WATCH: “Brace for Impact”
Ice Age Farmer breaks down possible emerging threats to the food supply chain and the potential confluence of many global issues.
We are staring down the barrel of a confluence of several scenarios–each of which individually is a significant, life-changing event–but which are together conspiring is a dangerous and incendiary situation: food shortages, inflation, and a breakdown of the supply chain.
A new media narrative today acknowledges food shortages, and blames animal agriculture, indicating we are reaching an inflection point in the collapse. Expect things to accelerate from here. Let’s have a conversation tonight about where we are, where we’re heading, and how to prepare.
For links sources and show notes click here.
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WRIT WRONG: which are together conspiring is a dangerous and incendiary situation
WRIT RIGHTED: which are conspiring as a dangerous and incendiary situation
Conspire implies together. What’s with today’s idiotic overuse of helper, explanatory words for perfectly adequate words, such as: continue on (where the he|| else?), penetrate through, conspire together, extract out, expunge away, assemble together, recall back, etc. It seems like some form of pampering based on the assumption that the reader is in need of assistance to grasp (perceptually, ha!) the meaning of common words; and as if the ability to read entails no assumption that comprehension might just be some part of that skill. God almighty, even the basic writer/audience relationship is suffering degeneration. (I hope, were I to continue on, that I’ve extracted out the germane key relevant point concept that might be helpful ongoing forward for anyone person who may share together a similar like concern for such a peculiar odd tendency habit. -Yep, could get that bad sans vigilance. Since there’s already legalese, we don’t need baggagese. Geeze!)
Article from the Cyprus Mail about the woes of Cyprus’ potato farmers who are having trouble selling their produce especially as exports are being hit apparently “due to Covid”. A small piece of the jigsaw?
Windy, pointless video. I could only sit through 5 minutes of the uuhm’s, aah’s, off topic life story snippets, useless incoherent babbling and abject failure to come to a single point. He starts nattering about shipping and then before he gets to the point he switches to inflation and still manages to avoid coming to the point. God help anyone who could sit through the remaining 40 minutes. Next time just give us a transcript we can read. I’ve already been storing food and water since this scamdemic began, and I have an indoor greenhouse with vegetable garden. I also have oil lanterns and a butane cooker for when they shut our power off. It’s called common sense.
Better grow a garden. Better become a prepper.
Rope. Salt- all kinds. Paper and pencils.
According to the US CDC data c. 40% of the total adult population have been fully vaccinated. But 5 million people c.8% failed to show up for their 2nd dose.
This means the US is awash with surplus vaccines as there has also been a sudden drop in demand for them. I wonder why! Perhaps more people are becoming aware of the potential hazards to their health!!
This situation has led to an army of Big Biotechnology Corps being set up to address “vaccine hesitancy” by launching a mass marketing campaign to “create demand” using surveillance, rapid data analysis, media control and numerous behavioural strategies they’ve outlined in their playbooks.
In a news briefing last Thursday, Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said “For the first time ever, we’ve had appointments at many vaccination sites that have not been filled”
“For the first time ever….”
To find out what Gene Therapy Barbie is actually saying, lets run that through the Smith-Mundt reverse translator app:
“Honestly, we can’t give this shit away, and we never could”
Absolutely T! Unfortunately, 40% of the US population has already fallen for the mythical virus crap and the toxic vaccines that have been concocted – which (adding insult to injury) could never have been based on a virus that’s never been proven to exist in nature.
If anyone can prove otherwise I’d be more than happy to look at the scientific proof. None so far has stood up to scientific scrutiny to date.
I can pretty much assure you that in the US the vast majority of that 40% resides in “Blue States,” (like Maryland, where I live). I’m the only person I know of around here who either has not already gotten the jab or else is awaiting it.
Believe it or not, in states like Maryland they’re STILL playing the “limited supply” card – and, holy fuck! it’s STILL working!
Thanks for your comment. I’m afraid it’s Russian Roulette with jab some don’t appear to have any signs or symptoms of a reaction whereas others do and sadly some others die.
People seem to have lost all reason and place their trust in the devil 👿 they don’t know and are motivated largely by fear and ‘what if’.
The placebo and nocebo effects are also at work so the vaccines can be double edged swords at work with some people.
As for genetic effects it’s now a question of wait and see if the experiments go in the direction that the vaccines were ‘designed’ to do. Either way it’s a really bad mistake to take the highly risky and toxic shots.
Whether myth or not, the virus turned out only to be lethal to the very frail and those with serious premorbid immune-compromised conditions, and then with the HCQ, Ivermectin and other treatment protocols even, that risk group was protected. There was never any justification for the vaccines (all allegedly untested by the lying and corrupt authorities) because there was no need for them, with any threat to any vulnerable segment of the population alleviated by the inexpensive treatment protocols. What is even more heinous is the imposition of these vaccines on all of the young and healthy people who were never at any risk of anything serious, more so than any other flu. Now it appears that anyone who has taken the vaccines is at risk for something much worse.
Those who say the virus never existed or that there are no such things as viruses are either consciously or unconsciously protecting their own governments for letting this thing go in the first place, and they also belie the billons spent in the various biowarfare labs of their nations with all of their gain of function studies and enhancements. I suggest you go to and hire any competent, honest and independent microbiologist and find out rather than trusting hearsay from questionable sources on the internet actually covering for the crimes of their own nations for infecting the world with this crap. The death and case numbers for certain have been grossly exaggerated, but to say the virus does not exist, is contrary to the scientific facts. Also, the virus if no longer there in most cases was certainly there and isolated to the point that we now know a great deal about the content of the spike proteins which are being duplicated by the vaccines and could be infecting everyone.
SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) is a bioweapon and there are more coming.
You need to read the many previous threads evidence and comments presented on viruses going back to when the scamdemic began.
The arguments and evidence presented on this website prove that SARS-COV-2 does not physically exist. It would also stand up in court.
If you claim that the virus does exist then the onus of proof is on you to provide all the evidence as is customary in scientific practice.
Then you have to prove that the virus and it alone is the sole cause of Covi-19 which has NEVER BEEN DONE TO DATE..
You speak of “scientific facts” but where and what are those scientific facts?
There is no proof that there are any ‘spike proteins’ that are alleged to be specific to SARS-COV-2 VIRUS which has never been isolated, photographed and biochemically characterised in scientific practice. That is whether or not the virus was claimed to be ‘genetically engineered ‘ as an alleged ‘bioweapon’.
What they are referring to as “spike proteins” in the mRNA vaccines are synthetic foreign proteins that they are calling ‘spike proteins’ to make you think they came from the aforesaid ‘virus’. It’s just more subtle bullshit to support their incoherent virus theory and perpetuate the deadly virus myth.
If you wish to argue otherwise then show me the scientific papers with all the details of how it was achieved. I doubt if you could do that because there is NONE.
You have been duped and nothing I say will convince you otherwise in this quiet war about the way they are manipulating the population by using the threat of mythical deadly viruses and toxic vaccines in a fraudulent scamdemic as a means to global domination.
There’s far too much detail to cover here and most people will be fed up to the teeth with the repetition.
The issue of the existence of the virus is secondary to the danger of the jabs. Your comment does not make it clear that they are far more dangerous to certain groups. This includes younger people (under 50 or so), especially when they take the 2nd. jab. Those infected earlier by covid/flu or those who took the flu jab are also endangered.
I do not agree on that point mgeo, that’s where people have made the big mistake which I have commented on wrt other threads.
Everything about the fraud that’s being perpetrated with regards Covi-19 rests upon the alleged existence of the SARS-COV-2 Virus and it’s so-called “spike protein” corona which is alleged to be specific to it. None of which have been proven in and by genuine scientific practice. So it’s not just of secondary importance.
The fear instilled in the population to get the jab in the first place stems almost entirely from the belief in the fictitious virus and its fictitious contagious nature as the cause of the scamdemic. All this is reinforced by the mass media.
The toxic mRNA vaccines can be potentially dangerous to the young and old alike depending on a large number of predisposing constitutional, health, lifestyle, nutritional and other factors.
I personally know people who have had the second jab that you refer to with no observable Ill effects as yet. But that doesn’t mean that deleterious changes are not taking place in the body – far from it. Diseases caused by vaccines can evolve slowly before any symptoms become manifest and that’s the real danger.
What’s coming. The most informative video you will ever watch.
Thanks Jeanine but the video won’t play. I recall that we have commented on Bossche on earlier threads he’s basically a supporter of virus and germ theories which are incoherent.
In other words if a theory is incoherent which both of them are, they won’t work out in practice. That’s one of the reasons why alleged pathogenic viruses can never be isolated in scientific practice. Which also simply means if the virus cannot be isolated a vaccine cannot be made based on something never proven to exist to be the cause of the disease! How can it? In other words it’s all a load of Bossche!
…depresssing if you’ve already had the jab!
I love their term ‘vaccine hesitancy’. I suppose they believe the Behavioural Insights team can go to work on those who are ‘hesitant’ and brainwash them into changing their unsure minds. I am not ‘vaccine hesitant’ – I am a definite NO and have been since the start.
Well CG, that would not be very hard to do with the bulk of the population who have been brainwashed into believing without concrete proof in deadly viruses and the toxic vaccines allegedly based on them.
They’ve been watching too many medical propaganda films 🎥 etc on TV like Outbreak and many others and also coloured computer 💻 models of alleged pathogenic viruses that show the Imaginary ‘spike proteins ‘. None of which have been proven in scientific practice . The fraudsters wouldn’t have a leg to stand on in a Court based on Common law principles.
See the work of Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Patrick Cowan and Dr Harold Hillman regarding the fraudulent claims being made in microbiology and virology.
Let’s hope that vaccine hesitancy wins the day and people really wake up before its too late.
Thank goodness for to the vac… hesitancy.
I’ve family in France, they fell for the propaganda about the mask and everything but are saying “no” to the vac…
Most people do fall for the propaganda CR and that’s a big problem which is also exacerbated by fear 😱. A fearful population is a suggestible population as is well known in mind control and behavioural modification programmes such as Covid-19 aka a PSYOP and a well-planned scamdemic.
The problem is, its just one of the silent weapons being deployed in this quiet war that has been inflicted upon us and that the bulk of the population still sadly fail to understand.
However, they will begin to understand in due course when more serious repressive totalitarian social, economic, political and legislative control measures start to be implemented that will shake the very foundations of their lives.
Yes, before this nightmare started, we used to hear and read about psychological operations, mind control, behaviour modification and how powerful tools they were, but it was all abstraction in our head. Today, we have the concrete proof before our eyes, a complete madness has descended upon the earth.
Yes I agree 👍 CR, we do have concrete proof of the silent weapons being used in this quiet war that’s being against us and the rest of the global population.
But we still have no concrete proof of the alleged deadly virus which still remains a theoretical abstraction – perhaps a ‘mental virus ‘ would be a better term.
It is also an embarrassment and a Thorn in the side of virologists and all those who place their faith in pathogenic viruses and the vaccines that are allegedly based upon them, but in reality are NOT!
