WATCH: Go Forth and Multiply
This edition of #SolutionsWatch focuses on how humanity’s most instinctive purpose has become a de facto act of rebellion.
Do you think the world is overpopulated? Are you worried that having a baby would contribute to climate change? Deep down, do you hate humanity?
If so, then it’s time to stop swallowing the propaganda of the anti-human death cult and to realize that creation is our ultimate act of rebellion against the elitists and eugenicists.
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I’m far from hating humanity, but that doesn’t change the fact that the world’s population HAS tripled (or quadrupled) in just 40 years, depending on your source of stats (
Nor the fact that 2 and a half billion live with food shortages already, some very severe. (
Of course we still need to reproduce to keep humanity going – but should we keep it down to 2 kids, or max, 3?
I was hoping for some real and compelling insights here, beyond testimonials from people who love their kids (most of us do. That’s why we’re asking) and more exposure of humanity-haters and eugenics freaks. Very disappointed I wasted time NOT finding them here!
Do you think the world is overpopulated? Are you worried that having a baby would contribute to climate change? Deep down, do you hate humanity?
If so, then it’s time to stop swallowing the propaganda of the anti-human death cult and to realize that creation is our ultimate act of rebellion against the elitists and eugenicists.
The above was the self same bull shit fed to us in the 1960’s and 70’s in the west. The west fell for it and reduced its population growth by three ways. 1] The availability of contraceptives for all, 2] Abortion on demand and 3] the legalisation of homosexuality and the rise of the gay agenda.
All three did the trick birth rates plummeted and the west’s population started to fall. Then in the bull shit in the 1990’s to many elderly using resources, not enough young people to look after them and to pay taxes for their pensions and social care.
Well that went well we imported migrants, which cut the wages of the youngsters that we did have, we off-shored all the manufacturing jobs and imported cheap goods from abroad. Not to ignore that the developing world population doubled.
So as far as the climate change lobby, so what heard it all before. let the developing world take the brunt of climate change.
I would say, the global warming doom scam is the pre-invasion shelling of the minds of the citizenry in order to prepare them to accept the Covid injections for depopulation. The sheeple willingly wring their hands In bless at the deal they cult’s propaganda campaign.
Here’s another of those pesky “Keep you pants on” notions impeding the overarching need to procreate:
Rutgers University Freezes Accounts of Several Non-Vaccinated Students – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Guaranteed it’s just the beginning. You see it’s like this: while you were busy thinking this madness was dying down because of its inherent contradictory bs, the bs’ers were busy working behind the scenes (i.e., outside the TV cameras) to make sure it NEVER dies down.
One major point that’s missing in the life expectancy argument is that until the 1800s when public health changes made the survival rates of babies (and mothers) go up and with less death in the early years, the average life expectancy went up. If people survived the early years their duration of life (into the 70s and 80s) was about the same, even in Mediaeval times. The AVERAGE has shifted up because of the SURVIVABILITY of youngsters and mothers (many of whom used to die in childbirth).
Can the scared and terrified just stay home and access all the services designed for them and let the rest of us live freely.
Just when you thought it was safe to go forth and multiply now because people are finally catching on to the COVID scam, along comes this:
200,000 Unvaccinated Military Members Denied Temporary Restraining Order as Commanders Threaten Those Who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccines – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
When they start forcing soldiers to be vaxxed (at least in US), it shows how desperate they are. But it also shows they have no intention of backing down.
And think about it: if soldiers are forced to be jabbed, when the jab becomes mandatory for all – which it will – these same soldiers will have no problem forcing the civilians who did not stand up for them to be jabbed. Will they?
James lost me with this one, which isn’t to say that he didn’t make many good points. Obviously, the hoaxsters and their servants and tools are anti-life (and anti-God). But getting back at them by having kids is not a thoughtful suggestion.
but anti indoctrination (religion) is a good thing. people need to start thinking for themselves and cast off the tyrannical yoke of all religions. they are just another tool to control you! most people are brainwashed from birth and they don’t realise it, religion is fake and detrimental to human evolution
Organized religion you mean.
…- I *Second* that motion… 😉
a keeper
If these are the people I think they are then they have no regard for you,They will use you take everything from you believe me they are ruthless.You mean nothing to them only what you can offer believe me I’ve seen it.
I’m a big fan of James Corbett for his research on 9/11 and many other topics, however, this push to increase the population is rather demented. What does he considers an adequate number of people for a finite planet? He doesn’t say. Further, the environment degradation and the animal species extinction for loss of habitat is in front of everyone’s eye already with the current population, some environmental laws may ameliorate things but that would be just a palliative. I’m a nuclear engineer and I know about energy and capacity planning.
I’m also a nuclear engineer, but I post on the internet so I’m probably a liar.
Kindly read and learn something about species extinction, a subject you know even less about than nuclear engineering.
Your first assumptions that someone who wrote a cogent comment is lying is just a sloppy way to dismiss an inconvenient opinion, it clearly means that I touched a nerve. And, oh, unlike you, I have indeed a degree in nuclear engineering, I’m ready to discuss with anyone on the topic. Find someone and TRY.
I don’t usually read mainstream publications like The Economist, so it’s the first time I hear about the rational optimist of Matt Ridley, I had a quick reading of that article and it seems like another Bjørn Lomborg i.e. the “Skeptical Environmentalist” whose major is political science. Just like Lomborg, Ridley takes a small example and throw some numbers to generalize to other ecosystems, just like Lomborg, his optimism is naive, dishonest, and bordering stupidity. Human activity, deforestation, and the millions of tons of garbage disposed in the environment are taking a toll on animal species and ecosystems with clearly visible and disastrous effects, from the coral reef that is dying to the dwindling fisheries according to the United Nations report, to the large mammals that are disappearing in the wild, and mostly live in selected sanctuaries.
I’m really disappointed by this video of Corbett, his logic is flawed, and oh, I’m still waiting for the adequate number of people for a planet with a finite capacity
‘capacity planning’ . mercy. his futures are limited by his self. and here he is.
James, like many (who I admire and learn from), including the monsters behind the covid 19 pandemic hoax, is faithless. Therefore, he dismisses God and God’s plans for us and the idea that the impossible is possible. Two points, for those who can entertain for a moment the idea that there is a Creator; His Word informs us: 1. “He has established the earth on its foundations. It will not be moved from its place forever and ever.” – Pslam 104:5 2. “Happy are the mild-tempered, since they will inherit the earth.”
We have our understanding about what role animals play in Jehovah God’s planet earth, but that doesn’t mean that it’s exactly his understanding, and that’s the issue. Did every species of land animal enter into the ark Noah used to survive the Flood (that was coming regardless)? Some Bible critics point to the fact that that would have been impossible. Do they know what God’s criteria were? He may have decided that certain important, major species would be saved the way they were. Can a species go extinct and that end the success of Jehovah’s project earth, the crowing jewel of which is the creation of man? If a species – frogs or bees say – goes extinct, why couldn’t a Creator, if there’s one, simply replace it, as long as he does not intend to see his project earth fail?
That’s how I see matters. Do I wonder about it all? You bet. But my mind can’t just accept that Klaus Schwab et al will use their power to enslave us all for the forseeable future. I won’t say forever, because I am absolutely certain that if we are left to our own devices, and there isn’t a Creator with his own plan of salvation for imperfect humankind, then our species would become extinct.
one of the indoctrinations or major brainwashes is this idea that humanity is somehow Omnivorous! This is not true, Humans descended from the trees and are basically a Herbivore. it’s true like most animals we can tolerate other things in our diet but the long term effects are well known. just look at the top 15 killers and you will see the majority of them are from bad nutrition. i.e. eating animal fats and other nasty things. from birth even I was taught to eat animal parts against human nature and also to worship unicorns.. but I soon saw through the lies of the latter. But it wasn’t until many years later I considered my own mortality and went Vegan. now I know it was the best thing for me the planet and all the animals. But I don’t eat the processed shiiiite that they try to fob off on us trying to mimic animal flesh 😱🤢
Answer me this who institigated countless Millions sucking on plastic bottle water like all thats missing is the TIT!
Who made people Terrified of Water coming out Free from a Tap in the UK! After it was Passed Fit for Humans to Drink!?
Why do People Buy Fucking Water in the Metropolitan Metropolis called London?
What are your credentials in Nuclear Engineering in what field, and don’t say you monitor radiation levels?
Type like your Speaking to People down The Pub 7billion people have never of Corbett.
To whom are you speaking do you think people are stupid.
I don’t give a Fuck who you are clean up your own house first before what the World needs to clean up your own mess!
What’s the latest on Japan nuclear fucking engineer, Fuck Off!
I would be pointless to complain that the covid end-of-days epic is now reaching utterly desperate limits of threadbare insistence … because it always was a screamingly obvious lie even from the start. Once the initial absurdity was posited, the rest followed inevitably. Indeed, in a sense, there was no following at all. It has stayed the same: an endless repetition of the autistic rat’s wheel. Sure, they’ll move a bit here and there. Deaths seamlessly morph into cases, miracle vaxxes morph into stop-gap stations prolonged indefinitely just as two jabs become three become four etc. But the news strategy of brazenly saying whatever they want – as long as you affix three words, “because of covid” – has also spun round never changing. Although the initiating clause became more ambitious:
“We will have to stay at home because of covid.”
“We will need to be injected because of covid.”
“We will need to cut back services because of covid.”
“We will need to cut out services because of covid.”
“We will need to diminish our activities and shorten our lives because of covid.”
