New Normal Newspeak #3: “Progressive”
“New Normal Newspeak” is a series of short articles highlighting how our language has come under assault in the past eighteen months.
We have a backlog for these NNNS posts, but I saw this today on Twitter, and it made me laugh so it gets to jump the queue.
A few days ago, Saudi Arabia announced they would be introducing vaccine passes for, essentially, anyone that wanted to do anything.
And then Max Boot, the neo-liberal warmonger who’s paid to squat over his keyboard and squeeze out columns for the Washington Post, called it “progressive”:
There it is in black and white – an absolute monarchy that still practices public beheadings, has no religious freedom, democracy or equal rights, has decided to add to their delightful resume by introducing digital surveillance, enforced experimental vaccination and medical apartheid. Doesn’t that sound so progressive?
The Council of Foreign Relations fellow has since deleted the tweet. And it’s not hard to see why.
Maybe no other word has had its meaning as brutally violated as “progressive” in the last decade. It is used to stifle freedom of speech, to camouflage corruption of “liberal” candidates, as a casus belli for regime change and to bang the drum for new cold wars with both Russia and China.
But applying it to Saudi Arabia is a whole new level of stretched meaning.
It’s also a little preview of how the billionaire-owned MSM will be selling medical apartheid to their hypnotized “liberal” readers in coming weeks.
Look out for more in this series in the near future, and if you have any suggestions for other words or phrases that have recently violently shifted their meaning, please post them in the comments below, or e-mail them to us.
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Remember the World Bank and Pandemic Bonds which would be paid out to investors in July only if no actual pandemic before July. Pandemic called by WHO in March just months before July, so money goes into World Bank and not investors. If countries signed up to WHO have to follow their dictates, 176 signed up to WHO. Wonder if all countries singing from same hymn sheet, if there is a World Bank insurance scheme for countries, where they only pay out if say eg 70% country have to be vaxed, masks mandates, lockdowns and a excess death count (so PCR fraudelent but useful for numbers, no autospys, death certificates not signed properly only based on vague symptoms). Maybe OG could investigate.
Remember the World Bank and Pandemic Bonds which would be paid out to investors in July only if no actual pandemic before July. Pandemic called by WHO in March just months before July, so money goes into World Bank and not investors. If countries signed up to WHO have to follow their dictates, 176 signed up to WHO. Wonder if all countries singing from same hymn sheet, if there is a World Bank insurance scheme for countries, where they only pay out if say eg 70% country have to be vaxed, masks mandates, lockdowns and a excess death count (so PCR fraudelent but useful for numbers, no autospys, death certificates not signed properly only based on vague symptoms). Maybe OG could investigate.
Last January our new President put his hand on the bible, and pledged to uphold the American Constitution. The first thing has has done, is to abolish the 1st Amendment.
The Madness Worsens
I was walking in a small reserve unmuzzled. This imbecile walking the other way with a dog off the leash (against the rules) went off the path into the bushes to put distance between us. I told him he should have the animal on a leash. He retorted that I should be muzzled like him (the two legged dog). I told him the muzzle was a symbol of slavery and I avoided using them. He said he didn’t want to get sick. I then told him there was no virus. To put emphasis I told him as he went away that he was an effing idiot.
From the core of the Royal English comes this word that an article wouldn’t do a justice to it. An encyclopedia is needed. The word is:
What kind of humanity/civilisation is this where it is inappropriate to mention most of things that are happening. And there are entire industries (including religions) created to educate us about the things that are inappropriate to mention or talk about.
An example that cannot escape my head: what did the management of The Australian newspaper say when asked, why they did block publishing the article that revealed the theft by Westpac bank of billions from customers’ money through dodgy/fake investments and other schemes?
They said, they blocked the publication of the article because it was inappropriate to do so!
Another worthwhile discussion. This one is between Gemma Doherty and Dr. Carrie Madej.
This is not hyperbole. There will be bloodshed. That’s what they want and we should give it to them. No joke. I bet within a month a political figure will be assassinated.
Note from admin: Off Guardian doesn’t condone or encourage assassinations of political figures. 😊
I’m not encouraging it. I’m stating a fact. This will happen whether you condone it or not.
Thank you for posting my comment, as if I have to thank you for the privilege.
What a fucking joke to think you have the right to decide what is acceptable discourse.
My statement was intended in a lighthearted way. Thanks for exposing yourself as a vacuous troll.
“within a month a political figure ..”
What is so special about minus one political figure?
Controlled Corporate Media loves these things because such news can be used successfully to hide their agenda.
The vast majority of politicians (and there are probably millions of them) are anti-humanity and working for the benefits of lobbyists. It is highly unlikely that minus one of them would make any difference.
“132:48 next slide please this is
132:52 what source code v2 looks like and if
132:54 and i will i will send you the video so
132:55 you can show it
132:57 of the side on the right shows it goes
132:59 up and down and you can see the actual
133:01 source corona
133:02 cov2 virus uh with its spiked proteins
133:06 in its corona shape i’ll send that to
133:08 you so you can play that
133:10 it’s it’s incredibly important because
133:13 there are people out there that are
133:14 actually of the opinion that
133:16 sars cov2 doesn’t exist and has not been
133:19 isolated
133:20 these individuals not only have
133:22 demonstrated they don’t understand
133:23 viruses
133:24 but they interfere with the with the
133:26 serious discussion going on with this
133:28 virus “
There’s net-speech.
Aside, a normal would be, policeman pronouned policemun…tails off in everyday English. Meaning man or woman, further actuality being presence of uniform authority.
Or you could say… rozzers which may have come from Z-Cars when they rode around in Mini thousands, that’s 999cc, close to,
Help! Call 999 😐
It is a problem wobblegobs will never figure out on the Internet.
Btw, Wobblegob Gobshite Sambo Gollywog are examples of normal English speaking that mean no offence to anyone in particular just a normal function of every human beings.
We are being subjected to policies created based on awful fantasies.
One of the Government’s dreams comes true. They are sending the army to the Western suburbs of Sydney, and they can say it is for ‘Health Purposes’.
(they are sending soldiers to help with Policing Covid restrictions)
That is a sign of weakness not strength. They are bluffing because governments know that any show of force and the mask of ‘compassion’ would be ripped off and the real instigators and motives exposed.
Today’s I (used to be called Independent) headlines.
Get jabbed, or miss out.
*Almost 3 million young people will be warned they must get their first vaccination within days or they will face restrictions on what they can do later in the year.
(This isn’t specified)
*UK at near optimum risk of seeding new covid variant that is able to evade vaccines.” In that case why bother
*Boosters will be needed for years to come to maintain immunity say Government scientists.” Wow1 they have completely gone off their rockers!
*Vaccinated holiday makers expected to avoid new restrictions on travels to Spain.
Boosters will be needed for years to come. Well, well, it sounds to me like Type 1 Diabetes.
Our own Troodles knew this way back in April – although it received little attention beyond the press conference at which it was announced – when he told Canadians his government had struck a deal with Pfizer for 35 million booster doses for 2022, 30 million for 2023 and an option for 60 million doses in 2024. The 22 and 23 years also have an option to double the number by an additional 30 million doses.
The deliberate enrichment – and the assurance of more – of Big Pharma through the transfer of taxpayer money directly to its coffers. For its part, Pfizer pretends ‘immunity’ was never on the table, and that the promise of the miracle vaccines was always to merely mitigate symptoms, with antibodies everyone knew would dwindle in resistance so that a six-month booster shot was always in the cards.
It’s depopulation.
then what happens when the so called boosters don’t work either? as this seems as expected a trend, first its the one jab and your good to go, then its two jabs and your good to go, then its 2 jabs and a booster then your good to go, then it will be many boosters, then what, blow darts?
We must never forget the wonderful way science watches over us 24/7.
Diseases are only allowed to exist if science has a cure up its sleeve.
Anything without a cure is attributed to the imagination.
“Doctor my arm fell off!”
“No problem, we’ll sew it right on and you’ll be good as new.”
“Doctor, I got vaccinated and I feel like I’m dying.”
“It’s all in your mind.”
These letters may be especially useful to UK residents but also those in other countries for modification.
Perhaps OffG could do a post on them?
Miri’s pages providing vaccine information look good too.
And she has a page on legal help.
The Jonathan Lea Network are a firm of UK solicitors who are extremely sympathetic to those wishing to challenge the current restrictions, including testing and vaccination mandates, and pressures to wear masks. The organisation’s founder, Jonathan Lea, has attracted considerable publicity for his stance on publicly opposing mask-wearing and he has the sign below on his door. It’s great but then isn’t absolutely astounding how unique this seems?
Looks like there’s a reason the price of electron-microscopes hasn’t come down in all these decades.
Imagine if we all had one at home, just like the computers that used to occupy a whole building, but which we can now buy anywhere and stick in our pockets.
Boy, would I be using mine right now…!
“Dear FaceBook friends, here is my latest electron-micrograph of the corona virus with which I was diagnosed yesterday.
“As you can see, it is identical in all respects to the common cold virus, of which there are countless verified images for all to see on the internet” …
“For the record, I am not at all ill – in fact I feel just great.”
The funny thing is, you cannot even see a virus on an electron microscope. It’s that tiny.
What you need is some witchcraft, with cell cultures made from a human fetus or kidney cells from a monkey, combined with huge amounts of antibiotics and some human tissue, that then sometimes starts to replicate. It’s very rare that anything happens at all, but if it happens, you call it: VIRUS. That you can put under an electron microscope and then you may see some black Rorschach dots, which of course confirms that you are seeing VIRUS
After you which you can sell your witch brew to the world of believers and maybe get a Noble price
a virus? it’s all made of ink. it is so if somebody says so. magic.
