Iain Davis

Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza.
The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.
The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.
COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness.
Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.
The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers.
In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into into disarray.
This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.
This was abject nonsense. There was no evidence that the asymptomatic infected anyone. Those at risk of severe illness were the small minority of people who already had serious comorbidities, often due to their age.
The mass house arrests (lockdowns) and other measures, such as wearing face masks, were then used to increase the infection risk, to reduce broad levels of population immunity and give the false impression of an extraordinary public health threat. The removal of health care for every other disease, including cancer and ischaemic heart disease, coupled with the health costs of increasing deprivation and immunosuppressant policies, were then exploited to bolster the illusion of a pandemic.
This does not mean that COVID 19 didn’t kill people but those who died of the disease were a small percentage of the total numbers claimed. COVID 19 had no discernible impact upon all-cause mortality. The increase above one of the lowest ever 5 year mortality averages was mainly caused by the withdrawal of health services, as increasing numbers of people died in their own homes or in overburdened care settings, without receiving normal medical attention.
Despite these efforts, mortality in 2020 was still only the 9th highest in the first two decades of the 21st century and one of the lowest age-standardised mortality rates in the last 50 years.
COVID 19 presented virtually no risk to those of working age an none at all to the young. There was no evidence that children were either at or presented any risk. The school closures were part of the pseudopandemic psy-op. They gave the misleading impression of an emergency and provided fraudulent justification for vaccinating children.
The pseudopandemic was planned to lead to the complete transformation of our culture and society. It has irrevocably changed our relationship with governments, has caused catastrophic economic disruption, shutdown global trade and saw millions become reliant on government subsidies. The pseudopandemic was the opening salvo in a global coup d’état.
The new pseudopandemic biosecurity apparatus is designed to control our behaviour as we are forced through a global transformation. Those behind the pseudopandemic intend to change the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) and establish global governance in the shape of technocracy. Technocracy is a neofeudal, totalitarian system based upon communitarian principles.
We will be offered the illusion of participatory democracy through our required participation and belief in “civil society.” Civil society will be a “stakeholder” in the Technocracy. However, civil society will only be allowed to pursue polices set at the global level.
Applied psychology was used throughout the pseudopandemic to fix our “choice environment.” We were conditioned to believe that following the rules was the responsible and moral choice. In reality our behaviour was being deliberately altered to ensure our compliance with the diktats of the biosecurity state, preparing society for the transition to technocracy.
The new global IMFS is built upon carbon trading and a $120 trillion carbon bond market is currently under construction. Assets are being defined in terms of their Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics which rate investments depending upon their environmental, social and governance (ESG) score.
These metrics have been established by the World Economic Forum working in partnership with the central banks, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other stakeholder capitalists, such as the investment firm BlackRock.
The global system of central banks, headed by the BIS, are “going direct” by directly funding government policy. They have linked monetary policy to fiscal policy which means ultimate control of all government spending by the BIS. The Financial Services Board of the BIS regulates ESG’s and determines the value of sustainable financial assets.
In this way, the global technocracy will facilitate the continuation of crony capitalism, as only the right stakeholders will receive the approved ESG rating. Those who don’t will not be able to raise the investment capital they need and will be forced out of business.
“Going direct” began before the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global pandemic. All of the economic and financial responses to the pseudopandemic, such as furlough and business support packages, were agreed as part of the “going direct” plan in August 2019.
The so called economic stimulus of Quantitative Easing (QE) is a fraud. It is based upon the unbridled monetisation of debt on an unprecedented scale. Going direct means that the toxic junk assets of the financial institutions have been taken on to the balance sheets of the central banks. Thus creating unimaginable levels of public debt that can never, and will never, be repaid.
The QE money, created out of absolutely nothing, has been pumped into the financial markets for the continued enrichment of the right stakeholders. The vast expansion of the money supply will shortly lead to hyperinflation. The mass unemployment that will occur as a result of the austerity, caused both by the staggering levels of debt and our transition to a new IMFS, will create stagflation.
The new net zero carbon economy will mean permanent austerity for the majority. The Technate will provide a universal basic income (UBI), or some variation of the concept, to be paid in Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC). This will mean that no one will have their own money, other than the chosen stakeholders, as all transactions will be monitored and controlled by the central banks.
Those who oppose the neofeudal authority of the corporate, stakeholder Technate and refuse to comply with the imposition of biosecurity obligations will have their CBDC restricted or switched off. The pseudopandemic has established the framework of the biosecurity state that will control all our lives. The vaccine passports are the gateway to full biometric identity for every citizen in the new normal Technate.
We will be required to show our biometric ID on demand. Access to goods and services will be monitored and restricted as desired by the Technate. UBI and CBDC combined with biometric ID will ensure our compliance. The central planners of the Technate will oversee the AI controlled system which will automatically limit the freedoms of those who defy the rules decreed by the stakeholder capitalists.
Money, as we currently understand it, is no longer required by those behind the pseudopandemic. The net zero carbon economy enables them to seize control of the “global commons.” This means that they will have dominion over all of the Earth’s natural resources. All land, the oceans, the atmosphere and even space is being converted into assets via Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics.
Not only will we have no money of our own, we will be unable to access the resources we need to survive without permission from the Technate. While this system of technocracy has been planned for more than a century, it was the financial collapse in 2008 that led the pseudopandemic planners to increase the pace of transformation. The monetisation of debt had long been the source of their authority but this IMFS was unsustainable. As all money was debt, its eventual collapse was inevitable. It passed the point of no return in 2008.
With their going direct plan in place, the stage was set for the pseudopandemic. SARS-CoV-2 provided the perfect opportunity and the core conspirators behind the pseudopandemic had trained extensively in readiness for the operation. We were then barraged by a mainstream media propaganda campaign and military’s information warfare units were deployed to control our “choice environment.”
Scientific and medical doubts were censored as the suspension of normal democratic processes was exploited to introduce the biosecurity state. Laws were passed to allow government to commit any crime it wished in pursuit of stakeholder capitalist sustainable development goals. Laws to end the right of protest and censor free speech are moving unopposed through the legislature as national governments, who are no more than stakeholder partners within the new normal technocracy, prepare us for the coming Technate.
For the core conspirators of the pseudopandemic this is the realisation of their long held dream of global governance. They are steeped in the mythology of eugenics and population control. Once they have total control of the global commons they will no longer need us as consumers and are intent upon significant population reduction.
As insane as this all sounds the evidence, explored in pseudopandemic, is overwhelming. We are facing global neofeudalism unless we act now. Herein lies our hope.
The core conspirators have no real power. It is an illusion that they are desperate to maintain. They invest billions in propaganda, hybrid warfare and security systems because they are terrified that we will realise what they are doing.
Their plan can only succeed if we believe their lies and comply with their orders. If we don’t there is nothing they can do about it.
We can reset the world.

Pseudopandemic is the new book by Iain Davis. It is available, both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can subscribe to In This Together for a free copy.
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Proof that almost all corona-victims did not causally died because of Corona, but only “with” the attribute “Corona”:
In the year 2020 every twenty-fifth person was tested positive for Corona (namely 3 millions positive tested persons out of 82 millions German citizens), and often without symptoms. Almost all of these 3 millions positive tested humans did not die by Corona, i.e. Corona did not caused a death of them. Therefore every twenty-fifth of all humans, who died 2020, (especially patients of cancer in the end-stage, humans in their age at death, victims of deadly accidents) must be also positive for Corona without being killed by Corona. Every twenty-fifth human out of the 985.000 humans, who died 2020, makes/adds up to 40.000 positive tested humans. If we subtract this number from the number of the positive tested humans, who died in 2020, i.e. from 42.000, then there is nearly no rest/nothing left, i.e. Corona caused the death of nearly nobody. All the more so, as humans in hospitals were more often tested, so the rate of positive tested humans in hospitals and thereby amongst the person, who died, must be higher than outside amongst the general population. Furthermore the fact, that the average age at death in 2020 did not decreased in comparison to the former years, i.e. there was no excess mortality in 2020, also indicates that there were no additional deaths because of Corona in 2020.
Proof that almost all corona-victims did at least not causally died primary because of Corona, but only incidentally “with” the attribute “Corona”:
The high share of Corona-patients in the amount of influenza-patients is a miracle. How it can be that one a single type of all influenzas (i.e. Corona) has such a huge, gigantic share in the influenza-market/influenza-proceedings and that there were (allegedly) more Corona-victims than victims of all other influenza-types together. How Corona should it have managed to reach such a gigantic rate?! To achieve this, Corona should be 1000 times more infectious than any other influenza-type. But this is not the case. Corona is not more infectious than other influenza-types, but Corona get carried in the same way as other influenza-types.
The alleged objection that there were fewer cases of other influenza-types in 2020 because of the impact of the protective-measures against Corona does not match, because the occurrence of other influenza-types was not much less than in the former years, so this objection is marginal/irrelevant. Besides, people could get an infection of other influenza-types as well as the could get an infection of Corona.
By the way, the high share of humans, which were positive tested for Corona, can be maybe explained by the idea that Corona is just a genetical pattern with no significance, which is not capable to let us make a conclusion about an illness. All the more so, as the PCR-test gives us not a definite/certain result. Or it can be maybe explained by the idea that Corona has mixed with all other influenza-types and therefore, in many influenza-incidents, it just seems like the patient would have just Corona, but in truth he has a huge number of influenza-types including Corona instead. Because one single influenza-type alone could never reach such a high share of the whole influenza-proceedings. But if this is true, then all humans, which were positive tested for Corona, did not have just Corona, but had also many other influenza-types at once and thereby the Corona-victims died causally by Corona just partially/marginally. The theory, that a huge share of influenza-victims died mostly because of one single influenza-type (i.e. because of Corona), is unlikely, because people are different and thereby are vulnerable for different types of influenza-types and therefore die by different influenza-types and not mostly by the same influenza-type (i.e. by Corona).
I’m currently reading Davis’s book, Pseudopandemic. It’s a great read but very infuriating. The slow boil strategy seems to be over. They’re really going for it full bore. The level of acceleration is beyond anything I’ve seen in my 40+ years of existence on this planet.
It dawned on me that I might very well live long enough to experience the worst dystopian nightmare every conceived by human beings. Infinitely more terrifying is the thought of my children growing up in such a world. Not much of a religious person but God help us all. These people need to be stopped.
Half way through his book now. It seems to spell out pretty nicely the con.
Well written article why the book?
At what point in the book does the blame fall on the Illuminati and the freemasons who carry out the orders delivered by the lodge masters?
Every power job in the UK is held by Illuminati Freemasons, from local authority planning officers to to the police middle and senior management, to Mayors and Councillors and Court Workers, and Solicitors. The list is endless just think about it.
Therein lies the rub. How to combat this assault on our freedoms.
Educate those around you to this creeping sickness of freemasonic corruption. Deal with this matrix by exposure and demand the truth from local authority’s and their influence in your lives. Write to the various heads and ask the question, are you a freemason.
Why not.
Has the Illuminati overstepped the mark? can they still control the narrative?
Graphene Oxide and already many deaths from the Double Jab.
What did you do in the war?
I am 81, I have been “onto” this crap for most of my life and finally wrote a book about it around 25 yrs ago and have been trying to “Tell Others” ever since. But so few will pay attention, the “Attractions” offered by the lying System is, it seems, more powerful than our small voices in the wilderness speaking Truth.
My two adult daughters have had sympathy for my predicament and seem to believe the basic sense of warning required right now. My wife, on the other hand, does not want her version of the fairy tale world she prefers to think that she resides in, “contaminated with” my versions of Truth because I do not get them from her trusted MSM.
For example, she got both shots, does not want to hear about any negativity associated with that, or anything else. Now she wants to pay for a trip to Europe and a cruise through the Greek Islands for her and the two daughters … how could they refuse? Too good a deal to pass up, what the heck, a couple of shots in the arm is a small price to pay … I wrote them each a letter expressing my remorse for their attitude … what more can I do?
Sorry to hear that. Perhaps they’re operating psychically, instinctively and perhaps they’re correct, they’ll be alright.
It does not change the fact that these vaccines have skipped essential safety regulation and, in so doing, have established a dangerous precedent moving forward. And people are RIGHT to resist this strongly, since it’s being used to push through nefarious, depersonalising authoritarian agendas.
However, while some people are convinced these jabs are End of Days, I am still undecided. We do not know precisely what senile bureaucratic perversion brought them to market. Perhaps they aren’t death shots, merely mediocre vaccines?
Perhaps it’s crediting the broken and corrupt system with too much to assume there is anything as coordinated as this going on. Perhaps there’s nothing more to these jabs than a cynical attempt to get some failing patents through to market, harm as few people in the process to maximise future profits, and opportunistically grab some covid mula?
Maybe they are ticking suicide time bombs, however I tend to think people are far more psychic and instinctive than we realise. Possibly the less ‘awake’ they are the more instinctively they operate, free from left brain logic.
Perhaps some people are happy to overlook the dangerous potential of these skipped trials for an easy life in the short term, because no psychic alarm bells are ringing for them?
I do hope this is the case. The alternative is so upsetting. I sympathise with your position though. A2
I think there are concerns about the efficacy and safety of the vaccines. However, for me, one of the primary reasons they are being exploited is to accustom us to biosecurity and biometric ID. Also to regular inoculation and potential gene therapy.
That is sad to hear.
Many of us here have loved ones who swallowed the CoolAid either because they fear the cov, or because they don’t fear the vax, or because they fear the AZ vax but trust in Pfizer, or because everyone else is doing it..
Those pulling the strings have an entire arsenal of narrative control and the only people who seem immune are those who pay little attention to msm, avoid social media, or have finely tuned bullshit detection abilities.
It seems that some states (looking at Israel France & Russia today, but who knows who tomorrow) are mandating the jab.
