Good Science vs Bad Science and Propaganda: A review of Seven
Dr Piers Robinson
Among the many controversies surrounding the events of 9/11 one of the most prominent has been the question of how, many hours after the collapse of the Twin Towers, the 47-storey WTC7 building suffered a total collapse, all in a matter of seconds.
The persistence of this controversy is hardly surprising. WTC7 was not hit by an airplane, it had suffered from only a few isolated office fires whilst multiple sources on the day were foretelling the collapse of the building, even though in history no steel-framed skyscraper had ever been brought down by fire alone.
Questions were hardly mitigated by the remarkable length of time it took NIST (the National Institute for Standards in Technology) to publish their investigation of the collapse nor their eye-brow raising conclusion.
And prior to this the 9/11 Commission Report had entirely ignored WTC7. The belated NIST investigation concluded that isolated office fires had caused thermal expansion leading to the failure of a single column and then, extraordinarily, an immediate cascading collapse of all columns in the building.
This then brought the building down symmetrically, in a manner consistent with controlled demolition, in under 12 seconds.
To many this did not appear to be a particularly persuasive analysis, and certainly not for the grouping of engineers and architects (AE 9/11) who had been questioning for some time the initiation and behaviour of the building collapses on 9/11.
Indeed, so dissatisfied were the architects and engineers that they funded an independent scientific study in order to rigorously evaluate NIST’s ‘completely new’ theory of thermal expansion and progressive collapse.
Seven tells the story of this scientific study, focusing upon its lead researcher, Professor Leroy Hulsey from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, who spent four years examining the WTC 7 collapse along with two engineering PhD students Feng Xiao and Zhili Quan.
The film is beautifully produced and directed by Dylan Avery, narrated by the well-known and much-loved actor Ed Asner, and is underpinned by a powerful music score by Johan Back Monell. It was produced by Richard Gage, Ted Walters and Kelly David from AE9/11.
Interviews with Professor Hulsey are skillfully interwoven with expert testimony from Roland Angle (civil engineer), Kamal Obeid (structural engineer), Scott Grainger (fire protection officer) and Tony Szamboti (mechanical engineer).
The integrity and expertise of these experts is juxtaposed with embarrassing silences from news anchors when members of the US public phone in to ask about Building 7 and the sheepish Shyam Sunder, lead investigator for the NIST study. At one point in the film, having introduced the matter of the corroded steel, retrieved by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and reported by the New York Times as ‘perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation’, Sunder is heard awkwardly attempting to explain away its significance:
Er, there is, there is reference often made to a piece of steel from Building 7. There was no evidence that any of the residue in that steel, in that piece of steel, er had any, er, relationship to, er, an an, undue er fire event in the building … or any other kind of incendiary, incendiary device in the building.
The extreme temperatures needed to have corroded or melted the steel were many times higher than those identified by NIST as having occurred due to the isolated office fires. As with so many other aspects of the NIST investigation, evidence that did not fit a preordained conclusion was simply ignored. Scientific method and rigour was thrown to the wind.
Hulsey’s integrity and rigour stands in sharp contrast to NIST’s disgraceful and un-scientific conduct.
Seven carefully describes how Hulsey’s team systematically unpicked the flawed claims advanced by NIST, including demonstrably inaccurate calculations relating to their explanation that thermal expansion worked to move a girder off its seat, and implausible claims that the resulting failure of a single column (out of a total of 50 odd) could ever lead to a global collapse of the entire building at free fall speed.
Using two separate computer programs, Hulsey’s team explored how the building would have behaved according to NIST’s explanation and found that the NIST account was wrong.
When confronted with issues relating to their study, NIST simply responded with evasions and secrecy: they have refused to release their key data whilst specific errors identified in their study received curt responses signed off, not by an engineer, but by a NIST public relations staffer. Hulsey’s study, conversely, and all of its data and calculations, has been fully open to expert and public scrutiny.
After one year of public consultation (2019-2020), almost no substantive issues were identified and his reported was officially published by Alaska Fairbanks University. The Hulsey study conclusions are delivered with devastating effect. The final report states:
… the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.
This conclusion is based primarily upon the finding that the simultaneous failure of all core columns over 8 stories followed 1.3 seconds later by the simultaneous failure of all exterior columns over 8 stories produces almost exactly the behaviour observed in videos of the collapse, whereas no other sequence of failures produced the observed effect
Hulsey is more concise in the film:
All those interior columns came out at once, at once, the exteriors also a few seconds later came out at once, giving you free fall which comes down, straight down.
To its credit, Seven remains focused on the scientific question of why WTC 7 collapsed and, only at the very end, are the broader implications hinted at.
If the building was not brought down by office fires, something else caused it to come down. The events in New York and Washington D.C. on September 11 2001 led directly to a global ‘war on terror’ and multiple wars, with countless lives being destroyed and ruined, and the crumbling of basic civil rights and democracy in the west.
