Coronavirus Fact-Check #12: Ivermectin
The anti-parasitic medication has been a bone of contention in the Covid debate for months. What is the argument about? And who is right?
Kit Knightly

This article has been subject to an amendment [click]
Since quite early on in the pandemic narrative the discussion of non-vaccine treatment or prophylaxis has been surprisingly fraught.
The first and most widely known medication to get caught in this tug-of-war was hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria medication used all over the world for decades.
More recently, the treatment for “Covid19” being most hotly debated is ivermectin, even resulting in a legal proceeding brought against the WHO by the Indian bar association.
The mainstream position is that anyone supporting ivermectin as a treatment/prevention for “Covid19” is “spreading misinformation”, but the drug’s champions say there is hard science behind their position.
Some readers have even been critical of our “Covid Crib-Sheet” not mentioning the drug.
But what actually is ivermectin? Can it “cure covid”? And is the controversy entirely organic or in some way conbtrived?
What is Ivermectin?
Ivermectin (a member of the avermectin family of medications) is a chemical anti-parasitic agent first discovered in 1975.
It is on the World Health Organization’s list of “Essential Medicines” – treatments the WHO considers should be widely available in all countries – and is used to treat a wide variety of parasites in humans and animals.
In 2015, the team that discovered ivermectin was jointly awarded the Nobel prize for medicine.
None of this was in any way controversial prior to 2020.
The mainstream disinformation
Following early reports that ivermectin could be used to lessen Covid symptoms, the mainstream media turned their collective fire on it (just as they did with HCQ last year). Any doctor suggesting the treatment was said to be a quack, and celebrities (such as Joe Rogan) who claimed they had been cured by it were said to be “spreading dangerous misinformation”.
The suggestion spread across the media that ivermectin was used only on animals, and “anti-vaxxers” were openly mocked for “drinking horse de-wormer”.
The most blatant example of this disinformation campaign was a story in Rolling Stone magazine, which claimed that ER departments in Oklahoma were so over-run with ivermectin poisoning that they were turning gunshot patients away at the door.
This story was shared far and wide….until Rolling Stone was forced to retract it, when a letter from one of the hospitals concerned was published, saying that, not only were they not “overrun” with ivermectin overdoses, they had never seen a single one.
So clearly, whatever the reality, there is a lot of anti-ivermectin propaganda out there.
OK, but does Ivermectin cure Covid?
Well, that’s a complicated question. There are one or two studies that claim it does. A study from June 2020 claimed ivermectin “inhibited viral replication in vitro”, and this meta-analysis from August this year, found:
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease.”
But there are two problems with this.
Firstly, there is (so far at least) no physical explanation as to why this should be the case. Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic. It functions as an invertebrate neurotoxin, weakening the cell membranes of parasitic neurons, causing paralysis and eventually death. Viruses do not have cell membranes, let alone neurons, so there’s no known physical reason ivermectin should have any impact on any kind of virus, and it’s never been used to treat viral infections before.
There has been some research showing ivermectin may have some as-yet-unexplored anti-viral properties according to this paper in Nature from 2017. Studies done in 2012 and 2013 found ivermectin may inhibit replication of flaviviruses and HIV-1. But these are purely lab-based studies and never progressed to human subjects or developed into a treatment.
Secondly, and more importantly, any study done on “Covid19 patients” encounters the same roadblock: the PCR tests.
They are the only tool available for “diagnosing” someone as infected with the sars-cov-2 virus, and they are not fit for purpose. It’s impossible to tell someone with a “symptomatic Covid infection” from someone with the flu and a false positive test.
That being the case, any study being done on “covid patients” is by definition unreliable. It’s possible the people in the study just had a cold, or some other virus. Since over 99% of “covid patients” survive, it’s perfectly possible everyone who took ivermectin would have survived anyway, and we can’t know that the drug had any impact at all.
Since it’s almost impossible to establish who has “covid” who does not, no study done on “covid19 patients” can ever really be scientifically sound.
So, Should we endorse the ivermectin treatment?
Well, first of all, OffGuardian is not here to recommend any medical treatment. We are not in the business of giving out medical advice, that is not the purpose of the site. We simply report facts that get neglected by the mainstream.
It’s certainly true that ivermectin has been around for a long time, and has always been considered safe and effective for a wide variety of conditions and is approved for off-label use, and even some indications it could an effective anti-viral treatment – the anti-ivermectin fear-porn in the media is highly misleading in that regard.
Therefore doctors should be free to prescribe the treatment if they see fit, and patients should be free to take it.
However, there is a distinct danger in spreading the “ivermectin cures covid” story, because it concedes ground to the official narrative that we shouldn’t be conceding. Just as with the “vaccines make variants more dangerous” story, the “ivermectin treats covid” angle reinforces the idea that there is a scary new virus out there that requires some kind of special treatment.
If you take that position, you put yourself in a situation where all the mainstream has to do is proclaim the existence of a new “ivermectin resistant variant”, and suddenly you have been swallowed up completely by the official story. Or maybe Pfizer et al. will release a new “refined ivermectin for treating Covid”, get it added to the vaccine passport card, and make using it a requirement to take part in society.
Either way, you’ll end up back where you started, giving money to Big Pharma and endorsing the fake reality they created.
It could even be argued that the hysterical and provably false denouncement of ivermectin in the press was done to stir up outrage, cause a distraction, and attempt to divert the covid sceptic conversation down a potentially blind alley.
There is no distinctly dangerous virus. We are not facing any kind of new threat. We don’t need to take anything or prevent anything or fight anything.
This position can be supported by solid facts and rational arguments, so we should stick to it until some other real solid facts can force us to move.
So no, ivermectin isn’t some super-toxic horse de-wormer, that should never be used on humans and is killing off deluded “anti-vaxxers” left and right. But there’s not much evidence it’s a magic “Covid cure” either.
Which is fine, because we don’t really need one.
NOTE: This article was amended on 1/10/21 to include references to previous research done on the possible antiviral properties of ivermectin. Thanks to commenter Linda Hagge for sending us those links.
Also, some of you are objecting to my use of the phrase “one or two”. I used it in British colloquial style meaning “a few”, not literally only one or two, which should be fairly clear considering I link to a meta-analysis of 24 studies. Hopefully that clears things up for the ‘one or two’ of you for whom it was an issue. – KK
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Or, the Ivermectin connection is about another issue, and therefore a red herring.
What other issue? Parasites. PARASITES.
There is a great deal of irrefutable evidence that Ivermectin used early in the onset of the disease cures around 60 – 70% of people. At low dose it is a preventative measure that reduces COVID detectable illness by 40%. It works much better than the gene modification therapy which causes blood clots and loss of immunity and is mostly actively harmful. But people are not numerate enough to check the science properly themselves, unfortunately.
Thank you for compiling it a lot of work
Saw a meme today I thought was pretty funny but true- went something like:
I won’t take the vaccine, that way I Will be 100% sure I won’t suffer side effects or death from The vaccine, and my chances of surviving covid are over 99%. I like my odds!
Couple of things. When studying severe cases of covid, and whether conventional treatments work compared to Ivermectin. It is clear that ivermectin is preventing more deaths In That group studied according to the meta studies and various smaller studies.
Second, the way ivermecti. Wor,s apparently is that it’s antiviral action prevents the virus from taking g hold (can’t remember if it’s in the cell or out), but supposedly needs zinc to complete the action. So,they know pretty well how it works and why.
