WATCH: COVID19/11 – Kevin Ryan
Episode Five of Narratives Intertwined
COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.
Episode Five of Narratives Intertwined features Kevin Ryan, the chemist and laboratory director who was fired by Underwriters Laboratories in 2004, after publicly questioning the 9/11 narrative, including their part in the testing of the steel.
Since then he has been one of the foremost voices in the 9/11 truth movement, co-writing numerous books, articles and peer-reviewed papers on the subject. He also served as co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies and a board director at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
Recently Kevin has written articles on the Covid “pandemic”, researching the flawed PCR tests, the damage done by lockdowns and more.
In his interview he discusses how the lies leading up to the Iraq war opened his eyes to potential deception on the 9/11, how he lost his job for asking important questions, and how both the 9/11 and Covid19 narratives claim to be about protecting people, whilst they are actually about controlling them.
Special thanks to Kevin, from the entire OffG team, for co-creating this video series and his hard work helping to organize it.
You can read more Kevin’s work at his blog. You can also watch his testimony to the Toronto Hearings on 9/11 here and his video on the parallels between 9/11 and Covid here.
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Good video post. All the lies are connected with a thinly veiled thread. If we were able to go through the giant heap of multi-media pieces with a fine tooth comb we might see the stitches and how they clearly join together.
It’s Official, The New World Order is not a Conspiracy Theory. The NSW gov’t “health”
spokesperson says all the ‘covid’ restrictions on our freedoms are part of The New World Order.
Now that it’s being Officially spoken about, will the corporate controlled mass media stop dismissing it as Crazy Talk ? And stop making fun of my Tinfoil Hat ?
Here is a source for that. It was a “slip of the tongue”, it seems.
Dr Chant and her Handler Brad Hazzard have made these ‘freudian slips’ three times now in public briefings. It begs the question if it’s such an easy slip for them to make – how often are they saying or hearing the phrase New World Order in their own space off camera to make such a slip up?
He doesn’t even flinch here
Watch the Premier’s face in the background when he slips up on this occasion:
Watch how he acts in his role as an unelected buffoon in a parliamentary inquiry.
I believe that most Americans in and around the time of the invasion of Iraq, beliieved that Iraq was in some way repsonsible for 9/11. I suspect the media had an impact in this by mentioning 9/11, terrorism and Iraq in related pieces, thereby allowing your average American the ability to do some child like mental gynastics and take:
Iraq + Terrorism + 9/11 = Iraqi terrorits caused 9/11 = JOB DONE!
With that in mind, take a look at this video/similation (cartoon), from the Smithsonian in relation to the collapse of WTC1/2.
Notice what it’s infering? Anyways linking the following photo from Google Images got the message shadow banned. I wonder why?
Anyway here’s the problem photo for the Smithsonian cartoon.
There can’t be very many Americans capable of critical thought then.
The only hypothesis needing to be refuted was this: ‘Al Qa’ida did 9/11. So if Iraq was involved, it must be linked to Al Qa’ida’.
You only have to read a few briefings by CIA analysts too know that that postulate was rebuffed, since Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden were far from being best buddies.
The ridiculous false trail of uranium to Niger should also have been sounding 100 decibel alarms in any sentient person with an active brain.
Americans need to think carefully about the well-founded proposition that ‘a functioning democracy requires an educated well-informed populace’.
Based on your contention, it sounds like the US populace was not well-informed, was insufficiently educated to think critically and were entirely akin to naive infants relying on mommy’s breast to feed them 6 times a day…..
This is the result of decades of deliberate dumbing down of education that evades
:- local, regional and global aspects of georgaphy, history and culture
:- a critical and logical approach to solving problems
:- evaluating political and commercial propaganda
:- the cooperative basis of society
:- individual and communal rights and duties
:- ethics, financial literacy, exploitation and crime
:- the duties of government
:- the essence of basic laws
:- communal participation: volunteer work, initiative and activism
:- basic science and health including “inconvenient” aspects of technology and development.
Other aspects:
:- censorship of oligarchic plunder, domestic deterioration and foreign progress
:- sustained jingoism.
Sadly, that is the case. “Education” in the U.S. consists of teaching students to follow directions, keep up with TikTok trends and cut and paste. Critical thinking is not part of the curriculum.
