WATCH: The Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid19
Kevin Ryan‘s video presentation for the 9/11 Truth Film Festival, held in September to mark the 19th anniversary, discusses the many parallels between the Covid19 narrative, and roll out of the “official conspiracy theory” in the wake of 9/11. From the incessant fear-based media coverage, to the signs of opportunistic corruption, to the smearing of critics in the mainstream media, to the oddly prescient “exercises”…the clear signs of a psychological operation are there.
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Another parallel, unexplained “novelty”
COVID-19: We are told that SARS-CoV-2 is a “novel” virus and yet no clear evidence of how it is novel other than ascription of a large amount of illness and death to it has been presented with regard to its novel nature. We have been given no sense of why or how it is so virulent, why it kills people, makes them seriously ill or is particularly infectious where other coronaviruses do not exhibit these characteristics in a similar manner. We have not be told of a specific symptom (or set of symptoms) that tends to be more virulent in those allegedly suffering from COVID-19 or otherwise given a single clue as to how the nature of this virus causes it to manifest so differently from other coronaviruses.
9/11: NIST lead investigator, Shyam Sunder says of the collapse of WTC-7:
“We really have a new kind of progressive collapse that we have here, which is a fire-induced progressive collapse. And, in fact, we have shown for the first time that fire can induce a progressive collapse.”
NIST showed no such thing – see Point 8, Collapse of WTC-7, nor did they offer any explanation for the reason that this new type of progressive collapse occurred only once in history – in the collapse of WTC-7.
Have some info about the two events. Thanks for your information
Do the gatekeepers understand the irony that they identify the gate?
Noam Chomsky Debunks 9/11 and JFK Murder
Apr 13, 2008
Adam Phoenix
See Noam Chomsky speaking in Budapest at the Kossuth Klub hosted by the “Lehet Mas a Vilag.” He is debunking the conspiracy behind 9/11 events and claiming that JFK murder is irrelevant. This is the original and unedited footage as presented by
[btw: the video uploader doesn’t understand the word “debunk”]
The “controlled scientific experiment” analogy that he uses is an interesting choice of words. And then he says it is “distracting people from serious issues” – what could be more serious!?
Re: “distracting people from serious issues”
The same line has recently been pushed by Caitlin Johnstone: “QAnon is a fake, decoy imitation of a healthy revolutionary impulse . . .”
Truth irrelevant to those with agenda such as leftist Noam
I wonder if it’s possible to approach this rationally and somewhat scientifically? I don’t mean to sound condescending or disrespectful, but it helps to focus on the evidentiary and easily observable facts rather than lots of hyperbolic Fantasia like gods, satan, Molok (or whoever Hillary is worshiping this year). The exercises that coincided with this, the preliminary legislation/ political maneuvers, the market and big biz developments are all we need to see that this ‘plandemic’ is more than just the elites typical, ‘never let a good tragedy go to waste’. Lots of pieces were placed to get us here into a damn near checkmate. Don’t muddy the waters please so we can all see more clearly what is really transpiring.
Well it stands to reason that a completely rational and useful comment would immediately get a “down-vote,” doesn’t it?
As I’ve said previously:
9/11 was the NWO’s first attempt at the “Great Reset”, but it got derailed by the invasion of Iraq. Global Warming was the second attempt, but it got derailed by Climategate. Covid911 is the third attempt, but it’s being derailed by MAGA. A proper account requires understanding the agenda, the projects, and the derailments.
And as William Blake said 200 years ago, the NWO agenda is Satanic.
Believe Christ & his Apostles that there is a Class of Men whose whole delight is in Destroying.
And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England’s mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold!
Bring me my Arrows of desire!
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green & pleasant Land
CGI 3D Animated Short “I, Pet Goat II” by – Heliofant
Sep 25, 2013
3.49M subscribers
A story about the fire at the heart of suffering.
Bringing together dancers, musicians, visual artists and 3d animators, the film takes a critical look at current events. A mysterious figure travels aboard his boat through a dark and desolate landscape in his quest for inner peace.
While flashing the 666 sign, Harley Guy states: “I witnessed the entire thing; from beginning to end”.
Great points. Coincidentally, some tool on my local news site posted a comment the other day to the effect of “This is our new 9-11! Remember how we would have done anything to prevent more terrorists from killing Americans? We need to band together and do that now! Take this seriously!”
It seems that the same douchebags who lapped up the Patriot Act, are now equally lathered up about the seriousness of this new threat.
Please forgive my name calling. I got too pissed off for a minute.
There’s nothing to forgive.
Personally, when I read the tool/douchebag’s quote I thought it belonged in an encyclopedia article on “Useful Idiots”– a textbook example, as it were.
Thanks Ort. Hope you are having a lovely day 🙂
You’re welcome. Your kind response is indeed an evening ray of sunshine in an unpleasantly rainy, chilly day.
I’m glad to hear it! Sorry, was offline for the weekend. Hope you were able to get a warm drink and somewhere cozy to enjoy the weather.
Just heard about something called “Long COVID” which may consist of four different syndromes. They’re certainly working hard on this one. But then again, when they start running out of ideas, they have a good century’s worth of science fiction and horror stories to raid.
I have read or heard someone else describing Long Covid as being the feeling of exhaustion brought on by the constant bullshit, day after day.
“Long COVID”…..Yeh straight from the maggots who work for Sage.
Another satisfying tale of hubris and retribution emerging, this time from an Orwellian suggestion re: language:
First the language bit. We must change our terminology. “Social distancing” gives the wrong impression for what is going to be the long haul (read: “forever”). “Physical distancing” is more acceptable.
Now the epic vision:
“The neoliberal project of letting the markets solve everything, and hoping humans could scrape by, was stretched more and more by evidence of pending ecological collapse, rising inequality, and a tide of migration that challenged even the most welcoming of countries. It really was all so fragile. And then with Covid-19, it fell apart.”
So here we are getting a reversal of the old “There is no alternative” rhetoric. The entire neoliberal project was doomed from the start. Note that exhilarating accumulation of disaster culminating in COVID.
“And yet it also became abundantly clear, with this virus, that we have the capacity to change mightily on a dime. We stopped traveling, stopped socializing, moved work and school home, and met our neighbors. “Covid demonstrates the power of our collective will when we agree on what is important,” writes Charles Eisenstein. “What else might we achieve, in coherency?””
Don’t you love that “we” and “our”?
Ah but what’s this?:
“If a new concept of capitalism is hammered out, it will be a more collective one, one that honors our need to be in something together and not have life be an endless, zero-sum game.”
And we can see that this reversal of the neoliberal vision is precisely what oppositional voices were crying out for all along. Which means that the appeal of all this to the Left becomes obvious.
But the BIG question that will just not go away with anyone actually paying attention is how this “anti-neoliberalism” suddenly became the constantly reiterated “wisdom” of the Govt as directed by the MSM. The entire MSM/govt conjunction has thus not only gone through a 180 degree turn but is pursuing the new course with utmost vehemence.
And although the Left have constantly been banging on about the “inevitability” of COVID (which is somehow supposed to prove without further enquiry that the virus MUST be as lethal as presented) surely even they must be starting to notice an oddity in the measures to “contain” the virus I.e. that whilst the virulence of COVUD is being constantly trumpeted, the increasingly devastating effect of the lockdown – and even the very existence of the lockdown – is being denied.
And so we gave an oddly lopsided situation. I recall a Monty Python sketch in which increasingly devastating methods were taken to kill a mosquito – culminating, if I remember correctly, in a nuclear bomb.
So we are presented with this vision of an unsustainable neoliberalism finally crushed by a pandemic – the “final straw” which forces “us” to create some vaguely defined “new collective capitalism”. All of this operating under forces which have not changed – same MSM, same corporate influence, same capitalism supporting govts.
@George. Liked the “all in this together” bit. Seem to have heard it before, somewhere.
Re: language, the better and more accurate term would be ‘antisocial’ distancing, the intent and purpose of which is to keep people apart, instill instinctive fear of others, and is mandated and precisely quantified.
“Social distancing” is an oxymoron and therefore could be taken as part of the deliberate disorientation.
Of course, its anti-social distancing, but they won’t give the correct name or some might start to ask questions.
Until the fabled pandemic, globalism was the motto of the Masters of the Universe. Now, though they are scrambling to complete their plunder, they must also “spin on a dime” to come up with alternatives to critical issues including food – if they are to escape the rioting.
From the article:
Everything about this is so disturbing.
Also the words chosen for the title:
You have to read these articles carefully. I have found a lot of “pep talk” type stuff about how “we the people” managed to influence the media and govt – but without actually explaining how this astonishing development happened.
Will keep an eye out for the pep talk, thanks! Although I really have trouble reading almost any news lately, I find it so laden with disgusting propaganda that I just get too frustrated reading it.
This is one of the reasons I feel such disgust for the mainstream Left:
“The problem is that we aren’t in lockdown. Across the UK, pubs, restaurants, schools and universities are all largely open. The kind of lockdown that the Great Barrington Declaration seems to be railing against hasn’t been in place in the UK since mid-June. Even in places like Manchester which are under local lockdown restrictions, pubs, restaurants and schools are still open and it’s hard to find people who are advocating for a return to the lockdown we saw in March. When the Great Barrington Declaration authors declare their opposition to lockdowns, they are quite literally arguing with the past.”
The implication is that nothing much is going on. Things are just kinda normal really! Never mind that the entire economy is tanking.
There is this constant downplaying of the situation where the very real and indeed devastating effects of the very real and indeed devastating lockdown are slighted if not totally ignored. Meanwhile every tiny nudge of the COVID statistics is treated like the next surge of the apocalypse.
in donegal we now have NO VISITING other houses but some other things go on. none of it makes sense.
Heads up George… the latest The Corbett Report video is a must see. He calls out the fake phony pseudo socialists by name for their shameful support for these authoritarian measures and that have devastated so many lives, especially the working class.
He names names, including Tim Anderson, Galloway and Moon of Alabama. Unfortunately he didn’t get round to naming the ‘bogan socialist’ aka Caitlin Johnstone. And no, you’re not the only one who feels disgust.
I doubt any of them are wondering where their food for next week will be coming from, or when they can actually earn a living again. These cretins couldn’t give a flying feck about the working class.
Eva Bartlett mentioned it on her Facebook page as well.
I just watched that Corbett report and appreciated his naming of names but then it seems to me that Galloway was always a clown and MoA is a kinda “fringe site”. There are more damaging examples of Left wankery – the WSWS being one of them. These are particularly lethal since they represent part of a respected Left tradition.
I never heard of a “bogan socialist” but whilst surfing around I stumbled on this comment:
“I believe Ms Johnston calls herself a Bogan socialist. That’s about as far away from the right as possible.”
So just because she called herself something, that means she’s “as far away from the right as possible”? These are the kind of comments I read and feel that intelligence is dead.
As for the bit about fake rebel music, I have no idea who these people are. I vaguely recall the guy who had a blast at Van the Man. Speaking about the “Belfast Cowboy”, I note that it takes an oldie who doesn’t care about his image to see through the shit. Just like the mighty Bob released a song about the JFK cover up.
