“Programmable Digital Currency”: The next stage of the new normal?
The war on cash’s endgame is here: money replaced by vouchers subject to complete state control.
Kit Knightly

Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”. Removing any and all remaining privacy, granting total control over every transaction, even limiting what ordinary people are allowed to spend their money on.
From the moment bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies first emerged, sold as an independent and alternative medium of exchange outside the financial status quo, it was only a matter of time before the new alternative would be absorbed, modified and redeployed in service of the state.
Enter “Central Bank Digital Currencies”: the mainstream answer to bitcoin.
For those who have never heard of them, “Central Bank Digital Currencies” (CBDCs) are exactly what they sound like, digitized versions of the pound/dollar/euro etc. issued by central banks.
Like bitcoin (and other crypto), the CBDC would be entirely digital, thus furthering the ongoing war on cash. However, unlike crypto, it would not have any encryption preserving anonymity. In fact, it would be totally the reverse, potentially ending the very idea of financial privacy.
Now, you may not have heard much about the CBDC plans, lost as they are in the tangle of the ongoing “pandemic”, but the campaign is there, chugging along on the back pages for months now. There are stories about it from both Reuters and the Financial Times just today. It’s a long, slow con, but a con nonetheless.
The countries where the idea progressed the furthest are China and the UK. The Chinese Digital Yuan has been in development since 2014, and is subject to ongoing and widespread testing. The UK is nowhere near that stage yet, but Chancellor Rishi Sunak is keenly pushing forward a digital pound that the press are calling “Britcoin”.
Other countries, including New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Malaysia, are not far behind.
The US is also researching the idea, with Jerome Powell, head of Federal Reserve, announcing the release of a detailed report on the “digital dollar” in the near future.
The proposals for how these CBDCs might work should be enough to raise red flags in even the most trusting of minds.
Most people wouldn’t like the idea of the government monitoring “all spending in real-time”, but that’s not the worst it.
By far the most dangerous idea is that any future digital currency should be “programmable”. Meaning the people issuing the money would have the power to control how it is spent.
That’s not an interpretation or a “conspiracy theory”, just listen to Agustin Carstens, head of the International Settlement Bank, speaking earlier this year:
Here’s that quote again, with some emphasis added:
The key difference [with a CBDC] is that the central bank would have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and the have the technology to enforce that.”
…which tells you not only that they want and are seeking this power, but how they justify it to themselves. They transform other people’s money into an “expression of their liability”, and so consider it’s only right that they control it.
An article in the Telegraph, back in June, was just as candid [our emphasis]:
Digital cash could be programmed to ensure it is only spent on essentials, or goods which an employer or Government deems to be sensible
The article goes on to quote Tom Mutton, a director at the BoE:
You could introduce programmability […] There could be some socially beneficial outcomes from that, preventing activity which is seen to be socially harmful in some way.
Governments and employers making sure the money they issue can only be used on “sensible” things, and not be used in “socially harmful” ways? It doesn’t take much imagination to see just how this system could evolve and re-shape society into a truly dystopian nightmare.
In China the process is already beginning, with a trademarked lack of subtlety. As they progress toward the release of their digital currency, they are banning all cryptocurrencies to remove competition and it’s already known the digital yuan will be programmable.
The West’s approach will probably be less direct, but no less controlling for that.
Britcoin will likely be programmed in only “special circumstances”. Starting, as the Telegraph says, with state benefits. They will be flagged to be spent only on “essentials”. (Of course, if Universal Basic Income is put in place, then it’s possible the majority of people could end up on “state benefits”.)
It’s also not hard to see programmable money feeding into the “protect the NHS narrative”, where people aren’t allowed to spend state money on sugar, cigarettes or alcohol. Or people on organ waiting lists, or diagnosed with certain conditions, have their wages and spending controlled.
By and large, however, it is the nature of British tyranny to be unofficial. So the UK government will make a big show of renouncing their own power to program the money, thereby positively contrasting themselves with China…but at the time will take no steps to prevent large companies “programming” the wages they issue.
So, while the state controls the digital yuan in China, the digital pound will be subject to corporate control and used to enforce the unspoken state-corporate partnership that defines true fascism.
It will likely start in small, predictable ways designed to “limit competition”. McDonald’s, for example, will make it impossible to spend their wages at Burger King, and vice versa. Coke and Pepsi. Starbucks and Costa. You get the idea.
We’ve witnessed the rise of cancel culture, the cultivated age of identity politics, and virtue signalling. Well, imagine how programmable currency fits into that. Companies could commit to “combatting hate”, and stop their employees from donating money to black-listed political parties, religious groups, charities or individuals.
In the age of Covid we have seen how authors/actors/singers who step out of line are subject to poisonous witch hunts, but imagine a world where companies could “renounce those who spread misinformation”, by making it impossible to spend wages they issue on art/films/music/books by outspoken critics of the government.
Maybe companies will make it so that employees who aren’t vaccinated have more limitations placed on their wages than vaccinated ones. Maybe an unvaxxed paycheck can’t be spent at cinemas or nightclubs, to “stop the spread of the virus”.
John Cunliffe, deputy director of the Bank of England, told the Telegraph:
You could think of smart contracts in which the money would be programmed to be released only if something happened.
So maybe employers will remove choice altogether, and make a negative test and/or a vaccine booster a prerequisite for unlocking your wages. That could be applied to all kinds of behaviours moving forward.
The World Economic Forum has a clear vision of the future where people “own nothing and are happy”, combine that with a prolonged war on homeownership, and you can see employers and governments issuing money which can be spent on rent, but not on a mortgage.
Now imagine the nascent “Green New Deal”. Hard limits on how much money you can spend on petrol, plastic, or meat.
Only X dollars on flights per year. Only Y pounds on beef. All for the good of the planet.
Money will turn from an expression of independence into nothing but a voucher system operated completely at the whim of corporate monoliths.
The year is 2030.
To reduce your CO2 footprint, your food purchase with digital cash been declined because you went over your car mileage limit.
Its all tracked with your digital ID.
15 social credit score points have been deducted from your climate change passport.
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) September 29, 2021
All of this would have sounded like rampant paranoia just two years ago, but would you honestly be surprised to see that suggestion in the Guardian, these days?
A programmable digital currency would have, coded into it, the ability to control our entire society. And it looks like that’s where The New Normal is heading next.
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Thank you very much for this article. Digital currency is really a very important topic at the moment. I found a recent article on a top resource that digital currency trading is declining.
If ever in human history people were faced with an ‘”All Hands on Deck” moment requiring the maximum focused pushback, namely – pushback against central bank digital currency (CBDC)- 2023 is undoubtedly that precise time..
The voices of the world’s leading experts opposed to CBDC must now become amplified and disseminated worldwide on what could be literally described as an “existential offensive” in the ongoing war between those pushing human slavery [the .001%] and those insistent on the continuance of total, eternal human freedom [the 99.999%].. –
Graphics cards were already less in demand as a result—there are simply fewer miners left to appeal to. Choosing the best graphics card for crypto mining isn’t as simple as picking the absolute most expensive card you can locate and calling it a day because of nvidia confirms accidentally unlocked ethereum. There are various factors to consider when shopping around for a new GPU to make some money with. The most important factor of any GPU for crypto mining is efficiency — you want a high hash rate for as little electricity as possible.
