The Vapor, the Hot Hat, & the Witches’ Potion

A Fairy Story

Margaret Anna Alice

Once upon a time in a prosperous land, a rumor swept across the kingdom that there was an invisible vapor floating through the air. Many vapors had come before, but this one was so extraordinary, it called for an extraordinary response.

This vapor, the town criers cried, could kill you at any time, anywhere. You could get it by talking, breathing, or singing. You could get it by standing or walking too closely to someone. You could even get it by playing. And the scariest thing of all—you could get it and not even know you had it.

The only way to escape was to hide indoors, keep away from people, and rub your hands with a clear jelly every time you touched something. Merchants stopped trading, apprentices stopped learning, and people stopped seeing people.

Every day, the town criers yelled out the number of people who had caught the vapor, although most didn’t know it since they felt the same as usual—just a lot more scared. They only learned they had it because of a certain spell a sorcerer had written down before the vapor came.

The sorcerer had said it wasn’t supposed to be cast for vapors and couldn’t tell people if they had caught a vapor or not. But the sorcerer had died, and the king’s counselors decided to cast the spell, anyway, and that is how people found out they had the vapor.

The town criers shouted the latest death tolls so often their voices grew hoarse. Almost every one who died was very, very old or very, very sick or very, very fat. Hardly anyone else died, and at the end of the year, it would turn out about the same number had died as had in other years.

Still, it was a very scary vapor, and the entire kingdom had to change for the good of the public. The land was no longer prosperous, but the king just minted more coins and tossed them out to his subjects so they wouldn’t notice right away.

Eventually, people were told they could come out of hiding and the marketplace could open back up if everyone followed a few rules.

They had to wear a hot, scratchy hat that covered their ears and eyes so the vapor couldn’t get into their earholes or eyeholes. They had to hop five times forward and five times backward if they accidentally got too close to another person. And, of course, they had to rub their hands with jelly after touching anything.

Some people thought the hats looked silly and were even a little dangerous since they made it hard for them to hear and see and made them sweat in the summer. The hopping took so much time, people weren’t able to get much done.

When those people didn’t wear the hats or hop around, the rest of the people got very, very angry and said it was their fault people were dying and getting sick and couldn’t live the way they used to live. Some even took to wearing two or more hats for extra protection against the anti-hatters and anti-hoppers.

Every so often, the king would tell people to hide back inside again because too many people were catching the vapor. They couldn’t work or shop or visit people they loved. There wasn’t much to do besides lie around listening to the town criers, who always let people know how scared and angry and resentful they should all feel, especially toward the anti-hatters and anti-hoppers.

Suddenly, people started feeling more hopeful. A few witches who were richer than all the world’s kingdoms and queendoms combined offered to make a potion people would need to swallow every so often to keep them safe from the vapor—but it would only work if everyone drank it together.

It took a few months, but eventually the witches each had their own flavor—grape and orange and tropical punch—and they were ready to pour them into people’s mouths. Whenever potions had been made in the past, the witches had had to spend years and years making sure it was safe before giving it to people.

This time, though, the vapor was so scary, they skipped all those steps so people could be saved sooner. They even got the king to issue a special decree so no one could hurt the witches if anything bad happened to them after drinking the potion.

The king gathered three-quarters of the coins he had collected from the people that year and presented them to the witches.

Almost everybody couldn’t wait to drink the grape or orange or tropical punch potion. They bragged about going to get it and told everyone after they got their first and second drinks. When they came across someone who didn’t want to drink it, they got very, very cross. The town criers told everyone to yell at the anti-drinkers because it was their fault they couldn’t go back to life like it was before the vapor.

Something strange happened after people started drinking the potion. Some of them caught the vapor, anyway, but that was because it was a version of the vapor the witches hadn’t planned for—still, it was important to drink both doses of the potion because it was better than not drinking them.

To be safe, though, the town criers said they should go back to wearing hot hats and hopping—although most hadn’t stopped to begin with because they were afraid of what would happen if they did (or worse, they might be mistaken for an anti-hatter, anti-hopper, or anti-drinker).

Even stranger, some of the people who had drunk the potion died either right after or not long after drinking it. Unlike the people who died from the vapor, these people were often very, very young or very, very healthy or very, very fit. The town criers never shouted about these deaths. If anyone brought it up, they called them an anti-hatter, anti-hopper, and anti-drinker.

Being an anti-drinker was the worst of all because everyone knows you need to drink to survive. If you’re against drinking the potion, you must surely be against drinking water, too, and we all know you can’t live without drinking water.

Not everyone who drank the potion died. Some just had peculiar things happen to their bodies. They shook all the time or got rare diseases or noticed parts of their bodies stopped working. They were bedridden or lame or hurt in different ways and couldn’t live the way they did before or even after the vapor. The town criers didn’t tell anyone about these people, either.

And then there were the drinkers who felt perfectly fine … for now. The potion had never been tried for longer than a few months, so no one was really sure what would happen in the next year or two or longer. It was also a different kind of potion than anyone had ever drunk before. This potion changed something inside you that could never be undone.

People would also need to drink new versions of the potion every few months, and the king would need to continue giving three-quarters of the kingdom’s coins to the witches forever, or at least as long as the kingdom existed.

All the surviving drinkers were grateful to the witches and thanked them for saving their lives. They proudly displayed a mark on their chin that meant they’d drunk the potion. The ones who’d drunk it twice had two marks.

Those who didn’t have any marks were to blame for the kingdom’s problems. They weren’t permitted to shop in the marketplace or work or apprentice or take part in any public activities. They were shamed and shunned for being a threat to the people of the land.

These people started to feel like they should leave the kingdom, but they weren’t allowed to travel without the double marks, and besides, all the other kingdoms and queendoms were the same as theirs, anyway. There wasn’t anyplace left where people weren’t afraid of the vapor and where they didn’t demand that everyone drink the potion.

