An Essential Journey
My experience of international travel in Covid times.
Joanna Sharp

I had not planned to travel abroad this year, especially after the UK government’s announcement in early 2021 that foreign holidays were forbidden. Even heading towards the airport with an intent to go on a foreign holiday could result in a £5000 fine or imprisonment! Surreal.
Where we live in London under a flight path to Heathrow, we notice that although there are fewer flights, they have not ceased completely. So how do people travel? It’s not something I have thought about.
One day at the end of April I receive a message that my elderly father’s condition is critical. Within an hour I am looking at flights back home in Eastern Europe and checking the UK government travel ‘advice’ webpages.
I say ‘advice’ but that word belongs to the past. Today, ‘command’ might be more appropriate. According to the government, only “essential” international travel is permitted for named valid reasons; ‘medical and compassionate’ is the category which applies to me.
I wonder whose compassion this is a reference to: mine, for wanting to be with my sick father, or the government’s for including this as a possibility. Reassured that I can go, it is now a question of buying the plane tickets, checking in and packing, right? Not quite.

Wading through the red tape
Since holiday travel has effectively been banned, the government created intricate webpages full of information on what is and what is not allowed, where citizens cannot travel, and if they must, what documents they need to prepare. So complicated travel advice alone has become that the webpage now includes a step by step flowchart with endless links within each step to be followed.
Getting through this information would take at least a day. It’s like a cross between a maze and a vortex. I soon understand that I cannot buy my tickets until I have uploaded the right Covid related paperwork onto the airline website!
First, I need to fill a Declaration for International Travel (since the 17th May it is no longer required) which asks for personal details including my date of birth, passport number, home address and destination.
The key question is the reason for international travel – and in the actual online questions, the phrase is: ‘What is your excuse for travel?’ My excuse? What kind of language is that? Am I asking a teacher to let me leave the classroom? Am I asked to explain why I haven’t done my homework?
That really shocks me, although I have already noticed my own reaction to the very idea that I need permission to leave the country, as if I was back in Eastern Europe before 1989…I read the following declaration and tick the right box out of the given options.
I hereby declare that my reason for being outside my home to travel internationally is for:
– Work
– Volunteering
– Education
– Medical or compassionate reasons
– Funeral
– Ending a temporary visit (non-UK resident)
– Allowing access to parents with children who do not live in the same country
– Other reasonable excuse – please specify
Next, I am required to sign to ‘certify that the information I have provided is true. I understand that if I provide false or misleading information, I may be issued with a fixed penalty notice and/or a direction to return home or be arrested’.
So, by signing this, and I have no choice not to if I want to get my ticket, I have given the UK authorities permission to arrest or fine me should my excuse to travel turn out to be incorrect. What if my father is not that ill, then what?
But of course, that is not enough. I now need to provide evidence of my father’s illness. How do you do that when the whole of the world is still in lockdown; imagine having to get a doctor’s note on demand. I am still just trying to get a ticket.
I want to travel tomorrow morning, my sister-in-law tells me, Dad is given a couple of days. I ask my brother to send me an email confirming the family crisis, he does that within an hour. He is also trying to copy the notes from my father’s last doctor’s visit and the most recent diagnosis.
Then, still before I buy a return ticket, I need to get a kit of two Covid tests which I will need to take upon return to UK. Another link takes me on to a list of government-approved Covid test providers. A whole list of them, each can be accessed via a separate link. I try a few. They average around £200 each. The cheapest ones are £99 but are sold out.
Why can’t I see any free NHS ones? The ones given out like sweets in schools and local pharmacies? Why are these not available? Why could I not just pick a free one at the airport?
But of course, there is no one to answer these questions, I am desperate to leave so agree to this, too. No test, no flight. So, I order one of these almost £200 test kits, get an email confirming the order, upload all the documents and finally I can complete the purchase of my tickets which, as usual, turn out not so low cost after all.
I check in. My boarding card (lucky I had just bought a printer the previous week) says at the top of the page ‘Covid Documentation Uploaded’. So, now I have the boarding card and a pile of printed pages which presumably I will need to show at UK border control in order to prove my excuse for leaving the country is legitimate.
Finally, I download and fill in the compulsory Passenger Locator Form for the destination country that will enable the system to track and trace me. It is nearly bedtime and I now need to pack.

On the go
My husband drives me to Stansted in the middle of the night. An early morning flight, no public transport available but at least it’s quiet and there is no traffic. The airport is still closed; a group of families with young children are waiting for the door to open.
These are not holidaymakers breaking the law to get some forbidden fun. No idea where they are travelling but they look like they are going home somewhere south, southeast perhaps? Turkey, Bulgaria or Ukraine? No idea but they do look like part of the globalised chain of workforce escaping poverty and perhaps the lockdown has pushed them to return. Better to be jobless and poor in your own village. The weather tends to be better and the environment less hostile.
Finally, the doors open. I push the scarf up over my face, my hand clutching a plastic folder with a wad of documents allowing me to leave. It is quiet, no waiting. I go through security, passport control seems non-existent, shops still closed so nothing to stop for. I wonder at which point someone will ask me to see the papers. Ask me what my excuse for leaving is. Strangely, that never happens. I am almost disappointed. I spent about four hours sorting out all that paperwork the night before and now this is not even checked!
Immediately I catch myself: why am I disappointed? Because no one will give me the all-clear? Have I been conditioned to want to be waved through the green light already?
Perhaps that is how normalising oppression works. But of course, there is no need to check, the document has been uploaded and recorded somewhere and someone now knows everything about me, my plans, my reason (“excuse”) for leaving the country. Or perhaps the intimate details of my family crisis; my father’s terminal illness and my attempt to get to him before it’s too late have now just been converted into big data slushing around the corpo-government’s control AI machine, and turned into useful predictions.
I guess this type of authoritarianism does not even need stern looks from border control officials, no need to divulge private dramas in public. Hours of stress of getting the documents turned into a discreet but vital small print on my boarding card; the only visible proof that my travel is acceptable to the corpo-state. It is all so neat, tidy, hi-tech and invisible that we can just pretend that all is just normal.
After all, the airport trimmings look all the same; with adverts, duty-free shopping, same old queues at departure gates and same safety drills on the plane, down to the irritating Ryanair voice thanking us for choosing to fly with them (no one chooses to fly with Ryanair, just like no one chooses to go to the dentist, you do it because you have to and you hope it won’t be too unpleasant).
We can pretend nothing has changed. Except the masks on faces, of course. Slow drinking and eating is my solution. During the flight many noses protrude against the regulations, of course. People do need to breathe.
We land on time. I send a message to my father, anxious, hoping he is still there. He is not responding. I am worried. From the tarmac I can see the arrivals hall is full. There is no way of entering so the crowd from my plane stops outside and waits in the drizzle. I wonder why that is. Is that Brexit or is it that people’s papers are now checked after all?
The queue moves very slowly, twenty minutes after landing I send my father another message saying that I’m still waiting for border control. I have no idea why this is so slow; each person seems to spend a good few minutes at the control desk. Finally, an hour and a half after landing I get into the taxi. As the driver pulls away, I notice a long queue of passengers outside the arrivals hall waiting to get a Covid test. I arrive home and find my father hanging on.

My father’s illness
There is a twist to this story. My father has been treated for cancer but has been still doing quite well and has been planning to spend the summer away from his flat, in the countryside. His sudden deterioration is unexpected to me but I have not had time to think of reasons. I only learnt of this yesterday. But now I am in the flat, taking my shoes off when my brother drops the bombshell: ‘you know, Dad took the vaccine’.
I am shocked. He told me he was not going to, because he found the registration process too difficult, so he decided to stop trying. I was relieved; I had been persuading him that he should not, that being immunocompromised, his system might not cope. I told him what I knew and what I worried about. My brother tells me another family member helped organize his jab and took him there. Jesus. But I am to pretend I don’t know about it; Dad asked my brother not to tell me.
So, I learn that the day after the Pfizer jab he started to feel weak, and within ten days he was prescribed blood thinning injections, a daily drip and he became bed-bound. My brother has hired a hospital-style bed and an oxygen machine, set them up in father’s bedroom and organized a private nurse for daily visits. Dad had not wanted to go to hospital: he believed that hospitals were overrun by contagious Covid patients and that going to hospital would mean certain death under a ventilator.
Luckily (I never thought I would say this), unlike the UK, this ex-communist country never managed to build up its own national health service to a level able to deliver comprehensive care, so a secondary private sector filling the gaps exists and is not beyond the means of many people. So here he is, in his own bedroom and getting care at home.
He is happy to see me but asks me not to touch him. I feel sad, guessing he might worry I am bringing contagion. That hurts. I pretend I know nothing about the jab. Later, much later, I remember this moment and think that, he might have wanted to protect me. He knew the jab made him ill and he worried he was fighting vaccine-induced Covid and did not want to give it to me.
He never told me about the vaccine, I never told him I knew.
Quarantine One: The App
The day after arriving I receive a text message telling me I am now under statute of law obliged to download a particular app and use it during my 10-day home quarantine. I start the download but can’t complete it. Something is stuck and I have no idea how to fix it. I try for a while and then abandon it. I spend most of the time caring for my father who now slips in and out of consciousness.
The next morning I get a phone call but it stops ringing before I have time to answer it. The following day the same happens. I realise this is the local track and trace. They ring but don’t wait for me to answer. Their call is logged, the box gets ticked but the robot or a human cannot be bothered to do the job properly. Actually, it must be a human as a robot would not give up. Good. The tyranny will fail due to human error or sheer laziness.
I don’t know what possessed me but somehow, I manage to complete installing the Quarantine App. The system springs into action. I get a message from the app that I must take a selfie within the next 30 minutes and submit it. I take a selfie from the app which gives me as many times as I like to choose the best shot. I choose the worst shot.
