And How are the Children?

Christine E. Black

“Casserian Engeri?”  translated from the Masai language means, “And how are the children?” This is a traditional greeting among a Masai tribe in Africa.

One hoped to hear, “Sepati Ingera!” which means, “The children are well.”

A good indicator of the health of a society is the health of its children.

Sadly, in the US now, with the former Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Robert Redfield saying publicly in July 2020 that deaths from suicides and drug overdoses among high school students far outweighed their deaths from Covid and failures among school children, especially high school students, is at epidemic levels, the answer to this question would have to be, “No. The children are not well. Not well at all.”

And I am astounded by the lack of outcry among most of our public officials.

For more than a year now, children and teens have been robbed of most of what gives their lives value and meaning – seeing their friends at school, club meetings, church groups, camps, family gatherings, singing groups, playing with school bands and orchestras.

Some schools have continued sports programs, but many have not, sometimes with heartbreaking consequences, such as the death by suicide of Dylan Buckner, age 18, as reported in the April 21 edition of The Epoch Times. Dylan’s father, Chris, said he is certain that his state, Illinois’, school closures and extended stay-at-home orders worsened his son’s mental health and contributed to his death.

Dylan had a 4.7 grade point average, loved playing football, which his father said helped him keep a structured routine, according to the article, “The Cost of Lockdowns.” He was on his way to college with football scholarships. And yet this year, the school system cancelled the football program because of fears of Covid.

Dylan attempted suicide in September 2020 and succeeded in ending his life in January 2021.

For more than a year, fearful adults and misguided politicians have discouraged children and teens from getting together with friends and from living their lives normally. Child development experts agree that peer relationships are among the most important to teens’ mental and emotional health.

How could we have done this to a nation of children? For a virus that even former CDC Director James Redfield said poses almost no risk to them. He has said that the flu is 5 to 10 times more dangerous to children and that they have a 1 in a million chance of dying from Covid.

Early death projections from the virus have been shown to be overstated and terribly wrong. Yet, most politicians have not publicly issued retractions and corrections to calm fears and help people, especially children, resume normal lives. Instead, they let the fear-mongering and harm remain.

In March 2020, at the start of the pandemic, politicians and bureaucrats stated publicly that children could infect their parents or grandparents with Covid, even if the child had no symptoms. Members of the Coronavirus Task Force, said that children, teens, and young people, just by living their normal lives – socializing with friends, playing sports, attending school events and parties – could unknowingly catch and then carry the virus to older family members and possibly cause death — even if the young person was not sick, even if they did not have so much as a sniffle.

This was called “asymptomatic spread,” one of the many bizarre terms we have been forced to learn and think about for more than a year now.

Politicians and bureaucrats stood at the US White House podium at the start of this crisis and said that after infecting an older family member and perhaps causing sickness leading to death, a child would “have to live with that.” What a devastating, harmful, and irresponsible thing to say within hearing of children, teens, and young adults – that they could be a danger to others merely by breathing, by being, by living their normal lives.

What an especially horrible and harmful thing to say when we were not even sure it was true.  

It sounded unbelievable from the start. And it turns out that it was not true. Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a June 7, 2020 press conference that from the known research, “asymptomatic spread was very rare”.

A more recent Chinese study of 10 million people, published in Nature magazine found that asymptomatic spread was not only rare but almost non-existent.

On November 22, 2020, Jeffrey A. Tucker published a comprehensive article on the American Institute for Economic Research website, tracing information on asymptomatic spread over the past year.

When I read Tucker’s article and then the study published in Nature magazine, I wondered: where are our elected officials now?

Where are those same high-paid politicians, bureaucrats, and public health authorities who had touted these terrible and alarming messages that had so comprehensively devastated the lives of young people for more than a year? Why were they not retracting these statements about asymptomatic spread, reassuring children, teens, and young adults that it is simply is not a worry? That they, just by living their lives and being themselves, are not and never were “super spreaders,” are not automatic disease carriers.

Why were officials not issuing calming and strengthening messages to young people – after more and different information on this virus has emerged? Where was the outcry to protect the mental and emotional health and academic lives of young people, especially teenagers?

Another article by Micha Gartz for the American Institute for Economic Research reminds us that the median age for death from this virus is 80 years old. Most people who contract the virus never get symptoms at all. Most people who get symptoms become only mildly ill, and even the majority of those who become severely ill recover.

Harm to communities from widespread lockdowns has been very real, however.

The Crisis Text Line, a non-profit organization that provides free mental health texting to people in crisis, received 180,00 texts in November 2020, their largest number ever, Gartz notes in her article More “Covid Suicides” than Covid Deaths in Kids.

Even strong students, who have historically earned good grades, have been failing classes at alarming levels during school this past year’s school shutdowns and predominantly online classes, according to published studies, including one from Fairfax County Public Schools, one of the largest school districts in the US.

Parents, who had previously heeded advice from groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics’ to limit children and teen’s screen time, for their health, to a maximum of two hours of quality content per day, have now succumbed to allowing their children to spend several hours per day on computers while missing friends, failing classes, and losing hope.

Too much computer time can be a health hazard to young people, especially those who may be vulnerable to addiction. In 2019, the WHO listed computer gaming addiction as a disease, one that harms children, teens and young adults mostly. How are the children? Not well at all.

Lockdowns, massive fear, and school shutdowns have had a devastating effect on children and teens’ health. A national independent non-profit organization called Fair Health that studies health care costs, reported in March 2021 a 333% increase in intentional self-harm claims among young people ages 12–18 from the period August 2019 to August 2020.

The study, The Impact of COVID-19 on Pediatric Mental Health: A Study of Private Healthcare Claims, analyzed 32 billion private health care claims. Claims have also increased dramatically for overdoses, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depression, and anxiety among children 12–18, according to the study. The CDC reported over the summer of 2020 that 25 percent of young adults, ages 18–25 had seriously considered suicide.

Many experts have said publicly that lockdowns, including school closures, have been a disastrous and unnecessary mitigation strategy, causing immeasurable harms and countless deaths.

Dr Jay Battacharya, Professor at Stanford University Medical School, called the lockdowns, “the biggest public health mistake we’ve ever made” in a March 2021 Newsweek article.

Battacharya is one of the authors of a petition called The Great Barrington Declaration, published in October of 2020, which calls for safety strategies for older people while calling for an end to lockdowns of whole societies, stating that lockdowns cause far more harm than benefit.

“Keeping children out of school is a grave injustice,” states the declaration, which has been signed by 14,000 medical and public health scientists, 43,000 medical practitioners, and almost 800,000 citizens. Dr Martin Kulldorff, Professor of Medicine at Harvard University and Dr Sunetra Gupta, Professor at Oxford University are also authors of the petition.

Many studies now published show that states that remained open for the past year fared no worse, and some better, than states that had the most restrictive closures and shutdowns. Further, there have been treatments for this virus, all along, such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin that, if given early, could have saved tens of thousands of lives, according to many sources.

Dr Peter McCollough spoke before Congress on early treatment and on the criminal silencing of doctors, including preventing doctors from treating Covid patients with drugs that work. These drugs were instead politicized with doctors barred from prescribing them. With more courage and independent thinking, fear and harm could have been contained; instead many simply stood by and watched the light go out in children’s eyes, month after month for more than a year.

Children in sports have been made to wear masks though masks deplete oxygen and may impede focus and cause more accidents, some parents have complained, while professional athletes on TV do not have to wear them. While many schools have reopened to in-person classes, government-created school re-opening documents, with the repressive six-feet apart, sanitizing, and mask mandates, read almost like manuals for operating a concentration camp.

I have taught in a prison, and these public school re-opening plans read and feel more repressive than conditions inside a prison. I have seen children in school this past year eating, spaced six feet from one another, only allowed to remove the mask to eat and not being permitted to eat with their friends. I can hardly keep from crying seeing them this way.

School rooms and cafeterias these days look more like rooms where children are sent to serve detention. Students look like they are being punished when they have done nothing wrong. How can this be? How can we remain silent?