3 it’s pretty obvious the reason why it’s being dissed- imhate using the term, but I. This case it fits, “big pharma”. Even now, with everyone saying omicron doesn’t need shots, and booster shots not being recommended, “big pharma” is taking it upon themselves to contradict the medical “experts” and claim everyone must bet boosters now. A pure fear campaign- and its almost certain those in power are heavily invested in the companies, and or get huge donations, so of course they all are attacking alternative meds.
4 there were about 2 deaths per year from ivermectin, so no. It’s not a super dangerous med. Tylenol is far more dangerous with 1000″s of deaths and o endorses and organ damage. Even remdisiver which does nothing g to decrease mortality fro. Covid, causes organ failure- ivermectin doesn’t and works to prevent deaths according to studies.
5 there is no reason that ivermectin couldn’t be taken along with traditional meds used to combat thr new virus covid 19 and mutations. Ivermcttin plays well with other meds apparently, it is low toxicity, safe and effective with decades of proven track record,, znd is Even shown to be effective agaisnt flues,, so a person should be able to take it alongside whatever meds hospitals give now for severe covid cases. There are no do-overs with severe covid, why not do everything possible for the sick and vulnerable elderly? There is no downside to trying it! Instead you have hospitals denying people who are dying the “right to try” when it comes to ivermectin.
6 Let them declare that there is an “ivermectin resistant mutation”, wjo cares? we will still use it knowing full well they have lied their buttons off from day one about ivermectin, hcq and various other things concerning covid. They are even lying about the numbers of deaths FROM covid, counting all deaths of those WITH covid as having died FROM covid. People have to be very mentally sick individuals to perpetrate these lies on those that are the least well (sick and elderly who likely won’t survive covid if they get it because of severe cases of illnesses couple dwith covid).
7 I have taken it several times in th3 past 2 years when I haven’t felt well, not sure if I had covid, flu, or simple cold- now, I realize anecdotal cases don’t count as evidence, but I am here to state that within literally hours of takin it, I have begun to feel better. Fever dropped, weakness stopped, chills and sweats stopped, znd by the next. Owning I was right as rain, all the times I took it. A test at the health center said I had the markers for having had covid, but I don’t put much faith in the tests that couldn’t distinguish covid from flu, as attested to by the cdc themselves, so I don’t know if I actualy,actually, it or not. Now, maybe I did bet covid and woild have survived just fine with only mild symptoms anyways, I do t know, but I do know that everytime I have taken it, whether for covid or flu or cold, literally within hours. I’m feeling better, when previously I was feeling like I had been hit by a mac truck in some of th3 cases. One case took 2 days to feel better, but I was really sick,with that whatever it was. I will,conti up to use it In the future whether it “cures covid” or not, as it does, at this point in my own personal experience at ,east, seem to do something pretty spectacular. If that changes the next few times I take it, I will change my tune on it for. Y own personal,use at least, but right now, it “seems that” it does work when get sick, and you can et that I will be taking it IF I get diagnosed with actual covid before going to hospital if it becomes severe enough that I should,need hospitalization, as they sure as heck won’t allow it in the hospital. BUT I don’t expect I will bet it that severe, as only around 0.07% ever get it that severe to begin with, where they end up dying fro. It.
The results in utter pradesh say it all
No mention of the fact that Ivermectin is also an Antiviral, as well as an Antiparasitical. Hello?
No mention of the *overwhelming* amount of anecdotal evidence. Also, the author would have done well to consult the forefront proponent in the GB, Dr Tess Lawrie.
Ivermectin has caused like what? 2 deaths per year? And the msm tell us it’s “too dangerous to take!” Meanwhile Tylenol caused hundreds of deaths per year. Remdesiver causes organ failure in kidneys and liver, and does nearly zero to help someone dying g of covid. Ivermectin causes no problems with organs and is shown to be far more effective (you can see the ztudiex for yourself in the links be.ow in several poster’s posts) than Remdesiver, yet we are denied ivermectin and given remdesiver in the hospitals. ……….. nope nothing nefarious going on at all…. nope nosiree!
All this data is based on meaningless testing. There is no increased risk from any respiratory virus, that much was plain by May 2020. Any concession to the narrative benefits no one but the narrative peddlers. It’s just not a disease driving the New Normal and it never has been. A2
Almost all of the patients in all of the studies on that website had symptoms, i.e they were actually, observably diseased, and not just a “PCR case”. Additionally the primary outcomes were, in a great many of the studies, survival- again something actual and observable.
So the data is not “based” on meaningless PCR at all.
Diseased patients, IVM, control group, survival. It’s super super simple science and IVM is shown time and time again to improve survival rate.
If the superfluous PCR testing done to most of the patients changes this, then you’d need to explain this a little more because I must be missing something.
It’s also curious that you scarcely mention or cite these studies, or what they conclude. If they really are baseless, cite them and debunk them properly. After all, they are the reason people think IVM works.
It’s also strange how you mention the 99% survival rate of COVID… Huh? So you can say there’s a survival rate but the doctors in those studies can’t say that the IVM group and the control group have respective survival rates? You’re not playing fair there.
British use of “one or two” as an excuse fails. There are multiple studies that indicate efficacy, though some are weak in design. There are multiple pathways available with inhibition of the docking of the spike protein being one of many. T
The use of the idiom ‘one or two’ to one side, the studies cited include a metastudy which is an analysis of multiple studies. It is linked to. Thanks for your perspectives, A2
I would suggest staying with facts instead of trying to figure out “why should it work?”. This second question is completly irrelevant.
I know lots of physicians here in Brazil who treat Covid with Ivermectine and hardly any cases of hospitalizations, let alone deaths.
So, this article is really silly. The author basically says “we we prefer to die than use a medicine which’ mode of efficiency we cant explain”, ridiculous!
Since it is labelled as worm cure it cant heal Covid?
Problem with this point of view: why should a anti-parasitic not have effect on viruses as well? And: Still there is no proof that Covid is caused by a virus.
I would suggest you read up about PCR tests, their infectiveness at diagnosing active infections, and look at all-cause mortality around the world, minus the effects of mitigation and while ignoring scary headlines before you make too many assumptions about the need to treat anything remarkable. A2
So you’re saying that elderly people with co morbidities AND most if not all ten symptoms of COVID shouldn’t think they have COVID b/c PCR tests have questionable validity.
and they shouldn’t be quickly outpatient-treated with ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine Protocol (Hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin [or doxycycline] plus zinc)?
They should suck it up and hope they don’t wind up in an ER where they’re likely to wind up dying on a ventilator?
Stop virus-mongering. Elderly, frail people have died of respiratory complications since long before Covid fanatics fetishised it into the basis of an authoritarian ideology. A2
“Virus mongering”?
Here’s a hot tip. You can fight the authoritarian BS and big Pharma greed without sticking your head up your rear end and trying to brainwash people into your flat earth nonsense that the virus doesn’t exist.
I am in the U.S. Why don’t YOU tell us what country you’re in.
I made no statement regarding the existence of viruses. Why not read our content here and keep these assumptions and these contrived false dichotomies to yourself until you have. Thank you, A2
As we experienced in South Africa. Especially in the KwaZulu-Natal lower south coast.
We have a few wonderful doctors who have saved many hundreds – if not thousands of people using Ivermectin and other protocols
I implore everyone to read about the history of Ivermectin as the latest drug in the ‘River Blindness’ program in Africa – as I think it blows open what the Ivermectin push is actually about (not health or curing Covid-19 – a virus never isolated and diagnosed on tests which are useless for detection and diagnosis of Sars CoV2. – big question here has always been what are you TREATING – because Covid-19 is a disease of attribution to other cause – huge red flags – please read and pass on –
You can get Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine online no script required. Bitcoin accepted
Ivermectin’s effectiveness isn’t unknown. Neither is Hcq. They are ionophores which allow zinc, the actual antiviral, to more easily enter your cells.
