UK to begin nation-wide fluoridation of tap water
Kit Knightly
The British government is expected start adding fluoride to the drinking water all over the country according to a story in the Guardian.
The story focuses on a joint statement the Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland published on Thursday, which recommends everyone, everywhere should have fluoride added to their water supply.
The report was already praised in a tweet from UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid:
Good to see UK CMOs examining how water fluoridation can improve oral health & prevent tooth decay which disproportionately affects more deprived groups.
Reinforces why our Health and Care Bill will make it simpler to expand water fluoridation schemes.
— Sajid Javid (@sajidjavid) September 23, 2021
While fluoridation is already in place in some parts of the UK, it has always been considered a matter for local government and currently affects less than 10% of the country.
Proposed changes to the regulations in sections 128-129 of the new Health and Care Bill would centralise this power, taking the decision out of the hands of local councils and handing it to the Health Secretary.
The authors of the report, including England’s CMO Chris Whitty (who we are more than familiar with, thanks to Covid) are not subtle in their attempts to cloak the proposed policy in “progressive” camouflage.
Statistics on tooth decay in children and the working class are trotted out so fluoridation could be sold as both “protecting children” and tackling “entrenched inequality”.
But what is the real risk-reward situation for fluoridated tap water?
Well, the only potential benefit of fluoride is preventing tooth decay. That’s it. (And even then, over-exposure to fluoride can actually damage your teeth through dental fluorosis).
The potential side effects of fluoride toxicity are far more dangerous than needing a root canal.
There is some evidence fluoride could increase the risk of cancer – a 2006 study found an increased risk of osteosarcoma in young boys – but the most serious problem associated with fluoride is developmental neurotoxicity.
In 2012 a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found fluoride exposure is detrimental to the intellectual development of children, with an author of the study saying [emphasis added]:
Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious, especially because the brain power of the next generation is crucial to all of us.”
These findings were confirmed when the same group conducted a pilot study on the effect of long term fluoridation in Chinese children.
The results found that children raised in areas with widespread water fluoridation had markedly lower average IQs than children from areas with no fluoride in the water:
This pilot study in a community with stable lifetime fluoride exposures supports the notion that fluoride in drinking water may produce developmental neurotoxicity
To sum up: Fluoride in the water could potentially make future generations of people compliant, gullible and stupid.
Or, in other words, it’s the perfect thing to start pumping into the water when you’ve just tried to launch a global coup, and not enough people are falling for it.
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Apart from its toxicity and lowering of IQ fluoride also limits aggression and acts as a sedative. That’s why it was added to the water in Nazi prison camps and Soviet gulags. It was used in Northern Ireland. It’s the active ingredient of Prozac, Rohypnol and many other drugs.
Fluoride: Poison On Tap – Full Documentary
Hi About FLUORIDE Read this please. Greetings from Poland. Use googloe translate.
Zdaniem brytyjskiego badacza Iana E. Stephensa, premier Wielkiej Brytanii, Margaret Thatcher, w połowie lat 80. XX wieku potroiła budżet przeznaczony na fluoryzację wody w Irlandii Północnej. Stephens uważa, że kroki te podjęto nie z troski o stan uzębienia Irlandczyków, lecz w celu „uspokojenia” tamtejszej opozycji.
W 1961 r. Sąd Najwyższy w Szwecji uznał fluorkowanie za sprzeczne z prawem
W 1964 r. fluorkowanie zostało zakazane w Danii
W 1971 r. Niemcy zabroniły fluoryzacji.
W 1973 r. Holandia zabroniła fluoryzacji wody.
W 1977 r. Podkomisja Kongresowa ds. Stosunków Międzyrządowych zorganizowała dwa pełne przesłuchania kongresowe poświęcone sprawie fluorku. W trakcie przesłuchań wykazano, że „naukowe usiłowania” propagatorów fluoryzacji oparte są na oszustwie oraz, że przeprowadzone badania naukowe nie pozostawiają żadnych wątpliwości, iż fluorkowanie prowadzi co roku w USA do ponad 10,000 zgonów z powodu raka.
W 1978 r. naukowcy z Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Polsce stwierdzili, że fluorki powodują genetyczne szkody. W tym samym roku w Pensylwanii został wygrany proces sądowy, w ramach którego dowiedziono szkodliwości fluoryzacji i w rezultacie została ona zakazana.
W 1981 r. w Japońskiej Akademii Dentystycznej Kanagawa, dr K. Ishida przeprowadził badania, które wykazały, że już w ilości 1 ppm (tyle co najmniej dodaje się do wody w Ameryce) fluorek zakłóca w organizmie wytwarzanie kolagenu. (Kolagen, jedno z najważniejszych i najobficiej występujących w organizmie białek, stanowi jeden z głównych składników skóry, ścięgien, mięśni, chrząstki, kości i zębów.) Powoduje on rozkład kolagenu, osteoporozę, raka kości, łamliwość kości i zębów, a także niszczy tkanki łączne, które utrzymują nasze organy w odpowiedniej pozycji.
30 marca 1989 r. Kalifornijski Urząd Służby Zdrowia doniósł, że w butelkowanej wodzie o nazwie Niagara znaleziono 450 ppm fluorku. Kierownik urzędu, Kenneth Kizer ostrzegł ludność, że picie tej wody grozi śmiercią.
