Yeadon Sums It Up
“These are not ‘slip-ups’, ‘well-intentioned mistakes’, ‘erring on the side of caution’ or similar. They’re deliberately misleading.”
Dr Mike Yeadon

A recent post by Mike Yeadon in an email list. Reproduced with his permission.
To all on this list,
It is quite clear to me that, whatever the truth is about the origins of the virus or whether or not it actually exists in the precise form that we’re told, certain things have happened & continue to happen.
Very closely together in time, scores of countries simultaneously discarded their pandemic preparedness plans & instead adopted what I’ve dubbed the “Eight covid19 lies”.
Here’s a detailed example in an interview given to Highwire some weeks ago:
What almost every government told their people was an absurd set of statements, most of them easily disproven by reference to published literature & often simply by thinking.
These statements were & remain untrue, every last one of them. When politicians make technical statements, it’s not reasonable to expect them to know whether it’s right or not. But when the advisory team guiding policy responses is invoked, as they usually are, untrue statements by those with good levels of knowledge & experience has no better description than lies. These are not ‘slip-ups’, ‘well-intentioned mistakes’, ‘erring on the side of caution’ or similar. They’re deliberately misleading.
In all countries for which I have information, the communications were done with the guidance of people who’s professional jobs are psychological manipulators, sometimes called ‘PsyOps’, and used fear over anything else.
Once you examine these statements, you have all the evidence needed to show to a receptive, open minded person that indeed we are all facing a heavily manipulated situation.
While I recognise there’s a constant flow of important new information, such as the time ordering of patents, people apparently becoming magnetised after vaccination, the concept of ‘shedding’, graphene oxide in the vaccines etc. I’m more than happy to benefit from others diligence on all these emerging items, and not to invest time I don’t have myself.
I’m not convinced that many of the usual institutions are operative, and so I’m not aiming to influence them (in U.K. for example, Parliament).
I may be wrong to do so, but I’m now aiming solely at the general public. I have given & will continue to give interviews on the theme of the “Eight covid19 lies”.
I put it to the list that while interesting, it’s not necessary for the purpose of trying to wake up the public to know & tell them about anything more that proves beyond doubt that there’s massive SV scale fraud & deception going on.
There is no possible benign interpretation of the fact that we’re all being lied to, for between 15-18months. None whatsoever. All that has been accomplished is destruction of the economies of many G20 countries, wrecking of civil societies, substantial, avoidable loss of life (often through deprivation of healthcare) and a pervading sense of fear, everywhere.
Additionally, large & growing fractions of populations have been injected with new technology, experimental gene based vaccines, which have been associated with rates of death shortly afterwards of 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than any previous public health prophylactic vaccine. Everywhere they are steamrollering appropriate objections to vaccination in people who cannot benefit from this intervention, yet certainly can be harmed or even killed by them.
We hear the imminent arrival of ‘vaccine passports’, which don’t enhance public safety yet grant to the state totalitarian tyranny over them.
There is no other interpretation that fits all the major facts, than that the goal is control through what will be the world’s first digital identity database.
What will be done with that power, we cannot be sure. My views or rather reasoned deductions are well known & I continue to stand by them.
There being immunologically no need or justification for 3rd & subsequent vaccines (booster, top-up, variant) the fact that they’re imminently to be administered to people en masse should send alarm bells ringing loudly.
Biotechnology has awesome power but it can very easily be misused. I am of the view that 3rd & subsequent vaccines may be used to initiate depopulation. The first generation vaccines I don’t think were deliberately made to be dangerous so they’re no guide at all to what might be next.
Bottom line, my intentions are best served by me continuing to give as many interviews as I can, alone or in groups, to those with the largest audiences.
This note is in no way intended to be critical. It’s just great that people are stepping forward. But I do believe in this world war, there are no Allies. No one is coming to save us. Time is marching on.
I wish us all the most persuasive skills in your efforts to persuade the persuadable. Many aren’t.
With sincere best wishes,
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“AstraZeneca fears: EU lists new side effect of UK’s vaccine – nerve damage warning”
The .26 death rate is based on patients not getting known medications, including supplemental oxygen which most likely would have kept them alive.
They can’t defeat you if you have learned to trust the “experts” aka HUEMANS as the Bible says NOT to.
Start cracking your Bible open, read it. Many websites are opening up to help you understand it. I mean wheely understand it like never before.
Get the first an only book to strongly advocate early home/outpatient treatment:
A huge amount of data and information not covered by mainstream media are in Pandemic Blunder that tells the story of how over 500,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 unnecessarily because the government has blocked early home/outpatient treatment and prevention. With over 600,000 COVID American deaths, learning about safe and effective treatment is more important than ever.
About the Book:Pandemic Blunder contains considerable medical information and data to support a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols that knock out the coronavirus when given early. Read about the pioneering, courageous doctors who have been using innovative approaches to prevent their COVID patients from needing hospital care and facing death. The book includes many expert opinions and Real World Evidence from doctors that show 70 to 80 percent of COVID deaths could have been prevented—and still can be. Don’t be victimized by disinformation and propaganda. Learn how corrupt forces are aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines, and how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have—and should have—been prevented! Detailed information is given to help people protect their lives by using simple prevention protocols, an alternative to vaccines.
Independent review:
Such bullshit. There is no covid. Get vaccinated. You fulfill the criteria.
We have been subjected to a deliberate campaign of fear designed and administered by professional fear mongers at the behest of the government.
This whole COVID project is to bring on the the 4th. Industrial Revolution. This is intended to change permanently not just economies but humanity itself. The green agenda is also a part of the project. The “climate crises” is to unite people in fear against a common enemy, global warming. The COVID panic is to bring about compliance and fear.
According to Klaus Schwab the next step in the development of humanity is the merging of human beings and AI. The world will be divided into ten regions with a governor for each but each united under one supreme governing body. Individuals will be controlled in every part of their lives .
Unbelievably the British ministry of defence has brought out an information booklet titled “human augmentation, the dawn of a new paradigm “ it details “ the use of technology to radically advance human performance “ this is being proposed now in 2021.
The self-righteous covid zealots (including the government) are at present all confidently assuring us we should all have vaccines and wear masks to protect ourselves and others, and implying we are really bad citizens if we do not comply.
Well I’ve just got two words for them (no, not the unprintable ones) – *Lisa Shaw.*
I suggest everybody who has a conscience and wants to know the truth and who does not know this story already googles “Lisa Shaw BBC”, as she *was* a 44 year old, stunningly beautiful and kind looking BBC radio presenter, *who has died due to a blood clot following the covid 19 Astra Zeneca vaccine.*
This is *not* my conspiracy theory, this is admitted as a so it is claimed “rare” consequence of the Astra Zeneca vaccine, but when an otherwise perfectly health lady gets a known consequence of a vaccine almost immediately after it, leading to her death, it is *beyond reasonable doubt*, whether the consequent investigation, no doubt under great pressure to not blame the vaccine, decides it was the cause or not.
She was both a mother and a wife, of a husband, who while I have huge sympathy for him, is at present still refusing to criticise vaccines, despite having his life and his child’s life utterly destroyed by the vaccine, and in turn the misguided government and health officials who ordered this upon everyone and told them it was safe, and also note *absolved themselves of all legal responsibility for such fatal reactions to the vaccines*, which one presumes makes it certain the poor husband cannot even get any financial compensation for his terrible and *totally avoidable* loss, as presumably as a 44 year old healthy woman *she was not at significant risk.*
That such a beautiful still relatively young life was snuffed out for no good cause by the blind senseless and in my view also greed and power driven authorities, should make the blood boil of anyone with a conscience, and make them wonder also if they should have themselves cooperated with a vaccination program that has utterly trashed the entire previous culture of vaccine safety testing, which took typically 15-20 years before risking imposing it on the public.
The much bigger question is of course *how many others now – it may run into many thousands or even millions worldwide* have been seriously damaged or killed by this or the other not properly safety-tested vaccines.
There is absolutely no proof that the covid lockdown and vaccines have saved anybody’s life whatsoever, but now we have clear proof that this regime has killed at least one very special lady in her 40s who would now otherwise be alive.
IMHO the media are the ones responsible for this lady’s death, by not leading the fight (as the public have *no voice* outside of election time) to not cooperate with the covid tyranny, and one wonders exactly how many more other deaths and destruction of lives (3 lives destroyed in this single case) it will take before the media repents and finally says *enough is enough*, and brings this murderous, life-destroying and outrageous nonsense to an end.
It has been noted (by me) from the beginning of vax that when someone dies as a result, the relative makes a statement along the lines of ‘My loved one died of the vaccine, my life will never be the same again. This should not stop anyone else from having the vaccine.’ I was astounded the first time I read that from a relative, but now it is the norm. Presumably, no mention in the MSM unless the relative toes the line.
Are these relatives being threatened to stay quiet? Do they receive a payment if they quote the line encouraging others to get vaxxed.
Anyone else whose relative dies of the vax can only achieve mention in ‘alternative’ news, and these relatives certainly don’t advise others to get the jab.
what are theseEight covid19 lies?
