The ‘New Normal’ Lexicon
Ian Jenkins
Extracts from ‘The New Normal Lexicon’ by Greta Reset, Professor of Neology at Schwabgate University.
Mask eye: the nasty beady-eyed glare, a mix of hatred and fear, given by a ‘maskaholic” to someone not wearing a ‘face covering’.
Maskaholic: Someone who wears their mask regardless of the surroundings e.g. alone in a car, on the top of a mountain or under water.
Face covering: Absolutely anything used to cover the lower half of the face in order to comply with regulations and gain access to a restricted zone – anything will do as efficacy in preventing disease transmission is not a requirement: underpants, a chiffon scarf, a hairnet.
There is also no requirement for face coverings to be disposed of safely after use, so these can be thrown on the street or over the landscape for children to play with and animals to choke on.
Vaccine hesitancy: Selfishly declining, or considering declining, a ‘vaccine’, especially an experimental one, usually based on a personal risk/benefit analysis, a deficit of fear and a belief in right wing nonsense like informed consent and bodily integrity.
Vaccine hesitancy causes the perpetuation of ‘lockdown’, masks and ‘social distancing’ by governments, who really don’t want to do these things, but you know…blame them. (See also: Antivaxxer).
Antivaxxer: Anyone who declines or criticises any of the Covid-19 vaccines, regardless of their reasons and general attitude towards vaccination – even if they are a well-regarded medical scientist who has been involved in the development of vaccines for many years. Any evidence produced by the antivaxxer is irrelevant because proof denies faith and without faith ‘The Science’ is nothing.
Age standardised mortality rate: The gold standard measure of all-cause mortality in a nation for the purposes of comparisons with other years. Consequently, it is never used by government or media, who prefer instead an open-ended tally of people who died within 28 (or even 60 days) of a PCR test.
PCR Test: The Polymerase chain reaction test was invented by American biochemist Kary Mullis who won the Nobel Prize for his discovery. PCR is able to magnify DNA samples to identify even minute quantities of a virus and is used on a rising scale of magnification called “cycles”.
Mullis, who died in 2019, was emphatic that his invention could not identify and diagnose infectious disease and consequently it has been used throughout the past year to do just that.
Head of the AIAID Anthony Fauci is on the record as saying that use of PCR of 35 cycles or more mean that the test is essentially meaningless in terms of determining infectious disease and would result in ‘false positives’ – but the protocol produced by German scientist Christian Drosten, which was based on a computer model rather than an isolated and sequenced sample of the virus and was peer-reviewed in 48 hours, recommended a cycle of 45.
This was then picked up by the WHO and used practically everywhere until the WHO told everyone to stop in January because it was meaningless. (See also: ‘The Science’).
The Science: A subset of scientific knowledge which cannot be challenged on the basis of empirical data or repeatable experiment because it has been ‘settled’ by the consensus between the subset of ‘experts’ who adhere to it.
Social distancing: Dystopian name given to the arbitrary physical distance recommended or by ‘experts’ or imposed by government to prevent ‘asymptomatic spread’. Should really be called ‘physical distancing’, but isn’t.
Asymptomatic spread: The curious idea that disease is spread in any significant way by people who are physically well, regardless of all previous (and most current) scientific evidence. The reason for ‘lockdown’.
Lockdown: A phrase borrowed from the penal system to denote protecting the health of the nation by inflicting isolation, missed education, stress and fear, limited healthcare and economic devastation on the whole of society, regardless of actual risk to individuals or proof of efficacy, to prevent ‘asymptomatic spread’.
Three weeks: Perpetuity (see ‘Lockdown’).
Nursing homes: Sssshhh! We don’t talk about that anymore. Look here comes another variant!
Case: Someone otherwise perfectly healthy who has unaccountably presented themselves for testing with a PCR test conducted so that it would find viral strands on Howard Hughes’s gloves.
R Number: a metric in epidemiology denoting the ability of a virus to spread. Once of vital importance and obsessively tracked and announced by the government and media on a daily basis it is now just sooooo 2020, darling – it’s all about variants this year don’cha know.
Infection fatality rate (IFR): Probably the most important metric in assessing the lethality of a pathogen, IFR is the percentage of infected people who die. For SARS-CoV-2 the current estimate is between 0.24% and 0.15% – for comparison bad flu is between 0.1 and 0.2% and rabies is 100%. Due to its vital importance, IFR is never mentioned by the mainstream media and most people have no idea what it means.
Variant: something 99.7% identical to an original thing, but with a scary name and good PR e.g. “the quadrupal super-deadly [insert random geographical location] superspreader variant”
Superspreader event: Politically inconvenient gathering or event with a large number of people behaving normally, that subsequently does not spread anything except love, unity and information.
‘Expert’: Someone occupying an eminent position in academia who says the right things.
Source of misinformation: Someone occupying an eminent position in academia who says the wrong things (cf. ‘Expert’)
Influencers: Celebrities, Vloggers or social media figures with many followers who use their reach and popularity to persuade people of the wisdom of government policy about which they know less than nothing, usually in return for payments from the public purse.
Also includes brave heroes like those at the 77 Brigade, who fight the dangerous war against dis/misinformation from the doughnut and coffee-infested virtual trenches of an MOD computer suite (see also SPI-B)
SPI-B: The Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours – a group of psychologists, government officers and law enforcement “experts’ tasked with the vital role of making sure that the public are suitably terrified during a time of public health crisis – particularly by making them aware of said crisis and making it super-scary through ominous messaging in the media.
SPI-B work on the thoroughly ethical concept of using fear to elicit compliance, which has never yet been misused in human history and which has never damaged the mental and physical health of a populace or affected democracy, social harmony or freedom in any way.
