Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research

Dr Malcolm Kendrick

medical college student with stack of books

“The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time.”
Edward Grey

Several years ago, I wrote a book called Doctoring Data. It was my attempt to help people navigate their way through medical headlines and medical data.

One of the main reasons I was stimulated to write it, is because I had become deeply concerned that science, especially medical science, had been almost fully taken over by commercial interests. With the end result that much of the data we were getting bombarded with was enormously biased, and thus corrupted. I wanted to show how some of this bias gets built-in.

I was not alone in my concerns. As far back as 2005, John Ioannidis wrote the very highly cited paper ‘Why most Published Research Findings are False’. It has been downloaded and read by many, many, thousands of researchers over the years, so they can’t say they don’t know:

Moreover for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias.”

Marcia Angell, who edited the New England Journal of Medicine for twenty years, wrote the following. It is a quote I have used many times, in many different talks:

It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”

Peter Gotzsche, who set up the Nordic Cochrane Collaboration, and who was booted out of said Cochrane collaboration for questioning the HPV vaccine (used to prevent cervical cancer) wrote the book. Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime [How big pharma has corrupted healthcare].

The book cover states:

The main reason we take so many drugs is that drug companies don’t sell drugs, they sell lies about drugs…virtually everything we know about drugs is what the companies have chosen to tell us and our doctors… if you don’t believe the system is out of control, please e-mail me and explain why drugs are the third leading cause of death.”

Richard Smith edited the British Medical Journal (BMJ) for many years. He now writes a blog, amongst other things. A few years ago, he commented:

Twenty years ago this week, the statistician Doug Altman published an editorial in the BMJ arguing that much medical research was of poor quality and misleading. In his editorial entitled ‘The scandal of Poor Medical Research.’ Altman wrote that much research was seriously flawed through the use of inappropriate designs, unrepresentative sample, small sample, incorrect methods of analysis and faulty interpretation… Twenty years later, I feel that things are not better, but worse…

In 2002 I spent eight marvellous weeks in a 15th palazzo in Venice writing a book on medical journals, the major outlets for medical research, and the dismal conclusion that things were badly wrong with journals and the research they published. My confidence that ‘things can only get better’ has largely drained away.”

Essentially, medical research has inexorably turned into an industry. A very lucrative industry. Many medical journals now charge authors thousands of dollars to publish their research. This ensures that it is very difficult for any researcher, not supported by a university, or a pharmaceutical company, to afford to publish anything, unless they are independently wealthy.

The journals then have the cheek to claim copyright, and charge money to anyone who actually wants to read, or download the full paper. Fifty dollars for a few on-line pages! They then bill for reprints, they charge for advertising. Those who had the temerity to write the article get nothing – and nor do the peer reviewers.

It is all very profitable. Last time I looked the Return on Investment (profit) was thirty-five per-cent for the big publishing houses. It was Robert Maxwell who first saw this opportunity for money-making.

Driven by financial imperative, the research itself has also, inevitably, become biased. He who pays the paper calls the tune. Pharmaceutical companies, food manufacturers and suchlike. They can certainly afford the publication fees.

In addition to all the financial and peer-review pressure, if you dare swim against the approved mainstream views you will, very often, be ruthlessly attacked. As many people know, I am a critic of the cholesterol hypothesis, along with my band of brothers…we few, we happy few. In the 1970s, Kilmer McCully, who plays double bass in our band, was looking into a cause of cardiovascular disease that went against the mainstream view. This is what happened to him:

Thomas N. James, a cardiologist and president of the University of Texas Medical Branch who was also the president of the American Heart Association in 1979 and ’80, is even harsher [regarding the treatment of McCully]. ”It was worse than that – you couldn’t get ideas funded that went in other directions than cholesterol,” he says. ”You were intentionally discouraged from pursuing alternative questions. I’ve never dealt with a subject in my life that elicited such an immediate hostile response.”

It took two years for McCully to find a new research job. His children were reaching college age; he and his wife refinanced their house and borrowed from her parents. McCully says that his job search developed a pattern: he would hear of an opening, go for interviews and then the process would grind to a stop. Finally, he heard rumors of what he calls ”poison phone calls” from Harvard. ”It smelled to high heaven,” he says.’

McCully says that when he was interviewed on Canadian television after he left Harvard, he received a call from the public-affairs director of Mass. General. ”He told me to shut up,” McCully recalls. ”He said he didn’t want the names of Harvard and Mass. General associated with my theories.’

More recently, I was sent a link to an article outlining the attacks made on another researcher who published a paper that found that being overweight meant having a (slightly) lower risk of death than being of ‘normal weight. This, would never do:

A naïve researcher published a scientific article in a respectable journal. She thought her article was straightforward and defensible. It used only publicly available data, and her findings were consistent with much of the literature on the topic. Her coauthors included two distinguished statisticians.

To her surprise, her publication was met with unusual attacks from some unexpected sources within the research community. These attacks were by and large not pursued through normal channels of scientific discussion. Her research became the target of an aggressive campaign that included insults, errors, misinformation, social media posts, behind-the-scenes gossip and maneuvers, and complaints to her employer.

The goal appeared to be to undermine and discredit her work. The controversy was something deliberately manufactured, and the attacks primarily consisted of repeated assertions of preconceived opinions. She learned first-hand the antagonism that could be provoked by inconvenient scientific findings. Guidelines and recommendations should be based on objective and unbiased data. Development of public health policy and clinical recommendations is complex and needs to be evidence-based rather than belief-based. This can be challenging when a hot-button topic is involved.

Those who lead the attacks on her were my very favourite researchers, Walter Willet and Frank Hu. Two eminent researchers from Harvard who I nickname Tweedledum and Tweedledummer. Harvard itself has become an institution, which, along with Oxford University, comes up a lot in tales of bullying and intimidation. Willet and Hu are internationally known for promoting vegetarian and vegan diets. Willet is a key figure in the EAT-Lancet initiative.

Where is science in all this? I feel the need to state, at this point, that I don’t mind attacks on ideas. I like robust debate. Science can only progress through a process of new hypotheses being proposed, being attacked, being refined and strengthened – or obliterated. But what we see now is not science. It is the obliteration of science itself:

Anyone who has been a scientist for more than 20 years will realize that there has been a progressive decline in the honesty of communications between scientists, between scientists and their institutions and the outside world.

Yet, real science must be an area where truth is the rule; or else the activity simply stops being scient and becomes something else: Zombie science. Zombie science is a science that is dead, but is artificially keep moving by a continual infusion of funding. From a distance Zombie science looks like the real thing, the surface features of a science are in place – white coats, laboratories, computer programming, PhDs, papers, conferences, prizes etc. But the Zombie is not interested in the pursuit of truth – its citations are externally-controlled and directed at non-scientific goals, and inside the Zombie everything is rotten…

Scientists are usually too careful and clever to risk telling outright lies, but instead they push the envelope of exaggeration, selectivity and distortion as far as possible. And tolerance for this kind of untruthfulness has greatly increased over recent years. So, it is now routine for scientists deliberately to ‘hype’ the significance of their status and performance and ‘spin’ the importance of their research.

– Bruce Charlton: Professor of Theoretical Medicine

I was already pretty depressed with the direction that medical science was taking. Then COVID19 came along, the distortion and hype became so outrageous that I almost gave up trying to establish what was true, and was just made up nonsense.

For example, I stated, right at the start of the COVID19 pandemic, that vitamin D could be important in protecting against the virus. For having the audacity to say this, I was attacked by the fact checkers. Indeed, anyone promoting vitamin D to reduce the risk of COVID19 infection, was ruthlessly hounded.

Guess what. Here from 17th June:

Hospitalized COVID-19 patients are far more likely to die or to end up in severe or critical condition if they are vitamin D-deficient, Israeli researchers have found.

In a study conducted in a Galilee hospital, 26 percent of vitamin D-deficient coronavirus patients died, while among other patients the figure was at 3%.

“This is a very, very significant discrepancy, which represents a big clue that starting the disease with very low vitamin D leads to increased mortality and more severity,” Dr. Amir Bashkin, endocrinologist and part of the research team, told The Times of Israel.”

I also recommended vitamin C for those already in hospital. Again, I was attacked, as was everyone who has dared to mention COVID19 and vitamin C in the same sentence.

Yet, we know that vitamin C is essential for the health and wellbeing of blood vessels, and the endothelial cells that line them. In severe infection the body burns through vitamin C, and people can become ‘scrobutic’ (the name given to severe lack of vitamin C).

Vitamin C is also known to have powerful anti-viral activity. It has been known for years. Here, from an article in 1996:

Over the years, it has become well recognized that ascorbate can bolster the natural defense mechanisms of the host and provide protection not only against infectious disease, but also against cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. The functions involved in ascorbate’s enhancement of host resistance to disease include its biosynthetic (hy-droxylating), antioxidant, and immunostimulatory activities. In addition, ascorbate exerts a direct antiviral action that may confer specific protection against viral disease. The vitamin has been found to inactivate a wide spectrum of viruses as well as suppress viral replication abd expression in infected cell.”

I like quoting research on vitamins from way before COVID19 appeared, where people were simply looking at Vitamin C without the entire medico-industrial complex looking over their shoulder, ready to stamp out anything they don’t like.

Despite a mass of evidence that Vitamin C has benefits against viral infection, it is a complete no-go area and no-one even dares to research it now. Facebook removes any content relating to Vitamin C and COVID19.

As of today, any criticism of the mainstream narrative is simply being removed. Those who dare to raise their heads above the parapet, have them chopped off:

Dr Francis Christian, practising surgeon and clinical professor of general surgery at the University of Saskatchewan, has been immediately suspended from all teaching and will be permanently removed from his role as of September.

Dr Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He was appointed Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and Director of Quality and Patient Safety in 2018 and co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program. Dr. Christian is also the Editor of the Journal of The Surgical Humanities.

On June 17th Dr Christian released a statement to over 200 of his colleagues, expressing concern over the lack of informed consent involved in Canada’s “Covid19 vaccination” program, especially regarding children.

To be clear, Dr Christian’s position is hardly an extreme one.

He believes the virus is real, he believes in vaccination as a general principle, he believes the elderly and vulnerable may benefit from the Covid “vaccine”… he simply doesn’t agree it should be used on children, and feels parents are not being given enough information for properly informed consent.

When I wrote Doctoring Data, a few years ago, I included the following thoughts about the increasing censorship and punishment that was already very clearly out in the open:

…where does it end? Well, we know where it ends.

First, they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist

Then they came for the socialists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist

Then they came from the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist

Then they came for me, and there was no-one left to speak for me

Do you think this is a massive over-reaction? Do I really believe that we are heading for some form of totalitarian stated, where dissent against the medical ‘experts’ will be punishable by imprisonment? Well, yes, I do. We are already in a situation where doctors who fail to follow the dreaded ‘guidelines’ can be sued, or dragged in front the General Medical Council, and struck of. Thus losing their job and income…

Where next?

The lamps are not just going out all over Europe. They are going out, all over the world.

Dr Malcolm Kendrick is a General Practitioner living in Macclesfield. He has written three books: The Great Cholesterol Con, Doctoring Data and A Statin Nation. His latest book, The Clot Thickens, outlining a new/old hypothesis on heart disease will be published later this year. He writes a blog Drmalcolmkendrick.org which covers heart disease, medical research, and a great deal about COVID19 – often critical of mainstream thinking.


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Jul 23, 2021 10:40 PM

Helpful and I would like to donate. Where can I mail a check?


Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 23, 2021 11:08 PM
Reply to  Phineas

Donate to Off Guardian? Why thanks for asking. We don’t accept checks currently, however we have various other methods to donate which are listed here. Hopefully one of these will suit you, and thank you for your inquiry once again! A2

R. Williams
R. Williams
Jul 20, 2021 9:21 PM

It is time for Atlas to shrug.

Ultrafart the Brave
Ultrafart the Brave
Jul 11, 2021 5:30 PM

“Where next?
The lamps are not just going out all over Europe. They are going out, all over the world.”

That sure seems to be the current trajectory for the clueless lemmings distributed across the Western world.

However, some of the suicidal rodents are rallying to resist and eventually fight back against their presumptive overlords.

Here’s a web site created for the specific purpose of assembling a list of all those individuals complicit in the most extensive crimes against humanity in human history – depriving many millions of people across the planet of their livelihoods, their health and their freedom, and coercing them to participate in medical experimentation without their informed consent.

Website to Name Corona Chan Conspirators

Nazi doctors were tried, convicted and executed for similar crimes of far lesser scale after World War II.

If you know of individuals complicit in the orchestrated Corona Chan atrocities, and have the evidence to substantiate it, then name them.

The Fleecer
The Fleecer
Jul 11, 2021 1:50 AM

I admire James Corbett and he put me on to Off Guardian. You people are doing a crucially important job for now and the future. You are the true investigate journalists of our time.

Jul 10, 2021 11:24 PM

This rings true. I worked in various areas of academic research, as a technician and programmer, and I’ve seen plenty of self-censorship. Everyone knows which conclusion is “needed”, and everyone works to reach the “needed” conclusion. A result that doesn’t agree with the paycheck is discarded before it can even become a proposal. (Bids for grants are written AFTER quite a bit of actual experimentation. By the time you write the bid, you know whether your experiments will be “needed” or not.)

Jul 10, 2021 10:29 PM

Am I the only one who wants articles like this as podcast????????????????????
How many of you friends and families can you get to read long (or longer) articles like this?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 10, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  Laura

You know, this is hopefully a plan in the works! Thanks for expressing an interest! A2

Tim Fallon
Tim Fallon
Jul 16, 2021 4:02 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I wholeheartedly agree.
Many people will listen to a ten minute presentation that will not take ten minutes to read an article.

Jul 17, 2021 7:18 PM
Reply to  Tim Fallon

must be an age thing … I can’t sit still and listen to dis-emboided voice … but I can sit in a chair for ages and read printed material (used to be called “books”) … actually I am copying an pasting this – then printing it out – take home and read later

John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 10, 2021 3:00 PM

Zanny Beddoes, Editor of The Economist, is a piece of work. Note the high-density “Orwell” as it oozes from her e-rag (and well-named: the econo-Mist, as in the Fog of War, deep class war):

*”Welcome to our weekly newsletter highlighting the best of our coverage of the pandemic and its effects.

A poll for The Economist shows that people in Britain seem to support lockdowns. Two-thirds think masks, social distancing and travel restrictions should continue for another month after July 19th, dubbed by some as “freedom day” because that is the date after which nearly all the remaining anti-covid measures in England will be lifted. A majority of Britons, however, would support the continuation of restrictions until covid-19 is controlled worldwide, which may take years.

Russia is in the midst of its third and most severe wave of covid-19, with more people dying daily than at any other point in the pandemic. This is in spite of the fact that the country registered the world’s first coronavirus vaccine. Mixed messages and mistrust of the government are to blame, as we hear on our daily podcast, “The Intelligence”.

In the Business section, we look at which airlines will soar after the pandemic. An uneven recovery will boost big carriers in America and China, and cheap and cheerful ones in Europe.

Jair Bolsanaro, Brazil’s president, finds himself in the spotlight because of murky procurement negotiations for two covid-19 vaccines in the country.

Meanwhile our data journalists have been busy examining the impacts of covid-19. In one study they found that in-person voting in November’s elections in America really did accelerate covid-19’s spread in the country. In a separate study, economists found that labour markets in the rich world are recovering from covid-19—but low-paid workers and the young may continue to struggle.”*

Zanny Minton Beddoes


John Ervin
John Ervin
Jul 10, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

It wouldn’t surprise me if there were a special place reserved for propagandists of Beddoes’ ilk deep down in the land of Down Under [spiritually I mean it, not geographically, Aussies are already enough afflicted with Rupert, more than the whole planet should have to bear!].

I certainly hope not, but Zanny is dashing all my hopes single-pennèdly.

The Fleecer
The Fleecer
Jul 11, 2021 1:54 AM
Reply to  John Ervin

All of the MSM is hopelessly controlled now. Its funny you mention Murdoch, because Sky News is the only place in the MSM where you will hear any dissenting voices about the draconian control measures. Make of that what you will

Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Jul 10, 2021 6:32 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

Regards the airlines …. you know that most pilots needs the jab now … keep an eye on this – https://news.aviation-safety.net/ … nothing too bad yet allegedly, but we will not hear about most of them in the MSM.

Tim Fallon
Tim Fallon
Jul 16, 2021 4:06 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

‘Russia is in the midst of its third and most severe wave of covid-19, with more people dying daily than at any other point in the pandemic. This is in spite of the fact that the country registered the world’s first coronavirus vaccine.’

I wonder how many of those recently dead died with some magic vaccine sauce flowing in their veins?

R. Williams
R. Williams
Jul 20, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  John Ervin

“Zanny” is an enormous piece of FOD ( foreign object Debris)

Tom Hunn
Tom Hunn
Jul 10, 2021 12:43 PM

I think most of it is down to the stranglehold that Big Pharma has on the medical profession, all of whom seem willing to take payment to push this particular drug against that alternate therapy.

Jul 10, 2021 11:36 AM

While the bank balance of Big Pharma has never had it so good and remains extremely ‘healthy’, not so regarding the health of the people when it’s down to the vaccines. Or so it would appear!

According to VAERS data released on July 7 by the CDC in the USA, the number of deaths reported after Covid vaccines jumps by >2,000 in one week. VAERS data showed a total of 438,441 reports of adverse events from all age groups following Covid vaccines, including 9,048 deaths and 41,015 serious injuries between Dec.14, 2020 and July 2, 2021.

What a price to pay for a Covid passport -🛂 Your papers please!

Tom Hunn
Tom Hunn
Jul 10, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  -CO

Rather, .CO, deine ausweis, bitte.

Jul 10, 2021 7:05 PM
Reply to  Tom Hunn

ID wenn du bitte!

Ultrafart the Brave
Ultrafart the Brave
Jul 11, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  -CO

Corona Chan “vaccine” fatalities reported in only 6 months on the VAERS system already exceed the deaths from all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years.

However, the VAERS system is widely acknowledged to only capture between 1% – 10% of all adverse events, which means that the death toll from the Corona Chan “vaccines” is far greater than what is being reported.

The following article goes into the damage and mortality caused by the Corona Chan “vaccines”.

Relevant quote from Dr.Zelenko in that article:

“What percentage of the information are we actually seeing? The answer is, I estimate, there are already around 200,000 dead Americans, directly related to the vaccinations.”

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jul 10, 2021 3:00 AM

Re: EDIT: This is not to say there’s nothing to what you say, and clearly there are many interests operating behind the scenes here, and not a small degree of coordination. However I think you attribute too much power to our foes. They are not omnipotent, as I often find myself saying. Judging by their actions to date I think it’s a leap to assume they’re even capable of operating with such a level of infallibility. Human institutions are traditionally conflicting, blundering and senile. What reason is there to think this has changed?

(I was unable to reply directly)

Are they omnipotent … well….

  1. Name a country that has reject covid vaccines.
  2. Name an MSM source (other than Fox) that is against the covid vaccines.
  3. Name a social media or video platform of any significance that is not censoring anyone who rejects the covid narrative.

That’s as close to omnipotence as you are going to get.

The Mission is Accomplished.

The goal was to use fear to convince people they needed to accept Injections.

The fear had to be off the charts because that’s the only way to convince people to accept an Injection that as far as they know — is not properly tested (it actually was thoroughly tested years before covid… because it was part of the Plan)….

And to convince parents to put this shit into their kids! You really need to dial up the fear.

And no we have over 2B with at least one Injection. By now I assume we’ve all had a good look at what Bossche and other eminent virologists are suggesting … that the Plan has been to Inject lots of folks with the leaky vaccine to create ‘Devil Covid’

Right this very second the virus is breeding inside these ‘factories’ of vaccinated people… it is strengthening as a Darwinian nightmare plays out…. this is what happens when you use this type of vaccine during a pandemic — you fail to kill the virus… and the strongest survive… and bread.

The MSM is telling what to expect — increasingly deadly variants.

They have not arrived yet…. but keep in mind these viruses evolve (breed) every 8-10 hours… so it is just a matter of time.

It’s starting….

Data from Public Health England shows that people who are fully vaccinated are 9.9 times more likely to die from the COVID-19 Delta variant than unvaccinated people. (0.69% vs 0.07%)


Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jul 10, 2021 4:57 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be antagonistic here, but on what basis do you conclude the injection “was thoroughly tested years before covid… because it was part of the Plan”? Do we actually know any of that? All I see when I look around is an injection that was not tested for safety at all and that’s precisely why we see people dying or being severely, often permanently, injured.

I don’t think people dying of this genetic experiment was part of the plan at all. The plan was to have the vast majority comply with the vaccine and then spring mandatory immunity passports on everyone. Then use these passports to rigidly control the populace. The goal was mass control and surveillance via the passport system, eventually introducing microchips into the body and God knows what else.

Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Jul 10, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Sorry to butt in here; but is you look at the average age of death = 82.4 and look at the age distribution of the deaths … 90% >70 or something like that; just have a think of the financial benefit to the government if they do not have to pay out the pensions !!. These people running this, they see us like gimps, so if we are profitable to the them, we are worth while keeping, if we are not – we are disposable. I am not joking here … I am not saying you are right or wrong, just saying !!.

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jul 10, 2021 10:34 PM
Reply to  Invisible Man

I cannot of course offer you proof of this … but if one connects the dots and recognizes all of the lies, then that would indicate that this vaccine was not developed in less than a year.

  1. If it was what we are told it is … then why not just give it to the at risk populations – old / chronically ill?
  2. Covid is a bad flu — so if it is not tested for long term effects you could end up killing/maiming far more than Covid… so again – we give it to those not at risk e.g. children
  3. We have never been able to develop a vaccine against a coronavirus https://www.wired.com/2003/05/feds-race-to-make-sars-vaccine/
  4. A number of scientists who have been involved with vaccine development and Nobel Prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier have stated publicly that this is a ‘bio-weapon’
  5. Bossche explains what he expects to happen here https://www.geertvandenbossche.org/post/why-the-ongoing-mass-vaccination-experiment-drives-a-rapid-evolutionary-response-of-sars-cov-2
  6. Montagnier has stated the ‘deploying a leaky vaccine during a pandemic is unthinkable’
  7. Montagnier also states in a number of interviews that this virus is without question made in a lab.

Essentially what they believe is happening is that natural selection is taking place inside of injected people … the stronger viral particles are surviving, mutating, breeding … and the eventually we will see the emergence of a deadly virus that kills both injected and not injected.

See https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/tthis-chicken-vaccine-makes-virus-dangerous but consider this vaccine was not deployed into a pandemic – so what we are doing is ‘unthinkable’ as Montagnier states.

Conclusion – the PTB have known for decades that this moment was coming (they don’t believe there are oil factories in the middle of the Earth pumping out more oil…) … so they have been planning for this.

