A glimpse inside the UK’s “quarantine hotels”
Compare and contrast the G7 barbecue with how ordinary people are “quarantined”.
A short video was recently brought to our attention on twitter. It shows a man and woman (off-camera) pulling up to a chainlink fence around a concrete yard and engaging in a brief conversation with a man on the other side.
The man is one of several dozen people walking in slow, counter-clockwise circuits around what appears to be an un-used car park. He’s polite to the strangers, discussing how tight security is, how many guards there are on each floor, and how often they’re allowed outside for this “exercise”.
At that point a security guard comes up and tells the man he’s not allowed to talk through the fence, and a brief argument ensues. The guard tells the people in the car that they cannot talk to anyone inside the facility without permission from “the office”. After moments of insisting the guard desists, likely to report the incident to his supervisor.
The couple in the car and the stranger behind the fence part on friendly terms, with the man remarking that he paid seventeen-hundred and fifty pounds to stay there.
Because this isn’t a prison or detention facility, it’s a “quarantine hotel”.
You can watch the video here:
[NOTE: This is a re-upload, with some discussion, from the channel Hugo Talks Some More. The original we have been unable to find, it was likely taken down. (If you’re aware of a copy of the original, or who filmed it, do let us know. We’d like to credit the people who did the filming.]
The quarantine hotels have been in the mainstream media before, with the reporting focusing on them being expensive, having terrible food and being dull. But this little clip offers something worse than that – a little glimpse of the dehumanising nature of detention. The mission-creep of arbitrary rules, enforced to the letter by people either too ignorant to know better or willingly malign, is an oft-repeated motif in human history. It never bodes well.
It’s telling to contrast (as Hugo does at the end of the video) the grey building – with its grey fence and grey yard full of people milling in grey circles – with the recent G7 summit in Cornwall.
Not the official photos of the G7, of course, because those are all neatly staged and social distanced, but the leaked photos of the G7 barbecue.
Quarantine “hotel”:

G7 barbecue:

Quarantine “hotel”:

G7 barbecue:

Notice the lack of social distancing. Observe the absence of masks (except for the lowly servants, naturally). And, of course, not one of them had to pay to be there at all. In fact, we literally paid them a salary to do it – and then paid for the catering, alcohol and accommodation too.
Do these “world leaders” look like people in the middle of a life-threatening pandemic to you? Do they look like people that honestly believe they have a chance of catching a terrible disease?

As one of our editors wrote last summer:
When the people giving us these orders do not follow them themselves, they are not showing themselves to be “hypocrites”. They are showing themselves to be liars. They are admitting they don’t really believe what they’re saying.
Clearly, the rules of the “new normal” only apply to ordinary people. And that’s as sure a sign as any that it’s not now – and never was – really about “protecting” anyone. It was always about control.
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Is there a class action to challenge this by the people who have been incarcerated? Jesus Christ Almighty. I feel sick.
Good interview with Reiner Fuellmich on The Trueman Show with Jorn Luka, which summarizes it all very well and with concrete class actions to follow about the terrible abuse, especially in the UK as we see here. Just Google it as I won’t copy and paste in this comments section.
The covaids caper was and remains an intelligence test. Sadly the herd is brainless and their face dipers scream that loudly and clearly each time the wretches loom into view…knock on the skull as you will…there is nobody home and there never was. 90% ARE indeed useless eaters who won’t even pick up their own dogshit! The aristocracy knows how to goad and turn the ovine herd in any direction it chooses. The media and the club wielding pig is all that stands between “we the sheeple” and the scum that runs this slaughterhouse for the vermin in the shadows. Forget about politics and “voting”…forget about marching and waving placards on the street…it’s theater. The pig must become bacon and the aristocracy must be gulagged or as they say “liquidated”.
Ah but how said anymouse in the corner…how are we to bell the cat?
Abandon the herd before it stampedes you onto the cattle wagon to Ouch Witz…where the joke is on all of us.
Pfizer macht frei, mein Schnuckis
Same as it ever waZ
These hypocrites, including the Queen, just show what a hoax this whole thing is. If the virus were real and as dangerous as they make it sound, they won’t be having this.
bit like the billions of pounds worth of footballers .. free to swan around the world playing their matches.. really ?!?..
Latest from my new favourite film maker Zac (Zachary Denman) and introducing a deliciously dark new character in Tony the govermental spy/enforcer/revenue generator in our new dystopian future
the previous two series of shorts are well worth a watch as they are a very good look at our predicament over that last 15 months with the promise of more to come.this is social commentary like you aint seen before
Give him a shot he deserves so much more exposure
The G7 “leaders” are hired help. International finance runs the show from behind the scenes.
well and that finance comes from tax payers idiots
Was the Whole Pandemic About the Vaccine?
The plan to vaccinate definitely predates the actual pandemic. Moderna signed a contract to develop an mRNA coronavirus vaccine in 2019. Bill Gates, Fauci & co have been foreshadowing and “predicting” a pandemic for years, this is a matter of public record. Look how desperate they are now to get people vaccinated. Ridiculous incentives like free beer, pizza, doughnuts, as vaccination rates are slowing down. These people think the world is overpopulated, you would think if they were serious about population reduction, they would let the deadly COVID just kill everyone off and NOT bother with a vaccine.
But they know COVID is not that dangerous (if it even exists or is not just the rebranded “flu”), it will hardly make a dent in the world population. However, what’s in the vaccine will probably aid their goals tremendously…. This is the exact reason to not get the vaccine. If a stranger in a dark alleyway is offering you something tempting to go in there – would you actually go in there? that would make you an utter fool. But that’s what people are doing these days – walking straight into the conman’s trap.
Covid, Learned Helplessness, and Control
Westworld season 2 – Elephants
Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.Emotional bonds may be formed between captors and captives, during intimate time together, but these are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. wacky- pedia-phile
‘stockholm syndrome’:
the condition invoked in the ‘masses’ by the idiot box/unsocial medias (intimate time) childhood traumas (indoctrination dungeons) and cunningly promoted by untrustworthy mendicants as beneficial (which of course they are, but not to you)…
such priming leads the common imbecile into learned helplessness (invoking weakness, infantility, apathy) and the inability to reason in a cogent and constructive manner, thus he becomes resistant to logic and more useful states of mind.. preferring instead blind-obedience and group think…
in fact, he views people with such mindsets as the ‘enemy’ and actively seeks to counter all efforts to ‘educate’ him in a more useful and positive way, often working in tandem with state agents, whom he has grown to admire and respect..
and thus bonded with his abuser to counter those who may wish to free the said imbecile..
he becomes the most dangerous weapon in the states arsenal..
the condition seems terminal.
Hello dr death: You nailed it. Socialized education, via State mandated schools, have reduced education to a bland formula fed to imbeciles. Socialized “health” care is much the same, as medical practitioners are simply fed an extended formula. Socialized governance is all about socially acceptable – methodological lying.
My opinion is that “Socialized” anything, is ultimately corrupt and anti-individual by design. Let’s celebrate! Pass the sauerkraut and brats!!!
We all know this covid is lies.It’s a taster for the rich to see how far they can push the useless eaters.If we don’t stand up now this is but a drop in the ocean to what’s to come.
it is much more than pushing, Its a redesign and re-purposing of the nation state, into a set of territorially defined cages to house and manipulate humans. A hierarchical system of guards have been appointed (politicians) to manipulate those inside each cell in accord to the demands made of the guards by the Oligarchs and their knee breaker corporations who are the global earth beings.
