Greetings from “New Normal” Germany!
CJ Hopkins

On April 1, 1933, shortly after Hitler was appointed chancellor, the Nazis staged a boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. Members of the Storm Troopers (“die Sturmabteilung,” or the “Storm Department,” as I like to think of them) stood around outside of Jewish-owned stores with Gothic-lettered placards reading “Germans! Defend yourselves! Do not buy from Jews!”
The boycott itself was a total disaster — most Germans ignored it and just went on with their lives — but it was the beginning of the official persecution of the Jews and totalitarianism in Nazi Germany.
Last week, here in “New Normal” Germany, the government (which, it goes without saying, bears no resemblance to the Nazi regime, or any other totalitarian regime) implemented a social-segregation system that bans anyone who refuses to publicly conform to the official “New Normal” ideology from participating in German society.
From now on, only those who have an official “vaccination pass” or proof of a negative PCR test are allowed to sit down and eat at restaurants, shop at “non-essential” stores, or go to bars, or the cinema, or wherever.
Here’s a notice from the website of Prater, a popular beer garden in Berlin:

Of course, there is absolutely no valid comparison to be made between these two events, or between Nazi Germany and “New Normal” Germany, nor would I ever imply that there was.
That would be illegal in “New Normal” Germany, as it would be considered “relativizing the Holocaust,” not to mention being “anti-democratic and/or delegitimizing the state in a way that endangers security,” or whatever. Plus, it’s not like there are SA goons standing outside shops and restaurants with signs reading “Germans! Defend yourselves! Don’t sell to the Unvaccinated and Untested!”
It’s just that it’s now illegal to do that, i.e., sell anything to those of us whom the media and the government have systematically stigmatized as “Covid deniers” because we haven’t converted to the new official ideology and submitted to being “vaccinated” or “tested.”
Protesting the new official ideology is also illegal in “New Normal” Germany.
OK, I think I should probably rephrase that. I certainly don’t want to misinform anyone. Protesting the “New Normal” isn’t outlawed per se. You’re totally allowed to apply for a permit to protest against the “Covid restrictions” on the condition that everyone taking part in your protest wears a medical-looking N95 mask and maintains a distance of 1.5 meters from every other medical-masked protester…which is kind of like permitting anti-racism protests as long as the protesters all wear Ku Klux Klan robes and perform a choreographed karaoke of Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Sweet Home Alabama.
Who says the Germans don’t have a sense of humor?
I don’t mean to single out the Germans. There is nothing inherently totalitarian, or fascist, or robotically authoritarian and hyper-conformist about the Germans, as a people.
The fact that the vast majority of Germans clicked their heels and started mindlessly following orders, like they did in Nazi Germany, the moment the “New Normal” was introduced last year doesn’t mean that all Germans are fascists by nature. Most Americans did the same thing. So did the British, the Australians, the Spanish, the French, the Canadians, and a long list of others. It’s just that, well, I happen to live here, so I’ve watched as Germany has been transformed into “New Normal Germany” up close and personal, and it has definitely made an impression on me.
The ease with which the German authorities implemented the new official ideology, and how fanatically it has been embraced by the majority of Germans, came as something of a shock. I had naively believed that, in light of their history, the Germans would be among the first to recognize a nascent totalitarian movement predicated on textbook Goebbelsian Big Lies (i.e., manipulated Covid “case” and “death” statistics), and would resist it en masse, or at least take a moment to question the lies their leaders were hysterically barking at them.
I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Here we are, over a year later, and waiters and shop clerks are “checking papers” to enforce compliance with the new official ideology. (And, yes, the “New Normal” is an official ideology. When you strip away the illusion of an apocalyptic plague, there isn’t any other description for it).
Perfectly healthy, medical-masked people are lining up in the streets to be experimentally “vaccinated.” Lockdown-bankrupted shops and restaurants have been converted into walk-in “PCR-test stations.” The government is debating mandatory “vaccination” of children in kindergarten. Goon squads are arresting octogenarians for picnicking on the sidewalk without permission. And so on. At this point, I’m just sitting here waiting for the news that mass “disinfection camps” are being set up to solve the “Unvaccinated Question.”
Whoops…there I go again, “relativizing the Holocaust.” I really need to stop doing that.
The Germans take this stuff very seriously, especially with Israel under relentless attack by the desperately impoverished people it has locked inside an enormous walled ghetto, and is self-defensively ethnically cleansing.
But, seriously, there is no similarity whatsoever between Nazi Germany and “New Normal” Germany.
Sure, both systems suspended the constitution, declared a national “state of emergency” enabling the government to rule by decree, inundated the masses with insane propaganda and manipulated “scientific facts,” outlawed protests, criminalized dissent, implemented a variety of public rituals, and symbols, and a social segregation system, to enforce compliance with their official ideologies, and demonized anyone who refused to comply…but, other than that, there’s no similarity, and anyone who suggests there is is a dangerous social-deviant extremist who probably needs to be quarantined somewhere, or perhaps dealt with in some other “special” way.
Plus, the two ideologies are completely different. One was a fanatical totalitarian ideology based on imaginary racial superiority and the other is a fanatical totalitarian ideology based on an imaginary “apocalyptic plague” … so what the hell am I even talking about?
On top of which, no swastikas, right? No swastikas, no totalitarianism! And nobody’s mass-murdering the Jews, that I know of, and that’s the critical thing, after all!
So, never mind. Just ignore all that crazy stuff I just told you about “New Normal” Germany. Don’t worry about “New Normal” America, either. Or “New Normal” Great Britain. Or “New Normal” wherever.
Get experimentally “vaccinated.” Experimentally “vaccinate” your kids. Prove your loyalty to the Reich … sorry, I meant to global capitalism. Ignore those reports of people dying and suffering horrible adverse effects.
Wear your mask. Wear it forever. God knows what other viruses are out there, just waiting to defile your bodily fluids and cause you to experience a flu-like illness, or cut you down in the prime of your seventies or eighties … and, Jesus, I almost forgot “long Covid.” That in itself is certainly enough to justify radically restructuring society so that it resembles an upscale hospital theme park staffed by paranoid, smiley-faced fascists in fanciful designer Hazmat suits.
Oh, and keep your “vaccination papers” in order. You never know when you’re going to have to show them to some official at the airport, or a shop, or restaurant, or to your boss, or your landlord, or the police, or your bank, or your ISP, or your Tinder date … or some other “New Normal” authority figure.
I mean, you don’t want to be mistaken for a “Covid denier,” or an “anti-vaxxer,” or a “conspiracy theorist,” or some other type of ideological deviant, and be banished from society, do you?
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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The rise of Adolf Hitler, Stalin’s communism and the Covid19 lockdown was financed by the same group i.e. the Rothschild’s banks.
