14 ways official reports agreed with “conspiracy theorists” on 9/11

Entrance of the Gaithersburg Campus of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Licensed under Adobe Stock
As part of our season marking the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 “terrorist attacks”, OffG is going to be highlighting some of the research papers and scientific studies done over the years.
These studies have been key in pointing out logical flaws and impossible physics used to support the official narrative.
Our first paper is “Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction”, which was first published in 2008.
Authored by five key names in the 9/11 truth movement, Steve Jones, Frank Legge, Kevin Ryan, Anthony Szamboti and James Gourley, this paper collates all the statements from both FEMA and NIST that actually agree with the so-called “conspiracy theorists”, and highlights the holes in the official story. Holes that the government experts admit exist.
We’ll post the 14 points summarised, and then embed the whole paper below.
1. WTC 7’s collapse is unresolved
The specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time. Although the total diesel fuel on the premises contained massive potential energy, the best hypothesis has only a low probability of occurrence. Further research, investigation, and analyses are needed to resolve this issue.”
FEMA, World Trade Center building performance study: Preliminary observations, and recommendations, Report FEMA 403, May 2002.
2. WTC 1&2 withstood the jet impact, as they were designed to
The WTC towers had been designed to withstand the accidental impact of a Boeing 707 seeking to land at a nearby airport…”
FEMA, World Trade Center building performance study: Preliminary observations, and recommendations, Report FEMA 403, May 2002.
Both WTC 1 and WTC 2 were stable after the aircraft impact, standing for 102 min and 56 min, respectively. The global analyses with structural impact damage showed that both towers had considerable reserve capacity”
“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.
3. “Pancake Theory” Not Supported by the evidence
NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers… Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.”
NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]
4. Load-bearing structures were nowhere near their limits
The core of the building, which carried primarily gravity loads, was made up of a mixture of massive box columns made from three-story long plates, and heavy rolled wide-flange shapes […] The core columns were designed to carry the building gravity loads and were loaded to approximately 50% of their capacity before the aircraft impact….the exterior columns were loaded to only approximately 20% of their capacity before the aircraft impact”
“The role of metallurgy in the NIST investigation of the World Trade Center towers collapse”, JOM vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 22-29, November 2007
5. Buildings collapsed “essentially in free-fall”
Q: “How could the WTC towers collapse in only 11 seconds (WTC 1) and 9 seconds (WTC 2) — speeds that approximate that of a ball dropped from similar height in a vacuum (with no air resistance)?”
A: …As documented in Section 6.14.4 of NIST NCSTAR 1, these collapse times show that: “… the structure below the level of collapse initiation offered minimal resistance to the falling building mass at and above the impact zone. The potential energy released by the downward movement of the large building mass far exceeded the capacity of the intact structure below to absorb that energy through energy of deformation. Since the stories below the level of collapse initiation provided little resistance to the tremendous energy released by the falling building mass, the building section above came down essentially in free fall, as seen in videos”
NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]
6. Trusses passed fire endurance tests
“NIST contracted with Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. to conduct tests to obtain information on the fire endurance of trusses like those in the WTC towers…. All four test specimens sustained the maximum design load for approximately 2 hours without collapsing…The Investigation Team was cautious about using these results directly in the formulation of collapse hypotheses. In addition to the scaling issues raised by the test results, the fires in the towers on September 11, and the resulting exposure of the floor systems, were substantially different from the conditions in the test furnaces. Nonetheless, the [empirical test] results established that this type of assembly was capable of sustaining a large gravity load, without collapsing, for a substantial period of time relative to the duration of the fires in any given location on September 11” “Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.
7. Fires burnt for a “short duration”
The initial jet fuel fires themselves lasted at most a few minutes” […] “At any given location, the duration of [air, not steel] temperatures near 1,000 °C was about 15 min to 20 min. The rest of the time, the calculated temperatures were near 500 °C or below”.“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.
8. fires were not hot enough to melt steel
In no instance did NIST report that steel in the WTC towers melted due to the fires. The melting point of steel is about 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,800 degrees Fahrenheit). Normal building fires and hydrocarbon (e.g., jet fuel) fires generate temperatures up to about 1,100 degrees Celsius (2,000 degrees Fahrenheit). NIST reported maximum upper layer air temperatures of about 1,000 degrees Celsius (1,800 degrees Fahrenheit) in the WTC towers (for example, see NCSTAR 1, figure 6-36)” NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online].
9. Most of the WTC steel evidence was destroyed
“NIST possesses 236 structural steel elements from the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings. These pieces represent a small fraction of the enormous amount of steel examined at the various recovery yards where the debris was sent as the WTC site was cleared. It is estimated that roughly 0.25 percent to 0.5 percent of the 200,000 tons of steel used in the construction of the two towers was recovered. […] The lack of WTC 7 steel precludes tests on actual material from the structure…”
Federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster: Steel inventory and identification, NIST, September 2005.
10. Unexplained unusually bright flames and glowing liquid present
An unusual flame is visible within this fire. In the upper photograph {Fig 9-44} a very bright flame, as opposed to the typical yellow or orange surrounding flames, which is generating a plume of white smoke, stands out”
“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.
“NIST reported (NCSTAR 1-5A) that just before 9:52 am, a bright spot appeared at the top of a window on the 80th floor of WTC 2, four windows removed from the east edge on the north face, followed by the flow of a glowing liquid. This flow lasted approximately four seconds before subsiding. Many such liquid flows were observed from near this location in the seven minutes leading up to the collapse of this tower”.NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]
11. Steel shows evidence of very high temperatures and sulfidation
Sample 1 (From WTC 7)… Evidence of a severe high temperature corrosion attack on the steel, including oxidation and sulfidation with subsequent intergranular melting, was readily visible in the near-surface microstructure […] Sample 2 (From WTC 1 or WTC 2)…The thinning of the steel occurred by high temperature corrosion due to a combination of oxidation and sulfidation […] The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event. No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified…A detailed study into the mechanisms of this phenomenon is needed…”
FEMA, World Trade Center building performance study: Preliminary observations, and recommendations, Report FEMA 403, May 2002.
12. NIST tweaked their computer models until they obtained the results they wanted
The more severe case (which became Case B for WTC 1 and Case D for WTC 2) was used for the global analysis of each tower. Complete sets of simulations were then performed for Cases B and D. To the extent that the simulations deviated from the photographic evidence or eyewitness reports [e.g., complete collapse occurred], the investigators adjusted the input, but only within the range of physical reality. Thus, for instance…the pulling forces on the perimeter columns by the sagging floors were adjusted…”
“Final report on the collapse of the World Trade Center towers”, NIST, September 2005.
13. No explanation for the total collapse of the buildings
This letter is in response to your April 12, 2007 request for correction…we are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse”
CS Fletcher (NIST), “Response to request for correction”, Journal of 9/11 Studies, vol. 17, pp. 17-23, November 2007
14. NIST never looked for explosive residue
Q: Did the NIST investigation look for evidence of the WTC towers being brought down by controlled demolition? Was the steel tested for explosives
or thermite residues?A: NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.
NIST federal building and fire safety investigation of the World Trade Center disaster, FAQ, August 30, 2006. [Online]
There you have it, the “official narrative” condemned with words from the authors’ own hands.
Government experts admit that the twin towers were designed to withstand impacts from jets, and did so, and that the weight-bearing structures of WTC 1&2 were loaded to, at most 50% of their capacity before the impacts of the planes.
They admit that the fires burnt for only 15 minutes and that the trusses passed fire endurance tests eight times longer than that. They admit these fires were never hot enough to melt steel, and yet they admit there were unusually bright flames, molten metal and evidence of incredibly high temperatures and sulfidation of the steel.
They admit the evidence does not support the initial “pancake theory” of collapse and that they have no full explanation of the complete collapse of the twin towers, which they admit happened at near-freefall speed. They even admit that their explanation of WTC7’s collapse “has only a low probability of occurrence”.
They admit that despite this lack of explanation, and witness testimony of molten steel and explosions, they never tested the WTC steel for explosive residue.
And they admit the government removed and destroyed the vast majority of the steel evidence.
Does anything else really need to be said?
You can read the entire research paper here:
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Short Recap: 20 Years After 9/11
Don’t skyscrapers have to support their own weight? Don’t the designers of skyscrapers have to figure out how to distribute the steel and concrete?
Where is the data on the distributions of steel and concrete down the structures, tons of steel and tons of concrete on each level? How would that have to affect collapse time in a supposed straight top down collapse?