Vaccine: Traditionally a preparation of dead viral matter introduced to stimulate immune response and prevent infection – but now not so much that.
Vaxtrovert: Someone who gleefully tells anyone and everyone all about their vaccine experience without any prompting or particular desire to hear about the subject on the part of their interlocutors.
Public health policy: Focus on a single potential cause of death or illness to the exclusion of all others.
Herd immunity: Literally a fascist concept/policy…unless brought about by mass vaccination.
Adverse reaction: Totally coincidental illness or death following vaccination.
Health Passport: see: ‘Dompass’ and ‘kennkarte’.
Great Reset: Collosal resource grab and imposition of centralised technocratic control system – but with nice words like ‘equity’, ‘sustainability and ‘diversity’ thrown in to make it feel all warm and cuddly (see: ‘Build back better’, ‘Agenda 21/2030’ and ‘dystopian nightmare’)
Build back better: For oligarchs, not for you peasants.
Freedom: Slavery
Ignorance: Strength
The Nuremberg Code:…is that a Dan Brown novel?
Freedom of speech: Just watch what you say…
Rule of Law/civil rights: Sorry, what?
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“Social Distancing” really should be called “Anti-Social Distancing” (which is fine by me because I’m an anti-social person).
Variant Hotspot:
Any area with a high percentage of vaccine hesitants.
Doublebad Variants: Causing uncontrollable growth of penile tissue in men and enlargement of breasts in women.
Insaneitization: Application of proprietary hand and body sanitizers after each use of hands and body parts.
Doubleupper: Use of two or more mouth and nose foulers.
Eagerlies: Impatients demanding early injection access of known unknowns.
Pathogenocide: Removal of eagerlies from the gene pool.
Grinpharm: Manufacturer of known unknowns injeculate.
Hyppodoc: Medically trained hypocrite.
Slingshot: Forcefully administered injection of known unknowns.
Greta love hath no man etc. I was pondering the etymology of Virus Versus Vaccines, a phrase made famous by Julius Seizure prior to his crossing the Covidcon. Virus is clearly from Vir (=Man) and Vaccine is from Vacca (=Cow). Vaqueros = Cowboys. Cowboys invariably had to fight Indians (aka Injun Varmints). Plus ca change, c’est plus la meme chose: we are being stampeded by cowboys, causing a tsunami of bullshit. Etymology is part of the subliminal mind games being played but gets quite confusing after a while…
Great stuff — made me laugh out loud more than once. But then again, it’s not really funny, is it? But in this age of Twilight Zone normality, well…. it helps to poke fun at the monsters who engineer all this nonsense, especially their twisted terminology, language, and propaganda. Now if only the general public could break out of their collective spell and laugh as well…. now that would bring a huge, genuine, non-snarky smile to my face.
Here are some more:
Vax-fiend: Usually made of up local expatriates in South East Asia who are a vocal part of the twitterati that follow the official narrative as gospel & regularly denounce the “incompetent” & “xenophobic” Govt. They share tips on “vaccine package tours to USA & Europe” & talk about “quality vaccine brands” they want to be able to choose from. They talk about nothing else. “Vaccinate everyone now!” -they scream in CAPS. “We won’t get the jab until 2023 at this rate, we will be cast out of society like Lepers!” – they decry.
Cautious-Carl: Profile picture on social media shows them double-masked. Most of their posts talk about trips they’d like to go on, but that they are staying home because we’re in the middle of a pandemic and it’s the responsible thing to do. Ends most posts with hashtags #StayHome #NoOneIsSafeUntilEveryoneIsSafe. Sometimes they do polls on which vaccine people would most like to take. They love to talk about “grim milestones” for covid or elatedly report “important milestones” for number of vaccinated in a population. Their posts verge on demonising those who do not want to take the jab, but it is just inferred for now with their followers chiming in to do the rest “Those stupid refusenik idiots, they should be denied healthcare if they are hospitalised with covid”.
U-turners-at-will: Typically have no shame in vehemently denouncing crazy “conspiracy theories” from 2020 such as the vaccine passports and the microchip. After reading about DARPA’s microchip in DailyMail article in May 2021, when asked about it they respond with “Well, it makes sense really, to monitor your health & act as an early warning system for future pandemics. I wonder where I can register to be first in line”…..
Off topic, but related…\
Skyrocketing lumber prices in the US make hemp products a real alternative.
‘As experts see no end in sight to the skyrocketing lumber prices, this is shining a new light on the world of industrial hemp construction materials.
‘Hemp has the potential to be used in more than 25,000 products, including fibres, textiles, paper, and construction and insulation materials, food and even fuel. However, because government is the enemy of freedom, industrial hemp production was previously banned nationwide since 1937 ostensibly due to the plants similarity to marijuana. Many have speculated that this move was also due to the fact that cannabis is in direct competition with the pharmaceutical industry by providing far safer alternative treatments as well as directly competing with the petrochemical industry. However, all this changed in December 2018 with the passage of The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, legalising industrial hemp production on a national scale.
‘Unfortunately, thanks to decades of tyrannical prohibition the US is far behind the rest of the world when it comes to producing products that could pull us out of these problems.
‘Other countries in Europe, however, have been innovating these hemp products for years and they provide a green, carbon-sequestering, insulative wall solution far superior to wood – particularly the hemp block.
‘The hempcrete block is similar to the concrete blocks used in construction but are far more superior. They are significantly lighter and do not degrade over time, actually absorb carbon instead of producing it, click together like Legos, are easier to produce, and are magnitudes more efficient.’
“Hemp is a free society’s Green New Deal” (Free Thought Project. 31 May 2021)
Good one, Ian. Thanks.
