Halt Vaccine Passports!

It’s illegal, medical apartheid

Dr Mike Yeadon

It is very important that people understand what is happening here. The intention is to introduce vaccine passports everywhere. But this is a disguise. It’s a world’s first digital common-format, globally-interoperable ID system with an editable health flag (vaccinated Y or N).

It makes no one safer. If you’re vaccinated, you’re protected & are not made safer by knowing others immune status.

As in Israel, you will be compelled to present a valid VaxPass in order to access defined facilities or access services. No VaxPass, you’re denied.

This system only needs 50%+ of the adult population to start up because of its huge, coercive power on the unvaccinated.

It’s illegal, medical apartheid.

If they succeed, it won’t help you to refuse. They’ll move on, leaving that minority behind.

A VaxPass System like this will give to those controlling the database & it’s algorithms TOTALITARIAN TYRANNY over us all.

The ONLY way to stop this biosecurity nightmare is to NOT GET VACCINATED FOR NON-MEDICAL REASONS!!!

I fear that, if our adversaries gain this absolute control, they will use it to harm the population. There’s no limit to the evil which will flow from this strategic goal.

DO NOT ALLOW THIS SYSTEM TO START UP, because it’s unstoppable afterwards.

One example: your VaxPass pings, instructing you to attend for your 3rd or 4th or 5th booster or variant vaccine. If you don’t, your VaxPass will expire & you’ll become an out-person, unable to access your own life.

How much choice do you have?

It’s none. You are controlled. Forever.

PLEASE share this widely, on every platform you use.

Thank you,
Dr Mike Yeadon


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Jill kirk
Jill kirk
May 13, 2021 10:05 AM

…and the use of the V sign that Churchill used for Victory. Victory against marginalization, extermination of those who don’t fit in, victory against mass subordination.
It has now become a sign of the conscientious doing their social duty. Of course we see them as sheep doing as they are told

Jon Cox
Jon Cox
May 13, 2021 8:46 AM

I am – I hope! – a sane, normal, well-adjusted person and as such, I consider the prohibition on the taking of life to be absolute (self defence being the one and only ‘acceptable’ exception).

But it is immensely difficult for me to reconcile those beliefs, with the abject horror I feel that Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock and others in the UK (and their counterparts abroad) responsible for this fascist coup, are going to get away with their crimes. That is quite simply not on. They cannot be allowed to get away with it.

If the system that we laughably call ‘the justice system’ in this country is not going to do the job for which it was ostensibly created, then someone else is going to have to make them pay.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 13, 2021 9:11 AM
Reply to  Jon Cox

I think you are also posting as Corarden, Dr Death and several other entities? Could you possibly pick one ID and stick with that?

Jon Cox
Jon Cox
May 13, 2021 9:31 AM

Hi Sophie. I am using Tor, but can promise you that I am not using any other ID. If someone else is using Tor, they may be on the same exit node. Again, my solemn word that this is the only ID I use. 

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 13, 2021 9:39 AM
Reply to  Jon Cox

Ok – maybe that is an explanation. Thanks.

May 12, 2021 5:10 AM

There are now videos showing magnets sticking to the area where people were injected.


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 12, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Gavin

It would be interesting if somebody agrees to let a doctor open it up and see what’s there.

May 12, 2021 10:35 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Good point. Whatever it is it should be enough to put people off getting it, if they were undecided before.

Jeremy Bunn
Jeremy Bunn
May 10, 2021 10:56 PM

Mike Yeadon, thank you for your efforts. I imagine you have helped many of us understand what we may be up against and where we are in the fight if indeed your model is correct, and you have certainly helped me understand what I can and ought to do here and now.
I have a few items I’d like to communicate to you, and this is my only means, so I hope you get the message.
1) Be careful. Letting an enemy (or your model of the enemy) capture your attention can lead to your downfall. We who would stand against this are outgunned and outmaneuvered and vastly outnumbered; we cannot afford the loss of any one of us.
2) Consider the daily count charts at https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-trends, and take heart.
3) If the people of the UK will not stand, consider a scouting trip to the USA. The Pacific NW is not where resistance will nucleate, but if you have the time, look me up, get in touch, fly to Seattle, take a spin around Mt. Rainier on my motorbike (a well-sorted ’03 Ducati ST4S), join my family for dinner (we can do Italian, Indian, or Guatemalan with equally good results), and let’s talk. I’m nobody, but I can guarantee the trip will be worth it, even if just for the food.
In any case, take care of yourself, and once again, thanks.

Gustavo A. Salazar
Gustavo A. Salazar
May 10, 2021 9:46 PM

How do we stop the vaccine passports from being created?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 11, 2021 8:49 AM

To begin with a majority, or at least a very sizeable minority, must oppose them.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 10, 2021 4:24 PM

Just speaking to a 75-year-old mate in the neighbourhood. He buys into the Covid narrative hook, line and sinker but is allergic to a lot of things so doesn’t want to get injected. He says he is now going to get tested every three days to allow him to frequent places like cafes here in Cyprus now we have the “safe pass” system.

May 10, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Would that be the long swab up into the back of the throat and then up into the head via nose? I would imagine having that done every third day is going to get sore. Not to mention keep transferring bacteria from their happy home to somewhere they should never have been… (plus whatever sterilising etc chems on the swabs… and stray fibres… oh dear).

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 11, 2021 8:51 AM
Reply to  Ponies

Very long queues visible at the testing centres here in Cyprus just now – of course, all masked and distancing like good sheep.

May 11, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Damn. Where does it end. Sending hugs
Edited to add: this evening told a delivery driver “you don’t have to wear that here”. He said “thanks” and took it off.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 12, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I just talked to a friend I hadn’t seen in a year and he said it gave him really bad chills. Super cold.

Jul 20, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

They’re multiplying

Fr. John
Fr. John
May 10, 2021 3:14 PM

I’m surprised no one is quoting the Book of Revelation: “so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Rev. 13:17

As a doctor said, this must stop before it starts. What’s next? Yellow stars?

Jul 20, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  Fr. John

And Godwin’s Law strikes again!

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 10, 2021 2:51 PM

Just been on a local bus here in Limassol, Cyprus driven by a driver I’m matey with and we had a brief chat. He asked, “Have you had your injection?” I explained that it is untested genetic modification and won’t have it. To which he said he had had both shots and proudly waved a slip of paper. He said this was his pass and he can now go everywhere. It is not hard to see how the lure of the pass is going to entice plenty of people, while plenty more see nothing wrong with the injection anyway.

Terry Silk
Terry Silk
May 10, 2021 2:51 PM

They have been trying first to get id cards, first I heard of it was under the Bliar (not a typing error) government then when the people said no, they kept it under wraps for the future. Just as with the poll tax changed to council tax; just because they change the name their intentions remain. The id cards have morphed into a vaccine passport. Different name same shit.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 12:47 PM

I was at the pub yesterday evening having a beer with a friend who works for the NHS (he’s 42) – he has had both mrna Pfizer jabs. He showed me the NHS app on his phone (not a work related app). It displays the last 9 years visits to see his GP, and every date and drug prescribed is itemised, along with the date of vaccines administered and the type. There’s your passport, I guess. I told him that it won’t be long before it’s linked to his bank account and he said that he couldn’t give a toss as he’s permanently overdrawn anyway!

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 11, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Same friend just sent me this. That app I mentioned above is the vaccine apassport.


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 10, 2021 11:39 AM

I went to the city centre of Limassol, Cyprus this morning to do some shopping with shops open again following a two-week forced shutdown and with the new “safe pass” system in operation. This is effectively a vaccine passport, although you are also covered if you had a negative “test” in the past 72 hours. The good thing is that it is the police, not business owners, who have to enforce them. The local police are known to be overwhelmed anyway. Technically, I shouln’t have been entering any shops apart from those selling food, but in practice not only was I able to enter unchallenged, with not even posters on the doors advising that only those with passes can enter, but I received an amazing level of friendly service – small businesses are obviously desperate to get back on their feet again. Of course, it is early days and I can imagine the day will come when you have to swipe some sort of appliance to gain entry and they will perhaps recruit armies of “Covid marshals” from the ranks of those who have lost their jobs as the real economy is crushed, but just now it is business as usual. I was unmasked out on the streets, contrary to the mask mandate in force here, and I walked by two policeman twice while going to and fro, and it was interesting that they didn’t challenge me. A significant minority is defying the rule on the streets and perhaps they realize it is unenforceable just now.

Terry Silk
Terry Silk
May 10, 2021 3:01 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I think that it is not the small buisness’s that are driving the agenda and because a lot if not most of business people don’t even believe the narrative, they are a afraid of the repercussions. I think police are not fully on board with the narrative either but don’t want to rock the boat of a very tribal organisation and stand out from the crowd. Have you ever been in a seminar wher somebody is speaking and someone has a question and after the meeting someone says I wanted to ask that question but I was scared. Maybe the floodgates will burst when lots of people ask why,

May 10, 2021 9:38 AM

Vaccine passports are to protect the unvaccinated. Think about it. Depopulation doesn’t mean kill everyone. (and it doubles as a Darwin Award)

May 10, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  Dick

wow, can you expand on this tought? it makes some sense

May 10, 2021 5:10 PM
Reply to  Pedro

If you are savey to know the vaccine is likely to do you harm, you are the one that will likely survive. Those that took the vaccine due to being scared shitless are the ones that will suffer and perish in the future.


EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
May 10, 2021 9:15 AM

This video is about the alleged measles outbreak in madagascar in 2018/19. There is graphs 3 minutes in showing the ‘cases’, ‘deaths’ and ‘vaccination coverage’ all of which happen at the same time. It is standard practice to claim there is an “outbreak” or in the case of ‘covid’ a “wave” whilst conducting a mass vaccination campaign.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 8:23 AM

“Just take the jab”

Scary stuff…

May 10, 2021 5:16 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

No one is a bit suspicious of how hard the CV19 experimental emergency use serum, so-called vaccine is being pushed so hard?

Has society and the rich ever given money to this extent to save us all?

I suggest you look to the past to know the future. Look at all the people that are getting rich by helping support big pharma and the Davos group.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 6:43 PM
Reply to  Smith

Yep, but I don’t think that money is the main motive. The prize is much, much bigger.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 12, 2021 1:39 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

The prize for them is, they become the only money.

Good luck with that 1 !

May 10, 2021 8:18 AM

On the subject of fear and tyranny, here in Perth, West Oz, we’ve just come out of a snap three day lockdown followed by two weeks of mandatory masks, (everywhere) along with other restrictions on human rights. I live in a low crime area and police sirens are a rarity; however, over the two week lockdown, I would hear police sirens several times daily, every day, travelling along the main roads that surround my suburb. Since the restrictions ended it’s back to normal again and I haven’t heard a single siren for three days now. It was the same earlier in the year when we had the last lockdown. Do you suppose this is an intentional government policy to drive the fear and help push the vaccine uptake, after all it is the police commissioner an un-elected bureaucrat that signs off on these mandates not an elected MP.

May 10, 2021 12:11 PM
Reply to  Harold

It’s the same in the UK Harold and it was used extensively during the first lockdown last year. Ambulance whistle-blowers confirmed it.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 1:19 PM
Reply to  Harold

I think so, yes. It’s all about conditioning, isn’t it? In the UK, in March 2020, there was no need for masks. A few months later, the policy was changed. Communist Susan Michie (director of The Centre for Behaviour Change) is at the heart of SAGE policy when it comes to the psychology of ‘pandemic policy’ – she was apparently behind this little piece issued by SAGE in the UK – ‘Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures’. It said: ‘A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.’… ‘The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.’

These people are professionals and they know what they’re doing. The marketing, the psychology, etc etc and what do we do? Sit in here arguing about whether or not there is such a thing as contagion and calling people who take the vaccines ‘morons’. That’s about as helpful as ‘Remainers’ calling leave voters racist, bigoted idiots. That worked out well, didn’t it?