Shouldn’t everyone who passed physics have been asking about that within weeks of 9/11?
You’d have thought… A2
I remember an architect in New Mexico calling this out within a day or two of the event. But he was forced to retract almost immediately. I’m sure plenty of other architects & engineers also spotted this instantly, but self-preservation is a strong impulse, and was enough to keep most of them quiet until Steven E Jones eventually got the ball rolling,
On 9/11 I was at work. A co-worker said that a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers. I went to the break room where many people had gathered to watch the first tower smoldering and reruns of the plane hitting the building (shocking how a camera was filming just at that very moment). After watching 10 to 15 minutes I thought to myself that the broadcast would last the entire day until such time as either a helicopter or fireman rescued the survivors. So I went back to work and in short sequence the second tower was hit and then eventually both towers fell (along with building 7 later that day). When I saw the reruns of the first tower fall I was in disbelief. Being a lay person it wasn’t so much that the tower fell that was shocking, but that it came down so symmetrically. All things being equal, a random force (air plane/office fires) cannot produce a uniform result.
On that day the government was asking us to suspend belief and not trust our senses. This is exactly the same playbook that is being used for Covert-19. I never believed the official account of 9/11 and I’m convinced it was a test to see just how gullible people were. I took comfort in the fact that I lived in Canada and that that level of corruption did not effect me. Unfortunately, that cancer has spread globally and as Rocco Galati said, it’s up to each individual to stand up for themselves and not wait for the cavalry. Dr. Zelenko said, this is a war against God, against our very humanity. It’s a test to see who will use their God given intellect and critical thought to choose not to succumb to the narrative. I was just following orders or I was just listening to the Dept. of Health will not cut it. As the character Red says in The Shawshank Redemption; “get busy living or get busy dying, G-damn right”. It is their hubris that will be there downfall but each and every one of us have to stand up even if it means losing your home, your job, or even your marriage. In 50 years it won’t matter how many homes you had, how much money you made, how many cars you owned, but that the world might be a little better place because you made the difference in the life of a child. Stand up!
Canadian Generals and senior officers always at NORAD where the stand down was witnessed…we had a role…perhaps just to be quiet. Crickets.
Yup. Let’s ignore photographic evidence, eye witness dialog, engineering data, arbitrary removal of forensic materials from the site. Let’s just go shopping…
Excerpted from: WTC 6
“Do you know that on the weekend prior to the attacks on the WTC, all electricity was cut off for approximately 36 hours, including the security cameras and control systems in a highly irregular “maintenance operation”? Do you know that in the weeks leading up to the attacks there were several unusual evacuations of both towers?
Do you know that the company in charge of security at the World Trade Center was directed by Marvin Bush, George Bush’s younger brother, and Wirt Walker III, George Bush’s cousin?
Do you know that the same security company also lists as government clients “the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice,” and provides security for classified and high-risk government sites?
Do you know that hundreds of government personnel were pre-positioned in New York City on September 10, preparing to do a large scale simulation of a terrorist attack to be carried out on September 12? FEMA officials had already set up their command post at Pier 92 near the World Trade Center one day before the attacks.”
There are numerous photographs included on the page: >
WTC 6 (whale.to)
one can look at 9/11 and take from it many insights relatable to the current regime psy-op…
the most pertinent being nothing to do with ‘the events’ themselves but more a window into the mechanisms of herd management… (which of course is what they are)..
watching the events live all those years ago, my first thoughts were ahhhhh controlled demolition perpetrated on their own people by the yankee regime.. just like that, fucking obvious..
the footage of bonobo bush at the infant school waiting for his handlers was the qualifier..
since then we have had countless turns and twists and cover stories and theories from secret tesla weapons to nuclear devices to two pack explosives… some of it true some of it static and chatter… the most important being dov Z’s missing trillions (one can speculate if that money has been used to buy influence and lickspittles for the current ‘charade’)..
the imbecile masses ever impervious to truth and logic and evidence chose comfortable ignorance… they cheered on the greed the wars the corruption…. just as now… one can never rely on cowards..
now the best bit…..many moons ago when I was a nipper… I was aquainted with the chrome domed engineer and womaniser Fred Dibnah.. this man was undoubtedly a genius and the finest steeplejack known to imbecile-kind…
he had brought down more real estate than barings bank and bernie madoff combined (by hand and dynamite up rickety scaffolds).. and I was a privileged observer….. every one of ’em ‘came down’ like building 7… (though one has to admit if civil engineers had brought down ‘the twins’ instead of mossad and the CIA/FBI it would of been pats on the back all round)..
Fred knew..
The lies defining the official 9/11 narrative could not be more transparent.
Unfortunately, most people seem more comfortables with the lies and fairy tales repeated by goverments, the main stream media and the various industries, the pharmaceutical, the militaro-industrial, the food industry, the film industry, etc. Astrology is still a thing.
*All* my journalist friends continue to believe there wasn’t any “third building” that came down on 9/11. “I would remember,” they all tell me, and no amount of video footage is going to convince them otherwise. “I am not a specialist nor are you,” is the most elaborate answer I have received over the years when addressing the issue. “I pay my taxes and I vote Democrat,” said somebody else.
//Does anything else really need to be said?//
No, I don’t think so.
No third building? Really. Good Lord.
Astrology? Huh?
More on topic… liked them out off the bat
31 years ago, there was free speech on MTV… (sigh)
Meh, who needs ‘conspiracy’ vids when we have these:
F-0452 Aircraft Accident Video: Crash Transport Safety Test Part 1
It doesn’t require too much thought to understand what would happen to the plane if it were to collide against a structure of 110,000 tons of steel girders all slotted, bolted and welded together….plus the weight of the reinforced concrete etc.
Maybe the NIST have not seen the above video.
A little musical to “relax”
The Strange Death of David Kelly – Norman Baker MP
Very interesting talk and an insight into UK Government corruption and murder
Strange death not long ago his body was exhumatied.
he is a very unlucky man.
At the End of Days we shall know which was the really unlucky man: David Kelly or TB.Liar.
I wonder if David Kelly died from suicide or with suicide.
I heard on the BBC it was 28days after testing positive for suicide that he died of suicide.
Cruel but witty.
Let’s split the difference and go with “of suicide”.
Dr.David Kelly, RIP. A martyr to the Truth, murdered by the criminal TB.Liar regime.
Norman Baker, MP. For asking why there was no coroners inquest, let his name be written in the book of righteous MPs (the world’s shortest book).
I was by no means making fun of David Kelly’s death. It was tragic and horrible and as disgusting as the rest of the “suicides”.
18 months and the still screaming Yahoo fear mongering has unleashed the Snark.
In order for our arguments to stick we need to dismiss what certain so called conspiracy theorists have gotten wrong: like the towers falling in 9 and 11 seconds! One fell for almost 22 seconds
“certain so called conspiracy theorists”
You mean NIST? They acknowledge tower 1 came down in ~11 seconds, tower 2 came down in ~9 seconds.
Here’s the guy from NIST saying so…
Cope with this fact https://youtu.be/qLShZOvxVe4
If that’s 9-11 seconds you’re a young George Bush
What a dodgy video. Using a sound recording to determine the fall speed of the towers. Dodgy. Jump cutting to a different video halfway through the second tower collapse? Dodgy. Both buildings incidentally plummeted precipitously, not at all as if they were meeting any sort of resistance like you’d expect on their way down, and were down and large parts powderised in such a short space of time as to make bickering over a few seconds utterly redundant. And when did steel frame buildings become softened and collapse like a house of cards because of jet fuel and office furniture fire? Find a video of this being demonstrated, please. I don’t think it’d even get red hot. And what difference does it make if some of the building remained intact, when the whole thing was so clearly standing one minute and near-free-falling the next? It’s all deeply, deeply suspect. A2
Congratulations, you’ve outed yourself as an idiot or a shill. And that’s ALL you’ve achieved.
what would they do now?
Beautiful song!
Next time someone says the word ‘collapse’ in relation to WT1,WT2 and WT7, merely point out that:
1. WT7, collapsed in a way more consistent with that of a Controlled Demolition.
2. WT1,WT2, didn’t collapse. It disintegrated from top to bottom, floor by floor,at nearly free fall speeds.
Now for a bonus, ask them to explain what created the energy to eject material in the way seen and pulverise the amout of concrete to dust evident in the videos.
