The Demonization of the Unvaxxed

Karen Hunt

“Children are the vessels into which adults pour their poison.”
Salman Rushdie, Midnight’s Children

In The Silver Chair, book 6 of CS Lewis’s magnificent The Chronicles of Narnia, the first pages describe a “mixed” school, meaning for boys and girls, that was…

not nearly so mixed as the minds of the people who ran it. These people had the idea that boys and girls should be allowed to do what they liked. And unfortunately what ten or fifteen of the biggest boys and girls liked best was bullying the others. All sort of things, horrid things, went on…[and] the people who did them were not expelled or punished. The Head said they were interesting psychological cases and sent for them and talked to them for hours. And if you knew the right sort of things to say to the Head, the main result was that you became rather a favorite than otherwise.”

The school is called Experiment House and it’s a drab, dull place where, even though it gives the appearance of “everyone doing what they liked,” it’s really a place where everyone must fit in and those who don’t are singled out and persecuted.

The two heroes of the story, Scrubb and Jill, don’t fit in at all, and are being chased by a group of bullies when they come up against the wall at the back of the garden. They are trapped, with nowhere else to turn. In the wall is a door that is always locked. But on this occasion, it opens.

They expected to see the gray, heathery slope of the moor going up and up to join the dull autumn sky. Instead, a blaze of sunlight met them. It poured through the doorway as the light of a June day pours into a garage when you open the door. It made the drops of water on the grass glitter like beads and showed up the dirtiness on Jill’s tear-stained face.”

And so, just as they are about to be caught, Scrubb grabs Jill’s hand and pulls her “through the door, out of the school grounds, out of England, out of our world into That Place.”

I wonder if children read these books anymore? I wonder if children read books at all anymore, or if they simply stare at a lit-up screen and talk into it and it talks back. These books could well be banned as white supremacist propaganda soon anyway. Who knows?

Lewis isn’t very nice to adults in his books. But that’s because adults aren’t very nice to children. Adults have lost their sense of wonderment. The boisterous actions of children are hateful because they remind adults of what they have lost. Children must conform.

Every child who is a little bit different understands exactly how Scrubb and Jill feel. For those who don’t fit in, school is a terrifying place of torture and dread.

What we are now doing to our children with masks and vaccines is a way to make children so compliant that they never think another thought that makes them question what is “behind the door in the wall.”

Children are the bargaining chips held over the heads of those parents who are also inclined towards being just a little bit different. The consequences of being different used to be so benign. Now they could very well be death.

Someone who was once considered a friend might sneeze or touch another person’s hand, or laugh too vigorously and they will become infected. Of course it is better to live in isolation, dependent on electronic devices for amusement and companionship. The world outside is just too unpredictable.

In my last piece Happily Slipping into Our Straight Jackets, I talked about the history of drugging our children and how it has led us to so easily give up our children on the altar of Big Pharma. This, in turn, led us to where we are now, allowing the State to administer an experimental vaccine to our children, and soon even to babies.

As of late May over 600,000 children have received a first dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccination. By late June, over ~7 million people younger than 18 have been vaccinated.

Yet it is still only green-lit for emergency use. Why are we doing this? Why are we using our children as guinea pigs to protect adults, when it’s been shown that this illness barely affects children, nor do they easily transmit it?

Most troubling, the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are the first-ever authorized vaccines to use mRNA. Let me just say, I am not an anti-vaxxer. However, I admit that since the start of this pandemic, I, along with a lot of other people, have begun to question things that I once simply believed because our government told me I should.

A year ago, I was living in Luxor, Egypt, having all kinds of wild adventures while my friends back home were locked in their houses and apartments. I’ve written about those experiences in a series of three essays here. Like most people, I already accepted that not everything I read in the news was true. But I never realized how bad the lies were until the pandemic struck.

From my vantage point far away across the world, in a place that didn’t close down because villages just can’t do that, I began to notice how every single news outlet said the same things. Used the same buzz words. I saw how the tension was building between President Trump and his pandemic task force, in particular Dr Fauci. I watched how at every turn, no matter what Trump said, right or wrong, he had to be discredited.

When Trump closed down travel to China, he was accused of xenophobia. To “send a message” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi toured San Francisco’s Chinatown, saying there was no reason tourists or locals should be staying away. The day after Trump’s travel ban, Biden accused him of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. And yet, months later the media made it out that Trump hadn’t done enough and if Biden had been in charge, he would have done much more. What would he have done? Kept the borders open as he is doing now? Everything is a contradiction.

When Trump tried to reassure the public so as not to create a panic, he was accused of purposefully lying to the American people. Yet this was information he got directly from Fauci and he has never been accused of the same. Fauci waffled back and forth on masks, admitting that he lied to the public about masks not being effective in stopping the spread of COVID. Apparently he did this so there wouldn’t be a shortage for health workers. The press doesn’t seem to have a problem with this.

But if our number-one infectious disease expert admits that he lied to us, how do we know he won’t do it again “for our own good?” What we have learned from all of this is that truth doesn’t matter. As long as the lies are making us feel the way we are supposed to feel, we swallow them.

How were we supposed to know Fauci was right and all the other scientific experts who disagreed with him were wrong? It didn’t matter. There could be no dissent.

I saw how information was kept from the public. I became frustrated and began looking for information elsewhere. I had never really listened to Fox News. So, I checked it out. I quickly learned that I could not share anything I discovered on social media. I would be laughed at, screamed at, and unfriended. I couldn’t say that it was giving me a perspective I wasn’t getting on CNN. Not necessarily right or wrong. Just another perspective. And I needed at least one opposing viewpoint from which to compare the State approved information I was receiving.

New media outlets cropped up like Newsmax. I began to appreciate The Epoch Times. I listened to and watched the videos of journalists like Andy Ngo who were out in the field filming raw footage of the riots that mainstream reporters refused to let us see. I read his book, Unmasked, and learned how he was discredited by mainstream reporters. I have a lot of respect for Andy Ngo and I am grateful for his courageous reporting, in the face of physical attacks and death threats that became so bad, he had to move out of the country.

Way back in April of 2020, Mike Pompeo demanded the truth from Beijing as to whether COVID-19 escaped from the Wuhan lab during experiments and China covered it up by blaming ‘wet’ food markets. This sounded plausible to me. Yet, Pompeo now says he received pushback against any type of investigation. Like so many other plausible theories put forward by Trump and his team, all reference to COVID originating in a lab were removed from the internet. Anyone daring to talk about it was labeled a conspiracy theorist and shut out of their social media accounts.

Now, suddenly, it’s all over the news. A year after TRASHING the theory that COVID originated from a Wuhan lab because Trump supported the suggestion – America’s woke mainstream news outlets suddenly start asking if it’s true!

Why? That is a mystery I would like to find the answer for.

And then there’s Hydroxychloroquine. And, I should add Ivermectin. Although I don’t go into it here, it’s the same scenario and you will see it in the news a lot lately—too late for so many people.

In April 2020, a small French study showed HCQ combined with azithromycin, an antibiotic, was safe and effective in lowering COVID-19’s virus count in patients who had first contracted the disease. Mr. Trump immediately cited the study — as it was good news — the world was at the height of the pandemic and HCQ had been approved and used by physicians for 85 years to treat both malaria and some autoimmune diseases.

Instead of this being greeted as hopeful, it was immediately trashed in the media. Fake news. Not following the science. But I wondered. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Big Pharma in collusion with anyone investing into it had good reason to discredit HCQ. The medication was cheap and easily administered. If millions of people started taking this drug, in conjunction with other therapeutics, and they started getting better, what justification would there be for vaccinating the entire world?

When, in July of 2020, a group calling themselves America’s Frontline Doctors, stood upon the steps of our capital building and spoke of the merits of hydroxychloroquine, describing masks as unnecessary, they were derided as quacks. A video of their impassioned speech immediately went viral and was removed from all social media by the next day.

It became apparent to me that anyone, no matter how prominent, no matter how upstanding, who dared to question the State-sanctioned propaganda were being silenced, discredited and fired from their positions. Why weren’t we listening to them?

If, as Fauci was always saying and continues to say to this day, “we simply don’t know [fill in the blank]”, why wouldn’t they welcome the help of a wider range of expertise? These were doctors who put their reputations on the line to speak out. They were in the trenches, actually treating patients. They weren’t theorists like Dr Fauci, playing god in laboratories, receiving grants from Big Pharma with the understanding they needed to reach the required conclusion.

I was inclined to think maybe these doctors had something important to say. Yet still, when I tried to make that suggestion on social media, again, I was shot down. People were really getting worried about me. I was being brainwashed.

By whom? I was merely comparing possibilities. Once upon a time, that was called critical thinking. Now, everyone’s minds were completely closed to any inquiries. I had never experienced anything like it.

Perhaps future generations will look back on the denial of HCQ and Ivermectin to the public to treat this illness as one of the greatest crimes in history. How many lives could have been saved if these inexpensive and easily accessible drugs, along with other therapeutics, had been used early on? Perhaps millions.

Renowned public health officials from around the world denounced the draconian measures being taken in “The Great Barrington Declaration:”

The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Immediately, all of these experts were discredited and silenced. The all-encompassing power to control information was becoming apparent.

Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test himself said it was not a reliable test for viruses. His words were silenced, or twisted around to mean something else, even though what he said was very plain.

In the meantime, the flu magically disappeared. That was because of masks and lockdowns we were told. But then, why didn’t it work for COVID?

If even the testing method we were using wasn’t accurate, or could be fiddled with to create more or less positive results when needed, how could we be sure of anything?

We have a video from 2017 where Dr. Fauci actually warned of a pandemic and a surprise outbreak. But it doesn’t seem to be of significance.

We have Dr. Fauci’s treasure trove of emails, where it looks like he potentially tried to hide the very real possibility that the virus came from the Wuhan lab. The emails show him flip-flopping on masks, justifying it by saying well, the science changed.

But whose science? When only one voice is allowed—that being the voice of those who have everything to gain from hiding truth—then “science” becomes a tool for control rather than a method by which we find truth.

Despite the revelations, the state-run media, are still enamored with Fauci. Asking him delicate questions, drooling over his sainthood, just as they do over Biden’s grandfatherly and completely nonthreatening demeanor.

That is, except when Biden wakes up long enough, as he did at a recent event, to squint down at a little girl in the audience, of not more than 10 years of age, and say,

I uh, I love those barrettes in your hair, man. I tell you what, look at her. She looks like she’s 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”

poll during voting showed that nearly half of Biden voters said their vote wasn’t for Biden so much as it was against Trump.

Anything would be better than that racist maniac Orange Man Bad.

Better to lie, better to have people die without the therapeutic drugs that could have saved them, better to let China off the hook, than to admit Trump was right about anything.

Fill people with so much fear and hatred they don’t suspect the obvious: That the gods behind the curtain; the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates, are gaining absolute power over our minds and bodies and we are giving it up to them without blinking an eye.

