Campaigners: “Ban Glyphosate to protect public health!”
Open letter to politicians calls for controversial chemical to be banned, cites peer-reviewed studies
Colin Todhunter
On 9 April 2021, retired physician and health and environmental campaigner Dr Rosemary Mason wrote to the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA).
She wanted to draw the agency’s attention to the findings that indicate the glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup causes high levels of mortality following contact exposure in bumblebees (glyphosate-formulated herbicides are the most widely used weedicides in agriculture across the globe).
This, Mason argued, has led to a decline of bumblebees in Denmark. She asked the agency why it had used “fraudulent science” on glyphosate from the European Commission and the European Chemicals Agency, which in turn take their ‘science’ from Monsanto/Bayer, rather than from the direct observations of The Danish Nature Agency.
Mason’s correspondence focused not only on the destructive environmental impacts of glyphosate but also on the devastating human health aspects.
In relation to sanctioning the continued use of glyphosate in Europe, Mason has previously noted that it was totally unacceptable, possibly negligent or even criminal, for the European Union to have allowed a group of plant scientists on the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (PAFF) – whose knowledge of human physiology was so lacking that they did not recognise that glyphosate has effects on humans – to make decisions that affect human health.
PAFF’s role was pivotal in the decision to re-licence the use of glyphosate in the EU in 2017.
To date, aside from the DEPA acknowledging receipt of Mason’s letter, there has been no response to the issues raised.
As a follow-up, Mason has sent the latest insights to DEPA on the Monsanto-Bayer lawsuits in the US. Three cases brought by Lee Johnson, Edwin Hardeman and Alva and Alberta Pilliod have already gone to trial. In each case, the courts found that Roundup caused their cancers and that Monsanto hid the risks of its product.
Mason also forwarded information to Magnus Hennicke, the health minister, indicating the role glyphosate plays in fuelling cancers and other diseases in Denmark. Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fishery Rasmus Prehn and Special Adviser Casper Steen Petersen also received copies of this information.
Their attention was drawn to the Institute for Responsible Technology claims that cancers caused by Roundup include non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, bone cancer, colon cancer, kidney cancer, liver cancer, melanoma, pancreatic cancer and thyroid cancer.
Mason also quoted Robert F. Kennedy Jr, the renowned environmental attorney, who in 2018 talked of:
…cascading scientific evidence linking glyphosate to a constellation of other injuries that have become prevalent since its introduction, including obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, ADHD, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, kidney disease, and inflammatory bowel disease, brain, breast and prostate cancer, miscarriage, birth defects and declining sperm counts. Strong science suggests glyphosate is the culprit in the exploding epidemics of celiac disease, colitis, gluten sensitivities, diabetes and non-alcoholic liver cancer which, for the first time, is attacking children as young as 10.”
Mason concluded her correspondence by saying:
I will leave Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen (to whom I have also sent a copy) and other ministers to demand answers from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Are they or their relatives suffering from any of these diseases – Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, etc? Until Roundup is eliminated from food and from drinking water, these conditions will continue to afflict us all. That means that farmers must stop using Roundup.”
Rosemary Mason has been writing to officials in the UK and Europe about the effects of Roundup and other agrochemicals for over a decade, documenting the health and environmental impacts as well as the institutional corruption that has led to their continued use. Her many reports are littered with peer-reviewed scientific literature to support her claims and can be accessed on the website.
New study
It seems that not a month goes by until some new paper or study appears and supports what Mason has been saying for a long time.
For example, according to the recent multiple author paper ‘In-depth comparative toxicogenomics and Roundup herbicides’, glyphosate and Roundup changes gene function and causes DNA damage.
The research found that glyphosate and glyphosate-formulated herbicides activate mechanisms involved in cancer development, including DNA damage – and these effects occur at doses assumed by regulators to have no adverse effects. The study found that DNA damage was caused by oxidative stress, a destructive imbalance in the body that can cause a long list of diseases.
Writing on the GMWatch website, Claire Robinson summarises the findings and the policy implications. She states that the findings, according to the EU’s pesticide law, should result in a ban on glyphosate and all its formulations.
The study was led by Dr Michael Antoniou and Dr Robin Mesnage at King’s College London. It builds on the findings of a previous study by the same authors. In that study, the findings showed that glyphosate and Roundup, given at doses that regulators say are safe, result in gut microbiome disturbances and oxidative stress, with indications that the liver is affected and possibly damaged.
In the new follow-up study, the researchers carried out some of the standard tests that regulators require the pesticide industry to conduct to gain market authorisation for their products – namely blood biochemistry and kidney and liver histopathology (microscopic examination of tissue).
They also carried out in-depth tests (molecular profiling) that are not demanded by regulators or typically carried out by the industry. In addition, the researchers undertook tests that can detect direct damage to DNA.
Robinson notes that, worryingly for public health, it was the non-standard molecular profiling tests that are not required by pesticide regulators that were most revealing.