Using thermite or conventional explosives to demolish the buildings would have required 10s of 1000s of tonnes of such explosives: a nonsensical approach. – Dr Francois Roby, 2020
Talk of controlled demolition, thermate, thermite or nano-thermite is spurious. These hypothetical substances only surfaced in 2007. How far apart were the cutting charges positioned on the beams? Did igniting them entail one spark-plug for each of the millions of charges, connected to a control panel by thousands of kilometers of wires? How long did this preparation take? How did it escape notice? – Dimitri Khalezov, 2011
Nanothermite was in production in the late 90s.
btw I love that you dismiss all the hard evidence for thermite in the buildings because no one knows exactly how much or exactly where it was placed, but at the same time have no problem accepting the towers were brought down by an unknown beam weapon, in an unidentified location, powered by an unnamed technology no one has ever even heard of, let alone described.🤣🤣🤣
Can you explain how vehicles in nearby locations had the engine blocks missing, presumably by some sort of heat source, yet trees right next to said vehicles look unscathed and what about the abundance of paper laying on top of the dust?
I assume you have seen on the ground footage in the immediate aftermath, so can you explain how 220 storeys of building material was pretty much a ground level. How did the ambulance right outside the towers survive without much of a scratch when all those steel columns and concrete came crashing to the ground? Just a lucky escape I guess…?
So you didn’t answer the question(s) posed and went off to talk about ‘thermite’?
Are you going to explain to us the OFFICIAL scientific process by which the buildings ‘collapsed’, top to bottom, floor by floor whilst also including an explanation of the physics/energy created for the ejection material and the dust clouds?
Does your ‘OFFICIAL’ explanation of WT1/2 meet the standard set down by the University of Fairbanks investigation into WT7?
Can you also point me to the change in building codes to stop this happening again, or should we just be concerned when the is a ‘war game’ in motion, so we should be prepared for all sorts of magical happenings?
Another curious anomaly that hardly gets an airing, is/was the whereabouts of the Jet Engine cores. These supposedly weighed around 10,000kg apiece, and are constructed of materials designed to withstand very high temperatures and stress loads. Yet, apparently, they were never found.
Yet tbe passport of the alleged terrorists were found, as always!
I would say now it is pretty conclusive there were no planes. We were only ‘shown’ one and that is clearly visual fakery of the plane ‘sinking’ into the building. That is impossible. This is an excellent article on that aspect of things
I hate to get all wacky here, as I know it is not OffG’s lane and I respect that. I should add that I have never aired this publicly as I don’t believe it is helpful. My preferred method is simply to negate the official fairy-tale.
However, I simply cannot resist responding to what you said.
Having spent several years investigating the 911 crime,there is absolutely no doubt that a massive preponderance of evidence indicates that the “Planes Operation” was a work of fiction from top to bottom.
The hijackings never took place but were simply a drill conducted on the ground, no planes flew into any of the sites, the planes that can be seen on television were merely cartoons inserted via video editing .
It is also possible that holograms were projected into the sky, that is unclear, but that planes were inserted via video layering is 100% and one obvious tell is that the trajectories of the various planes depicted striking the South Tower do not even match!
Look at Shanksville and it is obvious that there was no plane crash there.
I obviously don’t expect you or anyone else to take my word for any of this,but if you do a modicum of research you will reach the same conclusion.
I would much rather go with military drones being flown into the buildings, it sounds smarter,makes more sense but it is not what happened.
I don’t think the “no planes” story is helpful, because I know that when I first came across it, when I had no understanding of the basics of 911, my response was, “Well if they are that many steps ahead of us we are well and truly f…ed.”
But it is the truth.
A good intro to the topic, especially if you watch the embedded video, can be found here:
Original (longer) video is here.
Yes, but the people? The planes may be ghosts, but the people on board on known and all vanished. Where to? I see demolition all over the towers, but the towers seem to be the exclusive focus when there was some sort of activity in PA and DC/Pentagon. Building 7 is an obvious fraud, or is it a decoy, even if unintended? But I knew a family who left from Logan that day and never returned. What say ye about that?
That is a very good question and one to which I do not have the answer. However, everything that I said related to the purported attacks, I did not claim that the people said to have died on the flights did not die, merely that they did not die in the place and manner that they were said to have died.
In my opinion it achieves little to speculate on the fate the passengers met or what level of deception was involved there due to the lack of hard evidence.
Some have claimed the passengers were flown to US military bases and murdered, others have claimed that in the case of Barbara Olsen, wife of Bush admin official Ted Olsen that she re-emerged with a new name and identity and remarried her previous husband.
I do not have an explanation but simply maintain that there were no passenger aircraft involved in the incidents in New York, Washington DC nor Pennsylvania and there is overwhelming evidence to support this claim, the fact that there are large missing chunks of the story, that all elements of the crime have not been exposed, does not change that and while I don’t think it was your intent, you have essentially sought to counter the claim by erecting a strawman rather than examine or confront the evidence.
I most certainly never claimed that any of the deaths nor the identities of those said to have died were fake. The evidence is not there.The fate of the purported passengers is unknown, what can be stated with complete confidence however is that they did not die in the manner and place they are claimed to have died.
I used to drive to work by the farm and house owned by the pilot of the Boston flight. Flowers out front.
Of the 62 alleged passengers and crew on Flight 77, only 14 persons were listed in the Social Security Death Index. Relatives of only 5 of them claimed the compensation that the govt. offered. No relative of passenger or crew on Flight 93 claimed compensation. – Laurent Guyenot, 2014
Ellen Mariani, widow of an alleged passenger on Flight 175, is the only person to sue the authorities. – Dean Hartwell, 2019
Here is a photograph of a single jet engine on the street in NY:

Doesn’t look nearly big enough, does it? Here’s a photo of an actual 767 jet engine (the type of planes that hit WTC 1 and 2) with a human for comparison:

Apart from the size, there are numerous other problems with this picture:
How did “Lisa Quinones” get inside the cordon? This was a crime scene, after all.
How did the engine fit through the gap between the street light and the scaffold pole without damaging either of them?
How did a lump of metal weighing anything from 5000kg to nearly 8000kg (according to wikipedia) and travelling at hundreds of miles per hour not make an enormous crater in the road? The perspex on the bus shelter a few feet away is undamaged, as is the road and pavement.
I can’t find it now, but I did see a pretty convincing youtube video making the case that all the “official” footage of the plane impacts is CGI. Not only that, the speed and angle of approach of Flight 175 (which struck WTC 2) are technically impossible. (also the case for the pentagon attack)
Missile strikes on the towers combined with pre-placed thermite shape charges to cause the collapses seems the most plausible scenario, in my humble opinion.
The Murray Street engine fragment has been shown by some brilliant detective work to have been from the Pratt and Whitney engine used on B747 200 aircraft and never used on the B767.
The addition of the street sign in the photo is a nice touch. 🙂 How the heck did that get there? ffs.
The Pratt and Whitney titanium turbo prop engines, which weighed tons, should have been on the Pentagon lawn, or there should have been 2 holes in the wall. Where did they go?
Admin, I caught up with UKC News Sep 6th though it’s currently in spam.
Surely everyone one here has seen the YouTube video of the Russian nuclear expert interview re nuclear detonations under the 3 towers?
Designed into the original buildings.
Yeah, it was rubbish
Not correct. The demolition was top down. Synchronised mini nukes.
How curious… NIST’s official line is “no evidence of explosives was found”
… despite independent research
Gee, where have we heard that lately?
Oh right, “no evidence that mrna is harmful in pregnancy”
“no evidence of long term side effects”
“no evidence it’s dangerous for children”
It is what is missing, that oughtn’t be, that shouts loudest.
Kind of like the animal trials, none have been published since the cats & ferrets…
Wonder why not?
It’s not like they would suddenly stop doing them.
Not holding my breath about the current mammalian trials either.
When on the weakest foundation, a structure is accepted to be fixed on a base of certainty – they who support the construction, bind themselves to a fabricated creation.
Thank you for the heads-up, Ma’am/Sir.
Lest We Forget:
11 September 1973: Democratically-elected Allende government in Chile overthrown by USA-backed military coup.
11 September 1975: Democratically-elected Whitlam Labor government in Australia sacked by QE2 rep, Australia’s governor general. (reputed sot). Evidence of USA involvement claimed.
The Whitlam Government was dismissed on November 11th, 1975.
You are absolutely right ! My only excuse is i must have had a Momentary bout of Old Timers. (secretly: it’s great to know someone reads my comments !)