Hard to accept the fact at first isn’t it, because of the constant barrage of medical ideology and propaganda for viruses and germ theory since we were born!
Exactly, and just as we are born into a medical ideology, we are also born into an economic and social dogma, a particular way to view the humanity, to which we give our implicit consent, with a little help (and persuasion) of course from those who who distrust the human.
And the parallels are striking between the two dogmas: to my mind there is no difference between (a) the necessity for the system we are living under to regularly invent to itself imaginary “enemies” so as to justify policies that tighten the human shakles yet a little more, and also to justify the acquisition of fresh markets for capital investment through the invasion of the territory of the imagined “enemy”; and (b) the obsession of the medical establishment with the idea that our organism is the constant target of an infinite variety of invented little bugs that may harm us and possibly kills us, (the medical establishment is very fond of terms like “could”, “may”, “possibly”, “eventually” and the like, to instill fear) and that medicine’s function to find ways (read: invest capital in research and production) to “attack” and “neutralise” the little things so that we stay healthy.
It’s the same line of reasoning: if capital isn’t reinvested into research, production and so on, it withers off, and people will naturally take matters into their hands, so “carte blanche” is granted to do what it takes to prevent that.
Recall the Rockefeller 2010 plan for an army of medical marshalls.
That was supposed to be ‘Operation Lockstep’ and it was based on a grain of truth. In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation did actually fund a scenario planning exercise but was not an actual plan for Covid-19 as some people believe. It did envisage how the world would be placed in four different scenarios including a global pandemic. However, the opposing forces are always known to plan well in advance!
WEF’s signature and program
Ice Age Farmer is a great asset, keep it coming Off-Guardian!
Several states are turning away COVID vaccine doses from their federal government allocations, as the daily average of coronavirus vaccine doses administered across the United States has fallen below two million for the first time since early March. Experts say the states’ smaller requests reflect a steep drop in vaccine demand in the United States.
Wisconsin officials have asked for just 8 percent of the 162,680 doses the federal government had set aside for the state next week, according to The Associated Press. Other States mentioned as cutting back: Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington State and Connecticut.
Indian whistleblower says part of the problem in India is that there is a systematic fascist attempt to starve the people of India to death by removing local food supplies. The agenda is clear, he says, and they are destroying foods, crops and the farmers as they pursue the depopulation of the country.
An Indian newspaper, The Daily Star, also blames the government for massive plunges in food grains availability, and rising prices that are spurring hoarding situations in some areas.
Fanaddicts.of.Freedom May 9, 2021 [via Dr Mercola]
That is what Colin Todhunter narrated. The attempt to enslave farmers is also an attemept to dismantle the “ration” system of low-cost cereals. The government is folllowing orders from elsewhere, that are barbaric.
The entire scenario is a planned and controlled collapse, period.
Thank agricultural subsidies that benefit companies such as Cargill, Tyson foods, and Nestlé Corporation. These subsidies are tailor made to enhance profits known to commodities and futures traders. These “benefits” have put more independent farmers out of business than any other factor.
I happen to live in a formerly productive agricultural area. There is a recently vacated chicken ranch about three miles away. This ranch produced many tens of thousands of chickens and eggs per year and had been in operation since 1952. Why did it close? The subsidies dried up…
There are at least 75 defunct family farms and ranches within a 20 mile radius. These were large operations – some with hundreds of acres of tilled land. Many were milk producing farms, and others produced a variety of crops. Some have been out of production for over twenty years. What happened. Tax leans and subsidy failures.
Drought? The “droughts” and unusually cold weather are the result of ice nucleation chemicals and chemical surfactants being released into the atmosphere through geoengineering programs. The weather isn’t any where near natural, anywhere. Food production is being limited for a reason.
All of these are KNOWN quantities. It’s a snuff job folks. Snuff job…
[There is a recently vacated chicken ranch about three miles away. This ranch produced many tens of thousands of chickens and eggs per year and had been in operation since 1952. Why did it close? The subsidies dried up…]
If it could only stay in “production” with subsidies, then it deserves to be closed.
Because the important issue is not just how much it produces, but critically also whether it produces it efficiently or wastefully.
Producing wastefully makes everyone poorer.
Hello suddyan: I don’t think you understand the point of subsidies. Subsidies are not controlled by free market supply and demand, and Federal subsidies destroy local markets. These associations are historical facts.
Subsidies are not free to the end user, as all acceptance of subsidy support requires the end user to follow certain planting processes or enforced regulation (taxation) of the final sale price within commodities markets. The import/export “markets” are also controlled…
The US Department of Agriculture is a captured agency. Control of the agency is largely corporate. Regulators are owned marionettes. Cargill Corporation (and many others) are plying the strings.
This is the IMF – feudal – model in most of the world, and has nothing to do with efficiency…
Good riddance. Long overdue for an overhaul of so-called farming practices and livelihoods based on animal suffering.
May i humbly suggest protecting your finances & family with purchase of physical silver/gold. Unlike fiat, it possesses intrinsic value and historically has been used for this purpose. Check out r/WallStreetSilver for some help and hints.
You can’t eat gold or silver. If THEY outlaw precious metals then you have a problem. And what about secure storage? Better to stock up on things to trade with others. Have lots of whiskey, first aid supplies, food, tools.
THEY won’t outlaw precious metals.They will confiscate them (with compensation), just as they will with Bitcoin,etc, when the central banks float their own crypto. But they won’t confiscate coins of the realm (such as Britannias and Sovereigns because they are legal tender – they would be confiscating cash, which is outright theft, and that could trigger a revolution. Small denomination coins, such as old silver sixpences and shillings, are excellent items for use in barter.
Fair point about whisky etc. Not sure but I’d say gold and silver are likely to be safer than cash and compliment your suggestions. As for storage, do what Samuel Pepys did with his cheese. Bury it.
the gold silver thing wised me up it slightly nonsense!
i shall explain quickly during the beginning of bs19 they lockeddown everywhere! hard!
‘the pawns shop closed’ the post to send to pawn shops of gold silver seller said ‘they would not except packaging’ due to the fear of contamination of bs19.
when the shit hits the fan make sure you have the stuff they need
you need.
wow he got my post removed about how he was promoting eating insects on the show with frank tuffano, the dude they made sick with their carnivore diet bull crap.
what insects do you recommend for an intimate little dinner party ‘peter’, what type of hairy arachnid will add that missing panache to a veuve cliquot and pan fried truffles…?
harry parmesan
5G will wipe out what’s left of the insect population. Mobile phone towers and insecticides have taken their toll over the last couple of decades.
True. >
Excerpted from: Human Generated Electromagnetic Radiation is Harming Wildlife
In his magnum opus – Bees, Birds, and Humans – on Electro smog’s Destructive Effects on Nature, Bio-scientist, Dr. Ulrich Warnke states:
“The information-processing and function systems of today’s humans, plants and animals are bombarded with artificial magnetic, electric and electromagnetic fields from numerous mobile and telecommunications sources in a concentration and intensity as never before. The consequences of these developments put forth by their critics cannot be overlooked any longer. Bees and other insects are disappearing. Birds avoid certain regions and are disoriented in others. Humans suffer functional problems and other sicknesses. And the evidence that suggests some of these problems may be inheritable means we’re passing them on to the next generation.“
Readers should review the entire page. Perhaps ask themselves if downloading movies and pictures (really fast) is worth dying for it…
[The consequences of these developments put forth by their critics cannot be overlooked any longer. Bees and other insects are disappearing.]
He has demonstrated POSSIBLE association, but not cause and effect.
The only thing I would add to this – and I know from your comments you’re already aware of – is that geoengineering is also playing a part in the genocide of bees and other insects.
Between the aluminum nano-particles and the electromagnetic static, it’s an incredible testament to the vitality of bees that any still live.
Just in my little community, there are abelias -whose aroma is to die for. – which only a few years ago I dare not get close to there were so many bees. Now, I’m lucky to see as many as five bees.
And the 5G towers have yet to arrive in my community. This is just from regular cell towers – the closest of which is at least a mile away.
I finally got around to watching this. Well done Christian. Yes, It’s grim. But I’d rather know than not know. Keep up the good work.
He doesn’t know what he is talking about. The dude is out to prop up the meat industry. He will tell you he is libertarian, right wing, blah blah but actually what he is doing is feeding tax money into making unhealthy foods cheaper than fruits and salads using up all the habitable land on the planet to create customers for pharma. If he was really libertarian he would atleast pay the market price for the animal corpses instead of taking billions to subsidise animal agriculture. Before those subsidies go, the claim that animal agriculture is anything other than heavily subsidised makes no sense at all.
Meat per se is not unhealthy. Human beings require animal protein to survive. Vegetable proteins are not accessible to us unless pre-processed. This is one reason why the food industry supports veganism, a vegan diet will always need to contain a certain amount of processed food.
Indian Hindus have thrived for centuries, and are brilliant mathematicians too, on a vegetarian diet; as so throughout other parts of Asia. No human should be consuming sentient beings with hearts, livers, kidneys, brains, eyes, ears … and that have the intelligence and ability to form close emotional bonds with humans.
A new trans-…. the WEF backed by Cambridge and Edinburgh universities want to rip up traditional education and create a new “transdisciplinary” approach:
Now don’t get me wrong – there is a ton wrong with the current educational model. There is a designed compartmentalisation of knowledge and the population is meant to leave school not knowing how to grow their own food or how the banking system works. However as this comes from the WEF it’s safe to assume it’s highly toxic. That they’re selling it as the means to solve climate change – and not equipping students to ask if there is climate change – tells its own story.
There’s a deeper underlying problem here – many of the subjects traditionally popular with students are no longer going to be required. Take Law – they no longer want anywhere near as many lawyers. Bundling subjects together would be a good way to shift students without them realising it. It also creates the more homogenised population of the hive mind.
It’s time to go. Everyone out. Get moving.
Once they have got you urbanised, you cannot grow food in practical quantities.
The CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC ‘Big Lie‘ is a propaganda fear campaign. It is a wholesale attack and CRIME AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY). It is political-economic in nature not biological. All those behind it need to be brought to account, so it will not happen again.”
[The CORPORATE FASCIST SCAMDEMIC ‘Big Lie‘ is a propaganda fear campaign. It is a wholesale attack and CRIME AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY).]
If I can just focus past the CAPS and bold, maybe I can make calm, reasoned sense of what you are (figuratively) screaming.
OK. So, some members of humanity, apparently the “coroprate fascists,” are “attacking” other members of humanity.
Ain’t “humanity” wonderful, then. Attacking itself.
“you’re never taking off the mask. Get ready for a lifetime of filthy wet cotton covering your mouth, reduced oxygen flow to your brain, and a world where every stranger looks the same because no one has a face. When Kamala Harris and her husband kissed the other day while wearing masks, they were giving you a preview of your daughter’s wedding. In a masked world, human beings never really touch each other. Is that public health? No, it’s not public health. It’s a kind of punishment.”