Dr. Yeadon, why do you believe in the existence of SC2? Don’t you know it was “found” from ONE PATIENT by your trustworthy Chinese colleagues using a computer data base via Metagenomics, and that it has never been purified-isolated only cell-cultured in a mix of stuff validated by the same fraudulent PCR test that you say so yourself?
The sad story about Cherie’s family is even sadder because she believes there is an antibody test for “SarsC2” (which has not even been proven to exist), because the antibody test is just a SarsC1 repurposed test-her son was never infected with anything, the shot itself is just plain dangerous. Most everyone’s immune system is working fine, “If it ain’t broken don’t fix it!”.
Backup for Yeadon, “Proof that puts an end to the Sars-CoV-2 Narrative”
Thank you fro the link, I saw it on pootube then unsurprisingly it was removed.
The covid virus was engineered from the Bat RaTG13 virus.
This is beyond obvious.
It’s still just the flu on paper though, isn’t it. Important to remember. A2
Some more on the engineering
Above, we compare the S1/S2 cleavage sites of SARS-Cov-2 and the bat virus RaTG13. It has been found that coronavirus spike proteins need to be cleaved/cut in two places in order for them to induce fusion (virus-cell, or cell-cell fusion). These two places are called the S1/S2 and S2′ cleavage sites. In the case of SARS-Cov-2 and RaTG13 the S1/S2 cleavage occurs after the bold R and before the S. The bat S1/S2 cleavage motif R is not efficiently cleaved by common enzymes. However, if the arginine amino acid R is replaced by the sequence RRAR then it is well-known, and has been well-known for decades, that the ubiquitously found enzyme, furin, recognizes this sequence/motif and cuts the spike protein very efficiently. It has also been known for decades that this greatly increases the pathology of the virus.[22]
Now SARS-Cov-2 just happens to have the amino-acid sequence PRRA inserted just before the bat S1/S2 cleavage motif R. This just happens to create the S1/S2 furin cleavage motif RRAR which just happens to dramatically increase the pathology of the bat virus. No similar furin cleavage motif is found in any bat virus.
For much more on the engineering of Covid see;
Thank you. All I really get drawn to is the word ‘cleavage’ written so many times. This could be written by a team of monkeys for all I know. XD I do hope the virus isn’t some microbiological sleeper agent for human destruction. My instinct tells me that convincing us it might be is part of the fear and disorientation reprogramming. A2
Science writers are not known for good literary style.
FFS Ralph Baric from the Chapel Hill Bio lab North Carolina “Mr Corona Virus” undertaking Gain of Function R&D from the Mid 90’s with huge well publicized “breakthroughs since 1999. The Fort Dietrick Bioweapons lab also collaborated in SARS Gain Of Function. Dr David Martin’s Patent auditing company, did a Patent audit on SARS & Covid found the US has 4000 Patents for SARS & Covid, China has None the NIH funded all SARS & covid R&D. the US Military has been heavily involved in mRNA vax development with DARPA calling their mRNA vaxes “Population manipulation & Species Extinction Technologies!!!” All this comes from PNAC’s call for the US to develop new military Technologies including Biological Military weapons, all the way back in the late 90’s, GW Bush funded the PREP act in 2004 with 256 Billion to develop these new military weapons, (to rebuild America’s defenses?) The US Government through Government employees like Fauci have funded, developed and are profiting from the entire covid hoax, with various Billionaires also profiting of the covid crisis.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-07-16. Why was 44yo Rehana on EoL midazolam? Spain’s Top Court Ruling Lockdown “Unconstitutional”
“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human“.
—Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
The ‘deceiver’s’ purpose is to sow doubt and division of mind such as to forget you are divine. – me (just now)
Thank you Dr Mike Yeadon. One thing we know that these manipulators are the most accomplished liars.
Information on treatments for Covid (100% for one regimen tested), along with some for helping fix adverse vaccine effects:
anyone got a link to the ‘8covid19 lies’?? Just curious – google of course isn’t helpful for anything opposing the official narrative .. (oddly enough, neither is duckduckgo, not as ‘independent’ as advertised, I’m starting to think ..)
Try Episode 219 of ‘The HighWire’ –
Wish i cld help siamdave. Did try, totally agree with ur thoughts on google, have nothing to do with anything related to them.
Also agree with ur thoughts on Duckduckgo, their search suggestions are now undoubtedly iffy, they never were a pure search engine but need treating with caution now 4 sure.
Tried searching 4 *8covid19lies* on duckduckgo, n, which claims to find anything available n doesn’t need the app if u use the search engine. Seems impossible to locate even on, suspect it’s been deleted but might be available on the wayback machine.
All that’s good =)
I found swisscows.
Testing ‘Stefan Lanka’ gave me an immediate set of real results.
Duck or startpage did not.
Glad my suggestion was useful Binra, cheers for letting me know. All that’s good =)
There are many who may appreciate the tip.
Duckduckgo uses Google its results. The only advantage is it will possibly not record your search and cannot assist the authorities as much as Google, possibly. A little known drawback to Google is that it will (when not assisting the authorities) tell you what it thinks will make you happy, based on tracking you.
It would be wise to take a long look at Duckduck.
Concurring opinion: to repeat my own skepticism about DuckDuckGo: it was hailed with great fanfare as a clean, user-friendly engine– in a word, the unGoogle. It still touts its superior privacy protections and claims not to harvest user data like the malignant Big Tech engines.
But its actual search results seem to be a clone of Google– DDG even copies Google’s propaganda features, i.e. a little summary box in the upper right-hand corner that imports often false, malicious, and slanderous blurbs from Wikipedia. For instance, here are the summary boxes from Google and DDG produced by a search for “Judy Mikovits”:
It isn’t just Mikovits; many “contrarians”, e.g. Del Bigtree or RFK Jr., call up similar maliciously biased summaries. It’s insidious, because the parties who designed this format know that casual searchers will consult the summary, accept it as true and correct, and go no further.
I’m not educated or trained in the arcane cyber-mazes that underpin the search pages that we laypersons see. I’ve skimmed comments by people professing technical or inside knowledge that suggest, as far as I can decipher them, that DDG search results are fed by Google-controlled tributaries beyond DDG’s control or capacity to modify.
That’s as may be, but the fact that they appear on DDG is a red flag of a lack of integrity– very Google-like for the would-be “unGoogle”.
They are both links to Wikipedia.
While I do not trust Wikipedia’s objectivity, I can understand why search engines would highlight a search for a person by name with a link to the person’s Wikipedia page.
It is fine to be sceptical. But I try to stay away from paranoid.
“If you’re not paranoid, you’re not paying attention.”
–attributed apocryphally to Hunter S. Thompson
Donned my psychological hazmat suit n carried out a brief reconnaissance of the Indy this morning, the Guardian is WAAAY beyond even my pretty tough sensibilities. Except for their chess column, that’s pretty good. =) Anyway, i occasionally expose myself to the toxicity of the Indy cos we need to be informed about what *the enemy* is up to, so just skim thru headlines n their Voices titles, my focus being on finding out what those who comment there are saying.
Glad to say i’ve noticed a very significant improvement on my last sortie, the mentally coshed still dominate for sure but a decent amount of ppl are now naysayers. I salute them in their epic effort to help the blind see again, it’s obviously still a pretty thankless task, at least the Indy are now allowing some comments which question the b.s narrative tho.
This latest article from James is well worth a read: Know that’s how it appears to so many of us, we know the fakedemic was just an opening salvo to enable the Scum’s imposition of totalitarianism, throwing the baby out with the bath water ain’t on tho. Yes, us more aware ppl are pretty focused on the endgame now, however, we still need to help the less aware understand how they’re being terrified into compliance with something so much more horrific than the fakedemic.
Cyber. Polygon. Next question?
None Steve, that li’l soiree didn’t escape my attention either, amazing how prophetic these simulations prove to be!
Ppl need to realise our computers, inclu hard drives are kill switched, remember the old label Intel Inside? That wasn’t meant to reassure us, it was a declaration of fact. Have a considerable number of external hard drives, also been backing up stuff i really want to keep to recordable blu rays/dvds for over a year now. Seriously hope i’ll be able to salvage some stuff when the sh.t seriously hits the fan.
The Guardian seems to be actively trying to undermine research into Ivermectin.
Test Runs ? “In its 68 year history, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) only four times, all of them within the past seven years and under the same Director General, Dr Margaret Chan who is still at the helm of the organisation: in April 2009 over the H1N1 flu virus (Swine Flu) pandemic that started in Mexico, in May 2014 over the supposedly resurgent Polio in Pakistan, Cameroon and Syria that was deemed an “extraordinary event,” in August 2014 over the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and most recently in February 2016 over Zica in Brazil.
Each of these manufactured crises has pursued multiple objectives, some legitimate and others illegitimate. What they have in common is that they are all based on no evidence about the clinical features, epidemiological and virology of reported but unconfirmed cases. In other words they are based on nothing. genetics-in-the-un-s-plan-to-halt-population-growth-pdf&bsp;
Thanks to Veri Tas 17 July 21
Hey! I have a question for Mike or whomever. (It’s not an oppositional question, I’m just curious on this point.) If the tests have turned up millions of false positives, and the mortality rate of the virus is based on the deaths among those statistics overall, does that by implication mean that the virus (while its impact is unchanged) *is* more dangerous than the 99.7% mortality rate commonly described (even if much less frequently contracted)?
lies, big lies and…..yup. So all of this shit is shit.
