24 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 9

Kim Usbourne

Happy Monday Morning MemesTM, everyone.

Today’s intro is a big thank you to readers of alt. media the world over! You are helping spread the word on issues that controlled legacy media completely ignore. You do a vital job. Well done and thank you!

Through you, more and more people are becoming aware of the real issues going on, the actual dangers of this non-pandemic, the true numbers of vaccine-related injuries/deaths, the unprecedented health passes governments are attempting to roll out, and the huge resistances growing in response.

Remember, keep sharing, keep starting those conversations. Don’t allow people that plausible deniability they so clearly crave. When this whole totalitarian fad inevitably stalls, as it will sooner or later, don’t let people say ‘I didn’t know’.

And let’s make that sooner rather than later. We could all use a break!

Now, here are some memes!


Sometimes we have to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes…


‘Why’ fronts…


Some people just don’t get it, it’s about protecting others, not about making sense!


And here’s Patrick Vallance with another update…


“Run, Forrest, Run!”


“They say we’re young and we don’t know,
Won’t find out until we grow…”


“Good grief”…


It’s all Robert Stacked against us…


Things are getting Wilder…


In 2020 Wonka had to sell up to this guy…


Speaking of family films from that era with disturbing undertones…


Bull Fighter? More like bullshit fighter.


Human rights has hit a bit of a Wahlberg…


Have the fully indoctrinated considered this?


Global narrative pedlars and covid cultists… get a room!


Don’t forget your umbrella when you leave the house.


Fact Check: This meme is 100% true AND hillarious 👍


A common misconception amongst Facebook metallurgists…


As easy as pie


More humble pie anyone?


Bob the Builder met his match…


Especially applicable to those in Sydney right now…


Nice touch adding the garlic clove to the newspaper plague mask…


Social psychologists really do need to be taking notes…

And there’s another Monday Morning MemesTM gone, all too soon! Keep meming, keep talking in loud voices, let’s fling some Overton Windows wide open.

And remember, if the narrative feels disorientating, that’s its job…

Bonus Meme

… so always remember, be a rock in that stream!

Have a lovely week!


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Aug 9, 2021 9:23 AM

Brilliant : ) Thank you… But could someone explain how to embed an image in these comments please?

Aug 9, 2021 10:47 AM
Reply to  @101

I kind of figured it out now.

1) Go to https://postimages.org,
2) Choose the image to upload
3) When it is uploaded copy the “direct link”
4) Paste it on your comment
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Aug 9, 2021 3:03 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

Thank you very much.

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Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 9, 2021 3:40 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

Thanks, Skeptic. I was doing it a more complicated way – rather than copying Direct Link I was copying Hotlink for Website and then in the comment clicking the Source Code icon on the tool bar {} and pasting the link.

Aug 14, 2021 5:08 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

Thanks Skeptic…comment image

Aug 12, 2021 1:17 AM

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Darko Richard Lancelot
Darko Richard Lancelot
Aug 11, 2021 5:16 PM

Surprise or Surprise not? That is the question!
They prepare the ground to divide humor also! Shall we label them like “1984;s?”

Aug 11, 2021 7:21 AM
Aug 10, 2021 11:52 PM

‘We won’t stoop to their level’

We’re being ground to dust by them, but we’ll be morally superior dust because we won’t have stooped to their level.

Our principles, first and foremost.

Or maybe.. since the courts, the politicians, the media, law enforcement are all bought, clearly on board with what is unfolding, and since there’s clearly no other redress whatsoever save the shortlived palliative of funny memes, maybe stooping to their level is and has always been the only thing they fear precisely because there are so many more of us than them.

They’re coming after our children, after all.
Isn’t it time therefore to string them up and open their fucking throats?

Aug 11, 2021 1:36 AM
Reply to  Frank

Yes. Agreed. This is clearly a nightmare worse than any we could have imagined. But in order to stay strong and somewhat sane, we have to leave the darkness some times, if only for a few hours.

I’m with you on the isn’t it time thing, it’s just that how are we going to accomplish that. I wish though.

Aug 10, 2021 7:17 PM
Aug 10, 2021 6:26 PM

Laughter really is the best medicine – please keep these coming!

Aug 10, 2021 2:07 PM

Well, I got this one from James Corbett. I doctored it. There’s two messages in one. Have a look:
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Aug 10, 2021 11:00 AM

Hmm, wasn’t as impressed this week. Instead of moaning, I thought I’d make some of my own.
This is an actual sheep mask to stop sheep eating vineyards in Australia. Poor sheep.

Aug 10, 2021 12:02 PM
Reply to  NoMadSpreader

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Aug 10, 2021 12:05 PM
Reply to  NoMadSpreader

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Aug 11, 2021 4:58 PM
Reply to  NoMadSpreader

Yeah. The flogging, crown of thorns and a crucifixion plus the coup de grace with a spear were irrelevant.

