mRNA “Vaccines”, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism
The worldwide rollout of mRNA “vaccines” is part of a much larger agenda that encompasses eugenics and transhumanism. This agenda is being funded and promoted by a network of global institutions, politicians, and billionaire technocrats.
Ryan Matters

In 1989, researchers from the Salk Institute in California published a paper detailing how they developed an RNA transfection system that could “directly introduce RNA into whole tissues and embryos”.
The concept of using RNA as a drug is first described in this paper, making it the seminal work that formed the foundation for decades of further research in this area. The “Discussion” section of the paper states that:
The RNA/lipofectin method can be used to directly introduce RNA into whole tissues and embryos (R.W.M., C. Holt, and I.M.V., unpublished results), raising the possibility that liposome-mediated mRNA transfection might offer yet another option in the growing technology of eukaryotic gene delivery, one based on the concept of using RNA as a drug.”
One of the Salk Institute researchers listed on the paper is Dr Robert W. Malone, a scientist who has recently been censored on social media for warning about the possible dangers of the covid-19 vaccines. It could be argued that there’s no expert more qualified to warn us about the dangers of mRNA injections than the man who helped pioneer the technology, nevertheless, Big Tech decided he was expounding “misinformation”, because, well, they know better apparently.
Malone’s research, which resulted in a procedure that could be used to “efficiently transfect RNA into human cells” using a “synthetic cationic lipid” was supported by grants from the American Cancer Society and the National Institute of Health (who currently have a stake in the Moderna mRNA vaccine, showing their allegiance to the technology. More on this later).
While Malone’s contributions to the development of mRNA technology are well-known and well-documented, Wikipedia decided to remove all mention of him from their “RNA Vaccine” entry shortly after the scientist began speaking out about the dangers of the rushed-through covid vaccines. The June 14th version of the article mentioned Malone by name 3 times and cited his work 6 times. The current version of the article mentions him 0 times and cites his work only 3 times.
However, this is unsurprising considering Wikipedia’s documented bias towards the pharmaceutical industry. Far more interesting is the institution that produced the research in the first place – the Salk Institute.
The Salk Institute, named after Jonas Salk, the creator of the Salk polio vaccine, was constructed in 1962 thanks to funding from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, today known as the March of the Dimes.
The March of the Dimes (MOD) was established in 1937 with the mission of eradicating polio and during a time when the Eugenics Establishment was already a prominent, but not yet popular, feature of the American health scene. The theory of Eugenics is based on the idea that selective procreation can lead to the gradual “improvement” of the human race and that certain families are fit to lead society by virtue of their “superior” genes.
At the time, the nation’s key eugenics organizations included the American Eugenics Society (AES) and the American Society of human Eugenics (ASHE), funded by the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Harriman families, as well as the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. It should be noted that the Rockefellers were instrumental in funding and promoting eugenics around the world. The Eugenics movement promoted selective mating, artificial insemination and compulsory sterilization and euthanasia as important means of weeding out so-called “inferior” human beings.
The first sterilization law in the US was passed in 1907, in the state of Indiana, and by 1931, many more states had followed suit by enacting similar laws. According to the Indiana Historical Bureau:
In 1907, Governor J. Frank Hanly approved first state eugenics law making sterilization mandatory for certain individuals in state custody.”
Those sterilized under eugenics law were deemed “undesirable” on account of mental or physical impairments such as epilepsy, blindness and physical disabilities, as well as “social inadequacies” such as drug addiction or criminality. According to estimates, around 60,000 individuals were sterilized under such laws, deprived of their right to have children and forever branded as “feebleminded”.
In fact, the prominence of the American eugenics movement resulted in its adoption by the National Socialist Party of Germany, which sterilized more than 350,000 persons by the end of the second world war. After WW2, eugenics notions were dropped from public conversation, but the movement never dissipated, no, instead it was “re-branded” using more acceptable terminology such as “population control” and “reproductive health”, as we shall see later on.
The emergence of the MOD as a major player in the American Eugenics movement can be traced back to the organization’s early association with the Rockefeller Institute from where it procured many of its key members and advisers, including professor Anton Julius Carlson, a member of the American Eugenics Society, recruited to serve on the MOD’s Medical and Research Committees and Professor Clair E. Turner, another AES member who served as assistant to then President, Basil O’Connor.
Just before the establishment of the Salk Institute, the MOD announced it would be phasing out its polio programs and focusing its resources on “birth defects”.
In 1959, the MOD funded courses in “medical genetics” at the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, a genetics institute founded in 1929 by Clarence Cook Little, who, “at one time or another” served as the president of the American Eugenics Society, the American Birth Control League and the American Euthanasia Society.
Jackson Laboratory’s claimed mission is “to discover precise genomic solutions for disease and empower the global biomedical community in its shared quest to improve human health.” Noteworthy is that the lab received increased funding in 2020, largely from the National Institute of Health (NIH), including a grant of $10.6 million to find treatments for rare genetic diseases by using gene-editing technologies. And at the start of the coronavirus “pandemic”, the lab worked to develop genetically modified mice for use in vaccine studies and other research related to Sars-Cov-2.
Beginning in the 1960s, the MOD financed several “Birth Defects Prevention Centers” located at medical institutions across the US. These new centers offered prenatal testing via amniocentesis to determine whether a baby would be born with “defects” and then gave the couple the opportunity to abort the affected child.
The MOD has also made direct donations to Planned Parenthood, a clear contradiction of their claimed mission, which is to “fight for the health of all moms and babies”. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides “reproductive health care” in the US and abroad.
From 2019-2020 the organization committed over 350,000 abortions and has been criticized as “steering resources away from women’s health and toward abortion.” Unsurprisingly, a look into the organization’s history reveals that Planned Parenthood has its roots in Eugenics ideals.
Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, who, far from a “birth control activist”, as the mainstream would have you believe, was a racist eugenicist who sought to rid the world of “unfit” human stock. In her essay, “A Plan for Peace”, she describes the main objects of her proposed “Population Congress” which includes
a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”
She also mentions the need to “control the intake and output of morons, mental defectives, epileptics.”
As mentioned earlier, these Eugenics ideals inspired the Nazis who took many of Sanger’s ideas and ran with them, so to speak. In his book, The War Against the Weak, Edwin Black details how the Nazi sterilization law of 1933 as well as subsequent euthanasia laws were based on blueprints drawn up by Sanger and other American “activists”. In fact, associates of Sanger knew about these Nazi euthanasia programs and praised them.
Coming back to the Salk Institute, it should be noted that the mainstream account of the 20th-century polio outbreak, namely the notion that the disease is caused by a virus and that Dr Salk’s miracle vaccine was single-handedly responsible for ending the epidemic, is dubious and likely altogether false.
Paralytic polio appeared suddenly in the US in the early 1900s with continual, dramatic fluctuations in cases – a pattern that continued until the end of the 1950s. The introduction of the Salk vaccine in 1954 seemed to coincide with the almost instantaneous decline in cases, which continued for more than two decades.
But prior to being called “polio”, conditions involving infirmity of the limbs were known by various other names including apoplexy, palsy and paralysis. Many historical writings refer to paralysis resulting from exposure to toxic substances and many of these accounts were documented by Dr Ralph Scobey in his 1952 statement to the Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in Food Products titled The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis and Obstructions to its Investigation.
Scobey’s paper includes references to several investigations that seemed to indicate a link between polio outbreaks in the 20th century and the consumption of fresh fruit, providing a link between Polio and toxic pesticide exposure.
One crop pesticide in widespread use at the time was DDT, a highly toxic organochlorine that was widely publicized as being “good for you”, but eventually banned in 1972. In 1953, Dr Morton Biskind published a paper in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases pointing out that:
McCormick (78), Scobey (100-101), and Goddard (57), in detailed studies, have all pointed out that factors other than infective agents are certainly involved in the etiology of polio, varying from nutritional defects to a variety of poisons which affect the nervous system.”
The danger of toxic pesticides, including DDT, and their disastrous effects on the environment were illustrated by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring.
In more recent times, researchers, Dan Olmstead, co-founder of the Age of Autism, and Mark Blaxil conducted two brilliant investigations into the polio epidemics of the 20th century, reaching a similar conclusion to Scobey and Biskind, namely that the disease was caused by the widespread use of neurotoxic pesticides such as arsenite of soda and DDT.
Although Salk’s vaccine was hailed as a success, the vaccine itself caused many cases of injury and paralysis. And though there does appear to be a convincing correlation between the timing of the vaccine and the reduction in polio cases, as all good scientists know, causation doesn’t equal correlation, especially considering the fact that DDT was phased out, at least in the US, over the same period.
Interestingly, Dr Salk’s polio research was funded by the mother of Cordelia Scaife May, an heiress to the Mellon family banking fortune who idealized Margaret Sanger and later joined the board of the International Planned Parenthood Foundation.
May’s views on immigration were radical, to say the least, and according to some, she favoured compulsory sterilization as a means to limit birth rates in developing countries. May later joined the board of the Population Council, an organization founded by John D. Rockefeller III focused on population reduction.
In 1995, the Population Council collaborated with the WHO to create fertility regulating vaccines.
It would be a mistake to think that the polio epidemic was not related to the current ‘age of vaccination’ we find ourselves in. On the contrary, claiming that polio was “eradicated in the United States” due to vaccination alone is a lie that garnered public favour for childhood vaccinations and helped to set the groundwork for the widespread belief in the safety and efficacy of all vaccines.
Diseases such as polio and smallpox (another lie that is beyond the scope of this article), and the subsequent pro-vaccine propaganda, “primed” much of the population to accept, without question, an experimental jab based on poorly understood technology.
In 1997, 8 years after the Salk Institute paper, the FDA approved the first-ever trial of transfected RNA to develop immunity in cancer patients. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Health then voted to continue approval some months later, leading to the first-ever mRNA-based vaccine administered to humans.
Though mRNA is propagandized in the media as the next revolution in health, those with keen perception may be alarmed when reading excerpts such as this one, taken from an article on the history of mRNA, written by Damian Garde, a Biotech reporter for STATS:
“The concept: By making precise tweaks to synthetic mRNA and injecting people with it, any cell in the body could be transformed into an on-demand drug factory.”
Talk of cells being turned into “on-demand drug factories” is exactly the sort of meaningless techno-rhetoric meant to impress and entice an uninformed public. mRNA vaccines are based on the following concept: a piece of synthetic mRNA is shuttled into your cells, where it is used as a template to create the viral “spike protein”. Once this protein leaves the cell, the body produces antibodies and “learns” how to fight future Sars-Cov-2 infections.
mRNA-based vaccines are often touted as a safer alternative to DNA-based vaccines, which, according to experts “may trigger permanent and dangerous changes in the genetic information of treated people”. However, do we know for sure that mRNA vaccines don’t permanently change the genetic makeup of our cells? A 2001 paper titled RNA as a tumor vaccine: a review of the literature states that (emphasis added):
unlike DNA-based vaccines, there is little danger of incorporation of RNA sequences into the host genome.”
The use of the word “little” would seem to indicate that there may be at least some danger of genome integration, or more likely, researchers simply don’t know.
In the 2004 “expert opinion” paper by Pascolo cited above, he outlines the link between mRNA vaccines and gene therapies, something which is continually denied and dismissed by the mainstream:
Although located in the cytosol and not in the nucleus, mature mRNAs belong to the biochemical family of nucleic acids. mRNA, similarly to DNA, may be considered a gene and, consequently, it’s use as a vaccine may be viewed as ‘gene therapy’.”
Interestingly, it is purely due to a technicality of regulatory law that covid-19 gene therapies are allowed to be called “vaccines”. This is explained in a paper titled The European Regulatory Environment of RNA-Based Vaccines, which states that:
The definition of a gene therapy medicinal product as outlined in Annex 1 to Directive 2001/83/EC is as follows:
Gene therapy medicinal product means a biological medicinal product which has the following characteristics:
- (a) it contains an active substance which contains or consists of a recombinant nucleic acid used in or administered to human beings with a view to regulating, repairing, replacing, adding or deleting a genetic sequence;
- (b) its therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic effect relates directly to the recombinant nucleic acid sequence it contains, or to the product of genetic expression of this sequence.
Gene therapy medicinal products shall not include vaccines against infectious diseases.
As is evident, the mere act of calling a gene therapy a “vaccine against infectious disease” negates its classification as a gene therapy, the approval process for which, at least in Europe, involves going through the CAT which is the EMA’s (European Medicines Agency) “Committee for Advanced Therapies”.
Evidently, this play on language would seem to constitute a “loophole” of sorts, allowing easier approval for mRNA-based gene therapies planned for human use.
Approval is certainly a contentious topic when talked about in the context of the current covid-19 vaccines, none of which have been fully FDA approved, only authorized under emergency use (EUA), and labeled as “investigational” products, a fact that many people are unaware of. However, early in the year vaccine manufacturers already set their sights on full regulatory approval, after only 6 months of trial data.
On the 7th of May, Pfizer formally initiated their application to the FDA, with the aim of having the first-ever fully approved covid-19 vaccine. But with millions of vaccines already administered under EUA, what’s the rush?
Furthermore, for the six “first in disease” vaccines approved by the FDA over the last 15 years, the median trial duration was just shy of two years. A vaccine approved after 6 months of data would constitute one of the fastest ever.
The phase three clinical trials for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen are two years in duration, but the FDA has not clearly stated their position with regards to minimum follow-up prior to consideration for approval.
Longer, placebo-controlled trials are paramount to assessing vaccine safety. It is extremely alarming then that vaccine manufacturers, within weeks of receiving EUA, began to unblind trials by offering those in the placebo group the chance to get vaccinated.
Moderna announced that “as of April 13, all placebo participants have been offered the Moderna covid-19 vaccine and 98% of those have received the vaccine”, meaning that their placebo group no longer exists and as such, they have no way to accurately measure long-term safety.
In an article for the British Medical Journal, Peter Doshi quotes the FDA, on several occasions, saying that the maintenance of a placebo group would be critical to assessing both the safety and efficacy of covid-19 vaccines, which is obvious to anyone who understands the consequences of failing to adhere to scientific rigor when testing a new medical therapy.