And so on and on and on and on.
Hey but it seems that according to a recent tweet, Jonathan Cook, representative of the “Left”, has started to think, “Hmm… wait a minute …”
Perhaps in another month, he will think, “Hmm… could it be …”
And in another month after that, “Hmm … perhaps …”
And after a year, “Hmm … Nah! Never mind!”
I really think they all know… bought and payed for… I don’t distinguish which face they put on the the representative. Trudeau, Trump, Johnson… they all say (or just do), the exact same thing
Lets remember “The Public Health Army.”
Jonathan may be pondering the idea that covid 19 is a hoax, but he’s lost me forever. I should say: Survive Armageddon Jonathan and then I’ll forgive you.
cov is a hoax! There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus, except on a computer model. There is no climate emergency either, except on a computer model!
“Two jabs good
Four jabs better”.
Believe me if they are the people I think they are they don’t care about you your children they care about making money.
Dear Dr. Fauci,
My teenage daughter has received 4 Pfizer vaccines for covid, and cant wait to get her 5th.
Do you know of a vaccine which could cure her stupidity…?
Yours sincerely,
Daddy Wardropper
I’m sure that “Doctor Doom” Fauci would reply that so far, they haven’t isolated the Stupidity Virus– so a cure-all vaccine, i.e. series of vaccines, is not yet available.
But there’s a silver lining: he might offer your daughter an internship!
Are those that question the existence of Covid or who think it real but manipulated optimists? I really think so. Like those who dare ‘deny’ climate change is man made, many of the comments on this and other forums present a positive perspective.
I am not saying this view is wrong or right. It is simply an observation. Allow me to explain what I mean.
The Covidians and Extinction Rebellion types are the ‘theorists’. They see dark clouds getting darker. They express truths that this or that is likely to happen. The conspiracy theorists, though, seem happy with many of the things that we had or have: freedom to travel, drive, move, partake in society and so forth. For all the economic and political shit that was in the 2010s, most who question the post-CV world seemed happy with the basic aspects of Western life.
Weird isn’t it?
As for me, the freedoms did seem problematic and selfish. Spend, compete, get in debt and mentally ill. But whatever is being done now is bad too. Indeed, it is a continuation of what has gone on before.
My point in short is: there is no benefit in pining for the status quo of the 2010s. Much of it was fucked up. There might be value in being a little more optimistic about a possible future, but not one with masks, jabs and orders from above.
Let’s all sit inside surplus armoured tanks from WW2.
That way no goddam virus can get to us…
…- A Sherman can give you a very nice… *Edge*… – *Mm-Hmm*…
They don’t work… (but I know a mecanic)
I’m Romany I’ve said this before but unless you all get your shit together they are going to take the piss.Go’s gives everyone the right it’s wether you use it.Being Romany does not make me superior we are all one I’m sick of sickly people going on about winging woe is me please people listen this is your children’s lives at risk.I wanted to stay quiet but I had a calling I’m a humanitarian I love people I have a cat and dog I don’t love them as much as humanity
That came out wrong stupid text I hope you can understand what I was trying to say.
Not stupid. I think most people get it.
By Romany do you mean traveller?
If so, if vaccination passports are introduced I suspect there will be a swelling of your ranks, and I might just be one of them.
Annie you’re almost perfect. All you need is a few punctuations… 🙂
A couple of hours ago i went past the junior school at the end of my road and the children were out at lunchtime,noisy,not a mask in sight ,just being children along with todays glorious weather it brought a smile to my face however that was tempered by a distinct hollow burning pain in my heart that almost induced me to tears
This story is the reason for the pain and the emotion
I am witnessing the destruction of MY people
I implore you as a fellow human being to take this as a personal attack on YOU and take steps to stop it as if your life depended on it,which it actually does
Wow. The school across the street from me – elementary – all masked. For the past 18 months. So sad to me. Social distanced, too.
I do have to amend something I have written here before regarding the children in masks.
While I consider official mandates to mask children “child abuse”, I know many parents who adore their children and who mask them. Although some might mask their kids, or allow it, because of mandates, I know many parents who do believe they are protecting their kids from getting sick by masking. To call these parents “child abusers”, for me, is just wrong.
I hate it, I think it’s crazy, and I would not do it. But my calling anyone a child abuser is comparable to people calling me a selfish grandma killer because I won’t don a mask.
We are all caught in this horrible insanity. People believe as deeply in the official narrative as I don’t.
I will argue the mask mandates forever, as I did today at my appt in the hospital when I was told, yet again, to pull the mask over my nose (I only wear a mask in the hospital because my life at this point depends on it), but I will not call parents child abusers. I just don’t believe that.
“Billy Eugenic Enterprises introduces the Covidomatic 2000.

Also protects against Martian Brainwaves.”

“Overlooking the eugenics gene experimentation and the culling, another way of looking at it, is when it all comes down to it the criminals at Pfizer are nothing but drug pushers.”
Yep, that’s what I like – humour. If there is anything that the self-righteous covid-prigs cannot abide it is humour. Or in South London terminology, having the piss taken out of them.
Unfortunately, OUR humour does not stop THEM, but you might just have hit upon a solution to the question of whether it is possible to test for psychopathy in all our educational establishments – also as a screening protocol for entry into positions of great public responsibility.
I would say that, without exception, all the people I most dread and despise in public life just happen to be those who do not get jokes.
They don’t know what an analogy is either, yet they, alone, get all the top jobs today.
I am certain this could be tested.
It is probably also a vital clue as to what has gone so apocalyptically wrong with our current ‘representatives’, who are clearly not accustomed to regarding themselves as profoundly sick.
Answer to your question ‘Wardropper’:
[2 Thessalonians 2:10-12] And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
Jesus is on His Way!
The manipulators can certainly understand and articulate well, except when they are pretending. Conversely, some of us face problems including
:- lack of nuance, e.g. failure to appreciate parody, irony, sarcasm or humour
:- resort to ideology in the face of complex information or the need for complex action
:- viewing society as a rigid hierarchy; this may lead to abject submission to authority
:- selective dismissal of or hostility towards dissent.
Evidently the new Pfizer tablet is a version of Ivermectin. Only patentable and much more expensive!
The NY Jewish dr said green tea extract and quircurine works just as well as ivermectin…it is the zinc that matters ….so bugger pfyser and their expensive junk..
With all that trans fat going around, i’d get an oil filter as well
Slow-release pills may contain transfat.
I gave birth to 3 wonderful human beings I would of had more but couldn’t I respect love cherish every time I’m in there presence and I know they respect cherish every time they are in mine that’s what family is about love knowing I can’t even write down what the love you feel.And they want to take that away from you because they have no souls but you do.
I think they see the whole thing as a mathematical equation.
They know, as an abstract concept, that human beings love each other (probably because they once read it somewhere), but they have no idea what it feels like.
That’s what selling your soul costs, and they pay up willingly, because of the profits.
Never assume.
“Oh big tech, please won’t you save us?” Funny you should ask…
And many, many more…
Oh, I get it. Just like Aldous Huxley and Brave New World.
if I’m ever in need of a good chuckle, you know a good old belly laugh, tears and everything..
I fire up the ‘fraudian’ or the ‘BBc’… and then after simply looking at the headlines and the little fotos of the scribbling mendicants I then tune in to watch the ‘BBc’ women, with their flat listless patronising pompous delivery, the mantra of fabrication heavily salted with hypocrisy and mendacity..
and imagine them in scolds bridles… or on the ducking chair..
Know this my friends WE have not created this situation THEY have.
They can’t do anything unless we let them.
Yet bucktooth had to immigrate to japan another country to get some luv you long time.
nae need, calm your prejudices.
vaccinate for sense of humor !
Said the unfunny cockroach.
i found that funny
I think it’s time to take over the asylum.They are trying to destroy family.
The petrochemical-based, monetized medical industry that thinks a “one size fits all” approach to health is the leader in anti-life practices.
Btw, Tuttle Twins promotes neoliberalism to children.
I’ve noticed that Disqus is a sure sign that the site is propaganda. They will not allow real truth in their comment section.
I waas shadow banned from there years ago. I still don’t know what I said.
WARNING: They absolutely are propaganda – I believe paid off by big pHarma. Near the beginning of this darkness I attempted to blog about the need to consider alternative courses besides simply waiting for the “miracle” vaccine. I was INSTANTLY piled upon by multiple comments aggressively informing me that the ONLY solution was to wait for the “miracle” vaccine that one BILL GATES, the greatest altruist ever, was financing. At one point the moderator juggled my comment’s position to make it appear that I AGREED with them (it was a contrary point to another comment). I have not been on the site for over a year now.
The obscene waste produced from an artificial scarcity-based system is the real reason behind resource mismanagement.
Is Capitalism Actually Efficient?
talking of which… there are now billions of masks, empty toxic sanitiser bottles, ridiculous plastic gloves etc etc…
all heading for the oceans and eco-sphere to be added to the already un-managable filth imbecile-kind has inflicted on his fellow fauna and flora… it seems mankind is king of the vermin.. and his systems (isms) the raving lunacy of driveling idiots..
wouldn’t you say ?..