W 2002 roku Belgia zmierzała do wprowadzenia zakazu sprzedaży tabletek, kropli i gumy do żucia z dodatkiem fluoru. Resort zdrowia powoływała się na szkodliwe efekty uboczne fluoryzacji. „Od lat niepokoją mnie sygnały ze świata nauki, ostrzegające przed fluorem” – oświadczyła belgijska minister zdrowia Magda Aelvoet na łamach magazynu „Humo”. Wprowadzenie zakazu używania fluoru jako dodatku do różnych preparatów, stosowanych w walce z próchnicą, postuluje belgijska Rada ds. Zdrowia. Magazyn „Humo” przypominał, że wśród skutków ubocznych fluoru są zmiany szkieletowe, osteoporoza (rzeszotowatość kości), zapalenia stawów, a nawet rak kości. Fluor może też negatywnie oddziaływać na układ nerwowy, układ immunologiczny, a u dzieci powodować stałe zmęczenie, niski współczynnik inteligencji, ospałość i depresje. Zakaz ten, według Komisji Europejskiej jest sprzeczny prawem unijnym. W tej sytuacji producenci będą mogli zaskarżyć Belgię przed Europejskim Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości, jeśli w kraju tym nie będą mogli sprzedać swych produktów z fluorem
Graphene oxide is also being added to our water.
The graphene ‘flagship’ is a heavily funded development of graphene applications that nudge nudge include bio-tech interface for remote surveillance and controls.
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The dumbing down of the Brittish population has started.
No, that started a long time ago. I think they just figure that the normies will now accept any old excuse for mass poisoning, and actually argue on behalf of it, as if it’s some kind of virtue, seeing as so many of them have voluntarily had themselves poisoned recently based on a load of total bullshit.
These twats in power get painted as incompetent. Actually, they are arch opportunists who do exactly what they intend to do.
I have a question for the chemists/toxicologists out there:
If flourine is used in retrieving aluminium from its ore, as has been suggested here I think, then there must be some kind of reaction that takes place between the two? I’m guessing some kind of substitution?
But is there some possibility that this is going to react with the aluminium or graphene that’s in some of the covid (and other) ‘vaccines’? What’s that likely to do if so?
My girlfriend and I are moving in a couple of weeks and the first purchase on the list is to get a reverse osmosis filter installed!
I can definitely recommend the RO water filters. Been using one for just over a year and they remove flouride, chlorine, and any meds that have been dumped into the water supply and not filtered out. In my system, for each 5L of toxic tap water put in you get 4 L of clean water out, and a litre of chemical soup that’s only good for washing the dishes.
We did an experiment with some plant cuttings, using clean water on 2 and chemical soup on another 2. There was a marked difference in the plants, with the clean water plants more healthy.
It seems often we cure some sort of problem with another additive, medicine. If we would improve nutrition, eat less sugar, this would improve dental situation, no need for fluoride. But the sugar industry is still strong. Same goes for brushing teeth education. Next is sugary drinks, soda, juice, these are harmful to teeth as well. Everything is connected with everything, so adding something to water may cause other reactions, and I guess research cannot find all of these situations, but then it is too late.
The really mad thing is that cigarette packets have to use pictures of lung cancer etc. on them, but children’s sweets are still allowed to use brightly coloured and alluring packaging specifically calling out to individuals who are going to be potentially just as severely injured by addiction to them.
Exactly! The majority of food marketed for children is super unhealthy and full of sugar
Kit, honestly! The UK is not a country – it’s a nation! Never heard of the Welsh, Northern Irish and Scottish Parliaments – or the Campaign for an English Parliament? Why do you relentlessly misinform on this point?
With all these immigrants? hmm…
Scottish, Welsh and, I believe, NI governments are all coordinating with this fluoridation assault.
The best solution that I can come up with is to refuse to pay your water bill while it is poisoned by fluoride. I won’t be paying mine and legally, your water cannot be cut off, as far as I understand. I suggest that everybody else follows this course of direct action. If enough people do it, they’ll soon change their minds.
I tried. But they take the funds directly from your wages/benefit payment
Fluoride is an industrial toxin that all I have to say
and we have become the planets bio-filters
Was this an end around for Boris’ withdrawal of the vaccine mandates?
I could not read this without thinking of General Ripper and what he does to preserve the purity of his essence…
Centralization of control disguised as a health “reform”, a bloody late and stupid health reform … the minister must have shares is bottle water or water filters,but definitely a holding in the Davos cock, the one trying to fuck you up the ass, piloted by Anal Schwab and his gay coder, the “what is the world coming to, I couldn’t even hang onto my only female friend or my underage fuck buddies, with all my billions of stolen effort tokens” Gates.
Don’t sweat it Folks, we’ve had Fluoride in Australian water supplies for years and it’s been fi{%£?€€¥?|]#^€¥¥££€€’gdeyiobvdrukk
Everything will be fine we live in a ‘democracy’ remember ha ha ha ha ha ha when will the idiots ever learn, If there was an election tomorrow they would vote for this Blubber arsed fat overfed scruffy bastard again.
if the idiots have not learned yet then they never will sadly.
Very succinct description of Johnson you encapsulated him in that description sums him up perfectly and sadly very true they probably would hopefully though the mass of people are on the verge of being pushed far enough and the uprising begins I won’t hold my breath but hope springs eternal
Fluoride is a waste product of the aluminium smelting and phosphate fertiliser industries and is used in around 25 per cent of the major tranquillisers. Have you ever met a person on these meds?! Their emotional response is strangely zombie-like. In medical language it’s called depersonalisation (a detachment from self and surroundings), and is a well-known side-effect from drugs, such as Prozac.