The system of cages (nation states), allow the oligarch to use the politicians to accomplish their manipulations of the caged humanity in a well controlled, system wide set of activities; pitting one prisoner group against the other. Loud speakers (media 24/7) indoctrinate the caged occupants treating them to each hate the occupants in the other cages (nation states), and to pitting those inside of each cage<= one each against the other. To do this Oligarch have given the jailers tools, developed from, and paid for from the pockets of those in the prison: such are public funded psychological research and emotion controlled biology based tool sets. Armed with guns, biologic and psychologic tolls, these jailers (politicians) hype the narratives to the caged-humanity and seek to keep those confined so divided (chaotic state) the confined cannot act in unity, can effectively demand release from the nation state jail and cannot get rest from manipulation.
The nation states are 256 cell type prisons in number. They keep humanity separated, divided, and allow the global oligarch to manage and coordinate the behaviors, mental status, and general well-being or demise of 8 billion humans all at the same time at the pleasure of the Oligarch.
Covid 19 was not the first false flag event. Can you name the others?
It makes me wonder what happened to the psychologists. When did they sell their souls?
That prison scenery is not the work of the military who would just say stick them in a country hotel with guards on the entrance.
Nor is it the work of G4S/Serco — they’d just lock ’em up or stick an ankle bracelet on them.
Someone has thought about the optics, as I said regarding the G7 photos. This exercise yard is a car park, under the approach path, polluted and noisy, with added features for dramatic effect: high fences, and “walking the line”, in full view of the passing public.
Exercise should be a gym for that period of time. Outdoor should be a café. Is that so difficult?
It’s for show. They’re being punished for their carbon footprint. “How dare they try to travel. Even with a vaccine.”
And they have to pay full whack for it. It’s harassment and abuse of the quarantined and a feudal spectacle for the public. “Lock them in the stocks!”
I’m surprised Grant Shapps hasn’t franchised rotten fruit stalls for the spectators to hurl.
Not being funny but nobody or anything could lock me up like that,For no reason other than travelling?I think it maybe staged or are people that stupid?Id be over the fence
the good doctors take cash to design torture/death methods for black sites; long ago sold their souls.
I believe that I have finally had what I regard as a huge victory. I received an email from one of my eyes wide shut protagonists a couple of days back lamenting how it appears that this will never end…. If he is finally starting to wobble there just might be hope for the screamers still…
I hope you’re right, but I know someone who uncritically accepted the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic’s Big Lies, and has more or less become a classic germophobe like the late Howard Hughes.
Earlier this year, she also began to lament that the “pandemic”, as she sees it, is taking so much longer than expected to end. She’d cancelled her traditional holiday get-togethers in 2020, and in January of this year fervently welcomed the release of the so-called COVID vaccines with the pathetic (and exasperating) hope that by Spring, she could hold a big “Christmas” party to make up for the canceled one.
But as far as I can tell, her impatient despair has not caused her to call her assumptions about the “pandemic” into question. She remains a masked, jabbed, but unbowed True Believer.
Thanks Ort, your reply gave me quite a chuckle. Fortunately, this particular follower of fashion is a somewhat fusty Caledonian who is less well acquainted with being in the wrong (somewhere which i have consistently tried to place myself for reasons that are wholly beyond my ken for my entire life!) Our arguments were such that he was one of the guiding lights behind my cleansing myself of social media (6 months now and aside from the odd itch not missing it at all). In fairness, what was a hasty and foul tempered decision was perhaps the key for this particular individual. What were almost constant forays into this oceanic debate with him were reduced to a broad commentariat post London marches as to their relative size and lack of media coverage. Some months back he requested (kindly) to all in reply that I stopped including him on my then monthly missives. I ignored what I (and copied others, all situated at various points along the road to Damascus) thought to be a strange request, and continued including him on my occasional updates. That he now, in postscript to a question regarding an upcoming bbq events timing, has lamented the never ending nature of the delay to the return of normality, also stating that he isn’t yet ready to go on any marches is about as big an admission of fallibility as i am ever likely to get. I’ll take that.
Watching that frightening clip (of things to come for people like us), I did wonder what that hotel’s Trip Advisor page looks like these days.
What have we become? There was a series in the 60s (I think) called The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan as the The Prisoner. It was set on some fictitious island and at the time seemed a bit outlandish. Of course there were prison islands in Scotland during the World Wars, and a holiday camp in the Isle of Man called Cunningham’s, or something. But this is absolutely ludicrous, to have visitors imprisoned when there never was a “pandemic”.
My fury rages when I speak to intelligent people who have bought into this nonsense. This is more like Guantanamo. There is no medical or scientific evidence for it. Why are we not starting a coup to get rid of this shower of shit?
The man in the bubble.What is your number?I am not a number I am a free man.
You remember it Annie! They want us all to be numbers today. And how much like that great ball that chased him are the orbs at Menwith Hill!
The white spheres hovering in the background of the last picture are right out of the Prisoner series. Too bad the public doesn’t own the prison…
What every British citizen needs to scribble on their black board 1000 times a day…
Excerpted from: Rule of Law – Wikipedia
“It is more proper that law should govern than any one of the citizens”. (Aristotle)
“The rule of law implies that every person is subject to the law, including people who are lawmakers, law enforcement officials, and judges. In this sense, it stands in contrast to a monarchy or oligarchy where the rulers are held above the law.[citation needed]
Lack of the rule of law can be found in both democracies and monarchies, for example, because of neglect or ignorance of the law, and the rule of law is more apt to decay if a government has insufficient corrective mechanisms for restoring it.“
Complete text” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_law
They seem to be enjoying their little piggy barbecue, whist persons such as Julian Assange rot away in Her Majesties Belmarsh Prison…
Where o’ where does the blame rest?
Sovereign ‘immunity’. Pun intended.
Interesting to note in London the number of ambulance sirens sounding off all the time. Driving to the local shopping centre I saw and heard 3 of these fake emergency call-outs. Obviously there is no-one in the ambulance, or maybe someone who has either a minor medical problem, or better still someone who had been involved in a motor accident/heart attack and who is suffering from the terminal effects. This whole charade is intended to keep up the level of fear and hysteria to frighten the population who seem easily spoked having been relentlessly duly primed to react to these fake episodes.
It’s everywhere and it’s deliberate.
yeah, hell yeah! in last fortnight sirens have doubled again, strangely the early morning ones seemed too scheduled for random “emergencies”.
It could be the result of the lethal injections.
it’s hardly surprising because of course they are the hollow mens maginot line, but the state is now persecuting those who take exception to BBC mendacity…
there is an article about one of the persecutees in the fraudian (and they are baying for ‘grasses’ to snitch on the ‘others’ in true stasi fashion)… of course it’s a tawdry whiny opinion piece bereft of logic and inquiry..
this disonant dissident and noticer of ‘things’ kafkaesque goes by the moniker ‘martin hockridge’ and had the temerity to disagree with and shout disapproval at an idiot box mendicant….
of course it’s all nudge nudge wink wink, hoping to scare the crows off the cornfield….
What worries me, all these short-term adverse reactions including death, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, paralysis, blindness, incontinence, and excruciating pain etc, what the hell are the long-term ones going to be like? E.g. with myocarditis cardiomyocytes rarely regenerate, prognosis is going to be nuts……
nah, you’re confusing that with Covaids 21, coming soon. ; )
Internment camps from WWII spring to mind watching this, no proof the inmates are a threat, but lock them up anyway just in case. But even more insidious, these people have dared to go against the government’s “authority” so they must be punished for their crimes. It all comes back to the argument, guilty until proven innocent, or in this case, infected until proven healthy. Which they cannot prove anyway, a blatant attack on freedom which the masses who label “us” as conspiracy theorists and anti vaxxers are either blind to, or too afraid to stand up and call it out.
