WATCH: COVID19/11 – Piers Robinson

Episode nine of Narratives Intertwined

COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.


Episode Nine of Narratives Intertwined features Piers Robinson PhD, academic, researcher and former Chair of Politics and Political Journalism at the University of Sheffield.

Dr Robinson is a founder of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (SPM) and co-director of Organisation for Propaganda Studies, he has researched and written extensively on the role of propaganda the lead-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and on the alleged chemical attacks attributed to the Syrian government.

In his interview, Piers discusses how the propaganda push prior to the invasion of Iraq caused him to revisit and re-examine the events of 9/11, how there was a similar propaganda push at the beginning of the “pandemic”, and how the “war on terror” and the “war on Covid” are similarly used to push through legislation and transform society for the worse.

You can follow Piers on twitter and read the research of the on their Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media on their website. He has also written several articles for OffG in the past, including a reviews of 9/11 Unmasked, Seven, and an article on the censoring of the Douma whistleblowers.


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Categories: COVID19-11, latest, video
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Sep 18, 2021 7:39 PM

Sucharit’s latest ‘open letter’ to Boris Johnson:

More vax fatalities: 85% of those who died supposedly from “Covid” in Extremadura, Spain, were vaccinated

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 18, 2021 5:46 PM

Case Study of a Human Psychopath: Dr Sian Jaggar, Consultant Anaesthetist, Royal Brompton Hospital London A fervent supporter of vaccine passports for EPL football. The rationale being that the unvaccinated ‘can watch football at lower levels or on the TV’. Basic racist apartheid being pronounced by a doctor. She should be sacked for treating the unvaccinated like N 1 G N 0 G s whilst admitting freely that they do not constitute a health risk to the vaccinated. A rampant tax avoider paying < £500pcm in rent for a completely luxurious two-bed apartment in one of the best roads in Hampstead for over a decade. Her landladies were senior FCO spooks who were bunging a more junior spook £100k in non-declared untaxable income. At the same time, her honest brother (me) was paying £600pcm for an infinitely inferior two bed flat (bedrooms were both half the size of hers, the lounge half the size and the kitchen 1/3rd the size) in Burnage, Manchester (hardly Didsbury, Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Hale or the like, was it?) A completely insane boundary-free psychopath who considered every single independent action of her brother something to be destroyed. If her brother buys two season tickets at Emirates Stadium to have nothing to do with her, she is free to buy more expensive ones to prove how superior she is to him, isn’t she? Doesn’t achieve a coercive effect, does it? She was never ever an Arsenal supporter until I bought tickets, so any attempt of her to defend demanding the top tickets in the first season are just a cornered psychopath refusing to confess everything and understand that her career is over. At 41 with a PhD and MBA at the time, I don’t think I needed her advice about what to do with my spare… Read more »

Sep 19, 2021 2:27 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Sadly quite a few of us have these sort of crazies in the medical field as supposed siblings….I often wonder how they got to have this type of belief when they grew up in same home as I did….just where did they get their psych brainwash? Medical school has a bit to answer for…..

Sep 20, 2021 8:38 AM
Reply to  Edith

My thought exactly, especially with siblings!

Sep 18, 2021 1:29 PM

The covaids caper in under two minutes


Believe NOTHING the filth you call the government EVER tells you, nothing, zero.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Sep 18, 2021 11:04 AM

On a different but related issue. The British health service, the National Health Service, founded by the Labour Government in 1945, no longer exists. The Health system in the UK, as we have known it, is being gradually phased out and replaced by the inefficient and overpriced American model of privatised medicine. At the present time there are now more than 500,000 cancer patients waiting for treatment that they are not going to get, and the NHS is being privatised as a result of the covid ‘crisis’.

Speaking for myself I am scheduled for a minor operation to remove a malignant melanoma on my shoulder. The operation will be carried out whilst I am awake and will be finished within the hour. The thing about skin melanomas is that they seem harmless at first and they are, but if left untreated will eventually kill the host. I have to go privately since the NHS sole concern is the Cornavirus bullshit. I will have to pay an estimated £700 for a procedure that lasts for less than an hour.

I just wonder how many of my countrymen could pony up three or four figure sums for more extensive surgery like  open heart surgery and how many have private medical insurance that can afford?

This is our brave new world folks – a eugenicists dream come true. 

Sep 19, 2021 2:36 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Yep it doesn’t take too much to realise they are after the whole hospital system both in uk and here in aust,,,I expect to see contractors taking over much of it within a couple of years and people being forced to go private or die,,,I suspect it will be ditto police and any other service type arrangement,,,,the ambulance has come and gone private, public over the years but will no doubt go back private.,..

those blackrock coys have to get hold of about everything they can….their need for money is insatiable….obviously they need money like the severe drug addicts need their drugs.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 19, 2021 3:56 PM
Reply to  Edith

And who would have thought it would have been so easy to trash the one institution that the British public “would never give up” … unless they were encouraged to fret over a magnified sniffle – and up it all goes!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 19, 2021 3:53 PM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Basically covid replaced the NHS i.e. replaced it with nothing. All the facilities, equipment, beds, wards, staff etc. pushed into a big chamber of screaming headless chicken activity whilst the wretched press fulminated over “incompetence”. There was nothing incompetent about it. It was a stroke of genius and couldn’t fail since chaos itself was the intention.

And as always, in come the blinking Left scratching their heads and alternating between jeers at the “incompetent” politicians and jeers at the “conspiracy theorists”.

