How Bill Gates & Big Pharma used children as “guinea pigs”…and got away with it.
In 2010 a Gates-funded NGO breached multiple ethical & legal guidelines in trialing a new vaccine on children without parental consent, and the Western media never covered it.
Bernard Marx

Young tribal girls were lied to, treated as “human guinea pigs” without parental consent by a Gates-backed NGO
We’ve seen a lot of India in the news recently. A lot more than we usually do. There’s an apocalypse of sorts going on there, if the popular media is to be believed. But as is often the case, these reports are devoid of any context or perspective.
While the world’s media can’t get enough of India today, in its rush to support a narrative of terror about Covid-19, twelve years ago when there was a real story going on there, the world’s media was nowhere to be seen.
In 2009, a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded NGO carried out unauthorised clinical trials of a vaccine on some of the poorest, most vulnerable children in the world. It did so without providing information about the risks involved, without the informed consent of the children or their parents and without even declaring that it was conducting a clinical trial.
After vaccination, many of the participating children became ill and seven of them died. Such were the findings of a parliamentary committee charged with investigating this wretched affair. The committee accused the NGO of “child abuse” and produced a raft of evidence to back up its claim. This entire incident barely registered on the radar of Western media.
PATH (formerly the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) is a Seattle based NGO, heavily funded by BMGF but which also receives significant grants from the US government. Between 1995 and the time of writing (May 2021), PATH had received more than $2.5bn from BMGF.
In 2009, PATH carried out a project to administer the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. The project’s aim was, in PATH’s own words, “to generate and disseminate evidence for informed public sector introduction of HPV vaccines”. It was conducted in four countries: India, Uganda, Peru and Vietnam. Another Gates-funded organization, Gavi, had originally been considered to run the project, but responsibility was ultimately delegated to PATH. The project was directly funded by BMGF.
Significantly, each of the countries selected for the project had a different ethnic population and each had a state-funded national immunisation program. The use of different ethnic groups in the trial allowed for comparison of the effects of the vaccine across diverse population groups (ethnicity being a factor in the safety and efficacy of certain drugs).
The immunisation programs of the countries involved provided a potentially lucrative market for the companies whose drugs were to be studied: should the drugs prove successful and be included on these countries’ state-funded national immunisation schedules, this would represent an annual windfall of profits for the companies involved.
Two types of HPV vaccine were used in the trial: Gardasil by Merck and Cervarix by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). In this article, we are going to examine PATH’s trial of Gardasil in India.
It’s worth noting here the relationship between BMGF and one of the companies whose drugs were being tested. In 2002, BMGF had, controversially, bought $205m worth of stocks in the pharmaceutical sector, a purchase which included shares in Merck & Co. The move had raised eyebrows because of the obvious conflict of interest between the foundation’s role as a medical charity and its role as an owner of businesses in the same sector.
The Wall Street Journal reported, in August 2009, that the foundation had sold its shares in Merck between 31st March and 30th June of that year, which would have been around the same time that the field trials of the HPV vaccine were starting in India. So for the entirety of this project (which was already in operation by October 2006), right up to its final field trials, BMGF had a dual role: as both a charity with a responsibility for care, and as a business owner with a responsibility for profit.
Such conflicts of interest have been a hallmark of BMGF since 2002. When Gates was making regular TV appearances last year to promote Covid-19 vaccination, giving especially ringing endorsements of the Pfizer-BioNTech effort, his objectivity was never brought into question. Yet his foundation is the part-owner of several vaccine manufacturers, including Pfizer, BioNTech and CureVac.
HPV vaccine aims to prevent cervical cancer. Gardasil had been launched successfully by Merck in the US in 2006, but its sales suffered after a series of articles in American medical journals had judged that its risks outweighed its benefits. Especially damaging was an analysis of reports made to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) about adverse reactions to Gardasil.
This analysis was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on August 19th 2009. The 12,424 adverse reactions which had been reported included 772 which were considered serious, 32 of which were deaths. Other reported serious side effects included autoimmune disorders, venous thromboembolic events (blood clots) and Guillain-Barré syndrome.
In the same edition of JAMA, Dr. Charlotte Haug, then editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, wrote,
Whether a risk is worth taking depends not only on the absolute risk, but on the relationship between the potential risk and the potential benefit. If the potential benefits are substantial, most individuals would be willing to accept the risks. But the net benefit of the HPV vaccine to a woman is uncertain. Even if persistently infected with HPV, a woman most likely will not develop cancer if she is regularly screened. So rationally she should be willing to accept only a small risk from the vaccine.”
Dr. Haug also noted, “When weighing evidence about risks and benefits, it is also appropriate to ask who takes the risk, and who gets the benefit”, in a clear dig at Gardasil manufacturer Merck.
Merck’s attempts to promote Gardasil had been controversial. Dr. Angela Raffle, one the UK’s leading experts on cervical cancer screening, described Merck’s marketing strategy as “a battering ram at the Department of Health and carpet bombing on the peripheries.”
Dr. Raffle was concerned that the push to mass vaccination would harm the successful screening programme which had operated in the UK since the 1960s.
“My worry is that the commercially motivated rush to make us panic into introducing HPV vaccine quickly will put us back and worsen our cervical cancer control programme.”
Professor Diane Harper, then of Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire, had led 2 trials of the vaccine and was adamant that Gardasil could not protect against all strains of HPV.
When Merck launched a huge public relations campaign in 2007 to persuade European governments to use the product to vaccinate all the continent’s young girls against cervical cancer, she said:
Mass vaccination programmes (would be) a great big public health experiment….We don’t know a lot of things. We don’t know the vaccine will continue to be effective. To be honest, we don’t have efficacy data in these young girls right now. We’re vaccinating against a virus that attacks women throughout their whole life and continues to cause cancer. If we vaccinate girls at 10 or 11 we won’t know for 20 to 25 years whether it is going to work or not. This is a big thing to take on.”
So at the time that PATH was carrying out its trials in India, Uganda, Peru and Vietnam, Gardasil was a controversial vaccine: its safety, efficacy and Merck’s attempts to promote it were being questioned, not by “anti-vaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists”, but by the international medical establishment and the respected mainstream media.
Khammam district, in 2009, was a part of the eastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh (boundary changes made in 2014 mean that today Khammam district belongs to the state of Telangana). The region is predominantly rural and is considered to be one of the poorest and least developed parts of India.
Khammam is home to several ethnic tribal groups,with some estimates putting its tribal population at about 21.5% (approximately 600,000 people). As is common for indiginous people throughout the world, the tribal groups of Khammam suffer from a lack of access to education. Consequently, their level of literacy is of a standard considerably lower than that of the region as a whole.
Some 14,000 girls were injected with Gardasil in Khammam district during 2009. The girls recruited for PATH’s project were between 10 and 14 years of age and all came from low-income, predominantly tribal backgrounds. Many of the girls did not reside with their families; instead they lived in ashram pathshalas (government-run hostels), which were situated close to the schools the children attended.
Professor Linsey McGoey, of the University of Essex, later stated she believed girls at ashram pathshalas had been targeted for the project as this was a way of:
side-stepping the need to seek parental consent for the shots.”
Although we have seen a lot of India in the news recently, coverage of this country and its affairs is usually low-key. Despite being home to almost one fifth of the world’s population, reporting on India is sparse.
Few of us are aware, for example, of its abysmal history of health and safety or its long-standing tradition of corruption in government.
Such failings have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous profit-seekers for decades. Western media only reports on the consequences of these actions when their magnitude is too great to ignore.
We learned that up to 7,000 people were killed and more than half a million were injured after being exposed to deadly methyl isocyanate gas, following a gas leak at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal. But we learned nothing in the years leading up to it of the culture of poor standards and disregard for regulation which was ultimately responsible for the disaster.