During the pandemic the nation’s 644 billionaires gained almost $1 trillion in total net worth, according to a new analysis, while the poorer Americans struggle with lost wages and jobs. Doesn’t that mean anything to anybody? Aren’t the implications obvious?

Apparently not. I haven’t finished my Netflix series. Have you seen it? What do you recommend I watch next?

Take care of us. Keep us safe. Lull us to sleep with our smartphones and our drugs, cover our faces, administer our vaccines.

Once Trump was gone, anyone who thought the same, namely anyone who questioned the State, needed to be discredited as well. A line was drawn. There was no middle ground.

Either you were a masker and a vaxxer or you were a heretic. And we all know what happens to heretics.

When January 6th occurred, Biden called it the worst terrorist event in our history. Domestic terrorism, that’s what we are up against now. Even though those who stormed the capital were let in by the police, had no weapons and killed no one. Called murderers when the only person murdered that day was Ashli Babbitt. Journalist Tayler Hansen, @TaylerUSA, who filmed Ashli Babbitt’s death, identified the officer responsible for the shooting as Lieutenant Mike Byrd, a Black man. Hansen was subsequently arrested. True to form, the mainstream media showed no interest in investigating Ashli Babbitt’s death.

Obviously. It would have gone against the narrative.

In a recent speech, Biden declared white supremacists the ‘most lethal threat’ to US, as he marked Tulsa race massacre.

Where is this terrible, out of control threat? To compare what happened that day when a bunch of losers entered the capital—video footage even showing police officers inviting them in—to 9/11 is an insult to all who died when terrorists rammed those planes into the World Trade Center. 2,977 people were killed that day and more than 6,000 injured.

It is an insult to all who died during the BLM and Antifa riots, to those who were trapped inside government buildings when rioters tried to burn them down, to small neighborhood businesses that were destroyed. BLM riots caused over $1 billion of damage, ‘yet media says they’re mostly peaceful’.

Most of all, it’s an insult to the nearly 300 children who were shot and killed in 2020, a 50% increase from 2019, and the more than 5,100 children aged 17 and younger were killed or injured, within their own neighborhoods.

So, who are these white supremacists endangering our country? They are fast becoming defined as every person who does not agree with the State.

How do you succeed in silencing almost 80,000,000 people or maybe even more? Trump warned that when he was gone, his attackers would not be finished. “Then they will come for you.”

Anyone who refuses to submit to this vaccine will receive this label. Anyone who refuses to submit their child to this vaccine will be given this label. It won’t matter whether you voted for Trump or not. That will be the label assigned to you.

Proof of vaccination is already being required in restaurants, where the unvaxxed must sit in a special section, wearing masks.

There are countless cases of employees being fired from jobs for not taking the jab. If you want to keep your job, you better take the jab.

Although we were previously told the federal government would leave mask mandates to local government and businesses, Homeland Security now says it is taking a close look at vaccine passports for international travel.

In January 2021, the Los Angeles Unified School District announced that it plans to require its students to receive the COVID vaccine once it is approved and available. Los Angeles Unified is the nation’s largest school district.

And so, we have now been divided into two camps. The vaxxed and the unvaxxed. Who will suffer the most from this? Who is already suffering the most?

Our children.

I hear from parents that they are receiving messages from schools to get their children on the waiting list to be vaccinated. The vaccine will be available in the fall for kids twelve and up. The parents who contact me are against vaccinating their children and say they will never give in. I don’t think they realize how bad it could get.

All the “good” parents will line up for it. All the “good” children will be rewarded for obeying the State by being allowed to attend school free of masks and lead a “normal” life. The children whose parents refuse will have to continue wearing masks. They will have to sit in a special section, eat and play separately.

As I showed in my previous essay with drugging children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, parents who do not conform to vaccinating their children will be seen as irresponsible. Those who are vaccinated will accuse them of selfishness, just as we see adults accusing the unvaxxed of this. Of putting the entire community as risk.

Imagine being those children, being used as examples of the evils of nonconformity. They will become pariahs among their peers and their teachers. They will be mocked, shamed and shunned.

Already, children at this age just want to fit in. The unvaxxed children will go home and beg for their parents to get them vaccinated. Children will turn against their parents. Those few kids who are natural free thinkers, like Scrubb and Jill, will suffer more than they ever have in the past. They will not even have the satisfaction of being thought of as cool by the outside crowd. There won’t be any outside crowd.

Only the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

Where adults have been allowed to remove their masks — although many choose not to — children are still being forced to wear them. While the nation debates Dr Fauci’s emails and how much he really knew, how much information was hidden, how deeply involved he was in research at the Wuhan lab; all these things that for so long were labeled conspiracy theories and are now turning out to be true; our children continue to suffer the abuse of covering their mouths and noses eight hours a day both inside the classroom and outside in terrible heat as they attempt to play.

But according to parents I’ve spoken to, when their kids go home, they don’t go outside. Instead, they are on their tablets or i-pads, interacting on Tiktok, Instagram and Snapchat. They are uninterested in exercise. They are terrified of germs. And parents, busy online themselves, are ignorant as to what their children are engaging in.

During April to October 2020 in the US, emergency room visits linked to mental health problems (e.g. anxiety) for children aged 5-11 increased by nearly 25% and increased by 31% for those aged 12-17 years old as compared to the same period in 2019. During the month of June 2020, 25% of persons aged 18 to 24 in the US reported suicidal ideation. While some of this may be related to the pandemic, we suspect that it is largely a function of our response to the pandemic.

While “the most common experiences reported of online issues involved bullying or generally being made to feel uncomfortable, one in three participants reported having had an online sexual interaction,” a report said. Thorn report: Why you kids shouldn’t be on TikTik or Instagram | 7NEWS.com.au

Most participants reported receiving a “sext”, while 18 per cent had received a nude photo or video and 18 per cent had been asked to send a nude photo or video.

Children as young as five years old know how to use phones and tablets. It is their language. Jackie, a friend of mine who is a mother of a toddler and a social media influencer on Tiktok says “You wouldn’t believe what children are accessing online nowadays.”

The gods above us use their power to suppress knowledge of all that might expose them as the Machiavellian fraudsters that they are, yet no one is protecting our children from dangerous information.

What is a parent to do?

Move to the country. Start a commune. Start neighborhood learning centers with like-minded parents. I have heard many parents say, “If they try to force me to vaccinate my children, I will take them out.”

All well and good. But there are many who cannot afford to do this. Many will have no choice but to give in to the State. If they don’t, just as happened to parents who resisted putting their children on Ritalin, they will be accused of abuse and perhaps even have their children taken from them.

Just as happened to Patricia Weathers, who in 2020 took her 9-year-old son off an antidepressant and medication similar to Ritalin, because he was constantly gnawing at his shirt collar and had began to hear “voices.”

As a result, her son’s elementary school accused her of medical neglect and called child-abuse investigators. Years of battling the school in the courts took its toll until she finally won in court. But most people don’t have the knowledge or the resources to sustain such a battle.

School officials can force a parent to seek out a professional, such as a psychiatrist. And can they expel a child who doesn’t take medication or intimidate parents by threatening to phone social services or child-abuse investigators? Weathers says that’s what happened to her, and there are reports of other similar cases around the country.

All of this intimidation and training to comply was a precursor to what is happening now. With psychiatric drugs, the only person the State can claim you are putting at risk is your own child. With vaccines, they can claim you are putting the entire country at risk. Millions of lives are on your hands and the hands of other deplorables like you.

My daughter and her husband spent the past year in Slovenia where their two boys, ages three and two, have gone to daycare free of masks. In July, they are moving back to Los Angeles. They are against masks and the vaccine, both for themselves and their children.

They could not find a single daycare in their area that didn’t require children to wear masks.

And those daycares all reassured her — as if it would make her feel better — that once the vaccine was available and the tiny tots had taken it, they would be allowed to go mask free. At last, my daughter found one daycare that didn’t require masks. It was a private Christian school. So, that is where they will put their boys.

We already see signs of Christians schools being demonized.

A March article in Ms Magazine declared How Christian Schools and Homeschooling Teach Supremacist Conspiracies.

Statistically, homeschoolers do much better with learning and their futures than public school children. Yet academics such as Prof. Elizabeth Bartholet, are leading the charge against those who actively resist public schools and she believes that the generation currently being homeschooled is an eventual, if not active, breeding ground for racism, sexism, and isolationism.

“Many homeschool precisely because they want to isolate their children from ideas and values central to public education and to our democracy. Many promote racial segregation and female subservience. Many question science. Many are determined to keep their children from exposure to views that might enable autonomous choice about their future lives,” she claims.

My daughter certainly is not a white supremacist. She is not a Trump supporter. She has no interest in politics. She just wants to follow what she believes is best for her children.

Yet, if things keep going on as they are now, it is quite possible that anyone who doesn’t adhere to the “ideas and values central to public education and to our democracy,” meaning what is acceptable to the totalitarian state, will automatically be considered enemies of the state and as such, in need to reeducation, imprisonment, or perhaps even worse.

Some might accuse me of alarmism. Nothing would make me happier than to be proved an alarmist. However, unless people stand up and speak out, this is surely what we are facing. And I think those who are reading this who don’t want their children submitted to this experimentation and abuse know in their hearts this might well be what they are facing.

I want to end with a little story. I was raised by a Mennonite mother. There was much I rebelled against as a child, teenager. Despite my doubts and rebellions, I always knew I had a history to be proud of; a foundation of strong, courageous people who stood up for what they believed, even in the face of death. Before her passing my mother left each of her children a booklet with the history of our people.

She called the booklet A Far Journey. It tells the story of the Anabaptists who split from the Catholic Church and followed the teachings of a Dutch preacher named Menno Simmons, born in 1496.

This was a time of great upheaval. The Protestants were fighting for the right to free information for all. No longer should the gateway to God be blocked by priests and popes. No longer should the common man be kept from reading and interpreting the Sacred Scriptures for himself. This free information for all, brought about by the invention of the printing press, threatened the hold the powerful had on the ignorant souls beneath them.

ca.1875, Paris, France — France: Paris Besieged By The Normans, A. D. 835. Guizot’s History of France. — Image by © Bettmann/CORBIS

Bloody battles ensued. The cause became politicized, of course, and used by both sides to gain more power. But as always, there were the common people who stood up for their rights. The Martyrs Mirror, a collection of records, letters and court accounts tells the stories of many of those who remained faithful and paid the price of their lives.

There is one letter in the collection from Janneken Muntsdorg, written from prison to her one-month-old daughter, also named Janneken. The mother bore her child in prison and the girl was taken from her. Knowing she would never see her daughter again, she wrote a letter for her to read one day. Part of it goes thus:

The true love of God and wisdom of the Father strengthen you in virtue, my dearest child; …and strengthen and confirm your understanding in His truth […] for if we were to continue in the world, we would have had no trouble. For when we were one with the world and practiced idolatry, and loved all manner of unrighteousness, we could live at peace with the world; but when we desired to fear God and to shun such improper ways…then they did not leave us in peace; then our blood was sought; then we had to be a prey to everyone, and become a spectacle to all the world. They seek here to murder and burn us; we are placed at posts and stakes, and our flesh is given as food to the worms.”