Some students may feel so depressed with these conditions that they do not even want to attend school.  It can be almost overwhelmingly sad to not see human faces and smiles for extended periods. For years, teachers have studied and promoted the importance of children’s social and emotional learning, and now we expect children to attend schools that look and feel like prison camps. Or worse. How can we treat our children this way?

We want to believe that the information we receive about this virus is unbiased and nonpartisan — especially if government mandates have affected children and young adults so severely. Surely the measures must have been neutral and necessary.  But sadly, information we receive is not unbiased; we have to keep questioning, reading, listening and thinking.

Writer and researcher Dr. Namoi Wolf notes that the CDC created a foundation to receive money from big pharmaceutical companies, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and from technology companies that profit from online education.

While some politicians and high-paid bureaucrats still promote fear, panic, and paranoia,  others have begun speaking up on failed lockdown policies.

In an April 21 Epoch Times article, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that elected officials, establishment media, and Big Tech have been to blame for perpetuating fears and selectively censoring one side of the mitigation debate. Why? Because they have made money off the fear, panic, and paranoia.

“Media and big tech giants benefitted from lockdowns as people stayed home and consumed their products,” DeSantis said. Google removed videos of DeSantis talking to doctors who criticized failed lockdown policies. “Google and YouTube have been throughout this crisis censors in service of the ruling elite,” he said.

While millions of people lost their businesses or jobs – and school children, teens, and young people struggled with despair, loneliness, and school failures – 614 US billionaires increased their wealth by 931 billion dollars, according to a December 1, 2020 USA Today article.

For the health of our communities and our children, we have to keep rising above fear, confusion, paranoia, and even shame and guilt for getting the virus response so wrong. We have to keep returning to the question, “And how are the children?” And if the children are not well, we must change course to stop harming them while working diligently to mitigate the harms that have already been done.

Christine E. Black‘s poetry has been published in Antietam Review, 13th Moon, American Journal of Poetry, New Millennium Writings, Nimrod International, Red Rock Review, The Virginia Journal of Education, Friends Journal, The Veteran, Sojourners Magazine, Iris Magazine, English Journal, Amethyst Review, St. Katherine Review, and other publications.


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Apr 19, 2022 2:04 AM

The Brownstone Institute site below has excellent information and articles. Their mission statement is noble and inspiring in a time when values of truth and goodness and honor should be lifted up.
The mask mandates have been illegal all along, according to this federal court ruling.

And common sense has told us from the onset of this sh** show that masks do not work and are physically and psychologically harmful and are harmful to communities — and especially harmful to children and adolescents. Truths will continue to be revealed. Truths will emerge. They always do.

Sep 11, 2021 6:27 PM

Consider this action. Children are suffering school failure, flattening affect, despair, fear and isolation. End the harms. https://rumble.com/vmbxo1-five-freedoms-campaign-walk-out-week-starts-monday.html

Jul 5, 2021 9:32 PM

See Tucker Carlson’s July 1, 2021 report in the U.S. on mask mandates for children, recent JAMA study, interview with a mother whose child was terribly harmed by the recent vaccine.

May 17, 2021 7:00 PM

You Will Love Your Servidtude
All War s Evil. No More War 

May 17, 2021 6:59 PM

All War is Evil
No More War

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 17, 2021 8:20 AM

Sorry, but quoting the Epoch Times ie Falun Gong ie the CIA is not a recommendation.

May 15, 2021 6:14 PM

All part of the plan.
Apart from trimming the pension bill, now ruin the next 2, 3 generations?
Why after 18 months of this BS, do people still go along with the ‘science’?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 15, 2021 2:58 PM

Another sobering article on the state of modern society. Here’s just one quote from the article. There are many other appropriate references. >

Application of other familiar psychological control mechanisms from behaviorism are obvious, however insidiously disguised, in this manufactured program of fear induction joined with fear relief prohibition including self-isolation. Virus-terrorized citizens have been manipulated into administering punishment-by-shaming to other citizens who resist or refuse compliance with their own dehumanization.”

We Must Awaken from “Corona Coma”, Reject “Great Reset” Robotic Technocracy and Assert Our Common HumanityBy Jack Dresser
May 15, 2021
We Must Awaken from “Corona Coma”, Reject “Great Reset” Robotic Technocracy and Assert Our Common Humanity – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Please examine the complete article. It is thought provoking and well written.

May 15, 2021 11:00 AM

The CFR are worried about children (well, girls) dropping out of education:


This is of course because they are big-hearted people and nothing to do with the effect of education on birth rates or mind manipulation.

Problem, reaction… so what’t their solution? Surprise, surprise if it isn’t more tele-learning. Now, even they can’t deny that much of this is to do with poverty. Obviously ending poverty or lockdowns aren’t possible solutions. They flannel around it and talk about different solutions for different places. It transparently means more student loans where they think they can get away with it. More loans, more debt, more dependence….

May 15, 2021 10:24 AM

This is a good article, but again some links provided contain big tech trackers.


fbclid (Facebook click identifier) will tell facebook exactly where the click came from, even though the aier.org domain has nothing to do with Facebook. I hope Off-Guardian will in the future finally remove those trackers from the articles before publishing them.

May 15, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  node

Great point node! Users should also be aware and always clean the tracker part. Sometimes it is not visible, but one should always make sure by “hoovering” over the link, and the browser will show the full link, usually at the lower part of the page…

May 15, 2021 8:51 AM

I work in a secondary school in the UK and this is OUR new normal. Covid test kits given out like confetti with every child trained to be able to use one. Each child expected to test three times a week from home. If a child becomes unwell in school they are immediately tested. Masks mandatory everywhere other than eating. Lavatories locked and no child permitted access other than permitted times, one break time and lunch. Designated lines mandatory and marked in the ground everywhere. Constant shouts of, “get your mask on, wash your hands, get back to class”. Staff bullied, harassed and shouted at to enforce measures. Woe betide any member of staff raising the issue of compassion in exceptional circumstance, as they are victimized and held up as poor examples to pupils.Children generally mute and accepting, staff pretty much the same. Any child refusing mask and testing is taught away from their peers and all staff made acutely aware that the child and their family “are a problem”. Day after day, week after week, the same regimented enforcement. All families are now asked about what vaccinations their child has had. Forms relating to, earlier, childhood vaccinations are sent out every week. Families are offered, in house, vaccinations for everything from MMR to Polio. Families who ignore or renege such intrusion are identified as a problem. There has always been an element of vaccination programs administered within schools in the UK, but emphasis has changed to insistence. Families are identified and targeted if they fail to comply. Middle managers tasked with questioning parents as to their reasons not to comply and measures taken, against their child, explained. Staff constantly “offered” vaccination. Not yet questioned as to who has received their shot but senior management considering the option of questionnaire.… Read more »

May 15, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  WTF

You’ve offered up a perfect example of the necessity for home schooling. For as long as we’re allowed to. Here in Italy primary school children must muzzle up too. The other day I saw a group of my son’s old year 5 classmates playing football in the school courtyard all masked in 25 C heat. Yet their Serie A idols they look up to get to play mask free and gob over and snot over the other footballers…its tragic. The other parents don’t seem to give a shit.

May 15, 2021 10:14 AM
Reply to  WTF

WTF indeed.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 15, 2021 5:29 PM
Reply to  WTF

That’s insane. Literally insane.

May 15, 2021 6:05 PM
Reply to  WTF


What you wrote is awesome. Thank You so much. This is the worst atrocity ever committed on our Children in England. I am trying to work out what would be my wife, and my response if this had happened 15 years ago, when our Children were teenagers. I think we would probably have taken our kids out of school, and most of their best friends would come round, like they did then.

My wife would have instituted a strict timetable, with regards to lessons, which she still does now, for our young grandchildren.

I guess, I would have to do the basic science and maths, for 45 minutes just before lunch.

The start of the day, after their parents had gone away at 9:00 am, would be a time, for relaxation and meditation and prayer (or its non religious equivalent) just to calm them down. There would be lots of playtime, in between teaching sessions.

Then the art classes, perhaps with a bit of music and singing too.

In fact pretty much the same, as I was taught by my Mum, and then at School.