Sorry Kit, your first sentence is wrong: Building on the bitcoin model, central banks are planning to produce their own “digital currencies”; the rest is fine.
Bitcoin is totally decentralized, international and with lots of privacy. It is more of a gamble / investment tool and popular with people who want to stay out of big government’s limelight for good or bad reasons. I don’t own any b.t.w.
Digital currencies are what you described correctly, the next level of central CPC style control over national populations.
Programmable currency for the programmed plebs.
The peasants need to stay put, and like it.
God forbid we go back to using uncontrollable silver and gold. Hell, even copper and nickel. The COMEX is burying the true value of these metals so much, they are practically free to buy right now. Silver is the ONLY thing right now NOT in a bubble. But meh, let’s invest in 1s and 0s on a screen that you can never hold and have no intrinsic value.
Don’t worry about The Crime of 1873, or What Happened In 1971… just work all day for .0001 of a Bitcoin. It can’t be tracked! Mmmk.
In case we forgot, most of us are cultured germaphobes that are freaked by others (strangers) occupying the same air space, touching is now disgusting (hence our willingness to go cashless) most immune responses are sluggish thanks to bratty laziness and delusional exceptionalism, all in all- it’s our collective bloody great humping hubris.
(am I starting to sound like Quentin Crisp.?)
No, just alt-right. =D
(I do not know what that means, just that it is bad)
Are you in the “most of us” category?
The only way to escape the dystopian future is by changing the political system, and the only adequate political system that will ensure the rule of the people is CORPORATIVISM…there is no other choice…
Money, energy, currency and taxes…
I think a better equation would be. Labour creates value. Or Production creates consumption or the other way around.
Central banks digital money is nothing like crypto currency. Your uk digital pound will have the value of a pound. Be spent like a pound. Paid into your account as a pound. Always a pound. If you brought xpr at 3 pence a coin a year ago today that coin is worth 89 pence and could be worth 3000 pounds in two years. In march 2019 bitcoin was around £4000 a coin today around £23,000. No one knows what cryptos you own where you store them or what you do with them. The central banks digital money they will be able to track everything you do with it.
We are looking into Private Membership Associations (PMA) in the US which the rich use all the time to avoid taxes and regulation. Like the DNC, RNC, Boy Scouts, country clubs, golf clubs, gated communities and many more. https://www.proadvocate.org/private-membership-associations-pma
You have to be careful with those who have earned Privilege.
Who are you darling? Sandy dont you think it best to step Forward, forge onward the path has no obstacles ahead!
Most blamegamers and investigators turn into historical revisionists., themselves an author Book of rearranged false in Vogue Fashion.
Look at today’s Social commentators, they are “Stuck” in the Past.
Lacking Positivity they have zero productivity they rip at Our Society, The Pathetic Clown Showman from their vaulted ceiling “Speakers”.
“What WE Have to Do, It’s Up to US to Change our Society for Ourselves and our Children’s Future..blah blah.
It’s sooo Pathetic Fascistism the dope sprouting it lacks the intelligence to even notice, they are Brainwashed, a Tell..Adolf Hitler NSDAP, Third Reich twisted fuckers.
Do you Know how Many Children Starve To Death Every Day!
No-one DOES!, and these so CALLED JOURNALISTS sit on their Fat Arses appealing to US to What?
Good luck Sandy.
“Do you know Many Children Starve To Death Every Day!”
Henry Kissinger. Either he knows, or should know.
As do several NGO’s we hear so much from every now and then.
Didn’t click on the link, did you Clive?
Barter looks like the way forward.
Please setup Monero donations.
What will the billionaire tax-dodging despots use as currency?
We need to stop feeding the beasts. Pay no tax. No Amazon, Netflix, Facebook, Apple, Twitter, Google, YouTube etc – nobody who got richer from Covid Inc. And Tesla (before he destroys the sky). As consumers we have the power. Atrophy is the answer – cut them out before they do the same to us.
Touche! It is such a simple idea, yet so complex to co-ordinate. The sheeple find it nigh on impossible to do without their ego-boosting trinkets – even for a brief period. And yet, your idea is one of the few unifying ‘powers’ we still have at our disposal. A place I lived for a while, encouraged UNITY with this little epithet on all the currency including coinage (‘Eendrag maak mag’ … unity is strength) however, the society as a whole was the most fractured you’d ever imagine.
Keep dreaming, Knightly. The covid coup has failed and there will be no ‘New Normal’. The covid scam has been in slow-motion collapse since March 2020 and the attempt to abolish cash was one of the first casualties in the UK.
The cashless future is a long term strategy. It’s not important what happens to the Con-vid narrative in the short term. The global warming narrative or the energy shortage narrative or something new nonsense narrative will suit the purpose just as well to justify the need for a cashless future.
Gotta watch out for this bloke: before long he’ll again be peddling his usual it’s-not-the-globalists-it’s-the-US/CIA bullshit.
Wouldn’t this be contrary to Truck Act legislation in place since 1831 ?
Looks like we’re headed back to a Barter economy, at least for some of us unwilling to engage in this tyranny.
If the amounts you transact over a peiod fall below a minimum trigger value of CBDC they monitor you for, they may investigate you for the crime of barter.
If you think about it, this is the 19th century coal town company store, where one could shop for overpriced goods retailed by the mine owners and pay with tokens issued by the mine owners in lieu of wages. The mine owners also owned all the housing in the coal town.
Oh here we go round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush …
Heroic sleuth and fighter for the truth Nafeez Ahmed challenges yet again the utterly evil Great Barrington Declaration (GBD):
“The GBD’s proposed strategy of letting the virus run to achieve herd immunity by natural infection has been widely criticised by more than 7,000 public health scientists. The declaration was sponsored by a right-wing libertarian think tank plugged into the Koch-backed climate science denial network, with a history of spreading misinformation on behalf of private health and tobacco lobbies. Most of the GBD’s supposed medical scientific signatories remain unverified and unvetted.”
The reference to 7,000 public health scientists gives a link (on the words “widely criticised”) leading to an article from a site called “Politifact” (which doesn’t mention the figure of 7,000). But here’s the real twist: Politifact comes under The Poynter Institute whose donors include …. Koch Family Foundations.
Oh this is the way we wash our face, wash our face ….
All of which proves one thing: every sizable media organ has roots going back to the Big Interests. Therefore all that the “bold heroic” investigators have to do to denounce any particular organisation is to reveal its roots whilst contrasting this evil growth with “pure information” cited by other organisations whose roots (i.e. the same roots) remain hidden.
We already exposed this scam last year. But you weren’t paying attention because you were too busy reading the media and regurgitating their lies.
The Great Barrington Declaration (TGBD) is a controlled opposition scam coming out of the very same academic institutions that are funded and controlled by the NIH, Defense and the alphabet agencies. They repeat and reinforce the lie of “virus”, so nobody challenges the fraudulent test and the fraudulent numbers of deaths and non-existent cases generated from the fraudulent test.
So the article you reference is promoting two scams in one:
First the scam of the TGBD which pretends there’s a novel virus and then falsely posits the elderly need to be protected from it, meaning isolated and
injected (euthanized), and then the scam of the Guardian (MI6) supposedly opposing such a scam that they themselves, through their agents at these corrupted academic institutions, invented.
