WATCH: COVID19/11 – Frances Shure

Episode Eleven of Narratives Intertwined

COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.


Episode Eleven of Narratives Intertwined features Frances Shure, retired psychotherapist and veteran of the 9/11 truth movement.

Frances is the co-founder of the Colorado 9/11 Truth group, author of the essay series “Why Good People Become Silent (or Worse) About 9/11”, and contributor to the documentaries The Demolition of Truth-Psychologists Examine 9/11 and 9/11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out.

In her interview, Frances discusses her journey to the 9/11 truth movement, how similar patterns are visible in the “Covid” narrative, and how corruption and censorship in the mainstream media have hurt the public understanding of both.

You can read all 23 parts of Why Good People Become Silent (or Worse) About 9/11 here


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Oct 1, 2021 9:47 PM

I find I need light relief a lot these days, but when we get down to the trials of our principal covid frauds, I will be following their progress very seriously.


David McBain
David McBain
Sep 27, 2021 6:20 AM

Billionaire controlled media seems more the old normal.

Wolfgang Seidel-Guyenot
Wolfgang Seidel-Guyenot
Sep 27, 2021 4:56 AM

I live in Wiesbaden/Germany and I’m “1/2 Mensch”. Sometimes I forget how beautiful the city in which Ihave been living for more than half of my life is. Especially in spring and autumn.
Well, Brussels, were I used to live some time is wonderful, too, but Wiesbaden has got an easy and unique charm. Especially the many ‘classical’ spas and baths which are now all not accessible for me.
I’m not rich, but even when you didn’t have much money you could afford to go into one of the old classical baths, some of which are older than 160 years, with hot spring water, neo-classical columns, mosaics on the floor, marble arches and multicolored glass windows.
Now this is inaccessible for me. I could also dream of walking on planet mars, so remote is the city I live now to me. Yesterday I saw an old Movie with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner “The Sinner”, which plays in Wiesbaden and mostly in it’s casino (I never did go there, just for very rich people), but in this American movie from 1949 I caught a glimpse of “my city” which has gone now and became a semi-prison, or a kind of quilt of zones some of which I’m allowed to trespass while others I’m forbidden to enter.
I’m allowed to go shopping in supermarkets and I even may drink some coffee on terraces of restaurants (I wonder how long this will be possible), but I’m not allowed to go into the inner rooms of my favorite little cafés in the old city core, I’m not allowed to go to ‘Kaiser-Wilheln-Therme’ (a 150 year old building with bassins and spas fed by the hot springs that are everywhere in this town). I’m not allowed to go into the really awesome Museum for Fine Arts, the Theater. into cinemas. I’m an outcast now. Someone who watches people who live their lives (or at least seem to live their lives as “vaxxed” humans while I’m an “unvaxxed” subhuman) through the meshes of a fence. My city is now a jungle of fences, some visible others invisible, but the fences are alwas palpable in a threating way. Somber, almost insubstancial but somehow real? unreal? surreal? I begin to see the fences like shadows or walls of fog. And I have becoeme a spectre, an invisible ghost, half mute half deaf half blind. A half life – “1/2 Mensch” – Greetings from an “unvaxxed” ghost from neonormalized Germany. But I remember how life was. I’ll never forget how life was.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2021 9:09 AM

I’ve been pondering on the role of Nafeez Ahmed and it stuck me that, big though the 9/11 manoeuvre was in practical terms, it would have been nothing compared to the media management afterwards. Knowing that there was bound to be a sceptical movement rising, the rulers prepared for that well in advance by pre-empting it with their own inside operatives posing as “truth seekers”. Hence I reckon the entire 9/11 Truth Movement was something they hatched up themselves. That’s not to say that everyone involved in that movement was “in on it” but only that it was spearheaded by moles. The biggest of which was Mr Ahmed himself, And I don’t know if he was ever formally part of the movement but he certainly contributed to the “cutting edge” image of it. Incidentally “The Cutting Edge” was the name he gave to his site. Yes really!

And he also conforms to that role of “the untiring investigator” who “does the hard ground work” (cf. the typical commentary from those brave Left souls quarrying away). This is the kind of spiel that’s supposed to discourage any of us from thinking for ourselves. We are supposed to let “the experts” do it for us.

But I reckon that Ahmed investigated fuck all. His entire output was something dripped to him in chunks deemed suitable to give the impression of daring exposés while in fact never exposing anything too damning. 

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 9:29 PM

I’ve always had this nagging feeling that the vax is a decoy, not the main event –though I’m sure that our multi-tasking money grubbing overlords are squeezing every last opportunistic drop out of the subsidiary avenues of the main scam.

Thus the BBC continues with insufferably insulting pseudo-issues such as:

“Covid-19: How effective is a third vaccine dose?”

(At which point I must admit to having a grudging admiration for the dogged way they continue with this sludge whilst assuming that anyone out there is still taken in by this tawdry sideshow – unless of course some still are?) 

But then I find this on something called inc.com:

“Why Are People Quitting? Burnout’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Amid the Great Resignation, nearly 2,000 employees share why they’re leaving their jobs. Burnout, bad managers, and hybrid work are all driving factors.

As the world struggles with a virus that continues to adapt, business leaders are navigating an equally complicated and evolving workplace. …Perhaps more than anything, people want stability–and, increasingly, they’re leaving their jobs behind to find it. …48 percent of employees have thought about changing careers in the past 12 months. A staggering 63 percent of those with a bad manager are thinking of leaving in the next year.”

See how it works? We have here a massive re-alignment of employment, services, sectors etc. And it’s all happening “voluntarily” as personal responses to this terrible virus etc. How else could a government deliver such a slashing violent upheaval of the whole social and economic structure than through effectively holding a pistol to everyone’s head, and forcing them to change whilst saying, “Nothing to do with us!”

Sep 25, 2021 6:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re one prolific poster George Mc. Where do you find the time to do the demanding, time grabbing care work?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2021 8:16 AM
Reply to  peterpaul

Posting takes very little time. I type like I talk.

Sep 25, 2021 2:22 PM
Reply to  peterpaul

I reckon g mc is genuine enough, if left obsessed ; )

time grabbing care work? from what I see a lot of care workers have a lot of time on their hands at work anyway? no disrespect, depends on what type of “care”.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2021 8:57 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Thanks rubberheid. It’s nice to have someone defend me against this sarky insinuation. I admit to being “left obsessed” because I can’t get over how much those bastards let me down.

As to my prolific output, my current hours are regular and I have plenty of time because I don’t have a life. (But then again, in these times I reckon most don’t.) As Mr Dylan once said, “I got nothing else to do, man!”

Sep 26, 2021 9:06 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Yeah. The kind of care work that can demand you are there for 24 hours shifts with sleep over, even part-time you’re there for at least 6hrs. Some of us have done this type of work before and appreciate how physically and mentally draining it is. Don’t get me wrong G. Mk. maybe is at his place of work and has a little bit of down time to post his thoughts. Was just curious. There’s a lot of them. I’m also an avid reader of this site, just my postings are at best semi-literate and full of spelling and grammar errors taking forever to compose such was my English education and schooling, or was it mine to own, or my parents’ fault? I’m just done with the cultural humiliating expectation of not seen and not listened to; so fuck it I’m going for it anyway.

Is it the, share my problems and care for myself, care work you had in mind? 😉

Strangely enough to get a little on topic, care workers appear to be the whipping group for the kill jab pseudo mandatory policy. Uniquely English. Pass the buck! They better hope that boot remains firmly on our heads, because forever is ambitious!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 26, 2021 9:16 AM
Reply to  peterpaul

I explained my circumstances above. I also have a diasabled son. So I have plenty of stress in my life. But I don’t have “a life” anyway. I get riled up and write my posts “in my head” mostly so that when I type them they’re already fully formed. It doesn’t take long.

Dickie Reed
Dickie Reed
Sep 26, 2021 10:38 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Keep’em coming Ol Georgie boy……..you sure as heck get my vote

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 25, 2021 11:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think the vaxy waxy kicks the fetid ball on down the line for a little while. In the early days we were all advised to stick together because we were ALL in this together…but as time wore on some of us were “in this together” more so than others…and some of us needed to be chastised for not being “in this together” as much as other people were in it. So it seems to me that the less “in this together” you feel, the more you can claim that Satan has no claim on your soul.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 9:05 PM

For reasons I can’t be bothered going into (well OK I was looking at articles on Harrison Birtwistle), I found myself wandering round the Guardian’s comment threads. God are they DULL! The old phony disputes between liberal Lefties and Tory establishment cocksuckers – well both are establishment cocksuckers and that’s the whole point. But even then, the disputes have no spark of originality, no sense of genuine engagement or feeling. It’s all almost as rote as the WSW.

Sep 24, 2021 8:21 PM

I try and be gracious to everyone I know, but I don’t do Facebook, and only a few of my friends actually use their mobile phones to communicate…..

But my wife now does Facebook again (after 2 years off) and splashes all her photos of where she has been this week (her photography has improved a lot recently) I gave her a Kleenex Tissue, to wipe the suncream of her lens.

But still no one replies…to me, whilst she gets hundreds of likes.

Are you going to the Gig?

How many contacts I have got?

It’s tomorrow night.


Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 24, 2021 8:28 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

No one believes your fake life. You couldn’t produce a single actual photo of a festival you allegedly went to or the boat you allegedly sailed on or the veggies you allegedly grow or even the alleged paddling pool you can’t stop talking about. Nope. Zip. Nada.