The film closes with Hulsey’s understated but powerful words:
I’m worried, I’m worried about this country right now. We just seem to be doing a lot of yelling and screaming and no hearing. No listening, maybe some hearing but no listening. So are we in a post 9/11? Yes we are. Does that mean just that is a problem? I think it’s bigger than that, I just don’t know where we are right now. It’s a bit troublesome.
Ultimately, Seven calmly and carefully tells a story of good scientists and professionals with integrity battling to establish an important truth through scientific rigour and objectivity. And that truth relates to one of the most important and consequential events of the 21st century whose ramifications are felt ever more powerfully today.
Hulsey’s study is likely to play an important role in some of the legal processes that are currently underway: The Lawyers’ Committee Grand Jury petition and lawsuit against the FBI, the petition to initiate a congressional investigation of the 2001 Anthrax attacks and the Campbell family petition to the UK courts.
But the struggle they have had is testament to how far Western institutions and public spheres have been corrupted in the service of power and become, to all intent and purpose, mediums of propaganda.
At an early stage two students, although keen, elected not to study with Hulsey’s team because of the controversial nature of the research; one prominent University blocked an attempt to discuss Hulsey’s findings; nefarious so-called ‘debunkers’ contacted members of Hulsey’s team and told them not to continue with their work. Hulsey himself speculates that fear of losing lucrative government funding streams has deterred debate among architectural and engineering firms.
The creation of a spiral of silence, fuelled by a compliant and lazy corporate media all too eager to childishly dismiss any questioning as ‘conspiracism’ or ‘conspiracy theory’, has meant that public discussion and debate has been subdued.
The conduct of NIST, more than anything else, highlights how respected scientific organizations have become corrupted.
These issues could not be more relevant today, in 2021, where we see similar processes at work suffocating open scientific debate regarding COVID-19 and obfuscating the very real political and economic agendas now being pushed through. Indeed, the parallels between 9/11 and COVID-19 are striking. And the processes are also seen with the ongoing OPCW scandal regarding alleged chemical weapon attacks in Syria in which rigorous science has been thwarted by political power.
But, as much as Seven serves to highlight how far the West’s Enlightenment tradition has been eclipsed by corruption and propaganda, it also serves as an example that not all hope is lost. ‘Truth is the daughter of time, not of authority’ and is achieved through the determined efforts of people with integrity and courage.
Academia needs more people like Professor Hulsey and so too does the world, never more so than today.
You can rent and buy Seven on multiple platforms, here.
Dr Piers Robinson is a co-director of the Organisation for Propaganda Studies and convenor of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. He is an associated researcher with the Working Group on Propaganda and the 9/11 ‘Global War on Terror’. He writes here in a personal capacity.
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Good science confirms its theories with experimentation and observation and if the theory isn’t confirmed then it is discarded…
…unless it’s gravity in which case they invent dark matter and dark energy to keep it going.
I just wished people who clearly see that there are issues with the official story, start to understand that by now it is not just one government that is complicit in making it near impossible to have a scientific and fact based discussion about the vents and observed phenomena of the total collapse of three sky scrapers.
By now EVERY “western” government has used the War on terror to implement drastic surveillance laws and cut away at basic human rights and privacy online and in real life.
This is not a problem of the US alone. It is not just a problem of the Five Eyes. It is a problem of many more governments around the world.
The civil society and scientific community have to come together and inform the population of every nation on what actually happened that fateful day.
There may be some parallels between 11/9 and Covid-19, but I sincerely hope it won’t take another 19 years for what we are being subjected to right now to all come out in a half-arsed documentary that only tells a tiny part of the story.
The mere fact that this short film is there for all to see on youtube tells me that it doesn’t contain enough important info for the fact blockers to consider removing it.
Facts worth considering
WTCs 3-7 played no part in the terror story.
WTCs 3-6 came down after 9/11 but we don’t know when and – as far as we know – their destructions weren’t filmed while WTC-7’s collapse was filmed from at least seven vantage points. See video made to Tom Petty’s Free Fallin’.
Not some, there are many parallels.
I can’t find it, but at a 911truth online conference last year there was one
of the witnesses who opened with a talk on that very subject.
Kevin Ryan has done a video on the parallels.
I’ve also done a page on them.–covid-19-the-parallels.html
There are two slight problem with Hulsey’s final report:
Essentially, he conjures away, as if by magic (without cause and explanation) entire columns at opportune times.
The animations are comically non-physical: Entire floors move through other entire floors without interaction. The modelling here is inept.
That is not science, it’s not forensic, it’s making stuff up.
Every minute spent arguing with Eric Marette is a minute you will never regain! I would recommend a nice walk in the woods instead.