There’s no Biblical hell. But there is a hell. Covid 1984 is that hell.
Last couple of weeks here in Melbourne, was seeing quite sizable numbers of people going maskless on public transport which I took as a positive. Had one alleged “case” in Melbourne yesterday, and now on my second train on the way to work, and literally every single person has had a mask on on both trains.
Only spotted one other person without one. Funny what a little bit of fear porn can do to people, aye?
Utube has removed it..,did anyone copy it to elsewhere.
Vaccine passports fail to pass in French parliament tonight, Democracy worked.
Excellent. Now they just need to drag the little bitch Macron out into the street and hang him.
Very narrow margin (108/105). It’s not over yet.
Find out which bastards voted for them.
Democracy, or something, worked. For the moment.
It’s very much for the moment, since the bill will be back after minor changes as a sop to the ‘centrists’ who did not support it this time.
It must be a petty life, a life occupied and preoccupied with counting money, with status, with having and accumulating things as if one were to live forever, a life without shining ideals, without aspirations, without values, without principles, without faith, without anything greater than oneself to look up to; a mediocre life that is unable to find worth in being its naked self and is therefore condemned to endlessly and desperately trying to fill the bottomless pit of its ego.
Only such a petty, sad life would accept to being bought back with the cheap expedient of walking around with half a face and offering its sacred ground to be violated by profane merchants.
There are some cowardly, 77th Brigade “keyboard warrior” downvoting shit for brains plaguing this site. What kind of moron pesters people who post contra-establishment opinions and information at private web sites? Must be some nerd/conformist/ultra-conservative meathead/coward.
Without ‘opposition’ all we have is dictatorship, nobody should want that. Every story has many sides, even opposition’s can be hijacked and go off course. Life, science & politics are in constant flux and so they should be.
There are may be many sides to every story, but 77th Brigade never finds itself on the right one.
Fuck off!
Fuck off!]
So the other commenter made a reasonable observation, and the above is your mature, adult reply?
This is one of the main sites that deals objectively with the official Covid fairy tale, so the creeps from 77th Brigade are bound to be here. Apart from their brain-dead down voting they also give themselves away whenever they post their dumb-shit messages. Very hard to stop these assholes and keep the no censorship policy, which offG rightly maintains.
[…also give themselves away whenever they post their dumb-shit messages.]
“Dumb-shit messages” are the giveaway?
Well, if that is the criteria, you are making a quite good case for yourself being one of the “creeps from 77th Brigade.”
it’s keyboard practice night in whitehall, to qualify for overtime they have to downvote a a heretic® whilst wiping the drool running down their chin and neck beard simultaneously with the other hand…
a ‘crack’ team these lads.. britains finest.
Hahaha. Trained by Bear Gryls.
[There are some cowardly, 77th Brigade “keyboard warrior” downvoting shit for brains plaguing this site. ]
I have nothing to do with any 77th Brigade. I am not a UK citizen. In fact, I do not even reside on the European continent.
At times I do not feel like typing a reply, and occasionally even indicate my disagreement with an opinion by downvoting.
[Must be some nerd/conformist/ultra-conservative meathead/coward.]
Wow! You sure come across like a pontificating, demeaning person. I am downvoting your comment because it deserves downvoting.
I am a pontificating, demeaning person. I suggest you keep your distance from me. I oppose the non-pontificating, non-demeaning persons like our oligarchs, war criminals, military generals, and trans-national corporate board members.
77th Brigade people get paid for what they do, don’t they?
Well, we can all rejoice in at least one thing: it won’t be too long till we learn which it is, supply chain hoax or actual dearth of things to feed the supply chain.
I realize 99.99999999% of the “Alt Right” clearly see it as a hoax, the reason being that they still see the planet as in its pristine glory even after it’s been gang raped by humanity. It’s a bit Lamarckian supposing that Earth will continue growing resources simply because they will still be needed by future generations.
But maybe so. Stranger things have happened.
“There is no global shortage of food. Even under any plausible future population scenario or potential increases in wealth, the current global glut will not disappear due to elevated demand.”….
It will be an artificial shortage, to create demand for Bill Gates’ synthetic meat, I take it that that’s to what they are referring.
Bill Gates is synthetic meat.
It won’t be artificial if they kill off the livestock, which they’ve begun doing, as Christian notes. Also, crops are failing and they are destroying supply chains, ergo. Ironically, I don’t eat meat (although I eat seafood). It’s not because I don’t agree with meat-eating or dislike meat. I simply avoid meat because purveyors of meat products don’t care about blood. I don’t eat blood for religious reasons. But if God said that we can eat meat, and he did (‘after’ the Flood), then I’ll never say that it’s wrong. The future is another matter.
[I realize 99.99999999% of the “Alt Right” clearly see it as a hoax, the reason being that they still see the planet as in its pristine glory even after it’s been gang raped by humanity.]
Your psychological insight into the “inner mind” of the “Alt Right” is sooooo impressive!
AZ CEO set for a potential £17.8m in pay and bonuses for 2021. About 40% of shareholders voted against but couldn’t stop it.
“But why would they?…. “.
any or all breakdowns are contrive conspiracy
blockade food scarcity is an age old trick
churchill and unkle joe stalin where past masters
expert in culling for the bankers that funded them.
trains planes boats pipelines storage facilities soft targets just ask gadaffi assad or the ex folks of yugoslavia
quiet wars converting the sovereign into democratic citizen under contract law
the advert goes you will own nothing and you will be happy.
well actually under your contracted laws of rome it is already so.
friends home owners freeholders tell me why you paid stamp duty?
you have title use today only you cannot own the land or what is under it
aliodial does it have 2 L or 1 no matter as the word cannot relate to property today
Name the bankers that funded Stalin! In fact give me your best Stalin facts! This will be good
who are you koba what triggers you
why the upset
everyone knows the bolshevik like the young turk was just another
kosher revolution
From the days of Spartacus, Weishophf, Karl Marx, Trotski, Belacoon, Rosa Luxenburg, and Ema Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th Century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.
Kuhn, Loeb and Company,
Jacob Schiff. George Perkins,
J.P. Morgan, John Ryan John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie
anthony c sutton
major racey diaries
eustace mullins
Yes indeed those were the bankers. You bring things up to do with Marxism and Bolshevik ya get the Left triggered. They are among us and they ultimately are subversively on the criminal side of the equation. They are lurking on this website as well. They like to frame the enemy as always “fascists”.
[They like to frame the enemy as always “fascists”.]
Quite so. One of the oldest tricks in the book.
See also DARVO.
“Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.”
When we practice our psychological warfare we humans are a likeable lot, aren’t we?
Most major Western corporations assisted with Djugashvili’s five year plans.
indeed they did, and team B were financing the other ‘side’…..
war as they say is the ‘bankers’ harvest..
though the cultists that slavishly follow ‘ideologies’ and false paradigms are very myopic when it comes to their ‘political’® teams..
not too dissimilar to how ‘scientology’ and of course the ‘convid 911’ cult rolls..
you can’t tell a fool he’s been fooled I’m afraid.
Hello gordan Excellent reply to Koba.
Corporate banking began as Trusts typically won as “indulgences” granted by the Roman/Jesuit church. Seems most Europeans are in denial regarding the origins of bank trusts, and few will ever acknowledge that the first incorporated banks were established in the 1300’s.
Also, if one looks up the earliest timelines of incorporated banking, they’ll find that most were located in various Italian districts.
Here’s another bit of history that civilians will avoid: > Excerpted from Romanus Pontifex – Wikipedia
“The bull praises earlier Portuguese victories against the Muslims of North Africa and the success of expeditions of discovery and conquest to the Azores and to Africa south of Cape Bojador. It also repeats earlier injunctions not to supply items useful in war such as weaponry, iron or timber to either Muslims or non-Christians. The substance of the Bull’s articles are as follows:” >>>
Read Complete text:
Heres an experiment for you. Saw on alt media that a Neodymium magnet sticks to the site of some or all of the jabs for c19.
Tried it myself as previously my wife has had the pfizer jab four plus weeks ago against my advice and guess what? It really does.
Now I dont know if it sticks to the other jab sites but it does to a pfizer one.
Cant say im a scientist but dont think thats right somehow! Wtf is in that.
Mike, metallic elements have been found as “contaminants” in Pfizer’s Prevenar 1 3 vaccine some of the particles were magnetic iron of nano or micro sized along with other elements. However, this may not apply to the covid19 vaccine but in the Italian study metallic iron or iron combined with other metallic elements was found in a total of 44 different vaccines. Whether that amount of metal would be sufficient to be detected by a magnet at the injection site I doubt! I could be wrong. See this reference for further information:-
New Quality Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro and Nanocontamination. Antoinette M Garth and Stefano Montanari. Int J Vaccines Vaccin 2016, 4(1): 00072.
Just to clarify iron was found in all but 9 of the total 44 vaccines tested not in all of them.
Apologies for typo Antonietta Gatti not Antoniette Garth I should have gone to Specsavers! 😕
Saw this excuse the ladies language, tried same on the wife injection site and it does indeed stick.
That’s a standard CR 2025 battery sticking to her arm? Wtf?
Oh right, it’s a 3M magnet
Saw this excuse the ladies language, tried same on the wife injection site and it does indeed stick.
I would like to know how many others who’ve had the vaccine have had the same ‘magnetic’ experience at the vaccine injection site!
OK it’s getting boring now so I’ll try to make this my last one on this topic.
Here’s the (ahem!) Independent showing up the media echo chamber:
“Depressing rants’ – Van Morrison’s lockdown inspired album hits wrong notes with critics”
So it’s all on display:
COVID shite issued as only permissible angle for the media hacks to take.
Singer makes album calling out COVID shite.
First media music hack: “This album sucks!”
Second media music hack: “This album sucks!”
Third media music hack: “This album sucks!”
Newspaper hack: “All those wonderful critics say this album sucks!”
Fuck them music hack motherfuckers. In the ear.
The important thing is what listeners will think. If they think that the album sucks too, then we’re truly fucked.
Even if it sucks, which it doesn’t, it’s the thought that counts, now more than ever
Van Morrison never sucks.
Half a mile from the county fair and the rain came pourin’ down….
wow, all the trolls in the office are gunning for Van The Man
Only trolls would vote any reference to Van down. So bloody obvious they are.
[Half a mile from the county fair and the rain came pourin’ down….]
If that beaut of a song resonated with you as well, then you must be a much nicer person than you sometimes come across.
Maybe the stress and pressure is getting to you?
PS. I had the album, until vynil went out. Then I had the CD. Brilliant LP.
I don’t care whether I come across as an asshole, any longer. I try to speak truth as I see it. I spent 38 years as a US congressional bureaucrat. I’ve seen the world. I’m probably half crazy but, oh well… occupational hazard.
Yeah, we might have similar tastes in music. I tend toward folk rock and straight ahead rock and roll. Everything from Al Stewart to Rush.
plague and famine fear porn still sells.