They created covid in a lab (basically a bad flu)… but more importantly they created the vaccines with the intent of injecting as many people as possible to create the conditions for a ‘Marek’s’ type situation to arise in humans.

Keep in mind Marek’s is 100% fatal to all unvaccinated chickens. 100%.

But again because we have deployed the vaccine during a pandemic the vaccinated will also die because as Bossche explains immune escape means even the vaccinated will not be exempted from the deadly outcome because their vaccine will not protect them from the variants that will emerge

This is very obviously a plan — so very obviously the vaccines were developed years before covid was released.

Even Trudeau admits this https://www.bitchute.com/video/uLStFKAw8Okm/

As with any plan this is not fool proof… the global economy might collapse before the deadly variants emerge to finish us off….

Heaven help us if the PTB fail. 8B top level predators without food and electricity… would result in an unspeakable nightmare of violence rape starvation and disease.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 10, 2021 11:45 PM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

But no one, not even the elite masterminds behind an alleged mass cull, would be immune to a deadly virus produced by a variant-generating vaccine! No one would be safe. And is it the flu or not, can you make up your mind!? The flu does not wipe out all of humanity. Lot of ‘ifs’ in this hypothesis. A2

Fast Eddy
Fast Eddy
Jul 9, 2021 11:16 PM

Meanwhile.. more fear porn? Or reality?

Data from Public Health England shows that people who are fully vaccinated are 9.9 times more likely to die from the COVID-19 Delta variant than unvaccinated people. (0.69% vs 0.07%)

The article notes:

As per the above table we can see that of the 53,822 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who are unvaccinated, 44 have sadly died. This accounts to 0.07% of confirmed cases in the people who are unvaccinated.

However, of the 7,235 confirmed cases of the Delta Covid variant in people who had received both doses of a Covid-19 vaccine and were therefore fully vaccinated, 50 have sadly died. This accounts to 0.69% of confirmed cases in people who are fully vaccinated.

This data, which again has been published by Public Health England, shows us that people who have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine have a 885.7% higher chance of dying due to the Delta Covid variant than people who are unvaccinated.


Jul 10, 2021 7:38 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

Data from Public Health England shows that people who are fully vaccinated are 9.9 times more likely to die from the COVID-19 Delta variant than unvaccinated people. (0.69% vs 0.07%)”

Grossly misleading. This is for confirmed cases showing up at a hospital.

Statistics are tricky things but their misuse can make fantastic headlines.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 10, 2021 10:11 AM
Reply to  Fast Eddy

The are running the PCR’s at 45 so no one is testing positive to anything, they are simply dropping dead from the poison jabs

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2021 5:35 PM

The Beeb’s latest refers – and with an aura of fawning trust – to Neil Ferguson AKA “Why the fuck are they still dragging this charlatan out?”

It is really nauseating to wade through this militantly insulting crud but the sheer shamelessness of this seemed a new low:

There was always going to be an “exit wave” once restrictions were lifted.

Well why not? They have unerringly been absolutely correct in every other prediction they made – basically because they weren’t making predictions at all but issuing govt decrees. 

Jul 9, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The vaccines only work and should only be mandated when it suits the agenda

“People with certain medical conditions can not have the coronavirus vaccine and there’s emerging evidence that the vaccines may not work as well for people with suppressed immune systems. It’s also worth remembering that no vaccine is 100% effective, and it is possible to become infected even after vaccination.“

(Apologies for the link but it is worth reading to see how these clowns are tying themselves up in knots because they can’t remember their own lies)


Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Jul 9, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It has been planned for decades; the order, the timing of their decrees is set – we need to pre-empt one of their decrees and change the course of their implementation SOMEHOW.

Jul 10, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc, have you considered teaming up with Marilyn Shepherd?

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 10, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  Tamara

Is that all you have, Neil Ferguson is a lying, a con man , a huckster of the lowest order bought and paid for by Bill Gates and big pharma whose ”models” have been out by 6000% every time and caused immense harm to billions of pple. And caused the slaughter of millions of healthy animals.

Jul 16, 2021 1:12 PM

I agree with what you say, Marilyn, and often cut-and-paste your comments to use for countering the zombie nonsense I encounter daily in Massachusetts, but since I’m vegetarian — those “millions of healthy animals” were destined for slaughter anyway. Even though the cull, arising from that POS Ferguson’s deliberately-misleading models, was later exposed for the barbaric methods that were used, those in the abattoirs are horrendous too.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2021 5:26 PM

Another dreary vax flogging article from the Atlantic contains this:

The WHO’s decision to name variants after the Greek alphabet means that at some point, we’ll probably be dealing with an Omega variant. Our decisions now will determine whether that sinister name is accompanied by equally sinister properties, or whether Omega will be just an unremarkable scene during the pandemic’s closing act.

The remarkable implication to be extracted from this is that, going by the intervening letters of the Greek alphabet, “we” are expecting twenty more variants. Expect a big surge of references to the 70s post-apocalyptic sci-fi doomshow The Omega Man!

Jul 9, 2021 4:33 PM

Great article that could have been published during the so called ” swine flu” pandemic and been just as relevant

Having said that it is interesting to note that the majority of the comments below being posted have less to do with this article and more with peoples concerns with loss of freedom and more notably how on an intuitive level people are picking up on ” whats next” .. as in the State now moving to an aggressive level of coercion .

It also seems to imply the “” Biden Solution” of a sort of roving door to door GeStaPo/ Medical /police team squeezing out all the dissent it could possibly do

or the : bleep ,, transaction declined code blue( code blue no Covid Vax id)

Comments like, stock up… months ago would have seemed a bit radical are now greeted with, thanks for reminding me.
All flashing warnings before the storm of criminality about to be unleashed.

Or my comment to my brother, I am just waiting for the bodies to drop( scene from War of the Worlds, a shower of half shredded but still recognizable cloths raining down from the sky after the Death Ray incinerated the bodies inside)

All these taken together seem to suggest that ” the other shoe:” is about to drop

Maybe it would be a good idea for OffG to maybe focusing a tad in that direction.
Yes JC has been doing much of that, but surely he is not the only one?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to  Marcello

The Gesundheit Staatspolizei, methinks.

Jul 9, 2021 4:28 PM

Anyone up for Tony Fauci’s science (The Pharma New Normal) vs Judy Mikovits pushback?

WARNING: Have a swear box nearby.

Del Bigtree With Judy Mikovits Ex-NIH Whistleblower Exposes Fauci- [872021]https://www.bitchute.com/video/Nx0WmAojXvba/

Jul 11, 2021 12:36 AM
Reply to  TFS

I read her book Plague of Corruption, this followed Dissolving Illusions (also about vaccines), I watched David Martin’s testimony to Reiner Fullmich this morning, and I have to say compelling testimony is piling up.

Andrew Schlademan
Andrew Schlademan
Jul 9, 2021 3:50 PM

Dear Dr. Malcom Kendrick and offG readers,
We’re almost there! All we have to do is get over the final, false dichotomy that still predisposes our understanding of health. The one that convinces us that our health is at the arbitrary mercy of good and evil forces, the benign/malignant warfare paradigm that has accompanied us since the times of the ancient Greeks.
Even including our body’s response to trauma and poisoning, virtually every tissue adaptation we consider to be a “disease” is a purposeful, evolutionary adaptation to biological conflict situations, real or perceived, that threaten our survival. These include not only immediate physical threats like the ones wild animals experience every day in nature (like acquiring food and physical integrity/security), but also the abstract conflict situations that we big-brained Homo sapiens sapiens living in our civilized safe spaces also find ourselves dealing with on a regular basis. These include the abstract and sometimes figurative conflicts we have over, e.g., material possessions, our self-esteem, and social situations.
Alas, unlike animals in the wild, our advanced brains give us the ability to perceive and keep conflicts like these alive in our psyches for months and even years. All of these automated programs are functions of our evolutionary biology, and our organism performs them, whether we like them or not, or understand them or not, in the interest of our individual and group survival. In nature, they are designed to give us a temporary physical advantage in a life-threatening situation, but they are always followed by a tissue repair phase = disease. Would any other animal in nature tolerate a miserable situation like a job or a relationship for months or years on end?
When we follow this logic to the truth of how nature functions, we continue on past the value judgements of the previous ages that we interpreted into our understanding. These themselves evolved from pagan luck and misfortune and monotheism’s good and evil, to our present enlightened dichotomy of benign and malignant. Now, we just have to keep going a little further and get over our current obsession with pathogenic germ theory and its necessary counterpart we call our “immune system.” Keep going. Don’t get distracted by the promises of gene therapies that are still just as elusive as they were the day we started pouring money into them. The answer is already available.
In 1981, a German medical doctor submitted a postdoctoral thesis on a new and comprehensive understanding of physiological processes. His eureka moment came after he lost his son to a dreadful accident in 1978. Questioning why he suddenly developed (testicular) cancer after this loss (of his biological progeny), he spent the next three years interviewing thousands of patients in the South German clinics where he worked.
Unfortunately, as the author of this article only knows too well, any discovery that has the potential of disrupting existing medical business models is automatically slandered as a threat to people’s health and an affront to science itself. By 1986, this doctor was given an ultimatum to officially renounce his discovery or forfeit his medical license. By then, however, his application of his discoveries was producing astounding results. He flatly refused to bow to the ignorant and/or corrupt authorities and abandon mushrooming patient demand. Over the course of the next decades, he defied all official injunctions against his practice and refined his understanding by continuing to consult the hundreds of patients and students who were flocking to him from all over the world. Of course, this brought him into conflict with the authorities and he was arrested and jailed in Germany. Relocating to Spain, he was arrested again there and jailed in France. After that he left the EU, going into exile in Norway where he lived and worked until his death in 2017.
Needless to say, the persecution this doctor suffered and his frustration with the corrupt medical-political establishment led to him to issue increasingly outrageous and inflammatory statements unrelated to the science behind his discoveries. This man was no saint. In some respects, he also became his own worst enemy, even attacking many of his most ardent supporters and advocates as well. Obviously, he succumbed to the despair and disillusionment we see reflected in the article above. By the 1990s, he was already truly horrified by the dark underbelly of the profession he dedicated his life to. Now, with more and more of our health care professionals coming to a similar conclusion over the last 18 months, the time is finally ripe for this doctor’s discoveries to reach a broader public.
Still, if you look up this doctor today, the first thing the search engines will return are articles about a madman, a charlatan, a murderer, an anti-Semite, and so on. However, if you look past the paid slander and triggered ignorance and review his scientific discoveries for yourself, you will immediately find the 5 nails he gave us to seal the lid on the for-profit medical industry 40 years ago. His “5 Biological Laws of Nature” are arguably the biggest steps ever taken in our understanding of animal (and even plant) physiology. Please take a few hours and consider this man’s discoveries. His name was Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.

Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Jul 9, 2021 11:13 PM

He is not the only one .. if I had read this comment a few months ago, I would have put you down as a nutter (no offence); but over on “UK Column”, a few of us have been delving into this sort of this more like private discussions and arguments (showing backup) and what is coming out is one hell of an eye opener.

Forgetting gene therapy just being a money spinner and fake, there are no and never have been ANY viruses … not even a common cold or flu … it is impossible. But however that sounds I will leave you this link (there are 4 write ups, 1 seems to be missing, but it can be found) …. https://m.facebook.com/RothschildZionism/photos/a.364238560311246/3300649916670081/?type=3&refsrc=deprecated&_rdr

Could you send me the “5 Biological Laws of Nature” and it a bit more info please, so I can post it … – does it come via email if you reply … I am not very familiar with this site yet.


Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jul 10, 2021 12:58 AM

Bob, maybe that’s where the emphasis should be.

