“It’s all for your own good”
TE Creus

One of the most annoying aspects of the current measures supposedly created “against the pandemic” that we have been subjected for almost two years now is the insistence that everything is done “for our own good”, as if governments and big companies were strict but caring parents, and we were just unruly or disobedient children who don’t really know what they need.
It brings to mind CS Lewis’ warning about that most oppressive of tyrannies, “a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims.”
Now, I cannot tell for sure if the vaccines, the lockdowns, the travel restrictions and the masks work or not. My feeling is that they don’t, or at least, not in the way we are being told, but that’s not the issue. The question is why are we being treated like stupid children who cannot simply choose, but have to take a “jab” and then get “green passes” to travel or work or enter any establishment.
Apparently, governments and big corporations worldwide are worried about our “health”.
But are they, really?
Like monomaniacs, they seem to be worried exclusively about Covid.
Not about the incredible amount of mental health issues and the alarming increase of teenage suicides during the various “lockdowns”.
Not about people, like my elderly neighbours, who could not see their family (who live in another country) for over two years and are suffering with solitude.
Not for the people who, afraid of contracting Covid, didn’t go to the hospital to treat other conditions and died.
Not for the people who died or got sick because of side effects of the vaccines.
No, it’s just “Covid”. And even that doesn’t seem to be their main worry. As long as they get their “vaccine passports” and their “tracking apps” and their “cashless society”, they don’t really care if you get the disease or not.
When did this wave of fake concern started? Ok, governments were probably always in the business of being annoying busybodies – “I’m from the government and I am here to help” was a scary sentence since who knows how long. But companies for decades were mostly concerned with selling their product, not with lecturing us.
However, at the peak of BLM riots, I received dozens of emails from big companies assuring me that, to them, “blacks lives mattered”. In Pride Month, the same companies assured me that they were fighting for transgender rights to use whichever bathroom they wanted. I never asked nor cared what’s their position on those issues, just that they make a good product that I can use.
Now, the same companies send me emails about masks and vaccination and passes. Because, see, they are worried about my health.
Unfortunately, it’s not just governments and big companies. Almost every institution in the culture and the arts is also kowtowing (either by government decrees or to keep being funded, I don’t know) to this literal “new world order”.
For instance, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra now has very strict regulations for entry. They tell us that they want to create “an environment in which we all may confidently discover what it means to be together again.”
And so, in the name of “togetherness”, they are banning all people who are not vaccinated, including all children under 12 years of age who cannot, alas, be legally vaccinated yet. Not even people with a negative Covid test will be allowed entry to the concerts: only the “vaxxed” ones, with their proper certificates. Still, even they will have to endure masks for the whole duration of the spectacle. It’s not clear if also the musicians have to wear masks – I suppose at least the flute players will be exempted.
And yet, despite all those draconian rules who really seem to take out all of the fun of the process (and in this case it might really better to just stay home and watch a video streaming online), “these protocols do not offer absolute protection against contracting COVID-19” and the spectators must “voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.”
Note also that those showing any possible symptoms might not be allowed entry, vaccine or not. (I wonder if anyone who coughs during one of the breaks will be forcefully ejected.)
This is just one example among many of the ludicrous and merciless “new normal” that we are subject to in the name of our health.
But remember, “it’s all for your own good”.
TE Creus is a writer, translator and filmmaker. He is the author of “Our Pets and Us: The Evolution of a Relationship” and the collection of short stories “The Sphere”. He’s the editor of Contrarium.
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“Almost two years” damn.. this hit me hard
When the vaccines rolled out, has anyone cross reference those dying with those who had recieved one multiple priors shots of the flu vaccine?
The main issue is that those institutionslike a theatre, hospital, any public venue or public transport, are controlled by the state. They may have an investment holding behind them but are controlled via regulations by the state, which in turn is controlled by those corporate investement holdings boards. And we don’t have a say. Genius.
The only ones while heavily regulated still have a small degree of independence are private individual business, that’s why they are a target of all this so they either fold or comply and become part of the machine.
While we are indeed the 99% we have no power, we’ve given our means of communication to the state via technology companies, and even our right of assembly doesn’t apply anymore due to the ‘public interest’, which is us. It is nothing short of a magic spell by the father of deception.
There we were under attack from Covid.
And then the Pharma companies started their drug testing.
How many were involved and in what countries?
Was this testing process a driver for variants well ahead of when vaccines were rolled out?
Also. If you’ve had the vaccine, does your immune system take a hit, enabling the virus to reach a higher viral load that would possibly be expected against a particular person risks profile, meaning you’re actually you’ve just become a primary driver of Covid?
And if you’ve had the vaccine, does it mean other variants now become top dog, and now you become a variant driver?
As a UNvaccinated, am I a pureblood and those who have taken 1,2 or about to take boosters……mudbloods?
I say it, not to cause offence, but to specifically ask about Blood donations and organ donations.
Are blood, organs now considered tainted?
Are certain organs more affected?
Can recipients of blood, organs affected by the Vaccine sue down the line?
Maybe it’s time to stop swapping blood and organs and concentrate of keeping what we have from becoming diseased.
When You go back a year in the height of the hysteria – I addressed the issue of “blood transfusion” together with a few other commenters here.
“What about blood transfusions?”
was our question. Obviously, blood transfusions were never a real problem with a “communicable disease” called ‘Co-Whatever’. Just like everything else, that in the most preposterous fashion alleges there to be a disease threatening humanity with extinction.
That’s what it is, correct? An “Extinction Level Disease”, or “ELD”. Some people love abbreviations. So, there is an ELD “out there” and the surgeon says:
“Give me another pint of blood please, will You? Is it tested for any ELD?”
Meanwhile, people are generously afforded homelessness, lack of universal healthcare and no available employment based on the ELD. Uninjected and therefor scummy subjects do no longer qualify for any form of assistance in a shit show created by the exact same people that care sooooo much about Your health, that they allowed for untested blood to be transfused?
Oh, of course, I forgot. It’s just a hoax, isn’t it?
TE Creus remarks:
“Now, I cannot tell for sure if the vaccines, the lockdowns, the travel restrictions and the masks work or not. My feeling is that they don’t, or at least, not in the way we are being told, but that’s not the issue.”
But it sure is the issue, just look at Florida and numerous other states in the US.
And then TE Creus says:
“The question is why are we being treated like stupid children who cannot simply choose, but have to take a “jab” and then get “green passes” to travel or work or enter any establishment.”
Here Creus sounds as though he is on the advisory staff to Governor DeSantis, of Florida spouting the rubbish about having the right to choose.
OffGuardian does no one any service by presenting TE Creus’ opinions which are presented with no references that would ground them in fact. That’s probably because there are none.
The offgaurdian does no one any service letting nitwits posing as wise citizens trying to save the world from covid by banning all opinions that they don’t like
I don’t see any evidence in your post that grounds YOUR opinion in fact.
Please enlighten us all with your “ facts” that support your assertion of “ rubbish”.
Talk about stones and glass houses…
The ubiquitous “It’s for your own good” starts very early in life. The biggest, and least appreciated, instance of directing you one way and not another concerns art.
Kids love to draw and to otherwise create things. If a “teacher” notices potential talent, they may encourage the child to continue; otherwise, it’s for the child’s “own good” to wean them from art and direct them toward more “productive” endeavors.
By the time most children are finished grade school, they have long since buried any artistic interests. And yet art is unexcelled as an expression of the imagination.
“Maybe you can channel that creativity into engineering or some technology – wouldn’t that be nice?” NO it would not be nice.
“And leave Art to the Art Experts, where it belongs – right?” WRONG.
“art is unexcelled as an expression of the imagination” Indeed. Art excels as yet another channel of human communication, whether from imagination or in realising the intangible. Art complements technology and engineering and vice versa. Some of us are better than others at one or other facet or skill but the binary approach to education has always served most of us badly
Don’t understand the concern about concerts, you can self-declare medical exemption, and by law, you don’t even need proof. It’s really the same thing as the masks, I have spent the last two years not wearing a mask anywhere, I just say the magic words, “I am exempt”
Can I ask, are you in the UK?
Or Canada?
It’s not like that in every country. And now that the vaccines have been approved by the FDA, there’s no guarantee that exemptions will remain.
But even if exemptions were to guarantee that a percentage of the population could remain unjabbed, the vaccine passports are being used to usher in a totalitarian global ID system, a permanent change to the genetic makeup of humans and a digital currency controlled by the central banks.
The system that’s brought in behind the vaccine, tests and mask mandates creates almost no opportunity for personal freedom, individual businesses, fiscal independence or personal property. The system is the backbone of Agenda 21. Part of which includes the seizing of land and other property and businesses from the people to the state. It’s just a question of when. Under the new slave system everything will be rationed and all behaviors and movements will be controlled and monitored. The slave system censors speech and independent thought through social credit. It prohibits knowledge and learning other than what the state decrees acceptable.
It would look like a living hell, even for those who manage to survive the injections. But since Agenda 21 hinges on depopulation, sterilization and euthanasia through the vaccines, its essential that people understand where this is really headed.
Are you ready to self euthanize? Because if you aren’t, then claiming a medical exemption probably isn’t going to work at some point in the future unless we challenge the steps being implemented right now.
The only faux vaxx “approved” isnt even available. Because once it is they can be sued and those pimping for it sued as well. There was an extension for the EUA however. Its all underhanded and deceptive. So its best to stay away from the ClotShot
There’s immunity from prosecution and civil suits in North America and the UK. For Pfizer and Cominirty. Regardless of approval or formulation.
Vaccine passports have been around for 100 years or more, its just that the majority of people were never affected by them because international travel initially wasn’t for the masses and when it was most travel was between similar countries.
The “Global ID System” you refer to is a “passport”. You may have noticed that around the time that the original British blue passport changed to the smaller brown one the format changed with all of a person’s details being recorded on a single, machine readable, page. This page’s format is an international standard — all passports are now the same. Internal passports vary from country to country but typically they’re either a short form of the ID page of a passport or its rolled into a driver’s license (which in the US doesn’t necessarily mean a license to drive). You may have also noticed that you don’t really need an ID card to be readily idenfied; people used to find the old British driver’s licenses curious because they lacked any pictures or biometric information but never stopped to ponder why the British authorities never needed an ID system (but somehow always knew who you were).