Aug 10, 2021 12:09 PM
Reply to  NoMadSpreader

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Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 10, 2021 3:45 AM

Bunnings is a hardware chain which is one of the few types of stores in NSW allowed to be open at the moment.
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Aug 10, 2021 1:55 AM

CNN Advocates Fear of Job Loss and Social Ostracization To Push People Into Taking the Vaccine
We can be told that there are more hospitalizations in Houston and more positive tests in Florida than ever before, but to everyone in the country, everything looks the same as it did in 2019: there has never been any evidence, in any of our personal lives, that any pandemic actually exists. Continued claims of the existence of this invisible crisis are now stretching the outward bounds of public credulity.
As far as things eventually going back to normal when enough are vaxxed – we already know that this is not true, as in both Iceland and Gibraltar there are near full vaxx rates and the “pandemic” continues.
If someone would just look at what is going on in these fully vaxxed nations, they would be made quickly aware of the obvious fact that there is no plan to end any of this.
Of course, the media will never ask Fauci about Iceland, and the masses of Americans have too much fat in their brains to really pay attention to anything that isn’t directly in front of their faces. They don’t even know that there is a revolution ongoing in France against the forced vaxx and vaxx pass.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Aug 12, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  scy

If people stop watching CNN then CNN can scream as much as they want, all that will happen is that their advertisers will go elsewhere.

Peter Abraham
Peter Abraham
Aug 10, 2021 1:16 AM

Memes featuring Lord R are not permitted.

Aug 10, 2021 1:07 AM

Fantastic thank you

Chris Black
Chris Black
Aug 10, 2021 12:05 AM

Love them all, especially the bonus meme. Long live Meme Monday! 👍

Aug 10, 2021 2:10 PM
Reply to  Chris Black

I got a rare real chuckle from the door meme.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 9, 2021 11:33 PM

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Aug 9, 2021 10:06 PM

One of the funniest I’ve seen came out a while ago

Aug 10, 2021 12:04 AM
Reply to  Jonathan

Great link. Flaying your farts is tight!

Aug 9, 2021 8:50 PM

These are brilliant. I now call this “Meme Monday”. I live for Meme Monday! 🤣

Aug 9, 2021 7:54 PM

#21 & #14 are the tops but honourable mention to the guy with the garlic LOL. We HAVE actually “devolved” to the point of superstitions (queue Devo or Stevie Wonder).

Aug 11, 2021 7:41 PM
Reply to  TRM

thanx TRM
YES, my favorite R WE NOT DEVO! They really nailed this crap way back when. Go check some of their lyrics “It’s a beautiful world we live in; sweet romantic place…” I love DEVO and anyone who mentions them, U R my Spud. Look up some of their vids of live performances… The videos they play before and during their shows are epic. Sorry, I’m on a DEVO rant now. RE PLANDEMIC: WHIP IT GOOD!

Aug 9, 2021 7:52 PM

Thank you! Humor will see us through. I especially liked, “Remember . . . if the narrative feels disorienting, that’s its job.” Yes. That is exactly its job. It’s fucked up. I am genuinely embarrassed for people lately, in what they are allowing themselves to swallow and believe. More embarrassed than ever before. Even usually clear-thinking people who used to be independent thinkers. For those people, I am sure the govt would be glad to trot out a few new wars in the Middle East to sell them. And they would buy them. Just like Viet Nam. Turning off all TV and radio for a time would certainly help and be a good first step in stopping the cult programming. Seek and find a few reliable thinkers and writers to connect with, to read and discuss. Keep thinking. It’s not that hard to see through the BS all around us.

The Fauci fan meme above is one of my favorites. Thank you. Here’s a another theme that someone may want to expound on. It goes along with the magical thinking and BS that abounds now.

The more someone hates Trump, the less susceptible that person is to the virus. It is like a talisman. Try it.

Thank you again for the cartoons. They help! Please keep them coming. Thank you for all your are doing, warriors for love and life, humor and common sense, truth and goodness.

Oh, one more question I need clarified. I read Catte Black’s recent piece on the PCR tests. Is she saying that the test does not work?

Aug 9, 2021 6:53 PM

Thanks for a really good laugh. It’s been too long.

Aug 9, 2021 4:24 PM

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 9, 2021 3:48 PM

I like 15 (girl with copulating monkeys), 20 (COVID affecting senses taste, smell and common) and the bonus Fauci the best.

Aug 9, 2021 5:32 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

The monkeys are a perfect emblem for what politicians are doing right in our faces.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 10, 2021 2:17 AM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Yep, so grateful to you, moneycircus, for your link to the very interesting documentary, Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich. I’m just finalising a draft of letter to hospital administrators which will include the following:

Subject line:
COVID-19: Kicking Duty of Care to the kerb

“Without the full support of physicians, scientists and nurses, the Holocaust as it unfolded could never have happened.”
Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich

Towards the end:

We are told in the film, Caring Corrupted – The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich, which I highly recommend viewing in these disturbing times, that nurses “lovingly held” babies – that the authorities deemed should be killed for whatever insane reason – before they killed them. These German nurses weren’t monsters, they were people like you and me today, normal people doing their job of looking after sick people, however, the fear-mongering propaganda had managed to influence their minds in such a way they were able to perform acts they would never have done in normal times. A number of doctors and nurses were hanged immediately after the war but were all those hanged really at fault for their crimes? Was it fear-induced mind control that made them perform these barbaric acts rather than any criminal intent?

