The BBC Are A Disgrace
Iain Davis

Recently the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 received a call from John in Manchester who Vine and the BBC labelled as an “antivaxxer.” John’s conversation with Vine was revealing.
Not necessarily for the content, although John made some good points, but because it exposed the BBC for what they are: an agenda driven propaganda organisation.
Similar calls from Bristol based Nigel Jones to BBC Sounds’ Any Answers and a caller from Sussex to Sarah Gorrel’s BBC Radio Sussex phone in, exposed exactly the same bias from the BBC. This isn’t one or two talking heads going off script. It is corporate policy.
In all three cases, any questioning of the COVID 19 vaccines by the callers was met with the same response. Belligerent denial, logical fallacies, a refusal to rationally debate the evidence and, relatively swiftly, cutting them off.
The BBC aren’t alone of course. The MSM, as a whole, is a cohesive propaganda organisation. When Dr Zoe Williams started talking about vaccine induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia on Good Morning Britain she too was shut down. The ITV presenters hastily instructed to announce another weather report, as if this were a scheduling necessity
The first claim in the BBC mission statement is that they allegedly provide “impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.” As we shall see, they don’t. The BBC have a very clear agenda and are in the businesses of promoting a single version of the truth. It is crucial to the BBC, and other propagandists like them, that you believe them. They claim:
Trust is the foundation of the BBC. We’re independent, impartial and honest.”
The Oxford English Dictionary definition of “trust” is:
Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something… Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.”
The “trust” that the BBC demand from their audience is not based upon their thorough investigations of the evidence, their objective reporting of the facts or their balanced opinion pieces. They beseech you to have faith in them as an organisation, simply because they are the BBC. You must believe them because they are the official purveyors of the official truth. It is self aggrandising bunk. They are just a media corporation like any other.
The inherent trustworthiness, claimed by the BBC, is asinine. Yet it seems millions are taken in by it, simply because the BBC keep claiming credibility that doesn’t appear to exist.
Did I mention that I am the most trusted blogger in the world. I consistently achieve the very highest standards of objectivity and impartiality. This isn’t true but so what? It seems just saying it is enough.
The BBC are governed by Royal Charter. They are not independent of the State, hence “State broadcaster.” Trusting the BBC is no different to trusting the political establishment, they are synonymous. The Charter is full of vacuous soundbites about independence, fairness and impartiality. The question is who judges that alleged “impartiality.”
The independent BBC board is controlled by the Secretary of State for the Department for Digital, Media, Culture and Sport (DCMS.) The Foreign Secretary also sets BBC objectives by stipulating their annual reporting requirements. The Scottish, Welsh and Northern Island ministers are likewise “consulted.”
The BBC are largely reliant upon the license fee. This is agreed by the Secretary of State under the The Communications (Television Licensing) Regulations 2004. The political establishment is literally the hand that feeds the BBC. It is ridiculous to suggest the BBC are “independent.” They are a State-run, State-managed, overtly political organisation.
Certainly when it comes to COVID 19, along with every other “regulated” broadcaster, the BBC are wholly controlled by the apparatus of State. The BBC are regulated by Ofcom and on 23rd March, just over a week after the WHO declared their global pandemic, Ofcom published their official Coranovirus Guidance. They decreed:
“We remind all broadcasters of the significant potential harm that can be caused by material relating to the Coronavirus…..We strongly advise you to take particular care when broadcasting….statements that seek to question or undermine the advice of public health bodies on the Coronavirus, or otherwise undermine people’s trust in the advice of mainstream sources of information about the disease…..Such views should always be placed into context and not be presented in such a way as to risk undermining viewers’ trust in official health advice….Ofcom will consider any breach arising from harmful Coronavirus-related programming to be potentially serious and will consider taking appropriate regulatory action, which could include the imposition of a statutory sanction.”
In other words the BBC, and other members of the mainstream broadcast media, are compelled by regulatory law to promote government COVID 19 policy and must not “undermine,” meaning question, the proclamations of the State or other “public health bodies,” such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Public Health England.
The BBC isn’t part of a free and pluralistic media, unafraid of questioning power. It is part of a State policy communication strategy which aims to convince the public to accept the authorised reality. Among these propagandist outlets the BBC is perhaps the most servile by virtue of its Charter and its reliance upon State funding.
The commercial broadcasters are also limited by Ofcom regulation and their dependence upon government advertising. The alleged pandemic saw the State become the UK’s leading advertiser.
When we consider that their second-biggest source of advertising revenue are the pharmaceutical corporations, the notion of an “independent” mainstream broadcast media in the UK is laughable.
It is set in this context that we should consider Vine’s betraying conversation with John from Manchester. When we do, the BBC agenda is laid bare.
The first thing to note is that John had to lie to get on the show. It was about so-called “antivaxxers” who had supposedly come to regret their stance. Therefore John had to tell the researchers some porkies. Vine admonished him for this as he said that was not what the show was about.
This would be fair criticism if the BBC ever aired, or planned to air, a program which questioned the vaccines, perhaps highlighting the stories of the vaccine injured. There is no chance that the BBC will report facts like the lack of COVID vaccine clinical trials.
They won’t question State narratives because they are a regulated propaganda organisation. The only way to be heard on their consciousness stream is to trick them into accidentally reporting your comments.
Vine’s first accusatory comeback was to try to undermine John’s opinion by pointing out that he did not accept the “science advice” alleging that 60,000 lives had been saved by the vaccines. Quite rightly, John did not accept these figures. The State claim that 60,000 lives have been saved by the vaccines is dross.
This is standard BBC fare. They report claims from government bodies like Public Health England (PHE) without any investigation whatsoever. Despite their pretensions of offering “a range and depth of analysis” using the “highest calibre presenters and journalists,” all the State need do is issue a statement and the BBC will dutifully report it, no questions asked.
PHE have used baseless estimates as the input to a model, constructed from a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, to produce a projection of claimed efficacy, which then becomes the input to their own model. It is a statistical feedback loop. You don’t need to be a scientists to pull apart PHE’s farcical claims. Just reading the Cambridge Nowcast and Forecast model parameters would do:
Assuming that it takes three weeks for vaccine-derived immunity to develop. Vaccine efficacy is assumed against both infection and death, using values for the efficacy in agreement with those found here.”
Where “here” refers to the PHE models which are…er…informed by the assumptions in the Nowcast and Forecast model, which in turn becomes the input for the PHE model it is itself based upon. It isn’t science, it’s not even bad statistical analysis, it’s just make believe.
Yet the BBC, with their multi-billion-pound budget, authoritatively report the PHE number salad as the “science advice” proving vaccine efficacy. The BBC are the best news organisation in the world, or so people keep saying. If they pronounce something it ostensibly becomes “fact” for millions. Can you see how this works?
As long as people trust the BBC and don’t question them, the State can simply feed propaganda into the machine and vacuous BBC mouthpieces will repeat it until you believe it. It washes over you like a heavy dose of soma, and none of it is even vaguely plausible.
The BBC’s own mission statement announces that they will “accurately and authentically.. raise awareness of the different.. viewpoints that make up its society.” These are just empty words. They have no intention of honouring this commitment.
John rightly highlighted the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA’s) yellow card system. This has reported nearly 1,600 possible vaccine deaths and more than 1 million total adverse reactions. John was mistaken that these are proven vaccine deaths and Vine pounced upon this, saying:
The yellow card system is a self-reporting thing. No one has established the connection between the vaccines and any of those deaths yet, not a single one. It’s simply a reporting thing. If somebody has the vaccine and they are dead the next day, that’s reported but it doesn’t mean they died from it. Do you understand that?”
