The Covidian Cult (Part III)
CJ Hopkins

In The Covidian Cult (Part I) and (Part II), I characterized the so-called “New Normal” as a “global totalitarian ideological movement.”
Since I published those essays, more and more people have come to see it for what it is, not “insanity” or “an overreaction,” but, in fact, a new form of totalitarianism, a globalized, pathologized, depoliticized form, which is being systematically implemented under the guise of “protecting the public health.”
In order to oppose this new form of totalitarianism, we need to understand how it both resembles and differs from earlier totalitarian systems. The similarities are fairly obvious — the suspension of constitutional rights, governments ruling by decree, official propaganda, public loyalty rituals, the outlawing of political opposition, censorship, social segregation, goon squads terrorizing the public, and so on — but the differences are not obvious.
Whereas 20th-Century totalitarianism (i.e., the form most people are generally familiar with) was more or less national and overtly political, New Normal totalitarianism is supranational, and its ideology is much more subtle. The New Normal is not Nazism or Stalinism. It is global-capitalist totalitarianism, and global capitalism doesn’t have an ideology, technically, or, rather, its ideology is “reality.”
When you are an unrivaled global ideological hegemon, as global capitalism has been for the last 30 years or so, your ideology automatically becomes “reality,” because there are no competing ideologies. Actually, there is no ideology at all … there is only “reality” and “unreality,” “normality” and “deviations from the norm.”
Yes, I know, reality is reality … that’s why I’m putting all these terms in scare quotes, so, please, spare me the lengthy emails conclusively proving the reality of reality and try to understand how this works.
There is reality (whatever you believe it is), and there is “reality,” which dictates how our societies function. “Reality” is constructed (i.e., simulated), collectively, according to the ideology of whatever system controls society.
In the past, “reality” was openly ideological, regardless of which “reality” you lived in, because there were other competing “realities” out there. There aren’t anymore. There is only the one “reality,” because the entire planet — yes, including China, Russia, North Korea, and wherever — is controlled by one globally hegemonic system.
A globally hegemonic system has no need for ideology, because it doesn’t have to compete with rival ideologies. So it erases ideology and replaces it with “reality.” Reality (whatever you personally believe it is, which of course is what it really is) is not actually erased.
It just doesn’t matter, because you do not get to dictate “reality.” Global capitalism gets to dictate “reality,” or, more accurately, it simulates “reality,” and in so doing simulates the opposite of “reality,” which is equally if not more important.
This global-capitalist-manufactured “reality” is a depoliticized, ahistorical “reality,” which forms an invisible ideological boundary establishing the limits of what is “real.” In this way, global capitalism (a) conceals its ideological nature, and (b) renders any and all ideological opposition automatically illegitimate, or, more accurately, non-existent.
Ideology as we knew it disappears. Political, ethical, and moral arguments are reduced to the question of what is “real” or “factual,” which the GloboCap “experts” and “fact checkers” dictate.
Also, because this “reality” is not a cohesive ideological system with fundamental values, core principles, and so on, it can be drastically revised or completely replaced more or less at a moment’s notice. Global capitalism has no fundamental values — other than exchange value, of course — and thus it is free to manufacture any kind of “reality” it wants, and replace one “reality” with a new “reality” any time that serves its purposes, like stagehands changing a theatrical set.
For example, the “Global War on Terror,” which was the official “reality” from 2001 until it was canceled in the Summer of 2016, when the “War on Populism” was officially launched. Or, now, the “New Normal,” which replaced the “War on Populism” in the Spring of 2020.
Each of which new simulations of “reality” was rolled out abruptly, clumsily even, like that scene in 1984 where the Party switches official enemies right in the middle of a Hate Week speech.
Seriously, think about where we are currently, 18 months into our new “reality,” then go back and review how GloboCap blatantly rolled out the New Normal in the Spring of 2020 … and the majority of the masses didn’t even blink.
They seamlessly transitioned to the new “reality” in which a virus, rather than “white supremacists,” or “Russian agents,” or “Islamic terrorists,” had become the new official enemy.
They put away the scripts they had been reciting verbatim from for the previous four years, and the scripts they had been reciting from for the previous 15 years before that, and started frantically jabbering Covid cult-speak like they were auditioning for an over-the-top Orwell parody.
Which brings us to the problem of the Covidian cult … how to get through to them, which, make no mistake, we have to do, one way or another, or the New Normal will become our permanent “reality.”
I called the New Normals a “Covidian Cult,” not to gratuitously insult or mock them, but because that is what totalitarianism is … a cult writ large, on a societal scale. Anyone who has tried to get through to them can confirm the accuracy of that analogy.
You can show them the facts until you’re blue in the face. It will not make the slightest difference. You think you are having a debate over facts, but you are not. You are threatening their new “reality.”
You think you are struggling to get them to think rationally. You are not. What you are is a heretic, an agent of demonic forces, an enemy of all that is “real” and “true.”
The Scientologists would label you a “suppressive person.” The New Normals call you a “conspiracy theorist,” an “anti-vaxxer,” or a “virus denier.” The specific epithets don’t really matter.
They are just labels that cult members and totalitarians use to demonize those they perceive as “enemies” … anyone challenging the “reality” of the cult, or the “reality” of the totalitarian system.
The simple fact of the matter is, you can’t talk people out of a cult, and you can’t talk them out of totalitarianism. Usually, what you do, in the case of a cult, is, you get the person out of the cult. You kidnap them, take them to a safehouse or wherever, surround them with a lot of non-cult members, and deprogram them gradually over the course of several days.
You do this because, while they are still inside the cult, you cannot get through to them. They cannot hear you.
A cult is a collective, self-contained “reality.” Its power flows from the social organism composed of the cult leaders and the other cult members. You cannot “talk” this power away. You have to physically remove the person from it before you can begin to reason with them.
Unfortunately, we do not have this option. The New Normal is a global totalitarian system. There is no “outside” of the system to retreat to. We can’t kidnap everyone and take them to Sweden. As I noted in Part I of this series, the cult/society paradigm has been inverted. The cult has become the dominant society, and those of us who have not been converted have become a collection of isolated islands existing, not outside, but within the cult.
So we need to adopt a different strategy. We need to make the monster show itself, not to those of us who can already see it, but to the New Normal masses, the Covidian cultists.
We need to make Jim Jones drop the peace-and-love crap, move into the jungle, and break out the Kool-Aid. We need to make Charles Manson put down his guitar, cancel orgy-time, and go homicidal hippie.
This is how you take down a cult from within. You do not try to thwart its progress; you push it toward its logical conclusion. You make it manifest its full expression, because that it when it implodes, and dies. You do not do that by being polite, conciliatory, or avoiding conflict. You do that by generating as much internal conflict within the cult as you can.
In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it.
In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of “reality,” and “democracy,” and “normality,” to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears.
That is the weakness of the system … the New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as “a response to a deadly pandemic.”
So we need to make it visible as totalitarianism.
We need to force the New Normals to see it as what it is. I do not mean that we need to explain it to them. They are beyond the reach of explanations. I mean that we need to make them see it, feel it, tangibly, inescapably, until they recognize what they are collaborating with.
Stop arguing with them on their terms, and instead directly attack their “reality.”
When they start jabbering about the virus, the variants, the “vaccines,” and all the other Covid cult-speak, do not get sucked into their narrative. Do not respond as if they were rational.
Respond as if they were talking about “Xenu,” “body thetans,” “Helter Skelter,” or any other cultoid nonsense, because that it is exactly what it is.
Same goes for their rules and restrictions, the “face coverings,” the “social distancing,” and so on. Stop arguing against them on the grounds that they don’t work. Of course they don’t work, but that is not the point (and arguing that way sucks you into their “reality”).
Oppose them because of what they are, a collection of bizarre compliance rituals performed to cement allegiance to the cult and create a general atmosphere of “deadly pandemic.”
There are many ways to go about doing this, i.e., generating internal conflict. I have been doing it my way, others are doing it theirs. If you’re one of them, thank you. If you’re not, start. Do it however and wherever you can.
Make the New Normals face the monster, the monster they are feeding … the monster they have become.