This scanning electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2 (yellow)—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S., emerging from the surface of cells (blue/pink) cultured in the lab. Elizabeth Fischer produced the images, and the RML visual medical arts office digitally colorized the images.
Description under the image doesn’t mention Elizabeth or the RML ….. Does Elizabeth Fischer work at Fort Detrick ?
Transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, isolated from a patient. Image captured and color-enhanced at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Credit: NIAID
I expect Fort Worth and Fort Knox have similar technology at their disposal…
Frankly, I can produce images like that on my laptop, and I can colorize them too.
So the only question remaining is, who is Elizabeth Fischer?
A leading developer for Adobe Creative Suite, or a scientist of global standing who has no conflicts of interest?
Yes, I had noticed that googling “electron microscope pictures of virus” came up with nothing tangible.
Witchcraft is making a comeback today – along with hysterical superstitions like the belief in a covid pandemic…
I expect this will all get horribly out of control before it suddenly gets better because the wife and children of a leading vaxx cultist die in unprecedented agony after being jabbed…
I believe that’s a scenario parallel to that of how the Salem witch hunts suddenly came to an end.
Dear War Dropper, with greatest respect, my “googling “electron microscope pictures of virus” came up with” this:
I saw the most beautiful pictures and X-ray diffraction study of TMV in the Journal of Molecular Biology around 1970, by Prof Aaron Klug at Cambridge. (Tobacco Mosaic Virus, the smallest of viruses hence the easiest for hard science to tackle).
“Bad money drives out good” — Gresham’s Law of Counterfeiting.
“Bad science drives out good” — NickM’s Law of Conning.
This is Iceland’s Deputy Chief of Infectious Diseases today. I don’t know why he needs a deputy, but perhaps the lying is getting to him, or ‘the authorities’ are planning to replace him with a better robot:
“Infection is one thing, and illness is another. We are seeing serious illness and we are seeing hospital admissions.
Since we have far more infections than we are accustomed to, this means that although fewer become seriously ill because of the vaccines, that is still a large number if the infections should increase substantially – assuming things continue as they have done.
And that is perhaps the most worrying thing.”
I will send a large box of masks to anyone who can tell me what she is talking about.
My message to the nation would have been shorter:
“Infection is one thing, and illness is another. As long as nobody in authority knows the difference, we should just forget covid altogether.”
She’s mostly worried about a large number, if it increases substantially, while continuing as it has done.
Therefore she is worried about an impossibility, an increase while styaing the same, but with a very serious voice, desperately trying to sound informed and relevant.
It’s weaponised nonsense.
That’s what I thought.
So we still don’t know what she is talking about…
well it’s obvious isn’t it.. what she means is..
people infected are vaccinated but they aren’t as ill as they could have been because they are vaccinated, but because they are infected and vaccinated they are now seriously ill as well, so don’t worry the vaccines are really working and they are safe and effective….
more obviously need to be done… and no doubt they have an imbecile itching to get started…
those responding to the perfectly safe 99% effective vaccines the seriously ill infected vaccinated have been needled with, should probably look to progressive head-choppers for a new perspective.. (but do try to avoid dismemberment at the the local embassy)…
and then yet another noo yoyk hack mendicant can cheer and shame them towards their eventual demise.. whilst eating bagels at the deli through fourteen masks..
You’re getting warm…
I was hoping to keep that huge box of masks all to myself…
You want to say it but you can’t. Because that would get you banned. I appreciate that. But I’m glad you see it and you kind of said it..
You’re trying to say you think there are some elite people, some of whom are Jewish, pulling the strings here. Stop trying to turn yourselves into fucking martyrs, with winks and nudges, as if you’re saying anything that’s verboten. I assume you’re not alleging ALL Jews, everywhere, are somehow in on this and are alla rotten bunch that need to be ‘dealt with’? This would be called Nazism and would be extremely hateful, and would break our comment policy. A2
NAZISM? The German military, even the SS, had German Jews within the ranks. If a citizen, of any stripe, was a loyal citizen they were treated as such, however disloyal citizens, traitors, were sent to work camps.
Simple really, if one doesn’t become shrill and emotional one can see from documents the lies are lies.
So Sam – Admin2 your claim that NAZISM equates to all Jews bad etc is utter nonsense.
Do you have a source for this extraordinary claim.
Put differently, if any contentious comment can lead individuals to PRISON, (Ursula Haverbeck and Ernst Zundel come to mind)
what is the judiciary trying to hide?
I agree to some extent, antisemitism has become weaponised. But this is not evidence to support grr’s bizarre claim. I think you’re operating on auto pilot here. A2
Not my claim, I’m just quoting the historical (and hidden from mainstream sources) record.
You are doing no such thing
Go to Unz Reveiw;
on their search type in 1933-1945+Germany.
There are other things:
David Irving’s historical analysis;
Michael Hudson’s analysis of toxic capitalism against Germany.
Irving does not dispute that Jew babies, Jew men, Jew women and Jew children were segregated into ghettos and work camps, and many, many of them were killed and their effects looted. Before you attempt whataboutery and argue two wrongs make a right, I already know treatment of Germans in some POW camps etc., and other Allied atrocities were also evil and bad. We’re not here to argue two wrongs make a right. Anyone alleging all Nazis deserve to be buried alive by bulldozers would be handled the same by us, in line with our Comments Policy. A2
His claim isn’t bizarre.
Just too many of us have been cowed to refrain from asking inconvenient questions.
In Canada, we are a Zionist Occupied nation, just like UK and all our “Official” political parties have to declare fealty towards Israel.
If not, the Zionist parasite infiltrates and interferes within a party, all to the benefit of Israel. The UK just suffered that kind of behaviour getting Jeremy Corbin to resign.
And you are free to discuss Israel’s role in this, but do yourself a favour please, make and defend decent claims, citing decent sources, don’t undermine yourself needlessly by sticking up for the sort of vacuous, Neo-Nazi bigotry grr is peddling, which Sophie easily demonstrates as such below. Practice some scholarly integrity/sensitivity, use some disciplined, non-prejudicial terms and arguments, stay on topic and enjoy commenting here. If you try to claim Nazi treatment of innocent Jews was in way justified then you’re defending extreme forms of prejudice which doesn’t abide by our comment policy.
This is one of the freest, most active comment platforms in alt. News. By all means, abide by our comment policy and continue to enjoy commenting here. A2
This is a start
And many more but you can do your own research and will find it’s not so extraordinary at all
Read your own source and move quickly on.
“Let’s be more clear about this, most of these German soldiers that were apparently of Jewish descent were classified as “Mischlinge” which translates to partial-Jews. Most of them were not even following this religion neither the traditions you would see in a Jewish family as over the years those who emigrated became more German than Jewish in their identity.”
Your misleading approach is what gives good fact-based historical questioning a bad name. You neo-Nazis are so conflicted and internally dishonest. You love the Nazis because they – in your mind – treated the Jews as they deserved, but at the same time use sleazy special pleading, weasel words and partial truths to elide the very race-hate you admire.
“You love the Nazis because they – in your mind – treated the Jews as they deserved,”
Well it is a fact that world Jewry did declare war on Germany in 1933.
Just another irritating fact that seems to spoil the narrative you are pushing.
Anyone disagreeing with you is labelled a neo-NAZI by you.
Disgraceful and childish.
So you neo-Nazis just have the same six or seven decontextualised dishonest talking points you recycle ad nauseam?
I already dealt with this one the last time one of you tried to utilize it to justify the racism you simultaneously deny.
Only a racist or a fool would pretend that a collection of wealthy influential Jews making a political statement for political gain means every single Jew in Germany became an enemy of the state. That’s just an excuse for racism now as it was in the 1930s.
I remember from my childhood the casual racism which was so common in Europe before WW2. After the war I used to think, at least one good thing Hitler did was convince the world of the evil of racism.
Why do you insist on referring to prejudice against Jews as “racism” when a Jew is simply someone whose religion is Judaism? Is prejudice against Christians or Muslims also “racism”?
Jews are commonly regarded as an ethnoreligious group, and prejudice against any race, colour or creed is usually against our comment policy, unless you’re discussing ancient history perhaps, with no bearing on modern times. If someone was saying all Christians were inherently bad, or all Frenchmen, we would remove such a comment for exactly the same reason. Really, you can be as pedantic as you want, but I don’t think you’re entering into the spirit of what we’re trying to say. This is very common, unfortunately. Thanks for your feedback, A2
I understand what you’re trying to say, but prejudice against Jews is more bigotry than racism, not that either is particularly admirable.
Please be credible.
The very existence of the website is primarily based on the propagandizing of MSM, almost exclusively owned by Jews..
it doesn’t have the nick name in the U$A, “The Jew York Times”, for nothing. Hollywood…?
Do you read Gilad Atzmon? (or listen to his music) He is a British citizen, emigrated from Israel.
Two books to read: “The Wandering Who”, and “Being in Time”.
You should probably read this exchange again. Jews own a lot of media. No one is denying that. I don’t know what you’re disagreeing with me about, unless you’re a nazi and you’re disagreeing with our comment policy? A2
Our biggest “noo yoyk hack mendicant” is Italian and, if you want to indulge in stereotypes, is eating a bowl of spaghetti.
I’m talking about max boot… bit sensitive there…
and what’s this italian nonsense, last time i checked italy was still attached to europe or is mr ouchie a ‘dual nationalist’ like the rest of your government…I thought you were all americans in the funny farm north of mexico, after all anything else would be racist wouldn’t it ?..
though of course there are mendicant hacks a-plenty at the noo yoyk times and the mendicant hacks at the fraudian the speccie the economist etc etc.. here in the septic isles..
it isn’t particularly controversial and I don’t particularly care what country they are in…
and neither should you.. you should merely call them out..
try it it’s fun… particularly the ensuing shrieking..