The best that can be done is to boost one’s own immune system to deal with whatever adverse effects might come.
Euromomo gives you the excess deaths data.
This not dumb lady at the check out supermarket have a little chat about whatever and last week she said she’s getting the job. I said she should have look at this site first before making up her mind. She said “I’d rather be safe than sorry.” true but I couldn’t believe the logic. 18 months after the virus appeared, she got conned-vinced by our lying Health Minister to take the jab. Why don’t people use the internet and see who says what? Our Greg Hunt, Minister for Health Federal Parliament, reckons in his newsletter, that the Covid-19 vaccine, ‘it can help protect all Australians and if you catch COVID-19, you could die. The bold from me. Another smart business woman said she wanted to travel so she got jabbed. Good luck to them.
5 Stars
But thousands of people died in India in the second wave of Covid-19 due to oxygen shortage (suffocation). That was a real blow not a deception. The lungs were badly affected due to Covid and so unless continuous oxygen supply was there (artificially) there was no question of survival for many worse affected. How do you explain this?
Gee I don’t know man…I must have been 5 or 6 years old when I realised that sometimes people get sick with different illnesses and die.
That’s due to the spike protein from the vaccine causing circulation problems. It’s not that they don’t have oxygen, they can’t utilize it or transport it properly.
The nature of the virus, its genetic code is far ahead of our body to be able to decypher it. In some cases the body goes into full response, as if it is a bacteria and so fevers result and similar symptons to influenza result. The effect not the cause. And with the human population at 8 billion!, any tiny percentage will be a lot. But compare this to the total who are not dying then the perspective the media avoids appears. I have a friend in Canada who is a tad worried. 30k dead. That is 0.17% of the population. Not exactly the worlds worst viral killer. At the WHO website the top ten deaths, no virus. And they mutate fast. Made worse by humans who isolate. Species exposure. Pollution doesn’t help. Now it is Covid-21. Cousine perhaps. However unlike bacteria, a virus has no intention to kill its host. It wants to move in, adjust and continue. The next strain is less virulent. Thus they move on and vanish until another appears.
One problem I see: people trust what they’ve been taught too much. Critical thinking will bring questions the answers to which will illuminate both causes and solutions to this farce. Do we utilize what nature has provided for us and that humanity used for hundreds of years? Do we even know what our forebears used in cases where cleanliness and sterile environs were needed? Colloidal silver has been used as a very effective, completely non-toxic to humans antibiotic, killing, in vitro, in 6 (six) minutes or less, all viruses, almost every bacteria, molds and fungi to boot. Only a mere hundred years ago it was used in many studies of its efficacy against pathogens. Other than a small number (less than 4) of bacteria it had trouble with, where silver would make an excellent adjunct in a treatment. All other pathogens fell before colloidal silver, where, in regard to viruses, it interrupted their ability to utilize oxygen, so suffocated the viruses, and, in regard to bacteria, for some, the mere presence, not even contact was necessary for the bacterias cell wall to disintegrate.
Historically, a few silver coins , dropped into a cask or barrel of water would maintain freshness almost indefinitely, a boon to sailors especially.
Argyria, which shows ingestion of incorrectly formulated colloidal silver and gross overdosing, will result from such behavior which manifests as a greyish-blueing of the skin, as the body cannot excrete the amount of silver as quickly as it is ingested. It is a permanent condition, with no pain or physical discomfort associated.
It is simple to manufacture for self-use, has a very long shelf life, and so effective that, after discovery of penicillin, the very same “doctors” who would have prescribed it , had to denigrate it in order to assure the success of the new cash-cow, penicillin.
Thankfully, colloidal silver is re-emerging as ma nature’s most effective antibiotic.
Mate….there is no virus. All this dancing around the minutiae of how it affects people is nonsense. The stats and methods used to pull the scam are so obvious now. Duff insilica genomes, PCR test fraud and manipulation, myth of asymptomatic spread, endless propaganda and mammoth fiddling of the attribution of deaths. The use of absurd levels of sedative drugs on the elderly in April 2020 to get a death narrative rolling occured in many countries. It is a total hoax as regards the claims for sarscov2 and covid. There never was any pandemic, There is of course a monstrous underlying agenda centred around the financial system and control on a scale never seen before. The jab must have a purpose of some kind because it has zero to do with combating any illness. This is as big a lie as lies can get.
If you think there is a virus there is a man willing to pay you 1.5 million Euros just as soon as you give him the proof. Of course there is no proof and no government dept any where in the world has been able to provide it after over 86 Freedom of Information requests.
All numbers coming from the government and medical authorities are to be disregarded as these were inflated and fabricated.
And, anecdotal cases reported in the media were mainly of two types — breathing problems due to toxic effects of vaccine and total fabricated ones.
The TV and other news media played up the hype, much of it scripted by a global oligarchy-technocracy and completely unreal.
The fear generated from the fear-mongering media itself caused some people to be hospitalised. Stress and fear can be lethal at such times.
Coronavirus (sars-cov-2) is a digitally-derived ‘virus’, not a real, physical, scientifically-proven pathogen.
All disease symptons that existed prior to 2020 were re-packaged into ‘covid’. No proof. Just blunt lies and media propaganda.
The people here suffer a collective delusion. It’s useless to argue with them.
No, we are NOT ‘suffering a collective delusion’. Watch this short video (link below). The lady is a lawyer, here in the UK; her name is Anna de Buisseret. She is one of the countless millions of PROPERLY-informed, WISED-up people, worldwide, who know that what’s happening worldwide is a PROVEN SCAM: that it (as she states in this video) comes under the legal category of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’; that what’s taking place is very deliberate GENOCIDE.
Many other lawyers around the world also know that this is genocide taking place; one of those WISED-UP lawyers is Dr Reiner Fuellmich (a well-known German lawyer; in fact, he’s quite famous, due to his legal successes in winning big cases involving corporate FRAUD, for eg, his successes against Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank).
They are preparing the biggest Tort [a legal term…] case of all time: “Nuremberg 2”, in which they hope to be able to prosecute some of the many [very evil, psychopathic] perpetrators of this Crime Against Humanity.
Here’s the video featuring the lawyer, Anna de Buisseret, as mentioned above:
“Anna de Buisseret – Lawyers for Liberty – 15/05/2021” (video: 6.57 mins), at:
I see you’re well read on the subject 🤣
2018 (pre-cov) study shows that one million people each year die of “ambient air pollution”, and another million die from “household air pollution”
That’s 2 million Indians each year dying from respiratory ailments. Pre-cov.
Gee, I wonder what the stats will look like now?
A interesting article from the New England Journal of Medicine.
Fifty Years Later: The Significance of the Nuremberg Code
What % of world population is the combined United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, ect. Where Russia, China, Africa, Muslim Land, S. America, India ect. Just tell the CLUB to PACK IT IN.
I wrote this nearly a year back now … obviously validated in spades since then.
Technocracy in the Time of CoronaVirus – 2020 – A Litmus-Test for Human Stupidity. Witness the Craven Obeisance of Bootlickers for Obviously Corrupt & Malignant Authority.
Don’t tell me you’re living in that asylum called “Australia”?!
Just to be clear I also know today, thanks to OPERATION COVIDIUS, that 99% of the uman animals are Ignorant, Irresponsible and Idiotic.
So at least we now know what we are up against!
The Aussies deserve more credit than that as a people. Only 13% have submitted to the jab in both Australia and New Zealand which means a massive majority are keeping their heads down and steadfastly not complying. I wish it was as good news in the UK. Here 54% population have already bent over and taken the globalist prescription without murmur which I find horrifying. The Australians quiet non compliance maybe a part of the reason for the executive starting to lose it totally after months of authoritarian insanity. Hats off to the Aussies and shame on the UK.
Pseudopandemic needs pseudoscience and it’s virology
PCR Label “COVID-19” killed ZERO uman animals.
Pneumonia and other normal and natural unbalances we umans are causing to ourselves are the ones doing ALL the killing…
“Their plan can only succeed if we believe their lies and comply with their orders. If we don’t there is nothing they can do about it. We can reset the world.”
“Nothing they can do about it ?
You’re full of crap.
first, thank you to off-g for your wonderful journalism.
it’s been a godsend since the scamdemic began.
&, thank you to the really savvy commenters.
i started reading, “there is no virus” as a recurring comment starting over a year ago.
after a lot of research, i realized that that is correct.
dr andrew kaufman, dr thomas cowan, the “godfather” stefan lanka, & many others, in their videos & writings, made it quite apparent that so-called contagious viruses don’t exist.
iain davis’s article is spot-on, & really connects all the dots.
however, until the “contagion myth” is understood to be erroneous by the general population, the powers that be will hold the weapon of fear & wield it whenever they wish.
the whole framework to their present global fraud rests on the illusion of the deadly germ.
It looks to me as if the “virus” and its alleged “spike protein” is actually the graphene oxide which is in the “vaccines”.
This graphene forms extensive networks in the body, and explains the magnetizing phenomenon which the sheep have been reporting, and the clotting disorders which are now ubiquitous.
The best way to destroy this chemical is by maximizing one’s levels of the body’s master antioxident, ie glutathione, and this is done by taking two 500mg capsules per day of n-acetyl cysteine.
This explains why this has been removed from Amazon’s nutraceuticals list recently.
The La Quinta Colonia website gives the rationale and the micrographs showing the presence of this graphene in the vials.
This is a worldwide criminal conspiracy by corporate-controlled “governments”, and as such the social contract between us and them is no longer in effect, and these individuals have declared themselves outlaw, and may thus be freely targeted for removal in whatever way seems most appropriate to the citizenry.
Basically, it’s us or them.
We are engaged in an existential conflict.
Tim, Do you have the link to La Quinta Colonna?
Here’s the actual website:
I was unable to find a website of this name. So far as I can determine graphene oxide as a vaccine adjuvant is still in the research stage– esp as an inhalant vaccine. IF it were present in the current covid “vaxes” it would have been widely reported by the wonderful retired doctors who are speaking out about everything else.
Here it is:
Really Penelope. You must be very very poor with computers as it took me all of 5 seconds and it was the first result on Duckduckgo. So what is your game?
Talk about hysteria. I like Offg, but do you guys realise that you are playing their game by posting a piece such as this? This is not the way at all to fight these guys. They are weak, they are scared, because the whole system is falling apart due to resource limits and the law of diminishing returns, and this great reset crap is just the same marxist communist BS that has been trotted out for the last 100 years. It is no different at all from the Soviet Union, and it is so uncreative as to be laughable. And that is the correct response. Not to be scared or worried, merely to laugh and accept that we are probably going down history’s drain hole like every other civilisation due to resource limits, and what happens during these periods of decline is that the elite desperately try to cling to power by more and more bizarre means until they end up being murdered by the people or a wave of barbarian invaders. The Covid response is probably just one of many crazy ploys they will try over the coming decades.
As for the whole technocracy bit, look at how many empty promises and faulty and just downrate crap technology has been produced over the past 20 years. Microsoft has completely lost the plot regarding how to make an operating system, so called vaccines are useless and dangerous, tesla has never turned a profit, renewables make up a tiny fraction of global energy use, fusion is still 20 years away (they were saying they in 1960), gmo’s are unhealthy and weak when they were supposed to solve world hunger, we haven’t been to mars, new planes can’t fly properly, herbicides just create super weeds, almost everything causes cancer, and on and on and on. Technology is 100 per cent dependant on the available resource base and in particular energy, and if this is declining tech goes down in lockstep. Just look at Britain when the Roman Empire pulled out; from centrally heated stone homes to burning open fires in log houses within a few centuries.
Back away from those who are buying the new religion, but understand that we in the west have all been believers in the same religion at some point and maybe a lot of us still are: that of utopian progress, and it’s antithesis, that of the dystopian apocalypse. It’s basically just christianity with a different face; heaven and the second coming is our future of space exploration/transhumanism, while hell is the past and to some extent life itself. Step out of the mythic structure and the whole thing falls down.
Keep grazing, sheep.
“Back away from those who are buying the new religion….It’s basically just christianity with a different face.” The second sentence is what Carrie Madej says too, with her crucifix around her attractive neck. I must say that I like listening to her and prefer it to the “back away” message, which seems pretty superfluous.
Dear Thesaurus,
Well said, well written, well thought. Bravo!
He’s a ‘thesewerus’ not a thesAUrus! Quite funny really – the sewer are us! But I do agree – very well said Thesuarus.
I understand you come from an anti Christian perspective but difference between now and then is Christianity is the truth coming from God, and whatever this is we are going through is man made untruth inspired by the evil one.
All madness, lies and cruelty are possible and even justifiabe without God.
Zero evidence of any real scarcity of resources. Lots of evidence of manufactured scarcity. Your narrative is old and tired.
Many wars are fought to secure resources. Take for example all the Lithium needed for batteries at the moment.
Technocracy is not communism. It is a combination of extreme capitalism and communitarianism. One problem we have with opposing this Technate is that we use traditional socioeconomic and political philosophy to analyse it. Neither free market liberalism nor Marxist analysis can adequately critique Technocracy.
The point of the book, and the post, is to try to provide a framework that we can use to both understand what is being constructed and oppose it. I agree that the solution is to laugh at it (there have been so many risible statements made it is difficult to know where to start), ignore it and construct our own system which will function (hopefully) increasingly independently of the one they are enforcing upon us.
Explaining to people exactly what we’re facing has been the most difficult task. They lack the proper framework and intellectual vocabulary to understand it. Everything bad is fascism or marxism. I suppose that’s beneficial to the technocrats.
Then substitute communism / marxism / fascism for oppressive dictatorial authoritarianism built around technocratic systems. They all meet up round the back of the bike shed to carry out the same immoral acts anyway. At the end of the day they all represent subjugation and exploitation of the vast majority for the benefit of the few. True capitalism does not exist anywhere today because it would not allow the few to accumulate as much wealth as they have been. The current crony capitalist corrupt travesty has still supplied the vast majority with the supplies they need and desire whilst still living under a veneer of freedom. All those will and are going to vanish under this technocratic collectivist tyranny.