Why do so few people react to the fact that there are two set of rules, one for the commoners, one for the “important” ones? Why don’t people wake up when they see that the “tie whores” crying wolf aren’t really afraid? Boggles my mind …
Folks, apologies if posted before. But just watch this Covid freak show starring James Corden. You’ll need a sick bucket for the 1st showing but then take a stiff drink and laugh. It’s hilarious, maybe a parody?
I have no words..
It’s beyond belief if it’s not a piss take. I’m a reasonable and measured person, I study evidence for a living. I take my time. I now believe there is some satanic death cult driving this. Incidentally, hearing about quite a few deaths and reactions following Covid injections (one in my family). I know, can’t link for sure but somethings up and we’ll learn what it is soon.
It looks homosexual
“Brits with two Covid jabs could be able to fly to amber list countries without quarantining on return under new plan”
Not long now before we can’t do shit without a “freedom pass”. I have no intention to go anywhere near that vaccine but at the same time I’m not having the segregation shit so what’s a dissenter to do?
In truth, there’s really little you can do. As an individual I have resolved I will be as non-compliant as I can and wherever I can. I will do nothing that enables our government to achieve what it wants to achieve. A passive resistance, if you will. I will not wear a face covering in shops, supermarkets or restaurants. I will not accept the so-called ‘vaccine’ nor will I accept the government narrative it wants the nation to believe. This will come as some personal loss of freedom to me as I will be ineligible for a ‘freedom pass’ through my non-compliance so I won’t be able to travel to any foreign country no matter which coloured list they’re on which will result in some inconvenience and disappointment. We pay a price for our beliefs.
“As an individual I have resolved I will be as non-compliant as I can and wherever I can. I will do nothing that enables our government to achieve what it wants to achieve.”
I second that. Stay strong, no surrender!
Thanks, Mr Y, for taking the time to respond. I also should have mentioned that I have instructed my medical details held by my GP not to be divulged to NHS Digital. I met the deadline of June 23rd to lodge my objection for the roll-out originally set for June 30th, now postponed until September. I don’t know if the original deadline is still June 23rd for lodging an objection. This roll-out was not widely publicised by the government and many people will be unaware that their private details will be handed to an agency who may do pretty much what they want, including selling them to any entity who is prepared to pay for them.
Get a boat 🤭
So I can set out in the next storm, capsize and get it over with?
All-cause deaths in England and Wales for the week starting June 4th are almost 5% below the pre-pandemic average (7,778 compared to 2015-19 average of 8.171).
UKC has been told that deaths following Covid vaccination are not being sent to the MHRA Yellow Card (the UK equivalent of VAERS) but to two previously unknown reporting systems.
Recall that the UK gov awarded a tender in 2020 for an artificial intelligence system to record adverse reactions… We have heard nothing since.
I surmise that the UK gov and pharma/tech companies are monitoring the “100% effectiveness” of the shots for their own purposes but that this data is not reaching the public via Yellow Card or F.O.I requests.
That might explain why deaths in the YC and VAERS have slowed or stopped.
Keep in mind that the govt. will be tracking these unfortunates for the rest of their short or miserable lives
Dear friends, do you ever get the impression that some things you read are not quite right or even downright DECEPTIVE. Well, let’s revisit once again the issue of the nebulous “spike protein” thats supposed to be produced in the mRNA vaccines.
Now, according to Dr Byram Bridle, Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, University of Guelph, they thought that this protein was a ” Great target antigen” and never knew that it was a toxin and was “a pathogenic protein.”
A big problem still remains regarding the whole issue of the very existence of this alleged “spike protein” which is taken for granted without any scientific proof whatsoever. Why is that? The enemy knows that more people with an inkling of intelligence are arriving at the conclusion that SARS-COV -2 virus doesn’t physically exist. So, what?
The problem here, is the “spike protein” which is supposed to be a specific defining attribute of the corona of the virus genome ie. It’s capsid faces the same problem to that of the virus. Namely, it’s isolation and biochemical characterization! Without isolating the whole virus intact there is NO WAY OF KNOWING THE ORIGIN OF THAT PROTEIN. Nobody has done that including Salk Institute who first reported it and they never claimed to have isolated the virus of which the protein is supposed to be it’s characterising attribute!
This is not to say that the mRNA vaccines do not produce toxic proteins and other antigenic shite in the body, but such proteins are certainly NOT proteins that are alleged to come from an unproven SARS-COV -2 virus. So why do they try to con people into believing that they do? I think most of us here know the answer to that by now (I hope)!
They had the protein ready. On schedule, they claimed that it was a part of a “virus”. Various academics chimed in to confirm this story. Yet, they could not get enough of the virus to produce a traditional vaccine. Instead, they had ready an mRNA that supposedly synthesises it inside cells. To ensure damage, they added PEG that takes the mRNA and other poisons to every part of the body.
If there is proper justice, a proper verdict would be to impose the jab on many of these people – in public.
Hunger Games style. By bow and arrow.
Mgeo, since not one of the coronaviruses in the paper provided have been identified and characterized and have no proven physical existence in the natural world there can be no proof of claim that the spike protein came from anything that they are claiming.
Further, if that’s the case then any suggestion of “using the SARS-CoV reverse genetic system ” to obtain the alleged “spike” is an absurdity. This applies no matter what computer ‘ model’ is used – for how can it be otherwise? Therefore, whatever protein they had ready never came from a coronavirus or a pseudo computer concocted model of one in silico.
Again, this is not to deny that these m RNA vaccines make proteins but what the precise nature of those proteins ARE remains to be proven but they are NOT spike proteins from any unproven coronaviruses or SARS-CoV -2 in particular. So why call them by that deceptive name – something they are NOT unless proven otherwise.
my view and it is just an ‘opinion’…. is that all the gain of function nonsense parroted about is merely a euphemism for good ‘old fashioned bio-warfare’, and that the real studies are in weaponising messenger proteins to facilitate illnesses…
not cure them or offer prophylactic defense for questionable ‘virons’…
the real ‘science’ being nano-lipid delivery systems and the psychological tools enabling that ‘delivery’…
the ‘vaccines’ and the way they work is something that they openly admit to…
It’s fairly well known by now on this website that vaccines are ‘viruses ‘ in the old sense of the term, namely, poisonous liquids or venoms.
Because they have toxic components they can trigger a whole host of different defence reactions and toxic effects which can vary from person to person -some of which can be damaging or even lethal. As you already seen to know they are now being used as experimental biowarfare agents – silent weapons supported with an effective psyops programme, along with the euthanasia drug cover-up that is now taking place but not being reported in the MSM.
All vaccines are ‘delivery systems’ for their cargoes which now include both micro- and nanoparticles of various types some of which have been found to possess magnetic properties. This tends to suggest that directed energy weapons may also be in the pipeline if they are not already being used in some areas. But this is just speculation at the present juncture.
It is 1934 and one of George Orwell’s lesser known novels, Coming Up For Air, the anti-hero, George Bowling, an insurance salesman is travelling up to Central London from his home in the London suburbs. Orwell writes:
‘’The train was running along an embankment. A little below you could see the roofs of houses stretching on and on, the little red roofs where the bombs are going to drop, a bit lighted up at this moment because a ray of sunshine was catching them. Funny how we keep thinking about bombs. Of course there is no question that it’s (WW2) coming soon. You can tell how close it is by the cheer-up stuff they’re talking about it in the newspapers. I was reading a piece in the News Chronical the other day where it said that bombing planes can’t do any damage nowadays. The anti-aircraft guns have got so good that the aircraft have to stay at 20,000 feet.’’
