The Cult of WTF
Lucy Davies

Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash
If you’re finding yourself muttering WTF a lot more than usual; every story in the news, every advert on tele, every letter from your child’s school, every shop you go into, every phone call with that person you used to like &/ or be related to etc…
Welcome to ‘the cult of WTF’.
I think we were previously known as ‘the cult of batshit crazy conspiracy theorists’, then it all came true & it got embarrassing.
Please know that you are not mentally ill, you are not a conspiracy theorist (albeit only in the sense that it’s not a theory; they are indeed out to get you), & you are not alone. It’s actually a wonderful place to be.
You might feel like you’re mentally ill, but this is only because our society is very sick, & being healthy in a sick society is for want of a better expression, fucking hard work.
You might think you’re a conspiracy theorist, but this is only because the people out to get you coined this phrase a long time ago to discredit anyone beginning to WTF in their direction.
You might think you’re alone, but this is only because when you walk into a shop & WTF at the rules, face masks (& soon to be vaccine barcode stations), you will have no idea how many other people’s WTF-ometers are close to breaking point too.
So, how do we know who else is in the cult of WTF?
How do we find each other?
How do we know who we can talk to about all the WTF’s & know we’re in safe company?
The answer is simple: Smiling.
The modern day equivalent of the freemason handshake. It’s happening in supermarkets all across the land. Like a shining beacon in a sea of thick fog, you notice the rarity of a face.
You notice the absence of a lanyard.
You feel your excitement build.
You take the plunge.
You look them in the eye…
…And you know.
An entire conversation plays out somewhere above your heads, & without a single word being passed between you, you feel what can only be described as an intimate connection.
WTF just happened?
Why do I love this stranger?
Am I a lesbian?
No it’s not like that.
I felt love though…
That’s how we communicate in the cult of WTF.
It’s awesome.
There’s no initiation ceremony, you don’t have to ask to join, you do it completely by accident, sometimes after much resistance – like being swept down a river & trying to hang onto the weeds because if you let go you don’t know where you’ll end up or who with. You’re scared you’ll turn weird… but everything already is weird – that’s why you’re WTF’ing so much.
You can’t help it, you have to let go eventually; the dirty weeds can’t hold you anymore. And they stink.
Then you find yourself here. With the rest of us!
You might feel a bit awkward in this new territory, especially if you might’ve previously put one of these 😂 on one of our very serious anti-establishment Facebook posts… But we’ll let that go & give you a hug anyway.
That’s how we roll here.
Here, there is no place for bitching, snitching, controlling, trolling or Matt Hancock. We own our bodies, we own our minds & we allow others to do the same.
I know. Maverick.
We use words that make the BBC cross – words like freedom & sovereignty. We don’t care. We crack on anyway.
There are so many more of us than you’d ever know, & we’re quietly building a different way; one that doesn’t require permission to breathe.
The cult of WTF is really the New Earth in disguise.
The doors are always open, please feel free to join us at any time.
Lucy is a naturopathic nutritionist with a love of writing, cooking, fermenting, energy & sound healing, & cutting through the crap. You get in touch with her through her website, or read more of her thoughts on her blog.
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I don’t smile. And yesterday in a city bus stop this rather mentally other younger guy really cheerful, perhaps the meds, me for sure, he maybe and we had a very entangled distant swerving exchange of phase-phrases that unrehearsed blended and then his bus came and last minded idea was to head for another nonaligned mental dimension and continue whenever – which is a wtf moment, gap, interval and absence to the others on the footpath who form the background noise.
Absolutely brilliant article. Thank you so much for putting a smile on my WTF face.
I thought I was going crazy, but I think I’ve been just getting normal.
I’ll happily smile back to all you WTF-ers from now on.
Antonin Artaud wrote about the growing surrealism of society 100 years ago, or so, and pointed out then that we have an abundance of psychic anomalies, not because we are sick, but because society grows more so by the hour. I guess it’s a question of perspective for those who can’t “triangulate” and see what’s going on, but Artaud put it as he, and only he, can:
“You can say all you want about the mental health of Van Gogh who, during his lifetime, cooked only one of his hands and other than that did no more than cut off his left ear…
….present-day life goes on in its old atmosphere of prurience, of anarchy, of disorder, of delrium, of dementia, of chronic lunacy, of bourgeois inertia, of psychic anomaly (for it isn’t man but the world that has become abnormal), of deliberate dishonesty and downright hypocrisy, of a mean contempt for anything that shows breeding,*
of the claim of an entire order based on the fulfilment of a primitive injustice,
in short, of organized crime.
Things are bad because the sick conscience now has a vital I in not getting over it’s sickness.
So a sick society invented psychiatry to defend itself against the investigations of certain visionaries whose faculties of divination disturbed it.” (2)
‘This is psychosis. I had been trained to diagnose myself psychotic.’
This was excerpted in the valuable map of a book, “Wisdom, Madness, and Folly” by R. D. Laing, way ahead of the curve in developing a modern psychology. The final line is his.
* “a mean contempt of breeding” best describes the reigning bully mentality of much of USAmerica rather unidimensional “exceptrionalism”, itself a reflection of its corporate structure. Artaud, like Graham Greene, was keenly aware of that trait, and neither were fans.
pardon the typos, there was no edit function available for some reason, should read: “delirium” and “vital interest in not getting over its sickness” and “exceptionalism”.
Jose Luis Borges wrote about this years ago. Sect of the Phoenix.
JLB was a blind seer. He sprang me free from a deadening High School, in 1969, with his book in a New Directions printing, “Labyrinths”. As exemplary, about the nature of labyrinths and its reflection of disorder and dysfunction in the world I saw then around me, at 17yo, I wrote a critique of it and got it back from my English prof with the red ink comment, “Your paper is a labyrinth, and it concerns me about you.”
Voila. I rest my case! LOL
Thanks for this Lucy. Smile at everyone, the unmasked and especially the masked. Surely people will come to realise how important unspoken communication is and how damaging it is to forbid it? And how much we’ve all missed it? We need to help people appreciate this while we have the chance. If the next few weeks are chock-full of smiles then people might just show more resistance to the next lockdown.
I love you for this and plan on getting to work today. Come to think of it, i’ve already been doing it but wasn’t aware that I was!
It’s only the better part of a hundred years ago that Jiddu Krishnamurti made his most often recited statement about this present society – which is the same as the old one:
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
However, Krishnamurti did not think this one all the way through. Because there are countless relationships one can have with the profoundly sick society. And none of them appear to be a measure of health.
It is also no measure of health to not being well adjusted to the profoundly sick society.
As the example of the melé by the Schutzpolizei in Berlin clearly shows.
The only people that are profiteering from the profoundly sick society and who extend its life each and every time – are those from the Billionaires’ club.
Tough to get rid of those in a profoundly sick society that worships money above anything else.
Meet the new profoundly sick society – same as the old profoundly sick society.
Oh, I think Krishnamurti did think this one all the way through.
He was more than a smart man. He was a wise one.
None of what you say actually undermines his statement, although it is certainly interesting further food for thought.
Throughtout my grown life, I considered/consider him a real treasure. Anybody diving into his lectures/books will find a mind that is determined to set mankind free.
Pondering about the fact, I realized that the profoundly sick society can have nothing good coming from it. It can only hurt everybody at one point. Some sooner, some later. How much I’d appreciate Krishnamurti’s take on the plandemic.
Another excellent point is:
“Why haven’t you changed?”
Maybe we should get bar codes tattooed on our arms to identify each other! Or some other code tattoo!
Think of the efficiency!
You already got that bar code about you.
Thank you for this. I was beginning to wonder…
I need some new conspiracy theories. All my old ones came true. There has perhaps been no greater bastardization of the language than “conspiracy theorist”. The negative connotations were manufactured out of whole cloth. How in Hell would you ever discover a conspiracy without a theory there was one? By accident I suppose, but rarely.
I resent that too. A conspiracy theory comes about when you suspect something nefarious and you have some but not all of the information needed to confirm. Conspiracies exist. And they are deliberately hidden. Do you think that those with evil plans advertise their intentions? (Klaus Schwab being an exception.) Pretending conspiracies do not exist just makes you more vulnerable.
Mine unfortunately is busy coming true.
I really needed this today. Thank you xXx
My T-Shirt says “I’m in the control group”
A bit of an insider joke I’m afraid. The average double-jabbed mask-wearing twat doesn’t probably know what a control group is.
“I identify as vaccinated!”
😂 too funny!
saw a man with a t shirt that said i am exempt from the bullshit !!
Love this…
This is a big story: They are preparing the groundwork for vaccinating children age 6-12. For now, the threatened stick is that the kids won’t be allowed to go to school anymore.
On July 30, 2021, the Kaiser Family Foundation published market research on achieving a high rate of vaccine coverage among those under age 12, pointing out that “reaching younger children may pose new challenge”, but where “schools will also likely play an important role in providing information and outreach to parents, and in some cases offering or requiring vaccination, particularly for those parents who say they want to wait and see or will only vaccinate their child if schools require it.”
I wonder how long before the under-12s get to do “their own vaccine choices” without the parents knowing, and with suitable incentives (Ice cream! – no 6-year old will resist that one…)
I will take my child out of school of my own volition if vaccination becomes a requirement. I was close to doing it when they made them wear face-nappies, but my wife talked me out of it. But there’s a line, and I’m drawing it.
It might be time to teach even young kids how to say no and firmly stick to it, in case they get ambushed by a surprise vaccination drive.
You should mention that the Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-profit foundation that focuses on health care policy in the US. It comes from the same stable — but is not affiliated with — Kaiser Permenante, a very large non-profit Health Maintenance Organization based primarily on the west coast of the US. Its a highly rated operation which is similar in vertical integration and general properties to the British National Health Service. KFF is highly respected here (but its notable tha the UK government’s obsession with reforming the NHS seems to avoid contact with KFF for some reason…..).
(The history of Kaiser is worth looking up to get some clue as to how the rather dysfunctional US health care system came about and how people tried to deal with it. Its relevant to the UK because the NHS didn’t just materialize out of thin air and idealism, it had a practical purpose that ultimately came down to ‘people getting paid’.)
A friend sent me a link to an article published by the ABC about an Australian nurse, Anne Elliott, who’d returned from working during COVID in the UK at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital. Despite constant presentation of evidence that it’s a scam my friend still believes the official narrative and thought the article supported “real” pandemic. It’s a complete story, no particular evidence to back it up – it’s amazing how “story” supposedly favours real. The alien-looking image of someone in heavy-duty face mask headlining the story is quite scary.
Poor Anne now lives with “very, very prominent post-traumatic stress disorder.”
