An Epidemic of Low Expectations

David Perez

Years ago, I was sitting in a café with my rabble-rousing friend James, both of us gnawing our teeth over the myriad difficulties facing the peace and social justice movement in the United States. We cited the usual suspects that stood in the way of progress: the entrenched corporate and financial elite; the embedded Pentagon machine; too much TV.

“But you know what our biggest problem is?” James said, growing animated. “It’s our low expectations! Think about it, man. Folks in this country will always fight back when pushed hard enough, yet we always seem to settle for crumbs, grateful to achieve anything. And that’s because we’ve accepted that we can’t win much anymore. I mean, yeah, we want a better world, can imagine one, but we don’t expect it, not really.”

James went on to say that our expectations are triply low when it comes to the political and electoral arena, where choosing between lesser evils seems the best we can do, the most we can hope for.

“We accept that they’re all a bunch of crooks and lairs and even murderers,” he said. “But for the most part, we don’t settle for that ‘quality’ about our teachers and doctors—or even our car mechanics!”

James had a point, and his words ring truer to me now than when he uttered them a decade ago. This lowering of the bar has gone on for so long that having a president who can speak in complete sentences is considered a lofty achievement. If the sentences are about the righteousness of war and empire, well, who cares if they’re slurred or bellowed as long as they can work a crowd?

It seems increasingly the case now that we live under an epidemic of low expectations; a resignation to despair that has narrowed our struggle and sapped our vision of what is possible. The system we live under so broken, that even good, intelligent people, generous of heart and spirit, are losing the capacity to imagine genuine alternatives to a US Empire mired in endless wars and escalating repression. It’s to the point where even common sense issues devolve into a bewildering and complex morass.

What, for instance, could be easier to figure out than nationalized healthcare for all, which exists in one form or another virtually everywhere?

Yet a lot of progressives have been trained to lower their expectations to think this is simply too complicated to do, resulting in a continuous loop of being “realistic and “practical” because, hey, what can we do?

Of course, expectations are part of the human condition. Some we’re consciously aware of. Many others, we are not. Often they produce stress. Expectations that are too high can lead a sense of failure, to feeling frustrated, angry, and demoralized. Conversely, when our expectations about ourselves, life, and others are too low, we experience depression, defeatism, and diminished self-esteem.

I’m infected with this epidemic also. A steady, and at times debilitating belief that the best we can do is keep up the good fight, lumber forward and play the crummy cards we’ve been dealt.

On the hand, there are days when, against all odds, I’m able to resurrect at least a modicum of revolutionary optimism, a belief based not on abstract hope but in the power of collective action; in the knowledge that a people’s movement has won before and can do so again, even when victory seems impossible, distant at best.

David Perez is a writer, journalist, activist, and actor living in Taos, New Mexico.


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Terry Silk
Terry Silk
May 1, 2021 9:32 AM

What is said here about taking the crumbs. We should take the whole loaf and accept nothing less. We need to educate ourselves and fight the injustice. We need to support in any way we can anyone who is fighting on our behalf. We should never take no for an answer from people that we fund, not only government and publicly funded bodies but businesses who cannot survive without our patronage

Apr 28, 2021 9:33 AM

Zip, nada, nowt……………yep, the obvious need for a Public Inquiry, and whilst that kicks off just to make sure it’s a goer, a full case of ‘cancel culture’ applied to the 99% of Mp’s who’ve been AWOL and the next election.

You’d think people in their 50’s, 60’s…. would be all over this, a Public Inquiry not least to make sure they when they finally end up in an old people home, the damage that they’ve seen against the current inmates isn’t re-visited on them…..YOU LIKE TO THINK SO, but so far, not a murmur……All i hear is ‘bar bar black sheep’

Apr 27, 2021 8:22 PM

(Margaret Thatcher)

(The People)

Apr 27, 2021 9:10 PM
Reply to  niko

There’s always an alternative in this context – you are either for the people, justice and freedom or against it. At this juncture no other position is possible unless you want to live in a completely totalitarian regime based on international corporate fascism. 🛂 Your papers please!

Apr 27, 2021 4:53 PM

Ah! Freedom and Justice!

This will never be obtained if people do not change the disposition of their souls first and then become effectively organized to take “collective action” in the appropriate manner throughout the different countries of the world.

Justice and freedom by peaceful means can only be obtained by replacing the present corrupt legal system with a system based on common law principles, Courts and peace constables appointed by the CLC and answerable to it.

Unless that happens then nothing is likely to change for the betterment of humanity. The same corrupt judges, politicians and their ‘advisors’ will remain in situ and get away with perpetuating this fraudulent scamdemic which is scheduled to go on indefinitely until global totalitarianism is implemented along with their Great Reset.

John the First
John the First
Apr 27, 2021 4:12 PM

The conception of freedom and justice in a democracy is the conception of a mediocrity, as such these are no more than base, diverse, but base. The dictatorship of the ‘we’, the majority, which is at the same time a uniform block and a chaotic variety. High flying ideas do not stand any chance in a system of the rule of a mediocrity guided by what are deep down, cynical and skeptical establishments. The ideals which democratic people hold onto are copied from a historical elite, they where the inspirational force behind them. When the rebellious democratic people took over, the ideals gradually lost their inspirational force, and as such they became dogmatized and obsessed over to the point of absurdity. By now establishments have their mouth full of these ideals, but they are hollowed out, turned to empty uninspired phrases. A such, by taking control the democratic peoples dug a grave for the ideals, the ideals have become mere corpses, the establishments upholding for the people a ghost of them. What, for instance, could be easier to figure out than nationalized healthcare for all, which exists in one form or another virtually everywhere? Nationalized healthcare in our super-capitalist extreme materialistic society amounts to the situation that every citizen will be forced to pay to become subjugated to grids of power (Big Pharmacy for instance), and become victim of the ever more expensive solutions of extreme materialism. His financial contribution will ever become larger, he will pay ever more taxes thereby unintended supporting a power grid, thus enlarging the power of industries which enslave the individual ever more. He will pay with freedom in order to secure his health, if even he gains by his contribution the advantage of the latter. He will mostly make the rich class richer and… Read more »

Apr 27, 2021 12:59 PM

Low expectations: Hong Kong has declared that all restaurant staff can either get the jab or the restaurant will have to continue to endure social distancing to reduce the number of clients. For bars, all the staff get the jab or the bar cannot open.

The deal is: you can keep your job if you do as we say, otherwise you lose your job.

We knew this day was coming, even though we were lambasted as conspiracy theorists. We knew that the people in charge were cunts and we have been proved right: that is one small victory.

Although the CCP are authoritarians – so this is no surprise – the people of Hong Kong are Zombies: they have no spirit so will not fight back. The democracy protests were obviously organised by a different group of people to those I see walking the streets these days. The virus has broken these people, they were that weak.

The expat community is mostly just as bad.

You look at these people and think: it is going to take a fair few generations before this lot, or more likely some other people, have the gumption to create anything good. We are at the end of an ers, the good people are now dead, we are left with the dross.

Apr 27, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Low expectations: The CCP is now demanding that church leaders answer to the CCP before God. They wouldn’t demand it if they didn’t have good reason to believe that it will work.

Our lives are headed in a very boring, tiresome direction which will probably involve a lot of us suffering while the rich enjoy life.

Why is this happening? It is happening because your neighbours are worthless shite.

Apr 27, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Besides the fact that restaurants are primarily vain attempts by the middle class to ape the rich and that the world would be better off without either, there is the misconception that the rich are even capable of enjoying life.

Clearly they are not; and the proof is in their obsessive pre-occupation with other people – namely, the 7 plus billion who are not rich. Happy people, enjoying their lives, do not concern themselves with what the rest of the world is doing.

Enjoyment of life does not proceed from the ever present fear that someone will come along and take what you have. Fear is at a premium among the rich; otherwise they would not spend so much time devising ways to exploit then hold at bay everyone else.

The poorest beggars on the planet exist with far less fear than the richest moguls. .

Apr 27, 2021 4:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Perceptive social commentary about restaurant culture. The same applies to holidays abroad. Ape the rich and max out your credit card. Eat the rich and never have to use a credit card again.

Apr 27, 2021 10:18 PM
Reply to  Howard

The poorest in Hong Kong eat at restaurants. Many restaurants provide reduced charges for the elderly and poor. Hong Kong also has a space problem and many poor people do not have a kitchen, bathroom or sink.

Hong Kong still has community, so the old and poor are helped by the people around them but less so by the government.

Apr 28, 2021 4:05 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Those poor people that eat in restaurants are aping the rich, and the people that help them are wreckers.

Apr 27, 2021 1:23 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

Destroy the restaurant.

Apr 28, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  Grafter

Except the super-luxury 15-course exclusive banquet restaurants.
Where would the Party bosses eat?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Apr 26, 2021 8:28 PM

re: “Yet a lot of progressives have been trained to lower their expectations…”

Progressives have long abandoned the idea of actually progressing on anything substantial. As they are tied at the hip to the Democratic Party and and therefore to neoliberal ideology, they have seamlessly slid into progressivism as simply another identity to circle the wagons around. In the ’90’s they embraced the discursive social engineering of political correctness (e.g. to use the word “ghetto” became taboo but the bleak reality of poor urban black communities remained unchanged). As we have seen for the last 4 years at least, they quickly toe the Party line when told to do so.

Apr 26, 2021 2:57 PM

Mr Perez seems to have missed the very essence of expectations – at least among the majority.