Vine was technically correct and appeared to feel he had made an irrefutable point proving his own argument. Listeners may have been convinced. This was disingenuous tripe form the BBC. As John immediately responded, exactly the same could be said for an unknown number of claimed COVID 19 deaths.
Just because someone tested positive for a virus and died the next day, it does not mean they died from it. Yet the BBC have reported every single claimed COVID death, within 28 or even 60 days of a positive test, as if that were true. It most certainly is not. Yet, were it not for concerned citizens like John, they would never fairly report a single potential vaccine-related death.
The BBC need to propagandise runs so deep that they can’t even investigate properly when one of their own colleagues dies from a vaccine injury. Given the yellow card statistics were reporting more than 1,400 deaths when Lisa Shaw sadly passed away, you would have thought the BBC would have launched an investigation. This is exactly what a real news organisation would do. It is not what the BBC did.
Doing so could undermine “viewers’ trust in official health advice.” Rather than apply any journalistic standards, and question why the MHRA aren’t investigating the mounting death toll, the BBC simply reported unfathomable apparent comments from Lisa’s widower that the jabs were “outstanding.” They didn’t even mention the yellow card system in the report of her death.
When John confronted the BBC with this evidence, their corporate response was to spread disinformation and downplay it. The scant disregard they showed for the victims families means nothing to them. They are propagandists and couldn’t care less about the people, not even their own staff.
The BBC have persistently asserted that a positive RT-PCR test defines a “case” of COVID 19. This is disinformation.
If you test positive for varicella-zoster virus it does not mean you have Shingles.
They have consistently reported an unremitting stream of scientifically illiterate garbage to the public and have failed to abide by a single one of their fatuous mission statement objectives.
Vine’s condescending triumphalism was misplaced. While it is true there is no “proof” that these deaths were caused by the vaccine, nor is there any that they were not. That would require an investigation of the evidence, something which the MHRA have not undertaken in a single case. We might wonder if the BBC “understand that.”
Vines spurious claim that the yellow card system is simply “a reporting thing,” leaves the public he casually deceives with the impression that the system is meaningless. There is some truth in that. If the MHRA don’t use it as intended it becomes nothing but a black hole for victims and their families to scream into. Nonetheless, according to the MHRA:
The scheme relies on voluntary reporting of suspected safety concerns or incidents by healthcare professionals and members of the public.. The purpose of the scheme is to provide an early warning that the safety of a product may require further investigation.. By reporting through this site, patients and healthcare professionals can help gather valuable evidence to inform decisions on the safe and effective use of medicines, vaccines and medical devices.”
Vine may imagine it is for telling stories but that’s probably because he was regurgitating whatever his editor told him to say. It’s an early warning system which the MHRA spent £1.5 million upgrading in October 2020, just before the vaccine roll out, for what they said were the “the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reactions.”
According to the BBC and Vine, they undertook this expensive system overhaul for a few sore arms. In reality, it was because it was “not possible to retrofit the MHRA’s legacy systems to handle the volume of ADRs that will be generated by a Covid-19 vaccine.”
Obviously the MHRA were anticipating a high volume of COVID vaccine Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs.) As there seem to be millions of them recorded on the yellow card system, including people suffering seizures, paralysis, blindness and many fatalities, the BBC should investigate this and report their findings. However, that isn’t really their role, so they hide the purpose of the yellow card system and pump out “fake news” instead.
The MHRA have already stated that the system is prone to massive underrecording of ADRs. So John’s estimate of thousands of COVID 19 vaccine-related deaths is almost certainly accurate. We won’t know until they are investigated but, with the MHRA in charge and the BBC covering for them, any chance of that happening appears remote.
For Vine and the BBC it is essential that you don’t know about or understand any of this. That’s why they never report it, don’t investigate any of the thousands of vaccine injury reports, never inform the public about the raft of scientific papers that raise serious concerns about the vaccines and instead mislead, misdirect, spread disinformation and propagandise the population.
While John from Manchester tried to highlight these “facts” to a UK audience, Vine decided that responding with drivel was insufficient. He felt it was necessary, or was more likely instructed, to throw in some logical fallacies too.
He chose the “appeal to authority” fallacy to start with, asking John if he was a qualified scientist. John stated he wasn’t but had researched the science for himself and so Vine doubled up and used the straw-man fallacy as well. He claimed John had said the scientists were all lying, which he hadn’t.
Vine’s “appeal to authority” is automatically an invalid argument because simply claiming that “experts say” doesn’t exempt you from critical thinking and is no dialectical trump card. Vine isn’t a qualified scientist either so what makes him think his grasp of the science is any better than John’s?
Vines accusation that John wasn’t an epidemiologist was jaw-dropping. The BBC don’t care about qualifications and will misreport them whenever they want to convince the public of their selected expert’s credentials.
Throughout the 2020 phase of the so called pandemic, the BBC incessantly reported the opinions and wildly inaccurate models of Professor Neil Ferguson, habitually referring to him as an epidemiologists.
Ferguson is not a qualified epidemiologist.
He has no qualifications in the biological sciences at all.
Yet that didn’t stop the BBC espousing every inaccurate statement and woeful prediction he made as if it were pandemic lore.
The BBC use of “appeal to authority” is even less edifying when we understand that they completely ignore huge swathes of scientific opinion simply because it doesn’t fit in with the narrative they have been told to foist on the public. John quite correctly pointed this out to Vine and the BBC so they cut him off.
This is an essential tool of the propagandists. They highlight everything which supports their agenda and ignore or, where needed, flatly deny the existence of anything and everything which challenges it.
This is precisely what the BBC have done throughout, what I refer to, as the pseudopandemic. Vine wasn’t misrepresenting the BBC. In a brief moment of clarity he personified them. There is no objective difference between the BBC and Soviet-era Central Television or Lord Haw Haw demoralising terrorised Blitz sufferers. The BBC are a disgrace.
You only need to buy a TV license if you absolutely must watch live broadcast television. As someone who hasn’t owned a TV for decades I can’t really understand why you would want to. However, if you continue paying it you should understand what you are paying for.
You are paying for your propaganda. You are forking out to be lied to, showered with disinformation, misled and psychologically manipulated, primarily through the use of utterly preposterous fear porn. People often wonder what they can do to resist this onslaught by the State. Well, you could stop paying them for the privilege if you like.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Same thing in Oz, our ABC and MSM is no different from the UK.
ONS FOI, 9500 died FROM not with Rona. Over 2 flu seasons. There was never a pandemic.
Anyone vilified whenever you make comparisons with the Third Reich?
Show ’em this … from a Holocaust survivor herself who says – if you can believe it – “This is more insidious.”
And the Nazis returned dressed as doctors and scientists, that sort of comparison?
Stopped listening to or watching the BBC over 20 years ago. I remember the British looking down their noses at Pravda, the Russian BBC, and at how all they did was brainwash the Russian people, yet these same people were staunch advocates for Aunty Beeb. Zero self awareness: like kids on apron strings.
Pravda actually stated it was published by the Communist Party. The BBC would never be that honest…
Here in Australia the ABC can be placed in the same box, along with SBS both being funded by government, although SBS to a lesser degree. Trust in ‘our ABC‘ has diminished extensively from the once recognised impartial broadcaster. It is now pretty much indistinguishable from commercial outlets with its disinformation and coercion.
Anyone listen to the CBC ? Same thing there, as described in the above article.
Their view is one sided, always has been and always will be as long as they hire imbeciles to read their scripted bullshit on the air.
Their sponsors produce the shit that morons consume on a regular basis hence the agenda they like to spread for profit. Dumb and dumber is the norm.