Hi David, have you read the Hulsey report with care? Is it not true that it spells out three objectives? Have you checked whether it validly delivers on them? Take objective #3 – to “identify types of failure and their locations that may have caused the collapse to occur as observed”. Did the Hulsey report identify such “types of failures” – yes or no? If you think yes, then it should be trivially easy to QUOTE them. Fact is: he FAILED to identify any such types of failures. Take the first objective: to determine structural damage that may have resulted from the fires. Did he model fires on all fire floors? Yes or no? Of course he didn’t. He only looked at structural heating at one point in time, on two floors only. It was thus IMPOSSIBLE for Hulsey to deliver on this objective: he could not possibly assess fire damage on most fire affected floors, for he FAILED to look at them at all. So that’s two of three objectives FAILED already. Your ad hominems cannot change that fact. Ad hom is a fallacy, don’t you know?
Erik is a classic example of a guy/gal/gender-agnostic person who works inside a cubicle protected by guns and guards somewhere in Northern VA . This person has the task of deploying disinformation to covert operations public discovery and tires to leverage tactics to help coverup the truth.
Hi “planck42”, have you read the Hulsey report with care? Is it not true that it spells out three objectives? Have you checked whether it validly delivers on them? Take objective #3 – to “identify types of failure and their locations that may have caused the collapse to occur as observed”. Did the Hulsey report identify such “types of failures” – yes or no? If you think yes, then it should be trivially easy to QUOTE them. Fact is: he FAILED to identify any such types of failures. Take the first objective: to determine structural damage that may have resulted from the fires. Did he model fires on all fire floors? Yes or no? Of course he didn’t. He only looked at structural heating at one point in time, on two floors only. It was thus IMPOSSIBLE for Hulsey to deliver on this objective: he could not possibly assess fire damage on most fire affected floors, for he FAILED to look at them at all. So that’s two of three objectives FAILED already. Your ad hominems cannot change that fact. Ad hom is a fallacy, don’t you know? You have a vivid fantasy, one might say – until one realizes that you merely üarrot disinfo and fantasies concocted by others. You don’t know me, obviously. Gal or gender-agnostik? My given name is here in plain letters, you can know my sex. “who works inside a cubicle protected by guns and guards somewhere in Northern VA” I am in Germany, you funny little man (I say “man”, although your online handle reveals no sex. Just the way you write comes across as a male fantasy.) “This person has the task of deploying disinformation” Can you QUOTE any information I wrote that you consider to be “dis”, and give REASONS why you… Read more »
Succinct and powerful review. Thanks for noting the parallels of 9/11 and Covid. This is important to keep in mind.
Media and politics have become, as Craig Murray notes in the context of Brexit, simply a form of entertainment.
“High politics is no more than a form of reality TV, where both those taking part and those reporting on it know that dramas and crescendos have to be manufactured to keep the plebs interested and keep the golden goose laying. The politicians and the political journalists have a joint interest in putting on a show over artificial crises. The worrying thing is, they manage to convince themselves, at least some of the time, to their own professional gain, that the version they are promulgating of what is happening, is reality.”
The four basic principles of flight would not allow a commercial aircraft to fly at that speed and at that altitude. Physics wouldn’t allow it.
Great piece by the way, thank you.
AE911Truth leader Richard Gage accepts, unequivocally, that planes crashed into the Twin Towers.
the problem is with all these kind of events, they got away with it time and again, and getting more brazen in the process * (yes including Covid )
and I bet they even learn how to respond by using computer technology to create answers
Cern has been suggested as in aiding with wargaming/numbercrunching the scenarios.
I’m not sure what films still exist in relation to 9/11 but in assuming there are some, I do believe if there has been controlled demolition then there is the possibility of controlled demolition being made visible to the naked eye.
I also believe the NASA, could take their own films and using the same technology, prove to the World and Conspiracy theorists their validity.
This came out in 2013……
NASA is not interested in refuting any Establishment dogma. Ask NASA whether it will support NIST or A&Efor911Truth on this issue, and, by hook or by crook, it will support NIST, even if that means simply ignoring A&E. Here’s a local variant on the same sort of scenario: When covidomania took over Iceland’s society way back, a three-person TV team suddenly materialized, consisting of a police chief, an infectious diseases chief and a hospital chief. Since then, they have appeared almost every day to tell us about the latest ‘regulations’, and the latest horrors of which this genial pandemic is capable, and now tonight, even as I write, the TV is debating which of them should receive an award for “Person of the Year”. For a start, the police chief is by no means a scientist. His role is basically crowd control. The hospital chief is used to running a hospital and has been one of the lead members of Iceland’s “Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management ” (also crowd control?) addressing the pandemic in Iceland. She had difficulty pronouncing “encephalitis” in this morning’s radio news (listing it as one of the possible complications of the ‘new British strain”…), giving us “encephal – eetis”, with an unnatural pause in the middle. Wikipedia describes her tersely as “a doctor”, educated at the University of Iceland. The chief of infectious diseases began well last March, obviously seeing no reason to react any more dramatically to this farce than to ordinary ‘flu – he was my hero for a couple of short months – but he has now settled comfortably into his new role as the third member of this ostensibly ‘scientific’ team – a team which is, however, ultimately only a media team assigned the task of making some idiotic ‘new… Read more »
I think they’re still working out the bugs in printing fish cakes.