Roundup was found to alter the expression of 96 genes in the liver specifically linked to DNA damage and oxidative stress as well as disruption of circadian rhythms or ‘body clocks’. The findings strongly suggest that the key changes in gene function reflective of oxidative stress and DNA damage was due to glyphosate and not the additional substances (adjuvants) present in the Roundup formulation. Direct DNA damage to the liver was found to increase with glyphosate exposure.
Protect public health
Claire Robinson says that these findings potentially constitute a bombshell that could end the authorisation of glyphosate in the EU because the EU pesticide regulation (1107/2009) has what is known as hazard-based cut-off criteria.
She states:
This means that if a pesticide active ingredient is shown to cause a certain type of harm to health at whatever dose, it must be banned. One of the named types of harm is damage to DNA. The discovery that glyphosate alone damages DNA in a living animal should, if regulators follow the law, result in a ban on glyphosate.”
The study indicated that both glyphosate and its commercial formulation Roundup activate mechanisms involved in cancer development, causing gene expression changes reflecting oxidative stress and DNA damage.
The UK is currently pushing for the deregulation of genetically engineered crops and products and the non-regulation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) derived from newer techniques like gene-editing. This in itself is worrying given the scientific evidence pointing to the health and ecological dangers associated with this technology.
At the same time, however, the government’s proposed strategy would only further serve the bottom line of the agrochemical companies while contributing to the ongoing public health crisis brought about by their products.
For instance, the recent paper ‘Herbicide Resistance: Another Hot Agronomic Trait for Plant Genome Editing’ (in the peer reviewed journal ‘Plants’) says that, in spite of claims from GMO promoters that gene editing will reduce pesticide use, what we can expect is just more of the same – GMO herbicide-tolerant crops and increased herbicide use.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stated that he wants to “liberate the UK’s extraordinary bioscience sector from anti-genetic modification rules”. The type of ‘liberation’ Johnson really means is the UK adopting unassessed GM crops and food and a continuation of the chemical bombardment of our food, environment and bodies.
It is time for Johnson to serve the public not the bottom line of the government’s corporate masters.
It is time for the EU to ‘follow the science’ and side-line industry influence.
Colin Todhunter is an independent journalist who writes on development, environmental issues, politics, food and agriculture. In August 2018 he was named as one of 400 Living Peace and Justice Leaders and Models by Transcend Media Services, in recognition of his journalism.
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Its Bayer/Monsantos, Syngenta, Dupont or similar Biotech Giant Chemical Incs. now into Agriculture giving poisons in conventional food/ crops for profit.
Not rocket science that Neurotoxic and carcinogen chemicals sprayed on and absorbed into our food or fumigated into ground prior to planting is harmful to all living. No to poisons for Profit.
frank barlow, it is not glyphosate, it is inorganic arsenic
I have just returned from visiting a relative who is a retired consultant anaesthetist who is suffering from lung cancer (not small cell lung cancer).
She is a non-smoker, a keen lifelong gardener, and a rigorous scientific thinker.
She ascribes her illness, which is terminal, to using glyphosate extensively while gardening.
Paper observed Roundup formula without glyphosate killed bees at same rate as the retail formula with it. Concludes the other, proprietary and secret, ingredients kill the bees.
(See ‘shikimate pathway’ and human gut bacteria for likely harms of glyphosate itself.)
The activists, however, only complain about glyphosate. This presents a subtle problem. Liability. Moral culpability for harm is spread across the entire glyphosate-using world instead of Monsanto/Bayer for the act of adding the other ingredients. The public view of the harm is diffused into illusive targets such as ‘the modern world’ or ‘progress’. Whatcha gonna do? Can’t fight City Hall, after all.
This was done before, with smoking. The lauded study of smoking doctors and lung cancer was really the end of publicly avowed research into what was causing the cancer. The wagging fingers took it from there and declared the smokers themselves to be the problem. The effect of that today is that just the visual form of smoking was decried as definitely-probably harmful when vaping was denounced.
Had the tar or other ingredients been indited by further research, the culpability would have been placed at the feet of the manufacturers and their marketing consultants. Instead, public monies are thrown at marketing for anti-smoking ads while the smokers are considered low, immoral derelicts deserving of burdensome sin-tax.
Moral Diffusion. I like this phrase for the concept. I thought of it when MeToo ramped up with “it’s not about Harvey pulling tampons, it’s about every man you share an elevator car with”.
