Deleting the Reset: The Imminent Struggle Ahead

Kevin Smith

A while ago I wrote an article explaining my journey of learning towards the Great Reset agenda. In that piece I said that I thought this horror show would continue for some time, but ultimately it would fail, but at great cost to our society and to all of us.

More recently I’ve been researching information about the new ‘vaccines’ and like others, now seriously wonder if this is part of something sinister and perhaps even more of a threat our very existence.

For relief from the madness and heavy-reading of the scientific studies, I watch a lot of Ivor Cummins’, Dr Mike Yeadon’s, and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi online presentations which are professional, clear and powerful.  Dr Bhakdi’s recent interview here is brilliant, yet the most terrifying I’ve watched concerning the vaccines.

There are some experts out there with real passion, intelligence and an amazing ability to cut through the complexities.  We should all be grateful to have such brave people setting out the facts.

Of course, many of these experts and commentators have limited access to the so-called mainstream. They’ve been censored relentlessly.  It’s easy to become despondent that the now obvious facts over Covid-19, lockdowns and vaccines are still not getting a hearing.

For me, it’s the frustration that the public are still largely oblivious to the impending nightmare about to descend on them and their families.  And the powerlessness to stop it, like a slow-motion car crash.

Dr Reiner Fuellmich

Just recently, I’ve become drawn towards some presentations and interviews involving a prominent German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich. Quite a few readers here may have watched the same material.

He’s well known for previously taking out successful legal actions against huge companies, Volkswagen, over its fraudulent emissions data and also Deutsche Bank over a financial scandal.

Last year his attention was drawn towards the response to the so-called Coronavirus crisis and with several others, set up the German Corona Investigative Committee to look into it. Now, this committee has conducted much of their investigations and are proceeding with legal actions globally.

I think it’s worth summarising some of this here.

Also, although many of us are aware of many of the reasons, motives, timing for the so-called Great Reset, I think Reiner’s insights and thoughts are interesting and collectively provide a more complete understanding of what’s behind it all. And perhaps there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

Below includes my review and some thoughts on the above clips, Reiner’s approach, observations and findings, with some of my thoughts.


Reiner set up the investigation committee in July 2020.  This is a good summary of the timeline, concerns and questions raised and conclusions which followed.

They decided the three major questions to be answered in the context of a judicial approach to the coronavirus issues were:

  1. Is there a corona pandemicor is there only a PCR-test pandemic? Specifically, does a positive PCR-test result mean that the person tested is infected with Covid-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing in connection with the Covid-19 infection?
  2. Do the so-called anti-corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing, and quarantine regulations, serve to protect the world’s population from corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe – without asking any questions – that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?
  3. Is it true that the German government was massively lobbied, more so than any other country, by the chief protagonists of this so-called corona pandemic, Mr. Drosten, virologist at charity hospital in Berlin; Mr. Wieler, veterinarian and head of the German equivalent of the CDC, the RKI; and Mr. Tedros, Head of the World Health Organizationor WHO; because Germany is known as a particularly disciplined country and was therefore to become a role model for the rest of the world for its strict and, of course, successful adherence to the corona measures?

In examining these points and to understand the big picture better, Reiner says that he spoke to over a hundred experts and took testimony.  From scientists, doctors, psychologists and many other experts in their fields, including whistle blowers with knowledge of the Great Reset.

Reiner confidently states in the interview that he has a good case to show that the combine decision making and lockdown measures in response to Covid-19 and PCR tests and other evidence, is a scandal on a massive scale and the biggest crime against humanity, ever.

Without repeating all the events over the last 14 months (which are largely covered within the above links), it’s now obvious that virtually every official western government, scientific narrative and measure has been the complete opposite of how to deal with a genuine public health crises. It’s clear Covid-19 is being used to usher in a regime of complete control over us.

Legal opportunities 

Reiner explains in the interview that the legal actions are being planned and will be multi-layered and conducted across jurisdictions internationally.  He believes that in light of favourable judgements in Portugal and Austria regarding the ineffectiveness of the PCR test, this is a good approach. 

He also explains that because the reset agenda is also not limited to one jurisdiction, it makes good sense from this perspective.

It seems to me, on the facts alone, he would have a strong case in any fair court. But I think we’ve all seen examples of European courts issuing inexplicable decisions or ducking out of a judgement on hugely important issues on a point of law or jurisdiction.

Reiner says that perhaps the best chances of legal success are in the US and Canada legal systems he is familiar with, which allow class actions.  Class actions can be joined by individuals who believe they have been disadvantaged by decisions of the state or large company, for example, by fraud, negligence or discrimination.

Reiner states during the interview that the national state systems might not be suitable for this type of case due to the sheer scale of the Covid-19 fraud and ultimately envisages a ‘Nuremberg 2’ scenario.

Some people might feel that the legal process, even if it hasn’t been bought and paid for by the globalists responsible for these crimes, will take too long to stop what’s happening. I think this is a danger, but much work has already been carried out by the German Corona Investigative Committee and much evidence is already in the public domain and cases in the pipeline soon.

In any event, I believe it will be interesting to watch these events, perhaps within the context of the continuing horror of the ongoing health, social and economic destruction and the Great Reset agenda. Such increasing public awareness might determine the outcome, how these cases proceed or are judged, or even if they proceed at all.

The interests driving the Great Reset: a lawyer’s view

What was most interesting from the interview is what Reiner said about the people involved within this agenda and the possible motives behind it.  While I and many of us have a fair idea of what they are, and there seem to be many, I think we struggle to understand the structure behind it all, how it works together and how to apportion responsibility to each moving part (financial and banking, big pharma, world organisations, climate-change agenda, medical profession, judiciary etc)

Reiner’s observations of this are interesting and I think provide some grounds for optimism.

He says from what he’s learned he thinks there are about 3,000 people in the world most directly complicit acting against a population of around 8 billion. He refers to them as the ‘Davos Clique’. He says, however, that he estimates between 10 and 20% of people in the world have woken up to this agenda and possibly many more are on the path to discovery.

So that’s 3,000 hardcore criminals against perhaps as many as 1.5 billion, so far.

Reiner also says that these criminals are made up of people with competing interests and where in-fighting takes place. This, he believes, may be an opportunity to push-back just in the same way they have divided us. It seems whistle-blowers have provided information and as this terrifying agenda unfolds, this should gather pace.

Likewise, when asked who these people are and what combined motives are involved, he explains that they are made up of the ‘usual suspects’ of world organisations such as, WHO, WEF, IMF, the billionaire technocrats, pharmaceutical giants, big media platforms, banks and investment funds.

He says the motive is not primarily financial because these people are outrageously wealthy already. He describes it as more about control over humanity.  This operates under the guise of several motives and agendas, self-preservation and consolidation, Covid and vaccines, climate-change ideology but essentially it is about power. But their money is what oils the machinery below them.

I think perhaps the structure Reiner and others have described is like a pyramid.  He says that these elitist cults have filtered money down to grease the various chains of command below them, such as governments, opposition parties, media, scientists, universities, hospital trusts and so on.

Reiner says that he also believes that some individuals in government could have been bribed, coerced or threatened into co-operating.  We’ve seen possible signs of this elsewhere such as Belarus, Tanzania and Burundi.

I guess the lower you go down the pyramid you get the ‘middle managers’ and ‘foot-soldiers. Some who are being bribed with funding grants. Some who suspect something but are too afraid to speak out. Some who are oblivious to what’s going on.

It’s not hard to imagine with all the forces above pulling together, wittingly or otherwise can commence such a huge undertaking of a global coup.  My analogy is similar to Nazi Germany and the command structure looks very similar.

Reiner also mentioned two interesting scenarios which I hadn’t considered as much.  He says that he was told by a whistle-blower that the original plan was to introduce the reset in 2050.  This was brought forward to 2030 and then to now as some elements within this group became impatient.   He says that he believes this being rushed through now is why they are making so many obvious mistakes that can be exploited.

Further Reiner says he was told that Europe is the battleground where they are trying to get control over the most. This is because Europe and the central bank is essentially bankrupt and particularly the big pension funds which for obvious reasons don’t wish people to know.  They figure pushing through their agenda under the guise of pandemics, climate-change, conflict and other crisis will distract the public and by the time they wake up, they will be under full control.

After the same people caused the previous financial crash, they reassured us everything was alright again but since have been printing money and plundering more.

Reiner believes, as the financial system started showing signs of imploding again in 2019, this was when the globalists decided to meet and agreed to push the Coronavirus narrative and towards the Great Reset.

What are the chances of stopping their power grab?

Reiner is quite hopeful that this could happen and a better world could emerge and away from the globalism which has created the world’s problems.  He says that, if we fail, it could be the end of humanity, so we can’t fail. I share this assessment and cautious optimism.

Personally, I think the globalist cults may have bitten off much more than they can chew at once.  Due to the overall agenda being a shared goal among different interests, but combine with many smaller agendas within these groups (which sometimes conflict), I think it’s hard to pull off.

I believe the courts in theory offer remedies as long as they are independent or there’s a chance at least, the globalists may back off or settle if they see the evidence against them is overwhelming and awareness growing.

Whistle-blowers could start coming forward more, perhaps caused by an unexpected event or opposition which the elites haven’t factored in or further mistakes they make. So, there’s a strong psychological element to this battle.

Likewise, many more people than we realise now could be on the verge of waking up and a spark somewhere, perhaps major civil unrest could cause contagion.  The elites could lose their nerve, become too greedy, divisions and in-fighting could follow leading to self-destruction.

But I believe the elites could double-down with further generated crisis. Food chain problems, power cuts new variants and other distractions.  There could be evil that we have not factored in.

The tragedy for humanity is if people don’t wake up now, they may not realise until they are in the nightmare, where they will own nothing and be expected to be happy, or far worse.

What can we do?

Reiner says it’s not worth the effort trying to actively persuade the people who seem to have switched off their brain and rolled up their sleeves.  Rather concentrate on spreading the message and connect to like-minded individuals or those who simply have doubts about what’s going on.

In my mind there are two things we need to do as individuals. To win, and cope until we do.

My own thought is to take one day at a time, not to overthink the unthinkable. My view is also to spread the powerful messages, the grave doubts about the vaccines, passports, digital currencies, highlighting the Great Reset and what this will mean to the lives of all of us if we accept full control by a bunch of Bond Villain-style criminals.

Use strong language, call this agenda for what it is.  Communism, fascism, eco-authoritarianism or analogies with Nazi Germany.

Use fear of their real, terrifying agenda, just as they have used fear of a “virus” which is not a threat, against us. When spreading this information use images, ridicule and humour.

Finally, for me, one very compelling part of Reiner’s interview was to do with spirituality which he mentioned in parts of his clip near the end and is worth listening to.

He says that he is not religious but has come to believe that some people have perhaps a gift or ability to see things the majority can’t or won’t.  I guess he was suggesting something beyond researching events. Possibly more a superior perception of events, a spirituality, or a natural instinct well above the general human ability to perceive or rationalise things – which he feels is relevant to this and connecting with each other.

Reiner gave the example of a friend who was describing their child in the company of other children, him being different to the rest.

This is something I can relate to, in the direction of my life from one which was largely aimless and unfulfilled to today fighting injustice wherever I see it.

I feel there is a spiritual dimension there and I sense this with others fighting this and similar causes. Whether it is spiritual or there’s another explanation, I think the essence of what Reiner is saying is very true and will resonate with many people whether it’s opposing foreign wars or fighting against the war the global elites and their puppets have now unleashed on all humanity under the guise of Covid-19.

At the end of the interview, the interviewer asks Reiner if history would look back fondly on him and others who took part in this fight now.  Reiner replied “absolutely, of course”

Reiner is clearly a person of much integrity, passion and intelligence. One of many excellent people we have fighting for us.

Originally published at One World Press


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May 5, 2021 7:36 AM

I understand that people with difficulty thinking for themselves and brought up with the propaganda that communism=evil, can connect it to anything perceived to threaten their freedom. What I do not understand is how someone, apparently aware of the way the mega rich elite is strengthening their control over governments, can believe that a group of people who individually own vast wealth would have an interest in a social system that would completely remove their riches, and reduce their power, influence and wealth to the same level as every other individual in society, namely communism. Communism is what the rich have been fighting for a thousand years, and it is a measure of the success of their propaganda today that those opposing them can believe that a society where everyone is truly born with equal rights and responsibilities and great wealth cannot be inherited, would be worse than today’s society where a tiny minority have vast wealth and the power to manipulate nations.

