DISCUSS: Latest anti-lockdown protests hit London

Another huge wave of people took to the streets of London today, protesting the Covid restrictions, proposed vaccine passports, injections for children and other dystopian aspects of our authoritarian new normal.
Similar protests have been happening regularly since the imposition of Lockdown in March last year, including last month when well over 100,000 people (some estimates said 1million+) turned up.
The march was practically ignored by the mainstream, with the BBC reporting a turnout of “hundreds” despite video evidence showing at least 1000x that number.
Today’s crowd was no smaller, maybe even larger, and certainly just as passionate…
Only a few of us out today! Fuck the government and their lockdowns and medical tyranny. #londonprotest pic.twitter.com/a8hTu8gVa5
— Molly Tov (Rebel Scum) (@theartistcoach) June 26, 2021
Looking forward to the corporate and state media's total lack of coverage of the tens or hundreds of thousands of folks about to take part in today's #londonprotest. After all, if it isn't on the telly or the Internet, it didn't happen! Freedom is slavery! Ignorance is strength! pic.twitter.com/NvzjPtK44g
— Consent Factory (@consent_factory) June 26, 2021
There are a LOT of people here #londonprotest #freedommarch #imdone pic.twitter.com/zYjpgwdpRC
— Julia Hartley-Brewer (@JuliaHB1) June 26, 2021
…and covered not quite as sparingly in the mainstream media.
The BBC learned their lesson and quoted “thousands”, instead of hundreds – still an underestimate, but progress.
Though it was still notably absent from the front pages of the Guardian and others. RT had some coverage, as they are always happy to embarrass the UK.
Perhaps most telling, and hopeful, was the lack of traction any mockery got on social media. Though these protests are usually accompanied by a (largely created) chorus of “covidiots!” and “selfish lunatics!” on Twitter and Facebook et al, there was definitely less of it present today, and when it did appear the echo chamber was decidedly…less echoey.
Further protests are planned through the rest of the weekend.
Were you at the march? Do you have any videos or photographs to share? Is public support for the Covid sceptic position growing as times passes?
Discuss all this and more in the comments below.
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Good to see civic courage. This way lays hope.
Already posted below: I was there, and, even in my position on the ground was aware of many tens of thousands around me for maybe three hours along the route, arriving late so not seeing those ahead of me (or all behind, but had an indication with that — see my earlier post). So, extrapolating from this, I would say it had to be in the HUNREDS OF ThOUSANDS.
Great day, Really positive atmosphere throughout. Even a quite obviously staged scuffle at downing street couldn’t dampen spirits. I stood at the top of Oxford Street and looked down it’s length that was packed, full width including pavements, shoulder to shoulder. I think I was about halfway in the march. So, going by big football crowds I reckon it was 500K possibly more.
Any estimates as to numbers?
niffles, runny noses, sore throats, and dry coughs were, we were told, sure signs one had Covid-19, not The ‘flu… But what of those who’d severe breathing difficulties, low oxygen saturation ? Is it time attentions were given again to 5g ?The intention was to (a) restrict and delay treatment for common but potentially dangerous symptoms including sore throat, fever and breathing difficulty (b) delay treatment for major illnesses including emergencies (c) misuse the resulting deaths to claim a pandemic (d) create a stampede for the jab that makes everyone a permanent medical patient.
Hello les online: Good of you to mention 5G as related to symptoms. This article might be over the top for some here, but Mr Firstenberg’s research is fully supported by 50+ years of documentation. There are approximatly 10,000 studies regarding negative effects of electromagnetic broadcast on human biology. >
“Eating and breathing are the fundamental requirements of life. But the energy for life also requires combustion: the food we eat must combine with the oxygen we breathe. This combustion takes place inside our cells in tiny structures called mitochondria. And within our mitochondria are even tinier structures called electron transport chains. These are the invisible wires that carry the electrons generated by the digestion of our food to the molecules of oxygen supplied by our lungs and blood. Anything that interferes with these tiny electric currents interferes with life.
Wireless technology, by bombarding our cells with complex, pulsed, modulated electromagnetic fields, plays havoc with these currents of life. The whole process of eating, breathing, digesting, and producing energy — the process of living — slows down. We are seeing the consequences everywhere.”
Complete text: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Interfering-with-the-Fires-of-Life.pdf
My partner and I were at the London Lockdown rally for the first time. It was amazing and overwhelming at times. The atmosphere of unified people of all ages, cultures and background was fantastic. For the first time in fifteen months we were able to talk to strangers without any restrictions, cautiously chosen words, (not to be looked at as conspiracists). We were there for everyone we know that has accepted “new normal”, for scared people, for our kids future to choose medical treatment based on transparent information, for their ability to have children. We were there for our right to speak our mind and hearts without being censored, for being able to express our gratitude to all courageous people of all professions, elderly, children, mums who will not stop until we are heard. We will be back for July 24th rally, even bigger and stronger one!
Bravo! So wish I could have stand and be counted in presence with you however I was in heart and soul ✨
The WSW almost blows its cover. The latest Day of Judgement ravings re: covid had this interesting comment below from one Carolyn Zaremba:
They had already fixed it. But that was a close shave! Thanks for the spoiler alert, Carolyn!
Ha ha ha. For your information George, Carolyn Zaremba is a fully paid up covid cult frother. She was ranting on Caitlin Johnstone’s blog fairly often a while back about the black plague, and I believe she’s actually a member of the Socialist Equality Party. From memory, I think she also posted here at OffG before the scamdemic happened.
Blown their cover!? They must surely rank as one of the most grotesque covid cult groups out there, while masquerading as “socialist”. As SCooper puts it: the CIA Langley Party formerly known as the SEP.
Yes I recall Carolyn from those heady days when I still believed in the WSW and we’d exchange the suitable Leftists sentiments in the comment sections. She is one of the casualties of the great plastic covid revolution show, spurred on by old Northie’s irresistable doom saying. And the only time I ever had actual interaction with the site’s administrators was in that brief period when I dared to question the bubonic. After which, I realised the whole shebang was hopeless and jumped ship. Ah but Carolyn still swims those spook infested seas!
Sorry to hear it. I fled WSWS once it became clear that it had jumped on the Megadeath Virus of Doom scamdemic narrative with both ostensibly left feet.