Words too drastic? I think not.

I recite these words if only to wake people up from their sleep! If only to remind us that many have gone before who suffered and died for the freedoms we enjoy. The freedoms to read and write, to worship and pray and speak as we choose. Not just for Christians, but for everyone. Everyone. The freedoms to agree and disagree. Even to believe outrageous “conspiracy” theories.

The internet has created a crisis even greater than the invention of the printing press. In those days, the information of the texts was limited to biblical knowledge. As time went on, that information grew. Now, a seemingly infinite wealth of information is at our fingertips. We are being told that information is dangerous. That we need to put it into the hands of the powerful once again. We must trust them as the doorkeepers between our minds and the mysteries of the universe.

Just as the reformers stood up for their rights to interpret texts on their own, so we must stand up for our rights to do the same.

Perhaps the day will come when the individual will submit to the will of the State and we will be more machine than we are flesh and blood. I know men like Elon Musk dream of this. He says we need these changes if we want to explore the universe, to travel to other planets. We need to evolve. I would love nothing more than to explore other planets. Perhaps losing our humanity little by little is the price we must pay for that “advancement.” If science fiction is any indication—and I tend to believe science fiction sometimes more than actual science—this is probably inevitable.

But that day is not today. For now, we must fight for the right to hold onto our freedoms. Oh, we can have intellectual discussions about how we aren’t really “free” and all of that, but I do know the difference between freedom and bondage.

I walked through Dachau as a child. I stood at the Berlin Wall and crossed the barrier from the land of the free into the land of the oppressed. From one step to the next, I passed from light into darkness. I was fortunate. I was allowed to pass back again, horribly aware of all the yearning souls I was leaving behind.

Don’t let the lies lull you to sleep. Don’t let cynicism overcome you.

I have faith that there will always be at least one Scrubb and one Jill in every school. Those who refuse to fit in. Those who still see the mystery beyond the wall.

Those who find the way out of darkness and into light.

I started with Salmon Rushdie and I will end with him. I saw him once at a party at a club, back in the 90s. He was a very ugly man, but he was with a very beautiful woman. I wondered about him. He looked so insignificant, yet what power his words had! So much power that they were dangerous to the regime in Iran and a price was put on his head. Yet there he sat, enjoying his life.

In those heretical Satanic Verses, he wrote:

What kind of idea are you? Are you the kind that compromises, does deals, accommodates itself to society, aims to find a niche, to survive; or are you the cussed, bloody-minded, ramrod-backed type of damn-fool notion that would rather break than sway with the breeze? – The kind that will almost certainly, ninety-nine times out of hundred, be smashed to bits; but, the hundredth time, will change the world.”

We may be smashed to bits. Still, let’s be the ones who change the world.

Cover image The Plague is by an incredible artist and writer, Eugen Dashine, you can check out his work @ Deviant Art MeethOs
Karen Hunt [aka KH Mesek] is an author and illustrator of 19 children’s books, the YA series Night Angels Chronicles and the science fiction novel, LUMINARIA: Tales of Earth & Oran, Love & Revenge, to be published in August. She recently returned from living in Luxor, Egypt where she started the first boxing club for girls. Having lived and traveled extensively behind the Iron Curtain, she is devoting her time to writing essays related to the loss of freedom in the West. You can read more of her work, or sign up to her newsletter, here. or follow her on twitter.


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Aug 5, 2021 6:28 PM

Do you really think Joe Biden is the one in control here? You have many great points, but downplaying the blatant white supremacy that has risen up during Trumps presidency? And downplaying the Capitol Riot? Do you think the people in those chambers didn’t fear for their lives? You lost me.

Jul 29, 2021 4:59 PM

Beautiful, moving essay. Thank you.

Barney Rubble
Barney Rubble
Jul 23, 2021 10:32 PM

Maybe wandering but excellent article in Bedrock. Clearly C-19 was/is a “casedemic” which means essentially that is a plandemic and scamdemic. ALL COVID HYSTERIA IS UNDERCUT BY THE PCR FRAUD. We can only speculate the how’s and why’s but I believe that clearly the lab-leak “theory” being resurrected is simply to extend the fear porn to help push indecisive sheep over the vaccination line. Imagine the mindset that decides that being entered into a lottery is enough of a value proposition to subject yourself to never tried before experimental gene therapy. “Well I’ve never won anything from the lottery before but hey this time there’s a chance”. Plus I get to take my mask off. Maybe win-win. THE PCR TEST IS FRAUD. NO ONE WHO IS NOT SICK IS SICK. REPEAT.  Asymptomatic means NOT SICK. Over-cycling and “In silico” theorized genomic assays and finally removing the specificity of 3 genes ensured that “Cases” would exponentially explode.   C-19 turned out not to be an existential threat. The vaccine now? Who knows. Clearly, even with the CDC’s absurd gerrymandering of the PCR count there are numerous “breakthrough” infections. They are being bitten by their own hubris in this regard.   Trump had no choice but to go along with Fauci as long as he did due to the dishonest media and full court press of the Big Tech arbiters of the truth. This was the real purpose of event 201 – war-gaming the mis and dis information. C19 was never an existential threat, there are already off license treatments that are safe and cost effective. Fauci himself knew this about HCQ. And those had to be suppressed to allow the EUA for the vaccines. Think, for a minute what that means about American Health Bureaucracy and a whole shitload of despicable dishonest doctors. Furthermore, follow the trail of the CDC director under Trump. TPTB needed Redfield so they trumped up… Read more »

Jul 25, 2021 4:24 AM
Reply to  Barney Rubble

Correct. The PCR tests allowed them to build the narrative of runaway infections.

Jul 21, 2021 4:39 PM

Great article. But just a reminder: Donald Trump is the most pro-Big Pharma President in US history and Operation Warp Speed happened on his watch. Plus, let’s not fall for the Lab Leak, Ivermectin psyops.

vlad alexander
vlad alexander
Jul 21, 2021 4:13 PM

Most powerful post I’ve read this year. prohetic, insightful to the cutting of joint from marrow, righteous truth, a trumpet sounded from the watchman’s wall. Our creator’s 2 greatest gifts given to mankind and the first gifts as well were 1) life 2) freedom of choice. all others came after these.

Jul 21, 2021 8:30 AM

fuck em

Jul 20, 2021 9:42 PM

I am not anti-mask, because “anti-mask” is a ridiculous term that I have little use for. What people who use the term in a derogatory sense really mean by it is “anti-being-forced-to-wear-a-mask”. That’s too unwieldy to say every time, and too revealing, so they use “anti-mask”. It’s shorter yet still insulting, so it fits the required specifications. The reason I am seen as “anti-mask” is not because I don’t wish to wear a mask. I’ll say it again: me not wanting to wear a mask has nothing to do with why I am seen by someone else as “anti-mask”. The reason I am seen as “anti-mask” is because the person seeing me that way is themselves self-identifying as “pro-being-forced-to-wear-a-mask”. That’s the difference, boiled down. Pro-force, anti-force. I am not anti-mask. I am anti-force. Neither am I anti-vax. I am anti-force.  Yet I am only anti-force at those specific times it is necessary for me to be anti-force, i.e. when there’s someone pro-force around. The rest of the time I’m just me. It’s really very simple: If there were no pro-force people, there would be no anti-maskers or anti-vaxxers. So for anyone wishing to “get rid of anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers”, there is your solution. Stop being pro-force. Problem solved. (Turnabout is fair play. While I will accept being labelled anti-force, when necessary, I would prefer to be called pro-face. One could say I self-identify as pro-face, and don’t appreciate efforts to depersonalize me or delegitimize my feelings. I don’t know why so many people are anti-face and don’t care, as long as they don’t try denying me the right and ability to be pro-face. I’m also pro-bodily autonomy. I don’t know why there are so many anti-bodily autonomy people in the world. Happily I don’t need to know why they are… Read more »

Jul 25, 2021 4:31 AM
Reply to  Joki

I am anti-mask. I think they are sinister and dehumanizing. They undermine the ability of humans to casually connect with one another with simple smiles, or a friendly hello. Communication is unnatural and difficult with masks on. They are not harmless and they do not protect.

Mug Diller
Mug Diller
Jul 20, 2021 8:50 PM

When I begin to be lulled into complacency, thinking my views are stating to get too “conspiratorial”, I recall that many intellectual Jews in 1930’s Germany were attracted to the smart set that admired the Nazis – and how it was for “health and safety” that Jews in Poland were herded into ghettos and later into cattle cars. But it could never happen here – right?

Jul 20, 2021 8:31 PM

Change the world?
So sick of the idiots.
If they’re dumb enough and evil enough to believe and capitulate to the devils in charge they deserve whatever befalls them. Especially if it makes them howl with pain and horror before killing them.
I don’t care what happens to the POS at this point.
They are not fit for anything but being the property of the Powers Running This Farce. Let the cowardly fools rot.

Jul 20, 2021 5:40 PM

“Let me just say, I am not an anti-vaxxer.”

Quit apologizing. Everyone should be anti-vaxxer. This is the watershed moment where everyone should realize they should be.

Vaccine companies are evil as H _ _ L. I can personally recount about 56 lies or coverups of truth in this plandemic.

“Dissolving Illusions” the book and the book on the website, show that deaths from childhood infectious diseases went down since the 1850s and did so because of improvements in living and infrastructure, even for diseases for which there never were vaccines.

This is based on historical death records kept by various governments over time.

It is fact.

Vaccines only came along at the very tail end of the declines, and their pushers claimed the credit and brainwashed generations of doctors and people to believe it.

Jul 21, 2021 8:19 AM
Reply to  george

By the sharp and resourceful Dr. Suzanne Humphries, do check her lectures.

Jul 22, 2021 3:09 PM
Reply to  george

Are you kidding what a sad,sorry.empty,vain,spitful person you must.

Jane D,
Jane D,
Jul 29, 2021 5:58 AM
Reply to  Jim

Jim, are you able to see how you present no argument? One of the easiest ways to tell if someone is new or unaccustomed to engaging in true critical thought and dialogue is when they do exactly what you’ve done here: without responding to the content of the comment by articulating a counter argument, you’ve used insults and made outrageous assumptions. If you disagree with George, tell us why…tell us about the research you’ve done on vaccines, what conclusions it’s led you to and why. If you want to engage in the conversation, read the book he recommended (“Dissolving Illusions”) and explain to the community how/why the author’s thesis is wrong. “Are you kidding?” and a string of insults is not a contribution to the discussion.

Jul 25, 2021 4:35 AM
Reply to  george

With polio bring caused by DDT. I don’t know if that is true, but there is a good case to be made.

Jul 25, 2021 4:36 AM
Reply to  george

With polio being caused by DDT. I don’t know if that is true, but there is a good case to be made.