RIP Bill Cooper, who exposed truth via his own radio show “Hour of the Time” and books he wrote, who was killed by the US Government soon after 9/11. He correctly predicted 9/11 – that there was going to be a big event and Bin Laden would be blamed for it. Bill had a big following and like Bill Hicks, you have to wonder how big he would have become being such a powerful force in waking people up and exposing the crimes of the real/shadow government, as the internet has grown.
William Cooper Correct 9 11 Prediction
Also essential 9/11 viewing:
War By Deception
It would appear that former Israeli PM Ehud Barack was a listener to Bill’s radio show as he relayed the same story that 9/11 was the work of Bin Laden on the on the day of 9/11 at the BBC 😉
Ehud Barak September 11 interview London UK 2001
I doubt it. Though he had been working in NYC as a “consultant”, he appeared within minutes of the Twin Tower demolitions in a BBC studio in London.
The bit about him listening to Bill’s show was a joke, not a serious comment.
QED = Anti-Vaxxers are firstly against the abuse of the English language in equating the word Safe with Vaccines, which as a term applied to them, demonstratably/factually a scientific untruth.
VAERS is all anti-vaxxers posting fake stories because a) they’re ideological zealots trying to deceive people b) they’re dysfunctional saddos with nothing better to do c) some other reason to be made up to fit in with our narrative.
This is an official conspiracy theory so it’s okay.
You are naughty….
Does “naughty” mean “full of shit”?
Asking for a friend.
The government sites for voluntary reports of “adverse events” (harm) are like the fake dissent sites. They help to corral and play down the harm. Case in point: of the tens of thousands of “suspected” deaths and injuries, how many have governments (a) confirmed (b) compensated?
Haven’t watched the series, but did read his blog.
Was impressed by the level of knowledge expressed here:
It’s about the test and how it ‘diagnoses’ sarscovidiot2 (I am sick and tired of this word correct that makes this thing automatic in screaming capital letters when I use their word for the virus, so I made my own…)
It’s from April 2020 and he discusses the problems the cdc had at that time with contamination of the test, leading to false positives. It’s well explained. He also shows this western blot. Don’t know where it came from, but should be easily reproducible by microbiologists IF they have the zeal to falsify their own theories, Karl Popper style.
But then, it was never about science, for those who make science, or was it?
Figure (hope it copies, otherwise, go to the comments of Kevin’s paper where you can find it)
‘apart from coronaviruses, the CDC primers have been proven to be even less specific using a Western Blot analysis. As you can see in this image, the primers are not specific to coronaviruses, reacting to mock samples that are not representative of these viruses. The mock samples in this case are uninfected A549 cells (adenocarcinomic epithelial basal cells) that should not be reacting as if they were infected with SARS-COV-2.
Therefore the problem is quite straightforward and of enormous importance to reducing the panic and resulting bad decision making that will ultimately kill far more people than the virus ever would.’
The test could be a repackaged litmus paper for all they care.
Yep my bet was they deliberately chose the PCR test as it could be made to sound scientific to the general unthinking population and produce all these cases to wind everyone up into fear land…then they could do all their lock downs, destruction of economies etc with no real objections as the unthinking cowered in fear.
sadly the whole operation has been pretty well thought out…and like the other ops it may be years before we know the full extent of planning…
SC2 was not isolated so PCR test is garbage in garbage out.
Western Blots use antibodies to detect proteins separated in Polyacrylamide gels, then transferred and cross-linked to nitrocellulose (or similar) membranes.
Are you sure this is not a Southern blot detecting DNA fragments?
Good contribution; first time I’ve seen Western blots on a Con-19 thread. PCR test result is useless until confirmed by RNA sequencing of the product. Or at least, by bands from a Western blot. Never done in all those hundreds of millions of PCR test “cases”.
There is no need for “uninfected cells”. Motor oil, papaya, goat fur, even unused swabs will do. That is why John Magufuli of Tanzania had to be eliminated.
Beyond PCR, they even claim to be narrowing down “variants”.
Take a quick look. Tiny news blurb after blurb– all good news of resistance. I interpret as good news even Biden’s foolhardy order “mandating” vaxing for companies employing more than 100 people. Nope, it won’t happen. Please use the word “impeachment” everywhere.
The Sheeple come in all shades.
They wear suits, white coats, the latest fashions, overalls and hand me downs.
They used to call it ‘The blind leading the blind’
“We all should have seen this [Covid] coming.”
Absolutely right!