I also had a nodding friendly acquaintance with Carolyn– occasional concurring replies to her posts, but mostly mutual upvotes.
I’m not exactly an uncritical fan of the DISQUS platform, but over the years I’d accumulated an extensive page of bookmarks to what I facetiously dubbed “Persons of Interest” (POI) profile pages– it’s a handy comments archive that I wish was a standard comments platform feature.
I actually inverted the standard process of visiting sites to read articles, then the comments threads. Instead, I flipped to checking the POI comments, and only reading the articles if the comments piqued my interest.
All this to say that my POI list had about 40 commenters at its peak. The related pathologies of Trump Derangement Syndrome and the MVD scamdemic “smashed” my list; the ideological and political tectonic plates shifted, and the sudden fault lines carried many of my comments comrades off in the opposite direction.
Now there are about ten simpatico POI left, if that. 🙁
I have often reversed the pattern of article first/comments second. Often I indeed didn’t bother with the article. To be honest I find it hard to care about those “psychobabble” pieces about “our dark side” or whatever. That’s why I skipped the Tolkien one despite being a fan.
And considering the disgrace of the nominally Marxist reaction to covid, I don’t get on my high horse about arguments over capitalism these days. I reckon everyone’s heard the generic noises from both sides of that argument by now.
As for Carolyn, great surname – perhaps even cooler than Zappa! But I did notice that when I click on her profile, I get that “My activity is private/Deal with it!” response which I consider juvenile. My profile is open. I got nothing to hide!
Appeared to give you two instantaneous upvotes, Ort, but never mind your post was worth it! Commented about this apparent glitch, and two-way up-and-down simultaneous voting — by accident — in a reply to a comment on a different article maybe a couple of days ago.
Admin: I am now convinced there is a problem with the vote-scoring here. If I can repeat-vote or both up-and-downvote the same post then others can too, and I am not a frequent voter.
She must not have seen the report released by Public Health England (PHE) the same day as Hatt Mancock’s dramatic sacking. Otherwise you’d think there would have been a lot more shut-uppery from the Black Plague crowd, considering PHE pegs the ‘Delta Variant’s’ Case Fatality Rate (CFR) at just 0.1% based on actual case data – almost identical with that of the flu.
The article is at pains to point out that this is based on absolutes, but since the total case number (92,056) includes almost half cases which are ‘probable’ based on genotyping, it might be slightly higher or slightly lower. However, what is unambiguous is the deaths; nobody in the reporting was ‘presumed’ dead. And the statistics revealed that of the 117 deaths from the Delta Variant since February, 60% had had at least one dose of a COVID vaccine. Unvaccinated people made up just 37% of the deaths attributed to the so-called Delta Variant.
Vaccination clearly provides little real protection from contracting COVID, it seems reasonable to believe it does not stop you from spreading it if you have it (since the makers stipulate that it does not), and it equally clearly does not protect you from dying of it, while the report suggests you actually have a greater chance of dying of it if you have been vaccinated and are in the high-risk age group (>85).
Here’s another down-to-earth examination of the available evidence on vaccination, and it includes lots of useful links so you can examine what is known for yourself, as I recommend everyone to do. Selective reporting is being used to skew the data so it appears all the ‘new cases’ are among the unvaccinated, while the Washington Post cheers gleefully that in some states youths can get vaccinated even if their parents object.
A line is being drawn between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, with the former being cheered on to discriminate against the latter. We had all better prepare ourselves for a somewhat different society, because I believe that is unlikely to change.
No, she’s actually in the United States, I think in the Midwest, so I doubt she would have seen that report Mark. Appreciate these links and will go over them later on over a strong cup of coffee.
Regards your last paragraph, you’re correct. Things are moving to another level now with the vaccine passports imminent (and already having been rolled out in some places). This has created much animosity and division and I don’t see it changing either.
All we can do is prepare the best we can and buckle up our seatbelts.
“Vaccination clearly provides little real protection from contracting COVID”
Every GP knows that, and so does every poultry farmer; have known it ever since Corona virus was invented (around 1930). Doesn’t stop GPs dealing out the annual flu vaccine, nor poultry farmers buying vaccines against Corona.
“Sir, why do we keep doing the same thing when we know it doesn’t work?” — a bright 12 year old at one of my failed science class demos. Einstein is reported to have asked the same question when he grew up. The answer is here:
“If at first you don’t succeed, try try try again. Hope springs eternal in the human breast. Hope is to the human spirit what fuel is to the motor car”.
Some day a cure for viral diseases will be found. But it won’t by found by Con-19 dealers selling jabs of Hopium.
While the Poms Rally for Freedom Australians get locked down… It’s ‘flu season in Australia and because a handful of people developed “‘flu-like symptoms”, or more likely told they had ‘asymptomatic’ ‘flu, businesses and livelihoods are put at risk, if not destroyed…
An opinion poll published in the local press in February claimed 80% of Australians will “take The Shot” when it’s available… Clearly it was a fake poll for recent figures are that only 25% have had a single shot, and of those only 3% have had two shots…
That Australians are averse to submitting to being injected by toxic substances is attested by the governments full-on mass corporate media campaign to persuade Aussies to “get The Shot”… At the same time, to counter the perception that many Aussies are standing fast against the pressure to Submit, that same media propagates the claim that the low
submission rate is due to the availability of The Shot being “botched” – a claim that has been moved centre stage every time the government is disappointed by most Aussies not submitting to being Guinea Pigs…
Clearly the lockdown over a rebranded seasonal ‘flu is meant to frighten more to submitting to The Shot. An American was to have said about the US governments War against the Vietnamese that it should ‘destroy the country to save the people’. Australias’ Governments seem to want to destroy The Economy to save – what ?
I’d be interested in a link to the percentages you cite – only 25% have had a single shot, 3% their second one? Where can I find this info please?
they are from a BBC item, mentioned in a Lockdown Skeptics article during the past week… I took note of the figures because… well, the BBC is an accurate source, isnt it ? Unfortunately for you, i didnt keep that post, sorry…
THis is the BBC article https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-56825920
All timed to occur just prior to SOE renewal. Could see it a mile away.