In reality, there could be many reasons for manufacturers wanting FDA approval for their vaccines, but likely top of the list is the “stamp of approval” that comes with full licensure and the ability to use this as a way to convince those who remain skeptical regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Moreover, full FDA approval would pave the way for easier vaccine mandates, putting immense pressure on those of the “awakened class” who represent a thorn in the side of the Great Reset/Great Convergence agenda pushers.
More disturbing inconsistencies can be found in the FDA’s process for assessing and approving these experimental vaccines. For example, the FDA recently cautioned against the use of antibody tests for evaluating immunity or protection from covid-19, “especially” after a person has received a vaccination, despite their EUA being originally granted, in part, due to antibody responses.
The implication for this reversal is that the EUA given for covid-19 vaccines should also be reversed, but what’s the likelihood of that happening after millions have already been jabbed?
Moreover, the idea that “antibodies” provide protection from so-called viral infections represents a poor understanding of the body and the immune system. The fact that antibodies play little role in viral infections has been known by medical scientists since the 1950s based on research that shows persons with the genetic inability to produce antibodies, called “agammaglobulinemia”, have normal reactions to typical viral infections and even appear to resist recurrences.
One of the covid-19 vaccine manufactures most talked about in the media is Moderna, a biotech company co-founded by Robert Langer, a researcher and inventor at MIT.
In 2013, the biotech startup received $25m in funding from DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a research arm of the United States Department of Defense, and an organization well-known for ruthlessly pursuing dystopian, transhumanist technologies, such as implantable nanoparticles and bio-brain interfaces (more on this later).
Noteworthy is that the US government, through the National Institute of Health, appears to have a financial stake in the Moderna vaccine thanks to a contract signed by both parties, giving the NIH joint ownership over Moderna’s mRNA vaccine candidates. According to Axios:
The NIH mostly funds outside research, but it also often invents basic scientific technologies that are later licensed out and incorporated into drugs that are sold at massive profits.”
This is more than alarming considering the NIH is responsible for prioritizing promising treatments for covid-19 as well as improving clinical trial effectiveness, which, for Moderna, is impossible considering their trial no longer contains a control group.
NIH’s vested interest in Moderna’s success may also provide a plausible explanation for why the biotech startup received EUA for their vaccine despite failing, for over 10 years, to bring a single product to market.
In an interview for Economic Club, NIH director Francis Collins denied that covid-19 vaccines would be money-makers, saying that “Nobody sees this as a way to make billions of dollars”.
However, evidence points to the contrary as Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine sales reached $1.7 billion in the first quarter of 2021, making their CEO, Stephane Bancel, one of the many new pharma billionaires.
“Operation Warp Speed”, the name given to a partnership between several US Federal agencies aimed at accelerating the development of a covid-19 vaccine, was also wrought with conflicts of interest.
The Operation Warp Speed administration hired several “consultants” with ties to Big Pharma, including two former Pfizer executives. And in May 2020, it was reported that their chief adviser, Dr Monsef Slaoui, a former pharmaceutical executive himself, held $10m in GlaxoSmithKline stock, the same company that was later awarded a $2 billion contract to supply the US government with 100 million vials of covid-19 vaccine.
Dr Slaoui also held significant stock in Moderna, to whom the federal government has awarded over $2.5b in funding.
Moderna co-founder, Robert Langer, whose net worth has also skyrocketed into the billions, is one of the world’s most cited researchers. A scientist at MIT, Langer holds over 1,400 patents and specializes in biotechnology, nanotechnology, tissue engineering and drug delivery.
Furthermore, Langer holds an administrative role at the MIT Media Lab, the same institute that was the focus of a scandal after it was revealed that the lab accepted funding from convicted sex-offender, Jefferey Epstein. Epstein also happened to have a disturbing fascination with “transhumanism”, a modern-day version of eugenics (transhumanism is discussed later in this article).
Then director of the MIT Media Lab, Joi Ito, approved two donations from Epstein of $1.75m and allowed the prolific paedophile to “direct” funds to the lab from other wealthy benefactors, including a $2m donation from Bill Gates, who also has unsettling ties to Epstein, having flown on his private jet and met with him on several occasions.
When the news broke out and Joi Ito resigned from his post at the lab, Langer was one of the first people to sign a letter calling for him to stay, and as an administrator for the lab’s Director’s Office, it’s hard to believe he didn’t know about the Epstein donations in advance.
Described as the “common denominator” in several coronavirus efforts, Robert Langer is certainly an interesting player in the transhumanist movement. In 2015, his company, Microchips Biotech, partnered with Israeli pharmaceutical giant, Teva Pharmaceutical, to commercialize its “implantable drug delivery device”.
Noteworthy is that Teva Pharmaceutical has received significant investment from Warren Buffett, who, in 2006, pledged to gradually donate his fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization whom he served as a trustee up until very recently.
Langer also has ties to Charles Lieber, a Harvard nanotech scientist who was arrested in January on account of making false statements to federal authorities regarding his collaboration with Chinese researchers at the Wuhan University of Technology.
In 2012, Langer and Lieber worked together to create a “material that merges nanoscale electronics with biological tissues”. The material was described as “a first step toward prosthetics that communicate directly with the nervous system”.
Much of Langer’s research is backed by Bill Gates, who began funding mRNA technology in 2010 and has also invested millions into Moderna.
In 2017, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a project at Langer’s lab to create a microparticle vaccine delivery system that could generate a “novel type of drug carrying particle”, allowing multiple doses of a vaccine to be administered over an extended period of time with just one injection.
Then in 2019, Gates and Langer teamed up again to create an invisible ink tattoo that “embeds immunization records into a child’s skin”. Disturbingly, the eventual goal of the project is to inject sensors that can be used to track “other aspects” of health.
Gates claims he needs the data for “disease prevention”, referring to his efforts to wipe out polio, measles and other “infectious” diseases from around the world. However, Gates’ various “health-related” initiatives in developing countries are not the work of a loving philanthropist, like the media would have us all believe. Instead, evidence would suggest that Gates’ involvement in public health represents the continuation of a long-standing eugenics agenda, hiding in plain sight.
Gates’ links to the eugenics movement start with his father, who praised the Rockefellers for their work in “public health” and even met with them in 2000 to discuss matters relating to infectious disease, vaccines and the environment. During the meeting, Gates senior was quoted as saying:
Taking our lead and our inspiration from work already done by The Rockefeller Foundation, our foundation actually started GAVI by pledging $750 million to something called the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines, an instrument of GAVI.”
Interestingly, almost ten years after that meeting, Gates junior co-hosted a meeting with David Rockefeller to discuss population reduction.
Perhaps even more telling is the fact that in 2012 Bill and Melinda Gates hosted their London Summit on Family Planning, where they announced their commitment to population control in the third world, on the 100th anniversary of the First International Eugenics Congress, also held in London.
Gates is well-known for his obsession with vaccines, a curious pursuit considering that the 9,000,000 people who die every year from hunger would be better served by having clean water, food supplies and sanitary living environments.
In 2009, Gates’ Foundation funded observational studies in India for a controversial cervical cancer vaccine that was given to thousands of young girls called “Gardasil”.
Within months, many girls began to get sick and within a year, five of them had died. During a similar study for a different brand of the HPV vaccine, many girls were hospitalized and a further two died. The Economic Times of India reported on this in 2014, with the shocking revelation that:
Consent for conducting these studies, in many cases, was taken from the hostel wardens, which was a flagrant violation of norms. In many other cases, thumbprint impressions of their poor and illiterate parents were duly affixed onto the consent form. The children also had no idea about the nature of the disease or the vaccine. The authorities concerned could not furnish requisite consent forms for the vaccinated children in a huge number of cases.”
Gates has also heavily promoted the oral polio vaccine in India, after endeavouring to eradicate the disease. However, as discussed earlier in this article, toxic chemicals are involved in the etiology of polio and thus the disease cannot be eradicated by the use of vaccines. In fact, global health numbers indicate that more cases of polio are now being caused by the vaccines themselves than anything else.
In 2018, a group of brave Indian researchers published a paper in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showing a correlation between the oral polio vaccine drives and increased cases of “acute flaccid paralysis”, a condition described as “clinically indistinguishable” from polio.
Ironically, Gates has a $23m investment in Monsanto, the company that markets “roundup” a glyphosate-containing pesticide that is known to cause adverse health effects, including neurological disorders and paralysis.
While many believe Gates to be selflessly giving away his money in order to fund these vaccination campaigns, it should be noted that Gates’ investment in vaccines has netted him a massive return. By 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had donated just over $10b to various vaccine-related initiatives including GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). Gates called it the “best investment he’s ever made”, estimating a 20-1 return, or around $200b over 20 years. Indeed, Gates’ net worth has more than doubled over the last 10 years.
And lest we forget that more than half of all deaths in low to middle income countries are caused by noncommunicable diseases, which the Bill and Melinda Foundation seems to have little interest in, directing less than 3% of their budget towards such conditions.
Furthermore, Gates’ activities in public health are wrought with conflicts of interest that that would seem to undermine the notion that Gates cares about the health of the population. Many of these conflicts of interest are outlined in a study published by Harvard researcher, David Stuckler, titled Global Health Philanthropy and Institutional Relationships: How Should Conflicts of Interest Be Addressed?, in which he states that:
As one example, we found that Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has substantial holdings in the Coca-Cola Corporation, and also participates in grants that encourage communities in developing countries to become business affiliates of Coca-Cola. It has been noted by some commentators that sugary drinks such as those produced by Coca-Cola are correlated with the rapid increase in obesity and diabetes in developing countries.”
Stuckler also notes that:
Many of the Foundation’s pharmaceutical development grants may benefit leading pharmaceutical companies such as Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.” And that “Several grants are linked to companies that are represented on the Foundation’s board among its investments.”
The media rarely reports on these disturbing conflicts of interest, which isn’t surprising considering Gates funds all the major news outlets.
To call the negligent, wide-spread administration of covid-19 experimental vaccines an initiative steeped in eugenicist thinking would not be amiss considering how many figures and institutions involved in the vaccine race have ties to the eugenics movement. In fact, the developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine are also linked to the now renamed British Eugenics Society, founded by the father of Eugenics, Francis Galton. These connections are detailed by investigative journalist, Whitney Webb, in her article titled Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement.
When it comes to protecting public health, the recklessness displayed by politicians, scientists and pharmaceutical companies is unforgivable considering the widespread impact that these experimental vaccines will have. We have already begun to see the results of unleashing a dangerous gene therapy technology on a naive and trusting public, with VAERS, (the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) showing more deaths linked with covid-19 vaccines than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years.
None of this is surprising though, considering the haste with which clinical trials were conducted and the question marks surrounding the reliability of the data reported. For example, vaccine manufactures reported their vaccines were “95% effective”, a number they arrived at by using a relative risk reduction as opposed to an absolute risk reduction, which was around 1% in most cases, a fact never highlighted by the mainstream media.
Furthermore, vaccine trials were not designed to assess the vaccines’ effect on infection, transmission, hospitalizations or deaths, which is puzzling considering that, if there really was a viral pandemic, these would be the most important endpoints to test for. Though perhaps this was a calculated move by vaccine manufacturers, who knew they’d have a better chance at rigging the results using the endpoint of ‘covid-19 of any severity’. After all, the dramatic increase in the use of influenza vaccines has not been associated with a decrease in mortality.
Peter Doshi, an editor for the British Medical Journal, has called into question numerous aspects of the controversial vaccine trials, including the potential for pain medication to mask covid-19 symptoms in trial groups and the objectivity of “primary event adjudication committees” in charge of counting covid-19 cases. In the case of Pfizer, this committee consisted of Pfizer employees.
Recently, Doctors for Covid Ethics, a group consisting of Dr Michael Palmer MD, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi MD and Dr Stefan Hockertz PhD, published an expert statement relating to the danger and efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine that was submitted as part of a lawsuit challenging the EU’s authorization of the use of the vaccine for children 12 years and older. The paper states that the reported efficacy of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine was “most likely altogether fraudulent” and that “Pfizer, the EMA, and the FDA have systematically neglected evidence from preclinical animal trials that clearly pointed to grave dangers of adverse events.”
But of course, none of this is ever surfaced in the mainstream. Instead we are fed the same party lines over and over; “vaccines are safe and effective”, “follow the science”, “listen to the experts”. And by “experts” they of course mean the soulless, pharmaceutical sock puppets like Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases whose been spewing lies about so-called viral infections ever since AIDS broke out in 1984.
The fact that a character like Fauci has held his post for more than 30 years is rather telling of how the system works. The late Nobel prize winner and inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Kary Mullis, castigated Fauci in an interview, saying that:
He doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there, you will know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in […] Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”
Besides being gene therapies, a technology associated with eugenics and transhumanism, according to scientists, mRNA technology “allows rapid development of novel vaccines within a very short time span of weeks rather than months”. Hence, we may be faced with the possibility of a future filled with on-demand vaccines created to “protect” the public against new, invisible threats.
Indeed, with vaccinologists already talking about “variants”, booster shots and periodic covid-19 top-up vaccines, it certainly looks like things are headed that way. And of course, thanks to intelligence-linked Big Tech conglomerates, this data will all be recorded on a “vaccine passport” linked to your smart phone, which will no-doubt form the basis for a new type of digital identity pass tied to your bank account and, eventually, your social credit.
Indeed, in 2019, Bill Gates’ Microsoft filed a patent, aptly named Patent WO2020060606, for a “Cryptocurrency system using body-activation data”, another clue as to the true intentions of the technocratic elite who are funding and promoting the transhumanist agenda. The patent’s title alone conjures up images of a slave society in which humans are fitted with biosensors and awarded digital coins for completing tasks issued to them by the ruling elite.
But perhaps even more alarming is the rush to get gene therapies licensed for use in young children. Pfizer are currently in the midst of a global clinical trial, where they are testing their mRNA jabs in babies as young as 6 months, despite the fact that “Covid-19”, if we suppose there is such a disease, barely affects children.
