FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns
Jon Rappoport

Even a robot programmed to “follow the science” would throw up his hands in despair while reading the latest FDA COVID pronouncement.
After untold numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states:
Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination.”
I’m imagining just a small sample of people — perhaps 5000— marching in unison into a hospital, saying, “We tested positive for COVID on an antibody test…and then we had to isolate, and some of us were treated with toxic drugs…and NOW we learn that the antibody test is useless…”
The FDA document, dated May 19, 2021, is titled: “FDA In Brief: FDA Advises Against Use of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Results to Evaluate Immunity or Protection From COVID-19, Including After Vaccination”.
Digging a little deeper in the document, we have a statement referring to the COVID vaccine:
The authorized vaccines for prevention of COVID-19 induce antibodies to specific viral protein targets; post-vaccination antibody test results will be negative in individuals without a history of previous natural infection if the test used does not detect the type of antibodies induced by the vaccine.”[1][2]
In other words, the FDA is saying, “Look, the vaccine creates specific antibodies against the spike protein, not the virus. If you take the standard antibody test after vaccination, it’ll be useless, because the test isn’t meant to detect antibodies against the spike protein. It only detects antibodies against the virus.” [3]
This raises several serious questions. One of them is: Since developing antibody tests is as easy as pie, why hasn’t the FDA developed one that detects antibodies against the spike protein?
And the answer to that question is obvious. If the FDA did develop such a test, then—in terms of conventional vaccine theory—it would be easy to see how well the vaccine is working, or not working.
And THAT is not a goal public health officials want to achieve. That is not a risk worth taking. Suppose, after testing 20,000 vaccinated people, it turns out that only 800 have produced antibodies against the spike protein?
Another (unanswered) question: Are specific antibodies against the spike protein, conferred by the vaccine, sufficient to neutralize, disable, destroy the actual virus if it drops down out of a cloud and tries to infect a vaccinated person?
Of course, as my readers know, I’ve spent a year demonstrating that no one has proved the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. However, I make many forays into the insane world where people believe the virus is real; and I show that even within that world, the experts contradict themselves and compound their egregious fallacies like rabbits spawning babies.
[1] FDA Advises Against Use of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Results to Evaluate Immunity or Protection From COVID-19, Including After Vaccination[back]
[2] FDA Advises Against Use of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Results to Evaluate Immunity or Protection From COVID-19, Including After Vaccination – ARCHIVED VERSION[back]
[3] COVID: here come the antibody tests—quick, easy, and insane [back]
This latest foray shows the FDA is both criminal and insane.
Jon Rappaport is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated independent journalist and artist. The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can read more of his work at No More Fake News, or join his mailing list here.
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Nothing absolutely NOTHING ABOUT THE COVID NARRATIVE IS SCIENCE. Every scientist knows it.
Laydees and gennermen,undecided and identifiers innies outies and plain old wrinkly
I give you
Your future
Note the august institutions involved in the production of this roadmap to hell
Professional Red Pill Panic Squawker Rappoport misses boat. Again. This time by only 15 months: D- but trying hard (very trying hard).
The current (post 22 April 2021) status of this Notice is either unclear or could not be determined within the 5 minutes I allowed for a search.
There have been quite a few questions and comments regarding the presence of graphene oxides in the covid jabs. The paper (linked below) describes principal properties of the industrial material, and introduces us to current experiments and applications. >
Synthesis, properties, and applications of graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide and their nanocomposites
Nano Materials Science
Volume 1, Issue 1, March 2019, Pages 31-47
Synthesis, properties, and applications of graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide and their nanocomposites – ScienceDirect
Note the place of origin and list of names in the research references at the close of the article.
Thanks for that survey of GO, a very interesting new material with a wide range of potential applications (the most humdrum and unimaginative being its role as vaccine adjuvant). If I were a young graduate again I would certainly be pleased to work in this promising new field of industrial chemistry. The earliest research papers come from Western Labs; and I count Russia as Western in this context because most of the 21st century researchers in this review of GO properties and applications seem to be Chinese.
Thanks also for giving a link to Science Direct which published the complete paper not merely an abstract with the rest behind a paywall.
Hello NickM: Industrial chemistry has gotten humanity to where we are today. A broken, dissociative, sickly, and unstable society, hovering on the brink of extintion.
Been reading OG for over a year, and have found it, its articles/essays, and its largely thinking and thoughful commenters, to be a major blessing, and have mused that it would probably be a good thing to live in community with such people, and wondered what kind of community that might be. A good one, I suspect. A physical beacon of light, like OG has been a digital one.
Starting to see real despair and resignation in the commenting now, though, where a year ago there was fierceness and humor and fight. I wonder if any of you OG readers in Britain have made any attempts to meet each other? Maybe you should now, in earnest. I’m on west coast of U.S., too far to join in, but Britain is a small island, and you are all friends by now, surely. Take heart and join forces in the real world as you have done in this forum. The bleakness will lift away some and the perspective will change.
Y’all need some time in Lothlorien before you face The Dead Marshes.
We do – London marches every month (more often for a lesser number of us)… always darkest before the dawn and it’s going to get a heap darker yet but I sense that people are beginning to wake up to the one word that is rather difficult for most to swallow. Evil.
That’s true (and bravo!), but if the London marchers were to instead start to form communities, and step away from the current order of things, that would, I suspect, be the most significant thing that could be done. Parliament will never bite the hand more than in token gesture.
There have been 265 FDA recalls of Covid-19 tests compromising 10s of millions of tests at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.
Contamination and safety issues are among the reasons for FDA recalls.
ALL early Covid-19 tests were admitted contaminated by CDC
Early bacterial contamination was found in the first tests in Washington
HUNDREDS of millions of tests have been recalled all over the globe
There is NO liability for use of tests, no investigation into harm caused in cases where nasal swabs were found contaminated, and the companies turn right around and get more Covid-19 contracts for other products
None of the test results are viable anyway as the tests are non-specific to Sars CoV2 and over amplify the test material resulting in false positives by default on the tests.
It is a mark of the total ownership and corruption of the media that Covid-19 cases are made on know faulty tests and settings and not ONE media outlet challenges the case numbers and just acts as stenographers for the meaningless infection rates
Here is the blog on the contaminated tests with swabs looking to be implicated in the mucormycosis (black fungal outbreak) in India
Lie front to back:
Contaminated Covid-19 Tests, Millions Removed from Market, Implicated in India Black Fungal Outbreak
Great stuff.
However, I have noticed in general that every commenter has their own set of facts to prove or disprove. While this raises many important questions about covid, PCR test, cycles, died “by covid or with covid”, etc., it is not targeted to the central question which is easily proved or disproved.
That question is: What evidence is there to prove a pandemic in the U.S. during 2020?
All medical groups and hospitals have massive databases of electronic medical records (EMR) which contains all the information for patient visits. Medical researchers, healthcare professionals, and data consultants all use these large troves of data for their medical and health care research.
This is why doctors are busy typing into their computer rather than looking at you.
Now there is one simple question to every healthcare organization and medical group:
What evidence did you find in your patient EMR database proving there was a
pandemic in the U.S. during 2020?
Concentrating on all the other legitimate questions about the pandemic are derailing the true issue which is: Was there a pandemic in 2020? It is the most easy question to answer or sure, since the data is all there in the electronic medical records, and little SQL programming will retrieve this information and report on it.
Go to your medical group or hospital and ask them for the statistical reports of patient confirming a pandemic existed. Watch them fumble around and brush you off – because they do not have any proof. There was no pandemic in 2020. If they still claim there was a pandemic during 2020, and they claim this without any statistical or medical proof, then we have them by the throat.
Forget the other issues which are a diversion. They may be important for a complete understanding, but first somebody must prove a pandemic existed, and this is the most simple fact to prove pro or con. The data is there; make them show their hand.
If they do not give a legitimate response, then you have proof they are hiding something. Case closed and guilty as charged.
There is a manufactured pandemic of hysteria. I haven’t caught Covid and I know of no one who has had it!
In the last 16 months I travelled through the US and the Caribbean and in and out of Canada. In that entire time I never met or heard of a single person who had covid. I know one friend who committed suicide from depression over the lockdown in Ireland.
“died “by covid or with covid”” – this is the sort of thing that makes official statistics meaningless. There are, of course, ways of finding out and yes, this is a very important point, but it must be made available to the general public to do any good.
Undertakers for instance, apparently, say they have not been any more rushed off their feet than normal…
They will quote the Johns Hopkins statistics and “excess deaths”.
Are you dismissing these?
@Happy camper,
Of course I dismiss the current set of public facts, stats, and methodology. If they will be open with their data, methodology, and code, and it can be audited/verified, then we might be able to believe them.
Expect them to hide behind the HIPPA laws. But aggregate statistical data is not protected, since it contains no personal identifying information.
All official news about covid is propaganda. I can smell it.
It’s mysterious and puzzling how the influenza flu season vanished.
What is wrong with the Johns Hopkins statistics and “excess death” numbers?
May I invite you to peruse our ‘covid’ section, here. In it you will find a huge cache of pieces, a lot of them dedicated to the numbers we’re being told are ‘covid’ deaths. These excess deaths are not very high. In the UK they only rank 9th in a twenty year average. I believe the states are a bit better than that even. There are various mechanisms in this hysterical orgy of media-induced fear to account for a modest rise in deaths in elderly and/or vulnerable people. A ‘pandemic’ is not one of them. It is not necessary. Abuse of extremely fallible PCR tests has enabled healthy people to be labelled ‘cases’ and a magnifying glass placed over normal mortality. Its like when you notice the end of your nose, and can’t stop looking at it. In this case, someone convinced everyone that the end of their nose was going to kill them. A2
Who said what about the death statistics, and how were they calculated. Did they publish the methodology and code? Or did they just have a newscaster read you “the numbers”.
My friend says he “believes in the science”, but I cannot get him to understand that he is believing in the words of a stranger who is speaking on the radio, and that’s not science.