Yet it may soon become far more real than any PCR test positive result…
See the results of the so-called ‘hack’ on one of the main US pipelines from Texas to New Jersey, now creating gas shortages.
Never forget that the whole ‘covid’ enterprise is part of a war against the public freedoms by the tiny globocap corrupt elite who propose them the neo-feudalism of their ‘build back better’ agenda and ‘own nothing and you’ll be happy!’.
Fear fear fear from the so called awake lot more woke
new moon Taurus & plieades is rising Mother nature is in full bloom instead
the usual happens blood bath check
fear check especially by the fake alt media real fear just to manifested the out come they want. yet you call yourself alternative ow really!
in the real; world their si still food and veg by decent farmers who dont sell fear lies like this Alex Jones fear porn farmer guy above
chickens are being slaughter in the u.k the deep state knocking on door killing chickens the pipe line is stopped working last month it was penis blocking up the suez’s anel full moon in Libra Vagina ritual no different than people dying in the streets crap.
TBH a good fast would do real good, Most carry to much weight around their belly and legs and most have min 2 kilo+ of compact waste inside so a good fast food shortage would be great and many would actually wake up and it would do wonders of illness’s. Fasting used to be normal.
Bring it on.
[…new moon Taurus & plieades is rising Mother nature is in full bloom instead…]
“I have no sympathy left for doctors or teachers”
I hear ya. These two professions, in particular, are where the tyrannical nature of the horseshit foisted on people during the past year are most perceptible. Caring for and protecting patients or kids, the well-being they’re entrusted with, constitutes the very essence of their life’s calling.
But singling out doctors or teachers wouldn’t be fair. This is a widespread societal problem that affects just about every fucking body.
People are spineless chickenshit spoiled brats. Those who care about principles are few and far fucking between. Just about everybody is just doing their fucking job, no matter what it means.
People are fucked up, up for grabs for anybody who decides to fuck them over in any imaginable way.
Those who have been actively opposing this crap or so much as refused to give in deserve utmost respect.
Doctors and teachers were in a position to do something useful to help bring the Covid event to an early end. Instead both groups swigged extra hard on the Kovid-Aid, with most teachers finding it not all that difficult to enjoy the abuse of their young charges, and doctors in droves finding the Harold Shipman approach to medicine far too intoxicating to resist.
[Doctors and teachers were in a position to do something useful to help bring the Covid event to an early end.]
Yes, but it was not ONLY them that were in “a position.” So the earlier commenter’s statement still stands: “But singling out doctors or teachers wouldn’t be fair.”
[Instead both groups swigged extra hard on the Kovid-Aid, with most teachers finding it not all that difficult to enjoy the abuse of their young charges, and doctors in droves finding the Harold Shipman approach to medicine far too intoxicating to resist.]
As even you claim, it was (at worst) “most teachers” and doctors only “in droves.” Sounds like the about the same proportion as the rest of humanity then.
So, still not sufficient reason to SINGLE them out. Your whole comment then becomes effectively moot.
PS. I wouldn’t normally downvote a comment like yours, but since you have also been yawing along about trolls and the like, I decided “what the heck.”
I agree Jacques, the majority of spineless doctors and teachers are collaborators whether people agree or not and they are aiding and abetting in the perpetration of outright fraud and deception on both children and adults. Everyone has a choice – you are either for the scamdemic and all that goes with it or against it. No other position is possible.
This is where the road leads to. Total fascism. But hey, the real problems are not the unfolding renaissance of fascism now with AI and surveillance cameras. No, the real problem are “Trans” people. It’s all their fault.
There is an American notion about an Eastern concept:
Karma is a bitch.
Turns out the Brits are getting theirs served now.
Turns also out that this is the result of “United we stand – divided we fall” and with the absolute proclivity of the so called Christians to divide and not unite, the fall is programmed and is coming hard and fast now.
Can’t wish any Brit “Luck”, as no luck on Earth will get them out of this self-inflicted tragedy. Maybe it makes it easier that their brothers in arms – the German storm troopers – will fight alongside against Russia.
Oh, on the side: For years I have warned people to take their sustenance into their own hands. To no avail. Everything is more important than growing your own food – unless there is none anymore. It will be too late to start Permaculture then.
Amazing to witness the mental decay of the one species that counts itself above any other life form on Earth. Payback time for hypocrites.
Just like computer modeling, things that look good on paper may not play out so good in reality.
I suppose even city dwellers could manage to grow a tiny bit of food; and suburban dwellers could grow a bit more. But then reality – in the form of bigger and stronger neighbors – kicks in the door and takes the food, lock stock and seeds, eats the food, then looks for another door to kick in tomorrow.
Apart from this caveat, I’m with you regarding the karmic swarm about to attack, not just Brits and Americans but citizens of all the colonial powers as the ghoulish power brokers prepare to eat their own for their last meal.
Yes, You make a good point regarding those who cannot be talked into taking their sustenance into their own hands. The really important part is what You said about everybody being able to grow “something”. “Something” I know of what is in it. Size does not matter so much as the willingness to augment one’s diet with some homegrown treats.
The reason why it does not work as well as it could lies in the fact, that people are generally way too obedient. How many empty high risers are in major UK cities? One high rise building converted to vertical permaculture could provide locally produced healthy food. Only greed is in the way of having a vertical farm nowadays.
Which leads me to agree with You on the Karma aspect of it all. People could not be bothered to take their future and livelihood into their own hands. Always counting on others to make it. When the supply chains succumb to the manipulations of the Western regimes, there will be nowhere to turn to, no one to ask for help.
And here, while there will be protests all over the world on May 15th, is an important soccer game that must be watched by all people on telly…
A super quick and easy example is growing sprouts/microgreens on your sunny windowsill. Packed with nutrients, no need for dirt…I have a tiered setup and works great.
Absolutely. The real,magic lies in the companionship with plants. Size does not matter – the smallest plant is a wondrous miracle, growing and growing and growing. My last experiment are Papayas, that usually do not grow down here. But they do sprout and grow to a certain point and then change their mind. However, I don’t know if the papaya I bought was a GMO papaya. The new regime here has changed the law about declaring GMO content in the food. No such requirement exists any longer. And it shows by the amount of hyper obese people in the streets.
[No, the real problem are “Trans” people. It’s all their fault.]
Actually a more “real problem” is straw man creators.
By the way, fair middle-of-the-road strawman you posited. Maybe with time you will create better ones.
Shove your Transphobia were it belongs. It is people
like you who are the reason for the unfolding shit.
And they will come for you in the end, you tool.
you’re all heart
Being pushed by Twitter:
On the surface this seems lovely – feed the starving and get a communal experience. However the Fraudian love ‘food halls’ (search their archives if you can bear it) so something’s up.
These are going to start appearing on UK high streets (there’s no shortage of closed retail units that could be used). Eating at home makes it so much harder to surveille what people are eating and what they’re consuming while doing it. What’s the betting food halls will have 24 hour “news” propaganda blaring from every wall? Access will require whatever is “the new normal” (mask/don’t mask, distance/don’t distance, conversation topics – if any – limited to your vaccine status or favourite celebrity etc).
The Nazis loved food halls. This isn’t accidental.
I’m guessing that India’s Modi isn’t going with the programme since he has said his objective is “to save this country from lockdown” and “not to fight the virus and save lives” – according to a Left site that I will no longer advertise by naming. Needless to say this was reported from the midst of the usual frothing over positive cases.
So the COVID gang are scouring the world and carrying out a bit of “political cleansing”, the “uncooperative” leaders soon to be dealt with.
The next will be Haiti, apparently it has not wanted lots of leftover vaccines from the USA and says that they do not need them, that the virus has barely entered the country.
From The Independent (and isn’t that title a hoot?)
“‘A slap in the face’: Hundreds of frontline Covid doctors told they won’t have jobs from August
“They’ve not held up their end of the bargain,’ says one who worked in ‘war zone’ hospitals during pandemic”
“War zone”? Hmm…. a parallel with the lads coming home from actual war and no-one giving a shit? I feel a big confrontation coming up. The Left will already be rehearsing for this. Another theatre to distract from more pertinent questions?
I feel this will be the template for the restructuring. There will be a goal already drawn up where everyone has indeed been assigned but they will offer a far worse scenario thus provoking a big punch up leading to a “triumph for the Left” which will be nothing other than that already planned outcome.
After all these months, I have no sympathy left for doctors (who should have spoken out long ago, but who preferred to go along with the ‘health catastrophe’ story in the hope that it would further their interests, the fools) or teachers (who have shown their utter disregard for children, education, and for anything other then their own hypochondria), who are going to start whingeing soon when they realise that online and blended education is going to put them out of a job.
Perhaps the teachers do the most damage these days, since they don’t even get employed if they’re not ‘the right kind of person’ – rather like the police.
Doctors, on the other hand, have a pretty stiff training to get through before they can use that title, so at least they have to know an elbow from a knee in order to practise their ‘art’.
But you’re right, Oct.
The whole of the educational and medical profession should be in an unprecedented uproar over this ridiculous shitstorm, but they just sit there and take it.
Hey, brainwashing works! No wonder nazism and all the other ‘isms’ haven’t died out…
Well, I’m a teacher in Italy and I would disagree with your blanket statement of what kind of people “we” are. Sure, there’s plenty of teachers caught up in the paranoia, but there’s also a sizeable amount that aren’t. Goes with most professions.
“Despite all the feel good cliched platitudes, in NJ in recent memory (at least) employment in public education has been largely due to political connection and the perception that the applicant was compliant/pliable (not make waves) for/to the local power structure. Although perceived classroom management abilities were factors in hiring and tenure, broad and in-depth knowledge of the subject material and honest critical thinking abilities were not. Sorry to say, that seems to be the way they want it around here. If only it were different.”
[“Despite all the feel good cliched platitudes, in NJ in recent memory (at least) employment in public education has been largely due to political connection and the perception that the applicant was compliant/pliable (not make waves) for/to the local power structure. Although perceived classroom management abilities were factors in hiring and tenure, broad and in-depth knowledge of the subject material and honest critical thinking abilities were not. Sorry to say, that seems to be the way they want it around here. If only it were different.”]
That is downright disheartening. To be sure, that is also not Esmeralda’s fault (the commenter you are replying to). Nor is it the fault of any other teachers who do not agree with the political approach your excerpt highlighted.
Be very careful about recklessly demonising simply by association (e.g. of profession).
[Well, I’m a teacher in Italy and I would disagree with your blanket statement of what kind of people “we” are.]
Thank you Esmeralda.
I have in the past disagreed with you on issues, and I suspect I will likely again in the future.
But you do not deserve to be smeared just because of the way some others in your profession behave.
Best wishes.
Some teachers and parents are fighting back …… Wrench in the gears
I thought doctors were heroes and we should be clapping for them.
Ken Bruce just announced that Van’s latest is the “album of the week”. I suspect that they’ll mostly play the least controversial tracks. But even if they played the most controversial, they’d probably just move on without comment.
