This Week in the New Normal #4
We tangle with Amazon's authoritarian ambitions, the inter-pharma vaccine wars and how refusing the jab could cost you your kids.

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Vaccine Brand Wars?
On Friday, a UK coroner confirmed that BBC presenter Lisa Shaw, who died in May, was killed by the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine.
The media have, naturally, gone out of their way to remind their public that “vaccines are safe for most people”, and that Covid is “more likely to give you blood clots than the vaccine”. But that’s hardly surprising.
What’s really interesting is that the story made headlines at all. If the media were 100% dedicated to painting the vaccines as safe, why not just bury it completely?
The AZ brand of experimental Covid therapy has been the acceptable punching bag of the vaccine roll out. From as early as last December, the AZ shot was being described as an “also ran” compared to the products made by pfizer and Moderna.
In the spring of 2021 some countries, including Norway and the Netherlands, stopped using it completely after initial concerning reports of blood clots. The US, still, refuses to recognise those given the AZ jab as “vaccinated”. The Indian-made “Covishield” brand of the AZ shot is not recognised by the EU’s vaccine passport system.
Why is this?
Well, it could be a simple psy-op designed to create, and reinforce, faith in the system. You produce several vaccines all in the space of a year (all with equally unknown long-term effects), and then you repudiate one for “being unsafe”, and you create the illusion that a) the others are safe b) the system works and c) you honestly care about public health.
It should also be noted that the AZ shot is not an mRNA vaccine, unlike the Pfizer and Moderna jabs. So there might be an interest in bad-mouthing it, if your end goal is to study the impact of mRNA technology on humans.
In June the BBC reported that internet “influencers” were being paid to bad mouth Pfizer’s and prop-up AstraZeneca’s. The press blamed “Russian antivaxxers”, but that doesn’t make any sense at all. It was far more likely a marketing agency employed by AstraZeneca.
In fact, Facebook has already banned a UK-based marketing company that has attacked both the Pfizer AND AZ “vaccines” at different points.
And when the headlines about AstraZeneca’s product causing bloodcluts first hit, it was Pfizer that benefited, as their stock value took a jump.
All together I would say that evidence points to a behind-the-scenes catfight between big pharma companies. They’re all fighting each other for the lion’s share of their soon-to-be-mandated market.
It's probably also about 'vaccine wars' too of course. Because institutions do that. Pfizer wants to discredit Moderna, Moderna wants to discredit Astra Zeneca. Everyone wants to discredit the Russian/Chinese. All planting scare stories and buying 'ad space' in the media.
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) August 27, 2021
It’s funny that, even in a plan as grand as total global control, they can’t put petty greed aside and actually co-operate, and it also tells you exactly the kind of short-term thinking psychopathic minds at work here.
2. Amazon paying for palm prints
This is exactly what it sounds like.
Amazon is installing biometric pay points in their in-person stores, and are giving out $10 gift cards to anyone willing to have their unique palm print scanned into the system. They are pushing it as a way to pay without any physical contact, perfect for avoiding becoming infected by the “pandemic”.
But – shockingly – Amazon might not be entirely trustworthy. They have stated that the biometric data will be used to monitor shopping activity and target ads, which is bad enough, but there are myriad other applications. None of them especially reassuring. For one thing, Amazon could sell the data…to anyone.
As a precedent for that, there is the Amazon facial recognition tech, which they already sold to the US government:
Amazon’s controversial facial recognition technology, which it historically sold to police and law enforcement, was the subject of lawsuits that allege the company violated state laws that bar the use of personal biometric data without permission.
Still though, if you value your privacy as little as 10 dollars, go for it.
(And yes, we know this story is from earlier this month, but we didn’t see it ’til now, and it’s worth mentioning.)
3. Judge takes away Parental rights over “vaccination” status
Again, exactly what it sounds like.
According to a story from Fox News local Chicago station, at a digital child support hearing over Zoom, judge James Shapiro asked the mother – Rebecca Firlit – if she had been “vaccinated”.
When Firlit answered “no”, the judge awarded full custody to the father and gave the mother zero visitation rights. She is currently not allowed to see her son until she gets “vaccinated”.
Previous to that hearing the divorced couple had shared custody. And the vaccine status of the parents had never been a bone of contention.
BONUS: Disturbing headline of the Week
Not even a write up for this, just a picture of the front page of the Toronto Star:

It’s not all bad…
As you no doubt know, there were more protests this week. In Ireland, Australia, New York, London and many others. There was a great protest against Covid passes in Rheims, where people set-up picnic blankets outside cafes:
People in France protest the mandatory domestic vaccine pass that is required for terraces and restaurants by having large picnics in-front of bars and
— Marie Oakes (@TheMarieOakes) August 26, 2021
Also, Eric Clapton released a new song about the vaccine situation:
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the UK’s media war on parental consent, or the subtle anti-US slant appearing the press following the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan (including renewed calls for an EU army).
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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That judge reversed himself almost immediately. It was also a sua sponte decision to revoke her parental rights, which you did not mention but is relevant.
Haha i just don’t care about the headline retard, bsvid doesn’t exist anyway.
Clever ideas like the Paris pavement picnics are great! But I’m not so sure about demos in front of government buildings, saying “give us back our rights!” Our rights belong to us. They are not the governments to give or take.
BREAKING NEWS: Man Catches Cold, Recovers Quickly
Joe Rogan: Popular US podcast host says he has Covid-19 but is ‘feeling great’
Joe Rogan: complete shill for the system.
I have no axe to grind — I’ve barely ever heard Rogan speak and I don’t believe “covid” exists except as a ragbag of already-familiar symptoms of flu & pneumonia — but how does saying he recovered in three days with bed-rest and a handful of non-approved medications including Ivermectin make him a “complete shill for the system”? Serious question.
By the way: Has he, or had he, been vaccinated?
Duck and Cover, 2021:
Our Face Mask Song (Tune:”I’ve been working on the railroad.”)
“I will always wear my face mask
All day long at school.
I will always wear my face mask.
It shows that I’m so cool
Pfizer made an attempt to acquire Astra-Zeneca, in 2014.
I totally get the commenter in the Toronto paper, and his/her loathing of the unvaccinated – I am unvaccinated, and I feel just the same about that commenter and his/her goodie-goodie government enablers and collaborators. If some sort of ADE autoimmune-disorder storm breaks out this flu season, and they start dying in droves, I could not care less. I will be better off without them. Of course if that happens, it will be blamed on some new COVID variant that has eluded the vaccines, and would not have happened if everyone had just gotten vaccinated, but we know better and should be expecting it.
The whole pandemic bamboozle’s selling is heavily dependent on there being no control group left against which to compare the level of infections. Pfizer and Moderna’s ‘blind’ clinical trials ran only a couple of months before both companies ‘unblinded’ the participants, told those who had gotten the placebo that they had not received the real vaccine, and offered to vaccinate them. Most took them up on it, and now less than 10% remains of the original ‘control group’. Plus the original and still-unvaccinated, of course.
It would be infinitely easier to sell a ‘new killer variant’ story if there were no unvaccinated for comparison, nobody saying “But…what about Paul? He never got vaccinated, and he’s not sick”.
