Climate is the new Covid
The “public health policies” allegedly in place to fight Covid19 are being rebranded as “saving the planet”
Kit Knightly

Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was no different, with the exception of the stronger than usual whiff of agenda.
The narrative of the “deadly viral pandemic” is slowly losing momentum. Whether this is through the public having “post viral fatigue”(as it were), or a deliberate shift in media talking points is unclear. But there’s certainly less energy in the story than at this time last year.
That said, it’s also perfectly clear that governments around the world are in no mood to give up their newly acquired “emergency powers”, and that alleged “anti-covid measures” are not going away anytime soon.
Especially lockdowns, which are being freshly marketed as “good for the planet”.
The narrative that locking down the public was “helping the Earth heal” actually dates back to last March, when it was reported all across the world news that only a few weeks of lockdown had cleared up the water in Venetian canals so much there were dolphins swimming through the city.
This story later proved to be completely untrue, but that didn’t stop dozens of outlets from picking up the story and running with it.
At various times in the intervening year, Covid has been sold as a having an environmental silver-lining. Including potentially “saving the planet”.
Just last month, the Guardian published a story with the headline:
Global lockdown every two years needed to meet Paris CO2 goals – study”
That this is all about marketing and opinion control is only further evidenced by the fact that, with a few hours, they edited the headline to remove mention of lockdowns, the new one reading:
Equivalent of Covid emissions drop needed every two years – study
At around the same time, they had another article, warning that emissions will increase to “pre-pandemic levels” once lockdowns are ended. Another saying lockdown has taught us to “love nature”. And another claiming the UK’s “star count” had increased thanks to lockdown.
All this kicked into another gear on Earth Day, the theme of which is Restore Our EarthTM (yes, it really is a registered trademark).
Yesterday morning I woke up to a news alert on my phone, claiming this Earth Day we should “celebrate how much the planet has healed during lockdown“.
Later, I saw an advert for a new documentary titled “The Year the Earth Changed”, chronicling the ways nature has rebounded during lockdown, and how much the “Earth has healed”.
To quote one review [emphasis added]:
…lockdown offers scientists a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe the extent of human impact on animal behaviour, by simply taking us out of the picture.
We can use what we learn to re-evaluate and modify our habits, they argue, instead of mindlessly returning to how things once were in a pre-pandemic world.
It says, before concluding:
It offers an affirmative slant – less ‘we are the virus’; more, the suffering of these last 12 or so months hasn’t been all in vain – as well as a way out of the environmental disaster that we’re unquestionably still facing.
An article in Forbes urges people to “embrace the lessons of the pandemic”:
the planet has had a giant pause during the pandemic and had a chance to repair and reclaim itself. The planet is not the problem, we are, so how do we now continue some of the good efforts that we adopted under sudden social distancing and the threat of Covid-19?
The Evening Standard claims the pandemic produced a “70% drop in vehicle emissions” in the city of London.
A press release from the Washington State Department of Health says “tele-working could save the world”.
Sky News reports the UK’s carbon footprint is down 17% as the “pandemic forces people to adopt eco-friendly lifestyles”.
It goes on and on and on.
Essentially, “lockdowns” – which, we remind you, are not shown to have any impact on the transmission of the “virus” – are now being rebranded, not just as “good for public health”, but also good for the planet.
Before getting to the why of all this, let’s deal with the claim itself: Has the lockdown been good for the environment?
The answer to that is either “probably no” or “certainly not”, depending on your priorities.
For starters there are plastic-fibre disposable masks – which, we remind you, do absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of viruses – hundreds of thousands of which are now busily washing up on beaches, entangling wildlife and clogging sewers all over the world.
“What about emissions?” I hear you say, “won’t they be reduced?”. Well, maybe. But if they are, it’s not by much.
The “lockdowns” have been sold in the press like a total halt to all human activity but, in reality, it’s mostly small businesses being closed down, and a lot of important-sounding but largely unproductive people having zoom meetings.
The militaries of the world still travel, the navies are still at sea. Public transport is still running, even if it is lessened in some places. Emergency vehicles keep chugging along. Rubbish and recycling are still collected. Container ships, cargo planes, long-haul trucks and freight trains are still taking goods to every part of the world.
The big retailers – WalMart, Tesco, CostCo, Amazon etc. – they are all still open, and their supply lines flow all over the world.
The idea that all human activity just stopped dead is a convenient lie, sold to the sort of people who still buy newspapers and believe that absolutely everyone (or at least, everyone who matters) works a job that a) involves commuting into a city, b) can be done just as easily at home.
This is of course untrue, and most of the real, vital work of keeping society moving still happens.
Mines, mills, and plants still exist. Power stations, dams and sewage processors are still ticking over. Even the service economy is still running, just with different people moving in the opposite direction. Deliveroo, Uber and JustEat drive cars, and any decrease in people going to restaurants will be counterbalanced by increased take-away deliveries.
Factories in China are still making all the things that are being shipped around the world and then delivered to our doors, rather than shipped around the world and having us going to get them. Is that really much of a change in emissions?
Whether you drive to Waitrose, or Waitrose drives to you, the same amount of fuel is being used. Ordering hand sanitiser, an exercise bike or some spare batteries online is not, in any way, more environmentally friendly than walking into town to buy them in person.
And that doesn’t even account for the increased use of electricity/gas caused by (some) people staying home more. Or the fact that many countries never locked down at all.
Even the study being cited in the Guardian admits the lower CO2 emissions for 2020 are merely “projections”.
In short, no, there is no publicly available evidence that “lockdown” was good for the environment at all.
And, indeed, the idea that it was doesn’t really make much sense when you think about it.
The interesting thing is there’s a whole bunch of articles out there which readily admit this. Such as this one in National Geographic, or this one from the BBC. And a handful of others too.
All arguing that the Covid19 lockdown won’t help stop climate change, or will have only a small impact on emissions, or might even make it worse in the long run.
Why? Because they are the other side of the propaganda. The proverbial stick to the “planet is healing” carrot. Telling people this lockdown won’t heal the planet because it’s not strict enough, or because when it stops we’ll go back to normal.
Scary, doomsaying headlines which leave an ellipsis they expect their readers to mentally fill in: “well, I guess we shouldn’t stop lockdowns then.”
This is not the only example of “anti-pandemic” or “public health” policies being turned to include climate change.
Last summer I wrote about an academic article that suggested “moral enhancement” for “coronavirus defectors”. It argued for putting chemicals in the water supply in order to make people more obedient to mask and/or vaccine mandates, and went on to suggest the same technique could be used to combat the “suffering associated with climate change”.
Even when not directly analogous there are plenty of headlines, interviews and articles which clearly seek to associate “Covid” and “climate change” in the public mind.
“Covid19 and climate crisis are part of the same battle”, headlined The Guardian in December. As well as “Covid gives us a chance to act on Climate”.
In an interview originally aired on Earth Day, Prince William urged the world to apply the same “spirit of invention” to climate change that they have done to Covid19 “vaccines”.
This ties in with the Royal’s “Give Earth a Shot” program…which was launched in December 2019, BEFORE the pandemic (or vaccines) ever became a talking point.
A timely reminder that a lot of the solutions proposed to fight the “pandemic”, were being suggested to fight other things before the pandemic even existed. A cashless society, decreased air travel, population control, mass surveillance, decreased meat production and others have all been on the agenda since long before Covid was close to becoming a thing…and have all been mooted as ways to fight this pandemic (or “future pandemics”).
Even the so-called Great Reset actually pre-dates the pandemic.
After all, what is the much talked about “green new deal”, if not a prototype of the WEF’s Great Reset plan?
Mark Carney – former governor of the Bank of England – called for an economic reset and “brand new financial system” in order to “fight climate change”, in a December 2019 article for the International Monetary Fund website…which was, again, weeks BEFORE the “pandemic” materialised.
That’s the takeaway message here, really: The agenda revealed by the past year of pandemic propaganda has always been there, it was just never quite so brazen. It was the before Covid, and will still be there if and/or when they stop talking about Covid altogether.
The “Great Reset” and the “New Normal” are policy goals that pre-date Covid, and are far more important than any of the tools used to pursue them. The created “pandemic” is nothing but a means to an end. They might discard or sideline the narrative of the virus, they might switch storylines for a few months, or stop using certain phrases altogether for a while. But that doesn’t mean their greater agenda has changed at all.
They’ve shown us their hand. They’ve told us – upfront and out loud – what they want to achieve.
Total economic control, marked depreciation of living standards, removal of national sovereignty and radical erosion of individual liberties.
That’s the endgame here. They said so.
It’s our responsibility to hold on to that knowledge and use it. To withhold any belief and see everything with a sceptical eye. Everything. Every story in the press. Every news item on the television. Any government pronouncement or piece of legislation.
Viruses or vaccines. Poverty or prosperity. Discrimination or diversity. War or world peace. The agenda doesn’t change.
Whoever is talking. Whatever they are talking about. Whatever they claim to want. The agenda doesn’t change.
Republican or Democrat. Conservative or Labour. Red or Blue. The agenda doesn’t change.
The colour doesn’t matter. Not even when it’s green.
Happy Earth Day.
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Moderator… why are two of my posts being scanned for spam? They are legitimate posts that give true and accurate information….About ‘covid’ and other substance that we the people have been subjected to surreptitiously, from Porton Down and the clowns who work for them.
Covid is a political position not a medical condition !
No dolphins were swimming in the canals of Venice. One report showed dolphins that were attributed to Venice, but this was actually in Cagliari, Sardinia. Apparently there had been sitings in the port of Venice, but this has nothing to do with the historic Venice and its canals. And apparently there was no difference in the actual water quality, the murkiness was due to boats stirring up the sediment in the shallow water. When the boat traffic stopped, the sediment quickly settled. But of course it makes a nice visual argument for the covid=better environment types…
Read Thomas Mann’s “Death in Venice” written around 1912 when modern tourism became a thing . Venice has always been a plague ridden swamp . Dolphins washing up there usually die..
The “climate” lies are all about the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for the past thirty years. Thats the reason for the fake scamdemic. Planet X will also end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to kill 90% of Americans the same day as the next false flag using the nuke the criminal bastard government stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran. Execute the evil criminal bastard government and their media whore liars or die!
Climate is the justification for
“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes”.
My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.
I suspect the idea is to remove every fixed identity from the individual who will be allocated work, living space on a day to day even hour to hour basis. This will be a living hell for everyone who experiences it.
“The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
I wonder what Miss Nightingale would think of the doctors today, who are collaborating with their political masters in the greatest scamdemic in history?
My guess is that she would simply add “corrupt” and possibly “malevolent” to the quoted trenchant assessment of the rulers of the medical profession of her day.
ROE is also the acronym for ‘return on equity‘. Another inside-joke from the Davos-class, perhaps?