The media manufacture scams by setting up faux opposition only to challenge their veracity later. So Koch and Soros, or Kennedy vs Gates vs Musk are always on the same team and fund or promote Red vs Blue. Its just good cop/bad cop.
They did exactly the same scam with HCQ and Ivermectin.
If a program such as Agenda 21 (which is the Agenda for the 21st century, rebranded as “The Great Reset”) has been planned for decades do you really think the controllers are not going to carefully plan and promote the faux, controlled opposition?
The Great Reset. The Great Barrington Declaration. It’s in your face obvious. Why do they both use the words “The Great”? It’s not a coincidence.
Koch funding TGBD leads into the faux left-right narrative. One that’s already been exposed as good cop/bad cop scam within the voting scam and our faux democracies. But a scam the media consumers (dummies) still see as real, because they haven’t yet figured out that the major narratives promoted in our world aren’t any more real than invisible unicorn, viruses jumping from host to host. Or any more real than labs full of alleged bio weapons from invisible, unicorn viruses that have never yet been isolated so can’t in actuality be manipulated or altered. Neither can they be spread, since contagion isn’t real. Bioweapons that are so ineffective, they need to be promoted with hoaxes like empty refrigerator trucks and mannequins in beds.
Which is why if a bioweapon is actually created, it needs to be injected into everyone’s arm.
Almost nothing in the media is real. Which is how I know those promoting media narratives and particularly the controlled opposition narratives such as alleged cures to non existent illnesses like “covid” are just government operatives.
the great baren declaration was aimed at simpletons and boy did they fool for it .AGAIN
May be of interest.
There was a 3-part documentary series a few years back (2010) about a pastor who tried to live completely without money, relying solely on barter, labour and the goodwill of others. Illustrates what it might entail to try to completely step outside of the money system.
It was called “How to live a Simple Life”:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad day light,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
by W. H. Davies
from Songs Of Joy and Others (1911)
It will be interesting to see how Gresham’s Law plays out in this tyrannical future.
Bad money will be spent daily. Good money will be kept and spent when necessary.
Also, if the “transaction” of digital currencies occurs through an electronic signal between devices, can they be jammed to prevent the transaction?
Remember the EMP concerns a few years back?
The whole thing looks like an approaching train wreck.
This was written in 2018 – “The entire basis of a cashless system is (the assumption) that we have a growing, uninterrupted supply of electricity. In practice, Europe as a whole and the UK in particular, are at risk of more frequent power outages as a result of our failure to properly invest in our power generation infrastructure.
If, as climate scientists are now predicting, Western Europe is facing significantly colder winters, then by 2020 – about the same time as we run out of cash – we are going to run out of power. At which point we will likely rue the day we allowed the economists and politicians to lure us into giving up the notes and coins that have served us well as a method of payment for centuries.”
Not just EMP. Electricity failure for any reason including fuel or incompetence can freeze the exonomy.
The idea behind negative interest on deposits (imposed in EU and Japan) was to force the majority to spend faster for the benefit of the “economy”.
Hawala been around for hundreds of years.
Their is similar systems to Hawala beyond what the internet or they tell us or sell us.
During the height of euro (The euro is the official currency of 19 of the 27 member states of the European Union.)
In London how many shop s excepted it. ?
what about Manchester Liverpool. etc
it was disaster.
The unvaxxed will need hawala.
Rationality is in such short supply that the central bankers will win this one hands down.
Consider: people going grocery shopping grab an antiseptic wipe and carefully wipe the shopping cart handle.
Just one catch: the wipes are usually inside the store’s door – but the carts are usually lined up some distance from the door. So the poor suckers have already handled the shopping cart before they can sanitize it. They’ve already gotten the germs!
I have yet to see any grocery shopper go inside, get a wipe, then proceed to wipe the handle.
Also, they don’t wipe the products they pick up and put into their carts.. So many germs! Better wear a mask!
I read about this method of currency control over 35 years ago. It was included as a story line in a series called “Dangerous Visions” compiled by Harlan Ellison. The story struck a nerve, as the main character failed to escape the system he was trapped in…
How long would Agustin Carstens (an obvious pig) last, if a series of EMP pulses knocked out the communications grid? These high tech wiz pigs have no clue as to the vulnerability of all things digital…
Sweden has paused in the rush to reduce cash. These theoreticians should consult them.
How can they sell this to Normie Normalson?
They want consent, they want to get most people begging for it. “Convenience” and “physical transactions spread germs” are already well established. Present it as a fait accompli is one familiar tactic. All the discussion will be about practicalities and minutae, the debate about whether we want this will never happen. The most profound objections will be dismissed as conspiracy theories then smuggled in later during some manufactured crisis. Expect lots of hand-wringing about “the elderly” (implication: only old fuddy-duddies are against this) and probably some scheme that allows a work-around for a while – so long as they hook the majority and especially the young. It will be presented as modern, good for growth and, the probable trump card, will defeat crime. They find it amusing to use things that are true in a different sense so expect much talk about the benefit for small businesses (which they are otherwise trying to destroy)..
They persuaded most people to take experimental medication for nothing more than the illusion they’d get their old lives back and supposed protection from a cold. Selling this is a doddle in comparison…
The most effective counter-argument may be to turn one of their weapons back on them. What about all that Russian hacking you were so worried about?
The irony is they are the Russian Hackers: The governments themselves. So if they want to hack the accounts of Joe Uncaxxed or Joe Vaxxed, and steal their digital dollars or take the system offline for the average Joes to create a crisis and induce famines and energy supply shortages, it’s built into the system.
So it’s not just total control, but total control of all the chaos they plan to generate with central bank control.
The thing is they can control people in cities but not ones outside.Also they can only implement this central banking if we let them.Stop take a breath and think.
Part of the plan for the 4th industrial revolution is to remove people from rural areas and ‘resettle’ them in smart cities. The ‘enclosures’ all over again. Rural land and assets will then be owned by the removalists. But don’t worry – you will own nothing and you will be happy.
What if you own your property and have done for generations
The bureaucratic tricks include reducing accessible services, rezoning or allocation to a priority industry, and eminent domain.
My house is located in woods ( which we own) with no neighbors, I produce my own electricity and grow my food.
A rarity for sheeple in the uk
They sell the land your home is bluit on, you are there as long as they wish it. ‘They’ being foreign corporations, I’d keep on top of your property rights if I was you.
The biggest UK landowners is available on the net.
Btw, they cannot claim our Public rights of way, ie footpaths edges of fields open spaces moorland etc etc..They cannot!
Forget state parks any one who approaches remind that person they have zero authority over a UK Citizen.
Property taxes will be increased as they are in the US to make owning land untenable. Zoning will be changed by local councils disallowing owning land privately unless it’s used in a certain way. Which is the purpose of ICLEI, “smart cities“ and “resilient cities” (Rockefeller) and Agenda 21.
And people will be told they have to give up property for future climate crisis and sustainability laws. It’s a process. Local councils. States and boroughs are just incorporated entities already owned by the same cartel who own the central banks. They set up the faux land ownership system and they can disassemble or just as easily.
correction: disassemble “it“ just as easily.
Psychopaths, sociopaths, control freaks, specialists, OCDrs, the ‘highly’ educated, the blinkered, the hubristic and the smug find it impossible to backpedal, admit fault, of to say “Sorry”
So we are stuck in their worldwide wet dream.
Stuck in their fantasy of a future paradise.
