UN report pushes global government to “prevent future pandemics”
Global surveillance, "financial independence" and power to override national governments headline WHO's recommended "reforms".
Kit Knightly

A new report, published by the United Nations, has claimed the covid19 “pandemic” would have been prevented had the UN – and specifically the World Health Organizaion – been given more global authority.
The report is titled Covid19: Make it the Last Pandemic and are the published findings of the Independent Panel on Pandemic Preparedness and Response, which focuses on how the world can look to prevent “pandemics” in the future.
This “independent” panel is chaired by ex-New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, ex-President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and other political figures (including noted globalist David Miliband), and was established last May by WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. (How a report commissioned by the WHO, calling to give more money and power to the WHO can be called “independent” I don’t know.)
You can read all about it on the reports own website. (Why a single report from the WHO needs an entire website of its own, again, I don’t know).
There’s a lot to unpack in the report’s eighty-six pages of bureaucratic double-talk, but their main conclusions are:
- Elevate leadership to prepare for and respond to global health threats to the highest levels to ensure just, accountable and multisectoral action
- Focus and strengthen the independence, authority and financing of the WHO
- Invest in preparedness now to create fully functional capacities at the national, regional and global level
- Establish a new international system for surveillance, validation and alert
- Establish a pre-negotiated platform for tools and supplies
- Raise new international financing for the global public goods of pandemic preparedness and response
- Countries to establish highest level national coordination for pandemic preparedness and response
All of which can be generally summed up as “give the WHO (and their cronies) more money, and more power”.
Each section of their recommendations contains several bullet points of its own, far too many to go through all of them, but there’s definitely some paragraphs that should cause any attentive reader to raise an eyebrow:
WHO to establish a new global system for surveillance, based on full transparency by all parties, using state-of-the-art digital tools to connect information centres around the world and including animal and environmental health surveillance, with appropriate protections of people’s rights
…Which means essentially legalising global surveillance programs on a massive scale, with – of course – “appropriate protections
of people’s rights” (and shame on you for thinking otherwise).
And then there is:
Future declarations of a PHEIC by the WHO Director-General should be based on the precautionary principle where warranted
…Which calls for the Director-General of the WHO to have the power to declare a global “pandemic”, not because there definitely is a new disease killing people, but because they think there might be.
Essentially handing the Director-General of the WHO the power to simply create a pandemic whenever they feel the need. Somewhat ironically the panel for “pandemic prevention”, is recommending making “pandemics” far more likely.
Further, the report goes out of its way to praise the countries which engaged in the most authoritarian “anti-Covid” measures.
Specifically, China is praised both for their “fast identification” of the virus, and their incredibly stringent lockdown measures. Another country held up as a good example is New Zealand, which was likewise very strict.
Conversely, the countries with allegedly “poor results” in dealing with Covid – though never named – are universally criticised for “denial of scientific evidence”, “eroding trust in healthcare measures” and having leaders who “appeared sceptical or dismissive” of the pandemic.
It goes on and on in that fashion. Every step of the way praising centralisation, globalisation and totalitarianism at the expense of sovereignty, individualism and liberty. And while the report itself may couch its agenda in soft diplomatic language, the authors behind the report have been far more forthright about what they really mean.
In a clear attack on national sovereignty, Helen Clark is quoted in the Guardian as saying:
[The pandemic was] compounded by a lack of global leadership and coordination of geopolitical tensions and nationalism weakening the multilateral system, which should act to keep the world safe.”
As well as criticising current regulations which put limits on the WHO’s powers:
[The WHO] was hindered and not helped by the international health regulations and procedures,
It’s fairly obvious what the message is here.
Throughout the overblown coronavirus “pandemic” narrative we’ve seen national governments all over the world use the phoney crisis to “temporarily” expand their powers.
Now the United Nations is getting in on the act, hoping to expand its global power mandate.
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The whole things a scam..they want to enslave humanity and take away our sovreignity right to say no to unauthorized drugs and medical procedures and this is a depopulation agenda. The cat is out of the bag
Its not just “now” they’ve been planning this for decades, laying the foundation, tackling low reaching apples. Their documented agenda for “vaccines for all” quota I found last year, changed from “access” to vaccines. They have dashboards already built, HIPPA, HITECH laws creating public property out of our private health data, global databases with the FDA. Health passports on the EU roadmap since at least 2018.
UN Sustainability Agenda16.9 By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration and 3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
billion dollar market for testing and passports:
congress/house-bill/7290/text H. R. 2166 Global Health Security Act of 2019
Execute the criminal bastard government or die in their coming, planned WW3! The scamdemic is all about the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for the past thirty years. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood and this time around it will end WW3. The day of the next false flag with the nuke the evil bastard government stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran, America will be nuked and invaded by Russia, China and the whole SCO. This is the story in over half the Bible. So again, execute the criminal bastard government or die in WW3!
This insane agenda to take over the world will fail because human nature cannot be ignored. F Bill Gates, F Klaus Schwab, F George Soros.
The Covid Gangdemic has taught us one thing: Centralized control is incompetent and ruinous. Bureaucrats, even of the medical strain, are woefully out of touch with essential common realities and the actual lives of the majority. The loftier the official position, the more the view of the populace melds into an amorphous mass.
This video will be seen by very few because my channel is unsearchable, and my videos are hidden by YouTube. Punishment for correcting the “Official Lie”
The UN and WHO couldn’t have more power. They are already immune from investigation and have put themselves above the law (even universal natural law which makes them the definition of evil). They already have 190+ countries signed up to their ‘fake-A-pandemic’ scheme and altered the definition of pandemic so they could turn the common cold into a pandemic. See Reiner Fuellmich (international lawyer) interview wit WHO whistleblower. Can’t wait for the crimes against humanity trials which still carries death sentences. Can’t believe the stupidity of the enablers of evil. Do they really think their participation in this genocide will earn them a golden ticket to the satanic future?! If they do they don’t understand the ‘satanic’ / evil agenda at all. It’s intention is to destroy everything by getting the stupid to destroy themselves and each other. Every religion and spiritual belief throughout history tells of this. These ‘people’ (? Entities) are insane.
Look at those two overpaid cretins who call themselves “authors” who write this horror story on behalf of their criminal sponsors. We all know who these disgusting examples of humanity are and what their “vision” entails.
Why the United Nations needs to be banned. > I’ve posted this shtick before, but in “light” of current trends that have left many countries indebted (or bankrupt) to the IMF and other such criminal agency, I thought this might be of interest: >
Excerpted from: Bank for International Settlements – Wikipedia
“The BIS was established in 1930 by an intergovernmental agreement between Germany, Belgium, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States and Switzerland. It opened its doors in Basel, Switzerland on 17 May 1930.”
Ever wonder how indebted countries will cover costs of failing agricultural infrastructure, vaccine mandates, police and military control? Review this expedition into international financial markets manipulation via the agency cited:
Complete page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements
Right on the button as usual. Saint Nixon’s halo is occluded today- All those people with underpants on their faces. Still. It’s doing my head in. It’s a perpetual re run of The Spy Who.Came In With A Cold.
Some good news for a change:
“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will pardon anyone in the Sunshine State charged for not wearing masks or socially distancing — breaking the news live on air to a gym-owning couple who were facing jail time for defying coronavirus safety recommendations.”
His public health “officials” must be seething.
Strange how one of the few states to ban masks, lockdowns is the state where bill gates of hell is releasing genetic modified mosquitoes.. doesn’t anyone else know that they have worked at engineering mosquitoes as vaccinators ?! All documented. Check out ‘bio digital convergence’ gov docs. Canada & New Zealand have them.. and all countries I believe. Satan klaus Schwab salivates over this stuff. “Robots with human brains and humans with robot brains already exist” quote. WEF -“we will no longer know what it is to be a natural human”. They evidently do not and never did. That vital part of them (soul) was missing, abdicated or sold. Further gov docs refer to plans to ‘alter evolution with nanotechnology’ (every aspect of life). These are sick psychopathic entities who need to be destroyed. Check out ‘smart dust’ and ‘hydrogel’ and research the ‘fun vax’ ted talk about the vax attacking the ‘god gene’ to disconnect people from their soul. All evidenced in scientific literature. See thelastamericanvagabond.com videos on nanotechnology with links below to evidence and science. See janaesp.com bioweapons documentaries. Truly evil stuff. Oh, and PCR swabs were developed for delivering drugs and vaccines especially where it was desirable to cross blood brain barrier and hydrogel (self replicating just like the bioweapon spike protein) has been found on the swabs. Such swabs already used for livestock vax. A vax can only be coerced twice a year maybe.. tests are often twice a week. Most people aren’t seeing even 1% of the true scale of this evil. Good v evil. Natural v artificial. Ancient prophecies cross culture speaks of this evil, soulless humans, chimeras, entities possessing humans and entering this realm as ‘doors’ are opened.. 7 years tribulation to quote biblical version. Only those who return to the natural ways, natural law, will survive and all will be given the opportunity to change but few will do it and most will perish.
There’s no doubt about that. Probably due to a lack of imagination and an inability to conceive the extremes to which psychopaths will go. What is perhaps worst of all is to able to see all of this ahead of time, like a slow motion train wreck, and be absolutely incapable of stopping it (i.e. of waking up the herd before the other shoe drops).
Interesting tweet, with even more interesting replies.
Sounds like a back door ploy to pressure for a vax passport, which obviously is the only way to tell. The true believers in the comment section are almost begging for it.
So, so much comedy gold. But if I had to choose just one, I think it would be this:
“We will know who the real vaccinated people are – they will be wearing their masks. The unmasked will be the unvaccinated.”
This is so far south of unhinged that it breaches previously-virgin crackpottery. Get double-shotted so that you can continue virtue-signaling by wearing a mask.Because those who know enough to get vaccinated know that getting vaccinated is only one step in complete protection.