Talking of that, there probably is not as much waste as there COULD be, considering that those most devoted to wearing the face-nappy that does nothing to slow the spread of any airborne virus do not read the directions on the box. Disposable (means drop on the ground when finished, for someone else to collect, whereupon it goes into the non-biodegradable waste chain for years) blown-cloth masks lose any design function to filter out particles once they become moist from your breath, which typically occurs in about 20 minutes, depending on exertion. Even the fanatic maskers wear the same disposable cloth mask all day, when the instructions clearly state that if you work an 8-hour day like most, you should go through at least 16 masks.
yes but the sheer magnitude of the problem becomes somewhat like comparing cancers.. you know “yes your tumor looks much bigger and is much more nobbly but mine extends through the epidermis into my internal organs and has wrapped itself round my pancreas “… sort of thing..
anyway, I’m sure the cetaceans and other higher lifeforms would prefer not to be filled with micro-plastic…
that would be eminently sensible…
Lots of sea turtles swimming around wearing masks and gloves, safe from covid according to the narrative.
No one has ever found the great pacific garbage patch, it’s a myth.
Plastics are indigestible to all but microbes, who love them.
Mammals and fish sh!t them out.
The Gulf of Mexico Oil spill was a puzzle. Scientists couldn’t work out why the numbers didn’t balance, they could account for far less oil in the environment than was spilled.
Then they discovered oil eating microbes, which makes sense, as crude oil is an entirely natural, plant based product of the earth. It seeps out onto the sea floor all the time.
perhaps you have been lied to… it wouldn’t be the first time..
would it?
It’s plant based!?!?… (you learn a new one everyday don’t ya)
I have seen huge amounts of plastic in the ocean. A horrible sight.
Nice fantasy. Population growth is in decline (in developed countries) for good reasons. Reasons that include, but are not limited to: Poisoned water. Poisoned food products. Poisoned air. Poisoned landfills. Levels of electromagnetic saturation that directly reduce fertility… Add in a completely polluted and corrupted intelligentsia.
A brief conversation with the future child: “When I die, you’ll inherit all this.” > Points to oceans of floating plastic and rivers of filth. Child slashes wrists the next day…
If you love your children. Prove it…
Your sheets, t-shirts, towels, pillows, and all fiber boards and glued wood furniture also loaded with formaldehyde
Just need a top up then when the forced jab is introduced if the first one don’t getcha the eigth booster WILL
Embalming is going to be a growth industry,advise school leavers to take it up as a career,it will be more profitable than law or medicine VERY shortly
That’s a shortage of formaldehyde then… you mean there’s hope?
As long as pitchforks exist there is hope
One threat from GMOs is the breakdown of the normal putrefaction of plant matter. Similarly, with enough jabs, we may be embalmed (not requiring embalming) by the time we drop dead.
Hello Theobalt. You are of course, right. But formaldehyde is only 1 of over 14,000 poisonous chemicals that are freely released into the environment – daily.
The industrial age is driven by the fantasy that these chemicals are needed adjuncts to production. They are not. They are the products of human greed and insanity.
No seriously… gives me instant dermatitis and sore through, violent reaction… all these people itching like crazy getting out of shower… cause they just robbed with towels… it’s a resin, doesn’t come off on wash… it is definitely NOT one of 14000… look this one up… known carcinogen, violent reactions… (better be allergic to it actually)
Yes. I know a fair amount about formaldehyde sensitivity. I had a friend back in the late 70’s who lived in an apartment that was “remodeled” with cheap plywood paneling. She became very ill from the exposure, and was forced to move to a different place altogether.
Formaldehyde is widely used in modern construction. MDF wood sheeting, plywood, cabinets, carpets, fabrics, cheap furniture, and many more unwholesome products. People are morons…
Well i’m high IQ… still took me couple of years to get rid of that nasty thing… ammonia fabric treatment, 200$ Organic cotton sheets, 80$ virgin polyester per two pillows fillings (they’re lovely though), reselling all my furniture and buying metal and glass, wearing 300$ of thin organic cotton (coz the options are running low)… doing my own laundry in my apartment w a spin dryer (public laundry mc loaded w formaldehyde residue from detergents (they load those too)… And about the seventies, I remember a big scandal in news papers about formaldehyde in housing isolation, made people horribly sick…. Well they brought it back to stick it to our faces!!! Couldn’t believe it… and no scandal this time, they made sure it wouldn’t be regulated, and it’s not… can’t complain about it, can’t sue anybody…, they also discovered lead and mercury in vaccines caused autism (movie rain man… ) in the 30’s…. well they brought that back too… I see a pattern
It also leaches from PET bottles, apart from acetaldehyde.
the reality is Paul, that most folks cannot stand the stench of their own shite, dirt under their fingernails, natural BO or prolonged physical activity, never mind giving a damn about their other lifestyle by-products. What chance some organic life with these?
They need an easy path, laden with spice, waste and radiation, it is all that matters – ease, gratification and self assured comfort/justification.
All this talk about hypnosis, planets, propaganda cannot deny that a lot of people, when the crush presses (even before), are utterly fkn useless, superfluous, inane.
Future child should be glad to seethe back of so many, these generations of fools, before colouring the water.
Hello rubberheid: Unfortunately; I agree with your assessment. I would also submit that parents and society in general, should begin the task of cleaning up their minds, bodies, and spirits.
There is no doubt the situation will continue to deteriorate without an enormous shift in social conditioning. There are no excuses for the current (and past) shit-shows.
The acceptance of ineptitude, laziness, and perceived lack of choice, will seal the coffin of humanity…
BYW, did you end up having to get that jab my friend
Hello Theobalt: No jab for me, and don’t believe in vaccines. Anyone approaching me with a needle will get a serious left jab in the teeth…
Were you not pressured at work and having a terrible week about this?
So it’s people’s fault again… (geez…)
Unrelated, but very funny, the CDC has changed the definition of a “vaccine”
It does no longer provide immunity to a disease
One year from now, will the definition be “A product that may or may not stimulate an immune response”?
As far as I am aware the definition of a vaccine is and always has been this
Vaccine=life elixir, BECAUSE WE SAY SO
So has the Oxford dictionary.
I see. The same strong old definition of “immunity” but a miserably weakened new definition of “vaccine”.
Old Definition of Terms: May 16, 2018
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.
New Definition of Terms: September 1, 2021
Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.
Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases. [Blank]
Con-19 artists at CDC have deftly removed the chief medical requirement from a vaccine, namely: “to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease”.
2021 vs 2018. Changing definitions has been a huge vehicle for manipulation of the pubic. In March of 2020, how the cause of death was determined was changed to make it much easier (lower standards) to determine a Covid death. The standard had been created in 2003, and then changed at the beginning of the Pandemic (TM) for Covid only.
“changed… for Covid only.”
That “only” is telling. It tells that Con-19 is a Con-spiracy.
They are preparing us for the final marketing step close to the truth… “A genetics altering substance that will change you… change is good”
Whitney Webb shares a similar view as James Corbett who believes young people desiring to have children should not hesitate, or be “feaful” because of the relentless MSM fearmongering spewed by “highly paid” propagandists who very often themselves have sizable families.
What’s more important is knowing you can provide a loving nuturing environment resulting in a child that’ll mature into an ethical empathetic human being……..
Do you think the world is overpopulated? Yes
Are you worried that having a baby would contribute to climate change? No
Deep down, do you hate humanity? No. Should I?
(Joke) I don’t believe in eugenics, but surely the world would be a better place without politicians and globalists?
Seriously, this is another tired implied trope: that if you think the world is overpopulated (as I do) then that means you want to kill lots of people. Or that this somehow makes you an advocate for eugenics – which has nothing at all to do with population.
I’ll be honest, I’d love to procreate. I’m in my fifties, but everything’s in working order. Any offers? (I’ll wait).
This problem is mostly confined to India and China and to the so-called “developing” world. The West (from where my guess is most people who come on here write) is not experiencing exponential population growth on account of it’s indigenous populations, which are in decline, but from mass immigration from those countries who have yet to inform their citizens what contraception is.
Don’t get me wrong. I am against abortion. But I am not against contraception. But contraception costs money. Money that poorer countries and their citizens do not have.
You made a point that I’ve felt strongly about for a long time. If there is such a concern about over population then why is getting contraception so expensive and difficult? It’s kind of like vaccinating populations that don’t have access to enough food and clean water. Maybe some women really do want to have 18 children like the Duggar family. But I suspect the vast majority don’t and quite possibly don’t want children at all. So why not make contraception free to all and easily accessible. Make tubal ligation and vasectomy free or at least very cheap as that’s one of the most sure methods for guaranteeing you won’t become pregnant or impregnate (if you’re finished having kids or just don’t want any). I won’t go into the abortion discussion, but if people had easy access to contraception I have a feeling there’d be far fewer abortions.
I think you may have hit onto something extremely important with the contraception/abortion dynamic.
The good folks who run everything dearly love aborted fetuses because it provides so very very very many benefits to the burgeoning “bio” industry.
Please, abort your fetus: the world’s investors thank you from the bottom of their loving hearts.
The ultimate flavour enhancer in some non meat burgers professing that the ‘real meaty taste’ comes from red beet juice are situated alarmingly close to abortion clinics
Those livers will ALWAYS be useful
Don’t knock abortion clinics. I know of a young French girl and her parents who were saved considerable embarrassment; they crossed the Channel specifically to take advantaged of Harold Wilson’s enlightened move.
For my research on Human Uterine Angiogenesis, I relied on early pregnancy material from our local abortion clinic. In the eyes of contemporary religious bigots I was no doubt headed for Damnation; in the same category as former religious bigots put the Body Snatchers who supplied Renaissance physicians with material for anatomical studies.
A surgeon friend with a philosophic temperament, Christian Ficat, is fond of pointing out that his instrument — the scalpel — can kill as well as heal:
How many lives were saved by your research?
