinging from the end of a rope. Phil Ochs was thirty-five at the time of his death.”
More here:
It is very dangerous to promote the idea there is a virus as your theory points out. Even saying there is natural immunity plays into the propaganda. The cupbourd full of dangerous medications these people have had for the last 30 years is what needs to be pointed out not trying to claim there is natural immunity when there is no such thing. The idea of immunity is vaccine propaganda and natural immunity is simply a placeholder concept untill they develop a vaccine and try to force it on everyone coz “herd immunity”.
it’s all nonsense, these organizations are creations of the security state, bogeymen useful to the encroaching tyranny…
this particular bunch of miscreant gay satanists with jihadi inclinations are run by a C.I.A stooge who still has a CAGE code..
So….. Another CiA psy-op being rolled out in blighty..
Every idiot who put that horrible thing on his face, every one who takes or took the poison, every retarded who obeys and believes what his gov says and all the so called main stream experts, well they deserve nothing but what’s coming
The sad thing…. they gonna drag as along with them in their shit hole
I think this is the saddest thing ever.
The Barnum and Bailey Vaccine Circus last night on NBC did not disappoint.
Here are some of the ladies and gentlemen of the evening who took part in a very creepy desperate and dystopian piece of social engineering called “Roll Up Your Sleeves”
Vaccine Circus Part I:
Lets start with an instant classic shakespearean masterwork featuring the down-homey over acting of Matthew McConaughey and the lifeless grey skin tone of Anthony Fauci:
M. McConaughy:…what would you say to the ones (the ones??) that fear that the vaccinations were rushed to approval and therefore are not safe and may have long term severe side effects?
A.Fauci: The vaccine platform technology that we put to bare here to get this vaccine has really been evolving for decades and fortunately for us we saw the culmination of that effect so it wasn’t cutting corners, it wasn’t sacrificing safety, it was merely a reflection of the extraordinary science.
MM: What do you say to the ones that feel getting vaccinated or not getting vaccinated is a political stance?
AF: You know the common enemy (money maker) is the virus not each other so the thing to do is to put aside any kind of political differences and kind of hostility you have and figure we have to pull together if we really want to get through this
MM: What would you say to the people who say HEY Let my immune system do it’s god given talents alone…
AF: Well I just point them to the 545,000 Americans who’ve died from this disease and to just show that you know very often when your dealing with a powerful pathogen like this virus your immune system needs a lot of help …uhh and that’s exactly what a vaccine does it preps you so that when you do get exposed to this virus you can get a running start and suppress it.
MM: What do you say to the people who say I already HAAAAD the virus (my god, the over-acting…)so I don’t need the vaccine..
AF: The one thing you’re not taking into account when you make that statement is that there are a lot of variants circulating around.
MM: People who say look I, I, I….. don’t fit the criteria to get vaccinated…
AF: This is a vaccine that is appropriate for everybody and anyone.
MM: Alright. Let’s do some Myth Bustin ….. some True and False…. True or False, there are long term side effects from the covid vaccination, True or False?
MM: (Raises hands in the air in a cheering gesture) FALSE, ya hear that? FALSE! Alright. True or False, there are long term side effects from the covid in-FECT shun…
MM: Alright. Dr. Fauci that was good, quick and informative.
AF: Alright Matthew thank you, I really appreciate you doing this.
MM: Well you’re welcome and thank you for the time, sir (military salute).
The American Empire has created oligarchs, with their massive concentrations of wealth to quickly steer it back to success. Musk is trying to magic a car industry, world Wifi and a space industry into being, and Amazon to take over the worlds retail. This is all strategized, it looks like it has all been brainstormed, the US is trying to corner vital services to hold the world to ransom. Data storage, retail, search engines, social media, food, seeds, pharmaceuticals, internet, GPS etc…
You people blame & only focus on Bill gate because that is where you want the questions to stop, and because you want the strategy behind it to remain hidden. The east India company served British Empire, not the other way around.
Amazon bought Whole Foods North America a handful of years ago. Bezos like Gates is in the “control what you eat” business.
I just did my occasional roundup of the sites I used to visit and found, once again, what appears to be a complete lack of articles about, or indeed any mention of, COVID.
I had a brief glance at the Roddis site and see he has settled back into his delightfully untroubled COVID free world.
Meanwhile Richard Murphy’s Tax Research site delivers not only the customary vacuity on he subject but astonishingly actually offers up a piece on how the UK is descending into a police state WITH NO MENTION OF THE CENTRAL DEVICE THROUGH WHICH THIS IS BEING ACHIEVED I.e. the virus. See here:
Murphy turns this again into a matter of “the Left” being stifled. And he frets:
“The world over we have seen that the ability of individuals, citizen journalists and, on occasion the mainstream media themselves, to record police violence against innocent people simply exercising their human right to express their opinion and to congregate to do so is all that we really have as a defence against police brutality.”
His entire concern is with the RECORDING of police brutality. The stated reason FOR the police brutality and, in particular, FOR the ban on congregating, (I.e. virus) is mentioned neither by Murphy nor his commenters.