People ask how a whole nation could go along with mass slaughter of innocent people. How was it possible? I believe the 20-minute film, Mass Psychosis – How an Entire Population Becomes Mentally Ill provides a very good answer to that seemingly very puzzling question.

I’m sure that should the fraud of this alleged pandemic ever be exposed you won’t personally be held accountable. You will not suffer because the conspiracy is too far-reaching, too many people are going along with it for people to be held accountable afterwards. Like many other frauds of the past, I doubt this fraud will ever be exposed publicly so I believe you can sleep easy in the knowledge that you won’t suffer anything like the humiliating end of the killing nurses and doctors of the Third Reich.

But if you really care about people, you will question very carefully the measures you have implemented in your hospital. Don’t you think, at the very least, you owe the citizens of NSW a well-evidenced rationale for kicking Duty of Care to the kerb?

Aug 9, 2021 8:33 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Yes I love 15 too, the girl’s expression is an absolute treat.
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Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 10, 2021 1:57 AM
Reply to  KarenEliot

Absolutely love yours, Karen.

Aug 11, 2021 9:28 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

agree, best meme on this page

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 9, 2021 3:38 PM

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Aug 9, 2021 3:05 PM

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Aug 10, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  @101

Not until both of those orgs state clearly that there is no Sars CoV 2.

Aug 10, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  Arby

UK Column are very clear that they take a particular line so as to not alienate or antagonise parts of their audience. I agree with this stance – they are presenting investigation and facts, but regarding origins/existence/nature of the ‘virus’ they purposefully try to remain neutral as much as possible.

However, Patrick Hennigsen speaks a bit more freely; in supporters’ ‘extra time’ they speak more freely (it’s £3 a month – less than a chain store coffee, and they are only funded by members). And they have several times referred to and shown clips from Dr Sam Bailey’s videos (she’s on YT and Odysee). She is a co-author of the book ‘Virus Mania’ and demonstrates clearly and completely that it has never been proved to exist.

I have reached that conclusion, and yet am a supporter and watcher of UKC. I’m sick of division and picking sides, and I understand journalism. They want to get other vital information across eg psychological warfare. They are excellent, old -fashioned investigate journalists and a fantastic resource in these times.

Saying ‘it doesn’t exist’ will create hundreds of emails from people blasting them – saying ‘it does exist’ will create hundreds of emails from people blasting them. The ‘powers that should not be’ LOVE it when we fall out, argue and reject one another over virus what/where/when/if… that’s why they make the facts obvious and the conflicting stories outrageous – keeps us occupied.

Aug 10, 2021 11:17 PM
Reply to  AMR

I appreciate your thoughtful comment. I respectfully disagree. I do find UKC to be very informative, but sometimes just have to stop watching and move on because I’m so disappointed in their failure to deal with the foundation of the hoax. It’s not smart. It’s not helpful, in my view. Do they or do they not embrace the lie that Sars CoV 2 exists? As for Patrick, I didn’t know about what you reported there. That’s good. Although I have seen fakers talk through both sides of their mouths a lot in this war on God and nature. It often depends on who the guest is that he or she is interviewing. The interview that Laura-Lynn Thompson gave to Andrew Kaufman is a good example. She begins the show by doing propaganda about the virus and the disease. Then she has Andrew on and when he sorts her out, she acts (perhaps sincerely) like she’s going to think about it all and she expresses amazement and she notes that she’s heard this stuff before, implying that it’s not that strange to her ears but she’s uninformed (which is fair). It will be interesting to watch some her videos going forward.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Aug 10, 2021 9:20 PM
Reply to  Arby

Why would we state that? Many doctors and biochemists and virologists who oppose every part of the covid narrative firmly believe the virus has been isolated. Others, of course, don’t. There are hundreds of respiratory virus, whether one of them can be called SARSCOV2 or not is far less importent than the fact ‘the virus’ is basically harmless and the PCR ‘tests’ don’t work to identify it anyway

Aug 9, 2021 3:04 PM

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Paul Nicholls
Paul Nicholls
Aug 9, 2021 2:49 PM

I busted a gut at number 23. Such people will either all be exterminated, or the foundation of a new society, and I count myself within that number.

Big Vern
Big Vern
Aug 9, 2021 2:45 PM

So where is Banksy and his thought provoking images these days?
I guess in hiding after coming to terms even he can be fooled.
Or has he been a useful idiot all along.