So I searched for Chelsea and Westminster on YouTube to see if they showed any hospital scenes and guess what I found: all happy and relaxed-looking dancing nurses and doctors with the slogan across the film at one point “waiting for patient.”
The tell us the photo of two masked-up nurses shows Anne with a colleague (but don’t indicate which one’s Anne) but I wonder if Anne exists at all and might be just a made-up person named after the protagonist of Jane Austen’s Persuasion.
In the article we’re told, “Nine months later Elliott had zipped more than 50 patients into body bags.” My Australian nurse friend says Australian nurses don’t put bodies in body bags. If anyone knows whether nurses do in the UK I’d be grateful to know.
Apparently there was heavy and deliberate downsizing of NHS facilities, beds etc in the years leading up to 2020.
Its been going on in the US for decades. Hospitals mostly being corporate owned, they are run by accountants, not MDs. So they keep staffing and equipment at capacity for the average load, or less, and when anything spikes they’re in trouble. I know a couple of nurses who’ve been in the business for 20 years or more, and whom I’ve known all that time, and they’ve always complained about being understaffed.
The NHS has been used as a political tool for both Tory and Labour parties for decades.Most people in the UK have some kind of emotional attachment to it.
Yes – here in Liverpool they’re getting rid of our largest (and freqently overcrowded) hospital, the Royal Liverpool University hospital, and building a shiny replacement with fewer beds, to the bewilderment of the doctors and nurses who work there.
And let’s not forget the outsourcing of traditional GP consultations to local pharmacies, staffed by well-intentioned but clueless pharmaceutical graduates. That said, in my experience most GPs now seem to be little more than glorified drug pushers for big pharma, so not much difference between the two I suppose.
Anyone else remember when you would call a GP and they’d come out to your house, anytime of the day or night?
They dont, my Sister served in the National Health Service.
Thanks Clive.
The weird thing – though it’s logical enough from a psychopathic point of view – is that these media ghouls can indulge in whatever terror tactics they want and it is justified because … they’re just trying to “protect people”. That’s why that govt directive could come out and say, with bald shamelessness, “people aren’t scared enough”. And even if, according to whatever passes for the “official stance”, these horror masturbators “exaggerate” then it can be excused because they mean well and are encouraging people to vaccinate etc. Also don’t forget the old incompetence standby! It’s perfect!
Yes, but that also have to prove scientifically:
1.there is a “novel” virus that we need to protect ourselves against
2.the PCR technique is effective at detecting infection by any coronavirus regardless of whether the alleged SARS-CoV-2 exists or not
3. that the measures against spread of disease are effective regardless of the existence of SARS-CoV-2
They haven’t done that.
They don’t usually. The mortuary staff will remove a dead body.
Thanks Sophie.
This is a perfect illustration of the sheer bullshit the alleged “media” is spinning not only in this country but right around the world. All to keep the fear levels high so as to get people rushing out for the jab.
I took note of the replies to you below. Proof that the media are liars and have been lying right since this pysops began.
Some of the resistance groups here in Australia have caught out crisis actors pretending to be covid patients. Last year, there was one woman caught playing 3 different roles, but just with a different haircut or colour. Good catch Petra.
Well done Petra.
I’m still baffled as to why in heavens name they made those embarrassingly bad dancing vids.
I think this may explain it, Claret.
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
Hey, Admin, can’t you just put me down on a white list and leave me out of spam?
Surely I have a decent reputation here by now?
I promise I have no malevolent intent against anyone, although I do occasionally feed a troll or two when I am feeling fidgety…
Ditto. I’m back on the spam watch again. Maybe they’re trying to weed out those of us who don’t always gush and goo over every word of every article; or go off on a COVID rant no matter what the article is about.
What they’ll find is that once they drive those who sincerely try to present thoughtful comments away, the floodgate will open to trolls.
If your suggestion about covid rants is true, they may have a point in my case, but it has surely escaped no one’s notice that EVERYTHING concerns covid today, which means it is always On-Topic to talk about it.
I think they have even said so themselves when some commenters have complained about the high covid content of articles and comments from others.
I’ve been here long enough not to be particularly suspicious about this, but it is rather annoying.
Unfortunately the “floodgates opened to trolls” last year when our anti-covid articles went ‘viral’ and our readership multiplied by a factor of ten. None of you are personally targeted we just need to set the filters high.
We only have two mods working twelve hour shifts. Our editors rarely visit the comment section because they have too much else to do and already work 16-18hr days.
I’ve been here since 6am BST and I’m gonna be here until 6pm when Sam takes over. We both sometimes also help out on each other’s time slots. We get paid as much as OffG can afford. We are here for one reason, to keep the comments sections flowing, free of spam and trolling. It’s hard work
Finding more people prepared to help is hard as they need to be 100% trustworthy (they will have the potential ability to trash the site) and prepared to work for a nominal fee while also fitting in other work and life.
But if you want to stop posting here – by all means find a better and more open and equally high traffic comment platform.
If you do – ask them how they maintain it and we will follow their example.
If you find yourself inexplicably being held back for a spam check it’s probably because your VPN is using an IP also used by a persistent troll or your real dynamic IP coincides with a fake one used by a troll. Either way try switching out. It might work.
But tbh, you rarely have to wait all that long for your comment to appear do you. And they all do appear, right. And you have to pay nothing and register with no one to access this facility. It’s provided for you free on OffG’s dollar. They pay to host your opinions for you.
So, a little less carping might be fair.
Fair enough, Sophie.
I was just wondering if having a white list might not be a time-saving option for all concerned, but I’m no expert on how that works.
I’m quite content to trust Admin here, since our comments do appear, as you say.
twice my comments appeared, were uploaded by admin w/in a few hours, but one time not … i waited 24hrs then emailed offg, no response but next day tried again & much to my surprise comment posted.
yesterday after spam check waited 3hrs , disconnected my vpn only to get orange notification again. its been over 24hrs, comment still hasnt appeared 🙁
The other day I had an interesting, intense confrontation with a ‘successful’ family member who basically works for ‘The Cult’ with his technical knowledge. He is my wife’s son from a previous marriage.
He is very quick, intelligent and enthusiastic, and I have always enjoyed discussing his academic insights into all kinds of unrelated topics, including my own field in the musical arts.
On the covid issue, however, I don’t confront people like that, regarding them as basically lost souls.
So on this occasion, where we were both stuck at a party, it was he who wouldn’t leave me alone with my covax-opposed views, (none of his business, of course) and I ended up defending my case for what we all know here to be true, in response to what his successfully brainwashed intellect had to say, the likes of which we are also very familiar here.
The man and I have become friends over the years, so there was no acrimony in this heated discussion, thank heaven, but I was rather surprised that after ten minutes there was not the feeling I had expected, the feeling that we had just wasted our time even bothering to talk about covid and vaxxes.
I certainly didn’t expect to win myself, for the ‘head against brick wall’ reason given above, and I was convinced that nothing but stalemate could come from the whole discussion, even though I’m sure he did expect to ‘win’.
After all, as a researcher and lecturer on his subject, along with a doctorate, he is used to winning arguments, and is extremely detailed and persistent.
But I noticed that one or two of the things I said made him hesitate for a split second…
… Now, this is not a man who hesitates – not even for split seconds…
Yet the sort of things I said to him were really no more complicated than the following:
“I’m not stupid”
“I’m twice your age and when you say I shouldn’t ‘fall into the ways of conspiracy theorists’, you are assuming that despite my long experience of life I have ‘fallen into’ anything at all.
“You are not giving me credit for what I actually do, which is to look at mainstream news (largely unavoidable…), but also to look at some of the wildest conspiracy theories, and also to look at well-researched scientific literature by people who can be shown to have nothing to fear in terms of their career (they are retired), or to have no conflicts of interest.
“In other words, I look at everything, and over the years, or decades, a picture emerges.
A picture which either makes sense, or it does not.
This one does not.
No ‘virus’ could lead to what is now happening to the entire world.”
Of course I didn’t interpret his hesitations as major victories, but then, all of a sudden, he switched tactic. It was almost as if he realized that it was beneath his own dignity to take a superior tone with someone whose common sense might be as developed as his own – or even more so.
So he actually ended up saying that he was fond of me, that for his mother’s sake he didn’t want me to die, that he wished me well, and that he was sure that whatever decision I took about being vaccinated would be built upon reasoning and information. (It shouldn’t be necessary to add here that I will not be getting vaccinated).
And so we parted, somehow, still friends…
He may of course have decided merely to humour me as a lost cause, entirely beyond the pale, or perhaps he was just using a strategy that his peers at work had advised him to use when confronted by idiots like me, or perhaps some of the things I said even reassured him that I knew what I was doing at some level…
Perhaps we both learned something.
At least in the context of covid, this seems to me a sign that not everything is hopeless.
I know very well that the strain on family relationships can be enormous.
Ask him why Israel (99+% Pfizer) is showing ZERO benefit after only 2-3 months. ROTFLMAO.
Ask him if the PCR test run to cycle threshold 45 is valid? IT IS NOT and that was settled after the 2009 debacle where they mis-used it. The Ct of 45 was the WHO recommendation.
Ask him if there are treatments?. HCQ & Ivermectin work great.
Ask him why people who’ve already had COVID and recovered should still get the experimental gene therapy injection. They are already immune.
Don’t worry. We covered a lot of that ground, but his attitude was, “Oh, we all have our anecdotes and I don’t want to go there”.
To which I replied, “I’ve just listened to your anecdotes, so you owe me the courtesy of listening to mine.”
That was the cause of one of his split-second hesitations.
And there was more in that vein.
This is not by any means ‘the good news of the year’, but I found it encouraging that it was possible to be in complete disagreement with somebody without hating their guts or bursting a blood vessel.
Lost is lost. Not necessary evil, just as a child getting lost in the woods doesn’t turn into a bad child. In fact the experience of being lost can be highly educational.
This man’s lifestyle is superficial, and it suits his particular personality to follow the narrative and achieve career success by those means.
I couldn’t live such a life because of the inner conflict I would experience, but others experience no such conflict.
I think there is a great deal wrong with that way of living, but I couldn’t go around saying that everybody should live their lives in the same way as I do…
In any case we’re always stuck with that situation, covid or no covid…
You’ve raised a good point, and one that I’ve touched on previously – namely, that those who are doing well by society’s standards (material wealth, qualifications, ‘reputable’ jobs such as consultant / judge / lawyer, etc) are more easily fooled by the Covid narrative, because challenging it would not only endanger their elevated position in the social hierarchy, but would mean realising that everything they’ve spent their lives working towards is ultimately meaningless.