Fight back against the doctors who are going along with this, put things in their minds. I got a letter from my doctor, a HMO doctor I’ve had for 8-9 years, but haven’t seen for almost 2 years. I’m 66 and have a few health issues, including a couple I take meds for and should have some tests done to check some things out. In fact, I was scheduled for a CT scan and an echo before the pandemic started, but have not gone in to take them.
The letter, obviously a form letter of some kind that the doctor’s name was affixed to, and who knows if he even saw it, says how concerned he is for my health because he’s noticed I haven’t had the jabs and tells me how important it is I do it. (how does he know I haven’t got the jabs?)
So I haven’t seen the dude in almost 2 years, he knows I have these health conditions, but he reaches out to me to tell me I should take the vaccine and says not one word about how about taking that CT scan, or a colonoscopy because of a history of colon cancer in my family, or how’s it going with that other health condition? Nothing, just pushing the vaccine because he’s “concerned for my health”.
Good gawd. I want to rip him up, send him a scathing reply to tell him what a piece of shit he is. I’d be a bit more diplomatic than that (maybe), but I want to ask him why he wants me to take a vaccine that could fucking kill me (I have a heart condition) and why he seemingly has no concern for my health other than to push a vaccine on me for the pharma rulers. Then I got to thinking that maybe that’s part of what we need to do, push back against the medical profession, tell them they’re full of shit and nothing but pill pushers for the pharma companies. See if they have any fucking consciences.
Yes, I told my GP that aquiescence in this Con-19 farce was a disgrace to the medical profession, and no way would I take 3 (and possibly 4) of these new and insufficiently tested injections. But I would take my regular annual flu shot as usual. We parted on these terms.
I told my dental surgeon the same. She said she agreed with me that Con-19 was ordinary flu by another name; nor did she demur when I pointed to the insanity of giving repeat injections of a “vaccine” that does not protect. But nevertheless, as a professional her licence was bound by government regulations hence the practice could not accept me for treatment until I had received all 3 injections. We parted amicably in mid-treatment, hoping to meet again when the government came to their senses.
I’ve seen a lot of eminent Doctors and Scientists. All commendable and exceptional, but this was seriously an education.
Flu d’etat
Oh dear….wonder did kerry M meet up with that strange lung disease that was causing a heap of trouble with the vapor crowd 2019?
They murdered him. That was the same year he said Fauci was an idiot.
Sorry….yes I should get his name right,,,
Interesting. I have heard Dr. Merritt before and enjoy listening to her, but I think she is wrong about Magic Johnson. She said he had AIDS. He was not diagnosed with AIDS. He was diagnosed and has been living with HIV. Which only adds to the point that HIV does not necessarily cause AIDS
In any event I think people like Dr. Merritt have to be very careful with facts when they are speaking out about c-vid fraud.
There is a common trick in vote poling. When you want votes to go in a certain direction inflate the numbers. And it works. “Oh well everyone is voting for this guy he must be okay” (weird friggin logic but hey people are getting vaccinated!)
They doing the exact same thing with the vaccines!! Why else would Biden and Scomo make it mandatory wherever possible. They getting desperate. That tells you something. People ain’t buying it anymore! They waking up to the bullshit. btw I heard a group of QLD Police Officers are crowd funding a legal case to prevent mandatory euthanasia by “vaccine”. I think the Detroit Fire dept and Police are doing the same thing. No doubt there are placebos but who wants to play Russian Roulette.
Now Scummo is gloating about getting Moderna even though Japan has discarded millions of them because of metal contamination. Australia is a useless fucking place and the people are not even as smart as the sheep.
Marilyn you would not believe the number of teenage girls in the small town I live in who have been vaccinated. I shake my head in disbelief.
How the fuck can they give informed consent. I only know 2 people in my town who have been jabbed and both are obese women who now look like death warmed up.
Yes it is interesting to watch their skin post jab…and our local,paper was featuring excited 12 yr old gals post vax….well I guess they may have removed themselves from the breeding population….
did you see my note about Greg hunts connection to all this via his bro? I get to asking if any of these people are not corrupted one way or another?
Alas! nowadays the supposed ethical keystone of Responsible Vaccination, “informed consent”, is only honored in the breach. It’s become a quaint concept, degraded and diminished to another artifact of rhetorical lip service from political and public-health authorities.