There’s also a bit on that JC report about naked celebs and there’s some gal starkers and grabbing her boobs. I had the feeling of another crappy distraction and didn’t even catch what it was about.
Occult background to the Covid fraud. This video is long (don’t need to watch it all), and please don’t be put off by the language and accent of the presenter (Bro.Sanchez), but he gives fascinating information on the occult background and language used by the planners – traditions going back many years.
I’m not sure that everything he says is true, and I’m still needing time to digest the info – but it is certainly food for thought and can help our understanding of what is really going on in the world today.
They’ve already removed it… 😠 Like they’re removing literally anything they deem a threat, even if it’s only had a few thousand views.
Google is controlled by NSA, Twitter the FBI, mainstream media news the CIA…. All countries worldwide suppresses and censors info some more than others. It will only intensify as AI technology improves.
This is one of his better videos:
Thanks Charlotte. Maybe we’ll all end up having to do Samizdat the way things are going.
Having major problems trying to post comments at Offguardian in the last 9-10 days, especially since the DDoS stuff started up again. I don’t have a computer, only a smartphone.
Tried to reply a few times now. Hope your weekend goes well👍
Just a coincidence?
“In Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! The players are disease-fighting specialists whose mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of four plagues before they get out of hand.”
The 2013 edition of Pandemic includes two new characters—the Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist—not available in earlier editions of the game.
Complete page:
Kevin’s overview is important. It’s very coherent. I’ll use it in my next blog post, partly because I see that he’s being censored and I feel that we have to back each other here. (My blog gets zero views some days. Of course, WordPress partnered with Google’s First Draft Coalition, so it’s no surprise that views like mine, which mostly are an amplification of other anti-covid 1984 views, somehow get suppressed.)
Kevin’s weakness: He sees things from within the Rockefeller health care ideological outlook.
My weakness: I don’t have specialized knowledge of any kind and my math is beyond bad. I can’t confirm or disconfirm statements on either side of Covid 1984 via my own number-crunching therefore. That’s not ideal.
I quite liked the quotes by Peter Thiel given.
There’s plenty of direct evidence that the “attacks” of 9/11/2001 were well planned in advance. As most here already know, the covid scamdemic was also well planned in advance. As on 9/11/2001, public media outlets are bought and paid assets of CIA and Mossad propaganda mechanisms.
Many here have probably seen this presentation before. It is well worth watching in it’s entirety.
I’m a little to tired to comment with my usual razor sharp intellect. I know that many of you must have been missing me while I have been mixing with parochial types on another site.
Pfft, I’m better off with my fellow lunatics and crazies on here.
Anyway. Enough of that bollox.
There are certainly elements of psyop in all of this, but my central thesis is that I don’t (personally) believe that this was planned in order to provide a pretext to instigate an authoritarian revolution.
Rather they (meaning probably the NATO/ WOT crew) had clubbed together to decide what they would do in the even that a plague was to sweep the globe.
They just forgot to tell their citizens about it. (Well presumably they considered that the plebs didn’t have to know).
I don’t think it can be sensibly reasoned that (as James Corbett pointed out some months ago) concepts such as “social distancing” and “new normal” weren’t decided well in advance.
I even rather strongly suspect that the continued restrictions are in those original plans, with the release date for the citizenry being the development of a vaxxine.
So. Looks like we’re on for the long haul with this shitshow. “V” all. Time to meditate.
the entire script seems to have been previewed in a Hollywood movie in 2011.
I don’t know how you can reconcile that fact with your limited-hangout “not planned” theory.
not even to mention, of course, the Rockefeller “Lockstep” documents, or Event 201.
Just like the Novichok/ Skripal/ Navalny sagas.
Here are the Torygraphs 6 tips for getting through the “cold , dark, season “….
Take a walk outside – even if the weather is terrible
Phone a friend
Do some winter gardening
Listen to music
Keep a gratitude journal
Accept that things are tough
Followed by …..”It can be strangely liberating to accept that things are out of your control. Rather than beat yourself up that things aren’t going as well as they should be, try to realise that it’s OK for the world to be uncertain. At the end of the day, there’s not much you can do about the pandemic from your living room.”
Awww !! Bless !
I am not a fan of Alex Jones, that caveat being stated, he does occasionally convey legitimate information and this interview with Aaron Russell not long before he died shows Rockefeller et al are behind the events of 9-11.
Rockefeller and 9-11
And we also know Rockefeller are behind all the blood for oil profiteering of the last 100 years, the smart meters in everyone’s homes, and behind ICLEI, GRCN, Strong Cities, the entire vaccine industry, the fraud of viruses, the pseudo science in modeling and epidemiology and this fake pandemic.
Hello Researcher: Aaron Russo’s “Freedom to Fascism” was truly a work of genius. I hadn’t seen this video before. Excellent! Thank you for your many informative posts.
You’re welcome. Thanks Paul.
Yes. Sorry, Russo not Russell. I was distracted by Mary’s post, which indicates what’s going to be happening globally… Not good news:
Confirmed by this:
I rewatched Russo’s F2F during the scamdemic, for the first time since I saw its NYC premier with a Q & A with Russo back in aught-six. It’s a classic. (Quick aside, I took an intern from my job at the time, and the kid FREAKED OUT. My then-girlfriend-now-wife fell asleep. She does that.)
Anyway, upon revisitation, the production values DO NOT hold up, and the topical shift from “income-tax-is-a-fraud” to “they-are-going-to-chip-us-for-a-cashless-society” is kind of a non sequitur, if you weren’t steeped in apocalyptic conspiracy study already.
BUT it was singularly prescient and precise in its outline of what was coming.
The last 25 minutes of the film pretty much foresaw everything now being implemented, under cover of the bolognavirus.
That really takes me back; I remember the spooky sensation of learning that Russo had been “got” by TFIC and was going to die… and then, very quickly, he did. I have F2F buried in my files somewhere. Back then (2006, as you say), I had the incredibly optimistic feeling that TFIC were on the verge of being exposed… so much evidence against them!… I didn’t yet grasp how immune to enlightenment (and vulnerable to TFIC control) Duh Masses are. And then I watched one obvious hoax after another roll off the assembly line… do you remember the “Cassidy Stay” hoax? When the hoax teams “jumped the shark”? It was at that point that I began to suspect that Duh Masses (of Murrkka) were literally retarded:
Like you, there was a time 12-15 years ago when I thought 9/11 and the TFIC would be exposed. I also remember how common it was to read online comments along the lines of “the tide is turning, people are waking up” etc. Yeah, it never happened, and here we are.
Sorry, I realize I didn’t need “the” in front of TFIC.
Har! It’s like “hoi polloi” in that sense (ironically)
Never happened. Nope. We need “Seriously Thought the Tide Was Turning” group-therapy sessions for the hundreds of thousands (millions?) like us. Chapters in every town. Except, of course, TFIC would infiltrate that, too, and turn it into a melon-twisting clusterfuck, just to twist the knife a little more, eh? Meanwhile: PLAN B: let’s all start chanting for that meteor strike… can’t hurt…
Thanks for that. I needed a chuckle.
i don’t remember that, and watching it now I really don’t know what I’m looking at. “Deflected off her finger?”
I abolished all broadcast and cable TeeVee content from my household around 2008/09. Just couldn’t stand having my intelligence insulted like that anymore, in any dosage.
Of course, that’s why this scamdemic caught me so by surprise. I had no idea how outlandish mainstream Narratives had become, and how slavishly accepting the Herd had become to them. (I sort of knew about trans-worship-ism and I knew Trump was somehow president, but I didn’t really appreciate the depths of derangement that stuff represented.) Most importantly, because TeeVee-Babble had become totally alien to me, their Fear tricks didn’t have sway on me. I instantly recognized it for empty hysteria, and was just outside of it watching in befuddlement. When the toilet paper riots started, I was just chuckling to myself. Then when they were “shutting things down for three days” I knew it was just more empty hysteria, and figured that all the morons would have egg on their faces after the uneventful three days, like the Y2K adherents on Jan. 1, 2001.
I was right about it being hollow hysteria, but boy how wrong was I about the egg…
Being sane is not the best preparation for facing this “Reality” they’re building.
Well, think of it this way: how many people believe in the “Virgin birth”….? And will argue with you all day and all night in unwavering defense of the assertion… ?
Yes, I’m here in the US and there have been an unending stream of shooting hoaxes. The fakery is so obvious, yet the masses still fall for it ever time. Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombings were the first big ones, then the others were smaller operations. Dave McGowan did the best work on the Boston Bombing hoax, where he demonstrated the fakery in a video presentation with John B Wells of Caravan to Midnight. Then shortly after that presentation, McGowan came down with a fast acting cancer.
And of course all of the shooting hoaxes were all about getting the guns. It’s quite obvious now why they gave us the 2nd amendment–they knew about governmental tyranny.
Dave’s work is so extensive, and so valuable… I’m glad his Daughter(s) kept the material available and I hope it hasn’t been tampered with. His analysis of The Boston Event was perfect and devastating to The Mainstream Narrative.
Yes, I agree. He did exceptional research–if more people followed his work, we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in right now.
That’s a very frightening article (the nexus post) – can it be verified? I don’t want to start freaking everyone out by sharing it until I can be sure it’s authentic.
Read the entire comment and look at all the links. It was leaked from a STRAP meeting. You’re not going to ever get confirmation from a leak. You’re going to have to connect the dots yourself.
But it looks legit based on what I’ve been seeing in the legislation being passed globally. Such as this:
You had to know this was never about a virus. It was always about Agenda 21.
I keep replying to you, but for some reason it doesn’t get posted.
You won’t find confirmation from a leak. It’s a leak. Of an email from someone who attended a STRAP meeting from the Prime Ministers Office. Seems genuine. Fits in with what has been happening. Especially legislation that’s being passed globally. In the 5eyes.
New York incoming
Assembly Bill A992019-2020 Legislative Session
Relates to the REMOVAL of cases, contacts and carriers of communicable diseases who are potentially dangerous to the public health
Global Currency Reset. Using people as commodities.
“Surveillance Capitalism“.
Population Forecast for 2025.
Canada goes from 38 million to 24 in less than five years. All the NATO countries are the main targets for the depopulation agenda.
Agenda 21 aka The Great Reset
The banksters want to rid the planet of several billion people and seize their assets. That’s why the lockdown. Destroy the global economy through endless lockdowns. Crash capitalism and the petro dollar then you can seize all private property:
Read my other comment. It contains other links.
And this outlines the plan in general terms.
@Researcher: “we” know.
I didn’t know, that Rockefeller “is behind the entire vaccine industry”. But that would explain Bill Gates moving into vaccines, because Gates is related to the Rockefeller clan.
All the cryptocracy are related.
They hand down their power and wealth through generations. That’s why they are obsessed with eugenics.
All the presidents except for one, have the same ancestor. Not a coincidence.
Researcher, thanks for that very illuminating Link to the POTU$A Bloodline (uncovered by Local Girl) and your comment: that’s why “they’re obsessed with eugenics”. Which shades into Nazism.
“Eugenics and Other Evils” — GK Chesterton
National ‘Socialism’, was the political rebuttal to the threat of communism in Germany after the war; this was a very real threat for a decade or more as Germany was in a constant state of chaos and revolutionary activity and the implementation of communist governments in various jurisdictions.