Aug 9, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  Big Vern

He’s not going to risk his rather marvellous wages – Massive Attack don’t sell many records these days

Aug 10, 2021 12:35 AM
Reply to  Big Vern

Great question I’m always wondering where the rebellious artists. What about Radiohead?!? OK Computer pretty vividly described the current dystopia in 1997. It would be like if Kafka survived into the Nazi period and suddenly went silent 1939-1941. Wasn’t this what they had been criticizing etc? ‘Paranoid Android’ was partially about Baal Gates ffs. Edwidge has opened my eyes to the likely fact 98% of them are ‘in’ the FM club but surely there are a few who are not? I hope.

Aug 10, 2021 9:56 AM
Reply to  Thiekbalj

We used to call it “selling out.”

Aug 10, 2021 8:29 PM
Reply to  Big Vern

Didn’t you see his covid-superhero nurse piece last year?
So rebellious.
I think his whole story is a bit dubious – an ‘anonymous street artist’ who ends up selling works to Brad Pitt & Bono etc

Aug 9, 2021 2:21 PM

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Aug 10, 2021 2:14 PM
Reply to  shamen

That’s good.

Aug 9, 2021 2:17 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 9, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  shamen

“Mainstream Media? A more accurate term would be Corporate Fascist Propaganda.”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 9, 2021 3:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Aug 9, 2021 3:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Aug 11, 2021 5:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Would be a more effective image if he had a pistol on the table (“defense” suggests the photo was taken in the USA).

Aug 9, 2021 1:56 PM

The world as seen by a child. My 11 year-old son just texted me this from his beach trip:

“In New York you are forced to take the vaccine to have a job and if you refuse to take it you will be fired and won’t be able to apply for work until you have taken it.

More states are gonna have this rule.

From today in every city in Georgia you have to wear a mask. Even on the beach here in Batumi.

You have to wear it until you go swimming. And then put it back on.

Do people actually still believe this is about a virus?

On the news in United States they aren’t even talking about the virus anymore they just talk about lockdowns, masks, vaccines.

It’s so bad they don’t even show the fake death counter from Covid because they know its useless and people won’t believe it.

People comply because they want it to end. But it is because of their compliance that it may never end.”

Aug 9, 2021 9:24 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

I wonder how kids that age are perceiving this madness. Even if they have good parents like you, it must be so confusing and even terrifying that the world is so insane.

Aug 10, 2021 11:03 AM
Reply to  Blessthebeasts

It does frighten them. My ex wife says not to talk about it. I believe we must help children understand.

Aug 10, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  Blessthebeasts

My daughter tells me to stop talking about it, and I try, but I find it increasingly difficult when it’s affecting just about every area of our lives.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Aug 9, 2021 1:54 PM

I don’t care about being original right now, so I will just spout it: laughter is the best medicine. But satire is an antidote.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 9, 2021 1:38 PM

From today’s Independent:

”Private Health firms to profit from massive NHS backlog. Wave of new deals with independent hospital groups expected to cost the taxpayer a cool £2 billion with contracts allowing the providers to make profits of £200 million.”

Well, well, well, and this is not counting the big Pharma rip off of course. Looks like Uncle Santa is coming early this year!

This whole covid bullshit was intended to funnel monies away from the man in the street to the big oligopolies and their ring masters: Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffet, and the rest of the bloodsuckers.

How can the morons in the street miss this?! They are being systematically looted by the PTB, and all that they are worried about is a non-existent virus, or more likely (a poison vaccine).

The whole covid scam was about moving large amounts of money from the many to the few. It’s as simply as that, but the morons don’t get it! What do you say in a situation such as this.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Aug 9, 2021 1:57 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I guess this is what Zeke Emmanuel meant by “efficient allocation of resources”. I bet the Algonquians and the Africans were presented with the same argument 600 years ago. You know, as in, your resources will be more efficiently utilised by us.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 9, 2021 7:04 PM

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

…- Zeke’s brother, Rahm…

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 9, 2021 4:47 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Hello Donald Duck: I wrote this a number of years ago, but it seems about right: >

First process: You need to arrest all 4 and 5 star generals over the age of eighteen. It’s mandatory to do this all over the planet. Surgically implant brass toilet flush handles on the left side of their temples. It’s obviously a left hemisphere dominance problem that really needs a good flushing out…
Second: Arrest all scientists who have ever received cash payment or “enhanced credentials” from any military contract. Build beautiful marble asylums equipped with all natural rubber rooms and specialized equipment. The “special” equipment would be set up to torture them with clean fresh air and glorious natural sunshine for the rest of their fucking lives… Force them to eat organic too!!!
Thirdly: Repatriate all captive zoo animals from zoos all over the world. Set them free in their own native habitats. Make that habitat a permanent natural preserve. No industrial enterprise can ever be allowed again in these natural habitat zones. These would be strictly residential zones in perpetuity…
Next: Arrest all those who think they belong to a royal family or political party of any kind. Relocate them into the empty zoos you just cleaned out. You could put all the royal families on monkey islands. Have fancy gold plaques explaining what specie they belong to…
Fifth: Arrest all members of international banking cartels, and replace their left arms with chrome handles from one-arm-bandit slot machines. Make it fun. Every time you pull the handle the banker looses money…
Sixth: Arrest all those who work crooked Wall Street deals behind the backs of private citizens. Strip them of all assets and properties and move them into specially built MacPlaylands.
Have massive “securities” fences topped with razor wire. Equip the MacPlayland with all the cool play-ground stuff you normally see at MacDonald’s hamburger joints.
Let groups of pissed off gorillas in heat live there in MacPlayland with them. I’m pretty sure those nasty brokers would be feeling very insecure in no time at all…

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 9, 2021 11:29 PM

It’s a nice dream I like dreaming about. But, of course, we wouldn’t stoop to their lowly, murderous level…

Aug 10, 2021 1:17 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

“business as usual”

Aug 10, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

“The whole covid scam was about moving large amounts of money from the many to the few. It’s as simply as that, but the morons don’t get it!”