Therefore, even if you can provide an undisputedly clear case, showing beyond any doubt that the official Covid narrative is a complete fabrication, it’s not in their best interests to accept it:
So what exactly do they have to gain by acknowledging the truth, that we’ve all been sold a massive lie? What do wisdom, truth, selflessness, honesty, spirituality, dignity and integrity matter to someone who’s spent their lives being taught that material wealth, ego, vanity and self-importance are paramount?
To summarise, I’m theorising that the higher your standing in our modern society, the more you have to lose from going against the official Covid narrative (at least from a material perspective). Which leads to a vicious cycle – the more these people in elevated positions choose to repeat the lie, the harder it becomes for them to go against it. And so we all sink deeper into the swamp.
Ultimately, I think the system has to collapse before a new, uncorrupted, free society can come into existence (wishful thinking, perhaps). What exactly that collapse entails God only knows, but every social climber who puts themselves before the collective is only hastening it’s arrival. It’s how life works; entropy leads to collapse and from the ashes things begin again, and again, and again, ad infinitum.
Lovely post. Sums it all up nicely. Thanks!
I’m a regular and deeply appreciative OffG reader who gains much insight, validation, comfort and entertainment from both articles and comments – yours are always thoughtful and thought-provoking (as were these two posts about your recent stepson interaction).
You, Wardropper, come across as wise, intelligent, insightful, humble and gentle, and he as book-learned, closed-minded, egotistical, supercilious and maybe (despite appearances), insecure. Seems to be a pattern in interactions between ‘awake’ v. ‘asleep’ folks…
Hopefully you did plant a seed which might just flourish eventually!
I find your post useful because it is illustrative of the, it appears, prevailing attitute among people. Yesteday I ran into a former colleague, a senior figure, involved in work which is solely evidence based. At the end of a friendly discussion on common issues and friends I told him that I hope he will not have his children vaccinated.
Without going into details, he was absolutely stiunned at what I said about the “pandemic”, just could not believe it, and refused to consider my information by countering that “we all know that for every narrative there is a counter narrative today”. He has been vaccinated and said he is a firm believer. I know, however, that he will consider what I was saying because it was visible that he was shaken. I ended up being very depressed all day.
The point: there is no mystery about why people believe the official line. All reasons for that have been mentioned in offg posts, and elsewhere. One is worth repeating: vaccinated people fear the possibility of the pandemic being a hoax more than the virus.
That’s understandable. You have to face yourself with the question – why did I believe it, and why did I harm myself with the vaccine. It is going to be very hard for them, and very dramatic for all of us, when the whole truth becomes public.
Thank you JuB.
Your post is also very useful as an illustration of what is really going on at the human level.
This is good. Julius Rueschel (excellent researcher) has indicated that the way out of this is to begin speaking the truth to people in person. He’s right. People go along with things often because they like to identify with what everybody else thinks. It’s human nature and it is why propaganda works. The first step in breaking down this type of mass hypnosis is to let them know that everybody does not believe as they think. Even if they become hostile, they are being made a bit uncomfortable. Your questioning things will stick with them
Well said.
very well played sir, bravo!
In my local shopping precinct this morning. Outside, almost everybody masked, and a notice on the mall entrance: Please wear a mask in the mall. Have the ‘rules’ changed again or did someone set the clock back a year? This feels like one of those zombie movies. A window sign in a building society branch: ‘We Practice Sustainable Photography.’ Don’t ask me.
about 8 people out of 40 had masks off.
The great paradox about the wealthy is that (I assume) they all want to surround themselves with beautiful paintings and craftsmanship, yet they do everything they can to make the world ugly. Humanity’s greatest gift is our ability to create and share great works of art. This very essence is what makes each individual valuable and unique. A healthy society would want to cultivate and support this natural inclination to beautify the planet. Beauty can never be fully commodified, owned or taken away from us. It’s Earth’s true essence, our authentic nature, and there is nothing more beautiful than a smile.
Someone mentioned in a video recently that the power-horny-wealthy are all atheists, and atheism must, by definition, restrict one’s philosophy to the material and the earth-bound.
All genuine art strives to rise above that, so, if you have no belief that this ‘aboveness’ even exists, what can you do with art?
Say you like the colours, or the shapes?
Not much else.
I hesitate to brand ‘the wealthy’ as all the same.
If what I do in my badly-paid profession were purely by chance to become wildly popular, I might suddenly find myself being wealthy next year.
But that in itself wouldn’t change me into an atheist or make me power-mad.
I have never had any interest in controlling other people. I find the task of controlling myself quite challenging enough.
In this context I keep thinking about a quip I read long ago:
“If you want to know what God thinks about money, just look at who He gives it to”…
I don’t like the sloppy grammar, but correcting it would seem to remove some of the comment’s universal bite…
I would have to quibble over the equation of atheism with materialism. Knowing that this life, right here right now, is all there will ever be is, I believe, far more likely to heighten rather than lower one’s striving for sublimity.
A true atheist should know instinctively how incalculable the value of even one single living being is. Not to mention all the holes in the “after life” regime. To me, an eternity spent knowing I can never again see my dogs simply because they have no “soul” and therefore cannot be admitted to an after life would be intolerable.
Conversely, my idea of “hell” would be to arrive at those “Pearly Gates,” see my dogs in there wagging their tails – and then be sent away because of some unforgiveable infraction.
I bow to your knowledge of atheism. I have not really given the matter very much thought, and have seldom had an involved discussion with an atheist, so I have tended to take the literal translation of ‘without gods’ to mean that the purpose of life is limited to what men without spiritual aspirations can achieve.
From what I have seen of your comments, I cannot imagine such an ‘unforgivable infraction’, by the way.
Perhaps what has confused the issue as far as we are concerned here is a mixture of my too-literal interpretation of ‘atheism’ along with your interpretation of religion and an afterlife as something close to the dogmatic Catholic version which Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry so splendidly wrecked in a big debate several years ago.
Always interesting to discuss the other rational options open to modern mankind, but I suppose that will have to wait until we drink a post-covid champagne together at the most heartfelt celebration I could imagine our species has ever conceived.
historically, In the Italian Renaissance Wealthy Patrons Used Art for Power & whilst some things hv changed, still the same game… incl social engineering with much of art commissioned to communicate a message, nefarious example — rockefeller center
Quite right.
Indeed they did use art for power, but we can’t hold Beethoven responsible for the fact that the opening of his Fifth Symphony was used by the allies as a code signal for ‘Victory’.
If we ask where the actual art lies, the answer is in Beethoven’s creativity, not in Winston Churchill’s trivial commandeering of it…
well spoken!
now i understand… churcheel got the V is for Victory signal when guzzling a fifth with his allies & listening to beethoVen’s symphony, the letter b key b/c it sounds a lot like v. and oh what presaging — the british inVasion, & the Vietnam war & peace sign.
outta sight performance Beethoven’s 5th, but by solo guitar _ Marcin Patrzalek
I don’t think the wealthy acquire great artworks because they appreciate beauty; but rather because they wish to acquire things which society has placed a value on – as well as knowing they can keep these treasures from the masses anytime they so choose. The wealthy, I believe, are fundamentally incapable of rising above power lust and greed.
But what if you were to inherit, unexpectedly, a huge fortune from a deceased relative?
Would you automatically become incapable of rising above power lust and greed?
I don’t think so.
It isn’t inevitable. Just statistically more likely…
There may also be the historical influence of egotism and megalomania.
This is off the top of my head, so persons better versed in art history may disagree and/or correct my thought.
But I’m thinking of the medieval/Renaissance era when artists were sponsored– effectively owned– by the wealthy and powerful, and produced works which were a direct tribute to the patron: portraits, sculptures, etc. that glorified and flattered the overclass.
Mark Twain was disgusted, or at least disappointed, that so many of the great works of art he encountered during his many trips to Europe expressed a base obsequiousness or servility towards the plutocrats of the time.
Now the obscenely wealthy can only buy, say, a Picasso– as opposed to patronizing a Picasso who would create portraits of them.
My own preference would not be to malign ‘The Rich” as such, since riches can come to people in all sorts of ways, not all of which are criminal or treasonous.
In fact when talking about the vermin currently controlling us all, I think the money is almost irrelevant.
After all, Bill Gates may have thousands of times more money than Matt Hancock, despite their being utter collaborators in the same crime.
So, what about “The Mammonspawn”?
I’m sure many of you here can improve upon that, and I look forward to any suggestions.
tho not as blatant in modern times, artists servility to oligarchy still occurs; for instance — david rockefeller not only acquired picasso artwork, he personally knew him, & so did i … pablo was a puppet.
Yes, the rich want to surround themselves in beauty – but only as something that belongs to them which they can deny to others. The underlying psychology here is the desire is to be at the top and nothing else whatsoever. Thus they would rather be filthy rulers over a pigsty than clean luxuriant cultured folks in a society where everyone else also lives well.
“Learning to love GMOs”:
Today I received a lecture from my managing MD on why my flexible hours were gone forever … THANKS TO COVID.
She lectured me that due to the remarkable success of the vaccines, the company policy is that everybody has to work standard hours in the office. Including complying with the designated “lunch hour”! What? So now you are going to tell me when i can take lunch? This is like being in university, where you squeeze lunch in between lectures (unless you are doing Amerucan studies for rich idiots).
Basically, my flexi-hours have been deztroyed by Covid policy.
Oh, she refused to see me in her office because the “distancing” was better in a meeting room!
But, in her defence, she is a retard who loves quotas, budgets, rules etc so got promoted. She was telling me about how innovative her teams are … for anyone outside China, the Chinese have a massive inferiority complex about not being innovative … so everything is couched in “look how innovative we are” language. I decided not to tell her the problems with her teams’ innovative solutions …. in a year or so she will crash and burn.
Innovation is one of the tenets of the new religion.
People justify the unprecedented and reckless rollout of these products on the grounds that they are ‘innovative’.
My advice to anyone doing business in Hong Kong is prioritise due dilligence: Check the numbers yourself as you will find even the most important figures, such as how much a member puts down as collateral to a CCP, will sometimes be wrong.
I think there’s a larger picture here. Working conditions change just like any other fashion. It was about 20 years ago that flex-time was all the rage; but the fashion was already in the process of changing and becoming more rigid long before COVID.
In fact, I would say it began shifting back to a more rigid formula after the crash of 2008.
Its related to the relative power between worker and manager. In classic terms the worker is someone who sells their labor. The buyer is usually a company with the manager being its representative. As in all bargaining situations a balance is struck depending on the relative power of the worker and the company. The worker wants a decent wage and (preferably) a less regimented workplace that doesn’t directly or indirectly jeapordize life, limb and mental health. The management wants the maximum out of the worker which in classic terms means working the person like a machine. When there’s a labor shortage the worker wins out, when there’s a labor surplus they get screwed, when the workers organize they could be in position to dictate to the company.