This theory has not been formally proved but it is the common factor with these covid curatives.
They do not work well, or at all, without Zinc. With Zinc they work amazingly well.
If you add other supplements everyone should be taking anyway, C, D etc it’s even better.
If you add anti-inflammatories, pnumonia prophylaxis, and if you have the cash, supplemental monoclonal antibodies you are cooking with gas.
IMO you don’t need the expensive drugs. Me and my family did not. We just had hcq and zinc, and other supplements.
What you DO NOT NEED is a vaccine that trains your immune system to fight last years war. To the extent those vaccines ever worked at all, they no longer do, after several iterations of evolving to escape the vaccine.
Getting the vaccine now is making you more susceptible to the variants in the wild today. It will dillute the antibodies you naturally develop when you are exposed, or already developed when you were exposed.
Further since vaccine induced antibodies are non neutralizing, the vaccinated cannot contribute to herd immunity. The only people who CAN contribute to herd immunity are the unvaccinated. Getting the vaccine is thus a selfish act, in addition to being foolish.
To be clear if the vaccine induced neutralizing antibodies this would not be the case. In that case vaccinated people would be or as or nearly as helpful as unvaccinated in getting to herd immunity.
But a leaky vaccine cannot do anything but slow down or prevent herd immunity. If everyone in the world were vaccinated covid could NEVER be ended. You cannot get unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are a precious resource to human well being, and possibly to human survival.
Meh, I look at the statistics in countries which locked down and countries which didn’t, those that mandated masks and those that didn’t and I feel like that little boy laughing at the Emperor.
If we were living through a truly deadly pandemic I would expect it to, at the very least, leave some decisive evidence that couldn’t be equally-well attributable to isolated pockets of healthcare failure due to last minute covid protocol overhauls.
It’s simply not a realistic scenario that we’ve just lived through a modern-day plague and this data isn’t in the statistics, anywhere in the world.
Look at Florida compared to liberal states that went into hard lockdowns, and keep in mind that Florida is a drop off point for many folks who come to visit the US, and is a very popular destination worldwide- so,one woild think covid deaths woild have been pretty high there- the left are furious that cases aren’t higher in Florida, and they are angry because their own states were much worse off, showing that hard lockdowns and masking people to the hilt didn’t work. The liberal media is always attacking f.orida with one false claim after a other as a result, as they try to tear down the great results DeSantis has had there concerning covid, as he stood yp for people’s freedom s there during the nationwide overreaction. The powers that be will never ad it they lied- ever. They just double down. Now fauci is pushing for hard lockdowns again over a variant that causes sniffles for crying out loud
Well, as you stated, it’s not an easy question to answer if ivermectin can cure covid-19. As I’m a biochemist and biologist myself I would say both “Yes in some cases and No in others”.
The antiviral action of ivermectin in the case of human coronaviruses including SARS-CoV 2 the mechanism of action of ivermectin has not been clearly elucidated to date, but it might be in part the same anti-inflammatory effects observed in ivermectin action against other viral pathogens i. e. it inhibits Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL)-1β production significantly and increases IL-10 production in macrophages.
These effects were reported to be mediated by ERK1/2, JNK and p38 MAPK signal and activation of the NF-κB pathway. One of the major mechanisms of ivermectin as a possible therapeutic drug against covid-19 might be the inhibition of IMPα/β1 mediated import of viral proteins from cytoplasm into the nucleus.
It’s a very crucial question if this is ivermectin’s major mechanism of action but could make sense if one considers that SARS-CoV 2 ORF6 proteins imported into the nucleus are supposed to induce inhibition of interferone signaling in SARS-CoV 2 infected cells thus hampering induction of innate immune signaling, including upregulation of type I interferon (IFN) upon viral infection as well as type I and III IFN signaling.
One should perhaps also mention that one of the main arguments of opponents of ivermectin treatment of covid-19 was that the doses necessary for anti-replicative effects in vitro would exceed the maximum doses that can be administered to humans without being toxic.
There are -by the way – more than two papers about ivermectin as theraputic drug for treatment of covid-19.includin a Nature paper that has been retracted and amazingly even the text of this publication has been deleted..( RETRACTED ARTICLE: The mechanisms of action of Ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2: An evidence-based clinical review article
Asiya Kamber Zaidi
Other articles worth taking into consideration are:
My personal opinion is that ivermectin shows some positive effects in trials, that the poposed or assumed mechanisms of action of ivermectin make sense. I’m therefore extremely astonished why research on ivermectin as a therapeutic drug for treatment of covid-19 is not pushed forward or even hampered.
In tune with the thrust of this excellent article it can be observed that the brainwashing starts early with the education system with indoctrination to accept the establishment gaslit worldview, including Darwinian evolution. Indeed the concept of “virus” is on a par with unicorns. Another example is “race”. There is only one race, the human race. Yes there are ethnicities, people groups, etc. with differing traits such as amount of melanin in the skin, but the brainwashed subscribe to the views of Charles Darwin and Jim Crow, that there are different races according to colors… its ridiculous when you think about it. It’s becoming more and more apparent that this may be the case with viruses and even the entirety of germ theory. So in evaluating ivermectin we should indeed not acquiesce to the Coviteers by thinking of it as an anti-viral. Obviously there is no “Covid” but we ought not lose sight of the fact that people are getting sick and dying with common clinical symptoms (such as what they used to call influenza), be it caused by something in the terrain or bad diet, habits, etc. So if it helps prevent certain symptoms and leads to recovery from those symptoms, then bravo, and evidently that is the case. So when a loved one goes into the hospital because of difficulty breathing, they scrape his brain membrain with that ridiculously long nasal swab (don’t think they may not be harvesting DNA or planting nanobots or some other conspiracy-sounding purposes) for the useless PCR test to peg him with “Covid”, isolate him and try to follow the Fauci protocol so that you have to take an “over my dead body” stance. Then smuggling in some vitamins C, D, zinc and quercetin results in improvement and discharge, and if you are fortunate enough to get a doctor to prescribe ivermectin and he makes a full recovery, even though he happens to be obese, then a positive view of ivermectin may be warranted, or at least not a negative view in the short term anyway. So the question is not “is it an anti-viral (that cures covid)?” but rather “is it helpful?” It would be great to see more clinical studies evauating it without giving any credence to “Covid”, especially as fraudulently identified by PCR as part of the plandemic.So thank you for pointing out that fighting back should include not succumbing to the language of the narrative which propogates the existence of a pathogenic unicorn.
There are 65 studies documented on 66% reduction in illness in early use across 47,000 patients. It’s fairly conclusive and a better bet idea to give a treatment to the sick than a vaccine for everyone with poor efficacy and safety.
Thank you for this well grounded article. I believe part of the MSM,s intended function is to pull us all into apposing stances. At which point any solidly based information becomes secondary and we all just end up in a massive ball of misinformation and argument. Meanwhile the agenda plays on devoid of scrutiny.
Excellent observation
Would be good if you highlight the fact that SARS-Cov-2 has never been proven to exist, like is mentioned in This article is not very much about “fact checking” since you leave out the most important factcheck: does the virus even exist?
Watch–Part-3–%E2%80%93-Covid-19-Myths:b, timestamp 1:57:00, for more information on ivermectin. It still is big pharma, so stay away from it.
Actually, Ivermectin is not really part of big pharma anymore. Its off patent and makes little profit. That’s why they don’t want anyone who believes covid exists to take it. They need them to buy the vaccine.
Main issue would seem to be that vax’s are approved under Emergency Use Authorisation.