Soon, the king decided the anti-drinkers were so dangerous, they would need to be locked in a dungeon until they agreed to drink the potion. They were free to choose whichever flavor they liked. If they decided not to drink, they would simply remain in the dungeon. It was entirely up to them.

One year passed, and then another. There were fewer and fewer people left in the kingdom. Eventually, so few people were left, the king could no longer collect enough coins to pay the witches. The rest of the kingdoms and queendoms around the world were in the same fix. They decided to join together into one king-queendom so they could collect enough coins to buy the potion.

After eight more years passed, there weren’t enough people left in all the world to cover the witches’ dues. The rulers decided everything that belonged to the people now belonged to the king-queendom. The people could still live in their hovels, but they wouldn’t own anything. They could earn their keep through labor—indeed, they might be put to work making the potion!

People no longer needed to decide what they wanted to do or be in life because the king-queendom would decide for them. People didn’t need to pay for anything because all the subjects got equally small amounts of the necessities. Everyone looked the same, acted the same, and thought the same.

Most people didn’t remember what it was like before the vapor. Some didn’t even know there was such a time.

The rulers, on the other hand, never wanted for anything. Nor did their friends, the town criers. The witches were the wealthiest of all—and deservedly so, as they had saved the world from the deadly vapor.

It wasn’t long before there were no more subjects. The rulers, the counselors, the town criers, and the witches had all the earth’s riches to themselves, and they lived happily ever after.

Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.


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Aug 30, 2021 11:02 AM

A fine allegory. Thank you.

However, I have to say that I’m uncomfortable with the use of the word ‘witch’. In my world, witches are practitioners of the old religion and anti-authoritarian by nature (Granny Weatherwax, for example). In our current paradigm, witches are Wiccan priestesses, and the evil black-hatted Hollywood version is a religious slur. I think, ‘Sorcerer’ would be more appropriate and consistent with the ‘sorcerer’ who made up the test.

I want to make some observations about style, if I may. Whilst I agree completely with the sentiment, the writing style is inconsistent and arhythmic, as though it were written in a hurry. Also, the punctuation needs tidying up. A good first draft. A professional editor would make a difference. (Having said that, hurrah for the adverb in ‘walking too closely’!) The substance of the story is precisely crafted, the composition, not so much…

I enjoyed the bleakness of the final sentence. Like other commentators here, I do wonder about the theorised plan to pauperise us all. Who, indeed, would make the shoes? (A reference, I believe, to Phil Night’ s {Nike} explanation of why he farmed out his cobbling to Indonesia…”Americans won’t make shoes”.) ‘Robots’ is a decent, if glib, solution, though I think a return to Victorian economics with a workhouse/convict labour force is more likely.

I want to share this…I firmly believe that ‘The Man’ is incompetent. All tyrannies eventually fall. The sociologist Pitrim Sorokin theorised a a seesaw effect in society of, to simplify, right/left/selfish/caring. He saw the dynamic as quicker than one might think, over a single generation. Sit tight.

Aug 29, 2021 10:51 PM

But who will make the shoes? That’s what I don’t understand about the dark agendas. If there are no more subjects to make stuff and farm stuff, how will the rulers, counselors, town criers and witches live?

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 30, 2021 2:56 AM
Reply to  Winnie

Winnie, per my response to a similar question: robots, androids, clones, transhuman elves … take your pick 😉

Aug 30, 2021 10:10 AM

Thanks Margaret. I spotted that response after posting. Much sci-fi is devoted to this issue of work, of course, and of how to maintain and organise the robots and androids and protect the rulers from mutiny!

COVIDsteria eBook/Satire
COVIDsteria eBook/Satire
Aug 29, 2021 4:17 PM

Citizen Free Press linked to your piece. This is the sort of writing that what we need more of (e.g. writing along the lines of Ayn Rand, George Orwell etc) from the right, populists, the center, and libertarians to counter the totalitarian elite’s narrative and convince people or change minds – not more boring intellectual non-fiction that most people don’t want to read! I am serializing my own satire on here as I have no other options at the moment (no conservative/libertarian etc version of Amazon) and no social media following, see: https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covidsteria-table-of-contents

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 30, 2021 3:20 AM

I do believe satire is one of our most effective tools in the battle against propaganda and wish you well in your endeavors!

Dru Mist
Dru Mist
Aug 27, 2021 10:43 PM

I would think that this was a perfect story, but a friend pointed out that it needs one more paragraph tagged to the end. After a while though the rulers had no one to provide for them or do all the work so they also died and NO ONE LIVED, Happily or otherwise. The End.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 30, 2021 3:21 AM
Reply to  Dru Mist

Dru Mist, not bad—only I would amend it to say the animals, birds, and reptiles all lived happily ever after 😉

Aug 30, 2021 10:19 AM

Yay! End of the human race, but the plants, flowers, birds, bees etc. carried on blooming. No loss, some might say.

Aug 27, 2021 1:05 AM

“The power of a story”
The Kosher Imp.

Aug 26, 2021 3:34 PM

So sad. Because critical thinking people were such a nuisance to the king, he had mandated only certified school teachers spend three generations dumbing down the people to not think anymore. They taught the people to only believe the king’s approved witches and wizards. They would do all the thinking for them.

Aug 26, 2021 12:37 PM

Left out the prelude of the stolen elections and town crier lies about Russian collusion to get a monarchy back from self covered citizens. Then it would be more accurate.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 12:54 PM
Reply to  Mike

I am saving that for a separate tale, a prequel of sorts 🙂

seth rich
seth rich
Aug 26, 2021 4:16 AM

plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Shaun B McGarry
Shaun B McGarry
Aug 26, 2021 3:53 AM


Patchwork Landscape
Patchwork Landscape
Aug 26, 2021 1:12 AM

This story was incredibly creative. I just didn’t like the ending. I would have ended it with and God was watching the witches and the Kings and Queens and He was very unhappy. God decided those people would never inherit the earth because they were evil inside and no love remained in them. He dealt with them accordingly.

Aug 26, 2021 3:20 AM

God did say that the meek would inherit the earth. Who are the vaccine hesitant but the meek?