Both My Mum, and My Wife were/are Childminders, and totally Gifted with educating Children.

Its both enthusiasm and discipline, but most of all it is Love.

I am astonished and extremely upset at what has happened to our world.

A happy child will learn so much so quickly.


Tomoola Sitchin
Tomoola Sitchin
May 15, 2021 6:11 PM
Reply to  WTF

One problem is the utter stupidity of parents who permit there children to be abused day in and day out by schools that are now totally unfit for purpose. It also seems clear, that teachers don’t give a fig about the welfare of the children in their charge and that they bear even more responsibility for the harm being done to young children, than even the political imbeciles in Whitehall. Unbelievably masks and other senseless restrictions are something that teachers actually favour and these inhuman order followers deserve to rot in hell for the irreparable damage they have done and are still doing to a whole new generation.

George Mc
George Mc
May 16, 2021 11:05 AM
Reply to  WTF

I am convinced that the test kits and even the vaccines serve a purpose swayed more towards the psy-op angle than anything else I.e. these items can be considered as props to support a narrative that intimidates the public into a submissive mode, whilst also providing an excuse to frankly flush billions of pounds down the drain or, more precisely, shift more wealth out of the public sector.

In my line I.e. care work, we have been given lateral flow kits which we are supposed to self administer twice a week and then put the results online but there has been no checking up to ensure anyone is doing this. And one of the convenient services provided by the designated Left is that such curious negligence can always be blamed on “incompetence”.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
May 17, 2021 8:23 AM
Reply to  WTF

It’s the ultimate Divide and Rule tactic. Children socialising at school is a bedrock of any healthy society, but that’s not the UK is it?

May 15, 2021 6:35 AM

A powerful piece; well done.

May 15, 2021 3:51 AM

How is safety of jabs in Australia or NZ, they had just few deaths so number of dead and injured by jab must exceed those official dead or hospitalized for COVID.
Anyone has any numbers?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
May 15, 2021 8:28 AM
Reply to  Kalen

The only study so far showed that over 30,000 people had adverse reactions just in NSW, which is 5 times more people than had a so called PCR test positive, 4 are known to have died this year which is 4 more than from so called covid, dozens have blood clots which is dozens more than the so called covid.

May 17, 2021 1:21 AM
Reply to  Kalen

I live in NZ. I’ve been trying to find out if there is an official vaccine death/injury reporting system – i.e. similar to England’s Yellow Pass or the US VAERS. To date, I have not found that there is any such system. I keep wondering if this is the kiwi way to play the plausible deniability card. It’s disgusting. Simpy disgusting.

May 14, 2021 11:00 PM

Of course the children don’t complain. They are too young to remember a world that was NOT like this.
Forcing them to get used to this catastrophe is a terrible, unforgivable crime, but the harshest sentence currently on offer for its perpetrators is lifetime jail…
I suppose that’s one thing the 18th and 19th Centuries did better than us.
They weren’t perfect, but they knew how to take some of the real nut jobs out of the gene pool…

May Hem
May Hem
May 14, 2021 10:21 PM

Is this how you want your child to be ‘educated’ – and make a profit for impact investors?

comment image?resize=1020%2C811&ssl=1


May 15, 2021 2:00 AM
Reply to  May Hem

This is, of course, exactly how they want us to allow our children to be educated.
Their own children will be encouraged to run about like wild animals, because their future in world government is already assured.

And Beelzebub’s followers will laugh at the fact that none of this makes any sense at all.

“You poor fools! Don’t you even realize that none of this is supposed to make any sense?
We are playing with you, for sheer sport and sadistic pleasure, because we can, and because we would otherwise be so utterly bored…”

May 14, 2021 10:19 PM

This week I received another “township newsletter” magazine. It’s published by a local map company, and it’s not clear exactly who produces the content; it seems to be principally a venue for local business advertisements, with informational text about township services and activities.

For me, it was almost a déjà vu experience: while flipping through a community newsletter before trashing it, as I’d done earlier this year, I was stopped in my tracks by an appalling sight.

To repeat a similar reaction to the previous publication– specifically, a back cover proudly displaying photos of Recreation Department art classes attended by masked children– what rankles me the most is the indication that communities are being successfully Abnormalized. The Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic propaganda has been internalized and evidently digested by a loose confederation of people and organizations– from the “artist” who produces scamdemic propaganda disguised as promoting wholesome community activities, to the interlinked chain of administrators who are presumably pleased to approve its publication.

It may be that even local mass-media simply suppresses or ignores anyone screaming “What is wrong with this picture?” But, judging from the complacent and compliant residents I see on the local streets and shopping center, I fear that by now the community has adjusted to the “new reality” and doesn’t give such images a second thought.

In a 1964 Supreme Court case adjudicating whether obscenity charges were warranted, Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote in a concurring opinion: “I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description [i.e., the word “obscene”], and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it…”

I know it when I see it too:

comment image

May 14, 2021 10:46 PM
Reply to  Ort

It’s creepy and satanic

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
May 14, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  Ort

It’s deeply insidious Ort, and frankly, just demented. But it’s also very deliberate.
This has nothing to do with “protecting” children. Here’s a video that looks at the psychological reason for this:

May 15, 2021 6:39 AM
Reply to  Ort

My daughter already claims that it ‘isn’t really much of an inconvenience’ and that many fellow students forget they are wearing a mask. I get the impression that a substantial demographic is already accustomed to masking and would not care very much if excuses were made for it to go on.

May 15, 2021 12:00 PM
Reply to  Ort

Two summers ago this would have been considered child abuse.

May 15, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Judith

Well, it’s not much comfort, but at least some of us still consider it child abuse.

Glad to see you back, BTW. I only wish I could slip you a note to explicate that sentiment. 😉

May 15, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  Ort

Oh,I haven’t left, Ort Just not commenting so much. Nothing like a scary mri to pull the focus off the outside world. The back is a mess after years of running. Visiting the neurosurgeon next week to see what’s what.

Other than that it remains the daily strategy of negotiating life as the grandma killing, disease spreading rebel.

Still fighting the good fight as the maskless wonder. Like the rest of us.

I live feet away from an elementary school and a big sports field, so I see the kids every day – 6 feet apart eating lunch before they mask up. It is awful and ridiculous and in my opinion dangerous. And I hope it is over soon. Don’t get me started on the proposals for cov19 shots for children. What the hell are people thinking.

I watched the interview with Andrew Kaufman and Vera Sharov. She is a holocaust survivor. I did not know the early history of medical experimentation in Germany. One only thinks of the horrors of the concentration camp experimentation. It started years before that at hospitals and universities. Starting with the children.

No need to explicate, Ort. After months here at Offg there are commenters I look forward to reading each day, and who I miss when I don’t see thier posts. ( Many times I want to follow up with something someone has written but it would go off on a different tangent and that really wouldn’t be good and proper.) But thanks for the kind thought!

May 14, 2021 8:57 PM
May 14, 2021 8:56 PM

But the main question is: why are parents and teachers allowing this, the torture of children? If they said no, this couldnt happen. Thats the issue: I can well believe that those responsible are in love with death as Fromm says. He says most people not just in the West, but more and more in the East as well (he wrote this I believe in the 70s) are pathologically alienated from life. I just simply hadnt realized the extent of the alienation of the majority in our times. I simply hadnt realised that most people I know were actually reaching inhumanity… I have listened to some I know talk about it: they are not afraid of covid, but feel that the elderly have to be protected, and that they are doing something great for humanity. Its really perverse: accepting torture and torturing the vulnerable is now protection in people’s minds. One of them actually does not allow anyone to visit his elderly father (he himself doesnt go), has made the old man dreadfully afraid as well, and he is totally alone, and could fall in the stairs and die a slow death, no one would know. The old man has had to spend all these months without any human company, including on Xmas day. Also interestingly a mother who is also a teacher is upset that the children had to get a PCR test to go back to school, but she did not protest. She said she would have to show the example to give them courage. Because you see for her, she cannot allow herself to think that the authorities would actually be harming on purpose. Its interesting one evening (I was then staying with them) she did let that thought come. ” God forbid, they’re doing this on… Read more »

May 15, 2021 4:44 AM
Reply to  Annette

Annette, that is a beautiful letter. Your child who loves dancing but says dancing alone is not fun reminds us that we are mammals, we are warm cuddly creatures and our young love to play with each other. So do their not-so-elders.