If there is an effective treatment, then use of EUA is no longer valid
Ivermectin has HUGE reds flags and the issue far surpasses money, research the history of the Africa River Blindness campaign funded by the World Bank which started with DDT and Ivermectin only the latest in a long line of drugs implemented to treat blindness in a disease NEVER associated with blindness until the introduction of DDT and the big pharm drugs in the 40s. Gates is funding Ivermectin studies and there are serious red flags: story here – read it and make up your own minds:
It doesn’t really matter if you understand the mechanisms of action, for example the effect of anesthetic gases is completely unknown, but these have worked since the self-experiments with ether by some brave people. Our understanding of physics inside black holes collapses like a well black hol, but that doesn
t through them out of existence.
If you exclude all studies on Covid that were done with a PCR test, none of them will be left. There are many studies on ivermectin and the main criticism is that the number of participants is very small, the cause could be, that it cost
s a cent/tablet in India, so no conern is interested in financing studys to a product that doesn
t give a return.If you look for Ivermectin on Youtube, you will find very interesting
Publications at
Use your own brain *-).
Viruses don’t exist.—CV19-Fraud:b
I’ll start with a definition.
Covid Death: somebody who was labelled as PCR positive and killed in hospital using a combination of fear, neglect, remdesivir, midazolam, denial of appropriate treatment for actual condition, being put on a ventilator, etc.
None of the above requires the existence or presumption of a virus.
Q: How to avoid becoming a “covid death”?
A: Don’t set foot in a hospital if you have cold or flu like symptoms.
Although I think it extremely unlikely that I would die of any flu, there is a non-negligible possibility of getting caught in the hospital fishing net. That possibility would be greatly increased if I had underlying conditions; which fortunately I don’t. To reduce the possibility, I would want a well-equipped arsenal of alternative anti-flu treatments.
Anti-Vaccine Cartoonist Ben Garrison Says He’s Got Covid-19, Won’t Go to Hospital
The pro-Trump cartoonist says he’s lost about 15 pounds and is taking ivermectin.
Sep 28, 2021
Garrison said:
“Yes, it’s definitely Covid and we’ve had all the symptoms. My wife and [I] went out with a couple to a restaurant and the next day all four of us were sick. One of us went to see a doctor and was told she had Covid, and that was the clincher.” . . . “We’re taking Ivermectin and various vitamins including a lot of Zinc,” . . . The cartoonist also notes he’s taking beet root juice.
Garrison seems to believe that he and his wife are struggling to overcome the disease because they’re in their mid-60s. “Both Tina and I feel slightly better after two weeks, but it has been rough. I lost my taste and smell as well as desire to eat any kind of food. I lost 15 pounds as a result. Young people tend to bounce back more quickly, but we’re in our mid-60s,” Garrison wrote.
Garrison says he’d never visit a hospital to treat his covid-19. . . . “I would never go to a hospital with Covid. Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for Covid death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up,” Garrison claimed in an email to Gizmodo.
See also:
All four got sick after dining at a restaurant.
Food poisoning.
I presume they had considered that possibility; and are familiar with the symptoms of food poisoning. But even if it were food poisoning, it wouldn’t change the basic point of avoiding hospitals. The risk is not that of dying from “covid”. Rather, it is of ending up in hospital for whatever reason and being tested for “covid”. It is the latter which can become a death sentence; and having ivermectin available can help reduce the risk.
Exactly, the drugs versus cures arguments perpetuates the core fraud that we need big pharm interventions. No, we need to stop attributing Covid-19 to other diseases through fraudulent testing and attribution standards. POOF, no more Covid. It is seriously troubling that the brilliant ‘opposition’ and political leadership around mandates don’t go after the core point which destroys the entire narrative.
VAX FASCIST PHARMACOM SLUT Dictator Dan of Victoria has issued the following edicts:
(PS: at this moment DICTATOR DAN’S Goon Militarized Pharma Storm Thug COWARD Troopers are smashing unarmed protestors in lockdown Melbourne Victoria)
Each employee must carry an authorised worker permit. After Friday’s changes, these permits will require workers to confirm they have been vaccinated. Businesses will also be required to ensure all their workers on site carry a valid permit. Fines will be issued if an authorised officer visits a workplace and finds employees without a permit.
What industries and workers fall under the “authorised” list?
As a rule, if you are permitted to go in to your workplace during lockdown, you are likely on the list. But it goes beyond that. Personal trainers, marriage celebrants, zoo workers and pool cleaners are examples of authorised workers from a very long list that you can view in full here.
How will I prove I’m vaccinated?
Authorised worker permits will ratify vaccination status. Additionally, personal vaccination records can be downloaded via MyGov accounts and the Medicare app. Digital vaccination passports will be available via the federal government in October.
Will my boss ask me to show my vaccination status?
Not necessarily. To be allowed to work, employers will expect each staff member to have an authorised worker permit and can ask them to show it. Workers will have to confirm they have been vaccinated to receive their permit in the first place.
And now DICTATOR DAN’s cummin with the PHARMAKOMA ceeringe for everyone.
Have a nice day ‘Victorian prisoners’. Enjoy your chemical poison lockdown not life!!!
Strength and Honour!!!
jimbo from somewhere!!!
This article misses or ignores two sources of crucial importance concerning the success of Ivermectin (IVM), just as the MSM are doing. First, to see the published science research on IVM (and other useful treatments) at all stages of C19, visit This site usefully collates the findings of 40 or more studies to show beyond doubt that IVM prevents most hospitalisation and thus fatalities (note that covid patients only die in hospital). Second, refer to the extraordinary case of India via the superb, fully sourced multi-part investigation at the Desert Review. This compares Uttah Pradesh state, where only 5% of the population of 230m has been fully vaccinated, with little Kerala state (35m), where most people over 18 are now fully vaccinated. But Kerala is now suffering a huge rise in both cases and fatalities, accounting for 75% of the total in India (pop 1.4bn), while Uttah Pradesh is almost entirely covid-free. The crucial difference? Back in April, Uttar Pradesh began issuing all infected people AND their many family contacts with cheap medicine kits containing IVM and various other early treatments. Moreover, other states using IVM as prophylactic have also ended the pandemic. By contrast, Kerala has put all its effort into vaccination and never authorised IVM at all. The difference is extraordinary. Let’s help end the murderous media blackout as a priority, I say.—part-iii-the-lesson-of-kerala/article_ccecb97e-044e-11ec-9112-2b31ae87887a.html
I forgot to add a third source that confirms the efficacy of IVM perhaps more than any other: Pfizer is reportedly developing a pill for the early treatment of C19 based on it.
Seriously? Pfizer are making billions forcing people to take a potentially deadly chemical cocktail they don’t need – but for some reason you think they wouldn’t make an ‘early treatment’ that didn’t work??? 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Pfizer don’t care if you’re buying an unnecessary vax or an unnecessary ‘early treatment’. It’s all dollar signs to them.
Read the article again, because you obviously skimmed it in your hurry to make the same tired points the article already deals with.
First thanks to the Babylon Bee for dubbing Pfizer’s latest ripoff “Pfizermectin.”
Missing from this article is that several antiparisitic medications act as ionophores, making the cells more permeable to Zinc ions, and greatly limiting the virus’ ability to replicate inside the cells.
HCQ and Ivermectin are amongst those
Bingo! Something most people here forgot or didn’t know. Australian government put in a pre-order for this ivermecting replicate pill at hundreds of dollars a pop. Follow the damn money.
It’s pointed out in this article you claim to have read that the entire question of assessing the effectiveness of ivermectin against ‘Covid’ is moot because no definitive reliable tests for it exist. ‘Cases’ are just positive tests for pieces of rna that do not indicate infection and ‘deaths’ are almost all of people dying of another illness who also received one if the diagnostically meaningless tests.