But I bet you could send us some great photos of your mom’s Wisconsin basement couldn’t you 😉

PS – I see you thought adding ’tissue’ after Kleenex made it look authentically British, but nope. A Brit would just say “tissue” – they don’t use the brand name generically as we do.

Sep 25, 2021 11:00 AM

Are you trying to hurt a bot’s feelings?

Sep 24, 2021 8:58 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

You need a good, creative hobby, Tony.
People are drawn to other people who are actually doing something.


That’s not living.

Try painting. That can occupy a person until they drop from old age, and you might find you have a tremendous flair for colour and form!

It’s probably a bit late for taking up the violin…

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 7:36 PM

By fuck are they flogging this greenie friendly Earth saving psalm for our future serene Zen redemption stuff. Suddenly we’re all one big happy hippy family, eating our beans and getting in touch with our inner dolphins!  

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 5:17 PM

The Beeb piece about evil anti-vaxxers manipulating innocent kiddiewinkles was one I reached through this:


On the one hand we read about the “Reichsbürger Movement, which rejects modern Germany’s legitimacy” which has “links to far-right and anti-Semitic groups”, and which “claims a German Reich still exists, with pre-War 1939 borders”.

On the other hand we read about, the “Covid-sceptic Querdenken mass movement” which “has …. become a home for the spread of misinformation around the German elections”. Also, “Querdenken claims to have no political affiliation, but several of its key figures have well-documented far-right connections and some of their demonstrations have ended in violence”.

The “far right” tag is given no less than six times although there is this curious addition: “also hippies, spiritualists and evangelical Christians”.

And also note this:

“Like the QAnon conspiracy in the United States, the SHAEF theory has a “saviour”, who will rescue Germany from disaster. While in the US, it is Donald Trump who adherents believe will eventually intervene and retake power, in Germany it is a “Cdr Jansen”, who posts on the social media platform Telegram.”

So the memes are all in place in a nascent form. Covid scepticism is now on the verge of being explicitly linked with Nazi Germany!

Sep 24, 2021 6:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It wasn’t that long ago that ‘lateral thinking’ (or Querdenken) was regarded as a novel aid to creativity. Especially when Edward de Bono wrote his famous work. But since basic reasoning has come to be regarded as a threat to the narrative (as truth is a threat to lies), it’s understandable that it’s fallen out of favour.

Maybe I’m out of touch (not being from the US), but I can’t imagine anyone regarding Donald Trump as a potential saviour of mankind. I’m guessing that that bit is fabricated, along similar lines to the labels of ‘movement’ that are often used to describe a ragtag bunch of people (or the odd neuroatypical individual) voicing disparate opinions.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 7:12 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

No-one, inside or outside the US, imagines Trump as a saviour of mankind. The media has cast him in this role i.e. with legions of fanatical followers because they tried to turn him into (yet) another Hitler. Hence the Capitol riot which threatened the fate of Western civilization etc.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 4:42 PM

Isn’t this BBC article interesting?:

A third of Wales Covid cases are in unvaccinated people

A third of people with confirmed Covid in Wales in the past week were unvaccinated, according to new figures released by Public Health Wales (PHW).

Now what that means is that two thirds of Wales Covid cases must have been in vaccinated people! But just think of the different effect of the headline:

Two thirds of Wales Covid cases are in vaccinated people

Two thirds of people with confirmed Covid in Wales in the past week were vaccinated, according to new figures released by Public Health Wales (PHW).

Sep 24, 2021 5:24 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The article is just garbage.
Percentages of percentages.

They are trying to disguise the fact that the vaccine DOESN’T WORK against illness and that the vaccinated people in hospital are probably there BECAUSE of the vaccine.

Expect the numbers and bullshit to go crazy once they start killing old people during the normal flu season.

Sep 25, 2021 11:03 AM

But maybe the 6th booster shot? 10th?

Sep 24, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Not to mention that you are still ‘unvaccinated’ until a couple weeks after the final shot.

Sep 24, 2021 10:27 PM
Reply to  Jacques

not to mention that there is no final shot…

Tim Glass
Tim Glass
Sep 25, 2021 1:35 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Great comment. I reposted on RFK, Jr.’s Defender.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 4:18 PM

Another sleepless night tossing, turning, sensing, feeling the world burning as western civilization descends downward into the fiery pit of naked fascism. The isolation, external at first imposed by relentless government fear propaganda and mandates to isolate, avoid and distrust each other is creeping inward. Don’t speak, don’t play, don’t hug, don’t sing, don’t dance, don’t smile. Just where the mask and be done with that.

The exhortations to only trust the government and big ecocidal/genocidal corporations that control them – that have corrupted them – that have more power than them –  that are re-writing human history for them – that cloak themselves in philanthropical robes. They know what’s best, they will keep us safe, they will keep us entertained with their technology because they are ‘the science.’

The LIES that surround us and bind us to accept perpetual war and inequality. The lies that justify obscene expenditures for implements of destruction on others in far away places and on the useless ‘scum’ that exist nearby. Those self-perpetuating lies we tell ourselves that have tainted our very soul.

Day-break is coming and so will the sirens that rip into our consciousness reminding all to be alarmed and afraid. People bent in fear will hobble outside  and salute the new Reich with a mask.

Sep 24, 2021 6:46 PM
Reply to  simon crow

I don’t know where you are from, but there is likely a forthcoming respite at the end of the tunnel (usually coincides with the Summer months).

We’re enjoying some of that ‘day-break’ here in the UK at the moment (at least in contrast to places such as Australia, France, although Norway is apparently rapidly catching up).

So hang in there. There will be plenty of time for the more traditional and more appropriate maskless middle-finger salute (if not with words, then at least in body).

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Sep 24, 2021 4:07 PM

“No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices.”

– Edward R. Murrow –
(April 25, 1908 – April 27, 1965)

Sep 24, 2021 8:43 PM

Well running the US propaganda agency, Murrow knows well enough about that I guess.

Sep 24, 2021 3:30 PM

Laura Dodsworth’s book “State of Fear” is highly illuminating, because she gets behind enemy lines in the Fourth Reich in Westminster. Apparantly because she is perceived as a “Reputable Journalist”, many people, even inside No 10, talk to her.
They are terrified too, and plead with her not to publish their names. Some of them are completely disgusted at what it is going on, using blatant LIES, highly refined FEAR, from the Psychological Brainwashing units, that the British Government specifically recruited to terrifiy everyone to death over what they knew, because Witty himself stated it 15 months ago. COVID was not a “High consequence infectious disease”
Initially, I gave some of these people the benefit of the doubt, in that they had been brainwashed too. This may still be true of some politicians and civil servants.

However, it is becoming increasingly clear, that the Senior levels of Government and the Civil Service and Those in Control of them, are completely Aware of the True State of Affairs. They don’t seem to mind that they are deliberately committing mass genocide.

Whilst most people still remain brainwashed, and will just accept that their elderly relative, simply dropped dead, shortly after being jabbed (nothing to do with the jab of course). They just died because they are old. This cognitive dissonance is highly likely to rub off soon, when little Johnny comes home from school, after being jabbed, and is now in the queue for A&E, with several of his class mates.

“NHS ‘on the edge’ with some patients waiting 48 hours for a bedExclusive: record number of A&Es having to turn away ambulances daily amid unprecedented demand” – just now from the Guardian.

There will be Justice. It is coming, before they Kill us All.

comment image


Sep 24, 2021 6:35 PM
Reply to  Tony_0pmoc

I think they will hide behind the chaos they are constantly creating, while they continue to kill us all. We’ve reached the demonic bottom of our moral evolution here.

I generally try to have two lists in my head:

1) Wishful-thinking items, which would be wonderful, but which may well come to nothing. This is where ‘justice for our mass murderers’ sits, as far as I can see.

2) Items which are actually capable of realization and which are crucial for humanity’s further evolution.

The items in List 2 are extremely scarce, and the cause of considerable brain-racking on my part…

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 24, 2021 2:40 PM

“Fear is at the bottom of all atrocities”… Correct Frances. And the chilling thing for me is how people who do not wish to get the jab have been relentlessly demonised and tarred with the “anti vaxxer” or “covid denier” labels.
Here in Melbourne, the labels of neo nazi’s and right wing extremists are now being directed at people who refuse to go along with this vile agenda and crime against humanity. What does this remind you of? And where does this type of demonising ultimately lead to? Those of us who haven’t forgotten history already know the answer.
It’s surreal that so many around the world, but especially here have been so quick to forget history. Why?
Because they have been blinded by their own irrational fears, and by the lies of psychopaths like Daniel Andrews, Gladys Berejiklian, Brad Hazzard and Shane Patton.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 6:28 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The same psychos who demonised and abused refugees, Aborigines, single parents, the unemployed, muslims, Africans, gays and lesbians are at work now, and the screeching human rights lawyers are shoulder to shoulder with them.

Sep 24, 2021 2:07 PM

I had to stop reading (again) at Nafeez Ahmed. Whatever OG.

Sep 24, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Arby

Another one bites the dust. “Trusted voices” in the supposed alt media.

I’m in a tiny country where I speak a foreign language but if I was in the UK or similar I would be giving a platform to as many voices from the street as possible.

The mere act of asking people for their opinion empowers them. Be the people’s platform.