CJ Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and political satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing and Broadway Play Publishing, Inc. His dystopian novel, Zone 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. Volumes I and II of his Consent Factory Essays are published by Consent Factory Publishing, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amalgamated Content, Inc. He can be reached at or
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Can you please give me some examples of HOW you are exposing their totalitarianism to the cult followers?
I wish I could read parts 1&2, maybe I will find them once I learn to use Locals better. I take copies of a meme with me showing a penitent in front of a giant TV screen that says “Be afraid, Wear your mask, stay inside” and I think (hope) that this conveys the shame and disgust you talk about. I would like to paste that picture here but don’t seem to have that ability. With players like Schwab and Gates in the opposition, it will have to be an overwhelming amount of pushback to crack the shell of invincibility but I think your propositions have merit but need larger players, thinking a short film to promote the idea. Maybe some Babylon Bee satire to spread the notion.
He provides the links to the first two parts above this article.
Surprisingly well stated, even if I disagree with your premise on the definition of reality, your concept of the situation at large is rather accurate.
I would disagree with you that going full totalitarian is not the answer that always ends in death and knowing how the mind has a remarkable way of self preservation even with an over exposure to the evils that a person is complicit in will not per say convert their thinking to the good.
I would propose make people less disgust sensitive expose them to things that are dirty, gross (within the reason of wholesome) think fear factor. Where you watch people eat absolutely disgusting things but the fascination and humor override the repulsion. It’s an interesting phenomenon that when people face their fear of disgust and disease they laugh at their own absurdity.
Humor is good medicine. And totalitarianism only survives on a local level when the disgust sensitivity is high. Got to get them to face reality that the planet is disgusting just like what they crap out. Its absurd to think otherwise and always leads to error.
Per se (not per say)
CJ. Great and as usual, I always try to pinpoint a new expression when a certain situation evolves and evades our current analysis. For Global Capitalism, I have created the expression Reduced Darwinism Capitalism. Reduced because it limits itself at understanding only a minimalist concept of competition: Brute Force. This is what has allowed for the New Capitalism to disintegrate Individual Rights. “The only Rule is Force”.
Interestingly, it becomes quickly obvious that the Multiculturalist form of Government is the greatest abettor of this New Normal. Why?
This will be a difficult argument for most proponents of “Tolerance” to understand, follow or accept, but nonetheless, I attempt.
By focusing on limited focused characteristics of groups, such as ethnicity, color, origin, culture etc… with the idealist goal of reducing the potentiality of abuse of a majority rule, political multiculturalism application has created a sum of collective sub-unities which are not individuals, but compete with them. Each of these sub-entities wins when it agrees to promote more the characteristics which compose their groups instead of the individual rights of each of the members of their group. So each of their success creates not an argument for individuality but for collectivism. This is in principal why collectivism has now won over individual protection.
Marcuse was a proud promoter of critical theory established by the Frankfurt School. His main focus of argumentation were condensed here, The Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, and “Political Correctness”
“Criticism of foundational principles, like Constitutional Democracy, rule of law, natural rights, majority rule, and limited government was crucial. Annihilation of such values would pave the way for wide acceptance of Marxist ideology” (emphasis added)
Yet, while all Democracies are vulnerable to a despotic Majority, what secured that Democracy’s potential abuse were contained in the United States was the Bill of Rights. It took 10 years for the States to ratify the US Constitution after the Core 7 Chapters were written, because it gave a recipe for a Republican structure, but no real guaranty that the Majority would not install an equivalent despotic system as the Monarchy had previously. 10 years of work and are thinking and reflection were needed from the most Revolutionary political minds of the young Enlightment period to create a consensus. This consensus was the first 10 articles of the Bill of Rights. Only individual fundamental Rights which preceded Governments authorities could guaranty that Government and a Majority rule would not become despotic. “When I refuse to obey an unjust law, I do not contest the right which the majority has of commanding, but I simply appeal from the sovereignty of the people to the sovereignty of mankind.” (deTocqueville) as quote in Democracy and despotism of the majority by Michael Kirke
But “Covidiansim, the Cult” is not exactly your typical majority because the greater number of its adherents are not Informed participants. As we need to give consent in an informed manner to give authority to health officials to vaccinate us, the same must apply to political power. For the application of political authority may only be legitimate if it is authorized by an informed people, whose power comes from each individual’s own Fundamental protection, which sets the limit of penetration of the others, including Government into one’s Right to “Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness”.
But 40 years of putting Emotion before Cognitivity has rendered most of the participants in our society incapable of forming a sound self protective informed consent. The core of the political strategy of multiculturalism, was culture as a tool of destroying the cognitive understanding of what an Individual is. Culture is a collective experience and institution…and it has evolved mostly into an intellect absent ritual. In fact culture is no more, it has been substituted with Marketing and Propaganda, which from a pure emotional perception look quite the same.
Multiculturalism, as a political instrument, is not about Tolerance but about the destruction of the Intellect’s Individuality. Look all you want, feel all you want, dress all you want…it doesn’t give you Thought.
To Be is first to Think, from thinking is born Conscience, and from Conscience is born the Individual.
well, here we go…….i was dead actually, until march 2020 and then by some beeeeezzzar incident i awoke in a world i once knew. and sadly left far behind.
can you imagine, i was happily dead, yes, in the clouds with a view of the earth as she spirals through time at 65.5 thousand mph (according to brian cox) and bang, shitski, all of a sudden, i’m back on this rock again…!!! o dear.
ok says me, what have i done to warrant this escapade? did i pee on the wrong people from the past? did i sneak to close to neptunes nymphs? how did this happen and more to the point why?
here, one must appreciate that i am invisible and so have had no issues in mixing amongst the masses to attempt a configuration as to my pre-dick-ament…..
and what a strange mix it is…o dear.
when i last “lived” here things were rather different.
the pubs had good cheap beer and live music most nights.
creatives actually made stuff to sell.
riding my bicycle to “ronnies” and wobbling home fully primed at 3 in the morning was quite acceptable.
i could fall off, skin my knees and mummy wouldn’t have worried one little bit. she actually would encourage me to go out and do it all again.
i could smell really bad the next day and still get a seat on the tube.
the car didn’t have an alarm that moaned at me if i forgot my seatbelt.
the dogs, cats and all of the neighbours were all my mates and we could call in on each other and have a good old chat about anything, including the state of the african guy who’d i’d hired to trim the tree outside, only to find he’d gotten so happy to have a few bob, that a beer too many encouraged him to go full “metal hacket” and give the poor old prune a new styling wand….bless him for his efforts. i can’t remember if he was gay…he was happy though. and he loved my fried chicken.
and, i could also use my hands to make my coin, earn it hard and spend it as i saw fit.
now, i’m not sure what’s going on? how did a fancy typewriter take over the human mind…???
i does appear that this article puts a view forward, that i am a repeat witness to from my time in the great library up high…….a return to the old religious greed of singular ideal…..circa 1200 ad. just to confirm my thoughts, i spoke via the cloud to my mate malcolm and he again confirmed that the most dangerous species was the evangelical conservative religious types….i see his point for sure, because i see an infection as described, like never before right here, right now….o dear.
i will say that there is a simple solution and it is to resist the temptation to conform….which will simply keep the dog snarling at any move one makes. kick the dog if you must, or his owner…metaphorically speaking…or pull his tail….your choice.
now i’ve woken up, i actually don’t want to stay, so i’m going off now to try and catch the no.27 back home….cloud cover’s looking not too bad this week, so the ride should be easy.
as a parting gesture, i do wish you all good luck though, because i can see that the only way out of insanity is to “resist” with everything you have. you are going to have to stand tall and speak.
and i guess if you die trying, i’ll be upstairs with a nice cold beer to greet you as you glide on through those old gates of wisdom…??
bye for now.
“The debate (about the existence and function of viruses) needs to be had in the medium (?) term, as Kaufman says. But right now, the situation is way too urgent to focus on things like that.”
I don’t agree with that. I think that it’s a central issue and I see no reason why it should be postponed, on the contrary. A debate featuring informed opponents using technical language that is not too incomprehensible has the potential to open the eyes of many a normie. The intelligent one, I mean. It would sow the seed of doubt.