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Aug 26, 2021 4:52 AM
Reply to  Stephen

I really think it’s incredibly self serving to characterise those submitting to peer pressure and group think and injecting unnecessary and untrialled drugs as courageous lol.

Aug 26, 2021 12:43 AM

Honestly, could have done a lot better… I was expecting some snappy metaphor at the end to wrap all this up.. but, no.. it’s just a story and you swapped vapor for virus.. nothing really spectacular that.

Aug 26, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  HoppyDoppy

Yeah, could’ve ended with the realization of reality by the governed…

Karl Buchanan
Karl Buchanan
Aug 27, 2021 4:19 AM
Reply to  Yirgach

But you see it never does end that way. They flop right on off believing the whole way?

Aug 26, 2021 12:25 AM

Well said Madame! Sad but true, most will need the fairytale to see the truth!

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  Ronald

Thank you, Ronald, and may the awakening begin 🤞

Aug 25, 2021 11:48 PM


kelly a
kelly a
Aug 25, 2021 11:47 PM

We are seeing a hostile takeover of America by democrat terrorists and their master plan is horiffic Look at this ASAP!!! visit https://tinyurl.com/4cphbyhe

Aug 25, 2021 11:07 PM

SOMEthing about this story sounds familiar…

Jimney Krickets
Jimney Krickets
Aug 25, 2021 10:56 PM

I admit it. I am one of those anti-Hatters, anti-Hoppers and Anti-Drinkers.

The Witches puzzle

The Witches make all the potions, always have. If you cannot trust this potion then how could you trust the other potions?

Aug 25, 2021 10:47 PM

But they can’t live happily ever after! They need to die bc there are no more labors to make their food and feed them…

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 8:03 AM
Reply to  grllopez

grllopez, I had the same thought myself, but then my husband reminded me about robots …

Aug 26, 2021 5:26 PM

Yeah, great point. But then there is always God’s judgment…

Aug 25, 2021 10:30 PM

Beautifully Put.

Aug 25, 2021 9:57 PM

Please make this into a children’s book.

i would buy copies for my young children. They would love it.

lt’s quite akin to The Emperor Has No Clothes. And explains our situation perfectly.,

Common Cents
Common Cents
Aug 25, 2021 11:01 PM
Reply to  A G

It might make a good children’s book, but the ending must be changed… most children won’t understand the facetiousness of the final sentence. i.e. The witches must turn against the rulers, counselors, and town criers at the end because their greed and lust for power is never satisfied.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  Common Cents

Common Cents, I think you underestimate children’s intelligence. They are not as indoctrinated as adults and have a clearer sense of fairness, truth, and good vs. evil. Although this story was initially written as a fairy tale for adults, I think most children are perceptive enough to read between the lines—perhaps more so than many adults these days 😉

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 3:14 AM
Reply to  A G

A G, I have! This story will soon be available in both print and on Kindle. If you haven’t already, you can sign up at my blog so you’ll get notified when they’re available 🙂 I would love to hear what your children think of it!

Aug 25, 2021 9:55 PM

Holy crap, this is brilliant.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:57 AM
Reply to  John

*lol* I appreciate the succinct analysis, John 😹

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 24, 2021 1:09 AM

OffGuardian readers, I am always grateful for the wealth of resources, insights, knowledge, and diversity of thought on display in the comments and am thrilled to see how many of you found value in this piece. I apologize that time limitations prohibit me from responding to all of your thoughtful comments individually but want you to know how much I appreciate them. I especially love the idea of a sequel with the forest children rising up and defeating the wicked witches! Perhaps that’s a tale for a parallel universe 🙂 For anyone who’s interested, I wanted to let you know I have typeset this as a children’s book, and it will soon be available in both print and Kindle format. If you would like to be notified when the book becomes available, you can sign up at my blog to get updates and have future articles delivered directly to your inbox. I recently learned Nevermore Media took it upon himself to translate my fairy tale into Spanish, and plans for a Spanish edition are already underway! I know this is an exceptionally international audience, so if any of you would enjoy translating this story into other languages, please let me know in the comments, and perhaps we can collaborate on future editions in other languages 🙂 Lastly, I have recorded a podcast of me reading this story as a gift to paid subscribers. I am currently offering 20% off your first year through 8/31/21 when you sign up using this link. Paid subscribers also enjoy access to special content such as memes, a Behind the Scenes series documenting my attempts to awaken New Normies, and early access to my Recommendations Roundups. Thank you, one and all, for the gift of your time and thought-provoking responses. It inspires me to see… Read more »

David DeCleene
David DeCleene
Aug 25, 2021 10:03 PM

Bravo! Even “Grimmer” than Rock-a-bye Baby or Ring Around the Rosey.

Slave New World.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  David DeCleene

Haha, thank you, David. Slave New World—I can’t believe I didn’t think of that!

Mike Rogers
Mike Rogers
Aug 23, 2021 10:21 PM

A Grimm Fairy Tale, with no good witches or fairies, and one particularly evil gnome with whom the rulers had made a Fauccian Bargain.
End times indeed.
Just be prepared to perforate the perforators!

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 8:22 AM
Reply to  Mike Rogers

Haha, nicely articulated, Mike!

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Aug 23, 2021 5:36 PM

There’s a method in the story’s madness. Back in the plague days all diseases were thought to be spread by vapors. People also noticed that high temperatures seemed to provide protection from the plague, some people surviving the outbreak by shutting themselves in their homes that were kept hot all year around. What they didn’t have the knowledge to understand was that plague was spread by fleas and that fleas did not like hot environments, they had to make do with anecdotal reasoning rather than hard knowledge.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 8:25 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Martin, I hadn’t even thought of those parallels when I wrote it, but I must’ve subconsciously absorbed those details from all those audiobooks I’ve listened to on plagues, pestilences, and diseases over the years!