The Jam – Sounds From The Street

Sep 24, 2021 2:44 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus


simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 3:14 PM
Reply to  Moneycircus

Thanks for a great read. I was thinking that we need to learn as much from each other as we can while we can to sustain us in the possibility of this site going down. The war has started on the common people and i think it will be the final war and the people will rise, aided by the unseen and aided by life itself.
Fuck me, i’m starting to sound like…

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 5:25 PM
Reply to  Arby

Mr Ahmed presents a truly daunting aspect of this seemingly coreless onion. The 9/11 manoeuvre was so incredibly detailed in its layers and false leads and misdirection and “honeypots”. A veritable Big Tent Attraction. “Roll up! Roll up! Laydeez and Gennelmen!” etc. And here’s Nafeez to show you to the (ahem!) “radical corner”!   

Sep 25, 2021 2:33 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“Mr Ahmed presents a truly daunting aspect of this seemingly coreless onion.” I don’t know what that refers to or whether it’s sarcasm. (I don’t know what Nafeez Ahmed’s position is on 9/11 and don’t terribly care but it would be interesting if he did ‘not’ toe the US police State’s line on that.) But seeing how the latter part of your comment is well-aimed sarcasm, I’ll assume that it’s all sarcasm. In the above author’s defence, Ahmed is sometimes good. Maybe that’s all she’s seen. I didn’t follow up so as to examine what she was referring to because I was too put off.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2021 9:22 AM
Reply to  Arby

I thought that your original comment on Ahmed was sarcasm and that you had cottoned on to this most duplicitous of operatives.

Ahmed was, to my knowledge, the first to produce a book taking a sceptical view of 9/11 The War On Freedom, which he then followed up with another such, The War On Truth (a most ironic title considering what was to come). 

But then I started to notice some oddities. His webpage proudly boasts of his connections to various establishment organisations:

“Nafeez has advised the British Foreign Office, the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the UK Defence Academy, the Metropolitan Police Service on delivery of the Home Office’s Channel Project, and the UK Parliamentary Inquiry into UK counter-terrorism strategy – which extensively cited his written evidence in its final report and recommendations to government. He has also consulted for the State Department’s Middle East Partnership and various UN agencies.”

For a figure so critical of the establishment, he has plenty of establishment connections.

He also wrote a book, The London Bombings (referring to the attack on 7/7/05) in which a large number of pages were blanked out because they had been redacted – not an unusual matter for such a book – but why leave the blank pages in unless you were trying to make it look as if you were “getting dangerously close to the truth”?

I then noticed him taking a hostile attitude towards “conspiracy theorists” and the “inside job” thesis. His Wiki page has a quote from him that makes even my jaded jaw drop:

“I’m on record as having stated several times that my stance on the WTC is not about conspiracy theory – I told a Channel 4 documentary on conspiracy theories some years ago that however the Twin Towers went down, no physical explanation proves an ‘inside job.’ Even if, and it’s a big if indeed, it were proven beyond doubt that explosives were planted in the WTC, this in itself wouldn’t prove that the US government perpetrated 9/11. There’s a whole range of various scenarios consistent with this.” He went on to add: “My position on 9/11 is pretty simple: I don’t indulge in theory. I detest speculation. I particularly hate the very phrase ‘inside job,’ which is a meaningless bullshit euphemism… there is not a single alternative conspiracy theory of 9/11 blaming the state that does not itself contain holes and gaps. If you’re going to point out the holes, gaps and anomalies in what the government says – and rightly so – have the balls to admit the holes in your own claims.”

There are so many statements in that quote which, each one even by itself, completely invalidates Ahmed as a sincere reporter. I mean: “however the Twin Towers went down, no physical explanation proves an ‘inside job” (!?) Can there be a more candid admission of total preclusion of all “conspiracy theory”?

And even the proof that the towers were brought down by explosives “wouldn’t prove that the US government perpetrated 9/11” (?!) Well if the govt didn’t plant explosives then some pretty damned powerful organisation working under the govt’s unprecedentedly vast surveillance network must have carried it out. In which case this other organisation must effectively be the US govt! 

And all that stuff about gaps in alternative explanations is reversal of the burden of proof. Of course there are gaps in any explanation where the explainer will never be able to access the full truth. So what? It is still the original claim that must be the focus of attention. To begin by demanding a full watertight account from the sceptics will obviously stop them from asking any questions.

But it was the arrival of covid that finally revealed beyond all doubt that Ahmed was a spook. With the covid con he has proved himself the most vitriolic attack dog on all covid scepticism which he untiringly links to “The Right”.

With friends like him …

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2021 9:34 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And that quote is so full of shit, every time I look at it, something else jumps out. Look at this:

Even if, and it’s a big if indeed, it were proven beyond doubt that explosives were planted in the WTC

I am coming to see the matter of controlled demolition as the litmus test of all 9/11 investigation. We saw not one, not two but three high rise buildings fall in a manner that can only be explained by controlled demolition – and all on the same day! But in comes Ahmed with his “and it’s a big if” ??!!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 25, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Wiki also has this concerning a 2015 essay from Ahmed:

“…Ahmed expressed more in-depth criticisms of the 9/11 truth movement, pointing out that reasonable questions about how the World Trade Center towers collapsed did not justify believing in controlled demolition or conspiracy theories. Instead he pointed to evidence of severe breaches of fire safety codes and removal of evidence raising “serious questions about corruption and cover up for vested interests – issues which continue to undermine national security to this day“.”

So you see we are back to the “incompetence” meme. And note that bit about undermining “national security”. Ahmed is talking the talk of the national security state. Indeed he is talking for the national security state.

Sep 25, 2021 11:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

And then there’s all the witnesses that Chomsky dismissively says aren’t there to prove that 9/11 was not what the State says it was, who James Corbett has paraded for us over time. And on and on… Thanks for the info on Ahmed’s stand on the covid hoax. And, yes, I cottoned onto him and his buddy Tom Secker long ago. (I see that Whitney Webb is so disgusted with Chomsky that she says she will now refer to him as Gnome Chomsky.)

Jan J
Jan J
Sep 25, 2021 5:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Nafeez Ahmed deserves credit for his first book on 9/11, that was actually brilliant and got me started on looking more closely into 9/11. After that however, he seems to have been co-opted by the establishment. Not sure what happened there, maybe the dark side pays better? 🙂

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 1:08 PM

I should just add as a postscript to my earlier comment that I recognise fully that my dislike of the “9/11 truth” cult will not endear me to perhaps most other regular commenters here.

Like all believers of any religion you will not be swayed by the rhetoric of “blasphemers” and “heretics” like myself.

Well you’re not going to convince me and I guess I’m not going to convince you either.

I post here mostly as this is the only forum I know where I can express my thoughts and opinions openly. And I detest wokery and excessive speech rules.

I do feel sad that what I consider to be more balanced and rational views regarding 9/11 are not being expressed and given proper airing here. So I post in part also to redress that balance in admittedly a very small way.

I keep saying: it’s all narrative. No matter what the subject or who is saying it. Narratives aren’t “truth” (or “lies”) they are narratives. Human stories.

What actually happened on 9/11? Well, I wasn’t there. Let’s play Devil’s advocate – maybe it’s all made up. Maybe New York City doesn’t really exist? Well, I’ve never been there. For that matter I’ve never been to the United States. Maybe that doesn’t really exist either … ?

You have to trust sometimes. But that trust has to be based on commonsense. On rationality.

There is nothing rational or commonsense about “9/11 truth” in my opinion.

Who is being played here?

Are you sure it isn’t you?

Sep 24, 2021 1:38 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

There is nothing rational or commonsense about “9/11 truth” in my opinion.

That’s because you are irrational, and obviously lack common sense, and critical thinking skills.

I post here mostly as this is the only forum I know where I can express my thoughts and opinions openly.

Dig out, nobody really cares what you think anyway, and every village needs an idiot.

Sep 24, 2021 1:58 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

I don’t think he’s an idiot, I think he’s a shill.

Sep 25, 2021 9:46 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

Fair enough, but consider that the terms aren’t mutually exclusive. 😉

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Sep 24, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

There is nothing rational or commonsense about “9/11 truth” in my opinion.

Considering the mountain of hard evidence – which I bet you haven’t, have you John? – that statement of yours is monumentally irrational; to the point of mental unbalance.

OK, we get that you have a blind spot about 11/9, and you’re determined to believe your delusion, come what may. Bad luck; lot’s of folks stuck in that trap, for all sorts of reasons.

But please: don’t expect the non-blind-spotted denizens here to be swayed by your obsession; best not to clutter up the btls with your no-hoper chop-logic.

The 11/9 atrocities were real, not just a bleedin’ ‘narrative’. And they were a false-flag attack. The – realworld – evidence is conclusive. Any un-nobbled court of law would accept it easily.

Sep 24, 2021 5:17 PM

“11/9” happened in the US. Therefore it’s “9/11′
Jus’ sayin…

Sep 24, 2021 5:21 PM
Reply to  Norm

The label, that is. Feel free whatever date format you want…for dates. (i.e. “about 11/9 [events],” and “The 11/9 atrocites” sounds like label use.)

Sep 24, 2021 1:45 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

For starters, please explain how 3 skyscraper collapsed into their own foot print at free fall speed on the same day. With the official story being because of furniture fires. Something that has never happened before or since.
Those that want to sweep 911 under the rug are either “shills” or fools. Which are you?

Sep 24, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

Not strictly true – there’s that useless skyscraper in Sao Paulo that happened to catch fire and collapse on Beltane in 2018.