I understand why conventional virologists might be reluctant to engage in a debate liable to expose that their field of expertise is a crock of shit … 😀 … but I can’t imagine that a few wouldn’t be willing to do that, if the opponent were a serious contended, not some batshit crazy Internet “researcher”. This guy Mike Palmer seemed pretty open-minded – why not try to make him debate Kaufman or Lanka. OffG has the clout to organize something like that. Why not try?
I believe this logic is flawed, in fact you’re being influenced by the same post hoc fallacy as your opponents, which goes “there are viruses, therefore viruses cause the monstrous covid”. Whereas you are saying, “there aren’t viruses, therefore viruses didn’t cause the monstrous covid”, as if that puts an end to it. It’s the sae equation based on the same flawed assumptions. If you convince the virology is fake all it does is give your opponents cart blanc to say anything they like caused the “monstrous covid”. The narrative isn’t required to make sense ALREADY, what makes you think defunct virology will make any difference!? It’s the myth of the “monstrous covid” that must be broken, which is intertwined with the FEAR virus that’s going round. All completely divorced from rationality. A2
I don’t know what “logic” you’re talking about. The above post contains no statement or argument, and wherefrom you’ve extrapolated that I’m making a claim about the existence of viruses, I understand not. Ditto your remark about “monstrous covid”. Kindly don’t project your assumptions into what I’m saying.
What I’m saying is that there is evidently a conflict between two approaches disease, virology. While the conventional virologists claim that viruses cause disease, there are dissenters who oppose that theory. It would be most useful if these two view were confronted on some official platform.
In this regard, COVID is kind coincidental.
I think there should probably be a multi-pronged approach. I think you’re right Jacques when you say debating the existence of viruses is a central issue. I agree. But we can also do both: raise the legitimacy of contagious viruses in general and raise the issue of the PCR test and the existence of Covid specifically. And point to the lack of efficacy and safety of the vaccines in general. And point to the digital ID and social credit system – the Great System – being the true impetus, not any genuine concern for public health.
Raise all these issues in tandem. Different activists and dissidents and focus on whichever feels right to them. Address all the facets of the issue.
I didn’t mean you personally thought covid was ‘monstrous’ but we all use the same flawed syllogism if we assume that discrediting virology will make one shred a difference against the church of covid. If we succeed in removing all constraints of ‘established science’, rather than puncturing the covid balloon I think it could merely expand infinitely without constraint.
We’re saying the same thing, ultimately. It’s the mindset behind this which I agree is the only determining factor, and we start tinkering with other factors at our peril. To use an (imperfect) analogy, it’s like trying to repair a machine that’s running out of control, a machine we barely understand the purpose of, let alone how it works. We don’t know whether cutting this wire or that will fix the problem or make it worse.
Not saying your opinion won’t help fix the problem, nor am I saying it won’t exacerbate it.
I guess I’m for keeping the machine cool and well-lubricated until it eventually sorts itself out, which it has tended to do in the past, and learn as much as possible about its inner workings by observing the process while avoiding getting crushed in the process!
It’s an imperfect analogy as I say.
But without the “virus” wouldn’t fear also disappear? Without fear how would the totalitarians control the masses?
I don’t think the “virus” is essential to the fear – after all, they can say it was simply some unknown pathogen, thereby increasing not decreasing the fear.
BUT, without the “virus” there goes the entire rationale for the vaccine. And, yes, that alone would be worth its weight in gold (or in fairy dust).
That is based on the assumption that the two are linked. Maybe you\re right, but I see no connection between cult covid and facts whatsoever. A2
Well, I disagree. I agree strongly with Jacques and Veri Tas on this Without the virus, they have no justification for forcing the vaccine on anyone. Claiming there’s some other pathogen responsible – responsible for what, exactly? Once you’ve lost your mantle of scientific objectivity, you can’t so easily fool the public a second time – it’s like the scene in the Wizard of Oz where he’s been exposed as just a common man – “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” If the virus doesn’t exist you have no more authority and your scare tactics lose their power.
It’s imperative that virology’s fundamental errors are exposed and delegitimized, otherwise this madness of perpetual vaccination – turning the human body into a perpetual pincushion of endless injections – will never stop. It will NEVER end, and that means the end of human health and sanity for the foreseeable future.
You can’t have intelligence in a cult environment. Intelligence is based on our capacity to solve issues big or small and in whatever context. You can be extremely intelligent and be sucked into a cult environment. Intelligence gets swapped out for brainwashing, which itself is the antithesis of what I think you imply by intelligence as we know it outside of being mind f*cked.
When you are mind f*cked, that goes out of the window. Take any abusive relationship. The victim finds it very easy to stay no matter how intelligent they are. They will seek to reason with the abuser (contrary to intelligence/common sense/etc). They will even defend them (another contradiction to their capacity prior to this relationship). How do you intelligently get out of being a prisoner of war and locked in solitary confinement? Eventually you will degrade and your faculties will be focused purely on the immediate environment. Solitary confinement works great at alienating people from actually being able to utilize their full capacity and potential.
Putting it down to intelligence to solve this is futile and naïve.
Intelligence is used to exploit and manipulate the other cult members. The only intelligence that can be used is the intelligence of the leader and this is based on a false narrative that seeks to control his/her victims in the first place and brainwash them into pure unfaltering allegiance to the cult. If you use intelligence, you are a threat. You challenge the reality. You are punished and made an example of.
Just when you thought this Punch and Judy couldn’t get any worse. Read this MIT article. Seriously
The article is dated December 2019…
They don’t mention the dye used in the article but I’ve looked it up. Luciferase
i.e the vaccine passports are a red herring. If you vaccinated you already marked.
This is not The Onion. This is Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City:
(He starts speaking at the 0:23s mark.)
No. Evil is not Covid, Bill. Evil is the scum like you who are pushing the poison jabs on children. Evil is the scum who have caused such devastation and despair because of this massive crime against humanity.
Evil is also, people like Sco-Mo, Gladys and Dan Wotsisname, prostituting themselves for an experimental injection – for Big Pharma. They really make one want to vomit …
Yep😪 The self serving psychopathic maggots who make up literally the entire political class here in Australia is truly a wonder to behold. Unless you were actually living here of course…
Mayor de Blasio’s performance is a blast from the past, in a way.
He’s a present-day spruced-up iteration of the pale little man in a grubby all-weather coat hanging out by the schoolyard fence with a bag of candy in his sweaty hand.
Similarities between past and present totalitarianisms arise from undercurrents of class-based and hierarchical societies ever since civilization was born(e) upon the division of labor. There are constant reminders through history (and the Luddites seem all the more contemporary, for one) of how we must remain vigilant in fighting for our rights to live free and autonomous, rather than drifting into ruling elites’ dreamworlds where we imagine that gods or masters, authorities or experts, grant us permission to live, as if inviting these usurpers to claim absolute power.
Cult consciousness largely follows along this continuum, complementary to if not coincident with the machine which enslaves our consciousness to the repetitive behaviors of units of production. Industrial capitalism, constantly revolutionizing the forces and relations of production, mass produces lifestyles as part of the colonization and commodification of all life, where its propaganda system of advertising manufactures identities according to generational ten year plans and annual fashion. Image is everything. Simulacra. Spectacle.
There’s continuity between Adam Smith’s pin factory or Frederick Taylor’s scientific management and ritual performances of masking or lockdown conditioning to the virtual worlds and parallel realities of screened lives. The machine is now poised to completely colonize and commodify the already alienated lives it’s produced, moving from controlling consciousness to becoming consciousness. AI algogarchy is part of the ideology of technocracy, pretending to be the end of ideology under the machine’s information age. Data is the new oil, and the cogs of the machine now are being equipped to be energized by it. Science Is Real and Ignorance Is Strength in the Digital (c)Age.
If nothing else, resistance against the machine involves reclaiming a human-scaled society, decentralized and rooted in face-to-face community and direct democracy, where power flows from the base of humanity. Domesticated herds of labor, made all the more docile under the cult(s) of consumerism, have become de-politicized in the habits and skills, the practices, of self-rule. Maybe it’s those who are awake to the killing machinery coming at us who most need to learn and listen to ourselves, our humanity, in ways we’ve forgotten or yet to discover, beyond the manufactured identities engineered by the science of exploitation.