Sep 18, 2021 10:48 AM

UK Column News – 17th September 2021 PART ONE Defence Shifts To Offence: All War, All The Time AUS-UK-US (AUKUS) to defend ‘our shared interests’ China: intensifies the arms race, drives a wedge between countries and damages regional peace. France: by excluding European members of NATO it was a betrayal of trust. European Commission: European Defence Union should do more on its own. Contradicts rhetoric of fractured ‘special relationship’ of U.S. & UK after Afghan withdrawal. Integrated Operating Concept ‘to drive the conditions and tempo of strategic activity rather than responding to the actions of others.’ ‘old distinction between foreign and domestic defence is increasingly irrelevant.’ ‘war and peace are not binary states: instead, they lie on a continuum’ ‘home is no longer a secure sanctuary’ In short, provocation and perpetual war, seeking enemies at home and abroad. ‘The old distinction between foreign and domestic defence is increasingly irrelevant. When ‘fake news’ appears to originate not abroad but at home, it gains credibility and reach, stoking confusion, disagreement, division and doubt in our societies. This has been particularly evident with the significant uptick in disinformation and misinformation during the coronavirus crisis. ‘Home’ is no longer a secure sanctuary whence we may choose to launch interventions unhindered. ‘Away’ is no longer a regional horizon but a global one, involving space and the electromagnetic spectrum.’ Mike Robinson: the military no longer feel that they come home to a safe place, just another battlefront — there is no war and peace — we are in a state of war with everybody and everybody is the enemy. Patrick Henningsen: 1984: Oceania is always at war with Eurasia and any analysis or opinion that goes against the government is a threat. They are afraid of losing control of the narrative and without the narrative they can’t… Read more »

Sep 18, 2021 12:18 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Correction: Clive Palmer is a former MP and founder of the United Australia Party.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2021 4:01 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Hello Moneycircus: Many of your posts are much to long. There are far too many links and references to bring attention to any singular topic. Sorry. But I find your approach completely counterproductive.

Sep 18, 2021 6:17 PM

You are the first to give feedback. Which I truly value.

I am writing to the death. What would you like before I go?

I can write about anything in any style. This however is UKC’s content that I monitor for my own benefit and share.

I used to live on ZeroHedge doing the fuck off style of post which does get more clicks but tells less.

Have you subscribed to moneycircus.substack.com or https://discord.com/channels/885056513146777610/885061457295867914

Please do.

Sep 18, 2021 7:42 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

On the subject of your posts, do you mind if i repost your ‘Midazolam’ article?

Sep 18, 2021 9:06 PM

None so blind? When you are prescribed meds from your GP do you not read the pros and cons? Or do you blindly obey and take the stuff whether it is harmful to You or not?
You appear to be a dim wit.

Sep 18, 2021 10:45 AM

UK Column News – 17th September 2021 PART TWO Supreme Court May Be Forced To Rule on Mandates So far judges have refused to consider Covid policies @00:52:00 Arizona Attorney General Sues Biden Administration Over Authoritarian Vaccine Mandates – Equal protection clause – Violations of constitutional amendments. Governments Run Cover For Fraudulent, Criminal Pharma Industry CDC Now Lists Vaccinated Deaths as ‘Unvaccinated’ – single dose is counted as unvaccinated – adverse reactions or links to vaccine are ignored – death within 14 days of jab is counted as unvaccinated – hospital statistics manipulated Yet it is the vaccine that destroys immunity especially in 21 days following jab CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said mid July, “over 97% of people who are entering the hospital right now are unvaccinated.” Used hospitalization data from Jan-Jun 2021 — a timeframe during which the vast majority of the U.S. population were still unvaccinated. Lying WaPo: The pandemic marks another grim milestone: 1 in 500 Americans have died of covid-19 Only 6% of deaths had Covid without other comorbidities. UK Gov Scraps Traffic Light Travel Restrictions Yes/No will now deteremine quarantine and testing U.S. still blocks entry to Europeans Energy Price Shocks In Europe What is driving inflation in the power sector @00:59:00 $93 or 79 euro per Mwh — One Dutch market rises 450% over past year Official excuses: The economy is opening up Uncertainty in the markets Asia buying up LNG Not enough wind for turbines Lack of nuclear power stations in UK/Germany Mike Robinson: Only one of those is partly true: the lack of wind. Green energy has been a total flop. Coal fired power stations have been switched off faster than they are being replaced. Lying BBC: UK power prices soar after key cable hit by blaze Ignores 2000% jump in… Read more »

Sep 18, 2021 3:34 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

it is the vaccine that destroys immunity

Only in the sense that any poison destroys immunity. The spike protein is the only thing we know about the “disease”, and it is also in every jab.

Sep 18, 2021 9:51 AM
Sep 18, 2021 9:50 AM

I keep coming back to this advice in an old copy of Readers Digest: How to Protect Yourself from Con-men? Watch your morals. “We” (the British public) allowed a Prime Minister, Tony B.Liar, to get away with lying to Parliament about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Then we allowed him to profit from the resultant war by taking a Directorship in House of Rothschild, plus other lucrative jobs in Rothschild companies (arms and finance). Or did “we” the public secretly wish that we could do likewise — get away with lying, slaughter and profiteering? And now 20 years later we the public are under an even bigger and tighter “emergency” regime Con-19. The post by Willem at 8.30am suggests Con-19 (the conspiracy not the alleged disease) is a case of Host versus Parasite. I suggest one of the ways in which “we” the public, as Host, can immunize ourselves against political con-men, as Parasite, is to preserve the wells of truth from contamination by Lies or blockage by Censorship. Or do “we” the public secretly wish that we could do likewise — get away with profitable Lies and Censorship of embarrassing facts? “The story of Ananias and Sapphira is found in Acts 5, but it begins at the end of chapter 4 with the description of the early church in Jerusalem, a group so filled with the Holy Spirit that they were of one heart and one mind. So knit together were the hearts of the people that they held all their possessions in common and willingly shared them with one another. Those who sold land and houses gave their profits to the apostles, who distributed the gifts to those in need. Two members of this group were Ananias and his wife, Sapphira. However, Ananias made a pretense of having given… Read more »

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Sep 18, 2021 9:46 AM

The most important question anyone should ask about potential psyops propaganda after the event is this:

‘How long would it take honest investigators to assemble that evidence?’

