The shot that was NOT heard ‘round the World
Ashli Babbitt, the Coronavirus Coup, and the Silence of the Scams
Michael Lesher

More than seven months have passed since an unarmed protester named Ashli Babbitt was shot dead inside the US Capitol while attempting to climb through an opening in a glass door.
Seven months after her death, her killer – a police officer who apparently shot her without warning, and certainly without having made any effort to stop her short of putting a fatal bullet through her chest – has never been publicly identified, let alone charged or disciplined.
During those same seven months – during which every self-respecting liberal demanded a criminal penalty for the policeman who killed George Floyd – Ashli Babbitt, the victim of an equally questionable police killing, has been the target of an orgy of media character assassination.
When Donald Trump recently mentioned her death as “a terrible thing” (hardly a radical assessment), New York Magazine’s response seethed with victim-blaming outrage, insisting that the unarmed Babbitt, with no criminal history of any kind:
was leading the mob [inside the Capitol] violently forward toward its goal of threatening or killing officials.”
There’s no evidence that Babbitt intended to kill anyone, let alone that she actually tried to. And there’s plenty of reason to believe that her fatal shooting was illegal. But facts about Ashli Babbitt have never counted for much in liberal media.
For the press, the top priority has been to ensure that in any story told about the 2020 election, Donald Trump and his supporters are the ones who tried to destroy American democracy, while Joe Biden’s Democratic Party heroically came to its rescue.
In this respect, New York’s slander is altogether typical. Refracted through the editors’ invective, in which (among other things) Republican politicians are, weirdly, accused as the real culprits in Babbitt’s death, the underlying message emerges as an ideological tautology: Ashli Babbitt had to die because she joined the wrong sort of protest.
No wonder New York concluded that the hapless 35-year-old was killed “for a very good reason.”
The January 6 demonstration in which she participated has been as relentlessly demonized in the press as Babbitt herself.
According to mainstream media, the men and women who marched to the Capitol to protest the machinations by which Biden ousted Trump from the White House were – take your pick – “fascists” (PBS), “white supremacists” (CNN), “terrorists” (MSNBC), or a violent “mob” bent on paralyzing the United States government (USA Today), while virtually every mainstream media outlet still insists – against all evidence – that, collectively, the demonstrators staged an armed “insurrection” that only just failed to turn the United States into a right-wing dictatorship.
And anyone who imagined that, after seven months of this, the slanders against Ashli Babbitt couldn’t get any more venomous reckoned without the inflammatory effect of mass media Trump-hatred.
When, on July 12, the former President suggested that Babbitt’s killer should at least be publicly identified, the New Republic swung into anti-Republican overdrive, claiming in a hysterical screed that the unarmed Babbitt was a monster who had hoped for “the mass execution of Democratic politicians and prominent liberals” when she went to Washington to be killed on January 6.
Merciful heavens, the woman was so freaking bloodthirsty that she actually used to watch – Tucker Carlson!
Even that wasn’t all. The same rant that accused Ashli Babbitt of harboring dreams of mass murder described the January 6 protest as “a mob of thousands who…rampaged through the halls of Congress,” when in fact only a small fraction of the protesters entered the Capitol at all, and only a handful of those have been accused of possessing “weapons” (most of which seem to have been flagpoles); with a single exception, not one of the charged “insurrectionists” even thought to bring a gun to the coup. (The lone protester facing criminal charges who did carry a pistol into the Capitol never drew it, according to police.)
But hey, fantasy breeds fantasy: for liberals like the TNR editors, where there are Trump supporters, there’s just got to be mayhem.
Lest I be accused of playing an after-the-fact role in the “insurrection” myself, let me emphasize that I do not share Ashli Babbitt’s politics, and that I do not approve of the actions of the protesters who broke into the Capitol on January 6. Nor do I regard the 2020 presidential election as having been “stolen,” at least not in the sense that many of the protesters evidently believed it was – of which more presently.
But whether Ashli Babbitt was right about Donald Trump or about the 2020 election is ultimately beside the point. The plain truth is that as far as anyone can tell she was the victim of an extrajudicial execution – an execution made even more heinous by the fact that Babbitt’s actual offenses inside the Capitol involved no violence and placed no one in jeopardy.
It is an outrage that in the United States of America a police officer can shoot a woman dead for trespassing. And it is doubly an outrage that so few ostensible civil libertarians have been willing to say so.
Scores of liberals, politicians, op-ed writers and public moralists demanded a full-scale investigation into the fatal police shooting of Breonna Taylor. Why couldn’t one of them utter a single word of protest about the lethally trampled civil rights of Ashli Babbitt?
The smear campaign against Babbitt is more than the product of a pernicious double standard. It also serves to distract the public from the very real issues that spurred the protest in the first place.
I repeat: I don’t credit stories about the ghost of Hugo Chavez rising from the grave to manipulate secretly-programmed voting machines on Election Day. (In fact, I suspect these “theories” have been amplified in popular media precisely because they’re relatively easy to refute.)
But the January 6 protesters did have excellent reasons to be angry about the electoral process that put an end to Trump’s term of office. And since the popular press refuses to discuss the protesters’ legitimate grievances, allow me to enumerate three of the most important ones.
1. The balloting procedures used in key jurisdictions were probably illegal.
In several closely contested states – Georgia, Illinois, Michigan and Pennsylvania among them – state executives made unilateral changes in the election laws in order to facilitate voting by mail rather than at polling booths, citing the “killer virus” as a pretext. Yet in every such case, the applicable state constitution assigns questions of public policy – including the extent to which people can vote by mail – to the state’s legislators rather than the executive branch; these matters cannot legally be determined by gubernatorial fiat except in strictly defined “emergencies.”
Nor can it be claimed that COVID19 posed such an emergency. Even Atlantic Magazine, one of the most sedulous organs of coronavirus hysteria, conceded barely a month before the presidential election that “voting with a mask on is no more dangerous than going to a grocery store with a mask on – something millions of Americans do every week.”
That means that the balloting procedures used in several important states were fundamentally flawed – not only violating the relevant state constitutions but probably transgressing the “due process of law” requirement of the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution itself. And while there’s no way to know whether these wrongly altered procedures actually changed the outcome of the election, Trump voters had every right to condemn them.
2. The election was effectively decided by mass media misinformation.
It is ironic that so much recent propaganda accuses Trump and his supporters of circulating “misinformation.” In fact, one of the most consequential misinformation campaigns of modern times was largely responsible for Trump’s defeat.
Post-election observers are in general agreement that Joe Biden – that mumbling mummy – would have stood little chance of besting Trump had it not been for the popular press’ relentless stoking of coronavirus hysteria.
Of particular impact was the claim – repeated in various forms in more venues than I can count – that Trump was “personally responsible for tens of thousands of deaths,” as one typical hit piece insisted in the run-up to the election.