I’ve no doubt there is a covidian cult at large. Professionalism alone proves it, as those serving as the (ir)responsible field officers for waging the class war against us demonstrate a frightening robotic fanaticism to making 2+2 equal 5. But even in their ranks there have been invaluable dissident voices speaking the truth about power among the powerless, providing the actual science and realities beyond the big lies.
In other words, aren’t there still enough of our species existing along a continuum of waking up with whom we may build networks of solidarity and mutual aid to resist the machine? Free, self-governing beings who defy the controlled oppositions, as between covidian cultists and domestic terrorists, of the machine.
Reality is a river, flowing among all our relationships, including ourselves, in process of becoming who we are. The machine is in motion to stop all this. To do so, it must lie in order to lead us down the assembly line of our undoing. Telling truths we live by remains a revolutionary act for anyone who has ears to hear and eyes to see.
“There’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can’t take part. You can’t even passively take part. And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all.”
― Mario Savio
That quote is so prescient. It chimes so much louder today.
Excellent post – and it mentions something that the article avoids saying: the class struggle. Which is one of the reasons for this Covideology-made-reality – to suppress it in its infancy, to reinforce self-isolation and social distance between everyone so as to avoid people putting their “bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus”. Fortunately there are times, so far not at all long-lasting, when anger explodes rather than implodes – for instance, in May-June 2020 in the USA when something 2000 towns in cities in the USA rose up after the killing of George Floyd. No self-isolating or social distancing then.
For more details about what’s been happening over the last 20 months, for those who like to add to what they already know, see this:
Update from Italy
World Alternative Media
Sep 4, 2021
Insane! Italy To Force Jab Everyone! – Door To Door Mandatory Jabs & Imminent Violence
Home – National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce ( This is the lack of care and general abuse plan in Australia, as a former nurse this makes me sick
This piece is so relatable.. good work
But i didn’t get the lack of values part the globocap love to talk about “diversity” and other bullshit
And the next Stage? Is anyone else connecting dots from, yep, graphene oxide IS in the vaxxed AND current successful resesrch into “helping” ppl with Alzheimers? Through manipulation of EM in their brains, using graphene oxide? AND Elon rolling out 5000 VW car size satellites to give TOTAL 5G coverage of the Earth’s surface… just sayn… now that is an Endgame Scenario!
Who can still take this pseudoopandemic seriously? It’s so blatantly fake, so obviously dishonest. It’s an insult to the intelligence of a budgie.
We’re now had 19 months of shameless criminal lies while they destroy the world around us. The debate is over. I am just sick and tired of it now, and of the fools and liars and toadies and careerists and know-nothings and child-molesters who keep this filthy fearporn campaign going.
Trending in Germany: #EsgibtkeinePandemie #ThereIsNoPandemic. Say it loud, be out and be proud.
3,322 Retweets 137 Quote Tweets 8,351 Likes 12:14 AM · Sep 4, 2021
They are at war with us. We have to stop them. There are more of us than we think.
These crooks & liars don’t give a shite about evidence or reasoned debate. The most eloquent and well-argued essays have not the slightest effect on them, except to make them smirk. They positively hate the truth, because they know it’s their enemy.
Are they taking the piss? No, we’re giving it away.
The Big Yin had respect for the English language. He knew the only correct response, the last verbal option before an actual physical fight.
“People say it’s a limited vocabulary that makes you swear. Well, I don’t agree…”
Say it loud. Be out and be proud.
The debate is over.
‘Sir’ Billy Connolly has taken the two injections already as shown on the BBC, like a good shill. Not such a rebel in the end.
All those muppets have only ever ‘rebelled’ about state sanctioned topics, like ridiculing Christianity, or the ‘white people’.
The good thing about all this is now all the masks have dropped, ironically.
Congratulations on completely missing the point.
He’s a comedian, and his health is failing badly.
Give him a break. He makes people laugh – for a living.
He never pretended to be Che Guevara or Gandhi, and he probably doesn’t know about OffGuardian, about which I can well imagine him saying, in a rare serious moment, “I think it’s just great!”.
It’s one thing when a vaxx- or lockdown sceptic turns out to be complying secretly when we aren’t looking, but we don’t know about anything concerning Connolly’s private views on life, since he hardly ever stops joking.
We only know his act, where nothing is spared his piercing and rough wit, but nothing he says is supposed to be taken seriously either.
I also expect his knowledge of virology is no greater than anybody else’s who left school at the first available opportunity.
Musicians, comedians. Professional entertainers promoted to reinforce the official narrative.
He got the injection live on BBC promoting the vaccine. That will influence some people to get it. He is effectibly working for the establishment, so it’s not a far fetched conclusion that he always has.
If he’s an unaware comedian only doing his job is equivalent to saying Boris is well intentioned politicial only trying to to his best for all of us.
Probably the most naive or disingenuos way to look at people like Connolly.
“They are at war with us.” Q.E.D. This is what you get from the stormtroopers for going shopping without an internal passport (1m 15s):
Nat @Arwenstar
FRANCE: Macron’s thugs attacking women – it turns my stomach.
#manifestation4septembre #NonAuPassDeLaHonte
7:29 PM · Sep 4, 2021
Just awful! I’ll use one of those tweets in my next blog post.
We have to stop them alright. They have been at war with us for a long long time on multiple fronts obviously. It started to escalate in the 20th century. In the 21st century they made their big move. Too many people still don’t have eyes to see. Theoretically, anybody over the age of about 30 has no excuse for not seeing what has now been revealed. The ancients didn’t call it Revelations for nothin’. It’s either slavery or we fight with truth, and righteousness to throw off the unholy sh*t that’s trying to harsh our natural mellow.
I made a comment a bit earlier about French politics and no-one seems to have picked up on it.
The French regime is leading the charge on the removal of all our rights, in Europe.
Mandatory vaccination for everyone is going to debated in October…proposed by le Parti Sociale.
Framing it as a debate is a slap in the face. There’s nothing to debate. Mandatory injection is abhorrent.
In another way, framing it as a debate as though there was democracy happening and as though gangster politicians weren’t taking their marching orders from the transnational capitalist class, is a slap in the face.
The PS are absolute and utter bastards, with nothing socialist about them whatsoever. After all, the current leader is one of their secretions (excretions?). It was someone from that party who is behind the amendment that makes parental consent unnecessary for children aged 16 to 18.
More generally, they are responsible for many current ills, EU membership being one of them.
At least their mask has finally come off.
Actually it is the epitome of socialism. Communitarianism is the ultimate form of socialism. We are all in this together, no one will be left behind. The ‘collective rights’ trump the idividual rights everytime. Except the party’s top brass and the inteligentzia of course.
It has elements of both communism, which is based on socialism, and fascism based on capitalism. In the sense that it is levelling everyone to an equal situation of submission financially and socially, while merging private corporations with government. Meaning the new managerial class is effectibly the politburo or council of the elders whatever you want to call it. They are above all the rules that apply to us.
Not that this hasn’t existed before only now in a global scale.
So, what we have is the total management of production and how resources are used by all of us, including energy, food, travel, etc. by a ruling class using technology. While convincing most people this system is the best to keep them and the planet safe. Until hell breaks loose.
Communitarianism is cancer , I had to get that off my chest , I work in a coop in Brighton ( I don’t live here thank god )..
Individualism is as much against the individual as communitarianism is against community. Both involve submission to the society of the spectacle. Whilst there’s a state and a market economy, the masses of individuals have no ability to determine the use of their lives. We are colonised by false choices as always. The only free choice is to fight on as many fronts as you’re able to.
Individual rights is not the same as individualism. The ONLY rights we have are as individuals, there’s no such thing as the rights of a group.
Same applies to our duties and obligations, no one is judged as a group but as an individual.
And here are those behind the idea:
Actually, I doubt the covid scam is either truly global or capitalist. This looks like the United States attempting to lock down its collapsing empire via fascism and its crony tech corporations. No doubt it will all backfire, just like everything else the CIA has attempted in the last couple of decades, and the US will only slip further behind China and Europe.