I would love to see the impact on human behavior of taking Globalists out the picture!
The “climate” lies are all about the approaching Planet X that the chemtrails hide every day globally for the past thirty years. Thats the reason for the fake scamdemic. Planet X will also end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to kill 90% of Americans the same day as the next false flag using the nuke the criminal bastard government stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran. Execute the evil criminal bastard government and their media whore liars or die!
It took me a long time to come round to the idea that global warming was an agenda-driven construct. There were to receding glaciers in Norway, one of which my grandfather had photographed in the 1930s when it was much bigger, and there’s the Arctic sea ice. Now I’m willing to accept that processes are selectively reported and climate systems are huge, but that variations in solar energy output must be far more important than anything man has ever done to alter the global temperature. If I’ve understood it correctly the Milankovic cycle suggests the temperature should be falling more rapidly than it is. Could it be that the aerial spraying is an attempt to trap more heat energy in the atmosphere and delay the freeze until they are ready for it, or ready to exploit it?
The chemtrails hide Planet X. Planet X is causing the “climate change” on all the planets in our solar system as well as making the sun much hotter. That is why the criminal bastard governments have sprayed every day globally for the past thirty years. Planet X ends the coming, planned WW3 and America is the target and also known as Armageddon. Execute the criminal bastard governments or die.
All you need to know about the ‘climate’ scam is in these articles.
According to the Fraudian solar can provide “insanely cheap energy”. Funny how it can suddenly do that when it fits the self-professed elite’s narrative – a bit like how Moderna who had never produced a vaccine could suddenly produce one for a disease that had never had a vaccine before.
The supposed new tech that can deliver this was invented by a Chinese guy. They dub him “The Sun King”. Anyone who thinks there is some sort of bizarre cult of sun worship going on here is clearly a lunatic conspiracy theorist.
All I know is that my energy bill has increased considerably.
‘All I know is that my energy bill has increased considerably.’
David Cameron’s daddy-in-law has to get his wind farm subsidy from somewhere.
The first few weeks of the lockdown were really wonderful. I and a handful of other disposables, I mean essentials, were treated to a world that was largely left alone. With all of the inessentials trapped in their homes, trying to figure out how to make unnecessary technology do their unnecessary jobs, we got a lot of good work done amid blessed freedom from opportunists and meddlers.
Was it a a clear boon for nature? Hard to say, but it was nice to see the usual unabated onslaught on nature paused for a moment. Just seeing the weeds grow through cracks in the sidewalk seemed like a positive change. There was less noise and stench. It was subjectively a better world.
With several layers of bitter irony, it made me think of the phrase Arbeit Macht Frei. I enjoyed the freedom that so many lacked because my work was deemed necessary. I was able to appreciate what many could not, both because they were locked away and because if they’d had the opportunity, that same opportunity could not exist.
That time ended too soon, and people were able to return to the world, somehow without regaining freedom. Neat trick on someone’s part. Now we have the worst of both worlds. As for Earth Day, it was always 90% empty rhetoric for empty heads, so little has changed besides the specific imminent threats used to justify it.
What caused the ice ages? What caused them to thaw? What caused this process to repeat several times?
Read Professor Robert Schoch’s book on what ended the last ice age. Also look up Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock on how the Earth goes through cycles of catastrophe every 12,000 years ago, with the last one 12,000 years ago.
Planet X caused that and the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will split North America into thirds, erupt Yellowstone supervolcano and kill 5/6 of the 200 million SCO invaders who are going to annihilate America the same day as the next flase flag using a nuke and blamed on Iran. All planned by the criminal bastard governments and their evil bastard alien masters! Execute the criminal bastard government or die in WW3!
A shift in the earths axis perhaps?
Universally, in almost every country, the use of international travel freedom has not been used as a carrot to encourage people to get the vaccine. Given the governments are so keen for people to get the vaccine, this remarkable policy consistency across all countries is, well, remarkable.
Why are they not offering greater international travel freedoms in return for getting the vaccine? Because they are not going to give you greater international travel freedoms. Talks of travel bubbles are publicised to keep the idiots hoping, but it will not happen if they can possibly prevent it.
I have acquaintances here in Hong Kong who got the vaccine “so that they can travel”. When I point out that governments are not offering that, the answer is always “they will do soon”. So, six months into the vaccination program and governments are not offering any real reductions in travel restrictions, but don’t worry folks “they will do soon” /s.
I despair of my fellow man.
Regarding the sad stuff some of you are able to say about Greta Thunberg: Since when did attacking a young, “different” girl but letting the big NGOs exploiting her get away become cool? Shame on you!
Thunberg is a muppet held up as a paragon of virtue and oracle on all things to do with global warming (oops, climate change). She is stupid, a narcissist and a hypocrite. Going by similar tools used in the past, we will now have to put up with this ugly gnome for many years to come as the powers that be get her to tell us just how bad we all are, while she travels by eco-friendly super yacht across the oceans to her next marketing convulsion. May she rot in hell with the demons she has chosen as friends.
Greta – a great advert for activism, not such a great advert for childhood vaccines.
She ‘s a F Idiot — shame you haven’t worked out she a puppet on a string.
Or you are just a shill…
Quite so. I think I may have been banned from Mail Online for innocently lamenting the fact that the shit virus Covid19 was unable to kill the moron that is currently squatting in 10 Downing Street.
Hopefully I am allowed to hate Johnson on this site.
The virus could have done us all a service. Instead the fat bastard continues to destroy our lives.
Thanks for nothing covid19!
The Johnson didn’t get Covid, he was undergoing re-education.
– –and I’ll bet money that he never had a “real” Jab – these “top” dogs aren’t completely stupid. They just want to jab everyone else with an untested trial drug.
No, he was awaiting the appearance of his latest bastard, and Carrie made him do it????
Climate change my ¤%#! How about real problems like limits to debt and the end of cheap enough resources?! Energy for instance. Energy makes this world go round. Not the expensive drop in the ocean el from solar panels and wind turbines but coal, gas and oil. What happens when oil becomes to expensive to get hold of? Won’t happen you say? Tell that to the guys digging up oil from below the seabed outside Norway, the production peaked in 2001 and despite huge investments output is now halved …
Unfortunately we’re not going to run out of oil anytime soon. Cheap oil, maybe, but there’s also an unlimited supply of methane that can be used as a feedstock and its also possible to convert coal to hydrocarbons.
Running out of oil isn’t the problem, running out of cheap enough oil sure is.
Regarding methane and coal to hydrocarbons (the interesting parts of coal are hydrocarbons, do you mean coal to oil?): If it’s that simple, why aren’t we doing it on a big scale already instead of looking for oil in hostile places like the arctic ocean?
Coal is abundant, even in the larges countries.
Reserves of coal could rise by 4 times if governments permit the combustion in situ of uneconomic seams to extract CH4; if low temperatures are used (to reduce cost), the bulk of the coal will turn into CO2. -New Scientist 2014
In its haste to reduce smog, China is building expensive plants that convert lignite coal into CH4, but this generates 82% more GHG. -Yangjun Ding et al., research, 2014
Stupid topic when Planet X is going to rip the earth apart again like it did in Noahs day.
What makes you think cheap enough coal is abundant?
“What makes you think cheap enough coal is abundant?”
What makes you think it isn’t?
The Bogatyr mine in Kazakhstan pulls out about 50 million tonnes pa. They have already removed 1 gigatonne of coal and have a further 2.5 gigatonnes in reserve – that’s over 100 years of reserves, apparently. It’s an open cast mine – the largest of its kind on the planet. I forget how many miles the circumference of the ‘hole’ is but it’s big.
And that’s just open cast mining. In terms of reserves, the Kazakhs aren’t even in the top three.
Nobody is running out of cheap, accessible coal anytime soon. As to whether ‘we’ will see any of it is a different matter altogether. Obviously.
Not without the help of lots of fuel/oil.
Andrew Forrest, Australia, and hydrogen : Hydrogen is the most common element in existence. In fact, the universe is 75 per cent hydrogen by mass — so we’ll never run out of it.
It’s also the simplest. To make it, all you need to do is run electricity through water.
That’s green hydrogen, the purest source of energy in the world — and one that could replace up to three quarters of our emissions, if we improve the technology and had the scale.
Maybe it is too simple for the oligarchs. Hence the slow progress of research and trials, and publicity given to related explosions.
“To make it, all you need to do is run electricity through water.
That’s green hydrogen, the purest source of energy in the world — and one that could replace up to three quarters of our emissions, if we improve the technology and had the scale.”
Where are you going to get all the el needed?
I think it must be obvious to even the meanest intelligence, that the existence of: ‘Covid-19’ is an utter fiction, and so it must follow that there is no epidemic. Rather, is it only too apparent that the invented story of an epidemic is a prelude to Schwab’s and Gates’s plan (of longstanding) to enslave humanity, and to remove that part of it they deem superfluous. The absurd mandates handed down by most governments are – at this point – a test of the public’s willingness to comply. I do for all that, still believe that there will be a militant resistance to this monstrous scheme.
“I think it must be obvious to even the meanest intelligence, that the existence of: ‘Covid-19’ is an utter fiction”
Unfortunately NOT true ! Here in Perth Australia we’re haveing a hard lockdown because 2 people were found to be effective. So the idiot megla Maniac in charge has shut down the City for 3 days & nights. And the idiots nearly ALL obey. Seventy five % in a MV witha single driver will haveb a mask on ! They are complety complian & brain washed. Talk about of the meanest intelligence. I even see some masked idiots with 3 & 4 yr old kids who also wear masks!
I agree James1. Also notice that the sudden order to lockdown was timed just before a three day holiday thus causing the most damage to restaurants and cafes who had stocked up in preparation for that holiday. The purpose – to continue destroying small business. Well done Perth.
And yes, there are still so many cult members. What will it take for them to wake up?
I would love to see the Glo-warms try to lock down business again over the fake climate change. Let’s start a new movement. F U Climate Knuckleheads
climate change is caused by solar flares, solar winds, and the earth’s inclination…anyone tell you different is lying. The russian scientists said several years ago that we are entering a global cooling effect, I trust them more than our fake media
Right. We are leaving a Grand solar maxium and heading into a Grand Solar Minimum–it’s all about the sun and cycles.