But was he? For all the huffing and puffing, no one has presented any real evidence to support the accusation. Yes, the man in the bad wig behaved as anyone familiar with his record might have expected: he made some foolish remarks, picked needless feuds with Democratic governors, hogged the spotlight, reversed himself without acknowledgment, and took credit for things that would have happened just as well without him.
But the fact remains that presidential action had little effect on the virus or its consequences; nearly all the important decisions – including the disastrous lockdowns and small business closures, not to mention the suspension of representative democracy and the attacks on education, public worship and the arts – were made at the state level.
In all of this, the White House was largely irrelevant. Trump’s most culpable act – in my opinion – was backing the Food and Drug Administration as it cut the corners of the testing procedures that should have been required for the COVID19 “vaccines” and granted the manufacturers blanket legal immunity for any adverse medical consequences.
But on that point, remember, Trump was supported by the “experts” and even by his political opponents. Legitimate criticism never figured in the media blitz against the former President. Instead, he was blindsided over claims so vague they couldn’t even be specified, with dire-sounding but meaningless words like “downplaying” or “mishandling” repeated so often that eventually they seemed to prove themselves. It was an impressive display of emotion-churning propaganda. It contained little or no truth.
Did the avalanche of misinformation violate any election laws? Alas, no. But that fact certainly did not deprive angry voters of their right to protest.
3. Biden’s election guaranteed the worsening of the coronavirus coup.
The protesters’ conviction that Trump actually won the election probably won’t stand the test of time. But in one important sense, they did know perfectly well what they were fighting for – and so did we.
Joe Biden has never made a secret of his fondness for attacks on freedom in the name of “health” regulation. Less than two months into his term, Biden was openly mulling an executive fiat that would require the muzzling and six-foot separation of all American workers, even those who have submitted to the “vaccines.”
He has also suggested that anyone who declines to be a guinea pig for Big Pharma is unpatriotic, and has announced a plan to have “local health leaders” hawk the scantily-tested drugs from door to door to add even more pressure to the vaccination campaign – even as the unprecedented “gene therapy” has already figured in more than 5,300 deaths nationwide.
And this is clearly just the beginning.
Each passing week sees the lockdown-lovers flaunting still more contempt for the Bill of Rights. Mandatory muzzling has been reintroduced in Los Angeles County. Geraldo Rivera, a media stalking horse for the administration, has endorsed Jim Crow restrictions for the “unvaccinated” that would bar them from grocery stores and nearly all public places.
The US Surgeon General is publicly calling for still more censorship on social media (where dozens of accounts have already been canceled for disseminating information the authorities don’t like).
The nastiest aspect of all these police-state tactics is the growing intensity of the hate speech aimed at dissenters. “Look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated,” Biden insisted (falsely) on July 16.
Rochelle Walensky, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, took the incitement a step farther, blaming even infections among vaccinated Americans on “outbreaks of cases in parts of the country that have low vaccination coverage.” In other words: if you get sick, you can thank those dastardly freethinkers who still imagine they’re entitled to civil rights.
It’s a dangerous and divisive strategy. And anyone unsure where it leads need only look to Italy, France and Greece, where officials are already forcing health care workers to submit to vaccinations on pain of losing their livelihoods.
French President Emmanuel Macron, not even bothering to seek parliamentary approval, is mandating “vaccine passports” for anyone who wants to eat at a restaurant or to travel by train.
And these strong-arm tactics are doubtless intended to prepare us for worse still to come. Anthony Fauci himself has declared that COVID19 vaccination should be compulsory in as many places as possible – even though federal law holds otherwise, since the drugs have only been granted “emergency use” authorization – because he thinks it “horrifying” that people should decide the fate of their own bodies. (The good doctor sings a different tune on the question of legalized abortion, but since when have our ruling mandarins been consistent?)
In short, to say that a lot was at stake in the 2020 presidential election would be putting it very mildly. Liberal pundits have expressed shock at the willingness of thousands of people to converge on Washington to denounce the election results that effectively intensified the coronavirus coup. I think it would have been shocking had they not done so.
It’s not just that our government – and its tame mouthpieces in the press – is using the pretext of “health regulation” to demonize those citizens who choose to exercise their right not to be injected with an untested drug. The entire vaccine-blackmail program is premised on a lie.
The campaign necessarily assumes that the COVID19 “vaccines” prevent transmission of the virus from one person to another. They do no such thing.
The manufacturers have acknowledged, and the FDA has explicitly confirmed, the absence of any evidence that the new “vaccines” prevent either infection or transmission of SARS-CoV-2. The argument that vaccination is necessary to “protect the public” against COVID19 is simply fraudulent.
Not only does the fear-mongering about “the unvaccinated” falsely assume that the “vaccines” prevent transmission, it completely ignores the presence of genuine immunity among those who have already been exposed. As with any respiratory virus, exposure to SARS-CoV-2 triggers the development of antibodies and T-cells that serve to prevent future infections and, therefore, to block the virus’ transmissibility.
In October 2020, the prominent Oxford University epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta estimated that “three months, maybe six is sufficient time for enough immunity to accumulate…that the vulnerable could resume normal lives” in the United States. More than nine months have now passed since Gupta’s assessment.
Even if her estimate turns out to have been overly optimistic, there can be no doubt that enough natural immunity exists in the general population to have a profound effect on the transmissibility of COVID19, with or without the experimental drugs the government wants us to use. Any “analysis” that omits that obvious fact is patently dishonest.
And suppose, for argument’s sake, that one overlooks all this and accepts the “case” numbers peddled by the CDC. Even so, the statistical basis for all the shrieking about “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” is riddled with too many inconsistencies to be taken seriously.
The southern states of Mississippi and Arkansas, for instance, are both at the low end of the vaccination-level range, at 33.6% and 35.2% respectively.
If the Biden-Walensky propaganda were correct, those states would be inundated in comparable outbreaks of new COVID19 infections.
In fact, after adjusting for the small difference in population size, Arkansas’ most recent 7-day average for “new cases” is nearly 2.5 times higher than Mississippi’s. Such a disparity in the official numbers clearly cannot be explained on the basis of COVID19 vaccination rates.
And things are no different at the high end of the vaccination spectrum. Maryland has “fully vaccinated” 57.6% of its population, while New York lags just slightly behind at 55.8%. Yet, after adjustment for the different population sizes of the two states, New York still has nearly 2.5 times the 7-day average number of new “cases” of COVID19 that Maryland has – as big a gap as that between Mississippi and Arkansas.
Or consider the wildly different “case” levels to be found in California, which has a “fully vaccinated” rate of 51.5%, and in Pennsylvania, where the rate is 51.1%. Again, after adjusting for population, California’s latest “new case” average is well over double that of Pennsylvania’s – even though the vaccination level in the two states is virtually identical. Anomalies like these make nonsense of any argument that the US is experiencing a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”
And what about the “vaccinated”? Here, too, the propaganda doesn’t withstand even cursory scrutiny. Recently, six “fully vaccinated” people at a single wedding – held in a “large, open-air tent” – all came down with COVID19. Of those six, two were hospitalized and one died.