Moneycircus, you simply nailed it. Facism was attacked vigeriously because contrary to what a lot of people think, it did protected its own people, and fighted the international baning/finacial/corpoRat systems, and they owned the MSM. I have read Orwell, and I know why He attacked Communism, etc, and I never saw him as anything else than telling us the truth, despite what others claim, as I have read Nietzsche witch I know a lot of people says something about but I also know most havent read anything of what He wrote at all, and so on, I could take other ex. but leaves it there, if you want to read something about Sovjet, read the A. Rybakovs. Children of the Arbat (witch I owned my self, I think I have thrown away “tons” of books and to day have just 4 left witch I have bought) if you think Orwell was somehow exagerating the communistic system, witch was a tool, as they are to day. Period. So, with the effect of that propaganda most people cant imagine that the lies we are feed have endured for so long that what really happened is more or less gone into the drain and whats left is the echoing of the same propaganda as we face to day, where they claim ecological farming isnt good for anyone, and India is an briliant ex. on just that. I know about Glyposate, what I want to hear about is the fishfarms destruction of our seas, fjords and waters, with their use of chemicals to take our lices etc, and other parasits witch is an consequence of the way the industry conducts their processes, in the same way as land based farming is detroying our land, animals, etc to the effect it have on humans. The… Read more »
I am divided on this. I am not a chemist. I did have some college chemistry. Glyphosate is innocuous as compared to other chemicals. At least it was 40 years ago when I was issued my first applicators license by the state of Illinois. Diazinon and Captan and Atrazine were some of the scary ones almost as bad as DDT. Fungicides especially (Captan). It is hard to believe that 2,4-D is still on the market. Good old dandelions driving that one. Dandelions are the most interesting. Given that their seeds are produced asexually (Parthenogenesis) and the genome has not changed since before Christ was born but yet it is the number one weed we want to get rid of. Ironically, it is one of the most edible weeds and is full of vitamins. Funny how that works. Let us get rid of the most beneficial. Given that the 1/2 life of Glyphosate is measured in days and, when applied properly, stays out of the ground water, I really don’t understand the problem. In UV light it breaks down quickly. These are real facts. I would take glyphosate any day over 2,4-D. There are those who believe that Rachel Carson’s breast cancer was induced by 2,4D. I live in Michigan and regularly quiz native Michiganders and none knows who she was or what her accomplishments were. So Ironic. Her famous book, Silent Spring, was written here in Michigan. I found an original copy in a used book shop. I think it cost me two bucks. The chemical companies based on Saginaw Bay may have something to do with that. Dioxin is still seeping into the bay and no one seems to care to this day. A “friend” down the road is retired from that company. We are not really friends. Our… Read more »
Biodynamic farmers collect dandelions in spring and create a ‘potion’ that helps make fantastic composts. They don’t seek to eradicate them. They use them constructively.
Of course, all biodynamic farmers practice witchcraft…(SARK!)
So, we should start with the worst dangers, chemical or otherwise. The hindrance is that “democratic” governments serve capital, not the public.
In response to the outcry against glyphosate (or to formulations containing it), the Monsanto (before it was bought over) was developing a stronger poison. The aim was to be able to announce the discontinuation of glyphosate.
Chlorpyrifos, which is a pesticide and a neurotoxin has just been banned after a record lawsuit with the corrupt EPA that has gone on for more than a decade. So that’s good news.
it will be sold to other countries, i believe DDT is still sold to other countries
Do you have a website or media outlet of your own?
No. But I am thinking of putting one together to document all the crime. As a resource hub. For all things covid, health related and beyond. I was hoping it could turn into a collaborative effort. Got any dot com name suggestions?
It also causes cervical cancer as one of the ways that women are exposed to glyphosate is through the use of cotton tampons. Unless they are organic they will be ingrained with glyphosate to a much greater degree than any foodstuff is, due to controls on it’s use being more lax with cotton crops seeing as they are supposedly not for consumption. But having a cotton swab pressed against mucosal tissue for a long time could be considered equivalent to eating it.
Whilst smoking is associated with cervical cancer too, I suspect glyphosate is the primary cause. HPV certainly isn’t as viruses are a mythical construct — no alleged virus sample has ever been shown to cause disease in an adequately-controlled experiment.
All cancers require a number of components for them to develop, because the epidemiological evidence over 100 years points to 6 or 7 gene mutations being needed for a full blown cancer to develop from healthy cells. The first is a necessity for exposure to carcinogens/mutagens, which cause DNA mutations, damage and the like. DNA mutations happen pretty much every day without exposure to mutagens, simply because the DNA replication process is not 100.0% accurate. The thing is, if such mutations have potentially adverse outcomes, a healthy immune system recognises the cell as ‘foreign’ and wipes it out. This is how we mostly stay healthy for decades at a time. So the second thing which has to happen is a clonal expansion of the mutated cells without immune recognition. This can occur either by cells adapting to evade immune recognition or by the immune system becoming compromised. Promoters of immunocompromise include: smoking, alcohol to excess, poor diet. Smoking also exposes the body to mutagens as well, which is why it is so effective in promoting lung cancer. However, it is the broad downregulation of the immune system which is why smoking is also associated with other cancers as well. As someone whose PhD was concerning the molecular aspects of papillomavirus actions and who spent 3 years demonstrating that specific proteins of specific papillomaviruses could cause changes to cellular growth patterns in the laboratory, I have to inform you that you are talking out of your ass about papillomaviruses being a ‘mythical construct’. I cloned specific DNA sequences of a PV into specific expression vectors to express PV proteins in cells. I transferred those sequences into cells and saw specific outcomes. So don’t tell me that papillomaviral DNA has not been isolated from benign tumours (that is what a papilloma is,… Read more »
Cancer may very well not be caused by mutations, but by aneuploidy.
See also David Rasnick’s articles & books.