Apart from the legal aspect can anyone here justify why you continue to pay the tv tax ? i am genuinely interested as to why you continue to pay for your own brainwashing
Doesn’t really matter. The whole covid thing is pretty much dead on its feet here in the UK and life mostly back to normal. No doubt it will be the same in Australia soon. The US can’t even control its vassals anymore.
I beg to differ,scratch the surface and it’s there in all it’s glory especially if you try to deal with anything governmental of ‘official’ .It’s only gone away in your mind because it isn’t affecting you directly at the moment,come next month when the emergency powers act is up for review and expect it to raise it’s ugly head once more and then YOU will be affected whether you like it or not
And come Autumn/Winter, it will be back with full force.
I notice that in my local Waitrose (who were pretty hot in enforcing the mask mandate, and kept numbers in the store low, but after 19th July, eased all restrictions, while still “recommending” masks), about 90% of customers are still wearing masks (not me!). Curious because about 50% of the staff aren’t. (I think it’s been left to them). Much the same at Tesco.
Of people in the street, well, not that many ever wore masks in the street as far as I remember (it was never compulsory in the UK), but I would guesstimate that slightly more people are wearing them now, especially those horrible all-black masks, which look very sinister.
Australia? Please. That island is done. New Zealand is next and also that third little island …all in that order. Covid was a distraction and it continues to be until islands like these slip into solid 3rd world status which is a forgone conclusion. It all depends on how much struggle they put up as their empires crumble.
NZ will be taken over by the Chinese and offshore mineral mining will happen, regardless of what the Maori’s want. The Chinese have no repect for anything, least of all the great outdoors. If that great outdoors doesn’t return a profit, they will concrete over it and turn it into a car park. Chinese are sentimental but do not value the outdoors, their culture sees the great outdoors as dirty and low class.
They will never give up that easily.
In Canada, we dehumanize those who won’t be jabbed
while humanize those who have been marginalized(queer,binary,indigenous etc)
Seems we always have to have a target.
takin it to the streets in martial pharmacom prison Stralya!!!
British Broadcasting Corporation was created Under A Royal Charter to establish Independant Public Service Broadcasting in The United Kingdom.
A Radio Public Service, the Charter allowed to it to remain free from commercialism. It’s Dictum was Educate First provide Information Second, not Information is educating through Wireless broadcasting to The Public.
Typical of an Engineer who served an apprenticeship that’s why I’d admire this concept.
Private listening test, turn off the screen leave sound on.,
Jeremy Vine one day will be hanging by his neck
One can hope. You can hear in his panicked response he knows he is full of shit. Must put my dad against him if I feel nasty…he has a PhD in immunology….and is retired,so would tear him a new arsehole
All creeds religions everyone we are human beings.When they made the Tower of Babel our God said no more made everyone talk different languages.What’s happening now internet everyone knows everything about another country and thoughts it’s a ruse it’s all a lie,I know people on here good people know this is the beginning of the end.And how the mighty will fall!Do not wait for a saviour you are the saviour of humanity by being on this site by seeing right from wrong,We might not survive this but at least we died trying.👍
I am sure there must have been other callers to phone-ins that I haven’t heard, but I just wanted to put it on the record that another “John” called in heroically to the BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show today (hosted this week by Vanessa Feltz) when they were discussing with travel journalist Simon Calder the testing requirements for travelling abroad. It is clearly a ridiculously onerous, expensive and time consuming rigmarole, added to which there is the distress caused should the traveller be unlucky enough to test positive. Why anyone would put themselves through it out of choice is beyond my comprehension.
Anyway, “John”, who had referred to going to a relative’s wedding in Poland (which I suspect may have been fabricated to get on the programme), immediately quoted Kary Mullis describing the PCR protocol being unfit for diagnostic purposes, and said that the PCR was not fit for the purpose, it was being used to underpin the plandemic and we were being lied to about it. Unfortunately the line deteriorated quickly – maybe deliberately sabotaged? The only response came from Simon Calder who, having just said what a threat the testing was for the travel industry, said that he had “every faith in the NHS and they know what they are doing and I am happy to leave it to them”. Immediate curtailment of exchanges with “John”. But at least people are getting through and making important points.
They are having to lie to get past the pre screening to get on any programme,the BBC can’t hhave filthy unjabbed people expressing opinions that go against the sanctioned government mantras thy could be putting lives at risk
Bunch of cunts the lot of them
I suspect it would be the same on any broadcasting network.
I’m still optimistic where there’s a will there’s a way.Don’t give up even things you think are small nudges they are not.I can’t tell you what to do nor can the science 🤑 don’t follow the money follow your heart.
“there is no joy in the finite, only in the infinite” Chandogya Upanishad
I agree. The ongoing debacle here in Australia is showing even the hardened cult member that they may have placed their money on the wrong horse.
Vaxxed and unvaxxed alike, are under virtual house arrest; should’ve kept your sleeves down, idiots, then you might have lived to see the end of WWIII.
The collection of slagpiles rolling out these “directives” will be their own undoing and Mr. Vine will not be swinging alone…
I dream most nights of seeing street furniture,in particular lamp posts having politicians and other assorted collaborators hanging from them in a fashion akin to the annual festooning of said street furniture with xmas baubles
We need more lampposts…
Tower of Babel springs to mind in these times,Something has to give.They won’t or can’t win.
All true. However, until Margaret Thatcher, the BBC had much, much more credibility. She decided, every time a reported uncovered something detrimental to the Tories, or government itself, that budget constraints meant cuts at the BBC. This was a formula taken from Reagan’s cuts to US public broadcasters, which were also done in Canada and Australia. It didn’t take long to bring the upper management of the BBC et al to heel.Now, they don’t even do good propaganda.
Thatcher left government in 1990, so anyone who joined the BBC after that time would be aware that the BBC suffered significant political blackmail. That was 30 years ago, so basically anyone under the age of 50 came after the “BBC Good Times” … surely a joke.
The problem is that the BBC consists of arrogant, ignorant, lying cunts, the new recruits are also arrogant, ignorant, lying cunts, the interns are arrogant, ignorant, lying cunts. The BBC is a magnet for arrogant, ignorant, lying cunts. All they want to do is kiss government ass and show their devotion to the big boys in charge, they are natural peasants.
But New Labour (in the guise of Alastair Campbell mainly) declared war on the BBC because one reporter (actually doing his job) exposed their lies over Iraq. From then on, whenever the government said “jump”, the BBC said “how high?”.
So, exactly like the rest of the media then. The real story isn’t that the BBC works for the government of the day in disseminating propaganda – which has been the case since its establishment – but that the other media organisations do too, which is actually far more sinister. The claims of bias against the BBC are simply part of the theatre to give the others credibility.
I don’t want to live in satanic I want to be able to be free.
Exposed, Contaminated and Infected…nuances which were thrown out the Window in the MSM coverage of this manufactured sanitary event. You may have been exposed if someone who is contagious was in your proximity. But you may or not become Contaminated from this encounter. The tests, when positive, were a confirmation of SARS-CoV2 contamination. Covid-19 is the scientific term which describes the pathological process of infection when contaminated with SARS-CoV2. Yet contamination does not necessarily lead to Infection. But in the “everything is moving so quickly type of Emergency”…being contaminated suddenly became Infected and Covid-19. A fraud in communication….purposeful incompetence…corruption. MSM is dead.
“Twitter tests ‘misleading’ post report button for first time
Twitter is introducing a way to report posts as “misleading” for the first time.
Many of the large social media networks have been accused of not doing enough to fight the spread of disinformation during the Covid pandemic and US election campaigns.”
Accused by whom?