Lets turn to (of all people) Donald Rumsfeld. His “known knowns and unknown knowns” is one of the most ironically salient things ever uttered.

The “expectations” that always seem to come up short are not the real, true expectations (the “unknowns”) but rather the “feel good” expectations (the “knowns”) which most people don’t really give a shit about anyway – you know: peace, freedom, equality.

The real expectations are as high as ever. These would be the “what can I get out of it” expectations. War, poverty, hunger, enslavement, sickness: it’s not about ending these, it’s about what they can do for me.

It’s time – high time – we started looking at real people and ceased looking for the ridiculous and elusive high “expectation” we have of others. They don’t want a good world; they just want as much as they can get no matter what the state of the world.

Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
Apr 26, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  nana

Why is this guy pushing the ‘variant” theme? Hasn’t he heard about what eating toxic chemicals everyday does to people? Oh, yeah, I fergot, he’s ejumucatid.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 26, 2021 11:12 AM

I’d say the cards are not crummy but the play is. Health is something the body is naturally designed for and it is very acheivable to create healthy ecosystems and eat the fresh vibrant foods.

Apr 26, 2021 11:07 AM


If ever I’ve seen a sign of a degenerate society, here it is:

More than half of generation Z gay, bisexual teenage boys report being out to parents
by American Psychological Association

“A majority of gay and bisexual Generation Z teenage boys report being out to their parents, part of an uptick in coming out among young people that researchers have noted in recent decades, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. However, stigma and religious beliefs still prevent some young people from disclosing their sexual identity.
This study offers a glimpse into the coming out practices of Generation Z, those born between 1998 and 2010, a group that researchers are only beginning to study.”

And also, what else is associated with them? Vaccines, toxins, horrible food, subversive psychological projections, etc? What are their health statuses like, you know, disease levels, abuse rates, etc?

I’m REALLY tired of the MALICIOUS omissions, refusals to address enormous amounts of toxic factors involved with endocrine, hormonal, developmental issues. BPAs, PFOAs, fluorine, chlorine, atrazine, glyphosate, organophosphates, synthetic and toxic hormones, low iodine, low vitamin D, vaccines, etc.

ALL OF THAT associated with hormonal dysfunction, disease and that particular “metrosexual” problem. Inherently, it is more a sign of TOXIC DEGENERATE SHIT than “gender” or “sexual” awareness.

dr death
dr death
Apr 26, 2021 12:07 PM

unfortunately the mendicants you describe are the vanguard of ‘activists’ that are going to save us all.. with peace and love and tranny toilets..

funny that..

Apr 26, 2021 3:06 PM

Firstly, I doubt the validity of ANYTHING the APA says. It’s highly unlikely there are so many gays.

Secondly, as I’ve been proposing for decades, homosexuality is a natural brake put on overpopulation. So as the population grows beyond the Earth’s carrying capacity, one would expect (as in “expectations”) to see a growing number, even a growing percent, of gays.

We don’t have a natural predator (except ourselves) to cull the population. So nature had to come up with some alternate means of reducing the population.

Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
Apr 26, 2021 4:48 PM
Reply to  Howard

Dude, the myth of scarcity is causing the shadow called overpopulation. Try Democracy now, or something. We ain’t takin’ that bait. Oh, and, Brawndo has electrolytes, it’s what plants crave.

Apr 28, 2021 3:43 AM
Reply to  Wile E. Coyote

People have this amazing ability to mis-read things. I was responding to the absurd notion that homosexuality represents a degradation of humanity – and only parenthetically noted that it could reasonably proceed from conditions of overpopulation.

And – Boom! – the Climate Change Is A Great Big Hoax crowd takes the overpopulation notation and runs with it. We already know that scarcity is a manufactured condition; so of course there’s plenty of food for everyone; it’s just not being distributed correctly. But living consists of more than simply eating.

Apr 27, 2021 8:34 AM
Reply to  Howard

Many other factors are also driving down fertility, e.g. hormone disruptors, other poisoning, despair, rising expectation, etc. Approaching the subject with epithets and condemnation such as satanic, evil, loser, etc. will not bring any understanding or progress. In fact, the manipulators do not want any common (popular) understanding or tolerance, except selectively.

Apr 26, 2021 9:56 AM

Uhm…I didn’t know my cavedweller story would be so prescient.

Out of the cave: French isolation study ends after 40 days (Update)

“For 40 days and 40 nights, the group lived in and explored the cave as part of the Deep Time project. There was no sunlight inside, the temperature was 10 degrees Celsius (50 F) and the relative humidity stood at 100%. The cave dwellers had no contact with the outside world, no updates on the pandemic nor any communications with friends or family.”

Apr 26, 2021 9:48 AM

People’s expectations are all bent out of shape, not necessarily too low.

When it suits the generational crime syndicates (new name for the self-professed elite!) people can be brainwashed into ridiculously excessive expectations. Zero Covid is one clear example. Nobody should ever die exhibiting flu-like symptoms ever again is a nonsense expectation. People were also brainwashed into having ridiculously excessive expectations about their parents and their partners. The goal here was to fracture relationships and leave people atomised. Science has been another area of manufactured excessive expectations. People expect they’ll be travelling to Mars with Elon soon. It’s a giant scam and part of their science cult.

Weaponised high expectations are as dangerous as low expectations. It’s a question of assessing what our expectations are, where have they come from and do they serve certain agendas? Any knee-jerk reactions need to be sifted out because these will tend to be products of programming. The same goes for heroes and villains – any hero or villain people automatically reach for has been programmed into them. These things are seldom products of chance.

Apr 26, 2021 12:03 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Zero Covid 
zero carbon
trust the plan
trust the science

you start to see very subversive usage of wordings that get put in to the consciousness and normalized and repeated

dr death
dr death
Apr 26, 2021 12:13 PM
Reply to  Edwige

most of the herd’s expectations are dependant upon what toxic info-du-jour has been ‘injected’ via sly-pad into what’s left of their tiny little minds..

gazing at the pretty colours and surgically altered imbeciles, drool running down their fat chins…

Apr 26, 2021 9:07 AM

Anybody who wants to get a grip on a large part of this outrage, should watch Sheepfarm parts 8 to 12. The journalistic work of these two down to earth guys is outstanding, and despite the horror of what they are revealing, they actually manage to laugh as they ridicule the evil clowns behind this in the UK.

Apr 26, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  Corarden

yeah found that on YT very interesting re the abuse

Apr 26, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Corarden

bojo is not Turkish that crap . he is Jewish – big difference
sheep farm is pushing a angle ! for who though

dr death
dr death
Apr 26, 2021 2:30 PM
Reply to  swami

he is most likely a donmeh jew, though the fat mendicant claims ‘jewish ancestry®’ so it is tautological.. some what like rothschilde place holders cameron and osbourne..

also all three were bullingdon boys, irascible rich ‘dining club’ twerps who when not avoiding the local constabulary after smashing up the odd restaurant or two, liked nothing more than to ‘finish’ the evening sadistically burning fifty quid notes in front of tramps and urchins, no doubt cackling with glee..

however you dice it he is a janissary, the whole cabinet is nothing but..

he’s also a priapic hunchbacked imbecile….

Apr 27, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  dr death

Lol … Nice description. Fucking twats. Someone should take a cricket bat to their testicles.

Apr 26, 2021 4:56 PM
Reply to  swami

He’s half-American – hence Brexit etc

Apr 26, 2021 7:58 AM

The article is direct, mercifully short, and shows a healthy attitude.

On the other hand, it’s written as an exchange between “progressives.”

“Progressives” are, by definition, people to who define themselves as “the” bringers of improvement in the world.

Imagine reading of a historical story of an ancient group of people who called themselves “the enlightened,” or “the righteous.” 


It’s ridiculous. It’s a conceit of a group of people called middle class, who compared to the majority of the sort of modern courtiers about to be turned into plain slaves and sufficiently detached from reality to have trouble recognising that fact.


If you act on the basis of expectations in this world, you’re bound to get confused & disappointed.

It’s a radically different matter if you act out of sheer joy originating in an idealism of a – much purer form.

What is that idealism?

For starters, the real idealism is one to which “nationalised healthcare” is a lowly goal.

(“Progressives,” you needed to “interrogate” the very basis of the modern world.)

More basically, the genuine idealism is based on something the mention of which is conspicuously absent on the outstandingly lucid Off-Guardian website, and that is religious feelings.

“Screw religion” ? Fine! The key word in the phrase is ‘feelings’: feelings developing naturally under absence or at least low levels of indoctrination and regimentation.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 26, 2021 7:22 AM

Just thinking about the current insanity and literary therapy. The dystopian novel in the age of totalitarianism and unreason. The usual list as follows:

George Orwell, naturally, Animal Farm, 1984, Coming Up for Air, Burmese Days.

Jack London – The Iron Heel, People of the Abyss

Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

Arthur Koestler – Darkness at Noon

Franz Kafka – The Trial

But, in my humble opinion, the best – Yevgeny Zamyatin – We

There, that should keep you sane.

Apr 26, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Don – for a more contemporary (and still well-written) view of the possible (likely?) not-too-far-off future, I would add Lionel Shriver’s The Mandibles to your list.

Apr 26, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

so why haven’t they ( haha ‘they’ ) been publishing books with a future that turns out better???? – I guess the old ‘don’t give them ideas’ meme comes into play somewhere here. Anyway – a vision of a positive future, wrapped around a pretty good story, if I may – Green Island – the poster http://www.rudemacedon.ca/greenisland/green%20island%20poster%20may%202015%20big.pdf and an intro to the book – https://www.rudemacedon.ca/greenisland.html (with link to a ‘pay what you will (including nothing)’ epub link somewhere

Apr 26, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  siamdave

Given the nature of humanity, it would be an expectation so high as to be surreal to imagine a positive outcome to everything that has gone before.