Nice find and of course I fully agree with you
Let’s break the deputy’s argument down for the fun of it
Infection is one thing, and illness is another.
-No, both are illnesses
We are seeing serious illness and we are seeing hospital admissions.
-As always, and not different compared with normal
Since we have far more infections than we are accustomed to,
-depends on the definition of ‘infection’. Jumping to conclusions
this means that although fewer become seriously ill,
– no, fewer become seriously ill, as the number of people who aren’t ill in any way are tested and according to the positive test result are called ‘infectious’. Jumping to conclusions
because of the vaccines,
-No, because of increased testing
that is still a large number if the infections should increase substantially – assuming things continue as they have done.
And that is perhaps the most worrying thing.”
– given that the test is faulty, the number is meaningless. But the deputy is worried.
Reminds me of the Venusian dinosaur fallacy, as explained by Carl Sagan.
Observation: clouds around Venus
Conclusion: dinosaurs
Observation: a number
Conclusion: we are all going to die (unless we start listening to the deputy)
‘ “I can’t see a thing on the surface of Venus. Why not? Because it’s covered with a dense layer of clouds. Well, what are clouds made of? Water, of course. Therefore, Venus must have an awful lot of water on it. Therefore, the surface must be wet. Well, if the surface is wet, it’s probably a swamp. If there’s a swamp, there’s ferns. If there’s ferns, maybe there’s even dinosaurs.”
The original observation was effectively a lack of an observation. The conclusion was dinosaurs.
That’s media science today in a nutshell.
I always liked the pretty pictures in the glossy science magazines, but I also noticed that they always looked like science fiction.
Real science tends to look unutterably boring on paper, but it does at least try to get somewhere.
The science that makes most sense to me comes from a sincere lover of nature, truth and human worth who has thoroughly and diligently digested all the boring stuff on paper, then makes a presentation using human language in order to show the relevance of what he has learned to our further evolution.
That same definition of science, however, makes no sense at all to the media-controlled ‘authorities’, who simply lack the wit to grasp it.
Thank you Willem.
Now my brain hurts…
The ” problem” is that once the ” flu” was politized its game over. They can say anything they want.
That is the issue in a nutshell with the wordspeak nonsense.
But all this arguing and discussion thats going on is made to distract you from the fact that they are loading up their 6 shooters while talking and fully intend to kill you. At that point talking will end as people will see that these lunatics are dead serious about their ” Agendas”
In my southern Americanese..” Folks, they aint kidden “
It’s really quite simple what she’s saying (that is, if you’re well versed in scientific jargon):
So–is it the “infected” who are not “seriously ill” but are vaccinated who are “driving” the new “highly contagious variant?” Sorry for all the quote marks but I’m trying to figure out what, if any logic is behind this latest push for “masking up.”
Never mind; I know logic was flushed down the toilet long ago.
Patrick Vallance British Covid meister deciphers it perfectly in 1 minute 20 seconds.
The ten ways Pharma creates fake ailments is an especially useful insight:
BTW, where are all the deaths caused by”shedding” from the vaccine? There aren’t any because it was bs.
the new ‘pandemic’, the one they have been instigating, will be recipients of the needle… it’s already happening…
presumably this has occurred more quickly than they anticipated… and small heavily needled populations like not-very-niceland will become the canary in the coal-mine control groups…
we can expect so-called spiraling infection rates, much more severe spike protein illness and indeterminate lock-up while the davos blob weasels behind the scenes…
shedding was nonsense, and the ‘un-vaccinated’ dark mirror deniers have nothing to worry about…. well, except for a hostile state that seeks to do you harm..
NB: if senile career criminal place-holder and leader of the ‘free’ world and protector of ‘our’ ‘values’ offers you $100 for an injection.. be very suspicious.. and stay that way..
somewhat like jimmy savile offering you sweeties and a ride in his rolls royce..
…- Say to him: “A *Trillion* and not one red cent less, or GTFO!!…”
“…And I expect the entire lot in *Bullion*…”
I think most of the bullion was ‘off-shored’ in the seventies… I think somebody ‘somewhere’ may be sitting on the worlds bullion…
NB: I guarantee a forced buy-out of non-paper gold… just like FDR, though of course.. the new heist is the green new deal…
find a secure place for you ‘reserves’ sgt oddball and that means in your possession and not in some safety deposit box in an institution owned by the black rock davos blob..
keep it with your good whisky.. both will be essential in the coming tribulations..
what ever else goes in the survival bag should be obvious to a military man such as your good self..
…I hear the stuff in Ft Knox is all Copper/Nickel coin-melt, painted Gold…
“find a secure place for you ‘reserves’ sgt oddball and that means in your possession…”
…- Aw shucks Doc, I *Did Have* alla my Precious Shiny in my possession but then rather unwisely decided to take it all with me on a fishing expedition a while back and, *Gosh Darnnit* – Wouldnyaknowit? – I had an unfortunate boating accident… 😉
You might be interested to hear Peter McCullough’s views on “shedding”. He reports that there is evidence that it can occur but more research needs to be done to definitively identify risks and mitigation measures.
(minute 21 onwards)
Some CNN entertainment:
Good one. Shared it with my family.
There is genius in some of these.
This is the best I’ve seen.
Part 1: Faced with onslaught of mainstream media, public health officials and inherently crooked politicians’ conspiracy theories that are concocted to cover up disintegrating official Covid and Covid jabs narratives we must not proliferate our own. We should not try explain consistently fraudulent data with theories that on a face value may be very deeply critical of official Covid policies while in fact are desperate attempts rescue those narratives as well as whitewash organized perpetrators from charges of criminality including genocide. We must remain skeptics. We skeptics must scrutinize all the documents, hypotheses and the supporting data for integrity, consistency, trustworthiness of sources and scientific method, process and common business practices including profit motive regardless whether or not they seem to support our temporary working hypotheses, which skeptics must not treat as established dogmas but inherently flawed tentative approximations of reality which is being deliberately obfuscated via censorship and psychological terror. Therefore, we must be very careful when embracing or rejecting certain claims from certain people, self declared skeptics as many of them have their own biases or even career or financial agendas and because they are often skeptical about different things we are skeptical about. Case in point is Dr.Malone and Dr. Van Bossche both are skeptical even highly critical but only about current Covid commercial vaccine products on the market considered by them not only inefficacious but dangerous in the midst of ongoing “pandemic”, while they, as professional vaccinologists are ardent supporters and believers in concept of Covid mass vaccination done correctly as necessary to eradicate pandemic. However, In support of their criticism of COVID jabs available in the market they do not dig deep into real epidemiological data or how methodologically sound such official data is while they bought all the standard dogmas of virology and vaccinology like… Read more »
Part 2. Dr. Malone on the other hand exploited concept of pathogen priming leading to ADE applied to variants again analyzing flawed establishment published COVID data that in fact may cover up jab induced vulnerabilities and adverse effects on immune system among others not necessarily related to pathogen priming and very unlikely to pathogen priming due to new variants. This interpretation also promotes idea of dangerous variants of virus that in fact has not been isolated so far and hence its spread could not be not confirmed. This is not to say that generally pathogen priming has no empirical foundations it has but such phenomenon is more likely due to fundamentals of vaccines technologies that by design do not kill virus than specific intricacies of particular virus. In fact what both Dr.Malone and Dr. Van Bossche are blinded to by their allegiance to vaccines is that immune escape and pathogen priming constitute indictment of fundamental assumptions of vaccinology regarding highly volatile, genetically unstable viruses like these leading to respiratory diseases and especially confusing immunogenicity of vaccines with organism immunity, which are two different things, against such viral infections. Or in other words generating antibodies to prevent or fight such infections is conceptually unsound and empirically unproven for highly mutating viruses. However, I do not want to downplay possibility of ADE among those vaccinated (including flu vaccine) but not in context of any phantom SC2 variants, past or future as Dr. Malone implies but in context of new flu and cold season subject to ADE due to immune cross reactivity with any coronaviruses as those COVID jabs suppress capability and/or delay response of innate and general immune system due to closer affinity of antibodies to targeted antigen, not its capacity to provide immunity. This ADE is different than what happens immediately after… Read more »
Great comment Kalen.
maxwell lives!
See Dr Mike Yeadon’s comment on immune escape last night (my earlier post).
In my opinion, Yeadon exposed GVB’s motives.
It goes like this: vaccine escape can create variants. GVB calls for a halt. But Yeadon says the variants are so similar, they are covered by the body’s natural immunity. Yeadon estimates at the current rate of mutation, it would take 100 years to produce a variant that was different enough to (theoretically) challenge our current immunity. (Of course, mutations tend to get weaker, in practice).
This says to me that GVB is right, but GVB is supporting the narrative. Yeadon blows it wide open.
So why are people getting sick? Big Pharma admits the shots reduce immunity for at least three weeks after the first one. Beyond that, we’re still finding out about ADE. See the research of Dr Hervé Seligmann on Israel’s predominantly-vaccinated sick people.
Reiner Fuellmich said yesterday that he has evidence CDC knew in Oct 2020, of 105 different ways in which the Covid shots weaken immunity.
It is also possible that people are getting sick because they have been subject to 18 months of total stress over worry about some mysterious and dangerous virus that the TV keeps threatening them with…. The loss of jobs and income, the madness of our various govts with lockdowns, masks etc…isolation, loss of support….needles that have dubious benefits to their systems…complete confusion re rules of the game from week to week…the police, army and doctors going odd on us…
there is enough there to upset most body system’s capacity to cope….stress is always given as the single most important feature for causing ill health…which again demonstrates that this has absolutely nothing to do with our various govt giving a rats about our actual health….so add just knowing that there has to be another agenda which is also stressful…
seriously do you think people are not going to get unwell in these circumstances?