Now comes one of Orwell’s killer lines:
‘’The writer thinks you notice that if an aeroplane is high enough the bombs don’t reach to ground. Or more likely they miss the Woolwich Arsenal and instead and only hit places like Ellesmere Road (where I live).’’
Doublethink or what?!
Orwell has put his finger on the modern age of the mass manipulation of popular consciousness in the terminal age of capitalist decline. Thoughtcrime, Double-think it is all there, and if anything has been incubated and intensified by the theories of Bernays, Freud and Gustav Le Bon.
If anything today is worse and more widespread.
The BBC for years opposed a statue to George Orwell.
Of course he was hated in political circles. Tories thought him an anarchist. Socialists never forgave him for outing Stalinists in the Labour Party. In 2018 The Independent published: Was George Orwell secretly a reactionary snitch?
The BBC’s scorn was different.
I think they saw Orwell as a traitor. He knew intimately the Ministry of Information in what is now Senate House and how its work intersected with that of the BBC in Broadcasting House, only a stone’s throw on Portland Place, off Oxford Circus.
He knew intimately the technique by which the BBC helped the government mold the people. He knew it did not simply transmit information but helped achieve outcomes by transmuting the message as necessary. The wordplay was used to invert meaning giving birth to Doublespeak.
He knew better than the BBC where this would lead by its own internal logic. He had grown up not in the pampered home counties (the terrified, scurrying Nickerless Watt comes to mind) but in the outposts of Empire.
Orwell had done his bit to suppress the natives. He saw the parallels with how the proles were controlled back home and how the same repression would ultimately be used, and would evolve without limit to its objectives or brutality. The only variables in play were opportunity and justification.
Orwell took the BBC’s Doublespeak – the inversion or hiding of meaning in the deliberately obscure, euphemistic or ambiguous yet elegant language of the British political class – and distilled it like Victory gin into a corroding acid that dissolved meaning, burning away the etymology and cultural nuance to leave only the power motive behind words serving as function, as a means to an outcome.
So we got Doublethink for the indoctrination of functionaries and, for the Proles especially, Newspeak, with “a simplified grammar and restricted vocabulary designed to limit the individual’s ability to think and articulate “subversive” concepts such as personal identity, self-expression and free will.”
Orwell borrowed from the military, and from NAZIs and Bolsheviks, the love of acronym but that was not the essence of Newspeak.
Eric Schmidt, of Google-Pentagon, has proposed imposing a form of Newspeak on public forums which would control algorithmically the letters and words you can write, so as to make “hate speech” unwritable. And presumably anything else the powers don’t want you saying
How could the BBC in good conscience honour a man such as Orwell?
It’s already with Youtube that your comment is automatically deleted if their political Artificial Algorithm disagrees with it.
The senate house I presume is the hideous building that was the inspiration for the Ministry of Truth. I photographed it from the British Museum in 2009.
The mass manipulation of popular consciousness by popular consciousness. The common view is that ‘we’ are controlled and propagandised from the outside and above by manipulators. I am currently re-reading McCluhan because he at least realised the reciprocal nature of manipulation and its circular cognitive dynamics of ‘consciousness.’
Perceptual “consciousness” has been reduced to just an empty concept stood in antagonistic opposition to the equally empty name “unconsciousness.” Outside of which antagonism, it makes no sense, let alone carry any meaning. Let alone any actual perceptual and sensible meaning.
The media we use carry the meaning (as a logical and grammatical correspondence), and by an large, in the age of mass mediatisation or “news science” ….they carry meaning away from our percepts, anything sensible, anything organically perceptible; thus internalising us as cognitively transformed by the media. Most succinctly: our media internalise a subjective solipsism or conceptual form of ‘consciousness’ and externalise the antagonist conceptual ‘unconscious’ ….that which we think we are conscious of are concepts, not percepts (as a differential ratio between eye and ear.) And the ground and cognitive grammar and logic of all this – the collective cognitive unconscious – is the automatic interpretation of >this< and only >this< as a mass mediatised conceptual schema.
Which is reflexive and reciprocal: as a non-conscious “figure and ground” conceptual process, reflexively reading and drawing conceptual figurations from the unconscious background of configuration itself. In the modern age: the main change – from the “Gutenberg Galaxy” or typescripted “illuminated” manuscript age – is that rather than leave concepts to our actual organic imagination; the various form of modern media do our imaging and imagining for us. As various CGI forms of computer imaginability, which further deadens perception and conception into a one-dimensional extra-somatic imaginary.
But it is always reflexive and reciprocal, in infinite regress of reminiscence and internalised memory. We do it to ourselves, automatically, all the time as an ego-syntony. The continuity medium is the massage; surrounding us, forming us, conforming us and never informing us, unless you consider news science as in-forming ….literally “making minds” imagically and spectacularly(check the etymology of in-formation, formal, formality as mnemonic and morphological processes.)
And McCluhan was writing in the pop culture age of mechanical reproduction – the “Warholian era” – before CGI fully matured. Lacan considered the same form of externalised imagic unconsciousness, formed “like a language” because it is the language. And Zizek rambles incoherently occasionally too.
In its reciprocal imaginary and imagic form: we take our conceptual constructs to be more real than our lived perceptual ‘reality’. Which the. becomes another disputed ideological term; simply because the external manipulators are ‘really real’ and propagandising ‘us’ at every turn. Which is ‘true’, ‘factual’, and not to be disputed. Ever.
Which is indeed the “society of the spectacle”; where concepts are more real – hyperreal – than percepts. And we really are being manipulated, only never by ourselves in non-conscious self-reflexive reciprocity with the grammar of the media. In which: the medium is the massage that supports this perspectival and aspectual hyperreal speculative imagic view. And reifies it more real than real.
I’m on a mission to return the now throwaway soundbite phrases “the medium is the message” and the “society of the spectacle” to something like their original complexity. The medium is the language. The logical and grammatical form of the language. CGI mass media merely enhance, in-form, and ‘control’ the external unconscious imaginary. Reflexively and reciprocally: where even the “deceivers are deceived” [Debord.]
The only fooling going on is in our logical and grammatical conceptual constructs that intend or pretend to an external referent, instead of reflect an inner referent – the ego or the <I in language> of Lacan. “Every word in history is an I” or suppositional logic referring to internal/external concepts created reciprocally. To which percepts – actual feelings and affective relationships (sense grammar) – only residually apply. The real is only residually real.
Or the language is both the internal and external manipulator, myth-maker, story-teller, and image of thought and imaginability. Which returns McCluhan and Debord to something like what they were trying to say ….taken on 50 years in a Deleuzian way. To which “Postscripts to the Society of Control” is an adequate primer, itself written before the computer algorithm, data mining, and unconscionableness [sic] imagined externally really took off. And now it is fully in insanity mode: with nearly everyone trying to grasp at some form of imagic conceptual control assimilating dissimilitudinous simulated imageries, eidola, shades, shapes, phantoms, and phantasia that are no longer seeming so real. Because the never were. Because concepts are never cognitive percepts. From which they have been interpreted away, carrying away any sense of meaning. But that was really done by the external Propagandist archetype. “Daddy, someone stole my imaginary” ….but that is another narratised story. Or perhaps a Gaimanesque comic “Manga metaphysics.”