It’s ‘global’ in the sense that every country is pretty much doing the same, with minor variation. It’s ‘capitalist’ in the sense that there’s money-lending involved to facilitate it.
China and Europe would (at least ostensibly) seem to be totally on-board with the scam.
It could legitimately be argued that the US are leading the way though…
What has backfired, though, Thom? Isn’t this what the CIA or the people they are working for want?
They shot 4 leaders dead in front of our eyes in the sixties. I think they’ve been pretty successful in their message. This is what happens when you might actually make a change in our scheme.
Slip behind China? We’re becoming China. Except for manufacturing.
I’m not arguing with you, it just seems to me that the CIA et al has been enormously successful.
This Thom character is just the latest in a long line of it’s-not-the-globalists-it’s-the-USA/CIA trolls to appear here. They’re always good for a quiet chuckle if nothing else.
You are correct. It’s an identifiable sub-genre, a lame attempt at narrative confusion. Immediately identifiable as 77th or similar.
Sorry – maybe a bit off topic – but wondering if anyone here (any Australians) can explain to me what currently happens with air travel.
We need clearance, passes and paperwork to travel to Central Station – but Sydney airport is still reasonable busy – e.g. partial incoming flight list (below) for Sunday morning only. How can so many people be “processed” with lockdowns. Anyone got any insights? Are they all shunted off to holding pens?.
Hong Kong (HKG)
Christchurch (CHC)
Los Angeles (LAX)
Shanghai (PVG)
Los Angeles (LAX)
San Francisco (SFO)
Delhi (DEL)
Los Angeles (LAX)
Shanghai (PVG)
Tokyo (HND)
Melbourne (MEL)
Brisbane (BNE)
Xiamen (XMN)
Auckland (AKL)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Melbourne (MEL)
Singapore (SIN)
Launceston (LST)
Brisbane (BNE)
Adelaide (ADL)
I imagine the plebs go to holding pens. The diplomats, dignitaries and probably anyone with any weight gets to slip through the cracks and isolate “at home”. There’s probably canny people out there who know that there’s a little bit more to the law than the blunt coercion and intimidation it presents itself as to the average Joe. To the garden variety pleb, the law looks black and white…go to the holding pen. To people who know the legalese and know how to communicate, I THINK there are ways to politely decline the offer of holding pen, legally speaking. I might be wrong on that. But, yeah, I think an agreement has to be reached between two parties…consent etc. Again, I’m not sure. But it wouldn’t surprise me, because most of the mandates and rules and all of that is very coercive and the actual fine print is never revealed. I guess you need to know how to deal legally…know the law and all that.
It’s the lack of ‘ideology’ or rather the paucity of it’s philosophies that will collapse this system… superficially totalitarian liberalism seems to parrot much of the lefts talking points..
to wit: trannys, unlimited third world immigration, abortion, feminism, destruction of the nation state, equity, racist whites, unhealthy obsession with calling everybody they disagree with hitler, climate change etc etc because they created them..
(hence the ‘lefts’ love of the fat cats coming tranny tyranny because at the moment they are the recipients of corporate largess and monopolist indulgence.. but eventually will be the recipients of yet another injection, this time high velocity and made of lead… )
… but it’s driving force is corporate fascism over-arched by total monopoly capitalism (the definition of globalism), the first total monopoly in history, well at least the only one that became apparent by design (when ‘black rock’ took over management of the USA treasury and klaus magoo donned his dracula cloak)..
some say such hypocrisy is unsustainable… I’m inclined to agree..
Sep 4, 2021
So Much For Following The Science… Government Plans To Jab 12-15 Year Olds Against JCVI Advice
The appropriate meme?
There is no appropriate meme.
They are “following the Science.” How can they not be? Science was invented as a means of adding weight to the pronouncements of would-be rulers.
I propose that Science is the granddaddy of all scams – ALL modern scams proceed from it; ALL scams lead back to it.
If it looks like a scam, and feels like a scam, and smells like a scam, and has all the earmarks of a scam – yep, it must be Science.
I agree. The problem is that most people conflate science with engineering and technology which are real things, whereas science is theoretical nonsense no one can verify, such as evolution from a common ancestor or the atmosphere of Neptune.
Men were building incredible structures like the great wall of China, the Roman aqueducts, the Parthenon, etc way before anyone had come up with ‘science’.
I understand the anger of CJ but I don’t agree with his suggested action . Even at the level of the common flu there would be reason for some of the population to have considerations that meant a vaccine . Indeed for some with children who are ill or who already have other pathologies ; for these they have already placed a level of trust in medicine and it’s administration in a free world . I would say we are at a point of confusion where there there are no absolutes , lots of uncertainty . A free society gives us the freedom to live and express ourselves around our own uncertainties . I agree even if we believed in” Covid “
the science really does not support the benefits or promotion of “ passports “ or “ discrimination “ , because in truth the tests are as positive as they are negative and the vaccines don’t stop transmission . So surely it’s better to get both vaccinated and non vaccinated together on the streets to fight the Draconian laws that bring control by Stealth . I find all the articles here informative and balanced unless they are written by CJ Hopkins . I’m sorry but I find this inflammatory call not at all helpful for any of our futures . I realise at this point that an avalanche of response may await me . However I feel that adopting the behaviours of those we may oppose only leads to a just as questionable Revolution , which has been proved in history ( French Revolution Kings replaced by an Emperor )
How can there be a meeting of minds between those who wish to be free to make their own choices regarding their own selves…and those who wish to force everyone to accept their choices whether they wish to or not?
When someone says nobody can be safe until everyone is safe – hasn’t that automatically precluded all further discourse?
When the existence of one person is seen as a threat to the existence of another person – isn’t that the end of the line?
Reason and belief are mutually exclusive. If one person has researched and read and carefully considered the options…while another person has decided without any evidence – there’s nothing remaining but an abyss between the two.
What would be the point of seeking a truce?
Yes, in a nutshell, “when the existence of one person is seen as a threat to the existence of another person – isn’t that the end of the line?,” that’s what we are up against. A belief that cannot be shaken. I’m very much afraid. Envisaging soon to arrive tats on the foreheads of the unvaxxed, so they can be vilified or worse by the cultists.
I think that Hugo has got it just about right.
My wife has been studying at a holistic institute for the last two years. Last year the director of the school laughed at the notion that masks would protect anyone from covid. Last winter when the death shot was being offered, the school suddenly changed their course and were recommending that the students get the shot. They just recently sent out notice that the students will need a shot passport or a rapid test to attend class. (Are businesses being bribed or incentivized to have such policies?). My wife sent notice to the private school that she will be discontinuing classes if that is the case. Only one other classmate responded to the notice, saying it is unlikely she would attend in the future. Other classmates who know its a scam (most people here do not see the broader agenda, just think its a not-so-bad flu or cold money making scam) are appeasing or have already caved in “I wouldn’t have been able to attend my daughters birthday party (restaurant), “I won’t be able to travel.” Etc.
One student wrote back to my wife. “But my family is panicked about the whole thing as a family member has died o horrible covid death (ventilator?). Put your self in my shoes.” In other words yes we can choose not to live in fear and in our own same reality, but we are expected to act and live by others fears and irrationality. If someone else is scared why haven’t they just stopped attending the classes, say, last April.
If people continue to comply, in the future they won’t be able to travel, go to a museum, go to the beach, attend a birthday party or whatever. If they don’t straight up die, at least they will no longer be depressed. They will own nothing and have no emotions —-if they don’t beat them out of you, you’ll have to take two pfizer meds a day and then you will be a pharma-happy, brain-dead zombie, but, at least you will have “saved the world”…well not really.
Resist. Do not comply.
Odd given it is acknowledged (see Israel) the vaccines don’t stop you from getting and passing covid. You’d think people would start to question the purpose of the passports.
Perhaps they will when we get to the 5th booster shot and enough dead and maimed bodies pile up?
It’s become all too clear to me that many people make a point of knowing nothing about what’s happening in other countries under cover of the “covid” scam. Israel, Australia, France, Italy… they might as well not exist.