The old saw “One step forward, two steps back” comes off as quaint wishful thinking.

The fact that people somehow imagine technology will create a better world (such as Peter Joseph’s “Zeitgeist”) proves how completely gullible humanity is.

Apr 26, 2021 6:56 AM

Agriculture’s Greatest Myth https://www.independentsciencenews.org/commentaries/agricultures-greatest-myth/ “Nevertheless, this purported flaw in sustainable and local agriculture represents a curious charge because, no matter where one looks in global agriculture, food prices are low because products are in surplus. Often, they are in huge surplus, even in the hungriest countries. … The Myth of a Food Crisis identifies four assumptions in food system models that are especially problematic since they have major effects on the reliability of modeling predictions. In summary, these are: 1) That biofuels are driven by “demand”. As the paper shows, biofuels are incorporated into GAPS on the demand side of equations. However, biofuels derive from lobbying efforts. They exist to solve the problem of agricultural oversupply (Baines, 2015). Since biofuels contribute little or nothing to sustainability, land used for them is available to feed populations if needed. This potential availability (e.g. 40% of US corn is used for corn ethanol) makes it plainly wrong for GAPS to treat biofuels as an unavoidable demand on production. 2) That current agricultural production systems are optimized for productivity. As the paper also shows, agricultural systems are typically not optimised to maximise calories or nutrients. Usually, they optimise profits (or sometimes subsidies), with very different results. For this reason, practically all agricultural systems could produce many more nutrients per acre at no ecological cost if desired. 3) That crop “yield potentials” have been correctly estimated. Using the example of rice, the paper shows that some farmers, even under sub-optimal conditions, achieve yields far in excess of those considered possible by GAPS. Thus the yield ceilings assumed by GAPS are far too low for rice and probably other crops too. Therefore GAPS grossly underestimates agricultural potential. 4) That annual global food production is approximately equal to global food consumption. As the paper also shows, a significant proportion… Read more »

Apr 26, 2021 9:47 AM

Well now I definitely can’t post.

Oh look, someone noticed…

I guess you’ve not gotten the hint yet, though.

I like how the “experts” say “Weakest cycle” and then they also say “Possibly strongest cycle ever”.

I had a “vision” about that a day or two ago, btw. But I guess if I said it’ll be strong, that’s entirely speculative. And you wouldn’t want to have high expectations, so.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 27, 2021 4:09 PM

You are correct. The GAPS paper points out serious and obvious flaws in production and accountability. Cotton production should be replaced by far more practical and efficient use of hemp based textiles. GMO wheat is toxic garbage, and should be augmented by Barley, Rye, and non-genetically altered grains such as Spelt and Oats.

The Bio fuels industries are grossly subsidized by the usual government/capital alliances, and yield wonderfully inefficient use of agricultural lands. It takes 5 times more petrochemical energy to produce ethanol than the paltry energy derived from the ethanol.

The sheeple continue to eat chemical swill from the company store, grow more incompetent and obese, and piss and whine about the very things they are at liberty to ignore.

Simon Dutton
Simon Dutton
Apr 26, 2021 6:46 AM

What, for instance, could be easier to figure out than nationalized healthcare for all?

Please let someone in the UK in on the secret.

Apr 26, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  Simon Dutton

well-meaning people who actually wanted a decent health care system could figure it out easily enough – but when everything has to be filtered through the dominant capitalist paradigm of ‘nothing happens if we don’t get a decent cut!!!’, by people who pretend to want a health care system but are actually capitalist pawns doing all they can to sabotage it – yea, then it’s a bit difficult

Apr 26, 2021 6:40 AM

What’s in the Shot, Shedding Update and How to Resist. Apr 22, 2021. Partial transcription of a deep discussion by multiple medical experts into adverse effects and possible transmission after the shot. https://rumble.com/vfyvcn-critically-thinking-with-dr.-t-and-dr.-p-episode-44.html “There is something being passed from people who have been shot with this poison to others who have not gotten the shot. The people who had the shot should be quarantined and have a badge on their arm” — Dr. Larry Palevsky MD “Something is being produced by the body of the vaccinated person that is possibly affecting others” — Dr Christiane Northrup MD Dr. Lee Merritt MD: The spike protein is only part of the Covid virus… A prion is a misfolded protein. The way they weaponized the spike protein is by inserting a gene that allows it to have a foreign cleavage… to allow it to bind with your ACE2 pathway… an artificial 3D confirmation that sounds like a prion… a self-replicating protein that can be transmitted through serum for sure… but it usually takes years to see prion disease… That nanoparticle biolipid is called Matrix M and it has an adjuvant from the bark of the quillaja saponaria plant that strips the erythrocytes of hemoglobin, damages the endothelium and causes lymphocyte destruction. There are lots of moving parts in this vaccine that could be the issue. Dr Larry Palevsky: this is not a vaccine that protects us against bacterial or viral infection. There is nothing in these shots that is designed to protect against a SARS virus. Literature from 2020 when SARS appeared mentioned brain problems, heart problems, blood diorders, hypoxia, lung disease, strokes, hypertension, loss of taste and smell, “Covid toes” — this was not a viral illness but the clinical presentation of a poisoning of the blood. The spike protein of this… Read more »

Apr 26, 2021 7:12 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Know the enemy. As Dr Larry Palevsky said, we’ve lost our government. We are being ruled. Dr Lee Merritt mentioned PNAC and the psychopaths who recommended bioweapons as a “politically useful tool”.

List of PNAC Signatories and Contributing Writers

See also: http://www.takeoverworld.info/pnac_signers.html

Apr 26, 2021 7:28 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

‘ Those who are getting injected are actually the lepers, are the pariahs, and are making healthy people who have never been injected get Covid symptoms (including bleeding), miscarriages and death.’

Well, that is a giant leap…
Would like to see this backed by evidence, before concluding that ‘viruses’ as described above a) exist and b) actually spread through air.

This story also reminds me a little too much of Vonnegut’s cat’s cradle, where life on earth was extinguished by a mad man through ‘ice nine’

When stories remind me of stories, they just may be that, stories..

Apr 26, 2021 7:39 AM
Reply to  Willem

Ice nine, described by a commenter on internet

‘One of the things I thought creepiest about ice-nine was how it spread: ‘teaching’ water on contact, which in turn can spread the effect.
Not quite as simple or catastrophic as ice-nine, but spookily relevant in the way it ‘travels’ and spreads by contact would be the prion involved in vCJD’

I am calling this bullshit. The doctors involved above may have read too many books.

Apr 26, 2021 7:44 AM
Reply to  Willem

Indeed, Willem, much of what they say is speculative… though it is speculation in the face of the SARS CoV narrative, much of which is fiction. I agree it is important to stay grounded, as most readers of Off-G seem to be, which is one advantage of the site. Thus one can raise some of speculative stuff knowing readers will recognize it as such. Here is the conundrum. I posted yesterday about pseudo-reality and totalitarianism. The reason it succeeds is because most normal, logical people try to adjust themselves to the pseudo-reality. As they try to rationalize it, they actually build new foundations for the pseudo-reality. They convince others. They normalize it. That is what we see with Event Covid (I tend to avoid the word hoax as provocative and because you can’t prove a negative)… much of the narrative is being provided by normal, logical people. Yet we are dealing with an event that is being manipulated (if not originated) by psychopaths… people who are mentally damaged and deranged. They are capable of anything. We don’t even know, completely, what they’ve done (even they may not know what they’ve done) let alone what they may do next. Restrained, considered speculation is no less mad than their war games like Event 201, the Rockefeller Lockstep document or Johns Hopkins’ SPARS Pandemic 2025–2028. In that latter document, governments admit that they cannot react as fast as viral videos or social media, so the gov strategy is to move first, to get out ahead of the alt-media and to flood the narrative. We know that means one part information to nine parts misinformation… We have to think on our feet, consider everything that keeps us safe and dismiss only that which harms us. If they never fully tested the shot, it’s unlikely… Read more »

Apr 26, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I like to play the devil’s advocate and keep my options open. As much as I hear all of the stuff that gets discussed here and elsewhere, such as the depopulation motives behind the (alleged) vaccination, I do consider the possibility that it’s a paranoid lunacy, the adverse reactions, deaths notwithstanding.

A little while ago, I translated an interview with the CEO of a local biotech company in which the man said a couple of interesting things. First, pharma companies don’t really do research and development of new products. They do have an R&D department, but they mostly sniff around, look for a company that is developing an interesting product, and acquire it and sell it under their brand. Such was the case with Pfizer’s vaccine/genetic vehicle. They acquired it from the German company BioNTech, which was allegedly working on genetic therapy and modified their existing research to fit the CV-1984.

Now, it could all be bullshit, and BioNTech might have been secretly run by Billy the Shitty Software Peddler or Klaus the Anal Schwab, but that does seem a bit far-fetched.