Reification = repetetive automatism = repetition mortifiere = conceptually more real than real = dissimilitude of perceptual reality = grasping shapes and shades and eidola and phantasmata ….trying to catch the meaning we conceive away into the orthoganal mass media identity matrix ….from which we see and hear some sort of imaginary echo of perceptual realities long since gone. Which is the only form of deception going on.
Ordinary people who are brainshwashed are the elite’s weapon. It is shocking to realize that many ordinary people still respect billionaires and hate their own poor.
All these famous Authors had inside knowledge and still do.Funny how palaces and stately homes didn’t get bombed in the war?Just the innocents.
it’s quite feasible one could run a fake war designed for specific outcomes covertly… and successfully..
simply pooling intelligence between a highly placed third team on both sides that decides outcomes…working together for a ‘common good’… it’s aims unknown to any other party..
it certainly looked that way in WW2..
The UK column has drawn attention to this little detail:
This may speak to those who can’t bring themselves to question intentions.
They also spoke of the high use of mechanical ventilation for those with DNR notices.
Why the down vote? Surely the message matters more than the messenger?
no it does not
a shill is shill doesn’t make the message any relevant!
you cant build a foundation on lies
remind us didnt they endorse bojo and scare people that the west would be under Sharia law , and if you vote labor your endorsing commi and socialists and your be queuing in the streets with immigrant stealing your jobs raping your children!
I’m not sure they did what you say, but what bearing does that have on vast amounts of money disappearing in the Netherlands or how the vulnerable were ‘treated’?
If Johnson were to say that the sun rises in the East, I would have no quarrel with it.
a high standards of disinformation then.
well done you
BTW you got the up-votes back up! after complaining i am sure the ukshill crowd got in and up-vote it..
“didnt they endorse bojo and scare people that the west would be under Sharia law …”
Got a text or a video to back that up?
Anyway, what has that got to do with money disappearing in the Netherlands?
They did endorse koshaCONservative by shilling fear of what would happen if you vote the opposite.
they sold the whole pedo crap like the huxtion hoax.back in 2015
what happened to holly donation money..?
imagine the brainwash of getting information which is weak from Admiralty personel and navel lack of intelligence. it a psyopp unit
they sold the whole fake moslem terrorists attack knowing full well it was state sponsored.
they sell shit, its other name is fake alt mong media .
remember to donate now for that amazing fear based DISinformation which is so cutting edge straight out of GCHQ..
Make it Unmask Forever Day 21st June
No More Of This!!! Seize this as Freedom from Tyranny Day….get out and SHOUT this weekend!!!
Just caught a headline: “The Return of FOMO”. I thought, “FOMO? What the fuck?” It turns out to be “fear of missing out”. Another trivial quirk magnified into a “pathological condition”. I wonder when they’ll start working on vaccines for that?
The Daily Telegraph has been using FOMO in headlines featuring students queuing for the shot.
I’m HTMO – happy to miss out!
Hey Chaps! I have a new conspiracy theory!
Salisbury could be ‘sealed for weeks’ as cops continue hunt for poison siteExperts say Salisbury must prepare itself for an extended period of lockdown as the city reels from the latest Novichok poisonings’
Remember? March 2018?
Trump to meet Putin, July 2018 Helsinki.
Now fast forward to 2019/20/21-
More lockdowns, a convenient virus, cyber attacks before Biden / Putin meeting.
Deep state trying to muddy the pool?! This time keep blame / attack on China and Russia!
Salisbury a trial run for lockdowns?!
Just a thought…
And I’ve just watched ‘V for Vendetta’ again…
I wonder what happened to the Skripals.
At the time, it was entertaining, since it did not affect our lives (not mine anyway), but it’s not funny any more.
Rumour has it they went to NZ.
Still no interview of Skripal by the BBC…
yes the ‘skripals’ that was an excellent sit-com, ran out of steam towards the end became a bit unbelievable and never finished the final show…
but they left it open… for series 2..
You might already be familiar with this:
The brass of these people. I suppose you need it to get where they are.
what did they do at the bbq? Are these people really our ‘rulers’? They look pretty lame and indecisive to me. The ‘party’ also looks pretty dull.
I wouldn’t like to be in the detention center, but that is a choice. But suppose you were invited to that G7 party: would you enjoy yourself?
The true problem is that these people are really our ‘rulers’. What if it turns out that they are as incompetent as they look like at the photos: just some average people trying to have a good time, but failing to do so with even all the money and power in the world.
But incompetence of our rulers is exactly that what has turned out of this Covid mess and that this is the case, is getting clearer by the day for the population at large.
And then there is fraud, greed, and lust for power that is also there in these incompetent rulers, which is also getting more clear by the day with e.g. governments, hospitals ‘missing’ public money that has been spent.
I think that they are in for a reckoning
That was one BBQ to avoid! Flames, smoke, skewers and conversation worse than pergutory. I trust they’ll get to suffer more time in each other’s company.
I think it’s the compliance (and corruption) of our administrators that has led to this point.
As October posts above, they are profiting personally from Event Covid (see the link).
Insofar as they are serving their masters they are reasonably competent. Event Covid was supposed to appear ad hoc.
The term ‘BBQ’ brought back to me my days in the middle east during the 1980’s with a major American construction management company. Construction managers would ask one another if they were invited to the BBQ on Wednesday (being the last day of the working week). The BBQ, more often than not, turned out to be the weekly meeting where managers whose performance was deemed to be lower than expectation were ‘grilled over the coals’. The absence of an invite usually produced a sense of relief and they could enjoy their weekend on the Thursday and Friday. Happy days.
Why has there been no outcry about all the PPE that wasn’t needed after all, and was being stored in hundreds of shipping containers in Felixtowe blocking the port up.. So the Government has now rented out 10 acres of land to store them, and it is costing the tax payer £1.000.000 per day! But hey, what’s that in the grand scheme of things..
“these people are really our ‘rulers'”.
Not all of them. I notice 2 Royals at the party.
“They have made of the Throne their hired hand”. — Hilaire Belloc on the moneyed classes.
I noticed an RAF pilot went along too. Maskless.
I wonder how many of the attendees at the G7 have made a few million out of shares in vaccine companies……. Here’s the latest billionaire at Moderna https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/5th-exec-joins-moderna-billionaire-club-stock-price-soars-despite-injury-report
Nearly 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for coronavirus
Nobody said, the jab would prevent infection or being infectious. It is assumed to reduce the severity of the symptoms and the need for hospitalisation. What else it does, will remain to be seen.
So does Invermectin and HCO. Also not likely to degrade you brain, other organs and immune system over time
HCO is derived from chloroquine which has admitted “side effects” of kidney and liver damage. It can also damage nerve-endings causing seizures. Even the CDC (pre-pandemic) admits, “overdose of anti-malerial drugs, particularly chloroquine, can be fatal”, The answer to avoiding one of their toxic products isn’t to take another.
The whole official malaria narrative is full of contradictory nonsense. The supposedly causitive mosquito is found on every continent (except the Antarctic) It used to be endemic in Europe in the Little Ice Age – but is now found only in tropical areas. It reappeared in Europe in WW1 which was blamed on colonial troops – but it doesn’t transmit human-to-human. How doesn’t it kill the host mosquito? Nobody knows. Why does the parasite potentially kill the human host which endangers the parasite itself? Nobody knows. Diagnosis is extremely vague and malaria symptoms in Africa would look like flu in Europe.