None that I know of. But it helped to shed a little light on one of the most marvellous, important and least understood mechanisms in Nature; how a tiny fertilized ovum induces the maternal tissue to develope a rich network of pulsing bloodvessels to nourish the growing baby. Inside the organ that Courbet famously called, L’Origine du Monde:
I’m not knocking abortion clinics,i’m knocking the sale of ‘products’ from abortion clinics to be used in the food chain
and your research is immaterial to me
Beware of the intellectual noose around your throat,that kills equally as efficiently as the scalpel
I agree with you in knocking the production of meat by tissue culture. Even though I put out that idea at a talk in 1972 I still blush, it was such a dumb idea. But 50 years later …
“Every jest is an earnest in the womb of time” — Bernard Shaw
no doubt you are a white university educated woman… following your postulate to it’s logical conclusion you (and those like you) will probably be the last of your kind…
(not necessarily a bad thing)..
It does no even have to be permanent. There are modern contraceptives called LARCs.
In countries without pension your children are your pension …
The extended family always has been the greatest threat to the capitalists. It’s so hard for them to terrify workers when workers know they have resources to fall back on.
Hmmm, is Siberia overpopulated? is Canada overpopulated? is Australia overpopulated? Seems to be that most of the northern hemisphere is undergoing a structural population decline. Us oldies are beginning to outnumber the children. We are ‘enjoying’ a lifestyle which is killing us off. Crap food, crap environment, crap lifestyle, obesity, drugs, illiteracy, crap culture … just a final suicide binge.
aye, but, can ye crop Kolyma with tatties and cabbage? does the taiga have no value, just another mere externality of bear, wolf, head-exploding tick, Daurian larch etc etc??
who gives us the right to these lands? global warming?
population centres and bread baskets exist for good biogeographic reasons.
I’d like to see much of the old temperate and boreal forest areas get some reprieve to be honest – less people never mind terraformers!! Oz is China’s lebensraum. Siberia’s too challenging.
otherwise I agree : ) suicide binge, the new Zion is falling (Amen).
Except for Sub-Saharan Africa, almost every country is in trouble, population-wise.
They have been lying to us about “overpopulation” for a long time
He was a hero. It just took longer than he estimated. Shit is going down. Water is most definitely the problem. While climate change idiots scream that the sky is falling, our water resources are drying up. All that time and energy we have spent worrying about plastics in the oceans, solid waste in landfills and limiting our Carbon footprint, no one noticed that the water has leaked out of the bathtub and the well has gone dry. We need a new stopper and a deeper well.
Paul Ehrlich thinks we should “put something in the water supply” to sterilize women so they have to get an “antidote” if they want to have a baby. He’s a guy who’s been peddling pseudoscientific claims for half a century and getting praised by eugenicists for it. Not a f’ing hero
These aren’t so much lies as deliberate fearmongering memes to keep the population cowered. For the parasites to maintain their grip it was essential for the plebs not to get “too uppity”. The overlords would be in a precarious position indeed if the masses ever got hold of the idea that, with our technology today, most of the world’s problems could be solved and no-one need live in fear.
In 1918, Bertrand Russel pointed out that during the War, only a fraction of the UK workforce produced the usual necessities, while the rest worked on the war effort. In 1970, Buckminster Fuller pointed out that most jobs were makework that only caused waste and pollution; the technology was enough for the work of a small minority to begin providing everyone with essential needs. Of course, capitalism will not allow this.
One thing is multiplying:
For decades – indeed centuries – the ruling class has said there’s simply not enough money, not enough resources, not enough expertise etc. … but whenever there’s a war on (which is what covid is) then suddenly BAM! Out comes an endless supply of whatever they want.
And, try to get any police-who’s Hand are Tied-when you need them to help the public.Though,low and behold ! your in a choke hold -when not wearing a mask or out peacefully protesting.
There is always enough money in a country (e.g.UK, USA, Japan, etc), which creates its own currency. [ MMT 101 ]
Real resources are however potentially a real problem. But you are right that in wartime, any resources there are will be diverted towards that war (or a push to create/find/steal/etc them will be mounted/increased).
We saw that in WW2, where factory workers on war work (like my mother) were relatively well-paid, but then they were double-taxed, which added to the fact that severe rationing was in effect, meant that they couldn’t splurge their wages on potentially scarce real resources.
The double taxation, & war bonds etc, were not to “pay for the war”, but to make sure the proles & worker ants didn’t consume too many real resources and/or drive inflation.
That “Hockey Stick” tells us something else too. While “Average” Life Expectancy may well have been in the low 20s or 30s some people were living substantially long (when compared to the average – this is where figures like Variance and Standard Deviation come into play) lives. So the question is, really, were the short lives of the masses due to them being less well adapted to their environment than those who live much longer lives? Or was it instead due to their living conditions being substantially poor in comparison to the privileged few? Please bear in mind that the descendents of those privileged few are still with us!
The “privileged few” you mention were simply those who survived infancy. It was always infant mortality which skewed the Life Expectancy equation downward. The survivors lived fairly normal life spans.
Instructive to consult an Anthology of English Poets; the sudden increase in lifespan during the Victorian era.
“Good drains are worth the entire Pharmacopeia” — Sir Peter Medawar
aye, nevermind the elites……….. factoring in warfare/foray/raid…. infection of any wound….. childbirth nevermind infancy.. constant sustenance agriculture… living in smoky abodes….. failed crops…. arthritis….. what was a normal lifespan Howard? nae rancour bud, just saying : )
When archeologists look at prehistorical grave sites, they would take the age of the person when they died and average them all together. These societies practiced infanticide: if a newborn was not fit, (or they could not provide for them due to environmental conditions), they would hinder a nomadic lifestyle, so they were killed. The average ages we get from them are very deceptive. It’s not like people didn’t live to ripe old ages.
The trouble is, it’s only white people having too many kids – according to the PTB. It’s OK for third worlders and those who hate us having shed loads, but not us. They just want to the white race to disappear.
As much a I hate to refer to people by their skin complexion I have to say that no other folks are so obdient to their political leaders as the white people are. That’s why they blindly follow everything they told to do as long as the political class uses a jargon sophisticated enough to make them feel smart…
I dunno, the Han and the Russians seem to long for strongmen to tell them when to jump.
Not forgetting the Military funded Ultra Christian Zionist alt media who shill this type of garage which ironically sells Conservative values whilst telling people to not have baby’s with it 2 child tax credit policy brought in by them.
singing sperm rate is down whilst they sit there with mobile phone in their pockets with laptops on their laps using 1.000+ different chemicals before breakfast yet blaming staged fake photo of black immigrates using blow up rubber dingy to cross the channel.(think how impossible that is but it sells to the stuuoppuid)
The too many people argument works in one sense only – it results in the birth of too many socio and psycho paths. And yes, I do believe that such traits are innate and not learned. At an alleged rate of production at 1 in 1000 we now have approximately 7+ million of the bloody things roaming around and available to fill roles such as: Chief Medical Officer, Pharmaceutical CEO, President, Prime Minister, Corporate CEO, Bioweapons Lab Worker, etc…
As a serious philosophical question.
So if you could would you screen all fetuses for psychopathic genetic traits and terminate them before birth?
We do that already by screeing for genetic defects like Down syndrome which also, incidentally have a roughly 1 in 1000 chance of occurring. I’d say getting rid of the psychos would help humanity far more than getting rid of people with Down Syndrome prior to birth, if the argument is the toll on humanity these poor people with Downs have, let’s talk about the adverse effects of psycopathy… oh boy!
Yes, these nests of Oligarchic psychopaths that infest our body politic need to be cleaned out. There are too many of them and their family members in positions of authority where individual traits of perversion and stupidity can do real harm to the rest of society.
Psychopaths inherit their traits genetically. What to do?
Our society loves to label people publicly. Why does it shelter psychopaths — run by them?
Kids are labeled ADHD, routinely Ritalined and medicated. We shield psychopaths. Why?
Scan the BBC and they will tell you about thieving workers. They will never reveal that the biggest thieves are those who have the keys to the safe. That the greatest theft is at senior government and corporate level.
Reason is psychopaths. They run BBC. Recognize other psychopaths. Protect their kind.
Former DG Mark Thompson. Publicly shamed for physical attacks. Protected of Jimmy Savile.
Bob Wheaton, former head of Six O’Clock News and brutal lover of Jill Dando… (I worked for him and with her. I am not necessarily blaming him for her murder. For other things…)
Until society is brave enough to name them, most people will hide behind excuses like… “Ooh, but you don’t have to identify people do you? So impolite.”
Yes. You do have to identify psychopaths. And name them.
I was merely curious around people flailing about eugenics but then be prepared to do it given circumstances.
It also is in many ways the same cost benefit analysis to society for certain inherited behaviours, that is the same idea embraced by those doing it at the moment.
They are just starrtig from a different analysis of traits that are desirable. Theirs not yours.
Of course, the solution is staring us – and has always stared us – in the face all along: create societies without leaders, without bosses, without some accumulating all the riches.
Then the psychopaths have nowhere to go to make life unbearable for everyone else. And without the benefit of wealth and power, they will eventually die out – if, indeed, these traits for genetic (which, personally, I doubt).
“… create societies without leaders, without bosses, without some accumulating all the riches.”
I’m in.
So how is that done?
a purge.
By whom?
Where do we meet?
And – er – ‘Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?’