Excellent. What do to. Remember G.B.S. during W.W.1 who tried his excellent irony on the supposedly good natured English and was met with derision not from the people but from journalists and writers [won’t call them authors], editors, the PM wanted him shot, unofficially said on the side and I nearly moved back there a few decades ago. I supposed I’d be in enforced lock down for the health of the Volk not to spread my non-Vax viral-germs-bacteria-phage-plague onto innocent ‘infiltrators’, [this is the Israel’s PM definition so it is kosher], who can arrive there without the need to proove anything, just turn up everything will be all right.
That’s a very thought provoking piece. Many of us have been warning about this for a long time and now it’s here. In fact I’ll go one further, totalitarianism never really left. It hid for 25 years or so and then began to re-establish itself through economic control. One of the things that emerged with it is that we are not allowed to ask questions about 1930’s Germany or certain events from World War II, doing so will get you thrown in jail just for publicly asking a question in some countries including my own. So in reality, the new normal is the resurfacing of the old normal, all of which we are not allowed to question…and if we don’t stand up against it in our masses, it will be lights out for many people including myself. I, like many, will not submit to totalitarianism by anyone or any group, and so we will be the next target.
Since there is a misunderstanding about “Germany” and “the Germans”, I would like to link to a new article about “Germany” and its colonial past.
So, there won’t be an apology for the genocide “Germany” perpetrated while still calling itself an ’empire’. Why not? Isn’t “Germany” another name for “the collective of all Germans”? Who is that Germany that refuses to apologize for its past crimes against humanity? The majority? The minority? Just the criminals in charge of the shitshow? Why are they in charge? Do they speak for all Germans? What does it mean for the descendants of the victims of German crimes against their ancestors humanity?
Won’t “Germany” being equated with “the Germans”?
No matter how one looks at it, for the rest of the world it is Germans who constitute Germany and therefore: the Germans refuse to apologize for the crimes of their great-grandfathers. Imagine what signal it would set to have at least a million Germans (~1.5%) marching through Berlin with signs that read:
“We apologize for the crimes of our ancestors”.
The Germans apologised multiple times for what they have done or whatever crimes were invented about them, unlike the Japanese, Amerikans, Britans and multiple other massmurderes countries. Pls my friend read some real history or herstory. Or did i miss some sarcasm here?
yes you are def right about that and in Germany it is a crime to be a holocaust denier
The greeks still want their money and their gold back. And Thalidomide (Contagan) victims worldwide are still fighting for damages.
Gestures and building monuments (nice little earner for some) are one thing, but genuine remorse has little to do with fighting for decades in courts to shirk financial responsibility.
Have you been in some sort of coma otherwise one would have to blame, let’s see the Brits for occupying Eire for centuries which the Germans never mentioned, nor the ahm, let’s see, ah yes the utter catastrophy that ended Burma’s ancient kingdom, or let’s see, the French in Cochin China, the Dutch in the ahem Dutch East Indies were not well behaved, and then little plucky Belgium, the poor dear, perpetrating horrors so far not bested in the Congo, which leaves, hm, not the Kroats, not the Poles, the Lithuanians perhaps yes but then oops when liberated they supported the wrong side being so fascist inclined said there enemies and so you see this is history. And you are suffering from a virus because you keep on regurgitation one obsession which is known in your ancient time as a monomania. Get out in the fresh air and go virus hunting and show us what the Wuhan Viral Brain Spectre looks like, please.
You should wear a sign stating all the obvious and go into the public.
Seriously though, what do you know about how mankind got to where it is now? If anybody has been in a coma, it is you – denying the truly inconvenient truth that ALL is fake but the experience of the present moment. And there, too, people do not understand that what goes as “history” is nothing but twisting and turning any outcome/situation to the victor’s/controller’s/owner’s benefit.
So. please don’t sell what you know about anything as the ultimate truth. There is no such thing – but you not getting oxygen, you die. You not getting food, you die. You not having shelter against the cold, you die. Everything else is conjecture and this is not to say that people should not attempt to find out the truth. But to be aware that history books are always censored to paint whatever positive picture of those who give the orders.
Historical archives do exist, and any individual can go and study them. I think you’re getting a little too epistemological. Surely, it’s our duty to attempt to learn from the past or risk repeating its mistakes? A2
My first ever reply by Admin! Thank You! As a German, “Historical Archives” are a double edged sword. Although my ancestry can be traced back to the 17th century, oral delivery of historical facts has run counter to that taught at our schools – including the more recent, dark history.
Here, like in all other cases, critical thinking is of utmost importance when studying “historical archives” – because “qui bono” must always be incorporated.
New normal: lots more static noise and more restrictions.
Makes me rethink on my boy mad uncle Crowley:
“The word of sin is restriction!” (Book Of The Law)
I think I now see where he was getting at in a new light.
He was lucky. He had a drugs and women to go with that. Certainly puts a different pattina on life.
“The Illusions of Humans”
Inspiring words accompanied by totally groovy music.
Poignant but also a breath of fresh air from the constant sh#t show that I am witnessing on this beautiful planet.
Another lockdown in Victoria, Australia. It would seem many Victorians are refusing the Covid injection and are now being punished
Nope same ritual they perform last year which lasted 111 days
this time you got locked down for a week on lunar eclipse full moon for 7 days which leaves 211 days left of the year and the fact it is falls on the period mercury goes retrograde.
mercury rules commence communication electronic etc etc
In 2 week time the u.k has the lunar eclipse and parts of it may get locked down or not open up properly even though people have had 2 of the jabjabs.
Even if you all had the jabjabs they would still perform the rituals through you.
Lockdown and pseudo variants is the new fake state sponsored terrorist Attacks that used to appear on theses dates.
It’s called psychological warfare Swami. Greetings from Melbourne by the way. Third day of lockdown here, and they announced 5 new “cases” again today, and issued a tier one hot-spot alert for Chadstone Shopping Centre, only the largest shopping centre in Australia, and urged everyone who was there last week to get tested (no shit, more tests!) so it’s a shoe in the current 7 days will be a fair bit longer. First day of winter here which means lots of flu and colds… now renamed of course.
I already knew this was going to happen 6 months ago, so much better prepared than last year. I won’t get jabbed or tested or contact traced, no matter how hard it gets. Yep, I agree with you about the rituals. They’ve also made facemasks outside mandatory again.
Students of the Reichstag, Israhellstag ZioFreaks, have relied on the ‘New Psychopathic Germany’ death merchants for decades to slaughter innocent Palestinians.
The second-biggest exporter of weapons to Israel is Germany, which accounted for 24 percent of Israel’s arms imports between 2009-2020.
Germany does not provide data on the weapons it delivers, but it issued licences for arms sales to Israel worth 1.6 billion euros ($1.93bn) from 2013-2017, according to CAAT.
