The Last of our Human Freedoms – Covid-1984 meets the Brave New Normal
Greg Maybury

“A great majority of the population looks on with complete indifference as the medical papacy assumes ever greater proportion, worming its way into the most diverse fields — for instance, intervening extensively in children’s education, in school life, and staking a claim here to a certain form of therapy.”
Rudolf Steiner, 1924
“The last of the human freedoms [is] to choose one’s attitude.”
Victor Frankl, 1974.
In an age of angst, animus and anomie, ‘controversy’ still rages on all things Covid. Yet many scientists, researchers, health-care providers and medical professionals—even former pharmaceutical executives and senior staffers—bravely stand fast against the toxic tide of this new tyranny.
This alone is clear evidence something is decidedly wrong with the official narrative. My feature length essay on the subject earlier this year — “The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds (With a Lie this Large)” — posited in fact the notion the real “virus” was of a different, less tangible, yet far more insidious, perhaps even incurable, kind.
Since publishing it, the “minds” have become ever more infected, our responses more ‘Pavlovian’; the lies larger, more frequent, contradictory, absurd. And more widely spread. With the truth becoming more distorted, fragmented, censored. And soon to be perhaps punishable by law, a statement which is not by any stretch hyperbole. Oh that were the case.
That said, some of the natives are getting restless. Here’s an update cum sit-rep on the unsettling “settled” science of the ‘BigPharmafia-Medical’ papacy. Suit up, lock n’ load, secure the perimeters now. Prepare to engage the enemy!
The Pandoras of the Pandemic (Our Malevolent Malthusians)
In January 2020, I was invited to a small conference outside Edinburgh of independent political writers, activists, historians, and scribes of the dissident kind. There I was uniquely privileged to meet and greet with a broad range of kindreds.
Committed truth pilgrims and myriad political ‘refuseniks’ one and all, if there was a single thing we all had in common it might be found amongst any of the following: A nose for official duplicity, cant and perfidy; an unerring disdain for propaganda and hype; a palpable sense of creeping democratic devolution; and an abiding resistance to the manipulative, insidious agendas being imposed upon us by the upper echelons of the global ruling class elites.
Such “agendas” are of course all too eagerly facilitated by the elites’ ‘useful idiots’ and their craven commissars, who for the moment at least are a privileged, even protected species. Unlike the rest of us, as we’ll see!
The events of the past eighteen months have revealed for those of us looking at least who these people are, and what that overarching agenda is all about. For our purposes herein one such conference participant stands out.
Helen Buyniski; a young, native New Yorker is as righteous as one might reasonably expect. Blogging under the wickedly seditious handle of “Helen of Destroy”, Ms Buyniski has an opinion or three about what is manifestly wrong with the Anglo-American-Zionist world in general, and is not shy about ‘spreading the love’.
In short, this is a political activist par excellence — who thankfully eschews the nominally disparate, yet decidedly tedious, dogmas and slogans that characterise the left v right political discourse — and one who sees little point in ‘taking prisoners’.
If you are, though, someone who can handle unvarnished revelations about the machinations of the elites and wish to get a handle on the chaos and calamity the Great Resetters seek to impose upon all of us, then Buyniski is your go-to (wo)man! We should be forever grateful she’s on our side and not theirs, and more than a little disappointed we can’t actually clone her!
After her 28 minute presentation, she left the stage with us all wanting for more. Which is not the same as saying what she had to say warmed the cockles of our respective hearts. Not by a long shot from the Grassy Knoll!
Having just revisited her presentation, it is now after eighteen months of Covid that the full import of her ‘diatribe’ is coming home to roost, and that all things being equal (rare to be sure), the much-touted benefits of hindsight can scarcely be overstated.
Now space inhibits a ‘blow by blow’ of the import of what she had to say, as she covered a lot of real estate. Below though is something of a ‘thumbnail’ — essentially an expose of the intricate synergies of the globally systemic propaganda, censorship, power, and control dynamics as they then stood — all themes which I explored in this treatise from 2019. And all of which I’ve touched on in most of my other outings, for the simple reason that such matters are key to understanding just about everything going on around us, and pretty much all that’s led us to this point.
We’ll return to Buyniski’s talk soon, but first, this. Whether we know it or not or like it or not, no matter how clever we think we are, or how mindful we might be of — and from that consciously resistant to — the pernicious effects of propaganda and censorship, we’re all susceptible to the enervating forces they unleash, with complacency, ignorance, and hubris being all but a few of them.
Like the rest of the Edinburgh conclave, Buyniski understands this reality indubitably. The regime under which we’ll all be expected to live out our lives according to the dictates of the fatuously tagged “new normal” is not about public health, or our well-being and welfare: that is most assuredly not the case.
What is it all about then?
It is about ‘old fashioned’ power and control, pure, simple, absolute.
This time on a scale that, whilst it may have been hitherto imagined — perhaps by James Bond movie villains — has not been attempted. The one singular difference is that 007 only ever had one ‘bad-guy’ to contend with. We have a long ‘conga-line’ of them, all dancing in lockstep. And they’re both real and dangerous! And preternaturally evil.
For those who truly believe the official narrative of Covid, what follows is not for you. To wit: If you do choose to buy that spiel though, a check-up from the neck-up is highly recommended. Rehab is beckoning!
Coming to Love our Servitude (The End Time Paradigm)
Ms Buyniski began her conference session by name-checking the estimable Edward (“More Doctors Smoke Camels”) Bernays, nephew of none other than Sigmund Freud, and author of the seminal book Propaganda.
From that point she had our ‘complete and undivided’. Bernays is arguably one of the most influential people of the past century or more that most people have never heard of, which given the nature of the man’s work is perhaps a fitting legacy. It’s instructive to note that Adolf Hitler’s go-to shill-meister Joseph Goebbels was a big fan!
Yet there can be no doubting the man’s vicarious impact on our recent history, our political economy, our society, our education, our culture, our communities, our lives; it’s there but for all the most ill-informed, myopic or self-absorbed to see. His influence is as enduring and incalculable as it is iniquitous and ubiquitous. The aforesaidPropaganda became the ‘go-to’ play-book for the nascent advertising, public relations and perception management industry, whilst he assumed the role of its reigning go-to guru, a roost he ruled for decades.
Here’s what HB had to say by way of introduction [My emphasis].
It’s been a century since Edward Bernays wrote his book Propaganda, unveiling a PR industry that had previously operated only behind the scenes and triggering its growth into an industrial behemoth that now reaches the far corners of the earth. Wars are fought on the level of “hearts and minds” as much as bombs and guns, and huge swathes of the population won’t make a move unless they believe it’s approved by public opinion.
In the past few decades, technology has allowed PR to consolidate its hold on the human mind in a way that was not previously possible…The end goal is to divorce us from everything that makes us human, creating hollowed-out automata eager to receive their marching orders.
Far from the days in which advertising was a resented intrusion, we now line up overnight to receive our personal propaganda-delivery devices, and for too many of us, received propaganda has supplanted the development of an individual self.’
As she approached the denouement of her talk, Buyniski asked: ‘Where is this headed, and can it be stopped?’ She does not leave the questions, or us, hanging! Readers are strongly encouraged — even before proceeding — to imbibe her message. But the gist of it is this: at around the 20m mark of her riveting, now eerily prescient disquisition, Ms Buyniski subtly ‘laid a Claymore’ that exploded about four weeks after we’d all returned to base-camp. We’re talking here of course the pandemic du jour, Covid-19.
In short, Buyniski proposed only a few examples of the many possible global catastrophes — real, imagined, natural, concocted — whereby those in power might facilitate the “end goal” as set out above. We can all think of numerous such cataclysmic events and the prospect of their appearance: Everything from a financial meltdown, a major solar flare, super-volcano eruption, a dinosaur-destroying meteor strike, a cyber-terrorist attack, an economic collapse, and you guessed, last but not least, a world-wide pandemic!
Whilst Buyniski did not use the word “Covid” or suggest that said “pandemic” was around the corner, she was mos’ def’ on to something!
As I have noted before, in the wake of events which unfolded shortly thereafter and continue to do so as of this writing, it becomes increasingly apparent that the phrase ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’ has rarely been more cogent. Certainly not since 9/11!
With crass opportunism, unbridled cupidity, and bloody cynicism hardly being concepts foreign to the political animal mind, this phrase not by chance shoehorned itself into the political lexicon in the wake of that memorable event. Though in both instances perhaps, we might add that the subtext of the meme was then and remains now: ‘if we get tired of waiting for a crisis to show up out of the blue ether, go the extra mile and have one tailor-made, fit-for-purpose as it were…’
The Great Swine Flu Swindle of 2009 (and Assorted Campaigns of Panic)
In order to convey something of the monstrous fraud that’s been perpetrated upon us these past eighteen months, the following trip down the Memory Hole is as good a place to start as any.
In a report from Britain’s Channel Four from 2010, Wolfgang Wodarg, the then Council of Europe health chief, accused Big Pharma of “unduly influencing World Health Organisation (WHO) decisions” and blueprinting a global “campaign of panic” in response to the so-called Swine Flu (H1N1) outbreak that made its inauspicious debut around twelve months before.
By the time the penny dropped that this much touted existential threat to humanity was far less than the sum of its overblown parts, major European countries (Britain, France, Germany etc.), were “burdened” with tens of millions of doses of useless vaccines for which they’d forked out “hundreds of millions of dollars” of the taxpayers hard-earned. A similar fiasco and furore played out in the US.
Now for those people still ensnared in the net of the official Covid narrative, the preceding alone should provide ample doubt as to its veracity and integrity.
Whether induced by enforced isolation, social distancing, and lockdown fatigue; travel, work, and social restrictions; media fuelled polarisation between “anti-vaxxers” and “pro-vaxxers”; workplace coercion and bullying; truncated and disrupted education for our kids; Stasi-state edicts from on high from leaders getting in touch with their respective inner tyrant; loss of income and business revenue; or fear of mandatory injection with substances that are at best experimental — or any other legitimate concerns which have arisen as this bespoke crisis has unfolded and whose twists and turns are increasingly improvised ‘on the fly’ by self-serving politicians and health bureaucrats — for those predisposed to seeking a more enlightened insight into the agenda of the Great Resetters, I trust the rest provides something of an additional reality check on our collective predicament and the looming perils unleashed upon us by these ‘Pandoras’ of the pandemic.
All the “grim predictions” about the Swine Flu from the hand-wringing hordes in Big Pharma—the Cartel from Hell—in addition to their accomplices in the medical and scientific establishment itself and the ever-reliable wolf-criers in the corporate media—proved to be a giant ‘fizzer’. Though it may not have been viewed that way at the time, in terms of furthering the longer-term agenda and prepping the ground for what was to come, it might now be seen as a roaring success. That’s that “hindsight” thing working overtime again.
It’s notable moreover that the source of upwards of 70% of the corporate media’s advertising revenue comes from the pharmaceutical industry, though there is perhaps nothing much to see here folks.
And there can be little doubt that far too many of our medical professionals and health care providers have made themselves far more secure and comfortable in their sinecures than they might otherwise have been had they not put their names on Big Pharma’s dance-card. (My own doctor abruptly ‘went into lockdown’ when I tried to discuss my concerns re: all matters Covid. And an old friend—a now retired medical specialist of no small repute—refuses to have anything to do with me now after I questioned the gospel!)
With this in mind, some might be forgiven for suspecting that the ‘pig-pox’ was a dress rehearsal of sorts, as already suggested, to soften us up for a more ambitious gambit.
To fully comprehend this as a real possibility (as distinct from conspiracy theories concocted by cognitively impaired, lizard-brain, loony-toons with too much time on their hands), the following should serve as another all-important reality check. (See this link for some Covid myth-busting analysis.)
This was Not in the Brochure!
In a recent interview on RT, the high profile US trial attorney Mike Papantonio, host of the channel’s America’s Lawyer program, let rip on Johnson & Johnson (J&J). J&J are of course the health-care and pharmaceutical behemoth (indeed the biggest), at least one of whose self-styled (albeit ironically so) “family of products” are likely to be found in every home on the planet at any given time. They are also one of many such companies in the industry looking to cash in on Covid.