In a rather desperate brush-off typical of mainstream media, Insider’s Hilary Brueck described this as a “small outbreak that underscores how effective vaccines are against even variants of the virus.”
Ah, how nimbly propagandists put about in a changing wind! A year ago, six symptomatic cases of COVID19 would have marked the ceremony where they originated as a dreaded “superspreader event” – it would have been touted as proof that anyone selfish enough to invite guests to a wedding ought to be treated as a public menace.
And if, on top of that, fully a third of those infected had been hospitalized, and over 16% of them had dropped dead – well, I will leave it to the reader to imagine the hysterical headlines that would have erupted about that. Are we really supposed to chant hosannas now that the identical evils are showing up in the wake of COVID19 “vaccinations”?
But let us return to January 6 and the conspiracy of silence surrounding the killing of Ashli Babbitt.
Apart from her violent death – the only one that occurred in the Capitol on January 6 – the incidents of that day were strikingly incommensurate with the media’s horrified depictions of the “storming” of Congress.
Yes, there were scuffles with police, but such things were hardly unprecedented in Washington. And the media’s obsessive use of the phrase “deadly riot” misrepresents the unfortunate but nonviolent deaths (other than Babbitt’s) that occurred during or immediately after the protest.
Brian Sicknick, the Capitol Police officer who died the following day, and whose death – as we were assured by the New York Times on the basis of “anonymous” reports – resulted from being clubbed over the head with a fire extinguisher by one of the “insurrectionists,” actually died of natural causes (as did two of the older protesters).
The only other supposedly “violent” death, that of protester Rosanne Boyland, was determined by the D.C. medical examiner’s office last April to be the consequence of “acute amphetamine intoxication,” though that didn’t prevent the Times from offering its readers back in January a gorily detailed – and false – account of how Boyland was “trampled” and “crushed” to death by “the mob.”
(By the way, I am not aware that the ostensibly meticulous fact-checkers at the Times have ever printed a direct retraction of either of these two bogus articles. Innocent errors do sometimes merit a correction at the Paper of Record; malicious errors almost never do.)
The threat allegedly posed by the demonstrators to members of Congress seems also to have been greatly exaggerated. Despite the media’s early insistence that the “insurrection” was led by sinister “right-wing extremists,” only a handful of those who breached the Capitol had any ties to the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters or Aryan Nations.
“More than four-fifths” of those charged for their actions on January 6 “come from various backgrounds, from business owners to white-collar professionals,” the BBC reported in February. The claim that the “rioters” brought zip-tie handcuffs to use on Democratic politicians turned out to be another falsification: the one protester photographed holding the “restraints” actually found them on a table inside the Capitol. The police had brought them there.
And frankly, I find it a little hard to believe the stories of lawmakers who say they feared for their lives during the “siege” when one of them, a Democrat from the Virgin Islands, could generate straight-faced media reports by claiming that she preferred a “possible confrontation with the insurrectionist mob” to sharing a “secure location” with some Republicans who were – gasp – not wearing masks!
True, her insistence that masks on the Republicans would have protected her, while her own would not, is part of the magical thinking we’ve all been asked to swallow throughout the propaganda campaign.
But would anyone who genuinely thought she was running from a lynch mob refuse a safe haven just because “I wouldn’t be able to see the virus as it was coming toward me” from a few un-muzzled legislators across the room? What was evidently meant to sound like a horror story reads, to me, much more like farce.
So it turns out that anyone genuinely concerned about “deadly violence” during the January 6 protest can have only one real subject to investigate: Ashli Babbitt. And the more one investigates her death, and the circumstances surrounding it, the less justifiable the whole scenario appears.
Just how, for instance, did protesters manage to enter the Capitol in the first place?
No one in power has offered any convincing answer to that question.
Federal government buildings in Washington are normally among the most zealously guarded in the world. And everyone knew that a large political protest was planned for January 6, the day Joe Biden’s election as President was to be officially certified.
Why couldn’t Capitol police use tear gas to stop the unarmed demonstrators as soon as they breached the entrances, especially since “tear gas munitions were used by other federal police agencies against protesters in front of Lafayette Park” just a few months earlier? And assuming the local police force was somehow unable to handle the crowd, where was the vaunted National Guard?
Some of the protesters believe that they were deliberately entrapped. As one of them later told the FBI, “law enforcement purposefully did not have enough resources there so that supporters of the former president could overrun the Capitol and be subsequently labeled as ‘intruders.’” I cannot prove this theory correct – but I also cannot dismiss it as implausible.
As early as February 4, Time Magazine’s Molly Ball reported that a “conspiracy” involving “an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans” had orchestrated a “vast, cross-partisan campaign” to ensure Biden’s smooth entry into office.
This “conspiracy” was so effective that it “got states to change voting systems” and, on the day of the January 6 protest itself, saw to it that the protesters who converged on the Capitol “were met by virtually no counterdemonstrators” who might otherwise “be blamed for any mayhem.”
Surely a cabal capable of that much could also arrange for the protest to get just far enough out of hand to guarantee media images that would discredit Donald Trump with the nation’s political elites – which, of course, is exactly what happened. Or was it all just coincidence?
Along similar lines, the strange absence of the National Guard on January 6 has been widely reported – but only as an inexplicable blunder.
Yet couldn’t this, like the parallel absence of counter-demonstrations, have been deliberate?
We know that the deployment of National Guard or military personnel to the Capitol would have required the consent of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And we know that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was General Mark Milley, a man who (according to a soon-to-be-published book) told his aides that Trump reminded him of Hitler, and whose determination to ensure that Biden was installed as President – “come hell or high water” – went so far that he “informally planned for different ways to stop Trump” after the election, including private telephone conversations with (Democratic) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
In fact, credible reports maintain (though he denies it) that General Walter Piatt, director of Army staff, specifically refused to send National Guard troops to the Capitol on January 6 because “it wouldn’t look good.”
An honest press – if we had one – would be taking a hard look into the possibility that the “deadly riot” was really political theater, organized not by the protesters but by the very democracy-haters the protesters came to challenge. That would make Babbitt’s killing an even uglier miscarriage of justice.
Meanwhile, the refusal of the media, the pundits, the civil rights organizations, the politicians – just about everyone in power – to give Ashli Babbitt’s death the attention it deserves is more than a wrong in itself. It is part of a larger pattern of political gaslighting by which the victors in the 2020 election, while accusing Trump & Co. of an attempted “coup,” continue to advance a coup of their own.
Today the coup marches under the name “Delta variant.” But this is only a temporary phase. Specific terrors will vary from month to month, but there will always be some reason for whittling down our remaining freedoms. This latest scare is entirely typical.