With climate change fanaticism, ‘climatochangism’, we face another flimflam, similar to those on race, gender, etc… We are, essentially, facing the same people and the same political problems, that is, a clear and premeditated attempt to substitute the class war that create so many problems to the elites, by more manageable and less dangerous issues, that have the potential to turn people against each other and prevent the union of the working class. To consider science as ‘irrefutable’, especially ‘historical sciences’ of the natural variety, is such a preposterous and absurd assertion, that those who made it are showing not only their total ignorance, but their complete and utter contempt for science and mankind. Like with the other varieties of post-modern batty causes (gender, race, etc…), ‘climatochangism’ is based on confusion, lies and manipulation of highly complex facts. Like in that other causes, confusion is the mother of all things. The confusion between rich and poor, is one of the essential lies with which they try to advance this agenda and, with it, to hit the, so called, poor in all countries. Indeed, who is rich in a nation? Is the author of this article or his colleagues, the very wealthy UN bureaucrats that party in Geneva or in Tribeca, classified as rich? Are they going to pay for all this? Will they bear the brunt of all the changes they propose? Why are the workers of the West, for example, to make room for the millions of millionaires of the East and their polluting factories? Why should the workers of the West reduce their low standards of living to allow the creation of very rich people in the East or South? Do these cheeky rich really think that we are so gullible?
Comite espartico – YES!
”COVID‐19 induced lockdowns led to reductions in aerosol and precursor emissions, chiefly soot or Black Carbon (BC) and sulfate (SO4). This is found to reduce the human caused aerosol cooling: creating a small net warming effect on the earth in spring 2020.”
Fauci and Morens tied covid 19 and climate change together in their paper published in cell. Summary is covid19 is the first in a long line of pandemics caused by global warming. We are at the start of a “pandemic era”. I wonder what else he has cooking in his Wuhan labs!
Yes, covid was the Old Testament. The New is globular worming. Come on you Scientific Clergy! Reverend David Gorski take it away!
Global worming I can cope with.
PS Send my regards to Craig and Clark.
Sure I’ll send your regards next time I bump into C&C down at the boozer!
Yeah, now we are heading in for the perfect storm, if you think this CONvid scam bad, this new AGW pimping skeem will be much worse.
The problem again is whom says what, because its the same people whom poluts that runs the show, exactly like in the scamdemic circus.
The problem witch is known is whom poluts, whom is destroying our envirioment, and why do we never debate that, instead we end up drooling about EV and termostats, again, they dont count in the long run. Lets take electic power consumption, did you know that Bitcoin is derived from “mining” witch I was seaching for, but didnt find it, but, the Bitcoin mining witch is done thru computers, all in all world wide have the same power consumption level alone, as entire Argentina, in leauge of Norway, total consumption thru out an entire year, and somehow, we never debate that.
Just one ex.
Polution, why are we never debating wars, the entire war machinery poluts more than anyone of us manages to do during an entire year, one carrier group alon pumps out insane amount of shit, regarding what they claim is air polution, the same do this hughe cruisers, one cruise ship spews out in one day as an million cars do, and thats cruse ships, then we have the tanker fleet, since they usualy burn Class B if I am correct crude oil, witch is by large the wurst shit of them all, I know since I have used burners whom used 8 tons pr. day, of Cl B oil whom is the reson it have to be pre-heated before becoming liquid, that one burner poluted more than the entire nation did in the same time frame, and then we have salt/sea water in the process witch resulted in dioxins, yeah, hallelujah and they whine about Me and my old diesel car, while they dont want to debate their own stupdity while they pimp EVs, in the end it dont matter, if you think globaly where its made and by what, if you are with me.
Another more briliant ex. is Norway, we electrifyed the platforms whom extracts oil/gass, forced them to take power from land, another billion Kr. swindle to south the Political freak show, because, regarding Norways anual output of polution, since this platf. burned the gass to produce their own electrcity thru generators/turbins, what happened was that this gass was shiped out of Norway to Europa and burned there, yeah, and the MSM and the politicians slapped eatch others backs and drooled something about envirioments victorys because of been able to reduce our anual output of polutants.
And the freak show continued with the Windmills.
Yeah, and this pukers are the ones whom leads us.
They dont pimp anything but reductions, period, move anything elsewhere witch is not changing anything so eventualy its about reductions and very, very little is about viable solutions.
Take Hemp, they have already made airplane bodys by hemp, car bodys in the 40s by hemp, boats since hemp is equal or not better than fiberglass, etc, to clouthing, and if I am correct, it even leads currents so it an be used in computers, and so on.
It is infact more energy consuming to recylce than to produce, witch again is hyped by the same morons whom drools something about us having 19 deg. in our houses.
I know, and I am 100% certain, we already have viable and sutainable solutions, but our main problem, is like the video linked previously about Monopolys, they, benefiits from what we have, they benefits from the idiotic solutions because of subsiding politics, and it can have weird effects like what makes Tesla car productions beneficial, not the cars, but selling Carbon Mission indulgences, an bilion dollah marked, etc, etc.
I could go on for an very long time, this few ex. I just picked out of my head right now, but the list is long, the faking of stats the same as before, the lies, prodjections to hockey sticks the same, infact, they just chaned the settings from Convid to AGW.
The wurst thing is, they, the cult, dont want to debate polution witch I want to, instead its about CO2, uh….. and they even manages to lie about everything even with that one.
I just gave you ex. on this swindle, just like the Scamdemic spectacle, its run by the scums of this earth.
And thru the same MSM, witch have dug out an new pack of “experts” of course whom wants to cencure anyone whom dont bow to their religion.
What could possibly go wrong
PS: diets, I once did the same as JR did, took out what I know contains to much Carbs, didnt reduce anything else, I love an health good British breakfast, and so on, just reduce the Carb intake, bread is one of the worst, etc, to suggar drinks, I drink water, coffy or genuine juice, if hot, I drink beer even alc free ones or low in levels of content.
My low carb diet have an massive effect on me in just some few weeks.
We are meat eaters, and I eat ripe fruits, etc.
Yes, the whole damn lot needs to collapse. Political systems based on populism do not work. As a side note. Electric cars. People are aware that they contain hundreds of kgs of finite rare earth elements, mainly lithium? And they need replacing every 3 or 4 years. Hydrogen. This is even dumber. Hydrogen has a negative energy return. It takes more energy to produce and store it than you get from it. Oh yeah. It’s all a crock. I’m learning how to ride a horse!
And all these wonderful new sources of energies need lots of petrol/fuel for their mining, transport, processing, manufacture, distribution, maintenance, etc. etc.
Oh yes, and ‘lectric cars still need roads -more fuel and maintenance, mining, etc. etc…… and on and on.
“We are meat eaters”
Why do we have to fry or boil it then?
We don’t have to cook it, we just prefer it that way.
Ever had sushi? Steak tartare? Carpaccio? Cooking just makes the calories better available/easier to digest. This is true of many (or all?) other non-meat foods too. You don’t need to do it though. Inuit people eat raw seal. Look up the “Inuit paradox” for an interesting refutation of the WHO recommendation about dietary fat and heart disease.
Transferring the blame for GHG/consuption/pollution to other countries through export/import/investment/intellectual property, etc. is an old game. Now the rules are getting tighter, so some oligarchs are worried.
Sorry. Any article that suggests that “lock down” has slowed atmospheric heating, is a misinformation sham. The atmosphere is a very big machine. It doesn’t adjust on a dime. Even if man reduced carbon emissions to zero in five years, the hangover from previous CO2 contributions will take Hundreds of Years to reduce and stabilize land and sea temperatures.
The IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) stated goal of 1.5° Celsius rise is an absurdity. Atmospheric temperatures surpassed that figure over 20 years ago… The Reset is not about global warming, it’s about exterminating 6 billion civilians.
Public deflection from industrial induced decay of environment, has been ongoing for at least 5 decades. There is no happy ending…
Global warming is a scam. They do want to depopulate though. It is the only way they can remain in control. There are too many people for the few to control and unless the internet got away from them. This is how they roll it all back.
This effect if particulate matter (including soot) and SOx was known for some time as “global dimming”. Perhaps it contributes to the lag between added GHG and higher temp. The biggest factor not studied or accounted for seem to be (in descending order)
:- water vapour, mostly evaded as not a GHG
:- sea grass, killed off by pollution
:- methane – studying it would upset the proponents of fracking.
More factors not properly accounted for (weighted):
– Condensation trails of aircraft at high altitudes.
– A slight drop in solar radiation.
– Strengthening winds temporarily burying warm surface water, as noted in the Pacific , Atlantic and Southern Oceans.
– Weakening of the magnetosphere which may be temporary; this indirectly reduces cloud cover and increases solar radiation.
– Any change in the total heat emitted by marine volcanoes, the planetary mantle and the planetary core.
Oddly, John Muir has been cancelled……Happy Birthday!
Fourth Industrial Revolution = Fourth Reich.
Klaus pére literally had them as clients so..apfel not fell far from tree.
You would like the Fourth Reich to come. All these were going to come out of the usurious international capital running.
It has often been claimed that there is an agenda to reduce meat consumption but the very opposite has occured. The EU gives more than £24bn to subsidise the meat industry. If there was an agenda to reduce animal consumption they certainly wouldn’t want to make dairy and flesh cheaper than fruits and salads. Useing up every last bit of land with subsidised cows and sheep whilst preventing volunteers from travelling to work on eco farms. What is said is often very different from what is actually going on or desired. The whole point of the climate change agenda is not to reduce carbon but to sabotage the green movement like covid is not about health but sabotaging health. These corporations make products that need to be replaced regularly. They are not designed to last but to waste resources. The whole concept of consumerism is bad for the enviroment. These are politicians, propaganda media and quite simply liars. What they say is not particularly useful. It is either an outright lie, deception or a distortion. It is hard to tell. If they are worried about “covid deniers” that could be the truth. They particularly don’t like the virus does not exist line of reasoning and so try to demonise the denier. In any case that is about the only use in keeping tabs on what they are saying. To see what they are shielding. If they say they want to reduce meat consumption it does not mean they do. Never in history have the dark forces ever desired a reduction in meat consumption. What they might want is more meat consumption by fewer people. When they talk of sustainability what they mean is sustainable debt payments but environmentalists will assume they mean sustainable systems. It is not the case. They want consumption, waste, destruction and inefficiency and if the world can’t handle it then the solution is not making product that last longer or uses less resources but fewer consumers buying even less efficient product. They don’t like veganism but the carnivore diet. They try to make vegans sick by promoting protein substitutes and selling unripe fruit etc.
[They want consumption, waste, destruction and inefficiency and if the world can’t handle it then the solution is not making product that last longer or uses less resources but fewer consumers buying even less efficient product.]
Who are “they?”
The usual suspects. Bin Biden, Pill Gates and Ching Chong Yen. These dark forces will even tell cosumers not to eat grapefruits coz the blood thinning drugs they prescribe wouldn’t be needed otherwise.

These boomers were more enlightened in the 70s. They drank fresh organge juice for breakfast and ate grapefruits. The grapefruit was something special. They were excited about it and the fruit was delicious. Not so nowdays. The quality has been sabotaged and eating a grapefruit is more of a chore than a source of wonderment. All of this is to demoralise and to rip apart the passion and joys of life. They are destroyers and satanists. Most likely they stocked different grapefruit varieties in their supermarkets to see which ones sold the worst and then gave those to the farmers. It is like the seedless varieties. Nobody actually ever demanded seedless varieties but they produced them because it is satanic. There is no seed so it is as dead as a hunk of flesh. This might not be so obvious to many but children will pick up on this subconciously and so too will adults. A watermelon with a million seeds gives a sense of abundance. Of life. Quite distinct from the bills and the rat race. Happyness is fruit. Even the carnivores will drink a fruit wine or put cranberry sauce to satisfy their lust for life.