Jesus wept. The ;papers are full of that stay-positive hand-jive like ‘What The Pandemic Has Taught Us’, as if we should be appreciative that it came along to clean up our act. But it really only taught us one thing. Who the nuts are that you can never safely turn your back on.
So, we have one half of the world going batshit fucking crazy about people dying from COVID-19 and the other half going batshit fucking crazy about people dying from the genetic vehicle/alleged vaccine.
Seems like the fucks in the Office Where They Run Everything From have the world pretty much covered; just about everybody is going batshit fucking crazy about something.
It’s probably a good idea not to be going batshit fucking crazy about anything.
The rational me says.
RE: The rational me says.
Yeah, and where has that gotten ya? Btw, I gave you an upvote!
Future Imperfect
June 2009, in the midst of the swine flu breakout the World Health Organization defangs their working definition of ‘pandemic’ by removing the requirement of “enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses”.
Like magic, the WHO can now declare pandemics far more easily triggering billion dollar contracts with pharmaceutical companies–and it does so… with the already in progress swine-flu outbreak.
April 2015, in a Ted Talk, Bill Gates predicts, “If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war”.
February 2017, Dr. Fauci promises, “there is no question that there will be a challenge for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases … there will be a surprise outbreak”.
Mid 2019, Dr. Fauci directs a total of $7.4 million in funding from NIAID to a lab in Wuhan China with some of the funds set aside to study ‘gain of function research’ for corona-viruses–making them far more infectious and deadly to human beings.
August 2019, Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test used to detect COVID-19 dies of pneumonia.
Kary, who was openly critical of Dr. Fauci – calling him a fraud who has no problem lying to the American people and who, “doesn’t know anything about anything” – said many times that his PCR test could not be used to diagnose an illness.
Regardless, his PCR test was the primary test used to diagnose C-19, with the New York times later admitting that the non-test likely had a false positive rate in the neighborhood of 90%. This test was used to measure cases and cases were used to justify the lockdowns which severely wounded the world economy.
October 2019, the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation host a pandemic simulation called ‘Event 201’ with dozens of corporate, political, and media participants scripting and acting out their response in the event a real one occurred.
November 2019, less than 2 months later in Wuhan China, C-19 enters the world stage and spreads rapidly across the globe leaving extreme economic havoc in its wake.
June 2020, stereotypical Bond villain and leader of the WEF, Klaus Schwab releases his book, ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’, a communistic creed describing a future where our biology will be merged with computers and AI. The WEF’s stated goal on their website and YouTube channel is, “by 2030 you will own nothing, have no privacy, and you will be happy”.
November 2020, Klaus Schwab releases a video of himself and a colleague warning that a global cyber pandemic is inevitable and that when it arrives it will shut down power grids across the world causing havoc that will far exceed the havoc already caused by the C-19 pandemic.
December 2020, Solar Winds – a giant cyber security firm whose security suite is installed on many of the major government and corporate networks across the first world – announces a catastrophic security breach in which hackers injected a back door into Solar Wind’s codebase, which was then distributed to all of their clients during the next update cycle–granting the hackers access to all of those systems. Rootkits were then deployed granting full undetectable control. This event now gives cover for the hacking of the world’s power grids due to the fact that those systems have been compromised by “bad actors”.
February 2021, an extremely rare black swan winter storm freezes Texas to near zero causing an extremely rare power grid failure across the state.
March 2021, the EverGiven – a ship the size of four city blocks – charts a cock and balls GPS course across the sea before securely lodging itself in the Suez canal thereby clogging up the world’s most important shipping lane for six days—an event so rare it has only happened 5 times since the canal’s opening in 1869.
May 2021, bad actors launch a cyber-attack against the computer systems of Colonial Pipeline – the largest pipeline in the United States which supplies 48% of the fuel requirements of the eastern seaboard of the country – causing it to go offline. Despite a number of spills due to negligence causing shutdowns throughout the years, this cyber-attack event was so rare that it has never happened before.
July 2021, the WEF has scheduled a cyber pandemic simulation with political, business, and media leaders in the same vein as their Event 201 virus pandemic simulation. This event is titled CyberPolygon…
Helen Clarke should have said that WHO to be free from private sponsorship by Big Pharma and all other corrupting sources. Surely that is the root of the problem. The same cleansing needs to happen with Medical authorities and academia. I dream of things that never were and ask, why not?
You forgot about our contaminated political landscape also.
Just saw this, which is not surprising:

They’ve found yet another of their idiotic ‘experts’ who offers this justification:
Helping them come out into safe spaces is therefore essential:
The divide and rule agenda is coming along very nicely.
Have any of those dumb pricks wondered why they got the prick if it doesn’t protect them from what they got pricked for? Grr. Gnash. Gnarl.
If you look at the replies to the White House tweet I found yesterday (above), you get an insight into their frightened little minds. Not sure if it is tragic or funny.
Only in America do you get cretins of this class.
Future Imperfect
August 2019, Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR test used to detect COVID-19 dies of pneumonia.
Kary, who was openly critical of Dr. Fauci – calling him a fraud who has no problem lying to the American people and who, “doesn’t know anything about anything” – said many times that his PCR test could not be used to diagnose an illness.
Regardless, his PCR test was the primary test used to diagnose C-19, with the New York times later admitting that the non-test likely had a false positive rate in the neighborhood of 90%. This test was used to measure cases and cases were used to justify the lockdowns which severely wounded the world economy.
October 2019, the WEF and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation host a pandemic simulation called ‘Event 201’ with dozens of corporate, political, and media participants scripting and acting out their response in the event a real one occurred.
November 2019, less than 2 months later in Wuhan China, C-19 enters the world stage and spreads rapidly across the globe leaving extreme economic havoc in its wake.
June 2020, stereotypical Bond villain and leader of the WEF, Klaus Schwab releases his book, ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’, a communistic creed describing a future where our biology will be merged with computers and AI. The WEF’s stated goal on their website and youtube channel is, “by 2030 you will own nothing, have no privacy, and you will be happy”.
November 2020, Klaus Schwab releases a video of himself and a colleague warning that a global cyber pandemic is inevitable and that when it arrives it will shut down power grids across the world causing havoc that will far exceed the havoc already caused by the C-19 pandemic.
December 2020, Solar Winds – a giant cyber security firm whose security suite is installed on many of the major government and corporate networks across the first world – announces a catastrophic security breach in which hackers injected a back door into Solar Wind’s codebase, which was then distributed to all of their clients during the next update cycle–granting the hackers access to all of those systems. Rootkits were then deployed granting full undetectable control. This event now gives cover for the hacking of the world’s power grids due to the fact that those systems have been compromised by “bad actors”.
February 2021, an extremely rare black swan winter storm freezes Texas to near zero causing an extremely rare power grid failure across the state.
March 2021, the EverGiven – a ship the size of four city blocks – charts a cock and balls GPS course across the sea before securely lodging itself in the Suez canal thereby clogging up the world’s most important shipping lane for six days—an event so rare it has only happened 5 times since the canal’s opening in 1869.
May 2021, bad actors launch a cyber attack against the computer systems of Colonial Pipeline – the largest pipeline in the United States which supplies 48% of the fuel requirements of the eastern seaboard of the country – causing it to go offline. Despite a number of spills due to negligence causing shutdowns throughout the years, this cyber attack event was so rare that it has never happened before.
July 2021, the WEF has scheduled a cyber pandemic simulation with political, business, and media leaders in the same vein as their Event 201 virus pandemic simulation. This event is titled CyberPolygon…
Cor, isn’t coincidence amazing.
I doubt the alert from Solarwinds is genuine, and that it is innocent. I also recall a major hack of encryption servers a couple of years ago, that has disappeared from the news.
Some thoughts
Why you should stop reading news
Agree, with the reservation that you should discuss what you read with others. In the “free world”, censorship is now routine. Many of the approved books including educational texts push ideology. This even corrupts science.
I don’t know about the UN being that powerful – members frequently flout what it calls for, often helped by a powerful country like the USA vetoing a resolution.
That’s right. If they were real criminals they would wear big black hats, hooped jerseys and walk around with a club in one hand and a bag marked swag in the other.
Are UN resolutions, say on the Middle East, frequently ignored? Yes or no? Making a clumsy attempt to patronise me does not alter the fact that the UN frequently says stuff, passes resolutions and, especially if the USA but also Russia or China ignore it, it gets vetoed.
Doesn’t really add up to a monstrously powerful entity, does it?
Well, closing down much of the world economy with a phoney pandemic shows they’ve got a bit of clout, wouldn’t you say? It’s not overt power, just quiet and sneaky, building up slowly. They’ve got the World Court already built in Jerusalem. The IPCC and WHO are scaring everyone silly and they have the power of the purse through the World Bank and IMF. World government is in their grasp in everything but name.
“Now the United Nations is getting in on the act, hoping to expand its global power mandate.”
Indeed. However, The UN, as Astrid Stuckelberger explained to Reiner Fuellmich and his team, got in on the act a while ago, with gangster politicians completely on board or it wouldn’t have been able to take the steps it did. Nation States already are not genuinely independent, sovereign States. That’s the lie that they wanted us to believe because they wanted us to believe that we had and have democracy, not government by unelected powerful special interest (transnational capitalist class) that directs (police State) governments. See my blog post titled “Covid 19 – WHO’s “One Hour” Reign,” which, it appears, many who visit Off Guardian already have.
“Somewhat ironically the panel for “pandemic prevention”, is recommending making “pandemics” far more likely.”
It’s not clear to me what Kit means there. Anyone?
“All of which can be generally summed up as “give the WHO (and their cronies) more money, and more power”.”
For which reason the title of my next blog post, which will, of course, use this article, will be “Covid 19 – The Gangster Politicians Have Handed The People Over To The Vampire WHO For It To Feed Off Of And Experiment On Forever.”
“A new report, published by the United Nations, has claimed the covid19 “pandemic” would have been prevented had the UN – and specifically the World Health Organizaion – been given more global authority.”