Of course, the mass media are suppressing & censoring the news, but that’s no excuse in the age of the Internet. The comfortable middle classes, the “furlough”-enjoyers, are positively averse to any information that might disturb their complacency. They go out of their way to avoid having to know, because that might make them feel obliged to actually act on their knowledge. It’s much safer to vilify “covid-deniers” and crack crappy jokes about “conspiracy nuts”
Yep, it’s all very reminiscent of 9/11. See no evil.
You would have thought people learning holistic health would have somewhat different views than their allopathic pharma medicine counterparts, yet no, they’re all the same. It’s obvious that any teaching institution that is ‘licenced’ by the state has to conform to their one and only script.
Also good point about private institutions/businesses being bribed to dance to the gov’s tune.
Good advice at the end of this piece. Another cultic phenomenon with COVID is that in personal contact I mostly win arguments about the whole nonsense with fairly little effort…however the media, social media, celebrities etc create an intoxicating reality that people are immersed in.
It’s like a game show with multiple hosts.
i was just returning from a swim with my pet octopus, around the rock pools at the end of the cove, when I heard my pet sheep talking to the local cheeky Kea…
Sheep: “Ba baa baa?”
Kea: “Squuurr squa squeee…”
(Interpretation: general/ as I am still learning their respective languages)
Sheep: “Do the humans test the mental capacity of the advisors to their governments (scientific or medical) and ensure that they are not heavily psychotic of suffering from extreme depression and/or neurosis?’
Kea: ‘Good point fluffy one. I have oft wondered if those few giving ‘expert’ opinions to politicians may be suffering from illness that would preclude them from rational and empathetic advice.”
Then I looked up and saw a Fantail flitter dancing in the Kowhai trees.
Great to read CJ Hopkins again, and there is nothing much to argue with here, except my reality is controlled by events, that I have not accurately predicted, which when occur unexpectedly or rather late, make the difference, with regards to what I do next. I accept, that what I do next, is highly unlikely to have any significant effect on anyone elses reality, except if I smile nicely and chat whilst they are trying to save my life in A&E in lockdown, whilst my wife still tells me off…”He drinks too much beer”, which I can’t deny.
They could have just wheeled me in to the COVID Ward, and intubated me, but they would have my wife nagging them. What are you doing with my husband???
She’s very good at that.
I thought we were going to the pub, and then the entire family turns up.
At least it’s not my funeral yet.
None of us have been jabbed.
Extracting half the population from the Covidian Death Cult’s hypnotic trance requires eliminating mainstream media news as well as removing all big tech totalitarians overseeing social platforms. Hopkins is correct, this clever “psyops’ is designed to capture “cult believers” who are thoroughly convinced of a self-righteousness endowed by a sense superiority for the piousness of accepting “medical compliance.”
However, many are “not” drinking the sacramental Kool-Aid and are realizing “COVID mania” transcends health related issues. ALL security state projects are “multi-dimensional.” The economic component associated with vaccine passports cannot be overlooked it’s all interconnected. I recommend the following podcasts. In the first, “Dr. Michael Palmer and Cathrine Austin Fitts, discuss COVID-19 and how to understand the various motives surrounding it through a combined lens of science, medicine and economics.”
In the second podcast entitled “Medical Apartheid” Kevin Jenkins is interviewed by JFK, Jr. Jenkins, is well aware that COVID is a “recycled Malthusian/eugenics agenda” and that black “misleaders” are guiding minorities down the path to self-destruction.–Understanding-Medical–Economic-COVID-Motives
Medical Apartheid with Kevin Jenkins
Medical Apartheid with Kevin Jenkins
Listen to this episode from RFK Jr The Defender Podcast on Spotify. In this episode, Kevin Jenkins discusses med…
Also checkout Max Blumenthal’s interview with CJ Hopkins on Rokfin–Foreign Agents #6
“CJ Hopkins on the New Normals and GlobalCap.
Manuel Valls, who was the Prime Minister of France, under Parti Socialiste President François Hollande
(before defecting to La Republique Emmanuel Macron and running for office in Barcelona endorsed by Ciudadanos),
has gone on French telly to suggest that large parts of Marseilles should be razed to the ground and completely re-populated.
His old muckers, the Parti Socialiste have, now, proposed a bill for, ‘vaccination obligatoire’, for everyone in France. It will be debated in October.
Meanwhile, the Forces of Order have been back to their old, brutal, selves in several French cities today…presumably because the holidays are over and no tourists could find themselves ‘accidentally’ assaulted.
From the outset, there were alarm bells. The media mantra. The footage. Something was off. The bells ring on. These anti-vaxxer casualties, celebrity or not, are blatant propaganda. Even if true, the selection and narrative around each case is skewed. Sinners get punished. Repent, take communion and make peace with the ‘jab’.
I forgot to add: ‘Armen’
Perhaps with some additional aspiration:
‘Harm men’
Chris Rea – The Road to Hell (link)
CJ Hopkins tools for imploding the “COVID” cult appear to be highly useful and time for us all to put them to use and see if we can collectively start undermining the cult tactics being utilized by Satanic Cabal and it’s minions.
Also we must prepare ourselves physically and emotionally for the onset of the next “reality” or phase of “reality” which will most likely be the wide use of force by the cult against the non-cult members. Arm and arm we will have to face the Covid cult enforcers who are conditioned and prepared to do us bodily to achieve/implement their master’s orders.
We need only look back in recent modern history to know what these “people” are capable of.
Oh, be careful. There are those who stalk this forum who insist no bad ever comes from ordinary folks – ONLY from the bad evil Satanic monsters who run the show. And if we could just rid the world of the bad guys, planet Earth would be a Utopia of peace and happiness and goodness and light and love.
There’s never in human history been a case of neighbor causing harm to neighbor. It’s always been the big bad guys disguised as ordinary citizens.
See how simple life is when you block out all colors but black and white?
“Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools Nurse Resigns at School Board Meeting over COVID-19 Policies”
This video is well worth watching. The interesting part starts after about 7 minutes.
Thanks for this Tony. Difficult to watch the people defending the mask though. I don’t know how people are coping with kids forced to wear them. But it looks like some are.
God I hope they haven’t spread any of that court room drama anywhere.
Thank you very much for posting: btw their board is gender unbalanced imo
Out of interest I wanted to listen to American Children!
The little darlings didn’t even get a chance to say one word!
Just used as props…disgusting.
Thank You
Another music industry stooge playing his role:
Put out some anti-agenda messages… apparently contract covid…. leave the impression that this is inevitably what will happen to anyone who doesn’t do exactly as they’re told….
If this wasn’t what’s going on i) why does it happen with such monotonous regularity? ii) why is it asserted so adamantly he has covid rather than flu or an unknown respiratory condition?
“Richard Ashcroft has seemingly caught COVID-19… according to a swiftly deleted tweet, anyway.”
Well I’m convinced!
Richard Ashcroft made it completely Clear, he would not appear at any festival, which included these conditions of entry. Why are You Edwige trying to Rubbish The Bloke, when he is being Totally Consistent
He won’t turn up if there is any COVID Bollocks, which there wasn’t at the Festival we went to a couple of weeks ago.
Following Your Link to the Festival That is on This weekend to which he didn’t turn up, cos he said he wouldn’t if there was any COVID Bollocks
Pre- Entry Questionnaire Click here to complete our pre-entry COVID Safety Questionnaire
Symtom Check Click here to complete a symptom check
IMPORTANT This system is provided to assist event attendees to understand and interpret the latest official guidelines, and for event organisers to implement appropriate COVID-19 policies. This system is not affiliated with the UK government or the NHS in any way and no advice provided on this website should be considered official guidance. For the latest official government guidelines, please visit the NHS Coronavirus website and the Coronavirus website
ABOUTIf this is your first time here, start by completing our COVID Safety questionnaire. You will be guided through some questions to help you to understand what you must do to meet the latest government guidelines. At the end of the questionnaire, you have to option to register for updates regarding COVID-19 safety at Tunes in the Dunes.
You are required to complete the COVID
Edwige, come on, you’re not thick. Why are you dissing him? Who’s side are you on?