Before continuing, it is perhaps worth having a gander at the claims J&J make in their ‘brochure’ (i.e. their website) [my emphasis].
At Johnson & Johnson, we are driven to improve the personal health of people everywhere. We deliver products that are rooted in science and endorsed by professionals. Our differentiated portfolio of iconic brands…delivers life-enhancing, first-to-market innovation. By combining the power of science with meaningful human insights and digital-first thinking, we help more than 1.2 billion people live healthier lives every day, from their very first day.’.
Now not much therein other than the fact that the self-ascribed, feel-good corporate beneficence is ever so frequently at odds with our consumer reality, something which we all too often forget, or choose to ignore. Which many folks seem to be doing now by embracing the Covid vaccine gospel.
And though J&J may have cornered the market in many of product categories within the industry, their notional ‘competitors’ are equally adept at inundating us with the same obsequious, mealy-mouthed, touchy-feely, ‘we have you best interests at heart’ corporate hype.
What you won’t find featured on their website is anything to do with the following. Again, like their competitors, J&J are no slouches when it comes to ‘damage control’, of which there have been countless case studies in this industry. That being the real “damage” inflicted on consumers by their products, the extent, criminality and tragedy of which is all too frequently only realised by the critical masses after the said “damage” is done and then publicly revealed. After which, their senior ‘suits’ all begin a mad scramble for the exits, their lawyers all screaming at the top of their lungs, “nothing to see here folks!”
That is, any such “damage control” measures are all about ‘ring-fencing the risk’ in order to protect the corporations’ brand image and to minimise any negative impact on its revenues and profit margins. Rarely are the concerns or welfare of those most affected by their poisonous fare factored into the risk minimisation calculus. It’s all about shilling the next pill, shifting the units, and raking in the filthy lucre! And suppressing any and all adverse publicity.
Of course many people might say this is stating the bleeding obvious! Perhaps! But can anyone explain why so many ordinary folks seem to have forgotten this in the age of Covid?
Even for those disinclined toward such conspiratorial musing, one would have to at least wonder if indeed the Swine Flu was not one hell of a shell-game, a swindle in short. It’s a pity that so many seem to have ‘deep-sixed’ the sorry episodes of previous virus scares into the communal Memory Hole. An anamnesis of this sort might have stood us all in good stead in comprehending our current dire travails.
Which is to say, doesn’t any of this ring any bells? It should do! Are we not experiencing a palpable sense of deja vuhere? We should be! Alas, the “once bitten, twice shy” refrain doesn’t seem to cut it anymore for an increasing number of people! We have all but adopted a penny-wise, pound-foolish mindset when it comes to facing the existential challenges confronting us.
[Author Note: To underscore this conundrum, the following is worth noting: I posted recently a simple straw-poll on Twitter, which sought to ascertain from people the measure of trust they placed in BigPharma. The result from over 16,500 respondents? Ninety-two percent indicated they placed “no trust” in these companies at all, with many comments scathing in tenor! If only we could get 92% of our fellow citizens marching in the streets against this medical tyranny…If only! We probably wouldn’t be having this ‘chinwag’ now!]
Part of this indoctrination process involves keeping everything from us we need to know for as long as possible, and overwhelming us with information that we don’t need. That’s called ‘shaping the narrative’ of course, a time honoured practice in public relations, moulding public opinion, and from there, the confection of consent. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan, it’s ‘massaging the message’ via every possible medium at their disposal. BigPharma are masters at this!
Moreover, to the best of this writer’s knowledge, no pharmaceutical company has ever voluntarily or unconditionally ‘fessed up to the damaging impacts of any of their products when confronted with incontrovertible evidence to that effect, and done everything to make amends and repair such damage—that is, adequately compensate those affected or so damaged—in a timely, ethical, responsible and satisfactory manner.
But another way, few companies that I’m aware of did not have some knowledge of the damaging effects of their products and did not move heaven and earth to keep such information under-wraps for as long as it was legally and practically feasible to do so.
Ring-fencing Risk, Maximising Reward (Our Way of Doing Business)
In June this year, the aforesaid J&J was saddled with a $5billion fine for its part in the opioid pandemic, and in keeping the research findings regarding the effects on people of these ‘killer drugs’ under wraps. In this same segment, the feisty Papantonio raised the not insignificant matter of J&J’s conduct over the carcinogenic effects of its ubiquitous J&J Baby Powder®. Like its product ‘stablemate’ BandAid®, this product is one of the world’s most famous, enduring brands, the quintessential household name.
Such products have one defining feature: They are a licence to print money! Unlike BandAid® (which for the sake of this discussion we’ll assume contains nothing toxic which has heretofore not been publicly revealed), it is far from benign. As with the opioid products it was hawking, J&J had known—for several decades in the case of its baby powder — that its iconic ‘cash-cow’ was a dangerous product (it contained of all things asbestos, a highly toxic substance if ever there was one), and throughout they kept such information out of the public record.
One wonders for example how those women (and their families) who contracted ovarian cancer as a result of using this product for decades might react to J&J’s insipid, ingratiating corporate gobbledygook as presented above.
This, to say little of the company knowingly and negligently exposing their customers to such debilitating, life-threatening products. Papantonio described these folks as criminal sociopaths. No hyperbole here to be sure! They be DSM-5 certified.
With over 33,000 lawsuits pending against J&J in the U.S. alone—and with many more expected—Papantonio reported that the company is looking at a new strategy to dump its Baby Powder®-related liabilities in a new business (effectively a shell company) that would then be ‘entitled’ to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
This arcane but very real corporate/legal avoidance manoeuvre—is called a “divisive merger”. The “Texas Two-step” as Papantonio acerbically describes the “divisive merger” (it originated in the Lone Star State), is the equivalent of the “Get out of Jail Free Card”.
That is, it would be if indeed the prospect of doing time in the Big House for any of these real-life-Monopoly®playing misanthropes was the rule rather than the exception. Indeed, Papantonio’s palpable sense of injustice and outrage went as far as the following: “There’ll never be any change [to the status quo] until we throw a few of these people in jail”.
When we think of the denizens of Wall Street after the GFC (many still laughing all the way home from the bank today), it’s hard to argue with that logic!
But the DM’s purpose is to provide a financial (as distinct from a criminal) liability ‘escape pod’ for J&J to substantially minimise its exposure to these lawsuits or preferably avoid paying any compensation at all. From the off, this latest revelation of corporate malfeasance and white collar criminal negligence raised any number of questions and concerns.
It also presents for us all any number of implications for our own individual and collective roles as consumers. Not least of these are the choices we make, less so of our own volition without some due diligence than those based on the quality, reliability, and credibility of information we are presented by these companies. And which they are compelled—theoretically—by both civil and criminal law requirements and basic ethical standards—good corporate governance anyone?—to provide. Once again, the Covid phenomenon presents us all if we’re willing to see it, enormous implications going forward.
There are a number of factors common to these instances of companies eventually found guilty of malfeasance, negligence, and/or criminal behaviour. To stress: These commonalities are rendered all the more noteworthy with the emergence of the Covid crisis and the attendant controversy surrounding the use of experimental (pseudo) vaccines being evangelised as the panacea by Big Pharma, and all of us who’ve chosen to embrace the “shill” regarding their effectiveness, safety, even necessity.
- It can takes years—even decades—for issues re: product dangers to come to light, with offenders often found to have hidden, distorted or otherwise prevented damaging findings being released;
- It can and often takes years—again decades—of lobbying and litigation for those seeking compensation to obtain it, with people’s very lives and those of their families frequently in the balance throughout;
- Companies will pull out every trick in the legal—and not so legal—playbook to avoid or defer accepting moral, ethical, financial, and/or legal responsibility for their actions and decisions;
- Rarely are mainstream media organisations for many reason proactive in taking the fight up to the big corporates, not least of which is refusing to risk the advertising revenue stream upon which they depend;
- Rarely do politicians of any note regardless of their party affiliations enter the fray on behalf of victims as their own parties are so dependent upon corporate funding with themselves unwilling to place at risk future job prospects once outside public office;
- Rarely do any of the relevant regulatory bodies do likewise as many have been neutered, corrupted or at least compromised by ‘regulatory capture’ and the revolving door syndrome;
- Rarely do the details of any final—invariably belated as noted—negotiated settlements become public as the agreements frequently bind successful litigants to non-disclosure;
- Rarely do any of the companies or their senior executives ever admit any serious liability for the decisions taken, apologise for, or demonstrate any genuine remorse for their past actions and decisions;
- Rarely is anyone—past or present—responsible for such decisions in the companies’ concerned personally held accountable or for that matter prosecuted for their actions and the consequences thereof;
- And almost no-one, in the U.S. or elsewhere—including here Down Under—ever does serious time in the Big House for their criminal recklessness, duplicity, or fraudulent behaviour and conduct.
Some Conclusions to Go
It is perhaps notable that the Swine Flu “pandemic” that wasn’t arrived in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and prevailed more or less throughout the peaks and troughs of its aftermath.
Was this just anothercoincidence? Or was the Swine Flu scare a distraction from the main game? Or was this the predecessors of the Covid Commissars running this up the flagpole whilst the rest of were more concerned with the stability of the global economy and getting on with our daily lives?
To answer these questions, it’s important to recall what occurred during this period: it was nothing less than the greatest transfer of wealth and property in history from the lower and middle classes to the already super rich and to the large multinational banks, financial institutions, and corporations. Who in themselves are more or less fully owned or controlled subsidiaries of three to four mega corporate entities with only slightly less than the total value of the US economy (20 trillion dollars) in assets under their management.
This includes Big Media, Big Tech, BigFood, BigAg, and numerous other “Bigs” of the global economy. (To see what just one ‘trill’ actually looks like, click here. It’s an eye-popper!)
It then should not come as any great surprise that the recent crisis has again similarly facilitated by stealth an even greater transfer of wealth to these same groups, making the ‘09 heist pale in comparison.
As I’m fond of saying, ‘we don’t need the test results back from the lab to know there are rats in the gravy!’ Bill Gates himself, who has a long history of creating and selling viruses and then offering fixes for them that worked sporadically but still made lots of money off the back of these promises, now reportedly owns anything up to 65% of America’s prime farmland.
As one of the principal actors in our unfolding drama, one could write a ‘door-stopper’ on the estimable Gates and his role therein along without making much mention of his input into writing its script. (Much less his involvement with the execrable, late Jeffrey Epstein). Yet that would appear to be only one of the more visible, questionable signs that something far bigger—indeed far more insidious than most of us might like to think—is afoot with the Covid agenda; more precisely, ‘[something] rotten in the state of Denmark’.
In any event, all of the above is rendered somewhat academic now that Big Pharma has finagled legal indemnity from prosecution (essentially ‘suit-proofing’ them) for any and all ill-effects resulting from the use of these Covid vaccines.
But the key point here is that we continue to trust their earnest proclamations that the cure will not be worse than the disease. That they have been properly tested. That they are safe and will cause no harm or minimal side-effects. If Big Pharma’s dodgy track record is any indication, the basis for such trust is shaky indeed.
To underscore this, consider the following. The prohibition on prescribing hydroxy-chloroquine or Ivermectin for COVID-19 as suitable alternatives to Big Pharma’s experimental solutions should be of grave concern. Well over 120 peer reviewed scientific studies have shown either drug to be effective in treating and preventing the disease.
Yet here in Australia — where as I write nearly half of the population (of 26m) are under strict lockdown conditions with the Army at one point patrolling the streets of our biggest cities (Sydney & Melbourne), massive, unprecedented citizen unrest nationally, and no end in sight—the federal government has done a deal with AstraZeneca and we are told we ‘cannot expect to go back to normal until a vaccine arrives’.