Boycott shops that sell the substance. Write to them too. During the peak of covid, well, when homebase was open, it used roundup to corner off isles and passageways. Utterly shameless plug of poison.
Begging power to stop is useless, our power is our wallets and our spending decisions. Just don’t buy from crazies!
We cannot defend those we do not know — least of all, ourselves. To do so, we must hold in our heads seemingly-contradictiory ideas that give us a complete picture of who we are and what we face. Yesterday I posted about Irina Slav’s article in OilPrice about the inevitability of living with regular electricity blackouts if reducing greenhouse gas emissions is adopted as policy. It’s not popular to look at the pie from all angles. Most people like to cherry pick. Here’s another that may prove too much for some. The roots of organic farming lie in fascism, by John Toohey PhD Candidate, Art History, Concordia University, Jan 2018, via The Conversation. Don’t spit out your coffee. Hold that gag reflex. Read on. “It sounds perverse that contemporary organic farming has its origins in fascism. But both the hard left and hard right shared some common ground during the inter-war period. Both were in support of the worker against industrial capital; both were suspicious of mechanization in agriculture; and both argued that power should reside in the collective. Both also freely used terms like “international banking” as code for a conspiracy against the working classes. Spotting the difference was difficult: For example, Mosley, (founder of the British Union of Fascists) always insisted he came from the left…. Not all the members supported fascism. The poet Adrian Bell argued that Nazism was essentially an urban movement and its platforms on agriculture were misguided. Philip Mairet, who would translate Sartre, also believed that purity and self-sufficiency were central to good farming but rejected right wing politics. When a working class base of British Labour supported UKIP and Brexit during the 2016 European Union referendum, we heard echoes of that inter-war period when the politics of left and right were suddenly difficult to… Read more »
Which will plug the debate about CO2 till fusion gets enough coin to work (trialpha energy a-neutronic tech is very interesting btw!)
We need nationalism, doesn’t have to be fascism, which Mussolini defined as enamoured with war.
And preferably a nationalism that accepts the last half century of migration, even if limiting the next half century to a trickle, and lifts up the people that are citizens of the nation now.
Wrong. Nationalism is false too and a tool to divide people into blocs and sectors. It doesn’t solve unlawful edicts, endemic corruption, debt slavery and the fact that the power is falsely distributed. It was used by the Freemasons (And before them, churches and monarchies) to create wars. What we need is individualism and individual power based in freedom of choice and decentralization.
good luck defining individualism, isn’t that just another word for atomisation or chaos or whatever ..
do you make your own furniture, slaughter your own meat, do you make your own transportation…
is individualism not the weapon used by the hollow men, what is freedom of choice ? only has freedoms ‘from’ or freedoms ‘to’… therefore by its very definition merely a descriptor, it’s context ripe for corruption…
freedom is a hollow construct used to enslave (funnily enough), the average imbecile can only frame such nonsense around his own desires..
it is a pathway to chaos and the abyss..
hence the post-modern ideologies positing it as a fundamental ‘right’….
the iconoclasts busily destroying your societies understand that there are no rights..
‘there is only power….’
Yet, the white nations of the west have mostly gone for individualism, and are now being replaced because of their lack of (positive) ethnocentricity.
The nation has its problems, by internationalism has more imo.
I was reading an essay by one of those deans of comfortable and lucrative Western academic Marxism, Fredric Jameson, in which he makes the familiar complaint that “conspiracy theorists” highlight specific examples of business corruption without drawing attention to the underlying system of capitalism with its inherent tendencies to corrupt and exploit etc.
But what the Left usually do is the opposite of this i.e. to attack some underlying foundational parasitism but without engagement in the actual practices of the actual players working at present – these being dismissed as replaceable ephemera. Up to a point this is justified – but this haughty attitude then leads to a complete ignoring of the actual practices which intertwine with the law, the media etc. All such intertwining is dismissed of course as “conspiracy theory”. Thus, this Left ironically end up with an excruciatingly naïve approach to society’s presentation of itself.
Such naivety also produces a lack of self-awareness i.e. a tendency to overlook how the Left itself has been co-opted, appropriated and in some cases pre-empted by the propaganda system – which is eager to encourage all such overlooking. This has never been so brutally demonstrated than with Operation Covid and that massive flip-over like a switch being thrown between two polarities and the same interests being served either way.
Individual power isn’t fascism. These political concepts are fake. Politics itself was a tool of division. Why does it have to be one of the other? The idea of individual choice means that the individual decides what business or political system they prefer to align themselves with, which could be anything from a co-op to a private business to a kibbutz. The idea of the state itself comes from monarchies which are inexcusable models of tyranny based in fraud, graft, violence and deception. So this concept that the state could continue to have such power over everyone’s lives is a false concept. A deception. Especially when nothing has really changed except the courtiers of the past became politicians and the families who owned and controlled the central and retail banks cemented their power through forced taxation, forced interest and forced debt. All of it’s unlawful because none of it meets the conditions of contractual law where both parties need to agree and be fully informed. Being born into a system of slavery where people are tricked into thinking there is no alternative, is the crux of the problem.