I was curious and had a quick look to see whether Noam Chomsky had gotten ‘vaccinated’. I didn’t spend a whole lot of time searching and didn’t see anything, but if I was a betting man, I’d say he has gotten the jab. It’s so sad to see someone whose done so much to educate so many about the evil that nation States, especially “the wild beast that ascends out of the earth,” namely Noam’s home country of the US, do, fall so far. His position on the ‘pandemic’, it seems, echoes that of the (Biblical) scarlet colored beast, namely the UN.
Nation states may not be utopian, but what else can stand between us and the despotic totalitarian world government? Absolute power really does corrupt absolutely.
Yep, we live in troubled times, it’s difficult to swim against the stream, given that the PTB are the stream. Here was Nietzsche’s view – which I believe to be essentially correct.
‘’ … is it really so difficult to accept as true everything we have been taught, and which had gradually taken firm root in us and is thought by the inner circle of our relations and by many good people, and which moreover does comfort and elevate men? Is that more difficult than to venture on new paths, in conflict with custom, in the insecurity which attends independence, experiencing many wavering of courage … Is not the true enquirer totally indifferent to what the results of his enquiries may be? For when we enquire are we seeking for peace, rest, happiness. No, only for truth, even though it may be in the highest degree ugly and repellent … Here the ways of men divide: if you wish to strive for peace of the soul and happiness then believe; if you wish to be a disciple of truth, then enquire.’’ (Friedrich Nietzsche, letter to his Sister Elizabeth, 11 June 1865)
Nietzsche made some nice ‘hidden hand’ photos…
has anyone outside the agency ever wondered what a clown like Tedros is doing at the helm of the WHOre?
like any criminal enterprise this too has a ‘fall guy’. that clown is not running any health establishment, he has no credentials. he has been placed there to be the ‘fall guy’.
Tedros was bankrolled even while he was Ethiopian health minister by the Rockefellers through the Clinton and Gates foundations, who all work as a mafia tapping federal funds via schemes like the Presideisl AIDS fund, PEPFAR.
They will spend a decade or more getting their controlled front man in place. The effort pays dividends as you can see.
I rather get the feeling that humanity is standing at the crossroads. A one-way ticket too Totalitarian Junction. The Iron Ages which are to come. George Orwell wrote this poem in 1947. It reads as follows:
A happy vicar I might have been
Two hundred years ago
To preach upon eternal doom
And watch my walnuts grow;
But born, alas, in an evil time,
I missed that pleasant haven,
For the hair has grown on my upper lip
And the clergy are all clean-shaven.
And later still the times were good,
We were so easy to please,
We rocked our troubled thoughts to sleep
On the bosoms of the trees.
All ignorant we dared to own
The joys we now dissemble;
The Greenfinch on the apple bough
Could make my enemies tremble.
But girls’ bellies and apricots,
Roached in a shaded stream,
Horses, ducks in flight at dawn,
All these are but a dream.
It is forbidden to dream again;
We maim our joys and hide them;
Horses are made of chromium steel
And little fat men shall ride them.
I am the worm who never turned,
The eunuch without a harem;
Between the priest and the commissar
I will walk like Eugene Aram;
And the commissar is telling my fortune,
While the radio plays,
But the priest has promised an Austin Seven,
For Duggie always pays.
I dreamed I dwelt in marble halls,
And woke to find it true;
I wasn’t born for an age like this;
Was Smith? Was Jones? Were you?
The UN & WHO like the EU are not autonomous bodies, they have no leverage, they have no army, they have no spy’s, they have no means of enforcement, to say they are an autonomous force, is beyond infantile and politically illiterate.
The UN & WHO are at best a consensus of its member states views, or at worst, a victim of blackmail by its most powerful members. Either way it is not an independent force.
Jim, did the Rockefellers expect nothing in return for their largesse… including the lower Manhattan real estate? Were all those think tanks so much verbal diarrhea?
Think tanks like Chatham House-CRF which has resources far beyond most foreign ministries or departments of state.
How is it that the UN agenda strangely came to mimic almost precisely that which the Rockefellers-Carnegie foundations had already been promoting since before the first world war?
How did the UN suddenly come to adopt the program of the Trilateral Commission and the Rockefeller-Maurice Strong-Club of Rome environmental prescriptions?
And the century-old eugenics program that we now has fresh legs thanks to the WHO and the simultaneous adoption of “suicide” legislation around the world?
The UN & WHO are tools of transmission, of interdependence in the Rockefeller catchphrase – smart, regional, resilient and sub-national.
Interdependent but not independent… resilient but not self-reliant, smart but subservient.
The driving seat is not up for grabs. It is occupied by corporations, meaning state corporatism, meaning rule in the interest of the top three institutional investors who own the major share in those corporations.
The UN and WHO are their vehicle.
The “Giants” of Peter Phillips’s book, are, he states, 17 financial giants in number. Phillips’s book is a must read, like Chomsky’s books before 2011. And like Chomsky, Phillips is a complete faker. That’s the bizarro world we live in.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I don’t know your religion/fantasies or care about them. All I know are geopolitical facts.
I make simple statements of the bleeding fucking obvious.
I have no idea what you are talking about, I don’t know your religion/fantasies or care about them. All I know are geopolitical facts.
I make simple statements of the bleeding fucking obvious.
Not now. Did you know that the UN fought in the Korean War?
Despite the UN (aka the US) carpet bombing NK and killing several millions, NK still gave a good account of itself. Small wonder they went for the insurance of nukes.
No they didn’t.
While you were congratulating yourself on being so grown up and clever, they bought the world with their monopoly money. The UN is just the front for big money.
You don’t know what you have until you lose it. Freedom.
I remember writing in the Daily Telegraph on-line comments, only a few years back before paywall; you could change/correct your comments in your own time, after having posted them., delete them if you wanted, vote up or down on other comments, whilst seeing the tag of those who had voted for or against you, and say whatever you liked, including calling the Daily Telegraph all the names under the sun, and they didn’t give two hoots, your comment would still stay up, Whilst maintaining your anonymity with fake email addresses.
Today, even those sites claiming to be free will now censor every comment you write to their ‘tastes’ & bias…..We’re all totalitarian now!
Gezzah from down under put me in touch with a talk between Vera Sharav and Dr Andrew Kaufman about parallels between the rise of bogus medical experiments in Nazi Germany and the vax roll outs today. And I’ve been thinking about all the great video talks from the COVID sceptics and I was wondering if there has been any video input at all from the other side I.e. the COVID believers. Has anyone on that side of the “opposition” actually shown any signs of doing anything at all? Surely they can’t all be cowering under their beds (or pretending to).
What do you mean by “covid” believer? The very vast majority, whatever may be their opinions about the measures, or irrespective of whether they’re afraid of a “disease”, believe in covid. So indeed, most videos, and most articles, and most “opposition” to what is going on are based on the belief in covid, most groups formed in support of freedom are all based on the belief. Hence your question is somewhat puzzling.
Belief in covid and support of the measures appear to be two disconnected stands. As I said belief does not imply fear.
I haven’t seen any oppositional videos from the believers by which I mean the designated Left. I’ve seen plenty of “covid information” videos by covid whoremongers. Where are the “oppositional” videos from that vast sea of covid believers? Indeed what would an “oppositional” video from a covid believer even look like?
But the main group in support of freedom, the freedom alliance, believes in covid. They just dont think its dangerous. The case against WHO is based on the belief in covid. Every single person, scientist, lawyer, etc in France that has stood up to the loss of freedoms, believes in covid. And I have no idea whether all these doctors and scientists and lawyers are from the left or the right. It also depends what you mean by Left. You mean the degenerate distortion of some idealistic notions that has been in vogue for many decades now? Or do you mean the attempt to translate those notions of brotherhood and compassion for others into social policies?
Its the same with all religions, when people say Im this or that, what do they mean, that they uphold the dogmas a particular religion has been distorted into or the original teachings?
But yes, most of those I know who instead of just being against all this are actually doing something about it, whether they are “Left” or “Right”, believe in covid: its a belief since there is no evidence so far of its existence.
I think we are talking at cross purposes. By “believer in covid” I didn’t mean someone who thinks that covid is a real virus. I mean someone who submits to the mainstream narrative that covid is this unprecedented deadly killer. And this would appear to be the belief of that designated Left I am talking about. My point being that anyone who submits to THIS narrative cannot be oppositional since it is precisely THIS narrative that is the mainstream one.
The original point I was trying to make – and which I think has got completely lost – is that the covid rejecters (by which I mean those that reject the deadly pandemic narrative) have been tremendously busy in constantly discussing and protesting and making a noise etc. (OffG, Cory Morningstar, John Steppling, Michael Yeadon and all those scientists, doctors and lawyers you refer to) whereas this wretched designated Left have, as far as I can see, done nothing whatsoever – and yet still seem to see themselves as oppositional. I was hoping someone could say I was wrong and point me in the direction of some actual meaty videos and articles from this covid scaremongering lot that might at least absolve them of the worse charge (of being utterly useless) but I reckon that wasn’t to be.
Ok thats one misunderstanding, sorry. However, I dont really know what you mean by Left and Right in the first place. Do you mean the “fascist Right” which is indeed fighting the narrative. I was told by one of them that all culture in the world is due to the Greeks, that no one else could even begin to think properly and he is close to people who appear to think Franco did not mass murder Spaniards and those who praise the ideologues behind the French Vichy regime. Another told me he never reads or listens to anyone Jewish (he thus refuses to read Fromm for example). So they are better than whoever you are labeling Left?
There are many people like Fromm fighting this narrative. And yes I know some of them. This is what he wrote in the 70s or something:
“Capitalism and a vulgarized, distorted socialism have brought man to the point where he is in danger of becoming a dehumanized automaton; he is losing his sanity and stands at the point of total self-destruction. Only full awareness of his situation and its dangers and a new vision of a life which can realize the aims of human freedom, dignity, creativity, reason, justice, and solidarity can save us from almost certain decay, loss of freedom, or destruction. We are not forced to choose between a managerial free-enterprise system and a managerial communist system. There is a third solution, that of democratic, humanistic socialism which, based on the original principles of socialism, offers the vision of a new, truly human society.” (Disobedience)
People like Fromm have been in the forefront of all battles, much more than any others in the post-war period. They’ve sacrificed their lives sometimes, all over the world. They are today fighting today and without dividing the world into Left/Right, this and that, they are fighting from the perspective of the unity of humanity.