Article in the local paper carrying on about the dire situation….some woman was basically asymptotic seems to infected dozens….she is wondering what it is all about…at most she has sniffles for the day…..seems we have alpha in qld…so very dangerous that we will need to shut the place soon…the health guru looking manic making these announcements…but she has already been rewarded with a very cushy number come nov…
our politicians are in the grip of total madness…
I read recently an article about how They tracked down Typhoid Mary All Those Years Ago. Epidemiology at work… Seems she was “asymptomatic”. All evidence was Circumstantial. What damned her was she never washed her hands after using the loo, and as she worked in kitchen spread the pestilence by touching food… Unlike Covid, typhoid was caused by a bacteria, not an un-isolated virus, though the list of symptoms is similar…
Is She the One CairnsNews says is being rewarded by ascending to become Queensland’s Gov’nor ?
Yes, Jeanette Young is the new Queensland Governor. Obviously for services rendered in fighting the good fight against the evil virus. Or something like that.
It’s like living in a perpetual lunatic asylum with the goose stepping nazi CHO’s peddling garbage 24/7 and the endless 24/7 vaxx peddling by Norman Swan, a man who is wrong about the same amount of time as Neil Ferguson but is treated like fucking god.
I attended the march, walking through Hyde Park from Hyde Park Corner to Speakers’ Corner, then from Marble Arch along Oxford Street, down Regent Street and Lower Regent Street, past Trafalgar Square, along Northumberland Avenue, along the Embankment, past Parliament Sqaure, up Whitehall, finishing at Downing Street. I arrived much later than kick-off, so must have missed the tens of thousands ahead of me, but I was aware of many tens of thousands around me. By the end of the march, looking up Whitehall to Trafalgar Square where I had passed some 40minutes earlier, there were still people marching, so I’d estimate the total numbers to be in the hundreds of thousands from my own experience on the ground and only as far as I could see. Diverse, ordinary people in the main, including families with children; some outnumbered would-be hijackers not detracting from the main purpose. Good camaraderie and atmosphere; peaceful — even the police were restrained, from what I witnessed. Lots of home-made placards with some poignant and very funny slogans. Yellow tennis balls with suitable inked messages thrown at or into Government buildings/grounds, especially Houses of Parliament and Downing Street, to great cheers from the crowd. MASSES of ‘antiganda’ stickers plastered all over the route (and probably beyond) — on street furniture, buildings and vehicles. These will be very difficult and time-and-resources consuming to remove, I imagine, and therefore plenty of time to get the messages across to any who see them while they last. One of James Corbett’s ‘Solutions Watch’ videos covered ‘antiganda’, and this looks to be very effective, easy and cheap. Helicopters and drones in operation, so I guess I’m on a facial recognition list. A drone in Lower Regent Street kept bashing into building walls and eventually fell to the ground, not sure whether fatally, to the drone, that is – no one harmed. Some bemused shoppers on Oxford/Regent Street. A great turnout and a Great Day! The momentum is growing, hopefully exponentially before too long.
I’ll share just one photo:–
Darwin lockdown!!! Ludicrous. I wonder when they will realise that not even the least intelligent amongst us believes this horseshit anymore!!!
It took no British, not American communists or socialists but former Soviet communists to oppose mandatory vaccination (jabbing) Putin in concordance with the west want to impose on population to make Sputnik V makers richer.
from RT:
Principles are important. Labels are meaningless.
Communists are authoritarians: what principles?
I think RT should have called it Pushkin Square. Or Pushkinskaya Ploshchad’ (Лушкинская Площадь) if they really wanted to confuse, in which case it would go into the genitive to agree with “near”.
On a lighter note I’m really interested in what’s happening in Russia. I know there are doctors there fighting against vaccination and trying to debunk the nonsense. Unfortunately they are being gagged (as here).
In fact crack down of non Rockefeller medicine that thrived in former SU for three decades goes far beyond COVID. So called Holistic clinics that successfully dealt with helping even curing people injured and abandoned by big Pharma Medicine no are being shut down en mass, few as a matter of often staged by public health authorities lawsuits about supposedly unfulfilled medical promises (false advertising) but most are foreclosed by banks in the midst of COVID lockdown of these clinics (travel restrictions) and assigning those doctors to COVID emergency. It is the experience of those skeptical doctors dealing with alleged COVID patients that caused uproar among medical community as they saw no new disease at all and in fact hundreds of them wrote a open letter in 2020 demanding government to conduct study to prove existence of SC2 and Covid as new virus and new disease. Putin initially reluctant since summer 2020 became 100% stooge of WHO in contrast to his friend Lukashenka . Russia became first to develop COVID VV adenovirus vector vaccine funded and approved by Putin for disease many academics and doctors fundamentally question. Many YT channels run by Russian Doctors skeptics were deleted on orders of Russian authorities. Some of them are in hiding officially accuses on Tax fraud. The same is in former Eastern block. Any criticism of corporate medicine is strictly prohibited even by law.
Communists are best when in the opposition ?
In Hew Benyon’s 1970’s book ‘Working For Ford’ (UK), he noted that the workers in the car factories would vote for CP members to be shop stewards, but not to elect them into parliament. They were most likely to vote communist for their shop floor rep, but Conservative for parliament. Seems they’d the sense to “keep ’em close at hand where they could keep an eye on ’em !”
Maybe because they actually knew those people as individuals and knew what they were about rather than only knowing about them through the distorted picture presented to them by the media?
I once heard about someone who so hated the clocks changing in spring that she kept a special clock at the original time all through the summer and – obviously didn’t need to change it again for winter.
I often feel that I have two “clocks” or two views – one conforming to the surreal acid trip going on in the media – and the other acting as the voice of sanity. It’s like a PK Dick thing where one world is an illusion which flickers out now and then to let the true world through.
And it has happened with the Hancock arse business. There they go on the TV talking in shocked tones … and then the flickering starts and I think, “Hang on! Someone resigned for standing too close to someone else?! And for a fucking year we have been getting shouted at for … daring to approach each other?!”
What the fucking fucketty fuck!
I’m disappointed by the Matt arse grope story. They could have made so much more out of it.