Sipri figures show Germany sold weapons to Israel throughout the 1960s and 1970s, and has done so every year since 1994.
The first defence talks between the two countries date back to 1957, according to Haaretz, which noted that in 1960, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion met in New York with German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and emphasised “Israel’s need for small submarines and anti-aircraft missiles”.
While the US has helped with many of Israel’s air defence needs, Germany still provides submarines.
German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems has built six Dolphin submarines for Israel, according to CAAT, while the German-headquartered company Renk AG helps equip Israel’s Merkava tanks.
Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced “solidarity” with Israel in a call with Netanyahu on Monday, according to her spokesperson, reaffirming the country’s “right to defend itself” against rocket attacks from Hamas.
excellent observations. As I recall, the submarines were mostly paid for with German taxes as Holocaust Reparations. Sorry for killing 6 million Jews. Please have these silent subs capable of launching nukes as cruise missiles. What could possibly go wrong?
Finally; proof of a negative. “Please don’t forget to have your negative corona test with you”
Does it have an expiry date? Perhaps 15 minutes after you go out in public?
The current virology as we know it was born in Nazi Germany with the support by the Koch Institute. They experimented with typhus vaccines on inmates of the concentration camps.
Was there by any chance a girl named Mary amongst the inmates? =)
Long time i do not read u guys
always a pleasure to come back and read ferine yet open mind solid truth articles
in U.S. some good ol’ Freedom fighters business owners are denying in their ads folks who take those bio experimental shots, its just a relief to know there are still people with Brains out there like u CJ
meanwhile the pathetic majority the hypochondriac sheeple are obeying any command from, the bribed by pharma and kill bates, politicians and unelected health ‘expert$’
this morning i was reading Nobel Prof. Luc Montaigner talking about how the vaccinated are contributing to new variants of this c19 flu
anyone who knows his name will surely be happy with his current researches
as for me i wish was a list of countries i could compare Freedom and Civil Rights and with no ‘passport’ coronoia and its karen goons to choose from and move to
would b nice a tropical one cause im tired of northern cold ‘demo cracies’
Many years of “official” profiling have led me to believe that oligarchs, fascists, control freaks, and most Type A personalities are simply Anal retentive – only in the extreme. One definition of anal retentive behavior describes it thus: >
“An anal retentive person is a person who pays such attention to detail that it becomes an obsession and may be an annoyance to others.”
Another definition states: > “Overextending psychic energy during the process of toilet training by holding back can result in fixating at the anal stage, creating an anal retentive personality as an adult.”
Take a look at mainstream pictures of Angela Merkel, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, and other minions of Mammon. All appear toxic, puffy, and full of shit…
Bingo. This is also the basis of the notion that people can be “full of shit”. Most really don’t know that this notion is actually pertaining anal retention. I remember vividly, that we were only allowed in the most urgent cases to use the bathroom from elementary school on. The German explanation for this is: “Das kann man sich einteilen.” (“One can schedule that.” – my translation).
Fascism is not a sign of the German people being more obedient than other peoples, in fact it is a sign of “rebelliousness”, as facism always occurs when the real left is in danger of taking power (as was in the case of not only Germany but Italy, Spain and Chile). All these countries at the time had strong left wing movements with a lot of support. Fascism was aided and abetted by international capital as a bulkward against the commies (who have been the only ones to truly threaten the capitalist order). The ruling classes in UK for example never needed fascism to control their ‘unruly” masses because the Anglo Saxon people are the most servile on the planet! Fascism is Capitalism under siege, and the ruling classes have been working on making sure these ideas don’t gain traction amongst the masses ever since.
[Fascism is not a sign of the German people being more obedient than other peoples, in fact it is a sign of “rebelliousness”, as facism always occurs when the real left is in danger of taking power…]
My observation: Wow, must have taken some squeezing to force the facts to “fit” your narrative – even if only in a blatantly obvious selective “cum hoc ergo propter hoc” way.
Needless to say, I am utterly unconvinced.
Or let’s go Star Wars: The ideological narrative is strong in this commenter!
‘Fascism’ derives from Fasces: a bound bundle of wooden sticks… It ‘arises’ when there is considerable, almost overwhelming social discord and conflict. (there’s no threat of a ‘real’ left taking power unless that ‘left’ is riding the waves of that discord)
Mussolini remarked that fascism is actually corporatism (the Corporate state). Such decides who does or doesnt belong – especially decides who are The Excluded (The NAZI version took the exclusions further, it eliminated The Excluded)
In my younger days i was sent to a Catholic school… It’ was politically authoritarian the way it was run, fascist in it’s ideological expression :We, unlike those heathens attending a nearby State school, were part of God’s In-Crowd…
“The Real Left”? No true scotsman fallacy.
OTOH operation Gladio is and was an instrument of fascism,
so you are right.
Also the anglo upper class has always been exceptionally cruel.
This might to some extent explain the plight of the UK inland population.
(living on an island, nowhere to run, a traumatised and PTSD lot)
When the German sheep put 2 + 2 = 4 and realize the experimental drugs are killing them they may decide freedom is the right path for the time they have left. Or take up arms and take a few with them.
They haven’t realized that masks are useless in more than a year, so it’s likely they won’t realize about vaccines either or they will normalize the situation somehow.
Yes indeed. Like most other people, they are getting used to participating in the idiocy which surrounds them 24/7, so they won’t see any reason to start asking questions all of a sudden.
Shocking news from CJH in Germany.
But not totally surprising, trending as it has been that way.
In Southern California it has been much less onerous, but perhaps that’s just the more laidback style, biding time for more general compliance everywhere else, before they drop the hammer here. I raise a row whenever it may benefit.
Prayers for freedom and pushback.
You get the feeling the US is too unruly to make this stuff stick; too diverse, too hostile to each other, too abandoned, too cruel. It is the countries that built social services based on a general belief in common humanity where there is no escape. Christian societies you could say.
3rd day of a 7 day lockdown here in Melbourne, and they’ve also reinstated mandatory facemasks outside.
By sheer coincidence the Victorian state of emergency extension was due to expire on June 4th. And a week before it did, suddenly… “cases”.
Everytime it’s almost expired there’s suddenly been new cases, and the politicians have trotted off and extended it again, however we’ve had 5 more cases today so it’s a certainty the lockdown will go on for a while yet.
The cops here are absolute thugs, wannabe gestapo, and today saw shocking footage of up to 200 of them turning up to break up a church service being held in a park. I’m not a christian, but to me, it was disgusting. You couldn’t get any lower.
The major politicians and the police commissioner (chief) here are allegedly in a well known ‘society’ shall we say. Here unfortunately, the vast majority are fully compliant with whatever directives they’re told to obey. It’s quite sad to witness actually. I’m glad things haven’t been too bad in your part of California. At least you can wander down to the beach.