So it was typical that PATH’s project to administer and study the effects of the HPV vaccine went unheralded in the West. Typical, too, that the same was true in India itself: the Indian media is no more renowned for its reporting on tribal groups than the Western media is for its coverage of Indians. Despite concerns expressed about the project in October 2009 by Sama, a Delhi-based NGO that advocates for women’s health, the matter remained absent from India’s news.
This project, then, couldn’t have been more off-the-map had it taken place on the moon, and it remained so for several months until, early in 2010, stories began to filter out from Khammam that something had gone terribly wrong: many of the girls who had been involved in the trials had subsequently fallen ill and four of them had died.
In March 2010, members of Sama visited Khammam to find out more about the emerging stories. They were told that up to 120 girls had experienced adverse reactions, including epileptic seizures, severe stomach ache, headaches and mood swings. The Sama representatives remained in Khammam to investigate the situation further.
The involvement of Sama finally brought the matter to the attention of the Indian media and, amid a barrage of negative publicity, the Indian Council of Medical Research (IMCR) suspended the PATH project.
At this point the Indian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health began an investigation into the affair.
On May 17th, Sama produced a damning report highlighting, among other things: that the trials had been promoted as a government immunisation programme and not a research project, that the girls had not been made aware that they could choose not to participate in the trials, and that parental consent had neither been asked for nor given in many cases.
The report stated that:
Many of the vaccinated girls continue to suffer from stomach aches, headaches, giddiness and exhaustion. There have been reports of early onset of menstruation, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps, extreme mood swings, irritability, and uneasiness following the vaccination. No systematic follow up or monitoring has been carried out by the vaccine providers.”
Sama also disputed the Andhra Pradesh State Government’s claim that the deaths of four of the girls who had participated in the trials had nothing to do with vaccination.
The wheels of bureaucracy are slow to turn. It was more than three years later, on 30th August 2013, when the report of the Indian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health was finally published. Although many had expected the report to be a whitewash, it was anything but: it made for shocking reading.
The report excoriated both PATH and the IMCR, concluding that the “safety and rights of children were highly compromised and violated.” The committee found that PATH, despite operating in India since 1999, had no legal permission to do so. It noted that although the organisation had finally received a certificate from India’s Registrar of Companies in September 2009, this certificate itself was in breach of the law.
The report stated that:
PATH…has violated all laws and regulations laid down for clinical trials….its sole aim has been to promote the commercial interests of HPV vaccine manufacturers….This is a serious breach of trust…as the project involved the life and safety of girl children and adolescents who were mostly unaware of the implications of vaccination. The violation is also a serious breach of medical ethics.This act of PATH is a clear cut violation of the human rights of these girl children and adolescents. It is also an established case of child abuse.”
The committee charged that PATH had lied to it and had attempted to mislead it during the course of its investigation and recommended that the Indian Government report PATH’s violations of human rights to the WHO, UNICEF and the US Government.
The report declared that PATH’s whole scheme was a cynical attempt to ensure ongoing profits for Merck and GSK.
The choice of countries and population groups; the monopolistic nature, at that point of time, of the product being pushed; the unlimited market potential and opportunities in the universal immunisation programmes of the respective countries are all pointers to a well-planned scheme to commercially exploit a situation. Had PATH been successful…this would have generated a windfall profit for the manufacturers by way of automatic sale, year after year, without any promotional or marketing expenses. It is well known that once introduced to the immunisation programme it becomes politically impossible to stop any vaccination.”
It went on:
To achieve this end effortlessly, without going through the arduous and strictly regulated route of clinical trials, PATH resorted to an element of subterfuge by calling the clinical trials ‘Observational Studies’ or ‘a Demonstration Project’ and various such expressions. Thus the interest, safety and well being of subjects were completely jeopardized by PATH by using self-determined and self-servicing nomenclature which is not only highly deplorable but also a serious breach of the law of the land.”
These charges were echoed by leading voices in India’s medical community. “It is shocking to see how an American organization used surreptitious methods to establish itself in India,” said Chandra M.Gulhati, editor of India’s influential Monthly Index of Medical Specialities, “(this) was not philanthropy”.
Samiran Nundy, editor emeritus of the National Medical Journal of India and a long-standing critic of corrupt practices in health, did not mince his words:
This is an obvious case where Indians were being used as guinea pigs.”
The standing committee’s report was also highly critical of the relationship between PATH and members of several of India’s health agencies, highlighting multiple conflicts of interest.
On the issue of informed consent, the committee confirmed the allegations made by Sama to be true, finding that the majority of consent forms weren’t signed by either the children or their parents, that many consent forms were postdated or not dated at all, that multiple forms had been signed by the same people (often the caretakers of the hostels the girls lived in) and that many signatures didn’t match the name on the form. It found that parents had not been given information on the necessity of vaccination, its pros and cons or its potential side effects.
No insurance was provided for any of the children in the event of injury and “PATH did not provide for urgent expert medical attention in case of serious adverse events.”
Further, PATH seriously contravened Indian health regulations by carrying out a clinical trial of a drug on children before first conducting a trial of the drug with adults as subjects.
Regarding the girls who had died, the committee criticized PATH, Indian medical authorities and the Andhra Pradesh State Government for summarily dismissing the link between their deaths and vaccination without conducting thorough investigations. By 2016, some 1,200 of the girls who had been subjects in the two HPV vaccine trials in India were reporting serious long-term side effects, more than 5% of the total cohort of 23,500. By then, the total number of deaths had risen to seven.
This appalling breach of medical ethics and human rights went almost completely unmentioned outside India. The Indian Parliament’s Standing Committee on Health had literally accused an American NGO of child abuse, providing extensive evidence to support their charge, yet practically no mention of this was to be found anywhere in the Western media.
Popular science publications Nature and Science each contained a brief article about the debacle, but neither goes into any detail about PATH’s legal and ethical breaches. While the Science article is at least slightly critical, the Nature piece gives more space to a rebuttal of the charges by PATH director Vivien Tsu.
The way in which media around the world is funded by BMGF, and how this affects reporting about BMGF and the organisations it sponsors, deserves its own article. But it’s worth mentioning here that the BBC has received a total of $51.7m from BMGF, as of May 2021, and The Guardian has received $12.8m.
The Guardian, for all its claims to give a voice to the most vulnerable in the world, stayed curiously silent about the young girls of Khammam. That is, except for one article, published in October 2013, about six weeks after the release of the standing committee’s report.
The article was written not by one of the girls or one of their parents, not by one of the women from Sama who had advocated on the girls’ behalf, not even by one of the Indian parliamentarians who had been charged with investigating the affair.
No. It was written by an American man called Seth Berkely. Berkely is the CEO of Gavi, another BMGF funded health behemoth.
Berkely used his forum in The Guardian to claim that the girls who had died after being vaccinated in Khammam had committed suicide. Speaking about the 14,000 subjects involved in the trials, he said, “it would have been unusual if none of them went on to kill themselves.”
Compassion wasn’t the only element missing from his article. Not once did Berkley address the multiple breaches of law and ethics which had occurred or the role of PATH and that of his employers, the Gates Foundation, in his dismissal of this iniquity.
The Guardian began receiving funding from BMGF in August 2010. Prior to that arrangement, in 2007, the newspaper had published two separate articles which were critical of the lobbying tactics used by Merck to promote Gardasil and which questioned the efficacy of its use in mass vaccination programs.
Subsequent to their arrangement with Gates, all coverage by the Guardian of this drug (and of HPV vaccination in general) has been positive.
The Indian government was reluctant to take any of the measures recommended by the committee. After all, there were huge amounts of money being made available to the state, institutions and individuals from organisations like PATH.