Aug 27, 2021 2:08 AM

Being a medieval history dilettante, I immediately noticed the allusion to ‘vapors’ and thought you were referencing the14th century diagnostic paradigm. That this was not conscious is fascinating and delicious!

If you are not familiar with Leonard Schlain and his “Art and Physics”, I think you find much food for thought (and prescience).

You have a new reader.


Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 27, 2021 6:08 AM
Reply to  Leith

Leith, delighted to welcome you to my mailing list, and thank you for the intriguing book recommendation! It does indeed look fascinating.

In all honesty, from the moment I wrote “Once upon a time,” this story poured out as quickly as I could type it until arriving at “happily ever after.” I knew I needed a word that started with ‘v’—the first one that came to mind was “vapor,” and it fit so perfectly I just wrote it down and kept going. Every detail emerged in a stream-of-consciousness flow of inspiration, and I second-guessed nothing. It wasn’t until Martin’s comment that the toxic miasma occurred to me, but apparently, my subconscious was aware of it all along …

Aug 23, 2021 1:30 PM

I resisted this story at first because it seemed silly, but after reading I see it’s a very compelling dramatic interpretation, and the perfect symbolization of our current predicament. Thank you.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:04 AM
Reply to  Samsonetta

Samsonetta, I’m grateful you gave it a chance and so happy to hear you feel that way. Would you be open to my including that quote in the Reader Responses section of the forthcoming children’s book? Let me know how you would like your name to appear if so (we can discuss this privately if you prefer; just sign up at my blog and reply to the Welcome email to let me know). Thank you!

Aug 23, 2021 12:58 PM

My twice-vaxxed wife just cannot face the sickening truth of what is going on.
Her upbringing simply had nothing in it to prepare her for the notion that a western government could be that corrupt, stupid and evil.
It is, after all, something of a lottery whether or not a person will be confronted with such a scenario early enough in life to be sensitized to it.

BUT… she enjoyed this article, possibly because some of my rantings have got through to her, and the story subconsciously resonated with something familiar to her?

If so, I call that a very positive thing.
Like much good psychology, the trick is to be indirect at first while the person gradually gets onto the same page as reality.
The direct message comes later.

The author has conceivably done a great public service here, and I’m actually quite optimistic now, although my fears for my wife’s future health have not gone away…

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 24, 2021 1:10 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Wardropper, the fact that your wife enjoyed this piece despite her resistance to truths countering the mainstream narrative encourages me to no end. My hope was this format might help penetrate the defenses of the sleeping and begin the awakening process, and your testimony as well as the comments of others here and elsewhere makes me feel that is possible. Thank you, truly, for sharing that wonderful news, and I wish your wife well on her journey toward truth.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  wardropper

wardropper, would you mind if I included this quote in the Reader Responses section of the children’s book?

“The author has conceivably done a great public service here, and I’m actually quite optimistic now.”

If that is okay with you, please LMK how you would prefer to be credited. If you don’t want to discuss this publicly, you can sign up at my blog and reply to the Welcome email. I’m running out of time to make changes on the Kindle version but may be able to sneak it into the print version if I hear back soon enough. Thank you!

P.S. I’d be curious to hear what your wife thinks of some of my other pieces—A Primer for the Propagandized, for example, as that was originally directed at believers in the mainstream narrative. I’m planning an upcoming series of letters to Covidians based on my real-world attempts to engage with them, so I would love to see how someone like her responds.

Aug 23, 2021 12:34 PM

Shameless plug as i know the guy but please give this a listen ,despite his youth he’s as switched on as many i know and equally as astute
Nails it completly

Aug 23, 2021 4:26 PM
Reply to  magumba

Thanks magumba. A brilliant wordsmith he is.
‘Pandemic don’t need no advertising’

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 24, 2021 1:38 AM
Reply to  magumba

Magumba, *thank* you for sharing this wicked work of ingenious resistance art! Lukas Lion is exceptionally talented and articulates the situation brilliantly. Please convey my appreciation for this piece and let him know I hope to feature it in a future article.

I believe music is one of our most powerful weapons against tyranny and was at the heart of the anti-war movement in the 1960s and 70s. I examined similar examples in Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?, specifically Deltron 3030’s prescient eponymous debut album from 2000 along with Del the Funky Homosapien’s recent collaboration with Mr. Lif and Wax Tailor on “Everybody.” Likewise, I cited Five Finger Death Punch’s “Living the Dream” video as an example of audacious storytelling in COVID IS OVER! … If You Want It.

Art is one of the most effective ways to circumvent the programming and sneak truth-pills into people’s consciousness. It is stirring to see independent creatives with the courage to speak out when so many are cowed into silence by contracts, fear of backlash, and the desire for self-preservation.

Aug 25, 2021 10:58 PM
Reply to  magumba

Tell him it is excellent! Keep speaking up!!

Peter Cartwright
Peter Cartwright
Aug 23, 2021 11:26 AM

Great “fairy” story! I have shared the hell out of it!

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:32 AM

Fantastic and thank you so much, Peter! BTW, I wonder if Twitter is shadow banning this piece. After I published the original story on August 3, I found at least a dozen tweets and even more retweets about it by searching for “vapor hat potion,” but now I only get my own two tweets and one other about it, despite numerous people saying they’ve shared it; same goes for FB 🤔

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Aug 23, 2021 9:53 AM

comment image

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Aug 23, 2021 5:06 AM

Great work of art! As Edward Curtin says, we can’t solve this problem with science.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 8:21 AM
Reply to  Tim Glass

Thank you, Tim! Indeed, science is what got us into this fix to begin with, sadly, and Covidians are too blinded by their faith in $cience to be capable of distinguishing it from the traditional, truth-seeking practice of scientific inquiry.

Aug 23, 2021 12:50 AM

If a person is vaccinated, why do they have to go into lockdown? Surely they are safe themselves, and no danger to anyone else. Please ask the witches for me.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 22, 2021 11:22 PM

Excellent…. and so scary. A brilliant fairy tale for adults.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Veri Tas

Thank you, Veri Tas! I do like this quote as it makes it more apparent to potential readers that this is a tale for adults and children alike. Would you mind if I included it in the Reader Responses section of the forthcoming children’s book version? LMK how you would like your name listed if so. You can sign up at my blog and reply to the Welcome email if you’d prefer to discuss this privately.