Of course, there is a way to cheat: after doing my selfie I could leave the phone at home and go out for a walk. Trouble is, the selfie demand comes at a different time each day, usually towards the end of the day. But I have no reason to go anywhere, really, I have come here to be with him, and his condition continues to be critical. And at some point, during this journey I decided that I would do everything by the book, just to see what the new normal travel feels and looks like, and what exactly they want us to experience.
Well, here I am, in a 10-day quarantine in a flat with my dying father. We are lucky. I have my brother to get the shopping in and kind neighbours ready to help. We are lucky my father is at home. What would be the point of coming here all this way, only to be stuck in quarantine if he was in a hospital with no visitors allowed? So, all in all, we are lucky.
Difficult days
Days go by, my father’s condition improves a little, I am his nurse, and of course I touch him – he stopped protesting as soon as he needed a glass of water; I continue to take my selfies. We talk, I read to him, feed him, then he sleeps. He dies two days after my quarantine ends. That is good timing.
There is a lot to do now, and I will not be breaking the law trying to organize the funeral…I remember my favourite literature lesson at school when we debated who was right: Creon or Antigone. Even then, I was in team Antigone.
A doctor arrives to certify death. She is nice and takes her time. Talks a little. Does not look like a corporate bot. She is sitting at a coffee table doing the paperwork. For the cause of death, she writes ‘Thrombosis’. I ponder for a bit and then hesitatingly say: ‘Did you know he was vaccinated?’.
Her face changes and she asks: ‘No, when?’ We tell her, ‘Four weeks ago, exactly’.
‘I am not allowed to say anything,’ she says, ‘but I can tell you I have seen a lot lately. A lot!’ We try to encourage her to talk more but she is cautious. I just ask her: ‘Why would a person on cancer treatment be given a vaccine? Surely that had not been done before?’ She looks at me and says: ‘Because they want to vaccinate us all.’ So, she knows.
This kind of conversation would have been typical in the days of strict communist authoritarianism before 1989. You never knew whom you could trust so you just dropped hints and checked for people’s response. In those days careless talk was dangerous, and I am too young to remember the worst times: the Stalinist years when children were encouraged to denounce their parents; many were imprisoned, tortured and killed.
Now the threat is only a loss of income and public humiliation and yet the new order based on lies, fraud and corrupt science is already in place. Everyone is just doing their job. A perfect example of Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil in which those, following orders in this elaborate house of cards, often do not even know their active contribution to harm inflicted on others. They do not realise because they refuse to look and to know. They stopped taking responsibility for their individual part in the whole.
There is a small group of doctors in the country who are challenging the official narrative, attempt to offer treatment for Covid patients and warn against the untested ‘vaccines’, particularly now that governments want to jab children. Their voices are censored, the people get smeared, ridiculed and shamed by the professional licensing medical body. The modern-day governance in Western democracies!

Travelling home
As the funeral preparations get underway, I need to organise my return travel. I check the UK government website again. Travelling from an ‘amber’ coded country, I must test negative for Covid within 72 hours prior to departure. Tricky when the flight is on Monday afternoon.
I start to search for UK government-approved tests available in the city. Only a handful provide the specified UK approved antigen test with results in English. They are also open only in the mornings so if I test on Friday morning, I might be testing a few hours too early to fit within the 72 hours.
After hours of online searching, I find one that looks almost right. I pay the equivalent of £35 online and am told to come on the day, without an appointment. The laboratory website provides useful advice, how to prepare for the test. I learn that I should not brush my teeth or use mouthwash on the morning of test. So now I know what to do.
I arrive at the testing centre early, having heard that queues can be quite long. It is, and it is in the street. The lab’s waiting room only allows three people at a time so the rest stand outside. After about an hour it is my turn. I am allowed inside the surgery.
On the right, by the door, a masked man sitting at a desk behind a glass screen is checking my name and the type of test I have purchased. Then, a young, tall man in full white hazmat suit, his face covered, and in protective glasses ushers me to sit on a chair and tip my head backwards.
This is my first Covid test ever and I am terrified. I have rehearsed telling them how sensitive my face feels and asking not to go deep but there is no eye contact, no talk trying to help me feel comfortable, no attempt to put me at ease. He just tells me to tip my head back far.
I just manage to ask him to go into the left nostril as my right one is not straight. He happily obliges and shoves the long stick into my nostril. As soon as the tip enters my nose I feel shock, a feeling of something unnatural, wrong and threatening happening. The area he just touched is too soft, sensitive and the sensation so unfamiliar I involuntarily, and to my own shock, find myself pushing the man’s arm away. He moves back and looks at me, his body language (there is no face available) disapproves of my behaviour.
I say, please don’t go that deep, you already have some but he insists, tells me not to defend myself and does it again. And again, that feeling that a part of me which is vulnerable and should not be touched, gets scraped. He gets his sample and nods for me to go. I am frozen in that chair, unable to move for what seems like a while. I have tears in my eyes, and I am alone with two hazmat wearing robots. No word is uttered as I leave.
I get my negative result within hours. I recover with an old friend. By then I have a splitting headache and my left nostril is moist with a slight leak. The headache lasts for a couple of days but the leak persists for at least ten.
I arrive at the airport early because I have difficulties completing the UK Passenger Locator Form which UK needs from all passengers. I pass through a manned gate with an automatic wrist temperature check. The airport is unusually quiet, and the staff help me identify the problem which stops me from completing the form. The reference number for the double Covid test needed for the Passenger Locator Form is wrong. I ring home and ask my husband to read the reference number off the Covid test kit. Surely it has arrived now. It hasn’t. It looks like the Day 2 and 8 Test I ordered has not been paid for.
I am told I need to buy a new kit if I want to get this flight. I do as I’m told. No form, no flight. I stand next to the luggage drop off counter feeling sweats, and with my hands shaking I battle the website on my phone. Again, all the ‘cheap’ ones are sold out and somehow, at the last minute I manage to make a purchase for £180, get an email, a reference number, complete the form and have my luggage accepted.
I hurry to my gate and make it just in time as passengers are starting to board. I slow down to join the Ryanair herd waiting on the tarmac for the aircraft to be processed before we are told we can travel.
The pavement is marked with lines at 2-meter intervals. Two men behind me are joking loudly that we must stand on the lines correctly, otherwise the virus will jump on us. I turn and smile (no mask, we are still outside) and make eye contact with the fellow humans.

Quarantine Two: Track and Trace
Back home in London, the following day I get my first out of ten phone calls from Track and Trace. Each time a different voice reads the same script.
I am contacting you on behalf of the NHS Test and Trace as you have recently travelled into the UK from abroad. Are you happy to continue in English?”
No idea what would happen if I said ‘no’.
Before we proceed, I need to make you aware that this call will be recorded for training and quality improvement purposes and should just take a few minutes of your time. I can confirm I have completed the necessary data security training and all information you provide today will be stored securely. NHS Test and Trace may need to share your details with other organisations including the Home Office, and further information on data security and privacy can be found on Sharing information in the call today means you consent for it to be stored in the ways I have described. Are you happy to proceed with the call?”
I wish I could say, no, I am not. Once or twice I ask how long the data is going to be stored. The caller is not sure and advises me to find this out from the government website. The call proceeds with them checking my year of birth. Then they ask if I have opted into a ‘test to release’ – I frankly don’t even know it is my option, so I say ‘no’.
I later learn that the Test to Release scheme does not replace the compulsory Day 2 and 8 test. The ten-day quarantine can be shortened to 5 days by ‘opting into’ Test to Release for an additional £99. I realise they ask this question to advertise another product!
Can you confirm that you are quarantining at the address you provided on the passenger locator form and will continue to do so for ten days starting on the day after you arrive in the UK.”
So, again, I confirm, yes. What would happen if I said no?
As part of the Covid 19 response you are legally required to take the test on Day 2 and Day 8 and a failure to do so may result in prosecution.”
That answers my previous question…
Has your test arrived? And have you taken or do you intend to take your test?”
Then I am asked if I got my test from the NHS or from a private provider. I am confused as I had no option to get an NHS test and I tell the caller. They seem happy with my answer and continue:
If your Day 2 test is positive confirming Covid 19, you do not need to take another test on Day 8.”
I think, on one occasion, I ask how I am expected to post the test if I am not allowed to leave the house. Of course, the assumption is there is someone else in the house, and if I still have difficulties, again, the go-to place is another NHS number. Amazing what they can do these days; they can even pick up your mail for you!
The call continues:
If you develop any of the three coronavirus symptoms which are: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, or a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell, please visit for further advice. You should not go to the GP, hospital or a pharmacy. If you require medical advice, please ring the NHS on 111 or in an emergency dial 999”.
So here we have the admission of medical malpractice: if I fall ill, I must not seek help from NHS, not even by going to my local pharmacy. I must stay home without help, except of course, if I qualify for 999 ie, a ventilator…
The call continues:
I must advise you that if you test positive for coronavirus or are identified as a close contact of someone who has coronavirus you will be notified by NHS Test and Trace and may be contacted again. Is there anything you would like me to repeat?”
Of course, if someone I sat next to on the (half-empty) plane gets a positive result, my quarantine will stretch to a fortnight or longer! Each time, the call ends with a friendly, youthful, ‘have a great day’. All those who have called me are young voices, all kinds of accents, probably desperate for any job in the current climate. They are trained to stick to the script and any departure from it by my questions seems to trip them up.
And most of them probably think they are doing something socially useful and valuable.

The quarantine DIY tests
The one I have purchased in haste at the airport is a kit with two PCR tests to be administered at home on Day 2 and Day 8. The instructions tell me that the test is run at less than a 30-cycle value threshold.
The first thing to say about the swab is that it is long. It looks like a cotton bud used for everyday use, but on closer inspection it is different. The stick itself is about 12 cm long, that’s 6”, and designed to break off after the sample is collected and put into a small tube provided. The tip itself is 2 cm long, quite thin and covered in almost translucent spiky bristles protruding outwards. It looks a bit like a miniature harsh brush designed to scratch the delicate tissue inside the mouth and nose.