I’m off to eat an apfel.
Watermelon and papaya seeds are nutritious.
Globalism incl. trade is such a rigged corrupt scam. Otherwise, food coming from across an ocean cannot compete with what farmers in your own area produce.
Yes, it seemed quite obvious early on in the Covid casedemic that the two big lies would be wed together… and as time went on one could really see this blending of agenda occurring in the media.
Thanks for laying it all out so well 🙂
The lie – a great big all ten fingers crossed behind your back lie – is not that there’s a problem with the climate. The LIE is that the ruling class gives a damn about the earth or its many life sustaining systems.
The ruling class is like the Slitheen (sic) on Doctor Who: they would nuke the planet and sell it for scrap if they could make a buck.
Let’s not throw out the baby (the environment) with the bathwater (the ruling class) – no matter how fetid the bathwater has become.
I very much agree.
Let’s purify our bathwater so that the baby doesn’t have to endure the ruling class.
With all the mask demands on the bus and plane having a private car is being encouraged by covid polcies. Who would ever trust public transport again? they already destroyed the railways when the nazis decided to use them to transport people to death camps using them and covid is a stark reminder of how dodgy public transport can be. Course the motorway was one of hitlers ideas so all the scenic views from bridges destroying whole valleys is nazi. The best is I suppose is walking or cycling on some lesser known route away from the crowds.
[they already destroyed the railways when the nazis decided to use them to transport people to death camps]
I used to roll about forever during nighttimes, endlessly grappling with the existential question: what “destroyed the railways?”
And here you simply state the “truth.”
The Nazis, of course! You are sooooo wise.
The railways to the work/concentration camps also got bombed by the ‘allies’ to cut off supply chains to the factories. The germans had pretty much already lost the war by then.
Which is what prevented food and medical supplies getting to the camps, which is why they were all starving and why there was an outbreak of typhus in the camps cause by lice and Flea infestations, resulting in the need for the Germans to fumigate all the clothing and bedding in special rooms, and shave everyones head to get rid of the lice to stop the spread of disease to Save Lives.
And then Hollywood (the bankers war propaganda machine) took these not uncommon preventative measures to stop disease spread in concentration and internment camps, and spun them into something else entirely. A victim cult you’re not allowed to criticise, all the worst manipulators play the victim card, its a very effective technique to evade criticism of all the despicable things they do.
The H word is a sensitive subject for many people and we are not allowed to talk openly about it. Why?
We are at least free enough to write about pretty much anything else….
My Great Grandad and his brother died in WWI.They left behind two young wives in abject poverty with eight young children to take care of. One of those kids was my Grandma, aged five years old at the time. One of those soldiers has a cross to mark his grave in Belgium, the other was MIA in France. As a child in the 1970 ‘s when I saw the films (newsreels) of the soldiers going ‘over the top’ in the trenches, I imagined that my blood relatives may have also been so brave and heroic. Much later in life I found out that the footage/newsreels of the young soldiers climbing out of the trenches were actually propaganda films of training exercises carried out on Salisbury Hill in England (not too far away from Stonehenge) and after further investigation I realised that they (and many thousands of other young men) had more likely died of disease or ‘friendly fire’ than from german bombs or bullets.
A lot of history is War Propaganda, it just suits the bankers long term agenda of enslaving humanity to keep it going. The Holocaust, Nuclear weapons, (weapons of mass destruction) nine eleven to name but a few.
Most of the deaths in the first world war were caused by experimental bacterial pneumonia “Vaccines” given to the troops on mass, which is why contrary to every other virus in history and indeed common sense, the so called “Spanish Flu” killed mostly young men of fighting age ! The fittest and the strongest, that makes no sense but it makes perfect sense, when you consider they signed their rights away when they joined and so were ripe for the rich to experiment on, all they had to do was bribe or blackmail a “defence” minister, and bulls*** a few others it was a good idea with yet more propaganda.
All that said These Lads were no doubt brave, its just a crying shame they were not fighting for what they thought they were fighting for
CryptoKasar, And it continued:
Porton Down is home to two UK Government facilities: a site of the Ministry of Defence’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) – known for over 100 years as one of the UK’s most secretive and controversial military research facilities, occupying 7,000 acres
The laboratory’s remit was to conduct research and development regarding chemical weapons agents used by the British armed forces in the First World War, such as chlorine, mustard gas, and phosgene.
When the Second World War ended, the advanced state of German technology regarding the organophosphorous nerve agents, such as tabun, sarin and soman, had surprised the Allies, who were eager to capitalise on it. Subsequent research took the newly discovered German nerve agents as a starting point, and eventually VX nerve agent was developed at Porton Down in 1952. (NOVICHOK????)
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, research and development at Porton Down was aimed at providing Britain with the means to arm itself with a modern nerve agent-based capability and to develop specific means of defence against these agents. Tests were carried out on servicemen to determine the effects of nerve agents on human subjects, with persistent allegations of unethical human experimentation at Porton Down.
In 1942, Gruinard Island, Scotland, was dangerously contaminated with anthrax after a cloud of anthrax spores was deliberately released over the island during a trial.
Two other nations have admitted testing nerve gas on humans, but nowhere on the scale the Britain has: the American military exposed about 1,100 soldiers between 1945 and 1975, and Canada tested a small number before 1968.
Between 1963 and 1975 the MRE carried out trials in Lyme Bay, Dorset, in which LIVE BACTERIA WERE SPRAYED FROM A SHIP, TO BE CARRIED ASHORE BY THE WIND TO SIMULATE AN ANTHRAX ATTACK. The bacteria sprayed were the less dangerous Bacillus globigiiand Escherichia coli, but it was later admitted that the bacteria adversely affected some vulnerable people. The town of Weymouth lay downwind of the spraying. When the trials became public knowledge in the late 1990s, Dorset County Council, Weymouth and Portland Borough Council and Purbeck District Council demanded a Public Inquiry to investigate the experiments. The Government refused.
During the same time period, Porton Down were investigated for another 25 deaths that surrounded the use of injecting anthrax, smallpox, polio and bubonic plague into unsuspecting volunteers. For 30 years the government refused any inquiries.
Porton Down has been involved in human testing at various points throughout the Ministry of Defence’s use of the site. Up to 20,000 people took part in various trials from 1949 up to 1989.
From 1999 until 2006, it was investigated under Operation Antler. In 2002 a first inquest and (source) in May 2004, a second inquest into the death of Ronald Maddison during testing of the nerve agent sarin commenced after his relatives and their supporters had lobbied for many years, which found his death to have been unlawful.
Ever wondered why American Servicemen who were NOT athletes, travelled to China?
In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, tenfold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world.
The US team did so badly that they were called “Soy Sauce Soldiers” by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019, and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero” and believe he was a member of the US team.
They also have sources that say the US had misrepresented influenza that Trump claims have killed thousands, influenza carried to China by the US team, influenza that was really COVID 19, a disease developed in a military bio-warfare facility in the state of Washington, now “ground zero” in the US for COVID 19.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicates they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred
Breaking/Exclusive: US Brought COVID-19 to China with Fake Army Team for Military Games, Evidence Mounting | Veterans News Alert
An interesting read : Hidden history: the secret origins of the First World War BY Gerry Docherty & Jim Macgregor. Also, research All wars are Bankers’ wars.
Thank You Frances.
To know who controls you, learn who you are not allowed to criticise.
Yeah, sure, CNN: I’ll scrap my (old) car for a bus ride. And then you’ll ban me from public transportation for not having a Vaccine Pass!!!!!
Go f*ck yourself, CNN!
we are the world we are the children
blah blah
citizens of rome
today is
happy earth day
school timetables for the slaves
next next next
what day is next named
never has so much pizza been eaten
so much fizzy sugar corn syrup pop drink
so many pizza boxes made
plastics shipping boxes cardboard everywhere
let us bring you a complete meal for 3 or 4
for dinner
safe at home
dustbins getting bigger and bigger
nhs hospitals truck after truck removal toxic waste
or burn it on site
flood the neigh hood with smoked cancer
creating more customers perfect
so many nano worm china fibre mask
not surgical but goy special
so much filth been thrown dumped
the little rotschild boy
golem from sweden
called greta travels
first class private jet or carbon fibre 10 million dollar yacht
while it screams walk or travel by bike
for china rise the scales dipped
khazars require year zero for us
bike time over in china
bike time now for here
UK Column News – 23rd April 2021
YouTube temporarily banned UKC after the video “Harsh Reality of Vaccine Adverse Effects” was uploaded.The video was still private and had not yet been made public. Vimeo also removed video from private.
It featured the personal testimony of a woman after her husband collapsed, who is still in ICU following the Covid jab. The diagnosis from the hospital is that he is suffering from vaccine after-effects.
The gov is clearly very sensitive to verified reports of vaccine adverse effects.
Time on programme: @02:50
2014 Ex-PM David Cameron launched censorship agenda at UN — “Stop the non-violent extremists from preaching hatred… take down videos.”
OFCOM-ATVOD forced UKColumn and YT channels to shut down “television-like” services. OFCOM later backed down, took video-on-demand regulation back in-house. OFCOM is in bed with BBC, many people drawing pensions while sitting on OFCOM board.
2017 Under cover of fighting terror, then Home Secretary Amber Rudd called in tech firms.
Actual terrorists continued to share content, esp from Syria, some with the support and help of the UK Gov.
One month later Damien Collins switched the target from terrorism to news.
Theresa May proposed legal liability for tech companies. Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism launched
Poynter set up International Fact-Checking Network funded by George Soros Open Society
Google deranked RT and Sputnik
The Trust Project launched by Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
2018 Theresa May announced Internet regulation at Davos.
Survey claimed 7/10 people said tech should do more to stop terrorist content.
Matt Hancock as Digital Secretary said gov would take action to “safeguard the lifeblood of our democratic discourses”.
2019 Alex Aiken set up Rapid Response Unit to monitor online news and discussions and to steer the narrative.
Facebook partners with Atlantic Council to fight election propaganda.
G7 launches Rapid Response Mechanism (not the same as Rapid Response Unit) to create global narratives on Russia, Pandemics etc.
Full Fact launched, linked to Facebook Journalism Project.
Cairncross Review into A Sustainable Future For Journalism published — followed by government pumping £millions into the press.
Online Harms White Paper published, to ensure “the UK is the safest place in the world to be online.” Veneer changes again from terrorism to children but the small print is about “disinformation”.