Another gem to cut and paste to my CJH folder, waiting for the right moment to bombard our idiotic politicians. But no mention of the Christians? How do they view this ‘mark of the beast, without which no man can buy or sell….’ Are they going willingly into this dark night? Isn’t Germany’s fearless leader a ‘christian’?
Look at the luxurious lifestyles and possessions of their leaders, that the contribute to so earnestly. That should answer the question. If the situation suits these leaders, they will exhort the sheep to get the Kill-Aid
Christianity is a hypocritical cult. The two “conservative” and “ultra conservative” parties that have been ruling Germany for a combined whopping 50+ years call themselves “Christlich Demokratische” und “Christlich Soziale” “Union”. The CSU only exists in catholic Bavaria.
The “Christian” prefix is nothing but gaslighting, considering what “Christ” supposedly stands for. There were books about the renaming of those parties after WWII to whitewash their Reichstags past.
All right, but you are maligning genuine Christians by making such a bald statement, and they do exist, even if they don’t go marching about, saying, “I’m a Christian.”
That Christianity also exists which simply knows about the teachings which came from Jesus 2,000 years ago, finds great wisdom and moral strength in them, and quietly does its personal best to live up to the high standards outlined in them.
It does not necessarily evangelize, and it knows that its message is too tough for those who think that material comfort is the entire meaning of life.
Of course the institutionalized versions of all religions are mostly beyond the pale, because they are so vulnerable to infiltration by unremarkable, opportunistic, power-seeking people, including politicians, fake priests and outright thieves. I’m assuming it is these which you have in mind.
I am simply making a plea for Christ’s intentions, however seldom realized, to be treated with some respect. That is what Christianity is. Nothing else, even if it is fashionable nowadays for the colossal majority to think it’s all a joke.
This issue is easily resolved by pointing out the distinct jesuit
brand of christianity represented in Knights Of Malta and Opus Dei.
Upper class christianity so to speak.
Nailing the population to the cross of scientism.
‘They Live’ the movie, 1988 by John Carpenter.
In case you haven’t seen it, it’s an oldie but relevant to this ‘new normal’ we’re living in.
And yes, love CJ Hopkins writing of course!
That’s crazy, I just checked it out from the Newport Library, since Netflix didn’t have it for ages. A vet friend recommended way back last year.
Any film that shows that Yuppies are really space alien reptiles cleverly “masked” is a must see and my kind of flick!
Yes, I mentioned “They Live” a few articles back as well. By the way, if You like to watch movies like that and those You can’t get in the West, go to OK.RU. It is a trip what You will find there. It is all available for free. If there are commercials, they are in Russian, so they are not as invasive as e.g. yt.
I watched Bullit yesterday and what a treat it was. Watching movies from the 60’s and 70’s is so soothing. And there are thousands on OK. If things get too gloomy, I recommend a Gene Wilder binge night. “The Producers” – a masterpiece second to none. Especially considering “Springtime for Hitler in Germany”…
Kind of crazy eh….the movie is a bit camp with the acting but I like it :)….and the format they used to get the message across is very clever.
“Invasion of the Body Snatchers” would be my cinematic parallel.
Not seen that movie yet, might give it a go, thanks
I loved this piece of writing!
In the pubs in Sydney NSW barstaff have been deputised by the State to ensure that drinkers comply with the requirement that they Check-in via their smart-phones when they enter a pub… And they do it eagerly…
The NSW government is using stealth – little by little, getting people used to submitting to being tracked… Years of Obedience Training (aka schooling) has ensured the barstaff will impose Compliance to the States diktats..
But then that doesnt let the compliant drinkers off the hook….
It’s comforting to know that establishments that sell toxins for consumption have your health in mind.
I’m pretty sure the people resisting their “new normal” are not really interested in their bars, malls and mindless stores.
We had a nice change here, a local hair dressing salon in Palm Beach Australia has banned anyone who has been vaccinated. The reason being since the drug is in trail phase their insurance policy will not cover anyone who has had the shot in the store. Genius, playing them at their own game.
The business has boomed and has lots of local support. So don’t believe the traffic is only one way.
With everything else I’ve heard recently and living in an unsafe are with many believers of the narrative, that is such welcomed news to hear. Hope it continues and hope others follow too. Thanks for sharing. That’s so hopeful.
WOW! double wow! That is indeed the best news, about the hair dressing salon in Palm Beach.
I heard something similar about the aviation industry, how the airlines are considering not flying vaccinated passengers ’cause of the potential death from blood clots & and this also got to do with their insurance policy not covering.
Can you imagine that, how ironic for all those getting the jab so they can get back to ‘normal’. And it’s not just the vaccinated but this will have the domino effect with the Pharma, the politicians…in short it will derail the parasites’s current plan all because of, what else; money!
I will go to that hairdresser when I get to Palm Beach (even when I don’t usually go to the hairdresser).
Seems like it’s the same everywhere. Did 2020 take the brains out of everyone, or did people not grow brains to begin with, and 2020 just merely made that obvious…
The latter
We’re lucky, relatively speaking, in Cyprus just now where there is now a pass system but it is not policed by business owners but just through random checks resulting in a fine if you don’t have the right documents to be in that place. Not sure how that’s going to last, though.
2021 Ben Delaurentis – Two More Weeks Forever
Brilliant thanks so much for sharing it here.
“New Normal” for sure. Here in Canuckistan (once referred to as Canada) the leaders of our provinces have decided that parents don’t have a say in their children’s health. The government has the right to vaccinate your child without parental consent. In British Columbia they have even gone as far as to allow children to have gender bender assignments (medical procedures) and the parent’s consent again is not required. The Marxists are everywhere in our schools, in our government, in our legal/justice system and corporations. It’s a complete take over and most Canuckleheads have been made to submit by fear of catching a flu bug. There is some pushback though nowhere near enough.
The situation is pathetic truly pathetic!!!
I refer to it as the “Undemocratic, Rich People’s Republic of Soviet Canuckistan”.
I am completely unsurprised by pathetic submission of the majority. It isn’t a matter of intelligence. It is the ability to question authority or lack thereof.
So as they gloat about their “freedom” I just laugh and point out all the disastrous animal studies where Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) killed vast numbers of ferrets, the humanised mice (mice + ACE2 receptor) where 95% got mad cow disease in the human equivalent of 18 months and the macaque monkeys who developed Alzheimer’s in the human equivalent of 2 years. Give them something to think about instead of being so smug and self righteous.
How about: contempt for the conmen; compassion for the conned?
I live in Amsterdam and until recently I knew the acronym ADE
to stand for Amsterdam Dance Event.
