Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?
Kit Knightly
If and when the powers-that-be decide to move on from their pandemic narrative, lockdowns won’t be going anywhere. Instead it looks like they’ll be rebranded as “climate lockdowns”, and either enforced or simply held threateningly over the public’s head.
At least, according to an article written by an employee of the WHO, and published by a mega-coporate think-tank.
Let’s dive right in.
The report’s author and backers
The report, titled “Avoiding a climate lockdown”, was written by Mariana Mazzucato, a professor of economics at University College London, and head of something called the Council on the Economics of Health for All, a division of the World Health Organization.
It was first published in October 2020 by Project Syndicate, a non-profit media organization that is (predictably) funded through grants from the Open society Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and many, many others.
After that, it was picked up and republished by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), which describes itself as “a global, CEO-led organization of over 200 leading businesses working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.”.
The WBCSD’s membership is essentially every major company in the world, including Chevron, BP, Bayer, Walmart, Google and Microsoft. Over 200 members totalling well over 8 TRILLION dollars in annual revenue.
In short: an economist who works for the WHO has written a report concerning “climate lockdowns”, which has been published by both a Gates+Soros backed NGO AND a group representing almost every bank, oil company and tech giant on the planet.
Whatever it says, it clearly has the approval of the people who run the world.
What does it say?
The text of the report itself is actually quite craftily constructed. It doesn’t outright argue for climate lockdowns, but instead discusses ways “we” can prevent them.
As COVID-19 spread […] governments introduced lockdowns in order to prevent a public-health emergency from spinning out of control. In the near future, the world may need to resort to lockdowns again – this time to tackle a climate emergency […] To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.
This cleverly creates a veneer of arguing against them, whilst actually pushing the a priori assumptions that any so-called “climate lockdowns” would a) be necessary and b) be effective. Neither of which has ever been established.
Another thing the report assumes is some kind of causal link between the environment and the “pandemic”:
COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation
I wrote an article, back in April, exploring the media’s persistent attempts to link the Covid19 “pandemic” with climate change. Everybody from the Guardian to the Harvard School of Public Health is taking the same position – “The root cause of pandemics [is] the destruction of nature”:
The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock.
There is never any scientific evidence cited to support this position. Rather, it is a fact-free scare-line used to try and force a mental connection in the public, between visceral self-preservation (fear of disease) and concern for the environment. It is as transparent as it is weak.
“Climate Lockdowns”
So, what exactly is a “climate lockdown”? And what would it entail?
The author is pretty clear:
Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling.
There you have it. A “climate lockdown” means no more red meat, the government setting limits on how and when people use their private vehicles and further (unspecified) “extreme energy-saving measures”. It would likely include previously suggested bans on air travel, too.
All in all, it is potentially far more strict than the “public health policy” we’ve all endured for the last year.
As for forcing fossil fuel companies to stop drilling, that is drenched in the sort of ignorance of practicality that only exists in the academic world. Supposing we can switch to entirely rely on renewables for energy, we still wouldn’t be able to stop drilling for fossil fuels.
Oil isn’t just used as fuel, it’s also needed to lubricate engines and manufacture chemicals and plastics. Plastics used in the manufacture of wind turbines and solar panels, for example.
Coal isn’t just needed for power stations, but also to make steel. Steel which is vital to pretty much everything humans do in the modern world.
It reminds me of a Victoria Wood sketch from the 1980s, where an upper-middle class woman remarks, upon meeting a coal miner, “I suppose we don’t really need coal, now we’ve got electricity.”
A lot of post-fossil utopian ideas are sold this way, to people who are comfortably removed from the way the world actually works. This mirrors the supposed “recovery” the environment experienced during lockdown, a mythic creation selling a silver lining of house arrest to people who think that because they’re having their annual budget meetings over Zoom, somehow China stopped manufacturing 900 million tonnes of steel a year, and the US military doesn’t produce more pollution than 140 different countries combined.
The question, really, is why would an NGO backed by – among others – Shell, BP and Chevron, possibly want to suggest a ban on drilling for fossil fuel? But that’s a discussion for another time.
Avoiding a “Climate Lockdown”
So, the “climate lockdown” is a mix of dystopian social control, and impractical nonsense likely designed to sell an agenda. But don’t worry, we don’t have to do this. There is a way to avoid these extreme measures, the author says so:
To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently […] Addressing this triple crisis requires reorienting corporate governance, finance, policy, and energy systems toward a green economic transformation […] Far more is needed to achieve a green and sustainable recovery […] we want to transform the future of work, transit, and energy use.
“Overhaul”? “reorienting”? “transformation”?
Seems like we’re looking at a new-built society. A “reset”, if you will, and given the desired scope, you could even call it a “great reset”, I suppose.
Except, of course, the Great Reset is just a wild “conspiracy theory”. The elite doesn’t want a Great Reset, even if they keep saying they do…
…they just want a massive wholesale “transformation” of our social, financial, governmental and energy sectors.
They want you to own nothing and be happy. Or else.
Because that’s the oddest thing about this particular article, whereas most fear-porn public programming at least attempts subtlety, there is very definitely an overtly threatening tone to this piece [emphasis added]:
we are approaching a tipping point on climate change, when protecting the future of civilization will require dramatic interventions […] One way or the other, radical change is inevitable; our task is to ensure that we achieve the change we want – while we still have the choice.
The whole article is not an argument, so much as an ultimatum. A gun held to the public’s collective head. “Obviously we don’t want to lock you up inside your homes, force you to eat processed soy cubes and take away your cars,” they’re telling us, “but we might have to, if you don’t take our advice.”
Will there be “climate lockdowns” in the future? I wouldn’t be surprised. But right now – rather than being seriously mooted – they are fulfilling a different role. A frightening hypothetical – A threat used to bully the public into accepting the hardline globalist reforms that make up the “great reset”.
Many thanks to all the people on social media who brought this to our attention.
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My vain attempt to help really, really, REALLY stupid leftists, who are full of themselves with their self-righteousness virtue signalling.
The truth is, there has been global warming recently – but it started around the time of the Revolutionary war, and is today still BELOW the average of the past 3,000 years. And this is not just for Europe, Greenland and North America, yet another red herring that has recently been thrown out by the desperate global warmers. The universality of the Viking and Mediaeval climatic optimums is written about by Kegwin, who wrote in Science, 1996:274:1504-1508, the mean surface temp of the Sargasso Sea (which lies roughly between the West Indies and the Azores), which was obtained by readings of isotope ratios in marine organism remains in sediment, shows we are, today, below the three thousand year average, and far below the Medieval Climatic Optimum, albeit far above the LIA. Civil Defense Perspectives, Mar. 2007, Vol. 23, #3, p. 1, notes that evidence for this climatic optimum has been found in all but 2 out of 103 locations where it was examined for, including Asia, Africa, South America and the western U.S.[1] The following graph of temperature in the Sargasso Sea tells you all you need to know (note: that big horizontal line running across the page is the 3,000 year average!), Interestingly, the warmer times coincided not only with the best harvests, but also the least amount of major storm activity.
[1] See Dr. Willie Soon, et al, Energy Environ 2003; 14(2,3):233-296
BTW in Overheated, Dr. Calvn Beisner, p. 11. notes that Gore indicates the Antarctic is losing ice, but simply ignores facts it doesn’t like, such as another study done around the same time as the one he cites, showing the Antarctic is gaining ice. In fact, retreat of the submarine base of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been going on for thousands of years, and at its current rate of retreat – assuming it didn’t advance again in the next mini-ice age – it would take 7,000 more years for it to disappear (p36). I suggest we could well have another ice age before then.
