The War on Reality

CJ Hopkins

So, the War on Reality is going splendidly. Societies all across the world have been split into opposing, irreconcilable realities.

Neighbors, friends, and even family members are bitterly divided into two hostile camps, each regarding the other as paranoid psychotics, delusional fanatics, dangerous idiots, and, in any event, as mortal enemies.

In the UK, Germany, and many other countries, and in numerous states throughout the US, a “state of emergency” remains in effect. An apocalyptic virus is on the loose. Mutant variants are spreading like wildfire.

Most of society is still shut down or subject to emergency health restrictions. People are still walking around in public with plastic face shields and medical-looking masks. The police are showing up at people’s homes to arrest them for “illegally gathering outdoors.” 

Any deviation from official reality is being censored by the Internet corporations. Constitutional rights are still suspended. Entire populations are being coerced into being injected with experimental “vaccines.” Pseudo-medical segregation systems are being brought online.

And so on…you’re familiar with the details.

Meanwhile, in Sweden, and a few other countries, and in various other states throughout the US, there is no apocalyptic pandemic. People are just going about their lives as normal. OK, sure, there is a nasty virus going around, so people are taking common sense precautions, as people typically do for any nasty virus, but there is no “state of emergency” in effect, and no reason to radically transform society into a paranoid, pathologized-totalitarian dystopia.

This state of affairs, in which two contradictory, mutually-exclusive realities exist, is…well, it’s impossible, and so it cannot continue. Either there exists a devastating global pandemic that justifies a global “state of emergency,” the suspension of constitutional rights, and the other totalitarian “emergency measures” we have been subjected to since March of 2020 or there doesn’t.

It really is as simple as that.

Except that it isn’t as simple as that.

It is easy to forget, given the last 16 months, that people have been bitterly divided, and inhabiting mutually-exclusive realities, and regarding people who don’t conform to their realities as enemies for the last five years. I’m not talking about political disagreements, or even socio-cultural differences. I’m talking about contradictory realities.

Things that actually happened, or didn’t happen. Things that exist, or do not exist.

I’m not going rehash the whole War on Populism — I covered it extensively at the time — but that’s when the current global-capitalist War on Reality was officially launched.

It wasn’t just the usual lies and propaganda. It was a full-scale ideological assault.

By the end of it, people actually believed that:

  • (a) Donald Trump was a Russian agent,
  • (b) that he was literally Hitler, and so was going to stage some sort of “coup,” declare himself American Führer, and launch the “Trumpian-White-Supremacist Fourth Reich,” and
  • (c) that he had actually attempted this by sending a few hundred unarmed protesters — violent domestic extremist grandmothersfather-and-son kill squads, and bison hat loonies — to “storm the Capitol” and overthrow the government during the so-called “January 6 Insurrection.”

So, when GloboCap rolled out the “New Normal” reality, they weren’t exactly starting from scratch. Millions of people — not just Americans, because the War on Populism was a global campaign — were already living in a new reality in which facts no longer mattered at all, where things that never happened officially happened, and other things that obviously happened never happened, not officially, or were “far-right extremist conspiracy theories,” “fake news,” or “disinformation,” or whatever, despite the fact that people knew that they weren’t.

But the goal of GloboCap’s War on Reality isn’t simply to deceive the masses and divide them into opposing camps. Rulers have been deceiving the masses and dividing them into opposing camps since the dawn of human civilization. This time, it’s a bit more complicated than that.

OK, bear with me now, because this gets kind of heady.

The War on Reality is not an attempt to replace reality with a fake reality. Or it is that, but that is only one part of it. Its real goal is to render reality arbitrary, to strip it of its epistemological authority, to turn it into a “floating signifier,” a word that has no objective referent, which, of course, technically, it already is. You cannot take a picture of reality. It is a concept. It is not a physical object that exists somewhere in time and space.

But let’s leave that last point for a later discussion. This is not the time to get lost in semiotics.

For most people, for most practical purposes, reality is… well, reality. It’s objective. Material. It actually exists. It exists independent of our beliefs. It isn’t just an arbitrary, empty signifier that doesn’t actually refer to anything, but which we use, strategically, to assert authority, or to impose ideology on society. If that were the case, there would be no reality. Nothing would be true, everything would be permitted…which is a bunch of postmodern Marxist nonsense.

But just imagine, for a moment, if that were the case…if what determined reality was actually just a question of power rather than facts.

Imagine that reality was just a concept that we used to mark the current limits of our knowledge and ideological beliefs.

Our doctors — oncologists and virologists, for example, but they could be any kind of doctors or scientists — would be not all that different from medieval alchemists, who totally believed in their reality at the time, as did the patients they were treating, but which we know now was not reality at all, because our reality is the real reality.

I mean, it’s not as if people, five hundred years from now, are going to look back at our medical practices and scientific knowledge, and laugh, like we do at those medieval alchemists, right?

Sorry, I got a little off track there. I was trying to explain the ultimate purpose of this global-capitalist War on Reality, and I wandered off into an ontological swamp, which isn’t going to get us anywhere. So, let’s get back to imagining reality, not as what we all know it is (ie., an actual, material thing that exists), but as a construct people use to validate certain officially-sanctioned beliefs and perceptions and invalidate other beliefs and perceptions, more or less like a system of morals, except instead of dividing things into to “good” and “evil,” it divides things into “real” and “fake.”

Now imagine that you were an immensely powerful, globally hegemonic ideological system, and you wanted to impose your ideology on as much of the entire world as possible, but you didn’t have an ideology per se, or any actual values at all, because exchange value was your only real value, and so your mission was to erase all ideologies, and values, and truths, and belief systems, and so on, and transform everything and everyone in existence into de facto commodities that you could manipulate any way you wanted, because they had no inherent value whatsoever, because their only real value was assigned by the market.

How would you go about doing that, erasing all existing values, religious, cultural, and social values, and rendering everything a valueless commodity?

Well, you wouldn’t want to destroy reality completely, because people wouldn’t stand for that. They would freak right out. Things would get ugly. So, instead, you might want to go the other way, and generate a lot of contradictory realities, not just contradictory ideologies, but actual mutually-exclusive realities, which could not possibly simultaneously exist … which would still freak people out pretty badly.

Naturally, there would be one official reality that you would force everyone to rigidly conform to at any given moment in time, but you would change the official reality frequently, and force everyone to conform to the new one (and pretend that they’d never conformed to the old one), and then, once they had settled into that one, you would change the official reality again, until people’s brains just shut down completely, and they gave up trying to make sense of anything, and just tried to figure out what you wanted them to believe on any given day.

If you repeated that process long enough, eventually, nothing would mean anything anymore, because everything could potentially mean anything … at which point, you could basically tell people anything you wanted and they would go along with it, because what the hell difference would it make? A narcissistic billionaire ass-clown could be a Russian agent and literally Hitler. A half-assed riot could be an “insurrection.” Children could be born “systemically racist.” Men could menstruate.

But wait…it gets better.

You could stage an apocalyptic global pandemic that only happened in certain countries, or in certain parts of certain countries, and that more or less mirrored natural mortality, and that didn’t drastically increase historical death rates, but was nonetheless totally apocalyptic.

Perfectly healthy people could become “medical cases.” You could count anyone who died of anything as having died of your apocalyptic virus. You could tell people in no uncertain terms that medical-looking masks will not protect them from viruses, and then turn around and tell them that they will, and then, later, publicly admit you were lying in order to manipulate them, and then deny you ever said that, and tell them to wear masks.

You could experimentally “vaccinate” millions of people whose risk of becoming seriously ill or dying from your apocalyptic virus was minuscule or non-existent, and kill tens or hundreds of thousands in the process, and the people whose brains you had methodically broken would thank you for murdering their friends and neighbors, and then rush out to their local discount drugstore to experimentally “vaccinate” their own kids and post pictures of it on the Internet.