For instance, sometimes instead of generating a hard copy it “prints to file”– and then the computer or storage device begins to smell like a tunafish sandwich left in a gym locker over semester break.
Thanks for injecting some levity and making me chuckle.
psy ence
babylon lie
limited hangouts
control grid
Free Fallin’ – tribute to building 7.
^^^^ musical tribute ala “Tom Petty” w/ new lyrics…OG won’t let me edit my comment.
another tune by Three Shoes Posse: ‘Ten Second free fall’
(re: Towers 1 and 2)
I could post expose’s about 9/11/2001 all day long. The events of 9/11/2001 initiated one of the most investigated crimes in world history, yet no one has been charged with conspiracy, espionage, treason, or just plain old fashioned fraud. Here’s two another items to swallow with your spoons full of sugar: >
The Case Against Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s 9/11 CommanderPosted on January 12, 2013
by Kevin Ryan
“In a 2004 U.S. Senate hearing, Senator Mark Dayton remarked that “this country and its citizens were completely undefended” for “109 minutes” on 9/11.[1] Dayton went on to clarify that officials within the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) had covered up the facts about the lack of air defenses by lying to the 9/11 Commission, to Congress and to the American people. And they were not held accountable.”
Full page: The Case Against Ralph Eberhart, NORAD’s 9/11 Commander | Dig Within
More > 9/11- False Flag Conspiracy – Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)
Paul, investigated by whom? Neither the NY Police Department nor the Fire Department were permitted to do an investigation. Destruction of the crime scene began within days of the buildings coming down. The government made large payments to families of victims with the proviso that they couldn’t sue. The 9/11 Commission was–in the words of its chairmen–“set up to fail.” Zelikow’s (executive director of the 9/11 Commission) focus in life was on how myth building contributed to controlling communities and he came to the Commission with an outline that included its conclusions before they even started. After following Professor Hulsey’s work using the word “investigate” in connection with NIST’s efforts to explain Building Seven’s destruction is an inaccuracy bordering on an egregious untruth.
Hello Phillip Michaels: 9/11 has been investigated by numerous investigative journalists, several thousand structural engineers, and hundreds of private citizens. The New York police department investigations were blocked by the FBI. The video I linked above is worth watching.
The last video you linked to was created by AlienScientist whose channel is found here and who has done lots of other great 9/11 videos
Because American let them get away with 911 we have this world wide covid scam. The contempt these folks have for the intelligence and courage of the average American is immense and unfortunately justified.
I still remember how it was Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who was the first leader to call BS on the official 911 lie.
yesterday on OffG: Free Mossange! Free Mossange! Free Mossange!
today on OffG: “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11”
tomorrow on OffG: Free Mossange! Free Mossange! Free Mossange!
Most people complain we don’t do enough about Assange.
If you are under the the impression we accept the official conspiracy theory on 9/11 you really need to read more and troll less
One of the things that I find puzzling is the fact that the BBC reported the collapse of the WTC7 building twenty minutes before it happened. The BBC “explain” this as a mistake. The only way mistake that could have been made was that someone at the BBC got confused about the time difference between New York and London (getting it wrong by an hour). If that was the mistake, it means the BBC (and one would imagine other major news organisations were told of the collapse prior to it happening, so as to enable them to cover it as sensationally as possible. So, the obvious question is who told the BBC of the WTC7 building’s collapse? Someone must have and that someone had advance knowledge of the collapse.
The BBC were reporting “Live from the scene” the commentator was on TV stating the Building had collapsed -when it was still standing in the background of the live footage – talk about fluffing your lines!!
I am a veteran and I have discussed this with some other “specialists” who are ex military , members of the Institute of Explosive Engineers- each one said the same thing – controlled Explosions utilising shape charges , even the guy on the street could see that the building dropped within its own footprint area – a cardinal outcome controlled Demolition . After 9/11 the Awakening began – the Globalists got cock sure they had fooled the World and it emboldened them to push things further with the Covid Deception… thats where we are today .
Some people say “Challenge the talking heads that reported that”. Some others say “drill down to find out who handed those talking heads the talking points.
Still others say “find out who handed the talking points to the people that handed the talking points to the talking heads.
It’s a rabbit hole, and I have never seen any deep dive on this. Names. Dates and times. They really hate that.
Good point.
Thank heaven some people do dig deep, however.
That’s why most of us are here – to dig, share and learn.
Watch this film Steve and you will see all the relevant news footage which proves beyond all reasonable doubt that foul play was at work. It includes the full BBC broadcast where Jane Standley announces the collapse of Building 7 with Building 7 still standing in the background only for the connection to mysteriously cut out as she is in mid flow. It also has similarly incriminating US news footage as well, where they announce the collapse prior to it happenng, then it actually collapses live in the background, right after they say it already has collapsed! It also contains LOTS of other amazing details too……articles, news clips and a comprehensive narrative which you will give you a very deep understanding of the true facts of what happened that day and afterwards, amidst all the chaos.