My province’s Public-Health Officer keeps publicly reciting the ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’ talking point, quoting bogus statistics (if more than 70% of the province’s population is vaccinated, how is it possible for us to maintain a soaring count of 1000 new cases a day?) and coaxing that if even a few more of the 12-30 age group could overcome their ‘vaccine hesitancy’, it could ‘make a huge difference in this pandemic’. All the developed countries, at least, keep pressuring for 100% vaccination rates, and continue strategizing how best to apply pressure and coercion to get there.
It’s a long time since I did any first-aid training, but I seem to remember that if somebody collapses, then the first or perhaps second thing you do is to remove any impediments to breathing.
Dropping like flies:
I am heartbroken tonight, my daughter had the fucking jabs, I pleaded with her not to because they are not vaccines, but she had the fucking jabs
Sorry to hear this. For a change, I can’t think of anything else to add. 🙁
I told and told the silly bitch that as an asthmatic with 0 chance of being affected by covid in Australia she shouldn’t have the experimental jab because they are very dangerous for women in their 40’s, now I have to live in further pointless fear for her life
As far as I know everyone in my family expect me and my wife has got the jab. They think I’m nuts for not getting it, upside down world is not enough of a description.
So they are gaslighting in Australia again, 10 more people since yesterday are in ICU in NSW from the jabs, and younger people are dropping mysteriously dead at home yet still our media peddle the jabs day in and day out.
Monday 30 August 2021
Health pass: free zone versus occupied zone, make your choice!
From now on, people in contact with the public will have to carry the famous health pass, which is not about to disappear, as Olivier Véran has finally acknowledged – not surprisingly. And France, as usual, is divided, capable of the worst and the best. From the eager collaborationists proposing bracelets to mark disciplined clients, to the resistance fighters rehabilitating the free zones, it is up to each of us to make a choice, between two visions of the world, between two visions of Man.
If you had any doubts, Olivier Véran announced it: the health pass will not necessarily be stopped on 15 November – if there are viruses. Rest assured, viruses have always existed, they are not going to disappear. So neither will your health pass. Perhaps, like Israel, soon, from the age of 12, it will be “possible” to have a third dose of vaccine, and on the fourth, coffee will be offered. And then we will see the triple-vaccinated people protesting against the incivility of the double-vaccinated, we live in a wonderful world.
Today, as in the darkest hours of the Occupation, the French are divided. Apart from the masses who follow the strongest (as almost everywhere), there are some activists, more royalist than the King, more fanatical than the Occupier, always ready to demonstrate their inventiveness. Thus, some shopkeepers in Lille distributed bracelets to their customers:
“The prefecture told AFP that it agreed to this initiative, “which should facilitate, in particular, the identification of customers on the terrace and at the bar and encourage compliance with the regulations, which contributes to the prevention of the epidemic” and is “therefore welcome”.”
Indeed, marking the herd makes it easier to direct them to the right enclosure. Speaking of enclosure, others have had the brilliant idea of fence off their café or restaurant terrace to better control access. There’s nothing like efficiency …
At the same time, many establishments simply refuse to open their doors because they find it undignified, contrary to the very spirit of the convivial places that bars and restaurants are: “We are absolutely not against vaccination, but we refuse to apply the control of the health pass, “It is not up to us to carry out this kind of control”. They find this control “largely discriminatory and in total opposition to their activity based on mutual aid, solidarity and conviviality”.
Free zones have been created all over France, by those people who refuse to become the instruments of a generalised surveillance of the population. And the problem is spreading – many firemen are resigning because they have to be vaccinated. Some large establishments go on strike. Unauthorised terraces appeared. Demonstrations follow one another and grow. France is waking up, French France is rising up against globalist France.
Alongside this, we see the hysteria of pseudo-experts on TV shows, asking to “ruin the lives” of these “assholes” of non-vaccinated people. Beyond Thierry Moreau, who has just had his moment of glory, blaming the non-vaccinated for the liberticidal measures has become commonplace in the media discourse and aims to remove the responsibility of the government:
It is hatred. Hatred against those who do not subject themselves. It has always existed in totalitarian systems – anyone who does not submitted is a danger to the system in general, he must be destroyed, no “tolerance” is possible, no “plurality” is conceivable.
The health argument has no place here – both because Israel clearly shows that massive vaccination does not prevent a record increase in mortality, and because in France .php we have about 40 certified deaths per day when in any case about 1,700 people die per day and it is still forbidden to talk about treatment…
And let us not be mistaken. When we speak of Occupation, it is not only by analogy, but in the direct sense of the word, since we have state structures that do not have control over the decisions they take. The Occupation of a country is not only done with armies and tanks, it is done by taking power over a territory and its population. Globalized governance in the name of a health dictatorship is an example of this today. Some countries go further, others less so, it is a question of degree, not of principle – it depends on their level of real sovereignty and the responsiveness of the population.
So choose your side. Everyone makes a choice, any silence is an abdication. Any abdication is a collaboration.
Published by Karine Bechet-Golovko.
Thanks for the information. Glad to hear that not everyone in France is taking it lying down. Frankly, I was hoping to have heard news about the Australian truckers’ planned action by now.
Clapton obviously gets it.
ONE of you will hopefully know this. I can’t find it again. I saw it yesterday or the day before. That earlier mRNA testing with animals was found to have a weakness in this sense – that it maybe worked to provide some protection to the precise strain it was formulated for, but it caused a higher chance of trouble with any other strain.
It seems pretty relevant, but I’ve lost it and had wanted to save the reference and pass it along.
Any thoughts?
There is a passing mention here of previous attempts to make an mRNA vaccine, and of the reaction of animal test subjects; there was vigorous generation of antibodies and there was a lot of high-fiving in Pharmaland…but there were a lot of deaths when the test subjects were exposed to the ‘wild’ version of the virus.
Readers should take this for what it is worth, though; it’s alarming, but virologists point out that viruses are often very species-specific, and what lays waste to test animals will not necessarily hurt humans, and vice-versa. A frequently-recurring rabbit virus is about all that prevents wild rabbits from overrunning the earth, but it is not known to affect any other species that I am aware of.
Scientists figured out that humans and animals are not the same, damn they’re clever!
As far as the last headline is concerned:They are trying to foster division, do not let that seed be planted in your heart. This is fictional, the vast majority of people, jabbed or not, do not hate each other, despite the capitalists wanting that. We are ALL abused by the STATE, the collective capitalist, jabbed and unjabbed. Unity and awareness, sisters and brothers.
Yes. There is a lot of atomization and division going on. The average person needs to be aware of this.
The Groaniad cordially invites you to the world’s worst birthday party:
Yesterday the BBC had “9/11: Inside the war room” with rarely seen archives and direct inputs from Bush Jr and Cheney!!
Didn’t see it but The blurb clearly read like an attempt to paint the “crazies” as not the complete mental psychos they were and still are!
Are you ready ?
Are you ready for when orchestrated scarcity aligns along jabbed vs unjabbed ?
How will you navigate such a world ?
How will you function in your community ?
Doesn’t take a sevant to recognize the system has now institutionalized its tactics. The system won’t stop.
What will you do ?
First published at 15:26 UTC on August 10th, 2021
The video proves beyond any reasonable doubt, that all major “news” services are corrupted and lying to the public.
The same thing seems happens when you search for “xxx new covid cases” in DuckDuckGo, where xxx is just about any three digit number. So unfortunately, I’d say this really is just a coincidence, which makes sense given the huge numbers of news outlets and stories about covid that appear every day.