Extreme capitalism?. What utter rot. No technocracy is not communism but what is coming if these excuses for human beings get their way is technocratic communism / fascism. It is as far as you can get from full on capitalism. This idea that capitalism exists anywhere shows how little some people understand what free market entrepreneurial capitalism is. It is not Amazon or Tesla or any of the other favoured few which are supported fronts for the corporations chosen to oppress us in the future. It is not banks who operate at a loss and which are insolvent. It is as far from what they are planning for us as is possible.
This is a bit of nonsense, based upon the 99% versus 1% myth, a division which does not exist. A considerable part goes along with the described business, for various motives, a considerable part does not care, large groups remain ignorant. The so called ‘participating informed’ citizen hardly exists, it is a myth of democracy. Save exceptions, it has always been the assertive, and additionally the brutal who make themselves heard and who gain power.
Another thing is that the level on which this is played is far above the level of the average man. There exist no ‘we in this sense. Aside of a few times that the masses have interfered and brought something about (which is only destruction), its has always been individual people and small groups who have lead the way. They are not at all afraid of the ‘we’ in the form of the masses.
How do you explain the American and French revolutions then? It’s always a few who are brave enough to go against the totalitarian that start these. These people must have knowledge of how the system works, some assets either have or find people with magnetism to lead the rest. We need some of these today
This should get you started on the French Revolution, which was engineered much like this plandemic.
(Written in the 1790’s)
For the Russian Revolution, have no link handy, but consider: a group starts out from Manhattan funded by the Schiffs & Warburgs I think, then goes to Halifax where they are detained and then released, then onto London, then to Germany (Berlin?), then to Sweden and then to Moscow. Nothing weird about that except that England and Germany were at war. How did this group go from London to Berlin? And then once they had started the revolution with the funds they had taken over with them for that purpose, what’s the first thing they did after toppling the existing order in Russia? Collect all the gold they could find (in this very wealthy nation at the time whose peasants had the highest standard of living in the West) and send it to the bankers who had funded their ‘peoples’ revolution.’
If the author of this article is essentially correct – as I believe he is – then the Plandemic psy-op is just a modern version of the same sort of thing. In other words, it is more likely true than false.
Unless you believe that all governments and people throughout the world are all well-meaning but just entirely stupid and incompetent. Quite possible, but more likely that they have been fooled and bullied into responding all across the world in lock step.
“Quite possible, but more likely that they have been fooled and bullied into responding all across the world in lock step.”
… and on the take, literally on the payroll of creepy Bill Gates.
The web of curruption is staggering, almost beyond belief.
Who here knew that the Australian Prime Minister’s official Corona Chan advisor, Jane Halton, is also the Chair of creepy Bill’s CEPI? Jane Halton is literally on Bill Gates’ payroll.
But wait – there’s more! The Victorian Chief Health Officer, Mr. Brett Sutton, just happens to be Jane Halton’s brother-in-law.
See how it works? They’re not stupid and incompetent, this isn’t an accident, it has all been meticulously planned for decades with creepy Bill’s people being planted in strategic positions in every country all around the world.
The final destination for creepy Bill and his fellow conspirators and complicit stooges has to be prosecution for crimes against humanity at the Nuremburg 2 Trials, followed by many thousands of public executions (they executed Nazi doctors for far lesser crimes than the Davos crowd are carrying out on a global scale right now).
There’s already a website set up specifically to record the names of the criminals who will be prosecuted –
If you know of anyone complicit in these Corona Chan crimes against humanity, and have the evidence or witnesses to prove it, then name them.
I don’t really disagree with what you are saying except to add that although I find the Grand Conspiracy model feasible, I can’t be certain the degree to which it is a deliberately coordinated operation versus being an overall network of like-minded. Probably it’s a mix of both, of course, perhaps a small nexus of people who are steering overall vectors and a much larger number of those attracted (or cajoled, bullied, blackmailed) into their various orbits.
That said, it doesn’t really matter exactly how or why, but it does matter that the end result is that widespread corruption dependent on rampant, systemic fraud and shameless propaganda is now the norm, and this is true in most, if not all, developed countries in the world and for sure cannot possibly be so purely by chance or coincidence.
THAT said, throughout human history various core tendencies exist, both with individuals and with nations. Each one is unique, but still they follow similar templates, such as: authoritarian, libertarian, decadent, religious fundamentalist, tribal, kleptocratic, republican and so forth.
What we have now is emergent techno-feudalist authoritarian masquerading as democratic republics. They are neither one nor the other right now so it remains to be seen what transpires.
One thing for sure though: even if one hates seeing what seems to be happening now, the previous iterations of both UK and US national situations contained tons of corruption for a long time and fell far short of the propaganda-delivered descriptions their citizens (or subjects) were raised believing. There IS a need for substantive reform, but thus far there has been almost no substantive, well-informed, determined movements in that direction. Brexit was a lurch in the right direction, immediately thwarted by a well-coordinated Plandemic. Trump’s movement made nary a dent in the Intelligence-Run ‘Deep State,’ or fourth branch; indeed one could argue that by Jan 20 2021 things were far worse off than in Jan 20 2017. Does the citizenry have what it takes to throw out the corruptors and re-establish a more or less honest State?
It remains to be seen. But it’s not looking good.
Only here and other few places we can read and understand these filthy beasts and their disgusting plans.
Share this article buy the book and share with someone so more will know what the 1% and their chaps are up to and against the worldwide lower and middle class. Their souls are no longer human and they are scare of revolts, uprisings, strikes and so. They are outnumbered and even with their guardogs and armies they still are out numbered. We will fight back and in the end we will WIN.
I think the best “battle” strategy would be coming together and building our own things. Easier said than done.
Because we need their stuff we cannot be free. It won’t get easier.
I appreciate the support but the e-book is completely free from my website. I do not want money to be a barrier to accessing the information. I have offered a hard copy for those who want one through Amazon (I’m afraid) but I really hope people will grab and share a free copy.
Despite these efforts, mortality in 2020 was still only the 9th highest in the first two decades of the 21st century
‘9th highest in the first two decades ‘, what does that mean?
I presume he means 9th highest in the last 20 years which means it is close to the mean of those 20 years (and probably close to average)
If you take age standardised mortality from 2000 to 2020 then 2020 is the 9th highest.
On the age adjusted graph it was lower than that. It was near all time lows since 1990 and was consistent with the ongoing downward trend over the last 30 years. The mild uptick was due to the effects of lockdown and the outright murder of older people in care homes. There is no sarscov2 virus or a syndrome called covid despite all the blarney about it. The stats and crematorium / funeral activity shows that there was no pandemic at all at any stage. This is a total psyop from that perspective and it works far better for them that way.
Are there any similarities between the overall effect of C0VID-19 and the now clean-forgotten AUSTERITY?
Thanks Ian, for all of your hard work throughout this outrageous crime against humanity.
Just went to the post office to collect a parcel. One of the staff asked me if I had a mask. I said no and she told me I should wear one. I said:
“I don’t obey unjust laws. Martin Luther King advised us not to and I agree with him. The Germans obeyed unjust laws.”
I think I heard a grumble but no more was said.
Of course, unfortunately, we’re obliged to obey unjust laws but wherever we can get away with not obeying them, why not? Also, unfortunately, is the fact that people don’t realise the laws are unjust even when they’re so terribly adversely affected by them. OMG! It’s astounding what they’ll swallow.
“…The Germans obeyed unjust laws….”
No they didn’t.
If you watch the Leni Reifenstahl movie Triumph of the Will, you will see how much they considered those laws to be unjust – they didn’t.
Germany went to full employment and the hegemony of the whole of Europe in less than five years once the throttling curse of usury was removed from the nation.
The Germans understood who was benefiting from those practices, ie the small ethnic group which had both declared war on Germany via their international congress in 1933, and who then went on to throttle the resurgent National Socialist state by means of declaring a worldwide boycott on the state’s manufactured goods.
This is the sole reason why Germany, as Churchill said, had to be destroyed.
Had Germany succeeded in removing this threat worldwide, we would not be in the position we are in today, a situation wherein the threat has metastasized.
Absolutely correct.In addition Europe would have been invaded by Stalin’s Russia.
— and what do the sheep know about Stalin ??
The Third Reich was an emergency regime from 1933 right through to being overthrown by defeat in war in 1945. The Reichstag fire was the convenient pretext. You did not even need to be charged, let alone convicted in a court, to be held in a concentration camp. Even unjust laws were not necessarily available in the Third Reich. You could be put in a camp simply because it was an emergency regime.
Treating a Leni Riefenstahl film (a sophisticated propaganda confection) as a reflection of reality is naive if not simply an expression of neo-Nazism. An early version of Triumph of the Will had to be withdrawn and edited because Ernst Röhm featured in one or two scenes before he was arrested and shot in the Night of the Long Knives.
Not “was.” “Is.”
This thing is not over, it is still going on…the game plan has not changed.
All this talk about what it “was” is baloney.
We have to stop this in its tracks and we are losing the battle.
These New World Order scumbags and the media need to be mocked and ridiculed. They use it against the population with word like conspiracy theorist, racist, knuckle dragger, anti vaxer and so on.
You beat them with comedy. Make people laugh at them.
It only takes 5% of the Population to stop them. If just a Critical Mass of People will stick together this is doable.
The New World Order is lucky to have 5% of the population that would go along with it. CCP is the only power they have.
95% of the population will never go along with it.
We need to go back to gold and silver and the like to back economies not fake money.
Slowly but surely the power is being taken away from them. It will get worse before it gets better but they know their time is up.Take it to the bank.
Do not despair, the media is not the 95%.
There are too many morons out there who still believe they have been and are in a pandemic. Those will never get what really is going on because they don’t want to.
Nothing can be done without a plan. The Axios Foundation has a workable plan – Monetary System Of We The People. All it needs is support.
This bloke here lays it all out succinctly.
What the hell is covid19 and how can it kill anyone?
You cannot create a completely fraudulent test and claim that everyone who tests positive using that test had a disease. The only thing that killed people were government DNR policies and iatrogenic murder.
What I don’t get is the people who say it doesn’t exist … and then rage against withholding special medications to treat it. 😂
Controlled opposition. They are pushing heavily that there is a novel virus.
It is perfectly appropriate to say that a virus does not exist, but simultaneously to suggest that anybody developing symptoms from whatever cause can be helped by the well-known suppressed medications.
So I hope you get it now.
Mine was tongue-in-cheek. Of course I get the cognitive dissonance.
Population Culling – video
This reveal-all population culling video from a 2009 interview with a doctor forecast the Covid scamdemic we are under today. Today’s events predicted 12 years ago are just too much of a coincidence
A stunning interview with high profile Doctor Rima Labow filmed in 2009 could have been made yesterday. The Covid scamdemic has been meticulously planned by the Deep State and the UN since the 1970’s and today is in full flight.
Send this video to your member of parliament and tell him or her to shut down the Covid scam immediately.
The last time TPTB attempted to declare a worldwide pandemic and rush in emergency laws which look very similar to what was brought in in 2020 was in 2009. The same year the World Health Organization removed requirements to have a predetermined level of sickness and death in order to be able to do so (covered in the documentary ‘Trust WHO?’). If it hadn’t been for Dr. Wolfgang Wodard and a European Parliamentary hearing it would have reached the entire globe, instead of being called in a handful of SE Asian countries and then mysteriously vanishing after said hearing.
Dr. Rima Labow isn’t clairvoyant, he was just paying attention.
Forbes Magazine – The Pandemic is Political (the 2009 H1N1 ‘pandemic’ that is).
Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London provided the modelling data to show how many people would die. It was shown to be total bullshit. Sound familiar?
The so called parliaments can readily be seen to be for-profit organizations, and they are not there to defend your interests, but simply to return a profit to shareholders.
So writing to these people is not going to solve anything.
They have placed themselves outside the law, and so they must all now be considered outlaw, and exposed to the vengeance of the people, against whom they are colluding and plotting to betray.
12 Year Old Maddie Suffers Severe Memory Loss & Now In Wheelchair After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
by GreatGameIndia
A 12 year old girl, Maddie suffered severe memory loss and is now consigned to a wheelchair after getting Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson held a press conference (watch below) Monday with a handful of people who experienced adverse reactions from the COVID-19 vaccine.
Candace Hayden was one of six people who came to share their stories during a press conference in Milwaukee. Hayden says she experienced several problems after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
“We are asking to be seen, we’re asking to be heard, and we are asking to be believed. I was suffering from severe paresthesia and was partially paralyzed from the chest down,” said Hayden.
From shooting pain in their bodies to being unable to move, attendees recalled the dreadful moments of what their life has since turned into after getting their vaccinations.
Read more of this post
my friends heard- while he walked behind three elderly women talking- about how their friend had lost her memory after 2nd injection.
Also, in British Columbia 500 died this week from “heat stroke.”
I have my doubts about this story which is not to say that I think the vaccines aren’t maiming and killing people, not at all – I believe they most definitely are – but the thing to always bear in mind is that they love to control the narrative so they will push out fake versions of what’s actually happening. Why would they do that?
It makes it seem as if they’re publicising the adverse effects caused by the vaccine when they might be doing their level best to suppress the adverse effects. They suggest there’s transparency of what’s going on but:
1. There’s a slightly different psychological effect of a person acting as if they’ve been maimed by a vaccine or a loved one whose lost someone who’s died from a vaccine than from a person who’s really been maimed or a loved one who’s really lost someone.