Sep 24, 2021 5:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I would suggest that the big difference is that not one, not two, but 3 skyscrapers fell into their own foot print on a single day. And they all sure look like they were imploded to me.
Also, I don’t know the details of that collapse in Brazil. But I know that since 911 there has been a concerted effort to find another skyscraper that collapsed into it’s own foot print and tell the world about it.
All that is besides the point; that the official 911 story is a lie and a cover-up.

Sep 24, 2021 5:01 PM
Reply to  2fat2surf

I hope JP sticks around because he might be brainwashed by the MSM but honestly in search of Enlightenment. Kudos to OffG for its remarkably fair minded editorial policy; to which JP pays this handsome tribute: “I post here mostly as this is the only forum I know where I can express my thoughts and opinions openly.” Bravo!

“I disagree with what you say but shall fight to the death for your right to say it” — Voltaire

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 1:52 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

I like your honesty here.
So find the common ground between us and build from there rather than focus on the difference. There are things more important now and we need all the help we can get from everyone who has something to offer. We need a swell of the common people to resist so i really don’t care about details right now. Do you play John Petty?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 4:57 PM
Reply to  simon crow

I like your honesty here.

Sorry, you lost me there!

Sep 24, 2021 2:28 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

// I keep saying: it’s all narrative. //

The respective properties of steel, of aluminum, the speed of free fall, etc. are not narrative.

“It’s all narrative” is the typical line of thought of people who specialize in deceit…

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 4:55 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Well here’s the thing John – you make a lot of noises about being reasonable and about how “fanatical” your opponents are. But you actually don’t indulge in any actual argument with them. I have repeatedly put my point to you about the reversal of the burden of proof and you’ve just ignored me. Now if you carry on according to expectations, you will once again give us the little “Oh dear me” fret, blow a raspberry at us (whilst pontificating about how jolly rude we are) and then ignore every single point put to you, lie low for a few days and then come back in with the constantly regurgitated passive aggression.

But I love this bit:  

I post here mostly as this is the only forum I know where I can express my thoughts and opinions openly.

Really? First, I doubt if you are expressing your thoughts and opinions openly. And second, if this is the only forum you can do so – then why is that? Are your opinions, whatever they really are, so shocking? How exactly can you be too shocking? If you want to blast off against “9/11 truthers”, well just join the mainstream! But if there is some dark and ultra-radical point you want to make, then what is it? You’ll find all sorts on the net: fascists, communists, white supremacists, all-out racists, woke and anti-woke etc. Take your pick.

Sep 24, 2021 5:28 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

“Narratives aren’t “truth” (or “lies”) they are narratives. Human stories.”

Nothing is truth/lies. Everything is human stories, relating one’s experiences, logic and beliefs — or deceptive simulations of the same.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 6:31 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

WEll there are some irrational things about the whole narrative. 1. the pristine passports of the hijackers found on the streets of New York, and the tonnes of unburnt paper falling from a burning building. 2. the fact that the FBI and CIA knew all about them for months, 3. bombing the fuck out of Afghanistan because some Saudis trained in Germany and the USA committed a supposed crime. 4. the fact that the plane for the Afghan bombing was on Pervez Mushareff’s desk in July 2001, that Bin Laden was a CIA employee.

The problem with rotten fish is the smell over powering in the end

dr death
dr death
Sep 24, 2021 11:10 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

you need to take your mask off ‘john’, you are suffering the effects of hypoxia and it is damaging your brain….. the mask!… the mask!… saturated in spike proteins and graphine.. remooove it..

all the ‘narratives’ are converging into a ‘singularity’, a nightmare of lovecraftian proportion disconcertingly ”new and abnormal’… you need to kick back….’time out’ from the shiny screen and it’s discombobulated denizens….

have a three finger scotch..(no ice, dash of water, islay malt)..

then try again..

Sep 25, 2021 11:21 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

John, I suspect you’re also BDSM… You seem to have a perverted pleasure in coming here to get a beating. You don’t even bother to through any explanation in, it actually works better that way. You can be hit from every side. The people here (including myself) seem to enjoy it just as much as you. Are you sure your perversions aren’t leaning you away from any kind of efficiency, accomplishments… are you running away from a shitty life John. BTW I’ve been in New York and it is SPECTACULAR

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 12:47 PM

And the award for Greatest Hypocrisy of All Time goes to:


“The anti-vax movement targeting German children”

Imagine targeting children! How evil! And what is the extreme ideology being forced on them ? It’s this:

“According to DatenLiebe, practically “every type” of anti-vax or anti-Covid conspiracy you can think of is circulating in the group.

“They say pretty clearly that they either don’t think that coronavirus exists, or that it’s just the flu,” he says.

He also says the members have “a strong distrust in state institutions” and most believe Covid-19 vaccines either don’t work or are more harmful than the disease itself.

And he’s also tracked stories of the children’s beliefs causing them trouble in their personal lives.

Several members of the group have said that they dropped out of school because they can’t handle the pressure around mask regulations, or have been bullied by their classmates.”

Note the typical evasiveness of the language. What exactly IS this “pressure around mask regulations” and what is the bullying about?

But who cares? The link has been made. Anti-vaxxers = child abusers! And this coming from the most callous child abusers!

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 12:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

All of which makes me wonder if Jimmy Savile was indeed the BBC’s ideal representative.

Sep 24, 2021 1:32 PM
Reply to  George Mc
Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Sep 24, 2021 1:47 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Or even whether he really is dead…?

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 1:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Good catch.
Yea its disgusting and another case of insanity projecting.
Just woke up from a restless sleep and dream’t that a street kid around ten or eleven had adopted me as his father while i was strolling through a carnival. He trusted me. At one point he was resting on a grass slope when a group of concerned women began approaching him to give him a mask and i was trying to keep them back but there were too many and i woke up. Your comment was the first thing i read and i immediately recalled the dream.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  simon crow

Or is this the dream and that was the reality..:)

Sep 24, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The Graun has published an article today saying we are all going to die of a cold or the flu because we haven’t been acquiring natural immunity due anti-social distancing and mask wearing. After a year of telling us there is no such thing natural immunity and that the flu isn’t dangerous.

Sep 24, 2021 4:02 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Who wrote it?
One of their hacks, or one of their ‘black sheep’…?
I can’t bring myself to check it out, since I’m Graun-allergic.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Sep 24, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Prepping the congregation for the ADE that Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi etc have been warning us all about, except twisting the narrative so that the clot shots aren’t blamed. It’s all so transparent when you look at it from the outside.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 6:33 PM
Reply to  Orthus

WEll they have to earn the millions from Gates

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 24, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Rajendra Pachauri (IPCC chairman 2002-15): “We Have To Sensitize The Young” – The Next Tool

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:27 PM

Just thought I’d check in to Watership Down to see how everyone is getting along.

Personally I prefer to be above ground.

As some of you know, I can be “triggered” by hostile comments, despite being a prickly commenter at times myself. So I’m not reading any replies to my posts regarding this “9/11 truth” scam.

And BTW I still hate lockdowns and vaxxports. And I’m still not having the jab.


George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 12:49 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Time for you to peace off, Pretty Vacant.

Sep 24, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

John Pretty – and you’re still an asshat.

Sep 24, 2021 1:44 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Show me on this doll where the nasty words touched you.

dr death
dr death
Sep 25, 2021 12:23 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

the trenches aren’t for everyone john… but you wont make it above ground, not on your lonesome with all that artillery trained on that bulls-eye on your back…

ignorance and hypocrisy is about to carry away a fair number of imbecile-kind…. it would be awful for you if you were one of them…

above ground … easy meat…

leave the pink haired tatooed pan-sexual church ladies behind and get a decent ‘wingman to watch your six’… hehe..

and you just might…. maybe… if you are lucky… grab an extra hour or so… when the simulation goes live…

Sep 25, 2021 11:55 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Why do you hate lockdowns and vaxxports… Who told you they are bad?… Don’t you trust your government? All legitimate questions that you won’t read I suppose… What’s the use of you John.

Sep 24, 2021 11:54 AM
Sep 24, 2021 10:27 AM

Agenda on course – or just psy-opping male vaccine hold-outs?


Sep 24, 2021 10:27 AM

Follow the petrol

Sep 24, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  Theobalt

Within an hour of you posting that, queues developed at petrol stations all over the UK, within 2 hours 3 MSM outlets published “Don’t panic buy petrol” type headlines! I bet you didn’t realise how influential you are 🙂


Sep 25, 2021 11:57 PM
Reply to  ImpObs

Three little words… hun… No. No I didn’t.

Sep 24, 2021 9:55 AM

Nice lady. Sage words, concisely and calmly presented. Whether there is or isn’t something out there ( it’s a trick question anyway and part of the divide and conquer strategy) is irrelevant. What matters is the fact that not one of the (so called but I need to think of another word to describe these clowns ) government’s actions have been taken to protect people’s health, but have instead been outrageous and criminal, and clearly have nothing to do with some plague sweeping the globe. Just like the events in NYC in 2001 it is a monumental psyop. Anybody who can’t see this is in trouble. The day after NYC 2001, I was shouted at by an old friend when I said I felt it was an inside job. The same friend laughed at me when I said there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and it was a fraudulent excuse for war. I am no longer in touch with that friend. I wonder what he thinks of Event 201, sorry I mean Covid. In truth, I don’t think I care what he thinks anymore.