I agree in principal, when talking about the workers as a group who influence HR policy, but I do not agree that this applies to individual workers. I have a fairly strong position as a solitary worker, but my manager is not going to go against HR policy in order to keep me.
The company has been trying to recruit a permanent member of staff to do my job for over a year now. I could be replaced by someone from overseas but I could not be replaced by someone in Hong Kong: that does not mean they would not try to do without me and muddle through.
My solution is this: I will start testing the waters again. I will work from home for the odd day and see if they say anything. Obviously I will not try that this week, it is too close to my discussion with my manager, so will not be respectful, but in two weeks time I will work a day from home and see what happens. If they shout and scream then I will know they consider me to be powerless and I will have to consider other solutions. If the manager says nothing then I will know that they are simply trying to be seen to apply company policy and don’t really care what I do.
Covid marks the end of illusion, the point where it became painfully clear that “we the people” never had anything to do with how society was run, that it was all a sham. The headlines I see everywhere nowadays come across as the cruellest taunt to the dream of any kind of democratic citizenship:
As if the ones “uncovering abuse” really gave a damn. It’s all about damage control.
Oh yes – another slick title to give the impression that you are asking “us, the people”. But the very words, “build back batter”, indicate that “we” don’t have any options – since why should we “build back” at all? What does “building back” even mean?
Yeah right, “gen Z” were real groovy mothers who told the world what to do!
Two in an ocean of morality tales around covid and “what covid has done for us” and “how covid has changed us”.
All fodder to keep the cattle stupefied while the real decisions go on in some remote sphere far above.
I flicked through a newspaper for about 6 seconds today…it was green this and homosexual that, mask fashion, leering grinning people sharing multiracial, multicultural drinks, tips for being greener, saving the environment, metrosexuals, sport stars say no to rampant racial vilification, white shame, guilt, diversity, male bashing, male shaming. I don’t have any friends. I’m getting weirder and more sullen. Even the books I’m trying to read to educate myself…books from the 17th century, the ancient classics, the dissident figures, the characters around the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the predictive programmers, the eugenists, the philanthropist org writings spelling out the future…all of them mock me…no matter what I learn or what I read the real world, the actual world rolls along a living lie…a sham. And I don’t know a soul I can talk to.
Look for your local Stand in the Park outfit. You will find many kindred spirits & that’s a crucial start. Lots of different groups on Telegram for localised outreach action.
Just glanced at The G and I had the same reaction. Who has the time to read this pap? It’s not even chewing gum for the mind. Even the National Enquirer confects the odd bodice ripper about mischief and adultery…
The Guardian is like scanning the classified advertising columns looking for someone who’s selling one odd shoe to replace the one you lost, before the spouse finds out about your sad little drunken misstep.
An Aussie guy has been running some sessions about our constitution and laws etc…he is saying the best way to actually help yourself and maybe everyone, in this weird time is turn to whatever you regard as spiritual….no creed suggestion just whatever….
I am finding it calming and making up for losing just about everyone,,,mine is doing more work understanding my connection to the natural world, a bit like aust indig did….it is the flip side of the more constructive use of neptune..,finding the mystical rather than all the lies and rubbish…they will pass but the beauty of the natural world does remain….and helps feed ones soul in this mess…
You can’t go wrong with some of the old books. Dostoevsky, Poe, Schopenhauer. And all things Lovecraftian.
“Reinventing punk rock”.
Or attempting a re-run of one of their previous psy-ops because they can’t come up with anything original.
Punk rock was just as transparently an op as the hippie scene or acid house. They’re about as organic as one Bill Gates’ lab-grown steaks and come from pretty much the same place. Malcolm McLaren (MM = 33) has paedophilia hints swirling around him (the ‘Chicken’ magazine, naked underage girls on album covers). He came back from the US with “punk” fully formed in his mind? Punk grew out of New York new wave. The first band, the New York Dolls, just happened to push transgenderism. Patti Smith is a serious occultist. Talking Heads’ Tina Weymouth had a dad who was an admiral and her brother designed the Louvre pyramid. Many new wave bands were on Sire which happens to be Eris, goddess of chaos, backwards.
Punk just happens to be prison slang for homosexuals. As usual with musical movements it arrived not just with a musical style but with a fashion and its own drug. All they had to be was different from the preceeding ‘movements’ (prog, glam, disco) to set groups against each other. Johnny Rotten had spent years in hospital as a child (as had one of The Ramones) – what happened to them there? Grant Shapps’ cousin happened to be lead guitar for their rivals in an attempt to repeat the Beatles-Stones’ duel (or dual). Copelands were all over the place.
Punk has already been rebooted once in grunge. The seminal punk album was ‘Never mind the bollocks’, the seminal grung album was ‘Never mind’ with a picture of some bollocks. Both movements saw their icons end up dead.
I mean, I hardly know what is up, down, left or right these days. That’s what can happen to you when you realise that your entire life has been shaped by culture creators. It’s a sick, sick world. The wisest guy I know (an unknown youtuber)…who basically got me on the real track and off the “truth for cash” training wheel track scene said to me in one of the first things he said to me was…go back to sleep…this is not happening, I am not here and none of this exists .
What he was saying is that once you truly start to realise how much of a mind fuck the actual world is…you’ll wish you never knew. Ignorance is bliss…that’s why the vast majority are happy enough…and sound asleep. It’s a hard road to travel and personally, I don’t even know the half of it. I’ve an inkling. And even that’s potent enough to destabilize whatever rock I thought I was standing on.
Another great man, Alan Watt (not Watts), said about 911 that the hardest part would be to hold onto your sanity. 911 was an event I basically slept through at the time…around 2006 I started on the “truth” train circuit…finally getting to where I am now…with insight beyond the pay to play truthers and disinfo smoke screens. But I’m still underfed when it comes to the depths others have gone to. And here we are…2 years into the greatest con of all time, and I’m doing my best to hold onto my sanity as things seem to be crumbling all over the place.
And the mind games are epic…am I losing my sanity because I’m sane in an insane world…or because the world is fair and just and normal…and I am immature and naïve.?
I feel your pain. Greed, as aspnaz says, drives these sods to commit some epic crimes. At times such putrid souls appear to be in control of everything. They try. If they were gods they would be fallible and frail, quick to anger and eager to please their superiors (‘Hey, Zeus, I just got an A* in math.’ ‘Odin, I’ve halved our workforce and boosted profits.’).
Powerful? Yes. Unbeatable? No. Let there be Ragnarok.
keep it together buddy – you’re just not a soul-less moron nor outright psycho, many of us feel the same. Yet, we are the resistance! And we’ve seen how “wrong” things are for years, decades even, but we are still here and must persist.
Sometimes I just don’t know why I bother, it seems pretty dark ahead, pointless….; later i’ll be sharpening axes and stashing food lol,
You’re not alone, so forward, face to the wind!
I regained my equanimity when I realised this is the world as it is, and senior educated people know it fine well. Does a Physics PhD think we went to the Moon? Once you are in a position to know you simply collude with all the rest and never mention it. It is the world as it is and you are not giving up your career over it. It is not your field or responsibility. Compartmentalisation maintains order, there is no commonality outside of jobs. Jobs are short term. That is why social cohesion is attacked. And why ‘public health’ and media attack your sanity.
Interesting. It’s like a case of unspoken pretending. Nobody says a word and carries on in the zoo. Is that the mature approach? Is that playing the percentages in order to fit in, in order to survive? Genuine question, poorly worded. Also…what do you mean by “that’s why social cohesion is attacked”? Attacked by who? I find your whole comment here highly interesting by the way. Who do you read? What informs your view?
We tend to think middle class people are deluded, because if they knew what was going on they would not be part of it. But where’s the evidence for that? Mostly the big lies were remote, and one’s personal opinion was irrelevant, if you even thought about it. If it was your area of expertise of course you knew.
But the chickens have come home to roost.
We can tell doctors and nurses are wrestling with their consciences, from the ones that blow the whistle.
Social cohesion is when the people who live in a country care for each other’s welfare and trust in common moral values. They might even consider the country belongs to them because they live there. And not to the Mortgage Holder.
I should have said all the functionaries who administrate the health system.
Interesting again. When I think of social cohesion, I think of top down cohesion as designed by those controlling society through economics etc. It includes the idea of culture creation. Telling everyone to wear masks and everyone doing it, or the overwhelming majority doing it, is social cohesion. It’s behaviour modification. And it’s not grassroots inspired. It’s dictated by “experts” and those with the weight of law enforcement behind them. If I get your general point correctly, then yeah, it’s amazing how little you will challenge yourself with proper or critical thinking when your paycheck and security is at stake.
You stating “Ignorance is bliss…that’s why the vast majority are happy enough…and sound asleep” proves that you are “sound asleep” .. VERY “sound asleep”..
The FALSE mantra of “ignorance is bliss” is a product of a fake sick culture that has indoctrinated its “dumbed down” (therefore, TRULY ignorant) people with many such manipulative slogans. You can find the proof that ignorance is never bliss (only superficial fake bliss), and how you get to buy into this lie (and other self-defeating lies), in the article “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at www dot CovidTruthBeKnown dot com or search for it by title and author.
You give them too much credit, they are not gods, the are greedy men who use government to steal your money.
Punk was never,to me at least, about the music or the icons it generated,punk was a state of mind fomented during an absolutely shit period of history when a school leaver like me at the very tail end of the 77 apogee came out of the brain washing comprehensive i attended with two choices unemployment or prison ,i chose the latter (or to be more precise had it chosen for me in the form of the short sharp shock) the state of mind it inculated in me has never left,its had its drawbacks and i’ve made some monumental mistakes along the way by saying ‘fuck you’ when perhaps my language could have been a tad more diplomatic
But the one thing to come out of it was an intense hatred of authority which has enabled me to continue at 58 to keep saying fuck you,fuck your system,fuck your pandemic and above all fuck your vaccines
It’s keeping me alive,please don’t try and shatter what small dreams i have left
Edwige, that is all fashion punk/pop punk that you mention. Crass, Zoundz and other similar DIY grass roots anarcho-punk are a completely different kettle of fish. Buying Feeding of the 5000 by Crass when i was 12 had a huge effect on me and anyone else that absorbed this education. Compared to what they were trying to fill my head with at school it was pure gold. I have never looked back and would say taught me how to think and not what to think, as the indoctrinating school system was trying to do full speed ahead.
The quote that usually surfaces from such discussions is “If voting really made any difference, they wouldn’t let you do it.”
“What does “building back” even mean?”
It means “those of us in charge really screwed things up, and now we need you to fix it, at no cost to us”.
92 Receiving a vaccination or treatment
An individual may be required by a human biosecurity control order to receive, at a specified medical facility:
(a) a specified vaccination; or
(b) a specified form of treatment;
in order to manage the listed human disease specified in the order, and any other listed human disease.