I’m in no way saying that there might not be something sinister behind the “vaccines”, as a minimum there is a deepening of dependency on the pharma industry, on ongoing vaccination, modification of people’s genetic makup as the fuckers see fit. I’m merely saying that everybody should exercise caution before embracing any random statement lest they become victim of their own confirmation bias. There are lunatics on both, or all, sides of the fence.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Apr 27, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

The virus has NOT been isolated by Koch’s Postulates, ANYWHERE in the world.
The RT PCR test is fraudulent as it CANNOT determine if the RNA is from the “virus” or from Human RNA, or from any other RNA virus that WILL also be present in the sample.
Based on those two cornerstones, everything after becomes fear-mongering, creative writing and the reification of science.

Apr 26, 2021 9:58 AM
Reply to  Willem

As suggested evidence, see the spikes in deaths in the countries that were pushing the jab – during the campaign:

Apr 26, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  Willem

Vonnegut had a gift for expressing serious ideas whimsically and ironically.

In both his fiction, and also in essays and interviews, he often pointed out that the “stories” expressed in literature that emerge in a given culture inspire, or are unconsciously absorbed by, the population. Put slightly differently, Vonnegut opined that the ideas disseminated by writers, primarily in works of fiction and pop-culture books and movies, can become models of real-life attitudes and conduct; he believed that writers and other story-makers were generally oblivious or indifferent to the extent to which the ideas expressed in their works have broad ripple effects.

For instance, just off the top of my head, Vonnegut believed that US gun-mania could be attributed, in part, to the way popular literature historically glamorized and simplified the gun as a useful and convenient method of resolving conflicts and confronting evil. 

I think he would argue that “stories” and “reality” are so inextricably intertwined in a circular process that it’s impossible to observe with certainty where “stories” end and “reality”, i.e. truth and facts, begin.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Apr 27, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  Ort

Too true. Many classic science “fiction” books of the 50’s and 60’s became prophecy. That’s when I stopped reading them…

Apr 28, 2021 5:53 AM
Reply to  Willem

More divide and rule

Apr 26, 2021 8:41 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Even though I have never been into the lord and ammunition, I like the quote from Dr. Lee Merritt as she leads into talking about dealing with the bioweapon promoting PNAC psychopaths.

“Praise the lord, and pass the ammunition!”

Apr 26, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Great info and synopsis, moneycircus. Thanks!

Apr 26, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Dr Larry Palevsky’s comparison of those vaccinated with lepers kind of sounds like a back door approach to get more people to take the jab. He makes it sound more dangerous for those not vaccinated than for those who are vaccinated. Very suspicious.

Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
Apr 26, 2021 7:36 PM
Reply to  Howard


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 26, 2021 6:28 AM

The dispair and frustration that I read into these articles and their comments comes about from a collision between “There Is No Alternative” and reality. A large proportion of the population — especially younger people — seem to have had this drilled into them from birth along with an automatic rejection of alternates as ‘totalitarian’. In these posts I see a confusion of philosophies, a sort of “four legs good, two legs bad” mindset that conflates (for example) the notion “Bolsheviek” with “multinational capitalism”. The epithet “Nazi” is thrown around freely without any understanding of what the term means, its just used viscerally to invoke negative stereotypes. People will be miling around, not knowing which way to turn, until they get some bearings and the only way to get bearings is to learn, to understand the reasoning and philosophy behind political movements, why they came about and something about their goals and shortcomings. Forget the epithets, the slogans, the visceral reaction. Stop calling modern Fascists “Nazis”, read up on populist movements, what they were reacting to (curiously enough, pretty much the same complaints that people think are modern) and how charismatic figures were absorbed by conservatism to become what historically were fascists. Learn who opposed them — individuals and mass movements alike, who they were, what they were trying to acheve and why and what happened to them. Learn how people aquired ‘rights’ and why they’ve never been bestowed on them, they’ve all had to be fought for, line by line, with them being clawed back at the first opportunity. (Notice how race and gender politics is used as a cover for that clawback — a smart move, keeping the hive stirred up while the honey’s being stolen.) The economic and social order in the west is in decline. Its… Read more »

Bryan Lafferty
Bryan Lafferty
Apr 26, 2021 5:08 AM

“peace and social justice movement”

Civil Rights (as opposed to Natural Rights) and Social Justice are scourges applied before great geopolitical evil. How can you think of over there when you have this, this right here! Once the war’s stoked up though — Super Predators!

Once you intersectionalized, ’twas over. Good night.

Apr 26, 2021 4:53 AM

Exaggerated expectations are a sure way to disappoint and frustrate oneself. Instead, the motto is “From illusion to reality”. “If you start small, you’ll end small”, are all those snappy “from dishwasher to millionaire” sayings. But misfortune already lurks in the comparison. Money is inherited, only the very few ever become rich in life, which is no guarantee of happiness.

Those who look up to the unattainable make themselves small, worthless and unimportant. What good is that? It can only benefit those who want to condition us like a hamster in a wheel, to plough on more and more in order to consume more and more. But consumerism cannot fill emptiness and meaninglessness. Optimisation mania. For whom, for what, to achieve what?

Goals can only be destroyed. What comes after that? When less is expected, one is positively surprised. Many people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t like. Back to nature, back to simplicity! Clean out the place, get rid of everything you never really needed and used, create free space.

Apr 26, 2021 4:38 AM

My method to keep myself in a good mood consists
of: Refraining from mass media, gratitude & serenity
exercises (appreciation of one’s own life, health, etc.),
positive music, good, uplifting, meaningful and con-
structive thoughts. Learning to switch off and say no
when something negative wants to steal my attention
and energy.

Apr 26, 2021 4:38 AM
Reply to  Walter

Apr 26, 2021 3:43 PM
Reply to  Walter

But from the same Grieg Suite comes “Ase’s Death,” as hauntingly beautiful as anything ever created.

Apr 26, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  Howard

That is probably a question of the consideration. I have said goodbye to letting myself be dragged down into the maelstrom of wistful melancholy. The dark sides of the world have nothing beautiful or aesthetic for me. I also don’t watch scary or crime movies. The world of media and reporting is already depressing and criminal enough. I rely on my gut feeling, should a song or tune not be composed predominantly in major, but in minor, I turn it off. My priority is to reduce and avoid mental or physical suffering, but instead to promote and strengthen optimism, lightness and confidence.

I am not one of those who would hang a print of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” on the living room wall. Many people like to wallow in unfulfillable longing and self-pity. It is like a compulsion that they give in to because they are not aware of what they are doing to themselves. Comparable to the consumption of a drug. I completely reject the attitude of “Weltschmerz” (world-weariness).

Instead of regretting the past and the “missed chances”, which does not change anything, one should celebrate the present and expect the future with joy. As you get older, time runs out and you should think very carefully about who and what you waste it on. The world was at all times a den of iniquity, highly problematic. Those who make it their business to change this and make the world a “better place” will find many fields of activity (e.g. doing something for old or seriously ill people).

Apr 26, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  Walter

If one truly appreciates music, even a funeral dirge can be uplifting. Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder but in the construction of the art form.

A Van Gough at first view is warm, vibrant and happy; but if you look more deeply, you begin to see the dark side of his psyche.

Cliche that it is, there cannot be light without dark.

Apr 26, 2021 6:29 PM
Reply to  Howard

“There can be no light without darkness” is, in my opinion, a rather inconclusive argument as far as a healthy lifestyle is concerned. One can choose whether one spends one’s existence on the dark side (deprivation, illness, crime) or on the sunny side.

There can also be “no life without death”, but death is inevitable anyway, so it is completely unproductive to burden one’s life with thoughts of it. It may well be day without being night at the same time.

Of course, the day forms a contrast to the night, but still it would not be beneficial for the soul to sleep during the day and to walk at night. Mexican culture, for example, proves that a funeral does not have to be a dripping vale of tears. There, people dress in white and celebrate instead of lament.

The view of Van Gogh’s art is probably mainly dependent on one’s inner attitude. I would describe his works as colorful and intense, but not as easily digestible fare. A more positive person will perhaps see less “abysses” in it than the one whose “inner searchlight” scans the paintings for traces and hints of the artist’s pain.

Apr 27, 2021 3:22 PM
Reply to  Walter

Again, this is where we differ. I’m not the slightest bit interested in how an observer (myself included) views a work of art; rather, my focus is on what the artist is using the work to express. Yes, an art work can end up being (or at least appearing to be) greater than the artist; but this is merely an illusion. A work cannot transcend its creator.

Like it or not, the same forces that drove Van Gogh “mad” are what drove him to create his paintings (obviously an extreme example). To appreciate any artist is to understand the forces (or as some like to say: “demons”) that helped steer his focus and shape his expression.

I have no doubt that your perspective offers greater life enhancement than mine – but at a cost I consider too high. I’ve spend my entire life trying to figure out why some people willingly and even eagerly hurt others; I don’t plan on abandoning that search any time soon.

Apr 27, 2021 6:20 PM
Reply to  Howard

What is the “too high price” that you think I am paying? Aren’t you implying a burden that, from my point of view, does not exist? My point is to live in harmony with oneself.

In order not to perish because of the contradictions that inevitably arise I would recommend Far Eastern philosophy as the only effective method not only to survive but also to be inwardly balanced.

Most other worldviews demand the world to be changed in order to become happy. Even the materialist can only achieve happiness through possession. One could also say that “all idealism must fail because of the unattained ideal”.

The highest price a person can pay (besides his life and health) is his dignity, his self-respect. There are people who consider this even more important than life and health. In my opinion, all three are even interrelated. Because without self-respect, health is in danger, and without health, life is in danger.

You say Van Gogh’s demons created his art. This would again justify embracing the serpent, loving the shadow and seeking the abyss. I doubt destructiveness gives birth to or even conditions constructiveness; they are two mutually exclusive principles.