So no official reports of human rights violations were ever made by the Indian government to the WHO, to Unicef or to the American government, as had been recommended by the standing committee.
However, in 2017, it announced it would no longer accept grants from BMGF for its Immunisation Technical Support Unit, an organisation which provides “vaccination strategy advice” in relation to an estimated 27 million infants. Nevertheless, the Indian government continues to accept the foundation’s grants in other areas.
Merck, and their HPV vaccine Gardasil, have done very well since the dismal events recounted in this article. The Khammam scandal never really affected the company, due to a lack of awareness about it outside India. In 2018 alone, Gardasil sales amounted to more than $3bn, thanks to its inclusion on immunisation schedules around the world, and its launch that year in China.
PATH has never been better. Just like Merck, the lack of reporting about what happened in Khammam meant the organisation didn’t suffer. Since 2010, it has continued to receive huge funding from BMGF and, to a lesser extent, the US Government. During this period, BMGF has provided PATH with more than $1.2bn in funding.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has continued expanding its web of influence. Describing the organisation’s practices around the time of the events outlined here, Jacob Levich said:
In essence, BMGF would buy up stockpiled drugs that had failed to create sufficient demand in the West, press them on the periphery at a discount, and lock in long-term purchase agreements with Third World governments.”
The foundation has since moved on to even more lucrative pastures. The Covid-19 pandemic has really pushed BMGF to centre stage. Gates himself has seen his public profile and political influence grow to an extent that would have been unimaginable even in 2019.
Despite his lack of either scientific qualifications or an electoral mandate, he regularly presses the need for mass global vaccination with products made by the companies he owns, using platforms given to him by the media outlets he funds.
And the girls of Khammam?
Well, those poor children and their plight wasn’t even widely known outside of India back in 2010. To say they had been forgotten would be to imply that anybody knew about them or cared about them in the first place.
Bernard Marx is the pseudonym used by a writer and teacher based in Ireland. Bernard’s areas of interest include history, politics and popular music. You can read more his work are Notes from the New Normal
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Decent people see the few inflicting great pain or suffering on others, usually for personal profit, and are outraged. We demand justice but it rarely comes as money buys justice. In reality though we are all held accountable for every act and thought, many may escape answering for their crimes in life, but they wont in the next. Karma is a belief system many wont subscribe to, however it allows no wrong to go unanswered. You get back what you give out, consider the hideous lives that can await, to endure that for a temporary gain in avarice is stupidity beyond belief. What nature can repay is far worse than what we can devise, hence the Christian saying of turning the other cheek.
Supreme Court Report called Alleged Irregularities in the Conduct of Studies using Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine by Path in India that threw out Gates Foundation out of India
It is not a Supreme Court ruling. It is a August 2013 report by a parliamentary committee, a committee made up by elected members of the central government in the Parliament.
When I replied to your reply on my post where you shared the same thing, I forgot to clarify this thing.
So far as India is concerned (where a massively intensified media-led deception is being carried out on the gullible people over the last two months) Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has bribed health authorities, government ministers in charge of health policies, and tied up with NGOs and Indian pharma/other companies to carry out their despicable agenda.
If we had a fair judiciary in India and a government that did not send authorities (police, CBI, taxmen, others) after you and your family then Bill & Melinda Gates would have been held accountable for their actions some years back itself. The evidence is all there.
Currently, too, the health authorities are completely manipulating the stats with regard to the deadly effects (with varying degrees) of vaccines are having on the people who are taking it voluntarily or being forced to take because of some government conditions on working and other things).
The system in India IS NOT RECORDING any death, injury, severe effects, of vaccines. THE SYSTEM SIMPLY DOES NOT EXIST IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY.
Many Indian people do not exercise their rights, some for legitimate reasons but many are simply too lazy or unbothered. It is not that you have to go the courts all the time. There are thousands of other ways of voicing your views and exercising your rights. But then again, creativity in India is only limited to when you can make money out of it in your profession.
Had there been strongs rights awareness and willingness among Indian people, the current situation in India of deception would have been nipped in its bud two months back itself.
I am sorry I have to say such things about my fellow Indians. I truly love many things about my country and its people, but on the matter of rights awareness and blind faith in authorities, even among the educated, affluent people, I have no choice but to be highly critical.
Anand rightly said. Read the Supreme Court report on HPV
The August 2013 parliamentary committee report you shared is actually exposing Bill and Melinda Gates. From mid-2004 to May 2014, the Congress-led coalition government was at the centre, and parliamentary committees were not stopped from coming out with strong, independent reports. Of course, the then-Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, would bend backwards to any and every foreign agency. This is why genuine action was never taken following the August 2013 report.
When the BJP government came to power in May 2014 (electronic voting machine elections in India have been largely rigged for over 15 years with foreign agencies playing a major part in manipulating the results), with Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister, then the situation became more easy for foreign operators like Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. There was even a meeting between Modi and Bill Gates in the first 3 years of his first government.
The BJP government again came to power in 2019.
From May 2014 till date, the BJP government has nearly killed all parliamentary committes and a report like the August 2013 report has not been presented in the Parliament in the last 7 years.
What are these reports then?
Have you gone through the list of reports? Plz do share the ones you think contain hard-hitting details as that contained in the August 2013 parliamentary committee report on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Of course, the system of parliamentary committees continue, but look at the quality of reports being churned out. I have a lot more to comment on, but first what are your views in detail?
If it’s any consolation, the blindness of the “educated, affluent people” is not specific to India. ‘Educated’ people believe their lives are valuable to the ruling classes, and do not expect the callousness with which the Indian migrant workers were treated in 2020 to be applied to them.
Even in countries with systems for recording vaccine damage, the appalling reality is being kept from the public, so it’s only marginally better than in India.
If anything, Covid has been the great leveller – the ‘medical’ practices till now reserved for the voiceless in poorer nations are being rolled out everywhere.
Thats true. In Mar-Apr 2020, thousands of, or a few million, migrants working in cities and towns of India went through hell. The government of India, along with the governments of various States in India. were completely callours towards the migrants. The government of India did not use basic common sense and apply basic sensitivity that announcing a complete national lockdown at a 4-hour notice would be devastating for a lot of people, mostly migrants. For much of the educated and elites, this wasn’t a talking point though.
At least, in countries with systems for recording vaccine damage, there is scope for future legal cases when the judiciary is a different one from the current ethically bankrupt one in most countries.
I agree that this covid thing has been a leveller. Adult elites, educated men and women are all going through the horrors of vaccines that were earlier reserved for little children.
For the first eight months, after my child was born, we gave a few vaccines. We did not know. But on the eight month when my child suffered from severe febrile convulsions, I and my spouse did research. We came to a conclusion to never give any dose of vaccine to our child ever again.
But millions of parents in India have been heavily vaccinating their little babies and toddlers for the last 10-15 years. It is a sad story.
India’s covid “apocalypse”. Check worldometers, today: India 206 covid deaths for 1 million inhabitants, USA 1809 covid deaths for 1 million inhabitants, UK 1872 covid deaths for 1 million inhabitants.
Stupid americans and british are complaining about covid apocalipse in India.
Good one !
India is ranked 108th in deaths per million, when I tell people this, its the same disbelieving scepticism, ppl would rather believe the lies and sleep easily than accept the life shatteirng truth that the media has been willingly lying to them in a carefully scripted social engineering program which has shaped their thoughts, opinions and reactions to the extent that they are incapable of individual thinking. OK Morrison reckons we all need this moderna crap next year, that ingredient The right-hand side of the chart shows ingredients in the Moderna vaccine. The fifth ingredient down is “SM-102: heptadecan-9-yl 8-((2-hydroxyethyl) (6-oxo-6-(undecyloxy) hexyl) amino) octanoate.”