Aug 22, 2021 9:54 PM

British study shows COVID-19 vaccine efficacy wanes under Delta
A British study found that protection from either of the two most commonly used COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant weakens within three months.
AUGUST 19, 2021


Aug 24, 2021 10:36 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Here’s the thing though, there’s no test for the variants… it’s all the same PCR which the CDC quietly admits doesn’t work – the test could be used without being shown to work when it was under emergency use. As they can’t show it works, they are going to stop using it when the emergency authorisation expires (December). If it makes you feel better, they’re advising labs (this time) to pick a test that can distinguish between flu and covid…

So actually we have no death numbers, no infection numbers, no case numbers. We’ve no idea if anything new exists and if it does we’ve no idea, if it does, what causes it…

Aug 22, 2021 9:49 PM

A small story from RT to spread, for those who social media, dogs being shot to prevent spread of covid:

The sheep may have no care for “antivaxers”, but most still care about animals.

Aug 23, 2021 12:19 PM
Reply to  antitermite

‘They’ have been seeding the msm with stories about pets since last year and the disgusting good morning britain recently ran a story linking pets to being a threat to the environment thus sealing their fate.
People are far more willing to threaten personal violence against anyone who would do their ‘fur babies’ harm than they seem to be against people who are ‘vaccinating’ people including children and killing them
The UK government have previous for culling pets so don’t for one minute think they wont again
In fact the sooner it happens the better as far as i’m concerned not bcause i hate pets (only the owners of pets who anthropomorphise them and regard them as human…get a grip you dolts) far from it but purely from the fact that it might be the kick up the arse so many of these pet lovers need to raise them from their government induced intoxication of fear

Uk governments pet cull


Aug 23, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  magumba

Most dogs are WAY better people than most people.

Aug 24, 2021 2:20 PM

Hell, I know ducks that are way smarter than many people.

Aug 23, 2021 12:53 PM
Reply to  antitermite

Effing dog murdering bastards .

John Goss
John Goss
Aug 22, 2021 9:00 PM

Cheered me up no end! Much more like a nightmare than a fairy tale. Please write the sequel “The forest children who destroyed the wicked witches.” I like mine to have a happy ending – and not just for the royals.

Evil Harry
Evil Harry
Aug 22, 2021 9:29 PM
Reply to  John Goss

The forest children who quickly destroyed the wicked witches and hanged all of the kings, queens and town criers for their unthinking stupidity and tyranny.

Aug 23, 2021 1:30 AM
Reply to  Evil Harry

I think it’s up to us to write the sequel…

Aug 23, 2021 12:21 PM

Some of us are preparing pens and paper as i type

Aug 22, 2021 7:45 PM

What a perfect allegory of the age we find ourselves trapped in. Thank you. Sharing.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 8:08 AM
Reply to  Tike

Why thank you, Tike! I am still grateful to you for sharing the transcript and larger context for the My Dinner with Andre clip in my last OG article.

Aug 26, 2021 9:36 AM

: – )

Big non-socially-distanced hug!

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 9:43 AM
Reply to  Tike

😂 Backatcha 🤗

How would you feel about my including your allegory quote in the Reader Responses section of the children’s book? If you’re not already on my mailing list, you can sign up and reply to the Welcome email to let me know your preferred listing if you’re up for that.

Anne Marie Doll
Anne Marie Doll
Aug 29, 2021 2:54 AM

You are a most brilliant, insightful author. Reading this sent chills down my spine as you are spot on. What a satire of true events to come across in future generations of we have them. Hats off to you. You should be nimated for a Pulitzer Prize.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 29, 2021 4:37 AM

Oh my goodness, Anne Marie! Thank you for your heartwarming comment. Would you mind if I included this in the Reader Responses section of the forthcoming children’s book version of this? I’ve asked other commenters in this post for permission, but I think almost everyone has moved on and hasn’t seen my requests 😉 In any case, I’d love to include yours if you see this! Please let me know your preferred attribution if you’re okay with that. If you would prefer to discuss this privately, you can sign up at my blog and reply to the Welcome message. Thank you, once again, for your gracious words!

Aug 22, 2021 7:33 PM

This is so wonderful I can hardly believe it. Thank you so much, Margaret Anna and Off-G. Made my day. And I’m sure it will delight the many people I’m going to forward it to.

Might be a useful way to begin to change the minds of sceptics….power of storytelling to speak to the subconscious.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 24, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  FeralCat

You’re very welcome, FeralCat, and thank you and so many others here for the heartwarming comments, which made *my* day 🙂 I hope others won’t take it personally that I haven’t responded to everyone individually, but I had to make an exception for you because I have a soft spot for feral cats 😸

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 7:28 AM
Reply to  FeralCat

FeralCat, I should’ve thought to ask you this before, but would it be okay if I included this quote in the Reader Responses section of the forthcoming children’s book version? LMK if you prefer a different attribution, although I like FeralCat 😸 If you would rather discuss this privately, you can sign up at my blog and reply to the Welcome email. I’m almost out of time to update the Kindle version but may still be able to get this into the print version if I hear back in time.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2021 7:00 PM

For the file, “Is This For Real Or A Wind Up?”:

I read about a Giant Buddhist statue getting a Covid face mask in Japan. I read this in The Fortean Times (browsing whilst my son tried to sneak more toys past me) so I reckoned it might not be reliable information . Can I still say “reliable”?

But it seems the BBC concur:


Of course the question still remains: Can I still say “reliable”?

And for the list of now obsolete items:

April Fool’s Day. How can anyone tell?

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 22, 2021 8:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I cancelled my FT sub last summer when I noticed they constantly referred to certain things around Covid as conspiracy theories. I mean everything. The magazine had taken a weird turn a few years before when the guy who covered the CT stuff left. He was always funny and v measured but the Conspirasphere column was just dross.