“And in an extended special tonight we employ the most rigorous minds in the scientific community to determine the effect of buttock transmission on fingers. And Doctor Pollen has confirmed that the cheeks of the posterior are a particularly efficacious way of causing the biggest possible spurt of bodily juices via the fingers even through several sheets of fabric. Indeed, Hancock has recklessly created an entirely new strain: the rectoid variant. This has thrust us all the way back to the initial lockdown stages but with an enhanced ejaculatory spread anticipated!”
The big issue on the news: How did that arse groping picture get taken?
Anyone not driven into comatose despair by a year of the pantomime-demic can tell you:
“Lights! Camera! Action! Take it away Matt!”
fastest way of making a substitution by team gov.uk. Who could they want instead?
I wonder if resident psychoBliar Jezza Hunt is free to step back in
Yes, definitely looks staged by Ham-cock and mistress. We’ve seen his acting skills before:–
Maybe a new career awaits treading the boards.
I always feel short changed by these insultingly obvious charades. The Yanks always do it better – big razzmatazz and they are so used to putting on a show, I believe any of them could bring up real tears on command.
But perhaps the shitiness of the UK Covva-Rave Up is part of the mind fuck? MH could have shouted “Oh Boo Hoo!” in an ultra-sarcastic tone and it would still be taken as genuine by the media. Result: The viewers think they are going mad. Mission accomplished.
Would really like to see him and the rest of the treacherous crew ‘walk the plank’, metaphorically speaking of course, in case any thought police monitoring this site take me literally and want to brand me a hate-speaker or domestic terrorist.
Mutiny and treason still merit the death penalty, so ‘walking the plank’ may not be inappropriate.
Agreed, but didn’t want to be explicit here, and maybe that method is now outdated. I think they deserve some special kind of assisted passage to the latest design for ‘transhumanist’ reincarnation, straight out of the beautiful mind and imagination of a Klaus Schwab, Ray Kurzweil or Elon Musk.
What an emotional and brilliant day.
I guess nobody really remembers the last 20 years.
When in the last couple of decades did protesting actually accomplish anything that was not what TPTB wanted anyway?
Nice try and I don’t want to discourage anyone making their voice heard, but clearly it is only heard in an echo chamber. TPTB don’t care because they know that a few signs and slogans will achieve nothing. The sheep don’t care as they lack the ability to even comprehend.
We are LONG past where peaceful protest will change anything. Governments will not give back what they have taken peacefully.
The alternative is giving up and giving in. These protests may not achieve anything, but maybe they will. They’re not single protests that can be ignored. There have been multiple protests, w increasing numbers attending each time. There’s a momentum to the opposition.
Why don’t the protesters occupy Parliament Square and refuse to move? Marches achieve nothing much.
The Occupy Wall Street movement tried that. How did that go?
And the anti-pipeline sit in on US native lands? Same result. Extreme violence from the govt.
Both suffered from the same problem: lack of numbers.
I was working in Boston during the Occupy action and it got a huge amount of publicity and attention in the weeks leading up to its eviction. Had it been 100,000 camped up they might have had a slightly harder job than they did moving just a few hundred.
It’s not about ‘numbers’ but about individuals. Herds don’t achieve anything, people do not think clearly as a hive. What matters is what people do individually. It matters not if you go to a march and protest against the lockdown and the next day you put on your mask to get on a train, go to a shop or take you prescription pills. What’s the difference? Prescription meds = vaccines, it all the same.
Correct. They have grown in size by a great degree, much like a sample cycled 40 times in a PCR amplification tool.
Would 5 million storming the gates of Downing St, NewsCorp, and the gaudy palace make a difference?
I think it would.
Really, think of Mahatma Gandhi marches, think of the civil rights marches in the US and the Six counties, the anti poll tax demonstrations, the anti war marches against Iraq which put the rats pack of Blair and his ilk on the back foot . They are the catalyst!
The good Gandhi was a British agent and a perv who slept with minors.
FFS all backwards societies procreate with young healthy child bearing age females. Our ancesters did so too!
Blair and his ilk on the back foot? Nah, not at all. A million dead Iraqis would not agree either.
Well I had an anti-Matt poster and by the time I got home he’d resigned so I feel a personal triumph on that one. And I also got a picture of David Icke who was quite rightly being patted on the back by the crowds for having seen this coming decades ago.
The point is not what marches achive with the ‘PTB’ but what they achive with other regular people. At the end of the day in spite of layers and layers of scales on their eyes they may still be opened, it’s never too late to see the truth, they’re not machines yet but human beings. We were all ignorant at some point.
If all these fine people would physically storm the Courts and Parliament buildings, and blockade them directly, they’d get plenty of press.
Citizens will find that protesting in the streets might be impressive, but it’s not particularly effective…
Agreed. If a crowd protests, and it cannot be witnessed on TV, does it make an impression?
Look how few people it took to “storm the Capitol” in DC on Jan 6th – and how it got blown so far out of proportion that it almost instantly became an “insurrection” (i.e., until too many videos showed it to have been little more than a field trip by tourists).
The inversion of reality is amazing. DC cops allowing protesters in to the building is an insurrection; a million marchers in London is a few anti-vaxxers blocking traffic!
The FB ‘screenshot’ that ‘showed’ the BBC reporting ‘hundreds’ was actually a hoax (they didn’t report on the demo at all). Annoyed me greatly because it gave the BBC a way out in their addressing of complaints about the report.
Yesterday, the Spanish Governmaent dropped the law compelling the public
to wear masks out of doors.
This morning I went for a walk on my local promenade , 4 k long, wide, no
social distancing problems. 80% of the people I met were still wearing masks !!
This means that despite the ( utterly spineless ) Spanish Govt. declaring it was
safe to go outdoors unmasked, at least 80%of the population still think this is
high risk. This, on a breezy Atlantic beach where even lockdown fanatics would
concede it is impossible to get infected.
It would be nice to think that the demos in London show some sort of awakening
but I,m afraid the great brainwashed are incorrigible.
I suspect that it is not so much that others are ‘incorrigible’ as such … rather, the poor fools are so baffled and confused by the incessant fear-mongering that they elect to ‘play-it-safe’ and imitate the herd so as not to draw attention to themselves. However, these are the morons that endanger themselves and the rest of us to the whims of the tyrants in power. So, while one can marginally sympathise with their ill-founded stupidity resulting from the oh-so-slick governmental propaganda organs, it certainly doesn’t excuse their (dangerous to the rest of us) half-witted ignorance.