Anyone running a forum put at risk of fines up to 10% of turnover up to £18 million.
UKC comment:
David Scott: global messaging is obvious, using the same words and images across the world during Event Covid.
Also, I suspect the BBC don’t like the competition that we and other YouTubers are providing because their audience is dwindling fast. Regulation is always about protecting the established players from competition.
Brian Gerrish: UKColumn has raised topics that the BBC and the Gov prefer to ignore:
Call for paying subscribers to increase in numbers in order to decentralise and distribute the content. The discussion in its forum produces information, ideas and the content is spread on Twitter and Facebook. However the censors are rampant. Entire Facebook groups that were discussing adverse effects have been closed down.
“We can’t leave one part of the world unvaccinated and leave them angry because they never had the chance.”
Pfizer eye disorders 2219; blindness 31
Pfizer total adverse reax 143,034; Deaths 334
AZ eye disorders: 7814; blindness 124
AZ total adverse reax: 548,496; Deaths 627
Moderna records are locked.
Telegraph — Coronavirus latest news: AstraZeneca blood clot risk doubles, data show, but benefits ‘still outweigh risks’
Mail — Mother’s legs erupt in agonising blood-filled blisters ‘after getting AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine’
– the 34-year-old is currently wheelchair bound.
Lisa Brackenridge, former nurse, discusses life in the NHS under the Covid policy agenda in an interview with UKC.
Culture of obedience to the narrative pervades management. Nurses retiring, going sick as way to escape behavioural manipulation.
Brian Gerrish: some NHS staff say their colleagues seem mesmerized or brainwashed. This is the malicious use of applied psychology to get a political agenda through.
UK Column News – 23rd April 2021
Ben Weich Media Officer, joined Feb 2020
– maybe Covid reversed improvements in mortality (no evidence)
– if you reached 82 you could have gone on longer thus Covid in reality shortened life although you had already lived longer than average (hard to prove)
– death rate was last this high in 2008 but we’ve got healthier over the last 13 years (no evidence)
“Where did they get him?” – David Scott. He is claiming to make a fact-make assessment without facts. For most of his life the death rates were higher… he never though that was unusual. He is trying to deceive people.
Age Standardized Mortality 1971-2020 shows current mortality rate is lower than in any but nine recent years.
FOI request asks for sex, age, date, organ failure etc…
MHRA gives no date of when it will release data. Thus it is simply a cover up.
Getting audiences used to vaccine passports
You only have free movement if you “Show Us Your Papers, Please”
Owners warned against cuddling their cats after kitten dies from Covid
– wear a mask, wash your hands.
Fake news from the Daily Telegraph as further down the story it admits Prof Margaret Hosie, of the Centre for Virus Research at the University of Glasgow… noted that it was speculation that Covid-19 had triggered the kitten’s pneumonia.
Mike Robinson: where are the dead cats, where are the dead humans
David Scott: The Simpsons did this: Simpsons – Life Imitates Art – House Cat Flu
COP26 President Alok Sharma said: “As we prepare for COP26 in Glasgow I’m delighted to see how Sky, a Principal Partner and Media Partner for COP26, is informing and engaging its viewers about the climate crisis, and the need for urgent action, through the Daily Climate Show.
There will also be a digital edition of the programme published across all of Sky News’ social platforms, including Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram, in a bid to reach new audiences.
– MC Obviously it is already short of ideas because plastic waste and Chernobyl are not on the face of it climate issues.
Former Minister of State for Europe finds it amusing that we have low-quality individuals running the country
The negative capability of Alan Duncan – by Paul Goodman
Sky News: ‘We can build back greener’ – Boris Johnson
Mike Robinson: the western mantra has been we must shut down output and be less productive because we have to cut our energy use and rely on windmills — and the result of that is going to be the destruction of Africa.
David Scott: China put 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired capacity into use in 2020 alone. The idea that they won’t have that operating by 2030 is fanciful. They are going to ignore the Green agenda.
Proposal begins before school, with more child care in school, after school, in holidays – extensive child care financed by the taxpayer.
BBC: Scottish election 2021: SNP pledges ‘wraparound’ childcare for families
David Scott: this is the SNP’s profusion of free stuff.
MC: how does this fit with lockdown killing jobs…will the working parents still have employment and who will pay the taxes?
In 1971 on the Dick Cavett Show, director, actor, author and comedian Jonathan Miller claimed most doctors agreed with withdrawing medication to stop keeping old people alive. He argued that old people created a culture clash in society that was greater than anything posed by migration.
Jonathan Miller died at the age of 86 in Nov 2019
UK Column News – 23rd April 2021
Of course not only does the BBC not like competition, but, like any large corporation, it is prepared to go to ruthlessly criminal and treasonous lengths to eliminate it – and with full governmental support, of course.
About that clip on the Dick Cavett show, it reminded me of what a courteous, reasonable and intelligent man Enoch Powell was, despite a great deal of ignorant abuse from the soon-to-be-neoliberal/politically-retentive establishment.
The following statements, which were made in 1981 by powerful international banker and unapologetic eugenicist, Jacques Attali, are taken from Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit when Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand:
“In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as it exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly, then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially the stupid ones.
Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. We cannot of course execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to run intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.
We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.”
That reads like a blueprint for the current ‘pandemic’.
I don’t like commenting on how a person looks, but Greta Thunberg is one weird-looking human being. She reminds me of a teenage psycho doll in an episode of Thunderbirds.
Greta Thunderbird.haha.
Seriously, If I had to guess, I think she’s had hormonal issues, who knows…
Like I dunno shit about her or her past, but it looks like endocrine related shit. Possibly even vaccine related, maybe nutritional…shit like that.
vaccines, veganism and george soros shekels… a deadly mix…
for every one ..
Our Greta is usually dressed in clothes a bit too big for her, to give a waif and child-like appearance. Her hair is stylishly messy. She has a top team of PR/propaganda experts working for her.
However, our Greta is approaching 19 years of age (I think), and is fast losing her cunningly-contrived cuteness. Soon she’ll be growing breasts, visible even through the too big clothes! she might even have a boyfriend (or girlfriend)!
All so carefully constructed to fool the masses. And it usually does.
only breast the boy may get will be hormonal
or implanted
in the country of the blind
very few can sea
tuned out
ho hum
“Thunberg’s family has a long lineage of theatric pursuits. Her father, mother, and sister are all involved in theatre in some way or another. Even her grandfather, Olof, was a famous director and actor.”
What vile garbage, she’s a kid, who are you cowards
[What vile garbage, she’s a kid, who are you cowards]
Date of birth: 3 January 2003.
You do the calculations yourself and decide how much of a “kid” she still is.
She’s a damn kid, I have a grand daughter 2 years older and she’s a kid. Good lord who are you pack of rancid cowards to demonise a young girl like this.
She is not a kid. She is a propaganda prop
If she’s a kid then why not attack her parents? Why attack us? Kids can be ugly horrible liars unless your kids come from fantasy land.
OK, but she is still an arrogant, cheeky, little madam who is preaching some dangerous propaganda which could influence a lot of naïve young people.
No she isn’t. Not anymore. If her parents are going to use her in a global propaganda game she is fair game for criticism
Time for her to learn that lying to and insulting people comes with consequences. She’s an ugly gnome: I hope she’s a lesbian for her own future happiness.
I don’t care about Greta one bit but this kind of mockery of an individual is low. It’s one of those completely deteriorated ways dialog happens on the internet – where people become a more heartless version of themselves. If it does something, it is to distance the people on the forum from their humanity. It certainly does not enlighten or change minds or improve the discussion.
OK, I apologise, however, like many people, I’m also getting very pissed off with being mocked 24/7 for the last 14 or so months by the corona clowns, vax salespeople and their dishonest TV scientists.
I also understand that two wrongs do not make a right and an eye for an eye makes everyone blind.
BTW Frieda,I think you post some great stuff here. I don’t often listen to podcasts but I listened to one of yours last week and enjoyed it very much.
Thank you so much! That’s very kind.
If she is going to be used in a global propaganda campaign she deserves to be mocked.
Its not mocking Greta, but look at her parents and the large, professional backers promoting her. She is being used to further their agenda. Wake up!
So she can tell us to stop being bad for not believing her lies, but we are not allowed to respond. Get real.
I don’t think Miss Greta has fooled the masses – nor that she was ever meant to. Rather, the power elite pretend to be fooled by her spiel – which, of course, conveniently omits any reference to geoengineering/climate engineering/chemtrails, etc.
Oh how people love you when you tell them just what they want to hear and not one word more.
“The power elite” are the ones behind the whole scam of Greta. And IF the masses hasn´t been fooled by her , as you write , it doesn´t make any difference for “the power elite”, as long as they go with the flow. And that they do precisely this is a fact that I don´t think even you can deny.
She wasn´t meant to fool the masses ? Are you really serious ?
Agreed Howard. Also left out of their rehearsed agenda is any mention of the huge pollution caused by military games, wars, movements. This is happening for 24 hours every day. But let’s just focus on washing our hands and not using too much water… save the planet, etc.
it a boy
a man now
shirley you can
sea that
How DARE you! (couldn’t resist 🙂 ) look up Foetal alcohol syndrome, her mother was an aloholic.
who are you to make such vile claims, she’s a kid, if she was born with foetal alcohol syndrome that is not her fault, that would be her mothers. But if you have never known anyone with this you should be ashamed, it’s damn awful for the sufferers, many kill themselves in utter despair
[But if you have never known anyone with this you should be ashamed…]
So if someone mentions that it is possible that she may suffer from foetal alcohol syndrome, they must be “ashamed” for postulating that?
Frankly that is not what I view as a mature outlook.
Who are you to postulate, what the hell did the poor girl ever do to you. I think this sort of cruelty to a disabled young girl is shameful.
She is not a poor girl. She is well taken care of. Being the star of a global propaganda campaign has plenty of perks. Don’t worry Marilyn. Your prop will be just fine
She’s not disabled. She does not have autism. Her whole family is part of “The Order”. They know exactly what they are doing. It’s a script. And they are being paid lots of money to perform.
Marilyn, you surprise me. You can see through the covid scam, but you can’t see through the greta scam?
I remember a headline somewhere that Greta declared that she had had ‘covid’. I think the ‘poor kid’ is quite aware of what she is doing.
Apart from virtue signalling, why are you imposing your holier than thou attitude on us? There are plenty of people way more deserving than the gnome.
The only claim I made is that her mother was an alcoholic, this has been widely reported by the media. I did not assign any blame to the young lady, I have a niece with FAS and know the issues intimately, get off your high horse with your faux outrage attempted shaming. It’s her parents, and the globalists, that should be ashamed for using an innocent child as a psycholgical operation figurehead.
Or Chris Whittys secret lovechild perhaps.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed. There is something not quite right with her face.