Sep 24, 2021 2:09 PM
Reply to  Corarden

The clowns: Police State governments. That’s what they are. Jon Rappoport calls them that. John Whitehead calls them that. They’re fascist, police State governments within the gangster Corporatocracy.

Sep 24, 2021 4:39 PM
Reply to  Arby

Can’t disagree with what you’re saying, I felt it very much in Trafalgar Square in August ’20 – to describe the atmosphere as oppressive would be an understatement.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 8:54 AM

Just spent quality time with some fam. It’s incredible how bbbbbllllllleeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh everyone is toward our current global “health snafus”. And incredible how infectious it is…how dreary they make it all sound…just put your masks on…yawwwwwn…just play the game and comply…oohhhh yyyawn…looks like the borders are shut over Christmas, oh well yyyawnn…who’s playing tonight? Awesome! Oh look, an iPad with a #vaxxrules tag near the clock…yaaaaaawn…how do i install the QR tracing app…yyyyyyawn…a billboard with an advert for spectacles…with a guy’s face lit large…in his mask…yyyaaaawwwwnnn…pass the potato chips…yyyaaaawwwwnnn…look at these masks I made…yyaaaaawwwwwwn…ho hum…whatever…blllleeeehhhhhh.

If these people can be said to represent average punters on the street…and I think that they can…it’s nothing short of absolutely fucking gobsmackingly incredible how awesomely comfy they are with…well…with everything. This shit has not rocked their boat even a tad.

Yep, protestors are scum, masks “just work”, injections are a fucking great idea, “papers please” is no fucking worries at all mate, pass the butter, pass the chips, what’s on the other 600 channels, shhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! The News is on.

Ffffffuck me.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Sep 24, 2021 9:55 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.

Sep 24, 2021 12:24 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

Most people don’t look like they have a choice. They’re doomed and that’s that.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Sep 24, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

True , however In the Age of information , most of which is false , choosing to be ignorant is a lesser evil ?

Sep 24, 2021 10:53 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Yep I am kinda noticing that too….those still in jobs have settled in nicely to the new norm…

the wed night uk column will be right up their alley in due course….it seems gates and coy have a heap more mRNA vax in mind for them….one for every cancer which they will be able to tell you you have from a blood test….probably same reliability as the pcr test.,..so the gravy train will roll on and these covid crazies will line up for everything….

humans are nuts.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Sep 24, 2021 11:24 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Nice writing. A2

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 12:30 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

You’re a saint. Here’s a 🍺 for ya

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Sep 24, 2021 1:14 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Oh man, do I hear you.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 8:23 AM

I abandoned commenting on the WSW soon after Operation Covid began and they turned into the biggest advertising campaign for Vax Inc. But I have recently stuck a few swipes in at them with no expectation – or even interest – that they post me. But I must hold back! I glance in to them frequently – bad habit! I need counselling. And I now feel a knee jerk compulsion to vomit all over their comment thread the moment I read the latest fear wank. I suppose I could always wait till next Thursday when the first comment arrives before I join in!

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 8:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Not nearly to the same degree i have been feeling the same about the ‘other site.’ which i had followed for years as a spectator. They are rather unfriendly and seem to enjoy hacking each other to pieces as a sport.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Sep 24, 2021 10:46 AM
Reply to  simon crow

The acute ‘left’ of little talking-shop splinters has always practiced hobby feuding with others of their ilk, always for ‘wrong analysis’ of some supremely minor matter of doctrine. Not so much a sport, more of an irresistible compulsion.

This compulsion-to-feud partners their rabid determination to be permanently irrelevant to what the great majority of humankind regard as important matters, and always to refuse fanatically to notice this fatal disconnect, despite it being the source of their perennial ineffectualness. More important to be ‘right’, and doctrinally pure, rather than to be politically effective, gathering a broad consensus following, and having some practical effect on the world.

Leave them to their little coteries, playing their bilious mutual-laceration games, and being cosmically useless to man or beast. They earn no more attention than that.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 10:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

In Australia they still carry on as if the fucking black death stalked the land and they are so desperate in NSW they ”diagnose” covid after people die without doing an autopsy or any of the other niceties

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 11:21 AM

Their latest was about how the US govt has normalised the genocide. What genocide? The usual death statistics shifted over under a new label with any excess due to the lockdowns and vax also realigned to covid I.e. this season’s fashionable choice for expiring.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 12:33 PM

There’s thousands…thousands watching rugby league at Lang Park tonight in Brisbane…a masked town…jammed in like sardines…90% no mask. Yet if I go to buy a bag of potatoes without a gimp mask on, I’m the bad guy. And my employer will not let unmasked people work. (I haven’t worked in 7 weeks or so)

I must be missing something. I’m sure science could explain it.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

WEll I can’t explain how children in SA are expected to wear face nappies when there has never been an outbreak worthy of the name and no one needed them at all until a month ago.

I refuse so the supermarket let me in and if I ring the chemist and give an order they will make it up so I can pick it up while not entering the shop.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 11:16 PM

South Australia is forcing children to wear masks at school? I think they’ll be “mandating” injections” for teachers soon.

Sep 25, 2021 8:25 AM
Reply to  Pig Swill

Normal science can’t explain it. Only The Science can.

Sep 24, 2021 10:32 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Withdraw slowly, to avoid adverse effect… but start now. You are a few months away from feeling a great deal better 🙂

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Sep 24, 2021 8:08 AM

IWWH Ep. 20: The Psychology of Denial, Fear and Obedience to Authority
Streamed live on May 28, 2021

In this episode of If We Were Honest Jason Bosch interviews Fran Shure, a retired psychological therapist specializing in early trauma. We will be discussing the mainstream narratives.


Sep 24, 2021 7:54 AM

how does one post an image or meme on Off G.thanks

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 8:56 AM
Reply to  Hele

I’d like to know too. I have a real beauty. I’m talking about a picture. A coveeee meme.

Sep 24, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

I use PostImage. Easy peasy. Select the second from the top url once your image is uploaded and you are presented with a list of urls. I have no clue what they are all for. I only know that the second from the top gets you where you’re going.

Sep 24, 2021 9:32 AM
Reply to  Hele

You need to upload to a free image hosting website and then post the link (the web address to the photo i.e http://(website name)/(photo name) here using the link icon below.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 1:10 PM
Reply to  Paul_too
Sep 24, 2021 7:35 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

comment image

Sep 24, 2021 7:33 PM
Reply to  Hele

Right-click on image, select copy image link, paste link on comment.

Sep 24, 2021 7:25 AM

Meanwhile, in ‘marvellous’ Melbourne the cops are going APE SHIT (apologies to the apes):
Maybe Caitlin will wake up soon.

Sep 24, 2021 7:47 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Riot Police ala Tiananmen Square.Next real bullets.Are the people not thinking:Thou dost protest too much-or something like that?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 7:59 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Oh that Caitlin is a real wag, ain’t she? Look here:

“But Caitlin!” you may object. “Those people they’re firing on are Bad People! They’re right-wingers and anti-vaxxers! And they’re protesting without permission!”

No Caitlin, I wasn’t about to object that!

I understand that lockdowns and vaccine passports are still fairly popular ideas here ….

Really Caitlin? Is that what you “understand”?

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 8:16 AM
Reply to  George Mc

That second one haunts me:

I understand that lockdowns and vaccine passports are still fairly popular ideas here ….

A whole world of incomprehension is contained in that. Overlooking the feebleness of the language (“I understand that… fairly popular…”), does she really think that the rulers give a shit about what is “fairly popular”? Does she really thiink the proposal for lockdowns and vax passports somehow came spontaneously from the public?

Sep 24, 2021 9:21 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Those in the common law movement argue the word “understand” doesn’t mean what most people think and is a trick. They argue it means to stand under something i.e. to consent to its power over us.

I’m not fully sold on the common law line – but TPTB clearly do use word trickery and alternative phrasings can always be found in case they are correct.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:15 PM
Reply to  Edwige

So what does “boll ocks” mean then Eddie?

Sep 24, 2021 2:17 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yes, I came across the same information. TPTB ‘only’ use word trickery. I call it worldy honesty. Your yes means ‘yes’ today, but tomorrow it means ‘no’. Jesus Christ told his followers to let their word yes mean ‘yes’ and their word ‘no’ mean no, period. He said that what is in excess of that is evil. I call that simple honesty. (It is in fact the key to understand God’s Word.)

New Nane
New Nane
Sep 24, 2021 11:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Sickening. Evil. The events in Melbourne are being ignored everywhere. Even on alleged alternate media.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:16 PM
Reply to  New Nane

It’s all over twitter.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 6:42 PM
Reply to  New Nane

Nope the alternate media have many films, the last 2 minutes of the protest can be seen on Utube now, hundreds of cops lined the wall and shot at protesters. My veteran grand pa would be spinning in his grave if he could see what his 6 years in Gaza and New Guinea led to today

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 8:12 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Caitlin’s writings have helped to awaken many including myself.
I see the word ‘narrative’ used more frequently in independent media.
You can credit to her for that.
Her journalism paved the way for others.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Sep 24, 2021 10:16 AM
Reply to  simon crow

Oh please.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 11:24 AM

Thanks Admin. Once again brevity is the soul of wit!

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:17 PM
Reply to  George Mc

You’re married George.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 1:05 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Are you asking?