This was the unfortunate ‘blowback’ of the German government’s financing of Lenin’s activities (Lenin was actually evading arrest by the Russian government for treason before the coup of 1917), and the hoped-for world wide communist revolution which affected many countries.
Eugenics was the darling of socialists; not a particularly offensive policy during the first half of the 20th century, (and state policy in many nations and provinces worldwide), especially to intellectuals and technocrat social engineers. The eugenics idealistic fad was simply absorbed into NS policy as part of their socialist program, and became the justification for their ultimate extreme expression of it.
And ‘aristocratic’ eugenics has always existed but more for financial and political reasons to join families for the purpose of continuity of power and wealth rather than the breeding of superior creatures, as a study of many matches made quickly reveals the prevalence of ‘continental marriage’, which is a marriage in name only, the ultimate expression of matchmaking, with daughters or sons given to nominated partners as a purely strategic exercise.
In fact, the prevalence of aristocratic (and royal) inbreeding argues against any notion of being ‘obsessed with eugenics’, if we consider eugenics solely the practice of breeding superior human individuals.
You don’t know anything about the cryptocracy or their eugenics beliefs. They believe intermarrying preserves their bloodline. RH negative.
Eugenics was not the darling of socialists. It came out of the Monarchies’ belief that they were superior beings, descendants of gods who should interbreed to increase their intellect and keep themselves separate from the rest of humanity.
Eugenics beliefs along with Luciferianism, usury, Kabbala, Freemasonry, Jesuits and other secret societies such as the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians eventually morphed into eugenics as a pseudo science under Darwin, Huxley et al then spread to America where it was taken up by Henry Ford, Rockefeller and the bankers and politicians. The American Eugenics movement sent Hitler and the Nazi party the material they used to justify eliminating J_ws, homosexuals, the mentally ill, communists, Marxists, socialists, anarchists and Gypsies.
Hitler got all his “best ideas” (so he claimed) from the US branch of the eugenics movement that currently runs the world. It’s all a matter of public record.
Aaron Russo FYI
I already corrected my mistake above. I was reading something important when I wrote comment.
Do you have your own blog at all?Relatively new here and enjoy your posts immensely. Frightening, but need to know what the fight is against.
Thanks, but no I do not.
Basically, we are up against the people who have been running the world since before we were born. Going back centuries, maybe even millennia. Usury is how it’s achieved in a top down manner. If you control the money supply you control the military and the politicians. If you control the money supply in every country you’ll also own the shareholder majority in all the major transnational corporations, such as the thousand corporations that make up the members of the IMF’s new Digital Global Currency Reset soon to be announced.
So, think of the world as an organized controlled place, not a place where random and chaotic events occur but where everything is connected. Where the newsfeed is entirely propaganda meant to make us think what the “controllers” of the system want us to think about. But it’s always presented to us in a disjointed way so that we don’t understand the connectedness therefore it’s harder to visualize the bigger picture. Compartmentalized ideas lead to compartmentalized thinking. It’s part of a brainwashing technique based around trauma based mind control in conjunction with rote learning from the Prussian method of education.
When we grow up in a world saturated with propaganda and fake narratives it’s all we know. So consequently, people are stuck in various cultural or political narratives they have taken on as their personal belief systems but are actually purposefully manufactured so they always seem hollow and unsatisfying. People’s personal identities are not their own, because humans are mimetic creatures.
People in China like their social credit system. It’s all they know. They are culturally conditioned to enjoy their ignorance, censorship and enslavement.
The globalist bankers who run the world have decided to give us what China has, but they want to kill off the older generation, keep the millennials, and therefore maximize their profit. It’s liquidation time. Agenda 21.
They’ll seize all the land and corral millennials into SMART mega cities, with AI control grids using 5g and smart meters. Military domination through a central banking, one world government, utilizing tech and “vaccines”, ie implants for biometric surveillance capitalism and brainwave function monitoring. Minority Report meets 1984.
What we are facing right now is asymmetrical warfare. Fourth generation warfare against the people delivered through their governments at the behest of the cryptocracy.
The internet enabled the cryptocracy the control over us they seek, but it also gave some of us the ability to see through the various fraudulent agendas, such as manufactured pandemics, manufactured terror and manufactured climate crises. The internet gave us access to a broader range of information, other than the revisionist history, allopathic medicine, pseudo science, and terror events such as 9-11, pandemics, mass shootings. or unnatural weather events that have been force fed to us through the media.
In the West we have the narratives of nation states vs nation states. Or Democrats vs Republicans. Christians vs Muslims. Or black vs white, gay vs straight, etc. It’s an oppositional and binary narrative based on the Hegelian dialectic. But it’s all illusion meant to divide and conquer.
Have you read Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars? It’s enlightening. A manual from a Bilderberg Group meeting. I suggest you start there and follow James Corbett on Corbett Report dot com. He’s quite up to speed on the technocracy underway.
We can fight back through legal means and by educating ourselves and awakening others.
No i haven’t but I will certainly follow up on it. Everything you state is pretty much how I see things going. I find it hard to believe how quickly lockstep happened. Can people not understand how unprecedented this is? It points to totalitarian control. We had the chance to kick the moneylenders out the temples all those years ago. We never learned the lesson.
Regarding the total number of US COVID deaths in Kevin Ryan’s video, now a bit over 200,000 deaths.
Kevin Ryan compares the US COVID deaths to a figure of 80,000 “flu” deaths in 2017 in his video presenation.
The US CDC uses at least three wildly different total death numbers for “pneumonia and influenza” and “influenza/flu” deaths each year: about 188,000 on the FluView web site, about 55,000 in the annual leading causes of death report, and about 80,000 “flu deaths” in 2017 from a mathematical model.
The CDC FluView web site which purports to report the percentage of weekly deaths due to “pneumonia and influenza” claims over six percent of deaths each year are due to pneumonia and influenza, implied to be caused by the influenza virus. The percent is shown explicitly in a scary graphic on the web site. This graphic is based on data files from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) that list about 188,000 deaths per year due to pneumonia and influenza.
In contrast, the CDC’s leading causes of death report attributes about 55,000 deaths per year, only two percent of annual deaths. The percent is explicitly reported as about two percent in a table of leading causes of death in the report. These death numbers are less than ONE THIRD of the FluView numbers.
The CDC also has a mysterious model or models that attribute about 80,000 deaths in 2017 (less most years) to the influenza virus. The influenza virus is confirmed as present by laboratory tests in only a small fraction of deaths attributed to “pneumonia and influenza” according to the NCHS statistics. The CDC argues/theorizes that nonetheless the pneumonia are caused by an initial influenza infection that goes undetected and uses computer mathematical models to attribute these deaths to the influenze virus for which there is a vaccine promoted by the CDC.
For more info on this, see:
That’s because their flu figures are false. They’re based on “associations” as you know from reading Peter Doshi’s papers which I found very interesting too, several months ago.
Any of the rapid diagnostic tests for the flu are probably testing for a nucleuc acid or a protein anyway. Not a virus. They’re likely to be as scientifically meaningless as the RT-PCR tests for covid19.
I don’t believe there are actually any flu deaths at all. When I started investigating cases of children reportedly dying of the flu, all I could find in each case was cardiac arrest and/or organ from bacterial infections or meningitis. Not exactly what you’d think of as flu deaths.
I’d bet money that upon careful examination in each of these laboratory confirmed flu cases you would probably find another cause of death on their chart, in their medical records or autopsy results.
The CDC is not really a government agency. It’s privately funded. So it’s figures aren’t reliable or unbiased. They’re PhRMA influenced.
They exist to promote drugs and vaccines. There’s a correlation between outbreaks of viruses, either during or after vaccination programs.
Look at this:
What did these local doctors find so troubling that they plotted the murder of the WHO doctor?
I would hazard a wild guess that they figured out the Ebola outbreaks in the Congo weren’t real.
Also, with the medicalisation of life, especially old age, they need a catch-all category that casts as little blame as possible on their dud treatments and specialities, e.g. for BP, diabetes, heart disease, depression, etc.
Torygraph comes to the rescue…
“Local lockdowns could persist for several months, leading to a daunting and difficult winter. If your area is under one, read Alice Hall’s six-month positivity plan with tips to help you get through the cold, dark season.”
Does anyone buy this crap ?
It is all from SAGE’s SPI-B ‘bahavoural modification’ group. They initially advised using the media to pimp up the fear levels, and now that ‘people are living in fear’, they are conditioning them to accept the paranoia.
Sadly yes. Even many highly educated and remunerated people believe the government and media are acting in our interest and mostly tell the truth.
People have begun to lose sight of the fact that psychologically “fanciful,” or economically “fanciful,” or sociologically “fanciful” “Conspiracy Theories”… what we used to deal in, predominately… are nevertheless wholly plausible and certainly within the realm of the possible and that was the very point: that was the line that “mainstream thought” couldn’t cross and what we were trying to do was pull “Normies” over that line: no, your “leaders” don’t love you, aren’t in power to protect you and yes they may also be conspiring to impoverish, confuse or even kill you. Those days, when we were energetically pursuing that goal (of widening the critical circle of The Thinkable), were the Internet-fueled peak of the Golden Age of “Conspiracy Theory”.
Now, welcome to the mad and muddy babble of “CONSPIRACY THEORY TURBO”… sponsored by TFIC… in which shills, and the credulous, both, argue passionately for physically impossible, science-and-logic-and-common-sense-violating, witch-craft-adjacent theories that will never convince or convert any Normies and can only sow discord in Parapolitical Circles as David Icke/ Judy Wood/ Flat Earth/ Space Beams/ Time Traveler/ Flying Saucer/ No Viruses/ Reptilians enthusiasts accuse anyone who rejects this Cartoonish Disinfo Shitstorm as “controlled opposition”.
So, for example, instead of sticking to the slam-dunk of highlighting the utter lack of evidence that “Covid-19” is anything other than the Seasonal Flu x Social Media Brainwashing, or sticking to the slam dunk of highlighting the blatant conflict of interest in Bill Gates the strident Mandatory Vaccine Lobbyist versus Bill Gates the Big Time Vaccine Investor, we’re suddenly hearing from our own Skeptic Community that “virus theory is fake”… though, of course, one wonders what clues tipped these people off to that realization? Because isn’t that how extraordinary, anti-Normative Theories usually develop, if they’re reasonable: via clues that persistently undermine the Normative version of the theory? Where are the “clues” that indicate that “there are no such things as viruses”? 20 Hucksters claiming so on YouTube aren’t “clues”.
Or: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to fill in Fledgling Parapolitical Research Chums that although the technology for cloning mammals exists, the technology does not exist for cloning Celebrity X and speed-aging that clone to match the current age of the version of Celebrity X said chum believes has been “cloned” (for whatever purpose… to double appearance fees, possibly). And so forth.
We used to be engaged, largely, in serious (and thankless) work. Now we’re trapped in an Internet Fun House playing a Parapolitical Parlor Game called PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FLAVOR OF THE WEEK.
It sucks.
Cass Sunstein 2, Parapolitical Effectiveness 0.