At that point, you wouldn’t really have to worry about “populist uprisings,” or “terrorism,” or any other type of insurgent activity, because the vast majority of the global population would be scramble-headed automatons who were totally incapable of independent thought, and who had no idea what was real and what wasn’t, so just repeated whatever new script you fed them like customer-service representatives on Haldol.

It doesn’t get much better than that for globally hegemonic ideological systems!

OK, sorry, I think I got lost there again. I’m not sure what I was trying to say. I’ve been a little foggy lately. I’m not sleeping so well. It’s probably Long Covid. Or maybe it’s just that time of month. Whatever. It’s not like it matters anyway. Still, I think I’ll go down to my former local bookshop and get myself tested.

Have a nice day in…you know, reality!

CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at cjhopkins.com or consentfactory.org.


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Jul 13, 2021 9:33 AM

Vacuous, muddled pseudo-philosophy.

Go ahead Off-Guardian: delete this criticism, too.

Jul 5, 2021 6:04 PM

Anyone from the Off-Guardian readers have yet to receive the toxic injection and will never will be? I have been doing my own Research for over a year now. My own conclusion is that Covid 19 is a Plandemic brought on be Event 201. Covid 19 has never been Isolated and Purified so that rules out being a Virus from the Wuhan Market or Wuhan Level 4 Biolab what is the smoking gun and really clamped down tight is 5G. 5G since Wuhan first city to switch on 5G caused hundreds and thousands struggling to breathe as 5G absorbs Oxygen at 60Ghz a known fact and since need Oxygen to live why many ended up in ICU and collapsed dead on the streets. 5G just the towers on the own closer live to them sicker people become, further away people get Flu like symptoms and there is your Virus. Now what if happened to be no Viruses ever outside the human body, interesting a Virologist Stefan Lanka proven that Germ Theory is the biggest Con in human history and why there is no need for Big Pharma or Vaccine Manufacturers esp including Covid 19 Eugenics Manufacturers. https://brandnewtube.com/watch/the-final-refutal-of-virology-please-share_qI429ODGLmoRotN.html Here is SpaceBusters talking about Terrain Theory 101 https://odysee.com/@spacebusters:c9/Covid19Immunityin19Minutes Here is something else to ponder been hearing a lot about the Synthetic Spike Proteins that gets injected in the blood stream that causes blood clots and ultimately invades every red blood cell in the body. Also attacks the bodies Organs until Transplants are required until Death its a very painful way to live and die. Listen to this Dr Abdul Alim Muhammad on spike proteins (prions) https://www.bitchute.com/video/eMWf2BSEzuEA/ Seems to be a test done on the Pfizer Vial under an Electronic Microscope from a Spanish Research Team that discovered that 98% of the Vial… Read more »

Lutz Barz
Lutz Barz
Jul 4, 2021 12:24 PM

In this country there is no ‘bitter division’, most are blasey and are in a state of Simple Simon Says. As for knocking Alchemists, if you know what that was about this would not be so prevalent. Because apart from inventing the laboratory by accident, as that was more an aide memoire than actually creating gold, the inner transformation was unique in the history of our own transmutation. It faded. One aim was that this substance was a panacea to ward off illness.

Jul 3, 2021 9:46 PM

There’s a dirty little secret about “reality”: (1) It does exist, but (2) it’s ultimately inaccessible. Everything, but our own conscious thoughts, is mediated, if not by cynical publication editors, then by our own limited five (or more) senses. The idea that we “know” reality, that “knowledge” of the external world is possible, is one of our greatest illusions. It’s in times like today’s that we find out how this woks in practice, how dangerous that illusion can be. “I neither know nor think I know” – Socrates

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 6, 2021 1:25 PM
Reply to  Norm

Can you see how nonsensical Socrates’ argument is, by stating “I neither know nor think I know” he implies he doesn’t even know what he is talking about, in fact may well be just blowing raspberries out of his mouth.
It’s akin to say I don’t know how to write, yet here is me putting down in writing, absolute nonsense.
It’s like relativists stating there is no objective truth, well then that statement in itself cannot be true!
All bollocks…

Jul 3, 2021 8:45 PM

Is it me, or is the combination of

  1. Supposed Wat on Capitalism (UN)
  2. Climate Change (Greta)
  3. Corona Virus (Control, Internet surveillance/censorship)
  4. Possibly Internet/Power outtages due to hackers
  5. The ongoing war posture against China/Russia

All about one particular thing, namely that Peak Oil was reached a long time ago, and supplies are critically low compared to our current/projected consumption?

Are the ruling class doing this to protect themselves?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jul 3, 2021 7:35 PM

Excellent piece, except for one item i take strong exception to: “For most people, for most practical purposes, reality is… well, reality. It’s objective. Material. It actually exists. It exists independent of our beliefs. It isn’t just an arbitrary, empty signifier that doesn’t actually refer to anything, but which we use, strategically, to assert authority, or to impose ideology on society. If that were the case, there would be no reality. Nothing would be true, everything would be permitted…which is a bunch of postmodern Marxist nonsense.”

As someone who worked in a group which included both post-modernists as well as Marxists (i consider myself Marxian, Marx-informed, vs someone who uses Marx as a basis for an ideology), i saw first hand that there are utterly irreconcilable differences between Post Modernists (PoMos, as they often call themselves) and Marxists or Marxians, these led to a very nasty split. It was indeed about material reality actually existing, independent of our beliefs, constructs, “texts,”…. The term “postmodern Marxist” is an utter oxymoron.

Tor Guttorm
Tor Guttorm
Jul 3, 2021 10:10 AM

There is nothing to be learned from history anymore. We’re in science fiction now.
― Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997)

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 6, 2021 1:51 PM
Reply to  Tor Guttorm

That certainly benefits his tribe.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Jul 3, 2021 1:13 AM

Few people can so cogently describe the situation that has been created for us by TPTB as well as CJ Hopkins. He is one of a tiny minority of liberals who understand, and speak out, about the horror that we are forced to live with. Sadly, those who have drunk the covid koolaid are so thoroughly brainwashed as to be irredeemable. What happens when more than half of the population has become covid zombies and we are obligated to live among them?

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jul 2, 2021 8:35 PM

Kyle FLIPS OUT Off The Intercept.

Kyle FLIPS OUT On Biden & Media Over Assange (w/ Assanges
24,808 views #KyleKulinski #SecularTalk #FreeAssange


Deus Irae
Deus Irae
Jul 2, 2021 5:36 PM

Yet another Virus believer

Jul 2, 2021 3:10 PM

Its so simple. Although the cat/genie is admittedly out of the bag/bottle, the problem is solely globalism/collectivism/statism. Allow for authentic diversity, and all/most/more suffering is put in its proper place. Suffering does not vanish, it just finds its proper niche. In that niche it’s name would change from suffering to adjusting. Diversity equals ecstasy, Homogeneity equals suffering. The sadists’/statists’ appropriation of diversity as a concept is a dirty trick.

Jul 2, 2021 2:49 PM

Reality is the human condition. We try to organise society to benefit that.
It doesn’t always work because in society, as in other things, the scum floats to the top.

Jul 3, 2021 7:25 AM
Reply to  richard

The Guardian has made a contract with the establishment and now becomes even more system conform, deleting comments.

Jul 2, 2021 2:25 PM

Reality is based on authority. There is no general physical or objective reality that exists over all space and time. Reality is, at best, an agreement amongst a collective of individuals, or, at worse, something that is forced on them. It is not Marxist gobbledygook to say that reality is solely relational or relative, its Marxist gobbledygook to say that reality is universal and everyone needs to join the club. That is statist crap. The definition of reality is only a problem when we try to make it global (new world order n’ shit); or federal, or statewide, or county wide, or municipal. Reality is a diverse animal, thriving in the wilderness of a thriving jungle.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 6, 2021 2:01 PM
Reply to  Nmism

‘Reality is, at best, an agreement amongst a collective of individuals, or, at worse, something that is forced on them.’
In my collective we’ve reached a consensus that the sky is brown and clouds are made of farts, therefore it is true!