Fluoride and other halogens block specific receptors in the nervous tissue, the function of which is vital for memory and learning.
Fluoride and other halogens block specific receptors in the nervous tissue via an ‘anticholinergic’ effect, the function of which is vital for memory and learning.
In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang … combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. (HSPH website)
Other research from Indiana University School of Medicine found that older people who had been taking anticholinergic drugs (incl. antidepressants and various cold meds) showed poorer cognition and lower brain volumes, amongst other problems, such as greater incidence of falls in the elderly.
Furthermore, There is a “significant correlation between history of cardiovascular events and presence of fluoride uptake in coronary arteries”, according to other research. And what is one of the top two causes of death in the western world? – Heart disease through calcification (and resultant dementia, since the blood vessels to the brain are also blocked).
Animal research from around the globe has shown that ingestion of fluoridated water caused an increased uptake of aluminum and the formation of beta-amyloid plaques (both shown in Alzheimer’s disease), as well as an accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland – the centre for non-cognitive perception. This latter function is what the self-appointed elite wants to suppress at all costs.
A case in point from the past:
Was Thatcher’s astronomical expenditure of United Kingdom’s revenue on a fluoridation campaign in Northern Ireland really just a matronly concern for the youngsters’ teeth in Ireland or perhaps an attempt to sedate the people and render them subservient to her autocratic dictates? Remember that Thatcher had a background of academic chemistry.
And we must ask: Fluoridation of our drinking water – why now?
An excellent summary of known fluoride effects. In addition, Fluoride does nothing to harden teeth against dental decay. I does however, affect bone structures. >
“Fluoride has been shown to increase the number of cells that build bone. From the 1950s through the 1980s, sodium fluoride was often suggested as a treatment for osteoporosis. However, in the 1980s, Mayo Clinic researchers discovered, during controlled trials involving postmenopausal women, that fluoride increased bone mineral density but also increased the incidence of fractures, especially in the lower extremities.”
Not to worry. Just don’t fall down…
Fluoride and Your Bones: A Mixed Bag | Winchester Hospital
One should investigate the following:
Does Fluid narcotize the teeth a little bit, i.e. deccrease/lower pain/dolor? And if so, then why?
If so, does it have some side-effekts?
Especially it must be investigated, whether it is narcotic and whether it is toxic?
Could it be graphene they are adding?
to everything, without listing on the ingerdients. How to avoid it? If it has a label that lists ingredients, it is not food.
Well you may not be able to avoid it – though you can choose not to mask in it or inject it. Zeolite has been suggested to remove it. research and use due cautions.
Some of it ‘slips through the body’ according to
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NAC and other supps are mooted to help – at least with toxic burden.
Wi Fri exacerbates – as may proximity to others loaded with it as bio-EM resonance?
When they say ‘live with covid’ I fear that it means graphene and 5g etc is not planned to back off. I’m not talking of asymptomatic disease (sic) but hypoxia, clotting etc
Its the internal operating system for an Internet of Bodies that the outer biotech blockchained ‘passport’ converges with.
Its got priority over everything else (which includes smokescreen cover) because there’s no plan B if they cant deny service/consciousness to enough people before the shock/mind control fades.
There’s also a call for fluoride. If you cant solve a problem, render the awareness of it unconscious. Double down in denial…
Graphine oxide is being or in the process of being added in UK but under ‘clean and clear water’. the tech comes out of a spin off company from Oxford Uni as I recall.
flouride is a highly toxic by-product of many industrial processes, aluminium smelting being a bigee…
if memory serves it was some yankee robber baron that decided to dump it in the proles water supply… rather than foot the costs for safe disposal (Ha, as if)….
nowadays imbeciles think it protects their infants baby teeth, when in fact it is atrophying their brains…
so queue up at the spigot for a glass of water (recyled sewage dosed with contraceptive hormones) now comes replete with its own dose of SSRI’s…. (it has for a while)..
you’ll feel shit, but you wont really care or have the energy to do anything about it..
the anhedonic imbecile, just the kind the hollow men require..(there will be some other criteria but you wont be worrying about that)…
NB: about the water..
Like mercury, fluoride isn’t exactly an obvious choice for dental health as it is a poison – more poisonous than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic (Clin Toxicol Commerc Prod, 1984; 11: 4, 112, 129, 138). It’s been used as a pesticide, and it’s a component in fungicides, rodenticides, anaesthetics and many drugs. The fluoride used in toothpaste, mouth rinses and dental gels is usually sodium fluoride, a waste product from the aluminium industry. Fluoride added to our water supply is hydrofluorosilic acid or sometimes silicofluoride-waste pro~ ducts of fertiliser and glass industries.
It has a strong affinity to calcium, but will also readily combine with magnesium and manganese ions and so can interfere with many enzyme systems that require these minerals. The interruption of these enzyme systems, in turn, may disturb carbohydrate metabolism, bone formation and muscle function. Indeed, every vital function in the body depends on enzymes; because fluoride easily reaches every organ, many diverse toxic symptoms can result.
sound familiar ?….
more ? use this link..
It also calcifies the pituitary gland
Yep. Despite generally avoiding fluoride, especially in toothpaste, I started taking Magnesium supplements, to decalcify my PINEAL GLAND, about three years ago and my ability to think clearly became obvious to me after even just a few days. Has made a huge difference. This fluoridation seems like a desperate measure in the face of a discredited coup (by the UN via the WHO, IMO).
they changed the chlorination of our water about 2017…. instead of good ole HCl they changed it somewhat (can’t remember new version), to the effect that the chorine function remains active, instead of being exited or spent from/in body…
I believe the ‘newer’ version put in the water is chloramine.