Notwithstanding the ballyhoo, there’s no real evidence that the “Delta variant” is particularly dangerous – not even the CDC has attempted to make that case – and as a general rule, subsequent variants of a respiratory virus are less severe than those they follow.
(As a matter of fact, there’s only sketchy evidence that the new “variant” is even more transmissible than the original version, despite popular media’s insistence on this as a matter of fact: the CDC cites only one study about the alleged contagiousness of the “Delta variant,” which is based entirely on manifestly unreliable public “test” data. It’s also rife with anomalies, such as the finding that the variant spreads more rapidly among Asians than among white people, while among blacks it actually appears to be less transmissible. Go figure.)
In other words, like nearly everything the “experts” have claimed about COVID19 for the last seventeen months, the “deadly Delta” story is much less about facts than it is about maintaining public hysteria.
And the motive for the fear porn is perfectly clear. The Biden administration never intended to give the public anything more than a brief honeymoon from coronavirus terror.
True, there had to be some kind of reward for voting Donald Trump out of office. But now it’s time to get back to business – “business” being the deepening confinement of the American public.
“The carefree Covid season is over,” barked CNN on July 17. And the network was quick to identify the next targets of the crackdown: conservative media, for encouraging “vaccine hesitancy,” and “Republican-led states” that “have tried to outdo each other in limiting the power of cities and counties to impose Covid restrictions in case of a new outbreak.”
It’s a short step from condemning defenders of basic liberties to uprooting the liberties themselves. So if you thought this was all about roasting a TV commentator like Tucker Carlson or a politician like Ron DeSantis, think again: you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Can we still pry our country loose from the grip of the fear campaign? I hope so, believing as I do in the aspirations to which our political system is dedicated, and still more in the value of the human lives that have grown up under the influence of those ideals.
But if we want each life to matter, we have to prove that Ashli Babbitt’s life mattered too. We need to demand more from the federal Justice Department than the cynical conclusion that there was:
no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defence or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber.”
We need to seek an explanation for the fact that “the officer,” unlike Derek Chauvin – currently behind bars for killing George Floyd – has never faced charges of any kind for gunning down an unarmed woman under circumstances that placed no one in serious danger.
We must ask why there are no crowds in the streets to support the Babbitt family’s lawsuit against the Capitol police, as there would be if she had been killed by a cop during a Black Lives Matter rally.
It must be clear by now that the coronavirus coup isn’t going away of its own accord. If we don’t demand an end to it, there will be no end.
There will only be more fear porn, more manipulated elections, more wrecked livelihoods, more attacks on freedom – and more tragedies like the killing of Ashli Babbitt, who believed that by taking her protest to the seat of government she could make a difference.
Whether she was right about that is no longer up to her. It’s up to us.
Michael Lesher is an author, poet and lawyer whose legal work is mostly dedicated to issues connected with domestic abuse and child sexual abuse. His latest nonfiction book is Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities (McFarland & Co., 2014); his first collection of poetry, Surfaces, was published by The High Window in 2019. A memoir of his discovery of Orthodox Judaism as an adult – Turning Back: The Personal Journey of a “Born-Again” Jew – was published in September 2020 by Lincoln Square Books.
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Demand an end?
Better END IT ourselves…
Take your guns.
Delete. Exterminate.
“Liberal media”? If only. How about corporate, pharma-funded media. That’s also a fact.
False flag, zero doubt about it. Just watch the video from one of the “insurrectos”, of the whole “assault”, and it is crystal clear. And very very ill performed. Even the supposed care for the woman after the shot, as well as the reactions of all the people makes absolutely no sense. Cant say anything about the shot or the wound, but everything else was staged, and quite similar to those white helmets videos of fake rescues and forged gas attacks.
The author might be interested to know that following a lot of analysis of several videos taken in the invasion of the capitol, I was able to conclude that the shooting of Babbitt was preplanned and coordinated between an official who talked with the protestors, the three unarmed police in front of the glass doors, and an agent provocateur wearing a bear hat and a yellow Pirelli sweatshirt. He appeared from behind the police line and destablised the crowd, and then was the one who broke the windows with his crash helmet before allowing Babbitt to climb through. In other words, it was a false flag. The photos we saw of four armed guards in the chamber around the other barricaded door were for public consumption, while the man who shot her was only seen by Jarrad A on video. I wrote an article on AHT – “the last shot at President Trump, but it’s down the memory hole now, with AHT, thanks to the FBI.
Yeah no, “Ashli” was and still is an intel asset and the staged fake shooting was meant to further inflame the LARPing right wingers. I’ll include a solid analysis just for giggles or indeed outright belly laughter, it’s that bad!
The election wasn’t rigged – oh really ?
Every political leader in post at the moment has been placed there for the same purpose.
BTW no mention of the 4 police officers present at the “insurrection” who have conveniently “committed suicide” .
In the context of a whole text with important questions and conclusions, one sentence in this extensive argument is completely incomprehensible to me: „Nor do I regard the 2020 presidential election as having been “stolen” – writes Michael Lesher, then a few lines further on he contradicts himself: „But the January 6 protesters did have excellent reasons to be angry about the electoral process that put an end to Trump’s term of office”, „The balloting procedures used in key jurisdictions were probably illegal”, „The election was effectively decided by mass media misinformation”.
This is not just my opinion, by the way, but that of many people speaking before me, annoyed by this sentence (and not necessarily being staunch Trump supporters), who focused on this glaring inconsistency to the exclusion of the clout of the entire article, which is the media’s all-too-rare DEFENSE OF ASHLI BABBITT’S MEMORY!
the shooting was faked. show me the body. reqarding the stolen election IT WAS MOST BLATANT IN YOUR FACE ELECTION THEFT EVER COMMITTED in post Kennedy assasination silent coup. see Richard Charnin on wordpress. he is the statistical expert on US elections. I voted green but was a democrat from 68 to 2016 until i aw Sander help Killery rig primaries and concede when it was clear he won 33 states to her 17. amazing how many blue friends i knew were totally aware of fraction magic Smartmatic vote flipping software when the Repukes used it against Gore & Kerry or Killery was using it in 2016 but ignored it when Biden & DNC used it in 2020 along with mail in ballot ballot box stuffing. denial is not just a river in Egypt. blatant mathematical reality denial .
Certainly possible, but does not invalidate the reaction and how well it worked. Neither side likes to admit they’ve been played. The point stands on her ludicrous martyr status.
The tone of this article is pure hypocrisy. Content verges on propaganda.
I don’t support her killing and I don’t champion her supposed heroism or innocence. She was unhinged. She should not have been killed. Her kind is exactly the sort who have and continue to support the SAME treatment she is being given now for anyone not like them (race not necessarily the only factor). Still, I will take the correct stance & say I do not support her killing.
I’m not from US but closely follow major international politics. I do not support radical BLM rhetoric & actions, & I don’t support police or any other brutality. So my stance is not based on “BLM love”.