Sep 24, 2021 2:03 PM

crow is talking to himself and it ain’t pretty

Sep 24, 2021 4:40 PM

looks like the shills are back as winter approaches and the bs ramps up again in our hemisphere

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 10:20 AM
Reply to  simon crow

Oh for god’s sake she wrote a book on astrology and another called WOKE, yet she’s been asleep for 19 months because ”she doesn’t know any science.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:17 PM
Reply to  simon crow

Caitlin was fully behind lockdowns from the start. I’m not sure if she has changed of late, but I have paid her no attention for a couple of years now.

Sep 24, 2021 1:20 PM
Reply to  simon crow

This is mush on RT, right?

Sep 24, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  simon crow

I am ill thinking that I once felt inspired by her. But, she’s only one of many, many traitors in covid 1984. The Biblical sheep are being separated from the Biblical goats and then, the genuine sheep will be separated from the fake sheep. And the genuine sheep (meek, or mild mannered, as in non violent) will inherit the earth, not Klaus and his gang.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 9:07 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Hey come on man, there’s lots of cases down there. You got the cases, you got the scum. You got the scum, you got the heroes. You got the cases, you got the scum, you got the heroes. You got villains! You got heroes and cases…cases…cases as far as the eye can see. You cheer for the heroes, you shiver at the cases and you gnash your teeth at the scum evil doers. You learnt it at kindy. It goes like this booooooooo grrrrrrrrrrr aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Sep 24, 2021 11:54 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Cringeworthy, passive aggressive double-speak is really all she has.

And yet, I do know people who feel that she is “too anti-establishment and should be reined in.”

And Mr. Bezos has been a boon for consumer choice…

And Mr. Zuckerberg has been so supportive of free speech…



Sep 24, 2021 6:53 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

If she was older, I’d say she’d had a stroke…
Not at all the same person whose comments I read a couple of years ago…

Sep 24, 2021 2:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

She knows. She’s made her choices.

Sep 24, 2021 6:41 PM
Reply to  Johnny

They seem to rather enjoy the new role they’ve been given, much as the ‘cops’ did in the infamous Zimbardo’s experiment. Humans are scum.
comment image

Sep 24, 2021 6:51 PM
Reply to  Jacques

No, Jacques, humans are not scum.

The average human is just not very bright, while, living in the cracks between the bright and the not-so-bright, are parasitic insects that are cunning, shrewd, devious, lazy and greedy.

There is currently an infestation of them. A pandemic. A plague.

It happens.
It’s not the fault of ‘humans’, although those of us who are not-so-dumb are certainly taking our time doing something about it…

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 24, 2021 5:20 AM

The latest horror from “science” –

“A new microchip roughly the size of a grain of sand that has the potential to glide across great distances is being touted as a breakthrough for aerial surveillance.
Key points:

  • The devices are about the size of a grain of sand and can transmit wirelessly
  • Remote sensing technology was originally developed for warfare
  • The researchers hope the technology can be used to help monitor disease spread

“Our goal was to add winged flight to small-scale electronic systems, with the idea that these capabilities would allow us to distribute highly functional, miniaturised electronic devices to sense the environment for contamination monitoring, population surveillance, or disease tracking,” Professor Rogers said

Remember when life was simple?


Sep 24, 2021 9:33 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Buzz lightyear: that’s not flying, that’s falling with style 🙂

Sep 24, 2021 10:17 AM
Reply to  May Hem

I know what I want for Christmas!

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:18 PM
Reply to  Arsebiscuits

I want Christmas for Christmas this year.

Patrick L.
Patrick L.
Sep 24, 2021 1:35 PM
Reply to  May Hem

“…to sense the environment for contamination monitoring, population surveillance, or disease tracking”

It’s important to monitor, surveil and track all three of those deadly threats, before eradicating them.

Sep 25, 2021 1:57 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Big MUTHA is watching.
NO, Big MUTHA is up your arse, and nose, and ears, and mouth and under your skin.

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 25, 2021 2:55 AM
Reply to  Johnny

I think the most chilling part of the article I linked to (see above post) was this statement:

“We think we’ve beaten biology, in a sense,” Professor Rogers told the journal.”

These ‘scientists’ think they are superior to Nature. Such ignorance. Such ego. Such disconnection!

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 24, 2021 4:32 AM

The President of Croatia – a rare leader who can’t be bought. I hope he will be safe.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 4:23 AM

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Sep 24, 2021 2:20 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

And you’ll never get it, obviously.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 4:10 PM
Reply to  Arby

“Never is a long time.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 4:15 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“Shades of Sinclair Lewis.”
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Sep 24, 2021 4:22 AM

She’s definitely my kind of professional person – intelligent, articulate, direct and critical – but I had to ask myself why she believes there is a covid virus and a disease called covid…

Who told her that – or, at least, what is her belief based upon?

I’ve been following alternative media myself for quite a long time, and I’ve seen nothing more substantial than what I call ‘media evidence’ for covid’s existence as a disease which could be described as separate from other ‘flu-like diseases.

‘Media science’ is another phrase I use for another aspect of the same wretched thing.

If I knew Frances personally, I would urge her to go all the way with her critical thinking, and not to stop short at something pushed at us 24/7 by the very media she clearly realizes she cannot trust.

Speaking of being a professional person, I am a pianist, and I know that the keyboard I play on is black and white. The black notes are the narrow ones.

What the authors of this ludicrous, amateurish, fraudulent 911/covid pantomime are doing is the equivalent of insisting that I believe the notes are red and green, and the green ones are the narrow ones…
Moreover that Beethoven never existed, and that Goethe composed the ‘9th Symphony’, as well as 32 piano sonatas…

I can’t do that.
No pianist on earth can do that.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 10:21 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Victorians are stupid, I know that for sure because I grew up 4 miles inside the SA border and had many hay seed cousins just the other side

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:22 PM

Well I agree that they are propaganda victims, but so are “9/11 truth” believers.


You just believe a different sort of propaganda and diss everyone with a different point of view in the same way that they do.

Sep 24, 2021 1:54 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Hey, let’s hear your evidence that the official 911 story is true.
Waiting for your reply.

John Pretty
John Pretty
Sep 24, 2021 12:20 PM
Reply to  wardropper

She’s definitely my kind of professional person – intelligent, articulate, direct and critical – but I had to ask myself why she believes there is a covid virus and a disease called covid…

Well now you know how I feel when I read and listen to this “9/11 truth” nonsense. (I’m being polite.)

Some people here are so in love with this narrative that you become everything you accuse others of.

Sep 24, 2021 3:52 PM
Reply to  John Pretty

Nope. Sorry, John, I don’t know how you feel at all.

I can certainly agree with you that some people are more easily brainwashed than others, but a basic education, along with a functioning mental ability to digest information, settles the matter of what is nonsense about 9/11 and what is not.

The facts and the evidence are not matters of opinion.
Only the question of whether they are worth looking at is a matter of opinion.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 4:20 AM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 4:22 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Sep 24, 2021 9:59 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

great stuff Coop

Sep 24, 2021 1:09 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I did notice that during the civil war, Lincoln the lovely non racist, who opposed slavery of course, was still able to send his cavalry off to kill lots of Native Americans on the side,

Sep 24, 2021 2:05 PM
Reply to  Corarden

Off topic but that is a subject so neglectfully and horribly absent from American history and American current events that if I were 40 years younger I would do a PhD on it. The real Native American.

In fact, now that I am writing this post, perhaps I will actually do more study.

Why are there not protests about the lack of Native Americans in the government, in the mainstream press (newspaper and television anchors), on television series, in boardrooms, in major league sports, as major league coaches and owners, as bankers, business owners, Oscar winners, Emmy winners, Grammy winners…

I mean if anyone has the right to scream disenfranchised it is a Native American.

We worry about quarentine camps? How about living on a “reservation”?

OK, I don’t have enough facts so I will end my comment, but this has just astounded me in the past few years.

Sep 24, 2021 6:56 PM
Reply to  Judith

The racism in the US burst at the seems when it comes to Native Americans. The racism towards Native Americans is still pervasive to this day. Even as a very young boy I saw and was very cognizant of the racism against the Native people. As I grew older it became more pronounced with fights between the Native high schools and White high schools. The nearby Native town was named after the local tribes enemies.

To answer your question, there are no protest because the racism is so heavily entrenched and deep.

Sep 25, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  Judith

Russell Means et al.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 2:18 PM
Reply to  Corarden

“Old Abe was also a railroad lawyer. Not exactly Wendell Phillips, Frederick Douglas, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown, Sojourner Truth etc. Still an interesting fellow though. As to American Indians, it is far easier to justify to oneself the mass murder and exploitation of others if those others are seen as inferiors (i.e warranting ones abuses of them).”

Sep 24, 2021 3:54 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

And in 1873, Americans were already beginning to think of themselves as a ‘civilized’ nation…
Fast forward now to 2021…
No change…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 24, 2021 3:40 AM

And the unions said . . . ?

Foreign workers could replace NY’s unvaccinated hospital, nursing home staffers: Hochul
Sep 22, 2021
The nearly 20 percent of workers at hospitals and nursing homes who refuse to get vaccinated against COVID-19 will be replaced — potentially by foreigners — once the state’s mandate goes into effect next week, Gov. Kathy Hochul said Wednesday. Hochul told reporters in Rochester that she hoped that all unvaccinated employees would meet Monday’s deadline.

“To those who won’t, we’ll be replacing people. And I have a plan that’s going to be announced very shortly,” she said. “We’ve identified a whole range of opportunities we have to help supplement them.”