Such is the way of this world and its beast system: woe is us! =)
Do take a look at the definition of ‘marxist’. As with ‘communist’ and ‘socialist’, NAmericans really don’t seem to know their arses from their elbows with these words’ actual dictionary meanings.The same goes with ‘left’ and ‘right’. Just remember that ALL major political persuasions in NAmerica are somewhat to the right of Hitler, in most things. In Europe, we still tend to know the traditional meanings of these words.
Well I for one know what an “arse” and an “elbow” are….;)
Perhaps you should do your homework on what’s been going on here in North America for years now. More recently I call your attention to movements like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter. These groups to name a few operate completely and admittedly as Marxist trained operatives. Perhaps your familiar with George Soros and his NGO’s and their mode of operation worldwide and specifically here now.
Marxism and specifically Cultural Marxism as defined here for example:
A quick aside… the Stab in the Back was real… but anyways… I get your point.
If we all try a bit to climb out of this hell together, and be nice it might actually get better and we can all live again, whilst here together in this life. This life maybe all we have got.
Most people are nice, and want to help.
“Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky (Official Video)”
I wish I had your optimism Tony but I don’t:
Chris Rea deserves an upvote just for being, well, Chris Rea.
About 10 or more years ago, I used to occasionaly read it, and even – well completely disagree with Gordon Duff. He never banned me, but some of the stuff, was completely obvious to me. He is an Ex-US- Marine circa Vietnam, so he has been there. I haven’t. His website now seems to support Americans who went to Vietnam, and ended up disabled. I hadn’t come across Veterans Today, for many years, until someone here posted the link this morining.
I am not going to repeat it, cos the second video of a Palestinian Kid being suffocated to Death, could easily be faked, and the kid is probably is still alive, but I think the first one published by Gordon Duff is probably real
So this is veterans uk. I know this is true..cos I have danced with him.
I never let on. It was our secret. I introduced my new friend to my wife.
He had both his legs blown off – about 24 years old and a completely beautiful and highly intelligent young man. He was a kid trying to save his country.
Our nearest rock music pub, is the best one within reasonable distance of Headley Court, that has got decent bands on.
Everyone is really nice and friendly
The big reason this “new normal” could be imposed so easily: the near-total complicity of the “left” and even “ultra left” (anarchists, council communists). They also went along with 9/11, but on this one they didn’t just go along, they were strident supporters, attacking anyone resisting as “right winger/conspiracy theorist/science denier…..” I have this young anarchist being antagonistic on my FB page, incredibly uninformed, insisted the shots had dead viruses in them, until shown the manufacturers were saying otherwise.
Please don’t stick anarchists in with the “left.” Right, left, center, up, down – you name it – they all believe someone somewhere should have power over others. Anarchists – as opposed to ass holes simply calling themselves anarchists to be chic but having no ability to define the term correctly – do not accept anyone’s right to have power over others.
Therefore, anarchists do not belong within a million light years of the political spectrum.
ANARCHY is a state of mind, not a form of government. It seeks, through the liberation of the individual, to free society from the restrictive rules and regulations that have been created in a world dominated by fear and controlled by the manipulators of that fear. Fear is one of the first ‘facts of life’ that we are taught. The smack to the naughty child. From the very start we are conditioned (conned) to be a part of their machinery. We are conned by our families, schools and places of work into being passive tools. Is that really how you want to live your life? Reject their system of oppression, reject their ‘facts of life’. Kick back, question, disobey, make your own rules, live your own life, be responsible, SUBVERT.
[ANARCHY is a state of mind, not a form of government.]
Anarchy applies to many different contexts. You are postulating a false dichotomy.
Thank s Howard. No one has the “right” to control another individual, period.
The only exception would be the responsibility of parents to control the behavior of their own minor age children. The State now circumvents this responsibility.
Been an anarchist since 1973. The large majority of the many people i know what have called themselves that, or libertarian/council communists, totally accepted the official 9/11 story, and have totally accepted the virus/lockdown/vax narrative. I have even had anarchists telling me that the lockdown was the advent of the revolution.
Wrong, the real left have opposed almost all neo-liberal policies in the UK for decades, including Brexit and have made absolutely no impact. You are blaming the left for the crimes of the neo-liberal far-right.
I have no problem with what I call “The Legit Left” or “The Real Right”. People like RFK Jr actually stand for something. I disagree with both groups on some issues and agree on others. Nobody in either groups thinks I don’t have the right to disagree.
Unfortunately the 66-75% in between are the majority and are totally useless.
The left did not oppose the official 9/11 narrative, only some of the details of the responses to it. and certainly gone along with the entire virus narrative BS, including the lockdown, zealously, in fact.
Germany is still Nazi to this day.
Reverse Nazi in my experience, and I lived there for decades. J3ws got their land back in the former East Berlin, unfortunate German DNA like me did not. Prenzlauer Promenade 191.
‘Inside Nazi Germany’ by Detlev Peukert is probably one of the few books written about what everyday life was like living under the Nazi reign in Germany…
Innumerable documentaries exist about the Nazi Party, The War, and so on, but none about the lived experience of ordinary folk under Nazism… Certainly no documentary has been made about Dr Joseph Goebbels brilliant development and application of mass manipulation techniques which the post-war corporate propaganda media adopted …
Nazi propaganda depicted Jews / reds/ gays / gypsies etc as disease threats to the health of the German people to isolate them before they eradicated them, cleansed the nation…
Belief in the germ theory was generally accepted, thus making people susceptible to beliefs that they could be infected by the diseased spreading Jews etc…
Our rulers have no desire for us to have learned ‘the lessons of history’…Fear of Contagion is generally shared… That fear is easily manipulated, as the corporate propaganda media is currently showing… So if you dont want to be one of the disease-spreading excluded you’d better get vaxxed…
The injection doesnt make you safe from a ‘virus’, it only ensures you’re not one of the Excluded…
I read a few years back that the gestapo didnt need to do that much detective work in the 30s as the populace seemed to really embrace denunciation. They were inundated with reports about suspicious neighbours.
I was told stories when barely a toddler, back in the 1950s, that the Reich children were prepped to rat out their non-compliant parents. Hard to say what was real or what apocrypha.
Here is what Napoleon knew already back then about my fellow countrymen.
He nailed it pretty well:
“There is no more good-natured, but also no more gullible people than the Germans. No lie can be conceived treacherous enough, the Germans believe it. They follow a slogan which was given to them, to act against their own countrymen, rather than the real enemies of their country.”
I wonder what experience led him to come to that conclusion…
The late Richard Grunberger’s Social History of the Third Reich is quite informative.
Had a church going man used to come around peoples place’s playing guitar singing hymns.He became an mp has had affairs corrupt ,that’s what being a politician is liars blaggers disgusting immoral weird occult fiends.