It is fair to note that vast majority of her ardent supporters – the ones who are championing her as a beacon of freedom against her equally unhinged liberal counterparts – are the SAME people who wish & celebrate death of those outside their political sphere who do similar things or suffered wrongful death. Floyd is only one. To her supporters, anyone who even partake in a protest not aligned with their views should not be given the freedom & rights they demand for her now.
Whilst I agree on the general double standards on SOME of Trump supporters and overall election farce, I will not make her some symbol of martyrdom for freedom blah blah. And I certainly do not support the crazed looniness of radical liberalism either.
There are many more like her who unwisely acted out of excessiveness & radical belief in a system or idea, & became a nameless sacrifice. These people are rarely given this kind of coverage & certainly not this sympathy.
So no….this was no shot heard round any world except the Republican corner who still defend these people as heroes.
I see that key in your back is nicely wound up, Observer. The Capitol “riot” was a pathetic pantomime then whipped up by the media who interestingly told us what might have happened if … only to then take the “if” as if it really did happen!
Actually – that shot has been heard around the world, I’m not in America. Hatred is perhaps as powerful as fear in warping the truth, and probably more destructive. Trump was despicable, but the hatred he inspired in his opposition was truly shocking, and perhaps a contributing factor in the utter complacency of the left to the Covid narrative we are all being forced to endure..
I’m enjoying the comments more than the article. Nice to see that so many readers aren’t being fooled by this carefully-written propaganda piece.
Is it Lesher’s cognitive dissonance, or is he a modern-day ‘journalist’ (meaning paid propagandist)? Several articles on OffG just the past couple days have me asking that same question.
I’m enjoying the concern trolling more than the comments.
Trump had literally dozens of massive rallies with tens of thousands of cheering enthusiastic supporters – Biden had a small handful of ‘public appearances’ with some tiny number of quiet attendees, probably media and campaign workers, no enthusiasm at all outside of the media shills doing their very best to convince people he was actually in the race – to say Biden got more votes than any presidential candidate in history other than Trump in the same election is just flying in the face of the blatantly obvious.
AND – Trump leading in 4 key swing states – at about 10 30 on election night all 4 states unprecedentedly closed down the counting – never been done before in the history of American elections, as normally the counting continues until someone is declared the winner – and then sometime in the middle of the night all 4 of them start the public counting again – and miracle of miracles!!!!!!! Biden is how ahead!!!!! – and remains ahead and wins!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord has performed another miracle!!!!!!!! – I mean, how f***ing stupid do you have to be to believe this????
Completely agree. OffG have an interesting policy with regard to the US2020 election: they refuse to properly discuss it. Maybe the Editors think it was/was-not stolen, but not to discuss it at all, is a dereliction of duty. For example, in the last week they have a really heavy emphasis on the D4CE symposium, but completely disregard the 3-day symposium from Mike Lindell on the fraud in the 2020-election. That is really remarkable. And when I made a comment to that effect on Saturday, said comment was deleted by Sunday. Remember, OffG exists as a response to their comments being deleted by The-Guardian. So, the joke is on them, and the question remains: why are they ignoring the massive discussions around the US2020 election-fraud?
They told us Ashli Babbit was shot dead by a policeman and they told us George Floyd was killed by a policeman and they told us Breonna Taylor was killed by police and they told us there’s a “novel” killer virus out there … but the evidence clearly shows none of these narratives are true.
Michael you need to wake up to the psyop type, “staged event”. Psyops have a very strict MO and, generally, you can work out whether an event is staged in a matter of minutes because they’re always done “hidden in plain sight”/”revelation of the method” style … and if you can’t work it out or can’t be bothered applying the psyop lens to it someone else will have done the work for you, just look on non mainstream search and video sites and put the word “hoax”/”false flag”/”psyop” and other words relating to the event.
There were clear signs of a psyop in the Israeli/Palestinian goings on you wrote about in your last article … which isn’t ‘to say that Israel isn’t screwing over Palestinians shockingly but it’s always a case of THEY CONTROL THE NARRATIVE.
Underneath the propaganda story they TELL US THE TRUTH LOUD AND CLEAR.
Ashli Babbit – hoax (part of bigger hoax)
George Floyd – hoax (on a continuum of fake stories of police killing black people and not just in the US – which isn’t in the least to say that violence against black people isn’t committed all the time for all we know but when it is, it’s not reported in the media 24/7)
Breonna Taylor – hoax
Second-level propaganda for Breonna – not sure if the author is paid controlled opposition or genuinely believes that the killing happened for real while the rest of the narrative is false but either way, the evidence suggests Breonna wasn’t killed and it would be very unpsyop-like to kill for real but just have the rest of the story at odds with reality, that’s NOT how they do psyops, except in the case of assassinations and even a number of those I have my doubts about.
Coronavirus – hoax
1. We are psyopped with fake news all the time.
2. For their big/biggish events there will be multiple streams of propaganda to confuse and distract, for example, for George Floyd, we have the propaganda stream that he was killed but the killing was not as reported when the evidence shows no killing took place.
3. When you know there are lies in a narrative, especially when you can see that the story will foment disharmony or otherwise press people’s buttons, start with the premise that the WHOLE narrative could be a lie. DO NOT ACCEPT ANY PART OF THE NARRATIVE WITHOUT CLEAR EVIDENCE. Somehow, people seem to want to start with the lies in the narrative part-way through. Why would you do that when their propaganda strategy is to push out controlled opposition agents who do exactly that – start with the lies part way through. It’s so much better to grasp the big lie at the root not at the branch level – that’s useless.
4. In psyops they do what they want for real (if anything) and fake the rest … which is the only thing that makes any sense. They KNOW how to psyop us to make us believe the most ridiculous things imaginable, for example, RIGHT NOW they are making us believe in a phantom killer virus and have locked us down, isolated us from each other and have us wearing ludicrous masks everywhere. They absolutely do not aim for realism in their narratives by actually doing anything for real, that is not their way at all. It’s quite the opposite as indicated in this quote that is ever so pertinent to psyops.
The purpose of propaganda is not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponds to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control.
Edited quote from Theodore Dalrymple, aka Anthony Daniels, British psychiatrist.
My emphasis.
The election was stolen, Trump was part of the op from the word go, not only with Warp Speed but also the emergency declaration, and Lesher is yet another mainstream narrative opponent who continues to believe there really is a novel virus out there causing all the problems.
I agree that the election was stolen. There can be no doubt once a person looks at some of the evidence. I think it may be possible that Trump was fooled and was not confident about rejecting what his health advisors told him was happening.
I am thinking that Lesher has positioned this article to try to reach the Democratic base… Something of a hopeless task in this polarised world.
The election theft was basically admitted by the Transition Integrity Project and the Time article and has been documented by the subsequent forensic examination of Dominion voting machines.