As a computer programmer/data consultant, I know what a death statistics report should look like. The only one I have seen was online by a researcher whose video presentation was removed.
You should at least see that there is deception and manipulation going on. Don’t you?
I watched a video of Indian children sitting on the floor in extremely unhygienic conditions packaging PCR tests with their bare hands. No wonder there are so many positive results if this is the ‘norm’.
Just in case anyone is interested though its off-topic somewhat. Problem is not with genetic material in injections. Whole genetics has been shown to be such rubbish that already 10 years ago leading geneticists recognized what they had thought was incorrect.
There is no static genetic material in our bodies.
Anyhow, the problem, and the only problem, but a huge problem in vaccines are the liposomes, the lipid nanoparticles (NP). They are highly toxic. If they stay in your muscle where they inject you, you’re lucky. If your body is weak for some reason, in particular you are a child or an adolescent whose energy is monopolized for development and you therefore dont have sufficient energy to hold the NPs in your muscle, then they will go to the rest of your body and create thrombosis and if they are carried to your brain thru some vein you will die of a stroke.
In the trials, the placebo also contained the NPs. They said it does not contain the genetic material, and hence their death was allocated to the non-identified virus. But all the volunteers were injected with stuff containing the NPs.
All this stuff about spike proteins, etc, is wrong. What even most scientists and doctors against the vaccines are saying is wrong and is known to be wrong for some years now. Both sides of the argument reflect one other: those for and those against vaccines, same with the virus, they all hold on to the same dogma but with a different twist. In particular its totally wrong that the injected can infect others. The changes in our perception of genetics apparently started in the last years. It is awaiting its Einstein.
I had no idea, and am just timidly beginning to understand.
Anyhow anyone interested in discussing this seriously and perhaps go part of the way with me in this understanding can email me at [email protected]
I am trying to get in touch with the scientists whose experimental results have shown all our knowledge about the basics of biology to be wrong.
This would be beautiful if the biology establishment were not as a consequence of their dogmas (whether within or without the narrative) destroying our lives. At least the physicists at the turn of the 20th century had not impact on ordinary life while the vast majority were unwilling to let go of Newtonian mechanics.
This appears to be regularly the case every time there is a major scientific earthquake about to happen that totally changes our perception of reality, the universe in the case of physics, here it is about life, so its much much more important for us. In geology too, those who participated in the last century in bringing about the realisation that landmass moves laterally and is not static were villified, didnt get professorships, their grants were cut, access to infrastructure was taken away… Yet they persevered…
At least physicists and geologists have learnt the lessons, and hence they are ready for present theories to be proved wrong tomorrow. They themselves say present theories are too beautiful to be realistic. Biologists and doctors are psychologically undergoing now what these did in the last century. They are unwilling to recognize that the beauty of science resides in this very fact: the recognition that what one claims today may be falsified tomorrow… So possibly they dont care killing us in their desperate suicidal attempt to claim the understanding of yesterday is correct, at all cost, and to refuse to recognise it is now dogma because empirical observation has proved it wrong. I have spent the last week in intensive reading, redoing myself epidemiological studies and trying to discuss with biologists and doctors against the narrative and the vaccines. They are holding to the same dogmas from a different angle as the other side. They are so desperate that cant even discuss…
I was asked by two academics to co-sign a new epidemiological study to “prove” vaccines are killers. Well it was all wrong, so had to refuse. I then looked at the other studies I could find: they are all wrong. I understand the wish to see the injected dying like flies, but this nightmare is not going to happen like that. And they should stop scaring people unnecessarily. Fear kills.
If as it seems its the NPs that are the issue, there will be deaths among the elderly and once the adolescents begin to be injected. Among the healthy adults in between it should be ok. Because the other thing is unless you belong to some vulnerable group, your body learns to cope with toxins, even as the level goes up… To kill like flies, the injections would need to be in the vein. Then yes, as with a nuclear bomb, everyone will die in minutes.
If the dogmas could be overcome, then we could stop going into technical details:
there is no virus identified, and genetics as we know it is wrong. These are scientifically proven. So lets move on with our lives and live those who love thinking of these get on serenely with their work, and hope that we will have the privilege of hearing of the new Einstein and the new concepts and theories in our lives.
you do know Einstein was wrong, or at best incomplete??????!
Yes, apparently his little finger was missing on one hand…
Seriously tho’ –
E = mc2
The “c” isn’t even a number. It’s a rate, like miles per hour or summat…
Dr. Yeadon in recent video interviews has discussed published documents showing Pfizer scientists were unable to get the right density of lipids in the vaccine: too little, and the vaccine is ineffective. Too much, and the lipids are toxic.
Also, could you please offer a source for your assertion there is no static genetic material in the body?
Are you aware of Stefan Lanka? His view is that biology/virology misunderstands viruses; they are cellular products/detritus and not pathogenic. He is at pains to point out, just as you describe in your comment, that biology is still far too blinkered and stuck in an outdated model of genetic determinism. He also urges those issuing dire warnings, including Luc Montagnier if I recall correctly, about the ‘end of humanity’ through these c19 vaccines. Lanka recommends the works of Harold Hillman and Dr Hamer. (That’s a very brief and sketchy introduction to his position from a tired though enthusiastic layman!)
As for physics, you are of course correct that the discipline was forced to rethink its subject matter about a century ago, but it too it still mired in materialism, though this appears to be changing somewhat. The issue is consciousness. Mainstream physics does not want to touch it for the most part, which is true of biology also. Lanka sees consciousness as primary, not secondary, and there are physicists who also hold this position, but they are still in the minority. Donald Hoffman, a consciousness researcher of some academic standing, quotes Nima Arkhani-Hamed – a leading physicist – in one of his talks (from 2016 I believe):
This is where humanity is at: the juncture between materialism-determinism and The Next Thing. The problem is that all our economic, political and academic/educational infrastructure is almost entirely invested in the old model. There seems to be, from the point of view of those with ‘status’ and ‘power’ and ‘wealth’, everything to lose by giving this transition to a new paradigm free rein. So they are doing their best, both consciously and unconsciously, to uphold the tried and true in the face of its inevitable collapse and doing great damage with their efforts. Historically, it is always this way, but being truly global this time the damage could be catastrophic.
As an amateur, I would be interested to know whom you would recommend one might read to get up to date with a biology that accurately describes reality…
Is the aether the denied link between physics
and metafyica?
They used to say that science advanced one funeral at a time, as the old dinosaurs died out. This time it appears to be regressing, a million funerals at a time.
*E.U Convid finals England and Italy first to lock down and also Italy had people dying in the streets remember.? the fake hospital videos ?
Just for fun. 2021 Euro final is on July 11th, which will be 100 years, 1 month, and 1 day following the birth of that scumbag Prince Philip. England last final was 55 years back
England’s manager, Gareth Southgate, could win his 111th career win on this date.which is 7/7 (today) ./The date has 59 & 23 numerology, ’,England if they beat Denmark.
The above) encodes 9 11 11, and 911 and 711 are the same (final will be on 7.11) Sept is the 9th month, but comes from Septus, which means 7
Makes you think if it’s a reward /sacrifice of Prince Phillip who died on the 99th day of the year age 99
And him being prince of denmark also! Denmark manager Bday is 4th april which is 99 day of the year.
All coincidental of course and means nothing to theses people..
*jim_nig_eam F2FT
Jesus wept
The vast majority of men I see here in Melbourne are fully masked and lining up to scan the QR code. And that includes construction workers and buff gym guys. It’s quite stunning to realise just how effective the propaganda has been.
Grown men in Queensland stooping over to push traffic light buttons with their elbows. It’s so lame. So lame.
well you are a sad cunt.
It’s the footy, got you lary.
I love this Simulation Theory stuff! Do the numbers point to England winning it!?
The numbers point to a surge in England goals. A spike in distractions and a silent super spreading of beer foam.
Expect a mainstream media announcement very shortly that waking up feeling as if a bear has shit in your mouth and someone has robbed you coupled with a stinking headache will be a series of symptoms related to one of the new variants from the greek alphabet series
If it’s mostly about prince Philip then wouldn’t we be facing Greece in the final?
I think numerology is crap. But if the head of the IMF believed in it maybe it passes for sense with the insane elites.
Vicky from Little Britain “Yes but No but:…”
New Normal has the exact same results as Depopulation across the 4 most commonly used english numerology systems.
Is there a similar narrative to Wimbledon?
I would say highly likely but not too sure.
The game has now been assembled. The language requirements are set. The public mind has been moulded into a compliant receptivity. Most importantly, the essential transferral from covid as a deliverer of death to a deliverer of … “cases” establishes the required voodoo atmosphere where any allegation can be made, any figures quoted with not a single demand for any actual physical proof of the presence of an actual disease!
From now on, the news can control all public movement and all changes in structure by recourse to those ghost figures.
As such, it recalls the plot of an old Star Trek episode, A Taste of Armageddon, in which a war is being waged by computers. There are no bombs or guns. The computer delivers the announcement that a “hit” has been made covering a certain area and everyone in that area reports for incineration. And so the PCR tests tell us who is “ill” and who isn’t (so far!)
aye. You are entirely correct. It is so fukt up at present, i’m getting crabbit with it all again…. p’raps tho’ ther’ be’ope .. even my new environment controller said today “we’ve surely reached herd status with this thing by now!” not that he has a scoobie about legalese voodoo patter and the like. Maybe an awakening will occur en masse? I’m away to stash food and sharpen my sparth-ax in the meantime… : /
Can anyone else remember when they stopped talking about deaths and started talking about cases…and how weird that was and how confused you were about how hysterically they maintained the hysteria…about cases? I can.
About a year ago, just over, I think.
Ummm…yeah. My point is not specifically when. It’s how weird it was. But thanks!
RED ALERT. What the hell is graphine oxide? The main ingredient in the mRNA pseudo vaccines.