Jul 20, 2021 7:48 AM

Well one question I like to sled the jabbed is this. So you think it’s totally unacceptable for people to put others life at risk because they refuse to get vaccinated? They always reply “yes. My next question is well then you must believe it’s fully acceptable for people to have side effects that that change the quality of their life in a extreme bad way , maybe disable them or even kill them? Even if there teenagers ? Would you be ok with that if it was one of your teenagers? This is a yes or no question , no straddling the fence. Boy that have nothing to say at that point .

Jul 20, 2021 8:46 PM
Reply to  Scott

Precisely. And if your vaccine protects you why does my infection put you at risk?
And these “vaccines” don’t even prevent infection according to the companies who made them.

Ewan Duffy
Ewan Duffy
Jul 21, 2021 9:44 PM
Reply to  Scott

Agreed. I had elective brain surgery at 18 and my mother told me many years later that she and my Dad were delighted that it happened when I was 18 and not 17. When I asked why, her response was that if I had been 17, they would have had to sign the consent form and if something had gone wrong, causing me to lose bodily function (or worse), they would not be able to live with themselves, knowing that they had signed the consent form.

Almost 30 years on, I am the only person in my family who will not be getting jabbed, to the extent that my parents have banned me from their house. I wonder what happened to that concern about potential medical injury from 30 years ago.

Richard Lowe
Richard Lowe
Jul 20, 2021 12:26 AM

Excellent article but for the 9/11 “terrorists” reference. Anyone who has a half open mind can research the hundreds of falsehoods in the “official narrative” and quickly realize what a crock it is. Read Christopher Bollyn, David Ray Griffin, Kevin Ryan. Watch anything from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. This Cov19 debacle is out of the same playbook.

Geo martin
Geo martin
Jul 20, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Richard Lowe

Well then it’s not an excellent article as it still mantain false narratives like the one you mention, and that the pandemic is real just it’s been exagerated.
So, it’s in fact more dangerous as it’s an article with half truths which can be more deceitful than straight lies.

Dan S
Dan S
Jul 20, 2021 4:37 PM
Reply to  Geo martin

He/she lost me as soon as i read Trump.

Jul 21, 2021 7:07 PM
Reply to  Dan S

Not a Trump supporter, yet when I read statements like yours i just shake my head.

Dick Leppky
Dick Leppky
Jul 20, 2021 9:35 PM
Reply to  Geo martin

You’re right about the half-truths. However, some concession is always the honorable thing to do…..she was in Egypt for some time – maybe not (yet) completely caught up with “The Whole NWO Great Rest” story?

Jul 21, 2021 8:25 AM
Reply to  Geo martin

No love for the Trumpinator?
I did fall into the trap of being entertained despite my mistrust and cynicism…

Jul 22, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  Richard Lowe

Yes 9/11 another scam along with covid. I believed the official narrative for years because that is what my government told me. Blindly I walked like a sheep along with the herd. My smart phone brought me to a video of author Rebekah Roth a former airline attendant. That video led me down a rabbit hole of other truthers. Pilots for 9/11 truth, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, but Rebekah really opened my eyes. 9/11 Playbook taken from Operation Northwoods. Google it. Or should I say Duck Duck Go it. We are unfortunately living in a world of greed and power and the love for humanity is not even on the radar. When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. Where are we headed? Scary to think about it.

mondo cane
mondo cane
Jul 19, 2021 9:36 PM

An excellent essay. I ought to be read by more people — read by everyone that is intellectually honest because the thinking that gave rise to the essay is quite profound and needed in today’s irresponsible use of the communication mediums available.

There are fools among us who would betray us without a second thought.

Jul 19, 2021 6:44 PM

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Big Pharma in collusion with anyone investing into it had good reason to discredit HCQ. The medication was cheap and easily administered. If millions of people started taking this drug, in conjunction with other therapeutics, and they started getting better, what justification would there be for vaccinating the entire world?”

Those who push the narrative that it’s about the money, can’t be trusted, whether by design or ignorance, the result is the same. It’s not about the money. The power behind this nefarious scheme can print all the money they want and they do. Wealth and power is not in fiat currency, which is worthless, but in natural resources and power over the populations. The goal was to get this injectable formulation into the body of every person on earth. The question should be “why,” but the answer is not money. TPTB certainly want the money narrative to be front and certain and that’s why so many weave it into their essays. There is no truth, only alternative narrative of the hidden hand.

And truth be told, the reason why Trump could not have a second term is he would have been seen for the front man pied piper globalist puppet that he is. He needed to be retained as a martyr so his brain dead followers would remain disciples.

Jul 19, 2021 11:14 PM
Reply to  Jan


Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 20, 2021 4:47 AM
Reply to  Jan

The discrediting of HCQ with the scandal of the faked Surgisphere study, the retraction of which by Lancet was NOT reported by the MSM vermin, and the rigged RECOVERY trial with itsdeliberate toxic over-medicating of moribund patients, not the sensible treatment of early cases, as was the method applied successfully by clinicians, was impossible without MSM jackal full complicity.
However it pales before the truly evil campaign of lies mobilised against ivermectin. Once again the Medical Mafia, the WHO stooges of BigPharma and the MSM scum have lied, as is their strength, but mostly they have simply suppressed and silenced. GPs are threatened if they prescribe ivermectin, and even if one does, pharmacists will not dispense. And the MSM vermin simply regurgitate the propaganda, often leading the conversation to denounce ivermectin, so as to prove their loyalty and usefulness to their owners.This, children, is the Free World.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 20, 2021 5:33 AM

In the UK, where I’m based, our deaths in 2020 were only the 9th highest this millennium, once age and population adjusted. The media haven’t been showing those figures, only the raw figures, and it’s on the back of these sorts of tricks that people give ‘covid’ legitimacy and credit it with exotic properties. These rumours about lab origins are again to feed into the climate of fear. But the statistics show nothing that anyone would even have noticed much. No worse than 8 other years in a twenty year average. It’s an average year. If you use a small 5 year data set, again, you can inflate the risk. However, the average person dying with ‘covid’ is 82.5 years old in a care homes with multiple serious co-morbidities and a DNR. If you’re familiar with the Midazolam revelations in the UK, it’s not hard to see why this is the case.

Whatever dark place this is headed in the future, up to this point, all told, exotic diseases and special cures have served simply as a side show, a pseudo controversy, a distraction, making increasingly difficult the task of confronting reality – the fact that our freedoms and democracy are being irreversibly stripped away. A2

Jul 20, 2021 4:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I didn’t know there were any revelations about midazolam in the UK but I’m going to look it up. I do know it doesn’t work on me, at all.

Dick Leppky
Dick Leppky
Jul 20, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You are of course correct…..and, we also know that the PCR test is a complete farce – never designed for this (Fraudulent) use….but it sure worked to brainwash the masses that have their ‘heads in the sand.’ The Wuflu stats are the same around the world – when you drop the bu””s””t.

Jane D,
Jane D,
Jul 29, 2021 8:26 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

This is so important. Has anyone here read Jon Rappoport? To this day I maintain the reason I was able to register this fraud so automatically (there was no lag time for me; the second I learned they were shutting everything down I knew it had nothing to do with a virus and everything with a declaration of war against us) is because I had read his work on AIDS. As I continued to listen to blacklisted scholars, journalists and commentators, I heard a podcast by E. Michael Jones which stated the same: the COVID psy-op playbook was already proof-of-concept tested with the AIDS op…and guess who that operation starred: Anthony Fauci! That man murdered thousands of people, predominantly homosexuals with his toxic AZT poison he claimed was medicine. This man is not stupid, he’s not confused. He’s evil. He intends to cause harm. He acts with knowledge and intention. There’s so much to be said about this but here I’ll simply concur with Sam: the reality is that so-called COVID has never been isolated as a virus…which means it does not exist, at least in the way they’ve been telling us. None of us are in danger of a virus. Coronaviruses have been circulating in the population for a very long time, theyve always had “variants” and ALL of these variants have traditionally been called seasonal influenza, i.e. the flu. We’re in tremendous, terrifying danger right now but it has nothing whatsoever to do with an “unprecedented threat from COVID19” as the criminal mainstream press has bombarded us with. It’s coming from a criminally insane, psychopathic cult-mafia which has hijacked control of the entire Western World.

Jul 29, 2021 10:52 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Sorry been away and back reading here.
Do you have the adjusted figures available, or a link to them,as I can’t find them?
Been trying to fight the good fight online,and these adjusted figures would help me in certain situations

Jul 21, 2021 6:40 PM
Reply to  Jan

well said

Jul 21, 2021 7:10 PM
Reply to  Jan

It IS about the money, AND control, and more. If that’s all you got out of the essay you may want to reread it.

Jul 21, 2021 8:44 PM
Reply to  JayCee

If you believe that, you’ll remain deluded. No need to reread it. I am aware of the plethora of topics injected into it.

Jul 19, 2021 4:57 PM

My line to everyone who’s taken the experimental gene therapy injections:

“I have Ivermectin which is vastly superior in safety, efficacy, cost and works on the variants. I’m in the control group. Deal with it.

Jul 19, 2021 4:44 PM

This rambling article proceeds, without warning, from one logical disconnect to another spouting unsubstantiated opinion. And when it does provide some alleged fact like Kary Mullis stated that the PCR test was not a reliable test for identifying viruses it appears to be wrong according to this reference https://fullfact.org/online/pcr-test-mullis/ and others. But the real harm of the article is that it basically aligns itself with anti anti-vaxxers who predominate in various states within the US; those states which now are experiencing the worst levels of Covid-19 infection. 
Now in life few courses of action are without risk and the Covid-19 vaccination is no different. But a fair evaluation of the risks, on the one hand, of taking the vaccination and, on the other hand, of not taking it and standing a good chance of acquiring a serious case of Covid-19, clearly indicates that taking the vaccine is the course of action to take especially those with respiratory issues. It is remarkable how anyone can essentially align themselves with members of the American GOP who displayed such irresponsible behavior at the recent CPAC meetings.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 19, 2021 5:19 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

Don’t go to factcheckers for your info unless you’re being paid to spread BS around. Instead – unless you’re paid to NOT know things – do a search for Kary Mullis in YT, Bitchute or Odyssey and see the guy tell you in his own words “it can’t tell you if you’re sick”.

Have a great day. And if you are being paid to do this, why not think about a new job that lets you look at the faces of your kids without shame and doesn’t fragment your soul into a zillion tiny pieces and blow the pieces to the four winds leaving you an empty husk of human flesh devoid of hope and honor. 🙂

Just sayin’

Jul 19, 2021 8:25 PM

I do not normally make responses to my comments upon my comment but in your case Sophie, I am making an exception.

The original contention is, is PCR a reliable test for viruses not whether or not it can “.. tell you if you’re sick”. And it certainly appears to be the case that it can, see “Mayo Clinic develops test to detect COVID-19 infection” here https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-develops-test-to-detect-covid-19-infection/ where amongst other things is stated “The real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test can identify SARS-CoV-2 from a variety of clinical samples.”  Now SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. So PCR can identify a virus.