Thus does this strange “opposition” present itself. There are indeed lots of fulminating but it has a curiously abstract character. These bloggers offer up the tediously familiar nomenclature of Leftist rebellion. But where are the specifics? I feel the weary assemblies of the traditional shock troops making their customary display, wave the red flag, address each other as “comrade” and rail against the Right. And it is all just warmed over boiler plate.
It would be more honest of them to recommend tuning into some Netflix blockbuster. It’s all just entertainment… while somewhere up there the rulers are planning out their moves which are so clearly none of our business that this designated opposition do not admit to such moves being planned at all.
Murphy’s site is waffle with word salad on the side – the comments included. Does that go with the politics? It’s like they don’t want to express thoughts clearly for fear of compromising themselves.
Maybe the left has worked itself into a corner by branding every criticism of big government far right. It’s now impossible for them to express a forthright opinion…
If by “big govt”, you mean the dreaded “conspiracy” I.e. the idea that extremely powerful individuals and groups can forgo their differences and come together to – gasp! – conspire then I agree. But it seems to be this notion that is barred (deliberately) in thought designated Leftist which thereby had to constantly fall back on that dreary incompetence meme.
Effectively the prohibition on conspiracy precludes any proposal of conscious plotting and we seem to be stuck with the idea of individuals helplessly scrambling before some kind of depersonalised law of capital.
Thus, as you say, the conspiratorial view has tended to be seen as “Right Wing” amongst the self conscious self defined Left. Amongst the less self consciously political I.e. the general public, conspiracy theory is just dismissed as stupidity, gullibility etc.
9/11 set the tone. What is so bizarre about the American govt (or some group working therein) plotting an apparent terrorist attack on their own country to further geopolitical aims? And yet this is considered “madness” amongst many in the general public and as “Right Wing speculation” by the Left.
The COVID matter, considered as conspiracy, seems to violate much of Left dogma as it has unfortunately evolved. The capitalists appear to be collapsing their economy as the Left define it. That there may be a deeper restructuring designed to perpetuate the rule of the biggest capitalists while throwing the little players to the wall is something the Left don’t seem to have grasped.
Consequently, whenever I visit one of those Left sites I have the feeling I am entering some quaint world of olden times when it was easier to see the sides which, in retrospect, may never have been as presented.
Having worked for one of those websites until fairly recently, I find your last paragraph to be most telling and thought-provoking. On the surface I’m wistful. Was it an easier time? But looking deeper, were they honest (duped?) believers duping me? Or was I the sole “dupee”? Or is there some middle ground – wishing will make it so?
I don’t think these Left groups are all phoneys although I am sure there are govt “supervisors” planted through the biggest of them. I just think that everyone born into that enviable time of post WW2 affluence (and that’s basically all of us) grew up to become quite complacent even when affecting dissident politics. The bright shiny consumer society round us was happy to provide whatever glamorous rebel figures and rebel ideology we fancied.
Of course the brightest were always aware of this. They were even aware of how it was all slipping away over the neoliberal years. But the political players were always cunning enough to keep us flattered by illusions of potent dissent.
And there was a Left game, so to speak I.e. an academic arena where the professors could write gratifyingly cryptic texts and receive accolades from their peers and groupies. Lots of publishing opportunities for some to become something akin to literary rock stars.
The Right Wing helped here by dishing up that “Cultural Marxism” label which made the Left academics feel even more deliciously subversive. And this is the kind of pseudo-controversy the rulers love. It keeps the more uppity plebs happy and has no threatening potential whatsoever.
But now comes COVID and the board has flipped. The illusionists have served up an irresistible scenario in which the Left get to play the winners for a change. So our brave Bolsheviks rushed in and gratefully seized the well prepared script.
But after a year of increasingly dubious viral triumphalism, even the most desperately grateful of the barricade stormers have started to develope the uneasy feeling they have been duped. Ah too late now. Their vanity recoils before the suspicion that they ought to confess their gullibility. So they respond by shutting up. Cue an embarrassed silence. Which has quite a way to go yet.
Very good George; I’ve observed this for a long time.
I happened to turn on an old computer yesterday and just to see if I could get to websites I selected one I used to go to years ago. Common Dreams. They market themselves as progressive. (I now think that the progressive label is just branding for politicos and identity politics for everyone else.)
They had a headline that said “Covid-19 Death Toll Tops 3 Million…”! I started laughing! I remember learning back in 3/2020 that an average of 8,000 people die everyday in the US. A little math and you get: 30 days x 8,000 = 240,000 average deaths per month, 12 months x 240,000/month = 2.88 million deaths per year. Pretty close to 3 million! Since we had very little excess mortality in 2020, that means that basically everybody who died in the last year died of Covid!
Ignore comment, sorry!
Ignore comment, sorry! (Reading too fast.)
An article that advocates for strong democratic government able to regulate powerful corporations. It is the only way as the EU has demonstrated in its resistance to US GMO products.