Note: For the manner in which this biosecurity measure must be carried out, see section 94.
93 Receiving medication
(1) An individual may be required by a human biosecurity control order to receive specified medication in order to manage the listed human disease specified in the order, and any other listed human disease.
Note: For the manner in which this biosecurity measure must be carried out, see section 94.
(2) The order must specify:
(a) how much medication is to be taken; and
(b) how long the medication is to be taken for.
94 Appropriate medical or other standards to be applied
A biosecurity measure set out in section 90 (examination), 91 (body samples), 92 (vaccination or treatment) or 93 (medication) must be carried out in a manner consistent with either or both of the following (as the case requires):
(a) appropriate medical standards;
(b) appropriate other relevant professional standards.
95 No use of force to require compliance with certain biosecurity measures
Force must not be used against an individual to require the individual to comply with a biosecurity measure imposed under any of sections 85 to 93.
Note: Force may be used in preventing an individual leaving Australian territory in contravention of a traveller movement measure (see section 101) or in detaining a person who fails to comply with an isolation measure (see section 104).
Australia: The Total BioTech Fascist Nightmare
Have a nice day. Move on . . . .
Oh and by the way the
go Daddee censorship central
fake fraudian fake progresive vax nazeeze
whadda u expectorate in wasteland penal BIOTECH zombee Oz
Du wirst starksein!!
Smash the Pharmacom poison peddlers!!!
Does that info pertain to cattle or sheep or both??
that would likely pertain to the brain dead vax zombeeze
no offense to sheep and cattle … they already suffer too much
And can you believe that during all this the Australian Federal Gov is doing a stock take…a census in every letterbox addressed to “The Resident”. It’s muster time! Which is yet another term used in jails…muster.
Yes I am feeling like using it to light a fire…but easier to just fill in nonsense and hand it back…everything to do with our various govts in aust just feels like crap…
“easier to just fill in nonsense and hand it back…”
Exactly our tactic.
I’ll go knock on Morrison’s door and start asking personal questions.
See how far I get…
How to avoid the fine associated with refusing the census: when the deadline has passed ring and state that the house is vacant due to renovations.
There are tens of thousands of empty houses in Melb/Sydney/Brisbane and the moron on the phone won’t question it all.
I have done this since 2008. Before that I moved soon after each census (coincidence each time).
Statement of Declination for Offer of Influenza Vaccine Product
YOUR NAME, a living woman retain and reserve all of my God-given rights including sole possession and sole use of all my biological materials which are granted to me by my Creator.
My employer and location of employment have offered an influenza vaccination product to me pursuant to and satisfying the requirements of YOUR STATE Health & Safety Code COPY AND PASTE INFLUENZA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE HERE.
I retain the right to decline all attempts to access, influence and or otherwise alter any and all of my Godgiven biological material and or biological systems which are unique, flawless and original design and craftsmanship of my Creator and of which my Creator has granted me sole possession, proprietorship and use of.
I require that any and all product offered to me by my employer or workplace be both entirely retrievable from and also removable in its entirety from my body, person, and womanhood at the conclusion of each and every work period and or work shift and also and again at the completion of my contractual obligations with my location or employment, and or employer.
Pursuant to my above statement, I decline the offer for influenza vaccination product.
YOUR PRINTED NAME All Rights Reserved
I want to write to my local government here in Australia and see if they’ll send me a copy of the contract I signed that allows them to force masks, stay home etc. There must be an agreement somewhere. Maybe they’ll tell me it’s my birth certificate. Who knows.
check out youtube
the justinian deception
everything is gloss glossa
acts actors
Operation Humanity Freedom: an Urgent Appeal to the Men and Women of the US Military to Watch Our Six
UPDATE Monday, August 2, 2021, 4:03 PM Melbourne Standard Time– though this article was written with the men and women of the United States military in mind, the message below applies equally to the brave men and women who serve in the Australian Defense Force. You see the tyranny that is taking root in the blessed land down under, read this article and watch the video embedded with the soldier on bended knees praying with full discernment and then act according to the voice of God (or good) which resides in all of us.
Four months ago, I wrote a dispatch to the men and women of the United States military, active duty and veterans, asking them to prepare for the eventuality of being given orders they know in their hearts to be immoral and unconstitutional. What seemed needlessly alarmist is now proving to be prescient as Biden’s administration—with only token and duplicitous resistance from Republicans—is transitioning from pressuring Americans to get “vaccinated” to potentially using the full might and coercive force of government to compel everyone to get injected with experimental boosters.
As always, our bravest and finest will be the first ones in the line of fire; the US Army has already instructed commands to prepare to administer mandatory Covid-19 “vaccines” as early as September. The US Navy is following suit; Chief of Naval Personnel Vice Admiral John Nowell affirmed that as soon as the FDA approves the “vaccines”, they too will most likely mandate jabs. According to, the Pentagon is eyeing forced “vaccinations” for all DoD personnel in a move that is not only an outrageous infringement of our rights as Americans but also has the potential to undermine military preparedness…continued…
It is possible that the cannon fodder will get saline. On the other hand they have been poisoned several times in the past.
Couple of essential links:
2 day symposium from UK Column News and 21st Century Wire
Robert Kennedy jnr interviews David Martin – blows the whistle on Fauci corruption
Dr Tess Lawrie being interviewed candidly by Talk Radio Mark Dolan
Part 2…. To add my comment near the bottom of this thread about meeting 5 covid sceptics yesterday and the sense of affirmation and validation that was; well today so far have met another 5 sceptics in the suburb I’m in today, and just then had a brief chat with a middle aged unmasked lady who loudly said: “it’s all lies, there’s no bloody pandemic”.
I’m now standing here smiling…
It feels good to meet other humans!
Oh wow, Gezzah. Please keep bringing such news. Nice start to the day 🙂
I’ve said a few times lately that my gut feeling is there are more out there who know it’s all bollocks and a pysops. Four of the people today I’ve never met before, just random passers-by.
The 5th person today, a young guy called Liam, had already met him the previous time there. He knows of other covid sceptics in that area. Went from that to then reading CJ Hopkins latest article The Road to Totalitarianism.
I talk to people every day. Most instinctively know it’s not right. Not to say they are enlightened to the discussions on this group, but they suspect something.
An example is we have all been pressured by an aggressive sales team at some time. When this happens we instinctively back off. However they would not let us back off and went even harder, now most know for sure it’s suspect.
They are trying all avenues now. I’ve seen passive, aggressive and outright threats. We all respond differently. So far I would say they have only captured the ones who react to fear.
Yep, I agree with you that the psychos going all out on the plandemic PR has certainly woken more people up… But for me just meeting other like minded people face to face is a buzz.
Of my customer demographics, its the more comfortable middle class types who read The Guardian or The Age and watch ABC or SBS who are the most brainwashed and compliant.
October… are you sitting down? Today’s adventure with The Big Issue mag was in a fairly working class multicultural outer suburb.
Met 8 covid sceptics just today including a couple of women in their 60s down to a guy in his mid 20s. I also spotted a number of others who walked into the nearby supermarket, with no mask on and no scanning the QR code. Only got to say “hello, its nice to see your face” to those others as they didn’t stop to chat.
Interestingly, at least half of those I did speak to were originally from Eastern European countries: Poland, Hungary and Russia. A couple of them had this to say about all those dutifully complying: they were really dumb or they were cowards or both.
Have a good day – I do believe more are waking up!
Fantastic. Hope this gains momentum over the weeks. Working people seem to be less hypnotised than the laptop class, many of whom might never come around. Their loss.
But I hear Caitlin Johnstone has noticed that something is amiss 🙂
Yep, it’s the comfortable middle class chardonnay sipping slightly lefty types who read The Guardian or watch ABC who are the most brainwashed, along with the Hipster crowd. I don’t see them waking up at all to be honest.
As for Ms Johnstone, who belongs more or less to the same milieu – the liberal left, it only took her, what, 16 months to say something substantial about the scamdemic. I noted her excuse was she doesn’t have a scientific brain. Neither do a lot of us here. And at a guess neither do the people I spoke to today. And as a couple of people said today “we’re all just sick of it, we’ve had enough”.
wow Gezzah – wish i was in your company. SO SO SO many of my friends are brain washed by MMedia TV/radio etc that they believe it all and love to live in fear. *similing at you*
Thanks FG…. Its great to meet fellow covid sceptics at random, however all my regular customers except for just 3 people are fully brainwashed and religiously adhere to the covid directives. But I take both yesterday and today as positives and also have gratitude for meeting those people.
I hear the troops are on the streets of Sydney, soon to be deployed in Queensland. You Aussies need to wake up or you will find yourselves being shipped to another country while the rich take over your pad.
300 troops patrolling Sydney, mainly the South Western working class area’s tho I haven’t heard about them being in Brisbane. Yet.
And no, I’m not complying with any of it. Not in shops, not on public transport, nowhere, as I’m sure those awake all round Australia aren’t complying with any of the measures either. Oh, just a slight correction – I’m a New Zealand citizen, however I take your point.
This is Not meant to sound defeatist because I tried to wake people up I knew for over a year, but how do you wake people up who don’t want to wake up?
One good thing at the weekend – a friend who had been talked into getting the jab by one of his music students, who is a bloody Doctor, told me of his decision on Saturday. I got very vocal with him to his face, then sent him a couple of articles and 3 videos about the “vaccines” including a warning from Mike Yeadon.
Bob went through the material I sent him, kept an open mind, then informed me Sunday afternoon he was very obliged for what I sent, and wouldn’t be getting the jab after all.
Gezzah, I was not referring to you personally, you have been a frontline fighter against this scam/coup right from the very beginning. I was referring to the wider “you Aussies” as it seems that most Aussies are fast asleep and too soundly asleep.
My brother, who has lived in Queensland for decades, told me that he is thinking about getting the vaccine because the government have an 80% vaccinated target and he wants them to reach that so that everything goes back to normal. I asked him whether the government has promised that everything will go back to normal if they comply: answer “Not exactly in those words”.
I sent him these links:
Once they get to 80% they will force the remainder to get the vaccine through the military-enforced use of vaccine passports. This will not end until the vast majority of people force it to end.
All good A, I know you weren’t referring to me personally – I was just pointing out that I’m a Kiwi. But please don’t start about that psychopathic witch in Wellington.
I’m sorry to hear about your brother, and I hope he comes to his senses, because in my opinion, a great number of people are going to die in the next couple of years due to the jab. I believe one of the goals of this plan by the psychos is depopulation, tho I hope I’m completely wrong about that.
This confected scamdemic has torn a lot of families apart. And I’ve even had customers say to me: “I’m getting the jab so I can get on a plane and go overseas again” or they’ve said “so things can go back to normal”.