As for the Jan 6th Capitol incursion the prosecution has been frantically stepping around and over FBI provocateurs.
One of them, John Sullivan, is a blatant plant in Antifa-BLM, his brother is a Proud Boy and their father a USAF Lieutenant-General, same institution that produced Ashli Babbitt.
John Sullivan, whose legend is Olympic speed skater (when he is not burning down Babylon), appeared on CNN before a fawning Anderson Cooper, to show his footage of the incursion. Coooer was evidently so taken with Sullivan he overlooked the obvious question what he was doing in the Capitol.
Then CNN paid Sullivan $35k for his pictures.
It’s difficult to keep a straight face.
Informed opinion (people who look at the facts not away) is split on Babbitt’s role and whether she was actually killed or playing a role.
More ominous are the deaths of four Capitol officers since the event, one of them the well-connected son of a former Sergeant at Arms. All were present at the event and seem to have dropped like flies.
Lesher at least acknowledges that the mere fact the incursion occurred at all is suspicious given it was widely predicted and we know from footage that the “trespassers” were invited in.
As with Event Covid, the inability to recognise well-documented facts seems to be a kind of loyalty test.
The take home message: Quote: “An honest press – if we had one – would be taking a hard look into the possibility that the “deadly riot” was really political theater, organized not by the protesters but by the very democracy-haters the protesters came to challenge. That would make Babbitt’s killing an even uglier miscarriage of justice.” [End quote]
Yes. It was political theater. And the “riot” was planned and coordinated by the current illegal administration. > Not the Trump administration.<
I am not, and never was, a Trump supporter. His exit from office was an obvious coup d’état manufactured by CIA and FBI operatives employed by various corporate financial interests. Who hired the agent provocateurs that served to stop Congress from investigating a totally “fixed” and fraudulent election? >
Premiered Jan 10, 2021
‘Agent Provocateur’ Tactics Seen at Jan 6 US Capitol Protest—Interview With Michael Yon |
Patrick Woods introduced the populace to the nature of the technocratic agenda years ago. I guess they weren’t able to squeeze the message out of their tiny cell phones…
“The staged photo op of Jan 6 was yet another example of corporate fascist propaganda BS lies. Langley-Land central casting must have been busy that day.“
An informative if somewhat depressing read .It seems every week in America a minor protest is spun up into an attempted revolution ? the purpose of course is to help the MSM sell products , and project our overlords view of reality . The “Medium” , as it has been since the run up to WW1 , is the message. In regards to elections in America , as Emma Goldman laconically pointed out a century ago before being deported if elections/voting changed things they would be and often are declared illegal ?
A horrible piece of confusing, fence-sitting avoidance of the real facts, achieved by little more than simply listing the unreal ones and pretending to refute them.
I tried to plough through it, but it’s much too long for an ‘article’ in any case.
Everything Wrong With Ashli Babbit Shooting – A Hollywood Stunt
Came here to post this. The shooting was clearly fake and I cannot believe this article did not even consider it.
I had the same thought.
However, at the risk of coming off like a fussy oldster (which I am), it bothers me that this seems to be the only video around that makes the plausible case that Babbitt’s murder was faked.
It may be a generational thing, but even watched at half-speed the chaotic visuals and glib narrative get in the way. It reminds me of the late, great Dave McGowan’s debunking of the “Boston Marathon Bombing”. Dave also based his deconstruction on the visual record, albeit using still photos and text, and sarcastically and whimsically labeled participants with names like “The Director”, or “Yellow Shirt”, etc.
I respect and admire Dave’s work, but I had mixed feelings about his approach. I think the analysis would have more impact without the almost jeering or mocking “Are you kidding me?” tone.
I do think this video is persuasive, but it’s too bad someone hasn’t crafted a more “serious”, sober, systematic, deliberately-paced analysis that does a better job of following the “players” step by step. Obviously the visual record (fka “footage”) is there.
BTW, I recently saw some mention (can’t remember where) of official records revealing that Babbitt’s “body” was cremated, without an autopsy, I think, on January 8th. It all stinks to high heaven, and it’s too bad that some reputable “independent investigative journalist” isn’t pursuing the irregularities, anomalies, and loose ends.
If you look at the source footage cited by the mainstream media (mainly Jayden X’s video) it is very obvious the whole scene didn’t make sense. No mocking commentary required.
The video I link to below, Ort, doesn’t have spoken commentary. I have to say I didn’t watch it all as I’ve looked at a number of videos already and I’m not going to watch them again. One thing I noticed when I just started to watch the video now is that the noise level of the “rioters” doesn’t reduce when the person is allegedly shot dead. I’d say that when someone is shot dead in front of you it would be a sobering experience and you’d quieten down a little.
Just to say that like Bill Kaysing, the first person to speak against the truth of the moon landings, Dave McGowan is 100% controlled opposition. His Wagging the Moondoggie is clever-sounding debunking of the moon landings but is clearly refuted here:
The moon landings are about the only major big event I can think of that actually happened as we were told … and yet they go in and contaminate them by pushing out agents encouraging those disinclined to believe the authorities to not believe in them so that when they call out all the other lies they are automatically discredited by being “moon-hoaxers”.
It doesn’t matter what, even where there’s truth they have to turn it into a lie. They just lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie.
I agree.
I’m not sure whether what I saw about Boston was McGowan’s analysis or not, but I came away entirely convinced that it was theatre. The whole “Jeff Bauman” scene with his “legs blown off” but not bleeding, then cowboy-hat “Carlos Delgado” rushing to the rescue after jerking off by the fence for far too long while awaiting his cue, the utterly unconvincing acting by the black woman beside Bauman, the nonsense with the wheelchairs, the anomalies of the broken glass, the pissed-off Jewish- or Italian-looking dude (“Jack be Nimble”) with the shredded grey suit but not a scratch on his body, the girl on the cover of Newsweek, etc.
This, too, looks equally faked. And, as in the Boston kabuki, there were those little red Hollywood blood pouches . . .
And Ashley, wouldn’t you know, is a rather fetching young victim whose shapely form is ever so well highlighted by those perfect jeans . . .
A fat, sixtyish MAGA white dude writhing on the floor wouldn’t have been nearly as box-office . . .
You have to cast the parts well, don’t you know . . .
While it was on a much smaller scale, the “slap” of Macron about a month ago in France was also pure theatre. And, wouldn’t you know, “they” discovered that it was a “conspiracy” of two, and at the home of the second conspirator, police found, voila! a copy of Mein Kampf . . .
This, after Macron had been spending the previous two years trying to cast his populist left-wing opponents, the Gilets Jaunes, as “fascists.”
The Gilets Jaunes, fascist. Not him, Macron.
Everything is fake.