Stuck in their SHITSTORM.
See the Solari Report 2nd Quarter 2021 Wrap Up: CBDCs – Why You Want to Hold on to Your Cash
with John Titus and Catherine Austin FittsAugust 26, 2021
It’s going to be complicated:
“I’m sorry, we no longer accept cash here”…
“I’m sorry, we no longer accept foreign cheques”…
“I’m sorry, this bank no longer offers actual service”…
Genuine question. If they pull the plug and make FIAT worthless overnight, declare martial law with the already fake shortages propaganda and bring in the army to hand out rations, then what?
Asking because these fuckers don’t miss a trick.
I’ve always been suspicious of where Bitcoin originated, although pissed for not taking the gamble in its early days; greed eh. We are forced to pay the bills.
We were once told that Satoshi Nakamoto was its creator, until no real ownership could be granted. Who is he? Just checked for the name again to get it correct and discovered the explanation is still attributed to him although it’s now an unknown person, people or collective. It always was, which is the first alarm bell for the true creators of this technology. I could go further into how this just clangs BOLLOCKS and ramble but TL;DR. The deceit and lies just take on a new life.
Reading above tells me the UK government are researching possibilities for a Britcoin as part of the global CBDC. Is this one big Anglo Saxon salute with the cry of SUCKERS ringing out?
Surely Bitcoin was the creation of the World Bank collective; Fed Reserve, Bank of England, European Bank…the usual Davos ghouls, the CBDC owners. Not that it really matters now. My reasoning being, if these institutions announced this great new means of doing commerce, Bitcoin, complete with the blockchain, just in the way it first came into our lives the take up would so negligible that it would now be a foot note in history just as betamax video recorders (although VHS has soon served its purpose and has become a paragraph in 20thc technology). There would be zero trust and confidence no less for its novelty but for the choir (the true owners and creators of Bitcoin) that would have sang its brilliance, The Bankers. I’ll settle with bankers for now.
What has been allowed to happen with marketing and publicity has been a so called outlier, wild west means of doing business, Bitcoin, outside of regularity control and to a certain extent it has. The fact that it was allowed to continue without oversight by the institutions mentioned with tax regulation is unusual and out of character, surely?
So what has been achieved is over a decade of transactions with this currency, where people are not only trusting this new way of doing business with skin in the game but is becoming an expected, common methods of payment. There are also now a host of other crypto currencies which just adds to the legitimacy for people buying and selling with them. Which takes us to the next stage of the plan as described in the article, the World Bank (CBDC holders) licensing to the wholesalers (national banks/corporations) then onto you and I to continue but replace fiat promissory notes, bits of paper which have a value and trust for being accepted in exchange for goods and services.
How this morphs from Bitcoin, ethereum etc. into these new labels for the same technology (CBDCs) is yet to be understood. Internet, energy blackouts? Build Back Better? Out of chaos comes order?
This digital currency added to the current attack with covid would be a failing in seeing the whole panoramic view playing out in front of us. These plans being only two of the main manoeuvres in a field of many plans and strategies to change who we are, quite literally into some hybrid machine slave without personal agency. This is without getting into what has gone in the decades and centuries before. Simply evil. Some would argue a biblical prophecy.
I think totally cashless only works as a concept and will fail in practise. It works well in some areas of commerce like using credit cards to pay for things but to extrapolate from that that all commerce can be done like that will be to introduce something that will fail. It removes the very basis of all trade, the agreement between buyer and seller for an item or service and the price to be paid, and for the first time ever those arrangements become subject to a third party’s agreement on every transaction to be made here ever after.
People will find methods to escape that oversight leading to parallel markets for more honest trade like selling skills, and black markets to provide the things they stop people from buying. Ultimately this will undermine overall elite financial control not enhance it.
I sometimes wonder if the real plan is to withdraw cash for a while … a year or two … to create economic and trading mayhem, then have everybody begging to reintroduce paper and coin – then they introduce a much-devalued currency which somehow manages to strip the value of our assets while wiping out their own debts, and leaving them still firmly in control of a new system of currency that’s all ready to pillage with starting from afresh.
I sometimes wonder if people have a thinking brain .The ONLY book in the world that makes sense of what is going on in this insane world ( THE HOLY BIBLE ,) ,and hardly anyone has read it .
I figured Mr.Nice Guy a.k.a God had something to do with this all along!
When the power goes off, the cashless society will need to drag out their hidden money booty and off we go again!
Know your enemy. In the digital age of absolute key click tracking and tracing…Gov authorities and agencies not to mention corporate bodies now know your every move. Let the modelling begin because with that kind of data Skynet will become more and more dominant. I guess.
Just look at that fattened BIS pig at the trough and wonder how much more blatant does it have to get for the sheep to become wolves and eat the pigs!
We Can’t Rein In the Banks If We Can’t Pull Our Money Out of Them
The goal of those pushing a cashless society is to prevent bank runs … and increase their control:
The central banks are … planning drastic restrictions on cash itself. They see moving to electronic money will first eliminate the underground economy, but secondly, they believe it will even prevent a banking crisis. Physical paper money provides the check against negative interest rates for if they become too great, people will simply withdraw their funds and hoard cash.
Furthermore, paper currency allows for bank runs. Eliminate paper currency and what you end up with is the elimination of the ability to demand to withdraw funds from a bank
The movement toward electronic money is moving at high speed and this says a lot about the state of the financial system. The track record of the major financial institutions is nearly perfect – they are always caught on the wrong side when a crisis breaks, which requires their bailouts. The fact that we have already seen test runs with theory-balloons flying, the major financial institutions are in no shape to withstand another economic decline.
So the evolution of money from gold to promissory notes has led to the complete state control of the means of circulation.
Unfortunately all of this is going over the heads of the mass of the population as our rights, freedoms duties and obligations are, bit-by-bit being whittled away. The whole banking system has always been little more than a fraud as banks create money by simply tapping figures into a computer which involves two party’s, the lender – the bank clerk who has created a 25-year mortgage loan out of thin air – to the poor sap who is going to have to pay-off this ‘loan’ for the next 25 years.
always caught on the wrong side when a crisis breaks
As Prof. Michael Hudson explains, this is inevitable as usury requires an endless cycle of (a) expanding debt and (b) subsequent impossibility of meeting the usurious repayments.
Our POOR friends in OZ will tell you since at least 2/3 years have had to buy certain things on a card if your on welfare.(payment cards to spend in certain shops on certain item.
No cash cant be trusted.
USA again poor people (notice a pattern) they have a system literally brought in after welfare to work psyop 10 15 years ago where they get (payment cards to spend in certain shops on certain items. food stamps.
No cash cant be trusted.
KIt offg in your country U>K after the banking collapse 2 years later when benefit street shows mockemtrarys about demonetization of poor people and twisting the blame towards them for the banking crash
THE U>K coalition government change the welfare act it was called warfare act 2012 aimed at the bottom feeders. Local council i.e local welfare grants funds
it was all given on a card to spend in certain places because poor welfare people spend it on drugs and drink and bad things and cant be trusted with cash and they sanction the poor.for not being able to work during a recession.
Attack the disabled and sick. Usa has Food stamps U>k has foods banks.Either a voucher or card system. over 10 years now. Where the fuck you been with your reporting..?
Lets not talk about Universal Credit (have you ever mention it> doubt it)
In typical Guardian manner you only report it 10 years later as it now starting to effect you.