I am told to swab the back of the throat for 3-5 seconds over the posterior pharynx and tonsillar areas but to avoid tongue, teeth and the sides of the mouth. Then I am told to insert the same swab to each nostril about 2 cm deep and to rotate it for 3-5 seconds each time.
The form which I have to complete for each test is yet another mandated opportunity for the corpo-government to harvest my personal data, to store it for as long as it sees fit, yet, as is often the case in abusive relationships I have to (I repeat:) I have to give my consent for all this to happen, and even consent for my possible positive test result which may include my personal details: name, date of birth, gender, home address, telephone number, occupation, place of work, ethnicity and the fact that I have tested positive for Covid 19 to be communicated to Public Health England. Luckily, both of my test results are negative.
Eleven days after arrival in the UK my quarantine is officially over. It takes me a couple of days before I venture outside, I detect a bit of agoraphobia. In the last six weeks I spent twenty days in house arrest. They say it takes six weeks to develop a new habit.
I doubt very much I will travel internationally any time soon. Not planning to take the experimental Covid jab and so will not be enjoying the privilege of freedom promised to those with the vaccine passport. At the time of writing, it is no longer illegal to leave England but the elaborate hoops and the red tape remain and the government website reminds us that “to protect public health in the UK and the vaccine rollout, you should not travel to countries or territories on the red or amber lists”.
The ‘red and amber’ lists cover most countries of the world and returning from an amber list country will involve three or four tests which could come to £240-£340 per person plus the time spent completing all the online forms.
As to the red list countries; even a short spell there ends in an expensive £1750 per person prison-like stay at an airport hotel, as can be seen here.
So whilst not forbidden, even essential travel has been made into a series of expensive, degrading and time-consuming obstacles. Vaccine passports are being rolled out precisely to convince people they will magically bring freedom back to their lives. Do they not realise, that once they have their passports, the vaccine will need regular boosters?
Those still asleep; trusting the governments and the mainstream media think that easy travel is only temporarily put on hold but once the pandemic is ‘under control’, things will get back to the way they used to be. They do not realise the plan is to make travel an exclusive and rare event beyond reach of ordinary people.
This is done to us not just by the predatory elite class. Disappointingly, the pro-lockdown left continues to cheer these restrictions on and dismiss people’s desire and need to travel, as undeserved indulgence or middle-class privilege (interestingly, unrestricted travel around Europe was, until so recently, one of the main reasons for their fierce anti-Brexit position. What happened to their cherished principle of freedom of movement?). They could not be further from the truth.
They forget that, according to official migration data for the end of 2019, the UK is home to 6.2 million people – that is 9% of the total population – who have the nationality of a different country! And that data does not even include naturalised UK citizens like me, first-generation settled migrants who have close relatives all over the world and that unrestricted travel is an essential means to family life, something which is protected by Human Rights Act 1998.
The irony for those like myself, who grew up in communist Eastern Europe, is that freedom of movement, so taken for granted in the West, the right to travel and to have your own passport at home at all times is what we did not have then. The state set limits on where ‘citizens’, treated like its property, could travel.
For many who experienced those times, even as children, a return to state-mandated travel restrictions will feel like going back into tyranny.
As for my own journey: I will never forgive those responsible and all those lockdown fanatics for stealing my Dad’s, and so many other elderly people’s, last year by locking them up in the prison of fear and isolation, and then for pushing them to take the dangerous experimental jab which – for so many – was the last straw in their already weakened bodies.
Joanna Sharp is an academic living in London.
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Get the hell out of England. Find a small village in Scotland or something. Wow. Get to know God. Read Martin Luther’s Commentary on Romans to learn how to be saved. Best of luck.
Probably the most moving article I have ever read. A trip through a real life nightmare, in a living hell, created by demons. I can just see Hancock and Johnson and all the evil scumfucks they work for who are doing this laughing at an account like this. This is the world they are creating and it is our job to stop them and make sure they pay. I’ve never felt such hatred as what I feel for these people, for the misery and suffering they are inflicting upon people, for their dark spell, for the cloud they have cast upon humanity, for the fact they are doing this at least in part to make money out of people. Their place in hell is guaranteed, it’s just a question of how long it will be before they arrive there. These bastards had better get their payback for this. You can’t fuck with people like this and get away with it.
What a dreadful experience for you and how right to be alarmed by the test swabs – they are spiky and damaging! many small fibres detach and get stuck in your delicate mucosal tissue, see here
I repeated experiment, it is true!
If you are a member of G7 and all the entourages or one of 3000 EUFA players and officials authorised to visit the UK for football matches, do you have to go through all this procedure too? Or is “the science” so clear that such travellers couldn’t possibly be carrying the pathogen?
“It looks a bit like a miniature harsh brush designed to scratch the delicate tissue inside the mouth and nose.”
They are collecting DNA.
We can just say NO. It’s such a powerful word, and throws the automatons off their programmed tracks. I used to like saying it at airport scanners, and enjoyed watching the confusion and wobbles of the ‘authority figures’. Just one word said with conviction is often enough.
The text is not bad, but on the website of Off Quardian, which strongly opposes propaganda and verbal manipulation (not only on the topic of Covid19), sentences like the ones quoted below should not take place because they are obviously untrue. I was born in Poland, grew up in Poland and grew old in Poland, but I have never encountered a situation like the one outlined by the author in these few sentences:
„This kind of conversation would have been typical in the days of strict communist authoritarianism before 1989. You never knew whom you could trust so you just dropped hints and checked for people’s response. In those days careless talk was dangerous, and I am too young to remember the worst times: the Stalinist years when children were encouraged to denounce their parents; many were imprisoned, tortured and killed”.
For most of the post-war years we were a normal, safe country with a good economic development. After 1989 we gained so called “freedom” and de facto became a pariah of Europe, a country with destroyed, sold off for a pittance and stolen industrial potential, a country of cheap labour and a receptive market for countless western concerns and their brands.
This is the truth about Poland.
(apologies for any language errors, but I am using an automatic translator)
Thank you for your comment. A2
I presume communist Poland participated in the crushing of the uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. What sort of travel restrictions did you have ? Didn’t you field athletes injected with steroids ? Promote abominations like gender role reversal ?
If communist Poland was a “normal, safe country” with a “good economic development”, then why millions of Poles sought refuge from this “paradise” in the West up until the 1980s?
The stalinist period was the most repressive in terms of terror policies and violence against the people but political controls and social distrust continued well into the following decades. Discussing politics or criticising the ruling party was safe in private only. Social advance or successful career almost impossible without the political (party-related) connections. Yes, everyone could have a job somewhere but salaries were very low while most stores permanently undersupplied. Better clothing, good quality furniture or a car were luxuries available only for the few. Crossing the state border (westward) was difficult for most people since passports (if allowed) were held by the state militia. Schoolchildren that did not take part in the May Day official parades or other state-organised ceremonies risked ostracism and even had problems with promotion.
It is true that Poland never reached a level of totalitarian order developed in the Soviet Union and I have never heard of children denouncing their parents. Still, any organised non-compliance with the state-supervised order met a violent reaction of those in power and their loyal bureaucracy. It happened repeatedly in 1956, 1968, 1970, 1976 and 1981.
I agree too that the post 1989 changes brought lots of injustice, misery and insecurity to most of our countrymen and the international position of this country declined. But we must be careful not to vindicate a one-party dictatorship just to highlight a sad reality of contemporary Poland or to emphasize the death of freedom in the West.
It is fair to assume that in the past we lived like a free people in a captive state, while today we are captive people living under a delusion of a free state. And there is no longer the West where we could find an island of liberty.
1. „ then why millions of Poles sought refuge from this “paradise” in the West up until the 1980s?”
For the same reason that after June ’89, when Poland was already “free”, millions, especially young Poles, left to seek a new life, happiness in other countries, including the UK.
2) “The Stalinist period was the most repressive in terms of terror policy and violence against people.
This period lasted, if anything, only until 1956. I don’t recall any “terror” of the 1960s, while saying that the 1970s and 1980s were dominated by “political control and social distrust” in Poland, which supposedly “continued for decades to come” testifies to drawing knowledge from the records of Solidarity veterans exaggerating their achievements in overthrowing socialism in Poland (Poland was never communist!)
3. “Social advancement or a successful career is almost impossible without political (party) connections”.
Even if there were such situations, it was on a much smaller scale than it was and is since 1989 until today, i.e. in so-called free Poland.
4. “salaries were very low, while the majority of stores constantly had insufficient supply”.
Yes, salaries were not high, but it is much more important not how much one earns (e.g. in comparison to the rich West), but how much one spends on so-called everyday life. And the so-called state care consisted of: almost free housing, cheap rents, cheap heating, cheap electricity, cheap holidays and summer camps for children, free health care – and the list goes on. Besides, people’s salaries were not so scandalously differentiated! Even if some party boss had more property, it was at most (besides a house or an apartment and a car) just a summer cottage in a resort town. There were no salary chimneys! One family had one apartment or house, and not, as today, in the case of most of the so-called “elite”. (political and otherwise) a luxurious house, plus several proprietary apartments, hectares of land, and various stocks and bonds – that’s standard! The saddest thing is that the average net salary of most Poles is about 2500 PLN, which is about 600 Euro! No one will give them an apartment, at most banks will offer a loan to buy an apartment for life and at a banker’s interest!
As for the supply of stores: we may not have had “bananas and oranges” every day, but the supply of basic goods was not bad and the stores were not empty. In general we had healthier and tastier food than in the West (meat, dairy products, fruit, vegetables (without chemicals and flavour enhancers). No one in Poland was starving and everyone had a job (as long as they wanted to work).