F.M. Harder
F.M. Harder
May 8, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Graham

It’s no surprise to me that “communism” is seen as evil. Communists have far too long promoted two things: their (ostensible) value/goal of “socialism” (which shares the idea of “government by the people” and is fully compatible with “democracy”) BUT ALSO their obscenely pretentious method of “vanguardism”.

The former, of course, is promoted a hundred times louder than the latter, with unending blather about peoples’ republics and all — but the latter is most definitely NOT compatible with “democracy”. The vanguard method is nearly a polar opposite of the socialist objective. “You proles just sit back and don’t worry your pretty little heads about it, ok? Worker’s paradise? STFU, you idiots — we’re workin’ on it!!” So which value do you think (“know”, actually) wins out — due to that dirty little secret, human nature — the vast majority of the time? Well, fortunately, we now have all the lessons of the 20th century, and they ain’t pretty.

So, it seems to me that if you (and they) think you’re going to get any mileage in the 21st century using the word “communism” after the (de facto perpetual) vanguardists spent 100 years defaming it with their special flavor of totalitarianism, then allow me to introduce you to Sisyphus.

May 8, 2021 10:45 PM
Reply to  F.M. Harder

Might I suggest this, written by Clint Richardson, a mostly unknown researcher:

May 8, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Graham
Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 3:58 AM

Kevin, have you read the articles by Torsten Engelbrecht et al on Off-Guardian? If not you need to. You’ve been led astray by controlled opposition assuming, of course …

They are the only ones really telling the truth about the non-existence of the alleged virus.

May 4, 2021 1:16 AM

Has anyone got links for the previous cases with VW and DB that Fuellmich was meant to have been involved in?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 2:17 AM
Reply to  Dan

I don’t but it all sounds very pat to me – the big bad companies that Fuellmich’s valiantly fought his best against.

May 4, 2021 2:24 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

It sounds great alright, and the Dr. does seem earnest in the video interviews I have seen. But when introducing his content to others with a phrase like “this was the guy who won the VW dieselgate case” and then not having a single link to back that up with…

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 3, 2021 10:45 AM


In Australia, for example, people are thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, as deemed by the authorities. In the Philippines, people who do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly, in this sense, are getting shot in the head.

OK, I call out the German Corona Investigative Committee as controlled opposition.

People in Australia are not being thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask and I seriously doubt that people in the Philippines are getting shot in the head for not wearing a mask.

Arrant nonsense. They always give themselves away and here it is right here.

Just another 9/11 Commission.

May 3, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Maybe you are the controlled opposition because a VERY quick search uncovered the two links (there were several different sources) that I needed to prove you wrong……

The Philipines incident did happen. Now granted the situation escalated but the spark that ended up with the man being shot was the authorities incidence he wears a mask. This is worrying because a line has been crossed, lethal force to enforce mask wearing. This was covered by several MSM here’s one :


Australia, here’s a link to the article describing a man who refused bail and held in custody (jail!) for not wearing a mask. Refused bail !!! for not wearing a mask. You can rob bank, be charged with rape etc and get fricking bail.


There are many incidents (same duckduckgo search) of elderly women and exempt mask wearers being wrestled to the ground by cops, cuffed and dragged of to the police station.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 3, 2021 11:34 PM
Reply to  yorkshirelad

Yorshirelad, I know nothing about history and politics generally and have poor understanding of strategy in general. I’m not a strategist by nature, I’m just a simple analyst but one thing I understand that is so very simple but others seem to find hard to really take to heart – to really assimilate into their being but must be done – is that to control the world the opposition must be controlled, not just the “masses”, the opposition, small as it is. And what better way as quoted to us from Lenin to control the opposition than to “lead it ourselves”. A priori what we should expect in psyops is: — An investigative committee will appear and it will be working for the other side, the 9/11 Commission being a notable example – OK ultimately they wanted the 9/11 Commission to look very obviously as if it was working for the other side but the 9/11 strategy is a little different. A later committee set up for 9/11 is the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry – this one well this committee is genuine wouldn’t you know – yes a genuine committee not like the big bad Commission! The Commission was bogus but now we have the genuine one fighting for justice! No it’s as bogus as the Commission. — Propaganda stories saying that terrible things have been done to people opposing or acting in defiance of the narrative. It presses our buttons and helps with compliance. I live in Australia. No one is going to jail for not wearing a mask, I guarantee it. I have never worn a mask and when I questioned a hospital after they refused me medical services for not wearing a mask about their legal authority to do so they invited me back for treatment.… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 12:19 AM
Reply to  yorkshirelad

Oh, I just read the Australian story.

WA Police said the man was standing outside a shopping centre on Great Eastern Highway in Midland on Monday and not wearing a mask.

Police offered him a free face mask but the man allegedly refused to wear it or provide police with his full name and address.

You see how the story doesn’t add up? The rule was only in shopping centres, not outside them so he wasn’t obliged to wear a mask anyway nor obliged to give the police his name and address. Complete BS … and, as usual, they make it obvious.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 1:04 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

And another anomaly in the story:
It says he was standing outside a shopping centre on Great Eastern Highway. When you look at googlemaps although the address of the shopping centre is the highway, it’s not really connected to the shopping centre nor does it look as if you could stand on it, there doesn’t seem to be any kind of footpath. Now you might say that the story is just situating the shopping centre on Great Eastern Highway however I’d disagree. You don’t normally locate shopping centres by the street they’re on, you just say the name of the shopping centre and the suburb. The implication is definitely that the man is standing on the highway when, in fact, you couldn’t stand on it and it’s not really connected to the shopping centre in any case.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 2:19 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

And yet another anomaly: he was denied bail.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 2:55 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

And yet more anomalies. He was taken to Perth Magistrates Court at the time of the offence but it says his case would be heard in Midland Magistrates Court. If there’s a Magistrates Court in Midland why would he have been taken to the Perth Court (30 minutes away) but then have his case heard back in Midland? And was he remanded in custody from end of Jan to Feb 19 when his case was due to be heard for not wearing a mask? Is that what we’re meant to believe?

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 5:25 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I missed the over-egging of the omelet – “thrown into prison if they do not wear a mask or do not wear it properly“.

People can wear any old thing on their face any old how and not be challenged. It’s all about getting people to comply, nothing to do with efficacy of face masks and wearing them properly.

May 3, 2021 12:41 AM

Here in the so-called ‘UK’, Matt Hancock is fiercely devoted to Klaus Schwab and Boris Johnson is terribly keen on depopulation. Dominic Raab has just said mask wearing will not end in June, and Hugo Talks Lockdown has just discovered, on the government’s own website, that it’s spending £320,000,000 on covid advertising until April 2022. Just blogged this – please take a look at Hugo’s video there and Dr Vernon Coleman’s article, ‘Is Boris Johnson A Psychopath?’ –

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 2, 2021 8:30 PM

Here is my Sunday’s “free” digest from NYT, and the weekend’s surging “cases” of steer manure, from our “cases” of criminals at The New York Times:


1. Global coronavirus cases are surging, driven by India and South America.

The number of new daily cases has exceeded 800,000 for more than a week. The spike is largely driven by the outbreak in India, which now accounts for more than 40 percent of the world’s new cases. The U.S. plans to halt travel for non-U.S. citizens from India starting Tuesday.

Vaccines in India are running short, hospitals are swamped and *cremation grounds are burning thousands of bodies every day. Health experts and political analysts say that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s overconfidence and domineering leadership style bear a huge share of the responsibility for the crisis. Meanwhile, Indians living abroad are frantically seeking to help sick relatives.

Much of South America is also faring poorly. Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Peru, Argentina and Colombia all rank among the 20 nations with the highest number of Covid deaths per capita.

*NB As has been the “case” with the tropes of endless fear porn all this year+, it is highly plausible in India that, on any given day in a nation of 1.5 billion, cremation grounds are burning “thousands of bodies”, though it sounds much gnarlier when they frame it so.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 2, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

The report claims that India now accounts for “40% of the world’s new cases”.

Amazing what can be done with enough cycles of a PCR test.

It also is amazing that India, a country that has enough slums to probably not be the poster for maximum hand sanitizer and hygiene, has had to date only about 10% of the USA fatality rate?

I looked at the stats several times this week: 200k deaths. Four times the size of the U.S. (1.5 billion compared to .33 billion, 330 million), that would only be 50,000 or so.

50,000 compared to 570,000?

Ridiculous. The Magic Virus attacks Americans to the tune of 10 times more than Indians!

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 3, 2021 2:23 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

I can get them “800,000 cases” just in my county here, in a day, if you give me enough PCR kits and 45 cycles of amplitude.

May 2, 2021 3:29 PM

First and foremost call it what it is.

Bernie Sanders and his like minded Fabian Socialists (like Obama) that once masqueraded as “Democrats”, have a very clear goal.

“The line between fascism and Fabian socialism is very thin. Fabian socialism is the dream. Fascism is Fabian socialism plus the inevitable dictator.” 

-John T. Flynn


Thanks to Nixon opening up China, China is no longer communist, it is fascist, with the lifelong Dictator named Xi Jinping.

So, we need to call it exactly what it is, that being fascism. Fascism is the 180 degree opposite of what the Founders intended for this nation.

That’s the message that needs to be delivered.

May 3, 2021 5:22 AM
Reply to  LarryP

Quotes from Larry’s Link to Forbes Fortune magazine:

“This article is 9 years old”

“Numerous commentators have raised alarming comparisons between America’s recent economic foibles and Argentina’s fall “from breadbasket to basket case.” The U.S. pursues a similar path with her economy increasingly ensnared under the growing nexus of government control. Resources are redistributed for vote-buying welfare schemes,”

May 3, 2021 12:43 PM
Reply to  LarryP

It’s not fascism/socialism/communism/left/right etc because those labels don’t apply when you look at the path to reach that state. The old left-right politics no longer apply. Those left-right labels were based on idealistic belief systems that the last 100+ years have shown to be sadly lacking. This is why we have large “anti” movements as opposed to large “pro” movements! Everyone is pissed off about some aspect of modern politics and/or economics. Nothing is working for the majority of people. One thing does work for a minority though, and that is control. If you can keep people under control (china style) then the oligarchs can rule. This level of control is not being done or pursued by leftists. Its being pursued by people who believe they have an intellectual superiority that demands they rule “on behalf” off the population who don’t understand the complexities of running a country. The population should just go to work and be happy with their Amazon purchases. The reason why those countries like China and Russia have become oligarchs is because of the starting position for a society as it fails. It needs to be controlled first and the best way to control a society is convince it that everyone behaves and does what they are told for the “good of society”. That collective “good of society” is an aspiration of the traditional leftist thinkers and not the traditional capitalists. Hence why the failed left of centre projects are easier to turn into this Oligarch nightmare. The democratic countries who, lets be honest, swing between soft left and soft right every 4/5 years but never actually change ANYTHING needed something quite severe to have them all turn into good little obediant citizens…….Corona. The solution : change of politics, change of economics etc with one absolute… Read more »

May 4, 2021 11:26 AM
Reply to  yorkshirelad

At last ….. someone who sees the labelist bollocks for what it is …. good reply.

May 7, 2021 11:27 AM
Reply to  Derf

It’s exceedingly simple now…..’Them’ and ‘Us’…..The labels can wait until after this shitshow is over….The human race will get nowhere whilst it continues with it’s tribal habits of ‘labelling’

May 2, 2021 11:07 AM

Pfizer macht frei….same old same old as in the days of international bankster financed mad dog Onkel Adolf and his howling NAZI monkeys. Same as it alwayZ waZ. The evil EUSSR is our enemy run by third rate hairstylist in chief and brainless moron aka Uschi Von der Lyin who even a turd like Erdoggan insults to her face. Natostan is the real power in Urupp run by the anglozionazi trinity of evil from the bowels of Washing town. Cure the disgusting pox amerikana and the covaid$ bankster nightmare would disappear in a week.

Meanwhile on the Natostan Zionazi plantation the herd is restless as the stiff legged piles of woolly numskulls start to mount.
Onward to Ouch Witz, mein Schnucki$ where the song remains the same and the joke is now on all of us!