It means that the “virus” doesn’t exist, all the deaths were either from neglect, intentional culling of the old and weak thru ventilators etc., or from reclassification of other things like getting hit by a bus.
But the fear invested in the narrative HAS a basis in each mind that gives it.
And the narrative serves as a form of threat of Disclosure, repackaged to a cover story by which to mask as control under sacrifice set as virtue and necessity.
Such is the ‘self’ we made in lockstep; the face we protect and the control we limit to, as lord and protector of a realm we think to rule alone, yet suffer to struggle in fear of loss seeking cover story to offset pain. make it go away, get rid of it and redefine life as pain so as to set the mind in fantasy of such diversion to make or take ‘joy’ in pain.
Engaging with the story, feeds the story. In some ways Mike Yeadon is coming to the primary fact of the weaponised lie as a Call to disinvest it – though he still wants to fight it at some level, which is understandable as reaction but it is by reaction we invest identity.
There is a story we can engage in, as a willingness for truth BECAUSE it is true.
The revealing and reintegrating to being, from invested identity in models serving unrecognised and unowned fear, that have become system capture and mind capture.
When we give meaning to external situations, we give power away.
But a true enquiry to externally shared experience of world, uncovers a lack of substance to an invested image, model or myth of existence, such as to make way for a Self-Revealing that realigns and reintegrates to wholeness of being.
Any attempt to fit the freedom and gift of wholeness of being to a world of division, limitation and struggle, becomes framed and fitted to such a mindset, agenda, or system of adaptation to such a persistent and defended habit.
I felt no call for rational or scientific involvement when the Media began its campaign of terror as the alt glove to a pretence of political process. Being lied to, threatened, coerced or bullied is not requiring a degree to recognise. Except we are raised and trained to expect and accept this as social conditioning that runs as invisible or normal for the most part, until raised to priority and visibility over all else – as a primary survival threat.
Regardless the facts, the psychic-emotional masking that is triggered, operates as a dissociated reality adjustment or displacement, for those who know not what they do under identification in fear, division, and conflicted dis-connection running as the attempt to repeat the problem as if THIS time it will solve.
Fear recognised is the Call to love. To truth, to sanity of alignment in integrity of being. That we may shit ourself is not just physicalised, but the releasing of what we made in fear. Because the old shit was our normal, does not mean we need it back. But nor is it our part to attack shit as if to remodel it into a tighter masking and control system.
The attempt to usurp the Spirit is a signature characteristic of mis-taken identity given power of energy, attention and intention. Recognising the pattern is key to nipping reaction in the bud, rather than some time later wondering what really happened or what was that really about.
To know what we do is to be unconflicted in purpose, and to watch the mind and emotion in the body is to own our experience, rather than cast out and suffer our own spell.
:- From the early days, a certain spike protein was identified as causing severe illness in a minority.
:- There is no evidence of the virus – or any virus; so, where did it come from?
:- The means of spreading the spike protein include (a) lockdown (b) quarantine or hospitalisation with strangers beased on the fake test (c) creating crowds by reducing the hours of certain shops and transport.
:- The means of reducing immunity include enforced masks, lack of essentials (e.g., genuine food, exercise and med. care), and induced hopelessness (from isolation, loss of income and sustained fear propaganda).
:- All the jabs contain the spike protein.
:- Repeating the jab, or jabbing a person who recovered from “covid” or who is healthy, may injure or kill him.
even worse, the mRNA vax contains code your cells use to make billions of spike proteins that float all through your body, can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause all sorts of clotting and stoke events. Multiple jabs just force your body to make even more of the spike proteins.
How do you ‘spread the spike protein’ if it is not part of a virus?
You can’t. You can only spread infectious agents, you could give mass exposures of liposomes containing spike protein, I guess.
But you can’t spread spike protein between people if there isn’t an infectious agent doing the spreading.
Look up (a) mRNA (b) illness in unvaccinated close contacts.
Yes. Narrative investments as a train of thought given rails to run on, can spread endless variants of false assumptions or indeed false flag assignment.
The S-protein as spiked, looks to be a synthetic product for the genetic investment bubble that claims so much and delivers … what exactly?
But as a leveraging narrative, offers gain of function in terms of a cover by which to engage war on life where it is – Bio-electromagnetically, rather than as virionic or genetic models of masking diversion, distance and denial of the Field in which and of which we are Experiencing Existence.
There is Communication a priori to the mind of rules and filters by which we imagine, model and set our ‘world’. But it’s closer than our face.
So it is not just possible we influence each other, but factual we are part of each other in ways that are under the radar of an object reality.
I recognised the logic to your point through a like quality.
Such qualities are not our personal claim but without them, all is hollow and mechanical or artificial and dead – even with Life all around and about us.
I think the ‘population fatality rate’ (PFR) is perhaps the most useful indicator of risk. Some in the population have existing immunity and never suffer from a ‘new’ virus. This is because they have some immunity from catching a similar, earlier virus.
Let’s use figures from a previous event when there was I think more honesty, the 1968-69 UK Hong Kong flu epidemic. The population was 55 million and an estimated 86,000 people died. That’s a population fatality rate (PFR) of slightly above 0.15% (spread over two winters, I seem to recall.)
The PFRs for flu viruses since then, and for COVID-19, all seem likely to be less than 0.15%.
Death by all causes is the only marker I see as valid.
Look at this over a period of recent years.
Was something BIG going on?
No there wasn’t, in terms of all deaths.
The basis for infection stats is meaningless.
No it does not mean because you have significant false positives from RT PCR, that you have a higher Case fatality or Infection Fatality Rate. The reason for this is the extremely lose definitions of a Covid 19 death. The UK has two definition of a Covid 19 death, 1/ Department of Health and Social Care definition, any death within 28 days of a positive Covid 19 test, what ever the underlying or proximate cause, and it does not even have to be a contributory (being run over for example) factor. 2/ the Office for National Statistics definition of a Covid 19 death, is where Covid 19 appears anywhere on the death certificate, does not need a test, an autopsy or be the main or underlying cause of death, where the diagnosis can be on symptoms alone. This means that the false positive PCR test contributes to both inflating numerator and denominator of the IFR or CFR, so leaving the ratio of infections to deaths largely unchanged or inflated as other deaths are misattributed to Covid 19. The ONS sent a missive directing those filling out death certificates to assume death was due to Covid 19, and the Coronavirus Act removing the checks and balances such as a medical examiner as a 2nd person verifying cause of death, and not having autopsies in the case of suspected Covid 19.
This is the DHSC definition of a Covid 19 death.
This is the ONS definition (contained in section 9 Glossary)
Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional Statistical bulletins
You have to keep in mind that the registration protocols for death changed as well. The prevalence of the virus is misrepresented, because it is monitored through the PCR method and the positives are counted as cases, instead of sick people who are then found positive being counted as cases, it has nothing to do with monitoring the virus presence, it has everything to do with monitoring the population. The infection mortality rate and case mortality rate for this variation of a corona virus, if we go “canonically”, must be around the same as it was for any other previous form of what we colloquially know as the “common cold”. Which by the way does not discriminate between ages.
I ask myself the very same question. Your logic is correct. It is of course premised on true and accurate numbers generated by bureaucrats who are continually shown to have conflict of interests.
But saying nobody is coming to save you is just fear driven and puts absolutely no faith in the military. Pity none of you research all the plane arrivals to Gitmo.
Just because the msm don’t show you doesn’t mean things are not happening.
The military is the only way. You think the people are going to round up these globalist scum. You think a normal court will convict them? Now that I won’t hold my breath for.
Perhaps they might start by arresting the 77th brigade. Its hard to put any faith in a military that is waging information warfare against a civilian population, the very civilian population that employs them even. Then perhaps they might stop aiding the so called vaccination program.
I’m talking about the military as a whole not a couple of planted stooges.
The Gates and cabal of this world have a security of their own and many ways to escape. Anyone think the FBI or CIA isn’t compromised or that the Democrats would call the police on themselves.
You can remove a Macron by protest but another comes right back.
This is bigger than you think and needs a whole clean out or we’ll be back whining about the same thing in 2 years time.
True. Mike Yeadon summed it up as I see it: outright fraud, scarcity of empirical data, egregiously low quality, incompleteness, lack of integrity and consistency and artificiality of officially published data and metadata about SC2 and Covid itself, Covid “cases”, infections, hospitalizations and deaths as well as vaccination campaign makes it impossible to independently verify any official narratives as they all create picture of self emasculating, self deprecating self-inconsistent, self-contradictory and in the same time self confirmatory and self congratulatory picture of logical absurd.
And hence publicly available data could not be a foundation of actually implemented policies (thre was no attempt to follow empirical science) in response to this arbitrarily declared medical emergency event. Official empirical data never supported actually adopted polices ultimately based of expedient assumptions and few flawed models.
In fsct after 18 months we have no useful empirical data based proof but failed theories and models.
That fact leaves two possibilities only. One, critical data including missing data was deliberately not collected, not compiled or not disclosed to public or actual empirical data as well as nearly 100% of pandemic related public health standards and protocols were deliberately ignored in arbitrary pursuit of predetermined COVID policies. We have official proof of both.