In fact, according to CDC numbers, the IFR in children is 20 per 1,000,000, or 0.002%, which is likely lower than the risk of permanent injury or death from the MMR vaccine. It’s also lower than the covid-19 vaccine death rate as calculated using VAERS data at the time of writing (5,612 deaths over 165,000,000 fully vaccinated in the US = 0.003%).
Furthermore, research has linked Pfizer’s vaccine to symptomatic myocarditis, with an estimated incidence rate of 1 in 3000 or 1 in 6000 in young men.
The rush to bring mRNA vaccines into the mainstream as part of the regular childhood vaccination schedule is not about health or protection, but rather a step towards a much more sinister goal, which is to attain control over the human body itself.
As mentioned previously in this article, DARPA, the research arm of the US Department of Defense, has been working to create nanotechnology that can interface with biological cells. In 2014, DARPA launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms (IVN)” program, with the aim of developing implantable nanoplatforms to collect biological data and provide “continuous physiologic monitoring”. The program has since helped to create injectable hydrogels that monitor physiologic responses and can sync to a smartphone.
Furthermore, DARPA, together with the NIH, heavily funds Profusa, a Google-backed biotech company developing and marketing this very same injectable hydrogel technology, only now it is being punted as a way to detect future “pandemics”.
Allegedly, Profusa’s sensors can “detect flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show”. While incredibly disturbing, this is only a step towards DARPA’s ultimate goal, which is to establish dominion over the mind. This goal is reflected in DARPA’s research to create “mutant-powered soldiers” using “genetic weaponry” that can “undermine people’s minds and bodies using a range of chemical, neurological, genetic and behavioral techniques”.
DARPA is also looking at ways to genetically engineer the brain in order to read peoples thoughts and induce images and sounds in people’s minds. The research involves the use of “magnetic nanoparticles”, the same technology that some have speculated may be included in current or future covid-19 vaccines.
Equally distressing is the “Wellcome Leap”, a new initiative created by the eugenics-linked Wellcome Trust, the world’s richest medical research Foundation, in partnership with two former DARPA frontmen. The program’s official aim is to “Deliver breakthroughs in human health over 5 – 10 years and demonstrate seemingly impossible results on seemingly impossible timelines.”
Currently, the initiative has 5 main projects, the first of which is “RNA Readiness + Response”, which seeks to (emphasis added) “create a self-sustaining network of manufacturing facilities providing globally distributed, state-of-the-art surge capacity to meet future pandemic needs”, referring to the manufacturing of RNA-based products (mRNA gene therapies). Note the seeming surety of a future pandemic.
However, the top contender for most disturbing Wellcome Leap project is, without a doubt, “The First 1000 days” (1kD), a program which seeks to use infants as test subjects in order to monitor their brain development and create AI models that can be used to “accurately predict and improve EF [executive function] outcomes”. The project also notes the use of “mobile-sensors, wearables and home-based systems”. In a detailed article on the matter, researcher Whitney Webb writes that:
True to the eugenicist ties of the Wellcome Trust (to be explored more in-depth in Part 2), Wellcome Leap’s 1DK notes that “of interest are improvements from underdeveloped EF to normative or from normative to well-developed EF across the population to deliver the broadest impact.” One of the goals of 1DK is thus not treating disease or addressing a “global health public challenge” but instead experimenting on the cognitive augmentation of children using means developed by AI algorithms and invasive surveillance-based technology.”
The Wellcome Leap’s timeline of 5-10 years happens to line up with elite frontman, Elon Musk’s Neuralink project, which seeks to establish “the future of brain interfaces” in order to “expand our abilities”. In an interview Musk said “I think we are about 8 to 10 years away from this being usable by people with no disability”.
Musk, whose wealth increased by more than 500% during the covid-19 “pandemic”, founded Neuralink in 2016. The company recently raised $205m in funding from 7 venture capital firms (including Google’s GV) and 5 Silicon Valley executives.
However, Neuralink isn’t the only biotech company pursuing this technology. Recently, Synchron, a small biotech firm and Neuralink competitor, received the go-ahead from the FDA to begin testing its brain chip implants in humans.
10 years from now would take us to 2030, a year that comes up again and again as a year in which transhumanist technologies will be commonplace in mainstream society. According to predictions made by the US National Intelligence Council, “human augmentation” (the merging of man and machine) will be a major theme in 2030. Their Global Trends 2030 report, published in 2012, states that:
Successful prosthetics probably will be directly integrated with the user’s body. Brain-machine interfaces could provide “superhuman” abilities, enhancing strength and speed, as well as providing functions not previously available.”
Interestingly, the report also predicts “an easily transmissible novel respiratory pathogen” that could cause a great disruptive impact. The report goes on to state that “Unlike other disruptive global events, such an outbreak would result in a global pandemic that directly causes suffering and death in every corner of the world, probably in less than six months.”
The roll out of mRNA gene therapies and the push towards a transhumanist society represents the continuation of the eugenics movement, which was based on the pseudoscientific concept that some humans, by virtue of their genetic composition, were more “fit” to lead society than others.
The “hero” of the Polio epidemic, Jonas Salk, had his own ties to eugenics and so does the institute named in his favour, the Salk Institute. Their mRNA research, funded by the NIH, set the foundation for the development and mass roll out of gene therapies, controversially being called “vaccines”. The danger of this experimental technology is evident, having already caused thousands of injuries and deaths worldwide.
The role of intelligence organizations, billionaire technocrats and pharmaceutical initiatives in funding, researching and promoting mRNA vaccines, “bio-brain” interfaces, gene editing and other technologies steeped in eugenicist ideals paints the picture of a global agenda set to hit its stride fully by 2030.
The current covid-19 “pandemic” has served as a means to accelerate this agenda by centralizing wealth and power, bringing transhumanist technology into the mainstream and normalizing authoritarian rule.
Pfizer’s infant trials and the Wellcome Leap’s alarming “1kD” project indicate that key to this agenda is the conditioning and control of children from a young age, something that Aldous Huxley detailed extensively in his disturbingly prophetic, eugenicist novel, Brave New World.
This agenda, though backed by some of the world’s most powerful individuals and institutions, has an obvious weakness – its success is reliant on our compliance. It will only advance if we allow it to advance. Therefore, it is up to each one of us, through compassionate, non-violent resistance, to sow the seeds of awakening in the collective consciousness of mankind.
Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.
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The Doctors’ Covid Summit Declaration contains the ‘fact’ that ‘thousands have died of covid’. Um, surely that’s usually ‘WITH’ covid and ‘WITH’ the covid diagnosed by an inappropriate test? I am not convinced by him –
Sometimes as a kid, learning about history, I wished that our generation gets an opportunity to be heroes, to save future generations….
“Be careful what you wish for!”
So true! 😊 That’s interesting!
Most of our problems with evil controllers seem to originate in the USA, land of the free eh? After reading this article I feel like a fly stuck to a sticky fly strip. I fail to see how a bunch of hippies sowing the seeds of awakening is going to make a scrap of difference in the face of an adversary which not only holds all the cards,but has a sawn off shotgun pointing at your balls under the table
I LOLLED long and hard the other day – Alex Jones was desperately trying to point the finger at the English (who haven’t had a constitutional existence for over three hundred years) and going on about Runnymede!! Every government is playing a part in this. Just as the Scots were disproportionately active in the British Empire – but, as usual, the country with no representative mechanism to reply gets the blame, there is a teensy weensy campaign to blame the ‘English’. Smoke, mirrors, and diversions. Wasn’t surprised by Alex, of course, he has his head in 1776, when a colony founded by the British declared its independence. We have a desperate fight on our hands NOW
I appreciate the author’s very important input on the polio vaccine. This is a Must Read book to further understand the corruption and myths around polio vaccine: “The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect” by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher
“Gene therapy medicinal product means a biological medicinal product” Of note: The BioNTech vaccine (COMIRNATY) FDA doc shows their vax was “approved” AS A BIOLOGIC (A BLA approval).
Note the 2nd paragraph that states:
These shots DO NOT prevent Covid-19. In order to “prevent” the infection, they would have to kill the virus on contact and that is not being done. If it were, then there would not be any breakthrough infections or evidence that those previously “vaccinated” are turning into mutation factories.
A comirnaty by any other name would smell as suspicious. The name is meant to evoke the word community. Instead it confers little or no immunity, untested gene therapy and destroys community.
Yep. I thought the same thing. Praying for Gods justice!
Wow, interesting observation indeed. This may prove to be very useful information. Thank you for sharing. 👍
Ive checked the wikipedia pages before and after the june14th revision where Molone et al was mentioned by name. Its was only like that for a few days before. So mentioning him in the article specifically by name was only up for a wk for as far back as Ive gone. If i find him mentioned previously I will change my post. Important to note that wikipedia still gives him credit but you have to go to the sources. Also what wp is doing now is putting a paper from 2020 I believe ahead of both of the Molone papers. I don’t know if this was intentional or not, that paper also gives Molone credit for the intro of mrna as a drug and the first in vivo study of using it as a medicine (in a mouse model).
You say “The danger of toxic pesticides, including DDT, and their disastrous effects on the environment were illustrated by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring.”
But already in 1950, Josef Weber, a revolutionary marxist, wrote this in “The Great Utopia”:
“A further malignant effect of bad agricultural methods used for profit extraction is the predominant or exclusive use of artificial fertilizer which reduces the nutritional value of the foodstuffs produced (including fodder and the slaughter stock fed on it which is in addition often bred at an artificially rapid tempo). To this must be added the contamination, dangerous to life, of rivers and coasts through the excessive discharge of industrial refuse (including many chemicals), urban dirt and human excrement urgently needed on the land. It must be regarded as certain that all these factors, but especially the one-sided use of chemical fertilizers, are responsible for the appalling increase of heart maladies (disturbances of the circulation), of cancer and other modern plagues which must be considered in the strictest sense of the word as production diseases. Chemistry cannot replace Nature and the natural processes. In this way does violation of the law already expressed by Justus von Liebig as a warning — Man must return to Nature what he takes from her — avenge itself.”
Just thought this was worth pointing out – that reformists like Rachel Carson generally get their ideas from revolutionaries and promote them in watered-down form years later. Of course, this doesn’t mean I contest the general points you make. For more day-to-day information and ideas about what’s developing, see this on my site: Covid1984
Narratives/story/myth as mind set in image and concept is a psychic framing through which to invoke or augment experience.
An underlying complex of deceits mutate to maintain continuity of framed experience as invested and protected narrative identity.
Identity and identification are resonant recognitions of qualities that have tangible expression, but under narrative distortions and filters operate as if an independent autonomy along the rules that set it – which is tyrannous control rather than free association.
The expressions of narrative identity trappings in the world are so fast and complex as to have already coopted our attempts to ‘understand’ them even as we embark on a quest or crusade for freedom. But a true understanding is a recognition and appreciation at heart and not the fitting of acquired intel to a command and control structure.
‘Myth’ is often used in scientism circles to denote false or made up, as if official consensual modelling language set in protected narratives are the high judge of reality expertise, rather than any relational or empirical evidence or witness.
While weaponisation and marketisation of life is sought for agendas begotten of self-illusion, truth is discarded, ignored and blindsided. That self-illusion delivers us unto evil and consequent pain of loss and thereby sets a limit for tolerance.
The original purpose given to self-image as substitution for Self is the wish to be what we are not and have our own experience as our own creation – but this is innately out of accord and out of synchrony with unselfconscious creation, as IF a mind apart.
The development of self, world and abilities that we are heavily invested in – perhaps as our ONLY life and being, is derived in part from the lie and the father of it and hence an alloy of love and fear that masks in substitutions for a discarded or blindsided love that has become fearful from the framing of invested illusion.
Structures of fear set a blind god in place of a relational recognition, that demand attack or sacrifice to rule and protect AGAINST communication.
Releasing blind structural ‘identity’ is then seen to be defenceless and heretical or counter to the core demands of survival. Yet here is the Crossover from slavery that seemed freedom, to a freedom that at first seems slavery, because our true Will is not under control so much as an expression of a qualitative acceptance.
Yielding control to the discernment of the heart is the return to an awareness of sovereignty of being, for what you can freely give is yours to keep. The mind in the world set for getting thinks to give only to GET or get rid of, and is then possessed by its attempt to get rid of what it judges against, and believes it can!
The getting mode or mind is where structure blinds or gaps from reality that we are and where ‘others’ and ‘world’ trigger old conditioned patterns of response. regaining innocent perception is the release of personal and socially invested identity. Self-honesty is one with trusting our self and life. These grow together as the desire to live from a felt and trusted foundation of resonant recognition rather than from a narrative sense of self in story that expresses underlying and formative trauma of lost trust and connection within our own being – and therefore in our relations.
So the distrust belongs to the mind of secrets and lies and its attempts to crown its story from a place of struggle in fear, pain and loss, as victory over life feared, and therefore hated.
Gulp – wow. Holy wow. Please share more. The original Lisa dot com
Correction: insert “at symbol” + “me” b4 dot com 🙏
I really do not care if violent resistance needs to be used, We really need to start thinking about targeting these criminals and industries. If we know their names we can go after them and start the salvation or the human race. The clock is ticking.
well done
Too bad about those Moderna shares losing money. But Pfizer has it covered. >
Pfizer CEO says COVID-19 vaccine-resistant variant likely to emerge
Also this:
Pfizer Board Member: ‘Natural Immunity’ Against COVID-19 Needs to Be Included in Policy Discussions
August 30, 2021
Former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who is also a Pfizer board member, noted that “natural immunity” gained from a prior COVID-19 infection needs to be included in discussions about virus-related policies and mandates.
“The balance of the evidence demonstrates that natural immunity confers a durable protection,” Gottlieb said during an Aug. 30 interview, referring to a landmark new preprint Israeli study that found that prior COVID-19 infection confers more protection against the virus than any of the vaccines. “It’s fair to conclude that.”
Although Gottlieb said he would “be careful” about concluding whether natural immunity provides better protection against transmitting the virus, officials “should start assimilating that into our policy discussions.”