Yes and no. Yes, it’s clearly funneling huge amounts of money from the poor and middle class to the already stinking rich billionaires, BUT they already have more than they could spend in 1000 lifetimes, so I tend to think it’s more about cementing their power and control. It’s happened with every dictator in history. Once they’ve tasted God-like power, they just can’t let it go, and will do literally anything, genocide included, to keep hold of it.

Aug 9, 2021 1:35 PM

A balanced piece on the Graphene question

The only way to positively ID Graphine in a sample is via EDS, Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. This requirement was highlighted as required for confirmation in the original commisioned research, and has yet to be carried out. All the additional research uses only optical/electron microscopy.

Until they can show this EDS analysis has been done, the definitive statements made by Delgado et al are at best hyperbole, at worst misinformation.

Whitney Webbs research on TLAV is well worth watching, it’s linked in the article.

Aug 10, 2021 1:38 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Good link . I got the warning light when this first came out; this faculty seems to improve with use and it’s been getting a lot in the past 18 months.

Aug 12, 2021 5:26 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Good post, thanks much.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 9, 2021 12:45 PM

I have just come across the video of James Corbett’s testimony to the German Corona Investigative Committee of May 31st. Well worth a look if you haven’t seen it.


Aug 9, 2021 12:03 PM

These were the best so far. Thank you!

Aug 9, 2021 11:49 AM

I love that “Don’t drag me into your psychosis”, tempting to use that on colleagues who have completely lost it in some locations, like pod people in individual cubicles at canteen now, double masked + plastic face shield…ah the mass delusional psychosis…. Another good retort a friend of mine suggested to the “Have you had the jab yet?” is “No, I’d rather be an infidel”. It stumps them & makes it clear we see them as fanatical religious zealots!”

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 9, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  Shelby

James Corbett describes getting the injection as being an initiation ceremony into the cult in his interview I linked to just above. Very apt.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 9, 2021 11:30 PM
Reply to  Shelby

I doubt whether they draw that conclusion…

Aug 10, 2021 3:30 AM
Reply to  Shelby

When asked that impertinent question by a female I ask back “Have you had a vaginal scrape?”.
To men I ask “Have you had an oral gonorrhea test?'”.

Fuck them all. When did it become polite to ask questions of strangers, friends, family, or anyone about their medical history?

Aug 9, 2021 11:19 AM

Re no 4 about how do they tell variants…..I have noted increasing comments about how they are doing genetic sequencing to tell if it is covid original or delta whatever….which cracks me up…given I am not sure they have anyway of knowing either,,..but it sounds good to put it is press releases for the masses….sounds scientific doesn’t it? Genetic sequencing…

Aug 9, 2021 11:14 AM

re boosters: goes for real vaccines too/why vaccine induced her immunity is an oxymoron

Aug 9, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  sabelmouse

herD immunity!

Aug 9, 2021 10:49 AM

More fun than a me-e-e-e-m
Loop this on your phone at a low volume. Better still, Bluetooth it to a hidden speaker in the office.

Aug 9, 2021 2:57 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Millions of jabbed lambs are silent waiting at slaughterhouse gate. Multiply this sound by 100 millions to realize horrific deafening reality of Covid terror.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Aug 9, 2021 4:53 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Hello Kalen: Damn straight. Is terrorizing children really something to laugh about? No wonder they want us dead…

Aug 9, 2021 8:16 PM

Never heard of “gallows humour”? “Don’t grumble. Give a whistle”

Big Bad Jon
Big Bad Jon
Aug 9, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Love that moneycircus, only trouble is my Welsh Sheep Dog has now leapt off the settee and is looking out the window for the sheep 🙂

Aug 9, 2021 10:19 AM

Fauci is a troll.
An effective treatment for trolls –
Don’t feed the troll.

Ignore this obnoxious specimen. Send him to Coventry, as an old saying goes. Starve his sociopathic narcism. He will melt into the little slimeball he is.