Now we go to a document published by the Cayman Chemical Company of Ann Arbor, Michigan: “Safety Data Sheet acc. to OSHA HCS.” (04/11/2021) [2]
This data sheet lists the effects of SM-102. Here is the opening note: “For research use only, not for human or veterinary use.”
Far from comforting.
Then the safety data sheet lights up with adverse effects/warnings re SM-102. For example: “Suspected of causing cancer. Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. Causes damage to the central nervous system, the kidneys, the liver and the respiratory system through prolonged or repeated exposure. Very toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.” Why don’t our own media do some damn reading and research.
Because they are being bribed not to care or report anything that would upset the apple cart.
Outstanding article!
What a bunch of criminals,*literally*, we have at the top deciding for our life! You see the scheme?: Pharmaceutical companies make business deals with corrupt members of governments of poor countries, who wouldn’t mind cashing-in, obnubilated they are with the “advanced West”, at the expense of their own blood, for products rejected elsewhere. A conspiracy is quickly woven so that not a word is whispered at the time of the crime being committed by the local and international media; money is split up; let some years pass; a new government is elected with new people at the top; those responsible at the time have either retired and stayed but guaranteed immunity (an item surely agreed upon back then), moved permanently to the west, or are nowhere to be found today; then suddenly reports of the crime are allowed to the surface; the new talking heads are “outraged”, demand justice and open an official investigation, improving by the same token their image. The investigation/lawsuits drag on for years because of this, that and the other thing; anyway the culprits have fled, have immunity or are nowhere to be found; nothing is achieved, the thing is forgotten and the criminals die of old age.
It was bad enough back then with the girls of Khammam; today it’s the whole world as if it is a surprise that Capital, sooner or later, but inexorably, should knock at everyone’s door *demanding* that we change, that we sacrifice what is human in us so it can go on regimenting our life and keep the “social order”.
obnubilate, what a find! thank you
Egomaniacs think that because they saw the problem that gave them humanity, and, because they had a theory of evil (aliens, or satan,) that gave them the Solution. In the service of that Solution they would do anything, abandon loved ones, initiate a reign of terror. They would create chaos in their efforts to create order .And they couldnt see people because they were blinded by their theories.” (John Kessel – Good News from Outerspace)…
Something I found interesting – side effects of Gardasil similar to many of the side effects of covid and flu vaxes.
Yes, that IS curious, isn’t it. It almost suggests that the adverse reactions are due to the adjuvants and contaminants present in all these vaccines. And something of note about the adjuvants is that their purpose is (so we’re told) to enhance the immune reaction, a sort of leg up to the immune system in recognising the intentionally disabled disease causing agent supposedly present in the vaccine. One wonders what would be the result of vaccination if the adjuvants and other contaminants were absent and only the disabled disease causing agent were present.
Ian Frazer, the inventor of the Gardasil vaccine and ‘renowned immunologist’, won the pharmaceutical industry’s equivalent of a Nobel Prize, and the Science award from Aust. Govt. Still receives accolades now. Heard a few months ago that there is to be a big roll out of Gardasil in Indonesia because of the high rates of cervical cancer. No-one ever bothers to tell the real story. Excellent article. Thank you.
Gates of Hell’s polio vaccine crippled 500,000 Indian children. His vaccines sterilised Kenyan women.
“‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics, making the world safe [profitable] for CORPORATE FASCISM.”

“It takes a cull juice jab to euthanize a village.”
Tetanus jab: total no. of girls and women who were rendered sterile or underwent abortion: 150 million. Excludes damage to breastfeeding infants. -Larry Romanoff, 2020-12
Meanwhile, in mainstream media and bizzness as usual, it’s all about who Gates is fucking in private, rather than fucking over in public. Thanks for this reality check.
Yup. I can’t help but think not only is this the massive diversion you point out, but it will make Melinda look like the good guy to far too many, especially women who will think she’s really a virtuous feminist standing up against infidelity, and not someone who not only willingly married a psychopath but spawned with it as well. Funny how that kind of thing can work, isn’t it? And hey, she was upset that Billy Boy hung out with good old Epstein, but she seemingly did nothing about that until now. Funny how that works as well…
“Poisoning the general population, those who got the Billy Eugenics cull juice jab and those who did not, is a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. Corporate Fascism needs to go.”
Gates has had a hand in the development, and dissemination of COVID-19 throughout the world. Of course that sounds like a conspiracy theory. There are a lot of things about Bill Gates that sound like conspiracy theories, that will soon surface. When you’re bad, you’re bad.
This video corrects the “Official Lie” on how COVID-19 managed to spread throughout the entire world, yet somehow NOT spread through China.
So there’s a bio- weapon lab in Wuhan experimenting with corona viruses. There’s a pandemic of a new Corona virus all over the world. WHO could possibly link the two?
Investigation Links Fauci to Controversial Experiments That May Have Led to Pandemic
March 2, 2021
Complete page: Investigation Links Fauci to Controversial Experiments That May Have Led to Pandemic • Children’s Health Defense
Isn’t it dreadfully”reckless”‘of those Chinese giving the virus into the hands of such death dwarfs as fauchi tedros and gates. It would be ironic that f. was handling the response to the situation he caused if it wasn’t the standard procedure we witness every day but the media doesn’t notice.
There are bio-labs all over the world experimenting on deadly diseases incl. corona. They all belong to the same country.
When only, what 20 base pairs of covid original has been established, leaving the remaining 39,980 added “in silico” (guessed by computer) or by “concencus” (guessed by the ‘boys’), how can “variants” be identified? Variants with perhaps a difference of 0.1% in their structure?
Notice that it is the same party that MSM etc. quotes for (a) each new variant (b) the infectivity of each one (c) the danger from each one to an infected person. That party is simply “scientists” or “experts”.
Fantastic News story. I salute you sir, well researched, hard hitting, damning, relevant and unfortunately likely to be ignored or stamped with a big fat ‘FALSE’ if, by some miricle, it ever reaches mainstream audiences.
I will spread this as much as I can.
Thank you again for the sterling work!
I had a glance at the most recent COVID related article (and there’s precious few altogether) on Richard Murphy’s “Tax Research” site and I find no change in the bland presupposition, even more forceful than in the MSM, that the virus truly is the end of all things. One small variation is that he now sees COVID as a push back from “Nature” itself. Gosh capitalism, you’re days are numbered!
The comments below are all from the Covid cult apart from one which dared to suggest that the Indian variant was a way of trying to coerce more into taking the vax on fraudulent grounds. The commenter even quoted statistics that suggested the vax made no difference to those testing positive.
Even more blasphemous was the observation:
“The study, reported in the Hindustan Times, observed that the hospitalisation rate was just 0.06 per cent – which means that just two of the workers can have suffered a serious enough illness as to require hospital treatment. There were no ICU admissions or deaths in the group”
And Murphy’s retort – supposedly so incisive according to Philip Roddis? This:
“With respect, that’s utterly irresponsible of you
I guess you self identify as a sociopath?
Maybe even psychopath?”
After another exchange, Murphy “refutes” the claims by linking to the usual gish galloping waffle.
And so the Left continue with their covid whoring and pathetic evasions.
More Left covid whoring and pathetic evasions over at CounterPuff this past weekend.
From editor Jeffry St. Clair’s Roaming Charges column:
“A new study by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that more than 900,000 people have died of COVID-related disorders in the US and more than 7 million worldwide, nearly double the official count.”
No mention of this outfit being Gates-funded!
Covid-related disorders. That’s an exciting new category. I wonder if it includes lockdown-related disorders?
Yes, I seem to remember reading somewhere that a traffic accident on your way to vaccination can be certified as a Con-19-related disorder.