Marianna Spring, “Disinformation and social media reporter”: “If I had a penny for how many times people message me asking why there’s no option to report misinformation on Twitter, I’d be a very rich woman.”
So – there are so many people asking there’s no point in giving names, eh?
“Since the start of the pandemic, pressure has mounted on social media sites to do more to combat a wave of harmful falsehoods that have spread online.”
Pressure from whom?
“Some critics argue that the option to report misinformation should have been introduced months ago to help prevent this offline harm.”
What critics?
“There are fears that the social media site will struggle to moderate the avalanche of content reported – including from those promoting falsehoods, who then flag accurate information as misleading.”
Whose fears?
“… Twitter and other tech giants continue to be criticised for the spread of false information.”
Criticised by whom?
Answers? Don’t hold your breath!
A perceptive 10 year old can see, and could see from the start, that Covid-19 has nothing to do with real science (ie, it’s a scam).
Here is WHY even most so-called intelligent people CANNOT figure that out… read “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” by Rolf Hefti at
It could backfire, if enough “dissidents” flag the mainstream bullshit as “misleading”.
Tweet from Kit:
The moment operation covid launched, the smouldering fascists took their chance. For decades this class of overlords have seethed at the sheer nerve of these plebs with their rights and their protections. Who do these masses think they are? How dare they make demands! How dare they expect to be treated as if they are real human beings when the great aristocracy have had that natural luxuriance so patently owed to them cramped! And so the Great Ones have watched for decades itching to bring back the stocks, the whipping, the instant incarcerations, the torture that these proletarian worms so richly deserve!
And the most exhilarating thing about it is that these overlords can now get away with! They even have the blessing of the Left!
When the ‘proletarian worms’ slavishly comply and ask for more, one starts to wonder if they don’t quite ‘richly deserve’ it.
“one starts to wonder if they don’t quite ‘richly deserve’ it”
Disgusting. Who are the “proletarian worms” Jacques?
Of course the majority of people conditioned their whole lives to believe in Government and Scientific Authority will obey when ordered to. They believe they’re doing the right thing.
It does NOT follow that they “richly deserve” it, unless of course you are one of the psychopathic elite yourself.
Or perhaps it is actually you who is the slave?
Takes two to tango: the people were also conditioned for it. Speaking to my brother, lived in Brisbane for 40 years, he tells me he is going to get the vaccine. I ask him why, given the high number of post-vaccine health issues plus the main problem which is that there is plenty of evidence that the vaccines are simply anti-viral medication which just helps a person to spread the disease while feeling fine: almost as if they were trying to make the idea of “asymptomatic cases” real, rather than just a lie.
My brother’s response: I haven’t seen anything about that. It turns out that he just watches the main TV channels for his news, so he isn’t even trying to find out the truth. He believes whatever the idiot box tells him, and because it is TV it has more authority than any other form of communication. He is totally unaware of his ignorance, the main reason being that he is intellectually lazy.
Tweet from Phil Greaves:
Yes – it is the silence, the quiet assumption of covid complicity that damns these “Leftists” to Hell.
Admin. Anybody there doing the spam checking? Been waiting to go live for hours now.
yup, locked out for 30 hours
Yup here as well,every comment subject to spam check,methinks theres more to this spam check shit than meets the eye
Beginning to think certain i.p addresses are marked as subversive
Add the Huffington Post to the list of vile propaganda outlets. This article came up on my Orwell feed for today. It was about “Protection Decline” from the HP and once again I gave in and clicked on it. At which point the thousand and one pop ups assaulted me. One little video all about covid rammed itself down my throat and I clicked it off. It sprang up again. I clicked it off. It sprang up again but bigger and I just bailed out. Are they trying to piss people off?
Guy rings the FDA to get killshot number:
Apparently much much tougher restrictions in Melbourne are to be announced tomorrow morning our time.
The entire State of Victoria will be back in lockdown also. Restrictions apparently include a 2.5 km travel restriction, all food businesses closed except supermarkets and bakeries, you are only allowed out once a week and most industry closed also and only allowed out once a day for 20 minutes of exercise.
A former Victorian Premier, Jeff Kennett put out this tweet tonight.
Jeff Kennett (@jeff_kennett) Tweeted:
I do not want to be alarmist, but I have just heard from two different sources, food companies being briefed tonight the Victoria’s lockdown will last to the New Year.
If that is a fact, our society as we know it, famlies, children, small business won’t survive without great pain
would not surprise me, austrailia went psychotic a while ago
Australia has always been psychotic
that’d be 1788, January 26
How many deaths is this in reaction one?
According to the last supposed covid death in Victoria was on 30/11/2020.
I find it ‘interesting’ that at some time during the last week or two Covid Live removed their Days Since Last Death table. I suspect this was because it showed way too clearly the fraudulent nature of the ‘crisis’ in Victoria.
It is perhaps illuminating that the person behind the site believes that covid is “the greatest modern threat to our existence”.
But, but, but….I thought that was Climate Change….?
Oh, wait …
Australians have to realise that they are at war with their government: the government has declared war on the people and the people can just capitulate or they can fight back. If they capitulate, they will never be free to swim, surf, barbeque, etc ever again.
The first tactic should be to determine the home addresses of the police: the police are the ones used to oppress you, they are the chainsaw being waved in your face, you grab that chainsaw and you neutralise it. That chainsaw has declared war on you, you need to respond appropriately.
I hear you A, and I will not, in any way, enable or be complicit with this tyranny. It will probably cost me my vendor job very shortly, but that is so utterly trivial compared to the monstrous crime taking place and that so many human beings are suffering and dying because of it. We are now hearing of children as young as 14 committing suicide in Melbourne.
I will not adhere to any directive issued by the Govt, or filth like Brett Sutton – brother in law of Jane Halton who is the head of the snake regards the scamdemic operation in Australia.
She and health bureaucrats like Sutton are the ones that need to be dealt with. They are the ones with the real power giving the actual orders.
Believe me, the cops disgust me, however bringing to justice individual cops is not the answer I believe. You’re still going to have the actual snake issuing orders, tho I have seen a couple of posts today where people are identifying individual cops by name.
If even 30% of people were refusing to comply here, that would make a huge difference…. if only.
My brother has had to cancel his daughter’s wedding arrangements. They live in Brisbane but the wedding was planned to happen in NSW – a risky, if not damned stupid mistake – and the lockdowns prevent them from getting to the venue..
I asked him a few weeks back why he did not go on the anti-lockdown protests in Brisbane: I am too old for that, was his reply.
Although he is my brother, I have very little sympathy for people who complain that they are not getting what they want but will not do anything about it. Sure, his presence at the lockdown protests may not have made any difference, but we will never know for sure because he capitulated and surrendered to the enemy.
I sent a reply to you last night about 9.00 pm. It’s been sitting in the spam filter for nearly 21 hours. I even posted a request to Admin late last night about my replies to both you and Cliff Edwards, which both went to straight spam. My reply to him is still there also. Fecken ridiculous…
Agree. Moderation is making it very difficult to follow the conversation on OG.
many years ago when i was a little un
i wrote to bbc tv center centre london
in the area once called sheep herders bush
i wrote a note asking unkle jimmy to fix something for me
on his show
or some such
he never replied
not a lambs but a wolfs silence
i decided to contact general post office gpo who ran the phone lines
at the time
got the number and called the bbc show.
after sum some time i got through to a very plummy mi5 man
who sounded like band leader prime paedo ted heath
bbc ted asked me my age asked if i liked boys or girls
and asked if i had sent a photograph of my young self
with the letter to the jim ill really fix you show
i said no
ted lord plummy voice said next time son
send a nice picture for unkle jimmy
ok i said
i never did send a photo to jimmy or the bbc
never trusted either
A lady I met through sent me this video……Sight unseen, I have fallen in love….