As Blaise Pascal once noted, once science is divorced from ethics, scientists will use their skills to pursue power, not truth. The late Dr. Michael Chricton put is similarly years later, noting “as Alston Chase put it, ‘when the search for truth is confused with political advocacy, the pursuit of knowledge is reduced to the quest for power.’”The following paper is a case study in this exact issue. What is behind the global warming? The same thing that was behind the global cooling scare of the 1970s: The 1974 Club of Rome report titled, Mankind at the Turning Point stated, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Their solution was simple – engineer a massive reduction in population and utterly change the socio-economic system through centralized planning via total government control.[3] And yes, this does smack of being called “The Final Solution” to me, too. This “man is the enemy” was reiterated by the Club of Rome in 1993, as well, when they stated in their The First Global Revolution, downloadable at that “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill….All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” Or as Cornwall Alliance put it about Macron, The French leader, leader in 2022 “And that, of course, is the genesis of the Macron pronouncement – the abundant life is not for the masses. There are just too many of them. But what is weird is that despite the geometric growth in world population over the past century, there has also been geometric growth in the average standard of living for the world’s people. The “founder” of the belief, espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that each human has “inalienable rights” to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness” is quoted as saying, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
PJ Media put it this way in 2022 in The Great Reset: A Perfect Storm “As Dennis Meadows claims in a recent interview with the leftist online magazine Resilience, “I don’t know what a sustainable population level is now, but it’s probably much closer to a billion people, or fewer.” The authors are skeptical of growth as a function of what they call “overshoot,” of “go[ing] beyond limits accidentally,” which can ultimately produce an “ecological footprint” that is unsustainable. They do not recognize that growth and its negative offshoots can be managed without employing drastic solutions — solutions that are themselves a product of overshoot. “If a profound correction is not made soon,” they warn, “a crash of some sort is certain.” The trouble is, they are the crash.”
Today’s power elites are now saying, “You may not have an abundant life.
Case in point: Global reported 7/11/2011, re. the Iranian nuclear rpogramme, “unnamed diplomatic and intelligence sources, the newspaper said former Soviet nuclear expert Vyacheslav Danilenko “allegedly tutored Iranians over several years on building high-precision detonators of the kind used to trigger a nuclear chain reaction.” Science for power and money. Similarly, anticipating ClimateGate, Soren Kierkegaard noted “in the end, all corruption will come about as a consequence of the natural sciences.”
How does the term lockdown apply when talking about the climate? No one can prevent me from seeing my family or forcefully shut down all social life by arguing with climate change.
“All in all, it is potentially far more strict than the “public health policy” we’ve all endured for the last year.”
It seems to me, that the author hasn’t really felt the enormity of the restrictions during the Covid crisis. The concept of a “climate lockdown” is purely suggestive and harms the resistance against real injustice that is happening all the time. If everyone would stop travelling so much and start focussing on the regional and offline world, people would maybe even be less hypnotised by the constant newsflash.
Using the anger and sadness that Covid-lockdowns have caused, some people are trying to manipulate others into a fear of climate totalitarianism. I understand how you condemn masks and social distancing… it’s a basic human right to show your face and to see your family and anyone else you please. But should humans be allowed to use tools that harm the environment? It’s a completely different debate.
Many people have lost faith in their governments. In a way, the people in power are probably happy about this article. Because being against the covid restrictions has become synonym to being against so-called climate lockdowns. And then, they’re also against renewable energy and think, that climate change isn’t anthropogenic… welcome on the next panic train, not only your government can trick you.
Control has been the total and only aim of this hoax about anthropogenic climate change since it was launched by the United Nations, who feel that it is the way for them to gain the One World Government that the bogus organisation so desires. The trace gas that is essential for all terrestrial life on Earth, CO₂, is used in a way that any logical person is baffled at, by claiming that what is only .03-.04% of the total atmosphere can change the Earth’s climate and cause for the Earth’s temperature to rise to dangerous levels. Naturally it is the use of what make the civilised world function, fossil fuels, that these charlatans have made gullible people believe that must be stopped if the planet, and humanity, is to be saved. It is amazing that this hoax has gained so much traction in a world that is suppose to be better educated than folks were 50 year ago.
A world ruled by people who never need for anything, advised by obsessional neurotics looking for the next thing to worry about, motivated by ostensible lovers of nature who just can’t stop interfering with it, abetted by ‘journalists’ whose livelihoods depend on getting attention by scaring people for no reason, and the whole lot financed by passive sheep who follow the inane and irrational rules until the pitchforks (or worse) come out!
The roaring ’20s will be very interesting indeed; a worldwide nervous breakdown.
It’s already been shaping up like East Berlin without the fun.
There is an ideology behind this, behind every globalist politician and corporation. It’s a materialistic atomistic philosophy named scientism, and it’s holy book is Neo-Darwinist Evolution Theory and using that, gives them ‘total control over nature and the environment’. It’s NOT Science. Their materialistic atomistic interpretation of the natural world is not only dehumanising and insufficient in it’s understanding of the complexity but it has been irretrievably disproven by Science itself. The very need to keep promoting this, a lie, makes many scientists become professionally deceptive to continue their career. The corporations cause the major significant ecological problems because of their adherence to this frankenstein philosophy of atomised nature which brings them profit and control.
These possessed individuals are very dangerous and their philosophy, or belief system, is behind everything that is taking place with Covid and the engineered Climate crisis. For more information on this see Wolfgang Smith; Philo-Sophia Initiative.
The good old practice of defenestration will have to come back.
Plugged and lifted from this excellent article at
and added some more thoughts of my own.
A ‘climate lockdown’ would be both counterproductive and extremely dangerous to the environment. The fumes released from the combustion of gunpowder contain great amounts of envirotoxins and other polluting components. The net result would not contribute to a cleaner, or more peaceful, environment.
AAAh but I think in the medium and long term it just might….once the smoke clears and the actual effectiveness of the discharge can be assessed.
Ah…the Climate Crackdown, on non-essential life activities. Does Johnny really need to go to soccer practice thrice per week? How about twice? That golf outing…do you realize the water required just to keep the greens… Such life-meddling must receive harsh blow back while still in its nascent, audience-probing stage. You know it’ll quickly become bureaucratized, with pencil-pushers and overpaid analysts seeking to thwart every micro gram of unnecessary CO2 production as possible. Quite the noble outlet for the OCD-afflicted, the Carbon Stasi. It’s high time to call a halt on the psychopathic cabal attempting a polyphasic continuum of restrictions and prohibitions on our already-disabled human freedoms and tarnished options of liberty. JUST SAY NO! and condemn the specious rationalizations for more chains and shackles. Tell them to dump their own currency confetti into the atmosphere to cool Mother Earth. This outrageous, control-riot orgy being imposed upon us from the duly-non-elected Global Lords must come to an end! We will get back to a Normal that we define and impose with whatever unified force is necessary. Fight back now or it’s take flight later…
Of course, the oligarchy, the elites, would all be free to live and move at their pleasure whilst the unwashed masses are huddled in their hovels. Gee, sounds an awful lot like ‘plandemic lockdown.’
We are now discovering that the portable telephone is becoming your social identity. Your ‘phone number’ is becoming your ‘serial number’ and soon, new phones will only be able to be accessed with your biometric identity. It will contain your wallet for the new digital allowance system that used to be called money, your medical records that allow you access to public buildings, travel, shops, and it will have a facility for your monthly allowance of carbon points which will be an electronic bus ticket for so many miles of travel. Your ‘money’ and carbon points will be valid for a month before anything unused will expire, thus never allowing you to save up for anything meaningful, or travel too far. Are you getting the picture?