Thank you. Really need a chuckle right now.
Let me try one:
Covid Denier: Anti-science dumbkopf who refuses to acknowledge the ironclad scientific proof for the existence of covid-19:
1. It has not been isolated according to Koch
s postulates - showing just how diabolically sneaky this pathogen is !
s veeeeeeeery selective in its choice of victims.2. There are no significant excess deaths over the relevant epidemiological time period - this covid bastard is a sniper, not a promiscuous suicide bomber. It
3. The seasonal flu has vanished. Of course. Would you want to challenge this M`fer on its turf ?
I’m quite lucky for being 6’5″ and big looking – I get the maskeye but rarely anything more.. probs what lets me wear my Putin t-shirt in Richmond and not get lectures!
Here’s part of the ‘new normal’ abnormal in Melbourne. In the last 24 hours, some 43874 test results have been received with over 16000 “vaccines” administered.
The pysops here is working an absolute treat with so many flocking (pun intended) to get tested for this awfully deadly virus (according to Govt and Health officials)
The vast vast majority will be perfectly healthy, of course.
More “cases” announced today, so the current 7 day lockdown, won’t actually be for only 7 days. I can see it stretching out for quite a while yet…
The ABC has turned to Shite with 80%+ of TV News/7.30 report being ALL about covid & you ALL must get Vaccinated. SBS just slightly behind & teh rest of the MSM also spreading the BS. A slight mention of anti Marches in Melbourne on SBS but zero mention on ABC. Australia is rooted unless we have mass demonstrations.
I know James… The stark reality is we need a lot more people waking up and refusing to comply with this bullshit.
I just caught a bus earlier, noted there were two others on it also maskless, then went into the nearby Coles, walked around, got enough food for a few days, went up to the smoke counter (yeah, I know, bad habit) and then walked out past the security guard.
The whole time, not one person said a single word about me not wearing a mask. I did note one other guy in Coles without a mask as well. If the staff say nothing… Why do so many comply??
Gezzah, you smoke like a chimney and steam like a boiling teakettle!
So– and I mean this as a compliment– you’re a gas, gas, gas! 😉
Yes… On the subject of ‘gas gas, gas, a la The Stones, and The Beatles and even Neil Young and a whole plethora of famous names, saw a rather odd (questionable?) video that claimed all the biggest acts in music, movies and TV are all members of the same “secret religion” which is the hidden core of a well known international society whose name starts with F.
The guy claimed they were made famous in return for loyalty and allegiance to this “religion”. Hmmm.
I know its late there, but how are things going in Philadelphia? Are you still under restrictions? How is your hairdresser going? I think you said she’s about the only one you know who knows it’s a scamdemic.
My excuse for smoking is anxiety disorder and depression… yeah, I know. Meditation would be healthier!
Have a good week Ort👍
I have a haircut appointment for next Monday; I scheduled it when the humidity increased and I noticed that such hair as remains on my scalp fluffed up like a dandelion.
I’m interested to see whether the salon is still requiring masks. The confirmation e-mail, which comes from the salon’s corporate office (it’s a chain), says masks are still required. I’ll let you know next week how things turn out. I hope I see Sarah’s full face!
It would take too much time, space, and energy to detail recent changes in the Philly area. An optimistic friend of mine expressed relief that “COVID is finally winding down”; I firmly corrected her.
The recent Memorial Day Weekend holiday triggered a lot of “good news” about various restrictions being eliminated or relaxed. But, as always, the devil’s in the details. In fact, there’s a bewildering mix of options– and, as I mentioned to my friend, bear in mind that the scamdemic-mongers can and will re-impose restrictions whenever it suits their purposes.
Anyway, just a couple of illustrations: I was thrilled when I visited the supermarket and smaller food market at the shopping center around the corner, and noticed several non-masked shoppers. At first I sheepishly (ahem) wondered if a belated spirit of rebellion had finally arisen, and I was the last to find out. So I asked a friendly passing non-masked clerk, and she cheerily said that “fully vaxxed” people no longer had to wear masks.
“So you can take it off!” she pleasantly said– and didn’t even ask whether I was “fully vaxxed”. It was already in my pocket, and it stayed there when I visited the smaller store. Once again, there were many people without masks, and no “official” inquiry into vax status.
I see that the signage has already changed; now they say things like “Masks Preferred for Unvaccinated Patrons“. I have no compunction about flouting this “preference”.
OTOH, I just heard a report that the local public transit agency still requires masks because the CDC still mandates them for public-transit riders. Go figure!
Since a graphic is worth a thousand words, here’s a real prize; it boggles my mind to think of still-terrified scamdemic thralls earnestly studying this nonsense and taking it seriously:
Regards that image…. absolute stark raving madness. Are we all trapped within the pages of a Franz Kafka novel? Date’s inferno?
Since mandatory masks were reimposed for both inside and outside here in Melbourne last week, that was the absolute last straw for me.
Since the masks came back, twice now I have gone to my usual supermarket in the next suburb, walked past the security guard, walked round the store, then gone up to the smoke counter, then walked out past the security guard again, and the whole time not one single person said a word about me being maskless. None.
Yes, I did get a few glares from the hipsters, but they are too gutless to even say anything. They just glare.
I’ve seen photos on the sides of facemask boxes that clearly say the facemasks Do Not protect you against the coronavirus (which they haven’t even isolated and purified from an actual person anyway)
The problem will be when work starts up again after this current lockdown because I had to sign a contract saying I would practice “covid safe measures at all times with customers”.
Hope your week goes well…
Have you noticed, Gezzah, how the bastards have come up with a new number, “exposure sites”, with which to frighten the masses? There are now “more than 350” of them, according to today’s statement from that prick Merlino.