Tesla Ozone Therapy works
Tesla Ozone Therapy works
Jul 2, 2021 11:25 AM

The reality of someone who lacks a metaphysical belief in an afterlife is very different from someone who does. To those who live by a “Well, if I don’t steal it, someone else will” mentality, self-interest becomes their religion. To them, there is no right or wrong, no need for truth, empathy or reason for that matter. Life devolves into a very animalistic, dog-eat-dog, “survival of the most genocidal” view of reality. This is the view of neoliberalism and why the world has turned upside down over the past four decades.

The question must be, then, what is humanity? What are the characteristics that humans regard as most distinctive from animals? Conscientiousness, the ability to reason, to create, to express joy, to cooperate, to cultivate good will… not just for the benefit of one’s own tribe, but for the good of the whole. But not in a nefarious, communitarian sort of way, where the “greater good” has been weaponized against us, but in an effort to live authentically, without the need for constant deception.

A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others. When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love, and, in order to divert himself, having no love in him, he yields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal. And it all comes from lying – lying to others and to yourself.
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Jul 2, 2021 12:16 PM

What is truth?

You either put your belief in God or so called science and man. I am not saying you can’t believe in science and God but mans science has been hijacked to be the only science. This has put man back hundreds of years.

Belief in man only leads to death so I believe in God because “science” told me you cannot have life without life.

Thank you science.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jul 2, 2021 12:51 PM

Not really so, I’m afraid. I’m an atheist and I don’t steal, I respect others’ rights and I act decently towards others and I know many other atheists who do so. We subscribe to a system of morality and do not need to invent any mythology to justify it.

Jul 3, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

I’m certainly not saying all atheists are bad just as I don’t think all God believing people are angels. Me included.

I have my own issues with God and from my own lack of understanding get frustrated not having answers to some questions but one thing I will never be able to do is deny the existence of God.

Science told me God exists because you cannot have life without life so no myth is needed.

Jul 3, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  Hank

Science, and you, don’t know “you cannot have life without life”. It, and you, currently don’t know how, or if, you can have life without life. Big difference.

“I will never be able to … deny the existence of God.”

That proves nothing but the limits to your mental capacities. You are not the author of your mind. Therefore, you are not in control of what it perceives, thinks, or feels, and can prove nothing — just like all the rest of us.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Jul 6, 2021 4:33 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Please enlighten me Tim. Where did that ‘system of morality’ come from?
If it didn’t come from God or mythology as you’ve stated, then it came from man. Meaning men came up with it, therefore it is subject to change depending on needs, circumstances and wants.
So, if morality can be changed at some point anything goes, anything may become valid and acceptable. Meaning if tomorrow there a need to eat other human beings, morality can be changed and someone’s child might be your lunch.
Explain to me why given the circumstances something you consider ‘evil’ or ‘taboo’ today would not be perfectly acceptable tomorrow.

We know already how ‘science’ changes at whim, until a couple of years ago viruses could not be killed as they were not considered ‘alive’, therefore antibiotics and vaccines were categorised as ineffective against them…moving on to today and it’s the opposite.

If you don’t believe in absulote truth and morality given to us by a superior mind then you can’t complain things don’t make sense, you have to go along with them as reality is a man made creation.

Jul 2, 2021 5:22 PM

“To them, there is no right or wrong, no need for truth, empathy or reason for that matter.” Belief in an afterlife is unnecessary for any of these! In your assertion that it does you display YOUR lack of empathy, reason, and truth.

Empathy: Obviously you reserve this for those who share your beliefs.
Reason and truth: Your dogmatism in this matter MUST limit your ability to reason and consider truths outside of the limits of your present beliefs. Dogmatism always limits growth in knowledge.

Jul 2, 2021 9:34 AM

The tragedy of modern Man is that his intelligence, his spirituality and his contemplative independence has been inexorably throttled by his own superego which has sold itself without compromise to technology.
If the prophets, philosopher, poets and priests forsake the vestiges of wisdom for the empty headed crowing of advertisers and Engineers of opinion, then there is nothing left for mankind but total insanity.
T Merton

Jul 2, 2021 9:22 AM

Sorry CJ, but you’re “floating signifier’ is part of the problem here. The new Covid reality that we are seeing is better looked at as a pandemic virus industrial complex — please see the work of Jonathan Latham, Ph.D. who invented the term. We are witnessing an interlocking set of capitalist corporations, Pharma companies, fund managers, big Tech, and other institutions, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, NIAID, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, FDA, Gavi, Wellcome Trust, and academics / research scientists who feed off and support each other with goods and services in a self-reinforcing way to maximise the exploitation of public money for private profit. This isn’t new. It’s basically intense lobbying activity on steroids. The poster child is the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. They want to harvest our data. What is new is how effective the pandemic virus industrial complex has been in working together to achieve its goal of ensuring everyone on the planet is vaccinated, profits are maximised, and to then use the scare factor to introduce a global identity scheme to increase digital surveillance and maximise control over a supine population into the future. That digital passport will be a major control for controlling our carbon credits and restricting our freedoms. Dominic Cummings showed in his testimony just how influential “the Gates people” are at the heart of the UK Government. Our chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance is a former big Pharma exec. The fake PCR testing methodology not only fabricated the scary daily cases, but collects our DNA, home address and contact details. The pandemic virus industrial complex works hard to be as invisible as possible. The work of leading Universities and scientists, which the public accept prima facie, is in fact effectively commissioned to order. The scientists are used as the marketing department… Read more »

Jul 2, 2021 1:20 AM

It gets better. Herald Sun today:

“Andrews pushes for national jab target to end lockdownsPremier Dan Andrews believes implenting this major change to the vaccine rollout will fast-track an end to damaging lockdowns”

Seriously if you not getting the agenda by now you never will.

Jul 2, 2021 1:13 AM

ABC News headlines: “Scott Morrison to push National Cabinet for COVID vaccine targets to prevent lockdowns” and “The Prime Minister will use this morning’s National Cabinet meeting to discuss setting vaccination targets which, once reached, would mean lockdowns and travel restrictions would no longer be required.”

Do I really need to explain what this means….

Jul 1, 2021 7:05 PM

“OK, sure, there is a nasty virus going around” Really CJ? The same one for 18 months now? Hmmm.

Insofar as reality is concerned there are a number of cures for that. One would be to take a large number of these people who think they can make up their own reality and dump them naked into the Antarctic with no food, water, or other supplies and see how long it takes them to embrace that reality before they freeze to death. If the Antarctic turns into Fantasy Island well, then we will know we were wrong.

Jul 1, 2021 2:14 PM

*** BREAKING*** Nightclubs and music venues will reopen in the UK without people having to take Covid tests or show vaccine passports from July 19 in a major boost for London’s West End and the night-time economy. https://standard.co.uk/news/uk/dance-clubs-reopen-no-covid-tests-lockdown-vaccine-passports-b943401.html

Jul 1, 2021 11:41 PM
Reply to  Morgenstemning

i.e they have hit their target vaccination percentage.

Jul 2, 2021 7:53 AM
Reply to  John

And expect the jabbed people to spread the illness.

Jul 3, 2021 9:07 AM
Reply to  mgeo

I used to think that but not anymore. The vaccine is like gene therapy. It targets the individuals DNA and shouldn’t be transmittable. This is depop not extinction. Killing everyone is not the plan. If it was transmittable that would be extinction or close to it.

les online
les online
Jul 1, 2021 9:09 AM

In NSW from 12 July entry into public institutions, shops and supermarkets will require QR code checking-in via dedicated QR entries… After every “mysterious outburst” another part of the covid police state restrictions is put in place…

!2 July – the day after the current two week lockdown is said to end… what a coincidence !