This is an iteration of “died with covid”. It covers starvation, suicide, domestic homicide, needless fatal infection in crowdwd quarantine, withheld med. treatment for any illness/injury, murder by jab.
“Covid related disorders” is such a usefully vacuous term. It could very well mean disorders from the lockdowns or even the vaccines. What a fucking con! And Mr Tax Research Murphy actually made an announcement at the end of one of his wondrous posts forbidding people from giving him a hard time! I wonder how many responses he deletes?
Murphy must be given credit for one thing though – he has been a real trailblazer when it comes to advocating a green new deal. All those years ago, he also asked for “QE for the people”, but it looks like that did not catch on.
Just went back for a peep because of your post, and will probably leave it at that 🙂
I didn’t mean to look in on the Murph. It’s just that I do occasionally look in on Philip Roddis and it was he who referred to the Tax Man who he seems quite taken with. According to PR, one reason for liking RM is:
Well assuming that our Richard doesn’t just delete (which I reckon he does having more or less admitted it) his “seldom gratuitously rude” manner is to say, “Shut up you psychopath!”
“Swish!” as Homer Simpson would say!
Interesting that 2010 (the year that The Guardian began to receive funding from Billinda) was also approximately the year that my then embryonic suspicions that the paper was using diversionary tactics and censorship regarding some controversial issues gradually started to become a screaming certainty.
It’s tempting to imagine that if I had god-like powers, the time for a little smiting intervention would be NOW – I have never seen or heard of such institutionalized wickedness as is currently going on all around us.
However, since I am not a blasphemer myself, I will shut up on that matter.
After all, wise questions have been asked about divine intervention since ancient times:
“And who shall stand when He appeareth?”…
Mere mortal intervention will have to do for now…
And it’s about the same time the Guardian shafted Julian Assange
Yep. That was part of the turning point for me.
billinda vax monsters got their au fraudian graudian ‘guardian’ on a real short leash:
CommunityMod3h ago
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‘Staff’ must be suffering from the sheeple vax zombee disorder.
All that while the CDC gives us low death rates for CVOD “only”. Update is:
“Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths (Before update it was 6%), COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death (was 2.9 befre this update). For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions”.
This is on their website but hardly mentioned in public (copy.paste and search will take you to the place, scroll and see it under Comorbidities).
And don’t forget they rolled flu, pneumonia and so called covid into one thing
WHO claims flu – which hs been with us for thousands of years – has taken a break. But you must keep taking those flu jabs.
Let’s boil it down a bit: How many Institutes, Foundations, Parliamentary Committees, Steering Committees, “State” Institutions, and Non-governmental Organisations can fit on the head a pin? None.
All the blather is originating from a bunch of pricks and prickeets, who make their living by “reaching out” to one another, or “confronting” one another, or “taxing” one another, or “taking bribes” from one another, or “legislating” bullshit laws, or just blathering endlessly on about what they’re doing to help improve the world. >>> A world that would be better off without them.
A complete BAN on all forms of Corporation, syndication, and franchise, would put all these blathering assholes out in the street. Maybe when out on the street, they’d learn how to get out of people’s faces, or face the the consequences of attempting to do so…
I have had a lot of respect for Peter Koenig over a number of years. Sure, I know his history ” former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. ”
All that means is that he has inside knowledge of these evil b@stards, and probably resigned cos he couldn’t stand working with them any more.
I became convinced of this over a year ago. I was just amazed they were doing it for real now.
“The Super-Capitalists’ Depopulation Agenda” By Peter Koenig Global Research, May 17, 2021
Intro: “We are at the cross-roads of falling into the fangs of a diabolical super-capitalist “cult” that wants to decimate massively our world population. In fact, it has already started.
And what these “diabolical elites” usually do, is to announce their “horror plans” in advance in the form of “scenario planning” and “simulations”. And they did. We cannot say we were not told.”
The Indian government was reluctant to take any of the measures recommended by the committee.. the Indian government continues to accept the foundation’s grants in other areas.
This is the major explanation of why the trajedy occurred in this particular country,
And probably why a new tragedy is unfolding in other particular countries now.
The Death rate from “COVID” in India is one of the lowest in The World (even on Official Figures) and only about 1.14% have been vaccinated, which probably explains it
India is an enormous Country, and once we have got through the airports, and travelled deep in a taxi, at about 100 mph, over 200 miles often not having a clue where we are going to go, we meet some of the nicest people in the world
They have lived this way for many thousands of years.
We never thought they were poor.
Most beautiful lovely Children, we have seen completely uncorrupted by Western and The Indian Government, who have never been there either.
Stop believing the crap you see on TV, and read in The Newspapers (I do admit that Indian Newspapers, despite their flowerey English are a lot better than Than The UK’s -they actually publish different points of view)
If you want to find the real world, go and find it yourself. Don’t believe what some stupid tw@t who still writes in The Guardian, yet rarely ventures beyond Wales, except for a photoshoot of himself in London writes.
They are all being paid to write nonsense, and they haven’t got a f’cking clue.
Pity Off_G removes most of the colour from the photography, but its their blog not mine.
If it was mine, I would turn the colour up a little bit.
I love colour.
Mr. Writer by the stereophonics comes to mind. Sorry, don’t know how to post links.
Just going through some of the the 9.3K comments on the Daily Fail’s site, mostly of outrage at the cliff hanging tension regarding 21st June being cancelled by Bozo et al.
This one stuck out.
jaffacakeeater, Bolton, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
Just bleeding great! Waste of time having the jab then wasn’t it??
F SOCIETY, Everywhere, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
Not a waste at all. I wait in anticipation to see what happens further down the line to the lab rats before I decide whether to partake. A couple of years I’d say, I’m a patient person. Thanks
Thank you, Bernard Marx, for an excellent piece. This not-so-new video (14 minutes) is worth another viewing; the relevant footage starts at 4.47 minutes:
Top notch article. Better than The Guardian in its heyday. The modern fraud that pretends to that name rarely strays beyond 600 sponsored words
Will Bill and Mel be fighting for custody of The Guardian?
Perhaps, but they may well agree to a joint Guardianship.
Hahahahahaha, niceeeeee
FDA was corrupted years ago, see this link … “”
But now, no longer can they just talk about it. It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence in this world; it’s nonviolence or nonexistence.
That is where we are today.
“I would even come up to the early thirties, and see a man grappling with the problems of the bankruptcy of his nation. And come with an eloquent cry that we have nothing to fear but “fear itself.” But I wouldn’t stop there.”
Now that’s a strange statement to make, because the world is all messed up. The nation is sick. Trouble is in the land; confusion all around. That’s a strange statement. But I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars. And I see God working in this period of the twentieth century in a way that men, in some strange way, are responding.
Something is happening in our world. The masses of people are rising up. And wherever they are assembled today, whether they are in Johannesburg, South Africa; Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; New York City; Atlanta, Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi; or Memphis, Tennessee — the cry is always the same: “We want to be free.”
Peaceful marches in London and major UK cities, up to a million strong have gone unreported by the BBC.
According to today’s report in The Daily Expose lawyers and medical experts worldwide say they have all the evidence they need to convict not only Bill Gates but also the WHO,CDC, PHE and world leaders of Covid fraud and ‘crimes against Humanity including genocide.
Since July 2020 the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany has taken testimony from a large number of international scientists and experts.
The Committee led by Dr Reiner Fuellmich, have concluded that the corona crisis should be renamed as the “Corona Scandal” -the biggest tort case ever, the greatest crime against humanity ever committed…..
Those responsible must be criminally prosecuted for crimes against humanity and sued for civil damages.