The alternative to vaccine passports and lockdowns from above is simply the polite request to have Lanka’s and Hamer’s theories of disease be openly and methodically explored and tested. Either they’re right or wrong, but we need to know one way or the other.

And the same when it comes to a currency reset. There are all sorts of compelling ideas being discussed about what a currency of the future should look like. They just aren’t being discussed in the mainstream media or the corridors of power.

Jul 10, 2021 3:49 AM

“Could you send me the “5 Biological Laws of Nature…”

His 5 ‘laws’ are enumerated and described in the Wikipedia article on him.

Jul 10, 2021 3:58 AM
Reply to  Robbobbobin

Omitted to say: “for a quick, unbiased ‘executive summary'”

Andrew Schlademan
Andrew Schlademan
Jul 11, 2021 12:15 PM

Others below have linked to good information. There is also a lexicon available for free online:

Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Jul 9, 2021 11:14 PM

Oh I see – please send it to this one as I have ticked the bell. Cheers again.

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jul 10, 2021 12:46 AM

Bob, you can find what you’re looking for here:


Another website devoted to Hamer’s ideas here:


And another one here:


You can also find various books on amazon discussing Hamer and his 5 biological laws.

Bob -Enough now
Bob -Enough now
Jul 10, 2021 12:56 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Thank you so much; I will have a quick scan now and read properly tomorrow. Much appreciated.

Jul 11, 2021 10:37 AM

Brave woman let’s her body go through the cancer process. GNM for the win!

Jul 9, 2021 3:08 PM

Lest we forget an unknown unquantifiable deadly virus hit us in early 2020. The response of our heroic government and their expert medical/media institutions was to:

Terrify everyone to the point some still can’t shake off that PTSD.
Close all medical care facilities – Chris Wittys message to us in his infomercial at the height of the deadly pandemic if you contract this murderous virus: Do not go to the hospital. Do not go to your GP. Do not go to the pharmacy. Stay at home.
Lock us in our homes in the height of summer to further reduce our Vit D levels.
Cancel any kind of entertainment that might help people take their minds off the killer on the loose and dial up the stress by dialling up the fear.
Criminalise any kind of questioning.
Prevent any access to anything that might alleviate any illness.
Force DNRs on families of the old and vulnerable.
Send the medical workers on furlough or extended holidays.
Broadcast stories that not only was there a killer virus out to annihilate us there were imminent food shortages.
Abuse our children by cutting them off from their routines and friends.

But now – they care so much about us that’s why they want us to take the vaccine; they worked untold hours sacrificing themselves to protect us from the murder variants.

In March 2020 and since I have always referred to this as Moronavirus because anybody who believes this nonsense, is queuing up to get tested then wondering why cases are going up and is wearing a mask to further restrict their breathing to protect themselves from a respiratory disease is a Moron.

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 9, 2021 3:04 PM

My boss (a strange metallic creature assembled from the customary corporate PR clichés) just told the team that covid presents an “exciting opportunity” to “modernise” the service. Apparently we are not to get stuck in those bad old days when our customers went away with a “smile on their faces” but to give them “what they really want” which obviously doesn’t involve putting a smile on their faces!

Isn’t it astonishing how this unprecedented pandemic has suddenly catapulted us into that brave new opportunistic world that the corporate sector has always had wet dreams about? I mean let’s not kid ourselves here. “Modernising” ALWAYS means cutting back, downsizing and eliminating the unprofitable I.e. insufficiently exploitable areas.

Exciting opportunities!

Jul 12, 2021 6:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

May I suggest the motivational slogan, “We’re not happy until you’re not happy!”

Jul 9, 2021 1:18 PM

We now appear to live in a satanically controlled insane asylum. Fascism without the party uniforms. This is NOT NEW news, but except to terrified idiots unable and/or unwilling to think for themselves, should be BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS. Multiple and manifold chickens are coming home to roost.

Jul 9, 2021 1:12 PM

That’s a great pun, Malcolm.

Jul 9, 2021 9:09 AM


This batshit crazy anti -vaxxer conspiracy theorist Doctor pushes back.

Canadian Doctor Defies Gag Order and Tells the Public the truth Dr. Charles Hoffe speaks out!

Jul 12, 2021 7:05 AM
Reply to  TFS

Lytton, where Dr. Hoffe practiced, burned flat a week ago. There’s nothing left of one of the oldest continuously-occupied towns in North America.


Jul 9, 2021 7:51 AM

The Article mentions Peter Gotzsche. Here’s the background on the Gotzsche/Cochrane affair..

Peter C. Gøtzsche: Death of a Whistleblower and Cochrane’s Moral Collapse

Jul 9, 2021 7:20 AM

While I appreciate doctors and biological science professionals willing to speak out truth to disgusting power and corruption, I sure wish they wouldn’t do often opt to temper their comments by suggesting the toxic jabs are a safe bet for anyone of any age or condition.

Jul 9, 2021 5:34 AM

ONLY A 4.9 rating!!!! Them pharma bots busy busy busy. must be mixing and matching for those fleeting deadly DELTA infiltrations and is awaiting their FIZZER booster buster fear porn hysteric synthetic experimental genome thrasher . . . . bahahahahahahaha . . . zombee VAX JUNKIES!!!!

OH SAVE ME J&J. gimme sum vaginal mesh, heavy metal hip leachers. vioxx please!!! thalidomide yes!!!! and i want my fenteenall now!!!


Jul 9, 2021 4:45 AM

Where I live no mask rules in place however widespread QR is.
I went to the bank and ignored the QR thingy at the front. Watched the tellers ask the elderly in front “did you scan the QR code?”. All said no so filled out details on a paper sheet.

When it was my turn as I was entering my PIN the teller asked me. I pretended I didn’t hear her, and she didn’t repeat.

Then off to the tip. QR code at a bloody tip! Told him I don’t have a smart phone and that imposing QR downloads is in breach of Federal Privacy Act. He replied that 15 – 20 people have told him that already today!
When I filled out the form, with my pseudonym, I noticed three or more filled out pages. So it seems here at least there is pushback against the QR tracking and awareness of the Privacy Act that the Q’land govt. is urging businesses to breach.

So a small beacon of light.

This link is to a PDF doc that has printable stickers that can be placed over the QR on shop windows/doors. Any phone that scans this is then directed to a website outlining the federal Privacy Act.

[this link was removed because it wasn’t a functioning URL. Please upload to a file sharing server and relink the URL in a reply below. Thank you. A2]

Jul 9, 2021 6:18 AM
Reply to  grr
Jul 9, 2021 10:47 AM
Reply to  grr

Yes wasn’t impressed to find this the case today….but did 3 out of 3 places without doing it or filling forms…nice young thing in supermarket pointed it out to me….smiled nicely and thanked her for doing so and wished her best as I walked out without blinking…figured she wasn’t going to do much to an old granny….

the WA lawyer said just do passive resistance…be nice…smile and act dumb…will be doing that as much as possible in coming days….and do not take the phone into the shop…mate down the road said he made that mistake….didn’t do the code shit and gets a txt about half an hour later asking him why….so somehow the phone had reported him…he wasn’t impressed….so the little bastard needs to be put in safe place outside shop…unless that isn’t possible and you went on foot…not sure what it will do if you just fill in the paper instead….

and by the way….something I also found out…under Marshall law of emergency that we are now operating under I have only just realised our pollies have given Over power to police…police only answer to governors of states and governors answer to our blessed leader in UK….so aust has reverted to penal states by law…one of the reasons Clive Palmer and others have lost court cases involving covid laws….time a few more realised that one…our future King Charles is a staunch Davos man and into all their shit…starts to make more sense what is going on here…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 9, 2021 12:34 PM
Reply to  Edith

I laughed early last year and said it was a cold, have never complied with the crap they are pulling on us and have only been asked once, that was to wear a face nappy during the phantom sneaky pizza box con in SA and I refused

Jul 9, 2021 11:31 PM
Reply to  Edith

I advised my elderly mother to leave her mobile at home to avoid being caught in a “data net”.
I’m not referring to the Track and Trace App, she doesn’t have that, but the normal phone records collated by the phone signal towers.

Jul 10, 2021 7:17 AM
Reply to  grr

Wouldn’t turning off her phone or putting it in Airplane Mode be a better choice? Then she would at least have her phone with her in an emergency.

Jul 10, 2021 2:51 PM
Reply to  Tamara

Or adopt the policy i have in that should an emergency arise there will be untold numbers of masked clowns whose phones will be either recording said emergency or be offering to call whoever i wish

Even the loss of 90 percent of public call boxes (remember them? we used to use them in emergencies) has made no difference and in fact has increased the number of phones available in an emergency.Now i will quantify that with the fact that should said person be planning a solo wilderness adventure a phone might be a good idea (as well as flares,signalling mirrors,emergency radio etc) but up to now no one who is awake need carry a phone as the sheeple have made my ability to communicate my distress far easier

Don’t fool yourself that you ‘only’ carry a phone for emergencies,you don’t its just yourself justifying to yourself that you are more important than you actually are

Jul 11, 2021 7:05 AM
Reply to  magumba

Really. So you have committed the phone numbers of the people you might need to call in an emergency to memory? So that you can pass them along to those ubiquitous helpers you imagine? Turning off your phone, or putting it in Airplane Mode, sounds like a better idea.

Jul 9, 2021 3:06 AM

I’m hearing lots of stories lately of staff in Hospitals like Doctors and nurses etc. being forced or coerced into taking the vaccine in Australia. Is this legally possible? I would be interested to hear people opinions on this.

Jul 9, 2021 7:21 AM
Reply to  John

Every good person has a duty before God to defend themselves from being euthanized, tortured, or murdered.

Jul 9, 2021 8:20 AM
Reply to  John

I believe recently found a video on Bitchute, from an Australian lawyer explaining that Federal Law, overrides state law and that vaccination cannot be carried out without consent.

I’ve be watching the glee with which the Australian Army will roll said vaccines out. The people of Australia will never look at the Police/Army in the same way again. They fit right alongside the politicians very nicely.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 9, 2021 8:50 AM
Reply to  TFS

Waiting for the knock on my door T. Some people are printing up No Trespass notices to put on their front gate, but, somehow I don’t think they will make much difference.
I’d readily flee to Cunnamulla or Boggabri or somewhere except I don’t know anyone outside Melbourne and apparently they’ve installed a lot of surveillance cameras out in the Bush.
I do think that if they’re not meeting their targets, the Army and Cops will be going door to door “encouraging” people to get jabbed. And, given the opinions of a lot of my customers, I’d say more than a fair few will be cheering them on. You’re also right about federal law overriding state law in circumstances like this.

Jul 9, 2021 10:09 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

If it does come to mandatory at point of a gun poison stabbing then I’ll set booby traps and have weapons in every room. They won’t be unscathed.
Knowing what is known about these poison stabs I’d rather be shot dead, after taking out a few of them, than have the poison.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 9, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  grr

Same Grrr… I’d rather die on my feet refusing this shit than meekly get down on my knees and hold my arm out, especially after watching that video last night about what’s actually in the Pfizer jab. I actually had 3 of my customers today proudly tell me they’d had their second jab.
Then a 4th person who I usually see in another suburb walked past me, tells me her husband has been in the large hospital up the road with serious health issues for 6 days now. I asked her “when did Colin have his second jab” and she goes 10 days ago. She also said the Doctors weren’t sure what was going on with him.
There’ll be many many more like Colin in the next year or more.