This is my favorite sick joke of the year (rushed in whilst people where looking the other way with the fake immigration story s.
The Social Security Benefits (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 2021New regs to enable the payment of large amounts of arrears in instalments
BUT why they decided to do this.?
Enabling DWP to pay arrears of benefit in instalments rather than as a lump sum.
this could be pension eventually, etc it really dark and fits into build back better. Agenda 21 and cards.
Under the guise of mental health and helping you.
Always trailed out on the poor 1st. Whilst alt media shills for the billionaires class discussing their story’s.
I can’t work out if your joking with your Guardian comment or you actually think this website is connected.
Admin, “pending” at 9:35 AM.
Nafeez Ahmed the superspook has been at it again in Bylinetimes (“What the papers don’t say”!)
Yup same old same old.
Fascinating! A secret link with sinister organisations is behind the clearly insane notion of not giving vaccines to kids.
Note also that bit about radicalising the public against vaccines … and health workers! The latter inextricably linked with the former. Moral: If you’re opposed to the vax, you must be against all these workers (you evil Right Wing prick!)
Also note how it is being “radical” to oppose vaccines but presumably good old fashioned common sense to accept them!
Amongst the predictable turgid (and possibly software generated) shit that follows, this:
A perfectly reasonable belief. But hang on:
What? A crassly obvious bit of deliberately manufactured psychosis which suggests that “the group” in question is a phony enemy created to discredit anti-vaxxers.
And this is how MI6 Nafeez operates, burrowing away through immense structures of connections (gishy gishy gallop gallop) to push forward lovingly crafted smear campaigns.
Isn’t it curious how these entities don’t allow for comments?
funny they are calling JVCI and one of its memebers anti vax, yet this is the same JCVI that has “recommended” the jab for every age group except 12 – 15,
Nafeez Ahmed was one of the first people to put out a book questioning the official 9//11 narrative, Spring 2002. But it was a limited hangout, and he never moved beyond it. I was a couple of seats away from him at the March 2004 global gathering on 9/11 research in San Francisco, while Jim Hoffman did his presentation on the three WTC hi rises, the highlight of the gathering, he was distinctly moved. But about 2 years later he was adamantly trying to fight against including a chapter by David Ray Griffin on the WTC in a compilation of work on 9/11 by Paul Zarembka (i was on the review committee as well), we pushed past time and included the chapter. And he has never relented.
Interesting. Was our Nafeez always a spook? Or was he approached one night and … etc.?
I’d say that by late 2005, when the events i describe re him fighting against Griffin’s chapter (hands down the best in the book, The Hidden History of 9/11/2001)took place, he was definitely acting like a spook, first by practically shooting his way into the project, and then, once in (he wrote a chapter too), fighting against radical conclusions, not just Griffin’s but other people’s. His 2002 book, as i said, seemed radical when it came out, but within a year it seemed like limited hangout, so maybe it too was calculated to give him credibility in what was expected to emerge as an opposition to the official narrative.
Thanks for the insights.
I call those night visits “The Tsipras Option”. I trust we all remember his treasonous about-face not so long ago …
What if cov is only a conditioning exercise.
What if the boosters induce severe clots and bleeding.
What if there’s a Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, with the same symptoms, with ~80% CFR, that they already have a PCR test for, that they already have a vaccine for, a vaccine that contains ricin.
Don’t worry the parasite class has you covered, Marburg Virus! Named after the town in Germany where they had an outbreak in 1967, coincidently the same Marburg where BioNtech uses the former Novartis site to produce mRNA for the cov death jabs.
It’s not an alert, it’s just a data point 😉 but one that could turn the totalitarian shitshow volume up to 11.
Course it could just be another plank of opperation FEAR. The controlled demolition of the global economy seems much more timely consideration for the forseeable.
I just found out that one of my comments to a certain Trotskyite site that I mention too much has been “removed”. It was on the topic of taking part in “safe” protests. It was this:
For some reason they didn’t like that!
George, cut the cord matey, you’re like a codependant battered wife who keeps going back for more!
Humour was never their strong point.
Humourless people scare me more than any virus ever did, although I quite enjoy the nonplussed expressions on their faces when something really hilarious happens right in front of their eyes…
You’d think some of them had had special training in not recognizing anything funny.
I’ve also heard that the devil can’t abide humour, because it deprives him of control.
These days, demons are no longer to be found only in works of fiction…
Humour was always hated by the rulers in general. Imagine if, for once, the whole of society could just “open up” and everyone could see everyone else. And one of the covid droners got up to give us the death spiel. A single raucous laugh would be all it would take to break the spell.
I can’t imagine which site. 🙂
The latest from Vox:
Big Pharma explains to you why Big Pharma is always the best – especially when it comes to treatments for viruses that don’t need treatments.
This is far more important than the coof nonsense. You think that was bad.
Its not just restricting what you can spend on a dispersment. The article is too restrictive in its view of implications and misses the fact that you will lose any ownership of your “money”. You will in the truest sense own nothing, including any currency you have notionally earned/acquired. It does not matter if you have no debt as even your tokens will be a liability that can be called in at any point.
You will never be able to have a store of value outside the system. Black markets all relied on external currencies as reference stores (dollars etc). If all the central banks move in tandem what are those going to be? Physical barter is impossible for 95% of transactions.
All existing cash will have to be exchanged at a predefined rate and will be no longer legal tender. This already happened with the euro.
Expiring currency can be done per person at a different rate.
Inflation will be controlled by evaporating the existing currency from your wallet at a percentage per year if they so see fit. But can be targeted at individual people at different rates.
Your entire wallet balance can be removed/altered at will. Banks can do this now, bu do not as you can always move to physical. That will no longer be true.
Every transaction monitored in real time. Any suspected breach of “your” rules, your wallet will be turned off, funds removed, with no future ability to sell any goods you may already own, and there will be nothing you can do about it.
Every transaction for every coin in its history is permanent.
Each coin issuance is easily tied to a biometric “wallet”.
You want to buy/sell a house, a means of transport, food in a store, energy sources? Good luck bartering for those. What are you going to use? how do you store it? how do you transport the goods? it is impossible but for a small percent.
Blackmarket economies of any size require some form of acceptable anonymous token between parties especially for the marketeer’s on/off ramps into the main economy, what is this going to be? In previous times the level of activity was a problem as every supposed infringement had to be looked at after the fact by enforcement and forgery of ration cards etc was possible.
In a cryptographic centralised electronic money situation this is not possible. The merchant is not the one making the decision, it is done centrally. Private transactions will be identical. Your biometric card reader will verify the tx in realtime centrally. Forgery of value tokens is basically impossible.
For those thinking they are going to be large blackmarket workarounds based on history I suspect they have not thought through the difference in centralisation of each tx point and lack of recognizable anonymous/forgable tokens.
Well said, and absolutely right. As CAF said ‘ you will lose your ability to contribute to society’ or in other words, they will ultimately destroy society, other than their elite one, the implications are too horrible to contemplate.
…and negative interest rates.
Personally I reckon a lot of people will be learning a lot about carrats, hallmarks, weights & mesures etc. Maybe a side order of works of art or NFTs as a form of the money lauderette.
Yep – I addressed that around inflation control. Its the same thing, for the same purpose as well as debt devaluation for the issuers.