We used to be engaged, largely, in serious (and thankless) work. Now we’re trapped in an Internet Fun House playing a Parapolitical Parlor Game called PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE FLAVOR OF THE WEEK.
Cass Sunstein 2, Parapolitical Effectiveness 0.
it’s almost like somebody planned it that way.
“it’s almost like somebody planned it that way….”
.. and even arrogantly announced, in public, the intention to do so…
You are ‘suddenly’ hearing the virus theory is false?
Because you have never questioned the belief.
I’ve studied this for some years now and since it was coined and rendered the
official narrative of a medical monopoly there have always been those who have challenged its assumptions.
And now you think this line of questioning is false?
As if conjured up to spoil your information war to convert normies?
But the challenge to virus theory is not least because it operates a cover story for vested interests to persist in toxic and trojan agenda that generates huge profits and huge leverage over human institutions and endeavour.
The terrain theory may be as meaningless to you as some would find considering social causes for criminal behaviour. Yet we are social beings and a breakdown of communication and support will result in negatively polarised actions and consequences.
Human beings have acquired a guilt transference complex as an outsourcing of responsibility as a strategy of self-evasion and leverage over each other.
Masking narratives operate to justify a plausible deniability for fear, pain and loss that is hidden, covered over and periodically dumped on whoever or whatever can be blamed – while doing so also generates funding, status and control.
The covid when all’s said and done is a catastrophe of reaction and to many a terrible price to pay and to be paid, while to others a huge opportunity to advance their agenda.
So the other facet of a ‘fake virus’ is of running the fear leverage on a false basis.
Regardless of virus theory. This novel virus hasn’t been isolated and proven to be the cause of disease. Even if the testing was reliable and standardised, what is really being tested for?
Claims are made for isolation as headlines for articles that do not establish the fact. The blind trust in science is as unfounded as blindly trusting the banking system or politicians.
So by all means focus on what is meaningful to you, but if you start attacking others who are doing the same with what they find meaningful, then you enact the thing you accuse in others. I don’t say not to challenge what you don’t support, but you have to engage with rather than judge over and smear by accusation.
Regardless of virus theory or any scam of media serving pharma invested agenda, the lockdowns and draconian regulations are entirely unwarranted and indefensible.
But while the controlled demolition called covid-19 is a multithreaded orchestration of agenda leveraged via coercion and deceit, the means to do so is from the wielding of virus theory to capture the minds and the institutions and regulators and politicians, as both great fear and great profit and control, founded in deceit or self-illusion.
A) Where did you get the impression that I needed a primer on the “Covid-19 Hoax”? Where have I written anything that is pro-“Covid-19 Hoax”?
And: B) I’m curious as to what clues tipped you off to “question the belief” in the reality of viruses. Some of these clues would have to be medical, of course, or there would be the distinct possibility that you were merely misinterpreting the fact that TFIC are spinning lies regarding certain viruses, quite independent of the validity (or not) of Virus Theory.
Remember: I don’t need a run-down of why you think TFIC would hoax Virus Theory itself; I’m only interested in the observations that led you to conclude that “all viruses are a hoax.”
For example: I began to suspect (after initially being horrified by the reports of the event) that “Sandy Hook” was a Hoax when I observed that not one of the many “parents” who were interviewed, mere hours after the “massacre,” showed any signs of grief. One “oddball” parent I could accept, but a dozen? After that, the deeper I looked, the odder it all became: all the stories/ interviews had a thoroughly unreal, theatrical (nearly idiotic) feel. So that was the mechanism of my disbelief which, initially, had nothing to do with theories of why (or how) such a hoax would be perpetrated. The starting point were these extraordinarily glaring clues.
What are yours regarding Virus Theory?
I responded to your association of ‘fake virus theory’ with crackpot disinfo fed to ‘normies’. I wasn’t implying you ‘needed’ anything. I feel there is a paradigm-shifting opportunity in ‘terrain theory’ as the expansion and embrace of ‘psycho-pathogenic’ ‘feary’ within a living and connected perspective.
‘Distancing’ to psychopathogenic thinking is survival or salvation – and attacking the whole (divide and rule) is its predicate OF which it has no recognition BUT which it projects onto its world and in specific, projects to scapegoat or false flag in order to attack it there, or divert attention and funding accordingly.
I have never been invested in the pharma model, nor in the kind of reductionist science that spawned it. So I have had very little interaction with it though out my adult life. But nor did I seek to understand why. It wasn’t a focus of interest.
Changes in life brought me to re-evaluate or investigate some of the scientific narratives that underpin our social and political world, and with this came a willingness to look into areas that I assumed were settled science, such as the cancer industry, polio and AIDS. In the course or uncovering the actual history became clear that the narrative for contagious threat was used to hide toxic damage, while providing a new basis upon which to generate ‘healthcare measures’.
Terrain theory does not deny what we see as viral particles to exist – where they can in fact be observed (though there are some who say that electron microscopy inherently generates artefacts), but it does not regard them as the agency of causation.
As for the coronavirus. It was immediately recognisable as another iteration of an ongoing leverage – as is more widely known in swine flu but less perhaps in other precedents (mentioned). But also shouts its signature in all that it provokes and baits to reaction. If you recognise the pattern, it wont make any difference what the format is. So I chose not to engage with the proffered baiting until it became obvious that for whatever reasons the reaction to this one was globally orchestrated or ‘incentivised’ and had deep traction in terms of lockstepping all institutional authorities or services to compliance.
Then I looked for such facts as were claimed or asserted or assumed and followed the dots. But I was already aware of a substantial body of research and evidence that calls the medical monopoly or indeed a medical mafia, into question.
So the claim of hoax or fake can be misleading because disease ‘clusters’ are sought out, virologists (not toxicologists) are paid to investigate, media are fed narratives that run along with ritual theatre that can be seen through, (they don’t try to make it foolproof and can be said to let you know that they are props for narratives – if you care to actually see) – and all kinds of heavy reactions are implemented some of which do harm of kill.
A detective sifts through the stories and evidences to establish what can be known and what can be a false lead or pet belief.
Discernment of truth is not a divide and rule, but a recognition of the whole in expression – through apparent divisions, conflicts and assertive denials.
I don’t seek believers or converted ‘normals’ but to grow in the willingness to discern or notice dissonance of incoherency within what we are framed or normalised to think from.
There are many facets or levels to our experience in the world and the psychopathic alien imposition, or hijacking, is one way of looking at it. But one that gives power away as if to escape its responsibility… or guilt.
Setting up a foreign agent as the cause of our own conflict, relives us of addressing it where it truly is – especially is fear interprets exposure as total loss of face (self) or as damnation.
Narrative self justification on which your life depends is held onto against all odds and at any cost. Questioning the narrative opens a choice to NOT be driven BY it. But direct attack will meet deep and active defence.
(I’ve responded but I’m waiting to get out of Spam Prison)
I found you to be hard to follow. I don’t exactly what you said.
Hmmm, Arby, can’t help you with that.
That’s a great comment – please consider expanding it and submitting it for ATL!
Thanks very much, Admin1; to be quite honest, that comment is the best I can do at expressing that sentiment… I’m not very good at padding ideas to get the word-count up! Laugh.
We’ll say no more of it then! Nice comment though. A2
You do an astoundingly accurate Tom Hulce impression, Admin2! Nice one.
Canada will be turned into a giant prison camp.
These horrific plans were leaked by an annonymous member of their Liberal Party. It lists the intentions for Canada in the near future by their Strategic Planning Committee.
See link below for the whole ghastly list. This is just one part of it ……
The federal government will offer to eliminate all personal debts (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) which all funding will be provided to Canada by the IMF under what will become known as the World Debt Reset program.
In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.
The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass) .
Committee members asked who would become the owner of the forfeited property and assets in that scenario and what would happen to lenders or financial institutions, we were simply told “the World Debt Reset program will handle all of the details”.
Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling. Essentially we were told it was our duty to make sure we came up with a plan to ensure that would never happen. We were told it was in the individuals best interest to participate.
When several committee members pushed relentlessly to get an answer we were told that those who refused would first live under the lock down restrictions indefinitely.
Just read this… and my jaw hit the ground.
This will be everywhere, and you know what’s already been happening here in Victoria. The absolute treachery is beyond words. Comply with what we say, or be locked up forever. Stalin would have blushed at this. Will try and share as widely as possible.
that doesn’t smell like disinfo bullshit, at all.
After everything we have witnessed and experienced in 2020, these horrific plans sound plausible. In fact, they are congruent with everything we know about the WEF’s Great Reset. If this is legitimate, it’s confirmation of our worst fears. Let’s hope it’s fake.
Let’s hope it’s fake.
it’s obviously fake. and a far-right fake, at that.
Why do you think that? Because it was allegedly a “dissident liberal”?
because even under the Official Story, there’s no rational connection between “debt forgiveness” and “lockdown restrictions”. if they ever attempted to sell that, it would be an open admission of the utter fraudulence of the entire COVID-1984 narrative.
it’s complete nonsense, a far-right delusional fantasy.
I really don’t know. One could connect debt forgiveness to the official story via “ohh the pandemic made everybody poorer”. It’s far-fetched, but the people who still believe the official story will believe anything.
I agree. They could sell it. It’s already been proven that most people will believe anything they’re told.
Even if it’s a fantasy, I don’t see how it’s a far-right one.
This info has been leaked from an anonymous source, that’s true, and I don’t blame the person for remaining anonymous. So I can’t verify the source at this stage. I also hope its fake – but somehow I doubt it.
I wish it was fake. But I doubt it.
Canadian Military orders massive amounts of Tear Gas and is scouting for Quarantine camps:
The International Monetary Fund has granted debt relief/forgiveness to 25 poor countries for a six month period “to help them meet the costs incurred in fighting the pandemic”. This ends on 31 october 2020. I cannot find the conditions imposed by the IMF for this dispensation. They try to make us believe that the IMF has generously cancelled debts owed to them by these poor (and expoited) countries.
But you can be sure that the IMF will want their pound of flesh. Its called ‘asset stripping’, or ‘theft’. So I can believe that their ‘covid relief’ program for all countries will be an offer to forgive any private person who has debts …… with conditions attached.
I may be wrong, but I suspect that their plans for Canada, in my previous post, will also be their plan for all countries, starting with the OECD ones first, where most of the populations have been primed by the lockdowns and fear campaigns.
Seems that Canada is almost a lost cause ….
Yes, the IMF has always demanded its pound of flesh. In the 1980s, there were “conditionalities” attached to its loans to poor countries. These consisted of “structural adjustment” programs which privatized virtually everything so transnational corporations could buy up all of the assets at rock-bottom prices. The IMF is a global loan sharking operation.
Not virually everything, but state corporations were the target, usually insolvent, inefficient, and run by Party bosses, as personal piggy banks subsidised by the state.
Deliberately run down so they would be vulnerable to takeover (at very low price) for the aggressive corporations and their mates in the IMF. All public assets will be privatised (piratised) in the new world order.
Include private assets belonging to you and me – they will want these as well.
The Canadian Constitution, despite many calls to amend it under both Conservative and Liberal governments for the past 30 years still does not embrace property rights.
Canada also has, and uses, the wonderful Orders in Council, which allows implementation of virtually any policy the government wishes, with no debate in parliament, and which is created in secrecy. In other venues this would be known as a Dictator’s Decree.