And surprise, surprise:
We’ll also expand our QR requirements to make it mandatory in retail settings like supermarkets and shops. The 15-minute threshold will also be removed so anyone entering a shop or a cafe will need to check-in.
Lucky I bought myself a $77 “dumb” phone the other day, and for paper-based check-ins I think I might be Winston Smith.
Cheers, mate.
I was just about to contact you and you beat me to it… I found out about the QR codes being mandatory in all shops including supermarkets earlier this arvo, but I didn’t know about the 15 minute threshold as well. Jayzus, no more takeaway coffee as well.
Total absolute bastards. And so many fecken braindead morons in Melbourne will clap like trained seals and fully go along with this.
I’m going to have to resort to online shopping Cliff – that’s the only way around this madness. 350 exposure sites😠😠😠 What bullshit.
Have a good evening Cliff…
its a non-stop 24/7 fear porn msm pharmacom blitzkrieg down under in the corporate coal apartheid penal colony. fear fear fear blaring throughout the pharmacom msm with the sniveling cowards all urging us proles to take the pharmacom poison!!!!
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to permit the emergency use of the unapproved product, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 12 years of age and older.
Do not administer Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine to individuals with known history of a severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any component of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (see Full EUA Prescribing Information).
Warnings Appropriate medical treatment used to manage immediate allergic reactions must be immediately available in the event an acute anaphylactic reaction occurs following administration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
Monitor Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine recipients for the occurrence of immediate adverse reactions according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines ( Syncope (fainting) may occur in association with administration of injectable vaccines, in particular in adolescents.
Procedures should be in place to avoid injury from fainting. Immunocompromised persons, including individuals receiving immunosuppressant therapy, may have a diminished immune response to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine. Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19
Vaccine may not protect all vaccine recipients.
Adverse Reactions
Adverse Reactions in Clinical Trials Adverse reactions following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine that have been reported in clinical trials include:
injection site pain, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, injection site swelling, injection site redness, nausea, malaise, and lymphadenopathy (see Full EUA Prescribing Information). Adverse Reactions in Post Authorization Experience Severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, and other hypersensitivity reactions (e.g., rash, pruritus, urticaria, angioedema), diarrhea, vomiting, and pain in extremity (arm) have been reported following administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine outside of clinical trials.
Additional adverse reactions, some of which may be serious, may become apparent with more widespread use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.
The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments
The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
We shall overcome!!
Your first paragraph was utterly on the money… “24/7 fearporn msm pharmacom blitzkrieg down under”… etc. Which is why I don’t watch any news or turn on my TV except to watch my dvd collection. Or A League soccer. And even on that every 10 minutes it seems the commentators start babbling about ‘covid’ and ‘pandemic’.
Appreciate the rest of your comment Jimbo, particularly on The Nuremburg Code which politicians and alleged Health officials like Brett Sutton have all contravened.
I only linked to the above ABC story about the 43874 tests and mass vaccinations here, in perhaps the dumbest city in the southern hemisphere; namely Melbourne, to show the abject madness going on here.
Thank you. Notice on Pharma RN ABC they (curiously vacuous intellectual disgraces) swoon on to spew ‘I’ve had MY vaccine’. Amazing use of the possessive as if they have some sort of ownership of the vax!!!!
“All beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the Party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived.”
You can substitute any nmber of memes for “Party’. Pharma, Gates, WHO etc.
Strength and Honour!
Gezzah, Im using an old comment of yours to get in touch, so that it does not come too much to the notice of others. If you would be willing, may I get in touch with you directly via email, as I would very much appreciate your help. If you are, reply to this comment, and I will send you an email address. Thank you,
Hi Annette… I did the same with another commenter here last year (Binra) but I went back to one of his comments that was over 6 months old to do it.
Admin intervened and said even then that was a bit risky. But that was my old email address that I’m now blocked from receiving emails coz I was using 2 different emails at the same time.
So my email address that Admin has is now defunct and I can’t receive any emails thru it.
I’m happy to receive your email address, but maybe go back another few months and find another comment of mine. Just a suggestion for your protection as this article is only the end of May. I was taking a break from here. Really fed up with the trolls, some of whom are very unpleasant.
Stay safe: safe in thought..don’t go getting uppity and asking questions peasant. You stay safe!
Fact checkers: entities, be they human or AI bots, who check to make sure facts are not being spread.
“Great Comment”….I needed that before I lose my mind….thanks.
Extracts from ‘The New Normal Lexicon’ by Greta Reset
Funniest repositioning of one letter in a term ever!
Ferguson: noun unpleasant object. eg I had to go for a sh*t in a public loo and found a massive Ferguson staring at me from the bowl.
A nice lexicon.
“The Science: A subset of scientific knowledge which cannot be challenged on the basis of empirical data or repeatable experiment because it has been ‘settled’ by the consensus between the subset of ‘experts’ who adhere to it.”
I’d just like those ‘experts’ further defined as ‘the subset of corrupted politicians and media buffs who adhere to it’. They are not experts at all, and they need to be called out on their addiction to pretending they are.
It should really be called ‘anti-social distancing’. Defunct policy that everyone except the mentally ill now ignores.
Oh, and ‘Government Guidelines’ – arbitrary diktats with little or no public health basis dressed up to give store managers and security guards the power trip they’ve always secretly craved.