Gold or silver don’t seem to me to be viable, bulky and the issue of conversion without a viable token is a problem.
Capital and private property will effectively cease to exist as a concept.
The closest model I can think of historically is the Bronze age palace economies, but at a global scale with no outside competing force.
Ello, ello, what’s all this then, illegal possession of gold? I’ll have to ask you to accompany me to the nick, sir.
The thing is, priests, government officials, corporate overlords and most certainly the CIA need a way to anonymously purchase drugs/prostitutes etc or for bribery. I suspect there will always be an alternate currency of some kind.
And otherwise, we the free people of the world will find our own. A lot of countries have talked about banning all cryptos but it’s not easy for them (at this stage) to stop private payments.
And even if the internet comes under complete control (which I assume it likely will) we can still create alternate private means of communion and for sending our own digital currencies.
Granted what we’ll be able to purchase on the on the other hand may not be much…but black markets have always had a place and…well, fuck these new world order psychopathic cunts. Their plans are bound to fail eventually.
Of course they can ban crypto, they just have not tried very hard yet.
Electronic exchange protocols are easy to disrupt if you control the routing infrastructure.
You think they can’t recognise cryptographic handshaking patterns used by all these protocols?
You also don’t need alternative currency, you just exclude those accounts from monitoring (as the IRS does now). Although certainly an electronic equivalent of an international SDR can be used cross border, that is not able to be used internally can exist.
The thing is blackmarkets rely on bribes, if the bribee has no where to store the bribe it has to be centrally allowed in order to function.
As to your own currency, its about extended trust of value. try and create your own and offer to exchange it for something else with someone you know. That is why alternate paper scripts currently don’t really work except in small closed groups.
I can’t see an option where they fail, they are all on board and I think that is wishful thinking TBH.
China bans crypto
They are just prepping for their own currency. Its just the start.
They will get serious when that rollout happens. So as I said about blackmarkets, you can run crypto even in china because of outside currency. Offshore exchanges that allow VPN access etc, Defi that exist in other states?
what happens when USA/Europe/SE Asia all do this?
where do these blackmarket entities exist? where is the infrastructure hosted? how is it routed?
In Africa, Russia?
Its all going Pete Tong, its a matter of when not if.
OK, I give up …Thanks for the info.
They won’t need to do anything illegally. THEY OWN THE COURTS. Ergo, they don’t need to hide their activity. They are just outside of the control system so they aren’t flagged. Which is how governments have operated illegal, unlawful, racketeering operations and organized crime cartels for as long as governments have been functioning.
If all this describes what you envision – and this seems quite possible – then what would be the possible political repercussions? Are the millions of people just going to go away and starve? This doesn’t seem to conform with historical patterns. Starvation mandates will seem very problematic. These are, surely, situations in which revolutions are made.
Who knows? I am just outlining what a programmable currency really entails. there is nothing really speculative about the vision in that sense.
I expect that it is essentially the end of politics as we have understood it for the last 200 years or so. Seems like back to the bronze age with a techocratic overlay for most.
You will only starve if you disobey.
I would have thought the current situation would result to actual real pushback, I was very wrong and some ways I am not sure most people would even notice.
Its just a digital wallet…
And it’s just for your own good, and the good of society. Can’t buy what you want when you want it? Tough, get used to it you selfish science denying right winger. Forced to buy products you don’t want or need? Tough, all for your own good, get used to it, it is all for the good of the planet. Watch your betters trash said planet while you force others to adopt their vision for it? Tough, get used to it, our owners know better than you and you’ll learn to love them soon if you know what’s good for you.
I find myself starting to try run all their lame ass “arguments” in my head and attempting to rebut them. But you cannot rebut nonsense with logic, can you? We see how they’ve swallowed the con of the Megadeath Virus of Doom, of course they’ll swallow the nonsense on state controlled digital currency. Why, if one doesn’t accept their lack of logic one is merely a selfish racist, a sexist, a science denying lunatic who belongs in a camp. Hold them down and jab them, the selfish bastards! And no, the selfish are the fascists, not those who are forcing the jab on these idiots for their own good!
Catherine Austin Fitts is right, there are indeed worse things than death.
“These are, surely, situations in which revolutions are made.“
Really? Since when? Millions of people starved in the US during the depression. It’s a forgotten part of history. Also, in Soviet Russia, similar types of starvation programs were run and millions died. Where was the revolution that resulted from those famines? Oh wait, the Bolsheviks already had a fake revolution funded by the bankers, allowing the dictatorship disguised as “communism“ that enabled the starvation programs in the first place.
Always amazed by the way the bankers carefully, for decades, prepared The Great Reset of 1945. Brilliant the way they got millions of ex-Russian peasants who traded one oppressor for another to sacrifice their lives for, ahem cough cough, an ideal.
And what can one say about how the bankers kept the two great monsters of history from realizing they were on the same diabolical side and could rule the world? Good thing for democracy that most bankers were/are Anglo-Americans.
Revolutions are for fools who have been brainwashed into thinking that justice and liberty are worth dying for. Own nothing and be happy already.
Propaganda is easy enough. People are highly suggestible. Tell the most fantastic lie often enough and it becomes the truth in people’s minds even if it was only ever a mass delusion. Look how many vehemently believe in the fabricated concept of virus and germ theory. And vaccines. None have any real science, validity, logic or proof behind them but nobody questions the underlying concepts. That’s considered heresy. Or “conspiracy“.
1945 was the NWO. And not the first Great Reset, either. Every time a civilization appeared to fall, or a major currency failed, the same hidden hand group were always at the helm.
The British American Cartel are just the front men of a much larger, older and more powerful network.
The cryptocracy always control all sides (Including the opposition which they lead) so it never matters who wins. Either in politics, or with so-called nation states, who are nothing more than pawns on a chessboard, with fictional borders, fighting, pre-planned, orchestrated wars. Because the levers of control, such as trade, economics. religions, propaganda and the tactics of generating fear and using hierarchies, with mindless order following to influence human behavior, go back millennia.
The sweat of your labour will be further robbed. But people won’t mind so long as they can buy, with their credits, the latest mobile phone and once they have the latest phone they can spend their credits on music, TV shows, movies, apps etc. Anything to keep reality from the door.
True there is no way out of it unless we the people stop it before it comes into existence.
A sub culture printing their own form of cash would rapidly emerge.
What exactly is money? How did it evolve? What do people understand by money. What is its connection with precious metals?
At one time goldsmiths used to issue paper invoices to those who borrowed gold. These invoices thus transmuted from real money – gold – and became substitute ‘money’. The evolution was from the metals gold and silver, to paper (fiat) money and now immaterial digital ‘money’. Central Banks around the world still hold considerable quantities of real money – gold in their vaults. Bitcoin is a case in point. It is an immaterial speculative asset. Every form of money in history has crashed. But gold and silver – as embodiments of value have remained and will continue. Russia and China have been hoarding gold as insurance against the disintegrating global economy.
1970 was the key moment in the decline of pseudo monies. VALUE was the key. Precious metals embody value, paper doesn’t. That has been the case throughout history and will remain the case for the foreseeable future.
Money is the most marketable commodity. It is the universal commodity, the one (or two) which everyone will accept in exchange for other things. That’s all it is. To me, it is the most efficient form of barter. It greatly simplifies all exchanges because it is an intermediate commodity that everybody will accept in lieu of a direct exchange for what they really want.