When Dylan released a monster track recently pretty much calling out the JFK assassination as a cover up, this was ignored in the Graud which just waffled on with a completely neutered interpretation where the track just became a surreal journey through rock history etc.
Still, you never know. Maybe Ken is a sneaky COVID sceptic?
Thanks Christian… I’ve already decided, when the shit really hits the fan, I’ll be getting out of Melbourne asap. I have no idea where tho. Somewhere out in the countryside no doubt.
The small property I’m renting is in one of the poorer suburbs in Melbourne, and is mostly covered by either fake plastic lawn or concrete. Oh, and then there’s the issue of being 2 doors down from a rather busy Meth lab. Any veggies I try and grow, wouldn’t last very long.
However, apart from the issues you point out with food shortages and supply chain breakdown, there’s also this:
And off topic, but today a new “case” was announced in Melbourne, after months without any “cases” with Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton warning that Victorians had become complacent about Covid19.
Interesting that the previous alleged cases happened just before the State of Emergency was due to expire. By sheer coincidence of course.
This new one has occurred just a few days before a planned large protest here on Sat May 15th opposing the whole vaccine and Great Reset agenda.
I’d be inclined to get out of Melbourne before the shit hits the fan, since by that time an attempted mass exodus may well have the authorities making such a move ‘difficult’…
I take your point W… Lack of funds to last more than a few months away from my current cheap accommodation and steady income is the problem tho.
But at the same time, it would be suicidal staying in Melbourne when things really go pear shaped.
A most difficult choice. Because the country side won’t be able to take in too many folks without upsetting the balance that exists in the boonies. Guerilla warfare has shon time and again, that a city is difficult to control with guerillas in the streets. The only answer by the cretins in power would be aerial,bombardment of Melbourne to rid it of the real freedom fighters. And those will soon get going as things are getting tougher.
Regarding food security: don’t You find it amazing that there is such an evolution in the cultivation of Cannabis – but no evolution in the micro-permaculture world? There are now growing modules for Cannabis – but their amortisation works only with Cannabis, or maybe Saffron. What is needed are growth modules that can provide supplemental greenery to be grown fully automatic. Failsafe. But the downside lies in the system itself – like one of those coffee makers requiring people to buy coffee exclusively from the manufacturer.
The system I have developed is a “Stone Age Technology meets Raspberry PI” design automated by “clockworks” needing manual input. The processor acts as a bio-controller – telling one what is necessary to do for the plants to be happy. And I know when they will be happy – because of the use of new, cheap bio-sensors that act as the interface to communicate with the plants.
A big part of the whole problem is, that the majority prefers to buy stuff in the supermarket – no dirty fingernails, no efforts and always something on sale…
My thought are with You for sure. UY is small, but mostly countryside. Growing food is easily possible – but the climate is murderous. A greenhouse is essential to survive the winter here. But those who do have a greenhouse, can grow vegetables year round. And Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Plums – everything grows here. The problem here and everywhere else are the The Crooks That Be.
Thanks Not… Yeah, a most difficult choice indeed. I don’t even know anyone outside of Melbourne, yet, at the same time, I know that when things really go belly up, and the supply chain breaks down and there’s major food scarcity, large cities like Melbourne will be the worst places to be in.
I was going over Uruguay on Google Earth yesterday, and was struck by just how rural it is inland away from Montevideo and the coast.
Believe me, Melbourne has more than its fear share of crooks, and sycophantic chinless wonders who are fully complicit in the scamdemic.
The University of Melbourne seems to be a hot spot for them. The Vice Chancellor there was formerly at Imperial College and sold a company he started to AstraZeneca.
I’m working at the moment so gotta go, but wish you well, and hope your week is going relatively well, given the circumstances we’re in. Regardless of the odds, I refuse to give up hope and wallow in despair. That’s not going to help! Good luck👍
Months ago (or was it last year? 🤔) I suggested to you about the permaculture hub near Hepburn Springs. I thought, surely Permies would see through the BS. Unfortunately it seems that most Oz ones haven’t and are actually excited about limiting travelling distances/this forced reduction of consumption/not flying etc 😕
Oh… I don’t recall the mention of Hepburn Springs, tho in the last year, have had so much information passing through my brain, feel like I’m going for a bloody Masters Degree!
As the vile Greens have shown with their unflinching support for covid fascism, I would suspect quite strongly that most in the Green milieu would be fully on board with Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset as well. The power of the filth media here, and also groupthink is a strong phenomenon in Australia…
I’m starting to plan to move out of the suburbs of London UK. Can’t decide either but going to work out a plan. Looking at abroad too, Eastern Europe but as my old workmate used to say ‘beware of jumping from the fire into the frying pan’. (or is it the other way around) This madness is universal or could well be soon.
Wanted to ask you, I think you said you were from NZ but do you remember an Australian kids programs ‘Bananas in Pyjamas’?
I said to my elderly mother the other day, they are coming for her savings. She replied ‘ They can’t do that’ I said wait and see. What’s interesting is I have a brother a top judge with a partner (vegan) who probably know what’s going down. When my mum said to them if people didn’t eat meat, there would be no animals, they replied ‘ well that’s good’.
I hate these rich Bastards sitting in their houses dictating how the rest of us should live. Good job I can let off steam here.
Same thing in Sydney Gezzah. Lockdown just when May 15th Freedom Rally scheduled. I plan to go to the one on Brisbane if it still goes ahead. And am still going each Sunday morning to “Stand in the Park” gatherings to meet other like-minded aware people.
Getting out of Melbourne sounds like a good idea. As winter approaches I expect more “cases” and consequent lockdowns – in other aussie states as well. The guvt says not enough people are having the injections, so I’m expecting more fear porn, ‘hotspots’, lockdowns and the rest of the shit. In Queens-land you can’t enter a cafe/restaurant without clocking in on the ap thing at the door, and ‘marshalls’ are checking that all are obedient.
I hope you remain well and strong and can find a good place to live with like-minded people.
Thanks May… I was intending to take a day off work and go to the one in Melbourne on Saturday. Its no coincidence this “case” happened a few days before the protest, like in Sydney.
I’m not religious, but am putting my faith in the Universe.
I also know that staying in Melbourne is not an option when things go really bad. And we’ve all seen just how brutal the cops have been in Melbourne. Daniel Andrews goon squad.
They’re bringing in the mandatory QR code here in Victoria by the end of the month. All pubs, restaurants, cafes etc will have a “covid marshall” (little wannabe cop) stationed to make sure people comply.
If they (almost certainly) spread this to other businesses, it’s going to make things very difficult. They want fully compliant automatons…. not independent thinkers.
That reminds me of a notion that needed to be updated:
When fascism comes next time – it will be wrapped in a lab coat and carrying a syringe.
I went to the Freedom Rally in Brisbane yesterday, sat 15th May. Thousands of people and friendly police escort as we marched through the streets of the city. Guess what – no mention of it in the news on the internet. Haven’t seen any TV so don’t know if they’ve just not mentioned it at all. Wouldn’t be surprised.
Only demo news was pro-palestine march but we saw none of this in Brisbane.
Any news from Melbourne, Gezzah?
Hi May… The filth media will just ignore these protests regardless of how big they are. The mainstream media are our enemies and are fully part of this agenda.
There’s footage of the Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne marches and photos from Perth on the ‘Millions March Against Mandatory Covid Vaccinations’ Facebook page. There’s also footage from the UK, Canada, The Netherlands and other places on it also.
Sigh. I ended up going to work instead, which is now something I’m sort of kicking myself for. Have a good day…
OMFG! BBC senior shill Marianna Spring has managed to dig out a pair of complete phychos:
He’s a builder…and a trainee psychologist…and he doesn’t mind lying…if he is doing it for the right reasons…impressive.
And in his selfie with Smith’s quiff, he also does a good impression of the coy face Robert Downey Junior pulled in ‘Weird Science’ trying to steal the geek’s girfriend.
We are drowning in a sea of complete and utter morons and wankers here…it’s like some sort Karmic payback hell for what this country has done to the world.
And in his selfie with Smith’s quiff,
Or a bit more military jarhead a la Full Metal Jacket.
“Hey look a female Ron Burgundy.”
“Pity the day the teleprompter breaks.”
“Sadly, yet another example of the mindless soulless drones that filled up Joseph Goebbels’ Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.”
I only listen to the radio for the sport on Radio 5 when I’m in my car. For some reason, I switched it on yesterday afternoon, only to find Marianna discussing the above article! Richard and ‘Dave’ were interviewed. They are 100% nailed-on professional actors.
I have felt so dispirited by this “Left” over the COVID crap that I have been questioning many of my previous assumptions re: the Marxist position.
But I don’t see much to be gained arguing over various historical matters. Although I was happy to go along with G G Preparata’s argument that the Nazi phenomenon was set up by the UK and US, I wasn’t so keen to follow him on the notion that the Bolshevik revolution was a similar Wall Street set up. Frankly my disgust at the Left now leads me to wonder.
But altogether, no matter what the truth of these matters is, I think it inarguable that the moment a dissident group assembles and achieves any notable influence, the powers that be will have their fingers in there. I now see this Left as totally controlled on the pyramid model I.e. a few spooks guiding a vast arena of criminally gullible useful idiots.
And certainly I no longer dismiss an observation because it comes from an “ideologically unsound” source e.g. the “Right Wing” press. The Left have been the most shameless gate keepers re: the use of smears like “anti-Semitism”.
And so the manipulation happens on a deep psychological level – something the Left are ill equipped to deal with through their fixation on “the materialist method” – a method that logically refers back to economic and societal background but oddly curtails certain avenues of action e.g. those (often arbitrarily) labelled as “conspiratorial”.
This ironically leads these self styled radicals to a paralysingly naive trust in the media. And so these “revolutionaries” effectively come to serve as the most reassuringly complacent guardians of the system.
Thus the affable chat between those Marxist radio broadcasters blowing schoolboy raspberries at the funny “incompetent” ruling clowns.
“One can call oneself anything. Does not mean one is.

“For instance, this corporate fascist charlatan fraudster Langley-Land operative laces his Jim Jones like Scamdemic ‘big lie’ eugenics rants with references to Trotsky. Go figure.”
“Right-Center-Left just another paradigm of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST OLIGARCH MOBSTER PSYCHOPATHS, to keep WE THE PEOPLE (HUMANITY) at each others throats instead of theirs. So they can keep robbing us blind.”
“Yes, the photo is from Proyect. There are several reports from several others about Green that leads one to think his public persona is not his private one.”
who is that guy? jeezus
Crains Detroit Serial Entrepeneur David W Green (former CEO of Grand River Publishing).
Although I’m generally a fan of Ice Age Farmer and his research there’s a danger of getting too hysterical here. There have been warnings about a collapsing food chain for nearly a year and I don’t see empty shelves in the shops.
Yes, take sensible precautions. Grow your own food if possible (I’m switching half my flower garden to fruit and veg this summer). Build up knowledge of diverse local food sources. However there is a danger of becoming hypnotised by the proverbial shadows on the cave wall.