But parliament is old hat anyway; to be simply suspended it if there’s too much heat. Debating is tedious, and the public may find out things if the state media, and bought media slips up and informs them. The few small media outlets that try are demonised and prohibited from attending government ‘press conferences’ and events; literally run off by security.
Recently, in the Ontario parliament, an independent member inquired about a Federal invitation to quote for the construction of detainment centres. He received a boilerplate answer, stood to ask a supplementary question to receive an actual response to his question, and was instructed by the Speaker to ‘be seated’.
There is a high level of personal debt in Canada.
He makes some good points, even though most of us are aware of the parallels already. What is needed is not just the observation of what is going on, and of course that’s important, but what can be done about it. We need to have a retaliatory plan. It needs to be good. That’s what we should be talking about. But not on here. That makes it difficult.
Where they want a cashless society, we should insist on a society which uses cash. or start a currency of our own. They killed Muammar Gaddafi – because he aimed to start a currency in competition with the petro-dollar. They killed Ceausescu because Romania was a communist country and had got rid of its national debt. These men by mainstream media were portrayed as pariahs – and it stuck.
I mentioned in a previous comment my reconnaissance where I set off on my bike to see how I could get along with cash alone without tracking devices – Garmin, mobile phone. I failed on the first day. But I learnt a lot. I cannot share what I learnt on an electronic device because our enemy would know. However there are still public telephones that take cash. There are none where I live. How long they will be around I suspect is limited.
We need to be thinking alternatives. And ways to communicate them other than carrier pigeon.
By the way does anyone else have problems with the cursor flitting about willy-nilly? I can be writing away and suddenly the typed text ends up elsewhere in the comment. Even in Word. I don’t know if this shit comes directly from Bill Gates’ Microsoft automatic downloads or what.
The Next Best Thing would be using rather old, rather cheap “Dumb” Phones that run on (no name) credit rather than a contract. A compromise of sorts that seriously cuts down on the mobile’s function as your State Informant.
Try A) replacing your wireless mouse with a good old USB mouse, or B) clean the fuzz-gunk, accumulating around the little tracking ball in your non-laser mouse, with tweezers or C) change mouse batteries D) look to the surface you’re using as the “mouse pad”… is it reflective?
Thanks Steven. I agree I should have an older computer. The trouble is all mine have been brought down and I’ve got one with a pad and it is a mouse pad. It reflects if that is what reflective means. It is well worn in the middle.
he means get a proper USB mouse, not one of those stupid trackpads. I don’t know how anybody can get anything done with those stupid things. maybe that’s the point; you’re not supposed to get anything done. leave that to the Proper Authorities, while you dumb plebs play with Fakebook and Shwitter.
For all the talk of smart devices, the PC and laptop were too smart and independent for the schemers. Hence the propaganda and pressure to herd the flock back to dumb trackable terminals – that must download everything including apps on the fly.
Where can you get old gear these days which isn’t worn out?
Get a formerly-cutting-edge PC from c. ten years ago; look in the “classifieds,” always better to purchase from private parties and stick to the rule of a low budget… buy from a Gamer, probably and suck all the dust out as soon as you buy it (and try to avoid any Operating System later than Windows 8, just as you should avoid Macs.) If it uses at least 16gb of ram, it will probably work for the foreseeable future online. I am absolutely NO PC expert, btw. I use three PCs and the serious one (for editing) never goes online; my online workhorse I’ve been using for almost ten years now, zero problems, cost me 200 Euros new. NEVER let Windows update automatically…
try to avoid any Operating System later than Windows 8, just as you should avoid Macs.
sensible advice would be to avoid both Microsoft AND Apple, like the plague. (the real plague, not COVID-1984)
If it uses at least 16gb of ram, it will probably work for the foreseeable future online.
a quarter of that would be more than sufficient for what most people want to do, especially if used in conjunction with serious software systems, not the mass-market crap designed for retarded five-year-olds.
my online workhorse I’ve been using for almost ten years now, zero problems, cost me 200 Euros new.
it will probably work even better for you, if you replace Windows with software whose design objective was something other than maximizing Bill Gates’ fortune. (you can run it from a USB flashdrive initially, without touching the hard drive, to see if you like it.)
NEVER let Windows update automatically…
the simplest way to assure yourself of that, would be to never use Windows at all. problem solved.
computers don’t “wear out”, except possibly the hard-drive ball-bearings.
the usual problem is that the crappy defective-by-design proprietary software systems are fulfilling their design objectives. fortunately, there’s a (free) alternative.
You obviously know what you’re talking about! Being not much of a tech-guy myself, I usually resent having to learn new protocols every time I buy a piece of hardware, or install new software… converting my office to Linux is something I considered years ago… at this point, to be honest, I’ll probably never get that ambitious again, but, in case I do, I’m saving this thread!
you can run Linux from a USB flashdrive, to try it out, without installing it on your hard drive and affecting your existing OS, unless and until you decide to.
Thank you Steven Augustine and THX-1143 for your helpful comments. I’ve tried downloading Linux alternatives before but they did not work, or I did not understand them sufficiently to make them work. There never seem to be instructions and when you get to the Command Prompt you don’t know what to do. Is Mint different? Can I still access my documents?
as long as you’re running Linux from a flashdrive, you can access your existing documents on the hard disk.
if you decide to permanently install Linux on the hard drive, you should copy any files you want to save onto another flashdrive or external disk, and then copy them back after the installation.
another option is to only dedicate part of the hard disk to Linux, while leaving the rest of it to your existing Windows system. in that case, you can decide which OS you want to run, each time you boot the computer. files in the Windows partition would be accessible while running Linux, but not the other way around.
if you do decide to set up a dual-OS system, it would still be wise to backup your files to an external drive, before installation, in case something went wrong.
I’m trying THX-1143. When it gets to bits like this I’m lost. It does not tell you how without going to a command prompt.
“Integrity checkTo check the integrity of your local ISO file, generate its SHA256 sum and compare it with the sum present in
.The disc Image File has been downloaded successfully. Do I just copy this to a memory stick and try to run from it?
I’ve downloaded the missing SHA256 files and still it will not load. My computer is HP. No can’t get it to work.
You really missed the mark.
Working from Home:
Decimation of jobs, industries, business, production and economies.
Loss of social interaction and collegiality or workplace friendships, increased numbers of casual workers with no rights, telework or remote work eventually leads to mass automation, algorithms, redundant jobs, less physical movement freedom, smaller social and work circles, less on the job less training, no interning, less mentoring, less ability to move sideways or up within a corporation. Creates disposable, unseen, unknown employees.
Mandatory Masks:
Projects a state of fear, impersonalization of self and others, lack of identity or individuality, reduces visual face cues, oxygen deprivation, increased upper respiratory infections, less social interaction, no smiling, inhibits communication, increases animosity and paranoia. Learning to follow arbitrary or harmful rules, imposed detrimental measures. Creates a fake market and increases profits for mask makers, increases trash and unnecessary consumption. An added unneeded expense.
Social Distancing:
Reduces physical contact, reduces immunity, Creates feelings of isolation and increases feelings of antipathy and disconnectedness towards others. Arbitrary rules and distances creates focus on external protocols, following rules. Decimation of jobs, industries, business and economies.
Cashless Society:
Digital dollars can be rescinded. Bank accounts can be wiped and bail-ins can occur without restriction. Instant Fines by the state. Instant taxes, instant bill payments removes the ability to dispute. No recourse for resolving errors. Social Credit system, mass surveillance capitalism and forced cooperation system to use digital dollars with integrated under-skin nanochip.
Travel Restrictions:
Banning movement to force laws around travel including increased testing, vaccines and immunity passports. Restricting earnings by restricting migration and immigration. Impoverishment, decimation of tourism. Destruction of western economy.
Accustom people to medical martial law and restricted social interaction. Foster a police state atmosphere. Increase fear of repercussions or reprisals for rule breaking. Enhanced paranoia of others and their “movements”. Encourage snitching.
Track and Trace:
Rounding up dissidents, dissenters, non compliant, associates, friends, sending to quarantine camps. Tracing all physical movements. Removing all personal, physical privacy laws. Making all interactions known to the state for data collection, analyzation and future exploitation.
This is a GLOBAL banking, industry, medical, technocratic, security state and UN takeover, the precursor to a tyrannical one world government with military central command and control run by Artificial Intelligence in conjunction with Agenda 21 which is a UN depopulation agenda.
Thanks Researcher – great list. This important point left out re an individual’s private property.
Under the IMF’s “World Debt Re-set Program”, all debts will be forgiven. In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever.
More details of their horrendous plans for us included in this website which focuses on Canada, but this is planned for every country in the very near future.
Here’s another point to add to your list, Researcher:
Reducing humans to micro-chipped surveillance and unquestioning obedience. Total dependence on the control system. Merging with machines. Disposable if not profitable for the ‘impact investors’.
Thanks Mary. Good addition. I was replying to an earlier post that vanished. Most strange.
Just a trivial point about social distancing: I happen to watch a TV soap twice a week. I’m not proud of that fact, except that it’s in a language other than my first language, and it’s a language I’m trying to learn (or improve in). Anyway, like most of these things, it must be filmed months in advance, and it seems they’ve only just now caught up with Covid-19 in the storyline.
Although they haven’t mentioned the virus, and no one is wearing a mask, for the first time, I’ve noticed all the characters studiously obeying social distancing, and it looks weird. Even more so in the outside scenes, which tend to dominate. e.g. in one of these, an “illicit” couple have met on the beach, well away from where her husband could see them, and they are intensely discussing their future. And they are probably well over 2 metres from each other; more like 4 or 5. It looks very odd. Especially when you consider that until recently, the characters were, ahem, exchanging bodily fluids with each other, off camera, of course, but that was the distinct message we were getting.
Lol I saw a bit of one accidentally and noticed it too! Yesterday. How weird.
The Machine knows damn well monkey-see-monkey-do. It is now displaying only visual content on the Slave-O-Vision that conforms to Its Meat-Space edicts.
Social Distancing: prevents even the humblest non-electronically-mediated communication: whispering.
All communication must be mediated by the Machine, logged and analyzed. If any verbal intercourse should unfortunately occur in-person, it must be at such a distance and volume that a nearby microphone can pick it up! For logging and analysis, of course.
Ha! How remiss of me to think I could ever have a private conversation again without Deep Mind, Alexa and Siri eavesdropping.
All types of intercourse are apparently unwanted in Canada, where you must wear a mask during sex and no kissing. They’re banking on a future society of mimetic post-millennials who only know onanism.
Reminds me of an old joke – why don’t Scottish Presbyterians encourage having sex while standing? Because it might lead to dancing! (Ha Ha Ha)
Laughter – feared by the pleasure-hating billionaires club. They are trying to turn fun and laughter into an endangered species.
I know that joke in its opposite form, and applied to a different Protestant sect:
Why don’t Southern Baptists have sex standing up?
Because they’re afraid people will think they’re dancing.
That’s only half the story. Social Distancing also prevents another form of humble non-electronically-mediated communication: passing notes.
By the way, this was in REPLY TO ANOTHER PERSON’S POST which has been removed… I have no idea why.