Hydrochloric acid?? I thought it was dissolved chlorine gas
Yes. Quite the product…
On September 28,1994 the MS Estonia ship/ferry sank on route from Tallinn to Stockholm, apparently killing 852 people of the 989 that were aboard. Like 9/11 the official story of what happened doesn’t make sense, contradicts personal testimony and violates the basic laws of physics. Instead of trucking the evidence away as in 9/11, the ship was covered with earth there have been calls to pour cement over the wreck —-the Estonian gov’t had declared the wreck a gravesite and under Estonian law its is against the law to disturb a grave—-as people have taken it upon themselves to reinvestigate the incident.
We live by a fictional history, in a present that is as packed full of lies, deceit and violence as the history, and possibly, a future where reality is virtually erased.
Fact is that the wreck lies on international waters so no country can make judicial claims , still the Swedish government has made some kind of prohibition to enter the area for investigations. As the vast majority of the victims were swedish citizens , this has obviously been a big issue here since.
Just recently there was a new investigation in progress initiated by a contemporary member of the Estonian parliament who doesn´t give a damn about the made-up prohibition , he´s also financially backed by an Estonian news magazine. There is clearly a lot of things that doesn´t match common sense or natural laws regarding the official story (heard it before ?) and there will be a day to celebrate if they finally could nail all the lying politicians involved in this case.
The Flouride Deception. 28 minutes.
Fluoride doesn’t prevent tooth decay. If it did, there would be no need for routine dental work, such as fillings and root canals, and that means that far fewer dentists would be needed. The ADA does not promote anything that would diminish the need for dental services. The fluoride issue is a psy-op that fools people into believing that fluoride protects their teeth; consequently, they need periodic dental attention. If you want to protect teeth, use a homemade mouthwash consisting of erythritol or xylitol crystals mixed in water. A strong solution works best and it has to be used 3 or 4 times each day. It dissolves tartar, which is the cause of dental disease. It will also dissolve tartar that’s below the gumline, which causes dental “pockets.” And, of course, don’t drink fluoride-tainted water.
root canals are probably one of the worse dental procedures you could have (along with the rest of them)…
unless of course you want serious cardio-vascular disease later in life… in which case they are very effective..
What is: Carbon Dioxide. Acid, what you Exhale has been inhibited over the last 20 months for wearing a Mask.
My teeth problems began from US foods containing ie: Corn Syrup etc etc.chemicals additives.
I’d no idea until being more labeling conscientious years later, my fault not blaming anyone.
Europe we had better regulations regarding foods including beverages imo.
When the question of UK water comes up its usually from bottled water companies wanting to increase profits, and same time deregulation downsizing essential services.
The pumping stations are probably foreign owned so all that happens is a Country is used as A Profit Platform over the welfare of the citizens, add to that more unemployment depletion of services.
Part of agressive liberalist policies. In the UK it leads to ie: imf loans people put under austerity lasting decades.
Post Great War, United Kingdom was bankrupted by Woodrow Wilson policies.
Post 1920 American people suffered under a war without bombs, as it’s economy was sucked dry by the same policies of A Wall Central Bank system imo.
I grew up in the West of Ireland in the 1950’s. Anyway for drinking water we had a spring coming out by the side of a river and we only used that. Also we did NOT brush our teeth.In any case around the age of 13 I went to boarding school and in first year all our teeth were checked. They made a big deal about how ‘perfect’ my teeth were and went on and on about it. Just a simple but true story………….I think though it says about all that needs to be said about having fluoride in the water.
Later after we got piped water (which was fluoridated) my father commented how ‘nothing has been the same since the piped water’. I thought he was just a superstitious old man……………now I believe he was onto something.
Kit says fluoride in ‘only’ good for your teeth…………….I beg to differ on that, a poison elsewhere in the body is and will be a poison to the teeth also. That simple.
My kids (early 20’s now) grew up on filtered well water then filtered spring water, they’ve never had toothache nor needed any dental work. How they managed without fluoridated water I’ll never know.
Brushing the teeth is total bullshit. But it sells alot of toothpaste and other pharma-crap.
As if the human mouth wasn’t designed to clean itself of harmful bacteria and undesirable material. Most tooth decay is caused by injestng sugars…
“As if the human mouth wasn’t designed to clean itself of harmful bacteria and undesirable material.”
A healthy body produces its own sugar alcohols (e.g. xylitol, erythritol, etc.) which naturally keep teeth clear of tartar and kill streptococcus mutans. An increasing tendency to have periodontal disease is a sign that a body’s endocrine system is no longer producing sufficient sugar alcohols to protect the teeth. Consequently, tartar can be eliminated artificially by frequent use of a mouthwash that contains a strong solution of the appropriate sugar alcohol(s). A very small number of commercially available mouthwashes contain xylitol and/or erythritol, but the vast majority do not. The vast majority of dental personal care products rely on the fluoride false narrative to fool consumers into buying these products that don’t work.
Just buy pure birch xylitol and use 1/4 1/2 teaspoon to swish or brush if needed at bedtime or after anything sugary. Not good in quantity in terms of taste (baking) ok in a coffee.