May 10, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  Harold

We live near an ambulance station. They were even leaving the station in the early hours of the morning with their sirens on, when there was no other traffic.

May 10, 2021 3:23 AM

Quote from article “The ONLY way to stop this biosecurity nightmare is to NOT GET VACCINATED FOR NON-MEDICAL REASONS!!!”

Why would you get vaccinated for any reason?

This passport nonsense is so vague and idiotic it sounds once again like they rattling the cage to increase vaccination rates.

May 10, 2021 6:11 AM
Reply to  Dick

As soon as something is in the digital space it is sus because anybody can access and falsify.

In my old country, more than 50 years ago, we had little booklets made from yellow paper where your vaccinations could be listed. With the number of vaccinations now available and most people not being knowledgeable medically,then forgetting what they had or when. I think it’s a good idea especially when it’s part of a health book where you enter events yourself. It can be helpful then when you have problems, but it should never be a computerized record.

I had the vaccination, the pro’s outweighed the cons. The pandemic is quite helpful in throwing spanner in the works of war preparations. This is a bright side and if Australia could keep out Americans, the brightness would really rock.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  wilmers31

“I had the vaccination, the pro’s outweighed the cons”. 

Could you explain what the pros of vaccinations are? I don’t see any at all. There are only downsides to having your ‘passport’ linked to your bank account, which will happen?

Also, what are advantages of being in lockdown, social distancing and forcing people to wear masks, as you seem to be enjoying the ‘pandemic’ so much?

I suppose you could be drunk and on the wrong website?

May 10, 2021 1:05 AM

In addition to a passport shouldn’t you get some sort of special Darwin award if you have been vaccinated. A Darwin Award with silver oak leaves.

May 9, 2021 10:42 PM

The Globalist Playbook was written for 4yr olds so fat fucks like this could have the same opportunity to rise to the top.


May 9, 2021 9:37 PM

Has anyone else noticed that what in 2020 was always called the “immunity passport” is now referred to universally as the “vaccine passport”?

An observation:
I wonder if the satanists/globalists are planning to mark the Great Reset as a turning point in world history, so that 2020 will be called “Year 1, A.C.” (after Covid) and everything prior will be “1 B.C., 2 B.C., 3 B.C.” (Before Covid, instead of Before Christ).

That would follow their pattern of seemingly attacking everything that’s Christian, such as closing churches, insisting on social distancing and masks in church (masks being an accessory in satanic rituals), discouraging or outlawing singing in church. Perhaps they want to wipe Christ off the calendar, too. This would be more evidence that they are indeed satanists.

Also, when trying to educate the sheeple, I think it is futile to call the villains “globalists.” Sheeple don’t know what a globalist is. Better to call the perpetrators satanists. That’s something even sheeple will understand.

May 10, 2021 5:33 PM
Reply to  Reggie

Hold your ground. It will be a few years before the long-term side effects of the experimental emergency use serum (aka so-called media vaccine) start to kill off the sheep.

The rest of us have avoided the vaccine as me know it is a mass depopulation attempt. They will not be killing people immediately, they will be subtle. The vaccine will cause blood clots and other issues long term and then you will see some of these dumb left-wing nut jobs start to put 2+2 together.

EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’

Anti-lockdown scientists challenge theories of Geert Vanden Bossche, though vaccine ‘global catastrophe’ not ruled out


The biggest phycological brainwashing operation I have ever seen, and I will not fall for it. As Bill Gates said in his talk, the only way to depopulate the earth is via vaccination.


If they start a vaccine passport than we just clown someone else’s ID and use it. Its that simple.

May 9, 2021 9:31 PM

Has anyone else noticed that what in 2020 was always called the “immunity passport” is now referred to universally as the “vaccine passport”?

An observation:
I wonder if the satanists/globalists are planning to mark the Great Reset as a turning point in world history, so that 2020 will be called “Year 1, AC” (after Covid) and everything prior will be “1 BC, 2 BC, 3 BC” (Before Covid, instead of Before Christ).

That would follow their pattern of seemingly attacking everything that’s Christian, such as closing churches, insisting on social distancing in church, discouraging or outlawing singing in church. Perhaps they want to wipe Christ off the calendar, too. This would be more evidence that they are indeed satanists.

Also, when trying to educate the sheeple, I think it is futile to call the villains “globalists.” Sheeple don’t know what a globalist is. Better to call the perpetrators satanists. That’s something even sheeple will understand.

May 9, 2021 9:45 PM
Reply to  Reggie

Sorry, the first comment is the one I prefer. I can’t figure out how to delete the second, older comment, which is slightly different. I click Edit and it’s not clear how to delete it.

May 10, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Reggie

As far as I know, comments on this platform cannot be deleted by the person posting the comment– i.e. us.

Obviously a preferred alternative text can be substituted while the 15-minute edit window is open, but if the edit function expires the non-preferred version is set in virtual stone.

Brand new day
Brand new day
May 10, 2021 4:07 PM
Reply to  Reggie

I am calling it a vaxport. And no,I will not be getting one

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 9, 2021 6:26 PM

In Canada another aspect of so called “socialized” but privatized health care has become a useful source of revenue. Travel between so called “health authorities” , an arbitrary designation to create jobs for government supporters initially by a previous regime , has been banned ? The fines for attempting to travel outside of your healthcare region there in British Columbia’s 3 zones begin at nearly $1000 if stopped by federal policemen , RCMP, at various check points and ferry terminals . The provinces elites of course being immune to these rules ?

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 9, 2021 6:17 PM

The latest flush from NPR (“National Petroleum Radio” one wag called it) as the national radio version as crime partner of WaPo, NYT, and WSJ in theur offering of 5 shades of beige as colorations of virus/vax propaganda:

Coronavirus Updates
New Study Estimates More Than 900,000 People Have Died Of COVID-19 In U.S.
May 6, 202112:58 PM ET
Becky Sullivan


Medical workers wait to vaccinate people at a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic last month in Hollandale, Miss.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images
A new study estimates that the number of people who have died of COVID-19 in the U.S. is more than 900,000, a number 57% higher than official figures.

Worldwide, the study’s authors say, the COVID-19 death count is nearing 7 million, more than double the reported number of 3.24 million.

The analysis comes from researchers at the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, who looked at excess mortality from March 2020 through May 3, 2021, compared it with what would be expected in a typical nonpandemic year, then adjusted those figures to account for a handful of other pandemic-related factors.

The final count only estimates deaths “caused directly by the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” according to the study’s authors. SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes COVID-19.

Researchers estimated dramatic undercounts in countries such as India, Mexico and Russia, where they said the official death counts are some 400,000 too low in each country. In some countries — including Japan, Egypt and several Central Asian nations — the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s death toll estimate is more than 10 times higher than reported totals.

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“The analysis just shows how challenging it has been during the pandemic to accurately track the deaths — and actually, transmission — of COVID. And by focusing in on the total COVID death rate, I think we bring to light just how much greater the impact of COVID has been already and may be in the future,” said Dr. Christopher Murray, who heads the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation.

The group reached its estimates by calculating excess mortality based on a variety of sources, including official death statistics from various countries, as well as academic studies of other locations.

Then, it examined other mortality factors influenced by the pandemic. For example, some of the extra deaths were caused by increased opioid overdoses or deferred health care. On the other hand, the dramatic reduction in flu cases last winter and a modest drop in deaths caused by injury resulted in lower mortality in those categories than usual.

Researchers at UW ultimately concluded that the extra deaths not directly caused by COVID-19 were effectively offset by the other reductions in death rates, leaving them to attribute all of the net excess deaths to the coronavirus.

“When you put all that together, we conclude that the best way, the closest estimate, for the true COVID death is still excess mortality, because some of those things are on the positive side, other factors are on the negative side,” Murray said.

A worker sprays disinfectant inside a temporary quarantine center for COVID-19 patients this week in Hyderabad, India. Researchers estimate more than 400,000 people have died of COVID-19 in India than has been officially reported.
Noah Seelam/AFP via Getty Images
Experts are in agreement that official reports of COVID-19 deaths undercount the true death toll of the virus. Some countries only report deaths that take place in hospitals, or only when patients are confirmed to have been infected; others have poor health care access altogether.

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“We see, for example, that when health systems get hit hard with individuals with COVID, understandably they devote their time to trying to take care of patients,” Murray said.

Because of that, many academics have sought to estimate a true COVID-19 death rate to understand better how the disease spreads.

The revised statistical model used by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation team produced numbers larger than many other analyses, raising some eyebrows in the scientific community.

“I think that the overall message of this (that deaths have been substantially undercounted and in some places more than others) is likely sound, but the absolute numbers are less so for a lot of reasons,” said William Hanage, an epidemiologist at Harvard University, in an email to NPR.

Last month, a group of researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University published a study in the medical journal JAMA that examined excess mortality rates in the U.S. through December.

While that team similarly found the number of excess deaths far exceeded the official COVID-19 death toll, it disagreed that the gap could be blamed entirely on COVID-19 and not other causes.

“Their estimate of excess deaths is enormous and inconsistent with our research and others,” said Dr. Steven Woolf, who led the Virginia Commonwealth team. “There are a lot of assumptions and educated guesses built into their model.”

Other researchers applauded the UW study, calling the researchers’ effort to produce a global model important, especially in identifying countries with small reported outbreaks but larger estimates of a true death toll, which could indicate the virus is spreading more widely than previously thought.

“We need to better understand the impact of COVID across the globe so that countries can understand the trajectory of the pandemic and figure out where to deploy additional resources, like testing supplies and vaccines to stop the spread,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins.

Researchers at UW also released an updated forecast for the COVID-19 death count worldwide, estimating that roughly 2.5 million more people will die of COVID-19 between now and Sept. 1, driven in part by the dramatic surge of cases in India.

In the United States, researchers estimated roughly 44,000 more people will die of COVID-19 by September.

NPR science correspondent Rob Stein contributed to this report

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
May 9, 2021 8:48 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

the excess is caused by lockdowns, masks, ‘covid’ treatments, vaccines, a campaign of terror, social exclusion etc. All highly unhealthy, disruptive and obvously intended to cause deaths. Anyone with the slightest clue about health would never even think of such actions unless they intended to cause mass destruction.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 9, 2021 10:08 PM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Indeed. I love this bit by their NPR “science” shills:

“On the other hand, the dramatic reduction in flu cases last winter and a modest drop in deaths caused by injury resulted in lower mortality in those categories than usual.”

Their deceptions are so very bald: they don’t lift a finger to offer, ever, even the most offbeat “conspiracy theory” as to why there may have been their so-called “dramatic reduction in flu deaths last winter” yet with a straight face tell us that our US “Covid deaths” are not just 30 or 40 TIMES the fatality rates of Japan, Nicaragua or Cuba, or Japan, but closer to 50 times. Not a whopping 50% more, or double, which would be shocking, or triple, which would be stunning, or 10 TIMES, which would be Shock and Awe Statistics.

NO: 50 TIMES the rate of a fractured healthcare system like Venezuela. NOT the previously recorded stat of 30 TIMES, at 620,000, but revised UPWARD to 900,000. We wonder if that will be the new sanctified “official” death count. It reads almost like a Monty Python satire. So beyond ludicrous and the depths of contempt, on both sides.

Their Magic Virus, that one raging infectiously in their imaginations, has broken loose of its tether.

Our MSM is owned by a very scanty few nouveau riche oligarchs, and it now writes itself off the rails on this.

These people in their power-lust approach their stats like crackheads approach their pipes…


May 10, 2021 5:27 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Maybe try what Sweden, Belarus & Nicaragua did. Minimal if any lockdowns, no masks and doing okay (Sweden) to great (B&N)

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 12, 2021 1:56 AM
Reply to  TRM

YES. I direct everyone I talk to about all this to the worldwide STATS, as they can find numerous confirmations, at many many sites.