Should point out that the Chicago judge was forced to reverse his decision to prevent custody rights to the unvaccinated mother; see the first paragraph of this, which corrects the headline:
Thanks for that update.
What a joke! From the Herald Sun

They will tell you the lockdowns were so effective. Yeah, safe & effective!!
I know, drives you nuts.
The fact is we always get a lot more flu than this fake covid crap
Here’s another theory (‘cause I just love ‘em!):
Maybe the covid shite is meant to collapse. And maybe it’s meant to drag the entire Left down with it. I came to this epiphany when surveying the latest WSW fear fest and noting this bit:
Since I reckon we can safely assume this will not lead to a mound of corpses or indeed anything much and since I reckon the non-arrival of the new Auschwitz will become increasingly apparent to even the densest toilet roll chewer, it may be intended for the public to realise it’s all a huge hoax, to then be told it was perpetrated by “the Left” and so there will be no more Left even in theory.
I have also found the bit with the North man’s conversion to all things Trotsky:
I think that whilst our Dave was having his Trotskyite Damascene moment, there were a few shady figures watching him and nodding to each other. “Yes! There’s our man!”
I doubt it. The left, however defined, is simply not that important. Moreover some right-wing forces have been equally deranged about it. The ND government in Greece, for example.
More about VAERS and potential under-reporting of AEs:
This is huge please post in a new thread so more see—are these researchers working w Thomas Renz in Ohio?
No idea. I went to it from Twitter and thought it was worth a look.
It is in a new thread 🙂
There are so many deaths that have not been reported to VAERS. Doctors aren’t being honest with the families about true cause of death. And families are blind to what is right in front of them.
Some of the vaccine injured (and their families) are also reluctant to report their experience because that would make them despised ‘anti-vaxxers’.
I’m pretty sure that ‘the authorities’ who allowed VAERS to exist in the first place knew full well that this would be the case.
Same sort of philosophy as the one behind Mark Twain’s shrewd comment, “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it”…
That may be so. However, the unprecedented scale of the adverse effects of these injections would make a difference, if only it were known.
But the media are blocking that information out very effectively.
I have just heard of a case brought in France where (for the first time as far as I know), the lawyer used the difference in magnitude of the officially recorded numbers of AEs to argue that forcing people to accept these products amounted to an assault on their basic right to life. Ruling on 10 September.
Keep us updated October.
It’s incredible that this guy has the title of “Professor” of microbiology and immunology!
Facts are meaningless for those people.
2+2=whatever the nyt feels is fit for print.
Why read that rag?
It will get trapped by your mask so that you may breathe it in again? Nice.
And “professor” is a much debased job title since the days when there was (roughly speaking) one per university department.
It’s the American influence, unfortunately.
Everybody is a professor in US universities.
Somebody also mentioned here recently that in Britain, anybody can get into Oxbridge nowadays – and it shows…
You don’t need to be a professor to take bribes to lie, but it sure helps!
This article asks an important question, to wit: WHY is the MSM refusing to discuss risk/reward when it comes to Covid? Why aren’t the trade-offs discussed?
The Bizarre Refusal to Apply Cost-Benefit Analysis to COVID Debates
Are those who oppose a ban on cars or a radical reduction in speed limits sociopaths, given the huge number of people they are knowingly consigning to death or maiming?
Glenn Greenwald
Aug 25, 2021
In virtually every realm of public policy, Americans embrace policies which they know will kill people, sometimes large numbers of people. They do so not because they are psychopaths but because they are rational: they assess that those deaths that will inevitably result from the policies they support are worth it in exchange for the benefits those policies provide. This rational cost-benefit analysis, even when not expressed in such explicit or crude terms, is foundational to public policy debates — except when it comes to COVID, where it has been bizarrely declared off-limits.
… Media are running reports that there are masses of covid patients and deaths in Tennessee but are too lazy to read the actual reports.
Just got suspended from Twitter again for stating that kids are hardly affected globally by covid but are being killed and harmed by the jabs. I have appealed this time because I have had a gutful of facists covering up facts
In 2020, anyone under 60 dying from “covid” was a rarity. Now in heavily-jabbed countries, the ages of jabbed and unjabbed “covid” victims – hospitalised, injured or dead – has fallen to as low as the teens. The Borg is silencing scientists trying to raise alarm or even doubt, at least in the MSM.
That’s terrible. This is an article, The Child Sacrifices of Covid-19
Yeah the fucking scumbag Doherty Institute, the trash who lied and said they had isolated the virus, who claimed the tests were all fake but allowed them to be used anyway and is in bed with the Pfizer mob
got to be something better than twitter- i got kicked off this crap. no loss really.
Not for the doctors, but they are not allowed to say it! 😉
Three jabs required in Israel-or no “Freedom”
passports not valid -until
jab jab jab jab jab ^^^^^^^^——————
According to expert haemotologists on a web site called if you have a history of blood clots you should definitely GET VACCINATED. You can’t make this stuff up it’s so ludicrous.
There are hematologists and other experts for sale on Ebay. Pretty cheap actually.
Too little too late from Glenn Greenwald.
Again Greenwald is lamenting why, when he is trying to little bit lift a lid of huge coverup like it was the case of Hunter Biden corruption, suddenly he becomes a target for hate this time from cult covidians who would not like to have any rational debate on Covid at all but only shouting match.
But Glenn who has received full thrust of insults is not even trying to hit the heart of this global coverup but in fact accepting Covid policies of the past under guise of a notion that“we did not know anything back in spring 2020 but now we know that Covid is not particularly deadly or infectious disease, especially for children and young” and hence why not approach Covid policies in a way society approached any policies of substantial socioeconomic impact namely by conducting basic cost/ benefit analysis.
Tweeter fed covidians called this quite meek point Covid heresy and branded Glenn as insane or evil immoral heretic that must be burned or banned or both.
Apparently shocked Greenwald as a lawyer, took to YT and Odesee in case he is dumped by YT to defend himself in front of this kangaroo inquisition court with a sort of video deposition not to slam ad hominem attacks as fascist but in fact trying to politely and rationally explain himself while pleading that he was just misunderstood as he never intended to insult holy memory of Covid victims by means of simple accounting of Covid policy costs.
But where was Glenn when in mid April 2020 it was already abundantly clear that ridiculous high school level ICL theoretical pandemic models of Ferguson rife with baseless assumptions utterly failed again (like in swine flu case), crashed by enormous weight of hard core empirical seroprevalence data collected and analyzed independently by three US research groups at Stanford University (for Santa Clara co.) USC for LA county and NY state labs for NYC, results nearly identical to Chinese findings in mid March 2020 as well as those of South Korean, Japanese (cruise ships) and Icelandic governments. Where was Glenn to say, “wait a minute and think my friends ”, back then ?
Greenwald, swept away by Covid tsunami of fear seemed uninterested in what those pivotal studies really meant and how devastated they were to official Covid narratives just three months after hysteria started.
Did Glenn Greenwald missed that?
What else those studies established was that there could be no benefits of the draconian COVID policies while there were enormous costs of insane, science denying arbitrarily decisions autocratic public health officials took with support of crooked politicians.