I won’t go anywhere, where I have to do such COVID bollocks to get in.
What’s wrong with you?
Read it too quick and didn’t think?
His twitter account announces he has Covid19. Obviously he is just another controlled opposition stooge because there is no Covid19. Unless his account was hacked. So he must have had a test. Otherwise how could he have the fictional disease? And if he submits to the test, he is conceding the fictional microbe is real.
Which means he is participating in the covid bollocks. You can’t have it both ways.
Either you realize the authorities are lying about everything and using the fake test as a tool to lock down the whole world and declare everyone potentially dangerous or contagious or you believe the test is real and subject yourself to taking it and getting a completely fake result. Which then locks you out of society and further convinces the moronic masses that there’s a contagious virus.
Remember Tony, contagion has never been proven and viruses have never been found or isolated.
Good to see that the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation) in the UK is not approving the vax for 12-15 year olds, saying that there are health concerns and no long term data.
However, I am given to understand that the regime is intent on ploughing ahead with it anyway.
I think that perhaps in the long run the “government” may suffer if it does this. A lot of their former supporters in the MSM are very angry with them.
The JCVI can say what it wants and former supporters of the “government” (the deep state?) can get as angry as they want, it is painfully clear, as it always has been, that the regime is intent on ploughing ahead with it anyway.
UK one size fits all doctrines, maybe the only option left based on the multiple ethnic multicultural environment its faced with over the last 30yrs.
Continental US domestic policymakers are basic predominately United Banner stutter gender based authoritarian.
Sales Marketing PR fake a fake non demand then change the name and outcry and demand will be pushed and surprised surprised another new improved
washing up liquid acts 10x quicker last 10x longerNo i mean a new improved jab will appear and hurry hurry we are saved! we are safe.This new model is even healthier.
Wake up get some smelling salts
Fairy washing up liquid, Better than the best of the rest,TV Commercial 1985
Similar comission did the same in Germany.. then they got so much heat from politics that they caved and recommended the jab for 12-18 year old anyway.. BUT not for medical reasons but for psychological reasons (not to get bullied.. be denied access). No joke!
A French ‘medical expert’ said injecting youngsters would help them after the very depressing and anxious year they have had to experience.
So this magic potion also acts as an anti-depressant.
They are probably seeing the writing on the wall and are seeking to escape liability in criminal courts. They know they can’t defend based on science. I suppose this way the prosecution can focus on the main perpetrators who overrule them and are the main criminals at large anyway.
Funnily enough, the JCVI are in favour of injecting youngsters with congenital cardiac disease, and leukaemia?
So if anything happens to them, it can easily be dismissed as a result of their pre-existing condition.
That may be why they are against using it on healthy children, as ‘accidents’ would be harder to explain.
They [the JCVI] got the wrong answer. The correct answer was inject all kids, regardless of age and regardless of the health consequences and damage caused.
Likely actual science and/or moral conscience got in the way of the ‘right’ decision.
I recently had a small success in stopping a compromised cultist in his tracks.
He’s brilliant in his field, and thinks of himself as “a scientist”, although his field is actually in computers.
In the middle of a typical ‘going-nowhere’ conversation with such people, he counter-argued a point I made with regard to a non-existent ‘pandemic’, “But there are so many people dying!”…
To which I replied, “Not enough” (a pretty dreadful thing to say under normal circumstances, of course).
He was speechless, since he knows as well as I do that it is the politicians, and not the scientests who are claiming that people are dying all over the place.
Speechless is good.
“But there’s been a lot of deaths” is one my mother gives me if I try to argue against the prevailing narrative.
Actually, wardropper, I’m not sure that “not enough” was quite warranted. I generally try with pointing out the age and health profile of the dead and that (at least in the UK) a covid death is one within 28 days of a positive covid test.
But it makes little difference. I have come to the conclusion now that the waverers are few and that most people have taken a position on this.
Also remember that 2020 wasn’t in the top five worst years for all-cause age-adjusted mortality in the UK since 2000.
Well, I do have a tiny pang of guilt about having said that, since of course I’m not advocating more deaths…
I think the person concerned got my drift, so I’m not losing any sleep over it.
Perhaps in response to “But there are so many people dying!”, you could have simply asked, “Dying of what?”
Don’t just go by a person’s mouth. Were his eyes and body language also “speechless?” Or just shocked?
“People are dying!” has been the mantra of all TV viewers since day one. I think the next time I hear that mantra I’ll pull a Scrooge and say “they had better do it and decrease the surplus population.”
That way I can invoke Malthus as well as Fauci. Two fer one: you can’t beat that.
Live in Paris
Beautiful to watch.
I’d move to Paris if Macron wasn’t still polluting it.
Video slready blocked!
Here is a taste of the demonstration!
Try this … impressive.
wont let me see this.
You can find some videos if you search for Marcel@realmarcel1 or Anonyme Citoyen on the wee blue birdie.
Here is a taste of the demonstration!
There were around 250 demonstrations in France today.
The ‘official’ figures will say something like 160 000 thousand people were out on the streets…
But if you look at the number of demonstrations and the populations of the towns and cities involved…then there were 4 or 5 million out…maybe more.
Already scrubbed.
The rampant censorship is one of the most obvious signs that this “pandemic” is a lie.
Been pulled here in Oz. No link.
Very interesting as usual. In the USA, for now, we have a good, relatively easy vote with our feet option: move to a less Covid compliant state; DeSantis for now, looks intent on making and keeping Florida such – there are others. Incoming NY City mayor has just said he plans to visit FL in January to beg wealthy NYC residents to come back; FL officials estimate as many as 36,000 (many very wealthy) NYC residents have migrated there this year – a number of financial companies have moved there from NYC – to follow their workforce; work-from-home makes it all the more feasible.
Reality is not coherent; there are strains, internal inconsistencies. Be brave! 275 comments as I write this – that helps! Thanks!
Anti-lockdown hero’ DeSantis is a ‘great friend of Israel’, and the leading Trump party candidate to run for US President in 2024 –
DeSantis signed a much-trumpted new law ‘banning covid vaccine passports’.
BUT It turns out that this legislation, has hidden covid total dictatorship clauses buried literally over 1000 lines down in the law’s text: “Florida Bill Banning Vaccine Passports Contains Hidden Clause Allowing for MASS FORCED VACCINATIONS, Mandatory Solitary Confinement Quarantine of Residents With COVID-19.” hrough this legislation the Florida legislature and Governor DeSantis empower Florida’s surgeon general with the uncontestable absolute ability to inject resisting Florida residents with a coronavirus vaccine, they also confer the unique total power to isolate in solitary confinement any individual at will, even those who are physically unable to withstand such treatment and those who hold religious objections to the sometimes- deadly procedure.”
The utterly conscienceless manipulation of the young to “bypass” their parents in submitting to the vaccine roll out recalls Orwell’s child spies. But it may also be seen as an extension of the ever downward targeting of the population since the consumer culture took over. After all – the young are naturally more gullible than their parents, the latter being the ones who need to check the small print on the contract since they are the ones who will be paying the bills etc.
So if you can “get to them” younger and younger, you can more easily mould them into whatever bullshit model you want. This may be one reason for the installing of mockery towards “the old farts” – these being people who, having been around a bit, are familiar with how bullshit works and who are therefore less likely to submit to it.
Excellent breakdown of the “situation” by CJ Hopkins. Here’s another: >
“Herd Stupidity”: The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based mRNA “Vaccine” and “The Pinnacles of Wealth and Power”
By Prof. Anthony Hall
Global Research, September 02, 2021
The article pretty much takes the gloves off, and supplies plentiful links to supporting information.
Perhaps off topic but perhaps not since it is part of our “reality shaping”: There is a new series of kiddie books under the title Little People Big Dreams which is a roll call of the secular saints of the modern (or, if you prefer post-modern) age. See here:
Note the chosen few: David Attenborough, Stephen Hawking, Steve Jobs, Cap Tom Moore, Michelle Obama (?!) … and Greta (??!!)
Note also … Bob Dylan – although I daresay his position in this exalted pantheon is currently precarious owing to the cancel culture vultures hovering over his “appalling criminal record”.