Yes Edith, Vaxxed or not,I think a large proportion of the population could be diagnosed with symptoms of depression, stress, worry right now.
If we believe anything from the cdc…
‘the CDC recently revealed that anxiety is the second most important contributing factor to death from/with Covid.’
And yet the CDC and its partners in crime ie the media force feed fear 24/7.
Ah, but there’s a difference only a scientist can detect: fear only leads to anxiety if you haven’t been vaccinated.
If you’ve been vaccinated, you can continue shaking in your shoes each time a new “variant” hits the market – but thanks to the vaccine your terror will not manifest as anxiety or stress.
See how easy it is when you just sit back and let science work it all out for you?
Just so!
Dr. Bhakdi concurs with Yeadon regarding mutation, he explained it in more depth tho, Flu virus has the potential to change shape, so the antibodies (key) no longer fit the new, changed shape, of the expressed protiens (lock). Corona viruses don’t have the ability to change the shape of the expressed protiens, they can change a bit, but can’t change enough of the ‘lock’ to prevent the key fitting. I think we see a number of “experts” on MSM who are so over specialized they’re lagging on basic immunology and biology (this week in virology podcast is a perfect example, only a week ago they were surprised by the findings of 2 year old research that showed antibodies do not correlate to immunity) they know enough to be dangerous, but not enough to see the flaws in the “mutation” narrative, they think Cov “mutaton” is the same as Flu mutation. All this talk about antibodies misses the fundamental point IMO, T cells are the first responders, T cells are hard to study so most of virology concentrates on antibodies as a proxy for immunity, but there is no proven correlate for Cov immunity, you can have a high antibody count and still get re-infected. Especially when you’ve been jabbed with mRNA that bypasses the mechanisms that initially produce T cells (within hours of fist presentation of virus to the immune system). T cells activate antibodies, they’re also killer cells that go back to infected cells to remove them. The “jabs” bypass at least 4 layers of the immune system, hence we are better off gaining immunity via natural infection, since then every layer of the immune system can recognise a new infection and knock it out before symptoms appear. And that’s basic biology, showing what they already knew, the mRNA… Read more »
There is little knowledge about what our powerful immune system is; what it does what means to be immune to something and how to guard immune system health is not subject of education in medical schools. All thanks to big Pharma propaganda. Many People do not realize that after eating bad sausage it is natural immune system that save them from food poisoning, that immune system makes wounds healed internal or external, not drugs antibiotics or bandaid. Modern Western medicine does not heal at all it at best stabilizes human organism and let immune system do its wonderful job without interruption while at worse but not uncommon inflicts often fatal damage to healthy organs under this or that theory. People are propagandized to believe in miracle of vaccines (attenuated virus) while in reality at best they are flawed bandaid used in specific situations and localities to small specific individuals with direct immediate threat to their life or severe permanent injuries and hence always present often devastating adverse effects of those vaccines can be accepted as lesser evil than near or immediate death. Instead vaccines were broadly used as medical remedies for socioeconomic phenomena in metropolis and colonies like extreme concentration of population and problem of hunger malnutrition, extreme social stress, catastrophic state of life sustaining infrastructure promoting exposure to ailments and lack of access to basic healthcare as those were factors suppressing natural human capability to fight infections. People do not realize that EUA, (authorization for untested for toxicity and efficacy like Covid jabs), for a drug before 2020 was granted to use only and specifically on.. dying or nearly terminal patients inflicted by disease not for healthy population. In fact it is illegal to use EUA for anyone else but dying, outside of clinical trials. Arbitrary, scientifically baseless and… Read more »
unfortunately, the hollow men and their credentialed imbecilia have succeeded in pushing everyone into debating a fake illness on a ‘media’ (in between you and them) landscape populated with fake talking heads and discombobulates circling mountains of conflicting chatter….
both sides are covered and more besides (always baby)…
when in fact this is a social control operation.. run out of davos by the central-banking dynasties with its acronym associates to rescue a failed economic ‘system’ (squeezed ‘dry’) and ensure that those running the old system get to run the new one (and thus keep the privileges)…
this is ‘managing collapse’…. to do so they mean to instigate total chaos (let no ‘crisis’ go to waste).. so that joe and jane ‘public’ can’t train their beadies on the real problem and do something worthwhile for once in their pointless lives… in fact they are going to be ‘hobbled’ in true gangland tradition..
as always divide and conquer will be utilized…. and whilst the stern-gang of davos are ‘at it,’ no doubt they mean to take out as many as they can, in true conspiratorial criminal gang fashion..
after all, it’s all fake, in fact most of the imbeciles on the worlds stage are quite literally actors.. but quite ‘deadly’..
and it has al-ways been thus…
if anything, opportunity is now being ceded to do something about it.. and perhaps do something worthwhile, or at least avert total extinction… because creatures of this ‘nature’ on the whole, will forfeit the chance to exist…
and that goes for all us…
Fun fact that seemingly never gets mentioned about Saudi Arabia: it is ILLEGAL for anyone who is Jewish to enter the country. Period. For any reason.
Funny how no one ever talks about that.
has it changed since 2014 when they said Israelis were banned but Jews allowed to work?
Israeli citizens who are barred from entry, not anyone who’s Jewish.
It may have changed now, but anyone who is jewish has the right to Israeli citizenship. A lot of Israelis I knew back then were not so happy about that.
Same for Malaysia and it is a pleasant place to visit.
You mean Henry Kissinger never flew in there on a private jet?!
VIP’s are more important than regular people.
Almost as racist as Israel.
Saudi Arabia has a right to defend her self against terrorists.
It takes more mental gymnastics to invent new ways prop up and sell poor management ideas than to actually use their brain power toward creating a healthy functional society.
Take “longtermism”, the latest scheme that uses “math logic” to justify NOT addressing the current crises threatening our planet, similar to the way neoliberalism hid behind complex math models to disguise the onset of neofascism.
The Dangerous Ideas of “Longtermism” and “Existential Risk”
“By reducing morality to an abstract numbers game, and by declaring that what’s most important is fulfilling “our potential” by becoming simulated posthumans among the stars, longtermists not only trivialize past atrocities like WWII (and the Holocaust) but give themselves a “moral excuse” to dismiss or minimize comparable atrocities in the future.”
By allowing the planet to destroy itself, we are actually saving ‘a 100 billion trillion lives” in upside down world.
The Philosophy that Drives the Chaos.
It takes more effort to do things badly, especially if it’s on purpose. Crooked or nefarious projects have their own narratives, team leaders and working groups, white papers and cooked books. Well-intentioned workers have to be neutralized and opponents undermined. The company as a whole — and the media outside — must be led by the nose to believe all is for the good. Listen to Charles Ortel talks about exposing the company-wide fraud at GE. The same applies on a market-wide basis. Essential reading at this time is J.K. Galbraith’s The Great Crash. Devious managers never work alone, so think of the hours that go into plotting, I mean, meetings. They are also brown-nosers by character. I had a boss who used to physically rub his fingers over his nose as he came out of the DG’s office — every single time. In many corporations there is a parallel hierarchy, a shadow government if you like, that duplicates the formal one. It includes many of the same people but it serves different purposes. Catherine Austin Fitts describes how, when at Dillon Read, she had a corporate client in which there were three competing teams running the company: the CIA, the management and the institutional investors. Each thought it was in charge. I was a financial journalist (ahem, propagandist) for many years for the big-names in business news. Once the penny dropped for me I was aghast at how complex and powerful is the network required to run this deception. Takeaway: Incompetence cannot account for the wayward state of governance. The old adage, never ascribe to malice that which incompetence can explain, is useless in this context. It is misused, like Ockham, by people who are part of the deception or afraid to confront it. Sustainablity proves it, with sweet… Read more »
I know a scientist who built programs at state and federal level; of working with gov he said MO was: never time to do it right, always time to do it again.
The old adage
Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it. -George Santayana
In this case, the adage is obviously a “sponsored message”.
Stupifying levels of disingenuousness, even by their standards:
I love the way they act as if these “predictions” came out of nowhere… as if they weren’t one of the prime sewers pumping them out… as if they didn’t do exactly the same thing when US states like Florida and Texas ended lockdown – and with exactly the same results.
Of course the reasons they come up with are absolute nonsense and all designed to feed into future narratives (like the ending of the Euros). The most interesting part is that for the first time they appear to have noticed that people might be avoiding the testing regime. If so, it might be an encouraging sign that at least some people are starting to learn. Watch out for the introduction of testing for people who can’t escape it. At the moment they are dangling the carrot of near herd immunity hoping this will emotionally blackmail enough youngsters into falling into their hands.
I’m still expecting a sudden “surge” in cases when the elite return from their holidays. I seem to remember those false flags often seemed to abate in August only to pick up again in September. Terrorists like pathogens are so respectful of elite holidays.
Pathogens and “elites” belong to the same crime family.
New discussion from Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Amanda Vollmer, and Ramola D. Very interesting and helpful to hear their perspectives, information, and insights, including on graphene oxide.
Ramola D Reports, July 31, 2021
Dr. Andy Kaufmann and Dr. Amandha Vollmer discuss the real science behind the fraudulent PCR test, why the CDC has pulled the EUA for it, how nasal swabs are implicated in nose-to-brain access to the brain and central nervous system, microscopy findings of blood clots in the vaccinated, graphene in the vaccine portending brain access, neuro-control and neuro-imaging, and much more, in this conversation covering the mass pandemic fraud which is still being run by a complicit media-govt-corporate mechanism. Wealth transfer, control, eugenicide are all plausibly behind the continued carnage. People can and should say No they say, and saying No to the COVID tests is indeed one of the best things people can do to stop this entire pandemic fraud. Also discussed: healthy people transmitting disease (impossible!) and connections with the AIDS scare and swine flu scare from years ago.