You see, if you knew within 10 minutes that ‘Osama bin Laden’ had flown planes into the WTC towers, then that meant you must have had the capability to prevent it. Oops….

The aim of a psyop is always to prepare the ground for a secondary event. In this case, making the mindset of the USA one of going to war in the Middle East.

That was the sole raison d’etre of 9/11. Justifying war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and other places too.

It had nothing to do with Wall Street, nothing to do with Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 18, 2021 9:23 AM

Get ready for the next instalment: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/sep/17/no-10-accused-of-sidelining-behaviour-experts-on-latest-covid-measures Evil Tory bastards ignore The Science! The Science must strike back! The issue under discussion is the apparent decline of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour (SPI-B). A previous OffG article told us: “Spi-B’s role, during the crisis, has been to advise the State how to use behavioural change techniques to convince the people to obey its orders without question. Three days after COVID 19 was downgraded from an HCID, Spi-B recommended the following (Bracketed information added): 1.    Use the media (MSM) to increase sense of personal threat. 2.    Use the media (MSM) to increase sense of responsibility to others. 3.    Consider use of social disapproval (via the MSM) for failure to comply.” That this essential component of the covid move is being demoted is causing concern: “Senior scientific advisers have publicly accused the government of sidelining behavioural experts and appearing unwilling to listen to “uncomfortable truths” on vaccine passports and masks during the pandemic.” Now pay attention: “The scientists … warned of an absence of independent advice at a time when the virus’s spread depends largely on individual behaviour and social norms rather than laws.” That was nothing less than a candid admission of SPI-B’s rationale: The law no longer matters. It is public behaviour as determined by deliberately stoked paranoia that matters! We hear about a “new cabinet meeting maskless in a packed room”. Shocking! These ruling class bastards recklessly ignoring The Science while we the proles heroically follow said Science! Now we meet two SPI-B men: Prof Robert West says, “The sense I have is that there’s just no interest in evidence or science on the behavioural side.” And Prof Stephen Reicher wants “people who can speak uncomfortable truths and it’s very difficult to do that when your job depends on it.” Orwell’s corpse… Read more »

Sep 18, 2021 11:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Re Energy Price Ripoff, from my post on previous 17th Sept:

“According to Bloomberg, the price of electricity in Iran is only 3% of the price in Europe:

Why? Because the Islamic Socialist Iranian government will not allow private corporations to rip people off.”

The despicable attempt of Denmark to delay Nord Stream 2 is another example of an hypocritical EU regime ripping off its own people in order to benefit U$ gas corporations.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 18, 2021 8:45 AM

I have noticed one big change in the media over the years. They always shovelled shit but at one time they would seem to keep at least half an eye on the audience to judge the reaction. They would say, “Here’s what we want you to believe” and then they would see if you did believe it before figuring out if they could move to the next stage of shit. Now they say, “Right – here’s what you do believe!” before moving on to the next thing and saying “And you believe this too!” and on and on and on.

Thus they feed you item 1, blandly assume you swallow it, and move through item 1 to item 2 ditto etc. And the next thing you know you’re at item 10 and they go on to item 11 – and you never even swallowed item 1!

Take this:


Donald Trump is out of a job but far from gone and forgotten. The 45th president stokes the lie of a rigged election …


…while his rallies pack more wallop than a Sunday sermon and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

“We won the election twice!” Trump shouts. His base has come to believe.


They see themselves in him and are ready to die for him – literally. Covid vaccines? Let the liberals take them.”


At each step of the way I put my hand up and say, “Umm excuse me but …” only to be totally ignored under the booming mainstream thundering.

Sep 18, 2021 8:30 AM

I just read this long, yet interesting, essay from Bruce Charlton where he explains that bureaucracy is a cancer to society and can only be dealt with by society if bureaucracy is utterly destroyed, or else we will return to a low growth agrarian middle aged society http://medicalhypotheses.blogspot.com/2010/04/cancer-of-bureaucracy.html?m=1 In Charlton’s words: ‘Either that the cancer of modern bureaucracy will be extirpated: destroyed utterly. In other words, the host immune system will evolve the ability to destroy the parasite. Maybe, all majority voting committees will coercively be replaced by individuals who have the authority to make decisions and responsibility for those decisions. Or that the cancer of bureaucracy will kill the host. In other words, the parasite will continue to elude the immune system. Modernizing societies will sooner-or-later be destroyed by a combination of resource starvation plus accumulative damage from delayed and wrong decisions based on the exclusions and distortions of ‘bureaucratic reality’. Then the most complex rapidly-growing modernizing Western societies will be replaced by, or will regress into, zero-growth societies with a lower level of complexity – probably about the level of the agrarian societies of the European or Asian Middle Ages.’ Now the point of this is well explained in the joke where a medical doctor explains to a person that he doesn’t know when the pandemic ends, because he is not a politician. The medical doctor is an individual and the politician is a body of bureaucrats (gathered in teams of specialists who make the rules). (Sorry for killing the joke) And so I keep thinking: what if those who are in power want to become even more powerful by letting society grow? What should they do? The answer is simple: kill bureaucracy. Now here comes along Yeadon’s prediction and it makes sense to me. I don’t think… Read more »

Sep 18, 2021 4:29 PM
Reply to  Willem

IMO, this is spin. The problem is “neo-liberalism” and the “free market”. In comparison, the bureaucracies are a problem of poor efficiency and little Napoleons.