Yep, the whole reason the behavioural psychologists on SAGE advised mask mandates was because they need a visual message, and knew people would comply out of fear of standing out, even though they were given the opportunity of claiming exemption without proof right from the start. It’s all about psychology
On the other hand, here in Cyprus mask wearing outdoors is mandatory with a €300 fine for not doing so, and there are no exemptions, although I have come to the conclusion from many weeks of flouting the rule that the police are either incapable or unwilling to impose the fine.
Hello Michael Canning: It’s not a case where the fools are afraid of being infected. They wear the masks to hide behind their complicity.
The panic and hysteria surrounding this Covid fraud is now beginning to resemble an invasion of Alien terror from another galaxy, destroying all forms of earthly life.
The msm did their utmost to conflate the sprawling lockdown protest with the much smaller xr and Palestine protests.
Congratulations, comrade Xi Jinping! You achieved your goals! https://libertarianeurope.com/politics/china-covid-19-did-its-job/
Belfast yesterday https://twitter.com/gicenburg/status/1408826253503832064?s=21
Here is the end part of a letter that I sent to my daughter:
I wan’t to tell you about this new infectious strain and what it means.
It will inform you and, hopefully, enable you to inform others. First ‘though, watch this short video: https://youtu.be/TtOu7jx3snQ
Now, never in history have the healthy been quarantined to “protect” themselves or others. It does not make any sense. Even when leprosy was rife, only active leprosy sufferers (lepers) were quarantined.
The more general point, however, is that the less dangerous a disease, the more it spreads (if it is deadly, it barely spreads at all).
This makes sense. If there is flu going around, most victims go to bed and don’t mix until it passes and they feel better. We all know when so and so have caught the flu. So it is not passed on much.
With a common cold, however, you might just have sniffles and not feel bad so go to work etc. You might say “don’t kiss me, I have a cold” but most stay generally unconcerned. So, colds become more widespread which is to the benefit of the virus. Thus, viruses that mutate all the time, tend to become less dangerous with time as only they spread widely.
Some 45 years ago when I did a post-graduate microbiology degree this was well known even then. It was also well known that coronaviruses were implicated in both flu and the common cold. So even though this virus has been exaggerated and beaten up as a dangerous flu virus (worse than it ever was), it has now morphed into a common cold virus. True.
So, all of these restrictions and lockdowns are to prevent us from catching a cold. Amazing.
The UK’s new Health Secretary is ex-Deutsche Bank and ex-Chase Manhattan Bank.
His Wikipedia entry mentions that he once led an expedition to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. I’m sure like it says this was for charity and nothing to do with the obsession Theosophists have with mountain tops. Aleister Crowley was a keen mountaineer.
You don’t need to be a mountaineer or in an expedition to climb mount Kilamanjaro. It is a hike usually led by an african tour guide. Admittedly it is a challenging hike, but it is not mountaineering, it is not Everest, it is a big hill in a very large and very flat plain.
Sounds like a banker wanker: most are hopeless at everything apart from following the instructions provided by the boss, so he offers the people nothing.
I simply do not get why a single person on earth ever complied with the mindless lock down crap.
I complied because the streets were full of police (and even army trucks) handing out fines! I stayed at home and tried my hardest to convince friends and family (with no success) but being met with an armed person is a good incentive to comply!
I was told to just once at the local chemist in a town where nothing ever happened and refused. The chemist came to the door, got me what I needed which was hay fever tablets and I gave him my dirty money
“RT had some coverage, as they are always happy to embarrass the UK”.
That is quite unwarranted – and untrue. RT publishes stories of all kinds, about many countries. It does certainly write scathingly about the UK when appropriate – but do you think it shouldn’t? No one in the mainstream does, so RT is providing a trickle of honest news in the face of a massive government lockdown on truth.
Moreover, RT quite often publishes stories about bad things that happen in Russia.
It is sad to see one alternative media outlet disparaging another just because it can.
I wonder if the author of this article (who remains anonymous) considers that Off Guardian is “embarrassing the UK” by publishing it?
“Don’t think this is a bad sign… “:
The ‘New survey says snow is black’ article cannot be far off.
It’s interesting how this cause unites all of mankind, regardless of race, creed or class. Beautiful sight to behold!
I wonder out of the attendees how many voted ?
What is the corollary of you question?
Those’s who voted shouldn’t be demonstrating…
Voted when?
Great article. ‘You can blow out a candle but you can’t blow out a fire.’
Fantastic news. There’s still hope that humanity may preserve some of its sanity!
From Australia, where the future feels as dark as the days, this warms my heart. I feel so proud of the people of NY ancestral homelands 💛☀💛
OMG!!!! The Gladys B. ‘Delta’ (WTF) ‘VARIANT’ is on the loose in NSW Stralya!!!!
no worries mateeze, ‘health minister’ HAZZARD’s got it all in perspective:
Health officials across the world have been alarmed by the rapid spread of the Delta variant first seen in India, noting instances of people passing on the virus during fleeting encounters in shops and then quickly infecting close family contacts.
The Delta variant is proving to be a very formidable foe,” NSW state Health Minister Brad Hazzard told reporters.
“No matter what defensive steps we’re taking at the moment, the virus seems to understand how to counterattack.”
Oh wow . . . a cunning, anticipatory Rambo veerass. FUBAR!!!
NOW don’t be kiss cousins sheepoze. Get the hole cocktail of JJ/Sanofi/moderer etc. etc.
Strength and Honour!!! RESIST!!!!
They have endowed a non existent virus with all the powers of superman, it can tell time so we have curfews, it can judge distance so we legislate travel distances, it can jump fences, grow on pizza boxes – anything to stop them having to admit NOTHING HAPPENED
H.L. Mencken nailed this political M.O. a century ago:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”.
Politicians who are anxious to divert attention from the ghastly mess they have created at home (i.e. most of them) have a vested interest in conjuring up deadly threats from “outside”. It might be The Russians who want to eat us up for breakfast, or The Chinese who, in their inscrutable but vicious way, plan to compete us out of existence.