A slight correction: Gold warehouse receipts were issued to people who deposited gold, not withdrew, or borrowed, gold. It was these receipts that circulated as money substitutes, because the bearer could redeem the gold previously deposited. They were money substitutes, but they were not fiat. There was real money behind them, at 100% reserve.
The problems started when governments got involved. They deemed control of money as a sovereign right, an idea which has been perpetuated right up to the present day. But, rather than preserve the value of whatever money the market chose, they destroyed its value, as they destroy everything they touch. They suck at everything, as Dan Bongino would say. They can’t even do war right.
Another correction: not every form of money has crashed. Only fiat money has crashed. Real money has not, as you pointed out. Every form of fiat money has crashed, or will crash. But market money remains. The market is not fooled.
I generally agree with the tenor of your comment, however. There has not been market-based money for a long, long time.
Conspiracy phobia is dumb. This is the phobia that says that there are no conspiracies or that they don’t matter.
The second bit (“They don’t matter”) is clearly stupid. The stupidity was embarrassingly revealed by Chomsky when he said that even if 9/11 had been an inside job it didn’t matter! It didn’t matter that the US govt carried out a terrorist attack on its own population? It didn’t matter that the entire “war on terror” started with a lie? We can easily dispense with this one.
But – conspiracies don’t happen? Why not?
Well one view is that “They just wouldn’t do that!” Presumably because they’re really nice people?
Really? When sanctions against Iraq resulted in a million dead, half of them children, Madelaine Albright said it was “worth it”. These are not nice people!
Then there’s this: Conspiracies just aren’t the way it works! Really? So how does “it” work then? “It” presumably being “the historical process”. Why should there be a “historical process”? There may be laws of capitalism i.e. capitalism shows certain tendencies e.g. compulsive maximisation of profits. But that compulsion would surely indicate the likelihood of conspiracy! All these capitalists are determined to see their companies and investments get ahead and they’ll do it any way they can. You think they’d avoid conspiracy out of some instinct for “fair play”? Remember – These are not nice people!
And how do you “avoid conspiracy” anyway? People plan all the time. And in a world of cut throat competition, there will be secret plans everywhere.
Then there’s the argument from emotion: Conspiracy theory is “comforting”. Because it “makes sense” of everything. But what is the nature of this sense? That the government doesn’t give a shit about you! That the government considers you expendable! That’s comforting?
In the case of covid, which is more comforting:
That there is this deadly illness going about but that we have teams of experts working to save you just as the media makes out?
That the virus has been hyped to the heavens to implement a plan which is clearly not to the advantage of the population (since they are being lied to)?
The first means you are surrounded by people who have your best interests at heart and that you can trust the media. And you can hope it’s all over soon.
The second means the ones in charge care not a jot about you, that the media is lying to you and that the alleged pandemic will continue indefinitely and probably forever.
Clearly it is the first non-conspiratorial take that is more comforting.
But even if conspiracy theory were comforting, so what? The emotional effect of a theory makes no difference to the theory’s truth or falsehood. Obviously you are attracted to the theories that comfort you. But you may believe a theory for all the wrong reasons and still be right!
Belief in the existence of God may comfort me – or it may terrify me. But God’s existence or non-existence does not depend on the way I feel.
Then you’ve got the one about how conspiracy theory leads you to think that the trouble comes down to a few bad people at the top and if you replaced them, that would be enough. But this is not necessarily true. Conspiracy may be the result of those very imperatives of capitalist accumulation. Thus conspiracy theory doesn’t have to depend on an “easy answer”.
(In any case, anti-conspiracists tend to be the ones who think that it really matters whether e.g. Trump or Biden got in. How naïve is that? )
So now you know why the denunciation of conspiracy theory is always accompanied by vitriol. Logically such denunciation doesn’t hold up.
“Conspiracy phobia is dumb.”
Yes … and conspiracy fixation equally so.
When your company brings in a vaccine mandate, do you think they will have been urged to do so by the government? Will it be a conspired act? Of course it will.
Which takes us back to conspiracy phobia. Sneaky!
You fail to comprehend what the word conspiracy even means. The second that a company in a closed door meeting agrees upon a policy or signs a contract and then puts out a press release that either disguises exactly what has taken place or even omits any information whatsoever or even puts a spin on the policy, that’s a conspiracy.
Conspiracy, simply put is the absence of transparency where decisions are made by a select few. And transparency does not exist in the world in which we live. Neither does decision making by the public. All the decisions are made by groups that are centrally controlled through a cartel, which in itself is a conspiracy because various NGOs and governments have been set up to disguise that fact from populations.
If I or you, can’t get access to basic information or even present basic information in order to be able to deviate from so-called laws that are written in back rooms by lawyers for the controllers and the corporations creating all the conspiracies we are subjected to on a daily basis in every area of life on every continent, isn’t that a conspiracy? If governments have policies of not revealing their inner workings to the public and not allowing reform or redress, isn’t that a conspiracy of corruption?
There’s so much fraud built into the system, to pretend the fraud isn’t there or hasn’t been there from the moment these systems of control were set up, is to live in an alternate reality where the lies have become your truth.
“They’d never be able to keep it secret” is probably now the first go-to.
You can try arguments about compartmentalisation, bribery, blackmail, fear/self-interest, murder, all the whistle-blowers that exist that they’ve never heard of and the openness of the conspiracy and it still doesn’t make a jot of difference. What they really mean is “if it was real it would be on the news” and “I find this too unsettling and couldn’t cope with the paranoia – and where’s your mask?”.
Big Pharma is one of the biggest conspiracies, bribing politicians to set favourable, anti-trust regulations that allow the big pharma cartel to rape the little people. Why a conspiracy? Because there would be so much money to be made breaking the cartel, but it hasn’t happened, why? Because all the big pharma companies are working together, it is one big conspiracy involving one entire industrial sector. Do you think the Covid response is not a coordinated conspiracy?
I remember that some of the biiger Australian insurance companies were proscecuted a few years ago for price fixing: price fixing is conspiracy.
Nope, it’s collusion.
Doesn’t matter. The words are interchangeable within these contexts of public policy. They collude, then the hiding of the collusion becomes the conspiracy. The conspiracy part is the absence of transparency. Since they aren’t announcing their collusion in a press release to the public, it becomes a conspiracy due to the level of secrecy involved. Even if they announced their intentions in a press release, the moment that a small group plot or collude to commit an act to defraud or exploit or control for any unstated purpose, that’s a conspiracy in itself. Which is why to denounce that there aren’t conspiracies and collusion in every area in every aspect of society and governance, is to deny the world we live in.
Nope, it’s collusion AND conspiracy.
I once flew into New York and stayed with a couple in Manhattan incredible apartment. Passport 200 bucks in my pocket.
Another Gent I knew could travel anywhere stay anywhere spend what he liked etc, Passport & Card.
Me 200 bucks Him 2 Billion, both of us Digital Currency. Lol!
For my Country, the United Kingdom imo Central Bank has been a disaster it certainly contributed to my Parents breaking up (retail trade), both families further fragmented.
For myself, the sport I loved since before I could even walk! It probably contributed to a full stop Wall in the struggling “London scene”, the corrupt World of Motor Sport.
So I’m biased, not just for myself but also for my deceased Sister who worked in the NHS. She never had a mean bone in her body, and was also passionate about recycling, to help the Planet and as consequence the Environment etc etc.