We are all pretty much the same. No one hates anyone else in street, even if they are wearing masks….The most important thing particularly, if you have not received your State Pension, yet, which you have worked for all your life ,brought up your Children, and Now Grandchildren…Is despite it has been almost completely banned, except by zoom, and I stick my head in trying to get the bloody thing working and they try and turn me off live at the start of the yoga class….
Is if you helped the dance teacher to get qualified, (twice)…Is to go to her
Dance Keep Fit Rock Chick class tomorrow evening.
My Wife has.
She is Going – already booked the ticket.
I am sure the Dancers will all be delighted to see each other.. and do it for real.
Off topic.I’ve known for years that something wasn’t right something was changing,but they’ve really ramped it up this past year and a half pushing eager must be the youngsters of the elites they want to eliminate us ,bring in this transhuman but only for the chosen ones.The below par I’m afraid are for it ,it won’t be a matter of fitness or youth it will be a matter of intelligence.Fifty year’s time will most still exist or 500,000 be reading the georgia guide stone’s?
Weather Report: “There’s a storm cell on the way. The kind that produces tornadoes.” Then nothing further; no updates, no warnings. Until it’s right over top of you, sucking you through your roof.
COVID Report: “There a virus on the way. The kind that draws maniacs out of the woodwork.” Then nothing further; no updates, no warnings. Until the storm troopers are kicking in your door and dragging you out of your home.
This is how I view those who criticize C J Hopkins, Off Guardian, et al for constantly harping on the COVID situation. I guess they’d rather play it by ear than be constantly updated and warned.
Me, I’d rather be a sniveling, whining wuss and know what’s headed my way. Maybe then I can be prepared.
In 1990 Netanyahu said that “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state.”
Israel has done an even better job on Germany…
Smack my b**ch up that’s what politicians are.
The Germans single themselves out – nobody needs to do that for them. And they are inherently susceptible for totalitarianism, fascism and display a robotically hyper conformism towards authority. A least half of the Germans are not people by a long shot. I can say that not because I was born there and grew up in Söderland, but because I am in exile.
Since You are in Berlin – where I have practically lived in every district – You are wise not to call the German ruling entity what it really is: a regime by any other name. The regent is Merdel and her occupation of the Reichskanzlei is a nasty stain on Germany. Even though the Eastern notion of “This too, will pass” comes to mind, but at what price? A price that is always paid by the poorest segment of the population.
On a side note, the American comic Jimmy Dore keeps spreading misinformation about how much the Germans get in aid during the pandemic. That is incorrect and may only serve his US audience to get madder at their own polit clowns, but it is not the truth. The truth is, that the German regime has created so many obstacles and preconditions to receive aid, that the larger part of the citizenry has no other aid than “Hartz IV” (after a cocksucker by the name of Hartz, SPD) – which is what was traditionally called “social welfare”. In order to receive this aid, You must work for Euro 3.00 per hour – or You will get sanctioned down to nothing. Just what the one party system in the US wants to implement. The Germans were first. The billionaire Kast demands cheap labor and the regime delivers.
Here is today’s article about the destruction of small (really small, not 1000 employees as in the US) businesses in Germany. The only way to apply for aid is through a tax accountant or lawyer. Let that sink in – You will have to pay for either one and You will have to pay tax on the received aid. The article is in German and from Rubikon, the magazin for the critical mass, as they call themselves:
Thank You for the sarcasm though, Herr Hopkins. I really appreciate it.
Do You need a “negative test” and wear a “mask” at the Golgatha?
I don’t think any ethnicity or group are more or less susceptible to mass hysteria/insanity.
What this scamdemic has revealed to me is the gloomy realization that humanity
has a deep, psychological (likely genetic) predilection for episodic mass hysteria.
Your writing and much other reading and analysis of various historically similar
phenomena – the multitude of racial/ethnic/religious pogroms, ideological pogroms
such as witchcraft in past epochs or McCarthyism more recently, economic hysteria
such as the infamous Dutch Tulip mania, and many pseudo-scientific mass hysteria
incidents such as repressed memory, facilitated communication (bizarre and amazing
story), a wave of daycare satanic cult child abuse stories, and of course, the current
Covidian Cult episode that the world is currently being subjected to – have made this
These things seem to sweep over humanity time and time again, like a virus.
If only we had an experimental vaccine for this.
I really tried to respond, but it is way too much that needs to be included in any assessment as to why the Germans were/are how they were/are. The single most important aspect in what sets Germans apart from others is obedience. Why there is a people that are so absorbed by it eludes me. Obedience has no merits but tragedy and loss of critical thinking. It only benefits authority.
Contrast that with those wonderful pictures from Naples of the locals defying the curfew. It was if they had won the world cup. And its why so many celebrate with them when they do.
Yes, it made tears roll down my cheeks. Tears of joy about the same people I came to love so much. If I would ever get a chance to live in Italy again, it would definitely be in the Mezzogiorno, where people are free of hypocrisy and really down to Earth. Even with the Camorra and the Mafia, the Southerners always have an open door and absolutely fantastic food.
The spirit displayed in Naples is the spirit I am lacking here. I am suffocating from the obedience around me.
[The single most important aspect in what sets Germans apart from others is obedience. Why there is a people that are so absorbed by it eludes me.]
You believe what you want to believe. And you’ve decided that you are going to believe something about the Germans, too hell with any facts.
Let’s ignore for instance the marches against Covid in Germany.
Let’s ignore Bhakti with his German wife speaking out.
Let’s turn a blind eye to Fuellmich and the legal actions they are coordinating all over the world.
I could suggest you are blind to the facts and truth, but since you have obviously already made up your mind, it will not make much difference.
Oh well. Humans…
You need to work on your comprehensive skills. The majority of Germans are obedient to the hilt. There are about ~80 million Germans and you are yapping about the marches in Germany, about the fact that there is a minority that dissents from the official narrative. Who said anything about Dr. Bhakti, Dr. Fuellmich, Ken Jebsen, Sven Böttcher, Anselm Lenz, Albrecht Müller, Willi Wimmer?
If only HALF of Germany would not be as obedient as they are, there would be 40 million people marching. My father would be still alive and there would have never been a lockdown, nor ever a corrupt, lying and deceiving regime in charge of German affairs.
Just shut the up if you are incapable to get the numbers correct. As a native German I know what I am talking about from personal experiences and those were always from the minority side of the disobedient.
That there is a movement of awakening now – that is most brutally treated by the regime via its henchmen and media was not the point of this discussion. Fact is, the status quo in Germany (and elsewhere) would have never been possible without THE MAJORITY being obedient order followers.
Perhaps the submissive obedience arises from a belief deep in the German collective conscious, or “hive mind”, that Ordnung ist Alles.