Ah that’s the problem, W: How to make real anarchism work in a mass society. Comes naturally to all of us when living thinly spread out, in gatherer-hunter mode. But mass societies…? No-one’s ever found a way to make it work. Democratic socialism, with all its obvious short-comings, seems to be the best we can manage. And that’s never very stable under the constant attacks and subversions of the psychos.
And in the real world where humans live…
Do you have a link for the psychopathic genetic angle? I’ve always believed that it’s from severe childhood trauma. A nurture rather than nature issue. Thanks
The idea that psychopathy, a moral and spiritual problem, is determined by a sequence of nucleotides fits exactly into idea that man is a biological, determined machine, a concept that our Overlords have been indoctrinating us with like a pile driver for the last 150 years. This thread shows just how deep their victory goes.
If we could organise society so that psychopaths don’t rise to the top and grab all the power, that would be good enough for me.
It’s not a popular subject for discussion these days, but when the 11-plus exam was used to assess suitability for a grammar-school education, the results weren’t ALL bad news for society.
It seems to me quite conceivable that tests could be devised to recognize psychopathy too, but of course there would be endless possibilities for corruption and cheating in such tests.
School teachers would start to recognize what sort of tests were leading to some students being committed to mental wards, and they might not like one or two of their favourite students meeting that fate.
Or, the smarter psychopathic students themselves could figure out, with time, what the ‘correct’ answer should be.
After all, schoolkids do talk to each other…
Just to take a recent example of how ‘The System’ cannot really cope with such issues:
Everybody knew way back that Savile was a looney, but none of the general public knew that he was a dangerous one.
So who would draw the line in such a test? – A BBC expert? A leading politician? The wealthy Vice Chancellor of a world-famous university?
Actually, I was not thinking along the lines of eliminating anybody. It just seems to me that our societies positively promote the most power-hungry and the least scrupulous.
Returning to the question of biological screening raised by someone, I don’t believe geneticists are going to find a reliable way to detect psychological traits any time soon.
I may be wrong.
Funny cause we do it with dogs, horses and cattle all the time.
Different breeds have inbuilt behaviour traits we select for. All without a geneticist in sight.
makes you wonder why the aristocracies are big on their own family trees/bloodlines eh?
Damn’ right, someone! Try setting a – dear, beautiful – Golden Retriever to do the essential work of protecting flocks in the wolf-populated mountains of Turkey, as done with ferocious efficiency by the – dear, beautiful – Anatolian Shepherd Dogs. (qv; especially the magnificent Kangal strain.) Breeding for purpose, amongst other species, is a piece of piss. Shepherds, without ‘benefit’ of genetic education, just common sense, have been doing it for millennia.
The process just gets a bit morally complex, though, if we want to do it to each other…
The other thing that people seriously breeding animals for a serious purpose do is to pay attention to their diet.
Human beings on the other hand (speaking very generally), just shovel down any old crap (sometimes very expensive crap, but bare of any real nutrition).
Unfortunately, I think such a test would weed out anyone with a 3 digit IQ.
And not all psychopaths are killers,having lived with a genuine diagnosed psycopath for a number of years i can attest that to abort them would be inhumane in the extreme,we need a certain amount within society for it to flourish,how do you make that horrendous earth shattering decision that will lead to pain and suffering for the peple affected by that said decision when you allow emotion to come into it?
They are the ULTIMATE predator,we as homo sapiens think we are the ultimate in the pecking order of life,make no mistake these people are a country mile over and above anything most emotionally led people are capable of
Diagnose them by all means pre birth,but watch them like a hawk for the rest of their natural for the minute you look elsewhere you’ve had it
That is not a philosophical question but a practical one. Like the one-child policy in China. It worked to launch the economy out of the poverty orbit; but it no longer suits the country that has lifted itself out of poverty.
I would definitely favour voluntary genetic screening for certain diseases — provided one had reliable tests, not the sort of Con-trick that passes for a test in Con-19.
But always bear this in mind: the 6 Million who die of malnutrition every year do not need a sophisticated medical test to diagnose their condition, nor a sophisticated medical procedure to cure it.
There’s one chance in 1000 he’ll say yes
I have a lot of sympathy for that view, but we should have in mind that psychopathy sometimes needs a catalyst to bring it out.
An extremely stressful situation, job, relationship, etc can be the catalyst, while a reasonably stress-free life can leave the psychotic personality undiscovered and inert.
That said, I could never again trust a person who said they actually wanted to go into politics because they loved the work environment and wanted to contribute to society.
That’s an automatic order for a straitjacket as far as I’m concerned…
No sane person is that ignorant.
Perhaps they should be collected together in – er – camps; all six – sorry – seven million of them; and then – er – …
You just gave me an idea… they could be useful, as long as they work for our side. What we need is a bunch of psychopaths… with tremendous affinity for their own well being, and with complete disregard of the feelings of the ruling elite… now the question of their faithfulness… we would have to keep them comfortable, right off the bat… and oh yes, promote them like crazy, media, long marches chanting their greatness… and make them feel intelligent, like heroes .. (of course we would have to tone it down a bit around here)
I love it when humankind insist that the large impersonal forces of reality simply MUST conform to our daft-little-farty delusions! LOL. I expect to read quite a bit of that comic delusion in this btl tail. 🙂
A few uncomfortable – but reality-conforming – suggestions:
All species of life on this planet are subject to occasional population-overshoot episodes, when conditions accidentally happen to favour procreation. Humans – emphatically! – are not exempt from this risk, and we are in fact in the latter part of such an overshoot right now: there are too many of us around just now, demanding entirely too much of the planet’s life-support resources, spewing out disruptor pollutants, and generally wreaking havoc. In the usual slap-down ways that always appear automatically at such times, our numbers will be getting corrected downwards around the middle decades of this century, according to ‘The Limits To Growth’ and ‘TLTG: The Thirty Year Update’ – still the most proven-accurate projections of any about where we’re heading. As some commenters here have pointed out, the early signs of that upcoming down-curve are already manifesting in the – spontaneous – fact of falling fertility.
This rise and fall of populations, of any species, has nothing to do with sick-minded criminal fantasies like eugenics or gangster capitalism, everything to do with the non-negotiable realities of ecology, and its homeostatic feedback loops that keep the overall web of life on Earth in a dynamic balance; though altering from time to time, as both cosmic and Earthside conditions change. Dynamic’s the word!
The good editors of Off-G, dear usually-ultra-savvy Jim C, and all the fantasists who congregate btl here can self-delude all they like, but these ecological realities will prevail. We are not in charge here and never will be, they are; and they will remain so, techie-techie fantasise how we will. Mam Gaia rools, OK!
I love my great-grandchildren, as I love their mother and grandmother, and I do all I can to help all their lives thrive. I see every birth as a cause for reverent joy. Life will out! That’s natural, and as it should be. But that makes no difference to the basic reality that we – hom sap – are in a population-overshoot episode right now, and our numbers will be going down again pretty soon, whatever we do or don’t do; bloviate delusionally however we will about it.
To adapt that famous mafia saying: “Nothing personal; it’s just business”: “Nothing eugenicist; it’s just ecology”.
OK farties! Let the downvotes roll! :O)
Fantastic achievement, ducky! Savour your brilliant feat! rofl
Blimey, how deluded can one person be.
not worth engaging really, because it’s “not even wrong”
Indeed it isn’t, Imp. Would you care to check your grammar? rofl.
You can ignore the head post, and the plethora of supporting links that debunk your position, then claim oracle level knowledge because you took a grammar class.
Laugh all you like, another laughing fool. All you’re doing is arm waving, as usual.
Again, thanks for the extra laff, Imp. Don’t ever change! And some time when you’re ready, take a look at the analysts of greater intellectual stature than either you or I on just how accurate the TLTG projections have turned out to be in the past fifty years, and continue to be. 🙂
‘Daft little farty illusion’
“there are too many of us around just now”
This is a very judicious comment. And even if “there are NOT too many of us around”, there is no reason not to consider this issue.
Another important consideration is that too many of the (potentially) “too many of us around just now” are entitled motherfucker hoarders unwilling to share resources in a meaningful way, allowing everybody to survive.
Regrettably, we – people in the West – are a bunch of myopic assholes who can’t see beyond a few years down the road, let alone our own lifespan, let alone future generations.
“OK farties! Let the downvotes roll! :O)”
Not from me because you are right.
Lovin’ the incoherent farty responses so far! 🙂 But surely you can muster more downvotes than this? I’m disappointed.
PS: If anyone can show a more accurate projection of our near future than the TLTG documents – let’s see it! And I mean real evidence, not just spittle-flecked boo-noises… LOLOLOL!
I get where your coming from but do you think it’s up-to the 1% to depopulate?If we are heading for extinction or depopulation don’t you think nature should call the shots and not Bill Gates pun intended.
Dear fellow-Rom Annie: It is nature – aka Mam Gaia – who’s organising the overshoot resolution right now, with processes such as the fall in fertility. Don’t worry! It’s clear that we “little farties” (h/t Ben Elton) won’t be doing anything at all effectual to resolve the matter humanely – as we could have. But Mam has it in hand, as ever.
My favorite part of the “How dare you say there are too many people!” dynamic is the tacit assumption that what the eugenicists and other equally deluded souls do is somehow of the same substance as what nature does.
It seems to me this view merely perpetuates the “Man is God” narrative. Does anyone imagine eugenicists can actually depopulate the world? Yet, indeed, nature can – and has many times in the past.