The Committee also concluded that there is no excess mortality in any country and that Corona virus mortality Equals seasonal flu…..Autopsies showed that almost all fatalities were caused by pre-existing conditions and almost all deaths were very old people.
Sweden (no lockdown), and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality rates. The US states with and without lock-downs also have comparable disease and mortality rates. Whereas hospitals remain empty and some face bankruptcy…. Many scientists also call this a PCR-TEST pandemic, not a corona pandemic. The PCR test is not based on scientific facts – does not mean infection or that an intact virus has been found.The report goes on with more details.
Legal proceedings have also commenced in Canada in the Supreme Court of Justice but don’t hold your breath yet!
God bless the people taking out these actions. They may be the last gasp chance at a remedy before tyranny takes hold and we are forced to violently resist. We dont wish for Tyburn to revive but ultimately that’s what may happen. Instead of weekend football, televised executions of the criminals and even the stupid who facilitated this madness. Let’s pray Reinard Fuellmich through his legal actions is successful.
I admire Fuellmich’s legal attempt to prosecute the perpetrators of the fraudulent pandemic. However, any litigation will take place on the home ground and legal system of the adversaries!
As I have argued many times ‘legal’ does not become lawful without consent. It is Not the Law of the Land and never was! The case will therefore not take place in common law court under common law jurisdiction and is therefore likely to fail if judges are in anyway involved. We require only juries and no judges under common law.
Should, a miracle happen (as in the case of the measles trial Dr Stefan Lanka vs Dr Bardens) and the Fuellmich team win the case who will enforce the statutory judgement and by what means ? The perpetrators will not go down without a fight using whatever means and influence they possess.
Failed Attempt To Sabotage PCP By Persons Unknown
PCP Papers Laid Alleging Pandemic Fraud Against Hancock, Whitty, Vallance & Ferguson
R [PUB] v Hancock & Others [2021] | Public Notice of Intended Prosecution
The question is why hasn’t conspiracy to defraud been included in the charges as it’s easier to prove? Reference is made only to offences under the sections of the 2006 Fraud Act.
The essence of conspiracy is an AGREEMENT. When two or more agree to carry their criminal scheme into effect, the very plot is the criminal act itself (Mulcahy v. R. (1868). Nothing need be done in pursuit of the agreement: repentance, lack of opportunity and failure are all immaterial.
It is the course of conduct agreed upon which is critical. Proof of conspiracy is a “matter of inference, deduced from certain criminal acts of the parties accused, done in pursuance of an apparent criminal purpose in common between them”.
Actions by some defendants may be looked at as against all of them, to show the nature and objects of the conspiracy. For more information see The offence of conspiracy Criminal Law Act 1977,s.1.
Also, see the common law offence of conspiracy to defraud which can also be prosecuted under statute (Fraud Act
-CO, no pathological virus has been identified (the viral thesis is so strong a dogma that even those on this committee cannot let it go, also some may be purposefully making sure it remains like that). If people were able to accept this simple truth, there would be no need for complicated arguments: the cases would be won straightforwardly. Since all the papers published in scientific journals claiming they have identified a virus make the same mistakes, its not hard, nor time-consuming to realise that none has been identified. Im not saying that based on the untruth of the virus, the cases cant be won. But its a matter of opinion: depends on the judges’ personal opinions regarding the measures. If their opinions are the same as those of my academic colleagues, then indeed we should not “hold [our] breath”.
But anyone honest, truly honest, and they are there, are willing to be convinced on fact: no virus identified, so whats all this? For thats a fact they and anyone can verify.
We had it given to us on a platter: it would have been easy to get rid of all this, but for the fact that most people against the measures for some reason view it as a personal matter to hold on at all cost to the viral thesis in the present case. I can understand that those paid to do so are doing so. The rest, why? What would they lose by reading the papers and seeing for themselves. I nor the tiny minority of truly honest scientists is asking to be believed on our word. No true scientist would ask that. Why avert one’s eyes to this extent? Is the virus a God? Will the whole life structure of people crumble if they found no virus has been identified?
As for the calculations, I did do them taking age into account for all European countries taking 2015 as a standard. For most there is less mortality than then. For 3 of them you dont even need to take age into account. For 3 there were less than in 2018. For all countries, probably like with Belgium and UK, less than every single years before and including 2008. Its too nauseating and time-consuming to do these calculations, unless you’re paid to do so, and hence I wont do anymore!
Hence in 2020 there has been no pandemic of any detectable severity (its worth saying this, since according to WHO a new disease with 1 case constitutes an epidemic, except this time no new disease has been identified through clear clinical symptoms, and according to the Dictionary of Epidemiology 2 cases of any disease not necessarily new, but not regularly recurrent, is an epidemic. And according to the international treaties signed since 2005 I think, this is the philosophy that has been adopted universally. Hence legally there always is a pandemic possibly. Also legally if I understand those treaties, you dont even need to mention a pandemic to implement these measures, just say that one will happen. Given we can pretend we are always in a pre-pandemic situation which would occur unless we implemented these measures and vaccinated people against goodness knows what, personally I dont see how legally we can protect ourselves. 196 countries have signed these treaties which are legally binding.).
Personally I think at some point all of this will crumble because of a totally trivial reason, or because of some other untruthfulness. So we will eventually get our freedoms back, but nothing will change, neither society, nor the dogmas, nor anything. But at least those of us who are honest will be able able to get on with our lives. But convincing others of any truth that I am most unsure. Possibly some. Somehow truth makes its way through centuries and millennia, but only very few on the whole realize this, but sufficiently do, so our species survives.
Possibly the word truth is not correct, by truth I mean knowing what is untrue and letting untruths go, which does not imply one knows any positive truths.
I agree Annette the majority of the population have a strong fixation for bogus abstract theoretical viruses that they truly believe exist- despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence to prove they exist as concrete physical objects that are somehow endowed with pathogenic attributes.
Unfortunately, scientific corruption is rife in the mainstream ‘life’ sciences including virology. Research grants are made available by Big Pharma and you don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Virology therfore serves Big Pharma in concocting new bogus pathogens and Big Pharma provides the cash and develops the toxic drugs and vaccines for them.
The scamdemic is just one means to a pre-planned and pre-determined end along with the alleged viruses and vaccines that go with it.
What the outcome will be, will largely be determined by what the people do or fail to do in this quiet war that’s being waged against us using these silent weapons.
Restoring the common law is one option with the support of the people, but the problem is they can’t support what they know very little about – and that’s where the opposing forces have an advantage. Knowledge is power. But there’s a lot more to it than that!
Maybe when those who took the “vaccine” without being made aware of it being experimental launch law suits/class actions for any health or financial losses incurred.
oh no, so the eejit moron get compo and the discerning rebel gets nothing… maybe its a plan??
Court case by Fuellmich will be on Nov.9th (the courts managed to delay it …)
Thanks Andre, it will be very interesting to see the outcome if the case manages to go that far. No doubt that there will be more delays and obstacles involved – we’ll just have to wait and see.
Fucking hell, that’s news we have been waiting for!”Don’t hold your breath” is right, hope only leads to complacency, but yhanks for the update nonetheless!
There is one injection that could save 25 million poor souls from a horrible, lingering death. Save 25 million year in, year out with an injection that has no side effects, guaranteed to work and is as cheap as chips.
An injection of food in the mouth.
the real truth.
not 90 year old white grandmas dying, real people, children, mothers brothers and sons dying due to lack of food, whilst the west gets fatter and fatter and the welfare state gets fatter and fatter and these pigs are entitled to their pig life
Thank you, in India alone about 3 million kids and babies starve to death every year and the world doesn’t give a shit.