Whitlam came from a Fremasonic family and had worked as an actor. That whole narrative should be in doubt.
Perhaps you were thinking of 9th November which is 9/11 written the British way? Anything significant happen on that date? Well, how about the Beer Hall Putsch for starters!
At this juncture it is clear that Whitlam was Fabian Socialist, sell out,globalist scum. The way they removed him was still wrong though. Australians deserved the chance to learn from their mistakes and he was removed because the US didn’t approve of him rather than for his faults.
The media were complicit to the marrow. Just as they are in the vastly larger convid hoax.
They did apologize years after.for their reporting of 911
several papers did front pages saying sorry and literally the next day they shilled bullshit again.
it in their archives
While Covid jabbing campaign stalled prepare more death porn and more deaths in the winter as medical facilities and hospital will be deliberately understaffed per Biden order while jab victims pile up..
from CNBC
Which means nearly 100% of all Medical facilities that take Medicare or Medicaid money.
i’m sure there are plenty of lawlers willing to challenge this in court, in the mean time us citizens should tell biden to shove it.
The shocking waste of health care on fake tests and jabs around the world is sickening – people cannot get health care because stupid nations are jabbing and stabbing up the nose to find a non existent virus using a fake test
If the vaccine is so useless/harmful, does it seem probable that most of the rest of their medical “care” is beneficial?
Obviously I mean their treatment of so-called diseases and especially alleged contagious ones, not injury treatment like setting a broken bones.
50 years no progress in medicine of any disease and that includes cancer which is over diagnosed to show how successful various poisonous are.
The good example of uselessness of treatment is case of Polish minister of Health, professor doctor of medicine specializing in respiratory diseases and lung cancer who was diagnosed with lung cancer but refused any treatment. Died within typical life expectancy of lung cancer patients living comfortably rest of his life even in last day of his life he refused to go to hospital. Died at home.
Privately admitted medicine know nothing about cancer. It was a decade ago.
Australians. We need to stop talking and start doing something and I finally found something we can do other than foam at the ABC idiots on the news every morning. Please bear with me.
There is no doubt this is depopulation in the order of 50 to 70% dead. Every independent eminent Scientist and Doctor in the field of medicine and molecular biology has arrived eventually and sometimes belatedly at the same conclusion. There is also no doubt there is a secret international agreement and each country has it’s part to play. Our part concerns me. Imagine Australia with half the population gone. Now look at China. Guess what our part might be… I don’t really want to learn how to speak Mandarin at my age. Sound crazy? If anyone in 2019 described to you what what would be happening now you would think they were nuts. Yet here we are and it’s getting crazier by the minute. They are now actively going after children!! WTF
The ABC shot themselves in the foot this morning, maybe intentionally. They are busy doing a hatchet job on Craig Kelly MP UAP because he dared speak the truth. He’s been warning people that these vaccines are deadly. Good on him. Aussie of the year as far as I’m concerned! Of course according to the MSM he is the anti-Christ. Such horseshit but to be expected. The point is it got me and no doubt many others to start looking at the UAP.
I don’t support any political party not until now that is. The United Australia Party is fervently anti Covid 19, anti lockdowns, anti masks and anti vaccine passports. Given that we are now in a war and literally a fight for our lives that is good enough for me!! I don’t really care what their other policies are. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Hopefully the rest is obvious. They need our 100% support. They are also engaged in legal cases to stop the mandating. So lets support the UAP now and get some crowd funding going to take these bastards to the High Court for Crimes against humanity. Remember they cannot prove sars-covid2 exists. ipso facto everything they have done is illegal.
I’m with you all the way. Joined my first political party (UAP) couple of weeks ago. Plan on helping out if I can be of use. Totally fucked here in Oz, governed by carpetbaggers, sycophants, cretins and morons.
In Canada we had an election called.I am voting for PPC party.I don’t care anymore about the progressive values I have cared about my whole voting life.Progressives, academics, government officials,Liberals shame and blame me as a imperialist, colonialist, settler and supposedly I’m not inclusive enough.I am a 59 year old woman who has fought for human rights,paid taxes,given to charities,volunteered.
I’m probably voting for a creep.But he says he is against passports,mandatory jabs and is for rights and freedoms.He’s probably a villain.But, I’m voting for what I need.
Yes, it’s survival. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. These Liberal Greeny Tossers just pay lip service to things that matter. They the worst! Bloody corrupt hypocrites.
you sound like the first to sell out your people survival fuck of survival
SURVIVAL does not including watching scripted fake you tube shows listening to paid establishments operatives manipulating and radicalizing you selling lies.lies and in your mind control YOU running to a voting booth on lies voting or grassing your people up.
Your a collaborator.
SURVIVAL: dear john does not come from voting or endorsing politicians.
it is that mind
controlset that got people in this mess.Priorities. The boot on your face is a priority!
Those values were programming exploiting your compassion to destroy your own country.
What bullshit and some do tell our selves so much lies to justify lying to our own self.
you got radicalized on the net it quite simple.
Your problem hele you voted so either way you consented
no excuses in what they do, your signature and intent allowed it.
in the new world and old your a collaborator.
Hey cretins and morons is way too intelligent for this pack of gen x nut cases.
G’Day Bruce,
Do you reckon there’s much point to this? Got nothing against Craig Kelly – but by the time the next election comes around it’s gonna be a bit late don’t you think?
I’ve being saying for at least the last 30-odd years that Australia will end up Chinese. Pretty inevitable with regional demographics and ever since (sometime in mid-late 80’s) the immigration narrative was switched overnight from “integration” to “diversity”.
Anyhow, the last person I voted for was Gough Whitlam – and that was a waste of time – but if we survive until the next election whenever that is, I’ll probably try to help out the UAP. Of course, it will be pretty futile as the ABC, the Public Service, and all Universities have been thoroughly infiltrated with cultural Marxists for many years now.
You know, I don’t think Mandarin is as difficult to learn as you might imagine.
It’s not about an election. They have clout and Clive Palmer. We need a central voice. They also not afraid to go to court. A bunch of good hearted folks blogging here is nice and good for the soul but it ain’t gonna do much practically. If we can focus our energy, support and resources in one place with one voice we can bring proper legal cases to the High court. Starting with; If you can’t even prove this virus exists (they can’t which is why the vaccine isn’t mandatory) then what is the legal basis for all this bullshit!!!! There is none in which case the whole thing is illegal and the Police must follow the law, not the dumb ass pollies. At the moment they backdooring the mandatory by using employment law to make it mandatory for certain employees which is why it’s in court. I’m saying f&ck that!! The whole frigging think is a farce and needs to be shutdown. Australia has a pretty good legal system at the moment. The Judiciary seem to be fairly independent.
OK – I’m in.
Hope your optimism about the Judiciary is warranted.
Look at the High Court decision when Palmer challenged the brazenly constitution violating border closures and understand it is an illusion. Still best to try all peaceful means I guess.
I have been following the YT coverage of the recent protests here in France, Uk and Australia.
The striking thing is the French and UK protests have MASSIVE support. Tens of thousands of positive comments, live on the streaming ones.
When you had your recent protests in Australia a few weeks ago I watched with interest and horror.
The comments were nearly all along the lines ‘superspreading drongos’ or ‘That’s us locked down for another six months’
Whilst I appreciate a lot are paid shills, it doesn’t explain why there were virtually no comments in support.
The only conclusion I can come to is that UK and France suffer a much lower level of Stockholm syndrome than Australia.
I sincerely hope I am wrong because you and NZ are the canaries n the coal mine and you MUST prevail.
What a wonderful dream world you must inhabit, Bruce, where “there is no doubt” about highly doubtful things. So comfortable to be utterly certain, isn’t it?
Yes that engineer in Alberta Canada also lived in a dream world. They fined him $1,200 for breaching social distancing laws. He fought the case and won. His defence. Prove the sars covid2 virus exists. Case dropped. The world is actually run by little people in offices and admin buildings with rubber stamps. They don’t care what Bill Gates is doing. They must follow the law. Defeatism didn’t get anybody anywhere but I suspect you know that.
So all the mandates and the vaxxport ad the tyranny have ceased in Alberta? Asking for a friend in need of a new home!
The chair of Australia Broadcasting, Ita Buttrose, was awarded honorary knighthood in the British Empire by the Queen some years ago. Unfortunately the Queen whose beloved husband devoted his life to depopulation causes, is Australia’s sovereign. She’s de facto sovereign of the US though US elites returned us to the monarchy long ago, by WWI. Thanks for info about United Australia Party. I live in US, but am happy to know about it.