I sometimes wonder if the characters who appear on TV pushing the covid agenda are chosen because they are people with despicable personality traits.Maybe none of them had any friends when they were young. I dunno.
The girl seems to come from a psychologically deadly family background, and conceivably has genetic flaws.
There’s nothing to haha about here. She is not in control of what the media, her family and her government have decided to do with her.
She is a useful victim, being shamelessly exploited, and if she survives to adulthood, it will be a miracle if she finds any mental balance.
Instead of receiving guidance in finding a viable moral compass, she is being brainwashed before our eyes.
That said, it has been ages since I saw her on the news, so I would imagine that there is pressure on her minders to consider her well-being to some extent.
Interesting….and then when these wounded souls grow up and become prime ministers like Boris, or Bill gates…and believe me their energy fields are just as wounded…we end up continuing to be manipulated into accepting they should be able to rule over humanity because somehow they just continue to collect the power and money…weird
‘There’s nothing to haha about here.’
Well, we can either ‘haha’ or ‘boohoohoo’ about the bullshit which is going on right now.
I really like your thoughtful posts btw.
Leave Greta alone, she’s not the problem; the powerful NGOs exploiting her are!
Don’t worry about Greta, am sure she’s well protected.
As those nice folks at the Club of Rome wrote, “”in searching for a new common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. all these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself”. If that wasn’t obvious enough they wrote in 1974, “the Earth has a cancer and man is the cancer”.
That this points to mass population reduction should be obvious. As a speaker told the Gorbachev State of the World Forum in 1997, “cut the population by 90% and there aren’t enough people to do a great deal of ecological damage”. Kissinger put it slightly more modestly in ‘The Final Days’ when he wrote, “the world population must be reduced by 50%”. They don’t try to hide that the more we’re willing to be impoverished the more of us they might let live. The ‘Global Assessment Report of United Nations Environmental Progres’ wrote about how many people the Earth could sustain: “A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1 billion. At the more frugal European standard of living, 2 to 3 billion would be possible”.
A few parts of the agenda the article has missed but various “Green” groups advocate. One is control of every household thermostat. People should not be allowed to set the temperature of their home above, say, 19 degrees (a nice occult number!). Pets will also have to go. Dogs and cats eat too much meat. Have a robot seal instead (look it up, they’ve done psychological research into the benefits of robot seals. I’m not making this up). The future world of ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?’ was a world with only synthetic pets. People assume this was because of radiation or pollution but nowhere does it say this. PKD hung out with Silicon Valley types and knew a thing or two about what was coming down the pipeline. H.G. Wells wrote about ‘The Open Conspiracy’ and much of what they’re planning is clearly shown in ‘predictive programming’. The 2018 film ‘Upgrade’ is a good lesser-known example. Even Hitler or Mao didn’t try to control household temperatures and abolish Rover.
The destruction of motoring fits in with their idea of ‘The Fifteen Minute City’. Everything you need will be available within a fifteen minute journey. Of course this is only viable if needs are a) homogenised and b) reduced. Electric cars (shared of course – not owned) will also be driverless cars. Merely crashing into a tree and killing two people the other day can’t derail that agenda. That the authorities will have backdoors into driverless cars and be able to stop them, open the doors and wind down the windows is already quietly admitted. Nobody need worry that the technology might be hacked because although Vladimir Putin can hack the US election, like with your forthcoming central bank digital currency, nobody will be able to hack this.
All this would be bad enough if the self-professed elite really believed it. However it is manifestly a cynical exercise in control. Firstly, it’s the very people who have brought about the real environmental damage and grown rich off it who now bring the solutions. Secondly, at the same time they’re “protecting Nature” they’re pushing forward with transhumanism where ultimately life will be lived in perpetual VR. The elite’s real view of the material world, derived from Gnosticism and Luciferianism, is that God screwed up Creation and they can do so much better, ascending to the status of gods in the process.
Maybe this is one of the reasons they want to shift focus?
At least 60 percent of all new Covid-19 “cases” are occurring in people who were already vaccinated
“Dr. Harvey Risch, a professor of epidemiology at Yale University, has calculated that upwards of 60 percent of all new “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated” for the disease.”
French drug assessment center says all four Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, should be pulled off the market
“The Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques (CTIAP), a regional independent drug assessment center in France, has published a report showing that none of the four Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccinations” currently being administered are safe or effective because all of them received emergency use authorization (EUA) with insufficient clinical testing.”
And note that the Chinese are not being vax for the wuhan flu using this weird injection…wonder why?
They already stated they don’t need it. Of course they already have the passport system and social credit scoring in place. So why would they need it?
I am convinced more than ever that the style of presentation is everything. The recent BBC article on “the horror” of India is a perfect example. There truly is a horror but not the one you think from the way it’s being reported. The genius is that, strictly speaking, they don’t lie about anything. Yes the covid case figure is impressively disturbing – but it means nothing and in fact, if it is accurate, it’s good news since all these “asymptotic” people are (to use a quaint term) immune. And I daresay the funeral pyres are also burning away – but the specific reason for them is glossed over or rationalised as “covid cases taking over medical services” i.e. people ill with something else but testing positive for the big C and thus commandeering the medical facilities.
But very few read over the details and really think about them. All they pick up is the tone of COVID terror.
Tone is all. I’m starting to think that a news reader could say, “And in today’s news everything is fine and there’s nothing whatsoever to worry about!” – but putting on a tone of fear – and most viewers would run away screaming!
But the single biggest problem is that people trust the media. And for as long as they do that, there’s nothing you can do.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
asymptote | ˈasɪm(p)təʊt |
a straight line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it at any finite distance.
asymptotic | ˌasɪm(p)ˈtɒtɪk | adjective
asymptotically | asɪm(p)ˈtɒtɪk(ə)li | adverb
Sorry I meant asymptomatic, defined as, “(of a condition or a person) producing or showing no symptoms”.
a news reader could say, “And in today’s news everything is fine and there’s nothing whatsoever to worry about!” — but putting on a tone of fear — and most viewers would run away screaming!
We should get a consummate actor to do that scene for us.
It might even go viral and encourage a couple more people to resuscitate their brains.
I have said to people that 1.8million die a year in India from pneumonia and respiratory illnesses they discombobulate.
It doesn’t register that the population number of Northern Ireland dies from specific respiratory conditions annually in India.
Because they don’t really care that’s why.
It’s not a quaint term but a highly sinister term. nobody gains any immunity. eat shit, take toxic medications, get exposed to pollution, stress, covid propaganda etc. and you will get sick eventually. If you have been sick already you are more likely not less likely to get sick again, unless you learn’t something from the experience which you probably won’t do if you believe in the germ theory. If you improved your diet, lifestyle, upped your sunlight exposure then you improved your health and it was no thanks to the paracetamol or herd. Herd immunity is a completely bogus, absurd idea like claiming the moon is made of cheese, put out by these anti science flat earthers in the covidian cult.
It’s lying by omission. ‘They’ have been doing this since February last year.
[It’s lying by omission. ‘They’ have been doing this since February last year.]
Maybe just a wee bit earlier than that?
For example, check out how the Egyptian spindoctors regaled their “true” version of the conflict with the Hittites from a bit earlier in our collective human history. The Pharaoh was an honest-to-goodness hero, don’tcha know!
Oh yes of course but I was referring to the covid bs. 🙂
Covid cases is similar to flu cases, nothing special. What counts is Covid deaths. India had much more traffic deaths before the lockdown circus than Corona ever managed.
The funeral pyres in India are normal. This is simply how the Hindus do it- mass cremation.
There are relatively few burials in India and based on tradition there have not been for say about several thousand years if not forever.
Hindus cremate- Christians bury. India is majority Hindu and in poor areas there is mass cremation.
The CNN’s, BBC’s of the world are counting on the Western media consumers to know nothing about the religions, traditions or culture of India.
There is nothing going on in India other than increased testing with the phony PCR tests, fear mongering and priming the pump for a vaccine dump. Oh and mass deprivation by the Western-backed Modi government.
The uptake of the “vaccines” was around 1.5% in India, not meeting the expectations of the Pharma ghouls, and the uptake in Western countries is stalling. This translates into massive numbers of pre-produced poisonous vials sitting on the shelves with a shrinking number of readily available arms.
Manufacture a crisis in India in order to “sell the solution” and dump massive amounts of vaccines on “Third World” countries all subsidized by taxpayers from Western countries with, of course, profits going straight to the Pharma corps and their parasitic investors.
Next up Sub-Saharan Africa and a campaign to “save the African children” from Covid or some such propaganda? Western governments love to save African children when they are bombing the crap out of them.
All of it translating into transfer of wealth from the taxpayers to the investor class.
It recalls those “shocking” mass burials in New York which were actually regular burials of unknown bodies speeded up by new morgue regulations minimising the time that corpses could be kept. Indeed – the speeding up of the burial was an inevitable result of the change in regulation. So – an interesting manufacture of an “apocalyptic” scene!
And when I think back on that, I realise anew what a fucking con the whole thing is. These accelerated burials were reported in an odd passive way as in, “Scenes of mass grave digging have been reported” as if it was all done furtively when the most minimal investigation, which could have been done by anyone with access to the net, would have cleared the whole thing up.
Problem is, in the dumbed down West anno 202x “the most minimal investigation” is waaay to much to hope for …
“All of it translating into transfer of wealth from the taxpayers to the investor class.”
Yep, the main force behind all the shit going on in this world: Greedy psychopaths after more and more and more and …
The global population of around 8 billion has been made possible and is only sustained by the energy generated by humanity. Most of this comes from ‘fossil’ fuels. Reducing the energy supply by transitioning to ‘green’ energy and enforced reduced economic activity will lead ineluctably to environmental devastation a reduction in global population.
All this is being directed by a small group of neo Malthusians determined to corner even more of the world’s resources.
So now the true links are revealed:
The COVID epidemic was the covert reason for lockdowns.
Lockdowns are the covert reason for societal control and reduced economic activity.
Reduced economic activity is the covert reason for population reduction.
But just wait until the price of bread rises for the whole thing to shatter into a thousand pieces.
Well… today had a lady who I chat too occasionally walked past me while I was selling the mag, and she stopped and blurts out: “I’m getting vaccinated on Monday so I can go to the movies again”.
Let those words sink in for ten seconds.
I’ve also had people say to me they planned to get jabbed so they could go overseas again (or so they believe)
I was incredulous, but remained calm and it turned out this lady actually believed these “vaccines” were actually vaccines.
I explained that they weren’t like ‘normal vaccines’, and showed her the Offguardian website and pointed out the stories ‘Covid’s IFR rate keeps dropping’ and ‘Perspectives on the Pandemic #13’. I also told her about the VAERS website and that there were some excellent articles on the “vaccines” here as well.