I tell them, don’t for love or money believe ME! Look at the gaping disparities in the stats, by country!

California and Venezuela are comparable in population (30:40).

We report 63,000 deaths and Venezuela 1800 !

And nobody is shocked and awed by such baloney hyped counts.

The OC Ca. Coroner 3 weeks ago told me the death certificate in January says my brother-in-law died “covid-positive” then quickly added, “But he died of natural causes.”

Amazing, if it hadn’t been such a serious occasion I would have busted out laughing.

I just snorted with no other comment.

May 10, 2021 8:23 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Deferred health care sounds so objective and admistrative, compared to denied/inaccessible medical treatment.

May 9, 2021 1:36 PM

US “vaccination campaign” slowing up rapidly:


It looks like they’re running out of people who are persuadable by appeals to science and corporate media brain-washing. The patent-waiving is so they can dump unused vaccines on poor countries, it’s now obvious.

Expect Biden to get all pissy about Independence Day. Beyond that, all bets are off although the chances must be that things will get uglier.

Big Vern
Big Vern
May 9, 2021 3:24 PM
Reply to  Edwige

A lot of people have got quite ill after their first vaccine shot, maybe they are not in such a hurry for the second. I know more people who have been ill from the vaccine than have been ill from covid.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 9, 2021 5:44 PM
Reply to  Big Vern

Great point, I had missed that obvious factor in the slowdown.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 9, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Big Vern

Well into the second year of this panic-demic and i still don’t know anyone who has had covid , but most of those in my extended family and circle of acquaintances have had their shots at $200 a pop without any unusual ill effects ?

May 9, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

I know 4 who had it 9 months before our various govt and WHO decided it was something that needed desperate action….and no unfitted the health system wasn’t overwhelmed or people dying in the street…regarded as normal flu, cold issues.

May 9, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  Big Vern

comment image

May 10, 2021 1:55 AM
Reply to  October

It’s too late. The 2nd dose is a red herring. Once you have it that’s it. You are infected.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 9, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Where I live squads of mobile vaxxers have sprung up all over at malls , rec centers , and parks in the last 2 months . People seem to be avoiding them in the main ?

May 9, 2021 1:26 PM

Some swearing in this song but topical and relevant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVUT_jnsSx4

susan mullen
susan mullen
May 9, 2021 12:47 PM

US desperately needs voter ID but adamantly refuses to consider it (for several fake reasons). What would be its excuse for not including voter ID with vax passports?

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 9, 2021 5:57 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

What a comical farce to slip in “after hours” to an otherwise very serious discussion, Mme. Trolle.

Everyone knows Voter ID is only a desperate “need” for the “Right” to reduce minority voting, people of color. Who vote now 75%+ to the Left.

That is old news.

They have done many investigations of the kind of fraud from illegal voters, usually staffed by enforcement that is traditionally right-leaning, and every time the record shows that there is nothing substantive of that fraud. Miniscule.

To push that as part of a vaccine passport is pure fascist stierScheisse, at best. You must be newbie.

susan mullen
susan mullen
May 9, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

To me it’s not separate. It’s part of US elites crushing the individual. My first thought on hearing of vaccine passports was that I’ll never get one. My second thought was they could easily use it for voter ID, but they never will. As you suggest, alleged “racism” is the most publicized reason for not having voter ID in the US, but I wasn’t aware it was a fact that “everyone knows.”

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 12, 2021 2:07 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Oh please, this is one of the few things where I have some expertise, if you will, and I have been on radio multiple times with a host who got touchscreens banned in Vermont in 2003, the first. I have done a lot of legwork on this, years, and voter ID means populist-vote suppression.

Put another way, it’s all about the haves v. the have-nots. Always has been. The gentry don’t want the sans culottes “darkening” the polls.

Of course, they churn out mountains of Monopoly money to spin it the other way. Always has been that, too!

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 12, 2021 2:10 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

You wrote: ‘As you suggest, alleged “racism” is the most publicized reason for not having voter ID in the US, but I wasn’t aware it was a fact that “everyone knows.” ‘

I meant, of course, “everyone knows” whose opinion is serious enough to matter.

May 10, 2021 5:18 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

Your assumptions about left vs. Right are way off the mark. I suspect you have not revised your political thinking in 40 years.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 12, 2021 2:19 AM
Reply to  MaryLS

Perhaps not unkind, since I don’t know you (despite the suspect comment), but quite untrue and speculatively ad hominem without much or any supporting info.

My politics have gone through as many hairpin turns as a theme park thrill ride. But some things, especially in USA Inc (United Syndicates/Snakes/Scams of America) remain a dull constant.

That’s an Ipso Facto etched in Washingtonian marble!

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
May 9, 2021 6:44 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Obomber Initiated the “platinum passport ” which makes global elites exempt from the rule of law forced on the plebs . They are still in use and only need a slight upgrade to the chip on said passports to exempt our rulers from covid regulations.

May 9, 2021 10:34 AM

Excellent graphic for showing how the narrative on vaccine passports changed:


May 9, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

They justify anything. Oh it’s because of the new variants! It mutates don’t you know??!! It’s alive!!!!

May 10, 2021 4:21 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Oh dear, Luke Rudkowski the notorious 9/11 half truther/shill is still doing the rounds.

May 9, 2021 9:36 AM

As ever thanks Dr Yeadon

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 7:15 AM

Well, in Cyprus, the “good news” is that the lockdown and SMS permission system ends tomorrow, while the bad news is that vaccine passports essentially come into operation to replace them.

Coronavirus: Safe pass will be ‘long-term’, minister says 

A quote from the article:

“Effectively replacing the SMS permission system in place so far, the pass will be in effect from tomorrow with the lifting of the two-week lockdown imposed before Easter. It will be enforced by police.

The pass be required for people to visit cafes, restaurants, shopping malls, gyms, theatres and places of worship. The only retail areas where evidence of health status will not be required will be those involving food purchases, also hairdressers, beauty salons, banks, public sector offices, betting shops, beaches and other parts of nature.

The pass entails either having a negative Covid test carried out within the last 72 hours, or having received at least one dose of a vaccine three weeks prior, or having contracted the virus in the past six months.”

May 9, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Clown world. Pure clown world.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

A suggestion for small shopkeepers under circumstances like the above. Put up a notice on your shop door that customers who so wish will be served from the outside, and ideally put something like a bell at the door so customers who are prevented from entering can be served there.
I am reminded of a black South African who was speaking about the bad old days of Apartheid. It seems only whites were allowed to enter shops and there was a window along the side from which blacks would be served. Such a system could enable small shops to do more business if faced by the above restrictions.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 12:41 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Let’s say as a resident of Cyprus I have a compelling reason to enter a place for which the above pass is required. Of the options of taking the test or getting the injection, the former is without doubt the best option, right? Of course, I will try to do neither for as long as possible. I am now faced with this dilema. It is probably coming your way soon.

May 9, 2021 4:12 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Beware of the pcr test. It could be a stealth cull jab.

May 9, 2021 6:35 AM

It is obvious that we are now in the 3rd “opium war”

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 9, 2021 6:01 PM
Reply to  PRDN8

Indeed, it does show a lot of those past profiles.

May 9, 2021 4:07 AM

Another conspiracy theory come true: it is amazing how talented the conspiracy theorists are at predicting the actions of the evil elite and their puppets. Power mad is power mad and will always be predictably illegal, amoral and against the interests of everybody.

Juan Nadie
Juan Nadie
May 9, 2021 3:20 AM


Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’

May 9, 2021 9:08 AM
Reply to  Juan Nadie

Stop blaming the Chinese! It’s clear that 9-11-01 and covid could only happen with our (USA) government’s consent!!!
9-11, two planes took down THREE buildings!!! Hmmmn.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
May 9, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  Sm56

“There were NO planes! There is NO virus!”

May 9, 2021 9:37 AM
Reply to  Juan Nadie

this also surfaced on the front page of weekend Aust …..i took one look and thought …more of the anti chinese game……. and of course when we already know it was in Italy in Sept/oct now it continues hard to blame the chinese for not alerting everyone quick enough etc…..

of course it (whatever it is/was) could still have come from china but it was running loose long before xmas…. i know my state health mob don’t test anyone if they turn up with cold/flu…. they are always doing that so why bother…….. and as i keep banging on about it had to have been here by Sept 2019 …….yet the MSM and various state govt are still out there fretting about naughty covey needing everyone locked up etc etc…. this is now almost 2 yrs later and why are none of them telling the truth about it having been here and no doubt basically gone well over 12 mths ago…….doesn’t suit the game obviously.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
May 9, 2021 12:28 PM
Reply to  EDITH

‘it’ definitely won’t go anywhere so long as people eat junk, take vaccines and piles of drugs from pharmacists and have cellphone towers, air pollution etc. detox symptoms aka cold and flu like symptoms are needed to help clear out this junk. you are gaslighting people trying to make out a “virus” appeared when these detox symptoms are nothing new and quite the opposite of a virus.

May 9, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  Juan Nadie

Don’t trust zero hedge. Rothchild controlled…

May 9, 2021 1:54 AM

When you control the information
You control perception
When you control perception you control behaviour

It’s an old cliche but so relevant in the paradoxical reality we live in.

May 9, 2021 7:57 AM
Reply to  Paul

Right. And no information is trustworthy. Making life a game of who holds the bigger information stick.

John Ervin
John Ervin
May 9, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  Paul

See: 2010 “PSYWAR: the Real Battlefield is the Mind”. A film by Scott Noble about “Perception Management” consultancy within “developed nations”.

Controlling so-called “democracies” by militarized spin.

May 8, 2021 11:27 PM

I want to touch on the issue of contagion. Most people believe in it. Is it actually instinct or taught to us early on as children? I believe the latter. There are many societies and countries where the concept of contagion did not exist until the 20thC.

Below you will find a summary of The Rosenau Experiment, carried out 1918-1919.
”Perhaps the most interesting epidemiological studies conducted during the 1918-1919 pandemic were the human experiments conducted by the Public Health Service and the U.S. Navy under the supervision of Milton Rosenau on Gallops Island, the quarantine station in Boston Harbor, and on Angel Island, its counterpart in San Francisco.”

”The experiment began with 100 volunteers from the Navy who had no history of influenza. Rosenau was the first to report on the experiments conducted at Gallops Island in November and December 1918. His first volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of Pfeiffer bacillus by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into their eyes.”

”When that procedure failed to produce disease, others were inoculated with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of influenza patients. Next, some volunteers received injections of blood from influenza patients.”

”Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10 influenza patients each. Each volunteer was to shake hands with each patient, to talk with him at close range, and to permit him to cough directly into his face.”

“None of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza. Rosenau was clearly puzzled, and he cautioned against drawing conclusions from negative results.”

“He ended his article in JAMA with a telling acknowledgement: “We entered the outbreak with a notion that we knew the cause of the disease, and were quite sure we knew how it was transmitted from person to person. Perhaps, if we have learned anything, it is that we are not quite sure what we know about the disease.”

“The research conducted at Angel Island and that continued in early 1919 in Boston broadened this research by inoculating with the Mathers streptococcus and by including a search for filter-passing agents, but it produced similar negative results. It seemed that what was acknowledged to be one of the most contagious of communicable diseases could not be transferred under experimental conditions.

So when I reference that contagion – viral and bacterial – has never been proven in an experiment or study, I am telling the truth. Truth is real and it’s not relative or subjective. Spreading false beliefs about contagion and viruses is a superstition as it’s still unproven.

Yet there continues to be a false belief contagion is a fact, or the truth. Propaganda through spreading the myth of contagion are the only reason since there’s no scientific basis or experimental evidence for this false belief. Even the editor who printed the above studies and other studies demonstrating no contagion could not rid himself of the belief that there was somehow virus or bacteria in droplets. That’s how powerful beliefs can become. False beliefs repeated over time seem real, even though they are only in the minds of the believers.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.“ Kierkegaard

May 9, 2021 12:08 AM
Reply to  Researcher

“I want to touch on the issue of contagion. Most people believe in it. Is it actually instinct or taught to us early on as children?”