“The NHS is Not For Sale”
Did Boris Johnson say that? If he did ( I don’t care what these clowns ‘say’, only what they do or not do).
Well yea, I don’t Think You Can “Sell” the NHS, but you can Contract Services Out can’t you.
Insurance Industry in game Privatisation of the Public Sector, the agents no doubt working form “Home” during The Furlough (sic).
Corruption, it would appear the UK socially are aware whats going on , The Press, is the UK Tory Government..duh!
The UK has to stop insurance companies lobbying the government?
Why now? why not 10-20 years ago, oh, is it because their huge salaries are being exposed?
Digital currency Push Sunak, personally he’s just a Corp cronie imo. Government official, big joke he’s not even English!
State medical care was always a fraud. The state cannot care. The patients are just tokens upon which contractors can issue bills.
The entire monetary system and “economy” is a con trick.
Apparently the knights templar created the “foundations of modern banking”
If that’s not got your spidey sense tingling…..
This is the next phase of the con. Don’t comply, rise up!
Covid has run interference for epic financial chicanery. In the scheme of things, covid is kind of like the ‘McGuffin’. That’s how big they scheme.
This is what is puzzling about digital currencies being controlled by government; I know that at the moment some of the governments of the world are nothing more than organised criminal networks. But I am wondering where the traditional organised crime gangs are in all this. Surely a tightly controlled government CBDC system is going to affect their business model and cash flow. I would think that there are sorely pissed off bikie gangs, mafia, triads and others that have a fairly heavy reliance on cash purchases. Normally these organised crims are not averse to dealing with problem people; so where is the pushback from them? Is it because they are part of this scam?
The IAs effectively absorbed the organised crime rackets in the post war period.
They were never separate. Governments create policies of prohibition, specifically so crime cartels (controlled by government departments) can make more money and racketeer, then the banks launder the proceeds.
It’s a scam older than the opium trade.
Organized crime is the root of government. So the organized crime cartels are all government/intel/bank controlled and owned. They are just part of the network of fraud and racketeering. They are one and the same entity. They are only presented as separate entities through the media and Hollywood.
They will be the conduits for bribery and fraud. These will be the avenues for the same old vices. The banks and the state don’t care about crime. Their system will always be crooked. They just want power. “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.”
So we go from health hysteria (Covid)
To cash hysteria (this)
To fuel hysteria (gas)
And then I nearly forgot the terrorist hysteria (Afghanistan)
The climate hysteria (Thunberg)
The racism hysteria
The ‘gender’ hysteria
The everything is hysteria (if you ask the news)
We have this Dutch expression:
‘de mens denkt dikwijls het meest, aan het lijden wat hij vreest’
Meaning: they like to keep us frightened and stupid. You can see it in the writing from the media: where they never ask: will it work? I am sure that at least some in the media write such nonsense, not because they’re smart, but because they are also stupid.
Again, the comments here are better than the article. The article explains nothing and acts as if ‘they’ (whoever they are), are in full control and we are doomed (again).
‘They’ are in full control, if you’re stupid enough to enjoy your bullshit job, which doesn’t produce anything, and which you’re totally dependent on because you need the (digital) money. Soon you have UBI, as you are too sick to work, because the drugs they gave you and keep giving you didn’t work (for you, for them though..)
Time to bite the bullet: you can escape our lousy society if you grow a backbone and start to do something useful. Many already do. For them these articles as written above are from another planet.
Don’t get into debt
Be happy with little
Use your hands.
Be creative.
Stop whining
Jesus Christ, I start to sound like Klaus Schwab who said: you own nothing and be happy.
But man is nothing, so what applies to you also applies to him and to everyone else.
And btw, all that materialism, doesn’t make one happy.
Diogenes could live in a barrel and was happy.
You get my drift
I am in a cynic mood…
I’m kinda on the same page.
All of what is being foisted on people, including the prospect of digital currency entailing vast means of control, goes hand in hand with the mainstream lifestyle that’s shoved down people’s throats. In other words, if you fall for all the nice toys they dangle in front of your face, then you have to howl with the wolves. They pretty much got you by the balls.
If your raison d’etre is other than accumulating mostly useless horseshit, then their ability to control you is vastly diminished. I’m not saying that you can get completely away from the system, but the more you do, the freer you are.
To a large extent, people are enslaved to their groupthink, lack of balls to live their lives in a way other than dictated by those intent on fucking them over.
There is something lurking in the shadows which gradually reduces one’s ability to live outside the “system.” It’s called Time.
Time does one thing which brings a person ever closer to the clutches of the total maniacs who have inordinate influence over living conditions: it ages a person.
At 77, I can no longer do the things I did at 25; nor can I take the principled stands I could take back then.
Which is why such things as James Corbett’s “Solutions Watch” are pointless parlor tricks for anyone past 60. Unless one has the money to buy a support system, one is very much at the mercy of the “system.”
Hello Howard. I’m almost 77, in a few months. I do quite a bit – grow good, give/receive food with neighbours, continue to make allies and like-minded friends, learn new skills, stock up on necessities as much as I can, compost/recycle/innovate where possible, research and keep reading independent sources on internet, attend to my health, distribute leaflets, email & share information, contribute to local markets, some voluntary work, work on increasing my knowledge of common law & my inner sense of authority, being creative in side-stepping the stupid rules, share good sources of inspiration & hope,gathering with like-minded people … ……… Am not being self-righteous, but I believe that there’s always a way and we are never at the mercy of the “system”. Am doing the best I can. Even a little can be a lot.
Meant to say “grow food” – edit button not working.
Much respect!
I just turned 50. There’s a strange mix of feelings. On the one hand, having zero access to healthcare and travel doesn’t bode well. On the other hand, I’m not dead yet, and I still have it in me to do what I consider good – not what the system demands. I won’t go down without a fight, or at least a few principled stands.
Willem, my man, that’s a great comment and I agree entirely.
Governments enacting Emergency Measures- bringing in military personnel- firing doctors,nurses etc…coming to a country or province near you:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8xY5qJ991I
Purges join central planning, show trials, “re-education”, rampant paranoia about imaginery enemies/plots, a regime with a social base in the nomenklatura and cults of personality as distinctly Stalinist features of ‘the new normal’. It’s also worth remembering that a worship of ‘science’ and tech was a neglected component of Stalinism.
Which is not to argue that what’s happening now is simply Stalinist e.g. the corporate component doesn’t fit in. They’ve mashed in elements of fascism and liberalism to make a new synthesis.
Could this induce lots of people to start forming social connections which completely circumvent all money-based systems? That would be something.
Australia’ NSW Premier Glady’s Berejiklian resignation Pfizer lobby https://twitter.com/JordanSchachtel/status/1444010219525312533
Ruling elite’s infight.
Or quick escape.
We will probably see more resignations, sackings, dissapearings and the like.
So the people wont have the chance to hang them themselves.
A few heads will eventually fall though, because as it has been throughout history, when the evil is this big, only blood can give us a sense of justice.
Time is very patient.
Or Gladys’s disappearance was planned – will she reappear as the next Prime Minister?
The details of her corrupt behaviour are being hidden behind stories like “Gladys had no luck with men. She chose the wrong partners”, and so forth. Dredging up sympathy and hiding any unpleasant facts.