I, on the other hand, interpret his paintings in such a way that his efforts to overcome demons and make contact with humanity were the driving force behind his art. That is why his paintings catch the eye not through gloominess but luminosity.

Apr 28, 2021 3:11 AM
Reply to  Walter

I must correct myself: Of course, destruction can cause construction, namely when destructive things (e.g. a cancer) are destroyed. This is also why denial of recognition is perceived as punishment and denial of punishment is perceived as recognition.

Nevertheless, I believe in principle that evil cannot be fought by evil, but can only be replaced, even overcome, by good. Those who act in a destructive way inevitably become part of the destructive principle, even if they (as always) justify it with “good intentions”.

Apr 27, 2021 8:27 PM
Reply to  Howard

PS: To Van Gogh’s credit, it must be acknowledged that “demons” were not yet recognised as negative thinking in his time and there was neither the internet nor life coaching nor psychotherapy.

I agree that his paintings (which I just looked at again) have a hint of morbidity despite all the exaggerated colourfulness. “Beauty” is the wrong word to describe them, striking yes, unique too.

He does not seem to have been a happy, contented or fulfilled person in the sense we understand it today. Moreover, in his time, “happiness” was not considered a desirable value in his social environment.

Apr 28, 2021 12:50 AM
Reply to  Howard

Your fascination with Van Gogh’s abysses aroused my interest in his person or his (supposedly inevitable) fate. Many questions remain unanswered. His paintings were not always so garish, he had a dark phase before. Delusions plagued him even in his youth.

Unique mind with phenomenal recognition value. The Nazis did not classify his art as degenerate. “Allies” destroyed his house (were they British?). How much art (not only) perished in the bombing of Germany will never be known.


Apr 28, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  Walter

I myself am not completely unfamiliar with “delusional states”, fortunately only under the influence of drugs (alcohol, hashish). Nevertheless, I know today that “dark thoughts” may be multiplied by such substances.

Once you have mastered your fears and “programmed a new way of thinking” (which is only anchored by inner convictions), you are not immune to irrationalities, but you are no longer so susceptible.

If the TV channel “Arte” hadn’t uploaded a British documentary from 2016 to its YouTube channel yesterday of all days, I would have already forgotten about the topic. However, the original documentary is half an hour shorter than the Arte version.

Apr 28, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  Walter

To excuse the British somewhat, you have to know
about people like “Baron Zuckerman,” for example.

Apr 28, 2021 2:42 AM
Reply to  Walter

Nevertheless, I can’t help but grin a little when I read articles like this. https://redflag.org.au/article/prince-philip-good-riddance-racist-elitist-fool

Apr 28, 2021 9:45 AM
Reply to  Howard

Things can be profound without being negative.
I wondered where the German name of the Toy
Piano came from that their children play on?

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 26, 2021 4:13 AM

Quote from Diary of A Man in Despair, by a German during the rise and bloodshed of the third Reich. He kept a diary which he hid, although he died at the end of the war in a camp…

“Really, this people, only yesterday so intelligent and discriminating, seems to have been overcome by a disease of the mind. They now believe everything they are told, provided it is done with sufficient aplomb…Following a series of articles placed by Goebbels in the newspapers, the wife of a tenant came to see me in fear and trembling. In Jesus’ name, how was she to protect her children? They were all going to be dragged off to be raised in English, American, or Russian orphan asylums, according to newspapers! Nota bene, this woman spent several years in America, as a laundress; she still speaks a little English, and she has a number of quite warm recollections of Boston—yet she believes these stories about the foreign devils.”

The power of evil media…

Apr 26, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

I have a colleague who believes that
Covid is the killer virus, global warming exists, IsIs is out to kill us all (so bomb away), refugees should be invited with open arms but should be taught ‘the enlightened western’ life (it’s the white man’s burden), Serbians are responsible for the war in Yugoslavia, NATO is good, Putin was responsible for downing MH17, the western press is free and the individual newspapers offer a different palet of stories (she actually has a subscription to 2 Dutch newspapers and doesn’t see that they are writing the same stuff!). The Netherlands is the most awesome country to live in (that may be true, as in: it could be worse), but then she simply doesn’t know how things could be made better in the society in which she lives.

Of course this superficial thinking is highly praised in Dutch society and this colleague ended high up in society (she actually is one of my bosses). And the boss of her boss (who is also my boss) is just the same! Etcetera

There is something extremely interesting in her though. That is that she once confided to me that she thought that Julian Barnes’ book: the sense of an ending, was one of the best books she had ever read. What is that book about? About a man who thinks he does everything good, only to find at old age that he made some truly bad mistakes that he shouldn’t have made. To me, that is her.

But she also may have recommended the book to me, because the critics liked it. I don’t know..

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Apr 26, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Yep… the media is the virus Frieda. If this scamdemic is overturned, these morally bankrupt presstitutes need to be tried for crimes against humanity. And this also applies to their cheering on mass murder and the destruction of entire countries like Iraq and Libya. I refuse to watch any “news” or read any “newspapers”.
They have so much blood on their hands.

Apr 26, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  Frieda Vizel

Once again, your quote from this Diary provides a much needed counterpoint to over enthusiastic expressions of hope. Hope can never be quenched from without, only from within. Using it for a crutch will inevitably atrophy that within us which gives rise to it in the first place.

To hope for anything materially is to necessarily have that hope dashed. We are so much deeper than material well being; but so many have been persuaded to only seek what their society proclaims to be “good.”

And now that the young have been shown they will never have “the good life,” they succumb to despair when it should be an opening of endless new horizons, wherein they will not have to waste their lives “going for the gold.” (If they could just smash their cell phones to a quadrillion pieces, they could begin their journey.)

Apr 26, 2021 3:51 AM

I recommend Epicureanism for serenity. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicureanism

Anecdote from Asian Philosophy. A general notorious for his brutality wiped out an entire village, except for a temple where a monk crouched, unimpressed.

The barbarian ordered the old man: “Don’t you know who I am? I am the one who, with one stroke, extinguishes human lives and makes heads roll!”

The monk replied, “Don’t you know who I am? I am the one who is not afraid of all your ridiculous posturing!”

The so-called commander could not refrain from paying respect to this monk and ordered all his subordinates to leave the village without further misdeeds.

John the First
John the First
Apr 27, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Walter

The monk wasn’t afraid of his life, the idea of reincarnation and spirituality pervades the Eastern outlook, though the East has become much more materialistic these days
The modern secular peoples have been told that they only live once, hence they cannot be like the monk. The modern secular peoples also have no high flown ideals to die for, if that can be an alternative to the monk’s spiritual philosophy, to overcome fear, they are tied to and heavily clinging on to their vast web of apparent securities, and what is sold to them as securities.

Apr 28, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  John the First

Sorry for my late reply, only discovered your comment now.
That is a conclusive explanation. I personally do not believe
in life after death. But I would be just as defiant as the monk.

However, I do not see the point of dying for unnecessary reasons
and will fight tooth and nail against any kind of “vaccination”. I re-
cently cracked a finger and have avoided going to the doctor ever
since. If I were to die from an untreated injury, it would be ironic.

Apr 28, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  Walter

“Always look on the bright side of death.”
(You can only learn that from the British.)

Apr 26, 2021 3:25 AM

There was a mashup image on OG recently in which Bill Gates and Tony Fauci were mechanics selling an oil that could destroy your engine which had 99% chance of never having a problem and didn’t need the oil. Does anyone know which article that was under?

Apr 26, 2021 3:52 AM
Reply to  Arby

comment image

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 26, 2021 10:52 AM
Reply to  Sid

It´s called Faucism!

Apr 26, 2021 3:02 AM

people have been dying for a long, long time. 150 years ago, people would live until they died. it was a natural part of life. they didn’t spend all their days on medication after medication leading to inevitable surgeries, ultimately leading to hospice to morphine to… death. they just died. what blessed souls they were. what is this notion that health care, a misnomer if ever there was one, must be an integral part of our lives now? no one gets out alive… but we are choosing to die every day with low expectations and this incessant need to feel covered by health professionals. (another misnomer)

Apr 26, 2021 2:12 AM

This video has brilliant humor and truth and sounds like Weird Al Yannkovich, though done by somebody else.

An 80’s song updated about the absurdities of face masks….

Apr 26, 2021 1:28 AM

The “Woke” Bolsheviks currently in control of what is left of Western Civilisation, have almost certainly never done this, and they never will….They won’t even make it to the river…My wife and I probably will do though even in our 60’s and 70’s..

I had lost my job. I had lost my girl.

I was all alone again, and then I met her. I explained the circumstances…

She says don’t worry about that….Come to Stonehenge Free Festival with me, so I said O.K. – She borrowed her younger sister’s playtent. I still had a car that worked a bit…

So we arrived at the gates of Stonehenge Free Festival, and there was a big sign there – Welcome – please come in It’s Free..

So we wandered around a bit for a few days, and I guess we were getting a bit smelly, so my girlfriend worked out how far was the nearest river.

We both stripped off naked, leaving all our clothes and the little we had on the bank of the river and went for it swimming naked and getting fresh and clean…Got back to the river bank, and no one had nicked our stuff.

It was wonderful.

We started walking back to Stonehenge Free Festival…We weren’t even trying to hitch a ride, and this bloke in a big White Transit Van stops, and says Do You Kids Want a Lift?

He was playing this music really loud which we had never heard before..

He says its O.K. Get in…so we looked at each other, and said yeh O.K..