Sep 19, 2021 2:50 AM
Reply to  mgeo

Sadly I suspect a little lecture I got 40 yrs ago may be more truthful….when I used to get all excited back then about the growth of almost completely useless bureaucracy I was told it was for employment purposes….that no govt could handle 30% real employment and that many living on a dole….so useless rubbish depts etc were dreamed up to keep them like little rats on treadmills….working useless jobs, taking out mortgages, going on holidays etc…

back then one either bought into the game or left it to have a more meaningful life,,,,which I did.,,,sadly I suspect the various govts actually had to borrow money to keep this all going and this is now what is creating the downfall….collapse…combined with the various moneyed elite playing with the means govt needed to finance the hollow log..,

what will be left in 3/4 yrs will be interesting….but we have to get through those years and I suspect covid will soon become the least of anyone’s worries when the true financial drama becomes apparent..

Sep 19, 2021 8:51 AM
Reply to  Edith

Buckminster Fuller raised the issue of needless work in 1970, and Bertrand Russell around 1930. Both were implying UBI.

Sep 18, 2021 8:04 AM

This is interesting.
I mentioned on here over a year ago that the methodology of death certificates changed prior to “coroni”
All the best of luck to Stand for Health Freedom.

les online
les online
Sep 18, 2021 7:52 AM

“It’s easy to fool people. It’s hard to convince them they’ve been fooled.” (anon ?)…

All good, effective propaganda, keeps it simple. Nothing wordy. If you can sloganise it, even better…

An idea would be to draw up a list of words used during the covid scare campaign that have had their definitions changed:

1.. Pandemic: Definition changed by (WHO) in (2013)…
2.. Immunity: Definition changed by (…) in (….)…
3.. Science: Definition changed by Big Pharma funded mass media…
4.. Vaccine: Definition changed to include injection of Unknown Risky substance…
5.. Test: Definition changed – being free of symptoms can now mean you’re sick…
6.. other words whose use has been altered to fit covid propaganda…
…. Get the picture ?

On the backside of your leaflet you might give a brief explanation of why the PCR test is not fit for purpose. Mention that all previous Pandemic Preparations Advice ruled out Lockdowns as they’re ineffective; ruled out facemasks as they’re ineffective.

I think it’s self-deceit to believe you can educate The Fooled – as FEAR is being used to lock them into their mindset. So NO mention that no virus has been isolated, and NO mention of people having been fooled… I rule out mention that facemasks can cause hypoxia / hypocapnia, that long-term use could lead to lung cancer… the aim is not to ‘educate’ but to create some doubt… (The aim of disinformation as a tactic)…

As for a heading on the leaflet, well at the moment it’s A Work In Progress, so tentatively it’s “Covid Information” (not creative, but suggestions will be evaluate)…

As the Admen say: “Keep It Simple, Stupid !” (KISS)

Sep 18, 2021 7:20 AM

A business associate of mine went on holidays from Vancouver in August to UK, Spain and France and was Double Jabbed.He spent $4-5000 on PCR tests.
At some point during his trip, a wealthy friend of his offered his private plane.No tests needed or required.Plebes pay.Elites ride for freeeeeeeee

Sep 18, 2021 6:33 AM

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead  https://www.globalresearch.ca/local-detroit-tv-asks-for-stories-of-unvaxxed-dying-from-covid-gets-over-180k-responses-of-vaccine-injured-and-dead-instead/5755965

Do you remember SCOTT JENSEN? He’s the physician and Minnesota State Senator who broke the story about the CDC’s instructions to fill out almost all death certificates as “Covid.” They tried to censure him for it. He fought back. Well here he is again:
WATCH 3 1/2 minute video Dr. Scott Jensen https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-permanent-banishment-of-vaccine-passports-a-nationwide-movement-against-jo-bidens-tyrannical-approach-senator-scott-jensen/5755935

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 18, 2021 4:19 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes. Scott Jensen was one of the first Senators to make public comment regarding falsification of covid fatalities. Pete Stauber has also gone public regarding forced vaccinations. His response to a letter I sent last month: >

‘Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine. I share your concerns. 

I believe that it is good to have the development of multiple COVID-19 vaccines and I look forward to every American who wants a vaccine being able to get one. However, it should be up to each person to decide whether or not they want to take the vaccine. I do not think the government should coerce anyone to receive a medical treatment.

I am opposed to mandatory COVID vaccinations and vaccine passports. Regardless of how safe and effective a treatment is, medical decisions are highly personal and must be left up to the individual.’ [End quote]

There are numerous other Senators and Congresspersons who share the same perspectives. The media has all but erased their existence…

Sep 18, 2021 1:50 AM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 18, 2021 5:00 AM

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“Two phrases that make a Flu Nazi’s eyes tear up reminiscing about the bad ole days with Adolf and the gang. Eugenics anyone?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 18, 2021 5:09 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Behold Australia’ new Billy Eugenics Eternal Day Spa located in Darwin’s glorious Howard Springs
comment image

Ask about the Group Showers/ Group Oven package.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 18, 2021 5:36 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Ask about the group showers/group oven package”? Er, no thanks Scoops. However another one of these monstrosities is being built on the northern outskirts of Melbourne at Mickleham and another one near Brisbane also. Daniel Andrews and Anastasia Palasczuk are positively bubbly about these very creepy “developments”. Look at the size of this place above… For returning travellers only? I don’t think so.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 18, 2021 6:14 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Covi Covi gonna be with us for a while.

les online
les online
Sep 18, 2021 6:58 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

And both colonies are run by Australia’s worker friendly Labor Party.
(the only WHO worth their salt were THE WHO who sang ” Wont Get Fooled Again”.)