Very good article, many thanks. The only point I’d really take issue with is the doctor’s quote about regular scans as the alternative to vaccination. I have a whole load of problems with that claim. The sheer depths to which a certain newspaper would stoop shouldn’t by now be shocking but somehow they manage to be.
The testing of drugs on different etnnicities has profoundly creepy echoes of the PNAC document’s mention of the search for an ethno-specific bio-weapon. We certainly know the SA apartheid authorities were investigating one and I strongly suspect Western governments “contracted out” dirty work to governments like SA.
Mercx have several issues like this on their corporate rap sheet. I wonder if this is why they’ve been kept away from the Covid vaccine? Their behaviour revealed in the Vioxx case was one occasion when the mask was removed and one could these bodies for what they truly are. However Covid vaccine-producing companies have their own stories (except Moderna but only because they’ve never produced a vaccine – until finding one for Covid within two days). Pfizer killed poor Nigerian children in trials for a new universal antibiotic. It’s what Le Carre’s ‘The Constant Gardener’ is based on although I for one managed to watch the film when it first came out and not grasp that was what it was about (of course as a BBC viewer and Guardian reader I had not heard of the real story).
The doctor was talking about screening women not scanning them. This screening is usually done with the “smear test” rather than by a CT or other type of scan.
guardian reader?
i hope you’ve given that up
Look, mate: testing drugs on different ethnicities is not racist, it just reflects the truism that the genetic make up of individual ethnicities is often similar whereas those between ethnicities are different. We all accept without calling it racist that those with very dark skin are safe in equatorial sunshine, but suffer terribly from cold if relocated to the arctic. The opposite is true for inuits. It is known that MMR vaccinations had excess adverse autism outcomes in African American boys. That information was revealed by a CDC whistleblower when blowing an enormous hole in the probity and ethics of the CDC where vaccine testing and analysis was concerned.
So when you test drugs on different populations, you are not doing it because you are racist. You are doing it to ensure that you don’t cause harm to particular populations.
Of course, if you are a military psychopath who wants drugs to specifically kill Arabs, Chinese, African Americans or the like: then you can do great harm.
But healthcare professionals test different ethnicities for the best of reasons. They don’t want to harm anyone.
Don’t let anybody who has been asleep for ten years read that one, Rhys 🙂
They would find your last sentence believable…
Perhaps the sentence was edited down from something more credible, e.g.:
They don’t want to harm anyone– but if it happens, it happens.
The epidemics of SARS [Tong Zeng 2003], swine flu [CL Chen et al. 2009] and ebola had little effect beyond specific races. The common factor for them and zika may have been the preceding vaccinations. Sierra Leone, the epicentre for ebola, hosts 3 imperial bio-labs. Imperial agents covertly collected samples of blood and DNA from across China in the 1990s [Tong Zeng 2003]. They collected samples of RNA and synovial tissue in Russia [Vladimir Putin 2017].
The zika virus/microcephaly thing was a hoax, confined to extremely polluted third world slums. The zika virus historically had never had those effects. Billions were still handed out for vaccine development though.
Imo it was a sort of trial run for covid. At the time, they had convinced all fertile young women that travel could be harmful to their future babies. Covid is basically the same plot line, writ larger.
What they learned with zika is that a scary story is not effective on its own, since mostly everyone forgot about it within a few months. And here we are, with lockdowns and full spectrum, er long haul, propaganda.
From around 2008 (if not before), the Deep State has been pimping every new disease that appeared, in the hope that it would spread to the west when there is big money for Big Pharma. SARS-CoV-2 is the first one that met the requirements. The long-prepared-for plan was thrown into action and dissenters dealt with (Sweden, African countries ignoring lockdown, ditto Belarus, now India).
One source said the African countries don’t want to give the jab makers immunity from liability.
Update: Just saw a report claiming that several African countries suffer from massive “vaccine hesitancy”. Some are even trying to resell their stocks.
I think there is a fundamental rule about the power elite:
Every time they propose doing something, IT IS ALWAYS AN ATTACK ON THE WORLD’S POPULATION!
Every proposal they make, every plan, every noise coming from them is always about extending their wealth and power. And the more urgently they urge the proposal, the more viciously damaging the move.
This is why they incessantly shove their shit down everyone’s throat.
The best thing that could happen is for them to do nothing at all and just fuck off!
The 65,000 dollar question that forever remains unanswered here George is who precisely is going to fuck them off if all lawful means fail?
i think a few well aimed
bulletsprotests could end this, or at least significantly slow it down.CockHands head on a spike?
The guy is so far-gone, I doubt he would even notice his head’s removal…
You’d have to pull it out of his arse first and that might take a long time …
billee boy
I am sure the Russians could find a few vials of Novichok to dispense into the arms of the miscreants??
Unfortunately, the “miscreants” are international Rhys and more than one country possesses Novichoc albeit including the Russians!
I wouldn’t use the Novi … it’s too hit and miss.
What they did to these poor Indian girls is now being done to the world on a mass scale. We are all to be guinea pigs now. Over my dead body.
The OFFENSIVE part of that statement is how the The Western population has stood by and let the poorest be exploitedby the Western Governments and their Pharma friends.
How did they think their vaccines came onto the market?
What is evident is that I know a large number of Pro-Covid Vacciners, who should make themselves available to Pharma for Phase2/3 trials of a multitude of other vaccines and show the World how their virtue signalling trnaslates into real world outcomes.
WTF TFS you are OFFENSIVE accusing me of standing by and letting the poorest be exploited when I have a vaccine injured for life son who himself was exploited and effectively experimented on seeing as ALL vaccines can be dangerous yet I was too uninformed back then (circa same time as these girs were being abused) to know this and believed I was protecting him.
Be careful with your first world guilt ridden aspersions you fling around to complete strangers on the internet.
I’d like to amend the “uninformed” past participle used above to MISINFORMED. All parents who obediently trot their tots off to get vaxxed are misinformed and manipulated. It’s the parents of vax damaged or murdered kids who then get informed.
Strength and Honour!!!
”People should know when they are conquered!”
“Would you Quintus?”
Why the insistence on universal vaccination? Here is a first-class explanation :
(The speaker is Chris Sky.)
Poor Bill… It’s all going kinda wrong for you at the moment isn’t it.
So at long last people are beginning to see him for the utter scumbag he really is.
If there was any real justice Andrew Saxe-Coburg Gotha would be next.
Then their helpers and enablers in the UK Government and Armed Forces.. Those brave herwoes…
On the subject of heroes this guy is gold.
Wanna know where all your money is going… and who is making a killing
Pigs whose snouts are firmly stuck in the trough. What slimebags. According to the Financial Times, Serco was awarded contracts worth £157 million between Feb 1st and September 7th. And then awarded another contract in Oct. A bottomless pit of ££££ for these corporate vultures.
I’d check out some of his other video’s (Disclaimer: I am in no way related to him or his channel).
The amount of public money that is being wasted by these clowns is beyond obscene.
We have children in this country going to bed at night with no food in their bellies… amongst other things.
The parasites that are profiting off this… Hang your heads in shame, You truly have found a new low.
Into The Maelstrom you are a true hero. Keep chipping away buddy.
Another work of art!
These (contracted) NHS goons have no shame. They are complicit in the scam and should be ashamed of themselves. They are perpetuating the bullshit.
Thanks for the link C. I won’t back down on this and my lines in the sand are set fast. For me it’s about principles and basic fecken morality, that sadly a lot of people seem to have forgotten about. Hope your week goes well my friend✌️
The Biden impression had me and the Misses in stitches!
especially the bit about his leg hairs!
It amazes me that people like this bunch, who are so spectacularly inept at communicating in a polite and helpful way, are employed in public facing roles.
Probably nobody else would employ them…
its amazing how they the serco workers staff dont have to self quarantine for 14 days like anyone else if they been in contact with someone with Bs19.