Great Stuff. Kaufman has identified what in my opinion is an important scientific paper which he shows on the video. It proposes a method for delivering nonoparticles to the brain via the nose, and involves sticking a swab right up to the back of the nose, where there is a nerve that goes through to the brain that can serve as a channel for this. He is by no means claiming that this is what is going on during Covid tests, but it is food for thought.
There certainly is something extremely suspicious about that “swab” pushed way back to brain, especially when we’re told that the dreaded plague is transmitted through saliva and even through the air we breathe, hence the masks, right? Also knowing that DNA tests are accomplished by simply rubbing a swab against the inside cheek of one’s mouth for a sample, and one can’t help but see the nonsensical nature of these “tests.” The only way they make sense is if there’s something else going on — e.g. that the swabs are delivering something nefarious that only works with direct access to the brain.
This is indeed a worthwhile discussion; Kaufman has been commendably and credibly vocal about the ominous and dangerous aspects of the PCR swab.
I’ve seen a few comments from scamdemic/vax resisters who’ve been reluctantly forced by circumstances to submit to a PCR test, i.e. as a requirement to get a necessary surgical procedure, test negative, and are able to proceed without further complications and hassles.
They come away with the attitude of, “That wasn’t so bad, so if I just need to get tested again, even repeatedly, in lieu of getting the COVID injection or travel passport I can handle it.”
The risk of PCR-test related injury may be less than the risk of getting the pseudo-vaccine, but I hope these optimists watch Kaufman. It’s still like playing Russian roulette, even if the caliber of the “bullet” is smaller.
It’s astonishing to me that people who’ve submitted to it with no immediate adverse results are optimistic about the prospect of submitting to them frequently, as the draconian rules seem to require.
This is the case now here in Cyprus where if you work in an office you need a test every three days to be able to go to work.
Interested in gauging peoples’ reactions to yesterday’s session of the Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium. I watched the whole thing. Thankfully, despite a few hitches and contrary to Thursday’s disaster, it progressed smoothly and I found most of the presentations and discussions to be highly valuable. I wonder how much of an audience it attracted and hope many more will watch the recorded version. I really hope it can reach a good number of those currently sitting on the fence.
You can’t stop a flu epidemic with a vaccine. Medical authorities have been handing out annual flu shots for a hundred years but the flu is still with us. Thank Heavens (or thank evolution) the flu is not dangerous — and that applies to Corona flu 19.
“Insanity is to continually repeat the same experiment and expect a different result the next time” — attributed to Einstein.
“”Thank Heavens (or thank evolution) the flu is not dangerous”.
It never was – one reason the alleged death tolls of ‘Spenaish Flu’ vary so widely is that it was considered such a non-serious disease that governments didn’t routinely collect stats on it because it was seen as so unimportant. Further evidence that whatever happened in 1918-20 it wasn’t “flu” (along with the time of year it peaked, the age demographic it hit and the symptoms it produced – you know, just about everything).
I know I seems hard to believe, but there is no evidence that “the flu” existed much earlier than 1900. Very few infectious diseases of ANY kind (including ones like malaria) stick around for more than a century or so.
Also, strictly speaking, the flu IS dangerous – it killed far more children per year than Covid-19 ever has.
The meaning of “progressive” has not just been “shifted” by Max Boot; it has been entirely inverted.
Too late now, but I’d love to ask him, “Where does a human soul utterly without conscience come from? Were you abused as a child? Were your parents violent alcoholics?
How a man could make such a statement with a straight face is beyond me, but of course I wasn’t at that meeting.
If he said it with a smirk, just to get a laugh at the first meeting, of course it wouldn’t be so worrying, but the CIA’s reputation since 1981 has not by any means improved.
40 years later, we are living in a society riddled with clear evidence that he was being deadly serious.
What happened in 1996 when former OSS, ex CIA director Colby drowned canoeing with his just made lunch still on the kitchen counter?
Some posit he wasn’t on board with Epstein type ops, thus overboard he went.
Colby had loose lips and was talking so he had to go.
so perfectly corrupt
It’s time to be gathering evidence for a People’s Tribunal before which to haul the Useful Idiots employed by the corporate propaganda media.(aka ‘reporters’ ‘teevee news celebs’) to answer for their promotion of the governments FEAR campaign, etc.
Take note of every unscientifically unsound, and unproven, “Fact” uttered by them or published in their name.
Write each one a letter – polite, and NO threats – informing them you are collecting evidence for their trial,, and inform them that “Anything you say will be taken down and may be used as evidence against you.”
Also inform them they should start gathering evidence and ‘experts’ for their defence. There will be no truth and reconciliation process. But remember be polite, no threats.
I believe something like this strategy is the way to go, but we must also have in mind that it IS actually a threat to tell them that they will be put on trial, especially since we have not yet seen any evidence that such trials would be possible.
That’s why I am following Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s progress with the greatest interest, and it is heartening to see small-scale hearings taking place in various states and countries which are confronting actual individuals with the consequences of their policies and actions.
The authorities of course already have decades of propaganda experience and shared cunning behind them, so I think we must realistically expect them, for example, simply to call us ‘terrorists’, after which WE would be the ones who get arrested…
This must all be balanced and weighed if we are to find a workable solution.
I know I said I was going to try and practice unconditional love and emotionally detaching from my customers and the public…. But god give me fecken strength!!
Just had a former customer who I haven’t seen for ages come up and purchase the mag, then started asking if I’d been vaccinated.
I gave her a firm no, and then she said “you really should because I could catch it from you and give it to my 91 year old mother” so I replied ‘I will never get that stuff in me’. I briefly explained about the so called ‘vaccines’ and what they actually were. She then goes: “Where’s your mask, why aren’t you wearing a mask”? I looked her straight in the eye and said ‘I don’t do fascism’.
Within a few minutes another person I know, Bob, who basically knows it’s a scamdemic, who I’d sent a number of articles to a while back, and also told him to look at Offguardian came up and informed me: “I give up, I’m going to get the vaccine”. One of his music students is a Doctor who has sweet talked him into getting the jab.
He also said he knew someone who worked in the NHS in England who told Bob that its all the unvaccinated who are dying in the UK. Yep, people in the NHS are putting it out there the unjabbed are the ones dying. I just blew up and the F word was used a few times.
Sorry you resorted to bad language. Dialogue with Con-19 Believers is so nonsensical that my reaction has become like that of Bernard Shaw’s celebrated swearer: “I cannot do justice to the situation”.
Exasperated frustration Nick. And Irish blood. Yeah, I should’ve just changed the subject. And yes, I did apologise for swearing. The message in this video has actually helped me a lot mentally in the last month or so. Today, however, I forgot it.
I hear ya Gezzah.
Just arrived home from a rare trip to the supermarket with the mrs (she usually goes alone).
Five people wearing muppet masks. One was a pregnant person so I asked her if she was worried about lack of oxygen to her baby. Her friend and herself were both rough looking skanks and the reply I received wasn’t surprising in either it’s use of the F word and lack of correct grammar.
I just laughed and walked on. Then the wife gets in to me for “causing trouble” LOL.
I think she won’t ask me to accompany her next time.
The lies and lies and absurd lies fed to these people. Continuously. Did you see the clip of Brett Sutton at the start of The Crowhouse video when asked about false positives with the PCR tests, basically avoided the question with “we’ll look into it”. Notice his body language? Remember, this maggot is the brother in law of Jane Halton who was at Event 201 and who seems to be in charge of the covid pysops in Australia.
Three day lockdown in 11 South East Queensland council areas.
Apparently down here in Melbourne facemasks will be mandatory until the vast majority are jabbed. I went into Woolies twice today plus a cafe and a newsagent and no one said boo. In Woolies the first time, stood literally 5 feet from the security guard while waiting for my coffee and he walked off without saying a word about me flashing my naked face…
iN local super market on Thursday – I walked in, no sterilising, no nothing, walked up and down 5 aisles without anyone saying a word, was asked as I was paying, said no I wasn’t ever going to put on a face nappy and left. why the fuck these morons think that air borne means all the air and not the three feet in front of the person who might sneeze is beyond me
“these morons think that air borne means all the air and not the three feet in front of the person who might sneeze is beyond me”
Nice Marilyn, I will purloin that quote if I may.
“this maggot is the brother in law of Jane Halton who was at Event 201”
I did not know that. Wow.
True. Try finding that in the filth media Grrr. They’ve virtually whitewashed it so as not to get people putting 2 & 2 together. Sutton was deliberately placed here as Victorian Chief Health Officer for running the scam here.
Karma is coming for these bastards.
Here in Bris, the compliance is epic. I had made it my business to offer comments to masked morons but hardly bother any more. It’s just a torrent…an avalanche of woodducks out there oblivious to anything but TV narrative. The current bullshit has been extended week by week. I heard about this 3 day crap…design is, likely, to get people injected. The fixation on injecting people for a low casualty ‘virus’ is off the charts. I think one of the communist play book moves is chaos, absurdity, hysteria…stampede the herd…get them alarmed and disorientated…then direct them. All of that stuff.
Nevertheless, you may just have sown the seeds of the beginnings of doubt in that woman’s mind.
Pregnant women care about their babies, so she is likely to remember your question, even if she resents your presumption in ‘not minding your own business’…
On the other hand, maybe you care more about her unborn child than she does.