I’m not buying this covid scam nor getting a jab, but why don’t you try swapping bodily fluids with a street walker and report back with your findings; we can start from there.

May 9, 2021 12:49 AM
Reply to  BlindSpots

I am not afraid of bodily fluids. How can virgins get genital herpes? Happens all the time. Yet they are told they must have caught it. The only thing they caught was the vaccine that gave it to them. When people become sexually active their hormones influence their auto immune conditions from their early childhood vaccinations and in my humble opinion that’s what’s causing STDs. Not viruses or bacteria.

I don’t believe in STDS or viruses from any type of bodily fluid transfer. That is an idea that is drummed into people’s heads.

When I was trying to determine the presence of germs I conducted my own little experiment where I didn’t wash or sanitize my hands and touched every surface on items in the supermarket and then licked my fingers while opening those really thin transparent bags. That was at the height of the pandemic drama. I went to a different supermarket every day and did the same thing even in Asian markets which are notoriously filthy. I was also completely maskless and never observed social distancing. Not one sniffle. Not one cough. I stood near people who looked ill and sneezed near me.

I knew after figuring out why germs don’t make people ill that I would not become sick. Plus I saw some DARPA and DoD studies on viruses and I figured out the truth. The real secrets of disease and illness.

May 9, 2021 1:58 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Well as a study of one, I can say without a doubt that, as a naive 23 yr old, I caught genital herpes from the male with whom I was in a relationship at the time and who did not tell me then that he had it.

May 9, 2021 2:12 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Something else that intrigues me about this herpes infection is that it is triggered by an imbalance between two amino acids – l-arginine and l-lysine. The spike protein on this ‘new’ coronavirus is l-arginine. I wrote to a biochemist over a year ago pointing this out – now I see that a UK company is selling l-lysine as a treatment for the covid virus.

May 9, 2021 3:19 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Virgins contracting genital herpes is so common, Planned Parenthood has a a weird answer prepared that is evidence free yet at the same time implies they could be a slut who has had anal or oral. Bizarre.

Also, the myth of syphilis.

I haven’t researched gonorrhea yet, but I will look into it and see if I can figure out what might be happening.

May 9, 2021 9:52 AM
Reply to  Researcher

i will chime in here from an astrological point of view…..as i told people when the covid panic started, you can only die on the day allocated….you only get sick when your energy field indicates it…… you get all the illnesses indicated etc etc…..there were still plenty of people become ill and/or dying last year….. road accidents didn’t stop.

all the carry on will not prevent one death……not possible to argue with the man with the big sythe…… he comes when he comes. circumstances may help people have the impossible looking recovery or the impossible looking illness and/or death……sometimes the energy field will contain the possibility of prolonging life for just that much longer and medical mob will run around saying that they saved someone.

All the supposed covid death charts i managed to lay my hands on early all had comorbidities that were obvious on the chart….they may or may not have known about same….. often people claim to have not known they had extensive cancer etc….. or their hearts were nearing end of run etc etc….. there are many complexities to someone developing various forms of unhealth……

so no you cannot breath/spit etc on someone and give them anything unless they have something that indicates that they are due to fall ill…. and fall ill they would have done regardless…. plenty of people have lived with others with things like flu/cold and not become ill from exposure…..but often people who do live together have energy points in common and thus a transit to that common point may cause them to both become ill…….sadly we are all so bog ignorant about so many of the drivers of life on earth.

May 9, 2021 12:11 PM
Reply to  EDITH

Thanks. That’s interesting. I agree with you that other factors like energy fields have an influence on people’s health but not spit, fluid or droplets.

What about the next few years for people born in 1932 and 1936? And do you see millions of people potentially dying over the next few years or billions? Is there are a way to predict that with any accuracy in astrological terms?

May 9, 2021 10:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I am not sure there are too many of the 1932-36 left these days as a natural attrition that occurs with or without the covid…I know a couple of them that are hanging in…one with cancer the other quite healthy…which again demonstrates it isn’t always the state of being of the body that determines death day.,,
I had an uncle who was morbidly obese his whole life…recently died at 105…annoyed my father no end who was thin and exercised and died at 97…neither of them via pneumonia…

the other problem with long living is keeping the old mind intact…the 2 I know over 90 are not keeping theirs…whereas uncle and dad did…again the planetary placements play a role…

as for forecasting on a whole basis…I was bemused when this current debacle started and I went looking at fellow astrologer predictions for 2020 they were excited about the great changes and opportunities for a better world…one could have sworn they were writing Kraus WEF briefs…

i never did see it that way and was very wary…a trace back to where some of the key playing planets were showed unsettled times…I.e. US war of independence ….the arrive of whites to aust and the east India coy ramping up India as they lost control of US…other European efforts were going on…history of that period had a lot of little wars over territory here and there…king Louis and Mary antonette were put in place and we know how that ended…

I picked up on the neptune to eclipses immediately the drama started so knew it was a farce…I tried to tell other astrologers and met complete hostility…so as a tribe we are not necessarily any better than anyone else…

I don’t like what I am seeing for the next few years…there is plenty of opportunity for death on large scale with various planetary placements…but by now that becomes obvious…supply chains have been messed up, the monetary system is spinning out of control…lockdowns have forced many into poverty where anything will set off big death numbers …we see that in India right now…

it is all rather hard to explain in a few lines as the planetary interplay’s with each other and then with the eclipses are always different as we cross the centuries…

when it first started I also checked out the charts of anyone claiming to be a leader and they were all hit with neptune…along with the US chart and pluto is back to where it was when the country was set up…these things seem to matter…

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  Researcher

‘Evidence free’….hilarious.

May 9, 2021 1:51 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Your experiment proves none of your claims and only shows that you have a functioning immune system.

I don’t discount terrain theory nor do I discount that there are “germs” that can spread disease. Why does germ theory and terrain theory have to be mutually exclusive? That seems just as narrow minded as the established view. This, provided that what the establishment views as “germs” is likely misinformed and corrupted.

I’m no epidemiologist but life experiences tell me that contagion is real and diseases can spread from person to person. Now what the actual causes and mechanics behind contagion remain debatable, but contagion itself seems self-evident. I don’t see the need to throw the baby out with the bath water so to speak just because the established view of germs is corrupt.

May 9, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  BlindSpots

You can believe in whatever you like. Logic should come into it at some point though. You can’t have it both ways. It’s either the terrain or the germ. It can’t be both.

If the germ was the cause then the terrain would not matter. This idea that we fight off germs as “invaders” is inane. If we are fighting them all the time and they are from an external source why does our body create them and why aren’t we weakened all the time by this constant fight from the external invaders? We create these bacteria internally (and viruses which are not viruses but proteins and exosomes) in our body during a weakened and toxic state to rid ourselves of excess toxicity and diseased or poisoned tissue. We are shedding toxic tissue not germs during this phase. We don’t contract or catch germs.

I explained this the other day. If a cab driver (or any profession with contact with the public) is being exposed constantly to alleged germs (Viral or bacterial) in his cab from the hundreds of rides he has a week in very enclosed quarters why aren’t cabbies statistically any more sick than anyone else? They should have much higher incidences of all contagious diseases, but they don’t.

There is no way your theory of a bit of terrain plus some germ works, because the statistics don’t support it. At some point those cab drivers are going to be tired or run down and so wouldn’t their weakened terrain make them more vulnerable to ALL the GERMS and yet they are not catching flu, TB, measles or meningitis, cholera or or any other alleged contagion anymore than anyone else. So that theory fails.

What the epidemiological statistics do support is that the more nutritionally supported a population is, the less disease ridden. More sunshine – Vitamin D – reduces respiratory ailments. Which indicates that nutrition and Vitamin D is the number one prevention against illness. There are also other factors such as toxic exposure which triggers illness: Environmental. Chemical. Electrical. Drugs. Toxic Food. Toxic thoughts. Lack of sleep. Lack of exercise.

Bacteria found at the site of disease and illness is not the cause it’s one of the clean up mechanisms that breaks down tissue, recycles organic matter and toxins. Think of the bacteria and viruses (not really viruses but proteins, enzymes and exosomes) as the cleaners; surfactants and recyclers of your cells.

Our body is not fighting anything. We are in constant detox through our skin, lymphatic system, sweat, mucus, liver and kidneys. But when the body is exposed to toxic overload and not enough nutritional support and/or sunshine our body is overwhelmed and needs to reduce the toxic load and the mucosal immune response is initiated: Colds. And for more serious detoxification, the cell mediated immune response is initiated which people call flu. But none of this is contagion.

Mark L
Mark L
May 9, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Excellent explanation. Thankyou.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 10:24 AM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s all very interesting but do you have a study that proves that taxi drivers don’t get ill more often than people working in other roles? If they don’t, well, maybe it’s because they have their backs to their passengers most of the time? I don’t know. Factor in the possibility that most people riding in cabs are not normally ill in the first place, otherwise why would they be in a cab? I am aware of studies that have shown that hospitals and doctor’s surgeries are places to avoid if you don’t want to catch something. Didn’t deaths from infections fall dramatically from operations when antiseptic practices were introduced? The death rate in inner cities fell dramatically, too, when proper drainage/sewage treatments etc were introduced.

May 9, 2021 11:16 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Are you being obtuse? Or are you just refusing to recognize there’s plenty of other people in many jobs who come in contact with the public all the time that don’t get any more ill than those sitting in an isolated cubicle or working from home. Because the cab was just an example.

If contagion was real then epidemiological studies would be all over this issue with studies confirming disease in higher numbers in certain professions like white on rice. It would be part of our programming.

May 10, 2021 5:16 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It’s not up to me to prove anything. I am showing they have no data for their claims so why accept it as fact? It’s not fact, it’s always going to be fraud until they can run experiments with controls. When controls are used no cytopathic effect is seen. So your insistence that you know something based on no evidence but brainwashing is no different than me knowing how to stay well and not get flu has nothing to do with who or what alleged virus I am exposed to.

I am harassed by new entities with the same trolls tactics of conflation and straw men just for posting an excerpt. It’s out of line. These new identities that pop up every week write the same thing in their comments. They and you have some kind of expectation I have to provide evidence when it’s the opposite. Where’s your evidence? You are the one claiming that viruses exist. Prove it. Show me the physical, molecular and chemical characterizations of these entities. Your belief in something doesn’t make it true.

Detox is not the same as catching anything. A flu is not a virus. These viruses aren’t found. There is no physical evidence of their existence.

You and the team of operatives that live here and use multiple identities to troll anyone who contradicts the lies make the place unbearable. So I’m done.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I am harassed by new entities with the same trolls tactics of conflation and straw men” – I’m not sure when I joined this site but I’ve been posting here for quite a while, now – all under one name, I hasten to add.

May 10, 2021 5:39 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You and the trolls expect someone to prove a negative which is impossible.

All you have is your appeal to authority and superstition.

And RTD just posted a paper from the very same people who are funded by the authorities running the scam. So now he is on the side of the authorities and criminality and posts a giant excerpt of lies as if that’s got anything to do with any of my comments. He is now working on the side of the Diaboliarchy. So yes. There’s an obvious troll operation here. Nobody wants to be around trolls.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 10, 2021 7:20 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Calm down and don’t be rude about a site you freely post at every single day. Your opinions are hosted at OUR expense. You’re a guest. Please remember that and preserve minimal politeness.

This is an hysterical response to a simple request for DATA.

You claim cab drivers don’t exhibit statistically increased incidents of infectious illness. Someone asked for your evidence. You proceed to blow a gasket.

not pretty, not useful, not interesting. If your claim was based on no data and was just a hunch – simply say so!