Sophie, you really should not be working at OffGuardian responding to comments if your second paragraph is a sample of what you are capable of. If all you can do is cast aspersions on the writer of comments you will always be seriously off topic. As part of the OffGuardian organization you should be attempting to encourage sound argumentation not ad hominem rubbish, in the replies of readers.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jul 20, 2021 9:13 AM
Reply to  Phantastron

The sense of worthlessness your job gives you is speaking to you and making you sensitive to my lighthearted comment. You feel your soul disintegrating with every reality-denying insincere comment you churn out. And then I come along and make a joke about it.

That’s gotta suck. Don’t blame you for being humorless.

Look at your response. Your heart’s not in it is it. Your attempt to conflate the claim of identifying a virus with “it can tell you if you are sick”can barely make it on to the page. You KNOW you are intentionally talking crap. It depresses you so much you can barely get the words out.

But it’s your job, right. You HAVE to do it to pay your bills.

I don’t even need to tell you that identifying a virus is not the same as diagnosing an illness. I don’t need to tell you many well people have scraps of viral rna in them. I don’t need to find that vid of Mullis saying “it can’t tell you if you are sick”.

You know all this. Maybe you even looked it up in your spare time. But you’re paid to lie and obfuscate and you have to keep doing it, even though you are starting to wonder what kind of world you are helping to build for your kids to live in.

Get another job. Good advice.

dr death
dr death
Jul 20, 2021 1:59 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

you can find anything you want to with PCR as mullis stated…the issue is the number of cycles .. and they use ridiculously high cycle rates (by design) ..

therefore ‘they’ can find anything they want to.. even fragments of old corona infections…

or if you like ..the common fucking cold.. as admitted..

I do so wish we had a ‘vaccine’ for imbecility.. and wishful thinking…

Jul 21, 2021 7:23 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

And you do not ‘cast aspersions’?

Jul 19, 2021 8:36 PM

Or get the government officials under oath with perjury hanging over their heads and then they tell the truth like happened recently in Manitoba.


The Manitoba government’s own exper, Dr. Jared Bullard when questioned under oath acknowledged that the PCR test has significant limitations and that the PCR test results do not verify infectiousness, and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.

Dr. Bullard testified that PCR tests can be positive for up to 100 days after an exposure to the virus, and that PCR tests do nothing more than confirm the presence of fragments of viral RNA of the target SARS CO-V2 virus in someone’s nose. He testified that, while a person with Covid-19 is infectious for a one-to-two week period, non-viable (harmless) viral SARS CO-V2 fragments remain in the nose, and can be detected by a PCR test for up to 100 days after exposure.

Dr. Bullard testified that the most accurate way to determine whether someone is actually infectious with Covid is to attempt to grow a cell culture in the lab from a patient sample. If a cell culture will not grow the virus in the lab, a patient is likely not infectious. A study from Dr. Bullard and his colleagues found that only 44% of positive PCR test results would actually grow in the lab.

Dr. Bullard testified that determining whether or not a sample is actually infectious (containing a viable virus, capable of replicating) needs to be confirmed by lab culture. As noted, only 44% of the “positive” samples using a Ct of 18 returned a viable lab culture. Samples tested at a Ct of over 25, according to Dr. Bullard’s report, produced no viable lab cultures.

Dick Leppky
Dick Leppky
Jul 20, 2021 9:53 PM


Jul 19, 2021 6:23 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

Kary Mullis never said anything about a “PCR test”. Mostly because there is no such thing. PCR is a manufacturing technology. Mullis knows that because he invented it, I know that because I did it for years, and you know nothing because everything you ‘know’ was told to you by the TV and Facebook. So I don’t know if it’s more comical that your “fact checking” site hilariously calls it a test, or the fact that you, completely clueless about all of it, just regurgitate what they say with all the pride and bluster an idiot can summon. BTW a Mullis quote that you can verify is this “People like Fauci think you can look into an electronic microscope and see a virus. Anyone who tells you that doesn’t know anything about viruses or electron microscopes”. Check these facts:. 1.2 billion seconds is 37 years. Yet somehow 1.2 billion doses of Covid Vax have allegedly been made, distributed and injected in 7 months, while a global network of corporations and governments have to resort to bribery, threats and lies to get anyone to take it at all. It’s hard to even put a number on the magintude of the stupidity required to believe that. Yes that’s 65 doses made, shipped and administered per second, 24/7 without pause for 7 months. LMFAO! Drive past your local vaccination site and see if you see anything like this. Or even a single person for that matter. And you can shout anti vaxxer all day but you’re only anti science. Did human beings just come into existence in 1986? Or did we evolve immune systems over millions of years? Surviving every known virus and pathogen to exist in that time? Has ANY pathogen ever managed to wipe out even 1% of the human population?… Read more »

Jul 19, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  Phantastron


Jul 19, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

I believe you are incorrect about which states have the worst levels of Covid infections. Also, I was hit with Covid-19 in November of 2019 and was very ill. I am over 72 with advanced emphysema and eosinophilic asthma which I treat with constant medication. I survived by not going to the hospital where I would have been placed on a ventilator and died from the trauma of mechanical ventilation. There are therapies that are effective and safe in treating this or any other viral infection. By the way, these therapies were suppressed for a long time by the “experts” who knew better, but had ulterior motives. You are parroting them.

I stopped receiving flu shots or any vaccines years ago because of bad reactions which laid me up for days and my doctor advised against them. If you wish to experiment by taking a DNA changing concoction, please be my guest. I refuse to endanger myself to indulge your paranoid fantasies or for any other reason. It is remarkable how you could put a political spin on this. GOP indeed. LOL!

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 19, 2021 7:28 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

I suggest listening to “Frank Zappa’ and the Mothers of Invention” cut on album, “Over Nite Sensation”: “I Am the Slime”. From 1972.
I got that message at age 15!

RJ O'Guillory
RJ O'Guillory
Jul 20, 2021 2:31 AM
Reply to  Phantastron

….speaking of rambling. The injectable gene therapy that you call a “vaccine” has already killed and maimed millions…all for a condition that has a 99.8% survival rate among most of the population…and is easily treatable with Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. You think Covid is a respiratory condition when it is a vascular condition. But we are supposed to listen to you? Ha! Ha! Ha! Priceless.

Dick Leppky
Dick Leppky
Jul 20, 2021 9:51 PM
Reply to  Phantastron


Jul 21, 2021 7:21 PM
Reply to  Phantastron

I guess it all depends on who you believe, no? You remind me of a friend who, when I was explaining my reasons for not wanting the vaccine, interrupted me by asking if I was a ‘Trumper’. You people forget that he and his wife did get the ‘vaccine’.

I have listened to and read articles by doctors and scientists for the vaccine and those concerned about it enough to warn against it.

I made ám informed choice based on what I learned and not because I’m with the GOP (I’m not,and it’s none of your business anyway).

Jul 19, 2021 4:25 PM

Superb article except for….In this garden of thorns the gate into the light is the realization that 911 myth is as much a bunch of lies as the covid scam or perhaps one is just an extension of the other. Go back and really do your homework and it really comes into focus. In this case, the science of Newtonian physics doesn’t lie.

Jul 19, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  BillyBudd

That allusion stood out to me too. Another example of how a catastrophe is perpetrated by the criminal class and then used to justify even more diabolical crimes.

David HILL
David HILL
Jul 19, 2021 3:02 PM

I have thought for many years now that there is a great deal of goodness in this world, but a great deal also of evil. Unfortunately the evil presently is seemingly all-powerful, the Hitlers or the Stalins in modern times, fearing no-one and undertaking despiteful and heinous crimes against there fellow man and woman. But I have also thought that Earth being so remote in the Universe and that we have not officially found to date any evidence of another intelligent life, that Earth could be that place called Purgatory.
For the constant fight between evil and goodness is needed for the place called Purgatory to exist and where if there is another life after this, Earth could just be that place – totally remote and light years apart from anything that could resemble an equivalent Earth and having the correct ingredients for evil to live side-by-side with humanity’s goodness. But again we shall never know until we die whether this place if Purgatory or not, but where if the Bible and Qur’an are correct, all this evil in our midst will be destroyed without doubt.
No real satisfaction in this life you may say maybe for all this dire evil that has pervaded our lives and destroyed our oved ones, but at least the truthtellers will have been right (who were not listened too) and those who perpetrated this holocaust on humanity will themselves ironically be the ones destroyed through their own witch’s brew that was made on Earth behind closed doors – “Where do we go when we die? A simple question from time immemorial and where it depends on whether we are good or evil ultimately – A personal take” – https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2014/09/where-do-we-go-when-we-die-it-depends.html

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 19, 2021 2:19 PM

I have put a new sign on my shop door:


Jul 19, 2021 8:49 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I don’t own a business but I’ve got a T-shirt that says “I’M IN THE CONTROL GROUP”. I’m thinking of adding “Deal With It” in smaller print LOL.

Mike B
Mike B
Jul 20, 2021 12:07 AM
Reply to  TRM

“I identify as immune.”

Peter Webster
Peter Webster
Jul 19, 2021 2:02 PM

Salut Karen,

Always a pleasure to read the words of someone in the process of awakening, a never-ending quest. But please, continue your search for truth, because there are many more completely nonsensical consensus stories circulating than are immediately obvious. Some of the 911 stories are really a scream. This film might be of interest: JFK to 911 – Everything is a rich man’s trick.
I believe a search on DuckDuckGo will turn up at least one version available for download. Never use Google if you want accurate results, that is yet another thing to awaken from. The film will be challenging, that is guaranteed. As with all human endeavor, there are undoubtedly some errors – but that’s par for the course when trying to expose “the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

As for COVID and Big Pharma, here’s my somewhat irreverent take:

Jul 19, 2021 12:35 PM

Have you scared most people off with your censorship?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2021 2:05 PM
Reply to  John

No, Off-G continues grow, day by day, steadily reaching more and more people. A2

Jul 19, 2021 2:31 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I am glad to hear it.

I left due to posts not appearing.

But that was a long time ago.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  John

And you’re back 🙂 Perhaps because we’re doing something right. Thanks. A2

Jul 19, 2021 12:34 PM

They demonize the unvax not because they pose a health risk but because they Pose a risk to the tyranny of the ruling class. They are not compliant sheeple buying into the lies of the ruling class.

Jul 20, 2021 2:52 AM
Reply to  Jimmy

No, I suspect they demonize the unvaxed because if they don’t have someone to demonize, their “divide and conquer” paradigm goes bust.

And the absurdity of the “woke” nonsense has pretty much backfired: when you make everyone someone’s demon, you end up with no one paying any attention to you.