Or – and this is almost ideal – it might be a deadly disease that Thinks and Plans and Mutates in its desperate efforts to kill us all – and deprive itself of hosts.
Oh yeah.
This is bloody hilarious Jimbo! It’s all such demented looney tunes levels of ridiculousness that all you can do sometimes is laugh at how absurd the charade has become.
But yes, in saying that, I do empathise with the people of Sydney who are now in lockdown for 2 weeks. It sucks, however I see a few of my Sydney FB friends are saying lockdown doesn’t exist for them and they will not comply with anything the Govt says.
They only work if stupid ple keep complying, and Australian’s who think we are a free spirit nation are capable of being terrorised by refugee kids on boats.
Maybe there were some “free spirits” in Australia in the 1970s Marilyn, but now? That’s a No from me. Except for the small minority actively resisting this fascism.
No need to tell me, I have always been a free spirit and will not comply ever with worthless crap. I was told at age 39 I was so sick with Crohn’s disease that if I didn’t have my entire bowel removed I would not make 40, well here I am nearly 69 with that damn bowel only missing 6 feet
The Australian health ministers and their ‘expert’ advisers all have one thing in common. They went to Kellogg’s University, and got their degrees off the back of a corn flakes packet.
Now they aren’t that smart Bill.
“all you can do sometimes is laugh at how absurd the charade has become.”
I try to but anger always swells up.
I’m now the brunt of a family member’s anger as his wife has had the poison stab and has taken offence that I call the sheep CoVidiots and muppets. He’s saying I’m insulting her (I didn’t know she had accepted the stab BTW).
He also equates me sending information from Yeadon, Bahkdi, Brydle etc as lecturing and preaching.
This is similar to the US “Civil” War which often pit father against son, brother against brother. And this is war we are in.
Had a horrible experience at Mooroolbark today. Just zombie apocalypse out there. Literally everyone in masks and all queueing up to scan the QR code. A man walked by with his 6 year old son. Both were wearing masks.
When I pointed out that children that young were in no danger of getting “covid” and asked why was he wearing a mask, the guy told me to shut it, and keep my opinions to myself.
Then, a group of people went past, all masked, and all started to queue up to scan the QR code, I called out “why do you think covids still happening? Because you’re all still complying with this crap… stop complying and wake up”. That went down like I’d just thrown a rotten egg at them. One woman said I was mentally sick, and another one called me a fucken idiot. Melbourne is a complete zombie wasteland full of the most retarded moronic cowards. And they’re dragging us all over the cliff.
With great sadness I must confirm the above as totally correct. There are limits to everything except people’s stupidity. “Zombie wasteland’ is an understatement.
While the minister’s absurd anthropomorphisation does deserve a round of laughter, I wonder if the deadly virus has an IQ higher than his.
I just figured we have a heap of pcr tests we need to use up….got to get that DNA into the data bases for genome research folks….please note it is a rather large Chinese Corp who is running the pcr, genome operation…got to keep the masters happy
Here’s a nice post from a US blog about UK protests on June 26, the post includes two videos which as of now are still on You Tube. One features marchers singing, “Another brick in the wall….Leave us kids alone.” Blog headline, “Massive Street Protests Continue in London Against COVID Lockdown Rules,” The Conservative Treehouse, June 26, 2021 | Sundance | “Thousands of people descended on London’s Hyde Park on Saturday afternoon in the latest round of protests against Covid lockdown measures. The crowds marched through Oxford Street before gathering at Hyde Park while holding banners, placards and flags. The crowds of protesters (bottom left and bottom centre) marched through Oxford Street, Regent Street, Hyde Park and Northumberland Avenue as they held placards reading ‘freedom is not for trade’, ‘no to Covid vaccine’ and ‘no to the Covid passport’.”…The blog also goes by the name, “The Last Refuge.” Please be advised that the blog is still very pro-Trump, but was around long before Trump walked down the escalator and does a lot of good research.
We don’t need no integration
We don’t need no mind control
No sarcasm in the headlines
Journalist leave those folks alone
Hey! Journalist! leave my folks alone
All in all it’s another lie in the fall
All in all another lockdown in the fall
(fall as in Autumn in the American context)
mid July, that Euro21-nasty-ninja-Sherpa variant (aka hay-fever) will wreak a spike, and we go into permanent lockdown, enforced my military; vax-refuseniks will have their dependents removed before incarceration; all major conurbations to get bracelets by December….
Dunno if this is true..allegedly penned by Ferguson, but I wouldn’t be in the least surprised.
“The lab rat jab” is one of my favourite comments under that article.
I call it the poison stab and hope it becomes contagious as I may trademark it.
VAERS the U.S. vaccine adverse reaction reporting system:
Evidence of data specialist Albert Benavides.
UK, by comparison, has two other reporting systems besides the MHRA Yellow Card, plus the AI adverse events system that was tendered for last year.
It seems officials go to great lengths to queer the data.
On June 25, 2021, one day after Andrew Lloyd Weber launched legal action to force UK gov. to stop delaying release of April and May 2021 Covid test results from multiple crowded gatherings (which it turns out were very positive), ERP, gov.uk finally released positive results. 6/25/21, “Events Research Programme: Phase I findings.”…https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/events-research-programme-phase-i-findings/events-research-programme-phase-i-findings#fn:1…
6/24/21, “COVID-19: Andrew Lloyd Webber launches legal action to get results of government’s pilot events programme,” Sky News
6/25/21, “COVID-19: ‘No substantial outbreaks’ after test events for sport, music and clubbing, report finds,” Sky News. “The Brit Awards, which featured an audience of around 3,500, recorded zero cases of coronavirus.”
ALW said vaccine passports are a must, no entry to his shows or the industry,.
Very pro more like nazi about it.
He also said he would open up on 21 June…
he did no, he is full of shit and very much a establishment whore.
Please don’t insult ‘whores’! ALW volunteered to participate in the Oxford clinical trial, though I’m sure he would have been assigned to the Control Group and given a special saline placebo (standard non-placebo ‘placebo’ for this mock trial was a meningitis vaccine).
Kit and The Widow’s tribute to the unique and original ALW:–
No matter what your opinion is of the virus, masks etc I don’t think there’s any public thirst for more lockdowns.