It is ironic that many here oppose the EU and are pro the ‘liberty’ or ‘freedoms’ of small government & deregulation, as espoused by Corbett and Trump, and his criminal friends.
The EU has defended the health of its people. It is the isolationism of Trump who deregulated massively in the US, for economic gain, saw planes fall out of the sky, tesla’s trap you in a fire and experimental vaccines forced untested on the population.
All of that comes from the US. Shame on the EU for being pressured by the vaccine producers: but thank god the EU in staying strong against the US imposition of GMOs.
It is clear that since the UK left the EU they will soon be eating unlabelled GMOs, as the US will demand.
The US are also buying up water rights around the third world, to blackmail them and hold them ransom as the Chinese build them ports and railways to develop trade with them. I wonder who is playing the best game?
When we say “Gates vision for the future” we do understand that this is the Banking families of a particular supremacist victim cult religions vision of the future, don’t we ? Old Glue sniffer Gates was just a front man for their computing monopoly, monopolies don’t occur in genuine capitalist free trade societies, competition precludes it, dominance perhaps but as in nature no species has one great big fat member and all the rest are midgets.
Besides There is no way the banking families would have allowed Gates or anyone else for that matter to forge a monopoly over Computing, THEY NEEDED / NEED that monopoly over computing ! Of course now there are tribe members in control of internet search (Another thing they NEEDED / NEED) and they decided to get into smart phones, and Apple is there for middle class sheep. But as long as they’re all members of the tribe, with the same supremacist religious belief and vision for the enslavement of the “Non chosen” thats fine ! But its clear its not just Gates with this “vision” they’re all in on it ! there is clearly a group controlling them all that much should be obvious by now
” the banking families would have allowed Gates or anyone else for that matter to forge a monopoly over Computing,”
What the fuck are you talking about………Windows serves the interests of the USA’s military, industrial, Corporate, Surveillance Complex, giving them a back-door into millions of pieces of research and business transactions happening on the planet every day. What the fuck have banks got to do with it?
You don’t have a shred of evidence for you ‘banking families conspiracy’, it is a fairy tale for idiots. who have never even heard the word ‘geopolitics’ or who don’t understand what the CIA NSA are, Why do you push this crap? Who gains? except the CIA?
Wow buddy, you’ve got a lot to learn. Shred of evidence?!! How about truckloads?
One key word – Bilderberg. Good luck losing your myopic world view.
I don’t see any evidence. how is this fairy tale system structured, run and where are its administrators? where is it? Where is its military where are its arms? Where is any of it?
‘Buddy’ you are repeating fairy stories with no evidence; and I suspect you might be a grown up, something wrong there. you have been infantilized by propagandists to believe nonsense.
It’s obvious now that you are just trolling. It’s all America’s fault, right? Big bad America is the cause of all the world’s problems, right?
America is but a tiny piece of a much larger game. If you don’t see any evidence it is because you refuse to see any evidence. Not unlike those Branch Covidians that stick their fingers in their ears and scream, “NO EVIDENCE! NO EVIDENCE! NO EVIDENCE!”
You are idiots or liars, or both.
Well money is surely part if it. The military industrial complex, the intelligence agencies etc. must be funded. And money flows through banks. Ergo….
I’m not necessarily implying some banking cabal who control everything. But the banks are part of the whole sewer.
Ima just put this right here…
Like I said to the 8 tentacled troll, if you do not see evidence, you are just refusing to see the evidence. There is absolutely, with utmost certainty, a cabal (which definitely includes said banksters) attempting to coerce the world with their twisted, evil, pleb-loathing plan.
You have the nerve to ask me for evidence which is self evident and you proceed to blame everything on the CIA without a shred of evidence, and who is the CIA exactly ???? does it work for the American people or does it exploit them like they do everyone else. WHO controls the CIA ? because its certainly not the American people no its corrupt evil people who steal money, YOU KNOW BANKERS ! Who controls the FED which funds the CIA again the American people or even the puppet show in congress NO ITS THE BANKS STUPID !
You seem very desperate to turn everyones attention away from the f***ing obvious, your second name isn’t Rothschild or Warberg or Oppenheimer or Goldman is it by any chance or are you just a minion who trolls internet forums for their glory in return for filthy shekels stained with the blood of Children ????
The infection of ICT begins with backdoors added at the stage of designing chips and BIOS. This is why China poses such a threat to the schemers.
The US hack all chips but the Chinese are the problem. really?
Read the comment again. And USA outsources the hacking.
do they outsource their military to china too? you people are beyond…….
IPMI? is that what you meant? compaq bought DEC and inherited the direct IO process – 1/2 to intel but the direct io went to ?? and IPMI is born!
You can investigate (a) past scandals (not Solar Winds) concerning encryption and comm. within the US govt., esp. the contractors (b) where Intel, Cisco, etc. hardware is being designed.
Billy Goat’s mother was descended from Federal Reserve owners. She set up Billy in computing by arranging for IBM to make (stolen) MSDOS the IBM PC operating system.