We’re to believe that all the tracking systems in place keep failing (because little Covey keeps outwitting The Experts), so more and more tracking is required…

And if the QR system doesnt do the trick, there’ll be another “mysteriously spreading outbreak” to ‘justify’ imposing ‘vax passports’- initially to be able to travel between states…

softly, softly, catchee monkee…

Jul 1, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  les online

Good luck with that. A recent NSW precedent has been set with a publican having no conviction recorded and fines (for failing to enforce govt health rules) wiped as the magistrate rules he is not a Public Health Officer.

The cops sent two undercover police hundreds of kilometres from Sydney for a two day sting operation in the small outback town. Another egregious example of overreach.

Jul 1, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  les online

Monstrous. And the sheeple just will not wake up.

Big B
Big B
Jul 1, 2021 8:24 AM

Not a time to get lost in semeiotics? The Western philosophical mindset is semeiotic: and a violent nothingness but semeiotics. Which is exclusively the way we think. Which is exclusively who we are. The putative thought that there is a ‘philosophic reality’ and an ‘ordinary reality’ is a purely semeiological language-game. Everyone and everything are purely semeiological social constructions, including perceptible phenomenal and material things. We never talk of appearances, only essences. Never representations or negations: always determinate Being. If you do not ‘believe’ this, that is semeiological too. There is a whole literature on this, which has been reduced to ‘humanities’ and ‘literary studies’ – or ‘theory’ – by those caught up in the illusion of an objectively independent and pre-existing ‘reality.’ Which is an ontological minefield, because the term ‘reality’ itself becomes loaded with the metaphysical baggage of something called ‘universals.’ To make a claim on reality is to make an ontological truth-claim about universals. Let’s not go there. But people are going to have to take seriously the fact that they have never, ever said a word about material reality ….ever. It actually troubles me the lack of knowledge about the parameters and presumptions people make when they talk. They presume they are talking about concrete and tangible things. To the point when it is pointed out that this is not the case, the person pointing it out is thought to be an obscurantist or sophist. It should not be considered obscure to point out the utter failure of the hegemonic human knowledge schema – the one everyone uses, bar none – and that all that can ever be said from now on is non-conscious none-sense. It’s not like that there has not been more than a century of trying to escape metaphysics. Metaphysics – or the… Read more »

Jul 1, 2021 1:34 PM
Reply to  Big B

Dear is Plato, but dearer still is the truth.
… Aristotle.

Big B
Big B
Jul 2, 2021 8:50 AM
Reply to  Roberto

If you actually know your Aristotle: you might want to contemplate why the western intellectual tradition is taken from Platonic psychology, and not Aristotelian? Aristotle famously thought the form was in the thing (hylomorphism) and that the senses did not deceive: they are not pseudos. If the form is in the thing: the universals’ are distributed amongst the visible forms, and not existent before them (universalia in rebus) (Cf: “Third Man Paradox.”) Which basically means the visible, tangible, and sensible is the real. And if so: the form of the thing and the form of the thought are isomorphic. That is a basis of a concrete realism, dynamic nominalism, weak conceptualism (soft or poetic universals, generalisations, abstractions) and nondualism.

Instead, we use memory to recall its own perfection (anamnesis of pure absolute, immutable, infinite, interminable and ‘universal’ egotism.) And we live in a world of appearances and negations which scientifically are not real. The only real is extension: the world ‘out there’. Which still entails two substances and ontological dualism. The external more substantial one of which that wants to stick a needle in your arm. “Dear is Plato, but absolute invisible authority is dearer.”

Jul 3, 2021 5:39 AM
Reply to  Big B

I made a comment earlier about this sort of thing. Anyway, I analyse all manner of things as analytic or synthetic.
Aristotle was a subjective universalist; nominalist = synthetic.
Plato was an objective universalist, realist = analytic.
And never the twain shall meet for most of the population.
I can’t remember which ancient philosopher is said to have said ‘Once a young man is introduced to the idea of the One and the Many, he can’t stop seeing them everywhere’.
I’m old now, and my database is fading, but I’ve often thought about that statement most of my life.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 1, 2021 7:49 PM
Reply to  Big B

Sophistry, claptrap, and worse.

I don’t trust anyone who uses the word “imaginary” as a noun.

We don’t need Richard Rorty to know we are being fed mountains of bullshit.

No one is impressed.

Big B
Big B
Jul 2, 2021 9:24 AM
Reply to  Who D. Who

Imaginaries are not imaginary: they are ‘real’ by dint of repetitive automatism [Freud, Lacan] and reification [Lukács, Debord]. Which is an imposed, hierarchal, gendered, racialised, and prioritised and privileged Platonistic “extreme reality” or Platonistic Paralogic or “parallel pseudoreality” [Debord.] (See above for contrast with Aristotle.)

The whole intellectual process that has imposed itself as the global cultural hegemoney [sic] is false: not this part of it or that part of it. There is no ‘true ground’ to be found. It cannot be parsed: only dissolved – sometimes called decolonialism or “dissolving the social imaginary.”

Imaginaries, imaginings, and imaginability are never static noun forms, but ‘actioning’ or gerundive ‘doing’ forms. But this is a little awkward in English: in which the whole language refers to the static noun form of ‘being’ (the singular exclusive ‘substantial’ metacategory) ….which itself is an inexistent imaginary imposed on reality by those who think that ‘being’ is a real object, a real substance, or a real thing. Which is non-conscious none-sense. As one day, assuming a future, everyone will no doubt agree.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 2, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  Big B

The use of “imaginary” as a noun in English is a carryover from the claptrap of French deconstruction, especially that charlatan Lacan. It is more than “a little awkward” in English; it is no less than a proper forzatura, as the Italians would say. You can spin all the sophistic arguments you like around it, but that won’t make its usage any more valid, just as your silly “lack of reality” discourse is nothing less than a pale echo of a highly dubious French school of thought that has given us nothing–that is, no real cultural products of value: art, poetry, fiction–other than reams of meaningless word salads.

Take it from a French thinker who actually was worth his salt, Jean Baudrillard, who said: Forget Foucault.

And for comments threads such as this, I would advise you throw away your jargon kit and revert to concrete prose composed of objectively definable terms. Nobody cares how many unreadable books you’ve read.

Also, just FYI: France itself, and continental intellectual life in general, has well moved beyond your mentors. This is something the ‘Murcans and Brits haven’t quite yet worked out.

Jul 1, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Big B

If you are unsure that there is a reality, hit your thumb with a hammer.

Big B
Big B
Jul 2, 2021 8:20 AM
Reply to  Lee

Better still, “philosophise with a hammer.”

Turning Moment
Turning Moment
Jul 1, 2021 7:54 AM

A half-assed riot could be an “insurrection.” Children could be born “systemically racist.” Men could menstruate.

There is now a growing backlash against the Woke religion seen amongst the atheist/ anti-religious liberals, the old Marxist Left and some outspoken conservatives.
It is notable that there is a strong intersection between Covidism and Wokeness. It is also very informative to study where Woke came from, who promoted it to its position today ?

I have long held that we cannot really escape religiosity in some form or another, that secularism has always been, basically, a convenient myth propagated by adherents of one particular religious persuasion. So the question becomes whether people try to re-set our society to times when things were (in liberal terms) ‘sane’ – i.e. when religiosity was kept out of public life, or whether we acknowledge that religiosity has always been there in the background waiting to re-emerge and bring the irrational back to the stage of human affairs ?
It seems that differences in values cannot be just rationally discussed and resolved, so what do we do ?
This sums up this position well :

Jul 1, 2021 7:31 AM

It was pointed out that with digital technology any past info could be totally deleted or changed and it reminded me again of 1984:….”but where did that knowledge exist? only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. “Who controls the past,” ran the Party slogan, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past”. …..Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. “Reality control”, they called it: in Newspeak, “doublethink”.