The portable telephone, as an instrument of ‘Global Identification’ linked to Klaus Schwab’s implantable microchips, was proposed in Jim Cheshire’s Random Skies novel series. It’s not entirely original, of course, but it’s thought-provoking that this series began back in 2000, when the foundation of this dystopian nightmare was being laid and we were still a year away from 9/11. Cheshire was clearly a sick man to have been thinking of bioengineered pandemics in the twenties wiping out most of the world’s population while the rest of us were partying and living the life. But it sure starts to look like it was a golden age of flip phones and 2MB broadband.
More bandwidth and speed just hastened the timeline of oppression and control.
That’ll be for those of us left after widespread vax damage and fallout from Operation Polygon (coming next month!). Schwab family has Nazi connections and appears to be executing a Fourth Reich with their “Great Reset”. Buckle up.
What is Operation Polygon….?!?!
Search cyber polygon for more info.
Is not like they need to mandate economic lockdowns.
Every time there is an energy crash (like we have seen in the past with oil price skyrocketing and rampant unemployment), guess what, people have no money to spend to go around.
Very simple, self regulating mechanism, choke oil supply = societal and economical lockdown = no need to mandate them openly
Lockdown but only for the plebs. From Pepe Escobar:
“G8 Cornwall was at best an embarrassing spectacle – complete with a mediocrity of “leaders” posing for masked photo ops, but on a private party with the Queen of England everyone was maskless and merrily mingling about in an apotheosis of “shared values”.
Quarantine, masks and social distancing of course only for the plebs.”
It is, and always was, nothing but Kabuki theatre.
Masks for the servants carrying the trays of cocktails and hors d’oeuvres.
This is for the people posting here saying “this is just the PTB recognizing there’s a problem with finite resources etc and dealing with it. It’s nasty but inevitable”
don’t you get it yet?
you have been getting primed for decades for this.
ALL of it aimed at THIS moment when you’d look at the fascist global putsch, the enforced feudalism, the forced diet of insects and gruel, the banning of private cars and all freedom…
and you’d say
“it’s nasty, it’s evil, it’s tragic – but SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE”
Wake up.
You’ve been played.
Environmentalism is the child catcher in a ribboned coat. It’s a lie made to sell you your own extinction.
De-brainwash yourselves from 50 years of Green Cultism. It’s your only chance and your kids’ only chance.
Take another look at all that ‘evidence’ you have been told exists for ‘the fact’ of overpopulation.
you will be shocked where it really comes from and how weak it is.
and then get angry and start changing things
Or don’t. Just glide by on your old beliefs and wait to be harvested…
it’s up to you.
I thought we were already in a climate lockdown, pretty much all the measures they’ve forced upon the people have the hallmarks of climate lockdowns, their pre and post flight Covid tests are a carbon tax system they’re trying to implement on a global scale, that includes their authoritarian, communist Chinese social credit system aka vaccine passports.
“The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock.”
See how in reality they hate nature? As it’s dirt and full of imaginary “evil tiny lethal demons”
To the commoners who celebrate earth day… Unless you are willing to give up hot showers STFU.
Holy shit the criminal bastard government liars are out in force burying the only comment here that has the truth – this:
The “climate change” lies are all about the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for the past thirty years. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. That is the reason for the scamdemic and the toxic bioweapon vaccines. Execute the criminal bastard governments or die!
Governments are all dick-tatorships, time to let the people run their own country, the only reason people ELECTED politicians way back when was to represent them in any dispute, lawyers are for that purpose but I don’t suppose they’d been invented 500 years ago, for the last 70-100 years governments have turned the tables and said “We’re in charge now”, time to get them out, elections serve no purpose any more, especially when they’re RIGGED.
What about that other planet that’s on it’s way – planet x (b) – the new variant – that’s even worse, government experts say.
There are a couple bugs in the Planet X scenario which need to be worked out. First and foremost, we can still see the same planets in the night sky that we used to be able to see – so the very real chemtrails do not block our vision entirely. Related to that, Planet X would have to ignore certain planetary features – like light reflexivity – in order to remain hidden from view once it reaches, say, the same distance as Saturn is from Earth.
NASA launched IRAS in 1983 specifically to look for it because scientists knew for over 100 years that there was something else bog out there. they immediately announced they found it and then lied and said it was a mistake later. It is visible in the daytime on the southern horizon. that horizon has een white fir 30 years. There is no other reason to spray every day. It is what is causing the moon to turn blood red and it is perturbing its orbit as well. Thats why we now have “super moons” where before the moons orbit was circular. The “mysterious hums” hear all over the world are those bastards building their underground cities. Planet X has been here many times before and it is back. Also, the criminal bastard governments stole Noah’s ark off Mt. Ararat completely intact and classified it. I have the before and after pics from google maps too. Planet X is a mini solar system with a red dwarf star and planets. One of them is the home planet of the gods who made human slaves to mine gold for them. They keep us fighting each other for the same stupid shit century after century and humans are too stupid to get it.
I love the hums and the cracking booms…so you are saying it’s because of something Bog out there? I live near a very large bog and it almost never makes that sound.
Certainly some massive event(s) started and ended the younger dryas period. Hancocks theory on Atlantis explained by Carlsson make sense. Whether it’s planet x or something else sending in rocks from the oort cloud etc,it is certainly happening with regularity.
Very well stated and very true. Thank you!
Very well stated and very true. Thank you!
The basis for lockstep of corporate ‘support’ is at least partly revealed in Mark Carney’s ultimatum regarding compliance in the so called Green New Deal; “Those who do not comply WILL go bust!”.
The flip side being that those who align with the Economic Hit Man receive all manner of inducements at least in the short term.
The deceit operating as a multi generational and transnational ‘entity’ in human affairs is the mind of control, set in fears that run as fact – so as to in effect be the personification and systemic embodiment of fear, lack and loss of self in terms of loss of face, loss of control and masking narrative dictate.
So while different personae can seem to be primary agencies or perpetrators, and others as acted upon or coerced victims, the truth of the mask is hidden or diverted from by engagement within the masking of lack of substance. Which is the reactive division of judgements or memes that ‘take’ in terms of ideas and contextual associations that tap into our fear and hatred of life set as Other.
The alienation of self in mind as body from the Relational Field that Is Life, is ALREADY operative as a Normal of conditioned habit in focussing within a willing sacrifice of Life to the evasion of hated and feared conflict, pain and loss, for the trickle of life set in parody that the mind ‘gives’ in exchange for compliance.
Attempts to communicate to such a mind as a form of relational embrace will generally be filtered or ruled out …
This post continues to those who find resonance, relevance or curiosity of desire at:
It is imperative that those who ‘run the world’ set a proper example for 5 years to show the world how to behave. This means:
You won’t be allowed to grow vegetables. Your choices are from Gates’s insect farms or his lab grown food.
I remember watching a tube of bill gates stating his favorite food was a hamburger. In regards to the climate and the impact it has, is this not one of the worst foods to consume? perhaps we could add this to his list too.
The so called “global leaders” are absolute morons. They are leading a new dark age, and absolute Iron Age of incredible density and ignorance. They must be opposed in every way, but I believe their roots into all levels of “education”, society, culture, politics, government, and the techno-pseudo-scientific institutions warrants that they can only be overcome in-total by physical force, and only in part by legal and political challenges. All healthy-minded individuals and groups must prepare themselves for physical battle, political battle, and legal battle.
political and legal battle?? hahaha you must be kidding… we don’t fight using the system.. and a sad truth i dare to say here fuellmich, kennedy etc are controlled opposition
the best thing we can do is being self sustainable and live off grid buut if you don’t like this idea good luck trying to convince ordinary people
“Periodic wars and crises are used to whip-up other plunder-reward cycles which in effect tighten the noose around our individual liberties.