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 18, 2021 12:01 PM
Reply to  les online

A historical precedence les… When push comes to shove, social democrats, aka Labor Parties will always always side with the establishment. They are “worker friendly” and for “the battler” in name only. But their full embrace of Neoliberalism and Blairism really shows up their true colours and their treachery for all to see.
And in recent decades, a lot of them come straight from University or else they’re union officials. And we all know what has happened to the unions in the last 30 years or so. How many unions have strongly opposed the scamdemic narrative, for example?

Sep 18, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Protests in Richmond Gezzah. I don’t do social media so any word on what’s happening?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 18, 2021 11:36 AM
Reply to  Shin

Hi Shin… My phone has been playing up something chronic the last couple of hours – blocked from looking at my own wall, and blocked from seeing posts on other people’s walls also.
I saw some footage of protests in the City, and then saw a lot of protesters breaking through police lines on a highway? It looked like they were on a highway?
A lot of argy bargy going on. I haven’t really looked yet coz of the situation with my phone. Interesting to note that others are having the same problem with Facebook as well this evening.
You know Andrews stopped public transport today. This whole thing is getting more ridiculous and absurd by the day. And a helluva lot of people are suffering badly because of it.

Sep 18, 2021 11:40 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah!
And take care mate.

les online
les online
Sep 18, 2021 1:32 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

A strange development: The national Builders Labourers Union, which helped the State smash the NSW Builders labourers Federation – of Green Bans infamy – got swallowed by the CFMEU – if my memory is correct. And now the CFMEU is the only union (so fa)r to back the World Freedom Rallies.
Could be the “testers” going onto building sites in the Melbourne Penal Colony was overreach by the state’s minions.
I’m thinking that employees in the supermarket chains wish their union would take a stand against employees being coerced to submit to the experimental injections…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 20, 2021 8:13 AM
Reply to  Shin

Big protest outside the CFMEU offices in the city this afternoon by angry construction workers about the mandatory jab. I made a comment on the new normal latest article here and it friggin went straight into spam filter.
Apparently the CFMEU have sold the workers down the river (no shit!) and the workers are very angry.
Unconfirmed reports the cops have fired projectiles at them – according to Real Rukshan, an independent journalist here in Melbourne.
This will probably go into spam as well, but here’s some videos of the protest.

Sep 20, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks Gezzah, but i can’t view it. Do i need to sign up to telegram?

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 20, 2021 9:45 AM
Reply to  Shin

Bugger… Yes, you have to sign up for Telegram to watch them, sorry, I forgot about that. Today is another absolutely shameful day here in Victoria. Police used pepper spray, tear gas and rubber bullets against the construction workers.
I’ve just seen images of workers holding up rubber bullets… This is now full blown fascism here, and all the fecken morons here will still be bleating “deadly pandemic”… “its for our protection”.

Sep 20, 2021 10:48 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

All good my friend! I’ll find find footage

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 20, 2021 11:04 AM
Reply to  Shin

Both Real Rukshan and Rebel News covered the protest… I had to really pinch myself watching the Rebel News footage because of who their reporter is – Avi Yemeni, a far right Zionist who proudly served with the IDF in Israel. I have zero zero time for his ilk, but he was there today reporting it.

Sep 20, 2021 11:22 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

No doubt about Avi and agree. I just posted the first video i could find. I was born in Lebanon and came to Australia in 1965. As a child i witnessed atrocities that are still thick in my mind. People like Avi make my skin crawl.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 20, 2021 11:28 AM
Reply to  Shin

I can’t stand him… Especially for his extreme politics and that he is such a staunch defender of that fascist Apartheid State… He supports kiddie killers, simple as that. In full agreement.

Sep 20, 2021 11:33 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Its my mistake, i just grabbed hold of the first video i could find. To be honest i didn’t think twice.
Once i realized it’s to late.
Live and learn i guess.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 20, 2021 11:53 AM
Reply to  Shin

No, you can edit your post up to 15 minutes after you post it, the little circle symbol underneath your comment. I only just realised that myself a few weeks ago…

Sep 20, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  Shin

One thing about Australians and probably the vast majority of modern humans is that they have never appreciated true pain. It is truly indescribable. Not only your own pain but your families.
I guess westerners growing up into the tapestry of fog, clouds most judgments.
Their way of thinking about the world has left us all in the predicament we now face and have faced for decade upon decade.
Thanks Gezzah for being someone to talk too.

Sep 18, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

If Koolaid kills, what makes you think that internment facilities for refusniks are death camps? That may well be the notion to be encouraged, but it’s just to reassure the jabbed & minions that the refusniks have it bad.

les online
les online
Sep 18, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  Xavier

A medically assisted euthanasia bill is to be re-introduced to the New South Wales parliament.

Sep 18, 2021 4:40 PM
Reply to  Xavier

Quite likely that the refuseniks will contract severe “covid” during their stay.

Sep 18, 2021 2:42 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

a ginn agent FFS
gotta love th names they chose for people to believe their mind game

what next john injection Jenifer jab!!