I was just hoping some of the ones I formerly followed on, as it were, the “Marxist” circuit might at least give me some indication that they haven’t turned into pod people. But only one or two of them have truly managed to see through the scam – thus leading me to assume that those identifying as “Left” seem to suffer particularly from gullibility in the face of propaganda.
Hi George Mc:
You should check this out. Watch/listen to this: How the CIA cultivates a fake left: From the cultural cold war to intersectional imperialism.
It is very good. Little was new to me (and probably not to you), but it makes a nice coherent whole. Caveat: The Grayzone is also fake left – though, I think unwitting; I don’t believe that they are funded by any CIA front foundation.However, they are still constrained by their unwillingness to breach the “conspiracy theory” no-go imaginary line. This video goes a long way to explain why the “left” has supported something that if they were ideologically coherent, they could not possibly support.
Keir Starmer is to say something next week.
Unless he says “Goodbye” then I’m not interested.
“…an “oppositional” video from a covid believer even look like?” We are tripping over them.
The BBC news springs to mind.
Why would the believing ‘left’ need to make any videos? Aren’t the MSM doing enough?
Precisely – and you have made the point I was trying to make in the beginning i.e. that, if you accept the deadly covid narrative you cannot be oppositional because the deadly covid narrative is the mainstream.
Actually, it’s much worse than that IMO. For some reason, the ‘left’ have even been unable to be oppositional like McCullough, in the video below (there is a deadly virus, but there are also cheap and effective remedies that are being suppressed very deviously). Instead, they’re howling about how everyone must get the wonder jab (even if they don’t much want to) and about how virtuous it would be to enlarge its market by foisting it on those who cannot afford to take part in the experiment.
Yes – it’s time for me to face up. My “comrades” have succumbed to terminal wankery.
Interesting that readers cant come to grips with reality. How is one going to get things to become less tyrannical if one refuses to see reality for what it is, namely that seemingly a majority, at least large numbers, actually believe in covid. Even many articles on OffG assume covid, and many on this site do. This is the same all over the place except in a handful… I did not say most were afraid of covid, fear is less and less, and none on the OffG site is afraid of it.
I think the most important think she says is that the experimentation on human beings has been uninterrupted since T4.
There are children being shelled with state of the art weapons in an open prison right now. They were born in that prison. They aren’t allowed to leave.You can add that to the list of ongoing experimentation.
You can now also add us the list as the majority of our countrymen and women walk around with masks on, terrified of the flu, and waiting for booster shots. I’d file that under experimentation too.
“You can add that to the list of ongoing experimentation.” Ongoing ‘medical’ experimentation. As Jeff Halper (“War Against The People”) notes, the Gazans are a lab where the Nazi Israelis test out weaponry that they can sell as ‘proven effective’. (Why, I wonder, is Jeff still on YouTube selling his book?)
I meant to use Vera’s information in a blog post I did recently but it never happened. My problem with her (and most on my side in covid 1984) is that she buys some of the most harmful lies about the ‘pandemic’.
Vera gets Dr Hoffe’s name incorrect. That’s the Canadian doctor who was interviewed by Laura Lynn.
“DR. CHARLES HOFFE SOUNDS THE ALARM” / https://www.bitchute.com/video/mhLU0zzTPYv6/
This is somewhat off topic (but relevant, so please don’t shoot the messenger). There’s a gasoline shortage in the Southern states of the US. Particularly hard hit are Texas, Florida and Georgia – three states which have eased their lockdown protocol.
This is of a type with last month’s deep freeze in Texas – which was the first to ease up on the lockdowns. See: it offends Father Biden when states stray from the fold – and you don’t want to make Father Biden angry, now do you?
If I may be so gauche as to paraphrase a rather spurious meme: No Lockee, No Gasee.
I had not worked out that it was those three states who were having the problems but you are right. The pipeline goes right through those three states. As always they commit their crimes in broad daylight.
of course the rancid menagerie commonly referred to as the un (un-hinged, un-likeable. un-electable, un-wanted etc etc) wants to control and micro-mange every aspect of your life..
that is why ‘they’ created it…
do you really think an organisation ‘luciferian’ in nature ( see alice bailey the ‘lucis trust’ etc) and staffed by third world despotics, putrid financialists and UN-hinged lab coat scientisms toiling away to create nimrods babylon v2, has your best interests at heart…?
‘probably not’…
The Light Must Be Lit
When a government decides to forcibly change society, social violence begins.
The very idea of changing another for power, is the idea of destroying them.
To bring about even an iota of change in another person means the government are not prepared to accept the independence of others.
The fact is that when you set out to improve someone, you can very safely and skillfully become violent.
If we examine the governments of the whole world, we shall find all governments are based on fear, on force and on self-serving law and interests.
The government is nothing but the agency of absolute violence.
No government can be nonviolent, it is violence, pure violence.
Since the wickedness is hidden behind goodness, it cannot be easily opposed.
Only a foolish criminal is openly bad.
A cunning politician is wicked in the name of goodness.
The motivation behind becoming a politician is the same as the motivation behind becoming a criminal.
Yet, inferiority is created when you want to feel superior.
Inferiority is the shadow.
That is why we feel uneasy in the company of these so-called good men.
Only a person in whose company you are relaxed is a good person.
If you feel any anxiety or restlessness, be sure that some violence is flowing from them to you.
If we go through our history, we shall find the names of those rulers who have tormented people most are the greatest psychopaths.
Whether that was Hitler, Stalin or Mao Zedong, they all belong to the same category.
Evil incarnate.
The ones who frighten us the most, appear to be the greatest rulers.
Our whole history is comprised of people who frightened others and people who could be frightened.
Fear changes our very state of being.
Today, here in UK, over one thousand people have died from receiving untested so-called vaccinations, with over three quarter of a million people suffering from adverse reactions with tragically many more unnecessary deaths that will be witnessed in the coming days.
These figures are taken from the governments own ‘Yellow Card’ reporting site with the high probability of massive under reporting of all data.
With a million plus protesters meeting this Saturday in London, we must immediately hold all politicians, police, corporate media, scientists, big pharma, S.A.G.E. and all collaborating doctors and nurses accountable.
If they are complicit in this massive crime against humanity, they must be detained and charged, they will be subject to the laws set forth in the Geneva Convention and Nuremberg Code and will be tried, and if found guilty put to death.
Current violations of the Nuremberg Code concerning C-19 vaccinations are as follows:
– Avoid All Unnecessary Suffering and Injury.
– No Experiment to be Conducted if There’s Reason to Think Injury or Death Will Occur.
– Anyone Must Have the Freedom to Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time.
– The Scientist Must Bring the Experiment to an End At Any Time if There’s Probable Cause of it Resulting in Injury or Death.
Yet most of humanity remains unconcerned, ignorant, blind, as if living in sleep, drunk and unaware.
This is the situation.
This has always been so.
Many cures have been invented, many methods to awaken them.
But they resist.
So the real problem is not only ignorance but also in the resistance to change themselves.
It is a simple disease, there is no complexity in it.
But something in the individual is against curing it.
There seems to be a great investment in it, as if with ignorance many other things will disappear.
It seems as if humanity clings to ignorance in the hope that something valuable is hidden there, a treasure.
Their eyes can be opened, the medicine exists, it is called awareness, but people are not ready to open their eyes.
They are against it.
This is the real problem.
Mind is one of the most significant things in life, but only as a servant, not as a master.
The moment the mind becomes your master, then the problems arise, then it displaces your heart, displaces your being, takes possession over the whole of you.
And then rather than following your orders, it starts ordering you.
This unconscious thinking has always been leading people, societies, cultures, into very ridiculous conclusions.
It has not proved a blessing to humanity.
Ignorance can be cured, but people insist on remaining ignorant!
If you are aware of yourself you become aware of others.
How can it be otherwise?
If you are not aware of yourself, how can you be aware of others?
Awareness first must happen within you.
The light must be lit there first.
The flame must arise within you, only then can the light spread and envelop others.
But if you live in darkness, in unawareness, how can you be aware of others?
You go on thinking and dreaming, you are lost in the mind, you are not aware of others.
Right now, as you are, you can’t see.
Your eyes are already filled with prejudice, ideas, conceptions and beliefs.
You cannot see.
Your eyes are not clear enough to see.
Awareness has to be learned within.
When you awaken inside yourself, you are awake to the whole world, to the whole existence.
Suddenly the shroud falls.
Suddenly your eyes are no longer closed.
Clear, receptive, naked, you see.
You don’t project, you don’t interpret.
You have nothing to project.
You have become just space, an inner emptiness.
You fully realize life itself is only this moment.
Life has no other tense, it has only one tense, the present.
Past is memory, it is not part of existence.
It has gone, it is no longer there.
Just imprints on the mind are carried, scratches in memory.
Future does not exist, it has not come yet.
Only this moment, this narrow moment, this small, atomic moment exists.
If you want to be truly alive, you have to live in this moment.
But if you want to miss life, then you can remain asleep in the mind.
Awareness is not part of the mind.
It flows through the mind, but it is not part of the mind.
When mind is transcended, awareness remains in itself.
No-mind is experienced within you.
Nobody else can see it, it is purely subjective.
With no-mind comes tremendous presence.
When you are in the mind you are almost absent.
You are always real, but your mind is always unreal.
You are always in the present, you cannot be anywhere else.
But your mind is never here, it is lost in thought, lost in imagination.
Your consciousness is exactly in the present, just like your body.
Only the mind is continuously moving here and there, past and future, never coming home.