This is the only statement in Colin Todhunter’s article I would take exception to. All technology is bad; it cannot be otherwise. From its very inception, each new technological paradigm considers one thing and one thing only: its value to commercial interests. If a profit can be made, it receives the stamp of approval; otherwise, it is scrapped and no one ever hears about it.
The Unabomber would have agreed. But Lao Tzu was more nuanced.
a debate about ‘technology – good or bad ?” – took place in the pages of The Fifth Estate (Detroit) 1970 – 1990s..
. brought into the debate were the writings of jacques ellul, john zerzan, langdon winner, et al….
the people associated with FE couldnt decide whether to get a computer… i see those for technology won the day…
still the debate goes on…
even the sophist Protagoras, skilled in every type of discourse, at this point would simply ask himself: How do you get the Bill and Melinda Foundation out of your balls…
There are many parallels, the Americans are again today trying to steal the worlds football league by creating an alternative which cherry picks the best teams, abandons the expensive infrastructure that created those teams and just tries to capture the profits.
It is short term asset stripping, parasitizing off the backs of years of others investment, development and hard work. Stripping fruits and not replacing them, like locusts stripping millions of acres of land in as short a period as possible.
They will destroy football like they have destroyed America, leaving it with no infrastructure, no future, bad healthcare, bad education, whilst off shoring all the profits, and leaving the country in a hell of poverty and desperation. The sport of football will be so much poorer than it was under European husbandry, the problem is they are buying off so many of the not important clubs who buy into the asset stripping franchise.
The economic model and the Empire that pushes the poisonous ideology is the problem;
Oh my gosh! America will destroy sports? God help us! Where will our soldiers come from? Next you’ll tell us America is planning to destroy war! I won’t hear of it, I tell you! I won’t hear of it!
It is good that you embrace the destruction of your culture. What little is left of it.
American sport isn’t sport. Corruption and fixing are rampant – indeed fixing isn’t even illegal in US sport. Wrestling made it obvious – but it’s true in just about all the others.
Tiger Woods just happened to win the 2019 Masters despite his body (and probably mind) falling apart and no previous nor subsequent form? Naomi Osaka just happened to win the US Open when she was a walking billboard for BLM? It’s nothing new – Ali isn’t roaring with triumph in the famous photo with Liston, he’s yelling at Liston to get up after the notoriously corrupt older man took a dive.
The unpredictability of genuine sport is anathema to business.
The anti-civil rights stuff is BS, but I agree with the rest.
”The unpredictability of genuine sport is anathema to business.”
The above is a really good insight.
I had a whole thread on the fixed Liston/ Ali match on the now defunct forum I last posted on . Liston was unbeatable but Ali was what the bankers needed.
There is nothing new about US corporate monopoly capitalism. Walmart did it; Amazon, Google; Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Uber, Twitter, zoom, …etc all use the CIA and vast amounts of capital to create monopolies, which once established turn into vehicles for blackmail and price gauging.
Look at the Visa/Mastercard cartel OR the Apple App platform monopoly that is taking control of all the businesses’ that use their apps: Even stealing the customer bases of those companies, denying the journal’s, shops or service providers, access to their own customers, in the name of ‘privacy’. There is nothing new hear.
Happy Patriots Day everyone! You’ll likely see no mention whatsoever of it in the MSM so I thought I’d put it out here.
Good, nationalism is poison.
As opposed to globalism, eh Sam?
Globalism? do you mean global trade?
Global trade is good as long as you protect your culture and workers as the EU do, then you can harmonise form a position of strength.
I mean globalism as opposed to nationalism.
Nothing to do with trade. Everything to do with ideology.
Don’t fancy any of the ‘isms’ myself. Was wondering whether you prefer globalism to nationalism.
‘Globalism’ is an ideology……………. really? do share….define this ‘ideology’.
because I think you have no idea what you are talking about.
You’ve actually answered my question with that response.
Many thanks.
That will be the question you didn’t ask.
Give me a laugh, define your ‘globalist’ conspiracy and its heads.
That’s the one.
My globalist conspiracy? I said it’s an ideology.
The conspiracy isn’t globalist. It may want to control the globe, but that’s not quite the same thing. It’s actually a very parochial conspiracy, given how few people own most of the stuff.
I don’t know who the heads are. If we’ve seen them or heard of them, the odds are they’re not in charge.
The one thing I know for certain is that this isn’t being run by the CIA.
”The one thing I know for certain is that this isn’t being run by the CIA.”
Only the CIA could be certain of that.
Who’d have thought it would be so easy to catch me out.
You are people are a joke, I don’t take you seriously, it is about time people told you how stupid you are.
You people?
Which people would that be?
Honest commentors trying to make sense of what is happening and perhaps find a way through it all?
Maybe you mean those of us looking for viable ways to help stop this apparent juggernaut from rolling over us all?
Would you rather we were all tedious single-issue trolls, obsessed with the CIA and the US but with no real understanding of how the world actually works?
Would that make you feel better?