I wrote this at another site earlier this week:
I have no idea how the scamdemic/vax-mongers square this circle, but it’s beyond question that the concepts of “mandatory vaccination” and “informed consent” are irreconcilably mutually exclusive.
I trust this contradiction has been called out somewhere, but oddly I haven’t come across anyone making this basic criticism. Maybe I missed it, and the mandatory-vax pimps have already breezily abolished “informed consent” because “mandatory jab” supersedes it.
Unfortunately, I think it has become a badge of honor with teenagers. Sad.
Did you read that the NSW gov’t hasnt mandated that pollies get vaxxed. So parliamentary sessions may become ‘covid’ super spreader events as well as
bullsh*t spreader events.
It wasn’t like this in my day. I was lucky to get a hug and polite kiss. Rarely got invited in for a cup of coffee, but sometimes did.
50 years later, the kids are all in lockdown, wearing masks. They don’t want to be jabbed all they want is a hug and a kiss?
So what’s changed?
We had Mary Whitehouse (who I actually agree with now especially after seeing the film Andy Warhol’s Flesh with 16 year old girls at the arts cinema in Manchester, as a result of joining the film club at the same College. We were all so embarrassed -seriously – which made us lovely – most of us were sweet and innocent….)
Now who have the kids got? Is Gavin Williamson / and or That Really Strange Person in The Nudge Unit?)
It’s far Worse Now. My Mum was completely delighted.
She always knew I wasn’t gay. She could tell, by the mags under my bed.
I don’t know what its like for teenage kids now.
Are you allowed to bring a friend home, and have sleep overs, like our kids did?
Have you got to wear a mask?
Are you allowed to touch, cuddle and kiss?
What are these Evil Bastards in Control Doing To Our Grandchildren?
They are Terrorising Them, over a Harmless Cold and Brainwashing Them to be Injected.
Just say No, and Cuddle Your Friend.
You do not have to be injected by Fascists trying to kill you or Sterilise You.
Make Love instead.
Make Babies
That’s what we did.
They want to ban plastic – fine.
Ban condoms too.
God bless you Tony, you sound like a gent. And I also agree with you that these days it is promoted to be non-hetero and this idea has been injected and made popular in society by design.
One of the aims which is already mostly accomplished is the destruction of the family unit. Compare family in 60’s to today (I wasn’t around but can guess it was closer knit)
I believe a home shoukd be where children feel comfortable, safe and inspired. Can look up to parents as examples of what they want to grow to be like.
Don’t think it’s like that anymore. Most kids are not even raised by their dads anymore. All this by design.
THANK YOU THANK YOU. Just this afternoon I told a friend that on 09/09/212 Joe Biden launched another 9/11. Someone was asking if anyone else had gotten access to the contents….this is claiming same and results….what is of big interest to me is the interconnection with Greg hunt our fed minister of health…
They were reporting something on Bitchute yesterday about Australia openly declaring a NWO. Anyone know about that?
Kerry Chant. New World Order.
any lip readers who can see what this abomination is saying under her breath at between 24 and 26 seconds. Does she wear an earpiece ?
a make the reading it easier.
The Aussie truckers struck over their right NOT to vax and WON.
The PM says another million vax doses needed & Queensland probably going into lockdown again due to delta variant– IF they have it, they got it from the vax.
Edith, I had no trouble getting access to the contents of the link you provided. In case it’s not universally available, let me summarize: Graphene and other metaloconstructs found in the vaccines. Japan has twice rejected over a million doses cuz they said they were contaminated, found to be magnetic & therefore might contain metal. A Spanish institute has found graphene in the vaccines, as has a German one.
A Science Magazine article deals with the control of the vital functions of a mouse wirelessly via graphene inserted into the mouse. The publisher of the link has some other authorities.
Re Greg Hunt Australian Minister of Health– his brother’s lab or company has had tons of funding for his work with– GRAPHENE.
[Personally I should think that physical control of movements, etc wd not be possible. However, mortality might very well be– excitation, fear, heart rate, etc. But there might be limitations even to this if it were injected into the bloodstream at large rather than being implanted in a particular location. –Penelope]
And don’t forget Twiggy who imported the corrupted BGI tests last year. A study before he used them proved they were as useful as tits on a bull but Sutton and Andrews used them anyway, 2 million of them. And the deaths real causes have been released for the supposed out break last year. 268 from dementia, 209 chronic heart conditions, 112 diabetes, 91 COPD, 96 hypertension and the mean age was 87, and for that Dan and Brett shut down Victoria for months destroying millions of lives.