2. They may justify giving us the vaccine on the basis, “Well, we told you that there’s a risk of ill-effects and you still took it.” They put the onus on us. They practically make it compulsory – in fact, in some situations such as travel they do make it compulsory – but because they’ve warned us through these staged actors, they believe they absolve themselves of responsibility (I’m just guessing of course but I know they always give us the clues above and beyond the naturally occurring anomalies in their story and I think it’s reasonable as has been stated on the internet that they believe they are spared karmic repercussions by putting the onus onto us to call them out).
3. They will minimise the exposure of the ill-effects and if YOU are maimed or killed by the vaccine, don’t expect any publicity in the media as seen here.
Notice in the video how the girl smiles and then plays with her mouth as if she’s trying to hide a smile while her mother wipes away a non-existent tear – the wiped away non-existent tear is a very common feature of psyops.
Scroll down for the video.
All the world’s a stage …
So here’s someone else asking questions about the hearing. Some of his points are:
Given that Ron Johnson is a Senator of Wisconsin, why are all the claimants from other states? Why not include any individuals from Wisconsin who are purportedly harmed?
Is it significant that Senator Johnson served as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee from 2015-2021, and is now the “ranking member for the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations?”
Why do the individuals and families represented at the conference appear to be reading directly from prepared statements? Were they written by or for them?
Why does every single one of them (including the hosts) emphasize (repeatedly) they are “pro-science” and “pro-vaccine?”
The mother (Stephanie de Garay) of the purportedly harmed child from Ohio (Maddie de Garay) spent many years as an electrical engineer employed by Milwaukee-based Rockwell Automation (see here and here)? For added context, Rockwell Automation contributes heavily to digital transformation in the pharmaceutical and biotech spheres, and is a key player in the field of nanoscale graphene-based water sensors and nanoscale wireless photoelectric sensors. Notably, Milwaukee, WI is a central hub for collaborative innovation and technology involving graphene-based nanomaterials. This subtle irony is not lost on me.
Actually, I wrongly assumed the author of the above article, Stephers, was a man but she’s a woman – I didn’t realise Stephers is a nickname for Stephanie and thought it was a man’s name.
Graphene seems to be causing the “spike protein” effects of the supposed “vaccine”, so this woman’s involvement with its production and use speaks volumes.
It is not a virus that is causing these problems, but a deliberately-introduced chemical in the shots.
Tim Truth on social media has publicized the presence of graphene in the shots, as seen under electron microscopy.
Tim, this is a fascinating article on the spike protein and llamas! by Stephers above
Also this one:
Completely agree.
The performance put on by the mother / daughter combo reminded me of the “grieving father” Robbie Parker after his daughter was “brutally slain” by the deranged avatar Adam Lanza during the Sandy Hook psy-op.
Check out whether the mother has started a GoFundMe page for her daughter – these people love money more than anything else.
Not sure about this, but did remind me of the Kuwait “nurse” and her incubator baby story, the north korean girl about the horrors of nk and her escape and finally the lady who sobbingly witnessed against Kavenaugh.
horrific, poor girl with stupid parents who even then, still vouch for vaccines even with their daughter disabled for life right next to them due to their cocksure belief in ‘science’.
The mother was on Tucker Carlson tonight and repeated she was very pro vaccine even though her daughter was gravely injured by the shots. I was stunned because if I had a child who was as damaged as her child is said to be, there is no way I would be on national TV saying I’m still pro vax. It’s like all these other doctors coming out (Yeardon , Vanden Bossche) pointing out flaws in the covid shots yet always emphasizing they still believe vaccines are safe. It’s as if they are earning street cred to only pounce on us later with a new, improved and safe vaccine…. endorsed by them! Hard to trust anyone these days!
Just delete anybody who is supposedly pro-vaxx.
If I know that the introduction of vaccines merely piggy backed a societal massive falloff in infectious disease which was occurring naturally at the time because of improved hygiene and nutrition, then so should they.
I first encountered this truth in 1988, so they have had plenty of time to get up to speed.
Two Pfizer and Moderna jabs could give lifetime protection against Covid, study finds -Comment
After you have had the jabs how long is a lifetime?
Personally, I am somewhat surprised that they provide any immunity at all. My sense is that they are damaging the natural immune system. Moreover, claims about the vaccines effectiveness are highly suspect.
They are damaging the immune system.
A study on a large sample of US troops who had been regularly vaccinated against the flu showed that they had a 36% increased likelihood of going down with a supposed coronavirus subsequently.
The “effectiveness” claim which is bandied about does not refer to what you think it refers to.
Pharmaspeak defines the word as meaning an antibody response is seen post vaccination, and by no means is this the basis of the immune system- rather, a T cell response is needed.
Antibody responses mean little if anything.
All War is Evil
No More War
I just don’t get why so many dissidents call technocracy a Neo-feudal system. Regardless of what you think of it, Feudalism tends to be highly decentralised, while whatever the fuck it is we are going towards is about little else besides centralising as much power as possible.
I know that we are indoctrinated, er… taught, that human history before the French Revolution is nothing but misery and tiranny, but come on…
somedude, Feudalism was centralized in that those who held property held it at the king’s behestt & cd be deprived at any time. Feudalism had very large numbers of people who were entirely w/o rights, were bound to the land, cd own nothing, etc. A very small population at the top ruled everyone else.
“cd own nothing, etc.”
This reminds me of the WEF mantra, “You will own nothing and be happy.”
ie, as you say, a new global feudalism is approaching.
A great read, on point I horrifically imagine. One thing though, what do I say to those who cite the extreme social distancing (isolation) that we’ve endured for a year now as the reason there hasn’t been more deaths? Did Sweden and Florida (and Belarus) really impose no social distancing whatsoever? Was the Diamond Princess really the ultimate petri-dish? I’m asking this because I intrinsically believe that we have been hoodwinked on a massive scale but seek the information so I can counter the inevitable conclusion on peoples minds: the lockdown/isolation meant fewer deaths on a Ferguson-esque scale.
It was not enforced everywhere. And not everyone was equally scared.
Where I live nobody could keep away from each other. No Covid karens screaming if you had no mask.
Excellent!! Whereabouts do you live? A2
Ben, not sure what you’re looking for. Here’s 2 links VIDEO FULL TRANSCRIPT
Man is a very social creature, and so the idea of social distancing is an anathema, and if we do it, then we are damaging our social inclinations.
So we have to ask whether we prefer to destroy our psychological health in exchange for some alleged increase in lifespan, or whether we prefer to continue as we have always done in the past, ie by quarantining, or socially distancing, only those who are obviously sick, and allowing everybody else to continue unmolested.
Wow. This didn’t take long.
You’ll own no private property and you’ll be (a slave) happy.
“Democrat Reconciliation program to federalise local zoning laws, displace single family homes in suburbs.”
The only thing misleading about the article is the implication that if Republicans were in control, ending private property would not be on the agenda.
“A house with a picket fence and a big back yard for a 4th of July BBQ may be a staple of the American dream, but experts and local politicians say multi-family zoning is key to combating climate change (?), racial injustice (??), and the nations growing affordable housing crisis.”
(I understand, a picket fence board could be used to stab an evil official in the heart)
This isn’t giving property to the systemically enslaved, it’s elite govt interests taking it away from everyone. They’re just pretending to give all the stuff to powerless minorities because shortly down the road it’ll be way easier to take it away from them then the middle class.
Yeah. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset is a giant land grab. A global theft and an organized depopulation event by governments. Not because there is an energy, climate or resource problem. But because people are waking up to the fraud of governments, courts, science, medicine, corporations, militaries, supranational orgs, media, economics, banking, education and police.
indeed, the race is on to enslave us before we hack them to pieces.
Nobody has ever stopped them before! They are more powerful than ever. They cannot be stopped! They manufacture victories for society such as lgbt rights etc but that serves a much bigger purpose such as population control and death of the family unit.
I’m all for equal rights but it’s victories like these that are not our victories. We are only meant to percieved them as victories, token hollow victories.
There’s nobody to stop them. Never has never will. Make a difference in and enjoy the miracle of life you currently have.
You’ll be dead soon and these fucks and their heirs will continue to manage this herd.
Stop despair trolling, if you please. Lots of unprecedented things are occurring, we are in uncharted waters and your pessimism is not big or clever. A2
It is the “conspiracy theory” mindset – the mentality does exist, it just gets used to try and discredit genuine enquiry and criticism.
The implication that powerful and evil people are off plotting somewhere, are behind everything and above all can’t be stopped is central to the conspiracy theory mentality.
Is it? That’s not my experience nor would I say I can even identify a “conspiracy theory mentality.” I think what you might mean is those who question official narratives.
Most who do ask questions tend to come to a similar conclusion, but from a myriad of different angles. The specific details may differ but that conclusion is broadly that nearly everything we are told by the political class and the mainstream media turns out not to be true.
This isn’t a “mentality” it is where the evidence leads. The next step is to try to figure out why and, once again, the historical and contemporary evidence always leads towards a primary conclusion. There are people who wield immense political and economic power, they are capable of collaborating with each other and they always seek to centralise authority and consolidate their power. This is realpolitik not some delusional “mentality.”
We are clearly not supposed to think this. Hence all the propaganda and disinformation to persuade us not to think it. Despite that fact that is where the evidence leads.
So what can we learn from this? It seems it is absolutely vital to those who want to centralise their power that we should never understand this need of theirs. Why?
This reason this suggests, to anyone who thinks about it, is that they fear us. We must be controlled and manipulated for their ambitions to be realised, indicating that they don’t believe they can achieve their objectives if we are not “controlled.”
So, in fact, an understanding of what you call “consipracy theory,” which really is just a broader understanding of geopolitics and how information is manipulated to protect the status quo, tends towards the conclusion that we have all the power and they have very little.
Ultimately it is a very hopeful position. The alternative is to believe that “great powers” exist to exert their political and economic authority over all of us and our only hope for ever changing it is by voting for new representatives once every four or five years who, in a hearts, we know won’t change anything at all.
Now that is fatalistic and depressing.
Inspired and inspiring. Perfect logic. Bravo
Great reply Iain.
I agree fully with your comment regarding the voting issue. I wonder why we continue to do the same thing repeatedly every four to five years and expect a different result?
Is it not time to dispense with the illusion of a democracy?
We need to change the concept of “Party” politics. A Party manifesto is no different from any communist dictatorship. Its just a shorter time period that people consent to allow a (Collective- Consortium, Enterprise, Organisation, Corporation Business which can be called Party) to dictate your life for the next 4-5 years.
The whole problem is that the concept of free people under a common law has been subverted. The concept of a “Constitution” has too been raped and manipulated using legal plunder .
It is those we call “Politicians” who have usurped peoples power and changed the terms unilaterally by Parliamentary diktat/decree using the guise of a “majority” without consent of the real majority of the people where the problem lies. It is manipulation by deception that has bluffed the average citizen to consent.
It requires a massive change with massive punitive restrictions, limitations and even the threat of death to stop these psychopaths with authoritarian personality disorders to stop their personal desires of control.
The threat of death to refrain to stop making “laws” which are essentially what Frederic Bastiat described, as legal plunder needs to be instituted by the citizens.
This plunder that takes away personal freedom for whatever reason without consent no matter how inconvenient it may be must be stopped.
These self righteous arrogant Chiefs of Justice or Judges or Justices need to be retrained that the people come first. Proviso do no harm.
It is not those who self perceived importance or have the money or the property the business or the banks who should come first. That comes second.
Only one quibble with this answer — please use English, and not American, style in which the former places punctuation after quotation marks — examples from above:
Should be: … what you call “conspiracy theory”, which really is just…
NOT … what you call “conspiracy theory,” which really is just …
Should be: … if we are not “controlled”.
NOT … if we are not “controlled.”
Thanks, Iain.
Classic straw-man. Waldorf let me ask you a question have conspiracies existed? And do they exist?
No. Conspiracies aren’t real. Since when has anyone ever conspired?
That would mean they were lying. And people don’t lie.
Snark attack.
Or it could just be a COINCIDENCE that a lot of this stuff being done now was advocated for in the “Lockstep” documents. And the drills Bill Gates–the eugenicist whining in videos about how there are way too many people alive now–has been having for years now. Giggling back in 2019 about how there will be “a real pandemic to get people’s attention.” Before the virus occurred. Maybe the man is just a freaking psychic as well as a philanthropist. Maybe it’s just a strange series of coincidences that certain phrases keep cropping up everywhere. Build back better. New normal. Long, dark winter. We’re in this together. Stay home; save lives.
Bureaucracies are full of mistakes we agree. So it’s just a bizarre happenstance that the same destructive mistakes happen to be made everywhere all over rather than everyone making original blunders. OK.
If you believe this you probably view the lottery as a great retirement investment.
None of the “replies” deal with my central point re conspiracy theory, namely that the mentality ultimately disarms you. If you assume that the world is run by dark conspiracies of the powerful, wealthy and ruthless, the assumption is also implicit that they cannot be beaten or even effectively fought, least of all by the sort of people who sit with their PCs and propound the theories. Typically lonely, without means etc. etc. Although some keyboard warriors are of course legends in their own minds.
Re lotteries, I do notice that the one type of business (in more than one country) that did not seem affected by the lockdown was gambling. Walking past their premises, they did not even seem to enforce social distancing.
The world that we made is a model given priority over true presence or relational being. It is already running a pattern of lockdown, distancing and masking from which to attack and reiterate the pattern from grievance given worship.
The wake up that I appreciate is from such a mind and world to a recognition from an expanded embrace.
The ego as sketched out in A Course in Miracles, reveals all the characteristic patterns that are assigned to Them, at a level of recognition and release – NOT understanding so as to apply a process of how to get rid of it.
Until we are ready we will not and cannot look at what runs beneath our mind and world, which is set in conflict or power struggle such that aligning in mutual alliances or reinforcement or using manipulative masking strategies are simply the modus operandi of the mask in which we become identified and which develops complex multilayered defences against exposure.