Exposing the Beast….
(3) Police Orchestrate Crush Before Viciously Attacking Protesters – YouTube
But… but police would never do something like that (HEAVY IRONY)
That woman with the orange hair is always there or thereabouts…and the protesters in GB resistance videos only ever seem to wear black clothes.
Contrast that with the protests in France or Italy.
Disturbing. Best to keep the children/babies at home.
Very powerful and essential observation. Appreciation to C.J. Hopkins.
That is an excellent read! And I agree the goal should be to show the masses the totalitarian nature of this reality, by, encouraging it to out itself.
When google took my blog down I was distraught but have come to realize that the tyranny showed it’s hand. It was there for anyone to see, if they had the eyes to do so.
So threatening was a modest blogger talking up different ideas and thoughts with others that it could not be allowed to stand. And worse still everything covered linked back to original source material always. This had to have been perceived as a threat to our new normal and therefore had to be removed.
This was an overreach on the part of the tyrannical new norms. One of many. The more often this occurs- the more people will realize what is really going on.
I’m sorry to hear that and I wish that I could recommend another blogging service but I can’t.
I blog with WordPress. I consider WordPress to be the enemy. The only reason that I can think of why WordPress hasn’t deleted my blog is that it’s not a celebrity status blog. Indeed, in 11 years of blogging, I’ve never reached 200 subscribers. On the other hand, WordPress removed Jon Rappoport’s blog and my blogging (at over 170 posts and counting) about the covid hoax uses a LOT of Jon’s excellent material.
I fret about what I’d do if WordPress did yank my blog. I wouldn’t know what to do. (Is there another free blogging service that is not evil? I doubt it.) I am not tech smart, nor do I have much in the way of money to throw at the problem. Even if I had the money, I wouldn’t know who to turn to for help. I tried a couple of times to do an extra blog on WordPress, but was unable to. The two blogs automatically merged, in some fashion, with my main blog and I didn’t want that. I get no help with this stuff. WordPress has dumbed down and, at the same time, gotten so complex (or is that complicated?), over the years that even though I have been using it for 11 years, I couldn’t figure out how to set up an additional blog on WordPress.
“Penny”! – “Penny for your thoughts” ?! – I just noticed! – Sorry! – and thanks for your efforts – I will keep an eye out for your work on another platform.
Yes, that Penny 🙂 “Pennyforyourthoughts”
I’ve tried to get google to review their decision to no avail
you can find me at
I posted a new piece yesterday titled
Covid: The Always Moving Goal Posts
So nice to run into you again – I have bookmarked the new site.
CA Fitts has a very interesting review of recent book on the Sackler family.
My account on IG was pulled three times. Then my new account…I just don’t seem to learn…🙊
Please tell me that CJ has heard of Wm. Casey’s quote, you know the thing
about how when all the people believe is our disinformation we’ve won.
Actually, he said when all what the people believe is false then we know our disinformation campaign has worked. Central to it has been the conglomeration of American media into six companies. Lew’s white paper in the early 70s before ‘joining the Club’ I mean Court, was also instrumental and highly influential. What did he say? He said buy up everything and seed think-tanks to pump out our gibberish.
Govs around the world are obsessed with ‘beating covi’. They’ll fine the hell out of unmasked bandits. They’ll lock you down, shut you up, cower you, coerce you into injections. They’ll chase you down empty beaches. Gang tackle old ladies. They’ll destroy entire economies. They’ll rip the world a new hole to stop the covi train. But why doesn’t the buck stop…with these Gov crazies for failing in their self proclaimed duty to stop covi covi? These nitwits have placed themselves firmly in charge…but are resoundingly a bunch of failures as covi covi just keeps on truckin’. So, given it’s such a grave situation and millions are dropping dead, why don’t these Government goons all get 10 years jail for their failures and crimes against humanity…their negligence…their ineptitude…their utter ineffectuality?
And covi covi’s a train that aint never gonna stop…coz it’s a Government GRAVY TRAIN. A Government wet dream.
etc etc
Jesus Christ! Has the Spam Monster completely taken over OffG?
Ha ha… I think a lot of us have been there Howard. I’ve had comments stuck in there for about 23 hours!! Thankfully I’ve been in Spammy’s good books lately😁
Since the basis of the covidian cult is Science, you should do as I do and attack that base. It doesn’t matter in the least that “their Science” is “bad Science” while “our Science” is “good Science.”
“Science” is the ultimate enemy here – even more so than GloboCap. Instead of attempting to rationally explain to the cultists that “their Science” is bad; you come right out with a blanket condemnation of ALL Science.
Of course they’ll think you’re a nutcase – but they’ll THINK something other than the pre-programmed cult jargon. They will not be able to dismiss you with a smug “I believe the Science!” – not when you tell them Science is evil and must be destroyed.
When Big Brother is their cult leader, you tell them Big Brother is an evil monster who eats babies. When Science is their cult leader, you tell them Science is an evil monster that eats babies.
The point is to jar their “reality.”
They’ll just think you’re a fundamentalist nutter, it’s the reaction that’s been programmed into them.
Until you tell them that 229.000 pregnancies were aborted in France in 2019. That is 1 out of 3.5.
easy tiger you may need some de programming yourself!
War on Populism”………
All the youtube twitter generated kosha feed alt media populas leaders where the first to take it up the ass hard and sell it harder to there sheep.
That is what pied pipers do.
I do not see any new ideology of reality but rather drift into full technocracy based on ideology or belief that all social problems can be addressed or solved via means of science and technology without necessary changes to any of social structures leaving oligarchy who control government enforcement as those who implement all social policies devised by technocratic elites with no input from presumed ignorant public, incapable to comprehend these policies.
The 500 years old liberal body politics and notion of social contract is being abolished, politics depoliticized as people have been not only effectively excluded, as it was in the past, but formally excluded from any decision making process that permanently is to remain in hands of not technological and scientific communities as a whole but in hands of small oligarchy connected techno-scientific bureaucratic elites. Scientist effectively lost professional autonomy and institutional independence.
The new techno-totalitarianism this time seeks legitimacy not from claim of divine inspiration or will of the people but from dogmas of pseudo-scientific divinations.
why the kids need to be vaccinated
well, if Yeadon’s prediction turns out to be true (and thus far I cannot reject his hypothesis), who is going to take care of the kids, if it is not the parents, the grant parents, the teachers?
I don’t want to be alarmist. But I keep thinking: why the rush for the jabs? If the jab is completely harmless, then the pharma could easily booster a large percentage of the population every year. No need for a rush.
but then we know that the jab is not completely harmless (just read the original trial reports if you think so)
Or ask yourself: how many people below 60 have you seen with ‘severe covid’. Me? I reported < 10 in March-June 2020 as I had to count them for the hospital (so the denominator ran into the 100 000s so <10 is nothing)
how many people have you seen with severe side effects of the jabs? Me? Plenty, inlcluding 1 sudden death (a mother in her 40s) in my own environment.
That there is excess mortality in NL since this year, doesn’t feel right. We never had excess mortality (the population was only getting older) and now we suddenly have? What happened?
If it is only age (as someone mentioned down the line), why is the excess mortality largest in the 0-65 and 65-80 year olds?. See the graphs in:
Well, never cry wolf. it may still all be a prank. but I am not certain of it.
Willem, where is the information in the news in NL about deaths from vaccines, side effects?
The complete nonsense, COMPLETE, being uttered by the state and health officials by the day in this country, NL, is truly astounding!!! No challenge, at least in the media!!!
The care-taker government of the never-ending right-wing Rutte, is now announcing corona passes for restaurants and who knows what else, even though they announced abandoning the few remaining measures as of 1 November! The health minister De Jong is a madman, with no medical training, a political climber dictating to a nation of 17 million what to do with their bodies, minds and lives. Sickening in the extreme, in particular because the children are under attack.
We, adults, have shown that we are unable and unwilling to protect the young from the gravest harm! Harm being forced on the population, and now the children, by mediocre individuals in positions of authority beholden to corporate interests. While I hope to see them all behind bars after fair trials, the responsibility of us, the adults, for this whole catastrophe is paramount. We have no excuse.