No crying wolf, no righteous indignation about suppressing Greenwald’s speech amid thousands of censored or totally canceled Covid skeptics he was silent about, will absolve Greenwald blindness to facts of spring of 2020 when it was already clear that any honest and decent cost/benefit analysis of Covid policies, Glenn is calling for now, would have resulted in fatal blow to official Covid narratives and murderous policies they solicited.
Today when Covid fascism thrives, intimidates, censors, coerces, extorts and blackmails ordinary working people it is too little and too late to show concern about debate that is being totally suppressed for 18 months now.
It’s literally reached the stage now of the Salem Witch Trials, where even people like Greenwald are being turned on by the hysterical covid frothers. Almost ironic when you think about it.
Maybe that’s why a big part of the fake left bloggers kept quiet? Outright cowardice and a fear of losing their revenue stream from their “progressive” and “liberal” audience because they sensed where this covid coup was heading.
I agree with your last paragraph as well Kalen. In fact, I’ll go better than “too little and too late”. My response: fuck em.
Oh Gezzah, I read the beginning of your comment and thought you were talking about people like us turning on Greenwald for his cowardice 🙂
But yes, I agree, their fear of being lumped together with ‘conspiracy theorists’ is greater than their fear of the removal of basic rights across the world. And this is now clear for everyone to see.
Or else they’re just stupid and/or blind. Whatever the case, your response is the right one 🙂
Have you noticed most are Gen x, they were ”educated” at a time when wank was the major subject and being jabbed was the norm. We boomers know different and better.
I’m just so tired of, and so over these frauds and pretend “socialists” O… and I’m so tired of their ethical and moral bankruptcy. Something I’ve pondered is that the majority of commenters here would probably be 50 or older? We knew what things were like before the rot really took hold.
Which is why I suspect that many of the ‘conspiracy theorists’ are really covidians, whether professional or amateur.
How to Start a Movement?
Never give in!
1997 Spargo – Indestructible
I know, that Sophie (Admin 1) thinks I am a fat old bloke, editing wiki in a wheel chair, such that I can;t move without assistance from My Mum (obviously never had a girlfriend – she wants to chuck me in the same censored bucket as them)
She wants proof that I exist..well Sophie, I ain’t promising but you may recognise my wife, if you met my daughter at WOMAD.
Maybe at Onboard The Craft, if the Weather Cheers up, Whilst I can be a miserable bastard, get depressed over My Dead Sister. I am not allowed to come to my Sister’s Funeral, because I refuse to wear a Mask.
Everyone has been slagging me off about that too
But I have My Priniciples
I will not wear a Mask at My Sisters Funeral, sp we are not going
I don’t want proof you exist.
I have never suggested you are “fat”, “old” or “editing Wiki in a wheelchair”, so I don’t know where all that came from. 🤷♀️
I don’t know what or who you are.
All we know about you is you come on here and post long long screeds of totally invented autobiography, using a fake email, and when I asked you to stop you attempted to stalk me.
I did not think Tony’s autobiographical screeds were invented. If so, that kind of spoils it.
Astra Zeneca is too cheap. As Pfizer has more money (because is selling more expensive), I bet on Pfizer to win the comercial war.
On the last NWTW James Corbett is highly dismissive about the issue of whether the Pfizer vaccine has been approved in the USA or not. I’ll admit this was my initial reaction as well. Wrong! Listen here:
When something is done in this convoluted and tricksy a way it’s not going to be accidental nor insignificant. It’s instead some of the clearest proof that the US regulatory authorities are deceptive and malevolent.
My thoughts too. I’m surprised the FDA didn’t give official approval some time ago! They are obviously a part of pharma profit club.
Betcha didn’t know that 75% of the FDA revenue comes directly from fees paid by the Pharma companies that the FDA is chartered with regulating. I didn’t either.
But that explains how Pfizer scored the early Covid vaccine approval.
Jun 28, 2018,07:42am EDT
The Biopharmaceutical Industry Provides 75% Of The FDA’s Drug Review Budget. Is This A Problem?
John LaMattina
FDA Repays Industry by Rushing Risky Drugs to Market
As pharma companies underwrite three-fourths of the FDA’s budget for scientific reviews, the agency is increasingly fast-tracking expensive drugs with significant side effects and unproven health benefits.
by Caroline Chen June 26, 2018, 5 a.m. EDT
Readying for pandemic in 2017 :
Vaccine Damage Protest Waterford
Aug 28, 2021
mick daniels
Protest against deaths and injuries caused by the current experimental injections that form part of ongoing clinical trials, was joined by many more people when it moved to the city centre, contains interviews with protesters.
See also:
Of no significance whatsoever, most of the interviewees had English accents. Perhaps these people had previously tried to escape the Anglo hegemony in search of Celtic values, though Waterford was of Viking origin as in Vadre Fjord…nowhere is safe from the propaganda and it’s I’ll effects.
Who fekkin’ cares about accents-they are out there marching which placards! God bless their initiative
I believe it is called Port Lairge in Irish.
Good stuff. Thanks Lost’, Go Waterford!
🇫🇷 ⚡ FLASH – A rally in favour of the vaccine and the health pass took place at the end of the day in Lyon. At the height of the mobilisation, there were 70 people. (local media) Oops! I was told in the earpiece 68 at the last count. 😂
Two died?
Admin I have two posts drowning somewhere in the spam bucket. The first one was quite a few hours ago. I do hope they manage to claw their way out.
Less than 24 hours ago the same rag was claiming that this variant was the deadliest yet. So deadly it clearly killed itself 😂
Apparently no scientists in South Africa have even heard of it.
They just make this bullshit up as they go along. It’s almost Monty Pythonesque now. I saw that story 20 minutes ago on my newsfeed and I just rolled my eyes and thought to myself… what crap.
Maybe the virus got covid.
Two Heroes — We can Learn from Masters of Perspective
Liberated from fashionable views or political trends we can avoid ageism and sophomoric claims of ‘relevance’ — as if those who have lived less are better placed to judge.
I like Mae Brussell for that reason. Though controversial at the time, her views have aged well. She was of that school that believed a NAZI core had escaped defeat in 1945 and were at work shaping the postwar ‘settlement’.
Knowing what we do today about the financing and ideological roots of the NAZIs coming out of the Rockefeller-Kellogg-Ford eugenics faction in the United States, and an equally prominent cohort of supporters in Britain, her views are less niche.
NAZIs meet Mr Global
Today you will get Mae Brussell’s insights from Catherine Austin Fitts, though as individuals they could not be more different.
Brussell was a Stanford graduate and home maker, the daughter of a rabbi, propelled into research by her outrage at JFK’s assassination. Austin Fitts is a former Wall Street banker and Washington politician. But there the resemblance begins.CAF, as I’ll call her, is the founder of Solari Advisors.
These are the views of CAF in 2015, BTW, fully five years before Event Covid and The Great Reset.
She make pertinent connections between past and present. She talks not of NAZIs but Mr Global, as a deliberately vague placeholder for the biggest vested interest. Their system of extracting wealth from us she calls the Tapeworm. From my perspective, I don’t think their views are that far apart.
GMO control
Genetically modified organisms are key to what’s happening. Food has been used, along with medicine and education, to reduce the physical and mental health of the population. If you look at the history of the Rockefellers, they are involved in all three.
Obamacare and Common Core identical
They are the same system, standardized so they can be re-engineered into software and digital systems to squeeze out the labour. The result will be something that people are forced to pay for [a collectivist monopoly] that doesn’t work in their interest but serves control by the elite.