“And of course we have hordes of academic sponges, amoral businessmen, and just plain hangers-on, to act as non-productive recipients for the plunder.
“Stop the cycles of plunder and immoral reward and elitist structures will collapse. But not until the majority find the moral courage and internal fortitude to reject the something-for-nothing con game and replaces it by voluntary associations, voluntary communes, or local rule and decentralised societies, will the killing and the plunder cease.”(Peter Cudenec at the Winter Oak site, quoting Anthony C Sutton’s ‘Wall Street and the Rise of the Hitler’(1976)
This is a link to what also might be next : a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy.
I read somewhere recently that if there is a cyber attack by ‘terrorists’, and the internet went down; then, for users to get back on, they would need some form of digital ID to track their online activities.
“If even (just) tens of thousands of elderly people were deliberately killed (and i believe the evidence for that is overwhelming), then the people who took the decision to kill the elderly people are also capable of taking the decision to kill off other members of society that they dont believe are worth saving.” (Brian Gerrish (UKcolumn) in recent video talk with Reiner Fuellmich)…
‘Garrish referred to a WHO-recognised paper on non-physical techniques of torture called the Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. “Virtually every COVID pandemic measure can be ticked off against one of the entries in Biderman’s Chart.” (Covid is a psyop pt 2 – Cairns News. 11 June 2021)
from the chart: many of the techniques are applied in Army ‘Obedience training ‘ in Boot Camp – as well as in the drawn-out 10 -12 years of Obedience training, called ‘schooling’ carried out in those child detention centres called ‘schools’.(aka Boot Kamp for Kids).
G7 Politics Is The Last Shelter Of The Criminally Retarded
The criminal and the politician are the same type of people.
If the criminal becomes politically successful they are a great leader.
If the politician cannot succeed in being in power they become a criminal.
Politicians are destructive people, their whole effort is to dominate others.
This desire to dominate others is ugly, it is violence, pure violence and nothing else.
To reduce people to slaves is the greatest violence possible.
And that is the desire of every politician, to dominate, and to dominate absolutely.
All of these psychopaths are hungry for power, they are power-mad.
Their only joy is to dominate.
They talk about great service only to then dominate people.
You can look at the world, you can look at the history, and you will find proofs in abundance.
What they have done to humanity, just watch it, and what they continuously go on doing.
Just look at their games, just look at all their lies.
They are keeping the whole world in stupidity.
And they are not only stupid, they are stupidly cunning.
Remember, only stupid people are cunning.
You may not have thought of it that way.
An intelligent person is never cunning, intelligence is enough, they need not have any cunningness.
The stupid person has to substitute for their lack of intelligence, they have to become cunning.
By the time politician’s reach the highest posts, any intelligence has already withered away.
People who have gone beyond the age of sixty, seventy, eighty, then become prime ministers and presidents.
This is dangerous for the world, because they have so much power and so little intelligence left, if any?
In fact most people choose them to be prime ministers and presidents because they are no longer intelligent.
People don’t like intelligent persons.
Most people like people who look like them, who are retarded like them, then they feel they are not strangers.
Intelligent people will always be strangers.
People only choose dull dead persons to be in power because they can be safe with them.
Countries choose mediocre people to be in power, because they will save their tradition, their conventions, their prejudices.
They will protect their poisons.
Instead of destroying them, they will enhance them and strengthen them.
It is certainly dangerous to have unintelligent people in powerful posts.
And it is becoming more and more dangerous, because they have more and more power and less and less intelligence.
Once a politician is in power, they become a totalitarian, they become dictatorial.
They talk about democracy, but behind the democracy is dictatorship.
It is always so.
When the politician is not in power he is democratic, when he is in power all democracy disappears.
Look at the world, look what these criminal politicians have done to it.
In three thousand years, over five thousand wars, it seems as if we are here only to fight, only to destroy each other.
This rotten society has to be destroyed completely, only then can a new society be created.
Renovation is not going to help.
We have been renovating the same old ruins for centuries.
No more props, no more renovations, no more whitewash!
All that is needed is to demolish it, and let us create a new society.
If the world wants to be at peace, politicians should disappear entirely from this planet.
They are the enemies of humanity.
Humanity has to be freed from their chains and their presence.
A totally new kind of awareness is needed in the world.
A fire in which the whole political game is finished.
A few authentic enlightened people have to bring this fire to every heart.
And with the political game finished, the politician will disappear.
We just need a few authentic intelligent people, not priests, not professionals but people who have experienced consciousness itself.
They will become burning torches in the darkness of the night.
They will not become politicians, but they can destroy the whole political structure of the world, and that’s what is needed.
They will not be interested in politics, but they will certainly be interested in the humanity that the politicians have been exploiting for centuries.
They will not take power in their hands, they will simply destroy these parasites and let the power be with everybody.
In fact, power should be distributed to everybody.
It should be decentralized, there is no need for power to be centralized.
Centralized, power is bound to corrupt.
With power decentralized, everybody is powerful in their own way.
So what is the need of having politicians?
I agree with much of what you say here, but destroying everything is also not the appropriate solution. Taking down the corruption in the power structure is step one, but step two is reviving the goodness and healthy values that were the impetus for prosperity, harmony, and opportunity for all to enjoy civil, autonomous, sacred, self-determined, and sovereign lives.
It is a basic truth that only people who are suffering from an inferiority complex go into politics.
It is the inferiority complex that leads them into politics, so that they can prove to themselves, and to the world that they are not inferior, by having power over others.
A person who does not feel inferior would never go into politics.
So it is always the inferior who go to into politics.
And these people have the power of the armies, of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction, of nuclear weapons.
It is a very strange and dangerous world.
As it is now, idiotic politicians are trying to solve problems which they don’t understand at all.
Problems which they have created, which have now gone beyond their reach and beyond their understanding.
Direct meritocracy is the answer for all our problems.
With direct meritocracy, there is no need for any political party, politicians or political ideology.
People should stand on their own merit.
Merit should be the only decisive point.
We have geniuses in every field, but you don’t find those geniuses becoming prime ministers or presidents.
But they can become presidents and prime ministers if there are no political parties.
Then their sheer merit will be enough, and nobody will even be capable of competing with them.
They will not have to go to beg for votes, they will be chosen unanimously.
We have so many people of great merit, but they should not become part of any political party, they should not degrade themselves.
To become part of a political party and beg for votes while making false promises which cannot be fulfilled, is not the way.
Only the third-class people, very mediocre people, become part of political parties, the best remain out.
Actually only the most capable and intelligent should be the ones who manage the society.
The world will be far better if we are in the hands of intelligent, independent people, creative people who do not want to destroy, whose intelligence won’t allow them to do all the stupid things that politicians go on doing.
Power should always be in the hands of the more alert, more aware, more conscious people.
Otherwise, this power is going to destroy the whole of humanity.
It is time to understand the whole situation.
We have to prevent politicians from going on playing the same criminal games.
Because behind the masks of democracy is a cunning, criminal political system.
These people who call themselves democratic and think that they are protectors of democracy in the world are really imperialistic.
These governments pretend to be democratic, but are not.
We can all now see that this so called democracy is only a mask, and behind it are psychotic politicians controlling fascist governments.
These governments should be exposed to the whole world, because the whole world has been believing that they are in a democracy.
Why should there be a political party?
There is no reason for political parties to exist.
If you need a finance minister, then just look at the great experts you have in economics and finance, the Max Keisers of the world who can be nominated for the post, and can be chosen for the post.
There is no need for any political party.
We should move from party politics to individuals, from democracy, from dictatorship to direct meritocracy.