18 cases of myocarditis in one county….this weeks review of Covid-19 vaccination numbers had grim milestones including:
over quarter million injuries
Case reviews of teens developing myocarditis and cardiac issues post mRNA vaccination, full blog HERE:
Over Quarter Million Post Covid19 Vaccine Injuries, Near 5,000 Deaths Reported, Myocarditis in Teens (
Here are a couple more::
And here are a collection of scare words/phrases used by the MSM that I have accumulated over the course of the Corona scamdemic:
You forgot DEADLY, as in “deadly virus” (see the BBC’s ‘news’, the Guardian’s ‘news’, the Australian govt), I could go on…
Hey JoJo, you could get a top job as a ‘journalist’ with any of the mainstream media. Pays well I believe!
You missed the most overused word of all: TSUNAMI.
I suggest that the MSM add the following:
plus some tips from the Lovecraft Department:
I would love to hear newsreaders read that lot out.
“A threat to democracy.”
I sometimes think of the internet as a vast ocean with plenty of warm currents that could take you to all manner of interesting places but when you start drifting around, you find yourself wandering into some sinister presence and you try to dodge only to find that it seems to stretch everywhere and you realise you have sunk into the slimy reaches of the MSM hydra’s “Leftish” head that is ever so concerned to save your soul against blasphemous thoughts of querying the mainstream.
Thus, I found something called “” which guides against “converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism”. This protects the bewildered lambs from “anti-mask/COVID is a psy-op/All Lives Matter” posts and, of course, holds up a crucifix to “QAnon”.
Our concerned citizens have been newly galvanised by “the fact that there are now calls for violence and Civil War coming from some of these figures.”
I knew this pseudo-Left creature was there and I know its aims i.e. to guide all towards the polystyrene opposition (pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine, Black Lives Matter and generally shouting “Boo!” at Boris and Biden) and away from that QAnon/Right-Wing – well you know the mantra.
I just wonder how far this Cthuloid monstrosity stretches?
That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die.
I had a discussion a week or so ago with a friend whose already gone out and had her vax. I keep trying to get through, but that is over now I think. I said to her, you realize that there are no civil rights for anyone without civil liberties? She actually asked me, what are civil liberties? So of course I answered, freedom of speech, privacy in one’s own home, blah, blah, blah. But the very idea she had to ask that question says a lot to me about just how propagandized Americans really are. All those who bleat on about civil rights – do they realize what it really is they’re talking about? A purely rhetorical question in todays America, I know. It’s only the “right wing” that gives a shit about civil liberties, why would any good woke liberal care about such things? Where is that emoji of beating ones head bloody against the wall when you need it?
“Influencers: Celebrities, Vloggers or social media figures…. ”
The WEF’s latest mind-manipulation advice says not to use celebrities:
“Relatable examples” is their new strategy. This presumably means that they think the reason why celebrities haven’t shifted enough views is because people can’t relate to them – not that the sort of people who are vaccine resistant are also people who’ve rumbled what celebrities really are. It also doesn’t help that they’re in the process of tanking most of their most reliable sources of celebrities (like Hollywood, popular music and sport) so of course people are tuning out of them.
The trouble with their “relatable examples” is that if they’re real people they might go off-script so they tend to produce manufactured examples which have become very easy to spot.
Hitler was relatable. In his time.
It was many years before people felt honour-bound to deny they knew what was going on.
Relatable is no substitute for intellect. Perhaps we should all just be honest and to hell with the consequences.
No, no, nooo… Easier to think one way and act another. By way of deception thou shalt do war…
And then some COVID vax-cheerleading celebrities had the bad grace to die shortly after being jabbed, requiring no end of public-relations damage control to assure the public that the death was in no way related to the jab.
Generally the deceased Role Model’s survivors pitch in to enthusiastically affirm that the unfortunate death was wholly unrelated to the vaccine, but it’s a lot of trouble to ensure that everyone keeps their scripts and stories straight.
Grave new world
A phrase used when flippantly describing the absolute horror that is to come,unknown to mainstream media and only used by people familiar with the works of Aldous Huxley who like to pontificate about silly things like dystopian futures orchestrated by secret cabals and billionaires
good one!
”Brave New World.”
O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here!
How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world
That has such people in’t!
William Shakespeare. The Tempest Act 5, Scene 1
Definitely don’t like the term antivaxxer. It’s misleading, assumes one is against all vaccines instead of someone against a planned and premeditated attack on humanity by psychopaths. It’s like the term conspiracy theorist or flat earther, trying to paint someone as a wacko instead of someone logically, reasonably, and earnestly seeking the real facts and truth.
I don’t particularly like the term either but I don’t shy from it. I am an anti-vaxxer in the truest sense. Perhaps the only good thing about the fauxdemic is how much we’ve learned. I’ve read books like Dissolving Illusions by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Virus Mania by Dr. Sue Bailey and Torsten Englebrecht et al. There does not appear to be a single case in which vaccines can take credit for a disease’s eradication. And I strongly suspect there are far more vaccine injuries than we are aware of.
Otherwise healthy children inexplicably come down with maladies–especially of certain types like neurological and autoimmune. But doctors never think of checking for vaccine connections. As I review my own extended family’s medical history I’ve found many situations that make me suspicious. But emotions run high around vaxxes so I’m unable to broach the subject in my family to investigate further.
Medical science has failed almost totally to do proper research on this. But the few papers I’m aware of support the notion that unvaccinated people are generally healthier than the vaccinated.
good points
Hear, hear! I was the same way about “Truther”; I didn’t embrace it, but ultimately I didn’t object to it being thrust upon me.
I understand that in the dystopian Megadeath Virus of Doom New Abnormal, the “anti-vaxxer” label is exactly like “Communist”, or even “Communist sympathizer”, was during the McCarthy Era in the US. (That pejorative has been lately resurrected, but that’s another rant.)