May 2, 2021 9:22 AM

I appreciate all and any who shine the human spirit – without subjecting it to whether it furthers my (idea of) agenda or plan in the world. The ego – of self-imaged, is a usurping mind. Its narrative asserts over the Face of God – which is a truly discerned recognition of shared being, to ‘live’ a masking over in some sense of specialness that carries or embodies aspects of its own shadow, as a sense of self-possession and control – for such is the face of the ego which it would have you give allegiance as too big to fail. The usurping and concealing narrative reveals the shadow of its own fear. The ego is in is sense being ‘reset’ or recalibrated to operate from and as a different function than a masking opacity of filters, rules and denials. But as a result of its own disintegration as a meaningful and worthy basis for self, word and world. ‘And you will weep each time an idol falls’. So there is no need to delete or overtly engage in the ego’s framing – excepting to look at it and find it wanting, in terms of truth or substance. But there is a call to accept the renewal of our mind from a point of truly discerned recognition of shared being. The ego – as a fake or substitution for your reality – has a version of everything – and so words or forms of life can be masked in, as if to ‘become real’, ‘become worthy’ become validated’, whereby a sense of lack and invalidity at the root of all fear seeks to crown its own self as its own making true or creation. This can never be. But we can be-live the results of setting our own story against… Read more »

May 2, 2021 8:07 AM

For all the questioning whether the virus exists, I reckon it’s still a shame this last 18 months, that so many people have died or become very ill and still continue to do so after catching something that makes them cough so badly. (citation needed to demonstrate that statistically higher all cause mortality has occurred and is attributable to a single respiratory infection -ed)

I doubt any belief in conspiracy or hoax could help fix that. It might be comforting though.

Anthony Porter
Anthony Porter
May 2, 2021 12:21 PM
Reply to  Rupert

Still denying that they’ve totally conned you… Sad.
It really doesn’t matter whether anyone believes it exists or not.
What does matter is the ridiculously disproportionate response to it, which is nothing less than a treasonous crime against humanity by the corrupt UN member governments who are all clearly complicit players in a sinister (not so ‘hidden’ anymore), anti-humanity depopulation and control agenda.
Hint, There are numerous illnesses that have infiltrated our species which were orders of magnitude worse that this so-called SARS-Cov-2, in terms of fatalities, over thousands of years and there was never a need to shutdown our whole society and destroy the global economy to prevent them from infecting us.
Almost any coronavirus or respiratory illness including minor sniffles, such as the common cold, through to the common influenza virus, Tuberculosis and other genuine deadly pandemics produce the same symptoms you assume to be proof or evidence that the rhetoric and endless fear propaganda, which is disturbingly accepted and believed by far too many ignorant fools, too lazy to think for themselves such as yourself, that this invented ‘deadly pandemic’ is a something real which genuinely threatens our existence.
The only pandemic which threatens our society and our very existence is the pandemic of FEAR, based on the establishment media’s hysterically propagated LIES.
The success of this silent coup being rolled out in plain sight is entirely attributable to the general public’s ignorance of medical science and reliance on, thus gradual indoctrination by the mainstream media, over several decades, for all of their (mis)information.
WAKE UP! Turn off your TV and radio and stop reading the fear porn in their despicable tabloids and THINK for a change, using simple common sense, assuming you still have any left.

May 13, 2021 10:04 PM
Reply to  Anthony Porter

The virus is real but the trial vaccine is dangerous to our health and caused a lot of death. It isn’t right to give such an injection. One death is one to many. Wake up people before it is to late

May 2, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  Rupert

Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to favor us with insightful wisdom on the terrifying Megadeath of Doom pandemic, Mr Murdoch!

A media baron never stands so tall as when he stoops to enlighten the masses, gratis, on a topic in which he is so successfully invested.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 2, 2021 8:17 PM
Reply to  Rupert

You say absolutely nothing here. It addresses nothing at all, even by tangent.

It is a sad kind of sentimentality that intrudes into the plentitude of fact-based documented offerings here.

Don’t cover your mouth when you cough, just cover it next times you speak.

May 2, 2021 2:34 AM

When children begin to die from this jab, I think we could see real whistleblowing and change. Right now, 4 children have died from the jab. 2 15 year olds, a 16 year old and a 2 year old in Pfizers clinical trial they are currently running to get approval to start jabbing children en masse.
Its one thing to be an adult and choose to take their poison but ENTIRELY another when children do not have that choice.
Will that be the ultimate crossing of the Rubicon?
Well know very soon.

May 7, 2021 11:35 AM
Reply to  Kay

I personally think that the rubicon crossing will happen when they come for the pets,numerous instances of the msm pushing the pet agenda and recently on that abominable good morning britain some clown/actor presenting pets as being bad for the environment and once something is linked as being bad for the environment its doomed

From what i’ve seen on several other internet fora i visit people are far more likely to actually threaten violence against people should they try to take their ”furbabies” away from them (furbabies was an actual quote i saw…talk about infantilism) in fact rather more so and more vocally than the threat of their children being pumped full of gene altering shit

The sooner it happens the better as far as i’m concerned and not because i hate animals/pets rather the opposite in fact but because it’ll be the biggest own goal ‘they’ have scored to date

James Brown
James Brown
May 1, 2021 11:08 PM

History is always written by the victors.

Don Paul
Don Paul
May 1, 2021 5:42 PM

Nice one, Kevin. I like your heart in it. No question that the Big Lie being played out now is too encompassing and too lethal to hide. When We Masses begin to act as a whole against the Ruling Few–first step, I think: abandon their credit-system in any form, as Sir Josiah Stamp advised at the U of Texas 1927–we WILL WIN. This piece and its 70 end-notes and urls might be useful for those who want more references and examples–https://donpaulwearerev.com/flipping-the-script/monster-mentor-monsters-then-fall-to-we-masses-love-refusing-the-great-reset-3

Janey Bhttps://off-guardi
Janey Bhttps://off-guardi
May 1, 2021 1:59 PM

Thank you for this summation of Reiner Fuellmich’s thoughts on this. I agree with his analysis and suggestions for how we should fight this. On the spirituality side, my colleague said it reminds her of Stephen King’s “The Stand”. We will win. We have to.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
May 1, 2021 3:34 AM

the 528 music is probably good for the dna help with these dodgy vaxx interference.

May 1, 2021 3:25 AM

From this piece:

“..I believe the courts in theory offer remedies as long as they are independent..”

Two rather substantial qualifiers in that sentence:

No, the court are not “independent” in the least. The opposition to the OMG!Cobid! operation will be herded into the scheme the author promotes above; then said scheme will be summarily rejected by the “courts”. And Voila! You just got Disappeared!..

One just more thing [as Peter Falk used to say]: the author claims that this is “communism”?

Ultra, ultra-sketchy.. Trust only those you know very well, firsthand. The darpaNet is not your friend.

May 1, 2021 3:18 AM

You have evolved past needing as much oversight of your daily lives, and yet, you are more exposed than ever in terms of who you are, what you believe in, what you buy, who you just spent several hours with, and so on, than ever before in human history. What does this mean to the average person who is awake? Does this mean that you must dismantle the systems of control? Does this mean that you must become an anarchist, or should you just realize that the people who have been in control are tightening their grip, and they will not be able to maintain that tightened grip forever. They will not be able to maintain it for much longer, in fact. You don’t have to worry nearly as much, or at all, about these people who are in positions of power and their desire to exert more control over you because all of that is coming to an end, and you are seeing the final attempts to dictate more control over you. You can interpret this transmission however you like. We know that some of you are going to interpret it in a particular way, and that is alright with us, because no matter what you think we are referring to, you have some loosening up to do. It serves every single one of you who feels oppressed to throw off the shackles that you have placed on yourselves by believing that someone has more power over you and your life than you do. You just have to keep tending to your own garden. You just have to pay so close attention to your own vibration that nothing could ever convince you that you should lower it. You have to let go of the victim/perpetrator, oppressed/oppressor, enslaved/enslaver model. If… Read more »

May 1, 2021 10:24 AM
Reply to  Daniel

Wow! Daniel, thank you! Very eloquently put. I like to keep up with what other people are thinking/saying but my eyes glaze over in the face of too much back and forth about what “they” have done/are doing/will do. Living beings and our environments are fundamentally one entity. There is and can never be any separation between the two. I hope many readers will realize that your comment is more important than any details about what “they” are doing to “us”. That said, I am very appreciative and fully supportive of the efforts of people like Reiner Fuellmich who are pushing back against a clearly nefarious agenda. But these efforts will come to nought if we don’t each of us activate and cultivate our higher self, our true identity which is one with the ultimate reality. Call it god/allah, the law/dharma, source; whatever floats your boat, but get down with it!

Tim Fallon
Tim Fallon
May 1, 2021 12:18 PM
Reply to  Daniel

I always knew vibrators would come to the rescue.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 1, 2021 6:13 PM
Reply to  Daniel

There’s an element of truth to what you are saying about vibrational energy, but it isn’t the whole truth. History is full of peoples whose vibrational energies were in a harmonious state, and who were conquered by more violent and aggressive tribes. The anthropologist Marija Gimbutas used to be disparaged for her theory that the quasi-matriarchal, relatively non-violent people of Old Europe were conquered and displaced by much more aggressive invaders, the Kurgan people, but her theory is becoming more and more widely accepted as essentially correct (from Wikipedia): “The Civilization of the Goddess articulated what Gimbutas saw as the differences between the Old European system, which she considered goddess- and woman-centered (gynocentric), and the Bronze Age Indo-European patriarchal (“androcratic”) culture which supplanted it. According to her interpretations, gynocentric (or matristic) societies were peaceful, honored women, and espoused economic equality.[citation needed] The androcratic, or male-dominated, Kurgan peoples, on the other hand, invaded Europe and imposed upon its natives the hierarchical rule of male warriors.” Genghis Khan didn’t found the Mongol Empire by tending to his vibrational energies either. There’s a reason why none of the greatest poets, novelists, or dramatists in history had a cosmological vision that could be reduced to what you describe, because it isn’t true. Or rather, it’s only a partial truth that you offer. William Blake called this state of mind Beulah: There is from Great Eternity a mild & pleasant rest Namd Beulah a Soft Moony Universe feminine lovely Pure mild & Gentle given in Mercy to those who sleep Eternally. Blake saw this as a stop gap measure, a way to rest and recharge your batteries. He did not, however, regard it as any sort of final truth about the way things are. Belief in a “soft Moony universe” is what you, Daniel, are… Read more »

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 1, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

“You have to let go of the victim/perpetrator, oppressed/oppressor, enslaved/enslaver model. If you cling to it and you continue to play into that mindset, you will perpetuate it for longer than it need be on your world.”

This **sounds** like wisdom, however it can be taken too far, and frequently is taken too far, and shades into victim blaming. Are we to preach this message to slaves and sweatshop workers, that the enslaved/enslaver model is an illusion and they must stop clinging to it and must relinquish their resentments? Is that what we should have been preaching to slaves in Haiti or the American Deep South? Give up their victim mindset?

May 1, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

I think it’s more about maintaining freedom of thought, and approaching things with a stoicism, not victim blaming. The fact is a lot of people are suffering and have suffered under tyranny. But that doesn’t mean it has to destroy us.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 1, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  AirStripOne

My point is that the world is not and never has been the way he depicts it. The complex course of human history cannot be legitimately reduced to the picture he paints of higher and lower vibrational energies. It’s not that simple and never has been.

History is littered with the bodies of enlightened and harmonized peoples being slaughtered or subjugated by unenlightened and disharmonious purveyors of violence and bloodshed.

May 2, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

IOW, philosophy that overlooks the psychos may be soothing, but expecting tangible changes from it is delusional.

