New Normal Newspeak #2: “Vaccine”
If the Covid19 shots “reduce symptoms”, but don’t prevent infection or transmission…are they truly “vaccines”?

“New Normal Newspeak” is a series of short articles highlighting how our language has come under assault in the past eighteen months.
“Vaccine” is a word a with a simple meaning. I’ll quote it to you, from the Oxford dictionary:
A substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
And here, from the CDC’s website:
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.
Encyclopedia Brittanica says more or less the same. As does Cambridge University. Merriam Webster.
You get the point.
A “vaccine” is substance that, when introduced into a body, “provides immunity” to a specific disease. This person, now immune, is therefore incapable of passing that disease on to others. This is the entire point of vaccination.
But you don’t need me to tell you that, every other word on the news these days is “vaccine”.
The “vaccine” for Covid19 – whether from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca or Johnson&Johnson – is being pushed everywhere you look. These companies have made billions in the last year selling hundreds of millions of doses of their “vaccines”.
But given the above definitions, do the Covid19 jabs qualify? Or is “vaccine” another word whose meaning is being changed before our eyes?
As of today, it is readily admitted that Covid “vaccines” do not confer immunity from infection and do not prevent you from passing the disease onto others. Indeed, an article in the British Medical Journal highlighted that the vaccine studies were not designed to even try and assess if the “vaccines” limited transmission.
The media, and government statements, are full of statements to the contrary, but they are heavy with “likely”, “probable” and “could”.
The vaccine manufacturers themselves, upon releasing the untested mRNA gene therapies, were quite clear their product’s “efficacy” was based on “reducing the severity of symptoms”.
Based on that, and the English language, it could be argued that what we’re all being encouraged to take is NOT actually a “vaccine” in the true sense of the word.
So maybe we should stop calling it that.
Look out for more in this series in the near future, and if you have any suggestions for other words or phrases that have recently violently shifted their meaning, please post them in the comments below, or e-mail them to us.
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How about an update on this, now that CDC changed their definition again in Sept. 2021?
As usual, the article and commenters here distract by ignoring the real agenda. The scamdemic is lies. The vaccines are bioweapons. Why is this? It is because for thirty years chemtrails have been hiding the approaching Planet X. Planet X caused the sinking of Atlantis and Noah’s flood. This time around it will end the coming, planned WW3 that is going to destroy America and kill 90% of Americans. The day of the next flase flag using the nuke they stole in 2007 and blamed on Iran will be the day that Russia, China and the whole SCO nuke and invade America. It is the story in over half the Bible. Execute the criminal, genocidal bastard government or die in WW3 very soon!
I disagree. The problem with this argument is that it assumes “immunity” is an absolute, rather than something that exists on a spectrum. Clearly the latter is more accurate. The same applies for past vaccines i.e. they may not be effective in all cases and won’t prevent infection or transmission in all cases – but they’re still vaccines.
Assuming the covid vaccines do as claimed i.e. they provide some level of immunity, then they are vaccines. There is nothing in the definition to state that they must provide full sterilising immunity in order to be classed as vaccines.
It is of course worth driving home the message that these vaccines are different to what went before, but claiming they’re not vaccines is not the most effective way of doing this in my opinion.
The manufacturers’ literature claims the mRNA vaccines weaken the effects of the disease, so that you do not get very sick from it. The literature stipulates that the vaccines do not guarantee you immunity and that if you catch it, you can still spread it.
If that’s a vaccine, then aspirin is a headache vaccine.
Sheep farms deep dive into SAGE and the various groups providing the Gov with “independent” advice
Regarding Transhumanists,
I’m perplexed trying to determine which is the greater proof of their insanity:
1) Their desire to create a cyber thing so anatomically correct that it can successfully mate with a human; or
2) Their belief that the offspring of such a union would be something wonderful.
Help me out with the dilemma – I’m stuck on its horns.
I right now have a slight cold from sleeping with the windows open in a bed sheet (not the thick duvet and the temperature plummeted) and if I went to get a test it will more than likely claim I’m dying from COVID. Ridiculous
“So once you’ve tested positive for the “virus” what happens? Do you get referred to some kind of specialist and they give you specialist meds or treatment?”
Their eyes usually go blue screen as their system is on the verge of crashing…
I follow up with
“The testing is so they can add you as a new case to the stats then right?”
#Fatal error#
Please insert reboot disk
I have a question about the shots and the idea that ugenics/depopulation could be the end goal. If that is in fact the case, what benefit would it be to big pharma to kill off their cash cows (pun intended)?
The “ruling” elites have reached a point in their madness when they no longer see humans as a necessary ingredient in the creation of wealth. They just keep printing money – and as long as they all keep pretending it’s valuable, that’s good enough for them.
Big pharma can keep going through the motions of creating “vaccines” and other concoctions and keep getting paid for them. After all, they pretend there’s a pandemic – they can just as easily keep pretending there are still people out there who must be vaccinated, even after they depopulate the world.
It’s not depopulation, contrary to many in here claiming so, quite probably because they would be allright if depopulation was taking place in adrica or india. It’s about transforming the economy, oppress and profiteer and, what they hope, to make human bodies catch up evolutionary with the increasing speed of technological leaps.
The wheel like a cloak face spun too fast and slowed Asia/China around to the US to European Continent. The UK deindustrisated decades ago domestically if you live in a semi by now you should need few vegetables and fruit.
Working from home, what have you been doing?
My mother worked her small back garden to shorty before she died at 82yrs old.
At my sister’s early 90’s I put up a greenhouse in less then 3hrs.
Get busy!
Everything’s ok and we will back to normal soon.
It’s always tempting to assume that if someone can’t explain why someone else is doing something, then any claims that they’re doing that something must be false.
Frankly, I’m more suspicious about a claim when the person says they know “the real reason” why someone is doing something.
In the case of the “vacccines”, it’s clear that thousands of people in media, government, medicine and Pharma are knowingly involved in hiding or distorting the truth. Most are (probably) taken in by the “noble lie” fallacy – they need to push these “vaccines” for the good of humanity, some will be doing it because they fear losing their jobs if the speak out; some stand to profit handsomely; and a few – if the theories about these jabs inducing ADE are correct – will see their dreams of depopulation come trule
I would just like to remind everyone that concentration camps still exist and function in the EU. Officially and in the open. For the refugees and immigrants.
To add to Howard’s reply, this is much bigger than more profit. The key word is Reset. The plunder and tyranny have reached the inevitable conclusion. They are beyond the capacity of society, the economy and the planet to sustain.
They are eugenicists so the end game is most likely to reduce the population (not that they’ll achieve it).
However before that as all good parasites must they’ll want to squeeze every last penny out of us by getting us addicted to new drugs we don’t need, taxing us for every measure of carbon we use and emit, making us pay extortionate prices for lab made “food”, reducing our wages and increasing taxes etc etc…. Then we will be left to die as they slither off into their holes.
A chef has to know what’s in spaghetti bolognese because of allergies but a doctor has no idea what’s in the shot? Well that’s informed consent, well done Giovani, doctor not so much.
In his excellent interview, Dr David Martin quotes a statement of the US Patent Office refusing to issue patent to facuci for a synthetic mRNA vaccine on the basis that the vaccine candidate is unable to produce a protective immune response and therefore does not meet the definition of vaccine (0:48).
The interview presents shocking evidence of a common plan, including evidence that all elements of the ‘novel’ corona virus had been patented decades before the ‘outbreak’ and evidence of suspicious cooperation between the main players of today’s situation, both industry and government.
This interview should be seen by as many people as possible. It is difficult to argue against hard facts.
We’re NOT ”calling them that” [vaxxines]
Apparently, young Scots refer to the ubiquitous vaccination centres as Jabattoirs. We should adopt that term.
The whole Covid brouhaha reminded me of a play I saw as a teengager circa 1960. It was a production at the Old Vic theatre in London by the American playwright, Arthur Miller, The Crucible. Written in the early 1950s, “The Crucible” takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, during the 1692 Salem witch trials. This was a time when paranoia, hysteria, and deceit gripped the Puritan towns of New England. Miller captured the events in a riveting story that is now considered a modern classic in the theatre. He wrote it during the “Red Scare” of the 1950s and used the Salem witch trials as a metaphor for the “witch hunts” of communists in America.
Of course now the witch-hunts are directed against the so-called ‘anti-vaxers’ which is a broad enough label to include anyone whom the authorities don’t like and whom they label as enemies of the people. Actually the Enemy of the People brings to mind another play-right, Henryk Ibsen who ran afoul of the PTB,
These types of people seem to be missing at the present time and we are faced with a suffocating and relentless conformity. It cannot last of course, totalitarian systems never do, but in the interim we are faced with a bestial dispensation which will not tolerate any opposition.
There is an old revivalist hymn which runs as follows:
Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it known.
At the present time we are enjoined to add a ‘Don’t’ in front of every line.
The stakes could not be higher.
You can easily flip growing severity attacking tools as a mark of one’s strength of course.
Book music play film tv programming the dreaded app monitors are a particularly failure, depending where you live. Because they remove what as a collective enjoyed.
Film, what I’d personally do is show all films both foreign and domestic: 1930-40, 40-50, 60-70, 80-90, 90-00.
The board of censors, in those periods deemed them fit for public entertainment.
So, don’t like a Particular…’Click’ something else!
So, Ban Bridges, Go F….Fishing you Stinkbomb non-Artists!!!!…regarding Entertainment. Tap tap enter
Call them death shots or brown bread boosters. I notice that they’ve even taken to adjusting the figures on info which is contrary to their narrative. This load of criminals has declared war on their own people, with all that implies.
Or clot shots.
Poison stabs.
Quite. This is the thing I have had most issue with. Vaccines are not supposed to “reduce symptoms” and anyone who says that they are is being dishonest.
Vaccines are supposed to stimulate the immune system to protect from infection.
I suspect that this “reduce symptoms” phrase is being used as a way for big pharma and governments to cover themselves against experimental, and possibly only partially effective vaccines.
One of the primary considerations with vaccines is that they must produce “sufficient immunogenicity” (Immunology, Male et al 2006), that is to say, they must stimulate the immune system to a sufficient degree. If the stimulation is only weak then the vaccine is not very effective.