Hochul said state officials were “working closely with various hospital systems to find out where we can get other individuals to come in and supplement places like nursing homes.”
“We’re also reaching out to the Department of State to find out about visas for foreign workers, on a limited basis, to bring more nurses over here,” she said.

NY Gov. Hochul to healthcare workers: Get the shot or be replaced
Sep 22, 2021
Gov. says the state will release a plan in the next day or two to replace health care professionals who decline to be immunized for Covid -19 by Sept. 27 deadline

Sep 24, 2021 4:35 AM

Well we saw that one coming…
The replacement workers will, of course, accept far lower wages than their predecessors.

Sep 24, 2021 10:41 AM
Reply to  wardropper

And the state will accept far less efficiency through experience in “saving” people’s “lives”…

May Hem
May Hem
Sep 24, 2021 4:43 AM

Very soon, the Queensland State Guvmint insists that all police be double jabbed. It will be interesting to see how they react – especially when they realise that their pensions and superannuation won’t exist if they help bring about the new world order!

“13 days or no pay: Cops face suspension over Covid vax refusal.Queensland police officers have been warned they will be suspended without pay if they don’t get their first Covid-19 vaccine shot within the next 13 days, as cops prepare for the “worst-case scenario when the country re-opens”

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 9:10 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Chilling. Teachers next I suppose.

Sep 24, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

For sure.

Pileofshit, the QLD talking-head pollie has already stated that “her government” (there’s a clue there) “has not ruled out” mandatory vaccines for anyone entering QLD schools.

And daddy has the DNA fridge on standby…

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 12:38 PM
Reply to  JohnEss

Which means that is the plan precisely. She sickens me. Never worked a real job. Daddy’s in some kind of medical racket. Coward scum.

Sep 24, 2021 9:35 AM
Reply to  May Hem

I wondered why there was a spike in popcorn futures 😀

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 10:23 AM
Reply to  May Hem

7 people have ”died;’ of so called covid in Queensland since March last year, 1 of them this year, an 80 year old.

Sep 24, 2021 10:42 AM
Reply to  May Hem

Inline with defunding the police…

Sep 24, 2021 12:04 PM
Reply to  May Hem

There exists a group of QLD police officers and administrative staff who are taking the “order” to court.

Their fundraising is going extremely well and my entire household has donated to their very worthy cause.

Here is the link should anyone wish to help them:


Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 9:09 AM

What a soulless dead inside bitch.

Sep 24, 2021 2:44 AM

By way of a corollary to the points made by jubal hershaw, below…

Israeli news reveals some interest figures regarding the vaxxed vs the sane…

Possibly, so interesting that we won’t see them anywhere else:


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Sep 24, 2021 2:32 AM

Today there’s news that some Eastern Bloc nations have had it with The Injections.
The leader of one wont allow His People to be injected. Another is trying to flog the doses to Ireland, whose previous population decimation is remembered as “The Potato Famine”, while another is burning doses…

Then there’s news that a group of them Eastern Bloc nations are worried:
“East European Leaders Urge EU Nations to Increase Birthrate to Prevent ‘Extinction of Europe’, Saying Immigration Is Not The Answer.’ (RT 23 Sept 21)…

??? There’s contradictions: Klaus & Co. promoters of The Fourth Industrial Revolution,
have made it clear that the world has to be depopulated because there’ll be too many mouths to feed, not enough jobs. Hench he backs the Covid Vax Depopulation Campaign. That’s Logical. Others want females to produce More Babies…

Australia’s Economy, according to those who gained from it, had a decades long Dream Run… It weathered many storms… It was a Consumer Economy that depended for its health on a steady. ever increasing, intake of New Consumers. (Officialese: “Overseas Migrants”)… The Economy continued to grow driven by the need for new houses to be built, and the turning of the houses into Homes by the purchase of all the necessities “Made In China”…

The Dream Run was brought to an end when Australian politicians obeyed their instruction to implement job and business destructive policies that would save the economy from the effects of a 2020 world wide recession (Officially the ‘R’ word is forbidden in Australia, unless used with ‘covid caused…’)…

This past week the Wise Leaders in Sydney revealed their plan to revive / rejuvenate the city’s covid-devastated economy.. They intend allowing eateries to fill every nook and cranny, every side street and alleyway – a true improvement on The Old Consumer Economy… Imagine: The workers in one eatery buy their coffees from another eatery, whose workers buy their coffees from another eatery, whose workers buy their coffees from another eatery… to keep each other employed. ( Their Brilliant Solution was most likely suggested by the pre-covid coffee economy which developed as a result of so many industries and jobs being shipped off to low wage companies – in return for Cheaper Goods. Those displaced sought A Living in the hospitality sector. It was soon massively over-saturated. An epidemic of underpayment of wages followed, as the many businesses couldnt survive if they paid legal rates.)..

Australian politicians are on board the de-pop program, not only by claiming a mandate to inject everyone with risky, experimental technology. But no one can just fly into the country anymore, and if you were thinking of migrating to Australia, its Overlords, especially of the Melbourne Penal Colony, are making sure you know what to expect.

Sep 24, 2021 3:36 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Correction: that’s “low wage countries.” (That error slipped past. Must have momentarily had a senior’s Moment.).

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Sep 24, 2021 4:06 AM
Reply to  jubal

If the eateries are mostly Outdoors Service, and Allowed to Serve Alcohol With Meals, and provided you dont have to eat & drink through your mask, i’m for them. Because if i remain non-vaxxed i wont be allowed to drink in my local…
They’ll be like picnicking in the Open Air (Cant say “fresh” air, not with the city’s air pollution putting so many in hospital with flu-like symptoms.)

Sep 24, 2021 10:45 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

“ Others want females to produce More Babies“

Need more lab rats to answer a few more questions…

Sep 24, 2021 11:08 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Well many areas were already operating on what is affectionately known as the coffee shop economy….little towns up this way can have 4-6 coffee shops….with many a morbidly obese sitting drinking coffee and eating rich cake….these people all now fully jabbed and consider themselves so much more healthy than the unjabbed around here…

I suspect they are simply circulating pension money at this point and the workers in said coffee shops are being subsidised by govt employment training schemes…otherwise the coffee shops wouldn’t survive, covid or no covid…

aust has gone nuts.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 2:11 AM

Mr&Ms/Ms/Mr Scamdemic Gestapo person is your friend.”
comment image

“Don’t read, don’t read. Look away, Look away. Such violence..such violence.”

comment image

“Oh the horror, the horror.”

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Sep 24, 2021 2:41 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Why are the state’s enforcers wearing protective gloves ? Because politicians have conflated the “non-vaxxed” with “disease spreaders”.

Sep 24, 2021 2:52 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

It’s so they don’t go home smelling of pepper.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Sep 24, 2021 3:08 AM
Reply to  JohnEss

“Pepper spray is nasty stuff. It also burns the skin. In all probability they are wearing gloves to protect their hands from it. Has anyone identified those two?”

Sep 24, 2021 5:07 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


My post was laced with sarcasm.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 24, 2021 3:59 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Even before the current lockdown here in Melbourne, and in Australia in general, the media and politicians had whipped up hatred towards those they derogatorily labelled “anti vaxxers”.
It was, of course, very deliberate. I’ve mentioned before the experience I had with my magazine customers who ranted about “anti vaxxers deserve everything they get” and these people had zero sympathy for those not wanting to get jabbed. I mean zero. When I said “what about freedom of choice” they countered with “we’re in a deadly pandemic, its for our safety and protection” etc etc.
Of course politicians in Australia are on board the depopulation agenda and the Great Reset. And they were all voted into office by a lot of people who believed their blatant lies. Incidentally Melbourne was already over saturated with cafes and restaurants even before Event Covid happened.
And, of course, Melbourne also signed up for Smart Cities.

George Mc
George Mc
Sep 24, 2021 7:52 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

The vaxxes had to be introduced sharply so the rhetoric could move from “Covid deniers” to “anti-vaxxers”. The trouble with the former is that it might prompt some to go to the root of the issue. The latter is a huge diversion. It’s also more powerful to talk about some being “anti” something where the something is seen as the good thing e.g. anti-American, anti-Western.

So introduction of the vax was something that had to happen fairly quick. I’m guessing the vaxes were already set up and ready to go back in spring 2020 but couldn’t be introduced too early since even the toilet roll chewers might get suspicious.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Sep 24, 2021 9:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Don’t forget the injection’s super usefulness as a killer and harmer of all age groups that’s easy peasy to pass off as…variants! Magic variants behind every corner. Oh God I’m so glad we are all in this together. Stay safe everyone!

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 24, 2021 9:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It wouldn’t matter what they do or said now, the majority here will just bleat baa baa baa yes Dan… yes Dan. We’re now on the brink of vaccine passports being rolled out here, which was part of this plan right from the start.
My opinion is they are rushing the vax and waving the big stick about before too many start dying or suffering serious adverse reactions, which will only wake more people up.
Just seen a memo that Daniel Andrews put out, that when 80% are fully jabbed, people will be able to return to work only if they’ve been double jabbed. And as the Big Issue magazine has made it very clear to me, they will strictly adhere to all Victorian Govt directives on “covid”. Writing is on the wall George.

Sep 24, 2021 2:19 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Oh, Gezzah, do you really think it will wake more people up?

I wish but I so doubt.

It will all be called THE VARIANT. Deadlier than ever!!! Would have been gone if everyone had done what they were told!!!