Artificial intelligence, databases and software can now break down the population one-by-one. They can influence your actions by persuading you to make certain investments or support certain policies, for example, to get you to support much longer sentences so that prison stocks go up.
Leadership circus
The political system is run as an entertainment so people can process their anger but it’s not affecting policy. The candidates for election are childish, old and entertaining. A whole generation is sidelined: Rubio, Cruz, Paul.
During a bubble you can steal all the assets. The sums are so large you have to use the largest companies in the highest-value sectors. Companies like Enron, before it was folded.
But once you have stolen the assets you need a different set of people with different skills to manage the assets. You no longer need the thieves. They will be retired.
Electromagnetic intelligence
If you look at what’s happening with cell towers and with vaccines, they are trying to create humans who will resonate with their smartphone and entrainment technology but cannot resonate with others or with divine intelligence.
The divine is related to electromagnetic intelligence. We are herd animals and we share intelligence. That is why we pray and meditate.
Earth pays a tithe
The Earth is a REIT, a real estate investment trust, and it’s paying a tithe. I don’t know where that tithe is going.
Surveillance is coming through the utilities and payment systems, telecommunications and the media. These companies are all competing with each other to get more data. The technology is creating the phenomena.
After 9/11 there was a plan to spend trillions to build a worldwide empire based on the Mid East and Silk Road. We overshot the budget. Kerry tried to lower the risk, get budget into balance. That’s why he struck a deal with Iran, because the U.S. could no longer afford to attack Iran. Cuba was also brought in from cold.
Replacing the dollar.
In 2015 the globalists converged on the United Nations. At the time she did not know why. We can see now that they were agreeing to go ahead with Agenda 2021.
Pope Francis made the first official papal visit to the U.S. where he spoke to a joint session of Congress and opened the UN General Assembly where there were speeches by Obama, Putin, Xi, Macron. What did the one world government agree?
Fear is a favoured tactic
It is a political problem, however. The answer is to shun the lawless, corrupt people. What if no-one who works for Goldman Sachs could meet a friend, get a date, or talk or know anyone.
In full at:
That would refer to the ones I think of as “child spies” in the Orwellian sense and whose latest incarnation manifests as the “cancel culture” squad – those ones being egged on by the sinister faceless self-appointed moral guardians of our new “woke” order. Or – it may be more sinister still in that there may very well be no callow young dupes of patsies venting their wrath against the designated enemies of our New Enlightenment e.g. highlighted villains like ageing rock stars now “revealed” to have a string of sex crimes behind them. And so it is only these “directing” internet agents themselves who are supplying the cancelling.
As always you are a joy to read MC. And Mae Brussell was one of those wonders that restores my faith in humanity.
Well that would be to settle agenda 30….my supposed govt signed up to agenda 30 in 2015….the ones in power now where back then…I have not found anyone I speak with and ask who has any idea we signed up to agenda 30….most look at me as if I am nuts and then start raving about that being something off the net…so they are also now working to discredit info that way too,,,
once one looks one can find that we have been quietly following this…bigger the people…we didn’t get a vote on this…all decided behind closed doors….and agenda 30 has much of the climate change elshitto buried in it…..which requires a lot of restrictions on travel etc…sound familiar….one reason I tell people they will be going nowhere for quite some time despite vax passports etc….all moving towards what is in that agenda 30…
I pluck up courage and go read a bit occasionally….hard going and sickening,,,most people don’t have a clue what is planned for their lives…perhaps blissful unawareness is helpful…
btw. The truckies have done some blockade today….very little reporting that I have seen so far…
They are too busy peddling the jabs 24/7, it’s like a broken fucking record, .2% of the population had nothing but a fake positive PCR and they want to jab 70% of the population with chimp shit virus
Latest news I have Edith is that the Truckies strike went ahead but it seems to be quite sporadic. Bits here and bits there. Reports in that the truckies taking part have been silenced.
Their social media and phones have been blocked and all threads on social media mentioning the blockades – strikes have been removed by Facebook and Twitter, so they can’t communicate.
Further, it seems that One Nation allegedly attempted to hijack one of the blockades as a photo op and PR stunt and after an hour the 3 trucks that showed up at that blockade were told to go home, allegedly by that woman.
I heard this on a video today by a trustworthy source and the guy was furious about it.
I did see a live stream of trucks blockading an intersection in Ballina NSW however. That’s the only footage I’ve seen.
The Nazis-to-America line seems to be not difficult to prove. Its influence in the last 70 years in politics may be less easy to discern, at least from an ideological point of view. I believe a thread worth pursuing.
The escaping of the leaders and promoters of Kulturebolschewismus and its branching ideologues to America a decade earlier and their relocation to Hollywood and American Universities is also a matter of record. Their influence in America and western politics is very much so visible and a lot easier to trace and identify. I believe analyzing and understanding this is of the highest urgency.
Kulturbolschewismus was a Nazi term. Are you a Nazi?
I’m not a Nazi and I didn’t know it was a Nazi term, thanks for that. Waldorf.
I believe it refers to the culture and ideology surrounding Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute for Sexual Science, Wilhelm Reich, and other psychologists, sociologists and sexual behaviourists that were also, I believe by the most part communists (bolsheviks?).
Do you know what term these people used to express the concept of the lifestyle, culture and societal mores that they promoted during their time, as opposed to Kulturbolschewismus? And what would be the translation into English? It would be interesting to know.
The term Kulturbolschewismus is in by and of itself neutral as it just links a type of culture with their main proponents who were mostly bolsheviks. (if not strictly bolsheviks -as they were not Russian-, certainly communists supporters of the Russian Bolshevik Revolution or sympathizers). I find Kulturbolschewismus quite encompassing, practical, on target, and an aide to understand and analyze certain current social and cultural movements. Regardless of who coined them and used them originally.
I understand nowadays the term used is progressive.I have no idea if that was the term used then by their promoters. Was it?
I certainly don’t think the term progressive is neutral and I certainly don’t think it says anything at all whatsoever about the concept it names other than its proponents believe it should be promoted forward. A typical case of weaponized language (either nowadays or in the 1920’s and 30’s).
I believe some people use the term cultural Marxism. I don’t think it really fits as I don’t think Marx ever posited sexual liberation and sexual revolution as part of Marxism.
Anyway, thanks again, and please let me know, if you find a better term.
Stay strong brother.
The primary obsession is exploitation, for wealth or control. GMO is mainly for privatisation of food. Of course, the harm helps the med industry. Addictive or critical narcotics or meds mean that youtr body is effectively privatised.
So the nazis have been making movies in Hollywood against themselves for decades? Or they control everything except Hollywood, the media and entertainment, and much of academia? I don’t get it.
Indeed, see my coment above.
Seriously, if we don’t put a stop to this now, the next generation won’t even know what it looks like to reject an order from ‘the authorities’.
In our family we have a relative in hospital with a systemic reaction which Is making the Doctors play spin the diagnosis daily. Further she required an unusual procedure for her age not long after being “vaccinated”. I find myself quite convinced her issues are related to the vaccine. The fact that the long time side effects and consequences are unknown is well enough to avoid the gene-therapies which neither prevent infection or transmission. I am quite concerned for her about a hospital acquired infection.