Just came across that myself. That doctor says 99% composition and a poison. Related stuff appearing online. Just watched a clip from Dr Fuellmich interviewing another batch of people – who says his team have concluded the vaccine looks like a genocide programme. Of course, caution required but nothing would surprise me anymore given events to date. More digging required I think rather than dismissing. Should note Spanish researchers findings preliminary.
nano graphene baby
Intranasal (i.n.) immunization is a promising vaccination route for infectious respiratory diseases such as influenza. Recombinant protein vaccines can overcome the safety concerns and long production phase of virus-based influenza vaccines.
A noninvasive intranasal (i.n.) influenza vaccine can induce mucosal immune responses in respiratory tracts, preventing infection at the portal of virus entry. However, the absence of appropriate mucosal adjuvants at present hinders the development of such a vaccine. Here, we developed polyethyleneimine-functionalized two-dimensional graphene oxide nanoparticles (GP) that showed high antigen-loading capacities and superior immunoenhancing properties. Robust and broadly reactive immune responses were induced with i.n. immunization with GP-HA nanoparticles, conferring protection against homologous and heterologous viruses. With versatility and flexibility, GP nanoparticles can be easily adapted for constructing mucosal vaccines of different respiratory pathogens.
There is this suggesting everything has been graphene oxide.
Where did you find the Fuellmich clip? I just watched one where he is interviewing a whistle blower who worked for WHO and the corruption in that organisation. https://www.bitchute.com/embed/zdSM4DS7iMqN/
Can no one get a sealed vial of the stuff and get it analyzed independently to find out what exactly is in these shots? There is a lot of speculation but what about actual proof?
I just had a thought the unvaccinated are now afraid of the vaccinated?!We we’re never afraid of a non virus because it didn’t excist but what the hell have these vaccinated got in them?
We’re probably most afraid that they will snitch on us…
Snitching is one of those things brought out in humanity when it is at war…
Oh I’ve seen a lot of snitches really not ok .What the hell is happening that this world society it’s being tipped up .But I’ve learnt only if your on the surface there’s a lot and I mean a lot watching waiting.
Reminded me of the day of the trithods film at the end when he screeches grasses on the unaffected.
I believe that was “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, and I seem to remember that “Day of the Triffids” had a happy ending… but it’s been a while since I saw either of them.
Yes, the snitching is a common theme of sci-fi and of real war.
The author is both ‘journalist and artist’. Would that be piss artist ?
I see what you did there. Thanks for your contribution. A2
Good one👍😆
MPs Government lie it’s as simple as that.They get there instructions from owners.Big or small companies lie to make money,You just have to be savvy enough to know when your being lied to.Their are good honest people in this world but sadly they are far between,These pharmaceutical are no different from your local shop changing dates on products they are shysters
There.Auto correct is crap,Trying to think for me?I have a brain don’t think for me computer!!!
About certain products and dates, the latest Sunday Wire has a discussion on a batch of a million soon to be out of date Pfizer vials.
Gilad Atzmon interviewed by Patrick Henningsen.
The problem has been described extremely well on Off-Guardian, both in articles, in comments and in links.
Some of the details don’t matter. I have been a big fan of John Rappaport for many years, on numerous subjects, and before that Peter Duesberg almost completely convinced me on the subject of HIV/AIDS.
I don’t know if such a thing as a virus exists. It doesn’t matter. It’s the equivalent of a 9/11 discussion, when anyone sensible realises that it was a controlled demolition, and argues about the details of how it was done, and by who’m, whilst the majority of the population believes what the Government tells them.
The majority of the population believes what the Government tells them now, with COVID and will continue to do so.
The methods employed are a combination of psychological and hypnotic control. When I was young, I thought neither of these techniques could possibly work, and such things as stage hypnosis, was trickery using willing accomplicies from the audience, that had already practiced the theatre. That was until I had my own real world experience of such events, and understood a little about the power of these very real techniques, which I do not approve of, even when they are used for fun and entertainment. I realised that the possibility existed for these techniques to be used for great evil, and that is what we are witnessing now.
I have no solutions. I was convinced more than a year ago, that this was a depopulation event, on the basis of the most outrageous corruption of the figures such that virtually all deaths were classified as COVID, based on a fraudulent test.
The real virus, is first the psychological programming, and the real killer – the jabs.
Good luck everyone, particularly if you are close to anyone who has been jabbed.
There’s nothing much you can say, except No, I am not going to be jabbed or tested.
My boyfriend’s daughter told him her friend had the injection and she was hospitalised had blood clots in her lungs no joke.And because she’s a carer she’s being forced to have the injection or lose her job?On a lighter note my daughter met Dame Judy Dench and her daughter where she works and they were the most nicest down to earth people.Not Nick Knowles that’s another story.
I find myself in a very awkward situation. My partner has been jabbed but I will never willingly, so the emerging concerns around possible shedding are quite worrying.
I like many others will just have to grimace and bear it.
I feel for all of us here, the stress of watching the world being torn apart does disturb me quite profoundly and a bit see that in so many comments.
Hopelessness and helplessness are a tough challenge. As others have remarked, I can only trust a Higher Power will prevail.
Luckily my children and partner are with me on this but sadly so many friends have had the injection and are proud of it like a badge of honour.People that’s had the injection should be banned from shops and public places we don’t know what’s coming off them,Seems now the tables have turned we are more afraid of the vaccinated than the non existent virus 🦠.
I want them to wear a collar or necklace visible from all sides, and to stay 3 m or more away from others.
excellent old bean ; ) when you don’t talk familiar-let-me-tell-you-a-story, guff you are bang on : )
Fully agree with you Tony. It’s like people have been put into a hypnotic trance, and it doesn’t matter how much evidence you wave in their face, they still believe what they hear on the MSM.
I, too, believe this is a depopulation agenda; a great cull of humanity, along with bringing in a technofascist dictatorship under the guise of the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution for whoever is left. Such evil.
I can’t share it as it was on someone’s Facebook post, but yesterday saw a chilling video of literally hundreds of people lining up at night at Sydney Olympic Park vaccination center to get their jab.
They are completely oblivious to what they are doing. Majority of my mag customers have also had the jab and most of them fully support the vaccine passports and blame “anti vaxxers” for the consequences if they’re banned from restaurants, cinemas, pubs, gigs, for not getting jabbed.
The push for vaccinating children is now out there, as per Fran Kelly this morning interviewing some academic from Melb. Uni who is talking about what his modelling shows. I am shocked, depressed, dismayed. I cannot believe that journalists such as Kelly can accept this guff and not even mention Neil Ferguson and his appalling history of false results which have started this whole fiasco. This support for what the academics say is so frustrating – can’t people see that all they want the population to be vaccinated for is so that the international student market can be opened up again so they can hang on to their precious jobs. Who gives a toss about the rest of the population’s jobs.
Glenda… May I humbly suggest the following: blow up your TV, buy a CD player with no radio in it, and boycott all MSM media. Also refer to Marilyn’s many on point remarks about the ABC.
With respect, these creatures are Not “journalists”. They are paid propagandists for this evil agenda. They are fully on board with the scamdemic and they need to be treated with the absolute contempt they deserve. Including Fran Kelly.
Of course they’re going after the children now. They want everyone jabbed. I’ve seen posts from Facebook friends in Suffolk and in Wales who are reporting the same. They’re targeting kids, and the teachers are just blindly going along with this. And regards Melbourne Uni, it seems to be crawling with the pro vaxx crowd. Look up the Vice Chancellor Duncan Maskell and look at his career history and who he has been linked with.
Trust me Glenda, boycott the media and you will feel a lot better.
In the totalitarian ‘Free World’ a single murmur of dissent from ‘the message’ is career ending. Remember when ‘our’ strength in the ‘liberal democracies’ was free exchange of ideas and opinions? Not any more it ain’t. Vaccinating children is Mengele stuff.
Kelly, John Howard’;s favourite Sapphist, is NO ‘journalist’. None of the presstitutesat the ABC are. Groupthinking, totalitarian, hate and fear-mongering propagandists.
Only hundreds lining up? Toronto a week or so back 27,000 in one day. Kids as young as 12 being enticed with ice cream to get their “shot” while police lined up around the site to prevent parents from intervening. It’s worse than appalling.
It’s unprecedented, premeditated mass murder on a global scale. And, yes, these freaks are targeting children now. Everywhere.
I refuse to give up hope just yet, but our odds are not that good, especially as some Govts like New Zealand have issued ultimatums that “we will give you until the end of the year to get vaccinated, and after that we will come looking for you” and others, like Australia are rolling out the military to “coordinate” vaccine distribution.
I’m just trying to practice unconditional love and emotionally detach. Already had 2 mag customers come up to me today and happily tell me they’ve had their second jab.
The general public bought, hook line and sinker, the 911 pancake theory. They’ll buy anything.
I’m a contrarian for quite some time now. I suspect everything the government or of its agencies say to be false. Saves you a lot of anger and headaches:)
The Doctors in the Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG ) have massive databases of patient data going back about 12 years. This data records everything about the patient visits in the hospital, emergency room, and doctor’s office.
I worked as a data consultant for SCPMG in the Regional Offices in Pasadena. If I were still working there (I am retired), I could look into this database which is called “Clarity”. That was my job – to find the data in the database and provide reports as necessary. The project I worked on was called “Meaningful Use”, which was a federal program giving SCPMG and other health care organizations $millions for proving they had Electronic Medical Records (EMR) of all patients and that these records have a “meaningful use”.
To my knowledge, SCPMG has not produced any research or reports on this data to show there is a pandemic going through the population. They are injecting poison into the people of Southern California without any evidence of a pandemic. They could easily do so, but to my knowledge they are refusing to look at the data, or are not making it public.
Perhaps someone with more resources than I could inquire and/or confront them on this malfeasance.
If they are confronted with this and begin scurrying around like cockroaches when the kitchen light is turned on, you will know you are onto something. If they truly cooperate and investigate and report on the data, then we will have evidence for or against the pandemic story. The reports must be audited by another party, of course.