Problems with supplying the stores started in 1981, when “Solidarity” organized general strikes nonstop and under any pretext (with money from generous sponsors from the West). The introduction of martial law was welcomed with relief by most Poles because the destruction of the country had finally ended.
PS. I apologize for the language awkwardness, but I use an automatic translator
Nostalgia translates into selective memory and many people attribute positive impressions to the past in contrast to the present. After all, back then we were young. This is the case of many Polish reminiscences of the communist period.
The conditions of living in People’s Republic of Poland were poor and any improvement remained unimaginable unless confronted with the image of the West. But if human beings wanted only a “state care” in terms of free housing, heating or medical services, etc. then the growth of opposition to millions in the 1980s would be hard to explain. Apparently secure life without perspectives for the future was simply unbearable since the people wanted to regain their dignity more than just bread and jobs. Not to mention the fact that the economic system of communist Poland proved unsustainable – it was not the Solidarity but the communist “reformers” of the 1970s who indebted Poland in Western financial institutions with disastrous results after 1989. It was again the same communist class that primarily benefited from the market reforms and the so called Round Table “compromise”.
And, sorry, no…the martial law in 1981 was not welcomed by most Poles.
Half a century ago the whole world operated on different terms than today because it was still underdeveloped when compared with the present day. We had more modest expectations, less material needs and ambitions since we lived in a more isolated and self-sufficient communities. Everywhere state governments had more authority but less power and control over the self-governing society. In these terms the people had more freedom. But it was not thanks to communism, socialism or any other imposed system that ultimately failed to fulfill its totalitarian premise. The only reason was that the world was not yet globalized by supranational monopolies and technocratic elites, who now resort to new tools of social control, previously unavailable. Together with the expanding modernity and communication we became more vulnerable to regulation, selection and social engineering. The societies of both West and East were made more dependent upon the consumer economy, social policies and “state care” that claimed its responsibility for almost every aspect of human biological existence.
Then, is the “state care” our dream for today? Isn’t it what the WEF and managers of the “Great Reset” envision for the whole world? Basic income? “Own nothing and be happy”?
Politics, which took care over the life of the society easily transformed into biopolitics with medical terror as only its latest development. And it is a global phenomenon. That’s why we are all in this together.
I wanted to let the author know how much I feel for her, and how much I can relate to her experience. And also to say how beautiful and soberly dignified her writing is.
Without going into details, I too have been going through a nightmare similar yet different all because not just travel but access to medical help is now Kafkaesque: so I prefer not get treatment even if this means I will remain partly paralyzed and in constant pain the rest of my life… I cant be with my relatives as I have no right to go to them, nor have any of them or any of my close friends the right to come to me. The countries they are in, my country, is out of bounds…
Its hard to explain to anyone who has not been through it (I was in hospital for nearly 3 weeks after an accident during this period): the cold cruelty of the doctors, of the nurses, of the administration. On rare occasions, some medical personnel who realises but is terrified of speaking out confided. I was left unattended, unable to go even to the toilet, because I refused to put the mask on. My blood pressure rose beyond 20 as a result.
If at least the cruelty was “hot”, no its emotionless. Don’t doctors realise they have become dehumanised? Anyhow one day when it was too hard, I wrote an open letter to doctors, which appeared in the Light paper:
I find the light paper suspect Anette and I would say you and your family have every right to travel same as everyone else.
May I ask WHY you find ‘The Light Paper’ ‘suspect’, please?
Most of the publication seems okay but I have my suspicions.
‘….to remain fiercely free from the establishment we seek to hold to account’.
Well they have articles about Kill the Bill which is fine. But the Bill was brought in on top of the illegal Corona 2020 legislation which is not discussed.
I have had a lot of respect for Jaz Coleman from Killing Joke over the years but some things he says in issue 6 rankle. “We need a neo-Bolshevik solution to the Central Banking problem”……no we frigging do not, seeing as the Bolsheviks were bank rolled by the world banksters in the first place ffs and every other revolution/war, small and huge, passed and present. “We need to completely transform our ‘democratic’ system”….there is nothing democratic ever about the present/past system. “We need a responsible philosophical ‘elite’ with a moral compass able to to make difficult ‘discussions’ for the good of humanity”……excuse me but this all sounds like controlled opposition to me and very arrogant. Also using the word discussion reeks of double speak to me and implies ‘decisions’ imho.
I also wrote to them and have to say i was not too impressed with the feedback. ‘Conspiracy’ t-shirts advertised saying things like’We Are The 99%’…….NO WE ARE NOT we are not even 10% imo. Thank you for asking, it is good to be questioned.
As I said in my comment to you six days ago (above – or below), WHY do you find ‘The Light Paper’ ‘suspect’? There is literally nothing to be ‘suspicious’ of, in that worthy publication.
Why don’t you ask OG why my answer was spammed yet again!!
I spent over an hour researching and composing my answer which never appeared!!
Work it out yourself they are controlled opposition imo with their fancy expensive free paper and i was not happy with the email correspondence initiated with them either.
I am posting this on my alternative moniker to stop it being censored.
Jaz Coleman in issue six saying we need a bro-Bolshevik solution to sort the world banksters out when they have initiated every war revolution etc and his talk of needing an elite.
Also not connecting Kill the Bill which came in on the back of the illegal corona 2020 legislation is subterfuge imho. You
I just rescued this from the trash folder. I’m afraid I don’t know what your ‘alternative moniker’ is so I can’t be sure, but I can’t see any lengthy comment either in spam or trash. I’m afraid it might have vanished.
Two pieces of advice.
1. ALWAYS make a copy of longer posts before hitting send – just in case
2. Don’t use multiple IDs, Akismet can sometimes detect you are doing this and throw all your comments in spam ever after.
Hiya OG, I wrote a much more detailed reply to Christine the day she questioned my comment as domeobaMalingera of which I took a picture because I seem to have lost a few comments recently. It happened a few weeks ago too. Which you then found buried in the spam can.
There’s nothing by you in spam or trash. Always make a copy of a long post because sometimes they just disappear. If you post anything wildly OT, defamatory, abusive or racist your comment may be removed – but I highly doubt you did that. If you have screen cap before it went post that.
‘Neo-Bolshevik‘ it should read, it would be nice if OG could dig out my original reply to you I composed a week ago.
Hi there,
While I troubleshoot this problem please post as DomoebaMalingera using the email you emailed us with today. This should not cause any problems.
Why you diverted to spam in the first place I do not know, but it does happen occasionally. The only way out is to be patient and avoid multi-posting comments, and/or using multiple monikers or IP addresses. This is confusing for our moderators and especially for our akizmet spam software and compounds the problem.
If you get spammed again send us an email, avoid the above, be patient and we will look into this further. Thank you. A2
The odd thing is as a british citizen international law allowing right of return is being broken. No citizen should be refused entry to his or her own country for any reason. No silly pcr tests. Also even if one plans to stay just 3 days (one can do this as long as they go straight to their departure point) they still need to buy a day 2 and day 8 test. Why? I still have 3 or 4 day 8 tests sat in my bottom drawer as I didnt need to use them. Shows how well they thought that out.
Is anyone else aware of the Freedom Travel Alliance?
We are a Travel Freedom Membership site and our areas of focus is to be the travel disrupter. We will create and partner with the best in freedom travel in the hospitality and tourism arena to support our members. Being a member brings you into the effort to assure that your family’s natural health rights while traveling are protected from injurious regulation and discriminatory policy.
Freedom Travel Alliance will provide a unified voice of advocacy for travelers around the world.
That’s very sad. Sorry about your dad. Even the term “new normal” is a lie. They used to throw you in a ward for behaving like that. Lol.
Brexit, definitely a means to restrict travel under the guise of “stricter border control”. The impression to prevent things from coming in is really an angle to prevent things from going out.
There never was any pandemic.
There is no ‘virus’.
Three British Airways pilots die after injection.In talks with UK government:
“The first thing to say about the swab is that it is long. It looks like a cotton bud used for everyday use, but on closer inspection it is different. The stick itself is about 12 cm long, that’s 6″
Also cotton buds have warnings on the packet against putting them up your nose.
WARNING: Never insert a cotton bud into the inner ear or nose.
I wish my pickle jar had that warning. It’s been up there for months.
Don’t believe anyone saying it will protect you. Pickles are for eating.
They are a great treat at the office, not the orifice.
Guess the highly toxic ethylene oxide (stamped EO on the outer wrapping) isnt too good for you being jammed into your pre frontal cortex every time you want to buy a pint of milk either.
This is where the Soviets went wrong.
Instead of threatening leavers with prison or worse, just tie them up with ridiculous paperwork and procedures…’for health reasons’.
This made me cry, what a cruel ‘new world’. Utterly sick, saddening & inhuman. I too will never ever forgive THEM!!
Thanks for sharing 🙏❤
The question is forgive who? Don’t you see that it’s regular people going along with it all and enforcing it? It’s our own friends and families, it’s in us. So can we forgive ourselves? All we can do is ask for God’s forgiveness.
WOW what a lovely story ..
Been a while
lots to read and catch-up ….then again, it it isnt
Dribble reads fast
Just moaning, bitchin and in general let the vulgar vent a bit
Still a constant bitchin about general incompetence ? Apparently still many baffled by it,
#How come ? after a year Offg. Are you informing people or not ?
OH i see….its not your real goal is it know it I know it
YOU = (OffG) You knew it isn’t about helf since the start.
You knew from march last year . Still a thousand reports about a hoax you KNOW to be one form the start . yet you play the game don’t you ? Shame on you
A year ago? you might remember didn’t like it then when I called it .
Now here we are over a year on and you are still doing it?
When will the line in the sand be crossed for you ? when ?
As i see it never . You lament and report about a world in fascism as its the new normal .. well; it is isn’t it. And you carving out your new place in it
Slightly critical and OHH so intelligent and measured
Keep em calm Keep em sitting at their keyboards right ?