Agricultural society was never individual however, it was always collectivist or communal at some level. Individuals do not thrive easily in a contest with nature.
Yasin observes this about Russia… much that is credited to the Bolsheviks is simply peasant culture: lending a hand, applying the strongest or most attentive youth to the appropriate task, thriving along with your village, including psychologically by working with the whole. The even saw the value of daily prayer — and wrote a supplication to Stalin modeled on Christian village life.
I think the soldiers returning from WW1 recognized the element of joint endeavor given what they’d just been through. In the original article that I quoted, the author says these soldiers and poets were looking not just for solace or relaxation but a way to rebuild life in a way that could not leads to another world war.
Perhaps they recognized that individual rights are a strong foundation for law but they don’t do much in political terms. Inalienable rights can protect you in a court of law but you need more in the face of the okhrana, the tax collector or the bankers.
As we are seeing, governments have ceased to exist, corporate and financial forces have seized power and they are simply ignoring constitutional and individual rights — from the value of your vote to the sanctity of your body. What then?
No, governments still exist but they were always fronts for the cabal from their inception. So all you are witnessing is the facade of the Potemkin structure being eroded as the UN transitions these facades to global governance.
Individual rights are just common law rights of free men and women positioned above all corporations and governments, that were usurped by maritime laws and incorporated courts as the structure of monarchies were transitioned to “goverments” to cover for seizing land, property and individual and civil rights.
It’s interesting that you bring up Okhrana because if you look at the date of its formation 1881 (and dissolution) and its double headed Phoenix, it’s obviously Masonic.
Hello Moneycircus: Your final question: “Why do radicals today avoid any mention of vested interests, finance capital, corporate power and their henchmen, hands dripping in blood — or serum of DNA gene jabs?”
Answer: Because the ‘radicals of today’ are vested in the mirage of finance capital and federal henchmen…
Off topic – but related ? ‘The new aristocracy was made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, trade union organisers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians..
These people whose origins lay in the salaried middle-class and upper grades of the working class, had been shaped and brought together by the barren world of monopoly industry and centralised government…
As compared with their opposite number in past ages, they were less avaricious. less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power and, above all, more conscious of what they are doing, and more intent on crushing opposition.’… (Orwell. ‘1984’)…
…and all willing to work for bill gates and his ilk…
Just what we need – another government ban.
Yes, our risk of cancer will be reduced.
But millions of lawns will be weedy!
Just killed some nasty vines with glyphosate a couple weeks ago. Worked great. Little dab will do ya. That’s all I used. A little dab.
Maybe we could all try living a little more dangerously.
Spray a few weeds. Mix beer and ice cream. Light up a cigar. Rip off your mask in public. Don’t get the jab. Get extra jabs. Get put on an enemy’s list.
Life’s a bitch and then you die.
Might as well have a little fun.
Bottoms up!
Line your water pipes with lead too, there’s a plan!
Glyphosate mimics glycine, an important protein in our cells which compromises us in varying degrees. This is age, lifestyle, diet dependant and depends on where you live(Brazil and India spring to mind as countries that have over done it). Along with EMF toxicity which compromises the structure of water in our bodies and cells etc creates blood coagulation problems and death. If anyone would like to read the science theory on this go to and search for Ron Bublitz and read his very feasible theory called ‘Journey Through Biology’.
“This is age, lifestyle, diet dependent and depends on where you live(Brazil and India spring to mind as countries that have over done it”. When I read this sentence, Domoeba, I was reminded that Brazil and India have been the focus of large rises in numbers having the covid virus (according to Main Stream Media. I know there is no virus).
However, much ill health could in part, be due to glyphosate exposure and possibly EMF exposure as well?
All the fault of virus, of course, according to MSM.
Aye that is why when you comprehend there is NO ‘VIRUS’ it is then very difficult to convince the gung-ho masses that they have been utterly hoodwinked.
Brazil provides much food & feed – soybeans etc. – for the world.
They just set a new record in pesticide imports, 335,000 tons and over $10 billion dollars worth. The EU report claims total use is ~ 1 million ton pesticides. No wonder they have many birth defects there (from “viruses”, it is claimed).
Aluminum, nanoparticles, glyphosates, fluoride, chlorine, surfactants and EMF. The vaccines, the polluted food chain and water supply, with the EMF smog is a recipe of death and it’s all researched, planned and orchestrated.
They top it off with a cocktail of antibiotics and toxic Rx drugs towards the end of your life to shorten it by twenty years. That’s called “medicine”.
New from Ronco….
Farm Robot Zaps Weeds With High-Powered Lasers, Eliminates Need For Toxic Herbicides
Farm Robot Zaps Weeds With High-Powered Lasers, Eliminates Need For Toxic Herbicides | ZeroHedge
Hell yeah. Our troubles are over. No more nasty herbicide. No more back breaking work spraying those nasty weeds.