They say they are going to let us out, on July 19th, and are already furiously backtracking. Sure you can go to the pub now, and be told where to sit, but you have got to book in, in advance, and you have got to take your mask.
I haven’t got a mask, and I am not being told where to sit.
Festivals – do I think they will be on???
Well Peter Gabriel and many other Festival Organisers don’t think so.
I think they are very wise not to Trust The Government, so they have cancelled.
The Government said Christmas was on until 2 weeks before, and then on a whim, of a load of bent figures promptly imposed lockdown.
Of course it will be different this winter when the deaths from the jabs will be very real.
Which of course is the plan.
Will 2 Million Peacefully Protesting Change That?
Well we didn’t in 2003 before the Iraq War. They didn’t take the slightest notice of us, but I was glad I was there.
I am reliably informed by first word was why?
The Fraudian’s hysteria about the prospect of lockdown lifting in the UK on the 19th has been a sight to behold: 10m will be forced to self-isolate…. pensioners, commuters and public transport workers are in terror…. it will be a “summer of chaos”….
Whether they believe they can get the decision delayed again or are more putting down markers for a subsequent narrative is less certain. Probably a bit of both. They’ve made it clear that St Jacinda wouldn’t be doing this and neither would Sir Keir. It’s all because of Johnson’s flaws and the libertarian wing of his party. There’s been another story about imminent problems in the food supply from supermarket bosses.
Chaos… food shortages…. you’ll know who to blame. Perhaps it will all amount to nothing. The US Compatible Left did the same about Texas and Florida and it all came to nought when the disaster didn’t happen after lockdown measures were scrapped. I wouldn’t bet on it though.
Yup. >
This article only confirms what previous mRNA research established years ago. >
Excerpted from: Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might.
Published April 8, 2021
Reverse transcription
“As the phrase “reverse transcription” implies, the DNA-to-mRNA pathway is not always a one-way street. Enzymes called reverse transcriptases can also convert RNA into DNA, allowing the latter to be integrated into the DNA in the cell nucleus.
Nor is reverse transcription uncommon. Geneticists report that “Over 40% of mammalian genomes comprise the products of reverse transcription.”
The preliminary evidence cited by the Harvard-MIT researchers indicates that endogenous reverse transcriptase enzymes may facilitate reverse transcription of coronavirus RNAs and trigger their integration into the human genome.”
Complete text: Could mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA? Recent Science Suggests They Might. • Children’s Health Defense
Genetic information of Non human RNA can enter human cell nucleus among other possibilities during cell division altering or even enabling permanently production of toxic S1 spike protein. .
Yup. >
Covid-19 Vaccines Lead to New Infections and Mortality: The Evidence is Overwhelming
By Gérard Delépine
Global Research, June 27, 2021
I’ve been waiting for a truth to be told by an “expert” and/or an “official” for the last 15 months. I’m beginning to think I won’t get one. Gee, maybe I should take the vaccine that has killed about 6,000? Just because no other medical treatment has ever been allowed after such a death count is no reason not to, is it?
No that’s no reason at all. After you of course good sir or madam.
There is help on the way.
Help to understand what is really happening to the sovereign.
The following article/podcast is in German. Which is kind of regrettable,
since the article itself implies the urgency of the focus on family and
the return to a more organical community. Yandex will translate it.
Someone can. Fortunately, the book that is discussed here:
Ernst Fraenkl The Dual State, is in English. You could just get a
copy of The Dual State and draw the same breathtaking conclusions about the reign of the executive over the sovereign.
No, it is by far not far fetched – but hyper obvious – that the same methods the German dictators used after the emergency law of February 1933, find itself all over the world in an synchronous assault on freedom and the right for self determination using a fake pandemic/renamed influenca pathogen to install the same dual state the German dictators drove to the extreme and ultimately into ruin.
How history repeats itself must have to do with the crack in the records of those dictators’ minds, who have created the present suffering and pain. Increasing even more now the for-profit suffering and pain and the influence these profits can buy at the executive level.
The same people that drove the apple cart over the cliff are now offering for-profit ‘help’ to fix what they broke and assist those negatively affected?
Prevent the dual state by all means necessary. More people will be needed worldwide to prevent the global rule by decree by a cast of exploitative psychopaths that are the real cause to most all of the misery, suffering and pain on this planet.
Breaking down of the family is there number one agenda.from LGBTWXYC,Then killing our elderly in care homes because they were the voices of wisdom.Dispicable deplorable evil,And though I respect the care services doctors nurses carers surely they must of smelt a rat 🐀.
Not sure about the old being wised up. I would like to believe that was true. However i’ve seem more mask wearing pensioners than anther other. I believe the same ratio of old/young people are enlightened to whats going on.
At the very least, the aged could remember and be consulted on the past for comparison. It is about controlling history, as in 1984.
Yup. >
The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, July 05, 2021
A weak and floundering attempt by the WHO to reestablish credibility – what tosh; the test threshold is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load? So there should be a custom test adaptable to each patient? How is that in any way a test, which is used to establish a standard level?
Whatever the case, the crazy-inflated ‘new cases’ count can safely be abandoned, as it is no longer necessary. It was useful for creating panic and the impression of a rapidly-building epidemic. Now that a majority of the population has been ‘vaccinated’, it is only useful for creating the appearance that all the ‘new cases’ are among the unvaccinated. This could be – and was – achieved by rewriting the rules so that ‘new infections’ among the vaccinated are only reported if they result in death or hospitalization, while the rules are unchanged for the unvaccinated. Previous to this guidance being published the unvaccinated were still tested at the higher cycle rate as well; the recommendation of 35 cycles or less was reserved for the vaccinated.
Hello Mark: The WHO is a criminal organization, and criminality is their only credible purpose… I think you know that.
This introduces an interesting approach to stopping “emergency” dictates and government sponsored corporate fascism. >
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper
Spiro Skouras
December 27, 2020
The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper – Activist Post
Also this more recent post on BitChute: >
Learn About Our New Lawsuit! (bitchute.com)
Covid 19 injections, Graphene Oxide and electromagnetic fields (video).
The sceptical view of COVID was hampered from the start by being cast as an argument about “freedom”. For as long as the COVID narrative wasn’t attacked at its root by rejecting inadmissible claims, the idea of a deadly pandemic became the presupposition of every news item. After which, complaints about losing freedom sounded like the whinging of brats who were not only spoiled but psychopathic in their “unconcern for public safety” and the spurious link between scepticism and the Right Wing became well established.
The COVID narrative was attacked from every conceivable angle by many intelligent people but most people weren’t interested in listening to anything other than the TV fear mongering. That has been the problem from the beginning and it will continue to be the greatest problem.
This is true enough and it is indeed dismaying how the very existence of a dissident group is not admitted in the MSM – or at least only in tiny little glimpses about “anti-vax conspiracy nuts”. I have always spoken from the position of someone who queries the mainstream as a matter of course and so most of my arguments are based on the – possibly naive – assumption that many people are critical. This is where the smearing I speak about comes into play. This is the smearing that would have to get into sophisticated realms of discussions about freedom etc.
But as far as the MSM are concerned, there is no critical contingent at all. This has not changed. My arguments are therefore several steps ahead of where the media is at. And I keep waiting for further developments – but it never happens! The media simply carries on with that sledgehammer baby talk!
“most people weren’t interested in listening to anything other than the TV fear mongering.”
It is war propaganda. Read M.K, vol I. chapter 6 and chapter 10 to learn about the incredible power of this “spiritual weapon” called war propaganda, which can “…lead to results that are almost beyond our understanding”.
Here are the main quotes from MK explaining the power of propaganda:
“At first the claims of the propaganda were so impudent that people thought it insane; later, it got on people’s nerves; and in the end, it was believed.” [in reference to allied propaganda leaflets during WWI; yes, AH learned it from the Allies]
“…the rabid, impudent bias and persistence with which this lie was expressed took into account the emotional, always extreme, attitude of the great masses and for this reason was believed..” [Also referring o WWI Allied propaganda]
“…they understood one more thing,: that this spiritual weapon [propaganda] can succeed only if it is applied on a tremendous scale, but that success amply covers all costs.” [Also referring o WWI Allied propaganda]
“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points, and repeat them over and over.”
“The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last man understands what you want by your slogan”
“The people in their overwhelming majority are so feminine by nature and attitude that sober reasoning determines their thoughts and actions far less than emotion and feeling.”
“But since propaganda is not and cannot be the necessity in itself, since its function, like the poster, consists in attracting the attention of the crowd, and not in educating those who are already educated or who are striving after education and knowledge, its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect.”
“For the great number of the adherents, the essence of our movement will consist less in the letter of our theses than in the meaning which we are able to give them.” (Mein Kampf, p. 460)
“…to achieve any success one should, on purely psychological grounds, never show the masses two or more opponents, since this leads to a total disintegration of their fighting power…” (Mein Kampf, p 117)
“It belongs to the genius of a great leader to make even adversaries far removed from one another seem to belong to a single category, because in weak and uncertain characters the knowledge of having different enemies can only too readily lead to the beginning of doubt in their own right.”
“Once the wavering mass sees itself in a struggle against too many enemies, objectivity will put in an appearance, throwing open the question whether all others are really wrong and only their own people or their own movement are in the right.”
“The second really decisive question was this: To whom should propaganda be addressed? To the scientifically trained intelligentsia or to the less educated masses? It must be addressed always and exclusively to the masses.”
“The nationalization of the broad masses can never be achieved by half-measures, by weakly emphasizing a so-called objective standpoint, but only by a ruthless and fanatically one-sided orientation toward the goal to be achieved.”
“This broadness of outline [of propaganda techniques] from which we must never depart, in combination with steady, consistent emphasis, allows our final success to mature. And then, to our amazement, we shall see what tremendous results such perseverance leads to – to results that are almost beyond our understanding.”