Thus, terrified and intimidated persons, especially public figures, feel compelled to shrilly aver “I’m not an ‘anti-vaxxer’!” in a feckless compulsion to establish their bona fides to interlocutors.
I understand it, but whenever I see or hear it– whether expressed as a bumptious declamation or a plaintive bleat– it’s still like nails down a blackboard.
It’s equally wearisome when people amplify this position by stoutly insisting that they gladly have taken every “properly developed and safe vaccine” available during the course of their life.
I just heard Dr. Jim Meehan, substitute host for the weekly Highwire program, make the latter claim. Ouch! The good doctor had many worthwhile observations and opinions, but this is simply a standing or “legacy” Big Lie– i.e., the implication that there are unquestionably good, efficacious, and reliable vaccines in the modern pharmacopeia.
It’s like a rhetorical charm or amulet that people conspicuously wear and wave about to protect them from being expelled and shunned from the Sphere of Legitimate Public Discourse, and banished to the taboo Sphere of Deviant Discourse.
Doctors are generally intelligent, so I suspect they DO think of checking for vaccine connections.
However for many of them it’s more than their career is worth to do so, or even to mention the subject.
Same process as me, different bibliography. My son was 6 months when we were semi-incarcerated at home here in Spain (he had “of course” received the two rounds of shots prescribed by the medical-industrial complex and delivered by their agents the GPs). That shocked me (I recall using my elbows to open a couple of doors for a couple of days at work). Then it made me wonder about the scientific dogmas/paradigm (aka the ideology sustaining the current form of power, State-Capital) which justified the insanity. Finally I read into the matter. Right now I know for a fact that vaccines did not improve the health of the masses in the 20th century. That was the result of (better) food, improvements in housing, proper sanitation and the like. In other words, I started the process of disbelieving the contagion theory (difficult, as we have been inmersed in some form of it for millenia). Nowadays I can simply not understand how blind I could be or anyone can be to believe these ‘experts’, these lab priests, know so much about what goes on in living organisms (thousands of chemical reactions per second in every cell, an interior microcosm of life, a wisdom so deep that is unreachable for the so-called superior faculties of the mind) that they can improve it. We of course stopped vaccinating our son.
But doctors never think of checking for vaccine connections.
Many doctors are well aware of what happens to those of them who start looking too deeply down the vaccine rabbit hole. So they keep their mouths shut, carry on giving the worse than dodgy injections and go on killing people just so they can collect their fat pay checks.
“Kids are resilient”- code used by psychopaths who want to justify their role in allowing kids to suffer needlessly and not doing anything about it.
We are in the midst of berserk, unfettered psychopathy and greed of corporations leading the world off a cliff, as described by the writers of the 1930s.
The followers are immersed in a religious cult – the faithful in line to receive communion (injection) – holy water via hand sanitizer – don’t show face as a sign of respect- masks, head bowed- this is the of stuff religious fanatics.
Meanwhile the elites orchestrate the world they want. They pay behavioral scientists to bring society along. Most react only to what’s dropped in front of them. We are living in a time of deliberately engineered mass insanity.
Logic would let anyone see the glaring facts as facts, not as theory, but when you’re in survival mode as emotions override logic. In fact, your mind is now conspiring against you to keep you anesthetized and in a walking coma so as not to see what’s really happening.
Understand where the lockdown idea really comes from. And why things that kill people like social distancing and masks are presented as things that will save them instead. It’s all rehashed Nazi strategy of depopulation.
These strategies are of course very well known to both Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab et al, as both their fathers were complicit in this eugenicist and depopulation stratagems in different ways.
Interesting figures:
UK – Population – 1976 = 57 million = deaths 680,799.00
UK – Population – 2020 = 68 million = deaths 695,812.00
Slightly more deaths in 2020, but from a lower population base. Sort of puts this whole issue into perspective. I was around in university in 1976 doing what students do, and can’t seem to remember much about it other than drinking excessively and being late handing in my essays. I do vaguely remember Asian flu. did the rounds but I don’t think that I got it I would have remembered. In those days people just got on with their lives and accepted the flu as they accepted sunshine and rain.
Were we made of sterner stuff then? Who knows.
What’s happening now is unprecedented not in severity but in mind control. There is no scamdemic without the terrified masses.
indeed! masses who refuse to be informed!!!
As I said to someone today….surely it would have been better to have had a cold, flu for a few days than living in fear and panic for over 12 months which many people have put themselves through….to beat the pandemic….utter bullshit….and now they are depressed and their health is shot and they roll in and have a dubious injection which is supposed to save them they think….humans are crazy bastards…and capable of totally illogical thought…
On a daily basis we are being made of ever less stern stuff…
It’s the fashion, and those who think the meaning of life is control like it very much.
I personally prefer the term “deviant” to that of variant. Has more flavor and impact.
Example: I am in bed with a high fever because I was attacked by an Indian deviant Tuesday.
Vaccine – no fucking way. An extreme case of vaccine hesitancy pathology.
Myocarditis: a rare and mild heart condition when caused by vaccines; a heart condition that causes warning-free heart attacks in healthy young atheletes when caused by Covid. See (or preferably, don’t) the New York Times.
And let’s not forget this new definition of “death”:
I will tell you my situation: next week I have to get vaccinated, it goes by age groups and my time has come. At work they know it, my wife knows it, my parents and siblings know it. It’s like intense social surveillance. So that day I will miss a couple of hours from work and I will tell everyone that I have been vaccinated but I am not going to do it. I will fool all around me. I feel weird, not for lying and not for not getting vaccinated but for sequences of abnormal events for the new normal, crazy. It is not cowardice. For example, if I say that I am not vaccinated, I will not see my mother again. At work, the contract is renewed every year, etc. It is pure survival (and pun intended). I even have a patch ready to put on my arm for my wife to see and there is always a funny guy at work who is going to say, “How about the vaccine?” Well, take a patch. At the moment it is what it is. He needed to tell it. By the way, a lexicon will have to be invented for this individual situation. Exvaccinated?