All the while new variants are mysteriously appearing, which doubtless will require ever more testing, lockdowns, follow-up vaccinations, and which will engender more social disunity, economic chaos, psychological disfunction, financial detriment (though not for the political, bureaucratic, financial, and business classes) along with increasing uncertainty—and collective anxiety—amongst ordinary people, about their futures and those of their families.
What we don’t hear in the corporate media is this: Like J&J, AstraZeneca also has a long rap-sheet of corporate malfeasance, corruption and criminality. They have been found guilty of offences relating to off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products; making false claims; kickbacks and bribery; consumer protection violation; sundry healthcare offences; government-contracting violations, and more.
Since 2000 they have reportedly been fined over US$1.1 billion dollars for these offences and violations. All treated as a cost of doing business, all factored into operational expenses yet retrieved by excessive profiteering.
And to take our discussion full circle, we cannot leave the corporate media itself out of the big picture here. Their own malfeasance is well documented by myself, Helen Buyniski, and countless others, not simply in capriciously propagating and perpetuating their own brand of truth or creating their own bespoke, self-serving reality on all manner of issues and concerns.
This is especially so wherein accurate, unbiased, and timely information that’s in the public interest is crucial for a well-ordered, stable, functioning, prosperous political economy and the democracy and freedom that’s purportedly an integral part of the milieu of a modern, healthy nation.
You know what I’m talking about here folks: One that’s a better world to live in for our kids and theirs than the one we’ve enjoyed! Let me ask the question one more time. Why do we keep trusting these people? All ‘donations’ in this regard gratefully accepted. But they better be big ones! If you gets my drift.
Greg Maybury is a freelance writer based in Australia. His main areas of interest are US history and politics in general, with a special focus on economic, financial, national security, military, and geopolitical affairs. For 6+ years he has regularly contributed to a diverse range of alternative, independent media (AIM), news and opinion sites, including OffGuardian, Dissident Voice, OpEd News, The Greanville Post, Consortium News, Information Clearing House (ICH), Dandelion Salad, Global Research, and others.
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Hello OffG Readers, Many 🙏🏼 to all those who contributed to the discussion. Especially to those who took the trouble to provide links to the work of numerous people who have done some excellent work in exposing this insidious agenda for what it is. Some of these folks’ work I am familiar with, others not so much. I will endeavour as best I can to follow these links and suggestions up.
This for me though represents one of the most frustrating and perplexing aspects of the Covid Thing. One the one hand we have enormous amounts of information coming at us from so many terrific sources, and not enough time to absorb it all. In a way, that’s a nice problem to have I suppose. But the downside I guess is that no matter how much information and solid evidence we receive or have access to, it seems we are all on a hiding to nothing trying to convince our nearest and dearest (let alone others outside that circle) that something is terribly wrong with this Covid agenda. Such is the awesome power of the propaganda and censorship regime in place.
For his part the estimable Mark Crispin Miller (MCM; one of the ‘talking heads’ featured in the recent must-watch OffGuardian Covid/911 series), calls this much touted crisis “a global war against humanity…”. I agree, going as far as calling it the most insidious, reprehensible scam/plot/psyop ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public by our un-elected ‘Brahmin’ billionaire castes and their useful idiots in the ranks of the political classes and in the corporate, mainstream media. A big call to be sure!
Speaking of the media, one of the most disappointing aspects has been the broad failure of the alternative-independent media (AIM) to take up the Covid fight. On this, MCM also had plenty to say recently. We might say these folks in the AIM—all presumably righteous, self-respecting truth pilgrims with ‘street-cred’ to spare—are deemed by MCM (and your humble) as ‘guilty’ as it were of praise by faint damnation! To wit: If you’re not challenging the Covid narrative, you must be supporting it, even if only doing so tacitly, in which case your integrity and credibility is up for grabs.
On the other hand, although thankfully by no means the only voice in the AIM taking up the fight, OffGuardian remains an exemplar, and we should all be eternally grateful for people like Kit and Catte for having the moxie to ‘mix it up’ with these misanthropes! Because that’s what we’re dealing with. These inhuman miscreants treat the vast bulk of humanity as “deplorable”, surplus to requirements. “Useless eaters” is the going phrase. We don’t need the test results back from the lab to know there are rats in the gravy to appreciate this singular reality! Put slightly differently, I say to those who who refuse to see what is going down here: Your myopia is our dystopia in the making!
Stay strong💪remain righteous!✊👍🙏🏼 😎
Great article, and thank gawd for Off Guardian. As a fellow Aussie I tip my hat to you sir!
Could the ones that allowed big pharma immunity to any wrongdoing, could they be sued? I seriously doubt they would lose, but just a question.
Admin: another comment pending. Thanks!
“the elites”
Is ‘Murdoch’s press is a mouthpiece for the government?’ .. or .. the government is a mouthpiece for Murdoch’s agenda?
Who is higher up in the deep-state food-chain?
Shadowy figures you’ve never heard of…International banks…think tanks…philanthropic organisations…”royal” families…gov and all beaurocracy…all institutions including science and education etc…alphabet soup agencies…media…the stone cold moron at the supermarket who tries to force a mask on you.
They’re all out to get you.
It would have to be Murdoch. Sky news Australia is the only MSM outlet that questions the narrative
It seems to me that the class war is now manifesting itself in a new way in the age of covid. And the divide can be outlined by the terms ATL and BTL (Above The Line and Below The Line). Of course there are covid sceptic sites like OffG where the ATL material, i.e. the actual articles, are worth reading and provide genuine insight. But as a matter of course the vast majority of ATL material is pure corporate sponsored propaganda funded by the usual suspects – even if they hide themselves at multiple displacements. The phony “fearless investigator” can “uncover” any number of “Right Wing” sites by simply highlighting the funding sources which actually run through all the major sites – including of course his own site. And all of these mouthpieces for the vested interests ceaselessly weave their webs of deception and play their little games of “unmasking” the designated clowns.
Many of these sites do not permit comments at all. Many who do may have comments that are phony. How can you tell? Of course it is impossible to be sure but I would have thought anyone with any genuine power of critique will have picked up on the basic tropes by now. The litmus test is the covid dogma whereby it is perfectly permissible to critique the lockdown, the masks, the distancing etc., just as long as you accept the fundamental prop of the virus itself.
The perfect example is Toby Young’s “Lockdown Sceptics” now “The Daily Sceptic”. It seemed like a site sceptical of covid but the very original title gave the game away: in accordance with the covid move, it was the “attempts to fight the deadly virus” that were at the centre of censure. Originally the ATL material reflected this a little. But this soon gave way to covid question begging. Meanwhile the BTL comments continued with the genuine covid scepticism and soon became the only reason for visiting the site.
Ah but the ATL area features the designated experts guiding us through the “disinfo” to get to the truth in the same way that, in mediaeval times, the local priest had to guide illiterate peasants to the correct interpretation of Biblical passages. The Holy Word was too divine to be tainted by direct plebeian access. Later on, when these peasants became literate and morphed into the urban working classes, they were kept in check by a legal system hidden behind suitably convoluted waffle. The script of Yes Minister serves as a good demonstration of the technique.
But with the latest economic crisis and the move to pharma-capitalism, “Science” (which had gradually come to acquire a dogmatic caste in its transformation into “Scientism”) now provides the Holy Book that must be interpreted – or, to be more precise, the Holy Labyrinth of interminable scholarly articles.
This body of scripture (more mutable than any previous incarnation) is readily on hand to be excerpted for the aforementioned corporate sponsored sites. There is nothing like a splendid expanse of that old gish gallop to keep the masses stupefied. Meanwhile the BTL troublemakers can be ignored as cretins, riff raff and, worse of all, “conspiracy theorists”. But that is where to look to see the real deal. And that is why the litmus test works. Take Mr Richard Tax Man Murphy who actually warned his BTL contingent in advance! No Socratic dialogues for him!
haha…you have to chuckle…. so called right wing conspiracy theorists have been calling this nonsense out since the first ahem, racist white supremacist alabama ‘prepper’ bought his first vacuum packed moon man meals to put in his hand built concrete bunker/armoury in the early seventies… always ridiculed was old dentally challenged (retarded?) cletus in alabama…
he didn’t trust the government… no siree..
one could attribute his paranoia to psychosis or ignorance but in hindsight it looks more like foresight.. (NO… not better by a darn sight )… such imbeciles have had many names hung on them by terminally selfish and deathly comfortable ‘right on lefties’…
marginalized, ridiculed….. victims of the alphabet men lexicon, the x chromosome files…
one thing’s for sure ‘going forward’ into the rather old and tired abnormal… there will be no shortage of epithets..
nor imbeciles neither..
It’s imbeciles all the way down
and all the way up my friend.. wont be able to miss…….so that’s a bonus..
I had to laugh when you mentioned the Lockdown Sceptics site. After several months it became clear that the editors hankered to keep a foot inside the tent and didn’t want to lose out on dinner party invites further down the line. Certain lines were not crossed, a slant that became more awkward with each week. The prole commentators were quick to spot this and have ended up providing more genuinely insightful material below the line, which is now the only reason I visit the site.
Hell yeah! Just get into a debate with a Climate Science believer. They love their “Peer reviewed” papers like they’re infallible holy books.
The vertical pigs crushing skulls for the privilege of sticking their snouts in the swill of the regime’s trough is the real swine flu epidemic that the sheeple have to deal with in the ongoing covaids intelligence test.
As Edward Bernays said in his book “Propaganda:”
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.”
Reprinted with permission from Jon Rappoport’s blog.
The Best of Jon Rappoport
YOU are the disease, their covaids death squirt the cure
Pfizer macht frei…permanently
Dr. Judy Mikovits warns Fauci may release MORE deadly bioweapons on the world
Dr Mercola interviews Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
Corona Unmasked By Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
Reiner Fuellmich…update on “legal” situation
Dr Robert Malone inventor of mRNA lays it out and warns on Jimmy Dore, Youlube
Dr. Carrie Madej: First U.S. Lab Examines “Vaccine” Vials, HORRIFIC Findings Revealed
Malatok, 🙏🏼 for these links. GM👍😎
So – covid, the petrol crisis and global warming. And this:
So – another scare but with a handy scapegoat to rage at. A little glimpse told me that it follows the “Boris is a bastard!” formula. But I have lost all patience with scrutinising these articles – which are gas lighting exercises anyway.
The aim is to terrorise and thus provide the psychological aspect in preparation for the physical assault.
As here:
And here:
etc. etc.
Silent weapons for quiet wars. Or, as it turns out, not quite so quiet wars. Not anymore.
I have a feeling fuel has been temp suppressed so the state can then proclaim “look, look how unreliable it is, oh well, better go electric for climate change” which is also unreliable.
Rule #1 Everything is about oil
Rule #2 If you think it’s not about oil refer to Rule #1
Is it English or did the guy just decide to use up all the words in the dictionary?
Try using a dictionary when the multi syllabic concoctions challenge your vocabulary store.
what?! Isn’t that why you always use a dictionary in the first place… Is there a French OffGuardian? Wait, they are probably worst.
Time for you to broaden your mind, eh what mate.
what ever language it is, it’s got more show than substance… and it is a drag… That’s what happens when you ignore every warnings from your literature teacher… in the introduction course.
Option #2 clearly. It’s over baked.
Philip Roddis has published one of his increasingly infrequent posts on covid. I tried to read it but it quoted an article that veered off into totally irrelevant waffle about differences in covid infections between red states and blue states which were supposed to reflect on Trump voters. Or something. I couldn’t even be bothered trying to follow it. And Philip himself gave his usual complaint about jolly rude “fanatical” covid sceptics.
So I drafted ten or so responses of varying tactfulness which led to imaginary conversations none of which ended well. I even copy/pasted two of them into his comment area before scrubbing them. I had totally lost interest. I’d burned myself out trying to accommodate a line of thought which I could no longer understand – and felt little incentive to understand. I see that his comment section seems to have dried up anyway. So I reckon I’m not alone in my resignation.