John E McClain
John E McClain
Jul 19, 2021 12:23 PM

I am a retired Marine, almost twenty five years, I’ve had multiple sclerosis since 90, returned from the Gulf, experimental classified anthrax vaccine, as if Saddam actually had and used anthrax, lol, yet a quarter of us have some kind of problem, because of said vaccine. I gave it to my wife, who passed away from it, COPD, the “opioid crisis” caused by big Pharma, and the idea she’d never see free air again. I gave it to my daughter, in her forties now, barely gets out of her house, husband takes care of everything, and she comes to take care of me. I have been deplatformed, cut off from the internet, I was investigating my own disease, three shot therapies, five years each before anaphylaxis, ended each one, going on 14 years, 157 and counting, mono-clonal antibody infusions, no one who started with me, is still on, most moved to new medical therapies, some died, some are ghosts in beds. I knew the facts of this from the start, because I saw the “normal war game things” I’d seen for decades, and saw what was happening in between bits and pieces. Having chased my own disease, I’ve researched Wuhan, UNC, Harvard, known of their activities going back two decades, before any data was removed, so conveniently. I would suggest to all rational people, there was never a better, more important time, to assume the Duty of Parent, the full complete, whole duty, my grandparents in the mountains of West Virginia held, ensuring their children were “educated”, not merely sent for babysitting and propaganda hours. I’ve fought supporting homeschooling, since a teen, our parents “escaped coal country” our dad getting in the navy, we, born “navy brats”, living overseas, until his duty was up, Mom, Librarian, Adult Literacy teacher, advocate,… Read more »

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 19, 2021 2:24 PM
Reply to  John E McClain

You have been exposed to all the depleted Uranium the you fuckers spread all around the ME and Serbia. And i am supposed to feel some empathy for that!

“500,000 deaths are worth it”, Madeleine Albright

Jul 19, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  John E McClain

Sorry you felt the need to join the murderous military to escape the “murder capital of the world.”

Jul 20, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Blessthebeasts

So, who do you work for? I just love how so many people, good progressives or whatever the damned title now is, think that they can shit all over those who joined the military for being warmongers, but never stop to realize we are ALL a part of the death machine the US has become whether we wear a uniform or not. Work for a big telco company? You too are part of the borg. Work for the “healthcare” industry? Need I say more on that one? How about a chemical company? Oil company? A manufacturer of plastics? How about paper even, think that leaves your hands clean of the murderous empire? Farming? Unless you’re an individual farmer your hands ain’t clean either. Get off your high horse and stop judging, asshole.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 9:29 AM

Dear Karen

Thank you for your excellent thoughtful article. I am amused that you are named Karen as this can be used in a bad way in the states.

However, I have been aware since my youth that there are other Karens. These are the people in Northern Burma, now Myanmar. These are fine people and independent minded. You are this kind of course.

I have written about various matters on my website but I would suggest you look at the following if you or anyone else is interested.



Armed with the truth we shall win. As Jesus said the truth shall set you free, so we need all of it, and it is all coming.

Look up; your redemption draws near.

Kind regards


Jul 20, 2021 2:45 PM

Exactly. People pump 69.doses of poison into their babies as par for the course. They have offered up their kids to the altar of Medical Tyranny for decades. If they escape the millions of abortions as birth control.

No society ever survived with child sacrifice. This latest insanity in the natural progression of the mind control.

Jul 19, 2021 9:01 AM

“I’m not an antivaxxer”

The author needs to continue to research all other vaccines until she realizes that this type of fraud has always happened with vaccines, just never on this scale or urgency.

Jul 19, 2021 11:42 AM
Reply to  pepper

They stigmatized the idea of being antivax so hard, so effectively, that it’s like an obligatory sentence. I can’t stand it anymore, these weak commentaries, tbh.

Do your research, find out that vaccines are not safe, never were, they are not effective, never were. The immunization concept is based on a false premise. You can’t get healthy by taking a small dose of poison. Nobody ever did.

Showing the compulsory “i’m not antivaxx, but”-disclaimer immediately disqualifies you as a weak, underresearched person to me. The HCQ/Ivermectin/wuhan hoax angles here show the limitations of the authors thinking capabilities. Why use stuff for an invented disease? Take your vitamins, C, D at least before you start medicating with allopathic poison. Why fall for that fauci gain of function psyop within the psyop? They haven’t even isolated the damn virus.

Jul 19, 2021 2:21 PM

In order to get complete protection for all damages caused by their “vaccines” the Big Pharma companies stated that “vaccines” were unsafe and always would be — this is never mentioned of course….

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Jul 19, 2021 5:24 PM

Agree and I never have found an explanation for why anti-parasitical drugs work on a ‘virus.’

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Jul 19, 2021 3:46 AM

I am reading an account of the Spanish Inquisition and what constituted a “heretic”, to be burned at the stake. The crowd watching cheered so loudly they drowned out the screams of the victims. Think we have become more civilised? Think again.

Jul 19, 2021 7:00 AM
Reply to  Glenda

Wouldn’t be a Catholic priest who wrote that account would it?

Jul 19, 2021 2:01 AM

Beautifully written. I love the hope at the end, and the call to courage. We are at an important crossroads in human history. You expressed so many of my own feeling, and my own strange changes as these events unfold. Truth is the Daughter of Time.

Jarek Carnelian
Jarek Carnelian
Jul 18, 2021 11:20 PM

Sometimes it is useful to dig into the published data, and reading the sanctified interpretations of embarrassing results is also instructive. On page 17 in Table 5 of Public Health England’s “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical briefing 18, 9 July 2021” you may “Follow the Science”, and “Trusting the Data”, AVOID the Vax if you are over 50! At least where the Delta surge is considered. Depending how you group the data you may be more than 3 times more likely to die of some cause within 28 days of developing symptoms if you have had the Vax, and each shot does appear to make the figures steadily worse. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1001358/Variants_of_Concern_VOC_Technical_Briefing_18.pdf As for http://www.sciencemediacentre.org we have two guides to the data who studiously ignore the obvious conclusions. Prof Paul Hunter, Professor in Medicine, The Norwich School of Medicine, University of East Anglia, said: “One has to be a bit cautious in interpreting this data…” so he avoided the topic by simply denying the validity of the project. Whereas a much bolder statement is made by Prof Sir David Spiegelhalter, Chair, Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, University of Cambridge: … “Many more fully-vaxxed over-50s have died with the Delta variant (118) than unvaxxed under 50s (21), but this is expected due to the very strong risk-gradient with age: an unvaxxed 30 year-old has a lower risk than a fully vaxxed 60-year-old.” … “Around a quarter of the deaths are in unvaccinated over-50s, who presumably will have been offered the vaccine. Communities with lower vaccine uptake will be hit hard in current wave”  Please review the data for yourselves. I may be missing something, but to me Prof Sir D.S. appears to blatantly twist the data to serve the establishment narrative, and I imagine Cambridge… Read more »

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 9:51 AM

Dear Jarek

Speigelhalter means mirror holder in German. Presumably he holds up mirror and sees only himself and his foolish ideas. He is presumably a narcissist.

As it is Germany, strictly Nazi/communists behind Covid 19 this makes sense.

I have written about this on my website if you are interested under Covid 19 Summary.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 19, 2021 9:57 AM

Deliberate confusion, comparing apples and oranges. After 7 full monts of jabs, we still do not have reliable figures (not voluntary reports), by age, for deaths and injuries for (a) 1st. jab (b) 2nd. jab, (c) unjabbed people in close contact with the jabbed.

Jul 18, 2021 11:13 PM

The first vaccine in history that isn’t effective unless everyone gets it. The first pandemic in history that never ends and becomes more deadly with “new variants” as each day passes. The first president in history to receive “81 million votes.” The first transitory globalist hobbit to run Treasury. None of it’s real. It’s all lies.

comment image

Vaccine formula was created and ready before
people got this virus
And it’s not a vaccine
mRNA… which stands for messenger RNA is what is read from the coded instruction of a gene,
There is no way of really knowing what instructions are being fed via this device.

mRNA delivery constitutes a genetic alteration, at the very least, indirectly, but possibly directly.
mRNA can be stabilized intracellulary and persist for long periods effectively constituting a genomic alteration. This involves many factors within the cell, including the cytoskeleton itself. It also depends on the exact chemical modifications to the recombinant mRNA, as well as association with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs). There is also the possibility of altered regulatory gene expression due to the new antigen milieu and altered immuno-landscape.

Most importantly, all plant and animal cells have their own reverse-transcriptase activity (i.e. RNA-dependent polymerases used for telomere production and initiation of transcription) that can transcribe RNA to DNA, that can then be incorporated permanently into the genome. This is how retrotransposons in eukaryotic cells use RNA intermediates to switch locations within chromosomes.

What all is in this cocktail is known only to the makers and their confederates

Jul 19, 2021 2:57 AM
Reply to  Surveyor

Yes. But all of this is so conveniently ignored by our governments, ‘authorities ‘, and media. All that ignoring of the fact that this is a mass experiment on humankind. No questions are allowed to be asked. There is no transparency, and no accountability. No one is even tracking all of these people who are part of this massive drug trial . And the experiment is on every single person, children, and even pregnant women. Something really rotten is going on. I’ve come to that firm conclusion recently. The fear mongering is so extreme on mass media that it’s like some ridiculous parody of propaganda. It’s almost embarrassing it’s so obvious. Except for the destruction .

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  Surveyor

Dear Surveyor

Vaccines are supposed to stimulate an immune response and alleged teach the immune system to defend against a virus.

This is equivalent to teaching grandmother to suck eggs as the saying goes. So all lies as you say.

As to what’s in it you are correct. However, it could be only saline as fraud knows no bounds to the criminal exploiting the gullible.

I have written about vaccines in general on my website if you are interested.

V is for…..Vaccinations

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Thomas Frey
Thomas Frey
Jul 18, 2021 10:18 PM

Trump is just another banker boss puppet, like Bojo.
Trump is the one that signed the emergency order that provided the legal pretext for lockdown.
Trump is the one that authorized Operation Warp Speed that funded the death jab.
Trump is the one that pushed the FDA for emergency authorization for the death jab.
Trump is the one that gave fake Dr. Fauchi the podium.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:05 AM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Dear Thomas

Okay, I haven’t checked what you say in all detail, but Biden continues this then. He has lost the plot completely. And the number of pointless executive orders, which essentially mean more bureaucracy and taxes, are extraordinary.

I am from the UK but in the states I understand it is individual governors who have the responsibility for lockdowns (which I imagine go against the constitution anyway).

The majority with severe lockdowns are democrats. There are some republicans of course as corruption is not restricted by party politics.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jul 19, 2021 11:21 AM

Republicans and Democrats both report to the banksters.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 19, 2021 2:39 PM
Reply to  Thomas Frey

Thomas: the U$A is a bi-parttison oligarchy where the “elected” do as they are told.
Whichever side if the politics is presented as the appropriate slander.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 19, 2021 7:39 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

This made no sense! Try again…

“the U$A is a bi-partison oligarchy where the “elected” do as they are told.
Whichever side of the politics is presented the oligarchy provides the appropriate propaganda.

Jul 18, 2021 9:02 PM

This woman maybe on a journey away from the lies of government and the media but she is only part way there. I stopped reading at the ridiculous assertions about 9/11 which just go to show that she has a lot more research to do. The people in the comments seem to know more than she does frankly. Lets hope she reads them given that we had to read her.