Aug 10, 2021 6:36 PM
Reply to  dnomsed

Yep, and the same applies to Piers Morgan and his ilk. Publicity is their oxygen; starve them of it.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Aug 9, 2021 9:45 AM

I remember in the early 1950s, the American playwright, Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” which I saw as a lad at the Old Vic theatre in London in the early 60s. I was only about 17 at the time, and have been a rebel all my life – for better or worse. The play takes place in Salem, Massachusetts, during the 1692 Salem witch trials. This was a time when paranoia, hysteria, and deceit gripped the Puritan towns of New England. Not very far from the corona-scare of today as the current wave of neo-witchcraft is producing similar hysteria, paranoia and deceit.  Miller captured the anti-communist hysteria in the USA and situates these events in a riveting story that is now considered a modern classic in the theatre. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the drama factory in the present and not too distant future.

It would be nice to see playwrights of Miller’s stature – Pinter, Beckett, O’Neil, Vidal, and so forth today, most of whom are unfortunately departed, but it is my bet that they would really have made a meal of the anti-humanity woke scum.

The best films I saw in the 70s were in this order Network, Taxi Driver, and Apocalypse Now. They don’t seem to make films like that any more.

But for now the contemporary well-funded witches and witchdoctors (also known as social psychologists) are in charge of government policy and are writing the scripts. How and when this lunacy will end and how it will end is anybody’s guess. I will be neither an optimist nor a pessimist, but it will ends how it ends. In any case my existence on this planet is getting alarmingly short but I would just love to those humanity hating psychotic animals eat crow before I go.

Aug 9, 2021 10:45 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Those poor witches are so terribly oppressed these days:


Even if one believes the official narrative from Salem, nobody was executed there for witchcraft, the executions were for denying witchcraft. Also in the official narrative it is clear that witchcraft was really going on there. Another myth is that witches were burnt – burning was for the crime of ‘petty treason’ and not witchcraft per se.

Who wrote the manual on witch-hunting? Well, it was King James and he happens to be a known Freemason. They’re doing what they do with slavery – taking their own past crimes and exploiting them for new purposes today with the blame deflected on to unwitting dupes (for witch-hunting read “Puritans” and for slavery read “whites”).

If witches are so repressed, how come they get multi-million dollar TV, book and film franchises promoting them? Wicca is uaually portrayed as harmless, soft, white/green witchcraft but this is of course a trap. Its founder Gardner was a serious Occultist – and, oh what a surprise, a big fan of global government.

The history of 1950s’ anti-communism is more fakery. McCarthy was right that, for example, China was “lost” deliberately. Why did the OSS train Mao’s guerilla’s and George Marshall cut off arms to the Nationalists? McCarthy was steered into a narrow focus on Communism – after initially arguing for a wider conspiracy – by Roy Cohn and shot down when he started looking too closely at institutions like the military.

Aug 11, 2021 5:13 PM
Reply to  Edwige

He was looking for Communist agents in a US Army that had fought the Korean War (McCarthy had served in WW2 but Cohn had pulled strings to avoid military service) and Cohn tried to get privileges for an assistant named Schine when he was called up into the army which looked then and still looks now like homosexual favouritism.
Why McCarthy came to be so dominated by Cohn is still something of a mystery.
A biography of Cohn by Nicholas von Hoffman suggested he went after the US Army because other institutions had been combed and recombed for Communists and there were just not enough to go around.

Aug 13, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

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Neither McCarthy nor Cohn were exactly photogenic and this seems to have told against them during the Army hearings, which were televised.

Aug 12, 2021 12:14 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

My guess is that most in Hong Kong who are still unvaccinated – that is most local Hong Kongers – will choose testing. After a while, companies will start seeing the cost of testing: people spending a lot of time in quarantine. Then companies will have to either mandate vaccines or give it up. They ain’t going to give it up, so it will be at that point that the trouble begins.

Aug 9, 2021 8:58 AM

Sorry, but you really lowered the tone of things with No. 12 – perhaps a contemplative read of the section in Asimov’s “Childhood’s End” that covers the end of Bullfighting might help with the perspective?

Anglo-Welsh mongrel
Anglo-Welsh mongrel
Aug 9, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

I agree. That fucked up butchery is no laughing matter. Mithras shit. Independent Catalonia.

Aug 9, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

“No bulls were harmed in the making of this meme”…


Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Aug 9, 2021 9:39 PM
Reply to  Cascadian

Er – Arthur C Clarke.

Always really LOVED that boomerang idea that Clarke introduces in the bullfight passage in ‘Childhood’s End’: every wound that the bull get’s is immediately experienced at full blast by ALL the human sadists involved in the spectacle. Straightens the bastards’ priorities out pronto! Long ago, I came across another SF story built around this same idea. Can’t recall title or author now, but it involved a character who I seem to remember was called ‘John Abnego’.

I’ve alway dreamt since encountering these stories of some way to make that boomerang happen wherever people indulge in cruelty-for-fun, or cruelty out of indifference: a boomerang-effect universal, automatic, and – preferably – experienced by the perpetrators before the victim animal suffers any distress at all; in fact with the proposed victim getting clean away every time, unscathed. A sort of vividly-experienced hallucination, physically harmless, but deeply shocking and horrible; unavoidable, non-negotiable, sharp awareness of just how the whole dreadful event will feel for the prospective victim.