I just tried to download ^^^ with bitchutedownloader – I have saved dozens of bit chutes with it, now it doesn’t work.
Available on Youtube.
England is 5 hours ‘ahead’. 10 at night in London is 5 pm in New York.
I know the time difference and I suspect someone at the BBC got it wrong. Reporting the collapse of the building forty minutes after it had happened would have been timely breaking news. Reporting it twenty minutes before it happened was, according to the BBC, merely a mistake.
A shift to Daylight Saving Time was involved, according to Dr James Preston in 2014.
Ah, time difference and Daylight Saving Time. Someone once said to me that a person dead in London is still alive in NewYork.
The Fire Department of New York were the ones that had all the advanced knowledge of the collapse, and they didn’t just tell the BBC.
Physics doesn’t change it’s shape ,form or principles. Newtons laws are the same we live under today like we did when they where first developed. That’s why we still create high rise buildings, bridges, roads and send men and women to outer space
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Basically, whatever crushes is also being crushed.
Similar, there is Einsteins laws of gravity. Everything must come straight down.
I have many problems with 911 and the physics and gravity of what occurred.
I did not witness or observe anyone of these basic principles.
Ten stories of the North tower somehow crushes it’s greatest resistance in under 13 seconds.
Three to four tonne of steel girders travelling sideways up to 400 feet.
Small office fires that somehow severed (simultaneously) 28 massive steel box columns bringing down a 47 story skyscraper,at freefall, in 7 seconds.
Real/hard science should never be forgotten!
Next please: Good Science vs Bad Science and Propaganda: A review “Climate Change”:
Missing link = Holocene reef growth in the Maldives: Evidence of a mid-Holocene
sea-level highstand in the central Indian Ocean by P.S. Kench1, S.G. Smithers2, R.F. McLean3, and S.L. Nichol1
Maldives sealevels – Kench et al GEOLOGY 2009.pdf
When I was a kid, I thought I had done really well if I got a threpenny bit it in my Christmas pudding. That was a lot of money. Over 60 years later, not much has changed. My wife made a Beautiful Christmas Cake -decorated it beautifully…icing on top (about half a bottle brandy inside) – snow and stuff and robins on top..there is not much left now.. just a few pieces including a little plastic robin with a pin, I found inside my mouth. I am going to wind her up a bit about that in the morning… But my wife’s Christmas Cake is the Best Ever, and so is she. I still don’t understand how I dropped so lucky When I got a job again, we travelled all over the world together, and went hitching… Everyone told us not to go there so we did… We were just 2 english kids hitching in Europe, Africa, India, and East Asia..and everyone was really nice, especially when we had kids. The people who are telling you not to go somewhere, have never been there. They don’t know what it is like….they just read it somewhere.. Almost everyone, wherever we have travelled (and we didn’t know what to expect) have been really nice and welcoming to us, even when and especially, we had little money, and liitle understanding of the local languages. We came in peace as tourists..We didn’t mind sleeping on the bach and sometimes did, when we missed the last ferry between the islands. No one tried to steal from us. We were made very welcome. The differences in languages and cultures didn’t matter..We showed the ultimate respect, and it was reciprocated. People seemed so please to meet us (well mainly my wife actually) I could take her anywhere… Read more »
And the Controllers just won’t let us be, they’ve got to be all pushy.
The usual patttern… after a brief absence, the Operation Mockery AI posts a couple of seemingly site-aligned comments, and then switches back to rambling irrelevancies mode. sigh
Funny how Building 7 collapsed after a few small fires but the Grenfell Tower in London still stood after being completely gutted by fire.
There have been about 400-600 fires reported in steel-framed high rises. The fires did not cause any of them to collapse. -Prof Dr Niels Harrit c. 2012
Sorry, but the fire was bigger than what the “9/11 truth movement” tells you.
OK anon, then any building with that much damage on just one side should have tipped over toward the WTC 1 ruins. But it didn’t, it came straight down in freefall. A gash down one side simply does not result in the simultaneous failure of every column in the building, the only event that could have produced such a perfectly symmetrical freefall collapse.
The laws of physics will lead us to the truth.
while 7 may very well have collapsed due to artificial means, there are very serious problems with this study, primarily that they completely overlook the extent of the fire which can be seen in videos and for which i have 1st hand testimony from a FDNY fireman who was in the vicinity of 7 – also Dylan Avery and his side kick, Jason Bermas, are the 2 Loose Screw clickbait crackpots who produced the laughable Loose Change garbage
Possible problems with the UAF WTC 7 collapse study
You are laughable garbage. The detonation of the explosives is easily visible dummkopf, the entire building could have been ablaze and there is zero possibility this would cause collapse at free fall acceleration. Go peddle your pitiful, infantile drivel elsewhere, scum. Thank you!
Your argument does rely heavily on the anecdotal off the record comments of a veteran FDNY fireman .