By all means, tell me how stupid I am. Your free speech is precious to me, even if you are a bit pointless. It takes all sorts …
Did you actually just say that? They’re clearly not paying you enough. There are other ways of earning money and I suggest you find one that isn’t soul-destroying as this one clearly is.
But isn’t the whole WEF /Build back better / agenda 21 / own nothing and be happy / trilateral commission crap all about globalism? It’s not as if they’re making any attempts to hide it.
It’s certainly a global agenda.
Sam was asking me who I thought the ‘heads’ are.
The WEF, Gates, WHO et al are, imo, simply carrying out instructions and therefore not the heads.
My point about the heads is that if we know their names and what they look like, they probably aren’t the ones in charge.
Further, the world seems a big place to us because we individually own virtually fuck all. For ‘them’, who own almost all of it, the world probably doesn’t seem quite so big – hence my use of parochial – it’s all their ‘back yard’ as it were.
In a very real sense, they see us (the great unwashed) as an infestation of something undesirable in their garden – an infestation they mean to get rid of.
I’m sure they’ve wanted it for a long time, but now they have the tools to finally achieve it – controlled mass media, technology, a dumbed down compliant population etc. I’m sure you’re as well aware of the landscape as I am.
So, yes – we could call it globalist. I think they would simply call it ‘garden management’.
I don’t know how seriously to take all this:
“But is all of this inevitable?
Not according to the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems, which has just released a report…”
“civil society has a remarkable track record in fighting back”
One has to look very hard to find evidence that our worst-case scenario is not inevitable, and I have seen nothing of civil society’s ‘remarkable track record in fighting back’.
The media fill our eyes and ears every day with news of colossal takeovers as if they were perfectly normal occurrences, but they were actually planned decades ago by ruthless, immoral thugs, whose money makes them irresistibly powerful.
WHY is it not inevitable?
WHERE is society’s remarkable track record in fighting back?
Please write articles which point the way. We have known what is wrong for a very, very long time. That is no longer the issue.
I keep hearing references to covidism-cretenism being a new religion and covidians (the masked imbeciles the world is infested with) are its new disciples.
Maybe. Covidism-Cretenism, however, didn’t happen overnight. It’s not like people all of a sudden fell for a new religion.
Evidently, they must have been utterly fucked up before. The terrain had been well prepared, and the seed of Covidism-Cretenism fell on a fertile soil.
It must be faith in technological advancement, fueled by movies in which doctors can take apart and reassemble people and shit like that. People probably live under the illusion that fucking technologies, doodads, gizmos will solve all the maux of the world. Young people are the most fucked up. Probably because they don’t remember that computers used to crash on a regular basis just a few years ago, that cars sometimes needed to be push-started or pushed to the nearest garage.
It’s total fascination with technology. And total reliance on it. Hand in hand with the relinquishment of personal responsibility for oneself, i.e. whatever is wrong, there is a gizmo, pill that will fix it.
It’s fucked up. Sick fucked up.
A hundred percent.
One thing on technology that you missed: the mindset of technology is the antithesis of the mindset of humanism. For instance, how does common sense fit with the technological mindset? It doesn’t. It therefore must be done away with. Or: how does self awareness or introspection fit with robot obsession? It doesn’t. Hence, technology has caused the most remarkable alienation of humanity from self knowledge.
“we’re lost in a masquerade” keeps playing in my head. It sums up the psychological situation we’re in so well. Unreal pandemics, chemical green delusions, fake solutions to problems that don’t exist that really will cause worse problems. “We try to talk it over but the words get in the way, were lost inside this lonely game we play” We’ve compromised with wishful fantasies,escaping from harsh reality for so long and now the cloud we walk on is being ripped away. The problems in the world are symptoms of a spiritual malaise and the answer is in ourselves.
Mass psychosis par excellence … Fascinating to be witnessing, actually.
I hope that Klaus “Anal” Schwab or whoever is behind this is rolling over the floor laughing, somewhere high up in his penthouse, seeing the droves of idiotic motherfuckers promenade themselves with muzzles a.k.a. respirators …
No, he keeps a straight face continuously. His hypocrisy is iron clad and, though he’s well aware of it, he will never admit it even to himself. Double mind man, with a repurposed soul
Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit- – YouTube I think we have been living in this song all this time
I feel the same but i’m an outsider looking in on a mass hallucination..where reason and sanity have been replaced by red queens and hookah smoking caterpillars….i go to sleep every night and hope that i’ll wake up and it’ll be over…but i know the answer to that deep down…we are forked
A part of me has been living there eversince the sixties. The shadow was there then. And the memory of paradise lost. Pass me the acid,Aldous. No…maybe. Oh no!
With regards to the “Green Revolution” as it applies to agriculture it appears to be more about poisoning the population with unstable GMO crops, pesticides, and chemical agents such as glphosate while destroying the farmers sustainability which will lead to more farmers going bankrupt and being forced to sell off their land to the banks and Big Agro.