Jul 9, 2021 10:57 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

From what I gather that is the standard hospital answer to anyone presenting in a bad way post jab…we have no idea what is going on…really! Next bit….no we don’t think it has anything whatsoever to do with the needle…lying hounds, seems they are also afraid to admit to problems with the needle…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 9, 2021 12:37 PM
Reply to  Edith

The TGA states 355 deaths days after the jabs but say the jabs had nothing to do with and not one of our lazy shit stain journos ever read the reports or ever ask why they were jabbed if they were in days from death from other things.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 4:18 AM

Steady on-that’s an insult to shit-stains. And what about the huge numbers of cases of cardiac myopathy and pericarditis in young men after the ‘magical’ Pfizer and Moderna mRNA gene therapy injection? To have the proles begging for these experimental gene therapy injections, without a word about the huge numbers of adverse reactions overseas, is the most complete victory for presstitute wickedness I can recall.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 9, 2021 12:36 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

As you know of my reputation in Adelaide over the years you can image how compliant I would ever be. I learnt very young to never comply with bullshit

Jul 9, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Gezzah if you flee to nth qld you will find half of Victoria here before you mate…you will be right at home…they are here in droves.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 9, 2021 11:17 AM
Reply to  Edith

I know! Quite a few of my former Melbourne Facebook friends are now in Nth Qld, and others on the Gold Coast. And the corruption and complicity of Doctors and Nurses in this country is shocking. Yes, I understand there are heavy penalties for being a whistle-blower in Australia, but we are talking about the greatest crime ever perpetrated on humanity, because after the video I watched last night about what’s in the Pfizer jab, and what your astrology is telling you also, a helluva lot of people are going to die.
The main reasons I stayed in Melbourne is I have a steady income with the mag. As a New Zealand citizen, I’m not entitled to any Centrelink, and at 58, and being out of waged work for over 11 years, the chances of me getting a job would be fairly slim.
Have a good weekend Edith👍

Jul 9, 2021 11:38 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Depends how fit you are in NQ. The farmers are screaming no one to pick anything and the various coffee places are being run over by all the visitors and claim they cannot get staff…it is all quite bizarre..

Jul 9, 2021 11:32 PM
Reply to  Edith

LOL too right Edith.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 4:15 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Nuremberg Principles forbid involuntary medical procedures, and medical procedures where death or injury are suspected could occur. And the WMA’s (World Medical Association) Helsinki Principles from 1964, and subsequent reiterations state that,’ Participation of individuals capable of giving informed consent in medical research must be voluntary’. So much for the ‘Rules Based International Order’.

Jul 9, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  TFS

No sorry this is when we find that there are a few aspects we should have sorted out some time ago….commonwealth apparently doesn’t have powers in this situation,…this could be because of the state of emergency hand over to police…sneaky bastards.

Jul 9, 2021 10:51 AM
Reply to  John

Under the Nuremberg convention it isn’t supposed to happen but they just make it a condition of employment and ignore the consequences…no one who has had the needle has had informed consent …that is illegal…no one gets fully informed what’s in it before we get to side effects etc…but not to worry I understand Bunnings will be supplying it within weeks….one could hope at that point the whole system gets corrupted and one can get a bodgy deal from Bunnings…

Gregory Fisher
Gregory Fisher
Jul 9, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  John

Big debate. A lot of Carers would leave, say at old folks or special needs, rather than be required to get the shot. Poor pay, so they could walk, get another low pay job. Last gasp, They will threaten and bluster…now NSW is hunkered down in Lockup.

Jul 10, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  John

What is regarded as ‘LEGAL’ is not strictly LAWFUL unless it’s by CONSENT of the people. That doesn’t mean that you couldn’t be forced by TPTB into having the vaccine.

However, if you can’t get out of it any other way, there’s still a chance that you can possibly make those people who actually administer the vaccine personally liable under common law by getting them to sign a written statement to that effect for any adverse reactions (injuries or otherwise) that is, if you are being forced to have the jab under duress. That may put them off, but would not be practical if personal liability has also been usurped as a remedy by the repressive forces of the state.

Jul 9, 2021 3:00 AM

The latest bullshit doublespeak. If you don’t want the vaccine you are an anti vaxxer. I have had every vaccine possible except flu. I will not get the covid vaccine because I have a functioning brain, not because I’m an anti vaxxer.

Jul 9, 2021 7:22 AM
Reply to  John

Exactly! So well said. Thank you!

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 9, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  John

I am of an age where jabs for minor things like measles, mumps and chicken pox hadn’t been invented and all babies are now jabbed but somehow millions a year still get measles though now it has evolved into very deadly instead of trivial

Patrick Corbett
Patrick Corbett
Jul 9, 2021 6:30 PM
Reply to  John

With all due respect John, if you did a little more research you’d be an anti-vaxxer. You could start by reading Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries–it will open your eyes.

Christine Thompson
Christine Thompson
Jul 10, 2021 7:15 AM

Yes, you’re so right, of course. I’m in the UK, and ever since this global nightmare began, I’ve been providing my immediate family members and friends with a mass of trustworthy information re. what’s REALLY going on. I also provided them all (months BEFORE the injections were ‘rolled out’) with information from HONEST doctors and scientists from around the world who were issuing dire warnings to people NOT to have the injections.

I even gifted some of my family members and friends with copies of Dr Humphries’ book. My younger brother is 55, his wife is now 36, and when I gifted them with a copy of ‘Dissolving Illusions’, she phoned me and told me that she’d already read quite a bit of it, and remarked “WHAT an eye-opener!!”. And yet she still chose to have this current injection…!! Crazy, huh… And to cap it all, after having had the [fake] ‘Swine Flu’ injection in 2009, she was made seriously ill as a result. I’d have thought that she’d have learnt her lesson, about the dangers of injections… obviously not.

I myself (aged 62) have been an anti-vaxxer for more than 30 years, and am immensely proud to be so. I’m the only one in my extended family who’s refused this evil concoction. As a result of being PROPERLY-informed, of course.

Jul 9, 2021 12:56 AM
Jul 9, 2021 4:47 AM
Reply to  Trewpol

It won’t last long. The previous f/b of this type gained 130,000 members within a few days and then Suckberg pulled it.

Jul 9, 2021 6:08 AM
Reply to  grr

There is a Canadian fb adverse and info sharing site-over 70k.

dr death
dr death
Jul 8, 2021 9:31 PM

nice to see charlton mentioned… a man of intellect.. who knows what’s going on..
those interested in his ideas and observations should pay his blog a call.. well recommended.

Jul 8, 2021 8:25 PM

The government of Quebec has promised to give a reward to people who received their 2 doses of the vaccine.
The reward was announced today.
It’s the Vax Pass.
I kid you not. Excerpts, from this article in French: https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1807481/passeport-vaccinal-covid-pandemie-sante-covid-quebec

“The Minister presents this new measure not as a restriction of freedom for those who do not want to be vaccinated, but rather as a reward for those who are doubly vaccinated.

Minister: People who refuse to be vaccinated, as I’ve often said, are entitled to do so. But they need to know that if there is an outbreak or transmission in their community, they may have to isolate themselves, be tested, or not have access to certain activities.

If you want to be properly vaccinated by September 1, the clock is ticking,” Dubé warned, addressing 18-29 year olds. Don’t wait until you are banned from bars or activities that are important to you.

Jul 8, 2021 8:44 PM
Reply to  Jean

As one or another of the Marx brothers is said to have quipped, “I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.” So be it. Polite society is deliberately alienating around 20% of its former membership. Good luck expanding airline travel and tourism, vaxatards. I bet the economy will just take off like a rocket. If you don’t want me at your wedding because I’m not triple-vaccinated, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of weddings I’ve attended in a lifetime, and three of them were my own; I probably do not spend an undue amount of time musing, “Gee; I wish I could go to a wedding”.

Don’t forget to take me off the appropriate taxation rolls for infrastructure or services I am no longer allowed to access. I’m not interested in paying for conveniences to be enjoyed exclusively by people for whom I have no respect or amity.

Jul 8, 2021 9:15 PM
Reply to  Mark

Spot on!

George Mc
George Mc
Jul 8, 2021 10:14 PM
Reply to  Mark

If it’s a witty Marx brothers line then it’s almost certainly from Groucho – and that one is. Although Chico got “There ain’t no sanity clause”.

Jul 8, 2021 11:04 PM
Reply to  Mark

Re airline travel; I predict DVT aka blood cliots will be rampant once the pressurised atmosphere in the planes does it’s work.
Imagine dozens, or scores, of poison stabbed zombies dropping dead during a long haul flight over the Pacific?

The usual “is there a doctor on board?” will be a pathetic cry.

Jul 9, 2021 2:39 AM
Reply to  grr

The atmosphere in passenger aircraft is only pressurised in the sense that it is equivalent to that at 10,000 feet or thereabouts. In other words it’s nowhere near the pressure at ground level.


Jul 9, 2021 4:54 AM
Reply to  DavidC

Ok yeah my bad, pressure is lower, but DVT has always been a problem with people sitting in cramped positions for too long. Surely the poison stabbed with their propensity to clot will be more at risk?

Jul 10, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  grr

Flying wont be a problem if the contents of this report come to pass (which they will)

”All airports except Heathrow Glasgow and Belfast will close with transfers by rail” and all before 2030


Jul 9, 2021 6:09 AM
Reply to  Mark

I loath going to weddings.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 9, 2021 1:29 PM
Reply to  Hele

Actually they can be quite fun … just get shitfaced and snort anything you are offered …

Jul 9, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Jean

Dubé and Arruda all belong in jail, they are criminals.

As for Quebec, since you probably already know this is a much more collective society.
No one wants to be the nail sticking out that needs a hammer.
Vaccine compliance in Quebec is the highest in Canada, 89.9 %
I ask you Jean, what is more dangerous, the Dubé’s or the near 100% brainwashed population?
A great tragedy in Quebec is about to take place and very few Québécois seem to notice.!!

Jul 8, 2021 7:58 PM

Dr Yeadon’s latest take on the ‘vaccines’ – just don’t! (from Robin Monotti’s Telegram feed):

“Dear Robin,

Another description, contrasting propaganda & reality in the topic of immune recognition.

All the best,

Variants – irrelevant & being used as propaganda.

It’s true that when this virus, SARS-CoV-2, replicates inside our cells, it occasionally makes a “molecular typo” error. Instead of a letter A, for example, we might see a letter U. These letters are instructions for what the next infected cell is instructed to manufacture.
Quite commonly there are several errors made. 

But it’s very important to realise that there are a LOT of letters making up the genetic code for this virus, almost 30,000 letters.
In turn this translates into almost 10,000 amino acids, the building blocks of all proteins. If a particular altered code is found often enough, it might get noticed as “a variant of interest”. 

The question is, “Does it matter?”
So far, the answer is categorically NO.
If we look at the variant which is most-different, we find that no variant is more than 0.3% changed from the original Wuhan sequence. That’s right, no variant is less than 99.7% identical to the original virus.

To give an idea as to how much (or how little, really) a change of 0.3% is, I ask you to accept that the area of one palm of your hand is about 1% of your body surface area. So a visual difference of around the area of a third of one palm is what to memorise. That’s less than the visual change brought about by turning a baseball cap around, or changing the shape of the lenses in your sunglasses, and expecting not to be recognised by your partner. They won’t be fooled. 

Please allow me to demonstrate that a difference of this minute amount definitely won’t fool your immune system either, into thinking “this is a new virus, not sure how I’ll cope”.

Back in 2003, there was a previous coronavirus, called SARS. It was never as widely spread out as the current virus, but plenty of people were infected. Several of these were followed up & invited to volunteer for a test on the immune cells in their blood.
The main findings were that all volunteers retained solid immunity to SARS, 17 years after being infected. That’s great & is what to expect with the present virus: robust & durable immunity.