May 15, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  Annette

I’m not allowing it. But it’s so tiring and we’re ostracized effectively.

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
May 15, 2021 10:47 AM
Reply to  Annette

I think they are less and less. More and more are showing up to meetings and speaking out. Strength in numbers. When a whole neighborhood starts questioning the decision making process there is no stopping them from going together to the board meetings to make demands. I don’t have the link but it happened this past month and made Fox News (Or maybe the Daily Wire). Parents showed up at a school board meeting to demand that the masking mandates be lifted in school. The whole board quit on the spot. Immediately following, the parents took over the meeting and, using the Roberts Rules of Order, elected a new board. Done. No more masking mandates. Enough is enough. Apathy only lasts so long. It is only a matter of time before the whole town shows up with pitchforks, rakes and shovels. As hard as our government and the MSM has been working to prevent it, it going to happen more and more. Censorship or no censorship, they cannot prevent you from walking over to your neighbor’s house to have a conversation.

May 15, 2021 3:03 PM

Im so glad to hear such positive news. Unfortunately its rather different where I am…

Mr Y
Mr Y
May 15, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  Annette

“But the main question is: why are parents and teachers allowing this, the torture of children?”

Because they are uninformed and not using their brains.

May 14, 2021 8:56 PM


“Boris Johnson tonight pressed ahead with plans for indoor drinking and dining from next week, despite dire warnings from SAGE that the Indian variant could ‘realistically’ be 50% more infectious than the Kent strain, and lead to 1,000 deaths a day by the summer.”

Does anybody get the feeling of déjà vu? 

May 14, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  October

Oh is there a Kent strain too?! The French are afraid of the Brazilian one and pressured the government to prevent people coming to France from Brazil. Interesting how the dislike of those different can now be expressed openly under the disguise of “covid”. The Chinese were attacked last winter in Paris. In fact a Japanese friend of mine was also attacked, the passers-by thought she was Chinese. She was in a shock to have been attacked: no one in their right mind would attack her. She is petite, she looks like a porcelain doll, rather you feel she might fall if you touch her except most gently… She looks so fragile. And would you believe it, those who were against the Brazilians coming to France, are actually against the measures… But then the French are attacked in Germany and Im told in Spain or Portugal, one or the other. Anyhow happened to people I know of. So we’re getting a new racial hierarchy. How convenient! Hitler would have loved it. Anyhow when I was working in an institute in Germany, oh a top one in the world, so you’d have thought the people there would be refined, highly educated in a good sense: well believe it or not, because they considered me “Aryan” (specially my age group, then in our 20s and 30s Im talking of the early part of this century), after a while, they began telling me how they felt about other Europeans… Well its rather unrepeatable, so wont go into it. But it was a very interesting, though shocking experience, especially given that of my mother, who also was an academic in Germany in the 80s: then she had very interesting talks as her colleagues who wanted to analyse in depth why it was that their… Read more »

May 15, 2021 2:10 AM
Reply to  Annette

It’s the thought of every little village in Britain having its own strain which gives me the heebie-jeebies…
It will take our immune systems 10,000 years to get through them all…

May 15, 2021 4:54 AM
Reply to  wardropper

WarDropper, do not worry; our immune system has had millions of years experience of corona colds. As they used to say in the days when there were football crowds, the flu that you take with you into the stadium will not be the same as the flu that the crowd will take with it out of the stadium.

Voila l’Anglais avec son sang froid habituel (here comes that Englishman with his usual bloody cold). — Fractured French

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
May 14, 2021 8:54 PM

Man regrets telling his mum to get AstraZeneca vaccine after she dies (news.com.au) And the doctor in this who thinks it’s OK if a few people die from the vax.

May 14, 2021 10:35 PM

Associate Professor Margie Danchin, a paediatrician and immunisation expert at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, espouses the principle that one can’t make a fully-vaccinated pandemic-free omelet without breaking a few eggs.

I’m sure that Clan Murdoch is proud and gratified to have the professor on board.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
May 14, 2021 11:19 PM
Reply to  Ort

All the western media and governments are peddling the bullshit that if some die it’s somehow less than the no one on earth who died of so called covid, they are sick as fuck these academics.

May 15, 2021 4:56 AM

“Yes, I think it was a price worth paying by them” — Mad Maddie Albright, billionairess and mass murderer of children.

May 14, 2021 8:46 PM

Great article Christine! You have very succinctly described the extreme chaos, mayhem, falsehoods, and fear mongering that was perpetrated on the world for what appears to be a political agenda. Thank you American leaders and politicians.

May 14, 2021 8:06 PM

Blaming children, making them feel responsible for the death of relatives is not an accident. It was planned from the beginning. Dr. Fuellmich has the documents which show this. This was a deliberate policy, one which continues in order to convince parents to inject their young child. From my local newspaper yesterday excitedly telling parents about the importance of injecting their 12-15 year old at the school today: “According to a DSHS spokesperson, young people have been less likely to suffer severe illness when infected with COVID, but “they have been as susceptible as other age groups to infection and are able to spread the illness to others, even if asymptomatic” beyond spreading the illness, more unvaccinated individuals can lead to more opportunities for the virus to mutate as it spreads. ‘One benefit in having more younger Texans get the vaccine is is could help stop the emergence and spread of new variants. The virus needs a host before it can mutate and possibly become a more dangerous variant, and more immunity through vaccinations will help to limit that possibility,” the DSHS spokesperson said.” So there you have it. This isn’t a mistake, it’s a deliberate policy which is being continued. It will likely result in death and injury as this has already occurred in the meager “trials” for this age group. These people want children, and they want them beaten down, compliant and worse. Allison McDowell explains how children will be used in Human Capital Markets in her blog, “Wrench in the Gears”. I don’t know how to reach parents about what is actually happening. They are mostly terrified of getting covid and they are willing to sacrifice their children to “save” themselves. Aside from the fact that covid simply isn’t a dangerous disease to most people, I don’t really care if it is… Read more »

May 15, 2021 5:27 AM
Reply to  Jill

Well said, Jill: “Older people are supposed to protect the young.”

Women and children first, used to be the rule for lifeboats from a sinking ship.

The inversion of this rule, to say it is worth killing a few children to save the population, reminds me of a study of proto-Nazis, young thugs called the Freikorps. The author noted an inversion of the natural instinct for young men to protect women and children; these proto-Nazis took special delight in killing women and children.

There is more than a whiff of Nazism among the perpetrators of Con-19.

May 15, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  NickM

I had not heard of this group NickM. Thank you for the info.

George Mc
George Mc
May 14, 2021 8:03 PM

And here is your live action news reporter. And by golly if I wasn’t right:

“The Indian variant could pose “serious disruption” to lockdown easing in England on 21 June, Boris Johnson says.”

Blah blah ….”significantly” more transmissible “we are likely to face some hard choices”… blah… The wait between jabs will be cut from 12 weeks to eight …blah … Cases …. Indian ….more than doubled …. blabbity blabbity fucketty blah …

Oh fuck it! YOU write the rest!

May 14, 2021 7:47 PM

The sounds of prepping to depart from the roadmap are getting louder.

I seem to remember the June date was somehow different to all the others, that it didn’t have much detail unlike the preceeding dates which seemed more worked out.

May 14, 2021 8:11 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes evidently the script is being written as they go along. I dont think anyone thought this totally unrealistic scenario would be so successful, so then its human to add to it. What is more concerning are the world populations, unable to even realize their own torture, willing in turn to participate in the torture of their loved ones? To tell the truth, if it was a different species acting like this, one that one did not belong to, one would say, they are not worth surviving, let them suffer what they are bringing about on themselves.

May 15, 2021 5:52 AM
Reply to  Annette

Our cousins the chimpanzees act very much like we do: follow the crowd and gang up on the outsider. We inherited that trait from pre-ape ancestors. No species deserve to survive, all living beings suffer the pain of living.