When your data are so contaminated and poorly defined the results are meaningless.
The evidence for ivermectin as a general anti-viral is referenced in the article. But the controversy whipped up around it in regard to the scamdemic is, in our view, contrived in order to create a ‘skeptic’ narrative that actually endorses the most important part of the official story – the scary new virus.
Essentially the only message that matters is that we don’t need either vaccines OR ‘miracle cures’ to deal with ‘Covid’, because covid is neither unique nor especially deadly. It’s just the standard set of respiratory illnesses and various viruses, given a new name.
It’s true it isn’t especially dangerous but the world we live in is full of people programmed to be terrified of covid. For many people that fear can more easily be mitigated by a cure that works. Ivermectin based drug regimens work. So do Hcq for that matter.
Thus exposing the truth about these curatives drugs is helpful to pushing back on the tyranny that fear allows.
Alternatively, by conceding the virus fear-narrative we become a part of the problem and perpetuate that problem, immediately negating any gains. We gain nothing by compromising the truth, and once we concede a lie we can never turn back. We become party to the fraud, wittingly or no. We become accomplices to unreason.
By all means discuss high dose vit. C, zinc, vitamin D, IVM, HCQ and other means to help very frail people overcome pneumonia, but this is a perennial problem. Since humans grew old and died it has been with us. Nothing in any statistics anywhere indicate it’s occurring in abnormally high volume that can’t be attributed to isolated pockets of healthcare failure due to bungled last-minute protocol overhauls.
Enough people are ceasing to believe the fear without handing over needless concessions to the enemies of humanity and reason. A2
So well said – and it appears there could be other factors driving the sales pitch – outlined here:
PharmaKoma has no bribe or coercion that will tempt the careful and wise person to submit and succumb to the PharmaKoma poison.
Delusional exceptionalism disorder seems to be the main dis’ ease out there. Then on top of it, a sad (but highly profitable) methodical poisoning of our collective immunity.
u got that right nailed on the head!!!
“There is no distinctly dangerous virus.” – WRONG
Check out Dr Fleming ( and his 2.5 hour “Masterclass” video. At the 2’13” mark he shows the video of the electron microscope dialling in the focus and out of the grey goo pop 3 SARS-Cov-2 viri. He doesn’t want the war criminals let off the hook. I agree.
He also did an interview with Del Bigtree and goes into detail. He says “Koch’s Postulates” haven’t be used since the human genome project finished 15 years ago. They do it differently since.
Your mistake, like many, is to assume that the governments actually did the validation that they claim to have done. They obviously didn’t but still took the “budget allocations” for the work.
So, if someone told you there was a new type of killer cat in your neighborhood and then ‘proved it’ by showing you a pic of a cat – you’d be convinced?
Do you genuinely not understand the difference between “no distinctly dangerous virus” and “no virus”?
Are you stupid or just pretending to be?
To be stupid or to be just pretending to be?
That is the question!
With due respect, there is a virus that is dangerous to a certain part of the population, mainly older people with comorbidities but also obese individuals and diabetics. This despite your denial is very well documented. You can go on denying this but it does not alter the facts, which apparently, are sacred. Now apart from these groups there have also been younger people, athletes and healthy people who have died of covid 19. You have produced an erroneous and dangerous narrative which you start with by saying that the PCR is useless because sadly, the writers who write this, are not pathologists and do not understand how you define cause and effect in medicine and also find the idea that a virus can also produce asymptomatic disease, alien although is a very well established concept. I know that my comments are always censored by OG because you wish to keep this website as a pure covid denying website and allow no dissent. In so doing you are following on the august footsteps of those you seek to criticize. Bravo. I dare you to publish this, but of course you will not!
You’ll be aware, since facts are indeed sacred, that methods of recording this ‘pandemic’, on which your assumptions are based, are not fit for purpose. What these people died of is not clear, since any co-morbidities are automatically overruled by a PCR test which can’t diagnose active infection and is hugely inaccurate. You can’t point to significant excess deaths anywhere on the planet, so you can’t substantiate your assumptions that way either. This is a waste of your time. A2
bernard kerkhof Parasites are bloody huge, compared to blood cells, much less the size were told viruses are.
I’m looking for ants on the sidewalk and was run over by a bus huge.
Please provide a link to (seriously any) source that shows any image, of any parasite, in any way, linked to the toxic crap they’re calling vaccines for Covid.
As always, Kit gets right to the core issue regarding the alleged “novel coronavirus pandemic.” Any discussion of the issues surrounding it can never really get off the ground
if there is no scientifically verifiable method of determining whether a given person has been infected by it! The PCR test, with or without “symptoms,” certainly is not. There were studies early on that seemed to indicate “cross immunity” for some people who had been infected with some ordinary strain of coronavirus, which would explain all the “asymptomatic” cases of people with SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (like myself). It would also
explain why flu cases all of a sudden just simply disappeared!
PCR is a process, not a test. According to it’s creator and Nobel Prize winner, it can’t be used to tell if someone is infected with or infectious with any virus. OK, we agree on that.
I’m sure we could down cold beers, discussing the guaranteed false results that occur when you cycle such a process to 35 or 40 cycles and I at least, would annoy your neighbors with loudly spoken opinions on the matter after the case was nearly done.
There are currently at least 15 approved Serology tests available in the US that can (according to them) 100% tell if you’ve had SarsCov-2 at least two weeks ago.
About these I know SFA. However, I do believe that anyone who has contracted and recovered from illness X, gets a natural immunity from further infections of X and its relatives, X+1,2,3….n.
I can’t buy a Serology test in my country. If I could, I’d finger prick myself and find out in minutes if I’d had any version of SarsCov-2 and if so, absolutely cross the idea of a vaccine off my list of things to do.
I wonder why my vaccine obsessed country won’t let me get access to that sort of test?
And doubtlessly, they wonder why I won’t take a vaccine from pricks that can’t science to save their lives.
No test has any clinical validity, they were all created without any virus isolate for a disease which has not been scientifically verified to exist – new interview out with Christine Massey today. Antibody tests are non specific and pick up antibodies for many diseases and antigen tests per FDA statement produce up to 100% false positive when used in low incident population. Blood tests with ineffective testing to prove our health status to the government is as bad as vaccines.
Forgive my ignorance, but 1.) How is this statement incorrect and 2.) Why is it deemed a red herring? I thought the concept of selective pressure was well-established, esp with Covid jabs…
I think the point of view goes something like this: there’s little or scanty evidence it is occurring and, as it stands, it’s part of a slew of fearful sub narratives which, one way or another, substantiate the ‘deadly virus’ narrative, which is dangerously counterproductive. A2
That was Gert Vanden Bosch’s idea. His concern has not happened with the Delta variant as the normal route for a virus is to become easier to spread but less lethal. Delta has followed the normal path.
While he is incorrect so far, this is a creation of a bio-weapons lab so who knows what it is capable of. So far an IFR of 0.3 for the original and 0.15 for Delta is nothing to justify any of the measures.
Curious that all of the big names in CovidTruth have been screaming about pathogenic priming and ADE, but Knightly just casually dismisses it and everyone’s ok with that. Delta cannot be used as a tool to debunk PP since it started relatively early in the vax period this year. In the animal trials, MRNA vaccines were 100% lethal but only several months after the animal was fully vaxxed, and only when presented with the wild virus. Either way, we’ll know this winter.