But the second finding was astonishing to those who are unfamiliar with immunology. Every survivor of infection by SARS all those years ago also had cross-immunity to SARS-CoV-2. How could this possibly be? They’d never seen the new virus.

The answer is in the similarity of the two viruses: they’re around 78% identical, or 22% different. The way our immune systems recognise & remember respiratory viruses is to chop it into pieces & examine all the pieces.

With a similarity as much as 78%, many of the pieces of the SARS virus which were recognised in 2003 are the same as the pieces recognised in SARS-CoV-2 now.
If our immune systems have absolutely no difficulty recognising two viruses which are 22% different, it’s literally impossible & absurd to pretend to the British people that a mere 0.3% mutation is a problem. It’s not a problem. 

Anyone immune to the current virus, whether by natural infection or from vaccination, is also immune to all the variants. It’s not just me saying so. Clinical immunologists tested the blood T-cells from volunteers & showed them all the variants which they had available, and they easily recognised & responded to them all. 

These mutations in SARS-CoV-2 are very common but they produce a lot of hot air. None the of these variants differ enough to represent the slightest threat to immunity already hard won. That’s the big idea, but you’re not falling for it. So you definitely do not need a booster or variant vaccine. Don’t let anyone come near you with a syringe of such a thing. They’re not honest & they’re not your friend.

Might a variant be more infectious? Sure, that’s possible – and expected. How have we ended up with around 40 different viruses able to infect human respiratory tract? We think they each had nastier origins but over time, they’ve become more infectious but a LESS dangerous.”

Jul 8, 2021 9:04 PM
Reply to  Tony

Indeed, according to credentialed virologists, never in the history of viruses has a variant or mutation been more deadly than the original strain. It is perfectly expected for successive mutations to become more infectious in their quest to infect more broadly and replicate more rapidly. But no variant has ever become more toxic than the original.

Stop The Prison Mentality
Stop The Prison Mentality
Jul 9, 2021 4:51 AM
Reply to  Mark

But no variant has ever become more toxic than the original.

Happy to accept that, however this is the first time we’ve had to deal with an engineered virus that has skipped a few evolutionary steps and is something that should not exist in nature. Does that mean it’s still going to become a diminishing threat? or something else?

I’m not particularly worried either way, just an observation.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 9, 2021 12:42 PM

It’s non existent you mean, Christine Massey and her cohorts have got back 81 FOIs’ from nations and 0 have a single paper claiming virus isolation. The whole scam started on DRosten’s computer imaging based on a partial theoretic genome.

Jul 8, 2021 10:15 PM
Reply to  Tony

Great overview. Valuable. Tks.

Jul 9, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  Tony

It doesn’t replicate. It doesn’t exist.

Jul 9, 2021 8:07 AM
Reply to  Tony

And yet, the part of the new virus – if it exists – that they chose to incorporate in the jabs is the iconic spike known to cause definite harm.

Notice that the multiple studies on alternatives – Invermectin, HCQ, etc. – all sink without a trace, enabling the manipulators to keep claiming a lack of evidence. If an insider quotes an old study on Vit. D, Vit. C, etc., he gets fired.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 8, 2021 7:27 PM

There’s a rub, Vitamin C or Supplement. Two Oranges one labeled organic.
Stamp or barcode, decal or transfer, sticker or tag?
I love ELP’s ‘Toccata’ brain salad surgery, but also loved, still do, Hank Marvin on his burns Wonderful Land. As child I sketched charcoal stick and lead pencil, probably today both banned, I dunno. I mean who cares.
Tip: stop marking food Organic.
Me? I just want an Orange.
Thanks Medical Science.

Jul 8, 2021 6:18 PM

This pretty much states the shaky foundations upon which our western ‘democracy and treedom’ now stand – I’m leaving out links, because there are too many for the system here:

“You recently signed the petition “Prevent any restrictions on those who refuse a Covid-19 vaccination”:

On Monday 5 July, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Sajid Javid MP gave a statement to the House of Commons on covid-19. The Secretary of State updated MPs on the Government’s plans for social restrictions and guidance from 19 July.
He also announced the outcome of the Government’s review of domestic covid-status certification, also known as ‘covid passports’. The Secretary of State confirmed the Government will not mandate the use of covid-status certification as a condition of entry for visitors to any setting, such as shops or events, at the present time.

The Government’s review concluded that there would be a public health benefit to covid-status certification, but that the burden of implementing such a system, to businesses and individuals not yet fully vaccinated, would be disproportionate to that benefit at this stage of the pandemic.
However, the Government has stated that individual organisations may make a discretionary choice to require covid-status certification (for example, via the NHS app) to help keep their premises safe, although the review has concluded that “essential services” should not do this.
The review also noted that the Government will keep the option of routine covid-status certification under review, and that certification could provide a means of keeping events going and businesses open if the country is facing a difficult situation in autumn or winter.
What are Ministerial statements?
Ministerial statements are a way for Ministers to bring an important matter to the attention of the House.”

Jul 8, 2021 4:40 PM

EXPOSED – The Persecution of Canadian Physicians by Organized Medicine During the Pandemic.Really Esteemed Doctors and Medical Professionals.

Jul 8, 2021 7:54 PM
Reply to  Hele

Now it’s the turn of the lying authorities and their accomplices in ‘Organized Medicine’ to be persecuted.
It’s only fair.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jul 9, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Hele

62% !!

The D Dimer test showed that 62% of those injected had otherwise undetectable clotting.

Jul 9, 2021 10:40 PM
Reply to  Hele

Thanks for posting video ! surprised that it is not scrubbed at YT.

Sad that those who are trying to do good for public are being silenced. They are fighting for us, same way OffG here. Though it is enlightening to listen for those on the other side of propaganda, especially Dr Roger Hodkinson calling Public health authorities /Canda’s Medical Colleges “Most despicable” and delivers with authority, without any fear… he was on fire !!

Wish more Canadians watch, listen and realize who really cares about them, these Doctors who are silenced for telling truth or the Propaganda spewing government and their mouth piece media.

Jul 8, 2021 2:55 PM

Off topic but please stock up your food,Tins pulses,Rice whatever.Grow your own if you can.

Jul 8, 2021 2:11 PM

As my old engineering lecturer told me forty odd years ago.
Trust absolutely nothing, unless you have absolutely doubted everything.
Wise words indeed.

Jul 8, 2021 1:17 PM

The minute they came up with a name for the investigation of physical phenomena, they began its slow death by corruption.

Humans, it seems, cannot name something without over time exalting the name itself above what the name represents.

“Science” left what it represents long ago to become a holy icon to be worshipped. Consequently, that which is bundled under the name “science” need bear no relationship to the investigation of physical phenomena.

When you think of modern science, think of priests in the Middle Ages selling feathers and bone fragments claimed to be of the Holy Ghost.

Jul 8, 2021 1:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

And what is in fact “Medical Services” has little in common with “Healthcare”.

Jul 8, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Howard

“The Science” – and of course there is no such thing. Scientists – people who indulge in the practice of ‘doing’ science – are not, should not be, priests engaging the promulgation of dogma. The practice of true scientific enquiry does not engage in the promulgation of dogma, it engages in the practice of enquiry to determine the nature of things. It is a continuous process whose practitioners are always suspicious of the results they obtain.

Jul 8, 2021 7:31 PM
Reply to  Howard

the dreaded uber-taxonomiste!

dr death
dr death
Jul 8, 2021 9:56 PM
Reply to  Howard

the problem is colossal bureaucracy and meaningless accreditation… these things are cancer… they open up the ‘fields’ to co-option and control via criminal cabal funding and kickbacks etc (some think this was the primary aim).. most of the imbeciles and dis-functionaries representing these whore-houses are on the whole criminally insane…

thus ‘organizations’ that supposedly represent the ‘disciplines’ have become nothing more than dysfunctional engorged ticks… lips flapping, hands outstretched…palms up and bent over for the highest bidder..

the correct conclusions being ‘drawn’ , the price of ‘entry’ guaranteed… for now..

Jul 8, 2021 12:53 PM

Posing a bit of a problem for the “worst pandemic for a century” and “massive depopulation agenda in progress” narratives –


Tesla Ozone Therapy works
Tesla Ozone Therapy works
Jul 8, 2021 12:45 PM

Science, medicine and economics today are all locked in the past. Science, especially the technocratic transhumanists, still believe in a Cartesian mechanistic view of the universe and so think that we, too, should become more machine-like, medicine still holds up the long discredited (by Pasteur himself!) germ theory and refuses to acknowledge food as medicine or ozone therapy because that would end the patent-profit Pharma petrochemical empire and economics is locked in unfettered capitalism, reducing the world to serfdom, fast devolving into a techno-neofeudalism.

Jul 8, 2021 12:51 PM

Ozone Autohemotherapy reported by Dr. Shi Kemei, 2nd. Hospital, Tianjin Med. U;

Wayne Vanderploeg
Wayne Vanderploeg
Jul 8, 2021 12:43 PM

And it all started here:


Control by big money.

Carnegie Foundation.

I am reluctant to share this one as the authors are clearly over the edge:


Jul 8, 2021 7:56 PM

It started in the UK when Margaret Thatcher said, “There’s no such thing as society.”
Looks to me as if the authors are very much on the ball with that last link…

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:10 AM
Reply to  wardropper

‘It’ started c.four million years ago when an hominid decided to steal another’s mate, kill his children and take his food, by the simple method of bashing his brains out. They were tasty, and all.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jul 8, 2021 12:13 PM

Zombie science: “science that is dead, but is artificially keep moving by a continual infusion of funding. From a distance Zombie science looks like the real thing, the surface features of a science are in place – white coats, laboratories, computer programming, PhDs, papers, conferences, prizes etc. But the Zombie is not interested in the pursuit of truth – its citations are externally-controlled and directed at non-scientific goals, and inside the Zombie everything is rotten…”

Spectacle: the living motion of that which is dead.

The characteristic of the revolutionary theory is that people know it inherently to be true. And our author here has come to some unsettling realisations.

Big B
Big B
Jul 8, 2021 12:09 PM

“Now the lamps have gone out….”, an ancient metaphorical reference to truth-conditions, wisdom (Sophia), rationalised illumination, and, of course, ‘enlightenment.’ Supposed rational-causal and “theo-scientific” (reductive, mechanical, industrial, machinic) protocols (Cartesian Error Protocols.)

The lumen naturale – the supernal and self-perfecting theurgic light of enlightenment reason – an imperial, libertarian, and colonial projection which could have been defined as “rational intuitionism: “the ability to know supersensible and supercosmic objects by means of the light of reason alone; a faculty that renders certain their existence and truth via intellectual illumination.”” Or “Nothing grows forever but the metaphysical libertarian ego.” Which is the basis of scientism, historicism, philosophism, folk psychologism, et cetera.

Secularism never happened. There was only an expansion of moralistic monotheism by genocidal, scientific, industrial, and economic means. Screw ‘enlightened modernism’: we now live in the post-industrial bio-medical fascistic “Early Moderna-ism.”

Where anticapitalists, antirationalists, altermondialists, anticolonialists, antiimperialists and embodied humanists of all types continue to swim against the mainstream, trying very hard not to say “we told you so” centuries ago. Aristotle and Plato were the original Marxists! Where Marx’s debt to Aristotle is, in fact, a well acknowledged connection.