So my post appears odd! Like a non sequitur.
Kevin’s presentation was excellent.
Masks also provide new opportunities for crime, e.g snatch theft.
We could always start with the basics. Take off the masks. It is the easiest way to send the message that we know you are lying. In my job i have only encountered 2 people out of several hundred,in last 3 months, that believe the narrative. And i don’t mean have researched like you have. They instinctively know it’s a load of shite. I would bet on scotland,with its population of 6 million,having 4.5 million of that disbelieving the script. Thats more than enough for critical mass to just ignore sturgeon and return to our own normal. Just disobey then ignore the tool. They send in the army and pull a trigger,politicians will bleed too. I can’t see any other recourse.
Yeah. Masks off. I don’t wear a mask.
US financial expert, Jim Sinclair, has been predicting a worldwide financial crash and economic reset for a number of years. Last year, he and his business partner, Bill Holter, claimed that the crash was imminent, and that a false flag would be used as an excuse for this crash and the subsequent economic reset. Like most mainstream public figures, Jim and Bill have always been reluctant to discuss 9/11 for fear of being labelled ‘the new David Icke’, or similar. Similarly, they are also cicumspect about the nature of covid19 in public interviews. They believe that they can get their message across by using irrefutable financial data.
This is a short recording I took from the weekly discussion on the premium section of, where Jim discusses the link between 9/11 and covid19. He also alludes to the occult leanings of the people behind both scams.
“Covid-19 deaths” median age is higher than median age of people who died of all causes. What other disease can increase life expectancy?
9-11 aka The War on Terra aka the War on The Constitution, Civil Liberties and the permanent suspension of Habeas Corpus.
Covid19 aka The Great Reset aka Agenda 21 aka the Abolition of the Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus, globally.
911 Air combat command exercises – Crown/corona Guardian & as mentioned by Mr Ryan, Apollo Guardian – as Apollo 11 – that earlier densely destructive step to reduce the ability to analyse and asses, and ingrain the spaced out Luna’tic reality of the fantasista.
I made a similar comparison in my now disappeared post (#125) to a blog entry of a well-known bloggeuriste attempting to blind with science.
This bloggeuriste appears to be totally oblivious to contingency table analysis that underlies all epidemiological analysis, as explained in a clear fashion by a guest epidemiologist on Dr Kendrick’s blog.
Summary – even a test with (an unheard of) 99% specificity gives 5 times as many false positives as true positives at the current observed disease prevalence.
It is amusing to see his accolytes referring to qualified epidemilogists and medics as newbies.
At 45 cycles they’ll all be positive.
A rigged test to defraud the public.
From michel chossudovsky –
“the issue about false positives is a red herring because even a true positive doesn’t mean you have (c19) – it could be any virus – like the common cold – and also it doesn’t mean you are infected or are infectious.”
True. It’s all actually a red herring since there is no virus circulating.
First, prove the existence of a new virus. Second, prove that this virus is the cause of a new disease. If the threat is nonexistent, the response is not disproportionate, it’s unnecessary.
The essence of it all is fear. Sadly, the majority will choose tyranny over freedom if the fear level is high enough. When the fear level is reduced to low levels, the majority is more likely to opt for rights and freedom. The ruling class is of course well aware of this reality, which is why fear is pushed 24/7. A fearful population will accept mass vaccination, health passports, surveillance apps, and other authoritarian/totalitarian measures. Without fear they are likely to reject these measures, at least through non-compliance.
Therefore the focus should be on finding a way to combat the fear mongering. Ideally it would be accomplished by debunking the official Covid plague narrative. However, given most of the public’s unwilligness to ask even the most obvious questions about the narrative, this approach may not work. Perhaps a good slogan to disseminate would be “Freedom Not Fear” or “Hope Not Fear.” Something along those lines that explicitly rejects fear. IMO that should be our message. Our only hope for restoring our freedoms and thwarting totalitarianism lies in eliminating, or at least reducing, the level of fear in the general population.
Let’s go the whole hog, Kevin.
The slogan and cry is..
‘Get Covid done by Xmas!’, to paraphrase an otiose, rictus puppet.
On that day, around Xmas coming, on the awaited signal, all of the people in all of the land gather in their local village greens, town squares, city precincts and metro boros. No permission required nor sought. We, the people will gather in tremendous numbers and declare our freedom. Sing a few carols and the like. When we’re good and ready..
After a good day’s freedom winning…it’s down the…what??.. Lockdown? ‘Lock in’ more like.
Just those numbers needed!
That would make make for a great Christmas movie.
Cheap to produce, also. Just a few million volunteer extras, plus lanterns and music! Coffee and sannies..then Take it away..Action!!
Truth not Fear
Yes, very good.
Re: “the incessant fear-based media coverage.”
Ryan (@11:40): “It was around the first week of March when a switch was flipped . . .”
Is this something which could be compiled by the readers at OffG? For instance, I was recently looking at Zero Hedge who were relentlessly pushing fear-porn around early March. See:
When did sites like MoA flip the switch?
25 Jan 2020 The Coronavirus – no need to panic
1 Feb 2020 Novel Coronavirus defies conspiracy theories as data shows its coming decline
8 Feb 2020 The epidemic recedes – number of new coronavirus cases in decline
13 Feb 2020 Coronavirus – statistical change causes confusion while the new case count continues to decline
6 Mar 2020 Coronavirus – bad preparation and propaganda increase the onsetting panic
9 Mar 2020 Is the coronavirus really more dangerous than the flu?
11 Mar 2020 Coronavirus – the hidden cases – why we must shut everything down and do it now
So MoA flipped 180 degrees between his posts on 9 and 11 March 2020, also taking on the imperious ‘We’.
I guess the 11 March post may give a clue – maybe he panicked because he is a self-admitted heavy smoker?
Bad form to reply to own posting – but the WHO officially declared a pandemic on 10-11 March. MoA flipped instantly taking up the vaccine promoters’ fear-driven agenda.
I haven’t checked it, but my memory of Zero Hedge is that the fear-porn was ramped up over a couple weeks rather than there being a dramatic switch.
ZH is largely a reposting site aimed at getting clicks so it is more variable.
2 Mar “Pandemic proportions”: COVID-19 is starting to spiral out of control all over the globe
4 Mar Six reasons why Covid-19 fails the sniff test
6 Mar Will the Coronavirus topple China’s one-party regime?
8 Mar “This is the most frightening disease I’ve ever encountered in my career” says architect of National Pandemic Strategy
10 Mar “Mission Accomplished”?: President Xi declares victory over Coronavirus in visit to Wuhan
11 Mar UK Health Minister tests positive for COVID-19
13 Mar Canada’s First Lady tests positive for the Coronavirus
It was a big pusher of ‘Wuhan Flu’ with China as a source of a biological weapon. Ironically, the virus highly likely wasn’t created specifically as a weapon, but the politicos have exploited its appearance as a weapon initially to bash China, and now the rest of the world.
It looks like Big Pharma went full out on 10 Mar just as China was hinting the problem was going away. It was their opportunity to exploit the event.
There’s usually a lot of randomness in the selection of articles by ZH. However, as I note at the above link, around early March there was a consistent and strong bias toward covid fear-porn. It was almost wall-to-wall covid and got the point where I stopped checking the site.
WRT the possibility of covid being lab-created, people have a default tendency to assume that the virus would therefore be exceptionally deadly. However, I would assume that they create far more duds than killers, and covid appears to be in the former category.
Moon of Alabama sold out very early. MoA’s B swallowed the official narrative hook line and sinker so quickly that the site seems to be just another planned part of the Covid-19 package. B’s apparent common sense and good judgement disappeared instantly once the Covid-19 panic button was pressed. I would guess MoA was always a controlled site and was set up to suck in those with alternative views, gain their trust and then beat them over the head with the official Covid nonsense when the time came. Why anyone with half a brain would still go there is now well beyond me.
And this is kind of a bummer. Lot’s of insight in most of his other research.
But not once has he questioned the official narrative, not the possible underlying causes NOTHING.
The 21st century opened with the premeditated false flag event of 9/11. Later in 2008 there was the massive bank bailouts.Then there was the plandemic. In between the 1st event and the current one their were other scattered coronavirus mini false flags. Agenda 2030 is their timeline for the completion of their control grid….and beyond. Unless they can be stopped.
So yeah, there is a linear link between 9/11 and this plandemic.
Just like the 20th century, which early on had the U.S. federal reserve enacted. Soviet Bolshevism and ww1. The arseholes who run the world have everything mapped out for each century ahead.
And add to those crises born of scams, and the opening of the 21st Century, the 2000 California Electricity Crisis.
I’ve posted about this on several other threads, and will add it to this one, because it serves as a template for large scale collusion among “players” of the power elites. Some cursory study of it will show just how many fingerprints of that crime (at a totally criminal price tag of $45 billion) have SO many “points of similarity” –forensically– to the crimes you mention, and those entitled in this article. For just one most telling, note the “factor of 20 times, so like Neil Ferguson inflating CFR projections regularly –chronically– by 20x for his various pre-fab plandemics, as well as that “20x” number cropping up in other Covid stats:
From Wikipedia article: “Traders were thus able to sell power at premium prices, sometimes up to a factor of 20 times its normal value.”
At the very day and hour that crisis was peaking, 9/11 on cue began.
It could have served as the template for Covid1984 or several others. Maybe it did!
£4£&$4$~~~~~ Excerpt from Wikipedia article:
“The 2000–01 California electricity crisis, also known as the Western U.S. energy crisis of 2000 and 2001, was a situation in which the U.S. state of California had a shortage of electricity supply caused by market manipulationsand capped retail electricity prices.[5]The state suffered from multiple large-scale blackouts, one of the state’s largest energy companies collapsed, and the economic fall-out greatly harmed Governor Gray Davis’s standing. [Ed.: He was recalled, unique in California history, and many of the same players and interests are now exploiting the situation to circulate a petition, even as we post, to recall Gavin Newsom, also on the heels of the recent August electricity “shortage”.]
1996 California begins to modify controls on its energy market and takes measures ostensibly to increase competition.
September 23, 1996 Pete Wilson signs Electric Utility Industry Restructuring Act (Assembly Bill 1890) and it becomes law.[4]
April 1998 Spot market for energy begins operation.
May 2000 Significant rise in energy prices.
June 14, 2000 Blackouts affect 97,000 customers in San Francisco Bay area during a heat wave.
August 2000 San Diego Gas & Electric Company files a complaint alleging manipulation of the markets.
January 17–18, 2001 Blackouts affect several hundred thousand customers.
January 17, 2001 Governor Davis declares a state of emergency.
March 19–20, 2001 Blackouts affect 1.5 million customers.
April 2001 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. files for bankruptcy.
May 7–8, 2001 Blackouts affect upwards of 167,000 customers.
September 2001 Energy prices normalize.
December 2001 Following the bankruptcy of Enron, it is alleged that energy prices were manipulated by Enron.
February 2002 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission begins investigation of Enron’s involvement.
Winter 2002 The Enron Tapes scandal begins to surface.
November 13, 2003 Governor Davis ends the state of emergency.