I recall the last line in Kenneth William’s diary:
There’s no way you can talk to believers. You need to only talk about how hard life is or how it’s wise to pay your car insurance or about professional sport or about TV shows or about discounts at the supermarket or about beer or about anything else. Just don’t point out the shadows on the wall. You’ll lose and you’ll lose badly.
See my response to ImpObs below.
I jumped ship on Philip’s blog a few months after the covid crap began. After posting my reasoning at length and receiving no counterargument I became demoralised. The final straw came when the first vaxxes arrived and I posted a critical comment on that whilst asking what he thought about it and he said – and I still can’t believe it! – that he was too busy looking at other matters!
I posted a final angry no-holds-barred comment and then buggered off. A few months after that he kindly sent me an email just enquiring about me and we got to chatting and I even put in a few comments on his blog again – but nothing about covid! I’d “learned my lesson”.
But the effect of this was so depressing. Yes we could chat about the old stuff, the pre-covid blether about how shitty capitalism was etc. And we could sagely nod over the awfulness of it all. But I felt we weren’t supposed to mention the brontosaurus herd in the room. I felt we were like musicians playing on the deck of the Titanic as it went down!
The thing to do is to examine what arguments you presented and how you did it. Memes especially do not translate into conversation very well.
Look at what did not work and where the conversation steered.
Look for weaknesses in your argument that the encounter picked apart, especially when confronted with circular fallacies or changing meaning of terms within a line of argument. Its best to avoid these as they are constructed to trap the argument into a no win outcome.
Discussion is a skill like any other. We can all improve.
Oh I get all that. But what happens when you post a detailed and tactful account of your case … and it just sits there unanswered? And when that item and comment thread recede into the horizon, another item appears with a new comment thread, and the new comments repeat points which you had already dealt with in your previous unanswered post? I could rephrase my unanswered post. And I’m sure that, once again, I’d be ignored. Indeed, from what I recall, that has happened and more than once.
But I’m glad I had that encounter with Philip because it gave me an insight into the mentality of the lovingly crafted “Left”. To their now chronic conspiracy phobia have been added two unshakable pillars supporting the covid narrative: first, the notion of covid as capitalism’s well deserved comeuppance and second, the notion of all covid sceptics as Right Wing reactionaries. The End.
If it’s the data I think it is, it’s originally from Charles Rixey of DRASTIC, Johnathan Couey covered it ~10 days ago on his stream (Gigaohmbiological) but the VOD is not available.
The Dem/Rep distinction was only used because Dem state had a higher vax rate, the data was limited to the last 4 months (Delta) and showed the higher vaxed Dem states had a rising CFR compared to lower vaxed Rep states.
Without reading it (I have no clue who he is) it sounds like Philip Roddis is just arm waving about data he has no real clue about
He was referring to pieces written by David Leonhardt (New York Times) and by Jeremy Beckham on “Outside Voices”.
The former comes under the heading “Covid’s partisan pattern is growing more extreme” and talks about figures in “Trump states” compared to “non-Trump states”. I presume this is what is meant by the “covid partisan pattern”. But any expectation of a serious debate over the nature of covid is annulled by the first line,
“Since Delta began circulating widely in the US, Covid has exacted a horrific death toll on red America”
Roddis refers to this article’s “lamentable reasoning”. But if you think he’s perhaps twigging to covid, you will be disappointed by his enthusiastic pasting in of the “correcting” Beckham piece which tells us this:
“To be clear: there is no question that COVID-19 vaccines are a safe, effective, important tool in protecting people from severe disease and death.”
To be sure, Philip adds a footnote here. But it too is dispiriting:
“Jeremy Beckham’s claim that Covid vaccines are safe has stirred a predictable hornets’ nest below the line. Some say it is false, others that it is true, yet others that he need not have made such a disclaimer. FWIW – which, statistically speaking, is near zilch, I had two shots of AstraZeneca with no ill effects beyond continuing to piss people off on this as on other matters.”
At which point, and just in case you didn’t pick up on it, here is Philip’s contribution to the “covid split”:
“The messianic certainty I detect on all sides of the Covid conversation is dismaying. People with no obvious qualification to do so are not only sounding off in FB echo chambers as though they were leading experts, but in some cases declaring holy war on those less sure of ourselves. I’ve encountered it on all sides, but above all from the ‘sceptic’ camp.”
What can you do with that? For one thing “fanatical sceptic” is an oxymoron. For another, the covid mantra has been screamed non-stop in everyone’s face every day for the last 18 months whereas the sceptic case is nowhere to be seen and any allusion to it is invariably denounced as “Right Wing” if not “Fascist”.
And I am sick to death of this assumption of a wide eyed innocent pleading for “objectivity” amidst “the fanatics” when it is clear that he has set his mast very much to one side and will not budge. (And it’s not surprising if he gets ragged from sceptics who are probably doing their best to try and contain their anger at him!)
But at least his title is amusingly apt – if not in the way he intends:
“More crap thinking on Covid”
Oh what the hell, here it is:
Feel free to insert a comment. But I’m done!
Ah thanks George, same arm waving different data then LOL the Data (from CDC) I refered to shows him 180 degrees wrong.
I might well do that, if I can bear to go back there…
You echo my thoughts on Phil perfectly, George. Astonishing, really.
OMG, a “twindemic”!….
A piece of fear porn too ridiculous for the Fraud (although not the Express, Independent, BBC and Economist). Or perhaps Viner has the thumbscrews out for her staff who missed this one?
Of course if one reads the whole article, one discovers the ‘problem’ is one caused by lockdown. The solution? Well, of course it’s not to never have another lockdown and the removal from public office of everyone who supported it on grounds of massive incompetence if not malice – it’s the flu vaccine! How convenient Pfizer said last week that the flu and covid vaccines can be safely taken together!
Ok, so the plutocratic mob are in the ascendency at the present time. But I would point out that the situation facing the Great Resetters is subject to the law of diminishing returns. More lockdowns, more unemployment, more taxes, more incessant propaganda are not exactly delivering their shangri la.
Ultimately the truth breaks through – is breaking through – as is generally the case with tyrannical societies – propaganda, however well crafted, doesn’t necessarily put food on the table. In my neck of the woods, the UK, furloughs are ending, taxes are rising, there ar increasing shortages, there is no health service, the single policy that a social-democratic achievement by the Labour government in 1945 is no more.
Given that the middle-class, guardian reading woke outer party is hopelessly imbibed with the new order, it falls to the working class who will have to – and to an extent are – the progressive force.
Food on the table is the first law of economics/politics, and you cannot eat ideology.
And the working class can’t stop working.
But they are woking on that.
I agree… past tyranny’s were always one cheek of the financialists’ fat flabby arse, ably supported by the skeleton of anglo-zionism, militarism…
the other cheek the supposed enemy (countries, drugs, terrorists, ideologies etc etc ad nauseum).. all cover for resource theft from ignorant proles.. (after the 2019 financial collapse the proles are now the resource, to be transhumanised and traded on ‘new exchanges’ along with the gases they exhaleand the tek they have been injected with)..
but they are going to have trouble with this one, because having always relied on the dialectic to corral the hapless herds ( ridiculous precepts as they were)… this one relies primarily on dividing imbeciles by dint of medical procedures…
at best a poor plan (because of course you may inadvertently kill off your ‘team’ with hastily concocted witches brews)…
but on closer inspection, resembling more the strategies of drooling lunatics…
on aggregate… cleansing fire is coming..
Okay so we are dealing with the Stepford wives!
I tried noting this today to certain covid true believers and I lost badly. Very, very badly. In fact I was annihilated and made to look immature, ridiculous and insane.
you held a mirror to them amigo, fuk ’em : )
You can’t fight illogic with logic. So in reality you really didn’t lose per se, your audience lost, and lost big I would imagine. They only think they won because their world doesn’t do logic anymore and when we try to argue with them we cannot penetrate their illogic so it feels as if we lost that battle. No matter how many times I practice in my head beating them with logic, I realize that I won’t win that game.
I’m trying now to come up with arguments that are more personal to them, like reminding one of my friends who probably waivers on the whole mandate thing of how once that happens she can kiss goodbye all the natural things she does for her own health instead of taking the poisons “prescribed for her” for her own good. Eventually she too will be FORCED to either take pharma’s latest new miracle cure, or she will be left to die. She will not be allowed to buy all that locally grown organic produce and meat that she relies on as that won’t help Corporate profits. Will that work? Probably not, she’d far rather believe that somehow this will all come out OK, and “they” would never go that far, right?
These people will NOT see this until it directly affects them, and even then they will wallow in their complacency and believe it’s all for their own good. And they will fight anyone who tries to tell them different, right up until that last moment when maybe they themselves are removed from their homes and taken to a quarantine camp. Then I hear the screaming out of the willfully dumb asking the rest of us why we didn’t harder try to warn them…
Never argue with a moron. You just end up coming down to their level.
If you ‘lost’, then you must bear responsibility for it. If you’re focused, and up to speed, it is impossible to ‘lose’.
Having this ‘discussion’ is like shooting fish in a barrel.
In the end, people run away, clutching what’s left of their dignity – because (and I reiterate) they cannot ‘win’: no matter how much they protest, stubbornly, 2+2 continues to make 4, not 5.
and that would not surprise me if the converted covid clones start walking around in hazmat suits.
Red Pill Germany
Oct 3, 2021
Social Democrats of Germany Say That Rules Only Apply to Serfs, Not to Them
The SPD shows once again that they think they are the new nobility or political elite and rules only apply to serfs in their socialist utopia.
When common men and women see images like this, why don’t they understand that there is no killer virus, throw away the masks and go back to living their lives?!
That’s the million dollar question isn’t it. The answer is multi faceted. But the upshot is that they are…no to hell with that. There is no upshot. The reason is multi, multi…multi faceted.
To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink.
If you think the SPD stands for anything that could be called socialism, you might buy an oil well in Nigeria.
SPD leader Friedrich Ebert in November 1918 to General Groener – “I hate social revolution like sin.”
I don’t watch public broadcast TV or pay TV ever. I have my own shows downloaded and that’s it. I bought my TV in 2007. Recently I read a patent somewhere, can’t remember where, anyway the patent was for a chip in TVs that used the TV to transmit magnetic signals to the brain in order to change thought patterns. At first I though the idea was laughable but after my experience today with one of the Stepford wives I’m beginning to wonder if we not dealing with mass hypnosis?? I would appreciate fellow anti cult covidian thoughts on this?
We’re dealing with a shit-hit-the-fan situation. What we’re observing is the shit flying all over the place.
Mass psychosis, mass hypnosis, fear – probably mainly of admitting to oneself that the world as we know it is coming to an end, as we’re heading into the unknown, totally unprepared, years, decades, centuries of conditioning and manipulation that is coming to fruition and is being ruthlessly exploited, and much, much more.
There are many contributing factors to the mess we’re in, not easy to unravel.
Still, it is my guess that fear of acknowledging that what’s happening is happening, which would inevitably force people realize all the nefarious ramifications, is the principal factor in this. People prefer to put wool over their eyes, to stick their heads in the sand so as not to have to face the fact that if they want to retain their freedom or some semblance of the lifestyle they’ve been living, they’ll have to get off their asses and put up a fight. A huge fight in fact, since the dystopian cancer is sprawled through just about every fucking aspect of life.
interesting! have oldish tv myself, rarely watched these days. watch some in other’s houses, also old tv.
i seem impervious to propaganda.
If you feel you are impervious to propaganda it simply means the propaganda is working ?
Depends which one… The one that says you should be impervious to any other propaganda than this very one? Then yes.
it means that i see it clear as consommé, and it has no affect on me. well, it makes me angry.
Its a regression of humanity back to the historical bicameral state through symbloc conditioning to inhibit consciousness.
TV colour flash technology in commercials, but I believe it was banned.
I’am not anything but myself me I am Not A robot.
For example how can you be ‘anti’? Sounds pretty negative to me.
Why would someone Advertise the very thing they are against or un-believing in?
‘Anti Cult Covidian’ don’t get me wrong it just sounds weird in speech.