Officialdom’s diagnosis is that malaria is caused by a pathogen and the solution is toxic chemicals to ‘fight’ the disease followed by even more toxic chemicals if that doesn’t work. It usually is. What it can never be is an exposure to toxicity among people who are impoverished, malnourished and lack adequate sanitation.
Australians who worked in PNG years ago took chloroquine daily to prevent malaria.
It looks like jabbed people are also dying from it. So unless death is not a severe symptom, that is a false claim right from the start.
And of course, “What else it does, will remain to be seen”.
Testing positive from the Jab……got it!
”Nobody said, the jab would prevent infection or being infectious.” Absolutely! That is the killer fact that the PTB are attempting to bury. Just like the other killer phenomenon – i.e., the huge anti-vax marches – which apparently have not happened. We now live in a parallel epistemological universe of truth and fabrication. It is lunacy and lunacies always eventually tend to break down.
Actually, plenty of politicians and celebrities have been saying exactly that.
You are correct that the ‘vaccine’ manufacturers have been claiming it doesn’t prevent infection, but we have had plenty acting as cheap lying-whore salesmen and women for the untested gene therapy.
97% effective is what the same media and they sold
Wrong. This is from UK gov website about the Pfizer ‘vaccine’:
Prevent! Lying bastards. Here’s the link:
Indeed as Pfizer specifically says it doesnt….suspect it is like the aust govt letter that says it is approved…they don’t put the conditions ….this event has turned our various govt into even bigger liars than usual….amazing really. All for what? To ensure we get some poison injected into our bodies…
The manufacturers refrained from such a claim, but not the promoter governments. In fact, the latter also said the jabs would make lockdowns, masks, etc. go away.
This has been observed in many places – not only do cases increase, but even deaths.
So much for protection from serious illness and death.
The jab is the illness. Covid is a cover/diversion.
Yes well that is a lie too, they probably have a cold which is all coronaviruses are.
And did anyone else read the little gem on the side of that article? Corona indications were in blood samples dec 2019….so it may have been there before wuhan….I have always said it was here sept 2019 but I doubt we will ever be honest enough to look…interesting that these folk did.
Using what for a reliable test? Is there anything – apart from a doctor observing all the usual symptoms of flu? Apart from that, who says they’re ‘positive’?
But then again a papaya fruit, a goat and motor oil tested ‘positive’ in Tanzania. And the guy who exposed all that President Magufuli is now dead. That tells us a lot
It tells True Believers that time is of the essence, and that Big Medical Research and Big Pharma urgently need to release booster shots to protect against the dreaded COVID Papaya Fruit Variant, the Goat Variant, and the Motor Oil variant!
Meanwhile, the public-health authorities need to mandate the use of a full complement of masks and gloves for all papaya-fruit pickers, goat-milkers, and anyone changing the motor oil in their vehicles.
Anything less would be suborning genocide!
There are those who cannot conceive of a hidden power — one behind the names in the headlines.
They scoff at the idea that Bill Gates’ venal antics serve even richer groups observing through field glasses as Gates puts the ducks in a row so that they can pull the trigger and profit.
They guffaw at suggestions the psycho-techno fantasies of Klaus Schwab have a parallel in the real world of who owns what. They cannot imagine his prescription for a world in which you’ll own nothing and be happy has any connection to the investment decisions of people behind him.
So watch as BlackRock and the trillion-dollar asset managers buy up middle class homes by the thousands.
As one of the top three (visible) investors BlackRock is linked to the families and institutions that own the central banks like the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.
The BoE and the Fed lend to BlackRock and its peers, along with the investment banks at 0% interest. It uses that money to outbid couples and individuals looking for a home.
The strategy is to turn everyone into renters. You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
Now tell me again, who is doing whose bidding?
There’s a freewheeling historical discussion along these lines between Harry Vox and Helen of Destroy.
From the financial POV, SGT Report takes a look.
You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy….cos you’re dead.
There are hidden powers going on everywhere all the time. It’s the natural consequence of a highly developed civilization with a sophisticated division of labour. A few years back I went to Borders bookshop in Glasgow. It was a terrific place with four or five floors and books and CDs stretching in all directions. But this time I found it had closed and was selling off everything. Only one floor had items – and it was a pathetic little heap of them. I know I’m showing off my Western affluence here because there are far more tragic things going on the world – but seeing this decimated store was actually frightening. It meant another burst in the fragile social bubble we live in. And all this caused by forces above which I know nothing about.
I used to work in a factory making printed circuit boards. Everyone knew they were for computers. No-one knew what the computers would ultimately be used for. It’s all “mediated by market forces” but who knows what that means i.e. where these machines end up and who uses them?
Harry Vox talks with Helen about libraries closing in New York and how the digitisation of books will allow the manipulation of the historical record.
Who is doing this becomes central to the debate. It is the debate.
Jay Dyer made an intriguing remark that the new electronic media’s choice of name, “Kindle”, was a nod to book burning!
There was a good Borders bookshop in Angel, London, and another one on the outskirts of Edinburgh, but the chain closed down – I think it was American-owned and went bust. It could give Waterstones a run for its money while it existed.
to turn everyone into renters
But without jobs and income, there will be no tenants. Or demand of any kind. This is killing the golden goose.
Why are you complaining? Do you expect the farmers to live like their sheep?
Con-19: conditioning the sheeple to be guided by the shepherds and their dogs.
Con-B3: guiding the sheeple to the shearing shed.
After the shearing, off to the Freezing Works.
Medical Science says:
For Epidemiology, Correlation = Causation.
For Natural Remedies, Correlation is not proof of Causation…
The dismissive terms reserved for remedies that cannot be milked for profit include anecdotal, placebo, self-confirmation bias, psychosomatic illness and spontaneous remission.
Recently a person I know made the following remark: “I hope the delta variant kills many people quickly here in the US south so the many who are vax reluctant see the dangers of their choice and decide to become “vaccinated””
I have similar feelings: I wish the vaccine would hurry up and kill the flock.
Thats disgusting!!!
I feel sorry for anyone tricked into getting the jab, most truly believe getting it will allow the world to start re building, and a lot of them even (naively) believe that by getting the jab they’ll be doing their part protecting others! Making them victims also. The manipulation going on now thats so visible to most of us here has always been there, and at some point all of us have fallen for it, and some are still falling for the most dangerous trick of all DIVISION.
If these people are so easily misled then why do you care? Do I sound like a globalist billionaire?
It would be easier if we didn’t have to spend every hour of every day “accommodating” them then having to listen to their bullshit arguments about how they would like to take away our rights and make the vaccine mandatory.
Nah, get rid of them, these people are trying to take away my freedom and ruin my life, I can live with them being turned into ashes.
it’s true: who needs a stasi when the moron/misled/collaborating Legion are in enforcing mode. Fuck them! they have become the critical mass issue, not some uberalles rich cnts with all their pmcs and drones – the compliant mass are the problem. this winter might address that? Sad, maybe horrible, but true.
You don’t sound too sad about it.
i’s a been sad for a coupla decades IaP; but methinks that now, instead of being saddened, disappointed or flabbergasted, I need to be brutally honest, and prepare for a deluge of shite, apartheid and maybe Horsemen running amok.It is a very sad state of affairs. shit’s coming, get your head right : )
Party politics has enabled the corruption of the political system and the destruction of the people.
It’s the jabbed that will die I suspect. The jabbed are largely blue voters. Could be that the jabbed and unjabbed die – extinction level event plays out.