Sorry for a sophomoric, even juvenile, observation.
But whenever I see the surname “Buttrose”, I wonder if their family coat of arms displays buttocks with a rose extending from the, er, stem-holder. 😉
A mixture of powdered Zinc and Sulphur would produce not only molten metal but sulphidation of the steel. As you can see from this video you will see that the reaction is very violent, produces very bright light and white smoke. If such a mixture were packed around a steel column then the reaction could be activated by a fire such as from burning jet fuel.
Why is that a better suggestion than nanothermite?
Because nanothermite contains Aluminium powder and Iron oxide and no sulphur.
Unexploded particles of which – nanothermite – were found widely in the post-collapse dust blanketing Manhattan,
The nano-scale iron particles came from vaporised irion (steel) cooling down. Thermite is a slow steel cutter.
the common imbecile has an obsession with minutiae because he isn’t able to process the bigger picture…
the towers were merely a symbol and the hollow men, well aware of the power of symbols for turning the herd, perhaps even having planned to blow them up as they were building them (they always plan ahead these critters)…
you see whilst the interweb denizens have chatted and argued for the last 20 years, ably helped along by government agents babbling on about secret energy weapons and ‘nuclear’ suitcase bombs… (all part of the psy-op, they love running multiple angles and factions the more ludicrous the better)…
most missed the real operation, one could say the hehe, main thrust…
this was the cruise missile strike on the pentagon (oooh very occult/hidden) which was undergoing an audit of ‘sorts’ and was shaping up to be major problem for a particular ‘group’ of very well ‘connected’ imbeciles…
and sensitive regime/alphabet records in 7 which should of just quietly disintegrated… many of the hard of thinking who seem to think they have opinion on this matter, even after the embarrassing fuck up blowing it up are still blissfully ignorant of its existence..
and of course all that subterranean bullion baby (emptied out well before), just for pocket money…
those pesky trotskyite neocons….
The jet fuel was all burned up well before the towers collapsed, re both towers, especially the WTC2 South Tower, where the fuel was consumed in a spectacular explosion outside the building. Way too long a time gap between plane impacts and collapses. And, no jet fuel at WTC7.
Give up. These morons exist. Hope they get vaccinated.
“jet fuel” lol
thats odd, the link I posted was “september clues” on vimeo
do a video search you’ll find it.
even stranger it changed back to the link I originally posted…
So biden has celebrated 9/11 with the announcement of mandatory jabs for all people working in coys over 100 employees. So what are they trying to hide now with this stir up?
Doesn’t the 9/11 Commission have the same stench as the Warren Commission? Isn’t it painful in the extreme to learn that psychopaths in our government could not care less about us. Their only concerns are accretion of power, money and influence. Hard to believe that much evil lives among us.
The first thing to remember about the 9/11 Commission is that Cheney/Bush wanted Kissinger as their first-choice chairman.
As for the Warren Commission, Earl Warren was the head Freemason in California. He was selected as Supreme Court Chief Justice with a conservative voting record but promptly supported every liberal social cause – which shows social liberalism was part of the elite project however much some don’t want to face up to that.
I was not there and l didn’t watch it because the MSM is in the business of dwelling on, and exacerbating pain and suffering. They feed on it.
A radio broadcast was enough for me.
Two questions :
•How did they keep the the planting of demolition explosives secret ?
• Why did they destroy building #7 if they could not explain its collapse ?
They did.
No other force can explain such a collapse.
These are questions that can be answered in an honest and open investigation.
The point is this. We have visual proof that the official story is BS.
It is not necessary for those who point out the obvious lies in the official story to explain all the details of the criminals plot.
Again what is important is that one realizes that 911 was a false flag attack and a monstrous crime and that it is the highest priority for citizens to get to the bottom of it and begin to hold those responsible to account.
The obvious reason for this is because if we let them get away with it.they will do it again.
And next time maybe they will use nukes and take out a whole city.
I just wanted to add. They ARE doing again. This time with a world wide false flag fake pandemic.
I say again as I’ve said before here.
Get those behind 911 and you will get those behind the criminal fake pandemic.
I would venture that those behind c-vid and 9/11 are those behind the 2008 fiscal fiasco, Enron, Building and Loan, Countless subterfuge and deaths we don’t even know , Oklahoma City, Waco, JFK, (and JFK Jr?), RFK, MLK, Malcom, Medgar, Gary Webb, Danny Casalaro, Michael Hastings, Debra Jean Palfrey, upheavel in Latin America, South America, Africa, Middle East, Indonesia, Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, …. and the beat goes on.
♪ Charleston was once the rage, uh huh
History has turned the page, uh huh… ♪
Oh for the good old days.
Sonny and Cher
The Smother’s Brothers
Flip Wilson
(I know I know, they were all “controlled opposition gate keepers” but I loved them just the same)
Many of the floors in the two towers were on occupied repainting was occurring before the collapse also off floor was rented out by is Raley art students. Both buildings have low occupancy due to asbestos and other problems. Building seven was the headquarters for New York City’s emergency response suite as well as two floors by the CIA all of them were evacuated well before the collapse
Do you mean you have never watched any of the videos of that day?
If I’m mistaken, please ignore the following.
Otherwise, do read on:
We all know what the media do to sensationalize anything remotely dramatic, but this isn’t a question of watching TV and inevitably being sucked into the media ‘narrative’.
The whole point is that many of us watched it, and were NOT sucked in at all, because what we saw didn’t fit with the script we were being fed.
Limiting oneself to a radio broadcast means that all one has to go on is the script, with no evidence to support, or refute it.
The wise comment made in a recent movie, “See what you see; not what you are supposed to see”, clearly can’t apply to somebody who doesn’t even watch.
There is a lot of video evidence of this event which is good enough to satisfy all the requirements of common sense. Without it, you might as well listen to a firework display on the radio, and just take the announcer’s word for it that the final show included a particularly stunning shade of blue-green…
Or, what about just watching a symphony concert on TV without any sound…?
If’ you’ve really never watched any of the footage of that day, I’d be tempted to assume that you didn’t care enough to watch, except for the fact that you still have your two questions.
So, if you really are curious, you need to see what happened to the buildings from a layman-architect’s point of view. It isn’t necessary to watch any of the more upsetting versions out there. A child’s experience with building blocks will suffice.
Both your questions are actually very well answered online, with a little bit of digging. Here’s a rough summary:
-The planting of anything at all is easily done over a large time-scale by specially recruited maintenance men – in full view of the people who work there, since they won’t be interested enough to ask any questions.
These maintenance people will be either threatened or bribed into sworn secrecy, or they won’t even know themselves what the substances they are handling actually are.
They are presumably simply told how to install them, and in any case I doubt the packages would have labelling like, “Top Secret Experimental Explosives for Use on 911,2001”, or anything else on the wrappings which might attract attention…
-NIST could explain WTC7’s collapse, and did explain it. It’s just that NIST’s explanation was a clumsy, unscientific lie, just as covid is a clumsy, unscientific lie right now.
The ‘authorities’ don’t care whether we believe them or not, because they’re just going to go ahead with their agenda anyway – unless enough of us wake up to stop them.
My wider point is that we can’t wait for a future narrative to appear from the authorities which makes more sense than their current version.
As reasonably informed members of the same society to which our representatives are supposed to belong, we need our own opinions too, in order to assess for ourselves what makes sense, and what does not.
If we could trust that only science was at work here, that would be the end of it, but I don’t know a single human being today under 80 years old who would claim to trust their government further than they could throw it.
Perpetual war, ridiculous wealth in the most insane hands, and increasing assault on our personal freedom – these are not coincidences.
Of course I’ve seen excerpts of it Wardropper.
How could I not?
It has been played countless times for promos, patriotic glorification and war mongering. I have never watched it its entirety for the same reason I don’t watch the aftermath of car or plane crashes. It’s ghoulish, and there’s enough voyeuristic shit on the box already.
The U.S. oligarchy has never needed any justification for previous invasions or excuses for brutal subterfuge in foreign countries. Why would they bother with such an elaborate plan on their own turf?