Robin Trower and my wife and I are still alive, and we still miss possibly the best vocalist in the world James Dewar

“Robin Trower – Bridge Of Sighs (Full Album) HQ Sound 480p HQ”


Apr 26, 2021 7:37 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Stone Henge Free Festival where i finally understood what the word anarchy fully meant. 83/84 were very memorable and so was the next year 85 when maggies gestapo boot boys fresh from smashing the miners strike came and massacred the peace convoy(who were on their way to setting up the 12th festival which would have made it permanent a bit like if you squat a building for 12 years it becomes yours), it was no battle!! Children were taken into care for two weeks and many much loved dogs and homes were destroyed. This is ethnic cleansing and now they are coming for everybody!!!

Apr 26, 2021 3:42 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

I went to Reading Festival and paid a load of dosh to get in and then day or so later went to the Windsor free festival which cost nothing but was twice the craic !

End Rockefeller Medicine
End Rockefeller Medicine
Apr 26, 2021 1:19 AM

Losing our rights “for the greater good” has a name, it’s called Communitarianism. Sounds all warm and fuzzy, until you understand the Trojan horse effect. The Capture of Goodness https://off-guardian.org/2021/04/25/the-capture-of-goodness/ The New Model: Communitarianism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q9CSKPJ-_Q&t=24s Listen to Bill Clinton’s doublespeak regarding Communitarianism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg5qB3H8HfE Just as we had to learn economics in order to debunk neoliberalism, which is a set of mathematic models that only work in theory, not in the real world, we must also learn the basics of biology and medicine. JD Rockefeller promoted Pasteur’s germ theory, which should have been long forgotten. Pasteur himself recanted it at the end of his life. Antoine Bechamp’s terrain theory was correct all along. A person’s state of health, whether it is more alkaline than acidic, is what determines susceptibility to illness. Over-acidity is the main cause of disease. “It should be common knowledge that all humans are carrying hundreds of trillions of viruses inside their bodies at all times, while living in a virtual sea of viruses. The human body is a source generator of viruses, along with all other eukaryotic life forms. Everyone is full of every kind of virus, all the time. That is a simple “known” factor that requires no test. It also has always been the case and corona viruses have always been around since before humans came to exist on the planet, more than 135,000 years ago.  Viruses are just a part of the normal life cycle of plants and animals that are eukaryotic. They are dead waste matter from the process of mitosis and eukaryotic cell reproduction. Has everyone forgotten that they have had a cold sometime in the past? As little as a year ago, people remembered that when you have a cold, you rest up, drink a lot of fluids and let the… Read more »

James Brown
James Brown
Apr 26, 2021 1:04 AM

I was in Hyde Park yesterday at the party that got broken up by the police, and used as negative headlines against anti lockdown protests. There were definitely agent provocateurs in the crowd, I know because I spoke to one of them. Me and my mate were standing around when this strange bloke came up to us, he was wearing all black, a black baseball cap and a black bandana somewhere around his chin. He basically looked like every antifa type in America you see on YouTube. I can’t exactly remember everything he said, but I’m sure he said “do you think they’ll be any trouble round here”. I didn’t like this dude but even though it was the worst impression I’ve ever seen of a agent provocateur I didn’t put 2 and 2 together at the time. Anyway he’s been caught on camera provoking the police. I’ve heard about allegations of agent provocateurs before, but when you actually see it in real life it does shock you more. We’ve got to be careful of this going forward.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 26, 2021 2:15 AM
Reply to  James Brown

Good stuff, James,
Guess these agent provocateurs don’t want to be identified. Well done to the huge, almost entirely maskless crowd.
Many videos on facial recognition in China, not sure to what extent it’s up to in UK, but looks to be coming fast. (Maybe that is why we haven’t seen the hoped for/expected crowds until now, they don’t want to protest without a mask, for fear of getting an unwelcome visit, which is understandable).

I’ve a feeling/hope next Saturday, 1st May, could be the watershed…God knows, it’s about time..

James Brown
James Brown
Apr 26, 2021 3:00 AM

I know what you mean. Don’t like the idea of an unwelcome visit myself too much!.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 26, 2021 2:52 AM
Reply to  James Brown

“Just another illustration on the misuse and wastage of public funds. Should have asked where he kept his scooby snack.”


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 26, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Never did see NOFX, but I did see Alice Donut, in 94…!

Apr 26, 2021 7:44 AM
Reply to  James Brown

Anyone showing up at a “freedom event” masked is suspicious to say the least.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 26, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  James Brown

Good that you attended the protest. Watched it afterwards on a Swedish website and I was surprised that there were so many bottles and other items tossed at the police , even after they had left the park , just standing outside. These were for sure Antifa/paid zombies-with-no-clue.

Wile E. Coyote
Wile E. Coyote
Apr 26, 2021 8:15 PM

Take care of the agents the old fashioned way.

Apr 26, 2021 12:57 AM

Be happy, there will not only be Government health care, but Government everything. You will be allowed to be a useless eater and receive your universal basic income. You can spend your days sitting around doing nothing, or if you are ambitious you can sell drugs or rob your fellow proles. For a vision of the future, look at the inner cities in Detroit, Chicago, etc.

Apr 26, 2021 12:42 AM

First we had the Kent variant, then the South African variant, then the Brazilian variant.

The Kent variant sprung into life last Autumn and according to the propaganda spreads very slowly but spreads very quickly.
It was the dominant strain apparently.

Then suddenly the South African variant was back in the mix but quickly forgotten and has been replaced by a double mutant from India that made its way into the Uk via an asyomotomatic carrier. So deadly the person was so seriously ill they were healthy and had no symptoms.

As ‘case’ numbers drop through the floor why is this double mutant not unleashing its rage.
What happened to the South African and Brazilian variant.
The Kent variant which apparently was the dominant strain seems to have vanished.

Briefly we had a New York variant that came and went.

But back to the double mutant Indian version of bullshit.

It is the dominant strain causing the alleged carnage in India currently.
It evades vaccines and the immune system.
And the solution is India needs more vaccines as to help stop the spread and reduce deaths but scientists are worried that the vaccine won’t stop the spread as its mutated so much that the vaccines won’t recognise the changing genetic code on the spike protein but some evidence exists that vaccines might be the solution.

It really is beyond belief how the plebs fall for this.

Apr 26, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  Paul

Medicine has always had its snake oil salesman. Only now instead of a horse-drawn cart, they are Pfizer, GSK, Merck, etc. and they push their garbage night and day, at least in the US where there are no rules against advertising drugs.

Apr 26, 2021 1:43 AM
Reply to  Paul

Moneycircus posed an article, “Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism”, which applies perfectly to Covid. It examines the creation of a ‘pseudo-reality’ and ‘paralogic’ by psychopathic rulers. Definitely worth reading in full, this is the relevant sentence relating to the contradictions you have described:

“That is, a pseudo-real paralogic will always be internally (and often unrepentantly) inconsistent and self-contradictory. This can be taken as a symptom that a paralogic is being presented in support of a pseudo-reality, as can be any sustained attack on principles of objectivity and reason.”

Apr 26, 2021 2:54 PM
Reply to  kevin

Thanks Kevin and to Moneycircus.

Really enjoyed reading the article.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Apr 26, 2021 4:08 AM
Reply to  Paul

Continuing a theme from a dead guy..

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 26, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Paul

Ah, but what about the Fiji variant, the Monaco variant and the Leichtenstein variant!? Got you there. When the numbers fall towards zero a variant will be pulled out of the bag. Any money that’s going to happen this coming bang on cue this Autumn.

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 26, 2021 11:46 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

You ain´t seen nothin´yet…What about when the Saffrican variant and the Brazilindian wariant and the Fijiddish worryant and the Frankens…sorry Lichtensteins MONSTROUS Very Violent variant interacts altogether and mixes into a Super Terror Alien Bombastic Devilish mutant.

It will be so contagious that no quarantines , no masks , no vaccines , no distancing , no sanitizers , no NOTHING-AT-ALL is gonna help the whole world from cracking into crumbling and go out of orbit into the big and wide unknown and we will be lucky if we just end up in a huge black hole and disintegrates into small , small smithereens …and that´s just the first phase of the never ending plague.

In your FACE , sheeple and tin foils.

Apr 26, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I’m still banking on the Mary Poppins variant. It’s ‘Supercalafrajalisticexpealidoshious and the sound of it is something quite atrocious.” But it does prime you for the Big Screen..

Apr 25, 2021 11:55 PM

As you give so shall you receive. As a man thinks, so shall he perceive. By the measure we set are we given. Garbage in; garbage out. Living Idea is already alive. If we embody dead thinking, we ‘meet’ a dead world, or rather a masked and dissociated attempt to set terms and conditions on Life – that then condition us in our own measure. Note the novel V for vendettus was ‘unknown’ as so automatically assumed maximal fear. We could just as easily expected a novel change to restore awareness of the miracle of Life. Not in concept but here now – exactly as we are. For an unknown is an opportunity to learn of Life anew. Where what we think to know is a past stamped on our face. Addicts will persist in seeking outside themselves for what can never actually substitute for connected love of life – as it is. We are diverse in our particular strategies, but the underlying issue is a sense of self lack, masked over and denied in the attempt to reinforce or ‘save’ the mask at cost of our lives. The hidden mind or Covert ID is masked over, But in the disintegration of the mask are all the underlying fears and denial exposed. Fear of lack seeks boosting aggrandisement, but fear of Infinity seeks to lockdown in littleness and sickness where truth cannot enter, so your face is saved from total loss by sacrifice. There is a reset for those who want ignorance doubled down. I don’t know that anyone truly wants this, but while it is chosen, it choice is hidden, to operate as being denied, deprived, deceived, and abandoned. Will you abandon your Brother and world because it failed to give you what you demanded of it? Give as you… Read more »

Apr 25, 2021 10:43 PM

“…I was sitting in a café with my rabble-rousing friend James, both of us gnawing our teeth…” I believe you meant to say that you were gnashing your teeth. Gnawing a joint of beef or gnawing your knuckles, or perhaps mumbling your chops, but check in with well-worn biblical references from Revelations to situations that cause much wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 25, 2021 10:23 PM

This quote seems apt:

Is it not we who are the elite?