There are some awful people out there.
Don’t worry mate. I just saw a friend of 30 odd years and conflicted with his lame TV understanding of things. He’s a masker, an injector, a distancer. The lot. Very aggressive response to even the slightest attacks on his indoctrination. He’s desperate to be injected. He feels it is the responsible thing to do.
Before the jab it used to take about 10-20 minutes of 1:1 conversation before you could figure out whether someone was red-pill receptive. Now, it’s just a matter of looking for the mark of the beast.
Mark of the beast? You mean this mark of the beast Xavier? In literally every direction you look…
People are pretty eager to let you know they are a devout member of the flock, so wolves and wolves in sheep’s clothing are easy to spot.
The downside is that most socialisation is comprised of conversations with the walking dead, where it is considered impolite to point this out…
Sigh, what is it these people do not get? The “vaccine” manufacturers have been very clear that their magic jab will NOT make one immune, will NOT stop transmission, will ONLY “reduce symptoms” and nothing more. How these idiots can demand one take that shot while at the same time saying THEY who have can “catch it” from those of us who refuse is beyond absurd to me. But they refuse to see it, refuse to think AT ALL about just what they have done. I don’t blame you AT ALL for blowing up, I am so damned close to that so many days and I would indeed us many F bombs if I allowed myself to blow. As an anecdote, one of our vaxxed at work came down with the Megadeath Virus of Doom. So far, I am the only one unvaxxed that I know of, although some are indeed lying about it as my employer currently will not demand proof. I wear that damned diaper every day while the rest of them walk about without one. But they do not see that there seems to be a problem with the magic shot since one of their own got the MVD. Soon, we are all going back to the diaper wearing as the state has passed down yet another mask mandate. Funny how that works, isn’t it? Hang in there. I know you already know there are many of us feeling just as you do every day. I like to hope someday these idiots will wake up, but that’s only in the rare optimistic moments I still sometimes have. They’ll take the rest of us into full blown fascism and not bat an eye until THEY are directly threatened by it. And then watch them bleat on about how… Read more »
I’m just on my way to sell at a Farmers Market where literally all my customers read The Guardian or The Age (Australian equivalent of the Guardian) watch ABC and think the Labour Party is progressive! Or vote for the Greens.
Your comment is good timing Lizzy because there I’ve had to seriously bite my tongue. One phone call to The Big Issue office and I can be sacked.
I share your frustration! I even showed some of them this image
They still didn’t get it. I really think the real core of why they comply to the letter is a fear of death, and a lack of genuine spiritual connection and a very strong groupthink mindset here in Australia. Don’t rock the boat… What will the neighbours think type mindset.
And they all believe the vaccines are actually vaccines.
From my experience you can show them articles from sites like here and there’ll be no response as if they never looked at it, or if you bring the subject up they’ll go: “I believe there was a pandemic and millions and millions of people died”. As happened the last time I was at those Markets.
Have a good week Lizzy…
I have a sign on my door that says, “Non-Vexxed Lives Matter”.
Eventually some will be curious and ask why of my stance.
My answer, “Anyone, whether they have fear of the Coronadoom or not, that gets the ‘jab’ for any convenience excuse has PROSTITUTED THEIR PERSONAL AND HEALTH SOVEREIGNTY, for the PROMISE of life going back to “normal!”
Your last paragraph sums up the majority of my customers who have already had the jab, and who believe there is a deadly pandemic. They also dutifully wear the masks and scan the QR codes as well. Full compliance no matter how ridiculous it all seems.
Did meet 5 covid sceptics at the suburb I was in today, which is a record for one day and noticed a number of others not wearing facemasks despite them being mandatory outside. I take that as a positive!
And in the San Francisco Bay Area, very “progressive,” a prominent music venue has announced that patrons will be required to provide proof of being jabbed in order to be admitted, even with tickets already purchased. This is Terrapin Crossroads in San Rafael, owned by former Grateful Dead member Phil Lesh. Jerry Garcia, who would have turned 79 this coming Sunday, must be doing cartwheels in his grave. And some milieus which claim to be the continuation of the whole thing are enthusiastic about this turn. This is a big reason why this op has been so successful in the US: it’s been successfully sold to “progressives” as being about public safety, and of course something a “progressive” should support since Trump is (allegedly) against it.
The only cartwheels a proven asset like Garcia would be turned would be ones of celebration that they’ve pulled off another stunt that the ignorant masses have fallen for that will ruin so many more lives that his “acid tests”.
Anyone foolish enough to still believe ‘The Grateful Dead’ were organic needs to read Irvin and Atwill’s ‘Manufacturing the Dead Head’.
Anyone who relies on books written about an experience vs being in it will fall for anything. Which reminds me that you charged David Crosby (a close friend of Garcia) was an asset, but never explained why he talked about the US government being behind the JFK assassination.
As the saying goes, I’m not trying to C my way into a conversation between A and B.
But I can’t resist observing that one problem with debunker logic, especially when it comes to identifying supposed state-security assets, moles, “controlled opposition”, etc. is that there are ready-made circular, self-confirming, unfalsifiable clichéd rebuttals to dispense with such questions.
One predictable explanation is “Aha! The asset’s handlers encourage the asset to occasionally express contrarian, skeptical, “radical” positions in order to enhance the asset’s bona fides and reduce or eliminate suspicion that the individual is indeed an asset.”
There’s probably a term of spycraft for this, similar to “plausible deniability” or “sheep-dipping”. Boosting “street cred”, maybe.
“Leaked Internal CDC Memo Shows They Knew COVID Vaccinated Can Spread the Virus
“The Washington Post has secured an internal, confidential CDC document showing the CDC not only was aware that the COVID-19 vaccine wasn’t going to work in some people — coined “breakthrough cases” — but that they also knew that “primary vaccine failure” would occur among the immunocompromised and elderly.
Not only that, they also knew that “Delta variant vaccine breakthrough cases may be as transmissible as unvaccinated cases.”
“The PDF documents, available on the Post’s website as a PDF slide presentation, also show that the CDC expected more vaccine-failure cases as more people were vaccinated. Even so, in boldface type, the CDC slide presentation said it was important to describe those cases as “rare” or a “small percentage” of the total cases — and to recommend universal masking to reduce as the answer to the breakthrough cases.
“At current incidence, 35,000 symptomatic infections per week among 162 million vaccinated Americans,” one slide with graphs says. Deaths in vaccinated individuals were also predicted to rise sharply, beginning in May 2021.
“The documents are stamped “CONFIDENTIAL” in red capital letters.”
–WA Post July 29 as quoted & linked by
They are spreading this ‘leaked’ nonsense a)to keep up the propaganda of a real and deadly virus b)to justify continued lockdowns, masking and vax forever. Like most ‘leaks’ it’s a plant.
On the one hand, I am happy that these leaks are there. They might lead to exposing some of the culprits behind this scheming, and it might lead to an end of all the bullshit we’ve been through in the last 1.5 years On the other hand, I am annoyed by these leaks. They certainly look like controlled demolition. It’s like reading a story within a story (as in the Arabs pulled down the WTC, and who may have something to do with 911, but not with demolishing the WTC). It’s all storytelling. ‘The cdc wrote’, ‘Pfizer says’, etc. Who cares what the cdc wrote or what Pfizer says. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can deduce that a) Pfizer is a company that exists because it wants to make profit and b) that these so called vaccines never ever can work, as is obvious if you read the damn trial results (where fi in the Pfizer trial 100s of patients in the vaccine arm went missing, uhhh might that explain why in the vaccine arm only 8 ‘tested’ positive, and there is much more in the trials that stinks to high heaven) All who are in this game: pharma, academia, politicians, journalists have been lying to us by only one means: through audacity. Yes, people who did this to the gullible population at large should be hold into account, and the leaks might just do that. To some, while all the other culprits (which includes the liars who made a career out of their lying, but also the many many gullible OCD types who fell for it and secretly liked it) can raise their arms and say: ‘I did not know! If only I had known about these leaks, I, of course, would not have believed in the lie!’… Read more »
yes from day one of that vax shit even i figured out it had little do do with stopping any form of cold/flu and i have no science degree etc…. all just smelt to high heaven and i learnt long ago not to trust stats as i was once worked for Aust Bureau of Stats……smile.
I enrolled in a community college after I left my longtime job in journalism and had to take the entry exams. I failed math and had to take a remedial class. I loved re-learning algrebra, geometry, trig, and calculus.
After years of understanding how words can be used to sell just about anything I told myself math was pure and true. (Silly me!)
There came a point where I realized numbers can be crunched to come up with predetermined outcomes and I lost my desire to continue to higher level math.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
yep, they love the lie, BAM!! there it is – they were/are all playing starring roles in an appalling movie, but they’re stars, they are significant now and they have a global diktat to put you in your place, heretic!! ,
fukn hollow beings.
Gadzooks I never ever thought there were so many at large. This episode is not reducing my sociopathy ; )
even microsoft news is carrying the story that vax and unvax can catch and spread about equally……apparently they cannot deny what is happening at Cape Cod……whatever….. of course it is back to masks because somehow they are going to stop the spread by anyone etc ……. and i guess the thing about short distance travel…..which is part of the agenda 30.
They claim the vaxxed are spreading something or catching something but the reality is they are getting sick and dying with horrific diseases in the tens of thousands. 2,000+ a week are getting sick in Australia and the doctor blew the gaff when he said all the people in ICU in NSW were jabbed
Like the plan for 15 minute cities.
“primary vaccine failure would occur among the immuno-compromised and elderly.”
OffG reported last year that a group of Medics for Truth said it there is little use in vaccinating the elderly against flu. Fortunately flu is not particularly dangerous even to elderly patients — and that applies to Covid-19.