I live in Manhattan, was here on 911, watched a lot of television for about a week. I never saw footage of people jumping to their deaths from the buildings, nor heard discussion of it, never even knew people jumped until someone from New Jersey mentioned it to me a week later. I had watched mainly the local Manhattan cable station because I figured it would have the best coverage. Someone said jumpers were mentioned on networks. Sometime later I came across and saved a number of still photos of jumpers. UK Telegraph published the best one, a Reuters photo showing a closeup of several floors where people were hanging out of windows.
Those photos were faked Susan, a number of fourms (cluesforum, letsroll etc.) spent months investigating them, when known measurements of the window sizes were applied to the pics some of the ‘people’ in the pics would have to have been 11ft tall.
I would guess the same way as they are keeping the real reason they are melting down our economies and forcing people to be injected with who knows what…..few are breaking ranks there either.
The security company for the WTC had a board which included Dubya’s brother Marvin and his cousin Wirt Walker. And Turner Construction, with HQ in the WTC, headed by a close friend of Dubya, had a construct to retrofit the steel structures. Read Kevin Ryan’s 4 part series on demolition access.
WTC7 was supposed to be destroyed at the same time as the towers, there were explosions in it during the collapse of the main towers, reported, see the story of Barry Jennings. They had to do a re-try. They figured that given the shock, there wouldn’t be all that many questions. And there haven’t been, many people still don’t know about WTC7.
My guess re WTC7 is that the building was rigged to go down with the towers but falling debris which damaged one side of the building severed some of the cables. Alternaively, if it was always meant to come down when it did they either assumed everyone would be so traumatised by then they wouldn’t care or they were building a deliberate implausibility into the narrative because they wanted people eventually blaming the US government to ready the way for the global technocracy.
WTC6 is seldom mentioned but hardly any less weird than WTC7. The building’s center looks like it was scooped out.
WTC 6 is classic collateral debris damage….. ergo it wasn’t wired…
WTC 7 was wired and fell in its footprint … ergo it was significant in the operation.. probably the most significant.. and guess what..
as usual the imbeciles fucked it up….hahahahahahaha..
The entire complex was attacked with explosives and incendiary devices. WTC5 is also completely destroyed from within. The fire damage to WTC 3 is clearly visible whilst the Twin Towers are still standing.
The ‘elevator maintenance’ work which went on in the weeks before 11/9, with the cooperation of the building custodians, who were told it was an innocent job, and who willingly, unknowingly let the specialist rigger teams in for many nights, was one of the times, possibly not the only one, when the towers and 7 were rigged.
They did give an explanation for why 7 went down, utterly half-arsed though it is; but a good-enough cartoon for the engineeringly-challenged majority. NIST was the fall-guy for that job. Their bad-joke ‘explanation’ is still publicly available. 7 was stuffed with all sorts of documentary evidence for various large-scale crimes involving the US ‘elites’, so it had to go. It was also – probably – the main control centre for managing the tower demolitions in hands-on real time; this control centre being in its turn demolished from a nearby secondary control centre at 5.20 that afternoon.
Your credibility, Johnny, judging from your posts here so far, is very low…
I am no expert but when you look under the floors and above the hanging ceilings of these buildings, there is so much trunking, electrical boxes, wires, pipes, tubes etc and they are all maintained by different groups of tradesmen: aircon, electrical, computer, etc.
A tradesman could easily install explosives pre-packed into trunking without any other tradesperson knowing what it was or even enquiring what it is. And given the size of typical trunking, that trunking could hold hundreds of kilograms of explosive.
1) Big renovation work was going on in the buildings for weeks before the attacks. There were also drills which involved the evacuation of the buildings during this period.
2) The building contained the offices of the IRS, the Secret Service, and the SEC. Just like the financial auditors who were killed at the Pentagon, the IRS & SEC were engaged in criminal investigations & held their flies there. And, like the Secret Service, they all “lost a significant amount of budget data.”
It is speculated by some that WTC 7 also served as the command & control centre for the operation that day. That would have required its demolition. It is more than likely that WTC 7 was the intended target of Flight 93 (or the plane standing in for Flight 93), but this was shot down at Shanksville when the air force response could be hobbled no longer.
I see the knives are out to destroy Craig Kelly MP for daring to suggest that the vaccine is deadly. Well, I thank you Craig. Some of us are listening.
It seems the jab lovers don’t give a flying fuck if they kill people. All those young people dying from the jabs don”t mean anything, they rarely even rate a mention, but if some 90 year old dies after a fake positive test that is a great tragedy
I used to consider the majority of Germans as being innocent of the crimes of the Nazis, but seeing how ordinary people are happy to condone the crimes of their leaders, crimes against their fellow citizens, I am now revising my view of Germans: the vast majority were guilty.
The 9/11 Commission (official investigation into the events of that day) had about 20 million dollars thrown at it.
The “I did not have sex with that woman” inquiry (President Bill Clinton) had about 80 millions dollars thrown at it; plus, Bill bombed Libya to try and distract attention from the scandal.
Go figure…
The lewinsky thing was a complete set up to smother investigation into selling of missile tech to China by the clintons.
The whole thing was fake from start to finish and all the participants were in on it.
Yes, but still $80 mill vs wat?
$20 million.
It also served the purpose of lowering the bar of what was acceptable to discuss on mainstream media. Coarsening the culture has been a long-term project.
Why else was all that gratuitous detail included in the Starr Report?
This only further confirms the conspiracy theorists of the day. As the cliché goes: I t’ink it twas an inside job Boss.
Actually, I would suggest that it was not an inside job.
911 was not done by American nationalists seeking to further the interests of the US.
It was orchestrated by a foreign power with the help of traitors here in the US to 1) Get the US to overthrow Saddam and then Iran and 2) get the ball rolling on the idea of a War on Terrorism. A war that will be turned on US citizens. Hence America’s new NKVD; The Department of Homeland Security.
Chris Bollyn’s dedicated work to trace the origins and perpetrators of the false-flag is key to understanding the whole scam. Chris posits that the crime was conceived originally amongst a clique of the ruling ‘elites’ in zionistan-in-Palestine, who then infected another clique within the US ruling ‘elite’ with the idea, to bring it on. Many of the plotters were/are dual citizens of the US and zionistan; the rest might as well be. See Bollyn.com for exhaustive (real) investigative journalism on the matter. Also, see Kevin Ryan’s ‘Another Nineteen’ for identifying some of the (real) conspirators.
You nailed it. Thanks
Who needs NIST? So much wasted time and research dollars. That random guy in the Harley T-shirt already explained moments after it happened: “…come out of nowhere and just ream right into the side of the twin tower, exploding through the other side…and then I witnessed both towers collapse, one first then the second. Mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense.”
You would have to be a TV-watcher (and bad acting devotee) of long standing to even half-believe those lines were the spontaneous utterances of a mere bystander. As you have to be to believe that the pronouncements of our public health and elected oshitfulls are spoken in good faith.
I wholeheartedly agree.
We have had many, many months of first-rate tuition and practical training in the art of discerning bad acting, bad staging and bad scripts.
There must be many thousands of us by now who recognize the signs.
The way to learn to discern Bad Acting is to watch teevee on mute. You dont only notice Bad Acting, you consciously engage by trying to understand what you’re watching as there’s no chatter explaining everything.
And if more people used the ‘mute’ button every time a politician appeared on their teevees they’d learn the body language of liars, cheats, and used car salesmen.
That’s exactly right.
I’ve learned not to hear the chatter when I’m obliged to endure TV, but your suggestion is the best training.
Bad acting -like the vids of the Chinese guys falling into the street dying from the Covid Plague
I certainly recognise them, W, being a veteran fully-time-served professional in the acting trade.
Btw, it’s also clear that ‘Robbie Parker’, one of the alleged ‘bereaved parents’ at Sandy Hook, was a fake, a crisis actor. I recognised his behaviour when he went before the cameras to do his grief shtick, without a shadow of doubt, from many instances in my own life waiting in the wings for my cue to go on-stage. That famous vid clip shrieked ‘fake’ from the first moment. It seems that crisis actors are a standard item in the deception repertoire of the gangsters-in-charge in the Anglozionist empire.
And then there are the Deceived Influencers, of course, especially prominent in the current covid scam: the hypnotised, trembling-with-terror technocrat suckers who’ve swallowed the official terror-porn bollocks hook, line and sinker, and who regurgitate it with all apparent sincerity, never having bothered to check. People under the influence of post-hypnotic suggestion are like that…
Almost OT, but I am reminded of the Werner Herzog film “Heart of Glass” in which the cast delivered most of their actions under the influence of hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestion. An eerie effect to be sure and one seen amongst many today.