Insofar as any thoughts or views undermine our spirit of awareness of integrality in being, they are falsely framed. It is possible to look on what fear has made without judgement, so as to break the spell of fascination as freedom to look past it. For fear always says ‘Stop’.
The way in which we move past fear is love of truth, which is always a capacity to question any formulation of reality that does not resonate true. If we use the mind that made fear to break out or fight evils, we engage in self-reinforcing deceits and are the last to know.
The purpose of reintegration runs a different way of seeing and being in the world. While I write sketch and share intuitive invitations I recognise I am aligning in a deeper Self acceptance of truth as true instead of fighting illusions as if to vote or force a better version.
This aligns me in moments of synchronicity that are truly shared, and that nurture and grow a consciousness that is more consciously aligned in felt presence than strategically engaged in past and future conflict resolutions – which is the only way to keep them unresolved and the separation going.
So as I blogged recently, I see we are being shown, and supported through a Self-revealing that many are heavily defended against by their investment in grievance as a source and right to power – instead of what Marshal Rosenberg called Giraffe speak – as the sharing of the power of communication in which true needs are recognised and met.
Our mind wants to know how it will all unfold.
The set of mind in definitions that serve prediction and control have cost us awareness of Soul.
Watching is true vigilance and prayer is the communion of true desire of the heart in life, so watch and pray is heart and mind together as one. This is always where the ego will most desperately and deviously seek to interject, because there is nothing here that is all about me, and until we release the habit, it runs as a fear of lack, deprivation, exclusion and humiliation all of which bait reaction by which to forfeit joy for the self-preoccupations that we assign to the demands of the world as we judge it.
Regardless whether anything I say comes across, the situation I recognise is not going to stop but is going to drive a deeper questioning of everything we think we know. Living this journey is a transformational shift of awareness and identity. The Call to joy inspires questioning the joyless to the point of freedom in release to who we truly are.
To act in alignment with who you are is not an attempt to become someone else or to impact or change others so much as to join in the already change that is unfolding where you are, because you are where it can find you. Truth is Self-revealing. But questions truly asked make way for answer.
Lies multiply to protect against exposure but no matter how many and how complexly spun, they never become truth.
Truth is not absent. We are looking for something else. Such is an ingenious mind set in its own thinking. So put aside the focus in thinking and let truth of itself reveal you to yourself in place of the habits of thinking to already know and thereby already reacted and identified by default.
Luckily “conspiracy theorists” don’t have “newspaper minds” and “TV souls“.
You know why they’re so powerful?
Nobody–or very few–have been willing to ditch their cool toys.
See through their lies. Work to produce their own food and goods.
Even Schwab admits this tacitly in his essay. “Those we lost along the way.”
The Fourth Reich has no giblets. That’s why they are planning to sick the Chinese army on us rebellious Americans. And hired the stupid kids in black hoodies to smash things up in cities already under their thumb.
Better dead than live under these sadistic creeps. So even if they succeed in mowing down all us Americans I still am glad I won’t “live” under that girly bully boy Justine Trudeau.
It’s not a lack of guns. But guts.
If they won’t give us liberty we will take death.
C’mon man, that’s not how we won the war, er, didn’t we. (Nazi/Nasa). What have the CIA been doing these last 75 years ?
Brendon O Connell is one of the best researchers out there in terms of exposing the background and plans movers and shakers who are orchestrating all this crap. Here is his latest broadcast
O’Connell also says Covid is real and deadly.
As well, he just posted this video saying – a little too desperately IMO with all kinds of NLP techniques – that John McCafee committed suicide in prison.
Why would anyone believe Brendon O’Connell?
He pissed off Israel and he’s still alive.
Yeh – never say never but I’m going to stick my neck out and say that having followed Brendon’s work for a long time now, I believe he is legit. His work on Israel, Russia, China, Iran the US, UK and Aus and the network of powerful operators who really pull the strings in this world is truly groundbreaking and second to none. I challenge anyone to go through all his output on his Brighteon page and not be blown away by the content. It speaks for itself. That said I agree he is wrong about Convid and he is also wrong about 5G, which he foolishly believes does not pose a health risk and has done some very flawed research to come to this conclusion. It’s not in his heart like the other stuff is and he has not done enough quality research to understand what is going on. This lack of quality translates into his commentary on these issues. But his work on geopolitics is the product of decades of research and networking that means that people around the world, many of them Jewish according to him, supply him with the most cutting edge information which he presents to the world as well as stringing it all together to form a very good overall narrative. By its nature no-one outside of the inner circle can ever truly know what is going on, but Brendon’s work is some of the best for exposing some pretty juicy stuff.
I haven’t watched the McAfee clip – I will – but even without watching it, I would say that it’s breaking news and whatever he is saying is just his opinion. He can’t know 100% wtf is going on there – no-one can. I have heard rumours that the Miaimi building collapse was connected to McAfee and I have also seen piuctures on twitter of the IDF being involved in the clean up operation which seems quite odd, but I couldn’t tell you more than that and both of those things could be bullshit.
Brendon’s best work is not opinion, more the uncovering of an extraordinary story about some of the real goings on behind the scenes, who some of the players are, how they operate and what the result of their work is. In that regard, he is one of the very best and the clip I posted is a decent example of the quality work and research that he does. I’m not wedded to any ideolgy or movement or person , I only seek the truth. If Brendon is an operaor – well then he is and that shows how deep the lies run and how good some of the actors are, but I would take a lot of convincing to believe that and I honestly think he just gets things wrong which is inevitable as we are all just humans after all.
Thanks for pointing this out. I for one appreciate it because there are so many controlled op slime bags. Too many
Hypothetically, if someone doesn’t have children and don’t want any, would it be possible for them to contact Bill Gates and request a jab exemption?
So how’s this? They’re testing vaccinated and unvaccinated people at different cycle thresholds.
Former professors, Heather Heying, and her husband, Bret Weinstein, discuss. (I don’t know why but they believe in COVID)
We’re to believe that of 30 attendees at a party, 24 unvaccinated people “contracted COVID-19” while the six vaccinated people didn’t.
‘The highly contagious Delta strain of COVID-19 infected everyone who attended a Sydney birthday party except for the six people who were vaccinated, the NSW Government said.
The West Hoxton party — described as a “super spreader” event — has become one of the most significant transmission events in the NSW breakout with 24 of the 30 attendees, and many of their household contacts, all testing positive for COVID-19.
The virus would have had a near 100 per cent transmission rate were it not for six people who attended the party who had already received a jab.
“To emphasise just how important vaccinations are … not one of those 24 people were vaccinated,” NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said on Monday.’
They have openly stated there will be different protocols for testing vaxed people which ensure fewer positives.
OK, thanks, Sophie, I didn’t know.
I like Bret and Heather. They’ve bravely endured a lot of nonsense and are dogged defenders of free exchange. But they believe that Covid is deadly and that it came from a lab. They thought that lockdowns weren’t hard enough. And they certainly aren’t anti-vaxxers.
My lord. They are part of the cryptocracy. Playing a role as victims of cancel culture. This whole dark horse thing (what a joke) and faux rebel wisdom (Rofl) UNintellectual dark web nonsense has Freemasonry fingerprints and signs all over it, like graffiti in a public toilet. One of the Weinsteins worked for Peter Thiel. They are up to their eyeballs in promoting fraud and graft and managing illusions. Same with Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Matt Taibbi etc. All of these people are complete frauds and CIA assets. No surprise that Petra is promoting them.
Researcher, rather than say “I don’t know why they believe in covid” I should have said “as expected, they believe in covid” but please enlighten me. What beliefs have I expressed that you think lumps me in with these people? I’m mystified.
Well, for a start you worked for them. With that climate change org scam connected to ICLEI. So either you were taken in by the scam or you are just another Freemason dirtying up the truth. You believe men walked on the moon even though there’s more evidence about that fraud than probably any other hoax. And you believe in germ theory, I’m guessing.
OK, yes, I believe in man-made climate change and the moon landings, this is true. I don’t put a lot of store in germ theory, certainly open on that one.
I thought your antagonism towards me was based on the fact that I say 9/11 was a Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as a real event where the only major reality was damage to and destruction of buildings (Heather and Bret certainly don’t push that line, they don’t even recognise 9/11 as an inside job). It seems to me you’re very invested in the deaths alleged to have happened on that day, you’re very emotionally invested in the belief that the Big, Bad US government cold-bloodedly and callously allowed all those poor people in the buildings to die and you don’t take kindly to people who say they didn’t. Gee, they’re good at getting us to emotionally invest in their propaganda, they really, really are, even the people who don’t believe them by default.
Unless you can maintain emotional detachment, Researcher, you’ll never be a good analyst of what they do to us. Emotional detachment and a complete lack of investment in any belief you might be led to is of utmost importance. You need to be able to turn on a dime. It’s honestly not that hard – just know that they’ve always got one trick or another up their sleeve to lead you this way or that. When I had that penny-drop moment to their propaganda campaign targeted at the disbelievers of their story to ensure our continued belief in death and injury I had a very visceral feeling of being a dumb bull being yanked viciously by the nose ring this way and that … but then I laughed. Had me totally fooled!
You know what the big irony is, Researcher.
They told us they were responsible for killing those poor people on 9/11 … but they weren’t … while now they’re telling us they’re SAVING people where, in fact, the Big, Bad governments all around the world are actually KILLING their people with their insane intervention methods.
First of all I don’t actually care about 9-11 theories. At all. I knew as soon as it happened it was a false flag. They didn’t clear the buildings which means some people died. Some people were trapped by the explosion. That’s a fact. It probably wasn’t the 3,000, but people did die that day. They have no problem killing because blood sacrifice is one of their main intentions. Unlike you, I have been awake my whole life and reject all authority. Of any sort. So they don’t make me feel anything. About anything.
I just think you are a fraud, Petra. There’s no antagonism. No emotional attachment to any theory. You are projecting. And I don’t believe your story about the brain tumor either. It’s just hearsay.
Wow! Don’t believe the story about the brain tumour? That really is something. Well it is certainly your prerogative not to believe it and I’m certainly not going to try to provide evidence of it but you have no evidence for that belief – just pointing that out. You have zero evidence and I wouldn’t make claims of a belief about someone’s story without actual evidence myself even if I didn’t believe them.
Update on brain tumour story which, of course, it is your prerogative not to believe:
my friend’s brother, most unfortunately, was told yesterday
that all the tumour was not removed. His wife is still not allowed to visit so he had to bear this sad news by himself. He is not doing well. Apparently, he’s been trying to pull out his cords and his wife even said to my friend that perhaps she would try to help him get out of hospital so he could be at home. My friend dissuaded her from such a plan. Everyone in the family is besides themselves. In their place I would be marching up to the hospital, calling out the fraud that is being perpetrated upon us and accusing staff of committing a crime. But my friend and her family are not like that. My friend is with me on the virus nonsense but not the rest of her family and my friend would never start accusing people of crime or anything like that.
I do believe that your first objection to what I said in these pages appeared when I said that death and injury were staged on 9/11. Perhaps you don’t remember and perhaps I’m wrong but that is what I recall. If that is the case and in fact you were cognisant of that fact when you responded to my question about why you lumped me in with Heather and Bret then it’s interesting you didn’t refer to it. If you were cognisant of it and deliberately didn’t mention it in your reasons for lumping me in with H&B then that would be rather fraudulent, wouldn’t it? Because that belief is decidedly at odds with their belief on 9/11 and so it wouldn’t fit your lumping me in with them so well. But I have no evidence that you were cognisant (and I may be wrong in my belief anyway) so I won’t accuse you of fraudulent argument.
You say you don’t care about 9/11 theories, however, it seems what you’re perfectly happy to do is make theoretical claims as if they are fact.
They told us many things about 9/11 which we know to be untrue so without clear evidence there is no reason to believe anything they told us whatsoever. We must subject everything they told us and showed us to scrutiny.
There is zero evidence they didn’t clear the buildings and, in fact, they told us that WTC-7 was completely cleared (with one or two possible exceptions which we can easily put down to propaganda) and no one disputes that claim so it’s fair to say WTC-7 was completely cleared.
If the planes were faked (and surely you recognise the simple fact, Researcher, of 200 ton airliners being unable to penetrate 500,000 steel frame buildings like a knife through butter) and WTC-7 was completely cleared then, a priori, the probability that they cleared the twin towers and faked the deaths as they did the plane deaths is not as remote as it might seem at a superficial glance.
And, in fact, that’s what the EVIDENCE shows. The EVIDENCE shows they faked death and injury and that all we have to do to work out 9/11 is extrapolate from the large number of drills they told us about with a few more thrown in (such as those to produce the images of the injured) to the event merely being a massive Full-Scale Anti-Terrorist Exercise pushed out as real where the only physical realities were damage to and destruction of buildings – no planes, death and injury staged.
People like you researcher who believe nothing from authorities are, ironically, much more vulnerable to propaganda from them than purely evidence-based thinkers like me because the authorities are very familiar with the profile of the Disbelievers-By-Default and they target you accordingly. They pushed out Bill Kaysing to seduce all Disbelievers-By-Default into not believing in the moon landings – not sure how much seduction they needed but it is clear from Kaysing’s bio in Wikipedia that he is a CIA plant designed to get the DBDs to not believe in the moon landings so when the DBDs correctly called out 9/11 as an “inside job” (although that’s only half the truth) they would be laughed at as conspiracy theorists – the Boy Who Cried Wolf effect. People like you Researcher tar all of us, the DBDs such as yourself and purely evidence-based thinkers like me with the same brush.
This is a BELIEF that makes you believe they killed the people in the buildings. It’s your inclination to believe that makes you believe things Researcher not the evidence. I would never argue for a nanosecond they didn’t kill the people because they cared about them – of course not. As I pointed out in my last comment they’re KILLING PEOPLE NOW. The reason I say they staged death and injury on 9/11 is purely from the EVIDENCE. It’s all here. Where’s your page?