As scary as it seems to be to many people (with a fright as big as that of the COVIDIANS toward their particular bogey man), the simple fact that nature – not man – calls the shots is in a way reassuring. I for one would hate to think the fate of the human race is in the hands of psychopaths.
Well said, Howard!
By how many people are we over capacity?
If it’s all so bleeding rational and certain you must be able to provide the exact figure.
I fail you see any utility in your repetitive half-witted trolling.
What is the point of you?
I can’t help thinking you and your co-workers propably have less designated time on this earth then I do.
Make the most of it.
mmm, there are too many useless people, the moron, those whose soul function is to weaken the wild herd, soon to be reanimated in some version, this is a reality, not an agenda. We have to honestly address this concern. regardless who created this mess, it is a fukn mess, from most quarters…?
I certainly seem to have less time left, C at my age. Like Arnie, though, “I’ll be back!” Reincarnation of our immortal souls sees to that…
You can guesstimate how many hom-saps would be actually comfortable for the ecosphere by looking at Earthwide populations of creatures of roughly the same body size as us. Rough and ready estimate, but ecologists find it useful for first approximations.
If I’m a half-witted troll, what does that make you – judging by your stratospherically-intelligent response? rofl 🙂
Something Justin Sullivan of New Model Army said in an interview on Much Music back in the 80s (from memory, not YouTube) : “She will shake us off her back eventually.” So, upvote for your slightly long-winded but very welcome affirmation of his statement.
Grovelling apologies for the length of wind, Chris. Must try to precis better. Will this do? 🙂
“nothing to do with sick-minded criminal fantasies like eugenics or gangster capitalism, everything to do with the non-negotiable realities of ecology”
It is both. This is a part of what Lao Tzu meant by “When cleverness and knowledge arise, great lies flourish”. Bertrand Russell was more direct: “Though specialisation brings progress, too much of it leads living things into the blind alleys of extinction”.
And how do you propose we can protect our children and evade the ever tightening fascist medical noose (vaccinations, paediatrician visits, school vaxx teams, etc)?
The more I think about it, the more brilliant it seems. Covid is an enormous shut down operation which not only doesn’t have to be consistent but its very inconsistency feeds into its effectiveness. You need a vax but the vax won’t “really” work. (The “really” bit is important since the operation hinges on uncertainty. Does the vax work? Or is it “fallible”? Destabilising blather follows.) The tracking system is “totally botched”. This too feeds into endless discussion etc.
Obviously, a system which is meant to derange everyone can be as chaotic as it wants. And here is the masterstroke: The “Left” are always on hand to explain away inconsistencies as produced by “incompetence” and anyone who suggests otherwise is a “conspiracy nut” etc.
Reality check:
The earth is finite and therefore there are limits, an infinite number of people is impossible.
Oh, the myth of scarcity….
Norwegian oil production peaked in 2001 and despite extensive search for more production is now halved. Is that an example of a limit or not?
So, they sucked up all the “dead whale” oil off Norway did they?
Is that a meaningful statistic?
There are more resources, more energy, more possibilities in this world than, apparently, you could possibly imagine.
Yes, this myth of scarcity fits handily into the glove of the globalist, financial finaglers.
There certainly seems to be a severe limit on imagination here.
Tie this Scarcity narrative in with the Scamdemic, the Global Warming Hoax and Overpopulation, and follow the money until you discover that they have inflated so many trillions to infinity only to discover that infinity = zero.
They got no money, but they still got them serfs.
“There are more resources, more energy, more possibilities in this world than, apparently, you could possibly imagine.”
Oh dear god, I shall guffaw myself to death! roflmao! One of the great treats of visiting this excellent website is the sheer bloody (unintentional) hilarity provided by the delusionals in the basement! Seriously: roflmao!
There’s enough arable farmland to give 7,358,848,000 people 5 acres each, 5 acres can support a family. You can tripple the farmland figure if you include rangeland for grazing.
The Earth may be finite, but it’s really really big, thats the reality.
Is it really arable? Do you really want everyone to support themselves with 5 acres of potatoes just like they did in old Ireland? And who the fuck wants to live there anyway? I’ve watched prime farmland stripped away and devoured by ticky tacky minimansions so that everyone can mow their 5 acres every sunday on their riding mower. Most people wouldn’t know what to do with 5 acres to begin with.
This shit is nuts.
It was to put “finite” into context, not a friggin instruction manual, get off your high horse.
The human race is finite. There is an ENTER and EXIT sign. We don’t cheat death, we merely put it off for some period of time. We are living (in the northern hemisphere at least) in an ageing society, a gerontocracy, a society which is losing its vitality as the old increasingly outnumber the young. Who exactly is going to pay our senior citizens (including me) their pensions and hospital bills? Look at the stats
Since 2009, US Social Security has taken in less in taxes than it pays out in benefits. It has been using “attributed” interest to maintain a positive balance. But this year, benefits exceeded both taxes and interest, meaning that Social Security had to dip into the principal of the Social Security Trust Fund for the first time.
Of course, all of this is merely a bookkeeping fiction. The Social Security Trust Fund is not — and never has been — an asset that can be used to pay benefits. Instead, it is an accounting measure of how much money Social Security can draw from general revenues. Since the government doesn’t have any extra cash socked away — you may have noticed that we are running a $21 trillion debt — any Social Security shortfall only adds to the growing tide of red ink.
Overall, the trustees report that Social Security’s total unfunded liabilities now exceed $37 trillion, on a discounted-present-value basis over the infinite horizon.
This is what happens when you don’t produce enough children to pay the retirees their pensions and medical bills.
As a Millenial, with no children: I’d rather liquidise the boomers, literally, than have them just for their sakes. And this is as a woman who, like a lot of women in reality instead of media-land, would probably like to have them, actually. Sorry, not sorry. My likely-to-remain-hypothetical children should come first to me, after all.
(And if we had, and did, come first to more of our boomer parents, perhaps more of them would have grandchildren? Just a thought, not that our children becoming part of a pension pyramid scheme sounds sensible or sustainable…)
This ‘Millenials care sooo much about climate change they won’t have babies!’ story is just another MSN fake news narrative pushed by the older generations still in charge behind the curtain to avoid examining the real demographic issues. Millenial men being woefully, culturally, willfully, undereducated compared to women, and encouraged to be irresponsible, is one such much lesser-discussed factor. But also, maybe the population was just inevitably going to have a ‘bust’ to follow the boom and that should’ve been better accounted for? My grandmother had four children…
And both of mine had 7 each, and their mothers had about 10 each, and their grandmothers even more. Yes, there certainly was a boom, and maybe much bigger before WW2 than after it. Although of course, TB and other diseases saw off a lot of the pre-WW2 generations, not to mention the wars, of course.
As you say, this is a mere bookkeeping fiction. The USA, like the UK and any other country that creates the currency that it uses, literally cannot run out of that currency. [ MMT 101 ].
It is real resources that are the real (potential ) problem.
There can always be enough money to pay pensions and retirees medical bills, if you arrange things that way (do a suitable bookkeeping exercise, to use your language).
The worry might be that this reduced younger generation might not be sufficient to produce the goods & services (including medical services) to supply the demand of the older, larger, generation.
We’d then be talking about the potential problems of importing those goods & services, and of course people (including medical staff). There are potential economic & financial problems associated with that, but so long as other countries are still willing to accept the USA’s electronic dollars and securities, the USA can go on and on more or less as it is at the moment.
True, that may not last, but it still has vast military power, in strategic places abroad, and still (despite its many flaws and failings) considerable real resources at home.
So, unlike many people, I don’t see the USA going down the pan any time soon. The same cannot be said however for the UK, and perhaps the EU.
Notice, Y, that even this unassailably obvious truth still harvests 12 – at time of posting this – downvotes from the delusionals who haunt the comments basement here at Off-G.
LOL? I’m pissing myself!
As mathematician Albert Bartlett’s famous aphorism says: “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.” 🙂
Are you saying that population growth is exponential?
Has been for a while, now tailing off, getting ready for the spontaneous mid-century downturn. Real life processes never follow the pure, mathematical exponential function for long, racing up towards the asymptote forever. Only happens in pure mathematics. Ecological processes follow more complex curves. The typical population overshoot does a brief exponential growth for a while, then crashes down to well below the original stable-carrying-capacity for a while, then – as renewable food, etc. resources recover, does a brief mirror-image exponential curve back up to that stability mean and then – with luck – stabilises there again. That’s likely what will happen to us, as techie-techie industrialism crashes and burns over the next century or so, and human survivors slowly recover numbers to the mean.
Why did you censor my posts? Are you afraid of a rational discussion?
You have 1412 comments published here. But if you have to wait more than a few mins for the latest one to appear your first thought is we’re ‘afraid of rational discussion’?
Have some darn sense.
All your latest are published now btw. So I guess free speech is safe again until the next time one of us take a meal break while you’re in full spate
Maybe this article will shine some light to some;
Bojolandia, NZumbistan, The Corporatocracy of Aussia and caNADA… all serfs to big pharma..
the main comments vanish but the complaints about the vanishing words
always appear
funny that
Nothing vanished. He just had to wait for his numerous comments to appear. Grow up.
Tell ’em, Sophie! Sic ’em, girl! 🙂
I hope you didn’t count all his comments!
I wanna know my count, I wanna know my count!!!
One Maura McGoldrick has been vaccinated but has had trouble accessing a vaccine passport.