The bacteria that eat sugars and are associated with decay and gingivitis etc also eat the xylitol BUT it inhibits blocks their reproduction. Hence a beneficial effect.
Sodium bicarb powder is also good for a toothpowder – who needs sugar paste with fluoride?
Hi Richard, Interesting stuff here on the endocrine system and teeth can you extrapolate or can you provide a source for further research into this. Thank you.
The sci-fi author Cyril Kornbluth didn’t brush his teeth. They were a delightful shade of green.
Smell spring water, Then smell well water, Then Smell tap crap.
I discovered a much more potent way to discover the crap in public water. After finding out decades ago that none of the drinking water filters except for RO systems can filter out fluoride, I began using a little 1 gal countertop distiller for my drinking water (because RO wastes a lot of water, and is expensive).
Each time I distill a gallon of tap water, there’s an ounce or two of fluid remaining in the bottom of the pot that’s brown in color and has the most awful smell imaginable. It’s stunning to see how much toxic crap is in just one gallon of tap water. The first time was all it took to never drink tap water again.
Note you can also buy distillers that can work on gas ring or even a wood fire outdoors for around £50 + but these need oversight – but don’t rely on electricity.
So, fluoride science is corporate science and a very stupid one. The only reason for teeth decay is an acidic PH in the body, and what is the most acidic food? sugar. Sugar is real poison in al ways.
They want you stupid, because only the stupid would put up with their crap.
I’ve been actively fighting water fluoridation since 2004. My knowledge of the topic is extensive. I appreciate the balance of this article. Thank you Kit Knightly. Can I suggest that you arm yourself with a copy of BSEN 12175:2013 which I believe can be purchased via an Athens account for a knock-down price. It’s my most valued possession at the moment because it tells us that fluoridated water is a medicine intended to “reduce the resistance of consumers to dental decay” (p. 19) despite the misleading title.
It also tells us on p. 7 that the reportable poison, hydrofluoric acid, is part of the fluoridating acid.
Then on p.8, it lists the chemical parameters present in the fluoridating acid: antimony, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead and mercury. Now, because fluoridated water is not drinking water since it has a medicinal intent, drinking water quality standards do NOT apply so any amount of arsenic and lead is too much. Bottom Line: compulsory Water Fluoridation adds arsenic and lead to our diet 24/7. Arsenic is a carcinogen.
What is the government’s justification for the deliberate addition of arsenic, lead and hydrofluoric acid to treated water? Chronic ill health costs the NHS much dosh. Surely the disbenefits outweigh the alleged benefits?
I suppose if your aim is to weaken the health of society in cumulative small degrees by way of everything from GMO foods, plastics and sunscreen to toothpaste and water fluoridation because your psychopathic lust for more and more had you fattening the consumer herd for 150 years and now you think there’s “too many people”, then sure, dump that fluoride in the water supply by the swimming pool.
Not wanting to put you on the spot or indeed to feel like I’m challenging you but I’ve also been interested in this for around 6/7 years. My water supply has natural fluoridation and is a heavy water source, I think it’s calcium fluoride. I’ve attempted to research this without a great deal of success and not getting a true definitive answer. Just directions to buy a reverse osmosis system for hundreds of pounds. So just dead ends. Yes, it’s all been internet searches.
Will fluoride settle in standing water as in a jug of water; i.e. is it heavier than H2O?
Everything I read suggests it won’t but some say minerals and heavy metals will without referencing fluoride. Other papers outline that it’s an ion so not necessarily in mineral form, I’m guessing, which confuses me and has left nothing but doubt.
This policy announcement is troubling as I agree it is nothing but poisoning the water system and has no health benefit. Let’s remind ourselves, folic acid is also to be added to flour, other than wholemeal flour. It really is shocking. We’re are not all pregnant woman, even if some of us want to identify as one.
Folic acid is another can of worms. It’s a synthetic attempt to mimic folate and it’s pretty awful all things considered.
Thanks for saying what I was about to say.
Investigative journalist Christopher Bryson did a ten year investigation on this subject and his findings were published in a book called ‘The fluoride deception’, you can watch this 30 documentary where he go through his findings.
Make no mistake people, your royalty will drink spring water whilst you will be given the sink water.
Knew it had to happen eventually. Leunig censored yesterday (27/9) in the Age and SMH.
Looks like he might’ve overstepped the bounds of “lovably quirky” for your usual latte-left Age reader.
I wonder why they didn’t also censor this one, from 9/08/2021:
“The results found that children raised in areas with widespread water fluoridation had markedly lower average IQs than children from areas with no fluoride in the water.”
The example of the US /Americans as a whole is the same and would have already sufficed.
And that’s the real reason then as well.
Although it’s hard to imagine how future generations can be even dumber than Millennials and Zs already are.
To help you imagine it 😉
As a career scientist, having worked with Big Pharma, I have been scepticle of the anti-flouridation campaign but have never before, TBH, checked the ‘science.’
Until twenty minutes ago. A quick google scholar search using the terms ‘flouride and neurotoxicity’ thence Sci-hub yielded much of interest.
From the 2019 peer reviewed article in ‘Environmental Health’ journal, title ‘Developmental fluoride neurotoxicity: an updated review’ and written by Philippe Grandjean;
Conclusion: The recent epidemiological results support the notion that elevated fluoride intake during early development can result in IQ deficits that may be considerable. Recognition of neurotoxic risks is necessary when determining the safety of fluoride-contaminated drinking water and fluoride uses for preventive dentistry purposes.
wow. Now i didn’t know that
Always better late to the party than never. Your particular story is another illustration of the contention, that many if not most scientists know little or nothing outside of their own specialism.