The same group-mind psi which I think is behind the apparently-authentic stories of UFOs disarming nuclear weapons bases could also impose this anti-cruelty discipline on feckless humankind too, if enough compassionate humans would commit to the ‘dreaming-together’ process behind such events; in this case to be carried on voluntarily every night during sleep. For those who can handle the heavily-proven reality of psi, there is masses of high-grade evidence, including formal experimental evidence, that ‘dreaming-together’ is a real capability of the psi faculty; which, btw, we ALL possess naturally to some varying extent.

This boomerang-of-cruelty effect would need to be suspended for those who have immediate genuine need to kill for their food, or for the food of genuine dependents (not many authentic instances, these days); or to save one’s own life if attacked unprovoked by the animal – which virtually never happens if you just leave them be, demonstrate your confident willingness to defend yourself if necessary, and otherwise just live and let live.

Give off the vibes. They get them! Bulls, big cats, hyenas, bears and all the ‘dangerous’ animals can be as sweet, responsively affectionate and reliably-restrained in their behaviour as you could wish, if just treated from infancy on with the sort of kindly and loving care that you’d give to a beloved companion animal. Lots of images of exactly this ‘impossibility’ happening now with every one of these ‘intractably-dangerous’ species; images easily found now, due to the ubiquity of video-capability in so many hands lately. Proof beyond doubt that it can be done, with enough due respect, and affectionate kindliness.

And please vegans/vegetarians, reflect: a tree or a smaller plant wishes not to be treated with indifferent brutality and untimely murder, just as animals don’t like it? Assume that ALL living things have this basic preference.

So – how not to starve yourself, then?

The key is simple: killing other things for real need is just one long-evolved way that life operates on this planet. If you incarnate here, that’s one part of the deal you sign up for, like it or not. Whether you do carnivorous eating or not, just eating at all is going to demand the deaths of other living creatures; hell, just walking about and sitting down demands it too. It’s our fate on this particular planetary holodeck. We are bound to deal death, just as death is dealt to us eventually. The vital key is to do all this unavoidable killing with as much restraint and compassion as humanly possible.

John Seymour, that lifelong mixed-agriculturalist, gives a description in his classic book ‘Self Sufficiency’ of how he kills one of his pigs when he reckons it’s time. John always undertakes the job himself, never shirking it off onto other people, even though killing a friend is no easy task. The pig has had a good life, of the sort that pigs find highly satisfying, and has always been treated with meticulous kindness, consideration for its feelings, and with due respect (and btw, pigs make delightful friends for humans, when treated right; dear souls! 🙂 ). When the time to die comes, s/he is lured into a shed, out of sight and sound of his/her mates, with a bit of favourite food. And as s/he is doing what pigs like so much – eating – John shoots her/him in the middle of the forehead with a twelve bore. Instant death, no terror, no distress at all. The body is then dealt with out of sight of all the other animals.

Do inescapably-necessary killing this way (and do no other kind), and the boomerang can be avoided, legitimately.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
Aug 9, 2021 10:16 PM

Hey RG! Are you perhaps thinking of George Abnego in the scifi story Null-P by the sadly forgotten William Tenn?

Aug 12, 2021 11:43 AM

You are like the USA except that you want to be the global animal-cruelty policeman, judge and executioner.

You obviously do not respect nature and are a budding Nazi, best nip it in tbe bud ie. now!

Aug 10, 2021 2:21 PM
Reply to  Cascadian
Aug 9, 2021 8:52 AM

Normies on a market trading forum all agreeing with the head post rant about “escape variants” probably the best normie rant I’ve seen since this whole shitshow started.

We don’t need exotic new medical theories to debunk the mainstream narrative, regular biology does a fine job on it’s own.


Aug 12, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  ImpObs

Regular as against constipated corporate?

Aug 9, 2021 8:35 AM

This whole covid con looks like a Wile E. Coyote vs Road Runner cartoon and where ‘we’ are supposed to play Wile E. Coyote while ‘they’ are the con actors who always get away with their bullshit. ‘Meep meep’ is all they say.

Well, I hated road runner as a kid, but found out the way how I could silence road runner once and for all.

You know how?
– By changing the channel.

Fuck the Faucis the Fergusons, the experts. They know nothing about anything anyway and the only reason why they exists is to play road runner for the Wile E. Coyotes. They can easily be cancelled, just don’t let them in saying ‘meep meep’

Gives you time to focus on meme no 1 and meme no 24, which I think are excellent memes

Aug 9, 2021 10:40 AM
Reply to  Willem

But the thing I can’t get my head around is that these experts are willing to play road runner in front of the public at large. I mean, you have worked hard for >20 years, made all sorts of promises to work for ‘the people’ (e.g. Hippocrates oath) and then let yourself be depicted in the media as road runner saying: ‘meep meep’ (variant), ‘meep meep’ (vaccine)?

And the answer is: ‘yes please!’

-because they played road runner all along. Is what their education was really about. And is also the reason why these young academics are eager to replace the experts if they are given the chance. They are all the same..