In the same way, a self-driving car sees its surroundings on city streets, sensors that use machine learning technology allow farm robots to navigate fields. Automation is a growing presence in the farm industry, and a new generation of autonomous robots is helping farmers shape tomorrow’s crops. Crops that can be harvested with barely any or no herbicides would be beneficial not just to humans but also to the environment. An oddly-shaped autonomous farm tractor can eliminate the need for toxic herbicides by using high-powered lasers to weed about 20 acres per day to solve this dilemma.
Maybe they’ll make a really small model for my back patio.
Manmade “toxicity” represents one of the greatest threats to mankind and nature as a whole.
Banning Glyphosate production and usage would go a long way to reducing our daily exposure over time but unfortunately it effects would linger for years possibly decades. Say no to GMOs, say no to Roundup.
See: “Biodynamic Farming and the Legacy of Rudolf Steiner”
linked here:
also see “Rudolf Steiner and the biodynamic farming.” (download) .pdf below (secure):
biogs of ‘The Water Wizard’ Victor Schauberger recount that such farming practices were common among The Simple Country Folk…
Steiner appears to have collected it into a philosophy, thus later generations, especially city folk ,can read about what they’re missing…
Every province in every land seems to have such proven practices that suit the local details: climate, soil and available crop varieties. They consider more factors such as the season, previous crop, neighbouring vegetation, weeds, pests, etc. It takes time to rehabilitate an area devastated by industrial or “scientific” agriculture.
A society which thinks, as ours does, that it has outlived the need for magic, is either mistaken in that opinion, or else is a dying society, perishing for lack of interest in its’ own maintenance
(R.G.Collingwood. UK philosopher)
Especially when there is an entourage affect with EMF toxicity (which is not going away any day soon and is increasing every day exponentially).
There are so many things the banksters have encouraged that make us sick. Vaccines, mobile phone networks, glyphosates and now the convid lethal injections.
We run through the maze: work, debt, restrictions, etc. To get fake, harmful or extortionate forms of food, medicine, baubles, acceptance, etc.
O/T but related.
Bio-bar-codes, GMO spores hidden in food to track supply chains. wtf !
Ice Age Farmer
Glyphosate is in everything, in your food, in your body…
i’m hoping that when i die there’s a local alkaline hydrolysis crematorium – cheaper than gas fired cremation….
my thoughts are; they can turn me into liquid fertiliser for the garden, and with the glyphosate in me i’ll double up as weed killer…
I think it’s healthy to discuss Utopia occasionally, so here goes… The answer is, of course, to take the money out of politics altogether. The principle would be that only those who care passionately enough about the welfare of their fellow citizens to want to work for practically nothing would be considered worthy representatives. They would be given accommodation and maintenance by the state, but this would not be out of all proportion to their actual needs. It would simply be enough, and it would be closely monitored. All lobbying would be criminalized, and any politician succumbing to it would be out on his ear within a week. In addition, both he/her and the would-be lobbyist would be heftily fined, or imprisoned, under newly-rediscovered treason laws pertaining to the corruption of the nation. What I’m getting at is the fact that we have gradually allowed ‘corruption creep’ to take over our entire system of governance for such a long time that we no longer notice it. It’s part of what we think is ‘normal’, when it is in fact an abomination. That’s why I can’t see any improvement occurring without drastic measures needing to be taken. It’s just too late for anything else. We can’t guide Ferguson, Fauci, Gates, Hancock, Johnson and Whitty into seeing the error of their ways. They will have to be confronted with and challenged by that error. That, if anything, is what our globalists live in fear of – assuming they even have the wits to realize that they are under serious threat just as soon as one prominent, widely respected person with a large following decides to open his mouth and spill the beans. Just look at the towering intellect of that soulless mutant blob, Klaus Schwab, for example, and then look at the… Read more »
Heh, heh… There ya go, thinking again…
If government agents were selected through sortition (also known as selection by lottery) the money laundering charade would end.
Unfortunately, civilians continue acquiring the governance they deserve…
GMOs, the Shikimate Pathway, the Microbiome and Glyphosate.
Glyphosate isn’t the only problem in RoundUp.
“According to research at the Institute of Biology in Caen, France, the four different formulas of RoundUp produced by Monsanto are highly toxic to human cell lines at concentrations far below their recommended agricultural use.”
“The most damaging formula: is RoundUp400 which kills 100% of human cells at 20 ppm.
— All RoundUp formulas are more toxic than the single ingredients alone, causing cellular death more quickly.
— The surfactants are synergistic with glyphosate in their dangerous effects upon human cell lines.”
these sub human / entity’s are alchemist although inverted they have deep knowledge of what they are doing, its no accident
glyphosate is also a antibiotic among other things.
Yes they do. There’s a ton of research behind what they do. That became clear once I researched what metals and substances are in vaccines. It’s all connected to alchemy, eugenics and the dark arts.