Conclusions:global COVID remains nothing but an artifact of public relations to justify predetermined political and social and socioeconomic agenda formed to serve empirically proven interests of wealth, power and control of global oligarchic elites.
We are going to win this battle against globalists!
This is far more than just Covid, the globalists elite want a fascist world, where them, their global corporations, and compliant governments (all of them) control and dominate every aspect of our lives.
Fuellmich (link to video below) is right in my opinion because I reached the same conclusion as him, independent of him (mine was a leap of faith based on very little early evidence, his is a conclusion based on a great deal of solid evidence) the globalist elite rushed their ambitions before all the pieces were in place.
In my opinion, Wuflu was accidentally released from the Wuhan lab. The intention always had been to release it in a controlled manner, but after considerably more gain of function research and development.
The problem is, not only was the Wuflu virus not ready, nor were testing and ‘vaccine’ regimes.
And here’s where it gets really interesting. Dr. David Martin, an expert in Patent tracking has established that the vaccinations were developed before the Wuflu was officially announced by the US and UK governments. The only way that ‘vaccines’ could be produced was by criminal collusion between government and pharmaceutical companies, which is in violation of RICO laws in the US.
There was no mass testing tool for Covid, a type of flu. There has never been a test for any type of flu other than symptoms, at which point the body’s extremely effective means of self isolation kicks in, and we go to bed for a few days and sweat it out.
However, in order to perpetuate the myth of a pandemic, governments and pharmaceutical companies rushed out the PCR test, which was condemned by it’s Nobel winning inventor as a diagnostic tool, and propagandised it’s 97% false positive rate as asymptomatic people walking amongst us.
The problem is, asymptomatic spread of any condition is extremely rare, illustrated by Typhoid Mary, a cook who harboured the Typhoid bacteria in her gaul bladder but who was completely immune herself.
She contaminated hundreds by ‘unwittingly’ infecting their food, and 50 or so died. But as soon as she was tracked down and incarcerated, the spread of the condition ceased.
Typhoid is, of course, a bacterial condition and Covid (flu) is a viral condition, but the concept still applies. Asymptomatic carriers are a myth conjured up by a test that has never been used before because every medical and scientific expert knew it was useless.
And the reason for all this?
Socialism is embedded in the belief that to reform a faulty system, first you have to tear it down entirely. This is historic, there is no doubt of it. The problem is, socialists have no idea how to build a system back up other than by resorting to the age old socialist methods, which have been tried, and failed every single time.
And no matter what you believe about any government, they are all socialists at heart.
Enjoy the video folks.
Socialists? Are you from the USA? If so that explains your ignorance; anything to the right of uber fascism is socialism/communism to yanks.
If not USA, where does your ignorance stem from?
Oh, and were is the difference ??? Mussolini startet out aus a Socialist, the Fascists in Germany called themselves National-SOZIALISTEN, there ist NO difference between Socialism and Fascism whatsoever except vor the outward colour.
<———- Ignorant Yank here:
Kindly tell me where you're from, so I too can make blanket generalizations and assumptions about you based on your country of origin that add nothing of any value to the conversation, and in fact only act to its detriment.
‘Ignorant Yank’? Is there any other type?
No. All yanks are ignorant. All Jews are Zionists. All French people are cowards. And all Australians are convicts. These are just simple truths in our simple racist world of racism. 🙄
We also would have accepted “Yank-baiting, eh? Well, yank this!”
Typical Yank vulgarity on my part, I’m afraid. Sorry about that! 😉
These are just simple truths in our simple bigoted world of bigotry.
Fixed it for you.
Hello HoyScoT: The fact that nearly everyone ignores: “The only way that ‘vaccines’ could be produced was by criminal collusion between government and pharmaceutical companies, which is in violation of RICO laws in the US.”
Clearly a positive statement. Thank you.
The RICO act clearly interprets the interrelated aspects of collusion, fraud, and extortion, yet few civilians ever bother to look up the legal frameworks and enforcement of resolution. They continually down vote valid suggestions for legal actions, and instead whine like children about their self-imposed prisons.
I’ve repeatedly posted links to the RICO Act framework from the Cornell Law Library, and have been ridiculed for my efforts. Who is at fault for the illegal conditions the civilian populace allegedly disapprove of?
Here is a simple (yet only singular) definition of one legal condition defined in the Act: >
18 U.S. Code § 1962 – Racketeering – Prohibited activities
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person who has received any income derived, directly or indirectly, from a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of an unlawful debt in which such person has participated as a principal within the meaning of section 2, title 18, United States Code, to use or invest, directly or indirectly, any part of such income, or the proceeds of such income, in acquisition of any interest in, or the establishment or operation of, any enterprise which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce. A purchase of securities on the open market for purposes of investment, and without the intention of controlling or participating in the control of the issuer, or of assisting another to do so, shall not be unlawful under this subsection if the securities of the issuer held by the purchaser, the members of his immediate family, and his or their accomplices in any pattern or racketeering activity or the collection of an unlawful debt after such purchase do not amount in the aggregate to one percent of the outstanding securities of any one class, and do not confer, either in law or in fact, the power to elect one or more directors of the issuer.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person through a pattern of racketeering activity or through collection of an unlawful debt to acquire or maintain, directly or indirectly, any interest in or control of any enterprise which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person employed by or associated with any enterprise engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise’s affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity or collection of unlawful debt.
(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to conspire to violate any of the provisions of subsection (a), (b), or (c) of this section.
Complete text:
There are multiple clauses included in other RICO Act definitions.
Great video
I’ve yet to come across a ‘deadly virus’ that doesn’t mutate into a more infectious-, less deadly one in the wild. The limitations of ‘deadly viruses’ made in labs is that they may be initially very deadly, but they become ever less so if you want the virus to spread through a population…..
I have never come across a virus in biological terms.
I have experienced periods of sickness that may serve positive function despite discomfort and fear – or because of such – which an elitist priesthood assigns to a ‘virus’ that is intrinsically associated with official dia-gnosis and treatment regimes™.
Shock also starts as an spike that then (if not re-triggered) calms down to a more practical relational response.
We largely don’t realise that we package fear to narratives, myths and meanings that internally structure subsequent perception and response, such that a state of fear can be a ‘normal’ running.
I see nanotech being made in labs, that is combined with hydrogels and proteins.
There is a particular snip from latest Kaufman and Cowan that shows Defence imperatives for such tech overriding all else…
I don’t promote fear, so much as recognising internal or hidden structures or devices that both feed fear and feed on it.
You seem to have mistaken this site for FoxNews.
isn’t this marxism since they want to destroy all private enterprise leaving us totally reliant upon the state?
They Need To Be Heard
#WeNeedToBeHeard — COVID-19 Vaccine Regrets – YouTube
I rarely compliment the moderators on here, cos I am almost always on the naughty step, but I thought Sophie was Brilliant today, explaining orders of magnitude.
I am almost certain, I still have my slide rule somewhere in the attic, and I know I still have most of the notes I wrote in joined up writing from school to University..all written in analogue. My brother insisted, I had to study Maths and Physics at university, which I did for a year. It really stretched my brain, but I wanted to do Computing, and move into the Digital World. Over a year, I applied 3 times. To their credit, they interviewed me 3 times, but I couldn’t quite get, well the computing IQ written test, and the interview techniques, until the third time.
You see you learn by experience, and learn how to do the IQ Tests, and The Interview Techniques.
I was 19 years old, and they offered me the job.
In the real world, exponential growth, simply does not happen.
It might look like it does, until we run out of resources, but all I wanted was a lovely wife and two kids.
We have got two Grandchildren now, but we are hardly overpopulating the Planet
My Dad probably did, but he was a randy old sod, before he met My Mum.
I just want our Grandchildren to Grow up Well and Healthy
Maybe I will be a Great Grandad Yet
Apart from being old, there is nowt much wrong with me.
I have not been jabbed and I don’t take the presciption drugs, designed to kill me
I agree with Dr. Yeadon about institutions: “I’m not convinced that many of the usual institutions are operative, and so I’m not aiming to influence them (in U.K. for example, Parliament).” In the USA, 100% of Congress voted in March 2020 to approve disbursement of trillions of tax dollars based on Neil Ferguson’s unverified catastrophic predictions-which were downgraded a day or two after their vote.There were no separate US “models.” Ferguson’s bio on Nervtag still says “Prof. Ferguson advises the UK and US governments.” On 3/13/20, the Trump admin. predicted (on page 4) that the pandemic would last 18 months and require reorganization of government.
I’m re-posting this amazing interview on the virus and vaccines with Dr Vladimir Zelenko, a NY doctor who treated more then 3,000 COVID patients.
It’s about an hour long but well worth the time:
Direct link to the video on Rumble:
The wealthy destroy God.They think they are God.Hence why we are in this situation now.
Tower of Babel springs to mind.
God is within you Annie.
Life gets weirder. Whilst I don’t approve, My Grandson has already had his PCR test. I asked my son, how did you achieve that so quickly? Don’t you have to book an appointment and book up at a PCR Testing Station in advance.