Every individual who is eligible to vote should choose the person who will represent the ministerial position without any political party programming him, forcing him or bribing him.
Individuals should stand, and individuals should choose, and the choice should be on merit.
Your political system should be an election of merit, and alternative media can play a tremendously valuable role in explaining to the masses the merits of different people who are contesting.
It is possible to use blockchain with a process of enhanced online security, to guarantee free, honest and fair elections, thus securely recording every individuals vote online directly.
The people can collectively decide by referendum on what issues to directly vote on, which individuals to represent them, which ones to remove, such as individuals who have become disloyal to the people, let’s vote on breaking up all plutocratic MSM propaganda outlets, also which individuals to prosecute for behaving criminally, whether they are selling weapons to rogue nations, or interfering in the affairs of other sovereign nations, or are creating illegal wars and genocide.
Lets not forget the issue of how to deal with all the war criminals of the last 50 years!
And now also we have all the crimes against humanity, using treason and fraud being committed by the elite, the politicians, big pharma, health care workers, MSM, the scientists and doctors, all collaborating through a false pandemic eugenics programme to potentially kill hundreds of millions globally through un-tested so called vaccines.
People don’t understand that you may get out of one system of fascist political imprisonment, and while you are dancing and singing and celebrating, another imprisonment is being created for you by your new political leaders who are promising you a better life, a better world, a better humanity.
This has been going on for centuries.
It needs to stop, we urgently need a new kind of government.
A new process, of direct meritocracy, where merit should be the only criterion.
Only then can governments exist as accountable functional units, which are not ruled by politicians but run by people of intelligence and merit.
And of course without any lobbying or donations, possibly with all ministerial posts on three year contracts and a maximum service of two terms.
Politicians have already done enough harm to humanity, it is time to forever show them the door.
I agree with your assessment of politicians, but you contradict yourself when you advocate for ‘meritocracy’. For the exact same reasons you list regarding politicians, coercive government as an institution is equally dark and immoral. It will always attract only the most cowardly and corrupt individuals, regardless of the method of assembling it. It matters not what you call it; democracy, communist dictatorship, meritocracy, technocracy, oligarchy, they’re all the same because they all attempt to legitimize brutality and soulless domination over others. The most soulful people want nothing to do with taking others’ free will, and therefore will never serve in a coercive government. If by some miracle an enlightened person were put into leadership via some ‘meritocracy’, their first and only government act would be to decree “All government authority, and all privilege and coercion stemming therefrom, are hereby rescinded for all time, and henceforth all people are truly equal under the common law.”
One thing is absolutely certain.
The days of the politicians are over.
They have done too well their job of being destructive, violent.
They have come to a point where humanity has to decide either to die remaining with the politicians, to commit a global suicide, or to throw out the politicians and save humanity, civilization, culture, life.
Nothing is favorable to the politician, and as each day passes their death comes closer.
They themselves are responsible.
They improved nuclear weapons which can bring death to the whole world to such a point that there is no way of going back.
Either there will be an ultimate war – with some idiot politician who starts it from Amerika, Britain, China, Pakistan, Russia, Israel?
Which means death to all and everything.
Or a total change in the whole structure of human society.
That change is meritocracy.
Meritocracy needs to be in place as a bridge because there needs to be some people of merit who can influence humanity and help them to rise through their own awareness.
On the intuitive level there is no politics at all.
It has no vested interest, and because it has no vested interest, it is free and its insight is clear.
It will be difficult for the intuitive person to explain anything to the instinctive person because they are so far apart, belonging to two different dimensions without any bridge.
In the middle, the intellectual can be of immense help.
In a better world the people of intuition will be the guiding lights for those who can at least understand them intellectually.
But the insight can be only really understood by the intelligent.
It is the function of the intelligentsia to create this change.
Sooner or later the world is going to be in the hands of the people who have merit.
We should live in a nonpolitical way.
Meritocracy should not be another cunning, criminal, political system behind the masks of democracy, controlled by the elite.
Meritocracy has to become a bridge to anarchy, which is one of the most beautiful words in the human language.
Yes, it means absence of authority.
It means you are accepted as an independent individual.
You are no longer a slave.
A free humanity that is not being governed by anybody, because each government basically means slavery.
The best regime as a bridge to anarchism can only be meritocracy.
Just one step further and all regimes disappear.
Whichever regime is closer to anarchism is better, the closest to anarchism is meritocracy which is the best, whichever is farther away from anarchism is worse.
Fascism is the farthest, dictatorship the farthest, they are the worst.
Anarchism with no government means absolute freedom, and freedom is the ultimate value of life.
Don’t equate violent so-called anarchists fighting on the streets of the US with anarchism.
It is not!
Has anybody ever thought that the people who will be holding so much power need some certain qualities so that they don’t misuse power?
Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts.”
It is not true.
It is not that power corrupts, but corrupted people are attracted towards power.
Power brings their corruption in to the open.
Of course, without power they cannot show their real faces.
These people are corrupted, and power simply brings their corruption into action.
Power in itself is neutral.
In a good persons hand it will be a blessing.
In an unconscious persons hand it is going to be a curse.
Power does not corrupt, it only reveals the truth.
If humanity comes to understand the deep psychological roots, and changes the unconscious so that there are no seeds, power can go on raining and there will be no flowers of corruption.
Otherwise power is going to be misused always.
For thousands of years we have condemned power, without thinking power has not to be condemned.
People have just to be cleaned of all their ugly instincts that are hiding within.
Each human being must realize their own individuality and the responsibility for it.
Unconscious evolution is collective.
But the moment evolution becomes conscious it becomes individual.
Consciousness creates individuality.
But before consciousness evolves, there is no individuality.
Only unconscious species exist, not individuality.
Unconsciousness can be mechanical and certain.
Things happen through the law of cause and effect.
So now we have come to the point where total nuclear war seems unavoidable.
And nobody is going to be the winner, so what is the point of a nuclear war and the ensuing apocalyptic global nuclear winter?
War has been significant in the past because somebody would win and somebody would lose.
Now there is going to be no winner, we are all going to be the losers.
War has lost all significance, war is absolutely stupid today.
It may have had some meaning in the past, it has none anymore.
If you really want peace on the earth, create peace in your heart, in your being.
That is the right place to begin with, and then spread, radiate peace and love.
If more and more people become peaceful, loving and relaxed, if more and more people can dance and sing, if more and more people can sing joyfully from their innermost core, it will become impossible for these few mad people to create a war.
Then we can remove all these mad people and put them into mental asylums very easily.
If people are creative, intelligent and joyous, politicians and their politics will be things of the past.
Yes, you can save a few politicians, stuff them to keep in the museums for future children to come and see these old criminals, these retarded and unconscious abusers of humanity.
“Look, this is creepy old Joe Biden, and over there, look there’s Tony Blair and Matt Hancock!”
These are tremendously significant moments we are living through, because we can change the whole human consciousness from being political to spiritual.
This is only possible now.
It was never possible before because nuclear war was never such an existential danger.
Politics is now the most stupid game ever, it’s mad, utterly mad.
The only thing that can prevent the third world war is that you start a totally new consciousness, that you start a new kind of humanity, intuitive individuals who are capable of love, individuals who are capable of meditation.
Let love and meditation spread far and wide.
Let meditation reach as many people as possible.
We have to go through an absolutely radical change.
Except that, all your efforts at resistance are impotent.
I read him saying there is no need for any “leaders” – only that an “expert” would be hired to do a job as required.
This does seem like the ideal use of blockchain – everyone votes on an issue – eradicating the liars and their false promises. Eradicating bastard lobbyists. Eradicating lying bought-out MSN.
If people could vote on the removal of said bastard liar via blockchain, we’d be less effed up.