The same sort of logic could be used to justify the present semi-anarchic frothinness. Government may appear to be breaking down among all those protests and civil disobedience but in reality the system is more firmly entrenched than ever — nothing fundamental will change even as the masses turn on each other. This may turn out to be the real global conspiracy that the conspiracy theorists missed.
There was no requirement to be vaccinated to enter certain countries for the last century. There were recommendations not mandates. Transmission is an outright lie. A regular passport is not a vaccine passport-digital ID, so stop conflating.
And contagion is a myth. So that makes all vaccines, fraudulent, poisonous eugenics products meant to injure and maim. And all governments criminally negligent racketeering operations.
Educate yourself for once in your life instead of repeating lies.
In the UK and most other countries we have what is called National Isurance Number, which every national or foreign resident is required to have. So the need for an ID is moot. That number contains all of a citizens records, health, income, taxes and all personal details. The jab pass is the next step, the digitalisation of all that data in one mobile app.
The biggest thing is the push for a personal device carried at all times that will open doors to every place for as long as it has the up to date info, including taxes, vaxx or whatever the state decides we should demonstrate.
That’s why no one tells us about paper jabby passes, or why cash is in the way out, that is the point, no private individual transactions anymore. Even buy and sell of used stuff between individuals is done corporate now via the likes of Ebay. All thanks to the ‘covid’ lockdowns.
Still it has to be said that we ourselves brought this about tantalised by the convinience and flashiness of it all. Like fish to the bait.
“It’s for your own good!” –
Says the Monkey, as he puts the fish into the tree to save it from drowning.
A friend in India was inspired by reading off-g and made this little Jab video:
“they don’t really care if you get the disease or not.”
But covid is not a disease. It’s just any other disease renamed as covid.
There is nearly no flu anymore. It’s now covid.
There nearly no traffic dead anymore. It’s now covid.
And so on.
It’s just an unbelievable fraud. Australia: if someone dies wthin 14 days after the C injection with covid symptoms they should considered as C uninjected.
As long as the people don’t understand the foundation of this giant fraud – NO VIRUS, no mutation, infection theory never proven etc. – nothing will change. Most people discuss symptoms but not the root cause of biggest crime of the know history of man.
Reminds me of quite a number of my mag customers and various passersby I talked to who fully support the concept of vaccine passports because they’re: “for the common good”.
That was almost always the response when I asked them what they thought about the passports, tho some did say things like “it’s too keep us safe”.
But even more disturbing were their views about those who will be barred from shops, restaurants, cinemas, etc for not getting jabbed.
Not only did they have zero sympathy, but it almost seemed like they looked forward to the consequences that will befall those without a vaccine passport. The analogy I thought of a while ago after talking to a couple of these people was that they almost seemed like the spectators at the Coliseum in Ancient Rome.
Yep when I got a cartoon sent to me with a unvax in a morgue by an old Christian friend of mine I knew that they have been forced to show their real side…..oh and she did this on a Sunday, so obviously up the church first and then went home to do her duty wishing death on the unvax….
I met it again yesterday….they seem to have a real fetishised for wanting unvax dead or punished in some way…..somehow the media and govt generated fear seems to have twisted their minds…weird as if they actually believed in their mad needle then they shouldn’t give a rats what anyone else did….so obviously they also have a sneaking suspicion they have been conned and because we have not been, we need to be wiped out so they don’t have to keep facing same…
Your story of your “Christian” friend was one of the reasons I walked away from the Catholic Church the day I turned 18 Edith. The psychology of all this is quite stunning. They knew exactly how to push all the right buttons. And that’s exactly what I found when talking to those people – they want us punished. I stopped asking them about the passports after a while coz it got too depressing.
Christians! God help us all!
yeah, it’s irrelevant whether your friend is a Christian or not. Wishing death upon people is not the “real side” of Christianity, and you know it. It’s actually the exact opposite.
Don’t agree? That’s fine. I have no intention of trying to convert you. Nor am I going to march down the street and/or riot in an attempt to force you to “like” me or “accept” me.
People have been subjected to 18 months of mental abuse by the controlled media and some are lashing out in fear and anger.
It’s not hard to understand.
Nice load of apologism.
I’ve just read “Rulers of Evil” by Tupper Saussy as a free download. It’s quite extraordinary and very conspiratorial about the Jesuit’s role in America. Whether or not you or I share his conclusions, his reading of Scripture, which is his guide, is very interesting and thought provoking. It’s made me look at a lot of things in a very different light.
It’s obvious that Edith is referencing the dogma and hypocrisy of organized religion. All organized religions (no matter what type) create hierarchies which are antithetical to natural law, and abusive control mechanisms.
Religions, like governments or “the state” no matter what form, use a fear and punishment system that justifies retributive action, violence and death, by the state or the omniscient, judgemental, unseen power. This coalesces conveniently into mob mentality, where those who won’t conform are punished or outcast.
There’s an obvious parallel between the church’s abuse of people, and the state’s abuse, where both use fear, punishment, retribution, dogma and conformity.
Any hierarchical system is obviously morally wrong and contravenes natural laws.
I think your last sentence sums it up. They’ve been conned and they know that we know!
Christianity itself is a con. Loving your enemies is suicide.
No, it is not. Without loving thy enemy, how could you really play a profound game of chess?
It is a certainty that the adversary has lied to and deluded us? How can we engage on a level battlefield without truth? If you don’t know who you are or who your enemy is, you will lose every battle.
Not possible to lose every battle, because that would require an enemy that wins every battle. A battle us not the war.
Reading Sun Tzu will educate one towards the understanding of:
What you have to expect from your enemy.
And since the truth is always the first casualty of any war,
you have been dealing with liars, cheaters, deceivers, criminals and murderers from day one.
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – J. Krishnamurti.
There will never be a level playing field, because war is not a game. If not for the idiots meeting up to hold “war games”.
Where does the bible say to ‘love your enemy’, in what context?
I recommend you read all the letters of Saint Paul. But I have the feeling you’re not interested.
Love your enemies?
Jer 11:14 (KJV) Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble.
Mat 5:44 (KJV) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
Perhaps you should read more closely. Why the contradictions? Are there multiple “divine ones” (elohiym) speaking?
That’s talking about your heart, not to feel hatred and let God be the judge. It’s talking about your personal enemies, not the enemies of God. Didn’t Jesus also say ‘I did not come to bring peace to the world but a sword’?
You pick and match.
The anti christians are devided in two camps: the atheist types like Richard Dawkins who refers to God as a violent bully, and the neo pagan types who blame Christianity for being too soft and lovey dovey. Well it’s not one or the other but the truth.
But worry not, you’ll enjoy the coming tyrannical system as the ones at the top of the UN, the WHO, the World Economic Forum are rabidly anti Christian, including the current Pope and I’m a Catholic.
Ah, catholicism. The nest of the serpent. Catholics do not understand the scriptures but neither do protestants. Catholicism and protestantism are two sides of the same coin like democrat and republican, liberal and conservative. Once you pidgeon-hole yourself into a narrative, you adopt the rationale of the system instead of your own insight. Hegelian dialectic. The appearance of a choice when in fact the narratives are already systematized for your adherence.
Your heart cannot discern and understand nor achieve truth. Only a rational mind can do that. Feelings have no cognition and are always a snare. Read the old testament with lexicons for the underlying Hebrew, both Brown-Driver-Briggs and Strongs. You will see the numerous and monumental errors in translation which have veiled the truth. . . hopefully.
One would think that results would be enough for people to begin examining what went wrong.
Oh the irony, when anti christians claim to know the bible better than christians, claim to have the right interpretation of it. You don’t know who I am and how much I know about anything. You assume you know how I think because I’m a catholic, and then pontificate against preconceptions, ignorance and prejudice.
Moreove in your world there is no objective truth, only group consensus, and you should know who steers groups. It’s your group’s truth against the other group’s truth, so it comes down to who shouts louder, have bigger guns or more money to but consensus. Hypocritical is what it is.
I don’t need to know you personally. You exemplify the arrogance that is an important ingredient to stupefy large groups of people. Arrogant people are easy to delude. Large groups of people like to fellowship with others who cannot critically think on their own. Hence, the need for priests, doctors, politicians, etc., to herd the masses into group think. These so-called shepherds corralling the sheep keep them in “their“ crafty knowledge so they will do as they’re told as well as battle against those with independent eyes to see. Psychological stimulation is the enemy’s weapon. The dumbing down of the masses into group think. These so-called shepherds build a false trust. Perhaps you’ve come across an expression in the Old Testament written as “your wound is incurable” or “incurably wounded.” This expression refers to the wounded or deluded mind. This psychosis used by this very same group throughout the history they’ve made available to us is perpetrated by the very same bloodline who hide behind layer upon layer of institutions. Religions of all kinds are their primary platforms of deception.
For the record, I don’t affiliate myself with any churches and I am not Christian. Religion is a charade but that’s not to say there are not powerful divine beings. It’s a surety we did not create ourselves. Let me leave you with this curious thought: The Levite priest Aaron’s name in Hebrew means “light bringer” and Lucifer’s name means “light bearer.”
Too true. It’s amazing how tribal we have become (no doubt this was somebody’s intention); some of my former friends have been saying similarly horrendous things about the unvaxxed, without logic, reason or rudimentary scientific understanding. I also believe that on some level they know they’ve been had and somehow need to punish us for their own stupidity…
I think you are right with this. Why are the only people worried about covid (never credit it with a capitol c as it does not exist) are the so called vaccinated? As you suggest maybe they realise they have been had and you cannot get unvaccinated!
I’ve mentioned this before. It is the age old problem of the dupe
“It’s for the common good Comrade. Now keep your head down and do as you’re told”.
Have we all been transported to some surreal parallel universe which is a combination of Brave New World, 1984, Soylent Green, A Clockwork Orange, The Stepford Wives…. and anything by Franz Kafka. Yes?
We haven’t been transported anywhere. What we see all around us was there all along, lurking beneath the surface (ask anyone in the Third World).
All COVID did was bring it out into the sunlight. We can only hope it suffers the same fate as any fictional vampire exposed to sunlight.
You’re right Howard, I’m sorry. I was being pretty Western centric there, and yes, so many in the plundered and pillaged Third World have had this for a very long time. My eyes maybe not quite as open as I like to think they are.