As I said above, I am meeting complete strangers out there who know it’s a massive scam, and the longer this has gone on, the more seem to be waking up. Except for your The Guardian reading, ABC watching, Soy Latte drinking middle class types.
Regards your last sentence – correct.
Sorry this is such a late comment, Gezzah but for a couple of weeks, I have sensed the wind changing.
You will meet more and more questioning souls.
The human spirit can be suppressed for only so long.
Agreed John… I just get the distinct impression more are awake than what we may think. Not giving up yet!
Hope things in Perth are relatively okay. When does your State of Emergency expire? They always have “cases” and lockdowns just before it expires. Its so blatant now even a 9 year old could figure it out…
According to the guvmint site, Gezzah, the current SOE is due to expire on August 13th, so I expect yesterday’s ABC’s “1 new case in WA” is the seed planted in the minds of the morons and will undoubtedly lead to a tidal wave of Covid sufferers and a “regrettable extension” to marshall law.
Even my cat has worked out what’s coming next!
Gawwdd…. its so laughably predictable its like watching a Benny Hill sketch.
Your cat is more intelligent than a lot of people in this country!
Sure is, mate.
And what’s more, he hasn’t contracted Convid!
Good cover photo. I think it conveys to me what I guess the author is writing about.
“Le regarde que par sa franchise etonne” — Baudelaire
Absolutely! And in line with that, I came across the link to this brilliant essay on the Covid Medical Network: especially fascinating is the video clip regarding the Ash Conformity Experiments. So, yes, lets speak out and break the consensus rule.
I had the most extraordinary chat with a mate of, no lie, 40 years. He’s had the 1st jab & is INCREDULOUS that I doubt the Official Narrative, infkncredulous! Not so bizarro, he’s a Socialist and can’t comprehend my utter loathing & distrust of The State…we agree to disagree…But what is amazing is his total belief that NO MORE THAN 1-2% of the Aussie population will REFUSE the mRNA gene therapy modifications. I actually laughed in his (masked) face🤦 . Mate, I said, you have NO IDEA how wrong you are…
[disclosure- I agree with, support and distribute information warning against these faux vaxi (sic?) & will send links to anybody on where to BUY & how to take IVERMECTIN]. Spike Protein is the new ZYKLON B. Do your OWN RESEARCH…but remember, card cheats help you pick a card, (Poo)gle owns bigpharma shares and shuffles the info. Capisce?
Talked with a friend of 30+ years. Total TV man. The conversation went kind of like this:
Me:There’s something fishy about all of this.
He: The Delta variant is on the loose. Do you have to wear a mask at work?
Me: You buy all this? Still? After nearly 2 years of the weirdest most fishy, suss shit of all time?
He: I went to get my “jab” the other day but the nurse told me my age group can’t take it till October. Stupid woman…and she was Indian. The variant came from YOUR country!
Me: …
Me: Beam me up Scotty🙃😜
Depends author a person genuinely appears like they feel, to be honest a persons individual body language is important very often leads to eye contact natually leading to hi or hello.
Thats is Forgetting for a moment the major crime of heavily restricting a humans right to movement and interaction., led by womens groups I may add with what appears to me full blown media backing.
Can you honestly contest Covid-19 isn’t Xtreme Feminism?
Trouble is that most men are feminists these days … that’s what happens when life is easy.
There is one important clue in the entire scamdemic and it’s probably the most important clue you are going to get. The vaccine is voluntary. I am aware that some people may lose their jobs or have to wear masks or whatever but it is still voluntary and that is the key.
Now all they have to do is make the masks voluntary. If there’s one thing that boils my blood it’s this fucking mask thing. I’m fucking beyond words over it. I’m such a moron though. I’ve lost friends over all this shit. And it’s me who looks bad. They just carry on glued to the TV. On the right side of history. FUCK!
Friends will be lost to poison stab death rates so don’t sweat it mate.
My siblings and I have a sibling go feral on us; abuse, ranting, raving.
We look at him with bemusement knowing we can not do or say anything to get through to him.
We are all victims; both sides.
Enjoy while it’s volutary, because soon it will become volutary like flying to your holiday destination is still volutary. This ends with them delivering your dinner … you will eat this shit or starve.
Anybody who gets an injection just to go on holiday is a bit of a bellend if you ask me. And gladly I’m not the only one who thinks this.
It is only a tactical decision not to mention the ‘coercion’ word. One day soon – and on the same day – leaders and corporate media all over the world will suddenly start mention it.
““It’s a psychological question. Whenever I talk about coercion, people refuse who would otherwise have been reachable. So now is the wrong time for this debate.” However, the Prime Minister plans to reconsider the question of mandatory vaccination in the summer.
“When 60, 70 percent have been vaccinated, then you can talk again about the compulsory vaccination. We will have seen a lot by then.” PM of the German state of Saxony in February 2021 (Tag24; 27.02.2021)
You wrong. They could have made a much bigger scamdemic. Sprayed spanish flu around etc. and made it mandatory. They haven’t. They are doing everything but make it mandatory. That is the clue. I’m not going to spell it but trust me this shit is going to get really real.
If your face has morphed into a hippopotamus after wearing a mask, smiling may be not your best option. Just saying,
A hint would be the dog left 12 months ago carrying a suitcase.
Curious that the CDC is now saying PCR is useless and recommending a test that specifically identifies the influenza virus. More ground work prep for the mass die off? There is panic out there in Govt. You can feel it. They running out of time.
My guess is that PCR was detecting flu all along.
My guess is that the PCR test could be detecting absolutely anything, everything or nothing.
Ha ha thanks. Finally I’m a cult member!
I can see no better way to build the future that WE want than to speak about and plan for the redistribution of the power seized by the billionaires. This power rests upon their ownership of just about everything– and hence they must be dispossessed of it.
This is so obvious. They are able to monopolize the incentives currently; many people cannot be employed unless they are obedient. The incentives are IMMEDIATELY reversed when one begins to speak of the means to an orderly transition of power through a distribution of wealth.
Of COURSE it is desirable– that’s too obvious for denial. Please begin to speak of it as what MUST occur: as if the only question is exactly in what process.
Do you think that farmers cheated of sustainable prices by subsidies to billionaire agriculture would argue with getting their way of life back? Or students having their loans erased? Or workers wd argue w getting shares in the billion-dollar enterprise their labor created? Do you think those scammed out of their pensions wd argue about having it restored?
The very raising of the plan to redistribute wealth as a means to decentralize power and restore individual rights IS a reversal of the incentives.
It is an idea whose time has come– but only if YOU write about it & talk about it. If you will only speak of it it will become inevitable.
Looks like Piers, Pied Piper, Corbyn, has been retired by the establishment. Who’s going to organise the stage at the protests now? It’s like watching scooby doo, it’s easy to predict what happens in the end.
Perhaps James Corbet will be next.
…Ah yes… – The infamous ‘Corbynite Maneuver’:… – Deploy a *Thoroughly Sheep-dipped* Manchurian Candidate Trojan Horse, packed full of easily-detonated reputational semtex, *Right Into The Midst* of a legit’, organic grassroots Joe Q Citizen movement as a self-appointed figurehead ‘leader’/’messiah’…
…- Give ’em *Just Long Enough* to fish in enough gullible muppets who haven’t taken ‘Spooky Kabuki 101’ to make it look like they *Really Do* speak for the whole movement, then *Blow* that sucker…
…Yank spooks like to refer to this caper variously as ‘playing the Trump card’ or ‘issuing a Bern Notice’…
Bizarre, but entertaining. Don’t think the Trump Card has been played yet.
…Where’ve you been these last 6 years, Cap’?!…
…- Word on the street is they’re gonna play it *Again* in 2024…
eye many down votes here for talking of the corbyn khazar actor agents
as you say deep deep candidate tavistock operatives
Comment like this 1 + year ago on this site and others would of had you lynched.! Maybe even the famous spam
censorfilter would of mysteriously appeared after. ;0)so f*kign obvious.
You wont hear nowt from dickie allen or u.k codswollop or the icke onic triage.
Job done.
They still do if you call out corbet, aka,the golden child. The one man show that puts out more content than the bbc, an amazing feat.
Perhaps better if there are no more stages,an organic mass of moving humanity is far harder to control never mind police
The time for speeches is over
…*Smiles*… – Now there’s a ‘symbol’ I surely can *Wholeheartedly* get behind…
…- Simple… Genuine… *Human*…
…*Lovely* article, Lucy… – Thankyou *Muchly*… -X-
In the 1920s Dr Otto Warburg published research on the prime role oxygen starvation had on initiating the cancer process. Dr Wilhelm Reich’s cancer research (The Cancer Biopathy) revealed that shallow respiration (low oxygen intake) is central to the initiation of the cancer process.
Dr Warburg’s findings were ‘memory holed’ until recent decades – probably because the knowledge may have spurred searches for cures, and there’s no money to be made from cures, only from treatments…
There’s been many reports over the past year or so of rises in the number of cases of bacterial pneumonia – the wearing of facemasks is thought to be a major contributing factor…
There are many studies about the harm mask wearing does to the wearers health,
yet the CDC is again recommending their use.
It’s as if the CDC wants people to sicken…
May I recommend Wim Hof’s breathing exercise.
I was astonished that not only could I leave my breath out for 2 minutes (it’s not like holding your breath) but it brought my blood pressure down. And if I wake at night I do it and it sends me back to sleep…
I had TB as a teenager in 60s and we were taught deep breathing from the diaphragm.
Thanks for this.Truly a Dutch hero! Love the bloke!
In moments of stress serious issues in breathing take over. It virtually paralyses you. Dries your mouth, tightens your lips.
‘All the love, all the power’….love it…thanks for the link and the intro
The Miracle of Ozone Therapy
“Ozone is probably one of the most miraculous healing therapies available on our planet at this time. Through its oxygenating power, it successfully treats and cures a wide range of serious degenerative conditions including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver, and kidney disease.
More Than Hot Air
Ozone is very potent electrified or energized oxygen (O3). Oxygen is more essential to life than food and water. Without it, we would die in minutes but in big cities the levels in the air are decreasing, causing widespread ill health. Oxygen is carried to every part of the body by the red blood cells and is essential for the functioning of every cell in the body, as well as stimulating a healthy immune system.
Ozone also forms a protective layer around the earth; but some scientists point to the danger of high ozone readings as the cause of respiratory problems, so many are prejudiced, dismissive, and simply refuse to look into it.
Yet ozone therapy has been in use since the 1800s; and in 1896 the genius Nikola Tesla patented the first ozone generator in the United States, later forming the Tesla Ozone Company. After that, the Institute for Oxygen Therapy-Healing was formed in Berlin and the man credited with founding naturopathy, Dr. Benedict Lust, began practicing in New York, writing many articles on ozone.”