Sadly it was never about health….it can only be about borrowed money and jumping hoops for the mortgage holders….which if one goes look is the fed reserve USA…on their web site….they guarantee our reserve bank borrowings…
WATCH Dr. Peter mcCullough on Perspectives series. It’s in-depth and there’s some new material.
I think they may already have taken Perspectives down, but Mercola picked it up. Please re-post; it’s powerful.
Follow the nonsense:
It’s not about the science, just like Iraq was never about WMD’s.
Timeline: 9/11 to Covid-19, Manufactured Crisis to Usher in Great Reset, New Global Control System
A 20 year timeline of wars, destruction of rights, events, military/pharmaceutical collaboration leading up to Covid-19 with video and extensive source links
For along time I have been calling the coronavirus situation “THE GREATEST MANUFACTURED CRISIS IN THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY”.
The 9/11 smoking gun is how Al Qaeda are bigger & better today, protected by USA, fighting wars for US client state objectives, such as in Libya, Syria & Iraq. The Covid-19 smoking gun is total abandonment of healthy care policy; where people were sent home to “recover” or sent to nursing homes to die, rather than desperately treated with whatever improvised medicines were available. In addition, lockdowns caused other diseases to remain untreated. This is why per CDC data 95% of deaths “with Covid” have an average of 4.0 comorbidities. Examination of “excess deaths” shows largest percentage in 25 to 45 year old age bracket, which would obviously be due to drug overdoses and suicides. Data shows 13% excess deaths in under 25yo in California post Sept-20, when Florida but not California ended lockdowns; compared to 0.5% in Florida. This plus the massive movement of wealth during Covid to the large corporations shows it is not about protecting public health. Also, non-sterilizing vaccines appear to cause the domination by the best vaccine resistant variant. Also, we learned in January 2020 about the gain of function research done by Wuhan & North Carolina Labs, paid for by Fauci’s NIH. Its literally written in the 2015 published paper PMC4797993 NIHMS766724.
Do you remember that the ONLY civilian airplane allowed in the air after the WTC incident was the one going from city to city picking up THE BIN LADEN FAMILY MEMBERS and bringing them to Saudi Arabia?
Yes annually for 20yrs no wonder people switch off the Net.
Que: Covid-39
Good Bye
You wonder how Al Qaeda is bigger & better than ever? Even irregular forces require arms & supplies. AQ has no manufacuring capability for arms. They’ve always been supplied by US out of Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. Saudis paid for it, the arms were largely made in US.
Al Qaeda was also sometimes allowed to export oil from occupied territory.
It’s all part of the US/elite grand strategy for the Mid-East. I’ve forgotten the name of the Plan (an American General’s name). You see, the plan holds that the ME is to be reduced to a sort of wilderness of only tribes and the US in the NWO will be in charge of keeping military access of Eurasia to the natural resources of the ME.
The Plan for ME has been openly taught at West Point for years.
Youtube “Speeches that still matter: Gen Wesley Clark on US going to war in 7 countries in 5 yrs”. Also google “Yinon Plan” and “Richard Perle: A Clean Break”. Its all in those.
An interesting analysis of 9/11 and Covid …
He does miss one element: the US introduction of torture as a respectable means of dealing with your enemies. That led Trump installing Gina Haspel, a woman who had built her career torturing people, into the top job at the CIA.
I remember being so depressed when I first discovered that the USA were torturing people, we were now as bad as our enemies, the ideals of the west no longer applied, we had no moral high ground. How naive I was!
Of course, I now realise that the US government always were the enemy: there were no terrorists, there were no ideals after WW2, we were not any better than our enemies, it was all a fraud. It was about control and using the abuse of the population to get more control and more money.
Thank you for remembering that. I felt similarly and no one around me at the time wanted to talk about it or even seemed to care.
Reflected in Hollywood. For example in the 1997 film “The Jackal”, Sidney Poitier’s FBI or whatever character at least pretends to be horrified by film of the Russian security services using “drug-assisted” torture on a Russian gangster. Flash forward to “Taken” which I think came out in 2006 and is certainly post-9/11, and Liam Neeson’s character is both the hero and more than a little familiar with torture methodology, and not on the receiving end either.