Aug 22, 2021 6:49 PM

Metaphor might well be one of the best ways to fool censorship. I believe this article could survive even on FB, passing for fiction. Trouble is, metaphor still requires a brain of sorts at the receiving end.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 7:21 AM
Reply to  Jacques

It was my hope that this would give us a lexicon that could potentially bypass the censorship algorithms and New Normie programming—although it appears Twitter has already caught on, at least according to this tweet from Nevermore Media (I must say I’m honored, although it may merely be guilt by association with OffGuardian 😉)

Aug 22, 2021 6:41 PM

Once upon a time, there were WMDs in Iraq. The Grand Mullah of Iraq had aluminum tubes and nukes and mustard gas terrorists that flew planes into tall towers of power in the homeland and all the kingdom was down for war, war, war! The Empire’s screens of fantasy pumped tomes of fear & loathing with our heroes cheering on the drums of invasion. Thousands fell in NYC but millions of Muslims would be pummeled and punished, crushed to retain the Empire’s Oil Colony in the Middle East. The viral of rebellious self determination would be vaxxinated by Gulf War Syndrome, radioactive armaments, buried alive by earthmovers, or blown into oblivion by missiles bearing cameras so the kingdom’s people could watch the terrorists pay the price. When it was all over, the truth was told. No WMDs, no terrorists, no tubes, no nukes and no nothing except one huge deconstructed and destroyed country occupied by violent empire extracting whatever it wished. Utilities, water and power completely destroyed, oil fields conquered by the Empire’s Oil Cartel, but none of the kingdom’s subjects seemed to care. Their job was to save the world and they did their best. Once upon a time, the Empires cooked up a bioweapon escape that infected the world’s subjects. It was told to be a terrifying thing, an inevitability of nature that turned human beings into carrier hosts of a horrific, invisible, asymptomatic WMD. LOCKDOWNS, masks, distancing, quarantine and experimental vaxxine mandates ensued. In the Homeland Empire & it’s Mother Empire the damage was greatest, for some mysterious reasons that were never explained or explored. Mutant variants spawned by the minute. Some told were killer variants that must be stopped at all cost. Meanwhile the People, the Subjects of the Land Owned By The Rich, were divided.… Read more »

Evil Harry
Evil Harry
Aug 22, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  Sandy

Strangely enough, there is a book by Saddams chief nuclear scientist detailing their quest for the atomic bomb. I have photographs of entire squadrons of Soviet Mig aircraft hidden beneath the sands of Iraq (they can easily be found) and there is intelligence that confirms the movement of chemical weapons across the borders into Syria. There is also compelling data as to the existence of chemical weapons production sites, in the form of images. Puzzlingly, these WMD sites were BULLDOZED OUT OF EXISTENCE and all the people murdered / buried after the inspectors told Saddam they were coming to visit in a few days. Going in was unwise, but there definitely was evidence, despite what the media told you.

Aug 23, 2021 12:05 AM
Reply to  Evil Harry

I don’t doubt the chem attack on Kurds, or seeking nukes or the sadistic violence of Saddam. But the Bush Admin lies re Iraq + 911 and the things i mentioned and what you mention are not enough to warrant invasion and the complete dismemberment of a country and it’s infrastructure, the killing of over 500,000 Iraqis, the BULLDOZING of Iraqi troops in trenches, radioactive metals experiments on the Iraqi people and US troops, vaccine experiments on American troops, torture and torture camps, control of oil and an unlimited list of war crimes by the US.

Let’s see, let’s compare what Iraq was doing in 2001 and compare it to the foreign interventions and 53 attempted coups of the US military/state/spy complex since the Spanish American War. And you want to blame any other country in the world trying to defend themselves from the most violent imperialist country on Earth?

The point i was making is that the US claims of Iraq “WMDs” to justify external warfare was comparable to BigPharma’s creation of asymptomatic super-spreader anti-vaxxer “WMDs” to justify internal bodily warfare on humanity to deconstruct us as was done to the people of Iraq. Their propagandists have enabled a terrified hysterical half of America to unjustly fear and scapegoat the other half of America. The capitalists last hope for profitable existence on a capitalist-exhausted planet is war and harvest of humans for whatever they can extract. LOCKDOWN Iraq, LOCKDOWN America, it’s all the same. For exclusive profit to the 1%.

Aug 23, 2021 5:46 AM
Reply to  Evil Harry

Bollocks. Do you have anything to add about Dimona

Mr Y
Mr Y
Aug 23, 2021 3:39 PM
Reply to  Evil Harry

I call bullshit!

Aug 23, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Evil Harry

I hardly ever ‘downvote’ but your post is well worth it.

Aug 23, 2021 11:55 AM
Reply to  Sandy

And of interest from an astrologers point of view….eclipses around then and now identical…November one is same as the nov before invasion of Iraq…death and mayhem likely somewhere…though war doesn’t seem the catalyst this time…

Aug 25, 2021 7:36 AM
Reply to  Edith

October 19th 2021 brings the final quarter / act into being,

interestingly Saddam held the worlds greatest collection of ancient sumerian artifacts….and just pre the invasion his archeologists had reputedly finally found the tomb of nimrod, half man/half”god”…. dna
The sidereal astrology of Nick Anthony Fiorenza explains how this sits in our entire “recent” history 1200ad onwards.
Nick`s works seem to have been airbrushed from history, as it seems was he, n italy winter 2020.
hope this helps… if you find it

Aug 22, 2021 6:22 PM

I’ve noticed the children are happier in uk,I don’t know in Australia must be awful.