A person grows because of awareness, not because of mind.
Awareness is all that is needed for growth.
This moment is the only moment to grow.
Growth needs your understanding, growth needs your awareness.
Awareness is enough.
Sanity will be this, only then you will become aware that you are not centered.
Mad people cannot think that they are mad, that is one of the basic characteristics of madness.
If you are mad, you cannot think that you are mad.
Madness means many things.
If you are not centered, you will be insane.
If you are not centered, there are many voices in you, you are many, you are a multitude.
There is confusion, conflict, and a continuous struggle.
You are in a continuous civil war.
When this civil war is not going on, only then you will be in meditation.
So the first thing to be done is to be centered, to have a center within yourself from where you can lead your life, you can discipline your life, to have a master within you from where you can direct, you can move.
The society tries to control you from the outside and the inside both.
It appreciates you if you follow.
It awards you, rewards you, if you follow.
It punishes you, condemns you, if you go astray.
With awareness you can now override all this control.
We find today that the ego, in its most condensed form, occupies the seat of authority.
When such is the case, freedom is impossible.
The bond between ego and power is poisonous.
It is fatal.
Power should rest only in the hands of an ego-less person.
The best ruler is one whose presence is not felt by their subjects.
If a ruler becomes absent within themselves, their presence becomes very auspicious for their country.
In earlier times only if a ruler reached anywhere near this state, then alone did they become a ruler.
This has become very difficult to understand, because nowadays only a person who is restless to make their presence felt seeks power.
They want people to know that they exist, that they are truly someone.
Truth is always paradoxical.
If it is not paradoxical it is not truth.
The only way to be is not to be.
Only when one is absent, presence arrives.
Truth functions as paradox.
And to go beyond paradox is to go beyond intellect.
The real understanding is always transcendental.
One has to rejoice not only in life, but in death too, then life is total.
One has to rejoice not only in love, but in aloneness too, then the dance is complete.
Truth cannot be explained, but lies can be explained very beautifully.
They are many lies, lies are man-made, you can adjust your lie to any explanation.
Truth is uncompromising.
Remember, whether you know the truth or you don’t know, it makes no difference to the truth.
The truth remains true.
Knowing or not knowing does not make any difference.
Truth is truth.
When the worst-case scenario is always the one that happens, we know where to look for our enemies.
Pretty much. The world is ruined. It begins with mental and spiritual ruin. From mental and spiritual ruin, you get physical ruin. As Jesus Christ said, “By their fruits you will recognize them.” Politicians are gangsters who work (for riches, power and glory) for more powerful gangsters. That’s what you get in a money system that is married to human imperfection.
Vaccine induced autism would have caused the collapse of Western society in less than 30 years. Obviously this wasn’t soon enough for the perpetrators. Economic collapse and resource exhaustion must be imminent.
There really isn’t any other explanation is there, if one in fifty is being born with autism in the USA. This truly has been an enlightening ( in the worst way unfortunately) year.
They’re not born with it. They get it round about 1 year of age when the MMR jab is inflicted on them.
You’re absolutely right, sorry, brain fart. I meant if one if fifty have it.
Are you saying the official narrative that it’s genetic and nobody noticed it before the 1940s because doctors were so shit is slightly unconvincing?
No, you misunderstand me. The figures, according to Vaxxed etc are that one in 50 children are now autistic in the USA, and this is due to vaccinations. Therefore I wrote above in answer to Peter’s comment ‘There really isn’t any other explanation is there’ meaning I agreed with his comment.
As do I. Vaxxed and Vaxxed II are must see vids. And those people are believers in vaccines! Del Bigtree, like RFK, just want safe vaccines, as though you can have safe poison.
Autistic here Vaxxed in my childhood.
Now I’m getting a constant stream of letters and text messages telling me I’m on the list for the jab. This only stresses me out more but I know my concerns would only fall on deaf ears if I raised the matter.
When it comes to leading animals into the slaughterhouse there will nearly always be a few that can see what’s ahead and make a dash for the exit. I’m one of those few.
If they were to kill all those who have voluntarily taken the vaccine, then they would increase the populations IQ substantially, as those who refused would be of higher intelligence. Instances of paranoid behaviour might increase, but the remaining population would be better informed. Normally tyrannies seek to eradicate the educated and informed, as we saw in the Chinese cultural revolution, and Stalin’s Russia, so I doubt that is their aim.
Everyone has a right to live.
More on Prions
cv-19 vax “apocalypse now” – Please-Stay-Ignorant.com
Of course, this is just click bait from WHO, trying to get back into the news. The “Great Reset” mob have no chance of taking over the world while the US dollar continues in fine form: they need to destroy the dollar which will destroy the USA’s source of power, leaving the way open for another entity to peacefully take over the roles of global ruler, policeman and murderer.
While the US dollar exists, the US military exists and it doesn’t matter how many politicians the oligarchs buy, the military can alway steps in and remove the oligarchs. I doubt even the military managers know what is happening across the enormous US military, so usurping control is not realistic.
Until the USD crashes, the “Great Reset” is but a dream. Biden will do his best to please his “Global Reset” puppeteers by spending big, big and big again until the USD is worth the same as the Zimbabwean dollar. Of course, the oligarchs will have all moved their wealth into land, overseas corporations and similar playthings of the corrupt elite. They may even invest in Indian agriculture, you know, just to show the poor who’s boss.
The points of interest will be to see who is involved: of course the usual house staff will be involved, the sans personality, sans character Blair, Clarkes, Ardern, Biden etc, yes all those ass kissers will be kissing away. What will be interesting will be to see how much China is involved, how much Russia is involved, how much Europe is involved and whether we end up with different competing groups. This is how wars start!
It’s already set up for china to fulfill that role, the usual suspects created the ccp for this very role..
those that think china or russia for that matter are independant nations, well unfortunately for you, you are an imbecile…
‘think’ back ( for those still capable) to the chinese ‘zombie’ movie footage during the convid 911 ‘prologue’….
the dropping ‘undead’ the ‘welding’ in of those ‘infected’, the myriad nonsensical ‘story arcs’..
hairy black bats and ‘wet’ markets.. and how the western machine picking up the mantle from our little yellow friends shuddered into action and began the process of ‘grinding’ its citizens..
Any body that can represent & express the displeasure of the worlds independent countries, will of course be hated by the USA’s deep state.
The UN allows those opposed to American imperialism to express their view, and sometimes even win a vote, especially now as the USA’s influence is failing. That is why the far-right CIA & US deep state hate them, and will no doubt move to disband it as it becomes less and less US dominated.
What most people forget, this is crucial, is that this is an long term prodject, it spans into decades, some already pased and some is to manifest but it will, the path is clear, OWG, and they are the head hunchos in the known galaxy, yeah, what could possibly go wrong.
You, OG had some coments a while ago about what is going on in the schools, education and where do the future economic and social policy lead us, when the state becomes totalitarian, witch we have right now, more or less everywhere.
Humans will finaly, indoctrinated from birth to the grave, about everything witch the Masters of the universe wants us to belive, hallelujah, and onward we should march.
Humans becomes an Unit of long term investments, an cash cow tagged and made certain is kicked into the right direction and die one day as an happy consumer, remeber the song 16 Tons.
I watched an serie of videos about an economic teacher, reseacher whom had found the conection between this derailment of sanity and into the depths of insanity where emotions and ignorance rules, the NWO demands an New world economic order to.
Because, whateventually all this boils down to is, what will futur resources be.
This, humped with the level of indoctrinations of our children, intoxicate their minds, to be mere cows, the real Matrix, but whom gives you the ilution of been free.
This, is what comes, if we alow this superstructures to evolve into an hughe squid, engulf us all, and into darkness bind us, all.
Sacrifyed, like the lamb on the altar of comerisal sucsess.
And this NWO is about controlling the masses, nothing else, we simply dont need them, and no reasons for giving them any rights to do what they want, not on what we want, claims it stands for democrasy when I know we have no democrasy or human rights, because we dont have the democratic right to say No.
The scamdemic is not an conspiracy theory, all thoe I find that use of the word a bit amusing, but in this, virus epidemic, they have lied about everything from day one, on top of it, planned in advance, nothing in this scale happens by chanse, dont even think that, its an agenda behind, always, regardeless on what, but it was about politcal power.
They should be tarren and barren, in the nearest city sqare.
And then chased out of town.
And sanity and comon sense may grow back.
“an long term prodject” “an conspiracy theory”
Gave up reading because you can’t be arsed to write English properly.
Maybe English is not their first language, so being arsed is not the issue. Lets see you write a comment in whatever language they speak.
Ontario, Canada doctors ordered by licensing body CPSO not to question or debate any official measures imposed in response to COVID-19 such as lockdowns, masks, distancing:
“The Declaration
We are a broad and diverse group of Canadian physicians from across Canada who are sending out this urgent declaration to the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of our various Provinces and Territories and to the Public at large, whom we serve.
On April 30, 2021, Ontario’s physician licensing body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), issued a statement forbidding physicians from questioning or debating any or all of the official measures imposed in response to COVID-19. 1
The CPSO then went on to threaten physicians with punishment – investigations and disciplinary action.
We regard this recent statement of the CPSO to be unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing.
As physicians, our primary duty of care is not to the CPSO or any other authority, but to our patients.
When we became physicians, we pledged to put our patients first and that our ethical and professional duty is always first toward our patients. The CPSO statement orders us to violate our duty and pledge to our patients in the following ways:
1. Denial of the Scientific Method itself: The CPSO is ordering physicians to put aside the scientific method and to not debate the processes and conclusions of science.
We physicians know and continue to believe that throughout history, opposing views, vigorous debate and openness to new ideas have been the bedrock of scientific progress. Any major advance in science has been arrived at by practitioners vigorously questioning “official” narratives and following a different path in the pursuit of truth.
2. Violation of our Pledge to use Evidence-Based Medicine for our patients: By ordering us not to debate and not to question, the CPSO is also asking us to violate our pledge to our patients that we will always seek the best, evidence-based scientific methods for them and advocate vigorously on their behalf.