In ‘Meet the Parents’ (2000) Ben Stiller’s character was going to find CIA torture manuals on De Niro’s desk. The studio were leant on to change it to photos of De Niro meeting world figures.
De Niro played the CIA liaison officer with Hollywood Chase Brandon in ‘Wag the Dog’. All the mainstream reviewers said De Niro’s character in that film was a ‘spin doctor’ but the film-makers in the DVD commentary made it clear that was not the case.
Read Alford and Secker ‘National Security Cinema’.
He has the power to get Hoffman’s character killed when he starts to go off message because he “wants the credit” (not explicitly stated in the film but heavily implied) and he threatens Tracy Lime (Kirsten Dunst) with death if she tells other people what she was doing – ie. taking part in the preparation of some fake footage – so yes, he is considerably more than just a spin doctor.
Spare me a little digression from the topic … but I’m intrigued that one could ever assume to have had the ‘moral high-ground’ after participating in the wholesale slaughter, viz. genocide of the North American Indians. Moral high-ground … how delusional.
Modern Americans did not slaughter the North American Indians and so they are not guilty, even the “white” ones are not guilty. Having bad parents is not a crime, you do not choose your parents. If the only good people were those without bad ancestors then there have not been any good people in the world since the first baby was born.
Okay, how bout the slaughter in Southeast Asia? Latin America? Certainly “Modern America” was responsible for this, no?
Ward Churchill, then a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, expressed similar thoughts. He referred to the occupants– the presumptive victims– working in the WTC towers as “Little Eichmanns”.
After his comments were fanned into a lurid controversy by corporate mass-media, led by Fox News, Churchill was excoriated and hounded; a few years later, he was dismissed from his tenured position on dubious grounds by a typical academic kangaroo court.
Churchill’s sacrilege was very similar to Malcolm X’s comment that JFK’s murder was a case of “chickens coming home to roost”.
Do you really think that the lands that you occupy were EMPTY when YOUR forbears entered them?
Do you think that since a nomadic people wandered over the whole North American continent that this obligated all other humans to recognize their “ownership” of the whole continent? They themselves had precious little concept of property: When a brave died his wives’ property was forfeit; they practiced internecine tribal warfare over who owned hunting rights in certain territories.
Despite the ludicrous propaganda lionizing the Indian it wd be fair to remember that they practiced torture, kidnapping and slavery among their own before the advent of the colonists. It is doubtful that they recognized the rights of the colonists to their cattle and horses.
Doubtless there were wrongs on both sides, and there were people on both sides who knew how to get along.
Ideals of West meaning it was ok until it wasn’t, so you were shocked on discovering by your own high ideals included having a Military Prison in another Country is ok by you as an American as long as footage isn’t shown worldwide,
Well!, isn’t that what getting to the basics is all about! Would you rather not have known?
Sorry, I don’t understand such irrational behaviour, Where is this facility exactly, isn’t it in Cuba?
There are such facilities in a few countries. Then, there are the biolabs
Exploiting people – including the domestic people – incrementally is more profitable and less risky compared to imperialism (ecomomic, subversive or military). Norman Angell mooted this idea in 1910.
The U.S. is much worse than its “enemies.”
Personally I see no connection between 9/11 an event I personally saw via New York to England on UK Television while there over the recent death of my mother, and Covid-19, I mean what was the time difference on live tv US, UK, whatever.
I said to my sister they have GOT to get people out of that building FAST as possible DONT send people IN. It is going to COLLASPE because the Spine of the Building is damaged!
A short while later, they showed a replay of the commercial plane hitting the Tower.
I just thought its a terrible accident, plane out of control approaching the airport.
Both of us were still upset over my mother, as you would appreciate.
I left the TV on turning the sound even lower, just felt a need to watch and ‘not quite listen’ while thinking about mum.
My sister was in the kitchen when the second plane struck the second Tower. Quite a lot of that plane disintegrated bust through, engine and crap etc, remember thinking I hope that crap doesn’t kill anyone on the ground.
That SHOCKED me! Fuck! What the bloody hell is going on!
It was a Horrible Thing, people who think it wasn’t are stupid cunts imo.
Being a Brit I will try again Why? Because I’am English broke still in USA, and it’s an interesting obseravtion of letting go of past events.
American Press Never Lets Go of Past Present reshaping Current Reality Techniques.
And of course US Revisionist Techniques.