I’m guessing that this might be the kind of waffle being used to induce a panicked mood whereby “security” will be tightened up. But I suspect there is an ulterior motive. There is at least an advertised chaos spurting and surging around the whole covid shebang. Confusion everywhere. No-one knows where they stand. No-one is sure what their options are or what their “current societal status” is. And that fewer and fewer will be permitted to go abroad or even to various parts of their own country is perhaps understating the issue. No-one is meant to go anywhere. Australia is the model the world is working towards.
And going by Maura’s concerns for her “safety” and how she is “fortunate” to have the vaccine, the psy-op part is certainly working.
You’ve hit on something which has literally been bothering me for a year and a half now which is: we don’t know where we stand! I have no idea which countries I am allowed to go to, and which I am not. I don’t know where my passport works, and which “tests” I need to go where (since I refuse to get a vaccine). It is complete chaos and confusion. And I agree with you, one of the main objectives is clearly to keep people from traveling. Which makes me (somewhat) pity all the idiots who ran out to get jabbed bc they thought it would mean travel would become possible again.
A lot of unjabbed will soon wish they’d already emigrated to the relative safety of Liberia (or similar). To pre-empt such exodus is why international travel has gradually been suppressed and disincentivised. 2019 was pretty much the deadline for would be emigrés.
That’s the whole point.
You’re supposed to stay home.
Then go crazy.
Then die.
‘Confusion everywhere. No one knows where they stand”
YES this is how it ‘works’.
Having been in a ‘relationship ‘ with a covert narcissist for 22 years I see how the narcissist literally feeds off the confusion he /she creates.
Maintaining CONTROL is the primary purpose.
They will do anything to maintain CONTROL.
Nothing makes sense
Trying to understand creates more confusion
Trying to negotiate creates confusion
And worse despair and grief
Disbelief and helplessness
I could write a book
Many others have
I see that this is a call to make my own decisions
Trust .myself
And gradually I see how the narcissist literally feeds off the confusion
And will continue
Until I say
Enough is enough
Get out
And form relationship with those that see this
Don’t look back
Stand firm Together
In Real LOVE
Confusion is a part of the ruse.
Dmitry Orlov reckons the whole covid con is mainly, though not exclusively, about seriously reducing mass air travel, and other forms of excessive oil-driven mobility, such as – er – commuting. Going rather well, isn’t it? 🙂
Well that’s cool… as long as vaxx passport doesn’t reduce my income by not working
Anyone else feeling like Matthius in the Omega Man? A modern day Cassandra, commentating on the global collapse in real time?
jamie cronin posted this link to a speech by Ernst Wolff in yestdays thread, I think it should be a head post. jamie said “This is an inspiring video, please watch and feel better….”
This didn’t do lie too well with me. I didn’t sleep well at all after watching this tbh, I feel like a rabbit trapped in the headlights with no escape, completely unnearved, like a permanent panic attack.
I have completely underestemated the level of global chaos that is comming. They are going to use/ARE USING every tool available to destroy the global economy, complete chaos, millions are going to die from starvation alone if we don’t find a solution soon.
It’s one thing saying it for years, it’s another to understand it at a fundamental level when it’s on top of us.
If anyone does get inspiration from it, and feels better for it, please tell me how that works.
(mods: for some reason I couldn’t post on jamies thread on yesterdays post this morning, it kept asking for an email address although I’d put one in)
I watched the Enrst Wolff one yesterday and completely agree with how you felt. Important but also crushing, although at the end, he gives hope by saying the plans will not work.
I don’t know the premise of Omega Man, but the original Last Man On Earth is haunting, all the way down to the failed vaccinations.
Let’s call this whole thing what it is;
An attempted return to FEUDALISM.
Nothing more, nothing less.
You can couch it in new-fangled terms as much as you like but at the end of the day it is attempted global plutocracy.
Our only hope is that enough people wake up when they realise that their future would be SERFDOM.
There’s already a global plutocracy, has been for decades.
The closest analogy I can think of, is the global plantation owners have just invented the robot tractor, and realised they don’t need to feed the slaves anymore, except the overseer, and one chap who can fix the tractor, and he’s getting a control chip implanted.
The overseer thinks he’s in the know, friends with the plantation owner, he’s busy selling the idea of robot tractors and brain chips to the slaves, he doesn’t realise he’ll be obsolete too.
We need to reach the overseers, 90% of the slaves have stockholm syndrome.
‘90% of the slaves have stockholm syndrome.’
I “treat” my own Stockholm syndrome at work on a daily basis by alternatively being decent to my boss and telling him to fuckoff if he gets too exited about that
It’s something like feudalism, but also with a hint of global communism, the elite techno-pharma leaders being the new fangled version of the nomenclatura I guess.
When in crisis, you won’t solve the problems by old thinking that borrows its vocabulary from the enemy.
Feudalism is later-date construct by armchair historians, busted by the actual historical evidence accumulated in the past century. viz Terry Jones’ book & tv series. Generally in Europe in the said period, while most people lived in misery, they also lived under genuine protection : there were institutions like the inviolability of anyone who enters a church, and anyone who escaped from their master for a year and a day was granted freedoms.
Communism was also never the coherent ideology it’s made out to be by its proponents and enemies alike. Practically every decade the Soviet people were told their previous principles and loyalties were wrong and had to be adjusted. “Communism” was characterized not by a failed utopian experiment but by the failure to formulate any ideology or hierarchy of ideals that could last more than a decade or two.
And now, a look at things and thinking that doesn’t stray “left” nor “right” :
“The reason Everything Sucks, as Veblen understood, is that we’re burdened by an archaic bureaucratic structure (‘business’) that undermines the functioning of the most modern bureaucratic structure we know of (‘industry’). The former wants you to direct your anger at the latter.”
The kind of sabotage of industry Veblen talked about is the least of it. The plutocrats have to sabotage academia, the media, education, etc. Because they exist in a position of redundancy, the ONLY way they can rule is by breaking things. An unbroken society would reject them.
This is what the rich are doing through their private philanthropy, through the foundations and other non-profits they’ve created. They’re methodically breaking things so that their redundancy won’t become apparent. That’s why the fund economics, political science, etc.
The problem capitalism poses isn’t just about inequality, it’s about everything. Everything that is broken is broken because the plutocrats need it to be broken and they need a lot of things to be broken. Not just housing, infrastructure, etc, but academia, science, culture.
Step 1 to solving every problem in the modern world is to reject the plutocracy.
It’s unavoidable. You’re not going to make a better plutocracy. They cannot function in industrial civilization as anything but saboteurs. They’ve got to go!
It’s not about who’s on top. It’s about how they keep score. It’s the INSTITUTIONS of the plutocracy that are redundant and need to go.
I think that my use of the word feudalism is justified.
Disputing the word itself is just semantics. We all know the system I was referring to.
You are correct that the lords protected and housed their vassals and granted fiefs in return for labour and loyalty in times of war.
So, effectively, it was a contract.
The same thing is being offered/ threatened today.
The great reset offers you a very similar deal.
The ‘elite’ are the lords
The Vassals would be the institutions that you mention.
The rest of us would be the serfs.
It’s a system that worked for hundreds of years so why would they need to invent another.
Errrm, the penny doesn’t seemed to have dropped but in fact world population is in decline. In Europe at least it is all about female fertility rates. A steady state population growth should be 2.1 babies per woman in the child-bearing age of her life. No nation in achieves that an in fact most are in negative territory. Eastern Europe is a case in point. Every state in Eastern Europe bar Russia is in negative population growth territory. Speaking of Russia, their population has been static since the 1980s. The Baltics are rapidly emptying out – but given their geopolitical orientation I am not to worried about that. Population growth in western Europe is negative but populations are being beefed up by mass migration from the global south. The same is the case in North American and most of Latin America. The only place where there is genuine population growth is in Africa, though even there not all of Africa.
Lifestyle diseases, poor nutrition, environmental pollution (glyphosate comes readily to mind) male sperm-counts are all taking their toll as world population shrinks humanity. I think that we have probably peaked and it is now (or shortly) downhill all the way.
But the eugenicist crowd are calling the shots. Moreover they don’t have to make any case since their wishes seem to be coming true. Adieu humanity, it was great whilst it lasted.
Not quite actual decline yet, Don. But certainly the rate of growth seems to be slacking off, as spreading fertility-declines manifest. All part of the natural correction processes.
“Income and fertility is the association between monetary gain on one hand, and the tendency to produce offspring on the other. There is generally an inverse correlation between income and the total fertility rate within and between nations. The higher the degree of education and GDP per capita of a human population, subpopulation or social stratum, the fewer children are born in any developed country.[3] In a 1974 United Nations population conference in Bucharest, Karan Singh, a former minister of population in India, illustrated this trend by stating “Development is the best contraceptive.””
Russia still has financial incentives in its Far East Region to increase the population.
Not every nation thinks that population reduction is essential….
Somebody below mentioned that “life will get better”.
That assumption is probably derived from the fact that life has been getting better over the past centuries. Dramatically better, in fact. Especially in the last decades. Why? Two main factors – the development of technologies and the availability of cheap energy and raw materials.
It now looks like the latter is kinda running out. Whether or not this civilization will be able to sustain the current level of prosperity will depend on whether it will be able to transition to a different source of energy and to manage resources. It doesn’t look too good right now.
Also, somebody mentioned that he “wants to elevate the living standard in developing countries”. That’s great and very noble. I’m all for it myself too. The only thing is that one has to be prepared that elevating the conditions in developing countries means that the living standard in the west will decline. Also, some of the developing countries might want to bite the hand that has fed them, which seems to be the case with China, for example, and roll right over us.