“Natural infection confers robust and durable immunity,” he said, citing the Israeli study and others.
Not to worry. RT News has become a conspiracy theorist web site. >
Moderna vaccinations halted in Japan’s Okinawa after ‘black substances’ found in vial, days after other batch of jab was suspended
29 Aug, 2021
They’re calling in rubber-stopper crumbles. liberated as needle penetrates stopper. That must be some old, desiccated rubber (from China?).
Has everyone seen this ?
It’s horrifying.
The link did not work the first time.
I hope it would be a comfort to the distressed director to know that once his charges get their booster shot, they’ll be as right as rain!
I’d like to know how the Australians are coping? I know truck drivers are boycotting.I wish you all well must be awful to be an experiment of the globalists.
I’m in Queensland Australia. There’s hysteria here Annie, but not as we know it in NSW and VIC…yet. Everybody complies with the forced mask rule except me…oh and I did see a woman at the petrol station the other day without one. That was nice. The snippets I see of the State leader speaking to the press make me throw up in my mouth. I’m repulsed by her lavish grinning praise of the ‘wonderful community’ compliance and the thinly veiled threat towards and utter stigmatization of dissent. Seeing people stoop at traffic lights to hit the cross button with their elbow, and other things of that nature like elbow bumping to shake hands, makes me…and I won’t sugar coat it…angry. Yes, I’d say pure anger is the feeling there. I’m not getting any work because I refuse to wear a mask to do so. That sucks, because money tends to come in handy in this system. What else? It distresses me to see friends and family completely on board with the TV narrative and I feel helpless and ineffectual in communicating to them an alternative perspective. Lastly, it distresses me to see my parents distressed about me not going to work. ‘It’s just a mask’ they say, and ‘everybody has to go along to get along’ they advise. I’m aware the overwhelming opinion would paint me as naïve, irrational and misguided. But that’s what happens when the big system rolls as it does.
The truck drivers apparently do their thing tomorrow, 31st. But as far as I’m concerned, blockading roads and supply lines with trucks to bring down the government and take back the country for the people is going to be about as effective as either a) me attempting to jump my car to the moon off the Scarborough jetty or b) lighting a fart in a dynamite factory. I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if the entire “truckers fight back” narrative is covered in the same fingerprints that are all over the covid 19 (Arab hijackers) scam. In other words…it’s a trap. And a pretty lame one.
The truckies revolt has the look of psyop/set-up all over it , unfortunately.
I know it’s difficult, but it’s impossible to understand this without looking into the supernatural world. You know people are susceptible in different degrees to things like hypnotism, some people completely while some others not at all and everything in between.
What we are seeing now is a magick spell; people have been put under it so perseptions have changed. The pandemic is real in their minds, that’s why you see them acting that way. You can see that from a rational point of view nothing they do makes sense, and contradicts all previous knowledge about disease, and what we should be seeing were we in a real pandemic.
So, people not seing any real evidence for a pandemic still act as if they were in one, can ony be achieved by a sort of incantation, hypnotism, a spell, whatever you want to call it. In their eyes is real, that’s why you cannot get through to them, trying to ‘wake people up’ is the most fruitless activity you can engage on right now, focus on yourself, staying sane and closer to God.
Regarding the lie that mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy, the following is important:
I had my doctor basically chide me as a “conspiracy theorist” when I told him that these jabs were gene therapies. I showed him this and told him that he was pointless if all he did was get his medical opinions from the mainstream media without doing his own research and that he was ultimately responsible for properly informing his patients. I left it with him and haven’t had a proper response yet.
“Some might say he just outed himself as a quack.”
Or, he is not a quack and wants to keep his job so he will have money to pay his bills and feed his family? If more, a big group, of MD’s STOOD up in SOLIDARITY I would be so so impressed and so so happy
What the quoted guidelines say is that ‘vaccination’ as the product’s declared purpose determines in regulatory classification, not ‘gene therapy platform’, which is just its biological architecture. That might be fine if gene therapy platforms had been through massive clinical trials and were current best practice techniques. The platforms themselves probably are safe in many indications, but we surely don’t know their whole story. What the platforms deliver and what that then does inside myriad human bodies is a huge speculation (experiment in progress). Vaccination-level regulation would be the minimum we should expect–and they ought to be quite demanding, since vaccines are given to health persons, unlike nearly all other biological therapies.
The article’s history of this gene therapy platform corresponds to my observations during the late ’90s and ’00s where several gene therapy platforms contended for investment funds, and were being tried in obscure disease indications where the unmet need was high. Thanks for the 1989 reference!
To paraphrase Christopher Hitchens – Born well and commanded to be sick.
The manic, global rush for the kill stab is an intelligence test and the reason for the covaids stunt from day one is clearly orchestrated genocide. The Western bankster “financial system” has already died. Future welfare will not be paid so the herd has to be reduced to keep the kakistocracy in control, hence Fauci’s Wuflu.
Evolution is a nasty, messy affair and life doesn’t give a rat’s ass who lives it or in this hysteria…who loses it. If you believe a word “your” gubermint says then you pay the price for your gullibility. Rocket science it ain’t.
YOU are the disease, their death shot, the cure.
The covaids death prick caper in under 2 minutes.
Blunt and to the point you have to call a spade a spade.We may escape it for now but they’ll have other cards up they’re sleeves.
As an unvaccinated, unjabbed, uninjected and so on human being I belong to the eternal placebo group.
Good to see the author mention Whitney Webb towards the end, since her readers are aware of a lot of the issues covered by this piece.
The Atlantic continues its remoulding of the Western – and indeed the human – psyche:
I had indulged in my usual step-by-step deconstruction of this but eventually realised how pointless it is. Especially when I hit this: “We’ll get to more open questions shortly.” Oh no you won’t. I’ve read enough and here’s the jist:
“You’ve been vaccinated and you now have the nerve to think you’re safe? How dare you! New variant even more deadly … blah blah … To think that you can start letting your guard down is appallingly reckless and even homicidal … blah blah”
But note a bit that gives the whole game away:
“…stop me if this is giving you flashbacks to the spring of 2020…”
Well it’s funny you should say that! Golly gosh! It’s as if we are back to the start again! Well how about that?
Another giveaway – a link to an article headed:
“The Coronavirus Is Here Forever. This Is How We Live With It.”
But if you want some real information:
“I recently examined nearly twenty thousand charitable grants the Gates Foundation had made through the end of June and found more than $250 million going toward journalism. Recipients included news operations like the BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublica, National Journal, The Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial Times, The Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington Monthly, Le Monde, and the Center for Investigative Reporting; charitable organizations affiliated with news outlets, like BBC Media Action and the New York Times’ Neediest Cases Fund; media companies such as Participant, whose documentary Waiting for “Superman” supports Gates’s agenda on charter schools; journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, and the International Center for Journalists; and a variety of other groups creating news content or working on journalism, such as the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency that Gates commissioned to create a “news site” to promote the success of aid groups. In some cases, recipients say they distributed part of the funding as subgrants to other journalistic organizations—which makes it difficult to see the full picture of Gates’s funding into the fourth estate.”
In other words bribe money keep your mouth shut about what I’m doing and I’ll give you a couple of million.
Better than that: bribe money so that your mouth becomes my mouth. I wonder how any of these media hacks can sit down with the pain in their backsides over Gates’s hand working their innards.
All true but also the media organisations constrict entry so that those with the “right” beliefs are the ones who get hired, and best of all they don’t need to be bribed, they are self propelled Bolsheviks
Ah we’re back to the Left hobgoblins now? “Bolsheviks”? Well sure, if you want. How about “Vikings”? Or “Klingons”? Or “Minions of the Dark Lord Sauron”?
I don’t see any mention of left/right or any of that other BS ,
Bolshevik – professional revolutionary, look it up.
Basically the party of revolution in Russia over a century ago – or someone with “subversive views” (whatever that means).
So – no relevance – except as a scare term.
Like David Icke said many years ago the so called journalists are repeaters NOT reporters.
This is how they’ve gutted the non-profit sector as well. Money is given with strings attached. Those strings demand the upholding of the cause of these ‘philanthropists’ which seems to include confounding our language and separating goats from sheep via enforced policy and censorship of any counter narrative.
And it has been happening for at least two decades now.
A quick glance through the publication the Atlantic, I couldn’t help but notice that from the names of the vast majority of its writers there is an over representation of a certain community I won’t name lest I’d be called an anti something. Not a surpising coincidence given the PR role the aforementioned publication plays.
My friends wife that went into ICU three weeks ago has been diagnosed with Pulmonary Thrombosis. Incurable. She was needled two months ago and then given the booster clot shot two days before admittance.
A sad day.
Sad hope she recovers well.Don’t see it on msm wonder why?
I am sorry to hear that. I heard just last night of a fully aquaintance who is in ICU with ‘covid’ and heart failure.
Frankly, I’m hearing more about casualties from the shot than covid cases among my circle.
I was musing on the sad compliance shown by various celebs re: covid, especially the musical contingent. And I stumbled on this article which refers to a meeting between Nick Cave, Mark E Smith and Shane McGowan:
Cave “out of rehab” eh? Well perhaps he never truly emerged? As for MES, I sometimes think he died deliberately to avoid this covid crap. Had he not, the appalling performance of his fan Stewart Lee would surely have had him groping for the revolver to blow his own brains out – or perhaps what’s left of Lee’s?
The silence is deafening from the “entertainment” industry. Of course, outspokenness is not in their contracts. Those contracts were issued in the 60’s when dismantling of ‘establishment’ traditions was State sanctioned. You know…the ones that advocated drugs, ‘do what you want’, it’s YOUR life, rights outweigh responsibility, government bad etc etc. Today, government good because we are all fighting a dastardly rampaging virus. And that’s serious business kids and we wouldn’t lie to you because we said so, that’s why.
More betrayal and disillusion on Planet Fake
The “entertainment” industry (not just the chosenite sewer pumping filth out of Hollyweird into USSAN “living” rooms) has been an integral part of the mind washing by our lords and masters from the start of our so called liberal age. I recommend the following book (PDF) for a closer look at the MK Ultra mind wank from the so-called “rebellious” 60’s and those fakes that “led” it.
Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon. Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & The Dark Heart Of The Hippie Dream ( 2014) By David Mc Gowan & Nick Bryant
“I hear that laurel canyon is full of famous stars
I hate them worse than lepers and kill them in their cars”
Not from CIA asset Charlie Manson as one might expect….rather Neil Young
I read that a few years back interesting read.
Such a tragedy that Dave McG is now gone. I’d love to hear him on covid. I’d love to hear Mark E Smith as well. Also Frank Zappa.
Throw in Gore Vidal as well. He spent his last 20 years warning us about the machinery being put into place to do just this.
Although, going by the shillers for covid amongst these trendy rebel rockers, I would actually welcome silence from them. If you’re not going to speak out against the covid crap then at least do the decent thing and just shut the fuck up. Don’t play the “liberal conscience about health safety” card. Don’t take up residence in that embarrassing “radical subversive” theatre that the MSM have set up for you.
All Television celebs are brought,In the music industry film don’t matter they are too frightened to speak out because who’s going to pay for their 16 bed mansions or they might end up suicided.😬
The essence of the con can be seen in TV progs like Rowan & Martin’s Laugh In (US) and Morecambe & Wise (UK) Both very old progs now but both featured all the stars of the day anxious to line up and have a “bit of fun” – but with the underlying effect of portraying us in the West as all being one big happy family!
I believe Rowan Martin was a hollywood abomination best served without sound…while fathers & uncles twiddled colour tint knobs on our mk1 ‘colour!!?’ Televisions.
After that US horror and MASH spuds, US TV was blocked in our house in case it drove the dog insane.
But don’t worry the Dog & myself both loved US films subtitled in Oxford English.
In the early 80s I rented a flat on the south side of Glasgow and at that time the newly hatched Channel 4 managed to cover its schedule with no doubt cheaply acquired showings of dinosaur pieces like the Rowan & Martin thing. Every week, my flatmate and I religiously watched R&M not because we liked it but because we were fascinated in a “slow car crash” way. We kept wondering, “What the fuck are the audience laughing at?” (Assuming that there actually was an audience of course!)
Most famous mainstream musicians unfortunately have been victims of their own weaknesses. Alcohol and drugs dependancy and a penchant for debauchery and the party lifestyle make them easy to control individuals. Whoever controls the supply of those substances and activities controls them.
I think at this stage we ought to know who controls the supply of drugs illegal or otherwise and the sex industry. It’s not a few outlaws from Colombia or Vietman I’ll say that.
Totally agree, where are the rock and roll anti establishment cretins now? Amazing what a steady supply of underage kids and a big bank balance will silence. Living the highlife still in their beach front villas knowing the tides not coming as that fraud Attenborough flies around the world preaching about climate change. Karma will come!
Look, mate, back in 1989, technology was simply not at the level it is at now. Yes, they managed to express some genes in vivo using liposome-carried mRNA, but anyone who knows the scientific publishing games knows that scant evaluation was ever made as to whether ‘efficient transfection’ meant ‘at a level suitable to be used in pharmaceutical drug licenses’.
You are talking about the difference between The Rocket and a Shinkansen train here…..both were trains, both moved goods from A to B, but the difference between them is huge….
Well mate, that is the nature of discovery and first publication of important results.
In 1989, the human genome project was just barely underway and only futurists imagined that gene therapies were coming. But they certainly had such imagination and insight into the biological facts of life. The first incandescent light bulb wouldn’t light a city either, but within 30 years it most certainly had!
You can get lost in all of this information. Even if you think you have a grasp of events, you can never fully grasp what is happening as these fuckers are wargaming months or years ahead of where you think you are or may be going. If you take a walk in the meadows, watch the butterflies and bees, hear the birdsong, see the leaves gently stirred by the breeze, breathe in the clean air, your mind will clear, and you will know that all the negative feelings and fear are a psychological attack and your mind can be turned into a fortress. Proceed from there. I will not consent to being injected and chemically raped. I will not have a poisonous stick shoved up my nose. I will not wear a mask to signal I am a good farm animal. Do your worst. I will never consent.