That’s right. They’re saying “We can do this (to you)”, declaring that the world is indeed under corporate rule, as you have seen by the lockdown.
But of course it’s all for the good. They’re the responsible ones, the caretakers of our planet. Witness how the media has always covered the “Summits” at Davos and other places, with unvarying reverence.
It has been the biggest irony since time began that humans see themselves as caretakers of this planet. Talk about the fox guarding the hen house!
Contra the ideal of keeping the economy open for business indefinitely, Mazzucato’s proposal seems the lesser of two evil’s. Of course, it was always going to have been better if the public actually got educated and formed their own equitable strategy for permanent economic lockdown, rather than have the billionaire ‘climate lockdown’ version enforced on them. The finity of the planet’s biocapacity and its thermodynamic constraints on growth were always going to lockdown civilisation for good. Sooner rather than later. It was only ever a question of who had the better endgame.
Vaclav Smil called it “kindergarten biology”: the lack of basic understanding that allows people to think the economy can expand exponentially, forever, toward a “bad infinity” of imaginability. Or intense gullibility. It cannot. Smil provided 600 pages of calculations to prove his point. There are no perpetuum mobiles, nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.
A transition to a solar economy is a one way trip taking 60-70 years. If there was a scrap of morality in the liberal western mind: 40 years ago would have been a good time to transition. We may have avoided the current ignominy and mortification. Egalitarianism next time, maybe?
Absent a massive public volte face embracing degrowth, the current libertarian power knowledge structures have the upper hand. A hand they have been handed, so to speak, by the lack of even ‘kindergarten biology.’
All growth in nature is constrained by environmental interaction. When an animal matures, it stops growing. When a bacterial colony expands exponentially, it is constrained and does so only as long as the nutritive base allows. Infinite growth requires a greater than infinite substratum. Nothing expands beyond its environmental limitations, biospheric constraint dynamics, and metastable climax status, There are no perpetuum mobiles, nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.
Michael Hudson has spent his career showing that debts compound constantly and exponentially, heading toward singularity (mathematical bad infinity.) Whilst economies are constrained to grow following a more modest S-shaped (sigmoid) distribution, plateauing around a mean. Whilst debts can only perpetuate eventuating inevitable economic collapse. Biologically, mathematically, economically: nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.
Possibly the least limiting factor is actually population dynamics, the billionaires favourite dogwhistle and ‘malthusian’ limiting factor. But it is overaccumulation, overfinancialisation, and most of all, libertarian overconsumption that is degrading the environment and threatening lockdown. By the 10% of global population in the High Income Imperial Core of already overdeveloped countries.
It would be nice if they, who are in fact we, volunteered for simplicity, an overall reduction in linear mass material source to sink flows of primary materials, extracted from the Global South, by the enslaved labour of the Global South ….who do 80% of the manual labour for 5% of the remuneration of their own ‘surplus life-value’ [Hickel]. In what has been called the Great Divergence [Pomeranz], or “Tripartheid Divide” imposed by the libertarian morality of Northern parasitoid supervening upon Southern hosts.
It has always been this way as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution fueled by fossil fuels, enslavement, and extrapolation of plentiful resources to fuel the liberal ego-econometrics of bad infinity. Always at someone else’s cost, someone else’s extracted lifestyle. Nothing grows forever ….apart from the libertarian ego.
So they, who are really we, need to be shut down permanently. And if it is not agreed to do it equitably: liberal capital will enforce it genocidally and through slavery ….as it always has. Possibly even in the HIIC itself, whose standards of living stand to be autocatalysed. The foreseeing of which would have been one good reason to shut down the Industrial Economy before it poisoned every square centimetre of the planet surface and left the biggest uncounted bodypile in history in its current debt colonies and neo-European ‘liberal multicultural’ exponential tax farms. Morality: not liberalism’s strong suit. Itself for itself: maximising hedonic utility through privatised properties exhorted from beneath.
Absent morals and ignorant of how the world really works: or the Three Worlds supporting the ego-econometric liberal lifestyle about to be shut down. To save itself. An act of self-preservation for the perpetuum mobile plantations across the Tripartheid Divide.
Nothing short of a mass embrace of North/South solidarity demanding permanent degrowth to truly sustainable levels, around half the size of the current overconsumptive libertarian individual ego economy, will prevent a more or less permanent succession of ‘climate lockdowns’ enforcing the current libertarian capitalist inequity, slavery, and forced pauperisation centrically and locally; to keep the economy open for business as usual of extreme domination of the western liberal mindset. Resting upon foundations of slavery, racialisation, degradation, and dehumanisation, as it always has. As our subalterned brothers and sisters have been trying to tell us through the mediums of music, song, and dance. Because no liberals could ever hear a word they say.
In fact, absent the ‘climate’, the risk from exponentiate debt, resource depletion, mass co-extinction ….morality would be the imperative, necessary, and principle of sufficient reason to close down the economy permanently. Absent that, it will be closed down anyway. With more or less the rational-historical power structures in place. The real immiseration will be in the South; just as it always has been.
Of course, Mazzucato’s proposal is to save the old bourgeois hierarchies, the lifestyle’s of the HIICs. The people really under threat are not just those who became addicted to a lifestyle the Earth could never afford for long: it is the people whose future the North has no compunction in consuming day by day. Without a thought or care, we are living the world’s future now. If nothing else, that could change through elementary pedagogy of how the world really worked.
Nothing but permanent economic lockdown, a phased reduction in mass material flows, and equitable distribution, taking into account the principles of ecological debt – that means the South gets a greater distribution, northern reduction necessitates redistribution targeting the underprivileged, ethnic minorities etc. With an eventual equilibriation around zero growth, proportionate production, focus on communities of self-actualisation and self-fulfilment and pluralistic ethicalities, better lives for all for less; inclusive of biodiversities ….or perpetual ‘climate lockdowns’ preserving the old hierarchical privileges.
Hello Big B: Beautifully stated. Right on target. Bravo!
Usury requires frenetic growth and ongoung deceit, subversion, brutality and devastation. Degrowth, stability, contentment and consideration are antithetical to the insane sect defending usury and oneupmanship.
Don’t you just love the Extinction Rebellion protest today on St Ives beach – just a stone’s throw away from the G7 nonsense.
Real protestors are only allowed to assemble in Plymouth, which is more than one hundred miles away.
By the way, Loved that G7 group shot today, and behind the psychos were grey, brooding, stormy clouds.
You couldn’t make it up!
The agenda itself which legitimates control and overall changes is the goal. It is about enforcing the scenario of danger, but dinner will not be eaten as hot as it is served. They need to be in on it, else they will among the losers on the long run. They probably have many investments in the game,they need time though, meanwhile they are walking on two different legs, one half developed.They cannot risk to be passed by by others though.
The great pandemic came when Fridays for Future failed to live up to its promises.
Except, of course, the Great Reset is just a wild “conspiracy theory”.
Hmm. I think it’s interesting that so many who believe that Covid and Climate Change have been deliberately manufactured to install the so-called “Great Reset” so often resist criticism of their idea by referring to it as a “conspiracy theory”.
I don’t think it’s a “conspiracy theory”. I just think it’s wrong.
You are entitled to your beliefs. And I am entitled to disagree with them.
I do agree that we have been subjected to wilful psychological manipulation in order to get us to comply with these Covid restrictions. And that this represents a crime which should see leaders in prison.
I do also agree that many of these people love to fawn on Bill Gates. And that the awful man has been a pernicious influence. And they love to copy each other’s pathetic “Build Back Better” bollocks.
But do I believe that this is all being done for the sake of a “Great Reset”?
No, I don’t. And I never will.