May 4, 2021 10:57 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

It is very simple in principle. Each has joined in making a realm of choice as ‘limit by divide and rule’ of conflicted fear and control. We may choose to persist a world made by history stamped on the face of a presence denied into a future with no escape. Or ‘take up thy bed and walk’ OUT of a story that gave you identity set in evasion of Room 101. For the world you litter with bodies is a realm of fear, pain and loss of love set in armour. The complexity of defences against exposure to feared truth are the choice to persist in futility of looking for anything true in the realm of its denial. Truth never rejects or abandons a mind set in its denial. It does not reciprocate or enter conflict, and so to a world of conflict it is ‘dead’, broken, lost, victim or avenger. But that is not truth. That is what we make of our image and concept of truth. But as the giver of such meaning, we set the measure of our condition and conditioning. That bodies are temporary is merely transience of all phenomena. They represent our visibility and tangibility in form. Love looks past the body to recognise itself by extension. Give as you would receive. Fear stops at the body to see only in terms of a past made in anger. Receiving as it knows not that it ‘gives’ as the justification for withholding, distancing, and projection of judgements, made normal. The lockdown of a split off mind to the body as separator/distance from overwhelming fear, is the result of using the mind for attack. You can observe your thoughts, and in the noticing, align in those that connect and align coherence of experience. Or you can let… Read more »

May 1, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Exactly, thank you. Perhaps Daniel should (re-)read Huxley’s warning in Brave New World. Everyone was encouraged to feel good at all times, harbor no uncomfortable thoughts and repeat socially approved mantras whenever negative thoughts arose. Formal dissent against the social order was unthinkable and one could be placed in a mental hospital for any such expression. If mantras failed, massive doses of “soma” whisked one away to a glorious world of rainbow colored unicorns crapping ice cream sundaes. This in a world where human beings were literally bred in mass incubator factories and deliberately chemically brain damaged “epsilons” did all the dirty work. I won’t give the full quote, most of you are well aware of the Frederick Douglass quote that power yields nothing without a struggle – never has, never will. There is a place for kumbaya and a place for radical, risky activism. Some of us who are not yet epsilons will be needed to do the dirty work if a truly dystopic future is to be avoided. Daniel, you may be genuinely attempting to impart a peaceful and positive “vibe” and certainly we need to act in a united way to change what we can and act decently and civilly where we have legitimate differences of opinion. In that spirit, I did not down tick your comment – I try to avoid this where possible. But I have to say I can do without the mysterious “we” in your comment. Are you spiritual beings from another dimension come to rescue “we” innocent lambs ? “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude,and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their… Read more »

May 4, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  DavidW

Power set in the world is the realm of struggle. If you assign, flag or give power to externals, you are framed and conditioned by the meanings running as a socially masking currency of ideas. Look at covidians, fighting a virus! or fighting with lies to leverage the viral masses into slavery as protection from guilt for existing. A masking reality made real by all the measures raised in reactive defence. Give no power to the ‘threat-conditioning’ and recognise power in the mind of definition. Huxley conditions you to a slave mind, but only if you take it on face value. Control mind/slave mind operate the victim/victimiser mindset. Some forms of slavery seem like freedom. Or set the terms in which to struggle for what the terms rule out. Daniel put a channelled text in – whether through hime or elsewhere. Confusing the levels is the problem. When words are given to the formless there can be a recognition in the heart of insight. But these can and will become another layer of masking for the ego of self set in image and form. This is always the way of anything coming into the ‘world’. So the issue is where do we read from? Where are we tuning in from? If you listen in the heart you discern messages of the heart. If you listen in the world you look for reinforcement, ammunition, or a better handle for the face of control. But they are not exclusive. The heart of the desire to share life embraces the world. But a mind set in masking armour, struggle and vengeance excludes the heart excepting as coerced to serve in compliance and sacrifice. These can be called vibrational thoughts or realities. Of course the heart can be masked in – but that has… Read more »

May 3, 2021 5:28 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Not only William Blake’s Beulah but also Robert Graves’ White Goddess.

May 4, 2021 1:28 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Ok – why do you see a message as ‘reductive formulations’ and deride what you made of it for not being the whole truth, as if you have the higher vibrational ground to tell others where their errors lie? And why cant Genghis Khan align in the life given him to be that, no more no less – along with Emily Dickenson and yourself? Is there a formula for adequacy in the face of rising tyranny? What is adequacy in the face of rising tyranny? If a new age – as distinct from Big Brother’s Boot stamping your face – is a seed of capacity to grow and share despite or regardless the machinations of fear and control, would it be the refined and essential core discernment gathered from all that has been lived? Fear is not the true harvest, though this is being gathered in as the choice to persist under fearful or tyrannous thinking – presenting as if to make you safe. The nature of peace and safety in Spirit has nothing to do with image and forms of such association. When you are truly aligned in desire and purpose you are being no one and nothing else. I didn’t see Daniel’s message as selling anything or telling you who you should be. You gave yourself your own message. Violence is very much part of the human conditioning. Civilising suppresses much of it, but its basis has not gone away, so much as masked in the forms of order and control. Aligning freely in an order that comes from within Life as a wholeness rising, is a different order. It is NOT formulaic – but nor is it anti-formulaic. For an oppositional mindset, wholeness is ruled out, and usurped by conflict set in narrative. Pet hates are where we… Read more »

May 4, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  Binra

Binru, thank you, beautifully put.

May 2, 2021 9:14 AM
Reply to  Daniel

A recipe for self love and non action. Positive change never happened through good vibes and noble thoughts alone. Transmission or no transmission!

May 2, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  Tom

No, the point isn’t about action or non-action. It is rather with where we place our attention – what do you occupy your attention with for the majority of your time? If we keep ourselves focused on what is wrong exclusively – we increase the wrongness in our lives, or at least or perception and awareness of it. It is a fixation. It is not black or white, rather a conscious and intentional movement towards more coherence rather than away from what is perceived as wrong or bad. This does not negate appropriate action at all, or defence. Have we not learned that warring against something does not defeat it in the end, but just changes the players? How many times need we enact the Bolshevik revolution or the myriad of wars we have been waging (drugs, terror, virus, etc) until we realise that as good our intention might be, this way of going about it never results in the change we desire? All are pessimistic about this approach – and that, unfortunately, prolongs this continuation of polarizing us vs them energy on the planet and keeps history repeating itself and thus relevant.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 2, 2021 5:59 PM
Reply to  Daniel

I notice that you didn’t address the specific criticisms I made about your argument – namely, that many “enlightened” peoples have been defeated by “unenlightened” ones. It is often the ones with an “us vs them energy” who emerge victorious in a struggle for power. “How many times need we enact the Bolshevik revolution or the myriad of wars we have been waging (drugs, terror, virus, etc) until we realise that as good our intention might be, this way of going about it never results in the change we desire?” Who is “we”? Is Dostoyevsky, for instance, to be blamed for the failure of the Bolshevik Revolution, given that he wrote novels critical of the revolutionary movements emerging in Russia at that time (which he participated in and was sympathetic to in his youth) and thought it would all end in tragedy? It is also not “the people,” collectively, not the entire human race en masse, who waged the War on Drugs or the War on Terror, but rather power-hungry and Machiavellian political and military elites, especially American ones. Contrary to what is misleadingly implied by your reference to the War on Drugs, that particular “war” was always an American phenomenon, not a human universal. It wasn’t so much some general fault of human nature, but a specifically American delusion, and more particularly, a pet project of some members of its ruling political class. That fanatical Puritan strain has always been there in America, I don’t think Nathaniel Hawthorne would’ve been surprised by the 20th century War on Drugs. Disheartened maybe, but not surprised. Daniel, those of us who have criticized your perspective have acknowledged that there are elements of truth to what you are asserting. I’ve stated repeatedly that there is some truth to what you’re saying. But I… Read more »

May 3, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Invisible Man, to respond – I take your responses seriously and respect your perspectives and the way you describe yourself. Apologies for my lack of response to your points. In all honesty, I was posting this from somewhere else, because it resonated with me greatly. I purposefully did not state where it was from (my name is also not Daniel) in order for the words to be read as is. I assume this is perhaps also why it was received as you did, as arrogant, and I totally understand that it was seen as that and why. I do not really seek a debate, I was merely posting another perspective, which can be taken, discarded or partially taken. One thing this pandemic has caused for me is a far deeper introspection into myself and my psyche, and this really resonated because I can correlate it to my inner process. I have been becoming more aware of how my mind (in its desire to bring more safety and security for me) has all these projections and structures that it operates from, based on an entirely subjective past. I really saw for myself over the past year that when my focus is placed on the things inside of myself that aren’t in alignment with who I am today, I tend to fixate, and try to fix, which really doesn’t do much at all – for me inquiry is most certainly being honest, seeing, calling things as they are, but then focusing on what I would like to move towards rather than the issue or problem. This is my truth and I have no expectation for others to agree, but perhaps some may find some resonance in what is shared. I do feel very strongly that we are collectively doing ourselves a disservice… Read more »

May 3, 2021 11:58 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

And to add to the above, I do recognise that intention isn’t everything, that it needs to be paired with appropriate action. This perspective is for me most importantly an invitation to become more present and aware of where we put our attention and how and what we create in our own lives, not prescriptive as such, and not coming from a better than you place. Personally, I don’t feel like my perspective is better than any other, or I am better than anyone here.

May 9, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  Daniel

Daniel, one day I looked up at an airplane passing high above, and an authoritative voice said to me: “you haven’t been anywhere and we’ve had travelled the universes…” Sounds WOW, right? Especially as before that day, “they” talked about the “mighty ones of the universes” and if I should be their disciple. To learn about “their great powers,” of course. Then about 6 or 7 months later, Sept 3 2027, (I remember the date very well) I put the headset on, full volume, 24 hours nonstop. Just imagine how nuts those “mighty ones” became. On the third day, the intensity of the voices of those mighty ones reduced by 50%. Fast forward to this day, close to midnight, May 9 2021, those mighty ones of the universes are almost dead. Some have probably dead. Why and how? Those mighty ones of the universes could not and can not stand these things: 1. Very bright lights to the face, especially the eyes. The sun is the best. 2. Grounding. Touching the ground with your body. 3. Very loud sound, especially low frequency sounds. 4. Heavy physical activity like lifting heavy things or running fast. 5. Electricity. Put the pads of the electro stimulator below the eyes and put some voltage and see the revenge. 6. Herbs. The smell of freshly cut garlic entering the nose weakens those mighty ones by about 50%. And lots of it did silence those mighty ones. Putting the leaves of Anisomeles Indica in the ear canals completely removes their ability to create any mental and physical sensation. And putting the extract of A Indica into the nose does more. And of course, to consume it is the best. The reason why the mighty ones of the universes could not and can not stand those things?… Read more »

May 16, 2021 10:28 PM
Reply to  Daniel

I don’t know who you are or if you are some looney or a genuinely intuned person, but either way, your words are what I need right now. I know it’s true that it is so important to stay aligned with our higher consciousness and truly believe that no matter how bad things get, we can let our light shine, like beacons in the darkness, and we will prevail.

May 1, 2021 2:35 AM

The Great Reset
You will own nothing and you will be happy
You will have no freedom of speech, assembly or dissent and you will be happy
You will have no privacy whether in private or public space and you will be happy
You will have no freedom from state “medical” interventions on your body and you will be happy
You will have no freedom or privacy in your personal financial transactions and you will be happy
You will have no freedom of travel and you will be happy
Enjoy. “You” earned it.

May 1, 2021 5:52 AM
Reply to  DavidW

…the strange thing is that George Orwell is never invoked today by any contemporary “intellectuals.” Or, are there any contemporary intellectuals?Would Christopher Hitchens quake in his boots-fearful of catching covid or Kurt Vonnegut? So many let downs these days-wouldn’t be surprised.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 1, 2021 1:49 AM

You really do have to wonder why old Reiner hasn’t caught on that there’s no virus. After all, a famous countryman of his, Samuel Eckert, has offered a 1.5 million euro prize for proof of isolation of the virus and no one has responded to his offer.

Could it be that ol’ Reiner is – oh no not another one – a controlled opposition agent? Could it be that the German Corona Investigative Committee is just another 9/11 Commission? Why not, after all? Just asking the question.

May 1, 2021 6:21 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

the ‘controlled opposition’ bit – oldest trick in the book. He could be. you wonder why Icke or Fuellmich and RFK, Jr. and people of that ilk aren’t killed …they kill anyone they want. Hell, that’s their goal right now in the open and no one seems to give a shit.

May 5, 2021 12:36 AM
Reply to  hognut

They almost always set it up that you choose to kill or invalidate yourself.
The infotainment identity on social media is where a captured audience can be gated and controlled.

Jul 6, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  hognut

Epstein, McAfee, and soon-to-be, Maxwell. You are correct. They do kill whomever they please. It’s right in front of our faces. Nobody cares. It frightens me.