“Morning Mr Hitler I’am anti-cult Nazi Party, how was your trip to Liverpool?”
‘Morning Williams, it sucked fucking poured down rain whole time I was there, you anti-cult Nazi Party crumb.’
‘Oh, so you enjoyed yourself then?”
*thinks* Hitler…*woke educated English idiot*
The “Get the Vax” adverts on Sydney TV are the same as the Coke ads, minus the bottles / cans. Everyone is joyful and partying. The Manipulators seem to think our subconscious, through associations, will have us think “”The Jab adds life”.
they are desperate now, 60% of deaths again today have been jabbed, and they continue to ”test positive” after they die
The way things are going, they’ll probably continue to vote as well.
It appears Harry Vox has been taken off Bitchute.
I’m banned from commenting there. Some kind of measures came in on bitchute, I’m sure.
Harry Vox
Helen often has (or had) joint shows with Harry Vox. Vox actually predicted the scamdemic by uncovering the 2010 Rockefeller Lockstep document in 2014 and actually discussing it on PBS. The Lockstep document is proof that this psyop was planned and was a precursor to Cladex and Event 201.
Planned, yes, but planned for what ? The governments staved off total economic meltdown due to the 2008 Great Financial Crisis by throwing BILLIONS at it. They knew they were only postponing The Inevitable. They gained breathing space to prepare for The Inevitable. During 2019 economist were becoming certain there’d be a 2020 global recession. Event 201 let everyone know they were ready, how they intended to control the masses while a planned demolition, a ‘correction’, of the economy occurred…
Periodic crises are endemic to capitalism. And like the Catholic Church which constantly updates itself to remain ‘relevant’, capitalism will survive – many, many of us, wont…
(There’s more than one agenda being implemented.)…
Les, Think you nailed it with the 2008 crash. It just felt to me we never recovered, certainly its a major factor personally it was like being held up by a highwayman.
And I revisited sars-cov, there’s a lot of info out there about leaks.
A leak ‘infected person’ burns out quickly those who come into contact may get sick then it appears to fade away.
I’ve never had a flu jab, this injection business “just in case”, still seems utterly redicious, the hundreds if not thousands of all media on and on over a ‘virus ‘, shows up Media’s incompetence to deal with Reality Social issues, Not to inform The Public, which The News never did anyway!
What’s happened imo, WE have become addicted to A World Wide Web of our own making.
Top Stories are attacked by pre/post multicultural complexities so divest its best to take the initial thoughts either way, and carry on with ones own life.
Bumped into two people I know today. One a young intelligent lawyer. Another a young Doctor. Both vaccinated. It’s very very strange. You lay all the facts on the table. You don’t need bitchute or Brighteon or Tenpenny or Yeadon. You tell them just look at the facts. (facts quite frankly they should be well aware of ffs) A survival rate so high that it might as well be 100%, Sweden, no change in death rates, etc. etc. and then you get that look. Like their eyes glaze over. Like something in their programming blocks factual information. I have had this feeling for a while now. It’s feels like it’s preordained. It’s not mass psychosis or some other mumbo jumbo. It’s something else. The chosen, or rather the not chosen. I’ve reached the point now where I really don’t care. Kill me whatever but no way on God’s earth am I getting that injection.
Agree 100% Bruce.
I can’t remember it’s title, but I read a book many, many years ago (I’ve read a couple of thousand since) that compared specialists to ‘generalists’.
The gist of it being that specialists, because of their focus, education and busyness in one field, cannot see the big picture.
There is also the peer pressure of conformity and the fear of ridicule.
Silly fuckers.
Couldn’t agree more.It’s Asif someone has whipped out their collective brains without them knowing.
The NPC’s only need to defend the official story with standard MSM facts and a condescending tone and look. If you can actually manage to communicate even a sliver of the mind bogglingly complicated matrix they live in or of even a tiny part of the covid con, you’ve done better than I ever have.
Every time I try to communicate anything I know, I’m always left feeling utterly helpless and ridiculous. I flounder at the onslaught of official narrative.
I can’t win debates with NPC’s. They are way too strong.
Yes that too. Extreme ignorance combined with huge blinkers. And I know that feeling well. As soon as you start trying to explain you stop and realise you have made a mistake. That it’s pointless. And it’s pointless precisely because if you have to explain the obvious you know they will never get it. Like bumping into a chimpanzee in the jungle and you start explaining algebra. But the chimp can’t even add!!
But Pig Swill, they say, you have to admit that people all around the world are getting sick from “something”…and the NSW chief health officer says that more than 50% of current sufferers are below the age of 40 which puts paid to your argument that the average age of death is in the 70s and 80s. I really hope YOU don’t get the virus Pig Swill. Are you calling the chief health officer a liar??
“I really hope you don’t get the virus,” said with a tone of condescension and doom. They’ll fucking celebrate is what they’re really saying, and they simply cannot wait to tell you how they told you so.
The irony is the vaccinated are creating the “virus” with their own now GM immune systems. It’s a like a giant sick joke.
amigo; I got publicly mocked as a crazed self loathing anti-vexed loose cannon by my immediate line manager a fortnight back; then, when I responded about vex damage he hooted and guffawed that he’d never seen any of that on the news.
Then he quizzed my charge, a young spectrum lad, of certain parental profession, on his jabernation – fully double dosed – and congratulated him like a playground clown. All this happened in a anti-social distanced queue.
Utterly despicable, but that is a bad one to start with ; )
day by day, get me the fuk outa here or show me a hill of redemption or vengeance : )
I hear you brother.
Yes I am calling him a liar
I know I should know but NPC?
non playing character – an extra.
Right. A shuffling, non thinking, non reflective, cardboard cutout oblivious faux human basically. In other words…a mask wearing, social distancing, compliant moron.
I know what you mean. I think there is mass delusional pyschosis out there. And the explanation below about people within a certain field only being able to see within those confines is well made. Lots of reasons in the mix possibly.
But I too can’t help feel there is something else. It feels like the Stepford Wives, compliant and controlled – but the same people becoming aggressive, or their face twists when you lay out a few facts. The mask wearing and Twitter profiles creeps me out. All weird.
It could simply be people suspect what is unfolding but to mitigate the horror are still holding on to delusion and narratives and ‘solutions’ of the state – which is part of delusional pyschosis.
Keep positive and seek out like minded people. Plenty of groups out there. I’ve largely taken a break from family and silly small talk gatherings – the last one a pointless monologue about Katie Price’s 8 husbands. Another about petrol queues. Told them to get on with it. That’s one thing I’m starting to take after my dad – he didn’t like listening to nonsense, so rather than an argument he just left the room and talked to himself.
Yes. Stepford wives! That’s exactly what it’s like. Thank you.
They are the same pointless drones who think we were over run with refugees coming on boats. Here’s an unknown yarn – when they grabbed up the Bakhtyari family for deportation I forced the media scum to stay there and watch what they had done. The media have not get any better and haven’t forgiven me to this day
There is in fact something “out there”. It is neptune the planet of illusions and delusions dreams and imaginations making difficult aspects to eclipses in the communication signs the last 18 months….and the last couple of months a hard aspect to saturn which always bring irrational fear…it was there too at the start.,
so many of the so called leaders had these beaming into their natal energy and it made it so easy for the the media to play the game….
it is starting to wear a little thin these days….soon the fear bit stops and new energy comes in via the eclipse at end of November in Taurus….the new moon in a couple of days and the full one a fortnight later may leave a few in tatters….
Intelligence is subsumed by the innate fear of death in those you mention.
What we’re seeing is authority trumping facts (ref the emperor’s new clothes). These people never grew up and blindly obey substitutes for their parents telling them what to do.
For the interest of readers, you should know what happened in Victoria on Friday. Fuhrer Andrews declared that “authorised workers” would need to get their first shot by October 15th and their second in November to avoid being excluded from their workplaces. On Saturday the Melbourne Age published details of who these workers would be – farmers, supermarket staff, hospitality workers, Uber drivers, car mechanics, “faith leaders”,in addition to nurses,teachers,vets, lawyers,MPs….
By Sunday they were talking about the NRL, the installation of ventilation equipment in schools, the problem for hospitals and supplies of ventilators.
And if a priest, or imam or rabbi goes into his “workplace” unvaxed, or allows unclean worshippers inside to mingle with the compliants, then he may be… fined? Defrocked? Excommunicated?
We are of course now all excommunicated following the censorship of means of sharing information, and censorship of reality by the msm, that includes concealing the terrorist attack on peaceful unarmed protestors in the centre of Melbourne last week.
And while I agree perfectly with Greg that big Pharma is up to its neck in this, there can no longer be a distinction between it and the bio and chemical weapons industry, nor with the hybrid warfare involving European disinformation networks; the AGENDA is diabolical. And they have got the children, who now are expounding the benefits of their spiking, before the deadly second dose,while their parents still worry about them returning to the hyperventilated classrooms. Orwell could never have imagined this, that would take place the same number of years after 1984 as it was in the future when he wrote that book.
It’s the tribulation. Stay strong and truthful.
Corona Ausschuss 72:
John O’Looney segment begins at 2:13:00.
No mention at all of the $85,000 he claimed he was offered (by RT?)… (though one would expect Reiner Fuellmich to be very interested in that, no?)
I now find myself somewhat troubled by Mr. O’Looney…
Click on listening to the reckoning come lately scripts accomplishes what actually.
Tail end counterweight political agencies make their living as softening propagandist commentaries, tell tail signs abound over the last ’18’ Months?
Verbal & Scribble – ings connection are offered back page additions to those who missed breaking news.
Did Not working with specifically coronavirus really come to world attention around 2003.
The continuing hammer down messaging betrays its true intentions imo.
Thanks for the link RtD. I always appreciate your own individualistic comments. The more thought out perspectives we have the better. This Is the only O’Looney video I have watched and didn’t know anything about him till now though I have seen the comments and links here which I never explored. Besides the “I couldn’t get a mask” comment and the fact that he was a bbc shill, which I let slide, I found his awkward testimony credible and believable until Wodarg’s question about the swine flu and then his mannerism and posture changed as the question was out of script. Wouldn’t one know where they were working at the time if they had taken a swine flu shot and almost died?
His comments about 85% placebo/vax advocate are interesting. I have serious doubts that many people are given placebos, besides the staged fake shots, To me they are running multiple experiments, different batches of gene therapy (no time for animal trials) with different effects and outcomes overtime. Most people I know, well enough, who have taken the death shots (not a large number) have not seemed quite right in the brain —as well as stamina, they are lethargic—for the first three or four months, Now they seem to be recovering I realize I could be projecting stuff on to them, but it seems like they really changed.
O looney. seriously what will it take for you lot to figure your being juiced.
He’s an interesting character. There was a discussion here recently about Dr Carrie Madej, some saying didn’t think she was genuine in things she was saying, about contents found in vials. I pointed out I thought she was genuine, albeit observations might seem far fetched.
On the other hand I do sense perhaps something not quite right about John O’Looney. Can’t be sure but I don’t hear much by way of facts, figures. It all just seems to be based on his testimony and recollection. Perhaps he puts a few porkies in to spice things up.
He has a big following and accept even if there is an element of self promotion it doesn’t mean he’s wrong on everything and about his thoughts on wider, sinister motives.
I watch a wide range of clips from experts and whistle-blowers . I have to say, the vast majority, especially of health service ones, UK and US I have watched, while difficult to believe is going on, have been compelling.
my family the o tools we have all and more been buried by the olooneys.
they have always nailed us in the the coffin nice and tight and never overcharged
for burnin buryin or dumpin at sea
An excellent piece Greg.
Now, how do we get the sleepers to wake?
Why is it that no matter how ‘educated’ people are, once they make up their minds, that’s it ?
Have they all had humility lobotomies ?
Tunnel vision and/or mental myopia are far more deadly than the dreaded. ‘virus’
Getting them off the MSM is a crucial prerequisite. They are, quite literally, in a trance all the time they are consuming MSM. The trance can be broken but it needs some time away from it. It happened to me more by luck than judgment in that I lived in two consecutive flats where the TV aerials didn’t work.