It’s hilarious watching you two going up against each other – like Godzilla v. Mothra. 🤣
You both have these random certitudes you describe as ‘facts’ simply on the basis you believe them and can’t be dissuaded. And here you are trying to beat each other to death with them, screaming “my certitude is bigger than yours!”
Maybe this is the point to accept you don’t know the speculative things you claim. Maybe if you presented them as hypotheses people would even listen more?
Part 1
I wonder, Sophie, if you’ve ever bothered to consult my page with the evidence showing that death and injury were staged on 9/11. Have you? If not, then I ask you to do due diligence on your claims about my “certitudes” and consult it. If you don’t bother then I don’t think you’re really in a position to question my certitudes.
If you have any evidence that anyone died on 9/11 I’d very much appreciate your letting me know what it is. I try to do due diligence as much as I possibly can and that is why I issued a $5,000 challenge to those who believe the official stories of various events including death and injury on 9/11. No one has responded to my challenge including any of the commenters on OffG who disagree with it. I’ve now removed the $5,000 “reward” as it was really just a gimmick but the challenge remains … unresponded to as ever.
I know from observation of psyop MO that when they hoax us they are scrupulous in never providing anyone who believes their stories with any kind of realistic evidence that the believer can brandish in defence of their belief and that was why I issued my challenge. If the hoaxers hoaxed us as realistically as possible I’d be screwed. They could show us realistic injured people and realistic dead bodies – perhaps even take a few REAL dead bodies from a morgue – and then where would I be? Nowhere. But they don’t do that, they’re good in their own way, they make it easy for psyop analysts to cry FAKE! without fear of contradiction … at least, in the vast majority of the time.
In our last exchange you put forward the theory that people must have died because too much of lower Manhattan would have had to be evacuated but this theory really has no legs because no one is disputing the claim that no one died in WTC-7 so if they managed to do the necessary to ensure no one died in WTC-7 why not WTCs 1 and 2? Also, it is simply theory. Evidence has primacy and all the purported evidence for death and injury is shown to have holes and there are a number of avenues we can follow to see that death and injury were staged:
— Injured look drill injured
— Dead bodies are obviously fake
— People waving at windows unconvincing (smoke is pumped out at regular intervals along the window line)
— Images of jumpers are not convincing
— Photos of alleged loved ones display doctoring
— Stories of survivors are completely unbelievable (man survived falling 22 floors, for example)
— Anti-Israel propaganda, eg, dancing Israelis caught in a road block with explosives dust, has the purpose of making us thing “outsiders” did the dastardly deed (I fell for it 100%)
— Claims that people were targeted in the buildings which we can easily work out is really just propaganda.
Part 2
And we have so many unanswered questions if death and injury were real:
— If 354 firefighters died on 9/11 where are their loved ones fighting for justice and where are all the other loved ones – why only a handful?
— Why did they showcase the highly-incriminating WTC-7 collapse when they brought down WTCs 3-6 discreetly later?
— Why do newscaster, Brian Williams, and emergency responder lieutenant, David Restuccio, give away in their obviously scripted exchange that they know WTC-7 came down by controlled demolition? Are they in on the murder of 3,000 or so of their fellow citizens? What’s going on here? And if they’re in on it … what about all the other reporters who refer to controlled demolition? Are they in on the murder too?
“Can you confirm it was No 7 that just went in?” [“Went in” is a term used in controlled demolition that comes from the fact that the buildings fall in on themselves.]
“Yes, sir.”
“And you guys knew this was comin’ all day.”
“We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that eventually it would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.”
Occam’s Razor, Sophie, Occam’s Razor.
We choose the hypothesis that fits the evidence with the fewest assumptions and questions raised.
Staged death and injury wins HANDS DOWN!
Unless you have a single skerrick of EVIDENCE that favours real over staged for death and injury on 9/11 I ask you to ponder on your position on death and injury being staged on 9/11 and ask yourself if that position has any validity.
No response, Sophie, as I expected. You know what makes me a superior analyst, Sophie?
1. Whenever my beliefs are challenged and shown to be wrong or even possibly wrong I acknowledge it. If someone in a comment points out where I’m in error I come back to them and acknowledge. It’s not virtue, to me it’s just good critical thinking housekeeping. I don’t want what I believe to be true, I want to believe what is true so I allow any challenge to my beliefs to keep me on track. The vast, vast majority of people don’t seem to do that. So many times I point out to people where their thinking is in error or I see someone else point out their error and very, very rarely do they come back to acknowledge – they don’t come back to defend either when it’s beyond obvious they can’t, they simply ignore. Most people are really not intellectually honest at all which is partly why the world is in the state it’s in. If we cannot admit error in our thinking where the hell are we? I see no shame in being wrong because it’s as Jonathan Swift said:
2. I maintain a mental database of all the evidence I’m aware of and ensure that ALL of it supports and favours my chosen hypothesis over any other. If a single piece of evidence seems to contradict my hypothesis or support another hypothesis better I’m not a happy chappy. Not happy at all but I certainly won’t ignore that piece of evidence or wave it away. Rather I park it and hope for enlightenment at a future date which may lead to me changing my hypothesis if necessary.
To give an example: someone presented me with figures showing an excess spike in mortality in European figures in April 2020 which seemed to coincide with the first wave of COVID. I knew the excess mortality couldn’t be caused by the alleged COVID because it hasn’t been shown to exist but at the same time I didn’t think they’d go to the extent of falsifying the mortality figures (even if they tell loads of other lies) so I was simply puzzled. I responded to the person who presented them as evidence supporting the existence of COVID that I would chew on those figures. Two weeks later Dr Sam Bailey published a video on excess mortality showing that those figures aligned with with aggressive drug trials and better fitted the “COVID doesn’t exist” hypothesis because the excess spikes tended to occur in the countries where the drug trials were conducted but not in those countries where they weren’t. On this occasion, of course, my hypothesis didn’t need changing but other times it does. But do you think my response had any effect on the person who presented the figures? Of course not!
You accused me of “random certitudes” but, in fact, it is you, Sophie, who’s guilty of those. You expressed certainty that at least some deaths would have had to occur on 9/11 because too great an evacuation of and around the WTC would have had to be conducted but this is simply speculation which is not grounded in good reason as it is accepted with no question that WTC-7 was fully evacuated.
If you had bothered to acquaint yourself with all the evidence supporting staged death and injury and maintained a mental database of it you likely wouldn’t have made that error in thinking because it’s difficult to accommodate alongside the evidence, isn’t it? “Too great an evacuation” contradicts the evidence of fakery of death and injury, the evidence of propaganda targeting the anticipated disbelievers of the official story to help maintain their belief in real death and injury, etc. So faced with the choice of the two hypotheses which would you choose: “too great an evacuation” favours “real death and injury” so I choose that hypothesis or “evidence of fakery and propaganda targeting anticipated disbelievers of the cockamamie government story” favours “staged death and injury” so I choose that hypothesis.
Simple essential critical thinking rules, Sophie, that virtually no one follows:
1. Allow any challenge to your beliefs to guide them.
2. Maintain a mental database of all the available evidence and ensure every single piece supports your hypothesis and favours it over all others. Never ignore or wave away a single piece of evidence. (The nature of reality is such that every single piece of evidence MUST support the correct hypothesis and favour it (on balance) over any other, every single piece.)
3. Accord evidence the absolute respect it deserves and put speculation a much lower second and ensure you know how to distinguish between them.
Here’s Mikki Willis telling us about his heroic actions on 9/11. I was really quite moved. Perhaps you’d like to contact him to commend him on his bravery and all the help he provided to other brave people including the rescue workers, Researcher.
Just because there are frauds involved in the military false flag operation on September 2001, doesn’t prove nobody died.
The US government required a death count to enable the military action they undertook following those events, and enabled the passing of the Patriot Act and subsequent laws, that paved the way for where we are today.
I don’t know how many died and I don’t care.
I can hold an opinion about what is true and what is false (your theories) without caring about which theories hold more merit.
If you would stop focusing on irrelevant, and trivial minutiae and examine the bigger picture, I could take what you have to say more seriously. But I don’t.
I don’t take anything you write seriously.
It wasn’t your position on 9-11 that makes me certain you are a plant that is paid to muddy the waters around the crimes of September 11th, but your connection to two organizations; Macquarie U and Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) that are both directly connected to Rockefeller Org.
I will make two responses: one on 9/11 and one on BZE.
Unsurprisingly, Researcher, you strawman me. I don’t say nobody died, of course, (or if I very occasionally do it’s a slip), what I normally say is “death and injury were staged”.
It’s not about how many died, Researcher, it’s about how they control our minds and stymie us from educating others in the truth of 9/11.
They anticipated that a small but significant number of people would recognise the falsity of their story and so their propaganda strategy was to arm those people with a half-truth which is as good as a lie – truth (controlled demolition), lie (they killed and injured the people).
I’ll say it again because it’s of utmost importance.
Their propaganda strategy was to arm the anticipated disbelievers of their story with a half-truth which is as good as a lie.
The idea is that people simply won’t come at “inside job” and “ruthless killing of 3,000 of their own citizens”, these two pieces of the 9/11 jigsaw repel each other like positive magnets. Of course, trying to persuade people that death and injury were staged is no picnic either but the perps decided that the half-truth strategy was the way to go … and one is obliged to respect their skill in choosing the best propaganda strategy because they are so very, very successful at it.
Can you see the importance of that? If not, then it’s a bit of a struggle to discuss it. They’ve probably spent millions on this propaganda campaign so I really don’t see how you can’t recognise its importance.
The PNAC document was a plant to make us think “they’re so evil they’d kill people for their ruthless agenda.” (Now, I admit, of course, they’re killing people in this psyop – it’s not that they don’t kill people, of course – but they kill them when they want to kill them and they didn’t want to kill them on 9/11).
The perfect implosion of WTC-7 showcased from at least seven vantage points is both a “smoking gun” and isn’t a smoking gun. It’s a propaganda device to focus the anticipated disbelievers on the controlled demolition and away from the planes because faked planes automatically means faked death and they want us not focused on any fakery of death. (This is a theory, of course, but they didn’t need to bring down WTC-7 on 9/11 or showcase its collapse so we have to wonder why and it certainly fits my hypothesis perfectly).
You can hold any opinion you like, Researcher, I cannot stop you, however, I’d ask you to ponder why on earth – I mean why on earth would you hold an opinion that the perps WANT YOU TO HOLD? Why would you do that? That makes no sense.
How they control our minds is not irrelevant, Researcher, and if you cannot see that then I really don’t know what to say.
I believed the official story for 13 years but I didn’t feel they controlled my mind to believe it. I just didn’t know any better and from Day One although I believed the story, I wasn’t an enthusiastic believer and I knew manipulation was involved so I simply didn’t pay much attention. The idea that they could have done it simply wasn’t in my paradigm of how the world worked. My sister tried to tell me about the controlled demolition but I just dismissed her because I didn’t see how they could have gotten away with it. Then I watched the film, JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick and woke up.
It was only after four years of study I realised how they controlled my mind. It took four years of reasonably dedicated study to wake up to staged death and injury, even though virtually at the same time I woke up to 9/11 I also woke up to Sandy Hook which everyone knows was completely staged. Some people have been studying 9/11 for donkeys years … and still they haven’t woken up to staged death and injury. Some people knew from Day One it was an inside job but they still believe in real death and injury. You see how good they are at controlling our minds … especially those who DON’T BELIEVE THEM.
Whoa! Wait a minute, you are changing your story! You have previously made it VERY clear it was all about how many died. You literally said that the perps even disclosed the controlled demolition just to divert people from figuring out no one died!
Don’t do revisionism please!
No, no revisionism, Sophie. I’d say there’s a reasonable chance no one died – there’s certainly zero evidence of any particular person dying, however, obviously a few people may have died. I cannot say no one died, obviously – how can I? Some may have died by accident or some may have been deliberately targeted but overall it was a staged operation and we can see that literally hundreds of people were in the know so they really wouldn’t want to be killing people in any obvious way. Sure, they’re killing people now but that’s happening in a slightly more subtle way – although I emphasize the slightly.
The point is that they obviously organised things so that no one would die unless accidentally or by deliberate targeting. It’s not as if a hundred people would have been killed on a particular floor or something like that.
Just to say that fakeologist says there was, indeed, an evacuation of Lower Manhattan using about 50 drills. Obviously, there must have been quite a lot of evacuation as we see that WTC-6 was pretty much destroyed, however, we don’t hear of anyone dying in that building just as we don’t for WTC-7 – same for all the other WTC buildings. So your claim that an evacuation of Lower Manhattan would have had to occur seems to be perfectly correct, Sophie, it’s just your assumption that it didn’t occur is where the problem lies.
That’s why it’s always best to look at the actual evidence, assuming it exists. There’s simply oodles of evidence from a number of angles that tells us death and injury were staged and there’s absolutely zero evidence of any particular person dying or being injured.
To me, that is simply enough to say that death and injury were staged. I mean, why not? Why wouldn’t you? There were loads of acknowledged drills – it’s not a stretch to say it was one big massive exercise comprising those drills and a few more.
Don’t do revisionism Soph tut tut.
Some of our greatest historians are revisionists.
How would we know the truth about Adolph trying to appease Britain from 1933 onwards?
Funding the Nazi war machine to exhaust both Russia and Germany by Illuminati bankers.
The Rotshits playing God.