Its a job
Peddling dribble and nonsense of no consequence
When you well know what comes after March 2025 .
Shame on you Offg
OHH how can Mr PM do this. Ohh no the incompetence ?
How can our Helf Minister be so ignorant
OffG – the caldron – collect the flaccid placid masses
have a nice day
all you sleepwalkers
Stay civil You hear
Stay safe and Stay informed (mis)
it isn’t ! never was! never will be about a virus !
They told you if you care to go read some documents you would all know
And NO. Offg wont show you these documents you have to go an look for them
Instead, you see it t sells so much better, we have Human content stories and opinions on OFFG . All about the Ohh so nasty new normal ..
PREPARE People Prepare !!!
Rest now. Cretin.
Fancy another pint?
Tbf this article did irk me in that sense, like we need to resist and disobey the unlawful regulations, but it’s hard to blame people for conforming when they have dying family.
Fool! So she has the ‘choice’ of not going to her dying father’s bedside?! It’s not a question of conforming! What kind of idiot are you?
No! I didn’t say that, I would’ve gone and not done what they want, we have the right to travel without conditional medical procedures. Never take a test or be part of track and trace its unlawful, there are people that have travelled throughout and not gone along with any of it
It’s always very costly to refuse to be blackmailed. Where they really get you is by putting your family on the line.
You need to see it’s the female mind. Females, and I really don’t mean this in any derogatory way but quite the opposite, are easier to frighten and for good reason in self and species preservation sense. So, by putting females in positions of exposure to the meanness and cruelties of the world out there was have created and panic induced system.
Females in positions of travelling alone in these times in particular, be the bread winners, put in positions of decision making in the cold business world, driving them away from their own children, families and homes, where normal women feel most natural.
All this has created a world of insane safety regulations, bans and controls. Plus a very emasculated men to boot. The west civilisation in particular is no longer viable and we should know this by now.
The largestgroup of people that have time and stability to have discussions here are older.
Many of those would be retired soldiers of various types but mainly not fighters.
You mistaking contingent formal politeness with the inability to conceive it could be fake for the reasons you state.
You need to read between the lines a little. And poets, writers and authors make for passionate fighters.
So I fear you are wrong. I fear us. It takes 10% of the people to destroy society and these folks, and the ones you never hear from to do it.
It will probably be some state massacre or mass arrest that is trigger.
Four dead in ohio.
Four birds dropped from the sky.
Maybe it’s a sign.
Maybe it’s just bad government.
Take your pick.
We should officially start dead pools for pilots and other professions. We could make a buck on this.
Being from a former communist Eastern European country myself, Poland, I would love to know where the author of the article is from. Does anyone know?
Yes it’s an interesting question. When I first read the story I felt a great sense of outrage. Then I mentioned to my sister the 200 pound covid test price and she expressed scepticism so I thought I’d read the article again. The lack of specificity for items for which you’d expect the specifics puzzles me.
— Why not the name of the test and the actual price?
— Eastern Europe – why not the country?
— Driving to Stansted in the middle of the night – why not the time and the time of the airport opening?
— I’m also puzzled at the treatment offered to the author’s father. If he was feeling weak after the vaccine why was he prescribed blood thinner and oxygen? Blood thinners are prescribed where there is risk of a clot. There is talk of these vaccines causing clots but surely a man in his situation would not be given the vaccine if the blood thinner was automatically going to be given with it because there was a known special risk of clot for her father but if this, in fact, were the case I would have thought the author would have mentioned it.
The reason that the author chose not to mention her native country is obvious. She still has relatives there including a brother. Are you brain dead? As a superannuated US ex-pat living in Mexico in an off-grid house out in the campo maiz and agave fields, I found her story fascinating and informative.
So in what countries would exposure of her experience cause problems for her relatives? I thought things were different now.
What about the lack of specificity in naming the test and actual price?
What about the lack of specificity in time arriving at the airport and time airport opened?
What about the giving of blood thinners to her father when his reaction to the vaccination was weakness?
When you offer an explanation for an anomaly you need to consider the other anomalies too and what would explain those anomalies. If only one of these anomalies existed in the story I wouldn’t even raise it but when there’s a number that have a certain quality about them then we might think that things are not as they seem.
In fact there are more anomalies which I will elucidate in another comment.
I find it disheartening that rather than prompting a closer appraisal from readers and perhaps a picking up of other anomalies – a chiming in – the reaction is “Oh here’s the psyop person again thinking something’s a psyop”.
So it means I’m the one that has to go and look for more anomalies to further make my case instead of somebody else for once lightening the load. Actually other readers did chime in on the Israeli-Palestinian article which I very much appreciated.
AHA!!! A reverse psychology meta argument psyop. I knew it! 😉
Nah. It’s probably a G7 shit hole country and she’s embarrassed to mention it. Or maybe….
London, Ontario?
Try travelling abroad.
If I may, this is what happens when you ascribe so many things to the same boogey man – in your case “psy-ops.” A dearth of hard core data (“Just the facts, ma’am”) does not in and of itself cast suspicion on the article or its author.
Please, lighten up. Not everything is a “psy-op.”
More to the point, this is about numerous groups and factions that either have ideology or greed in common.
They don’t coordinate or conspire in the traditional sense. It’s cultural.
Including talking about ‘them’. Who are ‘they’ precisely?
They gave it – 2 shots pfizer – to my father even after a massive blood clot early last year that required emergency surgery.
What’s more surprising: he took them without hesitation!
I made sure he knew every fact about the risk of these injections yet he didn’t walk but RAN to get both doses the second they were available to him.
Happy Father’s Day Dad.
The first one’s free.
I feel a strange mixture of disgust and compassion for the people that after a year and a half of this mad injections are still taking them.
I read £35 (approximate: local currency converted to £, which does tend to fluctuate every minute), £180, and £99, but no pennies were given in the price. Very suspicious.
Why not the odometer reading when leaving and after arrival at the airport? Why not the cost to park the vehicle? Why not the time elapsed between arrival and check-in?
Why not a copy of the patient’s treatment chart, with all reasons for the doctors’ decision to prescribe each treatment, assuming the doctor(s) would be telling the truth?
Maybe they would be LYING, or told to lie because it’s all a PSY-OP and everyone’s in on it. Yes, that might be it.
Or perhaps instead of writing a 200-page treatise, with footnotes, citations, and the biographies of all the players encountered, and their possible motives, the author chose to submit a reasonably detailed very readable narrative.
Dunno about readable – as an academic, you’d think she’d proofread.
And…… you would be wrong.
I would request many hilarious additional items but must instead defend the lady. And thank her.
My Dear Petra … much of your previous sceptacism has been reasonably plausible. However, of late, you’re beginning to overdo the sceptacism a tad.
Stay cool, and avagoodweek.
Does it really matter … ? Western-Democracies are the new ‘tyrannies’ now.
Thank you for sharing this with us. Condolences for your loss
”Now the threat is only a loss of income and public humiliation and yet the new order based on lies,”
ONLY, loss of income? How do you survive without an income exactly?! Do we really have to have to accept this as some sort of favour from the PTB. I have to say I feel very sorry for the bloke, it can happen to all and any of us, and it is happening. There by the Grace of God, go all of us. ”No bomb that ever falls shatters the human spirit.” No fucking surrender!
Sorry I didn’t know that it was a lady who was subjected to the abject humiliation described. The piece simply brought me to tears. Even now I can feel the hatred welling up in my chest. Speechless.
I have never seen a global civil war. That’s new. Lof shits and giggles ahead.
Sadly, something like this was inevitable under Boris Johnson and the Brexit brigade, ‘covid’ or not. Even as a Remain voter, I didn’t expect things to be so bad – but no one can say they weren’t warned. There were numerous warnings that travel between the UK and Europe would be disrupted and that British people would have their freedom and rights curtailed. It was all dismissed as Project Fear by a British media in hoc to far-right Americans who fear a united Europe.
Have you been asleep since 2019? Are you just in some sort of psychotic denial? This has zero to do with Brexit. This is the New Covid Normal, and it’s global and permanent.
Nah it won’t be permanent, it’s too expensive and destructive to keep it permanent
Who will be left who can AFFORD to travel?
Air travel seems to be at the same prices as before the pandemic, with the usual discounted ticket outlets still around..
The civilized carriers offer an empty middle seat, sometimes the whole row..
Its only expensive for future generations when their taxes increase to cover the debts the printing presses churn out.
Taxes won’t cover that, hyperinflation will…
Correct. But what comes after might be worse.
”It was all dismissed as Project Fear by a British media in hoc to far-right Americans who fear a united Europe.”
The far-right Americans don’t fear a united Europe – they control it and own it, along with the Poudjadiste riff-raff who are at the Americans beck and call.
If some country (other than the UK which is US partner) would stand up to the US, I’d be thrilled, certainly wouldn’t fear it. The US loves being the world’s greatest predator, knows there will never be a Nuremberg trial against them. I’m not a “far-right” American. I’m right of center, but the label seems irrelevant since the bottom line is that I’m powerless. Thank-you to the author for the above article.
It’s your veterans that want to take up arms against your government. Many of them a on the fight.
Were you aware that the Democrats are quite far to the right? You have to qualify wyou mean by center.
Being slightly right of K.Marx these days qualifies you as ‘far right’.
Be that as it may, Britain, the US and Israel have the highest ranking for fascism.
The rest of us a more like cheer leaders. Largely irrelevant.
Yep, those Remainers just can’t let it go can they.
My god WTF are you doing on here when the real grune is open for you, failing that head off to BBC. co .uk. The only thing europe is united on was wasting our subs on tinpot states while dumping their excess migrants, criminals and gangs into what once(pre-eu) was a decent place to live. Migrate to the nation of your choice, take some of the 5 million plus eu spongers with you, they may put you up in the mansions they built in Romania out of our benefits system.