Spread it around.
Yes doing that. Great video apart from the fact of acceptance of the existence of the virus. I wonder what effect it will have on those considering having the shot – honestly, you’ve got to be crazy … I think it’s the same people who make the film on mass psychosis.
A border collie would have been walking on the backs of the sheep.
something is a foot
something is gonna happen
days and days no covid on uk news
just kabul bull
and great climate change
greta the boy who would be king
needs that lithium for his mental health
and for world electric battery issues
the bbc will not brook talk of climate lies deceit deception
it is a done tax deal
if jimmy saville was not in tel aviv with epstein mcalpine lord britain and janner
they would all be helping the young boy king greta
on a carbon neutral radio one road
now then now then
Apologies, graphic deleted (reworking for legibility).
We may be closer than we’d like to think to the tipping point where the brainwashing of the masses takes an ugly turn. Be ready and be warned.
There is no gap so unbridgeable as the abyss that separates thinking people from the unthinking herd. This cannot be overstated. It’s almost as if humans were split into two different species that have an uneasy time sharing the same planet, each regarding the other a freakish oddity of nature. I learned this basic fact of life long before Covid, but after Covid the dichotomy had become so glaringly obvious it’s now embarrassing to think that we are in the same phylum, let alone the same species.
The unthinking herd, skilfully prodded by their puppet masters, clamours for more masks, more injections, more enslavement, more thrashing of any remaining shreds of their dignity and have no qualms imposing the same treatment to their own children. The thinking few look on in disbelief and merely wish to be left alone and out of this disgraceful madness that’s taken over the world. But left alone they won’t be.
In fact, if history should not be proof enough, a raft of experiments carried out in the 60s (Milgram, Zimbardo), showed unequivocally how easily the unthinking herd can be swayed into outright cruelty through surrender of their own judgement to a higher authority. We mustn’t forget that the herd hasn’t ever really changed, and that the fact that we’re living in the years 2020s may change the context, but not the substance of the herd’s behaviour. I have seen horrific footage of handicapped people being force-jabbed by eager zealots of the new order. These nazi-styled law-enforcers aren’t in my mind necessarily evil; rather more likely unthinking simpletons taking orders and putting them into action without any kind of autonomous reasoning (or feeling for that matter) taking place inside their hollow skulls. The greatest source of harm in this world isn’t evil, but stupidity, since evil couldn’t go very far in a world peopled with thinking men and women.
But the pressing question right now is: where will it stop? Most of us may well not be handicapped, but the authoritarian machine is cranking up pressure, and who is to say that ordinary citizens won’t be next, with the nod and approval of a multi-jabbed herd of unthinking zombies? Let us not forget how quickly the thin coating of civilisation can disappear in a mass hysteria. Just look at history.
The pressure is high because we’re running on a razor’s edge, between the whole scam being exposed in the wake of undeniable harm caused by the largest and craziest medical experiment in history, and the successful descent into a fully authoritarian regime on a global scale. The stakes are high, the masters of the world have almost unlimited power, the herds have been duly hypnotised, and the tiny unruly opposition has limited resources that can be cut off (and probably will) at any time. I had never imagined I should go through something like this in my lifetime. Orwell’s 1984 had always seemed to me a fictional vision of the future with only a touch of spooky plausibility, but maybe I have been a bit naive all along. Now the curtain has fallen off completely for those who care to look, and we can nurse no more illusions about what was hiding behind it. The stage is set up for the cull, and a frightful herd of unthinking zombies is waiting to be unleashed in the pit. I shall defend to the last the integrity of my body and mind, as well as my freedom to live my life the way I see fit rather than the way a pack of deranged megalomaniacs think has a godlike right to decide.
Don’t give up, don’t cave in. Don’t comply. Thoreau showed the way. Just say no to the preposterous rituals of the new madness. Don’t be afraid to stand out, show your contempt for the contemptible cowards. Always stand by your principles. But above all, be ready for what’s to come.
Today I received a message from the Dutch government in my post box: if I want to receive two self-tests for free. To which I replied: ‘yes please!’
Can’t wait to receive those tests as now I will finally be able to test if Coca Cola and motor oil are indeed infectious reservoirs for the co(n)vid!
I would be tempted, but then if Coca Cola and motor oil “tested positive”, then (presumably, at least here in Stalag UK), I’d be told to quarantine (along with my Coke and motor oil, I suppose … 😀 )
The BBC are beyond a disgrace; they are a nest for predators and paedophiles.
They enabled Jimmy Savile and his cronies. When the victims were trying to tell their story while Savile was alive they protected him. When the trickle turned into an avalanche they denied it in a very BBC “how dare you” kind of tone. When the pressure and evidence got too overwhelming they rolled out the fake apologies and superficial investigations. Conveniently their hero was dead by then.
Even then they handled it and speak about it today like it was some kind of minor HR issue.
In that context their current (and any) posturing as some beacon of integrity and decency is truly sickening.
True although Savile had a lot of elite protection. Not just from the BBC and indeed they may have taken their cue from on high. He seems to have had selected cops around for tea and biscuits on Fridays, which may in part explain why he was not prosecuted.
At Neuremberg the British said that “only following orders” is no excuse. Times have changed.
Fucking finally, someone said it! If reporters and narrative faithful are disregarding the yellow card or the VAERS, aren’t they the ones denying science? Because this is the side-effects monitoring tool put in place by the scientists, correct? So, if you deny its accuracy, you have to question why aren’t they putting up a better monitoring system than the one they chose, or, if the argument of correlation stands (“there’s no proof that these deaths or side effects were caused by the jab”) why isn’t there an effort to establish the relation, whatever that is, slim, direct or none, between deaths and side-effects and the genetic engineering platform?
Apologies if this has already been posted. A good follow up to Dr Ryan Cole’s original explanation regarding the vaccine.
Down with Jeremy vile. Down with the BBC!
The BBC is a classic control vector organisation targeted at the different sectors.
Radio 4 and BBC2 type viewers think they are getting informed news from a trustworthy source hence use lots of authority fallacies and serious sounding voices, mid range get a bit less dress up in authority vectors and more sensationalism, the masses get direct conditioning through messaging structured low information entertainment shows (for want of a better word).
Its the same underlying agenda packaged at different levels of fallacies and wrapping to ensure they cover the identified segments.
They have been doing this for decades with many issues aimed at controlling and isolating dissenting views to the pushed narrative. This is just a bit more obvious to people for some reason.
Most people even on here are carrying around some of these implanted views that they just can’t seem to shake without even realising where they originate.
Getting people to pay for their own controlling electro dog collar is neat trick.
I sometimes think that off-guardian and similar sites deliberately exist to keep the unvaxxed sane. They know the vaxxed drones will never vist any site outside of their Googlesphere. Can you imagine if sites like this didn’t exist! Geezuz talk about feeling alone!
On that topic. excellent censor free search engine.
Up to a point Lord Copper. I googled “Stefan Lanka” and got some hits, but also an add-on from Wikipedia about “AIDS/HIV denialism”….
So, maybe censor-free, but not propaganda-free.
The Australian copper in this video is worth studying. He is role playing in a live exercise. See if you agree. @00:01:00
Agreed. But then again, they all are, including Gladys Berejiklian, Daniel Andrews, the Chief Health Officers and so on, because ultimately, they answer to those actually behind the scamdemic, the real powers behind the curtain.
I also agree with Catherine Austin Fitts analysis of the financial aspect of the covid coup. But nevertheless, Australia is now literally a fascist police state. Anyone who can’t see that, with all that is happening here, is seriously deluded.