What is at stake is the unfathomable brilliance of our achievements being lost to a small gang of miscreants with a profoundly impaired perception. Defeat is rarely due to external forces over which we have no control, but to our own selfishness and ignorance and a lack of courage. These are failings that each one of us can rectify.

It is not your responsibility to prove Klaus a Moral Imbecile. Live how you choose and together we can make certain that any interloper is guaranteed a nonviolent arrest and fair trial.”

I recommend this site highly. It suggests plans of action which will inspire and ensure our success.


Apr 25, 2021 11:26 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Thank you for the link

kevin king
kevin king
Apr 26, 2021 12:26 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Thanks for the link. Interesting.

Apr 25, 2021 10:17 PM

Nationalised anything is a government monopoly. You want to know how that ends up? Covimania.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Apr 25, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Funny because we seem to have the worst covimania on the planet in Britain where in my lifetime, everything has been privatised.

Apr 26, 2021 12:01 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

It’s a world wide epidemic of both. Nationalisation is centralisation and so is privatisation the way things are. Massive corporations monopolise everything. Governments are corporations with fuzzy owners like the people that lend them the money to for what they do, like fund the NHS as an example. Like to recompense their donors, who own them in way. Do you know that 97% of the total money supply is by privately owned banks who lend,at interest, credit that is retired once it is paid back? Retired is bank speak for disappears into the nothing it was created from in the first place. In other words- it never existed. It’s one big fraud that fascists, socialists, capitalists, communists, any ists that you like are knowing parties to. These money creators can buy anyone and do, after all it costs them nothing.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 26, 2021 7:42 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Yes there has been a palpable fusion of the state and big money in its various institutions and guises. Capitalism and Communism are old hat. A totalitarian state capitalism has emerged and is consolidating its rule. This is why it is being confronted by the left and the right. Strange bedfellows increasingly minded to become the resistance. Adam Smith and Karl Marx, left and right in the struggle against the new totalitarian establishment.

Apr 26, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

If it is being confronted, it’s certainly not by Johnson or Starmer. Left and Right are now just labels for competing gangs of lying opportunists.

Apr 26, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Nationalization presents a paradox. Third World nations, such as Venezuela and Bolivia, have no choice but to nationalize their resources to keep the global cartels from taking everything and returning nothing to the people.

Of course, that’s a double edged sword: if the government is corrupt, then the people will still end up with nothing.

Apr 26, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Very true, one size don’t fit all. One solution might fix a problem but in a few years BE a problem itself. Any system will become unworkable after a time, control freaks worm their way to positions of power. That’s why I think it inadvisable to revere systems, any systems, even the holy socialism that a lot of people set such store by.

Apr 26, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Bob the Hod: … as it almost is in the whole of Australia. John Howard and his band of greedy, avaricious Libtards, privatised virtually everything they could, including the national Telecommunications and the Nations Airline (with the most lucrative airport thrown-in) in a very short space of time and now they preach the potential fear of cyber-hacking … go figure and contraband. For ef-sake, any loon can see that the primary conduits for nefarious deeds were gifted to the privateers and the multi-corps.
A Labor band of cut-throats, are no better, they either stole – in the names of donors of course, or sold off the remaining pieces. And people have the stupidity to believe in the efficacy of ‘government’. Funny thing is – there is an endless herd of nongs who still [innocently] believe that the next smirking, psychopathic bullshitter, will be the saving-grace of the nation. Uncle Rupert and his band of merry media-moguls don’t really mean anything to this bunch of suburban well-meaning brainiacs.

Apr 26, 2021 3:22 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

YOU are the ‘government.’ Better in public hands than in the hands of private profiteers.

Apr 26, 2021 1:02 PM
Reply to  hotrod31

The problem is- the private hands are so much more powerful than the government, they’ve bought it. The Crown pays their salaries, controls the selection of MPs, doles out the juicy directorships and directs Parliament through the Remembrancer. The Monarch is just a CEO of the Crown.

Apr 26, 2021 10:31 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

It’s no different in ultra-privatised USA. The disease is the same: fascism.

Apr 26, 2021 12:47 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Fascism synthesized with communism. The meaning of the two is completely confused now but are still used to divide people. It’s feudalism, neo feudalism or corporate feudalism whatever. Communitarianism with stakeholder capitalism- what’s the size of an individual’s stake compared to a corporation? GoverNANCE without representation. Sneaky eh?

Kenneth Thorberg
Kenneth Thorberg
Apr 26, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Truly agree. Fascism and communism are the same. But the psychopaths have succeeded to hide that away from the masses , separating them by appealing to the most basic instincts , fear among others, which causes people to unite against the unknown enemy , which is eventually supplied by the psychopaths propaganda machinery , main stream media. Trap´s sealed.

Apr 28, 2021 5:05 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

It has nothing to do with communism.Your idea of communism is based on propaganda!

Apr 28, 2021 11:23 PM
Reply to  Drooze

No, just their record of extermination,drab conformity, ugly architecture,inhumanity,dreary literature, hideously soulless atheism, central banking courtesy of billionaire capitalists behind the scenes, must I go on? Give Pol Pot a big kiss for me!

Thom 9
Thom 9
Apr 25, 2021 9:50 PM

The Satanic Cabal is presently using every tool in their divide and conquer tool box to fracture the potential for any real freedom movement to arise and challenge their agenda(s). Nowhere is this more obviously the case than in The Divided States of America. Where race baiting, political polorization and division by gender indentification are the main crowbars that are being used to pry apart any possibility of “we the people” mounting any real and substantial resistance to their genocidal plan.
Events on the scale of the Freedom March that took place yesterday in London will need to become wide spread and an everyday occurence if we have any hope of stopping or atleast slowing down the Great Reset/Agenda (20)21/2030. It seems an unlikely scenario given that many people have already been successfully “brainwashed” into willingly accepting this terrible situation and are too busy running towards the light of the on coming train.
We must band together with others like ourselves and prepare for our worst case scenario.
Blessings to you all.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 25, 2021 10:56 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

Many states have already gone back to normal: Texas, Florida, Georgia, etc. And the deathshot take up has tailed off at well below 50%. They don’t need to do protests.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 25, 2021 11:48 PM

You think in the US the entire huge billions of dollar industry of covid-mania is just going to pack up and go into the night?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 26, 2021 12:10 AM

“Sorry to say New Jersey has the Murphy virus pretty bad. Don’t know whether it is the PCB’S or the lead in the water but membership in the cult of the face diaper has grown in recent weeks. It is almost as if the number of layers over the mouth and nose are considered status symbols. Well at least it keeps the smelly brown stuff between their ears from leaking out onto the pavement.”

Thom 9
Thom 9
Apr 26, 2021 1:40 AM

They don’t need to protest? With all do respect I don’t subscribe.There are still all the blue states where case counts are rising due to the bogus nPCR testing. Yes some Red states are doing well after getting rid of their mask and lockdown mandates but for how long?
Covid-19 Scamdemic/The Great Reset is going away anytime soon. If the the evil power continues to have it’s way we are never going back to normal. Cases and deaths are down in the UK and nothing has changed. Expect more of the same. Meanwhile people line up for their poison jabs. Which will induce the next wave of real infections and pandemic deaths beyond anything we have seen up and until now.

Apr 26, 2021 12:21 AM
Reply to  Thom 9

That event in London yesterday was only a few thousand made up off anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists according to the BBC.

I got quite riled reading that.

Utterly shameless propaganda.

The BBC are a national embarrassment.

Thom 9
Thom 9
Apr 26, 2021 1:50 AM
Reply to  Paul

Hi Paul,
The lack of any real coverage by the Whorporate controlled media of yesterday’s freedom rally in London is to be expected. The BBC has no credibility left, gone years ago. The good news is all the videos taken by people who were in attendance proves just how many thousands of people who attended and proves just how badly the BBC’s coverage really is.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 26, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  Paul

 “anti vaxxers and conspiracy theorists”

“That coming from a gaggle of mindless spineless milksops and corporate fascist hack toady suck asses without a shred of integrity or self respect. They can blow it out their face diapers.”

Apr 26, 2021 5:51 AM
Reply to  Paul

i wish it were jus the bbc… but the good news is that they’re showing their hand for the globally run media they are, owned and operated by one entity. none of them are worth a single minute of our time.