Respect that, and maybe I can respect your beliefs too.
Follow the money. Currrencies are being deliberately devalued by printing trillions out of thin air.
Yes, you are right “they” (the western ‘moneychangers’) know the hyperinflation die has been cast – and it’s gonna be more “colourful” than those late 80s early 90s Yugoslav million/billion/ trillion banknotes…
You make a fair point John and I respect that. From your perspective why don’t you think this is leading towards the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Why the massive amount of fear mongering and psychological warfare then? What is this actually about? Thanks.
I would add to that query: Given that there have been several great resets prior to this moment in history, why is another one so very improbable?
That bizarre XR protest in Cornwall reminded me of those bird-like costumes that were supposedly worn during the Black Death. There’s something esoteric going on there.
The picture headlining the article obviously references The Beatles’ ‘All You Need is Love’. The structure of that song is based on ‘Three Blind Mice’ which is, I think, saying something about how the social controllers viewed the song.
Yes I thought that too, they do love their ritual and symbolism. The whole corona bollocks has been an occult ritual in my opinion, masking , washing of hands etc, isolation, these are all parts of initiation.
“Whatever it says, it clearly has the approval of the people who ruin the world.”
There, fixed a typo for Kit.
“COVID-19 is itself a consequence of environmental degradation.”
It certainly is: It’s a consequence of our allowing our environment to be controlled by the less-than-1%. The solution is to de-centralize wealth and the media and production and agriculture and politics and banking and mining and decision-making and everything else you can think of.
Having our environment degraded and controlled by them CANNOT become freedom.
Well said
I do really like the original articles written by Kit Knightly and Catte Black..
I don’t know who these people are. I just like what They write
Thank You,
Why did you write ‘They’ with a capital? A2
No doubt to indicate to newcomers to the site that – like so many other of the other delusional conspiracy theorists gathered here – he’s mentally challenged/senile.
But why even ask such questions? His acting in bad faith here has been evident for ages. Why did you never ask Jacques why he peppered every paragraph with a dozen f-words?
You may also wish to ask a fairly new arrival here – possibly a friend of Tony’s? – why they have the have the punctuation skills of a three year old. (Not that that would reflect on the offG readership in any way…)
From the comments, I get the impression many readers use their cell phones to type and post their comments. To me, that would be like attempting brain surgery wearing mittens.
I do not use a personal tracking device myself, so I hadn’t considered that possibility. Some people asked me to take their picture with their idiotphone the other day. I had to ask what button to push!
Tony had a baddish bout of CAPitis a while back. Occasional relapses still. 🙂
Yes, if something is valid the source is irrelevant.
“Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?” Of course, no question. The same psychopaths who created and control the climate sect created and control the corona sect. It’s the two sides of the same coin and they want to completely destroy the foremost white, western, christian countries governed by professional criminals. You cannot understand the threat if you don’t know that both, anthropogenic climate warming and corona are just fictions to enable things otherwise impossible (Hegelian dialectic).
“Corona-Terror: We are only at the very beginning!” – (use translate option if necessary)
How will Amazon survive!! Will Gates and other billionaires, who seems to think they know what is best for the world; give up the same privileges as everyone else? Just how committed are they to climate change? I’d ask if the public will sit idly by while the rich maintain their privileges and freedoms but I think the last year and a half has answered that question.
Oh dear, Van’s blown it now!
“Sir Van Morrison: Ian Paisley defends joining anti-Swann chant
DUP MP Ian Paisley has defended joining Sir Van Morrison in chanting that Northern Ireland’s Health Minister Robin Swann “is very dangerous” at a cancelled concert in Belfast.”
It turns out that Van was getting back at Swann for calling Van dangerous. Still, that was too much for UUP leader Doug Beattie:
“Having watched the video of Ian Paisley and Van Morrison
s antics on the stage of the Europa Hotel in Belfast, I am absolutely disgusted by what I saw," Mr Beattie said.
s health minister.”"They should be ashamed of themselves. Two grown men who should know better, engaging in a very personal attack on Northern Ireland
The UUP leader added that Mr Swann “has worked tirelessly during the Covid-19 pandemic to save lives” and said it was “appalling” to watch him being denigrated.”
Quick! Rally round St Robin! And protect The Cliche Machine, working tirelessly to save lives!
Entering a cooling period for 40 years. Grand solar minimum. The sun (and oceans) determines climate not CO2 ,which is only 0.04% of the atmosphere. The trees and plants need CO2 and convert it into oxygen for mammals (photosynthesis) . Did these idiots learn nothing at school ? Climate affects CO2 not the other way around.
geoff, you are not looking at ignorance; it’s a conscious, paid-for hoax to forward tyranny.
In your opinion. Not in mine.
I agree it’s tyrranical. But I don’t do paranoia.
Lots here do do paranoia, John, as you can see. That’s why they refuse to see the sober reality of the dangers of climate destabilisation and population-overshoot: Those things simply can’t be real, because they have to be part of the paranoid fantasy structures: they simply MUST be – necessarily false – propaganda creations of the Illuminatoids who are presumed to be running everything. (As if! No-one is running everything, anywhere! Hom-sap is just not up to that level of superhuman mastery.)
The idea that lying gangsters-in-charge pushing their villainous propaganda at us can co-exist with actual, objectively-real natural crises that are independent of the gangsters’ schemes seems to be inconceivable to the poor self-blinkerers. But it’s still true: the gangsters attempting to foist their regime-change on us are real, and so are climate shift and population-overshoot real – independently of each other.
Weird that so many of the intelligent and well-informed dissidents here are nonetheless victims of that paranoia-generated blind spot. It’s become a knee-jerk article of faith: ‘Population-overshoot and its consequent anthropogenic climate shift don’t exist!! They’re just ruling ‘elite’ lies!!’ Yeah, right! 🙂
I suppose the upside is that you can be a condescending twat in print and really not have to answer for it as you should, so there’s that.
That right? How’d they manage to lockdown the entire world for a year? Who dun dat?
It’s not too late to start!
But you ARE a glutton for downvotes so there’s that…
by the NWO yes but I was referring to the ignorant foot soldiers
Climate and CO2 affect each other, geoff. It’s always a two-way equilibrium-seeking process, never still.
Yes, but it’s the Sun that controls the climate, not humans or their activities (at the exception of pollution, that has nothing to do with CO2). Insects generate more CO2 than all humans combined.
The present Sun cycle is not yet GSM, despite what many say – it can start in the next cycle or the one after.
What nobody seems to note is our rapidly decaying magnetic field, that makes even smaller flares a constant danger for our electricity-driven civilization – An X-class flare may shutdown the electric grid and, despite the horror it would merge the planet into, it still is less scary that what the powers that shouldn’t be have in store for humanity – I include below the links to 2 interesting articles related to this:
The global administrative elite, here the World Business Council for Sustainable Development posts ideas obsessed with LOCKDOWN of the 99%. But their 1% which has had 60 years to make even one good policy decision is not held accountable. But real fixes, like taxing the rich, Public Banking, limits to wealth and poverty, regional self-sufficiency, banning all colonial empire building, and finding ways to encourage voluntary population attrition over 3 generations through limits to poverty and wealth, is not anywhere in advocacies like Mariana Mazzucato.
Let’s be honest. No where in anything the existing system of 1% capital control produces, like Ted Talks like hers, will we ever hear solutions like above that are the only solutions to create an adult collective society from this rat ass 1% parental tyrant society in the 21st C.
Sandy, we already have conscious, voluntary population attrition.: population is falling. Empty Planet: Preparing for the Global Population Decline VIDEO
UN says 2100 will see 11 Billion; they’re wrong.