Just had news from someone they have heard that the lockdown here in Victoria is about to get even tougher with a tighter curfew and more businesses closed and other restrictions imposed.
Those of us with our eyes open already knew the psychopaths would ramp things up.
“Chancellor Brandt, what is your greatest regret from the prewar years?”
“That we did not fight the Nazis on the streets.”
Brandt had been a member of the SPD which had a paramilitary wing under Weimar but rarely fought the Nazis. Then he joined a more radical outfit called the SAP, but it was small. The most likely force to get involved in street clashes with the Nazis were the Communists. When this happened the right-wing press, not just the Nazis, tended to put the blame on the Communists.
I am completely baffled how so many Aussies are putting up with this.
Me too. I’d always seen it as rowdy and undisciplined, but in a good-humoured way. If fascism can happen there, and so easily, it can happen anywhere.
Australia has fallen,sad to say but from what i’m seeing the boat sailed quite a while ago that had any kind of hope on it
Expect the UK to fall in a similar fashion beginning next month when the emergency powers act is up for review (just because people are ditching the masks doesn’t mean those powers went away)
The afghani bollocks is exactly that,a load of bollocks to make you look in one direction whilst in the other direction is a slap coming that will hit you so hard it’ll knock you backwards into 1984
My comments keep going into bloody spam, so I’ll keep this short. I know my friend. People here are cheering on this fascism and have verbally told me they fully support vaccine passports.
Some comments I’ve seen in MSM comments threads today are shocking. Literally calling for us to be hunted down and even shot. Very disturbing what is going on here. And yes, I’m also very aware of paid trolls at those sites, but I speak to a lot of people when I’m out selling the magazine.
Too many people have had it too good for too long here in Australia and its made them very soft. And it’s done a real number on their psyches.
Insanity writ large. The Black Death is apparently sweeping Australia.
So as part of that report they say they are building a 3000 bed quarantine facility (aka a camp for those arrested) at $200 million and people think this is going to end soon if they keep taking their shots?
The UK and Organisation Todt errr correction Kier UK have been building our versions since last year,check out HMP Five Wells or HMP Glen Parva (oh the memories of the original Glen Parva where ‘They’ locked me up to protect ‘Them’ from ‘Me’ when i was a much younger man)
Prisons with no bars on the windows Huzzah ! single cell occupancy Huzzah ! that is until you look at an overhead view of these single cells and realise they have been designed to get at least another 3 bed spaces in each,suddenly the 1500 stated occupancy level becomes significantly larger than we are being told
These are the UK’s isolation and re education camps and lets not go into the proximity of a rather large crematorium to one of them (hint its less than a kilometre and about 300 metres) and all this banged up (pun intended) in 48 weeks
So to those of you still thinking all is slowly creeping back to normal in the UK Wake the fuck up ,
what was left of the economy from last year is now being taken down big time. People going in all directions applying to get out without realising this shitisrolling until we hit the French level of chaos….
weird and hard for me to believe, especially as nothing much is happening except for the influx of interstate and intrastate fleeing people..scary though..
Just to say: the French resistance has chosen its former song as its official anthem: le chant des partisans.
To readers and OffG
Off topic, but not so, since this article is from
Could any of you please tell me what this scientific club is, and whether this report is reliable?
I hope OffG does not mind using this comments sector to try and get some important information, evidently its not the only place we ask. But this question is from various resistance movements who got the info this morning.
Anyhow, we are here in France preparing for social media being cut off, possibly the internet as a whole, and even electricity. Anyhow I would advise you (though things may be better in UK) to be ready to no longer have access to info and communication via the internet: go local, remain in real life. Get together. Think medium term at least. This cant be survived alone, for logically it could go on for years, even if vax does not become compulsory, even if the pass is removed. Rebuild a new life for yourselves in small groups: get together now, because you have to build trust with new peoples.
Courage! We will prevail, because humanity has always prevailed! Courage my friends.
I am going through it now. I think I know the country of origin. It bears comparison with similar research some years ago into metals in vaccines.
There has a recent reassessment of Whitney Webb’s dismissal of the Spanish graphene findings.
This is very much a live issue.
Thanks a lot Moneycircus. Would you like us to discuss in private through email rather than in this public comments place? Im curious what the country of origin could be. Yes, its a very live issue.
Ill await to see what you find, and will in the meantime also try to find info. In fact, except through people Im in touch with, I have no idea how to find info directly from the internet, know that all search engines censor information.
Why is the article saying the “scientists’ club” is secret for security reasons? It is both plausible and implausible. Scientists have to be careful if they’re involved in direct counter-studies.
Annette, I’ve just posted a response to Moneycircus in this thread which includes links to two videos released today on nano-particle findings which should interest you.
Moneycircus, Im listening the video you gave the link to. Did you know that graphene is present in water? Do you have any info about water content in UK which confirms this? Im going to try and find out about France. Because this is critical. But I guess no official report would mention this. Had anyone tested water in UK and found this?
Live issue indeed. Planet Lockdown just released today two interviews which should particularly interest you and Annette (I’ve not yet begun to watch them myself):
Dr. Stefano Montanari on the efficacy of vaccines (I believe he’s the doctor who headed that vaccine metals research you mentioned):
Antionietta Gatti describes the field of Nano-Pathology and Nano-Toxicology, which she invented. How do nano-particles enter and move through the body and how can they create health problems. Nano-particles emerge from pollution from industrial processes and can be intentionally engineered for specific applications. With the increase of both kinds of nano-particles, it is an important subject to be aware of. She also reviews how nano-particles are being used in the current mRNA delivery in the mRNA Covid vaccines [blurb by Planet Lockdown]:
In an effort to avoid the spam file, I’ve omitted the usual prefix from the links. Just copy/paste as is into the address bar; they’ll automatically appear and direct you.
a good portion of it comes from the Delgado Spanish study, watch whitney webbs take that MC linked, there’s some other research mixed in, but it’s still lacking the definitive proof by TEM analysis, even tho they use the TEM quote from the orginal study it’s not made clear this is an example TEM picture, which makes it disingenuous at best
Thats what I thought. However Im told there are 3 other independent studies confirming the presence of GO. In fact the one I gave a link to also does. Its so hard to get confirmation of what is correct and what is not, since there’s also all sorts of nonsense going round the alternative sites. And given none of the scientists Im in touch with have done the experiments themselves, and none know the Spanish ones, its all a question of who you trust.
And there appears to be a battle of egos among all too many. In fact, in the absence of charismatic leaders, little egos have taken the lead. We’re too divided. I sincerely sometimes think we’re in for a long haul, some of us may not see the end of this in our lives.
Really? I’ve seen studies proporting to confirm GO, but on examination they all lack the required TEM analysis. You claim the linked paper does, when in fact the linked paper contains examples of TEM analysis of GO from the literature, not from the study of vaccines, it does not make this clear, which is disingenuous as it will confuse readers as it did you.
I agree with you but I’d like to mention if we are at the start of world war3,Than why are we not the first to stop it?Or try our hardest,At least our generations to come will say at least they fought.
Oh Anne, if you knew we’re fighting it. I feel my entire life has gone into some unknown dimension. Please dont ask me for details, you will understand I can no longer give details, except face to face. But at times its so hard, so hard. Discussing with you all makes me feel I am still holding on to some form of the reality I knew, well the one I had become used to for the past year. They have started arresting the doctors you know. Then they may go for the scientists Im told.
It’s a rather brief summary and as Imp says, it has a few holes. Let me know what you think. There is a fair bit of research into all the wonderful things one can do with graphene — a lot of it seems to do with batteries but maybe that’s our destiny.