Another area that may throw up similar revelations, after careful research, is the minefield of vaccine science and its history.
always a pleasure to see a credentialed imbecile educating himself…. (as difficult as that usually is)..
I’m sure we can count on your continued improvement, though I’m afraid you will have to do a little more than twenty minutes study per day (you are not at ‘uni’ now)…
on ‘google’…hehe scholar.. (surely an oxymoron ?)
well done…
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-09-24. Rubber bullets @ SoR, Melbourne – roll out swastikas. Jab deaths 41k, hurt 4m, UK’s 30k menstrual
It is a mistake we make to always understand fascism through the prism of Nazism, and their total exclusion of The (diseased) Other. Italian fascism – the binding together of all into a corporate state body was around at least a decade before German state fascism. Like all inclusive ideologies Italian state fascism had an excluded Other…
The state is always authoritarian; how insecure it feels has much to do with how it deals with ‘threats’. The threat in ‘1984′ was named Goldstein. Goldstein did not have to exist -it was enough that people believed Goldstein existed. CoV-SARS 2 does not have to exist.
One of the conditions of water fluoridation and the 50+ other chemicals they been putting in the system since earlier 50’s; is believing they the oiligarchy etc haven’t done it yet!
kit get a water distiller asap and anyone else who believes this article.
Sodium fluoride has an effect on the bloods ability to utilise sugar, in the 30s it was studied for blood thinning properties ? It also has a very negative action on the pineal gland
Modern science indicates that ingesting fluoride, neither a nutrient nor essential, is ineffective at preventing tooth decay and is health-harming. After 76 years of fluoridation in the US, 70% of children and adolescents are fluoride-overdosed and afflicted with dental fluorosis (white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth) while tooth decay remains an epidemic.
Yet another huge change of policy absolutely not mandated by the 2019 General Election.
Johnson really is the apotheosis of a dictator who has contempt for democracy, electoral mandates, even Parliament itself.
This was pre-planned as part of the Great Reset.
You cannot seriously believe Bojo is in charge of any of this surely?
Why now?
I mean, in the middle of a “pandemic” shouldn’t the Chief Medical Officers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland be a bit too busy to be
studyingdisregarding the latest research on fluoride?So who’s been lobbying Chief Medical Officers recently?
The “pandemic” is a control and depopulation measure, so is the fluoridation of water. This malicious move will cause ructions and likely intentionally so, as this cynical move will act as a distraction from the current project to inject bioweapons into the bodies of compliant adults and innocent children.
Fluoridation of water has a murky history and was begun as a way of selling the deadly waste from industry and The Manhattan Project. Those advocating fluoridation of water are criminals and/or fools. See the excellent book by Christopher Bryson “The Fluoride Deception.”
There have been so many instances of govs kicking off unpopular programs right in the midst of what is supposedly the “health crisis of the century” that have nothing to do with said crisis.
There are a million things that could be done to improve dental health that aren’t this. For goodness sake there’s fluoride in toothpaste – are they really saying marginalized people can’t afford toothpaste therefore we all have to consume a dangerous chemical in our drinking water? Subsidize toothpaste then FFS, it’ll probably cost less and do more good (assuming it’s even true that toothpaste is some big expense for workers, which it obviously isn’t).
Truly the fluoride issue is one of the most nakedly insidious and regressive policies modern governments engage in. The justification for it is so empty, and the downsides so obvious…
Literally industrial waste in the water. Its a byproduct of the aluminium manufacturing process.
And apart from fluoride it contains a good spectrum of heavy metals and a great many other nasties. Nothing is done to clean up this lethal cocktail before it is added to our drinking water.
The nazi regime used it in the camps. perhaps the combination of fluoride with graphene oxide is a direction for further research.
Yes, it was used to dumb down the camp inmates. Its why so many people could be imprisoned without any revolts by so few guards. Actually its exactly whats been happening with the plandemic but majority of people are to lethargic and stupid to realise whats going on.
I do wish ppl would fo with this graphene oxide bollocks. Honey pot.
Blind indeed
I”l look where i choose!
Wish away Blind Gill.
Even allowing for the translative ability and scientific education of the narrator, the documents called up are all available to check.
Its an EMF linking operating system in the body. But also associated with clotting, heart failure, strokes, hypoxia, tinnitus and a lot else – including bio magnetism.
I haven’t had any Vx for decades but a molybdenum magnet sticks near the top of my nose next to eye socket. Chemtrails?
Investment in Virology Model was huge – too big to fail. Investment in genetics huge, too big to fail. Investment in graphene tech – inc biotech Huge – not being allowed to fail. Why else the weaponised push to Vx everyone whatever the costs or repercussions? Stakeholders protect their investments.
Well, everything this so called government has done in the last eighteen months has been extremely bad for our health, or fatal. I’ll just add this to the rapidly increasing list of bullets to dodge. I was blind but now I can see. I’m noticing a ramping up again of the muzzling in the post office sorting office and library…just in time for winter. Anyone who has not woken up yet is terminally braindead and probably beyond help. I’m guessing that they already have huge stockpiles of this shit to put in our drinking water asap.
Nuremberg Code?
Drugging a population?
I do not consent!
That’s about it. All part and parcel of the control and depopulation agenda.