Somebody described it as Global Gaza. It might have been Gilad Atzmon. I think that is succinct. Feeling power oppress you is a truly horrible feeling.
I always loved Roy Batty’s words in Blade Runner on this.
‘Quite an experience to live in fear isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave.’
Just sent you an email… I forgot to put my name on it tho. Appreciate that, and thanks for the clip as well🙏✌️
Open enough to see the connections they are! To borrow from Yoda…
I have to apologize to you because I didn’t mean my comment as a critique of yours – only an addendum.
It is unnerving to realize how easily nice, friendly people you meet all the time can be transformed into snarling beasts ready to tear you apart because you failed to obey some (meaningless) rule.
We’ve had this for a very long time too. Populations in Europe and the West have been subjected to horrendous famines, mass poisonings, orchestrated wars, mass mind control, democide and indoctrination.
Howard as usual, is trying to make people feel individually guilty for being white and born in the West. Both of which we have no control of whatsoever. We also don’t have control over the actions of our fictional rogue governments. They ignore protests and punish civil disobedience and non compliance using corrupt courts, in a fabricated legalese system of trickery and deception.
Howard’s aim (and that of the controllers) is to make you believe you are individually and collectively responsible for all the ills of the world that in actual fact, far less than one percent, manifest.
This scam includes blaming capitalism, or the Empire or the West. It’s a crucial part of the psychological warfare operation of apportioning blame anywhere other than than where it truly belongs: Onto the specific institutions, individuals and orgs that have control through a hierarchal, debt based monetary, slave system. The system is millennia old and pre-dates Christ.
Since the beginning of civilization people have been blaming the “system” – and look where it’s got us! We’re no better off today than the old time slave societies. We never really left square one.
So maybe it’s time to stop looking for the bad guys out there and start looking in the mirror.
They exist and continue riding roughshod over us because we continue letting them. We need to stop looking for reasons to put off Just Saying No.
Haha. The mirror? Check yourself.
I don’t support the system and never have. Not once. I’ve never even voted because I don’t accept the concept that any man, group or state has any authority over me or my person.
Yet you believe in the fantasy psy-op of East vs West and the climate change fraud.
How can people stop anything if they don’t know what the real cause of the problems are and they don’t know that appealing to their abusers is pointless?
The people make no decisions whatsoever because they are not being informed of the truth so they have severely limited knowledge and understanding.
Nothing they can do will have the remotest effect unless they know exactly who, why and what they’re fighting.
But nice try at deflection. Only an abuser would stoop to blaming the victims.
You remind me of a guy hitting his wife, then blaming her… “If only you didn’t make me angry, it’s all your fault. Take a look in the mirror and see the real cause of your black eye.”
Impossible can’t fix stupid scared and arrogant
Hopefully we can avoid becoming hand maidens and non people but to be honest it ain’t looking good.
Well non mask wearers, lockdown escapees and “anti vaxers” are the reason why covi covi won’t let up. That’s the conditioning these nitwits have ingrained.
From an article published August 2013, when it was most likely considered a Conspiracy theory:
The CDC continues in its false promotion of 1918-19 deaths being flu-related and ignores common respiratory bacteria, which NIAID showed was the source…
The CDC’s characterisation of 1918 as a time when a virulent virus threatened all humanity is patently untrue. This false view was used by George W Bush to engender terror (https://tinyurl.com/mww7mfu) that a new virulent virus – related to the 1918 virus – was going to occur and kill millions again.
Why does the CDC persist in this myth despite evidence to the contrary ? Eschewing motives, one might only suggest some effects of projecting the terrifying myth that millions of people could die from the virus:
1.. Distraction from the hard reality that natural treatments were the only effective treatments during 1918;
2..Cloaking of Beyer, aspirin and the industry’s role in the deaths;
3.. Sales of billions in antiviral drugs and vaccine development;
4.. Increased financial power of the pharmaceutical industry to control media and influence government;
5.. Increased illness and deaths from chemical pharmaceutical agents, one of the highest risk factors;
6.. Fearful dependence on “expert medical authority” and complex expensive “solutions” to save people;
7.. Surrender of unlimited authority to government regulatory agencies to “protect” the public from natural products;
8.. Use of the spectre of millions of deaths as the justification of the removal of human rights to “protect” the public;
9.. Enhancement of pharmaceutical industry moves towards an uncontested global monopoly over health (life and death);
10.. Industrialisation, commercialisation and militarisation of “disease”; and
11.. An open door to the use of “pandemic emergency” to justify martial law (https://tinyurl.com/lavwten).
The truth – that medical authorities using Bayer aspirin (and generic aspirin) killed so many millions of people that those deaths became one of the most terrifying events in human history – fundamentally threatens a global multitrillion-dollar investment industry built around unquestioned “medical expertise” and the use of synthetic drugs.’
(Nexus magazine. August-September 2013. ‘Aspirin & the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic.’)
The Wintertime is coming, the windows are filled with frost.
I went to tell everybody, but i could not get across… (b dylan)
“The Bizarre Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates
Are those who oppose a ban on cars or a radical reduction in speed limits sociopaths, given the huge number of people they are knowingly consigning to death or maiming?”
Excellent article adding further detail and analysis to the above premise
I’m thinking, if i’m gonna wear anything that will mark me as UNVAXXED, make it a Yellow Vest, and, if everyone wore a Yellow Vest to the next Freedom Rally, would the yellow vest enforcers know who to clobber with their truncheons ?
Or a yellow star.
The Government Vs The Mafia…
‘Hernandez’s book has been published in English this month with the title Narcoland: The Mexican Drug Lords and their Godfathers so that we in the English-speaking world that consumes so much of what the cartels deal, and which banks their proceeds, might learn the lie of “cops and robbers”, of “upright society versus the mafia” – the received wisdom that still contaminates coverage of drug wars and the “war on drugs”.
Two writers in particular have been pioneering the struggle to counter this untruth: one is Hernandez, and the other is Roberto Saviano, author of Gomorrah, about the Camorra of Naples – who writes in the foreword to Hernandez’s English edition: “Narcoland shows how contemporary capitalism is in no position to renounce the mafia. Because it is not the mafia that has transformed itself into a modern capitalist enterprise, it is capitalism that has transformed itself into a mafia. The rules of drug trafficking that Anabel Hernandez describes are also the rules of capitalism.” ‘ (review in Weekly Guardian (Aust) 13 September 2013 – before it fully gave into The Dark Side).
The rules of the drug corporations and their captive governments are the same as the mafia – protection rackets.
Yep. The big system runs the legitimate businesses AND the underworld. That’s just good business.
For The Great Reset:
The World Bank is proposing lower minimum wages and greater hiring and firing powers for employers as part of a wide-ranging de-regulation of labour markets deemed necessary to prepare countries for the changing nature of work. A working draft of the bank’s flagship World Development Report says less “burdensome” regulations are needed so that firms can hire workers at lower cost. The controversial recommendations, which are aimed mainly at developing countries, have alarmed groups representing labour, which say they have so far been frozen out of the Bank’s consultation process. (The Guardian Weekly (Aust) p13. 27 April 2018).
Australians should have no worry, as the peak union body has been involved in discussions with the government about changes during most of “The pandemic”.
Union leaders often make decisions they believe “It’s all for your own good…” Unions provide the training ground for future “We Know What’s Good For You !” politicians.
I don’t think there should be any regulations on hiring or firing, and no minimum wage.
If you like what the company is offering, work for them, If not, then don’t. Why does any government or busy-body organization (but I repeat myself) have to get involved?
Does that mean I support the WEF? No, it does not. I just don’t think that anybody should come between an employer and a prospective employee when it comes to wages or benefits or working conditions.
If we aren’t competent enough to look after our own welfare in the employment market, and know when something is not good for us, why allow us to walk around with money in our pockets? And, certainly, why allow us to vote for representatives?
I don’t know if you, personally, go for minimum wages and all that, but to me this is as much of a nanny-state argument as, “It’s for your own good.”
Current controversy brews in the nation’s Capitol, still reeling from the Jan. 6th Insurrection, a day that will live in manufactured infamy for the sake of the war on domestic terrorism. Pharmafia Don Fauci and WEF errand boy Biden are squaring off against health officials over whether the booster shots need to be ‘for our own good’ every five or eight months. Reminds me of Malcolm X’s quip about not being inclined to thank someone for pulling a knife out of him from twelve to six inches. And the method of oppressors to give their subjects choice only insofar as it leads to the same result. (In breaking news, BLM looks like it’s staging some protests again.)
The political theater is in overdrive, it seems. Or maybe it’s that I just don’t trust a goddam thing anymore in Totalitarianism, Inc. Amid the constant confusion it’s creating, one consistent theme has been there from the start, however, and that’s the infantilization of people. Maybe we’re being taken back to rebirth in the Borg, consistent with a trajectory toward transhumanism. If anything, it serves as a climax befitting an idiocracy long manufactured by the advanced means of mind control always available in the belly of the beast.
Amerika has rightly been called a Jerry Springer nation. From politics to journalism to television, Jerry ran the circuit of the sciences of manipulation. By the time he was done, he had perfected a kulture of kitsch on the echo of “Jerry!, Jerry!, Jerry!” in so many homes that ‘we the people’ were ripe for the cognitively and emotionally impaired coup now underway still, long after the sheer ludicrousness of it all should have been apparent to any freethinking adult.
As John Titus points out chaos and fear will be the main playbook until they have their digital currency…,who dies along the way, who cares….it is all for our benefit….get with the program. Die of fear and starvation like a good citizen
“It’s all for your own good” is the classic gaslighting line of the governing psychopaths (and psychopathic parents). Along that line the covid lockdowns, masks, vaccines, etc are PER THEIR MIND-TWISTING PROPAGANDA meant to be “for your own good”. Only ignoramuses believe that.
But the reality of psychopaths-in-command is and remains only ONE element of the equation. The whole but “politically incorrect” and “culturally and forbidden” reality is quite different see the essay “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html
There’s a lot of adverts on Sydney TV lately promoting 5G products and services. The government refers to the “mysterious outbreaks” of covid in the outer suburbs as “hot spots”… 5G hot spots ?