There is material to work with here. Most people have little liking or trust in the MSM. Most people know it makes them feel shitty. Most people know the MSM talks garbage about their own field of expertise – why do they assume it’s different about every other one? There is plenty of mainstream material offering evidence how bad an effect the MSM has on people. There’s mainsteam evidence about Operation Mockingbird like Bernstein’s 1978 article in Rolling Stone. There’s no shortage of officially admitted things that the MSM never mention (take your pick: MK Ultra, Gladio, Northwoods, Chaos, the list goes on). Who doesn’t then wonder what else aren’t they mentioning?
Johnny, Thx for the feedback comrade! As for your Qs, I really don’t have any simple answers. I do my bit by writing, speaking to friends and others with whom I come into contact, (I’ve managed to get a few to rethink their attitudes), being active on various forums, going to rallies etc. And still try to maintain my sanity! We’re up against the psychology to be sure, and time is not on our side mon ami. But we have to keep applying the blowtorch to the belly of this beast. We can’t just walk away. As for the psychology, I attempted to address this in an earlier excursion into Covid territory. FYI. See below. Best,
Essay: The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds (With a Lie this Large), by Greg Maybury, Rev. May 2021
#Covid19 #Censorship #BillGates #Propaganda #FakeNews #RFKJr #BigPharma #ExperimentalVaccines
Brief: The emergence in 2020 of the Coronavirus (or Covid-19) and the putative dire implications for us all of its unchecked spread and virulence caught most people on the planet off guard. For a variety of reasons, this development signalled an epochal turning point for the global political economy, for our society and humanity.
Greg Maybury gets ‘up close and personal’ with the pandemic, reflecting more so on the ‘popular delusions and madness of crowds’ attending it, and those purporting to manage the crisis in our best interests. In this context, he offers a more off-piste perspective of the forces driving us to a destination almost certainly will not be to our liking. To the extent they’ll even have the freedom to reflect on such, it will likely leave our descendants wondering how and why we let it get to this point. And in the doing thereof, despairing at our stupidity, ignorance and studied complacency.
Whatever one may think about Ivermectin and “The Virus,” it’s almost certainly no coincidence that Merck, the original developer, manufacturer and distributor of Ivermectin, recently announced that they have developed a pill to treat “Covid19.” Merck expects an EUA will be granted by the FDA within the coming weeks for this “new” drug.
Big Pharma is going to need an even bigger vacuum cleaner to scoop up all this money that will be thrown at them.
Move along, folks, nothing to see – no conspiracies here.
Yes, but note that Merck doesn’t have a mRNA vaccine and this pill is going to eliminate the need for taking a risk with the vaccines and any side-effects, which blows up all vaccine mandates.
Pfizer is probably lobbying the FDA hard (remember former FDA Commissioner, Scott Gotlib, is on the board of Pfizer) to block or delay this pill as it will severely cut into Pfizer’s vaccine profits.
Likewise lobbying against approval will be all the politicians who have driven vaccine mandates are going to be up in arms when they put 2+2 together and realizethat their control (via their vaccine cards and mandates) is going to go poof!
But all these drugs are for a virus that does not exist. In NSW again today 60% of the ”deaths with covid” had been jabbed.
But “with Covid” doesn’t men they died “of” covid.Mind games.
Good point, personally I will stick with vits c & d for immune system. At some point will look into heavy metal detox to get rid of the unwanted metals built up over the years. Tried bentonite clay once which was recommended by a friend and could tell the difference within myself but think I overdid it and put me off it as had to go toilet often. Either way, will try stick to natural remedies as much as possible.
Azy, don’t know if you have come across Prof Chris Exley’s work on aluminium? He recommends high silica mineral water as a way of reducing the aluminium burden.
Don’t know how to post link but he blogs at, search for his name. One post is called why everyone should drink silicon rich mineral water’. He and his team have recently been ejected from Keele University because their work was getting too close to the knuckle in certain areas.
Sorry, I meant “”
Oops, not quite, but I found it:
Thanks for the info, will check link out by Rob2.
Merck cancelled its project to develop 2 vaccines. It said that it is safer to get infected and recover.
Oh my God, Maiasta. The link you gave me confirms what I was speculating, but more so.
If you read this one article to the end, you don’t need anything else to understand what TPTB are up to. Don’t think you’ve come to the worst of it when you get to the magnets; skip past those videos to the much more serious that follows.
A nice sunny day in Melbourne. Took my dog for walk as i do everyday. I may have passed 100 people either walking, jogging or whatever.
Every single person was wearing a mask. Even the ones out jogging.
A seriously stupid country i live in.
Governments rule by tyranny because society accepts the rules of tyranny.
Melbourne now holds the world record for the longest lockdown time -245 days straight.
Suggestions for the prize to be awarded?
And Andrews is proud of it. What idiot in society thinks its beneficial to breathe in your own bacteria than fresh air.
I’m lost for words May.
Andrews is one of those ‘can do’ politicians.
He can do whatever he fucking likes.
I suspect he also harbours a lot of guilt from the ‘first wave’ where he was accused of weakness by the banshees in the MSM.
I suspect he harbors a lot of guilt for not being a man that can defend himself.
He is a weakling and a pushover; Luke Sayers proved that when he bashed the absolute snot out of him.
Except the scum at the top don’t wear muppet masks do they; they put them on for the public appearances and press conferences and take them off immediately after.
Darwin Award
I know I just met someone from Melbourne today (my town is about 3,000 kms away). Very very scary. Terrified of the pandemic, vaccinated. Can’t wait to get the next jab. I almost puked. They Live. They walk amongst us. I see stupid people everywhere and they don’t know they stupid. (the 6th sense)
Wow. If people only knew what it was like elsewhere maybe they would think about following the herd. Maybe not. Where I live, albiet it is rural, cities approaching 15,000. since the first restrictions ended last May. I have yet to see a person walking with a mask outside of a parking lot where many people, not wanting to cause trouble or standout, put them on to go into the store But it seems many more people here resist more so than last year going into winter. Many people who have a mask in shops, if they see others not wearing a mask, pull down their masks, clearly these people do not want to wear a mask but do so if everyone around them is. I suspect that is somewhat the case there but maybe not so common.
You need to learn from the Mother Country, mate – a majority not even wearing them inside anymore.
In London earlier in the year, I never saw any joggers wearing masks. And joggers tend to be yuppyish progressives who are often most on board with Covid restrictions. But the idiocy of jogging while interfering with breathing was obviously clear to them.
GM had this feeling that The World was crowding in on him. He knew enough to know the feeling was mostly mental. So he booked time with a psychoanalyst for some talk therapy.
GM lay comfortable & relaxed on the therapists couch, the therapist with notebook and pencil in hand sat nearby. As GM told his unfolding tale, getting it off his chest, the therapist – with years of training and listening, listening, listening – soon became aware GM evinced some , well, was it a resistance ?
The therapist passed over the chance to bring Gm’s attention to something said in passing, to explore its significance, and let GM talk on.
GM’s un-ease would not to resolved with one talk session. Though GM’s monologue (let’s not call it rambling, or, meandering) named many of the forces that had influence, control over GM’s life, GM is not (clinically) paranoid.
Central to the essay is the question raised early: What is it all about ? The answer: It is about ‘old fashioned’ power and control, pure, simple, absolute.
This claim is agreed, but insufficient. It really reveals nothing. Why do THEY want control ? To simply label those who want control sociopaths or psychopaths is just that, labeling.
I’m not a scientist, or an expert, not even ‘in the know’ most of the time; nor am i a therapist, but the question was posed; it was the only question posed. It was deftly answered. The question with it’s short comfortable answer suggests to me it’s what psychoanalysis would consider the site of a resistance. It’s stated, then GM moves on, talks about other things, anything…
Why do THEY want control of us ? What drives THEM, what makes THEM tick ?
They belong to a cult who want to become gods and conquer death.
Fear of Death, for sure, that’s expressed by the drive. But cult ? Money cult ? Cargo cult ? And can you be like a god if you’re not worshipped ? Let’s get some bottom into this…
How about “Death Cult” – an idea probably explored in Norman O Brown’s ‘Life Against Death.’
Les, Some very good questions mon ami, and both my long-suffering therapist and her patient thank you from the bottom of our hearts for posing them! 😉 Seriously mate, I have some answers (or responses at least), but they’re unlikely to satisfy all. I will leave these for another time. And yes, to some extent I have moved on (FYI, this is my third sortie into the ‘infected territory’ that be the Zeitgeist); but since this is not going to be resolved anytime soon, I expect I’ll be back. Unless of course my therapist in the interim throws in the towel, upends the “couch” in frustration, and recommends my immediate commitment to a sanitarium for the sanely impaired because of irresolvable ‘issyouse’ or the men in white coats deem me a danger to myself and my nearest and dearest and rule her out of contention. Which given the state of the world as we speak, should not–on either count–be ruled out as a possibility. For any of us! G
Comrade, you dont have to be a Dr Freud to understand that Time and Amnesia work together on Our Memories…
On page 275 of Orwell’s 1984 (Penguin.2000), O’Brian explains to Winston: “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power…”
It’s part of the story, keeps the story rolling. Orwell has O’Brian explain what he means, but it doesnt really explain much at all…
I think the word “power” is a mystification. I’ve read it mentioned many times as being an aphrodisiac. O’Brian et al get-off on Power, but it’s Control he’s really on about… Without Control, no Power…
History is a story about the struggle between those trying to impose their control, and those resisting anothers control. History is a story of those who crushed all resistance to being controlled…
Reading Linebaugh’s “Red Round Globe Hot Burning” last evening i was reminded of the many institutions that were developed parallel to the UK enclosures to control the dispossessed…
My curiosity is “what drives the need for control ? What fears, what insecurities ?”
I imagine Offg to be a redoubt that’s encircled by The Covid Army. Daily i read all the reports that brave scouts have brought back from their forays, about the Covid Army’s advances, and possible weaknesses that we could exploit. Search amongst the reports for ammo to use to fend off being over-run, captured, sent to Room 101 for that ‘mandated’ injection…
If i ever hear myself think “Well. that didnt hurt afterall !” i’ll know i was captured, and broken, (though such a thought could only be the last redoubt of resistance to Loving The Syringe.)…
The Enemy’s 5th Column is our need for Security. Selling ‘Security’ is a trillion dollar industry…
(The word ‘scarcity’ is cropping up a lot lately in articles about supply-chain disruptions. One never reads of the role Emotional Scarcity plays as a driver of The Consumer Economy.)
Matthew Ch. 24
Yes par 9 is an interesting choice of words: “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.”
An affliction implies some sort of disease or problem with the body….
Despite the Speculation from These Mainstream Media Whores, we won’t really know the Survivability of The Jabbed Vs The Unjabbed until These Mainstream Media Whores are Arrested, Executed or put in Jail, awaiting Trial…Even then we won’t really know, except by going to the pub and having a hug.
Blimey – are You Still Alive??
Yes, but I don’t do Facebook, Quickly Followed by – Where is Your Wife, whilst I am trying to watch the band.
So nothing that much , from my perspective has changed over the last couple of years, except The Grandkids have got a bit bigger
Its really nice, when all your family and friends – well they just love my wife.
40 years together very soon.
40 years eh?
Perhaps we could have a celebration in London. I’m sure the Off G admins could arrange it. Maybe once all this is over, though. (nearer your Golden)
Tony, With you old son. In more ways than one! 👍 😎 🙏🏼 GM
Re: the above Victor Frankl quote,
I often get mixed up between Victor Frankl (Mans’ Search For Meaning) and George Frankl (The Failure Of The Sexual Revolution). Both were psychoanalysts, though George had more books published.
“To fully comprehend this as a real possibility (as distinct from conspiracy theories concocted by cognitively impaired, lizard-brain, loony-toons with too much time on their hands)”
Sounds like you have someone specific in mind ….. but not the bottle to name names . Very odd .