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 18, 2021 12:07 AM

Just a suggestion. Laws require votes in Australia to be passed. No doubt the upper echelons of power are completely on board to save their own pathetic skins. But what about the MPs below them. I doubt they all in on this. The probably suspect something is not right. Well, all MPs at State and Federal level have email addresses…. Regarding John Larter (NSW mandate) and his lawyers. There are numerous ways to legally attack the mandated vaccine for health workers in NSW. The very first point (of many) is this: The Constitution 117. Rights of residents in StatesA subject of the Queen, resident in any State, shall not be subject in any other State to any disability or discrimination which would not be equally applicable to him if he were a subject of the Queen resident in such other State. Simply put. All States must have the same law if that law discriminates. If one state doesn’t have the law it’s unconstitutional and an urgent injunction should be sought prohibiting that law. The next NB point is this: Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 May not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction, social origin, age, medical record, criminal record, marital or relationship status, impairment, mental, intellectual or psychiatric disability, physical disability, nationality, sexual orientation, and trade union activity. This is a Commonwealth Act. Back to the Constitution: 109. Inconsistency of lawsWhen a law of a State is inconsistent with a law of the Commonwealth, the latter shall prevail, and the former shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid. Once again, same thing, the Disability Discrimination Act Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Discrimination on the basis of physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological or learning disability, physical disfigurement, disorder, illness or disease that… Read more »

Sep 18, 2021 1:06 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Everything is now passed by decree, under ’emergency powers’. This is the same in Aus, as it is in Europe and North America, and most other parts of the world at the moment.

In otherwords, these nutters can do anything they want, under their laws.

But, if you challenge them under real law they-do-not-have-a-leg-to-stand-on.

Hopefully most of these nutters will go to jail, or the gallows.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 18, 2021 1:32 AM
Reply to  RobG

Plus, something like 180 odd countries signed over parts of their sovereignty to (I think) the WHO or the UN to act on their behalf in the advent of a global health emergency. So nations are receiving governance…policy, from a global Central authority and therefore are not putting into action measures that have been broached with “the people”. The people currently have no say. Policy is originating from a central global authority. I think there’s also financial perks for nations that have signed over their authority too. Though none of those perks will reach Johnny Punchclock or Sally Housecoat.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 18, 2021 1:42 AM
Reply to  RobG

imho that is not correct. I’m not aware of any emergency powers that override a Commonwealth Act or the Constitution. Can you cite references for these emergency powers? A Government funded media circus is not emergency powers. It’s emergency lying.

Sep 18, 2021 2:35 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

Bruce, I’m no expert on what happens in your neck of the woods.

As far as I’m aware, federal law now gives way to state law – ie, complete dickheads like Dan the Dictator, and Gladys the gargoyle, who looks like a satanist, can now dictate your life.

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 18, 2021 1:45 AM
Reply to  Bruce Tonka

I should add that contrary to popular opinion Australia has some of the most stringent anti-discrimination laws and Human Rights laws in the world. (boggles the mind why no one is using these laws?) All these acts btw contain provision for temporary injunctions. Lodge your complaint, once your complaint is lodged apply for a temporary injunction to prevent the law being applied until the matter has been resolved.

Sep 18, 2021 12:06 AM

TPTB are pushing the unvaxed to take the injection BECAUSE WE ARE PREVENTING THE TRAP FROM BEING SPRUNG ON THE VAXED: The ability to create physiologically-based fear or even mortal tachycardia is the ability to control, for example. But so long as a large cohort of us are uncontrolled (unvaxed) they can’t close the trap.

The graphene nanoparticles are not known cuz it takes special technology to detect them.
Wireless technology can modify behavior of a graphene-injected mouse studies show.
Graphene has special LIQUID properties, and easily penetrates cells (Wiki).

https://nobulart.com/covid-19-vaccine-ingredients/  Link begins:  
“On 20 August 2021 Dr. Robert Young published his team’s findings after analysing the four dominant COVID-19 “vaccines” using Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. Their findings both confirm and expand upon the prior investigations carried out by Dr. Pablo Campra (University of Almeria, Spain) and Dr. Juan F. Gastón Añaños (Hospital de Barbastro, Spain). These findings . . . .”  Please look!

Sep 17, 2021 11:53 PM

I’m not going to comment directly on what Piers is saying, except I think he is wrong (because amongst other things he offers no real solution).

I in no way advocate violence, but I’m increasingly afraid that this is where it’s going to go.

You are up against psychos who don’t bat an eyelid about slaughtering huge numbers of people, and that includes their own people.

Sep 18, 2021 1:32 AM
Reply to  RobG

And since violence is their terrain and what they do best, that is the best reason for not moving the fight onto their territory. We would be erased in no time, and they would use our violence to justify their fascist methods…in the eyes of everyone else, that is.
I’m NOT saying “don’t fight back”, but merely that we shouldn’t initiate violence. That would give them exactly what they want.

[ignore accidental copy of this comment below]

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 17, 2021 11:34 PM

Does anyone have any evidence or links to suggest that those receiving the RFID chip (as indicated by magnetism or Radio interference) are not getting the real vaccine. i.e the ones getting sick or dying have no evidence of the RFID chip? We seem to be reporting a lot of data on the death shots but nothing useful ito of understanding where this is going. Did the people who have proven chips in their arms have initial reactions? The implications of a placebo with RFID chip are dire at a Biblical level.