Jul 4, 2021 5:09 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Already happening and happened before too

Jul 1, 2021 7:15 AM

This from Da Age/stralya comments:

Helen Dunn

I had my first doze of AZ a few weeks ago. That evening I experienced extreme shivering and tremors, fever, and during the night I had severe pain in both legs. I was totally wiped out the next day, and could nothing but lie wrapped up in a blanket, unable to eat or even drink water. By 8pm that evening the effects had started to wear off, and although I felt fatigued for a few days, I feel extremely relieved to have had the first dose, and am anxiously awaiting the time when I can get the second. Until we change the midset of the people who are resistant to the vaccination, none of us are going to be completely free again.

You just can’t make this sh**t up!!!! Oh yes you can. Just PHARMA BOT the threads!!!


Jul 1, 2021 3:51 PM
Reply to  jimbo

the (local) rags are full of this guff presently – really badly written articles that start with a headline, that sort of contradicts the first paragraph, then in a roundabout manner affirm the headline before bumbling on about “everyone needs the vex”, “i was so unlucky my vex didn’t have time to prepare my body for the the covid, despite my near death, everyone must get the vex..” “we’ve got to pull together on this, get the vex” blahhh; utter mindless double speak confusing drivel – get the vex.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 1, 2021 5:47 PM
Reply to  jimbo

So you chose to sell your body sovereignty for the “promise” of “freedom.”
That makes you a prostitute for the powers that be!
You have “crossed that Rubicon” from “free will” to “$Free will$”.
You hate Nature, as fear of it is implicit in self-annihilation.
If you were religious, you have turned your back on god!

I have compassion for you. I support your journey into leaving your fear of Nature, but I do not support you staying there.

Jul 1, 2021 6:26 AM

A peer-reviewed journal article in Vaccine shows that the risk-benefit ratio for the COVID-19 vaccines is that for every three people the vaccines save from COVID, they are killing two.


He gives a link to the article in Vaccine, as well.

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jul 3, 2021 3:07 PM
Reply to  Penelope

What is “save from Covid” when the PCR test is a fabricated mess and when With Covid and From Covid are fused at the hip.

Jul 1, 2021 4:36 AM

Oh my and here I thought it was the zombie apocalypse. So they are just ordinary citizens with broken brains?

Jul 1, 2021 4:23 AM

When we navigate the ocean, or when we predict an eclipse, we often find it convenient to assume that the earth goes round the sun and that the stars are millions upon millions of kilometers away. But what of it? Do you suppose it is beyond us to produce a dual system of astronomy? The stars can be near or distant, according as we need them. Do you suppose our mathematicians are unequal to that? Have you forgotten doublethink ?

From 1984

Jul 1, 2021 4:16 AM

“OK, sure, there is a nasty virus going around, so people are taking common sense precautions, as people typically do for any nasty virus, but there is no “state of emergency” in effect” Huh? what virus. You mean the one that has never been isolated or proven to cause a single death?

Jul 2, 2021 7:09 AM
Reply to  John

John, the idea that identification of a virus requires that one make a little pile of pure virus is false. Even when one identifies bacteria, which are far larger, one does not end up w a little pile of pure bacteria.

To identify bacteria, one takes a swab and transfers the material to a substance that will feed the bacteria in order to increase its numbers. This is called “culturing the bacteria.”
A sample of this is then placed on a slide and examined microscopically. It is NOT a pure isolate. It is a MIXTURE of the culturing substance, the suspected bacteria, and any other bacteria that the swab happened to pick up.

In the case of VIRUS identification, the matter is made more difficult because viruses cannot be cultured; they don’t replicate on any substance or food: They replicate only WITHIN CELLS.

If you wish to demonstrate that the covid virus doesn’t exist, your argument must confront the actual evidence used to establish its existence. The constant reiteration that to identify a virus requires that one make a pure pile of it, or that one separate it from all other entities like “separating a leopard from the jungle” is impractical/impossible.

Do YOU know how to do this? Are you willing to throw out the entire fields of bacteriology and virology because of some dreamed up “they OUGHT to be able to do this?”

Quantum State
Quantum State
Jul 3, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Penelope

A mix treated with antibacterials and antifungals can be put in a density gradient, and the section giving the same cytopathology as the mix can then be full-base sequenced (I’m skipping steps). Wash-rinse-repeat, reproduced in other labs and you have your virus. Never done, nothing, not happening, nada, nope, nyet, nai, meiyou, So before you inject 8 bil people with something based on a genome made from a computer data base by a company called Illumina (see Zhang Nature paper on Emergence of Novel Corona…).

Jul 1, 2021 4:15 AM

Is it possible I’m not as good looking as I think I am?

Jul 1, 2021 5:29 AM
Reply to  Hank


Jul 1, 2021 9:22 AM
Reply to  jimbo

Oh good just shatter my world.

Jul 1, 2021 10:32 AM
Reply to  Hank

… false positive, perhaps?

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jul 1, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Hank

You’re beautiful, just asymptomatic

Jul 2, 2021 12:20 PM

Then I better get tested. I’m gonna ask them to turn up that PCR to 100 just to make sure I come out looking like Clooney.

les online
les online
Jul 1, 2021 4:11 AM

Looks like Australia, Sydney at least, is heading into a UK-invented never-ending-lockdown ! Little covey has been madly dashing far and wide terrorising the authorities & the experts… nowhere is safe from the little bugger ! Covey even managed to hitch a quick visit to the Middle of Nowhere, Alice Springs, to lay the place under siege… I’m dreading his next milder variant. God, the damage that variant will cause !

(i’d better lay-in some vittles, ready to hunker down for the looming long duration… It’s WAR people !)

Jul 1, 2021 5:28 AM
Reply to  les online

Yep. Down under it’s a 24/7 total war on your personal sanity. A pharma bio-tech all-out terrorist media campaign against those (you guessed it!) afflicted with VACCINE HESITANTSEE!!!

It is now your CIVIC DUTY to allow strangers to inject you with lethal experimental gene not-therapy synthetic mitochondria killing SPIKE pharma concoctions.

But don’t bring things up like that with the fake progressive Australian Independent Media (oops where is me barf bag), and don’t include citations from the off-guardian cause . . . . YOU WILL BE CENSORED, MUZZELED, HUNG OUT TO . . .

yeah, stralya the perfect corporate penal colony for the pharma psychos to pillage!!!


Strength & Honour!!!

PS: Good Riddance D. Rumsfeld serial WAR CRIM AND MURDERER!!! Inevitable they’d turn to bio-pharma to complete the known unknowns!!!

PS#2: Fasten safety belts!!!

How many times do you haf to do a ‘spam check’ on me? sheesh

Jul 1, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  jimbo

“….fake progressive Australian Independent Media”
Such as IA and Crikey? They too spout the rubbish.

Jul 1, 2021 10:58 AM
Reply to  les online

It should be plain to all the mugs of NSW that – the banker’s mole is having a field day with the power vested in her, by the people who never had the power to ‘vest’ in the first place.

What a wonderful thing it is this ‘democracy’ … Voters who don’t have the power are able to miraculously give to party representatives … that power which they didn’t have. However, once that power which they didn’t have is given to the political representative, poof! It transmogrifies into real power once in the hands of the beneficiaries, viz. the self-anointed ‘leaders’. That power is then used by the strongest union in the country, i.e. politicians, who actually pretend that they don’t really like unions and yet are the direct beneficiaries of their united-front across party lines. They are excellent at organising to steal your money (taxes) and then boss you around without consultation. Hmm! As I implied … what a wonderful thing it is this robust d-e-m-o-c-r-a-c-y.