And maybe that’s the case with these vaccines. They maybe just don’t work very well, or maybe, as I said, big pharma and governments just wanted to cover themselves in case they didn’t work.
They don’t seem very effective if the double-jabbed Javid can get Covid. Or maybe it wasn’t Covid. Maybe his was a false positive. Who knows?
Whatever the case, I want no part of this circus.
Preventing infection is something easily proven. “reducing symptoms” can mean anything. It is a way of denying what is obviously the case: the death shots don’t even confer any immunity. This is the biggest medical outrage ever. It dwarfs the Nazi regime, which only went after people they wanted to kill anyway. These evil bastards are going after everybody everywhere, and they’ve also blocked the remedies that really work in many countries, including most of the “western” countries which until last year were civilized.
No profit in ivermectin … lots of profit in vaccines!
In this and other cases of med. research, (a) the trial is designed and conducted by the promoter, without review or supervision (b) subjects (the public) are unaware that they are guinea pigs (c) the promoters may redefine the trial midway (d) the interpretation of the resulting data is creative and opaque (e) the data are secret (f) secrecy laws protect corrupt approving officials in government.
that’s the key point… the so called gene therapy ‘vaccines’ don’t confer immunity or prevent you transmitting the microsoft coff by ‘their’ own vague and variable metrics… yet the ‘vaccine passports’ miraculously will…
especially when you are out clubbing with guillaum-barry and the new modernas, knocking back the genetic cocktails ..
the sheer transparency of this absurdity.. should even be apparent to the common imbecile…
The jabs don’t stop you catching the disease.
They don’t stop you spreading it, either.
Whereas… natural immunity from surviving the disease does.
So why are the passports for people who have been jabbed rather than those who have a blood test showing robust immune response?
Clearly our owners are not concerned with stopping the spread. They’re concerned with getting us jabbed.
Given their long history of treating us as cattle, usually dairy but occasionally beef, you can’t help but be suspicious.
End the masks mandates now. Stop abusing children. If adults choose to wear them, fine but stop abusing children now. Let them learn, play, live. Masks are BS and abusive.
The CDC has known that for a considerable time, and almost certainly imposed mask theatre knowing it was ineffective.
This is dated May of last year, long before mask mandates were imposed in many western countries.
The controlled zombie Whitty even stated in April last year that masks were ineffective and were unnecessary, go figure!
Since they used forced wearing of masks as a punishment for those who refuse the death shot, this is prove positive that they are intended as a punishment and a torture and only have a negative medical value. Since you eventually breathe in the shite trapped in the mask, they can be compared to telescopes gathering light: they increase the area of exposure to toxins.
Another “conspiracy theory” becomes a news headline:
Can I get some social credit for not being an evil oligarch or not having a private jet?
The Russian banker was discussing this at the recent polygon meeting….they will be very keen to start this game once they have digital currency I suspect…
but they may be able to swing it with the vax passport as well….and that will be interesting as so many of the unhealthy rushed to get injected….
their tirades about the unvax may come unravelled at that point.
Kary Mullis, Nobel Explosives Industries chemistry prize winner in 1993 explains the AIDS hoax which is also a Tony Da Fist Fauci production and startlingly similar to the ongoing Fist Fauci covaids caper.
The Gary Null 90 minute interview explains it all…how we allowed ourselves to be conned and slaughtered by these psychopaths. Fortunate for the filth that Kary Mullis died in August of 2019 just weeks before the Event 201 covaids plandemic roll out. Odd indeed but no surprise.
WOW? Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing
“In preparation for this change, CDC recommends clinical laboratories and testing sites that have been using the CDC 2019-nCoV RT-PCR assay select and begin their transition to another FDA-authorized COVID-19 test. CDC encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses.”
Someone is shitting themselves from upcoming lawsuits?
Bill Gates and George Soros just purchased a covid testing lab.
(New World Next Week, Corbett Report, Jul 23, 2021)
Good catch
Probably to prevent the vaccinated from testing positive. RT PCR tests for spike proteins, the vaccinated make spike proteins. So, a change in tests is needed, so un-vaccinated test positive.
Check you facts, please? I think RT-PCR tries to match 1, 2, or 3 particular sections of the sars-cov-2 genome, and that would mean that RT-PCR tests do not try to “test for the spike protein”.
A pcr test does not tell you that you are sick or infectious? So I think the lawsuits are making them sweat.
I would like to think so…
It’s not a real virus, its a lab generated chimera
Forget the lab, it’s just a chimera. Black magick.
Can’t be both real and a lab-created chimeric virus?
Equality always and everywhere leads to tyranny. It’s a continuum that ends in hell.
There is a very serious problem with Republican legislators using the tired and worn tactic of utilizing Orwellian language to pass bills that reaffirm state powers for serious political abuse, not challenge it
Here is the latest example from New Hampshire. Both parties are standing with the worst of it and personally, I find those who feign advocacy while stabbing people in the back the most ugly:
Full blog, this is abhorrent
The title of the article is a bit *no shit Sherlock*, it’s a very good article tho, presenting a considerable amount of info in a short, highly digestible format.
Checked out JFKjr’s chd website, found this very hopeful article, the case America’s Frontline Doctors filed on Thurday is compelling 4 sure:
The cumulative confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people stats on Our World in Data can’t be questioned by even the most covidian, Covidian, the loathsome John Hopkins Institute are their source. You can toggle the box which appears if u click nr the end of the graph, the last date for input is July 22nd.
The overall cumulative from PCR tests is .05%
It’s actually rather upsetting getting the truth so regularly here, since the ‘authorities’ have decided that the truth doesn’t matter.
Something has to happen.
The talk, the interviews, the videos about the truth have been dismissed as false news and domestic terrorism.
It seems to me that the only thing left to us is the non-stop naming and shaming of individual ‘officials’, along with precise scientific details of their crimes.
No more daily injections of truth, as if it was some kind of vaccine.
No more hands up in the air, and exclamations of, “Oh My God, just look at today’s ‘narrative!”.
That approach has become so 2019… It’s also so ‘1984’.
It’s become old – no longer an issue of shock and outrage for us here. We know what they are going to do next. They are going to do whatever your next nightmare tells you they are going to do.
This crimedemic has to be stopped. Not politely discussed.
The truth must be reinstalled because we insist upon it. Not necessarily our truth, and certainly not media truth or Matt Hancock’s truth, but normal, rational, scientific truth which meets the criteria set long, long ago by intelligent, uncompromised and experienced experts.
We have those experts with us today. Now all we need is to revoke the power which idiotic enterprises like FaceBook and Twitter currently have to outlaw and suffocate them (seriously, who, exactly, gave them that power?), leaving us with the exalted scientific guidance of, well… whom?
Bill “Windows” Gates,
Klaus “Please Die” Schwab,
Anthony “Lies are Easy” Fauci.
We know their names and we know their crimes.
Spread the word, even if you can only do so a little bit.
And try not to let the fact get you down that, in the book, Big Brother won the day.
It’s only a work of fiction, and not, as others have wisely pointed out, an instruction manual.
Be ill Gates
Klaus Anal-Schwab
Anthony ‘I Don’t Give a Fauci’
It may be time to take the battle to the enemy. Instead of attempting to spout “truth to power” or to the people, maybe we should employ their strategy. And start saying just anything (so long as it doesn’t open us to a lawsuit).
“It wasn’t a corona virus after all – it was a fluke.” you tell them. (i.e., the parasite fluke, not the linguistic fluke.)
“Where’d you hear that?” they smugly ask.
“On CNN late last night.” you say.
“And just how did anyone get this fluke?” they sarcastically ask.
“From not having enough fluoride in the water.” you ominously say as your “gotcha” – for how can they dispute the great value of fluoride?
And so on, piling one after another absurdity before them. That’ll learn ’em to play fast and loose with truth (whatever that might be).
I like that idea, Howard. That’s the mood I’m basically in most of the time. Just to ridicule them.
Unfortunately, I think what honest people have been saying for months already opens them up to lawsuits – if the ‘authorities’ could even be bothered to exert themselves to that extent.
The new ‘definitions’ of news, pandemics and tests mean that we can all be labelled as ‘domestic terrorists’, and dispensed with.
Just no.
We have enough bullsh!tters on “our side” already.
I used to be so polite, so careful in my choice of words so as not to upset the conversation. It didn’t work – at all. I am now very direct and let the chips fall where they may. Causing upset seems to be the only way to rattle them and make them understand I will not stop telling the truth even if it burns their ears and creates internal turmoil. At some point, they will have to deal with the choice they made and when they do I will not stand in condemnation. It is then that I will be merciful… In the meantime, here’s an example of directness – Truth Tee “Safe Space“.
It’s just amazing to me that the details given by David Martin re patents returns a shoulder shrug from citizens. I’ve given up even mentioning it to people I know.
Those million-head marches need to stop in front of parliaments around the world and refuse to move until answers are forthcoming. Enough of this fucking obfuscation.
Perhaps you should read this on David Martin, Grace.
Thanks, Petra. I instantly spotted him as a fraud and user-creep when I first bothered to watch a talk someone posted from him called “The Illusion of Knowledge” on another chat board. Just from that single talk, he (deliberately?) gave multiple reveals to his monstrous personality.
First is his disclosure about his marriage. He laments that his marriage failed solely on account of his ex-wife’s “depression,” that he “just wasn’t magic enough” to overcome. Think about the implications of this. If taken at face value, it means that he abandoned his emotionally devastated wife, and blamed it entirely on her and her psychiatric condition. Then, he maintains that he did everything he could, but that her “depression” was just more powerful than his “magic.” In other words, he considers himself blameless and without fault. It moreover implies that he gaslighted the shit out of his wife while they were married, psychologizing and clinical-izing their conflict, so that she was always solely to blame, and made to believe she was batshit crazy to boot. After reflection, his disclosure about his marriage alone pretty well demonstrates that he is a narcissist, and a damn-near sociopath. (He clearly regards himself quite highly, un-ironically calling himself a “prophet” and strutting the stage like a Silicon Valley corporate guru.)