I don’t see anyone seeing THE VARIANT for what it is – injection injury.

Even alt site folk are talking about variants like they really exist.

Apparently, we are in for a very cold winter here in New England. I dread what the usual cold/flu season will turn into.

It will all be covered by the c-vid umbrella, and all be blamed on the unwashed.

I hope I’m wrong. But I have a sick feeling I won’t be.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 24, 2021 2:55 PM
Reply to  Judith

I just made a comment at the top about the unvaxxed being relentlessly demonised, and here in Melbourne now being labelled “neo nazi’s” and “right wing extremists” but as usual it went to spam, as a lot of mine have recently.
So I’ll keep this fairly short Judith. Yeah, I meant it will wake up more people, but obviously Not a lot of people because the brainwashing is literally set in concrete now. They’re gone.
And I know the “variants” will be blamed on us, and all those huge quarantine camps they’re building everywhere aren’t just for “returning travellers”.
I do agree with your points my friend. Have a good weekend Judith, take care. PS… This didn’t go to spam!

Sep 24, 2021 3:00 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

You, too, Gezzah. Hang in there.

Sep 24, 2021 2:34 PM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Here in Ontario, vaccine passports went online yesterday. I haven’t had a chance to experience what it means. Then again, I voluntarily don’t go to restos and espresso bars or anywhere other than the grocery store, Canadian Tire, the liquor store (which, until now, they laughingly called essential service, so we’ll see) and a local variety store for my lottery tickets. Where they’ll get me is with my job. I expect it. And I expect it soon.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 24, 2021 3:13 PM
Reply to  Arby

Oh, Arby, sorry mate, good luck to you. Really testing times for all of us. Let me know how you get on with the passports. Fellow commenter here, Tim Drayton, has been dealing with the vaccine passports in Cyprus for a while. He’s found that small businesses tend to look the other way.
Here in Melbourne, I’ve found that small businesses also look the other way with the contact tracing and masks, and I’ve only ever had one person ask me to put a mask on since they became mandatory again in shops.
As I said above, Daniel Andrews put out a memo that once 80% of people in Melbourne have been double jabbed (initially 70%) then people can start returning to work, but only the double jabbed. The magazine is adhering to Victorian Govt directives to the letter, so I fully expect they won’t allow me to start selling again because I won’t be jabbed or even tested. That only just dawned on me yesterday when I saw the memo. What happens now happens…

Sep 25, 2021 2:14 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Thanks. I’m a nervous wreck right now. I’m going to try to relax for a few days all the same. I had booked a couple of days off earlier this month. I take a four day weekend every now and then to stay sane. I’ve rented a car for two days. I asked them why the price goes up every time I rent from them and they just tell me it’s the market. Then they give me ‘but because you’re a regular customers we’ll take off a few’ dollars. And it’s a ‘few’. I don’t know whether they’re ripping me off. But they are otherwise great. I wear a mask in the shop (only) but never over my nose and no one says anything.

I just can’t see my employer (G4S and soon to become Alliance Universal) leaving me alone, especially as I work at a city site and all city employees, including volunteers, have been ordered to get jabbed.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 25, 2021 2:34 AM
Reply to  Arby

You can disagree on this, but about the only things keeping me sane at the moment are Offguardian, music, cigarettes, decent coffee and to connect with the Universe. We do what we have to do to get thru this, and we all have our own ways of coping.
When do you find out about your situation? Have they just given a blanket “everyone must get vaccinated” order without telling people individually? A lot of people are going to be in the same boat very soon.
Good luck Arby…

Sep 25, 2021 3:04 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Cigs? At least you’re not telling everyone else to smoke or else. I do think that that’s a bad idea. My brother smoked all his life until he found that he had a 4 centimeter mass at the back of his nasal passage pressing against his brain and ready to get into it. (There’s hundreds, possibly thousands, of chemicals in cigs. Toxins lead to mutated cells, and some of those mutated cells could be super growers, outgrowing and replacing normal cells, hence cancer.) He was getting headaches but, despite preaching to me to ‘have it looked at’ every time I mentioned something to him, he let it go until he couldn’t stand it. Because he left it so long, he didn’t have a choice about the radical Rockefeller solution that has left him without taste or saliva and that’s many months after having finished treatment. Of course, he’s resistant to information and learning (the definition of a yahoo) and may very well have completely put his trust in the medical system regardless. Just be aware.

No one’s perfect and I’m not going to reject the Gezzah I know just because he smokes. And I completely agree with a drowning man trying to breathe. This is the only forum, strangely, where I have half decent conversations. Jon Rappoport’s Blog has a commenting section and it’s okay, in design and content, but not great. James Corbett’s discussion section is okay (in design and content) but not great. I’m surprised at that actually. The level of discussion is very low, although to hear James talk about it, it’s high and his followers are all savvy and on the ball. We disagree. Then again, even with OG, I skip most of the comments (including those of a certain admin). There’s a smattering of other alt sites that have commenting sections and they are okay (The Freedom Papers) but, so far, not dynamite. I appreciate the freedom to post comments on sites that I consider to be run by controlled opposition, even after I’ve bluntly stated, in comments, my opinion in that regard. CHD and Life Site would be examples.

I need my fix too. It helps propel me into the research and blogging I do. The CIA figured it out long ago. Isolation and the lack of stimulation breaks people.

Sep 24, 2021 11:11 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The change in terminology may also be for the coming cancer vax …again no one will be able to resist it either….so they may be setting up the program with anti vax..

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Sep 24, 2021 10:26 AM
Reply to  Gezzah Potts

Yet the whingers and whiners don’t realise that nothing happened at all until people started having the jabs, now over 1.5 million have had bad reactions to them and nearly 600 have died.

Gezzah Potts
Gezzah Potts
Sep 24, 2021 10:44 AM

And this is just the very beginning Marilyn… give it another 2 years. This will be just the tip of a very large iceberg.

Sep 24, 2021 7:31 PM

Way more than 600 have died. VAERS alone reporting 15000.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 3:07 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

made me laugh

Sep 24, 2021 2:29 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

I have no use for the pitch for violence, but the woman in the above photo is 70 years old. I’m sure that being knocked to the ground and pepper sprayed in the face by two police officers is very, very good for her health.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 1:54 AM

Thank you Frances Shure. Short and sweet and your point at the end is bang on.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Sep 24, 2021 1:08 AM

Her 23 part series is excellent.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Sep 24, 2021 12:53 AM

The “COVID Network”: An analysis
By Daniel K.
September 23, 2021

A German IT project manager, who wishes to remain anonymous, has spent months creating an extensive and unique network document, labeled “The COVID Network Complex”.

For the first time, it shows you the complex network of relationships between non-governmental organizations (NGOs), companies, documents, and people.
There are 6,500 objects and over 7,200 links, including the financial flows, and in parts also the amounts that have flowed.

Only publicly available sources were used in the analysis.

In the case of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, you can already see on page 4 of the document that this foundation spent around 43 billion dollars in the period from 1994 to 2021 in the USA alone and distributed around half a billion in funds in Germany during this period.

The dossier is 170 pages long.
First, you will get some general information about people from government agencies, companies, and non-governmental organizations, as well as some important events or groups. Further on in this document, you will find a link analysis of these “stakeholders”.

The dossier can be download in PDF format here:


Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Sep 24, 2021 1:31 AM
Sep 24, 2021 11:22 AM

You didn’t mention the same site says israel will only consider vax valid for 6 months….so this means many in aust are now out of date and will need to be revax What will this do to the need to get to 80%. ….what a farce.

Sep 24, 2021 2:20 PM

Thank you.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Sep 24, 2021 12:37 AM

John O’Looney & Stew Peters

Funeral Director: Mass Vaccine Deaths, Child Danger, COVID Camps, Genocide Planned
Stew Peters Show
Sep 23, 2021
John O’Looney has seen deaths from the beginning, and what he has seen as an undertaker supports what many of us have suspected.

John O’Looney & Max Igan

Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows The Whistle On Covid
Sep 16, 2021

I’ll post my thoughts below.

simon crow
simon crow
Sep 24, 2021 2:12 AM

If what he says is true and it may very well be because there was a news report a while back that the Canadian military had been deployed to build quarantine camps. I find myself considering what to do if/when the knock comes on my door. Do i make my final stand or do i adapt and survive to fight another day? Either way probably good idea to have key phone numbers to quickly notify allies and have several devices recording. I will not open the door and will ask if they have all been vaccinated and since i don’t have a QR scanner they will need to produce their ‘papers’ before i would even consider letting them in. Not sure that will work.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Sep 24, 2021 7:29 AM

Now Stew Peters (joining Max Igan) addresses John O’Looney as “Brother”: Another Mason busted?! 😀

SP’s sensationialistic style remains, however, hard to stomach for someone who hasn’t sat rapt before the idiot box in decades…

Sep 24, 2021 9:32 AM

One of the main anti-Stratfordians in the Shakespeare authorship debate was called Looney. Thomas Looney was the first to identify Edward De Vere the Earl of Oxford as Shakespeare. Defenders of the mainstream had a ball with his surname.

It looks like another replay from a past op and is of course not the first reference to Shakespeare during the scamdemic.

Sep 24, 2021 10:08 AM
Reply to  Edwige

I did find the apostrophe horns weird, I’ve never seen anyone do them in that fashion before…and he did it twice…something off about it for certain…I’ve never heard of or come across the name O’Looney before either…ever.