May 27, 2021 11:47 PM

It wasn’t based on a hunch. It was based on the fact that there’s no data for anyone (not cab drivers or any profession) who comes into contact with hundreds of people a day or week, either having a higher incidence of contagion or dying earlier. That seems fairly self explanatory.

That’s based on actuarial tables. Based on life insurance data. Dangerous and uninsurable professions are helicopter pilots, mountaineers and race car drivers due to accidents. But those who come into contact with the public do not appear to be at any more increase for mortality or illness than anyone else. Contagion isn’t mentioned anywhere. I looked at multiple actuarial tables.

But yet there are studies on cab drivers and heart disease. Obviously that’s a real thing. But contagious diseases are just a concept to sell vaccines.

I was merely pointing out that this data for contagion or viral disease for any profession that comes into contact with the public does not exist. And the absence of evidence in science when anything that can be measured if it’s real exists, is a huge indicator of fraud.

I’m asking for evidence from the proponents of viral disease where are the studies showing that viral contagion is prevalent or exists? And instead of getting an answer, I am expected to prove somehow that it doesn’t? How is that logical?

I’m not the one proposing measures and medications based on a theory of contagion. If people want to believe in fictional diseases and fictional causes of illness, that’s their prerogative. But I don’t need to disprove anything that is still unproven. All I did is propose a way to look at the issue of contagion using logic. It’s logic. Not a “claim“.

If every molecule in existence can be isolated, purified and characterized, and microbiologists have isolated and purified exosomes, why haven’t they done so with viruses?

“Exosomes have been purified and isolated from in vitro cell cultures and biological fluids using several techniques.”

Because they (viruses) don’t exist is the only logical answer. Yet virologists have been trying to walk back their fraud for several years now by asserting that viruses and exosomes may be the same thing.

A virus is not a real particle, but a composite of processes and molecules (including bacteria and exosomes) that our own cells produce during detoxification. We detox daily. That’s what going to the bathroom and sweating is; our daily detoxification. Only by perceiving our health and immune system through a different lens, can people begin to grasp that we are NOT constantly fighting germs, we are in a constant detoxification process from our exposure to chemicals and toxins, including radiation. When our body becomes overwhelmed with toxins during winter (from low D levels due to less sun exposure), the body then mounts a cell mediated immune response, which people call “the flu”.

I was not blowing a gasket. But I am beyond annoyed with continually being subjected to the same straw man argument when it comes to simply asserting that the authorities, doctors and virologists who claim viruses exist and are deadly and contagious are the ones that must provide evidence, since they are the ones asserting a position that calls for measures (and medications) based on their multiple unproven assertions. 

May 31, 2021 3:17 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Governments and the WHO claim flus kill hundreds of thousands of people a year worldwide. But that’s also a fabrication. The yearly flu numbers are as fictional as the covid numbers. There are almost no lab confirmed cases of flu deaths. They were intentionally hyped to sell flu shots.

The point I was making is that people who have jobs that are in contact with the public, should be at higher risk from catching deadly bacteria and viruses, not just a flu or a cold *if* contagion is real.

What I was attempting to show is that the claims of deadliness by the authorities for Ebola, or Cholera or MERS, SARS, Polio etc etc., are as fraudulent as the claims that these illnesses are contagious. That’s all.

1.They have no proof of contagion.

2.They have no proof of any virus isolation, or purification for any virus. Ever. They only have poisoned cell cultures, sans controls.

3.They have no proof of any of the alleged viral particles that they cannot isolate and purify, causing any specific diseases or symptoms in animals or humans.

It might seem fantastical (and at first it did to me too) that they (the authorities, pharma and the virologists on the DARPA payroll) are fabricating viruses: That they would go to such lengths to create fake taxonomies, to construct genomes computationally, and do “gain of function“ that’s in actuality genetic modification of proteins, in order to cause disease and intentional harm in humans through vaccination, but that’s exactly what I have found.

But if one examines the amount of money at stake, trillions in vaccines, and trillions more in potential treatments of the numerous diseases that result from those vaccinations later in life including cancer, auto immune disorders and neurological diseases, the profit motive can’t be ignored.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
May 9, 2021 8:22 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

sewage systems were introduced and plumbing. the water was no longer contaminated with waste. there was refigeration introduced, labour laws so children couldn’t be worked to death, fortification of foods with vitamins and minerals, reduced air pollution from coal fires, improved horticultural techniques that increased fruit and veg availabilty, holidays by the seaside courtesy of the railways. quite a number of things that vaccine pushers try to claim credit for.

May 9, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Still checking my watch and waiting for the brave employee obituaries to be posted on the web pages of giant petri dishes Costco and Walmart – to our brave team members, mowed down by a deadly disease during a year of daily contact with thousands of filthy germ bags…

While everyone was locked in their homes (yet another lockdown starts today in my Canadian province with ICU’s still only “threatening to be overwhelmed”.. like they have been all year) these selfless frontline soldiers of solidarity stoically wrapped themselves in plastic each morning and marched forth in the name of saving humanity….. NOT.

Would anyone touch these high stress, minimum wage jobs if they were really in danger?

In a non-LARP, cashiers would be getting 10x the salary because of the risk and the fear of dropping dead. Even a decent Soderbergh movie would have the military dispatched – in full regalia – to ring up your Cheetos and Pepsi.

May 9, 2021 3:21 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Lol … those Walmart greeters are chipper considering… Now they can’t even see the faces of the angry customers giving them the side eye.

You are so right. Shouldn’t the security guards and check-out chicks at the market all be dead from the dreaded VIRUS. They should be wearing those Fukushima hazmat suits.

Hey, which hellhole province are you in? Ontario truly sucks at the moment. I wish that Donut Faced Ford would join his brother. Pronto. I live near a hospital and it’s completely empty.

May 10, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I work in a job where i come into physical contact with multiple people every day. 4 years ago i was overweight,under stress and eating poorly. I missed a week of work every other month.
Now i am fit,well built,workout and only eat meat from my local butcher and don’t take processed sugar etc. I am never ill. Worked through lockdowns,not a sniffle. Certainly suggests terrain theory holds weight. Stop putting the body under toxicl oad. I find an occasional sauna followed by cold shower helps get rid of toxins.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
May 9, 2021 6:43 AM
Reply to  BlindSpots

B. Lando: “It’s just another false dichotomy: germ theory vs bioterrain […] Here I am… I’ve become the poster doctor for bioterrain theory, but I don’t believe in the whole shebang.”

May 9, 2021 11:19 AM

The false dichotomy is not germ versus terrain. The false dichotomy is the cycle threshold argument using a fake test. That’s dosing people with poison.

May 10, 2021 11:58 PM
Reply to  BlindSpots

Thank you, Blindspots; good to hear common sense instead of theory-based dogma.

May 9, 2021 2:23 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I suppose that fingers which touch a cold sore can carry the virus to the genitals.

May 9, 2021 3:36 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Nonsense. First of all virologists claim cold sores are not the same virus as genital herpes. My mother gets cold sores and my brother and I never got them. She was preparing dinner for us with cold sores. If there were contagious the entire family would have had them. People only get outbreaks when run down which indicates the sores are an auto immune condition from vaccination.

Also, two of my boyfriends had herpes and I never contracted it. I do not believe in contagion at all. Only vaccinated people get these diseases. The viruses such as herpes are not viruses at all but are actually proteins with a genetic mutation signature that are indicative of certain cancers which means they are undoubtedly from vaccines since vaccines are all developed using various cancer cell lines.

May 9, 2021 6:54 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You would not go too far wrong researching Arnold Ehret work. It’s not watertight but close to it and light years better than what the average person consumes today.

May 9, 2021 1:00 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The last civil conversation held in our family was last year, an animated discussion about why never once when someone had a cold or flu did anyone remember it spreading to anyone else in the household. In fact, no one could remember even a second person getting “infected,” EVER. But not more than a few weeks after this meeting of mostly logical individuals, a pandemic of the mind was born and has certainly proven to be highly infectious

May 9, 2021 1:03 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

Know the feeling well! So many of us are dealing with strained families.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

In January 2010, I caught ‘swine flu’ (we think – perhaps it was my first real dose of seasonal flu) and was bedridden for 3 days. My daughter, who was 12 at the time, also caught it. It was during that illness that I developed an allergy to aspirin and had an anaphylactic shock when my wife gave me Ibuprofen, which contains aspirin. My face and legs swelled up. I’m now 63 and I have recently started having hay fever, too, which my wife has always had for as long as she can remember.

In late December 2019, my wife was bedridden and missed New Year’s Eve and New Year’s day with a very nasty cough and headache. We now believe that this was Covid. But who knows? I didn’t catch it. But the reason I may not have caught it could’ve been because I had already had something else that made me resistant. Who knows? A friend of ours told me, when we were ‘let out’ midsummer 2020,that although he hadn’t visited the GP surgery where he lived for around 30 years – he’s as fit as a fiddle and plays squash etc, doesn’t smoke – he had similar symptoms to my wife in early January 2020. He felt absolutely awful. He went to see his GP in Shropshire and the GP told him and I quote, “there’s a virus sweeping through the town at the moment, lots of people are catching it, there’s nothing I can give you for it, go home, go to bed and take paracetamol”.

I’ve heard that story about late 2019/early 2020 so many times, now. But I have never had a similar experience.

Peter Sky
Peter Sky
May 9, 2021 7:58 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

In late December 2019, my wife was bedridden and missed New Year’s Eve and New Year’s day with a very nasty cough and headache. We now believe that this was Covid.

Thats what happens if you eat loads of turkey, cheese and chocolate, drink copious amounts of alchohol, have low vitiamin d, are worn out from going to christmas parties etc. It happens every year as everybody already knows. It’s called a detox. The body trying to clear out all this junk. paracetamol is particularly dangerous when someone is fasting.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  Peter Sky

Nice try, but no cigar. It was an illness that ‘came out of nowhere’ and my wife and I don’t frequent Xmas parties and neither of us eat meat. I remember her saying that she had never felt like that before, it was so awful. We can barely make it past midnight on New Year’s Eve and for the last 10years we can normally be found stuck in front of the tele watching Jools Holland when the clock strikes 12. I can’t remember when we last went to ‘a party’, unless you count the grandchildren’s birthdays? My wife has never smoked (unlike me, who smoked for 40 years and drank like a fish for most of the time, too). My wife’s BMI is probably spot on and mine’s bordering on the obese. I know when my wife is ill, because she is rarely ill. Ditto myself, who, according to your analysis, should be permanently ill given the battering I have voluntarily ‘endured’ over the last 63 years, Our friend who went to his doctor is, as I said, as fit as a fiddle. Yet, I didn’t catch it, and ditto his wife. I can only assume we had a resistance to it already, whatever ‘it’ was.

May 9, 2021 1:31 AM
Reply to  BlindSpots

She writes some very good stuff, and I agree with a lot of stuff she writes, but I know hospitals are some of the most dangerous places to go to, but sometimes you don’t have a lot of choice…I could give you an extremely large number of examples that I am personally aware of communicable infectious diseases.

No1 My wife had been run over by a car on the way to her dance class. I didn’t blame anyone. The bloke who had just run over her, and busted her leg in several places was the first person to phone me, and said sorry -I just run over your wife – then the call went dead…My son and I knew exactly where she was likely to be, so I screamed at him – Mum’s been run over by a car..We were there in less than one minute, by which time she was already in the ambulance.. So I got in the back of the ambulance, but they hadn’t tied her down – the trolley she was on, and she nearly flew out the back…But when to got to the hospital, she got seen to almost immediately. The Doctors and Nurses were Absolutely Brilliant putting her leg back together. She said – You Remember when You Gave Birth….This is Going to Hurt a Lot…

They couldn’t send her home, like they did with me, earlier this year…They kept her in. The next day I go to see my lovely wife, she is in isolation (plastic curtains all around her) staff squirting and cleaning anti-bug stuff her, cos she got an infection. She got a hospital aquired infection…She also got a bit of morphine…But the hospital did a fantastic job. After a few days, they said you can go home now….and gave us all the kit -like when you need to go the toilet,,,and in these few days, my son and I had completely re-arranged our home by changing the furniture, and a bed downstairs..and making everything as nice as we could, to nurse her back to health..It took 4 months, before she was up to going to a Music Festival Again complete with Air-Boot and Crutches. She is fine now, and looking forward to the Rock Fit Chick Dance classes which start in a couple of weeks.

comment image


May 9, 2021 2:48 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Hospitals are very dangerous Tony. Not so much because of what one can catch. But due to medical errors, mistakes and toxic drugs.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yep, when I broke my leg in December 2020, shortly before Xmas, I should’ve stayed at home and taken a paracetamol. I’d have been up and about in no time. Honestly, with people like you running the show, life expectancy would still be around 30.