The CPSO statement orders physicians for example, not to discuss or communicate with the public about “lockdown” measures. Lockdown measures are the subject of lively debate by world-renown and widely respected experts and there are widely divergent views on this subject. The explicitly anti-lockdown Great Barrington Declaration – https://gbdeclaration.org – was written by experts from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford Universities and more than 40,000 physicians from all over the world have signed this declaration. Several international experts including Martin Kuldorf (Harvard), David Katz (Yale), Jay Bhattacharya (Stanford) and Sunetra Gupta (Oxford) continue to strongly oppose lockdowns.
The CPSO is ordering physicians to express only pro-lockdown views, or else face investigation and discipline. This tyrannical, anti-science CPSO directive is regarded by thousands of Canadian physicians and scientists as unsupported by science and as violating the first duty of care to our patients.
3. Violation of Duty of Informed Consent: The CPSO is also ordering physicians to violate the sacred duty of informed consent – which is the process by which the patient/public is fully informed of the risks, benefits and any alternatives to the treatment or intervention, before consent is given.
The Nuremberg Code, drafted in the aftermath of the atrocities perpetrated within the Nazi concentration camps – where horrific medical experiments were performed on inmates without consent – expressly forbids the imposition of any kind of intervention without informed consent.
In the case of the lockdown intervention for example, physicians have a fiduciary duty to point out to the public that lockdowns impose their own costs on society, including in greatly increased depression and suicide rates, delayed investigation and treatment of cancer (including delayed surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), ballooning surgical waiting lists (with attendant greatly increased patient suffering) and increased rates of child and domestic abuse.
We physicians believe that with the CPSO statement of 30 April 2021, a watershed moment in the assault on free speech and scientific inquiry has been reached.
By ordering physicians to be silent and follow only one narrative, or else face discipline and censure, the CPSO is asking us to violate our conscience, our professional ethics, the Nuremberg code and the scientific pursuit of truth.
We will never comply and will always put our patients first.
The CPSO must immediately withdraw and rescind its statement of 30 April 2021.
We also give notice to other Canadian and international licensing authorities for physicians and allied professions that the stifling of scientific inquiry and any order to violate our conscience and professional pledge to our patients, itself may constitute a crime against humanity.
1 College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Statement on Public Health Misinformation (4/30/21). https://twitter.com/cpso_ca/status/1388211577770348544
The College is aware and concerned about the increase of misinformation circulating on social media and other platforms regarding physicians who are publicly contradicting public health orders and recommendations. Physicians hold a unique position of trust with the public and have a professional responsibility to not communicate anti-vaccine, anti-masking, anti-distancing and anti-lockdown statements and/or promoting unsupported, unproven treatments for COVID-19. Physicians must not make comments or provide advice that encourages the public to act contrary to public health orders and recommendations. Physicians who put the public at risk may face an investigation by the CPSO and disciplinary action, when warranted. When offering opinions, physicians must be guided by the law, regulatory standards, and the code of ethics and professional conduct. The information shared must not be misleading or deceptive and must be supported by available evidence and science.”
I signed the Dec but it provided me with no opportunity to express my strong disapproval of the Great Barrington Declaration. I’ll be using this info in my next blog post. Thanks!
In my top three of most ridiculous Covid stories (joining the vaccine cures cancer and not getting the vaccine will give your pet a heart attack):
Are stories like this deperation or contemptuous mockery?
”COVID-19 can infect tissue in the penis and potentially contribute to erectile dysfunction, researchers have found.”
They are just taking the piss. They are laughing at us & I understand why, the majority are beyond help.
That does it, I’ve been holding out, but now I’m booking in to get my jab
Just say no to the prick/s
Get the jab or you won’t be able to jab anyone ?
I also read a few weeks ago that the first ‘confirmed case’ of Covid-19 passing from a human to a cat had been recorded in UK. What will they think of next?!?!
I have someone seriously attempting to tell me that the jab will cure cluster headaches…which they are sure came from a symptomatic bout of covid…suspect many will believe just about anything right now….the beauty of neptune in difficult aspect to eclipses..
Alien invasion – Covid was just to soften us up
Well, I still think that fruit, motor oil and a goat getting covid 19 is the best.
there is much hate and contempt in the media I am sure you may of noticed…
much of it has to do with the feminising of the ‘systems’, not strictly ‘women’ per se, but that which could be termed ‘the feminine’…
hysteria, spite, overt sexualization and obsessive controlling behaviour being other markers.. (otto weininger details this quite explicitly)…
the mediocrities infesting the info-tainment plex are on the whole rancorous unpleasant individuals that despise YOU…
very common now but before it wasnt well known
most psyche meds absolutely cause sexual issues
then one would think =know they also act as sterilization counterpart
they didnt hide in the books or side effects 32 pages.
when they launch new meds or medically products not long after new medical conditions appears with fancy new names, expect many in the next year or 2.
When the fast approaching bankster blowup hits (the real covaids), the so-called United Nations one-world gubermint wet dream run by mass murdering thugs and morons will make that other cabal attempt at a globo gubermint aka the League of Nations, look like an astounding success story.
Onward to the co££ap$€ please and the flushing of all that stinking fiat filth and the new …new world disorder.
Nothing good can bring the UN with its antecedents: Treaty of Versailles, from this to the League of Nations and then the UN. Nations lose their main asset, that is their subconscious independence for the benefit of globalization, which is nothing more than the establishment of international capital as an enveloping and active shell playing with debt. If you leave prejudices at home, there is an example of a nation that did not want to play this game and was physically and mentally destroyed: Germany. The First and Second World Wars were two battles in the same war. They always achieve their goal. They have time and money. With their means, they create a past, present and future history that the one who denies it, will lose employment, prizes and they will make him invisible. It happens with the covid. I think there are many scientists among them doctors who do not speak, they follow the wave so as not to be erased from life.
Maybe they can outline exactly how they would prevent any future pandemics?
Maybe their plans involve the following:
WHO is a joke. Politicians only take them seriously because they can smell money.
The WHO seems to be a shell company that employs an awful lot of NWO globalists.
Government charity: is it possible to have any more concentrated a center of corruption?
WHO officials need a round of bullets in the back, period. Anyone with a functioning brain knows this. Ask civilian populations in Yemen, Palestine, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Serbia, and many other “liberated” States what they think of the United Nations.
12 WHO denies Palestinians vaccines due to lack of merit (lucky them).
It’s all part of the pantomime, to create the idea that the vaccine is in such great demand. Just remember that the same PR company that sucked the world into believing the invasion of Iraq was acceptable are tasked with the COVID1984 propaganda campaign. The company – Lord Tim Bell’s PR firm Bell Pottinger with Hill & Knowlton smearing the bullshiite around?
Problem is … the ‘jokes’ on us.
Ignorance is bliss
until you are vaccinated….
Then you die! Maybe sooner, maybe later
The perfect James Bond villain weapon!
Latest behavourial manipulation survey:
New slant: stress the personal benefits.
Here’s Whitty doing what he’s paid for (or what it takes to stop those videos leaking out):
There are signs they’re prepping the ground not to lift restrictions in June. Covid is so apocalyptic restrictions can’t be lifted – except to the COP26 conference, the Fraudian reveals. A “growing chorus of voices within Whitehall” want that not to be on Zoom.
Finally the award for most ridiculous function-stacked story of the year: Elon Musk says Tesla won’t take Bitcoin because it damages the environment too much. Four messages in one! Funny how the “carbon footprint” of the military never seems to worry them….
It sure don’t worry Greta …
Why to you feel the need to abuse a teenager, does it make you feel tough
Your comment is strange, I am not sure how saying someone is not worried about something is abuse. I do not know what Victor is referring to, but it sounds like criticism to me.
Your confusing the person, Greta, with the sales item ‘ How Dare You!! ”
One is the genuine person the other a sales item for the Globalists..
I am sure if you met the actual Greta, you would be shocked that she is a simple teenage girl, no more, no less
The “how dare you” needs to repudiated for its falseness
Empty-headed puppet that is not worth the attention.
Really? At this point, I don’t think she’s incapable of knowing better. You do know that she’s been used by hoaxsters pushing the Green New Deal (which the Great Reset rescues), Right?
”including noted globalist David Miliband”
Miliband runs a CIA NGO. What are you talking about is the CIA ‘Globalist’, whatever that is.
Also…………. where is the UN’s military to enforce its policies?
The UN’s military are probably too involved in sexually abusing local people in the areas they are supposed to be assisting.
They don’t have a military, they use member state’s forces. Those forces owe their allegiance to their country of origin not the UN.
They’ve been at it for a long time. Visit Stephen Lendman’s site and search for UN paramiliaries. (As far as I know, Stephen is deliberately stupid on covid 19.)
If the prophecy in Revelations is to be believed the direction of travel of the global ‘Tribulation’ will tackle all religions and demonise them as being anti-globalists. It will be interesting to see how this unfolds as the UN/WHO grab more control and power.
I monitor the weekly WEF announcements and they also seem to be driving towards the same ultimate goal of global dominance by the power elite. There is lots of push-back however and this article is revealing that us contrarians are beginning to win:
Revelations was written as a veiled business plan. And its agents have been working toward that “prophecy” or “target” for hundreds and thousands of years. I credit that concept to Alan Watt.
Who’s Alan Watts? Ooink please. Have you any links?
Thanks Dan
HA! My father auditioned for Alan Watts as his tax and estate lawyer, in Spring of 1969.
We were living in turgid truce off Beverly Glen, just over the hill where it runs through Beverly Hills on the other side. The olde man’s abode, bewooded by massive pine trees in the backyard (I once nearly choked on my breakfast cereal one morning as I watched a 12′ condor suddenly drop out of its perch in one massive tree over 50′ tall) was in Sherman Oaks, on the “Valley” side. 10 years later U2 (CIA) pilot Francis Gary Powers crashed in his NBC News chopper in ’77 in nearby Encino, only 47 he was, none of the online encyclopedias make note of the subpoena he was about to answer as witness before the HSCA, House Select Committee on Assassinations. He had told a Moscow court in 1960 that the individual responsible for his shootdown that May was a barely 20 years old Marine Radar Operator, name of Lee Harvey Oswald.