But what mind boggles me most, is that I have been able to live in that environment for years without really noticing what academia was really about…

What is it about?
That 2+2=anything power likes it to be

And if power says, the answer is correct, academia knows it’s good

Which brings me to the core of the problem

Academics can be hailed as scientists as long as they say what power wants them to say, and they get away (like road runner) with anything and feel good about it!

They get full credentials (with salary), while actually doing nothing or worse than nothing. What’s not to like?

Aug 9, 2021 11:02 AM
Reply to  Willem

Following orders.

Many people love following orders more than they love truth or freedom. They foolishly find it comforting; they fear responsibility and segregation more than the nightmarish world of segregation that their lack of responsibility will bring.

It is really hard for people like us to understand, but there is no doubt in my mind at this point that that is the case.

Drs use protocols they know are deadly, officials enforce measures that they know will harm countless people, citizens take “vaccines” that they know can seriously injure them. All of that because they can`t turn away from the lure of following orders that free them from responsibility and welcomes them into what appears to be the dominant group.

There are many billions out there ready to fulfill whatever order they are commanded to fulfill.

And if they can earn money, fame, and glory by fulfilling those orders, they will start making their own nonsensical commands. It is a very bizarre approach to social climbing.

Aug 9, 2021 12:59 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

I think it’s indeed money. Many unremarkable people have noticed that doctors are always needed, and the pay is better than what you get as an office clerk, so that’s what they go for.
Of course the process of becoming a doctor is tough, so a fair percentage don’t make it.
But some do…
Of those, a fair percentage consider the Hippocratic Oath to be obsolete mumbo-jumbo, and of the remainder a fair percentage are bright enough to realize that they will earn far less than their peers if they don’t prescribe unnecessary drugs.
It’s a crime ring which people fall into like they fall into dope-dealer and arms-dealer rings.
Step-by-step, unnoticeably.
A shocking scandal, except that everybody has got used to it, because it’s everywhere.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 9, 2021 1:36 PM
Reply to  wardropper

There are, of course, exceptions. I know somebody whose doctor believes in natural healing methods over and above drugs and also advises her to steer clear of the injections because he thinks their purpose is genocide. There is now a hotline in Cyprus for reporting doctors who advise against getting the injection, so he is not unique.

Aug 11, 2021 8:14 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

A hotline in Cyprus for reporting doctors not going along with the vax plan? Apparently we’ve fully arrived in 1984. Wow.

Aug 10, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  wardropper


Aug 9, 2021 11:15 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

That is so true. People love following orders and wagging their fingers at those of us who don’t.

Aug 10, 2021 6:50 PM
Reply to  Martha

Cowardly bootlickers, the lot of them. I know insults don’t help, but that’s how I see them. Self-centered, propaganda-swallowing, virtue-signalling lobotomy patients.

Aug 10, 2021 6:47 PM
Reply to  Skeptic

I couldn’t agree more. The avoidance of responsibility is to be expected from a generation of ‘adults’ who’ve been spoiled as children, shielded from any opposing views as students, and raised in an environment with an ever increasingly and decidedly pathological insistence on safety at all costs.

The result is a plague of weak, egotistical, responsibility-avoiding individuals who value material wealth, vanity and hollow praise above traditional values such as kindness, selflessness, integrity and hard work.

A huge wake up call is required, and I suspect it won’t be long in arriving. Unfortunately for those of us who place doing the right thing above personal gain, we’ll all suffer the after effects. I think drawing parallels with WW2 is entirely appropriate.

Aug 9, 2021 11:14 AM
Reply to  Willem

Public service departments work much the same….much mindless effort or even no. Effort goes on these days.

Aug 9, 2021 8:33 AM

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Aug 9, 2021 8:36 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

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Aug 9, 2021 8:40 AM
Reply to  Skeptic

It’s more like this. Except we do not know what’s in these ‘vaccine’ shots, because the Pharma can be trusted

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Aug 9, 2021 10:25 AM
Reply to  Willem

Certainly the secret ingredient causing this was not declared.


Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 9, 2021 1:37 PM
Reply to  Willem

Do you think they could contain graphene oxide as is rumoured?

Aug 10, 2021 2:25 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Whitney Webb, in an interview with Ryan Cristian, looks closely at the claims that the Spanish doctor makes in that regard.

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Aug 10, 2021 5:30 PM
Reply to  Arby

I agree with Webb’s analysis and don’t accept that the Pfizer vaccine contains over 99% graphene oxide, but that does not mean that there is no graphene oxide at all in the injections.

Aug 10, 2021 11:03 PM
Reply to  Tim Drayton

Agreed. I think Whitney agrees as well. As I think Jon Rappoport noted, If the injections were ‘all’ graphene, that would be like the hoaxsters inviting the world to see that they are hoaxsters. That’s one that they couldn’t get away with, in some ways. (This hoax is about power, after all, and they have it. They don’t care if we know.)

Aug 11, 2021 4:06 AM
Reply to  Tim Drayton