Jul 1, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  les online

From an AP story:
“Queensland state Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young was accused by critics of scaremongering when she said on Wednesday that with only 42 coronavirus cases active in the state, AstraZeneca was not worth the risk for younger adults.
“I don’t want an 18-year-old in Queensland dying from a clotting illness who, if they got COVID, probably wouldn’t die,” Young said.
She was contradicted by former Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Australia Nick Coates, who said younger Australians were at greater risk of dying of COVID-19 than they were from AstraZeneca side effects.
Young was “unfortunately out on a very lonely limb there,” Coates told Seven Network.”

(And definitely in need of re-education, otherwise known as expert professional help).

Also thus defining unnecessary vaccination of the virtually not-at-risk population as scaremongering. Note: There has been one Covid death in Australia in the last 9 months since October 2020 in all age groups. 
There have been about 220 deaths post-vaccination after vaccinating just 5% of the population, however, these deaths are characterised as occurring mainly in a population of vulnerable older people with comorbidities who would have died anyway, an observation notably absent when discussing attributed Covid death numbers, predominately in the older age group having comorbidities.

Jul 1, 2021 11:09 PM
Reply to  Roberto

Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young is at risk of being targeted by The Fixated Person’s Act.
If you don’t know what that is duck duck go Fiona Wilson in Q’land. And then be afraid, very afraid.

The NSW Fixated Persons Unit recently did a violent and over the top arrest of The Friendlyjordies producer.

Jul 1, 2021 2:03 AM

You Evil Bastards Currently in Control…Make ANTHONY CHARLES LYNTON BLAIR…

look like

War Criminal Lite….except Millions of People are Slowly Waking Up Now.


We want to see you in a Court of Law,..and Justice Done

Bye – Enjoy Infinity in Hell

Swing on The End of a Rope

No one Gets Away with Genocide on Our Planet.

Fuck Off – Go Back to The Hole You Crawled From.

Let us Out – Or We will Have You.

We have been extremely Tolerant.

comment image


Jul 1, 2021 4:17 AM
Reply to  tony_0pmoc

The Govt out to exterminate 80% of the world population destroyed his birthday. Not a non-existent virus

Jul 1, 2021 1:06 AM

I love that- no values but exchange values. That hits the nail right on the head. Or rather it tells why you can’t hit it because it shifts at the whim of the dealer who doesn’t need to mark the cards because they’re blank until he decides their denomination and colour. You don’t need to cheat in a game without honesty. The game without chance where the lost always win, run by the blind who call vision a sin. Gambling with money that’s only a debt youve lost before you make your bet.

Gregory Fisher
Gregory Fisher
Jul 1, 2021 1:57 AM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

“Nail on the head”. Know what? I’m gonna open a bar, call it “5THUMBS”, we can all drink to Reality…’alf pints only, we ain’t got much time before it flips!

Jul 2, 2021 2:01 PM
Reply to  Gregory Fisher

Sounds as if you’ve already drunk the profits!

Jul 1, 2021 12:52 AM

I would argue there has never been one unified reality, my living experiences, circumstances and current reality will be different to someone else’s, you see this for example in employment, one employee says you do a good job while someone else says you are doing a bad job, both technically cannot be right at the same time. Reality really depends on your life, thinking and current circumstances, a multi millionaire will have a different reality to a homeless person for example. same with covid one persons reality is masks, jabs and social distancing while someone else’s is freedom.

Perry Mason
Perry Mason
Jul 2, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  citizen

What you describe are differences of perception, or of using a different rule and measure of evaluative criteria. Not actually different realities.

Anyone denying the existence of reality in conversation is engaged in a performative contradiction. And most if not all of them live their lives in a manner that would be a performative contradiction. For example, to the reality constructivists, they show ruthless ambition to get ahead and have dogmatic views on matters like race, class, sex and the like — and treat dissidents as immoral reprobates. A true reality-denier would take no offense at those with different “preferences”.

Of course, the bit of truth in the lie of post-modernism is what the West and Christendom have long known to a varying extent — mankind is not omniscient and is subject to all manner of sins and biases that cloud perception. One can study a “text” outside of its mere intended message. Call it “mild constructivism”, in the words of the great Michael Rectanwald. There is much wisdom in this traditional paradigm borne of Aristotle, Church fathers and Thomas Aquinas, all standing on the shoulders of others. I am no longer impressed by the likes of Kant, Nietzsche and others — they thought they knew better than the whole of humanity before them.

Jul 1, 2021 12:39 AM

These covid restrictions give new meaning to the term “the Sheeple”

Jul 1, 2021 12:18 AM

Synthetic Reality

Synthetic reality is and always has been a large part of our diet. Corporate religion for a start. The gospels tell quite a few tall tales as do the scriptures of all religions. There are the endless strings of false flags and fake events. 9/11 and the moon hoax are just the tip of the iceberg. The forces that control the populace know from experience that they can get people to do the most horrible things to each other. Hiroshima for one. The present psyop of course dwarfs it’s predecessors in scale. And this time the primary objective is the thinning of the population. The sheeple are literally being led to the slaughterhouse.
I thought we would be terminated by a giant solar flare destroying our fragile infrastructure. I didn’t think our masters would preempt the sun. I didn’t think they would conjure a phantom corona virus to forestall a coronal mass ejection.

Jul 1, 2021 12:14 AM

Thanks CJ keep hitting them!

Jul 1, 2021 11:25 PM
Reply to  Orwell

The Same Drugs: CJ Hopkins on The New Normal

5 dancing shlomos
5 dancing shlomos
Jul 1, 2021 12:09 AM

Don’t be foolish. Prepare. Get your dive suit, scuba tanks, snorkle.
The Fauxi variants, Monty Python (UK) and 3 Stooges (US), coming soon.
The Canadian variant, Empty Testicle/Trudeau, was a fizzle. More stuff on the shelf.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jun 30, 2021 11:31 PM

On my way to work, and just spotted 3 drivers in a row, alone in their cars, all fully
masked. Sigh. Then walked over to the nearby bus stop and spotted this sticker which made me smile. There are others out there who know what is really going on. Sorry I don’t know how to upload the photo I just took but the sticker said:
“The freedom you surrender today is the freedom your grandchildren will never know”. Posted by The White Rose.

Jul 1, 2021 12:39 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yeah I know. I’m surrounded by them. Thoroughly nauseating how subservient we have become. Slaves.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 1, 2021 3:55 AM
Reply to  John

I’m standing outside a supermarket in a wealthy conservative suburb. Have a guess the percentage of people in masks and scanning the QR code before they enter?
There are no prizes for a correct guess! I’m now detaching emotionally and trying to practice unconditional love… which is helping my mental state, because it just does my head in otherwise.

Jul 1, 2021 4:19 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I just got stopped by the oinkers for not wearing a mask. They gave me a free one which is now in the bin. Beam me up Scotty. Jokes over!!!

Jul 1, 2021 6:57 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts


I tried loving – didn’t work out; when it comes to being confronted with masked muppets I surge with hate.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 1, 2021 7:26 AM
Reply to  grr

Nope, no prize for you😁 Try at least 98%. Only spotted maybe 3 people walk into the supermarket with both no mask and who didn’t scan either. I saw a few others walk in without scanning but they were masked. Admittedly I wasn’t looking at the entrance the whole time tho…

Jul 2, 2021 9:30 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Saw this today and thought immediately of you:


Incidentally, this isn’t you is it?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 2, 2021 10:06 AM
Reply to  Philippe

No, it’s not me! I’m more like a mouse compared with this guy. His name is Romeo George and I’ve seen a few of his rants. Believe me, I’ve shared his frustration and anger many times…

Jul 2, 2021 11:52 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I’m not at all surprised.

Hang in there as best you can mate!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jul 1, 2021 2:35 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Kia Ora, Gezzah… – The bastards wouldn’t be *So Busy* telling us *So Hard* that we’re isolated and alone – a crank minority – if we *Actually Were*…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 1, 2021 4:33 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Kia Ora Sgt… I also think there are more awake than what we think, however (and I’m trying not to judge here) too many are keeping their heads down and keeping quiet. I get that people have mortgages to pay, families to feed and a lot don’t like confrontation, but this situation is really serious now, and we need a lot more speaking out and saying NO.