But here in the US, even in Florida, there is such a focus on vaccinating the elderly—‘to protect them of course.’
At the start of the covid shitshow there was also the pro-vax argument that everyone should get injected in order to protect the vulnerable (elderly,HIV,cancer patients) but they want to inject anyone they can lay their hands on.
The existence of this and any virus remains a cultish theory that remains to be proven. What the jabs cause to be spread is the spike protein. So, what caused (severe) “covid” before the jabs? Maybe a special version of the flu jabs. At the epicentre in Italy, old folk had been jabbed twice or more. Also note the claim – with testing suspended and treatment withheld – that flu has almost disappeared, though WHO is reviving it minimally just in case it has to fall back.
mgeo, be careful you don’t believe what you WANT to believe, instead of what’s true.
Re: disappearance of flu– it’s a commonly observed phenomenon that one variant of respiratory disease will actually knock out another, like influenza A instead of influenza B for instance.
Re: the idea that to demonstrate existence of a virus one must create a pure pile of virus particles w/o any admixture is a naive and impossible requirement. It’s ignorant and discrediting to continue to maintain such a notion.
If one wishes to establish that the evidence supporting the virus existence is false, one must actually confront that evidence– not a simplistic strawman.
I personally think it does exist because the disease which results when the virus succeeds in creating a strong infection is characteristically vascular– unlike other viral infections.
I understand the wish to simplify the discussion through denying there is a “covid illness.” But you can’t do it by mere assertion wedded to a strawman. You’re discrediting yourself and ghettoizing this site.
The criminals have announced a snap 3 day mass home detention starting at 4.00PM today for Brisbane.
This is to stop protests as the pigs have more “laws” they can use to clear streets.
They want to paint a picture of happy people accepting poison stabs. No public protests, no unhappy citizens!
And it’s about punishment too.
Hey how bout those 300 military troops invading the ethnic neighborhoods of Sydney!!!
Oz: the BioTech prison colony supreme. Not to put too fine a ‘point’ on it. Yep it’s Astra/Pfizer injection bayonets folks!!!
The Washington Post reported:
“‘I think the central issue is that vaccinated people are probably involved to a substantial extent in the transmission of delta,’ Jeffrey Shaman, a Columbia University epidemiologist, wrote in an email after reviewing the CDC slides.
The Post also reported today on a CDC study revealing three-fourths of people infected in a Massachusetts COVID outbreak were vaccinated. The report bolsters the hypothesis that vaccinated people can spread the more transmissible variant, and may be a factor in the summer surge of infections.
Have a nice day BioTech INMATES!!!
Hadn’t heard about that. The whole thing is unspeakably lame and creepy. Just saw an old, old friend today who is desperate to be injected. Dumbfounding.
The unhappy people are begging for a jab of poison, I have never seen anything so hysterical and dangerous
Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere), just like they did last year lockdown around this time.
It could be said that every time heavily armed bully boys Obey Orders from On High to lay into rallying protesters, it’s a confirmation of the Milgram Experiment: people will inflict pain and injuries on others if ordered to do so.
Given how essential they are to repressing opposition to the bioweapon injections, surely their injection by the toxic substance would undermine their effectiveness ?
I really do hope cops are accepting the poison stab. I hope the mothafuckas clot and die.
Here in France, whilst healthcare workers will lose their jobs, if not jabbed by 15th Seprember, cops have no such obligation.
For true believers in the virus and its arch nemesis, the ‘vaccine’, these desease ridden cops must be terryfying. You can keep your distance from all humanity, but when a cop approaches you, keeping your distance isn’t an option.
Protesting again today, hopefully with growing numbers !!!
‘Anti……Anti pass sanitaire!!`
It would be interesting to see if any cops anywhere have tested positive and had to isolate for 2 weeks. I’m not aware of any, but happy to be corrected if someone knows how to get these figures. If one had they would have had to close a whole station down.
It must be another amazing coincidence. One would think that since they are not jabbed and getting involved in mass protests and approching many people daily, one would think at least one would have caught the super spreader delta triangle strain by now.
Well the virus is selective in who it attacks and where it attacks. Remember in restaurants it only exists 4′ above floor level so that’s why muppet masks can be removed when sitting.
some Met cop posted this at height, or just after, the madness last year. He pointed out that on any 7-day shift rota, between his direct shift and all the other “police” he encountered, 300 different people, never mind the public.
Yet no one had went down with the killer bug and no-one was being tested, and social distancing was non-existent.
I also remember were the police told not to upload track and trace shtuff to their phones??
WCH, you may have found a good wee trojan there.? .. : )
“For true believers these disease ridden cops must be terrifying.”
True Believers in Con-19 will believe anything Authority tells them: unvaxxed health workers are dangerous, but unvaxxed cops are not; because cops are Authority, and Authority is the basis of Belief.
If you need healthcare, you’re not fit. Healthcare is a luxury soon to be discontinued.
A healthy police force is essential, and to be continued.
masters and slaves
I used to think crossword puzzles were an unintentional corrupter of word meaning . So many who try to solve the puzzles assume the clue provided means the same as the answer being sought. But the biggest corrupters are Orwell’s Comrade Symes, the useful idiots glorified as ‘reporters’ who are employed by the corporate propaganda media. They remind me of the saying “People can be fooled by their intelligence.”
And if there’s any inventors out there listening, how about designing a duckspeak device i can affix to my teevee, one that goes “quack, quack, quack…” everytime a politician, or teevee ‘reporter’, quacks something.
It’s been suggested wearing one of those conical party hats for a mask at the next protest gathering, to avoid arrest for breaching covid-law by being unmasked. Bring along one of those quacker-horns too. Make it a quacking-good event.
Better still, cut a hole at the point of the hat and use one of those New Year’s rollup whistles poking through so we can all look like those “Cootie” game bugs.
IM Doc again, later in the same thread. July 24, 2021 at 12:13 pm For several weeks – dating back to mid May – I was seeing groups of fully vaccinated patients becoming positive – but asymptomatic. Most of these situations arose because one member of the family or group was found to be positive because of foreign travel – or having surgery or whatever. As this became more and more common – I began to be very concerned about what the future may hold. And the Health Department and CDC were just ambivalent. The guidance of the local health department was to ignore this – “they are vaccinated – there is no way they can spread, etc.”. Just as the CDC guidance was telling them to do. I do not much like to have armed nuclear warheads sitting around, and I am very persistent – so I ordered the contact tracing on my own – every close family member or close contact was checked. And to my absolute horror – large clusters of them were positive. But at that time, they were asymptomatic- almost every single one. I have been dutifully reporting these numbers to Yves and Lambert for weeks. Then about a month ago – something changed. People were then starting to become ill – and come to clinical attention that way. There were no longer just the asymptomatic patients. And again – on my own – ordered the contact tracing – and found the same thing. Multiple vaccinated family members positive. Multiple bridge group members positive. Multiple church members positive, etc etc. And lately – socials around the July 4th weekend were also clustered. At that point in time – there was no one sick enough to be in the hospital. But the vaccinated… Read more »
There was no evidence of a pandemic in all-cause mortality in the US in 2020. This doctor doesn’t specify age of these sick patients, he seems to take the ludicrous PCR test at face value and generally seems to be on the covid band waggon spreading alarm. Makes me very suspicious. A2
One dot on its own … nor do a few … complete a picture….
But if one connects many dots… the picture begins to look like
The vaccine will turn us into crocodiles before killing us?
made me laugh (rare event). ta
He’s referring to the mid-May onwards period .. and I don’t see where he says anything about accepting false PCR
What he is describing in both posts is that vaxxed people are spreading and showing up in hospital….
This is being confirmed in other sources
And of course
The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous
Interview with Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology
This is exactly what this front line doctor seems to be experiencing
Anyone who accepts a PCR is accepting a false PCR. Super duper killer covid is as PCR-based as the rest of it. All nonsense. People need to understand the PCR test is a lie. Therefore ‘covid’, new or regular, is a lie.
…especially now that Gates and Soros own one of the companies that manufacture the tests.
Dr Robert Malone has stated the PCR should not be used for these purposes – he also says:
The Vaccine Causes The Virus To Be More Dangerous
Interview with Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology
Do you disagree?
What about :
Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.
And finally
French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease.
Let’s revisit what happened when they tried to develop a vaccine for SARS … didn’t work out so well did it.
You are dead wrong Sophie — Bossche warned of this in March – and said it would hit during summer… and it is beginning to hit.
This is an extermination … does not matter if you disagree — you can screech and moan and wail.
But it is going down. It’s too late to stop it – there are well over 2 billion variant factories who have been injected with the leaky vaccine.
Make your peace.
Malone is caught in the same paradox as many. If the PCR is useless they have no way of knowing ‘the virus’ even has existence outside the lab. We have been talking about this at OffG. They have infectious deaths but no way of knowing a single one of them is caused by ‘Covid’. Which makes claims ‘the virus’ will become more dangerous totally meaningless speculation.
Does it not occur to you this might be a way of hiding vax deaths?
‘Oh no the vaccine accidentally made a killer variant’ sells a lot better than ‘oh no the vax is killing everyone who gets it’.
But the SARS-Cov-2 is just a public relations campaign to WEAPONIZE the Influenza+Pneumonia Complex!
Therefore the vaccines are killing, NOT the vaccines are making the virus lethal.
Sophie … the CEP = death … why are you so terrified that you would reject my comments?
Death is the surely the greatest adventure… are you not curious?
Sorry, you are just promoting fear porn retooled for less discerning skeptics. The only real threat is the vax, which is an unknown with unknown adverse effects.