He says no. The Government have shut them all down, cos no one would turn up…
So how did you manage it, and how much did it cost?
He said Free, and he says the Good News, is if the PCR Test comes back positive, he can’t go back to school next week, nor go to the Dentist the Following Week.
If negative, he will have to go back to school on Monday.
Hoping for a Positive Result.
So where are we going then? I’m getting ready. Just told my wife.
“Rod Stewart – Sailing (Official Video)”
If I were an Eagle I’d not want fewer Fish.
In fact I’d want more of them placed in my dish.
The Fish they sustain me and, like it or not,
It is Fish that I’ll have to cook in my pot.
If the Fish disappear then the Eagle might, too.
And then, tell me, what would I put in my stew?
My eaglets are hungry and needing fresh meat.
An abundance of Fish makes mealtimes a treat.
We chomp and we chew, we tear and rip up,
but still there are more Fish there for our sup.
If the Fish were no more I’d weep buckets of tears.
That Fish numbers decline is one of my fears!
Up with you Fishies! It’s time to go breed!
Only new Fish satisfies my great need.
Pay no attention to rumors of strife.
Get busy breeding with friend or with wife.
When the waters are thick with new Fishes galore
that’s when I and my kind we rise up and we soar.
Whirling about high above and unseen,
to dive in the water at sight of a gleam
on the scales of you Fish, who swim there below.
My shadow eclipses the Sun! Then you know:
I never was trying to wipe you all out.
Your river: my larder! It’s what I’m about!
I’d no sooner see you extinct than myself.
Predation cannot be just put on the shelf.
It’s part of my makeup, it’s part of my Soul.
It’s what lets my eaglets grow up and grow old.
So please don’t you fear that I bear you ill will.
I and my eaglets we all love you, still.
For your flesh is our life, your blood it sustains.
As long as there’s prey, the predator remains.
There. That about sums up my thoughts on the idea of “omg they’re trying to kill us all runforthehills!!” I’ve been tweaking this poem for a while now and I think I’m satisfied with it, so… please enjoy.
Eaglets are known to kill their siblings in competition for food or status.
Inbred “royal” morons are known to kill their own kind in competition for survival or political power.
If that was your point then I agree. Perhaps I’ll add another verse.
If you had another point then it has escaped me.
I presume you think the lethal injections are safe and designed to protect us. Would you consider providing us with your affiliations ?
Your presumption is wrong.
I don’t know what you mean by “providing [you] with [my]affiliations”. Can you be more specific?
Are you associated with one or more covert agencies ?
Are you the fellow with a million aliases that blames the “alt right” for convid ?
FDA Cover-Up They Knew About Deadly Vax Side Effects by Dr. Bryan Ardis (41:16)
Great Video.
Biotechnology cannot be anything but misused. That was its entire purpose. I have no source for that statement; I have no “proof.” But I know it’s true.
Something intrinsically evil cannot conceivably have been created for good. The Rack, Thumbscrews, Waterboarding: no good could possibly ever have been expected to come from them.
Ditto Biotechnology.
I think the real life analogy is for 90+% graphene injections to turn us into two-dimensional spectres on an e-paper page making love to a cheap hologram of ourselves.
Those of us who escape the shot inherit the task of remaking the real world.
Is there any evidence that these shots contain graphene – beyond a few questionable microscopy photos and the extremely questionable “La Quinta Columna” (who, incredibly, supported the “people becoming magnetic” nonsense)?
I’m open to the possibility but afaik the evidence is not there yet.
Hello Tamara: Not all vaccines contain graphene oxides, but nearly all tested vaccines are filthy with contaminants. Numerous vaccine producing laboratories have been repeatedly shut down for poor hygiene and/or faulty procedures.
Cost-cutting or accidents? The staggering variety of bizarre ingredients and contaminants shows that this is not so:
Vaccine Contaminants
Nice crap to shoot your kids up with…
Well… there is a 50+ page interim report produced by the University of Almeria. Interim as in before the conclusion of further analysEs underway (note the plural):
Of course, there are always those who consider scientific analysis passé, i.e. “white privilege”.
When I was in school many a year ago,We used to be in the playground and sometimes another kid used to come running saying there’s a monster with behind the bike shed,So we’d all running to take a look I saw nothing but some of the other kids would go yea I just saw it look it ran over there,some didn’t see see some believed they saw something?!!Now can you imagine that now on a much bigger scale and voila you have your scamdemic.
Sorry about typos I’m messaging on a stupid not so smart phone.
Really interesting and concerning development whilst commenting here on OffG:
I have tried to respond to Johan Smith below and used the example of the Only Democracy in The Middle East as an example and included the name of the religious group that runs the place.
Nothing anti anything just some obs of their vaccine ops.
My earlier comment disappeared and I contacted OffG no response yet; I tried to respond again to Johan with a similar comment and again spam check; I then responded to Johan with “test” and it went straight through!
I hope it isn’t what I think it is cos that would be pretty heartbreaking.
Don’t be too quick to blame OffG. This kind of thing is not encouraging for those of us who believe in free speech, open debate and the right to think for ourselves but often the platform provider is not to blame. The hosting service can impose filters that use what is risibly called Artificial Intelligence to ‘disappear posts and comments based on the fact that though the item itself may be quite innocuous it contains certain flagged keywords.
While Google, Facebook, Twitter and Amazon often get called out on this (but nothing changes) one of the worst offenders is WordPress, a company that provides hosting services for many larrge online publishers as well as small independents. Somehow WordPress seem to escape criticism, or maybe they’re just better at filtering adverse comments on there operation than even an old computer pro like me can imagine.
The way round this kind of censorship by stealth is to use the blockchain services that are springing up. OffG needs to get a ‘.onion’ domain and then those of us who have the TOR browser installed can see uncensored content.
GREAT information! And a topic worthy of an article at Off-G.
A word to the wise Tamara, today I followed a link from a friend’s page on Facebook to his latest post on Medium, an expose of how a few bureaucrats in the UK media regulator OFCOM had throughout the pandemic arbitrarily and undemocratically issued instructions to TV, Radio and print news services about what could and could not be published regarding COVID.
When I clicked the link I got one of those iritatingly jolly little apoligies, “Oops, sorry. Something went wrong” and a message that looked as if Medium were blocking the link or had deleted it.
When I logged on to Medium there was a notification that my contact Graham had posted and article about OFCOM. Sneaky Facebook had blocked the link and made it look like medium were responsible (easy to do).
We can’t avoid these AI censors and auto moderators but they are neither intelligent nor clever and its easy to guess which words might be picked up and acted on by the software. So we have to self edit and find more subtle ways of saying what we mean.
For example I have a female friend who happens to be married, and whose religious culture decrees she is her husband’s property. In my blog posts I sometimes mention this because if I said “My Muslim friend is her husband’s property according to their religion… ” that would likely be identified as an Islamophobic post.
It’s extra faffing about of course but worth the trouble I believe because governmental ineptitude has handd control of the internet to corporatecontrol freaks like Google and Microsoft and because they control the servers, routers etc. we can never challenge them head on.
True, some of my comments on CHD (run by WordPress) were automatically deleted, some were reinstated after complaining to CHD editors who denied they did it deliberately. Comments were more of less along the lines of Nazis “weaponizing” genetics and hygiene including threat of infectious diseases like typhus into discriminatory social policies against Jews, Gypsy, foreigners , elderly, mentally ill, retarded, crippled, gays and .. communists.
We are not hosted by WP. We just use the software.
I’d have to do a bit odf digging to be certain Sophie, but I’m reasonably confident that they can still insert patches into their software to install keyword driven filters (the way bloody Google can restore autocorrect on my bloody stupid phone in their next Android update after each time I switch it off.
Klaus Schwab may have predicted that by 2050 we will own nothing, but with internet technology that’s already pretty much the case.
Anyway its late and my wine is trying to seduce me so I’ll get back to this tomorrow (which is only 5 minutes away but I mean in the moring after a leisurely breakfast.)
I did some digging today Sophie and as I suspected it is technically feasible for WordPress to be editing keyword filters in their software even though it is installed on your server and not theirs. This kind of back door is well known all over the net of course and is used by Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and the rest. Obviously I cannot say with certainty that WordPress are doing anything like that on the OffG site but a look around some techie sites via TOR throws up plenty of posts from people complaining of their content mysteriously being censored on sites that use WordPress CMS software
Bear in mind that Content Management Systems are simple creatures and easily manipulated.
I’ll take a look at the metadata on your pages and see in that gives me a clue what is going on. BTW I’m not a hacker, but as a retired 30 year IT professional I like to solve problems occasionally,I may even download the WP software to one of my computers for a close look. I’ll let you know if I find anything interesting.
That’s been my experience. Not only criticism but just the mention of the ___ and the comment is deleted.
For evidently free discussion regarding this precious area see Somehow they seem to get past the censorship, perhaps because Ron Unz is a ___?
The self-deceiving neo-Nazis here like to claim they are censored for ‘mentioning’ the Jews. But this is their internal self-justifying lie.
We have realized lately these guys are permanently in a state of cognitive dissonance due to being in denial of their own racism, and therefore can’t recognise it when it expresses itself.