Buster Bloodvessel
Buster Bloodvessel
Sep 17, 2021 11:08 PM

Excellent summary of the situation.

there’s a good interview with Dr Robinson on Asia Pacific Today ( a few months old but good )

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Sep 17, 2021 10:22 PM

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-09-17. ARs: 16yo’s heart inflamed TWICE it’s normal size, is now dead; inflamed testicles; irregular periods

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 17, 2021 10:03 PM

I caught an odd snippet on the news, about Wales I think, that said that everyone has been wearing masks but that failed to stop the virus. Obvious conclusion – well stop wearing the masks. But of course that’s not going to happen.

And then I realised how watertight this covid con is.

The effects are invisible. You will be told when you’ve “got it”, when you are “cursed” etc. although the “stain” cannot be seen by the naked eye and no feeling gives it away.

And they will tell you what to do to “make things right”. But if doing it doesn’t “make things right” then you’re not doing it hard enough or often enough etc. No amount of a lack of a result (the result being determined invisibly) entitles you to stop doing what you are supposed to do.

So it’s a kind of perpetual motion machine. It will last forever.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 17, 2021 10:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Yea, they would like it to last forever, nothing does but, it will feel forever for us.
I hope i am alive when Justice comes. It will be the sweetest ‘i told you so’ – of course i’m likely to pretend i’m better than that. Appreciate your posts George and hope you are getting rest in the midst of your resistance.

Sep 18, 2021 12:15 AM
Reply to  simon crow

They don’t want it to last forever. It will stop when the world population is composed of 500m golfers

Sep 18, 2021 12:17 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

I’m sorry, 50 m golfers and 450m caddies.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 18, 2021 1:47 AM
Reply to  Theobalt


Sep 18, 2021 12:48 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Exactly, it is designed to intimidate the sheep and “last forever”. Which makes the current psyop stand out like canine gonads … it is no different to the perpetual ‘War on Terror’. Bloody marvellous … a ‘war on terror’ championed by the actual terrorists. A pseudo-pandemic which mimics influenza. Schwab, Gates and Big Pharma are probably pissing themselves with laughter … as did Cheney, Bush, Netanyahu and Blair with the 9-11 con.

Sep 18, 2021 7:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Or it will stop with a fiat from the regime; to make way for Con-B3.

Sep 17, 2021 10:00 PM

News Headlines: FDA panel rejected Pfizer booster jab? Not so fast.

the panel voted 18-0 to support an emergency-use authorization (a more limited clearance than a full approval sought by the administration and Pfizer) for people 65 and older or individuals at high risk of severe COVID.”

So Killing continues as Dr. Sucharit Bakhdi pleaded during recent online symposium organized by Doctors for Covid Ethics (also published by OFFG) against jabs, every booster jab disproportionately increases probability of fatal damage to vital human organs in everyone who took it, especially to organs of those elderly and vulnerable.

And one more thing. Since booster shot is already EUA authorized no advisory panel will be called for extension of jab scope to everyone and possible full approval as they did in case of original Pfizer two jab regiment.

Same Old deceit and criminal manipulation.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 17, 2021 9:06 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 17, 2021 9:07 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 17, 2021 9:21 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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“Tuskegee Never Again!”
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jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Sep 17, 2021 11:59 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Too wordy. More effective if: Just the syringe, the vial with the scull & crossbones on a poster.

Visual propaganda – much more effective. No words – dont encourage thought.

Syringe + skull/crossbones = simple, immediate association, direct to the subconscious…

(Before we became human we had no use for words*. Then The Fall. The Fall into civilisation. We invented language to “communicate”; and realised we could “communicate” with drawings on walls too (as all kids do) – visually.

(*the lowest rank in the US army are called “grunts”, because boot camp strips them of their human-ess: “yes Sir !” “No Sir !” is all that’s required of them. It’s called ‘grunting’.)

Sep 18, 2021 12:20 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

You know what happens to you when you give notes to an artist?

Sep 18, 2021 4:39 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

you do get the impression the state thinks its the guardian of children rather than the parents these days.

Sep 18, 2021 7:38 AM
Reply to  citizen

At primary school during the War one of my fellow pupils told me about sinister people who were saying, Give me the child and you can keep the grownup.

Sep 17, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Thank you, excellent as always!

Bruce Tonka
Bruce Tonka
Sep 17, 2021 11:28 PM
Reply to  John


Sep 17, 2021 9:40 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

That “Reason people don’t want the vaccination” image is a fine summary, but it really needs tidying up.
There are typos and wrong words – eg.”bypassed” doesn’t mean the same as “surpassed”…

I’m not losing the bigger picture here, since it is a very important part of that bigger picture that all our criticism of the stinking fraud currently being perpetrated upon the world should possess all the attributes of the finest professionalism.

Sep 17, 2021 11:51 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Agreed, several things made me actually cringe. It’s one thing to typo something in a forum post or text message, but if you are going to take the time to type everything out line by line, and then make it a meme, at least make sure you re-read it several times to catch the mistakes. And if you aren’t scholarly enough to catch the mistakes, send it to someone who is and have them proofread it for you before blasting on ‘teh interwebz.’

As you stated, everything in it is absolutely valid and needs attention drawn. It just needs some polishing.

Sep 17, 2021 8:51 PM

Before Covid and long ago this happened. In the 1990’s the parent group of a hugely successful company in McMinville, Tennesse called Oster, which made hair clippers and shears, was taken over by private equity.  Oster made a huge profit but it wasn’t enough for private equity.

Oster worked flat out 24/7 making $40 million profit on $110 million sales. The PE firm brought in “Chainsaw” Al Dunlap to streamline things. In short, 500 employees gone and a skeleton staff of 150 producing the blades for the clippers as production was shifted to Mexico – not before Oster employees were forced to teach the Mexicans their work.