May 9, 2021 11:32 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

Trauma medicine and surgery from accidents has nothing to do with the fraud of contagion. Do you know how many times surgeons have operated on the wrong limb? Or removed the wrong organ?

They must have removed your brain when they set your leg.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 12:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, yet more irrelevant information. So surgeons make mistakes? In that case, if I need to have a kidney removed, I’ll be sure to do it myself or ask a friend to pop round. My kitchen table should be big enough and I have a few blunt old kitchen knives. There’s probably even a youtube video on ‘how to remove a kidney’.

You do read what you write? I do wonder. Try thinking things through and offer up alternatives instead of trying to pass yourself off as clever. It’s not working.

May 9, 2021 1:06 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Read the link I left for Tony instead of blathering “Constant Bullshit“. By the way changing names doesn’t make you any less recognizable. And stop trolling.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 1:34 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Changing names? I’ve had this name since I was born and it’s the name I originally registered with. I have never posted under any other name. If someone else has been calling out your silly posts as such, then tell ‘him/her’ I agree.

Honestly, all this ‘it’s because your immune system is low’ stuff – my mum and her mum etc could’ve told you that without so much as a single GSCE ‘O’ level in biology or whatever between them. Everyone knows that. But this ‘constant bullshit’ about not going to hospitals – I mean, really, how thick are you? Not to mention dangerous, if you are involved in the medical profession at all, which I sincerely hope you’re not.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  Researcher

By the way, I’m still waiting for the alternative to having a surgeon removing a kidney or performing any surgical operation, for that matter. It’s Sunday. take your time.

May 9, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

I don’t do straw men, conflation or trolling. Normally I would respond to someone who wastes everyone’s time trolling, to shove that crap up their colon, right through their enteric tract into that reverberating cranium with the missing grey matter.

The answer is in the reply to Tony. Can’t you read? Do you not know how to click a link?

If you aren’t aware that the statistics for iatrogenic murder are far greater than any other cause of death, your ignorance is not my problem.I don’t advise what people should or should not do. I’m not providing medical advice and I don’t respond to repeated conflation or straw men. I know I have to keep reiterating that point because you seem dimwitted.

If you can’t understand the concept that germs are not exogenous invaders, that’s not my problem. The information is freely available for you to research. Bacteria occur in and on organic matter to assist in cellular breakdown. Some figures estimate humans may have a greater number of bacteria than cells. Look up pleomorphism. Do some reading.

It’s not up to me or anyone to prove that viruses are not real. Or to prove that germ theory cannot be fulfilled by the Postulates of the man who peddled it; Robert Koch.

It’s entirely up to the liars, frauds and propagandists to demonstrate they have any evidence at all, other than poisoning and starving monkey kidney cells. Which they categorically do not.

Viruses will always be an unproven, fabricated construct as long as the virions allegedly causing the illness cannot be isolated and purified. As long as it can’t be proven that the alleged viruses are the cause of any disease or illness.

When you can find a crystal structure of an entire virion, not a protein, let me know. When you can find a single paper that fulfills Koch’s or Rivers postulates, let me know. Otherwise, break a leg. The other one.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
May 9, 2021 9:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

When you can find a single paper that fulfills Koch’s or Rivers postulates, let me know.


Cowan and Fallon Morell are centrally interested in convincing their readers that bacteria and viruses do not cause disease; hence the title: The Contagion Myth.
Before they deal with Koch’s research on tuberculosis, they refer to the famous “Koch’s postulates.” These are drawn from Koch’s research and have historically provided a conceptual framework for assessing whether a specific bacterial species can be considered the cause of the disease. Koch’s postulates have been expressed in a variety of ways. Koch himself did not speak of postulates and presented his views on criteria for evidence of causation differently in different publications and at different times in his career (Carter 1985; Evans 1976 and 1993; Gillies 2016; Gradmann 2014). Cowan and Fallon Morell, however, choose to present one particular formulation: 
Koch’s postulates are as follows:

  1. The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease but not found in healthy organisms.
  2. The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism and grown in a pure culture.
  3. The cultured microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
  4. The microorganisms must be re-isolated from the now diseased experimental host which received the inoculation of the microorganisms and identified as identical to the original specific causative agent.

If all four conditions are met, you have proven the infectious cause for a specific set of symptoms. This is the only way to prove causation. (p. 3)
For their overall argument, it is important for Cowan and Fallon Morell to categorically state that the fulfillment of these four postulates is the only way to prove causation. Holding on to this claim as if it were a self-evident truth, they can go on to “show” that Koch and others have never proved that a disease is caused by bacteria or other microorganisms. This can be for a number of reasons, but especially postulate #1, in the way they formulate it, is rarely (or ever?) fulfilled. This is because bacteria that are implicated in a given disease can be found in some or even many healthy individuals. This was known to Koch, and it has been widely known since his time. We all harbor bacteria that, in other people, or at a different time or in different circumstances in us, can be implicated in a disease. One example is Helicobacter pylori, which can persist in the stomach of a person who is healthy, but can also be connected with gastric ulcers (for a number of examples, see: Monack et al. 2004; Fisher et al. 2017). 
So Cowan and Fallon Morell have a neat solution to a complex issue: Because Koch’s postulates are never completely fulfilled, scientists have not proven that bacteria cause disease. The problem with this neat solution is that they set a fixed standard against which everything, for all times, needs to be assessed. They rail against scientists who state that Koch’s postulates are outdated (pp. 73ff.). As I said above, Koch himself never spoke of postulates and “his” postulates have been formulated in a variety of ways by different scientists. As Cowan and Fallon Morell themselves point out (p. 3), Koch knew that the criteria for causation he had articulated in his tuberculosis experiments could not all be fulfilled, for example, in cholera; experimental animals did not become ill when injected with cholera bacteria that had been cultured from ill humans. Nonetheless, Koch gave a variety of reasons why he thought bacteria are causal agents in cholera.
Cowan and Fallon Morell pick out one formulation of Koch’s postulates as their universal measuring stick. They even compare the postulates to Newton’s laws of gravity (p. 75). They don’t allow for an evolution of scientific thought in relation to the variety of phenomena scientists encounter. This is a convenient and pretty iron-clad way to make sure that no one can claim to have proven causation for a purported bacteria-related disease. Unfortunately, it also means not dealing with the complexities of biological realities, research, and the nature of understanding.
When Cowan and Fallon Morell address diseases that are purported to be related to viruses, they implement the same strategy. Koch’s postulates have to be modified for viruses because viruses only reproduce within living cells of another organism. They cannot be grown on nutrient media, but need to be grown in cell cultures. They then have to be separated from tissues (which is an involved process) before scientists speak of “viral isolates” that can then be used in inoculation experiments.
As they did with Koch’s postulates, Cowan and Fallon Morell take one set of criteria against which they judge all experiments relating to viral causation of disease. They enumerate “River’s postulates,” which are based on a 1937 article by bacteriologist and virologist Thomas Rivers (Rivers 1937). They present one formulation of Rivers’ postulates:

  1. The virus can be isolated from diseased hosts.
  2. The virus can be cultivated in host cells.
  3. Proof of filterability — the virus can be filtered from a medium that also contains bacteria.
  4. The filtered virus will produce a comparable disease when the cultivated virus is used to infect experimental animals.
  5. The virus can be re-isolated from the infected experimental animal.
  6. A specific immune response to the virus can be detected. (p. 4)

This list doesn’t come directly from Rivers, whose discussion of the task of establishing causality is remarkably nuanced. Writing about the necessity of moving beyond Koch’s postulates, both for some bacterial diseases and for viral diseases, Rivers remarks that “progress having left behind old rules requires new ones which some day without doubt will also be declared obsolete” (p. 4). He knew that his new criteria for establishing viruses as agents in infectious diseases were tentative and that changes “will in the future undoubtedly occur in the methods of establishing the specific relation of viruses to disease” (p. 11). A variety of methods have been developed and other criteria formulated in the 83 years since Rivers’ article (for example: Byrd and Segre 2016; Carter 1985; Evans 1976 and 1993; Fredericks & Relman 1996; Gillies 2016; Gradmann 2014). Science hasn’t stopped.
But for Cowan and Fallon Morell, Rivers’ postulates are the criteria to assess causation related to viruses. They refer to a number of studies related to SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19, and claim that none of them have fulfilled the postulates (pp. 50 ff.). This is for them proof that viruses don’t cause disease:
Again, this book’s central claim is that no disease attributed to bacteria or viruses has met all of Koch’s postulates or all of Rivers’ criteria. This is not because the postulates are incorrect or obsolete (in fact, they are entirely logical) but rather because bacteria and viruses don’t cause disease, at least not in any way that we currently understand. (p. 4)
Cowan and Fallon Morell continue in a similar vein when it comes to the question of the isolation of viruses. They present one “gold standard” technique from a thesis of a German virologist, Stefan Lanka (1989). The hundreds or probably thousands of virologists who claim to have isolated viruses are all wrong, according to Cowan and Fallon Morell, because they use other methods to isolate viruses than the one Lanka developed. Lanka’s technique is impressive, but it is not the only one. If you look in the literature, you find that there is no one “gold standard” for viral isolation (see, for example, Eisfeld et al. 2014; Hematian et al. 2016; Hsiung 1984; Leland & Ginnochio 2007). We are not virologists and cannot assess their respective strengths and weaknesses. But we see no reason to think that all these scientists are deluded or making fraudulent claims, which is what Cowan and Fallon Morell believe they have shown.
Cowan and Fallon Morell write that “the entire world of medicine, virology, and immunology” is mistaken in believing that “many of our common diseases are viral in origin” (p. 67). Is there reason to believe that people who say “a disease is caused by infectious agents” are oversimplifying a highly complex relationship between a virus, its host organism, and the environment? Absolutely. Is it justified to dismiss 150 years of research that focuses on one aspect of that relationship? We don’t think so.
We do not agree with the widespread, all-too uncritical use of the terms “cause” and “causation” that one finds in the scientific literature, or with the one-sided focus on infectious agents that often ignores the larger questions of health, resiliency, and dispositions for becoming ill. The problem is even worse in mainstream media and politics, where viruses become “the enemy.” We have presented a broader, ecological view of viruses elsewhere (Holdrege 2020). We are open to considering perspectives that challenge the monolithic mainstream narrative. But when this is done by grossly distorting scientific findings of others and crafting an argument that only appears to work, then more harm than good is done in the search for a balanced and nuanced understanding of infectious disease and the current pandemic.

May 10, 2021 1:48 AM

So you are a troll. Just reposting junk papers that do not address any of the fraud. Now I know.

“The postulates were formulated by Robert Koch and Friedrich Loeffler in 1884, based on earlier concepts described by Jakob Henle,[3] and refined and published by Koch in 1890.“

Cowan and Morell never proposed that Koch’s postulates must be fulfilled. They also mention River’s postulates which were the reworked postulates of Koch that were never fulfilled either but were agreed upon by virologists in the 70’s that they would use the Rivers’ postulates. But they never did! Because they can’t find viruses so they have to keep changing the parameters to fit their fraud. The virologists are lying because they have NEVER found a virus. They photographed exosomes and extra cellular vesicles and called them coronviruses. That’s FRAUD.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 10, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If you aren’t aware that the statistics for iatrogenic murder are far greater than any other cause of death” -evidence, please.