When they say every Jew declared war on Germany in the 1930s, or ‘the Jews’ think goyim are cattle, or ‘the Jews’ are destroying America or ‘the Jews’ should be monitored, or ‘the Jews’ are inherently evil, or ‘the Jews’ should be sent to camps and burned in the ovens, they sincerely think they are just mentioning the Jews and are stunned at being called racists.
It’s useless to offer correctives or try to reason. Their hatred of another group of humans is a fixation but so is their inability to accept this about themselves. They are drawn to the Nazis because they openly hated and murdered Jews, but can’t admit this is what attracts them, so offer squeamish apology and denials of reality.
If you really want to ‘mention’ the Jews that’s fine, Go ahead. Anyone can mention the Jews. You are welcome to discuss Jewish culture, history etc. You are free to criticise Israel’s racist policies. You can post factual observations about the Holocaust that cite sources. Our admin Sam has debated some of these facts right here.
Mention the Jews all you like. But if you ‘mention’ they are an evil cabal or ‘mention’ they are all subhuman and should be gassed that will be deleted.
Because it’s just wrong, ok.
Consult our comment policy if in doubt.
Really? I have had wholly innocuous posts here deleted – apparently just for speculating on Jewish interests.
I, for one, don’t “hate” any group, have never mentioned a “cabal” or described Jews in any way let alone the harsh terms you mention. But it does happen and censorship in those cases is understandable.
A few facts that you may want to allow:
There is a strong, persistent theory out there that Jews are working toward their assumed role as the world’s ‘Chosen People’.
It is also widely known that even using the word ‘Jew’ means censorship on many platforms.
It is also widely known that such groups as the ADL actively seek to quash much discussion. Even casual discussion.
Can you handle this?
No offence, Tamara, but this comment of yours is a perfect illustration of my point.
You say you don’t hate any group. You just ‘mention’ the persistent theory ‘the Jews’ are intent on becoming the chosen people.
Not some Jews, not a nutty segment of Jewish people, but ‘the Jews’. All of them. Every baby, every school child, every man, woman on the planet identified as Jewish. They all act like a single entity with one mind. They all want to be the ‘chosen people’. And are therefore all a problem. The ‘Jew problem’.
To you it’s plain sense and you are just ‘mentioning’ it. You are stunned that anyone could find this racist or insane. And so, if these views are removed, you are shocked and tell people you have been ‘censored’ for ‘mentioning’ the Jews.
It’s a pity. Faux antisemitism is being used as a political tool to quell discussion. The ADL do need to be challenged for their shocking practice. But as a real antisemite you and those like you are the last ones capable of dealing with this. In fact you enable it. The ADL loves guys like you, and probably pays people to pretend to be guys like you.
Think about that.
Lots of name-calling from you. Not very professional.
I didn’t say “every Jew”. I am not “anti-semitic”. (Btw, spend 5 seconds considering the term ‘semite‘ to realize the extent of your own folly and perhaps even indoctrination.)
A central tenet of Judaism is that the Jews are ‘The Chosen People’ to lead the rest of humanity. And many religious Jews believe this. The majority in some polls.
The persistent, widespread hostility toward Jews raises more questions than can be answered with just “bad people, anti-Semites, hatred, blah, blah”. As does the very existence of the ADL and its activities and that of its cohorts around the globe.
You don’t have the only perspective on Jews or Jewishness. Many have deeply held and researched perspectives that warrant serious consideration without immediately being dismissed as “anti-Semitic”.
Amazed you’ve made it this far, though not impressed with your arguments.
I literally call you no names at all. But nice strawman.
Great example of neo-nazi doublethink. You said, quote – ‘there is a strong, persistent theory out there that Jews are working toward their assumed role as the world’s ‘Chosen People’. You stated a belief in a race-based intent. You are making racist claims and them immediately disavowing your own meaning when challenged.
Look at your own intellectual writhings…
You dodge and weave inside your own head trying to say ‘Jews are bad and dangerous’ and not say it at the same time.
Face facts. You are selecting for race/religion. Your entire issue with Jews is their Jewishness which you think might make them a threat. You think they want to become the world’s Chosen People. You think Jews make themselves special and should therefore be defined and treated differently. With wariness, concern, maybe fear, in case their ambitions bear fruit.
This is neo-Nazism. It is a restating of the Nazi doctrine that Jews want to take over the world, have undue influence and need to be contained.
Not wealthy elites. Not tyrants or madmen. Jews, by virtue of their Jewness.
Maybe if you at least faced this fact, took ownership of it, you would be less confused and angry.
You are a neo-Nazi. You think Jews are a problem to be dealt with. Wear it with pride.
“And many religious Jews believe this”. Your own words Tamara but the fact is most ppl designated as Jews are secular and want to live in the diaspora. Also many RELIGIOUS Jews believe Jews shouldn’t be living in Palestine now n demonstrate against it.
A small community of supposedly Jewish ppl are part of the Scum, pls don’t confuse them with the ppl as a whole. Also consider watching the wonderful documentary, Defamation [2009] by the lovely Yoav Shamir Think it might be an eyeopener for you.
A central tenet of christoanity is to spread the gospel around the world. If we judge by the history of countries and regimes identifying with christianity, this led to justifying abductions, slavery, rape, banning of languages and other religions, mass warfare in the form of the crusades, and ceisures, child sexual exploitation, torture, dismembering, murder.
deleted …
Is it ok to say that Zionists own the Federal Reserve and the MSM and the Deep State and therefore basically run the world?
If not then surely it would not be ok to mention that England had a similar – but not quite as extensive empire at one point.
Why would it not be ok to say Zionists own the Federal Reserve? By all means say Zionist own the Federal Reserve.
Why can’t guys of your persuasion distinguish the difference between saying Zionists own the Federal Reserve and saying Jews are inferior/dangerous/scary/should be sent to camps? 🤦♀️
Absolutely. I would never say that…
In fact I am quite happy that the Zionists own the Fed and control the world (follow the money … right to the font…)
Because I don’t have an Eton tie… and a surname that would be in favour if the British Empire was still in play…
The Zionist Empire rewards merit… and I apparently have some value within their system as I am not a street cleaner…
Someone’s gotta call the shots — the Zionists have been very good to me… why bite the hand….
There are those who opposed the Zionist takeover included Mr Hitler… good thing he failed … because I my surname is not Schultz of Klink

I come across many people who want to blame The Jews for all the world’s ills. And on they go, The Jews this, The Jews that, never Jewish people What do you do with them? It’s a waste of time trying to explain that unless you can prove that all Jewish people are wealthy bankers who spend their lives manipulating stock markets, corrupting politicians and perverting scientific research you have to be more specific. Nor is their any point arguing that whatever malfeasance the financial elites may be up to, the people included in that group are not all Jewish.
So no matter how much we value free speech, sometimes lines must be drawn that cannot be crossed.
The mere fact this comment of yours is here rather undermines your fears of being censored, no? I can’t find any other comments you made along the lines you claim. So that’s odd.
I also, oddly, can find no trace of you contacting us. Did you do so under the name Trewpol?
We get a regular trickle of posters complaining their previous comments have been ‘censored’. We always take such complaints seriously and search for the missing comments in the trash and spam. We often find and restore them.
But on other occasions there is no missing comment. In fact sometimes the ‘complainant’ has never posted on OffG before but simply turns up to allege ‘censorship’ and then vanishes again.
We think this is a troll tactic – especially as it so often happens during times of very high traffic when trolls proliferate.
I posted a comment under the Reality article yesterday which published fine; Claret responded.
I then tried to respond to Johan Smith here and that comment went under spam check for some reason then disappeared. The article was glitching so I put it down to that. I emailed you yesterday at 1757 (it’s in my sent folder if you want it) to your contact@offg…. just asking the question whether you could reinstate. No response (which is fine as I get it’s a small team here).
I then posted test to Johan Smith which published fine – in this day and age of censorship I then got a bit worried as to what was afoot here.
Admittedly in haste I then posted the above comment to more get your attention than open a can of worms which again published fine. Obviously I have common sense and have a little understanding of how the world works therefore it didn’t escape my notice that by omitting certain words the comment was fine.
I then saw Ian Thorpes comment to me and appreciated his sentiment and slightly regretted jumping to conclusions with my original comment re possible censorship etc… I tried to respond to Ian twice (it was 0400ish AM UK time) agreeing with him and the same thing happened “awaiting spam check” and then the comment disappeared. That was a relief because it confirmed that I was experiencing some kind of glitch on this article and it wasn’t anything to do with censorship.
However Sophie your method of handling this situation is pretty terrible – you are too quick to attack and need to calm down at times because there is censorship going on and as an advocate for Palestine I’ve seen and experienced it first hand. All I was looking for was a quiet and polite word from you or Sam that comments do get lost and you’ll try to retrieve them – nothing more. I am a very reasonable person and have been following OffG via SOTT for a very long time.
Me posting the above comment was not intended to troll you or undermine OffG I don’t have that kind of influence and rely too much on OffG and some of it’s wonderful commenters (Maxwell, George Mc, Gezzah, Edwige, Moneycircus, Willem, S Cooper and others) to remind me the whole world hasn’t lost it. I think you could learn a bit from these guys and gals and practice a little more humility and not tar us all with the same brush just because we question and request clarity on certain things including your comments policy.