Do you know anything about the Bring Back The Smile campaign? Because I have been seeing a lot of that weird symbolism with smiley faces (like a secret signal to each other) and even one with a lizard tongue, connected to specific Masonic crisis actors in the UK, who cycle through the media with fake stories. They’re all connected to the UK government and Rockefeller Org.
nope not heard of this one. have heard of the other one 25/30 years back
bring back the smile whilst wearing a mask.
they love the masks acid faces etc
let me no what you find regards
Check this out… Firstly, in this video they are claiming there’s a virus, which there isn’t. They’re also claiming that transmission has been proven through particles in the air from breath which it hasn’t. No study or experiment has ever proven transmission. They test the air droplets using the fake PCR test! And what is on people’s breath is largely water vapor. So that’s not science at all and it’s bad science because there’s no proof there is either a virus or contagion.
Lastly, the idea of unmasking people parlays into the “we need the smile, not the mask” message, which subliminally implies the mask wearing is not dangerous. The mask wearing is part of the occult ritual, damages people’s health and mental wellbeing and a visual cue to be constantly reminded and fearful of something that is entirely fictional. They (the smiling Freemasons) want us to believe that mask wearing is just ineffective. And a downer. We just need to smile.
Then check out the avatar of the YouTuber who posted the video. Freemason imagery.
Sounds a bit like the Astra Zenica injection.
All in the plan to further poison the world population under the guise of “safe exposure levels”.
these mad lab coats should all be given a course of specially formulated/rushed to market MRNA based glyphosate ‘jabs’ and force fed pureed GMO franken-foods dispensed through a pressure hose…
boris de-pfeffel too..
as a gesture of goodwill to ‘consumers’ ( corporate lab-rats®) and ‘voters’ (duped recidivists®) of course..
I believe the house of commons restaurant serves only organic food. I think this came out in the Blair days.
“House of Commons”…. Great name for a restaurant. Sounds like they might serve simple “comfort food” for peasants and common people. How quaint. Do they require a reservation? Are they less expensive than The House of Lards next door?
Come on now, Boris Johnson will never, ever, serve the public.
It is beneath his station – as he sees it – and that very notion has certainly been genetically obliterated from his DNA.
It is a literal impossibility that he could serve us rabble – except of course if he were compelled to do so by force – but then there are so many people who would do the job he is supposed to be doing far better than he can actually do it.
I wouldn’t even want him to serve me, except perhaps mowing the lawn and cleaning the windows.
How do these people even make it to high Westminster office?
Don’t answer that. I know how.
It’s very unlikely anything concrete is being done to this glyphosate shambles any time soon, after all people are willingly having the GMO shots with help of Boris nowadays why should they bother about glyphosate.
Good point.
Monsanto’s rap sheet includes aspertame and Agent Orange:
Bayer of course bought them out. Among Bayer’s past glories is a $257m settlement for inflating the price of Cipro in the wake of the anthrax hysteria in 2001
Bayer was part of IGFarben who manufactured Zyclon B during WWII. It’s interesting that Monsanto and its poison concoctions have transitioned back to Germany just in time for Klaus Schwab’s 4th Reich.
It’s also interesting that Bayer was at the center of aspirin overdoses to flu patients in 1918. Probably not a coincidence.
I expect they’ll call the next ‘wave’ of covid “The Revenge of the Third Reich”, a lethal condition which can only be cured by the Fourth Reich…
There are passages in the Second Part of Goethe’s “Faust” which point to the hilarious situation we are now stuck with… but Goethe, rightly, isn’t laughing at it.
“in the Second Part of Goethe’s Faust”.
Care to explain which part of the Second Part? And which passages point to our own tragical-farcical situation. Thanks.
Indeed, my mother who had training in nursing, mentioned to me many years ago that aspirin, used properly, was also a blood thinner, which was part of the reason it made people with swellings of various kinds feel better.
Moderate swellings were reduced, since the thinned blood and lymph could flow more easily, which in turn helped them carry whatever purifying agents were needed by the body in order to deal with the swelling.
We were always talking proper use here. Much like the modern dose of two aspirins every four hours, not to be continued for more than 48 hours, I seem to remember.
I am not sure why, but I have never had a problem buying aspirin in the UK, yet you can’t walk into a chemist’s shop in Iceland and ask for them. It’s prescription only, and in any case the doctor would probably prefer to give you something more expensive which doesn’t work half as well…
Or perhaps it’s like the peanut thing. Raw peanuts, which I love as if they were the ambrosia of the gods, were still available here ten years ago, but no longer.
I expect that ‘one in 100,000’ died of a peanut allergy, and in such a small country that did not go unnoticed… So, when in doubt, ban it.
I just wish they would use the glaringly obvious doubt about covid vaccines to ban them too, but, there I go again, trying to make sense out of the babblings of brainwashed official idiots.
Peanut allergies were never a thing until they started using peanut as an emulsifier in childhood vaccines. The Japanese used a soy emulsifier and quickly stopped when allergies arose, because soy is such an important protein source for them.
I find your comments here most interesting, to the degree of scrolling to find them specifically. Bravo.
FYI (NJ, lower NY, Eastern PA)
If you do not buy the Scamdemic propaganda ‘Big Lie’ and are concerned about the attacks upon the Bill of Rights and Civil Liberties and reside in New Jersey or Rockland/Orange Counties New York, we would like to hear from you.