I already broke my other leg, in 2012.

Still waiting for you to tell me where I should have my surgery done – I never mentioned contagion in my posts? You say ridiculous things like hospitals are dangerous places, and I simply ask you where else you suggest I should go if I need surgery.

May 12, 2021 8:52 AM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

Why do you make up shit about your life?

D J Reynolds
D J Reynolds
May 9, 2021 11:20 AM
Reply to  BlindSpots

I have swopped bodily fluids with a few people over the past fifty years and can confidently say I have never contracted anything from any one of them (save maybe a broken heart or two).

May 9, 2021 12:24 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Very nice post.

The most difficult thing to get someone to even entertain is not that a few of their facts may be wrong but that the entirety of their world is based on false assumptions.

May 9, 2021 12:55 AM
Reply to  Maxwell

Thanks. Agree. I think a lot of our world is based on illusory ideas, false assumptions. And hidden knowledge. I just want to know more: As much as I can fit in and retain.

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 10:22 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yep, and it appears that you know more and understand very little. What a shame!

May 9, 2021 1:55 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Or Francis Bacon “Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true.”

May 9, 2021 2:21 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Researcher, Rosenau experiment notwithstanding, many of us have had the experience of catching a cold, flu, measles, mumps, etc from family, friends and classmates. Have Rosenau’s results been replicated? And of course presence of an infective agent is not sufficient for causation: the agent must not have mutated to a less-contagious variant; it must come in contact with a susceptible individual; it must contact a part of the body wherein it won’t be killed by antibodies– perhaps lungs, etc, etc.

Contagion merely states that some illnesses include a bacterial or viral agent which has successfully replicated, AND which can under SOME circumstances be passed to another person.

If we declare contagion impossible I don’t see that this helps us, for then must we not say that the infective agent (which we know lives and flourishes in a person) must come from anywhere in the environment except another infected person?

On the whole I think Bechamp more in the right than Pasteur, but even Bechamp recognized that infective agents exist.

Thanks for thinking outside the box, but I personally don’t find Rosenau sufficiently compelling to overthrow the entire body of bacteriological/viral theory and body of knowledge– even tho these are incomplete.

May 9, 2021 9:25 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I had flu – proper flu – not the 2 day sniffle variety – 3 times. Each time my wife was around, even continued sharing our bed. She has never had the flu. On returning to the busy office where I worked none of my close colleagues or anybody else in the office had the flu before or during my absence. Just saying…

May 9, 2021 11:38 AM
Reply to  paul

Yes. Exactly. People remember the times they got sick and then they try to think who they caught it from but they don’t remember all the times they came into contact with sick people and never got ill. It’s called epidemiological coincidence. When multiple people get ill around the same time or same area it’s usually due to a common environmental exposure to a specific toxin.

May 10, 2021 7:40 AM
Reply to  paul

I’m with you on this one Paul. I was in the army way back in 1981, had the worst experience of flu, was bedridden for almost 2 weeks, was 18 years old fit as a fiddle, boxing,football,martial arts, but thought I was dying. 11 other soldiers shared the same room, not one of them got the same thing as I had, not one. I saw the same doctor every morning (British army protocol) he too never was never poorly.

May 10, 2021 6:09 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Researcher, at the time that I posted my comment (before it had waited for approval), you had not yet posted your very long comment.

My further comment is that of course both bacterial and viral theory are incomplete, and that obviously there are many factors that can cancel or balance an infective agent. Nevertheless, I haven’t seen a non-contagious explanation of some illnesses which is more satisfactory than the current contagion model.

The contagion model comes up imperfect, but so does its denial AFAIK.

D J Reynolds
D J Reynolds
May 9, 2021 11:16 AM
Reply to  Researcher

An interesting comment. I had not heard of the Rosenau experiment on Gallops Island and Angel Island, but one carried out in Fort Riley, Kansas:
from which another link leads to:

May Hem
May Hem
May 8, 2021 11:24 PM

Looks like Australia guvmint will soon set up old mining camps for quarantining returning travellers, and soon I suspect, the great un-jabbed. Australia is rich in remote locations hidden from public view.


Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 8, 2021 11:26 PM
Reply to  May Hem

Learn to mine.

May 9, 2021 4:20 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Oceania is rapidly descending into retardation.

May 9, 2021 4:18 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Hong Kong already has Covid prison: a whole tower block, over 1000 people, was sent there the other week. Previously a whole class of 12 year olds were put in the jail (each accompanied by one parent). Even if you have the “vaccine which is not a vaccine”, you still have to go to Covid jail if you have a case in your tower block.

No doubt at some stage in the future the current prisoners will simply be replaced by all the unvaccinated, but at the moment the unvaccinated in Hong Kong outnumber the vaccinated by about 8 to 1: and they are resisting, the Hong Kong Chinese know that the government cannot be trusted and that their bosses, the CCP, likes to kill people as “required”.

May Hem
May Hem
May 8, 2021 11:22 PM

Australians and others, World Freedom Rally May 15th 2021. Here is info for Aussies:

comment image

David Robinson
David Robinson
May 9, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  May Hem

I see that the government may have ‘engineered’ a major travel problem for those wanting to attend the march in London next weekend. I’m unable to book a train ticket to London from Birmingham until 1st June. Car it is, then.


May Hem
May Hem
May 10, 2021 4:57 AM
Reply to  David Robinson

The state of NSW has just declared a lockdown during the advertised demo on 15 May. Is this to stop the Sydney demo – likely to be the biggest one in australia?

“From 5pm Thursday 6 May to 12:01am Monday 17 May, rules around household visitors, face masks, singing, dancing and restrictions in aged care facilities will be tightened in Greater Sydney (including Wollongong, Central Coast and Blue Mountains).”

May 11, 2021 8:52 PM
Reply to  David Robinson

Interesting thought. I got caught up with this problem, such as it was, on Saturday and when trying to return home today. It didn’t seem to be high speed trains particularly that were affected. Hadn’t occurred to me that there might be ulterior motives afoot!

May 8, 2021 11:02 PM

I now know 2 people that have been killed by the Vaxx. Which is 2 more than the supposed virus.

May 9, 2021 4:25 AM

An alarming statistic.

May 8, 2021 10:57 PM

Farewell life that I once knew.carefree days afresh and anew, why have we come to this,other mans thinking have gone amiss.Propaganda and so many lies,to distract the people and close their eyes fear and hate has replaced love, There’s now ignorance and bondage to fear those above,they may take my rights away,but the soul and spirit is here to stay,so take heart my friend this is not the end.

May 8, 2021 8:52 PM

I don’t agree with everything Dr. Mike Yeadon says, but I want to give him a big hug.

He is a Very Brave Man

I hope he stays here in The UK.

We need him here.

He is very much Safer here than in the USA.

The UK Assassination Rate is very much lower, and not all our Senior Police and Security Services are Bent.


George Mc
George Mc
May 8, 2021 7:49 PM

I feel like the protagonist of a Lovecraft tale i.e. one of those who has a little peek into something that looks harmless only to find it’s quite nasty …and it leads to something bigger and nastier …and that leads to something even bigger etc. And the next thing you know, you are standing atop a vast tentacled monstrosity that could drive you mad. 

Our entire rancid society is infested by various corporations and think tanks. Like the Center for Public Interest Communications (henceforth CPIC) whose main page tells you,


We help movements, foundations, agencies and organizations apply behavioral, cognitive and social science to build better communication strategies for the common good.

And you will note something that was jaw droppingly obvious from Edward Bernay’s book Propaganda i.e. that these mind benders always start from the assumption that what they do is the great good. As with Bernays, there is an assumption that we have benevolent overlords guiding the great befuddled herd. And all their spiel is based on this colossally arrogant assumption.

The CPIC got together with something called the Purpose and the United Nations Verified initiative, about which I can seem to find little. And they knocked up the Guide to COVID-19 vaccine communications.


And with another breath-taking demonstration of that paternal arrogance, they say,

“Our research began with an information-gathering scan of peer-reviewed research from the US and the UK in vaccine hesitancy …
…we held a series of conversations with these scholars around specific topics related to vaccine hesitancy. These included:

  • What makes people resilient against misinformation?
  • What drives vaccine hesitancy?
  • Which frames will be most effective?
  • What kinds of message strategies have been effective with specific communities?
  • And finally, what are some of the best ways to make taking the vaccine a norm within particular communities?”

And so, the strategy:

“Three messages that have been used effectively by vaccine-hesitant communities are choice, regret and control. Scholars suggest these might be flipped to reduce vaccine hesitancy.”


“Paul Slovic Ph.D. …suggested the potential effectiveness of regret …
People in the vaccine hesitant community often point to their regret in having their children vaccinated, attributing specific side effects to that choice. Heidi Larson pointed out how the regret angle is really important to leverage, because it’s something that parents really struggle with.

… Regret is an important dimension in conversations with parents, but the important thing is to shift the anticipated regret towards how they might feel if their child is not vaccinated and becomes seriously ill or even dies from a vaccine preventable disease rather than being more focused on the potential side effects of the vaccine.”


“Paul Slovic pointed out that “one of the things that makes COVID scary is that it’s difficult to control.” It’s invisible, people can carry and transmit the disease without showing symptoms, and there are limited treatment options. People have profound discomfort with uncertainty, and so offering the vaccine in the context of regaining control could be quite powerful.”


“Emphasize choice and freedom—opportunities to make choices around particular vaccines or timing, that no one will be forced to get the vaccine, and the benefits of getting the vaccine. It’s important to share these not simply in the form of data, but to tell stories of people who have gotten vaccines, stayed healthy and reclaimed the freedom to pursue their favorite activities.  

Another way to approach choice is through behavioral economics. Offer a default option that’s determined by experts, with an opt-out possibility. This retains people’s sense of freedom, but default architecture will guide them into the experts’ recommendations.”

And that last sentence is the most sinister Orwellian thing I have ever read. People are cunningly led into thinking they are making their own decisions. But they are not. They are making decisions which have already been made for them!

May 8, 2021 8:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Thank you George. I’m filing this one in my “psych” folder. Insidious.
Reminds me of the Delphi technique used in public meetings, ensuring that the pre-decided resolutions are adopted.

May 9, 2021 1:38 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Defeating the Delphi Technique

“This document will give some ugly but useful advice in how to defeat the Delphi technique. If you’re not familiar with it – it is a manipulative method used by governments, organisations and unions to cause a pre-selected outcome at a meeting, event or function.”

“It’s usage is also implemented in any online instrument such as a chat room, forum or newsgroup that has moderators.”


Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 8, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Good post. They’ve definitely got a global marketing campaign. That’s a good deal of what shyster capitalists do – market, bluster, and push their way to the front.

May 8, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Great job George. They have to be afraid of something because the pounding to get vaccinated is continuous. Now, do we still have more strength than we think? I wonder, if there is a killer virus with legs and eyes, why so much propaganda? We’re all supposed to go running for the concoction. And if not, they will wonder what are we doing wrong? I don’t want to sleep badly tonight, but sometimes I laugh a lot when I see his obsessive drive to get us all somewhere.

May 8, 2021 7:37 PM

I’m still freaked out.

When Trump was in power, he suggested both Houses be vaccinated first. They freaked out. No, they said. Vaccines must go to the most at risk.

Back in Blighty, the same was done. Vaccines were given to the most at risk.

Surely, we had it back to front. Surely those in Parliament needed vaccinated first. It’s a GLOBAL PANDEMIC. We need them, safe.

Also, if its a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, a Global War on the virus, then why didn’t Governments take over the vaccines? It’s a Global War. I’m been propaganised to clapping for the nurses on the frontline, dying when I could be outside booing Pharma making profits out of this Global War, a war fought by some for the ‘greater good’, but not by Pharma.