I’m not sure whether what I saw about Boston was McGowan’s analysis or not, but I came away entirely convinced that it was theatre. The whole “Jeff Bauman” scene with his “legs blown off” but not bleeding, then cowboy-hat “Carlos Delgado” rushing to the rescue after twiddling his thumbs by the fence for far too long while awaiting his cue, the utterly unconvincing acting by the black woman beside Bauman, the nonsense with the wheelchairs, the anomalies of the broken glass, the ticked-off Jewish- or Italian-looking dude (“Jack be Nimble”) with the shredded grey suit but not a scratch on his body, the girl on the cover of Newsweek, etc.
This, too, looks equally faked. And, as in the Boston kabuki, there were those little red Hollywood blood pouches . . .
And Ashley, wouldn’t you know, is a rather fetching young victim whose shapely form is ever so well highlighted by those perfect jeans . . .
A fat, sixtyish MAGA white dude writhing on the floor wouldn’t have been nearly as box-office . . .
You have to cast the parts well, don’t you know . . .
While it was on a much smaller scale, the “slap” of Macron about a month ago in France was also pure theatre. And, wouldn’t you know, “they” discovered that it was a “conspiracy” of two, and at the home of the second conspirator, police found, voila! a copy of Mein Kampf . . .
This, after Macron had been spending the previous two years trying to cast his populist left-wing opponents, the Gilets Jaunes, as “fascists.”
The Gilets Jaunes, fascist. Not him, Macron.
Everything is fake.
????? if the shooting was fake – why????? The ‘deep staters’ controlling all this refusing to talk about this had no reason to fake it, the cop who did it very obviously not a ‘protester’ – ‘fake’ for what purpose?????
Because it was a peaceful protest otherwise
Judging from the end of the video, where the actors start shouting to the crowd about Babbitt being shot, the intention was to incite a riot.
She also worked for many years in usaf intelligence. Was on ‘leave’ when it happened. I usually enjoy Leshers articles but this is a huge blind spot.
US intelligence indeed ? another Unicorn or Sasquatch oft mentioned but never seen .
Agree they are not intelligent. Shouldve said she worked intimately in the service of the cabal
yes A bab is clearly not dead , the whole day was an orgy of Kabuki theatre. Want to really get down into the rabbit hole ? try to find out why the chick who stole Pelosi’s laptop has disappeared from ALL media
It is patently obvious that the media have tried their damndest to smear Babbitt. The Wikipedia page, “Law enforcement response to the 2021 United States Capitol attack”, has a greater concentration of footnote references than most articles. One example:
The fact we have here no less than five source references signals a suspicious desperation to convince. One source, no surprise, is the Graud which throws enough mud to cause a slide. It refers to “extremist experts” – a term which is a blatant indication that the rulers feel free to invent new categories of employment to fit preconceived conclusions.
The Mighty Graud tells us,
Of course an acquittal counts for nothing when the stakes are so high:
The now familiar phony line separations. Wiki winds up with this guffaw:
And in the light of that, see if you can guess where this quote comes from?:
From another of those mainstream rags, surely? Not at all! This is from the WSW!
“The CIA-New Peoples Temple Party (formerly known as the SEP) and the Rev David W Green want everybody to drink the Kool-Aid.”

“Cuomocide (Euthanize) the world. Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”
I am now wondering if any official Left organisations are free from intelligence influence.
“Sadly most so called “left” grouplets today are. It is a sorry day when WE THE PEOPLE victims of the war racketeer corporate fascists mobster psychopaths are referred by them as Nazis, “far rightists”, racists, Orange Hair Bozo-ites (Trumpites), etc.”
[Memorandum to all current operatives]:
Make sure that no official Left organations are free from your interference …
Intelligence organisations probably infiltrate them all, though the degree of influence they exert may vary from minimal to controlling.
I do not think it is limited to the left – right-wing and other organisations like environmentalists or animal rights will have their inflitrators.
No organisation of any significance is free from intelligence influence.
The best way to deny a movement a martyr is not to create one. Trump was a clown but he did not shoot Babbitt – some cop or security guard did. And calling Babbitt a “rioter” implies that the WSW approve of her death, they merely find it unfortunate that she could be used as a martyr.
The WSW are all for ordered conduct. Had they been there in 1917 they would have been appalled at the Bolsheviks.
I have long suspected this, and not just re the WSW. Claiming the legacy of 1917 in theory, while in practice “waiting for lefty” following a Labour election win – in reality either Labour does not win or if it does, it vies with the Conservatives to uphold the capitalist system. That is the case in Britain but there are similar examples in other countries.
Also extends to Covid – how dare people not wear masks when bourgeois governments tell them to, order lockdowns etc?
Thanks for letting me know where I stand.
Another pseudo-intellectual hack who chooses to ignore incredibly detailed and documented evidence of election fraud in order to reinforce his “opinion” that everything was on the up and up. I simply do not understand how anyone can hold this opinion, unless the motivation is a strong anti-Trump sentiment. Let’s call it a form of Confirmation Bias. If the author would like, I can present the evidence and he can explain how it prevents him from regarding the 2020 election “as having been stolen.” Good grief.
It was stolen in the most blatantly obvious way. It was in your face: “Yeah, we’re stealing it, what are you going to do about it?”
Regardless, it was not an honest, open, fair, or secure election.The fact that the courts refused to get involved in any real way is a dead giveaway. The evidence of fraud is beyond overwhelming, and virtually all the institutions of society that are supposed to protect the nation –government, courts, media (both news and entertainment) etc. — have been unanimously arrayed against any honest investigation of it.
It’s also possible that the election was pure theater, with the results agreed upon by all parties.
TDS is real. Lying, cheating, stealing and killing. Anything to promote their evil agenda. That’s Democrats. The ends justify the means. As Dan Bongino likes to put it, “Democrats are the dumbest people on the face of the earth”.
You misread this piece – he is presenting a discussion. Have one.
I have to wonder if she was one of the ones they waved into the building.
“Nor do I regard the 2020 presidential election as having been “stolen,” at least not in the sense that many of the protesters evidently believed it was . . . ”
“There will only be more fear porn, more manipulated elections, more wrecked livelihoods, more attacks on freedom . . . “
I would assume “manipulated election” implies cheating which in turn, to me, implies stolen. You don’t think so?
There were many recently shown examples of ballots that had been tampered with, over voted, double/triple counted, voting machines with internet access, deleted data, and so on. What would you, as a lawyer, need to see in order to come to the conclusion that yes, the election was fraudulent and therefore stolen? Is it more a question of how this could get remedied without a civil war, therefore, just leave it be?
Do you realize we are on the real–not virtual–edge of this country going under as without justice there will no longer be any honest elections. The country will devolve to a one-party tyranny. Nobody will live happily ever after when this story plays out.
I think the US, like the UK, never had the free political spectrum that the media constantly advertised. Or rather, the political spectrum was under the influence of an underlying wealthy elite. But there was a certain amount of leeway there – which had to be the case to give the impression of an actual democracy.