The following is beyond contention:
Is the range much broader than implied — in other words, is talk of Covid variants a euphemism for the vaccine variants?
There’s a few angles for the “variants”, my personal opinion is they’re using “variants” as a cover for ADE, I don’t believe the vax was ever effective (at anything positive).
I don’t believe blood clotting, strokes, heart problems were ever symptoms of Covid19, however they are treating vaxed covid patients with anticoagulant injections (my wifes friend in Stepping Hill Hospital Stockport recently) – indicating to me they are treating vaxed cov19 patients as ADE events weather they admit it or not.
An “escape variant” is plausible from decades old, well established immunology into leaky vaccines, however Yeadon has stated on record the antigenic drift is so low in COV19 (~0.3% in 18 months iirc) it would take ~100 yrs to mutate enough to avoid our immune system.
I don’t believe the “Delta variant” escaped the vaccine, because I don’t believe the vax worked at all, it’s just a natural mutation which is behaving like all other coronavirus outbreaks, it gets less fatal as it becomes more infectious, until it becomes as ubiquetous as the common cold. It looks like the Delta is less fatal to those with comorbities, tho this could be a product of demographics (maybe a lot of those already susceptible already died).
I think there are many different ways ADE can effect the human animal, tying different symptoms to different vaccines would be very difficult, they initially blamed clotting on one particular vax flavour, but that could be a product of differences in the rollout timing/numbers, I think one flavour would have stood out in the hospitalizations if it caused more, or specific symptoms, the other flavour didn’t produce.
There is some evidence floating around of the UK ordering over and above normal quantities of anti coagulent drugs
No one seems to know why,,although on can hazard a guess !
Looks like they’re trying to establish blood clotting as a symptom of covid now…if they do that, ADE becomes covid… and this never ends until the jabs end.
I received a reply just now from Dr Robert Young (he’s one of the medical doctors and researchers who for years has realised the concept of a virus is erroneous, and has done multiple experiments in this field, and is now on the Natural Law tribunal or something): yes the report is correct.
Will get back to you after Ive gone through it.
The TEM portion is one of the 3-4 things covered in the report. TEM part is covered in pages 5-6 of the report.
I will come back to the TEM part, but what about the rest of the report (pages 1-4 and 7-16)? These pages contain findings based on ‘Optical microscopy’ and ‘UV fluorescence of aqueous fraction’. One of the findings in the report:
Prima facie, these findings make sense to me and show that there is a lot of things in the vaccines that can be dangerous to the health of the people who take the jabs. What is your interpretation of the non-TM parts of the report? Are they also ‘not definitive’?
Now, coming back to the TEM part, you said there was no definitive evidence of it having been carried out to show presence of graphine oxoide. On pages 5-6 where they cover TEM I went through the images and text but could not connect why they were not definitive as you said. Can you elaborate from specific portions of the report on what exactly is missing in the TEM thing?
Besides the TEM/graphene claim I have no quarrel, except the way they’re pushing the graphene thing is deceptive, and that causes me to doubt their credibility.
I tried to find the original Spanish study, it doesn’t seem to be on their website anymore, I’ve time stamped the whitney webb interview (the one I recomended you watch to get the point) at the point where the TEM pics are published in the original Delgado et al Spanish research, note they are the exact same pics used in the new paper you linked.
Note what the original commisioned researchers says about those pics, i.e. that they are examples from the literature of what you would need to prove graphene. The paper implicity states they cannot confirm graphene without EDS analysis and used those pics as an example of what graphene looks like under EDS analysis.
They have confused the issue (or obscurred it”s origin) by stating TEM in the latter paper, and EDS in the original (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), EDS is a type of TEM.
I recomend watching the video from the beginning, but I’ve timestamped it at the appropriate point discussing this:
Those pics are an example from the literature, NOT from a vaccine sample.
Got it. That the paper doesnt confirm that a TEM analysis was actually carried out and which was necessary to support the GO presence.
Thanks for elaborating.
Interestingly, though, our fellow commenter, Researcher, recently pointed to a Chinese patent paper that says upfront that GO will be used in the vaccine as a carrier. Here is the link to it:
So, the Chinese have unwittingly or otherwise confirmed GO presence in their vials.
We got there in the end 🙂 I think they pulled the EDS statement from the original english version of the Spanish study, but changed the EDS in the statement to TEM to make it appear they had the definitive proofs. This is very deceptive, and fatal for the new paper. Anyone using this paper for proof of anything is on a dodgy foundation because of the deception.
This whole field is an IP goldmine they’ve been digging for 20 years, but note a patent is an idea, a concept, not necessarily proof anything in the real world contains anything (yet).
As MC said, this is a live issue, we can only wait/dig until we have real evidence, whilst benig careful to take many claims with a pinch of salt until such proofs appear.
I’ve seen many claims for definitive graphene proofs that rely on the thinnnest of connections, some of which appear to be manufactured.
Nullius in Verba, caveat emptor!
I too am in France so where on earth do you get this information about the internet and electricity being cut off.Remind me not to take anything you’re using.
The report is interesting. Our fellow commenter, ImpObs, however, thinks it suffers from a lack of definitive Transmission Electron Microscopic analysis, and sure, that needs to be studied further.
Also, I and Researcher had an interaction on this very issue of ‘What’s in the Vaccine?’ a few days back in the comments section of the August 16 OffG article “Watch – Trust the Science’. It was quite an interesting to-and-fro.
Here is the link to it –>
I’ve linked the whitney webb review of the Spanish study (timestamped) in above thread (spam-binned for now), you can clearly see the example graphine EDS pics from the literature in the Spanish study are the same TEM pics in the “new” paper.
I’m not saying there’s no graphene in em, just that nobody has proved it yet, also that those saying they have proved it are being (even more) deceptive about it.
Hello OffG Admin Team,
A comment I made here in response to Annette’s comment is awaiting spam check for last 4-5 hours now.
Can you plz check and clear it?
I sent them an email for the same problem. They replied that my post is now up, but it’s not up 🙁
I posted:
9/11 Truthers have known for a long time about the BBC:
9/11, 7/7 & the War on Freedom :: View topic – Matt Campbell – Brother of 9/11 victim sues BBC over WTC7 (
Mr Campbell’s court case against the BBC is based upon the allegation that he has reasonable cause to believe that the BBC has been deliberately withholding the available evidence which supposedly proves his belief that the three towers were brought down through controlled demolition. Mr Campbell claims that numerous professional experts from around the world and more than 500
members of the public have provided detailed evidence and written requests to the BBC demanding that they adhere to their Editorial Guidelines and their Royal Charter and show the public what he claims is incontrovertible scientific evidence and eye-witness evidence. He claims that this evidence proves beyond any doubt that his brother Geoff was murdered in a way that is very different to what he has
been told by government officials and by the coroner. Mr Campbell aims to present to the court in Sussex evidence showing that the BBC has been deliberately covering up this vital information from the public.
Your ‘missing’ comment is here and has been for some while.
Their stuff looks reliable to me; Scanning Electron Microscopy shows nanoparticles of poisonous metals (and magnetic steel!) in the brew from Con-19. I believe them because they are using the correct instrument, same type as the one used by a prof who was fired from Utah University after detecting nanoparticles of highly explosive thermite in the dust from Con-911.
The big problem with focussing on the Beeb is that you give the impression the other news outlets are trustworthy. But FFS we now know from that “extreme Left” site the WSW that even the “renegade” sites are shite.
And the last named is nothing if not consistent.
“Covid just killed everyone!
Everyone still in danger of dying of covid even if they already died of covid!