I’m not sure whether this is just local to where I am or whether it’s a national thing, but apparently the NHS are now not doing any none urgent blood tests on account of the fact that they are running out of the necessary equipment, according to my busy body, gossip monger branch covidian next door neighbour at least.
Which got me thinking, that’s an easy ruse to pull to hide the fact that a lot of people are suffering from problems with their cardiovascular system, isn’t it?
Shortage being attributed to demand for vials for covid19 tests. So another problem that the government has had eighteen months to anticipate but has seemingly done nothing to prepare for. Has no supply company alerted them to the pending problems of excess demand? Oh well, another contract opportunity for friends and family of Ministers. They are now delaying and cancelling non-covid procedures (are there any left?) to conserve what remains of supplies – notably fertility tests are mentioned as one of the cancelled procedures.
I was to have a blood pressure review on 3 September, which requires a blood test. Had a communication from my surgery to say it’s cancelled because of a “shortage of blood bottles” and only emergency tests would be carried out ! Brexit? Or something else ?
I have high blood pressure but in the UK I could not find a chemist who would measure it because they were terrified of the deadly contagion. Greek and German chemists are less hysterical.
I’m in Sydney. Remember that Mel Gibson Conspiracy movie with Hackman? He never knew WHY he had to buy a copy of Catch-22 repeatedly, just did it? So, in Australia we went MENTAL at threat of Lockdowns and what did the People do, to save their World? … Toilet Paper, the Great Run on dunny paper… WHY? It was an OBSESSION. Was it a Psops “TELL”? A Manifestation of Group Hysteria to show the Puppet Masters that the Fix was IN? Do “They” pluck our stings and laugh at our plasticity?
The New South Wales Nanny State – coerced vax strategy:
1.. Claim a ‘mysterious outbreak’ in a outer suburb…
2.. Lock it down HARD…
3.. Have police-army patrols challenge anyone outside their home
– harass & humiliate them…
4.. Go door-to-door insisting occupants submit to being “tested”
– occupants easier to intimidate when backed by police-army…
5.. “Lockdowns to remain until 70-80% submit to risky vax..”.
6.. Boast of a World First: “more people (voluntarily) submitted to being jabbed
in one week than anywhere else in the world.”
7.. Target another suburb. Declare “mysterious outbreak”. “Hotspot”.
8.. Lock it down HARD…etc, Move onto the next targeted suburb…
A “mysterious outbreak” is coming to your suburb – soon !
It’s been reported that the Australian government has on order 85 million Pfizer doses for next year, and a further 25 million on order for 2023.
The governments crystal ball tells it that “covid” cant be beaten.
It knew months ago that any alleged protection the vax give wears off fairly quickly, thus ordered enough doses to inject every adult and child at least three
times during 2022.
But it would be totally economically ruinous to keep locking down entire cities / states every dose role-out.
Thus the NSW strategy of targeting an area, declaring it a “hotspot”, locking it down TIGHT until 80% injected, then moving on to the next targeted area. Meanwhile the rest of the city enjoys their newly granted restricted freedoms…
And the Nanny state claims “it’s all for your own good.”
And like Western Australians, voters will thank the party in office with a landslide electoral win – literally wiping out all political opposition – for
“Keeping Us Safe.”
Final Stage:
Round up the 20% from all cities who have not been vacuum cleaned, and shoot them in public for the satisfation of the wise majority…
This ‘official narrative’ is definitely appalling enough to be utterly hilarious, but most of the time I still feel like John Cleese in this tiny clip:
It’s unreal isn’t it? And basking…or should that be masking in the reflected glory of the NSW business model of 1. declare hotspot 2. lockdown hard 3. coerce injections is QLD…where the ripple effect from neighbouring ‘dangerously infected NSW’ has millions of QLD dimwits enjoying the privilege of being treated like animals only they don’t appreciate that they are being treated like animals in their little paper masks…and the State leader thanks us all for our wonderful compliance and assures us that after another fortnight in our degrading, I mean community spirited, little paper masks she will reassess the situation and let us all know if we need to keep wearing these degrading, dehumanising disgusting fucking jokes of things for another handful of weeks.
And everyone goes along with it. Everyone masks up fully complicit. Because that’s what they said to do and we better do it coz a virus is spreading everywhere and stay safe fist bump. And now it’s normalized. And you’re not going back.
And with the thought that the Australian Gov has 20 million or whatever it is injections lined up for future years…I guess the business model won’t change.
Right, let’s see now…ok…hmmm…yep…over there…those 5 suburbs…there’s um, let’s see…there’s a um…a Delta 2.0 strain there. You’re all in a hotspot. You’re all in lockdown if you’re within 100km of here. The army is coming because there’s too many domestic white terrorists and to help with these…***holds coat open***…freedom injections. No talking. No moving. Everyone just lay back and let the dirt shower over you…
I hear the Omega variant is on the way. Followed soon by the Beta one. And then perhaps the Wizard of Oz variant.
The whole thing right from the start was not just psychological warfare, but about psychological Conditioning of people to get used to everything. And it’s been done in steps, and you’re spot on when you say it’s been normalised.
They’re now targeting the more working class and non English speaking backgrounds of the western suburbs here in Melbourne, probably the equivalent of Bankstown and Fairfield in Sydney. Now groups of covid testers going door to door.
I know the situation in Sydney will spread elsewhere, with various “hotspot suburbs” everywhere locked down and no one is permitted to leave.
Looking forward to the Bedlam and Pandemonium variants.
You need 436 booster shots for those…
I doubt it. Early on people were shitting themselves, so to speak, because it was put about in the MSM that diarrhoea was one of the symptoms of covid.
In the early days flushing your toilet with the seat still up was certain death. Dogs carried covi covi and people would have to wipe their ass with bunches of leaves from the garden they didn’t have because they lived in an Agenda 21 eco friendly concrete 6 pack.
“A tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims” is like parents abusing children and believing it’s righteous child rearing.
If the government is actually interested in protecting the population’s health dubious apparatchiks would’ve flexed their muscles and used COVID as a pretext to initiate a widespread “good-health campaign” deploying economic incentives for weight-loss and regular exercise, inasmuch as obesity and diabetes are the two prime comorbidities associated with “severe COVID.”
At any rate, concern over “healthcare” in a “sick-care society” is not the intent of paternalistic psychopaths who are hellbent on transforming the anemic vestiges of Western Liberal democracies into a worldwide technocratic totalitarian surveillance state.
The Green / Local Council / Labour / Liberal / Conservative Party
Have Cancelled Our Local Festival
Normally we pull over 20,000 people, and its all Green in our local Park..
They normally, have well everything on, small stalls, absolutely loads of them, and loads of musicians on 3 separate stages, of all different cultures
It’s usually quicker to walk home, and bring back some more beer, than queuing for the bog and they have cancelled it again
What is wrong with these people in control????
I mean FFS, us old farts, can organise a festival at pretty short notice, and thousands of people turn up, some paying on the gate with cash.
I am disgusted with them, and I am not going to vote for any of them again.
They are completely useless.
Not Impressed.
Why did they cancel it? Yes. Quite appalling. Bureaucrats and politicians are useless.
Because they can.
Arbitrary power is their aphrodisiac.
Now look at what you’ve made me do to you.
If anyone tv scientists tell you you are just a naked ape a fluke of nature they have nefarious reasons you are not you are more than what they are telling you believe in yourself stay true to you are way more important than what your hearing.Anyho got to take tony the pug for a walk he keeps looking at me goodnight my friends.
The ruling classes have successfully fostered a general belief that they are benign despite the fact that the opposite is almost invariably the truth. If in past eras they weren’t murdering their peers to either stay in power or gain power, they were conquering foreign countries to plunder their natural resources, waging unnecessary wars through the conscription, exploitation and profligate waste of the lives of the youth of their country, violently resisting the formation of unions including through the use of capital punishment, shoving nine year old children down coal mines knowing the lung diseases they were being condemned to while forcing their parents to buy essential provisions at the company store at 4X the price they were available elsewhere.
In current times, in order to secure our vote they have to wear the face of the benefactor but behind the mask nothing has changed. Not by coincidence, inventing the pandemic has opened the door for them to introduce widespread postal balloting, including in some countries ballot harvesting, easing the way for them to conduct widespread fraud resulting in Biden’s theft of the US election. Canada is the latest to join the postal ballot craze which, I fully expect, will lead to Trudeau obtaining a majority despite the will of the country, allowing him to drive through his anti-freedom policies which not one of the opposition parties seem to be campaigning against.
I despair at the naivety of the general voting population. They’re sheep to the slaughter and a part of me feels they deserve what they’re about to get. They’re about to be victims of a societal straight jacket that will remove almost all vestiges of privacy and freedom of movement and they’re walking into it as if it’s in their best interests to be herded in that way and that I’m an enemy of society for forcefully resisting it.
Rockefeller started his “Foundation” because his public image was becoming a financial liability. Bill Gates always appears on the MSM with pastel cardigans and a Kermit voice, as though he’s the gentle, selfless nerd. Clintons…etc. Same. If you’re a mega-rich psychopath, just start a foundation.
Though ‘they’, the wilfully blind, deserve the governments they get, where does this leave those of us who see?
The obedient masses are dragging us all down into the abyss.
The only way we can avoid being caught up in the “vax me” wave is to reduce its intensity. That can only be done through persuasion, education and campaigning. It’s pissing against the wind of government and MSM propaganda and probably not a fight we can win. I tried my hardest to persuade my daughter not to take the shots, regularly sending her links and informed articles on the dangers. She went ahead with the double jab in any case. Discouraging, but I’ll continue to beat the drum anyway, until they lock me in the internment camp where I don’t doubt they’ll take away my access to the internet.
Fear not! Even by “officialdom” figures (which I suspect are just as fraudulent as any other .gov statistical malfeasance), the un-jabbed represent at least 50% of your friends, neighbors, and colleagues.
Don’t let them convince you otherwise. This floundering for increased mandates reeks of desperation and are the last vestiges of a rapidly-failing Neoliberal social order.
The more they push our ilk to the fringes of society, the more we are compelled to build parallel infrastructure. I’m more optimistic about the future we’ll build than ever before, but it’ll be a heckuva time getting there.