I could fully understand the need for anonymity if he opposed the NIST / Govt. position but find it a bit odd that this should be the case given that he appears to be in agreement with NIST. Does he not have a name ?
My big problem though is you write … “without hesitation he stated that the fire was indeed extensive and that he was not at all surprised that it had collapsed”…. This is an extraordinary thing for a veteran firefighter to say given that he must have been aware that no steel framed high rise had ever collapsed due to fire .
Enjoyed your site though despite the flakiness of yours and Ryans positions on most science / technical stuff.
Even if true, which I doubt, I am not at all surprised that some firefighters enjoy blowing smoke up people’s asses.
I agree. There were major fires in Building 7. If you don’t acknowledge that, you’re not playing with a straight bat. Ryan Dawson’s War By Deception proves as much, and still stands out as the most legit, well researched, void of bullshit and heavy on facts analysis of 9/11, covering most bases. His take on what happened with Building 7 is backed up by quality evidence. The Campbell case the article mentions sounds good though and some of the links are really great.
WAR BY DECEPTION – A TRUE “MUST WATCH” if you want to get close to the truth about 9/11
Ok, for arguments sake lets presume that WTC7 was blown up by some powerful club.
1) Why was only building WTC7 blown up from below?
2) Were those planes flown into the other WTC buildings accidentally on the same day that WTC7 went down? Some coincidence.
3) Which US group is powerful enough to keep such an attack on US soil quiet from whistleblowers? The CIA couldn’t stop Assange, Snowden etc.
I do agree that the hush hush after 9/11 is totally suspicious, but explain that as a shield for the failure of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Airforce etc. to foresee, notice or prevent 9/11 from happening. Millions saw a the US White House going down in a Hollywood movie earlier.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No…….it’s super shill!
You also shit the bed on MoA.
Science is not required to convince the masses of MSM addicts.
“Magic” and a fanciful story was good enough for 1963.
Nowadays (ie Epstein) they barely bother to hide what they’re doing, the contempt is tangible that we will swallow an incredulous series of bad coincidence.
It’s almost like they want us to see what they can do.
The bad science is just a bandaid created by bad scientists to give themselves an out to follow the narrative.
All it really takes to convince a scientist is for one or two to fall asleep at the wheel, or succumb to natural causes in their 50s, or wander off in the woods to slit wrists with a penknife…
Those who pieced Seven together are brave individuals indeed.
““Magic” and a fanciful story was good enough for 1963″.
“Magic?” You mean the straight line the bullet that went through JFK and John Connelley that JFK assassination conspiracy believers were told to think zig-zagged between the two of them? If you base your “science” on this notion, you’re the bad science. So are the 9/11 truth cults that falsify what happened during the attacks, and claim that their lies are scientifically proven. Those who don’t, aren’t following any narrative.
“Those who pieced Seven together are brave individuals indeed.”
No, they’re deluded ones, basing their “piecing” on false assumptions and deception.
These are assertions. May I ask you please to link to your sources. How did you arrive at your opinions that there are satisfactory answers in science to the above examples?
A citation, please, to explain how the steel framed Twin Tower structures fell in the manner they did. As far as I am aware, all the official explanations halt at ‘collapse initiation’.
A citation please to demonstrate how the shooting at Dallas is explained by a lone gunman firing from the alleged vantage point.
Anyone can make assertions. A2
Kennedy and Connelley were not sitting directly across from one another in the Presidential Limousine. Footage of the ride through Dealey Plaza shows this. Given this and the section of the plaza Kennedy’s limo was driving through there’s noting that would make a single bullet impossible, let alone “magic.”
Now as for WTC 7, simple video proves that the towers collapsed upon it and other surrounding buildings.
Closeup of debris hitting WTC 7 and core of WTC 1 – YouTube
Videos and photographs show that the fire was much larger than the “9/11 truth movement” wants everybody to believe.
9/11 World Trade Center WTC 7 South Side Fires – YouTube
File:Abcnews-wtc7damage.jpg – Wikipedia
Also the collapse did not occur the way the “movement” wants people to believe they did.
Last Christmas by Wham is going to be number 1 every christmas I heard on the wireless today.
You are welcome here:
Science aint what it used to be bruv.
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SEVEN – A Dylan Avery Film On The Demolition Of Building Seven (45:53)
911 Trial
by Mark R. Elsis
we are cookin
boiling frogs
you know when you snap out of sleep
them poppin noise is in yer ear
that voice one word in the middle of the night
dem flu like symp tums
that deep breath sharp intake
dats 5g testin
breachin of the cell walls
blood brain barrier micro holes
lettin in toxins and bacterials
remember communists long ago had a weapon called woodpecker
radio frequency mind control
tap tap tapin 24 and 7
that was victor rothschild idea
got his best friends in russia help out
now it 5g boil but nice and slow roll
maybe we will read about 5g here in 2033 or sum such
we are electrical frequency
get a world band radio listen
trawl the mega hertz listen to noises
a hideous monstrous demonic stew
peckin away at you
breachin blood brain gap
Good poem.You right they doing it.Oh man.