Anyone who broadly Exclaims Whole World usually is some dumb self-oppinated Yank gobshite.
Like they believe American Rules the World, lol! Stupid wankers. ie: Corbett is one I’am glad he’s off You-tube stupid clown.
Clive, I lived in NYC for years, spent time in one of the towers. Your idea that a mere plane could knock down the entire block-sized building just shows you don’t know anything about architecture. Skyscrapers are OF COURSE engineered to withstand airplanes.
Planes passing in their vicinity is an obvious hazard and happens every single day. Such buildings do NOT have a spine from which all is dependent– rather numerous vertical– and horizontal supports.
Also never in the history of the world has a building fallen down with its girders precut in convenient lengths to be lifted into trucks. (Where by the way all the rubble went directly to ships to be sent to China– Gee, do you think they didn’t want an investigation? The governor even insisted that people not watch the clean up. He said they were disgraceful lookie-lous. Really he didn’t want them to see anything suspicious.)
James Corbett is in fact a Canadian who married a Japanese now living in Western Japan.
Or are you referring to a different Corbett??
I beg your pardon.
The only footage allegedly showing the first plane hitting the towers is from the Naudet brothers and was not shown to the public for years after 9/11. It certainly was not shown on the day. There was no tv footage of that event whatsoever.
Your memory is faulty.
Short Recap: 20 Years After 9/11
Maybe this is sacrilege. I’m starting to see a lot of good in this covid farce.
The non zombie people are finally waking up and thinking. Most would die before getting the injection. They not just thinking that covid is a crock but many are realising that everything is a lie. That corruption deceipt and evil (of man) is everywhere. They realising that alopathic medicine is 90% nonsense and about making money, not helping people. This is a very deep rabbit hole and people are only scrathing the surface but at least they scratching! Carnegie and Rockerfeller didn’t just kill off herbal medicine but something far more important… Bill Gates and co may think they are at the helm and have this under control but I don’t think it’s going to work out as planned. The age of thought is approaching.
Thought process isn’t waking up, people are quite capable of maintaining current circumstance if financed to do so.
I would have expected to wittness million man strong marches of the un-employed, so part of Covid is financially social assistance to the Public.
Covid-19 is USA’s agenda that in retrospect covers the English Countries economic IMF:
New Zealand
United Kingdom
The other PLUS is that the Global Elite have finally openly played their hand. They have taken off the mask of compassion for the downtrodden. They have exposed the true face of the Commucrats and the other leftist factions.
The enemy have blown their cover. The line has been drawn in the sand.
The mask, yes.
COVID was what woke me up. I started off terrified, doing everything I was “supposed” to. I also started following Zerohedge because they were reporting on things the MSM were burying. And then things started not making sense and having a background in research I started looking at the actual studies about mRNA coronavirus vaccines and the success rates of different treatments and was stunned. If they would lie about that, what else? My world was much simpler and settled before I asked that question.
And that’s how I became a “conspiracy theorist.” Now I am not sure COVID-19 even exists. I lived in Alexandria, VA during 9/11 and saw them picking up “plane pieces” at the Pentagon, and didn’t for a moment consider 9/11 Truthers anything but crazies who wanted attention. Now I am convinced 9/11 was an inside job.
I have started using my background in research to try to wake up those around me. Been finding journal articles to help my husband convince his best friend, who has a heart condition, to continue to refuse the jab despite mounting pressure from friends and family. My brother and my mom’s friend were pressuring my mom to get the jab despite her risk of anaphylaxis, and I shut that shit down with VAERS and a few immunology journal animal studies on coronavirus vaccines.
My daughter is up to date on her vaccines, but she won’t be soon because she will no longer be getting them (and we’re on protocols trying to clear what damage we can). She’s being classicly homeschooled to make sure she knows how to think for herself.
It is hard to break the normalcy bias. So many times I have wanted to settle back into the safe and comfortable world I thought existed. Instead we’re buying a remote property to live off-grid and my gardening and canning hobbies may become a matter of survival.
I appreciate the community here at Off-G because even though I don’t interact usually, many of you live in the same world I do now. It is refreshing when I am tired of going against the grain.
TrashPanda, Your love for the truth has occasioned your growth. What higher compliment can I offer? I think we have a responsibilit y for what happens in our time & place, and fealty to truth has to be the first step, no?