German newspaper issues an apology for covid desception !
Then they spoil it all by saying, “It’s up to us to protect you”..
‘Bild’, as I knew it when I lived in Germany years ago, was a kind of ‘Sun’, with its own Page 3, and then some…
I’m not breaking out the champagne yet.
Some background on New South Wales Deputy Police Commissioner Gary Worboys, New South Wales Police Minister, David Elliott and The NSW Police Force. No wonder the stories from Aus are almost nightmarish with these psychos being unleashed on the citizenry.
(The title of the piece is a quote Worboys aimed at anti lockdown protestors in Sydney and wider Aus)
‘Filthy, Disgusting And Selfish’
New South Wales Police and The Australian Defence Force
SE QLD under extended “lockdown” until Sunday now I hear. No doubt just when that’s about to end another batch of deadly “cases” will pop up from under some rock somewhere and the “lockdown” will be further extended. Fucking lame part of the world I’m stuck in, surrounded by lame “government” “officials” and lame automatons. I specifically told people I know, back in February that this is what would happen this winter. And nobody believed me. I’m a conspiracy theorist kook.
And cairns post has somo giving us a lecture that we must get vax to stop this happening…no mention that it doesn’t work etc etc…never ending amount of lying being undertaken…and as I understand it, this all happened because some teen got a headache so they promptly did a pcr and declared whatever….so obviously looking for a reason…and now there is shit about all high school students needing to wear a mask at all times…which o suspect was one of the agendas….
not only says WTF but regularly asks have we all gone nuts.
Gosh. The ‘delta variant’ rampant in s.e. qld where I live! Better get another box of tissues to see me through this ’emergency’.
Love Lucy’s article and blog. I make the effort to speak to anyone in the street/shop like me, without a mask. Great way to make allies and new, like-minded friends.
Have you had any police encounters without your mask? Every time I think about going to buy damn groceries I have to mentally prepare myself and psych myself up to go without a damn mask. I’m afraid I just can’t get over this mask thing hey. I’m at the point where they can rip the world a new a-hole as far as I’m concerned just as long as I’m not expected to wear a mask like a leper. I’m innocent!!! Not a criminal!!! Someone talk me down please!!! This is just not right.
I dont wear a mask – never have. I have asthma but would not wear a mask anyway. Dont wear a mask and if someone says anything say you have asthma – you DONT legally have to prove it. Its written in the C19 regulations and Australian Human Rights
Informative. Seems police, if they are inclined, can still issue you a fine and then you’ll have to challenge it by writing to police or in court. I’d hate to have a fine mailed to me and then have to front up in court to challenge it.
Man, I really feel for you people in Australia. Things sound really rough there. Our lock-downs here in the UK are almost nothing in comparison.
Hang on in there mate, and remember that you’re not the mad one. It’s not you, it’s them.
I’ve had times when I’ve doubted myself, and wondered if I’ve got this all wrong. But as soon as I look out at the world again, and see the relentless propaganda and lies, my doubts vanish as if nothing.
Nature has been a real salve for me during these times. A walk or a bike ride in the countryside always makes things a little better, a little lighter. Though I can see this might be difficult if the whole population is under house arrest.
Hold on tight. Keeping sane is difficult when you are out of lockstep with those around you. The fact that you are still your own person is surely a sign of strength. Wishing you all the best.
Appreciate it. It’s not that it’s so bad here in Australia. I mean maybe it is down in Melbourne or Sydney right now. In Brisbane I dunno…the 3 day imprisonment has been extended by another 7 days or something. Personally, I don’t care. I don’t have kids and work for myself. I can go to the shops…though it’s stressful to do so with no mask…I can’t bring myself to cuck myself so badly by wearing a mask…so it’s kind of a gauntlet run always looking over your shoulder at the supermarket.
It’s not bad…I mean no military on the street…nobody knocking at my door with a syringe…nobody doing anything to me. But it’s the idea that I’m being treated as a leper…and treated as an infant. The lowest common denominator. The skeleton key that makes everything work is the idea of being a “spreader” though asymptomatic. That’s the trump card…the one idea to rule them all. It immediately robs you of your adulthood…your own common sense, your own respect for and responsibility to the community. It’s out of your hands now. Government knows best now. You can never know…because you can never know if you’re a spreader.
There was never a chance that Govs were ever going to let the common sense of sentient beings dictate their own actions. It’s all been taken from you with that one “asymptomatic spreader” concept…and that was something that came out and was made clear VERY early in the narrative…and I noted it at the time and I thought…oh no…oh dear…that’s checkmate. You can not direct yourself. You are at the mercy of directors. There is no “know thyself”. That’s gone. Erased. Now it’s Government knows thyself better than thou knowest thyself. And if this doesn’t alarm people then I don’t know what ever will.
That’s why I’m going crazy. Because this isn’t right. None of this is right. I remember hoping that Govs around the world back in 2020 March…hoping that people would be left to take their own measures of protection against the “apparent” “virus”. But I also knew I was dreaming and that they were going to rigidly implement control. And that’s what happened.
The thing that gets me is that I’ve spent the last 12 years digging myself out of a hole…improving myself…understanding myself and learning to control my brain and command and direct myself…basically to know thyself…and it’s kind of been robbed from me just when I was finally heading home from work overseas to my family to take care of my parents and bring happiness to them. I was set to do it. I had left all my old problems behind and sorted out the world. Finally confident. Now all this shit has come and forces way stronger and concerted than I are micro managing my life and everyone else’s. The discord between people is epic.
Yeah, this tactic of trying to convince everyone that they are a filthy bio-hazard is really nasty. It sets people against each other in a really fundamental way, utilising ancient fears to create distrust and division. It’s a disgusting manipulation.
And I also was finally sorting myself out when this shit hit the fan. After decades of heavy drinking and drug use, I finally felt as if I was getting my shit together, and had been off the booze for exactly a year when our first lock-down hit. The fact that I’m still not drinking after all of this is something I’m very proud of. The thought of myself dealing with the anger and rage brought on by these last 18 months, while also very drunk, well… I’d have probably been locked up for offensive and anti-social behaviour.
Good one mate. I love a beer myself…but can’t seem to justify the epic sessions I had in the old days. I feel as if I need to be sharp. My beer drinking has dropped big time since I made it back to Australia after working OS for 12 years. Got back last August.
Cutting back on alcohol is also a good way to reduce the taxes you pay (to the governments working to destroy you).
Every time I think about going to buy damn groceries I have to mentally
prepare myself and psych myself up to go without a damn mask.
Plandemic shopping tips: Make sure you have a complete shopping list, have a beer, relax, stay calm and then walk swiftly around the supermarket as if you own the place. Buy extra supplies then you don’t have to go back so often. That’s what I did and nobody bothered me. You might also inspire other ‘happy’ shoppers to do the same.
The day after ‘they’ dropped the mask ‘mandate’ BS here in NL, hardly anyone was wearing a mask, which was a nice surprise….and so lovely to see people smiling at one another.
Where’s NL? North London? Well yeah, I’m with you. I’ve done 2 massive shops since the start of the year because I KNEW this shit would come. And it’s done me well…we’ve had 2 lengthy ‘restriction’ sessions here. I’ve been back to the shops during them but just a couple of times.
The Netherlands.It’s been a difficult walk in a dark park compared to some of the reports I’ve read on here. The 9pm curfew was the worst bit. It’s been fckin depressing at times but fortunately I’ve had a couple of like-minded sceptic friends around so we’ve supported one another. I’m keeping cautiously optimistic. Keep yer chin up Pig Swill!
To me they are all Bravo Sierra variants
This is the drive to vaccinate the kids. Unconscionable.
They ruined the June school holidays. Now they’re f.cking with the Ekka. As well as with the people who make an extra long weekend during that particular week each year. I went from Brisbane to the Sunny Coast on Saturday morning. I was sort of happy to be stuck in the Boxing Day like traffic knowing so many people were getting out of town. And the highway was still bumper to bumper heading north when I was coming home in the afternoon. I’m told it was the same heading west with plenty of the runners pulling caravans. I just hope come next election people confirm their contempt by not voting. If 50% plus give an ‘I don’t consent’ up yours to the grubs they might have to take notice.
I’m thinking the rest of the winter in SE QLD is going to be masks and lockdowns. They’ll even roll it into Christmas I think as a real hysterical crescendo. They fucked the Easter holidays here too. Then the June July holidays.
The main thing I guess that boggles my mind is that nobody seems as alarmed as me about what is going on. Nobody seems to have any questions at all. Nobody seems to want to even speak out of line or engage in any discussion. Nobody wants to agree with anything I say. Nobody wants to listen. Everybody seems to be going out of their way to be discordant with me. Nobody will even empathize. It’s a complete block.
I’m starting to doubt myself. Is it me who is out of step? Are they behaving in a more mature way than me? Are they facing reality like adults, and I’m the child? That’s how it feels. Or is the machine doing what the machine does…sowing doubt and playing mind games?
I’m beginning to doubt my intelligence. Friends who watch nothing but the TV news are more at ease and seem loftier, more in control. If I ever try to explain anything the words just don’t come and I’m left looking foolish. Or I’m asked some question out of left field I didn’t expect and can’t answer and it’s case closed…I’m the weak one. The squeeze is on. I’ve been told to expect masks indefinitely. People are talking in tones of capitulation and making it sound authoritative and wise. What they are saying is total compliance but they say it so they sound strong and knowledgeable. I can’t describe it. But there’s no sense of “fuck this shit has gone too far” or ” this shit is out of hand”. It’s just… government says this…you get fined if you don’t do it…so we have to do this.
I just don’t understand it and can’t be at peace with what is going on. It’s one thing to type on here but real world is real weird and I feel like everybody is handling it and I’m not.
Im hearing you loud and clear Pig – MOST of my friends believe the lies and hysteria without one single DOUBT. Some have already got their vaccs without asking one single question. I just dont understand them either – they are so so so willing to believe what they are told without any questions or research themselves. I seriouly mean WTF ! I too doubt my thoughts at times – particularly when Im surrounded by brainwashed sheep. Its a hard road to travel when you feel alone.
Thanks Farm Gal. Yep. It’s a lonely feeling. Another thing I keep in the back of my mind is that those who are running this con also run cons inside the ‘question covid’ narrative if you know what I mean. Here I am, a garden variety peasant, and I’m fencing with all kinds of chicanery. If you know what I mean.
Do not doubt yourself Piggie. Many times in life I have done so then realised the problem is with “them”, the dumbed down majority.
Stay strong and stay true to your rock solid n]beliefs and knowledge.