If you go back and watch the video Fox News state that he works for them as I believe a contractor.No bystander.
If the 9/11 story was in any way real, the many 9/11 actors would not be required. I haven’t seen one convincing 9/11 witness on TV. The 9/11 half-truth organisations are led by spooks…..misleading a lot of sincere people.
Great Reset Bits:
–CA passed $1,000/mo guaranteed income, on Thursday. This is the beginning of the end. Do you understand? It’s the govt as the billionaires’ mask taking fuller control of the economy, ending independence.
–CDC’s moratorium on eviction is impoverishing landlords.
–Buy-up of property by TPTB & by govts. (A lot of it’s no longer income-producing for the owner)
“Do not say you were not warned.”

I like Gore Vidal. He wasn’t perfect. But who is?
My big question is; why didn’t he make more of a fuss about the coup that was Kennedy’s murder?
“But what if they were both misinformed and stupid? What then”
Yes, if you are relying on natural selection to get rid of the stupid people you’re going to have to wait a while.
In the west the PTB have figured out a way to temporarily hold back natural selection.
Sort of like pulling back the sling of a sling shot. You can only hold it for so long before your hand tires and lets go.
Same with natural selection. Government policies and programs can only forestall natural selection for so long before you have a cascade effect and a lot of people are naturally selected in a short period of time.
Well, that’s my theory anyway.
For the same reason that so many other clear-seeing USAmericans – and others – keep their traps shut: because they’re vividly aware that assassination by the Deep State mafias is one of their standard tools for dealing with over-gobby dissidents. ‘Heart attacks’, ‘suicides’ (including double-tap ‘self-inflicted’ head shots, FFS!), and ‘unfortunate plane crashes’ galore in the public record, pour encourager les autres.
Paul Wellstone being one of the latter.
Yes, interesting how Senator Wellstone was murdered right before 911.
I guess he wasn’t on board with the script.
There was another murder assassination over in Afghanistan almost immediately before the 911 attacks of a high level warlord.
Does anyone remember who that was?
I believe that was Massoud.
I wonder why he was killed.
Lets not forget quickly spreading cancers of the sort that took Bob Marley and Mae Brussell.
Beware of strangers bearing gifts…
I like Gore too.
Granted he didn’t say much about Kennedy, but he did spend the last decades of his life trying to get people interested in the fact that several presidential orders made in the Truman era basically put a back door into the executive branch allowing for an ‘imperial presidency’ that could usurp and/or bypass the checks and balances of the legislative and judicial branches of the country.
I think he was trying to point out where such events as Kennedy and 911 could have their ultimate genesis and that it was perfectly plausible that the executive branch and the deep state could manufacture such events with no oversight by other government entities. Not a perfect approach maybe, but safer for him, I suppose.
WTC7 collapse is fully resolved. The building was blown up. Leroy Hulsey, former chair of the CE department at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, former president ASCE Northwest chapter, professional engineer-structural in Illinois and Alaska, tried 100 different setups to duplicate the actual building collapse with the data provided by the official NIST report, and failed. Only demolition cold duplicate that event.
On tonight’s news I heard references to the apparently ever present Islamist menace and an update on the devastating potency of Al Qaeda and I felt dumfounded that they are still peddling this shit. Does anyone still buy it?
Yes, lots of mindless fucks do. It’s scary to think.
Would take an experimental jab from this man?
Nothing has changed the ghouls and the script has just been recycled.
I may have missed it– but come to think of it, I would expect Powell to have stepped up, or been trotted out, to boost the Megadeath Virus of Doom pseudo-vaccination campaign– à la the late, great Hank Aaron, et al, to serve as a Role Model, in hopes that his influence would assist in leading his people out of the ignorant, recalcitrant darkness of “vaccine hesitancy”.
Powell has experience in publicly shilling for Big Pharma. In 2003, when he was Secretary of State, Powell was asked by a reporter whether he used sleeping pills to regulate his hectic daily schedule. Here’s his reply:
“Yes. Well, I wouldn’t call them that. They’re a wonderful medication — not medication. How would you call it? They’re called Ambien, which is very good. You don’t use Ambien? Everybody here uses Ambien.”
The known side-effects of Ambien include “unusual or disturbing thoughts or behavior”.
Powell, also specializes in anthrax…..the mainstream media news parades numerous black “misleaders” in front of the camera to do commentaries about how vaccines and masks will keep us safe. These misleaders never stop to think about what will happen to them when the AI bio-security state no longer requires their services.,,,,
What else does one expect from a Colon?
Coincidentally (or not) on Sept 11, 1973, the Chilean military, with the support and planning of the U.S. CIA, overthrew the democratically elected Socialist government of Salvador Allende. The ensuing right-wing military dictatorship under General Augusto Pinochet ruled the country for the next 17 years.
Another 9/11 event I believe there is a middle eastern version as well . 9/11 Chile saw over 4000 people tortured then executed on Kissinger’s orders . As Pinochet and his thuggish army ran amok. .
over 4000 people tortured then executed on Killinger’s orders
Fixed that for you.
Yes. Many were killed at a sports stadium in Santiago, including Chile’s beloved writer and folk singer Victor Jara. There was a docu-drama made about the events called It’s Raining on Santiago. There’s a Spanish language version available on YouTube. I saw it with English sub-titles back in the late 70s.
It is sad to me that the topic of a pancake collapse is even mentioned at this point as video of the destruction of the Twin Towers, especially the North Tower, shows massive chunks of the building being propelled hundreds of feet outwards at immense speed. It didn’t fall down so the notion of a pancake collapse is simply absurd.
I do appreciate this but another thing I have a problem with is the whole concept of the proven liars of the US Government being revered as the arbiters of truth. This is also absurd.
Their views on these issues, as liars who are at the very least complicit in the cover up of mass murder, are worthless.
North Tower Exploding
Correction north tower collapsing !
Collapsing is what you do when you faint.
You don’t jump up into the air, clap your hands and shout, “Halleluia!” first.
See what you see, NIST.
Not what you’re supposed to see…
Is that supposed to be a joke? Are your eyes painted on?
So much like the Storax Sedan nuclear test in Nevada.
Like Covid, 911 is simply a lie.
9/11 America version is a tapestry of disparate lies Covid , the political position is the simply lie . A fake plague embraced by global elites of all political stripes
I am beyond done talking about this as some sort of ‘debate’. The official story requires one to disregard the laws of physics to believe. The wings should have snapped off & three buildings didn’t come down in perfect controlled demolition because of two planes. I remember watching the events live (I was a night nurse at the time and spent the whole day up) and I remember them saying they were going to ‘pull it’ in regards to building 7. This is not a debate, it was a constructed attack and lie from start to finish and it is willful ignorance or adherence to media delusion programming to think otherwise. We aren’t skeptics, we live in the land of reality.
that land is looking pretty sparse.
It isn’t – most people just keep their mouth shut
A very intelligent woman said to me just today, “I’d love to come and visit you after they get this virus under control.” Pretty sparse.
Did you remind her that sort of thing still won’t be “allowed”?
Or did you leave her drowning in her ignorance?
One person? Great sample size. Definitely proves that the entirety of humanity are asleep.
I’ve been pretty wishy-washy on this controlled detonation narrative, at least until today, because what was seen made sense. The planes crash into the building, there’s massive fire, and then they collapse. One actually had to study the nature of the collapse, the reports, and that takes time and a certain bias that most people don’t have. It’s why I’ve been more interested in Project for a New American Century more than Building 7, which I felt led nowhere, and was more of a pointless “gotcha”.
My point is, the laws of physics aren’t so easy to determine in practice, it’s like the water fish swim in. You have to read the actual reports to get a sense that something was off, and most didn’t because of both their own indifference, and active suppression.
“ The laws of physics aren’t always that easy to determine and practice“
They had me at “new Pearl Harbor” in the PNAC report. Like with this plandemic, they told us what they were going to do, and why, before they did it. I’ve never really figured out why people need more evidence than that. But to be fair, to truly understand that statement one needs to understand the backstory/history behind it, just like to truly understand what’s happening now, one needs to understand the history behind it as well.
Yeah, PNAC was really the grab for me with regards to 9/11. The controlled demolition stuff always seemed irrelevant to me (probably because of the funny, yet misleading “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams meme, your just setting yourself up to be deboonked), but this article clarifies and legitimizes it (for me, I know many others on this site clung to this line of thought like Joe Biden on a young girl).
Eeuw. Not a good thought.