My condolences on your loss. I lost a parent to cancer recently and can assure you that allopathic medicine is quite capable of removing cancer patients from this world without any extra assistance from the vaccine.
Interesting alternative theory of what the vaccine may be all about here:
“Depopluation” is being repeated too much with too little serious reflection. While deaths from the vaccine so far are tragic, they aren’t of the magnitude necessary for worldwide population. It’s too soon to be definitive about this but the current evidence is not bearing that idea out. The podcast covers other topics from the 1970s’ oil crisis to the California water shortage.
You think there’s a genuine reason why they’re trying to get the whole planet (including children and babies) to take a shot, which by their own numbers is at best 1% effective at the nebulous definition of “reducing subjective symptoms” of something you’re likely to survive anyway, something children stand next to no risk from?
A shot that evidence points toward priming the global population for an Antibody Dependant Enhanced illness next time they either take a “top-up” jab, or indeed catch one of the ubiquitous corona viruses endemic in the population, risking death.
Even after the exposure of the lies, the hypocracy, the extensive connections to eugenicist organisations, you really want to trust those in charge of this shitshow and declare it’s not about depopulation?
Good luck with THAT!
Sorry you think the effects of the jabs are over? LOL! Just wait until this Fall’s flu season (yes it still exists) starts– the hospitals will be over run and people will die. This cycle will continue as long as people continue to take the genetic modification pushed by the booster or third shot or ….. Wait until the Insurance industry(esp life and accident) starts to realize this. Affected businesses are already get hints of it — see Russia and Spain’s airline industry .
This is just the beginning.
Thank you for this. It is worse than a nightmare, isn’t it. A nightmare brings with it connotations of things that happen without human intervention. This nightmare would not exist without it.
I am a Canadian living in a European country and have lived under real or quasi lockup for 15 months and counting. It would cost me about $5000 to return, including hundreds of dollars a night in a state-sponsored hotel lockup.
So I wait, knowing that the flight home might be the last one I ever take.
FYI , the “hotel” ( hostel level) lock up is expected to end in July. Even now if you refuse to go and are given a ticket– people are not paying them and they are being dropped in court. Why? Because it is illegal and the govt doesn’t want the challenge to go up the courts.
At this point many Canadians returning from overseas are flying into the US and then taking either a car service, renting a car or (yes) taking helicopters home. Snowbirds from Ontario/Quebec to Florida, Arizona etc. did this all last winter. You do not need to do the hotel stint if you travel this way. Plus you don’t have the severe customs idiots. Several of my neighbours did it.
Many have two phones– or don’t travel with their computers– take that iPad etc. you rarely use. Works well for the track and trace. Just think how do they deal with people without smart phones? There is always a form instead.
Don’t be in a rush to come back here unless you have to. Our first real opening from lock-down started this month. The indicators I would monitor 1) when the hotel lock-up lifts 2) election cycle year- Ontario 2022 3) increasing jab damage/deaths 4) percentage of people getting their jabs.
Our totally useless mayor John Tory did as well (though I am sure using private plane services) and his Florida home (he has many houses) was hosting parties.
This is all about ability to play- it creates the two class system they like. Like all good disasters (whether created or accidental) Business LOVES to step in and create a brand new industry- masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, visors etc (most of which are not used now
). But even in the 18 months during this charade– all that has changed. Even the testing– ie PCR, antigen what’s accepted — has changed. Don’t forget that — it all changes and will continue to change.
You can travel. It is easier if you have time and money to monitor which country needs what (IATA interactive map site is very good and continually updated)
Actually that’s a good characterization of why the middle class doesn’t care about any of these social issues.
It’s just an added cost and minor, kinda fun inconvenience.
People below your income level can’t travel. It’s hardly your fault I assume but like most middle class you likely don’t care.
That’s the theme or summation of those words as I perceive them. I can’t read your mind.
Sorry for your loss first of all
Now this is my story
Booked the ferry to France planning to visit few countries
Two days later at the border control( they were french but in Dover)
– hello do you have the pcr test?
– no
– well you need one to go to France
– i am sorry i dont have one but i can do a rapid one if you want( i have a box in my car those free ones from nhs just in case)
– don’t worry about it have a good day
Now i am on my 6th day in europe with 4 countries already visited
The only border control was bwin Germany and Austria but they just check your name no test no jabs and stuff
I imagine going back will be harder but fuck it i’ll find my way around it.
Have a good day all of you
Today in a small Australian town where no so called covid ever happened a woman walked into a local shop in distress and proceeded to eat lots of potentially deadly drugs. In the 5 minutes from the time I heard her slurring her words and thought she was just drunk she was collapsed, almost unconscious, incoherent and the shop owner who rang the ambulance had to spend 5 minutes answering stupid questions related to ”covid” before they would even dispatch the ambulance.
When the ambulance drove the 100 meters around the corner they waited till she collapsed on the concrete footpath and even when she was unconcious they asked the three women helping her stupid questions about so called covid and wouldn’t touch the poor woman. They left her on the concrete in the freezing cold winter dusk for 5 more minutes. If she dies it’s on the governments hands.
Years ago in Perth I came upon a man in a shopping centre car park having a fit, he was surrounded by people and banging his head on the ground and bleeding. I went up and held his head in my hands until he got over it and I walked him to a place to sit, and sat with him til an ambulance arrived. What amazed me more than that nobody had helped him was they told me I should have a HIV test. There was some blood on me, not very much. This was years before I woke up to the virus idiocy but I had no intention of complying, so I just left and did not give my name.
Why that just makes me want to hang out my window and start banging pots together for those heroes.
I don’t know why. It’s a compulsion. But by gosh they deserve a good pot banging.
I recommend cast iron frying pans for their durability and tone.
Thunk! There you go hero. Have a nice day.
And of course, all of the crucial COVID-related interrogation will ensure that if the poor woman dies, it will be officially counted as still another “COVID death”.
Nothing personal; it’s just the scamdemic authorities’ compulsive habit of adding insult to fatal injury.
She had to be choppered out to an intensive care unit in Adelaide, fucking disgraceful callous bullshit
Exactly– your wonderful words ” Fuck it I will find my way around it!”
Thats what we do 🥰
Hello, could you please tell me if you read this whether your have already gone back to the UK and if yes how you did it, and did you have to agree to be traced and quarantined and have the covid tests? Thanks a million.
Henna Maria has a powerful message that I found helpful. I expect many here will resonate, and hopefully feel encouraged. We can see the ships on the horizon, so we must act.
Heartfelt and moving. offG should feature this.
I wouldn’t have thought that any of the people who got double jabbed for a holiday they never got would ever want to see any sand ever again…they’ve had their heads buried in it for the last 15 months
Go to tiktok. Search for conspiracylab. It’s the first hit, Scroll down through the videos until you see cov*d xposed.
I have never seen a better summation except maybe on this web site.
Adolf Eichmann is definitely in charge of implementing govmint policies… Trofim Lysenko is definitely in charge of govmint mandated Official Science… The NAZI Party and their cloning successes have a lot to answer for…
Do you really believe anything about the Nazis? You assuming they only started lying now??? Big assumption…
The fall of the Berlin Wall eventually brought Soviet style dystopia into the rest of the world. This time it is far more sinister. This time it is depopulation flavoured with dystopia. Our species has been engineered to be incapable of resistance, even to it’s own extinction.
Except that it was brought to the World by the West, from the other side of the wall.
The hoax started in communist China. The banksters control East, West , North South and Centre.
I am coming out of a kind of a self-imposed exile to tell you Madam Sharp that your story of the experience you went through moved me at multiple levels. I cannot begin to write of the myriad thoughts and emotions i felt reading it.
I must also give praise to the manner in which you write, truly genuine with a touch of grit. I wish i knew folks like you but where i am in Canada they sure are few and far between, which has to do with the exile i was talking about.
I also appreciated the emotional gut-wrenching effort it must have taken to document this journey and tell it in such a way that it benefits those who read it, what a wonderful talent.
I too, shall not forgive those responsible…thank you joanna Sharp
Simon Geez just because you can’t see all the people quietly making a difference here in Canada doesn’t mean they aren’t there!
You should try travelling on a ferry between HK SAR islands. The first 10 minutes of the journey will involve the PA system telling you the rules, which include:
Treating people like children is the standard of the day: contempt for your fellow man.
The worst part is that people being treated like children are being praised for acting like adults!
Shenzhen airport was closed last week: an airport employee decided to go to a private clinic and have a Covid test, the result being positive, so the clinic informed all and sundry that there is a local case. As a result, the CCP closed the airport, tested over 2.5 million people (or so they say) and found zero cases!
Not even one false positive out of 2.5 million tests.
Obviously the CCP did not want an outbreak at that time, so swept the fake tests under the carpet. What more proof do you need that Covid is pure bullshit?
The western left wing will probably see this as a victory for 20th century communism, or some such fantasy, while they push Johnson to introduce mandatory vaccination.
Covid 19 is long from pure bullshit.. its a serious notice to you from you nation state. That notice says “you have nothing to say those superior to you are willing to listen to.. you will not be heard.. Your nation state hates you.. and Covid 19 proves it.. ”
I don’t have these problems, my nation state has given up on me, it has issued an order that I spend the next ten days in their deft defying respirator (asymptomatic respirator occupants have a 50% survival rate.) .. and if I survive, I must pay to them a $1000 fine for each day i refuse their non mandatory mRNA infection..which they say is a vaccine. It is 100% effective, because it stops the $1000 a day fine.
You shouldn’t comment on politics, as you
seem not to have a clue. The western left wing supports China?
WTF are you smoking? I get it you’re libertarian/right-winger
who probably uses terms like Cultural Marxism and thinks China is Communist? Pathetic and ridiculous.