Ah, the accusation levelled at all the elected and public health oshitfulls we never tire of hearing… while not untrue, this hardly goes deep or far enough.
It‘s – as all are here must (or should!) already be aware – about creating (a highly profitable) something (the “COVID-19 pandemic”) upon which the already-inevitable economic collapse can be blamed, the measures taken to “control/contain” that something (masks/distancing, lockdowns, vaccine passports) also serving as essential building blocks for the new societal/economic structures (biosecurity state, cashless society/CBDC, replacing face-to-face human contact with zoomed-surveilled-archived-and-AI-fed interaction to the greatest possible degree, stakeholder capitalism, social impact bonds/pay-for-success financing, human capital markets, etc.) they are building and plan to imprison the vast majority of us within. Eugenicist and transhuman agendas are undoubtedly also at play.
So, yes, it’s ultimately about power and (maintaining/extending) control, but operating on a new and immeasurably vaster scale than “It is about ‘old fashioned’ power and control” suggests.
One quick thought/question while I work on finishing this excellent article. I can’t seem to find any posts from Helen of desTroy that post-date about April pf 2021. Has she stopped posting for some reason, if you know? Thanks.
see Twtter.
RtB, Agreed on on your points above. But you try telling that to the critical masses, and you’ll get nowhere comrade. There’s only so much information they’re prepped to take on board. I suppose I could’ve drilled down to the nitty-gritty here in the way you’ve done, but that would’ve left you with little to add now! Appreciate your contribution. Seriously! 😉🙏👍😎
G’day Joe, Helen has been off the grid for a bit, but I’m assured she’s back in the fray, all suited up, n’ locked n’ loaded as it were. Best, GM👍🙏😎
If the shit really hits the fan this winter in The UK…like we get an anti-cylone for 6 weeks, which we have had for the last 6 weeks, when the wind doesn’t blow, and the sun doesn’t shine much, well we are going to be in trouble.
No sushine, No Electric, No Gas Central Heating or cooking. The gas won’t turn on without an electric spark, and good luck with any ideas about getting the electric central heating to work….without any electricity
You then have to think about both food and water…and how far it is to walk to your local farmer, who might have some food. He might say… well there are The Brussel Sprouts and Cabbage and Carrots – and Their are The Pigs, Chickens and Sheep – Running Free
“I am a Farmer – I Love ’em I don’t Kill Them. That is not My Job”
So we might be O.K. The important thing is Fresh Water, but we do live within about 2 minutes walk from a fresh water stream..that comes out of the ground – not crapped in before much, except maybe the sheep
So what do we need now to survive the coming winter? I don’t need any Diesel or Petrol, cos I am not planning on going anywhere, except by walking and using my old person’s bus pass. I see I have got to renew it next year, otherwise, they might think I have already dropped dead. It works on the trains too – already tested it..
This did not go down too well, when I posted it on Facebook 18 months ago, and then resigned. It probably won’t go down too well now. I know when I am not wanted, cos our friends phone my wife up “Tony is upstting us – We actually like sitting home foing SFA – and he is telling us to go back to work – in a pandemic cough cough”
A dark sense of humour is what keeps us English together. Don’t blame The Scottish. They are screwed too unless they get rid of that horrible witch. She is even worse than Boris. At least Boris has got a sense of humour.,,and “suggests”
“they are trying to kill us all, so we might as well try and make lots of kids”
“Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Bring Out Your Dead”
Everything might actually turn out O.K., and we might get Turkey for Christmas.
We had a sheet of thick ice glass for a window in ours in the winter of 1963 in Oldham.
You’d you like I post you two flints Toney
There to remind us that insanity is always an option…
Ms Buyniski hammers the nails down on a number of topics. Her comments regarding the “elites” purposeful methods of alienating human persons from their “self’s” is a key point…
All the advertising push for “smart” appliances, “smart” phones, “smart” cities, and other “smart” technology, is just the hunter setting the trap.
I highly recommend watching this fast moving discussion. >
Weaponizing Tech to Dehumanize HumanityJanuary 26, 2020
Weaponizing Tech to Dehumanize Humanity – YouTube
The alienating humans from their selves is rather a fool’s errand – perfect task for the self-styled ruling class. Because most people, it would seem, have no “self” to be alienated from.
Anybody who looks to others, be they family, friends or “experts,” for what to do or say or even think clearly has no genuine self.
So carry on masters of the universe. Fiddle with your technocratic gadgetry for extracting blood from a stone (or a turnip). Good luck!
G’day Paul, That was the presentation to which I was referring of course. I believe I included the link in the body of the article. Glad you’ve highlighted here again, it’s mos def worth watching. 😎🙏👍
Thanks for putting the name of Helen of desTroy out.
G’day Tim, I was only too pleased. Received an email from her yesterday. She’ll be back on board soon. 😎👍🙏
The covid drama:
Phase 1: People are dropping in the street in China! Fumigate the neighbourhood! Sheer terror.
Phase 2: The toilet paper panic and dancing nurses. Hey this is getting real! My ass is literally involved…and those dancing gyrating ass nurses are too. Good Lord they really mean it.
Phase 3: NYC and Italy. Body bags. Freezer trucks. Mass graves. The horror! Stay home. Mask up. Close your business. Bang saucepans for nurses! We are all in this together!
Phase 4: BLM. American elections. Trump. The Capital “invasion”. Keep the craziness going! The world can’t look away.
Phase 5: Second waves. Third waves. Variants. Mutations. Viral morphing. Double masks. India becomes one giant morgue. Get tested. Get tested AGAIN! Maintain the hysterical narrative. Keep pot boiling.
Phase 6: Magic injections. Vaccines. Vaccine arguments. Mandates. Division. Teeth gnashing debate. Don’t let the hysteria slip. Stoke the flames.
Phase 7: Maintain blatant madness. Needle and confuse society. Threaten their jobs, their movements, their very existence. Huge “quarantine” facilities. Get riots going. Australia pty ltd steps up to the hysteria narrative plate. Feeds the flames. Maintains the hysteria while the world watches. Pump fear. Pump division. Keep the craziness going.
Which brings us to basically now.
Ever get the feeling “covid” is kind of like the flashbang grenade lobbed into the room so that operatives can take you by surprise and manoeuvre unseen? I’m looking at you, banking cartels of the world.
Mr/Ms Swill, I think you might be on to something here! Seriously! GM 🙏🏼👍 😎
Another stooge reveals himself:
Apparently 5 England players also didn’t get (or rightly rejected) the memo
Big Sport and Big Entertainment and Corporate Religion and Unions are all control tools of the banksters.
Another victim of propaganda.
He contradicts himself so many times it reads like incoherent rambling.
Very embarrassing.
Jurgen Klopp says 99% of Liverpool players are vaccinated
RIP Liverpool FC!
It occurs to me that people who live in and/or are affected by vaccine mandates might try and make the point in their local media that active segregation based on vaccine status is a policy of social segregation.
This segregation is little different from the formal racial segregation the USA supported up through the 1960’s. However, instead of skin color, it is a personal medical choice that is being used to send selected people to the “back of the bus” or even kick them off the bus.
Has our society deteriorated to the point where reinstating segregation of any kind is acceptable now? Will internment camps for the unvaxxed be next as the USA did to Japanese-Americans or Germany did to many in WWII? What about lynching of the unvaxxed? Acceptable? If you read the comment boards of the MSM, then the answer would have to be yes.
Their answer will be….”yeah, but covid”.
They’ll say that they are “protecting our safeties” not segregating people. Covid is the answer to every question.
And everyone will accept that.
And historically, perceived safety has always been the argument that supersedes all else. But that doesn’t mean its valid. The U.S. Constitution mentions “safety” only once and it has nothing to do with public health:
A quote I favor is:
You have to keep trying.
Yep. I’m done with any and all discussion about it with family or friends though now. Or anyone. There’s no getting through. You wind up looking a fool and feeling small. I want to move far, far away and have nothing to with any of this.
make the point in their local media
That’s a rather quaint notion these days.
It seems a future adviser to Reagan submitted a plan for mass internment of Blacks in the late 1960s or early 1970s. There was concern about Black militancy at the time and the internment of Japanese-Americans in WW2 was the model.
When he was governor of California in the 1970s ?
So they paid a few actors in Wuhan to drop like flies surrounded by people in hazmat suits and said this sci-fi scene was soon coming to The West.
Then they pimped Northern Italy’s decades long issues with interstitial pneumonia to create fear in The West and let us know that this dreaded pathogen that could defy 4-5 billion years of animal evolution would soon be coming for granny and our kids.
Then they used terms like lockdown, put masks on everyone to add to the creep show, lied about refrigerated “trucks of death” outside hospitals and photo shopped old mass grave scenes to stoke the pending doom.
Then they sent the elderly back to care homes from hospitals to get the “mass die off” they needed and then they manufactured PCR case counts to make it appear that “now anyone can get it.”
And the morally bankrupt covid cultists who accepted this patently obvious Pharma script and who fell in line with the “2 weeks to flatten the curve” bull**** have forced us here and if they had any humility would at the least be ashamed of the future they are creating for their children.
There is never a reason to inject yourself with industrially manufactured chemicals.
The notion that such injections are good for our health is preposterous. Anyone who’s
recommending, mandating, or taking such injections is a dangerous lunatic.
Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries
Helen Puttick, Scottish Health Correspondent
Thursday September 30 2021, 12.01am BST, The Times
Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland.
During the summer there was a 25 per cent rise in the number of people rushed to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Clydebank with partially blocked arteries cutting blood supply to the heart.
Typically the centre, which is the largest of its kind in the UK and treats people from five health board areas, receives 240 patients a month suffering with this form of heart attack, but this rose to more than 300 over May, June and July of this year. Doctors have searched for a pattern among patients to determine if less access to health checks in the pandemic or a history of Covid-19 infection may explain it but have found no obvious trend.
“We asked an exhaustive list of 500 questions to identify causes. like have you had a recent aardvark contact, do you listen to Slade records, etc”
“Did you ask if they had been vaccinated recently?”
“No, don’t be stupid it obviously can’t be anything to do with that. Unfortunately we still are baffled looking for a pattern”
Still baffled
500 people in one week got serious heart conditions after the jabs in Australia. So far of those who have reported there have been 1.6 million serious adverse events which is 16 times higher than so called covid.
At least in the US, this script sold well among “progressives” and “the left” because it was seen as a tool with which to attack “Trump the fascist threat,” and even as some sort of a step toward universal health care and “the revolution,” with everyone staying at home and yet still getting paid.
I am going to ask one of these “liberal” idiots very soon, what would you have done if Trump demanded “vaccine” mandates? What WOULD you have done if he, the Orange Beast, said insurance companies will no longer cover those who refuse the vax? What WOULD you have done if he stated that the unvaxxed should be completely excluded from all of society? Where the fuck is BLM demanding no segregation? And how about those kids in camps down at the border, they should not be there while those who refuse an experimental shot that DOESN’T EVEN MAKE YOU IMMUNE should??? I think we all know the answers to these questions, but the morons who are doing the very things they’d excoriate Trump for will still refuse to see that, won’t they? I know, I am attempting to use some form of logical argument with these people, even against my own better judgement that it will not sway them.
voluntarily you mean…
Shocking examples of how governments and media lie to the public are disclosed in the video (fingers crossed that the links below will work). It starts with the Belgian virologist Mark Van Ranst teaching an international audience of ‘leaders’ how to use media to fool a country into believing there is a pandemic… shameless bastards.
FEAR CONTROLS PEOPLEfile:///C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg
I’m not really impressed at a crowd treating a doctor like a rock star at the start. Medical fraud is serious stuff: it’s not to be discussed when a crowd is in a delirious state more akin to having the hots for Elvis or Madonna.