You know it. When You grow up with:
“Ordnung muss sein”
(“There must be order” – for those who don’t speak German)
the brainwashing will be most difficult to neutralize or reverse. It simply becomes part of what people even see as their own conclusion. Alan Watts has a number of talks regarding the subject of “order” – explaining that there is a difference between human “order” and the natural path of growth. When a tree grows – it does not follow a specific order. It just grows from seed to full maturity.
On the side, Germany was many centuries called “Das Land der Dichter und Denker” (“The land of poets and thinkers”), from Walther von der Vogelweide, to Jakob Böhme, Hegel, Nietzsche, Goethe, Schiller, to name but a few of those, but there has been silence for a very long time now. This silence is not necessarily due to a lack of poets and thinkers – it is due to the lack of demand for philosophy and poetry. There are signs that it is changing now, but then came the “Einzelhaft” (solitary confinement) by the psychopaths and performing artists of all kinds have not been allowed to work.
When I am asked why I left Germany I say that the dishonesty and mendacity could no longer be endured.
While I initially was simply drawn to the more pleasant place to live far away, I have come since (25 years) to the same conclusion. I like to add, that it is actually the “willful” part about that mendacity, dishonesty and lack of empathy for those who need help in any way. And while I am not in favor of generalizations, my personal experiences have shown that exceptions are really rare. Especially when Germans are holding public offices.
Oh Wow
We all got a heavy dose of religion (it taught us basic morality) when everything was still bombed to hell, just after WWII. We all realised the mess that had recently happened…but it wasn’t “that” Puritan. Not like it is now. We might have had Mary Whitehouse to tell us off, but we had Tony Hancock to laugh with. Porn was almost unknown, and we didn’t need it.
We knew the difference between boys and girls, and well of course we all had the normal childhood diseases, but hardly any vaccinations, and hardly anyone young died or was autistic.
And most of us are still here happy and healthy who continued to say No to The COVID injections, which are currently disabling and killing large numbers of us now old people.
Just Say No. The Religion is O.K. but The COVID Vax is 100 times more Dangerous, than any other Vax that has been inflicted on us. It has resulted in a massive increase in Strokes, and Heart attacks and numerous other conditions, of which you had no problem or history before – even if you are young.
COVID imho just another mild flu or a cold. I may have had it, but I have never had a flu jab, and I am hoping to go camping soon at a music festival. We did pay for it last year, but I don’t mind paying again..
I just want the live music on again.
I want to Dance.
Not Dead Yet.
What legislation in Germany allowed the vaxx papers requirement CJ is talking about? I can find almost no press on it. There’s something 22 days ago mentioning a German “jab for freedom” or “freedom jab” in TG with no updates since, that I can find. Who knows more?
The vaccination passport does not exist. It is a record in a data base.
I’ve seen comments that people will continue to wear their masks because they don’t want to be thought of as Trumpers. Very bizarre since Trump considers himself the Father of the Vaccine!
The “Trump is a covi denier” meme was shoe-horned into the lime light early on wasn’t it? If you don’t tap dance to every State sanctioned covi covi beat, you’re worse than Hitler because Trump was this century’s Hitler don’t you know?!
He is the one flavor offered of covid denier. Available on request.
All The Donald has ever done is say his lines on cue. He is that novel brand of “completely controlled ‘uncontrollable’ wild man”. USA is full of them. Nothing new, just relentlessly ‘novel’. Yaaawn.
It’s shocking that so many continue to believe there is anything of substance there. If DT was actually against the Deep State, he’d be pushing up daisies by now.
[If DT was actually against the Deep State, he’d be pushing up daisies by now.]
Oh my. Such rock-solid “logical” reasoning.
The cult is clearly strong with you.
Sadly I think most people are mentally ill, in that they want to obey the abuser even if it’s wrong. They also want to be seen to be doing the right thing – in the eyes of others. Conforming is more important than doing the actual right thing. I put this down to the abuse they received at some point. Beta males and most women. An alpha male can’t comprehend this.
I think your paradigm is wrong. I know many ‘alpha males’ who are all over this conformity shit, and actually far more women who reject it than men. Alpha males are often a social construct, and therefore strut on the stage erected for them by their society. A slave to the chauvinist system. Rather than courageous and independently-minded, they are the true conformists, to their core. In my opinion/experience. A2
Like most people, you probably have alpha wrong. Most people have been led to believe the alphas are the big, strong, loud, aggressive, attractive ones. They can be all those things, but those things actually have nothing to do with being alpha. You have been sold the ideal of an alpha which has nothing to do with reality.
What you are probably seeing is beta males with an alpha appearance. This is the ideal for most women because they look good, BUT they behave. If they are ‘for conformity’, they most definitely are NOT alpha males. Alpha males are naturally anti-authority and will stand alone against the entire world if they believe it’s right.
An alpha male can be short, ugly with bad breath and a small penis. But will obey no one but himself.
Interesting take. Although I think your use of the phrase is quite unique to you. But I guess that ties exactly in with your definition. XD A2
I think you’re conflating alpha males with goons of the system. I burly and aggressive policeman readily using so called regulations to hide his face in a surgical mask while harrassing old ladies for sitting in a public park, is hardly an alpha male.
After several thousand years of high profile activity, the seasonal flu took a well earned rest this & last year, but is still unsure if it will still have a job after furlow ends.
It may be true. I don’t know, but I believe hardly anything I read in The Newspapers without independent verification. This is about to be tested. I reckon it is complete bollocks, and I rather like The Beach Boys
“France to impose mandatory quarantine on UK arrivals”
Another video shows how obedient and stupid people have become. ( Ooh, how can you say such norty thoughties. Teacher will spank your botty.)
Colonel Panic — by The Fearless Flyers
Germans have long had a very weird understanding of free speech. Generally what i’ve seen (particularly in the media) is that rather then engaging in discussion with someone criticising consensus views, they start to anayse them as if holding a view that is not the norm is an indication of mental illness.
It is likely in their DNA. 45 years of a friendship that wasn’t mean nothing to a Covidiot – because You don’t share its manfactured opinion.
I don’t believe that to be true – they had a wall dividing them for 60 years – both sides knew what freedom was ….. they only had to stand on the wooden staging and look over the wall.
The wall divided them for 28 years.
Yes, but it seemed like 60 years! 😉
If you read the recent MIT research on tackling anti-maskers… and also read the exposure by Project Veritas of Facebook monitoring and censoring conversations for mention of “vaccine hesitancy”… signals become apparent.
See my post below about Polly’s analysis of the former. The people we pay to miseducate our kids, who bend their research for profit in the interest of government or corporation, display not so much venality as bare stupidity.
As for intelligent signals… or signals intelligence. Just think how easy it is for Facebook to immediately identify who is intelligent and rank them. Or silence them.
I don’t support such work but it could easily be fed to educators, insurers, employers and the unIntelligent services themselves.
Consider the possibilities. Like any technology it could be used for the positive or the negative.