Educate yourself!
Science is bunk.
Peel back the layers here:
imagine how dumb you must be to still be watching ezra levant rabbi tv a mossad agent
Were can you watch “Seven”?
search engines are a great place to start
try here though:
SEVEN – A Dylan Avery Film On The Demolition Of Building Seven (45:53)
Scientists and Engineers for Truth.. Truth Seekers.. , ad nauseum ..
Should be pretty obvious by now that Power doesn’t give a flying-fuck about Truth.
Those in power are extremely concerned about the truth regarding 911. The last thing on earth they want is for the truth of that event to become common knowledge.
These folks will do everything they can to maintain the BS story of 911 including murder.
The truth, ultimately is what will bring these criminals down.
Tony, I need to get a T Shirt made up with this printed on it, or maybe Covid1984 with an image of Big Brother…
Turns out the State Of Emergency here in Victoria was due to expire on January 3rd, so what happened a few days ago? Cases!
And now thousands have rushed out to get tested again and the large majority are back to walking around outside wearing facemasks, even on humid days.
Lots of obedience here in Melbourne😪
Are people being paid for taking tests in Melbourne?
In the UK vouchers were offered to people to take tests.. It’s so corrupt and dishonest
It’s $300 Jay and $1500 if you test positive. But absolutely, there’s money to be made for being an obedient sheep and getting tested!
Like the photo above said ‘Your obedience is prolonging this nightmare’.
Sometimes I daydream: if only a lot more people woke up. And then I snap out of it.
It’s unbelievable… Just unbelievable how crooked transparent the whole scam is
Daniel Andrews belongs behind bars
Andrew’s is doing what he is told, by his ‘handlers’ as are ALL the politicians. They’re products of their corrupted and twisted oligarch controlled cauldron.
This is the image that defines 2020 for me:
Another iconic image that sums up the sheer criminality of the bastards involved in this monumental crime against humanity. Paul made a comment the other day: ‘We need to treat them as war criminals”.
Second the motion.
carried …
to them we are livestock
Thanks for the clip S. I’m pleased that quite a lot of people are now sharing this interview, but you’re right, we’re not even human to these monsters.
FWIW, I am clever with words, but for quite a while I’ve been unsuccessfully racking my brains to come up with a term for “one who commits crimes against humanity”– i.e., a handy equivalent to “war criminal”.
“Criminal against humanity” just doesn’t make it.
you might enjoy this; Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview
Nailed it. This maybe printed up on leaflets… Note that one of the commenters here, Penny, is doing this sort of thing as I’m sure others are.
People don’t realise what they’ve got until it’s gone. Cash is freedom
not co-operating is freedom;
Much the same in Sydney, NSW. Too many sheep, controlled by so few wolves. Dystopia – as a ‘live exercise’ … WTF is wrong with people?? Whatever happened to intuition?
It’s looking like lockdown again in Melbourne very soon Hots. I just saw a FB post saying 32 ‘cases’ here. I know you’ve got mandatory facemasks there, and some parts of Sydney, like the Northern Beaches, are in lockdown.
Buckle up my friend…. the bastards are going to make it really tough this year, even tougher than last year. Why? So a lot more people will get jabbed, whilst thinking that everything will go back to ‘normal’ once they’ve got the vaccine.
You could almost cry at how well this pysops is going for the ones behind the scamdemic. Good luck to you✌️
The image blew me away.
There is scientists starting to resign. When they take a look at the ‘vaccine science’ they will see it a giant pile of crackpot tobacco science and the whole charade will unravel. Pharma is going down like their partners in crime. covid19 was a desperate attempt to fill the hospitals as revenues slumped following the embrace of a bright future in the hearts of the people. They have been learning healthy living by for example eating ripe fruits and fresh salads, sunbathing, nature walks and meditation. Most people are healthier than ever and joyously creating the bright future.
We must stay optimistic that this battle can be won. Thanks for the injection of optimism. Much superior to any vaccine.
I’m not sure that we can win it but I’m sure we can fight regardless.
Feed the friends in your gut, waiting to serve you, with fibre or become a slave of the medical industry.
Well I don’t see how this is a message of hope at all. Sure, it is if all you want is to say “See, I was right all along” but if you actually want a chance at justice and to make the bastards think twice before repeating it, then time is not our friend.
Good science is that which serves the current agenda of the elite and bad science is that which doesn’t.
It always has been.
See: Galileo, who fittingly spent his last years under lockdown (house arrest) after being convicted of scientific heresy.
It is telling that the building codes for high-rise structures have not been updated to reflect the “findings” of NIST. After all, if it could happen once…
“Hi! Larry here. Just want you all to know that I did not clean up big time on WTC Fest. I didn’t. Anyone who says differently is a stupid bug-eyed crazy nutcase conspiracy theorist. As such, if they persist with their crazy ass shit are going to get THE FULL EPSTEIN… if you know what I mean.”