I see Trump’s election as something that came as a shock to this elite. It wasn’t supposed to happen. But they probably figured they could mould Trump. When he turned out to be too much of a wild card, they got rid of him – or rather, they recast the plans to hold him up as a straw man hate figure, the nascent fascist threatening the new woke “Left” mould of the covid/ climate configuration.
Of course the “Left” foam at the mouth when faced with anything that appears to exonerate Trump. But that is an indication of a carefully nurtured partisan mentality that completely fogs their thinking. Nevertheless there are some Leftists who are vaguely coming to the suspicion that the Trump-as Hitler meme may be a little bit of an exaggeration. Not that we can expect any kind of breakthrough in awareness here. The media spiel remains gospel and this Left will continue to make minor bubbles at the margins.
The true upshot is that the aforementioned leeway is fast disappearing – indeed, it is gone. The media/political scene now very much represents a one party state. And both the Left and the Right are one with it.
I suspect that the UK is a de facto one party state, the one party being the Establishment. Only the most Establishment-oriented “opposition” can be allowed – I was and am no Corbynista but the huge campaign against him reflected the fact that he was not considered a safe pair of hands by the Establishment in a potentially powerful post as Labour Party leader, so he had to be politically destroyed – and he was.
Trump is not a politician, but he plays one on reality TV.
Eugene Debs – 1903 – “The Republican and Democratic parties, or, to be more exact, the Republican-Democratic party, represent the capitalist class in the class struggle. They are the political wings of the capitalist system and such differences as arise between them relate to spoils and not to principles.”
So they tampered with an election between themselves? No longer any honest elections? since when have we (in the U.S.) had honest national elections, particularly for President? This is all a distraction from the big picture, which is we do not live in a democracy. Only fools are still fighting over whether it should have been Trump or Biden, while look what “they’re” doing to us.
I agree there’s been cheating in elections since probably forever but not to the obvious extent of this past presidential one. What appalls me with elected officials in both parties is how very few seem to care. They just blow it off and say 2022 will correct things. I can’t believe anyone thinks 2022 will be any different than 2020. Those who cheated in 2020 will not let that happen. They have way too much to lose, especially now, so without this current battle, it’s already a fait accompli what happens in the pretend elections in 2022. That’s why “fools” like I am want this fight. This country is already hanging by a thread and we needed (and voted for) Trump to solidify the great things he managed to do in his one term (mostly undoing a lot of the damage Obama did in his two). While I get it Trump’s personality was annoying to many, Biden’s long-term corruption and current dementia make him a total abomination as the leader of this great country. (Which brings up the question of who is really leading? My guess: Soros and Obama.)
I’m not talking about cheating, I’m talking about the political system. That’s what the Debs’ quote is about also. The two parties cheat among themselves but We the People are not represented no matter who cheats more. The mere fact that we had a “choice” between Trump and Biden, or Trump and Clinton before that, etc., etc., is the problem. We do not live in a democracy and Trump was/is no different, he’s part of the corrupt oligarchy controlled republican party. So why fight over Biden vs Trump? They both suck and we get screwed no matter what.
You’ve obviously got a view of Trump I certainly don’t.
And just what did Trump truly reverse from the Obama years? Did he overturn the Patriot Act? How about that 2012 NDAA (or was it 2011?) that allows government to determine who is a terrorist and who isn’t without presenting any evidence of said terroristic actions? How about all those juicy tax cuts for Corporate America that Obama got through when he made the “Bush Tax Cuts” permanent? Think Trump was against those? Did Trump even discuss those when he pushed through another round of cuts? Are those really great gains for the American people? Did the wars end and I just don’t see it?
How about pushing that vax at Warp Speed? Do you see Trump railing against “vaccine passports?” Maybe in the context of Democrats’ pushing them, but otherwise aren’t we all supposed to go out and get the magic elixir if we believe in “the science” and our brilliant and heroic health care professionals who invented the magic shot? How about the massive profits for Pharma, are they not part of “the swamp” he promised to drain? Do you hear one word about that? Maybe you do, and I’ve just not seen that. Maybe add some links to back up the assertions of all the great gains Trump made for the American people which a second term would solidify…
Now I completely agree that Joe Biden is as corrupt as any of the rest of the swamp Trump promised oh so fervently to drain, but is that swamp drained now? Are not many of the same players of the Deep State, who were indeed present during Trump’s term, still in office? And what about Wall Street, did Trump reign in the derivatives bets? Did he put a halt to the money printing that started in 2019 to cover said derivative bets that have now gone bad? Did he even say ONE WORD about that? Do you think the coming inflation due to that would stop if Trump got back into office? Just what REALLY changed? NOTHING. Not one damned thing. And until we get rid of partisan thinking as the solution, along with the childish hero worship of a savior coming to our rescue that Americans seem to love so much, nothing will.
Folks love Trump for the small things, the immediate gratification things.
And because he embodied the right to say & do certain things in freedom but dislike it in others.
As opposed to the Democrat dichotomy of banning/cancelling people.
Thank you, excellent points!
And what about those “domestic terrorist insurrectionists” that are still lingering in jail on paltry, bull$hit charges for which they would have never seen the inside of a jail in any normal circumstances? You know, the very people Trump actively encouraged and invited to DC to rally around him. What is Trump doing for them now that they have been rounded up in a manner clearly meant to make examples of them by the current dick-tator in office? NOT A F*CKING THING. Trump is as phony and self-serving as nearly every other politician “representing” we, the people.
I don’t understand how people can be so wilfully oblivious to obvious truth.
I think Obama is someone’s puppet also. I am pretty sure the Chinese have had a hand in things.
Exactly. You’d think Americans would see that by now, and if they removed the partisan lens from their thinking they just might. But that will not be allowed to happen. While Democrats fund raise off of the “insurrection” and Republicans keep on hoping Trump will ride to their rescue, any “freedom” we once had is being trampled on in the name of freedom to go shopping and eat in restaurants…
I think the cheating was more massive this time. There also was foreign interference. Much of it was done by a manipulating the voting machines. Well planned in advance with sophisticated strategies. The cheat needs to be exposed or there will never be free elections again. Biden is someone’s puppet and that someone is not looking after the interests of the United States.
Thank you, Adrienne. The author of course makes some good points, but he’s far too weaselly, like the lawyer he is, on the extremely obvious fraudulence of the “election.” Even people who can see the truth often fear it.
Statistical impossibilities abound not the least of which are the 95%+ Biden vote dumps after the polls closed in every swing state which were otherwise 50/50. The hacking could not overcome the true will of the populace so they had to stuff as many illegal votes as needed. By the way Biden had to win, obviously, to continue the C19 scam. Without Fauci and Birx and the idiotic corporate media Trump would have re-opened America in May 2020 as we should have and C19 would have been over by now. As it is essentially in Sweden.
The stuff of a 3rd world, failed state that was formerly known to be a nation of law.
Now, thanks to the seditious media, leftist Party, zombie voters, not so much.