We are all on this journey together.
The general level of tolerance and diplomacy extended to fellow commenters – even very racist ones – only throws into starker relief the regular lack of such constructiveness shown toward Admin.
As institutionalised as we’re accustomed to existing in the padded west, in our little consumer bubbles/cages with token customer service economies to maintain the illusion of our freedom and importance, it is perhaps easy to forget, Admin are NOT your teachers/government officials (pseudo parental archetypes) or your shop assistants/waiters (power-reinforcing subservient stereotypes).
It’s like people can’t process admin here unless they place us in one of these boxes.
I think we can all try a little harder to recognise how our breeding has primed us for this globalist rollout, and change the conversation. A2
It’s raining…….. Climate crisis!
It’s not just ‘raining’. It is raining in amounts and at an intensity not ever seen before in the history of human habitation in the affected areas. If you get flooded out, your house destroyed, or burned out in a mega-fire (both of which I hope you escape)I expect you’ll change your tune.
Can you source that first claim to some data? Otherwise it’s meaningless.
For anyone interested in the historic events in France today (and I don’t use the term ‘historic’ lightly). These demonstrations against the vaccine passport are not yellow vest affairs, and they surpass anything at the height of the yellow vest movement:
La Rochelle
Aix En Provence
And of course Montpellier
It goes on and on.
What has surprised me is that these demos are not just in the big towns and cities. They are occurring in much smaller places as well. As always it’s hard to judge these things, particularly as they are still happening as I write this, but I would guestimate at least 50 demonstrations across the country with a total of about 2 million out on the streets protesting.
The big question is, will Macron & Co take a blind bit of notice of it all?
Not if they can help it.
But it might make some of the other spineless politicians realise that they’re not doing themselves any favours by going along with this nonsense.
And it will certainly inform more ordinary citizens that they are not alone, and that the media are lying scum.
October, for me the real killer today was all the smaller places in France where people protested against vaccine passports.
Figeac is a small town near the south of France, about half way between Limoges and Toulouse. Figeac has a population of around 9,000. A large proportion of them were out protesting today (Saturday)…
Amazing how good it makes you feel to see them.
Yes, Rob, it was much more than the usual suspects. But that was also true of the yellow vests. The discontent just grows wider.
And it is the summer, when nothing of the sort can usually happen. I’m sure the regime thought they could get away this in July. That should teach them to screw up people’s holidays, LOL.
I see some back pedalling already – pass required only in ‘large’ shopping centres now.
I hope you’re right, and that this is the start of the something historic.
Ratschild’s little puppet & Co will take notice only in the context of planning the jackbooted response.
Indeed, he will try to push ahead, even if he steps back tactically for a bit. IMO, the attitude of the police will be decisive. The measures don’t apply to them, interestingly enough.
If the riot control people were to start having doubts, then it could become really interesting.
Montpellier. Was Macron in this car?
“The problem for (Alfred) Milner was that he underestimated the impact that allegations of slavery and reports of vicious floggings would have on even his trusted Liberal friends like (Herbert) Asquith. Indeed, Milner was at times such a driven man that he failed to take account of the weight of opposition ranged against him. He warned his friend, Richard Haldane: ‘If we are to build up anything in South Africa, we must disregard, and absolutely disregard, the screamers’. 98 It takes a very strong man to disregard the screamers: to ignore moral indignation, to put the cause before humanitarian concerns. Some frontline politicians find it all but impossible to stand against a torrent of public outrage, but those behind the curtain in the secret corridors of power can easily ignore ‘sentimentality’. Remember those words. They will reverberate through the pages of this book: ‘absolutely disregard the screamers’.”
98 J. Lee Thompson, Forgotten Patriot: A Life of Alfred, Viscount Milner of St James’s and Cape Town, p. 483
Quote from: Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor, Hidden History, The Secret Origins of the First World War, p.53
rob,live not far from figeac/cahors how do find out about these demos beforehand?
If you use Telegram, look up the channel of a certain ‘Anonyme Citoyen’.
Well, Macron backed down from imposing his 3% “carbon” tax after the Yellow Vests came out on the streets. I think he will back down again this time. I suspect his WEF controllers told him to push the boat out to see how far they can go. For France, meanwhile, this is IT. It’s really their Maintenant ou Jamais moment. The whole world is watching.
Still in the realm of virology. Michel Chossudovky did an interesting interview with the La Quinta Columna team.
The thing that gets me myself included we do a lot of moaning and whining about the situation we are in?Stop moaning whining he said this they said that and except your own existence don’t follow second hand news follow what you see hear feel.You might see clips of others concerned about the state of affairs but that’s hearsay your life your experience.
Andrew Marr – Jabbed Twice – He’s now got it
Savid Javid – Jabbed Twice – He’s now got it
So what is the point of being Jabbed?
The vast majority of people who have been jabbed, even if they were lucky and survived the first couple of weeks, which many people in Nursing homes didn’t, have got very ill.
But the brainwashing and the propaganda, is so intense, that they want to get jabbed again.
I will stay unjabbed thanks.
I will take my chances on the beer and the fags.
I rarely smoke, except when I’m getting pissed, and I recently passed all my blood tests.
I am not suggesting this is a solution to getting as old as me, but to my amazement, I am still here.
Just don’t take the drugs that your doctor prescribes. You are much better off, changing your diet and getting more exercise.
We should worry, because as time goes on, they will want less and less to allow a Control Group to exist, against which anyone can measure the size of their genocide.
I very much doubt any front line politician has had a real jab.
why? They got brainwashed first.
Absolutely sure of it.
And who was the last rich member of the global elite who succumbed to CoViD 19?
So the fact that hospitalization numbers has dived is nothing to do with why people are being vaccinated then? It’s purpose wasn’t to necessarily stop people catching it.
You didn’t know this?
It’s July.
They always drop compared ,to,say,February
The numbers aren’t that different from this point last years,without vaccine
Strange that,eh?
I’ve been asking the same question since the vaccine rollout began Tony. It was always known that these vaccines would not immunise us to the disease or stop us passing it on to others so when there is no measurable benefit from getting poisones how can the benefit outweigh the risk?
I am one of six siblings, half of whom have worked throughout the last 18 months in public roles (including hospital receptionist). I have an elderly mother (with a serious autoimmune disease) who has refused point blank to stay indoors, and has taken every opportunity possible to meet with family, friends and the great unwashed public. I also have a partner and young children.
The ONLY person in my family who has fallen ill during this time and been ‘diagnosed’ with Covid is my younger sister. She is also the ONLY vaccinated member of my family, and the ones who’s most closely followed government dictates (mask / visor, self-isolation, etc.)
Food for thought.
The vaccine passport will end up with us all being regularly injected whenever they so demand or the passport will become invalid.
This is a wonderful tool for the technocrats as they will be able to inject anyone showing any signs of committing wrong think with something to make them docile or to get rid of them.
I think it is the App they want, not the vaccine, to provide an endless stream of data they can monetize and to control the empires governments with.
They don’t need the vaccine, they can kill us at the doctors surgery anytime they like, by just diagnosing us with cancer. the ‘cure’ will do the rest.
They can now remotely order house arrest on anyone in the UK, direct from silicon valley or Langley, as they have done to 500,000 people this week, wrecking the British economy.
That turns American economic sanctions into a live event, administered instantly, even during meetings with the British or any other government.
We the British handed that ability to a foreign power.
So you are saying that the vaccine is just a distraction? All this work they are putting into getting everybody jabbed is work to promote a distraction? Interesting point of view but totally illogical, so it goes in the “What bollocks” bin.
I predicted months ago that if vaccine passports were launched reliable fakes would be available to buy online from day one. Yesterday I read that in those American states where vaccine passports have already been introduced, very convincing vaccine passports can be bought for as little as $5 while digital versions that are indistinguishable from the real thing cost $28.
It’s hardly going to break the bank is it?
I’m guessing that they’ll decide we need microchips or some such thing because it’s too easy to forge documents. You just can’t be too safe, you know.
Imbedded microchips can also be forged.
That’s OK, when the time comes I and people like me will be happy to tell everyone how to disable an embedded microchip very easily and at minimal cost without it being possible to blame the perpetrator for abusing government property.
That would be very much appreciated.
I imagine they are quite aware of this and happy for it to occur in order to cushion acceptance.
Once in place it will be ‘realised’ that there are too many fakes and it will then be necessary to upgrade to a secure version that uses cryptography to ensure fakes cannot be created.
That may be the real reason Israel abandoned such an attempt.
The interesting thing is that in the interview, he mentioned thinking that this whole operation
was about a financial reset. The great reset, you’ll own nothing. When watching this, it seems
that the depopulation theory has the same outcome. Millions of estates left to nobody but the
state. In the end, reset or not, you’ll own nothing.
This would really be something:
‘Palliative’ care uses midazolam routinely as a final coup de grace, to ‘let go’, to free up beds. Or to end suffering, if you prefer.
I’m building up quite the narrative from the comments you choose to delete.
But my hard work will not go to waste, I will make good use of them, and print them elsewhere, on bigger sites with ‘Censored by Off-Guardian’ below them.