The biggest danger remains some sort of fake cyberattack. I agree there are worrying indications this is coming (SolarWinds… Schwab saying it would happen and make Covid look like peanuts… the Cyber Polygon exercise… ). However again there have been warnings about this for some time and the whole web going down seems improbable (it’s technically dubious it could happen and they’d lose all their surveillance and mind-control). More shadows on the wall?
I don’t see any mass starvation. It’s more a threat they want to hold over us to justify global government (much like their maufactured Indian pandemic justifies UHC).
Those are very sensible words.
As much as a lot of people on this forum are well informed and provide various useful sources, there is a bit of underlying paranoid hysteria with a speck of masochism, some people seem to wallow in this doomsday shit.
I know, I know, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they don’t go after you, but beware of confirmation bias and the echo chamber effect.
I dont see empty shelves but i have seen a rise of about a third in prices,living hand to mouth im perhaps acutely aware more so than many others
Yes, I was at my regular independent greengrocer’s this morning (in Limassol/Cyprus) where I do my best to buy local produce and did not notice anything missing for the time of year and the prices were those I am accustomed to paying. Am I living in a fool’s paradise and is mayhem on the way? I don’t know.
To be fair, he did say food shortages take a while to work through. But I understand what you are saying as I thought we would get beginning of this year. And if this is orchestrated as he says, it could be similar to the financial ponzi scheme, concealed but each unfolds at roughly the time they want.
Yes, other tricks up their sleeves, cyberattacks , wars etc . I thought his presentation was well backed up with circumstantial evidence and what he’s being told by people in the shipping industry.
I went out today to buy seeds. Perpetual spinach, carrots, lettuce. We have potted potatoes and tomatoes. Luckily have a big garden. My suggestion for people is stock up on mixture of canned fish, nuts, rice and pasta and vapes. Get some battery powered lights. And grow as much as you can going forward. The pound shop good value and do food, Wilkinson good for the seeds.
5 years ago and following have bought alot of silver and fine wine. Not ideal but nothing much is. I worry about my pension funds but if possible will take 3 months time at 55. Although even cash is not safe.
May I add, get down to the charity shop and get some reference books.
In Brazil – needs to be said twice – in Brazil, over 13 million people are now starving for food. There is already starving in place all over the planet. By design.
And what I have noticed here (UY) is the fact that while the shelves are not empty, the broadth of items has shrunk and prices are rising fast. In short: there are much more items with GMO content. Instead of having potato chips from here, they are now all by lays. Most everything here comes from the US. Argentine and Brazil are still mostly closed for business. (Borders still closed).
So, yes, while the shelves might not be empty, You need to talk about what is in these shelves. 100 bags of GMO chips of the same brand, or a variety of locally produced offerings.
The dollar collapse is inevitable. With it comes a hardship for those who never saw a problem in having their heads up deep in the lightless space of the Northern big brother.
[In Brazil – needs to be said twice – in Brazil, over 13 million people are now starving for food.]
That sounds worrying. So I went to duckduckgo and searched for “Brazil starvation” and found nothing, zero, zip, nada in the first few screens that verifies your claim.
[There is already starving in place all over the planet. By design.]
It would really help if you can provide credible evidence of the “design” that you allege.
PS. Credible evidence is not “WEF has plans” or “Gates is evil.” I am no fan of the WEF and their envisaged “future,” nor of Gates and his vaccine mania, but I do set my bar for evidence somewhat highter than that I just don’t like them or their programs.
To expect DDG to be different than google now is very naïve, to say the least. What happens in Brazil and Argentine right now, will not make it to any Western propaganda outlets. Bolsonaro is a Trump buddy and his policies – including his wet dream for another military dictatorship under his command – have wrecked the country. The burning of the Amazon progresses at an increasing pace – due to the failed policies of the fascists. Failing the Brazilian people, not the elites. It is money and control they seek – converting tropical rainforest into plantations for ethanol. Not food. Ethanol.
The only reliable “news” can now no longer be had by searching the internet. DDG ‘promises’ not to track you, but they do not promise to use other algorithms for their search engine. DDG results are google results shuffled in a slightly different order. Just look for ‘permaculture’ under “video” and see what else than YT is shown.
We are at a time, where people speaking the truth are asked to provide sources – yet, no sources are needed to spread lies and propaganda by the lame stream media. There anything goes without “fact checking”. I trust the Brazilian people that live here over anything printed – with the exception of Glenn Greenwald for the most part – the truth is oozing out of them as they can’t keep it to themselves any longer.
You remind me of people that always ridiculed the “conspiracy nuts” that pointed to the “controlled demolition” as a counter narrative to the “official story”. Ironically, it has now been proven that Building Seven was demolished perfectly controlled. And it took only two hours to place all the charges, correct? And it was only Building Seven that was demolished, correct?
If you yourself can no longer tell the truth from the lie without help from the outside, you will die in the lie. Only critical thinking leads to the truth. No DDG search will deliver it to you.
And yes, I am here in South America experiencing first hand what us unfolding here. But they have changed the laws recently here and if you write anything that implicates the regime in these crimes against humankind, you will look at 10 years behind bars.
Trust your own guess about the worst case scenario – you won’t get it from the interwebs any longer.
Food shortages, a supply chain collapse, “natural disasters” or really any “crisis” at all must be seen first and foremost as manufactured (or at least heavily manipulated). That should be our default position!
[Food shortages, a supply chain collapse, “natural disasters” or really any “crisis” at all must be seen first and foremost as manufactured (or at least heavily manipulated). That should be our default position!]
Sorry, but my default position is rational reason and empirical evidence.
Yes, humans conspire. But that does not mean that conspiring is necessarily successful or by “default position” almost effortlessly able to “manufacture” a “natural disaster” or supply chain collapse.
re: Sorry, but my default position is rational reason and empirical evidence.
In February of 2020, I had no access to empirical evidence of any pandemic (and still don’t) but I had 35 years of experience knowing that governments and Media lie (not once in a while but continuously). That was a rational response based on historical experience. The Media gave us “evidence” of people dying in the streets of Covid in March 2020. Who’s evidence are you going to trust? For those who lie as part of their profession, one’s default position should not be “trust but verity” but to be deeply dubious of any claim they make, especially one of such consequence.
The attack on the Internet can be either at the server or user end. At the server end, amateurs have repeatedly shown how easy it is to invade military systems. Apart from bringing down servers, ransomware has demonstrated that crippling the user end is not far-farched.
I’ve noticed that there are a lot of things that are regularly selling out and/or completely unavailable in my grocery store since shortly after the scamdemic began. This was only ever a very rare occurrence before. Everything from from dairy, to meat, to nuts, and even produce. Week after week there is something I want or need and it’s simply not available. I’ve also noticed that prices have gone up a lot as well. (Hartford, CT area of USA)
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 10, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has put employers on notice that should they attempt to require employees to receive injections of experimental COVID-19 gene-therapy vaccines a resulting adverse reaction will be considered “work-related” for which the employer may be held liable.
OSHA released its new guidance on April 20 under a “Frequently Asked Questions” section of its website having to do with COVID-19 safety compliance.
The question asks whether an employer who mandates employees receive these experimental COVID-19 shots is required to record any adverse events as a result of these injections. Such recording requirements of serious work-related injuries and illness may not only leave an employer vulnerable to worker’s compensation claims, but such incidents could also impact the employer’s safety record.The question and answer in full:
There are strategic ways of dealing with employers on this. Get a reply in writing setting out the science, eg experimental nature and then asking them to reply in writing the vaccine is safe and they agree liability in the event of side affects. I might put something together and post a suggested template here. I’ve had bother with my last employer dishing out medical advice. I responded in this way and they immediately backed off. The only way is to stand up to bullies. Be polite but forceful.
[I’ve had bother with my last employer dishing out medical advice. I responded in this way and they immediately backed off.]
Well done!
Let’s be clear this is the usual lying by the media prostitutes.
If there is a ‘supply chain collapse’, then it has been deliberately orchestrated by Gates et al, who want food to be made in factories in future.
There is no ‘climate chaos’ in terms of growing fresh fruit and vegetables in my personal experience, it is all about good growing practice, sourcing good seeds from local ethical suppliers and about feeding your soil every year to build up/maintain its healthy ecology.
There is a burgeoning bottom-up movement of small-scale organic growers who produce high quality food at high yields. They don’t need tractors, they don’t need RoundUp and they don’t need GM seeds.
Everything that the media is spinning would see them sent to prison for perjury if they said it in a court of law. Because the media have sued for the right to lie in public and won, it’s hard to stop them doing this.
But the obvious advice to every person who wants life to be sensible and inclusive is simple: boycott the MSM from now on. Don’t ever, ever listen to them again.
There are enormous reasons why Bill Gates is a pathological liar about agriculture, the first of those is simple: all the topsoil generated in the USA before the great migration of europeans to ‘conquer the New World’ was created by massive herds of bison, by natural forests and by periodic flooding of great rivers. Gates is trying to claim that we have to grow all our food in ‘factories’. I want him to outline how much energy he uses doing that, what the implications of producing all his raw materials are and quite how ‘carbon neutral’ he actually is. I don’t believe for one moment that his ‘factories’ are ‘more green’ than traditional farming and I would love to see him in a dock in a court of law being schooled in that reality by the most brutally abrasive prosecuting counsel that the world can muster.
There are enormous reasons why middle class urban idiots are pushing ‘Extinction Rebellion’ but none of them are climate-related. They are all about power games, scheming and trying to become closer to the centre of power. They are absolutely uneducated prostitutes who are supplied with memes to peddle.
The real problem is pseudo-politicians like Craig Murray, who claim to be fighting injustice, now showing their true colours about vaccines and ‘green issues’. That scandalous hypocrite, who travelled the world for decades on expense account aeroplanes, now tries to claim that ‘people shouldn’t be allowed a £30 ticket to Ibiza’, when he had £1000 tickets regularly from Moscow, Tashkent, Lagos, Warsaw or wherever, all paid for by the long-suffering British taxpayer.
His ignorance of immunology is absolutely clear, but like all Establishment snobs, he thinks he is fit to blag about matters he is totally uneducated about. He cannot face the reality that those exposed to the SARS virus nearly 20 years ago, which is only 80% identical to SARS-CoV2, the Covid19-causative virus, still retain immunity to SARS-like viruses and were naturally immune to SARS-CoV2. That is not hearsay, that is absolute scientific fact.
But there he is trying to scaremonger about ‘variants’ which are at worst 99.7% identical to the ‘original virus’. Anyone who has been exposed to SARS-CoV2 and has developed natural immunity will be immune to ALL variants until proven otherwise. The pharma gravy train needs to create narratives that say that no immunity to variants will exist, which should see them sent to prison for perjury by requiring them to repeat those lies under oath in court. Because the legal system is designed to prevent TNC executives and public bigwigs from being peremptorily hauled into court for criminal actions, that is extremely unlikely.