Aug 23, 2021 12:26 PM
Reply to  Annie

Wait until the workshy come back from their holidays and recommence playing government,You’ll see a whole generation of children become very unhappy as they are offered up for slaughter by their parents/teachers/people who should never in their lifetime be allowed anywhere near children
It’s a sad fact but many many kids aint going to see xmas this year

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2021 6:21 PM

Nothing more satisfying than a tale of retribution against errant celebs who just don’t believe what they are told to believe. From the Independent: Right Said Fred star still against vaccine despite being admitted to hospital with CovidRichard Fairbrass was taken by ambulance to hospital after struggling to breatheRight Said Fred singer, Richard Fairbrass was hospitalised with Covid-19 after previously refusing to get vaccinated, it has emerged. The 67-year-old musician was taken to hospital by ambulance last weekend after struggling to breathe. He spent four nights under observation before his condition improved and he returned home. However Fairbrass, who has previously called the vaccine a “scam”, has doubled down on his views and told the MailOnline: “This vaccine is only for experimental use. I’m absolutely not going to have one now.” Detailing his time with the virus, he said: “I’ve had a bit of Covid, it wasn’t too bad. I was a little breathless, I felt very tired.”Fairbrass has previously attended anti-lockdown marches in London and regularly uses the band’s official Twitter account to publish anti-mask views. Fairbrass’ comments have been contradicted by scientific evidence. Earlier this month, deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam said an estimated 22 million cases had been prevented thanks to the vaccine programme, along with an estimated 22 million cases. The Public Health England data also says that 74 per cent of people admitted to hospital under 50 have not received their second or first jab. Almost two-thirds of under fifties who have died recently did so without receiving either dose of vaccination.” Note anything odd? How about this?: “Earlier this month, deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam said an estimated 22 million cases had been prevented thanks to the vaccine programme, along with an estimated 22 million cases.” So how do you provide statistics on “estimated… Read more »

Aug 22, 2021 7:11 PM
Reply to  George Mc

22 million appears twice as it is a poorly edited article, as well as untrue. Mr Fairbrass had an accident at home, sustaining a head injury. He was taken to hospital, and kept in for several days. During this time he tested positive for Covid, via one of the usual bullshit routes. And that is it, story ends.

Aug 23, 2021 4:32 PM
Reply to  KarenEliot

Wow – covid positive from doing a bit of DIY perhaps?
Careful with those ladders, paintbrushes and power tools folks!

Aug 23, 2021 12:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

We laugh at soothsayers and fortune tellers, but bow to modellers, forecasters and epidemiologists.

Aug 23, 2021 12:29 PM
Reply to  George Mc

His brother tweeted that he bumped his head,the hospital kept him in 4 days where they tested him and it proved positive (surprise surprise) he’s now at home on the mend,he never had covid however the msm decided he did

Aug 23, 2021 8:35 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Van-Tam’s dubious assertion ought to be reported to The Department of Redundancy Department!

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 22, 2021 6:20 PM

Badly written and childish. I agree with another poster that laughing at them and dark humour is the only option now.

Aug 22, 2021 9:50 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

You must be blind and dumb!

Aug 23, 2021 3:15 AM
Reply to  Blind Gill

It has real words, real punctuation and seal sentences. And in today’s culture, that’s not half bad.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2021 6:15 PM

I was in my local kebab takeaway and saw a stack of this free paper called The Light which was full of covid sceptical stuff. Apparently it’s a “people funded” paper. Site here:


And The Graud is on to it:


“How an anti-lockdown ‘truthpaper’ bypasses online factcheckers
Self-published newspaper uses Facebook and Twitter to recruit volunteers and increase reach”

Little point in copying the rest of this since it’s a by-the-numbers hatchet piece.

Not sure what to make of this. Is this paper trustworthy (by which I of course mean The Light and not The Graud) or is it another “honeypot”?

Aug 22, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

A carpenter gave me a copy of that paper,It’s really informative there is nothing ontoward it’s from the people to the people.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2021 7:29 PM
Reply to  Annie

The Graud are fairly bristling with defensiveness there. You can practically smell their fear!

Aug 22, 2021 8:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc


Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 22, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

…Hmm… – Lessee: – S’posedly been going nearly a year, yet no-one’s heard of it before…
…- Any ‘Trustworthy‘ endorsements?… – Howabout:…

“Packed full of vital information that you’ll never read in the national press… I’m very impressed.”

…- Richie Allen
…- Icke protégé and embroiled in the fake ‘alt-right’/hope-not-hate punch and judy psyop… – Then there’s:…

“Best damn paper I’ve ever read.”

… – Piers Corbyn
…- *Nuff Said*… – And:…

“Now is the Time TV

Now is the Time TV brings you insight and opinion on UK and International news, politics, business, finance, science, theology and technology with well-known faces. If you are a fan, or not a fan, of the likes of Laurence Fox, Andrew Bridgen MP, Professor Lawrence Krauss, James Delingpole, Godfrey Bloom, Andrea Jenkyns MP, David Nuttall MP, Roger Helmer, Mel Eves, Ann Widdecombe, and George Galloway to name just a few, then come and join our interactive weekly chat shows and have your voice shared on the best British Podcast.”

…- So there’s your answer, George…

Aug 22, 2021 9:37 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Yes, Richie Allen, David Icke and Piers. All good guys.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 22, 2021 7:20 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Light gets some of its funding from adverts at the back, one of which is for a David Icke book. And I was musing on this paragraph from an Icke book:  I remember talking in Southern England one night in the terms I have outlined in this book. There was one person in the audience who seemed to have a permanent question mark above her head. This turned out to be the local journalist. When I saw her report, it was headlined “Icke’s old theory about the New World Order”. I was intrigued. “Old theory?” Had this newspaper talked about the global conspiracy before, then? No, as it happens. The headline referred to the reporter’s contention that what I said that night about the nature of the New World Order was not new because George Bush had used the same words years before! If that was an isolated example of the thought processes which provide our news, it wouldn’t be a problem. But it isn’t. I could fill another book with stories of my experiences with people bravely claiming to be journalists who have asked questions and written articles that would make a two-year-old look like the peak of maturity.   I thought about that journalist and about the general requirements of the designation “journalist”.   Imagine it’s yourself. You’ve been sent by oh, say, The Daily Barf to cover a David Icke appearance. Now Icke has already been assigned his place in the great Western media firmament i.e. “that conspiracy nut”. And there’s no way you are going to jeopardise your position in the newspaper by messing with that verdict. Furthermore, you are likely to feel resentful. Why are these comfortable pen pushers back at the office sharing another vodka over lunch while sending you out here to… Read more »

Aug 22, 2021 8:04 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It is a good paper but you have to make your own mind up.