It’s not a vaccine, it’s a quasi-vaccine. I’m surprised I haven’t come across anyone else calling it that, because it’s a precisely suitable term. This is true even ignoring any possible ulterior motives.
The idea was to respond in record time by cutting corners, essentially. Attack only one part of the virus — the drill, the “business end”. “Hey, it might work” they thought. “Worth a try if you have a virus that’s killing millions of healthy young people and is spreading like wildfire.”
“Oops, this wasn’t it. It wasn’t that virus. Oh, well, try it anyway. Too late to back down. This will be the trial run for when the killer virus really hits. We’ll see how the public reacts and work out all the bugs.* (The human capacity for rationalization is infinite, especially when the demands of capitalism are involved.)
So it’s a quasi-vaccine. Its aspirations are low, but justified (so they make themselves think) by the exigencies of the situation. It’s an experiment (run on the entire human race!) but justified (so they make themselves think) by the exigencies of the situation. (Just make sure you lessen the criteria for the emergency, and rationalize your decision.)
*And while they’re at it they should fake a space alien invasion. That way they’ll get the public conditioned to responding, and they’ll learn so much about what needs to be done when the inevitable day does come when a real space alien invasion happens.
‘Quasi (nearly)-vaccine’, reminded me of, ‘Quasi-modo (nearly normal)’. The bells! The bells!
It’s, possibly, relevant that they burnt Notre Dame. Esmeralda! Esmeralda!
I think they’ll do a war next…then give us an apparent, ‘saviour’.
My money is on Putin…but, I’m open to a sweep-stake.
It’s labeled a vaccine to side step lengthy/costly clinical trails associated with Gene Therapy.
By calling it a vaccine it was able to be rushed through at “warp speed”. Warp speed being a buzz word for the public to repeat to their mates about how amazing “The Science” is. “The Science”, not being the same as just regular Science. “The Science” is the new cult religion were facts are not required and one must believe.
The first step is one must believe that viruses float on the wind, infect the world and therefor we must all be saved.
There is no virus, they want to inject you with goodness knows what. So what the fuck are you doing about it?
Actually, viruses do float on the wind. What the ‘authorities’ have wanted the public to believe all these months is that viruses are only spread via “droplets” which can be somehow stopped by face masks.
There are a staggering, astronomical number of viruses in the atmosphere, water and soil, and there are trillions in your body at all times. In the case of respiratory viruses — at least — it is other factors that make one ill, and the viruses, always present, are then allowed to be actuated as the mechanics of the disease.
Yup, it’s always “for your own good.” And these days almost no one question this because, you see, technocracy, genetic engineering, silicon valley, DARPA, artificial intelligence, billionaires, and multi-nationals live in a whole other sphere, above and beyond the dirty earth that mere mortals occupy and over-populate. The elite’s milieu, you see, is way too complex, profound, and transcendent for those outside its cult. If these immortals are wallowing in mansions and financial power, their henchman are wallowing in an expertise unshared by any of the masses… bio-chips, pure math, genes, neural circuitry, bio-engineering, advanced tech… all arranged to make your head spin out of control and your body splinter into pieces tinier than their digits, nano particles, & dna codes.
I’m taking my dog out for a walk maybe I’ll get more answers from nature than idiots in governments.
ALL of the knowledge and answers you require will come from quiet meditation in Nature, Annie.
The Hermit’s mind, out of range of the incessant noise and distraction of the World, is able to hear the small, still voice of God (or whatever you want to call “IT”).
I am very lucky to have acres of woodland in easy walking distance and I try to make it a rule to leave the Human world behind – much more easily said than done, however.
Seat belts. It started when they made it a law that you had to wear a seatbelt to protect yourself. Then it turned into, you’re wearing it to reduce the carnage if you’re in an accident and thus the impact on the health care system. So it was for your own good, but then when that didn’t work, it was for the good of society. Then no one complained and they all paid their tickets, and everyone lived happily ever after.
And remember which celebrity was at the forefront of the seatbelt campaign in the UK? Jimmy Sovile.
Didn’t know that but I guess it figures. There have been plenty of spokespeople here in the states, just like now with the scamdemic. Course that goes way back with cigarettes, war, you name it. Money talks, bullshit walks as they say. The more you got, the more you need.
To me, seat belts are kind of the precursor to masks. And look how accepted it is now. It’s hard to find many who understand it’s really about freedom. Not a good sign going forth imo.
That is why I don’t wear a seat belt I choose not to
False equivalence. See my post above.
There is one difference with seat belts compared to the COVID jabs: the belts actually work. In any serious accident, having your body restrained from bouncing around the inside of your car radically improves your chance of survival and reduces injuries. If belted in, you can walk away from an accident that would kill an unbelted passenger. We have tons of data that show this, both in the laboratory and in real life crashes. Would that we had the same kind of clarity about the COVID “vaccines”.
Well, no shit, I thought that would be understood. The point is the law. Are you saying as long as there IS evidence that it’s “good for us”, then everything should be mandated?
Except, for seat belts, there is the complication of risk compensation. People adjust their behaviour according to their perception of risk so that the overall level of risk remains about the same, at the level they are comfortable with.
Obviously once a crash has occurred someone would be much less likely to suffer serious harm if wearing a seatbelt. But at the time seatbelts were being made compulsory there was a strong argument made that if people thought they were safer they would drive with less care due to the effect of risk compensation. Not necessarily consciously and not necessarily obviously, but small, maybe imperceptible, shifts in attention and behaviour which could make a crash more likely to occur in the first place.
From memory, John Adams, one of those arguing against compulsory seatbelts in the UK, showed later that there had been an increase in the ratio of pedestrians/cyclists to car occupants killed in RTCs after the seatbelt laws were introduced. The risk appeared to have shifted from the less vulnerable (those inside cars) to the more vulnerable (those outside cars).
That’s all pretty much forgotten now. The initial law was introduced on a temporary basis (16 months?). I believe Adams’ analysis was conducted in time for there to be a reconsideration before the permanent law was introduced, but it was ignored. The temporary law became permanent, and the short window of opportunity for demonstrating the real costs disappeared.
even better precursor is AIDS and, wait for it, condoms.
If you didn’t get the joke, condoms are in many ways a form of mask, as if TPTB have no other ideas, and to take it a step further one can opine the two ‘crises’ are related by limiting pregnancies.
In the UK there’s no healthcare system left. It’s been totally destroyed under the guise of this covid nonsense.
And still the sheep go along with it all.
C0VID-19: it’s as if people are under hypnosis notes Prof. Mark Crispin Miller
I think it’s more prosaic. Many people, lots… most… are stupid. If we reinvented medieval villages and had donkey handlers, we’d soak up some of them.
We pushed industry in one direction and competence in the other.
The Bell Curve flatters the majority. Like all government statistics, they show not what is.. but the outcomes we would like.. laike.. would you laaike?
Laaike to be intelligentniy professor? Here’s your manky bumashka. Rice paper. Isn’t that what we see from the latest school results?
It isn’t the kids’ fault. It’s ours.
To get to the gritty, the Rockefeller-Gates types are none too bright. Don’t even go near those harem-breeding famous bankers. So what they’ve done is lowered us to their level.
And we went along with it.
Hello Mr Rock-Gates-Child, would you like to fumble my cortex?
True the real lunatics are running the asylum.we have God on our side they don’t they have Satan lucifer whatever he’s called somebody please tell these maniacs Satan dosnt win.
As evidence I can guarantee many will misread this post. The last line simply points out that our emotions and our morality are being manipulated.
That’s exactly what governments are doing. See the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and the Scientific Pandemic Insights Group on Behaviours (SPI-B).
But, no, they would never do that. Even while they are admitting it, even while they are doing it.
Yes exactly they want you to think you are useless nothing but cattle.We are more then that it’s hard trying to tell people you are special you are meaning you mean something.
Karma will come sit back and enjoy the downfall because it’ll come with god o our side we are invincible:
Omg this stupid phone meant to say on.
Most people are stupid? No it’s you who is the stupid one for calling people (I assume also me?) stupid! How can you possibly begin to engage with people if that’s how you view us?
There are options.. Many.. lots… most… How do we account for people’s behaviour?
I long ago learned you are not allowed to criticise an actor’s haircut because you will be offending some person who identifies with that haircut.
Come on. I aim to provoke but only in a spirit of mutual encouragement and (annoying) friend.
I’m wrong — It’s mass hypnosis not stupidity. I dunno why I wrote that.
I forgot about Prof Mattias Desmet of Brussels who describes it as mass hypnosis. When applied, about 30 per cent of the population is able to feel nothing, and only about 20 to 30 per cent is resistant.
Thanks to Joe Van Steenbergen for finding the interview on mass formation and totalitarian thinking.
Sure, but, only with the co-permission of certain old aristocracies.
If we are at war right now then we are the enemy against the globalists so that means they are our enemy?!!! Who wins its upto us.
Kaufman and Cowan:
Tom Cowan &. Andrew Kaufman on SARS-CoV2 Isolation
The first embedded interview here is excellent, and presents the ideas in a really digestible way.
Meanwhile, more Moderna vaccine recalls in Japan:
Japan detects more Moderna vaccine contamination
The non-isolation info is yesterday’s news…
Well, for me it is, and for many on this site. But unfortuntely, far too many people still do not recognise its significance. If they did, nobody woud be talking about ‘variants’, for example (variants of a virus whose existence has never been shown), and they would be dismissive of the supposed viral causation of disease in general, because everything Cowan & Kaufman say about Sars CoV-2 applies equally well to all other ‘pathogenic’ viruses.
Until i see that this is taken for granted, i’ll continue to promote their work, and that of others who are doing the same, like Stefano Scoglio, David Rasnick, Maximo Sandin, etc.
Thanks for this. It’s very clear, as you say, and pretty shocking. Everyone should take an hour out to listen to it. Cowan is great, and I think that’s the first time I’ve heard Kaufman speak at length. They made me think of Wilhelm Reich’s neglected studies of the origin of life and the nature of health & sickness. Virology is looking more and more like a pseudoscience.
Politics, academia, the media, medicine… The wrongness runs so deep. The one positive thing about this giant scam is that it’s forcing more and more of us to question everything we thought we knew.