Second, is the even more disturbing sequence where he brags about being approached by “THEM,” and being “offered the World” should he join them. He says he declined…but then in the same breath he admits that he allowed “THEM” to copy his passport stamps in order to create forgeries! In other words, he admits to being a willing intelligence asset, participating in criminal fraud for espionage purposes! So in what way did he “turn them down”? And all of this is volunteered very much in the manner of boasting.
The guy’s a creep. Sorry. Compromised by his own (unsolicited!) admission. I think everyone should be very leery of him, and his purposes. He says he wants to be told, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” But who is his master?
I dismissed him immediately, and therefore didn’t go anywhere nearly as deep as the writer of what you posted. After reading the great write-up you posted, it’s pretty clear who his master is: The Machine. He is one of the many deranged humans who believes that he will be given a feudal fiefdom in the coming Technopoly, and he is “paying his dues” as a disinfo agent and discursive spellcaster.
Thanks, Fact Checker. Very interesting how he speaks about his ex-wife – yep, sounds like a total gaslighting narcissist. Cannot believe the effort Fakeologist went to in his article. I’m so lazy with controlled opposition – once I get the slightest whiff I just cannot be bothered looking further which is not good because sometimes they still provide good information and it’s always good to try to be sure of your claims – not that I say they are controlled opposition unless I feel quite sure, I just say I think. Glad someone else often does it so you don’t have to!
“once I get the slightest whiff I just cannot be bothered looking further which is not good because sometimes they still provide good information”
Frankly, I don’t think that’s a “problem” with “Doktor” Martin. Everything he says is either 1.) self-glorifying messianic boasting; or 2.) nonsensical techno-babble with a clerical/legal emphasis to make it extra dry, boring, and inscrutable. All this nonsense about patents is a labyrinth of gaslight, and a honeypot distraction with no end. Best ignored…which is hard to do given the incessant promotion of Martin’s claptrap on every! Single! Alternative platform! You can’t escape this clown. He’s very much the new PsyOp “product” being promoted aggressively by the Signals Intelligence cartel.
LOL. I think my instincts are pretty good for controlled opposition and even though I know agents mix themselves in with genuine people – of course they do – when you see people with known agents it always casts doubt on their authenticity. A fake legal team was predictable from the outset and then Fuellmich gives himself away with nonsense about Australians getting thrown in prison for not wearing a mask or not wearing one properly so when I see people “in concert” with him … there’s immediate doubt.
Perhaps you are right. So . . . who else is organizing to sue governments, the WHO, state and local health authorities, on a global scale? Pam Popper and her associates at Make Americans Free Again are suing state and local health authorities, but lawsuits are expensive and labor-intensive– few have the will, the expertise or money to take on Big Gov. I’d rather have Martin doing videos and exposing data on the long history of coronavirus patents, and have Fuellmich taking depositions and building a public case with court documents than wait for the bad guys to recant because they feel guilty. Bottom line: what alternatives currently are available to fight back?
Martin’s assertions stand (or fall) regardless of his relationship with his ex-wife.
He makes certain claims that can be verified (or refuted) regarding patented gene sequences matching the current SARS-COV-2 virus and “vaccines”.
I have yet to meet anyone over the age of 25 who doesn’t have a relationship story that isn’t a little one-sided.
It’s both an ad hom as well as red herring.
“matching the current SARS-CoV-2”???
You mean you think the designated “novel” virus is out there infecting people, Observer?
Credibility, incentives, and motive are always important considerations in evaluating testimony. This is particularly true with an expert witness, which this Martin very much pretends to be.
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy when one responds to an argument by attacking the arguer. I’m not doing that. I’m just outright challenging the arguer, his qualifications, and his credibility.
He’s a self-obsessed narcissist, with messianic delusions, and I really don’t even think there’s any argument that can be made to the contrary. So, I’m skeptical right off the bat.
Then, his arguments themselves are totally inconsequential, regardless of his hyperbolic framing. It’s all obsessive, obscurantist pseudo-scientific jargon-salad, based on a large body of assumptions and premises that are themselves suspect, such as the existence of a “spars-cough-too virus.” Techno-babble distraction, all of it.
Martin is the red herring–not me calling him out. He’s an engineered techno-priest bamboozling the hungry skeptical masses online with a limited hangout narrative to usher them back into the fold of the Herd.
I had not been aware of the many patents related to coronavirus before listening to Martin. That’s very important, very relavant information. You don’t have to like the man. but give credit where credit is due.
One great irony of human existence is that good people can do bad things (e.g., fascist liberals pushing for lockdowns who imagine they are the good guys), and bad people can do very good things (e.g., right wingers who used to champion security state oppression against dissidents, but now are fighting to preserve the Bill of Rights).
The article has almost no facts in it, but is one long ad-hominem. If it were true, the author could have stated it succinctly in about two pages, or maybe even one.
In his video with Reiner Fuellmich, Martin makes a fairly simple argument, that is backed up by publicly available patent information. If you want to discredit the argument, you have to address it directly, rather than spending all your time trying to prove how weird and unfathomable David Martin is. The latter is the classic definition of a smear job.
We know at the outset as the alleged virus has not been isolated and there is no science showing any pathogen causes the alleged COVID-19 which does not have a distinctive set of symptoms that the term vaccine is ridiculous as there’s only a fictitious illness for it immunise against.
Hi Petra,
Don’t know if you have seen this discussion between Reiner Fuellmich and Dr David Martin but it confirms exactly what you say. Quite long but you can skip past the bits where Dr Fuellmich translates into German.
Unfortunately, Judy, I think those two are controlled opposition.
See my comments:
Relates to Reiner Fuellmich
Relates to David Martin
If you are right, Petra, I must admit they talk a lot of truth in-between the padding.
Where I find myself losing patience with Fuellmich – who is exactly the sort of person this situation needs, if he is for real, is in his constant production of video interviews, talking about the legal cases he is working on and the aim of prosecuting and sentencing the criminals responsible – yet there appear to be no dates for the cases ever to reach a courtroom…
Eventually, his friends and supporters will lose interest, and the focus of what he has to say will be forgotten, just as the controlled demolition of WT7 has been largely forgotten.
As your link points out, David Martin’s bowtie also makes one wonder what kind of person we are dealing with here, but I find his science perfectly rational.
You can’t really help thinking, who, exactly, are these two speaking to?
Who will hear them?
They are surely aware that the general public will never hear what they have to say, so that leaves only us, here, at OffG, and the other genuine resisters as their logical targets.
When Fuellmich gives us the dates of an actual hearing or court case, I’m listening.
Otherwise, I’ve heard enough of the descriptions of the crime currently being perpetrated.
We know what it is, but it has to be stopped, and that is a much bigger step than talking.
This is a transcript from March of a discussion about the (then) position with regard to the timing of the lawsuits. The hearing in Germany is scheduled for 9 November.
Thank you JudyJ
You are a hero digging up that piece of information.
I’ve tried to follow Fuellmich’s progress, and I think I saw that interview at the time, but I missed the date.
A lot of things can happen between now and 9 November. They’re just stalling. I hope to be proven wrong but there’s nothing there.
My epiphanous awakening, after four years of dedicated study, to the pivotal truth of 9/11, staged death and injury (suppressed by a massive propaganda campaign targeted to the anticipated disbelievers of the cockamamie terrorist story to maintain their belief in real death and injury) led me to understand these fundamentals of big psyops (the first two shared by all psyops), wardropper, and if you disagree, please let me know.
1. We are given all the clues to the truth underneath the propaganda regardless of whether the truth is clear in any case – obviously WTC-7’s collapse is a perfect implosion and the mortality statistics do not indicate a pandemic but we are given clues above and beyond.
Brian Williams and David Restuccio indicate they knew how the building came down (“Can you confirm it was No. 7 that just went in?”, “went in” being a term used in implosions for the buildings falling in on themselves).
They showed us people falling flat on their faces, told us hospitals were erected in 48 hours, told us nonsense miracle survivor stories, etc.
2. Only what is wanted for real is done for real, the rest is faked. They didn’t want planes and they didn’t want to kill people on 9/11 so that was all faked – they only wanted buildings destroyed and that’s what they did on the day and afterwards – all seven WTC buildings were destroyed. On the other hand in this psyop they obviously are happy to kill and injure people because if they didn’t they wouldn’t be enforcing a vaccine that results in deaths and causes bad reactions or aggressive drug trials. They didn’t want a virus because – if for no other reason – a virus wouldn’t work for their narrative in any shape or form and they like fooling us as much as possible. Don’t want a virus but do want aggressive drug trials, tests and vaccines,
3. Massive controlled opposition is implemented for a variety of purposes
— to fragment what people believe and distract them from the truth so we have people such as Judy Mikovits telling us the virus was made in a Wuhan lab and Judy Wood telling us that DEWs brought down the buildings.
— a legal team to make us think that “something is being done”. The 9/11 Commission BUT ALSO the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry are completely bogus as is the German Corona Investigative Committee. The bogus legal team is completely predictable, we must expect that for the big psyops. I mean, seriously why wouldn’t the perps implement a fake investigative committee to lull people into a sense of security that “things were being done”. They’d be fools not to implement a fake committee. That’s the only thing that makes sense and they’ve been doing it since the year dot.
It certainly seems that people were motivated to act with extreme promptitude – or unseemly haste – after the last ashes were laid to rest on 7 September. For, just three days later, on 10 September, the City established a committee to consider its “recovery out of the … deplorable ruins’ (Journal of Common Counsel) and, on the same day, Henry Oldenburg, Secretary to the Royal Society, wrote to Robert Boyle that he had attended “many meetings of ye principals Cittizens, … who … discoursed almost of nothing, but of a survey of London, and a dessein for rebuilding, … wth Bricks, and large Streets.” (Oldenburg correspondence).
Doncha love it?
Ronnie, at Canuck Law, is not too impressed with the lawyers either. Interestingly, David Martin, in a recent interview with Stew Peters (Stew?), noted that there are a few seeming anti-covid 1984 champions out there who are fakers. A few names dropped didn’t ring a bell with me. Rand Paul’s name I know and I already know he is full of crap. Apparently Stew had two interviews with David (unless I’m misunderstanding him). I lost track of the one I watched, but here’s one of them: “VAXX DEATHS 45,000 – CDC WHISTLEBLOWER, DR. DAVID MARTIN ENDS COVID NARRATIVE | STEW PETERS SHOW”
I’m not familiar with Stew Peters but I’m not drawn to him.