Australian water has been fluride totally for decades. I rest my case
I was just thinking exactly the same thing, Marilyn. Perhaps that’s why we’ve been chosen as the state to go full-fascist first.
Not here….various local govts put up a fight…so if anyone ever ventures to cairns you can have unfluoridated water..mind you it may well have enough agricultural chemicals to make up for that…given some of its catchment…
Australia has failed its first national oral health check-up, with data showing more than 90 per cent of adults have experienced decay in their permanent teeth.
Have you ever seen how much coke is carried out of the supermarket….along with the rest of the sugar products….these people don’t drink water anyway so unless the coke is loaded with fluro it won’t make any difference…and even if it is I doubt it will ever counter balance what I regularly witness,,,
many sit in cafe drinking coffee loaded to the hilt with sugar while munching on a cake …now tell me how fluro will help there…one can bet that the bmi of most of those with appalling teeth is very high to morbid obese…
As their goal is to poison everyone with mrna, I’m guessing they’ll have it delivered to the water companies in bags marked “fluoride”.
“You Magazine” (“Fuck You Magazine”?) asks,
Clearly not. So – what are we facing? Voluntary work for a few pennies?
Not voluntary work, but extermination.
A true believer commenting on another site seems to think that work camps like those in China are what we need to embrace to make sure people can work at socially valuble work, like reclaiming deserts with ‘bio char’ and such.
When I asked him just who he was going to send to those camps (presupposing that the commenter himself was not going to volunteer himself to repopulate deserts) all I got was a rather curt reply that I was a part of the problem.
Come into my UBI anxiety free zone said the spider to the fly…
I have often wondered how our media presentation looks to folks starving in the third world i.e. the place where they have real poverty and real plagues etc. Imagine them seeing a newspaper with images of clearly affluent people with immaculate suits on and standing outside ten feet apart and wearing masks! Also consider the thoughts of those starving on the streets and perhaps scrapping a few coins together from selling their bodies for degrading practices and then seeing a headline about the big transgender controversy about which toilet to use.
Because of the intractability of world poverty levels a new category – extreme poverty – was created. Henceforth all efforts were geared to pulling people out of extreme poverty… And if that dont work, the focus will be on solving really extreme poverty…(Though if You Know Who is correct “the poor will always be with us !”)
If the poor didn’t already exist, the rich would have to create them.
Oh wait, the rich have already done that, haven’t they? And that’s why the poor exist.
I’m sure they think it is crazy.
somebody posted a voyeurs guide to the crack industries results on the streets of philadelphia.imagine all those central americans and haitians crossing over the rio grande to the land of their dreams and being presented with a small welcome wagon bag of crystal.
Everyone knows the manoeuvre so I won’t bore anyone with details. But I just had to laugh when I read the BBC headline:
“The moment QAnon took the person I love most”
and then read this:
“It has been four years since online posts claiming to be from a self-styled government insider, known as Q, first appeared …”
Now let’s subject that to a bullshit remover:
“It has been four years since online posts from a government insider, known as Q, first appeared …”
Yesterday Fraudian headline:
“Panic-buying rather than shortages causing queues at UK petrol stations, AA head says”..
This morning:
“Supply chain crisis: Boris Johnson to consider using army to supply petrol stations”
It’s darkly funny, isn’t it? This is how it works. The government has no need of henchmen on the street. There’s no need to pay anyone beyond the usual talking heads and media managers. Just make the right noises. “Crisis coming … shortages … potentially desperate …”. Even “We are urging people not to panic!” is a cunning bit of reverse psychology (the desired response: “Not to panic? Panic about what? AAAAARRRRGGHHH!”)
And before you know it, off they go – “they” being the 1% (that’s all it takes) who will screech into petrol stations and launch themselves at toilet rolls. And as soon as the goods start to disappear everyone else is forced into the scramble. Make no mistake: These bastards at the top know exactly what they’re doing.
Of course they do. How else would they organise the ‘failure of the electricity pipeline from France’ from end September to end March, precisely over the winter period?
It’s just pre-planned conspiracy to murder.
Let’s not beat about the bush here.
There is a bunch of psychopathic genocidal murderers in charge….
I couldn’t agree more. We have scheduled for extermination for many years and the plan is now coming to fruition.
And its nothing new…
Because of covid there’s a shortage of foreigners being let into Australia to go country to pick our fruit and vegies, so supermarkets are getting a bit short on supplies.
Previously the government couldnt encourage dole bludgers to go country to help get in the crops – as wages were low, and most was repaid for 1.. roof over your head. 2.. a mattress.(rent). 3.. insurance on any damages. 4.. use of shower.(rent). 5.. curtain for window (rent). 6..front door to shack.(rent). and so on…(Big Mac-style “extras”)…
Now the farmers problems may be about to be solved. There’s a rumour about that the government intends rounding up the non-vaxxed and trucking them to the farms instead of to real detention centres = two problems solved. 1.. Farmers are guaranteed reliable supply of labourers. 2.. Vaxxed will feel safe to be able to enjoy their New Normal Freedoms…
Yes we had to use the people from islands to nth and young travellers….the exploitation was not pretty to watch…and an indictment on our society….I live in one such area where it has been going on…the islanders were liked as they were healthy, fairly strong and thought a few pittance $ so much more than home wages and the backpackers sort of got by ….and yes absolutely everything came as an extra charge so little left at the end of the day…many beds in a room, gross over charging normal…
much of this work is not for the faint hearted….catching a bunch of bananas can take your back out quick…sap from mangos can burn your whole body…but our attitude was what the hell when injured you just get another one…not our problem…we just get to enjoy the cheap fruit…
The vaxxed are dead men still walking.