Jul 19, 2021 7:11 AM
Reply to  Daniel

I don’t see your problem with the single mention of 9/11:
“To compare what happened that day [the capital building intrusion] …to 9/11 is an insult to all who died when terrorists rammed those planes into the World Trade Center. 2,977 people were killed that day and more than 6,000 injured.”

The “assertion” hardly seems ridiculous. Don’t forget that as written, the word “terrorist” can connote the domestic variety.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jul 19, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  retrogrouch

There were NO planes or terrorists.
But the narrative style was similar, creating what I call a “Monolithic Narrative”, or one could say, “Borg Narrative”.

Jul 19, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  Daniel

I stopped reading at the ridiculous assertions about 9/11 which just go to show that she has a lot more research to do. The people in the comments seem to know more than she does frankly. Lets hope she reads them given that we had to read her.

-If all it takes for you to dismiss someone entirely is that they do not share your exact view on what happened on 9/11 then you are very sensitive to challenge, indeed.

I think you’re excercising a form of Orwellian “crimestop”, meaning you have now allowed your mind to be closed off to any new information the author might provide, all simply because you encountered an opinion from her that conflicts with your existing belief.

Would it not be better to seperate the wheat from the chaff, as opposed to throwing out the entire harvest?

Why bother to ever read anyone else’s opinion, if the first disagreement will send you fleeing over the hills?

-“We” never “had to read her”. Nor did you “have to” do anything. You chose to read her, then you chose to stop reading her. It isn’t necessary to seek group sanctuary for your individual opinion.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Jul 18, 2021 8:49 PM

I would just like to announce that today I have joined a pilot scheme, called “fuck-off-forever-boris-johnson-you-fat-pig”

In this pilot scheme all Covid restrictions are rescinded forever and any attempt to restore them will be ignored.

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 18, 2021 11:42 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Hang on, we don’t want a Woke Thatcher…bloody hell that was close!

Jul 19, 2021 2:58 AM
Reply to  John Pretty


Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  John Pretty

Dear John

Poor Boris! I’m sure though we could come up with something stronger to say. Personally I am more concerned about shitty Whitty, or shit witch which is an anagram of most of his name..

However, in my scheme I ignore all government guidance and advice, including that for the extremely vulnerable as I have a diagnosis of cancer.

I consider this a reasonable approach as I am about as vulnerable as a pork chop in a vegans larder, although what a pork chop would be doing there anyway is anybody’s guess!

I have explained about the government guidance and advice on my website in what I hope is an amusing way if you are interested.

G is for…..Guidance

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 18, 2021 8:45 PM

A great article with which I wholeheartedly agree. And so refreshing to read something positive about the man everyone loves to hate, or rather everyone was brainwashed to hate. The MSM sure did an efficient job which just shows how dangerous to them he was/is.
The future looks grim, but I am optimistic. Now that the real truth about Covid is going viral and the American election fraud – YES, it is proven and more counties and states want to verify their results – will have to come out it in open, Biden, that disgusting character who has a penchant for small girls, will have to be removed. After that we will see, perhaps some of the brainwashed will have to eat humble pie, who knows. Actually brainwashing is a psychological problem that requires considerable therapy. Denial will be the order of the day but we won’t have to worry about that, we will be preoccupied as many of our misinformed family and friends could well be suffering horribly from the experimental jab. That, of course, will not be great.
I read a lovely quote the other day – can’t remember whose it was, someone will probably know – ‘I wasn’t born to fit in. I was born to stand out.’ I for one, will be sticking to my truth, not taking the jab and going to my maker with a clear conscience. Now at 77, I am lucky enough to be able to look back on a good life of non-conformity.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  Freespirit'76

Dear Freespirit

Agreed. I have written about Covid 19 and Joe Biden on my website if you care to look.

Covid 19 Summary for summary and sub-links.

Lost Property for Joe Biden because he is lost,obviously.

The psychological damage will be immense. As regards denial you are right, but as I have posted on Youtube, you can drown in de Nile!!!

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Jul 18, 2021 8:27 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-16. Why was 44yo Rehana on EoL midazolam? Spain’s Top Court Ruling Lockdown “Unconstitutional”

Jul 18, 2021 8:00 PM

‘This illness’ doesn’t exist. You are all exasperating.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:30 AM
Reply to  Arby

Dear Arby

Covid 19 is the seasonal ‘flu dressed up to look like a monster. The variants are the various lies about it.

The ‘flu is down to lack of vitamin D among other things which is why it is seasonal.

The ‘flu is viruses which are various poisons,chemical in nature, not biological. Some arise in our own body which is principally urea.

Many now come from outside, including sodium nitrite and glycophosphate.

And vaccines of course.

I have written about such matters on my website, although not yet sodium nitrite and glycophosphate. Covid 19 Summary is a good place to start.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 18, 2021 7:18 PM

” However, I admit that since the start of this pandemic, I, along with a lot of other people, have begun to question things that I once simply believed because our government told me I should.”


The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, speaking about Covid vaccine misinformation stated: “Dismiss anything else. We will continue to be your single source of truth.” (at 0:23-0:28)


Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Dear Jojo

Well what else would we expect from Jacinda? She sounds as though she is sinning with ‘cin’ in her name!

Also ‘drain’ a part anagram. Drain the swamp. Makes sense.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 20, 2021 12:14 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Oh wow, could her words be any more Orwellian?! How does any normal human hear or read that and not get instantly suspicious?

Jul 18, 2021 7:16 PM

“For now, we must fight for the right to hold onto our freedoms.”

But how do you do that with rampant censorship from almost all mainstream platforms? Post anything in disagreement with the accepted “narrative” and it will get flagged and in many cases removed w/o explanation. TV stations simply refuse to present anything in conflict with the narrative. 

There is no one who will acknowledge complaints, no one who is open to a discussion or presentation of evidence supporting differing POV’s.  

If you do manage to keep a post up on MSM platforms and do get some discussion, your sources will be belittled if they again, disagree with the MSM narrative.

Jul 18, 2021 8:26 PM
Reply to  Jojo

By limiting ourselves exclusively to their platforms, we’re playing right into their hands. We don’t necessarily have to use their platforms or their technology. It’s still possible to use the old school dinousaur methods: pamphleteering. Because people only read in bits and pieces these days, flyers don’t need to be long-winded, just with bullet-point truths. Smooth river stones can even be painted with short, one-sentence messages and left in parks, coffee houses and other public places by the hundreds where they can easily be found, read and shared. (Use cl0th gloves when handling them if you don’t care to leave behind f1ngerpr1nt5.)

Clive Williams
Clive Williams
Jul 19, 2021 12:59 AM
Reply to  James

Leave rivers alone there is reasons those pebbles are there, first off they clean water for other creatures.

Jul 18, 2021 9:48 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Who cares?
Ignore and forget the MSM,
They only cater to the unbendable branches of sanitized and sterile ideas, purveyors of propaganda.

Find your own truth and live it, expressing it through whatever media available to you.

It has nothing to do with the numbers your expression reaches in the first instance or the conduit you use, 1, 10, 100, or a thousand people. Yet, if that truth you have to express is clear and enlightening it will be carried on to infinity on its own merit.

Buddha set in motion the Wheel of Dharma by delivering his first sermon to the group of five companions with whom he had previously sought enlightenment. They, together with the Buddha, formed the first saṅgha.

Christ had only 12 disciples…

The first Sermon of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) started the speech by praising Allaah and thanking Him then said: “Verily, Ar-Raid (one whom his people send to search for water and grass) does not lie to his people.

Are the MSM spearing truth?

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:43 AM
Reply to  Jojo

Dear Jojo

Try my website. Covid 19 Summary may be a good place to start.

As regards other platforms it is worth persisting. I still post comments on Youtube. Some seem to get deleted but I have plenty of ammo in my armoury. Words are wonderful things when you are not limited and you can make fun of the criminally inept.

Occasionally you find a worthy adversary, but most are thick as 2, if not more, short planks. Or plonks, plonkers.

Once you learn to have fun it is easy, believe me.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jack Bean
Jack Bean
Jul 18, 2021 7:09 PM

Vaccination of children is abhorrent. Demonising those who choose not be vaccinated is no different. Those that call out the unvaccinated are evil and are indoctrinated cowards simply put. Not everyone’s lives are equally at risk. If you believe in phantoms that is your choice.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:46 AM
Reply to  Jack Bean

Dear Jack

Vaccination of anybody is abhorrent as all vaccines are pointless, but especially of children.

I have written about vaccines on my website under V is for…..Vaccinations if you are interested.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 18, 2021 6:45 PM

A painfully factual overview of the current reality painful enough to cause many of us to become sentimental and flee into the illusory arms of our childhood gods . A good read.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:49 AM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

Dear Jim

A fair point. However, I prefer the real arms of a real God the heavenly Father. And His children the children of God, including your good self if you will accept it.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 18, 2021 6:04 PM

leak lab theory gives credibility too bullshit.
start with it doesn’t exist and go from their.
that ridiculous , is it /?
comment image

all tested positive,

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  shamen

Dear Shamen

I have written about Wuhan ‘flu on my website as part of my Covid 19 Summary if you are interested. Didn’t come from lab anywhere although various chemical poisons do and have done for many years.

Many came out of Germany which is not surprising. They didn’t trouble us much after WW1 did they? Or did they??

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Fritz Müller
Fritz Müller
Jul 18, 2021 5:53 PM

I don’t understand why it is so important where a non existing virus came from…
Hydroxy chloroquine some say is chemical-poison, helping nobody. I’ve seen good evidence that in the beginning of the pandemic it was used in 2 high dosage in studies all over Europe responsible for part of increased death rates.

Jul 18, 2021 7:09 PM
Reply to  Fritz Müller

Studies were commissioned by governments to investigate the claims of medical professionals that HCQ was a demonstrably excellent treatment for covid if used in combination with other drugs/minerals, if administered at the outset of symptoms, and if administered at the safe (as safe as any drug can be) dosage levels already prescribed for other conditions. The trials failed on all counts…deliberately in order to discredit the success claims. The high dosages used in very ill, elderly patients could well have killed some of them but, as we can guarantee, any such deaths would be attributed to their age, frailty and the ‘lethality’ of covid.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 19, 2021 7:50 AM
Reply to  JudyJ

Kill a few oldsters (‘useless eaters’) to protect BigPharma profits and who knows what other agenda-easy-peasy.

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:23 PM

Big Pharma is only a means to an end. The objective is etched into the Georgia Guide Stones…

The monsters can have all the money in the world, since they can issue fiat currency on the taxpayer’s account. It is not about money.

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  Fritz Müller

It’s a double bind: they prohibit doctors from prescribing NAC, Ivermectin, Hydrochloroquite, which makes them attractive. After all, if it is disallowed, it must be good!