Rand Paul is full of crap? He’s one of the few people holding Fauci’s feet to the fire.
If Martin is badmouthing Rand Paul, it suggests maybe he’s the controlled opposition.
Or maybe Rand Paul is full of crap.
And just to add, wardropper:
The collapse of WTC-7 is not the “smoking gun” we have been propagandised into believing. Sure, it’s a perfect implosion giving away “inside job” but it’s not quite what it seems, not at all.
To mark the 20th anniversary of 9/11 I’ve written a poem, first four stanzas below.
9/11: A proper gander
They knew tall towers fall not by fuel
But knew they’d fool us that they will
All except who wouldn’t be fooled
But then they fooled the unfooled too
They had us in a trance with
Their gift, the “smoking gun”
An afternoon implosion
Impeccable, superbly done
They showcased their demolition
No vantage points a-missin’
But what could be the reason
For this self-incrimination?
Buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6
Came down later with none transfixt so
On the day of 9/11 why
Make a show of Number 7?
To see the rest of the poem which I’ve followed by an annotated version with explanation and links to evidence go to:
The best way to control the opposition is to own it.
Whenever TPTB want to roll out a major psyop, they also roll out their anointed opposition to it, who will stumble or obfuscate or follow obviously false leads or say crazy things that discredit the movement as a whole.
“Release the Kraken” anyone?
I agree. Fuellmich is all words, no action. Keeps running at the mouth about the fucking virus. Fuck the virus. That’s smokescreen. Plus, if Fuellmich was real, they’d have cancelled him by now, one way or another.
I don’t believe nobody. Everybody must be considered bought.
And those who aren’t bought are too stupid. Or too incapable to escape their limitations. Too conventional. Or scared to cross the Rubikon.
I wonder about this OffG. Yesterday, one of the admins asked me if I remembered something from the Matrix. For fucks sake! Who has time to waste life on horseshit like that? How fucked up his head must be if he watches crap like that?
More and more, when I listen to what people say, I feel like a different species. But whatever I am, the dimwits around me are homo fuckheadus, no doubts.
An interesting mixture of correct conclusions and over-the-top aggro.
I, too, feel like a different species a lot of the time, but reminding somebody of something from an iconic movie in order to make a point doesn’t actually require you to watch the damn movie.
If you remember the item mentioned, well and good.
If you don’t, that’s also well and good.
Are you giving up?
I certainly have days like that, but it will pass and you need to remember, large parts of the propaganda is there to alienate you, to convince you resistance is futile and everyone is against you. That must be divide and rule 101, surely? A2
Stop the bullshit Petra. I think you are opposition.
David is deliberately hard to read. I think Fuellmich has a head full of Rockefeller nonsense. David doesn’t seem to, but I can’t tell.
I have no doubt they are. Two company men fighting the company? C’mon, and we call the ones who believe the covid deception naive. This is the other side of the coin, bad cop good cop kind of trick.
Euro cup and olympics now for the comformist masses and Fuellmich at all for the uneasy. Think outside the game. See outside the ouija board. The devil has all angles covered in the material world. But he cannot get to your soul if you don’t allow him in.
A lawyer going around repeatedly explaining his understanding of the case – for the benefit of his would-be opponents?
Fuellmich is building a case. When you sue the the superstructure of global governance (U.N., the WHO, the USA and many other national governments), it is wise to prepare diligently in advance of the first filing. Class actions and lawsuits against giant corporations and governments require extensive data collection, analysis, witness testimony, expert witnesses, time and money. RFK jr. took years in building his case against Monsanto. Fuellmich took years in building his cases against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen. The corona hoax lawsuit will no doubt be the largest, most complex, and most expensive lawsuit in history. I for one, am very grateful for those people who take action. They all have flaws, many have big egos, ulterior motives, an axe to grind.. I’ll gratefully accept attempts to challenge the looming Great Reset, rather than doing nothing, though the people leading the charge be flawed. Let us each do our part, as best we can, to resist.
I wonder if we could get enough people together to buy all the shares of Pfizer.
Publicly-traded shares always make up a minority shareholding, taken together. At least that’s my understanding; the owners are never going to risk a valuable and profitable company simply being bought out from under them.
I’m sure this has been asked before…..
Can someone please explain to me what happend to the Flu virus over the course of the New Normal?
Happy if someone could possibly link to the smorgasboard of Lancet, BMJ articles explaining how Covid cured the Flu Virus.
My wife had ‘flu last week. She was also ‘fully vaxxed’.
I didn’t get infected, and I am not vaxxed at all.
My take-away from that is that I have an immune system which works, and that vaccines and lockdowns have nothing to do with it.
I wish my wife was more scientifically-minded, but she just isn’t.
She doesn’t even read The Lancet…
Why would she have an interest in tabloids?
I’ll pass on your moral support 🙂
According to Office for National Statistics (UK) up to October 2020 (last time I looked) flue went on unabated, suggesting lock-down did not stop viruses though this was ignored and wiped from wikipedia. According to Public Health England flu deaths were pretty much zero for the period after that up to March 2021 (again, last time I looked up the statistics).
Well, its not just the flu. I have been checking the all-cause mortality figures per week given by the EU for each member country… Well well, did you know that in some like Norway, but also in Czechia (according to a friend there), they are lower than every single other year? This appears to be the case for all agegroups taken together and each agegroup taken separately… Given that the babyboomers are now the elderly, even in the best of circumstances, there should be higher deaths than before simply due to greater number of elderly. So appears the vaccines protects even from death due to old age. Interesting.
“Lancet, BMJ articles explaining how Covid cured the Flu Virus.”
“Cured”? You jest, surely. There is no scientific explanation for “influenza” vanishing from medical certificates only to be replaced by a flu-like disease with similar symptoms called “Covid-19”. This is an exercise in opportunistic re-naming that has nothing to do with medical science.
Tamiflu was introduced as a vaccine for bird flu which it wasn’t . However such is the power of advertising , another word for propaganda , that it is still sold in pharmacies , as something that may ease the symptoms of flu once one has contracted it ?
So was Pandremix at the same time and it crippled kids and nursing staff
Let me get this right. We can go into a restaurant or pub with Aids, Meningitis,Tuberculosis, Bird flu and Ebola but are banned if we don’t get a clot shot for covid that has a 99.7% survival rate if infected?
Yep and you can have your poison jab and commit massacres and that will be ok
Heh, heh… There ya go thinking again. Good on ya.
I bet you could go on to a plane with a dodgy backpack with wires hanging out that no one would bat an eyelid, as long as you have your jabby pass and wear your mask.
The ultimate language ploy is to appear to be involving everyday people in the decision making process (when, of course, they have absolutely no say in it).
It goes kind of like this: “It turns out the people were smarter than some of the ‘experts.’ They said all along the unvaccinated would be the death of us all.”
Isn’t it ever so nice when the psychopaths make the people their propaganda pieces?
Aussie protesters beaten with battens by police. Thuggery has hit an all time high down under.
If ya want to beat people up, join the police force.
Then it’s legal, apparently.
Wherever the English have gone injustice , profiteering , and police thuggery has followed .
The English have been tools for oppression, but it could also be Americans, French, Germans, Russians, Israelis, Japanese, and it could be Romanians or Brazilians given the chance. It’s the nature of the fallen man.
So that is where the picture of a man “punching a horse” comes from…at least the media said pushing it away….I just stumbled into Facebook total rage about him punching the horse and all the anti vax should be denied hospital treatment etc etc.,,this was coming from people who once were involved in peace marches themselves….obviously getting needled deranges their minds…humanity has gone mad.
they are compliance and tracking software
blue tooth enabled
they super juice oil the degradation of the gut allowing 5g to burn holes breaching blood brain barrier allowing fecal matter into already damaged blood
money is made from slow degradation reliance on big pharma.
the simple fact is the massive breach damage is coming from the 5g
many conditions disease long covid
all websites simply ignore the tel aviv ground control military weapon that is 5g
in the uk the heavy lifting much work was done putting base stations in during the 14 months of lock down 3 weeks to flatten the curve
the vaccines are the internal mesh grid nano booster railtrack
the 5g the external mesh
heavy metal mesh within
5 g control grid without
no faraday protection
under dome
“all websites simply ignore the tel aviv ground control military weapon that is 5g”
Yup. They love the constant ringing in their ears, and the slow suicide of EMF addiction.
Well said Paul!
Big Protests in Sydney and Melbourne
Anti-lockdown protesters swarm Sydney, NSW records highest daily COVID-19 numbers | 9 News Australia – Bing video
So the reporters for 9 News describe protestors as ‘…swarming the city…’, a very specific choice of word, and so comparing fellow countrymen to insects is acceptable by the Australian MSM. Things seem to be much worse down there for certain.
They called it a right wing nut job rally, except it was organised by doctors and human rights lawyers who after 18 months of cheering on the crimes finally found their ethics after an afternoon of deep sea diving.
Doctors and human rights lawyers…Will be there to ensure the people who don’t wish to conform don’t get too wild and start having their own ideas, so everyone remains in the system and the plan keeps on going its due course.
Give the opposition their leaders and all that.
The required memes must be constantly reinforced.
First meme: the linking of covid with WW2. From the WSW:
“The summer Olympics opened Thursday against the backdrop of a massive surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like the 1936 Berlin Olympics that preceded the outbreak of World War II and its attendant horrors, this year’s games have the aura of a looming human tragedy.”
(I keep thinking they can’t outdo themselves in hyperbole and they keep proving me wrong!)