Drought, delays in approval of new power plants,[5]:109 and market manipulation decreased supply.[6] This caused an 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000.[7]:1 In addition, rolling blackoutsadversely affected many businesses dependent upon a reliable supply of electricity, and inconvenienced many retail consumers.
California had an installed generating capacity of 45 GW. At the time of the blackouts, demand was 28 GW. A demand-supply gap was created by energy companies, mainly Enron, to create an artificial shortage. Energy traders took power plants offline for maintenance in days of peak demand to increase the price.[8][6] Traders were thus able to sell power at premium prices, sometimes up to a factor of 20 times its normal value. Because the state government had a cap on retail electricity charges, this market manipulation squeezed the industry’s revenue margins, causing the bankruptcy of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) and near bankruptcy of Southern California Edison in early 2001.[7]:2–3
The financial crisis was possible because of partial deregulation legislation instituted in 1996 by the California Legislature (AB 1890) and Governor Pete Wilson [ED.: Republican]. Enron took advantage of this deregulation and was involved in economic withholding and inflated price bidding in California’s spot markets.[9]
The crisis cost [Ed.: California taxpayers, mostly] between US$40 and $45 billion.
Nice timeline. Excellent.
Enron price rigging, tax evasion, complicated offshore accounting entities and shell companies, stock manipulation and money laundering for the drug trade. The Enron ties actually go all the way to The City of London Corp. as does 9-11.
The investigations in the WTC, FBI offices and Pentagon Naval office where records were conveniently destroyed. There was a gold and silver market rigging investigation, around the time of 9-11, also.
Fast forward to today, the news is nothing but Covid19, and the financial malfeasance of global money laundering has slipped under the radar as a fingerprint-less non-event. The detrimental FinCEN SARs reports only point to a few stray players, not the cryptocracy who use major retail banks to launder drug money, organized crime money, human trafficking and other illegal activity. Not to mention the billions of fake stocks, bonds and financial products that are currently in circulation, courtesy of Cede & Co and the DTCC.
PG&E declares bankruptcy post Paradise fire. A fire purposefully created and enhanced by DEW and HAARP. Now the West coast is burning again from DEW and arsonists.
Appears to be a Rockefeller-Rothschild global energy and land consolidation. A faux climate crisis evolving as a new Maunder Minimum begins for the next 50-70 years.
Smart meters in every home monitoring all our energy activity and consumption. LED streetlights with 5g millimeter wave radiation emitted from hidden antennas. 20,000 5g satellites blanketing the earth, mapping every inch.
An all out war on humanity by a powerful club of several thousand billionaires and millionaire members.
When you see these same patterns repeating over and over, you no longer need to lift actual fingerprints, the incessant repititions of the same modus operandi is enough to make the case. These facts all point to a cadre of big supervillains. Daylight-time vampires out and about, scarier and more dangerous than the undead nocturnal ones.
What to do? Brighter light of research is part of the cure perhaps. Even the daytime kind shun the light, and the radar.
Ironically, a neighbor’s son was the DOJ federal prosecutor who got a Houston jury to convict Ken Lay on all counts. He went to high school across the street from our church.
So at least those crimes and the perps came to light and were exposed.
But it was really just a negligible speed bump for that crowd, so far.
(Houston was the city where the 3 supervillains in the 2nd original Superman movie came to earth, after they were kicked off the planet Krypton. A cesspool of oligarch crimes, and haunt of the Bush Mob et al.
Even their baseball team, the Cheatin’ Astros!)
Indeed. But then again, they always get rid of a few sacrificial lambs. The ones further down in the chain of command.
It might be too late to shine a light on these cockroaches, since they have control of every NGO on earth because they created them all, anyway.
In Canada this is happening:
Further confirmed by this:
which means that nobody except the Cryptocracy will be allowed any private property or assets next year after the global markets crash and the dollar collapses. All carefully orchestrated and planned, of course. And I know they can instigate the ICE9 freeze of bank accounts, money market accounts etc., due to this:
Confirmed the new system will consist of the IMF special drawing rights:
So it appears the cryptocracy through the IMF will take control of the world, end retail banking and offer a UBI but only if you get on the vaccine program and relinquish all property and assets.
For those who don’t cooperate, it’s quarantine. I know SERCO got a contract to manage the FEMA camps in the US through to 2023 for a ridiculous sum of 600m.
It looks like death by injection or death by “quarantine” camp. One or the other… or perhaps death by civil unrest for the militias.
I think those 5g satellites Tesla has been launching non-stop during the lockdown were to test out their latest weaponry:
Things aren’t looking promising unless we can get enough people to understand the scope of the plan.
Shit Almighty! Takes my breath away (and I’m not even wearing a mask).
This IMF takeover looks like the real deal:
The banks control EVERYTHING.
It is sounding like the enclosures all over again.
Looks like the IMF and World Bank are behind the covid Op.
“Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:
• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”
• force them to wear face masks
• impose very strict curfews
• impose a police state
• crash the economy”
“Now IMF and World Bank are bailing out failing airlines with billions of dollars, and in exchange, they are FORCING airline CEOs to implement VERY STRICT POLICIES such as FORCED face masks covers on EVERYONE, including SMALL CHILDREN, whose health will suffer as a result of these policies.
And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world! The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar!“
More info and a video of the Belarusian president’s claim here:
The fact that mainstream media are blacking out this story is telling.
This is a privatization heist of all world resources and land just like Agenda 21 outlines, using the pretext of a virus.
But in order to instigate viral symptoms for their “Covid21“ as outlined in the Liberal document they had to install the 5g satellite weaponry and lampposts everywhere to buy themselves time to create real illness and death, which is why the media and government officials become livid if anyone brings up 5g.
5g is not a red herring. It’s not a decoy and it’s not a distraction. It’s a weapon.
That’s why veterans today was pushing the Fort Detrick virus theory. That’s why Plandemic II doesn’t ever address the possibility of no virus. That’s why the front man for Plandemic 2, David E Martin worked for the World Bank, a UN affiliation and central banks.
Is he a whistleblower or an operative diverting people away from the hoax theory towards the bioweapons theory?
“He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments.“
I know one thing for sure, May; that there are no contagious viruses. I have not been able to find any valid scientific evidence of a contagious virus ever existing.
Related: the great earthquake in Japan (2011-03) saved USA from a crunch in nuclear fuel. Japan shut down all its nuclear plants for a while. This is according to Gordon Duff at
A necessary element of government ‘deregulation’ is to allow unregulated input costs but to regulate the prices the utility can charge, for political reasons.
The result is inevitable; the only variable being how long it takes.
s cooper – who cares – I imagine the families of service men women killed in the wars they prolonged, the service people who served, or still there, the thousands of families in Iraq bereaved. All of us who have some empathy to think the war was not necessary, was prolonged and may be all that time US and also got to be, UK, was aware OBL was in Iran.
Does not bother one that lives are lost/stolen, time and resources are wasted on a BIG LIE. It should. Now another BIG LIE with the SCAMDEMIC and the face diapers. How long is humanity going to take this.
Excellent presentation. You don’t need fancy graphics to make a point. In fact, Ryan’s stripped-down approach is part of what makes his argument so powerful. Thank you for making it available here.
Masks may give you covid.
New CDC Study 70% Always 3% Never Wore Face Masks Contracted Covid
One of the early symptoms of SARS-COV-19 infection is oxygen deprivation arising from inflammatory obstruction of the oxygen transport mechanism at the lung tissue surface.
One well known side effect of mask-wearing is oxygen deprivation.
This ties in perfectly with the medical approach in the medieval and later-pre modern medical science eras when ‘like was used to treat like’ – a treatment causing symptom X was used to treat a disease causing symptom X.
The only game in town today is American hegemony, which is backed up by a vast military industrial complex, an omni-present surveillance machine and multiply layers of administration. It is absurd that I need to define it, but I will, because you people are in denial and talk endlessly about these phantom threats to our society.
US Empire has a vast propaganda capacity, via its ‘think-tanks’ & universities pumping out political, economic, social & ‘scientific research’ and studies which it uses to influence the worlds direction of travel, in their own economic and strategic interests. That is in addition to spreading their interests via diplomacy, US/UK financial media, the press, NGO’s, 5 eyes, phoney campaign & pressure groups, lobbying groups and individual CIA agents on the ground monitoring all business, military, social and political activity in its vassal states and rising competitor ‘enemy’ nations, as well as funding and having disproportionate control over the UN, IMF, World Bank and OPEC via its vassal states voting as instructed.
‘’When has the UK ever deviated for US foreign policy in the past 60 years?’’ asked a RT Journalist of Daniel Hannan, a British neocon, MEP a few years back, his embarrassment was very real, there is no deviation.
Add to all that the new American social media technology which has become the most valuable tool of control, far surpassing the influence of the CIA on the ground, even able to leapfrog national government control of the population, however supine they were to US interests, and capable of turning the political mood, in any country on the planet, in a weekend or even a mater of hours. Social media, search algorithms and an endless onslaught of videos can all be used to politically brainwash a hapless naive lost population.
All of this military and all of this technology is funded off the back of the primary unit of international exchange, made compulsory under threat of military or political destruction, the dollar.
Set against all this raw power, you people claim there is a business & technocratic conspiracy called the ‘globalist agenda’, a theory which has its origins in Adolf Hitler’s own antisemitic ‘international Jewish (bankers) conspiracy’ of the 1930s, and which is now pushed by all political & propaganda arms of the CIA, who are in sympathy with the alt-right, christian, white supremacist groups in the US, and who coordinate their political wing overseas under the banner of the, ever loyal friends of the CIA, the ultra far-right.
In the Ukraine, South America, even in Europe the far-right are the USA’s friend overseas and are encouraged to destroy their own cultures in preparation for the neoliberal, Corporate takeover and US vassal-hood.
Steve Bannon even established ‘The Movement’ in Europe to push fascist parties, sympathetic to US interests and willing to sell out their own populations to US control, in return for power that the CIA can guarantee them.
The USA has the luxury of writing it’s own and world history via its cinema and CIA funded video casts, training people around the world, with race baiting and phoney nationalism to ignore their own interests and vote for the interests of US Washington elites.
They tell the poorly educated working class to think that its lizards, the middle class think it’s incompetent government or globalist conspiracy, that is causing them to be impoverished, disenfranchised and policed, everyone is served up a different version, but it is always anything but the obvious truth about Empire and the continued American neoliberal roll out.
They are able to do this because the education systems they have dumbed-down have eradicated, rational thinking, logic argument, history and political science, from the curriculum, leaving people lost in an intellectual vacuum, desperate for ways to understand what is happening to their lives.
The servants of Empire are always happy to provide a false narrative that hides the greedy, perfidious, murderous, genocidal of US empire from view.
It is easy to fill the historical vacuums that exist in most American minds with nonsense, not only have logic been abolished but there is no foundation of facts or historical knowledge that will invalidate the absurd stories the CIA is pumping out. The suffocating of common sense, the scientific method, and logic possessed by previous generations, has made all this possible.