The plebs were sold the big lie that vaccines will bring back their old lives. Public messaging is take your jab and get back to normal.
If official figures are reliable (I doubt they are) the majority have taken their jab and if normal isn’t resumed the majority are going to be seriously pissed off.
No one wants to live in a perpetual state of lockdown.
The knees up at the G7 and the frolics of Hancock, Ferguson and others have showed these people don’t believe their own message.
And if they don’t why should anyone else.
Yes, these people are idiots.
But the joke is on anyone who takes what they say seriously.
The state have overplayed their hand with the variants bullshit.
That’s not to say there won’t be another lockdown in UK but I think the majority won’t support it.
“The plebs were sold the big lie that vaccines will bring back their old lives. Public messaging is take your jab and get back to normal.”
You can’t stop a flu with a vaccine.
I hope you’re right bud, I just don’t see it where I am…. total conformity for the most part. Yeah, vast class of “just take the jab to get your life back” (many unbeleivers of narrative in there), then the fanatics and the fomos. the Vex rolls on and out and every nut is being bolted, it’s not looking good. I am fed up with all this.
I’ve been seeing this weird turnaround lately from propaganda outlets and normies. A few months ago the shaming and censoring of the highly dangerous anti vaxxer terrorists was almost deafening. I have been noticing more and more people becoming less hostile towards questioning the narrative, and the media seems to be trying to reflect it, in order to keep their base from turning the TV off. “This is all bullshit” is a more common attitude lately, and the few times I’ve been forced to glance at MSM, they are asking questions about the true origins of Covid-911, and if masks and lockdowns are still necessary. I’m not confident in anyway that this will lead to anything good, but the lack of pitchforks has been nice. They need to muster up another false flag and make everybody afraid again. I wonder how long before somebody wearing a Trump hat shoots up a vaccine clinic, and tells the media that mRNA will turn you into a homosexual reptile. (Just in time for Pride!)
Another false flag? Hmmm…. Maybe something like this perhaps?
Yeah I’m anxiously awaiting July 9th
RT is entitled to stick it to us in the ‘west’. We do it to Russia every day.
I saw on RT, Johnson &co pushing a flu lockdown this winter? Fake news?!
‘Flu lockdown’? Wouldn’t surprise me. Someone a few days ago (was either Johnson or Hancock as I recall) was warning that, as a consequence of mask wearing, we may have lowered the population’s immunity to flu and this could have serious consequences for the NHS this winter. Didn’t go so far as to suggest what we do about it but we can all hazard a guess as to where it looks likely to be heading.
It was a given that making people wear masks and social distancing will make the people sicker not healthier. You don’t have to have a medical degree to realise that!
“Not unlike the American Dream.”

“Missing George Carlin more and more with each passing day.”
One of Bob Dylan’s lines was: “In order to dream, you have to be asleep”.
Carlin lives in the hearts of countless millions and millions of not vax zombeeze!!!
Strength and Honour!!!
“Refuse to be culled and refuse to become a lab rat in a sick twisted corporate fascist eugenics genetics experiment.”

“Do not buy the Scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ Propaganda.”

“The Great Ripoff (which is a Crime Against Humanity) shall not became the Great Enslavement.“
“We will not be owned!”

“Nor shot up with ‘Doc’ Billy Eugenics Toxic Viral Cull Juice Variants.“
The Economist has push neo liberal cr@p forever.
I don’t doubt they cheer Schwaub and co…
Thank you for being so fierce.it’s our only hope
Bravo Londoners BRAVO!!!! KEEP AT IT, KEEP. AT. IT!
Superb, comprehensive coverage from Subject Access. The protest pretty-much from start to finish:
That’s precisely what’s required, strength and solidarity in numbers to support, organize and convene a common law COURT arrest the criminal perpetrators of the fraudulent scamdemic by a court warrant, permanently remove them from office by specially appointed constables and set their trial date for crimes against the people.
Constables would be officers appointed by the common law COURT i.e. The people, to enforce the true Law of the Land by peaceful means and under oath.
There are people now trained as peace Constables in SW UK.
That’s an important move Geoff maybe there’s hope yet! A good sart at the appropriate time would be the arrest of the local officials who are “just following orders” in enforcing the “rules” of this repressive government who is “just following orders” of the globalist dictators.
People responsible for the hygionomic coup d’etats, be they from academia, practicing doctors, politicians, businessmen, government employees, need to be legally persecuted for this, not for vengeance, but FOR THE SAKE OF COLLECTIVE MEMORY. NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES!
The snakes that you mention are either traitors or collaborators that have betrayed the people no matter which way you look at it. Or is it a question of “forgive them for they know not what they do?” If that happens the same situation will keep on happening over and over again – this is humanity’s last wake up call.
That’s why the leading agents of the scamdemic and totalitarian agenda need to be STOPPED and removed from office by using the rightful Law of the Land and Common Law Courts not their corrupt legal system based on statute law.
These demonstrations show strength and solidarity of the people in numbers but that’s not enough if God’s Law aka the Law of the Land is not used to remove the perpetrators of the fraud from power.
The March was incredible, easily a million people there probably more. At one point i got tired and sat down on a step and just watched the people walk past by Trafalgar Square I was sat there for a full hour and there were still people walking past. Old young black white “lefties” “righties” such a diverse crowd many more young people. A real festival atmosphere but with lots of insightful home made placards. Lots of fully awake people with real potential for building a transformative movement. Lots of different groups – a real movement is what we have growing here in the U.K. and it is wonderful to see. We need to ensure that these fuckwits in government don’t get away with a damn thing and they are brought firmly to justice.
My favourite bit was the unveiling of a bunch of DJs and sound system hidden in a massive truck in The middle of regent street and an impromptu rave – blocked traffic everywhere. So good!
And my favourite t-shirt slogan was “don’t be a fanny you won’t kill your granny” 😂
The brits have so much potential!!
People are dissopating their energies on this.
There is an uncorrupted political party in the UK and that is the Green Party.
If you want to change things, work and vote for them – however much fun it might be to pretend to be an anarchist.