The Axial Age — roughly between the coming of the Buddha and the founding of the Church — was when human beings began to say, There has to be a better way.

May 14, 2021 7:36 PM

Raise your hand if you went through hell in the school system. For me, it was the 60s and early 70s. Looking back, I’m inclined to believe that even the jocks and goodie-goods with the straight As and lots of popularity were also enslaved and confused, maybe just not as much as us misfits. Regardless, the system doesn’t give a shit about the children. The system only cares that it succeeds in indoctrination. Why should we really be surprised that children are now even more outcast, in the covid era? Tragic, moreso indeed, but same as it ever was in so many respects.

May 14, 2021 7:30 PM

Great article. Share and spread the word.

May 14, 2021 7:26 PM

What they are doing to children may be especially symptomatic of what Fromm calls the “syndrome of decay” which involves a love of death, the extreme form of an alienation from life. And this logically indeed takes us to kill life, the possibility of future life, the life that depends on us, and which otherwise cannot blossom, i.e. children. I think Fromm’s explanations are the best Ive come across: because in the end we’re all human beings, including Gates and company. I mean we cannot do something that is beyond humanity. We cannot be de-humanized, but we can be inhuman. And what basically has always interested me is trying to understand why someone is like they are, why they do what they are doing, why they believe what they do. Because in the end, we each of us have the innate possibility to change our ways of perception, our ways of thinking. And also, we’re all going to die, whatever Schwab and company may want, nothing can be eternal within a universe where all is finite. As Mary Shelley foresaw, attempting to tamper with life, gives rise to a monstrosity unadapted to the conditions of life. Hence by doing so, those in charge, and by complying, the populations, are in effect accelerating our own demise. On another post Jacques was saying there may be no plan to kill. Indeed there may not, we have no idea, and unless some insider tells us, we cannot know, but concerted or not, deliberate or not, that love of death is now so strong that it is translating into planetary mass assassination. And an individual’s level of participating in the process is according to the stage he/she has reached in being alienated from life: I mean if you have at one extreme love of… Read more »

May 14, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Annette

“because in the end we’re all human beings, including Gates and company.”

Do they believe that though? It would explain a lot if they don’t. Things like the Sumerian story of the Annunaki, Biblical accounts of the Nephilim and some strange features of RH negative could be stitched together for the self-professed elite to concoct some sort of narrative that they really are a differenr species.

May 14, 2021 8:37 PM
Reply to  Edwige

No they may not, but not believing one is human, but some superhuman being, some god is also something that humans are capable of, but they are not capable of being something else, they cannot be superhuman or gods, whatever their beliefs and desires may be.

Frieda Vizel
Frieda Vizel
May 15, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Annette

Annette, such a great comment. Thank you!

May 14, 2021 7:09 PM

This brochure makes your stomach turn, when you see what they have been doing to our children:


An excerpt:

In his book, Psychological Care of Infant and Child in 1928, Watson advised parents that if they wanted the best results in their children, never show them affection. He wrote: “Never hug and kiss them, never let them sit on your lap. If you must, kiss them once on the forehead when they say goodnight. Shake hands with them in the morning. … Remember when you are tempted to pet your child, that mother’s love is a dangerous instrument. An instrument that may inflict a neverhealing wound, a wound which may make infancy unhappy, adolescence a nightmare, an instrument which may wreck your adult son or daughter’s vocational future and their chances for marital happiness.”
After a series of experiments on an 11-month-old infant, Watson said: “Give me the baby, and I’ll make it climb and use its hands in constructing buildings of stone or wood. … I’ll make it a thief, a gunman or a dope fiend. The possibilities of shaping in any direction are almost endless.”
Watson’s own child, Albert, epitomized the psychologist’s theory and results. Albert would crawl along the floor, and to condition him, a white rabbit would be let out of a cage. As soon as the rabbit would emerge, Albert would become excited and go towards it. When almost near it, Watson would drop a big steel bar behind him that made him jump and cry. This was done repeatedly until Albert was afraid of anything white or furry— fear that lasted all of his life. The son of the “Fatherof Behaviorism” committed suicide in his twenties.

May 14, 2021 8:08 PM
Reply to  elsewhere

Lots of baby’s now born C section until recently the west started breast feeding
i recall people on trains and bus’s being repulsed by women getting there breasts out and feeding there child. the shock horror on the civilized savages faces.
civilized conservative Christian England didn’t like that type of stuff.

Thank god for nestle SMD milk formulae nothing like good old PR to help transform a normal natural thing into something horrific like feeding your baby instead give it plastic rubber dummy and toxic concoction which only killed 100.000+ Indians baby’s in a error because powdered fake milk is really healthy and breast feeding is wrong.!

trust the science and nestle

The baby killer investigation into the promotion and sale of powdered baby milks in the Third World.

Disillusioned Peasant
Disillusioned Peasant
May 14, 2021 6:55 PM

Great words from DeSantis. I wonder if he can be trusted. Is he an example of a rare “lesser evil” that stands up against the psychos? A Kennedy figure? Or is he a siren leading people to a trap? Regardless, good on Florida this past year.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 14, 2021 7:11 PM

“Very likely stage managed. What is needed is some independent non corporate (and one means NON CORPORATE) community based organizing that transcends the selectoral arena totally immune to the pernicious and deleterious ill effects of the WAR RACKETEER CORPORATE FASCIST monster(s).”
comment image

“I am not a Labor Leader; I do not want you to follow me or anyone else; if you are looking for a Moses to lead you out of this capitalist wilderness, you will stay right where you are. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I led you in, some one else would lead you out. You must use your heads as well as your hands, and get yourself out of your present condition; as it is now the capitalists use your heads and your hands.”
~ Eugene Victor Debs

May 15, 2021 4:08 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Late Howard Zinn used similar response when one on his students suggested that he led him and millions of others to revolution.

Revolution always starts and ultimately ends within people’s minds as they discover artificiality of world order, expediency of traditions to defend the social system and realize that entire social organization is manmade for sole benefit of small elites.

As soon as people feel and understand that none of the supposed sociotechnological “progress” that happened under 500 years of devastating environment and destroying human and social bonds for money modern capitalism was deliberately aimed at improvements of people’s lives, systemic revolution will follow.

May 14, 2021 8:15 PM

In Israel, Gov. Ron DeSantis (LEFT) signed a measure that prohibits anti-Semitic speech in the state’s public schools and universities.comment image

May 14, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  swami
S Cooper
S Cooper
May 14, 2021 9:11 PM
Reply to  swami

“Rather disheartening is it not, no matter where one goes on Planet Earth, how there seems to be a near endless stream of two bit charlatan hucksters to fill political offices. It almost makes one want to give up on humanity. But not quite, because if one does, humanity loses.”

May 15, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Rather disheartening at this level after bs19 and the trump bukllshit people still retarded to believe in theses scum bags have their interests at heart

Disillusioned Peasant
Disillusioned Peasant
May 14, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  swami

Ah, so there you have it. Thumbs down

Heikki Niskala
Heikki Niskala
May 14, 2021 6:49 PM

Your opening quote is in the masaai language and not swahili at all!

May 14, 2021 6:44 PM

This is about some of my personal experiences of drugs (many of which I have not taken, because I did some research about them, or saw the effects in others I trusted) and the timing from taking them to the affect. 1. The best drug is exercise…just wind it up slowly to get your heart rate really high. Whether it is sex or cycling, your heart rate will go really high as will your blood pressure…but then, when you relax, your heart rate will really come down, as will your blood pressure (I have actually measured it when my doctor told me to take his drugs 17 years ago – cos in 3 months they made me really ill, when I was fine, when I went to see him with an ear infection..I just wanted some anti-bacterial ear drops. I flushed them down the toilet, and didn’t go back – well to hospital actually when I was ill 17 years later…I took the risk…I said go on then inject me…First time I had received drugs by injection in my life, well at least since the age of 8. The antibiotics worked, otherwise I wouldn’t still be here. 2. I can’t knock meditation, and all kinds of psychic healing..but most such techniques take some time to have an effect. 3. The drugs do work in some circumstances, but read what it says on the tin, or take advice from your new girlfriend. 4. Gambling can be very addictive, but will almost certainly completely impoverish you, unless you totally give it up, when you are well ahead. I once put a one pound coin in a gambling machine, and it coughed out £50, whilst I was waiting for a mate. I have not put anything in such a machine at anytime over… Read more »

David William Pear
David William Pear
May 14, 2021 6:42 PM

And now the vaxxine passports start as “fully vaxxed” get to take off their masks and travel.