“But all such [moral] concepts become secondary when a nation is fighting for its existence; in fact, they become totally irrelevant to the forms of the struggle as soon as a situation arises where they might paralyze a struggling nation’s power of self-preservation. And that has always been their only visible result.”
“In this they proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposeful evil, and that, therefore, in view of the simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others; yes, even when enlightened on the subject, they will long doubt and waver, and continue to accept at least one of these causes as true. Therefore something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick – a fact which all the great lie-virtuosi and lying-clubs in this world know only too well and also make the most treacherous use of.”
Read it and weep. The majority of our citizens have been brainwashed.
Initially The only point freedom argument should be all about in COVID context is freedom of speech and expression against censorship. It was the truth about Covid that was like in any psychological war attacked first. And it was. In February initial epidemiological analysis of quarantined cruise ship infections and disease, isolated controlled test group IFR was estimated at .3% adjusted by age, within 65+ Group it was less than 1%. No deadly pandemic was detected. But such results were dismissed out right and freshly EUA CD PCR test was the only WHO recommendation for diagnosis of COVID.
with use of PCR not serology results from South Korea, Iceland, other cruises were coming with nearly identical range of IFR comparable to flu. On March 16, 2020 a definite assessment of IFR for already supposedly raging COVID pandemic in Wuhan for three and half months was similar 0.1-0.3% IFR among population higher up to 1.3% among elderly. The paper written by Chinese was abruptly withdrawn without knowledge of authors (they said no comment) exactly when west went into massive total lockdown while in the same time China suddenly mysteriously started to slowly ease lockdown opting for individual quarantines instead.
Dr Ioannidis in February 2020 begged CDC for money to do serol
Continue: Serological studies but he was rejected it took for him over month to get private money. The result for Santa Clara county in CA was similar, no need to panic. The same result of IFR similar to flu was confirmed by LA county commissioned study as well by NYC commissioned study. The truth that Covid is not a deadly disease and hence does not warrant draconian lockdowns was suppressed and ignored in March and early April 2020. Lockdowns and panic took deadly toll while Chinese moderated substantially so by July rave parties among young in Wuhan resumed and death toll was limited to 5000+ who died of something doctors could not figure out for sure so they labeled it COVID.
If freedom in general terms was denied to people so they could not learn the truth early and refuse to succumb to panic.
“the COVID narrative wasn’t attacked at its root”
See my post above about SCPMG (Southern California Permanente Medical Group) and their failure to investigate and report on their patient data. “Attacking at the root” is making all medical groups report on the evidence for a pandemic. When they admit they cannot report any such evidence, then you will know they are hiding something, i.e., there is no evidence of a pandemic. This is the root. Attack it!
Just a bit more to clarify the picture of total nonsense we are getting these days:
Denmark has over a million phials of AstraZeneca, which is one of the ‘vaxxes’ the country has decided NOT to use.
Their health-service refrigerators are bursting with these unused pieces of crap, which are nevertheless still being sent to Denmark…
One of the country’s politicians said he finds it incomprehensible that the continued inflow of this ‘vaxx’ is not being stopped.
And here, to cap it all, is what is happening to some of the excess jabberwocky.
It is being sent to Ukraine.
Who knew the Danish were so generous…?
Who knew the Ukrainian authorities were so intelligent as to accept this generosity…?
I’m going to write a book on suitable punishments for those guilty of first-degree covid treason.
A few countries now generously donate their unwanted excess jabs. This is analogous to dropping bombs on deserted land so that the armed forces can keep buying more – a scheme that actually happens.
The point of all that is that these doses have already been paid for by the purchaser country by the expedient of transferring tax revenues to Big Pharma. Astra-Zeneca (which is a partner of Moderna) doesn’t give a rip what is done with its vaccines after they are out the door and shipped – they’ve been paid for. Look at our prize idiot Trudeau: he ordered four times as many doses of vaccines as we have citizens, and then was roundly condemned when both Pfizer and Moderna experienced slowdowns and national directives to fill American orders first, so Canadians frantic to get vaccinated were left standing in line. Most of our vaccines will end up being given away – which was the altruistic idea in the first place – or destroyed as they expire. But we paid full price for them, and offered to pay extra for rush deliveries. We might as well wear “Bend Me Over” T-shirts.
Then and now.
On March 4th 1933, President Franklin D, Roosevelt included in his inauguration speech the following words:
“Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself….nameless, increasing, unjustified terror which paralyses efforts to convert retreat into advance——–There must be a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments. There must be an end to speculation with other people’s money. And there must be provision for an adequate but sound currency”
On the 4th July 2021 President Joe Biden said the following words:
“The most patriotic thing you can do for your country is to get jabbed”
How has the most powerful, democratic and progressive country on earth fallen so far?
It is arguable that America has never been democratic or progressive, but money has given it power.
A psychological government operation would probably require a lot of preparation. It would be desirable to control every narrative, and of course promote ‘divide and conquer’ to keep your opposition arguing.
There are interesting parallels with the twin towers event.
No planes. No virus.
I was very much in the “no planes idiots are here to make us look stupid camp”
Now it’s over 15 years later and somewhere in that time I actually looked at the evidence. There wasn’t any planes, same as there isn’t any virus.
But of course they knew that and played everyone off against each other to create an angry mess. Controlled opposition stooges argue against each other, urging folk to pick a side.
You can spot them easily.
Seemed pretty obvious to me that two planes (or drones) hit the twin towers, but it wasn’t the planes which brought the buildings down.. That was a controlled demolition by previously placed explosives.. There is also a virus, which has been tweaked a bit in the laboratory, but once again it’s not the virus which has devastated societies and economies.. That is also a controlled demolition through the implementation of an explosive plan, long worked out in advance of the ‘weapon’ being deployed..
If I’d spent millions on thermite and detonators, cut the staircases and set the stage for a millimetre perfect symmetrical collapse, would it be logical to fly a plane into it?
The evidence you mention is not really available.
After all this time, there are only a limited number of videos of the twintower planes thing, including the theories of non-existent planes, as well as remarks about bright flashes coming from modified planes carrying suspicious-looking extra tanks/weapons preceding impact, etc. etc.
While it is interesting to study all this footage – and it is interesting – we are not given access to any military material which might confirm or refute any particular theories, so, regrettably, this is to my mind a dead end until more convincing inside material gets leaked.
As we all know, pursuing dead ends can be very time consuming, while what we really can, and should, research, continues to escape our notice.
This includes the blatant daily insulting of our intelligence with highly conflicting, highly irrational and highly unscientific propaganda, which, alone, is gross enough to warrant the immediate arrest of a great many so-called government ‘officials’.
Then there is the ‘calibre’ (non-calibre) of our current ‘representatives’ who clearly represent somebody else. This is also evidence.
The picture is one of unprecedentedly-high treason, while an unconfirmable, very blurred, easily photoshopped video of something that happened twenty years ago is not really ‘evidence’ – or at least evidence which could not be very easily annihilated by a clever lawyer. And the ‘authorities’ have access to a large gang of those.
It’s what is staring us in the face that is evidence. And staring at us is exactly what it is doing.
‘After all this time, there are only a limited number of videos of the
twintower planes thing, including the theories of non-existent planes,
as well as remarks about bright flashes coming from modified planes
carrying suspicious-looking extra tanks/weapons preceding impact, etc.
Yes wardropper, I was sucked into and wasted time on those crappy fake vids/theories for a while too. 60 tons of a hollow aluminium plane will not go through 200,000 tons(or whatever) of steel girders and concrete.
Funny who filmed those limited videos. Naudet brothers (filmmakers), Jennifer Spell (filmmaker), Scott Meyers (3D effects specialist), Devin Clark (CGI animator for MTV/Comedy Central), Clifton Cloud (director of International Display Technology), Luc Courchesne (3D media artist, masters in visual studies MIT) Naka Nathaniel (CGI specialist). You can see how the others were made from these.
Good job digging those names up.
‘I was very much in the “no planes idiots are here to make us look stupid camp”’
Me too Dave. I wasted a lot of time on that 9/11 half truth movement bullshit. The 9/11 hoaxsters knew there would be some people who did not believe their made-for-TV movie. 9/11 ‘truth’ was a catchment area set up to mislead and distract people who were sincerely questioning the ‘official’ nonsense/PsyOp.
was the way and time it collapsed, the pyroclastic flow, ye know no know no. Then how quickly they cleaned it up. Then that bldng 7 or wtfever. Straight up mnnnn.
Same, I had doubts when I read about, and saw interviews with, the reporters and camermen who rushed to the destination airports to interview and get reaction shots from the waiting friends/relatives from all four of the flights, nobody was there waiting for the flights! That made me go Hmmm….
Then I watched the research into “Vicsims” as it happened. If you had a relative/friend working nearby would the first thing you’d do be to print out their picture, grab a set of ladders and run down there to post it on a wall 11ft off the ground, along with hundreds of others? Nope I wouldn’t either, but they expect us to believe hundreds of relatives/friends did, some of the pictures are so clearly faked it was amazing anyone thought people would fall for it. Most of the ‘memorial’ pics on the website were faked also, I don’t recall any of them being real people except a few that were supposed to have made phone calls from the flights, which were technically impossible at the time.
Then I watched “September Clues” (which amazingly, is still on youtube and vimeo!) that showed how they did it technically.
Nothing surprises me after that, they are capable of anything.
‘Then I watched “September Clues” (which amazingly, is still on youtube and vimeo!) that showed how they did it technically.
Nothing surprises me after that, they are capable of anything.’
Yes ImpObs, that was the one that blew the whole thing open for me. The original utoob account was taken down ages ago but can still be seen on a few other channels in several different languages.
Jam packed with info – and most of it from the ‘official’ msm sources….it’s a lot to digest….but take the time and get your mind blown here:
Of the 62 alleged passengers and crew on Flight 77, only 14 are listed in the Social Security Death Index; relatives of only 5 claimed the compensation that the govt. offered. For Flight 93, no relative of passenger or crew claimed compensation.