Hmm uncorrupted? They haven’t taken any stance against lockdowns. They’ve supported every incarnation of authoritarianism the last 15 months. A2
that is my point when people say ” vote for someone else next time” unless its a completely new party, who exactly? they all voted for lockdowns and restrictions, even Lib dems when confronted by keeping people’s liberties chose not to.
Please refer me to some evidence that the Greens in the UK have supported “authoritarianism” in all its incarnations. …
You can’t- because your statement in itself is indisciplined and untrue within its own terms.
“Every incarnation” ? Disappointing.
Aside from that, why should everyone take a stand against the lockdowns (to date) ?
I am unconvinced by all arguments pro or anti, because we do not have sufficient data or skills in most cases to make proper judgments. Many people feel like this also, but do not feel that it is necessary to find that the lockdowns are an articulation of the nasty State. People who have worked in the civil service and government know that cock-up is far more the case than conspiracy.
Elections and our government may well be a poor form of representational democracy but as the saying goes, it is all we have.
So stop wasting your anti-state energies in echo chambers like this and work to change things instead.
To the other commenters with their scorn, have a nice day.
The Green Party has supported pre-covid Green fascism and supports the new covid fascism.
If you are really still unsure what the covid rollout is you are in denial.
The last UK election was blatantly rigged. Representative democracy is a sham and its day is over.
Do you have any evidence that the last UK election was rigged?
There is ample evidence.
Catte points out here that if the improbable 2019 election result had happened in Syria or Russia the media would have been claiming obvious fraud. But colonialism and racism prevent us doing the same when it happens in the West
An article that expands on the potential and history of voter fraud.
Search our archives for more
Hey Frank, do you know that ‘global warming’ was dreamt up by the same monsters who are behind covid? Yep, you’ve been had!
My guess is he does, I vote “shill” over “useful idiot”
“Cock up is far more the case than conspiracy”
I completely agree with this statement. People on here are complaining about the wrong thing. The UK government is clearly incompetent to deal with this pandemic; the idea that they could organise a ‘plandemic’ is ludicrous!
Why are you bothering? That line stopped working years ago. Even my old parents laugh at that argument.
Ah yes, the eternal comforting delusion of team Stockholm Syndrome. Like pretending a violent partner didn’t mean to hit you, it was a mistake. The very thing that defines society is people getting together out of mutual interest and planning things to their advantage. In order to cock something up you must first determine to do it, Ockham’s razor says a complex situation, with clear advantage to vested interests, is most likely the result of conspiracy, Unforeseen consequence the exception
It seem Bob you forgot about the 45 seconds to dooooooom dodgy dossier which Peter Oborne wrote in great detail about in his book not the Chilcot report about the collusion of fabricating evidence to go to war which over 2,000,000 have died from in Iraq. There are many many other examples of theUK permanent Government fitting up people, organisations and other countries with fabricated evidence
They are trying to organise a plandemic but they are ludicrously failing because they are incompetent. The whole Hancock shit show was staged, and was so obvious it was like watching an old episode of Benny Hill FFS.
It’s not the government who organised it.
Environmentalism was taken over by globalist pluto-technocracy long ago. How can a party call itself “green” while supporting the plutocrats’ technocratic climate cult and oppose the very gas that greens the planet? It’s a sick joke. Jog on and bother some less politically savvy forum, your shilling is obviously falling on deaf ears here
Nonsense. Just look at Caroline Lucas voting record. Brainwashed Covidian!
yEAH THEY HAVE IN AUSTRALIA TOO, they are like moronic sheep,
Australians have really surprised me I thought they had more spine and retained a lot of the British grit but that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.
But I wonder if it not showing up on the quiet via Injection Refusal.
Correct. They lost their courage when the CIA and the City of London scum railroaded Whitlam.
To be fair, Caroline Lucas (Brighton) was one of the 76 MPs who voted to not extend the lockdowns in March 2021. I do not support them and think their policies have been derailed by corporate money for many years but I do give C.L. credit for this vote as she was my MP at the time of the vote.
better than pretending to be concerned about the environment.
Who killed Bambi ? The fuckin green party.
In dystopian times having a sense of humour is essential.
The Greens here in Australia are fully, completely, on board with the scamdemic.
They have voted for every state of emergency extension here in Victoria to enable the continued administering of the poison jab. These extensions, which includes lockdowns have deeply impacted the most vulnerable here and caused such misery, including a spike in suicides here.
More fake bourgie pseudo lefty liberals doing the bidding of the establishment. Fuck the Greens.
How many suicides have the green party actually caused ? We will never know. People who thought this was the right movement to get behind, especially in the early days, 70’s, 80’s, (when it stood for something).
Only to find it was another fraud, but worse, appealing to sensitive people prone to propaganda. (like myself).
Yep, Adam Bandt is as hysterical as all the rest.
ditto canada, eh.
The greens need flushing down the toilet, along with Hancock, Johnson and Gates. Sorry.
I believe Hancock was flushed today
They’re going after his corrupt deals now as well. Not a good weekend for our Matt.
No wonder he’s always wearing a huge grin and a spring in his step. He’d been shagging someone else’s wife at the same time as making himself very rich.
Vote for the Freedom Alliance if they’re standing
Wow Frank – 70 down votes! Must feel like you’re just wastin your time 😂
Not necessarily.
Trolls who are appropriately buried in mega-downvotes often respond with booming, chest-thumping, fist-brandishing, spittle-flecked rejoinders that the tsunami of downvotes only confirms their righteousness, and exposes the downvoters as fools or scoundrels.
They often conclude with the parthian declamation that they welcome our hatred!
The whole bloody system is rife with corruption that’s being going on and on for years including the political parties and beyond. Everytime the careerist MPs are elected they kiss ass by following orders and we get the same old crap and betrayals year in year out.
How much longer will people allow this fiasco to continue? So much so, that corruption and vice have become ACCEPTED as integral components of what’s now considered as” normal”.
We are still considered as slaves by TPTB and will remain so unless the actions already outlined here are taken, using the common law which is probably our only hope of any semblance of justice and freedom.
That party whose sole MP could not shill harder for globalist oligarchy? Think I’ll stick to anarchy
E.G. are you that green candidate that dresses in nappies, masturbates and defecates?? Identifies as a woman and is shouting about sex and gender stuff? Your entire platform of equality.. really?? REAL. welcome to Sturgeonland.