Second meme: protest against covid restrictions and vaccination is a “Right Wing/ Fascist” thing. In this case, the WSW have to protect their turf. They have noted “the comparisons made at the protest between anti-vaccination campaigners and the 6 million European Jews murdered during the Second World War”. Well – that’s the proverbial Red Rag to the Bull so they’ve pulled out the inevitable Holocaust survivor:
“French Holocaust survivor condemns far-right anti-vaccine protests”
We are referred to “a memorial service was held at the Square of Jewish Martyrs in Paris. This was part of the commemorations marking Memorial Day for the victims of racism and anti-Semitism in France. This occurred one day after Saturday’s far-right protests against the Macron government’s planned “health pass,” …”
Note the manoeuvre: we aren’t talking specifically about that protest but about the memorial service for Jewish Martyrs. And it seems that, at this service, “94-year-old Holocaust survivor Joseph Szwarc publicly denounced the comparisons made at the protest between anti-vaccination campaigners and the 6 million European Jews murdered during the Second World War”.
We get the bit about the how the yellow star has been appropriated by “the far-right march’s attendees”. Note how the claim is not that the “far-right” attended the march but that the march itself was “far-right”. After all the “protests were called by leading neo-fascists”.
As for the protestors themselves:
“Tens of thousands of people marched throughout France, with far-right marchers joined by libertarian or pseudo-left middle-class groups opposed to vaccinations.”
And now the ground has been laid, it is time for maximum outrage:
“Referring to the far-right protests, Szwarc stated: “I would like to say how indignant I am about what has happened this week. You can’t imagine how moved I was by it.” Holding up an image of a Star of David that had been edited by protesters in aforementioned fashion, he added, “This comparison is odious!” Speaking to applause, Szwarc continued, “We must all stand up against this ignominy. Tears came to me, I wore the star, I know what it is, I still have it in my flesh. It is the duty of all of us not to let this outrageous, anti-Semitic, racist wave pass. I believe that it is a primordial duty.””
Brilliant move! The protest has now been seamlessly merged with “this outrageous, anti-Semitic, racist wave”. Note also the emotive use of the word “wave” – recalling its newly charged status in the pandemic propaganda.
And “comparison between the Holocaust and a scientific response to the COVID-19 pandemic” (?!) “has not been limited to France”. We read about “protesters in the Netherlands” who dared to compare themselves to Anne Frank and “Fascist US congresswoman and QAnon conspiracy theory promoter Marjorie Taylor Greene” who said: “Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear a gold star.”
Time once again for maximum outrage:
“Foul comparisons between life-saving vaccines and the Holocaust trivialize the most horrific crimes of the 20th century.”
Next up: “Historian and Nazi hunter Serge Klarsfeld” who says, “the yellow star was a symbol of death that excluded Jews from society and marked them for extermination, while vaccines, on the other hand, save lives. …What freedom is it they seek? The freedom to be contagious?”
Well we’ve started begging the question – so we may as well continue:
“Mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, which is already legally required for 11 other diseases in France, is a crucial scientific measure to combat the spread of the deadly virus.”
Is there anything dumber than a WSW article? Yes! The comments underneath. And here’s our very own Miss Zaremba:
“Ignorance is one of the most dangerous forces in society. Ignorant people are easy to manipulate by the powers that be.”
So far, so good.
“What mystifies me is: what are they so afraid of? Why does a necessary protection against a deadly disease fill them with fear?”
And she’s gone!
“In my lifetime I have never seen anything like this panic. There have always been anti-vaxxers, but they were a fringe movement. This is different. It is worrying.”
The first and last sentences are correct. The middle two are vomitable.
I did a bit of surfing around on the anti-Macron “heath pass” protest and found that other sites (Euronews and do not make the link between the protests and the far right which the WSW compulsively do. Furthermore, the WSW said this:
Note the first part is in the nature of a disclaimer where, having given every indication that they are all for Macron’s pass, they have to play the “rebel” card. But note they are objecting to Macron from, as it were, the other side i.e. they are not for relaxing the restrictions but for tightening them even further – under the cover, once again, of dishing up fear porn over the virus.
Ms Zaremba whom I know from my WSW years of commenting until mid March 2020 when I was banned, is and was almost always strictly following SEP party line regardless of facts of reality and basic logic with very few digressions.
Such attitude shows in her bizarre argument that these are Covid jab skeptics who are panicking because they are baselessly afraid of potential death and injuries after taking Covid jab while opposite is true. These are likes of Ms Zaremba who are panicking scared of Covid to death and throwing themselves on mercy of Big Pharma convicted felons and never before used on humans untested for safety experimental jabs that already took unprecedented in history of vaccinations death toll.
I guess it looks like Nazi or Orwellian 1984 type of propaganda blaming victims for their own suffering has been incorporated into WSW political manifesto.
The WSW and Zaremba will be swept into the dustbin of history. Already their readership has cratered and they’re just babbling to themselves. Last time I checked, this isn’t a vaccine and being the cause of hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions of adverse reactions, including many very serious ones, doesn’t meet the description “life-saving.”
I came the conclusion early on that the WSWS was a CIA front, simply due to their politics. It seems to me that a genuine Marxist, would never accept information from capitalist media, government, for-profit medicine and science at face value. They would investigate. The WSWS accepted the entire Covid Narrative only complaining that the aforementioned institutions were underplaying what was happening, based on nothing more than a preexisting “analysis” that they crammed the Covid Narrative into. And especially egregious, is the fact that what you’d get from them in the past was at least a basic class analysis, has been ignored, when any objective observer could tell you that we are now witnessing the greatest transfer of wealth from working people to the super rich in the history of the world. In other words, the greatest class war since the industrial revolution against working people is in progress now, and they seem oblivious to it. Rather than see the WSWS as fools, I see them as playing an important ideological/propaganda role for the Covid perpetrators. How do you see them?
Possibly, but how do you explain unaffiliated anarchists like John Zerzan buying the scam hook line and sinker? Zerzan now spends his time raging against “anti-vaxxers” on his podcast and calling them murderers. There’s no real difference between Zerzan and the WSW when it comes to Convid.
Zerzan? Gawd, he sees all the problems of the world stemming from civilization; he’s an anarcho-primitivist. I have never agreed with him. Covid fits into his world-view: it would be perfectly logical for him to see the Pandemic TM as vindication of his ideas.
More importantly, where is the rest of the left? For 150 years or so, the issues of the working class were its primary concern. This is a question I have been thinking about since March of 2020. In the US context anyway, studying the domestic machinations of the CIA (books like The Cultural Cold War – The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters and The Mighty Wurlitzer: How the CIA Played America) which didn’t stop after the period these books documented, answer part of that question. I also, think that ideology of anti-communism plays a large role. Almost all leftist organizations were anti-communist, just like the dominant society. Since the late 1960’s the left has moved away from its working class roots to become a largely middle class predilection. (Case in point: the DSA). But to have the entire left uniformly support the Covid Narrative? This is a question that those of us that came out of that tradition need to answer. I am still working on it.
The 3-part article below does good job in outlining why the left should have been the first to see as well as expose the Covid scam, not become its most vocal champions.
Also, Simon Elmer is the only one I know that has applied a Marxist analysis from the very beginning, He has assembled his writings in a couple of book-length pdfs available on his website (Architects for Social Housing). He sees what is happening as a revolution in capitalism (this partly explains why most businesses/government have gone along with the scam – it’s a business opportunity) Below is an very good recent interview:
I suspect you would find that most of the whatever the hell the left really now is…in aust basically lab party devotees…are totally devoted to climate change and see the only way out disrupting society to such a point that no one will use carbon but them as they fly and drive around etc…all will be devoted fans of WEF…so there will not be any protest from them about all this destruction even though the ordinary working folk is being totally screwed.
You are not telling me anything I don’t already know. What’s called Climate Change TM has been another masterstroke rout of the left. It started off as a left movement, even radical left issue. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and Murray Bookchin’s Our Synthetic Environment (both published in 1962) exposing industrial pollution that has only continued unabated. There are real and profound issues happening with what would better be called global climate disruption, but that movement has been hijacked by Big Business into the Green New Deal. But I agree, the left is now in the position that the very people they used to oppose for polluting the planet are their new allies in “saving” it. That they can’t see this, is a level of cognitive dissonance I struggle to comprehend.
No doubt hitlers germany had people who raged against the Jews or whoever they didn’t fancy…just following patterns…sad but true and they get more air because the net provides it now…and is probably why the pin has t been pulled on it as yet.
The really weird thing is that the WSW has itself noted this – as here:
But in this, there is a customary schizophrenia whereby the great dissidents can point out that a certain event is lining the pockets of the wealthy as never before – and yet the event itself is taken as merely a curiously fortuitous opportunity for them!
I have encountered the same schizophrenia. I don’t undertand how every indices is making big capital richer and concentrating more power in the state, yet if you were to suggest agency in making all these things uniformly beneficial to the ruling class and uniformly disastrous to working people, you are a conspiracy theorist.
Because they identify that the amazing, wealthy elite are saving the world from climate change…get with the program…this is what must be done and only they know how..
Well here’s the real issue: strictly speaking you are a conspiracy theorist and that is a perfectly logical thing to be because there are conspiracies and this is a fucking huge one. And yet the very designation “conspiracy theorist” is supposed to provoke guffaws.
Imagine if you could do the same trick with e.g. “exploitation”, “crime”, “tyranny” – so that everyone laughs at these words because these things “don’t exist”.
RE: Imagine if you could do the same trick with e.g. “exploitation”, “crime”, “tyranny” – so that everyone laughs at these words because these things “don’t exist”.
Given where “left” is now, that should be only a few years off.
A lot of people are fooled by the the self-labeling others claim explains themselves. I’ve met ones who’re full-on supporters of private property, and owning a business that employs workers, who label themselves Anarchists.
I’ve met people who’ve never read anything by Kropotkin, or Karl Marx, but can tell me what they read in the press about those characters, and swear they know all they need to know about them.
“Any doubt now that the CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) is a Langley-Land misinformation and disinformation operation, to impugn and denigrate the memory of Leon Trotsky. Cranes Detroit serial entrepreneur David W Green (CEO emeritus of Grand River Printing & Imaging) is turning out to be a regular Jim Jones-Peoples Temple.”
Indeed – although I must admit: I’m still trying to find a self-avowedly Marxist site that has the balls to call the covid con out. Individual Marxists can … but groups?
I found one pukable site which tells me this:
“Avoid the Left Internet “Expert”
The internet Marxist authority is in fact, by definition, a pseudo-intellectual because no organization or institution has given the(m) the right to declare themselves Marxist interlocutors….