May 1, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

you could accuse anyone of being a controlled opposition agent, you or i might be one…at some point you have to believe that someone, or something is genuine…. old reiner is not working alone, its a growing international collective of lawyers, medical experts,etc
it is possible they are avoiding the “does the virus exist debate” because they thinks it may work against them in court…..the cornerstone of their case is the invalidity of the pcr tests and their endorsement by dr.drosten

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 1, 2021 7:25 PM
Reply to  tapaz

German New Medicine is a radically different medical paradigm invented by Ryke Geerd Hamer, that dispenses with the notion that ANY virus is the cause of ANY specific disease. If you’ve read his work, you will know that Hamer’s theories are as rigorously scientific as they come. And they’re probably true.

However…. he formulated these theories back in the 1980s, and they’ve been successfully tested numerous times in formal academic settings…. and there’s still a total news blackout about them. His ideas, that are now almost four decades old, might as well not even exist as far as the media and the medical establishment are concerned.

I think Fuellmich has the right idea. Judges are human beings. You can’t necessarily convince them by throwing too much complicated info at them. There are serious questions about the validity of the PCR test. There are also serious questions about the tangible reality of the COVID-19 virus. Then there are serious questions about the reality of ANY infectious virus as the root cause of disease. But I don’t think you can throw all of that into the mix. You have to zero in on something specific as the lynchpin of your legal case.

May 2, 2021 1:08 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Germany also gave the work the astounding homeopathy, that surely challenges every other medical tradition. I rely on it.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 2, 2021 3:25 PM
Reply to  tapaz

Anyone who doesn’t recognise the non-existence of the “novel” virus when they should know better is suspect in my book. I just watched an interview between Dr Christiane Northrup and Jason Sherka and they believe in the virus but they are obviously genuine in their belief. I’ll need to look more closely at the investigative committee.

May 2, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  tapaz

The “controlled opposition” claim has the strength that there is likely to be an element of truth in it. Labour “leader” Starmer for example is about as controlled as it gets. But he also can’t make headway. He is too obviously a puppet or shill.

My key problem with the “controlled opposition” thing is that it ultimately leads to paralysis. Nobody’s genuine, “they” are too powerful and their machinations are infinite and cannot be defeated, etc.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 12:40 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

These people are too powerful

If people don’t recognise the wolves in sheep’s clothing then yes they are but if people can be educated to recognise them then they won’t be … and well, yes, that’s a hard ask when most people don’t recognise the media lies in the first place.

But let’s take our hat off to these people – they do give themselves away with deliberate signs. It’s part of their rules. Once you’ve identified clearly certain people as being controlled opposition it’s reasonably easy to tell I think. And the point is, if they’re not saying the right thing then whether they’re paid or innocent controlled opposition, what they say needs to be corrected.

See my comments above for what I believe to be clear evidence of Fuellmich being controlled opposition.

May 2, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  tapaz

Exactly. You nailed it.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 4, 2021 12:43 AM
Reply to  tapaz

After looking a little further I say he’s controlled opposition and that the committee he’s part of is controlled opposition which isn’t to say that genuine people won’t become involved … but ultimately it will all be controlled. See my comments above.


May 2, 2021 8:11 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Dr Fuellmich adressed this in the session # 50, actually for the first time. He said that all options regarding the Virus are possible EXCEPT there being a letal virus. But he said explicitely there is no time currently to enter this scientific discussion. Dr Wodarg who is also on the comitee and who is an Epidemiolgist in one session referred to the possible mis representation of a virus being an external phenomena and that exozomes should be considered . The Corona Comitee is definetely not controlled opposition .

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 2, 2021 3:18 PM
Reply to  Henriette

Oh you don’t know how controlled opposition can insinuate itself.

The fact is: it is not the case that all options regarding the virus are possible EXCEPT there being a lethal virus.

There is no evidence of this virus and there is zero reason to even suspect its existence. If I were a lawyer I believe the most effective way to go in hard is to start with the lie of the virus’s existence. If that’s not what the committee is doing then it’s highly suspect.

May 5, 2021 12:33 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Why would you not be controlled opposition too. Everyone is controlled opposition – but the one who gets to Tell others that they are fake is the Real Deal.

Reiner must be aware. His focus is to seek the weak points in attempt to bring down the ongoing insanity/global coup. Why don’t you ask him if he has considered using the lack of proof of existence of Sars-cov as an empirical fact – let alone cause of disease, in his legal challenges?

Some captured opposition cant care less there is no virus but only that to bring it in is seen to divide and weaken the movement against the bad guys and their biotech slave agenda. That doesn’t make then controlled but invested in the established narrative such as to seek solution within its worldview.

I align with Lanka. Kaufman, Cowan for truth, as the basis of freedom, Whereas seeking narrative impact, leverage and manipulation to gain an outcome is the nature of the problem.

Anyone in the establishment will seek to protect their invested worldview. Its called conflict of interests, blind spot, bias, or self interest.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 5, 2021 2:03 AM
Reply to  Binra

We’re all controlled opposition, that’s for sure, but what I mean by controlled opposition are those people paid to sit in the opposition space and undermine it. But although we’re controlled in our ability to act we’re not necessarily controlled in our ability to think and analyse what’s going on. Psyops have rules, OK, Binra. They roll them out in a certain way and you can go bang, bang, bang, bang, bang. I really don’t know why people don’t seem to get how codified they are. So in order to control in a big psyop, the opposition narrative must be controlled just as much as the media narrative in order to fragment and confuse and ultimately to suppress the fundamental truth – in this case the Emperor’s New Clothes fact of no virus – and make the genuine opposition toothless. Makes sense, doesn’t it? And the space where legal action against the media narrative occurs needs to be controlled too, doesn’t it? If they have people allegedly forming an “investigative committee” then we’ll all sit back and let them do the work … but if we don’t and we want to take action ourselves or join their group and try to influence it by saying, “Hey, there’s no virus, why are you acting as if there is” you can be sure we’ll be massively blocked. The controlled opposition involved in 9/11 is enormous, absolutely enormous, they have their missing-key-truth narrative completely bound up. It’s pretty simple, Binra, Fuellmich is OBVIOUSLY paid controlled opposition because he lets us know. There are two things people don’t really assimilate into their being that needs to be done in order to understand the basics of psyops: 1. For the big ones there is massive controlled opposition involved. 2. They let us know that they… Read more »

May 9, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I am not choosing to identify in the frame of an oppositional will, but from the uncovering a true will – an unconflicted recognition that aligns thought, word and deed. I am not saying I have no habits and temptations to be phished by reaction such as to see in terms of who I then think I am – or am set against. So I recognise that to those who are set in opposition as their only salvation, I must appear to be a ‘controlled or captured opposition’ for ‘who is not with us, is against us’ as Bush senior liked to say. But I am with you, as a freedom to think and give or share and express or act, even if I may not always support your current choices. You may think you are free to think, but are you free to question all thought? And from what basis CAN we evaluate our own mind? Fear has made us stranger to our self, such that what we are in truth becomes alien to a ‘sense of self’ set in opposition, distance, lockdown and masking narratives taken as salvation – and thus protected from real question, for the narrative rules and filters are the operating system of what can be run as thought. In this sense fear is the psyop of a fake substitution for Reality by an interjection that – once we open a place from which to evaluate it truly – will reveal itself increasingly insane or obviously contrived to cover over and deny BY its codified displacement-mapping. There is no way to speak directly to those who are actively denying their own Right mind as their own conviction they are as their thought, fear and world dictate. But there is a way to extend and invite… Read more »

Sep 20, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Please sell Shill or troll.Matey the scum’s desperation is so obvious.lmfao

May 1, 2021 12:25 AM

CCP racism rages again in Hong Kong: the CCP are forcing all domestic helpers (maids) to have Covid tests because one tested positive. Instead of rounding up the people that this maid has been in contact with, they round up all 370,000 maids and tell them all to get a test – as if they all live together – and that they have to get the vaccine if they want to have their visas renewed. Of course, we all know the test was probably a false positive, but this gives the Chinese the opportunity to blame an outsider, the favourite hobby of all Chinese.

Maids are the Chinese version of niggas: they have to put up with this outright racism and in all my world travels, no race is more racist than the Chinese. They just love to blame someone else for their problems, it was white people earlier on, now it is the Indonesians and Philippinos, it is never the fault of the Chinese.

Maids will have to get the vaccine or lose their jobs … wasn’t that last year’s conspiracy theory?

May 1, 2021 2:33 AM
Reply to  aspnaz

Well worded and on point.

I would offer the Australian as being up there with the Chinese on the racist Richter scale.

Only about ten years ago I heard a “native” white Australian on national radio giving his views on immigrants having more say in the way Straya ticked.

I quote:

“Mate, yooze don’t check into a hotel and start rearranging the fucking furniture, do ya?”

Roll,out the “Welcome” mat, someone…


Tim Fallon
Tim Fallon
May 1, 2021 12:22 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Mass immigration is one of the core policies the globalists are implementing to destroy coherent opposition, mass immigration is a divide and conquer strategy.

May 2, 2021 8:25 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

“Blame an outsider, the favourite hobby of all Chinese”.
The favourite hobby of a lot of people. The hotel quarantine thing in this sceptred isle basically decided all Latin Americans were dangerous.

May 5, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  aspnaz

If it was not race it would be some other set of characteristics by which to blank others so as to use them as someone beneath – by which to justify a lack of worth and substance that can be masked in as a narrative dictate.
I see racial inheritances and characteristics but don’t hold the individuals as a product of such generalisations. When you use language this way you are in effect lining up a hate target for ‘justified’ attack because of some outer identification assigned them.
Why not seek and find ways to say what you mean to say that address the issue without feeding it?

Fear and blame operate through any and every masking of its seeming escape by dumping to others as if to get rid of it. The biotech control system quantifies human beings as incentivised narrative identities. Fear directs funding, attention, support and compliance to sacrifice. The abused then abuse others in the model of their own invested survival. Collective obedience to systemic control sets order in insanity, which results from denial that cannot even voice its lack of light, acceptance or freedom to be. It knows denial as its life and hates it, yet must seek love in substitutions, diversions and fantasy of power acted out on others.

Selfism and Otherism operate as a polarised oppositional dissociation. While we hate to love, we shall love to hate. And in confusing them each with the other lose all sense of love in a measuring stick of ‘more or less loving’ in terms of more or less hateful. By compliance the bully will give freedom from being hurt, such as to condition ‘less hurt’ as being loved. Welcome to your new normal. (sarc alert).

Apr 30, 2021 11:46 PM

If you get old, and survive, no one is going to fix it for you, except yourself..I have just managed to deliberately fall down and get up again unaided about 5 times in my back garden. I admit I am the first to admit, I did get really “covid” related ill, but I am getting a lot better now. I am trying to lose weight..lost a few pounds already, by basically not eating food, until I am really hungry.

I am going to be nearly as fit as my wife soon.

We ARE going to Music Festivals this Summer.

She ain’t going without me.

Will get the tent out soon, and test it in our back garden.

We are Still Here. Not Dead Yet.

“Dead Can Dance” Anabasis

We will die later.


Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 1, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc


Apr 30, 2021 11:21 PM

Hurmf, sometimes, I wounder why even bother, because inevietably, people are cowards, spineless and false, they lie to them selfs even more that they lie to others, comes up with explanations, descriptions and historical preferences witch most are based upon pure and all encompasing propaganda witch have been pimped for centurys, not years, but centurys, witch makes this debate about the people behind the GR to be like swiming in an mire. They will not give this away, dont even think in that terms, because they hate to loose and thats where we stand to day. In the comentary field there is to much bullshitting, mindless rethorics witch means jack shit, sorry to poop on the bubble, the only viable solution is to fight, because I as many have noticed never ever waist time to drool something about Facism to Communism, basically because their meaning diviates to such an extent that its become an straight jacked and is meaningless because the second fact is if you are going to debate anyone of this directions you must come up with more than just drool something about facism, because, whom is an facist, Franco or the Imperial banana republics banking ind. whom have been the orectratore of wars for centurys, while Franco and Mussolini fought for their own people, and I bet some of you swallowed your coffy because why did the same western MSM whom lied about everything then, continue to lie about everything now but somehow people belive everything they lied about then but not now, do you even comprehend where I am going, I bet you dont. Because you are not honest. Cui Bono dates back milleniums, often used by Ancient Roman senatwhores, and stil to this day we use that for the exact same reason but as then… Read more »

May 1, 2021 8:29 AM
Reply to  mikael

You were not born ‘awake’. You saw something that gave you a peak behind the curtain, and eventually you drew it back, that took time and effort, nobody drew it back for you.