May 14, 2021 8:41 PM

In fact in Baveria seemingly, they are being told that in July they’ll need new shots, that the first ones will be no longer valid by then…
So far the vaccinated also have to take PCR tests to travel, and in France abide by the curfew and all rules: masks, everything.

S Cooper
S Cooper
May 14, 2021 6:22 PM

“Meanwhile the crocodile teared corporate fascist fabian eugenicist brownshirt charlatan fraudsters back down at Counterpuff are still pushing the scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ propaganda and the Billy Eugenics cull juice jab. Apparently they have not met an undermenschen useless eater that they did not want to turn into a labsheeple/labrat.


“They have no shame.”


“If one asks the question who would staff such places as Auschwitz, Buchenwald or Dachau one need only look to Counterpuff to get an answer. The Nazification continues.”

Circle Jerk
Circle Jerk
May 14, 2021 6:19 PM

“fearful adults and misguided politicians have discouraged children and teens from getting together with friends” – That’s being generous.
I would call them “misguided parents and criminal politicians.”

May 15, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  Circle Jerk

I would call them criminal parents and criminal politicians. But I’m not generous at all.

May 14, 2021 6:10 PM

we are officially in mercury retrograde i suggest you educate yours self of what that means
they no what it means and it to use it how it works.

this below from USA now and in U.k mercury jester bojo is doing the synchronized ritual.

39 minutes ago 17.33 appox

‘Breakthrough’ COVID-19 infections in fully vaccinated people are to be expected, CDC and medical experts say
With the recent high-profile infections post-vaccination of Bill Maher and members of the Yankees, COVID-19 “breakthrough” cases have come to the forefront. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasized that available vaccines have “proven effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths” and that breakthrough cases, like with other vaccines, are expected.


“A small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated will still get COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus,” according to the CDC. Such people are deemed “breakthrough” cases,

May 14, 2021 7:24 PM
Reply to  swami

In other words their injection don’t work but they will blame it on varients and a few other vague bull sit notions….good old mercury. He so often shows up the Tom foolery of humans

May 14, 2021 7:46 PM
Reply to  Edith

97% effective or was it 96.6%
dont worry the booster and 3 jab and Vaccine green card helps prevent transmission.

we are in this together

May 14, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  swami

More jabs and more boosters make more profits for the investors in pharma, and they also hasten their depopulation agenda. So bring on the even more deadly variants/scaryants.

May 15, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  swami

If you’re referring to the planet Mercury’s retrograde period, it starts 5/29 and goes through 6/22. Can’t disagree with the rest of your post.

May 15, 2021 11:06 AM
Reply to  Martha

sorry we are in the pre shadow period

The second Mercury Retrograde of 2021 begins with t’he Pre-Shadow in Gemini on May 15 at approx. 12:28 am Universal Time*, 8:28 pm EDT, and 5:28 pm at the time BOJO was doing his announcement tPDT on May 14. hence the ritual bojo plays mercurial archetype and him being a Gemini and the inverted communication they work with Pre-Shadow
Mercury goes Retrograde in Gemini (24º 43″) on May 29 at 10:34 pm Universal Time, 6:34 am EDT and 3:34 pm PDT.

The Direct Station occurs in Gemini (16º 08′) on June 22 (so called official lockdown is over in u.k), at 10:00 pm Universal Time, 6:00 pm EDT and 3:00 pm PDT.
Mercury ends the Post-Shadow ends in Cancer on July 7, at 5:45 pm Universal Time, 1:45 pm EDT, 10:45 am PDT.
The previous Retrograde in Gemini occured period which i find more effective and wrose for problemsin May of 2015.


May 14, 2021 6:02 PM

Why is this allowed to happen? I strongly believe there is a genuine epidemic of narcissism: believing the mainstream tripe, narcissists actually feel loved as their own children/grandchildren’s lives are sacrificed, nipped-in-the-bud. I’m so sick of these people.

May 14, 2021 7:34 PM
Reply to  rob2

Read my comment when it comes up. Yes narcissism is part of the “syndrome of decay” that Fromm wrote about, and which is the source of the worst evil according to him.

George Mc
George Mc
May 14, 2021 5:51 PM

I wonder how our rapidly sinking United Kingdom will fare with the Indian variant? I daresay we’ve all seen that scary bit in that Planet of the Apes movie where the guy who feels there’s something NOT RIGHT gets aboard a plane and then we see that network of infections spreading our across the globe. And I daresay most of us have read the opening plague ridden chapters of Stephen King’s “The Stand”.

And I recall that when the initial COVID “spurt” happened, Murray’s house comedian Clark let the cat out the bag when he sneered at COVID sceptics by saying that no-one in the second reel of a zombie flick stopped to argue that there was no zombie plague. I was going to tell him that zombies weren’t actually real but I could see he was in full frothing flight.

But I do fervently hope that at least some out there have started to notice that brick wall at the back of the theatre that Zappa warned us about.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 14, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Get almost all of the fucking money, gold, silver, assets, and good land you can and then build a heavily protected, fortified castle in the most livable, secluded area you can find, protect your wealth as fiercely as possible, and then do all you can to convince the peasant suckers that everything is really fine, there are plenty of resources, capitalism is healthy, and corporations, oligarchs, and democrats and republicans, etc., really care about them.

What a fuckin’ scam.

A big crack was found in a major Mississippi River bridge today. The US is falling apart – physically, spiritually, and financially. However, we can’t spend money on massive infrastructure programs and other national programs that provide everyone with decent paying, lifetime jobs with full health care and full retirement. We have to spend trillions on war and “protecting” the ignorant peasants from fictional enemies.

I can’t recommend this video enough…

How the CIA cultivates a fake left: From the cultural cold war to intersectional imperialism – YouTube

May 14, 2021 7:26 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Well I did keep saying we still have one illusive eclipse plus neptune to go…early June

May 14, 2021 5:46 PM

Just want to share, for the Canadians here.. and others of course
We’ve gone from 1 in a million VITT’s to 1 in 55,000
and the numbers will worsen as more cases are awaiting confirmation
Norway is at one in 26,500 and they have the best data
Canada is, as usual lagging in data, That’s so they can hide reality.

May 15, 2021 5:48 AM
Reply to  Penny

More Canadian news RE the PCR scamdemic:

Manitoba Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist: 56% of positive “cases” are not infectious.


“As noted, only 44% of the “positive” samples using a Ct of 18 returned a viable lab culture. Samples tested at a Ct of over 25, according to Dr. Bullard’s report, produced no viable lab cultures.”

“Manitoba has confirmed that it utilizes Ct’s of up to 40, and even 45 in some cases. This indicates “cases” resulting from such tests (above a Ct of 25) are almost certainly not actually infectious.”

May 14, 2021 5:39 PM

From what I see the children are a mess.
And if we don’t regain some societal sanity, it’s going to get worse

Thom 9
Thom 9
May 14, 2021 5:26 PM

Great article thank you!
Here in Canada there are a number of court challanges regarding the COVID-1984 Scamdemic. One in particular involves children’s rights and the abuse of those rights by the Provincial and Federal Governments.
Read the Court Application filed in the Superior Court of the Province of Ontario:

Defending Children’s Rights – Post Press Conference Interview:https://www.constitutionalrightscentre.ca/defending-childrens-rights-post-press-conference-interview/#interview

For more info search the Constitutional Rights Law Centre:

Suffice to say these legal challanges have absolute merit and are moving forward.
Because of this more people are becoming aware of the the abuse and torturous conditions that children are being subjected to here in Canada and in many other places around the globe.