I don’t know where we are going next, but I am not booking up for any Music Festivals in England, though will happilly pay on the Gate, if it is on…..except, I do not go anywhere, where I have to wear a Face Mask, or Be Injected.
The Latest announcement by The UK Government Has Seriously Pissed off a Lot of People…including Me.
The Rules for a Wedding are completely Ridiculous
No Dancing or Singing – and You Have All Got To Wear Face Masks, and No Cuddling
Not Impressed with any of you.
Useless Cunts.
Tony, you took the words right out of my mouth (useless C U next Tuesdays). I, like yourself, will not go anywhere if I cannot do it how I was able to do it before this shit began (no mask, social distancing or injection). I will not compromise my own integrity. I trust my own gut feelings and my own discernment. I am now down to talking to myself and am quite happy with that (I think if nothing else this whole business has sorted the wheat from the chaff) and as my ole pappy used to say ‘you wouldn’t want to be on a sinking ship this lot’.
Very noble however you/we will soon find that going maskless is the equivalent of painting a large roundel on your chest,it’s being orchestrated right now in the msm and the insane utterings of politicians,the unvaxxed are being taken to a level normally reserved for paedophiles and mass murderers with hatred for them being officially sanctioned ‘on the sly’ of course .
Far better to use their uniform and move amongst them as and when required leaving little trails of havoc on your travels after all the resistance didn’t wander round in occupied france during ww2 with the word resistance painted on their backs
The sanctioned hate will escalate in september when the vaxxing of children starts and the untimely deaths soon after and the blame being firmly placed on the unvaxxed buckle up shits going to get very real,very soon
Notice how this absolutely disgusting slug of a woman gets away with inflammatory comments such as thinking about poisoning unvaxxed people
that is one fuggly lookin dude
all the freaks at global radio look like they have been eating many zion
pizza and pie
100% !!!
If vaccines do not protect you 100% from the virus then – in health “expert” speak – even after your vaccination you remain a danger to your fellow citizens and should not be given increased “privileges” to gather as a group. Remember, the drones’ moto is every life matters, every life should be saved, so you should not be allowed to travel etc.
If vaccines do protect you 100% then why do you care whether other members of society have had the vaccine? Likely response: to save the hospitals! I thought masks were supposed to be saving the hospitals, is that not working now?
Middle class office workers often come back with another argument, something like, if everybody got the vaccine there would be enough pressure on the politicians to open up, they would get rid of lockdown and let us be free. Really? Then why don’t the politicians promise that and get the whole thing over and done with?
Or, they will come back with the contradicting argument that vaccinated people should get extra privileges as the vaccine works 95% so the risk is tiny. Tiny but enough to worry about other people who do not get the vaccine?
It is amazing how these people convince themselves in circles, morons.
Sad that we are at the stage that we are all wanting to be granted the “privilege” of meeting other people and travelling.
If they chose to be jabbed and – just as expected – it fails to protect them and instead injures or kills them, that is less important. Many reports show that in a number of countries that jabbed extensively, the no. of unjabbed people injured or dead has risen, and their ages have fallen. IOW, the jabbed endanger the unjabbed.
I’m waiting to hear if the Infected Person who travelled from Bondi Junction to North Sydney – some 15-20 miles – did so by car or public transport… If by car, then only two “Hot Spots”, but if by public transport then swarths of the city will likely be locked down….
That an Infected Person travels for miles, visits many suburbs, spreading the bug , seems to be central to the updated narrative…
If it wasnt for Overseas sites i’d not know of the strikes taking place locally; that in South Australia ‘Infected People’ are dragged out of their homes to be ‘Quarantined’ in ‘Detention centres’; that it’s already compulsory in Western Australia to ‘check-in’ every place you enter; that the Victorian Premier didnt get his injuries from falling down stairs but was given a hiding….
The local mass propaganda media thinks i’m a mushroom…
Was the Vic premier bashed?
i cant say too much over the phone. however… Cairns News site has a coupla
articles and, as far as i know, hasnt yet been threatened…
Now SA is having sniffer dogs at the airport, having decided on no evidence that there was a plague stalking the land these fool Gen X premiers are trying to outdo each other on ignorance and stupidity. And the shit the ABC peddle has been so bad for the past 16 months I can’t bear to switch it on.
Someone posted a Tool video recently possibly here…I liked this song and video so much at the time, that I borrowed the Singer’s face for my avatar. It may still work on disqus. It was a long time ago. I extracted his photo from the video and used it as my avatar.
I stiil look pretty much the same, and he probably does too.
Its important to dance and keep fit and maintain a sense of humour
“Tool – Hush”
One last heave for Blighty, then off to the BarB, buuttt…not for you. Trying to stitch up the human race is thirsty work.
Could you please keep the possessed quiet at the back?
The drones who believe in Covid are getting more tiresome. After almost 18 months of us wearing masks for them, us being locked down for them, us being stigmatised for not getting the vaccine, for them, we still have 100% compliance with the regulations here in Hong Kong.
Yesterday i had to travel by subway in Hong Kong, going on a long journey through the local and poorer sections of town to visit a data center. The mask compliance is astonishing, still at 100% after all this time, with one guy having a go at me for not wearing my mask properly. Obviously, in some ways I feel bad for not wearing the mask, as if I am an unruly visitor to their land, abusing their hospitality, but in other ways I feel I should do what I think is right – this is about politics after all, not about health.
The annoying thing is that this is making me really dislike the Hong Kong and mainland Chinese. Fortunately I know quite a few Taiwan Chinese, which means I am not angry and disappointed with all Chinese. The majority are so compliant at everything that I have lost all respect for them, they are cowering slaves.
I have come to the conclusion that the feminization of society – men being macho is wrong, they should all be in touch with their emotions, like women – has led us to a position where there are no men in society that are capable of standing up to the bad men who are enslaving the country. Sure, there are still a few real men around, but the majority are an embarrassment to the male gender.
Society does not have power unless the men are willing to fight the tyrants for freedom. The UK gets locked down again, people are put into quarantine camps, politicians swan around under the protection of their owner billionaires, but where is the fight in the common man?
Quite so. UK run by a bunch of privileged Etonians, HongKong run by Xi.
And the sheep behave the same.
Oh, and Taiwan now in a mess and waiting for vaccines from Thailand!!
Lived in HK for 12 years. Left last August about 2 days after they made masks mandatory. Sure, they all put their cheerleading outfits on and protested against China for a while…but as soon as Covi-con 19 came they showed their true colours…pure group think automatons all the way. There was never a need to pass a mandatory mask policy in the 1st place…because every arsehole there was masked up anyway. I was the only one not wearing a damn mask. And boy did I get shunned and treated like a leper. The HK people could not be more in line…could not be more credulous of the entire con. They are petrified of germs.
The phenomenon you describe is either “feminization” or “psychological castration” in the sense that natural male characteristics are viewed as negative, even “toxic.” The results of this over a generation are only too evident in some characteristics of a typical “Millennial Male” here in the States – a fear of being too assertive, which often results in passive-aggressive behavior, and a voice register that is noticeably higher and more boyish than is natural. The result is that they are “non-threatening” but impotent.
Speaking from a sampling period of going on 81 years, I can confirm that something has happened to a whole lot of male voices lately. They tend towards the pre-adolescent treble sound now, often with a touch of campiness. It’s very apparent. The older men, and the survivors of my generation still have our old habits of speech, with plenty of bass in the mix. A corresponding shift in women is that a lot more of the younger ones seem to have acquired little girly voices.