Let’s call some of them out: Red Kahina, Phil Greaves, Jehu. These are individuals who imagine they are Marxist authorities when they have are not part of any anti-revisionist cadre organization nor have earned a place at the table of criticism through academic discipline.”
Let’s hear it for “academic discipline”!
(But at least you can get a thumbs up about those who might be worthwhile from what this “adviser” hates! i.e. Red Kahina, Phil Greaves, Jehu)
‘…although I must admit: I’m still trying to find a self-avowedly Marxist site that has the balls to call the covid con out. Individual Marxists can … but groups?’
And why would they? They have some kind of moral obligation bestowed on them y the spirit of Karl Marx?
Marxism IS a technocratic utopia. The ‘New reset’ is quintessetially Marxist.
Marx fantasised with the idea of a man made utopian world based on materialistic principles and above all bereft of God. And what we are seeing now is exactly that put in motion a little more aggressively as they are emboldened by the retreat of Christianity, theonly true stumbling block for their ages old plan.
“Wonder how this party trick would go over at the next CIA Party Meet and Greet Kool-Aid Happy Hour?”
A Melbourne human rights lawyer contrasted them to Mandela as if Mandela would approve of imprisoning millions of healthy people for no reason, the less that actually happens the more hysterical Aussies get and the stupid line up for their fake tests for hours thinking their frostbite is a badge of honour and beg for their poison jabs as if they are missing out on a favourite lolly
Mandela made sure that a prosperous country in southern Africa never happened, so the big mining and other resourses corporations could bleed the continent dry to no end. Look at South Africa now and see how it compares against 40 years ago, without an indeological bias that is.
I look in on it to read of what’s going on in Australia that’s not reported in the mass media. It always favourably mentions the Socialist Labor League (SLL). I recall the SLL from yore. It was STALINIST. It had a Messiah Complex. It’s weekly newspaper was mostly composed of condemnations of all the small leftist groups, and the main Left party, the Communist Party of Australia (CPA), who were denying the SLL’s rightful place as Leader of the Working Class… That belief, and that The Workers wont rise up until they’re mercilessly driven down, totally pauperised, sums up their total program for Revolution…
RE: that The Workers wont rise up until they’re mercilessly driven down, totally pauperised…
That’s what a members of the SEP (WSWS) said to me when when asked about how millions of people are being pauperized under lockdown and then you ask them how workers are going to organize to fight back under the suspension of civil liberties (state of emergency) that has no end in sight.
Interesting to an astrologer that they are doing this…Uranus is in fact tracking through the same sign as it did back then,,,and we know who was causing all the problems back then….and we know how it all ended.,,and it didn’t go too well for the imposers….sadly it didn’t go too well for a large group of humanity…..
so here we are again….and as large amounts of death are promised yet again and will be no doubt eventuates at this point it is a matter of keeping oneself out of the mess that will go down…from memory it took until Uranus found Gemini in mid 40s for what could be called common sense returned to humanity…so we still have a way to go…but given humanity never seems to learn we will no doubt tree the path…aided and abetted by the folk making these comparisons and not understanding where they are headed.

You forgot their biggest funder – Bill Gates
Okay, it’s America-oriented, but it does seem a terrible thing not to see The Guardian up there along with them…
CBS news headline: “Alabama Governor Kay Ivey says it’s “time to start blaming the unvaccinated” for COVID spike”
I wrote about it previously. I was a victim of bullying for not being vaccinated. I was kicked out of my golf group and directly blamed for the latest Delta Variant surge.
These people cannot be reasoned with. I tried.
“Reason has nothing to do with it, greed does. In general dialogue with psychopaths is pointless.”

I have a vision of ten years in the future where everyone is still wearing a mask on the assumption that they will kill others if they don’t. I predict this:
Smith: “I think I’ll take my mask off to see if someone dies.”
Jones: “No, don’t! Are you crazy! Someone will die!”
Smith takes mask off. Constantly present armed guard shoots him dead.
Jones: “I warned you!”
No like nazi germany it will be over in 10 yrs.,.and people will wonder what the hell happened.
Isn’t it strange how quickly the definitions of some words have changed over the course of such a short period of time. The rather lengthy definition that one will find on Merriam Webster’s Vaccine page today; and the much punchier and concise definition from 2019, immediately below.
6th February 2019 – Merriam Webster
vac·cine | \ vak-ˈsēn , ˈvak-ˌsēn\
Definition of vaccine
: a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease
24th July 2021 – Merriam Webster
vac·cine | \ vak-ˈsēn , ˈvak-ˌsēn \
plural vaccines
Definition of vaccine
1: a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: such as
a: an antigenic preparation of a typically inactivated or attenuated (see ATTENUATED sense 2) pathogenic agent (such as a bacterium or virus) or one of its components or products (such as a protein or toxin)a trivalent influenza vaccineoral polio vaccineMany vaccines are made from the virus itself, either weakened or killed, which will induce antibodies to bind and kill a live virus. Measles vaccines are just that, weakened (or attenuated) measles viruses.— Ann Finkbeiner et al.… a tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine might be recommended for wound management in a pregnant woman if [greater than or equal to] 5 years have elapsed … .— Mark Sawyer et al.In addition the subunit used in a vaccine must be carefully chosen, because not all components of a pathogen represent beneficial immunological targets.— Thomas J. Matthews and Dani P. Bolognesi
b: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein)… Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine … works by injecting a small piece of mRNA from the coronavirus that codes for the virus’ spike protein. … mRNA vaccine spurs the body to produce the spike protein internally. That, in turn, triggers an immune response.— Susie Neilson et al.The revolutionary messenger RNA vaccines that are now available have been over a decade in development. … Messenger RNA enters the cell cytoplasm and produces protein from the spike of the Covid-19 virus.— Thomas F. CozzaViral vector vaccines, another recent type of vaccine, are similar to DNA and RNA vaccines, but the virus’s genetic information is housed in an attenuated virus (unrelated to the disease-causing virus) that helps to promote host cell fusion and entry.— Priya Kaur
NOTE: Vaccines may contain adjuvants (such as aluminum hydroxide) designed to enhance the strength and duration of the body’s immune response.
…and from my trusty 1998 Chambers Dictionary;
Vaccine: any preparation containing dead or attenuated microorganisms, eg viruses or bacteria, used to confer immunity to a disease by inoculation.
While I was there, I also looked up the word “case”…
Case: a person or animal having a disease; a person under medical treatment.
Disease: an unhealthy state of body or mind; illness or ailment with distinctive symptoms.
It really is like almost the entire medical profession, governments and their hallowed “scientific” advisers from around the world have collectively taken a stupid pill. Not only forgetting what the definition of a vaccine is, but also “confusing” a positive test result (from a test with a false positive rate of 95%), with a person under medical treatment with distinctive symptoms.
I for one, hope they get better soon, otherwise they may find themselves quarantined for a very long time, in a secure facility where they quickly learn to hang onto that soap.
If most people were rational and capable of basic logic your short comment alone would be enough to end the entire affair.
Immunity is to this vaccine as accomplish is to try.
The madness just keeps coming as the empire sees the edge of the cliff getting closer and closer, the nervousness rises, virus demons are summoned & released and the chanting begins, god is evoked & the devil is evoked, no matter who….. who will save America from her fate….who will save her from her sins?.
The communists are to blame!, the devil is to blame! the Chinese are to blame! our allies are to blame!…….they must all pay! ‘we are gods own land, we are good, the true way, the virtuous way’.
Inside the fractured deep-state the fight over the rudder of empire intensifies, the schizophrenic factions of a dead ideology hears two voices, all offering the same end. Solutions come thick and fast, each more failed than the last, a cascade of failure, on a sinking ship, the straight-jacketed combatants fight as the seas rise around them.
All can feel the tremors, an omen of what is to come, they panic, the madness takes hold, and the schemes, the plans, the desperately crafted, well executed lunacy is spread around the world, to save the empire.
‘Burn down the world’ Let the murders, the craziness, the insanity begin in the home of the brave.
Wiser onlookers, stand back, see the madness and build their walls higher. The beast is cornered and more dangerous than ever, to friend & foe.
Hear the gods-own Christian White mouthpieces of the deep state, the preachers & soul of Empire, cry out in pain and anguish as they see their beloved illusions dying, and buckle in its final death rattle.
The blood of reserve currency gushing from its veins, forming a turbulent river, drowning all in its path, reckless and careful sailors alike.
The would-be “adults in the room” are always the last to catch on.
They want others to suffer the embarrassment of being caught in the incoming wash of new information and wait until the tide has begun to ebb and they can wade safely in numbers.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” — Arthur Schopenhauer
It won’t be long before the state-corporatist media stops ridiculing this one and is forced to find some oh-so-obvious explanation.
Several posters here have mentioned it. Paul Vonharnish on Jul 8th. And having long outgrown fleeting popularity… Jon Rappoport writes about it with confidence.
Graphene face masks dangerous; and we’re living in a graphene world, on Jul 12 and Graphene meets RNA technology, for cancer vaccines the following day.
Carful regarding the recent Graphine claims, all these claims seem to stem from the Spanish study proported to be on a vaccine sample from an that ‘arrived annoymously in the post’ (I’ve not checked your links)
Whitney Webb goes through the orginal research (she’s fluent in Spanish) highlighting inconsitancies, obsfuciation, discrepancies, bias, and unsupported claims.
The best we can take from the study is that there are few similarities between the sample and Graphene, there are also differences, the microscopy examination was inconclusive. The study states it failed to identify Garaphene by standard methods, possibly due to ‘small sample size’.
There’s a lot more to make it look a bit iffy IMO. Delgado is misrepresenting the study in his pubication, which is problematic.
2hr podcast on TLAV, I’ll reply with the link hoping it dunt get spam bin poofed
link stuck in Spam…
Good to see Jon Rappoport reserves judgement based on the Spanish study, tho I don’t think it’s one to sit on the fense about while it’s going viral spreading unsubstantiated claims.