Since HIPPA is dead, will you be able to lie about getting it? If you’re in the US and your insurance is employer provided, would they be able to see if you’ve not had it? My niece has asked me why I just don’t lie and say I had the damned thing, but I am not at all sure I would get away with it. Then again, maybe that no longer matters – I can take my pick, be fired for lying or resign for refusing the shot. Of course once they instate a QR code as proof then I’m not sure lying is even an option? Just curious really, if your tactic could work for me. I am sick to death of being asked when I’m going to schedule my appointment, and even if lying is a temporary fix to that it might be worth it to shut the vax enthusiasts down for a bit.
I have one friend whose employer has decided to make it mandatory, and two of the people there will be laid off if they do not comply. Can they get unemployment insurance for that lay off, or could that employer say they were let go for cause? I do not think my “friend” sees this as problematic either, hence the quotes, and I did not ask her about unemployment for those workers. I would like to think if I did pose that question she might stop and think about it, but I doubt that now.
Good luck to you. And no need to answer my questions, they’re more for me and for others to think about than directed at you.
Employers can’t look at your health record sin the USA. However, they can ask for a CDC card or other acceptable forms of proof. You can lie or use a forged card but if they catch you, you could get fired. Of course, the risk of getting fired doesn’t stop tons of people from “doctoring” their resumes (CV’s in the rest of the world).
Hi Lizzyh7, I don’t mind answering you, I think it helps all of us as therapy. I live in Spain and the vaccine is given by public health. If you think you are fired for that matter, you should report it and if we were in a normal situation, you would surely win the trial. But you no longer know what to think. I’m going to lie until the lie lasts. I don’t know what will happen, but I don’t want the vaccine. I have already decided. But it is so frustrating that there is no official voice to support us, to say out loud that it is not mandatory. It isn’t, but it is. Good luck for you too and if necessary lie. I heard that the human body is the last bastion of our freedom and they don’t respect even that.
Hmmmm… my local pub is in eyeshot of my flat and as I walked past it today, I saw a sign on the wall outside with the ubiquitous square barcode (name?) on it and the text telling me that to gain entrance, I’d need to flash by NHS Covid App on my ‘smartphone’ at the sign. So the people will ‘police’ themselves. Much cheaper.
I’m sorry that you have to go like that, but I understand it. Against the all-powerful, against blackmail, cheating is a way that cannot be harshly judged, but rather accpeted or even recommended.
thank you
“…..but the protocol produced by German scientist Christian Drosten, which was based on a computer model rather than an isolated and sequenced sample of the virus and was peer-reviewed in 48 hours, recommended a cycle of 45.”
German “scientist”? This fake doctor Drosten like the Ferguson clown and his insane statistical “models” has been shown to have lied about his so-called doctorate and record of studies. Par for the course for all these lying covaids capos and drug cartel sicarios
The fake prof slash Dr Drosten…
Drosten and his organization are also on the Kill Bill Gates of hell GAVI vaxx payroll to boot.
Heard a good joke for a hopeful Sunday morning after yesterday’s show of strength and unity across the globe but esp in London
“What do you call the Davos group and Bill Gates at the bottom of the ocean?”
“A good start.”
Already said it but what the hell … I call it “Pollution”!
so is Ferguson and the Imperial College, here in London.
“On Monday, PC MPPs will be forced to pass a motion giving Doug Ford – Premier of Ontario – power to extend emergency orders to December 1, 2021 without a vote or parliamentary debate”
Canada is circling the drain.
My favorite is “The Science.” And that’s precisely how it’s always framed. You never hear or read the term “Science” by itself in any mainstream narrative; it’s always “The Science.”
Assuming editors have a better grasp of language than of actual Science, they know exactly what they’re doing specifying which Science they’re talking about – and distinguishing it from any other Science.
The interesting part, of course, is how they never link “The Science” to any concrete data. It’s a free-floating blob of “The Truth” just beyond your reach. Like the old canard: “What’s that up there on the road – ahead?”
its called ascience. <-a new word, to mean medicine has eliminated science from its dialogue.. medicine is now a pharma regulated industry. Henceforth, all medicine will read the pharma regulation to prescribe a mixed pharmaceutical fix. Diseases that cannot be treated by a pharmaceutical are omitted. Image, all those years in medical school and internship to discover not one fact worth the letters in its name. . ascience the new standard in medicine.
I always thought lawyers were the nadir of human Being … looks like M.D.s are ready and up for a big-time challenge! Stay tuned …
It signals the end of the ‘Enlightenment’, which by the way, back in the 17th Century wasn’t called that. they called the Age of Iron. Hobbes the human as machine, cogs and levers and whatnot.
And not to forget that the word “pharmaceuticals” has its etymology in the Greek word “pharmakeia”, which means sorcery, magical arts and poison. So a better term for a pharmacy would be ‘witches coven’.
I would prefer to call it “The Blob”.
Now that I think about it, “The Blurb” would be more fitting!
“The science” is whatever some well-known public health figure or MD says it is. No disagreement allowed.
I have a Ph.D. scientist neighbor who has one of those virtue-signaling signs in his yard with all kinds of politically correct phrases, one of which SCIENCE IS REAL. smdh
Although the signs are ostensibly for the benefit of passersby, they actually serve as motivational, inspirational reminders to your neighbor to ward off creeping doubt.