Medical Research is only one aspect of our current “ego-econometric” or “chrematistic consciousness” and civilisation-bound schizophrenia – inherited from Greek intellectual roots and, ignoring the caveats and warnings, developed as an irrational, pseudo-scientific, excessive and dehumanising obsession with self-destructive possession, determinateness, hyperindividuality, and privatised individuation.

There is nothing necessarily or inherently wrong with these qualities, attributes, and properties: until they become ‘scientific’ quantities; as commensurable, calculable, and therefore commodifiable goods capable of excessive exchange values far in excess of any form of humanistic proportional production and egalitarian distribution.

And we have known the likely outcome for centuries. “Auri sacra fames”: the accursed civilisation-bound obsessions with having or measuring the qualities of life – including its endgoal-determination of ‘happiness’ – with money. Unnaturally chrematistic, dehumanising pleonexia. Or Early Moderna-ist “eudaemonetarism.” Or “civilisation-bound hegemoney.”

So why are there, statistically, so few anticapitalists who can see that everything in the current capitalist chrematistic ‘life-form’ has now been absolutely corrupted by profitability? Just as it always would. It’s not just medical research that is bio-medically fascisistically controlled and ultimately directly mapped to an infinitary perpetuum mobile of compounding interested values. And not just integrated and intentionally instituted financial interest charged: but conscious interest and intention and vested attention that is communitarianly organised and civilisationally-bound to oncological growthism for the sake of growthism? Self-conscious interest charging or accelerative “Capitalist Corona Communism?”

We all live in capitalist societies: not just 1%. Contemporary communist mass consciousness is itself, by its very nature, naturalised as capitalist. As determinateness, individuality, individuation, agency, moralistic autonomy, and ‘free-willed’ preconceived choice and channeled into a predetermined integral intentional infrastructure. Determinateness as substantialised and egotised as determinate quantities, not felt and affective-relational qualities. Or, as Bourdieu put it: extended forms of life capital and habituated habitus.

What next? A massive rejection of the bad habits of modern life and its quantitative, commensurable, calculable, and “Universally Equivalent” interest-determined lifestyle-values? Which are in fact, demonstrable as intentionally destroying life-itself. As they always would. But the self-invested self-conscious have been incredibly slow to see where this would go. Or its entailed chrematistic and pleonexic entelecheia: as Aristotle might say if he were alive today?

Capitalist value-creation entails turning life-itself into a commensurable commodity and calculating infinitary interest rates on evolvability, heritability and liveability. Then renting out life-itself to those who can still afford it. Those who cannot afford life-itself are of no interest value at all: except as lab rats or externalised human-capital and natural-capital and expendable negative grounds for liberty and freedom for a minoritarian communitarian elite. That everyone who is ever likely to read this works for daily and situates and habituates ‘their’ privatised life-itself in. Or extends ‘their’ lifestyle-surplus value-creation as violently extracted from the Third World within on a day by day basis. Which continues to begs the question: why? Why are there so few anticapitalists in the First World?

dr death
dr death
Jul 8, 2021 10:29 PM
Reply to  Big B

their system is dead.. they are death.. cold, lifeless, mechanical….

they fear death because they fear truth and thus they fear life… and seek to change what they do not and cannot understand.. this is why they fail and always have…and why there will never be enough ‘change’ and ‘progress’ to satisfy ‘them’..
‘their’ ideology is so weak, so human… so unnecessary.. (most ideology and philosophy suffers from the same failings.. one could say an imbeciles like hegel and nietzsche were just a second rate scribblers and lewis carroll or swift said much more of value)…

f scott fitzgerald was correct when he noted ‘they’ were ‘different’… unfortunately ‘their’ disease has spread to an inordinate amount of people..and they are now ‘contaminated’, in fact incurable.. ..

there will be no ‘future’ for such people (indeed this is all they are concerned with).. and no going ‘back’ for everyone else.. but there is the ‘present’..

and that’s a good thing..

Big B
Big B
Jul 9, 2021 10:35 AM
Reply to  dr death

There seems to be a total inability to recognise the epic fail of Methodological Individualism as the transformation key. Individuality and individuation are the central pillar of the systemisation of control: self-control ….and they were invented philososophically. If anyone bothered to look: they could easily see the development and genealogy of the technologies of the self develop in “psychohistory.” Which is usually taken to be a development from Plato through Augustine through Descartes. There is scholarship on this: detailing the development. But it has to be read.

The idea of ‘individual’ responsibility within the moral community – the community of conscience – is the basis of monotheistic/secular control. Because all individuals are socially situated and culturally generated: bar none. The moral community becomes the economic community with some very dodgy semantification: dropping the letter ‘o’ from the One Good, to become the One Go_d; and the fallen soul becomes the mind. There was no pretense there: psyche just becomes psyche! And the individualistic, moralistic ‘psy’ disciplines – pseodo-sciences – developed from there; only to part with Natural Philosophy in the end of the 19th century.

Individuality and individuation are centrally controlled – now by the Natural Science archetype – which is every bit as corrupted as above. The Sackler family still seem to be heavily involved in cognitive research. Yes, that Sackler family.

Do you know the “Good Regulator Theory?” A good regulator has to be the ideal cognitive model image of the system they monitor and regulate. Who do you think the Sackler seeded funding on consciousness will develop as an ideal cognitive role model for research!

dr death
dr death
Jul 9, 2021 1:00 PM
Reply to  Big B

indeed such mental ‘gymnastics’ are the birth of hubris and mal-adaption…

but more importantly ‘their’ mechanistic, subjective and selective view of consciousness (in itself an absurdity, the only thing they do consistently well) is meaningless..

after all, ‘they’ are merely interested in maintaining control of the synthetic accretion they have created and thus ensuring longevity, privilege and security for themselves and spawn (basic selfish motivations and common-place)… all projected bloviations merely shades of shit liberally spiced with surgically altered mendacity and hollow platitudes… reinforced by the scribbles of credentialed imbeciles and astro-turfed ideologisms..
one must oppose this nonsense, nature demands it.. (though it is somewhat doubtful whether the resulting outcomes will be those desired)..

believe me when i say ‘their’ technologies will fail spectacularly…. in some ways I can’t wait to see this supposed technocracy.. run on cloud computing and shitty operating systems (heheh).. the computer savvy will decimate them..
a perfect ‘analogue’ of their state of of ‘being’ (heidegger was probably exceptional amongst the imbecilic)…

they are so ‘wrong’ they know it, we know it and God knows it…

they will be crushed, you will be crushed they will all be crushed, it is after all only natural.. whether what comes after will be any any better, well..
I have my doubts.. and I probably wont be around to ‘judge’ it anyway….

Big B
Big B
Jul 10, 2021 8:34 AM
Reply to  dr death

The “Black Swan Theorem” colloquially stated is “expect the unexpected.” The mechanical projections of economics do indeed rely on computer simulation. As did much of the testing – on “animal models” – for the pathological and cytotoxic ‘vaxxine.’ “Manifold smooth space” ‘inside’ the computer simulations contains “structured or expected randomness.” The real world applicability is a an unstructured or unexpectable randomness. Which is “chaos capable.” Simply stated: model reality and real world reality do not match up. The vaxxine does not behave in the way the models predicted. The CDC knew this and went ahead anyway. We are living the inevitable collapse of complexity and exposing the frailty of computer simulacra. And we are both around to witness the live animal trials on a captive population of human lab rats. May the needle never find you.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:20 AM
Reply to  Big B

Jeffrey Epstein?

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:18 AM
Reply to  Big B

Which would you recommend- ‘chrematocrats’, or ‘pleonexocrats’ for our ruling classes. The curse of measuring one’s life, on some lifeless scale, rather than merely experiencing it as it ebbs and flows. There’s the rub.

Big B
Big B
Jul 10, 2021 8:20 AM

The Greek intellectual lexicon contains the definitions of timocracy, aristocracy, plutocracy, oligarchy, and democratic tyranny. And the social degeneration entailed in the slide into absolute totalitarian tyranny in both the Republic and the Politics. No need to go past the original definitions. I sometimes wonder if these were taken as a template, rather than a warning, against the excessive craving for money, title, power, and property that the civilisational-bound hegemoney is based on.

Jul 8, 2021 11:44 AM

Biomedical research is a vast industry, $160 bn a year according to The Lancet in 2013. The waste is also vast – The Lancet quoted a 2009 study that “85% of research is wasteful or inefficient”. The incentives for manipualtion and control should be obvious.

This has consequences as well for the type of research undertaken. As Dr Carolyn Dean wrote, “the bias of medical rsearch makes it search for a patentable drug that will eventually pay for the costly studies necessary to bring it to the market”. How mRNA vaccines fit into this is hardly obscure either.

Prof Duesberg in his book on AIDS says that the successful researchers are the ones “who generate the most data and the least controversy” and that “they pride themselves on molding data to fit popular scientific belief”. As for peer review – the vaunted great safeguard – Rampton and Stauber wrote “[peer review] has proven incapable of filtering out the influenceof government and corporate funders” and Richard Smith wrote “peer review is fraught with problems and lacks evidence of effectiveness”.

The whole process of writing research articles has become controlled by ghost-writing and ghost-management. The latter covers all the invisible ways Big Pharma controls the process including even editorial board members holding stock in companies whose research they are supposedly overseeing.

The result is “journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry”. Was that some crazy know-nothing truther? No, it was the former editor of The Lancet Richard Horton in 2004.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:22 AM
Reply to  Edwige

They heralded ‘Evidence Based Medicine’ then proceeded to fake the ‘evidence’. Almost holistic in its perfection.

Jul 8, 2021 10:50 AM

Another view on Scientific Research.

READER BEWARE. This article mentions MMR, so by reading it, you are already convicted of being anti-science and an anti-vaxxer. You have been so warned!

A Pro-Vaccine Contingent Fails to Distinguish An Objective, Pro-Vaccine Rational Scientist from an “Antivaxxer”https://jameslyonsweiler.com/a-pro-vaccine-contingent-fails-to-distinguish-an-objective-pro-vaccine-rational-scientist-from-an-antivaxxertted-that-pres/

Jul 8, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  TFS

I would suggest reading the whole article including the comments section.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:23 AM
Reply to  TFS

The Groupthinks cannot do nuance. Or debate. Or polite exchange of opinions.

B. L.
B. L.
Jul 8, 2021 10:27 AM

Hi RadicalPerceptionist,
Your account, @blmcguire1 has been locked for violating the Twitter Rules.
Specifically for:
Violating the policy on spreading misleading and potentially harmful information related to COVID-19.
We understand that during times of crisis and instability, it is difficult to know what to do to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Under this policy, we require the removal of content that may pose a risk to people’s health, including content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.

For more information on COVID-19, as well as guidance from leading global health authorities, please refer to the following links:
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public from the WHO
FAQs about COVID-19 from the WHO

We shall not forget the “alt journalists” who either supported, or went along with, the Covid 19 bullshit. Who didn’t question or who echoed, the corporate state messaging concerning: PCR tests, lockdowns, cases, deaths, vaccines, repurposed drugs, great reset, censorship, ect.

Please note that repeated violations may lead to a permanent suspension of your account. Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue with your account.
Go to Twitter

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jul 8, 2021 12:21 PM
Reply to  B. L.

including content that goes directly against guidance from authoritative sources of global and local public health information.

Jul 8, 2021 10:26 AM

It’s not just medical research that’s been corrupted.
The practice of medicine itself has been strangled by a bureaucracy of micro-management that dictates every detail of any treatment of any condition down to which way you sew surgical stitches.
Everyone is different in anatomical, immunological and physiological ways. Bureaucracy can’t handle that. So medicine dies and doctors become servile technicians. Neither patient nor doctor is satisfied by this.