You will note that I didn’t put my name to it — especially in the context of the current vaccines or the strangeness surrounding a self-proclaimed 5th Column of Spanish Patreon peddlers 😉
I heard the TLAV show. Whitney Webb does excellent job of context. My takeaway was that graphene clearly has a role in the whole smart project — it looks like a future role but a crucial one. Don’t believe the fact blockers when they dismiss it out of hand.
Yet graphene is being wrongly dismissed either as a distraction — which it’s not — or because its adult Schopenhauer moment has not yet arrived.
Indeed. Nobody dismisses graphine, just the unsubstantiated claims based on the Spanish study.
I’m sure the first “graphine in vax” ‘fact check’ will be used to dismiss any further research on it, which may have been the only utility of the study.
The studied sample did not arrive anonymously in the post. It was ordered by Ricardo Delgado Martín, founder of
An alternative news website.
The study itself does not seem inconsistent as it does not draw conclusions out of one tiny sample. Many claims are made lately, actually inconsistent with the study.
Here I post the link again
Delgados claims in his paper, and what he says in interview, are inconsistant with the study.
Claims are being made, off the back of his publication, that the vax is 90% Graphene, and that’s what’s causing the side effects of the vax. Drawing attention away from mRNA as if that’s not causing the side effects, for which there is known biological processes linking the two.
The study says the researcher “recieved in the mail…and… the origin and tracability of the specimin is unknown”
in interview Delgado says “we became aware of a vial that came into our hands”
point being we have no idea where it came from.
There might be a misunderstanding here, we both might be saying the same.
The study was conducted by Dr. Pablo Campa Madrid, at Almería University.
Claims are being made by others.
“Claims are being made, off the back of his publication, that the vax is 90% Graphene, and that’s what’s causing the side effects of the vax.”
That is absolutely not being stated in the study I linked above. I couldn’t find, so far,any other studies on the subject.
reply in spam…again
One thing that bothered me reading the study was that I could not see where or if they ever identified who the manufacturer of the sample they studied was. That seems like a major omission.
they did on the first few pages on the Spanish version, it was labled under the EU trade name (which I’ve forgot off the top of my head) for pfizer mRNA vax
Hello Moneycircus: This may clear up misunderstandings of graphene oxide adjunct dangers in current usage. >
A study detailing the role of Graphene oxides within biological systems: >
Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms
Ou et al. Particle and Fibre Toxicology (2016) 13:57 DOI 10.1186/s12989-016-0168-y
“Due to their unique physicochemical properties, graphene-family nanomaterials (GFNs) are widely used in many fields, especially in biomedical applications. Currently, many studies have investigated the biocompatibility and toxicity of GFNs in vivo and in intro. Generally, GFNs may exert different degrees of toxicity in animals or cell models by following with different administration routes and penetrating through physiological barriers, subsequently being distributed in tissues or located in cells, eventually being excreted out of the bodies. This review collects studies on the toxic effects of GFNs in several organs and cell models. We also point out that various factors determine the toxicity of GFNs including the lateral size, surface structure, functionalization, charge, impurities, aggregations, and corona effect ect. In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signaling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways. In this review, we summarize the available information on regulating factors and the mechanisms of GFNs toxicity, and propose some challenges and suggestions for further investigations of GFNs, with the aim of completing the toxicology mechanisms, and providing suggestions to improve the biological safety of GFNs and facilitate their wide application.”
Complete text: Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms (
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” — Arthur Schopenhauer
I wish I could say, “I can’t wait” for the self-evident stage.
I read somewhere in these discussions that it took 5 years of horrible birth deformities before thalidomide was finally banned (although that contributor said it is back in use in South America).
Here is a link to the latest VAERS data through Robert Kennedy’s foundation:
Over 11,000 have now died and still counting.
How many people need to die over how long of a time?
Another contributor to off guardian estimated that another million people are expected to die in the United States of the vaccine over the next 5 years and most of those deaths will never be linked to the vaccine.
How much evidence will be needed before it becomes self-evident?
It is so obvious already and I have grown impatient.
Meanwhile, recent headline/blurbs at the aptly-named Yahoo site showcase separate hit pieces on RFK Jr. and Dr. Joseph Mercola, smearing them as notorious, villainous “anti-vaxxers”. Look away, look away!
people are that stupid 🙁
The semantic aspects of vaccination notwithstanding, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we?
What exactly are you going to do if vaccination, or, as the case may be, injection with some unknown genetic shit, is made mandatory? Or if commonplace tasks are rendered impossible unless you’re vaccinated … err .. genetically fucked up? When the vaccination … err … genetic modificiation squad, protected by couple of gorillas with AK-47s, catches up with you with the intention to jab you?
Are you gonna let them? Will you exercise your legal right to self-defense and fight for your life? Will you run away before that can happen? Where?
Do you have a plan?
Resist as long as possible, then resist some more. What choice do we have? We either get it or we don’t.
Of course you fight for your life.
This isn’t about fighting for some trivial perk.
When your life is under direct threat, you fight for it.
When that fails, you die – and why not, for heaven’s sake?
I’ll change my mind if anybody can show me an example of a human being who did not, or will not, die at some point.
A plan?
Of course … Stay tuned and I’ll spell it out in detail right here on OG for all to see!
I don’t think it is the end goal…all of this is about fear right now which basically ends nov…compliance is sort of different and there is enough evidence piling up now that the needles don’t work…even the injected must get that any day soon…so they need to now entice the already needled to get some more as their fear is going to over run them wanting to round up the rest of us…I,e confusion and other madness like the UK pinging system will create enough havoc to safely hide …
I’m seeing reports that the US supreme court has ruled that no, these are not vaccines by any accepted medical or legal definition. Apparently a case brought by RFKJr. Would love to see that confirmed.
RFK has about as much chance of winning that and changing the situation … as a Jew would have had taking the Nazis to court to try to halt the death camps.
THIS is the sort of thing you are up against.
Forget about rule of law… that no longer applies
Obviously It’s not a vaccine at all, indeed. Then what should we call it instead? Let’s call a spade a spade shall we?
The whole Covid operation is a psychological Warfare. All national governments have been play the major part. We all have been had.
Whoever keeps telling you this non-existent “SarsCov2” is “CCP virus” or “Wuhan virus” “Lab leaks” or even “Bio war/ attacks between nation states” is working in tandem with this kind of disinfo from China’s “Fort Detrick Biolab’s Virus”…
“Beijing Renews Its Call For Fort Detrick Biolab Probe as 4.7 Million Chinese Petition WHO To Search in US For Covid Origins
RT News July 23, 2021”
However they’ve been trying to fool you with an army of “government’s experts”,
just REMEMBER the fact that no SarsCov2 ever been PURIFIED and ISOLATED scientifically! And that the so-called “PCR TEST” is not a Viral-Infection-Diagnosing Tool for Viral Testing at all. It’s invented by the late Dr K.Mullis as a TECHNIQUE to assist Bio-Medecial Research by AMPLIFYING whatever the researchers need.
You CANNOT have a “Vaccine” without “the virus”.
The whole “Covid crisis” is a planned “PSYCHOLOGICAL CRISIS”, a PSYCHOLOGICAL WAR against humanity as a whole.
Just remember the “Milgram experiment”
Just remember the “Stanford University Experiment”
Just remember all the previous so-called pandemics “swine flu” , zika virus and ebola etc THESE WERE ALL EXPERIMENTS!
They already had all the data about mRNA gene-modification “vaccines” and Human-psychological behaviour years ago. Now they have been applying and implementing their plan on real people, real societies in real-time at global scale.
Stop calling this and that “EXPERIMENTAL”
Stop talking about the “origin of the virus”
Stop following Government’s “finger pointing” and “blaming” game!
You will be falling deeper and deeper into their trap if you keep doing so.
Please, do focus on the Bio-weapon of Mass Destruction called “Vaccine”.
Who are producing these Bio-WMD called “Vaccines”?
Who are FORCING this Bio-WMD on the people?
Bear in mind that THIS IS GLOBAL PLOT and ALL GOVERNMENTS are on board!
Governments’ main weapon is fear! Fear gets the better of us all. Fear makes us give up freedoms and sanity to accept all lies and harmful absurdity for the illusive “safety!”
We must remember that:
“whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it”
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” Thomas Jefferson!
The longer this cv19 saga continues, and looking closely at the Chinese and US responses, I’m beginning to think that the US did the heavy lifting on the technology and conveniently farmed it out to China. Plausible deniability, happy to affect Chinese citizens if leaked (Fauci as much as stated this on TV) – rather than US citizens.
The timing of the Military Games to the initial release in early Sept 19, was very convenient – together with Event 21. It passed over China down inland to Thailand, Vietnam in the first week of Sept 19. (I live in the region and we all got very sick from that point up into Feb 20).
Perhaps the US has been leading the world astray over the true origins of this. Let China inspect Fort Dietrich and the other 10 US labs, and the US inspect Wuhan and other Chinese labs. No harm, no foul.
Joint Chinese/USA starting in the 1990’s with Fauci as head
To further clarify my thoughts for the apparently concerned few.
David Martin has uncovered antitrust issues between Gates, Fauci, Gao representing their respective organisations and multiple interlocking directorates – illegal – ultimately to vaccine manufacture. This, if dealt with in law, would remove the legal protections in terns of vaccine liability.
For this, the US would assume Huge legal and financial liability. Probably a 67/33% split with China…
How the virus made its, way into the world, will eventually out.
The ones pushing this so called “vaccine” agenda are the ones heavily invested in transhumanistic research and they are also the ones thinking our world is overpopulated in need of a massive reduction.
What they call their poisoned needle or how they describe it’s function is not an important issue, since avoiding it is the one and only thing that really matters.
I know several people who now have COVID with illness after the jab.
They made it real by injecting everyone with it. See, they said Covid was dangerous, they just didn’t tell us they would be injecting us with it.
No you don’t. You know several people who are ill after the jab. There is no way of knowing they ‘have Covid’ as opposed to any other viral infection or malaise.
There is no possibility that they get “Covid” and get sick of “Covid” after jabs, but there is possibility that there are new PCR tests that target S1 spike protein RNA that was not targeted before, becoming over-sensitive to synthetic S1 protein pieces of genetic debris.