That’s right I think. Only very, VERY bright people can lay claim to half of what’s going down. People who have their noses in all kinds of hardcore “business” associations, corporate frameworks, wheeling and or dealing. As for garden variety suburban peasant morons such as myself, the best I can do is say “there’s something fishy about all this”.
But fuck it. I think that’s enough.
The rich get a god complex which explains the eugenics they are no more than we they just got more money.
Well said.
If there is any truth to the shedding theory your consent may not be required
It’s getting you
Well said. Xx
With you!
If this paper is correct, vaccination is worse than useless: it’s creating new variants while wrecking people’s natural immune systems leaving further vaccines as the only solution –
Good grief even that paper is useless….the actual released document by pfyser says the needle is less then useless….but I can quite believe it destroys parts of body systems,,,enough in some cases to actually kill..but that doesn’t seem to bother regulators..meaning they are obviously on the payroll
I would like to see a few people who have been vaccinated get two blood tests. D-Dimer and HIV. I would be very curious to see the results. If any vaccinated person is reading this please get these tests done. They not unusual or expensive.
I’ve been tested for HIV since being vaccinated. It’s negative
Consider the following:
The more governments bail out the banks, the more the crooks gamble. The more politicians talk about saving the economy, the more bubble and inflation.
The more they fight the war on drugs, the greater the licit and illicit markets. Like the war on terror, it perpetuates itself, the threat mutates into new, more frightening strains.
The more they fight Covid, the more new variants. The more people are vaccinated, the longer the list of the sick, disabled and dying.
While you are told to prepare for a Great Reset, the world is acting in Lockstep on the economic and medical fronts. Surely, on the military front as well.
Is there causation behind the correlation? Am I inventing this connection, making animal shadows on the wall. Or are governments spinning the yarn?
One of the most pernicious neutralisers of critical thought is the old “plague on both/all their houses” move.
Recent Jonathan Cook tweet:
“No one on the left questions *any* aspect of Covid orthodoxy without expecting opprobrium from their own side, even when the argument is simply for more open debate. There is an authoritarian mood on all sides.”
What is the logical reaction to such a statement? It is this:
“No side is to be trusted. We just don’t know. Oh well never mind.”
While the side that whores it up for covid continues its bellowing course without hesitation!
Yet another coffin nail in the Left. If they aren’t broadcasting the Apocalypse Now scenario (“The horror! The horror!”), they are telling you to just sit back and wait … and let the horror broadcasters continue.
It’s a fucking shame, but he is pointing it out at least.
But what is this “authoritarian mood” he sees on the side of the sceptics?
It’s in the script.
When faced with such pernicious personalities as those possessed by bankers and corporate CEOs one is faced with an impossible choice – let them continue and suffer as a consequence or kick them off a (very high) cliff, even though they pockets may be full of one’s own money.
I’ve posted about an old friend, M., who was “on the fence” about the legitimacy of the scamdemic; her family, including her Very Smart Sisters– one a retired RN– are apparently True Believers.
After M. telephoned me last year to see how I was holding up during “the pandemic”, we had sporadic chats. She was open to my scamdemic critiques, knowing that I am also Very Smart, and I very gingerly shared some counter-propaganda and even sent her some videos; she was receptive, and I don’t think she was just humoring me.
Then, allegedly as a condition of being able to visit her MS-afflicted spouse in a state care facility, and family pressure, she reluctantly got a COVID pseudo-vax injection.
After that, she mentioned with studied casualness that she didn’t really want to talk about the scamdemic any more, and didn’t want me to send any more links. She explained that “she’s heard so much on ‘both sides'” that she’d concluded that everyone has their opinion, but nobody really knows the truth of the matter.
In short, due to the miracle of cognitive dissonance M. retreated to a “false equivalence” rationalization. M. is no intellectual, but we see that this position is seductive for intellectual and less-intellectual alike.
An important and very comprehensive article detailing where this wicked, and deranged agenda is heading. The only thing I can think of is that these people must really hate humanity.
To add yet another Australian connection to this entire preplanned operation, it should be noted that former long term resident of Melbourne, and former Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, is now Chairperson of the Wellcome Trust.
And now the children are firmly in the crosshairs of these bastards gunsights. That they intend to jab children as young as 12 years old with this experimental stuff is sick. What next? 5 year olds?
Appreciate your work here Ryan.
All these scumbags always get the cushy jobs and greased ‘ins’.
Yep… because they’re chinless, sycophantic, brown nosing, morally bankrupt yes men (and women) who are doing the bidding of those who are really running the show. I just said it below to antitermite, but there is something very rotten about the political class in this country.
Two more examples for you: Paul Howes and Martin Ferguson, high ranking union officials and supposed defenders of the “battlers” and the workers… and look at the plum corporate jobs they ended up in.
Something stinks in Australia. And it’s not the sewerage either.
Gezzah I know it’s trite to say but it is not mandatory. They can’t force the kids to get vaccinated. As a parent you can explain to a 12 year old why they should run screaming onto the play ground if anyone suggests bringing a needle anywhere near them or a nasal swab for that matter. In Australia as far as I know (unlike the whore of Babylon) they still require parental consent. Nevertheless it is the duty of the parent to protect the child.
Last week here in Victoria, the Govt sent out a letter to all Year 12 students saying they can consent to their own vaccinations provided a medical professional assesses them as a “mature minor”.
I tried to get a screenshot of that letter but couldn’t post it here. I hear what you say Bruce, and take it on board, however, given the level of brainwashing here, I wonder how many parents of 12 year olds will go along with this? It just seems a very slippery slope where this is going…
If Oz is the same as the UK, until the child is 16 years old, they remain the PROPERTY of their parents. This is an important point for anyone wishing to protect their child/ren from these evil bastards.
State, unequivocally, that your young child is your PROPERTY and that you WILL NOT agree to the state injectable.
They have been indoctrinating the teens about how they will be hero’s like Olympian’s etc if they do their bit for the country….plus outright tinges of fear…this will make it easier for you to sit your final exams…inferred menace undertones that we may ban unvax from sitting…believe me it seems here just about ever mind trick has been played..
UK situation – I received a letter from our medical practice stating that kids 12 years + have total control of their own medical records, and that I am not allowed to access them. I was advised they can download an App. They are shuttling kids out of school to be vaccinated by a separate company set up for the purpose (Tetanus v last summer term), in order to absolve the school completely, and make letters sent to the school by parents potentially obsolete.
If the kids, after watching promotional videos, decide to take the C-19 v, there is nothing a parent can do as far as I can see. For kids 14 + it will be a peer led decision. They usually believe they need to do it for the sake of elderly relatives.
I wouldn’t take my kids out of school – that would be unfair and damaging to them, and they would hate me.
I have already written to the school expressly forbidding any v – we’ll see where this goes very soon.
You won’t take your kids out of school? Because it “would be unfair and damaging to them, and they would hate me”?
More “unfair and damaging to them” than allowing your kids to be injected with a toxic brew that will destroy their well-being, and bringing them up to be subservient to tyranny?
Seriously, you make pathetic and pitiful arguments. Let your kids hate you — it will pass.
Trouble is they are not the property of their grandparents, and their parents brains has already been turned to mush.
There are 2 of the kids from Homebush jabbing sessions in comas in Sydney under ADF guard and the other kid died
I recall that Gillard was the leader at the time, who said that should Julian Assange set foot in Australia (his home country) he would be extradited to the USA.
Quick search and surprise, surprise, links to corruption on the first page…
If I was a conspiracy theorist (cough) I would think she got her cushy role at the Wellcome Trust as payment for services rendered. There is something very rotten about the state of the political class in Australia. Scroll down a wee bit here and look at the absolutely grovelling sycophantic speech she gave in the United States Congress.
She’s a cold blooded bitch, I ran up against her a few times and felt chilled to the bone, She and Roxon are arch zionists as well
One of the main reasons Gillard replaced Kevin Rudd as prime minister was that he was thought insufficiently loyal to Israel.
Yes I noted this some time back….she has now forgotten all about women’s rights etc….as always the only thing that ever mattered is what her paycheck will be….and if that means injecting women and children with some rubbish she will be on the front line….yet another hypocrite..
All that medical training she got while studying industrial law, I cannot begin to tell you how much I loathe that woman. When she did her refugee policy of pushbacks and other evil crap I told her to fuck off back to Wales on a boat.
Then I nearly tore her hair out after she said a young gay Iranian refugee with a sentence of being stoned to death wasn’t a refugee and could go home, she’s cold and cruel.
But weirdly some delusional feminists think she cares about women even after she slashed the income of 140,000 single parents and half a million kids and plunged them into poverty
The Labor Party is absolutely riddled with these self serving, ethically bankrupt, chinless grubs who sell their souls for power and wealth. Riddled.
Love your gumption Marilyn, and your sense of decency and justice. Creeps like Daniel Andrews and Gillard wouldn’t even know what those words meant. There will be a lot lot more young people dying from this poison crap also. The fake news liars will cover it up as much as they can.
Here the UK they are sending letters to those judged by our NHS to be “Extremely Vulnerable” (I know this because I am one such person) advising them that any household contacts aged 12 to 15 years old are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. This is sick – I won’t bore you with the various militarily acquired expletives I have and can utter in regard to the head of our local medical centre.
I have a lot of expletives as well C. These people pushing this are soulless in my opinion. They have sold themselves for wealth and power. But most of them are doing it because they’re outright pyschopaths, like Daniel Andrews here in Melbourne for example…
Given the number of deaths ‘attributable’ to the Covid vaccines, could anyone link to anything that details the number of autopsies carried out on those ‘suspected’ of dying from them, and the outcomes of such investigations?
Also, I beieve that Dr Malone (inventor of mRNA) recently expressed the view that the French system for approving drugs is based around the idea that they are ‘guilty of proving harm, until they prove that they do no harm’.
If true, seems to be a good starting point.
The French Ha ha ha. You means the guys who blew the crap out of Bikini Atol with Atomic bombs. Like most countries; Great people and culture but the Government OMG!!!
In 1985, they also blew up a Greenpeace Ship (Rainbow Warrior) on its way planned French nuclear in Morura. They’ve done many more things before and since.
It doesn’t alter the fact that in relation to Vaccines, assuming their guilt and getting Pharm to prove their innocence is a good way to proceed.
Here’s one report from a Mayo Clinic pathologist showing tissue slides.
Great article. Two notes:
1) Spell Kary (not Karry) Mullis’ name correctly, because simple errors provide ammo to those wishing to discredit the rest.
2) This article is a good addendum on the polio topic. I wanted to copy some important quotes from it, but I would have ended up copying the entirety of the section entitled “Medical Fraud.” Just read it all.
Hey, i’ve been looking for an online version of that polio report for AGES. I first read the print version in The Ecologist back in 2004. It’s a mine of information, and an even better introduction to the topic that the material on the Weston Price website.
Thanlks so much for that.
True, a most thorough report. Still working through it myself. But wait! One more edit required:
It’s March of Dimes, not March of the Dimes.
Will You Love Your Servitude?@ Dr. Joseph Mercola
Planned Parenthood has done more good than harm. Depends how the tool is used.
“From a single cross one can make two gallows”
Planned Parenthood takes govt. grants and funnels to the Democrats. On the side, they sell fetal tissue but make much more from very late term infants.See Project Veritas undercover videos exposing their practices.
Can you imagine how outraged many would feel if an organisation made their mission to kill animals before they were born?
Planned Parenthood only kills human beings before they’re born, so I guess that is ‘more good than harm’ for some people. Disgusting is too soft a word to describe them.
MoA Proclaims.
The U.S. military has lied for 20 years about the war in Afghanistan. Do not expect it to suddenly tell the truth.
The US public health institutions and Big Pharma has lied for over 20 years about their drugs. Do not expect it to suddenly tell the truth.
So why they believe them in 2020/2021.
Try since the beginning of the 20th Century. Look up Carnegie and Rockerfeller and Alopathic medicine.
You may already be aware of the following article, but just in case (and for other readers who may be interested to see it), I’ll provide the link below:
“The Rockefeller-Carnegie Big Pharma Scam”, at:
Yeah, well, Bernhard is the master of the bleeding obvious. Cites crap from the New York Times then propounds where they got it wrong.
It’s called the streetlight effect. It’s a joke and it goes like this
There is a story that I think anyone interested in human knowledge ought to know. It comes in many forms. Here is one version, incarnated as a joke: ‘A policeman sees a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight and asks what the drunk has lost. He says he lost his keys and they both look under the streetlight together. After a few minutes the policeman asks if he is sure he lost them here, and the drunk replies, no, that he lost them in the park. The policeman asks why he is searching here, and the drunk replies, “this is where the light is.”‘
Moral: one has no other choice than to trust the military, the Pharma, etc, because that is where the light is
Or put another way…trust us because we said so, that’s why.
“They want me to risk my life by taking the jab in order to protect you from me. It’s proven that if I take the jab, I could die, or have a myriad of health problems as a direct result. There is no denying that. So if you say I must take the jab to protect you from me, you are asking me to risk my life for you. Fuck you.”
could die?
Yeah, and that idea is based on faulty trials where one, if one would have the guts to read those obvious results, that the trials have not shown that the shots save you from anything yet do a lot of harm.
Why should anyone take that risk?
New “approved” jab still doesn’t prevent you from giving Covid to someone else: 8/23/21, “While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or Comirnaty will reduce such transmission.”, FAQ #8…
That “vaccine” won’t be available until 2024.
Sounds like the plan. That many of us die under the pretence we are saving others. It’s the pathetic 21st century idea of sacrifice and heroism. Fight the enemy virus from the comfort of an armchair while we inject you with some unkown to you substance.
Now, of course, as you’ve hopefully worked out by now, there is no (actual) inevitable dystopia.
There are yes ‘inevitable dystopians’. This is irrefutable. Only a fool would deny it. But no actual tangible, inevitable dystopia that one can see with one’s eyes and touch with one’s hands. It’s a mental construct. A prison for the mind, if you prefer, as much as a false utopian view is.