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! Following the truth is what I have always tried to do. But I instinctively rejected the idea that a conspiracy could exist on the scale of 9/11. I knew evil existed in the world, but I could not believe it would be so brazen.
I don’t know what’s true in history (conspiracies in particular) now, but at least I know that I don’t know. I will keep seeking the truth in my own generally quiet way while trying to help the people around me. As you said, it is our responsibility, and the only place to start.
It’s good that your husband is also able to adapt to your new wavelength. That can spell doom for a relationship. My husband is not exactly on my wavelength unfortunately but is becoming more open to the odd things I share as the narrative starts to seem a bit “off”.
I am very lucky that my husband and I are almost always on the same wavelength.
I hope your husband comes around to see the truth,and soon. It sounds like you’re making good progress. I know already that it is soul-crushing to watch the people you care about around you smile and wave as they sleepwalk through red flags and warning claxons that you are desperately trying to alert them to. I do believe the truth will win out eventually, it is just that getting to “eventually” seems to require visiting pain, anger, and despair.
I do hope you’re right.
This is always a good one for those who think conspiracy theory is a load of bunk…
It might seem strange, a bit weird to you.
But it’s exactly the same evil we are now having to deal with 20 years later.
OK, forgive me, I never watched this. I saw glimpses of it, but never watched the whole thing.
Here’s where I part with tin foil conspiracy theorists and everyone else….
There is NO WAY Bush was told NYC had just been attacked (or whatever he was told) and sat there and read and talked with the kids.
Now THAT I cannot believe.
What exactly did that fellow whisper to him. Don’t lie. I can take the truth.
Come on – he could not have been told …
That is beyond belief.
AND, I thought the video was some kind of joke at first. Did those kids really say PLANE, STEEL, HIT?? Or is someone taking the piss?
Don’t you know about the Bush family?
Yes, I know about them.
I just don’t remember watching that entire video. Of course have heard about it all these years, but my God.
Prescott Bush, this Bush’s grand dad, actually made money out of concentration camp labor during WWII. I have seen footage of the dad of this Bush as a young Congressman giving a speech extolling genetic culling– footage that disappeared during his presidential campaign of course.
The Walkers (as in Barbara Walker Bush) are also quite high up in the NWO hierarchy.
I was always surprised that this mentally limited Bush could have been elected– he appeared always to be on tranquillizers. Cheney was actually the Prez I think.
Yes, Prescott Bush owned the Union Bank which financed Nazi Germany. Roosevelt finally had to tell him to stop once we got into the war. So, from what I understand, he passed the ownership to Herbert Walker.
Yes, nefarious. Skull and bones. I think George the first had a hand in the JFK assassination. Slight, but he was in that circle. Texas oil man and all. There was a contraversy about where he was when JFK got shot. I think he lied about it. There is some proof he was in Dallas.
I could never listen to “our” George Bush. God forgive me for saying this, but I just was stunned every time he opened his mouth.
Which is why I could not for the life of me understand the big hoopla over Trump. I mean, my God, had people actually LISTENED to Bush???
Anyway, Penelope, yes, I’ve read the history.
OH – George Bush the first (not Prescott, the first Bush president and CIA guy) had bonds from the infamous BLACK EAGLE theft, that were to come due on September 12, 2001. This is fact.
But on Sept. 12 the SEC declared a state of emergency and all bonds due were voided. (or whatever the term would be)
Thank you, Judith. I didn’t know Bush Sr was part of the cancellation of the bonds due to the “9-11 attack.” Bush was also the first to speak openly about the NWO. I guess people weren’t listening– or at least believing, then.
I guess that day in the schoolroom Bush wasn’t told “We’re under attack,” but “The plan is progressing.” Unless he was too stupid to be trusted w the conspiracy.
“We’ll get these folks” lol!
Africa is a country
British are Australian
George W Bush
Joe Biden, the Manchurian President.
He’s becoming a bit of a liability.
One aspect, and not the only one, of the USA/Afghanistan debacle was building sentiment against placeholder Biden. Our Overlords wanted the Kamal as president, though I have no I idea why this zero was so important to their plans. She was so unpopular with American voters, that she dropped out of the “contest” before the first one, the Iowa caucus. So they told Biden that they were going to lock up his Depends box of adult nappies if he did not appoint her as his VP candidate.
It was an intelligent choice by Biden – to have a VP who is even more inept than he is.