Thanks grr. Yeah…mainly I begin to doubt myself when I’m with friends or family…you know…the people fully sleepwalking through this shit. They have a way of defending the narrative with the wave of a hand…while I flounder trying to make them see even the most basic point. Discord! But that’s part of the con…to have that discord.
Yeah, it’s rotten. But why doubt yourself? We have all done our own research and come to our own conclusions. I’m pretty sure that people who watch the tv news do feel more in control and comfortable. That’s what the news is designed to do, give them a pat on the head and tell them how good they are for doing what they are told.
re any sort of discussion, if you audience has opposite view to you, it’s pretty hard to get any sort of traction. I tend to just repeat one idea, maybe with different words, but basically just one idea that might sink in. ‘The vaccine hasn’t been tested for the usual 10 – 15 years maybe or ‘our democracy is of more value than our wish to ‘keep safe’, a pathetic concept.
Like you, I hate going to a shop where it feels like I am a pariah amongst the golden ones. I hate masks and sign-ins. I can’t believe Sydney has called in the army to ring the naughty Western Suburbs that demonstrated last week, and I can’t believe that almost all of my friends and relatives who I considered to be intelligent people don’t agree with me on anything. The people who do agree come from where I never expected to find them. Thank God for OG. Keep the faith.
Yeah Redbull, I’m with you. Normal TV watchers are highly adept at countering every point with seemingly watertight explanation. You know…the ones TV taught them.
What I do when the true believers utter a “….seemingly watertight explanation (from the MSM)” is to tell them to use a sourced fact from elsewhere, an independent source, otherwise it’s just regurgitated propaganda and I don’;t want to hear it.
They have a 100% failure rate.
Nah, your fine mate. Unfortunately you ARE going to have to watch them drop like flies very soon.
I am astonished at the level of stupidity, compliance and lack of self awareness in both Aus and NZ , is it the Veggamite that has caused this?
Australia is almost as bad as Canada.
Hang in there, this to will pass.
Vegemite LOL. And no, it is not the cause.
The answer is to not engage. Their shallow world of expedient short cuts and half-truths has been designed by them to serve them and it does. It’s been that way for decades.
It doesn’t serve us – especially to go face-to-face against the masses. Stay away from them, the same way you might refuse to talk politics or religion. Choose your battles. Use guerilla tactics. Not your job to save them.
Some of my family members have just been notified they were in an area where a student tested positive to coveeeee. They have to report for testing and quarantine like cattle until the 13th.
And that there is one reason I leave phone at home and do not play the QR game.
fug the swine astra/fizzer NAZEE PHARMACOM SLIME!!!
Election prediction;the muppets that are now angry at the current regime will vote in the other regime and the show will go on.
Wishful thinking. The non-voters will be found at fault. Voting (or not voting) does nothing.
That bumper-to-bumper traffic contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars in petrol taxes (to the governments working to destroy you).
The only votes that count are those done with your wallets and feet. But even those must be done wisely.
Take a Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, Astra and follow it up with some Thatlidomide and a Bex. Then have a . . . just keep mixing it up. . . . . you’ll bee fine as punch
Fuck it. I’m buying a 500x box of masks, a drum full of hand sanitizer a face shield visor, gloves, goggles. If I can’t beat them I’m going to join them…and then beat them. I’m going to book myself in for daily testing and watch TV as much as possible. Maybe that will clear my head and have me thinking straight. Get with the program Pig Swill! We are all in this together.
I knew the masonic paedo scum would extend the mass house arrest.
My daughter luckily escaped the Brisbane asylum Saturday. A usually 3.5hr drive took six.
The long Bruce was jam packed with traffic heading north.
Totally mate. No surprise at all. You could smell it coming. And I don’t even watch TV or read papers. Was told today that masks are going to be here indefinitely. Including schools.
Use the government’s own stated mask exemption.
My daughter has been told that in the B’bane uni. student accomm. building, where she rents an apartment, that they have been told to stay in their rooms and not enter common areas. I have just had a heated phone conversation with a manager and pointed out thas there is a “lockdown”, not a quarantine, and they are free to go wherever the fuck they want. And they are tenants with leases, not children in a boarding school.
It seems I may have to go there in person and press the point.
The hysteria is stupefying. Over something that a few days bed rest fixes. Unbelievable.
Ever since the term ‘conspiracy theory’ was first popularised by the philosopher Sir Karl Popper in the 1950s, conspiracy theories have had a bad reputation. To call a theory ‘a conspiracy theory’ is to imply that it is false, and that the people who believe it or who would like to investigate it (i.e. ‘conspiracy theorists’) are irrational.
Thus u r all ‘irrational’.
Exactly. It’s a negative term and you’re a kook when you’re labelled it. And if you label someone a conspiracy theorist that means you’ve won the debate…that didn’t have to take place…because you were already labelled a conspiracy theorist. The term was also popularized after the JFK murder apparently too, to discredit all inquiry. Seemed to have worked pretty well.
I don’t like corrupting the threads here with MSM nonsense propaganda but felt that this article had a purpose for those of us knowledgeable on the cult of COVID:
The demons at Sage (most likely SPi-B) seem to have begun their campaign of predictive programming for when the Jabbed start to drop like flies.
“The emergence of a new COVID variant with a similar death rate to MERS, which kills one in three infected people, is a “realistic possibility”, the government’s scientific advisers have warned“
As per usual there’s a lot of “howevers” and flip flopping embedded but the theme seems to be quite transparent; priming for the increased number of deaths in Autumn/Winter.
PS they couldn’t not mention the booster agenda:
“Meanwhile, SAGE said a scenario where a variant evades current vaccines because of a process known as “antigenic drift” is “almost certain”.
It suggests that the UK needs to continue vaccinating vulnerable age groups “at regular periods with updated vaccines” to the dominant variants to increase their protection.“
Yes I have seen similar stories online in UK newspapers. They obviously preparing the ground work for the vaccinated to start dying.
Ambulance call out data gathered by Public Health England have risen significantly for breathing difficulties, heart attacks and people becoming unconsciousness.
Just as a side note, Corona viruses are known fast mutators and as we now seem to be on the invented Delta variant why would the original vaccines work anyway? They wouldn’t. Just more bullshit shovelled on top of a pile of horseshit.
Dr. Yeadon says antigenic drift is low in corona virus, it’s drifted 0.3% in 18 months, Yeadon estimates that at that rate it would take 100 years to mutate enough that our immune systems would not recognise it.
Have you a source claiming otherwise?
There are many corona viruses – the most common being the common cold. That mutates a lot and we still have no vaccine for it.
Robert malone and van der bosche having been saying this,except as a result of vaccine escape.
Prepare for phrases such as “pandemic of the unvaccinated” even though mass vaccinating the globe with similar antigens will eventually lead to a lethal version in 2-3 years.
On the plus side,hopefully the elite will have no escape either,the psychotic bastards.
Both our Grandchildren are boys 5 and 3 but what little girl when she is 3 coming on 5 doesn’t want to be a Princess like Princess Diana.
WTF !, most nauseating post yet, so, er, congrats….idiot
Creepy as bro.
“The crisis exists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born. In the interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.” Comrade Gramsci.
A new paradigm is struggling to be born: Germ Theory is being scientifically challenged, so too the efficacy of vaccines. The Big Bang Theory, expanding universe, is under challenge (Einstein’s grip on the physics # 1 spot looks shaky)
.And the growing interests in Energy Medicines is a challenge to materialist main stream medicines. (on 31 July Matthew Ehret posted “A review of Dr Michael Clarage’s ‘The Electrical Shaping of Biology’ another challenge to the dominant medical paradigm).
It may take a couple of generations before the current paradigm is superceded, and only if The New can break the stranglehold, the death grip, of Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and Little billy gates.
So to all you sabot wearing rebels out there Comrade Lennon might have advised you to find a way to throw a Spaniard in the Works..
The CDC’s Hysterical Delta Flip-Flop Might Be Its Final Undoing
Is the inoculation trial a bona fide “trial”, with placebos and notice of such on a blind basis?
If so, do people know they may have 50/50 chance of getting placebos, or has that phase been over and done with?
I think that was in the first part because they came after the entire population….but doesn’t stop us volunteering to be the non injected part of the trial…smile
I do wonder if some people are receiving something inert. It would make sense. They know who has received what. Perhaps that was one reason for extending the delay between first and second dose to 12 weeks in the UK.
“Who, What, Where”
by Thom 9
Where are all the heroes, now that the devil’s come to call,
Where are all the heroes, no where to be found at all,
No courageous acts or super human deeds,
Where are all the heroes?
Guess it’s up to you and me,
Where are all the rebels, protecting our rights
Where are all the rebels, no where in sight
No one fighting for freedom and the right to be free
Where are all the rebels,
Guess it’s up to you and me,
Where have all those voices gone,
The singers, poets, musicians, et al
The writers, actors, comics and companies,
Where are all those voices?
Guess it’s up to you and me
Who’s that marching in the street?
Who’s that the cops have begun to beat?
Bloodied and battered but not deterred by the enemy,
Who is that?
Yes it’s you and me,
Raise your hearts and your banners,
Submit not to evil’s fear,
Better days come here after,
Our time is near,
We will not surrender or submit,
We will triumph and never quit,
We hold the power and the key,
We will always be on guard for our liberty!
In solidarity with all you good people.
Inspiring and very well put Thom. Thumbs up from me. Thank you👍
Happy shoppers ?….WTF – as wealth gets redistributed, freedom is eroded, and the cradle of liberty is rocked to tipping by the black booted tread of a plundering thief…but keep smiling, there’s a new flavoured ice cream on aisle 3.
Thank you Lucy for such an on point piece.
I walked through our local shopping centre today and those still wearing the face nappy look utterly miserable. Those with the patterned one looked damn right deranged.
One guy stood out to me; he was a middle aged very fit looking man with a tight fitting patterned gag covering all his face to his eyes. Cos he was almost statuesque and glaring our eyes caught and I just started sniggering – his eyes got angrier and like a boiling kettle his temp was up n up and by the time I walked past him I couldn’t stifle my laughter anymore…
It’s an awful anecdote because these moments are so difficult to put into words and convey outside our own individual experiences. Although I’ve been walking around like Roddy Piper for the last 18 months constantly muttering WTF now at least it is offset by seeing a normal human face and exchanging a smile. Those micro exchanges remind us of our humanity, and you’ve managed to capture that feeling with your words.
Thank you again.
I think mask wearers either have dead eyes or they look insane.
I dont wear a mask and have noticed most mask wearers DONT look at me at all. No eye contact – their heads are down (embarrassment???).
I too laugh at them. Sometimes I even speak to them in a derisory way. Fuck them. Performing monkeys in a freak show.