I agree absolutely. I’ve seen many people adopt an extremely steep learning curve since 2020, myself included. I was always somewhat sceptical, for example, of the radical AIDS dissidents, such as the Perth Group. But i always remembered one of the criticisms directed at them, namely that if what they said about HIV was true, it would simultaneously discredit a huge swath of virology. I found that idea interesting, but i didn’t fully grasp it until the end of last year. And rewatching Brent Leung’s The Emperor’s New Virus sealed the issue for me.
Since then, i’ve been assimilating a vast amount of similar material, from Nancy Turner Banks, David Crowe, and publications like Wissenchafft Plus. I think you read German, no? I have to settle for their English translations, like this one, which sums up a lot of Lanka’s ideas:
Re: AIDS: That years-long scare campaign ruined the sex lives and/ or love lives of millions of young people quite unnecessarily .Yes, I’ve known several people who died “of AIDS”, all of them in the 80s or early 90s, at least three I can think of offhand, including two theatre colleagues, all of them people I liked, all male all party animals, all gay. And I know from first-hand experience that the use of speed, cocaine and “poppers” (amyl nitrate) was rampant at that time, especially in gay discos. Not to mention steroids in bodybuilding studios.
AIDS is supposed to be sexually transmitted. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. To this day, though, I still don’t know a single straight person who’s died “of AIDS”, nor do I know anyone who knows any straight person who did. Yet it’s still practically taboo to even mention this plain fact (as if it implied that you wanted gay men to die).
At any rate, it was an early and very successful exercise in getting everyone to be terrified of everyone else for no good reason.
The more i go back over the story of AIDS, the more parallels i find with this current event. The similarities are amazing, and if you read this excellent book (below) from 2017, you would think the author is talking about Covid-19. It’s as if they had a meeting and somebody just decided to lift the earlier template on which “HIV-AIDS” was built. Rinse & repeat.
Same here. Amyl nitrates were certainly the key factor in gay mortality in SF and NYC. As soon as consciousness about that started to spread, people ditched the poppers and AIDS fatalities took a nosedive in the gay community.
As for AIDS in Africa, i think this was almost entirely a function of selenium deficiency (sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest soil-selenium indices in the world) and one that was probably aggravated by gold mining operations. Gold- bearing rock usually also contains arsenic and leaches out when they remove the gold. Arsenic exposure, in turn, depletes selenium levels further. In fact, selenium deficiency was proposed as the primary causative factor for African AIDS by geologist Harold Foster. This guy was associated with the orthomolecular doctors that followed Linus Pauling’s approach to nutrition. He developed a nutritional formula based around selenium and several amino acids, placed some kind of an anti-patent on the formula (so no pharmaceuticals could exploit it) and then took it to trial in Central Africa, with apparently impressive results.
So the upshot is that AIDS (like “Covid-19”) was a whole constellation of different things that were arbitrarily regrouped under a new label and assigned a viral causation.
See: House of Numbers
Thanks for those names, Maiasta. David Crowe I had never heard of. I’m trying to get up to speed. I’ve just downloaded a 57-page pdf by the Perth Group.
Stefan Lanka’s work I already knew to some extent. He is clearly a brilliant and serious scientist, but he’s not the most lucid explainer of his own work, especially when he’s giving interviews in English, which he’s not entirely fluent in. He’s one of those people who thinks faster than he can speak; the ideas just “tumble out of him” and he sometimes takes too much for granted.
Cowan & Kaufman are much clearer. The basic ideas are far from complicated, but they are truly radical, i.e. they go to to the root. I liked that interviewer’s honest admission that he needed to hear these things explained repeatedly before he could really understand them.
The description of chickenpox as “not a disease but a developmental stage” is kind of mindblowing, a real paradigm shift.
We all need to balance humility (the admission that we don’t know everything) with a refusal to be bamboozled by condescension and jargon.
Another name to watch out for on ‘terrain theory’ scene is Maximo Sandin, a brilliant evolutionary biologist who works in Madrid. He manages to combine a true open-mindedness with scientific rigour, and delivers his talks with great empathy and humanity. I liked this 10-year old interview with him so much that i decided to translate it. I think you’ll find it clearer than Stefan’s English discourse, lol.
Viruses are not pathogens, by definition
Muchas gracias. I’ll read that. It’s good to know that there are scientists in other countries who are also challenging the germ-theory paradigm.
Btw, Lanka comes across as less of a Nutty Professor when he relaxes into his native German. But he is still easier to follow (in any language) as a writer than as a speaker.
I keep coming back to Wilhelm Reich and his concepts of “biopathy”,of the basic poles of expansion and contraction (love and fear), of life as something that (perhaps) arises constantly and spontaneously out of inorganic matter, and of disease — especially cancer and most if not all “mental illnesses” — as the blocking and stagnation of energy.
Breathing is so fundamental to everything. How sick and wrong is a medical orthodoxy that approves the force-masking of children and makes them frightened of the very air they breathe?
My introduction to medicine came through traditional Chinese medicine, and the three things you mention (expansion, contraction and blockage) were taught to us as the three basic ways of interpreting disease. There were disease or disorders of insufficiency (Yin) versus disorders caused by excess (Yang), which could be minor and functional in nature, or could be due to toxaemia. And then there was the third pattern, the pattern of blockage, which is profoundly psychosomatic in nature, as you suggest.
Agree. And obviously, there’s nothing accidental about it. These people know what they’re doing.
To answer your ……….
“The question is why are we being treated like stupid children who cannot simply choose……”…….
….unfortunately, because we ACT like stupid children. This preconditioning started over 100 years ago when “The other WHY? If not us, who? The destruction of the ‘American Way’ accelerated under my watch – and yours, if you’re anywhere my age – so let’s fess up – we were part of the problem. How so? We let a bunch of ‘developmentally arrested’ adolescent know nothings take over the entire culture and country – every institution you can name is run by so-called liberals (fascists is a better word). It took them over 100 years, but let’s face it – they are in charge and they are not bashful about telling us that they are.” – copied from – http://www.crushlimbraw.com –
There are no simple answers for a century of neglect, but there are answers which involve a four-letter word – WORK!
Also these institutions scholared young people to initiate other youngsters,They went into institutions to munipulate history,Maths,Literature.The worse that’s been affected is the arts.God forbid anyone creating art from there soul you are not aloud you have to showcase rubbish to make money,Half a cow pile of rubbish piece of wood is art these days??Wheres the real artist abstract portrait they are under the carpet that they paint and it’s sickening.
We are at war.
The first casualty of war is truth.
We fight, street corner by street corner.
Much of what we know is actively denied in the state media.
The rest is hidden or misrepresented. By way of deception thou shalt do war.
We are at war now tell the other half who still believe this is a plague.
“If you think it’s a virus, you’re going to act like a victim. If you think we are fighting a war, you are going to act like a warrior,” says former U.S. navy surgeon Dr Lee Merritt.
“My argument is: we’re in a war. It’s a fifth-generation, uncharacteristic, unrestricted war and we have to determine who the enemy is.”
I read your words now we have to get the other half onboard.
We are at war I believe that this is a spiritual war.War to end all wars.
“who the enemy is”
Right, the immediate enemy is your dimwit neighbor who won’t even entertain the thought that we’re not fighting a virus. That’s how this thing has been concocted.
But who is the real enemy? The people who concocted this? And what are their ultimate objectives?
Another issue that should be considered is whether one of the ‘enemies’ is not the gluttonous way of life on credit, which is, at least in part, what has got us where we are. For as much as CV-1984 might be a war, it is an economic predicament. The system that has provided us with such unprecedented luxuries has reached its limits.
I think that Dr Merritt is right. None of us really have any idea about what went on in the days before our grandparents…but, something happened in the 1700s…
about which I have my own theories…and they all centre on The Crown and the City of London.
I now work on the basis that everything we have ever been taught is, at best, a corruption of the truth or, more likely, a complete and utter lie.
The Industrial Revolution. You will be paid and own little.
The Industrial Revolution could not have happened without the Agricultural Revolution.
‘This is our land now – and we are burning you out. But, don’t worry, your descendants will be taught that it was agricultural improvement’.
That’s not a real quote, but you get the gist.
And the scientific revolution / Enlightenment / Renaissance before that. We could go on and on. I was only using the IR as an example. And to be fair such things did bring some benefits although I agree they also harmed many.
bang on! land clearance – aka THEFT (often involving bayonets and lawyers) – is the key to creating dispossessed, malleable souls wandering the earth to feed moloch. Materialism has since replaced worth.
There is no adversary to defeat, but there is adversity to surmount. Perspicacity is the best weapon against ignorance.
Well said it’s all a con it’s all warmongering.
ahhhh… people round these parts are confused about the enemy though.. you see this enemy is an altogether different twisted monstrosity…
it isn’t nazees and fascists (that would be you nowadays).. it isn’t communism, though it has communitarian elements (some say it is the fusing of capitalism and communism managed by technocrats through lysenko like scientisms)…
but nooooo… this is totally new baby.. it is on first inspection an absurdity posited on nonsense and contradiction.. because that of course is what totalitarian liberalism® looks like… a blood soaked ‘rainbow’ flag imbued with the spirit of LSD and cocaine and porn hub..
it is an oxymoron of a system that seeks to harness chaos.. and financialise it.. whilst scolding you and milking the self loathing of the miscreants they have created via their brain-washing… it is controlled by criminal thugs who affect an air of sophistication and assume ‘authority’..
they aim to eventually imprison and execute all dissidents because they are evil people who disagree with ‘experts’ ( these imbeciles love money and ‘legislation’ and there’s no better time to make money and create freedom robbing legalese than social collapse which you should of course blame yourself for.. because you are of course an evil person and all people are evil because they are ‘consumers’ [of their resources])…
the basis of all life (carbon) will be strictly regulated.. and that’s because they made a cats arse of their last ponzi scheme.. and retribution may be waiting for them round the corner..
so if they get sloppy they may just have a date with the firing squad..
for this problem they concocted the hollwood inspired ‘masque of the microsoft coff’… playing at a theater near you..
some say it is the Devils work.. I concur..
Government cares about you 😂😂😂 sorry for emojis they don’t give a shite about anyone ask their wives how many affairs they’ve had?Scandals and that’s only what the brought media tells you a lot more is going on with these so called politicians.My world view no leaders all people together as one ,Politicians presidents prime ministers are taking the piss they can’t even lead a dog.