I often think of it as shifting towards being Eloi. Effects of toxic idpol gone bonkers? It’s a fashion, mostly amongst the college ‘educated’ bourgeois, I think. Not so much amongst my prole friends. As times get more interesting, I reckon men will shift back towards being traditional men, and women will shift back to being contralto Earth Mothers, strong and nurturing, the vitally-necessary holding-it-all-together Mistresses of Hearth and Home. Hope so, anyway.
I’ve never heard anyone comment on this phenomenon, and I have felt the same for the past few years.
Not only men, but women over the past 20 years have begun to sound like young girls – all the time. That sort of nasally airy whine with sentences that go up iin the end, and the constant constant “like….sort of….like…. it’s like….sort of” And I’m talking professional women that you hear on tv or radio or internet.
It’s an infantalization that happened. You are right, there is no bass, or depth to mens voices or to women’s for that matter.
It’s all very metro.
Judith your description fits the awful Lauren Laverne in BBC 6 to a friggin tee. Get intonation is abominable.
‘That sort of nasally airy whine with sentences that go up iin the end,’
Yes Judith, or the answer to a simple question sounds also like a question…
Q : ‘ What will the weather be like at the weekend?’
A : ‘It’s going to be cloudy with scattered showers?’
But tbh I thought it was Australian/ New Zealand accent/manner of speaking/conversation….but in the last few years it does seem to be used by ‘metros’.
yeah JacindAA is a good exampLE, every fekn sentence sounds the sAME..
birth control pills and plastics have ravaged the sexes, it really is quite something to see…. all these boxy waist-less lantern jawed women, and chinless males with fat on their thighs and little pudgy torsos and small breasts.. no doubt the hollow men chuckle when they see what they have done…
of course there are still ‘real’ men and women but they are ring fenced by the politically correct and dysgenic mediocrities… the toxicity of these freaks of nature projected onto the good and wholesome…
that will all change when the remnant ‘real men’ decide they have had enough.. and they will, because they are fast approaching having nothing to lose..
Yeh, we all understand that,(everyone knows I love my wife and family) but who the hell is this bloke slagging off Van Morisson. So far as I can tell.
He is one clown who has done one DJ show in his life, and now he is the Media corresondent of The Guardian and has got one photo of himself of himself..being aDJ clown
Never met the bloke, so far as I remember.
Two words: Hunger Games.
Catnip Lintel ?
Several days ago, YouTube removed the video link of the president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)—Dr. Pierre Kory—giving sworn testimony to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on official United States business (Dec 8, 2020). The video that was removed was footage shot and posted by C-SPAN. In the censored video, Dr. Kory testified that Ivermectin—an FDA-approved anti-parasitic agent— had been shown in numerous controlled trials around the world to prevent and treat COVID-19.
Dr. Kory was interviewed on Dark Horse. Nothing new on the video except I enjoyed hearing the expressed bewilderment that liberalism has allied itself w capitalistic Big Pharma. I, in turn, was bewildered to see that Kory and the host seemed unable to conceive of evil intentions via the covid op.
Interview video is here https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/06/16/ivermectin-for-covid-19-infection.aspx?ui=e4d66 Gives a lot of worldwide experience w Ivermectin, but it’s 2 1/2 hours long.
I live in the hope that ivermectin will pierce the wall of deceit, perhaps in France. The no-virus theory has no traction here, but the denial of treatment is making people very angry indeed, and they’re coming to the realisation that if hydroxychloroquine/ivermectin were to be freely available and used when needed, the whole masquerade could end tomorrow.
Personally, I’m not sure this is more than a cold/flu, but those who have been living in fear for over a year are not going to be convinced by the “It was just a prank” line. However, if they were told simple and effective treatment is available, that might do the trick.
it’s a contract an agreement certainly verbal probably written
consent they agreed they paid they understood
do you understand?
do you stand under?
consensus facit legum
jurisdiction consent turns sovereign man into slave
Capitis diminutio maxima
he agreed to be a slave
a change of mind is breach of contract
ignorance of the law of admiralty maritime corporations legal colours
ignorance of legal fictions is not an excuse
keep talkin democracy
it is your consent that brings you into jurisdiction
many have chosen to wear the mask as standard as tribute a ritualistic sign of gang membership
a sign for satan
today in uk it is newby foreigner who tells you the law of what you can and cannot do
who better than a newby foreigner to correct you guide you show you tell you the foreign for profit
corporations latest rules guidance what you must or must not do
the world is contracts
if you agree
you are bound
Excellent. I really want to know more about this. For instance…if my city has a “mask mandate” and I am stopped by police for not wearing one…and at no time give my consent and no time understand…then I am likely to spend time arrested and or fined after which I may or may not be released freely with no follow up.
If I shoot an old lady in the head and the police see me do it…and I try to not “consent” and not “understand”…that will not end well for me.
So we are talking about the nature of the “crime” or “offense”.
The thing is…how are people born into the system with consent by default and spend their entire lives bound by the system? Is it the birth certificate? Is it holding a driver’s license? A marriage cert? A bank account? etc
And how can I, as a man of peace, completely detach from a system of seemingly default consent and therefore jurisdiction?
And how can I detach from such a system that is all but labelling me a threat to society, as, for example a person who will not take a “vaccine”? Because with this in mind…now I am not a man of peace…but am a potential murderer who is a vector for lethal germs…and just by buying potatoes in a shop I am akin to the one shooting and old lady in the head.
Consent makes the law. DEFINATION- Stipulates that when two or more persons arrive at a good faith agreement, the law will insist on that agreement being carried out. consensus facit legem
Now…how is a “good faith agreement” made by people born into consent? A person knows nothing when they are born.
How can I “de-contract”?
ucc 1-308
if you do not reserve your rights you do not have any
never understand a peace officer
rice v connelly
a well timed reservation of rights
stills the contract
under duress
all rights reserved
ucc 1-308
non assumpsit
with a reservation well timed
in maritime admiralty
holy see
contract law world
the reservation puts a condition on the charge on the contract on the case agreement or issue
it puts a condition on the face of the matter
it be difficult for the matter to move forward unless the man or the woman
create joinder
by understanding the peace officer
i do not consent
i do not wish to contract
your offer is declined
you do not have to give your name
your address telephone number
jurisdiction is the key to the charge
do i have to answer that question
can it be used as evidence against me
numptys on the site haven’t figured out yet that voting is consent to anything they do..
ow dear should of read the small print but the shills dont tell you that, they sell you vote vote vote
little bit more deeper but ay
your complicit in this if you voted no excuses
carry on paying your subz to the shills who sell you evoking demons – plytricks.
I’m sure someone will be along with the george carlin link shortly
Voting is “compulsory” in Australia. Though I haven’t voted for decades. In Hobbes’s book Leviathan he talks about social contract. If the traps to contract consist of underhanded scheming like voting registry, driving licenses, marriage certs etc etc etc…then surely it can be demonstrated that any idea of “good faith agreements” are a joke. If one party is drawing up the terms of the contract and making your joinder to it so shrouded in haze and vagueness that you need to take several months out of your year to read the fine print…then surely one party is deceiving and conning the other party in bad faith.
So we are dealing with a penetrating undermining vaccination virus ? https://web.archive.org/web/20210603112509/https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/ifsg/__21.html
Link from Bret Weinstein’s twitter page, definitely worth a read. Arthur Koestler, We, The Screamers
Thanks. See this excerpt from one of Weinstein’s podcasts on the Spike Protein — its danger was known from the start, FDA included.
Wow, amazing video, I’m going to share that one far and wide!