Apr 25, 2021 9:43 PM

I too have a friend called James. He is a brilliant carpenter and guitarist. I guess he’s nearly 40 years old now, cos he has been on our pinboard in our kitchen for the last 20 years, since he was 18, and occasionally turns up..just out of the blue, to sign his name and the date. and my wife and I are so delighted to see him. I still have his number. He answered it last time I rang. He is also a really nice man, but not seen him for a bit. He has got absolutely loads of kids. I hope he is still with his latest, cos she is such a lovely person…Beautiful Homely Girl….Its hard to explain these things…. So I wrote this today…How many Letters are Allowed on Off_Guardian today? I used to think Deagle was a complete and utter nutter…even worse than Alex Jones, who’s voice I couldn’t stand…like scratching your nails over the blackboard at school if you want to make a horrible noise. However I have always liked his side kick Paul Joseph Watson. He is as Bright as a Button, and he has got a really nice Yorkshire accent. Deagle has for the last 10 years or so, been producing figures with regards to projected population levels, country by country across the world, which have recently been updated with a projection for 2025 ( all references to, seem to have been deleted from across the internet – even the wayback machine within the last few hours) So I can’t link to it, because I guess The CIA has deleted it. So I reviewed all the other stuff I had come from across, with regards to how these “vaccines” actually work, from people who seemed to be world class experts on the subject…from mainly… Read more »

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Apr 25, 2021 9:27 PM

When I take the train – which I try to avoid – not out of fear of the Covid scam, no, what really is depressing and frightening is the masked passengers; the staring into space, the neurotic fiddling around and gazing fixedly into their IPhones contemplating what, I always wonder? A sleepwalking people, in a semi-comatose state, obediently doing as they are told and directed. Self-centred deluded and – courtesy of Talking Heads – on the road to nowhere.

As F Scott Fitzgerald, wrote so eloquently:

”Here was a new generation, shouting the old cries, learning the old creeds, through a revery of old days and nights; destined finally to go out into the dirty grey turmoil to follow love and pride; a new generation dedicated more than the last to fear poverty and the worship of success; grown up to find all Gods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken …

(This Side of Paradise)

Apr 25, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Sleepwalking. Or maybe Sheepwalking.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 25, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Steve

Culling the herd. Culling the herd. ‘Doc Billy E‘ commands and the undermenschen useless eater labrats/lapsheeple obey. Over the cliff and downward to salvation they go.”

comment image

“Aren’t Corporate Fascism, Eugenics and Euthanasia grand?”

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 26, 2021 9:02 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

FFS, Scooper, do something about your absolutely dire repeating grooves! Even skipping over you posts is becoming tiresome. And look: not a bold or all-caps screamer here at all. Try that too.

Apr 26, 2021 12:13 PM

He can’t control himself.

Apr 25, 2021 9:12 PM

Over the last few weeks we have learnt that the following from British government and the media:

– Boris claims the lockdowns and not the vaccines have reduced the ‘infections’

– Hancock claims the vaccines have reduced the ‘infections’

– Some scientists say mask mandates could be lifted in the summer.
Other scientists claim masks will be needed for at least another 2 years.
Another group of scientists claim masks could be needed permanently in the winter.

– The vaccines are required for the young and healthy as no one is safe until everyone is safe and vaccinations stop the spread and stop variants but actually lockdowns stop the spread and not the vaccines.

– UCL claim Britain has reached herd immunity but Imperial College London claim herd immunity not reached yet.

– Britain will have all restrictions lifted and return to normal on the 21st June with no mention of mask mandates ending and Michael Gove in Israel to discuss their vaccine passports scheme.

This is all part of the psyop.

Priming the public to hold contradictory beliefs and believe them all to be true.

Apr 25, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  Paul

Yup – keep ’em confused, scared and obedient.

Note that the ‘return to normal’ is scheduled for the summer solstice in northern hemisphere.

Apr 26, 2021 11:12 AM
Reply to  Kika

It might be genuine confusion about what to do next, analogous to the infighting going on right now.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 25, 2021 8:52 PM

What I don’t get is why the fuck people think they are doing something important or medical by wrapping up in face nappies

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
Apr 25, 2021 11:49 PM

Well, in the trailer of Borat 2 we see the man himself killing the veerus with a frying pan. These are important medical interventions.

Apr 26, 2021 3:16 PM

it’s important to be part of the herd, to not have your fellow herd-animals looking strangely at you … to do what everyone else is doing, what your ‘leader’ tells you to do …

Apr 25, 2021 8:42 PM

our expectations are triply low when it comes to the political and electoral arena, where choosing between lesser evils seems the best we can do, the most we can hope for.

when conscious brain ejection necessitates something other to fill the void…requiring repeated replenishment – Indebted it feels – and as true need is suppressed, that weakened appettite moves increasingly toward the hat that feeds It scraps.

Big al
Big al
Apr 25, 2021 8:14 PM

What can progressives do? Here’s one take. I’d say it’s a little more than low expectations.

Article: It’s Time To Blow Up the Maskholes’ Sick and Twisted Plan | OpEdNews

Buck up man, there’s a war going on.

Apr 25, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  Big al

What a sick article. The title is the reverse of the content.

Big al
Big al
Apr 25, 2021 11:08 PM
Reply to  mary

What I’m talking about. Progressives are them.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Apr 25, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  Big al

“Utter Langley-Land disinformation bunkum to keep the prole slaves at each others throats instead at the throats of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOTIC PSYCHO CRIMINALS.” .

Apr 26, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  mary

I became a member of Slop-Ed about a year ago when they were battling TPTB on operation Covid. Since then they have either been totally turned by deep state or made a cynical decision to value subscriber numbers over truth and life.

Apr 26, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  DavidW

they’ve always been a ‘this far and no farther’ deep state operation …

Big al
Big al
Apr 27, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  DavidW

I wouldn’t become a member of that site if they paid me. That was my point.

Big al
Big al
Apr 27, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Big al

Must be at least 8 progressive readers out there who don’t like getting criticized. Either that, or some people completely missed my point. The article is by a leading “progressive”, get it. Iow, the progressives this author is talking about are not of low expectations, they are of idiotic, imperialistic, police/military state, expectations. They are part of the problem.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Apr 25, 2021 8:11 PM

“Revolutionary optimism” always becomes a species of pessimism/low expectations . Such is the nature of the human algorithm , a closed loop that allows mutation through error , Darwin only got it half right ?

George Mc
George Mc
Apr 25, 2021 7:55 PM

Indeed. And once again nihilism (i.e. the lowest of all expectations) proves to be a conservative matter cf. David Bowie:

Man is an obstacle,

Sad as the clown

So hold on to nothing

And he won’t let you down

Apr 25, 2021 7:05 PM

More breakdown from Reiner Fuellmich and friends Sondersitzung, special session. There are many excellent discussions in an extensive special international meeting, Sondersitzung, with Reiner Feullmich and Committee with lawyers and others from Italy, UK, Canada, US, Germany, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. A break down of the meetings with lawyers from South America. At 2:40:00 with Miguel Luis Marcelo Iannolfi : Argentina people have been consistently under attack and human rights violations are rampant. They have over 400! lawyers working on cases dealing with the restrictions and lockdown. Like in many places, many  people are beginning to see the reality and the illusions of a pandemic are fading. But as Miguel says “ Justice only looks to where the wind blows.” At 3:00:00 with a spirited Gustavo Salle Lorier : Uruguay “Friends we are in the third world war.” . Only one lawyer has filed action against the restrictions in all of Uruguay, not many “covid” deaths, around 575. Green passports are being worked into a pharmacological apartheid. The people are treated like its the middle ages, there is no rule of law. At 3:20:00 with Chilean human rights lawyer Natalia Ravanales. The crisis began in 2019 when military occupied the streets. Covid lockdown is an excuse for an imposition of a military dictatorship. Government is changing the entire constitution. Laws are being made to steal parents responsibility and guidance over children and replace it with governmental power. Similarly they are making a law where the government can act as people guardians after determining  who needs a guardian  and this coincides with a new euthanasia law, in other words, the government is making laws to legally kill people!  4:00:00 Canadian Michael Swinwood in Peru, RtD posted a bitchute video of this excellent discussion in the previous comment section. There is also a great discussion… Read more »

Apr 25, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  fame

Thanks very much for this.

Apr 26, 2021 12:06 AM
Reply to  fame

Thank you so much for this link! I had seen the Swinwood excerpt earlier on bitchute but did not know about the others. I loved hearing Garner from NM, and especially Leslie Manookian. Just became aquainted with her recently.

Apr 26, 2021 10:36 AM
Reply to  Judith

Yes the session with Garner was good as well. I also want to point out to everyone not watching the video, that another common issue in these South American countries is they are refusing to administer medical treatment or care for diseases other than “covid”.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Apr 26, 2021 12:46 AM
Reply to  fame

Thanks, fame, for posting the link to the full session!

Apr 25, 2021 6:58 PM

Youtube create an award for free expression and give it to their own CEO:

Awards are a clever psy-op to convince the gullible the rubbish they offer isn’t really such rubbish after all.

Apr 25, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, I saw that. I forget where. They have zero shame.

Apr 26, 2021 4:03 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Hilarious and at the same time, very sad.

Bored now
Bored now
Apr 25, 2021 6:50 PM

Great article David!
I think trying to argue within the political framework of low expectations that exists will get us nowhere. We each have a responsibility to create the world we want to live in and make it exist by making choices and taking actions each day that remove us from ‘their’ world.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 25, 2021 6:48 PM

Re: Yet a lot of progressives have been trained to lower their expectations to think this is simply too complicated to do, resulting in a continuous loop of being “realistic and “practical” because, hey, what can we do?

Over a decade ago, my expectations with regard to so-called “progressives” went off-the-scale negative; and I have little expectation of it ever changing.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Apr 25, 2021 6:59 PM

And to illustrate the point:

Wishing everyone a wonderful and vaccinated 2021!

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