Macquarie Uni / BZE
It’s interesting you say that, Researcher, because, the poster of this article, Stephers, which is very much worth reading along with the comments and opens up the whole minefield of a seeming ingredient of the vaccine, graphene oxide, C140H42O20, interesting chemical formula no? said this in a response to one of my comments:
Interesting that two people on the same day say opposite things about my writing. Diversity, it’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it, Researcher? Stephers is way, way, way ahead of me in understanding what’s going on with this psyop … just so far ahead, I’ve just got the virus propaganda part, don’t know anything about the vaccine, graphene oxide and engineered nano particles (ENPs) … really scary stuff.
So I got my degree at Macquarie University, Researcher. You know why? It was the only Sydney university that would accept me back in 1986 – my HSC results were pretty poor. It was an hour and a half from my home and I certainly wouldn’t have chosen to go there but it was probably just as well I did because I was able to get through my degree there where perhaps I mightn’t have at any of the other universities. Do you think Sydney University doesn’t have dodgy connections or UNSW or UTS? Any dodgy connections to anything were the last thing on my mind when I went to university. I just wanted somewhere to go and the Rockefeller Foundation (assuming there was a connection back then) would have meant nothing to me … and even if it did I still would have gone. Would you hold that against me?
The guy who was co-ordinator of NSW BZE before I became co-ordinator, Adam Lucas, interestingly just wrote an article about how universities are being de-funded in Australia.
Just to clarify: I was never paid by BZE, I was a volunteer and I donated money myself and still do although I will stop that donation if the Rockefeller Foundation is connected to them – I haven’t looked at who supports them for a few years. I haven’t really had much to do with climate change over the last few years, becoming much more absorbed in psyops – there are loads of people involved in climate change action but not so many involved in psyops and what’s more very few who really understand the propaganda strategies involved in them although they’re really not that sophisticated. People will understand controlled opposition in THEORY but they don’t seem to really get it in their bones. I have a friend who each and every time have to tell that the police violence they show us is not generally real – whatever they show us is always suspect but it doesn’t matter how many times I tell her, because of her prejudice against the police – who have actually come to her aid a few times I point out – she thinks it’s real. I mean, why do people so want to believe according to their inclinations? That is what we must so guard against.
Ok. But PoM hasn’t seen your man made climate change comments.
Let’s say hypothetically you are not another Freemason dirtying up the truth with a side story and just went down the rabbit hole too far and got stuck in a theory you cannot possibly ever prove: Because you are a highly suggestible person.
Why are you so focused on the false flag of 9-11 and minutiae when there’s democide being committed daily? Starvation. Poverty. Abortion. Vaccination. Medical malfeasance. Poisoning. Staged wars.
There’s bigger crimes than 9-11 Petra. And the hoax of governments and organized debt slavery through the monetary system is more significant and insidious than what happened on September 11. Because it keeps people stuck, believing that tyranny is freedom and Red vs Blue is real.
Why do you have to box yourself into a premise that you can’t ever know or prove due to the level of misinfo mixed in with truth? Behind Micky Willis and other actors, doctored pictures, doctored video, operatives and agents who are at the forefront of the operation, there are probably truth tellers who don’t get any publicity or air time. Or they haven’t put all the pieces together because they are stuck in the illusion, themselves. There’s always some truth mixed in with fiction. It’s how they create “order out of chaos”. The hardest part is figuring out where truth ends and lies begin.
Here’s an example of what’s truth in your brain tumor story. They found something on a brain scan and convinced the patient to have surgery. That’s probably the extent of the truth.
Whether it’s cancer, you can’t know. He can’t know. You have not examined the medical records. Seen the evidence. You don’t know what tests have been performed and whether they are valid. You have no medical background.
It’s not advantageous to put the patient in surgery so fast if he dies from the treatment. His relatives won’t ever be told that he died at the doctor’s hand due to their incompetence or malfeasance. There will be no legal repercussions if they murder him. This was also the case before they invented SARSCov2 and Covid19.
A giant myth is that modern medicine has solutions. They only know how to burn, cut, inject, irradiate and poison. They don’t know how to heal or how to help people heal themselves. They will not comb the published literature that shows how to heal with less invasive and less costly techniques.
They won’t ever suggest natural alternatives.
I think you need to disabuse yourself of the notion that because people on the same side of the conspiracy fence express different views from you on certain things it makes them plants. David Ray Griffin is the most prominent scholar on 9/11 but also believes climate change is an emergency situation. You think he’s a plant too? Admittedly, I think most prominent scholars within the 9/11 movement ARE plants I just don’t think he is.
I have to say because I can see that Greta Thunberg is a psyop and that Extinction Rebellion is a front group (even though I have a friend in it whom I know to be perfectly genuine) and there’s nothing more fear-mongering than climate change, I may have to have another look at climate change. All I can say, Researcher, is that every time I switch between the pro and against climate change arguments the pro arguments seem to win. Perhaps I really have been duped. I really need to look again but I can’t really be bothered at the moment. I refute the claim I’m suggestible. I’m extremely analytical and emotionally detached in a situation where I’m trying to work out the truth so while somehow I may have been misled, it’s not because I’m suggestible.
There are far worse things than 9/11 in the world, I’ll grant you, Researcher, but what I think is important about 9/11 is that it’s a very good psyop to study for its TEMPLATE qualities. As I think I’ve already said in another comment, when COVID appeared I predicted so many things about it based on my understanding of 9/11 – number one being that I KNEW there would be no virus before the science said so because I learnt from 9/11 that in psyops they only do what they want for real (if anything) and fake the rest. It’s all about magician’s tricks and smoke’n’mirrors. It’s all about the psy part.
The most important thing to me about 9/11 is the massive controlled opposition set up to mislead the disbelievers of the official story into believing in real death and injury. That’s the most important thing about it – the massive propaganda strategy to arm the disbelievers with a half-truth that would stymie them from getting out the truth to others. I learnt from this that in the big psyops at least they always target the disbelievers as well as the believers and they can put huge resources into this effort.
When I understood 9/11 I went to look at Pearl Harbour, the post-9/11 anthrax attacks and the 1980 Bologna bombing because it made me suspect that perhaps these three events were not the “false flag” events they were purported to be but rather straight out psyops … and so the evidence proved them to be.
Since I discovered the truth of 9/11 I have dropped the term false flag in favour of psyop. I believe false flag is a kind of propaganda term that tends to imply that a crime is committed by A who blames B for the crime but most false flag events are not really this. What really happens is A says a certain crime happened and blames B for it whereas the crime often never happens in the first place, it’s all completely staged.
You are highly suggestible. You fell for climate change. All anyone needs to know it’s fake is that they tried the psy-op with the scare of an ice age, before that. But it failed. So they created The Club of Rome, got NASA – the fake space agency – involved and the rest is history.
You only realized something wasn’t right with the attack on the US by their own military after you watched ‘Rich Man’s Trick‘. You boxed yourself into a ridiculous position with the belief that nobody died and that no crimes were committed. So your site and your beliefs, I consider deflection.
Crimes are committed constantly regardless of the numbers of dead. Conspiracy to commit a crime is a crime. The number of crimes committed in psy-ops is not minimized. Wars creating real death are the result of many of these false flags. When people get too close to the truth they are cancered, suicided or heart attacked.
And by the way, the First and Second World Wars were organized and planned as were the wars in Europe between the French, English and Dutch. So were the crusades. This manipulation of the population to exterminate and kill large swathes of them goes back further than the cult of Moloch and other beliefs about blood sacrifice that form the heart of the Masonic sects.
Human sacrifice is one of the side benefits of deflating debt, covering fraud, while keeping the public in constant fear and causing them to be more susceptible to brainwashing and hypnosis.
Have you ever considered that even those who think they know the truth are being fed false information constantly? You think you are in front of the truth and I think you are so far behind it you have little to offer the truth community or anyone investigating 9-11. It would be impossible to pull three buildings, bomb another and not have deaths. New York was not evacuated beforehand and some of the targets that were investigating crimes connected to 9-11 including ongoing cases of graft, theft and fraud committed by those connected to the organizers were in the buildings in NYC and the Pentagon. There are other psy-ops where nobody died, like mass shooting drills and some bombings but not September 11.
The “plants” always minimize the crimes, focus on irrelevant details and ignore the bigger picture.
Please just give me a single piece of evidence that shows anyone died on 9/11, Researcher. Just a single piece of evidence.
I don’t take you, or your beliefs seriously.
I’m not asking you to, Researcher. I’m asking you to provide a single piece of evidence for your belief. Surely, you take your own beliefs seriously, Researcher. Your own beliefs are very important to you, no? So when you have a belief you’d want to be sure there was evidence to support it, wouldn’t you? And you’d definitely want to be sure it wasn’t a belief that you were led to through fakery, wouldn’t you? You know how treacherous these people are so you’d want to be very sure they weren’t leading you down the garden path, that they weren’t putting something in front of you that chimed in with what you think they’re capable of in order to fool you.
As I said we both know how treacherous these people are and we know that at all times we must be on guard and apply the utmost rigour and scruple in ensuring that what they tell us and what they show us match.
— They told us planes crashed into buildings but we know the planes were faked and that is a big fat lie
— They told us that buildings came down from fire but they showed us controlled demolitions and – in one case – they actually showcased a perfect implosion right in our faces
— They told us that 3,000 people died and 6,000 people were injured but even before we take a single look to see if this claim is true we know it’s false because of the plane fakery. So right at the outset we know this claim is false. We’d also have to really wonder at how 6,000 people were injured. Where the hell were these people?
What I do, Researcher, and it’s what I think everyone should do including you is take due diligence on my beliefs. Whenever anyone or anything challenges a belief I do due diligence to see if the challenge has merit. Now surely you can’t argue with that approach.
Nor I
Shift the narrative to how many died, standard operating procedure.
Who cares? Did the buildings fall in freefall speed?
If you want to add to the conversation shut up
Climate fraud, 911 fraud, Moon Landings fraud you have nothing to add shill.
Since you are prepared to change your mind research Milankovitch Cycles. Ice Core Climate Records. Dendrochronology. HAARP Weather Weapons. US Military Doctrine…”control the battlefield weather”.
How can anyone take seriously a “man” who believes in revisionism, not Sophie of course, yet fails to acknowledge that there is more evidence that astronauts lie than they do not lie.
As for the moon landings hoax and 911, this is just a shill doing his work to good effect.
I think Petra is a woman. I researched her a while ago.
The tentacles reach deep.
The brother of a friend of mine is recovering in ICU from a brain tumour operation. He was diagnosed last Tuesday and in hospital the very next day for the operation to have the tumour removed. His wife went into the hospital from Thursday to Sunday to be with him – no other relatives or friends allowed – but then because of lockdown on Sunday at 4pm all visitors were sent home and she hasn’t been allowed back in since. On Monday he ended up with a collapsed lung which seemed to have been caused by aspirating food. It seems he may have been given food a little too early after the operation but very possibly if his wife had been with him she would have helped feed him and the aspiration of food would have been avoided. He could have died.
Isn’t it ironic? The health services did such a great job in their very quick response to an urgent need for brain tumour removal and seemingly performed the extremely risky operation with superb skill as the patient suffered no ill-effects afterwards, however, the madness of the “virus” has turned the hospital into an inhuman machine that deprives patients from the really quite essential support of their loved ones.
But I’m not surprised. When people whinge on about the unjustness of this, that or the other in relation to the “virus” I think of all the great writers (not that I’ve necessarily read them) who all convey … there’s no limit to the madness! No limit! When the foundation is a Big Lie, all that follows will be irrationality, madness and inhumanity with no limit to it. The Big Lie can ONLY breed madness. Sure, working-from-home is not madness and working-from-home part-time at least from now on will probably suit most people down to the ground but we didn’t need a “virus” to implement working-from-home!
OK article, but just call the new bug COVID-1984 so everyone understands what’s going on and what’s at stake.
I’ve been calling the new illness COVID-1984 for months but only Canada’s RebelNews has taken up the term, apparantly on their own. They seem to be the only media force popularizing COVID-1984, via a T-shirt.
Awkward terms like pseudopndemic and an earlier term I tried like ‘hybrid hoax’ are too complex for most people to meme.
COVID-1984 is the most obvious way to describe the phenomenon, but remarkably COVID-1984 just won’t catch, even much of the alternative media seems reluctant to call out COVID-1984.
‘COVID-1984’ facemasks were available almost immediately after the ‘pandemic’ was declared by the WHO, which it admitted it did mostly because it could not get enough countries to take it seriously otherwise. The example I saw featured the colours of the Irish flag with ‘COVID 1984’ superimposed.
Whatever the % of death actually due to Covid19, pseudo or actual pandemic this lockdown epidemic has sensitized the world’s population against any form of risky Faustian GOF experiments and their inevitable bio weapon offspring. That is a big plus of the Event.
If that’s your take than nationalism is the anti dote. Not the egoistic version but the cultural one, just like individuals can respecting each other. A multi polar world where each pole is 70% self sufficient can counter this global grab, be it of Anglo or Chinese origin. International trade can be in the 30% leftover, oil, big aircraft, processor chips, etc. Will need much more (benign)nuclear, natural gas and coal power though.
We want Justice and we want it Now!
Stone them to death.
That way everyone gets a turn.
I attempted to post a reference to the Iain Davis piece above on Craig Murray’s blog but it was moderated. Apparently he uses Akismet to reduce spam. He professes to support free speech and is a dedicated supporter of Assange but deletes comments that he doesn’t like. Know who your allies really are.
After a tussle with Philip Roddis who was at least willing to discuss the matter and a furtive bit of attempting to sneak in doubts to Craig Murray and the WSW, I no longer even bother to counter the COVID story on these sites. You may as well try and argue with the BBC.
It’s fascinating, George, how that is the case, isn’t it?
One thing we can be thankful for George is that the scamdemic pysops has revealed a whole plethora of treacherous rats masquerading as “anti establishment” or lordy lordy, even “socialist”. Are you reading this Louis?
I’m not even going to bother trying to wake anyone up anymore. If they haven’t worked it out for themselves in 14 months…
Controlled by the Illuminati Freemasons
Who is Philip Roddis?