This morning: the car I had pre-booked 4 weeks ago wasn’t available, I was offered a smaller one with less range with a full tank or a car with a bigger petrol tank that was only half full.
I was told that if I couldn’t drive the car back home due to lack of petrol, I was liable for the costs of recovering the vehicle.
No petrol in Wales apparently.
So the trip got postponed.
How convenient….
I’m in west wales – long drive yesterday there were notices on the motorway saying various services had no fuel but local places were ok. Might just be they haven’t run out yet. Feels to me like Wales is getting targeted lately by various scare stories maybe too many good people here?
Ah yes! panic buying of petrol. Why, just yesterday, I went out and bought three new cars so I’d have somewhere to put my panic bought petrol.
Sajid Javid says that tooth decay “disproportionately affects more deprived groups”.
Why is that? Do “deprived groups” not get enough fluoride in their food? Do they fail to brush their teeth with the cheap, easily available fluoride-containing toothpastes that fill ever chemist’s “dental” shelves? (I use Euthymol, mainly because it is one of the very few toothpastes one can buy in some shops that contains no fluoride. And my teeth have never been better).
Or is it because, being poor, they lack money to buy real nourishing food such as red meat, wild fish, game, and organic dairy and vegetables?
They have to fill their bellies with government-recommended food-like substances such as refined grains, sugar and artificial oils.
Now the only people who will be able to avoid being systematically poisoned by excess fluoride will be the rich, who can afford to drink exclusively bottle water – if any can be found – that contains no poisons.
If you want good healthy teeth, read Dr Weston W. Price’s classic book “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration” – published in 1939 and systematically ignored by doctors, dentists and governments ever since. It actually tells you everything you need to know for your health, your children’s, your grandchildrens’…
Worrying about water is now a luxury. The fluoridation of water, absolutely despicable as it is, is meant only as a distraction from the main event, which is the ongoing campaign of extermination by injection.
Actually, the rich will have a country estate, where they will set things up to gather rain water. You know: Clarkson’s Diddly Squat Farm etc etc.
Rain performs the function of taking out atmospheric pollutants.
Genuine spring water comes from the earth.
Water is one of the most critical biological factors presently – and blood no less.
The attack on living water and blood is the intent to block Communication – as in masking off or jamming the signal so as to ‘control communication’ maintain distancing and stamp out truth’s contagion.
I believe my dentist … born in Greece, raised in the USA, practiced as a dentist for many years in New York and now does so in Cyprus … is capable of critical thinking since he once told me about his experiences of working in hospitals in New York where they would give patients whatever treatment would produce the maximum profit depending on the health care plan they were on rather than what was best for the patient, and he recommended that I should use high-flouride toothpaste available at pharmacies. I took this advice and I must say that I was previously suffering from frequent broken teeth as I entered my late 50’s, some of which necessitated crowns, and since I have used high-flouride toothpaste I have not had a breakage. Sorry if this goes against the grain on this site, but this is my genuine experience. Perhaps it’s coincidental, but I’m not so sure.
The main concerns with fluoride, at least from what I’ve seen here, are the detrimental toxic effects on the body, particularly the brain and the heart. Fluoride probably does legitimately work regarding tooth health, the question you have to ask yourself is, is that worth working with half a brain and a heart attack at 40 (probably an exaggeration, but I believe the point is made)?
Also, when using toothpaste, you usually spit it out, and wash away the remains, it probably spares one from the potential adverse effects of fluoride compared to ingesting it via drinking water.
The EPA has classified these waste products as toxins: Fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride. I’m using the term sodium fluoride to include all three types.
Sodium fluoride is used for rat poison and pharmaceutical tranquilizers. According to a scientific study done several years ago, Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds, industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride.
Because farm animals, house pets, and crops were dying and humans becoming gravely ill from gases emitted by phosphate fertilizer plants, the EPA (when it had some teeth) forced those plants to use scrubbers or filters that removed the fluoride toxins from their smoke stack gases.
But the resulting toxic waste sludge was also banned from dumping into lots, landfills, and water streams or lakes. Containing and ridding those toxic wastes required another expense.
So the solution was to sell the governments and the public on using fluoridated water to bolster dental health. Then have municipalities pay to put it into their water supplies. That way, their toxic waste removal expense became profitable.
hav a nice day lab rats!!! move on move on nuttin to ‘sea’ here.
as ever jimbo
As a child of a member of the military back in the late 1970’s I was given flouride tablets.
I wonder if this was only for service personnel children and whether the cvilian population of the UK in general had access to such tablets?
I grew up in the 1960’s UK and we did not get flouride tablets.
Now, I wonder how long, under the machinations of Global Warming will bottled water be removed from the shelves?
The demise of water in plastic bottles would be no bad thing.
More than one UK supermarket have no glass-bottled water option.
In a survival situation a plastic bottle lets UV through to remove bacteria from otherwise dodgy over a day or two of sunny weather. Apart from that i completely agree. reusable glass makes sense for sanity if not for a negative economy.
There are accounts of such as Nestle selling tap water as bottled spring water.
With covid – all kinds of other disservice, dysfunction and criminal fraud come out to play
So the Westminster regime is imposing fluoridation in spite of more recent research urging caution. Seems par for the course.
They are following the orders of their nazi masters. They have no control whatever: if they try to control anything they will be evicted.