Yeah, lock, stock and two smoking barrels, we are been attacked, humanity is been attacked, and its again the same people, the same financial forces, the same rethoric, and the same MSM whom pimps their fake science just to be bigger, and somehow, nobody does nothing about it.
Dont forget, most of the farming products comes from conglomerats created by the same farmers, whom again makes certain products like Chiken, etc to meat in various ways, the farmers are that inocent as somebody wants them to be, thats to divert the issue.
Take Norway, just to give you an ex.
An century ago, we had what, 100 000 sheeps, to day, over 2 mill, because of rules, like inheriting farms, some more obscure rules about alowing people to have sheeps based upon pedigrees, because they had familys whom had sheeps, and so then they to can have sheeps, the eradication of wilde life due to what they have managed to force upon our land the right to have sheeps everywhere, in vallys to high montain ranges, goats etc to cows, witch makes good marketing points while the same farmers have wiped out more or less everything even remotely close to predatores and on top of it, deers, witch suffers from inbreeding, over consuming areas, to many simply to be sustainable but is makeing land owners profits because of hunting.
While the slaughter weight plunges, raindeers tase shit because they have decades ago gone empty of their ooriginal food source witch is lichen, and have an strong taste if it eats their real food witch is by now more or less gone from mindboggling wast regions witch inturn have been made into desterts.
And somehow, since they starve they are feed the same as people feed other animals, incl fishfarms, aka food consentrates with color enhancers to make it look like wilde fish.
This is done thru corruption, greed and why we have this numbers is also becomed an national policy, social cultural enrigtchments due to subsedizing everything regarding farming while we dont need it, but is done because of poitical forces not by what we need, so in onder to have an lively price, you need to bake in the entire chain, from the animal to the supremarked desk, witch increases the price in magnitutes of ceveral hundred prosents.
If we cut that away, and cut the price to one third ( 1/3 ), the farmers would be better payed, and quality comes by it self, I can handle local, but screw me once and I never come back, its that simple.
The reason McD. is large is due to the product chain, witch by its inheret sice makes them able to purchase insane amount of grains to meat.
Witch again is processed and diluted etc, etc, with vegetables whom growns on water feed nutriants and taste nothing, what do you expect, I never go to an hamburger stand, I can walk into an Indian Resturant, all thoe I am not an veggis, I have no problems with their feed, even the ones wothout meat.
I reduce my chiken consumption to bare minimum because I know about their horrible conditions, incl here in Norway, to cows witch are by large treated like shit, and also others like Pigs, lord have mercy upon this poor souls.
I dont even know to day whom I pity most, humans or animals, even the prophet Muhammed warned about that, treat animals with all due respect, the same did Jesus, infact all of them did that, and what do we do.
Huh, the way we treat animals tells me, that the path from there to treat other humans in the same maner is just an thin weild, regarding the bullshit about humanism while we turn an blind eye on everything else.
I know that the day I die, when judgment comes, I have to pay for me own ignorance and stupidity, witch cant be exused other than to change, to do the right thing, fight for the right cause, animal rights, farmers rights, to human rights, everything is interconected, seperate one and you break the chain.
Otherwise I am 100% behind this articles premisses, we need to awake to the evil that is surounding us, and soon enslave everybody.
I could tell you about how the bigger farms in Norway whiped out the bulk of smal grain/wheet farms, by imposing regulations/processing costs, witch they knew this smal ones couldnt follow, that, have been their tool for centurys, this one goes back to the 1700s.
But its the same everywhere even to day, their means variate, but the end goal is the same, monopoly.
Not only is India an battle ground, look to Denmark, and so on, its everywhere.
Aw, what a shame. Norway not that green. Despite using its petroleum only for export, and researching how to extract CO2 from the air. And storing seeds for humanity at Svalbard.
Back in my younger days, we’d roast chicken only for Christmas dinner, and at Easter…
My brother would chop off their heads, let them stumble about, blood squirting from their necks, ’til they dropped..
.Mum would pluck’n’roast them..
These days you can have chicken 24/7/365… I’ve gone off ’em… Nothing like mum’s cooking…
Covid 19 is a godless religion.
The core belief system of this cult is they are ‘following the science’.
But this is based on faith not facts.
The disciples of this cult are so afraid of death and sickness that they are afraid of living.
They’ve forgotten how it feels to be normal, to be human and to embrace life.
Anyone who doesn’t share the same belief system or ideology, or who chooses not to wear a mask because there’s no scientific evidence to benefit wearing them and those who choose not to have themselves injected with experimental medicine that the manufacturer takes no responsibility for is a threat to these people.
The covid cult cannot be persuaded by facts and evidence.
They will always be prisoners in their own minds.
No one can set them free.
They have to do that for themselves.
Whether they do or not I don’t care anymore.
The people will break out of their intellectual prison when the prison starts to really hurt in some way that shifts the foundation of their identity. Like if they have a relative that gets sick of the vaccine, or if a partner develops OCD and can’t function, or if they lose a significant thing in their lives like their prestigious position.