The stuff you are citing is based on exactly the same useless test as everything else
I get sick of even doctors who know better babbling about cases and making little graphs
You seem to be a doctor but do not mention 2 trends since the mass jabs:
:- the sharply lower ages of the victims
:- that some of the victims were not jabbed, and had only had extended contact with the jabbed.
Hey Fast Eddy?
Can you point to Any research paper beyond the CDC paper of June 2020 and the Wuhan paper of Feb 2020 that actually isolates the SARS-CoV-2 virus in ITS ENTIRETY, not elucidated with off the shelf primers and “missing sequences” deduced from computer algorithms?
IM Doc writes from the frontlines: July 24, 2021 at 8:18 am About the French Guyana paper from the CDC This is how science – the actual process – not the Fauci version – should be working. I have repeatedly stated that I am seeing much much more vaccinated positives than one would ever have expected. As I have stated, they seem to be much sicker (though not critically so) and they tend to happen in clusters. For the past two months, this has stuck out from the dominant media narrative. I have never had to fight the cognitive dissonance between the media and my own eyeballs in my life. I belong to a large non-public alumni group of my residency program that has literally thousands of IM docs all over America. The first thing a scientist does is to confirm that your observations are general or something you are just seeing. It was quickly obvious from that group that I was far from alone despite the “minimal breakthrough cases” media narrative. So, then you do everything you can to hypothesize reasons why you are seeing what you are. I have been a physician for 30 years and that experience plays a huge role as well. Having this gigantic number of breakthrough cases just simply does not happen. I continue to see more than half the cases in vaccinated patients and so do many others. UNHEARD OF IN VACCINES BEFORE NOW. Part of hypothesizing why is looking to the literature for evidence. Seldom is this found in RCT at this stage. Case reports and series like this paper are critical. They are seeing the same breakthrough ratio. And they have done a lot more viral research than you can. This is a gold mine for my own questions. Is there… Read more »
Biden Announces Forced “Inconveniences” for the Unvaccinated Americans
scy, btw, the guy in the link isn’t Biden. It’s “Ears”, his stand-in. Don’t s’pose it matters as both are mere masks for TPTB.
I agree on stand in. This Biden doesn’t look anything like Biden. And it’s funny how many people focus on his stammering instead of seeing that this person DOES NOT LOOK like Biden at all.
Maybe it’s just me😩?
Naw, if you see side-by-side pics, this guy has different ears. Unmistakable.
He has had cosmetic surgery, and hair transplants (he is a vain prick); maybe the face lifts changed the appearance of the earlobes.
“According to a new Axios/Ipsos poll, a whopping 45% of unvaccinated Americans who are not at all likely to get a COVID vaccine are Republicans. Compare that to just 12% of the same group who are Democrats.”
That’s what they’re using, in the states, to claim it’s Trump supporters, in particular white male Trump supporters, who are going to cause the rest of them to all die gnarly deaths via the fake virus. Which pisses me off because I’m a white male and I hate Trump.
Here’s a stat they don’t mention, well over a third of registered voters are independents, and almost half of all eligible voters are independents. It’s amazing how we let them continue to tie everything to these two corrupt oligarchy controlled political parties.
PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor: ‘White Male Conservative Voters’ to Blame For New CDC Crackdown (
Stop believing anything to do with the fake contrived government corporation left vs right paradigm that is used to implement a divide and conquer strategy against the people.
It is all political theater.
Two doors that lead to the same slaughterhouse.
Two wings of the same predator bird.
Um, you probably should say, “people should stop believing . . “, otherwise it looks like you’re directing that at me, and if you knew me, you’d know that’s kind of condescending. I’ve been outspoken against the “two corrupt oligarchy politic al parties” and the US national political system for a long time.
But ya, you’re right.
“The Republicratics, the political racket so criminal and corrupt it needs to aliases.”
Then there’s this one from W.E.B. Dubois in 1956 when he was 88 years old and had seen it all.
W.E.B. Dubois, I Won’t Vote (
I believe Trump was installed in preparation for 2020 and beyond. The ultimate strawman you can point at, and condemn. Each time I even attempt to share my view with my family or friends, they look at me in horror and ask if I’m a member of QAnon. The surface level response from all people will be that you support Trump if you refuse the injection. And it’s been made perfectly acceptable to attack and harass these people with zero repercussions. Clever bastards, these propagandists. Trump was probably paid very nicely for his contribution to the theater
Great comment I 100% agree. I have never voted and my whole life have worked against the grain and only ever openly disparaged US clown show politics. My wife’s only response to any of the 9 million coronacircus lies when we are able to talk about it which is almost never is to compare me to tUcckeR, Trump, or Stephen Miller. Partial truths have more credibility (like Alex Jones on a grand scale Trump was). Trump shared a mentor with Epstein, Mr Roy Cohn so that’s proof he was groomed for something big from early on in his ‘career’. People want it to be that simple and binary, and not only that but dismiss the two really important functions of the Trump psyop (at the symbolic level only I’m talking)—1. Those that voted for him for various reasons but biggest as a rejection of DC/NY/CA Neoliberalism can be dismissed summarily and any of their concerns are invalid b/c they are ‘racists’ All of those ‘Trumptards’ can be dismissed in fact they are subhuman 2. Anyone who questions coronacircus in any way ‘sounds like Trump’.
How much more mileage can they get out of this fake ass populist oligarch piece of shit?
My thoughts exactly.
In the Guardian today they are reporting an opinion poll from the office for ONS here in the UK which states that 95% of people still wear masks when out and about. Funny that, because at the gig I worked at last night with 300 people packed into a small room, there wasn’t a single mask in sight, nor were there any on the thousands of other people out and about in town on Friday night. We must all be part of that dangerous, selfish and inconsiderate 5% of granny killers then hey?
In other words, pure lies from the ONS and the Guardian. As if I expected anything less.
Ah, those three words…
We. Let. Them.
I suggest anyone thinking of joining any protests makes sure to bring a nice robust hardback copy of the Oxford English Dictionary.
It can be extremely useful for clearing up any semantic disagreements that might arise.
What about “antisemitic’ arguments?
Those arguments are always contrived and devoid of facts by one particular side so aren’t really arguments; more like facts Vs shrill lies.
Next door, mate.
whats a ‘antisemitic’ argument? r u a NSO Pegasus rep?
Note: My ^ click resulted in ^1 and -2v <=someone is messing with things? also note that several of most post have not appeared. then think about my comment which follows: If A =Semite and B= Anti Semite and A or B is a closed classification system. one is included in group a or group b, but cannot be a member of both group A and group B, holds true for each time T. if A = Demo and B = Retard and A or B is a closed classification system, one is included in Group a or group b, but cannot be a member of both group A and group B, holds true @ each time T. if A = Victim and B = Perpetrator and A or B is a closed classification system, one is included in Group a or group b, but cannot be a member of both group A and group B, holds true, for each event, conducted @ each time T. However,, if the system is open, then Statement_______AND__________ Its negation. “A or B”____________________”not A and not B” “A and B”___________________”not A or not B”” if A, then B”_________________”A and not B”” For all x, A(x)”_______________”There exist x such that not A(x)” “There exists x such that A(x)”__”For every x, not A(x)” Logic is the basis for the design of <=most professionally produced propaganda. The intention of professionally produced propaganda is <=either mind control or behavior control. Interesting experiment <= parse (read) published news articles written by the same well know reporters of the news. Parse(read) the article using each logic, and each position of the logic <= requires parsing the article several times ID your self to be victim=A not victim=B and negate each logical statement. Understanding the logic in the content of most… Read more »
Re. The up/down votes. It’s not strange. At any one time there are hundreds of people reading this page. Some of them vote, but the votes don’t register for you until you refresh your browser. When YOU vote your browser refreshes automatically and any votes cast since you last refreshed will all show up at once. Simples.
Lol I just upvoted something and three votes tallied and I wondered. And then here you are right on cue to explain it:-)
“Maybe no other word has had its meaning as brutally violated as “progressive” in the last decade.”
Hilarious, indeed, if it weren’t so deadly menacing.
This inverted meaning of progressive applied today reminds me of the good old “Democratic Republic of Germany”, which was anything but. Other examples still abound.
Inversion of everything true and benevolent is THE hallmark of the satanic mob the world is suffering under.
We are not a Democracy.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what will be for dinner.
We are a Representative Constitutional Republic.
The very reason we have an electoral college.
A bit shaky, yea olde definition of Democracy. Our reality seems more Demoncracy. The leaders of the Sold World are in lockstep, seamlessly assisted by the billionaire owned msm. Deals with The Devil 🤘 are done, Hell is preparing for a HUGE season & God is dead. Mission Accomplished, Mr Gates!!!🧑🚀👩💻🤴
Terrorist definitions: Good terrorist beheaders driven by ideology=Saudis. Bad terrorist beheaders driven by ideology=ISIS. “Saudi Arabia, an ISIS That Has Made It,” NY Times op-ed, 11/20/2015, by Kamel Daoud
It never ceases to amaze me just how easy it is for some people –the author of this article, for instance– to create their own reality, in which only their favored interpretation of any circumstance is the actual one, where any contradictory facts are entirely ignored or –better still– turned on their heads and forced to serve as their own opposites, and, finally, wherein which it is permissible and expected for any lie –no matter how blatant– to be taken as the “gospel” truth.
It must be very nice, indeed, to exist in such a bubble of self-deceiving bliss.
“It must be very nice, indeed, to exist in such a bubble of self-deceiving bliss”
Please do continue to live in yours, we really wouldn’t want to burst that precious bubble of yours, mainly because of all the shit it contains.
Is it just me or why does it seem like murder Merkel has been about to retire for the past decade?
She’s Nefertiti’s mummy.