The science of propaganda has moved on in leaps and bounds since you got your peak, the tools of the globalists are legion and ubiquitous, yet they can’t fill every flaw in the curtain.

Expose the flaws, in person where you cannot be easily ignored and clicked off.

Give your fellow humans a chance, you were there once.

If you advocate vioence you just make it easy for them to target you. If you advocate violence in a place where those who’ve seen through the curtain gather, you make it easy for them to target everyone who gathers there, some will turn away from that place. Ghandi, and others, did not make it easy.

May 1, 2021 11:13 PM
Reply to  mikael

We are facing technocrats and sociopaths!

“They” were given “decades of chances”!
“They” will NOT let this go, no way on Earth; only in HELL!
“They” are coming for the CHILDREN!
I cast my democratic vote for NO MERCY!

May 5, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  Niki

If you make a world without mercy, you will one day come to grievously regret it.
Its easy to hate – in fact its contagious, Unless you develop resilience or full immunity. I appreciate this is the only way you can see it right now. Hate must find a target.
I am not pleading on behalf of murderers, but for our humanity.
Don’t let hurt and hate poison the seed of a new beginning, for if we come though this, we will be at a new beginning. They would build back better variants of the same lies. I would align in extending truth.

May 5, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  Binra

I hate no one Binra and I appreciate your point. I actually voted “up” ImpObs for his humanity and I completely agree there should be a second chance for anyone’s action.

“These” people, the “3000”, the bribed, the useful idiots… they have everything they can imagine, and “everything” is not enough for them. “They” want “us” as slaves and “they” will not stop unless “they” are stopped. This is my opinion. It has nothing to do with hate and it has everything to with love for the rest of us.

“…if we come though this, we will be at a new beginning.” YES, I think… and hope for the same!

May 17, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  Niki

Violence really isn’t the answer. I can tell you how much harm even the slightest bit of unruly behaviour is harming the movement for freedom. It’s giving fuel to the fire. Every time a protestor resorts to the slightest violence or force, the media jumps on that and paints a very unfavorable picture of the situation and effectively convinces the rest of the not-so-independent thinkers that everyone speaking out against this covid madness is a right wing extremist. And Wham! The trigger words end all thought processes in the masses. And we need the masses to win. But we need to win over fear, hate, and anger. Otherwise new tyrants will simply rise from the ashes of the previous. Ghandi’s peaceful approach succeeded at allowing India to reclaim her independence. We may have a harder fight. But we have to believe that we can hold the darkness at bay. I do know how you’re feeling, and I’m struggling to keep my thoughts in alignment with higher consciousness, but it is so important!

May Hem
May Hem
Apr 30, 2021 9:09 PM

Here is the latest video from Dr Judy Mikovits. She discusses the PCR test among other things. The video will probably be banished soon.


May Hem
May Hem
Apr 30, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Also, she makes some interesting comments on mask-wearing and how it will make people spread infection.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 30, 2021 10:22 PM
Reply to  May Hem

There is nothing to spread, if there was some very virulent something around people in the billions would be sick, they aren’t.

Apr 30, 2021 11:22 PM

Warning: The following is rather disgusting:

There is surely always the general filth that is in people’s mouths.
I mean, I wouldn’t kiss somebody who had had diarrhoea and vomiting that day, and had felt too ill even to brush their teeth…
Nor would I want to wear their mask.

Of course I’m talking basic hygiene here, not viruses, but even basic hygiene was not always basic. People had to learn it, as did surgeons in the past, who couldn’t be bothered to wash their hands after performing autopsies or particularly purulent surgery, and then went straight into the childbirth ward and helped deliver babies.

I know there are some interesting theories out there about germs and contagion, but we don’t really want to get back to the days of the ancient Romans, who used a wet shared cloth on a stick to wipe themselves after certain ablutions.

They may have been hellish healthy, with stunning immune systems, and never got colds or influenza, but we don’t want to smell like that, do we…?

At any rate, I reckon filth can be spread, even if the worst that can happen is that you’ll be filthy…

May 2, 2021 3:55 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Except for someone coughing, the mask is a far-fetched affectation. The biggest danger from it is to the wearer:
:- from moisture/particles (that normally get expelled) causing potentially serious infections all the way from the facial skin and eyes to the nostrils and mouth all the way to the lungs
:- from interference in the balance of O2 and CO2; the truly dumb performing a physical task can collapse and even die
:- fibres and and volatiles in the mask, causing long-term harm.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
May 1, 2021 1:41 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Sometimes I approve of censorship – just kidding!

Like ol’ 09/11 Judy, Covid Judy is controlled opposition. She mixes truth with lies.

There is no “novel” virus and no virus was manipulated in a lab whether in Wuhan or Fort Detrick – at least not the alleged Covid virus – just as no anthrax came out of Fort Detrick and was posted in letters to US senators.

It’s all a psyop, all smoke’n’mirrors.

She really plays her role to perfection. How does she carry it off I wonder. I bet they all have a good chortle over Judy.

May Hem
May Hem
May 1, 2021 4:09 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thanks Petra. I did wonder at some of the things she said. She seemed to be better about a year ago if I remember correctly. Perhaps the deep state has been undermining/threatening her? Who knows?

May 3, 2021 5:57 AM
Reply to  May Hem

“This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines”

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Apr 30, 2021 8:51 PM

IMHO its a bit naive to expect a legal system to act against the bourgeoisie on behalf of the proletariat. There are many reasons for this, but two that are worth bearing in mind are:- 1) The legal system as we know it is created and exists for the protection of private property. It interprets and enforces laws that were created by, and for the benefit of, people who own things. 2) There’s a significant cadre of people, the petit-bourgeoisie, who buy into and fiercely support the system not because they’ve got a little property compared to the masses but because they’re going to be first in line to lose everything should the system be successfully challenged. (Sorry for using old-school “Marxist” terminology here but Marx was one of the first to really elucidate the mechanics (and historical basis) of a modern class system and there’s really been no better explanation yet. There’s a lot of negativity about the terminology plus the siren song of the ‘classless’ society but I think that’s primairly propaganda — you don’t want people understanding class theory, it might cause them to come to all sorts of unfortunate conclusions.) As for “The Great Reset”, that’s been ongoing for ages. My mother described this back in the 1960s as the idea that the ruling classes will ‘claw back’ the advances made by working people over the years once they felt secure enough. They had come under attack during the latter half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th due to the crass disgregard of the lives and welfare of ordinary people, culminating in WW1 where literally millions of the working class were sacrificed on behalf of what was essentially an internecine dispute among an inbred European monarchy. The first priority after WW1 was… Read more »

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Here in the Untied States, the financial elites are headed for a superior cut, alright. A guillotine cut.

Apr 30, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I’m surprised those devices aren’t making a comeback on the stock exchange…
Now would probably be a good time to buy.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 11:35 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Robot operated so no one gets dirty. Musk can work on it. {smirk}

May 7, 2021 1:01 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

They already exist,organ harvesting is far better when the ‘crop’ hasn’t been fubarred with bullets,chemicals or electricity

There is a video clip somewhere online of one being put through its paces…the speed it operates at is breathtaking

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Apr 30, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Yep Australia has always been run by mining companies.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 1, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“IMHO its a bit naive to expect a legal system to act against the bourgeoisie on behalf of the proletariat.”

There already are judges, most notably in Portugal, who ruled in favour of the proletariat and against the legality of quarantines and, most crucially, the scientific legitimacy of the PCR test. They may be few in number but they exist. They simply examined the scientific literature and concluded the test was not valid.

Kathleen Marquardt
Kathleen Marquardt
Apr 30, 2021 8:50 PM

You are only seeing a part of the picture.

Apr 30, 2021 8:38 PM

All War is Evil
No More War

Apr 30, 2021 11:51 PM

All wars are bankers’ wars. Quote from I believe Major General Smedley Butler (US).

Apr 30, 2021 8:21 PM

As European Parliament Approves Immunity Certificate, Document Proves Plans In the Works Since 2019

Apr 30, 2021 8:20 PM

I think the article underestimates the extent of our masters’ liabilities. Catherine Austin Fitts explains the power of the control file best in my opinion. Big fish get to compromise themselves with Epstein on his private island, smaller fish get kiddy porn on their hard drives. The choice is to get rich or get destroyed, hence the dearth of whistleblowers.

Brockland A.T.
Brockland A.T.
Apr 30, 2021 7:57 PM

Generally a good article, but without clearly defining what the Reset is, the article misses the opportunity to define targets and goals for the Reset resistance. What is being Reset? Arguably the power gap between the richest and most politically connected versus everyone else, including other rich people. What is the main tactic of the Reset? In part, class war thinking is being gamed. For example, if the House Soros wishes to destroy the House Mercer, they won’t send a conventional army of enforcers but an army of political leftists acting under the pretext of destroying capitalism and defending the poor. Biden’s new tax proposals, for example, are designed to favour Democratic donors and continue the destruction of the middle class. What is the solution? Although the super rich have managed to destroy the middle class and created a new kind of peasantry, the power of real and useful information has expanded via the open internet. Therefore there is at once the need to prevent censorship capture of the infosphere and maintaining healthy channels of public debate and communication. COVID-1984 is but one test and contest of who owns the narrative; facts, reason and truthfulness, or Globalists. We, The People may be victims of this conflict, but for now, also remain the mediators of this conflict and arbiters of victory. What is the primary strategy of the Reset? Visibly, eroding the power of pubic accountability, through cancel culture, captured government bureaucrats, and captured politicians. Captured government representatives, even though elected by The People, increasingly fail to deliver freedom and instead pursue policies that make the situation worse, abetted by no small number of common cheerleaders who seem to delight in authoritarianism. Ultimately, democracies will likely need to embrace rule by referendum to reign in elected tyrannies. Presently, Switzerland is the… Read more »

Apr 30, 2021 7:21 PM

The only way we are going to beat this COVID shit, is to carry on as normal.

Number 1 Say No to The Vaccinations
Number 2 Say No to Wearing a Mask

My wife said to me, I really want to go

Hell, we paid for the tickets over a year ago. Its already been cancelled once in 2020 and delayed from June 2021 to July 2021

So we are going, even if they say its cancelled…and will quite happily pay again on the gates.

We know the Security on The Gates.

I am pretty sure they will let us in to our first Festival for nearly 2 years
comment image


Apr 30, 2021 7:13 PM

The first thing to be done is to no longer be defined by our jobs, or professional expertise.

May 2, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  niko

Your would-be masters want that too: you would be an interchangeable cog in the machine – or just waiting in the sidelines.

Apr 30, 2021 7:00 PM

The globalists are NOT going to back down. If they let up, all the lies will be exposed. Whilst they’re pushing they can keep their minions in order, knowing they will be rewarded. One falter and ranks will break, they can’t let it happen. I really hope the legal approach works but I can’t see it happening. Just about all the legal systems in the world are licenced by the BAR association at the Inns of Court in The City of London. If you want to practice law you must be licensed. All the Judges know who’s paying their salary and to whom their oaths have been given. Take away the costumes and all the panoply- it’s a world wide protection racket. They are globalists, Bank Accredited Representatives, owned by the world banking cartel who have bought the planet with their fraudulent money. Expose their lies and, like the psychopaths they are, they will come up with new ones, they will never stop.

Apr 30, 2021 7:59 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

You get an upvote from me because sadly, you might be right. Except, there really is no point in them making up new lies (though they do it all the time) because even when exposed with what otherwise would be undeniable proof, they just flat out deny it (without proof) and the normies continue to scream, “REeeeeeEEEeeee, Seeeeeeee???? No Evidence!!!”

I am starting to refer to normies as ‘Functionally Retarded.’ Truly no offense to anyone with real mental handicaps. I have never referred to the actual mentally disabled as retarded, but you can bet your fucking ass I refer to normies as ‘Fucking Retards’ every single day.

See the ‘R’ word, another one the SJW Retards get all lib-faced over, no longer applies to the mentally handicapped. It now refers to anyone who, despite their lack of real mental deficiency, is obviously fucking stupid, and will continue with the stupidity despite being called out on it. They are Fucking Retards.

The problem is that there are so many of these Fucking Retards they don’t know they are Retards. When you surround yourself with idiots, you think you are normal.