There he is claiming it is ‘morally indefensible’ for the young and healthy not to get vaccinated, when they are not at risk from the disease and if it is worth vaccinating the elderly, they are now immune to it because they have been vaccinated.
But at the same time he claims that the vaccination programme has been ‘so brilliant’ that no one can argue about it.
He needs to be asked one simple question: compare the rate of decline of Covid19 patients/deaths in 2020 when no vaccine existed vs early 2021 when one did. If he can see a single difference in the curves, he is a greater divinator than Greta Thunberg…both are curves of an infectious disease with flu-like symptoms and both died out at exactly the same speed.
If the vaccine is so brilliant for the elderly and unhealthy, children don’t need to be vaccinated, nor do the healthy under 50s.
But Murray is playing politics, angling to be the first President of a ‘newly independent Scotland’.
That means he has to sing vaccine songs for his supper and preach ‘green values’ too.
I support him about Assange and Salmond, but on vaccines and green matters, he is an unprincipled greasy little Establishment blagger.
From what you say I’m guessing that Murray has joined forces with his troll team and now spouts the same belligerent shit as “Clark”. But then his site was guilty of the worst sin: unutterable boredom. There was a Right Wing troll who went by the name of Habbakuk. He used to annoy the hell out of me. I now consider him more bearable than the pseudo-Left shower.
I think I probably mentioned that I was chided and censored by Craig’s comments-minder– in fact, it might’ve been you who identified him as “Clark”.
I posted a reply to some conservative regular I didn’t particularly like– can’t remember his screen name now– but who’d written some insightful comment about flawed or corrupt electoral systems. In my reply, I alluded to the hijacked 2020 US presidential election.
I can’t remember if my reply contained the usual obligatory disclaimer about not being a Trump supporter, but in any case Clark told me to desist in posting nonsensical conspiracy theories calling the US election into question.
I’d only commented occasionally at Craig’s blog after warming up to him for his support of Assange, and I was pissed off enough at that ignorant scolding to bug off for good. There was a Russian woman named Tatyana whose posts and perspective I really enjoyed there, but I decided to cut off Tatyana to spite my face.
I always was bothered by Craig’s penchant for being appropriately skeptical and reasonably cynical, but then reverting to conventional naïveté or idealism– which I think is genuine, not contrived.
I don’t wish to gin up detailed examples, but just to cite instances from his Assange perspective: Craig seemed to well understand that Assange’s captivity was utterly contrary to established law, and was a consequence of extra-judicial international government collusion or conspiracy.
But then he’d blithely express optimism that, say, Sweden’s presumptively respectable and high-minded legal system would exonerate Assange, and that once exonerated the UK authorities would be compelled to release him from heinous and unjust captivity– as if “the rule of law” was bound to ultimately prevail.
Since I stopped reading him, and since I understand that he has himself been sentenced to jail, I don’t know if his faith in the legal system, despite its seeming contradictions and lapses, is unchanged.
[I always was bothered by Craig’s penchant for being appropriately skeptical and reasonably cynical, but then reverting to conventional naïveté or idealism– which I think is genuine, not contrived.]
I almost want to call your position “old-school honesty,” but it made my day to see that it is still to be found.
[He used to annoy the hell out of me. I now consider him more bearable than the pseudo-Left shower.]
Aah, George Mc, I agree it is not always easy to read past the person and to the facts. Especially if a key tenet of one’s ideology is at question.
Us humans do tend to engage emotionally before rationally. Kahneman’s “System 1 and 2” and so on.
As for myself, I have learned from “righties” and “lefties.” Admittedly not always easily, but still I have.
One upshot is that I can be rather critical of emotional arguments and logical fallacies, and even more so when they are combined (such as generalising everyone opposing the arguer’s position as “trolls” without engaging honestly with their counter-arguments).
As an example, commenter S Cooper comes to mind most easily at present..
Well said Rhys, I don’t know where Murray comes into this but you’re right. Maybe he’s forgotten he’s alive and not just an ego.
If there is a supply-chain collapse, of course it is engineered, like the ‘pandemic’. If their engineering succeeds, however, the consequences of the former will greatly exceed that of the latter. Do you have any information that the ‘collapse’ is illusory?
In the video, Ice Age Farmer displays a FED chart of the M1 supply spiking up like a rocket in 2020, massively dwarfing all previous spikes such that they are barely discernible on the scale. This sort of fiscal engineering has consequences, especially when those consequences are desired by the engineers (see Maxwell’s excellent comment below). In short, Murray’s foppish posturing is neither here nor there. There is obviously a far larger game afoot and the enemy has a lot of fire power. We The Sheeple are in disarray, apparently without the nouse needed to organise a decent conversation about what to do in response. Although it is a very tall order considering recent dumbing-down history…
Bravo,sir. Until we acknowledge that we are encountering violence against our survival we will not respond appropriately.
You are on the right track about soils. Except that…..woodland soils are generally poor because the majority of the organics are above ground in the form of wood. Grassland soils are primo because the majority of grassland plants is in the form of roots. Woodland soils are measured in inches while grassland soils were once measure in feet. It was 12,000 years in the making. The wetter the better. Most of the soils are gone. Bad farming practices. Down to the delta they went. All mixed up with the bad stuff discarded by the industrial centers. Heavy metals, mostly. And all the other stuff. The unabated dumping by the chemical industry. It’s all there. In the delta. Mixed up. At the same time there is a lot left. Millions and millions of acres of farm land. Just not as good as before. But it is still good. With help. The chemical industry, of course. The yields are still fantastic. The low prices indicate that. Hard for Bill Gates to argue that. Farmers keep hoping for better prices to pay their production costs plus some. It does not make sense. There is plenty of food to feed the cattle and plenty of space for the cattle to roam and lots of cattle farmers. I don’t get it. Plenty of corn. Plenty of cattle. Plenty of beef. I am getting hungry…….
Where’s the proof for any of those viruses that the bulk of the population have been conned into believing in as well as your self. Still nothing convincing coming to this website yet, apart from the usual SPECULATION which is a far cry from rigorous scientific proof and demonstration. Maybe you are blagging for the establishment too – information mixed in with disinformation – a clever ploy, nevertheless it always goes down well!
[If there is a ‘supply chain collapse’, then it has been deliberately orchestrated by Gates et al, who want food to be made in factories in future.]
While I would not put it past “Gates et al” to attempt it, in my view your immediate conclusion (from your hypothetical) of it as fact is rather unscientific.
I have read many of your comments. You write well. Actually, very well. But on rare occasions you veer into the unscientific.
Forgive me if everyone already knows this but there seems to be a “traffic light” system for countries you are allowed to visit I.e. red (countries you will almost certainly die in), yellow (countries where you may lose a limb or two) and green (countries where you will only run the risk of permanent disfigurement).
Of course there’s no guarantee that the colours won’t change during your stay. Also other colours may be added. Mauve, pink and beige to cover various inevitable new variants.
They love their colour codes. Don’t forget the “black fungus” – it’s the new thing to be terrified of.
Boris is going to announce his “New Deal” today. Reconstruction for the new COVID world. Obviously with the deadly plague undergoing interminable mutations from now till the end of time, 90% of all funds will have to go to viral research. The Left will continue to complain that this is not enough and if vast swathes of the proles die horribly through steepening poverty, that’s OK as long as it can be blamed on incompetence.
But the basic scam is that all industry and indeed all societal intercourse can be controlled as long as such control is presented as a matter of necessity in the face of this terrible plague.
The Photo ID requirement for voting has suddenly appeared (with little of the outrage from the corporate fake left that they showed when Trump wanted it). It’s the Covid passport model – theyve never legislated to make a photo ID a national requirement but if you don’t have one rights get stripped away. Fortunately voting is a complete farce so not a right I’ll miss. The local Tory’s election leaflet was so covered in stuff about ‘sustainability’ I couldn’t tell it from the Greens. It’s all voting for the Davos candidate. Ultimately it’s all entraining for the big switch to biometrics.
Noteworthy too that the government can find time to ban “conversion” practices. It’s a tacit admission that brain-washing techniques work. How is this explicable by any conventional political analysis? It’s a high priority for Conservative voters, is it? However in BRAVE NEW WORLD lots of non-reproductive sex is just what the controllers want.
The flagship policy appears to be all about re-training. This is all congruent with ‘The Great Reset’ again – your old job is being destroyed, learn how to be an encoder! Really it doesn’t boil down to much more than making it easier to get a student loan -and therefore get into more debt. There’s also a predictable centralisation of power with the secretary of state able to take over colleges that don’t run the courses they want. Production of the new layer of technocrats is the ultimate goal.
Stacking it up, it’s also clear how much this all looks like Blairism. No matter who you vote for the same agenda always seems to be in charge.
I don’t think he has a clue. Building raised beds in a wooden box is a convenience for like a 80 year old who can’t bend down. It really is not necessary and pretty problematic to promote the idea you need to build a raised bed before you can grow any food. It has introduced this obstacle in peoples minds when really a raised bed is totally unneeded. You can plant straight into the ground or build a hugle bed if you want something fancy.
Raised beds are trendy. When I were a boy like, there were no such thing. Now people think you can’t grow stuff without a wooden frame round it. It’s the PACKET. Shop think- everything comes in a packet. I worked in a friend’s veg shop and discovered that stuff in a plastic container sells better than naked, even though it’s more expensive ,not to mention the pollution aspect. This anti- logic carries over into everything. Thought is done in separate packets as well because it is obtained that way and not digested. “Sustainable” grow your own,plant trees- think packet doesn’t meet chop down trees think packet. It’s “timber” a different word and the two are not connected on a mental level. Real thinking mostly doesn’t happen, unfortunately.
I heard a grocery chain exec claiming that the plastic wrapping makes veg last longer. No idea if that is true.
he learned about hempcrete “only yesterday” ?
for years australians have read about how its primary industries – agriculture, cattle etc – should focus on a bourgeoning south-east asian middle-class market to sell their products to…
as china has been hell-bent on ensuring food security, even to the point of having third world peasants evicted from arable land, it’s certain asian middle classes will be fed
while australias lower classes will have only billy gates grass-patties to eat…
seeing how australia’s politicians put the health of the vaccination companies profits ahead of citizens health, it’s a given, we’ll be told, similarly as the french, “let them eat gates patties !”
Here’s a curious one: It seems that our brave anti-anti-vaxxers are now using “honeypot” tactics to wean people off “conspiracy theories”. They are putting up those demon pics of Bill G to attract the “conspiracy minded” but then presumably telling you Bill is a great guy! Good luck with that!
It’s very difficult to predict how much time the sane have left to resist effectively, but I can’t imagine it’s more than three months, at the outside. I had high hopes for Germany, but its darker collective psychological aspects appear to have been coaxed to a rippling tumescence with meticulous and uninterrupted propaganda. That said, I also believed the UK was done for when it rolled over after having its NHS-reflex repeatedly stimulated, but the UK is looking a tad more promising than Germany at the moment. Parts of the US are doing very well – we know about them – and no doubt other areas in the world show promising signs. But but but … we cannot really know what the chances of ending and exposing this madness actually are. We’re flying in the dark here.