George Mc
George Mc
Aug 23, 2021 7:59 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I saw this tweet from Catte:

I was on the fence about the AGW claim – but then the covid rollout happened & I realized – this is a scam from the SAME crowd using a lot of the SAME arguments to achieve a lot of the SAME things

and I thought, “Snap!” Before I fully woke up (and I may not even be there yet!) I always assumed the global warming thing was genuine. The sadly late Dave McGowan, who I always had a high regard for, pointed out what Catte did: the same people flogging all the other shite were also flogging AGW. And Covid finally proved to me that AGW too is a con.

Which now leads me to the question: Was David Icke right about everything?

John Goss
John Goss
Aug 22, 2021 9:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve subscribed since it started 12 months ago (at least we’re up to issue 12 now). If OffGuardian appeals The Light is likely to appeal. Subscribers are helping to pay for the countless free issues given out at A Stand in the Park, protests and rallies, and hopefully football matches and festivals. If we are going to win over the sleeping lions any means is a forward move.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Aug 22, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Use your own brain and intuition to decide that for yourself!

les online
les online
Aug 23, 2021 9:53 AM
Reply to  George Mc

with so many inoculated against going online to do research, because that’s where those nasty Anti-Vaxxers hide-out, hard copy, in black and white, might be the way that’ll reach Others. I’m the reverse, i cant bear to read the stomach-churning, fear inciting, rags any more, and i miss my daily cryptic crossword.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Aug 22, 2021 6:04 PM

Australia: Truckies Going on Strike – Time to Stock Up!!!!


Aug 22, 2021 5:48 PM

It’s all been kicking off in France this weekend. Loads of videos on Utube, but all in French. Here in the UK total media blackout. Not a word, no discussion, nothing. Only the usual bollocks of “cases”, “variants” and a fraudulent death count. France will lead this fight and we must follow their example. Whatever it takes.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Aug 22, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  Grafter

…♪J’aime l’oignon frit à l’huile, J’aime l’oignon car il est bon♪…

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 22, 2021 5:38 PM

Today British Columbia’s considered by many somewhat left of center government became the first Canadian province to announce it will begin enforcing newly enacted draconian vaccine passports laws . As the repression ramps up as flu season approaches.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Aug 22, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Jim McDonagh

God we’re fucked aren’t we?

Evil Harry
Evil Harry
Aug 22, 2021 10:51 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Then make them pay. All essential workers unite to break their stranglehold on the country. Neither the police, nor the military would have the numbers to combat every essential worker blocking the system at the same time. Transport, power. Find a way that impacts on these elites the most.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Aug 23, 2021 8:36 PM
Reply to  Blind Gill

Maybe ! The choices are always clear die on your feet or on your knees ? Being old and poor I have little skin left in the game anyway ? ” Freedoms just another word for nothing left to loose ! “

Aug 22, 2021 5:21 PM

The trouble with the internet a lot of people have a lot of voices and it’s getting all mixed and converging into one noise.Back before all this technology we listened to the dissidents on street corners.Internet is there to confuse mock and quiet your voice.If 6 billion people are shouting at once how are you going to be heard?.

Aug 23, 2021 3:21 AM
Reply to  Annie

Noise? Ok what medication….

Aug 23, 2021 4:40 AM
Reply to  Annie

The thing Annie. We can’t talk to people on street, shopping center, park etc. Have to social distance, wear face nappies; otherwise we get fines. It is so annoying when I hear people mumbling under face nappy at shops etc. feel like I’m in a different planet surrounded by aliens. So – best way to talk to people on internet. Readers need to use the brain and get the right information and ignore the rubbish.

Big al
Big al
Aug 22, 2021 4:52 PM

For some of us, it seems more like a dystopian nightmare along the lines of 1984 rather than a fairy tale. But either way, we’re there, we’re in it now. Those saying the scam is falling apart and/or going into the background in lieu of climate change or war are little confusing to me considering it just keeps getting worse. I think of other giant scams, like 9/11, or pick any war, and know that those should have fallen apart also, and actually have (think Vietnam and Iraq wars), but it doesn’t make a bit of difference, they get away with it and keep on going. Hell, to me, 9/11 is just as obvious as this scam, and look where we are 20 years later. They’ve forced a new normal on us and we have to shove it up their arses.

Aug 22, 2021 4:35 PM

this is the time
kabul bull
time to bring are afghan girls home
time for greta gretna green
this is the time to bring are inflatable tanks and planes home deflated
moving floating on

next week is the extinction rebellion msm noise time for 2 weeks

a greta time the boy who would be king
afghan lithium for gretas brain health and for battery cycle green futures
covid time is 2 weeks away then it is booster time and flu shot nasal entry time
and new variant time

get with the programme


and harry shut the bloody door

Aug 22, 2021 4:15 PM

Nicely devised and executed piece. For those that don’t like the ending, it is the logical conclusion to the story because there was no meaningful resistance. Being anti-hat, anti drink etc wasn’t enough as the ‘anti’ was used against ‘us’ with the power of narrative control. Want to change the ending? Change the middle, when everyone rises up with pitchforks to cut out the tongues of the town criers.

Arfur Mo
Arfur Mo
Aug 22, 2021 8:53 PM
Reply to  gottlieb

The big anti- that isn’t mentioned – anti-child-abuse.

Take the fight to the bar stewards. Point out they are pro-child-abuse, and get them to justify abusing children.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Aug 26, 2021 7:13 AM
Reply to  gottlieb

Amen, gottlieb. 👏