May 14, 2021 8:42 PM
Reply to  Thom 9

Thanks Thom9
I’ll be having a look 🙂

George Mc
George Mc
May 14, 2021 4:56 PM

Disclaimer: the following is me musing on a certain news service which shovel shit. But I am curious as to whether this fiendish Indian variant will initiate another clampdown. So I speculate. That’s all this is. Feel free to skip. The source of the news shall remain undisclosed. But it’s not hard to guess. And not that it matters much anyway since the media is a hydra, all heads uniting in the same putrid stinking body. According to our “news service”, which is, as ever, moulding the desired anticipation for the next act, “Boris Johnson has said he is “anxious” about the Indian variant of Covid and is “ruling nothing out” to tackle it. Asked specifically whether surge vaccinations could be introduced, a No 10 spokesman said ministers “want to consider all options”.” “Surge vaccinations” is new to me. It apparently means “focusing extra doses of vaccine in specific areas to immunise a larger section of the population, and reduce the spread of variants.” Dr Susan Hopkins is a “Covid-19 strategic response director”, a title which is an impressive tribute to our newfound resolve to build a true unified and disciplined front to the unprecedented biological threat facing us. She is somewhat concerned about the new variant and urges a constant preparation for “rapid public health action” reminding us about “the progress we have all made to drive down levels of Covid-19 and the increased freedom that brings.” Mind you, you’d be hard pushed to find any “increased freedom” unless we are now defining “freedom” as something vastly more subtle than anything previously expected. Now Boris, “Speaking earlier at a primary school in Ferryhill, County Durham, the prime minister did not rule out reintroducing regional restrictions.” Boris says, “Obviously there’s surge testing, there’s surge tracing.” Obviously! Surges galore! “If we… Read more »

May 14, 2021 5:15 PM
Reply to  George Mc

FAO: Mr. G Mc

Aforementioned individual has been flagged by Special Nikla Politi, Task Force 66 for intervention.
You will desist from hate speech and disinformation; you will report The News’ articles in their intended context and refrain henceforth from critical thought.
Failure to comply with this modest appeasement, will ensure you an interview: we will kick in your door, stab you in the thigh and drag you off to the Fort Augustus Dissident Camp for Subversives where we will continue clinical rehabilitation and emasculation (being Hotel Caledonia).
You have been advised.

May 14, 2021 7:24 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

That would be funny if it wasn’t so likely to be true… smdh.

May 14, 2021 7:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yes according to some, there is supposed to be another clampdown some time this September as the flu season sets in, but it could be before. WHO was at it again today or recently: anyhow it is already up to its tricks saying this year is going to be far worse. Evidently, they’re now using vaccines and there’s something else, but please let me finish my
detailed study before I actually talk about it openly, I need more solid grounds to do so, but Im convinced, so are some of the best scientists I contacted about this. If there is correlation, then this is even more worrying (I want to see how big the danger is, and can our bodies protect themselves. Evidently the vaccines should then be even more avoided and one should lead the most healthy life to give ourselves a chance to get through. For then the deaths will just keep going up year after year, until we put a stop to it all. Again I may be mistaken, some scientists have found correlation in the US, but I havent checked their work, Im doing it for Europe. And this would be bad news for even those responsible for all this, so if true they must believe in their own inventions, I mean they may not realise the dangers, or are they so much in love with death that they are also willing to kill themselves to make yet more money and have yet more control on people?).

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 14, 2021 3:58 PM

I know a link to this talk from the Gray Zone has been posted and that it doesn’t directly relate to the article but it is very good and I think it deserves mention again….

How the CIA cultivates a fake left: From the cultural cold war to intersectional imperialism – YouTube

May 14, 2021 5:35 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I’ve been saying it for years. Of course the ‘woke left’ are artificially elevated by the right wing media, the media exist to discredit real socialism. And who is at war with socialism? the CIA of course. It is all so obvious.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 15, 2021 12:31 AM
Reply to  Schulz

Right. All MSM are right wing.

May 15, 2021 8:42 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

yes they are

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 14, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

The entire left (in the US anyway) is either directed by NGO’s tied to/created by the Democratic Party or organizations that receive foundation money (Ford, Tides, Rockefeller, Open Society etc) that are – in reality – CIA pass thru (front) organizations. The few remaining that are not CIA controlled are circumscribed by the no-go taboo of the conspiracy theorist label (a CIA masterstroke). This Grayzone talk is very good and goes a long way to explain the bankruptcy of the left, however, the Grayzone too self-censor their investigations based on what the MSM (read CIA) say are conspiracy theories. While Ben Norton does a great exposure of the fake left here, ironically they too (while not directly) are controlled by the CIA.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 14, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Has Grayzone said anything about the fake pandemic or the worldwide destruction of liberty?

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 14, 2021 9:43 PM

Huh? What difference does that make?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
May 14, 2021 10:55 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

Yeah, such trifling matters. Easily overlooked.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 14, 2021 9:48 PM

Very little and mixed at best. They had some guest writers months ago that wrote critically about Bill Gates. It was good article as I recall. Max Blumenthal (one of the founders of the Grayzone), in an interview with pod-caster Jimmy Dore actually brought up the existence of Event 201, (which in the MSM will get you labeled a conspiracy nut) but he rather saw it as a good thing, i.e. our leaders doing appropriate planning ahead for that “inevitable” pandemic. They are very good at following imperial projects/CIA destabilization outside US borders. Like a lot of otherwise good critical thinkers, they are good on politics and geopolitics, but that is it. They can’t seem to fathom that science and medicine are also totally corrupt and serve elite interests. Important to note: their analysis is corralled by the conspiracy theorist label. Ben Norton actually said that the idea that 9-11 was an inside job was a right wing conspiracy theory.

They don’t talk about the “pandemic” much (not their bailiwick) but from what I have gathered they buy the Narrative. Interestingly, they do seem to think that the assassinations of the 60’s were state sponsored.

May 15, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Anyone who claims to be anti-establishment and isn’t fiercely attacking the new fascism is likely to be controlled opp. The list of sites I no longer trust and consider to be intel fronts or gatekeepers is sadly long

The Grayzone

Caitlin Johnstone

Mint Press News

Moon of Alabama


The Duran


Media Lens

John Pilger

Eric Zuesse (might just be an idiot)

Philip Roddis (ditto)

any more?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 15, 2021 9:54 PM
Reply to  Mehitabel

I agree with your list. Like I said before “controlled” doesn’t have to be direct; it can mean self-censorship. The conspiracy theory label has shown itself to be a very powerful ideological control device. I heard Max Blumenthal actually say that he won’t investigate anything labeled a conspiracy theory as his work is already criticized for approaching conspiracy theory. (One would think that he would just embrace it then, since he’s already got little to lose.) For decades, Noam Chomsky would ridicule anyone who questioned the official story of the JFK assassination. To hold that position today with the mountains of information we now have about the CIA, for example, is simply untenable. The pejorative of the conspiracy theory label is a gift that keeps giving.

May 16, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  Mehitabel

The limited hangout/ gatekeepers above were worthless long before covid-

May 15, 2021 8:44 AM

Would they be broadcast if they did? NO

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
May 15, 2021 6:25 PM
Reply to  Schulz

Oh please that’s so lame. If UKColumn, 21CWire, Corbett Report etc can critique the Covid narrative then so could Grayzone if they chose. Why is their risk greater than the rest of us?

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 15, 2021 11:16 PM

RE: …or the worldwide destruction of liberty?
No, not that I am aware of. I mean there are people who buy the Covid Narrative but see the dangerous and wholesale abrogations of civil liberties all over (Glenn Greenwald for example). I am not seeing that from the Grayzone.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 14, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Good God. What a shitty response. Sorry but THE CIA IS NOT THE LEFT.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 14, 2021 11:39 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

What are you talking about? Of course the CIA is not the left. However, in the video which you have been posting about the fake left (which is quite good) it is clear that the left has been heavily manipulated from the 1950’s onward by the CIA. When the “left” embraces arguably the greatest attack against the working class in history, I don’t see any evidence that a genuine organized left exists at all anymore.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 14, 2021 11:43 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Correct. However, I was referring to this:

The entire left (in the US anyway) is either directed by NGO’s tied to/created by the Democratic Party or organizations that receive foundation money (Ford, Tides, Rockefeller, Open Society etc) that are – in reality – CIA pass thru (front) organizations.