Little baby found stabbed by covid!
Lockdown Protesters admit they love Hitler!
“Surge surge surge!”
“Spurt spurt spurt!”
“New aadvark variant even more deadly than delta!”
“Delta variant even more deadly than the New aadvark variant!”
All msm are charlatans.All I got to say is your a long time dead than alive they will have their day.
Are they still using those detector vans? What a joke that was.
My mother would never pay the fee when I was a kid. They knocked one time and asked if we watched the bbc on tv. My mother said, “why not just use your detector van and you will find out” then slammed the door in his mug. No nonsense my mother, set a good example for me at an early age.
“The cat detector van from the Ministry of Housinge (sic)” – Monty Python in an insightful mood…
I knew a chap who worked for TV licensing in the 80’s driving their detector van about, he was given an area to patrol each day, with streets to repeat, the van was completely empty!
Rather like guarding prisoners with empty guns, or displaying empty cans of mace. As long as they do not look behind the wizard’s curtain…
Spikes, clots, D Dimer
Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells (
One down vote. Given that 70% of the UK have been clot shot, I imagine some of our correspondents have been needle raped. I may have to join them.
To boost or not to boost?
Apart from unclear evidence that they are necessary for most fully vaccinated people, a moral argument against administering booster shots has been made. Providing them while so many people in many parts of the world are still waiting to get their first jab is immoral, WHO experts have said.
“We’re planning to hand out extra lifejackets to people who already have lifejackets, while we’re leaving other people to drown without a single lifejacket,” said Dr Michael Ryan, the director of the WHO’s health emergency programme.
Large-scale boosting in wealthy countries sends a signal around the world that boosters are needed everywhere, according to Andrew Pollard, the director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, and Seth Berkley, the chief executive of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, writing in a recent opinion piece published by the Guardian.
“This will suck many vaccine doses out of the system, and many more people will die because they never even had a chance to get a single dose,” they said. “Since we have the two-dose luxury of having time on our side, we should not rush into boosting millions of people while time is running out for those who have nothing. First doses first. It’s that simple.”
Personally, I think it’s time for Guardian-reading liberals to realise how important they are to the future of humanity – and to go get that booster!
Normal people would suggest that boosters are not just unnecessary but undesirable. There are better ways of not infecting the rest of the world with our “vaccines”.
indeed, there is obviously a faction of the hollow men that would prefer to get the rest of the world injected… before they finish of those who have already submitted themselves to corporate euthanasia for the imaginary microsoft coff ® with regular ‘boosters’….
or before side effects of post modernist politically correct injectables becomes more obvious than they already are…. this desperation is manifest in the the mass injecting of the younglings in sports halls down under… replete with big brother screens and thuggish military personnel like some sci-fi movie set… whisked to their doom by their own ‘parents’..
such cowards who will not protect the young will have forfeited the right to exist… (all coming to the septic isles for the autumn blockbuster)…
NB: article in the speccie… some female pro vaccine press-titute musing publicly as to whether she ‘could’ ( please sir) draw attention to so called ‘period problems’ caused by the 99% effective perfectly safe gene therapies they have had ‘injected’…. of course all the discombobulates affected insist you still get ‘vaccinated’….
apparently there are thirty odd thousand that they will admit to… so obviously this is a ticking time bomb.. tip of the iceberg..
thus it seems that despite the use they have been to the ‘agenda’, the conformist credentialed imbecile has indeed and without ‘discrimination’ been sentenced to death with equity (it wasn’t really saline)… the hollow men hate these media types and bureaucrats..
hello admin, how do I post a photo?
If it is a photo on the internet, I post its URL. I would like to know how to post a photo from my personal files.
Find a file/photo hosting service, upload the photo and then post the URL?
That sounds good, trying it now..
Yes, that’s what I want to know, too
• First, upload the image file to a (free) upload site; Postimages is straightforward enough:
• Once uploaded, the Postimages page will display several URLS; copy “Direct Link” and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.
• Do not use the “link” markup feature here, just post the raw link. Voilà!
Disclaimer: It works for me. I have not investigated the Postimages site, so if there’s some unacceptable down side– you know, like it being “controlled opposition” or a front for some state-security apparatus– I’m unaware of it.
Excellent, thanks
For the next demo
Nice! Glad my instructions made sense. 😉
• First, upload the image file to a (free) upload site; Postimages is straightforward enough:
• Once uploaded, the Postimages page will display several URLS; copy “Direct Link” and paste it into the Off-G comments window. Make sure it’s on a separate line with spaces above and below.
• Do not use the “link” markup feature here, just post the raw link. Voilà!
Disclaimer: It works for me. I have not investigated the Postimages site, so if there’s some unacceptable down side– you know, like it being “controlled opposition” or a front for some state-security apparatus– I’m unaware of it.
There is a freedom rally in Australia tomorrow. Mentioned on Max Igan’s site. I don’t imagine it will go ahead under the present circumstances.
I just had my own freedom rally at the supermarket without a mask. I bought some fruit and veg…a revolutionary act.
Bare faced defiance of the New World Order.
Just got back from Coles, no mask and no scanning the QR code as always. Security guard near the entrance, didn’t bat an eyelid, then as I walked to the bus stop, a cop car drove slowly past. Nothing happened, they turned into the next street, and the 2 staff I spoke to in Coles said zippo about me not having a mask. And yet nearly everyone else bends over in full compliance…
As I’ve said all along, all it requires is a backbone in order to waltz through life without partaking in any bullshit. Unfortunately we are surrounded by easily led invertebrates.
A backbone and an AK with a 100 round drum magazine.
In short supply in most of the western world,maybe our new afghani settlers will bring some with them ?
Surrounded by simpering neutered eunuchs, and a lot of people who have had it too good for too long here, which, ultimately, has made them too soft.
Aye Gezzah, soft hands, fat bellies and soft spines make weak minds. As the saying goes, hard times make tough men, tough men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times.
I’m pretty sure I was glared at by a young woman in the line as we were all waiting. I gave her a smile. As Bob the Hod says…it takes a bit of guts. And you can go buy your vegetables like a human being.
I am in New Zealand. I did the same thing. The staff were horrified. I said call the police I don’t give a toss. Meanwhile mutants are out in the country side miles from anywhere walking their dogs wearing masks. Humans are so dumb I despair.
You mean, people are not free to hold a freedom rally in the wonderful world of Oz?
It seems you can get dr or someone with an important letter head to write a letter saying you cannot wear a mask.,,.don’t even put reason…rarely checked apparently.
There’s no way I’m going, cap in hand, to some quack asking for a little note that basically says “daddy said I didn’t have to wear one”. Not saying this of you, Edith, but people need to just try it…go down to the shops without the damn mask. Just fucking do it. If a comet is heading for the city and you’re dead for sure, do you want to remember your last 18 months gagged and masked like an animal? Or do you want to say, I used my own judgement and did it myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Someone told me its called off? When I asked why, they said because we are in lockdown. I thought thats why the rally was on?
Further who called it off? I guess its already been infiltrated by a self appointed leader if this is the case.
I believe your truckers are your armoured forces from what i have seen from several Australian posters on another forum i frequent
It hasn’t got so bad in the UK yet as most of the docile are under the impression things are slowly getting back to ‘normal’ however the emergency powers act is up for review next month so i fully expect a shitstorm of epic proportions in the run up to that especially once the mentally disabled workshy bastards who call themselves mp’s come back from their holidays in other peoples misery (thank you Sex Pistols)
Block the M25 M1 M6 M8 M4 M40 and the back passage of the UK where shit flows both ways the tunnel and you have the country at your mercy