Instead we have Facebook blocking conversation. Google’s former CEO SCHMIDT proposes real time monitoring and limiting of what you write… on the excuse that “hate speech” could never be typed.
Put this together with academics whining that anti-maskers dare to use science instead of chanting “The Science” (on the false premise that consensus is a valid base for interrogation)…
You surely will conclude that society has been captured by the stupid, the mendacious and the evil.
Keepers and Defenders of the CORPORATE FASCIST NAZI RACKET (eh Faith).
“Although Zaius appeared/seemed to be quite a bit more intelligent than most of them.”
How deliciously teenager your style of commenting is!
Download Festival seems to be back on next month with 10,000 not socially distanced, not wearing masks, whilst Dominic Cummins and Neil Ferguson continue to be make complete arseholes of themselves.
So the smaller festivals should be on too.
That boycott mentioned at the beginning was just a reaction to the boycott of german manufactured goods initiated by american jews! Apart from that I have to agree 100% being a german myself and sadly living in this 3rd Reich reloaded/2.0.
Yep, in response to Hitler becoming Chancellor in January 1933, and perceived acts of aggression against Jews. In retaliation the German state officially sanctioned a targeted boycott against Jewish businesses, placing brown shirts outside premises, painting stars of David and antisemitic slogans etc. While there was escalation, you can scribe a clear divide between the former and the latter. Plus the author is describing historic occurrences, attitudes and locations which, he feels, are in the process of being repeated – a terrifying and hugely symbolic thing! I think he emphasises these things to resonate with readers rather than to apportion blame.
Please, let’s avoid a flirtation with soft-nazism. Thanks ever so much. A2
Many Nazi activists wanted to take action against Jewish businesses and felt that being in power was the right time. So a day-long boycott was announced to appease them, although some thought this too moderate. The Nazi leadership were still getting used to their new situation and did not want too much economic disruption. For example Nazi activists were often hostile to department stores, only some of which were Jewish-owned. But for the most part these were left alone.
It was not until 1938 that mass attacks on Jewish businesses started.
Have just finished “In the Dark Room” by Susan Faludi, about her father’s experiences, and subsequently her own in latter years, in Hungary. Chilling.
I saw this add reported in zero hedge comments section the other day. It sums up how I feel about the vaccinated and masked.
”We are currently recruiting and we explicitly will not employ anyone who has been vaccinated. If you walk into our offices wearing a mask, we also won’t employ you. We want people who can demonstrate that they can do their own research, look at the data and make the right decision.”
I like to apply, too.
Where do I apply?
Is that the far right Zero Hedge? or a different one?
Anyone seriously opposing the covid mass deception is to be classified as ‘far right’.
Oh, another goon claiming anyone critical is far right. What is wrong with you people? Do you have no critical faculties?
Please explain exactly why Zero Hedge is far right (in your own stupid words).
I’m no fan of ZH but calling them “far right” is simply hilarious.
He said “is to be classified as”, not “is”. And he is right, we are calssified as “far right” already. For simply being critical.
Excellent essay, Mr. Hopkins.
I’m curious: the German speech heard in the link which shows the heartbreaking arrest of the old folks picniking on the sidewalk, is it Charlie Chaplin from “The Great Dictator”?
Who will liberate us this time, when it is the Americas who are exporting its fascism into our lives……………….. the Chinese?
That be rhetorical tautology… Not at all Confucius-ing.
Chaplin like Cagney was forced to go independent, just as Hollywood was coming under control. Each spoke to humanity and we all are the richer.
[?] Um, ok. I think I’ve got a grasp of the big picture, thank you. I’d just like to know what’s playing in the background of the video I mentioned.
Odd how new arrivals plaster their pontification all over this board as though the rest of us were idiots before they got here
A more recent musical version of this embedding Charlie Chaplin’s words
“Paolo Nutini – Iron Sky [Abbey Road Live Session]”
I like! Thank you for introducing me to Paolo Nutini! I’m now enjoying his cover of Harry Nilsson’s “Everybody’s Talkin'”:
In the illustrating photograph of SA men calling for boycotts, it is interesting that one of the posters has an English translation. The photo would presumably have been picked up in the foreign press.
I knew WFA were in contact with police in various countries, but I’ve just watched 2 lines of mostly uniformed armed French police one by one symbolically throw their handcuffs on the ground to declare they are no longer participating in lockdowns!
I don’t have a link, I saw it on Telegram. More and more cracks are appearing.
Sorry – WFA = World Freedom Alliance
I think it’s here mentioned about approaches from/to police etc
I’ll try to get a link to these police video, if anyone else has one go ahead.
How the woke establishment views us… how they concede our science is right… and the mental hoops they jump through to avoid surrendering their version of the moral high ground — by Polly.
Cretinous examples of woke establishment logic:
A great deconstruction of the state of the bureaucratic and academic mind following MIT’s research into critics of Event Covid.
“Turns out anti-maskers are really good at science.” — that’s the title of the video though I can’t find a direct link to it.
”woke establishment” = CIA funded liars and useful idiots used to discredit the left.
Park your attacks on the fake left please, we have bigger fish to fry. The left did not cause the lockdowns and the destruction of our economies, Trump & Boris Johnson did.
I never mentioned left. You did, mister.
And if the left ( which I’m not convinced currently exists in any traditional shape) is ill-used — it’s precisely by officialdom and the puppeteers of wokedom.
If you think there is anything “left” about woke, you really are a silly soldier.
“How the woke establishment views us”
Apologies, I made too many assumptions about your comment. But the woke movement is very clearly a tool being used to destroy the real left.
I think you’re missing the point, what we are seeing now IS the real left. The Marxist ideas of a global communitarian system, and the soft techniques of persuation from the Fabian Society applied in the West. I don’t know what other ‘left’ is there. Mind you that the ‘right’ is just the other side of the same coin. It’s only semmantic differences to appeal to different personalities.
“Turns out anti-maskers are really good at science.” — that’s the title of the video though I can’t find a direct link to it.
The British Rona inquiry is such a pantomime, they are working really hard, with the help of quisling Dominic Cummins to ensure that nobody makes Jonson & his government responsible for the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people through the destruction lockdown and restrictions, destroying health, incomes and the futures of the British people.
Accusing Johnson of not imposing lockdown earlier is beyond idiocy, with no evidence at all to indicate that any lock down every saved any lives. How can they operate in this evidence-fee environment? it is bizarre, it is fascism.
CumminGs — as in “short” cummings
I heard the Mayor of Manchester, Andy Burnham today on the radio, getting hysterical that his schools don’t have the right to reimpose masks on students, they Heads ‘feel it necessary’, when told that there is no proof they stop any virus, he was still angry at government inconsistency on the policy and still wanted to impose them on students. To say our politicians are retarded is putting it politely, they are idiots on an epic scale.