Apr 30, 2021 10:51 PM

My favorite is: “mentally inferm”. Because any reference to human beings with mental health issues is an insult to these human beings.
There are people who have no humanity, empathy and respect to the billions of human beings suffering under their decaying, greedy minds.

It also goes to show, that only the poor end up in mental institutions. The rich get to run the asylum. But again, lunatics are not bad per se. Billionaires are.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 30, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

They have to go right away.

Apr 30, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

I realized weeks ago that we are now in a situation where the globalists cannot back down, because the immediate consequence of that would be real scrutiny of what they have been doing for decades.

The public would then want the retribution they have been pining for ever since Ben Bernanke and Hank Paulson in the USA tried, sweatily and desperately, to bluff their way out of what became the global financial scandal of 2008.

Thirteen years on – almost a generation – and this type of person still pulls all the strings.
There will be tears.

May 1, 2021 11:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

I’ve yet to find anyone in the general public, or on consideration, anyone at all who has any idea that they were deliberately robbed blind in the 2008 robbery by banks. 9/11 was just part of the usual mindless slaughter to me and it took the financial crash to make me realise where it all stemmed from.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Apr 30, 2021 10:06 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Informed will agree, this cartel are relentless working 24/7 as only 10% give ot take a few, are aware, and the rest just don’t care/self absorbed/self centered, not caring about their kids, g’kids future would rather play video games or watch sports events. Nihilism and apathy prevail for the majority.

May 2, 2021 12:03 AM

It bears out Bryzinski’s (sic) how the hell is it spelt, dictum that the public expect the media to think for them. It’s not really that, they TRUST them, unaware that the media are not the same species, but moral imbeciles.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
May 1, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

So where did the judges in Portugal or Austria who ruled against the validity of the PCR test come from? Mars? There is a corrupt oligarchy ruling us, but it doesn’t mean every last judge in existence is a corrupt lackey. Even if it often seems that way.

The purpose of this is to force the undeniable fact of the invalidity of the PCR test into the open. A corrupt court can issue a wrong ruling but the important thing is to force the evidence into general consciousness.

May 1, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Unless Elon has actually been running a Mars shuttle, I doubt it. Of course there are some honest men in the judiciary, but whether or not they can prevail against the system owned and operated by the Crown, I have no idea. I think the “general consciousness” is in the hands of the world media and I can’t see that playing ball with the truth, far from it. From my observation, anyone who threatens the public’s availability to masks, tests and injections is in a very insecure position.

Apr 30, 2021 6:45 PM

UK Column News – 30th April 2021 PART ONE HANCOCK ADMITS BOOSTER SHOTS HAVE BEEN PLANNED FOR “OVER A YEAR” ORDERS 60 MILLION DOSES OF PFIZER FOR AUTUMN ROLLOUT Barrons: UK Orders 60m Pfizer Vaccine Doses For Booster Programme UK Health Sec Matt Hancock admits booster shots have been part of the plan since the start of Covid, even before the first “vaccines” were supposedly ordered. “We’ve been working on a programme of booster shots again for over a year now… and we’ve backed some of the only clinical trials in the world looking specifically at booster shots.”  * Covid deaths decline to near zero  * Press credits lockdown, government credits vaccines.  * Fatality pattern near identical to previous year UK GOV PRETENDS IT’S “STILL DECIDING” ON VACCINE PASSPORTS. LAUNCHES INQUIRY WELT MOCK UP OF EU PAPERS SHOWS COVID-19 AND COVID-21 UK Gov: Covid 19 Vaccine Certification Call For Evidence – insists it has not made up its mind, and launches inquiry  Welt: Besonders Deutschland bereitet Brüssel Kopfschmerzen Revealing graphic or predictive programming: Covid 19 and 21, along with checkmarks besides flags of EU, China and USA. COVID DEATH DEFINITION “WITHIN 28 DAYS OF POSITIVE PCR TEST” MAY BE CHANGED SAGE FEARS IT NO LONGER SUITS NARRATIVE If the Gov keeps the definition, people would be counted as vaccine failures if their deaths were attributed to Covid. “A senior Sage source said: “If the definition remains the same, these people would be counted as ‘vaccine failures’, whereas the vaccine prevented death from Covid, but they really died from something else. I suspect that the current definition will have to be revised at some point.” iNews: Current definition of Covid deaths could distort vaccine success data, scientists warn SPI-M-O: Consensus Statement on COVID-19Date: 31st March 2021 BBC DIRECTOR GENERAL ISSUES PRO… Read more »

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 30, 2021 9:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Nobody “needs” to be vaccinated not “not everyone”.

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Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 30, 2021 9:59 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Oxford University’s Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, as ‘false information’.

It is like a trademark for false information. Oxford. lol.

Apr 30, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Very clever of Hancock to admit to something which is bad enough, yet still gives nothing like a real picture of what has been going on for much more than ‘a year’…

We are talking ages here, not years.

Apr 30, 2021 6:44 PM

UK Column News – 30th April 2021 PART TWO G7 MEETS ON INTERNET SAFETY, “ILLEGAL AND HARMFUL” ACTIVITY UK CONTINUES GLOBAL ROLL OUT OF RAPID RESPONSE UNIT Statement: G7 Digital and Tech Ministerial, Day 2 The declaration sets out an ambitious vision for the role of technology in the world, including how it can support human rights and fundamental freedoms and address pressing challenges, such as the global recovery from COVID-19.It includes new principles on how to tackle the global challenge of online safety, including that online firms have a corporate responsibility for their users’ safety and should have systems in place to reduce illegal and harmful activity, while prioritising the protection of children and human rights. UK Gov: G7 tech leaders agree bold new proposals to boost online safety worldwide An ambitious vision to put technology at the heart of global efforts to build back better from the pandemic has been signed by the world’s leading democracies. Cooperation to seize the opportunities and benefits of data free flow with trust for people, businesses and economies. Online firms should have systems and processes in place to reduce illegal and harmful activity and prioritise the protection of children. These are based on underlying principles in the UK Government’s Online Harms White Paper. Now being driven at a G7 level Mike Robinson: Britain has been running this censorship agenda from the beginning. Brian Gerrish: They cannot run the NHS, they can’t fill the potholes but they have this Utopia in their heads about the technological age. These are incredibly dangerous people. TORY MP ATTACKS THE LIGHT NEWSPAPER MAKES EVIDENCE-FREE CLAIMS ABOUT VACCINE SAFETY North-West Evening Mail: Furness MP Simon blasts anti-lockdown newspaper seen in Ulverston “It is edited by a man from Manchester who reportedly runs a business selling anti-vaccine T-shirts and… Read more »

Apr 30, 2021 6:35 PM

Loverat posted a very funny video of Graham Phillips giving “Moses” (Bellingcat – I forget his real name) a very hard time whilst competing with a full International Press and TV Crew on The Green outside Westminster..so I thought who the hell is Graham Phillips…

So I found this video on his Youtube video channel

This really cut me to the core, for personal reasons I won’t go into, but you can probably guess.

“NATO Bombing ! Passenger train! SHOCKING Details! Eye witness! Grdelica, Serbia, 1999”

There are still a few real journalists left.


Apr 30, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Just one of NATOs terrible crimes. After researching ‘Operation Gladio’ ~15yrs ago I saw our own countrys complicity in state sanctioned terrorism, weather it was ‘deep state’ or some dark part of NATO the UK played a large part in it, and it’s cover up. Nothing surprises me anymore, every act of ‘terrorism’ looks like an inside job after Gladio, some things you simply cannot ‘unsee’.

Apr 30, 2021 6:15 PM

Dr Karina Reiss / Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
Corona Unmasked – Fee English Chapter from their new book.


Apr 30, 2021 5:56 PM

Just EXCELLENT. Thanks A LOT for share it..!

Apr 30, 2021 5:55 PM

Marketwatch.com article from yesterday: “Who’s right about climate change? Greta Thunberg or Bill Gates?”
I predict some new hashtags pop up so we can cheer for one of these all-encompassing options: #TeamGreta or #TeamGates

May 2, 2021 5:50 AM
Reply to  draeger

Thanks for the link. This is really good background info on the situation.

May 1, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  LKing

Since I abhor social media, at least the Twitter/Facebook variety, I still don’t know how hashtags work, and don’t want to.

But if I were a hashtagger, I’d add this to the possibilities: #TwoWrongsDon’tMakeARight.

May 2, 2021 6:01 AM
Reply to  Ort

You’re not missing much. They are used to track trends and manufacture consent.

I like yours but might be a bit long to catch on =)

Apr 30, 2021 5:52 PM

also another element to possibly factor into this whole shitshow

Apr 30, 2021 5:50 PM

maybe stating the obvious here but was the Brexit the UKs attempt at distancing itself from the EU’s Club Davos…?

Apr 30, 2021 7:05 PM
Reply to  draeger

In many people’s minds, I’m sure it was. Knowing that The City set up the EU and it’s Chatham House drew up the treaties, I expect the Establishment had other ideas.

Apr 30, 2021 5:43 PM

Timeline as it looks from my seat: 2025 onwards but before 2030, all central banks have their CBDC rolled out, nations/blocks also roll out national digital currencies as legal tender. The proposed UK version is called ‘stablecoin’ it will be a closed ledger fully traceable (by gov not plebs) crypto, the name hints that any other crypto will be destablized. Slow rollout: all they have to do to get everyone to accept it is mandate the current crypto exchanges cannot exchange any other crypto into legal tender Digital Currency, possibly after a period of heavy fear propaganda and destablization of all alt crypto markets. The cashless society aganda goes all in, banks stop accepting paper money (already happening slowly) so shops and businesses cannot deposit cash. Fast rollout: “Cyber pandemic” (quote from heir Klaus et al see ‘cyber polygon’) Internet blackout blamed on cyber terrorists, no banking, possible power outages for a short period 3-7 days IMO (not too long or it goes ‘mad max’ and the elites threat profile goes way too high for them) So no cash, no supply network, no fuel, emergency foodlines etc. Military rolled out as disaster relief force supplimenting emergency services, police, fire, health, and food distribution (think hurricaine/typoon/earthquake type emergency responses on a huge scale) Solution: Secure Internet, Universal Basic Income in digital currency, biometric Internet ID (linked via the “health passport” which is a turnkey solution for this already) all linked to a Social Credit system a la China where it’s been tested for +5yrs already. Speculation: Vax is part 1 of a two part depopulation bioweapon (read SPARS epidemic document 2025-2028 from our friends at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security) I recall reading science papers regarding gain of function research with corona viruses from ~2006, where the resultant vaccine… Read more »

Apr 30, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

I think you’ve nailed it. it might be slower, more gradual, so the media can say it’s not happening.

May 1, 2021 6:26 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Why three months supplies? What will be better after 3 months? If it gets that bad, just shoot me. That said, I have about a year of food stockpiled.

May 1, 2021 8:40 AM
Reply to  hognut

If they lose control of the shurdown it will take months rather than weeks for law and order to prevail, there will be shortages, and violence. For examples read what happeded in places like Venezuela when the banks closed. The longer you can be self sufficient, the longer you can survive with low risk. We have ~18months of basics (rice, pasta, chick peas etc.) stored in sealed 60l barrels filled with Co2, but ~3months of most as most require rotation due to storage dates and there’s only so much space.

Apr 30, 2021 5:17 PM

Brilliant. Right on. Yes! And spreading acute perception, connecting the dots, and openning minds with clarity, is the way. And of course, diversity of tactics without internal police (Matrix-style Mr. Smiths) minds sabotaging solidarity of purpose.

Apr 30, 2021 5:12 PM

An intelligent article from today:

If you dig down, permanent masks make sense for a lot of people” by Joel Duffie

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  Dors

Intriguing title but the link doesn’t work.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 5:45 PM
Reply to  October


Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 5:51 PM
Reply to  October

union and labor bashing. No thanks.

Apr 30, 2021 7:45 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Not sure the unions have got this right. For example, teachers are being asked to stay away from their workplace even though there is no evidence of children being a threat to their health. And they’re being very short-sighted, as they will have pushed for an injection mandate for their members, not to mention the fact that teachers’ reluctance to go back to the classroom has allowed the wholesale rollout of “distance learning”, which will eventually make many of them redundant.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  October

The last thing we need in the US now is further destruction of the power of labor versus billionaires and corporations.

dr death
dr death
Apr 30, 2021 5:02 PM

a good article, that references many important points for the coming ‘battle’ and indeed the battle at hand for those already ‘awake’..

clearly there is great need for humour, the hollow men should be resoundingly mocked, their hubris ridiculed, no tokens of authority should be gifted to them…

the naked emperors … called out.

and as noted this IS and WILL be primarily a spiritual battle, one must nurture ones ‘soul’..

that is..