You are confusing two different things. ADE (antibody-dependent-enhancement) is something that potentially happens within the body to the immune system after vaccination. Variants are new strains of a virus. ADE is a documented risk and should be taken seriously.The ‘deadly variants produced by leaky vax’ hypothesis is dependent on the assumed reality of SARSCOV2 as a discrete entity and is therefore much more hypothetical and also much more useful to the official narrative.
This is why we are skeptical of the latter, but not so much of the former.
We certainly do not dismiss ADE. You simply have your wires crossed.
Thanks for the response, and for all the great work you do 🙂
Antibody Enhancement as I have heard it explained is presented as the body has a enhanced response to Sars CoV2 upon exposure which causes the immune system to go into overdrive but how can that happen when evidence does not document said virus even exists. This gets tied into the natural immunity argument where the body responds better but this feels very much like an effort to get us to prove our health status through testing which does not work. It seems like they are reframing the harm induced to the immune function by the vaccine and trying to act like they just over primed our immune system to respond but again, how can they over respond to something that doesn’t exist. And, we have another problem, ingredients are proprietary and we really don’t know what is in them or if the mRNA is actually doing anything – for all we know they include one molecule so they can say its been tested and they can now put it in other drugs without any real study. We can’t trust anything to be honestly represented, so the best we can go on is the inoculations harm the immune function and render us vulnerable to future sickness. Are they preparing a part 2 release of toxins in foods or drugs which they can then pin on ADE? The core take away is stay away from all pharmaceuticals and hospitals if at all possible as the level of mass recalls due to serious bacteria and fungal contaminants is a very worrying sign:
I think it may be an assumption to state that ivermectin kills parasites by “functioning as an invertebrate neurotoxin”. While it is definitely known to kill parasites, it is also known to cause cell autophagy in mammals, which is known to kill viruses, parasites, and even cancers. I think saying it kills by toxin is negated by it causing another mode of action that will kill parasites, that also kills viruses and cancers. Look into ivermectin and its relation to autophagy, then look into autophagy and its relation to viruses, parasites, and cancers.
Actually, it doesn’t work to kill parasites very well as the River Blindness program documents the need for twice yearly doses to kill adult worms which supposedly are some sort of super worm which live 15 years long. I looked it up on the CDC and this was a red flag because the normal life cycle of parasitic worms is 6 months to up to a year and a half. Twice yearly doses to kill eggs laid by the worms – which then leads into the REAL history of River Blindness drug treatments in the 40s. Not a nice bedtime story but if people get this – I suspect Ivermectin won’t seem so appealing –
Could somebody please describe how an RCT would operate? For instance, suppose 50 people in the “at risk of death” category turn up to the clinic and report symptoms such as shortness of breath. Will half of them be given the HCQ/IVM treatment while the other half are given placebos?
shamelessly off-topic, but look what Boris Johnsons dad has to say about depopulation in 2012! is anyone surprised at this point? all the big players in this game have ties to the eugenics movement and depopulation agenda. That’s probably what “the great reset” actually means…
Brilliant article. Thank you for clarifying that there’s no magic cure! And for making it clear we need to move away from this crazy idea of there being a ‘pill for every ill’… or jab! There isn’t… and worse still, it’s been shown that prescription meds, taken as prescribed, are the third biggest killer worldwide.
What we need now, more than anything, is to enhance our natural immunity… especially seeing as so many of us are immune compromised. It’s estimated that 17% of Germans are suffering from a very severe form of immune dysfunction. And, they are healthier than Brits… It’s a silent pandemic!
This article explains the condition and also outlines precisely what we need to boost our natural immunity this winter. It’s vitally important for the unvaccinated, and sadly, even more critically important for the vaccinated: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
While I don’t necessarily disagree with your propositions, there is a further, regulatory element to the classification of Ivermectin as a therapy: An emergency use authorisation for a drug or biologic (vaccines are biologics, hence the drive to redefine “vaccine” and get these gene therapies classed as vaccines) can only be given if there is no effective treatment.
So as soon as you acknowledge the HQC protocol or the Ivermectin protocol as effective treatment, the emergency use authorisation must be withdrawn.
Remdesivir is ideal because it is a treatment, but not an effective treatment – so it too can be given emergency use authorisation, and it can be sold and used, but it does not jeopardise the jabs’ EUAs.
Spot on!!!
Regardless of any opinions in this particular aspect of the matter, you must see Dr. Kevin Stillwagon testifying at the 09/14/21 Orange County Board of County Commissioners meeting, bitchute databattles video. This man has gravitas, his evidence is concise, cogent and irrefutable. He ends- “Mayor, please look at me, you sir are in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Nurenberg Code, you WILL be held accountable, good day”. Priceless. Whatever you call the lurgey, this is the way to win hearts and minds, rock solid sincerity. Sir, I rest my case.
It’s certainly an interesting exercise to search for Ivermectin on Google twice – once with no date parameters and the other with the parameter of no results after 01/01/2020. You get an incredible juxtaposition of information! I’ll save you the time, it boils down to Ivermectin good pre-2020/Ivermectin bad post-2020.
while covid is no threat/likely does not exist what i need to know is if this stuff helps with death shot created issues, like transverse myelitis.
Yeah it sure would be nice if someone had some solid advice on how to mitigate the potential harmful effects of the jabs. I try not to fear death, but given my hereditary proclivity to heart problems and blood clots (grandfather died of a heart attack at 32, HIS grandfather succumbed to a heart attack in his late 20s), I’m real nervous about what this shot might do to me and my brother. The pressure to get the shots is becoming a little too extreme to handle – even the other dissidents I know are all vaxxed.
Everyone’s different. For myself, I would use supplements that improve immune function, that reduce clotting and circulating-immune complexes and that reduce oxidation/inflammation: D3/K2/Mg, Zn, C, Astragalus, Rhodiola, Ashwaganda,. Systemic Enzymes incl. nattokinase, serrapeptase, NAC, Niacin, Alpha Lipoic acid, Astaxanthin. glycine, hydrogen, potassium. (I take all of these, lol, but I don’t get sick)
Oh, and melatonin
Prolonged water fasting (5-days) and dry-fasting (2-3 days) both accelerate autophagy to clear the unwanted proteins as well.
There’s alot of preparation to learn about for prolonged fasting and a correct way to end the fast (lean protein).
If you get the jab, make sure they use aspirated injection to make sure its not going into a blood vessel – that’s apparently what causes the organ damage. But if the RNA transcribes into your genome somewhere, you could be producing the spike until your methylation corrects it, if ever. Rumor is a new mRNA medicine coming out to edit the spike back out of vaccinated genomes. lol
everybody does it was part of my friend’s decision + his doctor.
what for, a virus that IF it exists has a barely noticeable death rate.
and while the compromised are more susceptible to any danger, the same goes for [real ] vaccines. we used to be hectored to vax to protect the vulnerable, now those are first.
i would not touch any vaccine with a pole let alone this eugenics tool.
my friend, who now has the symptoms of transverse myelitis, had 5 heart attacks,1 arrest, has a pacemaKER/STENTS + OTHER ISSUES.
his memory got worse since he had 1 death shot too.
i am now feeding him supplements.
Ivermectin Docks to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Receptor-binding Domain Attached to ACE2
“Conclusion: The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection.”
if it helped with the spike protein in the shot!
The best way to avoid an adverse reaction is “not” to take the jab.
The link below discusses the undercounted number of COVID vaccine victims. It could be as much as 30 times higher than what’s cited in the VAERS website.
Why some toxic drugs and/or detox products create the illusion that they are “helping” you.
I do not discount that some people are experiencing some positive benefits from IVERMECTIN. I have a feeling that this is a partial illusion or a trick, similar to allopathic tricks. Same concept but wrapped in a different package.