Utter brilliance. Sometimes I think this crisis is not all bad, for the few moments of comedy.
Give an idiot with low self esteem a reflective jacket, a clipboard and a vehicle with “ official” branding, and Bob’s your auntie, a little tyrant emerges.
You can’t make this shit up.
Add in a bad haircut
The truth is every single one of us should be doing this.
After a week, THEY would feel intimidated and start to question the criminal fraud which their supervisors have dumped on them.
Chatty and comradely, but also calm and firm. The man armed with common sense and a basic knowledge of his rights confronts some common fascists with a basic knowledge of nothing.
The video is rather tense to start with, because we don’t know what’s going to happen next, but as it drew to a close, I could feel a warm glow of relaxed contentment and optimistic well-being pervading my entire soul.
It is, indeed, a work of art.
SERCO always have their snouts in the trough, look how much they have raked in locking up people in Australia
Yeah, I was actually thinking about the refugees when I said that… Parasites like Serco epitomise how low the World has sunk.
I’ve been thinking that’s why the Elite are throwing him to the wolves.
It’s also the reason him and Epstein are such pals.
Gates and Epstein weren’t born into high society and technically they’re outsiders, but ‘through hard work and perseverance’ they made it, so they have that in common. I’m sure they secretly loathed the rich (and themselves) as much as we do.
I’ve said all along that this COVID nonsense is in part a response to Gates, Epstein, Maxwell, Saxe-Coburg Gotha and the gang coming under scrutiny from the plebs.
What we’ve seen so far is only the little toe of ‘The Network’ and how it operates globally.
Take Maxwell’s sister Isobel who is funding her? ONE of her main business interests is now plugged into all that juicy NHS data.
What larks eh, Pip
Bollox. Gates’s mommmy got him the cushy job at IBM and his parents were loaded.
Gates.. Was never an employee of I.B.M and contrary to popular belief his mother was not on the I.B.M board either and she didn’t get him the I.B.M PCDOS contract (it was the United Way board on which she sat – Where there was a shared board member).
Yes his parent were loaded.
and he is plagiarist, crook and monopolist
and now he’s outlived his usefulness….. Enjoy ride Billy Boy!
you obviously don’t know anything about william henry gates II, I suggest you educate yourself about billy boy and his family..
“through hard work and perseverance they made it.?” Ah, come on now. Made what? Money? Is that the key to life?
For him, and all the other ghouls jumping on the current “Oooh! Aren’t we wicked!” band-wagon, yes.
I don’t think self-loathing is all that common – especially among the godless/soulless.
Somewhere in there is the belief that their material success is all-important and entirely deserved.
Utter, incredible ignorant rubbish. Billy Goats mother was descended from Federal Reserve owners. The bastard probably bumped off Gary Kildall who invented CP/M which was converted into MSDOS.
we had a test station in the church carpark near us – we walked past there nearly every day – not a sausage, nothing.
How can that be? UK Gov & BBC figures state they did 400Billion tests this morning.
We live in a world where facts, figures and statistics don’t mean a thing. Only who is the most proficient at lying…
Hilarious! Great stuff. I’ve watched a few of his vids and I like his commentary style…(hmm, it’s very quiet here….can you hear the birds twittering?)
Not wanting to sound like the devils avocado, but the ‘security’ people are on a tenner/euro an hour, most likely on zero-hour contracts, working for/via a job agency. Most of them seem quite young and are obviously inexperienced and don’t give a flying fck about the ‘job’. Perhaps many of them are desperate for work/income, possibly have already lost their steady jobs due to the ‘pandemic’ pantomime and are also completely pissed off with the whole corona shitshow anyway. I’m sure at least some of the employees are now very much more aware of what a load of crap ‘it’ really is. There must be quite a few of them who go home and tell all their family and friends what a complete nonsense job it is. I can’t imagine that many of them actually enjoy hanging around in a car park all day. A few of them could also be so bored out of their young skulls that they think they may as well go get an easy tenner an hour for a week or two just to get out of the house. Hopefully the maker of the vids actually helps them question and think about what they are doing.
I’d never even heard of ‘Serco’ til I saw the vid.
I saw some corona related graph a little while ago which showed that people who are ‘fortunate’ enough to have worked from home have saved loads of money whereas the working poor have gotten even further into debt. I’m pretty sure the same is happening in the US and EU.
Claret, you play devils avocado all you want.. LOL this is a free and open discussion, not like the captured ‘mainstream’ outlets.
You are absolutely right, But joking aside ITM’s videos provide a valuable insight and record of the scam that is being perpetrated on all of us and including those manning the fences.
The insidiousness of it is quite breathtaking when you look at it.. for example if you were a UK resident what would your feelings be towards the NHS now? Would you ever trust them again?
These bast*rds are trying to rig the game and they will use the anti-NHS sentiment to completely privatise it further down the road.
For all their talk of wanting to protect it… that’s the last thing they want.
The vested interests have been trying to sink the NHS for at least the last 40 years and it is being dismantled before your very eyes.
It would be interesting to know if ‘our’ politicians and senior decision makers get private healthcare as part of their remuneration packages?
What do you think?
‘But joking aside ITM’s videos provide a valuable insight and record of
the scam that is being perpetrated on all of us and including those
manning the fences.
What do you think?’
I agree with you. I like the ITM vids but getting filmed by a stranger could be regarded as confrontational or at least a little bit irritating for most people. Would it also be an option for ITM to speak to them off camera and ask them a few simple questions such as : Have you been tested? How many people per day actually use the service? Are you going to get vaccinated?
ITM then might get a much better reaction or an idea of what the poor souls are really thinking of the whole covid scam.
It wouldn’t surprise me if it is stated in their contracts that they must not talk to any media. They could easily be fired on the spot from their ‘tenner-an-hour cushy numbers’. I read that medical staff (many of them also on temporary contracts) are also told or ‘discouraged’ from speaking to the press.
It could be that some of them have been coerced into a ‘career’ in the security sector by the threat of their income support being cut if they do not accept the ‘job’.
Another point- on the one hand the videomaker criticises them for doing the shitty job in the first place but then he lies about investigating ‘benefit cheats’ which implies that there are benefit fraudsters working there, which is bound to get some peoples’ backs up.
He also comments several times on how they (the security) are not social distancing. The fact they are not social-distancing shows that they know it is all nonsense.
The security industry has been booming since 9/11. It’s been ‘jobs for the boys’ for the last 20 years, mostly due to all the fake terror attacks. Sadly, not everyone is in the position to turn down mundane, lowpaid work/income so easily. As much as I like his vids, I think he is being a little bit unfair and taking a couple of cheap shots at vulnerable people.
Ten quid an hour (almost minimum wage) for standing around in a carpark doing nothing all day is not my idea of easy money. Doing nothing can also be hard work.
Oh and btw, I am not a parking attendant or security guard. I’m very happy with my position in the Serco HR/PR department, thankyou very much. JUST KIDDING!
The sudden interest in India is shocking, When it was announced in 2019 that 2 million people died from pollution Australia insisted on flogging them more coal to give ”more poor Indians power”, now we are intent on letting Australian’s die in India due to covid hysteria.
I feel the inception of an interesting Petition for Government.
I believe there is a large disparity between the vaccines taken in the UK/Europe vs those taken by the Americans.
Petition the UK Government, that given vaccines are safe, that we should bring up our vaccine usage to be inline with America.
We shold start with the Politicians, Judges and Medical profession including pharma empolyees.
I wonder how many ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ will crawl out of the woodwork?
Non…petitions to the government as as much use as tits on a fish
And I believe some of the petition owners are often into data mining – then selling off your details to advertisers and who knows what else.