We have also had personal impacts from people who know or have asked about our status and then excluded us. Given the huge numbers of reported deaths and adverse effects, it boggles the mind that even ardent promoters of these therapies cannot see the futility of mandating a dangerous injection which neither prevents infection or transmission of something that has such a low mortality rate, not to mention the unknown long term consequences. The X axis is time. All supposed C19 control measures are simply making the charade last longer. Its part and parcel of the fraud of it all.
I think it may or may not be useful to give some background as I have heard of similar stories and others may compare. Thankfully, my elder relative has now been released from hospital without acquiring C19. Incident to her “vaccination” she had been hospitalized in the spring for heart issues not officially attributed to the gene-therapies. Shortly thereafter, in July, she developed heavy bleeding and was given a hysterectomy at an advanced age. Recently, she traveled via airline, to a heretofore C19 delayed memorial for her sibling. Shortly before her planned return to home she developed pain and vomiting. After being dismissed by local Doc Box she became worse and was admitted for diverticulitis – C19 negative (I assume PCR <29). Day 2 she was diagnosed with E.Coli. Day 3 PERSISTENT E. coli. Day 4 or 5 no more E. coli which had, just a day ago, been a permanent – body producing – scourge. After some gall bladder testing and imaging being inconclusive she has rebounded enough to be discharged with no definitive reason for her maladies. And so it goes.
Just look at the plane.. its completely fake!
Like 9/11.
Well the windows are painted on, it’s just black paint as there is no specular reflection at all as the sun passes across them It’s a large model. Sames as the lifesize models you will find on big budget film sets.
Well the windows are painted on, it’s just black paint as there is no specular reflection at all as the sun passes across them It’s a large model. Sames as the lifesize models you will find on big budget film sets.
hello sam / sofia (admin) i posted yesterday a exemption for the U>K NHS pass which (some) festivals/l venues etc are using it had 2 links in and went in to spam check.
this one
Using the NHS COVID Pass NHS Exemptions
There will also be a small number of exemptions for individuals who have a medical reason which means they cannot vaccinate or test. These individuals will need to self-declare their medical exemption directly with you.
A digital solution is being developed which will enable individuals with a medical exemption to show their COVID-19 status using the NHS COVID Pass. In the interim, please follow the advice below.
Please be mindful and respectful where there are potentially circumstances where a customer or individual cannot safely demonstrate their COVID-19 status by taking a vaccination or a test. This could include people:
• with learning disabilities or autistic individuals, or with a combination of impairments which result in the same distress.
• those suffering from or under medical supervision for acute or evolving serious diseases or those receiving palliative care or undergoing treatment with unpleasant side effects.
Event or venue organisers in England that choose to use the NHS COVID Pass as a condition of entry can decide whether to accept self-declared medical exemptions where an individual cannot vaccinate or test, ensuring they comply with the Equalities Act 2010.
Your customers may declare a medical exemption directly with you. You and your staff should not ask for evidence of the exemption.
If businesses decide to require evidence of Covid-19 status as a condition of entry, they should ensure that they comply with all the relevant legal obligations (for example, the Equalities Act 2010) and guidance that applies.
Please consider the following steps and ensure your staff are briefed, in circumstances where you experience a customer entering your venue or event who is not able to demonstrate their COVID-19 status.
You may see an individual wearing a visual cue to indicate they are declaring a medical exemption from testing and vaccination. Please note any form of visual cue that indicates an exemption should be respected. This can include a handmade version. It is not mandatory for an individual to wear a visual cue to outline they are exempt. You should not ask these individuals to demonstrate their COVID-19 status through the NHS App.
If you cannot see a visual cue but need to ask a customer to demonstrate their COVID-19 status or declare a medical exemption, please keep your distance to help protect them. If you are wearing a face covering, you may need to temporarily remove this so your full face and mouth can be seen when speaking with them, which can aid lip reading and facial expression reading.
Please ask your customer if they can demonstrate their COVID-19 status using the NHS COVID Pass.. This allows your customer to respond with information about a self declared medical exemption.
If your customer confirms that they have a self declared exemption, but is unable to show any evidence, you should allow them access to your venue or event. You must not ask for proof of their medical exemption and it is not essential they show any form of exemption card at any point.
Examples of visual cues individuals may be wearing
Please note any form of visual cue that indicates an exemption should be respected, however these are the most common you may see.
This may be as a badge, lanyard, or other.
The Sunflower Lanyard scheme
The initiative acts as a discreet sign that somebody has a hidden disability. Your customer may show a form of the sunflower card. For samples of imagery please visit Hidden Disabilities
Individuals under 18 should not be required to demonstrate COVID status in settings where the NHS COVID Pass is used.
Check for updates:…/using-the-nhs-covid-pass/

(Using the NHS COVID Pass: Exemptions)
There is a recurring problem with spam check algorithm, may be beyond OFFG editors awareness, may be IT guys would investigate what this auto spam filter is really doing as what it supposed to be doing. I have occasionally some of my comments held, delayed even up to 12-18 hours never complained but recently three of my comments never showed up even after several days. Such uncalled for delays unfortunately disrupt important debates open only in few places other than OFFG.
Other site i no of….and from experience.
the mod admin can put people on week ban (time out) or longer spam check spam filter and censor delete modify comments check your IP address if your email is real, how many emails comment you made even down to what where and when is up voted and times of your posts. even if the links of the article where open by you.
this was within what is called analytics.
We literally can’t ban anyone. We can blacklist certain IPs but there’s little point in the era of VPNs. We can only check your email is real by emailing you, we never bother to run such checks and don’t care if you use a fake email. We have zero ability to see who votes, or any of that other stuff.
Where did you get the impression all this is standard inside WP codex? It’s absolutely NOT. We can’t even see that type of detail if we use 3rd party software. Which we don’t have anyway. What type of site were you running??
Admin: I just posted a comment containing one link that’s stuck in either moderation or spam. Though it was most difficult, I refrained from hurling racist insults and drastically reduced my usual cussing. so I’m at a loss.
Free speech until it’s their narrative I’m afraid.
It’s not personal – just annoying. I don’t believe Off-G has control over WordPress/Automatic’s inconsistent and highly sensitive spam triggers.
WordPress too serves somebody.
Right. They deleted Jon Rappoport’s blog back in May 2019 with no explanation.
If it isn’t published it’s vanished. Not in spam or trash.
@Annie – you have over 800 comments posted here and are obviously not censored so isn’t it a little rude and weird to suddenly start spamming this thread with hints that this site isn’t trustworthy.
Just a general comment on the Off-G comment threads. It’s become – maybe it always was – something of an echo chamber on here. I’ve been commenting on here on and off for about two years now.
Facts – if you can get them – really should be sacred. Yes, well I can’t argue with that. But some points are contentious. And there’s precious little tolerance here for a diversity of opinion.
Any time anyone deviates from a narrative on here they are immediately jumped on and sometimes even accused of being an agent of any one of a number of perceived “enemies”.
I do wish people would – just occasionally – presume a little good faith on the part of those they disagree with.
I am in middle age. I don’t want a Covid vaccine and I have told members of my family that I won’t be having one under any circumstances. I don’t think it’s necessary for a virus with such a high survival rate. But most of them have had one. That was their choice.
I know it doesn’t suit a lot of people here, but those members of my family that have had the vaccine are all fine. And frankly, I expect that they will stay that way.