I try not to refer to that intellectual sewer as the left.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 15, 2021 1:17 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

I didn’t say that the Democratic Party, foundations listed above nor that the CIA were left. I said that the left was “directed” by them. Is there a left that is independant of said direction? Let me know, I’ve been looking for them for 14 months.

Saint Jimmy
Saint Jimmy
May 15, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Misleading. Are you a lawyer?


Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 15, 2021 2:02 AM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

No. But you should read more slowly.

The definition of the political terms right and left I use goes back 150 years at least:

Right represents the interests of the capitalist class.
Left represents the interests of the working class.

That definition seems more like an historical artifact than anything that would hold sway now. The left politics I ascribe to would be represented by the thinking of the average shop steward in the CIO during the 1930’s. Again, that might as well be ancient history. The real left are scattered to the winds.

May 15, 2021 6:38 PM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

The term Left and Right originated in the National Assembly in 1789 during the opening stages of the French Revolution. The monarchists habitually sat to the right of the presidential chair and the republicans/radicals sat to the left.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
May 15, 2021 10:00 PM
Reply to  Mehitabel

Yes I am aware of that thanks. I would argue that my definition is what a union worker participating in the working class revolutions 1848 (and until the 1930’s at least) would conceive of left and right.

Victor G.
Victor G.
May 15, 2021 9:57 PM
Reply to  Saint Jimmy

True but they are trying hard …

May 15, 2021 8:46 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

I agree, even Jimmy dore’s great work is only allowed because it helps right wing ideology. Having said that he is now going too far for the CIA to accept.

May 14, 2021 3:40 PM

New wonderfully macho-sounding term ffrom the UK government…. “surge” vaccination. It appears to mean scrapping the age requirements in certain areas.

These areas turn out to be ones supposedly showing the Indian variant. Surge vaccination will hit the young and those with Asian backgrounds, coincidentally two of the groups with lowest vaccination take-up. If you wanted to design an experiment to see if the fear porn of the Indian variant (funeral pyres, black fungus and the rest) was working with “the vaccine hesitant” it might look very like this.

Walking through town for the first time in a while I noticed Poundlan have a new poster up. It starts “Like you we know this is not over…. ” before going on to all the measures still required in store.

On a different subject I saw this:
It’ll be tough for the corproate media to decide which to cover less – this or the carbon footprint of Israeli bombing.

May 14, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Palestinian children being murdered right now 

get your facts correct they Palestinians’ ALL died of Covid’ the israhell variant
anti semetic strain.

May 14, 2021 3:32 PM

A prose poem by Christine Black expresses something familiar to women in wartime throughout the ages; how to keep sane, how to preserve the sanity of your children and the blessed normality of own little world, when the world around you has gone completely insane. Six feet apart in the sunshine:


May 14, 2021 3:31 PM

I would be totally distraught about what to do, if our children were teenagers. Currently our grandchildren are doing fine, because they are so young. The eldest’s first year at school has been largely uninterrupted, because his father managed to get himself classified as a key worker.

Most of our brainwashed friends are convinced that COVID is over, and everything will soon be back to normal. I hope they are correct, but I do not share the same confidence.

It seems to me that still around 75% of people believe, everything that “nice man” says on the TV screen, or what their “friends” on facebook groups reinforce with each other how wonderful these vaccines are (a small percentage of them like me, have either given up posting or are in “facebook jail” for saying the “wrong” thing)

The psychos running the show, can fiddle the numbers at a moment’s notice re “cases” as they have for over a year. The case numbers can suddenly go ballistic as they have done within the last few days in Bolton. What also is likely to kick in sooner or later is a major increase in real deaths which will be blamed on COVID, as a result of the vaccinations.

There maybe 2 or 3 months when things, seemingly go back to some kind of almost normal, but at any time, the Terror and The Lockdowns can be switched back on, and I strongly suspect they will be, unless vastly more people become aware of what is really going on, and vociferously complain about it in very large numbers, and refuse to wear masks, and continue to refuse vaccinations.


John the First
John the First
May 14, 2021 3:30 PM

It must be clear, already before covid that the elites and politicians are not humanists, that they love to control, if even by means of invoking fear and manipulation of conscience. Not only elites and politicians, even a part of the general population is into it.

Aside of that, democracy, being the dictatorship of mobs, the brutal, the corrupt and the average has itself lead to the suppression of minorities totally unrecognized by the democratic dictatorship, with unhappiness, lack of opportunities and lack of development as a result, even leading to suicides through constant bullying and lack of recognition. No democratic medium will ever report that. The democracy itself has the blood of the innocent on its hands.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
May 14, 2021 3:28 PM

“Casserian Engeri?” translated from the Swahili means, “And how are the children?” This is a traditional greeting among a Masai tribe in Africa.

One hoped to hear, “Sepati Ingera!” which means, “The children are well.”

It is important to note that the oldest surviving cultures on the planet were the first to be attacked and dismantled by New World Order enthusiasts… It seems industrialized populations FAIL to realize that their populations will become obsoleted by the same tactics…

How are the children? Here’s an examination of cause and effect. >

Society is unwell
Max Igan
Society is unwell – thecrowhouse.com (by Max Igan) – YouTube

May 14, 2021 5:40 PM

I’ll have a look at that!
Society is unwell. Very unwell.

May 14, 2021 3:27 PM

It seems rather obvious to me. The West is now a sick, senile, gerontocracy that hates children. Children are seen as costly disease ridden vermin (dare we say “untermenschen”?) that the elderly and near elderly who run things would rather do without. Who needs the little germ breeders? After all, look at all of the plucky young adults in poor countries chomping at the bit to come and be servants of the gerontocratic class in the West. Let those people over there worry about raising the world’s children so long as they, please, raise them in their own Gates-forsaken countries. Then, if they re so lucky to brave the perils of the cross border passage, they can come and care for our dear elderly as they slowly decline and pass on from their grip on the centers of power to their final stations in a comfortable care home before finally, tragically shedding their mortal coils … so sad … so tragic … (that is only after millions have been spent on delaying that day to the greatest extent possible). No sacrifice is too great to keep gran alive a few days, months or (dare we hope!) years more! F*ck the little shits who want a promising future, when gran needs a new dialysis treatment. “Give up your lives and your futures to save your granny kiddies!” That must be the motto of all right thinking people everywhere!

Hmm, reminds me of an old essay by Johnathan Swift. Perhaps I will send a copy to the White House or the WHO or the World Bank or the UN or something as these days it might stir up some new creative ideas for dealing with the bothersome problem of children in the West once and for all.

May 14, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  Ted

May 14, 2021 3:26 PM

…now we expect children to attend schools that look and feel like prison camps. Or worse. How can we treat our children this way?

I believe Christine Black has hit on the crux of the entire program: to get children used to ordinary life being akin to a prison paradigm and themselves akin to being prisoners serving a life sentence.

Because if the “ruling elites” who invented this COVID-19 ruse have their way, that’s exactly what life will be like for countless generations to come. All that matters to these “elites” is having everything in existence serve their interests alone.

George Mc
George Mc
May 14, 2021 3:24 PM

From the Daily Record:

“Concerns Dumfries and Galloway faces a “cancer crisis” due to Covid-19
South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth fears the toll of the coronavirus on the National Health Service will leave patients at risk.”

Smyth is quoted, “…we know that necessary decisions to focus our NHS on responding to Covid-19 has meant delays in diagnosis and this, coupled with people’s reluctance to seek treatment for concerns, has led to a build in the numbers needing diagnosis and care.”

So the toll of this emphasis on COVID is starting to manifest. Effectively they just shoved the entire ill population over to the side for a year and built up a probably unserviceable back catalogue. So it’s a sneaky cull. Amongst other things.