So in official propaganda perception it would generate more PCR test positives among jabbed even if they actually are suffering from jab adverse effects. Perfect coverup. In case of Vietnam it may make sense as they did not follow artificially cases generating WHO protocols and hence had in 2020 no cases.. now as soon as stated jabbed the have so Korea and others. It would be self perpetuated prophecy of supposedly continuing Covid pandemic always requiring new jabs that perpetuate casedemic for ever.
Same in Thailand, and the country between them and Vietnam. Except, in the latter, ALL new cases are attributed to returnees from Thailand. 2 months after Fauci junk-jab roll-outs. Lol…
An interesting link on flutrackers forum showing a book/workshop in 2016 on how to feed the media, fundraising etc for virus research slushfunding by chichen danzak and his mates:
“To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.”
“Help”-The Number One Weasel Word
One problem advertisers have when they try to convince you that
the product they are pushing is really different from other, simi-
lar products is that their claims are subject to some laws. Not a
lot of laws, but there are some designed to prevent fraudulent or
untruthful claims in advertising. Even during the happy years of
non regulation under President Ronald Reagan, the FTC did
crack down on the more blatant abuses in advertising claims.
Generally speaking, advertisers have to be careful in what they
say in their ads, in the claims they make for the products they
advertise. Parity claims are safe because they are legal and sup-
ported by a number of court decisions. But beyond parity claims
there are weasel words.
Advertisers use weasel words to appear to be making a claim
for a product when in fact they are making no claim at all.
Weasel words get their name from the way weasels eat the eggs
they find in the nests of other animals. A weasel will make a
small hole in the egg, suck out the insides, then place the egg
back in the nest. Only when the egg is examined closely is it
found to be hollow. That’s the way it is with weasel words in
advertising: Examine weasel words closely and you’ll find that
they’re as hollow as any egg sucked by a Weasel. Weasel words
appear to say one thing when in fact they say the opposite, or
nothing at all.
“Help”-The Number One Weasel Word
The biggest weasel word used in advertising doublespeak is
“help.”Now “help” only means to aid or assist, nothing more. It
does not mean to conquer, stop, eliminate, end, solve, heal, cure,
or anything else. But once the ad says “help,” it can say just about
anything after that because “help” qualifies everything coming
after it. The trick is that the claim that comes after the weasel
word is usually so strong and so dramatic that you forget the
word “help” and concentrate only on the dramatic claim. You
read into the ad a message that the ad does not contain. More
importantly, the advertiser is not responsible for the claim that
you read into the ad, even though the advertiser wrote the ad so
you would read that claim into it.
The next time you see an ad for a cold medicine that promises
that it “helps relieve cold symptoms fast,” don’t rush out to buy
it. Ask yourself what this claim is really saying. Remember,
“helps”means only that the medicine will aid or assist.What will
it aid or assist in doing? Why, “relieve” your cold “symptoms.”
“Relieve” only means to ease, alleviate, or mitigate, not to stop,
end, or cure. Nor does the claim say how much relieving this
medicine will do. Nowhere does this ad claim it will cure any-
thing. In fact, the ad doesn’t even claim it will do anything at all.
The ad only claims that it will aid in relieving (not curing) your
cold symptoms, which are probably a runny nose, watery eyes,
and a headache. In other words, this medicine probably contains
a standard decongestant and some aspirin. By the way, what
does “fast” mean? Ten minutes, one hour, one day? What is fast
to one person can be very slow to another. Fast is another weasel
Ad claims using “help” are among the most popular ads
page 88
Doublespeak : from “revenue enhancement” to “terminal living,” how government, business, advertisers, and others use language to deceive you Wiliam Lutz.
As in “Covid19 shots “reduce symptoms”” ?
(A quote in the headline of this article).
The English language-game is not so much a tool of imperialism: as global imperialism is a tool and functional utility of ‘English’ – now global and anglophonic – econometric language-gamification. Which is definitively not reducible to any single given word. How are words defined: if not by other words that are so defined by other words?
Going back to Magritte – following de Saussure – the now ‘new normal’ “Treachery of Images” is that the representation “ceci n’est pas une pipe.” The word ‘pipe’ is not a pipe. It does not even resemble a ‘pipe.’ The name and the object have no logical connection. Its formal representation is only meaningful within a pre-established communitarian repertoire of pre-determined arbitrary connections that everyone pre-agrees upon.
As a community of speech (CoS) or collectivity of practice and productive activity (CoP). As a now ‘new normal’ global grammar – or communitarian integrated logical interpretive mechanism – in which arbitrary names and arbitrary connections are a predetermined as a holistic symbolic networking of otherwise meaningless signifying and objectifying. Which is exactly how people are pre-determined and psychically ordered in pre-determined and prefigured syntactical hierarchical ways.
Which cannot be either deconstructed or reconstructed or reduced to dictionary signifying alone. Where words are seen as signifying other words in the abstract. Which signify other abstract words ….in both infinite regress and projective progress. The intercommunication community is, in itself, the dynamic meaning. Which is not an object but a structural ordered process. A holistic structural processual ordering that is simultaneous and synchronic transmitted, as de Saussure and Magritte pointed out over a century ago.
Discretionary and jurisdictional dictionaries are redundant and ‘determinable definitions’ from common usage are equatable to the structural form of life: exactly as it is now being lived globally. McLuhan likened this to an ennervated and extended electrical CNS or extended phenotypical “Global Village” in 1954.
Magritte took the point of representative arbitrariness further in the “Key of Dreams” series. A representation of a horse’s head is labelled “the door;” a representation clock labelled “the wind;” a representation white jug labelled “the bird;” and a representation valise labelled “the valise.” When the dominant discourse insists there are extralinguistic objects on the ‘logical outside’ of all that arbitrary dualistic symbolism, that may be? But it is only by pre-determined communitarian conception (dualistic philosophy) and pre-agreed convention that the signifying points eventually, if at all, to any objective referent. As an indivisible whole system of representation corresponding to an external system of referent objects. Of culture acting on ‘nature.’
However, in pre-determined communitarian convention, just about any other word or arrangement of letters would do. So long as everyone has their linguistic cognition configured exactly, or near enough, in the same grammatical classification order and hierarchic logic conformational way. Arbitrarily, literally, and objectively fixated.
Which is not even mechanistically reducible to the isolated propositional-sign <language>. Meaning is consent in the form of life. The consensual belief system of which is enacted as every aspect of <life>. Grammatically configured representation; communitarian rule-following; the prescriptive discipline of grammatical correctness; and the “clearly written, logical and precise” thought-police ensure that everything is in its proper place and everyone is configured conceptually in a pre-agreed communitarian intercommunication conformation.
Which would be great: if that pre-agreed, pre-configured, pre-determined syntactical arrangement of arbitrary signifying was in fact <livable> ….but it is not. Inculcated conformation to it won’t suddenly make it agreeable or livable.
Therefore: the word, name, or arbitrary arrangement of the graphemes <v/a/c/c/i/n/e> could be take to mean “the desert” or “the automobile” without pre-determined communitarian intercommunication consent. Otherwise, it has no logical, literal, or objective meaning. The word <vaccine> cannot innoculate anyone – except from thinking – if it is taken in a logical, literal, and objective way.
If anyone wants to understand integrated intercommunication: it has to be as a synchronic, syntactical, and simultaneity of a global dynamic process of propositional “interlanguaging.” Where not all languages are considered equal. And the anglophone econometric lingua franca is, in fact, interpretively imperial.
The function of dictionaries, “syntactocentric” moral and juridical rule-following, analytic logic, and even dominant communitarian usage is to keep it that way. The language-game is to be obeyed.
Otherwise, names are tools or toys. But you need a different form of psychological intercommunication and interpretant community for that. One that does not find its arbitrary identitity in language-games: but in the actual experience of actual things and not their mis-signified and mis-aligned concepts. Which is seemingly beyond the logical, literal, dictionary, and prescriptively grammatically correctness of the current imperial language regimes to convey. With its rigidly and dogmatically enforced communitarian intercommunication and unrepresentational formalism.
Which is too way dominant to convey or negotiate a new form of meaningful way of speech and language. The Socratic irony Magritte employed seems to have backfired: by imperial insistence that words represent things, actions, or processes in a permanently definable literal and objective way. Or that language-games can be ‘owned.’ They don’t and can’t: except by reinforced inculcation, symbolic collective significance, and lifelong militant communitarian training. Perhaps the misrepresentational surrealistic penny will drop next century?
Words do not mean anything except for what interpretants are psychically repetitively inculcated and group-trained for them to mean. As indoctrinated by collective didactic lifelong practice and unconscious logical and grammatical rule-following. By grammatical order of the imperial language-game.
Very interesting article in today’s RT concerning SAGE, Guardian journalist Carole Cadwalladr, and ex-MI6 spy Christopher Steele.
It was always very suspicious to me why the WHO changed the definition of what was a pandemic back in 2008/9. Why would it be in reference to cases and not deaths? Particularly when the cases don’t result in deaths or in Sara cov 2 case – don’t even result in illness.
If we had been told there was a pandemic- we wouldn’t even know there was one. Here we are, sars 2 and 3 in 2008 and yesterday the CDC finally admitted the fake tests cannot differentiate between flu and sars
Do you perhaps have a link to the WHO admission? I’d love to see that. Very interesting, if they would finally admit that.
It’s dated January 20 2021, the thing about the CDC withdrawal is the emergency grant was to allow time for actual diagnostic measures, no one bothered and they also knew that the PCR’s are not diagnostic and can’t tell the difference between zoonotic pathogens
My understanding was that these ‘tests’ cannot differentiate between anything at all.
They just tell you what molecules are there, and they could be bits of genetic material from a prehistoric ancestor, or nanoparticles of volcanic ash and pollution from the current eruption in Iceland.
How sad that in spite of the admission you mention above, the fake tests will continue indefinitely…
The WHO also changed the definition of an epidemic in around 2016. Go to the WHO site and try to find out what actually constitutes and epidemic (e.g. the percentage of a population hit by a disease to qualify as an epidemic) and there are wooly descriptions and no figures.
I’ve noticed people (perhaps, under a certain age) no longer know how to invert a question.