We don’t have long term safety data. That’s a good reason not to have it. But I still do not believe that everyone who has been vaccinated will die of the vaccine.
I disagree with Mike Yeadon about this. Now, he is entitled to his opinion. But he – along with every other person with a scientific training* – does not have a monopoly on “the truth”.
We do not know everything. Nobody does.
* (Including myself).
True what you are saying but with every medication comes side affects you get that in your packet of medications.
I could possibly be wrong, but for me your post doesn’t hold up at all well and overall it has a very hollow ring. I rather suspect you are a (paid) troll, though one who is perhaps a bit more subtle than usual.
I’ve had my suspicions myself. I’ve noticed a certain passive aggression – a wide eyed claimed innocence hiding something quite different.
Completely agree with you and TS above. I have thought this guy is a “sophisticated” troll for some time now
Also note that when you raise suspicions, he tends to disappear.
Those are troll down votes you getting. Experienced it myself. 20 in 5 minutes. What?
I hope you’re right, because all of my friends have been jabbed. Some are well into their 70’s and 80’s with pre-existing conditions. One has had cardiac surgery some years ago and is managing other chronic conditions. They were jabbed around March and aside from some pain around the injection site, fatigue and headache for a day or so, they don’t seem to have suffered anything serious.
They could have gotten saline, or they could have suffered clots that aren’t apparent. Their immune systems could be out of service for all we know, which won’t become apparent until they come down with something, which hasn’t happened yet. There are way too many things we don’t know about these jabs. Like you, I’m skeptical about whether the vaccines themselves, at least initially, are meant to cull a large segment of the population. Others have questioned why they’d want to kill off the easily controlled. Wouldn’t they want to get rid of the ones who can think for themselves?
Another dilemma: the ensuing chaos from a mass die-off would certainly affect the TPTB. Sure, they have bunkers and all that, but it’s unrealistic that they would walk away from such an event unscathed.
It’s more likely that the initial vaccines are trials to perfect the technology for whatever applications they want down the line, be it sterilization, longevity, genocide, whatever. I don’t know.
We just don’t know for sure but we’ll soon find out.
My immediate concerns are with the propaganda of fear, vax passports and further polarization of society between the vaxxed and unvaxxed. It’s reaching a fever pitch if the MSM is to be believed. Then again, I’m not entirely convinced that the average person shares the extremist views being peddled by the media. No one around me is trying to force me to get the vaccine. Most everyone I know seems to be okay with the idea of “my body my choice”. It seems shops are going along with it mainly because of optics. The whole thing is tenuous at best.
There are some toxic comments here, and I agree it’s can get very echo chamber-y and somewhat reactionary — par for the course for any internet board, really. I find myself in strange company these days. Some of the commenters seem to be contrarians who will simply oppose something because “the other side” said it, and are equally as reactionary and dogmatic as those who are going along with the scam. But there are some well meaning people too. If we are to overcome, it will be because of the shared humanity that we can find amongst the vaxxed and unvaxxed, young and old — basically the good humans. I don’t view the vaxxed or the maskers as my enemy. Many of them are just like me. I don’t know their personal situations or what motivates their actions. My suggestion is to just ignore the comments that don’t suit you and don’t take things personally.
The fog of war is thick. I think if we are to have any chance of winning, we should keep our heads about us, and above all, keep an open mind and not spiral into a state of hate, fear and panic.
Makes you wonder controlled opposition?Im not saying offgaurdian are bad but they do have to be careful what they or us say.
What makes you wonder controlled opposition? Nothing the Dude said was even about our content, he was talking about BTL comments.
FYI we publish opinions we respect or believe in, and our commenting rules are minimal. Your sneaky attempts at hinting otherwise seem disingenuous and a bit creepy.
It’s real in Australia, no jab no job is the message. Sure, this is only something large corporate employers are saying, but they are openly saying it out loud and many are getting in the injection line through fear.
That said, the corporations themselves have not yet been put to the test. Law suits for discrimination, injection injury liability, boycotts, strike, or simply knocking your boss clean out on the workshop floor for being an arogant prick and having the udacity to threaten you.
I’m sure all these thing will come down the pipe by the end of the year.
I can’t go to work because I haven’t been stabbed. Can you imagine worse coercion ?
On what basis do you disagree with Yeadon and actually many others saying similar? Yes, I agree things can’t be predicted with certainty but he’s certainly raised several potential dangers , some of which are already playing out.
Neither have I encountered anyone who has been harmed by the vaccine – and just about everyone I know has been vaccinated. Long term, of course, is another matter.
Conversely, I haven’t encountered anyone who has been harmed by COVID – and only two people who said they had it.
So to say the past year and a half has been “Much Ado About Nothing” is the understatement of the millennium.
Well I have encountered a few harmed and I live in back blocks of aust.,, and 6 months in how could anyone make judgements about not harm…I.e. I now realise 40 yrs later why my son and his mates had endless apparently colds as children…they all got those multiple vax back then….played havoc with their systems and caused issues….drs quick to give antibotics for same which often morphed into ear infections, which will threaten their hearing later, and the antibotics buggered up their guts..,
I used to say to drs ….I don’t remember all this growing up with a heap of younger siblings….oh they would say….usual these days…I can bet soon we will have drs dismissing vax reactions….usual these days…nothing to see here…well I have seen them do it already to swim mate with intense headaches post vax…
Yes Edith! and look at the climbing rate of autism in the US. Now it’s estimated 1 in every 54 US boys is on the autism spectrum.
The whole concept of pharma dependent medicine is wrong. You’ll never meet anyone on chronic medication who will heal their illness with it, rather it will perpetuate it.
I get your drift John, and for the time that I’ve been following Off-G (18 months or so), there is an issue of “ joining the club” to a certain extent. Whether that’s real or imagined is clearly my issue to deal with.
That’s why I’ve always liked Jaques ( a frequent poster months ago) because he appeared to have no filter between his brain and his pen ( fingers, keyboard whatever).
What you see is what you get.
I think Jaques is back recently ( if it is the same person?), but it’s a much more throttled version in my opinion.
I like your idea of as many diverse opinions being up for debate, rather than being fearful of being ridiculed by some of the very educated and clever posters that are resident on off-G.
But keep it cool ek se as we say in the south.
Peace and strength.
Just caught up with some more recent posts from Jaques – ignore anything I posted above.
Happily he seems back at full throttle.
Good one.
We can only go by what is actually happening. The reporting on Vaers and the the yellow card system etc and from people we know. These all confirm that many are being harmed and some dying.
I know 2 young women now half blind after the Pfizer injections, another with blood clots in her leg which could travel upward who’s on bed rest and can’t work after the jab, a man in his early 60s who had a stroke 8 says after second dose, a middle aged previously fit man who now is perma exhausted and suffers excruciating head aches after getting the jibby jab and a woman who now has severe cardio issues after first jab.
Maybe all your acquaintances had the placebo.
You wrong and you not looking at the facts or you are not aware of them or you simply cannot make any use of them. That’s your problem. The vaccinated won’t be fine. As explained by Yeadon and various other eminent Doctors and scientists. They not stupid. They not going to vaccinate people with a “vaccine” that kills within days or weeks. It takes months if not years to hit 80% targets. i.e by definition there is a built in timing delay.
If you knew all the facts you would have known this was depopulation right in the beginning. You don’t need scientists or Doctors to tell you. It’s obvious.