Hi Java, Octypus, and whatever other iterations you are using. You use multiple identities and fake a superficial sympathy for covid skepticism while trying repeatedly to reframe it as being dominated by the ‘alt right’. You make the same fact-free assertions about this over and over again with no development. Your agenda is obvious and while we let it slide initially we no longer see the need.
Most other comparable sites would have banned you. We haven’t. But please feel free to post your accusations on any other site you can find that hosts an active comment section comparable to ours. If you do find one that is also ‘bigger’ please let us know.
I really must pay more attention to the assumed names the posters use i guess since i have no idea what Java zios ‘s agenda may be ? Perhaps a short clearer summation of said agenda please. Covid skepticism dominated by the” alt-right” ? The alt-right i’m more familiar with is in the league with the great reset envisioned by little Bill Gates etal ?
It’s making me laugh how he keeps using VPN to upvote himself and downvote Admin. Sad little thing.
The “zios” is a big pointer.
Whilst Mike Yeadon means well, some of what he writes and says is far too technical for the vast majority of people to understand. It’s as if he is giving a lecture to his scientific peers. Whilst I disagree with very little here, He seems to be toning down some of his previous rhetoric, perhaps to try and make himself feel personally safer. I think he is a very brave man indeed, but I really disagree with this.
“The first generation vaccines I don’t think were deliberately made to be dangerous so they’re no guide at all to what might be next.”
Although open to interpretation, it is obvious he is talking about the COVID jabs. I remember what he has previously said about them.
Can’t he keep up with the data, or has he been seriously warned?
We have now got (if you believe the news) numerous “celebrities” who have been jabbed twice, exhibiting the same symptoms as warned by this man, whilst saying of course to be politically correct, that it would be far worse if they hadn’t been jabbed. How do they know this? They are merely trying to reassure themselves, that they made the right decision to be jabbed in the first place. They can’t face the possibility, that they made a disasterous decision, which may end with their death much sooner, than if they hadn’t been jabbed.
I have yet to read or see anything, that would convince me, that being jabbed is a good idea.
“Canadian Doctor: 62% of Patients Vaccinated for COVID Have Permanent Heart Damage”
Opmoc, Dr Yeadon has been vocal on the toxicity of the first ‘vaccines’. Please quote what you remember he has previously said about them. And please avoid telling us about your wife and family, and your ancient history in Oldham whilst you do so. I eagerly await.
For those who aren’t familiar with Opmoc, he told us on Craig Murray’s blog that Julian Assange is a fraud who was coming and going to the Equadorian Embassy at will. Then he changed his mind. Then he changed it back again.And so on and so forth. He also claimed, in one phase of his boring family fairy stories, that he was unable to give up the demon weed at the age of seventy. This changed, further down the line, to him not having smoked since his twenties. Good luck with him, anyone who wants to engage.
John Steppling’s latest has this moving reminiscence:
“The old Italian man who ran the deli was lovely to me as a little boy. I remember the sawdust on the floor of his shop. I remember the smells. He didn’t give me candy, he gave me a slice of Prosciutto, and talk to me of Culatello and the black pigs from which it is made in the Po Valley. He said he save me a slice if he got his hands on some again. I loved going there. These are the daily aesthetics that construct not just a sense of the world, or our locale, but of ourselves.
Something shifted, or began shifting, after the Vietnam war. The ruling class closed ranks in a sense. Corporatism became a guiding principle for business. The quality of literally everything, beginning with food (Prosciutto was banned for thirty years after a swine flu outbreak ….somewhere) deteriorated. Running alongside this corporatism was a resurgent Puritanism….
The swine flu scare was responded to with a ban on prosciutto, one of the great culinary inventions of Italy. For THIRTY YEARS. This is the unconscious relfexive puritanism surfacing.”
Interesting. A “health scare” which had the curious effect of pushing out a treasurable and healthy food resource whilst ushering in factory spewed pap.
And this next bit is applicable to my own generation:
“The nineteen seventies marked the front edges of an aesthetic shift that synced up with the corporatizing of the environment. And this aesthetic shift was indirect, it was not about taste or style, it was about an emotional defensiveness, and about a new sort of sickly narcissism. It pointed toward schizophrenia and an autistic reading of life in general.
The children growing up in the seventies were already the children of the anti-communities, the children of places without history. They were also a generation that saw class division become solidified in ways it hadn’t before. I have written before about the 70s cinema, about the watershed moment when Star Wars replaced Friedkin’s Sorcerer”
I have always loathed Star Wars and the glib CGI computer game crud it ushered in. The old Doctor Who guy running around in a cardboard mask at least encouraged real interaction amongst participating kids. All our “culture” now is about helpless sedentary spectating.
Enter COVID!
Great post . The loss of two land wars in Asia circa 1950-70 dissipated any notions of an American global empire with the emotional/intellectual and financial bankruptcies that have followed .
Yet another, Sajid Javid this time, has fallen fowl of some kind of strange off-season version of the flu, following the double injections of cloudy clear liquid.
It looks like the magic gift* is chomping at the bit, and can’t wait till winter to come out and play. Not yet! not yet! they cry, this is too soon, you’ll spoil the surprise.
*German meaning
Rule number one: don’t believe a word of what they say regardless of how believable or how much you want to believe it. If he is sick then they could have covered it up, instead it is being blasted across all new media, now why would that be?
“fallen fowl”
What’s that, a prostitute chook?
I can’t recall whether it is Fauci or Gates who is on record as having said of “us” (non-believers) that we “won’t be laughing at the next one”, but whomever it was I did not take their statement as anything other than a direct threat.
I assume he intends to see his threat through. (Although I’d like to believe it was merely a foolish, alarmist thing to say, spoken only in order to stoke fear and promote “vaccine uptake”.)
If it turns out that it was yet another of those funny old coinkydinks (as my mother used to term “coincidences”) and “the next one” is- gods forbid -a really really Boy just like Pinnochio always wanted to be, then I suppose I’ll deal with that when the time comes, because I can’t imagine how I could prevent it from getting started.
“Most civilization is based on cowardice. It’s so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.” ~Leto the Worm
Well then: are we unable to see the forest for the trees? Or do we know so much about the forest that we’ve not yet realized that we actually know almost nothing of any of the individual trees that make it up? Or both…?
If the establishment is using the language of war, and the populace is using the language of war…
If both the “left” and the “right” have become prophets of war…
If the Medes and their Alternates have declared war…
…then War it Shall Be. Just like that, Capitolized and everything. We cannot help but manifest our desires, one way or the other, as individuals and as societies. Powerful spells will be cast, among them such Words of Power as “Attack!'” and “Forward!” and “Fire!”…. Such Words move millions at a time, do they not?
There is a theory that “T.H.E.Y.”, The Humans Enslaving You, are compelled to broadcast their intentions, as a sort of pre-empting of karmic backlash. The theory goes that T.H.E.Y. believe that if they tell you their intent, and you fail to stop them from following through, they themselves bear no blame for the results of their actions.
“We told you we were going to punch and kick you, to beat you into submission, and break your will. We told you we were going to poison your air, water and earth, and all that lie within them. We told you we were going to strive to keep you perpetually in debt, you and all your children’s children, and you failed to stop us. Therefore, we did all of those things. We are, if nothing else, honest men.”
Whether T.H.E.Y. actually subscribe to such a twisted philosophy or not I cannot say, and ultimately it doesn’t really matter.
Take heed of Leto the Worm’s words and be brave, and let the remainder of your response flow from that bravery.
IIRC it was Gates , sat next to Melinda in a TV studio interview who said something like, …… ” the next one .. that will get their attention ” ..
The creepy smiles on the Gates’ faces ramped up the sinister undertone.
I was pretty close … here’s the clip of the interview ( time stopped at the relevant part )
Totally off-topic, but of interest to those who have been following Syria, and drowned out by other more pressing matters.
Former French PM being asked questions about the state being aware (having blessed?) the transfer of money by a French company in Syria to the “moderate rebels”.
I should think Vanessa Beeley has picked up on this.
And there is Lefarge manufacturing, selling and delivering six million tons of concrete to NATO’s throat slitting proxies.
Yep, that’s the company. Looks like Lafarge gave them more than concrete, with the knowledge of the French government. The article mentions €13 million, but it could be more. ‘Development aid’ LOL
I mentioned in an earlier comment that our old normal has gone forever, the Scum have destroyed it, also think we’re into the final stages where the entire global system we’ve been used to will collapse very soon. Personally noticed the creaking of supply chains for a good cpl of months, now seeing the increasing disappearance of some grocery staples for me, mainly 2-3 weeks plus. The collapse of the current global economy cld happen anytime, the Scum are only keeping it on life support til they extract the last few drops from it. Our bank accts will cease to exist, there will be no chance of an independent livelihood, very few will even be able to grow their own food.
Can understand how bleak what i’ve said seems but the system had to snuff it some time anyway, it’s an unsustainable abomination imposed on us by the Scum. A global reset is unavoidable now imo, the question is will a new normal be created by us or them. Know what option i want, think it’s time to try building groups of likeminded ppl n sort out a plan of action, hopefully leading to linking up with other groups.
Think that’s one of the most frightening but potentially hopeful thoughts i’ve shared, hope others can see what i mean too.