Tv,Music act like they are against the government it’s all a phyop brainwashing while your brain thinks well these artists are fighting for our rights?!!You are so wrong and it makes one lazy to what’s truly happening.
I know I’m ranting tonight but I’m sick of it.
Annie, the insanity is nothing new, to state the obvious.
The Lark Ascending was written by Vaughan Williams in 1914. The piece was inspired by George Meredith’s poem of the same name about the skylark. Vaughan Williams composed parts of The Lark Ascending whilst watching troop ships cross the English Channel at the outbreak of the First World War, in which he served as an ambulance driver.
Humans are capable of great evil, yet they are also capable of great beauty/art.
Here’s the mid section of The Lark Ascending, performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra with David Nolan on violin and Vernon Handley conducting…
Chaos confusion than calm and serenity.Then exceptence Thankyou ring actually calmed me down.
Robg not ring sorry stupid auto correct.
Annie, sometimes we have to get angry. Getting angry is not the same as getting even.
Vaughan Williams’ full piece is 15 minutes long. Williams served in the trenches of WW1 and was fully acquainted with blood and death.
The Lark Ascending is an often misunderstood piece
Sadness and misery we are in sadness right now we shouldn’t be but this is where we’ve been led.May faith and hope lead us away so each and everyone us of can see the truth.Believe me I’m not a preacher each to there own beliefs we are human but we are more than what evolutionists say we are.Believe in the science no thanks I believe in a soul.
Annie, I know it’s not easy, but you have to try and stay strong.
I’ve no idea if this will work for you, but try to find an imaginary space inside yourself where everything’s ok.
Come to think of it, I don’t think there’s anything ‘imaginary’ about that space.
Once you’ve found it, it’s real.
I think Annie is already strong in fact.
She is facing the truth, horrible though it is.
A lovely recording. I imagine VW was thinking of the romantic world that was about to disappear, rather than how cool the guys in uniforms looked…
Holst’s prophetic realism appeals to me more in this context. Also composed in 1914…
The coldness, the insanity, the relentlessness of covid is all there in “Mars, the Bringer of War”, the opening ‘number’ from “The Planets”…
(The other planets help us to survive this initial onslaught…)
The crooked medical industry didn’t give 2 shits about affordable healthcare for the last 3 decades, even during this stupid scam demic…
The medical system has failed us for a long long time and this hopefully will show the truth to those cowards sitting on the fence.
And expose the murders that went on in the care homes,And the dear people that got put on ventilators never to come off until death.All the families that couldn’t say goodbye to their loved or even go to the funeral how sick is that?Thank god I’ve lost no one last 18 months but I sympathise.I’ve posted letters on my church at bus stops stop this madness it’s cruel.
As one might say you have to be crazy to know these crazy’s,Maybe I understand where they are coming from they have wealth and fortune beyond our imaginations they won’t give it up lightly they will fight tooth and nail to keep there riches they know if the masses joined together they will lose everything.
So I thought I would check out The Reading Festival lineup, as it is the first big festival in a long time, and one I’ve enjoyed a few times…
…and to my horror, the prominent front page and top line reads…
‘NHS Covid Jabs On The Bill At Reading Festival
The Bank Holiday initiative means music fans Reading Festival will be able to pick up a jab as easily as a beer or a burger.
It comes as new figures show more than half a million 16 and 17 year olds in England have now had their jab.
Fans pitching up to see headliners Stormzy, Post Malone and Liam Gallagher can watch their favourite acts then rock up to get their jab at pop-up clinics on site available throughout the weekend including a vaccine bus at Reading.
The country’s top GP, Dr Nikki Kanani, urged the hundreds of thousands music fans attending the events to protect themselves and others by adding the ‘vaccine tent’ to their festival itinerary if they have not already been jabbed.
The NHS will offer the opportunity to speak to health professionals who will be able to answer any questions or concerns. Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be given the vaccine.
Since the NHS administered the world first vaccine to Margaret Keenan in December, NHS staff have delivered more than 75 million vaccinations, including to half a million 16 and 17 year olds with almost four in five adults now double vaccinated.
The Reading vaccination clinic will also have a bus and will be open 9:30am-5pm from the Thursday through to Sunday and from 9am-1pm on Monday, with a dedicated two-hour slot for festival staff on Wednesday lunchtime and jabs for early arrivals in the afternoon. The team will be located close to the yellow gate entrance.’
If you’ve got a ticket to Reading or Leeds, and you pass this tent or bus, tell the staff administering these jabs to go fuck themselves.
You got to be kidding??Any youngsters reading these articles please please do not get injected.
Amazing Polly has a reasoned plea to the 30 and under set in her new podcast.
It gets worse…not only are they itching to jab the youngsters, they’ve made attending an innocent music festival as difficult as possible….totally evil deranged psychopaths are in no short supply to carry out the orders to carry on jabbing. They can’t even go and see their favourite band without being molested.
‘Just like many other festivals and events, Reading festival will ask all ticket holders aged 11 and over to demonstrate their COVID-19 Status before entering the festival by providing either:
· Proof of full vaccination – both doses received (with the second at least 14 days prior to the festival) or
· Proof of a negative NHS Lateral Flow Test taken prior to travel on the day of arrival at the festival or
· Proof of natural immunity based upon a positive PCR test within 180 days of the festival (including 10 days self-isolation following the result).’
No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be given the jab. Almost spit my coffee laughing when I read that one. Bad to be under the influence of drugs, but good to get yourself shot up with another drug you know nothing about! Yay!
That’s a classic bureaucratic CYA* condition, presumably because anyone jabbed while “under the influence” might afterwards express remorse (assuming they survive) and claim that they were unable to meet the “informed consent” requirement in their condition.
*”Cover Your Ass”, in the slim chance that a reader doesn’t recognize this universal acronym.
They are looking for the innately enfeebled, not the chemically enfeebled.
“new figures show more than half a million 16 and 17 year olds in England have now had their jab.”
Poor kids. Talk about dancing on the edge of the abyss. Imagine taking the Clot Shot just so you can attend this kind of gruesomely expensive corporate “festival”.
The Sixties have never been deader. All You Need Is Jabbed.
“The sixties have never been deader”.
The “Sixties” were as fake as everything else though, Patrick
You need to read this book:
I’ve read McGowan’s series. It’s a big mistake, typical among Americans, to confuse the USA with the Earth, to conflate the antics of a few dozen Californian heirs & heiresses with the radical energies of an entire decade and an entire planet. Of course the CIA tried to derail, disrupt and destroy those energies, because that’s what the CIA is there for: to turn everything to shit.
A far better analysis of the tragedy of that era is Ian MacDonald’s short essay “Fabled Foursome, Disappearing Decade”, the introduction to his great book Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Music and the Sixties:
Sort of on-topic: a hit piece today from RT on Clapton’s latest anti-lockdown song…
Irvine Welsh joining in calling Clapton ‘right wing’…actually, no, you’re the prick on the wrong side of history you fucking sellout . The list of infamy is so long it is eye watering.
No surprise. Welsh is a terrible writer. His book and Boyle’s film did a huge amount to make smack addiction, violence, stupidity and general fucked-upness look funny, sexy and cool.
This my perspective they the rich own the companies you work for said company so you are owned by them.There’s no way out you are a slave to the company,But to keep you happy they make gadgets for you to to spend your earned money on putting money back into their pockets.It’s the same world over we are slaves they don’t tell us such but we are.They give us tv music cars gadgets to keep the masses entertained that’s it like children we buy these things right back into the pockets of our masters.It’s not each other we should be fighting oh but how they love to ramp up racial hatred they want us to fight amongst each other so we don’t rise up and fight them.And now with this fake virus they are doing it again fight amongst each other when are we going to wake up to this insidious behaviour from them?peace.
Just what would happen if we were really in the middle of the most deadly plague for over a century:
I don’t think I’m from this planet, and I want to go home.
I say that several times a day, not just recently, but for most of my adult life. This is soooooo not my planet. The people here are insane.
I have felt and thought the same thing many times and especially during this current $hit$how.
However, I have a very deep love and appreciation for this incredibly beautiful and wondrous planet and I believe she is worth liberating from the clutches of madness. Also, there are many remarkable, intelligent, kind, loving and creative humans that live here too.
For whatever reason, we chose to be here, now. So try to stay focused on all the good things that are all around you and do your best. You are loved!
They care so much about us that they destroyed our economic, social, and mental health to keep us from contracting a virus that presents an average age of death about the same as life expectancy. This virus will soon wither away and die, if they let it. The damage done to “keep us safe” will take at least a generation to recover from, if we ever do.
As nice as it was to see the full capacity stadium for the start of college football at Champaign Illinois all I could see was irony.
That it’s okay for 70,000 plus people to be side by side cheek to jowl yelling for 3-4 hours no vaccine cert or negative test required, yet all 44,000 university of Illinois students have to be vaccinated by Sept 5 if they want to attend class.
Also made me laugh to think how such a gathering to see Trump or to protest lockdowns would be called a super spreader event. College and pro sports are exempt!
I said this all last year. OK for pro sports to continue, but high schoolers could not play. Kids who were being recruited for college (scholarship) could not play. Seniors who had been playing their sport since the age of 7 could not play the last year with their team.
This is all inconsequential compared with nursing home deaths and devestation, I know. But that hypocracy was disgusting.
I probably gonna get the vaxx because i don’t want to live in this world anymore.
Hang in there.
Trust me, we will come out of this nightmare.
some of us hopefully will. Dark days ahead in the interim.
nah! die fighting! take as many as you can!
Stay alive to spite them!
Hang in there dude.
Don’t do it. Death is not guaranteed. You’re more likely to get seriously injured.
Heres what I do. Too much reading in to a situation can lead to a potent negative feeling, I’d give reading into websites like this a break. When you feel like ready to come back from brainwashed outside world then feel free to return. Balance is the key to a healthy life.
Keep healthy mate.
To quote Walter Sobchak, “Nothing is f*cked, Dude. You’re being very un-Dude.”
Hang in there, my friend. Sending big hugs to you!
In their concern for us, did the WHO define the criteria for the definitions to be adopted across the World, when recording and analysing responses to the injections? I speak specifically of Covid vaccines requiring two shots.