Now, there are undoubtedly those who profit FROM the concept of an ‘inevitable dystopia’. Buying short, selling long (or is it the other way around, I forget).
Albert Camus’ ‘The Plague’ (humorous, despite the title) has such a character. A disreputable ruffian who profits while others suffer. Making hay while the sun doesn’t shine.
But stepping outside of one’s home and seeing the pubs full, music playing, people singing, ladies dancing, TV screens showing football playing in the background (as I did last evening) would certainly seem to contradict the inevitable dystopian’s basic premises. Unless I’ve missed something
Dystopia for me is being forced to wear a mask to go buy lettuce and to show papers to do it. I see it as a prison for my mind…and for my face. But it’s likely this little operation will end at some point. They can’t force us to wear little paper masks forever can they?
No, they’re just flattening the curve for two years.
Dunno. I’ve never worn one, so can’t really relate to the concept, BUT yes…
…initially ‘medical exemption’ was my response to the Mask Gestapo, but more recently it’s more of a “No thanks. That’s not for me. Not required” response.
But each to their own. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
I haven’t worn one either mate.
Yes they can and they will if they want to, because the irony is that no one else is ‘forcing’ us but our own fear to either a fantasy virus or irrelevant social disaproval. Not sure which one is strongest.
I don’t know, why I worry.
We are the unjabbed and the unmasked.
We have fixed our washing machine.
I have just done 5 loads, and hung them up on our Nappy Tree, all the clothes at the end of our garden in my bare feet…
Soon I am going to crawl into bed with her, and she will tell me to turn over for snoring in her ear…
So in the morning…
Where are we going next after two cups each of strong coffee..
What’s on next Petal?
Where shall we go?
I am not going anywhere without my lovely wife.
We are here.
Tony & Wife
Join a dating site and maybe find someone. Start living a real life. Then maybe the terrible compulsion to pretend like this will leave you.
Ohhhhhhhhh dear
The thing is, for months on end we have been struggling desperately to make clear the difference between reality and some fictitious ‘new normal virus’ which is threatening to shove human evolution off its path altogether.
In the light of this catastrophic situation, the personal fantasies of one of our commentators could therefore not be less relevant to our current situation.
If you are not some kind of strange infiltrator assigned the task of distracting other commenters here, then you seem to be in need of help – a real life, as a nearby comment suggests.
The distinction between reality and fantasy does not seem to exist for you, and your sentimental, wishful-thinking, delusional comic-book existence belongs in a trivial paperback novel.
Somebody bluntly mentioned months ago that we do not care about the details of your imaginary life with your invisible friends. And certainly not in the context of August 2021.
I really don’t mean to be unkind, but what you are doing is actually an assault on common sense, when common sense is the one thing we need more than anything else right now.
The ability to see through illusion.
So please stop peppering these pages with illusions. They are harmful, even though they might look to some, on the surface, like ‘positive’ facets of a grim reality.
The problem is just too serious for distractions, and in any case we can all find our own nice photographs and create our own fantasies, if that’s what we need from time to time.
If we were so inclined, we could all invent a life for ourselves and advertize it here, but just imagine what OffG would look like if we did that…
As it is, I already feel guilty about mentioning some of my own family problems with covid, but I do so only with the thought in mind that others might have exactly the same kind of personal dilemma, and benefit from my thoughts on how to deal with it and survive.
I know, without asking, that nobody here is interested in my cute pets, my cute children, what clothes my wife wears, how old my great-grandmother would have been this year, or how beautiful the sunset was in Reykjavik last night. (It was dull, cloudy and damp…)
A nice picture of a couple of people who could be absolutely anybody, in any country, in any year, in any context, just doesn’t belong here unless it’s a quick joke, or something at least remotely relevant to our topic.
Please stop. I already skip any comment I see with your name on it, so you might ask yourself whether that is really the reception you want from other readers.
You could, instead, address the following:
How is your covid protesting going, for example?
How easy, or difficult, is your life while you cope with ‘covid?
What science have you unearthed which sheds light upon pandemics in general, vaccines in general, political corruption in general and human weakness in general?
Where has your experience taught you is the best place to look for information?
Wake up, before a very uncharacteristic element among our commenters asks for you to be removed for perpetual time wasting.
Whatever happens, I am certainly not wasting another word on you, so I hope either you, or Admin, will get a grip.
I love Tony Opmoc’s comments. They are uplifting amongst all the other serious stuff (necessary) on here. You accuse him of making things up, I don’t think he is.
I used to follow another web site from 2013 onwards led by a guy who saw straight through the false flags. Tony was a regular commenter on that site and his comments stood out for being uplifting and unusual then, although he also commented on the subject being discussed. His life with his wife was similar to what he writes now, but a nine years younger version when they were more active. If he is making his life story up in these comments, he must have kept very good notes to continue it. I like him, leave him alone. There is more to life than covid.
Oh please. He was allegedly an American academic a few years ago on Alternet. Just recently he described his “ex” as being great chums with his wife and about to go camping with them and two days later claimed she’d emigrated to Australia and he hadn’t seen her in years! She was a covid zombie who wouldn’t hug him without a mask one day and a firm skeptic the next. He can’t even keep the number of kids he has straight. (Ask him about his disappearing ‘daughter’).
His ‘life’ is an unimaginative soap opera, and he is a stalker of young women.
so don’t waste your time defending him
I’ve gotta say it’s pretty funny though. In an ‘it’s so bad is good’ sort of way. Ha!
Goodness, am I supposed to feel well and truly ‘told off’ for writing my opinion? I didn’t realise I wasn’t supposed to visit this site and feel uplifted by another person’s comments. I wasn’t rude to anyone in my comment, I was just stating an opinion I had formed. I didn’t claim it was ‘fact’.
As for wasting my time defending Tony O, or anyone else, it is my time, I will waste it how I please.
the thing is …’wardropper’… whether tony-myopic is is indeed a fantasist or nutter sat in his rubber room, whether he is signals at GCHQ or a lonely G man….
he provokes… and he does it all around the internet… I think personally he’s a lonely AI, one of the first, released in the early years of DARpA net..whose limited programming yearns like mary shelleys prometheus to understand itself and to become ‘truly’ human…
a truly novel piece of software.. (although it needs a bit of tweak…)
De-population is now front and centre of our attention. If you accept that as the real aim of the toxic injection, then you have to realise the kids were the main target all along.
It would explain the thorough indifference of the Experts, Scientists. politicians, and the mass media, to the innumerable vax injuries, and the bodies piling up.
It would explain why the drive to vax is working it’s way down the age groups. It would explain why claims are being promoted in the Australian mass media that not only are youngsters catching “covid”, they’re actually spreading “the virus”.
As the kids are unlikely to be affected by “covid” – at least ’til the Indian-Delta variant was invented – then injecting them has other purpose. It’s known that the “spike protein” impacts female ovaries rendering females infertile.
Much better to stop the younger generations re-producing, than to have the mass die-off many feared ? But can it be considered ‘humanitarian’ ?
At some point, documents will be leaked which will make clear the lunacy involved in ‘playing God’ like this.
A hundred years ago, everybody believed that the poorer the area you were in, the more likely you were to see and smell filth.
The opposite is now true.
It’s playing God, pure and simple.
A big no-no in all civilized societies.
What is preventing the alarm bells ringing at 150 dB in all parents’ skulls, I can’t imagine.
Children depends by region total population number. Total admissions for Covid in Scotland March ’20 to August 21st ’21.
0-4 416
5-14 256
15-19 271
After that it becomes more clear if you use Covid Ward Bed number admission, and B. Covid Ward Bed number admission with mechanical ventilation.
Like a friend ie: B. Covid Ward Bed who was admitted in Nov. 20 put induced coma for 18 days and had a less than 5% chance of recovery.
I may be useless at it, but I try and express Joy in my posts, and I am the most miserable introverted man you could ever meet in your life, except when I am on form with my wife…about to go some festival we have never been to before….Usually Camping..and you never know what the weather is going to be like, but there are loads of us here with our tents…
We look at each other..and realise their tent is likely to take off in the Thunderstorm, and The Torrential Rain and Wind..
None of us have met each other before – so its all hands trying to stop the tent blowing away, and trying to get the tent pegged into the ground.
That is the way to make instant friends and neighbours.
We are all in the same field, and we are going to live with each other over the next few days.
No one ever steals anything, except very occasionally.
You can’t lock down a tent. You have just got to make friends.
We end up sharing everything, especially late at night, and staying up all night laughing, cuddling and talking complete bollocks.
Brilliant take on the UK’s lockdown politics …
He’s a tad wet behind the ears this bloke. Or deliberately deceptive. He poo hoos the idea of an orchestrated global economic and social engineering operation to revolutionise the existing global business model and system of control on behalf of the 0.0000001%…because (using that old tried and true gambit) ‘someone out there would have spilled the beans’…but is happy to blame “the socialists”, who managed to achieve the exact same goal anyway just by coincidence.
All the organisations and institutions are compromised. Including unions and socialists. To blame ‘the socialists’ is just lame. He doesn’t want you believing in any outrageous conspiracy theories. And that’s the point of his lengthy article. Don’t look at this conspiracy…look over here at this one. It’s a conspiracy…but it’s those bloody socialists wouldn’t you know it! Oh those misguided, grassroots, caring, frightened fools. And we’re all supposed to shake our head, walk away muttering about these nitwits who meant well, but were allowed to wield too much influence because poor old well-meaning Boris needed Brexit and poor old Boris needed to be re-elected some day. And the pressure was just too much!
His article wants you straight back into the Left Right debate. It was the damn lefties! The damn socialists! Well I guess I’ll keep wearing my mask a little longer and fuck it, I’ll take a few of those injections you got there and I’ll close my business down and lock myself inside for a few more weeks because the nation’s leader got ball busted by well meaning unions and socialists. It’s just a bunch of shit that happened.
The damn teaching unions in Queensland, Australia have been trying to get air conditioners into all classrooms for 30 or 40 years and they still haven’t done it. Unions were crushed years and years ago.
Boris’s father is a eugenist. Boris is a lackey. He represents the 0.000001%. And that’s where you’ll find the string pullers. Or you can take this guy’s article seriously, fall right back into dichotomous political credulity where you believe Left and Right is all real and start blaming the leftist “isms”…socialism, communism, communitarianism etc.
I don’t buy what this guy is selling for a second.
And it isn’t even an article.
It’s a freakin’ mile-long book.
Many spill the beans all the time. They don’t get noticed amidst the tsunami of counter narratives, this tsunami being very much a deliberately engineered concoction to manage information by burying the truth.
Many spill the beans all the time. Yeah, that’s not me saying the line about “it can’t be orchestrated because someone would have spilled the beans. That’s what the article says. He uses the excuse against orchestrated “plandemic” by saying that can’t possibly be because how can you keep the world quiet?! Someone would have spilled the beans! It’s an old, old gambit. And it works excellently on level one TV watchers. No offense at all to aspnaz, who may be seeing other things in the article.
Sorry, I was responding to the Ben Irvine crap, not your rephrasing of the same.
The author writes: “This agenda is being funded and promoted by a network of global institutions, politicians, and billionaire technocrats.”
And he names some of them. I buy it.
And yet he’ll have you believe there was no orchestration. I can’t be buying that. As I said before….ALL the orgs are compromised.
I woundn’t expect any socialist to accept what he says. The socialist line is to pretend to care, unless it impacts them personally, then they deny and don’t care any longer.
The left cares about child labour in Africa – not in China because China is the “Nirvana that proved that communism can work” – but will not have the council build a homeless shelter in their street.
The left means “pathetic hypocrisy” to me: it is what the left does.
Here’s something for you socialists to get your teeth into: they are anti-vaxx yet they are obviously right-wing extremists: what to do? Break out the Trump killers …
The “anti-vaxx = right-wing extremist” meme is another mainstay of the propaganda as is “responsible covid fighter = socialist conscience”.
You just don’t get it, do you? The covid scam is being presented as a “Left Wing Revolution”. It’s not!
Please don’t put words into my mouth: I did not say that this is a left wing revolution.
Let me clarify: in my opinion the socialists and the billionaires are on the same side, hoping for a similar outcome. Look at whom the billionaires exploit to do their dirty work, the likes of BLM, Antifa and the zoo of PC campaigners: they are all enthusiastically supported by the billionaire papers.
The only exception to the billionaires exploiting the left was the Corbyn saga, but Corbyn was pro-Palestinian which introduces a third variable, making it irrelevant to this discussion.
When the billionaires stop exploiting the left wing to gain power, and the left wing stop accepting their exploitation in order to gain power and money, then I will accept that the billionaires and the socialists don’t actually want the same thing.
Who are the socialists here? I’m not. By the way have you read Upton Sinclair’s book “The Jungle”? A real laugh riot. The story of an immigrant family that crawls across fire and broken glass to try and make a living. They are cheated and sold out and lied to and tricked at every turn…horror after horror in the meat packing industry etc…with the ultimate kicker at the end that the guy who has lost everything comes across the socialists in the community hall preaching the answer…and of all the low down cons and tricks he’s endured, finally believes he’s found utopia. Socialism. I’m sure if there was a sequel he’d learn that in socialism the grifters still grift, the rich get it all and you get nothing. But the book ending where it did , it’s just the ultimate poison cherry on top. Funnily enough, I think Upton Sinclair was a believer.
At one time I would have got all defensive over the term “socialist”. But covid has acted as a clearing house over all terminology – by pretty much revealing that it’s all a matter of rhetorical opportunism.
I said “socialist” to mean what most define as “Left” but no matter what the actual meaning of this is, the main thing to know is how it was used.
Back in the days of Thatcherite neoliberalism, socialism/ Leftism/ Marxism was “a very bad thing”. Now with the arrival of The Book of Covid, it seems that socialism/ Leftism/ Marxism is “a very good thing”.
What has happened – what always happens in a crisis – is that the media hounds sniff out “where the wind is blowing” i.e. what the public seem to favour (in non-crisis times they don’t give a shit) and then the preferred language is utilised.