But, clearly, I digress.
Oh, yeah, my old man and his manse. We had tangled some weeks before as I tried to pop his cork with my offer that the only thing I wanted for my birthday was an amazing authentic “from the Steppes of Central Asia” Cossack shirt, imported from USSR, advertised in “Open City”, a radical free rag printed nearby in The Valley, publishing Charles Bukowsky back then. Dad raised his hackles over the request, but I held my ground, and he finally relented and we drove to Hollywood, and there was the shirt in all its glorious ethnicity. I must have felt it could “channel” the poetry of Gorky and Tolstoy, many years later I saw them both in shirts just like it, but then maybe I was thinking of Zhivago. In any case, it was a direct antidote to the US Army ROTC khaki or woolen uniforms we had to wear by day.
As it turned out, after already vilifying the shirt expansively, the patriarch walks into my room as I cram for tests one Friday night and asks to borrow the shirt.
Turns out, his client Laura Huxley wants to introduce him to her friend Alan Watts at a dinner that evening, and he feels that his wardrobe, comprised exclusively of a BH lawyer’s 3 piece power suits, doesn’t hold any of the karmic kool that would make the grade with guru Watts.
I may have told this yarn in another clime, so…
Long story short, I loaned him the shirt, which looked ridiculous in translation, but I begged to be a mere fly on the wall, as a proviso to the loaner. He had seated me next to Mme. Huxley once before, so I made my case, but was overruled.
I stayed up waiting past midnight to hear the outcome of the Watts interview. Finally I heard a creak in the back door, and there he was, at 1am, sneaking in, dressed back again in his pricey business suit.
Evasive when quizzed, he finally copped to it: Alan Watts had rather flatly declined his estate planning services, but told him in parting, at the door to his home, “Anyone who would wear a shirt like that can’t be all bad.”
Ol’ Dad was at least honest enough to report all that, and Watts himself died so young, in his ‘fifties, only a few years later.
Watts is credited, as I saw his books in the store racks all over Hollywood in those days, as the lone guru who introduced or at least popularized Eastern religions to the Western USA. And there is some truth to that. Certainly it was his name I associated with all that in the 1960s.
His talks are still broadcast on the show I’m listening to right now, KPFK.org in LA. Tomorrow night at this hour, in fact.
SomethingsHappening.com. The Roy of Hollywood Show. 44 years on the air, and counting.
How about that, for a Coincidence Theory?
Brilliant man, absolutely stunning erudition. An Anglican priest turned Hollywood Hippie.
He lamented the “LosAngelization” of the world. Me too, but a felicitous phrase.
Thanks John for a lovely journey back to the days I remember, but here in UK. Clearly you are in possession of some interesting ‘coincidences’!
Anyway, it looks as if I made a typo – I am informed that it is Alan Watt – not Watts – so off I go again to see more.
Nota Bene: I tell, and even re-tell, some of these ’60s stories for a patently unique niche therapy: I have for some time (’87) had a strong suspicion, no, a conspiracy realist’s conviction, that John Ervin, pére, was an accessory in the assassination of RFK, Sr., in his capacity as attorney to the founder of Philosophical Research Society (Hollywood), a most curious 33rd degree Freemason and world-renowned hypnotist.
That Mason was entertaining Sirhan in the PRS reading library, the world’s largest collection of occult literature.
The year BEFORE the Assassination (1967).
Each time I rewrite these tall tales I remember other details…
Alan watt not Alan Watts
Many thanks Ben – yes I typo’d.
Predictive programming.
I would be amazed if anyone can make any sense out of Revelations.
Many try – but it’s an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, coated with a conumdrum; or something like that spoken by the great man of WW2 Mister Churchill.
Chaldean fairy tales like most of the Bible
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to become even more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
– (after) Albert Einstein
Tom Cowan would agree. He ends his (co-authored by Sally Morrell) book, “The Contagion Myth,”(which I have big issues with but is still worth a read) with a fairy tale (Sleeping Beauty) that is very informative.
So, You’re bating. Noted.
Lets put it the way CG Jung once stated, that if you cannot be saved ” by the right hand of the Father, then God will employ His Left Hand, Satan!
If we stop trying to interpret the thing literally and put it under the heading of “healing”
then it starts to make sense
If you look at some of the Tibetan mandalas, there are the ” Peaceful Deities and the Wrathful Deities, the Western misunderstanding is is that the Peaceful Deities are ” Good” and the Wrathful Deities are Bad, they are neither but act out of Compassion to awaken the person.
Jung also did not see any separation from the ” outer world” and the inner world, again Jung..what is not dealt with within, then happens outside as Fate.
So you see the Book of Revelations can also ” happen outside” as well
The Western mind has difficulty with ambiguities, its either or.. when in fact its ” both and.
Jung thinks (wrongly) the same way about God as most of the world does, when it bothers to. God is not also Satan.
Say more. It is telling us exactly, but not in detail, what is happening now. Are you hostile or genuinely mystified?
Science is riddled with trends and for scientists, not being trendy can mean no research grant. Scientists are whores in the same way as street hookers, they ask what you want and they will give it to you if it isn’t too scary.
Reading the article, their claim that sceptics are not adhering to “scientific orthodoxy” just shows what a scam their “science” has become. Their “science” reveals the lie that has lingered over science for years: science is taken way too seriously, treated with way too much respect and is as fickle as the man with the money.
Scientific arogance: most scientists believe that dark matter must exist otherwise our sums would be wrong!
Science is supposed to raise questions that then get discussed, but their “science” is just a diguised basball bat to hit you over the head and if you don’t fall in line, they you are a conspiracy theorist. It’s pathetic.
All very well said. aspnaz, and I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for putting it so succinctly.
You may or may not find my blog post on that subject interesting. It’s titled “Covid 19 – WHO’s “One Hour Reign”.”
Excellent blog Arby, thank you. Clearly you have put in a lot of work there – all good stuff and very much in line with my own thinking. The time of the Tribulation is upon us methinks.
I just discovered that one of my best friends from school many many years ago, now in Canada has just been vaccinated. Completely and totally brain washed. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that he’s only got a year or two left. Depressing. I think the biggest problem people have (the ones that don’t see) is they don’t have the whole picture. There is no context. Many don’t have time to even think about it. They simply slaves struggling to survive and now like lambs they are being led to the slaughter. If they saw the whole picture it would patently obvious what is really going on.
We don’t know he only has a year or two left! The point is the ‘vaccines’ are unknown quantities, not an automatic death sentence.
Very sensible statement.
Despite the vast evidence that something is terribly wrong with what’s happening, jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions is the other extreme.
People have to remain levelheaded, scrutinize information objectively regardless of how well it might fit what they want to hear (the ol’ confirmation bias is a bitch!), and refrain from hysterical knee-jerk reactions.
That being said, I’d suggest erring on the more paranoid side …
Dr Bart Classen is a qualified professional. He says CJD is a possibility. The more we terrify people the better. It improves the chances they will decline the lethal injection. The death toll is already grim. Millions of adverse reactions. You will not be covered by insurance. You will lose your job.
Tovarish Abraham,
The fucking opposite to scaring people with fucking CV-1984 is not scaring them with something fucking else. The fucking opposite is behaving RATIONALLY and that’s what I’ll continue to do.
Your prerogative though you want to terrify yourself this way and then the other fucking way for a good measure. Please don’t project your fuckupedness onto others.
Merci d’avance.
The deaths that keep occurring are a ‘bit of a bitch’ as well
Tovarish magumba,
Death keep fucking occurring because everybody dies.
I’m aware that there have been adverse effects, including deaths, due to the genetic vehicles peddled as vaccines, and I strongly advise everyone against having oneself injected.
That being said, I’m not gonna make statements that “people who take it only have one or two years left”. Those are completely unsubstantiated claims, in the exact same fucking vein as claims concerning the deadlines of CV-1984, only in the opposite direction.
Hope this clears it up.
I would suggest that given the global nature of the “Pandemic” and the fact that it is a complete lie that it’s a fair bet this is a depopulation agenda. Given all the facts I would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t. So there is no pandemic but there are multiple vaccines, all of which contain by admission, genetically modified viral material, none of which has been properly tested because a virus with a 99.99% survival rate is an emergency. Draw your own conclusions.
It may be a depopulation agenda – sure. But it may also be other agendas. Getting the vaccine makes no sense and it’s being pushed for unstated reasons. But we currently can’t claim as fact that the aim is to kill people indiscriminately.
Damn’ right, Sophie. I hope to god that the folk running Off-G stick with that steady, level-headed good sense. Readers here need to cling steadfastly to the simple, realworld idea that there are three categories of idea in any discussion: true, false, and uncertain.
The depopulation hypothesis may be true. But at the moment it’s unproven; as is the assertion that all, or even most, of the suckers who’ve taken the UID (Unnecessary, Ineffectual, Dangerous) injectable are going do die or be maimed by it and crippled any time soon. Quite a few already have been, clearly, and it’s an odds-on bet – a bet, a gamble, a wager, please note – that a lot more are going to suffer; to no useful purpose, since the injections are clearly UID.
But none of the above constitutes certain, cast-iron proof of anything. Uncertainty is sometimes the only valid position to take; and that’s always uncomfortable to our certainty-craving minds. But it’s how things are. Just grow up, and deal with it. Just wait and see.
Like I said. You need to be aware of all the facts. Then it’s obvious. You need to answer the “Why” question. This has been predicted for years by people far more intelligent than myself. I can however connect dots and it’s a very simple drawing.