Is it time to start considering the possibility the whole Assange story was just distraction theater?
It was the gf story that made me start seriously rethinking. I mean I followed the Assange story real close and this gf thing basically rewrote a whole bunch of previous narrative. Really dubious. He was supposed to be in solitary in the embassy, denied visitors for ages. Not even his lawyers could see him! But, what, they made an exception for the girlfriend?
And before that when he did have visitors every visitor was logged and there were people watching – but no one noticed or photographed this woman going in and out, heavily pregnant, with new baby, then heavily pregnant again? Come on, that’s a stretch and just does not fit.
The press respected his privacy? Since when? They were demonizing him in every way possible, but didn’t bother to point out his gf and kids, even though their existence totally blew away the story of his lonely isolation?
So now I am wondering was he really in that embassy 24/7 or just slipped in for the photo ops? what about all that “he’s dying” crap that came to nothing and the mysterious failure of his attorneys to properly represent him?
The weird video appearances at his hearings, I thought that was weird even at the time. I thought he might be dead and they might deep faking him to cover that they let him die. But now, I’m thinking like, was he on Epstein’s island and they couldn’t be fucked to fly him in for a single court appearance? Was it just more theater for the masses to take sides over?
You get what I’m sayin?
They haven’t figured out that 99% of what we have been spoon fed our entire lives is a psy-op. Trying to explain anything to them is like conversing with a brick wall.
Wikileaks was a State Department Operation from the get go. Chelsea Manning had a sex change. That was a giant clue. And people still haven’t had their lightbulb moment. I am blown away at the level of denial.
It’s not as simple as that, Researcher. Sure, Chelsea Manning is an intelligence asset who used the faked-up Collateral Murder video to infiltrate Wikileaks but Julian is not an asset – he’s surrounded by controlled opposition, including his legal defence team and even “fiancee”. I believe his main problem is suffering hubris and believing he can outwit the power elite. Yeah, right.
His so-labelled “fiancee”, Stella Moris, is an agent … and we can see it in the name change (formerly Sara Gonzalez) – they always let us know. I wonder why it is that I took to my bosom “revelation of the method” and “hidden in plain sight” when I first learnt of it where other people don’t. “Revelation of the method”/”hidden in plain sight” are wonderful tools to analyse what is going on. I always look for the obvious clues first.
Please, anyone, please tell me, please tell me for what possible reason did Sara Gonzalez change her name to Stella Moris with one “r”?
As a friend pointed out to me, Stella Moris is one letter different from Stella Maris, Star of the Sea. When you look up the occult meaning, it represents La Sirène:
“In addition to wealth, La Sirène brings love, romance, and success, but she does possess the capacity for violence and is not a spirit to be trifled with. Like her namesakes, the Sirens, La Sirène has associations with death. She lures those who offend her (like those who fail to pay their debts to her!) and drags them to a watery death. Like Fairies, La Sirène has a bit of a reputation as a baby snatcher, taking them to live with her in her undersea palace—an ominous image as in Vodou cosmology the realm of death is beneath the sea. La Sirène may rule a children’s realm of death.”
We can see that some of the photos at least of Stella Moris and Julian together are photoshopped. And yet the older child of the two they allegedly have together very much resembles Julian. It’s a mystery. One person says the children aren’t hers, her pregnancy photos are faked and the children are trafficked – if so then perhaps they chose a child who resembles Julian – but I do think the older child very much resembles Julian. It’s all very strange, of course, how the announcement of children was made very much after the fact.
In this photo you can see Julian’s right shoulder doesn’t sit correctly.
In this photo, his left shoulder is too high.
I think it’s beyond fascinating the way infiltrators end up having serious relationships and even children with the people they infiltrate.
I lived next door to Julian’s father, John Shipton, for 13 years and we were very good friends. I tried to tell him about Chelsea … but he doesn’t want to know just as others involved in Julian’s case don’t want to know either. It’s amazing. Surely, the information that Chelsea is an infiltrator can only help but no … no one wants to know.
He was brought up in “the family“. These people are not normal. They are all damaged. Regardless of how many pictures they doctor, Assange is not in jail and he was not in the Embassy that entire time. He is not a political prisoner. It’s a work. A con. And his parents are very much in on it. That’s why the father won’t listen to you. The hubris and arrogance on display is just a narcissist thinking he can fool the world with his fake leaks organization and staged dramas. Wikileaks has never, ever leaked anything that the cryptocracy didn’t want seen. Nothing of any importance. He had a show on RT and that was part of the scam to make people believe that Russia and NATO are at odds. The truth is that there are no borders, there are no countries. They are all fictional constructs within a system of fraud through authoritarian rule and the monetary and economic system that has existed for thousands of years, creating debt slavery and human bondage. Try to see the bigger picture.
John had nothing to do with the Family, that was Julian’s mother. Julian didn’t grow up with John and only started to have much contact with him as an adult. I was also friends with John’s ex-partner, Kathy, who lived next door too. OK, I wouldn’t necessarily call John “normal” exactly but he’s totally not into cult stuff or anything like that. Kathy is perfectly normal. I believe the reason John (and others) will not listen to me is simply because the truth is too confronting. I mean, I tried to tell one of my former housemates who is not involved in Julian’s campaign or anything like that and she would not listen … to even a single word. I thought if I told her perhaps she could have a word in John’s ear – no way! People don’t want to know the truth.
You may well be right about Wikileaks not leaking anything the cryptocracy don’t want seen. I won’t argue there although I have to say I haven’t really a clue really what they’ve leaked but certainly I’d think it may well be possible.
I won’t argue that Julian wasn’t in the Embassy the whole time necessarily but I do believe he’s locked up and the way he looks indicates it. Look at Chelsea! She looks in wonderful shape. She was certainly never locked up.
Yeah, I’ve always been concerned maybe he’s being groomed (virtue-washed) for something. I’ve not a particle of evidence. Probably says more about me than about Assange. Nevertheless. . . .
There is no exaggeration there is only a big fat lie. There is no evidence of isolation of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 and there is no evidence of the alleged virus or any other infectious agent causing the alleged COVID-19.
This alleged pandemic is, in fact, a Trauma-based Mind Control Psychological Operation in the form of a “live” pandemic exercise pushed out as a real event.
Pompeo told us, “We’re in a live exercise here.”
Cuomo told us, “This is not a government exercise that we’re doing here. This is a social exercise.”
Jacinda told us, “We drum in that messaging around the dangers of COVID pretty diligently for a full two weeks of sustained propaganda.”
Some people don’t think it matters whether there’s a real illness or not. I do. I think it’s essential to recognise the complete Emperor’s-New-Clothes nature of the psyop. Surely, it must be because in their big psyops they spend enormous amounts of money hiding an essential truth about the operation while curating certain secondary-level truths and in this case I don’t believe a single one of the controlled opposition agents actually says there’s no virus. Why wouldn’t they if it wasn’t so important?
info was always there, at least on the www. not even that much censorship compared to what i am used to as ”anti” vaxxer/suporter of food sovereignty. the real problem is that many WANT TO BELIEVE!
Yep. It is really much easier to get people to believe a Big Lie than smaller lies, paradoxically enough. For the powers that be to hoax us on such a scale is too shattering to people’s worlds – they massively resist accommodating such a big lie in their knowledge base. But it’s really just like a horse pill – it’s a bit hard to swallow and then you simply get used to the idea … but no, people would rather be debased and demoralised by going along.
I know I’ve posted this (edited) quote loads of times but I think it always bears repeating.
Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist
Thanks for this Petra. And the clip from Jacinda, haunter of bogs. I hadn’t seen it.
I no longer want to be around the insane members of the Covid cult. I refuse to humor or even speak to one. They can keep covering their ugly faces and antisocially distanced.
Like they’re not even quite human anymore. Not talking about the shots but their full embrace of the lockdown and the lies for 16 months. I despise them heartily. They have shown themselves unfit for anything but slavery and Dr, Mengele’s lab rats.
Real humans suffer emotional pain. They don’t. No more human than insects. They prefer this nightmare. POS
i think it was Dr Joseph Goebbels who opined “If you take care of the Big Lies, the little lies will take care of themselves !” – or maybe Hitler said it…
In his “Propaganda. The Formation of Men’s Attitudes” Jacques Ellul convincingly argues that all propaganda has conformity as its goal, so, yes, humiliation plays a central role in achieving that… (1 july – Sydney)
David Icke has consistently maintained that there is not COVID-19 virus, at all.
I could smell it a mile away.
My first clue that something was WRONG.
All the same buzz words and catch phrases everywhere. Even the speakers at the big box stores! But none of my family caught on.
Actual Death Rates From The Lethal Injections
What is the true number of COVID vaccine-related deaths? Is the CDC altering the figures? | Opinion | Lifesitenews
The article states the horror and deceit in such a matter of fact way. But the book seems to have been pulled from amazon for now.
Sorry, my mistake, the books are available.
Plrase don’t buy anything from Scamazon.
Terrific article again, Iain Davis! I am re-reading 1984….. So prescient.
So are the powers that be, except they use it as an Instruction Manual.
That thought had occurred to me also.
They’re following it like a script – even down to the new Inner Party being formed by politicians, journalists, teachers etc.
Looking at the state of the government, the media and the (so-called) education institutions and the behaviour of the denizens of said spheres, I can well imagine a well-thumbed copy on every desk. Probably with hand written notes in the margins.
I do wonder whether George Orwell would be terrified or flattered.
Whether he would have issued warnings or got with the programme is uncertain. His behaviour when he was alive suggests that confronted with something like Covid he might have gone off in either direction.
Yes – it is a difficult one to call.
More than one Winston Smith though.
Orwell got it wrong that the Lie could be that convincing. Even the USSR had people laughing at the propaganda occasionally.
want this hat just not in pink
Predictive programming.
A horrifying and dispiriting version of a Crucifixion Reset – with no Resurrection and only fake and controlled opposition.
Our fixation and fascination in horror works a polarised flip of a natural fixation in love.
Shock and trauma does that, if you keep focussed in it loop – as if truth can be substituted for by self-illusion given priority under invested attachment.
The basis of all drama or narrative identity runs on core mythological archetypes.
All the characters are Orwell’s mind.
I read that he died a years or so after it publishing in a deeply depressed state.
But there is this.
You enter a relationship with him through his writing and the purpose that you hold is the determiner of your outcome.
Prediction and control is the basis from which an ego-centric opposition to wholeness arises. Can it ever be a truly opposing force to a Reality that includes it?
What we give out is what we get back,
Predicted and controlled.
Is there another way to see this?
Would you want to see differently?
The devices revealed by which the mind is set in tyranny are relevant, but the recognition of release in in our own field of responsibility, not as a drive to make identity on such insights so as to use them to believe we now understand.
Do we want to stand under blind or dissociated evils in hate?
Do we treasure and protect grievance?
These are the same.
The intent to insist something NOT happen calls it into our field, but packaged in our defences and solutions. Big Brother represents a modelling of such a ‘protective system’ as a systemic tyranny that does the thing it purports to protect from. It is the hated and feared thing itself. Orwell caged his head in a world of starving rats.
At what level is the world real?
And at what level is it symbol?
Once again little Covey shows he’s an intelligent little bugger… He started his “mysterious outbursts”: campaign just about when the kids were to have some school holidays, guessing correctly the Government would compel mum and dad to stay home and look after them ! What a damn clever little bugger ! (it’s as if he works for the government !)
One night i nearly got caught having a smoke while at work in a large supermarkets bakery… and smoking in the bakery was a sackable offence…It happened thus:
At the start of my shift i’d gotten all my prep done, then had a quick fag before starting any mixing… as the bakery was exposed to the view of customers i squatted behind the main bench out of sight while smoking… What i didnt know was that sometime during the previous two days – my weekend – a spy camera had been installed high over the side entrance to the bakery, and it was pointing straight at where i was, and i was being recorded… (i only became aware of the camera because one of the boys from fruit’n’veg had called my attention to it while i was having the smoke.)…
Furious that i was gonna be spied on while working i got a ladder and large black garbage bag which, with an end stuffed into a hole in the ceiling, blocked the spy cameras view. (i’d the wits to not interfere with the camera itself, for such would most likely have gotten me sacked.)…
The baker on my off-days, also a smoker, got caught on film, got called to The Office, and
denied that he smoked in the bakery… A Blatant Lie ! But the company couldnt sack him, for the company’s use of spy cameras was illegal…
In the 1970s there was a handbook which contained details on how to attach a can of spray paint to one end of a brookstick, and a simple mechanism to press at the other end of the stick to enable you to squirt paint into any spy-cameras lens… and there werent that many of those spycameras around in Those Days…and there were no 5G antennas in Those Days either….
Excellent summary Iain and good luck with the book.
I recall some years ago working out how much a certain CEO got paid and tried to understand what he did with his $27,600 per week.
Buy another car,fly first class to Paris, maybe buy another house….oops here’s another $27,600 gosh what to do.
These problems arise when you try to analyse the “mindset” of Sociopaths. Those are people who care nought for other individuals . Its a pscychotic disease and we elect these people because no intelligent person would wander into politics, so we should not be surprised by outcomes.
I find this is the only possible rationale to explain the modus operandis of the people daily involved in this pseudopandemic.
I find no solution to this problems because, being a student of history, it has happened over and over again. That small section of human beings who know nothing but destruction.
I have an open mind on other reasons why. It doesn’t depress me it just stuns me similar to the picture below prented by “S Cooper”. I genuinely believe this will probably happen.
The surplus money is invested. There is a tsunami of offshore capital looking for a quick return from a big investment: Anything Goes as long as it’s not social infrastructure for the proles.
This is a great interview going into detail on how the rich invest in trust funds to pave the way for multi generational future wealth.