I’m also not impressed by the overtly anti-Chinese tone of the doctor, Simone Gold. It’s entirely as likely that SARS-CoV2 was emanating from Fort Detrick, Maryland, transported deliberately to Wuhan China, as it was a Chinese production. The evidence is voluminous for collaborations between the US and China on Gain-of-Function viral hybrids and Anthony Fauci was intimately involved in it all.
When it comes to the medical side of things, I’m with Dr Gold.
I just don’t think playing dirty CIA politics in her situation is going to be very helpful.
I couldn’t agree more … It sounds too sus, why implicate China at every turn, when the cat’s out the bag re: Fauci (useful idiot) financing the whole operation? False-flags are the MO of certain ‘security’ groups, viz. by deceit they wage … etc. etc.
And don’t forget the only journo who filmed that sort of crap was a compliant Aussie stooge
I don’t think they paid anybody. Has anyone seen the sulferous skies of Wuhan, thicker and more malevolent than any Nor’east pea soup?
I bet people drop dead there everyday.
And those vids of people throwing live animals from buildings were not staged on the animal’s part…
And I keep meeting fools online who want to convince me that I want to live like Chinese for some reason.
What’s is the legitimacy of this Marburg virus?
Yup, dropping like flies. My vaccinated colleagues don’t look so good I’ll tell you that. Wrong skin tone, communication impaired, one is now home with pneumonia in one lung… two weeks, he doesn’t like that. If there’s ever a physical conflict between vaxxed and unvaxxed, we win… without any illegal weaponry… Stay safe people
Yes I too have noted that many of them seem to have some interesting side effects….the skin colour and lack of energy…their mental cog seems to be deteriorating as well…but they will not think for one moment it has anything to do with that wonder vax that has saved their life by keeping them safe…
I think it is more of buyer’s remorse that is subconciously repressed. We see that with people who regret a purchase, but keep acting like they made the right choice. A version of “it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them they were fooled”. In this case it goes quite far… They all say they’re fine, and waiting to get better… cause it can’t possibly be… that those filthy conspiracy theorists were right.
I’ve noticed that also. Last year I was on a Zoom meeting with a group of women and only 2 of us were not going for the shots. When I saw them all in person last month, their color looked off, their minds didn’t seem as sharp, and they looked visibly aged. Stress? Vax? Option 3?
Thank you for your participation in this important topic. People have been stressed for the past century, never saw anything like it. Option 3 would need to be hell of a coincidence, and I can’t speculate on it’s nature for the life of me.
My old mum took two jabs at her care home.Had asymptomatic pneumonia-with lungs infected, placed on oxygen and she is always tired.I come to see her and she is slumped over.Mental cog difficulties.It’s terrible.I told and put in writing to the home-No Boosters.
Sorry and thanks
I have noticed greying skin and very bad tempers. It’s the millions of tiny clots.
Me too, it’s like blood doesn’t get to their faces too well. One of them is back from a vacation in the south. His tan is lacking that burgundy hue. Face is awkwardly orange. And I don’t feel I would have a discussion about vaccines with them… of course. Tried once. I’m good,
No it isn’t.
Power/control is simply a necessity, and has existed since time immemorial.
You are closer with catastrophism – the original basis of geology:
I took a walk into the mountains yesterday, and upon encountering a massive cliff face hundreds of feet high, I pointed out to my companion an easily observable section comprised of umpteen layers of jagged sedimentary strata – each being three or so inches thick (a layer corresponding to about 12,000 years). The key is to observe that those layers are regularly spaced.
The one thing, of course, which you can’t see in a layer of rock is 12,000 years
Not officially, of course. Officially, catastrophism is bunk.
And yet we still have names for each of the events that occurred every 12,000 years ago, i.e. Younger Dryas/Gothenburg, Mono Lake/Lake Mungo, Laschamp, Vostok Core, Quaternary Mass Extinction Toba, Blake Excursion, etc.
Xavier, See earlier comment. 😎👍🙏
A good essay. It’s main, enduring and endearing feature is the motor-mouthed “Helen of Destroy”. What a woman! There was a lot in her presentation but when this shrimp of a woman was discussing how everybody in the US was getting more obese, and encouraged to be so by having everything serviced for them by technology and robotics, she came out with a classic comment which I believe everyone should heed.
“You can’t rise up against your oppressor if you can’t rise up off the couch.”
Get rid of your Alexa telling you “there’s someone in your garage” when an animal gets in. Get up and put a record on. Sorry, showing my age. Get your information from anywhere but Wikipedia. Wikileaks is good. So is OffGuardian, Global Research, and if you can find academic papers you don’t have to pay for, that Big Pharma has no control over, read them. Here’s one: Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?
Use it to convince others. I’ve not given up yet. We must save the children. They are our only hope now the majority of adults has been vaccinated.
Of all their lunatic ideas the most lunatic has to be Bill Gates’ plan to dim the sun.
What happened to that? From what I can find, it seems to have been delayed a year (“responding to concerns” which is probably code for the tech isn’t ready) and moved to Sweden:
Ah now, why move it to Sweden? Well, one guess who has annointed to lead the opposition to this plan there? And what is her main objection? Greta wants it conducted under United Nations’ control!
A more perfect example of controlled opposition in a fake dialectic is hard to imagine…
I dunno exploding an atom bomb in the van allen radiation belts in the 60s was pretty close.
They actually did that one.
What could possibly go wrong, apart from destroying the very fields that prevent the earth being blasted with huge amounts of cosmic radiation.
Starfish Prime if I recall. Pretty insane. It created some crazy optical effects. NZ PM David Lange was apparently turned into an anti nuke activist by this mad experiment. I wish we could shock the evil skeletal androgynous witch, the present incumbent, into reversing her olandemic dystopia.
Are you sure you aren’t confusing Bill Gates with his alter ego, C. Montgomery Burns?
No, it was delayed the way any criminal delays doing something which would make it obvious he’s already been doing it for a long time.
If Gates or anybody else started spraying the skies tomorrow to block the sun, even the mobile phone junkies might look up and say to themselves “Wait a minute: that spraying looks exactly like what they’ve already been doing for years!”
I don’t think they’re ready to spill the beans on that mess just yet.
No, they most certainly will never admit it’s already been going on. And as you state, most people are too enthralled by their “smart phone” to even bother to look up. There are several very obvious trails in the sky today, and every time I see them I say to myself what the dumbasses say to each other if confronted with that sight – “why that’s just a natural cloud formation, never mind how you see something moving up there leaving it behind, all natural you nutwad conspiracy theorist.” One friend who will at least entertain the thought that it IS happening still insists she has a “healthy skepticism” that it isn’t really Solar Radiation Management. Of course she too has had the shot, go figure….
On a similar subject, apparently and according to the MSM, the UK has had one of the hottest summers on record but most people I know agree with me that the summer was cold, wet and miserable most of the time. More gaslighting but most people don’t seem to question their ridiculous assertions.
Well, my anecdotal experiment of growing winter squash (same strains) in 2020 and 2021 shows pretty clearly that 2021 was not the hotter of the two summers, let alone the hottest ever.
Harvests of the squash were 2-3 weeks later in 2021, the larger variety had smaller fruits (still a good size).
Squash responds really well to bursts of heat and heavy downfalls of rain, particularly during the period of fruit swelling. 2020 had both, 2021 was drier and temps less hot.
we had it hot and dry for long periods up here. Was a good summer indeed for us usually webbed fingered/feet people : )
2020 was excellent too, but this year warmer and dryer I would observe.
Jos – it may be that the consistency of temperature, particularly in June, may have made the statistics look pretty high, even if there was really little extremely hot weather this summer.
You can have the same average monthly/seasonal temperature and wildly differing weather events which have hugely different implications for agriculture.
Yes, in my experience, they fricken lie about the temperatures and conditions all the time. I’ve seen many cloudy days at the reporting station reported in the archives as sunny and vice-versa. Frost on houses at recorded +2C. Here it froze to -3C the other day, the reported temperature on most sites was +4C, one site had +1C. The solid ice in the shaded jar with frost still on the grass at 11 am just doesn’t lie.
They tried one dimmer but it was making a big buzzzz… They’ll get it right… no worries
And Pfizer have a criminal record longer than both my arms and most of the stupid in the world are clamouring for their favourite brand name jab
Are Pfizer much worse than Astra-Zeneca or J&J?
Many bigger fines, for bribery, black mail and corruption, but they are as bad and rotten as each other
Yes, but all Pharma see litigation as ‘the costs of making profits’ in the pharma space.
Please dont eat us we are scared :))))))) jesus, they really thought we gonna melt, we are scared from bunch of faggots jerking off each other hiding in a bunker :)))))))))
Why do we keep trusting these people? I don’t know if the word is trust, but rather, fear.
Lenin/ Stalin were not hiding in their crystal bonkers jerking off each other
I thought this was a brilliant essay, it would have made an excellent Off-G head post, an alternative title mite have been…
Expose the Big Lie, Save the world.
Walk in truth, walk tall, oppressors cannot thrive in Truth.
🙏🏼 😎 👍
Dave, You’re not wrong there. I covered the “fear factor” in a previous outing. See here for further details.
📝👉 Essay: The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds (With a Lie this Large), by Greg Maybury©️Feb. 2021, Rev. May.
#Covid19 #Censorship #BillGates #Propaganda #FakeNews #RFKJr #ExperimentalVaccines #BigPharma #NewNormal
Hello Folks, We live in the Age of Angst, Animus and Anomie. The ‘controversy’ still rages on all things #Covid. Yet the many scientists, health-care workers and medical professionals—even former pharmaceutical executives and senior staffers—who bravely stand fast against the toxic tide of this new tyranny is clear evidence something is decidedly wrong with the official narrative.
My feature length essay on the subject of Covid posited the notion the real “virus” was of a different, less tangible, far more insidious kind. It’s titled “The Psychic Dangers of Infected Minds (With a Lie this Large).”
Since publishing this in February, the “minds” have become more infected, the lies larger, more frequent, habitual, absurd, contradictory. And more broadly disseminated. With the truth more distorted, fragmented, concealed. And soon perhaps to be punishable by law. That said, the natives are getting restless 😬…
I will wait my turn in the Queue – Apparently they only do Contactless now. No I am not angry, I just want to meet my friends in the local pub, but most of them have said, they are not going tonight, cos its very stormy..but maybe next week
However, my wife and I may still be going, cos the Grandkids are Driving Her Mad, and her SMART Telly ain’t working, listening and watching everything that happens in our home?
They must be bored shitless. We are actually a fairly normal family.
‘XR just happens to have the same goals as the World Economic Forum.’
“Extinction Rebellion – Depopulation – Fascism – WEF”
How to Run OpenAI’s GPT-2 Text Generator on Your Computer
Helen of Destroy’s Jan 2020 presentation ‘Weaponising Tech to Dehumanize Humanity’ is well worth a perusal.
Tru dat!
In future better don’t fly with airlines, which forced their pilots to get vaccinated:
Wouldn’t it be ironic if all those passengers that received the jab were banned from flying due to the risk of blood clots?
Many have already had just that instruction, and of course many pilots have dropped dead from the jabs.
Better yet…what if they were banned because they didn’t have any common sense!!!!!!!!
The more I think of it…..maybe we should invent a Health Passport that detects whether or not a person has any common sense. If they don’t, they would not be allowed to go anywhere…..including the bathroom!!!!
This invention could lead us out of the darkness and into the light!!!!
I have tried everything else at this point to talk sense to people….but it doesn’t seem to be working.
Let me work on this idea for a while and I will report back to everyone on what I found out. It’s worth a try!!!!
Not ironic. Now that they’re jabbed they will unlikely be using as much petrol. If they can’t board the plane, more petrol saved. Follow the petrol. The goal is to kill you to save petrol, and keep you from using petrol meanwhile. Stay home, stay on the ground… and die already. Any questions?
That might be the dastardly plan of the Greens, after all.
Especially if Billy boy and the billionaire class exempted themselves from jabs and can thereby fly the world unhindered on private jets (which are free from the requirement for Covid19 tests at borders).
Have you ever been in Chechnya? They would love to hear about your privileges