When that happens, they won’t just wake up and say “I’m done with this madness!” They’ll try to hold on to their myths and group identity. They’ll rationalize and dig their heads in the sand, They’ll insist harder. They’ll malign the “conspiracy theorists” more. But the blasphemous ideas will start to sink in. Bit by bit, they’ll allow it into their thick skulls. And they’ll go through a horrible emotional process of losing faith in their institutions, and knowing that these institutions will now see them as about as valuable as pistachio shells. They’ll learn to live with that bit by bit, and take off layer after layer of blinders from their eyes.
When that happens, they will find on the “dark side” a cohort of bright, resilient humans who know how to be human and funny and evolving. Hopefully they can forever be humbled enough to remain vigilant against future mindless in-group behavior. One can dream!
As each chapter & verse of the ‘Book of covid’ has been hung, drawn & quartered the covid cult get more & more angry as they lash out at anyone questioning their belief system.
They double down on their pseudoscientific psychobabble and dig themselves further into a deep dark hole.
They always come back with insults like ‘your anti science’, ‘science denier’ or ‘you don’t understand the science’.
‘The science’ has become a rhetoric shield for them to hide behind.
And egos are involved too. Its not easy to admit you were wrong. This takes courage, strength and a big dose of humility.
I’d say that covid is just another product of godlessness, rather than a religion in itself.
Just another product like our modern mainstream media, like our wretched comprehension of what constitutes art and beauty, and like our willingness to tolerate the worst of human endeavours as if they were the best.
Just as it has been said that if they would only stop ‘testing’ people for covid, the ‘pandemic’ would have been forgotten long ago, it is equally true that without our mainstream media, people would still be able to think and distinguish between good and evil.
What we know for certain is that if all covid restrictions were lifted, life would return to normal.
In the UK there are 4.7 million people on a waiting list for medical treatment whilst the government are wasting billions on using a ‘test’ that’s not a ‘test’ to try and diagnose healthy people as being sick.
And as the ridiculous turns to absurdity these positive results result in the healthy requiring no medical treatment.
10 days rest and they’re as right as rain.
Well said.
Those 4.7 million are a statistic that should be rammed down Johnson’s, Whitty’s and Hancock’s throats.
All religion is godless.
All octopuses think that.
(Forget the NGO’s, they’re in on the racket.)
I think the generation now growing up and future ones are really fucked, including my own two kids, sad to say. Especially in the west. My generation was fucked too, I was born in the late 70’s, but todays children got it a 100 times worse. If they don’t learn to think and create for themselves and refuse the solutions the system prescribes they’re mostly toast.
And I DO think that technology often is much to blame. Technology is (at best) progress in one specific field at the expense of several others.
Just a slight quibble with the idea that ‘technology’ is to blame…
Technology doesn’t even exist without human participation, so let’s have in mind that those to blame are actual individuals with actual habits, quirks and beliefs.
I want their names, and I want them accountable for what they are doing to the world.
As long as technology serves us instead of the other way around it’s ok I guess.
But technology is now specially designed not to serve us.
I would not be against technology at all if it could remember its rightful place…
If you grew up with TV, it was bad for your head. Worse with PCs/laptops. And now horrendous with phones/social media.
I recently did something remarkable for me: I introduced a note of hope that the covid shit would collapse. Some rejected the hope. And I reckon they are right. Even if this particular round of viral terrorism fails, it will only fail in a deliberately marginalised way whereby the media, as they so often do, will back down and move on without fuss, deliver a number of reports on “the deadly year and how it affected us all” and quietly slip back into the old treadmill – but with various new permanent fixtures from “the deadly covid year” e.g. expect some pathological hygiene routines to stay in place. And eventually there will be another outbreak – this time with a more assured media blitz (and imagine that!) and so, over the coming years, the populace will eventually be worn down – especially when you consider the generational impacts as each one rising becomes more accustomed to the new biosecurity state. We are in it for the long haul.
And here I was coming for that note of hope…
I do think that John Steppling has a point, though. He believes that the technocrats are completely delusional and that they will fail because their Towers of Babel are built on complete delusions on what humans are and what technology can be. I don’t know exactly how he imagines that, but I think a good example is the trans movement.
The technocrats grabbed the concept of non-conformist weirdos out of the arms of society’s fringe and turned it into a shiny promise. Anyone can just switch secondary sex organs, just like that! They sold the idea of technology delivering complete salvation, and many bought it. Enough bought it to have tried it and found out the hard way… It was nothing that had been promised… People experienced debilitating medical consequences from insane procedures on healthy body organs. And this real life experience with its technology is the undoing of this ‘promise’. The technocrats can bully the population into saying the right pronouns all they want, but the ideological foundation of the promise is falling apart. And once the ideology falls apart, there’s hope.
I have been cynical of the techno-utopian promise for a while now, especially vis a vis “smart phones” and such, which are the dumbest, stupidest devices of all. I found that no one wanted to hear criticism of their precious phones. But as people experience loneliness, depression, atomization, loss of self control, the ideology of the technocracy is wearing thinner. And if it keeps doing so, there is hope there. You cannot build the biomedical state without the mythological of the magical abilities advanced medicine.