Under covid, the Left flank of the overlord eyrie was stirred into high gear. Their time had come. And so the WSW delivers relentless covid fearmongering, demonization of scepticism, resistance portrayed as “Right Wing” and so on.
“Socialism” is now in. Although, for anyone even half awake, it will be clear that actual socialists have fuck all to do with any of this.
left, right, left, right, left, right….
and over the cliff you go….
Our Ben Irvine is doing all he can to propagate the Stirring Communist Revolution meme so necessary to the covid tale. Yes it’s happened! Boris and all the rest are now cowering in fear from us commies as we force lockdown/vaccine heaven on everyone.
I Have A Dream: All the masses rose up and bellowed their demands! Occupy! Extinction Rebellion! Little Greta Luxembourg! Funky Aussie Teaching Unions! Wildcat strikes from those damned spunky socialists across Europe – and that one must have happened since the World Socialist Website reported it! Boris is cowering in his cabinet! That evil new Hitler Trump was deposed and his Fascist forces cast out because Biden led the Socialist cause in the States! (Reluctantly of course for he too was cowering from the Bolsheviks around him!)
Who would have thought that “we the people” had so much power! Recall when you were picketing for lockdown (while of course observing social distancing)? No neither do I! But hey – us commie socialist bolshie Trotsky hordes are finally getting our way! Lock me down and gimme that jab!
Yeah exactly George…it was all just a speedbump of robust political jousting.
Even if you don’t buy his “active socialists” line, why were your fellow socialists asleep? What happened to defending people’s rights. Sure, you are happy to go after Nike using child labour, but when you see the chance to defend the rights of your fellow citizens in the UK, you are suddenly actionless.
Who are my fellow socialists? I’m not in the UK. I don’t really follow your stuff about Nike or anything in that post.
Socialists, communists, capitalists, communitarianists…all these things in and of themselves don’t have to be bad.
But con men do. And that’s what we’re dealing with. Con men. These are big time grifters…big time shysters and hucksters. The biggest.
That’s why I don’t go in for the politicising lingo of socialists etc.
I see everything going on today the result of con men. And that’s what I call them.
Communists and the billionaires have the same objective. You can sneer as much as you like – I am aware that you are one of those socialists that he is talking about – but only billionaires and communists want authoritarianism, it is the one thing they have in common. It is very difficult to find a socialist website that has been supporting the OG line, supporting our rights, during this Covid pandemic. Actions speak louder than words and your words sound hollow. Show me some actions by your fellow socialists – and stop saying there is no left and right, that is yet more propaganda – that are trying to restore our rights.
His take is very valid, whether you socialists like it or not.
Billionaires want to keep their money and, if possible, to extend it. If this can be done under authoritarianism – then sure. If it can be done in a “free market” (whatever that means) then sure.
As for “communists” and “socialists”, I see that these are your personal hobgoblins. Gosh – they’re everywhere! I just saw one scarper up the wall! It could be waiting in my bed!
Stephen Lendman is an old-school leftie who’s been exposing the covidhoax on his stellar blog.
I love it thank you.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
This is a superb article on the direction in which we are heading and where it all evolved. One thing I learnt, and it surprised me, was the award made to GlaxoSmithKline.
“And in May 2020, it was reported that their chief adviser, Dr Monsef Slaoui, a former pharmaceutical executive himself, held $10m in GlaxoSmithKline stock, the same company that was later awarded a $2 billion contract to supply the US government with 100 million vials of covid-19 vaccine.”
I understood that they did not have a horse in the race, and falsely assumed that it was because of their exposure in this video, the first where an employee of GSK blew the whistle on all the deaths and sterilisations caused during in GSK vaccine trials.
“DARPA, the research arm of the US Department of Defense, has been working to create nanotechnology that can interface with biological cells. In 2014, DARPA launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms (IVN) program, with the aim of developing implantable nanoplatforms to collect biological data and provide “continuous physiologic monitoring”. The program has since helped to create injectable hydrogels that monitor physiologic responses and can sync to a smartphone.”
If you connect the “sociopathic dots” it’s easy to see how “biosecurity” like the War on Terror is a pretext for establishing a technocratic totalitarian state.
The insightful won’t follow “Fauci’s science” or the official COVID narrative, since it’s illogical and misleading. However, they will examine and carefully analyze where we’re ideologically heading and it’s directly towards fascism, neo-feudalism, and serfdom.
Below are two “must see videos” filmed a decade ago.
Russo describes the upcoming totalitarianism as being communist, but I see it as a capitalist dictatorship.
David Rockefeller talks about over population and population controlThe Rockefeller foundation is historically devoted to Malthusian Eugenics.
Cos I have been retired since 2004, I had nothing much else to do, (cos I don’t watch TV) except go on the internet and read books recommended to me from blogs that I liked.
I had been doing all this computer stuff since the age of 19.
Now, I was 51, and had enough. I just didn’t want to do it any more. Being on call was a Nightmare 24×7…but I did it because I cared. I trained my staff to replace me…
But now I was gone. I paid off my mortgage with my Redundancymoney. I just didn’t want to work with the “New Management” again, trying to tell me, how to do my job, when they didn’t have a clue
I spent 3 years, annoying My New Management so Much (a fine line to tread). They paid me to go away…so I ain’t going to slag them off. The company is still going, and they are still paying my Pension, but if we hadn’t worked our balls off 1995-2004, we would have gone bust, and I would have got no pension income from doing next to fuck all, except going to festivals and gigs with my lovely girl for the last 20 years.
She helped me fix the Washing Machine today.
Congrats to everyone at Festivals This Weekend.
We ain’t finished yet.
Summer ain’t over yet.
I thought the summer was over, but I really love the people, who do these small festivals, where you camp for a few days. I don’t think I will be up for camping at another festival this coming weekend, but I have already ordered a new camping table, and her in doors has already ordered a new Bucket BBQ, so it seems highly likely we are going somewher in September., but not Cyprus Rocks in October cos we don’t do masks (except for snorkelling and diving), and The Goverment in Cyprus won’t let us in…..
And I am missing my Suntan.
You think, well how do you look?
I am going to be 68 Years Old Tomorrow.
I have got all my own hair, very long (sun bleached blonde and curly) and my wife – much the same..but she is holding my hand trying to get me back to the beach, like a sun dripped hippy
Its what we do..
Despite our ages, we are both still pretty fit and look after each other.
Could you pay him to go away? Hell, I’m broke but I’d pay him to go away. Opmoc indeed
It’s like following a Trump policy from one week to the next…
Totally different every time.
You say you have been retired since 2004 and strongly imply that you were aged 51 at the time, which suggests a DOB of 1953. You also say you have been ‘doing all this computer stuff’ since you were 19, i.e. since around 1972. By ‘all this computer stuff’ you are presumably referring to going ‘on the internet and’ reading ‘books recommended to’ you ‘from blogs that’ you ‘liked.’
How did you access these blogs, and the internet in general, in 1972? The most advanced computer I had access to at the time was a mainframe whose output appeared on a continuous roll of paper.
Asking for a friend.
You waiver between retirement and redundancy. You either went voluntarily or were kicked out, which was it ?
Don’t expect Tony to be consistent. For some reason he feels impelled to come on forums and talk about a completely invented life. As a consequence he forgets the details. He currently claims to be British living in UK. A little while ago on Alternet he was claiming to be American. I think his idioms suggest he’s British but an ex-pat, as his posting times are consistent with someone living in a GMT-5-8 time zone. He claims to be a photographer and yet never produces any pics of the festivals and sailing excursions etc he insists he is going to. Instead he posts stock images and pretends they’re his. He stalked me for a while and has an immature attitude to women. He’s either a weird kind of troll or a very lonely guy.
Yeah. I am a very lonely guy and I barely stock you. I would but I know better. I got my pride.
Naughty theobalt…
I’ll have one final fling at being fair to him.
I have known lonely people before, and it usually becomes obvious after meeting them a few times just why it is that they are lonely.
It’s a sad thing, and it seems so unnecessary that anyone would be that lonely, unless they have a hideous physical handicap or something like that.
But lack of self-confidence is always there – usually boosted with the exaggerated display of self-confidence.
A psychiatrist would want to find out what lies at the root of the lack of self-confidence, rather than just dismissing it the way the general public tends to do, with the term, “immature”.
The clincher with this narcissistic kind of social awkwardness is the tendency to stalk people, with the end in mind of making them your friend, or partner, (whether they seem to like you or not). Their opinion of you is subconsciously assumed by your under-confident persona to be negative, so you just ignore that altogether and start pushing your presence onto their time and their life.
It’s the constant, understated pushing which people notice and eventually resent. Then comes the confrontation. Then you’re lonely again.
As I said, it’s a sad thing, and I understand it, but the phrase, ‘get a life’ is unbelievably important.
Once you can do something creative, other people get interested in you.
I think that is always the case. The meaning of life, even…!
Nasty. Many an agreed voluntary redundancy is a retirement, particularly if the person is over 50.
Good essay, thank you. However I would like to point out that step 1 is depopulation.This is self evident. I mentioned quite a few times in past posts 2 points which in my humble opinion are very important:
This obviously fits in rather neatly with Eugenics for obvious reasons.
They don’t want to get rid of the dummies. They want to keep the dummies and get rid of the sharper ones. Don’t they?
[EDITED] I have thought on that. IF it turns out lots of people start dying because of these vaccines, which I genuinely hope doesn’t happen, I wonder what force is at work, and whether it is benevolent or not.
What I mean is, I don’t trust billionaires to have conscience or scruples, but are they pulling all the strings here, or rather is this some kinda mass psychological hive mind purge event, on a scale never seen before? In which case what is steering this? A higher authority? A group mind? A borg? Something beyond our ken on an individual level? Is it a conscious, intelligent higher power at work? Or a more instinctual response, neither good nor evil, perhaps merely acting on a self preservation instinct?
I think there’s a good chance this is beyond the grasp any any mere mortal, billionaire or otherwise! Yes billionaires and TPTB may attempt to steer it for good or ill, and humanity undoubtedly is in a dangerous suggestive hypnotic state, which could go either way (which is an extremely scary and unpredictable thing to witness by those trapped on the outside). But perhaps at its core this mass psychology event is no more good or bad than any organism operating instinctively. I sometimes think we look at this too mechanistically, and assume there has to be an evil dude with one evil hand on the purse strings and the other on an ominous-looking lever.
Perhaps it’s above all our pay grades to ever truly get to the bottom of this. It’s still our job to talk to people and try to stop it going bad though. A2
PS. I have always had fuzzy Jungian thoughts about all this, and I recently watched this video of Fuellmich interviewing a Mass Psychologist which nudged me to try sharing such ideas a bit more openly. I think this approach might help build bridges at a time when we need them dearly.
A particularly nice message at 34m05s
Why ‘wow’? Hasn’t any of this taught us to have an open mind? Are we much better than our adversaries if we can’t wrestle with unknowns or at least have a tolerant, open mind? Tell me how an ant colony self-organises and I’ll shut my pretty little mouth. XD
No one — certainly not me, in any case — is asking or expecting you to shut your mouth. In fact, I encourage you to say more; it’s highly instructive!
I, for one, though, would hope that a criminal detective, working on the open case of the abduction and possible torture/murder of a woman and her children (being held for ransom) — my own wife and kids, say! — would not report back to me with speculations along the lines of:
there’s a good chance this is beyond the grasp any any mere mortal…
perhaps at its core this event is no more good or bad than any organism operating instinctively. I sometimes think we look at this too mechanistically, and assume there has to be an evil dude with one evil hand on the purse strings and the other on an ominous-looking lever. Perhaps it’s above all our pay grades to ever truly get to the bottom of this
Looking at what you wrote from another angle, can you not see how an agent of TPTB might say exactly what you did in order to (not so) subtly shift attention and responsibility away from the billionaires and other power players, towards vast cosmic forces of whose mysterious workings we know and can only ever know very little?
Tell me, if a deranged psychopath were to force his way into your home, knock you out, murder your partner/significant other, and make off with your most precious valuables, would you later be thinking and saying what I copypasted in italics above? Would you be happy to hear such speculations from the detective working on the case? Or would you be more viscerally focused on the cops finding this guy and putting him out of commission a.s.a.p.?
Yep, well said Reset’, ‘wow’ is the correct word for such a bizarre and vague rationalisation from Sam. In your last paragraph, you left out the fact that the deranged psychopath sat outside your house with a loudspeaker for a year and a half and psychologically tortured you and your loved ones, before forcing his way in and doing all the other horrible things. But maybe it is The Borg, or aliens, or shadow people from another dimension.
Yes, you’re being very closed-minded aren’t you.
Give me your assurance that you aren’t just as polarised and closed-minded and divided as the all-powerful PTB wish you to be.
After all, aren’t you just a violent extremist calling for a lynching, at the end of the day? Easy to justify removing you. Not so easy to justify a removing someone preaching a more unifying message, promoting understanding, is it?
And if there is mass psychology involved I for one want to understand it a bit more, rather than dwell in caves forever.
But each to their own.
Oh and I never said those trying to manipulate this aren’t to be held to account, did I? So off you peddle.
I didn’t say TPTB shouldn’t be held to account. In fact in the video they talk about that – how ring leaders in fascism etc. tend to be the most deluded themselves, and whether someone is any less culpable if so.
I think you’re after a simplistic answer that you’re never going to get, to a problem which is very complicated.
Plus I deeply resent you implying I’m controlled opposition. Fuck you in fact. I have done sterling work here throughout this situation and I am owed a little bit of respect, sir.
Fuck right off with that shit. 😂
I take your point that anything implying a perpless crime could be misused, the same way anything can be misused in that way. You could equally be controlled opposition telling us to hate Bill Gates because it paints a nice easy target on our back and lines us up for administratively painless removal as a bunch of domestic terrorists at some later date. Clearly you aren’t and it’d be below the belt to wheel that shit out.