Wasn’t there a time where war profiteering was a crime?

I tell you, the World’s fucked!

May 8, 2021 8:56 PM
Reply to  TFS

Once one realises the apparent virus was running loose unfettered for at least 9 months, is no doubt related enough to all its cousins to confer basic immunity, if that is what we are after with vax…..then none of it makes health sense…yep we could argue it doesn’t exist at all ….but I am going for the horse is already way gone when dealing with the general public…

I have been trying it out…..and yep I thought friends had been ill around then etc…takes away the it is novel and we are all gonna die angle…which is the basis of the fear and terror…rather than trying to explain none of it may exist…they don’t catch sniffles etc…time to get back to being human guys…

May 8, 2021 7:26 PM

These are strange times,the more we resist and stand up to this tyranny they can’t proceed they need everyone onboard.Each and everyone of you that are on here and many other sites are fighting for our freedom our very souls,thank you.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 8, 2021 6:13 PM

I will resist, but I really wonder what I’ll do if it reaches the stage where I can no longer shop for food and other basics unless I submit. I believe they will keep on tightening the screw until it goes that far.
On a happier note, I have just been out for my daily walk around the neighbourhood, without wearing a mask and with no SMS permission, two crimes, and I noticed a group of six workers laying small white stones over flower bed next to the pavement, and not one was masked, contrary to the law here.

May 8, 2021 6:18 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

or work…

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 8, 2021 6:24 PM
Reply to  paul

Good point. From my selfish point of view, I’m self-employed in a line of work in which I mainly communicate with clients by email and work from home. For many, “no jab, no job” is going to be the killer. I know people who work in offices here in Cyprus must now take these awful tests every few days and must test negative to be able to go to work.

May 8, 2021 8:56 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

That’s bad.Cruel,we are not animals.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 8, 2021 9:09 PM
Reply to  Annie

Oh, but I’m afraid we are.

May 8, 2021 7:00 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

We shall see how things go. No plan ever works 100% and this one is ought to go awry, sooner or later.

That being said, I’m bracing for the worst, trying to shoot for as much self-sufficiency as possible.

If I remember correctly, you’re a translator, which means that you’re okay as far as working from home, I presume. That’s a load off. Same here, actually. I’m an independent contractor and frankly none of the restrictions have really affected me personally.

On the bright side, the tracking apps were a complete failure, never took off. With any luck, people will tell them to shove these QR codes up there ass too.

Gotta stay positive.

May 8, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  Jacques

People need to turn around and say foff

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 9:54 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Just to clarify, I am using “I wonder what I’ll do if …” not so much as a solicitation for personal advice but more as a rhetorical device to argue that sooner or later we will all run into one obstacle or another placed in our way as the measures are forever ramped up that may make further resistance impossible. I strongly think that we need to think ahead and devise valid individual and/or collective strategies for countering and resisting the pressure as it is stepped up.

May 8, 2021 8:46 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I wondered that but we can do food shop online,plus we can make our own foods.I have a tiny garden but I’m growing food need potatoes though and tomatoes

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 7:21 AM
Reply to  Annie

Great. So Jeff Bezos can sell me my food at a big markup, and possibly not the fresh local produce I am accustomed to mostly buying. That does not come as a great relief. You have to realize that this is a step-by-step operation that is designed to make everyone capitulate eventually. They can also find a pretext for not delivering stuff to the non-vaccinated. They can find a pretext for everything.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 6:03 PM
Reply to  Annie

Bully for you. I live in a second floor flat.

May 8, 2021 6:10 PM

Conclusion: Whatever happens, become self-sufficient => resilient to blackmail.
And, don’t beat yourself up about your individual or our collective limitations, but simply do as much as you can.

The argument :

Mike Yeadon is the real deal, and over the course of the past 12 months it was both fascinating and delightful to witness how he naturally transformed from a dye-in-the-wool establishment person to a public speaker saying the exact same things that are on the minds of people like me, utter dissidents.

However, everything has its limits, and that matters when Yeadon says:

DO NOT ALLOW THIS SYSTEM TO START UP, because it’s unstoppable afterwards.

This leads to an inescapable logical conclusion that once the system “starts up” i.e. develops to cover 50% of the population, humanity is doomed, and all of us may well commit a collective suicide.

Well, let’s consider the possibility that such a conclusion is premature.

Even if the system is unstoppable.

Because, when Yeadon says the system would be unstoppable, he means, quite correctly, it would be unstoppable by people. Through a popular resistance. And, that’s fine for us optimists. For, popular resistance isn’t quite what stopped the WW2 Axis powers. Or Napoleon, or whoever.
It’s very dubious to say that ‘Europe in the 1940s experienced mass awakening to the evils of the Axis powers.’ Most people don’t bother with Good vs. Evil, but just live their lives, serving the immediate powers above them and trying to get by. You can bet that Europe in 1945 was filled with people who were just as socially unaware as they’ve ten years earlier, or at any other time.
The Axis powers were stopped by “the Allies.” And the Allied leaders weren’t quite driven by idealism.

Likewise, the defeat of the digital dystopia would have even little to do with the existence of some new FDR. Instead, it’s inevitable that greedy, psychopatic people who gain enormous powers quickly, will almost immediately start fighting over the spoils between each other. And that should soon lead to a destruction of their system.

The Axis powers collapsed through being defeated in wars, but basically due to lack of resources, absolute-power-leading-to-absolute-stupidity, and other reasons that were – systemic.

The system is unstoppable by people. But it looks quite stoppable by the laws on nature.

Now, that’s not all. There is a more pragmatic way to approach the issue. Namely, a digital totalitarianism

1) may be horrible and long-lasting enough so that it must be stopped now

– and there’s little one can do in that regard.
2) is unlikely to happen,

so you will relax with nothing special to do
3) is likely to appear, but would last for several years, and/or not be as pervasive as feared

– in which case, we have quite a lot of things to do.

Imagine yourself doing all you can for preventing the worst (1), without preparing for the second worst case (3) : how reckless and stupid it would be. One has to fend off the pressures to get vaccinated., especially in the wake of the forthcoming financial-economic collapse.
Become self-sufficient, => resilient to blackmail.
And don’t beat yourself up about your individual / our collective limitations, but, simply, do as much as you can.

May 8, 2021 9:07 PM
Reply to  Dors

The thing is with many of the people,who are they fighting?This is a invisible war,no guns no bombs but on the conscious minds.We are at war with our very being this is a spiritual war,whether you are religious or not we are being manipulated.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
May 9, 2021 7:38 AM
Reply to  Dors

Frankly, I find this talk of becoming self-sufficient to be utopian except for a tiny number of people who already own some land and are growing some of their own food. What do I do at the age of 64, pretty good at the work I do from my suburban flat on the computer all day and never having grown, hunted or gathered my own food? How do I become self-sufficient in an instant, or even in a few weeks/months? Anyway, if they want to, they can send out planes to spray your crops and kill them to force you back into their system.

May 8, 2021 5:33 PM

“People hate being called out for their own logical cul-de-sacs or blind spots, but we all have them.”

The gloves are off. This war, because war it is, is essentially one against what fucking dimwits have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated with, in both short- and long-term.

The motherfucker who allows himself to be vaccinated and, more so, the motherfucker who gets vaccinated and looks down on you if you don’t, and, even more so, the motherfucker who is first in the fucking vaccination line and requires you to get the shot too are your enemies, plain and simple.

A while ago, one might have felt compassionate about dimwits who were masking their faces, and presumably assholes too, just to be sure, who drowning in disinfectant, and splashing the shit over the handles of shopping carts. They were hit hard by the propaganda, lacked the devices needed to see through it, and so on.

That’s not the case no more. Only the most obdurate dimwit would trust anything the fucking government says now. Even if a person doesn’t do his research, basic common sense gotta tell them that the official narrative is a giant crock of shit.

These people have failed to realize that they’re being used as a weapon against the rest.

Calling out these dumbfucks for being dumbfucks is the least one can do. At least at this point.

May 9, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  Jacques

Jacques, excuse me, but I think staring malignantly at those who are running away– instead of confronting the attacker– is just another species of running away.

May 8, 2021 3:57 PM

The Age of Needles

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 8, 2021 5:55 PM
Reply to  Hele

The Age of Cages

May 8, 2021 9:25 PM
Reply to  Hele

It is simply the age of neptune in Pisces…the double down on all things delusional, illusions for the moment…the art and beauty associated with Pisces seems to have been momentary forgotten…possibly because of the eclipses and other planetary energy needing it this way…it will return…and the energies will move on to other themes…

those driving the current themes will die, or simply move on to other themes in their lives as we all do….it is good to be reminded that even the horrors of straight out war stop…the energies of support stop…I suspect most of us just want to be left alone to do our thing…

this whole nonsense is very electricity using orientated while those in charge seem to be pushing to make electricity supply erratic and far more difficult to manage and far more costly etc…it will be the downfall…you can only have digital money and vax passports while the power supply happens…the internet works etc…no doubt one of the reasons China keeps building big coal fired generators…

May 9, 2021 5:05 AM
Reply to  Edith

thanks Edith.Interested in planetary references.

May 8, 2021 3:48 PM

When someone says ‘Vaccine Passport’ all i here is…..

Rollup, rollup. Get your Free Good Fascist Citizen Passport here!

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
May 8, 2021 3:42 PM

Well, so much for waking up and smelling the coffee… Resist.

May 8, 2021 2:14 PM

A global vaccine passport ID system which is coming out of Israel? Will this scheme be administered and managed in Israel as well? Because Israel has so much “prowess” in tech, so it only makes sense to have it all controlled and administered there, no?

Isn’t this like every conspiracy theory ever merging into one totalitarian takeover, in the form of VaxPass? The fruits of more than a year of non-stop terrorism about a virus which has the same mortality rate as normal flu, and flu has all but disappeared from death certificates, so the normal risk of simply being alive has not changed, unless you have taken the vaccine, in which case you are now much more likely to die prematurely.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
May 8, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  Mucho

It’s not coming out of Israel, it’s TRIED in Israel, where the state is always at the forefront of willing to experiment with suppression techniques. The technology and idea come from the u.s.

May 8, 2021 4:46 PM

You mean from Israel to Israel?

George Mc
George Mc
May 8, 2021 12:50 PM

I would also say the powers are playing a long game as well as various short term killings for lining pockets. The core of the current generation will be unwilling to surrender all. But there’s the next generation and the one after that- each growing up under an increasingly COVID-ised world. Not that I mean to be a bummer but I reckon that’s what Schwab and co are thinking.

May 8, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I wish I were as optimistic as you. But I don’t believe this generation “will be unwilling to surrender all.” What the hell is left to surrender? First their freedom; then their kids; then their kids’ futures; then their very lives.

All that’s left is their homes. And that’ll be framed in such a way that virtually all mortgagees will gladly surrender their homes – where they can still live and be happy! Of course, what they won’t be told is that if they live in a “McMansion” (or even a mini McMansion) they will have to share it with families from the ghetto – after all, no one’s as “woke” as the World Economic Forum.

May 8, 2021 9:33 PM
Reply to  Howard

The issue of getting home ownership off Australians will be interesting…I know that that has been a worry of our treasury for at least 45 yrs…they said we invest too much in housing back then…then they decided they could make it an industry so in recent times it actually appeared to be one of the main economic drivers…and we bought in migrants to keep the prices high etc. main topic at the bbq for some time was how much ones house was worth…

but it was still personal ownership was a good thing…so they will need a radical shift in population thinking to move that one in aust psychic

May 9, 2021 3:53 AM
Reply to  Edith

Charles Darwin visiting Australia complained that all they ever talked about was property. From Robert Hughes ‘The Fatal Shore’. I think.

The only thing I taught my kids growing up here was own your own property on its own bit of land, and have no debts.