Or is it
*made up numbers
Also do they, prior to injection to they test for Covid (and all this issues raised around it)?
I only ask because I believe I’ve seen such a set of categorisation in in Ontario, Canda.
So what I’m really asking, is Ontario following a Global, WHO policy on recording.
my take is that ‘unvaccinated’ is also ‘post vaccinated’ after a certain time frame. People who received a vax 3 months prior are no longer, officially, considered vaxxed.
Also if you’ve had covid, and recovered, how does being fully vaccinated count as being a success of the vaccine and not the fact you’ve recovered from prior infection?
I confirm the same policy applies here in Italy, which allows to easily juggle deaths and serious adverse events from the vaccinated count to the unvaccinated. Pure sleight of hand.
The vaccine cult forgot that under apartheid, there were all sorts of classifications e.g. Afrikaners were on top, then other protestant whites, then non-protestant whites, then you had honorary whites (e.g. I think the Japanese, Taiwanese/Chinese), then you various Asians (Indians/Malays), mixed race peoples, and all the various Africans which could depend upon tribal affiliation – I guess the bushmen were on the vary bottom….
Soon enough unvaxxed will be 2 shots but no booster. Or 3 shots without the 4th booster. It will never end if they get away with this.
Also, if your vaccinated, decide against shot3, the booster are you unvaccinated?
“To the point. French Canadian commentator Rachel Marsden quoted by RT:
”Can western leaders please stop saving the world long enough to take a break from destroying it?”
Check out Rachel Marsden’s history. Her terrible past was a defining red-pill in my life 25 years ago. Maybe she has changed, but her name still makes me cringe. She destroyed lives.
“Western” leaders?
The East is just as bad, especially SE Asia, if not worse.. MUCH worse.
AND- “If you don’t get the jab you’re being selfish.”
The pharmaceutical industry, a criminal syndicate, has manipulated the Covid fundamentalists into gaslighting health-minded people and convinced these neurotic Covidians that healthy people are somehow a danger to them.
The government, media, and medical establishment who receive millions of dollars from an industry which is making billions of dollars from their experimental neurotoxins have convinced these Virtue signalling vaxxers what good citizens and saviors they are.
All of this while these cretinous Covidians serve to cover up the mass slaughter of elders through their noisy bleating that it was some mythical virus from outer space not the policies of psychopaths that caused the premature deaths of thousands of seniors in nursing homes, care homes, assisted living centers.
There is never a reason to inject yourself with industrially manufactured chemicals.
The notion that such injections are ever good for anyone’s health is preposterous. Anyone who’s recommending, mandating, or taking such injections is a menace.
Soon enough the virtuous triple jabbed will be attacking the double jabbed who will no longer be fully jabbed.
The Covid Cultists are dangerous deranged brainwashed lunatics.
Ordinary people in the grip of mass psychosis. Like the Germans were:
“People will do anything you want if you frighten them enough. All you need do is tell them there is an enemy and they must rally round you for protection. It’s easy” — Hermann Goering before he committed suicide to escape justice.
“O what a thrice double ass was I” — Caliban, The Tempest.
If you don’t get the jab you’re being selfish because you’re not considering how the rich don’t have nearly enough money. Shame on you!
”The Covid Cultists are dangerous deranged brainwashed lunatics.”
They most certainly are. How come the double-vaxxers are so frightened of the non-vaccinated? I thought that these double-vaxxers were supposed to be invulnerable, but apparently not. But if they are not invulnerable as they once imagined why did they take the stupid vaccine shot in the first place!? And after all this it is now coming to light that the smug double-shot brigade are not as invulnerable as they once thought. Better get ready for your next booster, and the one after that, and the one after …. and so forth.
Speaking as a case-hardened vaxxer I don’t want to be anywhere near these idiots, and if they want to give me a wide berth, well I can sure live with that.
I think I’ll just stick to my Vitamin D, Zinc, tablets and walking in the park, maskless, thank you very much.
Let’s encourage the double-vaxers to attack the triple+ vaxcers and keep them in conflict and distracted – just the sort of stuff being dished out by mainstreammedia on us.
Maybe we un-jabbed can dodge some of this and remain undetected …… I hope.
Keep em confused and fighting.
Latest fakest studies show, that triple injected are re-shedding at the double injectees which in turn have no more immunity against anything.
The “selfish” and “murderer” Scarlet Letters continue despite FDA clearly stating that even if you’re “fully vaccinated” with “fully approved” Comirnaty it still doesn’t prevent you from passing the virus to others. 8/23/21, “While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine or Comirnaty will reduce such transmission.”…FAQ #8…https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/mcm-legal-regulatory-and-policy-framework/pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine-frequently-asked-questions…I know highly intelligent, well read people who to this day cannot hear this. It’s highly emotional for them.
With all due respect, but a resounding “No!”
Not a menace, but a criminally insane psychopath that must be locked down away for his or her own good. And confiscated everything. No need for anything in where they truly belong. Is mass murder really just a misdemeanor?
I have made comments on this site that a major psy-ops, using 9/11 as an example, has many objectives, and that citing one as primary is limiting to one’s understanding of its overall agenda. So here I am going to make an exception to my own warning. The current psy-ops, the first global one in known human history, does have one primary objective, and that objective is to pump as many humans as possible with this fake, poisonous “vaccine” as possible. I prefer to refer to them as the kill shot. All the propaganda, what the CIA once termed the Mighty Wurlitzer, referring to a brand of huge organs installed at USA sports stadiums, is aimed at bribing, seducing, and coercing the teeming billions into having this kill shot glop injected into their deltoids. Not the least is the so-called covid passports which is instrumental to making the lives of the “unvaccinated” as miserable and impossible as could be. As for myself, no Mayor De Blasio, I cannot be bribed to kill myself with a lingering and miserable death with the offer of a donut or a Big Mac. The primary objective of the cv-1984 psy-op is massive depopulation by the billions. Mr.De Blasio can take his donuts and Big Macs and shove them up where the sun don’t shine. This would include the longer term fatalities from the kill shot and also its sterilization of recipients and their progeny. Everything else is secondary.
Even the vast majority of the “good guy” experts have been mind control suckered into believing the physical “reality” of this “novel” virus. Like the emperor’s new clothes, THERE IS NO VIRUS. The most thorough explanation of how we have been bullshitted into believing in this “virus” on a semi-technical level was offered recently by Andrew Kaufman, a NY medical doctor, as an MIT undergraduate he majored in molecular biology, and studied there the purported AIDS epidemic, which undoubted prepared him for this later atrocity. This is posted in two one hour segments on Veritas Radio, the second hour being available only to subscribers. Fortunately, Kaufman’s elucidation as to how this non-existent virus was reified takes place toward the end of the first hour. I recommend that one listen to the whole first hour, but his elucidation of how our Overlords have perpetrated this fiction starts at 39 minutes into the interview. I am not going to reinvent the wheel here as Kaufman does an excellent job. Listen to it or not, as you see fit.
The second mp3 which I will recommend in its entirety was posted this week by David Icke and it lays out with Ike’s inimitable logic, just how the kill shots, including the constantly recommended boosters, will kill off the vast majority of those who have chosen to take them. Depending on one’s biochemistry, the more “boosters” one takes the faster it will kill you. For some it is almost instant. For others it will be measured in months. For the majority, several years. Once again, I have no intention of reinventing the wheel here, particularly with an Icke presentation, other than to mention the following:
The CDC commissioned Harvard’s Pilgrim Medical to conduct a study as to how effective the VAERS system was in receiving and reporting vaccine deaths and injuries. The study was received and published in 2010 and it found that VAERS received less than 1% of the actual injuries. If we multiply that by 10 due to the potentially greater scrutiny regarding the cv-1984 fake vaccines, we can conclude that each number including deaths should be multiplied by somewhere between 10 and 100 to get the real numbers. With currently 13k deaths reported, the higher figure is currently 1.3 million deaths, the lower 130k deaths in the USA.
Our Overlords will try to paint this genocide to be caused by the virus. The symptoms will for the most part by design be the same as the symptoms of the fictional covid virus disease. But the one thing common to the deaths will be that the victims will have received at least one of injections of the death shot. However, all the victims who have not received the most current “booster” will be officially reported as “unvaccinated.”
Finally, I am going to mention an epiphany that has occurred to me this week. What our Overlords have done is to first develop and test the “spike protein” which will commit the genocide we are just beginning to experience. They then integrated that spike protein into the computer generated fiction of the “original” SARS-CoV-2 virus. This has given them the bogus rationale to inject a toxic virtual spike protein factory into our circulatory epithelial cells. Think about it.
Amen. This is one of the most frustrating things about all this. Even people who see through ever other aspect of this sham generally don’t see through this. They still think the virus is real, just not as dangerous as they’re saying.
visit the lawoffrequencies website to understand the full extent of this! I’m not saying there are aliens coming down to feast on us but I am saying that there is defintely without a doubt a worldwide corrruption and a cull every 100 years of the highest order which has been insiduos every time. the bressingwood conference was the culmination of much planning and the beginning of the IMF the next phase in the plan since the forming of the Fed REServe. All three members of the FR at the top Alan G, Janet Y and the other fuck are all j’s!? or are they?? what a coincidence, funny how their surnames all have double lettering in them- ever noticed this pattern in Hollywode? pretty ,uch 99% of all the top Executive Producers and all the A listers – always double lettering either in their name or their surnames its a code so they know each other and who is playing along and who is not – all interbred and inter married same in the US gov – sick fucks!!!!!!! . But they arent real j’s are they? thats just a front for what they really are which is sick psycopathic killers of the criminal elite cabal!
what a lovely comment, seems this place has become a melting pot, despite what its censcors decree, too busy dealing with the latest article. to nail this down for you, for me :0)
WE dwell in “earth 2.0” and have done for in excess of 5 millenia, we strayed from our light bodies, once we were co-ercered into eating flesh “the apple”
By the resultant karma, WE are forced into an eternal wheel or “re-birth”, the snag is that our memories are wiped, thus we re-commit our crime, thus the cycle continues.
Once we recognise the con, the game is over, sounds simple….. if only it were so, but thus we, here, the elect, the awoken “suss” (thanks mr d Brock) the “game”
HISTORY is over, let the future begin, fuck yeah! :0) X