‘those who still have one’…..

Apr 30, 2021 5:35 PM
Reply to  dr death

A new George Carlin is needed now.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 5:41 PM
Reply to  Thom1111

He or she is most likely out there, somewhere, but can’t get any significant backing or publicity because of the fascist like oppression of and control over entertainment and the press in the US and UK. Can you picture Carlin or even Lewis Black with those fascist snobs who have totally polluted Hollywood? Hell no.

Satire and humor are dead in the US. When a culture can no longer laugh at itself, it has gone insane. Welcome to the fuckin’ asylum. You’ll find better entertainment in Russia and China.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Apr 30, 2021 8:54 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

There’s a saying that goes something like: “When there are no jokes in a society, get ready for war.”

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 9:18 PM

or complete tyranny or both

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
Apr 30, 2021 10:19 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Me and other like minded have had to cull people from our lives, more so since covid. These shallow types that focus on trivia, useless activiites, etc. Simply select friends likeminded and have their head on straight, that use critial thinking skills and intell. converstaion. Ones culled (called ghosting) let emails and calls be ignored, not respond to and move on. Just say if you encounter wrong ppl, just been busy, family member issues, etc. These deadbeats will not be useful when the hammer drops infact they would be a hindrance.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
Apr 30, 2021 11:07 PM

Most Americans are now so goddamn brainwashed and extremist – see the raging libertarian conservatives here and the fake limousine liberals almost anywhere – that it is absolutely useless to have a conversation with them about anything requiring depth without angering them. They are so FULL of shit {all whites are evil or communists control the government and the Rockefellers funded the Bolsheviks} about so many things that they couldn’t recognize reality if it jumped up and bit them in the ass.

I’ve got two real friends I can talk with about anything – my Soviet educated wife and my 33 year old son. That’s it. My son has maybe two other friends and routinely laments the brainwashing and ignorance of his generation. I’m 63. My generation is bad enough.

Beam me up Scotty.

Apr 30, 2021 6:32 PM
Reply to  Thom1111

His audience was limited to the already-converted, like us here.
As for those not already converted:

Klaus Schwab could well listen to Carlin, ignore the whole point of what he was saying, and remark, “Jawohl, ho ho ho, yez, zat vos very funny vot he says about zuh owners of zuh volk, but he looks zo shebby mit all zet hair all ofer zuh place. Ve don’t talk to peeble like zet. It is zuh untermensch.

Ve must veccinate him, and all zuh peeble who leff at him.

Apr 30, 2021 6:22 PM
Reply to  dr death

comment image

May 1, 2021 1:15 AM
Reply to  swami

A classic … Reminds me of many within my social circles …

vgin taos
vgin taos
Apr 30, 2021 4:51 PM

Why is the article including climate change. Climate change is a real thing. otherwise, an informative article, thanks.

Hugo Federico Hernandez
Hugo Federico Hernandez
Apr 30, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  vgin taos

Of course it is a real thing. The issue is that these Globalist bastards are trying to use it against people, blaming it on us when it’s been always them who waste most resources, contaminate, and so on. Circles of temperature have nothing to do with carbon dioxide, plus it’s no solution to globally tax it.

Apr 30, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  vgin taos

There there, course it is, although it started in the early 1800’s about 150 years before the IPCC ‘science’ says Co2 was high enough to possibly have an effect. Don’t look at the ice cores showing temperature rise leads Co2 rise by hundreds of years as the oceans warm up and degass, no, trust the ‘science’ (lol)
Don’t worry, the globalists have it all covered, Carbon tax will save us, it’ll buy up all those usless unreliable intermittant techs that won’t power 10% of the current energy use provided by reliable fossil fuel (unless it’s all a cover for peak oil, they went a bit quiet abut that didn’t they) so the only way the ‘renewable’ plan can work is if we massivly depopulate the planet… oh wait


Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 30, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  vgin taos

You’re not allowed to say that, Taos, without getting buried with downvotes, btl on Off-G. There are a lot of readers here who can’t handle the objective fact that – as well as being a political football for various rival famiglie of gics – climate change is actually, geophysically real as well, and is happening now; as it has for many millions of years.

Folk here are also touchy about the no-brainer obvious fact that our current huge population-overshoot (also widely denied btl at O-G because of anti-eugenics kneejerkery) is of necessity having an effect on the natural climate-shift process. With all the disruptive things that we’re all doing in our droves, how could it not?

But these facts seem to upset the quasi-religious belief-systems of many commenters here… 🙂

BTW, I detest eugenics too. But human personal preferences have no noticeable impact on the way reality keeps on doing its thing. It really doesn’t give a damn about our precious beliefs.

Cue the downvote shower…! :O)

Apr 30, 2021 6:46 PM

you keep saying fact in bold, but I don;t think it means what you think it means 🙂

What exactly convinces you there is some sort of climate emergency?

May 1, 2021 2:11 AM

People here understand these subjects more than you do: did you consider that fact? Climate change obviously happens, it appears as if everything changes all the time in nature, so to claim that climate is standing still would be a bit moronic, which is why the people who created the “climate change” political campaign can already be described as morons.

The “climate change” political campaign uses “political science” at its core, and as with Covid, many of us have lost faith in “political science” where truth is deemed to be whatever is said by the person who can shout the loudest. Looking at the morons doing the shouting, we can use logic to rationalise that these people who cannot forecast tomorrow’s weather are very unlikely (read zero probablility) to have stumbled upon any form of real understanding of climate. As a result, this is probably another scheme to squeeze more money out of the tax payer while removing more freedoms from us, the poor people.

Now, you are welcome to believe that climate change politics is being run by geniuses that are very good at keeping their lights hidden under a bushel, but some of us are more realistic and, by the looks of your writing, more intelligent than you.

May 1, 2021 4:49 AM
Reply to  vgin taos

Oh, it is not. Well “Climate change” is real, but humans are not causing it. To think that they are is ignorant and absurd.

Apr 30, 2021 4:33 PM

Taking this, (“them”), to court is in my view the best path. The reason – only in a credible judicial proceeding will the facts be established, the truth will be known. It is imperative that all people in the world know the truth about this event, whatever the truth may be. The truth, meaning evidence of who, what, why and how. The duration of court proceedings should not be considered a problem because establishing the facts takes time. And so it should. It is in everyones interest that the facts be estabished in fair, open proceedings according to the highest standards of the law at present. The truth about what is going on and why is, in my view, more important than the legal consequences that the protagonists should face if and when found responsible/guilty. We should use the law, the courts for exposing major crimes, and we should, definitely, get rid of all judges and other legal officers who engage in abuse of the law, the most egregious case being that of Julian Assange. People either don’t know or forget that governments and the state machinery, including the court system, are there for all of us, and because of all of us as we pay for the whole structure. All state employees and officials, without exception, are in our service, not the other way around. Starting with presidents, prime ministers, MPs, justices etc. What this group of lawyers is doing is enormously important and deserves the support of every thinking human being.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
Apr 30, 2021 5:50 PM
Reply to  JuB

I don’t mind if time is taken in the court but there is no amount of time the actual crimes can continue. If they want to propose masks, corona vaccines, lockdowns etc. then it will take atleast 5 years for them to provide sufficient reasearch into them. In the mean time they have to stop all activities. They can’t just continue with no evidence of a virus, no evidence of forced medication being healthy, no evidence that lockdown are beneficial and no evidence that they should be given the time of day. They have broken every law in the book. There is no need for any time for them to continue causing further harm.

Apr 30, 2021 3:58 PM

Dr. Mike Yeadon is disgusted with his colleagues in The UK for not having the courage to speak up, and is considering moving to Florida. He is obviously quite worried about himself, and I don’t blame him. He is convinced that this is a mass depopulation event, as I have been for the last year.

However, I don’t agree with everything. If he is as convinced of the lethality of the vaccines, as he says, then there is going to be a massive reduction in population within the next few years. I can’t argue with most of it though.

“An exclusive interview with Dr Mike Yeadon”


Apr 30, 2021 3:43 PM

They triggered the woke to ban Dr Seuss — and on such flimsy grounds: like that! Don’t you smell a rat?

Long before the Greek playwrights like Aristophanes, satire was powerfully subversive… It uses the lowest forms of humour to ridicule the highest peaks of politics.

It emboldens people who know little about politics by turning the object into a joke. By using nonsense poetry or children’s stories, it democratizes protest to the utmost. And it gives voice to anger in time of tyranny and hardship.

Did you ever hunt a Schwab in bed?
Or stick it with a skewer in your head?

“If you never did, you should.
These things are fun and fun is good.”

Toilet jokes are best of all.
They flush the big turds with the small.

Apr 30, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

What’s this about banning Dr Seuss? That’s insane – even more insane than thinking a statue of Robert E Lee will bring the wrath of God down upon the USofA.

(As to satire, bear in mind that of all forms of drama, satire is the most conservative and the least radical. It skewers those who stray from the straight and narrow as defined by their society. There’s nothing even slightly avant garde about satire.)

Apr 30, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

It all depends on the butt of the satire and the depth of the irony.

Apr 30, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

That needed a tweak:

Did you ever hunt a Schwab in bed?
Or spear it in your dreamy head?
“If you never did, you should.
These things are fun and fun is good.”

Toilet jokes are best of all.
They flush the big turds with the small.
But don’t go block it with a Klaus
You’ll have to build back pipes and house.

Apr 30, 2021 3:39 PM

I can demolish the entire official COVID-19 narrative with a single word: Fukushima.

As anyone who’s been following the catastrophe already knows, Fukushima represents an existential threat to the continuation of human and other life on Earth. The disaster has never been contained; and there is no known technology for containing it. (Note: I won’t provide sources for my opinion because there are many – and they are pretty much common knowledge.)

So how does Fukushima demolish the COVID-19 narrative? Fukushima represents official “business as usual” for virtually ALL government related institutions. The overwhelming official modus operandi regarding such catastrophes is Deny and Cover-Up.

Fukushima – which could kill us all: Nothing To See Here. COVID-19 – which could make us sneeze, wheeze and shake, rattle and roll a little bit: Tremble in Terror and Hide in your Cave till given the All-Clear (which will never come).

There, got it in one.

Apr 30, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Howard

Fukushima was designed to happen, but its not going to kill us all. The ocean comprises a very big volume. It’s a simple question of mathematics and the reality of dilution.

The COVID vaccines may kill us all off, as may all the nuclear weapons going off…but there will still be life in the oceans, and I strongly recommend exploring it by learning to dive.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Apr 30, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

Covid doesn’t exist so that ain’t gonna kill anyone, but their toxic jab bio-weapon will kill millions.

Apr 30, 2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Howard

Fukushima also demolishes the “green new deal” narrative.

Apr 30, 2021 5:46 PM
Reply to  Howard

The “problem” with Japan is too many people living near tectonic fault lines and tsunami zones. Chernobyl didn’t kill us all (Ukraine is as populated as ever), neither is Fukushima going to. My 5 cents.

messenger charles
messenger charles
Apr 30, 2021 9:01 PM
Reply to  Magnus

Agreed, there’s something we’re not being told about radiation fallout. Not saying it’s harmless, but perhaps not as dangerous as we have been told. Echoes of the Cold War psy-op.

May 2, 2021 4:37 PM
Reply to  Howard

Fukushima represents business, politics and science as usual, in bed together.

Apr 30, 2021 3:11 PM

Looking at the Sci-Fi fantasies published by the WEF, Chatham House and others can only take you so far. That is the shop window. It’s not what, or everything that, is being done in the workshop (and going out the back door) nor does it reflect the real transactions in the hidden set of account books.

Some knowledge of economics is essential to know what’s driving this and one of the most intelligent people on the planet, as in an intellect applied to practical knowledge and historical records over time, thus delivering wisdom, is Martin Armstrong.


Despite the headline it’s not just about elections… its about war, Taiwan, the vanishing confidence in government, 1922, the death of republics and the fact that everything is connected, just not in the way Rockefellers-Rothschilds would have you believe.