The problem is that the monsters have been planning this for ever. The “vaccines” have been stringently tested in order to make sure the results would be predictable. At least 70% of them are saline solution in order to make sure people don’t die too quickly. Hell, no. The “booster shots” will address that problem. In the meanwhile, if you take a look a VAERS, deaths and injuries usually originate from the same batch…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2021 4:26 PM

DO you have any links for the batch code point you made? Something more immediately digestible than having to manually trawl though VAERS would be great to begin with. Thank you. A2

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 5:22 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Nope, we did it manually. It did take a few hours, but it was revealing.

They also make several records disappear.

Jul 18, 2021 5:38 PM

Caution- The following contains so much small minded, nit picking, pedantic negativity, so much obtuse, deliberate refusal to understand what the article is trying to say,that you may be tempted to never read another comment again.

Tesla Ozone Therapy works
Tesla Ozone Therapy works
Jul 18, 2021 5:28 PM

Watch this video and tell me that you would entrust ANY decision to them.

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:21 PM

Ozone actually damages the lungs…

Jul 20, 2021 12:09 AM

It depends on the delivery method and concentration/amount.

Jul 18, 2021 3:48 PM

The author praises ignorant Salman Rushdie and subtly praises arrogant Trump who almost brought the planet on the verge of WW3, resells us September 11 false flag as a terrorist attack and calls a sovereign country the likes of Iran – where there are more democratic processes than the so-called land of the free- a “regime”!
If that is her stance, she has a long way to go before coming “out of darkness into light”!
Truth lovers naturally bend towards light just like plants do. Some plant shoots amazingly come out from between cracks in concrete blocks or between stones. That resilience can be found in people too: despite the propaganda, lies, twisting of facts, dressing falshood with a thin garb of truth (like in this article), they ultimately come out “from darkness into light” ,
The words quoted here and by the author come from chapter 2, verse 257 in Quran:
“God is the guardian of those who believe. He takes them out of darkness into light…”

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 18, 2021 4:05 PM
Reply to  guest

Umm when did trump almost cause WW3?! Trump is an actor, same as every recent President. He’s also a complete twat. But I don’t think he presided over the biggest nuclear near-miss since the Cuban Missile Crisis – the Annexation of Crimea. That was Obama. A2

Jul 18, 2021 4:11 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

When he assassinated by drone General Sulaimani and his companions…

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 18, 2021 4:25 PM
Reply to  guest

I’m not sure it almost started WW3 though. There was always something strange about that and I wondered whether there was collusion with Iran to remove someone uncomfortable, then to rattle some sabres and beat a hasty retreat. It just didn’t feel organic, somehow. Maybe that’s just me. A2

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 21, 2021 12:39 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Iran responded in way that could have easily and dangerously escalated. Other warmongering Prezzies and pretenders (Obama, McCain, for example) would have used this as a pretext. Trumpette stood down.
Then again, Iran understood the USA were merely acting as a proxy for another Middle Eastern nation and I don’t mean Saudi Arabia …

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 24, 2021 1:49 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’ve heard tell that the assassination of Suleimani was John Bolton’s idea (makes perfect sense), and that Trump disagreed but signed off on it just the same (like the man of principle we all know him to be).

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Jul 18, 2021 5:22 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

And trump did say in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 it was obviously a demolition.

Who D. Who
Who D. Who
Jul 24, 2021 1:53 PM
Reply to  Cyndee J

I was my opinion throughout Trump’s four years that the absolutely psychotic nature of the anti-Trump propaganda, which never seemed justified by the usually false accusations leveled against him, stemmed from the Deep State’s fear that he knew what really happened on 9/11 and might just give the game away. (That might also link in with the anti-Putin hysteria as well, since it seems pretty certain that Vladdy knows exactly what happened on 9/11/01.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Jul 18, 2021 6:48 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

An annexation the US instigated by breaking an agreement it had made with Russia through NATO to stay out of Ukrainian affairs.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  guest

Dear guest

We are in WW3 and have been for some time, only it is a war of words, not gund, tanks and planes etc.

Started around 2016 when Trump was elected and MSM started slagging off Trump in the most vicious way imaginable. I was not keen on Trump or Clinton at the time, but as I am in the UK it didn’t directly affect me.

Still, as things went on I realised that Trump was being unfairly targeted and as I researched I realised why.

So democrats/Nazis/communist started it via MSM. Nothing new there then, they have always been good at propaganda, or lying as I call it. Best to tell very large lies as ‘the great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a large lie than a small one’ so someone said I gather.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 18, 2021 1:59 PM

“If you’re not ready to die for it, take the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary.” Malcomb X
Which is at least partly paraphrasing of Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death”. There will be no simple painless way to escape the evils about to be inflicted. Yes, they have just begun.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Jul 18, 2021 1:58 PM

“Fauci waffled back and forth on masks, admitting that he lied to the public about masks not being effective in stopping the spread of COVID. Apparently he did this so there wouldn’t be a shortage for health workers. The press doesn’t seem to have a problem with this.”

No, Fauci told the truth about masks, which is that they provide no significant protective benefit, which is why the US Surgeon General the CDC, and the WHO, among others, also said there was no reason to wear them.The medical literature on masks is clear and largely unanimous that they don’t work. Fauci et al told the truth initially about that, then lied about it later, and continue to do so now.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 11:06 AM
Reply to  Pilgrim Shadow

Dear Pilgrim

Agreed. I wrote in an amusing way about masks if you are interested on my website under M is for….Masks

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

Jul 18, 2021 1:45 PM

‘Losers’ who entered the Capitol builidng? I stopped reading after that.

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:26 PM
Reply to  Jon

Come on, it was an act, played by crisis actors.

Even Ashley Babbit’s case cannot be confirmed, but there was certainly no “Crime Scene” label posted there…

Tom Allen
Tom Allen
Jul 19, 2021 7:15 PM
Reply to  Jon

That inaccurate descriptive bothered me also, along with the slanted reference to 9/11. Perhaps, you should reconsider reading the rest of the article, however.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jul 21, 2021 12:46 PM
Reply to  Jon

Agreed. However, the author did provided the name of the alleged trigger man who caused the only “homicide”(?). Lt. Michael Byrd.
That’s the first time I’ve come across a name in this case (probably my bad). I will now investigate.

Jul 18, 2021 1:25 PM

“I stood at the Berlin Wall and crossed the barrier from the land of the free into the land of the oppressed”

And don’t forget who it was that coined the term Iron Curtain and had it erected. In using the term Iron Curtain Churchill was referring to using a tank army as a barrier between Europe and the Soviet Union. Read a little of history other than your own.

Jul 18, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

actually I think it was the Swedes and Lithuanians who formed the “iron curtain” as they wanted Russia to remain a peasant backwater, and the expression comes from that time?? reading history indeed!

Jul 19, 2021 1:20 AM
Reply to  Cascadian

I think Goebbels used the phrase (“Eiserner Vorhang” = “Iron Curtain”) before Churchill.

Jul 18, 2021 1:24 PM

 the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are the first-ever authorized vaccines” Correction: they were never authorised or approved. They are experimental.

Vaughan Huska
Vaughan Huska
Jul 18, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  Steve

In actual fact, all the shots that are currently available have only been approved for emergency use only and have not been authorized by any gov’t as a means of a regular “vaccination” program. The trial phase is still ongoing and is to last until 2023. That’s where we currently stand. Anyone receiving the jab(s) are the test subjects.

Jul 18, 2021 5:58 PM
Reply to  Vaughan Huska

The mRNA shot is not a vaccine, it is a gene therapy drug. The J&J shot is based on a human adenovirus and is a true vaccine.
The manufacturers, for some reason, are not following the normal testing protocols as there has been NO mandatory reporting requirements set up. Something which is de rigueur in any drug development has been skipped.

Besides reporting any adverse effects to a central database, they should also be testing and reporting for anti-bodies before giving the mRNA drugs and only give it to those who do not test positive. But there is none of this in evidence, or if there is it is being very well hidden.

Any medical professional who would give an experimental drug to a pregnant woman or a child should be in jail.
There have been so many coverups and reversals that have caused so many needless deaths it is the height of medical malfeasance.

Jul 19, 2021 1:24 AM
Reply to  yirgach

The medical establishment has disgraced and discredited itself. One has now to wonder how much of what they were telling us before covid is to be believed.

Richard Le Sarc
Richard Le Sarc
Jul 19, 2021 7:55 AM
Reply to  Lysias

The Medical Mafias are utterly corrupt and malignant and have been for decades.

Baldmichael Theresolute
Baldmichael Theresolute
Jul 19, 2021 11:15 AM
Reply to  Lysias

Dear Lysias

Agreed and not much before Covid 19. They were better but have got worse and worse in the UK as they succumb to big pharma and excessive pay for very little other than managing symptoms. Badly i should say as well.

Many seem to know b….r all about nutrition. I have suffered myself recently. Had to do my own research to find out what I have had is sodium nitrite poisoning leading to nitrosamines which are apparently even worse.

To cap it all they use gadolinium in MRI scans which is allowed in the UK but not or at least very restricted in the states I believe.

I gather there is a safer cheaper alternative. Despicable. I am struggling to regain my energy and sleep.

That is just part of my experience. I shall eventually put this down on my website.

Kind regards

Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson

County Girl
County Girl
Jul 22, 2021 8:31 PM

Thank you for the info about gadolinium. Never heard of it before. I have just done a quick basic search on it and don’t like the sound of it. The info I found says the body excretes it quickly through healthy kidneys. How many people have healthy kidneys? Not many I would have thought with function lessoning as individuals age.

Jul 19, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  yirgach

Every one of the jabs without mRNA contains the spike protein. Plus a wide range of bizarre compounds and inorganic substances.

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:36 PM
Reply to  yirgach

Not gene therapy; genetic manipulation. Therapy is supposed to heal. This one is a killer.

Jul 20, 2021 12:00 AM
Reply to  yirgach

NOPE, J&J is absolutely NOT “a true vaccine”. It delivers DNA into your cell using adenovirus, and that DNA reprograms your cell DNA.

From: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/different-vaccines/viralvector.html

“Viral vector vaccines use a modified version of a different virus (the vector) to deliver important instructions to our cells.”

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Vaughan Huska

I don’t give a flying fuck about emergency or other authorization. They are all liars.

Also, the “unvaccinated” will also be exposed to the spike protein shedding by the “vaccinated.” The only difference might be is that those, whose blood hasn’t been “tested” and have not received the Kill Shot, can be traced, but cannot be personally manipulated by 5G, because their DNA hasn’t been stolen.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jul 19, 2021 4:30 PM

We must be careful not to submit to fear and alarmism. They want us afraid, disorientated and distrustful of one another right now. A2

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:30 PM
Reply to  Steve

They must have been developed and tried shortly after 9/11. The monsters EXACTLY know what they will do to the people.

The storyline is about misleading people and making them succumb to the Kill Shots… The choice is simple: get killed or die.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Jul 18, 2021 1:18 PM

Khomeini’s fatwah on Rushdie was fake. Khomeini was a bankster puppet. The Iran Iraq war bled both nations and fattened Israel and the West.

Romeoand Juliet
Romeoand Juliet
Jul 19, 2021 3:38 PM
Reply to  Peter Abraham

Is there anything new under the Sun?