What these toxic drugs and detox products do is induce a rapid detox by acutely poisoning the body which provides temporary relief in exchange for long term health. They create the illusion that you are “healing” because we feel better from the short term detox. In reality, by taking these products, we are doing long term damage.
An analogy would be to look at how a Laxative works. The laxative is a poison that triggers an immediate release of that toxic load by alarming the body to respond to a potentially deadly threat.
The reason the body did not initially detox is due to conservation of energy. The human body will always take stock of its available core energy and then calculate what percentage to use for detox vs digestion, vs threat of toxic load, etc.
This is why FASTING is beneficial because it frees up extra core energy (that would normally be used for digestion), which the body can then use for detoxing, instead.
Because of our modern lives, we now live in the spectrum of advanced enervation in which the body is poisoned so regularly, that it simply doesn’t have enough core energy left to raise major detox events without risking a dangerous or unnecessary depletion of energy.
In the presence of a laxative or a neurotoxin drug like Eyevermektin, the body’s necessity for detox raises above typical conditions because it perceives a threat.
When this happens, the body’s will and desire to dispel the toxin rises above its will and desire to “reserve energy” or to risk losing dangerous amounts of energy, in order to pass this toxin.
The detox function ends up taking priority over the other energy needs – as the newly introduced toxin poses that much of a threat.
So the body creates an energy exchange that it normally wouldn’t. It sacrifices some core energy that’s normally reserved for other things and uses that energy for detox instead, to get rid of the threat. The result is a detox through symptoms which last for maybe a few days and then you “feel better”. Sweating, vomiting, diarreah, cough, sneeze, etc. are all signs that the body is doing everything it can to expel not just the toxic poison you took via toxic drugs or antibiotics but also the toxins that your body has been holding onto since the last time you were sick.
For detox products, the body may use this opportunity to dispel excess mucous, parasites or whatever.
What’s important to understand here is that it’s not the toxic drug that made you “feel better.” All it did was act as a “trigger” for a much needed detox event.
Even once the induced emergency detoxification event, and whatever “parasites” present have passed, we are still left with our toxic habits and environmental factors that required the “parasite” to be there feeding on our putrid inner environment in the first place (which means it will likely return), plus the residual toxins of the detox provoking substance and whatever internal damage it did.
Our toxic load will vary from one individual to another, based on habits and environment. If you are obese, eat junk food all day and live in an area with bad air pollution as examples, you will obviously experience different detox results than others who may be more healthy.
If you continue taking toxic drugs, detox products or antibiotics, you may overload your system with even more toxicity, causing you to get worse. Often you will see this happen if you take too large of a dose. You may then end up in a hospital where they will tell you you “caught COVID” – NONSENSE
Source and credits:
Very interesting and insightful discussion. I enjoyed reading it.
I did a review of clinical reports submitted to FDA and WHO by Merck et al as part of the drug approval process, and I come to the same conclusion as you did. It is clearly a neurotoxin and fatal for many animal species, in particular collie dogs. There are genotoxic effects as well. Its efficacy in curing hosts of parasites is overestimated, since this drug has to be taken for a life time (in Africa, this has been administered twice a year for 2 or 3 decades).
If it may interest you, I have summarized many of the existing literature on IVM toxicity here
I wonder why many people conclude that COVID is a real disease, when it is clear that it is a result of an incorrect test and the consequent medical malpractice, both unintentional and intentional (euthanasia of elderly populations in many countries around the world).
Absolute credit where it is due for :
“when it is clear that it is a result of an incorrect test and the consequent medical malpractice,”
to know that others have removed all the blinkers, the truth whilst un-settling is the only thing that will set you free.This morning here in the uk whilst out in my local town i can see the signs of an imminent plan b,
Thats the best link i can do, sorry :0/
Plan b being the highly insidious plans the uk gov actually have in store for us, not the rose tinted BS the public are being fed…
That word keeps appearing in it, you know the one MANDATORY.
Plan C? as Paul Mu`adib said “i must bend like a reed in the wind” (Dune)
Thanks for summing it buddy.
Lovely exposition of BigPharma agit-prop. Tell us again how gun-shot victims could not be seen in hospitals in Oklahoma, because so many hicks had overdosed on animal ivermectin. That’s a doozy.
Initial use of ivermectin will kill candida for one, which will release other bacteria in its die-off. Contrary to your hand-waving, one will feel poorly at first, but then feel good for months after its use. Ivermectin also upregulates immune t-cell activity and also binds to spike proteins to allow your innate immune system to kill coronaviruses.
Sorry – couldn’t edit my above comment. So I see that what I’ve observed with Ivermectin vs Candida agrees with your discussion. And I have noticed signs that my Candida has migrated elsewhere, which is not unusual, but also agrees with your statements. So its good that i know about it now. It was hiding from me before. And I will change my diet to suppress it. I might cheat a little and use oregano oil, paul d’arco, MCT oil, enzymes etc. to get rid of it faster. And some prolonged fasting as well…
Everything you say, p, may apply to ivermectin, but it doesn’t apply to vitamin C – which in the right BIG dose is apparently more reliably effective than either ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, and carries no established LD-50, nor any really worrisome side effects; bit of loosening of the bowels sometimes, at worst.
On the contrary, it gives wide-acting benefits including detox aid, plus a range of others. C has been a material assistant in keeping me respiratory-illness free for over quarter of a century. No progressing colds or flu in all that time; just small early-warning symptomettes, which get promptly zapped by big-dose C. Worked for me with covid, too. I took nothing else. Absolutely no problem at all.
Oh also, there have been multiple peer-reviewed studies showing ivermectin to be anti-viral. This review In the Journal of Antibiotics (peer reviewed) in 2017 made this observation: “Recent research has confounded the belief, held for most of the past 40 years, that ivermectin was devoid of any antiviral characteristics. Ivermectin has been found to potently inhibit replication of the yellow fever virus, with EC50 values in the sub-nanomolar range. It also inhibits replication in several other flaviviruses, including dengue, Japanese encephalitis and tick-borne encephalitis, probably by targeting non-structural 3 helicase activity.97 Ivermectin inhibits dengue viruses and interrupts virus replication, bestowing protection against infection with all distinct virus serotypes, and has unexplored potential as a dengue antiviral.98
Ivermectin has also been demonstrated to be a potent broad-spectrum specific inhibitor of importin α/β-mediated nuclear transport and demonstrates antiviral activity against several RNA viruses by blocking the nuclear trafficking of viral proteins. It has been shown to have potent antiviral action against HIV-1 and dengue viruses, both of which are dependent on the importin protein superfamily for several key cellular processes. Ivermectin may be of import in disrupting HIV-1 integrase in HIV-1 as well as NS-5 (non-structural protein 5) polymerase in dengue viruses.99, 100“
I will pass this onto the author, thanks. A2
So, ‘the science’ says that Ivermectin kills all those viruses, when not one of those ‘viruses’ has ever been isolated from sick people, and therefore not one of those viruses has been proven to exist? What’s the Ivermectin really doing in the body, if we separate out the fraudulent claims of ‘viruses’?
Ah, we don’t know, because no one is looking for those answers, because the virus story has everyone trapped in BS-land…
even here
the virus bull shit load is dense
the programming near complete
the germs the theory
dazed and confused
after all that has been exposed since the 9 and 11 ritual
all the murders in the hospitals
all dr harold shipman normalcy
the belief is still strong
terror fear of the un seen
not that virus not me doctor
please say it aint so
“peer-reviewed studies on anti-virals” is about as valid as “peer reviewed studies on unicorns”. There is no viral pathogen. It is a 100 year old hoax.