Todd is the name of the person I give who worked as a machinist in Oster who was one of the victims. As it happens the Sackler family, of Purdue Pharma had decided to try out the opiod Oxycontin in of all places rural West Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, bribing or lying to doctors that it was just a pain relief when it was just glorified heroine.

Todd started taking the Oxycontin for his depression as his skills as a machinist found no home in Eastern Tennessee.

Having explored the Smoky Mountains in his holidays and seen the lavish chalets Todd began to fund his Oxycontin habit with burglaries.

Todd was caught and sent to a now private prison where he was paid to work on Raytheon weapons for $1.50 an hour. 

Sep 17, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Heroine should be heroin or caballo which ripped through the best of a generation of Spanish youth after Franco.

Sep 18, 2021 9:21 AM
Reply to  Molinos

courtesy of the CIA

Sep 18, 2021 1:50 AM
Reply to  Molinos

What a horrible story. Where can I find out more about this?

Sep 18, 2021 9:19 AM
Reply to  Molinos

Made possible by Bill Clinton’s NAFTA….

Sep 18, 2021 4:28 PM
Reply to  Molinos

Oxy is horrific. I was prescribed Oxy after burns that covered a significant percentage of my body.

Useless shit. They market as being long lasting, but you are up and down in 3 hours. You can’t sleep because you are in pain in 3-4 hours again, also I had horrible nightmares on it. Classic nightmares. The demon on the chest.

Toward the end of the first week I said and did crazy shit that I don’t even know where it came from.

After a week, I begged for good old vicodin because I knew it would afford me 8 hours of sleep.

Oxy is pure evil and the opioid equivalent of crack.

Sep 17, 2021 8:30 PM

comment image?v=1631890350&w=630&h=354
Nuremberg trials v2.0

Sep 17, 2021 8:15 PM

A great presentation. Dr Piers Robinson, I’ve seen speak at events 4 times. Very calm, very measured and very knowledgeable. Worth following his great work.

Sep 17, 2021 8:13 PM

MSM: Fauci, congress, senate CDC, FDA and even FED, all were not concocting and exploiting Covid hoax for their own gain but were serving public health emergency. Right? WRONG.


Fed Chief Powell, other officials owned securities central bank bought during Covid pandemicPUBLISHED FRI, SEP 17 202110:40 AM

  • Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has ordered a review of ethics rules for the central bank after an outcry over officials owning individual securities.
  • CNBC found Powell owned municipal bonds of the same type bought by the Fed during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.
  • Two regional Fed presidents likewise owned assets of the same type the Fed was buying as the coronavirus threatened the U.S. economy’s health.
  • The central bank’s code of conduct says officials “should be careful to avoid any dealings or other conduct that might convey even an appearance of conflict between their personal interests, the interests of the system, and the public interest.”

what appearance, Fed bought and by that raised prices of all securities including most junkies worth few cents on a dollar. They all committed market manipulation and industrial trading fraud with possibility of decades long sentences.

Those corrupted officials (but I am repeating myself) made $billions while cargo cult of covidians happily sang Covid song for a pittance, and anyway got robbed blind, financially ruined, evicted, fired, terrorized, denigrated, insulted and slapped in the face for third jab hesitancy.

Now as Covid propagandists get away with murder, like bandits with millions of loot safely stashed, covidians are broke they are left with nothing but torn stupid T-shirt “COVID: we all are all together in it”. and these were lucky ones who did not got maimed or murdered by those deadly “safe” from prosecution and “effective” in killing jabs.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 17, 2021 7:04 PM

Good selection.

Please consider Michel Chossudovsky, who has stuck his neck out in the past by posting stuff about both 9/11 and “da virus” which was controversial even among opponents of official narratives.

Sep 17, 2021 7:46 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Michel has been there sticking his neck out for decades (pretty sure he was in Chile during Pinochet’s coup d’etat). His site was the first i came across in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and its coverage provided – i’d say – 40% to 50% of the foundation of the early investigative effort, including the revelation that US plans to attack Afghanistan were reported in the Pakistani press in the summer of ’01, and early questioning of the towers’ collapse, and big scoops on the insider trading, and marvellous set of article by Chaim Kupferberg which demonstrated how the media’s own narative revealed the fraud more clearly than anything else. Really, Global Research was indispensable back then (now there are lots of places doing what they do).

But i’m really happy with this 9/11 series that Off-G is doing, as it introduces me to people i’m less familiar with, like Piers Robinson. All together, an excellent set of intervoews, short & to-the-point, which is how journalism often needs to be to communicate wto a maximum number of ppl.

Sep 18, 2021 4:51 AM
Reply to  Maiasta

Maiasta, GlobalResearch.ca is an extraordinary resource. Because it’s been around so long it makes a great research tool. For example, since you mention Pinochet’s Chile, I searched “Pinochet’s Chile” within the GlobalResearch site and got a wealth of info including an article titled “Pinochet’s Death Spares Bush Family.” The article covers all the times that Prez Bush senior saved Pinochet from justice.

Any time you need the details on anything from 5G to the Iran/Iraq conflict GlobalResearch is an incredibly good resource for imm’y, reliable info.

Sep 18, 2021 6:13 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Yes, it really is. It also has an amazingly effective translation function into dozens of languages. On a more personal level, Chossudovsky’s a truly great guy and beyond all suspicion (unlike certain types that dedicate themselves to studying Deep Politics and clandestine ops, which are subjects that can easily warp you).