Jul 1, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And yet the same sentiment was expressed by the old guys several generations ago when I was a little fellow. We proceed by increment to the Totalitarian Dream: keeping us ‘safe’ from imaginary hobgoblins created to frighten us.
I’m glad I’m the age I am, not worried by much, and really just don’t care anymore, at least for most of the day.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 2, 2021 10:13 AM
Reply to  Roberto

“it’s for your safety”… “it’s for the common good”… think about Granny.
Etc, etc, etc. I’ve had quite a few of my customers state they support vaccine passports being rolled out because it’s for “the common good”. They’ve all forgotten history Roberto. I’m almost 59 now, so just trying to live each day as it comes, enjoy the small things, and put my faith in the Universe…
So many have forgotten history R. Part of the reason we’re in this mess.

Jul 2, 2021 5:48 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I thought the repetitive history doom-taco bell made a sound in that Babel Tower whenever someone clapped it, too, whether anyone was within earshot or not.

But it turned out I just had a case of Rin Tin Tinnitus, that Pavlovian head invaders had their boots in my stirrups & were beating my drums like they stole ‘em – which, of course, they had.

Somehow, the invaderider got bucked, the drums went back to listening & hearing what was then clear as a mysterymeatless bell: people aren’t doomed to repetition compulsion because they forget, or can’t remember, history. People are doomed because, in psych-shrink therapy-speak they are “codependent enablers;” they have that as purpose, albeit not one subject to ‘free’will (tanstaafl, Will Robinhoodson…).

Think of a battered woman (or man, as case may be). The classic, stereotypical, battered woman who stays in the trailer in the trailer park, who makes excuses, who justifies the beats with references to the spaces between the beats. The battered woman, like the prostitute vis a vis the pimp, who is sure her batterer loves her after all, is a good man after all…just as the batterer is sure, too.

Compare that wretched woman in that wretched symbiotic dynamic with another sort that comports ‘fool me – or hit me – once shame on you…’ & then does not, because is not inner demon compelled to, stay for the repetition compulsion that underlies ‘fool me twice, shame on me.’

That’s it & that’s all. The repcomps need their opposite numbers, & vice versa. Neither forgets the abuse, the history. Both embrace it. Sadomasochism. Libido dominandi. “Power” & its batteries (cue up the Duracell scene in The Matrix).

Humanimal is largely a Rube Goldberg contraption. An exceedingly poor design.    

Jun 30, 2021 11:13 PM

Reality is.
Our awareness of reality can be that which our model frames us in.
What we give out (from) sets the measure of our receiving.

The breakdown of the mind is a self-destructive reaction to the realigning to the heart.
Invested illusions operate in the mind, not in reality.
Yet we sacrifice our (awareness of) reality to be-live them true.
Until there is a recognition of insanity, as the dawning of an awareness in a mind no longer completely lost to its own insanity.

Mass insanity is something to see, for a while ago we seemed to share a reality that is now fragmented. Yet Reality Is. And so the fracture is in our mind, perceptions and reactions.
All self-Illusion is war on reality/ But Reality never retaliates, because reality simply Is.
Illusions battle only with themselves as the division by which to conflict the mind from its source and nature to operate instead along the lines of its own thinking – or rater its own conflicted narrative identity.
The presumption that reality is physically determined and physically defined, is a belief through which to only see as rules and filters allow.
The body can be an extension of Communication and relational experience (love) or a means to lockdown distance and mask. As we choose, so shall we ‘see’ a world of Meaning or a world of bodies assigned conflicting meanings.
Recognising a meaninglessness where once reality seemed, is the opportunity to release what we thought we knew, to open a fresh and present appreciation of what is, as it is.

Jun 30, 2021 11:10 PM

Thanks CJ. I had hoped to bump into you in a bar in Berlin one day but even that fantasy is out the window as I will not get “tested”, ever. And thanks to all at this courageous and inspiring website. The only reality left we can all agree on is sports results, traffic accidents and the weather. Oh, and as commented by others the fact there’s a lot of sirens these days. For the believers it will be all those Covid patients.

I am increasingly internalizing my thoughts. With family I tend to focus on films we saw as youngsters. With my sister who has just had the AZ double whammy and is complaining she doesn’t feel as well as she used to we talk about Doctor Zhivago and how David Lean filmed the icy picture in a sweltering Madrid of all places. With my brother-in-law who used to be a Communist but is now a Zionist and who has had the Pfizer we talk about footie.

As the dark clouds bear down on me I find increasing solace in places of beauty. I am lucky enough to live near Ullswater. At the National Trust place I happened to mention to a worker how I thought it was a place of magic. Her eyes lit up and she said she had come four years ago and couldn’t leave. To ordinary people, to the Covid sheep I say: “God was in a good mood when he made this.”

Jun 30, 2021 11:00 PM

Agree with the article; I’m definitely living in at least two distinct, opposing realities, I research SARS, Gain of function R&D from the 90’s to 2015 in the US by the NIH funded under the PREP Act; I find out DARPA is involved in weaponizing synthetic Polio and making Polio vaxes with it which ties in with the Gates Polio Vax program that caused Vaccine derived polio outbreaks in at least 5-21 countries (India, Afghanistan, Philippines, African countries, https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/circulating-vaccine-derived-poliovirus-type-2-global-update ) then I find DARPA is the driving force behind mRNA vaxes which they called Population Manipulation & Species Extinction Technologies) which DARPA wanted to test around the world by being Good Samaritans wanting to test their synthetic Bio-crap on countries pest and feral animal populations, most turning DARPA down due to the exceptionally high risk of Zoonotic transfer from targeted species to any and every other non targeted species, including humans) Then in 2011 mRNA vaxes overcome a serious issue of effectiveness which is vastly increasing cell uptake in humans through the use of nano lipid and iron particles which enables mRNA vaxes to easily penetrate every cell in a body including the more difficult Nerve and cardiac cells as well as accumulate in the gonads, (Ovaries & testicles) which is inline with what is happening in regards to the Plethora of “Rare” disease states that these mRNA vaxes are causing around the world, with well over 2 million adverse reactions around the world and at leat 20,000 deaths (which would have stopped the roll out of any other drug in it’s tracks) yet all I hear when I turn on the news is how we have to get vaccinated? From a vaccine that doesn’t stop infection or transmission of anything is dangerous supposedly experimental as a vaccine but very… Read more »

Jul 6, 2021 7:31 AM
Reply to  Stuart

Zoonotic transfer is a myth, as is contagion. And Gain of Function is just CRISPR tech, recombinant proteins, nanotech and various nano metals and toxic lipids with surfactants and adjuvants poisons, inducing sterilization, neurological damage, a range of diseases, illnesses and death from the contents of all vaccines, not just the Covid19 shots. You spent time researching, but you never bothered with terrain vs germ? The US is nothing but a tool of the bankers and oligarchs. It was never an independent country, just another colony of The Vatican and the City of London Corp. As are China and Russia now, after being purposefully destroyed through Communism. All the presidents in the US bar one, are directly related to John King of England and therefore, each other. That’s no coincidence. The BIS, IMF, World Bank, WHO, UN, WEF etc are enacting the policies of Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050. The US military, DARPA, NIAID and NIH are responsible for funding and coordinating scientists and academics all over the world and the various global working groups involved in the Brain Initiative, the covid op, depopulation, and the climate fraud along with Rockefeller Org, hundreds of other NGOs, all the major corporations, tech companies and think tanks. Each country has its own special role to play in this farce, even if it’s just to collect data on how their populations respond to the propaganda, lockdowns, QR codes, mask wearing, sterilization shots, purposefully induced financial catastrophe and top down tyranny. The central bank digital currency (Going Direct) and a one world government with central command control is one major aim, with forced UBI, mass depopulation, a global land grab, social credit system, with robots and automation to replace the workforce; the redundant middle and working class of the first world who… Read more »

Jun 30, 2021 10:37 PM

OK, sure, there is a nasty virus going around, so people are taking common sense precautions, as people typically do for any nasty virus, but there is no “state of emergency”

Seems Mr Hopkins also believes covid is real.