– Laurent Guyenot, book JFK – 9/11, 2014
‘September Clues’ is the one to watch.
You can spot them easily…
Well done with the no planes. Primitive CGI on the day. Not, as has been suggested, that they vaporized.
This just came in from an acquaintance in the UK. I think they are holidaying in Devon.
“You may of read we are creating a two tier society. The vax and the non Vax. Was always going to happen. We were in a restaurant this morning we swiped our apps it tells them were fully done. No proof no food.”
The frightening aspect is that he and his wife accept it. No pushback, no fuck-all.
I sent him this as soon as I read his message.
“ Nobody is entitled to know your vaccination status apart from your doctor. Categorically refuse to answer that question at all times.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948
“Article 12: Right to privacy
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy.”
He reckons it’s the job of the young to challenge things. Not his “responsibility”
compliance should be the watch word at all times
5g is the will
5g will bring all to
no triumph of the will is possible
just hive drone slave
how i learned to love the vaccine and stand under 5g
love rome
one barbera lerner spector
one rita katz
khazar control
one corp
dead world entity
welcome winston
welcome to zombie town
social credits for all good
human persons
“Come in.
Leave your questions at the door.
They are not needed here.
For we have all the answers.”
Obviously “well-brought-up…”
My parents would have understood him, but they were fortunately spared the compulsory paranoid schizophrenia which accompanies all things covid, having died a couple of decades ago.
They experienced two world wars, so one could hardly have called them naive people, but they just wouldn’t have known how to orient themselves in a situation of blatant domestic fascism.
To them, fascism was what the enemy did.
I have tried for more than a year to open the eyes of this man.
Only when reading his message today, did I realise that I should have been trying to open his heart.
Fruitless, though it would have been, as it turns out.
So sad when one cares enough about a person to bother with serious discussion, yet can’t have any influence upon him…
You have done your best as a friend. Give up. He is beyond help.
Its not the job of the young. Its for the middle generation to look after the old and young. Another abdication of responsibility from cowards who should know better.
Yes. The very first words across the lips of my wife and I.
Through the weak, the strong will fall.
a wave of positivity sweeps the terrain : ) truth is the way, here’s praying!
Swiping in or whatever is track and trace, as far as I know, nothing to do with test or jab status.
But as with the mask wearers these people are making it happen. I don’t have the app, and I’ve eaten loads of places. Just say you’ve done it when you haven’t, or sign with pen and paper and give fake details.
That’s what I do and I’ve had 0 issues.
Perhaps remind him of his ‘responsibility’ as he lies in a hospital bed with some unknown cocktail wreaking havoc throughout his bodily organs due to being a good citizen and getting jabbed ?
This was a headline on Fox News. It is now 13 hours old. I will die first.
Grim. Very Grim
Things Are About to Get Real (bitchute.com)
New Zealand (fast becoming one of the creepiest places in the world) has just announced they’re coming to find you if you’re not injected by the end of the year.
Two words: Jacinda Arden.
From a family of Freemasons!
True Story: 22 Days Inside a New Zealand Quarantine Facility – YouTube Yep,here is her insanity and pandering in action. This is horrifying dangerous shit
Thanks for the link. Worth watching. How many others would have stayed sane in the circumstances?
Brave lady. Good on her.
One day I’ll post my full quarantine story on this site. A nightmare.
Why not send it in for potential publication. We are actively looking for personal experiences of quarantine.
Sure. I’ll do that if you want.
Please do. Send to [email protected]
WHO shill.
a dude in a dress buck tooth beast
an old friend of tory liar bllair
is front man for that foreign corporation country
place jacinda mandingo arden
no wonder it freakish with dicklet arden as chief executive of that slave island
Can you link to a source please?
Yep, saw that clip last night Ooink. Sent chills down my spine. The New Zealand I grew up in is a dim memory now. I greatly doubt I will ever get back there given the jackbooted madness that is going on. I hear on the grapevine that things are going to be ramped up here soon, especially with the QR codes.
As Max Igan says “hunker down, things are getting real”.
How big was the “major backlash”?
Was it noticable to the average American?
If the comments following the story are a reflection, it is big. Personally, I stay away from the news for the most part so I don’t know. None of the MSM has written about a backlash. I read UPI, AP and CBS headlines only to get a feel for the latest narrative being promoted. Nothing about backlash. I do know that 50% of the population (and I think that is an exaggeration) is not vaccinated and the comments following all of the Covid stories on Fox are the same. Anecdotally, the indication is that the remaining 50% are not planning on getting vaccinated. Most like to comment on the VAERS reporting system data which is very positive. I don’t mean the data…….the fact that most are now aware of it is positive. Just under 7,000 deaths now and counting. Round up to 70,000 and then double it assuming we are all held down and poked against our will. Then there is the likelihood of another 1/2 million that will die in the next five years. This does not include the expected one million life threatening side effects that will lead to permanent disability in one form or another. It’s incredible that these are real stats that are being ignored. And to what end? To try and prove they are right in order to keep the fear narrative going and save the World from climate change and starvation. Fuck. Come and get me……Fuck you NSA.
(Google translated)
India: Vaccine scam discovered because no one got sick or died
A gang of scammers in India has vaccinated about 2,500 people with a saline solution. The deception came to light because none of the vaccinated had side effects or died. In addition, the certificates would have looked “a little strange”. In total, the scam brought in $28,000 – that’s a lot of money in India. Now the gang has been arrested.
At the center of the scam was a hospital in Mumbai, according to a recent CNN report. There, doctors administered false injections and issued vaccination certificates in return. They also set out for so-called “vaccination camps”. However, instead of the experimental gene vaccines, a saline solution was used, which is apparently harmless to humans. So far 14 members of the fraud gang have been arrested. It is also not clear whether the vaccinations were carried out solely for criminal reasons or whether the operators wanted to spare people the side effects of the controversial Covid-19 vaccinations, Report24 reports.
Prosecutors are shocked
When the fake vaccination teams vaccinated a community in a settlement, the community became suspicious. Because none of the residents suffered from side effects. Therefore, they doubted whether it was the real vaccine. Apparently a vaccination is only good if you are left with something – for example, a heart muscle inflammation, uncontrollable fits, shingles or a fatal brain thrombosis. When none of that happened, they reported the vaccination team to the authorities, who eventually rounded up the gang of scammers. Now, in another attempt, residents finally have a chance at a real vaccination with real side effects. In any case, the responsible public prosecutor is very shocked.
Not sure whether to laugh or to cry!
Talking about choosing ones own butcher LOL
A perfect description of certifiable insanity:
You find the safest remedy for a disease by looking for the one that harms you most…
Tom isn’t sure whether to laugh or cry, but I’ve decided to cry.
Jesus wept, and that’s what I’m going to do too.
It is like when WHO (Woke health organisation) made the statement that maybe it would be a good idea if there was a positive PCR test to give a second PCR test to confirm it.
Why not a second test to confirm a negative test also.
Also when they pointed out that the tests were incorrectly testing for a single gene when designed for a two gene minimum.
Plus suggesting that maybe reducing the 45 cycle amplification might help
Strangely this did not negate all the previous tests and R number calculations that had gone on before.
Not aware that double testing and two gene testing or reducing cycle amplification has been adopted though.
Suggestions of PCR tests to confirm lateral flow tests.
Bit of dilemma due you try to reduce the cases to show vaccines are working or keep them high for new variants.
‘…wake up people, be very careful who you give power to’
John McAfee – June 17th 2020
You must mean this John McAfee: >
Widow says antivirus pioneer John McAfee was not suicidal
Another Jim Jones. Another Jeffrey Epsteine… And on and on.
If you still think Putin is a reasonable guy, read this insulting by its impudence driven utter ignorance of basic vaccine science propaganda hit piece from RT:
I wonder how many “hesitants” were convinced by this hit piece to get this experimental jab as vaccines were always deployed in experimental stage according two this moron , read this smear piece for yourself, it is .. educational about well paid insanity of cult covidians.
Why does the long-standing, proven science of vaccines bring out foolishness and paranoia in the reactionary right?
So Putin is writing under the pseudonym of John Scott Lewinski now? His english is pretty good.
As BBC RT writes what’s approved by government.
A very long bow. RT America is hardly Putin friendly.
Putin is a leading politician.
In today’s world, that means it would be a mistake to expect anything good to come from him.
Apart from that, however, Putin is following perfectly rational procedure in putting his own country first, whereas we would all know he had taken leave of his senses if he were to put the interests of the USA/UK first.
Putin has to show that he believes in “Covid”, otherwise he may end dead -by “Covid” – or some nasty rivalutzia – in color!
dunno, certainly have not seen moscow mandatory vex, and the other russki areas that have adopted same, on even the alt news???? more mindfuckery, et toi Putin!!
Now, now, now…enough of this overthinking! Is it helping you feel any better? No?
Well, then, take a deep breath, and repeat after me:
“Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.”
Dear John, please watch these 2 videos. There is no Covid. That’s why everything is contradictory and confusing. Just watch. Genocide in action.
You can go to laquintacolumna.net and read the scientific paper of the analysis of the vaccines – 99.99% highly toxic graphene oxide.Surprise, it’s magnetic. It’s also in the masks, in the PCR swabs and the con-trails they dump on us. They have now removed the antidote to graphene oxide from general sale. A fairly common supplement called N-acetilstirene. Why would that be?
Sites like off-guardian should be pointing all this out!
Regards, Granma
Jon is well aware there is no covid, he’s been writing about it for over a year
I think there’s a simpler answer for the contradictory statements from the FDA, they don’t want anything showing any kind of immunity, it would give some people the idea they don’t need a top-up death jab.
Their sales pitch already states the death jabs don’t offer immunity, only ‘reduced symptoms’ – which in it’s self is ridiculous since their own numbers show jabbed up folks have an 800% higher chance of death than the non-jabbed.