Jul 8, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  Einstein

This is the mass production attitude: preparing for the day when the doctor is a robot or AI.

Jul 8, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Einstein

In the US, some general practitioners, aka “primary care” physicians with hospital-affiliated practices have left the (corporate) hospital structure and formed independent practices known as “concierge” practices. My doctor did just that, and I followed him because I generally like and trust(ed) him, and just didn’t want to face the hassle of a trial-and-error search for a new doctor.

The concierge practices charge a hefty annual fee, essentially a retainer, with emphasis on a thorough annual physical examination that is supposed to be the basis for superior “wellness” care. Concierge practices theoretically accomplish this by limiting the total number of patients; I forget the exact numbers, but during my doctor’s hospital-based practice, he had over a thousand patients– IIRC, he “accepted” about 700 patients when he switched to the concierge practice.

The advantage is that, theoretically, the concierge doctor is not subject to tyrannical corporate production standards and parallel domination by insurance companies. Supposedly, this allows for a quantum leap forward in quality of care; instead of seeing too many patients in too-short time intervals, which inevitably devolves into treating emergent disorders in “reactive” mode, the concierge doctor can focus on prevention and “wellness”, etc.

As you may gather from my use of “theoretically” and other qualifiers, at least in my case the problem is that my emancipated doctor still pretty much accepts the standard “Establishment” or “Rockefeller” concepts. The visits and exams are not rushed as they were formerly, but the analysis and treatment isn’t much different.

Fortunately, my health has been OK since the scamdemic began. I’ve been avoiding my doctor because since the scamdemic was launched, his practice sends e-mails that surely comfort his Normal scamdemic-enthralled patients. They are intended to reassure us that his is still “there” for us, but the content is all CDC and WHO infoganda, plus the usual strong recommendation to get a COVID “vaccination”.

Bah, humbug!

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:25 AM
Reply to  Ort

Was that not the supposed old Chinese model? You pay your doctor, follow his advice, and, if you fall ill, he treats you for nothing.

Jul 8, 2021 9:57 AM

I hate to bring the tone down here on OffG.
Scientifically speaking…this is VVF (Very Very Funny). Just the let the videos continue, there are more.
Matt Hancock – It Was Me (Shaggy Parody)

Jul 8, 2021 12:45 PM
Reply to  TFS

The footage is so awkward and fake. Hancock is almost certainly a blackmailed paedophile, same as the rest of them. “I also need to be with my children at this time.” He mocked in his resignation letter.

Jul 8, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  Dave

Blackmailed Paedophile?

You wan’t to share the info with the Police?

Jul 8, 2021 2:23 PM
Reply to  TFS
Jul 8, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  Dave

I’m not your PAL.

Let’s try this again. Where’s your evidence the Matt Hancock is a Paedophile?

Jul 8, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  TFS

Chill your beans pal. The caveat was “almost certainly”

Jul 10, 2021 3:04 PM
Reply to  TFS

More importantly what is your interest in proving he isn’t ?

Jul 11, 2021 8:53 AM
Reply to  magumba

I don’t need to prove he’s innocent of the charge. He’s innocent until proven guilty.

Dave hasn’t shown one iaota of evidence of him being guilty on his specific charge.

I have no interest. I hope he ends up before a court and spends his days in prison on things related to Covid.

Jul 11, 2021 10:54 AM
Reply to  TFS

Listen pal (cope and seethe, joke btw). I don’t have to prove anything. I said almost certainly because he almost certainly is. Research P.I.E. and the rest of the vile history of how to control an MP.
Truth is you’ve posted a vid that makes “the Matt Hancock” look like one of the lads. A vid that curiously has a copyrighted soundtrack and 7 hundred thousand odd views but remains up.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 8, 2021 9:36 AM

I’ve just watched this video clip in an interview with Dr Jane Ruby about what is actually in the Pfizer jab, as found by a research team at a University in Spain.
Just confirms again my belief that this is really a mass depopulation agenda, coupled with bringing in an Orwellian technocracy. Maybe have a strong drink before you watch. And ignore the advert at the beginning.

Jul 8, 2021 11:19 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts


bachgen cymru
bachgen cymru
Jul 8, 2021 11:30 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I said months ago, ‘why now’? on here. Why 2020? What’s the correlation, the common thread? It’s the rollout of the fifth gen. Hence why in the ‘conspiracy’ world this manufactured event stemming from the open-plan, democratic and free-thinking country on the Russian border was mooted to be happening a tad too early…the full global rollout of this fifth gen is still a couple of years away, but I believe greed and lack of patience has won through. There are numerous products in these snake oil jabs that can be triggered electronically over wavelengths. It takes 30 minutes of research to discern this. Gezzah is bang on right. It’s pop reduction AND pop control. Why do you think the variants are wavelength related? Even Lambda is Greek for wavelength…it’s all rolling out in plain sight.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 8, 2021 11:59 AM
Reply to  bachgen cymru

And Delta also means the deepest form of sleep. What variant do we have now? I actually saw this video on someone’s FB post earlier, I watched it, and it shook me, even though I already knew what was going on.
I believe the university doing this research is the University of Almeria. When you take a step back and look at what is actually going on, you are struck at just how incredibly evil it all is.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 10, 2021 6:28 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The whole neo-liberal capitalist, Western dominated, global ‘Rules Based Order’ is incredibly Evil. From stem to stern. Name we one Federal regime politician who is not a psychopathic ghoul-particularly the ‘female’ Harpies.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 10, 2021 11:38 AM

None. And people vote for these dogs. What else can you say about Austfalia (to pinch your term).
And referring to Whitney Webbs video on transhumanism, you know who the chairperson of the Wellcome Trust is don’t you? Yep, Julia Gillard. Sort of reminds me of people like Paul Howes and Martin Ferguson and where they ended up after their time “serving the people”. Lots of other examples. Should I mention Alexander Downer?
Regards the cult of Neoliberalism, its all coming to its logical conclusion. Not meaning to sound naff, but I’m just treasuring each day as it comes and taking pleasure in the small things.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 8, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

355 people have now died in Australia after their first jabs and the TGA are still claiming it was not the vaccine and yet none of the morons in the media ask the TGA or government 1. are you injecting people so old and frail they are at deaths door, 2. or did they die from the jabs. I would say the second because people so old, sick and frail they die within a few days would not have the capacity to consent and no ethical doctor would jab them with an experiment. Normally a few people a year might get Guillane Barre, already 56 people have in 2 months, 76 now have the fatal blood clots.

On what universe have these jabs with such high incidence rates allowed to continue

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 8, 2021 1:57 PM

Marilyn… The media are in on it. They are pushing these death jabs. They are fully complicit. This is not about a “virus” or safety or health or anything.
If the researchers at this Spanish University are right this is really about mass murder on a massive scale. Depopulation.
After watching this video, what other explanation could you come up with? I believe they’re running more tests. I’m also seeing a number of people sharing this video everywhere.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 8, 2021 4:46 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

I have called our media a bunch of lazy ignorant shit stains for 20 years, they hate my guts for being correct

Jul 8, 2021 11:45 PM

They are neither lazy nor ignorant. They are evil and complicit.

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Jul 8, 2021 1:43 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah!

Found this NYer piece on graphene Oxide from a while back. Explains its discovery and how it works.


Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Jul 8, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

Thanks for this Cyndee👍

les online
les online
Jul 8, 2021 9:25 AM

Sydney’s current lockdown, due to a pandemic without the bodies piling up, has been extended for another week, or, until more get the toxic injection…
It’s pointless to try to persuade a Believer – because Believers cant accept they’ve been fooled (a blow to the ego)… But you might mention “The pandemic exists because the definition of a pandemic was changed by WHO in 2009″…
From a little seed of doubt a big oak tree grows ?…

Jul 8, 2021 10:00 AM
Reply to  les online

I’m in QLD where apparently the skeletal looking female health minister recently announced that masks should be left up to the individual. Their choice. I just went into a supermarket without a mask of course…but milled around outside first to see what people were up to. Not only was I the ONLY person without a mask…I was the ONLY person who did NOT stop at the entrance and QR scan my phone.

So, QLD indoctrination is strong. It was just one wood-duck after another. Huge fat females, big strong men and everyone in between. Compliant. Even above and beyond compliant…as there is no mask requirement.

Creepy fucks.

Jul 8, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  Ooink

Same everywhere. In Malaysia where I am too. They seem oblivious to the fact that QR scanning themselves was probably the major way they can keep feeding test subjects to the PCR, and hence the major way to keep the Convid going. And if you think that’s where people are at their stupidest, no, because then they start sounding off on other people for not being compliant enough and that this “non compliance” is supposedly why the fake disease has kept going.

Jul 8, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  Ooink

Just so you know. Nobody can legally ask you “why are you’re not wearing a mask?” You’re not obliged to provide medical exemptions to store owners and certainly not to the village idiot milling around the store.

Further, you can claim yourself exempt for many reasons listed, you don’t need a sick note from your local gp, (translation. pharmaceutical sale rep).

But you are correct, where are all the men?

I don’t shop at the best of times, but when I do I just go about my business mask free. Some look at you like they want to say something, but think better of it, especially if your stare right at them. I think it’s only keyboard warriors who mouth off online, in reality they’re weak, hence the muzzle.

Jul 8, 2021 11:34 AM

Yeah I know all that. My point was that despite masks being made individual choice…people were still entering with a mask on like they were rabid livestock. That’s what I observed for 5 odd minutes as I milled around outside the supermarket just to see how people were behaving. I do exactly what you do.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jul 8, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  Ooink

And yet if the morons read the box of the little blue things it says they are useless against a virus or any pathogen and if you can breathe they don’t work.. The only sure fire mask is a plastic bag tied tightly around the neck, of course suffocation is guaranteed

Jul 8, 2021 2:26 PM

I’m not even sure if the mask thing is voluntary despite the video that”grr” linked on this site yesterday. I mean the one of the QLD health mole saying masks will be left up to the individual. Does that come into effect sometime in the future or now or what? Cos everyone had masks on at the supermarket I was at before. Except for me.

Jul 9, 2021 1:00 AM
Reply to  Ooink

The exemption clause is and has been valid in Victoria since this started. But that didn’t stop the thugs in blue bashing, stompind and choking people.
I’m wondering what a Q’land pig is going to do when I claim my exemption and quote the silly cow in charge of the “Health” Dept.

Jubal Hershaw
Jubal Hershaw
Jul 9, 2021 1:14 AM
Reply to  Ooink

Initially in Sydney mask wearing was voluntary (Though a government minister threatened that if people didnt wear them voluntary (on trains)
it would be made compulsory.)
The second time they were made compulsory on public transport, but voluntary in supermarkets etc.
The third time they are compulsory even in supermarkets.
As it’s been pointed out, in NSW it’s “Bit by bit, the noose tightens.

Jul 9, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Jubal Hershaw

Anyone know the current rule in Brisbane?

Jul 9, 2021 1:44 AM
Reply to  Jubal Hershaw

As far as I can see, the SEQLD mask rule is still in place. So, not sure what that video of the QLD health bitch was all about. Maybe she was speaking about wider QLD…not SE.QLD.

Jul 8, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  les online

imn any case, many cases of a cold/flu do not death make. nobody has seen bodies outside of photoshop/staged pics and vids, and nobody knows anybody who died of covid [ rather than many other things but c on cert] irl, and there’s been no increse of deaths/funeral, ecr. sure, i am asupoosed to live in a hub of pan demic activity withthe biggest hospital in the area quiet, ambulances rarely leaving the bay, and what … mass graves somewhere?!