Have we all forgot how this nonsense was rolled out? It usually takes a government department 6 months to approve planning permission for a garden shed. However, covid was implemented globally in two weeks. We all had the same rules and restrictions in place, similar bailouts and the same consequences for dissidents. What’s more, they did all this without any meetings and not single senator disagreed with the plan. If all counties are independent how did this happen?

There is no flu, it was all pre planned. That said, I’m always flexible, so if Mr Hopkins or anyone else has some information I may have overlooked, im all ears.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 1, 2021 6:00 PM

His “SARC” is turned on!

In Canada, Diaper wearing Canadians believe that because the present government was voted in, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT REQUIRED TO EXERCISE DEMOCRACY ANYMORE!

Fear > democracy… that’s just at that level.
Such freedom loving humans!

Jun 30, 2021 10:35 PM

“Cast away all untruth. No matter how numerous the worshipers at a false, idolatrous shrine, turn away, and upon the simple rock perform your sacrifice, even though the sacrifice be your body and animal life” Charles Linton, 1864

Jun 30, 2021 10:20 PM

Excellent. Here is Donald Trump addressing the WEF in 2020 and getting to the heart of the matter.

“We must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. These alarmists always demand the same thing. Absolute power to control, dominate , transform and control every aspect of our lives.


Next scam could be be climate lockdowns.

Jun 30, 2021 10:23 PM
Reply to  Fatalist

I am not agreeing with Trump’s vision of capitalism but his his brilliant observation about the totalitarian agenda of the WEF.

Jun 30, 2021 11:38 PM
Reply to  Fatalist

Drumpf was and is an insider. He warp sped the poison.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 1, 2021 6:04 PM
Reply to  Peter

Prove it.
Otherwise the statement is whisleblowing.

Al X
Al X
Jul 1, 2021 4:41 PM
Reply to  Fatalist

And who pushed and touted Operation Warp Speed? Who ignored the counsel of RFK? Who could’ve dumped Fauci but chose to abide by his demands? Seems to me Trump was onboard from the start.

Jun 30, 2021 10:17 PM

Trump is a crook and a Freemason who was constantly using hand signs in public and was obviously in cahoots with the Democrats, Russia, the CIA, MI6 and Mueller to pull a scam on the entire population of the world that he was some kind of victim. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Russiagate scam was obviously a psy-op on both sides. To provide legitimacy to an illegitimate and fraudulent system of graft and corruption where both sides are always against “we, the people”.

The psychological warfare is obvious to anyone with a brain cell.

Jul 1, 2021 3:44 AM
Reply to  Researcher

However, Trump contradicted Fauci and promoted Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

Jul 1, 2021 5:06 AM
Reply to  Hele

For what? The flu? Vitamin D and C cures the flu so why is Trump, the 33rd degree Freemason, promoting toxic drugs? It’s unbelievable to me that people still get sucked into believing lying politicians even though there is no new illness not by any stretch of the imagination. They are defrauding the public to sell the virus lie. They shut down the world for nothing.

Al X
Al X
Jul 1, 2021 4:44 PM
Reply to  Hele

Until Fauci shut that treatment down. No effective therapies can be utilized if emergency use authorization for jabs is granted.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jun 30, 2021 10:04 PM

…- Yeah, Nah…

(…In the Kiwi sense of the expression…)

Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Jun 30, 2021 9:47 PM

Thank you Cj….I think I know what you are intending to say…..let’s face it…..the people that fell for this Plandemic were basically “Hustled”. Some will call this “falling for the Okie Doke”. I will call this, since this is a “Global Hustle”, falling for the “Grand Okie Doke”.

This is not over…..the Masters of this game will not stop until they get “Everything”. But guess what….in the “End” they will lose. That might not help us now but we have to remember, that staying on the side of Truth, is where we want to be.

Be mindful of the children, they need us. Stay committed, whether we win or not, we may never know. However, we cannot abandon the Truth. Stay focused. We are stronger than we realize. Peace.

Steve C
Steve C
Jul 1, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  Denny KirkQ

Your phrase, “Be mindful of the children” brought back a memory of my time teaching in Morocco. I had hired a taxi to take me from Rabat to a seaside community of semi-legal houses built on the beach south of town. While talking about this and that, he asked me what I was doing in Morocco. I said I was teaching English. He replied, Ah, you Americans. You have no sense of history, you’re always in a hurry. You don’t understand anything. We have history on our side, even if it takes a long time. We are patient.

As I was getting out of his car, he took my left arm and said, I know there will be hilarity and all that, but listen to the children. They will keep you centered.

Not the first time a taxi driver pointed out an absolute truth.

Jun 30, 2021 9:07 PM

Not being funny but where have the churches been?We’ve been abandoned by the faith that are supposed to guide us?I have no faith in the church anymore or the medical establishment.

Jun 30, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Annie

Jon Rappoport lamented that fact as well. I have my view of ‘the churches’. They are already against God and doomed for destruction. But what if a member of Bablyon The Great were to oppose covid 1984 and even refuse to repeat lies about a dangerous virus? That would be good. That’s what God wants. That indicates that while someone is fooled by some lies, he or she is still not a bad, or unredeemable, person. For a long time, salvation has been about individuals only. This world is doomed and that’s a good thing.

Jun 30, 2021 10:59 PM
Reply to  Annie

The lie started in 0 AD.

Denny KirkQ
Denny KirkQ
Jun 30, 2021 11:02 PM
Reply to  Annie

Both the Institutional Churches and the Medical Establishment are now, and probably have been for awhile, all Corporate Entites. They are both funded by Deep Pockets whose main purpose is to control the message and the direction of both Institutions. What is really sad is that all organizations at this point have been diluted of any real character and focus. This also includes most peace and justice groups. We must realize this. I believe this is what CJ was referring to when he was trying to explain the new reality that we are faced with. “We” are not organized while “They” are organized. Peace.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jun 30, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  Denny KirkQ

Wait, the church needs funding?!

Jul 3, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  Denny KirkQ

The Popes of Science replaced the Popes of the Church. Both full of shit!

Jul 3, 2021 9:15 AM
Reply to  Annie

The God you looking for won’t be found in a Church or holding hands singing inane songs or any of the other nonsense that gets bundled with most religions. The real God, the true infinite spirit can only be found in one place. Inside you. True freedom is moving away from nonsensical man made religions and finding the true “God”, for want of a better word. There is no religion higher than truth.

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Jun 30, 2021 9:06 PM

Plandemic Used To Create A Slave Class by Chris Sky (1:37)

Jun 30, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

Thank you.

Jun 30, 2021 10:32 PM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

Ronnie, at Canuck Law, has serious doubts about Chris Sky. And I know that I trust Ronnie. He’s really in your face. Is that a helpful ‘in your face’? To be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about him, but I do know that when I’ve seen those vids of him fighting the good fight, they made me wince.

Jun 30, 2021 10:33 PM
Reply to  Arby

Is the edit button broken? I just tried to edit the above comment to make it clear that “He’s” refers to Chris and the edit button wouldn’t present me with an edit field.

Jul 2, 2021 9:43 PM
Reply to  Arby

Comment removed because I didn’t realize I was replying to a comment posted two days ago. Sorry about that!

Jul 2, 2021 10:25 PM
Reply to  Ort

No problem here. The edit didn’t work for my first post to this article. Then it did work. Who knows?