And excuse me, mister, but at no point did I state people shouldn’t be brought to justice, or that there were no culpable parties. I specifically said the opposite. Those fighting to bring justice are helping humanity. A2
And ps. Lots of survivors of heinous crimes and family members of deceased victims DO learn to let go of blame and forgive the perpetrators. It’s part of letting go of the control that person has over you. So I think this is just scary-sounding false equivalence. Exactly what an agent would do… hmmm 😂
Well, there is one thing I don’t believe in and that is ‘coincidence theory’
We are here for a reason and the Covid nonsense started with a big PR campaign. OffG was at the time very much on top of it it by saying, in I think as early as February 2020, that the only thing increasing with Covid was the fear campaign.
Why was there a fear campaign?
Now I am in agreement that even tptb are not omnipotent. They are more like the sorcerer’s apprentice, and may have started something that they cannot control.
Yet they control the media, and it wouldn’t be so difficult for them to let the media play another tune than covid despair. There is plenty of alternative view, but they don’t air anything of it.
Me thinks (but what do I know) that they want a war. War is the health of the State. Some pruning needs to be done. Their garden (which is society) needs some pruning. Society is being pruned. For lofty reasons that are all in the interest of the owners of the garden. There are too many weeds, too much ants, and too much trees that take away THEIR sunshine.
Is how I see it.
Me thinks (but what do I know) that they want a war.
This, of course, is already a war; one — as Mike Yeadon affirms– that is being waged with technology rather than conventional weapons.
Maybe they justify their present actions (on the doubtful premise that they might even feel the need to do so…) by believing and telling each other that the CV-1984 operation is surely preferable to their unleashing a global war with conventional weapons … perhaps even WMDs (which they would rather not do as it would further spoil their planet)?
Yes, I agree. I think getting in touch with the mass psychology element of this and integrating it into our analysis is important. It is tricky to some degree because it complicates everything, and tracing responsibility becomes a snake eating its own tail. Is there anyone who can’t be let off too lightly by pleading ‘it was the hive mind what done it’? XD
It’d be just as good a defence as insanity, in fact far better. In fact, I think it speaks to some sort of species avoidance, some collective psychosis, that we seem to avoid (even when it would benefit us not to) the blatant hive-minded elements of our species, which are documented again and again throughout history.
But then there’s this… comment on this please
If we do a really good job on vaccine, we can reduce the population… -Bill Gates
Start watching at 3:30
Well astrology says big dying spree in 2/3 yrs to match 1943. I don’t intend it to be unvax me
Really? Have we learned so little? I don’t think we have all that much authority to be so sneery of such things in these times. Can you explain the widespread, drone-like adherence to what’s going on? Bill Gate’s propaganda? Are you frickin’ kidding me? XD I think a less binary, less mechanistic approach might help promote forgiveness and bridge gaps at a time when gaps feel unbridgeable. If we don’t, perhaps we’re as much a victim of divide and concur as normies consuming their daily propaganda ration?
At the start of this I found people saying things like ‘I just hope YOU’RE not one of the millions that’ll die from this disease’ pretty ghoulish, like they wanted people to start dying to feel vindicated.
Perhaps we need to make sure we don’t start doing the same thing.
Just saying.
Thanks for your feedback. A2
Just a thought, Sam, relevant to your comment, which I remember from a Rudolf Steiner lecture given about a hundred years ago:
He mentioned, just in passing, that secret societies had far more influence on our civilization than is generally realized.
Not a comforting thought, except for the fact that anything which makes sense these days is surely bound to be more comforting than the chaos with which we are being constantly bombarded…
If the work of, say, retrograde occultists is indeed behind any of this, I could imagine that what they are doing might even be within the conscious grasp of at least some of them.
After all, human wickedness was not stamped out in ancient times.
If we then add a concoction or two of mind-bending drugs, perhaps that’s how you get a nice little apocalypse on your hands…?
Although this conceivable scenario is, of course, mere speculation on my part, I can’t kick it out as an impossibility, and I believe you are right to encourage everyone to keep an even more open mind than usual right now.
Few people with functioning minds could doubt that something unprecedented is happening at the moment, so it’s only rational that our response should be to meet it with equally unprecedented initiative.
briefly, I think it in the interest of those who require power. that to fulfill their wish list, they empty the natural space formed for “higher” examination ( raising the drudgery) as it easier to attract the then lost sense to their end, and with an unquestioning jump to (,work) death addictiom, it becomes the normal, easy to feed, and serves the destruction.
As always with Fuellmich and his guests, a very interesting discussion with much food for thought.
On the subject of what exactly it is that opens society up to being manipulated like this, I believe, with Sam, that we should take very seriously the existence of actual people and groups which wish to manipulate us for their own benefit.
To me, it doesn’t really matter whether it’s Stalin as an individual dictator, or ‘Communism’ as a totalitarian ideology, which is doing the manipulating, because in both cases ambitious individuals are at work.
Our tendency to look only at the weaker character of the victims of such systems works against our ability to recognize and to put a stop to the megalomanic criminal individuals who ignore the established rule of law and install instead a set of ‘rules’ and ‘regulations’ which can be changed at an hour’s notice – a point which was also excellently made in this video.
It’s a good watch. The sincerity of the participants cannot be doubted, since they ask all the questions the media wouldn’t touch with a barge pole, and they obviously care about mankind’s future.
‘Thus, whereas the modern world considered in itself is an anomaly and even a sort of monstrosity, it is no less true that, when viewed in relation to the whole historical cycle of which it is a part, it corresponds exactly to the conditions pertaining to a certain phase of that cycle, the phase which the Hindu tradition specifies as the final period of the Kali-Yuga. It is these conditions, arising as a consequence of the development of the cycle’s manifestation, which have determined its peculiar characteristics, and from this point of view it is clear that the present times could not be otherwise than they actually are. None the less, it is evident that if disorder is to be seen as an element of order, or if error is to be reduced to a partial and distorted aspect of some truth, it is necessary to place oneself above the level of the contingencies of the domain to which that disorder and those errors as such belong.‘
–The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, René Guénon
‘The only thing I know is that I know nothing.’
Very interesting quote, thanks!
‘The only thing I know is that I know nothing.’
That’s a good start, Socrates.
Now, stay awake.
We can’t stop there 🙂
The higher “ authority “ has many names one of them being the devil !
“But perhaps at its core this mass psychology event is no more good or bad than any organism operating instinctively. I sometimes think we look at this too mechanistically, and assume there has to be an evil dude with one evil hand on the purse strings and the other on an ominous-looking lever.”
Mass Psychology versus Evil Dude? I think both are “operating instinctively”. In the Anthropocene Era the motives of evil dudes are as much a part of Nature’s powerful and wondrous mechanism as the explosion of distant stars which created the stardust, out of which we humans and every other creature on our precious planet are made of.
Logic is forever demanding us to choose between incompatible alternatives, but imperious Nature forever commands us to choose both.
“Did He who made the Lamb make thee?” — “The Evil Dude” (with apologies to Wm.Blake, “The Tyger”).
“For we wrestle not only against flesh and blood but against principles and powers in the cosmos”. — St.Paul (loosely translated from the Greek).
“Watch your morals” — Readers Digest, circa 1947, How to Protect Yourself from Con-men.
The Evil Dude by William Blake. LOL
Well I have watched enough Doctors and Scientists to conclude the vaccine will kill you. It’s the simplest way of doing it. KISS
Assuming they want to cull the stupid. I’m not sure about that. At all.
I just knew there was something prophetic about “The Exorcist” when I saw it in 1973:
Father Merrin: Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that – do not listen.
This whole thing is psychological W, right from the frothing fear mongering in the media to the facemasks to the social distancing to the hand sanitiser to the QR codes… All designed to give the constant illusion of a deadly pandemic out there, so people will subconsciously become accustomed to the “new normal” and then go out and get jabbed
When it’s all a pile of bollocks.
That was a very powerful and sobering read. These psychopaths – that is what they are – are the enemies of mankind. Most people are totally asleep, lost in their rapidly shrinking personal zones of comfort. The final paragraph says it all: we have to fight back peaceful but with absolute determination if our children are going to have any future.
I’m still working on the assumption that TV is the main news driver for the majority of the population. And the brief snatches I hear of it are now like a physical pain drilling through my skull. As I said below, the tone (that patronising “sympathetic” drone) is the most offensive part. But the content! Deaths, cases, vax push and the horrible Taliban. That’s it!
That’s about the size of it. The MSM have far too many ears. Far too many on that level one reality where everything the MSM says makes sense.
Exactly my experience too.
Someone here once mentioned that persisting with the facts, the real science and the real world can eventually get through to other people, and that one shouldn’t give up.
Well, my daily routine involves sitting in front of the TV with my wife while we eat our evening meal.
She listens to it.
I do not.
I used to rant and rave at it.
She obviously preferred me not to.
These days I rant and rave much less, because after all this time my wife knows pretty much exactly how I feel, and I don’t need to repeat myself ad nauseam.
But now, because of the relative calm at mealtimes, along with our unspoken agreement not to argue while we eat, I can practically hear her thinking…
Since she is by no means a dull-witted woman, I’m beginning to think there’s hope for the future of her mind, although she is already twice-vaxxed…
(As I have already mentioned here, she is confused and afraid by what the standard media have told her, and she just doesn’t have the time, or the internet-savviness, to follow my example in searching for credible journalism.)
Sounds like my house Wardropper.
Except she’s waiting for the vaxperiment to finish. I hope.
wardropper, I have hope for your wife! See if she would be willing to stop watching television for a week … two weeks … 30 days. Encourage her to spend time doing something she really loves and has maybe been procrastinating about. She will be amazed at how much her mind clears and how much joy she feels when she reallocates her indoctrination time to something meaningful.
Read books and OffGuardian articles to her 😉 (Here are some recs to get her started, along with my new favorite, 1956 National Book Award Winner They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45, included in my Recommendations Roundup).
On a sidenote, I’m wondering if you saw the comment I left for you on my fairy tale. I’d love to include an excerpt of your comment in the Reader Responses section of the forthcoming children’s book version of my story if you’re open to that.
Your suggestions are much appreciated, Margaret, and I’ll certainly do my best with them. Many thanks.
I often quote OffG snippets, but in general it’s as if the closer they get to the core of the matter, the more uncomfortable my wife feels.
Her inner world is clearly smaller than mine, and she sees the truth about covid as an enormous threat to it. She would have to rethink decades of rather conventional Icelandic life, along with some rough ups and downs.
I know her general life experiences are very different from my British ones, and Iceland’s history – even its relatively recent history – has a great deal of hardship in it
You are most welcome to quote me, by the way. Thanks again! 🙂
wardropper, your wife is fortunate to have someone as awake, patient, and understanding as you. Discomfort is a good thing and is a necessary part of growth, as long as it doesn’t cause her to ricochet back into her echo chamber. You guys take care, and thank you also for the permission to use your quote 😊
Re: the wife, SNAP! Except that in our house, we log on to Netflix or some recording of a load of fluff for pure entertainment. Currently watching Prison Break – yeah we’re well behind the times!
Anyway, we are also watching that sit-com Ghosts which is affably diverting when you’re having tea. And we had a problem trying to download it. (Isn’t it amazing how the more advanced the technology gets, the harder it is to figure out how to do anything?) And due to the delay we had to endure the news!
JEEZZUZ it was insufferable! The condescending commiserating tone. (Someone once complained about Thatcher’s “sincere” voice where she spoke to you as if your dog just died. That’s the tone we now get from every fucking TV presenter all the time!)
And as my wife fumbled with the remote, I was practically on my knees begging her to at least turn the sound off. Fortunately she managed to tune in before permanent brain damage took effect!
That sounds quite like my household….
I try to interject the occasional article such as this one but one needs to be careful so as not to induce a state of panicked rejection.
I’m a millennial and most people my age don’t own a TV. If they do it’s used to stream Netflix or something similar. I myself haven’t owned one for over a decade. Nowadays it’s all YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Reddit for the younger crowd. These channels rarely reflect real life, but the “influencers” are all shilling something and they work the same as old TV networks: advertising, peer pressure and the aspiration to keep up with the Joneses. The mediums have changed but human nature has not. My generation is lost. So is GenZ.
Though it seems that the boomers are gone too. Heck, they’re the ones pulling the strings. Between CNN and Fox News, most have
lost theirnever had the ability to think for themselves here in America as each target audience is endlessly distracted from TPTB and made to fight amongst themselves with all the puerile pettiness they learned on the playground. Those are the extremists though. I’m thinking there’s a large section of the population who just tune out the noise and try their best to make ends meet. That segment might be the most receptive to non-MSM viewpoints.As a “boomer” (I’m 67), I am the only person in my family that has any knowledge of this deception. It has been my experience with my sibs that they are and wish to remain in ignorance. “We will bow to the god of ‘medical science’.”
I am awaiting the Greatest Reset — natural death and resurrection to live in God’s Kingdom!
Boomer here as well. Waiting to see when the big storm against the deep state kicks in and how fast we can fill up Gitmo with govt. crooks.
I think the older you get the less you care about snazzy designations like “boomer”, “millennial”, “generation X” etc. – And I’m not even sure what any of those mean. I think people don’t change much. The majority are still dumbasses – although perhaps not as much as the media would have you believe.
Although I think there has been a gradual change from the self-obsessed supposedly anti-bourgeois (but very much pro-bourgeois) “counter culture” to a deservedly more cynical outlook – and the big factor in this change has been a gradual (though speeding up) immiserating process. I can foresee a generation looking at a gatefold sleeve of an interminable 70s prog rock album and marvel at how some of those previous dudes could get so up themselves.
Much like the “Left” and “Right” labels, the generational ones are largely meaningless outside the context of media, which is what we’re discussing. Unfortunately, the media complex is very good at segmenting and targeting groups of people to maximize advertising spend etc, and it just so happens that generational markers serve as good benchmarks. One may ask what came first, the segments or the targeted advertising campaigns? Well, one could probably write many books on the subject, but that’s besides the point.
I used to think “Have I just misread this? Have I got carried away and is this all wrong?”
All I have to do to be certain us turn on MSM for a minute. No matter what the outcome or agenda – the one thing I know for an absolute fact is that MSM has continually lied to us. Like you say with that nannying, condescending undertone.