36% of pop is in China & India. China replacem is only 1.5/woman. India it’s 2.1 (that’s replacement.)
Because populations everywhere becoming more urban, people want fewer kids, they’re a cost, not helpers on the farm.
Also, women are more autonomous. Mid-century will take us to 8-9B, then will decline.
Don’t jump the gun, Penny! According to ‘The Limits To Growth’, the – spontaneous – downturn of our numbers, as natural Gaian overshoot-correction mechanisms begin to operate, is likely to show up unmistakably in the middle decades of this century. We still have a short while to breed up our numbers fecklessly a bit more, before the inevitable reduction really gets going. It’s already a good time, though, for people to prepare for the consequences of that down-turn.
Stop wanting to emulate the wealthy!
Wear out the shit you already have.
Sell your car; walk, bike, bus, skateboard.
Leave your mobile at home.
No online purchases.
Change behaviour before changing the technology.
If technology is causing you to change behaviour to appease it: drop it!
Exercise democracy without supporting political parties.
Plant a veggie garden, nurture fruit and nut trees.
Only purchase anything from a truly local business.
Please add…
Add goats, they turn rough pasture into milk and meat while you practice the bagpipes. Then add chickens, they’ll turn the leftover milk and bugs from your muck heap into eggs. Veggies are too much like hard work. Buy an air gun and shoot the local toff’s pheasants while he’s at davos.
that’s right Charlie, stuff your face at the expense of life and posterity, never invest your soul in the muck and glaur, just keep stuffing that gub to the extinction of almost everything. FKN goats: goats are desert sheep, they create deserts, wet/dry whatever. GOATS!!??? learn it from the soil and water and plants up, not greasy fat lip down ffs! OG does have a consumer-centric-eco-denial going on, yass.
Clearly you’ve never kept goats, Rubber. Bad luck!
Not just veggies but the whole plant/animal/fungi assemblage is no hard work at all, Charlie, if you set the whole thing up as a careful permaculture design. Goats and fowls are good in any case, though. Always loved having them around; characterful friends! 🙂
Wrong way round. It wasn’t governments that decided to abandon lockdowns but the public that increasingly flouted them in such numbers that they collapsed. People power won the day while the far-right and their cronies running the intelligence agencies have been terminally damaged and discredited. Economic collapse of the West, however, is still very likely – we’ll have less but at least we won’t be saddled by right-wing governments and bloated,corrupt intelligence agencies (there won’t be the money to pay for them).
It’s easy to fall into despair but that great mass of people who don’t tend to be vocal do indeed make a difference. And e.g. I have heard that the vast majority of the American public reject the lone gunman story re: JFK. The media can scorn “conspiracy nuts” as much as it likes but these vast realms of public opinion operating “below the radar” mark a limit to how much the rulers and their hacks can get away with.
What is the true percentage of the Western public who are at least suspicious about 9/11? And the very stridency with which the media are urging everyone to get vaccinated indicates that a huge number aren’t.
The doctor I visited today can be as nonchalantly blasé over the COVID tale as he wants. I wouldn’t even dream of challenging him. But I’m not buying it and there are huge numbers like me.
For all the smug certainty that the media project, knowing they have an utter monopoly over the COVID tale, there is an underlying fear that they do not in fact have the upper hand. There is a subterranean current sweeping their lies away.
You are entitled to your opinions George. And I am entitled to disagree with them.
I do believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK. And I do believe the official 9/11 story.
You disagree? That’s fine. I respect that.
Now you – and your fellow believers – respect my view on this.
just my view, although it is shared by many ‘john’…
without question ‘respect’ is earned ….
I also realise that for an imbecile like yourself that is going to be very difficult…
So this “respect” is what you usually reserve for religious issues which are comfortably in the realm of never being capable of proof – and which are so all embracing that they don’t affect the world we live in but only how you behave.
But the issue of JFK and 9/11 completely alters the reality of that world. And the rulers like nothing better than this woolly “Oh gosh – we must all respect how multifarious it all is …” etc.
I’m not falling for that.
‘Views’ are all very well, John. But when you persist in clinging to them in the face of massive evidence-bodies which would convince any jury in any actually-honest tribunal, then they become nothing better than wilful delusions, unworthy of anything but laughter.
JFK’s killing was a multi-shooter, deep-state assassination. And 11/9 was a false-flag, jointly created by factions within the US and the zionistani ruling deep-staters. In fact, the zionistanis were apparently the originators of the idea, which was then sold to elements within the US deep state, through the dual-citizen members of the conspiracy.
These aren’t ‘views’. They’re proven facts, as much as any proposition ever can be in an uncertain world…
By all means believe the sucker fairy tales if you like, but it doesn’t make you worthy of respect, only of laughter. To escape that fate, look seriously into the evidence-bodies. No balanced, sane person can escape the obvious conclusions, once you’ve done that adequately. You have to be nursing a treasured cognitive dissonance to dodge these self-evident realities.
Why the attempt at NLP programming on every post?
It’s getting really hard to tell whether our Left or Right Wing governments kill more at home or abroad…
I’ve never fully embraced the police mindset let alone the military, but someone kindly explain how you do inclusivity and equity in the professional killer business.
These are inherently open-ended concepts. Equity is relative and so can never be satisfied, nor inclusiveness fully complete. So it must extend to the enemy.
Inclusiveness surely means you embrace your enemy. Equity means you give him,her,it,they an advantage… Like telling them in advance which flank you’ll attack.
The only escape from this illogic is to declare the enemy totally arbitrary.
Like your own people.
Now that the state has the chew-toy of lockdowns, it doesn’t look like anything can force them to relinquish it. The courts and political system are likely too corrupt to fix it either, due to regulatory capture.
Ah! Another one… almost like cockroaches but worse, because cockroaches are useful!
Is the a young global leader/shaper by any coincidence?
She is a total product of the Neil Ferguson-type compliant academic rolled out to justify policy. UKC pulled her to bits.
She operates as a kind of ventriloquist’s dummy where the bureaucrats ponder whether the Chinese model might be appropriate for Europe, so they engage an academic who works as a specialist on China, who promptly recommends that the Chinese method seems to be the best choice. But she wouldn’t have conflicts of interest at all, at all.
The controlled press declared with one voice that she is a future leader, 40 under 40, blah, blah.
And the grants flow all over again, again. The grants flow all over again.
Its fgunny.. in germany the authors who wrote the covid policy papers the executice at the beginning of the plandemic consisted of some maoists!!! and some other chinese specialists.
Isn’t she one of the Keen/Murphy/Pettifor clique?
he looks like he may have large hands..
“Is a “Climate Lockdown” on the horizon?”
At first glance, I thought the author was posing a rhetorical question. TPTB already hav signaled that more lockdowns are in our future, owing to the fairly dramatic reduction in CO2 emissions during the worst parts of the lockdowns. You can bank on “them” trying to impose similar measures in the future.
I can’t seem to remember; perhaps someone can remind me. Who voted for these megalomaniacal globalist overlords?
It’s obvious they’re going to do it. Health lockdown ,climate lockdown, how about an emotional lockdown? The only things that definitely won’t be locked down are politicians, the United Nations, militaries, and their owners.
The politicians are prancing around in Cornwall right now. No masks or anti-social distancing. No quarantine either, unlike the cattle class.
““Obviously we don’t want to lock you up inside your homes, force you to eat processed soy cubes and take away your cars,” they’re telling us, “but we might have to, if you don’t take our advice.”
Follow their advice or not, that is exactly what their intention is.
Locked down in a “smart city” – smart as in your every appliance is controlled by the government – no personal transport, no travel, no meat just something grown in a lab. – soylent green? That’s if you survive the timbuctoo variant and the vax that accompanies it…