“…one needs to understand the history behind it as well”..
Which is why it is so difficult to answer people when they ask, incredulously, “Don’t you believe in the virus?”
It might be good to research the 9/11 trial run in Oklahoma City for context. This is when it was proved (on a much smaller scale) that creating a narrative that defied the laws of physics—that a single bomb outside of a building could generate enough force to collapse the interior support beams—and memory-holing any first-hand reports which contradicted official narratives was easily possible with a controlled and increasingly centralized corporate media.
Corbett’s got some good watches on it.
Short (~5min): https://www.corbettreport.com/okc-a-conspiracy-theory/
Long (~an hour): https://www.corbettreport.com/the-secret-life-of-timothy-mcveigh-video/
One of those first hand report people was a police officer who was suicided a year later.
Corbett does a story about that poor fellow, also. (it is probably included in the link you provided)
Oh, and also, the story of Jesse Trentadu and his brother Kenneth. Talk about a cover-up. (this also may be included in the Corbett link)
I must be honest i thought Fahrenheit 9/11 was brilliant when it first came out. we managed to find school hall type place which was showing it cinemas banned it so they say. On a personal note i had some good responses with newbies about the money £$ aspect of 911 and BS19.
? Michael Moore supported the official bullshit 100%. He is such an obvious fraud like Chumpksy.
Dear normies, if you believe the official narratives about 9/11 and covid, then you might as well believe that the earth is flat
Get bent (water).
“They admit that the fires burnt for only 15 minutes and that the trusses passed fire endurance tests eight times longer than that. They admit these fires were never hot enough to melt steel, and yet they admit there were unusually bright flames, molten metal and evidence of incredibly high temperatures and sulfidation of the steel.”
If someone wants to steer me here, Is that statement supposed to read “They admit that the fires burnt for only 15 minutes and that the trusses passed fire endurance tests eight times longer than that. They admit these fires were never hot enough to melt steel, and yet they” claim “that there were unusually bright flames, molten metal and evidence of incredibly high temperatures and sulfidation of the steel.”
Maybe it’s the word “yet” that’s not supposed to be there and is throwing me off.
The word “and yet” aka “but nevertheless” is there to mark a logical contradiction. Parts of the official report are self-contradictory.
What is amazing is how much genuine evidence of planned demolition with high explosive escaped the Official Censor. He was obviously in a hurry to provide the Chairman (a political thug from the Senate) with the Official Conclusion; which no doubt the Chairman’s secretary had handed to the Official Censor before the Official Investigation had begun.
Also amazing is the number of Experts who refused to sign the Official Report; their reasons for not signing are, of course, covered by The Official Secrets Act. As is the working of the Official Mathematical Model.
And yet … within a couple of years A&E911Truth springs up. And within a couple of decades, is vindicated.
“The Truth rarely, if ever, convinces its opponents; it simply outlives them” — Max Planck, Physicist.
The melting point of steel is 2,800°F. The steel used in these buildings was certified for up to 2,000°F for 3-4 hours. There was no slow asymmetrical tilt to suggest weakening steel. Of the 236 samples of steel NIST examined, 233 had been heated to not more than 500°F, and the rest to not more than 1200. – Prof James Fetzer c. 2013
This is an unedited (though truncated) clip of the questioning of John Gross.
WTC Investigation Team Members
Shyam Sunder – Lead Technical Investigator
John Gross – Co-Project Leader, Project 6: Structural Fire Response and Collapse
John Gross in Austin, TX in 2007 Briefly Taking Questions
This is the rarely-seen full video of John Gross in Austin, TX in 2007 when he showed up on the University of Texas campus on the day before the student event that was to criticize his report. As with all of NIST’s “public” appearances, you can see in this video that the public had limited access to NIST.
Interesting video
All the examples come from the Twin Towers which was more believable than the Pentagram or Shanksville events later that day.
Why is even the alternative media ignoring Dr. Judy Wood’s full book of evidence? And it is evidence, you can see it with your own eyes. Are you going to delete this message? Is OffGuardian controlled?
anyone can go to drjudywood.com and see the evidence in her presentations. Don’t comment until after you have watched at least one presentation. I am tired of the idiots, trolls and name calling who have not even looked at her evidence.
We are not ignoring it. We will be looking at it in-depth this Sep.
I thought about posting this link several times in recent threads when Wood’s name came up. I refrained because, as the OP’s multiple downvotes suggest, I didn’t want to invite more tedious Wood-bashing.
But I suspect you’ve seen this and may even feature it in your in-depth coverage:
“Revisiting Dr. Judy Wood – Because She’s Right About 9/11” by Rosemary Frei
Thanks for this, Ort.
I have watched a couple of Judy Woods interviews and presentations over the years.
As commenter Alex alludes to, I don’t care if it was “space beams”, directed energy, nanothermite, nuclear power, or a campfire gone awry. Don’t care.
Same as I don’t care if virus’s actually exist.
All I know (believe) is the criminality and cover-up. The take-over and life-changing plan and execution.
At the risk of being attacked by more Wood mites, Wood’s detractors have always resorted to the tactic of hyperbolic and distorted cheap ridicule.
I can’t remember the precise time period, but a few years ago a fellow 9/11 skeptic discovered Wood and put me on to her videos; we both “binged” on them for a while.
I haven’t kept up with Wood since then, and I’m not sure she’s still making public appearances or further refining her original analysis.
I won’t blather on about them here, at least not comprehensively, but I do have some concerns and even qualms about the limits and boundaries Wood imposes on her perspective.
One of the things that bothered me is her coy refusal to “speculate”, even conservatively, on the actual equipment that might have been used. It’s a big jump from demonstrating “free energy” technology in an experimenter’s garage to deploying technology that causes destruction on the scale of the WTC collapse.
I mention all this to point out that it’s only her slimers who insist that she refers to “space weapons”, “Star Wars”, and even alien technology. I don’t recall Wood saying a word about exotic “space-based” energy/weapons systems; it’s her detractors who use these lurid terms to brand her as a nut.
I’m not sure where she said it, maybe in a Q&A at one of her presentations or an interview maybe but she is on record as saying that it’s not inconceivable that the DEW was situated in space and that seemed enough for her detractors to hang the “space beam” label on her.
I have also heard that maybe it came from the ground up using Scalar technology but that wasn’t said by Dr Wood.
I appreciate that her theory is a leap into the unknown for some. However, for example what happened to most of the vehicles that were in the surrounding area with most missing whole engine blocks and some flipped upside down doesn’t explain controlled demolition of nearby buildings to me, something else was going on that day.
As a layman, I go by intuition and using my own eyes the evidence she presents seems more plausible than any other in this mad realm we dwell in. I really don’t care if anyone throws the “space beams” line or whatever. What was witnessed was a building/s 1 to 7 being obliterated by some unconventional means that day and quite frankly, if this site doesn’t highlight or debate her findings like the admin have said they would, then it raises a problem for me because facts are sacred,right…?
The fact that OG has never posted an article examining Wood’s material speaks volumes.
Still unsure about 9/11. An airplane is an aluminum tube. It’s like throwing a straw at a wall. Any engineer can calculate the energy impact of said plane and also fuel energy. Fuel is calculated at blue flame temps since combustion is at atmospheric rate. This means temps are lower than required to melt steel.
Then you have to calculate energy required to turn concrete to dust (white powder). I challenge you to pound some concrete with a sledge hammer for awhile and see if you can turn it into powder. Then you have to explain how the dust blew skyward as in an explosion.
There is more like “Chaos Theory” preventing symmetrical results (i.e. planes hitting each building at different floors, different angles, different payload etc. with identical outcomes). Most damming and for the non-engineers of the world is to explain Building 7 which was not hit by an airplane; yet imploded on it’s own footprint. There ARE conspiracies in this world. There is a Cabal that operates secretly and is more brazen today than in past times. The Covid “scam-demic” has outdone 9/11 but they are related.
“Still unsure about 9/11.”
Should that first sentence not end with a Query mark?. As in Q&A, with the first sentence being Q? and the rest A.
An exercise for engineers who can debunk the official 9/11 explanation of the towers’ collapse, is to debunk the idea that The Great Pyramid was built with bronze chisels.
The really advanced will be able to explain how the twin towers are connected with The Great Pyramid.
A very thin walled aluminium tube. About 1 mm in most parts of the fuselage.
Aluminium panels held together by rivets which (in reality) would’ve smashed to pieces on the outside of the building.