In ten years time will you still be arguing over case numbers whilst sitting in your electronic gulag and telling people to ‘grow up’ and ‘wait and see’
Youi have had 14 months to ‘wait and see’ The only thing i have seen is an increase in government mandated deaths via ‘vaccination’ perhaps those fatalities will lessen if we ‘wait and see’ a bit longer?
Levelheaded is it. Going batshit crazy the other way ain’t.
For many people, uncertainty is fearful. Hence, they will take some other alternative. This is the basis of belief.
Sophie, what’s the Off-G line on the non-mRNA vaccines, like Novavax (ordered by UK Govt, coming later in the year…) ? Have they been nobbled too?
Our line on all the ‘vaccines’ is they are untested, experimental, potentially HIGHLY dangerous and totally unnecessary.
You are broadly correct of course, but that is like saying the guy who pulls a knife on you in a dark alleyway, does not intend to stab you.
One should assume the worst, because the other is perpetrating violence, and assuming the best, is asking to be culled.
Great analogy.
We need smoking gun evidence to be able to make such a definitive claim. So, in the meantime, we’ll have to make qualified claims and there’s tons of circumstantial evidence to back those up.
One simple explanation is PROFITS for pharma. Short term. As well as long term because they get people (even more) hooked on vaccines/drugs, plus genetic treatments open to door to lots of highly exploitable avenues.
Frankly, that sounds much more realistic than claiming that the primary INTENTION behind the vaccines is depopulation, killing people.
I’m in no way advocating the vaccines or detracting from their dangers they evidently pose. They should be rejected.
Also, if somebody wanted to depopulate the planet, it could be done in much less inconspicuous and selective ways.
What’s even more important is the stuff that’s being pushed behind all of these alleged medical issues. The likely crash of the financial system that’s coming and the imposition of a new societal/economic order.
Everything surrounding the fake pandemic is a smokescreen.
So the entire Global economy grinds to halt. The whole world is turned upside down because Big Pharma wants to make some more money. And every Govt in the world just agrees to it because Twitter made them feel bad. That’s your theory seriously. “Also, if somebody wanted to depopulate the planet, it could be done in much less inconspicuous and selective ways.” Pray do tell how you make 6 Billion go away inconspicuously, I’m all ears.
Good post. I didn’t believe depopulation was going to happen but it is an inescapable conclusion at this point of time.
Tovarish ella,
Your interpretation of what I wrote is wrong. It would behoove you to try to understand the statement, rather than project your preconceptions into it.
How could they do it? How about putting some stuff into vaccines people routinely take and would never suspect anything being wrong with them?
Incidentally, I think that big pharma certainly would have NO qualms about bringing the world to a standstill. The way it looks though is that they’ve taken advantage of the situation.
The fact is Jacques, most things cannot be proved and hence most things are a matter of personal opinion and belief. Take all that happens in the world, we are most of us not directly involved. Are most of the killings, like that of the Kennedys deliberate covert action or the doings of madmen, are all these leaders against whom the West regularly goes to war, truly such horrible butchers of their populations or is this untrue, who was behind the Novichok affair, the Russians or Western intelligence services? Frankly if you want proof one way or the other, you wont find it.
Saying, oh but I know X and X really knows, he’s from that place, or he was there, well some could equally say I know Y and Y really knows, etc., and Y says the opposite of X…
In all cases, we know Xs and Ys. We read articles and books by Xs and Ys. And we each one of us have to decide to believe X more than Y or Y more than X, we each have to decide what we believe to have happened.
In all this, the only thing this time which should have made it so easy is that whatever the aims are, if there is any concerted aim, is that they are based on an untruth. there is no evidence so far that the particles named Sars-CoV-2 are part of a pathological virus.
It shows the extent of the dogma, the extent to which people have accepted to refer to experts and not think and read for themselves: the absence of evidence is in every paper published in a scientific journal, hard copies of these journals are in libraries round the world, and e-copies on the internet… Anyone can access them. Why are so few doing so? And frankly, I can understand if one is getting paid to advance the viral thesis that one would do it, but for anyone who has heard that it is being questioned by some, why are they not looking up the articles themselves?
This time it was easy: no virus identified yet, so why measures that are destroying humanity, destroying each one of us? Why? Why torturing children, locking them up, why torturing the elderly and those vulnerable? Why? Why? Ok fine, its my opinion we’re being tortured. But at least the measures are described as Torture in Amnesty’s 1973 report on torture. For the greater good? But for that there should be something even worse than this torture which the tortured would be protecting us from… No virus has been identified, so its not a question of whether or not a horrid killer virus is trying to eradicate humanity, its not a question of debating its harmfulness and how to protect ourselves from it: there is no virus identified so far.
Thats all I know. Thats all I care: for no reason the populations of the world, or of most countries, and I happen to be part of them, are being for more than 1 year tortured to such an extent that it is destroying us, i.e. harming us mentally and physically, each one of us, none of us is immune, and no justification can be given for this torture. Its all based on a lie. So Jacques, I personally am terribly afraid, because if this has happened so far, what could happen in the months and years to come? How much more will I be able to take?
I cant even recover my walking because of the measures: I may stay handicapped all my life. So please dont tell me that no attempt has so far been made to damage me: without these measures, whether Id have broken my leg or not, I would be ok, just living a life for better or worse. But now humans are deliberately trying to harm me (I dont mean me personally through a hatred of me as a person) and for no reason. This I certainly know.
“please dont tell me that no attempt has so far been made to damage me”
Wherefrom you’ve extrapolated that I’m saying that “no attempt has been made to damage you” I know not.
I was merely commenting on the levelheaded nature of the statement above as opposed to making unsubstantiated claims.
I think that the nefarious nature of the genetic vehicles marketed as vaccines is mostly in that they sneakily introduce genetic engineering as a regular treatment, with no public debate to that effect, and with vast highly nefarious implications for the future. Including depopulation, which however likely wouldn’t have the form of bumping somebody off directly, but preventing people from reproducing, eventually taking complete control over the physical/genetic makeup of humans.
I’m sorry about your personal situation, I really am. I wish I could help you somehow and you know that I’ve tried. But these are tough times as regards staying on even keel and not falling for this or that. There is so much bogus information floating around!
Gotta stay rational!
Another good post. As Dr Yeadon said, there is no benevolent explanation for what has been happening since the World Government unleashed the Plandemic.
Ok. lets assume that is the plan. So what, they are at war with Humanity, what else is new.
Better to focus on working on steps to move away from all this centralized power.
Start by growing your own food, even if you have 1x 1 ft patio.
Associate with those who are not sheeple/Covidians or seek them out
Share when asked what you do know
As a counterpoint stay away from all mass media exposure, deliberately
Also deliberately work at seeking, creating or acknowledging beauty and love, do the opposite of the current negative trend
Pick an activity, something, anything that gives you positive feedback
Keep in mind the statement, pollution is not a thing in and of itself, its an activity. Change the activity and the pollution recedes
That is all forms of pollution
Practice the Mongolian style of self defense avoid violence at all costs, avoid confrontations or use of force.
But if all of these means have been exhausted, the roar like a lion and let them know your anger and the injustice. sometimes anger is needed to shock people out of their stupor
We are all in grief and shock to some degree here at what is happening to our society. Its better to acknowledge the hurt and grief to keep focused about ones emotional state, to be real
“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
Better to be active than reactive.
He has been brainwashed along with over half the global population:
Historical Parallels; Vera Sharav with Andrew Kaufman (via Mark Crispin Miller):
Adapt to the circumstances. Be creative…
In one week, the Ursus factory produced only one factory. At the FSO auto plant in Warsaw, the workers altered the tolerance levels of the machine-tooled components so that the parts no longer fit together on the assembly line. In Selesia, under the auspices of the Solidarity local, the following ‘rank-and-file rules for passive resistance” were circulated:
1). During a strike, stay with the workers, do not establish strike committees; there should be no leaders.
2). In contacts with the police or military you should be uninformed, know nothing, you have heard nothing.
3). In every place of work, Solidarity members must be present physically. Do not risk arrest by foolhardy acts.
4). Do not take revenge on your neighbour. Your enemies are the policemen, the over-eager employee, the informer.
5). Work slowly: complain about the mess and incompetence of your supervisors. Shove all decisions into the lap of commissars and informers. Flood them with questions and doubts. Dont do their thinking for them. Pretend you are a moron.
6). Do not anticipate the decisions of commissars and informers with a servile attitude. They should do all the dirty work themselves. In this way you create a void around the bastards, and by flooding them with the most trivial matters you will cause the disintegration of the military-police apparatus.
7). Eagerly carry out the most idiotic orders. Do not solve problems on your own. Leave that to the commissars and informers. Ridiculous rules are your allies. Always remember to help your friends and neighbours regardless of the rules.
8). If some bastard instructs you to break a rule, demand written orders. Complain. Try to prolong such games as long as possible. Sooner or later the military commissar will want to be left in peace. This will mark the beginning of the end of the dictatorship.
9). As often as possible take sick leave or days off to take care of your children.
10). Openly shun the company of informers and bastards.
11). Help the families of the arrested, wounded and all victims.
12) Collect money for social self-help funds in your enterprise.
13). Take active part in the campaign to counter official propaganda, spread any information you have about the situation in the country and acts of resistance.
14). Paint slogans, hang posters on walls and distribute leaflets. Pass on independent publications. But always be cautious !
15). In any organizational activity, always keep in mind two principles: I know only what i need to know, and today there is nothing more important than national liberation, the lifting of the State of War, respect for civil liberties and union rights. (Le Monde, December 31, 1981 / ‘Poland 1980-82 – Henri Simon)
Very good.
I’ve been telling people to call the Fire Department every time they find a facemask or a respirator somewhere on a sidewalk. Squeal hysterically to come and fucking get it pronto lest somebody will touch it and get the terrible virus and infect grandma and the poor grandma will die.
People can even call 911, or whatever number works where they are, if they suspect that they’ve seen something on the ground. Better safe than sorry, right? We’re in it all together.
So on, so forth …