I asked her to delay her decision and check out the articles and videos here first. Usually I get quite flustered and tongue tied so was glad I stayed calm.
The current Big Issue mag is, wait for it, a ‘climate change’ special, with at least 4 articles on this subject, and one of the writers includes a couple of paragraphs gushing about how wonderful Greta Thunberg is and is such an inspiration for adults!
Thankfully, none of them explicitly link lockdowns to climate change, tho the lead article is titled ‘Dr Karl – His Guide to Saving the Planet’.
Don’t you just love that soft focus Sofa propaganda delivered every morning on the BBC? The absolute propaganda drivel that comes out of their combined orifices reminds me of a passage in Orwell’s 1984. Winston Smith (the hero of the novel) was in the canteen talking to his contemporary, the intellectual Syme. A non-stop drivel was coming from the next table. Syme made a measured observation. ‘There is a word in Newspeak, it is called duckspeak, to quack like a duck. What a brilliant insight. That’s what we get from the MSM 24 hours a day 7 days a week – duckspeak. MSM duckspeak!
The absolute propaganda drivel that comes out of their combined orifices reminds me of a passage in Orwell’s 1984.
probably not a coincidence, because Orwell based the Ministry of Truth on his experiences with the BBC.
That’s the passage ok.
“Zeal was not enough. Orthodoxy was unconsciousness.”
That’s the heart of it.
Which is why I do not look at the BBC, nor do I look at the vile ABC here in Australia, nor do I look at any TV news, and I haven’t read a newspaper for over 16 years now. Ignore the presstitutes! Turn them off!
Presstitutes, also known as repeaters 🙂
Talking about Winston Smith…
Metaphysics of the Hangman
The Ocean Collective
“On their long journey that leads them toward the light;
Winston Smith shall be their guide
They are trying so hard to believe that two and two makes five
Reason won’t concuss the irrevocable truth
And if there’s contradiction:
Keep the faith, burn the proof
To protect ourselves from the superstitions of priests and moralists
And the trickery of evangelists;
Let us be done with the idea of moral law:
Where do your values come from?
From inside yourself?
Or from some self-appointed moral cognoscentes
Who disguised their own ideas
As universal concepts?
God is dead
Where do your values come from?
From inside yourself?
Or from some self-appointed moral cognoscentes
Who disguised their own ideas
As universal truth?
(Tried so hard to believe)
(Two and two make five)
Greta Thunberg is a pure media invention. She is not wonderful and she can only inspire unthinking emotional idiots. She is being used by her parents and the PTB and is accepting her £10m nest egg for having done so.
She is totally ignorant about climate science, knows nothing of it. She fixates on carbon dioxide but knows nothing about its relative importance in controlling climate.
She may know how to get a free global pass to spout what the PTB want her to spout, but that’s neither admirable nor an inspiration.
If it is, then a good looking woman using her body to become the highest of high class hookers is too.
I know that Rhys! I was just pointing out that the writer of the article on climate change was singing Greta’s praises and how she was so inspirational! (🤢) Remember, here in Australia The Big Issue has now become like a cross between The Guardian and a women’s magazine, as it seems to in the UK, and it’s target audience is your Guardian reading Labour LibDem type liberals.
I did read the excellent analysis of how Greta T was “discovered” over at Wrong Kind of Green.
Once again the Tao Te Ching may prove prophetic (though note this is a rosy eyed view!):
And then the odious, vile ideology of Neoliberalism came along. And now here we are. I loathe it and everything it has done to this World, and how it has so warped people’s psyches.
I make a conscious effort to live as simply as I can George, and I try to treat others as I would like them to treat me, tho, yes, I’m not perfect in this respect. Will dig out my copy of the Tao Te Ching in a while and have a contemplative read.
Knotting rope in place of counting: People in Andean South America used knotted ropes (quipu) to record quantities. Hawaiians also had something similar.
“When cleverness and knowledge arise, great lies flourish.” – Lao Tzu
“The science is settled”. Even if that were true (which it isn’t except in the sense of “the only scientists allowed on TV will have to agree with it”), science was once not very long ago settled on these too:
The Planet doesn’t give a fuck about some bunch of motherfuckers trying to save it (read: fuck it up).
The Planet a.k.a. Mother Nature is doing her own thing, hitherto rather patiently tolerating the fucking vermin crawling on her surface. The Planet is graciously swirling through space, dancing with the stars, other planets, smiling at comets, the Universe’s gypsies that pass by from time to time to cheer up things, occasionally getting bumped into by meteorites.
When Mother Nature has had enough of dickheads like Bill the Peddler of Shitty Software or Klaus “Anal” Schwab, it will blow the motherfuckers off the face of the Planet or flush them down or burn them, whatever she sees fit. The rest of us will suffer the same fate, unfortunately, but we’ll only have ourselves to blame for not blowing the aforementioned motherfuckers off the face of the Earth ourselves.
Fuck the Earth Day. A non-fucked up person needs no fucking Earth Day to celebrate life, nature. For such a person, every day is an earth day.
Excellently worded. In a weekend, the planet could be rid of the biggest parasite it has ever hosted.
No amount of tech or bombs would stop it.
Mass Psychosis…
I love that channel!
Groundbreaking Study Shows Shielding EMF Improves Autoimmune Disease
Novel research reveals that blocking exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) produces significant symptom changes in 90% of patients with autoimmune disease.
Even just 3g messes with vitamin D production…aside from DNA, mitochondria, etc.
“Derangements in Vitamin D Pathways
Research shows that Vitamin D Receptor (VDR) pathways are susceptible to interference by electrosmog (1). Functionality of the vitamin D receptor, a transcription factor that translocates to the nucleus and influences gene expression when bound to vitamin D, is fundamental for immunomodulation. The cascade of effects that occur upon vitamin D binding to its receptor reinforce gut barrier integrity, establish oral tolerance, and suppress autoimmune responses by enabling the immune system to differentiate self from non-self.
According to researchers, the shape of the VDR molecule transforms with electrosmog exposure within the frequency range of WiFi routers: “Groups of hundreds of atoms which form the helical “backbone” of the VDR…shift together at the lower frequencies present in electrosmog” (1). Sophisticated molecular dynamics software, which illustrates the lock-and-key interaction between the vitamin D receptor and its native ligand, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin-D (1,25-D), have shown that so-called Lorentz forces act upon charged oxygen atoms in carboxyl groups of the vitamin D receptor (1). These Lorentz forces may either promote or hinder activation of the vitamin D receptor, depending on both the frequency of the “molecular interactions, and that of the impinging electromagnetic waves” (1).”
Pulsed EMF (which is what they’re talking about, e.g.from wi-fi, mobile phones, and especially masts) also (a) disrupts calcium metabolism at the cellular level and (b) inhibits or damages lymphocyte production. As most people know, lymphocytes are a crucial component of the immune system. They are manufactured in the bone marrow, in only a few parts of the skeleton, notably the pelvis and skull – the very sites most exposed to intense mobile phone radiation, respectively when carrying the phone in a pocket or when pressing it (in contravention of manufacturers’ advice) against the head.
Pulsed EMF also causes cancer, especially breast cancer, interferes with sperm production, and has many other charming effects, which is why I do not use a smartphone or have wi-fi in my house. It’s bad enough that my neighbours are irradiating me, though the effects diminish with the square of distance.
More info here:
Incorrect; Covid is the new ‘War on Carbon’. The climate is always changing.
There of course has been the pied piping of the Greta Thunberg machine and the tag along of the Greens into Covid authoritarianism. All circling the WEF.
It is sad to see the Green movement now but a vehicle for corporate interests and hypnotised by dumbed down, mawkish propaganda. It’s tempting to say that it has become my enemy, although in truth it was always rooted in a paradigm of secular, liberal, economistic politics, and these are the root problem. Without some return to a soulful social system, Green politics will likely drive the worst dystopia our world has ever seen, as it takes the side of ‘nature’ against human nature, and there is no limit to that opposition- except maybe our annihilation.
Purging modern mental poison is to stop answering modern questions. If your worldview has as its core foundation ideas of good government and economics, you’ve yet to liberate yourself from secular politicisation. Political order is secondary to its cause, the soul. Start there.
-tweet by @Apotheiite
The fecken Greens here in Victoria are staunch supporters of the covid fascism and twice, had absolutely no qualms voting for an extension of the Victorian State of Emergency, which was extended until December this year.
Completely coincidentally (of course!) we had an outbreak of “cases” in Melbourne a few days before the State of Emergency was due to expire. Twice. Hence it was extended. The Greens, like the so called Labour Parties all round the world sold their souls a long time ago.
I agree fully with your comment here.
Did you see the XR protestors at Canary Wharf in London breaking windows of the HSBC bank ? No arrests as far as I can tell – which , if the case further confirms the notion of them as permissable astro turf protestors.
The Green movement was jump started in the 70s by big banking families like the Goldsmiths (the Green Party, the Ecologist magazine etc.).
No, I didn’t see that, but imagine the reaction of the cops if those protesters had have been anti lockdown ones? They would have been charged with police horses with batons flying in all directions. By the way, Wrong Kind of Green did an excellent analysis of Extinction Rebellion on their blog. AstroTurf is spot on.
[…it was always rooted in a paradigm of secular, liberal, economistic politics, and these are the root problem.]
I disagree with most of that, except notably the politics part.
Politics is the utopian playground for psychopaths.
But there is nothing wrong with the original secular, liberal idea of letting each one believe in whatever religion they want to, as long as they do not enforce it on others.
Same for the liberal idea of allowing people the freedom to live their economic lives as they prefer, without being forced to support delinquents who want something for nothing.
Voluntarily assisting your fellow human being in need is morally good. Being forced to “assist” every human being who simply screams “oppression” is evil.
That is not my understanding of what is meant by a ‘secular society’, which is a society no longer rooted in/ connected to the metaphysics of the divine. There have been many societies that have shown religious tollerance to those whose faith is not that of the ‘state religion’, but what we have now is a situation where the power system aligns explicitly with materialism, and this has led to a celebration of greed and anti-social values.
“Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical, including the premises connected to a world the centre of which is constituted of technology, science, production, “productivity,” and “consumption.” And as long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, and that, generally speaking, human progress is measured by the degree of wealth or indigence—then we are not even close to what is essential…”
I am currently reading the writings of RD Laing (politics of experience) which commenter ‘lost in a dark wood’ quoted from, a couple of weeks ago (thank you for that).
Here is another quote from Laing that is in pertinent to our current situation where many (not all, but many..) do not know who they are, and therefore try to find the other through the writings or the sayings of someone else. I know this is kind of a paradox (as I will quote RD Laing, who isn’t me), but do believe that you can find yourself through the writings of another. But it is rare and it is not the best way to know yourself. Anyway, here is the quote that is pertinent to why so many people act like mad men, and continue to act like made men because they are addicted to it and otherwise feel lonely (while it is actually the trying to find oneself through another is why they feel lonely!).