My biggest concern is that they mite not have released the actual virus yet. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdis excellent presentaton regarding the spike protien in the jabs & ADE seems to be playing out as he predicted, any top-up jab or exposure to an actual virus with these protiens would massively increase the incidence of ADE, this could be the massive depopulation event the parasites want.
*I have no idea if the ‘virus’ exists or not, but the spike protien does, they got it from ‘something’ proported to be a virus type illness, many examples of which I’ve personally witnessed spreading to myself and others.
*Until someone can explain communicable illnesses for which there is a plethora of observational evidence I’ll stick to germ theory as the best explination (along with inherrant holes in the theory) so save me the arm waving telling me how wrong I am, I’ve heard it.
My biggest concern is that they mite not have released the actual virus yet.
…exactly. Releasing an actual virus would, in one fell swoop, make a laughing stock of current anti-party line/Covidcon resistance and would vindicate Gov and science, solidifying full comprehensive State power for a long, long time to come. Everything the shadowy controllers want…any kind of Agenda 21/ 30/ environmental/ behaviour modification, cashless, UBI, mask, lockdown, travel block…anything they want, they’ll get.
It’s likely the timeline set in motion for what I call “universal-vaccine normalization” (UVN) for mandatory body-invasive access was forced up earlier by Trump’s threatened re-election (preventing eventual accountability) as well as the repo crisis (covering up economic self-destruction) last year.
Here in US, they had already attempted a hard push for UVN with the campaign for the last 5 years or so with the seasonal flu vaccine, but that wasn’t working like the current ‘novel & horrible death’ scare.
Release of the/a manufactured virus will be the final blow. So, if you don’t behave, you’ll be able to die soon by either lethal injection or by bioweapon. Pick your poison.
Or, even if you DO behave. “So sorry about that — but it just had to be done!”
unlikely..there are no viral weapons presumably the naughty scienctism people playing with such things glean that there may perhaps be too many variables beyond control .. more likely research into carrier ‘proteins and the weaponization thereof, exomes, virons etc are nebulous entities….and of course there has been a lot of chatter and propaganda shat into the mainstream by mad labcoats and apparatchiks and the kleptocrat owned mendicant media but no real hard science just stats..
most of the reprobates running this nonsense are fakes ( fauci, fergusson etc plus associated ‘behavioral scientists’ ) not really taken seriously by the keener minds in scientisms (those not iced) but loved by big government and social engineers (your owners)..
that’s why the covid narrative has more holes than a swiss cheese it’s a psy-op and obviously so to anyone not suffering from terminal imbecility..
there is an injection though, one that everyone must be made to have… I think the problem as rappaport has methodically documented might be with that..
by the way most of the early deaths in northern italy at the beginning of the psy-op coincided with multiple flu vaccinations amongst the imprisoned and forgotten care home dwellers .. and no doubt DNR’s and barbiturates to finish them off…
thus I think more likely that the new ‘economy’ will just continue injecting the new ‘commodities’ (the new-you) with upgrades until whatever survives can be ‘re-purposed’..
after all we are dealing with unimaginative imbeciles..
Hey mate, could you give me references for this please? It would help a lot.
“Their sales pitch already states the death jabs don’t offer immunity, only ‘reduced symptoms’ – which in it’s self is ridiculous since their own numbers show jabbed up folks have an 800% higher chance of death than the non-jabbed.”
Thank you!
authorized vaccines
Authorized by who? Not the FDA.
Covid-19 is nothing short of bullshit. It is a psychological disease and never was a physical one. It has been created out of unrelenting and mind bending fear….nothing else. Mass hypnosis on a truly gargantuan scale perpetrated through the media. Switch the media off and Covid disappears. Easier said than done in a world fixated on smart phones and mass communication. Never the less, the answer is blatantly obvious; without listening to the pronouncements of evil men through bought and paid for lackeys of press and television, the great threat of Covid 19 retreats from whence it came…back to the imaginations of the devils who conjured up this hellish idea in the first place.
Its only purpose was to get the majority of humans on the planet to willfully roll up their sleeves and demand whatever they got injected into them.
But it did not work entirely in its reach. The truth is already available. What kind of mind is it, that allows an unknown substance to be irreversibly injected into its body with known debilitating side effects and death – whereas the renamed flu has a fairly predictable fatality rate, with the majority of those affected having no other issues than those from previous years.
What kind of mind?
It’s mind boggling to us, but as my wife has repeatedly said to me, people take all kinds of medications and ingest all sorts of crap without ever questioning the contents. Their doctor tells them it’s safe, and that’s good enough for them. How many people do their due diligence for anything other than home renovations and purchasing shiny items? So when they’re told there is an apocalyptic virus on the loose, of course they are going to blindly roll up their sleeves.
The Other Deadly Weapon

The WHO and the CDC changed the methodology regarding death certificates.
So not only do we have a flawed PCR test to determine death caused by “covid” but also fabricated death certificates to inflate the numbers of the dead.
Why on earth would this need to be done? unless of course there’s something to hide.
It’s blatantly obvious i think.
Some truly horrifying shit has been going on and it will only get worse.
This is only the beginning of the great con.
The virus does indeed exist. It’s been genetically sequenced.
What the FDA is admitting is that the vaccines do not raise antibodies to the virus, only natural infection does. This means that the vaccines have been designed to fail. That is, they have been designed to prime the immune system with a misrepresentation of the virus, which if Geert Vanden Bossche is correct, will cause infectious pressure to mount in the vaccinated until a variant of the virus is developed.
This will go on perpetually until a virus is developed that will really do some damage, in exactly the same way as a superbug would be created if an entire population were placed on the same narrowly acting antibiotic.
No it has not, the found a social media post and made up 27 sets of genomes out of 30,000
As I replied to Kalen below, this is the original Wuhan strain that formed the PCR tests. I agree this is probably bogus, but the subsequent variants have been genetically sequenced many times, including by the Sanger Institute themselves.
NO they haven’t, the tests were all made WITHOUT ANY VIrus, how the hell do you make a test for a virus if you have no virus? You don’t, you just lie
You mean the tests for the original Wuhan strain? That’s what I said was most likely bogus. The subsequent variants have all been genetically sequenced using Sanger – the gold standard. There’s no need to get all shouty, especially when you haven’t understood what I’ve said.
Why the downvotes? This certainly sounds like a plausible alternative path to humanity’s control and/or destruction.
To be ‘plausible’, an idea requires updated evidence which relates to reality.
We may suspect bogey men all over the place, but only some of them actually do bogey-mannish things.
It’s important to look at the whole picture and identify what doesn’t fit – like a jig-saw puzzle. You can’t just force a random piece into a space.
Because people who only understand politics would rather believe that viruses and microbiology don’t exist. It makes them feel more in control of all of the parameters in the situation. I’m sorry if this sounds insulting, but there isn’t a clearer way I can put it.
No, SC2 was not fully sequenced using golden standard of Sanger Sequencing method. CDC admitted that they did not use Sanger sequencing but nested PCR with its inherent problems. Director of private genetic sequencing offered to Sanger sequence CDC “isolates” for free. CDC refused to provide samples.
Flagship Chinese paper of January 24, 2020 announcing to the world discovery of SC2 virus referenced by over 7000 papers worldwide in 15 months states that they did not obtain full genome of SC2 but constructed SC2 genome by putting together small bits of pieces of genetic code obtained by three different patients (from bronchial fluid) suffering from diagnosed by CT scan pneumonia by using new, unapproved at that time (only EUA authorized in July 2020) mNGS technology and remaining sequence gaps were fulfilled by SARS1 genome data published in GenBank years ago using computer software .They did not isolate full genetic sequence of SC2 in their samples and stated openly that they did not fulfill Koch postulates meaning did not prove that SC2 even causes diagnosed pneumonia in those patients. In fact they “ confirmed” their findings with (unapproved even by EUA) PCR test at CT > 34 which even Fauci himself and CDC says now such low loads are not infectious at all and unsuitable for genetic sequencing at all.
I advice you read and learn from scientific papers not from MSM propaganda.
I think the situation is a little bit more complicated. What you said about the original Wuhan strain is true. The original strain is what all the vaccines are based on and probably never existed. It certainly doesn’t exist today.
But the current variants are being sequenced using Sanger all the time. Just Google “sars cov2 sanger sequencing” and you’ll find plenty of scientific papers and companies that have performed full Sanger sequencing on the whole virus. You can engage one of these companies to do the sequencing for you if you like:
What this means is that the original Wuhan strain that is in the vaccines has primed the human immune system to produce antibodies that are ineffective against the wild virus. This has great implications, but it won’t be solved by pretending the virus doesn’t exist. There are doctors treating Covid-19 all over the world. It has a very specific disease etiology (respiratory, cytokine and thrombotic) and it has been sequenced many times.
Just go to the Sanger Institute and see their own work in sequencing Sars-Cov2 – they have a page dedicated to it on their website:
It’s nonsense, there is no virus.
You’re in denial. You’ve joined with a number of others on this site who reinforce each others denial so you can feel safe. As I’ve shown, you’re provably wrong because the virus has been genetically sequenced and shown to cause a novel disease called Covid-19.
Can’t sequence anything for sure if it hasn’t been isolated properly, no matter what method used. The word “isolation” in virology is akin to what “seasoning” is in cooking.
Of course you can. You can also sequence seasoning in cooking.
The difference with seasoning in cooking is that viruses only exist in cells and can’t be isolated in their pure form.
You get the same genetic sequence in many, many samples and different contexts and show the action of the virus on the body as it replicates, causes autoimmune problems and thrombosis. You can see the interaction between the viral particles and other known molecules and receptors in the human body. Their before and after states are also genetically sequenced.
If viruses only exists in cells how then can they multiply and exit the cell and infect more cells? Please explain.
Just be afraid and stop asking questions
Situation is complicated as they wanted it that way. One digs deeper more questions come up.
What you linked are not scientific studies but sales pages for buying primers for SARS-Cov2 to perform Sanger Sequencing however CDC working on new variants apparently designs their own. And it is not necessary Sanger gold standard.