The situation looks about as grim as it could possibly be. “Grow your own food!” is impossible for the vast majority. If food shortages really do hit, and seriously, then millions will die. There’s nothing anyone can do about that. The challenge, and it is mighty, is to set up community where you are and try to get your hands on tools that are useful to your (potential) local community. But people are deeply, violently divided. Desperate times may wake people up, however. The division is the designed result of a ‘magic spell’ that can be broken, and desperation might break it.
So the best I’ve got by way of advice is ‘spiritual’ (consciousness-based). Materialism is wrong; it cannot account for consciousness and fails even to explain what matter is, let alone time and space. The materialist paradigm is wrong about death, which is in fact but a change into something else. We need not fear it.
The covid19 psyop is a spiritual attack. It requires a spiritual response. This means, in essence, growing up into a more loving relationship with Self and Other. This slow maturation process is what the evolution of consciousness is all about, and thus what reality is about. The deranged ‘elitists’ see themselves as gods on earth destined to correct some error, to prune away the useless and set up a new, clinically clean system that will run glitteringly for the rest of eternity. They will fail, but are causing horrors with their efforts. The potential to the healthy side is now a coiled spring that could collapse downwards but might surprise us all and birth something truly wonderful. To increase the chances of the latter, more beautiful possibility, we must each find our way on to the love path, come what may.
You’ve hit the nail on the head- materialism cannot account for consciousness etc. Consciousness was something I was aware of but never gave a word to, apart from maybe LIFE. It wasn’t until I read a lot of things I didn’t agree with to try and understand and explain what was so stupid in the world that I came across the fact that people like Darwin ignored the inexplicable vital spark. There was something in what they said but they missed out the mystery of life itself. Nowadays,aware of higher masonry, the religion of dead stuff, things are clear in my mind and I can see why their artificial inventions like socialism, communism fascism,and such like are such failures- they’re not ALIVE. In fact they’re just mind candy to lure you into their dead world to use you.
If my daughter had her research head on straight while looking into his works, it’s worthwhile pointing out that Newton, who could be called the granddaddy of materialism, was heavily invested in the lifespark! But yes, ideologies are more powerful prisons than bricks and iron could ever achieve.
We still have the 3 Rd illusion eclipse set to go in next few weeks…so I am wary of any excitement with the we are all going to die sound…first one was covid, 2 was the vax so no 3 about to happen or happening..any other suggestions other than we are all about to starve?
A third con? Maybe 3was the vaccine. Maybe it’s hacking, they’ve hinted that and it would be a good one for stealing our money and ushering in an economic reset.
Another brilliant comment! Thanks Nixon.
I think the term “materialist” is frequently misunderstood. Taken as meaning that everything is reducible to the laws of physics, it is clearly inadequate. But then quantum physics has already revealed a sub stratum far stranger than previously imagined. This may echo a sentiment (and I can’t recall who said it) that the universe may be not only stranger than we know but stranger than we CAN know.
But “materialism” can be understood in a more limited sense I.e. as meaning that all human action must be related to a certain degree to its social and economic background. That’s the way I see it.
I would argue that materialism is always misunderstood because of how deceptively easy to grasp it appears to be. It’s just a matter of trusting your senses in combination with the rigours of the scientific method. But as you hinted, the rigours of the scientific method have been inexorably dissolving the floor out from under materialism’s feet. To wit:
Physics is the basis of materialism yet neither knows nor understands its own foundations!
I’m a monist, not a dualist. Thus, for me, there is only consciousness. The idea that makes most sense to me – by way of cursory explanation – is that consciousness is an information system. As such, what we experience as the universe is but part of that (evolving) information system of which we are also, necessarily, a part. The idea here is that reality is not fundamentally objective (see above quote), it’s more akin to a virtual-reality computer game we ‘play’, fully immersed. However, it’s not coded down to the fine details like some inflexible master plan. Rather, it has evolved from something like foundational fractal equations that iterate on themselves and have produced and continue to produce what science has thus far discovered of their – the equations’ – effects, since the Big Bang and counting. We could think of the Big Bang as the moment the fractal equations were set in motion.
How accurate a description this is I can’t say, but I do find it compelling as a way of conceiving a reasonable alternative to ‘energy’ and ‘matter’ embedded in the ‘fabric’ of ‘spacetime’ – all of which is ‘dead’ or wholly without consciousness – one day miraculously giving rise to consciousness via complexity. I also find it hard to accept matter – whatever that might be – as being somehow imbued with something fundamentally different – consciousness – right down to electrons, as per panpsychism. That smacks of, or indeed is, dualism by the back door, in my opinion.
Hence my preference for monism…
I have no hope at all for Germany.
My grandparents knew 4 different currencies. My parents again knew 4 different currencies. My count stands at 2 looking on a third. Every new currency means you are being robbed.
We’ll need to brace ourselves indeed.
I’m quite fond of the argument that hope is for children. Perhaps your position is the most reasonable, the most adult.
At least, the masses no longer assume that they can sleep-walk through the rest of their lives: “as it was in the beginning…”.
Beautiful and fantastic comment, Toby. Thank you.
Elite control raped the West and climbed on its back, stabbed its jugular and is now leaving it cowering on the side of the road. It’s moving operations to where its real interest lies…flattening the curve of the entire world, applying uniform terror, indoctrination and behaviour modification to every man woman and child so that peace, for the elites, dawns and they can play with all their creepy technology to automate the new man. The new improved slave. The ideal design. I.D. Your papers please. All for the good of mother earth. You don’t want to hurt mother earth now do you??
Interest rates have been falling for a decade. There has been very little discussion on this. The interest rates are now close to zero and and may enter negative territory. Investing in apartments/flats/units is useless since there already is a glut and the developers in conjunction with Agenda 21 are building like lunatics. Bitcoin is apparently a Ponzi scheme. Where is the water for the occupants of the new apartments going to come from ? And with no civil aviation where are the occupants going to come from ? The building boom is destroying the remnants of the environment. There is apparently no good news from any direction.
They’ll tell you they’re building everything sustainably and show you the green “tick” and “earth friendly” in green font underneath it. In other words, they’ll just lie.
Roger Friedman (?) gleefully tells us that Van’s “whiny” new album has only sold 198 copies. Although that figure may be as reliable as their COVID ones. The only noteworthy thing about this “review” is that in the space of about half a page, it manages to say “anti-Semitic” twice, the first time tentatively (“thought to be”), the second time with total assurance (“the anti-Semitic song “They Own the Media.” Yes, if you suggest a bunch of bastards own the media then you are “anti-Semitic”!)
Fucking wankers.
Dr Mike Yeadon with James Delingpole On Covid19 Part 2
The video stopped after a few minutes. Bitchute is undoubtedly under attack.
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now but like many other people I am not in a position to move to a rural setting and set up a homestead also I’m really not very practical although I know needs must and all that, All I can think is with the little savings I have to buy as much non perishable food and bartering goods as I can, Although this is a very individualistic response, Maybe the Indian farmers will show us the way to deal with our psychopathic elites. We do need a collective response to this crisis. You know seize the means of production and all that Jazz.
“We do need a collective response to this crisis. You know seize the means of production”
It’s called Socialism, and it worked in Communist Russia, Socialist Britain (under Attlee), Communist Cuba and Communist China; to name but the few I know of. Many people who die of malnutrition today live in countries which export food or grow other crops for export eg, drugs. Men with guns keep those people off productive land, as was done in Britain during the great Clearances of the 18th century when Large Landholders herded people into overcrowded starving disease-ridden slums that created wage slaves for the First Industrial Revolution.
Bill-you-for-services-that-ought-to-be-free Gates is buying up Land in the U$A and implementing “mind forged manacles’ to create even more closely supervised Microserfs for the 3rd (or is it 4th) Industrial Revolution.
“Ill fares the Land, to hastening ills a prey
Where Wealth accumulates and Men decay” — Oliver Goldsmith, The Deserted Village
It’s called Socialism, and it worked in Communist Russia. Really?.
Was Russia ever communist? Or just Stalinist? Not the same. In fact antithetical.
Sitting here and looking at out the hills stretching up in the distance from my second-floor suburban flat. Just wondering,if it really came to it, how much hunter-gathering could you do up there. I am a regular hill walker and know the terrain out there well. It is maquis which has grown over long-since abondoned terraced fields and the fauna is mainly reptilian (snakes and lizards). I don’t hold out much hope there. But, wait a minute. A retired mate of mine goes fishing almost every day as a sport and seems to catch something most times and either cooks and eats it himself or he gives them to his cats. Living in a coastal city on a Mediterranean island (Cyprus) perhaps there is some potential there and perhaps I should start learning to fish. Maybe these are thoughts we should all be having just in case.
Just seen my mate and told him I might take him up on his long standing offer to teach me to fish!
Just putting it out there. Could Ice Age Farmer be sophisticated controlled opposition? Perhaps all the growing-of-food advice is excellent but I have little doubts about him -always willing to have my doubts allayed, however.
— While I recognise that some people critical of the pandemic narrative do not get the 100% Emperor’s-New-Clothes MO – that is, there is nothing, nada, niente – and genuinely believe in the existence of the “novel” virus and the virus disease, the science clearly says it doesn’t exist so anyone acting as if both are real always needs to be questioned.
— For someone whose main interest is growing food he’s very well set up technology-wise.
— What is his name? Why not reveal it?
— Some of this post on his FB page is clearly hogwash – very shocking that birds are being kept indoors in the UK, certainly that is shocking but that pigs might catch the non-existent COVID-19 is obviously complete BS.
— He speaks of the Grand Solar Minimum. OK, so I’m quoting NASA here (I know, I know) but what is his evidence that we really are approaching a Grand Solar Minimum? I’m concerned that there is controlled opposition out there gently persuading us away from the recognition of man-made climate change in order to undermine our credibility and more easily label us with the “conspiracy theorist” tag just as Bill Kaysing did for the moon landings. I’m certainly not saying that the perps aren’t capitalising on the phenomenon of AGW, they most certainly have – completely predictably – got their sticky fingers in there but AGW is not a psyop, it is a scientifically proven phenomenon. If it really were a psyop where are so many in power actually acting as if it doesn’t exist?
If you can seriously believe there is any type of establishment conspiracy to UNDERMINE the climate change narrative then you have left all sanity behind.
Doubleplus good thought comrade 🙂
What you didn’t realise was that the non animal protein in that burger was meal worms or cricket protein
Check out purinas ‘green’ pet food that doesnt contain any animal protein but is awash with tasty bug protein
You folks did know that your soopah doopah vegan diet you foisted onto your little furbabies has led to them eating crickets n mealworms ?
My dog LOVES chasing and eating crickets and other bugs that come out at night. Fun to chase and crunchy too! I’m not so keen although I have to agree with Peter that I don’t mind at all the vegetable based things that are available today as a meat alternative. I think a little meat is important in a balanced diet but probably a lot less than what is considered a “normal’ amount.