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if your neighbor has Post-It notes stuck to the bathroom mirror with slogans like “You Deserve to Love Yourself” and “Believe in Yourself a Little More” to guard against sagging self-esteem.
Blood Clot: A very rare reaction that is of no threat at all to those who are vaccinated. Everyone gets a headache once in a while. A good heart attack at a young age can help prepare one for what may come later in life. A little blood in one’s lungs never hurt anybody. More preparedness for when you get older. If you live to be old, that is.
* never used alone, only ever in conjunction with “verirare” because they are “verirare blood clots” from which the people sadlidied, but of course this has no connection to the vaccine.
Yes, it’s certainly encouraging that the Megadeath Virus of Doom pseudo-vaccines only present a negligible risk that the recipient may acquire “verirare” blood clots, and that mass-media reports consistently– almost obsessively– confirm that this is the only type of blood clot associated with the COVID “vaccines”.
FWIW, I waggishly observed weeks ago that, given the increasing number of reports of vaccine-related blood clots, by now the official Big Lie descriptive term should be upgraded to “medium rare” blood clots. 😉
“Verirare” “meedyumrare”
There is so much at “steak” we could all be “weldunn”.
I just read that some Rona was found in a turd, in the gemfields town of Emerald, some 800kms northwest of Brisvegas. The article is in the DM but there is no sign of it in our darling ABC’s collection of scary stories.
The name of the turd has been withheld for reasons of privacy.
More seriously, (although, given the dire circumstances mankind finds itself in, I am unsure if there is a further degree of seriousness) it seems to me that as has been its history, Australia is being used as a testing bed for a “how much will they take before they break” study.
In truth, Australians will take an awful lot for the privilege of living in the “Lucky Country”.
I remember a “survey” some years back, where the question “Why do Australians pay more for goods which are far cheaper in so many other countries?”
The unsurprising conclusion was simply “Because they will”
And shutting down a state of more than 7 million people for 26 people who allegedly have a cold, is an extension to the survey.
It really does seem to me that most people are as dumb as dog shit.
No celebration of the defeat of seasonal flu by Science; no mention of the billions saved in old-age pensions … What gives?
Otherwise known as a Coincidence.
More definitions:
Leftist: a now extinct species allegedly lasting up until spring 2020 at which point the apparently remaining members suddenly vanished raising speculation that the true breed had actually died out decades before.
Mainstream News: the self evident truth.
Covid: new name for the devil and synonymous with the air you breathe.
Conspiracy theory: a very bad thing which can be discerned simply by saying those words.
Anti-Semitic: a very very bad thing which again becomes real simply by the uttered words.
Denial: a possibly terminal psychological illness which, as with the above, leaps into existence by simply being mentioned.
Pavlov: the true Son of God
Fascist: anyone who has a tiny moustache and shouts a lot. Fascists tend not to like Joos. No-one knows what Joos are.
Communist: something which few have heard about and which fewer care about.
Netflix: reality itself
Klaus Schwab: the new Pope but holier
Apparently took the flu with them on their way out…
The Anal Prope
Add to the word ‘communist’, George, the further words: ‘a word whose definition almost no-one in the Anglozionist empire knows, but about which everyone is certain they’re qualified to pontificate – especially in the US’.
Spot on.
“Infection fatality rate (IFR): Probably the most important metric in assessing the lethality of a pathogen, IFR is the percentage of infected people who die. For SARS-CoV-2 the current estimate is between 0.24% and 0.15% – for comparison bad flu is between 0.1 and 0.2% and rabies is 100%. Due to its vital importance, IFR is never mentioned by the mainstream media and most people have no idea what it means.”
One addition: for most novel viruses, the estimates for IFR start high and gradually decline, which is exactly what we’ve seen here. Even in “official” WHO numbers.
“Three weeks: Perpetuity (see ‘Lockdown’).”
Ha ha ha! That got me.
If distancing, masks, lockdowns, quarantine of healthy people and gene injections work, why did Canada just suspend elections??
“Hey Canada. The masks are off. The illusion of choice is over. Justin and his corporate fascist Nazi gang have taken out (and put on) their jackboots and brown shirts and are brazenly strutting, swaggering and goosestepping about like the Nazis that they are.”

“As Malcolm X said, the ballot or the bullet.”
“This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
~ Frederick Douglas, 1857
Did you need to ask? Suspension of Elections is Mission Accomplished. There are a lot of Ukro-Nazis in Canada, and one of them is in the Trudeau regime.
“Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho!”

“Nazi Boy Must Go!”
Isn’t he a member of the village people he looks camp enough in that costume
Didn’t Canada’s neighbour just have an election? Was there no pandemic raging there at the time as well?
“Social distancing” – you forgot to mention that it is an oxymoron.
Oxymoron (n). A state sponsored, pro-Covid ‘v@ccine’ ‘scientist’ who graduated from Oxford University.
“minute quantities of a virus” Er,… No.
However, “small chains of Amino acids” such as small segments of DNA or RNA would be close.
Thanks. Small chains of Nucleotides, even closer.
Or as Mullis himself said, PCR also detects ‘exosomes.’
“exosome” is an extremely vague term – it basically means any lump of “stuff” external to a cell membrane.
I believe “protein nuggets” is the technical term.
Are they as tasteless as Chicken McNuggets?
Chicken McNuggets? Aren’t they manufactured from that Quorn stuff? ‘A relative of the mushroom, I seem to recall the publicity blurb claimed when it first arrived on supermarket shelves.’ Out of sheer curiosity I once bought Quorn and made veggieburgers. It gave me such foul smelling flatulence that even I didn’t want to be in the same room as me.