The CDC uses Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) moniker that may mean anything, even mNGS but PCR simplex or nested PCR with Sanger Sequencing methods are also used, both essentially more or less are PCR tests (with their over sensitivity and inherent non specificity for novel coronavirus) and as they target relatively small fragments of genetics code available from cultured samples into small amplicons much of advantages of long bp sequence fragments with large overlap handled by Sanger method are nullified.
Those methods of sequencing one way or another use genomic referencing in situ or in silico. Chinese used SARS-cov1 genome from GenBank submission as a reference for their “discovery” of SC2 while Americans used Chinese SARS-Cov2 for reference in identifying first US covid case in January 2020. In other words they knew a priori what to look for and that represents clear confirmatory bias especially in case of viruses as they have a lot of homologous short genetic code sequences in them.
They search for what they are looking for so they find it.
Lack of proper isolation of in-tact complete active virus in vivo as Koch postulates require introduces irreducible uncertainty and non specificity as FDA warned about in EUA approval letters if short DNA reads genetic sequencing is used. But even if full genetic code is isolated with long reads and fully Sanger sequenced this does not constitute proof that particular infection is caused by found virus having particular detected genomic sequence as FDA warns of possibility of co-infection of clinical and cultured samples causing false positives. It also does not provide proof that such infection actually is the cause of disease in question.
The official Covid disease and mortality profile despite PCR testing fraud shows no deadly pandemic occurred anywhere hence it is imperative that public health authorities provide unequivocal proof of COVID existence as new disease caused by new virus despite its potentially benign character, if it exists, even if it is not in any way consequential to overall public health like thousands of unnamed“viruses”.
Therefore transparency and Koch postulates which are not fulfilled for SC2 to date are critical.
Conniving instead of transparency seems rampant. In particular CDC does not seem to advertise, specifically which actual method they use for which sample, in documents related to study of vaccine breakthrough by different SC2 variants and assert that raw data will not be shared even with doctors or individual patients from whom samples originated because.. they claim they use not approved tests. why? May be because without raw data they can make any pro Vax efficacy statistics they want with no external scrutiny.
There is no sufficient transparency, everything COVID is obfuscated, no independent experts are allowed to state their cases and demand clarifications from corporate captured public health authorities. Because of that alone they cannot be trusted. Therefore, science based prudent position on SC2 is that it was so far not unequivocally proven to exist and/or causing COVID if it is real distinct clinical disease claim that is also unproven.
So I agree with you about the initial Wuhan strain as I’ve said elsewhere. I left you a link to the Sanger Institute’s page on Covid as they are doing all the sequencing of the variants that are coming out. I only left a link to a supplier’s page to show that anyone can have samples of viral material sequenced.
Koch’s postulates were conceived before viruses were discovered. It’s very difficult to isolate and purify something that degrades once it leaves a host. As far as I’m aware, there haven’t been any viruses that meet Koch’s postulates, but the viruses have been introduced to other cell lines, they have been captured with electron micrographs. They have been consistently demonstrated to produce unique symptoms.
The symptoms for Covid-19 are also unique. I’m not suggesting that anywhere near the number of deaths attributed to it are really from it. The disease progresses from a respiratory illness with hypoxia (very low oxygen) to cytokine storm and thrombosis. It’s unique in its advanced presentation and easily distinguishable from the flu. That doesn’t mean that every person that tested PCR positive with respiratory symptoms died from Covid, quite the opposite. In fact, the unique symptoms should make it easier for audits of the numbers to be conducted and expose the fraud.
You say too difficult to purify and isolate SC2 or some other viruses (which is not entirely true as they are stable viruses) so that’s why they did not do it so far and hence allegedly cannot fulfill Koch or even Rivers postulates even if they wanted.
Ok. But if this is true then for that inability and deficiency there is high price to pay namely introduction of high uncertainty of results and conclusions in the field of diagnostics because it means that virology in application to viral diseases tacitly accepts at least for respiratory viruses, undetermined diagnostic specificity despite determining (and in this case far from perfect as FDA warns) analytical specificity of PCR testing or mNGS sequencing, even Sanger sequencing.
As a result with no virus adequately isolated there can be no hard proof that SC2 RNA bits of pieces sequenced belong to one specific micro organism/entity (virus) observed, present in samples as shown in electron-micrograph images.
There can be no direct proof that specific entity (viral RNA) identified by sequencing has anything to do with observed in vitro cultured cell death notion subjectively interpreted as proof of virus replication I.e. infection.
There can be no direct proof that observed death of cells in vitro has anything to do with cell deaths (allegedly caused by infection) in vivo in actual patient from whom clinical sample came.
There also can be no direct virology based proof that observed in vivo cell deaths is the cause or has any relation to clinical disease patient is suffering from and hence there can be not solid logical chainlink established between RNA based test and disease itself which link Koch postulates are aimed to provide.
Ignoring fundamental methodological principles, using ad hoc assumptions divorced from reality while assuming that such chainlink is solid and proven to exists alone constitutes huge unfounded logical jump and methodological blunder virologists are trained to accept as a unquestionable dogma. This kind of “proof” is called sophismata and is often supported by huge interpretative pyramid and was foundation of many pseudo sciences in the past.
As I wrote
After 100 years, trillions dollars spent still mostly unable to stabilize, purify and isolate whole virus and its RNA/DNA in tact what should have been a central research interest of virology to validate viral theory of diseases, virology seem to be unwilling or uninterested in such basic research and rather chose to believe in their own dogma based on unfounded logical jump from genetics to infectious viruses and to diseases which brought them profits from applied Virology like molecular/nuclei testing and disease diagnostics.
Virology reminds me XIX/XX century scientific eugenics and race theory with full mathematical and anthropological foundations self consistent and self reinforcing that “explained” everything about humans including diseases, human physiology, capabilities, genetic and microbiological threats of mixing fragile races with strong races. All using advanced theoretical biological models and hard empirical data while in fact proving nothing.
That was enlightening, thank you. For now – for me- that seems the only logical explanation for pushing the vaccines so hard. A naturally born killer virus, indiscriminate and lethal, unless let’s say you can afford the 2 milion bucks medication/vaccine when the time comes. Where you got this idea from – if you did ? Thank you.
Thanks, I got the idea from watching Geert Vanden Bossche several times until I could get my head around the implications of his argument. I had always been suspicious that the lockdowns were causing mutations by incubating the virus within the bubbles of families that have similar genes. The lockdowns gave the virus time to mutate and spread variants. Then I realised that a gene based vaccine that produces part of a spike protein of a virus that’s never been proven to exist could easily prime the immune system to put just enough pressure on the virus to force much greater mutations.
This article confirms my suspicions. The vaccine antibodies are not the same as the wild virus antibodies. The other thing they are doing is hiding the build up of infections among the vaccinated by exempting them from testing, but you can see a buildup among the vaccinated on the ZOE app beginning right now on Lockdown Sceptics so it may be beginning as we speak.
Thanks for the explanation Matt.
You say:
“The original strain is what all the vaccines are based on and probably never existed. It certainly doesn’t exist today.”
If the original strain never existed, what are the variants of ?
What was the original source of the variants?
As an aside, if the virus has been fully sequenced, was the furin cleavage detected in all cases ?
If, as rumoured, the so called covid plague is really only the flu, then the cleavage site would not be found, would it ?
I don’t mean to say that the virus didn’t or doesn’t exist. The genetic definition of the original Wuhan strain was published by the Chinese Communist Party in January 2020 and has a torrid history of fraud and misrepresentation on GenBank. Kalen has gone into it a bit above, but Li-Meng Yan also demonstrated that it was preceded by an entry known as RATG13 that was likely faked by Zhi Zengli at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. SARS Cov2 also shares very high homology (>97%) with other virus backbones used by the Chinese military. You’re welcome to look it up. She also shows that the spike protein undergoes by far the most mutations compared to the rest of the virus backbone, indicating that it has been genetically manipulated. Luc Montagnier also shows that it has inserts from HIV and plasmium yoelii, the bacterium that causes malaria.
Now, this has serious implications for vaccine development and public health because the vaccines were hailed as being created in a weekend using this genetic definition of a virus which, as people have rightly said, was never proven to have existed. The vaccine manufacturers literally took the Chinese government’s word for it.
That doesn’t mean that a virus doesn’t exist. But if the genetic code of the real virus is different from the code of the virus in the vaccines, then there is the opportunity to continually create an immune response that will force the virus to mutate and overcome the vaccine immunity. This would not be possible with a live attenuated virus vaccine. Every time they give a vaccine booster (and coincidentally every time they lockdown) they are forcing the virus to mutate.
It’s very possible that the original source of the variants was never published. The furin cleavage site is unique to SARS Cov2 as far as I know and is present in the original Wuhan strain.
Li-Meng Yan (or correctly Yan Li-meng)is a Falun Gong, ie CIA disinformationist so you are probably a disinformer too, as your dirty assertion that Zhi Zheng-li (do you mean Shi Zheng-li?)’faked’ an entry at the WIV. also seems to suggest. You forgot to call her ‘Bat Lady’, however. The rest of your paranoid, Sinophobe, shite is pure FoxNews.
How am I a Sinophobe? For suggesting a Chinese person might have done something wrong? There’s plenty of hate and bitterness going around, but you might want to look in the mirror to see where it’s coming from.
Sequenced in silico, Matt.
I was thinking, the recent late night match of the new British tennis hope Raducanu was preceded on the ‘ad free’ BBC 1, with a vaccination commercial from Govt and NHS. I had wondered why they would put a young girl, who has only played one LTA match prior to this, on centre court, so late…to such immense and insane media pressure. Well I think it was to promote the vaccination drive. They knew the ratings would be sky high. Raducanu was overwhelmed and had to leave the court and didn’t return. Pundits said they’ve never seen such a thing before. Convid times. Nothing is off the table for these bastards to promote the agenda.