These fake narratives of ‘globalist agenda’ are just camouflage, a deceit, intended to whitewash the US out of geopolitical and international affairs in the minds of the average Joe, at a time when Washington, albeit in decline, is setting the political agenda around the world and running their phoney ‘ Wars’….the ‘war on terror’, the ‘war on flu’, Brexit and the War on Carbon, to make America Great again, in what is turning out to be its last window of opportunity before the dollar finally finds its new weakened value, or vanished all together as a result of hyperinflation.
Following the out of control bank runs and hyper inflation the vast infrastructure of empire needs to be hurriedly dismantled with no green paper to fund it, it will be a collapse as radical as the collapse of Rome in AD 400.
We are seeing an empire supernova burning bright using the new internet tools, but at the same time it is going to exhaust itself in very short order, and implode into a black hole of civil war as shortages start, and the self distractive philosophy of self-interest & greed, injected into every American citizens mind, begins to devour the country in a cannibalistic humanitarian crisis.
There is no ‘globalist agenda’.
Yes, you are so right!
And people like Klaus Schwab don’t exist, nether does Agenda 21…
You are particularly right tho about people being dumbed down…
You can take a horse to water, but can’t ………
Not a gripping presentation to be fair. But I get the points made.
I suggest, now that we are where we are, when reflecting on so many blatant psyops we should rank them in order of impact and ability to remain front and centre.Then to see if they are so formulaic that you can smell the individual ingredients as they waft past us.
It’s my belief that the long game has to be to hold the world’s population in grip that wasn’t too tight that it might cause anarchy, but not so loose that we had a little too much say in our lives and got above ourselves. The grip would tighten at specific junctures.And they would be dependant on our performance which has always been under the watchful glare of an all seeing eye
The JFK slaughter will always be the ‘Daddy’ of them. It inserted the very term ‘conspiracy theory’ into the modern lexicon.The only thing that seems clear about the JKF case is that Oswald was the least likely to have been a gunman or part of a hit team.
But the audacity of the crime and the organisation of it tell us that the intelligence service can be very organised and slick.Not only in their execution of targets, but in the controlling of any narrative that should transpire
As the century drew to a close then stumbled into this one, the elite were able to up their game.They were able to utilise the technology of the age to exploit the classroom of pupils who have scored a very low average.
When only a minority of the population refuse to buy what BS the establishment are selling, it’s a result for them.As long as the majority are happy to play with their little gadgets and be hilarious and interesting online, they’re happy. What hasn’t shrunk, unfortunately, is the appetite of the ego.
When 9 /11 happened it was a new age of oppression.Not terrorism.Or at least not terrorism as we know it. This was a plan to terrorise us by our handlers ; our owners. They told us the terror was coming from every corner of every street and in every email account and in every phone. And 20 years on, we have yet to witness any of it.But the tightening of the screw was real.It still is.
One of the ingredients to be aware of in their formula is priming; the preparation of our minds to accept outrageous events. If we are told by somebody important that it’s a real and present danger we insert the idea into our minds. If we then see movies and TV series that carry the theme we polish the image we already have. Then, when it happens in real life we take the two primers and we accept the event as having been ‘more probable than not’ to happen. The shock absorbers cushion the blow and the truth we’re required to swallow is easier to swallow.
In 2017 we all heard Fauci warn the world that Trump would( not might) face a global pandemic before his term ended in power. It was looking like he was wrong, depsite the same warning being echoed by Bill gates, the other eugenicist. After all, the next election was going to be in 2020. But, right on cue, at the end of 2019, the global pandemic took it’s first tentative steps.
A couple of years prior to 9 /11 Philip Zelikow spoke publicly about the ‘need’ for a ‘searing event’ that would cost America the lives of thousands. A terror attack; a ‘ new Pearl Harbour’. The priming worked and his wish was granted.Not only that, he was then made the commissioner of the 9 /11 report. A report so tightly controlled and duplicitous it should be a best seller from all fiction shelves.It’s only competitor being the Warren Report commissioned by JFK’s assassins.
It’s all about the need to conquer, then control. A concerted effort to grind us down into submission. .As i said at the opening, the grip can tighten at certain junctures.This is one. They have gotten away with the 9 /11 narrative the use of it to strangle freedom and privacy.
In the twenty short years since 9 / 11 technology has made enormous strides. We’ve been primed to embrace and crave more of the new miracle of AI. The lab rats are gagging for the bells and whistles again.
The age of nano is upon us. Note the alarming lack of medical doctors on screens talking about this ‘virus’ ? Note the amount who are silenced and ostracised by their peers for exposing the lies of the narrative ? Note too the free men and women of their proud democracies are threatened with fines and worse if they offer an opinion that exposes the flaws of the official story.It’s not a ‘medical problem’.
9 /11 was part 1 of 2. It was intended to shock the world.After all, America can pride itself with never going a decade without a war but never having so much as a firecracker land on it’s own soil.So, they did it themselves with a demolition so closely controlled it was almost genius.The trauma of the twins collapsing could well have caused building 7 to collapse in fright.No, terror was to be everywhere and all the bad guys like Bin laden and Saddam were pointing nasty missiles at all western targets ( when they weren’t kicking imaginary incubators over of course). And it doesn’t matter that Bin Laden was dead by around 2004.They could keep the idea of him alive to ensure the terror remained a threat to us all.They finally isolated the virus called Osama ( but dropped him -oops)
Covid is part 2 of 2. They’re going for checkmate. The final tightening of the screw. Complete control of us and the planet.The wet dream of every eugenicist that ever drew breath.
They always knew a democracy was the best way to keep the plebs happy.Just so long as they behaved.But ultimately, it’s a dilemma. If you want complete control and an Oligarchy ruling with an iron fist, you can’t have a democracy at the same time.Free people will protest.They’ll ask questions and mumble on quiet corners.
The phrase ” 9 /11 ” became the mantra of all leaders from the day it happened. It became the panacea that cured all the ills of the masses who questioned any policy, any economical deficit and war. If you objected you were ostracised as unpatriotic or pro- terror.You became a pariah.
The phrase ‘Covid 19” is the new ‘9 / 11” panacea. But this isn’t merely to force us to accept the all out attack on the middle east and our own freedoms. This is to teach us to give up our personal sovereignty for the good of the human race’s survival. The puppets will say : ”it’s not us, you understand, it’s for your own good. We’re in this together”.
Only a narrative like a global pandemic would let this slip through without a global kickback..If enough of the neutral sheeple buy the story then our numbers will be too small.Hence the propaganda war.It’s why they panic and invent ‘fact checkers’ to keep the sheeple sleeping.
”Precise control of population can never be made completely compatible with the concept of a free society…’given a world authority with jurisdiction over population problems, the task of assessing maximum permissible population levels on a regional basis need not be prohibitively difficult…It can be argued that such a procedure would be ruthless and would deprive many people of their individual liberties. Yet would it be any more ruthless than the policy which is now followed in the United States?” – Harrison Brown ; Challenge Of Man’s Future’ ( 1955)
The Council on Environmental Quality 1982 put a report together : ‘”Global Future: A Time to Act.”
‘”Global 2000: Blueprint for Genocide” ( subtle title)
”the intent on the part of such policy centres as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, and the International Monetary Fund, to pursue policies that will result not only in the death of the 120 million cited in the reports, but in the death of upwards of two billion people by the year 2000.”
It’s not like the warnings haven’t always been visible..
Excellent post. Bang on.
Thanks Kevin 👍
As I often quip: can you imagine how different daily life would have been if the “Turriss” had been real? Shit would have been popping off every day, and not just in photogenic metropolises: in small towns. Random attacks in bakeries, Starbucks (Starbucks clearly put the word out to Blackwater, et al: do not fuck with our brand), gyms, public toilets… day after day. That’s the first clue that it was all a load of bullshit: even local street gangs were better at daily-life-disrupting terror than these supposed cadres of “sleeper-cells” and “elite paramilitary suicide squads”. Maybe they should have tried a new Al Qaeda-n-Crips combo, instead, to terrorize Kansas…?
lol ”Turiss”. Brought back great memories of the mighty leader and even mightier orator George Dubya Bush. How many times did he stand proud and tell the world he was so proud to be a merkin. He certainly had the brains of one.;)
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” —Famous Verbatim Dubya Quote
class 🤣
And still, we’re all here repeating ad nauseam the stats and lies of c-1984 but what do we do now? The internet has lulled us into a complacency of rebellion where we yak away and no one fires up an active solution. The French Revolution would never have happened if the internet had been around. People invoke Gandhi’s peaceful protest without considering that he was “permitted” to lead the masses to freedom because it suited TPTB. Corbett et al are now catering to the “newbs” while those of us who have been awake for 20+ yrs are hanging out, wondering what to do.
2 members of 77th Brigade with us tonight.
Zelikow was the “Executive Director” drafting the 9/11 Report behind the scenes.
The actual commissioners were numbnuts Nos. 1 & 2, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton (who later laughingly disavowed the whole thing!).
Just a quibble! Great post!
Quite true Fact you mention it.👍 I believe he was offered the lead but lacked the bottle. Probably didn’t want to remind those with a sharper eye. He’s what Covid 19 would look like if it wore a suit.
I agree with Kevin an excellent ‘sum it up in a nut shell’ you know you should write your own words as a topic for others to discuss
“The Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid19”
Primary parallel: neither would have been possible without lots of dumbed-down consumer-zombies, with blown-out critical faculties, in the audience. Until Duh Masses improve in that regard, this shit will never cease happening. We aren’t merely threatened by an Evil, disembodied “head” of cooperating plutocrat-psychopaths… the “head” is riding around on a giant’s body. The body consists of our buddies, our brothers, our moms, our colleagues and tens of millions like them. How to save them (and thereby save ourselves)? That’s the question. The Evil “head” is irredeemable but also of NO CONCERN if estranged from the services of that giant, clueless body.
Strange how Fauci resembles Larry Silverstein
He’s Joseph Goebbels. A twisted little creature full of quiet anger.
A man with nihilism coursing through every vein and the intellect and single-mindedness to run the US Ministry Of Propaganda and shape all narratives for the politicians to deliver. His goal is power, money and genocide.The Nazi ideology is alive and well and dwelling within the walls of the CIA nest.
As it stands:
Western governments have been replaced by Mafia systems with heavy reliance on propaganda-followed-by-bombs tactics; rules of engagement abandoned. These mafia-governments are driven by white supremacy arrogance. They are heavily armed with modern and nuclear weapons and have effectively, on the ground, encircled Russia and China.
Covid-19 vsersion1 (v2 and probably v3 and 4, à la Microsoft) is an effective way to shut down protests* for any despicable acts that are happening and are about to be committed by the mafia-governments.
Any conspiracies and comments that evil ‘neo-cons’ or US intelligence caused the 9/11 attack are always welcome here. Anyone mentioning religious hate as the key factor gets deleted. Long live free speech, critical thinking, and a united resistance.
I_left_the_left the troll.
Oct 14, 2020 10:24 PM
Reply to I_left_the_left
I’m calling you out on this. You have 986 published comments, to date, and you are not being censored for your views. When I look in our spam and trash I find no comments of yours, except two duplicate posts complaining about censorship. Here is the original you were referring to.
Desist. Thanks. A2
notice that is just one icon and you use you use at least 2/3 icons on this site
what a sick fuck you must be to continually lie about being censored
986? Golly, did you count every one?