Some guy below talked about “forever virus” article from the CFR. Wow this was a real eye opener. I always suspected to be the Americans behind this. Its not the WEF, its not the Chinese. Its the entire US establishement (and their european cronies) behind it. Now its completely crystal clear. COVID-19 is the new war on terror/drugs/humanity. The Americans will make this war permanent and global in scope. The only way to end this will be to win a war and defeat the USA. We are completely fucked.
So just to be clear: the Americans rule every country in the world? Once the USA is no longer the leader of the world (already happening) everything will be ok?
If you can’t see that this shitshow clearly knows no borders and is being directed by hands that are above nation states, you’re not seeing clearly.
Yep just take a look at who or what may run blackrock and what they are now in control of…including operations in China…best one can hope is they implode..
CEO of Blackrock sits on the board of the CFR.
The USA rules through its proxies: the IMF and World Bank. You can say NO to Uncle Sam; but you can’t say NO to the “gift” of a big loan – unless you’re Alexander Lukashenko.
A harrowing story from start to finish. I’ve spent this evening arguing with a close relative on aspects of what’s going on. She ” I’m too old to worry, you are seeing too much into this” Me. “fine, but just leave the middle generation to try to save the kids”
At times it looks like society has given into tyranny with no realisation. The other chord which struck, the vaccine. I have a small family and circle of friends. Several sudden deaths and illnesses following the vaccine. The relatives, despite their questions on why, don’t seem to have made the possible link. I think this vaccine will kill millions before people realise.
If they are anything like the ones I encounter they will argue with total enthusiasm that the needle couldn’t possibly be the cause of their harm…suspect they simply cannot admit to their later realised stupidity.
My sister foolishly had her jab when ‘invited’ to do so and within 24 hrs was in hospital where she remained for 11 days,my mother absolutely refuses to believe the jab was anything to do with her daughters hospital stay and whilst my sister was still in hospital had her second jab,
i’m actually ashamed to admit that she is my mother,the words i offered fell on deaf ears and the simplified paperwork highlighting salient facts was met with blind eyes.
I’m fully expecting her to leave this mortal coil this winter,cold and callous ? perhaps, i prefer to term it realism,if she doesn’t pop her clogs its a bonus if she does it won’t be entirely unexpected
I didn’t ask to have this mindset,it wasn’t apparent 18 months ago,i fully blame anyone invested in perpetuating the lie that is covid for this sudden change in how i view the world
Our work friend heart problem was the cause after his 2nd jab. Vaccine she had a week before wouldn’t of done that !
The Doctors and experts where convinced of this in the hospital.
Yep the ‘responsible citizens’ have crossed the Rubicon and there is no turning back. They signed on for a lifetime of their little jabby-wabbies without knowing or wanting to know and of being deliberately unaware of the long-term outcomes of the poison they were so anxious to imbibe. Although I think that it is more plausible that deep down they are aware of what is happening but think somehow that they can escape they hell that is to come.
When they do get sick they won’t have the public health services to fall back on – the health industry will by then have been a privatised and profit-only outfit, as will Big Pharma – Pfizer, Moderna, Astra-Zenca.
Of course in the coming months/years the truth will pan-out, after all you can’t hide masses of corpses. The world as a whole will be like Albert Camus’s novel (La Peste – The Plague)
Have a nice day Sheeple.
I wish you were right; but I think you’re wrong – about people deep down realizing they’ve been conned. Most everyone I know has had the jab – and will willingly get as many boosters as there will be.
Not because they’re fighting seeing the COVID hoax for what it is. Oh no, it’s because they believe the hoax absolutely. They’d rather be safe than sorry.
Hmm: that makes a good epitaph for mankind: Better Safe Than Sorry.
I sympathise greatly. A weekend with my siblings – all vaccinated. One nephew in his 20s been in hospital with chest pains, still not well. An 81 year old uncle, not well, an elderly friend suffering from shingles. One sister said to another : “Don’t tell Rosie, it will just reinforce her views about COVID and the vaccines.”
I could scream, that nobody listens or reads. I wake up fearful for my children – all but one vaccinated .
what can we do?
my son, in his 30s said he “listened to, and followed the science”, when I asked him to not take the shot.He really thought I’d taken leave of my senses.
I’ve always been a member of the awkward squad but why are doctor friends, nurses, academics so trusting?
There’s no excuse at all.
I’m with you Rosie. All member of my family except my wife and I have been injected. An uncle is in hospital after having an operation for a clot in his brain, but of course no one even mentions the fact he had had the 2nd jab only days earlier. A friend has been suffering excrutiating lower back painthat rendered him housebound for weeks now after the 2nd jab. But of course it’s only coincidences.
You evil Murderous Bastard Psychokillers…You want to depopulate my Family
Well I want to Depopulate You
You are a cancerous slime on the face of the earth of no use to anyone.
Most of you already look like death warmed up.
You are not nice.
In fact you are completely horrible.
Good Bye..and take your
to hell with you.
And Don’t Come Back
We have to do everything we can do to RESIST cos these monsters in control want to inject our Children and Grandchildren and have Brainwashed Nearly Everyone
We Need To Stand Up and FIGHT To Protect Our Human Race.
If YOU don’t React, we stand no chance
These monsters are not going to go away, unless they are Arrested…or we Fight Them To Their Deaths. It Really is That Serious.
They won’t go away if we don’t do anything.
They are like a cancerous slime over our Humanity
We have to Discredit them and literally Shout in their Faces.
Fuck Off and Die
Just Go Away…
You are Not Welcome Here on Our Planet Earth.
Disappear back to hell where you came from.
The truth is so far no one has forced anyone to get jabbed, people meekly go queue at the vax centres to get the jab they’ve anxiously been waiting for.
So if anything they’re genociding themselves.
Very difficult to read through this, because of the emotional impact, but thanks a lot for writing it, Joanna Sharp! And thanks, Off-Guardian, for posting this. If i could force every Covidian fanatic to read this, i would.
I’m afraid the Covidian fanatics would shake their head and say “Poor deluded woman doesn’t realize they’re doing all this to keep her safe.”
Mark Sexton has taken the facts to the police in England regarding side effects/deaths from ‘vaccines’, and has contacted Nadhim Zahawi, MP, the man responsible for vaccine rollout at the ‘UK’ Government. I’d never heard of Mr Zahawi before. Interesting person to contact? – Blogged here –
Joanna, your experience w/ all its tragedy & extreme life disruption was to me very worthwhile for you to write for all who have & will read it. Thank-you
I & husband (me a USer & he a Canadian) are currently in Day#8 of CanadaGov House Arrest after crossing border from US (my legal residence in middle GA) & so can well empathize w/ that portion of your experience. (We just spent 6 hrs today completing the required home-kit testing procedure w/ much online time-delay…) Going south from Canada in December was fraught w/ problems too because he was not allowed to drive w/ me but instead had to fly from Toronto to Detroit where I then picked him up after driving from his (newly changed) residence in London ON. What a Gov-created expensive of time & money expense to us!! We’d only gone north into ON in Sept because I’d been refused entry on May 30 2020; we went thru the 14days of house-arrest then but at a house on 1/2 acre lot – less stressful than the apartment situation for us now.
Like you, I & husband will NOT subject ourselves to any of these experimental biologic interventions. We are very healthy at 76 & 83 respectively, having practiced numerous healthy longevity measures for 20 & 40yrs respectively. I encourage all w/ whom I am in contact to stay/get healthy, which always includes a strong immune system. Such a body is well capable of combating a virus-caused illness; whether it can combat the potential harms from these experimental mRNA “vaccines” is still unknown, tho large numbers of adverse effects, including deaths can & should not be ignored. Anyone doing so is very foolish IMO.
My husband is 75 and I am 72. We are not taking he vaccine. In 16 months of “pandemic,” we have talked to only 2 people who claim to have had Covid, a neighbor (who probably self I diagnosed as it was a 3 day head cold) and a fellow in the waiting room for new tires just last week. He also had a 3 day head cold and he is an insulin diabetic, overweight, and did fine. In the community where we live in winter in South Carolina, I heard about 1 couple who supposedly had it, stayed inside,and got well.
Whats wrong with this picture? Surely I should know or have heard about someone who died or was hospitalized. I don’t live a sheltered life. It doesn’t add up to a disease so terrifying and fatal and contagious that I should risk an experimental drug with unknown side effects.
Here in the US, I honestly expect the whole thing will just go away now that masks are not required and stores are not policing vaccines. Like the masks, it will just be finished and done from one day to the next.
I’ve got some bad news, it’s not going away. In fact it’s hardly even started.
Enjoy the respite, while it lasts.
It’s not about a virus.
Sorry, Karen, but the “happy ending” you write about in your last paragraph couldn’t be further from the truth. Despite the declared new freedom in California, the vast majority of people in my locale are still wearing masks indoors, and many outside as well. Most stores are still requiring employees to mask up. The new mandate states that all “unvaccinated” must still wear muzzles. It fails to answer the question: “Until when?” The lying bastards will use variant fear this fall to keep the heat on. Count on it.
UNfortunately it will not finish until this part of the plan is accomplished of which the jabs are only a small part of.
It’s about digital IDs, total resourse consumption and consumption management, regular lockdowns for various reasons, limited travel locally and internationally, universal income tied to a credit system that uses all of the above to allocate those incomes, complete silence of any opposition in the political, scientific, religious arenas, control of who is or if is allowed to have children and how many.
In other words a total control by a technocratic class that decide everything that we can or cannot do. That’s the plan, I don’t know if it’s going to work though, as man is not in charge but God ultimately, and this is THE battle between good and evil for our souls, so stay in the light of the truth of God and his only begotten son.
Condolences on your loss. I’m very sorry for your ordeal.
I would have asked why so much of the world’s population is tolerating this nightmare, but quite frankly, I have given up trying to understand most people. I’m coming to the conclusion that they must want to be slaves. It’s the only explanation that makes sense at this point.