‘The others have become installed in our hearts, and we call them ourselves [the columnist, the blogger, the celebrity, the expert, the politician]. Each person, not being himself either to himself or the other, just as the other is not himself to himself or to us, in being another for another neither recognizes himself in the other, nor the other in himself. Hence, being at least a double absence, haunted by the ghost of his own murdered self, no wonder modern man is addicted to other persons, and the more addicted, the less satisfied, the more lonely.’
It is inevitable that Event Covid will revert to Climate Change. They share the same objectives and many decades have been invested in the climate hoax. Two generations have been brought up as unquestioning believers.
The cheerleaders are identical: Microsoft-NBC’s Rachel Maddow is a fervent believer in everything that benefits the corporatocracy and that includes every hoax going, from Russiagate and Climategate to Covid.
Amazingly there are those on the left who think she’s their champion — that’s how the scam works, damnation or beatification by association. If she’s a believer in Russiagate (even if it is fully discredited by its own progenitors) then she’s a good lefty. Thus whatever she says on Climate or Covid must also be true. (See Best of the Left )
Now the good lefty is acting as a paid-up sales rep for the pharmaceutical industry as Rachel herds the sheep through the gates for their jab.
Of course Rachel is no lefty though she may be a Democrat —few can be sure what that means nowadays. Maddow is a cheerleader for State Corporatism. If she believed a word that comes out of her own gullet she wouldn’t demand $7 million a year to mouth it.
Those State Corporatist objectives include eugenics, central control of credits and rule by an elite of bureaucrats and experts (however incompetent, venal and mendacious that elite turns out to be — because they’ve captured the State and if you capture the State, you are the State: and what is to be worshiped more than the State and its occupiers?)
Of course there is damage to the environment and a host of problems that the billionaires don’t plan to address, except by blaming all of it on the people and culling 9/10s of them. Many of these problems directly impact the poor, such as water contamination, deforestation, pollution, landfill, pesticides and poisoning. Many of these problems are directly caused by the ultra rich, which is why they do not plan to address these except in ways that profit them. Hence the focus on renewable energy and the huge subsidies that go from taxpayers into the pockets of the ultra rich.
Specifically they have in common: population replacement and reduction; surveillance-based smart cities; track and trace; sharply reduced freedom of movement and travel; destruction of the consumer and manufacturing base; lowered horizons in terms of material quality of life; and the reconstruction of the monetary system ensuring control of assets and apportioning of credits by the richest people on Earth.
This is madness and it cannot work though that won’t stop them trying. The best one can do is stay away from vaccinated people.
The following video is unverified but a nurse warns that she is seeing people sickened by contact with jabbed, protein spliced zombies. Avoid. mRNA Vax Shedding: Nurse Warns, Stay Away From Vaxxed People
Thanks just watched it reminds me of when I had a doctors appointment next day had a really bad migraine haven’t had a migraine in years so maybe
“Best” of the Left? Jeezuss! Are they fucked!
I don’t buy this Vax shedding. It smacks of a continuation of the COVID CON. My take on this, from all I’ve learnt this past year, is that the only way viral material can enter your bloodstream is if some medical arsehole injects it, along with all the the toxic adjuvents and nanoparticulate garbage from DARPA skunkworks. I’m not afraid of going out and bumping into people, unvaccinated or vaccinated.. If I start fearing a particular group as this nurse suggests, I’m no better than the masked Covidian arseholes running around with fearful eyes popping out of their heads,
I agree that it doesn’t make strict medical sense — but it makes a lot of common sense: turn their social distancing against them; keep away from the vaxxed; spot them by the bacterial rags across their faces; they are the ones who infected the human race thorough their ignorant willingness to be lab rats while doing no research.
“Don’t social distance from people that have not been vaccinated, stay close to those who have not been vaccinated — but stay the hell away from these zombified retards.”
Indeed. Good and valid point. More divide and rule.
In fact official narratives imply viral shedding among those (supposedly infected) vaccinated as by their own admission S1 spike protein induces antibodies that are not neutralizing and hence prevent no infection nor shedding or spreading.
But what they only tangentially admit is that de facto jabs themselves promote new strains and hence under guise of those hypothetical new strain threat already prepare, condition public for as useless booster shots this fall and seasonal Covid shots combined with flu shots (against no longer existing flu epidemic).
The problem here is that we must reject expedient new strain fear mongering. Even if SC2 existed in active form which has not been proven, it would have been as mild as common coronaviruses, but on the other hand jabs themselves (if no Covid exists) create danger of enhanced vulnerability (pathogen priming) to other mild respiratory diseases becoming more deadly.
However, We should reject conjecture of mRNA LNP or S1 spike protein shedding itself as infectious with no microbiological mechanism to support it (still it is toxic though but it won’t make others producing spike proteins) , what seems to be implied by many in what seems to be mass psychosomatic reaction among those correctly realizing potential as well as real and present danger of mRNA technology itself turned in understandable anxiety which in itself suppresses immune system.
This genetic engineering based technology itself is in fact based on injuring or inducing death of human cells in order to solicit antibody immune response which itself is not only useless ineffective to stop spread of COVID infection, if it existed in the first place but in fact detrimental to human health by suppressing innate immune response in longer term beyond just few weeks between shots making people more vulnerable to any even coronaviruses potentially making common cold much more serious to general population and much more deadly among elderly and vulnerable.
The mRNA technology (adenovirus vector as well) is by design dangerous, inherently induces clotting as organism defense mechanism if infected by mRNA (cDNA) cells are in vein linings in brain or lungs or legs or damaging liver and other organs (toxicity of cationic lipids and PEG) . It is so bad even not taking into consideration appallingly low quality and lack of cleanliness of the jabs production process that leaves mRNA and toxic residues. So no wonder that people are genuinely concerned some scared and that translates to suspicious attitudes to Vaxxed.
People may be morons, many are but most vaccinated are brutally being coerced, intimidated even blackmailed by circumstances, respond to peer pressure. The fact that for a month now vaccination centers are nearly empty, take anyone with no appointment means that opposition grows even among those who succumbed to propaganda and got first jab and now refused second.
Only we, unvaccinated, can stop the cycle of propaganda of phony COVID charade of perpetual waves of mitigation failure and deliberately fleeting success to push elitist agendas. It is we who can stop any real epidemics that may come along because of brutal COVID policies that promote suppression of capabilities of our immune systems by boycotting lockdown, social distancing, face masks and most of all vaccinations.
While defeating COVID/GND political agenda of elitist mafia is something else and infinitely more difficult, we can beat any real epidemiological dangers that would only fuel elites psychotic delusions and genocidal policies, by staying outdoor heathy, nourished with heathy food containing vitamins and mineral we need, fit, protective of Health of our love ones especially vulnerable like elderly or children and most of all we must be brave, not to succumb to fear and depression as it make us more vulnerable to any real diseases thst will be ruthlessly exploited bu oligarchic elites.
it they want to act like lepers, then they should be treated as such…
I think there is no evidence that I have found that says something, at least similar, can’t happen. What happens to the parts of the franken shots that the body discards? Do they just disappear? Yes, we can’t live in fear but lets not remain ignorant to the possibilities of what is happening. I would be very concerned if I heard rumors, for example, that my neighbor was spraying round-up everywhere. And I would need to take some sort of action, dialogue with them, and learn what is going on. Here is a part translation of sitzung 37 with Reiner Fuellmich and committee dialoguing with Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger and Italian Dr. Renate Holzeisen. Some dialogue pertains to the issue of what happens to the materials in the “vaccine” that are discarded/eliminated from the body, very informative discussion.
If you can understand German you can listen to the meeting, Sitzung 37, here:
I don’t buy it. The only things I can observe that are making people ill are medical malpractice, being vaccinated, or denied medical assistance due to suffering from something other than this non existent plague.
To be clear, I am not talking about whatever was said in the video. I didn’t watch more than a few seconds of it to see it was crap. If the nurse says whatever is in the vaxx is coming out your breath as Geoff P states below, then thats obvious bullshit. But for example, It is not clear what happens to the PEG that coats the vaccine and causes all the anaphylactic shocks. Does it dissolve in the body or not? Does it live in water? Things like this are discussed in the article.
Distractions are created to mask truths like graphene in masks. The notion of “climate change” similarly masks the pervasive and disaster creating weather control that increases more and more each year.
Mucosal barriers protect against transmission of anything. Colds. Flus. None of it is contagious or contagion. It will be incorporated into the water supply in sewage when people who have had the injectable pathogen go to the bathroom. But would biodegrade by the time it goes back into anyone’s tap water. Chlorine destroys DNA, RNA.
Toxic metals, and toxic nano particle metals don’t just disappear in the water supply. And there is plenty of evidence of that dangerous pharmaceuticals contaminate and pollute the water supply and don’t just magically disappear or biodegrade. I don’t think any info in the article I posted is talking anything at all about viral transmission as related through the vaccines.
There are no metals in these vaccines according to the manufacturers. As for ingesting particulates versus having them injected into your bloodstream, that will result in different uptakes and absorption. As for polluted water, drink distilled water that has been secondarily carbon filtered.
I am not so concerned about the ‘shedding’ but what was said in this session about the enormous physical damage done directly to the body (as it was seen in rats). It was a long video but highly informative. All this is kept secret, and I am speechless that doctors would participate in covering that up. I understand the German language but I thank you very much for the translation of part of the session, so I can pass on to others.
I agree that it does sound a little hard to believe. Yet , concerned virologists etc believe that the vaccinated body produces millions of spike proteins ,hopefully to be destroyed by the immune system. The fear is that they are not all destroyed , exit the body, and are easily picked up by another. Spike proteins can produce abnormalities in brain and blood vessels.
There is increasing anecdotal evidence that unvaccinated women who have no choice but to be around other vaccinated women, are experiencing the same alarming menstrual problems as their vaccinated coworkers.
Mass jabs explain the spikes (in severe illness, severe injury and death) this year in USA, UK, Portugal, Israel, South Africa. Chile, etc. Last year, it was the curfews (“lock-downs”).
Microsoft-NBC’s Rachel Maddow is a fervent believer in everything that benefits the corporatocracy and that includes every hoax going, from Russiagate and Climategate to Covid.
It is pretty impossible to keep away from vaxxed people. Especially if as this nurse states ” it is coming out of their breath” and who has been and who hasn’t been jabbed in your local street, Town, supermarket? Masked or not, 90% of… Etc. Etc. Has anyone independent actually got hold of some of this vaccine and actually looked at it to see, or is it all just speculation? Must be some viles disappearing here and there. Even for the black market.
There must have been a massive increase in computer use while people were locked up working from home and partying on Zoom. That means a massive increase in electricity consumption. Where does that electricity come from? Solar and wind can’t supply the needs of seven billion computer users.