Now get lost.
On the day of 9/11 ,I was lost for words as I could not believe my eyes until I realized that bldg.7 came down ,on command basically ,and without the bldg.having been hit by an aircraft .When Richard Gage started the organization of AE 9/11 ,I decided to donate to help the cause / study .I went to a lecture hosted by Richard in a city close to where I live and I have never looked back .
I am still hoping that soon the true perpetrators of this event will be shown to the world for who they are,criminals of the highest order , given the same treatment as the Nuremberg trials .
There is a long long long history by the attempts by the establishment to cover up their crimes via corruption, blackmail or murder. Corruption of officials, academia, MSM either through money, career advancement or some other materialistic means. Blackmail, look no further than the infamous career of Jeffrey Epstein. Murder has always been the ultimate deterrent as Stalin said “ no more man no more problem “ and their is a whole litany of victims from Dr David Kelly to President Abraham Lincoln. But truth will out, no matter how much the establishment tries to hide their crimes from the light. Eventually, the truth will be revealed about the 11th September 2001 as it will be about Covid 2019 as it was about the real reasons behind WW1, WW2, the Cold War and WMD.
It is really hard finding videos of the towers collapsing online now, before you used be able to see all sorts of things from that day. I remember the big demon face coming out of the dust as the building collapsed, that was spooky. Once you understand the spiritual satanic ritual that whole thing was, it becomes clear this was conducted by some very sick devil worshipers who control the world.
You downvoters haven’t done enough research. Wise up.
Thanks for the support, I always questioned the narrative, but when I had a huge spiritual awakening, I could see the signs and symbols around the date of 9/11 and the representation of bringing down the female and male twins to erect the single (baphomet as above so below) one world trade center, which happens to have an abyss pool where the other tower was. In revelation 9:11 the abyss is mentioned. Much more satanic stuff with that day, like the little kids chanting in front of GW Bush, “plane hit steel.”
I must say that I am in awe of your humility and attainments, and sincerely request–from one of such supersized spiritual awakening as yourself–further instruction on how someone like myself (just a humble seeker of spiritual Everests upon which you, it seems, have already planted your flag) can reach those same lofty spiritual heights.
How, poopy, might I–still slithering snake-like through dense spiritual darkness–have a monumental spiritual awakening like yours? What brought you there, and how was your understanding of yourself, the world, and what is beyond both the world and yoursellf impacted by your awakening? Enlighten me!
Get really close to dying and spend time in the government to see the corruption. Most people don’t want to hear the truth, but most will suffer from heart attacks when the truth is revealed.
I downloaded these on my iPhone using the free version of 4K Video Downloader. I show them every time I get the chance. People are just in awe when they see this.
WTC7 in Freefall: No Longer Controversial
North Tower Exploding by David Chandler.mp4
Is this all possibly a sideshow from the direct energy weapon narrative?
Too much looking too little seeing for sure.
Daniel, if you’re going to play with the ‘directed energy weapon’ diversionary canard, would you please be so good as to preface your games with a detailed explanation, with relevant mathematics, of the – hyper-new, still barely-known – physics behind these imaginary startrekky ‘weapons’; and also the sequential technology developed from the basic theoretical physics, with geographic references, to produce actual working examples (which please show with photos or videos).
Speaking here not of brief, hard-information-free sci-fi plot-line ‘explanatory’ waffle, but of the sort of stuff which would pass peer review, to get published in – oh I dunno – ‘Nature’, perhaps?
Or if not, just work it, please (in the old Northern English working-class slang meaning of that verb…)
A highly unscientific response to a very astute question. If you bothered to look at Judy Wood’s excellent book ‘Where did the towers go’ and READ it , you would realise that the notion of a controlled demolition is absurd. It would have been impossible to pull off and that is how we know it could not have been done this way.
I suggest you look at the pictures of what was left of the buildings and try to explain the phenoma that was observed that day. And remember this
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
The US has piled trillions of dollars in to black projects over the last 50 years. Now go away and think about it before you respond with such blatant puerility.
Having read Dr Wood’s book, as well as visited her website, I remain puzzled by the notion that “controlled demolition is absurd.” She does not disprove that notion so much as misrepresent it.
But the one thing that renders her entire thesis questionable is: location location location. She simply has no idea where the directed energy beam would have come from – and, in fact, seems to resent any attempt to pin her down on its location.
I’m sorry, but if someone is going to posit something extraordinary, that person had best be prepared to at least speculate where that extraordinary something came from. The burden of proof is on them, not their detractors.
“controlled demolition is absurd”
Renders any of her analysis as questionable. Because controlled demolition is what happened.
Demolition, energy weapon, planes, etc. are propaganda and magic show. The Towers turned to dust in seconds. Only ~50% of the building materials remained – as dust, some twisted steel and an underground lake of steel molten for months. Radioactivity (various isotopes) was detected onsite. Tens of thousands suffered from cancer. Wake up.
Oops my bad. I didn’t realise that was in the comment above.