As to depopulation/procreation, I see no reason why this issue couldn’t be debated in a rational fashion without branding any mention of the size of human population on this fucking planet as “anti-human death cult”. That’s hysterical terminology intended to manipulate people. Fuck that.
The premise that life has been getting better probably needs a deeper analysis, certainly a lot of context.
A rational debate is always a good idea. As rational beings we surely understand that not everything is perceived and animated from a material view of reality. Once this is understood, the concept of living standard takes on various new meanings not always concordant with one another.
And there the debate gets very interesting.
Cheers, brother.
“As rational beings…” Oh, are you a Vulcan, Diego? Most here are Earthlings. We only do rationality on the minority of occasions when it suits our emotional preferences.
I was refering to Jacques and I as rational beings, as he promotes rational debates, and as I am quite rational too.
Sorry for the miscommunication on my part.
a. Roman god of fire
b. name of a one-time British nuclear bomber
c. Hypothetical planet, once though to have been in orbit between Mercury and the sun. In Star Trek, birthplace of Spock. who was half-Vulcan, half-human.
Ah yes, that Vulcan.
“the availability of cheap energy and raw materials. It now looks like the latter is kinda running out.”
They aren’t “running out”, they’ve been deemed too destructive through the carbon psy-op and a reformed pricing regime will put them out of reach. They tried the “oil is running out” bs in the 1970s and the holes in the narrative soon became apparent (specifically how “proven reserves” work).
BTW Antartica has a wealth of resources but has been declared off-limits until the 2040s. Does the elite’s rapaciousness suggest they really care so much about a few penguins? Why exactly are they considering mining asteroids ahead of Antarctica?
You might be right about that, but it makes no difference. It looks like the train has left the station in this regard. Plus, it would have happened sooner or later. You might argue that if it happened later, the running out of stuff, mankind will have developed technologies to offset the negative impact, which is probably true.
Still, it’s happening, and most seem to be going along with it. Especially in the West.
Interlocking control directions.Same as the anti-nuclear power movement organized entirely using the left useful idiots (which somehow magically went away) were just another plank in scarcity creation by the usual suspects.
Can’t have fusion research going on. oh no – shitty windmills and energy rationing it is.
Ever wonder why those shitty windmills have proliferated ?
Expediency my friend,it takes 12 hours to install a 300 foot high wind turbine 40 miles offshore and thats having it installed and grid connected and generating that you cannot see,cannot hear and its not in your back yard
The companies are claiming carbon credits in TWELVE hours for every one banged up,and given carbon credits are a new currency perhaps now you are understanding why years of research into fusion energy is laughable to the companies funding their development
Russia is already developing a new generation of nuclear electricity generators – like their wholly unexpected new generation of strategic weapons that have put the Anglozionist empire in such a terminal flummox.
These nukes eat all high-level radioactive waste fed to them, and eat all their own as well, leaving none that needs ‘storage’.
Puts the whole anti-nuclear camp – of whom I’ve always been one – into a bit of a quandary; if it’s true…
This sort of reactor is being developed in the west as well, and 2 different types were researched (and pretty much proved viable) in the USA, decades ago, but ultimately abandoned, as at the time, there were other sorts of reactors that were thought to be better.
There seem to be various ways of doing it, but they are all (I think) variations on using molten salt (of various sorts) as a coolant, instead of pressurised water. The main (claimed) benefit is that they cannot run out of control, and automatically shut themselves off in case of trouble (so no Three-Mile Islands or Chernobyls), as well as the benefit of consuming existing nuclear waste.
It’s not true to say they leave no waste (at least the ones I know about), but the waste they leave only needs storage for a few hundred years, not thousands.
Moltex are among companies working on this type of reactor in the UK.
(They were interviewed on a Radio 4 programme recently).
I became fairly strongly in favour of nuclear energy once I learned about this sort of reactor (and its interesting history (somewhat hidden) in the USA). If the Green movement were really serious about eliminating CO2 emissions, then they would look with favour on this sort of development.
To be fair, George Monbiot for one, has written favourably about it, although I don’t know what his current position is.
Some people say that the products of this type of reactor can’t be used to make bombs. Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s quite true, although it might be more difficult.
You are both talking about fission reactors presumably?
Yep! I’m offering a standing bullion-bet that fusion reactors – in places other than the interior of stars, and certainly here on Earth – will never happen as a controlled, scalable, practical process. Not before the Long Descent finally sweeps away all such possibilities, permanently. Anyone wishing to take the bet should notice that it will be for a longish period, with the stakes to be held in escrow until my great-great-grandchildren collect on my behalf. 🙂
There is some uncertainty about Earth-core reactors. Some residual radio-active processes still seem to be going on down their, and are still having a hand in global warming and cooling, as they tick up and then down again spontaneously. I don’t think we know whether they’re entirely fission, or maybe with a fusion component.
At a point fossil fuels will become to expensive to extract and that’s almost the same as “running out” in my book …
Yeah right …
Its amazing that the dinosaurs got to titan and the horsehead nebula then?
All those hydrocarbons from fossilized dinosaurs on a spaceship?
Think again
Many marginal fields discovered in the north sea in the 70’s and deemed economically unviable suddenly became viable in the 90’s as the oil price rose and technology for recovering it advanced.The new Cambo field west of Shetland WILL (they are arguing over it at the moment but thats just appeasment) be exploited using advanced recovery methods that don’t include gargantuan platforms but instead utilise convrted supertankers ln a manner akin to a hummingbird on a scale uthinkable of 30 years ago
Thatcher didn’t kill coal,she just killed the infrastructure for extracting it,it’s still there in all its black shiny glory just waiting to be exploited once technology has advanced and surprise surprise that technology is with us now,they just gasify it in situ (search for gasification in situ for technicoal aspects)
Windpower is a con,i state this with some insider knowledge as i used to build the damn things offshore,however its a con thats supporting thousands of jobs and some positive innovation and before you scream they kill birds ask your cat how many its killed in its lifetime and before the subsidy bus rolls in,subsidies for onshore windpower development were pulled circa 2016 ,did you see a solar array prior to that ? no you didn’t bcause thats where the subsidies went
The UK has just reopened West Burton coal fired power station after having it sit mothballed for god knows how long ostensibly because gas prices have risen
We are nowher near replacing hydrocarbons/fossil fuels with alternatives EVER.The only way for that to happen is for the user base to decrease significantly
Guess which option the one world government have chosen
And replacing domestic heating with piped hydrogen (as some suggest), is, on safety and other grounds, a non-starter IMHO.
I happen to have recent experience of one of the gas companies trying to find a gas main to a house that I have some connection with (not where I live). They ended up having to dig 4 holes, and managed to break a water waste pipe in the process.
All this was in order to move a gas meter from an awkward place inside, to a box outside. And the reason for that was that they wanted to install a smart meter, and they wouldn’t do that in situ – they had to move the old meter out first. (The smart meter still isn’t installed).
So if there can be this comedy of errors with normal gas, which they understand and have decades of experience with, what are the chances of getting it right with hydrogen? Which only some scientists and engineers understand, and no one has experience of supplying it via pipes on a consumer scale.
If they try it, I think chaos and deaths will ensure, on a, well, covidian scale.
Heat pumps on a mass scale are also probably a non-starter.
Exactly so Y. That’s how the ever-savvy Gail Tverberg puts it too, on her blog: ‘Our Finite Earth’.
Not ‘almost the same’ btw: exactly the same. A lot of the known oil deposits in the Earth are going to stay there because we shall run out of the means to raise, refine and transport them. And I don’t mean mere notional currencies, I mean the actual physical capability.
I love the ‘mining asteroids’ canard. 🙂 Using what for freighters? Driven by what fuel? From where? Lowering millions of tons of ores onto the Earth’s surface under complete control how, exactly? Oh of course I forgot, we’re going to smelt and refine right there in deep space; silly me! So – lowering millions of tons of refined metals… etc?
We’re already running short of the raw materials on Earth that could have built such a huge fleet – and powered it. Even keeping hitech industrialism going here is now a losing bet. The window has closed on even attempting such sci-fi fantasies as space mining. If in doubt do the energy-required equations for such fantasies, and then tell me that the fuel for them hasn’t already run out; hydrocarbon or nuclear. Oh wait! Nuclear fusion…! Techie-techie will save us! And will solve all the still unsolved intractable problems of keeping living things alive in the radiation and hyper-sand-blasting hell outside the Van Allen belts. Just like inspired US technology (now lost) kept the bold astronauts of Apollo 11 alive… (roflmao)
And by the time Earth has warmed enough – if the complex vagaries of natural climate shift ever do bring that about again – to remove the Antarctic ice-sheet so that the minerals beneath become a touch more accessible, human society will have long since completed its transition back to the subsistence agriculture which was our past, and is our future; after industrialism has completed its one and only period in Earth’s history; and has blown away irretrievably all the raw materials which made it possible.
Good luck with mining Antarctica industrial-fashion, in those circumstances.
Get used to it: hitech industrialism has been a once-only aberration, and it’s now on the down-slope. The future – for the survivors – is peasant-agricultural (with inner-space exploration characteristics…) Ask the Greys about that. It’s most probably where they come from, after all, cod-UFOs and all.
“As to depopulation/procreation, I see no reason why this issue couldn’t be debated in a rational fashion without branding any mention of the size of human population on this fucking planet as “anti-human death cult”. That’s hysterical terminology intended to manipulate people. Fuck that.”
Corbett step on your toe? Guess the desire to get the useless eaters well under a billion has nothing to do with a death cult.