What annoys me most is that even if the technocrats fail because of their delusional views, it is not they who will bear the brunt of that failure, but all of us.
Their frame of mind can always find another short-term bandwagon on which to hop.
It reminds me of Icelandic politics, where today’s Minister of Culture can be the Justice Minister next week, and a year or two later, the Minister of Fisheries, or Finance. As if conflicts of interest were desirable and fashionable.
It’s the ‘you’ll do’ philosophy of governance.
As with everything else today, expertise is now something you are supposed to believe in, even when there’s no evidence for it at all…
Not even the long haul, I fear.
It seems to me there’s no end in sight.
That said, I am not a morose person by nature, and I work towards making something good even better where I can.
For goodness sake. The nightmare right in front of us here is that a single person is the author of virtually every second comment on this thread, and he does what in militaries in wartime people are expressly shot : spreading unmitigated express hopelesness.
No nightmare in history has ever lasted without its intensity being in reverse relation to its longevity. No insane, genocidal campaign in history has ever lasted for more than a few years. No AI / technological power / mad genius exists to make an exception now. There always appears a reaction, i.e. a resistance to every action. You’re mirroring the MSM in that you ‘forget’ the elementary laws of nature just to assert a point.
I’m done with that environment.
What “sceptics” say now could have been said a year ago with perfect validity. Hamsters on wheels may show more sense for progress.
Aren’t you spreading hopefulness! Insulting us in our quest to make sense of a mad world and find ways to hope – so full of joy, aren’t ya.
Saying “it always ended” is about as useful as saying “humans were always corrupt”. Both of these are ways to sweep the nuances of particular situations away, and to lazily declare “nothing to do but whatever, pass the time!” We humans have more agency than that. Let the resistance raise, as is par for the cycle!
What bull. The cycle of human resistance comes out of those who had looked into the darkness and declared “we don’t want that, we won’t stand for that.” It doesn’t come from digging our heads into the sand and saying “shshsh don’t be morose – sometime somewhere after we’ve been to hell twenty times it’ll all be well.” No thanks. That’s a miserable message.
On second thought, I’m sorry I was so harsh. Goodness knows I’m way too quick to jump. Different people deal in different ways…
I think for us here on the comment section, these morbid comments are very comforting because we find comfort in understanding that which we understand in a vague way already – that this whole thing is rotten to the core. So for me, good analysis and conversation nourishes my mind and my spirits, because it makes me feel less alone.
I do understand that not every personality is cut out for this and I can’t fault people for not wanting to stew in it the way some of us here do… If you find hope in taking action, not going along, knowing who the bad guy is, etc, then I respect that.
It’s also a very necessary outlet for our frustrated creativity to draw attention to how appallingly destructive this sick narrative has become, although, as I said, I don’t allow any of this to make me into a more morose person than I am by nature.
That said, I think this bit of Dors’s comment really needs looking at:
“No insane, genocidal campaign in history has ever lasted for more than a few years. No AI / technological power / mad genius exists to make an exception now”
Unfortunately, no insane, genocidal campaign in history has ever before succeeded in taking over the whole world.
This one looks like a remarkable success story to me, and I reckon fighting it is going to be a very arduous campaign for those of us who can be bothered.
Very good points there.
There is no such company as ‘Monsanto-Bayer’ it is called Bayer AG.
Correct, however in September 2016, Monsanto agreed to be acquired by Bayer for US$66 billion, who then ditched the Monsanto name.
Now it would be a shame to send a name with such credits as DDT to memory hole wouldn’t it, so I applaud the author for keeping the name in peoples minds
Of course I know that. The order of the names was also wrong, implying that Monsanto bought Bayer or was bigger then Bayer. these types of ‘mistakes’ are never accidental.
In the historic context it recreates the presence of IG Farben, a combine with which the Rockefellers were closely involved. Hence the whispers around the interests behind Gates.
“IG Farben, a combine with which the Rockefellers were closely involved.”
That makes helps to explain this sentence in a well-researched book about the Nazi atomic bomb project:
“By gentleman’s agreement the RAF did not bomb IG Farben and the Luftwaffe did not bomb Imperial Chemical Industries.” — John Irving, The Virus House.
you people are nuts.
I think you need to catch up; the Rockefellers were significant in the 19th maybe some of the 20th century. Not today.
The CIA direct Bill Gates, there, I solved it for you.
And this is significant to the planned takeover of agriculture by Big Ag because?
Because Bayer was part of IG Farben.
I just returned from a trip to the local Co-op and how far we have come to the dystopian vision of endless sci-fi movies is remarkable. Up and down the aisles go the masked shoppers whilst the tannoy constantly recycles a recorded voiceover in tones reminiscent of the soothing but deadened voice of Jimmy Savile: “And remember to social distance at all times. We are all in this together.”
It’s creepy isn’t? How many of them emailed their local member like I did. If for nothing else than to at least say ‘I did something’.
Exactly, people should complain.