The author made it clear that the “is it an anti-viral agent?” question is secondary to a much bigger problem, “Secondly, and more importantly, any study done on “Covid19 patients” encounters the same roadblock: the PCR tests.” And no virus has been proven here, anyway. By the way, HIV is not the cause of AIDS.
The first case I heard about people taking Ivermectin was in May 2020. A couple in their late 50s got (human) Ivermectin as advised by their veterinarian friend.
I find it very strange that a rural veterinarian in Latin-America knew about the antiviral properties of the drug before the polemic started, while the, supposedly, leading pharmacologists claim that they are still waiting for the evidence.
This is second hand information, but the rural veterinarian said that he had been treating canine coronavirus disease with Ivermectin for at least a decade, as did many of his colleagues.
Last time I checked there were multiple meta-analyses on Pub-Med showing IVM is extremely useful in early COVID treatment, and over 40 peer reviewed studies showing it is of benefit, so your information is wildly incorrect. The large meta-analysis in the Journal of Therapeutics that the Guardian claimed was “debunked,” was only debunked by the Guardian and not any science body. The study was done again, and again published in the same peer-reviewed journal. Same result. There has since been another peer-reviewed meta-analysis also showing strong positivity. There have been only three or four negative studies, all done during late hospitalization, and several of those with clear pharma bias. So no, you didn’t look at the scientific evidence at all.
I will pass this on to the author, however, whether ‘one or two’ or 40, since they’re probably based on corrupt PCR data which this publication refutes as reliable or meaningful, we’re left asking what these results actually mean, if anything.
There are many preventative early treatments for respiratory disease, the main problems during the ‘pandemic’, at least in the UK, was that frail people were locked inside care facilities and denied any sort of early treatment, or were ushered onto ventilators unnecessarily.
All-cause mortality reveals there hasn’t been a ‘pandemic’ and we really need to stop reviewing it though this lens or, many fear, all will soon be lost. A2
What’s the proof that we’re even dealing with a virus?
I would ask this question in a different way: what evidence do we have, what explanations do we have, how strongly do our evidences speak for or against our explanations?
There is considerable evidence that Ivermectin works to treat early stage covid. Up to 86% cure rate in Dr. Tess Lauries meta analysis of studies, some of which had to be abandoned because the control group was dying in large numbers and the Ivermectin group were doing well. It was medically unethical to continue denying the control group use of Ivermectin.
Ok, so forget all that and start from the beginning.
Ivermectin won Merck the Nobel prize in medicine over 30 years ago for it’s anti parasitic properties in humans. It didn’t win it for success in the Kentucky Derby.
Since then Ivermectin has been issued over 300bn times to 3.6bn humans. It was donated by Merck for the human good, they made their money from the animal pharmaceutical side.
Ivermectin is astonishing in many ways. Short of being really stupid about it, it’s almost impossible to overdose on it. It is so safe it’s been delivered over the counter to illiterate developing nations natives for 30 years. Many of these people can’t read far less understand a medical insert.
My question is that, whilst Ivermectin exhibits enormous potential in the treatment of covid why is it not being distributed widely?
And, even if there is controversy over it’s efficacy against viruses, it’s virtually completely harmless to humans in normal doses.
We know it’s safe for humans, it’s FDA approved and listed as a WHO essential medicine. It doesn’t conflict with the non-vacines, or any other medication to my knowledge
So whilst the cry early on in the pandemic was ‘every life matters’, where is that now that a harmless drug has been found that might save one life at almost zero cost.
You have totally ignored the main thrust of the article, which is that there ain’t no Covid, Now have another go.
Every idea becomes a battlefield. Science is not value-free…
Same data + different emphases = competing theories…
Last year many promoted hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a remedy to the alleged viral-pandemic. Eventually midget-brain Fauci entered the fray, dismissed all the Evidence on the basis it was all “anecdotal”. I was enraged by his arrogant dismissal, apparent denialism….
Yet little tony was right, the Evidence was anecdotal – None of it was obtained by what little tony regards as THE Gold Standard: double-blind, placebo…clinical trials…
It doesnt matter if ten, one hundred, one thousand, or millions get better after taking an alleged remedy ,Medical Science has decided that it’s not scientific evidence unless it was obtained via The Gold Standard – thus, can be ignored…
The Gold Standard is the ideological lynchpin of Medical Science, of every utterance by little tony Fauci. So pervasive and deeply believed is the religion of Scientism by the masses that little tony has only to utter “Gold Standard”…
Of course, if you’ve ‘looked into it’ you’ll know that the Gold Standard has moveable goals – and like the peer-review process is corruptible…As Humpy Dumpty told Alice, “Who gets to decide is whoever has the power to decide.”
We truly are in a WAR. This war is WW3. The other 2 wars where made by TPTB. Wars have been made up by evil powers and do not make sense. So its tptb who make Wars. So for example seagulls in Germany don’t like Seagulls in Britain, they decide to have a War. Well of course seagulls from Germany don;t fall out from seagulls in Britain. Off course the people from Germany bin the second war did not want a war with us in the uk. We went to war because of something called “propaganda” What’s my point, we have all been hoodwinked, lied too, tricked, and hypotized. We humans have been taken for fools. Even sheep in the fields have more sense. Fully grown men with skull tatoos , climbing out os a massive 4×4 SUV put on a MUZZLE. The ifght is “ON” but whos going to fight a corrupt Goverment , paid off sodomites, who want the end of Humanity due to the likes of Prince Charles# So now police and army have divisions to protect the sodomites caused y the lgbgt agenda. The World is sick and GOD HELP US FROM THESE MONSTERS>>
Tactically, trying to convince John Q Public at this point that the scamdemic is a total hoax is a loser. Two primary immediate objectives of the scamdemic have been to program the teeming millions to obey their psychopathic Overlords regardless of how ludicrous their demands are, and to depopulate by injecting this toxic swill into their arms. Their long term objectives are even more horrific. The best tactics are truthfully to emphasize just how dangerous this toxic sludge is, that our technocrat scumbags are lying to us about everything, and that a treatment exists that is cheap, simple, done at home, and effective. Since there is not cv-1984, ivermectin without doubt meets all these criteria 🙂 Convincing the masses at this point that SARS-CoV-2 is as real as unicorns is a totally losing endeavor. That should come with the capital trials at Nuremberg v. 2.0.
I am so cynical now, that even though I read perfectly convincing reports about Ivermectin, for example the unarguable Argentinian trial, alongside the trials in India, I believe this drug may be a problem too. I completely believed in it at first, especially as the story behind Ivermectin being a suitable drug that was suppressed seemed to support my assessment of the data I have been provided with. I do not trust anyone in medicine anymore. If you offered me a fully natural, based on bee pollen and sea algae vaccine tomorrow, that would protect me from C or flu, 100% guaranteed and with no indemnity given to the producers, I would not take it.
Once you’ve seen one snake oil merchant, you’ve seen them all.
Totally understood. However I am close friends with two separate families that have moved through Covid quickly and safely using the iMark protocol ( Each had a family member with Covid, and not only did the family member resolve back to health quickly, no one else in either family got the disease, including one that had serious comorbidities.
Recently I have come across more unjabbed people who know this pandmic is a hoax.
They ask for more information. I give them Off-G’s web address so they can get to grips.
I wish them luck knowing the truth is hard for some to accept.
you could try listing how the crucial words had their definitions changed. Pandemic – no longer need lots of people dying. Immunity – after a billion years of our innate immunity, it now can only come from a syringe. Vaccine – it’s definition has been changed. A case – you used to have symptoms to be regarded as a case…. and so on…
You may not win-over anyone, because their fear will refuse you, but you might create a small doubt… and from little doubts big Oak Trees grow ?