Well I do keep trying to tell people this is what happens when you get neptune to eclipse points hard….we have had the last one so if I am right the story will change in a few months…we may not like that one any more than this one but change it will…next one is the consequences of the nonsense in numbers of death and dying…and economic fallout.
if that were true it would be brilliant evidence
the Universe is alive.
For what it’s worth, I always look forward to your comments from an astrological perspective. Whether I agree or disagree is totally irrelevant. What matters is bringing yet another perspective into the picture. Thank you.
Agreed it has been very clear what is going on from an astrological view point. It is exposing those who are happy to stay in the old paradigm of believing anyone who says they are an authority, govt , Phd, public health official. The rest of us realize that the authorities are like the Wizard of Oz– just a little old man pushing levers behind a curtain.
This is all about the Saturn/Uranus square dance in 2021 (three times).
I agree and would add to your point that the next is not only economic but also based on environmental– the forced ” climate change” BS. Get self-sufficient, a strong immune system and diversify your money and investments. Shun debt.
Peace be with you Joanna, you did your best, which is all your father could have asked for. Don’t swallow the bile, spit it out and keep on fighting.
I don’t have a smartphone, so I can’t download apps and such, thankfully. I don’t see how it would stand up in a court of law that it is okay to discriminate against people without smartphones by not allowing them to do things because they don’t have one. By downloading the apps and filling in the forms, you are giving your consent for this bullshit to happen to you. The answer is to stop partaking in that facet of modern society. I saw an interesting video with Dolores Cahill recently where she describes how she has travelled extensively without ever taking a test, doing any track and trace nonsense or quarantining. You’ve got to be prepared to be held for a couple of hours at airports but it is doable if you stick to your guns and learn some of the applicable common law. As for the fines, I think there is a very good chance that they would be thrown out of court if you contested them. This whole scam only works because people take the threats and fear mongering at face value rather than see it as the deceitful bullshit that it undoubtedly is. I’m supposed to be going away next February to Europe for some work so I guess I’ll find out at some point whether or not everything that I’ve just written here is complete bollocks.
Never had a smartphone myself, but there are reasons for reservatios about the Dolores Cahill’s remarkable expression of the spirit of liberty:
1) In the whole lengthy comments’ section bellow her video, not a single person even suggests that anyone has had a success like hers. Someone asked : ‘Can anyone name a single person other than Dolores for whom this has actually worked?’ and received zero replies.
2) One response was as follows : One Club of Justicides 2 months ago : “Beware that some of prof. Cahill’s remarks are blurry, misleading, or entirely inaccurate. I strongly oppose the compulsory use of facemasks and other oppressive measures of the Covid project, but we need to resort to arguments and actions that are truthful and effective, respectively, lest we a make fool of ourselves. …….
At best, prof. Cahill’s discussion about natural law and constitutional law is vague and blurry. . Asking an officer whether he is acting under oath is mostly pointless. A person in official uniform engaging in conduct which is exclusive to government agencies reinforces the default presumption that he is acting in his official capacity. That preempts the use of, or need for, confirmation as to acting under oath. His confirmation would not enhance the victim’s legal position unless it (unlikely) turns out that the wrongdoer acted in his personal capacity. Nor would such confirmation constitute or imply officer’s admission of misconduct (example: due to his lack of background in law, an officer might feel confident that his enforcement of the Covid project is lawful). Prof. Cahill’s depiction of her sudden “contracts” with airport/government personnel reveals severe flaws in her [mis-]understanding of contract law. Her seemingly inflated rates of 4000 €/hour are unenforceable because contract law, rather than being punitive, seeks to make the party whole for losses the counterparty’s breach caused him. It is unenforceable also on grounds of public policy because taxpayers are not to disburse whatever number pops up in prof. Cahill’s mind.
Prof. Cahill’s presumptions that the officers would go to prison pursuant to her sudden contract with them is quite mistaken.
First, the position of “we are entering a contract because I do not consent to this” is contradictory.
Second, contracts for unlawful purposes are null and void (remember she readily points out that even handcuffing her is illegal, whence her contracts to that effect are null and void).
And third, entering such contracts forfeits remedies to which she would otherwise be entitled as victim (rather than agreed receiver) of battery and/or wrongful imprisonment:
She would have no cause of action against counterparty(-ies) who performed the contract she knowingly and willfully entered. It is also naive for prof. Cahill to expect courts will serve justice.
The Covid project is showcasing how courts worldwide are playing a blind eye on many of the abuses in which governments indulge under pretext of “public health”. But that is just a glimpse of judges’ routinary unfitness. If people knew the extent of judicial corruption, they would dismantle the courts and persecute judges similar to what happened to priests in the French Revolution.
Many government agents certainly are not very knowledgeable of the law, which is why I don’t doubt prof. Cahill’s tactics have a chance to deter some officers. But the remarks and suggestions she made in this interview foster in the audience a false and detrimental sense of entitlement. Instead, people need to become aware of, and react effectively to, how the legal system has become largely unresponsive and therefore obsolete.”
(end of quote)
An important aspect of this is not to travel with a smartphone,that’s crucial because the whole ‘track and trace’ won’t be possible on you. There’s no law that says one must carry a smartphone with them at all times and never will be. There’s always another option, that’s how the system works, it needs our consent or it collapses as nobody will trust it anymore, even the most compliant like it happened in hard communist regimes for example.
The system like the devil tempts you and prompts you but it’s up to us to sin and go along with it. We are human beings created by God in his own image and that’s what satan and his minions doing his bidding hate. That’s why if you allow it the system will treat you as an object, that’s what science has been about for the last 200 years or so.
Where are all the fine learned lawyers? Ripping off ordinary clients?
I’d be very interested to see the Dolores Cahill video if you are able to provide a link.
The threats & fear-mongering are mostly media inventions, but have no basis in reality.
In April I flew from Guangzhou China to Los Angeles, and from L.A. to Istanbul.. At no time during this marathon was I asked to present my medical documents.. A PCR test in China was $16, at LA airport $140, $40 at Turkey..
Flying to an EU country after 2 weeks at Istanbul, I was finally asked for the negative PCR document.. It was quite an eye-opener, to be honest..
I have had the Long-Covid for 14 months, with no improvement at all..
Happy travels..
This was a heartbreaking read on so many levels. Your poor father. I’m very sad for you and your family’s loss.
He did agree to have the jab though, even in his precarious health situation.
Yes, pressured by another family member. I wonder if that person is racked with guilt and shame, or consoling him/herself that his death was just another jab coincidence 🙁 .
This is the saddest story I have yet read about the tyranny that is being inflicted on us human beings by the psychopaths that pull our politicians’ strings. The minutiae of the steps, checks and records demanded during this time are reminiscent of another fascist time last century. So relentless and organised – truly, the nazis could not have done it better.
I am so sorry for your ordeal and the denial of a final family holiday away from your father’s apartment thanks to him taking the covid injection.
Let globalists think they have their day,Let them wallow in their own excitement other words shite.we will win this war,Keep believing .We will over come
This is a battle we have to win for the sake of our Grandchildren.
I think we are making some progress, but its not easy surrounded by brainwashed double injected morons, who used to be our friends.
I guess I had an ADD moment! When I first read your comment, I read it as saying “Let them wallow in their own excrement….” (Maybe that works better?)
Me too 😂
About a decade ago i lost my business and i had to get help from the government. The social worker was some kind of sociopath who was though in the 70’s that to get the people to comply with his orders he has to break them first and then slowly rebuild them to be proper citizens that obey the rulers dictats. This man almost broke me and i was one feet away from being thrown into a psychiatric ward. Only about a cuople year later i realized this man was employing torture techniques with his “customers” how they used to say. This entire covid shit show reminds me of this social worker. Our government is psychopathic and many of its servants are psychopaths and sociopaths as well.
You’ll find plenty of consultant doctors like that too.
They were recruited young into the Security Services with promises of rapid promotion and the quid pro quo is that they are given targets to ‘torture’ and evaluated against them.
For a short period I worked for the DWP about a decade ago. I soon realised we were more about making ‘costumers’ lives miserable than helping them find work.
I have many sympathies for you.
But the obvious question is: why do people put up with this shite?
It doesn’t mean violent revolution. All the populous has to do is withdraw their consent.
You just have to say ‘no’, and if only a minority of us say that, the psychopaths who rule us have had it.
It really is as easy as that.
it’s not easy at all to say No.
More like where have you been all your life,
or how old are you?
People saying no, not obeying, their state their religion
is not just taboo but almost a virtual nullity. I’d add family,
but family really has no place in the modern-state.
Sure the pater familia was another layer of teaching obedience.
I’m guessing some would say the first, but modern
nation-states don’t want strong families at all. In fact, they
want to deal with people not as groups, clans, or families, but
as individuals, and when a problem arises they want said
individual to rely upon (and become dependent upon) the State.
For the past several decades they’ve been doing a heckuva
job, since so few families have the ability or inclination to help their
members. Oh yeah, that’s before you get to the uptick of
people turning on and in members of their own family. I’m
especially looking at that rat, cia scum, scolding his nephew
on live TV after the Boston marathon bombing, but uncle drokhar
isn’t the only example.
they killed him not long after
That’s true. If only 10% of people at the supermarkets and shops didn’t wear a cloth on their faces it would soon cascade down to many more. But sadly I haven’t found even 1% not doing it.
This is absolutely horrific, I am so sorry, the murder of the old and sick in the last 16 months with first lock downs,then denial of health care and now jabs is a shocking crime against humanity
I don’t know if this relevant but if I give my dog sweets he goes hyper?!If animals are reacting to these sweets imagine what your children are exposed to??!!
For me the masking and testing is some form of torture to break people.
And people here took offense at my (graphic) suggestion some months back that the WEF/Predator Class was committing anal rape on humanity, indeed that the initial Covid operation was but the “softening – or ‘loosening’ – up” for what was to follow!