What’s this virus? The one that was so bad it killed the flu.
I agree you have an opinion. Perhaps you could at least link to the paper, lecutre or discussion that could enlighten us all. My veiw is flexible, perhaps I’ve missed some critical information.
Anyway, opinion aside. We are all being lied to and that’s enough for me no not trust anything they say.
More importantly, time is now short, what are we doing about it.
There’s large numbers of saline shots being given because the initial doses were causing huge numbers of deaths in the elderly in the first few weeks of the rollout.
Go to the CDC all-cause death stats pages from December 2020 onwards and see the sudden spike in deaths in the first few weeks following the rollout. Then notice the weekly deaths taper off as they brought in more saline batches.
I don’t believe your comments are sincere. Depopulation and sterilization is a known and admitted agenda of those who are involved in this operation.
And if it bothers you there’s an echo chamber here, you can go literally anywhere else and make asinine remarks about the imaginary virus and the harmless pathogenic injectables.
People who haven’t felt right since the jab have been misdiagnosed with covid, told they have pre-existing conditions such as blood clots, myocarditis, Epstein Barr, transverse myelitis, and even MS. Or they are keeping quiet and in complete denial about any negative effects. But the VAERS and yellow card systems show tens of thousands of deaths post vaccination and that’s only a small percentage of the total numbers of injuries and deaths.
The FDA even listed 22 side effects including death, before the vaccine rollout. So they knew what would transpire from early data gathered in the Phase 3 trials, but not released to the general public.
Believing anyone is going to confide truthfully in you about their medical status – post injection – is beyond naive. Especially if they know you have not been injected.
There’s enough information on each ingredient in the vaccines for me to claim with confidence that every single listed ingredient, (and there’s also unlisted ingredients) except the sucrose and the cholesterol are potentially toxic and even deadly, when given intravenously.
One of the ingredients, N,N-dimethylacetamide is a known cancer metabolite. It’s highly toxic and a threat to human health. “H360D ***: May damage the unborn child [Danger Reproductive toxicity].” It’s also listed here, known to be a serious safety concern since at least 2011.
In reality, no vaccines are safe or effective, and they never have been. But in 1976 they halted the swine flu shots after only three deaths.
Now it’s past 13,000 deaths in the US according to VAERS, and instead they’re still being pushed relentlessly.
If you are sincere then you should be able to see the huge discrepancy between then and now, and understand the long term implications.
Excellent response Researcher. Just one quibble, I don’t think the link re saline injections is particularly good as evidence of a PTB response to an overly high initial vax death rate. I don’t disagree with your point, just the evidence you offer here.
There’s many other links. It’s just one example.
Does blood or muscle ever contain sucrose naturally? It’s either glucose or glycogen, right?
Yes, that’s correct. However, sucrose is also a human metabolite. A disaccharide. Two monosaccharide sugar molecules bonded; glucose and fructose. It’s too large to cross a cell membrane. It has to be broken down with an enzyme in the gut called sucrase, into glucose and fructose, in a process called hydrolysis, to be utilized after being consumed orally. It’s not toxic in the amount that’s in the pathogenic injectables, which is minuscule. Most of it will be excreted in the urine. Only a small percentage – approximately 5% will be oxidized.
Be more worried about the PEG 2000. It’s highly toxic and when used intravenously, known to cause complement activation, which is potentially deadly.
“Poly(ethylene glycol)s generate complement activation products in human serum through increased alternative pathway turnover and a MASP-2-dependent process.“
PEG reactions include previously “reported unexplained anaphylaxis or the referred cardiovascular collapse.”
Infusion reactions and complement activation from PEG and nanoparticle drug composites are common.
That’s why there’s so many videos circulating of people collapsing at vaccine centers.
“I disagree with Mike Yeadon about this. Now, he is entitled to his opinion. But he – along with every other person with a scientific training* – does not have a monopoly on ‘the truth’.”
I don’t recall that Yeadon has claimed to know the outcome. Quite the opposite, he’s said that we don’t know so much about these vaccines except the obvious harm being reported worldwide, so why the push for mandates? He has asserted his suspicion that he doesn’t see people dropping dead all at once, but rather the population may be afflicted with other diseases which will manifest months/years down the road, removing direct culpability to the vaccine. Dr. Fleming speculates the same.
Yesterday I watched a round table discussion featuring Malone, Fleming and many others. One of the reasons I found it a valuable presentation was because the opinions were varied and passionately challenged. Following is an excerpt of Mercola’s synopsis of the video discussion:
‘Some have brushed off the notion that the virus could be a bioweapon because it didn’t cause sudden, mass deaths. But this is a misconception. A successful bioweapon can be something that causes long-term, progressive, chronic-type diseases, noted Dr. Richard Fleming, a physicist, nuclear cardiologist and attorney.
“If you’re going to actually develop something that’s going to have a massive effect on your ‘enemy,’ your goal isn’t to kill the enemy any more than it was the goal of the United States in Vietnam to kill the enemy.The goal was to maim the enemy so that more of the enemy would be taken off the field.
What we’ve seen is something that’s been implemented that is an ideal by a weapon designed to demoralize and to feed people the enemy, and to cause a slow smoldering process.”’
Like many people you’re saying because many millions haven’t died yet the vaxx is safe. Give it a few more years. Using the old analogy of a rainstorm there is no instant downpour; it starts with a few drops, then it gets faster then it pours. I think the first few drops have fallen and it’s getting faster, and soon people will be dropping everywhere. No censorship will be able to hide it.
That may be explained by the fact that many people have been injected a placebo. It is a trial, even if they don’t to mention it much.
Off topic but I think it’s relevant when I was in my twenties I got coerced into having the contraceptive injection.I was ill for 18 months my cycle was messed up and I developed hypothyroidism,I then had cancer cells removed from my cervix.They lied to me god knows what’s in these injections.I don’t mean to gross you out but that’s the god’s honest truth from one injection.
And I’m talking about being 21 years old no health problems to nearly dying and getting a auto immune disease within 18 months of that injection.
My doctor nurse said you don’t want anymore children have this shot,My health visitor told me to get sterilised?I have no faith in the medical profession least now if I went into hospital I’d never come out.
I always say if you are dying the NHS provide the best treatment. So confine any hospital visits to this imo..
Probably jumping into Iceland’s new volcano would be the tidiest way to go – very quick too…
I’m still weighing up the significance of the trauma involved…
it’d be a hoot, we’d frazz out before we hit the lava, what a rush! i’d swim the atlantic swell to join you, but my son’s too young to leave ; )
no’ yet pal, we have meaningful tasks to complete.
Okay, I’ll wait. You’ve convinced me 🙂
zero covid, zero carbon… these are nonsensical aims and by design.. by utilizing impossible objectives the imbeciles running the psy-op have granted themselves the ability to eternally subject the peons to restrictive and coercive measures of so called ‘containment’…. (all for your own good mind, because they really care (sic) )
the perfect cover for their ‘reorganization’ and ‘winnowing’ of society…
the luciferic ‘new-abnormal’..
Perhaps it will all end like H.G. Wells’s “War of the Worlds”, when our cultist manipulators from Mars all drop dead from the common cold…
I can already hear us take our first really deep breath of fresh air for two years when the last of them is gone…
One can hope.Lest we forget the warmongers the psychopaths that harms humanity let them perish into the cesspool they created.