We are especially interested in hearing from civil libertarians, members of parent-teacher support groups who want a return to unmasked in class instruction, small business owners and workers affected by the illegal lock downs, religious organizations affected by the illegal lock downs, those against forced vaccinations, muckraking healthcare professionals, concerned family members with a loved one in an elder care facility, George Carlin type independent critical thinkers, anti-corporate activists or even those who just do no like or trust “Bill Gates and his Cult of Covid (eugenics) followers.”
Thank You
New Jersey/New York Civil Liberties Defense Committee
PS. Will need to know only your town/city. At present no other information will be asked. Meetings will be in a very public place. Only collecting contacts at present. Hope to build a contact list in all 21 NJ counties.
Johnson’s direct master is almost certainly Bill Gates, who is the ugly face of globalism. It seems that Gates has been given the key to No 10 and so Johnson knows what he has to do to keep him happy. Bill is also a major investor in Monsanto and though not mentioned in the article, there is the strong possibility, that glyphosphate is pushed hard precisely because it does cause so much illness and death. The globalists want rid of us and if they can do that while making money, then so much the better.
Like most things its relatively harmless when used in small quantities, the problems arise when its used on an industrial scale. Roundup is also connected with the whole GMO crop thing where Monsanto sells seeds that are ‘Roundup Ready’ for farmers to plant which allows them to spray the entire area with Roundup to kill competing weeds. This is about the worst kind of farming that could be envisaged — a monoculture built entirely on a pyramid of monopoly supply of seed and extensive use of chemicals. That is asking for trouble — and we’re surpised when we get it.
If there’s a stinking, rotten way of doing anything which has been done perfectly well and naturally for centuries, you can bet your bottom dollar that somebody will bribe somebody else to implement it.
The men who laugh and exult at the fact that “there’s one born every minute” and plan their next fraudulent move accordingly need to be taken out of circulation.
I just wish I could think of a way to do that…
I’ve got a good idea- Why not push a global warming scare? That will surely distract public attention from environmental issues that can be tackled and keep their eyes off the pharmaceutical industry.
That is the main reason for the global warming scam. Pushing this scam lets you ignore deforestation and loss of species and plastics poisoning the the deadly dangers of nuclear reactors.
Brilliant idea. And eventually also a highly contagious virus that spreads rapidly over the world killing people en masse. Feel free to add new fear mongering campaigns. Anything goes.
looks as if the MonSatan (slavers) and the final solution Bayer boys have their trash hittin U with the thumb down. bahahahahahaha. Gaia Trumps!! Yeah we allz just need more of the Terminator ‘Seeds’?????
Move on move on. It’s a Booster Shot future weeple sheeple!!!
Buck the Chemo Poison Death Machine.
It’s amazing that the linear no threshold model is still popular for ionising radiation, but is not accepted for actual poison!
The steps to get around inconvenient and expensive testing include (a) introduce the poison by stealth (b) wait for a few years (c) classify it as GRAS (generally recognised as safe).
Thanks to Brexit, GMO’s to be in every British food.
What really burns me up is that the manufacturers make no effort to warn people of any danger at all. I see people killing their beautiful dandelions with a big jug of the stuff, spraying it willy-nilly, clearly ingesting and inhaling substantial amounts. They wear a damned mask for a “virus”, but not for round-up.
There is a better way. I wouldn’t call a dandelion ‘beautiful’ when its growing on a lawn but instead of poisoning it you can just dig it up with a weeder. These dig up weeds with tap root by surronding and pulling the root (leaving a small hole) and they do this without you having to bend down for every weed.
Here, once again, ‘less is more’ should prevail. I can’t think of a situation in a normal sized garden where “a big jug of Roundup” is necessary or advisable.
My grandfather was a professional gardener, taught by traditional old victorian types on an estate with a walled garden where they grew all the food for the estate, there was a team of them, managed the whole estate. I was helping him in his retirement in his own little garden, Dandelions proliferated ni the crazy paving, I was only young, about 7-8, after clawing away at them trying to clear the path I said ‘I hate Dandelions’.
He sat me down and said “hate is a stong word, if you hate something in a garden then that’s all you’ll see, you’ll miss all the other beautiful flowers and nature it’s self, you have a choice, never decide to hate a flower.”
Well turns out I learned to love Dandelions, besides the long leaves going well in a spring salad, they have a job in nature, it’s to reduce impacted ground, wherever they grow they indicate the ground is compacted, my ‘lawn’ is on hard compacted clay, river dredgings, gets hard as rock when it’s dry. The Dandelions have just bloomed, hundreds of them, the whole garden turns yellow for a fortnight, absoloutely beautiful, bees buzzing all over the place, heaven. 🙂
Yeh ! You can eat the entire plant, make teas even… They Are Food, not ‘weeds’…
And good natural medicine.
Strainist…….how can you not call a dandelion(NATURE) beautiful!!!
Also the milk from broken dandelion stems are very good at getting rid of warts of all descriptions even genital warts which saves that embarrassing appointment with the white coated medical experimenters and maybe laser treatment of your privates.